Share’s code: 000550 Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors No.: 2023—021 200550 Jiangling B Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. Public Announcement on Resolutions of the First Session of the Eleventh Board of Directors Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does not contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission. I. Informing of the Meeting The Board of Directors of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JMC”) sent out a written meeting notice to all the Directors, Supervisors, the members of the Executive Committee and relevant persons on June 6, 2023. II. Time, Place & Form of Holding the Meeting The Board meeting was held in the No.1 Meeting Room, 20th floor, JMC Building, Nanchang on June 16, 2023. The procedure of convening and holding the meeting complied with the stipulation of the relevant laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and the Articles of Association of JMC. III. Status of the Directors Attending the Meeting Nine Directors shall attend this Board meeting and eight Directors were present. Director Yuan Mingxue did not attend this meeting, and he authorized Director Qiu Tiangao to exercise voting rights on his behalf. IV. Resolutions The Directors present at the meeting approved the following resolutions based on their discussion: 1. The Board of Directors elected Mr. Qiu Tiangao as the Chairman of JMC and Mr. Shengpo Wu as the Vice Chairman of JMC. There were 9 votes in favor of the election, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention. 2. The Board of Directors approved the composition of the special committees under the Board as follows: Strategy Committee: Chairman: Qiu Tiangao Member: Shengpo Wu, Ryan Anderson, Yuan Mingxue, Xiong Chunying, Jin Wenhui Secretary: Wu Jiehong Compensation Committee: 1 Chairman: Chen Jiangfeng Member: Qiu Tiangao, Ryan Anderson, Yu Zhuoping, Wang Yue Secretary: Xu Lanfeng Audit Committee: Chairman: Wang Yue Member: Ryan Anderson, Yuan Mingxue, Yu Zhuoping, Chen Jiangfeng Secretary: Zhu Liujun There were 9 votes in favor of the above-mentioned composition of the special committees, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention. 3. Appointment of Senior Executives The Board of Directors appointed Ms. Xiong Chunying as the President of JMC. Based on the Chairman’s nomination, the Board of Directors appointed Ms. Xu Lanfeng as the Board Secretary. Based on the President’s nomination, the Board of Directors appointed the following senior executives: Mr. Jin Wenhui as an Executive Vice President; Mr. Ding Wenmin as an Executive Vice President; Mr. Zhu Liujun as the Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Eric Hermann as a Vice President; Mr. Wu Xiaojun as a Vice President; Ms. Xu Lanfeng as a Vice President; Mr. Liu Rangpo as a Vice President; Ms. Wu Jiehong as a Vice President; Mr. Yang Shenghua as a Vice President; Mr. Zeng Fafa as a Vice President; Mr. Sam Luo as a Vice President; Mr. Anderson Liu as a Vice President. There were 9 votes in favor of the above-mentioned appointments of the senior executives, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention. Resumes of these senior executives are as follows: Ms. Xiong Chunying, born in 1964, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor Degree in Automobile Engineering from Jiangsu Engineering College, a Master Degree in Industrial Economics from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and an EMBA Degree from China Europe International Business School, and is Director and President of JMC. Ms. Xiong Chunying held various positions including Chief of Quality Management Department, Assistant to the President, Vice President, President, Executive Vice President, First Executive Vice President, Director for JMC. 2 As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Ms. Xiong Chunying holds 1,200 shares of the Company. Ms. Xiong Chunying has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Ms. Xiong Chunying has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which she is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Ms. Xiong Chunying meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Ms. Xiong Chunying does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Jin Wenhui, born in 1967, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Manufacturing, a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and an EMBA Degree in China Europe International Business School, and is a Director of Jiangling Motor Group Co., Ltd., Director & First Executive Vice President of JMC. Mr. Jin Wenhui held various positions including Chief of Manufacturing Department, Assistant to the President, Vice President for JMC, Director, General Manager of JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd., and Executive Vice General Manager of Jiangxi-Isuzu Motors Co., Ltd., and Executive Vice President of JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Jin Wenhui did not hold any share of the Company. Except for the above mentioned position in the shareholder of the Company, Mr. Jin Wenhui has no relationship with the other shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Jin Wenhui has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Jin Wenhui meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for 3 Trust-breaking", Mr. Jin Wenhui does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Ding Wenmin, born in 1972, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Automobile Exertion from Wuhan University of Technology, and is a Director of Jiangling Motor Group Co., Ltd., an Executive Vice President of JMC. Mr. Ding Wenmin held various positions including Deputy Chief of Product Development Center, Chief of Product Planning & Program Management Department, and Assistant to the President for JMC, Vice President of JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Ding Wenmin did not hold any share of the Company. Except for the above mentioned position in the shareholder of the Company, Mr. Ding Wenmin has no relationship with the other shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Ding Wenmin has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Ding Wenmin meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Ding Wenmin does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Zhu Liujun, born in 1982, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Nanjing University and a Master’s Degree in Financial Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, and is Chief Financial Officer of JMC. Mr. Zhu Liujun held various positions including PD Profit Planning Manager, Profit Analysis Manager, Admin & IT Controller, and PD Finance Controller for Ford Asia & Pacific, Deputy CFO of CEVT, Sweden, Finance Controller of Byton NEV Company, Senior Business Development Manager, CFO of BEV Division, and BEV Strategic Partnership Development Director for Ford China. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zhu Liujun did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Zhu Liujun has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Zhu Liujun has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory 4 Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Zhu Liujun meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Zhu Liujun does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr Eric Hermann, born in 1964, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Mechanical and a Master’s Degree in Engineering Mechanical from University of Michigan, and is a Vice President of JMC. Mr. Eric Hermann held various positions in Ford Motor Company including Light Truck Exhaust Design Engineer, Vehicle NVH Supervisor, VE Launch Leader, Exhaust, AIS & Clutch Supervisor, AIS, Cooling, Exhaust & CAE Manager, BoF Cooling & Mounts Manager, Unibody Exhaust & AIS Manager, and Global AIS Manager, as well as the Director of Powertrain Engineering Department and Assistant President for JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Eric Hermann did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Eric Hermann has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Eric Hermann has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Eric Hermann meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Eric Hermann does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Wu Xiaojun, born in 1974, holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Wuhan University of Technology and a MBA from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, and is a Vice President of JMC, Chief Executive Officer of New Energy Division for JMC. Mr. Wu Xiaojun held various positions including Chief of Quality Department, Assistant to the President for JMC, and Executive Deputy General Manager, General Manager of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd. 5 As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Wu Xiaojun did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Wu Xiaojun has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Wu Xiaojun has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Wu Xiaojun meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Wu Xiaojun does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Ms. Xu Lanfeng, born in 1969, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Forging Technology and Equipment from Jiangxi Industry University and a MBA from University of International Business and Economics, and is a Vice President and the Board Secretary of JMC. Ms. Xu Lanfeng held various positions in JMC including Deputy Plant Manager of Framing Plant, Deputy Chief, Chief of Manufacture Department and Assistant to the President of JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Ms. Xu Lanfeng did not hold any share of the Company. Ms. Xu Lanfeng has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Ms. Xu Lanfeng has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which she is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Ms. Xu Lanfeng meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Ms. Xu Lanfeng does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Liu Rangpo, born in 1973, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Plastic Forming from Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University, and is a Vice President of JMC and General Manager of Jiangling Motor Sales Co., Ltd.. Mr. Liu Rangpo held various positions in 6 JMC including Marketing Service Manager for Customer Service Department, Regional Manager for East 3 / East 1 District, JMC Light Truck Brand Manager, Sales Director of Jiangling Motors Sales General Company, and Deputy General Manager of Jiangling Motor Sales Co., Ltd. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Liu Rangpo did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Liu Rangpo has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Liu Rangpo has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Liu Rangpo meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Liu Rangpo does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Ms. Wu Jiehong, born in 1976, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance Management from Nanchang University and a MBA from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, and is a Vice President of JMC. Ms. Wu Jiehong held various positions including Assistant to the Chief of Financial Department, Chief of Internal Audit Office, and Chief of Financial Department for JMC, Finance Manager for Ford APA, Chief of Planning Department, and Assistant to the President of JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Ms. Wu Jiehong did not hold any share of the Company. Ms. Wu Jiehong has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Ms. Wu Jiehong has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which she is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Ms. Wu Jiehong meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement 7 for Trust-breaking", Ms. Wu Jiehong does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Yang Shenghua, born in 1980, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language & Literature from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Nanjing University, and is a Vice President of JMC. Mr. Yang Shenghua held various positions including Program Purchasing Supervisor of Chang’an Ford Automobile Co., Ltd., Program Purchasing Manager, and Purchasing Strategy & Program Director for JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Yang Shenghua did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Yang Shenghua has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Yang Shenghua has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Yang Shenghua meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Yang Shenghua does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Zeng Fafa, born in 1978, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering from Nanchang University, China, and is a Vice President of JMC. Mr. Zeng Fafa held various positions including Chief of Quality Improvement Section of Quality Control Department, Deputy Director of Quality Control Department, Director of New Model Program Department, Director of Quality Control Department, Director of Quality Control & New Model Program Department, Director of Manufacture Department, and Assistant to the President of JMC. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zeng Fafa did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Zeng Fafa has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Zeng Fafa has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in 8 the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Zeng Fafa meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Zeng Fafa does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Sam Lo, born in 1979, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University of S&T, China, a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University, China, and is a Vice President of JMC. Mr. Sam Lo held various positions including Production Superintendent and ME Manager of Ford Lio Ho Motor Company, VOME Implementation Body Manager and Final Assembly Manager of Ford Asia & Pacific, Body Area Manager Advisor of Changan Ford Motor Co., Ltd. Harbin Branch, Plant Launch Manager and Plant Manager of Changan Ford Motor Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Branch. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Sam Lo did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Sam Lo has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Sam Lo has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Sam Lo meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Sam Lo does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. Mr. Anderson Liu, born in 1972, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts-Psychology from National Taiwan University, China, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Arts-Psychology from National Chengchi University, China, and a MBA Degree from University of Pittsburgh, USA, and is a Vice President of JMC and General Manager of Jiangling Ford Motor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Mr. Anderson Liu held various positions including Financial Analyst, E-Commerce Manager, Research Manager, Marketing Manager for FLH, Sr. Marketing Manager, VP of VW Branch Operation, VP of MS for VW Swire, Sales Director, MS Director for FLH, General Manager of Dealer Network Development and Consumer & Retail Experience for Lincoln China, and Executive Vice General Manager of Jiangling Motor Sales Co., Ltd. 9 As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Anderson Liu did not hold any share of the Company. Mr. Anderson Liu has no relationship with the shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Anderson Liu has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a senior executive of the Company as stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Anderson Liu meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Anderson Liu does not belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. 4. The Board of Directors approved the Executive Committee shall be comprised of Ms. Xiong Chunying, Mr. Jin Wenhui, Mr. Ding Wenmin, Mr. Zhu Liujun, Mr. Eric Hermann, Mr. Wu Xiaojun and Ms. Xu Lanfeng. Ms. Xiong Chunying, President of the Company, shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee. There were 9 votes in favor of this proposal, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention. V. Opinions from Independent Directors Independent Directors, Mr. Yu Zhuoping, Mr. Chen Jiangfeng and Ms. Wang Yue, expressed their opinions on the appointments of senior executives as follows: 1. We have been informed of the meeting agenda prior to the meeting; 2. After review of the senior executives’ resumes, situations stipulated in Article 146 of the Company Law and other restrictions on appointment of a listed company’s senior executives were not identified; the procedure of the appointments of senior executives complied with the relevant requirements of the Articles of Association of JMC. The announcement hereby is published. Board of Directors Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. June 17, 2023 10