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FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

          2024 Semi-annual

          Financial Report

I. Audit Report

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited

2. Financial statements

The unit of the financial statements in the notes is RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                    June 30, 2024

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                  Item                              Ending Balance             Opening balance
Current assets:
  Cash and bank balances                                     404,356,009.13              504,629,153.71
  Deposit reservation for balance
  Lending funds
  Trading financial assets
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                            16,338,392.31               18,268,972.37
  Accounts receivable                                        355,483,465.81              323,142,761.64
  Receivables financing
  Prepayment                                                    6,569,774.50               6,571,239.98
  Premiums receivable
  Cession premiums receivable
  Provision of cession receivable
  Other receivables                                           59,436,540.53               57,725,792.00
     Including: Interest receivable
            Dividend receivable
  Redemptory monetary capital for
  Inventories                                               2,128,331,242.49           2,100,666,175.28
     Including: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                                        89,039,020.97               72,249,391.81
Total current assets                                        3,059,554,445.74           3,083,253,486.79
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances offered
  Debt investment

  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments           51,952,479.36      51,862,607.30
  Other equity instrument
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                 352,408,837.92     360,255,832.14
  Fixed assets                          345,651,268.72     355,785,354.68
  Construction in progress
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                   109,386,646.99     109,452,481.64
  Intangible assets                      30,848,580.73      31,664,380.77
     Including: Data resources
  Development expenditures
     Including: Data resources
  Long-term prepaid expenses            120,110,202.46     122,324,355.13
  Deferred income tax assets             75,893,868.97      80,227,771.46
  Other non-current assets                 2,185,332.57       9,434,627.17
Total non-current assets               1,088,437,217.72   1,121,007,410.29
Total assets                           4,147,991,663.46   4,204,260,897.08
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                      320,207,333.32     250,187,763.87
  Borrowing from the central bank
  Borrowed funds
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                      131,372,308.62     173,825,907.71
  Advances from customer                   8,242,987.93     10,267,758.31
  Contract liabilities                   18,804,742.85      12,286,243.62
  Financial assets sold for
   Deposits from customers and
  Receivings from vicariously traded
  Funds received as stock
  Employee benefits payable              73,285,559.36     120,084,810.60
  Taxes payable                          52,552,871.74      64,188,161.31
  Other payables                        110,793,067.03     121,937,801.07
     Including: Interest payable

             Dividend payable                                   2,907,796.73                           2,058,352.24
  Service charges and commissions
  Cession premiums payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within
                                                               69,943,530.95                          66,399,004.20
one year
  Other current liabilities                                     2,078,002.76                           1,589,635.30
Total current liabilities                                     787,280,404.56                      820,767,085.99
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred stock
             Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                            38,967,635.39                          43,526,352.52
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                                                 952,785.69                            952,785.69
  Deferred tax liability                                        5,462,841.29                           5,208,920.69
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                  45,383,262.37                          49,688,058.90
Total liabilities                                             832,663,666.93                      870,455,144.89
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                                                405,864,207.00                      415,219,970.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: preferred stock
          Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                                              936,080,193.96                      990,159,033.17
 Less: treasury stock                                          13,445,814.81                       78,645,532.23
 Other comprehensive income                                    13,747,808.17                       19,325,335.93
  Special reserve                                               3,765,015.42                           3,223,158.06
   Surplus reserves                                           275,010,401.50                      275,010,401.50
   General risk provisions
   Undistributed profits                                    1,694,306,185.29                    1,709,513,385.76
Total equity attributable to the owner
                                                            3,315,327,996.53                    3,333,805,752.19
of the parent company
   Minority interests
Total owner's equity                                        3,315,327,996.53                    3,333,805,752.19
Total liabilities and owner's equity                        4,147,991,663.46                    4,204,260,897.08
                    Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

2. Balance Sheet of parent company

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                  Item                 Ending Balance               Opening balance
Current assets:
  Cash and bank balances                        309,352,375.23                308,230,255.35
  Trading financial assets
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                            11,175,784.69                  1,822,916.61
  Receivables financing
  Other receivables                             646,226,304.77                696,328,419.85
    Including: Interest receivable
             Dividend receivable
  Inventories                                           44,792.57
    Including: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                           13,231,838.08                 15,886,769.82
Total current assets                            980,031,095.34              1,022,268,361.63
Non-current assets:
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                 1,633,784,801.52             1,633,041,716.11
  Other equity instrument
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                         287,220,334.04                293,695,692.68
  Fixed assets                                  202,865,789.95                207,209,890.94
  Construction in progress
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                              22,875,581.52                 23,460,211.70
    Including: Data resources
  Development expenditures
    Including: Data resources
  Long-term prepaid expenses                       3,934,381.48                 4,795,846.73
  Deferred income tax assets                        834,088.92                    640,783.05
  Other non-current assets                         1,106,563.00                   710,807.49
Total non-current assets                       2,152,621,540.43             2,163,554,948.70

Total assets                           3,132,652,635.77   3,185,823,310.33
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                      320,207,333.32     250,187,763.87
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                         3,325,588.05       2,285,657.88
  Advances from customer                   8,242,987.93     10,267,758.31
  Contract liabilities
  Employee benefits payable              17,686,842.19      25,886,702.67
  Taxes payable                            3,322,230.50       3,322,241.54
  Other payables                        257,308,884.44     224,668,548.77
     Including: Interest payable
             Dividend payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within
one year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities               610,093,866.43     516,618,673.04
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred stock
             Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                           952,785.69         952,785.69
  Deferred tax liability
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities               952,785.69         952,785.69
Total liabilities                       611,046,652.12     517,571,458.73
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                          405,864,207.00     415,219,970.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: preferred stock
          Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                        938,958,689.77     993,037,528.98
 Less: treasury stock                    13,445,814.81      78,645,532.23
 Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserves                       275,010,401.50     275,010,401.50
  Undistributed profits                  915,218,500.19   1,063,629,483.35
Total owner's equity                   2,521,605,983.65   2,668,251,851.60

Total liabilities and owner's equity                    3,132,652,635.77                    3,185,823,310.33
                Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                         Semi-annual 2024                    Semi-annual 2023
I. Total operating income                               2,076,397,911.32                    2,364,505,262.56
  Including: Operating revenue                          2,076,397,911.32                    2,364,505,262.56
           Interest income
           Premiums earned
        Income    from             service
charges and commissions
II. Total operating cost                                1,892,890,643.96                    2,129,534,984.07
  Including: Operating costs                            1,304,482,455.55                    1,512,527,481.83
           Interest expense
        Expenditures of            service
charges and commissions
           Surrender value
           Net payments for insurance
          Withdrawal of net provision
for insurance contracts
           Expenditure       of     policy
           Reinsurance costs
           Taxes and surcharges                            12,260,457.55                          15,762,456.07
       Selling       and      Distribution
                                                          449,785,002.40                      456,273,629.20
       General and Administrative
                                                           89,213,932.54                      104,621,729.61
           R&D Expenditures                                27,525,998.33                          28,161,470.54
           Financial expenses                               9,622,797.59                          12,188,216.82
             Including:           interest
                                                            5,169,603.47                           6,690,859.35
                   Interest income                          2,185,535.51                           2,432,180.03
  Plus: other income                                        3,103,884.50                           6,691,609.41
      Investment income           ("-"   for
                                                              313,834.17                          -1,697,481.65
          Including: income from
investment in associates and joint                             89,872.06                          -1,697,481.65
                Gains                from
derecognition of financial         assets
measured at amortized cost
        Foreign exchange gains ("-"
for losses)

         Net exposure hedging income
("-" for losses)
       Gains from changes in fair
value ("-" for losses)
        Credit impairment losses ("-"
                                              2,724,678.43     4,333,947.62
for losses)
        Asset impairment losses ("-"
for losses)
      Asset disposal income ("-" for
                                              2,906,210.67       -76,689.73
3. Operating profits ("-" for losses)       192,584,211.95   244,221,664.14
  Plus: non-operating revenue                 1,378,138.85      596,523.83
  Less: non-operating expenses                 278,833.35       291,601.18
4. Total profits ("-" for total losses)     193,683,517.45   244,526,586.79
  Less: income tax expenses                  46,545,035.11    57,131,519.56
5. Net profits ("-" for net losses)         147,138,482.34   187,395,067.23
   (I) Classified by business continuity
      1. Net profit from continuing
                                            147,138,482.34   187,395,067.23
operations ("-" for net losses)
      2. Net profit from discontinued
operations ("-" for net losses)
   (II) Classified by ownership
      1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company          147,138,482.34   187,395,067.23
("-" for net losses)
      2. Minority interest income ("-"
for net losses)
VI. Net of tax from other
                                             -5,577,527.76     9,405,009.07
comprehensive income
   Net         amount        of     other
comprehensive income after tax
                                             -5,577,527.76     9,405,009.07
attributable to owners of the parent
      (I)      Other     comprehensive
incomes that cannot be reclassified
into profit and loss
          1.     Changes        in    re-
measurement of the defined benefit
          2.    Other    comprehensive
income that cannot be transferred to
profit or loss under the equity method
          3. Changes in fair value of
other equity instrument investments
          4. Changes in fair value of
enterprise's own credit risk
          5. Other
      (II) Other comprehensive income
that can be re-classified into profit        -5,577,527.76     9,405,009.07
and loss
          1.    Other    comprehensive
income that can be carried forward to
profit and loss under the equity

         2. Changes in fair value of
other debt investments
         3. The amount of financial
assets reclassified and included in
other comprehensive income
         4. Credit impairment reserves
of other debt investment
         5. Cash flow hedge reserve
         6. Translation difference of
                                                           -5,577,527.76                           9,405,009.07
foreign currency financial statements
         7. Other
   Net       of    tax    from     other
comprehensive income attributable to
minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income                           141,560,954.58                      196,800,076.30
   Total      comprehensive     income
attributable to owners of the parent                      141,560,954.58                      196,800,076.30
   Total      comprehensive     income
attributable to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share                                   0.3568                                0.4517
   (II) Diluted earnings per share                                0.3564                                0.4517
                Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Semi-annual 2024                    Semi-annual 2023
I. Operating revenue                                       95,651,893.86                          92,042,875.14
  Less: operating cost                                     28,763,610.04                          22,121,058.14
       Taxes and surcharges                                 3,754,920.70                           3,858,296.21
     Selling       and      Distribution
                                                           13,488,147.65                            510,613.70
     General      and    Administrative
                                                           27,338,182.18                          29,511,087.70
       R&D Expenditures                                     6,949,411.52                           5,986,203.21
       Financial expenses                                    -888,010.29                            -103,859.98
         Including: interest expenses                         305,742.86                           1,476,552.70
                Interest income                             1,605,624.26                           1,953,770.61
  Plus: other income                                          194,361.73                            753,278.99
      Investment income        ("-"   for
                                                               89,872.06                          -1,697,481.65
         Including: income   from
investment in associates and joint                             89,872.06                          -1,697,481.65
              Gains           from
derecognition of financial assets
measured at amortized cost ("-" for
       Net exposure hedging income

("-" for losses)
       Gains from changes in fair
value ("-" for losses)
        Credit impairment losses ("-"
                                            -520,369.57     -362,763.81
for losses)
        Asset impairment losses ("-"
for losses)
      Asset disposal income ("-" for
                                           2,920,369.62      -37,783.55
2. Operating profits ("-" for losses)     18,929,865.90   28,814,726.14
  Plus: non-operating revenue                   973.45         8,037.20
  Less: non-operating expenses              334,515.20          837.18
3. Total profits ("-" for total losses)   18,596,324.15   28,821,926.16
  Less: income tax expenses                4,661,624.51    8,154,082.65
4. Net profits ("-" for net losses)       13,934,699.64   20,667,843.51
   (1) Net profit from continuing
                                          13,934,699.64   20,667,843.51
operations ("-" for net losses)
   (2) Net profit from discontinued
operations ("-" for net losses)
V. Net of tax of other comprehensive
     (I)      Other      comprehensive
incomes that cannot be reclassified
into profit and loss
         1.     Changes         in  re-
measurement of the defined benefit
         2.    Other     comprehensive
income that cannot be transferred to
profit or loss under the equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of
other equity instrument investments
         4. Changes in fair value of
enterprise's own credit risk
         5. Other
     (II) Other comprehensive income
that can be re-classified into profit
and loss
         1.    Other     comprehensive
income that can be carried forward to
profit and loss under the equity
         2. Changes in fair value of
other debt investments
         3. The amount of financial
assets reclassified and included in
other comprehensive income
         4. Credit impairment reserves
of other debt investment
         5. Cash flow hedge reserve
         6. Translation difference of
foreign currency financial statements
         7. Other
VI. Total comprehensive income            13,934,699.64   20,667,843.51

VII. Earnings per share:
  (I) Basic earnings per share
  (II) Diluted earnings per share
               Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                Item                          Semi-annual 2024                    Semi-annual 2023
I. Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sale of goods
                                                       2,242,943,860.28                    2,544,494,031.57
and rendering of services
  Net increase in deposits from
customers and interbank
  Net increase in borrowings from
the central bank
   Net increase in funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
  Cash received for premiums under
the original insurance contract
  Net     cash     received         from
reinsurance business
  Net increase in deposits from the
insured and investment funds
  Cash received for interest, service
charges and commissions
  Net increase in borrowed funds
  Net    increase    in   funds    of
repurchasing business
   Net cash received from vicariously
traded securities
  Refund of taxes and surcharges                           1,361,806.68                            850,371.86
  Cash     received     from        other
                                                          22,763,002.95                          37,298,851.19
operating activities
Sub-total of cash        inflow     from
                                                       2,267,068,669.91                    2,582,643,254.62
operating activities
  Cash paid for purchase of goods
                                                       1,493,308,339.25                    1,584,272,785.87
and rendering of services
  Net increase in loans              and
advances to customers
   Net increase in deposits in the
central bank and deposits from
  Cash paid for the compensation
under the original insurance contract
  Net increase in lending funds
  Cash paid for interest, service
charges and commissions
  Cash paid for policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees                         336,053,098.67                      336,029,420.86
  Taxes and fees paid                                    115,761,812.75                      135,231,581.42

   Other cash payments relating to
                                          185,414,622.72     182,449,622.85
operating activities
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                         2,130,537,873.39   2,237,983,411.00
operating activities
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                          136,530,796.52     344,659,843.62
II. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from disinvestment
   Cash received from investment
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and          4,813,262.87           3,545.41
other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received from other investing
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                          125,059,502.67            3,545.41
investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire and construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and        43,613,301.74      36,273,631.65
other long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments
  Net increase in pledged loans
    Net cash paid         to acquire
subsidiaries and other business units
    Cash paid for other investing
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                          208,706,107.81      36,273,631.65
investing activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                           -83,646,605.14     -36,270,086.24
III. Cash flows from financing
    Cash received from investors
    Including: Cash received from the
investment of minority shareholders
of the subsidiaries
    Cash received from borrowings         320,000,000.00     250,000,000.00
    Cash received from other financing
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                          320,000,000.00     250,000,000.00
financing activities
  Cash paid for debt repayments           250,000,000.00     150,000,000.00
   Cash paid for distribution of
dividends and profits or payment of       164,868,413.68     110,259,489.52
  Including: Dividends and profits
paid by subsidiaries to minority
  Cash paid for other financing
                                           58,254,091.98      92,370,343.32
Sub-total of cash flows from financing
                                          473,122,505.66     352,629,832.84
Net cash flows from financing             -153,122,505.66    -102,629,832.84

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes
                                                             -34,830.30                            -138,593.06
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                        -100,273,144.58                      205,621,331.48
  Add: opening balance of cash and
                                                         504,629,153.71                      313,747,463.64
cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                         404,356,009.13                      519,368,795.12
               Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                Item                          Semi-annual 2024                    Semi-annual 2023
I. Cash     flows from       operating
   Cash received from sale of goods
                                                          92,269,424.38                          84,192,699.46
and rendering of services
   Refund of taxes and surcharges
   Cash     received     from    other
                                                       1,967,128,778.52                    2,141,372,420.70
operating activities
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                       2,059,398,202.90                    2,225,565,120.16
operating activities
   Cash paid for purchase of goods
and rendering of services
   Cash paid to and for employees                         44,398,658.47                          29,190,598.81
   Taxes and fees paid                                    12,856,580.23                           5,480,282.08
   Other cash payments relating to
                                                       1,899,095,301.14                    2,002,201,028.42
operating activities
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                       1,966,133,159.84                    2,036,871,909.31
operating activities
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                          93,265,043.06                      188,693,210.85
II. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from disinvestment
   Cash received from investment
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and                        4,741,325.47                                200.00
other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received from other investing
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                           4,741,325.47                                200.00
investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire and construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and                        1,946,698.06                           4,515,871.59
other long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments
   Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash paid for other investing

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                     1,946,698.06                                4,515,871.59
investing activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                                     2,794,627.41                                -4,515,671.59
III. Cash flows from financing
    Cash received from investors
    Cash received from borrowings                                  320,000,000.00                           250,000,000.00
    Cash received from other financing
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                                   320,000,000.00                           250,000,000.00
financing activities
    Cash paid for debt repayments                                  250,000,000.00                           150,000,000.00
    Cash paid for distribution of
dividends and profits or payment of                                164,868,413.68                           110,259,489.52
    Cash paid for other financing
                                                                        79,409.91                            35,483,644.86
Sub-total of cash flows from financing
                                                                   414,947,823.59                           295,743,134.38
Net cash flows from financing
                                                                   -94,947,823.59                           -45,743,134.38
IV. Effect of exchange rate changes
                                                                        10,273.00                                  109,517.02
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                     1,122,119.88                           138,543,921.90
    Add: opening balance of cash and
                                                                   308,230,255.35                           274,691,023.16
cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                   309,352,375.23                           413,234,945.06
               Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

Amount in current period
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                            Semi-annual 2024
                                     Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                           Other equity                      Oth                                                           Tot
                           instruments               Les      er                    Gen    Und                     Min      al
                                              Cap                    Spe    Sur
   Item        Sha                                     s:   com                     eral   istri                   ority
                      Pref     Per            ital                   cial   plus                         Sub               own
                re                                   trea    pre                    risk   but     Oth             inte
                      erre     pet            res                    res    res                            -       rest    er's
               capi                    Oth           sury   hen                     pro     ed     er                      equi
                       d       ual            erv                    erv    erv                          total       s
                tal                    er            stoc   sive                    visi   prof                             ty
                      stoc     bon             e                      e      es
                                                       k    inco                    ons     its
                        k       ds                           me
                                                                                            1,7          3,3                3,3
1. Balance     415                            990     78,   19,             275
                                                                      3,2                   09,          33,                33,
at the end      ,21                            ,15   645    325              ,01
                                                                      23,                  513           805               805
of       the    9,9                            9,0    ,53   ,33              0,4
                                                                     158                    ,38          ,75                ,75
previous        70.                            33.    2.2   5.9              01.
                                                                      .06                   5.7          2.1                2.1
year             00                             17      3     3               50
                                                                                              6            9                  9
Change in

rrection of
                                                           1,7   3,3    3,3
2. Balance       415    990     78,   19,          275
                                             3,2           09,   33,    33,
at       the      ,21    ,15   645    325           ,01
                                             23,          513    805   805
beginning of      9,9    9,0    ,53   ,33           0,4
                                            158            ,38   ,75    ,75
the current       70.    33.    2.2   5.9           01.
                                             .06           5.7   2.1    2.1
year               00     17      3     3            50
                                                             6     9      9
3. Changes
in                         -      -                          -     -      -
                    -                   -
increase/de              54,    65,         541            15,   18,    18,
                  9,3                 5,5
crease    in            078    199           ,85          207    477   477
                  55,                 77,
the current              ,83    ,71          7.3           ,20   ,75    ,75
                 763                  527
period ("-"              9.2    7.4            6           0.4   5.6    5.6
                  .00                 .76
for                        1      2                          7     6      6
                                        -                 147    141   141
(I)     Total                         5,5                  ,13   ,56    ,56
comprehen                             77,                  8,4   0,9    0,9
sive income                           527                  82.   54.    54.
                                      .76                   34    58     58
(II)                       -      -
Contribution             54,    65,                              1,7    1,7
and                     078    199                               65,    65,
withdrawal               ,83    ,71                              115   115
of capital by            9.2    7.4                              .21    .21
owners                     1      2
                           -      -
1. Common                54,    64,
stock                   984    340
contributed              ,90    ,66
by owners                6.4    9.4
                           2      2
2.    Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity
3.    Share-
based                   906                                      1,7    1,7
payment                  ,06                                     65,    65,
recognized               7.2                                     115   115
in owners'                 1                                     .21    .21
4. Others
                                                             -     -      -
(III)   Profit                                            162    162   162
distribution                                               ,34   ,34    ,34
                                                           5,6   5,6    5,6

                82.    82.   82.
                 81    81     81
of surplus
of general
3.                 -     -      -
Distribution    162    162   162
to owners        ,34   ,34    ,34
(or              5,6   5,6    5,6
shareholder      82.   82.    82.
s)                81    81     81
4. Others
(4) Internal
forward of
1.   Capital
to    paid-in
capital (or
2. Surplus
to    paid-in
capital (or
3. Surplus
4. Changes
in defined
forward to
5.     Other
sive income
to retained

6. Others
                                                                    541                                   541             541
(V) Special                                                          ,85                                  ,85              ,85
reserves                                                             7.3                                  7.3              7.3
                                                                       6                                    6                6
                                                                    760                                   760             760
                                                                     ,55                                  ,55              ,55
in      the
                                                                     6.4                                  6.4              6.4
                                                                       0                                    0                0
                                                                       -                                    -                -
2. Utilization
                                                                    218                                   218             218
in         the
                                                                     ,69                                  ,69              ,69
                                                                     9.0                                  9.0              9.0
                                                                       4                                    4                4
(VI) Others
                                                                                             1,6          3,3              3,3
4. Balance        405                          936     13,   13,           275
                                                                     3,7                     94,          15,              15,
at the end         ,86                          ,08   445    747            ,01
                                                                     65,                    306           327             327
of      the        4,2                          0,1    ,81   ,80            0,4
                                                                    015                      ,18          ,99              ,99
current            07.                          93.    4.8   8.1            01.
                                                                     .42                     5.2          6.5              6.5
period              00                           96      1     7             50
                                                                                               9            3                3
Amount Last Year

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                             Semi-annual 2023
                                      Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                           Other equity                       Oth                                                         Tot
                           instruments                Les      er                 Gen       Und                   Min
                                               Cap                  Spe    Sur                                             al
      Item        Sha                                   s:   com                  eral      istri                 ority
                         Pref   Per            ital                 cial   plus                           Sub             own
                   re                                 trea    pre                 risk      but     Oth           inte
                         erre   pet            res                  res    res                              -             er's
                  capi                  Oth           sury   hen                  pro        ed     er            rest
                          d     ual            erv                  erv    erv                            total           equi
                   tal                  er            stoc   sive                 visi      prof                    s
                         stoc   bon             e                   e       es                                             ty
                                                        k    inco                 ons        its
                           k     ds                           me
                                                1,0                                          1,4          3,1              3,1
1. Balance        417                                  50,                 275
                                                07,          5,7     2,0                     79,          36,              36,
at the end         ,62                                759                   ,01
                                               086           39,     12,                    706           423             423
of       the       7,9                                 ,80                  0,4
                                                ,64          589    064                      ,63          ,49              ,49
previous           60.                                 6.1                  01.
                                                3.4          .89     .91                     8.5          2.1              2.1
year                00                                   6                   50
                                                  8                                            3            5                5
Change in
rrection of
2.    Balance     417                           1,0    50,    5,7    2,0   275               1,4           3,1             3,1
at        the      ,62                          07,   759     39,    12,    ,01              79,           36,             36,

beginning of     7,9   086    ,80    589   064    0,4   706    423   423
the current      60.    ,64   6.1    .89    .91   01.    ,63   ,49    ,49
year              00    3.4     6                  50    8.5   2.1    2.1
                          8                                3     5      5
3. Changes
                          -      -                       83,   93,    93,
increase/de                          9,4   735
                        3,7    3,6                      237    275   275
crease    in                         05,    ,19
                        32,    30,                       ,29   ,25    ,25
the current                          009    8.0
                       336    088                        5.2   4.3    4.3
period ("-"                          .07      9
                        .52    .51                         3     8      8
                                                        187    196   196
(I)     Total                                            ,39   ,80    ,80
comprehen                                                5,0   0,0    0,0
sive income                                              67.   76.    76.
                                                          23    30     30
                          -      -                               -      -
                        3,7    3,6                             102   102
                        32,    30,                             ,24    ,24
                       336    088                              8.0    8.0
of capital by
                        .52    .51                               1      1
                                                                 -      -
1. Common                                                      17,    17,
stock                                                          007   007
contributed                                                    ,83    ,83
by owners                                                      0.7    0.7
                                                                 0      0
2.    Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity
3.    Share-                     -
                          -                                    16,    16,
based                          20,
                        3,7                                    908   908
payment                       637
                        29,                                    ,31    ,31
recognized                     ,91
                       602                                     7.1    7.1
in owners'                     9.2
                        .11                                      0      0
equity                           1
                         -                                       -      -
                       2,7                                     2,7    2,7
4. Others
                       34.                                     34.    34.
                        41                                      41     41
                                                           -     -      -
                                                        104    104   104
(III)   Profit                                           ,15   ,15    ,15
distribution                                             7,7   7,7    7,7
                                                         72.   72.    72.
                                                          00    00     00
of surplus

of general
3.                        -     -      -
Distribution           104    104   104
to owners               ,15   ,15    ,15
(or                     7,7   7,7    7,7
shareholder             72.   72.    72.
s)                       00    00     00
4. Others
(4) Internal
forward of
1.   Capital
to    paid-in
capital (or
2. Surplus
to    paid-in
capital (or
3. Surplus
4. Changes
in defined
forward to
5.     Other
sive income
to retained
6. Others
                735           735   735
(V) Special      ,19          ,19    ,19
reserves         8.0          8.0    8.0
                   9            9      9
1.              816           816   816
Withdrawal       ,61          ,61    ,61

in      the                                                             8.9                                   8.9         8.9
current                                                                   2                                     2           2
2. Utilization                                                            -                                 -                -
in         the                                                          81,                               81,              81,
current                                                                420                                420             420
period                                                                  .83                               .83              .83
(VI) Others
                                               1,0                                            1,5         3,2              3,2
4. Balance        417                                 47,     15,             275
                                               03,                      2,7                   62,         29,              29,
at the end         ,62                               129      144              ,01
                                              354                       47,                  943          698             698
of      the        7,9                                ,71     ,59              0,4
                                               ,30                     263                    ,93         ,74              ,74
current            60.                                7.6     8.9              01.
                                               6.9                      .00                   3.7         6.5              6.5
period              00                                  5       6               50
                                                 6                                              6           3                3
                  Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

8. Variation of equity attributable to owners of the parent company

Amount in current period

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                              Semi-annual 2024
                               Other equity                               Other
                               instruments                                                           Undis
                                                     Capit     Less:       comp      Speci   Surpl                      Total
      Item        Share                                                                              tribut
                                   Perpe               al      treas      rehen        al     us                        owne
                  capita   Prefe                                                                       ed       Other
                                    tual             reser      ury         sive     reser   reser                       r's
                    l       rred           Other                                                     profit
                                   bond                ve      stock      incom        ve     ves                       equity
                           stock                                                                        s
                                      s                                      e

1. Balance
                                                                                                     1,063              2,668
at the end        415,2                              993,0     78,64                         275,0
                                                                                                      ,629,              ,251,
of       the      19,97                              37,52     5,532                         10,40
                                                                                                     483.3              851.6
previous           0.00                               8.98        .23                         1.50
                                                                                                         5                  0
Change in
rrection of
2. Balance
                                                                                                     1,063              2,668
at       the      415,2                              993,0     78,64                         275,0
                                                                                                      ,629,              ,251,
beginning of      19,97                              37,52     5,532                         10,40
                                                                                                     483.3              851.6
the current        0.00                               8.98        .23                         1.50
                                                                                                         5                  0
3. Changes
                       -                                  -         -                                    -                  -
                  9,355                              54,07     65,19                                 148,4              146,6
                   ,763.                             8,839     9,717                                 10,98              45,86
crease    in
                      00                                .21       .42                                 3.16               7.95
the current

period ("-"
(I)     Total                               13,93    13,93
comprehen                                   4,699    4,699
sive income                                    .65      .65
Contribution          -        -        -
and              9,355    54,07    65,19
withdrawal        ,763.   8,839    9,717
of capital by        00      .21      .42
1. Common             -        -        -
stock            9,355    54,98    64,34
contributed       ,763.   4,906    0,669
by owners            00      .42      .42
2.    Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity
3.    Share-
                                       -             1,765
payment                   906,0
                                   859,0              ,115.
recognized                67.21
                                   48.00                 21
in owners'
4. Others
                                                -        -
(III)   Profit                              162,3    162,3
distribution                                45,68    45,68
                                             2.81     2.81
of surplus
Distribution                                    -        -
to owners                                   162,3    162,3
(or                                         45,68    45,68
shareholder                                  2.81     2.81
3. Others
(4) Internal
forward of
1.   Capital
to    paid-in
capital (or

2. Surplus
to    paid-in
capital (or
3. Surplus
4. Changes
in defined
forward to
5.     Other
sive income
to retained
6. Others
(V) Special
in      the
2. Utilization
in         the
(VI) Others
4. Balance
at the end       405,8                            938,9    13,44                     275,0   915,2
of      the      64,20                            58,68    5,814                     10,40   18,50
current           7.00                             9.77       .81                     1.50    0.19

Amount Last Year

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                          Semi-annual 2023
                              Other equity                          Other                    Undis
                                                  Capit    Less:             Speci   Surpl                    Total
                 Share        instruments                            comp                    tribut
    Item                                            al     treas               al     us                      owne
                 capita           Perpe                             rehen                      ed     Other
                          Prefe                   reser     ury              reser   reser                     r's
                   l               tual   Other                       sive                   profit
                          rred                      ve     stock               ve     ves                     equity
                                  bond                              incom                       s

                        stock   s                     e
1. Balance
                                    1,010                                  2,595
at the end      417,6                        50,75        275,0   943,0
                                     ,917,                                  ,813,
of       the    27,96                        9,806        10,40   17,16
                                    776.1                                  498.4
previous         0.00                           .16        1.50    6.88
                                        9                                      1
Change in
rrection of
2. Balance
                                    1,010                                  2,595
at       the    417,6                        50,75        275,0   943,0
                                     ,917,                                  ,813,
beginning of    27,96                        9,806        10,40   17,16
                                    776.1                                  498.4
the current      0.00                           .16        1.50    6.88
                                        9                                      1
3. Changes
increase/de                              -        -                    -        -
crease    in                        4,684    3,630                83,48    84,54
the current                          ,973.    ,088.               9,928    4,813
period ("-"                             42       51                  .49      .40
(I)     Total                                                     20,66    20,66
comprehen                                                         7,843    7,843
sive income                                                          .51      .51
Contribution                             -        -                             -
and                                 4,684    3,630                         1,054
withdrawal                           ,973.    ,088.                         ,884.
of capital by                           42       51                            91
1. Common                                                                       -
stock                                                                      17,00
contributed                                                                7,830
by owners                                                                     .70
2.    Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity
3.    Share-
based                                    -        -
payment                             4,682    20,63
recognized                           ,239.   7,919
in owners'                              01      .21

                      -                -
4. Others        2,734            2,734
                    .41              .41
                              -        -
(III)   Profit            104,1   104,1
distribution              57,77   57,77
                           2.00    2.00
of surplus
Distribution                  -       -
to owners                 104,1   104,1
(or                       57,77   57,77
shareholder                2.00    2.00
3. Others
(4) Internal
forward of
1.   Capital
to    paid-in
capital (or
2. Surplus
to    paid-in
capital (or
3. Surplus
4. Changes
in defined
forward to
5.     Other
sive income
to retained

6. Others
(V) Special
in      the
2. Utilization
in         the
(VI) Others
4. Balance
                                                    1,006                                                         2,511
at the end       417,6                                       47,12                     275,0    859,5
                                                     ,232,                                                         ,268,
of      the      27,96                                       9,717                     10,40    27,23
                                                    802.7                                                         685.0
current           0.00                                          .65                     1.50     8.39
                                                        7                                                             1

                 Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

3. Company profile

     1. Company's registered location, organizational form, and headquarters address
     FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was restructured and
established by "Shenzhen FIYTA Timing Industry Company" on December 25, 1992 with the approval of the SFBF
[1992] No. 1259 Document of the General Office of the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality by Shenzhen
Industry and Trade Center of China Aviation Technology Import & Export (later renamed as "China Aviation
Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd.") as the initiator. The company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on June 3,
1993, and now holds a business license with a unified social credit code of 91440300192189783K.
     After the distribution of bonus shares, placement of new shares, capital stock conversion and further issue of new
shares over the years, as of June 30, 2024, the company has issued a total of 405,864,207 shares in total, with a
registered capital of RMB405,864,207. The registered address is FIYTA Technology Building, Gaoxin South 1st Road,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. The controlling shareholder is AVIC International Holdings
Limited, and the actual controller is Aviation Industry Corporation of China, LTD.
     2. Business nature and main operating activities of the company
     The business nature and main operating activities of the Company and its subsidiaries include: general business
items: sales of clocks and watches; Manufacturing of clocks and timekeeping instruments; Sales of clocks, watches
and timekeeping instruments; Jewelry wholesale; Jewelry retail; Manufacturing of wearable smart devices; Sales of
wearable smart devices; leasing of non-residential real estate; professional design services; Sales of household
appliances; Sales of mobile satellite communication terminals. (except for projects subject to approval by laws,
business activities independently carried out according to law with business license) Licensed items: property
management; Goods import and export. (Any business which requires to be approved by law can only be carried out
after approval of relevant authorities. Specific business items are subject to the approval documents or licenses issued
by these authorities.)
     3. Scope of the consolidated financial statements

    There are 12 subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation in the current period. See Note 10, Equity in other
entities, for details. There is no change in the entities included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements for
the current period compared to the previous period.
    4. Approval on the issuance of the financial statements
    These financial statements were approved for issuance by the Company's Director on Aug. 19, 2024.

4. Preparation Basis of Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation

The Company recognized and measured transactions and events that have actually occurred in accordance with the
Basic Standard for Enterprise Accounting issued by the Ministry of Finance, specific enterprise accounting standards,
application guidelines, interpretations, and other relevant provisions (collectively referred to as 'Enterprise Accounting
Standards). On this basis, combined with the provisions of No.15 Rules on Information Disclosure and Compilation of
Companies Offering Securities to the Public-General Provisions on Financial Reports (revised in 2023) by China
Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company prepared the financial statements.

2. Going concern

The Company evaluated its ability of going concern for 12 months from the end of the reporting period, and found no
matters or circumstances that have serious doubts about the ability of going concern. Therefore, the financial
statements were prepared on the assumption of going concern.

5. Important accounting policies and estimates

Tips on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

    1. The Company determines specific accounting policies and accounting estimates according to the
characteristics of production and operation, mainly reflected in the method of expected credit loss of receivables
(Notes V.12, Notes V.13, Notes V.15), the valuation method of inventories (Notes V.17), the depreciation of investment
properties, fixed assets and intangible assets (Notes V.23, Notes V.24, Notes V.29), income (Notes V.37), etc.
    2. The Company continuously evaluates the important accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted based
on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events. The following significant
accounting estimates and key assumptions, if subject to substantial changes, may have a significant impact on the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in future accounting periods:
    (1) Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable and other receivables is made according to the accounting
standards. The provision for impairment of accounts receivable and other receivables should be estimated by
describing the expected credit losses of accounts receivable and others receivable judged by the management. If any
events or changes in circumstances indicate that the Company may not be able to recover the relevant balances, it is
necessary to use estimates to accrue provisions for accounts receivable and other receivables. If the expected figure
is different from the original estimate, the difference will affect the book value of accounts receivable and other
receivables, as well as the impairment provision during the change in estimate.
    (2) Estimation of inventory impairment. It shall describe that the inventories are measured at the lower of cost and
net realizable value on the balance sheet date, and the calculation of net realizable value requires the use of
assumptions and estimates. If management revises the estimated selling prices and the costs and expenses to be

incurred upon completion, it will affect the estimated net realizable value of inventories. This difference will impact the
provision for inventory write-downs.
    (3) Estimation of impairment of long-term assets. It should be described that when the management judges
whether there is impairment of long-term assets, it mainly evaluates and analyzes from the following aspects: (1)
whether the events that affect the impairment of assets have occurred; (2) Whether the present value of the cash flows
expected to be obtained due to the continuous use or disposal of the assets is lower than the book value of the assets;
And (3) whether the important assumptions used in the present value of expected future cash flows are appropriate.
    If the assumptions used by the company to determine impairment, such as profitability, discount rate, and growth
rate assumptions in the present value method of future cash flows, change, this may significantly impact the present
value used in impairment testing and result in the impairment of the company's long-term assets.
    (4) Depreciation and amortization. The Company's estimates of the estimated useful life and estimated net
residual value of the investment properties, fixed assets and intangible assets are based on the actual useful life and
net residual value of the assets with similar nature and functions in the past. During the use of the assets, the
economic environment, technological environment and other environments in which the assets are located may have a
greater impact on the useful life and estimated net residual value of the assets. If there is any difference between the
estimated useful life and net residual value of the assets and the original estimates, the management will make
appropriate adjustments.
    (5) Share-based payment. On each balance sheet date within the waiting period, the management makes the best
estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest is revised based on subsequent information such as
changes in the number of employees eligible for vesting. If there is any difference between the change in the number
of employees with exercisable rights in the current year and the original estimates, the management will make
appropriate adjustments.
    (6) Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets should be recognized for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is
probable that there will be sufficient taxable profits to offset the losses. This requires the management to use a lot of
judgment to estimate the time and amount of future taxable profits, combined with tax planning strategies, to determine
the amount of deferred tax assets that should be recognized.
    (7) Income tax. It should be described in normal business activities, there are uncertainties in the final tax
treatment of many transactions and matters. Significant judgments need to be made when accruing income tax. If
there is a difference between the final recognized outcome for these taxes and the initial received amount, it will have
an impact on the above-mentioned taxes in the final recognition period.

1. Statement of Compliance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises

    The financial statement prepared by the Company meets the requirements of accounting standards for
enterprises, and authentically and completely reflects financial status, business performance, cash flow and other
relative information on the Company during the reporting period.

2. Accounting period

    An accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating cycle

     The operating cycle refers to the period from the acquisition of assets for processing to the realization of cash or
cash equivalents. The Company takes 12 months as an operating cycle and takes it as the classification standard for
the liquidity of assets and liabilities.

4. Functional currency

     The Company and its domestic subsidiaries use RMB as its functional currency. FIYTA (HONG KONG) LIMITED,
an overseas subsidiary of the Company, determines HKD as its functional currency according to the currency in the
main economic environment in which it operates. Montres Chouriet SA, a subsidiary of FIYTA (HONG KONG)
LIMITED, determines Swiss franc as its functional currency based on the currency in the main economy environment
in which it operates, which is converted into RMB when preparing the financial statements. The currency adopted by
the Company for the preparation of the financial statements is RMB.

5. Determination method and selection basis of materiality criteria

                              Item                                                 Materiality criteria
Accounts receivable with significant amount reversed
from provision for bad debts or recovered in the current       Single ending balance of more than RMB500,000
Significant other payable with an aging of over one year       Single ending balance of more than RMB1,000,000

6. Accounting treatment methods of business merger under the common control and not
under the common control

     1. If the terms, conditions and economic impact of each transaction in the process of step-by-step
business combination meet one or more of the following conditions, multiple transactions will be taken as a
package transaction for accounting treatment.
     (1) These transactions are concluded at the same time or under the consideration of mutual influence;
     (2) These transactions collectively achieve a complete commercial result;
     (3) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
     (4) A transaction is uneconomical on its own, but economical when considered together with other transactions.
     2. Business combination under common control
     The assets and liabilities acquired by the Company in business combination shall be measured according to the
book value of the assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the merged party by the
ultimate controller) of the merged party on the combination date in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controller. For the difference between the book value of the net assets acquired in the merger and the book value of
the merger consideration paid (or the total par value of the issued shares), the stock premium in the capital reserve
shall be adjusted. If the stock premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to cover the difference, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted.
     If there is contingent consideration and it is necessary to recognize estimated liabilities or assets, the capital
reserve (capital premium or stock premium) shall be adjusted based on the difference between the amount of the
estimated liabilities or assets and the subsequent settlement amount of the contingent consideration. If the capital
reserve is insufficient, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

    For the business combination finally realized through multiple transactions, which belongs to a package
transaction, the transactions shall be taken as a transaction that obtains control for accounting treatment; If it does not
belong to a package transaction, the capital reserve shall be adjusted based on the difference between the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the book value of the long-term equity investment before the
merger plus the book value of the newly paid consideration of the shares on the merger date; if the capital reserve is
insufficient to cover the difference, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. For the equity investment held before the
merger date, other comprehensive income recognized due to accounting by equity method or accounting by financial
instruments and measurement standards will not subject to accounting treatment temporarily until the investment is
disposed of on the same basis as the related assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investee; Other changes in
the owner's equity in the net assets of the investee, except net profit or loss and other comprehensive income and
profit distribution, which are recognized by the equity method, will not subject to accounting treatment temporarily until
the investment is transferred to the current profit and loss.
    3. Business combination not under common control
    Acquisition date refers to the date when the Company actually obtains the control over the acquiree, that is, the
date when the control over the net assets or production and operation decisions of the acquiree is transferred to the
Company. When the following conditions are met at the same time, the Company generally considers that the control
has been transferred:
    ①The business combination contract or agreement has been approved by the company's internal authority.
    ②Where the business combination needs to be examined and approved by the relevant national competent
authorities, the approval has been obtained.
    ③The necessary formalities for the transfer of property rights have been handled.
    ④The Company has paid most of the merger price, and has the ability and plan to pay the remaining amount.
    ⑤The Company has actually controlled the financial and operating policies of the acquiree, and enjoys the
corresponding benefits and bears the corresponding risks.
    On the acquisition date, the Company measures the assets paid as the consideration for business combination,
and the liabilities incurred or assumed at their fair values. The difference between the fair value and the book value is
recognized in the current profit or loss.
    The Company recognizes as goodwill the excess of the merger costs over the fair value of the identifiable net
assets acquired in the merger; The excess of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired over the cost of the
acquisition, after review, should be recognized in the current period's profit or loss.
    If the business combination not under common control realized step by step through multiple transactions belongs
to a package transaction, the transactions shall be taken as a transaction that obtains control for accounting treatment;
If it does not belong to a package transaction, and the equity investments held before the merger date is accounted for
by the equity method, the initial investment cost is the sum of the book value of the equity investment in the acquiree
held before the acquisition date and the additional investment cost on the acquisition date; Other comprehensive
income recognized from equity investments accounted for by the equity method before the acquisition date is
accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee. If the equity
investment held before the merger date is accounted for under the financial instruments recognition and measurement
guidelines, the initial investment cost on the merger date is the sum of the fair value of the equity investment on the
merger date plus the additional investment cost. The difference between the fair value and the book value of the
previously held equity, and the cumulative fair value changes previously recognized in other comprehensive income,
shall be all transferred to the investment income of the current period on the merger date.
    4. Costs of business combination

    Intermediary expenses such as audit, legal services, evaluation and consultation and other directly related
expenses incurred for business combination are recognized in the current profit and loss upon occurrence.
Transaction costs for issuing equity securities due to business combination can be directly deducted from equity.

7. Control criteria and preparation method of consolidated financial statements

    1. Control criteria
    Control refers to the power the investor has over the investee, enjoying variable returns by participating in relevant
activities of the investee, and having the ability to influence the amount of returns by using its power over the investee.
    The Company judges its control over the investee based on a comprehensive consideration of all relevant facts
and circumstances. Should changes in relevant facts and circumstances alter the elements involved in the definition of
control, the Company will make re-assessment. Relevant facts and circumstances mainly include:
    (1) The establishment purpose of the investee.
    (2) The investee's relevant activities and how decisions about those activities are made.
    (3) Whether the rights enjoyed by the investor enable it to dominate the related activities of the investee at present.
    (4) Whether the investor enjoys variable returns by participating in the related activities of the investee.
    (5) Whether the investor has the ability to use the power over the investee to influence its return amount.
    (6) The relationship between investors and other parties.
    2. Scope of consolidation
    The scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements is based on control, and all subsidiaries (including
individual entities controlled by the Company) are included in the consolidated financial statements.
    3. Combination procedures
    The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on the financial statements of itself and its
subsidiaries and other relevant information. In preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company regards the
whole enterprise group as an accounting entity, and reflects the overall financial position, operating results and cash
flow of the enterprise group according to the recognition, measurement and presentation requirements of relevant
accounting standards for business enterprises and unified accounting policies.
    The accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by all subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope of
consolidated financial statements are consistent with those of the Company. If the accounting policies and accounting
periods adopted by subsidiaries are inconsistent with those of the Company, necessary adjustments shall be made
based on those of the Company when preparing consolidated financial statements.
    When preparing consolidated financial statements, the impact of internal transactions between the Company and
its subsidiaries and among the subsidiaries themselves on the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income
statement, consolidated statement of cash flows, and consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity shall
be offset. If the recognition of the same transaction from the perspective of consolidated financial statements of
enterprise groups is different from that of the Company or its subsidiaries as accounting entities, the transaction shall
be adjusted from the perspective of enterprise groups.
    The owner's equity of subsidiaries, the current net profit and loss and the share belonging to minority shareholders
in the current comprehensive income are listed separately under the owner's equity item in the consolidated balance
sheet, the net profit item in the consolidated income statement and the total comprehensive income item. If the current
period losses shared by the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceed the portion of owners' equity held by the
minority shareholders at the beginning of the period, the excess is offset against the minority shareholders' equity.
    For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations under common control, their financial statements shall
be adjusted based on the book value of assets and liabilities (including goodwill formed by the ultimate controller's
acquisition of the subsidiary) as reflected in the financial statements of the ultimate controller.

    For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations not under common control, their financial statements
shall be adjusted based on the fair value of identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.
    (1) Addition of subsidiaries or businesses
    During the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are added due to business combinations under common
control, the opening balances of the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted. The incomes, expenses, and profits
from the beginning of the period to the end of the reporting period for the subsidiaries or businesses merged shall be
included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flows of subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the
current period to the end of the reporting period shall be included into the statement of cash flows, and the related
items of the comparative statements shall be adjusted as if the reporting entity had existed since the point of control by
the ultimate controller.
    If control over an investee under common control is achieved due to additional investments, it is assumed that all
parties involved in the consolidation existed in their current state from the time the ultimate controller began to exercise
control. The equity investment held before the acquisition of the control right of the merged party, the relevant profit
and loss recognized from the date when the original equity is acquired or the merge party and the merged party are
under common control (whichever is later) to the merger date, other comprehensive income and other changes in net
assets are used to respectively offset the initial retained income or current profit and loss during the comparative
statement period.
    If a subsidiary or business is added through a business combination under different control during the reporting
period, the opening balances of the consolidated statement of financial position are not adjusted; the incomes,
expenses, and profits of the subsidiary or business from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be
included in the consolidated income statement; the cash flows of the subsidiary or business from the acquisition date
to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the statement of cash flows.
    If the investee not under common control can be controlled due to additional investment, the Company will re-
measure the equity of the investee held before the acquisition date according to the fair value of the equity on the
acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value and its book value will be included in the current investment
income. For equity interests in the acquiree held before the acquisition date that involve other comprehensive income
and changes in other owners' equity under the equity method accounting, excluding net gains or losses, other
comprehensive income, and profit distribution, the related other comprehensive income and changes in other owners'
equity are reclassified to investment income of the current period on the acquisition date, except for other
comprehensive income arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan net liability or net assets of the
    (2) Disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
    1) General methods
    During the reporting period, if the Company disposes of a subsidiary or business, the incomes, expenses, and
profits from the beginning of the period to the date of disposal are included in the consolidated income statement; The
cash flows from the beginning of the period to the date of disposal of the subsidiary or business are included in the
consolidated statement of cash flows.
    When losing control over an investee due to the disposal of a partial equity investment or other reasons, the
Company re-measures the remaining equity investment at its fair value on the date of loss of control. The sum of the
consideration obtained from the disposal of the shares and the fair value of the remaining shares, minus the difference
between the share of the original subsidiary's net assets that shall be continuously calculated from the acquisition date
or the merger date and the sum of goodwill, is included in the investment income in the current period when the control
right is lost. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investment in the original subsidiary, or changes in
other owners' equity excluding net loss, other comprehensive income, and profit distribution, are reclassified as current

period investment income upon loss of control, except for other comprehensive income arising from the
remeasurement of the net liability or net assets of the defined benefit plan of the investee.
    2) Step-by-step disposal of a subsidiary
    When disposing of equity investments in a subsidiary in multiple transactions until control is lost, the terms,
conditions, and economic effects of each transaction in disposing of the equity investments in the subsidiary typically
indicate that the multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a package transaction if they meet one or more of the
following situations:
    A. These transactions are concluded at the same time or under the consideration of mutual influence;
    B. These transactions collectively achieve a complete commercial result;
    C. The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
    D. A transaction is uneconomical on its own, but economical when considered together with other transactions.
    When transaction related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries until control is lost belongs to a
package transaction, the Company accounts for the transactions as a disposal of a subsidiary and loss of control;
However, before the loss of control, the difference between each disposal consideration and the corresponding share
of the subsidiary's net assets is recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements,
and is reclassified to profit or loss of the period when the control is lost.
    If the transaction related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries until control is lost does not belong to
a package transaction, they are accounted for according to the policy for partial disposals of equity investments in
subsidiaries without losing control; At the time of loss of control, the accounting treatment is performed in the same
way as a general disposal of a subsidiary.
    (3) Acquisition of minority interests in subsidiaries
    The Company shall adjust the stock premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet for the
difference between the newly acquired long-term equity investment due to the acquisition of minority shares and the
share of net assets that shall be continuously calculated by the subsidiaries from the acquisition date (or merger date)
according to the new shareholding ratio. If the stock premium in the capital reserve is insufficient, the retained earnings
shall be adjusted.
    (4) Partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries without losing control
    In cases of partial disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without losing control, the difference
between the disposal consideration and the corresponding share of the subsidiary's net assets continuously calculated
from the acquisition date or the merger date is adjusted in the stock premium within the capital reserve in the
consolidated balance sheet. If the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient, retained earnings shall be

8. Classification of joint venture arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

    1. Classification of joint venture arrangements
    According to the structure, legal form, terms agreed in the joint venture arrangement and other relevant facts and
circumstances, the Company divides the joint venture arrangement into joint operation and joint venture.
    Joint venture arrangements not reached through a separate entity shall be classified as joint operation; Joint
venture arrangements reached through a separate entity are usually divided into joint ventures; However, if there is
strong evidence that any of the following conditions is met and the joint venture arrangement complies with the
relevant laws and regulations, it shall be classified as a joint operation:
    The legal form of the joint venture arrangement indicates that the joint venture shall respectively enjoy the rights
and assume the obligations for the relevant assets and liabilities in the arrangement.

    The contractual terms of the joint venture arrangement stipulate that the joint venture shall respectively enjoy the
rights and assume the obligations for the relevant assets and liabilities in the arrangement.
    Other relevant facts and circumstances indicate that the joint venture has rights to the assets and obligations for
the liabilities related to the arrangement, such as when the joint venture enjoys almost all of the output related to the
joint arrangement and the settlement of liabilities depends continuously on the support of the joint venture.
    2. Accounting treatment for joint operation
    The Company recognizes the following items related to the Company in the share of interests in joint operation,
and carries out accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant accounting standards for business enterprises:
    Recognize the assets held individually, and the assets held jointly based on their shares;
    Recognize the liabilities assumed individually, and the liabilities undertaken jointly based on their shares;
    Recognize the income generated from the sale of its share of joint operation output;
    Recognize the income generated from the sale of output in the joint operation based on their shares;
    Recognize the expenses incurred individually and the expenses incurred in joint operation based on their shares.
    The Company recognizes only the portion of gains and losses attributable to other participants in the joint
operation when contributing or selling assets (except for those constituting a business) to the joint operation, until such
assets are sold to a third party. If an impairment loss occurs on assets invested or sold that meets the provisions of
"Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 – Asset Impairment," the company will fully recognize the loss.
    The Company recognizes only the portion of gains and losses attributable to other participants in the joint
operation when acquiring assets (except for those constituting a business) from the joint operation, until such assets
are sold to a third party. If an impairment loss occurs on assets purchased that meets the provisions of "Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 – Asset Impairment," the company will fully recognize the loss.
    If the Company does not have joint control over the joint operation but enjoys the relevant assets and bears the
relevant liabilities of the joint operation, accounting should still be conducted according to the above principles.
Otherwise, accounting should be conducted in accordance with the relevant enterprise accounting standards.

9. Recognition criteria for cash and cash equivalents

In preparing the cash flow statement, the Company recognizes its cash on hand and the deposits that can be used for
payment at any time. Investments that meet the four conditions of short-term maturity (generally within three months
from the acquisition date), high liquidity, easy conversion into a known amount of cash, and minimal risk of change in
value, as cash equivalents.

10. Foreign currency transactions and conversion of foreign currency financial statements

    1. Foreign currency transactions
    Foreign currency transactions are initially recorded at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date when initially
    On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are converted at the spot exchange rate of the
balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences, except for those arising from foreign currency borrowings
related to the acquisition or construction of assets meeting the capitalization criteria, which are treated in accordance
with the principle of borrowing cost capitalization, are all recognized in the current profit or loss. Foreign currency non-
monetary items measured at historical cost are still converted at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date,
without changing their recorded amount in the functional currency.
    Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are converted at the spot exchange rate of the fair
value determination date. The difference between the converted amount in the functional currency and the original

recorded amount in the functional currency is treated as a fair value change (including changes of exchange rate), and
is recognized in the current profit or loss or as other comprehensive income.
    2. Foreign currency financial statements
    Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are converted at the spot exchange rate of the balance sheet date;
Equity items, except for the "undistributed profits" item, are converted at the spot exchange rate at the time of
occurrence. The income and expense items in the income statement are converted at the current average exchange
rate of the transaction date. The exchange differences arising from the conversion of foreign currency financial
statements as described above are recognized in other comprehensive income.
    When disposing of a foreign operation, the exchange differences related to that foreign operation and presented in
other comprehensive income items in the balance sheet are transferred from other comprehensive income items to the
current profit or loss; In the case of disposing of a part of an equity investment or for other reasons that lead to a
reduction in the ownership interest in a foreign operation without losing control over it, the exchange differences
related to the partial disposal of the foreign operation are attributed to minority interests and are not transferred to the
current profit or loss. When disposing of a portion of equity in overseas operations that are joint ventures or associates,
the foreign currency translation differences related to the overseas operations are transferred to the disposal period's
profit or loss in proportion to the disposal scale.

11. Financial instruments

    The Company recognizes financial assets or financial liabilities when it becomes a party to the financial instrument
    The effective interest method is the calculation of the amortized cost of financial assets or financial liabilities and
the allocation of interest income or interest expense over the accounting periods.
    The effective interest rate is the rate used to discount the estimated future cash flows of financial assets or
financial liabilities over the expected life to the book value of the financial asset or the amortized cost of the financial
liability. In determining the effective interest rate, the expected cash flows are estimated based on all contractual terms
of the financial asset or financial liability (such as prepayment, extension, call options, or other similar options), without
considering expected credit losses.
    The amortized cost of financial assets or financial liabilities is the initial recognition amount minus principal
repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization of the difference between the initial recognition amount and the
maturity amount using the effective interest method, less any cumulative impairment loss provision (applicable only to
financial assets).
    1. Classification, recognition, and measurement of financial assets
    The Company classifies financial assets into the following three categories based on the business model for
managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assets:
    A. Financial assets measured at amortized cost.
    B. Financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income.
    C. Financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in profit or loss.
    Financial assets are initially measured at fair value. However, receivables from the sale of goods or provision of
services that do not include a significant financing component or consider financing components of not more than one
year are initially measured at the transaction price.
    For financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in profit or loss, related transaction costs are
directly recognized in profit or loss. For other categories of financial assets, related transaction costs are included in
their initial recognition amount.

    Subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification. Reclassification of all affected
financial assets occurs only when the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets.
    1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
    Financial assets whose contractual terms generate cash flows on specified dates that are solely payments of
principal and interest on the outstanding principal amount, and are managed with the objective of collecting contractual
cash flows, are classified by the Company as financial assets measured at amortized cost. The Company's financial
assets classified at amortized cost include cash, notes receivable, accounts receivable, and other receivables.
    The Company recognizes interest income on such financial assets using the effective interest method, measures
them subsequently at amortized cost, and includes any impairment losses or gains or losses on de-recognition or
modification in profit or loss. Except in the following situations, the Company calculates interest income based on the
actual interest rate multiplied by the financial asset's book value:
    A. For financial assets that have incurred credit impairment upon acquisition or origination, the Company
calculates interest income from the initial recognition based on the amortized cost of the financial asset and the
effective interest rate adjusted for credit.
    B. For financial assets that have not incurred credit impairment upon acquisition or origination but subsequently
become credit-impaired, the Company calculates interest income in subsequent periods based on the amortized cost
and the effective interest rate of the financial asset. If the financial instrument is no longer credit-impaired in
subsequent periods due to an improvement in credit risk, the Company calculates interest income by multiplying the
effective interest rate by the book value of the financial asset.
    2) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income
    If the contractual terms of financial assets require cash flows on a specified date that are solely payments of
principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the business model for managing the financial asset is
both to collect contractual cash flows and to sell the financial asset, then the Company classifies the financial asset as
measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income.
    The Company recognizes interest income on such financial assets using the effective interest method. Apart from
interest income, impairment losses, and foreign exchange gains or losses recognized in profit or loss, other fair value
changes are recognized in other comprehensive income. When the financial asset is de-recognized, the cumulative
gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified from other comprehensive
income to profit or loss.
    Financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income, such as trade
receivables and accounts receivable, are reported as receivables financing, and other such financial assets are
reported as other debt investments. Among them, other debt investments maturing within one year from the balance
sheet date are reported as non-current assets due within one year, and other debt investments with original maturities
within one year are reported as other current assets.
    3) Financial assets designated at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income
    At initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instrument investments based on
a single financial asset as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.
    The fair value changes of such financial assets are recognized in other comprehensive income, without the need
for impairment provisions. When the financial asset is de-recognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously
recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to retained earnings. During the period the Company holds
the equity instrument investment, dividend income is recognized and included in the current profit or loss when the
Company's right to receive dividends is established, the economic benefits related to the dividends are likely to flow
into the Company, and the amount of dividends can be reliably measured. The Company reports such financial assets
under other equity instrument investments.

    An equity instrument investment that meets one of the following conditions is classified as financial assets
measured at fair value through profit or loss: The primary purpose of acquiring the financial asset is for sale in the near
term; At initial recognition, it is part of an identifiable financial asset group under centralized management, and there is
objective evidence indicating the existence of a short-term profit pattern recently; It is a derivative instrument
(excluding those meeting the definition of a financial guarantee contract and those designated as effective hedging
    4) Classified as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
    Financial assets that do not meet the conditions for measurement at amortized cost or at fair value through other
comprehensive income, and are not designated as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, are
classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss.
    Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses from changes in fair value as well
as dividends and interest income related to such financial assets are included in the current profit and loss.
    The Company shall present such financial assets in the items of transactional financial assets and other non-
current financial assets according to their liquidity.
    5) Financial assets designated to be measured by fair value through current profit and loss
    At initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Company may
irrevocably designate financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value through current profit or loss on the
basis of individual financial asset.
    If a hybrid contract contains one or more embedded derivative instruments, and its master contract does not
belong to the above financial assets, the Company can designate it as a whole as a financial instrument measured at
fair value through current profit and loss. Except for the following circumstances:
    A. The embedded derivative instruments will not have a significant change in the cash flows of the hybrid contract.
    B. When determining whether a similar hybrid contract needs to be split for the first time, it can be made clear that
the embedded derivatives contained therein should not be split with little analysis. For example, the prepayment right
embedded in the loan allows the holder to prepay the loan at an amount close to the amortized cost, and the
prepayment right does not need to be split.
    Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses from changes in fair value as well
as dividends and interest income related to such financial assets are included in the current profit and loss.
    The Company shall present such financial assets in the items of transactional financial assets and other non-
current financial assets according to their liquidity.
    2. Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities
    The Company classifies the financial instrument or its components as financial liabilities or equity instruments at
initial recognition based on the contractual terms of the issued financial instruments and their economic substance
rather than merely legal form, in conjunction with the definitions of financial liabilities and equity instruments. Financial
liabilities are classified at initial recognition as: financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, other
financial liabilities, and derivatives designated as effective hedging instruments.
    Financial liabilities are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For financial liabilities measured at fair value
through profit or loss, the relevant transaction costs are directly included in the current profit or loss; For other
categories of financial liabilities, related transaction costs are included in the initially recognized amount.
    Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:
    1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss.
    This category includes trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and those
designated at initial recognition as measured at fair value through profit or loss.

    Financial liabilities is considered trading if it is incurred primarily for the purpose of selling or re-acquiring in the
near term; Or if it is part of an identifiable portfolio of financial instruments that the enterprise manages together and
there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking. Belongs to derivative instruments, except for
those designated and effective as hedging instruments and derivatives that meet the criteria of financial guarantee
contracts. Trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) are measured at fair value
subsequently, with all fair value changes recognized in the current profit or loss, except for those related to hedge
    At initial recognition, to provide more relevant accounting information, the Company designates financial liabilities
that meet one of the following conditions as financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, which
cannot be revoked:
    A. Capable of eliminating or significantly reducing accounting mismatches.
    B. Managed and performance evaluated on a fair value basis for a portfolio of financial liabilities or a combination
of financial assets and financial liabilities, as documented in formal written documents reflecting the Company's risk
management or investment strategy, and reported internally to key management personnel on this basis.
    The Company subsequently measures such financial liabilities at fair value, with changes in fair value due to the
Company's own credit risk recognized in other comprehensive income, and all other fair value changes recognized in
the current profit or loss. Unless recognizing changes in fair value due to the Company's own credit risk in other
comprehensive income would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Company recognizes all
fair value changes (including the effect of changes in its own credit risk) in the current profit or loss.

    2) Other financial liabilities

    Except for the following items, the Company classifies financial liabilities as those measured at amortized cost,
using the effective interest method for subsequent measurement at amortized cost, with gains or losses arising from
de-recognition or amortization recognized in the current profit or loss:
    A. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss.
    B. Financial liabilities caused by the transfer of financial assets that do not meet the conditions for de-recognition
or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets.
    C. Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall under the first two categories mentioned above, and loan
commitments that are not under the Category 1) and are provided at an interest rate lower than the market rate.
    A financial guarantee contract refers to an agreement that requires the issuer to compensate the contract holder
for a specific amount if a particular debtor fails to repay the debt on the due date according to the original or modified
terms of the debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financial liabilities measured at
fair value with changes recognized in profit or loss are measured after initial recognition at the higher of the amount of
the loss allowance and the balance of the initial recognition amount less the cumulative amortization during the
guarantee period.
    3. De-recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
    1) Financial assets are de-recognized when it meets one of the following conditions, i.e., it is removed from the
accounts and the balance sheet:
    A. The contractual right to receive cash flows from the financial asset has expired.
    B. The financial asset has been transferred, and the transfer complies with the provisions for the de-recognition of
financial assets.
    2) Conditions for derecognition of financial liabilities
    Financial liabilities (or part of it) is de-recognized when the present obligation is terminated.
    An agreement is signed between the Company and the lender to replace the original financial liability with a new
financial liability, and if the terms of the new financial liability are substantially different from the original financial

liability, or if there are substantial modifications to the terms of the original financial liability (or a part of it), then the
original financial liability is de-recognized and a new financial liability is recognized. The difference between the book
value and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed) is recognized in the
current profit or loss.
     When the Company re-acquires part of financial liabilities, the book value of the entire financial liabilities is
allocated based on the proportion of the fair value of the part that continues to be recognized and the part that is de-
recognized on the re-acquisition date. The difference between the book value allocated to the de-recognized part and
the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed) should be recognized in the
current profit or loss.
     4. Recognition basis and measurement method for the transfer of financial assets
     When transferring financial assets, the Company assesses the extent to which it retains the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial assets and deals with the following situations accordingly:
     (1) If almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred, then the financial asset is
de-recognized, and the rights and obligations arising from the transfer or retained are separately recognized as assets
or liabilities.
     (2) If substantially all the risks and rewards associated with the ownership of financial assets are retained, the
financial asset continues to be recognized.
     (3) If almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets are neither transferred nor retained (that is,
other circumstances except (1) and (2) of this Article), the following circumstances shall be handled according to
whether the control over the financial assets is retained:
     A. If no control over the financial assets is retained, the financial assets shall be de-recognized, and the rights and
obligations arising from or retained in the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities.
     B. If the control over the financial assets is retained, the relevant financial assets shall continue to be recognized
according to the degree of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities
shall be recognized accordingly. The term "continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset" refers to the
extent to which the Company bears the risks or rewards of changes in the value of the transferred financial asset.
The principle of substance over form is adopted to determine whether the transfer of financial assets meets the above
de-recognition conditions for financial assets. The Company divides the transfer of financial assets into overall transfer
and partial transfer of financial assets.
     If the entire transfer of financial assets meets the de-recognition conditions, the difference between the amounts
of the following two items shall be included in the current profit and loss:
     A. The book value of the transferred financial asset on the de-recognition date.
     B. The consideration received for transferring financial assets, which is the sum of the amount corresponding to
the part of the cumulative fair value changes originally recognized in other comprehensive income that is de-
recognized (involving transferred financial assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in other
comprehensive income).
     If financial assets are partially transferred and the transferred part fully meets the de-recognition condition, the
book value of the entire financial asset before the transfer is allocated between the de-recognized part and the
continuing recognized part (in this case, the retained servicing asset is considered part of the continuing recognized
financial asset) based on their relative fair values on the transfer date. The difference between the following two
amounts is recognized in the current profit or loss:
     A. The book value of the de-recognized part on the de-recognition date.

    B. The sum of the consideration received for the de-recognized part and the amount corresponding to the part of
the cumulative fair value changes originally recognized in other comprehensive income (involving transferred financial
assets measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income).
    If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the de-recognition condition, the financial asset continues to be
recognized, and the consideration received is recognized as financial liabilities.
    5. Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
    For financial assets or liabilities with an active market, its fair value is determined by the quoted price in the active
market, unless there is a restriction on the sale of the financial assets itself. For financial assets with restrictions on the
sale of the assets itself, its fair value is determined by deducting the compensation amount required by market
participants for bearing the risk of not being able to sell the financial asset in the open market during the specified
period from the quoted price in the active market. Quoted prices in an active market include those that are readily and
regularly obtainable from exchanges, dealers, brokers, industry groups, pricing services, or regulatory authorities, and
can represent the actual and frequent market transactions on the basis of fair trade.
    The fair value of initially acquired or derived financial assets or incurred financial liabilities is based on the
transaction price in the market.
    Financial assets or liabilities without an active market are valued using valuation techniques to determine their fair
value. In valuation, the Company uses valuation techniques that are applicable under current circumstances and
supported by sufficient available data and other information, selecting input values consistent with the characteristics
of the assets or liabilities considered by market participants in transactions, and prioritizes the use of relevant
observable input values wherever possible. In cases where relevant observable input values are not available or not
feasible to obtain, unobservable input values are used.
    6. Impairment of financial instruments
    The Company measures impairment and recognizes loss allowances for financial assets measured at amortized
cost, financial assets classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, lease receivables,
contract assets, loan commitments that are not measured at fair value through profit or loss, financial liabilities that are
not measured at fair value through profit or loss, and financial guarantee contracts formed by the transfer of financial
assets that do not meet the derecognition criteria or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets, based
on expected credit losses.
    Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average value of credit losses of financial instruments weighted by
the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract
and all cash flows expected to be received by the Company at the original effective interest rate, that is, the present
value of all cash shortages. For financial assets acquired or originated that have experienced credit impairment, they
shall be discounted using the effective interest rate adjusted for credit.
    For receivables, contract assets, and lease receivables arising from transactions regulated by the revenue
standards, the company applies a simplified measurement approach, measuring loss allowances at an amount equal
to the expected credit losses over the entire lifetime of the assets.
    For acquired or originated financial assets that have experienced credit impairment, only the cumulative change in
expected credit losses over the entire life from initial recognition is recognized as a provision for losses at each
balance sheet date. At each balance sheet date, the change in expected credit losses over the entire life is recognized
as an impairment loss or gain in the current profit or loss. Even if the expected credit losses determined at the balance
sheet date for the entire life are less than the amount of expected credit losses reflected by the estimated cash flows at
initial recognition, the favorable change in expected credit losses is recognized as an impairment gain.
    Apart from the aforementioned simplified measurement method and acquired or originated financial assets that
have experienced credit impairment, the Company assesses whether the credit risk of the relevant financial

instruments has significantly increased since initial recognition at each balance sheet date, measures its loss provision,
and recognizes expected credit losses and their changes according to the following situations:
     A. If the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition and is in
phase I, loss allowance is measured in the amount equal to the expected credit losses over the next 12 months, and
interest income is calculated based on the book value and the effective interest rate.
     B. If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition but no credit
impairment has occurred, and is in phase II, loss allowance is measured in the amount equal to the expected credit
losses over the entire lifetime of the financial instrument, and interest income is calculated based on the book value
and the effective interest rate.
     C. If the financial instrument has experienced credit impairment since initial recognition and is in phase III, the
Company measures loss allowance in the amount equal to the expected credit losses over the entire lifetime of the
financial instrument, and interest income is calculated based on the amortized cost and the effective interest rate.
     Increases or reversals of credit loss allowance for financial instruments are recognized as impairment losses or
gains in the current profit or loss. Except for financial assets classified at fair value through other comprehensive
income, credit loss allowance reduces the book value of financial assets. For financial assets classified at fair value
through other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes credit loss allowance in other comprehensive income,
without reducing the book value of the financial asset presented in the balance sheet.
     If the Company had previously measured loss allowance for a financial instrument in the amount equal to the
expected credit losses over the entire lifetime of the financial instrument, but as of the current balance sheet date, the
financial instrument no longer exhibits a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the Company
measures loss allowance at the current balance sheet date in the amount equal to the expected credit losses over the
next 12 months. The resulting reversal of loss allowance is recognized as an impairment gain in the current profit or
     1) Significant increase in credit risk
     The Company uses reasonable and supportable forward-looking information available to determine whether the
credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition by comparing the risk of default
at the balance sheet date with the risk of default at the initial recognition date. For financial guarantee contracts, when
applying the impairment requirements for financial instruments, the Company considers the date on which the
Company becomes the party to the irrevocable commitment as the initial recognition date.
     The Company considers the following factors when assessing whether there has been a significant increase in
credit risk:
     A. Whether there has been a significant change in the debtor's operational results, actual or expected;
     B. Whether there has been a significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological
environment in which the debtor operates;
     C. Whether there has been a significant change in the value of collateral securing the debt or in the quality of
guarantees or credit enhancements provided by third parties, which are expected to reduce the debtor's economic
incentive to repay on time as per the contract, or affect the probability of default;
     D. Whether there has been a significant change in the debtor's expected performance and repayment behavior;
     E. Whether there has been a change in the Company's credit management methods for financial instruments, etc.
     As of the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that a financial instrument has low credit risk, it is
assumed that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition. If a
financial instrument has low default risk, the borrower has a strong ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations
in the short term, and even if there are adverse changes in the economic situation and operating environment over a

longer period, it does not necessarily reduce the borrower's ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations, then
the financial instrument is considered to have low credit risk.
    2) Financial assets with credit impairment
    When one or more events occur that are expected to have an adverse effect on the future cash flows of financial
assets, the financial asset becomes one that has experienced credit impairment. Evidence of credit impairment for
financial assets includes the following observable information:
    A. The issuer or the debtor is experiencing significant financial difficulties;
    B. The debtor has breached the contract, such as defaulting on interest or principal payments or being overdue;
    C. The creditor, for economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor's financial difficulties, grants
    concessions to the debtor that would not be made under any other circumstances;
    D. It is likely that the debtor will go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring;
    E. The disappearance of an active market for the financial assets due to the issuer's or the debtor's financial
    F. Acquiring or originating financial assets at a significant discount, which reflects the occurrence of credit losses.
    Credit impairment of financial assets may result from the combined effect of multiple events and may not
necessarily be caused by individually identifiable events.
    3) Determination of expected credit losses
    The Company assesses the expected credit losses of financial instruments based on individual and Combination
evaluations, taking into account reasonable and substantiated information regarding past events, current conditions,
and forecasts of future economic conditions.
    The Company classifies financial instruments into different combinations based on common credit risk
characteristics. The common credit risk characteristics adopted by the Company include: type of financial instruments,
aging combination, contract settlement cycle, industry of debtors, etc. For details on the individual assessment criteria
and combination credit risk characteristics of the relevant financial instruments, refer to the accounting policies of the
financial instruments.
    The Company determines the expected credit losses of the relevant financial instruments using the following
    A. For financial assets, the credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows
due to the Company and the expected cash flows to be collected.
    B. For lease receivables, the credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows
due to the Company and the expected cash flows to be collected.
    C. For financial guarantee contracts, the credit loss is the expected payment to be made by the Company to
compensate for the credit loss incurred by the holder of the contract, minus the present value of the difference
between the amount the Company expects to collect from the holder of the contract, the debtor, or any other party.
    D. For financial assets that have incurred credit impairment as of the balance sheet date but are not acquired or
originated credit-impaired, the credit loss is the difference between the book value of the financial asset and the
present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate.
    The methods used by the Company to measure the expected credit losses of financial instruments reflect factors
including: the unbiased probability-weighted average amount determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes;
The time value of money. Information that can be obtained on the balance sheet date without the need for
unnecessary additional costs or efforts, which is reasonable and substantiated, relating to past events, current
conditions, and forecasts of future economic circumstances.
    4) Write-down of financial assets

    When the Company no longer has reasonable expectation that the cash flows from the financial asset contract
can be fully or partially recovered, the book value of the financial asset is directly written down. This write-down
constitutes the de-recognition of the related financial assets.
    7. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities
    Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet without offsetting each other.
However, if the following conditions are met, they are presented in the Balance Sheet as a net amount after offsetting:
    A. The Company has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts, and this right is currently
    B. The Company intends to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability

12. Notes receivable

    The Company's determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of notes
receivable are detailed in the Notes V.11.
    The Company separately determines the credit loss of receivables with sufficient evidence that can assess the
expected credit loss at a reasonable cost at the level of individual instrument.
    When there is no sufficient evidence to evaluate the expected credit loss at a reasonable cost at the level of
individual tools, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience, combines the current situation and the
judgment of future economic conditions, and divides the notes receivable into several combinations according to the
credit risk characteristics, and calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the combination. The basis for
determining the combination is as follows:
 Combination name                    Basis for determining the combination                            Provision method
                                                                                             The provision for bad debts is
                           The drawer has a high credit rating, and has no bill
                                                                                             measured with reference to the
Risk-free          bank    default in history, so the risk of credit loss is extremely
                                                                                             historical credit loss experience and
acceptance         draft   low, and also has a strong ability to fulfill the obligation to
                                                                                             in combination with the current
combination                pay the cash flow of the contract in a short period of
                                                                                             situation and the expectation of
                                                                                             future economic conditions.
                                                                                             Provision is made based on the
                           Accounts receivable with the same aging have similar              comparison table of aging and
acceptance         draft
                           credit risk characteristics                                       expected credit loss rate over the
                                                                                             entire duration

13. Accounts receivable

    The Company's determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of accounts
receivable are detailed in the Notes V.11.
    The Company separately determines the credit loss of accounts receivable with sufficient evidence that the
expected credit loss can be assessed at a reasonable cost at the level of a single instrument.
    When there is no sufficient evidence to evaluate the expected credit loss at a reasonable cost at the level of
individual tools, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience, combines the current situation and the
judgment of future economic conditions, and divides the accounts receivable into several combinations according to
the credit risk characteristics, and calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the combination. The basis for
determining the combination is as follows:
                                  Basis for determining the combination                               Provision method
Combination of       Accounts receivable of related parties within the scope of              The provision for bad debts is
receivables   of     consolidation have similar credit risk characteristics                  measured with reference to the

related parties                                                                         historical credit loss experience and
within the scope                                                                        in combination with the current
of consolidation                                                                        situation and the expectation of
                                                                                        future economic conditions.
                                                                                        Provision is made based on the
Combination of
                     Accounts receivable with the same aging have similar credit        comparison table of aging and
other customers'
                     risk characteristics                                               expected credit loss rate over the
                                                                                        entire duration

14. Receivables financing

Not applicable

15. Other receivables

Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of other receivables

    The Company's determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of other accounts
receivable are detailed in the Notes V.11.
    The Company individually determines the credit losses for other receivables that have sufficient evidence to
assess expected credit losses at a reasonable cost on an individual instrument level.
    When sufficient evidence to assess expected credit losses at a reasonable cost is not available on an individual
instrument level, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current conditions and
judgments about future economic conditions, and classifies other receivables into several combinations to calculate
expected credit losses on a combination basis. The basis for determining the combination is as follows:
      Combination name                Basis for determining the combination                     Provision method
                                                                                  Provision is made based on the
                                   According to the nature of business,
Combination of margin        and                                                  comparison table of aging and
                                   margin and deposits have similar credit risk
deposit receivables                                                               expected credit loss rate over the
                                                                                  entire duration
                                                                                  The provision for bad debts is
                                                                                  measured with reference to the
                                   According to the nature of business,
Combination     of      employee                                                  historical credit loss experience and in
                                   employees' reserve receivables have
reserve receivable                                                                combination with the current situation
                                   similar credit risk characteristics
                                                                                  and the expectation of future economic
                                                                                  The provision for bad debts is
                                                                                  measured with reference to the
                                   According to the nature of business, social
Combination of social security                                                    historical credit loss experience and in
                                   security advances have similar credit risk
advances receivable                                                               combination with the current situation
                                                                                  and the expectation of future economic
                                                                                  The provision for bad debts is
                                                                                  measured with reference to the
Combination of receivables of      Accounts receivable of related parties
                                                                                  historical credit loss experience and in
related parties within the scope   within the scope of consolidation have
                                                                                  combination with the current situation
of consolidation                   similar credit risk characteristics
                                                                                  and the expectation of future economic
                                                                                  Provision is made based on the
                                   Accounts receivable with the same aging        comparison table of aging and
Combination of other financings
                                   have similar credit risk characteristics       expected credit loss rate over the
                                                                                  entire duration

16. Contract assets

    The Company recognizes a right to consideration from the transfer of goods to customers as a contract asset
when that right is conditional on factors other than the passage of time. The Company's unconditional rights to
consideration from customers (i.e., solely time-based) are presented separately as receivables.
    The Company's determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of contractual
assets are detailed in the Notes V.11.

17. Inventories

    1. Inventory categories, cost valuation methods for outgoing inventory, inventory system, and
    amortization methods for low-value consumables and packaging materials
    (1) Classification of inventory
    Inventory refers to the finished products or goods held for sale, products in production, and materials and
materials consumed during the production process or service provision that the Company holds in its daily activities. It
mainly includes raw materials, products in process, finished products (stock commodities), etc.
    (2) Cost valuation methods for inventory
    At acquisition, inventory is initially measured at cost, including purchasing cost, processing cost, and other costs.
Raw materials and inventory items are issued using the weighted average method for valuation, except for branded
watch inventory items, which are valued using the specific identification method.
    (3) Inventory system
    The inventory system is a perpetual inventory system.
    (4) Amortization methods for low-value consumables and packaging materials
    Low-value consumables are amortized using the one-time charge-off method;
    Packaging materials are amortized using the one-time charge-off method;
    2. Criteria and methods for recognizing and provisioning for inventory impairment
    At the end of the period, after a comprehensive inventory check, inventory impairment provisions are made or
adjusted based on the lower of cost or net realizable value. For finished goods, merchandise inventory, and materials
for sale that are directly intended for sale in the normal course of business, their net realizable value is determined by
the estimated selling price minus the estimated selling expenses and related taxes. For material inventory that requires
processing, in the normal course of business, its net realizable value is determined by the estimated selling price of the
produced finished goods minus the estimated costs to completion, estimated selling expenses, and related taxes. For
inventory held to fulfill sales or service contracts, the net realizable value is calculated based on the contract price. If
the quantity of inventory held exceeds the quantity ordered in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excess
inventory is calculated based on the general selling price.
    At the end of the period, inventory impairment provisions are made for individual inventory items; However, for
inventories that are numerous and have low unit prices, provisions for inventory impairment are made based on
inventory categories. Inventory that is related to the product series produced and sold in the same region, with the
same or similar final uses or purposes, and that is difficult to measure separately, shall be combined for the provision
of inventory impairment.
    If the factors that led to the inventory write-down have disappeared, the amount of the write-down is reversed and
included in the current profit and loss within the amount of inventory impairment provision originally recognized.
    The provision for inventory depreciation by combination is as follows:

                                                                                 Determination basis of the net realizable
          Category                      Determination basis of category
                                                                                         value of the category
Combination of merchandise        New products launched by private brands in
                                                                                   No provision for revaluation reserve
     inventory years                          the current year

18. Assets held for sale

Not applicable

19. Debt investment

Not applicable

20. Other debt investment

Not applicable

21. Long-term receivables

Not applicable

22. Long-term equity investments

    1. Determination of initial investment cost
    A. Long-term equity investments formed through business combinations, see the Notes 6 for specific accounting
policies on business combinations under common control and those not under common control.

    B. Long-term equity investments acquired through other means

    Long-term equity investments acquired by paying cash are measured at the actual acquisition price as the initial
investment cost. Initial investment cost includes directly related expenses, taxes, and other necessary expenditures
incurred in acquiring the long-term equity investment.
    Long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities are measured at the fair value of the issued
securities as the initial investment cost; Transaction costs incurred in issuing or acquiring own equity instruments can
be directly deducted from equity in equity transactions.
    Under the premise that a non-monetary asset exchange has commercial substance and the fair value of the asset
received or surrendered can be reliably measured, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment
acquired in a non-monetary asset exchange is based on the fair value of the surrendered asset, unless there is
conclusive evidence that the fair value of the received asset is more reliable; For non-monetary asset exchanges that
do not meet the above premise, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment acquired is based on the
book value of the surrendered asset and related taxes and fees payable.
    Long-term equity investments obtained through debt restructuring are initially measured at cost based on fair
    2. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

    A. Cost method

    The Company accounts for long-term equity investments over which it has control using the cost method,
measured at initial investment cost, with additional investments or withdrawals adjusting the cost of the long-term
equity investment.
    Apart from cash dividends or profits declared but not yet distributed included in the price or consideration paid at
the time of investment, the Company recognizes cash dividends or profits distributed by the investee as current
investment income.

    B. Equity method

    The Company uses the equity method to account for long-term equity investments in associates and joint
ventures; For a portion of equity investments in associates held indirectly through venture capital organizations, mutual
funds, trust companies, or similar entities including investment-linked insurance funds, fair value measurement is used
and changes are recognized in profit or loss.
    If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is greater than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets
of the investee at the time of investment, the initial investment cost is not adjusted; If the initial investment cost is less
than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of investment, the difference is
recognized in the current profit or loss.
    After acquiring long-term equity investments, the Company recognizes investment income and other
comprehensive income based on its share of net gains or losses and other comprehensive income realized by the
investee, and adjusts the book value of the long-term equity investment accordingly; it also calculates the share of
profits or cash dividends declared by the investee and correspondingly reduces the book value of the long-term equity
investment; For changes in the investee's equity other than net profits or losses, other comprehensive income, and
profit distribution, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in the owner's equity.
    When recognizing the share of the net profit and loss of the investee, the Company adjusts and recognizes the
net profit of the investee based on the fair value of the identifiable assets of the investee at the time of investment.
Unrealized profits and losses of internal transactions between the Company and its associated enterprises and joint
ventures shall be offset by the portion that belongs to the Company according to the due proportion, and the
investment profits and losses shall be recognized on this basis.
    When recognizing its share of losses incurred by the investee, the Company shall handle it in the following order:
first, it offsets the book value of the long-term equity investment. Next, if the book value of the long-term equity
investment is insufficient to offset the losses, the Company continues to recognize investment losses limited to the
book value of other long-term equity interests that substantially constitute a net investment in the investee, offsetting
the book value of long-term receivables and other items. Finally, after the above actions, if the Company still has
additional obligations as stipulated by the investment contract or agreement, it recognizes a provision for liabilities
based on the expected obligation and includes it in the current investment losses.
    If the investee realizes profits in subsequent periods, the Company reverses the process described above after
deducting the share of unrecognized losses. It reduces the book value of recognized provisions for liabilities, restores
other long-term equity interests and the book value of long-term equity investments that substantially constitute a net
investment in the investee, and then resumes recognizing investment income.
    3. Conversion of accounting methods for long-term equity investments

    1) Fair value measurement to equity method accounting

    For equity investments in investees over which the Company originally had no control, joint control, or significant
influence and which were accounted for in accordance with financial instruments recognition and measurement
guidelines, if additional investments enable the Company to exert significant influence or joint control without
constituting control, the fair value of the original equity investment determined by the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments plus the cost of the additional
investment, shall be the initial investment cost under the equity method.
    If the initial investment cost under the equity method is less than the difference between the fair value share of the
identifiable net assets of the investee on the date of the additional investment, calculated based on the new
shareholding scale post-investment, the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted, and the difference
is recognized in current non-operating income.

    2) Fair value measurement or equity method accounting to cost method accounting

    For equity investments in investees over which the Company originally had no control, joint control, or significant
influence and which were accounted for in accordance with financial instruments recognition and measurement
guidelines, or for long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures, if additional investments lead to control
over the investee not under common control, in preparing individual financial statements, the book value of the original
equity investment plus the cost of the additional investment, shall be the initial investment cost under the cost method.
    Other comprehensive income recognized from equity investments accounted for by the equity method before the
acquisition date is accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee.
    For equity investments held before the acquisition date that were accounted for in accordance with the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the cumulative
fair value changes previously recognized in other comprehensive income shall be reclassified to current profit or loss
under the cost method.

    3) Equity method accounting to fair value measurement

    If the Company loses joint control or significant influence over the investee due to partial divestment of equity
investments, the remaining equity investments after the disposal shall be subject to accounting treatment in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments, and the difference between the fair value and the book value on the date of losing joint control
or significant influence shall be recognized in current profit or loss.
    For original equity investments that recognized other comprehensive income under the equity method, other
comprehensive income shall be subject to accounting treatment on the same basis as if the investee had directly
disposed of the related assets or liabilities not under the equity method.

    4) Cost method to equity method

    If the Company loses the control over the investee due to disposal of part of equity investments or other reasons,
in the preparation of individual financial statements, the remaining equity after disposal that can exercise joint control
or significant influence over the investee shall be subject to accounting treatment under the equity method, and the
remaining equity shall be deemed to have been adjusted under the equity method since acquisition.

    5) Cost method to fair value measurement

    If the Company loses the control over the investee due to disposal of part of equity investments and other reasons,
in the preparation of individual financial statements, the remaining equity after disposal that cannot exercise joint
control or exert significant influence on the investee shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments, and the difference between the fair value and the book value on the date when the control is
lost shall be included in the current profit and loss.

    4. Disposal of long-term equity investments
    For disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the actual price shall be
included in the current profit and loss. For long-term equity investments accounted for under the equity method, when

disposing of the investment, the part originally included in other comprehensive income shall be subject to accounting
treatment according to the corresponding scale on the same basis as the investee directly disposes of the relevant
assets or liabilities.
     If the terms, conditions and economic impact of the transactions related to the disposal of the equity investment in
subsidiaries meet one or more of the following circumstances, multiple transactions will be taken as a package
transaction for accounting treatment:
     A. These transactions are concluded at the same time or under the consideration of mutual influence;
     B. These transactions collectively achieve a complete commercial result;
     C. The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
     D. A transaction is uneconomical on its own, but economical when considered together with other transactions.
     Where the control over the original subsidiaries is lost due to disposal of part of equity investments or other
reasons, and it does not belong to a package transaction, relevant accounting treatment shall be made by
distinguishing individual financial statements from consolidated financial statements:
     1) In the individual financial statements, for the disposal of equity, the difference between the book value and the
actual acquisition price shall be included in the current profit and loss. If the remaining equity after disposal can
exercise joint control or significant influence on the investee, it shall be subject to accounting treatment under the
equity method, and the remaining equity shall be adjusted as if it had been accounted for under the equity method
since acquisition; If the remaining equity after disposal cannot exercise joint control or significant influence on the
investee, it shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the
difference between the fair value and the book value on the date when the control is lost shall be included in the
current profit and loss.
     2) In the consolidated financial statements, for various transactions before the loss of control over the subsidiaries,
the capital reserves (stock premium) are adjusted according to the difference between the disposal price and the share
of net assets of the subsidiaries continuously calculated from the acquisition date or the combination date
corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment. If the capital reserves are insufficient, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted; When the control over subsidiaries is lost, the remaining equity shall be re-measured at its
fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration obtained from the
disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, less the share of the net assets of the original subsidiary
calculated continuously from the acquisition date according to the original shareholding ratio, is included in the
investment income in the period of losing control, and the goodwill is also written down. Other comprehensive income
related to equity investments in the original subsidiary shall be converted into current investment profits at the loss of
     If the transactions of disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries until the loss of control belong to a package
transaction, the transactions shall be accounted for as a transaction of disposal of equity investment in subsidiaries
and loss of control, and the relevant accounting treatment shall be carried out by distinguishing individual financial
statements and consolidated financial statements:
     1) In individual financial statements, the difference between each disposal price and the book value of long-term
equity investment corresponding to the disposed equity before the loss of control is recognized as other
comprehensive income, and transferred to the current profit or loss at the loss of control.
     2) In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between each disposal price and the share of net
assets of the subsidiary corresponding to each disposal of investment before the loss of control is recognized as other
comprehensive income, which is converted to the current profit or loss at the loss of control.
     5. Judgment criteria for common control and significant influence

    If the Company collectively controls an arrangement according to the relevant agreement with other participants,
and decisions on activities that significantly affect the returns of the arrangement require unanimous consent from the
participants sharing control, then the Company is considered to jointly control the arrangement with other participants,
which constitutes a joint venture.
    When a joint venture is established through a separate entity, the Company's rights over the net assets of the
separate entity are determined according to the relevant agreement. The separate entity is then accounted for as a
joint venture using the equity method. If, according to the relevant agreement, the Company is not deemed to have
rights over the net assets of the separate entity, the entity is considered as joint operation. The Company recognizes
items related to its share of the joint operation's profits and accounts for them in accordance with the relevant
accounting standards.
    Significant influence refers to the power to participate in decision-making over the financial and operating policies
of the investee, without having control or joint control over the formulation of those policies. The Company assesses
whether it has significant influence over the investee by considering all facts and circumstances and through one or
more of the following situations: (1) having representation on the board of directors or similar governing body of the
investee; (2) participating in the process of setting financial and operating policies of the investee; (3) engaging in
significant transactions with the investee; (4) appointing managerial personnel to the investee; (5) providing essential
technical information to the investee.

23. Investment properties

Measurement model of investment property
Measured under cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

    Investment properties refer to real estate held for earning rental income or capital appreciation, or both, including
leased land use rights, land use rights held for appreciation and subsequent transfer, and leased buildings.
Furthermore, for vacant buildings held by the Company for operational leasing, if the Board of Directors issues a
written resolution explicitly stating the intent to use them for operational leasing and that the holding intention will not
change in the short term, they are also reported as investment properties.
    The Company's investment properties are recorded at cost as their entry value, which for externally acquired
investment properties includes the acquisition price, related taxes and fees, and other expenditures that can be directly
attributed to the asset. The cost of self-constructed investment properties consists of necessary expenditures incurred
before the asset reaches its intended usable state.
    The Company uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties, providing depreciation
or amortization for buildings and land use rights based on their expected service lives and net residual value rates.
The expected service lives, net residual value rates, and annual depreciation (amortization) rates of investment
properties are listed as follows:
                                     Expected service life     Expected net residual value          Annual depreciation
                                           (years)                      rate (%)                   (amortization) rate (%)
   Houses and buildings                     20-35                          5.00                           2.71-4.85
    When the use of investment property is changed to owner-occupied, from the date of change, the Company
reclassifies the investment property as fixed assets or intangible assets. When the use of owner-occupied property is
changed to earn rental income or capital appreciation, from the date of change, the Company reclassifies fixed assets
or intangible assets as investment property. At the time of conversion, the book value before conversion is used as the
recorded value after conversion.

     When investment property is disposed of, or permanently withdrawn from use and no economic benefits are
expected from its disposal, the recognition of such investment property is ceased. The income from the sale, transfer,
scrapping, or destruction of investment property, after deducting its book value and related taxes, is recognized in the
current profit or loss.

24. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

     Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the production of goods, provision of services, leasing, or
administrative purposes, and have a service life exceeding one accounting year. Fixed assets are recognized when
they meet the following conditions:
     1) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow into the enterprise;
     2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation methods

                                                                                                       Annual depreciation
      Category            Depreciation method       Depreciation period      Residual value rate
Houses and
                          Straight-line method     20-35                    5                         2.71-4.85
                          Straight-line method     10                       5.00-10.00                9.50-9.00
Electronic equipment      Straight-line method     5                        5                         19
Transport equipment       Straight-line method     5                        5                         19
Other equipment           Straight-line method     5                        5                         19
     1. Depreciation of fixed assets
     The depreciation of fixed assets is accrued over their expected service lives based on their book-entry values
minus their expected net residual values. For fixed assets with provision for impairment, the depreciation amount will
be determined in the future according to the book value after deducting the impairment provision and the service life;
Fixed assets that have been fully depreciated and are still in use shall not be depreciated.
     The Company determines the useful life and estimated net residual value of the fixed assets according to their
nature and usage. At the end of each fiscal year, the Company reviews the useful life, estimated net residual value,
and depreciation method of fixed assets, and makes corresponding adjustments if there are differences from the
original estimates.
     2. Subsequent expenditures on fixed assets
     Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets that meet the recognition criteria for fixed assets are included in
the cost of fixed assets; Those that do not meet the recognition criteria for fixed assets are included in the current
profits and losses when incurred.
     3. Disposal of fixed assets
     Fixed assets are derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from their use or
disposal. The net amount of disposal income from fixed assets through sale, transfer, scrapping, or damage, after
deducting their book value and related taxes, is recognized in the current profits and losses.

25. Construction in progress

     1. Initial measurement of construction in progress

    The Company values self-constructed construction in progress at actual cost. Actual costs comprise necessary
expenditures incurred to bring the asset to the intended usable state, including material costs, labor costs, related
taxes, capitalized borrowing costs, and apportioned indirect costs.
    2. Standard and timing for transferring of construction in progress to fixed assets
    The total expenses incurred before the construction in progress asset is ready for its intended use are recorded as
the entry value of the fixed asset. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets at the total expenditure
incurred before the asset reaches its intended usable state. If the project is usable but final settlement has not been
completed, it is transferred based on estimated value and depreciated according to the Company's depreciation policy.
Adjustments are made to the estimated value upon final settlement, but previously recognized depreciation is not

26. Borrowing costs

    1. Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs

    Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
or production of assets eligible for capitalization, such costs shall be capitalized; And other borrowing costs shall be
recognized as expenses and included in current profits and losses when incurred.
    Qualifying capitalized assets are those that require a substantial period to get ready for their intended use or sale,
including fixed assets, investment properties, and inventories.
    Borrowing costs begin to be capitalized when the following conditions are met:
    (1) Expenditures for the asset have been incurred, including cash payments, transfers of non-cash assets, or
incurring interest-bearing debt for the acquisition and construction or production of the asset;
    (2) Borrowing costs have been incurred;
    (3) Acquisition and construction or production activities necessary to bring the asset to its intended use or sale
have commenced.

    2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs

    The capitalization period spans from when borrowing costs begin to be capitalized until they cease, excluding any
periods when capitalization is suspended.
    The borrowing costs shall stop being capitalized when acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible for
capitalization are available for use or sale.
    If parts of an asset being acquired and constructed or produced are completed and can be used independently,
capitalization of borrowing costs for those parts ceases.
    When various parts of an asset are completed separately but the asset can only be used or sold as a whole upon
total completion, capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the entire asset is finished.

    3. Suspension of capitalization period

    Where the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended; If the
interruption is a necessary procedure for the asset to be ready for use or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs
continues. Borrowing costs incurred during the interruption are recognized as current profits and losses , until the
acquisition and construction or production activities resume and the capitalization of borrowing costs continues.

    4. Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs

    Interest expenses on specific borrowings (after deducting interest income earned from unused borrowings
deposited in the bank or investment returns from temporary investments) and related ancillary costs are capitalized
until the qualifying asset is ready for its intended use or sale.
    The interest amount of general borrowings to be capitalized is calculated based on the weighted average of the
asset expenditures exceeding the specific borrowings, multiplied by the simple average at end of the period, and the
capitalization rate of the general borrowings occupied. The capitalization rate is calculated and determined based on
the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
    For borrowings issued at a discount or premium, the amount of discount or premium amortized in each accounting
period is determined using the effective interest method, adjusting the interest amount for each period.

27. Biological assets

Not applicable

28. Oil and gas assets

Not applicable

29. Intangible assets

(1) Service life and its determination basis, estimation, amortization method or review

    Intangible assets refer to identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance that the Company owns or
controls, including land use rights, software systems and trademark use rights.

    1) Initial measurement of intangible assets

    The cost of externally acquired intangible assets includes the purchase price, related taxes and fees, and other
expenses directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use. If the payment for intangible assets exceeds
normal credit terms and essentially represents financing, the cost of the intangible assets is determined based on the
present value of the purchase price.
    Intangible assets acquired through debt restructuring to settle debts are measured at their fair value upon
recognition, and any difference between the book value of the restructured debt and the fair value of the intangible
assets is recognized in the current profit or loss.
    In a non-monetary asset exchange that has commercial substance and where the fair value of the assets received
or surrendered can be reliably measured, the cost of the intangible assets acquired is based on the fair value of the
assets surrendered, unless there is conclusive evidence that the fair value of the acquired assets is more reliable; For
non-monetary asset exchanges that do not meet the above conditions, the cost of the intangible assets acquired is
based on the book value of the assets surrendered and the related taxes and fees paid, without recognizing any profit
or loss.
    Intangible assets acquired through business combination under common control are measured at the book value
of the merged party; For mergers not under common control, intangible assets are recognized at fair value.
    Intangible assets developed internally include costs for materials used, labor, registration fees, amortization of
other patents and licenses used during development, interest expenses that meet capitalization criteria, and other
direct expenses incurred before the intangible assets are ready for their intended use.

    2) Subsequent measurement of intangible assets

    The Company classifies intangible assets as having either finite or indefinite useful lives upon acquisition.
    Intangible assets with limited useful life
    Intangible assets with a finite useful life are amortized on a straight-line basis over their beneficial periods. The
estimated useful life and basis for intangible assets with a finite useful life are as follows:
                  Item                        Estimated service life                              Basis
            Land use rights                             50                                 Straight-line method
            Software system                              5                                 Straight-line method
        Right to use trademark                         5-10                                Straight-line method
    At the end of each period, the useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with a finite useful life are
reviewed. If there are differences from the original estimates, adjustments are made accordingly.
    Upon review, there were no changes in the estimated useful life and amortization method of intangible assets at
the end of the current period.

(2) Collection scope of R&D expenses and related accounting treatment methods

    1) Specific standards for classifying the research stage and development stage of the Company's internal
research and development projects
    Research stage: This stage involves original and planned investigation activities undertaken to acquire and
understand new scientific or technical knowledge.
    Development stage: This stage involves applying research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for
producing new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, etc., before commercial production or use.
    Expenditures during the research stage of internal research and development projects are recognized as an
expense in the current profits and losses when incurred.
    2). Specific criteria for capitalizing expenditures during the development stage
    Expenditures during the development stage of internal research and development projects are recognized as
intangible assets when the following conditions are met:

    A. Complete such intangible asset to make it usable or salable with technical feasibility;

    B. Intention of completing such intangible asset for use or sale;

    C. The ways in which intangible assets generate economic benefits include being able to demonstrate that
products produced using the intangible assets have a market, or that the intangible assets themselves have a market.
If the intangible assets are intended for internal use, their utility must be proven;

    D. There is sufficient support from technical, financial resources and other resources, to complete development of
such intangible assets, and the ability of using or selling such intangible assets;

    E. The expenditures attributable to development stage of such intangible assets shall be measured reliably.

    Expenditures in the development stage that do not meet the above conditions shall be included in the current
profits and losses when incurred. Development expenditures recognized in profits and losses in prior periods shall not
be subsequently reclassified as assets. Capitalized development phase expenditures are presented as development
expenditures on the balance sheet and are reclassified as intangible assets from the date the project is ready for its
intended use.

30. Long-term assets impairment

    The Company assesses whether there are any indications that long-term assets may be impaired as of the
balance sheet date. If indications of impairment exist in long-term assets, their recoverable amount is estimated based
on individual assets; If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount
of the asset group to which the asset belongs is determined.
    The estimate of the recoverable amount of an asset is based on the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and
the present value of the expected future cash flows.
    If the estimated recoverable amount of a long-term asset is lower than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of
the long-term asset is written down to its recoverable amount. The impairment loss is recognized in current profits and
losses and an impairment provision is made accordingly. Once recognized, impairment losses for assets shall not be
reversed in subsequent accounting periods.
    After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation or amortization expense of the impaired asset is
adjusted in future periods to systematically allocate the asset's adjusted carrying amount (less the expected net
residual value) over its remaining useful life.
    Goodwill arising from business combinations and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for
impairment annually, regardless of whether there are any indications of impairment.
    When testing for impairment of goodwill, the carrying amount of goodwill is allocated to the asset groups or
combinations that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. When testing for
impairment of asset groups or combinations that include goodwill, if there are indications of impairment for the asset
groups or combinations related to goodwill, the asset groups or combinations that do not include goodwill are tested
for impairment first. The recoverable amount is calculated and compared with the related carrying amount to recognize
the corresponding impairment loss. Then, the asset groups or combinations that include goodwill are tested for
impairment, comparing the carrying amount of these related asset groups or combinations (including the allocated
portion of the carrying amount of goodwill) with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of the related
asset groups or combinations is lower than their carrying amount, the impairment loss of goodwill is recognized.

31. Long-term deferred expenses

    1. Amortization method

    Long-term deferred expenses refer to expenses that have been incurred by the Company but are to be borne by
the current and subsequent periods, with an amortization period of more than 1 year. Long-term deferred expenses
are amortized on a straight-line basis over the benefit period.

    2. Amortization period

                          Category                                                  Amortization period
                   Counter production fee                                                   2-3
                       Decoration fee                                                       3-5
                            Other                                                           2-3

32. Contract liabilities

Contract liabilities are the obligations for which the company has received or is entitled to receive consideration from
customers for the transfer of goods.

33. Employee compensation

(1) Accounting treatment methods for short-term compensation

    Short-term compensation is employee compensation that is expected to be fully paid within twelve months after
the end of the annual reporting period in which employees provide related services, excluding post-employment and
termination benefits. During the accounting period when services are provided by employees, the company recognizes
payable short-term compensation as liabilities and includes them in the cost of related assets and expenses based on
the beneficiaries of the services provided.

(2) Accounting treatment method for post employment benefits

    Post-employment benefits are various forms of remuneration and benefits provided to employees after they retire
or terminate their employment with the company, excluding short-term compensation and termination benefits.
    The company's post-employment benefit plans are classified into defined contribution plans.
    Post-employment defined contribution plans mainly consist of participation in social basic pension insurance,
unemployment insurance, etc., organized and implemented by local labor and social security institutions. During the
accounting period in which employees provide services, the company recognizes the contributions payable under
defined contribution plans as a liability and includes them in the current profits and losses or the cost of related assets.
    After the Company makes the above payments on a regular basis in accordance with the standards stipulated by
the state and the annuity plan, it will have no other payment obligations.

(3) Accounting treatment method for dismissal benefits

    Termination benefits are compensations paid to employees as a result of the company's decision to terminate
their employment before the contractual retirement date or to encourage voluntary resignation. The liability for
termination benefits is recognized when the company cannot unilaterally withdraw the plan to terminate employment or
the proposal to encourage voluntary resignation, whichever is earlier. The liability is included in the current profits and
    The company provides early retirement benefits to employees who accept internal retirement arrangements. Early
retirement benefits refer to wages paid to employees who have not reached the statutory retirement age and have
voluntarily left their positions with the approval of the company's management, as well as social insurance
contributions paid on their behalf. From the start date of the internal retirement arrangement until the employee
reaches the normal retirement age, the company pays early retirement benefits to the early retired employees. For
early retirement benefits, the company accounts for them in the same way as severance benefits. When the conditions
for recognizing severance benefits are met, the wages and social insurance contributions intended to be paid from the
date the employee ceases to provide services until the normal retirement date are recognized as liabilities and
charged to current profits and losses in a lump sum. Differences arising from changes in actuarial assumptions and
adjustments to benefit standards for early retirement benefits are recognized in current profits and losses when

(4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits

    Other long-term employee benefits refer to all employee benefits other than short-term salaries, post-employment
benefits and dismissal benefits.

    For other long-term employee benefits meeting the conditions of defined contribution plans, the company
recognizes the contributions payable as a liability during the accounting period in which employees render services
and includes them in the current profits and losses or the cost of related assets. For other long-term employee benefits
not meeting these conditions, an independent actuary uses the projected unit credit method at each balance sheet
date to calculate the benefit obligations attributable to the period in which employees provide services, and these are
included in the current profits and losses or the cost of related assets.

34. Estimated liabilities

    1. Recognition criteria for estimated liabilities

    In case that an obligation connected to contingencies meets all of the following conditions, the Company
recognizes the obligation as a provision:
    The obligation is a present obligation of the Company;
    The fulfillment of the obligation is likely to result in an outflow of economic benefits;
    The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

    2. Measurement of estimated liabilities

    The company measures its provisions based on the best estimate of the expenditures required to settle the
present obligations.
    When determining the best estimate, the company comprehensively considers factors related to contingent items
such as risk, uncertainty, and the time value of money. For significant impacts of the time value of money, the best
estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows.
    The best estimate is treated as follows:
    If the required expenditure falls within a continuous range (or interval) with equal likelihood of various outcomes,
the best estimate is determined by the average of the range's upper and lower limits.
    If there is no continuous range (or interval) for the required expenditure, or the likelihood of various outcomes
within the range is not equal, such as in the case of contingent items involving a single project, the best estimate is
determined by the most likely amount. If the contingent items involve multiple projects, the best estimate is calculated
based on the various possible outcomes and their associated probabilities.
    If the company expects to be reimbursed by a third party for all or part of the expenditure required to settle a
provision, the reimbursement amount is recognized as an asset when it is virtually certain to be received, and the
recognized amount does not exceed the carrying amount of the provision.

35. Share-based payment

    1. Types of share-based payments

    The company's share-based payments are categorized into equity-settled and cash-settled.

    2. Determination method for the fair value of equity instruments

    For granted options and other equity instruments with an active market, their fair value is determined based on
quoted prices in the active market. For granted options and other equity instruments without an active market, their fair
value is estimated using option pricing models, which consider the following factors: (1) the exercise price of the option;
(2) The option's term; (3) The current price of the underlying stock; (4) The expected volatility of the stock price; (5)
The expected dividends of the shares; (6) The risk-free interest rate during the option's term.

    When determining the fair value of equity instruments on the grant date, the impact of market and non-vesting
conditions as stipulated in the share-based payment agreement is considered. For share-based payments with non-
vesting conditions, as long as the employee or other party meets all non-market conditions among the vesting
conditions (such as service period), the cost corresponding to the services received is recognized.

    3. Basis for the best estimate of vesting equity instruments

    On each balance sheet date within the waiting period, the best estimate of the number of equity instruments
expected to vest is revised based on subsequent information such as changes in the number of employees eligible for
vesting. On the vesting date, the final expected number of equity instruments to vest matches the actual number

    4. Accounting treatment

    For equity-settled share-based payments, they are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to
employees. If immediately exercisable upon grant, they are recognized in related costs or expenses at the grant date's
fair value, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve. If exercisable only after completing the service or achieving
performance conditions within the vesting period, each balance sheet date during the vesting period will reflect the
best estimate of the number of vestable equity instruments. The fair value on the grant date is used to allocate the
service costs obtained in the current period into related costs or expenses and capital reserve. Post-vesting date, no
adjustments are made to the recognized costs or expenses and total equity.
    For cash-settled share-based payments, they are measured at the fair value of the liabilities calculated based on
the Company's shares or other equity instruments. If immediately exercisable upon grant, they are recognized in
related costs or expenses at the fair value of the liabilities assumed at the grant date, with a corresponding increase in
liabilities. If exercisable only after completing the service or achieving performance conditions within the vesting period,
each balance sheet date during the vesting period will reflect the best estimate of the exercisable situation. The fair
value of the liabilities assumed is used to allocate the service costs obtained in the current period into costs or
expenses and corresponding liabilities. On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the settlement of
relevant liabilities, the fair value of liabilities shall be re-measured, and the changes shall be included in the current
profits and losses.

If the granted equity instruments are cancelled within the vesting period, the Company treats the cancellation as
accelerated vesting, recognizing the remaining amount to be recognized in the vesting period immediately in current
profits and losses, and simultaneously increasing capital reserves. If employees or other parties have the option to
meet non-vesting conditions but fail to meet them within the vesting period, the Company treats it as a cancellation of
the granted equity instruments.

36. Other financial instruments like preferred shares and perpetual bonds

Not applicable

37. Revenue

Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for recognition and measurement of revenue by business type

    The Company's revenue mainly comes from the following business types:
    (1) Watch sales business
    (2) Precision manufacturing business
    (3) Property leasing business

   1. General principles of revenue recognition

     Revenue is recognized at the transaction price allocated to the performance obligation when the Company fulfills
its performance obligations under a contract by transferring control of goods or services to the customer.
     Performance obligation refers to the commitment in the contract that the Company can transfer to the customer
the goods or services that can be clearly distinguished.
     Control over the relevant goods is transferred when the customer can direct the use of and obtain substantially all
the remaining benefits from the goods or services.
     On the contract commencement date, the Company assesses the contract to identify each distinct performance
obligation and determines whether each obligation is satisfied over time or at a point in time. If one of the following
conditions is met, it is considered that the performance obligation is fulfilled over a period of time, and the Company
recognizes revenue based on the progress of performance over time: (1) The customer simultaneously receives and
consumes the economic benefits as the company performs; (2) The customer controls the goods in progress as the
company performs; (3) The goods produced by the company's performance have no alternative use, and the company
has the right to payment for the performance completed to date throughout the contract period. Otherwise, the
Company recognizes revenue at the point in time when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services.
     For performance obligations fulfilled over a period of time, the Company determines the appropriate progress of
performance based on the nature of goods and services using the input method. The output method determines the
progress of performance based on the value of goods transferred to the customer (the input method determines the
progress of performance based on the company's inputs to fulfill the performance obligation). Where the progress of
performance cannot be reasonably determined, if the costs incurred by the Company are expected to be compensated,
revenue shall be recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the progress of performance can be
reasonably determined.

   2. Specific methods of revenue recognition

     The company has three main business segments: watch sales, precision manufacturing, and property leasing.
According to the Company's own business model and settlement method, the specific methods for recognizing sales
revenue of various businesses are disclosed as follows:
     (1) Watch sales business
     The Company's watch sales business is a performance obligation performed at a certain point in time.
     ①Online sales
     Revenue is recognized when the products are delivered, signed for by the customer, and payment has been
received by the platform.
     ②Offline sales
     Revenue is recognized when the product is delivered to the customer and accepted by the customer, the price
has been received or the right to receive the payment has been obtained, and the relevant economic benefits are likely
to flow in.
     ③Commissioned sales
     Under the commissioned sales model, the Company recognizes revenue when it receives the sales list from the
commissioned seller and confirms that the control over the goods has been transferred to the purchaser.
     Under the consignment-in model, when the Company delivers the external consignment products to the customer
and confirms that the control of the goods has been transferred to the buyer, the revenue is recognized by net method.
     (2) Precision manufacturing business

    The Company's precision manufacturing and sales business fulfills the performance obligations at a point in time.
Domestic sales revenue is recognized when the company delivers the product to the contractually agreed delivery
location, the products are accepted by the customer, payment has been received or the right to receive payment has
been obtained, and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in. Export sales revenue is recognized when the
company has declared the products for export according to the contract, obtained the Bill of Lading, received the
payment or obtained the right to receive payment, and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in.
    (3) Property leasing business
    For details of specific accounting policies, please refer to Note V.41 Accounting treatment of the Company as a

   3. Revenue treatment principles for specific transactions

    (1) Contracts with sales return clauses
    Revenue is recognized at the amount expected to be entitled from the transfer of goods to the customer when the
customer obtains control of the relevant goods (i.e., excluding the amount expected to be refunded due to sales
returns). A liability is recognized for the amount expected to be refunded due to sales returns.
    The carrying amount of goods expected to be returned, less the estimated costs to recover such goods (including
any impairment of the returned goods), is accounted for under the item "refund assets."
    (2) Contracts with quality assurance clauses
    Evaluate whether the quality assurance provides a separate service in addition to assuring the customer that the
goods sold meet the established standards. If the Company provides additional services, it shall be treated as a single
performance obligation and subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the provisions of the revenue
standards; Otherwise, the quality assurance responsibility shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance with
the provisions of the accounting standards for contingencies.

Different revenue recognition and measurement methods involved in different business models adopted by the same
type of business
Not applicable

38. Contract costs

    1. Contract performance costs
    The costs incurred by the company for the performance of a contract, which do not fall within the scope of other
accounting standards outside of revenue standards and meet the following conditions, are recognized as an asset:
    (1) The costs are directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials,
manufacturing overhead (or similar costs), costs explicitly borne by the customer, and other costs incurred solely due
to the contract;
    (2) The costs that increase the resources of the enterprise for future performance obligations;
    (3) The costs that are expected to be recoverable.
    These assets are classified as inventory or other non-current assets based on whether their amortization period
exceeds a normal operating cycle from the time of initial recognition.
    2. Contract acquisition costs
    The incremental costs incurred by the company to obtain a contract that are expected to be recoverable are
recognized as an asset. Incremental costs refer to costs that would not have been incurred if the contract had not been
obtained, such as sales commissions. For amortization periods not exceeding one year, these costs are recognized in
the current profits and losses upon occurrence.

    3. Amortization of contract costs
    Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the revenue recognition for the associated
goods or services. They are amortized at the point in time or according to the progress of the performance obligations,
and recognized in the current profits and losses.
    4. Impairment of Contract Costs
    For assets related to contract costs, if the carrying amount exceeds the difference between the expected
consideration receivable from transferring the goods related to the asset and the estimated costs to transfer those
goods, an impairment provision should be recognized for the excess and recorded as an asset impairment loss.
    After the impairment loss is provided for, if there is a change in the factors that caused the impairment in previous
periods, resulting in the above difference exceeding the carrying amount of the asset, the previously provided
impairment loss is reversed and recognized in the current profits and losses. However, the carrying amount of the
asset after reversal should not exceed the carrying amount on the reversal date assuming no impairment loss had
been provided.

39. Government subsidies

   1. Type

    Government grants are monetary and non-monetary assets obtained by the company from the government
without compensation. Based on the beneficiary specified in the relevant government documents, government grants
are classified into asset-related and income-related government grants.
    Government subsidies related to assets refer to government subsidies obtained by the Company for the purchase,
construction, or other forms of long-term assets of government subsidies. Government subsidies related to income
refer to government subsidies other than government subsidies related to assets.

   2. Recognition of government subsidies

    Government grants are recognized at the receivable amount at the end of the period if there is evidence that the
company meets the relevant conditions of the financial support policy and expects to receive the financial support
funds. Otherwise, government grants are recognized when actually received.
    Government grants in the form of monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. Non-
monetary government grants are measured at fair value; If fair value cannot be reliably determined, they are measured
at the nominal amount (RMB1). Government grants measured at a nominal amount are directly included in the current
profits and losses.

   3. Accounting treatment method

    Based on the economic substance of the transactions, the Company determines whether to use the gross method
or net method for accounting treatment of a certain type of government grant transaction. Usually, the Company uses
only one method for similar or related government grant transactions and consistently applies that method to the
    For asset-related government grants, the grants are either deducted from the carrying amount of the related asset
or recognized as deferred income. Asset-related government grants recognized as deferred income are systematically
recognized in profits and losses over the useful life of the constructed or purchased asset using a reasonable and
systematic method.
    For income-related government grants, those used to compensate for related expenses or losses incurred by the
company in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and included in profit or loss or deducted from
related costs in the period when the related expenses or losses are recognized; Those used to compensate for related

expenses or losses already incurred by the company are directly included in profit or loss or deducted from related
costs when received.
    Government grants related to the entity's routine activities are recognized as other income or deducted from
related cost expenses; Government grants not related to the entity's routine activities are recognized as non-operating
income and expenses.
    Government grants received for interest subsidies on policy-based preferential loans are used to offset related
borrowing costs; For policy-based preferential interest rate loans provided by lending banks, the actual loan amount
received is taken as the borrowing's book value, and the relevant borrowing costs are calculated based on the loan
principal and the policy-based preferential interest rate.
    When previously recognized government grants need to be returned, if they were initially deducted from the
carrying amount of related assets, the asset carrying amount shall be adjusted; If there is a balance of related deferred
income, the balance of deferred income is reduced, and the excess is included in the current profits and losses; If
there is no related deferred income, the amount is directly included in the current profits and losses.

40. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

    Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized based on the differences between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax
assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured according to the tax rate applicable to the period during
which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be paid off.

    1. Recognition basis of deferred tax assets

    Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences that are recognized to the extent that taxable
income will be probable to be available against the deductible temporary difference, deductible losses and tax credits
that can be carried forward to subsequent periods. However, the deferred tax assets arising from the initial recognition
of assets or liabilities in a transaction with the following characteristics at the same time shall not be recognized: (1)
The transaction is not a business combination; (2) The transaction affects neither the accounting profit nor the taxable
income or deductible loss.
    For deductible temporary differences related to investments in associates, the corresponding deferred tax assets
are recognized when all the following conditions are met: the temporary difference may be reversed in the foreseeable
future, and taxable income will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be used.

    2. Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities

    The company recognizes the taxable temporary differences payable but not paid in the current period and prior
periods as deferred income tax liabilities. But excluding:
    (1) Temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill;
    (2) Transactions or events that are not formed by business combination, and the occurrence of such transactions
or events affects neither the accounting profit nor the temporary differences formed by the taxable income (or
deductible losses);
    (3) For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries and associates, the time of their
reversal can be controlled and they are not likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.

    3. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented as a net amount when the following conditions are met

    (1) The enterprise has the legal right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities on a net basis;

    (2) The deferred tax assets and liabilities are related to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on the
same taxable entity or different taxable entities, and for each significant period in which the deferred tax assets and
liabilities reverse, the involved taxable entities intend to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or realize
the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

41. Leasing

(1) Accounting treatment method of leasing as a lessee

     At the commencement date of the lease, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets subject to
simplified treatment, the company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
     Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
     Short-term leases are those without a purchase option and with a lease term of not more than 12 months. Leases
of low-value assets refer to leases where the leased asset, if new, is of low value.
     The company does not recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and leases of low-
value assets; instead, related lease payments are recognized on a straight-line method or other systematic and
reasonable methods over the lease term as part of the cost of the related assets or as current period profit or loss.

(2) Accounting treatment method of leasing as a lessor

     (1) Classification of leases
     The company classifies leases as finance leases or operating leases on the commencement date of the lease.
Finance lease refers to a lease that substantially transfers all risks and rewards related to ownership of the leased
asset, where ownership may or may not ultimately be transferred. Operating lease refers to all other leases that are
not finance leases.
     A lease is typically classified as a finance lease by our company if one or more of the following conditions exist:
     1) Ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term;
     2) The lessee has the option to purchase the leased asset at a price sufficiently lower than its fair value at the
time the option is expected to be exercised, making it reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise the option at the
lease commencement date;
     3) Although ownership is not transferred, the lease term covers a major part of the useful life of the asset;
     4) At the inception of the lease, the present value of the lease receipts is nearly the fair value of the leased asset;
     5) The leased asset is of such a specialized nature that only the lessee can use it without major modifications.
     A lease may also be classified as a finance lease by our company if it exhibits one or more of the following
     1) If the lessee cancels the lease, the lessee bears the losses associated with the cancellation for the lessor;
     2) Gains or losses arising from fluctuations in the fair value of the residual value of assets are attributed to the
     3) The lessee has the ability to continue leasing at a rent significantly below market level for the next period.
     (2) Accounting treatment for finance leases
     On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivables for the finance lease
and terminates the recognition of the finance lease assets.
     At the initial recognition of finance lease receivables, the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of
lease receipts not received on the commencement date of lease term, discounted at the interest rate implicit in the
lease, are summed to determine the entry value of the finance lease receivables. Lease receipts include:

     1) Fixed payments and substantially fixed payments after deducting lease incentives;
     2) Variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate;
     3) In cases where it is reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise the purchase option, lease receipts include
the exercise price of the purchase option;
     4) If the lease term reflects that the lessee is expected to exercise the termination option, lease receipts include
the amount payable by the lessee upon exercising the termination option;
     5) Guaranteed residual value provided to the lessor by the lessee, parties related to the lessee, and independent
third parties with the financial capacity to fulfill the guarantee obligations.
     The company calculates and recognizes interest income for each period within the lease term based on a fixed
implicit lease rate. Variable lease payments not included in the net investment in the lease are recognized in the
current period's profit or loss when they occur.
     (3) Accounting treatment for operating leases
     The company recognizes lease receipts from operating leases as rental income over the lease term using the
straight-line method or another systematic and rational method; Initial direct costs associated with operating leases are
capitalized and amortized over the lease term on the same basis as rental income recognition and are included in the
current period's profit or loss; Variable lease payments related to operating leases that are not included in lease
receipts are recognized in the current period's profit or loss when they occur.

42. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

Not applicable

43. Changes in significant accounting policies and estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

Not applicable

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

Not applicable

(3) Adjustment of items related to the financial statements at the beginning of the year when the new
accounting standards are implemented for the first time since 2024

Not applicable

44. Others

Not applicable

VI. Taxes

1. Main taxes and tax rates

               Tax Type                                  Tax Basis                                 Tax rates
                                          Domestic sales and provision of
                                          processing, repairs and replacement       13%
                                          Real estate leasing services              9%
                                          Other taxable sales of services           6%
                                          Simple tax method                         5%
Consumption tax                           High-end watches                          20%
Urban maintenance and construction
                                          Paid-in turnover tax                      7%、5%
Enterprise income tax                     Taxable income                            See the table below for details
                                          Tax basis: 70% or 80% of the original
Property tax                                                                        1.2%、12%
                                          value of the house property
Disclosure of information about taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates

                     Name of taxpayer                                                Income tax rate
Shenzhen Harmony World Watch Centre Co., Ltd. (①)               25%
FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd. (①)                                       25%
Shenzhen FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (②)               15%
Shenzhen FIYTA STD Co., Ltd. (②)                                15%
Shenzhen Harmony World Watch Centre Co., Ltd. (⑤)               20%
Shenzhen Xunhang Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                  25%
Emile Chouriet Horologe (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                     25%
Liaoning Hengdarui Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd.                  25%
Temporal (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                    25%
Shenzhen Harmony E-commerce Co., Ltd. (⑤)                       20%
FIYTA (HONG KONG) LIMITED (③)                                   16.5%
Montres Chouriet SA(④)                                        30%
      Note ①: According to the relevant provisions of the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Enterprise Income
Tax Collection for Enterprises with Trans-regional Operations and Consolidated Tax Payments" issued by the State
Administration of Taxation, the headquarters and its subordinate branches of such companies implement a
consolidated tax payment method for enterprise income tax. This method involves "unified calculation, hierarchical
management, local prepayment, consolidated settlement, and fiscal transfer of accounts." 50% of the prepayment is
shared among branches, and 50% is shared by the head office;
      Note ②: These companies enjoy the "tax rate reduction and exemption for high-tech enterprises that need key
support from the state";
      Note ③: the Company's registered location is Hong Kong, and the local profits tax in Hong Kong is applicable, and
the applicable tax rate for this year is 16.50%;
      Note ④: the Company is registered in Switzerland. According to the applicable tax rate in registration location, the
comprehensive tax rate for this year is 30%;
      Notes ⑤: these companies are small low-profit enterprises and are subject to enterprise income tax at a rate of

2. Tax preference

       According to the "Announcement on Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises and
Individual Businesses" (CS [2023] No. 6) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation,
small and micro-profit enterprises include only 25% of their taxable income and pay enterprise income tax at a rate of
20%. According to the "Notice on Extending the Loss Carry Forward Period for High-Tech Enterprises and
Technology-Based Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" (CS [2018] No. 76) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the

 State Administration of Taxation, starting from January 1, 2018, losses incurred in the five fiscal years prior to
 obtaining high-tech enterprise qualification that have not yet been offset are allowed to be carried forward to
 subsequent years for offsetting, with the maximum carry forward period extended from 5 years to 10 years.
         According to the "Announcement on Further Improving the Policy of Pre-tax Additional Deduction of R&D
 Expenses" (CS [2023] No. 7) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, starting from
 January 1, 2023, enterprises' actual R&D expenses incurred in conducting R&D activities, which are not converted into
 intangible assets and are included in the current profit and loss, can be additionally deducted at 100% of the actual
 amount incurred on top of the actual deduction as per regulations. Where intangible assets are formed, they shall be
 amortized before tax at 200% of the cost of intangible assets as of January 1, 2023.
         Since 2019, Hong Kong implemented a two-tiered profits tax regime, whereby the profits tax rate for the first
 HKD2,000,000 of profits earned by Hong Kong companies is reduced to 8.25%, and the remaining profits are taxed at
 the standard rate of 16.5%.

 3. Others

 Not applicable

 7. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements

 1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                   Item                               Ending Balance                           Opening balance
 Cash on hand                                                         107,494.56                             178,996.87
 Cash in bank                                                       21,352,343.64                         35,443,378.12
 Other monetary funds                                                2,109,236.20                           1,262,979.96
 Deposit in finance companies                                      380,786,934.73                        467,743,798.76
 Total                                                             404,356,009.13                        504,629,153.71
     Including: total amount
                                                                     1,951,883.15                           1,202,601.86
 deposited abroad

 Other notes

      The deposits in finance companies were mainly the deposits in AVIC Finance Co., Ltd.

      As of June 30, 2024, the Company had no pledged or frozen funds. Details of the Company's funds placed
 overseas with restrictions on fund repatriation are as follows:
                                  Item                                        Ending Balance          Opening balance
Funds placed overseas with restrictions on fund repatriation                        1,951,883.15             1,202,601.86

 2. Trading financial assets

 Not applicable

 3. Derivative financial assets

 Not applicable

4. Notes receivable

(1) Classified presentation of notes receivable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                Item                                Ending Balance                           Opening balance
Bank acceptance note                                               7,483,190.50                           10,363,449.00
Commercial acceptance note                                         8,855,201.81                            7,905,523.37
Total                                                             16,338,392.31                           18,268,972.37

(2). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Ending Balance                                         Opening balance
             Book balance         Bad debt provision                  Book balance         Bad debt provision
   y                                         Drawing    Book                                         Drawing      Book
           Amount      Scale      Amount     percent    value       Amount        Scale    Amount    percent      value
                                              ages                                                    ages
ble with
n for      16,654,     100.00     316,420               16,338,     18,685,       100.00   416,080                18,268,
                                                1.90%                                                   2.23%
bad         813.30         %           .99               392.31      052.55           %        .18                 972.37
           9,171,6                316,420               8,855,2     8,321,6                416,080                7,905,5
nce                    55.07%                   3.45%                         44.54%                    5.00%
             22.80                     .99                01.81       03.55                    .18                  23.37
accepta    7,483,1                                      7,483,1     10,363,                                       10,363,
                       44.93%                   0.00%                         55.46%                    0.00%
nce          90.50                                        90.50      449.00                                        449.00
           16,654,     100.00     316,420               16,338,     18,685,       100.00   416,080                18,268,
Total                                           1.90%                                                   2.23%
            813.30         %           .99               392.31      052.55           %        .18                 972.37
Name of provision with provision for bad debts by combination: commercial acceptance bill combination

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                        Ending Balance
                                        Book balance                  Bad debt provision              Drawing percentages
Commercial acceptance
                                                 9,171,622.80                      316,420.99                             3.45%
draft combination
Total                                            9,171,622.80                      316,420.99

Description of the basis for determining the combination:
Accounts receivable with the same aging have similar credit risk characteristics.
Catalog name with provision for bad debts by combination: non-risk bank acceptance bill combination

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                        Ending Balance
                                        Book balance                  Bad debt provision              Drawing percentages
Risk-free bank acceptance
                                                 7,483,190.50                                                             0.00%
draft combination
Total                                            7,483,190.50

Description of the basis for determining the combination:

The drawer has a high credit rating, and has no bill default in history, so the risk of credit loss is extremely low, and
also has a strong ability to fulfill the obligation to pay the cash flow of the contract in a short period of time.

If the provision for bad debts of notes receivable is made according to the general expected credit loss model:
Not applicable

(3) Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                        Amount of change for the period
                      Opening                                                                                         Ending
  Category                                              Recovered or
                      balance           Provision                             Write-off           Other               Balance
with provision
for bad debts
by individual
with provision
for bad debts
                      416,080.18                             99,659.19                                                316,420.99

Risk-free bank

Total                 416,080.18                             99,659.19                                             316,420.99

Where accounts receivable with significant from provision for bad debts or recovered in the current period
Not applicable

(4) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period

Not applicable

(5) Receivables notes or discounted at period-end not yet due on the Company's balance
sheet date

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                               Termination confirmation amount at
                 Item                                                                    Unconfirmed amount at period-end
Bank acceptance note                                                  24,056,305.26                                      0.00
Total                                                                 24,056,305.26                                      0.00

(6). Situation of notes receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

5. Accounts receivable

1. Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                 Aging                            Book balance at period end                  Beginning book balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                     363,748,311.83                         333,204,160.07
1-2 years                                                              3,035,192.98                           2,123,874.00
2-3 years                                                              1,519,611.03                           4,200,458.08
More than 3 years                                                     19,089,043.69                          18,005,255.95
3-4 years                                                             19,089,043.69                          18,005,255.95
Total                                                                387,392,159.53                         357,533,748.10

(2). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                 Ending Balance                                           Opening balance
              Book balance          Bad debt provision                    Book balance        Bad debt provision
   y                                             Drawing     Book                                        Drawing      Book
            Amount       Scale      Amount       percent     value      Amount        Scale   Amount     percent      value
                                                  ages                                                    ages
            20,141,                  19,908,                233,006      24,708,               23,148,                1,559,7
receiva                  5.20%                    98.84%                              6.91%              93.69%
             411.68                   405.24                    .44       541.73                792.25                  49.48
ble with

n for
ble with
            367,250               12,000,              355,250     332,825                11,242,               321,583
n for                  94.80%                  3.27%                          93.09%                   3.38%
             ,747.85               288.48               ,459.37     ,206.37                194.21                ,012.16
ation of
            367,250               12,000,              355,250     332,825                11,242,               321,583
custom                 94.80%                  3.27%                          93.09%                   3.38%
             ,747.85               288.48               ,459.37     ,206.37                194.21                ,012.16
            387,392      100.00   31,908,              355,483     357,533     100.00     34,390,               323,142
Total                                          8.24%                                                   9.62%
             ,159.53         %     693.72               ,465.81     ,748.10        %       986.46                ,761.64
Category name of provision for bad debts by individual: accounts receivable from other customers

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                       Opening balance                                        Ending Balance

 Name                                                                                       Drawing
                                   Bad debt                               Bad debt                         Provision
              Book balance                          Book balance                           percentag
                                   provision                              provision                        Reason
bles from
                                                                                                         Less likely to
other          24,708,541.73      23,148,792.25     20,141,411.68        19,908,405.24         98.84%
                                                                                                         be withdrawn
Total          24,708,541.73      23,148,792.25     20,141,411.68        19,908,405.24

Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: accounts receivable from other customers

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                   Ending Balance
                                     Book balance                 Bad debt provision           Drawing percentages
Receivables from other
                                            367,250,747.85                12,000,288.48                           3.27%
Total                                       367,250,747.85                12,000,288.48

Description of the basis for determining the combination:

Accounts receivable with the same combination have similar credit risk characteristics.

If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made according to the general expected credit loss model:
Not applicable

(3) Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                      Amount of change for the period
  Category                                             Recovered or                                      Ending Balance
                      balance          Provision                         Write-off           Other
with provision
                    23,148,792.25                       3,253,930.73                      -13,543.72       19,908,405.24
for expected
credit losses
by individual
with provision
for expected        11,242,194.21      822,060.56         54,756.65                          9,209.64      12,000,288.48
credit losses
Total               34,390,986.46      822,060.56       3,308,687.38                       -4,334.08       31,908,693.72

Where accounts receivable with significant from provision for bad debts or recovered in the current period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                 Recovered or                                   Determine the basis and
                                                                  Reason for     Recovery
             Company name                          reversed                                     rationality of the original
                                                                   reversal       method
                                                    amount                                       provision for bad debts
                                                                                               Provision based on the
Shijiazhuang Yuhua Suning.com                                     has been      Bank
                                                    358,855.97                                 estimated recoverable
Commercial Management Co., Ltd.                                   received      collection
                                                                                               Provision based on the
Nanjing Jianye Suning Yigou Plaza                                 has been      Bank
                                                    776,062.11                                 estimated recoverable
Commercial Management Co., Ltd.                                   received      collection
                                                                                               Provision based on the
Baotou Galaxy Suning Yigou Plaza Co.,                             has been      Bank
                                                    504,733.73                                 estimated recoverable
Ltd.                                                              received      collection
                                                                                               Provision based on the
                                                                  has been      Bank
Yinchuan Suning.com Plaza Co., Ltd.                 636,843.63                                 estimated recoverable
                                                                  received      collection
                                                                                               Provision based on the
Shanghai Pudong Suning.com                                        has been      Bank
                                                    818,227.34                                 estimated recoverable
Commercial Management Co., Ltd.                                   received      collection
Total                                              3,094,722.78

(4). Situation of accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(5) Accounts receivable and contractual assets collected from the debtors which rank the first
five at the end of period

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Ending balance
                                                                          Proportion in the   of provision for
                                                         Ending balance      total ending       bad debts of
                          Accounts          Ending
                                                           of accounts        balance of          accounts
                     receivable balance   balance of
Company name                                             receivable and        accounts       receivable and
                        at the end of     contractual
                                                           contractual     receivable and       provision for
                            period          assets
                                                              assets          contractual      impairment of
                                                                                assets           contractual
Summary of
receivable which
                         81,395,716.91                   387,392,159.53            21.01%        3,973,834.24
ranks the first
five at the end of
Total                    81,395,716.91                   387,392,159.53            21.01%        3,973,834.24

6. Contract assets

Not applicable

7. Receivables financing

Not applicable

8. Other receivables

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Other receivables                                         59,436,540.53                         57,725,792.00
Total                                                     59,436,540.53                         57,725,792.00

(1) Interest receivable

1) Classification of interest receivable

Not applicable

2) Important overdue interest

Not applicable

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Not applicable

5) Situation of interest receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Classification of dividends receivable

Not applicable

2) Important dividends receivable with aging over 1 year

Not applicable

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Not applicable

5) Situation of dividends receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(3) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                             Unit: RMB
          Payment nature              Book balance at period end          Beginning book balance
Margin and deposits                                    53,774,307.13                    51,775,226.86
Employee reserve                                        3,740,041.27                     1,549,821.50
Other                                                   6,132,069.36                     8,748,853.73
Total                                                  63,646,417.76                    62,073,902.09

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                 Aging                            Book balance at period end                 Beginning book balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                     33,867,092.11                           22,481,619.93
1-2 years                                                            24,429,192.98                           38,313,327.26
2-3 years                                                             4,155,060.57                                119,250.00
More than 3 years                                                     1,195,072.10                            1,159,704.90
3-4 years                                                             1,195,072.10                            1,159,704.90
Total                                                                63,646,417.76                           62,073,902.09

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                 Ending Balance                                          Opening balance
                Book balance        Bad debt provision                   Book balance        Bad debt provision
   y                                           Drawing      Book                                        Drawing      Book
            Amount       Scale      Amount     percent      value      Amount        Scale   Amount     percent      value
                                                ages                                                     ages
n for
            1,393,1                  1,363,2               29,928.     1,418,3                1,367,3                50,928.
debts                    2.19%                 97.85%                                2.28%              96.41%
              47.78                    19.78                   00        14.90                  86.90                    00
on an
al basis
    In which:
n for
debts       62,253,                  2,846,6               59,406,     60,655,                2,980,7                57,674,
                         97.81%                   4.57%                          97.72%                    4.91%
on a         269.98                    57.45                612.53      587.19                  23.19                 864.00
    In which:
ation of
and         53,259,                  2,633,8               50,625,     51,304,                2,603,2                48,701,
                         83.68%                   4.95%                          82.65%                    5.07%
deposit      849.25                    75.69                973.56      601.86                  77.66                 324.20

ation of
            3,740,0                                        3,740,0     1,549,8                                       1,549,8
ee                       5.88%                    0.00%                              2.50%                 0.00%
              41.27                                          41.27       21.50                                         21.50

ation of
security   508,259                                       508,259     284,862                                       284,862
                        0.80%                   0.00%                               0.46%                 0.00%
advanc         .76                                           .76         .55                                           .55
ation of
              4,745,1              212,781                4,532,3      7,516,3                  377,445             7,138,8
other                   7.46%                   4.48%                              12.11%                 5.02%
                19.70                   .76                 37.94        01.28                      .53               55.75
           63,646,    100.00     4,209,8                59,436,    62,073,    100.00            4,348,1             57,725,
Total                                        6.61%                                                        7.00%
            417.76         %       77.23                 540.53     902.09        %               10.09              792.00
Number of categories with provision for bad debts by individual: 1
Category name of provision for bad debts by individual: other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                         Opening balance                                           Ending Balance
    Name                               Bad debt                            Bad debt           Drawing          Provision
                   Book balance                       Book balance
                                       provision                           provision        percentages        Reason
Other                                                                                                        There is a
                    1,418,314.90     1,367,386.90       1,393,147.78      1,363,219.78              97.85%
receivables                                                                                                  dispute
Total               1,418,314.90     1,367,386.90       1,393,147.78      1,363,219.78

Number of categories with provision for bad debts by combination: 4
Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of margin and deposit receivable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                     Ending Balance
                                      Book balance                  Bad debt provision              Drawing percentages
Combination of margin and
                                              53,259,849.25                      2,633,875.69                        4.95%
deposit receivable
Total                                         53,259,849.25                      2,633,875.69

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of employee reserve receivable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                     Ending Balance
                                      Book balance                  Bad debt provision              Drawing percentages
Combination of employee
                                               3,740,041.27                                                          0.00%
reserve receivable
Total                                          3,740,041.27

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of social security receivable on behalf of the
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
           Name                                                      Ending Balance

                                     Book balance                 Bad debt provision               Drawing percentages
Combination of social
security advances                                 508,259.76                                                       0.00%
Total                                             508,259.76

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: other accounts receivable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                      Ending Balance
                                     Book balance                 Bad debt provision               Drawing percentages
Combination of other
                                              4,745,119.70                     212,781.76                          4.48%
Total                                         4,745,119.70                     212,781.76

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Provision for bad debts made according to the general expected credit loss model:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                    Stage I                Stage II                    Stage III

                                   Expected                                     Expected credit loss
        Bad debt provision                            Expected credit loss                                     Total
                                 credit loss in                               throughout the duration
                                                    throughout the duration
                                  the next 12                                  (credit impairment has
                                                     (no credit impairment)
                                    months                                            occurred)

Balance as of Jan. 1, 2024       2,980,723.19                                             1,367,386.90       4,348,110.09

Balance on Jan. 1, 2024 in
the current period

- Transfer to phase II

- Transfer to phase III

- Reversal to phase II

- Reversal to phase I

Provision in the current
                                     40,599.80                                                                 40,599.80

Reversal in the current
                                   -129,992.21                                              -49,000.00        -178,992.21

Write-off in the current

Write-off in the current

Other changes                           159.55                                                                    159.55

Balance as of June 30, 2024       2,891,490.33                                               1,318,386.90       4,209,877.23

The basis for the division of each stage and the ratio of provisions for bad debts

The phase I is the bad debt provision for other receivables within one year. The phase II is the bad debt provision for
accounts receivable over one year that have not been individually assessed. The phase III is the bad debt provision for
individually assessed accounts receivable.

Changes in book balance with significant amount of loss provision in the current period
Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                           Amount of change for the period
                                                                    Recovered                                     Ending
        Category        Opening balance                                              Write-off or
                                                   Provision            or                          Other         Balance
Bad debt provision           4,348,110.09            40,599.80     -178,992.21                      159.55      4,209,877.23
Total                        4,348,110.09            40,599.80     -178,992.21                      159.55      4,209,877.23

Where the bad-debt provision amount recovered or reversed this period is important:
Not applicable

5) Situation of other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

6). Other receivables collected from the debtors which rank the first five at the end of period

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Proportion in
                                                                                       the total ending
                          Payment                                                                              balance of
 Company name                             Ending Balance               Aging              balance of
                           nature                                                                           provision for bad
Summary of other
receivable which      Deposits and                               Within 1 year, 1-
                                                 8,634,010.68                                   13.57%            431,700.53
rank the first five   margin                                     2 years
at the end of
Total                                            8,634,010.68                                   13.57%            431,700.53

7) Presented in other receivables due to centralized management of funds

Not applicable

9. Prepayments

(1) Prepayments are presented by aging

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                       Ending Balance                                 Opening balance
                              Amount                    Scale                 Amount                    Scale
Within 1 year                   6,569,774.50                100.00%              6,564,760.64                   99.90%
1-2 years                                                       0.00%               6,479.34                    0.10%
Total                           6,569,774.50                                     6,571,239.98

Reasons for not timely settlement of prepayments with aging over 1 year and significant amount:
Not applicable

(2). Top five of advances to suppliers in terms of the ending balance presented by advance

            Company name                           Ending Balance                  Percentage of total advances (%)
Summary of prepayments collected from
the debtors which rank the first five at                          4,185,055.26                                    63.70%
the end of period

10. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1) Classification of inventory

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                             Ending Balance                                        Opening balance
                               Provision for                                          Provision for
                              impairment of                                          impairment of
  Item                         inventory or                                           inventory or
             Book balance                        Book value        Book balance                         Book value
                                 contract                                               contract
                               performance                                            performance
                                   costs                                                  costs
Raw          161,344,020.8                      155,942,127.2      167,281,491.8                      161,990,636.1
                                5,401,893.56                                          5,290,855.71
material                 5                                  9                  4                                  3
d            10,779,027.93                      10,779,027.93      12,060,525.88                      12,060,525.88
            2,026,413,760.                      1,961,610,087.    1,993,236,975.                      1,926,615,013.
dise                          64,803,673.59                                          66,621,962.09
                        86                                  27                36                                  27
            2,198,536,809.                      2,128,331,242.    2,172,578,993.                      2,100,666,175.
Total                         70,205,567.15                                          71,912,817.80
                        64                                  49                08                                  28

(2) Data resources recognized as inventory

Not applicable

(3) Provision for impairment of inventory or contract performance costs

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                       Decrease amount in the current
                                 Increase for the current period
                 Opening                                                          period                      Ending
                 balance                                                Reversal or                           Balance
                                  Provision            Other                                 Other
               5,290,855.71        253,915.61                             142,877.76                        5,401,893.56
dise          66,621,962.09        126,606.77            7,749.55       1,952,644.82                       64,803,673.59
Total         71,912,817.80        380,522.38            7,749.55       2,095,522.58                       70,205,567.15

Notes to provision for inventory write-down

                   Specific basis for determining the net realizable
                                                                             Reversal or write-off in the current period
    Item           value/residual consideration and the cost to be
                                                                           Reasons to provision for inventory write-down
                                                                          The factors affecting the previous write-down of
                 Estimated selling prices of manufactured products
Raw                                                                       inventory value have disappeared, resulting in
                 minus estimated costs to completion, estimated
material                                                                  the net realizable value of inventory higher than
                 selling expenses and related taxes and surcharges
                                                                          its book value
                                                                          The inventory with provision for inventory
Merchandis       Estimated selling price minus estimated sales
                                                                          depreciation at the beginning of the period has
e inventory      expenses and related taxes
                                                                          been consumed/sold in the current period
The provision for inventory depreciation by combination
Not applicable
Provision criteria for provision of inventory depreciation reserve by combination
Not applicable

(4) Notes to the ending balance of inventories including the capitalization amount of
borrowing costs

Not applicable

(5) Notes to the amortization amount of contract performance costs in the current period

Not applicable

11. Assets held for sale

Not applicable

12. Non-current assets due within one year

Not applicable

(1) Debt investments due within one year

Not applicable

(2) Other debt investments due within one year

Not applicable

13. Other current assets

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Item                     Ending Balance                    Opening balance
Amount of value-added tax deduction                  14,705,036.13                     21,032,239.30
Input tax to be recognized                           13,980,706.95                     31,717,607.91
Prepaid income tax                                      384,254.22                      1,364,632.40
Other taxes prepaid                                     491,655.06
Fixed deposits                                       45,001,594.79
Other                                                14,475,773.82                     18,134,912.20
Total                                                89,039,020.97                     72,249,391.81

14. Debt investments

(1) Debt investments situation

Not applicable

(2) Important debt investments at the end of the period

Not applicable

(3) Provision for impairment

Not applicable

(4). Situation of debt investments actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

15. Other debt investments

(1) Other debt investments situation

Not applicable

(2) Other important debt investments at the end of the period

Not applicable

(3) Provision for impairment

Not applicable

(4). Situation of other debt investments actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

16. Investment in other equity instruments

Not applicable

17. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

Not applicable

(2). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

Not applicable

(3) Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Not applicable

(4). Situation of accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

18. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                            Increase or decrease in the current period
                                                 Invest                                                           End-
                    Begin                         ment                      Cash
                                                          Other                                                    of-
         Begin        ning                       incom                      divide                      Endin
                                                          compr                       Provis                     period
          ning       balan                         e or                     nds or                         g
 The                          Additi   Reduc              ehens    Other              ion for                     balan
         balan       ce of                         loss                     profits                     balan
invest                         onal    tion of              ive    chang              impair                      ce of
           ce       provisi                      recog                      declar              Other     ce
  ee                          invest   invest             incom     es in              ment                      provisi
         (book      on for                        nized                     ed to                       (book
                               ment     ment                 e     equity              accru                     on for
         value)     impair                       under                        be                        value)
                                                          adjust                        ed                       impair
                     ment                        equity                     distrib
                                                          ments                                                   ment
                                                 metho                       uted
1. Joint ventures
2. Associated enterprise
Shang     51,86                                  89,87                                                  51,95

hai       2,607.                                2.06                                                  2,479.
Watch         30                                                                                          36
           51,86                                                                                       51,95
Sub-                                          89,87
          2,607.                                                                                      2,479.
total                                          2.06
              30                                                                                          36
           51,86                                                                                       51,95
Total     2,607.                                                                                      2,479.
              30                                                                                          36
The recoverable amount is determined by the net amount of the fair value less the disposal expenses
Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of the expected future cash flows
Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the aforementioned information and the information used in the impairment test of
previous years or external information
Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the information used in the company's impairment test in previous years and the
actual situation in the current year
Not applicable
Other notes
Not applicable

19. Other non-current financial assets

Not applicable

20. Investment properties

(1) Investment property measured at cost

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                            Houses and                                    Construction in
         Item                                     Land use rights                                       Total
                             structures                                     progress
I. Original book value
    1. Beginning
                             620,335,023.89                                                           620,335,023.89
     2. Increase for
the current period
(1) Outsourcing
(2) Transfers from
in progress
(3) Increase from

     3. Decrease for
the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfers
    4. Ending
                             620,335,023.89                                                           620,335,023.89
II. Accumulated
depreciation and
    1. Beginning
                             260,079,191.75                                                           260,079,191.75
     2. Increase for
                               7,846,994.22                                                             7,846,994.22
the current period
(1) Provision or
                               7,846,994.22                                                             7,846,994.22
(2) Transfer from
fixed assets
     3. Decrease for
the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfers
    4. Ending
                             267,926,185.97                                                           267,926,185.97
III. Impairment
    1. Beginning
     2. Increase for
the current period
(1) Provision
     3. Decrease for
the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfers
    4. Ending
IV. Book value
    1. Ending book
                             352,408,837.92                                                           352,408,837.92
    2. Beginning
                             360,255,832.14                                                           360,255,832.14
book value

The recoverable amount is determined by the net amount of the fair value less the disposal expenses
Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of the expected future cash flows

Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the aforementioned information and the information used in the impairment test of
previous years or external information
Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the information used in the company's impairment test in previous years and the
actual situation in the current year
Not applicable
Other notes:
Not applicable

(2) Investment property measured at fair value

Not applicable

(3) Convert to investment property and measure at fair value

Not applicable

(4) Investment property without certificate of title

Not applicable

21. Fixed assets

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                               Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Fixed assets                                                  345,651,268.72                          355,785,354.68
Liquidation of fixed assets                                              0.00                                      0.00
Total                                                         345,651,268.72                          355,785,354.68

(1). Status of fixed assets

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Houses and         Machinery        Transport       Electronic        Other
        Item                                                                                               Total
                    buildings         equipment        equipment       equipment       equipment
1. Original
book value:
1. Beginning      441,589,632.6      130,667,789.2                                                     680,285,989.0
                                                     13,277,093.83    50,657,219.07   44,094,254.35
balance                       3                  1                                                                 9
2. Increase for
the current              20,027.36    2,328,766.75                     1,473,437.61     663,176.09      4,485,407.81
                                      2,320,494.70                     1,473,351.07     663,176.09      4,457,021.86
(2) Transfer
construction in

(3) Increase
from business
(4). Exchange
arising from
                     20,027.36         8,272.05                          86.54                       28,385.95
3. Decrease
for the current    3,199,869.02    1,423,289.61    1,026,085.81     680,665.17      453,955.74     6,783,865.35
(1) Disposal
                    570,550.00      128,105.05     1,026,085.81     631,965.29      335,369.81     2,692,075.96
or scrapping
(2). Exchange
arising from
                   2,629,319.02    1,295,184.56                      48,699.88      118,585.93     4,091,789.39
4. Ending         438,409,790.9   131,573,266.3                                                   677,987,531.5
                                                  12,251,008.02   51,449,991.51   44,303,474.70
balance                       7               5                                                               5
1. Beginning      152,207,027.4                                                                   324,500,634.4
                                  83,133,593.32   12,078,669.40   37,956,542.09   39,124,802.19
balance                       1                                                                               1
2. Increase for
the current        6,534,045.86    4,469,874.54     167,437.90     1,580,401.82     674,908.55    13,426,668.67
(1) Provision      6,517,095.45    4,462,019.71     167,437.90     1,580,319.60     674,908.55    13,401,781.21
(2). Exchange
arising from
                     16,950.41         7,854.83                          82.22                       24,887.46
3. Decrease
for the current    2,238,221.77    1,295,744.31     974,781.52      597,648.74      484,643.91     5,591,040.25
(1) Disposal
                    395,811.20      113,925.59      974,781.52      554,287.43      366,283.77     2,405,089.51
or scrapping
(2). Exchange
arising from
                   1,842,410.57    1,181,818.72                      43,361.31      118,360.14     3,185,950.74
4. Ending         156,502,851.5                                                                   332,336,262.8
                                  86,307,723.55   11,271,325.78   38,939,295.17   39,315,066.83
balance                       0                                                                               3
III. Impairment
1. Beginning

2. Increase for
the current
(1) Provision
3. Decrease
for the current
(1) Disposal
or scrapping
4. Ending
IV. Book value
1. Ending         281,906,939.4                                                                       345,651,268.7
                                  45,265,542.80    979,682.24      12,510,696.34      4,988,407.87
book value                    7                                                                                   2
2. Beginning      289,382,605.2                                                                       355,785,354.6
                                  47,534,195.89   1,198,424.43     12,700,676.98      4,969,452.16
book value                    2                                                                                   8

(2) Temporarily idle fixed assets

Not applicable

(3) Fixed assets leased out through operating leases

Not applicable

(4) Fixed assets without certificates of title

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Reasons for not completing the
                  Item                            Book value
                                                                                         certificate of title
Houses and buildings                                             182,663.79                Defects in property rights

(5) Impairment test of fixed assets

Not applicable

(6) Liquidation of fixed assets

Not applicable

22. Construction in progress

Not applicable

(1) Status of construction in progress

Not applicable

(2) Changes in important construction in progress in the current period

Not applicable

(3) Status of impairment of construction in progress in the current period

Not applicable

(4) Status of impairment test of construction in progress

Not applicable

(5) Project materials

Not applicable

23. Productive biological assets

(1) Productive biological assets measured at cost

Not applicable

(2) Impairment test of productive biological assets measured at cost

Not applicable

(3) Productive biological assets measured at fair value

Not applicable

24. Oil and gas assets

Not applicable

25. Right-of-use assets

(1) Right-of-use assets situation

                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                 Item                    Houses and buildings                Total
I. Original book value
    1. Beginning balance                             153,209,897.81                  153,209,897.81
    2. Increase for the current period                 54,191,179.24                  54,191,179.24
   (1) Lease                                           54,188,231.32                  54,188,231.32
   (2). Exchange differences arising
                                                            2,947.92                       2,947.92
from foreign currency transactions
     3. Decrease for the current
                                                       79,521,232.18                  79,521,232.18

  (1) Disposal                                                  1,437,591.74                            1,437,591.74
  (2) The lease expires                                        78,083,640.44                           78,083,640.44
    4. Ending balance                                         127,879,844.87                          127,879,844.87
II. Accumulated depreciation
    1. Beginning balance                                       43,757,416.17                           43,757,416.17
    2. Increase for the current period                         52,810,274.43                           52,810,274.43
    (1) Provision                                              52,808,948.49                           52,808,948.49
   (2). Exchange differences arising
                                                                      1,325.94                              1,325.94
from foreign currency transactions
     3. Decrease for the current
                                                               78,074,492.72                           78,074,492.72
    (1) Disposal                                                    928,227.37                           928,227.37
  (2) The lease expires                                        77,146,265.35                           77,146,265.35
    4. Ending balance                                          18,493,197.88                           18,493,197.88
III. Impairment provision
    1. Beginning balance
    2. Increase for the current period
    (1) Provision
     3. Decrease for the current
    (1) Disposal
    4. Ending balance
IV. Book value
    1. Ending book value                                      109,386,646.99                          109,386,646.99
    2. Beginning book value                                   109,452,481.64                          109,452,481.64

(2) Impairment test of right-of-use assets

Not applicable

26. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                      Land use                        Non-Patent        Software       Right to use
     Item                              Patent right                                                        Total
                        rights                        Technology]        system         trademark
I. Original
book value
1. Beginning
                    34,933,822.40                                     35,242,672.55   16,599,485.22    86,775,980.17
2. Increase for
the current                                                            1,006,663.53        5,867.94     1,012,531.47
                                                                       1,006,663.53        5,867.94     1,012,531.47
(2) Internal

research and
(3) Increase
from business
3. Decrease
for the current                                                          7,357.60             0.43         7,358.03
(1) Disposal                                                             7,357.60             0.43         7,358.03
4. Ending
                  34,933,822.40                                    36,241,978.48    16,605,352.73    87,781,153.61
1. Beginning
                  17,249,475.30                                    27,593,853.68    10,268,270.42    55,111,599.40
2. Increase for
the current         366,776.65                                       1,427,172.01        27,392.70     1,821,341.36
(1) Provision       366,776.65                                       1,427,172.01        27,392.70     1,821,341.36
3. Decrease
for the current                                                            367.88                            367.88
(1) Disposal                                                               367.88                            367.88
4. Ending
                  17,616,251.95                                    29,020,657.81    10,295,663.12    56,932,572.88
III. Impairment
1. Beginning
2. Increase for
the current
(1) Provision
3. Decrease
for the current
(1) Disposal
4. Ending
IV. Book value
1. Ending
                  17,317,570.45                                      7,221,320.67     6,309,689.61   30,848,580.73
book value
2. Beginning
                  17,684,347.10                                      7,648,818.87     6,331,214.80   31,664,380.77
book value

The proportion of intangible assets formed by the Company's internal research and development at the end of the
current period to the balance of intangible assets is 0.00%

(2) Data resources recognized as intangible assets

Not applicable

(3) Land use right without certificate of title

Not applicable

(4) Impairment test of intangible assets

Not applicable

27. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

Not applicable

(2) Provision for impairment of goodwill

Not applicable

(3) Information on the asset group or combination of asset groups where the goodwill is

Not applicable

(4) Specific determination method of recoverable amount

Not applicable

(5) Completion of performance commitments and corresponding impairment of goodwill

Not applicable

28. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                    Increase for the
        Item     Opening balance                       amount for the   Other decreases   Ending Balance
                                     current period
                                                       current period
                    19,008,343.84      8,377,686.40      9,745,039.42      1,078,053.51    16,562,937.31
production fee
Decoration fee      96,297,010.20     27,813,498.18     24,501,735.62        177,816.39    99,430,956.37
Other                7,019,001.09        441,460.90      3,258,250.73         85,902.48     4,116,308.78
Total              122,324,355.13     36,632,645.48     37,505,025.77      1,341,772.38   120,110,202.46

29. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets without offset

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                               Ending Balance                                      Opening balance

           Item                     Deductible                                           Deductible
                                                        Deferred income tax                                   Deferred income tax
                                    temporary                                            temporary
                                                              assets                                                assets
                                    difference                                           difference
Provision for impairment
                                    103,493,511.38             23,491,810.64             107,672,653.16              24,371,732.35
of assets
Unrealized profits from
                                      61,698,023.06            15,215,058.31               83,620,908.60             20,855,280.62
internal transactions
Deductible losses                   132,264,495.42             31,790,112.52             126,562,143.51              31,197,892.87
Equity incentive                       8,686,896.23             2,038,524.01                6,263,007.85               1,449,733.06
Publicity expenses that
can be carried forward to              4,438,509.76             1,109,627.44
subsequent years
Lease liabilities                   162,217,563.49             40,554,390.88             109,682,960.95              27,420,740.27
Other                                 5,150,706.68              1,287,676.67               5,168,527.80               1,292,131.95
Total                               477,949,706.02            115,487,200.47             438,970,201.87             106,587,511.12

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities without offset

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                               Ending Balance                                      Opening balance
           Item                 Taxable temporary                                   Taxable temporary
                                                         Deferred tax liability                               Deferred tax liability
                                   differences                                         differences
One-time pre-tax
                                      29,215,672.67             4,382,350.90               28,437,227.07               4,265,584.06
deduction of fixed assets
Right-of-use assets                 162,695,287.60             40,673,821.90             109,212,305.15              27,303,076.29
Total                               191,910,960.27             45,056,172.80             137,649,532.22              31,568,660.35

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented by net amount after offset

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Amount of deferred        Balance of deferred
                             Amount of deferred        Ending balance of
                                                                                      tax assets and               tax assets or
                               tax assets and          deferred tax assets
         Item                                                                     liabilities offset at the   liabilities after offset
                           liabilities offset at the    or liabilities after
                                                                                     beginning of the          at the beginning of
                              end of the period               offset
                                                                                            period                   the period
Deferred income tax
                                   39,593,331.51             75,893,868.97                26,359,739.66              80,227,771.46
Deferred tax liability             39,593,331.51              5,462,841.29                26,359,739.66                5,208,920.69

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                                  Ending Balance                                 Opening balance

Provision for impairment of assets                                  3,444,117.03                               3,395,341.37
Deductible losses                                                  52,393,966.99                              52,523,345.89
Total                                                              55,838,084.02                              55,918,687.26

(5) The deductible losses of the unrecognized deferred tax assets will become due in the
following years:

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
               Year                      Ending amount               Beginning amount                      Remarks
2024                                           21,759,088.21                  23,049,503.37
2025                                           27,823,763.89                  29,473,842.52
2031                                            2,811,114.89
Total                                          52,393,966.99                  52,523,345.89

30. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                        Ending Balance                                    Opening balance
        Item                             Impairment                                           Impairment
                        Book balance                       Book value      Book balance                        Book value
                                          provision                                            provision
Prepayment for
long-term                2,185,332.57                      2,185,332.57    9,434,627.17                        9,434,627.17
Total                    2,185,332.57                      2,185,332.57    9,434,627.17                        9,434,627.17

31. Assets with restricted ownership or usage rights

Not applicable

32. Short-term loans

(1) Classification of short-term debts

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                      Item                               Ending Balance                         Opening balance
Credit loans                                                      320,000,000.00                             250,000,000.00
Unexpired interest payable                                              207,333.32                              187,763.87
Total                                                             320,207,333.32                             250,187,763.87

(2) Overdue and outstanding short-term debts

Not applicable

33. Trading financial liabilities

Not applicable

34. Derivative financial liabilities

Not applicable

35. Notes payable

Not applicable

36. Accounts payable

(1) Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance            Opening balance
Payable for goods                                        109,737,172.05             148,281,377.41
Materials payable                                         20,600,336.04              23,371,455.42
Construction payables                                      1,034,800.53               2,173,074.88
Total                                                    131,372,308.62             173,825,907.71

(2). Significant payable aging over 1 year or overdue

Not applicable

37. Other payables

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance            Opening balance
Dividend payable                                           2,907,796.73               2,058,352.24
Other payables                                           107,885,270.30             119,879,448.83
Total                                                    110,793,067.03             121,937,801.07

(1) Interest payable

Not applicable

(2) Dividends payable

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance            Opening balance
Common stock dividends                                     2,907,796.73               2,058,352.24
Total                                                      2,907,796.73               2,058,352.24

(3) Other payables

1). Other payable listed by nature

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                 Item                                  Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Deposits and margin                                              33,574,986.55                         34,075,198.63
Expenses for store activities                                    21,585,739.68                         17,335,559.49
Decoration fee                                                    4,893,296.60                         10,214,019.04
Restricted stock repurchase
                                                                 13,379,181.81                         14,304,862.81
Other                                                            34,452,065.66                         43,949,808.86
Total                                                           107,885,270.30                        119,879,448.83

2) Other significant payable with aging over 1 year or overdue

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Reasons for non-repayment or non-
                 Item                                  Ending Balance
Property lease deposit                                           14,498,179.29       Settlement period not reached
Total                                                            14,498,179.29

38. Advance receipts

(1) Presentation of advances received

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                 Item                                  Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Advance rent                                                      8,242,987.93                         10,267,758.31
Total                                                             8,242,987.93                         10,267,758.31

(2) Significant advance receivable with aging over 1 year or overdue

Not applicable

39. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                 Item                                  Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Payment for goods                                                18,804,742.85                         12,286,243.62
Total                                                            18,804,742.85                         12,286,243.62

Significant contractual liabilities with aging over 1 year
Not applicable
Significant changes in book value during the reporting period, amounts and reasons
Not applicable

40. Employee compensation

(1). Employee compensation breakdown

                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                           Increase in the     Decrease in the
         Item          Opening balance                                             Ending Balance
                                            current period      current period
I. Short-term
                          114,204,051.03     262,318,167.18      309,320,717.16       67,201,501.05
II. Post-employment
benefits - defined          5,581,451.36      23,863,509.40       23,378,302.45        6,066,658.31
contribution plans
III. Termination
                              299,308.21        3,044,542.52        3,326,450.73          17,400.00
Total                     120,084,810.60     289,226,219.10      336,025,470.34       73,285,559.36

(2). Short-term compensation breakdown

                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                           Increase in the     Decrease in the
         Item          Opening balance                                             Ending Balance
                                            current period      current period
1. Wages, bonus,
allowance and             113,282,042.05     227,106,252.78      274,396,607.52       65,991,687.31
2. Staff welfare              162,095.02      10,037,372.97         9,883,253.98         316,214.01
3. Social insurance
                                  78.32       11,937,649.21       11,921,628.76           16,098.76
Including: medical
                                              10,978,630.58       10,962,684.19           15,946.38
insurance premium
injury insurance                  78.32          489,199.84          489,125.78              152.38
                                                 469,818.79          469,818.79
insurance premium
Housing provident
                               13,551.00        9,652,267.10        9,488,972.22         176,845.89
5. Labor Union fee
and staff education           746,284.64        3,584,625.12        3,630,254.68         700,655.08
Total                     114,204,051.03     262,318,167.18      309,320,717.16       67,201,501.05

(3). Defined contribution plan breakdown

                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                           Increase in the     Decrease in the
         Item          Opening balance                                             Ending Balance
                                            current period      current period
1. Basic endowment
                              208,205.97      20,260,935.24       20,251,259.03          217,882.18
2. Unemployment                  379.88          877,646.96          877,338.68              688.16

insurance premium
3. Enterprise annuity
                                 5,372,865.51       2,724,927.20           2,249,704.74         5,848,087.97
Total                            5,581,451.36      23,863,509.40          23,378,302.45         6,066,658.31

41. Taxes payable

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance                      Opening balance
VAT                                                       23,145,061.97                        38,997,243.97
Enterprise income tax                                     24,686,272.16                        21,276,050.77
Individual income tax                                      1,023,995.40                         1,101,633.76
Urban maintenance and construction
                                                             184,082.84                         1,047,680.77
Education surcharges                                         132,497.14                           748,598.11
Other                                                      3,380,962.23                         1,016,953.93
Total                                                     52,552,871.74                        64,188,161.31

42. Liabilities held for sale

Not applicable

43. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Lease liabilities due within one year                     69,943,530.95                        66,399,004.20
Total                                                     69,943,530.95                        66,399,004.20

44. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending Balance                      Opening balance
Output tax amount to be transferred                        2,078,002.76                         1,589,635.30
Total                                                      2,078,002.76                         1,589,635.30

45. Long-term loans

(1) Classification of long-term loans

Not applicable

46. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

Not applicable

(2) Increase/decrease in bonds payable (excluding preferred stock, perpetual bonds and other
financial instruments divided into financial liabilities)

Not applicable

(3) Notes to convertible corporate bonds

Not applicable

(4) Description of other financial instruments divided into financial liabilities

Not applicable

47. Lease liabilities

                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                 Item                        Ending Balance                  Opening balance
Houses and buildings                                   111,899,576.39                  113,786,386.87
Unrecognized financing charges                          -2,988,410.05                   -3,861,030.15
Lease liabilities due within one year                  -69,943,530.95                  -66,399,004.20
Total                                                   38,967,635.39                   43,526,352.52

48. Long-term payable

Not applicable

(1) Long-term payable listed by nature

Not applicable

(2) Special payable

Not applicable

49. Long-term employee compensation payable

(1) Table of long-term employee compensation payable

Not applicable

(2) Changes in defined benefit plans

Not applicable

50. Estimated liabilities

Not applicable

51. Deferred income

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                        Opening         Increase in the   Decrease in the
        Item                                                                Ending Balance       Reasons for formation
                        balance          current period    current period
                           952,785.69                                            952,785.69
Total                      952,785.69                                            952,785.69

Other notes:

    Deferred income related to government subsidies
    For details of the Company's government subsidies, please refer to Note XI.2 Liabilities related to government

52. Other non-current liabilities

Not applicable

53. Capital stock

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                              Increase/decrease in this change (+, -)
                 Opening                    Right   conversion                                          Ending Balance
                 balance          IPO         s          of            Other             Sub-total
                                            issue    provident
               415,219,970.00                                      -9,355,763.00        -9,355,763.00   405,864,207.00

Other notes:
     According to the Plan on the Repurchase of Partial Domestic Listed Foreign-Invested Shares (B Shares)
deliberated and adopted at the 11th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors held on March 16, 2023 and the 2022
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 26, 2023, the Company is agreed to use its own funds to
repurchase part of domestic listed foreign-invested shares (B Shares) through centralized bidding transactions. The
cancellation of 9,355,763 B shares repurchased by the company has been completed at the China Securities
Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) Shenzhen Branch on May 10, 2024.

54. Other equity instruments

(1) Basic information of preferred stock, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued at the end of
the period

Not applicable

(2) Table of changes in preferred stock, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued at the end of
the period

Not applicable

55. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the         Decrease in the
           Item             Opening balance                                                             Ending Balance
                                                      current period          current period
Capital premium (equity
                             968,257,185.91                                       54,984,906.42            913,272,279.49
Other capital reserves         21,901,847.26               906,067.21                                       22,807,914.47
Total                        990,159,033.17                906,067.21             54,984,906.42            936,080,193.96

Other notes, including the changes in the current period and the reasons for the changes:
    1. According to the Proposal on Granting Restricted Stocks to the Incentive Objects of the Company's 2018 A-
Shares Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase II) deliberated and approved by the Board of Directors and the General
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, in 1H24, the services obtained by the Company from the above incentive
objects were included in the relevant costs or expenses and the "other capital reserves" was increased by
RMB906,067.21 accordingly.
    2. As stated in Note VII.53, the Company reduced the capital reserve by RMB54,984,906.42 for the repurchase
and cancellation of B shares.

56. Treasury stock

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the         Decrease in the
         Item             Opening balance                                                               Ending Balance
                                                      current period          current period
Reduction of
registered capital for         64,340,669.42                                      64,340,669.42
Restricted share-
                               14,304,862.81                                        859,048.00              13,445,814.81
based payment
Total                          78,645,532.23                                      65,199,717.42             13,445,814.81

Other notes, including the changes in the current period and the reasons for the changes:
    1. As stated in Note VII.53, the Company reduced the treasury stock by RMB64,340,669.42 for the repurchase
and cancellation of B shares.
   2. In 1H24, the treasury stock was reduced by RMB859,048.00 for the cash dividends corresponding to the
remaining restricted stocks.

57. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                          Amount for the current period

                Opening   Amount        Less:          Less:           Less:      Net             Net           Ending
                balance   before        Amounts        Amounts         income     income          income        Balance
                          income        previously     previously      tax        attributabl     attributabl
                          tax for the   included       included        expenses   e to            e to

              current   in other      in other     parent    minority
              period    comprehe      comprehe     company   sharehold
                        nsive         nsive                  ers
                        income        income for
                        reclassifie   retained
                        d to profit   earnings
                        or loss in    in the
                        the           current
                        current       period

I. Other
cannot be
d to profit
or loss

in re-
ent of the

cannot be
d to profit
or loss
under the

in fair
value of

in fair
value of
credit risk

II. Other
income                     -            -
               19,325,33                             13,747,80
that will be               5,577,527.   5,577,527.
               5.93                                  8.17
reclassifie                76           76
d into
profit or

that can
be carried
forward to
profit and
loss under
the equity

in fair
value of
other debt

Amount of
d into

for credit
t of other

Cash flow

n                          -            -
difference     19,325,33                             13,747,80
                           5,577,527.   5,577,527.
of foreign     5.93                                  8.17
                           76           76


other                       -                                                      -
                19,325,33                                                                                         13,747,80
comprehe                    5,577,527.                                             5,577,527.
                5.93                                                                                              8.17
nsive                       76                                                     76

58. Special reserves

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the         Decrease in the
         Item               Opening balance                                                            Ending Balance
                                                      current period          current period
Work safety charges               3,223,158.06              760,556.40              218,699.04              3,765,015.42
Total                             3,223,158.06              760,556.40              218,699.04              3,765,015.42

59. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the         Decrease in the
         Item               Opening balance                                                            Ending Balance
                                                      current period          current period
Legal surplus
                               213,025,507.50                                                             213,025,507.50
Discretionary surplus
                                61,984,894.00                                                              61,984,894.00
Total                          275,010,401.50                                                             275,010,401.50

Description of surplus reserves, including the changes in the current period and the reasons for the changes:
     According to the provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Association, the Company withdraws statutory
surplus reserves at 10% of the net profit. If the cumulative amount of statutory surplus reserves reaches more than 50%
of the registered capital of the Company, no further allocation is required.
     After withdrawing the statutory surplus provident funds, the Company may withdraw any surplus provident funds.
Upon approval, the any surplus provident funds can be used to make up for the losses of previous years or increase
the share capital.

60. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Increase for the current                       Previous period
Undistributed profit at the end of the
                                                              1,709,513,385.76                          1,479,706,638.53
previous period before adjustment
Total adjusted undistributed profit at
the beginning of the period (increase                                       0.00                                       0.00
+, decrease -)
Undistributed profit at the beginning
                                                              1,709,513,385.76                          1,479,706,638.53
of the period after adjustment
Add: Net profit attributable to owners
of the parent company for the current                           147,138,482.34                            333,178,102.37

Less: withdrawal of legal surplus
                                                                             0.00                                         0.00
    Common stock dividends
                                                                  162,345,682.81                               103,371,355.14
Undistributed profit at the end of the
                                                               1,694,306,185.29                               1,709,513,385.76

Details of undistributed profit at the beginning of the period after adjustment
    1) Due to the retrospective adjustment of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new
provisions, the retained profit at the beginning of the period was affected by RMB0.00.
   2) Due to the change in accounting policies, the retained profit at the beginning of the period was affected by
    3) Due to the correction of major accounting errors, the retained profit at the beginning of the period was affected
by RMB0.00.
     4) Due to the change in the scope of consolidation caused by the same control, the retained profit at the beginning
of the period was affected by RMB0.00.
    5) The total impact of other adjustments on the retained profit at the beginning of the period was RMB0.00.

61. Operating income and operating costs

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                  Amount for the current period                      Amount for the previous period
                                Revenue                    Cost                     Revenue                       Cost
Main business                2,070,514,213.15         1,304,312,255.31            2,356,716,526.00            1,512,310,635.56
Other businesses                  5,883,698.17               170,200.24               7,788,736.56                 216,846.27
Total                        2,076,397,911.32         1,304,482,455.55            2,364,505,262.56            1,512,527,481.83

Breakdown of operating income and operating cost:

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

   Classification of                        Divisional 1                                              Total
      contracts            Operating revenue           Operating cost             Operating revenue            Operating cost
Business type
In which:
Watch brand
                                384,620,560.57             121,046,208.60             384,620,560.57              121,046,208.60
Watch retail service
                              1,526,078,368.10          1,087,364,062.78            1,526,078,368.10            1,087,364,062.78
Precision technology
                                  88,908,749.85             77,451,749.76              88,908,749.85               77,451,749.76
Leasing business                  70,906,534.63             18,450,234.17              70,906,534.63               18,450,234.17
Other                              5,883,698.17                170,200.24               5,883,698.17                  170,200.24
Classified by
business area
In which:
South China                     985,168,650.24             623,886,476.28             985,168,650.24              623,886,476.28
Northwest China                 299,728,304.42             183,377,627.30             299,728,304.42              183,377,627.30
North China                      67,039,768.59              36,074,332.54              67,039,768.59               36,074,332.54
East China                      258,928,020.96             163,307,282.94             258,928,020.96              163,307,282.94
Northeast China                 175,024,033.83             115,936,550.01             175,024,033.83              115,936,550.01
Southwest China                 290,509,133.28             181,900,186.48             290,509,133.28              181,900,186.48

Information related to performance obligations:

    See Note V.37 for details.

Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
    At the end of the reporting period, the revenue corresponding to the performance obligations that have been
signed but not performed or not completed is RMB0.00.
Information about variable consideration in the contract:

Not applicable

Changes in major contracts or adjustments to major transaction prices:

Not applicable

62. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                        Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period
Consumption tax                                                     913,936.41                           1,764,057.54
Urban maintenance and construction
                                                                  3,480,924.40                           4,791,269.83
Education surcharges                                              2,468,662.07                           3,381,982.77
Property tax                                                      3,689,322.24                           3,557,771.54
Land use tax                                                        203,766.80                             186,994.62
Vehicle and vessel usage tax                                          1,020.00                               2,880.00
Stamp duty                                                        1,095,430.07                           1,492,951.96
Other                                                               407,395.56                             584,547.81
Total                                                           12,260,457.55                           15,762,456.07

63. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                        Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period
Employee remuneration                                           66,869,323.72                           83,415,424.92
Depreciation and amortization                                   10,112,949.88                           11,499,296.13
Travel expense                                                   1,603,647.72                            2,036,742.28
Office allowance                                                 1,670,705.64                            1,561,690.78
Fees for hiring intermediary agencies                            1,961,271.79                            1,750,354.69
Water and electricity, property and
                                                                  1,784,853.95                           1,735,898.86
rental fees
Business entertainment expenses                                     456,485.67                             567,726.27
Automobile and transportation
                                                                    598,205.06                             919,436.00
Communication charges                                               173,259.63                             195,521.76
Other                                                             3,983,229.48                             939,637.92
Total                                                           89,213,932.54                          104,621,729.61

64. Selling expenses

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Item                        Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period

Employee remuneration                                    181,510,506.64                      184,843,963.06
Shopping malls and rental expenses                        72,573,677.88                       82,289,084.29
Advertising, exhibition and marketing
                                                          73,779,075.70                       66,569,380.88
Depreciation and amortization                             91,305,090.93                       91,843,176.93
Packing expenses                                           4,665,459.60                        4,588,450.00
Water and electricity and property
                                                          11,430,327.96                       11,172,272.71
management fees
Transport cost                                              2,742,617.08                       2,972,928.76
Office allowance                                            2,697,327.59                       2,929,620.97
Travel expense                                              3,648,244.84                       3,826,254.03
Business entertainment expenses                             2,008,292.89                       1,947,349.51
Other                                                       3,424,381.29                       3,291,148.06
Total                                                    449,785,002.40                      456,273,629.20

65. Research and development expenses

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                 Item                   Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
Employee remuneration                                     19,756,648.13                       22,913,768.63
Sample and material costs                                  1,285,353.22                          663,576.68
Mold fees                                                    318,637.69                           -4,970.13
Depreciation and amortization                              2,382,614.08                        2,243,045.93
Technical cooperation fee                                  1,469,929.58                          444,619.97
Other                                                      2,312,815.63                        1,901,429.46
Total                                                     27,525,998.33                       28,161,470.54

66. Financial expenses

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                 Item                   Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
Interest expense                                            5,169,603.47                       6,690,859.35
Less: interest income                                       2,185,535.51                       2,432,180.03
Exchange gains and losses                                     944,148.29                       1,335,231.32
Handling fees and others                                    5,694,581.34                       6,594,306.18
Total                                                       9,622,797.59                      12,188,216.82

67. Other income

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
        Sources of other income         Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
Government subsidies                                        1,414,439.38                       6,691,609.41
Personal income tax service fee
Additional deduction of VAT                                 1,177,577.07

68. Net exposure hedging income

Not applicable

69. Gains from changes in fair value

Not applicable

70. Investment income

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                  Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
Long-term equity investment income
accounted for using the equity                                89,872.06                      -1,697,481.65
Interest income from fixed deposits                         223,962.11
Total                                                       313,834.17                       -1,697,481.65

71. Credit impairment losses

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                  Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
Losses from bad debts in notes
                                                              99,659.19                         621,723.41
Losses from bad debt in accounts
                                                           2,486,626.83                       3,558,352.90
Losses from bad debt in accounts
                                                            138,392.41                          153,871.31
Total                                                      2,724,678.43                       4,333,947.62

72. Asset impairment losses

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                  Amount for the current period      Amount for the previous period
1. Inventory depreciation loss and
contract performance cost                                     28,336.82
impairment loss
2. Losses from impairment of long-
term equity investments
3. Losses from impairment of
investment properties
4. Losses from impairment of fixed
5. Losses from impairment of project
6. Losses from impairment of
construction in progress
7. Losses from impairment of
productive biological assets
8. Losses from impairment of oil and
gas assets
9. Losses from impairment of

intangible assets
10. Losses from impairment of
11. Losses from impairment of
contract assets
12. Others
Total                                                              28,336.82

73. Income from asset disposals

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
   Source of income from assets
                                            Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period
Gains or losses from disposal of fixed
                                                                2,871,991.80                                -89,254.33
Gains or losses on disposal of right-
                                                                   34,218.87                                 12,564.60
of-use assets
Total                                                           2,906,210.67                                -76,689.73

74. Non-operating income

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Amount included in the
                                 Amount for the current     Amount for the previous
             Item                                                                         current non-recurring profit
                                        period                      period
                                                                                                   and loss
Income from liquidated
                                              685,500.07                    286,740.28                     685,500.07
Payable not required to be
                                              250,659.03                    226,699.03                     250,659.03
Income from rights
protection and                                397,868.50                                                   397,868.50
Other                                          44,111.25                     83,084.52                       44,111.25
Total                                       1,378,138.85                    596,523.83                   1,378,138.85

75. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Amount included in the
                                 Amount for the current      Amount for the previous
             Item                                                                          current non-recurring profit
                                        period                       period
                                                                                                    and loss
Losses from non-monetary
asset exchange
External donation                             243,626.35                                                   243,626.35
Fines and overdue fines                         1,348.47                     208,833.38                       1,348.47
Liquidated damages                              4,075.11                      54,416.71                       4,075.11
Other                                          29,783.42                      28,351.09                      29,783.42
Total                                         278,833.35                     291,601.18                    278,833.35

76. Income tax expense

(1) Table of income tax expense

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Amount for the current period            Amount for the previous period
Current income tax expenses                                      41,957,212.02                             52,147,601.16
Deferred income tax expense                                        4,587,823.09                                4,983,918.40
Total                                                            46,545,035.11                             57,131,519.56

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                            Item                                               Amount for the current period
Gross profit                                                                                              193,683,517.45
Income tax expenses calculated at statutory/applicable
tax rate
Effect of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                       -1,174,196.24
Effect of adjusting income tax in prior periods                                                                  526,448.25
Effect of non-taxable income                                                                                     -22,468.02
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                            1,066,134.58
Tax payment effect of markup deduction of research and
development expenses ("-")
Income tax expense                                                                                         46,545,035.11

77. Other comprehensive income

See Note VII.57 for details.

78. Cash flow statement items

(1) Cash related to operating activities

Cash received from other operating activities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Amount for the current period            Amount for the previous period
Deposits and margin                                                3,891,700.17                             4,310,663.92
Government subsidies                                               1,685,999.41                             6,623,312.69
Commodity promotion expenses                                       3,815,826.53                             6,824,544.07
Interest income                                                    2,197,067.47                             2,432,180.03
Petty cash                                                         1,656,985.54                             3,098,754.09
Other                                                              9,515,423.83                            14,009,396.39
Total                                                            22,763,002.95                             37,298,851.19

Notes of cash received from other operating activities
Not applicable
Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                  Item                          Amount for the current period     Amount for the previous period
Deposits and margin                                                4,378,182.27                       8,763,786.62
Petty cash                                                         3,510,492.16                       6,711,750.04
Period expense                                                   171,248,817.83                     162,631,345.85
Other                                                              6,277,130.46                       4,342,740.34
Total                                                            185,414,622.72                     182,449,622.85

Notes of cash paid for other operating activities
Not applicable

(2) Cash related to investing activities

Cash received from other investing activities
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Amount for the current period     Amount for the previous period
Recovery of fixed deposits                                       120,049,969.61
Total                                                            120,049,969.61

Cash received from significant investing activities
Not applicable
Cash paid for other investing activities
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Amount for the current period     Amount for the previous period
Purchase of fixed deposit products                               165,092,806.07
Total                                                            165,092,806.07

Cash paid for important investing activities
Not applicable

(3) Cash related to financing activities

Cash received from other financing activities
Not applicable
Cash paid for other financing activities
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Amount for the current period     Amount for the previous period
Lease cash outflow                                                58,174,682.07                      56,886,698.46
Payment for share repurchase                                          79,409.91                      35,483,644.86
Total                                                             58,254,091.98                      92,370,343.32

Notes of cash paid for other financing activities:
Not applicable
Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities:
Not applicable

(4) Notes to net presentation of cash flows

Not applicable

(5) Major activities and financial impacts that do not involve current cash receipts and
payments but affect the financial position of the enterprise or may affect the cash flows of the
enterprise in the future

Not applicable

79. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
          Additional information          Amount in current period        Amount of previous period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash
flows from operating activities
  Net profit                                             147,138,482.34                  187,395,067.23
  Plus: provision for asset
                                                          -2,753,015.25                    -4,333,947.62
      Depreciation of fixed assets,
consumption of oil and gas assets                         21,248,775.43                   20,546,291.19
and productive biological assets
         Depreciation of right-of-use
                                                          52,808,948.49                   50,579,624.79
         Amortization of intangible
                                                           1,821,341.36                    1,853,819.12
      Long-term unamortized
                                                          37,505,025.77                   46,620,603.57
        Losses from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other
                                                          -2,906,210.67                       76,689.73
long-term assets (income to be listed
with "-")
       Losses from discarding of
fixed assets (income to be listed with
     Losses from fair value
changes (income to be listed with "-")
        Financial expenses (income to
                                                           6,113,751.76                    8,026,090.67
be listed with "-")
        Investment loss (income to be
                                                            -313,834.17                    1,697,481.65
listed with "-")
       Decrease in deferred income
tax assets (increase to be listed with                     4,333,902.49                    3,681,918.71
        Increase in deferred income
tax liabilities (decrease to be listed                       253,920.60                       -57,196.06
with "-")
       Decrease in inventory
                                                         -25,957,816.56                   56,107,015.08
(increase to be listed with "-")
       Decrease in operating
                                                         -29,498,881.56                  -73,392,204.29
receivables (increase to be listed with

      Increase in operating payables
                                                   -73,263,593.51                      45,858,589.85
(decrease to be listed with "-")
      Net Cash Flows from
                                                   136,530,796.52                     344,659,843.62
Operating Activities
II. Significant investing and financing
activities not related to cash deposit
and withdrawal
  Conversion of debt into capital
  Convertible corporate bonds due
within one year
  Fixed assets under financing lease
3. Net change in cash and cash
  Ending balance of cash                           404,356,009.13                     519,368,795.12
  Less: Beginning balance of cash                  504,629,153.71                     313,747,463.64
  Add: Ending balance of cash
  Less: Beginning balance of cash
  Net increase in cash and cash
                                                  -100,273,144.58                     205,621,331.48

(2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period

Not applicable

(3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period

Not applicable

(4). Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Item                    Ending Balance                    Opening balance
I. Cash                                            404,356,009.13                     504,629,153.71
Including: Petty cash                                  107,494.56                         178,996.87
     Bank deposits available for
                                                   402,139,278.38                     503,187,176.88
immediate payment
       Other monetary funds available
                                                     2,109,236.20                       1,262,979.96
for immediate payment
II. Cash equivalents
Including: bond investment due within
three months
III. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                   404,356,009.13                     504,629,153.71

Including: cash and cash equivalents
restricted for use by the parent
                                                                1,951,883.15                             1,202,601.86
company or subsidiaries within the

(5) The situation where the scope of use is limited but still belongs to the presentation of cash
and cash equivalents

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                 Amount in    Amount of
  Item            current      previous                  Reasons for remaining cash and cash equivalents
                  period        period
                                               The remittance of funds deposited in overseas accounts of the
Cash in                                        company's overseas subsidiaries is restricted, which does not affect
            1,951,883.15      1,202,601.86
bank                                           the daily use.

Total       1,951,883.15      1,202,601.86

(6) Cash not belonging to cash and cash equivalents

Not applicable

(7) Description of other major activities

Not applicable

80. Notes to items of the statement of changes in Owners' equity

Not applicable

81. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Balance converted into
                               Foreign currency ending
           Item                                              Conversion exchange rate        RMB at the end of the
Cash and bank balances                                                                                  6,824,404.89
Including: USD                                 273,845.27                        7.1268                 1,951,640.49
       EUR                                     181,785.03                        7.6617                 1,392,782.33
       HKD                                   1,671,648.98                        0.9127                 1,525,680.59
CHF                                            245,913.79                        7.9471                 1,954,301.48
Accounts receivable                                                                                     6,181,874.23
Including: USD                                406,931.54                         7.1268                 2,900,119.70
       EUR                                                                       7.6617
       HKD                                   3,390,101.20                        0.9127                  3,094,077.56
CHF                                             23,615.78                        7.9471                    187,676.97
Other receivables                                                                                          789,748.94
Including: HKD                                769,061.82                         0.9127                    701,907.34
CHF                                            11,053.29                         7.9471                     87,841.60

Accounts payable                                                                                              813,157.24
Including: USD                                    1,019.00                         7.1268                       7,262.21
    HKD                                         754,624.08                         0.9127                     688,730.30
CHF                                              14,743.08                         7.9471                     117,164.73
Other payables                                                                                                627,505.26
Including: USD                                    9,339.10                         7.1268                      66,557.92
    HKD                                         252,649.49                         0.9127                     230,588.13
CHF                                              41,569.78                         7.9471                     330,359.20
Long-term loans
Including: USD

(2) Description of overseas operating entities, including for important overseas operating
entities, the main overseas business place, functional currency and selection basis shall be
disclosed, and the reasons for changes in functional currency shall also be disclosed.

Not applicable

82. Leasing

(1) The Company as the lessee

     See Note 25, Note 47 and Note 79 for the Company's right-of-use assets, lease liabilities and total cash outflow
related to leases. The Company, as the lessee, is included in the profit and loss as follows:

                    Item                         Amount for the current period              Amount for the previous period
Interest on lease liabilities                                        2,155,222.71                               2,222,605.26
Short-term leases expenses                                               76,946.63                               496,529.80
Low-value asset leases expenses
Variable lease payments not included in                              38,721,311.76                            45,887,165.30
the measurement of lease liabilities
Revenue from subleasing right-of-use

Sale and leaseback transactions

     The Company, as the lessee, other information as follows:
     Leasing activities
     The Company's leases are all houses and buildings, including short-term leases simplified and treated, and leases
other than short-term leases recognized as the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
     Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
     1) Variable lease payments
     The lessee has a large number of real estate leases for retail stores, and many leases contain variable payment
terms linked to store sales.
     Many of our real estate leases contain variable lease payment terms linked to the sales volume of the leased
stores. Where possible, the Company uses these terms to match lease payments with stores that generate more cash
flows. For individual stores, up to 100% of the lease payment can be based on variable payment terms, and the sales
scale used is relatively large. In some cases, variable payment terms also include the bottom line and upper limit of
annual payment
     In 1H24, the variable lease payments included in the current profit and loss were RMB38,721,311.76.

    2) Renewal option
    Many of the lease contracts signed by the Company contain renewal options, and the Company has reasonably
estimated the exercise of the renewal options when measuring the lease liabilities to determine the lease term.
    3) Termination of lease option
    Some of the lease contracts signed by the Company contain the option to terminate the lease. and the Company
has reasonably estimated the exercise of the termination of lease options when measuring the lease liabilities to
determine the lease term.
    4) Residual value guarantee
    There is no residual value guarantee for the Company's leases.
    5) Lease committed by the lessee but not yet started
    There is no lease committed by the lessee but not yet started

Simplified treatment of short-term leases or leasing fees for low-value assets
The Company's short-term leases, which are simplified in processing, include leases with a term of no more than 12
months and without purchase options, as well as leases completed within 12 months after the initial implementation of
"Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases." In 1H24, the short-term rental expenses included in
the current profit and loss were RMB76,946.63.

Circumstances involving sale and leaseback transactions
Not applicable

(2) The Company as the lessor

Operating lease as a lessor
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Including: income related to variable
                 Item                               Leasing income                 lease payments not included in the
                                                                                              lease receipts
Lease of houses and buildings                                   70,906,534.63                                       0.00
Total                                                           70,906,534.63                                       0.00

Financing lease as a lessor
Not applicable
Undiscounted lease receipts for each of the next five years
Not applicable
Reconciliation table of undiscounted lease receipts and net lease investment
Not applicable

(3) Recognize profit or loss on finance lease sales as a manufacturer or distributor

Not applicable

83. Data resources

Not applicable

84. Others

8. R&D expenditure

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                 Item                       Amount for the current period          Amount for the previous period
Employee remuneration                                          19,756,648.13                           22,913,768.63
Sample and material costs                                       1,285,353.22                              663,576.68
Mold fees                                                         318,637.69                               -4,970.13
Depreciation and amortization                                   2,382,614.08                            2,243,045.93
Technical cooperation fee                                       1,469,929.58                              444,619.97
Other                                                           2,312,815.63                            1,901,429.46
Total                                                          27,525,998.33                           28,161,470.54
Including: Expensed R&D
                                                               27,525,998.33                           28,161,470.54
        Capitalized R&D expenditures                                    0.00                                     0.00

1. R&D projects eligible for capitalization

Not applicable

2. Important outsourcing projects under research

Not applicable

9. Changes in the scope of consolidation

1. Business combination not under common control

(1) Business combination not under common control occurred in the current period

Not applicable

(2) Combination costs and goodwill

Not applicable

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

Not applicable

(4) Gains or losses arising from the re-measurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value

Whether there is a transaction that achieves the business combination step by step through multiple transactions and
obtains the control during the reporting period

(5) Relevant explanations for the inability to reasonably determine the acquisition consideration or the fair
value of identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date or the end of the reporting
period of combination.

Not applicable

(6) Other notes

Not applicable

2. Business combination under common control

(1) Business combination under common control occurred in the current period

Not applicable

(2) Combination cost

Not applicable

(3) Book value of the combined party's assets and liabilities on the combination date

Not applicable

3. Reverse acquisition

Not applicable

4. Disposal of subsidiaries

Whether there is any transaction or event that results in the loss of control over the subsidiaries in the current period
Whether there is a situation where the investment in subsidiaries is disposed of through multiple transactions and the
control is lost in the current period

5. Changes in the scope of consolidation for other reasons

Not applicable

6. Others

Not applicable

10. Equity interests in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                           Main                               Percentage of
                                                          busine     Registr    Nature           shares
                                         Registered                                                                Method of
      Name of subsidiaries                                  ss        ation       of
                                          Capital                                                         Indire   acquisition
                                                          premis      place    business      Direct
                                                             e                                              ct

Shenzhen Harmony World                                    Shenz     Shenz      Commer        100.00
                                      600,000,000.00                                                               nt or
Watch Centre Co., Ltd.                                    hen       hen        ce                %
                                                          Shenz     Shenz      Commer        100.00
FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd.                 450,000,000.00                                                               nt or
                                                          hen       hen        ce                %
Shenzhen FIYTA Precision                                  Shenz     Shenz      Manufac
                                      180,000,000.00                                        99.00%        1.00%    nt or
Technology Co., Ltd.                                      hen       hen        turing
                                                          Shenz     Shenz      Manufac       100.00
Shenzhen FIYTA STD Co., Ltd.            50,000,000.00                                                              nt or
                                                          hen       hen        turing            %
Shenzhen Harmony World                                                         Commer        100.00
                                        10,000,000.00     Sanya     Sanya                                          nt or
Watch Centre Co., Ltd.                                                         ce                %
Shenzhen Xunhang Precision                                Shenz     Shenz      Manufac       100.00
                                        10,000,000.00                                                              nt or
Technology Co., Ltd.                                      hen       hen        turing            %
Emile Chouriet Horologe                                   Shenz     Shenz      Commer        100.00
                                        41,355,200.00                                                              nt or
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                      hen       hen        ce                %
Liaoning Hengdarui Commerce                               Sheny     Sheny      Commer        100.00
                                        51,000,000.00                                                              under
and Trade Co., Ltd.                                       ang       ang        ce                %
                                                          Shenz     Shenz      Commer        100.00
Temporal (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.            5,000,000.00                                                              nt or
                                                          hen       hen        ce                %
Shenzhen Harmony E-                                       Shenz     Shenz      Commer        100.00
                                        10,000,000.00                                                              nt or
commerce Co., Ltd.                                        hen       hen        ce                %
                                                          Hong      Hong       Commer        100.00
FIYTA (HONG KONG) LIMITED             137,737,520.00                                                               nt or
                                                          Kong      Kong       ce                %
Montres                                                   Switze    Switze     Manufac                    100.0
                                        97,958,426.10                                                              not under
Chouriet SA                                               rland     rland      turing                       0%
Description of the shareholding ratio in the subsidiary that is different from the voting rights ratio:

Not applicable

Basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more than half of the
voting rights but not controlling the investee:

Not applicable

For important structured entities included in the scope of consolidation, basis for control:

Not applicable

Basis for determining whether the company is an agent or a principal:

Not applicable

(2) Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Not applicable

(3) Main financial information of significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Not applicable

(4) Major restrictions on the use of the assets of the enterprise group and the settlement of the debts of the
enterprise group

Not applicable

(5) Financial support or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of consolidated
financial statements

Not applicable

2. Transactions of changes in the share of Owners' equity in subsidiaries and still control the

(1) Description of changes in the share of Owners' equity in subsidiaries

Not applicable

(2) Impact of the transaction on minority equity and equity attributable to shareholders

Not applicable

3. Equity in joint venture arrangements or associates

(1) Important joint ventures or associated enterprises

                                                                               Percentage of shares               Accounting
  Name of joint                                                                                                  treatment of
   venture or                         Registration        Nature of                                            investments in
   associated                           place             business            Direct            Indirect        joint ventures
   enterprise                                                                                                   or associated

Shanghai Watch
                          Shanghai    Shanghai       Commerce                 25.00%                       Equity method
Industry Co., Ltd.
Description of the different shareholding scales of joint ventures or associated enterprises from the voting scale:

Not applicable

Basis for holding less than 20% of voting rights but having significant influence, or holding 20% or more of voting rights
but not having significant influence:

Not applicable

(2) Main financial information of important joint ventures

Not applicable

(3) Main financial information of important associated enterprise

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                           Ending balance/amount incurred in        Beginning balance/amount incurred
                                                   the current period                     in the previous period

Current assets                                                  185,298,448.35                           165,796,119.65
Non-current assets                                               13,596,917.44                             16,753,785.07
Total assets                                                    198,895,365.79                           182,549,904.72
Current liabilities                                              76,767,544.41                             60,781,571.60
Non-current liabilities
Total liabilities                                                76,767,544.41                             60,781,571.60
Minority interests
Equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                                122,127,821.38                           121,768,333.12
the parent company
Share of net assets calculated by
                                                                 30,531,955.34                             30,442,083.28
shareholding scale
Adjustment matters                                               21,420,524.02                             21,420,524.02
- Goodwill                                                       21,420,524.02                             21,420,524.02
- Unrealized profits from internal
- Others
Book value of equity investment in
                                                                 51,952,479.36                             51,862,607.30
associated enterprise
Fair value of equity investments in
associated enterprises at publicly
quoted prices
Operating revenue                                                58,283,918.10                             63,610,760.47
Net profit                                                          359,488.26                             -6,789,926.61
Net profits from discontinued
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income                                          359,488.26                             -6,789,926.61
Dividends received from associated

enterprise in the current year

(4) Summary financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associated enterprise

Not applicable

(5) Explanation on significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associated
enterprises to transfer funds to the Company

Not applicable

(6) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associated enterprise

Not applicable

(7) Unrecognized commitments related to investment in joint ventures

Not applicable

(8) Contingent liabilities related to investments in joint ventures or associated enterprise

Not applicable

4. Important joint operation

Not applicable

5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements

Not applicable

6. Others

Not applicable

11. Government subsidies

1. Government subsidies recognized as receivable at the end of the reporting period

Not applicable

2. Liability items involving government subsidies

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                  Amount of       Amount        Amount         Other                Related to
Accounting       Opening                                                                  Ending
                                    new         included in   transferred   changes in              assets/inco
   item          balance                                                                  Balance
                                 subsidies in       non-        to other    the current                me

                                  the current      operating        income in         period
                                    period         income in       the current
                                                  the current         period
Deferred                                                                                                            Related to
                 952,785.69                                                                          952,785.69
income                                                                                                              assets

3. Government subsidies included in the current period's profit and loss

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
           Accounting item                      Amount for the current period               Amount for the previous period
Other income                                                           1,414,439.38                                6,691,609.41

12. Risks related to financial instruments

1. Various risks arising from financial instruments

The Company's main financial instruments include cash, equity investment, borrowings, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, etc. In daily activities, it faces the risks of various financial instruments, mainly including credit risk, liquidity
risk and market risk. The risks associated with these financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted
by the Company to mitigate these risks are as follows:
The Board of Directors is responsible for planning and establishing the risk management framework of the Company,
formulating the risk management policies and relevant guidelines of the Company, and supervising the implementation
of risk management measures. The Company has formulated risk management policies to identify and analyze the
risks faced by the Company. These risk management policies clearly stipulate specific risks and cover many aspects
such as market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk management. The Company regularly assesses the changes in the
market environment and the Company's operating activities to decide whether to update the risk management policies
and systems. The Company's risk management is carried out by the Risk Management Committee in accordance with
the policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Risk Management Committee identifies, evaluates and mitigates
relevant risks through close cooperation with other business departments of the Company. The internal Audit
Department of the Company conducts regular audits on risk management controls and procedures, and reports the
audit results to the Audit Committee of the Company. The Company diversifies the risks of financial instruments
through appropriate diversified investments and business combinations, and reduces the risks of concentration in a
single industry, a specific region or a specific counter party by formulating corresponding risk management policies.
1. Credit risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the company resulting from a counter party's failure to fulfill contractual
obligations. Management has established appropriate credit policies and continuously monitors the exposure to credit
The Company has adopted a policy of only dealing with creditworthy counter parties. In addition, the Company
assesses customers' creditworthiness based on their financial condition, the possibility of obtaining guarantees from
third parties, credit history, and other factors such as current market conditions, and sets corresponding credit terms.
The Company continuously monitors the balances and recovery of notes receivable and accounts receivable. For
customers with poor credit history, the company uses measures such as written reminders, shortening credit terms, or
canceling credit terms to ensure that the company does not face significant credit losses. In addition, the Company
reviews the recovery of financial assets on each date of Balance Sheet to ensure that the relevant financial assets
have been fully provisioned for expected credit losses.

The Company's other financial assets include cash, accounts receivable, and other receivables. The credit risk of
these financial assets arises from counter party default, with the maximum credit risk exposure being the carrying
amount of each financial asset as stated on the balance sheet. The Company has not provided any other guarantees
that may expose the Company to credit risks.
The Company's cash is primarily deposited with state-controlled banks and other large and medium-sized commercial
banks. Management believes that these commercial banks have high creditworthiness and sound financial conditions,
posing no significant credit risk, and are not expected to incur any substantial losses due to counter party default. The
Company's policy is to control the amount of deposits held with various reputable financial institutions based on their
market reputation, operating scale, and financial background, in order to limit the credit risk exposure to any single
financial institution.
As part of the management of the Company's credit risk assets, the Company uses aging to assess the impairment
loss of accounts receivable and other receivables. The Company's accounts receivable and other receivables involve
a large number of customers. The aging information can reflect these customers' ability to pay accounts receivable
and other receivables, as well as the risk of bad debts. The Company calculates the historical actual bad debt rate for
different aging periods based on historical data and adjusts it considering forward-looking information, such as
forecasts of current and future economic conditions, including national GDP growth and national monetary policy, to
derive the expected loss rate. For long-term receivables, the Company makes a reasonable assessment of the
expected credit loss after comprehensively considering the settlement period, the payment period agreed in the
contract, the debtor's financial situation and the economic dynamics of the debtor's industry, and considering the
above-mentioned forward-looking information.
     As of June 30, 2024, the book balance and expected credit loss of related assets are as follows:
                         Item                              Book balance                         Impairment provision
Notes receivable                                                       16,654,813.30                                316,420.99
Accounts receivable                                                   387,392,159.53                             31,908,693.72
Other receivables                                                      63,646,417.76                              4,209,877.23
                         Total                                        467,693,390.59                             36,434,991.94
Due to the Company having a wide range of customers, there is no significant concentration of credit risk.
As of June 30, 2024, the accounts receivable of the Company's top five customers accounted for 21.01% (in 2023:
21.42%) of the Company's total accounts receivable.
     2. Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds when the Company fulfills its obligations to settle by delivering cash
or other financial assets. The member companies subordinate to the Company are responsible for their own cash flow
forecasts. The company continuously monitors the short-term and long-term funding needs at the corporate level
based on the cash flow forecasts of its member enterprises to ensure adequate cash reserves. Additionally, it
continuously monitors compliance with loan agreements and secures commitments from major financial institutions to
provide sufficient standby funds to meet short-term and long-term funding needs. In addition, the Company entered
into financing line credit agreements with major business banks to provide support for the Company to perform its
obligations related to commercial paper. As of June 30, 2024, the company has bank credit lines provided by a
number of domestic banks, amounting to RMB2,348,784,900, of which: the used credit amount is RMB458,784,900.
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company's financial liabilities and off-balance sheet guarantee items are presented in
terms of undiscounted contractual cash flows according to the remaining term of the contract as follows:
                                                               Ending balance (RMB10,000)
             Item                                                                    More than 3
                                  Within 1 year          1-2 years       2-3 years                                Total
  Short-term loans                        32,020.73                                                                  32,020.73

  Accounts payable                       13,137.23                                                                   13,137.23
  Other payables                         11,079.31                                                                   11,079.31
              Total                      56,237.27 -                     -               -                           56,237.27
   3. Market risk
  1) Exchange rate risk
  Except that the subsidiary established in Hong Kong holds assets with HKD as the settlement currency and the sub-
subsidiary established in Switzerland holds assets with CHF as the settlement currency, other main business activities
of the Company are mainly settled with RMB. However, the Company's recognized foreign currency assets and
liabilities and future foreign currency transactions (foreign currency assets, liabilities and foreign currency transactions
are mainly denominated with HKD and CHF) still have exchange rate risks.
  As of June 30, 2024, the amounts of foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial liabilities held
by the Company converted into RMB are listed as follows:
                                                                    Ending Balance
                             HKD items          USD items               Euro items           CHF items               Total
Foreign currency
financial assets:
Cash and bank
                             1,525,680.59         1,951,640.49           1,392,782.33         1,954,301.48          6,824,404.89
Accounts receivable          3,094,077.56         2,900,119.70                       -          187,676.97          6,181,874.23
Other receivables              701,907.34                                                        87,841.60            789,748.94
       Sub-total             5,321,665.49         4,851,760.19           1,392,782.33         2,229,820.05        13,796,028.05
Foreign currency
financial liabilities:
Accounts payable               688,730.30              7,262.21                                 117,164.73            813,157.24
Other payables                 230,588.13             66,557.92                                 330,359.20            627,505.26
       Sub-total               919,318.43             73,820.13                      -          447,523.93          1,440,662.50
     Sensitivity analysis:
     As of June 30, 2024, for the Company's various foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial
liabilities, if the RMB appreciates or depreciates by 5% against foreign currencies and other factors remain unchanged,
the Company will reduce or increase the net profit by about RMB617,700 (about RMB129,500 in 2023).
     2) Interest rate risk
     The Company's interest rate risk mainly arises from bank borrowings. Financial liabilities with floating interest
rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, and financial liabilities with fixed interest rate expose the
Company to fair value interest rate risk. The Company determines the relative scale of fixed-rate and floating-rate
contracts according to the market environment at that time.
     The Company's Financial Department continuously monitors company's interest rate level. An increase in interest
rates will raise the cost of new interest-bearing debt and the interest expenses on the company's existing floating-rate
debt, significantly adversely affecting the company's financial performance. Management will make timely adjustments
based on the latest market conditions to mitigate interest rate risk.
     Sensitivity analysis:
     As of June 30, 2024, if the borrowing interest rate calculated at the floating interest rate increases or decreases by
50 basis points, while other factors remain unchanged, the Company's net profit will decrease or increase by about
RMB800,000 (about RMB307,300 in 2023).
     The sensitivity analysis above assumes that interest rate changes have occurred on the date of Balance Sheet
and have been applied to all loans obtained by the Company at floating interest rates.

2. Hedging

(1) The company carries out hedging business for risk management

Not applicable

(2) The company carries out eligible hedge business and applies hedge accounting

Not applicable

(3) The company carries out hedging business for risk management, and is expected to achieve the risk
management objectives but has not applied hedge accounting

Not applicable

3. Financial assets

(1) Classification of transfer methods

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                     Amount of
                       Nature of transferred                                                    Determination basis
 Transfer methods                               transferred financial      Derecognition
                         financial assets                                                        of derecognition
                                                                                                Banks with high
Discount and
                       Bank acceptance bill           24,056,305.26     Derecognized            undertake bills of
                                                                                                exchange with
                                                                                                minimal credit risk
        Total                                         24,056,305.26

(2) Financial assets derecognized due to transfer

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                             Way of transfer of financial   Amount of financial assets     Gains or losses related to
                                       assets                   derecognized                    derecognition
Bank acceptance bill        Discount and endorsement                    24,056,305.26                            0.00
           Total                                                        24,056,305.26                            0.00

(3) Assets transfer financial assets that continue to be involved

Not applicable

13. Disclosure of fair value

1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Not applicable

2. Basis for determining the market price of items measured at fair value of the first level on a
continuous and non-continuous basis

Not applicable

3. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters
adopted for continuous and non-continuous Level 2 fair value measurement items

Not applicable

4. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters
adopted for continuous and non-continuous Level 3 fair value measurement items

Not applicable

5. Sensitivity analysis of adjustment information and non-observable parameters between
opening and closing book value of continuous third-level fair value measurement items

Not applicable

6. For items measured at fair value on a going concern, if there is any transfer between
different levels in the current period, the reason for the transfer and the policy for determining
the transfer time

Not applicable

7. Changes in valuation techniques in the current period and the reasons for the changes

Not applicable

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

Not applicable

9. Others

Not applicable

14. Related parties and related transactions

1. Parent company information

                                                                       Shareholding        Voting rights
                       Registrati      Nature of      Registered        scale of the        scale of the
Parent company name
                       on place        business        Capital       parent company      parent company
                                                                     in the Company      in the Company
AVIC International                  Commercial     RMB1,166,162,0
                       Shenzhen                                              40.16%              40.16%
Holding Co., Ltd.                   services       00.00

Description of the parent company
    AVIC International Holdings Limited is a 100.00% indirectly owned subsidiary of AVIC International Holding
Corporation Aviation Industry Corporation of China, LTD. holds 100.00% equity of AVIC International Holding
    The ultimate controller of the enterprise is Aviation Industry Corporation of China, LTD.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of the subsidiaries of the Company, please refer to Note X.1.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company

See Note X.3 for details of the important joint ventures or associates of the enterprise.

4. Other related parties

                                                                                   Relationship between other related
                       Names of other related parties
                                                                                       parties and the enterprise
                                                                                Associated enterprise of the actual
AVIC Property Management Co., Ltd. (AVIC Property)
Rainbow Digital Commercial Co., Ltd. (Rainbow)                                  Controlled by the same party
Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. (SCC)                                                Controlled by the same party
AVIC East China Optoelectronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (East China
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Optoelectronics (Shanghai))
AVIC Xi'an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute (AVIC Xi'an Flight
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Automatic Control Research Institute)
Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (Grand Skylight
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Hotel Management)
AVIC Securities Co., Ltd. (AVIC Securities Company)                             Controlled by the same party
Shenzhen AVIC Group Training Center (AVIC Training Center)                      Controlled by the same party
AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. (AVIC Finance Company)                                   Controlled by the same party
Gongqingcheng AVIC Cultural Investment Co., Ltd.(Gongqingcheng AVIC
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Cultural Investment)
AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co., Ltd. (AVIC JONHON)                         Controlled by the same party
AVIC International Holdings (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. (AVIC INTL (Zhuhai))             Controlled by the same party
Guizhou Huayang Electronics Co., Ltd. (Guizhou Huayang Electronics)             Controlled by the same party
Zhuhai Pilot Composite Material Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhuhai
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Guangdong International Mansion Industrial Co., Ltd.(Guangdong
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
International Mansion)
Shenzhen AVIC Technical Testing Institute Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen AVIC
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Technical Testing Institute)
Shenyang Xinghua AVIC Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. (Shenyang
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
Shenzhen AVIC Changtai Investment Development Co., Ltd. (AVIC
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
AVIC Futures Co., Ltd. (AVIC Futures)                                           Controlled by the same party
Anhui AVIC Display Technology Co., Ltd. (Anhui AVIC)                            Controlled by the same party
Shenzhen Aero-Fasteners MFG Co., Ltd. (SHBC)                                    Controlled by the same party
Castic-SMP Machinery Corp.Ltd. (CSM)                                            Controlled by the same party
Shijiazhuang Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. (Shijiazhuang Aircraft Industry)       Controlled by the same party
Sichuan Aviation Industry Chuanxi Machinery Co., Ltd. (Sichuan Chuanxi
                                                                                Controlled by the same party
AVIC International Holding Corporation (AVIC INTL)                              Controlled by the same party

Company Director, Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the
                                                                                 Key management personnel
Board of Directors (key management personnel)

5. Related party transactions

(1) Related transactions for the purchase and sale of commodities, the provision and receipt
of services

Purchase of goods/receipt of labor services

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                              Amount for                              Whether the
                       Content of related                       Approved                                  Amount for the
   Related party                              the current                          transaction limit is
                       party transaction                     transaction limit                            previous period
                                                period                                 exceeded
                       Water and
                       electricity and
AVIC Property                                 5,642,393.30                         No                       5,600,171.42
                       management fees
Rainbow Digital        Shopping mall
Commercial Co.,        expenses/commodi       9,301,602.91                         No                       1,939,136.26
Ltd.                   ty purchase
China Aviation City
                       Shopping mall
Real Estate                                     33,486.54                          No                          32,726.23
(Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Jiufang Commercial                                            65,000,000.00
                       Shopping mall
Management Co.,                                 64,792.60                          No                          45,347.58
AVIC Nanguang
                       maintenance              12,286.27                          No                          18,000.00
                       Fire fighting
AVIC Louyu Office                                4,740.00                          No
                       maintenance fee
                       Shopping mall
AVIC Cultural                                    8,478.92                          No
Investment Co., Ltd.
Sales of goods/rendering of services

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                               Content of related party      Amount for the current            Amount for the previous
       Related party
                                    transaction                    period                              period
Rainbow Digital
                              Products and services                       24,031,549.70                    30,348,264.13
Commercial Co., Ltd.
                              Sales of materials and
SCC                                                                                                               460.80
                              rendering of services
Gongqingcheng AVIC
Cultural Investment Co.,      Product sales                                 175,983.10                        154,635.87
AVIC JONHON                   Product sales                                       1,865.30                    406,907.87
AVIC INTL                     Product sales                                       2,824.77
East China Optoelectronics
                              Product sales                                      10,619.47
Guizhou Huayang
                              Product sales                                       5,309.73
Zhuhai PilotTechnology        Product sales                                                                    75,711.51
Shenyang Xinghua              Product sales                                 739,635.19                        145,831.01

Shijiazhuang Aircraft
                              Product sales                                      234,915.96
Sichuan Chuanxi
                              Product sales                                         70,796.46

(2) Associated trusteeship/contracting and commissioned management/outsourcing situation

Not applicable

(3) Related leasing

As the lessor:

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                 Lease income recognized         Lease income recognized
      Name of lessee            Type of leased assets
                                                                   in the current period           in the previous period
AVIC Property                           Premises                                2,477,133.06                   2,677,492.91
AVIC Securities Company                 Premises                                  705,942.84                     705,942.84
Rainbow Digital
                                        Premises                                 274,857.12                      309,104.34
Commercial Co., Ltd.
AVIC Futures                            Premises                                    44,700.47
The Company as the lessee:

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                           Variable lease
                      processing of
                                            payments not
                      rental fees for                                                 Interest expense
                                           included in the                                                 Increase in right-
                    short-term leases                               Rent paid            on assumed
                                          measurement of                                                     of-use assets
                      and leases of                                                    lease liabilities
           Type                          lease liabilities (if
Name                low-value assets
             of                              applicable)
  of                  (if applicable)
lessor                        Amoun                  Amoun                 Amoun                Amoun                  Amoun
          assets    Amoun               Amoun                    Amoun                Amoun                Amoun
                               t for                  t for                 t for                t for                  t for
                     t for               t for                    t for                t for                t for
                                the                    the                   the                  the                    the
                      the                 the                      the                  the                  the
                              previo                 previo                previo               previo                 previo
                    current             current                  current              current              current
                                 us                     us                    us                   us                     us
                    period              period                   period               period               period
                              period                 period                period               period                 period
n City
Real                                                                                                            -           -
          Premis                                                 67,714    71,100
Estate                                                                                791.99    580.08     66,765      66,767
          es                                                        .26       .00
(Kunsh                                                                                                        .72         .11
          Premis                                     41,544      197,52    136,40      6,947.    4,179.                145,90
Manag                                    455.75
          es                                            .03        2.76      6.96          61        58                  7.09
Rainbo    Premis                                                 78,102    218,27      1,463.    6,473.          -           -

w         es                                                  .84       1.00       37       23    75,092       195,89
Digital                                                                                              .94         8.05

(4) Related guarantees

Not applicable

(5) Loans from and to related parties

Not applicable

(6) Assets transfer and debt restructuring of related parties

Not applicable

(7) Remuneration of key management personnel

Not applicable

(8) Other related party transactions

As at the end of the current year, the balance of deposits placed by the Company in AVIC Finance amounted to
RMB380,786,934.73, of which the deposit interest received in the current year amounted to RMB210,559.83.

6. Receivables from and payable to related parties

(1) Receivable items

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending Balance                         Opening balance
   Item             Related party                             Bad debt                               Bad debt
                                        Book balance                            Book balance
                                                              provision                              provision
Cash in
                    AVIC Finance        380,786,934.73                          467,743,798.76
                   Rainbow Digital
                                           2,490,562.71         115,297.65        5,973,322.25         248,095.43
                 Commercial Co., Ltd.
                   AVIC JONHON               162,478.08             7,311.51        202,712.86            12,162.77
                 Gongqingcheng AVIC
                  Cultural Investment         56,510.95             2,825.55         22,684.75                 832.29
                       Co., Ltd.
                  Shenyang Xinghua           848,596.59           38,186.85         292,370.58            17,542.23
                    AVIC Property            245,170.39           12,258.52         183,123.05             9,156.15
                  Guizhou Huayang                                                    21,260.00             1,275.60

                        Anhui AVIC                                                          15,800.00           790.00
                     AVIC Securities
                                                247,080.00           12,354.00
                     Sichuan Chuanxi
                                                  40,000.00           1,800.00
                                                                                       892,185.99            44,609.30
                     Shenyang Xinghua           194,183.16                             192,339.42
                   Rainbow Digital
                                                855,943.00           42,797.15         834,903.00            43,170.15
                 Commercial Co., Ltd.
                 Gongqingcheng AVIC
                  Cultural Investment              6,500.00             325.00               6,500.00           325.00
                       Co., Ltd.
                    AVIC Property               133,990.00            6,699.50         143,990.00             7,199.50

(2) Payable items

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
              Item                      Related party         Book balance at period end       Beginning book balance
Accounts payable
                                AVIC Property                                                                32,992.35
                                AVIC JONHON                                                                     391.96
Other payables
                                AVIC Property                              1,058,235.04                   1,023,487.21
                                AVIC Securities Company                      247,080.00                     247,080.00
                                AVIC Louyu Office                             14,808.41
                                Rainbow Digital
                                                                              96,200.00                   1,935,611.93
                                Commercial Co., Ltd.
                                AVIC Changtai                                                                 4,064.81
                                AVIC Nanguang Office                          23,943.22
                                AVIC Securities Company                                                     123,540.00
                                AVIC Futures                                                                  9,435.48
                                AVIC INTL                                        7,640.00

7. Commitments of related parties

Not applicable

8. Others

Not applicable

15. Share-based payment

1. Overall situation of share-based payment

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Category          Grant in the current    Exercise in the current    Unlocked in the current     Invalid in the current
of grant                 period                   period                    period                       period
 object          Quantity     Amount      Quantity       Amount       Quantity      Amount       Quantity       Amount

2. Equity-settled share-based payment

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

Determination method for the fair value of equity                   Closing price of the company's shares on the date of
instruments on the grant date                                                                                     grant
                                                             Employee service period, achievement rate of
Important parameters for the fair value of equity
                                                             performance indicator and employee personal
instruments on the grant date
                                                             performance evaluation results
                                                             For equity-settled share-based payments exchanged for
                                                             employee services that can only be exercised after the
                                                             completion of the vesting period or upon meeting
                                                             specified performance conditions, at each balance sheet
                                                             date during the vesting period, the company should
                                                             account for the fair value of the equity instruments
                                                             granted on the grant date, based on the best estimate of
Determination basis for the number of exercisable equity     the number of equity instruments expected to vest, by
instruments                                                  including the cost of the services received for the period
                                                             in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserves. At
                                                             the Balance Sheet Date, if subsequent information
                                                             indicates that the number of equity instruments expected
                                                             to vest differs from previous estimates, adjustments
                                                             should be made. The number of equity instruments
                                                             should be adjusted to the actual number vested on the
                                                             vesting date.
Reasons for significant differences between the estimates
in the current period and those in the previous period
Cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based
payment included in capital reserves
Total expenses recognized in the equity-settled share-
based payment in the current period

3. Cash-settled share-based payment

Not applicable

4. Share-based payment expenses in the current period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                          Equity-settled share-based payment       Cash-settled share-based payment
      Category of grant object
                                                        expenses                               expenses
Some Directors, Supervisors, Senior
Executives and core backbones of                                    906,067.21
the company
                  Total                                             906,067.21

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment

Not applicable

6. Others

Not applicable

16. Commitments and contingencies

1. Important commitments

    Significant commitments existing on the Balance Sheet Date

    1. Signed lease contracts being performed or to be performed and their financial impact

    See Note VII. 82 for details

    2. Significant contingencies existing on the Balance Sheet Date

    There were no significant contingencies required to be disclosed.

2. Contingencies

(1). Significant contingencies existing on the Balance Sheet Date

Not applicable

(2) If the company has no important contingencies required to be disclosed, it shall also be

There were no significant contingencies required to be disclosed.

3. Others

    Segment information
    The Company determines the operating segments based on the internal organizational structure, management
requirements and internal reporting system. The Company's operating segment refers to the component that meets
the following conditions at the same time:
    (1) The component can generate income and expenses in daily activities;
    (2) The management is able to regularly evaluate the operating results of the component in order to determine the
allocation of resources to them and evaluate their performance;
    (3) The financial position, operating results, cash flows and other relevant accounting information of the
component can be obtained.
    The Company determines report segments on the basis of operating segments, and the operating segments that
meet one of the following conditions are recognized as report segments:
    (1) The segment revenue of the operating segment accounts for 10% or more of the total revenue of all segments;
    (2) The absolute amount of the segment's profit (loss) accounts for 10% or more of the greater of the total profit of
all profitable segments or the total loss of all loss-making segments.

    The Company operates a single line of business, primarily the production and sale of watches. Management
views and manages this business as a whole and evaluates its operating results accordingly. Therefore, this financial
statement does not report segment information.
    As of June 30, 2024, the Company had no other significant events that should be disclosed.

17. Events after the balance sheet date

1. Important non-adjusting matters

Not applicable

2. Profit distribution

Not applicable

3. Sales returns

Not applicable

4. Notes to other events after the Balance Sheet Date

18. Other significant events

1. Correction of accounting previous errors

(1) Retrospective restatement method

Not applicable

(2) Future applicable law

Not applicable

2. Debt restructuring

Not applicable

3. Assets replacement

(1) Exchange of non-monetary assets

Not applicable

(2) Replacement of other assets

Not applicable

4. Annuity plan

Not applicable

5. Discontinued operation

Not applicable

6. Segment information

(1) Determination basis and accounting policies for report segments

    The Company determines the operating segments based on the internal organizational structure, management
requirements and internal reporting system. The Company's operating segment refers to the component that meets
the following conditions at the same time:
    (1) The component can generate income and expenses in daily activities;
    (2) The management is able to regularly evaluate the operating results of the component in order to determine the
allocation of resources to them and evaluate their performance;
    (3) The financial position, operating results, cash flows and other relevant accounting information of the
component can be obtained.
    The Company determines report segments on the basis of operating segments, and the operating segments that
meet one of the following conditions are recognized as report segments:
    (1) The segment revenue of the operating segment accounts for 10% or more of the total revenue of all segments;
    (2) The absolute amount of the segment's profit (loss) accounts for 10% or more of the greater of the total profit of
all profitable segments or the total loss of all loss-making segments.
    The Company operates a single line of business, primarily the production and sale of watches. Management
views and manages this business as a whole and evaluates its operating results accordingly. Therefore, this financial
statement does not report segment information.

(2) Financial information of report segments

Not applicable

(3) If the company has no report segments, or cannot disclose the total assets and total
liabilities of each report segment, it shall explain the reasons

Not applicable

(4) Other notes

Not applicable

7. Other important transactions and events that affect the decision-making of investors

Not applicable

8. Others

Not applicable

19. Notes to the major items of the Parent Company's Financial Statements

1. Accounts receivable

1. Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                 Aging                            Book balance at period end                  Beginning book balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                     11,424,830.46                            1,875,782.07
1-2 years                                                              341,772.29                                  23,346.03
Total                                                                11,766,602.75                            1,899,128.10

(2). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                 Ending Balance                                          Opening balance
              Book balance          Bad debt provision                   Book balance         Bad debt provision
   y                                           Drawing      Book                                         Drawing     Book
            Amount       Scale      Amount     percent      value      Amount        Scale    Amount     percent     value
                                                ages                                                      ages
ble with
n for
ble with
            11,766,      100.00     590,818                11,175,     1,899,1       100.00    76,211.               1,822,9
n for                                             5.02%                                                    4.01%
             602.75          %           .06                784.69       28.10           %         49                  16.61

from        11,469,               590,818                  10,878,    1,898,1                 76,211.               1,821,9
                       97.47%                    5.15%                           99.95%                   4.02%
other        482.48                    .06                  664.42      59.02                     49                  47.53
ation of
within     297,120                                        297,120
                         2.53%                   0.00%                  969.08    0.05%                   0.00%     969.08
the            .27                                            .27
            11,766,      100.00   590,818                  11,175,    1,899,1     100.00      76,211.               1,822,9
Total                                            5.02%                                                    4.01%
             602.75          %         .06                  784.69      28.10         %           49                  16.61
Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: accounts receivable from other customers

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                      Ending Balance
                                      Book balance                   Bad debt provision           Drawing percentages
Receivables from other
                                             11,469,482.48                       590,818.06                          5.15%
Total                                        11,469,482.48                       590,818.06

Description of the basis for determining the combination:
Not applicable

Name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of related parties within the scope of consolidation

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                      Ending Balance
                                      Book balance                   Bad debt provision           Drawing percentages
Combination of related
parties within the scope of                      297,120.27
Total                                            297,120.27

Description of the basis for determining the combination:
Not applicable
If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made according to the general expected credit loss model:
Not applicable

(3) Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                       Opening                           Amount of change for the period                          Ending
                       balance        Provision          Recovered or        Write-off            Other           Balance

receivable with
provision for
expected credit
losses by
combination of
                        76,211.49        539,312.88         24,706.31                                        590,818.06
other customers'
Total                   76,211.49        539,312.88         24,706.31                                        590,818.06

Where accounts receivable with significant from provision for bad debts or recovered in the current period
Not applicable

(4). Situation of accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(5) Accounts receivable and contractual assets collected from the debtors which rank the first
five at the end of period

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Ending balance
                                                                                    Proportion in     of provision for
                                                                 Ending balance   the total ending      bad debts of
                                                                   of accounts       balance of           accounts
                          receivable       Ending balance of
Company name                                                     receivable and       accounts        receivable and
                        balance at the     contractual assets
                                                                   contractual     receivable and       provision for
                        end of period
                                                                      assets         contractual       impairment of
                                                                                       assets            contractual
Summary of
receivable which
                           8,284,824.11                           11,766,602.75            70.41%            414,241.21
ranks the first
five at the end of
Total                      8,284,824.11                           11,766,602.75            70.41%            414,241.21

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Item                                 Ending Balance                       Opening balance
Other receivables                                               646,226,304.77                         696,328,419.85
Total                                                           646,226,304.77                         696,328,419.85

(1) Interest receivable

1) Classification of interest receivable

Not applicable

2) Important overdue interest

Not applicable

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Not applicable

5) Situation of interest receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Classification of dividends receivable

Not applicable

2) Important dividends receivable with aging over 1 year

Not applicable

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Not applicable

5) Situation of dividends receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

(3) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
            Payment nature                       Book balance at period end                  Beginning book balance
Payments of related parties within
                                                                   645,692,800.05                          696,041,965.52
the scope of consolidation
Margin and deposits                                                   129,081.90                                   49,581.90
Other                                                                 451,421.29                                  278,107.90
Total                                                              646,273,303.24                          696,369,655.32

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                Aging                            Book balance at period end                  Beginning book balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                   646,224,474.36                          614,472,373.93
1-2 years                                                                5,615.00                           81,857,231.39
2-3 years                                                                3,163.88
More than 3 years                                                       40,050.00                                  40,050.00
3-4 years                                                               40,050.00                                  40,050.00
Total                                                              646,273,303.24                          696,369,655.32

3). Disclosure under the methods of provision for bad debts by category

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                Ending Balance                                          Opening balance
              Book balance         Bad debt provision                   Book balance         Bad debt provision
   y                                          Drawing      Book                                         Drawing      Book
            Amount      Scale      Amount     percent      value      Amount        Scale    Amount     percent      value
                                               ages                                                      ages
ble with
n for
n for
bad         646,273     100.00      46,998.               646,226     696,369       100.00    41,235.               696,328
                                                 0.01%                                                    0.01%
debts        ,303.24        %           47                 ,304.77     ,655.32          %         47                 ,419.85
on a

ation of
           129,081                2,496.8              126,585     49,581.                40,526.                9,055.3
and                     0.02%                 1.93%                            0.01%                81.74%
               .90                      7                  .03         90                     60                       0
ation of
bles of
parties    645,692                                     645,692     696,041                                       696,041
                      99.91%                  0.00%                           99.95%                 0.00%
within      ,800.05                                     ,800.05     ,965.52                                       ,965.52
ation of
security                                                           263,930                                       263,930
                        0.00%                                                  0.04%                 0.00%
advanc                                                                 .39                                           .39
ation of
           451,421                44,501.              406,919     14,177.                                       13,468.
other                   0.07%                 9.86%                            0.00%      708.87     5.00%
               .29                    60                   .69         51                                            64
          646,273     100.00     46,998.               646,226 696,369      100.00   41,235.                     696,328
Total                                        0.01%                                                0.01%
           ,303.24         %           47               ,304.77    ,655.32       %         47                     ,419.85
Number of categories with provision for bad debts by individual: 0
Number of categories with provision for bad debts by combination: 3
Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of margin and deposit receivable
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                   Ending Balance
                                     Book balance                 Bad debt provision          Drawing percentages
Combination of margin and
                                              129,081.90                       2,496.87                           1.93%
deposit receivable
Total                                         129,081.90                       2,496.87

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Name of provision for bad debts by combination: combination of accounts receivable related parties within the scope
of consolidation
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
             Name                                                    Ending Balance

                                             Book balance              Bad debt provision             Drawing percentages
Combination of receivables of
related parties within the scope               645,692,800.05
of consolidation
Total                                          645,692,800.05

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Category name of provision for bad debts by combination: other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                        Ending Balance
                                        Book balance                   Bad debt provision             Drawing percentages
Combination of other
                                                   451,421.29                      44,501.60                          9.86%
Total                                              451,421.29                      44,501.60

Description of the basis for determining the combination: payments of the same nature have similar credit risk

Provision for bad debts made according to the general expected credit loss model:
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                   Stage I                  Stage II                Stage III
                                                                               Expected credit loss
                                                     Expected credit loss
 Bad debt provision      Expected credit loss                                     throughout the        Total
                                                       throughout the
                            in the next 12                                       duration (credit
                                                      duration (no credit
                                months                                           impairment has
Balance as of Jan. 1,
                                       41,235.47                                                                  41,235.47
Balance on Jan. 1,
2024 in the current
--Transfer to phase II
- Transfer to phase
- Reversal to phase II
- Reversal to phase I
Provision in the
                                        5,763.00                                                                   5,763.00
current period
Reversal in the
current period
Write-off in the
current period
Write-off in the
current period
Other changes

Balance as of June                     46,998.47                                                                  46,998.47

30, 2024

The basis for the division of each stage and the ratio of provisions for bad debts

The phase I is the bad debt provision for other receivables within one year. The phase II is the bad debt provision for
accounts receivable over one year that have not been individually assessed. The phase III is the bad debt provision for
individually assessed accounts receivable.

Changes in book balance with significant amount of loss provision in the current period
Not applicable

4). Status of bad debt provision, recovery, or reversal for the period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                       Amount of change for the period
                      Opening                                                                                 Ending
   Category                                            Recovered or      Write-off or
                      balance            Provision                                             Other          Balance
                                                        transferred      impairment
Provision for
bad debts on
                       41,235.47            5,763.00                                                            46,998.47
a combination
Total                  41,235.47            5,763.00                                                            46,998.47

Where the bad-debt provision amount recovered or reversed this period is important:

Not applicable

5) Situation of other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Not applicable

6). Other receivables collected from the debtors which rank the first five at the end of period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Proportion in the    End-of-period
                                                                                       total ending         balance of
Company name          Payment nature        Ending Balance            Aging
                                                                                     balance of other    provision for bad
                                                                                       receivables             debt
Summary of
other accounts        Receivables of
receivable which      related parties
                                             645,692,800.05    Within 1 year                  99.91%                 0.00
rank the first five   within the scope
at the end of         of consolidation
Total                                        645,692,800.05                                   99.91%                 0.00

7) Presented in other receivables due to centralized management of funds

Not applicable

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                    Ending Balance                                         Opening balance
                                          Impair                                                   Impai
        Item                               ment                                                    rment
                     Book balance                        Book value           Book balance                       Book value
                                          provis                                                    provi
                                            ion                                                     sion
Investment in
                    1,581,832,322.16                    1,581,832,322.16     1,581,179,108.81               1,581,179,108.81
Investments in
                       51,952,479.36                       51,952,479.36        51,862,607.30                    51,862,607.30
and joint
Total               1,633,784,801.52                    1,633,784,801.52     1,633,041,716.11               1,633,041,716.11

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                   Increase or decrease in the current period                         End-of-
                Beginning    balance of                                                                Ending
                                                            Reduction     Provision                                 balance of
   The           balance      provision     Additional                                                 balance
                                                                of            for                                    provision
 investee         (book          for        investmen                                    Other          (book
                                                            investmen    impairmen                                      for
                  value)     impairmen           t                                                      value)
                                                                 t        t accrued                                 impairmen
World           609,295,4                                                              283,653.8      609,579,1
Watch               90.83                                                                      3          44.66
Co., Ltd.
                11,684,48                                                                             11,684,48
                     4.39                                                                                  4.39
Co., Ltd.
                182,044,4                                                              123,186.5      182,167,6
                    61.20                                                                      2          47.72
y Co., Ltd.
FIYTA           51,062,89                                                                             51,111,51
STD Co.,             1.67                                                                                  6.67
(HONG           137,737,5                                                                             137,737,5
KONG)               20.00                                                                                 20.00
(Shenzhe        5,000,000.                                                                           5,000,000.
n)     Co.,             00                                                                                   00

              456,992,4                                                               137,775.9    457,130,2
Sales Co.,
                  56.17                                                                       0        32.07
Commerc       36,867,84                                                                            36,867,84
e and              3.96                                                                                 3.96
Trade Co.,
Horologe      80,493,96                                                                            80,553,93
(Shenzhe           0.59                                                                                 2.69
n) Co.,
World         10,000,00                                                                            10,000,00
Watch              0.00                                                                                 0.00
Co., Ltd.
             1,581,179,                                                               653,213.3   1,581,832,
                 108.81                                                                       5       322.16

(2). Investments in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                            Increase or decrease in the current period
                                                 Invest                                                             End-
                    Begin                         ment                      Cash
                                                          Other                                                      of-
         Begin        ning                       incom                      divide                        Endin
                                                          compr                         Provis                     period
          ning       balan                         e or                     nds or                           g
Invest                        Additi   Reduc              ehens    Other                ion for                     balan
         balan       ce of                         loss                     profits                       balan
 ment                          onal    tion of              ive    chang                impair                      ce of
           ce       provisi                      recog                      declar                Other     ce
 unit                         invest   invest             incom     es in                ment                      provisi
         (book      on for                        nized                     ed to                         (book
                               ment     ment                 e     equity                accru                     on for
         value)     impair                       under                        be                          value)
                                                          adjust                          ed                       impair
                     ment                        equity                     distrib
                                                          ments                                                     ment
                                                 metho                       uted
1. Joint ventures
2. Associated enterprise
Watch     51,86                                                                                            51,95
Indust   2,607.                                                                                           2,479.
ry           30                                                                                               36
          51,86                                                                                            51,95
Sub-                                             89,87
         2,607.                                                                                           2,479.
total                                             2.06
             30                                                                                               36
          51,86                                                                                            51,95
Total    2,607.                                                                                           2,479.
             30                                                                                               36
The recoverable amount is determined by the net amount of the fair value less the disposal expenses

Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of the expected future cash flows
Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the aforementioned information and the information used in the impairment test of
previous years or external information
Not applicable
Reasons for the difference between the information used in the company's impairment test in previous years and the
actual situation in the current year
Not applicable

(3) Other notes

Not applicable

4. Operating income and operating costs

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                Amount for the current period                  Amount for the previous period
                              Revenue                   Cost                   Revenue                  Cost
Main business                  93,442,375.61          28,763,610.04            90,155,946.21           22,121,058.14
Other businesses                 2,209,518.25                                   1,886,928.93
Total                          95,651,893.86          28,763,610.04            92,042,875.14           22,121,058.14

5. Investment income

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                 Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period
Long-term equity investment income
accounted for using the equity                                    89,872.06                            -1,697,481.65
Total                                                             89,872.06                            -1,697,481.65

6. Others

Not applicable

20. Additional information

1. Breakdown of current non-recurring profit and loss

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                 Item                                 Amount                                   Notes
Losses from disposal of non-current
Government grants recognized in
current profit and loss (excluding

those closely related to the
Company's normal operations, in
compliance with national policies,
entitled in accordance with set
standards, and having a sustained
impact on the Company's profit and
Reversal of provision for impairment
of receivables subject to individual                             3,302,930.73
impairment testing
Other operating incomes and
expenses excluding the above items
Less: Income tax impact                                          2,029,625.75
Total                                                            6,693,260.53                       --

Specific circumstances of other items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses:
Not applicable
Explanation of circumstances where items listed as non-recurring gains and losses in Explanatory Announcement No.
1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities Publicly - Non-recurring Gains and Losses are classified
as recurring
Not applicable

2. Return on equity and Earnings per share

                                                                                 Earnings per share
                                       Weighted average
Profit during the reporting period                            Basic earnings per share      Diluted earnings per share
                                        return on equity
                                                                    (RMB/share)                    (RMB/share)
Net profit attributable to
common stock shareholders of                        4.36%                         0.3568                       0.3564
the company
Net profit attributable to
common stock shareholders of
                                                    4.16%                         0.3405                       0.3401
the company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1). Differences in net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance
with international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

Not applicable

(2). Differences in net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance
with overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

Not applicable

(3) Explanation of the reasons for the differences in accounting data under domestic and
overseas accounting standards. If the data has been audited by an overseas audit institution
for difference adjustment, the name of the overseas institution shall be indicated

4. Others

Not applicable

                                                                FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                          Board of Directors
                                                                          August 21, 2024
