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万 科B:2010年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2010-04-26  

						China Vanke Co., Ltd.

    2010 First Quarterly Report

    §1 Important Notice

    1.1 The Board, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and

    senior management of the Company warrant that in respect of the information contained in this

    Quarterly Report, there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission,

    and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and

    completeness of the information contained in this Quarterly Report.

    1.2 None of the Director, member of the Supervisory Committee and senior management staff fails to

    assure or dispute with the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Quarterly


    1.3 Chairman Wang Shi,Deputy Chairman Song Lin,Director Wang Yin and Director Jiang Wei were

    not able to attend the board meeting in person due to their business engagements and had authorized

    Director Yu Liang to represent them and vote on behalf of them. Independent Director Judy Tsui Lam

    Sin Lai was not able to attend the board meeting in person due to her business engagements and had

    authorised Independent Director David Li Ka Fai to represent her and vote on behalf of her.

    Independent Director Charles Li was not able to attend the board meeting in person due to his

    business engagements and had authorised Independent Director Qi Daqing to represent him and

    vote on his behalf at the board meeting.

    1.4 This quarterly financial and accounting reports of the Company have not been audited.

    1.5 The Company’s Chairman Wang Shi, Director and President Yu Liang, and Executive Vice

    President and Supervisor of Finance Wang Wenjin declare that the financial report contained in this

    Quarterly Report is warranted to be true and complete.2

    §2 Basic Corporate Information

    2.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators

    (Unit: RMB)

    As at 31 March 2010 As at 31 December 2009 Changes (%)

    Total assets 148,771,680,824 138,027,359,150 7.78%

    Equity attributable to equity

    shareholders of the Company

    38,979,193,610 37,375,888,061 4.29%

    Net assets per share 3.55 3.40 4.41%

    January to March 2010 January to March 2009 Changes (%)

    Net profit 1,126,579,449 768,764,019 46.54%

    Net cash generated from

    operating activities

    (6,800,224,122) 3,684,640,137 -284.56%

    Net cash generated from

    operating activities per share

    (0.62) 0.34 -282.35%

    Basic earnings per share 0.10 0.07 42.86%

    Diluted earnings per share 0.10 0.07 42.86%

    Return on equity 2.94% 2.38%

    Increase 0.56

    percentage points

    Note: 1. The net assets and net profit used to calculate the above-mentioned indicators refer to the equity and profit

    attributable to equity shareholders of the Company.

    2. The above-mentioned return on equity is calculated by weighted average method.

    2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted

    tradable shares as at the end of the Reporting Period

    As at the end of 31 March 2010, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 1,539,514

    (including 1,500,796 holders of A shares and 38,718 holders of B shares).

    Total number of shareholders as at the end of the Reporting



    Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted tradable shares

    Name of shareholders (in full)

    No. of non-restricted tradable

    shares held as at the end of the

    Reporting Period


    China Resources Co., Limited 1,619,094,766 A Share

    China Life Insurance Company Limited– Dividend

    Distribution–Individual Dividend- 005L-FH002 Shen

    177,121,543 A Share

    E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Exchange-Traded


    152,177,373 A Share

    Liu Yuansheng 133,791,208 A Share3

    Rongtong Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index Securities

    Investment Fund

    99,982,991 A Share

    Toyo Securities Asia Limited-A/C Client. 87,203,996 B Share

    HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG First State China Growth FD 82,406,712 B Share

    Naito Securities Co., Ltd. 68,340,132 B Share

    Staff Committee of China Vanke Co., Ltd. 67,168,517 A Share

    Harvest CSI 300 Securities Investment Fund 62,061,211 A Share

    As at the end of 31 March 2010, the total number of shares of the Company was 10,995,210,218

    including 9,680,254,750 A shares and 1,314,955,468 B shares.

    2.3 Bond holdings of the Company’s top 10 bondholders as at the end of Reporting Period

    (1) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G1 bonds and their bond holdings

    No. Bondholder No. of bonds held


    New China Life Insurance Company–Dividend Distribution–Individual

    Dividend-018L-FH002 Shen


    2 China Petroleum Finance Co., Ltd. 4,157,662

    3 China Pacific Life Insurance Company Limited 3,433,312

    4 China Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2,619,042


    China Ping An Life Insurance Company Limited–Traditional–General Insurance




    China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited–Traditional– General

    Insurance Products


    7 Corporate Annuity Scheme of China National Petroleum Corporation – ICBC 1,010,569

    8 China Life Pension Company Limited–Internal Resources 1,000,000

    9 China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation 776,162


    China Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited –

    Investment-oriented Insurance Products


    (2) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G2 bonds and their bond holdings

    No. Bondholder No. of bonds held

    1 ICBC/Credit Suisse Fund Company – ICBC – Selected clients’ assets 2,385,995

    2 ICBC/Credit Suisse Tianli Bond Securities Investment Fund 2,346,450

    3 China National Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corporation 1,946,689

    4 206 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC 1,431,065

    5 Fullgoal Tianfeng Surging Income Bond Securities Investment Fund 1,364,700

    6 ChinaAMC Strategic Select Flexible Allocation Mixed Securities Investment Fund 970,609

    7 801 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC 959,778

    8 Corporate Annuity Scheme of China National Petroleum Corporation – ICBC 765,564

    9 204 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC 735,442

    10 Harvest Stable Growth Open-end Securities Investment Fund 709,9984

    §3 Management Discussion and Analysis

    During the Reporting Period, the PRC’s commodity housing market continued to grow from a

    relatively low base of the corresponding period of the previous year. Between January and

    March, the sales area and sales amount of commodity housing in the country rose by 34.2% and

    55.2% respectively. When the sales area of commodity housing was compared with the approved

    pre-sales area of new housing, it indicated a gradual improvement in the balance of supply and

    demand in major cities in the first quarter, but a historical low inventory level.

    Since the second half of 2009, market trend began to vary significantly in different regions. As

    the demand for asset-backed investment was concentrated in a few popular cities, the growth in

    housing prices in these cities far exceeded that of the national average. Entering 2010, owing to

    the continued tight supply and expectations of further price rise, irrational housing purchase

    began to emerge again in certain popular cities. By contrast, owner-occupation constituted the

    mainstream demand in many second and third tier cities, resulting in a relatively more stable

    market there. However, driven by the enthusiastic market sentiment in popular cities, some

    second and third tier cities had recently begun to show signs of overheating.

    To curb excessive rise in housing prices in certain cities, the government has promulgated

    various stringent measures to restrict housing speculation, including differential housing credit

    policies, and introduction of tax to regulate property consumption and gains from property

    transaction. In respect of housing supply, the measures proposed to increase the effective supply

    of land for residential purpose and requested local governments to ensure that a certain

    proportion and quantity of low-income housing and ordinary commodity housing with small and

    medium-sized units shall be built. The above-mentioned policies will have significant impact on

    the market. It is believed that the trend of rapid rise in housing prices in the popular cities will

    end and the spillover of euphoria to other cities will stop.

    A market is a highly complex system. Change in any factor may set off complicated chain

    reaction. While there is a positive relationship between demand and supply, there is also the

    issue of time lag. China is a country with a vast territory. Each region varies in development

    progress and market conditions. And in a market, there are a number of participants, who have

    different views and ways of thinking. Their actions will have impact, whether big or small, on

    the market. Given that the world is now facing unprecedented economic conditions, we will

    have to wait to see if the industry will witness an end to the market volatility which started in

    2007 or move towards a healthy and steady development.

    During the Reporting Period, the Company realised accumulated sales area of 1,242,000 sq m,

    with sales amount of RMB15.09 billion, representing a decrease of 18.5 per cent and an increase

    of 23.5 per cent respectively, when compared with those of the corresponding period of the

    previous year.

    From a geographical perspective, the Company realised a sales area of 270,000 sq m and a sales

    revenue of RMB4.16 billion in the Pearl River Delta region, representing decreases of 45.1 per

    cent and 7.2 per cent, respectively, from those of the same period previous year. In the Yangtze

    River Delta region, the Company realised a sales area of 268,000 sq m and a sales revenue of

    RMB3.06 billion, representing decreases of 33.9 per cent and 14.9 per cent, respectively, from

    those of the same period previous year. The Company realised a sales area of 450,000 sq m and

    a sales revenue of RMB5.66 billion in the Bohai-Rim region, representing a decrease of 0.1 per5

    cent and an increase of 93.7 per cent, respectively, from those of the same period previous year.

    In the central and western region, the Company achieved a sales area of 254,000 sq m and a

    sales revenue of RMB2.21 billion, representing increases of 43.1 per cent and 81.3 per cent,

    respectively, from those of the same period previous year.

    The Company continued to focus on demand from end-users, and small residential units below

    90 sq m accounted for 56 per cent of the Company’s products on sale in the first quarter of 2010.

    During the Reporting Period, the Company’s booked area and booked revenue reached 638,000

    sq m and RMB6.96 billion, respectively, representing decrease of 39.9 per cent and 8.3 per cent,

    respectively, from those of the same period last year. The Company’s revenue and net profit

    during the Reporting Period amounted to RMB7.07 billion and RMB1.13 billion, respectively,

    representing a decrease of 8.5 per cent and an increase of 46.5 per cent, respectively, from those

    of the same period last year.

    In accordance with the latest market and sales situation, the Company made an assessment of the

    projects for which provisions for diminution in value were made at the end of 2008. Given that the

    actual sales performance of Paradiso, Nanjing was better than expected, the provision of

    diminution in value of RMB166.88 million for this project was fully reversed according to the

    assessment results, leading to an increase of RMB125.16 million in profit attributable to the

    equity shareholders of the Company for the Reporting Period. The provisions of diminution in

    value made for the other three projects remained unchanged.

    As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company had an area of 4,333,000 sq m of project

    resources sold but not yet completed nor booked, representing an aggregate contract amount of

    approximately RMB45.84 billion. Area sold but not yet booked in the consolidated financial

    statements amounted to 3,934,000 sq m, representing a contract amount of RMB42.33

    billion.This had laid a solid foundation for the year 2010.

    As at the end of the Reporting Period, the cash and cash equivalents held by the Company

    amounted to RMB17.92 billion, which was higher than the aggregate amount of short term

    borrowings and long term borrowings due within one year of RMB12.74 billion.Completed

    properties (completed properties ready for sale) amounted to RMB5.9 billion, representing only

    5.7 per cent of the total inventory of the Company. The Company had a sound financial position

    and a healthy inventory composition that would support the Company to cope with any possible

    changes in the market.

    The Company has always believed that it is not in anyone’s interest when property price

    increases too fast; the industry will only benefit from stable development. The Company strives

    to gain a fair return through quick turnaround instead of profiting from appreciation of land over

    time. The land bank of the Company has been remaining at a level sufficient for development

    within the next two to three years. The Company was cautious in investment in 2009 and

    adhered to the principle of “rather miss than make wrong acquisition” in certain cities where the

    housing prices and land premium rose too fast. As such, the Company had stayed away from

    land lots for which competition was extremely fierce. Its newly added projects were mostly

    located in the second and third tier cities where housing price grew moderately and

    owner-occupation made up the mainstream demand. In 2010, the Company will continue to

    adhere to this prudent strategy for project development.6

    §4 Significant Events

    4.1 Significant changes and reasons for such changes in major items of the accounting

    statements and financial indicators of the Company

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    Financial indicators


    (RMB ’000)


    (RMB ’000)

    Change Reasons for changes

    Cash and cash equivalents 17,917,618 23,001,924 -22.10% Increase in prepayment of land

    premium for new project

    Interest-bearing borrowings (short


    12,735,247 8,628,670 47.59% Increase in borrowings and change of

    borrowing structure

    Financial indicators

    Jan-Mar 2010

    (RMB ’000)

    Jan-Mar 2009

    (RMB ’000)


    Reasons for changes

    Revenue 7,073,423 7,733,123 -8.53% Difference in composition of booked


    Cost of sales 4,625,315 5,386,237 -14.13% Decrease in booked properties

    Profit attributable to equity

    shareholders of the Company

    1,126,579 768,764 46.54% Net profit increased in the reporting


    4.2 Progress of significant events and analysis of their impact and solutions

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    The public issue of A shares and relevant matters were approved at the first extraordinary general meeting of 2009 on 15

    September 2009. The related work is in progress.

    4.3 Implementation of the undertakings given by the Company, shareholders and beneficial


    √ Applicable □Not applicable

    Undertakings Details Implementation

    Other undertakings

    given to non major


    China Resources National Corporation (“CRNC”) – the parent company of

    China Resources Co., Limited (“CRC”), being the Company’s original

    single largest shareholder and the present single largest shareholder, gave a

    significant undertaking to the Company in 2001: CRNC would provide as

    much support to the Company as it did in the past, as long as such support

    was beneficial to the Company’s development, and that it would remain

    impartial in the event of any competition between the investment projects of

    the Company and that of CRNC and its subsidiaries, and in the event of any

    disagreements or disputes arising from horizontal competition.

    CRNC has fulfilled its


    4.4 Warning of and explanation for the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year

    to the end of the next reporting period forecast to be a probable loss or to be significantly

    differed from that of the corresponding period of the previous year7

    □Applicable √Not applicable

    4.5 Other major events and their explanations

    4.5.1 Securities investments

    □Applicable √Not applicable

    4.5.2 Equity interests held in other listed companies

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    (Unit: RMB)








    Percentage of


    Booked value

    as at the end of

    the Reporting



    during the



    Changes in equity

    attributable to equity

    shareholders during

    the Reporting Period

    000001 Shenzhen


    Bank Co., Ltd

    11,582,347.80 0.10% 69,922,944.00 - (3,526,286.40)

    600697 Changchun


    Group Co.,

    5,070,000.00 1.18% 47,349,439.20 - 1,371,630.58

    600680 Shanghai

    Potevio Co.,


    7,076,961.71 0.90% 51,277,366.60 - 11,838,532.96

    600751 SST Tianjin


    Shipping Co.,

    143,600.00 0.04% 143,600.00 - -

    Total 23,872,909.51 168,693,349.80 - 9,683,877.14

    Note: 1. The above-mentioned equity interests are legal person shares held by the Company over the years. Up till

    now, SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd has not undergone share reform;

    2. The change in fair value of equity interests at the end of the Reporting Period led to an increase in the “Other

    financial assets”, and a corresponding increase in “capital reserve”.

    4.5.3 Investor relations activities such as meetings, communications and handling of inquiries

    during the Reporting Period

    Type of


    Time Location Approach Classification of visitors


    discussed and



    China Jianyin




    2010.1 Shenzhen

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    China Galaxy


    2010.1 Beijing

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Deutsche Bank




    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    UBS meeting 2010.1 Shanghai

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    (I) Major



    (1) The


    s daily


    (2) The




    Citi Securities


    2010.1 Hong Kong

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Annual results



    Hong Kong,




    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,

    individual investors, etc

    CLSA meeting 2010.3 Hong Kong

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Credit Suisse


    2010.3 Hong Kong

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    BNP meeting 2010.3 Hong Kong

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Daiwa meeting 2010.3 Tokyo

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Credit Suisse


    2010.3 Hong Kong

    Face to face


    Investors including securities companies, funds,


    Note: The above-mentioned meetings included one-on-one meetings, small group meetings and large group

    presentation. The Company received or met with investors from over 50 companies.



























    Xian, etc

    Small group



    Shenyin Wanguo ,CLSA, South West Securities,

    Citi Securities, Huatai United Securities,

    Changjiang Securities, UBS, CICC, Bohai

    Securities, Daiwa Securities, Everbright

    Securities, China Galaxy Securities, Credit Suisse

    Securities, Essence Securities, China JianYin

    Investment Securities, ABN Amro BANK, JP

    Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Royal Bank of Scotland,

    Morgan Stanley, Great Wall Securities,

    Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Goldman Sachs

    Gaohua, CITIC Securities, Guangfa Securities,

    CSC Securities, Nomura, Deutsche Bank, BNP,

    Piper Jaffray Asia Securities Limited, Phillip

    Securites Group, DBS Vickers, etc



    (3) The


    opinion on the

    changes in the


    (II) Major



    1) Published






    ’s regular


    Fund and other


    companies and




























    Small group



    China AMC, Taikang Life, , Yinhua Fund, China

    Universal, First-Trust Fund, China Merchants

    Fund, Penghua Fund, Bank of Communications

    Schroders Fund, Cephei Investment, CCB

    Principal Asset Management, E Fund, Congrong

    Investment, Rongtong Fund, Avenue Capital,

    Caxton Associates, GSI Management Limited,

    Wellington, University of Pennsylvania, Orange

    Capital, Merchant Gates, LaSalle Investment

    Management, Deutsche Asset Management, T.

    Rowe Price International, JF Asset Management,

    Martin Currie Investment Management, Grand

    River Investments, First State Investments,

    Oaktree Capital Management, Western Asset

    Management, Keefe Bruyette & Woods,

    Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management, Ballie

    Gifford, Duquesne Capital Mgt, Pyrford

    International, Christensen, Pictet Asset

    Management, Goldman Sachs Principal

    Strategies, Chugoku Bank, Robeco, Clairvoyance

    Capital, Morgan Stanley Asset Mgt,

    AllianzBerstein, Weitz Funds, Partner Funds,

    Tiger Asia Asset, Hamblin Watsa, Henderson TR

    Pacific, One Investment & Trinity Street, Jupiter,

    State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio,

    Broad Peak Investment Advisers Pte Ltd. , BT

    Investment Management, GMO, Invesco Hong

    Kong Limited, GLG Partners, Capital Research,


    4.5.4 Other major events and their explanations

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    (1) The Company did not provide any funds for use by its controlling shareholder and its related parties, nor did the Company provide

    any guarantee to third parties in violation of regulations and procedures;

    (2) Status of the Company’s corporate bonds

    During the Reporting Period, the Company’s credit standing was stable. After the reporting period, the Company’s corporate

    bonds – “08 Vanke G1” (bond code: 112005) and “08 Vanke G2” (bond code: 112006) had been tracked and rated by China Chengxin

    Securities Rating Co., Ltd. (中诚信证券评估有限公司). The rating company maintained AAA rating for the Company’s secured

    corporate bonds “08 Vanke G1” and AA+ rating for non-secured corporate bonds “08 Vanke G2”. The Company’s overall corporate

    credit rating was maintained at AA+, and the rating outlook was raised from stable to positive.

    4.6 Investment in derivatives

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    Remarks on risk analysis and management of derivative

    positions during the year under review (including but not

    limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk

    and legal risk, etc.)

    In order to limit the risk associated with the fluctuations of interest

    rate, the Company entered into interest rate swap (IRS) agreements to

    hedge two floating rate foreign currency loans, one in the amount of

    US$67.75 million and the other in the amount of US$23.61 million.

    The Company would charge the counterparty an interest according to

    floating rate, in order to pay the floating-rate interest to the original

    lender, and pay a fixed rate to the counterparty.

    IRS is used to control the risk arising from the change in interest rate

    by fixing a forward interest rate on the notional amount during the

    term of the foreign currency loan.10

    Change in market price or fair value of the derivatives invested

    during the year under review, as well as the method, related

    assumptions and parameters used to analyse the fair value of

    derivatives should be disclosed

    The effect of the change in the aforementioned IRS value on the

    Company’s profit or loss during the Reporting Period amounted to

    RMB(1,082,691.69). The value of the IRS was determined based on

    the price quoted in the agreement dated March 31 2010.

    Remarks on whether there has been a material change in the

    accounting policy and accounting measurement principles for

    the Company’s derivatives during the year under review as

    compared with those of the previous reporting year


    Special advice on derivative investment and risk control by

    independent directors, sponsors and financial advisors

    The Company’s independent directors are of the view that financial

    instruments such as IRS reduced the probable loss associated with

    foreign currency loan in the event of significant fluctuations in interest

    rate. The relevant arrangement of the Company has been prudent and


    4.6.1 Derivative positions as at the end of the Reporting Period

    √Applicable □Not applicable

    Unit: RMB’000

    Type of contracts

    Contract amount as at the

    beginning of the period

    Contract amount as at

    the end of the period

    Profit/loss during the

    Reporting Period

    Contract amount as at the end of

    the period as a percentage of net

    assets as at the end of the period

    Interest rate swap

    (IRS) agreement

    462,610.55 623,635.71 (1,082.69) 1.60%

    Total 462,610.55 623,635.71 (1,082.69) 1.60%11

    Consolidated income statement for the three months ended 31 March 2010

    (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

    Jan-Mar 2010 Jan-Mar 2009

    Revenue 7,073,423,236 7,733,122,762

    Cost of sales (4,625,315,341) (5,386,236,972)

    Gross profit 2,448,107,895 2,346,885,790

    Other income 76,319,293 20,721,291

    Distribution costs (293,290,365) (238,578,263)

    Administrative expenses (304,213,705) (287,992,162)

    Other operating expenses (2,750,648) (22,931,072)

    Profit from operations 1,924,172,470 1,818,105,584

    Financial income 36,551,524 75,160,324

    Financial costs (147,183,112) (242,337,537)

    Net finance costs (110,631,588) (167,177,213)

    Share of profits less losses of associates 13,906,776 30,843,113

    Share of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities (4,956,802) (11,871,665)

    Profit before income tax 1,822,490,856 1,669,899,819

    Income tax (646,535,697) (781,357,267)

    Profit for the year 1,175,955,159 888,542,552

    Attributable to:

    Equity shareholders of the Company 1,126,579,449 768,764,019

    Minority interests 49,375,710 119,778,533

    Profit for the year 1,175,955,159 888,542,552

    Basic and diluted earnings per share 0.10 0.0712

    Consolidated statement of comprehensive for the three months ended 31 March 2010

    (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

    Jan-Mar 2010 Jan-Mar 2009

    Profit for the year 1,175,955,159 888,542,552

    Other comprehensive income for the period

    Exchange differences on translation of financial

    statements of foreign subsidiaries

    1,871,614 (463,166)

    Available-for-sale securities, net movement

    in the fair value reserve 6,126,402 30,724,335

    Total comprehensive income for the period 1,183,953,175 918,803,721

    Attributable to:

    Equity shareholders of the Company 1,134,577,465 799,025,188

    Minority interests 49,375,710 119,778,533

    Total comprehensive income for the period 1,183,953,175 918,803,72113

    Consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2010

    (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

    31 Mar. 2010 31 Dec. 2009

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment 1,372,219,166 1,387,295,710

    Lease prepayments 81,577,777 81,966,326

    Investment properties 125,607,420 228,143,158

    Construction in progress 656,295,796 593,208,234

    Interest in associates 882,127,607 709,512,280

    Interest in jointly controlled entities 2,758,203,679 2,763,877,398

    Other financial assets 264,959,407 255,622,796

    Deferred tax assets 1,368,025,585 1,265,649,479

    Other non-current asset - -

    Total non-current assets 7,509,016,437 7,285,275,381

    Current assets

    Inventories 35,431,337 59,998,046

    Properties held for development 51,665,821,109 43,259,163,354

    Properties under development 46,279,969,395 41,872,964,957

    Completed properties for sale 5,906,160,193 5,311,972,269

    Trade and other receivables 19,457,663,911 17,235,320,841

    Financial derivatives - 740,471

    Cash and cash equivalents 17,917,618,442 23,001,923,831

    Total current assets 141,262,664,387 130,742,083,769

    TOTAL ASSETS 148,771,680,824 138,027,359,150


    Share capital 10,995,210,218 10,995,210,218

    Reserves 27,983,983,392 26,866,813,259

    Awarded Shares purchased for the Employees’

    Share Award Scheme

    - (486,135,416)

    Total equity attributable to equity

    shareholders of the Company

    38,979,193,610 37,375,888,061

    Minority interests 8,414,316,978 8,032,624,393

    TOTAL EQUITY 47,393,510,588 45,408,512,45414

    Consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2010 (continued)

    (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

    Non-current liabilities

    Interest-bearing borrowings and bonds 22,435,579,145 23,296,534,102

    Deferred tax liabilities 1,162,251,129 1,221,268,786

    Other long term liabilities 7,891,827 8,408,145

    Provisions 37,608,857 34,355,815

    Total non-current liabilities 23,643,330,958 24,560,566,848

    Current liabilities

    Interest-bearing borrowings 12,735,247,377 8,628,670,478

    Financial derivatives 342,221 -

    Trade and other payables 60,809,859,674 55,244,411,867

    Current taxation 4,189,390,006 4,185,197,503

    Total current liabilities 77,734,839,278 68,058,279,848

    TOTAL LIABILITIES 101,378,170,236 92,618,846,696

    TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 148,771,680,824 138,027,359,150



    ) Directors



    Consolidated cash flow statement for the three months ended 31 March 2010

    (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

    Jan-Mar.2010 Jan-Mar.2009

    Cash received from sales of products 12,391,917,311 11,389,454,211

    Other cash received from business operating activities 1,019,658,673 602,877,516

    Cash generated from operating activities 13,411,575,984 11,992,331,727

    Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 15,201,450,723 4,914,160,199

    Cash paid to employees or paid for employees 609,565,536 384,843,889

    Tax paid for tax 2,003,606,662 1,536,684,664

    Other cash paid for business operating activities 2,397,177,185 1,472,002,838

    Cash used in operating activities 20,211,800,106 8,307,691,590

    Net cash used in operating activities (6,800,224,122) 3,684,640,137

    Proceeds from disposal of interest in other long term

    investments - 80,000,000

    Proceeds from investment income - 62,210,241

    Proceeds from disposal fixed assets 124,484 364,892

    Other cash received relating to investing activities 34,627,249 53,697,588

    Cash generated from investing activities 34,751,733 196,272,721

    Acquisition of fixed assets 22,032,731 14,017,126

    Cash paid for acquisition of investments 1,114,037,239 13,706,499

    Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries 313,882,526 152,911,830

    Cash used in investing activities 1,449,952,496 180,635,455

    Net cash used in investing activities (1,415,200,763) 15,637,266

    Capital injection from minority interests of subsidiaries 781,153,094 -

    Proceeds from loans and borrowings 5,227,976,679 6,946,354,133

    Cash generated from financing activities 6,009,129,773 6,946,354,133

    Repayment of loans and borrowings 1,893,605,140 3,100,394,756

    Dividend paid to equity shareholders of the Company

    and Interest paid 572,002,620 606,567,512

    Cash used in financing activities 2,465,607,760 3,706,962,268

    Net cash generated from financing activities 3,543,522,013 3,239,391,865

    Effect of foreign exchange rates (2,202,651) 3,966,682

    Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (4,674,105,523) 6,943,635,950

    Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 22,002,774,938 19,978,285,930

    Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March 17,328,669,415 26,921,921,880