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ADAMA Ltd.                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                 ADAMA LTD.

              SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2023

ADAMA Ltd. is a global leader in crop protection, providing solutions to farmers across the
world to combat weeds, insects and disease. ADAMA has one of the widest and most
diverse portfolios of active ingredients in the world, state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and
formulation facilities, together with a culture that empowers our people in markets around
the world to listen to farmers and ideate from the field. This uniquely positions ADAMA to
offer a vast array of distinctive mixtures, formulations and high-quality differentiated products,
delivering solutions that meet local farmer and customer needs in over 100 countries globally.

Please see important additional information and further details included in the Annex.

                                       August 2023

ADAMA Ltd.                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023

 Section I - Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

     The Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and
     senior managers confirm that the content of the Report is true, accurate and complete
     and contains no false statement, misleading presentations or material omissions, and
     assume joint and several legal liability arising therefrom.
     Steve Hawkins, the person in charge of the Company (President and Chief Executive
     Officer) as well as its legal representative, and Efrat Nagar, the person leading the
     accounting function (Chief Financial Officer), hereby assert and confirm the
     truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Financial Report.
     All the Company’s directors attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.
     The forward-looking information described in this Report, such as future plans,
     development strategy, market trends and their effect etc., does not constitute, in any
     manner whatsoever, a substantial commitment of the Company to investors. Investors
     and other relevant people are cautioned to be sufficiently mindful of investment risks
     as well as the difference between plans, forecasts and commitments.
     The Company has described its possible risks in “X - Risks Facing the Company and
     Countermeasures” under Section III herein. The major risks of the Company include,
     among others, exchange rate fluctuations; exposure to interest rate, Israel CPI and
     NIS exchange rate fluctuations; fluctuations in raw material inputs and prices, and in
     sales. Investors and other relevant people are cautioned to be sufficiently mindful of
     investment risks. For the complete “Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures”
     of the Company, please see the relevant section below.
     For the Reporting Period, the Company does not plan to distribute cash dividends or
     bonus shares or convert capital reserve into share capital.
     This Report and its Abstract have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should
     there be any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                               Table of Contents

Section I - Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions....................................... 2
Section II - Corporate Profile and Financial Results.......................................................... 6
Section III - Performance Discussion and Analysis........................................................... 9
Section IV – Corporate Governance ................................................................................. 36
Section V – Environmental and Social Responsibilities ................................................. 38
Section VI - Significant Events.......................................................................................... 51
Section VII - Share Changes and Shareholders ............................................................... 80
Section VIII - Preferred stock ............................................................................................ 87
Section IX - Bonds ............................................................................................................. 88
Section X - Financial Report.............................................................................................. 89

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                           Documents Available for Reference
(I) Duly signed Financial Statements by the Legal Representative and Accounting Principal as well as Head of the
Accounting Organ;
(II) Originals of all Company’s documents previously disclosed in media designated by the CSRC as well as the originals
of all the public notices, were deposited in the Company’s office.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2023


         General Terms                                               Definition

Company, the Company            ADAMA Ltd.

                                Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company,
Adama Solutions
                                incorporated in Israel according to its laws

                                ADAMA Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company,
Anpon, ADAMA Anpon
                                incorporated in China according to its laws

                                ADAMA Huifeng (Jiangsu) Ltd., a 51% owned subsidiary of the Company,
ADAMA Huifeng
                                incorporated in China according to its laws

Board of Directors/Board        The Board of Directors of the Company

Board of Supervisors            The Board of Supervisors of the Company

Group, the Group, ADAMA         The Company, including all its subsidiaries, unless expressly stated otherwise

ChemChina                       China National Chemical Co., Ltd.

                                The acquisition of Syngenta AG by ChemChina in 2017

                                China National Agrochemical Co., Ltd., the indirect controlling shareholder of the
                                Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ChemChina

CSRC                            China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZSE                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange

SASAC                           State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of China

                                Syngenta Group Co., Ltd, the controlling shareholder of the Company as of June
Syngenta Group
                                15, 2020, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAC

Sinochem Holdings               Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd.

                                Sinochem Holdings including all its subsidiaries unless otherwise indicated or the
Sinochem Group
                                context otherwise requires

Report                          This 2023 Semi-Annual Report

Reporting Period, this Period   January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

2022 Annual Report              The Company’s 2022 Annual Report published on March 21, 2023

      ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

                  Section II - Corporate Profile and Financial Results
 I.            Corporate Information

       Stock name                           ADAMA A, ADAMA B               Stock code           000553, 200553

       Stock exchange                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange

       Company name in Chinese              安道麦股份有限公司

       Abbr.                                安道麦

       Company name in English (if any) ADAMA Ltd.

       Abbr. (if any)                       ADAMA

       Legal representative                 Steve Hawkins

 II.           Contact Information

                                                                    Securities Affairs Representative &
                              Board Secretary
                                                                        Investor Relations Manager

       Name                       Guo Zhi                                       Wang Zhujun

       Address           6/F, No.7 Office Building, No.10 Courtyard, Chaoyang Park South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

       Tel.                             010-56718110                                     010-56718110

       Fax                              010-59246173                                     010-59246173

       E-mail                        irchina@adama.com                                irchina@adama.com

III.           Other Information

      1.       Ways to Contact the Company

      Indicate by tick mark whether any changes occurred to the registered address, office address and their
      postal codes, website address and email address of the Company during the Reporting Period.
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      No changes occurred to the said information during the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2022
      Annual Report.
      2.       Information Disclosure Media and Place where this Report is Kept
      Indicate by tick mark whether any changes occurred to the information disclosure media and the place
      where this Report is kept during the Reporting Period.
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the
      CSRC for the publication of this Report and the location where this Report is kept did not change during

  ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

  the Reporting Period. Said information can be found in the 2022 Annual Report.

  3.        Other Relevant Documents

  Indicate by tick mark whether any changes occurred to the relevant documents during the Reporting
  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV.         Main Accounting Data and Financial Results

  Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate any of its accounting

  □ Yes √ No
                                                         January - June 2023      January - June 2022   YoY +/- (%)
      Operating revenues (RMB’000)                           17,253,201              18,795,828          -8.21%
      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                               (242,156)                732,098          -133.08%
      Company (RMB’000)
      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
      Company excluding non-recurring profit and loss          (304,966)                655,023          -146.56%
      Net cash flow from operating activities
                                                               (64,876)               (1,345,861)         95.18%
      Basic EPS (RMB/share)                                    (0.1039)                 0.3142           -133.07%
      Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                                     NA                      NA                NA
      Weighted average return on net assets                     -1.03%                  3.35%             -4.38%
                                                        End of Reporting Period     End of last year      +/- (%)
      Total assets (RMB’000)                                 59,901,902              57,980,489          3.31%
      Net assets attributable      to   shareholders
                                                              23,644,510              23,124,655           2.25%

V.          Differences in Accounting Data under Domestic and Foreign Accounting

  1.        Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under
            Chinese and International Accounting Standards

  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

  None during the Reporting Period.

  2.        Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under
            Chinese and Foreign Accounting Standards

  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

  None during the Reporting Period.

  3.        Reason for accounting data differences under Chinese and Foreign Accounting Standards

  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

  ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2023

VI.           Non-Recurring Profit/Loss

  √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’000
                                          Item                                         Reporting Period                Note
      Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset
      part of asset impairment provisions)
      Government grants recognized through profit or loss (excluding
      government grants closely related to regular operation of the Company
      and continuously given at a fixed quota or amount in accordance with
      certain standards)
      Recovery or reversal of provision for bad debts which is assessed
      individually during the years
      Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                 13,569
                                                                                                             Mainly provision for
                                                                                                             early retirement plan
                                                                                                             of employees at the
      Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss               (2,751)
                                                                                                             Company’s Israeli
      Less: Income tax effects                                                                     17,788
      Total                                                                                        62,810

  Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.
  √ Applicable □ Not applicable
  Mainly provisions for early retirement plan of employees at the Company’s Israeli manufacturing facilities
  as explained above in the note.

  Explanation whether the Company has classified an item as non-recurring profit/loss according to the
  definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
  Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss, and reclassified any non-recurring profit/loss
  item given as an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss

  □ Applicable √ Not applicable
  No such cases in the Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

               Section III - Performance Discussion and Analysis
I.       Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

The Company is a corporation incorporated in the People's Republic of China.
The Group is a global leader in crop protection, engaging in the development, manufacturing and
commercialization of a wide range of crop protection products, that are largely off-patent. The Group
provides solutions to farmers to combat weeds, insects and disease, and sells its products in over 100
countries, through approximately 60 subsidiaries worldwide.
The Group's business model integrates end-customer access, regulatory expertise, state-of-the art global
R&D, production and formulation facilities, thereby providing the Group a significant competitive edge
and allowing it to launch new and differentiated products that meet local farmers and customer needs in
key markets.
The Group's primary operations are global, spanning activities in Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME),
North America, Latin America and Asia-Pacific (including China)1.
The Group also utilizes its expertise to adapt such products also for the development, manufacturing and
commercialization of similar products for non-agricultural purposes (Consumer and Professional
In addition, the Group leverages its core capabilities in the agricultural and chemical fields and operates
in several other non-agricultural areas, none of which, individually, is material for the Group. These
activities, collectively reported as Intermediates and Ingredients, include primarily, (a) the manufacturing
and marketing of dietary supplements, food colors, texture and flavor enhancers, and food fortification
ingredients; (b) fragrance products for the perfume, cosmetics, body care and detergents industries; (c)
the manufacturing of industrial products and (d) other non-material activities.

ADAMA Group is a distinctive member of Syngenta Group, a world leader in agricultural inputs, spanning
crop protection, seeds, fertilizers, additional agricultural and digital technologies, as well as an advanced
distribution network in China.

The General Crop Protection Market Environment

Over Q2 2023 the price trend of crop commodities was mixed, with corn, wheat and soybean prices
continuing to decline while sugar and rice prices increased. Overall, crop commodity prices remain above
the 10-yr average and global planted area remains high compared to previous years, supporting healthy
input demand from farmers.
Despite relatively healthy farmer consumption, crop protection sales into the distribution channel have
slowed down significantly due to high channel inventory levels, following channel loading in 2022. In
addition, the distribution channel across all geographies is opting to buy crop inputs on a "just in time"
basis and striving to carry minimal inventory given wide high interest rate environment outside China and
abundant supply of CP products. This trend, coupled with the ongoing decline in AI prices coming out of
China, is putting pressure on crop protection prices.

1    As of 2023, the India, Middle East & Africa (IMA) region has been reorganized such that the countries formerly included in this
     region will now be included in the Europe region (renamed EAME) or in the Asia Pacific region.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

Crop Protection Products

As described within the Company’s 2022 annual report, the Group is focused on the development,
manufacturing and commercialization of largely off-patent crop protection products, which are generally
herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, which protect agricultural and other crops against weeds, insects
and disease, respectively. Since the publication of the 2022 annual report, no major changes occurred
with that respect. For details, please refer to 2022 annual report.
Please see important additional information and further details included in the Annex.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

II.       Core Competitiveness Analysis

No significant changes occurred to the core competitiveness of the Company during the Reporting Period.

III.      Analysis of Main Business

General Description

Whether it is the same as main business of the Company during the Reporting Period disclosed or not?
√ Yes □ No

Please refer to the relevant information in section “I. Main Business of the Company during the Reporting
Period” above.

Year-on-year changes of main financial data:

                                                    Same period               2023 Apr-      Same period
                                    2023 Apr-June
                                                    of last year    +/-%        June          of last year     +/-%
                                                    (000’RMB)                (000’USD)      (000’USD)
 Operating revenues                     8,642,625     9,779,837     -11.63%   1,233,158         1,479,232     -16.64%
       Cost of goods sold               6,865,895     7,141,561      -3.86%     979,683         1,080,253      -9.31%
       Selling and Distribution
                                        1,095,906     1,169,181      -6.27%     156,372           176,843     -11.58%
       General and administrative
                                         194,777        359,487     -45.82%      27,779            54,349     -48.89%
       R&D expenses                      127,476        144,701     -11.90%      18,188            21,886     -16.90%
        Financial Expenses
                                         249,143      (179,893)    238.50%       35,505           (27,312)   230.00%
        Gain (loss) from Changes
                                        (430,092)     (744,824)     -42.26%     (61,367)        (112,657)     -45.53%
        in Fair Value
       Total Net Financial
                                         679,235        564,931     20.23%       96,872            85,345     13.51%
 Profit (loss) before tax               (389,700)       379,387    -202.72%     (55,586)           57,441    -196.77%
       Tax expenses (income)             (64,271)        74,941    -185.76%      (9,171)           11,334    -180.92%
 Net income (loss)                      (325,429)       304,446    -206.89%     (46,415)           46,107    -200.67%
 EBITDA                                  806,267      1,479,823     -45.52%     115,014           223,778     -48.60%
 Net cash flows from operating
                                        2,840,293       467,985    506.92%      405,262            70,786    472.52%
 Net cash flows used in
                                        (481,744)     (705,151)     31.68%      (68,737)        (106,656)     35.55%
 investing activities
 Net cash flows used in
                                      (1,449,755)     (420,688)    -244.62%    (206,855)          (63,630)   -225.09%
 financing activities
 Net increase in cash and cash
                                        1,091,971     (483,583)    325.81%      126,311         (103,376)    222.19%

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                 Reporting      Same period               Reporting
                                                                                          period of
                                  Period        of last year    +/-%       Period                       +/-%
                                                                                          last year
                                 (000’RMB)     (000’RMB)                (000’USD)
 Operating revenues               17,253,201     18,795,828      -8.21%   2,491,683       2,898,953     -14.05%
   Cost of goods sold             13,358,727     13,822,755      -3.36%   1,928,680       2,132,317      -9.55%
   Selling and Distribution
                                   2,161,199      2,159,089      0.10%      312,074         332,721      -6.21%
   General and administrative
                                     461,146        642,313     -28.21%      66,708          98,883     -32.54%
   R&D expenses                      262,378        274,738      -4.50%      37,905          42,363     -10.52%
    Financial Expenses
                                     455,855      (438,224)    204.02%       65,727         (67,991)   196.67%
    Gain (loss) from Changes
                                    (782,218)    (1,341,717)    -41.70%    (112,834)       (206,648)    -45.40%
    in Fair Value
   Total Net Financial
                                   1,238,073        903,493     37.03%      178,561         138,657     28.78%
 Profit (loss) before tax           (318,589)       833,374    -138.23%     (45,200)        128,935    -135.06%
   Tax expenses (income)             (76,433)       101,276    -175.47%     (10,948)         15,482    -170.71%
 Net income                         (242,156)       732,098    -133.08%     (34,252)        113,453    -130.19%
 EBITDA                            1,940,990      2,772,062     -29.98%     280,866         427,274     -34.27%

 Net cash flows from (used in)
                                     (64,876)    (1,345,861)    95.18%      (19,357)       (214,835)    90.99%
 operating activities
 Net cash flows used in
                                  (1,121,109)    (1,278,869)    12.34%     (162,187)       (196,998)    17.67%
 investing activities
 Net cash flows provided by
                                   1,401,023        (94,095)   1588.98%     209,817         (12,203)   1819.39%
 financing activities
 Net increase (decrease) in
                                     345,284     (2,568,738)    113.44%      25,853        (427,928)   106.04%
 cash and cash equivalents

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

      ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

      Analysis of Financial Highlights

(1)   Operating Revenues

      Revenues in the second quarter declined by approximately 17% (-12% in RMB terms; -15% in CER
      terms) to $1,233 million, reflecting a decrease of 10% in volumes and a decrease of 5% in prices.
      The lower sales reflect market dynamics of channel destocking in light of high interest rates and a
      "wait and see" approach, given the market overstocking in 2022 and declining active ingredient and
      raw material costs impacting the crop protection market pricing. Additionally, sales were also
      impacted by negative weather conditions in certain geographies.
      These results brought the revenues in the first half of 2023 to $2,492 million, a decline of
      approximately 14% (-8% in RMB terms; -11% in CER terms), reflecting a decrease of 9% in volumes
      and a decrease of 2% in prices. This is in comparison to the record sales the Company achieved in
      2022, which reflected the high demand due to supply uncertainty in the market.

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’000
                                                           2023H1                           2022H1
                                                               Ratio of the                     Ratio of the
                                                                                                                     YoY +/-%
                                                     Amount     operating            Amount      operating
                                                                 revenue                          revenue
      Total operating revenue                      17,253,201        100.0%           18,795,828       100.0%         -8.2%
      Classified by industries
      Manufacture of chemical raw materials
                                                   17,253,201        100.0%           18,795,828       100.0%         -8.2%
      and chemical products
      Classified by products
      Herbicides                                    7,630,195         44.2%            8,829,597       47.0%          -13.6%
      Fungicides                                    3,475,688         20.1%                            17.0%           8.9%

      Insecticides                                  4,749,282         27.5%            4,820,001       25.6%          -1.5%
      Ingredients and Intermediates (Formerly
                                                    1,398,036          8.1%            1,953,211       10.4%          -28.4%
      referred to as Non-Agro)
      Classified by regions
      Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME)*          5,286,856         30.6%            5,136,114       27.3%           2.9%
      North America                                 3,018,617         17.5%            3,639,600       19.4%          -17.1%
      Latin America                                 3,902,210         22.6%            3,993,953       21.2%           -2.3%
      Asia-Pacific*                                 5,045,518         29.2%            6,026,161       32.1%          -16.3%

      * 2022 denote proforma sales. As of 2023, the India, Middle East & Africa (IMA) region has been reorganized such that
      the countries formerly included in this region are now included in the Europe region (renamed EAME) or in the Asia
      Pacific region.
      Note: the sales split per product category is provided for convenience purposes only, and is not representative of the way
      the Company is managed or in which it makes its operational decisions.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

Regional Sales Performance in USD

                                          Q2 2023      Q2 2022      Change       H1 2023      H1 2022      Change
                                            $m           $m          USD           $m           $m          USD
Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME)*          334          365        -8.4%          765          794       -3.7%
North America                                 225          278       -19.1%          436          562      -22.4%
Latin America                                 329          379       -13.1%         562           613       -8.3%
Asia Pacific                                  345          458       -24.6%          729          930      -21.6%
 Of which China                               141          213       -33.6%         323           449      -28.1%
Total                                       1,233        1,479       -16.6%        2,492        2,899      -14.0%

Note: the following analysis of regional sales performance is based on USD results, and the numbers in this table may not
sum due to rounding.

Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME): Sales in EAME in constant exchange rates were lower in the
quarter due to a decrease in volumes exacerbated by negative weather conditions and high inventory
levels in the market, and higher in the half year period, reflecting generally higher prices in comparison
to the same periods in 2022. While prices were higher on a year-to-year basis, market prices are currently
presenting a downward trend. The fungicide Soratel based on ADAMA’s Asorbital formulation mastery
technology, continues to be well received in the UK.

North America: Consumer & Professional Solutions - Sales were impacted by lower demand following
inflationary pressures and high channel inventories.

In the US Ag market the channel is lowering inventory levels due to high interest rates with demand
focusing on "just-in-time" supply from producers. Sales were also impacted by drought in the Mid-West
and pressure on prices following channel destocking.

Sales in Canada increased as the Company expanded its product portfolio during 2022, while pricing in
the market was more insulated with overall market inventories better controlled.

Latin America: Brazil – strong competition and channel destocking put pressure on prices led to a
decline in sales, while the Company is successfully consuming the high-cost inventory accumulated.

In LATAM, sales are supported by the strong performance of the biologicals portfolio. Looking forward,
El Nio is expected to have a positive effect on rainfall in the South of LATAM.

Asia-Pacific: In China, the market is experiencing oversupply and pricing pressure impacting both the
branded and industrial sales, while the branded portfolio was significantly supported by the sales of
differentiated products.

Sales in the wider APAC & Pacific region were negatively impacted by strong competition from China
and by the commencement and negative impact of El Nio.

In India sales were impacted by the delayed Monsoon season.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2023

(2)    Cost of Goods Sold:

List of the industries, products or regions which exceed 10% of the operating revenues or

operating profits of the Company as at the Reporting Period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB’000
                                                      Gross              YoY              YoY
                          Operating       Cost of                                                           YoY
                                                      Margin    increase/decrease increase/decrease
                          revenues      goods sold                                                  increase/decrease
                                                       (%)        of the operating   of the cost of
                                                                                                    of the gross margin
                                                                      revenues        goods sold
Classified by industries
chemical raw
                         17,253,201 13,358,727         22.6%           -8.2%               -3.4%                 -3.9%
materials and
chemical products
Classified by products
Crop Protection          15,855,165 12,109,321         23.6%           -5.9%               -1.9%                 -3.1%
Ingredients and
                          1,398,036     1,249,406      10.6%          -28.4%               -15.7%               -13.5%

If the scope of the Company's main business was adjusted during the Reporting Period, the Company's annual financial
data of main business according to the adjusted scope at the end of the year is disclosed as follows:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The cost of goods sold in the first half of the year reflected the decline in sales, high-cost inventory and the negative impact
of exchange rates moderated by lower transportation and logistics costs. These impacts on the gross profit were slightly
moderated by the improvement in the Company's sales mix of higher margin products.

(3)    Operating Expenses:
       Operating expenses include Sales and Marketing, General and Administration and R&D.
       The Company recorded certain non-operational charges within its operating expenses amounting
       to RMB 39 million ($ 6 million) in Q2 2023 in comparison to RMB 146 million ($ 22 million) in Q2
       2022, and RMB 104 million ($ 15 million) in H1 2023 in comparison to RMB 182 million ($ 28 million)
       in H1 2022, mainly as follows:
       (i) Non-cash amortization charges in respect of Transfer assets received and written-up related to
       the 2017 ChemChina-Syngenta acquisition. The proceeds from the Divestment of crop protection
       products in connection with the approval by the EU Commission of the acquisition of Syngenta by
       ChemChina, net of taxes and transaction expenses, were paid to Syngenta in return for the transfer
       of a portfolio of products in Europe of similar nature and economic value. Since the products
       acquired from Syngenta are of the same nature, and with the same net economic value as those
       divested, the Divestment and Transfer transactions had no net impact on the underlying economic
       performance of the Company. These additional amortization charges will continue until 2032 but at
       a reducing rate, yet will still be at a meaningful level until 2028; (ii) Charges related to the non-cash
       amortization of intangible assets created as part of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) on
       acquisitions, with no impact on the ongoing performance of the companies acquired; and (iii)
       Incentive plans - share-based compensation.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2023

      Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational items, the lower operating expenses
      in the second quarter and half year period of 2023 were mainly due to Company OPEX
      management measures, an adjustment of a provision for success-based compensation, and the
      positive impact of exchange rates. Additionally, in the first half year of 2023 the company did not
      increase the doubtful debt provision that was recorded for trade receivables in Ukraine during the
      first half year of 2022.

(4)   Financial Expenses:
      “Financial Expenses” alone mainly reflect interest payments on corporate bonds and bank loans
      as well as foreign exchange gains/losses on the bonds and other monetary assets and liabilities
      before the Company carries out any hedging. The impact of Financial Expenses (before hedging)
      is RMB 456 million ($66 million) for the first half of 2023 compared to an income of RMB 438 million
      ($68 million) for the corresponding period in 2022.
      Given the global nature of its operational activities and the composition of its assets and liabilities,
      the Company, in the ordinary course of its business, uses foreign currency derivatives (forwards
      and options) to hedge the cash flow risks associated with existing monetary assets and liabilities
      that may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. “Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value”
      amounted to a net loss of RMB 782 million ($113 million) in the first half of 2023, mainly due to
      hedging transactions, compared with a net loss of RMB 1,341 million ($207 million) in the
      corresponding period in 2022.
      The aggregate of Financial Expenses and Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value
      (hereinafter as “Total Net Financial Expenses”), which more comprehensively reflects the
      financial expenses of the Company in supporting its main business and protecting its monetary
      assets/liabilities, amounts to RMB 1,238 million ($179 million) in the first half of 2023 compared
      with RMB 903 million ($139 million) in the corresponding period in 2022.
      The higher financial expenses were mainly driven by higher bank interest expenses due to the
      sharp increase in interest rates and an increase in short-term loans as well as higher hedging costs
      on exchange rates. These financial expenses were moderated by the net effect of lower Israeli CPI
      on the ILS-denominated, CPI-linked bonds.

(5)   Cash Flow:
      Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities: Operating cash flow of $405 million (RMB
      2,840 million) was generated in the quarter and $19 million (RMB 65 million) was used in the half-
      year period, compared to $71 million (RMB 468 million) generated in the quarter and $215 million
      (RMB 1,346 million) used in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The higher cash flow
      generated in the quarter was primarily due to a decrease in the procurement of goods.
      Net cash used in investing activities was $69 million (RMB 482 million) in the quarter and $162
      million (RMB 1,121 million) in the half-year period, compared to $107 million (RMB 705 million) and
      $197 million (RMB 1,279 million) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The cash
      used in investing activities in the second quarter and first half period of 2023 included investments
      in new production facilities in ADAMA Anpon, investments in manufacturing capabilities in Israel
      and investments in intangible assets relating to ADAMA's global registrations as well as the
      acquisition of AgriNova New Zealand in Q1 2023.
      Free cash flow of $288 million (RMB 2,021 million) was generated in the second quarter and $254

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2023

     million (RMB 1,689 million) consumed in the half-year period compared to $83 million (RMB 551
     million) and $469 million (RMB 2,999 million) consumed in the corresponding periods last year,
     respectively, reflecting the aforementioned operating and investing cash flow dynamics.
     Cash Flow from Financing Activities was $207 million (RMB 1,450 million) consumed in the
     quarter and $210 million (RMB 1,401 million) generated in the half-year period, compared to $64
     million (RMB 421 million) and $12 million (RMB 94 million) consumed in the corresponding periods
     last year, respectively, mainly driven by the paydown of short terms loans due to the positive free
     cash flow in the quarter.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

IV.    Analysis of Non-Core Business

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’000
                                                Proportion in                                             Whether
                                  Amount                                       Reasons
                                                 total profit                                            sustained
Investment income                      10,090         -3.17%                                                No
                                                                Mainly from changes in fair value and
Gain/loss from change of
                                    (782,218)       245.53% realization of derivatives. See                 No
Fair Value
                                                                explanation of financial expenses
Asset impairment losses               105,887         33.24%                                                No
Gain or loss from disposal of                                                                               No
                                       23,402         -7.35%
Non-operating income                   36,073        -11.32%                                                No
Non-operating loss                     11,015          3.46%                                                No

V.     Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1.     Significant Changes in Asset Composition
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’000
                                  End of Reporting Period            End of last year        Change in Reason for
                                            As a percentage               As a percentage percentage significant
                                 Amount                         Amount
                                           of total assets (%)           of total assets (%)   (%)      change
Cash at bank and on hand         4,604,523              7.69% 4,290,961               7.40%     0.29%
Accounts receivable              9,363,758             15.63% 9,018,375              15.55%     0.08%
Inventories                     16,667,957             27.83% 16,927,241             29.19%    -1.36%
Investment property                 22,963              0.04%      3,168              0.01%     0.03%
Long term equity investments        29,272              0.05%     26,368              0.05%     0.00%
Fixed assets                     9,476,560             15.82% 8,952,184              15.44%     0.38%
Construction in progress         3,147,493              5.25% 2,961,401               5.11%     0.14%
Right of use assets                640,996              1.07%    555,889              0.96%     0.11%
                                                                                                         g the
Short-term loans                 6,341,677             10.59% 3,342,921               5.77%     4.82% increased
Contract liabilities             1,446,129              2.41% 1,776,573               3.06%    -0.65%
Lease liabilities                  498,967              0.83%    431,076              0.74%     0.09%

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

2.    Main Overseas Assets

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                    Control                 Proportion
                                                                  measures Net Profit            of
   Specific                        (Amount)             Operation                                        Significant
                                                                      to       of the        overseas
contents of the     Reason           of the  Location /Management                                        impairment
                                                                  guarantee    assets       assets out
    assets                          assets               mode                                               risk?
                                                                   safety of (RMB’000)     of total net
                                                                  the assets                assets (%)
Equity           Acquired
investment in     through                Israel and      Corporate  Corporate
                              20,463,717                                      (229,154)              87%          No
Adama           Major Assets              globally      Governance Governance
Solutions       Restructuring
     Other explanations                                                N/A

3.    Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’000
                                      Profit/loss on                 Impairment
                                                     Cumulative fair             Purchased in
                                        fair value                   provided in              Sold in the
                         Opening                     value changes                   the                               Closing
         Item                        changes in the                      the                  Reporting Others
                         balance                       charged to                 Reporting                            balance
                                       Reporting                      Reporting                Period
                                                         equity                     Period
                                          Period                       Period
Financial assets
1.Financial assets
held for trading
                          1,685            -              -            -           245           -            -         1,930
(excluding derivative
financial assets)
2.Derivative financial
assets (including long   233,809       (636,076)       30,319          -         573,688      (9,599)         -        192,141
3.Other equity
                         158,341           -           4,564           -            -            -            -        162,905
Total financial assets   393,835       (636,076)       34,883          -         573,933       (9,599)        -        356,976
Other                    189,601           -              -            -          66,056      (33,901)        -        221,756
Total of above           583,436       (636,076)       34,883          -         639,989      (43,500)        -        578,732
Financial liabilities    545,516        190,142           -            -             -            -           -        735,658

Significant changes in the measurement attributes of the main assets in the Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
4.    Limitation on Asset Rights as of End of the Reporting Period

At the end of this Reporting Period, restricted assets included RMB 33,986,000 - restricted cash, most of
which as guarantee for bank acceptance bills; and RMB 195,920,000 - other non-current assets, mainly
as guarantee for asset securitization and lawsuits.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

VI.     Investments Made

1.      Overall Condition of the Total Investments Made

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

       Investment during the      Investment during the Same         +/-% YoY
     Reporting Period (RMB'000)   Period Last Year (RMB'000)
             29,389,828                   20,936,565                 40.38%

2.      Significant Equity Investments during the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                    or Loss
 Name                    Invest                                     Progre                                      Disclos
                                                                                     Invest    Involve
 of the        Mode       ment Shareh                        Types ss as                                          ure
         Main                           Source Invest Invest                Estimat ments      d     in Date of
Investe        of       Amoun olding                           of    of the                                      Index
        Busine                            of    ment   ment                   ed    for the    Litigati Disclos
   d           Invest       t   Proport                      Produc Balanc                                         (if
          ss                            Funds Partner Term                  Return Reporti     on or ure
Compa          ment     (RMB'0    ion                          ts   e Sheet                                     applica
                                                                                       ng      Not
  ny                       00)                                        Date                                        ble)
                                                                                                                 of the
                                                               Crop                                              ion of
                                                              protecti                                           100%
                                                                 on                                             Equity
                                                             product                                                of
                                                                 s,                                            Agrinov
                                                              growth                                            a New
Agrinov                                                      regulato                                          Zealand
 a New Agroch Acquisit                                 Long- rs, bio- Comple                            Jan 6, Limited
                       170,155 100%    raised   None                             --   6,286      No
Zealand emical  ion                                     term solution   ted                              2023     by a
Limited                                                        s and                                            Wholly
                                                               plant                                           Owned
                                                             nutrient                                          Subsidi
                                                             s for the                                             ary
                                                             horticult                                         (Annou
                                                                ural                                           ncemen
                                                              market                                              t No.
                                                                                                                   d at
                                                                                                               on the
                                                                                                                ion of
                                                                                                              Held by
                                                               al crop
Adama                                                                                                             of a
                                        Self-                     on                                    March
       Agroch Acquisit                                 Long-            Comple                                Controll
 Chile emical          116,311 100%    raised   None           product           --    --*       No      14,
                ion                                     term              ted                                      ed
 S.A.                                  funds                    s and                                   2023
                                                                                                                 t No.
                                                                                                                  d at
 Total    --      --    286,466   --     --      --     --       --      --      --   6,286       --      --      --

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

*Note: The Company previously indirectly held 60% equity of Adama Chile S.A., and consolidated Adama Chile S.A. in
the financial statements as a subsidiary. After the acquisition, the Company indirectly held 100% equity of Adama Chile

3.     Significant Non-Equity Investments executed during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4.     Financial Investments

       (1)    Investments in Securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023
       (2)     Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

 (1)         Investment in Derivative Financial Instruments for Hedging during the Reporting Period
 √ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: 000 RMB
                                                                       Profit/loss on fair                                                                                            Percentage of
                                                                                                Cumulative fair         Purchased in           Sold in the
                                                      Opening          value changes in                                                                              Closing       investment amount
                Investment Type                                                                 value changes           the Reporting          Reporting
                                                      Balance           the Reporting                                                                                Balance       divided by net asset
                                                                                               charged to equity            Period               Period
                                                                             Period                                                                                                at end of the period
                      Option                          3,490,710             -247,866                -243,643              8,899,295            -3,490,710           8,899,295             37.64%
                     Forward                          22,863,927            -578,354                -568,501              20,490,533           -22,863,927         20,490,533             86.66%
  Total                                               26,354,637            -826,220                -812,144              29,389,828           -26,354,637         29,389,828            124.30%
  Explanation of accounting policies and
  principles for hedging, and any significant      Please refer to section X of this Report, note III. 28.1 for the disclosure of the accounting policies for hedging. There is no change in the
  changes compared with last reporting             accounting policies for hedging during the reporting period.
  Explanations about gain/loss during the          The loss during the year was RMB 812,144,000 compared to a loss of RMB 1,324,948,000 in the same period last year. The loss was mainly
  Reporting Period                                 due to the devaluation of the ILS of 5.1% compared to 13.9% last year.
                                                   Despite of the loss incurred from the hedging transactions, the Group has effectively mitigated the impact from the exchange rate fluctuations
  Explanations for hedging effect
                                                   during the year.
  Source of fund for the investment                Internal.

                                                   The aforesaid refers to short term hedging currency transactions made with banks.

                                                   The Group’s transactions are not traded in the market. The Transactions are between the applicable company in the Group and the applicable
                                                   bank until the expiration date of the transaction, therefore no market risk is involved.

  Risk and control analysis for the                Regarding credit and liquidity risk, the Group is working with large and substantial banks only and with some of them the Group has ISDA
  Reporting Period (including but not
  limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit
  risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)        As to operational risk, the Group is working with relevant software, which is its back office for all transactions.

                                                   No legal risk is involved.

                                                   The actions taken in order to further reduce risks are:

                                                       The relevant subsidiaries have specific guidelines, under the Group’s policy, which were approved by the subsidiaries' financial statements

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                         committee of the board, which specifies, inter alia, the hedging policy, the persons that have the authorization to deal with hedging, the tools,
                                                         ranges etc. The only subsidiary that has hedging positions in the Group in the period was Adama Solutions and its subsidiaries.

                                                         The relevant subsidiaries apply management designed procedures and controls, which among other things, monitor the working process
                                                         and the controls of the hedging transactions and are quarterly reviewed and annually audited.

                                                         The controllers of the relevant subsidiaries are involved in the process and are monitoring the hedging accounting treatment.

                                                   Every 2-3 years the internal audit of the relevant subsidiaries’ department is auditing the entire procedure.

                                                   The aforesaid refers to short time hedging currency transactions made by the relevant subsidiary with banks.
   Market price or fair value change of
                                                   Segregation of duties as follows:
   investments during the Reporting Period.
                                                   For the fair value evaluation, the relevant subsidiary is usually using external experts. The relevant subsidiary hedges currencies only; the
   Specific methodology and assumptions
                                                   relevant transactions are simple (Options and forwards) for short terms. For fair value methodology see section X of this Report, note IX. Fair
   should be disclosed in the analysis of fair
                                                   Value. The exchange rates are provided by the accounting department of the relevant subsidiary and all other parameters are provided by the
   value of the investments
   Litigation-related situations (if applicable)   N/A
   Date of disclosure of Board approval (if
                                                   December 30, 2017
   Date of disclosure of Shareholders’
   approval (if any)
                                                   The derivative investments carried by the Company are for hedging and narrowing down the risk of market fluctuations. The investments respond
   Independent Directors’ opinion on the
                                                   to the Company’s routine business demands and are in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, the Company has adopted
   investment in derivative financial
                                                   Currency Risk Hedging Policy to strengthen the risk management and control which benefit the Company’s ability to protect against market risk.
   instruments and related risk controls
                                                   The derivative investments do not harm the interests of the Company and its shareholders.

The company is required to comply with the “Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange: No. 3 - Disclosure of
Industry Information”.
The derivative transactions carried out by the Group were mainly through options and forward in order to mitigate the currency exposure and the fluctuation in Israeli CPI. For
more details, please refer to the section above.

    (2) Investment in Derivative Financial Instruments for Speculation during the Reporting Period
  □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
No such situation occurred during the Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2023

5.      Use of Raised Fund

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

VII. Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1.      Sale of Significant Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

2.      Sale of Significant Equities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Main Controlled and Joint Stock Companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
List of main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies influencing over 10% of the net profits on
the Company
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’000

     Name      Type                            Registered    Total                Operating Operating
                           Main services                             Net assets                       Net profit
                                                capital     assets                revenues    profit
                       manufacturing and
                           marketing of
Adama                      intermediate
          Subsidiary                              720,085 50,595,236 17,581,989 15,440,683 (318,175) (226,280)
Solutions              materials for other
                         industries, food
                     additives and synthetic
                       aromatic products,
                        mainly for export.

Subsidiaries acquired or disposed during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                           Way of Acquirement or        Impact on the Business Operation and
            Company Name
                                                 Disposal                    Performance of the Company
                                                                       Upon the completion of the Transaction,
                                                                       Adama New Zealand Ltd., the Company’s
                                                                       indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary, owns
                                                                       and hold 100% equity in Agrinova New
                                           Purchase 100% of Share      Zealand Limited, and Agrinova became an
      Agrinova New Zealand Limited
                                                   Equity              indirectly wholly controlled subsidiary of the
                                                                       Company. Based on the Accounting
                                                                       Standards for Business Enterprises,
                                                                       Agrinova is included in the Company’s
                                                                       consolidated financial statements.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                       For details, please refer to the
                                                                       Announcement on Closing of the
                                                                       Acquisition of 100% Equity of Agrinova New
                                                                       Zealand Limited by a Wholly Owned
                                                                       Subsidiary (Announcement No. 2023-1)
                                                                       After completion of the Transaction, Adama
                                                                       Chile S.A. became an indirect wholly-owned
                                                                       subsidiary of the Company, which is
                                                                       conducive to enhancing the Company's
                                                                       decision-making       efficiency,    promoting
                                                                       development strategy, further integrating
                                                                       local market resources, and meeting the
                                                                       Company's production, operation and
                                                                       development needs. The Transaction will
                                      Purchase the remaining 40%       not lead to any change in the Company's
          Adama Chile S.A.            Share Equity of the controlled   combination scope. The transaction price is
                                              subsidiary               fair and reasonable. There is no situation
                                                                       that will harm the interests of the Company's
                                                                       shareholders and will not have an adverse
                                                                       impact on the Company's financial situation
                                                                       and operating results.
                                                                       For details, please refer to the
                                                                       Announcement on the Acquisition of Equity
                                                                       Held by Minority Shareholders of a
                                                                       Controlled Subsidiary (Announcement No.

Explanations on the main controlled and joint stock companies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, total sales of Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company,
amounted to $2,227 million, a decline of 12%, reflecting a decrease of 9% in volumes and stable prices.
Solutions’ net loss was $32 million in the first half of the year, compared with net income of $63 million in
the corresponding period last year. For detailed explanation of the performance movement, see above
explanation of the Section.

IX.   Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √Not applicable

X.    Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures

The Group is exposed to several major risk factors, resulting from its economic environment, the industry
and the Group's unique characteristics, as follows (the order below does not indicate priority):
Exchange rate fluctuations
Although the Company reports its consolidated financial statements in RMB, the Company’s material
subsidiary Solutions reports its consolidated financial statements in US dollars, which is its functional
currency, while its operations, sales and purchases of raw materials are carried out in various currencies.
Therefore, fluctuations in the exchange rate of the selling currency against the purchasing currency
impact the Company’s results. The Group's most significant exposures are to the Euro, the Israeli Shekel

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

and the Brazilian Real. The Group has lesser exposures to other currencies. The strengthening of the US
dollar against other currencies in which the Company operates reduces the dollar value of such sales
and vice versa.
On an annual basis, approximately 20% of the Group’s sales are to the European market and therefore
the impact of long-term trends on the Euro may affect the Company's results and profitability.
Analyses of currency exposure from foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations against assets, liabilities
and cash flow denominated in foreign currencies are done constantly. High volatility of the exchange
rates of these currencies could increase the costs of transactions to hedge against currency exposure,
thereby increasing the Company's financing costs.
The Group uses commonly accepted financial instruments to hedge most of its substantial net balance
sheet exposure to any particular currency. Nonetheless, since as part of these operations the Group
hedges against most of its balance sheet exposure and only against part of its economic exposure,
exchange rate volatility might impact the Group’s results and profitability. As of the date of publication of
this Report, the Group has hedged most of its balance sheet exposure.
In addition, as the Company’s product sales depend directly on the cyclical nature of the agricultural
seasons, therefore the Company’s income and its exposure to the various currencies is not evenly
distributed over the year. Countries in the northern hemisphere have similar agricultural seasons and
therefore, in these countries, the highest sales are usually during the first half of the calendar year. During
this period, the Company is most exposed to the Euro. In the southern hemisphere, the seasons are
opposite and most of the local sales are carried out during the second half of the year. During these
months, most of the Company's exposure pertains to the Brazilian Real.
Exposure to Interest rate, Israel CPI and NIS exchange rate fluctuations
The debentures issued by Solutions, the material subsidiary of the Company, are Israeli Shekel based
and linked to the Israel Consumer Price Index “CPI” and therefore an increase in the CPI and an
appreciation of the shekel rate against the dollar might lead to a significant increase in its financing
expenses. In addition, high volatility of the exchange rate of USD/NIS and expectations of material
changes in the inflation rate, may increase the costs of hedging transactions on currency exposure, and
as a result, may lead to a further increase in the company's financing costs. As of the date of approval of
the financial statements, Solutions hedged most of its exposure to these risks on an ongoing basis,
through CPI hedging and USD-ILS exchange rate hedging transactions.
In addition, inflation in several global markets has a cross effect on the business results of the Group,
since on one hand, it contributes to the Group's ability to increase the sale price of its products, but on
the other hand, it may increase the Group's production costs and operating expenses. As of the date of
the Report, the Group is unable to isolate the influence of inflation on its sale prices and its costs. The
Group estimates that the cumulative cross influence of inflation does not have a material effect on to its
financial results.
Since December 31, 2021the Group have had dollar denominated liabilities bearing variable London
Interbank Offered Rates (LIBOR) interest. As a result, the Group was exposed to changes in the US
dollar LIBOR interest rate. The Group prepares a quarterly summary of its exposure to changes in the
relevant interest rate benchmarks (which replaced the LIBOR interest rate) and periodically examines
hedging the variable interest rate by converting it to a fixed rate. As part of the global reform in interest
rate benchmarks, the phasing out of LIBOR (the so-called LIBOR fallback) was scheduled for the end of
2021. As of January 1, 2022 three global interest rate benchmarks has transitioned to alternative risk-

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

free rates while replacing the former benchmark LIBOR: SOFR (USD), ESTR (EUR) and SONIA (GBP).
As of the date of publication of this Report, the Group has not carried out hedging for such exposure,
since US dollar interest rates have been relatively stable.
In addition, the effect of interest changes on the debt that serves the Group’s working capital is seasonal.
Such debt bears a variable interest, but has no material effect on the Group’s financing expenses. As a
result, the net increase in interest rate does not have a material effect on the Group’s business.
Business operations in emerging markets
The Group conducts business - mainly product sales and raw material procurement - inter alia, in
emerging markets such as Latin America (particularly in Brazil, the largest market, country wise, in which
the Group operates), Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa. The Group's activity in emerging
markets is exposed to risks typical of those markets, including: political and regulatory instability; volatile
exchange rates; economic and fiscal instability and frequent revisions of economic legislation; relatively
high inflation and interest rates; terrorism or war; restrictions on import and trade; differing business
cultures; uncertainty as to the ability to enforce contractual and intellectual property rights; foreign
currency controls; governmental price controls; restrictions on the withdrawal of money from the country;
barter deals and potential entry of international competitors and accelerated consolidations by large-scale
competitors in these markets. Developments in these regions may have a significant effect on the Group's
operations. Distress to the economies of these markets could impair the ability of the Group's customers
to purchase its products or the ability to market them at international market prices, as well as harm the
Group's ability to collect customer debts, in a way that could have a significant adverse effect on the
Group's operating results.
The Group’s operations in multiple regions allows for the diversification of such risks and for the reduction
of its dependency on particular economies. In addition, changes in registration requirements or
customers' preferences in developed western countries, which may limit the use of raw materials
purchased from emerging economies, may require redeployment of the Group's procurement
organization, which might negatively affect its profitability for a certain period.
Operating in a competitive market
The crop protection products industry is highly competitive. Currently, seven multinational companies,
including the Company, lead the global industry. Five of these, Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva, BASF and
FMC, are Originator Companies, which develop, manufacture and market both patent-protected as well
as off-patent products. The Group competes with the original products with the aim of maintaining and
increasing its market share.
The Originator Companies possess resources enabling them to compete aggressively, in the short-to-
medium term, on price and profit margins, so as to protect their market share. Loss of market share or
inability to acquire additional market share from the Originator Companies can affect the Group's position
in the market and adversely affect its financial results. For details regarding the Group’s competitive
advantages see section III - subsection II. Core competitiveness analysis above.
Similarly, the Group also competes in the more decentralized off-patent segment of the market, against
other off-patent companies and smaller-scale Originator Companies, which have significantly grown in
number in recent years and are materially changing the face of the crop protection industry, the majority
of whom have not yet deployed global distribution networks, and are only active locally. These companies
often price their products aggressively and at times have lower profit margins than the Group, which may
adversely impact the Group's sales and product prices. The Group's ability to maintain its revenues and

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2023

profitability from a specific product in the long term is affected by the number of companies producing
and selling comparable off-patent products and the timing of their entrance to the relevant market.
Any delay in developing or obtaining registrations for products and/or delayed penetration into markets
and/or growth of competitors that focus on off-patent active ingredients (whether by the expansion of their
product portfolio, granting registrations to other manufacturers (including manufacturers in China and
India) to operate in additional markets, transforming their distribution network to a global scale or
increasing the competition for distribution access), and/or difficulty in purchasing low cost raw materials,
may harm the Group’s sales, affect its global position and lead to price erosion.
Decline in scope of agricultural activities; Climate change and exceptional changes in weather
The scope of general agricultural activities worldwide may be negatively affected by many exogenous
factors, some resulting from climate change, including but not limited to extreme weather conditions,
natural disasters, a decrease in agricultural commodity prices, government policies and the economic
condition of farmers. A material decline in the scope of agricultural activities would by necessary
implication cause a decline in the demand for the Group’s products, erosion of its prices and collection
difficulties, which may have a significant adverse effect on the Group's results. Extreme weather
conditions, both chronic and acute, as well as other damages caused by nature may have an impact on
the demand for the Group's products as well as to price thereof. For example, drought may reduce the
need for fungicides, which could result in fewer sales and greater unsold inventories in the market,
whereas excessive rain could lead to increased plant disease or weed growth requiring growers to
purchase and use more crop protection products. Drought and/or increased temperatures may change
insect pest pressures, requiring growers to use more, less, or different insecticides. Climate change may
increase the frequency or intensity of extreme weather such as storms, floods, heat waves, droughts and
other events that could affect the demand for the Company’s products. The Group believes, that should
a number of such bad seasons occur in succession, without favorable seasons in the interim, its results
may sustain significant harm.
Environmental, health and safety legislation, standards, regulation and exposure
Many aspects of the Group's operations are strictly regulated, including in relation to production and
trading, and particularly in relation to the storage, treatment, manufacturing, transport, usage and disposal
of its products, their ingredients and byproducts, some of which are considered hazardous. The Group's
activities involve hazardous materials. Defective storage or handling of hazardous materials may cause
harm to human life or to the environment in which the Group operates. The regulatory requirements
regarding the environment, health and safety could, inter alia, include soil and groundwater clean-up
requirements; as well as restrictions on the volume and type of emissions the Group is permitted to
discharge into the air, water and soil.
The regulatory requirements applicable to the Group vary from product to product and from market to
market, and tend to become stricter with time. In recent years, both government authorities and
environmental protection organizations have been applying increasing pressure, including through
investigations and indictments as well as increasingly stricter legislative proposals and class action suits
related to companies and products that may potentially pollute the environment. Compliance with these
legislative and regulatory requirements and protection against such legal actions requires the Group to
commit considerable human and financial resources (both in terms of substantial ongoing costs and in
terms of material one-time investments) to meet mandatory environmental standards. In some instances,
this may result in delaying the introduction of products into new markets or in adverse effects on the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2023

Group’s profitability. In addition, the toughening, material alteration or revocation of environmental
licenses or permits, or their stipulations, or the inability to obtain such licenses and permits, may
significantly affect the Group's ability to operate its production facilities, which in turn may have a material
adverse effect on the financial and business results of the Group. The Group may be required to bear
significant civil liabilities (including due to class actions) or criminal liabilities (including high penalties
and/or high compensation payments and/or costs of environmental monitoring and rehabilitation),
resulting from violation of environmental, health and safety regulations, while some of the existing
legislation may impose “strict liability” regime on the Group, i.e. the Group will be held liable, regardless
of proof of negligence or malice.
While the Group invests material sums in adapting its facilities and in constructing special facilities in
accordance with environmental requirements, it is currently unable to assess with any certainty whether
these investments (current and future) and their outcomes may satisfy current or future requirements,
should these be significantly increased or changed. In addition, the Group is unable to predict with any
certainty the extent of future costs and investments it may incur in order to meet the requirements of the
environmental authorities in the relevant countries in which it operates since, inter alia, the Group is
unable to estimate the extent of potential pollutions, their duration, the extent of the measures required
to be taken by the Group in handling them, the division of responsibility among other parties and the
amounts recoverable from third parties.
Furthermore, the Group may be the target of bodily injury claims and property damage claims caused by
exposure to hazardous materials, which are largely covered under the Group’s insurance policies.
Legislative, standard and regulatory changes in product registration
The majority of the substances and products marketed by the Group require registration at various stages
of their development, production, import, utilization and marketing, and are also subject to strict regulatory
supervision by the regulatory authorities in each country. Compliance with the regulatory requirements
that vary from country to country and which are becoming more stringent with time, involves significant
time and costs, and rigorous compliance with individual registration requirements for each product.
Noncompliance with these regulatory requirements might materially adversely affect the Group’s
expenses, cost structure and profit margins, as well as penetration of its products in the relevant market,
and may even lead to suspension of sales of the relevant product, and recall of those products already
sold, or to legal action. Moreover, to the extent new regulatory requirements are imposed on existing
registered products (requiring additional investment or leading to the existing registration's revocation)
and/or the Group is required to compensate another company for its use of the latter's product registration
data, these might amount to significant sums, considerably increasing the Group's costs and adversely
affecting its results and reputation. In recent years the industry has been suffering from revocation of
registration for many products around the world. This trend is particularly evident in European countries
as well as in many other countries worldwide.
Nevertheless, the Group believes that, in countries where the Group maintains a competitive edge, any
toughening of registration requirements may actually increase this edge, since this will make it difficult for
its competitors to penetrate the same market, whereas in countries in which the Group possesses a small
market share, if any, such toughening may make further penetration of the Group's products into that
market more difficult.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2023

Product liability
Product and producer liability are a risk for the Group. Regardless of their prospects or actual results,
product liability lawsuits might involve considerable costs as well as tarnish the Group's reputation, thus
potentially impacting its profits. The Group has a third-party and defective product liability insurance cover.
However, there is no certainty that the scope of insurance cover is sufficient. Any future product liability
lawsuit or series of lawsuits could materially affect the Group’s operations and results, should the Group
lose the lawsuit or should its insurance cover not suffice or apply in a particular instance. In addition,
while the Group has not currently encountered any difficulty renewing such insurance policy, it is possible
that it will encounter future difficulties in renewing an insurance policy for third party liability and defective
products on terms acceptable to the Group.
Successful market penetration and product diversification
The Group’s growth and profit margins are affected, inter alia, by the extent of its success in developing
differentiated products and obtaining registrations for them, so as to enable it to gain market share at the
expense of its competitors. Usually, being the first to launch a certain off-patent product affords the Group
continuing advantage, even after other competitors penetrate the same market. As such, the Group's
revenues and profit margins from a certain new off-patent product could be materially affected by its
ability to launch such product ahead of the launch of a comparable product by its competitors.
Should new products fail to meet registration requirements in the different countries or should it take a
long period of time to obtain such registrations, the Group's ability to successfully introduce a new product
to the relevant market in the future may be affected, since entry into the market prior to other competitors
is important for successful market penetration. Furthermore, successful market penetration involves, inter
alia, product diversification in order to suit each market's changing needs. Therefore, if the Group fails to
adapt its product mix by developing new products and obtaining the required regulatory approvals, its
future ability to penetrate that market and to maintain its existing market share could be affected. Failure
to introduce new products to given markets and meet Group objectives (given the considerable time and
resources invested in their development and registration) might affect the sales of the product in question
in the relevant market, the Group’s results and margins.
Intellectual property rights of the Group and of third parties
The Group's ability to develop off-patent products is dependent, inter alia, on its ability to oppose patents
or patent application of Originator Companies or other third parties, or to develop products that do not
otherwise infringe intellectual property rights in a manner that may involve significant legal and other
costs. Originator Companies tend to vigorously defend their products and may attempt to delay the launch
of competing off-patent products by registering patents on slightly different versions of products for which
the original patent protection is about to expire or has expired, with the aim of competing against the off-
patent versions of the original product. The Originator Companies may also change the branding and
marketing of their products. Such actions may increase the Group's costs and the risk it entails, and harm
or even prevent its ability to launch new products.
The Group is also exposed to legal claims that its products or production processes infringe on third-party
intellectual property rights. Such claims may involve time, costs, substantial damages and management
resources, impair the value of the Group's brands and its sales and adversely affect its results. Such
lawsuits that were concluded involved non-material amounts.
Furthermore, although the Group protects its brands and trade secrets with patents, trademarks and other
methods of intellectual property protection, these protective means may not be sufficient for fully

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

safeguarding its intellectual property. Any unlawful or other unauthorized use of the Group's intellectual
property rights could adversely affect the value of its intellectual property and goodwill. In addition, the
Group may be required to take legal actions involving financial costs and resources to safeguard its
intellectual property rights.
Fluctuations in raw material inputs and prices, and in sales costs
Significant percentage of the Groups’ cost of sales derives from raw material costs. Hence, significant
increases or decreases in raw material costs affect the cost of goods sold, and are, due to the length of
the Company’s inventory cycle, generally reflected in the Company’s financials. Most of the Group's raw
materials are distant derivatives of oil prices and therefore, extreme changes or decrease in oil prices
may affect the costs of raw materials, although only partially.
To reduce exposure to fluctuations in the prices of raw materials, the Group customarily engages in long-
term purchase contracts for key raw materials, wherever possible. Similarly, the Group acts to adjust its
sales prices, wherever possible, to reflect the changes in the costs of raw materials.
As of the date of approval of the financial statements, the Group has not engaged in any hedging
transactions against increases in oil and other raw material costs.
Exposure due to recent developments in the genetically modified seeds market
Any significant development in the market of genetically modified seeds for agricultural crops, including
as a result of regulatory changes in certain countries currently prohibiting the use of genetically modified
seeds, and/or any significant increase in the sales of genetically modified seeds and/or to the extent new
crop protection products are developed for further crops that would be widely used (substituting traditional
products), will affect demand for crop protection products, requiring the Group to respond by adapting its
product portfolio to the new demand structure. Consequently, to the extent that the Group fails to adapt
its product mix accordingly, this may reduce demand for its products, erode their sales price and by
implication affect the Group’s results and market share.
Nevertheless, the fact that the Group itself markets some of the products for which herbicide tolerance
traits have been developed, acts to mitigate this exposure (albeit only in terms of marketing margins).
In addition, natural and/or biological substances that attack weeds, pests and diseases are potential
alternatives for the Company’s products, though as of the date of the report, their efficiency is relatively
limited, and they are commercialized in a relatively small volumes.
Operational risks
The Group’s operations, including its manufacturing activities, rely, inter alia, on state-of-the-art computer
systems. The Group continually invests in upgrading and protecting these systems from malfunctions and
attack. Any unexpected failure of these systems, as well as the integration of new systems, could involve
substantial costs and adversely affect the Group's operations until completion of the repair or integration.
The potential occurrence of a substantial failure that cannot be repaired within a reasonable time frame
may also affect the Group's operations and its results. Currently, the Group has a property and loss-of-
profit insurance policy.
The Group's production capacity is affected, among others, by its facilities’ output and individual area and
time allocation at full capacity. The Group's Multi-purpose facilities provide manufacturing flexibility and
enable the Group to prepare for the manufacturing of new products. Although the Group believes that its
existing sites have sufficient facilities and land areas to expand its production capacity, if necessary, in
the case of immediate or short-term increases in demand for new products supply may be delayed due
to lack of capacity to meet demand for such new products.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

Data protection and cyber security
During its activity, the Group may be exposed to risks and threats, related to the stability of its information
technologies systems, data protection and cyber security, which could appear in many different forms
(such as service denial, misleading employees, malfunction, encryption or data erasing and other cyber-
attacks via E-mail or malicious software). An attack on such computerized systems, mainly network based
systems may cause the group material damages and expenses and even partial suspension and
disruption of their proper functioning. In order to minimize the abovementioned risks, the group invests
resources in its technological resilience and in proper protection of its systems.
Raw material supply and/or shipping, port service disruptions and inventory
Lack of raw materials or other inputs utilized in the manufacture of the Group’s products may prevent the
Group from supplying its products or significantly increase production costs. Moreover, the Group imports
raw materials to its production facilities worldwide, from where it then exports the technical or formulated
products to its subsidiaries around the world for formulation and/or commercialization purposes.
Disruptions in the supply of raw materials from regular suppliers may adversely affect operations until an
alternative supplier is engaged. If any of the Group's suppliers are unable to supply raw materials for a
prolonged period, including due to ongoing disruptions and/or prolonged strikes and/or infrastructure
defects in the operating of a relevant port, and if the Group is unable to engage with an alternative supplier
at similar terms and in accordance with the relevant product registration requirements, this may adversely
affect the Group's results, significantly affect its ability to obtain raw materials in general, or obtain them
at reasonable prices, as well as limit its ability to supply products and/or meet customer supply deadlines.
These might negatively affect the Group, its finances and operating results. In order to reduce this risk, it
is the Group's practice to occasionally adjust the volume of its product inventories or in certain scenarios,
to increase the levels of inventory held by the Company to overcome possible supply shortages, logistic
challenges and increases in cost of inventory, as mentioned above, in order to support expected future
sales. Additionally, in the case of fluctuations in the market prices for inventory held by the Company, this
may affect its finances and operating results.
Failed mergers and acquisitions; difficulties in integrating acquired operations
The Group's strategy includes growth through mergers, acquisitions, investments and collaborations
designed to expand its product portfolio and deepen its presence in certain geographical markets.
Growth through mergers and acquisitions requires assimilation of acquired operations and their effective
integration in the Group, including realization of certain forecasts, profitability, market conditions and
Failure to successfully implement the above and/or non-realization of the relevant forecasts may result in
not achieving the incremental value forecasted, loss of customers, exposure to unexpected liabilities,
reduced value of the intangible assets included in the merger or acquisition as well as the loss of
professional and skilled human resources.
Production concentration in limited plants
A large portion of the Group’s production operations is concentrated in a relatively small number of
locations. Natural disasters, hostilities, labor disputes, substantial operational malfunction or any other
material damage might significantly affect Group operations, as a result of the difficulty, the time and
investment required for relocating the production operation or any other activity.
International taxation
Most of the Group’s sales are global, through its consolidated subsidiaries worldwide. These individual

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2023

companies are assessed in accordance with the tax laws effective in each respective location. The
Group’s effective tax rate could be significantly affected by different classification or attribution of the
profits arising from the proportional value of the components of each of the companies in the Group in
the various countries, as is recognized in each tax jurisdiction; changes in the characteristics (including
regarding the location of control and management) of these companies; changes in the breakdown of the
Group's profits into regions where differing tax rates apply; changes in statutory tax rates and other
legislative changes; changes in assessment of the Group's deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities;
changes in determining the areas in which the Group is taxed; and potential changes in the Group's
organizational structure.
Changes in tax regulations and the manner of their implementation, including with regard to the
implementation of BEPS, may lead to a substantial increase in the Group's applicable tax rates and have
a material adverse effect on its financial position, results and cash flows.
The Group’s Financial Statements do not include a material provision for exposure for international
taxation, as stated above.
Risks arising from the Group’s debt
The Group finances its business operations by means of its own equity and loans from external sources
(primarily traded debentures issued by Solutions and bank credit). The Group's main source for servicing
the debt and its operating expenses is by means of the profits from the Group companies’ operations.
Restrictions applying to the Group companies regarding distribution of dividends to the Group, or the tax
rate applicable on these dividends, may affect the Group's ability to finance its operations and service its
In addition, the Group's Finance Documents, as contained in the bank credit agreements, require meeting
certain Financial Covenants. Failure to meet these covenants due to an exogenous event or non-
materialization of Group forecasts, and insofar as the financing parties refuse to extend or update these
Financial Covenants as per the Group’s capabilities, may lead the financing parties to demand the
immediate payment of these liabilities (or part thereof).
Exposure to customer credit risks
The Group’s sales to customers worldwide usually involve customer credit as is customary in each market.
A portion of these credit lines is insured, while the remainder are exposed to risk, particularly during
economic slowdowns in the relevant markets. The Group’s aggregate credit, however, is diversified
among many customers in dozens of countries, mitigating this risk. In addition, in certain regions,
particularly in South America, credit days are particularly long (compared to those extended to customers
in regions such as Europe), and on occasion, inter alia, owing to agricultural seasons or economic
downturns in those countries, the Group may encounter difficulty in timely collection of customer debts,
with the collection period being extended over several years.
Generally, such issues arise more often in developing countries where the Group may be less familiar
with its customers, the collaterals might be in double until actual repayment and the insurance cover of
these customers is likely to be limited. Credit default by any of the customers may negatively impact the
Group's cash flow and financial results.
The Group’s working capital and cash flow needs
Similar to other companies operating in the crop protection industry, the Group has substantial cash flow
and working capital requirements in the ordinary course of operations. In view of the Group's growth and
considering its primary growth regions, the Group’s broad product portfolio and the Group’s investments

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2023

in manufacturing infrastructures, the Group has significant financing and investment needs. The Group
acts continually to improve the state and management of its working capital. While currently the Group is
in compliance with all its financial covenants, significant deterioration of its operating results may in the
future lead the Group to fail to comply with its financial covenants and fail to meet its financial needs. As
a result, the Group's ability to meet its goals and growth plans, as well as its ability to meet its financial
obligations, may be harmed.
Contagious disease outbreak
Outbreak of a contagious disease and pandemics, or other adverse public health developments, in
territories where significant production activity is taking place or from which raw materials are supplied to
a significant extent, may have a material adverse effect on the Company’s activity, such that the Company
may encounter difficulties with procurement of raw materials and intermediates, experience a certain
decrease of activity within its production facilities due to governmental instructions, and be constrained
with respect to its logistics and supply lines. In addition, the Company sales could be potentially impacted
by a temporary decrease in demand for its products, as well as by temporary disruption of the Company’s
ability to sell and distribute products as mentioned above.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

                          Section IV - Corporate Governance
I.     Annual and Special Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting

1.     Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting Period
      Meeting              Type          participation     Convened date       Disclosure date Resolutions of the meeting
                                                                                               Announcement on the
                                                                                               Resolutions of 2022
                                                                                               Annual General Meeting
 2022 Annual         Annual
                                                                                               (Announcement No.:
 Shareholders        Shareholders            80.3123%       April 12, 2023      April 13, 2023
 Meeting             Meeting
                                                                                               Disclosed at the website

2.     Special Meetings of Shareholders Convened at Request of Preference Shareholders with
       Resumed Voting Rights

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II.    Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management during the Reporting Period, were as
          Name                    Position                Type               Date                   Reason

                                                         Left the
 Michal Arlosoroff        General Legal Counsel                     January 1, 2023 Retirement

                                                         Left the     February 15,
 Shahar Florentz          Chief Financial Officer                                      Resignation for personal reasons
                                                         position            2023

                                                    Accepted the      February 16,
 Efrat Nagar              Chief Financial Officer                                                      --
                                                         position            2023

                         President and CEO (legal
                                                         Left the
 Ignacio Dominguez         representative of the                      May 1, 2023      Resignation from the Company

                         President and CEO (legal
                                                    Accepted the
 Steve Hawkins             representative of the                      May 1, 2023                      --

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

III.   Basic Information on the Profit Distribution and Converting Capital Reserve into
       Share Capital in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

For the Reporting Period, the Company does not plan to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or
convert capital reserve into share capital.

IV.    Stock Incentive Plans, ESOP or Other Employee Incentives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
To the date of the report, the Company does not have stock incentive plans, ESOP or other staff incentives.
It shall be noted, that the Company’s subsidiary, Adama Solutions, currently has several long-term
incentive plans according to which it has granted long-term cash rewards to executive officers and
employees. These long-term incentive plans are based either on the performance of the Company's
shares (phantom cash incentives) and/or the Company's performance. Adama Solutions has further
adopted an incentive plan linked to the increase in the Syngenta Group EBITDA.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

         Section V - Environmental and Social Responsibilities
I.     Major Environmental Situation

     Is the Company listed as a “Key Polluting Entity” by the environmental protection agencies?
     √ Yes □ No

Policies and Sector Standards related to Environmental Protection
The Group complies with the following laws, regulations and sector standards related to environmental protection in the
process of production and operation:
1. Laws and Regulations
1) Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China;
2) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution;
3) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution;
4) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste;
5) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution;
6) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution;
7) Water Law of the People's Republic of China;
8) Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China;
9) Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China;
10) Regulations on the Administration of Pesticides;
11) Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects;
2. Sector Standards
1) Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002);
2) Water Quality Standard for Sewage Discharged into Urban Sewers (GB/T 31962-2015);
3) Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Pesticide Manufacturing Industry (GB 39727-2020);
4) Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Incineration GB18484-2020;
5) Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants (GB 13223-2011);
6) Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Pesticide Manufacturing Industry (GB 39727-2020);
7) Standard for fugitive emission control of volatile organic compounds (GB37822-2019);
8) Emission Standard for Volatile Organic Compounds in Chemical Industry (DB 32/3151-2016);
9) Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants (GB 14554-93);
10) Emission Standard of Pollutants for Caustic Soda and PVC Industry (GB 15581-2016);
11) Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary GB12348-2008;
12) Standard for Pollution Control of Storage and Landfill of General Industrial Solid Waste GB18599-2020;
13) Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Storage GB18597-2023.
14) Technical Specification for Setting Identification Signs of Hazardous Waste HJ1276-2022.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2023

Environmental Protection Administrative Permits
1. EIA Approval
On 12 June 2023, the Company received the "Approval of Environmental Impact Assessment Statement for the Recycled
Solvent Purification Project of the Overall Relocation and Upgrading Project for Insecticides of ADAMA Ltd.". The
subsidiaries, including Adama Anpon and Adama Huifeng have had EIA approvals for all the projects in operation and
under construction.
2. Waste Discharge Permits
The Company reapplied for Emission Permit on 17 April 2023 which remains valid during the reporting period. Adama
Anpon, the Company's subsidiary, had its discharge permit changed for Anpon site on December 1st, 2022 and renewed
the discharge permit for Maidao site on December 20th, 2021, which means the discharge permits for both plants are within
the validity period in H1 2023. The waste discharge permit of Adama Huifeng, another subsidiary of the Company, was
changed on 9 October 2022 and remains valid during the reporting period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2023
Sector Discharge/Emission Standards and Pollutant Discharge and Emission during Operational Activities
                                 No. of                                                                                          Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                             Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                            Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                               applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                              (ton)
                                                                                Discharge Standards
                                                                                for Pollutants from
                                              General         The new site:     Urban            Sewage
          COD           Continuous 1                                                                      33.3612            173.2104                 None
                                              Discharge Port  16.27mg/L         Treatment Plant (GB
                                                                                18918 – 2002), COD
                                                                                Discharge Standards
                                                                                for Pollutants from
                                                                                Urban Sewage
          Ammonia                             General         The new site:
                        Continuous 1                                            Treatment Plant (GB       0.6834             17.321                   None
          nitrogen                            Discharge Port  0.33mg/L
                                                                                18918 – 2002),
                                                                                Discharge Standards
                                                                                for Pollutants from
                                                                                Urban Sewage
ADAMA     Total                               General         The new site:
                        Continuous 1                                            Treatment Plant (GB       0.7151             1.722                    None
Ltd.      Phosphorous                         Discharge Port  0.34mg/L.
                                                                                18918 – 2002), total
                                                                                (1) The power plant
                                                                                complies with the
                                                              Power plant:
                                                                                ultra-low limit of the
                                                              26.76 mg/m3
                                                                                standard range for
                                              Power plant,                      pollutant emission,
                                              Hazardous waste                   which is NOx <
                                                              incinerator: 52.3
                                              incinerator,                      50mg/m3;
          NOx           Continuous 4                          mg/m3                                       19.9538            260.27                   None
                                              Acephate RTO,                     (2) Hazardous waste
                                                              Acephate RTO:
                                              and Wastewater                    incinerator: Table 3 in
                                                              6.3 mg/m3
                                              RTO                               the "Standards for the
                                                                                Control of Hazardous
                                                              RTO: 3.17
                                                                                Waste Incineration
                                                                                Pollution " (GB18484-
                                                                                2020), which is NOx
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                 No. of                                                                                  Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                     Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                    Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                       applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                      (ton)
                                                                         (3) RTO: Table 1 and
                                                                         2 and specifically the
                                                                         air pollutant emission
                                                                         limits in Table 2 of the
                                                                         "Standards for the Air
                                                                         Pollutant Emission of
                                                                         the Pesticide
                                                                         Industry" (GB 39727-
                                                                         2020), which is NOx
                                                                         (1) The power plant
                                                                         complies with the
                                                                         ultra-low limit of the
                                                                         standard range for
                                                                         pollutant emission,
                                                                         which is SO2 < 35
                                                         Power plant:    mg/m3;
                                                         6.04 mg/m3      (2) Hazardous waste
                                                         Hazardous       incinerator: Table 3 in
                                         Power plant,    waste           the "Standards for the
                                         Hazardous waste incinerator:    Control of Hazardous
         SO2          Continuous 4       incinerator,    12.33 mg/m3     Waste Incineration       5.1977             116.48                   None
                                         Acephate RTO, Acephate RTO:     Pollution " (GB18484-
                                         Wastewater RTO 7.2 mg/m3        2020), which is SO2
                                                         Wastewater      <100mg/m3;
                                                         RTO: 1.47       (3) RTO: Table 1 and
                                                         mg/m3           2 and specifically the
                                                                         air pollutant emission
                                                                         limits in Table 2 of the
                                                                         "Standards for the Air
                                                                         Pollutant Emission of
                                                                         the Pesticide

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                 No. of                                                                                      Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                         Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                        Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                           applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                          (ton)
                                                                          Industry" (GB 39727-
                                                                          2020), which is SO2
                                                                          (1) The power plant
                                                                          complies with the
                                                                          ultra-low limit of the
                                                                          standard range for
                                                                          pollutant emission,
                                                                          which is fume and
                                                                          dust < 10 mg/m3;
                                                         Power plant:     (2) Hazardous waste
                                                         0.6mg/m3         incinerator: Table 3 in
                                                         Hazardous        the "Standards for the
                                                         waste            Control of Hazardous
                                         Power plant,
                                                         incinerator: 3.8 Waste Incineration
                                         Hazardous waste
                                                         mg/m3            Pollution " (GB18484-
                                                         Acephate RTO: 2020), which is fume
                                         Acephate RTO,
                                                         5.09 mg/m3       and dust <30 mg/m3;
                                                         Wastewater       (3) RTO: Table 1 and
         Fume and Dust Continuous 7      RTO , Acephate                                             4.7118               44.726                   None
                                                         RTO: 7.7 mg/m3 2 and specifically the
                                         powder outlet,
                                                         Acephate         air pollutant emission
                                                         powder outlet:   limits in the " the
                                         granule outlet,
                                                         7.89mg/m3.       Emission Standards
                                         Sodium sulfate
                                                         Acephate         for Air Pollutants of
                                                         granule outlet:  the Pesticide
                                                         7.93mg/m3.       Manufacturing
                                                         Sodium sulfate Industry" (GB 39727-
                                                         outlet: 59mg/m3. 2020), which is fume
                                                                          and dust < 30 mg/m3;
                                                                          (4) Table 1
                                                                          particulates of the
                                                                          Emission Standards
                                                                          for Air Pollutants in the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                 No. of                                                                                    Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                       Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                      Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                         applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                        (ton)
                                                                           Industry (GB39727-
                                                                           2020) <20mg/m3. (5)
                                                                           Table 2 particulates of
                                                                           the Comprehensive
                                                                           Emission Standards
                                                                           for Air Pollutants (GB
                                                                           (1) Table 1 and 2 and
                                                                           specifically, the
                                                                           emission limits of air
                                                                           pollutants in Table 2 of
                                                           Acephate RTO:   the Emission
                                                           17.84 mg/m3     Standards for Air
                                         Acephate RTO, Wastewater          Pollutants of the
                                         Wastewater        RTO: 3.56       Pesticide
                                         RTO, Outlet of    mg/m3           Manufacturing
                                         Class A           Class A         Industry (GB 39727-
         VOCs         Continuous 5       Warehouse,        Warehouse:      2020), which is VOCs 2.9095                 6.221                    None
                                         Outlet of Class C 0.95mg/m3       <100mg/m3;
                                         Warehouse,        Class C         (2) Table 1 Air
                                         Outlet of the Lab Warehouse:      Pollutant Emission
                                         Building          1.04mg/m3       Limits in "Volatile
                                                           Lab Building:   Organic Compounds
                                                           1.43mg/m3       Emission Control
                                                                           Standards for
                                                                           Industrial Enterprises"
                                                                           (DB12/524-2020) of
                                                                           VOCs <60mg/m3
                                                                           Standard on
                                         General                           Discharge of Waste
(Jiangsu) COD         Continuous 2                        52.57mg/L                                 35.42              265.69                   None
                                         Discharge Port                    Water (GB8978-
Co., Ltd.
                                                                           1996),COD< 500

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                 No. of                                                                                  Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                     Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                    Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                       applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                      (ton)
                                                                         Water Quality
                                                                         Standard for Sewage
                                                                         Discharged into Urban
         Ammonia                         General
                       Continuous 2                       2.77mg/L       Sewerage (GBT           1.87                28.348                   None
         Nitrogen                        Discharge Port
                                                                         Ammonia Nitrogen
                                                                         <45 mg/l;
                                                                         Water Quality
                                                                         Standard for Sewage
         Total                           General                         Discharged into Urban
                       Continuous 2                       0.10mg/L                               0.0655              20.273                   None
         Phosphorous                     Discharge Port                  Sewerage (GBT
                                                                         31962-2015), total
                                                                         phosphorous < 8 mg/l;
                                                                         Standard on Air                                                      None
                                                                         Pollution of Thermal                                                 The power
         NOx           Continuous 1      Power Plant      /              Power Plants            /                   181.516                  plant has
                                                                         (GB13223-2011)                                                     been
                                                                         NOx < 100 mg/m3                                                      deactivated.
                                                                         Standard on Air                                                      None
                                                                         Pollution of Thermal                                                 The power
         SO2           Continuous 1      Power Plant      /              Power Plants            /                   396.902                  plant has
                                                                         (GB13223-2011)                                                     been
                                                                         SO2 < 50 mg/m3                                                       deactivated.
                                                                         Standard on Air
                                                                         Pollution of Thermal
                                                                                                                                              The power
                                                                         Power Plants
         Fume and Dust Continuous 1      Power Plant      /                                      /                   67.515                   plant has
                                                                         Fume and Dust <
                                                                         Standards for the
                                                                         Volatile Organic
                                                                         Compound Emission
         VOCs          Continuous 13     Various Facilities 28.26mg/m3                           0.257               47.313                   None
                                                                         of the Chemical
                                                                         Industry, DB 32/3151-
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                    No. of                                                                                     Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of                  Layout of                       Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                           Exceeding
                                  emission                      Concentration                                                   Approved
   name       special   emission           emission points                            applied         Discharged (ton)                               limit
                                    points                                                                                         (ton)
                                           General                            Agreement on
          COD          Continuous 1        Discharge Port     54.16mg/l       Discharged Water:   3.258                    182.755                 None
                                           General                            Agreement on
          Ammonia                          Discharge Port                     Discharged Water:
                       Continuous 1                           0.91mg/l                            0.055                    4.084                   None
          Nitrogen                                                            ammonia nitrogen
                                           General                            Agreement on
          Total                            Discharge Port                     Discharged Water:
                       Continuous 1                           0.83mg/l                            0.05                     0.327                   None
          Phosphorous                                                         total phosphorus
                                                                              Emission Standards
                                                                              for Pollutants in
                                           Outlet of DFTO                     Petrochemical
          NOx          Continuous 1                           /                                   /                        1.966                   None
Maidao                                     Furnace                            Industry (GB31571-
Branch                                                                        2015)
of                                                                            NOx<100mg/m3
ADAMA                                                                         Emission Standards
Anpon                                                                         for Pollutants in
                                           Outlet of DFTO
(Jiangsu) SO2          Continuous 1                           /               Petrochemical       /                        1.673                   None
Co., Ltd.                                                                     Industry (GB31571-
                                                                              2015) SO2 <50mg/m3
                                                                              Emission Standards
                                                                              for Pollutants in
          Fume and                         Outlet of DFTO                     Petrochemical
                       Continuous 1                           /                                   0                        3.095                   None
          Dust                             Furnace                            Industry (GB31571-
                                                                              2015): Fume and
                                                                              Dust <20mg/ m.
                                                                              Standards for the
                                                                              Volatile Organic
                                                                              Compound Emission
          VOCs         Continuous 10       Various Facilities 20.26mg/m3      of the Chemical     0.03                     2.017                   None
                                                                              Industry, DB
                                                                              32/3151-2016, Total
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                 No. of                                                                                  Total amount
Company pollutants and Way of              Layout of                     Pollution standards Total amount emitted/                            Exceeding
                                emission                 Concentration                                                    Approved
 name       special    emission          emission points                       applied         Discharged (ton)                                 limit
                                 points                                                                                      (ton)
                                                                         hydrocarbons ≤ 80
                                          General                        Standards of the
            COD           Continuous 1                      185.9 mg/l                         34.236                247.6378                 None
                                          Discharge Port                 Industrial Park
            Ammonia                       General                        Standards of the
                          Continuous 1                      2.89mg/l                           0.4229                19.3783                  None
            Nitrogen                      Discharge Port                 Industrial Park
            Total                         General                        Standards of the
                          Continuous 1                                                         0.0546                0.9285                   None
            Phosphorous                   Discharge Port    0.32mg/l     Industrial Park
                                          General                        Standards of the
            Total Nitrogen Continuous 1                     19.08 mg/l                         3.4031                46.77204                 None
                                          Discharge Port                 Industrial Park
                                          RTO and the
                                          Discharge Ports
            NOx           Continuous 10                     7.44 mg/m    Standard on Air       4.7532                147.7072                 None
ADAMA                                     at Various
                                                                         Pollutants Emission
Huifeng                                   Workshops
Co., Ltd.                                 RTO and the
                                          Discharge Ports
            SO2           Continuous 10                     4.43 mg/m    Standard on Air       3.2517                47.1958                  None
                                          at Various
                                                                         Pollutants Emission
                                          RTO and the                    Comprehensive
                                          Discharge Ports                Standard on Air
            Fume and Dust Continuous 10                     1.92 mg/m                          0.8033                22.7146                  None
                                          at Various                     Pollutants Emission
                                          Workshops                      (DB32/4041-2021)
                                          RTO and the                    Comprehensive
                                          Discharge Ports                Standard on Air
            VOCs          Continuous 10                     7.92 mg/m                          10.8160               62.92994                 None
                                          at Various                     Pollutants Emission
                                          Workshops                      (DB32/4041-2021)

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2023

      Treatment of Pollutants

(1)    Development and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Facilities

       The Company has a 20,000 tons/day wastewater treatment plant, which adopts the process
       composed of "secondary A/O + MBR + ozone co-oxidation + MBBR + calcium used for phosphorus
       removal". At present, all the facilities are operating normally, and after treatment, the COD,
       ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in the discharged wastewater all meet the standards.

       ADAMA Anpon, a subsidiary of the Company, has its own wastewater treatment plant with a design
       capacity of 11,000 tons per day. At present, the facilities are operating normally, and the COD,
       ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in the treated wastewater are all up to the standard.

       ADAMA Huifeng, another subsidiary of the Company, has its own wastewater treatment plant with
       a capacity of 5,000 tons per day. At present, the facilities are operating normally, and after treatment,
       the COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the discharged wastewater all
       meet the standards.

       The COD and SS volume discharged by Adama (Nanjing) Agricultural Science and Technology
       Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company meet the emission standards.

(2)    Development and Operation of Exhaust Gas Treatment Facilities

       The Company's self-owned coal-fired thermal power plant had undergone a transformation to
       enable ultra-low emission, and since the upgrading completed, the environmental protection
       facilities of the plant has been operating normally. The sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fume and
       dust in the exhaust gas have all achieved the target of the ultra-low emission and met the emission
       standards. To treat the exhaust gas from the incinerator of the solid waste rotary kiln, the company
       adopts a process consisting of "SNCR + semi-dry (rapid cooling) de-acidification + activated carbon
       injection + dust removal bag + SCR". The sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fume and dust in the
       exhaust gas all meet the emission standards. As for the RTO treatment process for VOCs, the
       company adopts a flow of steps including "acid scrubbing and absorption, alkali scrubbing and
       absorption, three-chamber RTO furnace incineration, rapid cooling tower and alkali absorption",
       and the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fume and dust and VOCs all meet the emission standards.

       All chemical production lines at Adama Anpon are equipped with RTO incinerators, TO incinerators
       and resin adsorption as well as other exhaust gas treatment facilities to strengthen the operation
       management and further reduce the total emission amount of VOC in addition to the efforts to
       ensure the emission standards are met.

       Adama Huifeng has RTO furnace, alkali washing exhaust gas treatment facilities and pickling
       exhaust gas treatment facilities, which are used to treat VOC-containing process exhaust gas,
       pickling exhaust gas and alkali washing exhaust gas respectively. The main emission targets of
       sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fume and dust and non-methane total hydrocarbons have all met
       the mandatory standards.

       Adama (Nanjing) Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. has installed five sets of fans and
       supporting exhaust pipelines, each of which is equipped with a set of "water spray + activated
       carbon adsorption" treatment facilities. It also has two general pipes for exhaust. The emission of
       VOCs and hydrogen chloride is compliant with the required standards.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023

(3)   Implementation of the "Interim Measures on Environmental Information Disclosure”

      The Company and its subsidiaries disclose production and pollution information according to the
      Interim Measures on Environmental Information Disclosure and transfers information about all the
      main indicators in wastewater and air pollutants to the release platform for environmental
      information of key pollution sources set up by the local ecology and environment bureaus on a daily

Contingency plan of environmental accidents

The Company and its relevant subsidiaries have formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental
Emergencies according to their production facilities and industry features, and then submitted files to the
local environmental protection authorities as record.

Inputs in Environmental Protection and Treatment and Payment of Environmental Tax

                                 Inputs in Environmental    Payment of Environmental
      Company Name              Protection and Treatment       Tax during H1 2023
                                during H1 2023 (0,000RMB)         (0,000RMB)

         ADAMA Ltd.                     3,450.48                    18.8933

 Adama Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.               1,200                       1.44

 Adama Huifeng (Jiangsu) Ltd.             5,997                      4.158

 Adama (Nanjing) Agricultural
 Science and Technology Co.,              12.87                        /

Note: Adama (Nanjing) Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is not required to pay environmental
protection tax because it is not a key environmental enterprise.

Environment self-monitoring plan

The Company attributes great importance to protecting the environment, out of a sense of responsibility
to society and the environment and strives to meet the relevant regulatory requirements and to even go
beyond mere compliance, engaging in constant dialogue with stakeholders, including the authorities and
the community.
In order to improve the environmental management, track the discharge of various pollutants, evaluate
the impact on the surrounding environment, strengthen the discharge management of pollutants in the
production process, accept the supervision and inspection of environmental authorities and provide
reference for pollution prevention and control, the Company and its subsidiaries - Anpon and ADAMA
Huifeng have formulated a self-monitoring plan, which conducts regular tests in strict accordance with
the requirements.

The major monitored indicators and frequency of the Company, Anpon and ADAMA Huifeng are as the
1.    Monitored Indicators
      Waste water: COD, NH3-N, PH, SS, Petroleum, TP.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

      Air Pollutant: SO2, Nitrogen oxide, Fume and Dust, Non-methane Hydrocarbon.
      Noise: Noise at the Site Border
2.    Frequency
      Boiler emission, Non-methane Hydrocarbon in the waste gas, SO2 in RTO furnace, NOx, Fume and
      Dust, and waste water discharged from the centralized point: continuous auto monitoring (COD,
      Ammonia nitrogen, Total Phosphorous).
      Manual sampling: PM in some waste gas discharge outlets, SS in wastewater discharge outlet,
      Petroleum, once a month.
      Noise: once a quarter.

While continually examining itself according to the implications of the environmental laws, the Company
has been taking proactive actions to prevent or mitigate the environmental risks, reduce the
environmental effects that may result from its activities, and invests extensive resources to fulfill those
legal provisions that are, and are anticipated to, affect it. The Company’s plants are subject to atmospheric
emissions regulations, whether by virtue of the stipulations provided in the business licenses or under the
applicable law. Hazardous materials are stored and utilized in the Company's plants, together with
infrastructures and facilities containing fuels and hazardous materials. The Company takes actions to
prevent soil and water pollution by these materials and treats them, if revealed. The Company’s plants
conduct various soil surveys, risk surveys and tests with regard to treatment of the soil or ground water
at the plants.
The Company intends to continue investing in environmental protection, to the extent required and
beyond this, whether on its own volition or in compliance with contractual commitments, regulatory or
legal standards relating to environmental protection, so as to realize its best available policy and comply
with any legal requirements.
As part of its policy of ecological process improvement, the Company also invests in remediation,
changes in production processes, establishment of sewage facilities, as well as in byproduct storage and

Administrative punishment due to environmental problems in the Reporting Period


Other environmental information that should be disclosed


Measures of reducing GHGs emissions and their effects

√Applicable □Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company had set up a dedicated work force for energy saving and carbon
reduction, clarified future targets and completed carbon emission verification as well as carbon
compliance. It also carried out a number of energy saving and emission reduction initiates, such as saving
steam consumption by the renovation of chlor-alkali chemical water steam pipeline, the optimization of

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

public utility engineering and upgrading of brine pumps, reducing energy consumption and maintenance
frequency of equipment by the optimization of public utility engineering and rational resource allocation,
and decreasing both energy consumption and CO2 emission by the replacement of water pumps and
motor types, the increase of frequency converters so as to better match pumps and motors with actual
needs, etc.

Other related information on environmental protection


II.   Social Responsibilities
In terms of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty eradication and rural revitalization,
in the first half of 2023, ADAMA Anpon, one of the Company’s subsidiaries, continued to provide paired-
up assistance to Sanhe Village, Shunhe Township, Huai'an District in Huai’an City of Jiangsu Province
in accordance with the arrangements of the local provincial government for the economically less
developed villages. During the spring farming season, various towns and communities at Huai'an District
pushed forward the public space governance for the countryside. According to the unified planning of the
task force, volunteers from ADAMA Anpon analyzed and deployed with the village councils to facilitate
the implementation. Thanks to the efforts on public space governance, Sanhe Village managed to rectify
235 problems, recovered land area of 743.67 mu, and increased collective income by 321,300 yuan
through a variety of methods such as land transfer, revitalization of idle assets and resources, and
remediation of encroached assets and resources.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

                           Section VI - Significant Events
I.     Commitments completed by the Company, the shareholders, the actual
       controllers, the purchasers, or other related parties during the Reporting Period,
       and those which should have been completed failed to be fulfilled during the
       Reporting Period

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

Note: No commitment that should have been completed during the Reporting Period failed to be timely
fulfilled. For details of the on-going commitments, please refer to the 2022 Annual Report published on
the website www.cninfo.com.cn on March 21, 2023.

II.    Inadequate use of Company’s capital by the controlling shareholder or its
       related parties for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such situation occurred during the Reporting Period.

III.   Illegal guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Non during the Reporting Period.

IV.    Engagement and Disengagement of CPA Firm

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
This Semi-Annual Report is unaudited.

V.     Explanations Given by the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors
       Regarding “Modified Auditor’s Report” Issued by CPA Firm for the Reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.    Explanations Given by Board of Directors Regarding “Modified Auditor’s Report”
       Issued for Last Year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2023

VII. Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

VIII. Litigation and Arbitration Matters

Material litigations or arbitrations:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

Other litigations or arbitrations:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No significant litigation or arbitrations during the Reporting Period.

IX.   Punishment and Rectification

□Applicable √Not applicable

None during the Reporting Period.

X.    Integrity of the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controller

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023
XI.     Material Related-Party Transactions

1.      Related-Party Transactions in the ordinary course of business

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                         Percen                                      Market
                                                                                          tage     Approve                           price of
                               Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                           Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                               related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
     Related                                 related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
               Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
      party                                   party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                   disclosure
                              transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                           transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                  n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                          same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                          kind                                       y knows

                                                                                                                                                           Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                           Expected Related-
                Under the    materials     Purchase of
Syngenta AG                                                                                                                                                Party Transactions
               same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
and        its                                                                 61,684    7.51%     144,486      No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
subsidiaries                                                                                                                                               Course of Business
                 Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                           in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                           Announcement on
Bluestar                                                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
                Under the    materials     Purchase of
(Beijing)                                                                                                                                        March     Party Transactions
               same control     and            raw
Chemical                                                      -         -         -         -        856        No          -          N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products      materials/pr                                                                                         21,2023
Machinery                                                                                                                                                  Course of Business
                 Holdings      from          oducts
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                  in 2023 (No.2023-
                            Purchasing                                                                                                                     Announcement on
Jiangsu         Under the                  Purchase of
                                raw                                                                                                              March     Expected Related-
Huaihe         same control                    raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
                             materials                                         12,367    1.51%     23,512       No                     N/A                 Party Transactions
Chemicals      of Sinochem                 materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                and                                                                                                                          in the Ordinary
Co., Ltd.        Holdings                    oducts
                             products                                                                                                                      Course of Business
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                       Percen                                      Market
                                                                                        tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                             related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                    party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                        same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                        kind                                       y knows

                             from                                                                                                                        in 2023 (No.2023-
                            related                                                                                                                             12)
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
              Under the    materials     Purchase of
                                                                                                                                               March     Party Transactions
             same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Sinofert                                                                      46       0.01%       115        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
               Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
Jiangsu       Under the    materials     Purchase of
                                                                                                                                               March     Party Transactions
Yangnong     same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
                                                                              39       0.00%     52,875       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Chemical     of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
Co., Ltd.      Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
Jiangsu       Under the    materials     Purchase of
                                                                                                                                                         Party Transactions
Youjia Plant same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
                                                                             10,696    1.30%     29,561       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Protection   of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
Co., Ltd.      Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                       Percen                                      Market
                                                                                        tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                             related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                    party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                        same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                        kind                                       y knows

                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
Hangzhou                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
                Under the    materials   Purchase of
(Torch) Xidou                                                                                                                                            Party Transactions
               same control     and          raw         Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
Door      Film                                                                 7       0.00%        14        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products    materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Industry Co.,                                                                                                                                            Course of Business
                 Holdings      from        oducts
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                     in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
Sinochem                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
                Under the    materials   Purchase of
Lantian                                                                                                                                                  Party Transactions
               same control     and          raw                                                                                               March
Fluorine                                                    -         -         -         -        288        No          -          N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products    materials/pr                                                                                         21,2023
Materials                                                                                                                                                Course of Business
                 Holdings      from        oducts
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
Zhonglan        Under the    materials   Purchase of
                                                                                                                                                         Party Transactions
International same control      and          raw         Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
                                                                             4,448     0.54%     25,300       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Chemical       of Sinochem   products    materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
Co., Ltd.        Holdings      from        oducts
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-

Sinochem       Under the   Purchasing Purchase of        Market     Market                                              Cash                   March     Announcement on
                                                                              721      0.09%      8,090       No                     N/A
Agro Co.,Ltd. same control    raw         raw             price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023    Expected Related-
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                        Percen                                      Market
                                                                                         tage     Approve                           price of
                              Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                          Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                              related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                   related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
              Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                     party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                   disclosure
                             transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                          transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                 n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                         same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                         kind                                       y knows

              of Sinochem   materials     materials/pr                                                                                                    Party Transactions
                Holdings       and          oducts                                                                                                          in the Ordinary
                            products                                                                                                                      Course of Business
                              from                                                                                                                        in 2023 (No.2023-
                             related                                                                                                                              12)
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                          Expected Related-
Jiangsu        Under the    materials     Purchase of
                                                                                                                                                March     Party Transactions
Youshi        same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
                                                                               601      0.07%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Chemical      of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                          Course of Business
Co., Ltd.       Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                          in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                          Expected Related-
               Under the    materials     Purchase of
Bluestar                                                                                                                                        March     Party Transactions
              same control     and            raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Engineering                                                                   1,114     0.14%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem   products      materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                  Course of Business
                Holdings      from          oducts
                                                                                                                                                          in 2023 (No.2023-
                           Purchasing                                                                                                                     Announcement on
ELKEM          Under the                  Purchase of
                               raw                                                                                                              March     Expected Related-
SILICONES     same control                    raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
                            materials                                          26       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                 Party Transactions
BRASIL        of Sinochem                 materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                               and                                                                                                                          in the Ordinary
LTDA            Holdings                    oducts
                            products                                                                                                                      Course of Business
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                       Percen                                      Market
                                                                                        tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                             related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                    party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                        same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                        kind                                       y knows

                               from                                                                                                                      in 2023 (No.2023-
                              related                                                                                                                           12)
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
Beijing                                                                                                                                                  Expected Related-
                Under the    materials   Purchase of
Guangyuan                                                                                                                                      March     Party Transactions
               same control     and          raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Yinong                                                                        15       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products    materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Chemical                                                                                                                                                 Course of Business
                 Holdings      from        oducts
Co., LTD                                                                                                                                                 in 2023 (No.2023-
Sinochem                                                                                                                                                 Announcement on
Chemical                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
                Under the    materials   Purchase of
Science and                                                                                                                                    March     Party Transactions
               same control     and          raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Technology                                                                     4       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products    materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Research                                                                                                                                                 Course of Business
                 Holdings      from        oducts
Institute Co.,                                                                                                                                           in 2023 (No.2023-
LTD                                                                                                                                                              12)
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
Syngenta                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
                Under the    materials   Purchase of
(China)                                                                                                                                        March     Party Transactions
               same control     and          raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Investment                                                                   3,583     0.44%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem   products    materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Company                                                                                                                                                  Course of Business
                 Holdings      from        oducts
Limited                                                                                                                                                  in 2023 (No.2023-
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                         Percen                                      Market
                                                                                          tage     Approve                           price of
                              Type of                     principle                                           Whether
                                           Content of                                    against      d                              similar
                              related                        of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                    related                                     transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
              Relationship     party                      related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                      party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                             transactio                    party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                           transaction                                     the      (RMB                               the
                                 n                        transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                          same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                          kind                                       y knows

                                                                                                                                                           Announcement on
Shandong                                                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
               Under the    materials      Purchase of
Dacheng                                                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
              same control     and             raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Agrochemica                                                                     275      0.03%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem   products       materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
l Company                                                                                                                                                  Course of Business
                Holdings      from           oducts
Limited                                                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                           Announcement on
Sinochem                                                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
               Under the    materials      Purchase of
International                                                                                                                                    March     Party Transactions
              same control     and             raw         Market     Market                                              Cash
Crop     Care                                                                  2,484     0.30%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem   products       materials/pr     price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Company                                                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                Holdings      from           oducts
Limited                                                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                           Announcement on
                            Selling raw
                                                                                                                                                           Expected Related-
                Under the    materials
Syngenta AG                                                                                                                                      March     Party Transactions
               same control     and          Selling       Market     Market                                              Cash
and        its                                                                 64,150    3.72%     159,178      No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem products to      products        price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
subsidiaries                                                                                                                                               Course of Business
                 Holdings     related
                                                                                                                                                           in 2023 (No.2023-
Jiangsu        Under the     Selling raw                                                                                                         March     Announcement on
                                             Selling       Market     Market                                              Cash
Huaihe        same control    materials                                        11,835    0.69%     26,893       No                     N/A                 Expected Related-
                                            products        price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Chemicals     of Sinochem        and                                                                                                                       Party Transactions

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                       Percen                                      Market
                                                                                        tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                    principle                                           Whether
                                          Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                             related                       of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                   related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                     related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
    party                                   party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                   party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                          transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                n                       transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                        same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                        kind                                       y knows

Co., Ltd.      Holdings     products to                                                                                                                    in the Ordinary
                              related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                              parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                          Selling raw
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
              Under the    materials
                                                                                                                                               March     Party Transactions
             same control     and           Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash
Sinofert                                                                     9,966     0.58%     14,168       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem products to       products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
               Holdings     related
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                          Selling raw
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
              Under the    materials
                                                                                                                                                         Party Transactions
             same control     and           Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
Sino MAP                                                                      788      0.05%      1,150       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem products to       products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
               Holdings     related
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                         Announcement on
                          Selling raw
                                                                                                                                                         Expected Related-
Jiangsu       Under the    materials
                                                                                                                                               March     Party Transactions
Yangnong     same control     and           Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash
                                                                               1       0.00%        6         No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Chemical     of Sinochem products to       products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                         Course of Business
Co., Ltd.      Holdings     related
                                                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
Jiangsu       Under the     Selling raw     Selling      Market     Market   2,451     0.14%     12,650       No        Cash         N/A       March     Announcement on

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                      Percen                                      Market
                                                                                       tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                   principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                             related                      of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                    related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                   party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                   disclosure
                            transactio                  party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                n                      transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                       same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                       kind                                       y knows

Youshi        same control materials      products       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023    Expected Related-
Chemical      of Sinochem      and                                                                                                                      Party Transactions
Co., Ltd.       Holdings   products to                                                                                                                    in the Ordinary
                             related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                             parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
Jiangsu                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
Youjia                                                  Market     Market                                                                               Party Transactions
              same control     and         Selling                                                                     Cash                   March
Plant                                                                        51       0.00%       173        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem products to     products       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023
Protection                                                                                                                                              Course of Business
                Holdings     related
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                               in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
Syngenta                                                                                                                                                Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
Nantong                                                                                                                                                 Party Transactions
              same control     and         Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash                   March
Crop                                                                         170      0.01%       610        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem products to     products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Protection                                                                                                                                              Course of Business
                Holdings     related
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
Sinochem                                                                                                                                                Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
International                                                                                                                                 March     Party Transactions
              same control     and         Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash
Crop     Care                                                               1,426     0.08%      1,898       No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem products to     products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Company                                                                                                                                                 Course of Business
                Holdings     related
Limited                                                                                                                                                 in 2023 (No.2023-
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                      Percen                                      Market
                                                                                       tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                   principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                             related                      of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                    related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                   party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                  party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                n                      transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                       same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                       kind                                       y knows

                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
                                                                                                                                                        Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
                                                                                                                                              March     Party Transactions
Sinochem      same control     and         Selling      Market     Market                                              Cash
                                                                             268      0.02%       230        Yes                    N/A                   in the Ordinary
Agro Co.,Ltd. of Sinochem products to     products       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                                                                                                                                                        Course of Business
                Holdings     related
                                                                                                                                                        in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
Syngenta                                                                                                                                                Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
(China)                                                 Market     Market                                                                               Party Transactions
              same control     and         Selling                                                                     Cash                   March
Investment                                                                   646      0.04%       725        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem products to     products       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023
Company                                                                                                                                                 Course of Business
                Holdings     related
Limited                                                                                                                                                 in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                           Selling raw
Beijing                                                                                                                                                 Expected Related-
               Under the    materials
Guangyuan                                               Market     Market                                                                               Party Transactions
              same control     and         Selling                                                                     Cash                   March
Yinong                                                                       109      0.01%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem products to     products       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023
Chemical                                                                                                                                                Course of Business
                Holdings     related
Co., LTD                                                                                                                                                in 2023 (No.2023-
                         Selling raw                                                                                                                    Announcement on
Henan        Under the
                          materials                     Market     Market                                                                               Expected Related-
Junhua      same control                   Selling                                                                     Cash                   March
                             and                                              4       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                 Party Transactions
Development of Sinochem                   products       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023
                         products to                                                                                                                      in the Ordinary
Co. Ltd.      Holdings
                           related                                                                                                                      Course of Business

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                        Percen                                      Market
                                                                                         tage     Approve                           price of
                               Type of                   principle                                           Whether
                                           Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                               related                      of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                    related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
              Relationship      party                    related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                     party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                              transactio                  party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                           transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                  n                      transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                         same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                         kind                                       y knows

                               parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                              Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
Sinochem       Under the
                              services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
Information   same control              Value-added Market           Market                                              Cash
                                from                                           43       0.01%        40        Yes                    N/A                   in the Ordinary
Technology    of Sinochem               OA services  price            price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                               related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Co., Ltd        Holdings
                               parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                              Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
Sinochem       Under the
                              services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
Information   same control                                Market     Market                                              Cash
                                from       IT services                          2       0.00%        35        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
Technology    of Sinochem                                  price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                               related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Co., Ltd        Holdings
                               parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                              Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
                Under the
Syngenta AG                   services                    Market     Market                                                                               Party Transactions
               same control                 Regular                                                                      Cash                   March
and        its                  from                                           45       0.01%        52        No                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem                  services       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023
subsidiaries                   related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                               parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
               Under the      Receiving                                                                                                         March     Announcement on
Sino MAP      same control    services                       -         -         -         -         40        No          -          N/A                 Expected Related-
                                            services                                                                                           21,2023
              of Sinochem       from                                                                                                                      Party Transactions

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                      Percen                                      Market
                                                                                       tage     Approve                           price of
                             Type of                   principle                                           Whether
                                         Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                             related                      of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                  related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
             Relationship     party                    related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                   party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                  disclosure
                            transactio                  party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                         transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                n                      transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                       same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                       kind                                       y knows

               Holdings      related                                                                                                                      in the Ordinary
                             parties                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                                                                                                                                                        in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
Bluestar                    Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
              Under the
(Beijing)                   services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
             same control                 Regular
Chemical                      from                         -         -         -         -        100        No          -          N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem                  services                                                                                           21,2023
Machinery                    related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Co., Ltd.                    parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                        Announcement on
                            Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
              Under the
Shenyang                    services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
             same control                 Regular       Market     Market                                              Cash
Chemical                      from                                           58       0.01%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem                  services       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Co., Ltd.                    related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                             parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
China                                                                                                                                                   Announcement on
Bluestar                    Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
              Under the
Chengrand                   services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
             same control                 Regular       Market     Market                                              Cash
Research                      from                                            1       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
             of Sinochem                  services       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Institute                    related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Chemical                     parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
Industry                                                                                                                                                        12)
Shenyang      Under the     Receiving     Regular       Market     Market     2       0.00%         -         -        Cash         N/A       March     Announcement on

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                        Percen                                      Market
                                                                                         tage     Approve                           price of
                               Type of                   principle                                           Whether
                                           Content of                                   against      d                              similar
                               related                      of                Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                    related                                    transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
              Relationship      party                    related     Price    (RMB                             the                             announce
    party                                    party                                      tions of on quota              methods       ons if                   disclosure
                              transactio                  party               ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                           transaction                                    the      (RMB                               the
                                  n                      transacti                                           d quota
                                                                                         same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                         kind                                       y knows

Shenhua       same control     services     services       price     price                                             Settlement              21,2023    Expected Related-
Institute     of Sinochem        from                                                                                                                     Party Transactions
Testing         Holdings        related                                                                                                                     in the Ordinary
Technology                      parties                                                                                                                   Course of Business
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                 in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
                              Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
               Under the
                              services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
              same control                  Regular       Market     Market                                              Cash
Sinofert                        from                                            1       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem                   services       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
                               related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
                               parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                          Announcement on
Syngenta                      Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
               Under the
(China)                       services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
              same control                  Regular       Market     Market                                              Cash
Investment                      from                                           31       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
              of Sinochem                   services       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Company                        related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Limited                        parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
Sinochem                                                                                                                                                  Announcement on
Innovation                    Receiving                                                                                                                   Expected Related-
                Under the
(Beijing)                     services                                                                                                          March     Party Transactions
               same control                 Regular       Market     Market                                              Cash
Technology                      from                                            4       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem                  services       price      price                                            Settlement              21,2023
Research                       related                                                                                                                    Course of Business
Institute Co.,                 parties                                                                                                                    in 2023 (No.2023-
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                              12)
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                            Percen                                      Market
                                                                                             tage     Approve                           price of
                               Type of                     principle                                             Whether
                                             Content of                                     against      d                              similar
                                related                       of                  Value                          exceeds                            Date of
  Related                                      related                                      transac transacti              Settlement transacti                  Index of the
               Relationship      party                     related     Price      (RMB                             the                             announce
   party                                       party                                        tions of on quota              methods       ons if                   disclosure
                              transactio                    party                 ‘0000)                        approve                             ment
                                             transaction                                      the      (RMB                               the
                                   n                       transacti                                             d quota
                                                                                             same      ‘0000)                          Compan
                                                                                             kind                                       y knows

                                                                                                                                                              Announcement on
Zhonglan                    Purchasing                                                                                                                        Expected Related-
                Under the
Lianhai                        fixed                                                                                                                March     Party Transactions
               same control             Purchase of         Market     Market                                                Cash
Design                      assets from                                            40       0.00%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem              fixed assets         price      price                                              Settlement              21,2023
Institute Co.,                related                                                                                                                         Course of Business
Ltd.                          parties                                                                                                                         in 2023 (No.2023-
                                                                                                                                                              Announcement on
                                                                                                                                                              Expected Related-
                Under the     Rendering
Syngenta AG                                                                                                                                         March     Party Transactions
               same control   services to     Regular       Market     Market                                                Cash
and        its                                                                     187      0.01%         -         -                     N/A                   in the Ordinary
               of Sinochem      related       services       price      price                                              Settlement              21,2023
subsidiaries                                                                                                                                                  Course of Business
                 Holdings       parties
                                                                                                                                                              in 2023 (No.2023-
                          Total                               --         --     190,389        --     503,045      --              --          --           --         --
             Details of large sales return                                                                               -
                                                             According to the Company's daily business operation needs, the Company estimates that the total amount of daily
   Execution of related-party transactions in the
                                                           related party transactions in 2023 will not exceed RMB 5,030.45 million. For details, please refer to Announcement on
  ordinary course of business whose value was
                                                             Expected Related-Party Transactions in the Ordinary Course of Business in 2023 (No.: 2023-12). The Company’s
 expected by types during this reporting period (if
                                                             actual amount of daily related party transactions defined in the listing rules incurred for the six months ended June
                                                                               30,2023 is RMB 1,903.89 million, which does not exceed the expected amount.
 Reasons for large difference between transaction               The Company’s related transactions with related party shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of
  price and market reference price (if applicable)                        voluntary, equality and mutual benefit, fair, and will not harm the interests of the Company.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2023

2.      Related-Party Transactions arising from Asset/Equity acquisition or sale

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transactions arising from asset/equity acquisition or
sale during the Reporting Period.

3.      Related-Party Transactions with Joint Investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transaction with joint investments during the
Reporting Period.

4.      Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether non-operating credits and liabilities with related parties exist or not?
□ Yes √ No
The Company was not involved in any non-operating credit and liability with related parties in the
Reporting Period.

5.      Transactions with financial companies with related relationships

 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
Deposit Business
                                                                                                       In RMB ’0000

                                                                         Transactions during the
                                                                             Reporting Period

                                                                        Total Deposit       Total
     Related                                   Range of       Opening   Amount for       Withdrawal      Ending
                Relations     Daily Deposit
     Parties                                  Interest Rate   Balance       the          Amount for     Balance
                                                                         Reporting           the
                                                                           Period         Reporting
                Under the
               same control
Finance Co.,                    150,000       0.55%-1.9%      41,766       16,183           47,550       10,399
               of Sinochem

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                           In RMB ’0000

                                                                             Transactions during the
                                                                                Reporting Period

                                 Credit                                 Total Amount Total Amount
     Related                                    Range of      Opening                                           Ending
                 Relations     Amount of                                    of Loans for    of Payment
     Parties                                Interest Rate     Balance                                        Balance
                                the Loan                                        the            for the
                                                                             Reporting       Reporting
                                                                              Period           Period
                 Under the
                same control
Finance Co.,                     50,000      2.7%-3.0%             -           5,000              -             5,000
                of Sinochem

Facilities and Other Financial Services
                                                                                                           In RMB ’0000

                                                                            Total Amount              Actual Amount
      Related Party            Relations         Type of the Services

Sinochem Finance       Under the same control
                                                      Facilities                50,000                      -
Co., Ltd               of Sinochem Holdings

6.      Transactions between the finance company controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company does not hold any equity interest in any finance company.

7.      Other material related-party transactions

√Applicable □ Not applicable

The 18th Meeting of the 9th Session of the Board of Directors approved the Proposal on Credit Facilities
from the Related Party.

The website to disclose the interim announcements on significant related-party transactions:
         Name of the interim               Disclosure date of the interim          Website to disclose the interim
           announcement                           announcement                            announcement
 Announcement on Credit Facility of
 USD 250 million from a Related                   February 16, 2023               Juchao website www.cninfo.com.cn
 Party (Announcement No.2023-6)

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2023

XII. Particulars regarding material contracts and execution thereof

1.    Particulars about trusteeship, Contract and Lease

      (1)    Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no trusteeship of the Company in the Reporting Period.

      (2)    Contract operation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no contract operation of the Company in the Reporting Period.

      (3)    Lease

□Applicable√ Not applicable
There is no major lease in the Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2023

2.          Significant Guarantees

            (1) Details of guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                        Unless otherwise specified, the unit hereunder is RMB ‘0000

                  Guarantees provided by the Company in favor of third parties (excluding subsidiaries)

                 Disclosure    Planned                     Actual                              Counter      Period
                                           Actual                    Type of Collater                                  expire ee for a
Guarante         date of the guarante                      guarant                             Guarant        of
                                         occurrence                  guarant        al(if                              d or   related
 ed party announceme                e                        ee                                 ee(if     guarant
                                            date                        ee          any)                               not    party or
                      nt       amount                      amount                               any)         ee

       --             --            --        --             --          --           --            --        --         --        --

 Total guarantee line approved in                                         Total amount of the occurred
 favor of third parties (excluding                                    guarantee in favor of third parties
                                                    0                                                                          0
subsidiaries) during the reporting                                    (excluding subsidiaries) during the
                period (A1)                                                       reporting period (A2)

     Aggregated guarantee line in
                                                                      Total guarantee balance in favor of
 favor of third parties (excluding
                                                                     third parties (excluding subsidiaries)
     subsidiaries) that has been                   5,000                                                                       0
                                                                      by the end of the reporting period
      approved by the end of the
            reporting period (A3)

                              Guarantees provided by the Company in favor of its subsidiaries

                 Disclosure    Planned                     Actual                              Counter      Period
                                           Actual                    Type of Collater                                  expire ee for a
Guarante         date of the guarante                      guarant                             Guarant        of
                                         occurrence                  guarant        al(if                              d or   related
 ed party announceme                e                        ee                                 ee(if     guarant
                                            date                        ee          any)                               not    party or
                      nt       amount                      amount                               any)         ee

                  December                                           Joint and
                                         December 1,                                                       after the
 ADAMA             22, 2020                                 3,800    several           /            /                   No         No
                                            2021                                                            project
     Anpon                                                            liability
                          125,800                                                                            loan
 (Jiangsu) April 29, 2021
             October                                                                                       matures
                                         December 1,                 Joint and                              Three
                                                            200                        /            /                   Yes        No
                                            2021                     several                                years

ADAMA Ltd.                                               Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                     liability             after the

                                    Joint and
              January 1,                                   after the
                            3,500   several      /   /                 No     No
                2022                                        project

                                    Joint and
             February 28,                                  after the
                            2,100   several      /   /                 No     No
                2022                                        project

                                    Joint and
               April 28,                                   after the
                            1,400   several      /   /                 No     No
                2022                                        project

                                    Joint and
                                                           after the
             May 20, 2022   750     several      /   /                 No     No

                                    Joint and
               June 26,                                    after the
                            2,350   several      /   /                 No     No
                2022                                        project

                                    Joint and               Three
             January 18,                                    years
                            4,000   several      /   /                 Yes    No
                2022                                       after the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023


                                                          Joint and
                                   January 25,                                   after the
                                                  400     several      /   /                 No     No
                                      2022                                        project

                                                          Joint and
                                   February 28,                                  after the
                                                  390     several      /   /                 No     No
                                      2022                                        project

                                                          Joint and
                                                                                 after the
                                   July 2, 2022   810     several      /   /                 No     No

                                                          Joint and               years
                                    March 30,
                                                  3,000   several      /   /     after the   Yes    No
                                                           liability               loan

                                                          Joint and
                                    August 11,                                   after the
             March 31,                            1,000   several      /   /                 No     No
                         104,100      2022                                        project
               2022                                        liability

                                                          Joint and
                                   August 31,                                    after the
                                                  1,000   several      /   /                 No     No
                                      2022                                        project

ADAMA Ltd.                                              Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                   Joint and
             October 28,                                  after the
                           1,100   several      /   /                 No     No
                2022                                       project

                                   Joint and               Three
                                   several                 years
             October 31,            liability             after the
                           1,000                /   /                 No     No
                2022                                       project

                                   Joint and
             November                                     after the
                           2,000   several      /   /                 No     No
              17, 2022                                     project

                                   Joint and
             November                                     after the
                           2,500   several      /   /                 No     No
              23, 2022                                     project

                                   Joint and
             November                                     after the
                           1,100   several      /   /                 No     No
              30, 2022                                     project

                                   Joint and               years
                           2,000   several      /   /     after the   No     No
              17, 2022
                                    liability               loan

             January 12,           Joint and               Three
                           1,000                /   /                 No     No
                2023               several                 years

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                       liability                       after the

                                                      Joint and                         years
                             January 16,
                                              1,000    several          /        /     after the   No        No
                                                       liability                         loan

                                                      Joint and                         years
                             April 4, 2023    1,200    several          /        /     after the   No        No
                                                       liability                         loan

                                                      Joint and                         years
                             April 4, 2023    1,400    several          /        /     after the   No        No
                                                       liability                         loan

                                                      Joint and                         years
                               April 13,
                                               440     several          /        /     after the   No        No
                                                       liability                         loan

                                                      Joint and                         years
                               April 26,
                                               200     several          /        /     after the   No        No
                                                       liability                         loan

  Total guarantee line
                                               Total amount of the occurred guarantee in
approved in favor of the
                           114,000           favor of the subsidiaries during the reporting             5,240
subsidiaries during the
                                                                   period (B2)
 reporting period (B1)

 Aggregated guarantee
   line that has been                            Total guarantee balance in favor of the

approved in favor of the   343,900           subsidiaries by the end of the reporting period            32,440

subsidiaries by the end                                               (B4)

of the reporting period

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023


                       Guarantees provided by subsidiaries in favor of subsidiaries (USD ’0000)

                                Planned                  Actual                         Counter      Period
             Disclosure date                Actual                 Type of Collater                              expire    e for a
Guarante                        guarante                 guarant                        Guarant        of
                    of the                 occurrenc               guarant     al(if                             d or    related
 ed party                          e                       ee                            ee(if     guarant
              announcement                   e date                   ee       any)                              not     party or
                                amount                   amount                          any)         ee

                                                                                                    y 7 years
 Control                                                           joint and
                October 31,                 October                                                 (subject
Solutions,                       1,300                     0       several       /         /                      No         No
                    2018                    30, 2018                                                 to the
   Inc.                                                            liability

                                                                                                    The loan
                                                                                                     term (5
                                                                                                    and any
 Control                                                           joint and
                January 10,                January 9,                                               e statute
Solutions,                       4,000                    750      several       /         /                      No         No
                    2019                     2019                                                      of
   Inc.                                                            liability
                                                                                                    s period

                                           s existed
                                           before the
                                           company                                                    Valid
                                                                   joint and
 ADAMA                          22,287.0      was                                                     until
               Not applicable                             2.10     several       /         /                      No         No
  Brazil                           8       consolidat                                               cancelle
                                           ed into the                                                  d
                                             of the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                                                joint and             Decemb
 ADAMA        January 22,                December
                                900                      900    several     /   /      er 31,    No      No
  Brazil         2022                     29, 2021
                                                                liability               2025

                                         s existed
                                         before the
 Adama                                   company                                        Valid
                                                                joint and
  India                                     was                                         until
             Not applicable   8,915.34                 3,684.38 several     /   /                No      No
 Private                                 consolidat                                   cancelle
   Ltd.                                  ed into the                                     d
                                           of the

                                         s existed
                                         before the
                                         company                                        Valid
  Tarm                                                          joint and
                                            was                                         until
Sanayi ve    Not applicable    7,150                   711.95   several     /   /                No      No
                                         consolidat                                   cancelle
  Ticaret                                                       liability
                                         ed into the                                     d
                                           of the

                                         s existed
                                         before the
                                         company                                        Valid
 Adama                                                          joint and
                                            was                                         until
Makhteshi    Not applicable unlimited                  50,440   several     /   /                No      No
                                         consolidat                                   cancelle
    m                                                           liability
                                         ed into the                                     d
                                           of the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2023

 Adama                                                          joint and
                                          May 3,                                        until
Makhteshi     April 25, 2023   7,875                      0     several     /   /                No      No
                                           2023                                       cancelle
    m                                                           liability

                                         s existed
                                         before the
                                         company                                        Valid
                                                                joint and
 Adama                                      was                                         until
              Not applicable unlimited                 29,570   several     /   /                No      No
  Agan                                   consolidat                                   cancelle
                                         ed into the                                     d
                                           of the

 ADAMA                                                                                  Valid
                                                                joint and
Agricultura    January 22,                January                                       until
                               423.58                  113.01   several     /   /                No      No
l Solutions       2022                    22, 2022                                    cancelle
 UK Ltd.                                                                                 d

 Curacao                                                                                Valid
                                                                joint and
branch, &     November 25,               November                                       until
                               4,500                      0     several     /   /                No      No
 ADAMA            2022                    24, 2022                                    cancelle
Fahrenheit                                                                               d

   BV,                                                                                  Valid
 Curacao                                                        joint and
               January 22,                January                                       until
branch, &                      7,000                   3,133.97 several     /   /                No      No
                  2022                    22, 2022                                    cancelle
 ADAMA                                                          liability

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023


                                           s existed
                                          before the
                                          company                                                Valid
 ADAMA                                                           joint and
                                                was                                              until
 Ukraine      Not applicable    3,000                     0       several     /         /                 No      No
                                          consolidat                                           cancelle
   LLC                                                            liability
                                          ed into the                                             d
                                            of the

                                           s existed

Makhteshi                                 before the

m Agan of                                 company                                                Valid
                                                                 joint and
                                                was                                              until
  North       Not applicable    4,000                   3,100     several     /         /                 No      No
                                          consolidat                                           cancelle
 Amercia                                                          liability
                                          ed into the                                             d
   Inc.                                    financial
                                            of the

   Total guarantee line                 7,875
                                                         Total amount of the guarantee in
 approved in favor of the        (approximately                                               92,405.41(approximately
                                                        favor of the subsidiaries occurred
 subsidiaries during the           RMB 541.15                                                   RMB 6,677.03 million)
                                                         during the reporting period (C2)
  reporting period (C1)              million)

                               (approximately RMB
Aggregated guarantee line
                               5,155.68 million) (the
that has been approved in                               Total guarantee balance in favor of
                                guarantee amount                                               92,405.41(approximately
 favor of the subsidiaries                              the subsidiaries by the end of the
                                    for Adama                                                   RMB 6,677.03 million)
by the end of the reporting                                     reporting period (C4)
                                 Makhteshim and
          period (C3)
                                  Adama Agan is

  Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023

  Total guarantee line
                                                     Total actual occurred amount of
  approved during the
                                 168,114.64           guarantee during the reporting                672,943.01
    reporting period
                                                           period (A2+B2+C2)

  Total guarantee line
that has been approved                             Total actual guarantee balance at the
    at the end of the             864,468.06           end of the reporting period                  700,143.01
    reporting period                                           (A4+B4+C4)


     Proportion of total guarantee amount
 (A4+B4+C4) to the net assets of the Company

                                                     Of which:

The balance of the guarantee provided in favor
   of the controlling shareholder and related                                     0

  Amount of debt guarantee provided for the                              USD 553.01 million
 guaranteed party whose asset-liability ratio is
  not less than 70% directly or indirectly (E)                   (approximately RMB 3,995.94 million)

The amount of the guarantee that exceeds 50%
               of the net assets

  Total amount of the above three guarantees                             USD 553.01 million

                    (D+E+F)                                      (approximately RMB 3,995.94 million)

 As for undue guarantee, liability to guarantee
 has happened or there is evidence that joint
 liquidated liability may be undertaken during
       this Reporting Period (if existing)

  Regulated procedures are violated to offer
             guarantee (if existing)

ADAMA Ltd.                                Semi-Annual Report 2023

3.   Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4.   Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

XIII. Other Significant Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None during the Reporting Period.

XIV. Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                             Section VII - Share Changes and Shareholders
I.        Changes in shares

1.        Changes in shares

                                                                                                                                                              Unit: share

                            Before the Change                                    Increase/Decrease (+/-)                            After the Change

                                                             Newly         Capitalization
                          Amount           Proportion        Issued          of Public    Other            Subtotal        Amount                      Proportion
                                                             Shares          Reserves

I. Restricted
                                   4,500        0.0002%         --     --         --          --                      --               4,500                   0.0002%

1.       State-owned
                                      --                --      --     --         --          --                      --                  --                           --

2.       State-owned
Legal         Person’s               0          0.00%          --     --         --          --                      --                   0                        0.00%

3. Shares Held by
Domestic                           4,500        0.0002%         --     --         --          --                      --               4,500                   0.0002%

 Among          which,
 Shares Held by
                                      0          0.00%          --     --         --          --                      --                   0                        0.00%
 Domestic        Legal

     Shares Held by
     Domestic Natural              4,500        0.0002%         --     --         --          --                      --               4,500                   0.0002%

II. Shares         not
                          2,329,807,266      99.9998%           --     --         --          --                      --      2,329,807,266                   99.9998%
      Subject        to

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2023

1.RMB      Ordinary
                       2,177,067,461   93.4439%   --   --   --   --   --   2,177,067,461             93.4439%

  Listed     Foreign    152,739,805    6.5559%    --   --   --   --   --    152,739,805               6.5559%

III. Total Shares      2,329,811,766   100.00%    --   --   --   --   --   2,329,811,766              100.00%

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2023

Reasons for the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The registered status for the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Status of share buyback
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Status of share buyback in the way of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to
common shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period.
□ Applicable √Not Applicable

Other contents that the Company considered necessary or is required by securities regulatory authorities
to disclose
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2.       Changes in Restricted Shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: share
     Shareholders     Restricted     Restricted      Shares        Restricted       Restriction    Date of
                     shares at the    shares        Released      shares at the      reasons       release
                      opening of     increased        from         end of the
                    the Reporting      in the      Restricted      Reporting
                        Period       Reporting    Sale During        Period
                                      Period      the Reporting
                                                                                    Shares held
                                                                                       by a
                                                                                                   after the
 Jiang Chenggang        4,500            0             0             4,500           supervisor
                                                                                     should be
                                                                                                   n of the
                                                                                     locked up.
 Total                  4,500            0             0             4,500               --           --

ADAMA Ltd.                                 Semi-Annual Report 2023

II.   Issuance and Listing of Securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

III.     Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings

                                                                                                                   Unit: share

 Total Number of Shareholders 42,447 (the number of ordinary A share Total Number of Preferred Stockholders with
 as of the End of the Reporting shareholders is 29,382; the number of B Vote Right Restored (if any) as of the End of     0
             Period             share shareholders is 13,065)                      the Reporting Period

                    Shareholding of Top 10 Common Shareholders or Those Holding More than 5% Shares

                                                                     Increase                                      Marked or
                                                                                        Number of   Number of
                                                        Number of      and                                          Frozen
                                                                                        Common       Common
                                              Holding Shareholding Decrease of                                      Shares
                                   Nature of                                           Shares Held Shares Held
       Number of Shareholder                  Percent at the End of   Shares
                                  Shareholder                                           Subject to Not Subject to Statu
                                              age (%) the Reporting during the
                                                                                         Trading      Trading      s of Amou
                                                          Period    Reporting
                                                                                       Moratorium Moratorium Shar        nt

Syngenta Group Co., Ltd.                          78.47% 1,828,137,961            0             0 1,828,137,961      --        0
                                  Legal Person

China Cinda Asset Management State-owned
                                                   1.34%     31,115,916           0             0     31,115,916     --        0
Co., Ltd.                    Legal Person

Wang Xiuqin                         Natural        0.31%      7,216,454   -1,271,261            0      7,216,454     --        0

Bosera Funds-China Merchants
Bank- Bosera Funds Xincheng
                                    Others         0.28%      6,500,000           0             0      6,500,000     --        0
No.2     Collective    Asset
Management Plan

Wu Feng                             Natural        0.26%      6,141,269     661,354             0      6,141,269     --        0

Bosera Funds-Postal Savings
Bank- Bosera Funds Xincheng
                                    Others         0.26%      6,000,000           0             0      6,000,000     --        0
No.3     Collective   Asset
Management Plan

Zhu Shenglan                        Natural        0.25%      5,756,000   1,766,000             0      5,756,000     --        0

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Overseas
                                                   0.22%      5,118,398   -5,487,682            0      5,118,398     --        0
Company Ltd. (HKSCC)         Legal Person

China     Universal     Asset
Management      Fund-Industrial
Bank-CUAM-Strategic                 Others         0.19%      4,400,000           0             0      4,400,000     --        0
Enhancement No.3 Collective
Asset Management Plan

Qichun    County     State-owned
Assets       Supervision     and State-owned       0.18%      4,169,266           0             0      4,169,266     --        0
Administration Bureau

Strategic Investors or the
General Legal Person Who
                                 Not Applicable
Become the Top 10 Common
Shareholders (if any) due to the

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2023

Placement of New Shares

                            Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. is neither a related party to any other shareholders listed above, nor any
Explanation on Associated acting-in-concert party as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed
Relationship or/and Persons Companies. It is unknown whether the other shareholders are related parties or acting-in-concert
                            parties as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Explanation on Situations of
Entrusted Voting Rights or
Waiver    of    Voting Rights Not Applicable
Involved     by    the Above

Explanation on the Existence of
Special Repurchase Accounts
                                Not applicable
among the Top 10 Shareholders
(if any)

                 Details of Shares Held by Top 10 Common Shareholders Not Subject to Trading Moratorium

                                                         Number of Common Shares                        Type of Shares
                                                         Held Not Subject to Trading
               Number of Shareholders
                                                         Moratorium at the End of the        Type of Shares            Amount

Syngenta Group Co., Ltd.                                           1,828,137,961           RMB Ordinary Share       1,828,137,961

China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd.                                31,115,916           RMB Ordinary Share          31,115,916

Wang Xiuqin                                                            7,216,454           RMB Ordinary Share            7,216,454

Bosera Funds-China Merchants Bank- Bosera Funds                                            RMB Ordinary Share
                                                                       6,500,000                                         6,500,000
Xincheng No.2 Collective Asset Management Plan

Wu Feng                                                                6,141,269           RMB Ordinary Share            6,141,269

Bosera Funds-Postal Savings Bank- Bosera Funds                                             RMB Ordinary Share
                                                                       6,000,000                                         6,000,000
Xincheng No.3 Collective Asset Management Plan

Zhu Shenglan                                                           5,756,000           RMB Ordinary Share            5,756,000

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd. (HKSCC)                     5,118,398           RMB Ordinary Share            5,118,398

China Universal Asset Management Fund-Industrial Bank-                                     RMB Ordinary Share
CUAM-Strategic Enhancement No.3 Collective Asset                       4,400,000                                         4,400,000
Management Plan

Qichun County State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                                                       4,169,266           RMB Ordinary Share            4,169,266
Administration Bureau

Explanation on associated relationship among the top     Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. is neither a related party to any other shareholders
ten common shareholders of tradable share not            listed above, nor any acting-in-concert party as prescribed in the
subject to trading moratorium, as well as among the      Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies. It is unknown
top ten common shareholders of tradable share not        whether the other shareholders are related parties or acting-in-concert
subject to trading moratorium and top ten                parties as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed
shareholders, or explanation on acting-in-concert        Companies.

                                                         Shareholder Wang Xiuqin held 7,216,454 shares of the Company through a
                                                         credit collateral securities trading account. Shareholder Wu Feng held
Particular about the top ten common shareholder          4,776,243 shares of the Company through a common securities account
participating in the securities lending and borrowing    and 1,365,026 shares of the Company through a credit collateral securities
business (if any)                                        trading account, altogether 6,141,269 shares. Shareholder Zhu Shenglan
                                                         held 5,756,000 shares of the Company through a credit collateral securities
                                                         trading account.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2023

Did any top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading
moratorium of the Company carry out a promissory buy-back in the Reporting Period?
□ Yes √ No
The top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading
moratorium of the Company had not carried out any agreed buy-back in the Reporting Period.

IV.   Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period. For details, see Annual Report 2022.

V.    Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the Reporting Period.

Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of the actual controller of the Company in the Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2023

                           Section VIII - Preferred stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no preferred stock during Reporting Period.

ADAMA Ltd.                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                  Section IX - Bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2023

                               Section X - Financial Report

I. Audit report

Was the half-year report audited?
□ Yes √ No
The half-year report was not audited.

II. Financial Statements

Notes to the financial statements are presented in RMB’000.

ADAMA Ltd.                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                            June 30            December 31
                                    Notes    2023                 2022
Current assets
Cash at bank and on hand             V.1         4,604,523           4,290,961
Financial assets held for trading    V.2             1,930               1,685
Derivative financial assets          V.3           192,141             233,809
Bills receivable                     V.4           107,296             112,297
Accounts receivable                  V.5         9,363,758           9,018,375
Receivables financing                V.6           125,292              63,639
Prepayments                          V.7           375,984             341,102
Other receivables                    V.8           870,122           1,021,824
Inventories                          V.9        16,667,957          16,927,241
Other current assets                 V.10        1,168,948           1,129,688
Total current assets                            33,477,951          33,140,621

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables                V.11           59,273              82,510
Long-term equity investments         V.12           29,272              26,368
Other equity investments             V.13          162,905             158,341
Investment properties                               22,963               3,168
Fixed assets                         V.14        9,476,560           8,952,184
Construction in progress             V.15        3,147,493           2,961,401
Right-of-use assets                  V.16          640,996             555,889
Intangible assets                    V.17        5,533,495           5,342,754
Goodwill                             V.18        5,100,028           4,805,157
Deferred tax assets                  V.19        1,759,583           1,347,263
Other non-current assets             V.20          491,383             604,833
Total non-current assets                        26,423,951          24,839,868

Total assets                                    59,901,902          57,980,489

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                          (Expressed in RMB '000)
Consolidated Balance Sheet (continued)

                                                                                June 30           December 31
                                                        Notes                    2023                2022

Current liabilities
Short-term loans                                         V.21                       6,341,677           3,342,921
Derivative financial liabilities                         V.22                         735,658             545,516
Bills payable                                            V.23                         497,344           1,114,775
Accounts payable                                         V.24                       5,944,976           7,527,269
Contract liabilities                                     V.25                       1,446,129           1,776,573
Employee benefits payable                                V.26                         856,181           1,370,786
Taxes payable                                            V.27                         575,271             459,574
Other payables                                           V.28                       2,489,597           1,611,282
Non-current liabilities due within one year              V.29                       2,591,835           2,262,131
Other current liabilities                                V.30                         749,821             703,794
Total current liabilities                                                          22,228,489          20,714,621

Non-current liabilities
Long-term loans                                          V.31                       3,276,454           3,662,870
Debentures payable                                       V.32                       7,433,065           7,353,511
Lease liabilities                                        V.33                         498,967             431,076
Long-term payables                                                                    108,886             107,686
Long-term employee benefits payable                      V.34                         762,792             792,153
Provisions                                               V.35                         297,238             222,181
Deferred tax liabilities                                 V.19                         332,560             315,861
Other non-current liabilities                            V.36                       1,318,941           1,255,875
Total non-current liabilities                                                      14,028,903          14,141,213

Total liabilities                                                                  36,257,392          34,855,834

Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                            V.37                       2,329,812           2,329,812
Capital reserve                                          V.38                      12,945,837          12,986,333
Less: Treasury shares                                                                       -                   -
Other comprehensive income                               V.39                       1,964,795           1,080,590
Special reserves                                                                       15,788              15,818
Surplus reserve                                          V.40                         242,498             242,498
Retained earnings                                        V.41                       6,145,780           6,469,604
Total equity attributed to the shareholders
of the company                                                                     23,644,510          23,124,655

Non-controlling interests                                                                   -                   -

Total Equity                                                                       23,644,510          23,124,655

Total liabilities and equity                                                       59,901,902          57,980,489

Steve Hawkins                                         Efrat Nagar
Legal representative                                  Chief Financial Officer

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on August 28 2023.

The notes form part of these financial statements.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Company's Balance Sheet

                                                       June 30           December 31
                                               Notes    2023                2022
 Current assets
 Cash at bank and on hand                      XV.1         124,556             271,080
 Accounts receivable                           XV.2       1,031,440             758,462
 Receivables financing                         XV.3          47,446               2,596
 Prepayments                                                 18,305               7,944
 Other receivables                             XV.4          11,611              11,611
 Inventories                                                175,209             256,001
 Non-current assets due within one year                     125,000             125,000
 Other current assets                                         1,415               2,312
 Total current assets                                     1,534,982           1,435,006

 Non-current assets
 Long-term equity investments                  XV.5      17,511,352          17,511,352
 Other equity investments                                    84,720              84,720
 Investment properties                                        2,893               3,168
 Fixed assets                                             1,777,912           1,822,134
 Construction in progress                                    71,832              90,074
 Right-of-use assets                                          1,665               2,842
 Intangible assets                                          255,294             258,997
 Deferred tax assets                                         55,004              75,383
 Other non-current assets                                   271,708             269,574
 Total non-current assets                                20,032,380          20,118,244

 Total assets                                            21,567,362          21,553,250

 Current liabilities
 Short-term loans                                            50,000              50,000
 Bills payables                                              10,676              42,451
 Accounts payables                                          185,854             205,767
 Contract liabilities                                        23,468              15,116
 Employee benefits payable                                    6,881              14,699
 Taxes payable                                                2,558               3,529
 Other payables                                             729,711             730,901
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                718,780             671,454
 Total current liabilities                                1,727,928           1,733,917

 Non-current liabilities
 Long-term loans                                            829,063             836,795
 Lease liabilities                                              184                 701
 Long-term employee benefits payable                         96,417              97,574
 Provisions                                                  27,326              28,516
 Other non-current liabilities                              374,360             374,360
 Total non-current liabilities                            1,327,350           1,337,946

 Total liabilities                                        3,055,278           3,071,863

 Shareholders’ equity
 Share capital                                 V.37       2,329,812           2,329,812
 Capital reserve                                         15,523,881          15,523,881
 Other comprehensive income                                  30,822              30,822
 Special reserves                                            16,479              16,509
 Surplus reserve                               V.40         242,498             242,498
 Retained earnings                                          368,592             337,865
 Total shareholders’ equity                             18,512,084          18,481,387
 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity             21,567,362          21,553,250

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                            Six months ended June 30
                                                                                    Notes   2023              2022

 I.     Operating income                                                            V.42    17,253,201         18,795,828
          Less:           Cost of sales                                             V.42    13,358,727         13,822,755
                          Taxes and surcharges                                      V.43        51,420             55,837
                          Selling and Distribution expenses                         V.44     2,161,199          2,159,089
                          General and administrative expenses                       V.45       461,146            642,313
                         Research and Development expenses                          V.46       262,378            274,738
                          Financial expenses (incomes)                              V.47       455,855          (438,224)
                                            Including: Interest expense                        565,782            326,788
                                                     Interest income                           134,254             53,960
          Add:           Investment income, net                                     V.48        10,090              4,706
                                Including: Income from investment
                                        in associates and joint ventures                         3,439              4,706
                         Loss from changes in fair value                            V.49     (782,218)        (1,341,717)
                          Credit impairment reversal (losses)                       V.50         8,490           (97,125)
                          Asset impairment losses                                   V.51     (105,887)           (85,346)
                          Gain from disposal of assets                              V.52        23,402             60,298
 II.     Operating profit                                                                    (343,647)            820,136

          Add:               Non-operating income                                               36,073            29,797
          Less:              Non-operating expenses                                             11,015            16,559
 III.    Total profit (loss)                                                                 (318,589)           833,374

          Less: Income tax expenses (income)                                        V.53      (76,433)           101,276

 IV.      Net profit (loss)                                                                  (242,156)           732,098
 (1).                 Classified by nature of operations
                   (1.1). Continuing operations                                              (242,156)           732,098
 (2).                 Classified by ownership
                   (2.1). Shareholders of the Company                                        (242,156)           732,098
                   (2.2). Non-controlling interests                                                                    -

 V.         Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                  V. 39     884,205            788,235
         Other comprehensive income (net of tax)
              attributable to shareholders of the Company                                     884,205            788,235
              (1) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:                       14,741              61,296
                   (1.1) Re-measurement of defined benefit plan liability                      14,741              61,296
                    (1.2) Fair Value changes in other equity investment                             -                   -
              (2) Items that were or will be reclassified to profit or loss                   869,464             726,939
                     (2.1) Effective portion of gains or loss of cash flow hedge               26,534            (60,863)
                    (2.2) Translation differences of foreign financial statements             842,930            787,802

 VI.     Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to
          Shareholders of the Company                                                         642,049           1,520,333
         Total comprehensive income for the period
                 attributable to shareholders of the Company                                  642,049           1,520,333
         Total comprehensive income for the period
                 attributable to Non-controlling interests                                           -                    -

 VII. Earnings per share                                                            XIV.2
 (1) Basic earnings (loss) per share (Yuan/share)                                               (0.10)                 0.31
 (2) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                                      N/A                  N/A

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Company's Income Statement

                                                                                         Six months ended June 30
                                                                                 Notes   2023               2022

 I.    Operating income                                                          XV.6     1,093,709          1,185,094
        Less:     Operating costs                                                XV.6       893,238            881,418
                  Taxes and surcharges                                                         4,292             3,003
                  Selling and Distribution expenses                                            2,744             2,178
                  General and administrative expenses                                         66,887            65,151
                  Research and Development expenses                                           16,129            38,042
                  Financial expenses                                                             755            25,075
                                      Including: Interest expense                             24,412            25,382
                                                 Interest income                               4,814             3,340
        Add:      Investment income, net                                                           -                 -
                  Gain from changes in fair value (losses)                                         -                 -
                 Credit impairment losses                                                         91             (141)
                 Asset Impairment reversal (losses)                                          (3,067)             3,142
                 Gain from disposal of assets                                                     17            59,654
 II.   Operating Profit                                                                     106,705            232,882

       Add:       Non-operating income                                                        7,815             13,082
       Less:     Non-operating expenses                                                         509                162
 III. Total profit                                                                          114,011            245,802

 Less:    Income tax expense                                                                 20,379                  -
 IV. Net profit                                                                              93,632            245,802

 V.    Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                     -                  -
 (1)        Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                                 -                  -
                        (1.1) Re-measurement of defined benefit plan liability                    -                  -
                        (1.2) FV changes in other equity investment                               -                  -
 VI.    Total comprehensive income for the period                                            93,632            245,802

     ADAMA Ltd.                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                             (Expressed in RMB '000)
     Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                      Six months ended June 30
                                                                            Notes     2023               2022
     I.    Cash flows from operating activities:
           Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                 17,397,575         16,427,981
           Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                 93,456            164,802
           Cash received relating to other operating activities            V.56(1)       201,011            304,088
           Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                        17,692,042         16,896,871

           Cash paid for goods and services                                           13,362,264         13,683,974
           Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                     2,464,353          2,329,629
           Payments of taxes and surcharges                                              388,247            494,626
           Cash paid relating to other operating activities                V.56(2)     1,542,054          1,734,503
           Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                       17,756,918         18,242,732

           Net cash flows from operating activities                        V.57(1)a      (64,876)        (1,345,861)

     II.   Cash flows from investing activities:
           Cash received from disposal of investments                                    158,498                 5,887
           Cash received from returns of investments                                       1,710                 1,588
           Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
           assets and other long-term assets                                              30,688             70,264
           Cash received relating to other investing activities            V.56(3)        16,643                  -
           Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                           207,539             77,739

           Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
           other long-term assets                                                      1,178,443          1,291,889
            Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                       1,745                  -
           Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries or other business units                 148,460                  -
           Cash paid relating to other investing activities                V.56(4)             -             64,719
           Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                        1,328,648          1,356,608

           Net cash flows used in investing activities                                (1,121,109)        (1,278,869)

     III. Cash flows from financing activities:
           Cash received from borrowings                                               2,711,547          2,435,083
           Cash received from other financing activities                   V.56(5)     1,428,302             11,012
           Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                         4,139,849          2,446,095

           Cash repayments of borrowings                                               1,599,428          1,163,615
           Cash payment for dividends, profit distributions and interest                 584,774            431,993
              Including: Dividends paid to non-controlling interest                       18,763             39,074
           Cash paid relating to other financing activities                V.56(6)       554,624            944,580
           Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                        2,738,826          2,540,188

           Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities                    1,401,023           (94,093)

     IV.   Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
           equivalents                                                                   130,246            150,085

     V.  Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents              V.57(1)b      345,284         (2,568,738)
         Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                   4,225,253           5,759,480
I.   VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                V.57(2)     4,570,537           3,190,742

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Company's Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                Six months ended June 30
                                                                                      Notes     2023               2022
I.    Cash flows from operating activities:
      Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                                   621,379            786,908
      Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                                28,662             51,548
      Cash received relating to other operating activities                           XV.7(1)        25,659             23,102
      Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                          675,700            861,558

      Cash paid for goods and services                                                             551,879            653,912
      Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                       68,837             70,273
      Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                               6,605              3,899
      Cash paid relating to other operating activities                               XV.7(2)       112,039             70,927
      Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                         739,360            799,011

      Net cash flows from operating activities                                        XV.8         (63,660)                62,547

II.   Cash flows from investing activities:
      Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
      long-term assets                                                                                  17             66,420
      Cash received relating to other investing activities                           XV.7.(3)        2,850            150,000
      Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                            2,867            216,420

      Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
      other long-term assets                                                                        36,808             50,383
      Cash paid for other investing activities                                       XV.7.(4)            -            250,000
      Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                          36,808            300,383

      Net cash flows used in investing activities                                                  (33,941)           (83,963)

III. Cash flows from financing activities:
      Cash received from borrowings                                                                450,000            650,000
      Cash received relating to other financing activities                           XV.7.(5)       12,750              6,124
      Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                          462,750            656,124

      Cash repayments of borrowings                                                                409,732            553,732
      Cash payment for dividends, profit distributions or interest                                  87,684             45,228
      Cash paid relating to other financing activities                               XV.7.(6)        3,837             18,741
      Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                         501,253            617,701

      Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities                                     (38,503)                38,423

IV. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                             (880)                   60

V.   Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                    (136,984)            17,067
     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                     XV.8(2)        258,330           259,434
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                               XV.8(2)        121,346           276,501

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                                                                                             (Expressed in RMB '000)
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

For the six months ended June 30, 2023

                                          Share          Capital       comprehensive   Special        Surplus       Retained                    Non-controlling
                                          capital        reserve          income       reserves       reserve       earnings      Total            interests          Total equity

I. Balance at December 31, 2022           2,329,812     12,986,333         1,080,590      15,818      242,498        6,469,604    23,124,655                      -       23,124,655

II. Changes in equity for the period                -     (40,496)           884,205        (30)                -     (323,824)      519,855                      -         519,855
1. Total comprehensive income (loss)                -            -           884,205           -                -     (242,156)      642,049                      -         642,049
2. Owner’s contributions and reduction             -     (40,496)                 -           -                -             -      (40,496)                     -         (40,496)
    2.1 Transactions with holders of                -     (40,496)                 -           -                -             -      (40,496)                     -         (40,496)
    non controlling interest
3. Appropriation of profits                         -              -               -              -             -      (81,668)      (81,668)                     -         (81,668)
    3.1 Distribution to owners                      -              -               -              -             -      (62,905)      (62,905)                     -         (62,905)
    3.2 Distribution to non-controlling             -              -               -              -             -      (18,763)      (18,763)                     -         (18,763)
4. Special reserve                                -              -                 -        (30)            -                -           (30)                     -              (30)
    4.1 Transfer to special reserve               -              -                 -       5,010            -                -          5,010                     -             5,010
    4.2 Amount utilized                           -              -                 -     (5,040)            -                -        (5,040)                     -           (5,040)
III. Balance at June 30, 2023             2,329,812     12,945,837         1,964,795      15,788      242,498        6,145,780    23,644,510                      -       23,644,510

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

For the six months ended June 30, 2022

                                        Share        Capital       comprehensiv    Special        Surplus       Retained                    Non-controlling
                                        capital      reserve         e income      reserves       reserve       earnings      Total            interests      Total equity

I. Balance at December 31, 2021        2,329,812    12,977,171         (432,384)     19,857        240,162       5,940,465    21,075,083                  -         21,075,083

II. Changes in equity for the period            -              -        788,235     (1,034)                 -      674,386     1,461,587                  -          1,461,587
1. Total comprehensive income                   -              -        788,235           -                 -      732,098     1,520,333                  -          1,520,333
2. Owner’s contributions and reduction         -              -              -           -                 -            -             -                  -                  -
    2.1 Cancellation of shares                  -              -              -           -                 -            -             -                  -                  -
    2.2 Non-controlling interests in            -              -              -           -                 -            -             -                  -                  -
    respect of business combination
3. Appropriation of profits                     -              -               -              -             -      (57,712)      (57,712)                 -            (57,712)
    3.1 Distribution to owners                  -              -               -              -             -      (18,638)      (18,638)                 -            (18,638)
    3.2 Distribution to non-                    -              -               -              -             -      (39,074)      (39,074)                 -            (39,074)
    controlling interest
4. Special reserve                              -            -                -     (1,034)              -               -        (1,034)                 -             (1,034)
    4.1 Transfer to special reserve             -            -                -       3,507              -               -          3,507                 -               3,507
    4.2 Amount utilized                         -            -                -     (4,541)              -               -        (4,541)                 -             (4,541)
III. Balance at June 30, 2022           2,329,812   12,977,171          355,851      18,823        240,162       6,614,851    22,536,670                  -         22,536,670

      ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2023
                                                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
      Company's Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

      For the six months ended June 30, 2023

                                                Share       Capital       comprehensive       Special     Surplus    Retained
                                                capital     reserve          income           reserves    reserve    earnings       Total

I.     Balance at December 31, 2022             2,329,812   15,523,881            30,822        16,509     242,498      337,865   18,481,387
II. Changes in equity for the period                    -             -                -          (30)           -       30,727        30,697
1.     Total comprehensive income                       -             -                -              -          -       93,632        93,632
2.     Appropriation of profits                         -             -                   -           -          -     (62,905)     (62,905)
   2.1 Transfer to Distribution to shareholders         -             -                   -           -          -     (62,905)     (62,905)
3.     Special reserve                                  -             -                   -        (30)          -            -          (30)
   3.1 Transfer to special reserve                      -             -                   -       5,010          -            -         5,010
   3.2 Amount utilized                                  -             -                   -     (5,040)          -            -       (5,040)
Ⅲ. Balance at June 30, 2023                    2,329,812   15,523,881            30,822         16,479    242,498      368,592   18,512,084

      For the six months ended June 30, 2022

                                                Share       Capital       comprehensive       Special     Surplus    Retained
                                                capital     reserve          income           reserves    reserve    earnings       Total

I.     Balance at December 31, 2021             2,329,812   15,523,881            30,668         20,548    240,162      335,485   18,480,556
II. Changes in equity for the period                    -            -                 -        (1,034)          -      227,164      226,130
1.     Total comprehensive income                       -            -                 -              -          -      245,802      245,802
2.     Appropriation of profits                         -            -                 -              -          -     (18,638)     (18,638)
   2.1 Transfer to Distribution to shareholders         -            -                 -              -          -     (18,638)     (18,638)
3.     Special reserve                                  -            -                 -        (1,034)          -            -       (1,034)
   3.1 Transfer to special reserve                      -            -                 -          3,507          -            -         3,507
   3.2 Amount utilized                                  -            -                 -        (4,541)          -            -       (4,541)
Ⅲ. Balance at June 30, 2022                    2,329,812   15,523,881            30,668         19,514    240,162      562,649   18,706,686

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


         ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter the “Company” or the “Group”) is a company limited by shares established in
         China with its head office located in Hubei Jingzhou.

         In June 2020, the controlling shareholder of the Company changed from China National Agrochemical Co,.
         Ltd. (hereinafter – “CNAC") to Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Syngenta Group”). As of August
         2021, following the combination between China National Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter - “ChemChina”)
         and Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter - “Sinochem Holdings”), Syngenta Group, and
         subsequently the Company, are ultimately controlled by Sinochem Holdings - parent of both ChemChina
         and Sinochem Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Sinochem Holdings”), subordinated to SASAC.

         The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”) are engaged
         in development, manufacturing and marketing of agrochemicals, intermediate materials for other industries,
         food additives and synthetic aromatic products, mainly for export. For information about the largest
         subsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VII.

         The Company’s consolidated financial statements had been approved by the Board of Directors of the
         Company on August 28, 2023.

         Details of the scope of consolidated financial statements are set out in Note VII "Interest in other entities",
         whereas the changes of the scope of consolidation are set out in Note VI "Changes in consolidation scope".


 1.      Basis of preparation

         The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance
         (the "MoF"). In addition, the Group has disclosed relevant financial information in these financial statements
         in accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Offering Securities to the
         Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (revised by China Securities Regulatory
         Commission (hereinafter "CSRC”) in 2014).

 2.      Accrual basis and measurement principle

         The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instruments which are
         measured at fair value, deferred tax assets and liabilities, assets and liabilities relating to employee benefits,
         provisions, and investments in associated companies and joint ventures, the Group adopts the historical cost
         as the principle of measurement in the financial statements. Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset
         impairment are made in accordance with relevant requirements.

         In the historical cost measurement, assets obtained shall be measured at the amount of cash or cash
         equivalents or fair value of the consideration paid. Liabilities shall be measured at the actual amount of cash
         or assets received, or the contractual amount in a present obligation, or the prospective amount of cash or
         cash equivalents paid to discharge the liabilities.

         Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable,
         willing market participants in an arm’s length transaction at the measurement date. Fair value measured and
         disclosed in the financial statements are determined on this basis whether it is observable or estimated by
         valuation techniques.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

 II      BASIS OF PREPARATION - (cont’d)

 2.     Accrual basis and measurement principle - (cont’d)

         The following table provides an analysis, grouped into Levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair
         value input is observable and significant to the fair value measurement as a whole:

         Level 1 - based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets;

         Level 2 - based on valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value
                   measurement is observable (other than quoted prices included within Level 1), either directly or

         Level 3 - based on valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value
                   measurement is unobservable.

 3.      Going concern

         The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.

         The Group has performed going concern assessment for the following 12 months from June 30,2023 and
         have not identified any significant doubtful matter or event on the going concern, as such the financial
         statement have been prepared on the going concern basis.


 1.     Statement of compliance

         These financial statements are in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to truly
         and completely reflect the Company's consolidated financial position as at June 30, 2023 and the Company's
         consolidated operating results, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows for the six months then ended.

 2.     Accounting period

         The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December.

 3.     Business cycle

         The company takes the period from the acquisition of assets for processing to their realisation in cash or cash
         equivalents as a normal operating cycle. The operating cycle for the company is 12 months.

 4.     Reporting currency

         The Company and its domestic subsidiaries choose Renminbi (hereinafter "RMB") as their functional
         currency. Functional currencies of overseas subsidiaries are determined on the basis of the principal
         economic environment in which the overseas subsidiaries operate. The functional currency of the overseas
         subsidiaries is mainly the United States Dollar (hereinafter "USD"). The presentation currency of these
         financial statements is Renminbi.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 5.     Business combinations

 5.1     Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

         A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all
         of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the
         combination, and that control is not transitory. Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their
         respective carrying amounts as recorded by the combining entities at the date of the combination. The
         difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the
         consideration paid for the combination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share
         premium is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.
         Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they
         are incurred.

 5.2     Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill.

         A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which
         all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after
         the combination.

         The costs of business combination are the fair value of the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and
         equity instruments issued by the acquirer for the purpose of achieving the control rights over the acquiree.

         The intermediary costs such as audit, legal services and assessment consulting costs and other related
         management costs that are directly attributable to the combination by the acquirer are charged to profit or
         loss in the period in which they are incurred. Direct capital issuance costs incurred in respect of equity
         instruments or liabilities issued pursuant to the business combination should be charged to the respect equity
         instruments or liabilities upon initial recognition of the underlying equity instruments or liabilities.

         The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired by the acquirer in a business
         combination, that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where
         the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net
         assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is measured at cost on initial
         recognition. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
         acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the remaining difference is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the
         current year.

         The goodwill raised because of the business combination should be separately disclosed in the consolidated
         financial statement and measured by the initial amount less any accumulative impairment provision.

         In a business combination achieved in stages, the Group remeasure its previously held equity interest in the
         acquiree at its acquisition-date fair value and recognise the resulting gain or loss, if any, in profit or loss.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 6.     Basis for preparation of consolidated financial statements

         The scope of consolidation in consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. Control
         is achieved when the Company has power over the investee; is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns
         from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power to affect its returns.

         For a subsidiary disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before the date of disposal
         (the date when control is lost) are included in consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of
         cash flows.

         For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control,
         the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when control is obtained) are included
         in consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows.

         For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, it
         will be fully consolidated into consolidated financial statements from the date on which the subsidiary was
         ultimately under common control by the same party or parties.

         The significant accounting policies and accounting years adopted by the subsidiaries are determined based
         on the uniform accounting policies and accounting years set out by the Company.

         All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealized profits are eliminated on consolidation.

         The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the Company is treated as non-controlling
         interests and presented as "non-controlling interests" in the shareholders’ equity in consolidated balance
         sheet. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributable to non-controlling
         interests is presented as "non-controlling interests" in consolidated income statement below the "net profit"
         line item. Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling shareholders is presented separately
         in the consolidated income statement below the total comprehensive income line item.

         When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the non-controlling shareholders of a subsidiary
         exceeds the non-controlling shareholders' portion of the opening balance of owners' equity of the subsidiary,
         the excess amount is still allocated against non-controlling interests.

         Acquisition of non-controlling interests or disposal of equity interest in a subsidiary that does not result in
         the loss of control over the subsidiary is accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts of the
         Company's interests and non-controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests
         in the subsidiary. The difference between the amount by which the non-controlling interests are adjusted and
         the fair value of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to capital reserve under owners' equity. If the
         capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess is adjusted against retained earnings.
         Other comprehensive income attributed to the non-controlling interest is reattributed to the shareholders of
         the company.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 6.      Basis for preparation of consolidated financial statements - (cont’d)

         A put option issued by the Group to holders of non-controlling interests that is settled in cash or other
         financial instrument is recognized as a liability at the present value of the exercise price (according to the
         "anticipated acquisition method"). The Group’s share of a subsidiary’s profits includes the share of the
         holders of the non-controlling interests to which the Group issued a put option.

         In cases which the Group has a Call option in addition to the Put option above, due to the anticipated
         acquisition method implementation no value is given to the Call option in the consolidated financial

         When the Group loses control over a subsidiary due to disposal of certain equity interest or other reasons,
         any retained interest is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. The difference between
         (i) the aggregate of the consideration received on disposal and the fair value of any retained interest and (ii)
         the share of the former subsidiary's net assets cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date according to
         the original proportion of ownership interest is recognized as investment income in the period in which
         control is lost. Other comprehensive income associated with the disposed subsidiary is reclassified to
         investment income in the period in which control is lost.

 7.      Classification and accounting methods of joint arrangement

         Joint arrangement involves by two or more parties jointly control. Joint control is the contractually agreed
         sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating
         decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control (the ventures).

         The Group makes the classification of the joint arrangements according to the rights and obligations in the
         joint arrangements to either joint operations or joint ventures.

         A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have
         rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement. Joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.

 8.      Cash and cash equivalents

         Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents are
         the Group's short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and
         which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 9.      Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

 9.1     Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

         On initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into functional currency using the spot
         exchange rate prevailing at the date of transaction.

         At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into functional currency using the
         spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the differences between the
         spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and those on initial recognition or at the previous
         balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for the period, except that (i) exchange differences related
         to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency that qualify for capitalization are
         capitalized as part of the cost of the qualifying asset during the capitalization period. (ii) exchange differences
         related to hedging instruments for the purpose of hedging against foreign currency risks are accounted for
         using hedge accounting.

         When preparing financial statements involving foreign operations, if there is any foreign currency monetary
         items, which in substance forms part of the net investment in the foreign operations, exchange differences
         arising from the changes of foreign currency are recorded as other comprehensive income, and will be
         reclassified to profit or loss upon disposal of the foreign operations.

         Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated to the amounts in functional
         currency at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions and the amounts in functional currency
         remain unchanged.

 9.2     Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currency

         For the purpose of preparing consolidated financial statements, financial statements of a foreign operation
         are translated from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method: assets and liabilities on the
         balance sheet are translated at spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; shareholders' equity
         items, except for retained earnings, are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items
         arose; all items in the income statement as well as items reflecting the distribution of profits are translated at
         average rate or at spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions; the retained earnings opening balance
         is previous year's translated retained earnings closing balance; the closing balance of retained earnings is
         calculated and presented on the basis of each translated income statement and profit distribution item. The
         difference between the translated assets and the aggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity items is
         recorded as other comprehensive income. Cash Flows arising from transaction in foreign currency and the
         cash flows of a foreign subsidiary are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date of the cash flow, the
         effect of exchange rate changes on the cash and cash equivalents is regarded as a reconciling item and present
         separately in the statement “effect of foreign exchange rate changes on the cash and cash equivalents".

         The opening balances and the comparative figures of prior year are presented at the translated amounts in
         the prior year's financial statements.

         On disposal of the Group's entire equity interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over a
         foreign operation due to disposal of certain equity interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers the
         accumulated translation differences, which are attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and
         presented under other comprehensive income to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.

                                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 9.         Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies - (cont’d)

 9.2        Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currency - (cont’d)

            In case of a disposal or other reason that does not result in the Group losing control over a foreign operation,
            the proportionate share of accumulated translation differences are re-attributed to non-controlling interests
            and are not recognized in profit and loss. For partial disposals of equity interest in foreign operations, which
            are associates or joint ventures, the proportionate share of the accumulated translation differences are
            reclassified to profit or loss.

 10.        Financial instruments

            The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to the contractual
            provisions of the instrument. At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset or financial liability
            at its fair value plus or minus (which is not measured at fair value through profit or loss) transaction costs
            that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability. Initial
            recognition in trade receivables which do not contain a significant financing component, shall be made
            according to their transaction price.

 10.1       Classification and measurement of financial assets

            After initial recognition, an entity shall measure a financial asset at: (a) amortised cost; (b) fair value through
            other comprehensive income (“FVTOCI”); or (c) fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”).

 10.1.1      Financial assets at amortised cost

            A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if both of the following conditions are met: (a) the financial
            asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual
            cash flows; and (b) the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that
            are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

            Such financial assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost, using effective interest method. Gains or
            losses upon impairment and derecognition are recognized in profit or loss.         Effective interest method and amortised cost

            Effective interest method represents the method for calculating the amortized costs and interest income or
            expense of each period in accordance with the effective interest rate of financial assets or financial liabilities
            (inclusive of a set of financial assets or financial liabilities). Effective interest rate represents the rate that
            discounts the future cash flow over the expected subsisting period or shorter period, if appropriate, of the
            financial asset or financial liability to the current carrying value of such financial asset or financial liability.

            When calculating the effective interest rate, the Group will consider the anticipated future cash flow (not
            considering the future credit loss) on the basis of all contract clauses of financial assets or financial liabilities,
            as well as consider all kinds of charges which are an integral part of the effective interest rate, including
            transaction fees and discount or premium paid or received between both parties of financial asset or financial
            liability contract.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 10.      Financial instruments - (cont’d)

 10.1     Classification and measurement of financial assets - (cont’d)

 10.1.2    Financial assets at FVTOCI

          A financial asset is measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if both of the following
          conditions are met: (a) the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by
          both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and (b) the contractual terms of the
          financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on
          the principal amount outstanding.

          A gain or loss on a financial asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income is recognized
          in other comprehensive income, except for impairment gains or losses, foreign exchange gains and losses
          and interest calculated using the effective interest method, until the financial asset is derecognized or
          reclassified. When the financial asset is derecognized the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in
          other comprehensive income is reclassified from equity to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment.

 10.1.3    Financial assets at FVTPL

          Financial assets at FVTPL are either those that are classified as financial assets at FVTPL or designated as
          financial assets at FVTPL.

          A financial asset is measured at FVTPL unless it is measured at amortised cost or at FVTOCI.

          The Group may, at initial recognition, irrevocably designate a financial asset as measured at FVTPL if doing
          so eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency (sometimes referred to as
          an ‘accounting mismatch’) that would otherwise arise from measuring assets or liabilities or recognizing the
          gains and losses on them on different bases.

          A gain or loss on a financial asset that is measured at FVTPL is recognized in profit or loss unless it is part
          of a hedging relationship. Dividends are recognized in profit or loss.

 10.1.4    Designated financial assets at FVTOCI

          At initial recognition, the Group makes an irrevocable election to designate to FVTOCI an investment in an
          equity instrument that is not held for trading.

          When a non-trading equity instrument investment is designated as a financial asset that is measured at fair
          value through other comprehensive income, the changes in the fair value of the financial asset are recognised
          in other comprehensive income. Upon realization the accumulated gains or losses from other comprehensive
          income are transferred from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings. During the
          period in which the Group holds these non-trading investment instruments, the right to receive dividends in
          the Group has been established, and the economic benefits related to dividends are likely to flow into the
          Group, and when the amount of dividends can be reliably measured, the dividend income is recognized in
          the current profit and loss.

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 10.      Financial instruments - (cont’d)

 10.2     Impairment of financial assets

          The Group recognizes a loss allowance for expected credit losses on financial assets that are classified to
          amortised cost and FVTOCI.

          The Group always measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses for
          trade receivables.

          For financial assets other than trade receivables, the Group initially measure the loss allowance for that
          financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses. At each balance sheet date, if
          the credit risk on that financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group
          measures the loss allowance for a financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit
          losses. The Group recognizes in profit or loss, as an impairment gain or loss, the amount of expected credit
          losses (or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss allowance to the amount that is required to be recognized.

 10.2.1    Significant increases in credit risk

           At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has
           increased significantly since initial recognition.

           The Group mainly considers the following list of information in assessing changes in credit risk:

           (a)    significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in credit risk since
           (b)    significant changes in external market indicators of credit risk for a particular financial instrument
                  or similar financial instruments with the same expected life.
           (c)    a significant change in the debtors’ ability to meet its debt obligations.
           (d)    an actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the debtor.
           (e)    significant increases in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same debtor.
           (f)    an actual or expected significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological
                  environment of the debtor.
           (g)    significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality of third-
                  party guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the debtor’s economic
                  incentive to make scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise have an effect on the probability
                  of a default occurring.
           (h)    significant changes that are expected to reduce the receivable’s economic incentive to make
                  scheduled contractual payments.
           (i)    significant changes in the expected performance and behaviour of the debtor.
           (j)    past due information.

           The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial
           recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk at the reporting date.

                                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 10.      Financial instruments - (cont’d)

 10.2     Impairment of financial assets - (cont’d)

 10.2.2    Credit-impaired financial asset

           A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated
           future cash flows of that financial asset have occurred. Evidence that a financial asset is credit-impaired
           include observable data about the following events:
           (a)    significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the receivable;
           (b)    a breach of contract, such as a default or past due event;
           (c)    the lender(s) of the receivable, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the receivable’s
                  financial difficulty, having granted to the receivable a concession(s) that the lender(s) would not
                  otherwise consider;
           (d)    it is becoming probable that the receivable will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

 10.2.3    Recognition of expected credit losses

           For the purpose of determining significant increases in credit risk and recognizing a loss allowance on a
           collective basis, financial instruments are grouped on the basis of shared credit risk. Examples of shared
           credit risk characteristics may include, but are not limited to, the:(a) instrument type; (b) credit risk ratings;
           (c) collateral type; (d) industry; (e) geographical location of the debtor; and (f) the value of collateral
           relative to the financial asset if it has an impact on the probability of a default occurring.

           Expected credit losses of financial instruments are determined as the present value of the difference
           between: (a) the contractual cash flows that are due to an entity under the contract; and (b) the cash flows
           that the entity expects to receive.

           For a financial asset that is credit-impaired at the reporting date, an entity shall measure the expected credit
           losses as the difference between the asset’s gross carrying amount and the present value of estimated future
           cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. Any adjustment is recognized
           in profit or loss as an impairment gain or loss.

           The Group measures expected credit losses of a financial instrument in a way that reflects:
           (a)    an unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible
           (b)    the time value of money; and
           (c)    reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort at the reporting
                  date about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

                                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 10.      Financial instruments - (cont’d)

 10.2     Impairment of financial assets - (cont’d)

 10.2.4    Written-off of financial assets

           The Group directly reduces the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when the entity has no reasonable
           expectations of recovering a financial asset in its entirety or a portion thereof. A write-off constitutes a
           derecognition event.

 10.3     Transfer of financial asset

          The Group derecognizes a financial asset if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) the contractual
          rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or (ii) the financial asset has been transferred and
          substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset transferred to the transferee; or (iii)
          although the financial asset has been transferred, the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the
          risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset but has not retained control of the financial asset.

          If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a financial
          asset, and it retains control of the financial asset, it recognizes the financial asset to the extent of its continuing
          involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated liability. The extent of the
          Group’s continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to which it is exposed to changes in the
          value of the transferred asset.

          When the company is derecognizing a financial asset in its entirety, except for equity instrument designated
          to FVTOCI, the difference between (i) the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred; and (ii) the sum
          of the consideration received from the transfer is recognized in profit or loss.

 10.4     Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

          Debt and equity instruments are classified as either financial liabilities or as equity in accordance with the
          substance of the contractual arrangements and the definitions of a financial liability and an equity instrument.

          All financial liabilities are subsequently measured at FVTPL or other financial liabilities.

          Financial liabilities are classified as at FVTPL when the financial liability is (i) held for trading or (ii) it is
          designated as at FVTPL. The financial liability other than derivative financial liabilities are stated as
          liabilities held for trading.

          Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost by using effective interest method.
          Gain or loss arising from derecognition or amortization is recognized in current profit or loss.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 10.     Financial instruments - (cont’d)

 10.5   Derecognition of financial liabilities

         Financial liabilities are derecognized in full or in part only when the present obligation is discharged in full
         or in part. An agreement entered into force between the Group (debtor) and a creditor to replace the original
         financial liabilities with new financial liabilities with substantially different terms, derecognize the original
         financial liabilities as well as recognize the new financial liabilities. When financial liabilities is
         derecognized in full or in part, the difference between the carrying amount of the financial liabilities
         derecognized and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is
         recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

 10.6   Derivatives

         Derivative financial instruments include forward exchange contracts, currency swaps and foreign exchange
         options, etc. Derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date when the derivative contracts are
         entered into and are subsequently re-measured at fair value. The resulting gain or loss is recognized in profit
         or loss unless the derivative is designated and highly effective as a hedging instrument, in which case the
         timing of the recognition in profit or loss depends on the nature of the hedge relationship (Note III 28.1).

 10.7   Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

         Financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not be
         offset, except for circumstances where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to offset the
         recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize
         the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability
         shall be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet.

 10.8   Equity instruments

         The consideration received from the issuance of equity instruments net of transaction costs is recognized in
         shareholders’ equity. Consideration and transaction costs paid by the Company for repurchasing self-issued
         equity instruments are deducted from shareholders’ equity.

         When the Company repurchases its own shares, those shares are treated as treasury shares. All expenditures
         relating to the repurchase are recorded in the cost of the treasury shares, with the transaction entering into
         the share capital. Treasury shares are excluded from profit distributions and are stated as a deduction under
         shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 11.     Receivables

         Receivables are assessed for impairment on a collective group and/or on an individual basis as follows:

         Expected credit losses in respect of a receivables is measured at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit
         losses. The assessment is made collectively for account receivables, where receivables share similar credit
         risk characteristics based on geographical location, using the expected credit losses model including inter-
         alia aging analysis, historical loss experiences adjusted by the observable factors reflecting current and
         expected future economic conditions. The ratio of the account receivables collective provision for expected
         credit losses in which credit losses has not occurred is between 0%-4.36%.

         When credit risk on a receivable has increased significantly since initial recognition, the group records
         specific provision or collective provision, which is determined for groups of similar assets in countries in
         which there are large number of customers with immaterial balances.

         In assessing whether the credit risk on a receivable has increased significantly since initial recognition, the
         Group compares the risk of a default occurring on the receivable at the reporting date with the risk of a
         default occurring on the receivable at the date of initial recognition and considers both quantitative and
         qualitative information that is reasonable and supportable, including observable data that comes to the
         attention of the Group about loss events such as a significant decline in the solvency of an individual debtor
         or the portfolio of debtors, and significant changes in the financial condition that have an adverse effect on
         the debtor.

 12.     Inventories

 12.1    Categories of inventories and initial measurement

         The Group's inventories mainly include raw materials, work in progress, semi-finished goods, finished goods
         and reusable materials. Reusable materials include low-value consumables, packaging materials and other
         materials, which can be used repeatedly but do not meet the definition of fixed assets.

         Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of
         conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
         including direct labor costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads.

 12.2    Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

         The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average method.

 12.3    Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value of

         At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If the net
         realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of inventories is made. Net
         realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of
         completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 12.     Inventories - (cont’d)

         After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously caused
         inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value of inventories is
         higher than their carrying amount, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is
         included in profit or loss for the period.

 12.4    The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

 13.     Long-term equity investments

         Long-term equity investments include investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.

         Subsidiaries are the companies that are controlled by the Company. Associates are the companies over which
         the Group has significant influence. Joint ventures are joint arrangements over which the Group has joint
         control along with other investors and has rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement.

         The Company accounts for the investment in subsidiaries at historical cost in the Company's financial
         statements. Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for under equity method.

 13.1    Determination of investment cost

         For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under
         common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the share of the carrying amount
         of the shareholders' equity of the acquiree attributable to the ultimate controlling party at the date of
         combination. The difference between initial investment cost and cash paid, non-cash assets transferred and
         book value of liabilities assumed, is adjusted in capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not
         sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

         For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving enterprises under
         common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the cost of acquisition. For a
         business combination not involving enterprises under common control achieved in stages that involves
         multiple exchange transactions, the initial investment cost is carried at the aggregate of the carrying amount
         of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree and the new investment cost incurred on the
         acquisition date.

         Regarding the long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than through a business combination, if the
         long-term equity investment is acquired by cash, the historical cost is determined based on the amount of
         cash paid and payable; if the long-term equity investment is acquired through the issuance of equity
         instruments, the historical cost is determined based on the fair value of the equity instruments issued.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 13.     Long-term equity investments - (cont’d)

 13.2    Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

         If the long-term equity investment is accounted for at cost, it should be measured at historical cost less
         accumulated impairment losses. Dividend declared by the investee should be accounted for as investment

         Under the equity method, where the long-term equity investment initial investment cost exceeds the Group’s
         share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment is
         made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the
         fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference is recognized in
         profit or loss for the period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

         Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and other comprehensive
         income of the investee for the period as investment income or loss and other comprehensive income for the
         period. The Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value of the
         investee’s individual separately identifiable assets, etc. at the acquisition date after making appropriate
         adjustments to be confirmed with the Group's accounting policies and accounting period. The Group
         discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying amount of the long-term
         equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of its net investment in
         the investee is reduced to zero. If the Group has incurred obligations to assume additional losses of the
         investee, a provision is recognized according to the expected obligation, and recorded as investment loss for
         the period.

 13.3    Basis for determining control, joint control and significant influence over investee

         Control is achieved when the Company has power over the investee; is exposed, or has rights, to variable
         returns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power to affect its returns.

         Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when
         the strategic financial and operating policy decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent
         of the parties sharing control.

         Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
         but is not control or joint control over those policies.

         When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence over
         an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee (for example, warrants and convertible debts)
         held by the investing enterprises or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be

 13.4    Methods of impairment assessment and determining the provision for impairment loss

         If the recoverable amounts of the investments to subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are less than their
         carrying amounts, an impairment loss should be recognized to reduce the carrying amounts to the recoverable
         amounts (Note III 20).

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 13.     Long-term equity investments - (cont’d)

 13.5    The disposal of long-term equity investment

         On disposal of a long term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and
         receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

 14.     Investment properties

         Investment property refers to real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or both, including
         leased land use rights, land use rights held and provided for transferring after appreciation and leased
         constructions, etc.

         Investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment property
         shall be included in cost of investment property only when the economic benefits associated with the asset
         will likely flow to the Group and its cost can be measured reliably. All other subsequent expenditures on
         investment property shall be included in profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

         The Group adopts cost method for subsequent measurement of investment property, which is depreciated or
         amortized using the same policy as that for buildings and land use rights.

         When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of proceeds on disposal of
         the property net of the carrying amount and related taxes and surcharges is recognized in profit or loss for
         the current period.

 15.     Fixed assets

 15.1    Recognition criteria for fixed assets

         Fixed assets include land owned by the Group and buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles,
         office equipment and others.

         Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or for administrative
         purposes, and have useful lives of more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when it
         is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset
         can be reliably measured. Purchased or constructed fixed assets are initially measured at cost when acquired.

         Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset and if it is
         probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the subsequent
         expenditures can be measured reliably. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the
         period in which they are incurred.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 15.     Fixed assets - (cont’d)

 15.2    Depreciation of each category of fixed assets

         Fixed asset is depreciated based on the cost of fixed asset recognized less expected net residual value over
         its useful life using the straight-line method since the month subsequent to the one in which it is ready for
         intended use. Depreciation is calculated based on the carrying amount of the fixed asset after impairment
         over the estimated remaining useful life of the asset.

         The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation
         method applied at least once at each financial year-end, and account for any change as a change in an
         accounting estimate.

         The estimated useful life, estimated net residual value and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed
         assets are as follows:

                                                                                      Residual         Annual
                                                                      Useful life      value       depreciation rate
          Category                              Depreciation           (years)          (%)              (%)
          Buildings                       the straight-line method      15-50            0-4            1.9-6.7
          Machinery and equipment         the straight-line method      3-22             0-4           4.4-33.3
          Office and other equipment      the straight-line method      3-17             0-4           5.6-33.3
          Motor vehicles                  the straight-line method       5-9             0-2          10.9-20.0

         Overseas Land owned by the Group is not depreciated.

 15.3    Other explanations

         If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated from its use or
         disposal, the fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the
         amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and related taxes is recognized
         in profit or loss for the period.

         The difference between recoverable amounts of the fixed assets under the carrying amount is referred to as
         impairment loss (Note III 20).

 16.    Construction in progress

         Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include various construction,
         installation costs, borrowing costs capitalized and other expenditures incurred until such time as the relevant
         assets are completed and ready for its intended use. When the asset concerned is ready for its intended use,
         the cost of the asset is transferred to fixed assets and depreciated starting from the following month.

         The difference between recoverable amounts of the construction in progress under the carrying amount is
         referred to as impairment loss (Note III 20).

                                                                                                                   ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 17.     Borrowing costs

         Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying asset are
         capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and activities relating to the
         acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
         or sale have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired,
         constructed or produced becomes ready for its intended use or sale. Borrowing costs incurred subsequently
         should be charged to profit or loss. Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which
         the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is suspended abnormally and when the
         suspension is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Capitalization is suspended until the acquisition,
         construction or production of the asset is resumed.

         Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to be capitalized is
         the actual interest expenses incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from
         depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary
         investment of those funds.

         Where funds are borrowed under general-purpose borrowings, the Group determines the amount of interest
         to be capitalized on such borrowings by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess
         of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization
         rate is the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

         During the capitalization period, exchange differences on foreign currency specific-purpose borrowing are
         fully capitalized whereas exchange differences on foreign currency general-purpose borrowing, charged to
         profit or loss.

 18.    Intangible assets

 18.1    Valuation methods, useful life, impairment test
         The Group’s intangible assets include product registration assets, intangible assets upon purchase of products,
         marketing rights and rights to use tradenames and trademarks, land use rights, software and customer
         relations. Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses.

         When an intangible asset with a finite useful life is available for use, its original cost less any accumulated
         impairment losses is amortized over its estimated useful life using the straight-line method. An intangible
         asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized.

         For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization method at
         the end of the year, and makes adjustments when necessary.
         The respective amortization periods for such intangible assets are as follows:
         Item                                                             Amortization period (years)
         Land use rights                                                  49-50 years
         Product registration                                             8, 11 years
         Intangible assets on purchase of products                        7-11, 20 years
         Marketing rights, tradename and trademarks                       4-10, 30 years
         Exclusivity agreement                                            21 years
         Software                                                         3-5 years
         Customer relations                                               5-10, 13 years

         The difference between recoverable amounts of the intangible assets under the carrying amount is referred
         to as impairment loss (see Note III 20).

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 18.    Intangible assets - (cont’d)

 18.2    Research and development expenditure

         Internal research and development project expenditures were classified into research expenditures and
         development expenditures depending on its nature and the greater uncertainty whether the research activities
         becoming to intangible assets.

         Expenditure during the research phase is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.
         Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the same time is
         recognized as intangible asset:
         - It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;
         - The Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
         - The Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic benefits;
         - The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the
           ability to use or sell the intangible asset;
         - The expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably
         Expenditures that do not meet all of the above conditions at the same time are recognized in profit or loss
         when incurred. If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and development
         phase, the Group recognizes all of them in profit or loss for the period. Expenditures that have previously
         been recognized in the profit or loss would not be recognized as an asset in subsequent years. Those
         expenditures capitalized during the development stage are recognized as development costs incurred and
         will be transferred to intangible asset when the underlying project is ready for an intended use.

 19.     Goodwill

         The initial cost of goodwill represents the excess of cost of acquisition over the acquirer’s interest in the fair
         value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree under a business combination not involving enterprises
         under common control.

         Goodwill is not amortized and is stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairment losses (see
         Note III 20). On disposal of an asset group or a set of asset groups, any attributable goodwill is written off
         and included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal.

 20.     Impairment of long-term assets

         The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the fixed assets,
         construction in progress, right of use assets, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment properties
         measured at historical cost, investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates may be impaired. If
         there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are estimated for such assets.
         The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of
         the future cash flow estimated to be derived from the asset. The Group estimates the recoverable amount on
         an individual basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group
         determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Identification of an asset
         group is based on whether major cash inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the
         cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 20.    Impairment of long-term assets - (cont’d)

         Goodwill arising from a business combination is tested for impairment at least at each year end, irrespective
         of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing, the
         carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated from the acquisition date on a
         reasonable basis to each of the related asset groups; if it is impossible to allocate to the related asset groups,
         it is allocated to each of the related set of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or set of asset groups
         is an asset group or set of asset group that is able to benefit from the synergies of the business combination
         and shall not be larger than a reportable segment determined by the Group. If the carrying amount of the
         asset group or set of asset groups is higher than its recoverable amount, the amount of the impairment loss
         first reduced by the carrying amount of the goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and
         then the carrying amount of other assets (other than the goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups,
         pro rata based on the carrying amount of each asset.

         Once the impairment loss of such assets is recognized, it will not be reversed in any subsequent period.

 21.     Employee benefits

 21.1    Short-term employee benefits

         Employee wages or salaries, bonuses, social security contributions, measured on a non-discounted basis, and
         the expense is recorded when the related service is provided. A provision for short-term employee benefits
         in respect of cash bonuses is recognized in the amount expected to be paid where the Group has a current
         legal or constructive obligation to pay the said amount for services provided by the employee in the past and
         the amount can be estimated reliably.

 21.2    Post-employment benefits

         Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.

         A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which the Group pays contributions to
         a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for
         contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as an expense in profit or loss in the periods during
         which related services are rendered by employees.

         Defined benefit plans of the Group are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans.
         In accordance with the projected unit credit method, the Group measures the obligations under defined
         benefit plans using unbiased and mutually compatible actuarial assumptions to estimate related demographic
         variables and financial variables, and discount obligations under the defined benefit plans to determine the
         present value of the defined benefit liability. The discount rate used is the yield on the reporting date on
         highly-rated corporate debentures denominated in the same currency, that have maturity dates approximating
         the terms of the Group’s obligation.

         The Group attributes benefit obligations under a defined benefit plan to periods of service provided by
         respective employees. Service cost and interest expense on the defined benefit liability are charged to profit
         or loss and remeasurements of the defined benefit liability are recognized in other comprehensive income.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 21.    Employee benefits - (cont’d)

 21.3    Termination benefits

         When the Group terminates the employment with employees or provides compensation under an offer to
         encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision is recognized with a corresponding
         expense in profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates:
        - When the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employee
          termination plan or a curtailment proposal.
        - When the Group has a formal detailed restructuring plan involving the payment of termination benefits
          and has raised a valid expectation in those affected that it will carry out the restructuring by starting to
          implement that plan or announcing its main features to those affected by it.
         If the benefits are payable more than 12 months after the end of the reporting period, they are discounted to
         their present value. The discount rate used is the yield on the reporting date on highly-rated corporate
         debentures denominated in the same currency, that have maturity dates approximating the terms of the
         Group’s obligation.

 21.4    Other long-term employee benefits

         The Group’s net obligation for long-term employee benefits, which are not attributable to post-employment
         benefit plans, is for the amount of the future benefit to which employees are entitled for services that were
         provided during the current and prior periods.

         The amount of these benefits is discounted to its present value and the fair value of the assets related to these
         obligations is deducted therefrom. The discount rate used is the yield on the reporting date on highly-rated
         corporate debentures denominated in the same currency, that have maturity dates approximating the terms
         of the Group’s obligation.

 22.     Share-based payment

         Share-based payment refers to the transaction in order to acquire the service offered by the employees or
         other parties that grants equity instruments or liabilities on the basis of the equity instruments. Share-based
         payment classified into equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based payment.

 22.1    Cash-settled share-based payment

         The cash-settled share-based payment should be measured according to the fair value of the liabilities
         recognized based on the shares or other equity instrument undertaken by the Company. For cash-settled
         share-based payment made in return for the rendering of employee services that cannot be exercised until
         the services are fully provided during the vesting period or specified performance targets are met, on each
         balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services acquired in the current period shall, based on the
         best estimate of the number of exercisable instruments, be recognized in relevant expenses and the
         corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability incurred by the Company.

         On each balance sheet date and the settlement date before the settlement of the relevant liabilities, the
         Company should re-measure the fair value of the liabilities and the changes should be included in the current
         period profit and loss.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 23.     Provisions

         Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related to a contingency, it is probable
         that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation
         can be measured reliably.

         The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present
         obligation at the settlement date, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks,
         uncertainties and time value of money. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the amount
         of the provision is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in the provision
         due to passage of time is recognized as interest expense.

         If all or part of the provision settlements is reimbursed by third parties, when the realization of income is
         virtually certain, then the related asset should be recognized. However, the amount of related asset
         recognized should not be exceeding the respective provision amount.

         At the balance sheet date, the amount of provision should be re-assessed to reflect the best estimation then.

 24.     Revenue

         Revenue of the Group is mainly from sale of goods.

         The Group recognizes revenue when transferring goods to a customer, at the amount of the transaction price.
         Goods are considered transferred when the customer obtains control of the goods. Transaction price is the
         amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods to a
         customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties.

         Significant financing component

         For a contract with a significant financing component, the Group recognize revenue at an amount that reflects
         the price that a customer would have paid for the goods if the customer had paid cash for those goods at
         receipt. The difference between the amount of consideration and the cash selling price of the goods, is
         amortized in the contract period using effective interest rate. The Group does not adjust the amount of
         consideration for the effects of a significant financing component if the Group expects, at contract inception,
         that the period between when the entity transfers a good to a customer and when the customer pays for that
         good will be one year or less.

         Sale with a right of return

         For sale with a right of return, the Group recognizes revenue at the amount of consideration to which the
         Group expects to be entitled (ie excluding the products expected to be returned). For any amounts received
         (or receivable) for which an entity does not expect to be entitled, the entity shall not recognize revenue when
         it transfers products to customers but shall recognize those amounts received (or receivable) as a refund
         liability. An asset recognized for the Group’s right to recover products from a customer on settling a refund
         liability shall initially be measured by reference to the former carrying amount of the product less any
         expected costs to recover those products.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 25.     Government grants

         Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from the government to the
         Group at no consideration, including tax returns, financial subsidies and so on. A government grant is
         recognized only when the Group can comply with the conditions attached to the grant and the Group will
         receive the grant.

         If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received
         or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If
         the fair value cannot be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount.

         Government grants are either related to assets or income.

         (1)   The basis of judgment and accounting method of the government grants related to assets

         Government grants obtained for acquiring long-term assets are government grants related to assets. A
         government grant related to an asset is offset with the cost of the relevant asset.

         (2)   The basis of judgment and accounting method of the government grants related to income

         For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
         incurred in subsequent periods, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and recognized in profit or loss
         over the periods in which the related costs are recognized. If the grant is a compensation for related expenses
         or losses already incurred, the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.

         Government grants related to the Group’s normal course of business are offset with related costs and
         expenses. Government grants related that are irrelevant with the Groups’s normal course of business are
         included in non-operating gains.

 26.     Current and deferred tax

         The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

 26.1    Current income tax

         At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods are
         measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws.

 26.2    Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

         Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and their
         tax base.

         All taxable temporary differences are recognized as related deferred tax liabilities. Deferred tax assets are
         recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the
         deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 26.    Current and deferred tax - (cont’d)

 26.2    Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - (cont’d)

         For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are recognized to the
         extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible losses and
         tax credits can be utilized. However, for deductible temporary differences associated with the initial
         recognition of goodwill and the initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a
         business combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at
         the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

         At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates, according to tax
         laws, that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled.

         Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in
         subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the
         timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not
         reverse in the foreseeable future.

         The Group may be required to pay additional tax in case of distribution of dividends by the Group companies.
         This additional tax was not included in the financial statements, since the policy of the Group is not to
         distribute in the foreseeable future a dividend which creates a significant additional tax liability.

         Except for those current income tax and deferred tax charged to comprehensive income or shareholders’
         equity in respect of transactions or events which have been directly recognized in other comprehensive
         income or shareholders’ equity, and deferred tax recognized on business combinations, all other current
         income tax and deferred tax items are charged to profit or loss in the current period.

         At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if it is no longer
         probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow the benefit of deferred tax
         assets to be utilized. Such reduction is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will
         be available.

 26.3    Offset of income tax

         When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, and tax assets and
         tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity
         or different taxable entities which intend to realize the assets and liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets
         and liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

         When the Group has a legal right to settle deferred tax assets and liabilities on a net basis which relates to
         income taxes levied by the same taxation authority, on either the same taxable entity or different taxable
         entities which intend either to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and
         liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or
         liabilities are expected to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented
         on a net basis.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 27.    Leases

         Lease is a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

 27.1   Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease

         On the inception date of the lease, the Group determines whether the arrangement is a lease or contains a
         lease, while assessing if it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in
         exchange for consideration. In its assessment of whether an arrangement conveys the right to control the use
         of an identified asset, the Group assesses whether it has the following two rights throughout the lease term:

        (a) The right to obtain substantially all the economic benefits from use of the identified asset; and

        (b) The right to direct the identified asset’s use.

        An arrangement does not contain a lease if an asset is leased for a period of less than 12 months, or to lease of
        asset with low economic value.

 27.2   Initial recognition of leased assets and lease liabilities

         Upon initial recognition, the Group recognizes a liability at the present value of future lease payments
         (exclude certain variable lease payments, as detailed in note III 27.4), and concurrently the Group recognizes
         a right-of-use asset at the same amount, adjusted for any prepaid lease payments paid at the lease date or
         before, plus initial direct costs incurred in respect of the lease.

        When the interest rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable, the incremental borrowing rate of the
        lessee is used.

        The Group presents right-of-use assets separately from other assets in the balance sheet.

 27.3   The lease term

         The lease term is the non-cancellable period of the lease plus periods covered by an extension or termination
         option, if it is reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise or not exercise the option, respectively.

        If there is a change in the lease term, or in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset, the
        Group remeasures the lease liability, on the basis of the revised lease term and the revised discount rate and
        adjust the right-of-use assets accordingly.

 27.4   Variable lease payments

         Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, are initially measured using the index or rate
         existing at the commencement of the lease. When the cash flows of future lease payments change as the
         result of a change in an index or a rate, the balance of the liability is adjusted with a correspondence change
         in the right-of-use asset.

         Other variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the lease liability are recognized
         in profit or loss in the period in which the condition that triggers payment occurs.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 27.    Leases (cont’d)

 27.5   Subsequent measurement

         After lease commencement, a right-of-use asset is measured on a cost basis less accumulated depreciation
         and accumulated impairment losses and is adjusted for re-measurements of the lease liability. The asset is
         depreciated on a straight-line basis over the useful life or contractual lease period, whichever earlier.

         The Group applies ASBE8 Impairment of Assets, to determine whether the right-of-use asset is impaired
         and to account for any impairment loss identified.

         A lease liability is measured after the lease commencement date at amortized cost using the effective interest

 28.    Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

 28.1   Hedging

         The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its risks related to foreign currency and inflation
         risks and derivatives that are not used for hedging.

         Hedge accounting

         The Group makes an assessment, both at the inception of the hedge relationship as well as on an ongoing
         basis, whether the hedge is expected to be effective in offsetting the changes in the fair value of cash flows
         that can be attributed to the hedged risk during the period for which the hedge is designated.

         An effective hedge exists when all of the below conditions are met:

                  There is an economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument;
                  the effect of credit risk does not dominate the value changes that result from that economic
                  the hedge ratio of the hedging relationship is the same as that resulting from the quantity of the
                  hedged item that the entity actually hedges and the quantity of the hedging instrument that the entity
                  actually uses to hedge that quantity of hedged item.

         On the commencement date of the accounting hedge, the Group formally documents the relationship between
         the hedging instrument and hedged item, including the Group’s risk management objectives and strategy in
         executing the hedge transaction, together with the methods that will be used by the Group to assess the
         effectiveness of the hedging relationship.

         With respect to a cash-flow hedge, a forecasted transaction that constitutes a hedged item must be highly
         probable and must give rise to exposure to changes in cash flows that could ultimately affect profit or loss.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 28.    Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - (cont’d)

 28.1 Hedging (cont’d)

         Measurement of derivative financial instruments

         Derivative financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value; attributable transaction costs are
         recognized in profit or loss as incurred.

         Cash-flow hedges

         Subsequent to the initial recognition, changes in the fair value of derivatives used to hedge cash flows are
         recognized through other comprehensive income directly in a hedging reserve, with respect to the part of the
         hedge that is effective. Regarding the portion of the hedge that is not effective, the changes in fair value are
         recognized in profit and loss. The amount accumulated in the hedging reserve is reclassified to profit and
         loss in the period in which the hedged cash flows impact profit or loss and is presented in the same line item
         in the statement of income as the hedged item.

         If the hedging instrument no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, expires or is sold, terminated or
         exercised, the hedge accounting is discontinued. The cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in a
         hedging reserve through other comprehensive income remains in the reserve until the forecasted transaction
         occurs or is no longer expected to occur. If the forecasted transaction is no longer expected to occur, the
         cumulative gain or loss in respect of the hedging instrument in the hedging reserve is reclassified to profit
         or loss.

         Economic hedge

         Hedge accounting is not applied with respect to derivative instruments used to economically hedge financial
         assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency or CPI linked. Changes in the fair value of such
         derivatives are recognized in profit or loss as gain (loss) from changes in fair value.

         Derivatives that are not used for hedging

         Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are not used for hedging are recognized in profit or loss as gain
         (loss) from changes in fair value.

 28.2   Securitization of assets

         Details of the securitization of asset agreements and accounting policy are set out in Note V.5 - Account

 28.3   Segment reporting

         Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on the structure
         of the Group’s internal organization, management requirements and internal reporting system.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 28.    Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - (cont’d)

 28.3   Segment reporting - (cont’d)

         Two or more operating segments may be aggregated into a single operating segment if the segments have
         similar economic characteristics and are same or similar in respect of the nature of each product and service,
         the nature of production processes, the type or class of customers for the products and services, the methods
         used to distribute the products or provide the services, and the nature of the regulatory environment.

         Inter-segment revenues are measured on the basis of actual transaction price for such transactions for
         segment reporting. Segment accounting policies are consistent with those for the consolidated financial

 28.4   Profit distributions to shareholders

         Dividends which are approved after the balance sheet date are not recognized as a liability at the balance
         sheet date but are disclosed in the notes separately.

 29.    Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

 29.1   Changes in significant accounting policies

         On 30 November 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
         Interpretation No. 16” (hereinafter referred to as “Interpretation No. 16”) which clarified the following
         accounting treatments:

         (1)   Deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction;
         (2)   The income tax treatment of the dividend paid as the issuer of an equity instrument; and
         (3)   When an entity changes a cash-settled share-based payment to an equity-settled share-based payment.

         According to the Interpretation No.16, the clarification regarding “Deferred tax related to assets and
         liabilities arising from a single transaction” was effective from 1 January 2023. Adoption of the interpretation
         has no significant impact on the Group’s financial statements.

 29.2   Changes in significant accounting estimates

        There are no significant changes in accounting estimates in the reporting period.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 30.    Significant accounting estimates and judgments

         The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
         affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and
         expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates as well as underlying assumptions and
         uncertainties involved are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized
         in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected.

         Notes V.34, Note VIII, Note IX and Note XIII contain information about the assumptions and their risk
         factors relating to post-employment benefits – defined benefit plans, fair value of financial instruments and
         share-based payments. Other key sources of estimation uncertainty are as follows:

 30.1   Expected credit loss of trade receivables

         As described in Note III.11, trade receivables are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether
         credit risk on a receivable has increased significantly since initial recognition, lifetime expected losses is
         accrued for impairment provision. Evidence of impairment includes observable data that comes to the
         attention of the Group about loss events such as a significant decline in the solvency of an individual debtor
         or the portfolio of debtors, and significant changes in the financial condition that have an adverse effect on
         the debtor. If there is objective evidence of a recovery in the value of receivables which can be related
         objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment
         loss is reversed.

 30.2   Provision for impairment of inventories

         As described in Note III.12, the net realisable value of inventories is under management’s regular review,
         and as a result, provision for impairment of inventories is recognized for the excess of inventories’ carrying
         amounts over their net realisable value. When making estimates of net realisable value, the Group takes into
         consideration the use of inventories held on hand and other information available to form the underlying
         assumptions, including the inventories’ market prices and the Group’s historical operating costs. The actual
         selling price, the costs of completion and the costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes may vary
         based on the changes in market conditions and product saleability, manufacturing technology and the actual
         use of the inventories, resulting in the changes in provision for impairment of inventories. The net profit or
         loss may then be affected in the period when the impairment of inventories is adjusted.

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 30.    Significant accounting estimates and judgments - (cont’d)

 30.3   Impairment of assets other than inventories and financial assets

         As described in Note III.20, if impairment indication exists, assets other than inventories and financial assets
         are assessed at balance sheet date to determine whether the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount
         of the assets. If any such case exists, an impairment loss is recognized.

         The recoverable amount of an asset (or an asset group) is the greater of its fair value less costs to sell and its
         present value of expected future cash flows. Since a market price of the asset (or the asset group) cannot be
         obtained reliably, the fair value of the asset cannot be estimated reliably, the recoverable amount is calculated
         based on the present value of estimated future cash flows. In assessing the present value of estimated future
         cash flows, significant judgements are exercised over the asset’s production, selling price, related operating
         expenses and discount rate to calculate the present value. All relevant materials which can be obtained are
         used for estimation of the recoverable amount, including the estimation of the production, selling price and
         related operating expenses based on reasonable and supportable assumptions.

 30.4   Depreciation and amortisation of assets such as fixed assets and intangible assets

         As described in Note III.15 and III.18, assets such as fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated and
         amortised over their useful lives after taking into account residual value. The estimated useful lives of the
         assets are regularly reviewed to determine the depreciation and amortisation costs charged in each reporting
         period. The useful lives of the assets are determined based on historical experience of similar assets and the
         estimated technical changes. If there have been significant changes in the factors used to determine the
         depreciation or amortisation, the rate of depreciation or amortisation is revised prospectively.

 30.5   Income taxes and deferred income tax

         The Company and Group companies are assessed for income tax purposes in a large number of jurisdictions
         and, therefore, Company management is required to use considerable judgment in determining the total
         provision for taxes and attribution of income.

         When assessing whether there will be sufficient future taxable profits available against which the deductible
         temporary differences can be utilised, the Group recognizes deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable
         that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised,
         using tax rates that would apply in the period when the asset would be utilised. In determining the amount
         of deferred tax assets, the Group makes reasonable judgements and estimates about the timing and amount
         of taxable profits to be utilised in the following periods, and of the tax rates applicable in the future according
         to the existing tax policies and other relevant regulations. If the actual timing and amount of future taxable
         profits or the actual applicable tax rates differ from the estimates made by management, the differences affect
         the amount of tax expenses.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements


 30.    Significant accounting estimates and judgments - (cont’d)

 30.6   Contingent liabilities

         When assessing the possible outcomes of legal claims filed against the Company and its investee companies,
         the company positions are based on the opinions of their legal advisors. These assessments by the legal
         advisors are based on their professional judgment, considering the stage of the proceedings and the legal
         experience accumulated regarding the various matters. Since the results of the claims will be determined by
         the courts, the outcomes could be different from the assessments.

         In addition to the said claims, the Group is exposed to unasserted claims, inter alia, where there is doubt as
         to interpretation of the agreement and/or legal provision and/or the manner of their implementation. This
         exposure is brought to the Company’s attention in several ways, among others, by means of contacts made
         to Company personnel. In assessing the risk deriving from the unasserted claims, the Company relies on
         internal assessments by the parties dealing with these matters and by management, who weigh assessment
         of the prospects of a claim being filed, and the chances of its success, if filed. The assessment is based on
         experience gained with respect to the filing of claims and the analysis of the details of each claim. By their
         nature, in view of the preliminary stage of the clarification of the legal claim, the actual outcome could be
         different from the assessment made before the claim was filed.

 30.7   Employee benefits

         The Group’s liabilities for long-term post-employment and other benefits are calculated according to the
         estimated future amount of the benefit to which the employee will be entitled in consideration for his services
         during the current period and prior periods. The benefit is stated at present value net of the fair value of the
         plan’s assets, based on actuarial assumptions. Changes in the actuarial assumptions could lead to material
         changes in the book value of the liabilities and in the operating results.

 30.8   Derivative financial instruments

         The Group enters into transactions in derivative financial instruments for the purpose of hedging risks related
         to foreign currency and inflationary risks. The derivatives are recorded at their fair value. The fair value of
         derivative financial instruments is based on quotes from financial institutions. The reasonableness of the
         quotes is examined by discounting the future cash flows, based on the terms and length of the period to
         maturity of each contract, while using market interest rates of a similar instrument as of the measurement
         date. Changes in the assumptions and the calculation model could lead to material changes in the fair value
         of the assets and liabilities and in the results.

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

 IV.     Taxation

 1.      Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates

         The income tax rate in China is 25% (2022: 25%). The subsidiaries outside of China are assessed based on
         the tax laws in the country of their residence.

         Set forth below are the tax rates outside China relevant to the subsidiaries with significant sales to third party:

              Name of subsidiary                                 Location             2023
              ADAMA agriculture solutions Ltd.                     Israel            23.0%
              ADAMA Makhteshim Ltd.                                Israel            7.5%
              ADAMA Agan Ltd.                                      Israel            7.5%
              ADAMA Brasil S/A                                    Brazil             34.0%
              Makhteshim Agan of North America Inc.                 U.S.             24.3%
              ADAMA India Private Ltd                              India             25.2%
              ADAMA Deutschland GmbH                             Germany             32.5%
              Control Solutions Inc.                                U.S.             25.3%
              Adama Australia Pty Ltd                            Australia           30.0%
              ADAMA Northern Europe B.V.                        Netherlands          25.8%
              ADAMA Italia SRL                                      Italy            27.9%
              Alligare LLC                                          U.S.             26.1%

         The VAT rate of the Group's subsidiaries is in the range between 2.5% to 27%.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

 IV.     Taxation - (cont’d)

 1.     Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates - (cont’d)

 (1)     Benefits from High-Tech Certificate

         The Company, was jointly approved as new and high-tech enterprise, by the Hubei Provincial Department
         of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Hubei Province and Hubei Provincial Office of the
         State Administration of Taxation. The applicable income tax rate from 2020 to 2022 is 15%.

         Adama Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd. (Formally know as Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical Co. Ltd, hereinafter -
         “Anpon"), a subsidiary of the Company, was jointly approved as new and high-tech enterprise, by the Jiangsu
         Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province and Jiangsu
         Provincial Office of the State Administration of Taxation. The applicable income tax rate from 2021 to 2023
         is 15%.

 (2)    Benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments

         Industrial enterprises of subsidiaries in Israel were granted “Approved Enterprise” or “Beneficiary Enterprise”
         status under the Israeli Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959. Should a dividend be
         distributed from the retained earning produced in which the company was considered as an “Approved
         Enterprise” or “Beneficiary Enterprise” from unreleased retained earnings, based on the temporary order as
         described below, the company may be liable for tax at the time of distribution.

         On December 29, 2010 the Knesset approved the Economic Policy Law for 2011-2012, which includes an
         amendment to the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments - 1959 (hereinafter - “the
         Amendment”). The Amendment is effective from January 1, 2011 and its provisions apply to preferred
         income derived or accrued in 2011 and thereafter by a preferred company, per the definition of these terms
         in the Amendment.

         The Amendment provides that only companies in Development Area A will be entitled to the grants track
         and that they will be entitled to receive benefits under this track and under the tax benefits track at the same
         time. The tax benefit tracks under the law constitute a preferred enterprise and a special preferred enterprise,
         which mainly provide a uniform and reduced tax rate for all the company’s income entitled to benefits. Tax
         rates on preferred income as from 2017 tax year are as follows: 7.5% for Development Area A and 16% for
         the rest of the country.

         The amendment further determined that no tax shall apply to dividend distributed out of preferred income to
         Israel resident company shareholder.

         As of the date of the report, all subsidiaries in Israel adopted the amendment and the deferred taxes were
         calculated accordingly.

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

 IV.     Taxation - (cont’d)

 1.     Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates - (cont’d)

 (2)    Benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments - (cont’d)

         On December 21, 2016 the Knesset plenum passed the second and third reading of the Economic Efficiency
         Law (Legislative Amendments for Achieving Budget Objectives in the Years 2017 and 2018) – 2016 in
         which the Encouragement Law was also amended (hereinafter: “the Amendment”). The Amendment is
         effective as from January 1, 2017 and added new tax benefit tracks for a “preferred technological enterprise”
         and a “special preferred technological enterprise” which award reduced tax rates to a technological industrial
         enterprise for the purpose of encouraging activity relating to the development of qualifying intangible assets.

         The benefits will be awarded to a “preferred company” that has a “preferred technological enterprise” or a
         “special preferred technological enterprise” with respect to taxable “preferred technological income” per its
         definition in the Encouragement Law.

         Income of a Preferred Technological Enterprise a Special Preferred Technological Enterprise will be subject
         to a reduced corporate tax rate of 6% regardless of the development area in which the enterprise is located.

         In addition, as part of the amendment, a temporary provision was enacted, valid until June 30, 2021, which
         settles tax benefits continuation on income that is eligible to the Preferred Enterprise tax benefits as at June
         30, 2016.

         On May 16, 2017 the Knesset Finance Committee approved Encouragement of Capital Investment
         Regulations (Preferred Technological Income and Capital Gain of Technological Enterprise) – 2017
         (hereinafter: “the Regulations”), which provides rules for applying the “preferred technological enterprise”
         and “special preferred technological enterprise” tax benefit tracks including the Nexus formula that provides
         the mechanism for allocating the technological income eligible for the benefits.

         On November 15, 2021 the Economic Efficiency Law (Legislative Amendments for the 2021 and 2022
         Budget Years) – 2021 was published as well as a Temporary Order to the Law for the Encouragement of
         Capital Investments – 1959 (hereinafter: “the temporary order”), which offers a reduced tax rate arrangement
         to companies that received an exemption from corporate tax under the aforesaid law. The temporary order
         provided that companies that choose to apply the temporary order, which is effective until November 14,
         2022, will be entitled to a reduced tax rate on the “release” of exempt profits (hereinafter: “the beneficiary
         corporate tax rate”). The release of exempt profits makes it possible to distribute them at a reduced rate of
         corporate tax at the company level based on the rate of the profits being distributed pursuant to the
         conditions set forth in the Amendment.

         During 2022, Solutions announced its choice to release the retained earnings in a number of subsidiaries and
         committed to pay a reduced corporate tax in the amount of approximately 101 million RMB, which was
         recorded as tax expenses in the financial statements of 2022.

                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

 IV.     Taxation - (cont’d)

 1.     Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates - (cont’d)

 (3)    Benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Industry (Taxes), 1969

         Under the Israeli Law for the Encouragement of Industry (Taxes) 1969, Solutions is an Industrial Holding
         Company and some of the subsidiaries in Israel are “Industrial Companies”. The main benefit under this law
         is the filing of consolidated income tax returns (Solutions files a consolidated income tax return with Adama
         Makhteshim and submission of a consolidated report together with Adama Agan as of 2017), amortization
         of know-how over 8 years and higher rates of depreciation.

                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Cash at Bank and On Hand

                                                                               June 30      December 31
                                                                                 2023            2022

    Cash on hand                                                                    960               785
    Deposits in banks                                                         4,569,577         4,224,468
    Other cash and bank balances                                                 33,986            65,708
                                                                              4,604,523         4,290,961

     Including cash and bank balances placed outside China                    3,890,804         3,300,538

    As at June 30, 2023 restricted cash and bank balances was 33,986 thousand RMB (as at December 31, 2022
    65,708 thousand RMB) mainly including deposits that guarantee bank acceptance drafts.

2. Financial assets held for trading

                                                                               June 30      December 31
                                                                                 2023            2022

    Bank deposits                                                                 1,930              1,685
                                                                                  1,930              1,685

3. Derivative financial assets

                                                                               June 30      December 31
                                                                                 2023            2022

    Economic hedge                                                             170,384             224,128
    Accounting hedge derivatives                                                21,757               9,681
                                                                               192,141             233,809

4. Bills Receivable

                                                                               June 30      December 31
                                                                                 2023            2022

    Post-dated checks receivable                                               107,296             112,297
                                                                               107,296             112,297

    All bills receivables are due within 1 year.

                                                                                                     ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                          (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable

   a. By category

                                                                      June 30, 2023
                                                                         Provision for expected
                                              Book value                       credit losses
                                                      Percentage                                       Carrying
                                           Amount           (%) Amount            Percentage (%)        amount

       Account receivables assessed         993,479              10     229,040                23        764,439
       individually for impairment
       Account receivables assessed       8,700,720              90     101,401                   1    8,599,319
       collectively for impairment
                                          9,694,199             100     330,441                   3    9,363,758

                                                                December 31, 2022
                                                                     Provision for expected
                                                Book value                credit losses
                                          Amount      Percentage (%) Amount       Percentage (%)       amount

       Account receivables assessed       383,265                 4     212,640                55      170,625
       individually for impairment
       Account receivables assessed      8,945,138               96      97,388                   1   8,847,750
       collectively for impairment
                                         9,328,403              100     310,028                   3   9,018,375

   b. Aging analysis

                                                                                               June 30, 2023
       Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                   9,217,990
       Over 1 year but within 2 years                                                                246,154
       Over 2 years but within 3 years                                                                25,500
       Over 3 years but within 4 years                                                                34,619
       Over 4 years but within 5 years                                                                54,576
       Over 5 years                                                                                  115,360

                                                                                                          ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                               (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable – (cont'd)

    Main groups of account receivables assessed collectively for impairment based on geographical

   Geographical location A:
   Account receivables in geographical location A are grouped based on similar credit risk:

                                                                               June 30, 2023
                                                                    Provision for expected
                                                    Book value                  credit loss    Percentage (%)
     Credit group A                                1,928,342                       8,868                 0.5
     Credit group B                                  556,005                       4,812                 0.9
     Credit group C                                  129,336                       5,643                 4.4
     Credit group D                                   46,583                         972                 2.1
                                                   2,660,266                      20,295                 0.8

   Geographical location B:
   Account receivables in geographical location B are grouped based on aging analysis:

                                                                     June 30, 2023
                                                                    Provision for expected
                                                    Book value                  credit loss    Percentage (%)
     Accounts receivable that are not overdue        746,193                       6,629                 0.9
     Debts overdue less than 60 days                  29,054                         872                 3.0
     Debts overdue less than 180 days but             37,678                       3,768
     more than 60 days                                                                                 10.0
     Debts overdue above 180 days                     24,684                       9,874               40.0
     Legal Debtors                                    41,960                      41,960              100.0

                                                     879,569                      63,103                 7.2

   Other geographical locations:

                                                                     June 30, 2023
                                                                    Provision for expected
                                                    Book value                  credit loss    Percentage (%)

     Other account receivables assessed
     collectively for impairment                   5,160,885                      18,003               0.35

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable – (cont'd)

   c. Addition, written-back and written-off of provision for expected credit losses during the period

                                                         Lifetime expected
                                                         credit loss (credit         Lifetime expected
                                                         losses has not              credit loss (credit
                                                         occurred)                   losses has occurred)     Total

       January 1, 2023                                                    44,012                   266,016       310,028
       Addition (write back) during the period, net                       (2,285)                    1,420         (865)
       Exchange rate effect                                                 3,259                   18,019        21,278
       Balance as of June 30, 2023                                        44,986                   285,455       330,441

   d. Five largest accounts receivable at June 30, 2023:

                                                                                              Allowance of expected
                                                            Proportion of Accounts          credit losses (credit losses
            Name                Closing balance                 receivable (%)                    has occurred)
          Customer 1                        190,711                             2.0                                     -
          Customer 2                        188,882                             1.9                                     -
          Customer 3                        140,159                             1.4                                     -
          Customer 4                        114,009                             1.2                                     -
          Customer 5                         97,122                             1.0                                     -
            Total                           730,883                             7.5                                     -

   e. Derecognition of accounts receivable due to transfer of financial assets

       Certain subsidiaries of the group entered into a securitization transaction with Rabobank International for
       sale of trade receivables (hereinafter – “the Securitization Program” and/or “the Securitization Transaction”).

       Pursuant to the Securitization Program, the companies will sell their trade receivables debts, in various
       different currencies, to a foreign company that was set up for this purpose and that is not owned by the
       Adama Ltd. (hereinafter – “the Acquiring Company”). Acquisition of the trade receivables by the Acquiring
       Company is financed by Cooperative Rabobank U.A..

       The trade receivables included as part of the Securitization Transaction are trade receivables that meet the
       criteria provided in the agreement.

       Every year the credit facility is re approved in accordance with the Securitization Program. As at 30 June
       2023, the Securitization agreement was approved up to October 31, 2023.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable – (cont'd)

   e. Derecognition of accounts receivable due to transfer of financial assets - (cont'd)

       The maximum scope of the securitization is adjusted for the seasonal changes in the scope of the Company’s
       activities, as follows: during the months March through June the maximum scope of the securitization is
       $350 million (as of June 30, 2023 – 2,529 million RMB), during the months July through September the
       maximum scope of the securitization is $300 million (as of June 30, 2023 – 2,168 million RMB) and during
       the months October through February the maximum scope of the securitization is $250 million (as of June
       30, 2023– 1,806 million RMB).In addition the company has a temporary uncommitted facility of $150
       million (as of June 30, 2023- 1,084 million RMB) until September 20th 2023 and permanent uncommitted
       facility of 50$ million (as of June 30, 2023- 361 million RMB) which will be applicable each period. The
       proceeds received from those customers whose debts were sold are used for acquisition of new trade

       The price at which the trade receivables debts are sold is the amount of the debt sold less a discount calculated
       based on, among other things, the expected length of the period between the date of sale of the trade
       receivable and its anticipated repayment date. In the month following acquisition of the debt, the Acquiring
       Company pays in cash most of the debt while the remainder is recorded as a subordinated note and as
       continuing involvement that is paid after collection of the debt sold. If the customer does not pay its debt on
       the anticipated repayment date, the Company bears interest up to the earlier of the date on which the debt is
       actually repaid or the date on which debt collection is transferred to the insurance company (the actual costs
       are not significant and are not expected to be significant).

       The Acquiring Company bears 95% of the credit risk in respect of the customers whose debts were sold and
       will not have a right of recourse to the Company in respect of the amounts paid in cash, except regarding
       debts with respect to which a commercial dispute arises between the companies and their customers, that is,
       a dispute the source of which is a claim of non-fulfillment of an obligation of the seller in the supply
       agreement covering the product, such as: a failure to supply the correct product, a defect in the product,
       delinquency in the supply date, and the like.

       The Acquiring Company appointed a policy manager who will manage for it the credit risk involved with
       the trade receivables sold, including an undertaking with an insurance company.

       Pursuant to the Receivables Servicing Agreement, the Group subsidiaries handle collection of the trade
       receivables as part of the Securitization Transaction for the benefit of the Acquiring Company.

       As part of the agreement, Solutions is committed to comply with certain financial covenants, mainly the ratio
       of the liabilities to equity and profit ratios. As of June 30, 2023, Solutions was in compliance with the
       financial covenants.

       The accounting treatment of sale of the trade receivables included as part of the Securitization Program is:

       The Company is not controlling the Acquiring Company, therefore the Acquiring Company is not
       consolidated in the financial statements.

       The Company continues to recognize the trade receivables included in the Securitization Program based on
       the extent of its continuing involvement therein.

       In respect of the part of the trade receivables included in the securitization Program with respect to which
       cash proceeds were not yet received, however regarding which the Company has transferred the credit risk,
       a subordinated note is recorded.

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable – (cont'd)

   e. Derecognition of accounts receivable due to transfer of financial assets - (cont'd)

        The continuing involvement and subordinated note recorded in the balance sheet as part of the “other
        receivables” line item.

        The loss from sale of the trade receivables is recorded at the time of sale in the statement of income in the
        “financing expenses”.

   f.   A subsidiary in Brazil (hereinafter - “the subsidiary”) entered into the following securitization

        (1) Since 2016, a securitization transaction with Rabobank Brazil for sale of customer receivables
        (hereinafter "FIDC-Donegal agreement"). Under the FIDC-Donegal agreement, the subsidiary will sell its
        receivables to a securitization structure (hereinafter - “the entity”) that was formed for this purpose where
        the subsidiary has subordinate rights of 5% of the entity's capital.

        As at 30 June 2023, the FIDC-Donegal agreement was approved up to September 30, 2024. The maximum
        securitization scope as of June 30, 2023 is BRL 350 million (as of June 30, 2023 – 525 million RMB).

        On the date of the sale of the customer receivables, the entity pays the full amount which is the debt amount
        sold net of discount calculated, among others, over the expected length of the period between the date of sale
        of the customer receivable and its anticipated repayment date.

        The entity bears 95% of the credit risk in respect of the customers whose debts were sold such that the entity
        has the right of recourse to 5% of the unpaid amount. The subsidiary has a pledged deposit with regards to
        the entity’s right of recourse.

        The subsidiary continues to recognize the trade receivables sold to the entity based on the extent of its
        continuing involvement therein (5% right of recourse) and also recognizes an associated liability in the same

        In "FIDC-Donegal agreement" the subsidiary handles the collection of receivables included in the
        securitization for the entity.

        (2) During 2021, the subsidiary has entered into an additional securitization agreement (hereinafter -
        “FIDC – Liverpool agreement”) with Itau Bank and Farm investments, for sale of customer receivables to a
        securitization structure that was formed for this purpose where the subsidiary has mezzanine quotes of 10.5%
        of the entity's capital.

        As at 30 June 2023, the FIDC-Liverpool agreement was approved up to November 10, 2024. The maximum
        securitization scope as of June 30, 2023 is BRL 300 million (as of June 30, 2023 – 450 million RMB).

        The entity bears 100% of the credit risk in respect of the customers whose debts were sold (non-recourse),
        therefore the subsidiary has no continuing involvement in those account receivables sold.

        In "FIDC-Liverpool agreement" the collection of receivables is being handled by the entity.

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

5. Accounts Receivable – (cont'd)

      f.     Derecognition of accounts receivable due to transfer of financial assets - (cont'd)

                                                                                             June 30         December 31
                                                                                               2023                2022

           Accounts receivables derecognized                                                3,963,341            4,039,429
           Continuing involvement                                                             155,564              193,532
           Subordinated note in respect of trade receivables                                  512,533              591,998
           Liability in respect of trade receivables                                          741,512               79,619

                                                                                          Six months ended June 30
                                                                                                2023             2022

           Loss in respect of sale of trade receivables                                      115,531                 70,123

6. Receivables financing

                                                                                            June 30         December 31
                                                                                              2023               2022

           Bank acceptance draft                                                             125,292                 63,639
                                                                                             125,292                 63,639

            As at June 30, 2023, bank acceptance endorsed but not yet due amounts to 342,458 thousands RMB.

7. Prepayments

    (1)     The aging analysis of prepayments is as follows:

                                                                    June 30                        December 31
                                                                     2023                             2022
                                                               Amount    Percentage (%)          Amount       Percentage (%)

            Within 1 year (inclusive)                          364,240              97          327,809                  97
            Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)           9,597               3           11,047                   3
            Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)          1,434               -            1,204                   -
            Over 3 years                                           713               -            1,042                   -
                                                               375,984             100          341,102                 100

    (2)     Total of five largest prepayments by debtor at the end of the period:

                                                                                  Percentage of prepayments
                                                                  Amount                               (%)

            June 30, 2023                                          78,554                                      21%

                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

8. Other Receivables

    (1) Other receivables by nature

                                                                             June 30      December 31
                                                                                2023              2022
          Dividends receivable                                                 3,187                 -
          Others                                                             866,935         1,021,824
                                                                             870,122         1,021,824

          a. Others breakdown by categories

                                                                             June 30      December 31
                                                                               2023             2022
          Trade receivables as part of securitization transactions
          not yet eliminated                                                 155,564            193,532
          Subordinated note in respect of trade receivables                  512,533            591,998
          Financial institutions                                              69,223             38,354
          Other                                                              167,851            242,688
          Sub total                                                          905,171          1,066,572

          Provision for expected credit losses - other receivables           (38,236)          (44,748)
                                                                             866,935          1,021,824

          b. Other receivables by aging

                                                                                               June 30
          Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                             842,680
          Over 1 year but within 2 years                                                         46,924
          Over 2 years but within 3 years                                                         1,292
          Over 3 years but within 4 years                                                         7,403
          Over 4 years but within 5 years                                                           152
          Over 5 years                                                                            6,720

    (2) Additions, recovery or reversal and written-off of provision for expected credit losses during the

                                                                                    Six months ended
                                                                                      June 30, 2023

          Balance as of January 1 2023,                                                          44,748
          Addition (written back) during the period                                              (7,625)
          Write-off during the period                                                                  -
          Exchange rate effect                                                                     1,113
          Balance as of June 30, 2023                                                            38,236

                                                                                                        ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                             (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

8. Other Receivables – (cont'd)

     (3) Five largest other receivables at June 30, 2023:

                                                                                            Allowance of
                                                                Proportion of other        expected credit
                      Name               Closing balance          receivables (%)               losses
           Party 1                               512,533                              57                     -
           Party 2                                69,223                               8                     -
           Party 3                                 7,164                               1                     -
           Party 4                                 6,865                               1                     -
           Party 5                                 5,231                               1                     -
           Total                                 601,016                              68                     -

9.   Inventories -

     (1)   Inventories by category:

                                                                      June 30, 2023
                                                                    Provision for
                                             Book value             impairment              Carrying amount

           Raw materials                          4,216,888                    22,972                  4,193,916
           Work in progress                       1,907,103                     6,465                  1,900,638
           Finished goods                        10,371,744                   305,963                 10,065,781
           Others                                   518,011                    10,389                    507,622
                                                 17,013,746                   345,789                 16,667,957

                                                                    December 31, 2022
                                                                     Provision for
                                                Book value           impairment               Carrying amount

           Raw materials                          4,341,176                     20,939                 4,320,237
           Work in progress                       2,410,883                      5,952                 2,404,931
           Finished goods                         9,954,831                    237,337                 9,717,494
           Others                                   495,125                     10,546                   484,579
                                                 17,202,015                    274,774                16,927,241

                                                                                                   ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

   9. Inventories - (cont'd)

    (2)   Provision for impairment of inventories:

          For the six months ended June 30, 2023

                       January 1,                      Reversal or
                       2023            Provision         write-off   Other    June 30, 2023

    Raw material              20,939      7,969            (6,850)      914        22,972
    Work in progress           5,952      5,613            (5,168)       68         6,465
    Finished goods           237,337    152,191           (94,325)   10,760       305,963
    Others                    10,546        570            (1,053)      326        10,389
                             274,774    166,343          (107,396)   12,068       345,789

   10. Other Current Assets

                                                                                June 30       December 31
                                                                                  2023              2022

    Deductible VAT                                                              728,516             679,428
    Current tax assets                                                          325,136             219,057
    Short term investments                                                       56,730             171,496
    Others                                                                       58,566              59,707
                                                                              1,168,948           1,129,688

   11. Long-Term Receivables

                                                                                 June 30      December 31
                                                                                   2023             2022

    Long term account receivables from sale of goods                              59,273              82,510
                                                                                  59,273              82,510

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

   12. Long-Term Equity Investments

    (1)   Long-term equity investments by category:

                                                                                          June 30      December 31
                                                                                             2023            2022

     Joint venture                                                                           1,358              2,110
     Associate                                                                              27,914             24,258
                                                                                            29,272             26,368

    (2)   Movements of long-term equity investments for the period are as follows:

                                           Other           Declared
                 January 1,   Investment   Comprehensive   distribution of   Balance at the
                 2023         income       income          cash dividend     end of the period

    Investee A        2,110           70              33             (855)              1,358
    Sub-total         2,110           70              33             (855)              1,358

    Investee B       24,258        3,369           3,072           (2,785)             27,914
    Sub-total        24,258        3,369           3,072           (2,785)             27,914

    Sub-total        26,368        3,439           3,105           (3,640)             29,272

   13. Other equity investments

                                              December 31, Dividend received
                          June 30, 2023              2022 during 2023

    Investment A                 84,720               84,720                          -
    Investment B                 76,334               71,840                      6,651
    Investment C                  1,851                1,781                          -
                                162,905              158,341                      6,651

    Other equity investments are non-core businesses that are intended to be held in the foreseeable future.

                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements – (cont'd)

   14. Fixed assets

                                               Land &       Machinery &                Office & other
                                              Buildings       equipment Motor vehicles     equipment             Total

    Balance as at January 1, 2023              4,240,658      16,516,306       166,587        438,542      21,362,093
    Purchases                                      11,656         49,281         44,044         20,307        125,288
    Transfer from construction in progress         38,105        610,084          1,855          8,051        658,095
    Classification to Investment property       (20,125)               -              -              -       (20,125)
    Disposals                                     (8,175)       (20,132)       (11,547)        (3,533)       (43,387)
    Newly consolidated subsidiaries                     -          3,483            270            478          4,231
    Currency translation adjustment              100,486         501,709          8,295         19,007        629,497
    Balance as at June 30, 2023                4,362,605      17,660,731       209,504        482,852      22,715,692

    Accumulated depreciation
    Balance as at January 1, 2023            (1,791,373)      (9,815,859)      (74,448)      (342,199)    (12,023,879)
    Charge for the period                       (69,021)        (384,563)      (14,206)       (19,210)       (487,000)
    Classification to Investment property          2,149                -             -              -           2,149
    Disposals                                      1,353           19,084         9,561          3,500          33,498
    Newly consolidated subsidiaries                    -          (2,348)         (256)          (277)         (2,881)
    Currency translation adjustment             (53,730)        (301,637)       (3,276)       (15,319)       (373,962)
    Balance as at June 30, 2023              (1,910,622)     (10,485,323)      (82,625)      (373,505)    (12,852,075)

    Provision for impairment
    Balance as at January 1, 2023              (132,663)       (251,190)        (1,107)        (1,070)       (386,030)
    Charge for the period                              -           (634)           (15)           (41)           (690)
    Disposals                                      1,553           1,925             38            107           3,623
    Currency translation adjustment                (678)         (3,254)           (15)           (13)         (3,960)
    Balance as at June 30, 2023                (131,788)       (253,153)        (1,099)        (1,017)       (387,057)

    Carrying amounts
    As at June 30, 2023                        2,320,195       6,922,255       125,780        108,330       9,476,560
    As at January 1, 2023                      2,316,622       6,449,257        91,032         95,273       8,952,184

   The lands reported as fixed assets are owned by the group subsidiaries and are located outside of China.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

     15. Construction in Progress

      (1)   Construction in progress

                                           June 30                                                       December 31
                                            2023                                                            2022
                                          Provision for                                                    Provision for
               Book value                  impairment         Carrying amount         Book value            impairment       Carrying amount

                        3,265,974              (118,481)              3,147,493            3,079,882             (118,481)                 2,961,401

     (2)    Details and Movements of major construction projects in progress during period ended June 30, 2023

                                                                      Including:     Currency      Transfer                  cost to           Project
                                            January                    Interest     translation    to fixed     June 30,     budget           progress
                              Budget         1, 2023      Additions   capitalized   differences     assets        2023        (%)               (%)          Source of funds

            Project A         765,314       542,618        111,861         5,264             -      (66,338)     588,141        77%               77%                    Bank loan
            Project B         639,165       531,817         72,285        19,363           411             -     604,513        95%               95%              Internal finance
            Project C         367,649       333,514         30,609             -       (1,888)     (362,235)           -       100%              100%              Internal finance
            Project D         194,604        74,523          1,625             -             -      (22,282)      53,866        49%               49%              Internal finance
            Project E         968,257       352,423        123,192        13,026        18,565             -     494,180        51%               51%              Internal finance
            Project G          74,173        17,070          3,123           616           776             -      20,969        28%               28%              Internal finance
                              Under re-                                        -
            Project F         evalution     238,078            319                            -            -     238,397               -                 -         Internal finance

             * As of June 30, 2023 Project A Project D and are include impairment of RMB 14 million and 35 million , respectively.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

     16. Right-of-use assets

                                                  Land &      Machinery &                     Office & other
                                                 Buildings      equipment    Motor vehicles       equipment        Total

     Balance as at January 1, 2023                 593,790         46,364          294,122            3,858      938,134
     Additions                                     106,292          3,072            44,577               -      153,941
     Disposals                                     (21,010)         (301)          (23,340)               -     (44,651)
     Currency translation adjustment                 32,328         1,851            12,490             145       46,814
     Balance as at June 30, 2023                    711,400        50,986          327,849            4,003    1,094,238

     Accumulated depreciation
     Balance as at January 1, 2023                (221,223)       (23,108)        (136,165)          (1,749)   (382,245)
     Charge for the period                         (47,496)          (617)         (45,246)            (360)    (93,719)
     Disposals                                       17,793            301           21,116                -      39,210
     Currency translation adjustment                (9,159)          (876)          (6,350)            (103)    (16,488)
     Balance as at June 30, 2023                  (260,085)       (24,300)        (166,645)          (2,212)   (453,242)

     Provision for impairment
     Balance as at January 1, 2023                        -              -                -                -           -
     Balance as at June 30, 2023                          -              -                -                -           -

     Carrying amounts
     As at June 30, 2023                           451,315         26,686          161,204            1,791     640,996
     As at January 1, 2023                         372,567         23,256          157,957            2,109     555,889

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ADAMA LTD.
                                                                                                                                                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

     17. Intangible Assets

                                                                        Intangible assets                             rights,
                                                       Product           on Purchase of                          tradename and       Customers
                                                     registration           Products           Software            trademarks         relations       Land use rights (1)   Others(2)           Total

      Balance as at January 1, 2023                       12,204,376            4,182,457          1,216,249            794,577            578,572               510,272        588,585          20,075,088
      Newly consolidated subsidiaries                           6,418                   -                  -             30,070             52,182                      -             -               88,670
      Purchases                                              295,676                    -             63,975                 48                  -                      -        13,585             373,284
      Currency translation adjustment                        478,902              156,860             46,267             32,422             22,190                  1,451        15,623             753,715
      Transfer from construction in progress                        -                   -              8,898                  -                  -                      -             -                8,898
      Disposal                                                (3,231)                   -              (137)                  -                  -                (4,427)             -              (7,795)
      Balance as at June 30, 2023                         12,982,141            4,339,317          1,335,252            857,117            652,944               507,296        617,793          21,291,860

      Accumulated amortization
      Balance as at January 1, 2023                      (9,525,327)           (3,125,941)         (732,640)           (524,730)          (312,019)             (95,570)       (262,984)        (14,579,211)
      Charge for the period                                (265,738)              (82,684)          (46,927)            (14,308)           (22,750)              (5,173)        (11,792)           (449,372)
      Currency translation adjustment                      (375,438)             (120,835)          (30,302)            (21,254)           (13,339)              (1,296)         (9,252)           (571,716)
      Disposal                                                                           -               116                   -                  -                  682               -                 798
      Balance as at June 30, 2023                       (10,166,503)           (3,329,460)         (809,753)           (560,292)          (348,108)            (101,357)       (284,028)        (15,599,501)

      Provision for impairment
      Balance as at January 1, 2023                         (95,951)              (56,601)                (49)                   -                -                 (272)          (250)          (153,123)
      Charge for the period                                        -                     -                   -                   -                -                     -              -                  -
      Currency translation adjustment                        (3,599)               (2,123)                 (9)                   -                -                  (10)              -            (5,741)
      Balance as at June 30, 2023                           (99,550)              (58,724)                (58)                   -                -                 (282)          (250)          (158,864)

      Carrying amount
      As at June 30, 2023                                 2,716,088              951,133            525,441            296,825            304,836               405,657        333,515           5,533,495
      As at January 1, 2023                               2,583,098              999,915            483,560            269,847            266,553               414,430        325,351           5,342,754

     (1)     Include land parcel in Israel that has not yet been registered in the name of the Group subsidiaries at the Land Registry Office, mostly due to registration procedures or technical problems.
     (2)     Mainly non-compete and exclusivity agreements.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

     18. Goodwill

      Changes in goodwill

      The Group allocates goodwill to two cash generating units ("CGU"), Crop Protection (Agro) and a non-core
      activity included in the Intermediates and ingredients segment. At the end of the year, or more frequently whether
      indicators for impairment exists, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of each CGU for which goodwill
      has been allocated to using the DCF model based on the Group business plan. The discount rate used in the DCF
      model is determined based on the company's cost of equity and cost of debt, taking into account the comprehensive
      risk factors.

      As of December 31, 2022 the fair value of the cash generating units to which goodwill has been allocated to
      exceeds its carrying amount.

                                                                       Change         Currency
                                                   January 1,        during the      translation        Balance at
                                                      2023                year       adjustment        June 30, 2023

       Book value                                     4,805,157         113,075           181,796            5,100,028
       Impairment provision                                   -               -                 -                    -
       Carrying amount                                4,805,157         113,075           181,796            5,100,028

     19. Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

      (1)   Deferred tax assets without taking into consideration of the offsetting of balances within the same
            tax jurisdiction

                                                            June 30                           December 31
                                                              2023                               2022
                                                    Deductible                         Deductible
                                                    temporary Deferred tax             temporary      Deferred tax
                                                    differences     assets             differences          assets

       Deferred tax assets

       Deferred tax assets in respect of carry
       forward losses                                 2,532,017         506,105         1,568,088               256,749
       Deferred tax assets in respect of
       inventories                                    3,132,366         921,585         2,402,900               689,062
       Deferred tax assets in respect of
       employee benefits                                953,114         155,405         1,005,874              166,264
       Other deferred tax asset                       2,529,942         606,021         2,030,651              545,937
                                                      9,147,439       2,189,116         7,007,513            1,658,012

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.         Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

19. Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities - (cont’d)

     (2)     Deferred tax liabilities without taking into consideration of the offsetting of balances within the
             same tax jurisdiction
                                                                 June 30                      December 31
                                                                  2023                            2022
                                                            Taxable                         Taxable
                                                         temporary Deferred tax          temporary Deferred tax
                                                        differences      liabilities    differences       liabilities
             Deferred tax liabilities
             Deferred tax liabilities in respect of
             fixed assets and intangible assets             4,046,916         762,093     3,430,096           626,610
                                                            4,046,916         762,093     3,430,096           626,610

     (3)     Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities presented on a net basis after offsetting

                                                            June 30                        December 31
                                                             2023                             2022
                                                   The offset                         The offset
                                                   amount of      Deferred tax        amount of         Deferred tax
                                                 deferred tax         assets or     deferred tax             assets or
                                                   assets and        liabilities      assets and      liabilities after
                                                    liabilities    after offset        liabilities               offset

             Presented as:
             Deferred tax assets                      429,533         1,759,583          310,749           1,347,263
             Deferred tax liabilities                 429,533           332,560          310,749             315,861

     (4)     Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                         June 30       December 31
                                                                                           2023              2022

             Deductible temporary differences                                            468,300              518,542
             Deductible losses carry forward                                             259,775              229,672
                                                                                         728,075              748,214

     (5)     Expiration of deductible tax losses carry forward for unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                         June 30       December 31
                                                                                           2023              2022

             2023                                                                          1,778                1,713
             2024                                                                         36,310               33,646
             2025                                                                          6,518                6,282
             2026                                                                          6,612                6,373
             2027                                                                          8,013                7,724
             After 2027                                                                  200,544              173,934
                                                                                         259,775              229,672

                                                                                                          ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                               (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

19. Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities - (cont'd)

     (6)   Unrecognized deferred tax liabilities

           When calculating the deferred taxes, taxes that would have applied in the event of realizing investments
           in subsidiaries were not taken into account since it is the Company’s intention to hold these investments
           and not realize them.

20. Other Non-Current Assets

                                                                                        June 30       December 31
                                                                                          2023              2022

     Judicial deposits                                                                  195,920             154,273
     Assets related to securitization                                                    96,464             112,388
     Advances in respect of non-current assets                                           62,729             174,035
     Others                                                                             136,270             164,137
                                                                                        491,383             604,833

21. Short-Term Loans

     Short-term loans by category:

                                                                                        June 30       December 31
                                                                                          2023              2022

     Unsecured loans                                                                  6,341,677           3,342,921
                                                                                      6,341,677           3,342,921

22. Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                                        June 30       December 31
                                                                                          2023              2022

     Economic hedge                                                                     698,821             490,496
     Accounting hedge derivatives                                                        36,837              55,020
                                                                                        735,658             545,516

                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

23. Bills Payables

                                                                          June 30        December 31
                                                                            2023               2022

     Post-dated checks payables                                           392,325              900,537
     Note payables draft                                                  105,019              214,238
                                                                          497,344            1,114,775

     As at June 30, 2023, none of the bills payable are overdue.

24. Accounts payable

                                                                        June 30          December 31
                                                                          2023                 2022

       Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                5,861,662             7,447,355
       1-2 years (including 2 years)                                      27,861                59,671
       2-3 years (including 3 years)                                      35,547                 2,048
       Over 3 years                                                       19,906                18,195
                                                                       5,944,976             7,527,269

     There are no significant accounts payables aging over one year.

25. Contract liabilities
                                                                        June 30          December 31
                                                                          2023                 2022

       Discount for customers                                          1,273,467               904,615
       Advances from customers                                           172,662               871,958
                                                                       1,446,129             1,776,573

26. Employee Benefits Payable

                                                                        June 30          December 31
                                                                          2023                 2022

      Short-term employee benefits                                      515,938              1,027,543
      Post-employment benefits                                           49,251                 33,317
      Share based payment (See note XIII)                                49,771                 76,875
      Other benefits within one year                                    216,605                204,794
                                                                        831,565              1,342,529

      Current maturities                                                 24,616                 28,257
                                                                        856,181              1,370,786

                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

27. Taxes Payable

                                                                                June 30          December 31
                                                                                  2023                 2022

     Corporate income tax                                                       291,828                 240,672
     VAT                                                                        244,410                 187,066
     Others                                                                      39,033                  31,836
                                                                                575,271                 459,574

28. Other Payables

                                                                                 June 30          December 31
                                                                                    2023                 2022
     Dividends payables                                                              750                   750
     Other payables                                                            2,488,847             1,610,532
                                                                               2,489,597              1,611,282

     (1)   Other payables

                                                                                June 30          December 31
                                                                                  2023                 2022

      Accrued expenses                                                           776,142               758,158
      Payables in respect of intangible assets                                   169,120               106,510
      Liability in respect of securitization transactions                        741,512                79,619
      Hold-back payment due to acquistions                                       254,000               254,000
      Others                                                                     548,073               412,245
                                                                               2,488,847             1,610,532

29. Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year

     Non-current liabilities due within one year by category are as follows:

                                                                                  June 30        December 31
                                                                                    2023               2022

     Long-term loans due within one year                                        1,852,573             1,539,496
     Lease liabilities due within one year                                        167,492               156,977
     Debentures payable due within one year                                       571,770               565,658
                                                                                2,591,835             2,262,131

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

30. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                         June 30       December 31
                                                                                           2023              2022

      Put options to holders of non-controlling interests                                 483,688               507,483
      Provision in respect of returns                                                     231,117               158,173
      Provision in respect of claims                                                       34,626                37,769
      Others                                                                                  390                   369
                                                                                          749,821               703,794

31. Long-Term Loans

     Long-term loans by category

                                                                 June 30                       December 31
                                                              2023 Interest range             2022 Interest range

     Long term loans
     Guaranteed loans                                      394,108       3.55%-3.75%       404,841      2.92%-3.75%
     Unsecured loans                                     4,734,919       1.73%-8.72%     4,797,525      1.73%-7.67%
     Total Long term loans                               5,129,027                       5,202,366
     Long term loans from banks due within 1 year      (1,852,573)                     )1,539,496(
     Long term loans, net                                3,276,454                       3,662,870

     *    For more detailes regarding the guaranteed loans – see note X. related parties and related parties
          For the maturity analysis, see note VIII.C - Liquidity risk.

32. Debentures Payable

                                                                                         June 30       December 31
                                                                                           2023              2022

     Debentures Series B                                                                8,004,835          7,919,169
     Current maturities                                                                 (571,770)          (565,658)
                                                                                        7,433,065          7,353,511

                                                                                                              June 30
     First year (current maturities)                                                                          571,770
     Second year                                                                                              571,770
     Third year                                                                                               571,770
     Fourth year                                                                                              571,770
     Fifth year and thereafter                                                                              5,717,755

                                                                                                                                                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                              (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

32. Debentures Payable - (cont'd)

     Movements of debentures payable:

     For the year ended June 30, 2023:
                                                                                     Balance at   Amortization       CPI and     Repayment       Currency    Balance at
        Maturity    Face value   Face value     Issuance     Maturity     Issuance   January 1,    of discounts     exchange      during the   translation     June 30,
         period       in RMB           NIS          date      period       amount         2023     or premium      rate effect        period   adjustment         2023

       Debentures                                           November
         Series B    2,673,640    1,650,000    4.12.2006    2020-2036    3,043,742    3,321,071             117      (83,196)              -      120,704     3,358,696
       Debentures                                           November
         Series B     843,846       513,527    16.1.2012    2020-2036     842,579       996,237           5,075      (25,386)              -       36,409     1,012,335
       Debentures                                           November
         Series B     995,516       600,000     7.1.2013    2020-2036    1,120,339    1,231,947           2,209      (31,263)              -       44,851     1,247,744
       Debentures                                           November
         Series B     832,778       533,330     1.2.2015    2020-2036    1,047,439    1,151,945          (1,357)     (29,233)              -       41,789     1,163,144
       Debentures                                           November
         Series B     418,172       266,665     1-6.2015    2020-2036     556,941       625,358          (3,683)     (15,863)              -       22,558      628,370
       Debentures                                           November
         Series B     497,989       246,499     5.5.2020    2020-2036      692,896      592,611          (4,348)    (15,055)               -       21,338       594,546
                                                                                      7,919,169          (1,987)   (199,996)               -      287,649     8,004,835

     Series B debentures, in amount of NIS 3,810 million par value (3,730 million par value, net of self-purchased), linked to the CPI and bear interest at the base annual rate of
     5.15%. The debenture principal shall be repaid in 17 equal payments in the years 2020 through 2036.

                                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

33. Lease liabilities
                                                                             June 30                             December 31
                                                                          2023 Interest range                   2022 Interest range

     Lease liabilities                                                666,459         1.1%-9.0%           588,053       1.1%-9.1%
     Less: Lease liabilities due within one year                    (167,492)                           (156,977)
     Long term lease liabilities, net                                 498,967                             431,076

34. Long-Term Employee Benefits Payable
     Post-employment benefit plans – defined benefit plan and early retirement

                                                                                                       June 30        December 31
                                                                                                         2023               2022

     Total present value of obligation                                                                  537,594               566,550
     Less: fair value of plan's assets                                                                 (63,399)              (70,001)
     Net liability related to Post-employment benefits                                                  474,195               496,549

     Termination benefits                                                                                63,771                65,782
     Total recognized liability for defined benefit plan, net (1)                                       537,966               562,331

     Other long-term employee benefits                                                                  249,442               258,079
     Total long-term employee benefits, net                                                             787,408               820,410

     Including: Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year                                  24,616                28,257
                                                                                                        762,792               792,153

     (1)    Movement in the net liability and assets in respect of defined benefit plans, early retirement and
            their components
                                                                Defined benefit
                                                              obligation and early      Fair value of plan's
                                                                   retirement                  assets                    Total
                                                                   2023        2022         2023         2022        2023        2022
     Balance as at January 1, 2023                             632,332     779,671        70,001       86,282      562,331     693,389

     Expense/income recognized
      in profit and loss:
     Current service cost                                        17,410      12,707             -           -       17,410      12,707
     Past service cost                                            1,724           -         1,717           -            7           -
     Interest costs                                              10,046       6,682         1,295         648        8,751       6,034
     Losses on curtailments and settlements                      10,221       5,478             -           -       10,221       5,478
     Changes in exchange rates                                 (22,559)    (68,417)       (3,206)     (9,611)     (19,353)    (58,806)
     Actuarial losses due to early retirement                       122        (77)             -           -          122        (77)

     Included in other comprehensive income:
     Actuarial gain (losses) as a result of changes in
     actuarial assumptions                                     (17,680)    (72,633)       (1,766)     (3,474)     (15,914)    (69,159)
     Foreign currency translation differences in respect of
     foreign operations                                         21,971      31,967         2,276       3,743        19,695     28,224

     Additional movements:
     Benefits paid                                             (37,361)    (35,291)       (3,330)     (6,104)     (34,031)    (29,187)
     Classification to termination                             (14,861)           -       (4,211)           -     (10,650)           -
     Contributions paid by the Group                                  -           -           623       1,342        (623)     (1,342)
     Balance as at June 30, 2023                               601,365     660,087         63,399      72,826     537,966     587,261

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements
V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

34. Long-Term Employee Benefits Payable - (cont'd)

    Post-employment benefit plans – defined benefit plan and early retirement - (cont'd)

    (2)   Actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis

          The principal actuarial assumptions at the reporting date for defined benefit plan

                                                                                   June 30       December 31
                                                                                     2023              2022

    Discount rate (%)*                                                           2.2%-3.0%           1.7%-3.0%

    *     According to the demographic and the benefit components.

          The assumptions regarding the future mortality rate are based on published statistical data and acceptable
          mortality rates.

          Possible reasonable changes as of the date of the report in the discount rate, assuming the other assumptions
          remain unchanged, would have affected the defined benefit obligation as follows:

                                                                                 As of June 30, 2023
                                                                           Increase of 1% Decrease of 1%

    Change in defined benefit obligation                                          (43,856)              53,030

35. Provisions

                                                                                   June 30       December 31
                                                                                     2023              2022

    Liabilities in respect of contingencies*                                       181,871             149,187
    Provision in respect of site restoration                                        64,627              65,291
    Long-term liability in respect of business combinations                         49,454               5,182
    Other                                                                            1,286               2,521
                                                                                   297,238             222,181

    *     Liabilities in respect of contingencies includes obligations of pending litigations, where an outflow of
          resources had been reliably estimated.

                                                                                                          ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                               (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

36. Other Non-Current Liabilities
                                                                                        June 30      December 31
                                                                                          2023             2022

     Put options to holders of non- controlling interests                                957,651           907,644
     Long term loans – others                                                           361,290           348,231
                                                                                       1,318,941         1,255,875

     Current maturities                                                                        -                 -
                                                                                       1,318,941         1,255,875

37. Share Capital
                                        Balance at           Issuance of new                           Balance at
                                    January 1, 2023                   shares   Buyback of shares     June 30, 2023

     Share capital                         2,329,812                       -                   -         2,329,812

38. Capital Reserve
                                        Balance at          Additions during Reductions during        Balance at
                                    January 1, 2023               the period        the period      June 30, 2023

     Share premiums                       12,606,562                       -                   -        12,606,562
     Other capital reserve                   379,771                       -            (40,496)           339,275
                                          12,986,333                       -            (40,496)        12,945,837

                                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

39. Other Comprehensive Income, net of tax

                                                             Attributable to shareholders of the company
                                      Balance at                  transfer        Less:
                                      January 1,    Before tax    to profit    Income tax       Net-of-tax           Balance at June
                                        2023         amount        or loss      expenses         amount                 30, 2023

     Items that will not be
     reclassified to profit or loss      101,370        15,914              -        1,173            14,741                  116,111
     Re-measurement of changes
     in liabilities under defined
     benefit plans                        46,838        15,914              -        1,173            14,741                   61,579
     Changes in fair value of
     other equity investment              54,532              -             -            -                   -                 54,532
     Items that may be
     reclassified to profit or loss      979,220       822,559       (50,690)        3,785          869,464                 1,848,684
     Effective portion of gain or
     loss of cash flow hedge             (41,369)     (20,371)       (50,690)        3,785            26,534                  (14,835)
     Translation difference of
     foreign financial statements      1,020,589       842,930              -            -          842,930                 1,863,519
                                       1,080,590       838,473       (50,690)        4,958          884,205                 1,964,795

40. Surplus reserve

                                                                                 Additions       Reductions
                                                         Balance at             during the       during the              Balance at
                                                     January 1, 2023                period           period            June 30, 2023

      Statutory surplus reserve                                   238,684                    -                   -            238,684
      Discretional surplus reserve                                  3,814                    -                   -              3,814
                                                                  242,498                    -                   -            242,498

                                                                                                       ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                            (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

41. Retained Earnings
                                                                                        2023                2022

     Retained earnings as at January 1                                             6,469,604          5,940,465
     Net profits (loss) for the period attributable to shareholders of the
     Company                                                                       (242,156)            732,098
     Dividends to non-controlling Interest                                          (18,763)           (39,074)
     Dividend to the shareholders of the company (Note 1 & 2)                       (62,905)           (18,638)
     Retained earnings as at June 30                                               6,145,780          6,614,851

     Note 1:
     On March 29, 2022, after obtaining the approval of the 9th meeting of the Company's 9th Board of Directors,
     the Company declared RMB 0.08 (before tax) per 10 shares as cash dividend to all shareholders, resulting in a
     total cash dividend of 18,638 thousand RMB (before tax). No shares were distributed as share dividend and no
     reserve was transferred to equity capital.

     Note 2:
     On March 19, 2023, after obtaining the approval of the 19th meeting of the Company's 9th Board of Directors,
     the Company declared RMB 0.27 (before tax) per 10 shares as cash dividend to all shareholders, resulting in a
     total cash dividend of 62,905 thousand RMB (before tax). No shares were distributed as share dividend and no
     reserve was transferred to equity capital.

                                                                                                        ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                             (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

42. Operating Income and Cost of Sales

                                             Six months ended June 30            Six months ended June 30
                                                       2023                               2022
                                                  Income         Cost of sales       Income          Cost of sales

     Principal activities                     17,232,976         13,349,948       18,761,356          13,802,108
     Other businesses                             20,225              8,779           34,472              20,647
                                              17,253,201         13,358,727       18,795,828          13,822,755

43. Taxes and Surcharges

                                                                                  Six months ended June 30
                                                                                      2023                2022

      Tax on turnover                                                               16,382                 17,666
      Others                                                                        35,038                 38,171
                                                                                    51,420                 55,837

44. Selling and Distribution Expenses

                                                                                  Six months ended June 30
                                                                                      2023                2022

      Salaries and related expense                                                 972,566             1,015,829
      Depreciation and amortization                                                476,152               481,460
      Advertising and sales promotion                                              179,661               173,457
      Warehouse expenses                                                            98,906                75,378
      Travel expenses                                                               72,342                62,794
      Registration                                                                  69,834                64,983
      Professional services                                                         56,550                53,811
      Insurance                                                                     47,574                56,054
      Others                                                                       187,614               175,323
                                                                                 2,161,199             2,159,089

                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

45. General and Administrative Expenses

                                                                          Six months ended June 30
                                                                              2023                2022

      Salaries and related expenses                                        157,127                375,272
      Professional services                                                 61,710                 56,828
      IT systems                                                            61,002                 58,466
      Depreciation and amortization                                         55,710                 48,168
      Cost contribution arrangement                                         39,065                 33,864
      Office rent, maintenance and expenses                                 22,964                 24,348
      Other                                                                 63,568                 45,367
                                                                           461,146                642,313

46. Research and development expenses
                                                                          Six months ended June 30
                                                                               2023              2022

      Salaries and related expenses                                        134,457                127,574
      Depreciation and amortization                                         38,407                 42,400
      Professional services                                                 23,639                 17,350
      Field trial                                                           21,526                 16,475
      Materials                                                             13,741                 38,803
      Office rent, maintenance and expenses                                  5,416                  6,077
      Other                                                                 25,192                 26,059
                                                                           262,378                274,738

47. Financial expenses (incomes), net
                                                                          Six months ended June 30
                                                                               2023              2022

      Interest expenses on debentures and loans and other charges          562,720                341,633
      CPI expenses in respect of debentures                                184,710                236,815
      Loss in respect of sale of trade receivables                         115,352                 51,063
      Interest expense in respect of post-employment benefits and early
      retirement, net                                                        11,287                 7,000
      Revaluation of put option, net                                         83,584               101,901
      Interest income from customers, banks and others                    (134,254)              (53,960)
      Exchange rate differences, net                                      (414,163)           (1,153,323)
      Interest expense on lease liabilities                                  16,132                11,962
      Others                                                                 30,487                18,685
                                                                            455,855             (438,224)

                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

48. Investment income, net
                                                                        Six months ended June 30
                                                                             2023              2022

      Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using
        the equity method                                                  3,439                  4,706
      Other                                                                6,651                      -
                                                                          10,090                  4,706

49. Gain (loss) from Changes in Fair Value
                                                                       Six months ended June 30
                                                                           2023               2022

      Gain (loss) from changes in fair value of derivative financial
      Instruments                                                      (775,528)           (1,330,194)
      Others                                                             (6,690)              (11,523)
                                                                       (782,218)           (1,341,717)

50. Credit impairment reversal (losses)
                                                                       Six months ended June 30
                                                                           2023               2022

      Bills receivable and accounts receivable                               865               (64,703)
      Other receivables                                                    7,625               (32,422)
                                                                           8,490               (97,125)

51. Asset impairment losses
                                                                       Six months ended June 30
                                                                           2023               2022

     Inventories                                                       (105,197)               (79,445)
     Fixed assets                                                          (690)                (1,623)
     Intangible asset                                                          -                (4,278)
                                                                       (105,887)               (85,346)

                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

52. Gain from Disposal of Assets
                                                                 Six months ended June 30             Included in
                                                                      2023                   2022        items

      Gain from disposal of fixed assets                           23,402                   60,572           23,402
      Loss from disposal of intangible assets                           -                    (274)                -
                                                                   23,402                   60,298           23,402

53. Income Tax Expenses
                                                                                  Six months ended June 30
                                                                                       2023                2022

      Current year                                                                  286,525                 431,750
      Deferred tax expenses (income)                                              (367,924)               (306,884)
      Adjustments for previous years, net                                             4,966                (23,590)
                                                                                   (76,433)                 101,276

     (1)   Reconciliation between income tax expense and accounting profit is as follows:

                                                                                  Six months ended June 30
                                                                                       2023                2022

      Profit before taxes (loss)                                                 (318,589)                  833,374
      Statutory tax in china                                                          25%                       25%
      Tax calculated according to statutory tax in china                          (79,647)                  208,344
      Tax benefits from Approved Enterprises                                      (14,942)                  (98,005)
      Difference between measurement basis of income for financial
      statement and for tax purposes                                              (28,110)                     3,085
      Taxable income and temporary differences at other tax rate                 (128,074)                  (58,494)
      Taxes in respect of prior years                                                4,966                  (23,590)
      Utilization of tax losses prior years for which deferred taxes were
      not created                                                                   (5,308)                 (31,440)
      Temporary differences and losses in the report year for which
      deferred taxes were not created                                               14,398                   34,798
      Non-deductible expenses, non-taxable income and other difference,
      net                                                                           93,470                   21,569
      Neutralization of tax calculated in respect of the Company’s share
      in results of equity accounted investees                                       (931)                   (1,599)
      Effect of change in tax rate in respect of deferred taxes                     66,971                   13,979
      Creation and reversal of deferred taxes for tax losses and temporary
      differences from previous years                                                   774                  32,629
      Income tax expenses                                                          (76,433)                 101,276

54. Other comprehensive income
     Details of the Other comprehensive income are set out in Note V.39

                                                                                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                              (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

55. Government grants
                                                                                  Amount recognized in the profit
                                                                                 and loss statements during the six
                                                                                       months ended June 30

       Category                                    Presentation accounts              2023                2022
       Government grants related to income     Non-Operating income                  11,665              15,623
       Government grants related to assets     Fixed assets, Intangible assets       7,388                9,211

56. Notes to items in the cash flow statements

     (1)   Cash received relating to other operating activities
                                                                                   Six months ended June 30
                                                                                        2023                2022

     Interest income                                                                  80,270                  30,761
     Financial institutions                                                           38,020                 231,142
     Government subsidies                                                             12,883                  15,623
     Others                                                                           69,838                  26,562
                                                                                     201,011                 304,088

     (2)   Cash paid relating to other operating activities
                                                                                 Six months ended June 30
                                                                                      2023                2022

     Derivatives transactions                                                      225,818                471,332
     Advertising and sales promotion                                               167,451                181,788
     Professional services                                                         164,944                122,886
     Commissions and Warehouse                                                     118,902                 75,076
     IT and Communication                                                          114,304                125,187
     Registration and Field trials                                                  85,831                 86,410
     Travel                                                                         83,184                 64,767
     Insurance                                                                      70,183                 37,655
     Financial institutions                                                         67,142                116,107
     Others                                                                        444,295                453,295
                                                                                 1,542,054              1,734,503

     (3)   Cash received relating to other investing activities
                                                                                 Six months ended June 30
                                                                                      2023                2022

     Investment grant                                                               16,643                        -
                                                                                    16,643                        -

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

56. Notes to items in the cash flow statements - (cont'd)

     (4)    Cash paid relating to other investing activities
                                                                                     Six months ended June 30
                                                                                          2023                2022

      Increase in short and long term investments,net                                         -                64,719
                                                                                              -                64,719
     (5)    Cash received from other financing activities

                                                                                     Six months ended June 30
                                                                                          2023                2022

      Deposit for issuing bills payables                                               34,932                  11,010
      Borrowing from related party *                                                1,393,370                       -
                                                                                    1,428,302                  11,010

     *     For more detailes regarding the borrowing from related party – see note X. related parties and related
           parties transactions.

     (6)    Cash paid relating to other financing activities

                                                                                     Six months ended June 30
                                                                                          2023                2022

      Payment in respect of hedging transactions on debentures                        347,870                 802,237
      Realization of Call option                                                      116,311                       -
      Repayment of lease liability                                                     86,608                  84,743
      Deposit for issuing bills payable                                                 3,210                  57,447
      Repayment of loan from others                                                       625                     153
                                                                                      554,624                 944,580

                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

57. Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement

     (1)   Supplementary information on Cash Flow Statement

a. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:

                                                                              Six months ended June 30
                                                                                   2023                2022

     Net profit (loss)                                                        (242,156)                732,098
     Add: Impairment provisions for assets                                      105,887                 85,346
     Credit impairment losses (gain)                                             (8,490)                97,125
     Depreciation of fixed assets and investment property                       487,815                499,714
     Depreciation of right-of-use asset                                          93,719                 80,900
     Amortization of intangible asset                                           449,372                453,387
     Gains on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-
     term assets, net                                                           (23,402)              (60,298)
     Losses from changes in fair value                                           782,218             1,341,717
     Financial expenses                                                          329,817             (342,658)
     Investment income, net                                                     (10,090)                (4,706)
     Increase in deferred tax assets, net                                      (350,613)             (318,979)
     Decrease in deferred tax liabilities, net                                  (17,311)                12,095
     Decrease (increase) in inventories, net                                     905,851           (3,360,343)
     Increase in operating receivables, net                                    (752,091)           (2,842,961)
     Increase (decrease) in operating payables, net                          (1,786,212)             2,248,418
     Others                                                                     (29,190)                33,284
     Net cash flow from operating activities                                    (64,876)           (1,345,861)

b. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

                                                                               Six months ended June 30
                                                                                    2023                2022

           Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                        4,570,537               3,190,742
           Less: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                  4,225,253               5,759,480
           Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                      345,284             (2,568,738)

                                                                                          ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                               (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

57.    Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement - (cont'd)
      (2)   Details of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                       June 30         December 31
                                                                         2023               2022

            Cash on hand                                                   960                 785
            Bank deposits available on demand without restrictions   4,569,577           4,224,468
                                                                     4,570,537           4,225,253

58. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use
                                                                     June 30
                                                                       2023          Reason

            Cash                                                      33,986          Pledged
            Other non-current assets                                 195,920         Guarantees

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.   Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

59. Foreign currencies denominated items

     (1)   Foreign currencies denominated items

                                                                             As at June 30, 2023
                                                       Foreign currency at
                                                          the end of the                             RMB at the end of
                                                              period            Exchange rate          the period
           Cash and bank balances
           BRL                                                     329,919                1.499                 494,548
           EUR                                                      41,621                7.848                 326,642
           GBP                                                      24,852                9.121                 226,673
           ILS                                                      93,092                1.953                 181,808
           ARS                                                   6,262,188                0.028                 175,341
           RON                                                      72,130                1.579                 113,893
           USD                                                      12,806                7.226                  92,533
           PLN                                                      50,745                1.760                  89,311
           ZAR                                                      96,680                0.387                  37,415
           RUB                                                     274,232                0.083                  22,761
           TRY                                                      46,142                0.280                  12,920
           Other                                                                                                186,253
           Total                                                                                              1,960,098

           Bills and Accounts receivable
           BRL                                                     964,126                1.499               1,445,225
           EUR                                                      97,454                7.848                 764,822
           TRY                                                   1,282,941                0.280                 359,223
           USD                                                      45,302                7.226                 327,344
           RON                                                     184,439                1.579                 291,229
           HUF                                                   9,349,497                0.021                 196,339
           CAD                                                      24,370                5.448                 132,767
           ZAR                                                     265,954                0.387                 102,924
           THB                                                     460,422                0.203                  93,466
           ILS                                                      39,995                1.953                  78,110
           RUB                                                     891,820                0.083                  74,021
           CZK                                                     173,747                0.331                  57,510
           IDR                                                      84,611               0.4809                  40,688
           Other                                                                                                204,059
           Total                                                                                              4,167,727

           Other receivables
           EUR                                                      31,965                7.848                 250,860
           GBP                                                       7,378                9.121                  67,293
           ILS                                                      21,769                1.953                  42,515
           BRL                                                      20,689                1.499                  31,013
           Other                                                                                                 76,742
           Total                                                                                                468,423

                                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

59.    Foreign currencies denominated items - (cont'd)

      (1)   Foreign currencies denominated items - (cont'd)

                                                                                As at June 30, 2023
                                                         Foreign currency at                             RMB at the end of
                                                        the end of the period       Exchange rate          the period

            Other current assets
            BRL                                                       154,460                1.499                  231,536
            ILS                                                        69,801                1.953                  136,322
            EUR                                                         8,418                7.848                   66,065
            UAH                                                       301,622                0.198                   59,721
            ARS                                                     1,236,386                0.028                   34,619
            Other                                                                                                   100,056
            Total                                                                                                   628,319

            Long-term receivables
            BRL                                                        39,542                1.499                   59,273
            Total                                                                                                    59,273

            Other non-current assets
            BRL                                                       156,948                1.499                  235,265
            Other                                                                                                    64,339
            Total                                                                                                   299,604

            Short-term loans
            ILS                                                       165,883                 1.953                 323,969
            EUR                                                        28,108                 7.848                 220,589
            TRY                                                       205,316                 0.280                  57,488
            Other                                                                                                    19,590
            Total                                                                                                   621,636

            Bills and Accounts payable
            ILS                                                       749,274                 1.953               1,463,333
            EUR                                                        63,553                 7.848                 498,761
            BRL                                                       152,884                 1.499                 229,173
            USD                                                         9,175                 7.226                  66,297
            Other                                                                                                   132,045
            Total                                                                                                 2,389,609

            Other payables
            ILS                                                        97,401                 1.953                 190,225
            BRL                                                       123,967                 1.499                 185,826
            ILS CPI                                                    22,230                 1.953                  43,416
            Other                                                                                                   139,548
            Total                                                                                                   559,015

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

59.    Foreign currencies denominated items - (cont'd)

      (1)   Foreign currencies denominated items - (cont'd)

                                                                                  As at June 30, 2023
                                                          Foreign currency at                             RMB at the end of
                                                          the end of the period      Exchange rate          the period

            Contract liabilities
            EUR                                                         53,046                 7.848                 416,307
            CAD                                                         47,966                 5.448                 261,321
            BRL                                                         45,143                 1.499                  67,670
            UAH                                                        335,708                 0.198                  66,470
            Other                                                                                                     95,366
            Total                                                                                                    907,134

            Non-current liabilities due within one year
            ILS CPI                                                    317,339                 1.953                 619,764
            EUR                                                         67,984                 7.848                 533,539
            Other                                                                                                     50,501
            Total                                                                                                  1,203,804

            Other current liabilities
            EUR                                                          8,047                 7.848                  63,153
            Other                                                                                                      3,468
            Total                                                                                                     66,621

            Long-term loan
            EUR                                                         28,999                 7.848                 227,584
            Total                                                                                                    227,584

            Debentures payable
            ILS CPI                                                  3,805,973                 1.953               7,433,065
            Total                                                                                                  7,433,065

            Provision and Long-term payables
            BRL                                                        111,510                 1.499                 167,154
            Other                                                                                                      2,919
            Total                                                                                                    170,073

            Other non-current liabilities
            ILS CPI                                                     48,183                 1.953                  94,102
            EUR                                                          5,526                 7.848                  43,369
            USD                                                          3,358                 7.226                  24,264
            Other                                                                                                     51,723
            Total                                                                                                    213,458

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

V.    Notes to the consolidated financial statements - (cont'd)

59.    Foreign currencies denominated items - (cont'd)

      (2)     Major foreign operations

                                                Registration &
                                               Principal place of                                            Functional
        Name of the Subsidiary                     business                    Business nature                currency

        ADAMA France S.A.S                           France                      Distribution                   USD
        ADAMA Brasil S/A                             Brazil              Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD
        ADAMA Deutschland GmbH                      Germany               Distribution; Registration            USD
        ADAMA India Private Ltd.                     India                      Manufacturing                   INR
                                                                          Distribution; Registration
        Makhteshim Agan of North                  United States          Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD
        America Inc.                                                             Registration
        Control Solutions Inc.                    United States          Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD
        ADAMA Agan Ltd.                               Israel             Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD
        ADAMA Makhteshim Ltd.                         Israel             Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD
        ADAMA Australia Pty                         Australia                    Distribution                   AUD
        ADAMA Italia SRL                              Italy                      Distribution                   USD
        ADAMA Northern                             Netherlands                   Distribution                   USD
        Europe B.V.
        Alligare LLC                              United States          Manufacturing; Distribution;           USD

            The functional currency of the subsidiaries above is the main currency that represent the principal economic

                                                                                                                   ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VI. Change in consolidation Scope

1.   Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

     (1) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control during current period

                                             Total                                      Basis of           From acquisition
                                             consideration   Proportion                 acquisition       date till period end
           Name of the         Acquisition   of equity       of equity    Acquisition   date                             Net
           Company             date          investment      investment   method        determination                   profit
           AgriNova New        05.01.2023    214,476         100%         Stock         Obtained           35,158       6,286
           Zealand Ltd                                                    purchase      control

     (2) Acquisition cost and goodwill
                                                                                                  Total of AgriNova New
           Acquisition costs                                                                                 Zealand Ltd
           Total acquisition cost in cash                                                                            170,155
           Contingent consideration                                                                                   44,321
           Less: share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired                                     101,401
           Goodwill                                                                                                  113,075

     (3)   Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree, at acquisition date
                                                                                            AgriNova New Zealand Ltd
                                                                                         Fair value at     Book value at
                                                                                        acquisition date  acquisition date
                                                                                          05.01.2023         05.01.2023
           Cash and bank balances                                                              21,695                  21,695
           Bills and Accounts receivable                                                        8,066                   8,066
           Prepayments                                                                            903                     903
           Inventories                                                                         21,898                  21,898
           Fixed assets                                                                         1,350                   1,350
           Intangible assets                                                                   88,670                       -
           Deferred tax assets                                                                  2,354                   2,354
           Bills and Accounts payable                                                           7,601                   7,601
           Employee benefits payable                                                            1,273                   1,273
           Taxes payable                                                                        8,573                   8,573
           Other payables                                                                         452                     452
           Contract liabilities                                                                   807                     807
           Deferred tax liabilities                                                            24,829                       -
           Net assets                                                                         101,401                  37,560
           Less: Non-controlling interests                                                          -                       -
           Net assets acquired                                                                101,401                  37,560

                                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VII. Interest in Other Entities

1.   Interests in subsidiaries

     Composition of the largest subsidiaries of the Group in respect of assets and operating income

                                         Registration &                                                               Method of
                                         Principal place of                                                         obtaining the
      Name of the Subsidiary             business             Business nature                Direct    Indirect       subsidiary

      ADAMA France S.A.S                 France               Distribution                               100%          Established
      ADAMA Brasil S/A                   Brazil               Manufacturing; Distribution;               100%           Purchased
      ADAMA Deutschland GmbH             Germany              Distribution; Registration;                100%          Established
      ADAMA India Private Ltd.           India                Manufacturing;                             100%          Established
                                                              Distribution; Registration
      Makhteshim Agan of North America   United States        Manufacturing; Distribution;               100%          Established
      Inc.                                                    Registration
      Control Solutions Inc.             United States        Manufacturing; Distribution;               67%            Purchased
      ADAMA Agan Ltd.                    Israel               Manufacturing; Distribution;               100%          Restructure
      ADAMA Makhteshim Ltd.              Israel               Manufacturing; Distribution;               100%          Restructure
      ADAMA Australia Pty Limited        Australis            Distribution                               100%           Purchased
      ADAMA Italia SRL                   Italy                Distribution                               100%          Established
      ADAMA Northern Europe B.V.         Netherlands          Distribution                                55%           Purchased
                                                              Manufacturing; Distribution;                              Purchased
      Alligare LLC                       United States                                                   100%
      Adama Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.         China                Manufacturing; Distribution      100%                     Purchased
      Adama Huifeng (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd.   China                Manufacturing; Distribution       51%                     Purchased

2.   Interests in joint ventures or associates
                                                                                                 June 30          December 31
                                                                                                    2023                2022

      Joint venture                                                                                    1,358              2,110
      Associate                                                                                       27,914             24,258
                                                                                                      29,272             26,368

3.   Summarized financial information of joint ventures and associates

                                                                           June 30, 2023 and six        June 30, 2022 and six
                                                                             months then ended            months then ended
      Joint venture:
      Total carrying amount                                                                   1,358                       2,584
      The Group's share of the following items:
           Net profit                                                                            70                          234
           Other comprehensive income                                                            33                          123
           Total comprehensive income                                                           103                          357

      Total carrying amount                                                                  27,914                      17,924
      The Group's share of the following items:
            Net profit                                                                        3,369                       4,472
            Other comprehensive income                                                        3,072                       1,754
            Total comprehensive income                                                        6,441                       6,226

                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII.      Risk Related to Financial Instruments

A.      General

        The Group has extensive international operations, and, therefore, it is exposed to credit risks, liquidity risks
        and market risks (including currency risk, interest risk and other price risk). In order to reduce the exposure to
        these risks, the Group uses financial derivatives instruments, including forward transactions and options
        (hereinafter - “derivatives”).

        Transactions in derivatives are undertaken with major financial institutions, and therefore, in the opinion of
        Group Management the credit risk in respect thereof is low.

        This note provides information on the Group’s exposure to each of the above risks, the Group’s objectives,
        policies and processes regarding the measurement and management of the risk. Additional quantitative
        disclosure is included throughout the consolidated financial statements.

        The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for establishing and monitoring the framework of the Group's
        risk management policy. The Finance Committee is responsible for establishing and monitoring the Group's
        actual risk management policy. The Chief Financial Officer reports to the Finance Committee on a regular
        basis regarding these risks.

        The Group’s risk management policy, established to identify and analyze the risks facing the Group, to set
        appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. The policy and methods for
        managing the risks are reviewed regularly, in order to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group's
        activities. The Group, through training, and management standards and procedures, aims to develop a
        disciplined and constructive control environment in which all the employees understand their roles and

B.      Credit risk

        Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails
        to meet its contractual obligations, and derives mainly from trade receivables and other receivables as well as
        from cash and deposits in financial institutions.

        Accounts and other receivables

        The Group’s revenues are derived from a large number of widely dispersed customers in many countries.
        Customers include multi-national companies and manufacturing companies, as well as distributors,
        agriculturists, agents and agrochemical manufacturers who purchase the products either as finished goods or
        as intermediate products for their own requirements.

        The Company entered into an agreement for the sale of trade receivables in a securitization transaction, for
        details see note V.5.e. and f.

        In June 2022, a two-years agreement with an international insurance company was renewed. The amount of
        the insurance coverage was fixed at $150 million cumulative per year. The indemnification is limited to about
        90% of the debt.

        The Group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the personal characterization of each customer,
        and by the demographic characterization of the customer’s base, including the risk of insolvency of the
        industry and geographic region in which the customer operates. No single customer accounted for greater than
        5% of total accounts receivable.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

B.    Credit risk - (cont’d)

      The Company management has prescribed a credit policy, whereby the Company performs current ongoing
      credit evaluations of existing and new customers, and every new customer is examined thoroughly regarding
      the quality of his credit, before offering him the Group’s customary shipping and payment terms. The
      examination made by the Group includes an outside credit rating, if any, and in many cases, receipt of
      documents from an insurance company. A credit limit is prescribed for each customer, outstanding amount of
      the accounts receivable balance. These limits are examined annually. Customers that do not meet the Group’s
      criteria for credit quality may do business with the Group on the basis of a prepayment or against furnishing
      of appropriate collateral.

      Most of the Group’s customers have been doing business with it for many years. In monitoring customer credit
      risk, the customers were grouped according to a characterization of their credit, based on geographical location,
      industry, aging of receivables, maturity, and existence of past financial difficulties. Customers defined as “high
      risk” are classified to the restricted customer list and are supervised by management. In certain countries,
      mainly, Brazil, customers are required to provide property collaterals (such as agricultural lands and equipment)
      against execution of the sales, the value of which is examined on a current ongoing basis by the Company. In
      these countries, in a case of expected credit risk, the Company records a provision for the amount of the debt
      less the value of the collaterals provided and acts to realize the collaterals.

      The Group closely monitors the economic situation in Eastern Europe, specifically in Ukraine due to the
      conflict and in South America on an ongoing basis.

      The Group recognizes an impairment provision, which reflects its assessment regarding the credit risk of
      account receivables, Other receivables and investments on a lifetime expected credit loss basis. See also notes
      Ⅲ.10 – Financial instruments and Ⅲ.11 – Receivables.

      Cash and deposits in banks

      The Company holds cash and deposits in banks with a high credit rating. These banks are also required to
      comply with capital adequacy or maintain a level of security based on different situations.


      The Company’s policy is to provide financial guarantees only to investee companies.

      Aging of receivables and expected credit risk

      Presented below is the aging of the past due trade receivables:
                                                                                                  June 30, 2023

       Past due by less than 90 days                                                                        1,041,318
       Past due by more than 90 days                                                                          557,013

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

B.    Credit risk - (cont’d)

      The company measure the provision for credit losses on a collective group basis, where receivables share
      similar credit risk characteristics based on geographical locations. The examination for expected credit losses
      is performed using model including aging analysis and historical loss experiences, and adjusted by the
      observable factors reflecting current and expected future economic conditions.
      When credit risk on a receivable has increased significantly since initial recognition, the group records specific
      provision or general provision which is determined for groups of similar assets in countries in which there are
      large number of customers with immaterial balances.

      The Group has credit risk exposures for accounts receivables amounted to RMB 8,567,344 thousand relate to
      category of "Lifetime expected credit losses (credit losses has not occurred)" and amounted to RMB 1,126,855
      thousand related to category of "Lifetime expected credit losses (credit losses occurred)". The Group has credit
      risk exposures for other receivables amounted to RMB 38,236 thousand related to category of "Lifetime
      expected credit losses (credit losses occurred)". The credit risk exposures for all remaining balance of financial
      assets at amortised cost and financial assets at FVTOCI are related to "12-month expected credit losses".

C.    Liquidity risk

      Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter difficulty in meeting its financial obligation when they
      come due. The Group's approach to managing its liquidity risk is to assure, to the extent possible, an adequate
      degree of liquidity for meeting its obligations timely, under ordinary conditions and under pressure conditions,
      without sustaining unwanted losses or hurting its reputation.

      The cash-flow forecast is determined both at the level of the various entities as well as of the consolidated
      level. The Company examines the current forecasts of its liquidity requirements in order to ascertain that there
      is sufficient cash for the operating needs, including the amounts required in order to comply with the financial
      liabilities, while taking strict care that at all times there will be unused credit frameworks so that the Company
      will not exceed the credit frameworks granted to it and the financial covenants with which it is required to
      comply with. These forecasts take into consideration matters such as the Company’s plans to use debt for
      financing its activities, compliance with required financial covenants, compliance with certain liquidity ratios
      and compliance with external requirements such as laws or regulation.

      The surplus cash held by the Group subsidiaries, which is not required for financing the current ongoing
      operations, is invested in short-term interest-bearing investment channels.

                                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

C.    Liquidity risk - (cont’d)

      (1) Presented below are the contractual maturities of the financial liabilities at undiscounted amounts,
          including estimated interest payments:

                                                                               As at June 30, 2023
                                                                                 Third-     Fifth year   Contractual      Carrying
                                                First year   Second year   Fourth year     and above     Cash flow         amount
          Non-derivative financial
            Short-term loans                     6,445,953             -             -             -      6,445,953      6,341,677
            Bills payables                         497,344             -             -             -        497,344        497,344
            Accounts payables                    5,944,976             -             -             -      5,944,976      5,944,976
            Other payables                       2,489,597             -             -             -      2,489,597      2,489,597
            Other current liabilities              483,688             -             -             -        483,688        483,688
            Debentures payable                     934,238       937,974     1,787,786     7,174,504     10,834,502      8,004,835
            Long-term loans                      1,941,192     1,557,367     1,274,012       657,204      5,429,775      5,129,027
            Long-term payables                       7,233        13,324        25,436        88,402        134,395        108,886
            Lease Liabilities                      199,842       157,989       173,183       359,338        890,352        666,459
            Long-term liability in respect of
                      business combinations             -         59,240         2,764             -          62,004        49,454
            Other non-current liabilities           9,754          9,755     1,307,083       371,044       1,697,636     1,318,941

          Derivative financial liabilities
           Foreign currency derivatives            735,658             -             -             -        735,658        735,658
                                                19,689,475     2,735,649     4,570,264     8,650,492     35,645,880     31,770,542

D.    Market risks

      Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign exchange rates, CPI, interest rates and
      prices of capital instruments, will affect the Group’s revenues or the value of its holdings in its financial
      instruments. The objective of market risk management is to manage and monitor the exposure to market risks
      within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return.

      During the ordinary course of business, the Group purchases and sells derivatives and assumes financial
      liabilities for the purpose of managing market risks.

      (1) CPI and foreign currency risks

      Currency risk

      The Group is exposed to currency risk from its sales, purchases, expenses and loans denominated in currencies
      that differ from the Group’s functional currency. The main exposure is in Euro, Brazilian real, USD and in
      NIS. In addition, there are smaller exposures to various currencies such as the British pound, Polish zloty,
      Australian dollar, Indian rupee, Argentine peso, Canadian dollar, South African Rand, Ukraine Hryunia, the
      Turkish lira and Chinese Yuan Renminbi.

      The Group uses foreign currency derivatives – forward transactions and currency options – in order to hedge
      the cash flows risk, which derive from existing monetary assets and liabilities and anticipated sales and
      purchases, which may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations.

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

D.    Market risks - (cont’d)

      (1) CPI and foreign currency risks - (cont’d)

      The Group hedged a part of the estimated currency exposure to anticipate sales and purchases for the
      subsequent year. Likewise, the Group hedges most of its monetary assets and liabilities denominated in a
      non- U.S. dollar currency. The Group uses foreign currency derivatives to hedge its currency risk, mostly with
      maturity dates of less than one year from the reporting date.

      Solutions debentures are linked to the NIS-CPI and, therefore, an increase in the NIS-CPI, as well as changes
      in the NIS exchange rate, could cause significant exposure with respect to the subsidiary functional currency
      – the U.S. dollar. As of the approval date of the financial statements, the subsidiary had hedged most of its
      exposure deriving from issuance of the debentures, in options and forward contracts.

      (A) The Group’s exposure to NIS-CPI and foreign currency risk is as follows:

                                                                                             June 30, 2023
                                                                                      Total assets     Total liabilities

            In US Dollar                                                                 2,868,242            2,226,263
            In Euro                                                                      1,559,256            2,048,441
            In Brazilian real                                                            2,496,860              482,676
            CPI-linked NIS                                                                  45,205            8,169,485
            In New Israeli Shekel                                                          438,755            2,015,990
            Denominated in or linked to other foreign currency                           4,977,640              874,345
                                                                                        12,385,958           15,817,200

      (B) The exposure to CPI and foreign currency risk in respect of derivatives is as follows:

                                                                      June 30, 2023
                                         Currency/     Currency/     Average          USD          RMB
                                            linkage      linkage   expiration   thousands     thousands
                                         receivable      payable         date    Par value     Par value     Fair value

             Forward foreign currency          USD          EUR    20/10/2023      340,684      2,461,716     (328,803)
            Contracts and call options         USD          PLN    12/07/2023       18,177        131,346         2,586
                                               USD          BRL    01/08/2023      203,448      1,470,076      (28,237)
                                               USD          GBP    10/07/2023       13,022         94,098       (5,172)
                                               USD          ZAR    19/08/2023       33,812        244,316         7,164
                                                ILS         USD    04/08/2023    1,418,850     10,252,324     (194,263)
                                               USD        OTHER                    608,192      4,394,672      (45,549)
            CPI forward contracts              CPI           ILS   20/09/2023      608,108      4,394,068        48,757

                                                                                                            ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                 (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

D.    Market risks - (cont’d)

      (1) CPI and foreign currency risks - (cont’d)

      (C) Sensitivity analysis

           The appreciation or depreciation of the Dollar against the following currencies as of June 30, 2023 and
           the increase or decrease in the CPI would increase (decrease) the equity and profit or loss by the amounts
           presented below. This analysis assumes that all the remaining variables, among others interest rates,
           remains constant.

                                                                         June 30, 2023
                                                   Decrease of 5%                         Increase of 5%
                                                Equity        Profit (loss)          Equity           Profit (loss)
            New Israeli shekel                     (645,224)         (667,211)              51,429               73,568
            British pound                             12,622            12,622            (12,622)             (12,622)
            Euro                                        8,066         (38,484)             (7,087)               41,087
            Brazilian real                            96,127           100,709            (97,004)            (100,709)
            Polish zloty                                2,468            2,468             (1,798)              (1,798)
            South African Rand                        (6,378)              371               5,200                (912)
            Chinese Yuan Renminbi                   (11,105)          (11,105)              15,721               15,721
            CPI-linked NIS                           232,100           232,100           (232,100)            (232,100)

      (2) Interest rate risks

          The Group has exposure to changes in the variable interest rate. The Group has different assets and
          liabilities in different countries which bear interest according to the economic environment in each country.
          Most of the loans, other than the debentures, bear Dollar and Euro Libor interest. As a result, most of the
          variable interest exposure of those loans is to the Libor interest. Due to market conditions, the variable
          interest rates on cash are relatively low.

          The Company prepares a quarterly summary of exposure to a change in the Libor interest rate. As at the
          approval date of the financial statements, the Company had not hedged this exposure.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

VIII. Risk Related to Financial Instruments - (cont’d)

D.    Market risks - (cont’d)

      (2) Interest rate risks - (cont’d)

      (A) Type of interest

           The interest rate profile of the Group’s interest-bearing financial instruments was as follows:

                                                                                                       June 30, 2023

            Fixed-rate instruments – unlinked to the CPI
            Financial assets
            Other non-current assets                                                                            66,044

            Financial liabilities
            Long-term loans (1)                                                                              3,845,009
            Long-term payables                                                                                  27,610
            Other non-current liabilities                                                                      361,290
            Fixed-rate instruments – linked to the CPI
            Financial liabilities
            Debentures payable (1)                                                                            8,004,835

            Variable-rate instruments
            Financial assets
            Cash at banks                                                                                      855,860
            Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                                                1,930
            Other current assets                                                                                56,730

            Financial liabilities
            Short-term loans and credit from banks                                                           6,341,677
            Long-term loans (1)                                                                              1,284,018
            Long-term payables                                                                                  70,755

          (1) Including current maturities.

      (B) Sensitivity analysis of cash flows regarding variable-interest instruments

           A change of 5% in the interest rates on the reporting date would increase or reduce equity and profit or loss
           by the amounts presented below. This analysis assumes that all the remaining variables, among others
           exchange rates, remained fixed.

                                                                   Profit or loss                  Equity
                                                              Increase in Decrease in      Increase in Decrease in
                                                                 interest       interest      interest    interest

            As at June 30, 2023                                      981           (997)            981           (997)

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

IX. Fair Value

     The fair value of forward contracts on foreign currency is based on their listed market price, if available. In the
     absence of market prices, the fair value is estimated based on the discounted difference between the stated
     forward price in the contract and the current forward price for the residual period until redemption, using an
     appropriate interest rate.

     The fair value of foreign currency options is based on bank quotes. The reasonableness of the quotes is evaluated
     through discounting future cash flow estimates, based on the conditions and duration to maturity of each contract,
     using the market interest rates of a similar instrument at the measurement date and in accordance with the Black
     & Scholes model.

1.   Financial instruments measured at fair value for disclosure purposes only

     The carrying amount of certain financial assets and liabilities, including cash at bank and on hand, bills and
     accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables, derivatives financial assets, short-term loans, bills
     and accounts payable and other payable, are the same or proximate to their fair value.

     The following table details the carrying amount in the books and the fair value of groups of non-current financial
     instruments presented in the financial statements not in accordance with their fair values:

                                                                                     June 30, 2023
                                                                        Carrying amount                      Fair value
      Financial assets
      Other non-current assets (a – Level 2)                                      102,845                       88,714

      Financial liabilities
      Long-term loans and others (b – Level 2)                                  6,266,949                    6,015,605
      Debentures (c – Level 1)                                                  8,004,835                    9,105,391

     a) The fair value of the other non-current assets is based on a discounted future cash flows, using the acceptable
        interest rate for similar investment having similar characteristics (Level 2).
     b) The fair value of the long-term loans and others is based on a discounted future cash flows, using the acceptable
        interest rate for similar loans having similar characteristics (Level 2).
     c) The fair value of the debentures is based on stock exchange quotes (Level 1).

2.   The interest rates used in determining fair value

     The interest rates used to discount the estimate of anticipated cash flows are:

                                                                                                    June 30, 2023

     U.S. dollar interest                                                                           5.85% - 7.03%
     Chinese Yuan Renminbi                                                                         1.08% - 1.96%
     Euro                                                                                          3.18% - 3.66%

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

IX. Fair Value - (cont’d)

3.   Fair value hierarchy of financial instruments measured at fair value

     Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
     between market participants at the measurement date. The table below presents an analysis of financial
     instruments measured at fair value. The various levels have been defined as follows:

      Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active market for identical instrument.
      Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable, either directly or indirectly.
      Level 3: inputs that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

     The Company’s forward contracts and options are carried at fair value and are evaluated by observable inputs
     and therefore are concurrent with the definition of level 2.

                                                                                                              June 30

      Forward contracts and options used for hedging the cash flow (Level 2)                                       (15,080)
      Forward contracts and options used for economic hedging (Level 2)                                           (528,437)
      Other equity investment (Level 2)                                                                             162,905
      Receivables financing (Level 2)                                                                               125,292
      Other non-current assets (Level 2)                                                                             96,464
      Other (Level 2)                                                                                                 1,930

      Financial Instrument                 Fair value
                                           Fair value measured on the basis of discounting the difference between the
                                           stated forward price in the contract and the current forward price for the
      Forward contracts
                                           residual period until redemption using an appropriate interest rates.

      Foreign currency options             The fair value is measured based on the Black&Scholes model.

     No transfer between any levels of the fair value hierarchy in the reporting period.

     No change in the valuation techniques in the reporting period.

                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions

1.   Information on parent Company

        Company        Registered                         Registered capital   Shareholding          Percentage
         name            place        Business nature     (Thousand RMB)        percentage         of voting rights

                                      Production and
                                           sales of
        Syngenta       Shanghai,    fertilizers and GM
         Group          China               seeds            11,144,545            78.47%             78.47%

     The Company’s ultimate controlling shareholder is Sinochem Holdings .

2.   Information on the largest subsidiaries of the Company

     For information about the subsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VII.1.

3.   Information on largest joint ventures and associates of the Company

     For information about the joint ventures and associates of the Company, refer to Note V.12.
     Other joint ventures and associates that have related party transactions with the Group during this period or the
     previous periods are as follows:

      Name of entity                                      Relationship with the Company

      Innovaroma SA                                       Joint venture of the Group

                                                                                                   ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                        (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

4.   Information on other related parties

         Name of other related parties                                 Related party relationship
         Beijing Guangyuan Yinong Chemical Co., LTD                    Common control
         Beijing Junmao Real Estate Co. Ltd.                           Common control
         Zhonglan Lianhai Design and Research Institute                Common control
         Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co. Ltd.                Common control
         Bluestar Engineering Co. Ltd.                                 Common control
         China Chemical Information Center                             Common control
         China National Bluestar (Group) Co. Ltd.                      Common control
         China National Chemical Agrochemical Corporation              Common control
         Dipagro LTDA                                                  Common control
         Elkem Silicones Brasil Ltd.                                   Common control
         Elkem Silicones Hong Kong Co. Ltd.                            Common control
         Hangzhou (torch) Xidou door Film Industry Co., LTD            Common control
         Henan Junhua Development Co. Ltd.                             Common control
         Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co. Ltd.                              Common control
         Jiangsu Ruixiang Chemical Co., LTD                            Common control
         Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co. Ltd.                            Common control
         Jiangsu Youjia Plant protection Co., LTD                      Common control
         Jiangsu Youshi Chemical Co., LTD                              Common control
         Jingzhou Sanonda Holdings Co. Ltd.                            Common control
         (MAP) Sinochem Modern Agriculture Co.LTD Xinjiang Branch      Common control
         (MAP) Sinochem Modern Agriculture Co.LTD Yichang Branch       Common control
         OOO Syngenta                                                  Common control
         P.T. Syngenta Indonesia                                       Common control
         PT Syngenta Seed Indonesia                                    Common control
         Shandong Dacheng Agrochemical Company Limited                 Common control
         Shenyang Chemical Co., Ltd.                                   Common control
         Shenyang Shenhua Institute Testing Technology Co. Ltd.        Common control
         Sinochem (Hainan) Agroecology Co.                             Common control
         Sinochem (Linyi) Crop Nutrition Co. Ltd                       Common control
         Sinochem Agriculture (Xinjiang) Biotechnology Co. Ltd.        Common control
          Sino MAP                                                     Common control
         Sinochem Agro Co. Ltd.                                        Common control
         Sinochem Chemical Science and Technology Research Institute
         Co., LTD                                                      Common control
         Sinochem Crop Protection Products Co. LTD                     Common control
         Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited                           Common control
         Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Fujian Branch             Common control

                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

4. Information on other related parties - (cont’d)

    Name of other related parties                                           Related party relationship
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Guangxi Branch                      Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Hebei Branch                        Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Jiangsu Branch                      Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Jilin Branch                        Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Northwest Branch                    Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Shandong Branch                     Common control
    Sinochem Fertilizer Company Limited Southwest Branch                    Common control
    Sinochem Information Technology Co. Ltd.                                Common control
    Sinochem International Crop Care (Overseas) Pte. Ltd.                   Common control
    Sinochem Innovation (Beijing) Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.   Common control
    Sinochem Lantian Fluorine Materials Co. Ltd.                            Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Gansu) Co. LTD                             Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Guangxi) Co. LTD                           Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Hunan) Co. LTD                             Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Inner Mongolia) Co. LTD                    Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Jiangsu) Co. LTD                           Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture (Xinjiang) Co. LTD                          Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture Anhui Co. LTD                               Common control
    Sinochem Modern Agriculture Sichuan Co. LTD                             Common control
    Syngenta (China) Investment Company Ltd                                 Common control
    Syngenta Agro (Argentina) S.A.                                          Common control
    Syngenta Agro AG                                                        Common control
    Syngenta Agro d.o.o.                                                    Common control
    Syngenta Agro GmbH                                                      Common control
    Syngenta Agro SA de CV                                                  Common control
    Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd                                              Common control
    Syngenta Canada Inc                                                     Common control
    Syngenta Comercial Agricola                                             Common control
    Syngenta Crop Protection AG                                             Common control
    Syngenta Crop Protection BV                                             Common control
    Syngenta Crop Protection LLC                                            Common control
    Syngenta Crop Protection Ltd.                                           Common control
    Syngenta Crop Protection SA                                             Common control
    Syngenta Czech s.r.o.                                                   Common control
    Syngenta Espaa S.A.                                                     Common control
    Syngenta France S.A.S                                                   Common control
    Syngenta A.G.                                                           Common control
    Syngenta Group Saturn (NL) B.V.                                         Common control
    Syngenta Hellas AEBE                                                    Common control
    Syngenta India Ltd                                                      Common control
    Syngenta Italia SpA                                                     Common control
    Syngenta Nantong Crop Protection Co., LTD                               Common control
    Syngenta Protecao de Cultivos Ltda                                      Common control
    Syngenta S.A.                                                           Common control
    Syngenta Seeds LTDA                                                     Common control
    Syngenta Slovakia s.r.o.                                                Common control

                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

4. Information on other related parties - (cont’d)

    Name of other related parties                                   Related party relationship

    Syngenta Tarim Sanay ve Ticaret AS                              Common control
    Syngenta Vietnam Limited                                        Common control
    Syngenta Zambia Limited                                         Common control
    Tov Syngenta                                                    Common control
    Valagro S.p.A.                                                  Common control
    China Bluestar Chengrand Research Institute Chemical Industry   Common control
    Zhonglan International Chemical Co. Ltd.                        Common control
    Ningxia Ruitai Technology Co. Ltd.                              Common control
    Sinochem Finance Corporation                                    Common control
    Jiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co. Ltd.                           Minority shareholder and its subsidiary
    Jiangsu Huifeng Biological Agriculture Co., Ltd                 Minority shareholder and its subsidiary
    Nongyi Net (Yangling) e-commerce Co., Ltd.                      Minority shareholder and its subsidiary
    Shanghai focus supply chain Co., Ltd                            Minority shareholder and its subsidiary
    Shanghai nengjianyuan Biological Agriculture Co., Ltd           Minority shareholder and its subsidiary

                                                                                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                              (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

5.    Transactions and balances with related parties

     (1) Transactions with related parties

                                                                                     Six months ended June 30
         Type of purchase                            Related Party Relationship               2023       2022

         Summary of purchase of goods/services:
         Purchase of goods/services received         Common control under
                                                     Sinochem Holdings                       982,940      1,567,313
                                                     Minority shareholder and                  7,478          3,232
                                                     its subsidiary
         Purchase of fixed assets and other assets   Common control under                          396        8,474
                                                     Sinochem Holdings
         Lease expenses                              Common control under                           97          117
                                                     Sinochem Holdings
                                                     Minority shareholder and                     2,668         410
                                                     its subsidiary

         Summary of Sales of goods:
         Sale of goods/ Service rendered             Common control under
                                                     Sinochem Holdings                       920,513       987,560
                                                     Joint venture                            34,979        51,757
                                                     Minority shareholder and
                                                     its subsidiary                           38,840         44,658
         Lease income                                Minority shareholder and
                                                     its subsidiary                                631             -

     (2) Guarantees

        The Group as the guarantee receiver

                                                    Amount of    Inception date   Maturity date           Guaranty
         Guarantee provider                    guaranteed loan      of guaranty    of guaranty     completed (Y / N)
         Parent company                                323,000     21/04/2021       20/04/2028                    N
                                                        71,108     01/06/2021       31/05/2028                    N

         *    During the reporting period, the Company paid a guarantee fee amounting to 219 thousand RMB
              (2022 1-6: 227 thousand RMB) to the parent company.

     (3) Remuneration of key management personnel and directors
                                                                                     Periods ended June 30
                                                                                          2023                 2022

         Remuneration of key management personnel and directors                         33,773               52,977

                                                                                                           ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

5.   Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

(4) Receivables from and payables to related parties (including loans)

        Receivable Items
                                                                          June 30                 December 31
                                                                            2023                      2022
                                                                               Expected                 Expected
                                      Related Party                 Book       credit          Book     credit
         Items                        Relationship                  Balance    losses          Balance losses

         Trade receivables            Common control under               153,673       -        356,708
                                      Sinochem Holdings
                                      Joint venture                       16,273      -          25,727          -
                                      Minority shareholder and            24,839      -          13,172          -
                                      its subsidiary
         Other receivables            Common control under                     -      -               17         -
                                      Sinochem Holdings
         Other Non-Current assets     Common control under                   37       -               52         -
                                      Sinochem Holdings
         Prepayments                  Common control under                 9,685      -          34,393          -
                                      Sinochem Holdings

        Payable Items
                                                                                           June 30    December 31
         Items                   Related Party Relationship                                  2023           2022

         Trade payables          Common control under Sinochem                             486,257           426,454
                                 Minority shareholder and its subsidiary                     2,899                 -
         Other payables          Common control under Sinochem                              21,850            24,974

         Short-term loans *      Common control under Sinochem                         2,167,740             696,459
         Other non-current       Common control under Sinochem                             361,290           348,231
         liabilities *           Holdings

        * The liabilities are loans from a related party, the interest expenses for the year ended June 30, 2023 is
          43,976 thousand RMB (six months ended June 30, 2022: 3,033 thousand RMB ).

           On October 27, 2021, the Board of Directors first approved (following the approval of the Company’s
           Audit Committee dated October 25, 2021) the Company, through one of its subsidiaries, entering into
           committed credit facilities agreements in the aggregate amount of $100 million (RMB 696 million) on
           market terms with Syngenta Group, or any of its subsidiaries. Following the approvals of the Company’s
           requisite organs, these facilities were amended and further increased in December 2022 and in April 2023,
           to an aggregate amount of $400 million (RMB 2,890 million). As of 30 June 2023, a total of $350 million
           (RMB 2,529 million) was utilized.

                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

X. Related parties and related party transactions - (cont’d)

5. Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

(5) Other related party transactions
       The closing balance of bank deposit in ChemChina Finance Corporation was nil thousand RMB (31.12.22:
       nil) Interest income of bank deposit for the current period was nil thousand RMB (amount for six months
       ended June 30, 2022 was 90 thousand RMB).
       The closing balance of bank deposit in Sinochem Finance Corporation was 103,987 thousand RMB
       (31.12.22: 417,661) Interest income of bank deposit for the current period was 2,802 thousand RMB (amount
       for six months ended June 30, 2022 was 976 thousand RMB ).
       The closing balance of a loan received from Sinochem Finance Corporation was 50,000 thousand RMB
       (31.12.22: nil) Interest expenses in the current period was 137 thousand RMB (amount for six months ended
       June 30, 2022 was nil thousand RMB).

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XI. Commitments and contingencies

1.   Significant commitments

                                                                                        June 30           December 31
                                                                                          2023                 2022

        Investment in Fixed assets                                                      439,492                 429,862

2.   Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
     On December 10, 2018 the 9th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Directors of the Company approved
     the extension of the engagement in annual liability insurance policies for directors, supervisors and senior
     officers of the Company (“D&O Liability Insurance) as originally approved by the 22nd meeting of the 7th
     session of Board of Directors and the 4th Interim Shareholders Meeting in 2017, and authorized the management
     to annually deal with all matters relating to renewal/extension of the customary D&O Liability Insurance
     policies, with up to 20% flexibility in the relevant terms of the original policy. On December 26, 2018 the 3rd
     Interim Shareholders Meeting approved the above resolution. The current D&O Liability Insurance was
     renewed for an additional one-year term commencing November 15, 2022.

     Environmental protection
     The manufacturing processes of the Company and the products it produces and market, entail environmental
     risks that impact the environment. The Company invests substantial resources in order to comply with the
     applicable environmental laws and attempts to prevent or minimize the environmental risks that could occur as
     a result of its activities. To the best of the Company’s knowledge, at the balance sheet date, there are no material
     environmental issues relating to the Company, there are no material administrative penalties or investigations
     related to environment, health and safety imposed or initiated by regulatory authorities, and none of the material
     permits and licenses regarding environmental issues required for the Company’s day to day operations have
     been revoked.

     For two of the Company’s production sites in China that have been in the process of relocation, Jingzhou site
     in Jingzhou, Hubei Province completed its relocation and upgrade program and is now at high level of opertion
     and Anpon old site in Huai’An, Jiangsu Province is in the process of relocating to the new site. As part of the
     relocation process, the Company executed in previous years a reduction plan to reduce the number of employees
     during the relocation period.

     Claims against subsidiaries
     In the ordinary course of business, legal claims were filed against subsidiaries, including claims for patent
     infringement. The Company, inter alia, like other companies operating in the crop protection market, is exposed
     to class actions for large amounts, which it must defend against while incurring considerable costs, even if these
     claims have no basis in the first place. In the opinion of the Company’s management, which is based, inter alia,
     on the opinions of its legal advisors regarding the prospects of the proceedings, the financial statements include
     adequate provisions where necessary to cover the exposure resulting from the claims.

                                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XI. Commitments and contingencies - (cont’d)

2. Commitments and Contingent Liabilities - (cont’d)

    Claims against subsidiaries (cont’d)
    On October 20, 2020, a claim and a motion for its approval as a class action (the “Motion”) was filed against
    Monsanto Company and Bayer AG (the “Manufacturers”) as well as against ADAMA Agan Ltd., a wholly-
    owned subsidiary of Solutions, with respect to an herbicide bearing the brand name Roundup, which is produced
    by the Manufacturers and distributed in Israel in small quantities by Solutions’ subsidiary. The applicants argue
    that the product allegedly poses a risk to users or those who have been exposed to it. Solutions and its subsidiary
    reject the allegations against the subsidiary in the Motion and in the statement of claim. Based on the opinion
    of Solutions’ external counsels given this preliminary stage, as of the date of the financial statements the Motion
    and claim are not expected to have any non-negligible effect on the Company’s financial results. In addition,
    and as Solutions is an authorized distributor of the Manufactures, the Manufactures undertook to fully indemnify,
    defend and hold harmless ADAMA Agan Ltd., for any monetary compensation or any other remedy it will have
    to make in connection with the Motion.

    In June 2021, a lawsuit was filed against a subsidiary of the Company, alleging two patents owned by a large
    competitor of the Company, have been infringed by such subsidiary. Among the claims, the plaintiff seeks
    preliminary and permanent injunctions to prevent the subsidiary from manufacturing, using or commercializing
    a product that allegedly infringes the plaintiff’s patents, and seeks actual damages and profits loss. The said
    preliminary injunctions were granted by the court in favor of the plaintiff. The subsidiary has filed appeals
    against such preliminary injunctions, which were rejected. Prior to such claims, and on-going, the subsidiary
    filed several lawsuits against the said plaintiff seeking to declare the said patents are invalid and the subsidiary
    does not infringe them. In May 2023, an additional lawsuit (including a preliminary injunction) was filed by the
    same large competitor against said subsidiary, alleging infringement of the same two patents for a different
    product. The said preliminary injunction was rejected by the court, and plaintiff’s appeals with respect thereto
    are pending. All these lawsuits are pending as of the approval date of the financial statements. At this stage, the
    claims filed by the plaintiff are not expected to have a material effect on the Company.

    Various immaterial claims have been filed against Group companies in courts throughout the world, in
    immaterial amounts, for causes of action primarily involving employee-employer relations and various civil
    claims, for which the Company did not record a provision in the financial statements. The claims that in the
    estimation of Company’s management, based on its legal advisors’ opinion, have lower chances of succeeding
    than being rejected, amount to a negligible amount. Furthermore, claims were filed against the Company for
    product liability damages, for which the Company has adequate insurance coverage, such that the Company’s
    exposure in respect thereof is limited to the deductible amount or the amount thereof does not exceed the
    deductible amount.

XII. Events subsequent to the balance sheet date

    The Company is not aware of any events subsequent to the balance sheet date.

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIII.      Share-based Payments

1.      In February 2019, the remuneration committee and Solutions Board of Directors (as well as the General
        Meeting with respect to theformer CEO and Vice President who also serves as a director) approved the
        allocation of 77,864,910 phantom warrants to officers and employees in accordance with the long-term
        phantom compensation plan (hereinafter - "the 2019 Plan"), out of which 75,814,897 phantom warrants were
        granted at the grant date of February 21, 2019. During 2019, 1,206,081 additional Phantom warrants were

        The warrants will vest in four equal portions, where the first and second quarters are exercisable after two
        years, the third quarter after three years and the fourth quarter after four years from January 1, 2019. The
        warrants will be exercisable, in whole or in part, in accordance with the terms of the 2019 plan, and subject to
        achieving financial targets as determined in the plan. The warrants will be exercisable until the end of 2025.

        Upon exercise of each warrant, the offeree will be entitled to receive cash payment equal to the difference
        between the base price as determined at the time of the grant and the closing price of one share of the Company
        on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as it will be on the exercise date up, to the ceiling that was determined under
        the plan.

        The fair value of the granted warrants as aforesaid was estimated using the binomial pricing model.

        The cost of the benefit embodied in the warrants that were allocated as aforesaid, based on the fair value at the
        grant date, amounted to a total of approximately 186 million RMB. The liability at the end of the reporting
        period was recorded according to the vesting period as determined in the plan, taking into account the extent
        of the service that the employees provided until that date and the Company’s share price at the end of the
        reporting period.

        Statement of share based payments in the period                                   Phantom warrants
        Total number of Phantom warrants at the beginning of the period                                30,196,487
        Total number of Phantom warrants granted in current period                                              -
        Total number of Phantom warrants exercised in current period                                    (198,228)
        Total number of Phantom warrants forfeited in current period                                    (632,648)
        Total number of Phantom warrants at the end of the period                                      29,365,611

        The exercise prices and the remainder of the contractual period for Phantom                 RMB 9.87 – 10.85
        warrants outstanding at the end of period                                                          2.5 years

        The parameters used in implementing the model at the grant date are as follows:
        Stock price (RMB)                                                                                        10.85
        Exercise increment (RMB)                                                                           10.03/10.85
        Expected volatility                                                                                    43.97%
        Risk-free interest rate                                                                                 3.06%
        Economic value as of February 21, 2019 (in thousands RMB)                                              186,206

        The methods for the determination of the fair value of liabilities arising from
        cash-settled share-based payments                                                 The binomial pricing model
        Accumulated amount of liabilities arising from cash-settled share-based
        payments (in thousands RMB)                                                                              32,977
        Expenses arising from cash-settled share-based payments in current period
        (in thousands RMB)                                                                                     (20,682)

                                                                                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIII.      Share-based Payments - (cont’d)

2.      In September 2019, the remuneration committee and Solutions Board of Directors (and the General Meeting
        with respect to the CEO and Vice President who also serves as a director) approved the cancellation of 2017
        Plan against the allocation of 28,258,248 warrants in accordance with the long-term phantom compensation
        plan (hereinafter - "The Alternative Warrants" and "The Alternative Plan"). The cancellation and allocation
        date is September 26, 2019. During 2019, an additional 90,130 Alternative Phantom Warrants were granted.

        The alternative warrants will vest in four equal portions, where the first quarter is exercisable after one year,
        the second quarter after two years, the third quarter after three years and the fourth quarter after four years
        from October 1, 2019. The warrants will be exercisable, in whole or in part, in accordance with the terms of
        the Alternative Plan, and subject to achieving financial targets as determined in the plan. The warrants will be
        exercisable until October 1, 2026.

        Upon exercise of each warrant, the offeree will be entitled to receive cash payment equal to the difference
        between the base price as determined at the time of the grant and the closing price of one share of the parent
        company on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as it will be on the exercise date up to the ceiling that was
        determined under the plan.

        The fair value of the total granted alternative warrants at the allocated date is equal to the fair value of the total
        warrants canceled from the 2017 plan.

        The cost of the benefit embodied in the warrants that were allocated as aforesaid, based on the fair value at the
        cancellation and allocation date, amounted to a total of approximately 69 million RMB. The liability in the
        financial statements at the end of the reporting period was recorded at the fair value estimated using the
        binomial option pricing model and by the vesting period from the original grant date of the 2017 plan to the
        end of the service period determined by the alternative plan, taking into account the extent of the service that
        the employees provided until that date and the stock price at the reporting date.

        Statement of share based payments in the period
                                                                                                  Phantom warrants
        Changes in the number of 2017 Plan:
        Total number of Phantom warrants at the beginning of the period                                         12,172,969
        Total number of Phantom warrants granted in current period                                                       -
        Total number of Phantom warrants exercised in current period                                              (82,739)
        Total number of Phantom warrants forfeited in current period                                             (317,967)
        Total number of Phantom warrants at the end of the period                                               11,772,263

        The range of the exercise prices and the remainder of the contractual period                      RMB 9.37 – 9.43
        for Phantom warrants outstanding at the end of period                                                  3.25 years

                                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIII.      Share-based Payments - (cont’d)

        The parameters used in implementing the model at the grant date are as follows:
        Stock price (RMB)                                                                                             9.23
        Exercise increment (RMB)                                                                                      9.43
        Expected volatility                                                                                        40.29%
        Risk-free interest rate                                                                                     3.14%
        Economic value as of September 26, 2019 (in thousands RMB)                                                  68,836

        The methods for the determination of the fair value of liabilities arising from
        cash-settled share-based payments related to the alternative plan                    The binomial pricing model
        Accumulated amount of liabilities arising from cash-settled share-based
        payments related to the alternative plan (in thousands RMB)                                                 16,794
        Expenses (income) arising from cash-settled share-based payments in
        current period related to the alternative plan (in thousands RMB)                                           (8,288)

XIV.       Other significant items

1.      Segment reporting

        The Company presents its segment reporting based on a format that is based on a breakdown by business

         Crop Protection (Agro)
           This is the main area of the Company’s operations and includes the manufacture and marketing of
           conventional agrochemical products.
         Intermediates and ingredients

           This field of activity includes a large number of sub-fields, including: Lycopan (an oxidization retardant),
           aromatic products, and other chemicals. It combines all the Company’s activities not included in the Crop
           Protection products segment.
        Segment results reported to the chief operating decision maker include items directly attributable to a segment
        as well as items that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise mainly financing
        expenses, net, gains from changes in fair value, investment income and tax expenses.
        All assets and liabilities that can be attributed to a specific segment were allocated accordingly. Attributed
        assets include: accounts and bills receivables, receivables financing, inventory, fixed assets, right-of-use assets,
        construction in progress, intangible assets, goodwill, non-current trade receivables and long-term equity
        investments. Attributed liabilities include account payables, bill payablesand lease liabilities. All other assets
        and liabilities which are not attributable to a specific segment are presented as unallocated assets and liabilities.

                                                                                                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                     (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIV.      Other significant items - (cont'd)

1.     Segment reporting - (cont’d)

       Information regarding the results and assets and liabilities of each reportable segment is included below:

                                                     Crop Protection          Intermediates and ingredients     Elimination among segments                         Total
                                                    Six months ended                Six months ended                 Six months ended                        Six months ended
                                                         June 30                         June 30                          June 30                                 June 30
                                                     2023              2022         2023               2022             2023                2022              2023                   2022

        Operating income from external
        customers                               15,855,165       16,842,617     1,398,036          1,953,211                -                   -        17,253,201             18,795,828
        Inter-segment operating income                   -                -           709                870            (709)               (870)                 -                      -
        Interest in the profit or loss of
        associates and joint ventures                    -                -         3,439             4,706                 -                       -         3,439                   4,706
        Segment's results                          954,027        1,385,155      (41,194)           351,710                 -                       -       912,833               1,736,865
        Financial expenses                                                                                                                                  455,855               (438,224)
        Loss from changes in fair value                                                                                                                   (782,218)             (1,341,717)
        Investment income                                                                                                                                     6,651                       -
        Profit before tax                                                                                                                                 (318,589)                 833,374
        Income tax income (expense)                                                                                                                          76,433               (101,276)
        Net profit                                                                                                                                        (242,156)                 732,098

                                                   Crop Protection            Intermediates and ingredients    Unallocated assets and liabilities                   Total
                                             June 30         December 31      June 30        December 31        June 30          December 31            June 30             December 31
                                                  2023                 2022          2023              2022               2023             2022                   2023                2022
        Total assets                        48,359,453           47,113,346     2,440,361          2,520,000         9,102,088         8,347,143         59,901,902             57,980,489
        Total liabilities                    6,628,775            8,689,479       312,512            383,640        29,316,105        25,782,715         36,257,392             34,855,834

                                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                   (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIV.      Other significant items - (cont'd)

1.     Segment reporting - (cont’d)

       Geographic information

       The following tables sets out information about the geographical segments of the Group’s operating income
       based on the location of customers (sales target) and the Group's non-current assets (including mainly fixed
       assets, right-of-use assets, construction in progress, investment properties intangible assets and goodwill). In
       the case of investment property, fixed assets, right of used assets and construction in progress, the geographical
       location of the assets is based on its physical location. In case of intangible assets and goodwill, the
       geographical location of the company which owns the assets.

                                                                               Operating income from external
                                                                                 Six months ended June 30
                                                                                 2023                2022

        Europe, Africa and Middle East                                              5,286,856                5,136,114
        North America                                                               3,018,617                3,639,600
        Latin America                                                               3,902,210                3,993,953
        Asia Pacific                                                                5,045,518                6,026,161
                                                                                   17,253,201               18,795,828

                                                                                 Specified non-current assets
                                                                                     June 30          December 31
                                                                                         2023                 2022

        Europe, Africa and Middle East                                             14,141,270               13,365,820
        North America                                                               1,346,640                1,184,067
        Latin America                                                               2,589,195                2,482,569
        Asia Pacific                                                                5,996,887                5,862,043
                                                                                   24,073,992               22,894,499

       * As of 2023, the India, Middle East & Africa (IMA) region has been reorganized such that the countries
       formerly included in this region are now included in the Europe region (renamed EAME) or in the Asia Pacific
       region. The information for 2022 was re-classified accordingly.

2.     The dependency on major customers

       No single customer's proportion of the total amount of sales is over 10%.

                                                                                                          ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                               (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XIV.     Other significant items - (cont'd)

3.     Calculation of Earnings per share and Diluted earnings per share

                                                                          Amount for the        Amount for the
                                                                          current period        prior period

        Net profit (loss) from continuing operations attributable to
        ordinary shareholders                                                   (242,156)                   732,098

                                                                          Amount for the        Amount for the
        Shares                                                            current period        prior period

        Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of the
        year                                                                2,329,811,766            2,329,811,766
        Add: weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during
        the year                                                                           -                        -
        Less: weighted average number of ordinary shares repurchased
        during the year                                                                    -                        -
        Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding at the
        end of the year                                                     2,329,811,766            2,329,811,766

                                                                                 Amount for          Amount for
                                                                                 the current         the prior
                                                                                 period              period
        Calculated based on net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
        Basic earnings per share                                                           (0.10)               0.31
        Diluted earnings per share                                                           N/A                N/A
        Calculated based on net profit from continuing operations
        attributable to ordinary shareholders:
        Basic earnings per share                                                           (0.10)               0.31
        Diluted earnings per share                                                           N/A                N/A
        Calculated based on net profit from discontinued operations
        attributable to ordinary shareholders:
        Basic earnings per share                                                               N/A              N/A
        Diluted earnings per share                                                             N/A              N/A

                                                                                                      ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                           (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements

1.   Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                                 June 30          December 31
                                                                                    2023                 2022
      Deposits in banks                                                          121,346              258,330
      Other cash and bank balances                                                 3,210               12,750
                                                                                 124,556              271,080

     As at June 30, 2023, restricted cash and bank balances was 3,210 thousand RMB (as at December 31, 2022:
     12,750 thousand RMB).

2.   Accounts receivable

     a.   By category

                                                                    June 30, 2023
                                                                        Provision for expected
                                                   Book value                 credit losses
                                             Amount     Percentage (%) Amount Percentage (%)            amount

          Account receivables
          individually for impairment         13,893               1    13,893                  100              -
          Account receivables
          collectively for impairment       1,031,461             99        21                     -   1,031,440
                                            1,045,354            100    13,914                     1   1,031,440

                                                                  December 31, 2022
                                                                       Provision for expected
                                                    Book value              credit losses
                                             Amount     Percentage (%) Amount Percentage (%)            amount

          Account receivables assessed
          individually for impairment         13,893               2    13,893                  100              -
          Account receivables assessed
          collectively for impairment        758,471              98         9                     -     758,462
                                             772,364             100    13,902                     2     758,462

     b.   Aging analysis
                                                                                       June 30, 2023
          Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                               1,031,461
          Over 1 year but within 2 years                                                                  -
          Over 2 years but within 3 years                                                                 -
          Over 3 years but within 4 years                                                                15
          Over 4 years but within 5 years                                                                 1
          Over 5 years                                                                               13,877

                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

2.   Accounts receivable - (cont'd)

     c.   Addition, written-back and written-off of provision for expected credit losses during the period

                                                                            Six months ended June 30, 2023
          Balance as of January 1                                                                   13,902
          Addition during the year, net                                                                 21
          Write back during the year                                                                    (9)
          Write-off during the year                                                                       -
          Exchange rate effect                                                                            -
          Balance as of June 30                                                                     13,914

     d.   Five largest accounts receivable at June 30, 2023:

                                                                             Proportion of     Allowance of
                                                                                 Accounts          expected
                                    Name                 Closing balance    receivable (%)      credit losses
          Party 1                                                815,623                78                  -
          Party 2                                                114,009                11                  -
          Party 3                                                 20,520                 2                  -
          Party 4                                                 18,965                 2                  -
          Party 5                                                 18,056                 2                  -
                                                                987,173                 95                  -

3.   Receivable financing

                                                                                   June 30     December 31
                                                                                     2023            2022

     Bank acceptance draft                                                          47,446              2,596
                                                                                    47,446              2,596

      As at June 30, 2023, bank acceptance endorsed but not yet due amounts to 218,243 thousand RMB.

                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

4.   Other Receivables

                                                                            June 30         December 31
                                                                               2023                2022
     Other receivables                                                       11,611              11,611
                                                                             11,611              11,611

     (1) Other receivables

           a. Other receivables by categories

                                                                                June 30     December 31
                                                                                   2023            2022
              Other                                                              17,530          17,633
              Provision for expected credit losses                               (5,919)         (6,022)
                                                                                 11,611          11,611

           b. Other receivables by aging

                                                                                  June 30, 2023
                 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                               -
                 Over 1 year but within 2 years                                                        113
                 Over 2 years but within 3 years                                                       634
                 Over 3 years but within 4 years*                                                   11,830
                 Over 4 years but within 5 years                                                         -
                 Over 5 years                                                                        4,953

             *      Include intergroup balance with Anpon

                                                                                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                              (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

4.   Other Receivables - (cont'd)

     (2) Other receivables - (cont'd)

           c. Additions, recovery or reversal and written-off of provision for expected credit losses during the
                                                                                   Period ended June 30, 2023

              Balance as of January 1, 2023                                                                  6,022
              Addition during the period                                                                         -
              Written back during the period                                                                 (103)
              Write-off during the period                                                                        -
              Balance as of June 30, 2023                                                                    5,919

           d. Five largest other receivables at June 30 2023:

                                                                       Proportion of other
                         Name                   Closing balance          receivables (%)      Credit loss provision
              Party 1                                      11,611                        66                      -
              Party 2                                       3,125                        18                 3,125
              Party 3                                         548                         3                   548
              Party 4                                         543                         3                   543
              Party 5                                         237                         1                   237
                                                           16,064                       91                  4,453

                                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

5.   Long-term equity investments

                                       June 30, 2023                                      December 31, 2022
                                         Impairment                                              Impairment
                      Amount balance        loss         Book value       Amount balance            loss          Book value

       Invest in
       subsidiaries         17,511,352            -          17,511,352             17,511,352            -          17,511,352
                            17,511,352            -          17,511,352             17,511,352            -          17,511,352

     Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                       Current        Balance
                                                                                                      provision      provision
                                               Opening                                 Closing      Impairment     Impairment
                  Invested unit                balance     Increase   Decrease         balance             loss           loss

       ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd.      15,890,213          -             -    15,890,213               -                -
       Adama Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.                450,449          -             -       450,449               -                -
       ADAMA Hiufeng (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd.          848,140          -             -       848,140               -                -
       Hubei Sanonda Foreign Trade Co.
        Ltd.                                      11,993          -             -         11,993              -                -
       Adama Huifeng (shanghai)
        Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd         310,557          -             -       310,557               -                -
                                              17,511,352          -             -    17,511,352               -                -

6.   Operating Income and operating costs

                                         Six months ended June 30, 2023                Six months ended June 30, 2022
                                                             Operating                                     Operating
                                           Revenue                  costs                Revenue                  costs

      Main operations                        1,073,326                884,306               1,162,352                870,245
      Other operations                          20,383                  8,932                  22,742                 11,173
                                             1,093,709                893,238               1,185,094                881,418

                                                                                                    ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                         (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

7.   Notes to items in the cash flow statements

     (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                Six months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  June 30, 2023            June 30, 2022

           Interest income                                                   1,964                      3,340
           Government subsidies                                              7,766                     13,377
           Other                                                            15,929                      6,385
                                                                            25,659                     23,102

     (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                                                                Six months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  June 30, 2023            June 30, 2022

           Professional services                                             71,288                     37,608
           Transportation and Commissions                                    26,151                     26,622
           Other                                                             14,600                      6,697
                                                                            112,039                     70,927

     (3) Other cash received relevant to investing activities

                                                                Six months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  June 30, 2023            June 30, 2022

           Loans                                                             2,850                    150,000
                                                                             2,850                    150,000

     (4) Other cash paid relevant to investing activities

                                                                Six months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  June 30, 2023            June 30, 2022

           Loans                                                                     -                 250,000
                                                                                     -                 250,000

     (5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

                                                                Six months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  June 30, 2023            June 30, 2022

           Deposit for issuing bills payables                               12,750                       6,124
                                                                            12,750                       6,124

                                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                                    (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV. Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

     (6) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities:

                                                                        Six months ended            Six months ended
                                                                          June 30, 2023               June 30, 2022

           Deposit for issuing bills payable                                                3,210                  18,741
           Other                                                                              627                       -
                                                                                            3,837                  18,741

8.   Supplementary information to cash flow statement

     (1) Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities:

                                                                            Six months ended June 30
                                                                                  2023               2022

      Net profit                                                                  93,632                245,802
      Add: Assets impairment loss                                                  3,067                 )3,142(
      Credit impairment loss                                                        (91)                     141
      Depreciation of fixed assets and investment property                       114,931                100,485
      Depreciation of-right-of use assets                                          1,177                   1,434
      Amortization of intangible assets                                            6,033                   5,727
      Gain on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
      assets                                                                          472              )59,538(
      Financial expenses                                                            2,661                28,333
      Decrease in deferred income tax assets                                       20,379                     -
      Decrease (increase) in inventory                                             77,725             )107,348(
      Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities                 )327,200(             )287,302(
      Increase (decrease) in payables from operating activities                  )56,446)               137,955
      Net cash flows generated from operating activities                         (63,660)                62,547

     (2) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

                                                                            Six months ended June 30
                                                                                  2023               2022

      Closing balance of cash                                                     121,346              276,501
      Less: Opening balance of cash                                               258,330              259,434
      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 (136,984)               17,067

                                                                                                       ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                            (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV.      Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

9.    Related parties and related parties transactions

      (1) Information on parent Company

           Company      Registered                                (Thousand        Shareholding         Percentage
            name          place          Business nature            RMB)            percentage        of voting rights

                                       Production and sales
                                        of agrochemicals,
           Syngenta      Shanghai,      fertilizers and GM
           Group          China                 seeds             11,144,545          78.47%                 78.47%

          The ultimate controlling shareholder is Sinochem Holdings .

      (2) Information on the subsidiaries of the Company

          For information about the subsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VII.1.

      (3) Transactions with related parties

          a.   Transactions of goods and services

                                                                                           Six months ended June 30
                                                                                                    2023              2022
               Summary of Purchase of goods/services          Related Party Relationship
               Purchase of goods/services received            Common control
                                                              under ChemChina                      50,950         67,101
                                                              Subsidiary                           53,851         47,970
               Purchase of fixed assets and other assets      Common control
                                                              under ChemChina
                                                              Holdings                                   -            2,569

               Summary of Sales of goods:
               Sale of goods                                  Common control under
                                                              ChemChina                             2,553         20,068
                                                              Subsidiary                          499,786        497,938
               Sale of raw materials                          Subsidiary                              164          1,003

                                                                                             ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                  (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV.      Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

9.    Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

      (3) Transactions with related parties - (cont'd)

          b.   Guarantees

               The Company as the guarantor
                                                  Amount of        Inception      Maturity          Guaranty
                                                 guaranteed          date of        date of        completed
                                                          loan     guaranty       guaranty             (Y/ N)
                                                         40,000   2022.01.18     2023.01.17                 Y
               Subsidiary                                30,000   2022.03.30     2023.03.29                 Y
                                                         38,000   2021.12.01     2024.11.28                 N
                                                         20,000   2022.12.16     2023.12.12                 N
                                                         35,000   2022.01.01     2025.11.28                 N
                                                         21,000   2022.02.28     2027.11.28                 N
                                                         14,000   2022.03.28     2027.11.28                 N
                                                          7,500   2022.05.20     2027.11.28                 N
                                                         23,500   2022.06.26     2027.11.28                 N
                                                         10,000   2022.10.31     2027.11.28                 N
                                                         11,000   2022.11.30     2027.11.28                 N
                                                         10,000   2023.01.12     2025.06.20                 N

                                                         20,000   2022.11.17     2024.12.20                 N

                                                         12,000   2023.04.03     2025.06.20                 N

                                                          4,000   2022.01.25     2026.09.28                 N

                                                          3,900   2022.02.28     2026.09.28                 N

                                                          8,100   2022.07.12     2026.09.28                 N

                                                          4,400   2023.04.13     2026.09.28                 N

                                                         10,000   2022.08.11     2028.06.22                 N

                                                         10,000   2022.08.31     2028.06.22                 N

                                                         11,000   2022.10.28     202706.22                  N

                                                         25,000   2022.11.23     2026.12.22                 N

                                                         10,000   2023.01.16     2026.06.22                 N

                                                         14,000   2023.04.04     2026.06.22                 N

                                                          2,000   2023.04.26     2028.05.05                 N

                                                                                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                              (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV.        Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

9. Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

      (3) Transactions with related parties - (cont'd)

             b. Guarantees - (cont'd)

                  The Company as the guarantee receiver

                                                         Amount of    Inception date    Maturity date            Guaranty
                    Guarantee provider             guaranteed loan      of guaranty       of guaranty    completed (Y / N)
           Parent company                                   323,000       21/04/2021        20/04/2028                        N
                                                             71,108       01/06/2021        31/05/2028                        N

           During the reporting period, the Company paid a guarantee fee amounting to 219 thousand RMB
           (2022.1-6: 227) to the parent company.

             c.   Intercompany borrowings/lending

                                Borrowing/         Commencement         Termination       Balance at
              Related party   Lending amount           date                date            year end            Note
              Subsidiary                  50,000             2022.5           2023.12         50,000     Fixed rate at 2.4%
              Subsidiary                  40,000             2022.6           2023.12         40,000     Fixed rate at 2.4%
              Subsidiary                  35,000             2022.6           2023.12         35,000     Fixed rate at 2.4%
              Subsidiary                 125,000             2022.6           2024.05        125,000     Fixed rate at 2.4%

                                                                                                 ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                      (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV.        Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

9.    Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

      (3) Transactions with related parties - (cont'd)

      d.     Receivables from and payables to related parties (including loans)

                  Receivable Items
                                                                               June 30             December 31
                                                                                   2023                         2022
                                                                              Expected                 Expected
                                      Related Party                Book        credit      Book         credit
                  Items               Relationship                Balance      losses     Balance       losses

                  Trade receivables   Subsidiary                  834,588             -    548,601                 -
                  assets within one
                  year                Subsidiary                  125,000             -    125,000                 -
                  Other non-current
                  assets              Subsidiary                  125,000             -    125,000                 -
                  Other receivables   Subsidiary                   11,611             -     11,611                 -
                  Trade receivables   Common control under
                                      Sinochem Holding                 955            -          304               -
                  Prepayments         Common control under
                                      Sinochem Holding               1,311            -          537               -
                  Other non-current   Common control under
                  assets              Sinochem Holding                   37           -           52               -

                  Payable Items
                                                                                      June 30      December 31
                  Items                     Related Party Relationship                    2023                  2022

                  Trade payables            Subsidiary                                      19              5,686
                  Trade payables            Common control under Sinochem
                                            Holdings                                   44,877             46,152
                  Other payables            Subsidiary                                311,065            395,152
                                            Common control under Sinochem
                                            Holdings                                       327                  700

                                                                                                     ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                          (Expressed in RMB '000)
Notes to the Financial Statements

XV.        Notes to major items in the Company's financial statements - (cont'd)

9. Transactions and balances with related parties - (cont'd)

      (3) Transactions with related parties - (cont'd)

        e. Other related party transactions

          The closing balance of bank deposit in ChemChina Finance Corporation was nil (31.12.22: nil).
          Interest income of bank deposit for the current period was nil (amount for period ended June 30, 2022
          was 67 thousand RMB).

          The closing balance of bank deposit in SinoChem Finance Corporation was 42,360 thousand RMB
          (31.12.22: 202,615 thousand RMB) Interest income of bank deposit for the current period was 1,490
          thousand RMB (amount for period ended June 30, 2022 was 493 thousand RMB).

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2023

Supplementary information
(Expressed in RMB '000)

1.   Extraordinary Gain and Loss

                                                                                              Six months ended
                                                                                                June 30, 2023

     Disposal of non-current assets                                                                        23,402
     Government grants recognized through profit or loss                                                   19,053
     Recovery or reversal of expected credit losses which is assessed individually during
     the years                                                                                             27,325
     Other non-operating income or expenses other than the above                                           13,569
     Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss                       (2,751)
     Tax effect                                                                                          (17,788)

2.   Return on net assets and earnings per share (“EPS”)

     The information of Return on net assets and EPS is in accordance with the Preparation Rules for
     Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 9 – Calculation and
     Disclosure of Return on net assets and Earnings per share (2010 Amendment) issued by China Securities
     Regulatory Commission.

                                                     Weighted average
                                                   rate of return on net          Basic EPS          Diluted EPS
     Profit during the reporting period                           assets        (RMB/share)         (RMB/share)
     Net profit attributable to ordinary
       shareholders of the Company                       (1.03)                   (0.10)                N/A
     Net profit after deduction of extraordinary
       gains/losses attributable to ordinary
       shareholders of the Company                       (1.30)                   (0.13)                N/A

                                                                                                ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                     Legal Representative:Steve Hawkins
                                                                                            August 28, 2023
