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厦门象屿:2023Interim Report(Summary)2023-08-30  

Stock Code: 600057           Stock Abbreviation: Xiamen Xiangyu

              Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.

       2023 Interim Report (Summary)
I. Industry Analysis and a Comprehensive Overview of Company's Core Business Operations

during the Reporting Period

In this section, we will discuss and analyze the industry in which the company operates in two parts:

"Analysis of the industry's operating conditions during the reporting period and future of industry

trends" and "Company's business model."

1. Analysis of the Industry's Operating Conditions during the Reporting Period and Future of

Industry Trends

In the first half of 2023, the global arena remains tumultuous and ever-evolving. Globally, major

economies experienced sluggish growth, high level of uncertainty of the macro environment, and a

slower-than-expected recovery in international trade. The adverse impact of global environment

changes has escalated. On the domestic front, China faced some challenges in terms of export

growth and business investment confidence, which were compounded by various difficulties,

including cyclical and structural contradictions. Additionally, weak domestic demand hindered the

smooth progress of the economy, resulting in a relatively sluggish process of economic recovery.

On the supply side, there has been a downward trend in the YoY profit growth of industrial

enterprises of a certain scale, with limited monthly recovery. The manufacturing sector continued

to face structural deflationary pressures, and the issue of overcapacity remained unresolved. On the

demand side, weak external demand and a slow recovery in domestic demand resulted in an increase

in cautious attitudes and behaviors, such as adopting a "wait-and-see" approach. Additionally,

Chinese companies that heavily rely on resources and labor gradually shifted their production bases

overseas, leading to a partial diversion of domestic demand to international markets. In the realm of

supply chain services, there was a noticeable decline in the consumption of goods by manufacturing

clients, and this downward trend is likely to persist in the third quarter. However, there may be a

turning point on the horizon. Furthermore, within the supply chain services process, we observed

that larger manufacturing clients were gradually stabilizing and improving their production and

business prospects, while small and medium enterprises still held weak expectations. Pressing issues

such as increasing accounts receivable, prolonged payment cycles, and rising debt ratios remained

Looking ahead, some industries will still be under pressure from continued downward cycles.

However, potential recovery in demand may be on the horizon as stable growth policies are already

in the pipeline. As inventories gradually clear and supply-side capacity resumes, it will create

favorable conditions for bulk commodity supply chain service companies to restore their service

ecosystems. This will enable them to leverage their scale advantages and improve the profitability

of the bulk commodity supply chain industry.

2. Industry Development Trends

In recent years, due to the disruptions caused by global geopolitical shifts and macroeconomic

factors, the speed of changes in domestic policies and the business environment has been

accelerating. Additionally, with the domestic market approaching saturation, increasing labor costs,

and supply chain outsourcing driving relocation, many leading manufacturing companies are

shifting their focus towards overseas markets. In this new landscape, it becomes increasingly

important for bulk supply chain service providers to prioritize the safety and stability of their

services. However, effectively leveraging their model, technological, and resource advantages to

establish an internationalized supply chain service system and better meet the needs of

manufacturing companies in terms of internationalization, safety, efficiency, and etc., becomes of

utmost importance.

Specifically, we have noticed the following distinct trends:

(1) The concentration of China's bulk supply chain industry continues to rise, and leading

companies achieve contrarian growth.

Over the past five years, the market size of China's bulk supply chain has remained stable at around
 40-50 trillion RMB.1 Despite sluggish domestic demand and a slowdown in industrial production

 and exports in the first half of 2023, top-tier bulk supply chain service companies have effectively

 utilized their resources and services to actively expand their distribution networks and expand their

 market shares under the downward cycle, highlighting the dominance of these leading players in

 the industry.

Figure 1: Market Size and CR4 Market Share in          Figure 2: Company Revenue and Market Share in
China's Bulk Supply Chain Industry                           China's Bulk Supply Chain Industry

 (2) The Chinese bulk supply chain service industry is poised to enter a new era of globalization,

 unlocking the industry's "second growth curve."

 As the domestic population dividend diminishes and the market reaches saturation, the

 manufacturing industry tends to shift towards emerging markets along the Belt and Road Initiative,

 such as Southeast Asia and Africa. These markets offer abundant natural resources and competitive

 advantages for early market entrants.

 As the "Belt and Road" initiative continues to deepen, the pace of China's manufacturing industry

 expanding overseas will accelerate, which will further intensify the trend of global supply chain

 restructuring. Domestic bulk supply chain service enterprises, on the basis of their solid presence in

 the domestic market, are now speeding up their international expansion. This will help

 manufacturing companies to sail into international waters and pave the way for industry leaders to

 1 The market size of the bulk supply chain service industry is determined by the combination
 of revenue generated by major industrial enterprises and the value of bulk imports.
unlock their "second growth curve".

(3) The evolving needs of manufacturing enterprise customers will drive the iterative

transformation of the supply chain industry's service model.

Customer demands are shifting from single-category and single-link services to a more diverse

range of offerings, including combined supply, integrated links, expanded supply chains, and

regional synergy. Consequently, the ability to manage diverse product portfolios, provide varied

service offerings, and establish robust logistics infrastructure becomes vital. A core differentiating

factor lies in the "physical-trade linkage," which combines multi-product operations with

comprehensive integrated services, serving as a key driver of competitiveness.

Against this backdrop, supply chain enterprises equipped with comprehensive supply chain solution

design capabilities and integrated services are well-positioned to expand their involvement across

multiple stages of the value chain. By efficiently allocating resources and leveraging networked

logistics services, they can deepen customer loyalty, enhance market shares, and improve profit


               Figure 3: Changes in Customer Demand and Evolution of Service Providers
II. Business Model

The Company focuses on the core demands of manufacturing enterprise customers and continuously

provides "comprehensive, multi-level, wide-ranging" services. By optimizing product combinations,

upgrading business models, and improving profit structures, the Company strives to be at the

forefront of industry in terms of model leadership.

1. Product Combination

Based on customer needs and its own business philosophy, the Company selects products based on

the following criteria: ① Strong liquidity and easy monetization; ② High standardization and

easy storage; ③ Large demand, long industrial chain, and ability to provide comprehensive

services at multiple stages. The Company currently mainly deals in bulk such as metallic minerals,

agricultural products, energy and chemicals, and new energy, covering six core categories: "ferrous

metals, aluminum, stainless steel, new energy, coal, and grain."

The Company continuously enriches its product portfolio and focuses on important niche categories

to establish scale advantages and market influence. It cultivates the ability to provide a

comprehensive package of bulk supply and adjusts the product composition dynamically based on

industry cycles. This enable the Company to maintain a balanced product structure in different

cycles, resulting in better growth potential and hedging capabilities.

                Figure 4: Breakdown of Combined Futures and Spot Gross Profit in 1H23
2. Customer Structure

With the advantage of our brand and superior services, our company has defied market challenges

and successfully expanded our customer base using a dedicated ground promotion team. In the first

half of 2023, we achieved a significant YoY increase of 453 active customers, bringing the total to


                      Figure 5: Number of Active Customer Base for the Company

Over the past few years, the company has been continuously optimizing its client portfolio, with a

focus on increasing the proportion of manufacturing enterprise clients. As of the end of the first half

of 2023, manufacturing enterprises accounted for more than 50%/60% of the Company's client base

and total service volume. Notably, the service volume for the manufacturing enterprises of the new

energy supply chain accounts for more than 90%, and that for the manufacturing enterprises of the

ferrous metals, aluminum, coal, and grain supply chain accounts for more than 60% respectively.

3. Operating Mode

In stage 1.0, the Company transitioned from a "Single-point Service" model to an "Integrated

Service" approach, offering one-stop comprehensive services such as raw material procurement,

finished product distribution, inventory management, warehousing and logistics, and supply chain

finance. Through customizing and providing procurement and sales plans, cross-regional
transportation, and other comprehensive services, the company successfully resolved the issue of

spatial and temporal disparities for bulk commodities.

A prime illustration of this model is the virtual factory initiative, wherein the Company plays a full-

fledged role in the critical manufacturing supply chain, furnishing customers with raw material

procurement and supply, product distribution, as well as ancillary services such as logistics, finance,

consulting, among others, thereby generating profit from the services we provide.

In stage 2.0, the Company had established customer loyalty and channel advantages by offering

"Integrated Services" in a specific industrial chain segment. Building on this success, the Company

extended its "Integrated Services" upstream and downstream along the industry chain, and initiated

"Full-industry Chain Service Model". The model expands range of goods and growth potential.

In stage 3.0, after forming service and advantages of industry research throughout the full industry

chain, the Company capitalized on the opportunity to enter the productive manufacturing links with

value-adding potential, forming an industrial chain operation mode of "Supply Chain Services +

Production Manufacturing", further improving the profitability of comprehensive revenue and

smoothing cyclical fluctuations.
Figure 6: Evolution of the Company's Operating Model
In the 4.0 phase, the Company has established a diverse range of comprehensive service capabilities,

full-industry chain service capabilities, and industrial chain operation capabilities in the previous

three phases. These services are provided either separately or in combination to cater to the needs

of customers from various industries, regions, scales, and business natures.

In order to cater to the needs of our customers, the Company has established a range of service

capabilities, including networked logistics, digital supply chain, risk management, global resource

integration, as well as multidimensional industrial research capabilities and dedicated promotion

service teams. These capabilities are interwoven, connected, and integrated onto a platform, which

is continuously evolving into the “Xiangyu Smart Supply Chain Comprehensive Service Platform”.

Through leveraging a vast array of service cases and data gathered from specific business scenarios,

our platform gains a profound understanding of the demands and needs of manufacturing enterprise

customers. This enables us to swiftly analyze and integrate this information to recommend suitable

products and services. By tailoring and customizing our output to each individual client, we deliver

personalized supply chain solutions that are perfectly attuned to their unique requirements.

The “Xiangyu Smart Supply Chain Comprehensive Service Platform” has a core advantage in that

it combines diverse commodity supply with efficient logistics services through its unique “trade-

logistics linkage” system. By seamlessly integrating with the purchasing and sales systems of

manufacturing enterprises, the Company utilizes multimodal transportation logistics capabilities,

multi-channel commodity supply and sales channels, and big data mining and analysis to accurately

predict customer inventory levels, match supply channels to products, and achieve seamless regional

warehouse cross-region distribution and cross-period replenishment. This enables us to accurately

and efficiently resolve all kinds of “time and space mismatch” issues, making us a leader in the


4. Profit Model

The Company places great emphasis on service revenue and scale-driven profitability, establishing

a solid foundation for stable profitability. Through regional expansion, customer, and product

category diversification, as well as the implementation of service overlays, the Company has
achieved continuous and steady growth in its operational performance. It also capitalizes on price

differentials to generate profits during periods of volatility in commodity prices.

To enhance service revenue levels, the Company engages in direct upstream procurement and

integrates full-chain services, thereby improving circulation efficiency and reducing costs within

the supply chain. The Company also focuses on achieving scale-driven profitability by maintaining

robust growth and implementing synergies between physical and trading activities. Leveraging its

extensive customer resources and extensive logistics network, the Company enhances its

capabilities in industrial research and analysis of commodity supply and demand. It employs

scientific position management to optimize income from price differentials.

                                   Table 1 Profit Structure and Definitions


      Source of
                                                   Interpretation                                    with


                     By leveraging the benefits of platformization and scaling operations, the

                     Company offer customers comprehensive services across the entire

                     industry chain. The Company offerings include procurement and sales,

                     processing, logistics and distribution, supply chain finance, and
   Service Profits   information consulting, for which the Company earn service fees
                     (including Financial Service Revenue). Through the “Yuliantong” digital

                     supply chain service platform, the Company upgrade supply chain finance

                     service model, charging customers stable service fees without assuming

                     guarantee responsibilities.

                                    Leveraging our extensive business volume, we strive to
                                    achieve cost advantage through centralized procurement and
    Transaction       Collective                                                                     Weak
                                    specialized operation, thereby reducing operational costs
       Profits       Bargaining                                                                   Correlation
                                    across all segments and contributing to trading revenue. As
                                    the Company continue to enhance our scale advantage and

Source of
                                          Interpretation                                     with


                          professional expertise, the sensitivity of the Company‘s

                          trading revenue to price fluctuations in commodities has also

                          decreased. The Company strive for consistent and sturdy

                          growth, improving revenue levels through physical-

                          commerce and trade-trade linkage.

                          By leveraging the Company‘s expertise in professional

                          analysis, the Company conduct trades by studying the trends

                          of commodity price changes over time and the spatial

            Profiting     differences in pricing across different regions to generate
            from Price    profitability. With a vast customer network and robust
            Disparities   logistics   infrastructure,   the   Company   enhances    its

                          capabilities in industry research and supply-demand

                          analysis, strategically managing positions to maximize

III. Analysis of Core Competitiveness in Reporting Period

1.Networked Logistics Service Capability

The Company, a national 5A-level logistics enterprise, has cultivated three major logistics operating

entities (Xiangyu Express, Xiangdao Logistics, Xiangyu Agricultural Products). It possesses a team

of over a thousand professionals specialized in logistics services, with a focus on market and


The Company has taken the lead in constructing a networked logistics service system that revolves

around “highway, railway, waterway, and warehouse” linking markets both domestically and

internationally. This system includes a railway transportation network that connects the east and

west regions and links the north and south regions, a highway transportation network that radiates

throughout the country, a waterway transportation network that extends from major domestic ports

to the “Belt and Road” regions, a warehouse cluster that covers the coastal areas in the east and the

bulk distribution areas in the central and western regions, and international logistics channels such

as international chartering and international freight trains that link overseas markets. This enables

the Company to provide high-quality, end-to-end, customized logistics services for bulk, as well as

multimodal transport comprehensive solutions.

By establishing multiple multimodal transport routes such as cross-province circulation of

aluminum products,” “north-to-south grain transportation,” “west-to-east coal transportation,” and

“north-to-south coal transportation.” The Company enhances the operational efficiency and market

competitiveness of its logistics service system. The networked logistics service system is one of the

core capabilities of the Company in serving manufacturing industry clients and also serves as an

important cornerstone for the Company’s cargo rights control and business digitization

                              Table2 Logistics Resources and Capabilities

 Category                                         Resources Capability

                11 railway cargo stations (10 self-owned and 1 managed), covering major commodity
                distribution hubs in the central and western regions. It is supported by 47 dedicated railway
                lines, approximately 2.5 million square meters of container yards and warehouses, and
  Railway       around 30k self-owned containers. The annual transportation capacity exceeds 35 million
                tons, ranking among the top in the industry. It has also formed high-quality transportation
                routes for coal and aluminum products, such as “Shandong/Henan-Xinjiang” and
                The Company possesses a fleet of around 1,000 self-owned transport vehicles and its
  Highway       network freight platform integrates more than 80k vehicles from the market. During the
                reporting period, it successfully transported over 11 million tons of goods.
                The Company has established strategic partnerships with reputable port and shipping
                companies such as China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Port Group Co., Ltd.,
                COSCO, Tianjin Port Group Co., Ltd., The combined domestic coastal and Yangtze River
                transport volume reached approximately 15 million tons during the reporting period.
                Moreover, the Company owns a multipurpose vessel and its network water transportation
                platform includes over 850 vessels from the market. The commissioned transport volume
                exceeded 7 million tons during the reporting period, showcasing an optimized water
                transport capacity configuration that combines both self-owned and cooperative resources.
                The top 7 grain procurement platforms boast a combined storage capacity of over 13
                million tons, accompanied by the presence of 9 dedicated railway lines. The company’s 46
Warehousing     warehouses (self-owned or leased) cover an expansive area of approximately 1.6 million
                square meters. Furthermore, there are 8 yards, with a cumulative expanse surpassing 500k
                square meters.
                By leveraging global capabilities in bulk and break-bulk international chartering and
                international rail logistics corridors, the Company are establishing the China-Indonesia

International   logistics corridor (targeting a cargo volume exceeding 7 million tons during the reporting
                period), the China-Vietnam & Thailand logistics corridor, and the China-Europe bi-
  Logistics     directional transportation corridor. Through these channels, we aim to enhance our
                international multimodal transportation capabilities and strengthen our overseas localized
                logistics services.
       Figure 7: Company’s Nationwide and International Networked Logistics Service Ecosystem

2.Digitalized Supply Chain Service Capability

The Company is focused on three core goals: expanding the incremental market, improving service

efficiency, and elevating the business model. Leveraging vast business data, extensive customer

resources, and diverse application scenarios, the Company is building an intelligent information

technology system. The digitalization efforts of the Company can be categorized into three levels:

Digitalization of logistics infrastructure: The Company is actively implementing digital

transformations in warehouses to create a smart logistics service platform that improves logistics

management efficiency, enhances cargo control capabilities, and integrates multi-modal

transportation systems.

Digitalization as a driver for business model innovation: Building upon the smart logistics platform,

the company is developing and constructing the "Yuliantong" digital supply chain service platform

to effectively connect funding partners with customer demands. Additionally, in collaboration with

the Alibaba team, the Company is connecting various stages of the grain industry to create an

"agricultural industry-level internet platform" with a focus on the "grain planting industry alliance,

grain warehouse alliance, and grain circulation industry alliance".
Digitalization empowering operational efficiency: Through an integrated support system

encompassing modules like financial control, human resources management, customer relations,

risk management, and equipment and asset management, the Company is providing comprehensive

support for business operations. Utilizing enterprise management analysis systems, customer

analysis, and large-scale data operation systems, the Company is extracting and analyzing vast

amounts of business data to serve and support business decision-making.

                Figure 8: "Yulian Tong" Digital Supply Chain Service Platform

3.Systematic Risk Management Capability

The company firmly grasps the foundations of risk control by targeting manufacturing enterprises

as its core clients and focusing on highly liquid, easily convertible, standardized, and storable bulk

as its main products. It adapts the composition of these products dynamically based on industry

cycle changes to maintain a balanced product structure that offers better growth potential and the

ability to hedge against market fluctuations.

The Company has established three lines of defense for risk management: front-line business

departments, headquarters risk control departments, and headquarters audit departments. It actively

engages in risk management activities, including the establishment of a pre-control system, in-

process management, post-incident analysis, and ongoing system optimization. Major risks
identified by the Company are mapped, categorized, and managed through a hierarchical and

stratified approach. Additionally, digital tools are leveraged to strengthen key risk management

areas, such as customer credit risks and price risks, through automated warning systems to ensure

operational stability.

4.Global Channels and Resource Integration Capabilities

The Company has cultivated a strong customer base consisting of top-tier enterprises in the metal

minerals, agricultural products, energy and chemicals, and new energy industries, forming a robust

and well-established global business network. It has formed close partnerships with domestic and

international stakeholders, including clients, fund providers, technology supporters, and logistics

service providers, enabling the accumulation of extensive industry resources, information resources,

logistics resources, and financial resources. The Company's resource barriers are progressively

strengthening, as its business model continues to mature, enhancing its ability to negotiate with

upstream suppliers, distribute products downstream, and deliver comprehensive supply chain


5. Multidimensional Industrial Research Capabilities

The Company has established a three-tier research framework, comprising the headquarters research

institute, specialized research subsidiaries, and research departments within frontline operating

entities. It has assembled a team of dedicated research professionals who conduct continuous

tracking and analysis across macro, industry, and product dimensions. Moreover, the Company has

joined forces with renowned investment research firm, Kaifeng Fund, through a strategic

collaboration in the form of a joint venture company. The Company has also successfully

implemented the construction of comprehensive supply chain databases, encompassing operations,

finance, logistics, risk management, and human resources. With the accumulation of extensive data,

it has established data processing models to continuously enhance its data mining capabilities. The

development of the Company's research capabilities plays a pivotal role in mitigating industry risks,

tackling market price fluctuations, and ensuring steady and efficient business operations.
6.Professional Supply Chain Service Team

The Company places great emphasis on talent development and team building, establishing a

market-driven, professional, and international supply chain service team that is capable of designing

specialized supply chain solutions to meet customer needs. The Company's team management and

motivation strategies are highly market-oriented and systematized. In 2020 and 2022, equity

incentive plans were introduced to enhance the Company's long-term incentive mechanism, with a

cumulative incentive allocation of nearly 8% of the total share capital at the time of granting. The

incentive shares are further tilted towards core management personnel and frontline business teams,

aiming to attract and retain exceptional talent and fully engage the Company's core team by

cultivating a sense of ownership.
IV. Management Discussion and Analysis

1. Major Business Achievements and Operational Data in the mid-year of 2023

(1) Major Business Achievements

In the mid-year of 2023, both domestic and international demand remained weak, leading to overall

downward pressure on prices of bulk. As a result, the manufacturing sector, including the Company's

clients, experienced a slowdown in demand for raw materials. This, coupled with reduced inventory

levels and extended delivery cycles, has had a direct impact on our profitability. Our financial

performance has shown a YoY decline, with our revenue decreasing by 8.11% to 233.5 billion RMB

and our net profit attributed to parent company dropping by 35.77% to 891 million RMB. The return

on equity has decreased by 4.09 percentage points to 5.50% and the net profit margin on sales has

decreased 0.38 percentage points in to 0.42%. On the positive side, our asset-liability ratio has

declined by 4.30 percentage points to 70.20%.

In order to mitigate the challenges posed by the intricate and volatile macroeconomic environment,

our company has remained steadfastly committed to our " 6th Five-Year Plan " strategic framework,

focusing on fulfilling the needs of our manufacturing clients. We have forged strong partnerships

and weathered the storm together, while also persistently pursuing innovative transformation and

enhancing our service capabilities. This has yielded positive results in terms of business expansion

and acquiring new customers. Notably, our trading volume in bulk commodities has recorded a

growth of 13.72% to 102.05 million tons. Specifically, the trading volume of ferrous metals supply

chain has reached 40.72 million tons (+9.50% YoY), that of grain has reached 6.06 million tons

(+9.97% YoY), that of thermal coal has reached 26.57 million tons (+18.26% YoY), that of oil

product has reached 2.66 million tons (+229.23% YoY), and that of new energy has reached 0.15

million tons (+115.26% YoY)

Our consistent dedication to excellence has been recognized through numerous accolades. For

twelve consecutive years, we have been included in the prestigious Fortune China's Top 500

Companies, climbing to the 25th position. Furthermore, we have been honored with the first place
                      in the national general warehousing enterprise rankings for 2023 and have been recognized as an

                      excellent case in China's logistics and supply chain financial services in 2022. Additionally, we have

                      received the gold award at the International Grain and Oil Expo. The recognition of our brand value

                      has been reflected in our inclusion in the Top 100 List of Brand Value of Chinese Listed Companies

                      for 2023, while our pristine credit rating has been maintained at the AAA level.

                      (2) Major Business Data

                      The Company has entered into a Blanket Purchase Agreement with its customers to furnish them

                      with a comprehensive range of supply chain services encompassing procurement and distribution,

                      logistics, supply chain finance, information consulting, processing, and so forth. In line with

                      industry norms and practices, all aforesaid services were dependent on the bulk commodity supply

                      as the primary carrier, and their corresponding revenue and profits were manifested in the operating

                      performance of core commodities, as articulated below:

                                                                                                                          Unit: billion, RMB

                                     Total Operating            Total Operating        Combined Futures and
                                                                                                                Combined Futures and Spot Gross Profit Margin
                                     Trading Volume                Revenue               Spot Gross Profit
                                                  YOY          Amount     YOY          Amount       YOY         Value                       YOY
                                 (million tons)

Commodity Trading                       102.05     13.72%         224.9       -8.48%        3.29      -33.83%    1.47%       Decrease by 0.56 percentage points
Among these: Metallic Mineral             60.77        8.04%      148.2      -13.71%        2.48      -22.43%    1.67%        Decrease by 0.19 percentage points

         Agricultural Products             8.12    16.92%          26.5       9.74%        -0.13     -118.94%   -0.48%        Decrease by 3.23 percentage points

         Energy and Chemical              33.02    24.66%          40.4       1.92%         0.61      -28.91%    1.50%        Decrease by 0.65 percentage points
                  New Energy               0.15   115.26%           9.4       8.96%         0.29       -1.80%    3.04%        Decrease by 0.33 percentage points

                      Notes: The Company provides integrated supply chain services and engages in spot trading to support its operations.

                      It utilizes futures instruments to hedge against price volatility in the commodity markets, resulting in changes in fair

                      value and gains or losses from the disposal of such instruments. The combined gross profit and gross profit margin

                      of the futures and spot trading are calculated after accounting for the hedging gains or losses.

                      During the reporting period, the Company primarily operated in a market where commodity prices

                      generally declined. This put pressure on the demand and profitability of its downstream customers,

                      resulting in a decrease in both the company's operating revenue and gross profit. Specifically, in the

                      grain supply chain, the sales activities occur in batches while the purchasing season is relatively

                      concentrated. This industry characteristic creates a mismatch in the timing of procurement and sales,
                    making the gross profit and gross profit margin highly sensitive to price fluctuations. The corn

                    market experienced a decline in price during the reporting period, leading to a negative gross profit

                    margin for the agricultural products sector.

                    In addition to serving the internal supply chain business team, the Company's logistics system also

                    provides services to external customers in the open market. The performance of this operation is

                    independent accounting, and the details are as follows:

                                                                                                                                          Unit: million, RMB

                                              Total                          Total
                                                                                                                      Gross Profit Margin
            Category                  Operating Revenue                   Gross Profit

                                      YOY             Amount        Amount           YOY           Amount                            YOY
Commodity Logistics                       3,422         -11.50%            388           -14.99%      11.33%                  Decrease by 0.47 percentage points
Among these: Integrated
                                          2,770         -12.59%            269            -2.49%       9.72%                    Increase by 1.01 percentage points

Agricultural Products Logistics             149         -29.18%              90          -10.44%      60.12%                   Increase by 12.58 percentage points
Railway Logistics                           503          3.21%               29          -63.71%       5.79%                  Decrease by 10.67 percentage points

                    Notes: Integrated logistics, agricultural logistics, and railway logistics refer to the market-oriented logistics services

                    provided by three subsidiaries of Xiangyu, namely Xiangyu Express, Xiangyu Farming, and Xiangdao Logistics.

                    Integrated logistics mainly includes international routes, international trains, inland water transportation, road

                    transportation, domestic and overseas warehousing, while agricultural logistics mainly includes grain national and

                    provincial storage services.

                    The agricultural product logistics sector experienced a decline in business volume due to reduced

                    activity in grain national storage, resulting in a slight decrease in operating revenue. However, there

                    was an increase in the proportion of provincial grain storage business and futures delivery

                    warehousing business, leading to a YoY growth in gross profit margin. Railway logistics was

                    affected by both weak demand in the coal market and changes in the policy regarding charges for

                    returning empty open-top containers. Additionally, there was an increase in depreciation and

                    amortization, resulting in a decrease in gross profit and gross profit margin.

                    2. Key Initiatives and Accomplishments in the Mid-Year of 2023

                    During the mid-year of 2023, the Company made a steadfast commitment to business innovation
and transformation. It centered its efforts on meeting the core needs of its customers, with a

particular focus on achieving "platformization, internationalization, and digitalization."

Simultaneously, the Company continuously strived to enhance its comprehensive supply chain

service capabilities.

(1) Optimization of Customer Structure

The Company continued to target manufacturing enterprise clients and provided comprehensive

services to enhance their cost-effectiveness. Despite downstream demand and profitability pressures

in the manufacturing industry, the Company's tailored services helped improve customer retention.

The proportion of manufacturing enterprises in terms of client base and service volume has

remained above 50% and 60% respectively. Notably, the proportion of manufacturing enterprise

clients of aluminum supply chain has increased to over 75% in terms of service volume, while that

of coal and grain supply chain has increased to 65% and over 60% respectively. In Additional, the

Company focused on resource-based and industrial strategic clients, signing strategic/long-term

agreements with Fone Energy, Jining Energy, and China Shipping, among others.

(2) Improvement of Platform Capabilities

Platform capability enhancement: The Company prioritized the development of an integrated

platform to provide customers with a seamless and high-quality one-stop supply chain service

experience. This included strengthening channel and logistics capabilities to meet customer

demands effectively.

Overall, these initiatives enabled the company to solidify its business innovation transformation in

the first half of 2023, with a focus on core customer needs and a commitment to platformization,

internationalization, and digitalization. Consequently, the Company's comprehensive supply chain

service capabilities have continued to improve.

①Channel Resource Capability
In terms of the metal mineral supply chain, the Company focused on core capacity building and

emphasized the extension of upstream and downstream chains. In the stainless-steel supply chain,

it continued to integrate channels for upstream ore sources and downstream steel mills to ensure the

supply chain service for the "XY Group's integrated stainless-steel smelting and refining project in

Indonesia, with a production capacity of 2.5 million tons." In the aluminum supply chain, it

expanded overseas direct mining channels and strengthened the integration of the entire upstream

and downstream channels, while innovating the transshipment business model. In the black metal

supply chain, it improved the integrated service capabilities of raw material supply chains such as

coking coal, coke, iron ore, and silicon manganese alloy, and provided value-added services such as

price management and spot pricing for end customers to enhance service revenue.

In the agricultural products supply chain, the Company achieved a total autumn grain purchase

volume of over 11 million tons for the 2022-2023 production season. It also added the national

soybean regulation and reserve business and promoted international business layout by establishing

an office in Central Asia and initiating the first barley procurement and sales business. It deepened

the operational mode of the industrial chain and continuously expanded the soybean crushing layout.

In the energy and chemical supply chain, the Company seized upstream resources and explored

diversified end customers. In the coal sector, it strengthened the capability of direct pithead

procurement, optimized customer structure, and continued to explore non-electric end customers.

In the oil products sector, it developed new international suppliers upstream and established good

cooperative relationships with multiple domestic integrated refining and chemical groups

downstream. In the plastics and chemical sector, it deepened cooperation with core customers and

enhanced overseas sales capabilities.

In the new energy supply chain, the Company connected key customers and nodes, and its

international competitiveness became increasingly prominent. In the lithium-ion battery and nickel-

cobalt sector, relying on the full industry chain service model, it deepened cooperation with leading

customers and maintained steady management of lithium-ion battery products, with nickel product

sales volume increasing by over 100% YoY. In the photovoltaic sector, it continued to deepen
cooperation with domestic leading enterprises, utilized its overseas warehouse advantages, and

served factory-type customers in Turkey, India, Europe, and other countries or regions, increasing

the export volume of photovoltaic main and auxiliary materials. In the energy storage sector, it

firmly pursued the coordinated strategy of solar energy storage and lithium energy storage, utilized

the advantage of battery cell supply, entered the supply chain system of energy storage system

integrators, and focused on building new growth opportunities.

②Logistics Service Capability

The company has pioneered the construction of a networked logistics service system centered

around " highway, railway, waterway, and warehouse " in the industry. It is also accelerating its

global logistics layout to provide robust support for the rapid establishment of a global supply chain

service system.

In terms of highway transportation, the freight volume on the networked freight platform has

exceeded 11 million tons, marking a YoY growth of over 100%. Additionally, there has been an

addition of more than 20k vehicles, bringing the total number of integrated vehicles on the platform

to over 80k.

Regarding railway transportation, the volume of China-Europe and Central Asia freight trains has

increased by 45% compared to the same period of previous year. The Company successfully

launched the inaugural return China-Kazakhstan-Wuhan freight train and the first Jiangxi Nanchang

International Land Port "Railway Express" China-Europe train.

In the field of water transportation, there has been a steadfast enhancement of China's international

ship operations capacity. The business volume on the China-Indonesia shipping route increased by

approximately 400% compared to the previous year, while the business volume on international

long-haul sea routes soared by over 900% YoY. The integration of the online water transportation

platform successfully incorporated more than 850 vessels from the wider maritime community.
In terms of warehouse, the Company has added 5 new self-operated warehouse points within the

country, bringing the total number of self-owned and leased warehouses under management to 46.

Additionally, a new Fujin corn futures delivery warehouse has been established, increasing the

overall number of futures/commodity delivery warehouses to 17. The total storage capacity has

reached over 1 million tons, covering commodities such as soybean, corn, pulp, PE, PP, PVC, short

fibers, coking coal, iron ore, and industrial silicon across 10 categories.

(3) Expansion of International Business

The Company has included "internationalization" as one of its key development directions in its

"Sixth Five-Year" strategic plan. As part of its efforts to accelerate the establishment of an

internationalization support system, the company is actively expanding its international business.

Firstly, the Company is strategically focusing on developing localized platforms to align with the

global supply chain restructuring trend. It is gradually establishing on-the-ground operations for

various products such as plastics, aluminum ingots, nickel ore, and petroleum coke in emerging

regions like Vietnam, Indonesia, and the United States.

Secondly, the Company is strengthening its capabilities in international aviation and rail operations

to facilitate the advancement of its overseas business. It is also expanding its network of overseas

warehouses to reach countries and regions including Europe, South Africa, Brazil, and Southeast

Asia, aiming to enhance its comprehensive service capabilities for industrial clients.

Thirdly, the Company is aggressively expanding its international business, with a total international

business volume of around $15.5 billion, showing a remarkable YoY growth rate of 41%. Its imports

amount to nearly $10 billion, with a YoY growth of 50%. In terms of imports, the clearance volume

of Mongolian coal has increased by over 240% YoY, ranking among the industry leaders. The direct

import volume of bauxite has grown sevenfold, and the crude oil import business has made steady

progress. In terms of exports, the revenue from the exports of photovoltaic products is 21 times of

the amount in the same period of the previous year.
(4) Breakthroughs in Digital Innovation

The Company is strategically committed to implementing digital innovation and advancing a series

of digital projects to establish a digital transformation support system that empowers the

development of the enterprise.

Firstly, the Company has focused on three major production areas: Suihua, Yi'an, and Fujin, through

the Xiangyu Iron Army initiative. The agricultural industry-level internet platform has attracted

around 5,000 new planters, bringing the total number of planters to over 43,000. Approximately 1.3

million acres of land has been recorded for the 2023-2024 production season, steadily progressing

the expansion of diversified businesses such as order-to-grain, the benefit farmers' market, and

"grain chain connectivity." The WaaS system has facilitated the storage of approximate 14 million

tons of grains and the inspection of grains of approximate 90k times, effectively supporting business

operations. The integration of external systems (customers, ports, etc.) has been promoted to achieve

efficient data management.

Secondly, Xiamen Yuliantong Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd. has been established to

undertake the research and development, as well as the operation, of the "Yuliantong" digital supply

chain service platform. This aims to accelerate business expansion, and the customer credit limit

has reached approximately 1.4 billion RMB, representing a YoY growth of over 150%.

Thirdly, the Company has improved the smart logistics service platform. The construction of the

Xifeng and Gaoan smart industrial parks has been completed and launched, while the design plans

for the Qinghai, Hunan, Sanmenxia, and Gongyi smart industrial parks have been finalized. The

intelligent upgrading of the Xiangdao area in Anyang is continuously being enhanced to improve

cargo ownership control and customer experience.

Lastly, the Company continuously enhances the functionality of the network freight platform to

enhance customer experience. It has introduced services such as waterway transfer and
transshipment, enriched service scenarios, and improved risk management capabilities through

features like vehicle trajectory verification and alerts for delayed unloading of on-route deliveries.

(5) Deepening Industrial Operations

The Company has ventured into various manufacturing sectors, including shipbuilding, mining, and

oil refining, to enhance its operational capabilities along the industrial chain. Capitalizing on the

market recovery and the positive impact of its branded ship models, the shipbuilding division has

secured 15 new orders, with over 50 orders in hand which could cover the productions to 2025. By

implementing lean management, innovating manufacturing processes, and prioritizing branded ship

models, the Company has achieved a significant improvement in average financial gross margin,

thereby enhancing its sustained profitability. The Company's strategic positioning in the

manufacturing sector aims to smoothen industry cycles, mitigate market risks, and elevate overall


3. Key Business Plans for the Second Half of 2023

In the second half of 2023, the Chinese economy is expected to face a complex and challenging

external environment. However, it still possesses resilience and potential for growth, and the long-

term prospects remain positive. In the short term, there might be continued volatility in the bulk

supply chain industry market. To address these challenges, our Company will remain committed to

fulfilling core customer needs and continuously enhance our capabilities in integrated digital

platforms. Furthermore, we will expand our international footprint, while focusing on risk

management. By capitalizing on opportunities, we aim to increase our market share and scale,

thereby improving profitability margins.

Our strategic focus will be on the following key areas:

International Expansion: We will continue to expand our upstream resources overseas and develop

a diverse portfolio of international end customers. This will include providing supply chain services

for the "XY Group's integrated stainless-steel smelting and refining project in Indonesia, with a
production capacity of 2.5 million tons." in Indonesia. In addition, we will further strengthen our

presence in export and transit businesses in Southeast Asia. Moreover, we will strategically establish

international logistics nodes in regions such as Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and Africa.

Logistics Capabilities: By integrating domestic and international logistics resources, we aim to

optimize agricultural product logistics, aluminum logistics, and the establishment of an international

chartering platform. This will enable us to provide specialized and efficient logistics services across

various segments of the supply chain.

Agricultural Product Sector: Taking into account the impact of extreme weather conditions on the

global supply of corn, we will enhance our industry analysis capabilities and optimize our business

operations accordingly. Additionally, we will proactively identify and meet the demands of

downstream customers, closely monitor production areas, and strategically adjust our procurement

and sales strategies. To further enhance our international presence, we will expand our product

offerings and import channels. Moreover, we will further enhance the digitization by promoting the

"Xing Xing Xiang Nong" app and the WaaS system.

Manufacturing Sector: In the manufacturing sector, we will pursue a structured approach to

advance our soybean crushing project layout and continue to optimize our operational model along

the industrial chain. Additionally, we will prioritize the successful delivery of over 20 shipbuilding

projects throughout the year. By strengthening our cost management practices, we aim to improve

the profitability and contribute incremental profits.

Capital Operation: We will actively facilitate the implementation of non-public A-share issuances

to bolster our capital base, enabling us to seize growth opportunities and strengthen our financial


                                                                            Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   August 28th, 2023