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						            The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group)
                           Co., Ltd.

                          The 2015 Annual Report


                                     March 2016

                     The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

           Section I         Important Statements, Contents & Terms
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this Report is factual, accurate and complete
without any false record, misleading statements or material omissions. And they shall be jointly and
severally liable for that.
Zhou Jianguo, board chairman, Chen Maozheng, GM, Tang Xiaoping, chief of the accounting work,
and Qiao Yanjun, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the
Financial Report carried in this Report is factual, accurate and complete.
All directors attended the board meeting for reviewing this Report.
China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn were designated by the
Company for its information disclosure in 2015. And all information about the Company shall be
subject to what’s disclosed on the aforesaid media. Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to
possible investment risks.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserves into
share capital.
This Report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any understanding
discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                        The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


Section I Important Statements, Contents & Terms ............................................. 2

Section II Company Profile & Financial Highlights ............................................. 5

Section III Business Profile ...................................................................................... 9

Section IV Discussion & Analysis by the Management ...................................... 11

Section V Significant Events .................................................................................. 22

Section VI Share Changes & Particulars about the Shareholders .................... 32

Section VII Preference Shares ............................................................................... 38

Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff & Employees 39

Section IX Corporate Governance ........................................................................ 45

Section X Financial Report .................................................................................... 54

Section XI Documents Available for Reference ................................................. 177

                        The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


                 Term                                                  Specific meaning
                                                   Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties
Company, the Company, the Group
                                                   (Group) Co., Ltd.
The controlling company of the
                                                   Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

                     The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

            Section II         Company Profile & Financial Highlights

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation          SPG A(SPG B)                  Stock code             000029(200029)
Stock abbreviation after
change (if any)
Stock exchange              Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company         name     in
Abbr. of Company name
in Chinese
Company         name     in
                            ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties (Group).co.,Ltd.
English (if any)
Abbr. of Company name
in English (if any)
Legal representative        Zhou Jianguo
Registered address          45/F-48/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Zip code                    518001
Office address              47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Zip code                    518001
Company website             http://www.sfjt.com.cn
Email address               spg@163.net

II. Contact information

                                            Company Secretary           Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                Mr. Chen Ji                       Mr. Luo Yi
                                    47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South 47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South
Contact address                     Road,     Shenzhen,    Guangdong, Road,     Shenzhen,      Guangdong,
                                    P.R.China                         P.R.China
Tel.                                (86 755) 82293000-4718            (86 755) 82293000-4715
Fax                                 (86 755) 82294024                 (86 755) 82294024
E-mail address                      spg@163.net                       spg@163.net

III. About information disclosure and where this Report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for Domestic: China Securities Journal
information disclosure                   Overseas: Ta Kung Pao (HK)
Internet website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this Report
                                         47/F, SPG Plaza, 3005 Renmin South Road, Luohu District,
Where this Report is placed
                                         Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China

IV. Changes in the registered information

Organizational code                19217958-5
Changes in main business since
listing (if any)
Changes of controlling shareholder On 24 Mar. 1999, the controlling shareholder was changed from Shenzhen

                       The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

(if any)                              Investment Management Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Construction Investment
                                      Holdings Co., Ltd. And on 14 Feb. 2006, it was changed to Shenzhen
                                      Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

V. Other information

The CPAs firm hired by the Company
Name                           Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP
                               9 F, West Tower, China Overseas Property Plaza, Building No. 7, Compound No.
Office address
                               8, Xi Binhe Road, Yong Ding Men, Dong Cheng District, Beijing, China
Signing accountants            Cai Xiaodong, Wang Huansen
Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Accounting and financial highlights

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate the accounting data of previous years due to changes in the
accounting policy or correction of accounting errors?
□ Yes √ No
                                       2015               2014        of current year over       2013
                                                                            last year
Operating revenues (RMB
                                  2,163,365,575.33 2,132,311,222.93                 1.46% 2,116,482,684.93
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the Company         301,129,840.84     298,033,316.49               1.04%     228,268,271.23
(RMB Yuan)
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                    300,963,536.83     297,166,883.74               1.28%     222,844,093.95
after extraordinary gains and
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating
                                  1,097,144,254.51     322,162,063.36             240.56%     194,953,683.40
activities (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                   0.2977            0.2946               1.05%             0.2256
Diluted       EPS       (RMB
                                             0.2977            0.2946               1.05%             0.2256
Weighted average ROE (%)                    13.21%            14.81%               -1.60%            13.05%
                                As at 31 Dec. 2015 As at 31 Dec. 2014 of current year-end As at 31 Dec. 2013
                                                                       than last year-end
Total assets (RMB Yuan)           4,179,937,120.75 4,375,098,314.05                -4.46% 4,215,099,296.67
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the Company 2,331,704,116.07 2,161,537,401.78                       7.87% 1,863,347,135.33
(RMB Yuan)

                        The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

VII. Differences of the accounting data under the domestic and the overseas accounting

1. Differences of the net profits and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under the
international and the Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Net profits attributable to shareholders of Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                               the Company                                the Company
                                      2015                    2014           Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              301,129,840.84           298,033,316.49 2,331,704,116.07                2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                              301,129,840.84           298,033,316.49 2,331,704,116.06                2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards

2. Differences of the net profits and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under the
overseas and the Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Net profits attributable to shareholders of Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                               the Company                                the Company
                                      2015                    2014           Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              301,129,840.84         298,033,316.49            2,331,704,116.07       2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
                              301,129,840.84         298,033,316.49            2,331,704,116.06       2,161,537,401.78
accounting standards

3. Reason for any differences in the accounting data under the domestic and the overseas accounting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Financial highlights by quarter

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Q1                   Q2                     Q3                    Q4
Operating revenues                     321,122,572.61      826,430,201.35         460,650,552.32        555,162,249.05
Net profits attributable to
                                   24,918,992.83       161,488,831.55       47,584,448.58                 67,137,567.88
shareholders of the Company
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                   24,919,437.35       161,208,719.55       48,001,073.77                 66,834,306.16
after extraordinary gains and
Net cash flows from operating
                                  -21,091,779.41       476,978,723.36      347,789,579.83               293,467,730.73
Any material differences between the financial indicators above or their summations and those           which have been
                        The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports?
□ Yes √ No

IX. Extraordinary gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                     2015               2014              2013                      Note
 Gains/losses      on    disposal     of
 non-current assets (including offset        -65,371.34       -133,442.39     5,778,882.64
 part of asset impairment provisions)
 Non-operating income and expense
                                             287,110.02      1,319,554.06        812,505.76
 other than above
 Less: Income tax effects                     55,434.67        319,678.92     1,167,211.12
 Total                                      166,304.01         866,432.75     5,424,177.28           --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                       The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                Section III            Business Profile

I. Main business during the reporting period

Specializing in housing real estate development, we upheld the operating strategy of “Carefully
Devise Our Development Strategy, Meticulously Carry on Our Main Business, Strictly Control Our
Costs and Continuously Improve Our Management Capability” and dedicated ourselves to building
up quality projects. As a result, our brand effect gradually emerged and our operating results saw a
steady growth. In the reporting period, the three projects of SPG Chuanqishan, Chuanqi Shanglin
and Shantou Yuejing Dongfang were all completed; Cuizhuyuan, Tianyuewan and Jingtian started
construction; Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan found its general contractor through bids invitation and
would also start construction soon.
In 2015, with consumption promotion and destocking as its keynote, China’s real estate market saw
quite a few easing policies for supply and demand, which resulted in a stable rebound in both the
turnover and the prices. However, polarization among cities remained and market competition was
still fierce. To deal with that, we worked hard on our project quality and progress and adjusted our
marketing strategies in a timely manner. As a result, the development and sales of our projects
proceeded smoothly and the development and operation of our main business entered a positive

II. Significant changes in the main assets

1. Significant changes in the main assets

         Main asset                                     Reason for any significant change

Equity assets                 No significant changes
Fixed assets                  No significant changes
Intangible assets             No significant changes
Construction in progress      No significant changes
                              RMB1,175,756,306.36 as at 31 Dec. 2015, up 73.17% from opening amount,
Monetary funds
                              mainly because of increase in housing sales
                              RMB18,663,872.02 as at 31 Dec. 2015, down 84.43% from opening amount,
Notes receivable
                              mainly because customers changed their settlement modes
                              RMB112,543,908.66 as at 31 Dec. 2015, up 33.36% from opening amount, mainly
Accounts receivable
                              because of increase in engineering receivables
                              RMB22,952,379.40 as at 31 Dec. 2015, up 28.79% from opening amount, mainly
Prepayments                   because prepayments for materials had not yet satisfied condition to be carried
                              over to inventories
                              RMB2,146,223,895.61 as at 31 Dec. 2015, down 23.25% from opening amount,
                              mainly because inventories were carried over to costs as houses were sold
                              RMB40,315,831.06 as at 31 Dec. 2015, up 224.19% from opening amount,
Other current assets
                              mainly because business tax and land VAT were prepaid
                              RMB32,197,368.21 as at 31 Dec. 2015, up 132.36% from opening amount,
                              mainly because of increase in corresponding deferred income tax assets of
Deferred income tax assets
                              anticipated profits of real estate subsidiaries on advance house payments from
                              customers and non-deductible land VAT provision
                        The 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. Main assets overseas

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Core competitiveness analysis

As one of the earliest real estate listed companies in Shenzhen, the Company has a history over 30
years in real estate development in Shenzhen and rich experience in the main business of real estate
development. In recent years, thanks to the experience learned from the SPG Chuanqishan project
in Guangming, Shenzhen, the SPG Shanglin Garden project in Longgang, Shenzhen and the project
in Shantou, the Company accelerates the establishment of a modern enterprise HR management
system and works hard in building a professional and high-quality development team. It also keeps
improving the management mechanism and processes for project development. As a result, the
professionalism and management capability of the Company have improved significantly; planning,
construction, cost control, marketing capability and brand image have been effectively enhanced;
and the operational capability in the main business of real estate keeps increasing, along with the
core competitiveness. The Company has carried out a profit distribution for the first half of 2015.
And the reporting period has witnessed a consecutive seventh-year growth in the Company’s
operating revenues and profits. In the third quarter of 2015, the stocks of the Company were
included in the component stocks of the “Hang Seng Shenzhen & Hong Kong Index” and the “Hang
Seng Shenzhen & Hong Kong Real Estate Index”. What’s more, in 2015, the Company was granted
quite a few titles such as “The Most Honest Enterprise in the Guangdong Province” and “The
Five-Star Well-Behaved & Law-Abiding Lessor”.

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

          Section IV           Discussion & Analysis by the Management

I. Business review

2015 marked the closing year for the 12th Five-Year Development Plan of the Company. In the year,
with common efforts, we overcame difficulties and achieved remarkable results in our business
performance and corporate culture. Our development capability in the main business improved
significantly, and our profits saw a consecutive seventh-year growth and maintained a rising trend.
Our employees became more enterprising, united and professional. And our brand effect gradually
For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB2,163,365,600, up
1.46% from last year; operating profits of RMB409,683,200, up 2.56% from last year; total profits
of RMB409,904,900, up 2.31% from last year; and net profits of RMB301,129,800 attributable to
the shareholders of the Company, up 1.04% from last year. As at 31 Dec. 2015, the net assets
attributable to the shareholders of the Company stood at RMB2,331,704,100, up 7.87% from last

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

See “I. Business review” in “Discussion & Analysis by the Management”.

2. Revenues and costs

(1) Breakdown of the operating revenues

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   2015                                     2014
                                          In operating                             In operating              +/-
                        Amount                                  Amount
                                            revenues                                 revenues
                    2,163,365,575.33                100% 2,132,311,222.93                    100%                  1.46%
By segment
Real estate         1,451,882,212.00              67.11% 1,476,320,296.06                  69.24%                  -2.12%
Construction          518,895,054.20              23.99% 488,183,328.15                    22.89%                   1.09%
Leasing                79,149,162.72               3.66%    78,833,382.73                   3.70%                  -0.04%
                     128,945,973.91                5.96%      118,842,883.81                5.57%                  0.39%
Other                  21,421,062.40               0.99%       20,671,548.67                 1.42%                 -2.88%
Internally offset     -36,927,889.90              -1.71%      -50,540,216.49                -2.37%                  0.66%
By product
                    1,267,905,057.00              58.61% 1,418,885,068.06                  66.54%                  -7.93%
Shops                 18,977,155.00                0.88%       57,435,228.00                2.69%                  -1.81%
Warehouses           165,000,000.00                7.63%

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Other products      748,411,253.23                 34.59%      706,531,143.36               33.13%                1.46%
Less: Internally
                    -36,927,889.90                 -1.71%      -50,540,216.49                -2.37%               0.66%
By area
                  2,143,635,244.42                 99.09% 2,121,324,452.84                  99.48%               -0.40%
Other regions in
                     56,204,916.71                  2.60%       60,941,449.28                2.86%               -0.26%
Overseas                453,304.10                  0.02%          585,537.30                 0.03%              -0.01%
Internally offset   -36,927,889.90                 -1.71%      -50,540,216.49                -2.37%               0.66%

(2) Segments, products or areas contributing over 10% of the operating revenues or profits

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Operating                   Gross profit
                   Operating                         Gross profit                  Operating cost:
                                 Operating cost                       revenue: YoY                  margin: YoY
                    revenue                            margin                        YoY +/-%
                                                                          +/-%                           +/-%
By segment
Real estate     1,451,882,212.0 782,516,505.6
                                                            46.10%            -1.66%           -7.86%             3.63%
                              0             3
Construction     518,895,054.20                              5.43%             6.29%            6.40%            -0.09%
By product
Residential      1,267,905,057.0 760,996,677.0
                                                      39.98%        -10.64%           -7.82%           -1.84%
houses                         0             8
Shops              18,977,155.00 7,004,414.66         63.09%        -66.96%          -70.45%            4.35%
Warehouses        165,000,000.00 14,515,413.89        91.20%        100.00%         100.00%             0.00%
By area
Guangdong        2,143,635,244.4 1,360,470,301.
                                                      36.53%          1.03%           -1.74%            1.80%
Province                       2            42
Main business data of the previous year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Product sales revenue higher than the service revenue

√ Yes □ No
     Business segment              Item              Unit                 2015              2014               +/-
Real estate development Sales volume                                      78,251.65         84,926.85            -7.86%
(RMB Ten Thousand Output                                                  28,876.86         65,175.16           -55.69%
Yuan)                       Stock                                        192,479.09        241,853.88           -20.42%
Reason for any over 30% YoY movements in the data above
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The real estate investment decreased from last year.

(4) List of the execution of the signed significant sales contracts of the Company up to the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

(5) Operating cost form

Classified by industries
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           2015                                   2014
 Classified by
                   Items                        Ratio to the                   Ratio to the  YoY +/- (%)
  industries                      Amount                         Amount
                                               operating cost                 operating cost
Real estate                     782,516,505.63        56.31% 1,476,320,296.06        60.25%       -3.93%
                                490,709,048.87           35.31%      488,183,328.15            32.72%             2.59%
Lease                            29,731,750.12            2.14%       78,833,382.73              2.11%            0.03%
                                110,204,670.86            7.93%      118,842,883.81             7.19%             0.74%
Other                            15,185,380.88            1.09%       20,671,548.67             1.13%            -0.04%
Internal offset
                                -38,720,066.88           -2.79%      -50,540,216.49             -3.39%            0.61%

(6) Whether there were changes of the consolidation scope during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

(7) List of the significant changes or adjustment of the industries, products or services of the Company
during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(8) List of the major trade debtors and major suppliers

List of the major trade debtors of the Company
Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan)                                                119,173,771.38
Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers to
the annual total sales
Information of the top 5 customers of the Company
                     Name of customer            Sales amount (RMB Yuan) Proportion in annual total sales
1          Legal person I                                    40,784,800.00                            1.91%
2          Legal person II                                   29,987,587.93                            1.41%
3          Legal person III                                  18,298,000.00                            0.86%
4          Legal person IV                                   16,290,000.00                            0.76%
5          Legal person V                                    13,813,383.45                            0.65%
Total                         --                            119,173,771.38                            5.59%
Notes of the other situation of the major customers
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
List of the major suppliers of the Company
Total purchase to the top 5 suppliers (RMB Yuan)                                             113,367,326.53
Ratio of the total purchase to the top 5 suppliers
to the annual total purchase
Information of the top 5 suppliers of the Company
    No.                Name of supplier            Purchase amount (RMB Ratio to the annual purchase amount

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

1          Legal person I                                       59,255,206.00                                     9.58%
2          Legal person II                                      27,989,572.20                                     4.53%
3          Legal person III                                     13,581,059.80                                     2.20%
4          Legal person IV                                       6,444,000.00                                     1.04%
5          Natural person                                        6,097,488.53                                     0.99%
Total                         --                               113,367,326.53                                    18.33%
Notes of the other situation of the major suppliers
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                              2015                 2014               YoY +/-    Notes of the significant changes
Selling expenses            46,977,100.96        44,525,387.33             5.51%
                            58,883,597.38        64,982,801.88             -9.39%
Financial expenses          32,367,511.56        33,816,128.14             -4.28%

4. R&D investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
            Item                        2015                        2014                              YoY +/-
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                       2,593,917,264.63            1,867,088,183.88                              38.93%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                       1,496,773,010.12            1,544,926,120.52                              -3.12%
from operating activities
Net cash flows from
                                       1,097,144,254.51              322,162,063.36                            240.56%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                              386,230.00                   24,690.00                         1,464.32%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                           7,894,632.61                 3,016,118.70                           161.75%
from investing activities
Net cash flows from
                                          -7,508,402.61                -2,991,428.70                           -151.00%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                         227,837,400.00              362,013,496.47                             -37.06%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                         818,348,503.54              530,373,267.61                              54.30%
from financing activities
Net cash flows from
                                        -590,511,103.54             -168,359,771.14                            -250.74%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                         499,636,457.33              150,835,476.59                            231.25%
cash equivalents
Notes of the major effects on the YoY significant changes occurred of the data above
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The amount of the cash inflow from operating activities was of RMB2,593,917,264.63 in 2015 that

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

increased of 38.93% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the houses selling
and the engineering amount received from providing the labor services and the goods selling of
The amount of the cash outflow from operating activities was of RMB1,496,773,010.12 in 2015
that decreased of 3.12% over that of last year with the main reason of the decrease of the
engineering amount paid for purchasing the goods and the accepting the labor services.。
Net amount of the cash flow from operating activities was of RMB1,097,144,254.51 in 2015 that
increased of 240.56% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the houses
selling and the engineering amount received from providing the labor services and the goods selling
of 2015.
The amount of the cash inflow from investment activities was of RMB386,230.00 in 2015 that
increased of 1464.32% over that of last year with the main reason of receiving the bonus of the
financial assets avaiable-for-sale during the holding period in 2015.
The amount of the cash outflow from investment activities was of RMB7,894,632.61 in 2015 that
increased of 161.75% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the purchase of
the fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets as well as the entrust financial products
of 2015.
The net amount of the cash flow from investment activities was of RMB-7,508,402.61 in 2015 that
decreased of 151.00% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the purchase of
the fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets as well as the investment of the entrust
financial products of 2015.
The amount of the cash inflow from financing activities was of RMB227,837,400.00 in 2015 that
decreased of 37.06% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the cash flow
from operating activities and the decrease of the external financing demand of 2015.
The amount of the cash outflow from financing activities was of RMB818,348,503.54 in 2015 that
increased of 54.30% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the paid bank
loans of 2015.
The net increase amount of the cash and cash equivalents was of RMB499,636,457.33 in 2015 that
increased of 231.25% over that of last year with the main reason of the increase of the net amount
of the cash flow from operating activities of 2015.
Notes to the reason of the significant differences between the net cash flow from the operating activities and the
net profits of 2015 of the Company during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Analysis of the non-core business

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. List of the assets and liabilities

1. List of the significant changes of the assets form

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                   As at 31 Dec. 2015       As at 31 Dec. 2014
                             Proportion                Proportion
                                                                     on        Explain any major change
                  Amount       in total    Amount        in total
                                assets                    assets
Monetary        1,175,756,30             678,957,249.                      Mainly due to the increase of the
                                 28.13%                    15.52% 12.61%
funds                   6.36                        03                     sales amount of the buildings.
Accounts        112,543,908.             84,388,842.4
                                   2.69%                     1.93% 0.76%
receivable                66                         3
                                                                           Mainly due to the transfer of the
                2,146,223,89             2,796,551,65
Inventories                      51.35%                    63.92% -12.57% cost from the sales of the
                        5.61                      6.42
                                                                           buildings in 2015.
Investing real 435,058,564.              454,628,505.
                                 10.41%                    10.39% 0.02%
estate                    20                        97
                57,768,804.3             57,730,086.7
equity                             1.38%                     1.32% 0.06%
                           6                         9
                52,213,985.3             54,321,296.2
Fixed assets                       1.25%                     1.24% 0.01%
                           1                         2
Short-term      143,418,286.             149,846,192.
                                   3.43%                     3.42% 0.01%
loans                     29                        64
Long-term       382,233,324.             478,985,579.
                                   9.14%                   10.95% -1.81%
loans                     88                        95
                                                                           Mainly due to the settlement of
Accounts        290,453,110.             541,538,762.                      the final payment of the
                                   6.95%                   12.38% -5.43%
payable                   50                        36                     completion of the products
                                                                           development of 2015.
                475,620,347.             144,315,921.                      Mainly due to the increase of the
Prepayments                       11.38%                     3.30% 8.08%
                          35                        34                     sales of the houses of 2015.
                63,459,415.4             96,394,993.6                      Mainly due to the increase of the
Taxes payable                      1.52%                     2.20% -0.68%
                           2                         7                     taxes payment of 2015.
Non-current                                                                Mainly due to the decrease of the
                168,727,608.             453,207,700.
liabilities due                    4.04%                   10.36% -6.32% long-term loans due in 1 year of
                          54                        00
in 1 year                                                                  2015.

2. List of the significant changes of the liabilities items

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. List of the investment

1. Overall condition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. List of the significant equity investment acquired from the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. List of the significant non-equity investment has been executing during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

4. Investment on the financial assets

(1) List of the securities investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

(2) List of the derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

5. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

VI. Selling of the significant assets and the equities

1. List of the selling of the significant assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

2. List of the selling of the significant equities

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Analysis of the major controlling and stock-participating companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
List of the stock-participating companies with more than 10% influences on the net profits of the major
subsidiaries and the Company
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

      Name           Type         Main    Registered                                     Operating       Operating
                                                     Total assets        Net assets                                     Net profit
                                 services  capital                                       revenues         profit
Shenzhen SPG
Longgang         Subsidiar      Real                 797,490,525. 80,255,478.8 408,928,149. 113,068,391. 84,073,455.
                                          nt of real
Development      y              estate                         11            1          00           02          52
Co., Ltd.
Shantou    SEZ,
Wellam     FTY,                           Developme
                 Subsidiar      Real                 302,321,667. 123,083,742. 54,196,300.0
Building                                  nt of real                                        2,162,911.06 385,208.94
                 y              estate                        23            11            0
Development,                              estate
Co., Ltd.
Shantou Huafeng Subsidiar       Real      Developme 409,834,859. 13,449,885.4                           -6,431,751.9 -4,823,813.
Real      Estate y              estate    nt of real         42             7                                      5         96

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Development                             estate
Co., Ltd.
Great Wall Estate Subsidiar Real                    18,731,758.1 -81,485,573.
                                        nt of real                            453,304.10 -153,716.45 -153,716.45
Co., Inc. (U.S.) y          estate                             4          98
Shenzhen                                Fixing and
Zhentong         Subsidiar              maintenanc 252,040,392. 17,584,212.5 520,664,605.              2,343,417.1
                             Service                                                      3,154,043.92
Engineering Co., y                      e        of          51            6          34                         5
Ltd.                                    projects
Property         Subsidiar                       84,891,078.2 18,042,863.6 128,945,973.              1,641,497.1
                             Service    manageme                                        1,460,618.67
Management       y                                          1            3          91                         4
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Petrel Subsidiar               Hotel          45,258,407.0 37,616,384.2 28,311,969.6              1,940,189.3
                             Service                                                          2,428,111.07
Hotel Co., Ltd. y                       Service                   4            8            2                        6
Shenzhen SPG
                 Subsidiar              Rent     of 17,112,905.8 13,097,086.0
Mini-bus Rent                Service                                          4,382,090.55              941,124.27 669,583.66
                 y                      mini-bus               1            5
Co., Ltd.
Huazhan                                 Constructio
Construction                 Service    n           9,260,085.42 8,392,048.42 3,655,609.36              116,226.91      87,170.19
Supervision Co.,                        supervision
                              Investmen Investment
Xin           Feng
                    Subsidiar t          and          152,968,245. -408,298,23                   -17,335,428. -17,338,902
Enterprise Co.,                                                                     148,000.00
                    y         managem manageme                  77          0.28                          27           .85
                              ent        nt
Subsidiaries acquired or disposed during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Notes to the major controlling stock-participating companies
The subordinate subsidiaries of the Company
1. The subordinate subsidiaries engaged in real estate development mainly include: Shenzhen SPG Longgang
Development Co., Ltd., Shantou SEZ, Wellam FTY, Building Development, Co., Ltd. and Shantou Huafeng Real
Estate Development Co., Ltd.. The Longgang Company was responsible for the development of Shenzhen
Properties Shanglin Garden Project with the carried forward sales of 2015 of RMB0.409 billion, the carry forward
ratio of the sales of 25.36%, and the proportion of the opertaing income to that of the Group Company of 18.9%
as well as the proportion of the net profits which was of RMB0.084 billion to that of the Group Company of
27.9%. Shantou Wellam Company took the responsibility of developing the projects such as the Jinye Island and
Yuejing Dongfang, with the 2015 carried forward sales of the Yuejing Dongfang Project of RMB0.029 billion, the
carry forward ratio of the sales of 10.21% and the carried forward sales of the remaining building of Jinye Island
of RMB0.025 billion. Shantou Huafeng Company took the responsibility of developing the Shantou Jingzaiwan
Project which had carried out full-scale production after the completion of the started licensing of 2015 and the
operating revenues of RMB-6.43 million was the interests expenses before the formally starting.
2. Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd. was engaged in the business of building installation and maintenance
with the 2015 operating income of RMB0.521 billion and of 24.09% to the operoating income of the Group
3. The 2015 operating income of Shenzhen Property Management Co., Ltd. was of RMB0.129 billion that was of
5.96% to the operating income of the Group Company.
4. The 2015 net profits of Xin Feng Enterprise Co., Ltd. was of RMB-17.34 million which mainly due to the bad
debt provision of RMB8.42 million and the losses of the exchange rate changes of RMB7.05 million.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

VIII. List of the structured main bodies controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Outlook of the Company’s future development

Y2016 is the starting year of the national Thirteenth Five-Year Plan with the marco economy
insisting to seek improvement in stability while the economy downward pressure was rather big and
the property market was of polarization, thus the Company carefully planned the development
strategics, executed refine cultivation on the main business operating, made careful calculation and
strict budgeting on the intensification of the cost control, kept improving the enhancing of the
management and control level, accelerated the projects construction and sales, and strived for the
improvement of the professional level and the brand influence to seek for the stable devleopment of
the Company.
In 2016, the Company will make great efforts to grasp the following work of three aspects:
(I) To guarantee the construction, development and sales of the projects could be as quick as
possible. To base on the pitch point of the projects, to comprehensively strengthen the planning and
coordination as well as the control ability during the development process,to improve the
merchanism and process to ensure the quality and progress especially to intensify the control of the
engineering quality. To accelerate the to-the-rate-of the property sales, to seize the current favorable
situation, to intensify the management and urgement of the marketing of the intermediaries and to
accelerate the remaining building sales. To highly pay attention to the safety production. To insist
the working policy of “Safety First, Prevention First, Comprehensive Treatment”, to implement the
safety production responsibility and to intensify the safety management measures. To intensify the
ability construction of the owned enterprises and to promote the transformation and upgrade.
(II) To constantly enhance the management and control level. To improve the corporate governance
structure which regarded the construction of the Board of the Directors as the core and to revise and
improve the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan strategic planning; to earnestly carry out the responsibilities
of the listed companies and to intensify the information disclosure and the investors relationship
management; to intensify the enterprise internal construction for building the base for realizing the
capital opertion of the enterprises.To intensify the enterprise management, to constantly improve
the management and control mechanism and the business process of the Company, to improve the
informatization management, to intensify the planning, arrangement, management and control
ability of the property projects during the whole development process; to intensify the cost control
to cover the whole process of the development for realizing the value creation; to improve the
planning and the design level as well as the engineering management level, to pay close attention to
the quality system of the engineering construction and the to close the good quality most; to
intensify the learning, absorbing and reference of the new technology, new process and the new
mode of the management during the process of the projects development and construction, to strive
for the building of the boutique projects
(III) To constantly intensify the team construction. To carry on the execution of the constrution of
“Elite Talent, Excellent Team”that forge the professional team. To perfect the incentive system, to
deepen the salary system reform, to constantly improve the performance appraisal management
approach and to positively explore the long term stimulation mechanism of the listed companies. To

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

propose the professional and specialized talents mechanism, to encourage the whole staffs to
possess with promotion position and self-taught ability, to cultivate the staffs to become the expert
of their own work and the technicians become the expert of their own profession as well as the
department heads of the expert of their depeartment and profession.

X. List of the received researches, visits and interviews

1. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
     Time of           Way of
                                   Visitor type              Index of the researches basic information
    reception         reception
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the progress of the projects development and the
22 Jan. 2015                     Individual
                   communication                number of the shareholders etc. and didn’t offer written materials
                                                Inquired of the appointed disclosure time of the annual report
16 Mar. 2015                     Individual     and the number of the shareholders etc. and didn’t offer written
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the progress of the state-funded and state-owned
27 Apr. 2015                     Individual
                   communication                enterprise reform and didn’t offer written materials
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the process of the projects development and the sales
15 May 2015                      Individual
                   communication                and didn’t offer written materials
                                                Inquired of the operating of the first-half year of the Company
29 Jun. 2015                     Individual     and the progress of the state-funded and state-owned enterprise
                                                and didn’t offer written materials
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the definiment of the Company and the measures
6 Jul. 2015                      Individual
                   communication                facing with the crises didn’t offer written materials
                                                Inquired of the operating situation of the first-half year of the
31 Jul. 2015                     Individual     Company and the appointed disclosure date of the semi-annual
                                                report and didn’t offer written materials
                                                Inquired of the relevant information of the disclosed semi-annual
31 Aug. 2015                     Individual     report and the relevant events of the semi-annual profits
                                                distribution and didn’t offer written materials
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the third-quarter operating situation and the
29 Sep. 2015                     Individual
                   communication                third-quarter report disclosure time didn’t offer written materials
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the situation of the projects development and sales
28 Oct. 2015                     Individual
                   communication                progress and didn’t offer written materials
                   Telephone                    Inquired of the annual operating situation and didn’t offer written
28 Dec. 2015                     Individual
                   communication                materials
Reception times                                                                                                   11
Number of reception institutions                                                                                    0
Number of reception person                                                                                        11
Number of receipting other targets                                                                                  0
Whether disclose, reveal or let out
unpublished significant information

2. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received from the period-end to the disclosure date

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
    Time of reception      Way of reception      Visitor type        Index of the researches basic information
                                                                Inquired of the annual operating situation of the
11 Jan. 2016                                   Individual       Company and the reasons of the falling stock price
                                                                and didn’t offer written materials
9 Mar. 2016             Telephone              Individual       Inquired of the annual operating situation of the

                        2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                     communication                          Company and progress of the state-funded and
                                                            state-owned enterprise reform and didn’t offer
                                                            written materials
Reception times                                                                                           2
Number of reception institutions                                                                          0
Number of reception person                                                                                2
Number of receipting other targets                                                                        0
Whether disclose, reveal or let        out
unpublished significant information

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                 Section V             Significant Events
I. List of the profits distribution of the common shares and turning capital reserve into share
capital of the Company

List of the formulation, execution or adjustment of the profits distribution policies of the common shares,
especially the cash dividend policies
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The 2014 profits distribution proposal of the Company had been reviewed and approved by the 24th
Session of the 7th Board of the Directors held on 27 Mar. 2015 and the 2014 Annual General
Meeting held on 28 Apr. 2015 by the Company, which confirmed that the 2014 net profits be used
for making up the losses of the previous years and neither execute the profits distribution nor the
turn from capital reserve to share capital.
The 2015 semi-annual profits distribution proposal had been reviewed and approved by the 26th
Session of the 7th Board of the Directors held on 28 Aug. 2015 and the 2015 1st Extraordinary
General Meeting held on 21 Sep. 2015 by the Company, which confirmed to base on 1,011,660,000
shares of the total share capitao of the Company that to distribute the cash of RMB1.30 (tax
included) for every 10 shares held by its shareholders, and there was neither the bonus shares (tax
included) nor the turn from capital reserve to share capital.
                                     Special explanation of cash dividend policy
                                                            The conditions and process of formulation of the
Whether conformed with the regulations of the Articles Retribution Plan for the Company’s Shareholders, the
of association or the requirements of the resolutions of revision of the Articles of Association was compliance and
the shareholders’ meeting:                                 transparent with the contents met with the requirements
                                                            of the relevant laws and regulations as well as CSRC.
Whether the dividend standard and the proportion were The dividend standard and the proportion were definite
definite and clear:                                         and clear after revision.
Whether the relevant decision-making process and the The relevant decision-making process and system was
system were complete:                                       completed.
                                                            The independent director executed dutifully and gave
Whether the independent director acted dutifully and
                                                            independent advice of the cash dividend policy of the
exerted the proper function:
Whether the medium and small shareholders had the
chances to fully express their suggestions and appeals, Yes
of which their legal interest had gained fully protection:
Whether the conditions and the process met the
regulations and was transparent of the adjustment or Yes
altered of the cash dividend policy:
Pre-plan or plan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital in recent 3 years (including the
reporting period)
In 2013, the net profit of 2013 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus
no profit distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted;
In 2014, the net profit of 2014 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus
no profit distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted;
In the semi-annual of 2015, based on the 1,011,660,000 shares of the current general capital, the
Company distributed the cash of RMB1.30 (tax included) for every 10 shares held by its
shareholders, and there was neither the bonus shares (tax included) nor the turn from capital reserve
to share capital;
In 2015, the net profit of 2015 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus
no profit distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted;
Cash dividend distribution of the common shares of the Company of the recent 3 years (including the reporting

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            The ratio
                                          Net profit
                                                       accounting in net
                                        belonging to
                                                         profit which
                                       shareholders of
                     Amount of cash                        belongs to     Amount of the Ratio of the cash
                                           the listed
  Dividend year         dividend                        shareholders of cash dividend by dividend by other
                                         company in
                     (including tax)                        the listed    other methods       methods
                                                          company in
                                         statement of
                                        dividend year
2015                  131,515,800.00 301,129,840.84                43.67%            0.00           0.00%
2014                              0.00 298,033,316.49               0.00%            0.00           0.00%
2013                              0.00 228,268,271.23               0.00%            0.00           0.00%
The Company (including its subsidiaries) made profit in the reporting period and the profits distribution of the
common shares held by the shareholders of the Company (without subsidiaries) was positive, but it did not put
forward a preplan for cash dividend distribution of the common shares:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
             Reason                        Usage and utility plan of the retained profits of the Company
                                The retained and undistributed profits were mainly used for the development of
                                the projects in construction and the newly increase of the land reserves when
2015 semi-annual profits
                                appropriate and properly reduced the external loans balance that efficiently
distribution had been executed.
                                reduced the financial expenses and ensured the sustainable operating and
                                development of the Company.

II. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company planed not to distribute the cash bonus, not to distribute the bonus shares and no turn from capital
reserve to share capital of 2015.

III. Performance of commitments

1. Commitments completed by the Company, the shareholders, the actual controllers, the purchasers, the
Directors, the Supervisors and the Senior Executives or the other related parties during the reporting
period and those hadn’t been completed execution up to the period-end

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

2. Assets or projects existing profit forecast, which were still in the profit forecast period, the Company
made note and explain to the assets or project arrived at original profit forecast

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Occupation of the Company’s capital by the controlling shareholder or its related parties
for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

V. Explanation by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Independent
Directors (if any) about the “non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Explanation of the changes of the accounting policy, the accounting estimates and the
accounting methods compared to the last financial report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

VII. Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in
the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

VIII. Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of
last year

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

IX. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

CPAs firm engaged at present
Name of domestic CPAs firm                            Ruihua CPAs (LLP)
Remuneration for domestic CPAs firm for the reporting
period (RMB Ten Thousand Yuan)
Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
domestic CPAs firm
Name of domestic CPAs firm                            Cai Xiaodong, Wang Huansen
Name of overseas CPAs firm                            N/A
Remuneration for overseas CPAs firm for the reporting
period (RMB Ten Thousand Yuan)
Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
overseas CPAs firm
Name of overseas CPAs firm                            N/A
Reengage the CPAs firm at current period or not?
□ Yes √ No
Particulars on engaging the audit firm for the internal control, financial adviser or sponsor
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
During the reporting period, the Company engaged Ruihua CPAs (LLP) to provide internal control
audit service with the service expeditures of RMB0.25 million.

X. Particulars about trading suspension and termination faced after the disclosure of annual

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

XI. Bankruptcy and reorganization

□Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.

XII. Significant lawsuit or arbitration

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                          Whether                                                   Situation of
      Basic     amount               Process of
                         form into                                                  execution of
  situation of (RMB                     lawsuit     Trial results and influences                   Disclosure   Disclosure
                          estimate                                                  judgment of
     lawsuit      Ten                 (arbitratio     of lawsuit (arbitration)                         date       index
                              d                                                        lawsuit
  (arbitration) Thousan                   n)
                         liabilities                                                (arbitration)
                                                  ①        Business Tourism
                                                  Company had to pay for the
                                                  compensation RMB36,620 The applicant
Xi’an                                            thousand and the relevant has received
Project                                           interest (from 14 Sept. 1998 RMB 15.20
Lawsuit                                           to the payment day) to Xi’an million. Now
(For details,                                     Fresh Peak Company within Business
see “Notes                                       one      month      after    the Tourism
X”—“Conti                                      judgment entering into force. Company has
ngent                                             If the Business Tourism no executable
Events”—“1                                     Company failed to pay in properties
                                                  time, it had to pay double and                                Semi-annua
. Contingent                         In                                                     Xi’an 29 Aug.
                   2,100 No                                                                                     l Report on
liabilities                          execution debt interests to Xi’an Fresh Joint                2015
due          to                                   Peak Company for the Commission
pending                                           overdue period; ② Xi’an on Commerce
lawsuits or                                       Joint      Commission         on has        been
arbitrations,                                     Commerce had jointly and         refusing     to
as well as                                        severally obligation of the      execute the
the financial                                     interests         of         the ruling. It is
influence                                         compensation; .③ Business difficult          to
thereof”.)                                       Tourism Company shall bear       recover the
                                                  RMB227,500           of      the rest.
                                                  acceptance fee and the
                                                  security fee.
Luofu Hill
(For details,                                     ① Luofu Hill Tourism Because the
see “Notes                                       Company has paid back state-owned
X”—“Conti                                      RMB9.6          million;      ② land resource
ngent                                             Luofushan Administration administratio                        2015
Events”—“1                                     Committee had to undertake n             cannot
. Contingent                         In           one third of the debts which     work out the 29 Aug.
                     960 No                                                                                     l Report on
liabilities                          execution Luofushan Tourism was planning key 2015
due          to                                   unable to repay; ③ Luofu points for the                      o.com.cn
pending                                           Hill Tourism Company shall sealed
lawsuits or                                       bear RMB167,700 of the land, the land
arbitrations,                                     case acceptance fee and the cannot            be
as well as                                        security fee.                    auctioned.
the financial

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

XIII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

XIV. Honesty situations of the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controller

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XV. List of the execution of the stock incentive plan, ESOP, or other Staff incentives

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

XVI. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                      Transa                                  Settle
                                       Pricing                          Approve
                                                       ction                        Wheth      ment
                   Type     Conten     princip               Propor         d
                                                      amoun                            er     metho
                  of the    t of the     le of               tion in    transacti                    Simila
                                               Transa    t                          exceed     d of         Disclo
Related Relation related    related-      the                 same      on quota                        r          Disclosure
                                                ction (RMB                            the       the          sure
 party   ship     -party     party     related               kind of      (RMB                       market          index
                                                price Ten                           approv   related         date
                 transac    transac     -party               transac       Ten                        price
                                                      Thous                            ed     -party
                   tion       tion     transac                 tions    Thousan
                                                        and                          quota   transac
                                         tion                            d Yuan)
                                                      Yuan)                                    tion
Shenzhe n                                                                                                             2014
n Jianan Zhenton                     Negoti                                                  Bank             28      Annual
                    Constr 1 Jun.
Group g                              ated    -     707.22 1.36% 707.22 No                    transfe -        Mar.    Report on
                    uction 2012
Co.,      Engineer                   price                                                   r                2015    www.cninf
Ltd.      ing Co.,                                                                                                    o.com.cn
Total                                   --      -- 707.22 --       707.22 --                   --        --     --            --
Details of large amount of sales returns              N/A
As for the prediction on the total amount of routine
related-party transactions to be occurred in the
reporting period by relevant types, the actual
performance in the reporting period (if any)
Reason for significant difference between the
transaction price and the market price (if any)

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Related-party transactions common external investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

XVII. Significant contracts and their execution

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

(3) Lease

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Significant guarantees

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

(1) Guarantees provided by the Company

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
  Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
               Disclosure date                                                                           Guarante
                 of relevant     Amount                      Actual                                       e for a
 Guaranteed                                  occurrence                    Type of    Period of Execute
               announcement        for                      guarantee                                     related
    party                                   date (date of                guarantee guarantee d or not
              on the guarantee guarantee                     amount                                      party or
                   amount                                                                                   not
Total external guarantee line approved during              Total actual occurred amount of external
                                                         0                                                        0
the reporting period (A1)                                  guarantee during the reporting period (A2)
Total external guarantee line that has been                Total actual external guarantee balance at the
                                                         0                                                        0
approved at the end of the reporting period (A3)           end of the reporting period (A4)
                             Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
               Disclosure date                                                                            Guarant
                 of relevant     Amount                      Actual                                        ee for a
 Guaranteed                                  occurrence                    Type of    Period of Executed
               announcement        for                      guarantee                                      related
    party                                   date (date of                guarantee guarantee      or not
              on the guarantee guarantee                     amount                                       party or
                   amount                                                                                    not
Wellam                                                                  Joint
FTY,          31 Oct. 2012         13,000 17 Apr. 2013                0 liability    3 years    Yes       Yes
Building                                                                guarantee
t Co., Ltd.
Total guarantee line approved for the                    0 Total actual occurred amount of guarantee for          0

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

subsidiaries during the reporting period (B1)               the subsidiaries during the reporting period
Total guarantee line that has been approved for             Total actual guarantee balance for the
the subsidiaries at the end of the reporting              0 subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period          0
period (B3)                                                 (B4)
                              Guarantees provided by the subsidiaries for its subsidiaries
               Disclosure date                                                                             Guarante
                  of relevant      Amount                      Actual                                        e for a
 Guaranteed                                   occurrence                   Type of     Period of Execute
                announcement         for                     guarantee                                       related
    party                                    date (date of                guarantee guarantee d or not
               on the guarantee guarantee                     amount                                        party or
                    amount                                                                                     not
                                                            Total actual occurred amount of guarantee for
Total guarantee line approved for the
                                                          0 the subsidiaries during the reporting period             0
subsidiaries during the reporting period (C1)
Total guarantee line that has been approved for             Total actual guarantee balance for the
the subsidiaries at the end of the reporting              0 subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period          0
period (C3)                                                 (C4)
    Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)
Total guarantee line approved during the                    Total actual occurred amount of guarantee
                                                          0                                                          0
reporting period (A1+B1+C1)                                 during the reporting period (A2+B2+C2)
Total guarantee line that has been approved at
                                                            Total actual guarantee balance at the end of the
the end of the reporting period                           0                                                          0
                                                            reporting period (A4+B4+C4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) to
the net assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller
and related parties (D)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed
party whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70%                                                               0
directly or indirectly (E)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net
assets (F)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                                   0
                                                            The Company needed to provide the mortgage loan
Explanation on the occurred warranty liability or
                                                            guarantees for the bank for the commercial residential
possible bearing joint responsibility of liquidation due to
                                                            building purchasers and up to 31 Dec. 2015, the
immature guarantee (if any)
                                                            unsettled guaranteed amount was of RMB44.87 million.
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external
parties in violation of the prescribed procedure (if any)
Explanation on particulars about the guarantees by complex ways:
The Company belongs to the property industry and according to the relevant regulations of the People’s Bank of
China, the developers must provide the mortgage loan guarantees for the home buyers, and the guarantee that the
Company recently provided for the home buyers was the phased joint guarantee with the period from the date
when the bank released the loans to the date when the home buyers completed the real estate license. If during the
above guarantee period, the home buyers didn’t execute the debtor responsibility, the Company has the right to
recover the sold property and the guarantee would not cause any actual loss for the Company.

(2) Illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

3. Cash assets management entrustment

(1) Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation.

(2) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation.

4 Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation.

XVIII. Other significant events

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation.

XIX. Significant events of subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XX. Social responsibilities

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The Company paid attention on the execution of the social responsibilities and positively protect the
legal interets of the stakeholders such as the creditors, employees, customers, suppliers and
community as well as executed the social responsibilities. During the reporting period, the
Company organized the volunteer team and the party member volunteer service team and positively
developed the volunteer service and the party member volunteer service activities; to insist on
developing the donation activity of “Municipal State-owned Enterprises Arm in Arm, Love and
Assis Heart to Heart” to release the condolence payments to the party members in difficulties, the
staffs and the staffs in hospital owning to illness, and to denote the money as well as clothes to the
Hujing Community, Luohu Districts etc; to positively develop the interest teams activities such as
the badminton, table tennis, mountain climbing and basketball as well as the activities of the health
knowledge lectures. During the reporting period, the Company gained the title of “2014 Best
High-integrity Enterprise of Guangdong Province”.
Does the listed company or its subsidiaries belong to the heavily polluting industries stipulated by the
environmental protection authorities of the country?
□ Yes √ No

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Whether issue social responsibility report or not?
□ Yes √ No

XXI. Corporation bonds

Whether existing corporation bonds public issued and listed in Stock Exchange and maturity or maturity but not
fully paid on the approval report date of annual report

                         2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

 Section VI            Share Changes & Particulars about the Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

I. Changes in shares

                                                                                                           Unit: share
                         Before the change             Increase/decrease (+/-)                     After the change
                                     Proporti         Bonus ation of                               Proporti
                            Amount            issue                      Other Subtotal Amount
                                        on            shares public                                   on
I. Restricted shares               0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
1.Shares held by the state         0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
2. Shares held by
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
state-own Legal-person
3. Shares held by other
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
domestic investors
Among which: shares
held by domestic legal             0 0.00%                  0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
          Shares held by
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
domestic natural person
4.      Shares held by
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0             0.00%
foreign investment
Among which: shares
held by oversea legal              0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
          Shares held by
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
oversea natural person
II. Shares not subject to 1,011,66                                                        1,011,66 100.00
                                     100.00%        0       0         0        0       0
trading moratorium             0,000                                                         0,000       %
                            891,660,                                                      891,660,
1. RMB ordinary shares                88.14%        0       0         0        0       0            88.14%
                                 000                                                           000
2. Domestically listed 120,000,                                                           120,000,
                                      11.86%        0       0         0        0       0            11.86%
foreign shares                   000                                                           000
3. Oversea listed foreign
                                   0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
4. Other                           0 0.00%          0       0         0        0       0         0 0.00%
                            1,011,66                                                      1,011,66 100.00
III. Total shares                    100.00%        0       0         0        0       0
                               0,000                                                         0,000       %
Reason for the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Approval of the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Reason for the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considered necessary or were required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                              Unit: share
           Number Number Increase Number
 Name of      of         of      number        of
sharehold opening unlocked          of      closing       Reason                        Date of unlocked
    er    restricted restricted restricted restricted
            share      shares     share      share
                                                                   The settlement Company did not unlock the
                                                                   restricted shares, in line with the relevant
                                                     Share held by
                                                                   regulations of decrease of shareholding by
Qiu Lihua           0           0   45,382         0               directors and supervisors issued by CSRC,
                                                                   1,250 shares of restricted share was unlocked
                                                                   on 8 Jan. 2016, and 10,096 shares unlocked on
                                                                   9 Jan. 2016.
Deng                                                 Share held by
                                                                   2,500 shares of restricted share was unlocked
Kangchen            0           0   10,000     7,500 Senior
                                                                   on 8 Jan. 2016
g                                                    Executives
                                                     Share held by
Zhuang                                                             20,000 shares of restricted share was unlocked
                    0           0   80,000    60,000 Senior
Quan                                                               on 9 Jan. 2016
                                                                   The settlement Company did not unlock the
                                                     Share held by restricted shares, in line with the relevant
Wang                                                 Senior        regulations of decrease of shareholding by
                    0           0   10,000         0
Xiulan                                               Executives    directors and supervisors issued by CSRC,
                                                     relatives     2,500 shares of restricted share was unlocked
                                                                   on 1 Jan. 2016.
Total               0           0 145,382     67,500        --                            --

II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Issuance of securities (excluding preferred stock) in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Explanation on changes in share capital & the structure of shareholders, the structure of assets and

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

3. Existent shares held by internal staffs of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Particulars about the shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding

                                                                                                              Unit: share
                           Total    number      of                                     Total number of preferred
                                                            Total number of
Total number of            shareholders on the                                         stockholder with vote right
shareholders at            30th    trading    day                                      restored on the 30th trading
                    71,731                          76,765 stockholder with          0                                   0
the     reporting          before the disclosure                                       day before the disclosure
                                                            vote         right
period                     date of the annual                                          date     of    the    annual
                                                            restored( if any)
                           report                                                      report( notes 8)
                              Shareholding of shareholders holding more than 5% shares
                                                                      Number                    Pledged or frozen shares
                                                           Increase              Number of
                                             Number of                of shares
                                                              and                   shares
                                             shareholdin                 held
                                    Holding               decrease                held not
    Name of           Nature of              g at the end              subject
                                    percenta              of shares              subject to      Status of
   shareholder       shareholder                of the                    to                                   Amount
                                     ge (%)                  during                trading         shares
                                              reporting                trading
                                                          reporting              moratoriu
                                                period                moratori
                                                             period                    m
Investment         State-owned               642,884,26                           642,884,2
                                     63.55%               0                    0
Holdings Co., corporation                               2                                  62
Tang Yidan                            0.82% 6,350,000 0                        0 6,350,000
Century            Domestic
Securities Co., non-state-owne 0.43% 4,411,700 0                               0 4,411,700
Ltd.               d corporation
Lu Zhigao                             0.38% 4,241,449 0                        0 4,241,449 Pledged              2,724,402
Zhou Qijia                            0.34% 2,339,009 0                        0 2,339,009
Chen Jianxin                          0.18% 2,216,700 0                        0 2,216,700
CCB       -Huafu
Selected Mixed
                   non-state-owne 0.14% 1,430,000 0                            0 1,430,000
                   d corporation
Lion         Fund
-CCB       -China
Life Insurance
-Lion        Fund Domestic
Stock      Mixed non-state-owne 0.12% 1,275,400 0                              0 1,275,400
Type        Fund d corporation
Entrusted      by
China         Life

                              2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Xu Yiqiao                              0.11% 1,234,100 0                        0 1,234,100
Central Huijin
Asset              State-owned
                                      0.11% 1,165,500 0                     0 1,165,500
Management         corporation
Co., Ltd.
Strategic investors or the general
legal person due to the placement
of new shares become the top 10
shareholders (if any) (notes 3)
                                    No related parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in the Information
Explanation      on      associated
                                    Administration Measures for Shareholding Changes in Listed Companies are
relationship or/and persons
                                    found among the shareholders above.
                Particulars about shares held by top 10 shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
                                             Number of shares held not                    Type of share
           Name of shareholder             subject to trading moratorium
                                                                                Type of share           Amount
                                               at the end of the period
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd                          642,884,262 RMB ordinary shares           642,884,262
Tang Yidan                                                       6,350,000 RMB ordinary shares             6,350,000
Century Securities Co., Ltd.                                     4,411,700 RMB ordinary shares              4,411,700
Lu Zhigao                                                        4,241,449 RMB ordinary shares             4,241,449
Zhou Qijia                                                       2,339,009 RMB ordinary shares             2,339,009
Chen Jianxin                                                     2,216,700 RMB ordinary shares             2,216,700
CCB -Huafu Competitiveness Selected
                                                                 1,430,000 RMB ordinary shares             1,430,000
Mixed Type Open-Ended Fund
Lion Fund -CCB -China Life Insurance
-Lion Fund Stock Mixed Type Fund                                 1,275,400 RMB ordinary shares             1,275,400
Entrusted by China Life Insurance
Xu Yiqiao                                                        1,234,100 RMB ordinary shares             1,234,100
Central Huijin Asset Management Co.,
                                                                 1,165,500 RMB ordinary shares             1,165,500
Explanation on associated relationship
among the top ten shareholders of
tradable share not subject to trading
                                          No related parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in the
moratorium, as well as among the top
                                          Information Administration Measures for Shareholding Changes in Listed
ten shareholders of tradable share not
                                          Companies are found among the shareholders above.
subject to trading moratorium and top
ten shareholders, or explanation on
Particular about shareholder participate The 2nd and 5th shareholders hold all of their shares in the Company in a
in the securities lending and borrowing credit securities account, and the 4th shareholder holds part of his shares in
business ( if any)                        the Company in such an account.
Whether the shareholders of a company conducted the transaction of repurchase under the agreement during the
reporting period
□ Yes √ No
There were no shareholders of a company conduct the transaction of repurchase under the agreement during the
reporting period.

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder

Nature of controlling shareholder: Local state-controlled
Type of controlling shareholder: legal person
    Name of         Legal representative /      Date of             Organization
                                                                                                Business scope
   controlling       company principal       establishment             code

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 State-owned equity investment
SHENZHEN                                                                         and       management,        the
INVESTMENT                                                                       government allocation of land
              Xiong Peijin                  13 Oct. 2004       76756642-1
HOLDINGS CO.,                                                                    development and management
LTD                                                                              and strategic emerging industry
                                                                                 investment and service.
                     SWY (000011): with a total of 379,740,000shares held and shareholding proportion of
Shares held by 63.72%;
the    controlling SFZ (000045): with a total of 234,069,000 shares held and shareholding proportion of
shareholder       in 46.21%;
other        listed SSB (000019): with a total of 48,170,000 shares held and shareholding proportion of 14%;
companies        by STD (000023): with a total of 14,790,000 shares held and shareholding proportion of 10.66%;
holding           or ZGPA (601318): with a total of 962,720,000 shares held and shareholding proportion of
shareholding         5.27%;
during          the Guotai Junan (601211): with a total of 624,070,000 shares held and shareholding proportion
reporting period of 8.18%;
                     E-top (834386): with a total of 42,000,000shares held and shareholding proportion of 60%;
Change of the controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder did not change during the reporting period

3. Particulars about actual controller

Nature of actual controllers: local state-owned assets management institutions
Type of actual controller: legal person
    Name of the actual        representative /     Date of
                                                               Organization code                Business scope
         controller              company        establishment
                                                                                         Perform the responsibilities
Shenzhen       State-owned
                                                                                         of investor on behalf of the
Assets Supervision and
                           Gao Zimin         1 Aug. 2004         K3172806-7              state, and supervise and
                                                                                         manage the authorized
                                                                                         state-owned assets legally.
Equity of shareholding and
participating shares of In addition to the Company controlling shareholder - Shenzhen Investment Holding
actual controllers in other Co., Ltd. Other domestic and overseas listed companies whose equity held by the
domestic and foreign listed actual controllers did not rank among the top ten shareholders of the Company
company        during     the before.
reporting period
Change of the actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The actual controller did not change during the reporting period
The ownership and controlling relationship between the actual controller of the Company and the Company is
detailed as follows:

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                  Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                         Administration Commission

                                         Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                    The Company

The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Particulars about other corporate shareholders with shareholding proportion over 10%

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Particulars about restriction of reducing holding-shares of controlling shareholders, actual controller,
restructuring parties and other commitment entities

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                             Section VII              Preference Shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no preferred stock during reporting period.

                              2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

 Section VIII            Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff &

I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

                                                                                    Amount      Amount
                                                                      Shares            of          of               Shares
                                                    Beginni Ending held at           shares      shares              held at
                    Current/                        ng date date of     the         increase    decrease               the
 Name Position               Gender        Age                                                             increase
                    former                          of office office year-beg        d at the   d at the            year-beg
                                                      term    term       in         reportin    reportin                in
                                                                      (share)       g period    g period             (share)
                                                                                     (share)     (share)
Zhou                                                17 Apr. 16 Apr.
        n of the Current      Male             60                               0          0          0          0
Jianguo                                             2012    2015
        Manage                                      17 Apr. 16 Apr.
Maozhe           Current      Male             51                               0          0          0          0
        r and                                       2012    2015
Zhuang Supervis                                     17 Apr. 16 Apr.
                 Current      Male             60                               0    80,000           0          0   80,000
Quan    or                                          2012    2015
                                                    17 Apr. 16 Apr.
Kangch Director Current       Male             49                               0    10,000           0          0   10,000
                                                    2012    2015
                                                  17 Apr.    16 Apr.
Wen Li Director Current Female                 46                               0          0          0          0
                                                  2012       2015
Jiang                                             17 Apr.    16 Apr.
           Director Current Female             51                               0          0          0          0
Lihua                                             2012       2015
Zhang                                               17 Apr. 16 Apr.
           and      Current   Male             47                               0          0          0          0
Lei                                                 2012    2015
Liu        Indepen
                                                    15 Oct. 14 Oct.
Quanmi     dent     Current   Male             51                               0          0          0          0
                                                    2010    2016
n          director
Song                                                15 Oct. 14 Oct.
           dent     Current   Male             47                               0          0          0          0
Botong                                              2010    2016
Zhang      Indepen
                                                    23 Apr. 22 Apr.
Shunwe     dent     Current   Male             49
                                                    2014    2017
n          director
Wang       Supervis                               17 Apr.    16 Apr.
                    Current   Female           51                               0          0          0          0
Xiuyan     or                                     2012       2015
           Supervis                               17 Apr.    16 Apr.
Li Yufei            Current   Female           37                               0          0          0          0
           or                                     2012       2015
        Supervis                                    17 Apr. 16 Apr.
Xingnon          Current Male                  59                               0          0          0          0
        or                                          2012    2015
        Supervis                                    17 Apr. 16 Apr.
Chunron          Current Male                  59                               0          0          0          0
        or                                          2012    2015
Teng    Vice     Current Male                  58 17 May 16 May                 0          0          0          0

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Xianyou   GM                                       2012     2015
Wei       Vice                                     28 Sept. 16 May
                  Current Female                49                             0         0          0         0
Hanping   GM                                       2012     2015
          Vice                                       22 Oct. 16 May
Xiaopin           Current Male                  45                             0         0          0         0
          GM                                         2013    2015
        n                                            17 May 16 May
Chen Ji          Current Male                   44                             0         0          0         0
        Secretar                                     2012   2015
Total      --       --     --              --          --          --          0   90,000           0         0   90,000

II. Particulars about changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    Name          Position            Type                  Date                           Reason

III. Resumes of important personnel

Main working experience of current directors, supervisors and senior management staff
1. Zhou Jianguo: he was once the Vice GM of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And he has
been the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of the Company since Feb.
2. Chen Maozheng: he once was the Vice GM, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Director GM of Shenzhen
City Construction Development (Group) Co. Ltd. And he has been the Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and
Director as well as GM of the Company since Oct. 2009.
3. Zhuang Quan: he once was Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Shenzhen Shenfubao Group Co., Ltd..
He has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company since Apr. 2012.
4. Deng Kangcheng: he was once deputy director, director of the Office of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
Ltd., and supervisor of the Company. And he has been director, Vice Secretary of CPC and Secretary in
Discipline Inspection Committee of the Company since Feb. 2009.
5. Zhang Lei: he was once the CFO and Secretary to the Board of SDIC ZHONGLU FRUIT Co., Ltd. And he has
been the Director and CFO of the Company since Oct. 2010.
6. Liu Quanmin: he ever worked as the full-time lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, and the partner and
licensed lawyer of Guangdong Shenyatai Law Firm. Now he is the director of the center for real estate investment
and financing in Shenzhen Yingke law firm, He has been the independent director of the Company since Oct.
7. Song Botong: he ever took posts of Deputy Chief of Civil Engineering Department in College of Architecture
and Civil Engineering and Chairman of Labor Union of Shenzhen University. Now he acts as Standing Deputy
Director of Research Center for Real Estate of Shenzhen University. He has been the Independent Director of the
Company since Oct. 2010.
8. Zhang Shunwen: he acted as Director of the Shenzhen Juyuan Certified Public Accounting, now he acts as
partner of BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP. He acts as Independent Directors of the
Company since Apr. 2014.
9. Wen Li: she once worked as the Vice Chief of the Investment and Development Department, Vice Director of
Management Center for Construction Project of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been the
Director of the Company since Sept. 2006.

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

10. Jiang Lihua: she once was the Vice Manager, Manager and Vice Chief of the Finance Department of
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been acting as Director of the Company since Feb. 2009.
11. Wang Xiuyan: she once was the Audit Project Manager of the Audit Department of Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd. and vice minister of ministry of audit and risk management and she has been acting as
Supervisor of the Company since Feb. 2009.
12. Xiong Xingnong: he once was the Secretary of the Supervisory Committee and Deputy Manager of Audit
Supervisory Department of the Company. And he has been taking the post of Supervisor of the Company since
Jun. 2004.
13. Shi Chunrong: he ever worked as the Director to Office for Discipline Supervision & Investigation, Manager
of Property Operation Department, Director of work departments of the Party Committee and Discipline
Inspection Commission in SPG. Now he acts as Vice Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Member
of CPC Committee, Director of Party-Masses Work Department and Vice Chairman of Labor Union in the
Company. He has been the Supervisor of the Company since Feb. 2009.
14. Li Yufei: she ever worked as the Assistant Manager of the Investment Department and Assistant Manager &
Vice Manager of Assets Management Centre as well as Senior Management Staff of Enterprise Dept. I in
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been the Supervisor of the Company since Apr. 2012.
15. Teng Xianyou: he once was the Assistant GM and Vice GM of Shenzhen Tonge Group Co., Ltd., and
concurrently as GM of Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Corp. And he has been Vice GM of the Company since
Dec. 2009.
16. Wei Hanping: he ever worked as the Manager of the Leasing Operation Department in Shenzhen City
Construction Development (Group) Co. and the Manager of Cost Control Department of the Company. And he
has been the Vice GM of the Company since Sept. 2012.
17. Tang Xiaoping: he ever act as CFO of Shenzhen HRD Assets Management Company, minister of Financial
Operations Management Department of Shenzhen Foreign Labor Service Co., Ltd. Legal representative, the
executive director of the Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Service Center, and financing plan department manager of the
Company. Since 22 Dec. 2013 he acts as deputy GM of the Company.
18. Chen Ji: he once was the Director of the CPC Office of Shenzhen City Construction Investment Development
Company. And he has been the Secretary to the Board and Director of the Secretariat of Board of the Company
since Dec. 2002.
Post-holding in shareholder units
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
    Name of the                                                                                      Receives
                                                                                     Ending date
   person holding Name of the shareholder       Position in the      Beginning date                payment from
                                                                                      of office
   any post in any            unit             shareholder unit       of office term              the shareholder
  shareholder unit                                                                                     unit?
                     SHENZHEN               Minister of the 1
Wen Li               INVESTMENT             department of the 1 Apr. 2013                        Yes
                     HOLDINGS CO., LTD enterprise
                     SHENZHEN               The     minister     of
Jiang Lihua          INVESTMENT             inspection distribution 1 Apr. 2015                  Yes
                     HOLDINGS CO., LTD department
                     SHENZHEN               Vice     minister    of
Wang Xiuyan          INVESTMENT             ministry of audit and 1 May 2013                     Yes
                     HOLDINGS CO., LTD risk management
                     SHENZHEN               Senior director of the
Li Yufei             INVESTMENT             2 department of the 1 Jul. 2015                      Yes
                     HOLDINGS CO., LTD enterprise
Notes             to Naught

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

post-holding in
shareholder units
Post-holding in other units
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
  Name of the
     person                                                                                           Receives
  holding any                                            Position in                Ending date of payment from
                           Name of other unit                        date of office
   post in any                                            other unit                 office term the shareholder
  shareholder                                                                                          unit?
                 Investment and Financing Center of Director,
Liu Quanmin Real Estate and Energy of Beijing practicing 1 Jun. 2013                               Yes
                 Yingke Law Firm (Shenzhen)             lawyer
                 Infrastructure    Department        of
Song Botong                                             Director     1 Mar. 2013                   Yes
                 Shenzhen University
Zhang            BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified
                                                        Partner      1 Mar. 2008                   Yes
Shunwen          Public Accountants LLP.
Notes         to
post-holding Naught
in other units
Particulars about the Company's current directors, supervisors and senior executives ‘punishments from Securities
Regulatory Institution of recent three years in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management

Decision-making procedure, determining basis and actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors
and senior management
It was executed according to the procedures stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Human
Resources of the Company.
Their remuneration was decided in accordance with the Interim Provisions of the Annual Salary System for
Managers of the State-owned Enterprises in Shenzhen and spirit of relevant documents as well as the Interim
Measures for the Administration of Human Resources of the Company.
The Directors Jiang Lihua and Wen Li, and the Supervisor Wang Xiuyan and Li Yufei took posts in the
shareholders’ units without drawing remuneration from the Company.
With review and approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 convened on 23 Apr. 2014, allowance for
each independent director was adjusted to RMB7,000 (tax included) per month since May. 2014. Besides, they
received no other rewards from the Company.
The Company paid their remuneration monthly according to relevant systems for remuneration management of
the Company.

Remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company during the reporting period is
as follow:
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Thousand Yuan
                                                                                  Total            gained
                                                                                before-tax     remuneration
      Name         Position         Gender            Age      Current/former remuneration        from the
                                                                               gained from related parties
                                                                              the Company           of the
Zhou Jianguo Chairman of Male                               60 Current                 90.18 No

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                the Board
                Manager and Male                                 51 Current                     86.88 No
Zhuang Quan     Supervisor  Male                                 60 Current                         44 No
                Director          Male                           49 Current                     71.27 No
Wen Li            Director        Female                         46 Current                          0 Yes
Jiang Lihua       Director        Female                         51 Current                          0 Yes
                  CFO and
Zhang Lei                         Male                           47 Current                         43 No
Liu Quanmin                       Male                           51 Current                        8.4 No
Song Botong                       Male                           47 Current                        8.4 No
Zhang             Independent
                                  Male                           49 Current                        8.4 No
Shunwen           director
Wang Xiuyan Supervisor            Female                         53 Current                         0 Yes
Li Yufei          Supervisor      Female                         37 Current                         0 Yes
Shi Chunrong Supervisor           Male                           59 Current                     46.28 No
                  Supervisor      Male                           59 Current                     35.85 No
Teng Xianyou Vice GM              Male                           58 Current                     71.27 No
Wei Hanping Vice GM               Female                         49 Current                     71.27 No
Tang Xiaoping Vice GM             Male                           45 Current                     71.27 No
Chen Ji                           Male                           44 Current                     46.28 No
Total                    --             --              --              --              702.75       --
Situations of equity incentives   awarded to the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company
during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. About employees

1. Number of employee, professional structure and education

Amount of the incumbent employees of the Company                                                                    125
Amount of the incumbent employees of the main
Total amount of the incumbent employees                                                                           1,785
Total number of employees accepted salaries(person)                                                               1,785
Number of retirees whose retirement pension shall be
borne by the Company and the main subsidiaries
                                            Professional structure
                       Category                                                      Number
Production personnel                                                                                              1,163
Sales personnel                                                                                                      71
Technicians                                                                                                         434
Financial personnel                                                                                                  49
Administrative personnel                                                                                             68

Total                                                                                                             1,785
                       Category                                                      Number

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Doctoral candidate                                                                                                     1
Master Degree Candidate                                                                                               27
Bachelor                                                                                                             150
Junior college                                                                                                       241
Technical secondary school                                                                                           151
 High school or below                                                                                              1,215
Total                                                                                                              1,785

Remuneration policy

The vice GM and management personnel above conducted annual salary system, other employees
conducted contacting the performance with the benefit salary system.

Training plan

The Company established annual training plan in line with Measures for the Management of
Employee Training The Company adopts internal training, hires experts give lectures to the
Company or participate professional training, train the on job employees with job knowledge,
professional skills, rules and regulations, the business process etc., which enrich and renew the
professional knowledge, enhance the comprehensive quality and business skills of the employees.

4. Particulars about labor outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Total labor hours of labor outsourcing (hour)
Total remuneration paid for labor outsourcing (RMB)
Note: If the labor outsourcing is large, the Company shall disclose the total labor hours and total remuneration for
labor outsourcing.

                          2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                          Section IX            Corporate Governance

I. Basic details of corporate governance

In the reporting period, the Company strictly accorded with requirements of Company Law,
Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and other laws and statutes,
continuously perfected its corporate governance, and standardized its operation. The actual situation
of corporate governance was in line with the requirements of the relevant normative documents.
The operating mechanism, of which the Board of Directors made decisions, the management team
took execution, and the Supervisory Committee implemented supervision.
(I) Preparations and holding of shareholders’ general meeting and disclosure of resolution of the
meetings were normatively in line with Articles of Association and Rules for Procedure of the
Shareholders’ General Meeting; all shareholders were on an equal position and could fully exercise
their legal rights.
(II) Directors and the Board of Directors: power of decision-making was exercised normatively;
preparations, holding and disclosure of resolution of the Board sessions were normatively in line
with the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors; Special
committees concerning strategy, audit, nomination, remuneration and appraisal under the Board can
operate positively and effectively; all directors performed their obligations in an honest and
diligence manner.
(III) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: structure of the Supervisory Committee was
reasonable. The Supervisory Committee conducted the supervision and inspection for the
significant events of the Company strictly in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of the
Supervisory Committee, and exercised its supervision right effectively and brought its supervision
function into fully play.
(IV) Manager level: the manager level of the Company was fully responsible for the production and
management of the Company, performed their obligations in an honest and diligence manner.
Implemented the resolution of the Board , and acquired good achievement.
Whether it exists any difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of
CSRC or not?
□ Yes √ No
There is no difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of CSRC.

II. Particulars about the Company’s separation from the controlling shareholder in respect of
business, personnel, assets, organization and financial affairs

(I) In respect of business, the Company possessed independent production, supply and sales system;
(II) In respect of personnel, the Company was absolutely independent in management of labor,
personnel and salaries from the controlling shareholders. All the senior executives of the Company
took no office title concurrently and drew no remunerations from the Shareholder Company.

(III) In respect of assets, the Company possessed independent and integrated assets and the property

                             2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

of the Company is transparent.

(IV) In respect of organization, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee operated
independently. There existed no superior-inferior relationship between the controlling shareholder
and its function department and the Company.

(V) In respect of finance, the Company has independent financial department, independently
accounted and paid taxes according to the law. The Company established a complete accounting
system, financial accounting system and financial administrative systems. The Company opened
independent bank accounts.

III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Particulars about the annual shareholders’ general meeting and special shareholders’
general meetings held during the reporting period

Particulars about the shareholders’ general meeting in reporting period

                                  Proportion of
    Session           Type          investors'      Convening date Disclosure date            Index to the disclosed
The      Annual
                   The Annual                                                            Announcement on resolution
                   Shareholder                                                           of 2014 annual shareholders’
General                                    63.59% 28 Apr. 2015        29 Apr. 2015
                   s’ General                                                           general meeting (Cninfo
Meeting         of
                   Meeting                                                               website) www.cninfo.com.cn
The          First
Special            Special                                                               Announcement on resolution
Shareholders’ Shareholder                                                               of 2015 first special meeting
                                           63.55% 21 Sept. 2015       22 Sept. 2015
General            s’ General                                                           of     shareholders (Cninfo
Meeting       for Meeting                                                                website) www.cninfo.com.cn
Particulars about institution investors
                                                                                   Attendance times in shareholders’
          Name of investors                 Number of directors attended
                                                                                           general meeting

2. Special Shareholders’ General Meeting applied by the preferred stockholder with restitution of voting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                           2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

V. Performance of the Independent Directors

1. Particulars about the independent directors attending the board sessions and the shareholders’ general

                   1. Particulars about the independent directors attending the board sessions
                       Sessions                                                                   Non-attendanc
                                                   Attendance by
                     required to                                      Entrusted                   e in person for
   Independent                      Attendance in      way of
                    attend during                                      presence     Absence rate        two
     director                          person      telecommunic
                    the reporting                                       (times)                    consecutive
                        period                                                                         times
Liu Quanmin                       5              3               2               0              0 No
Song Botong                       5              2               2               1              0 No
Zhang Shunwen                     5              3               2               0              0 No
General meetings sat in on by
independent directors
Note to non-attendance in person for two consecutive times

2. Particulars about independent directors proposing objection on relevant events

Whether independent directors propose objection on relevant events or not?
□ Yes √ No
During the reporting period, no independent directors proposed any objection on relevant events of the Company.

3. Other explanations about the duty performance of independent directors

Whether advices to the Company from independent directors were adopted or not
√ Yes □ No
Explanation on the advices of independent directors for the Company being adopted or not adopted

VI. Performance of the Special Committees under the Board during the reporting period

During reporting period, there was no change in the relevant committees of the board of directors,
the committees actively, effectively work, providing powerful guarantee to the scientific
decision-making, the relevant situations are as follows:
(I) Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board
During the reporting period, the Audit Committee reviewed on the Company’s following issues:
Arrangement on the Annual Audit Work, Periodic Financial Report, Profit Distribution Plan,
Engagement of CPAs Firm, Written Submission of the Administration on CPAs Firm, Construction
of Internal Control, Fund Transfer Between Listed Companies and Related Parties and Guarantee
Events, etc.. Besides, it also kept full and necessary communication with the annual auditors of the
Upon the start of the audit for the 2013 Annual Report, the Audit Committee actively promoted the
progress of the audit work and conducted communication with the CPAs firm to determine the
arrangements for the audit. During the reporting period, the Audit Committee has convened three

                         2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

sessions, reviewed the Company’s 2014financial statements for two times and the preliminary
auditing result issued by the annual auditors of the Company, as well as issued their opinions after
the review. The Audit Committee made the summary for the 2014 annual audit work as followings:
1. Review opinions issued concerning the Company’s 2014 Annual Financial Report
Based on their professional knowledge and experience, the members of Audit Committee reviewed
the 2014 Annual Financial Report prepared by the Company. In the reporting period, according to
relevant regulations of CSRC, the Audit Committee issued two review opinions on the annual
After finishing formulating annual financial statements, the Audit Committee of the board of
directors carried out meticulous review. And the Audit Committee was of the opinion that:
According to the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Company chose and
applied a proper accounting policy, with reasonable accounting estimates. The Company always
adopted a prudent attitude towards the changes of the accounting policy and estimates, with no such
cases as manipulating the changes of the accounting policy and estimates to adjust the profits. And
the financial report prepared by the Company was factual and reliable with complete contents.
After the preliminary audit opinion had been issued by the registered accountants on the Company’s
2014 Financial Report, the Audit Committee reviewed, for a second time, the financial report and
conducted discussions with the registered accountants. And they were of the same opinion that the
2014 Financial Report prepared by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) for the Company was in accordance with the requirements of the accounting standards
for business enterprises, factually and completely presenting the Company’s operating results and
cash flows in 2014and its financial position as at 31 Dec. 2014 in all major aspects.
2. The Committee’s supervising and urging the audit work of the CPAs firm
Before the audit, the Audit Committee formulated a comprehensive plan for the annual audit by
discussing and determining the scope and the schedule for the audit report with the existing CPAs
firm. Upon the presence of the audit team, the Committee communicated with the person in
charge of the audit project, learnt about the audit progress and the accountant’s concerns, and timely
offered the feedback to relevant departments of the Company, so as to make sure the progress of the
annual audit and information disclosure in accordance with the set plan.
3. Summary report on the 2015 annual audit conducted by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants
(Special General Partnership)
In accordance with stipulations on relevant work for 2015 annual report by CSRC and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, the Company’s Audit Committee summarized the 2015 annual audit conducted by
Ruihua Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “Ruihua”) as
Considering that the Company employed RSM China as the audit institution of financial audit and
internal control audit, the financial audit and internal control audit would be conducted

(1) Preparation before the audit
① Formulation of the audit plan
The 2015 annual audit lasted from 5 Dec. 2015 to 29 Mar. 2016 as schedule.
Of which, the pre-audit and internal test lasted from 5 Dec. 2015 to 5 Jan. 2016; the substantial test
lasted from 6 Jan. 2016 to 5 Mar. 2016; the compilation of audit report, its re-check in CPAs firm
and formulation of first draft lasted from 6 Mar. 2016 to 10 Mar. 2016

                          2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

② Review of the financial statements
Before the presence of the registered accountants for the annual audit, the Audit Committee
carefully reviewed the financial statements prepared by the Company and formed the relevant
written opinion.
(2) Audit process
From 5 Dec. 2015, the audit team from Ruihua conducted a thorough audit on the Company and its
subsidiaries. During the audit process, the Audit Committee, for several times, urged Ruihua to
closely follow the audit schedule and finish the audit on time. Ruihua submitted to the Audit
Committee the first draft of the Audit Report of the 2015 Annual Report on 10 March 2016, issued
preliminary audit opinions on financial accounting statements and internal control assessment. The
Audit Committee reviewed again the financial accounting statements and assessment report on
internal control after conducting preliminary audit and held the opinion that: the above statements
factually, accurately, completely demonstrated financial status and operation results of the Company
up to 31 Dec. 2015, and they approved the formation of 2015 Annual Report and Abstract on the
basis of the above statements; the above assessment report on internal control factually, accurately,
completely demonstrated construction results of internal control of the Company up to 31 Dec.
2015, and they approved the formation of assessment report on internal control and audit report on
internal control on the basis of the above report. On 29 March 2016, the final version of audit report
was issued. And this marked the end of the site audit conducted by Ruihua on the Company’s 2015
financial report.
(II) Performance of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee
The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board carefully examined the annual
remuneration of the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior executives disclosed in the 2015
Annual Report. And it was of the opinion that: the decision-making procedure concerning the
remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior executives was in line with relevant
regulations; the standards for remuneration paid to the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior
executives complied with the remuneration system; and the remuneration disclosed in the 2015
Annual Report was factual and accurate.

VII. Performance of the Supervisory Committee

During the reporting period, the Supervisory Committee found whether there was risk in the Company in the
supervisory activity
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee has no objection on the supervised events during the reporting period.
In 2015, the supervisors in line with the Company Law and Article of Association, and under the
energetically support of board of directors, management team and lots of shareholders, actively
maintain the equity of shareholders and faithfully fulfill their duties of supervision.
(I) Performance of the Supervisory Committee
Conduct effective right of supervision in each kinds of resolution meeting. Focus on the enterprise
core assets operation and the usage of significant capital and compliance of significant engineering

                         2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

projects, enforce and perfect the enterprise supervision and restraint mechanism and internal control
system, continue to perfect and curing the supervision system new pattern, integrated supervision
power, implement the joint conference system of supervision, which ensure the enterprise funds and
assets risk under control. Promote the public Company affairs, decision democratization,
supervising decision-making rules, specification and effectiveness of program; strengthen the daily
the supervision of the significant business activities. Enhance each special supervision and
inspection, conduct capital safety inspection, and the contract inspection, property leasing
inspection supervision, and enhance the supervision to the lawsuit cases, and each invitation for
bids of engineering projects and the inspection to the efficiency implementation of enterprise
system. Supervision of internal audit, conduct performance assessment, operation management,
capital management and audit of financial expenses.                Enhance the supervision of information
disclosure, and disclosure of report of directors and the Company, reviewed in progress, ensure the
authenticity, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the disclosure of information.
(II)Particulars about the meetings held by the Supervisory Committee
1. On 27 Mar. 2015, the 12th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors was held, the meeting reviewed
and approved the Annual Report and Abstract of 2015, Profit Allocation Pre-plan of 2015,
Supervision Committee Report of 2015, Report on Self-appraisal Internal Control in 2015, there
were 5 supervisors participated the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention.
2. On 28 Apr. 2015, the 13th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors was held, the meeting reviewed
and approved the First Quarter Report and Abstract of 2015, there were 5 supervisors participated
the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention
3. On 28 Aug.2015, the 14th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors was held, the meeting reviewed
and approved the Semi-annual Report and Abstract of 2015. There were 5 supervisors participated
the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention
4. On 30 Oct.2015, the 11th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors was held, the meeting reviewed
and approved the Third Quarter Report and Abstract of 2015, there were 5 supervisors participated
the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention. There were 5 supervisors
participated the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention
(III)The independent opinions of the relevant events of the Company given by Supervisor
1.the Company's legal operation: in 2015, the members of supervisor committee attended the
meetings of the Board of Directors, and the chief of supervisors, Zhuang Quan represented the
supervisor committee to attend the resolution meetings of the management, the GM office meetings
and other important meetings.      In line with each stipulations, the Supervisor Committee believed
that: during reporting period, the decision-making of the Company conducted in line with the laws
and regulations and Articles of Association, and had no damage to the equity of shareholders, and

                         2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

further perfected the internal management mechanism and the Company control system. The
Directors, senior executives implemented Company position without violating to laws and laws and
regulations, Article and Associations, and damages the equity of the Company, and was
conscientious and compliance in their performance.
2.Financial status: during reporting period, the Supervisor Committee seriously perform their
supervision to the financial status, the operation and risk situation of the Company, and issue audit
opinion to each periodic report. The Supervisor Committee believed that: the standard unqualified
opinions of the financial report issued by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) truly and objectively reflected the operation results of financial status of the Company.
3. During reporting period, there was no fund-raising in the Company.
4. During reporting period, the related transaction and guarantee of the Company:
(1) During reporting period, there was no non-operating occupying capital of the Company by
controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other related party; and there was no controlling
shareholders, other related party, illegal person, unit or individual providing guarantee.
(2) During reporting period, the wholly-owned               Company Zhentong Company undertook the
project implementation of related party Shenzhen Jianan (Group) Co., Ltd. (the total package
contractor of Chuan Qi Montain project of the Company), and received RMB7.0722 million of
project funds.
(3) During reporting period, the related transaction of the Company was fairness and compliance,
there was no any damage to equity of minority shareholders and profits of the Company; there was
no new increase of guarantee events in the Company during reporting period.
5. Opinion on self-appraisal report of internal control:
In 2015, the Company continue enforce the risk management and standardized construction of
internal control, the internal control of the Company covered the department and its affiliated
companies, and the important activities of internal control was in line with the stipulations of each
rules, there was no defect, the Company's self-appraisal was confirm with the actual situation of the

VIII. Performance Evaluation and Incentive Mechanism for Senior Management Staff

The Company successfully conducted change of sessions of the board of directors, the supervisory
committee and the management. The management was examined, appraised and employed by the
board of directors; in the means of open competition, the board of directors chose and recruited a
Vice General Manager inside the Company. The Company executed annual salary system for senior
executives, and did not implement stock incentive plan.

                            2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

IX. Internal Control

1. Particulars about significant defects found in the internal control during reporting period

□ Yes √ No

2. Self-appraisal report on internal control

Disclosure date of the Self-appraisal Report on Internal
                                                             30 Mar. 2016
Disclosure index of the Self-appraisal Report on Internal Cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Control                                                      “Self-assessment Report of Internal Control”
The proportion of total assets included in evaluation
scope entities in the Company's total assets of the                                                           100.00%
consolidated financial statements
The proportion of operation revenue included in
evaluation scope entities in the Company's operation                                                          100.00%
revenue of the consolidated financial statements
                                             Defect judging standards
          Category               Section XI. Financial Report                     Non-Financial Report
                                                                     The criterion of quality of the recognition of
                                                                     defects of internal control               in the
                                                                     non-financial statements mainly were order of
                             The Company in line with the severity of defect involving business nature,
                             actual situation, when the follows the direct or potential negative influence
                             events or indications happen, which nature and the influence scope and other
                             means there probably existing large factors. If the follows events or indicators
                             or significant defects in the occur, there may be large or significant defects
                             financial report; (1) the directors, of internal control in the non-financial
                             supervisors and senior executives statements :                 (1) Lack democratic
                                                                     decision-making process, if lack significant
                             were fraud.( 2 ) Certified Public
                                                                     problem        decision-making,         important
                             Accountant find that there is a
                                                                     appointment and dismissal of cadres,
                             significant error in the financial
Qualitative criteria                                                 significant          project          investment
                             report, however, the internal control
                                                                     decision-making; usage of large capital (three
                             did not discover it when conducting
                                                                     important, one large); (2) Unscientific
                             internal control; ( 3 ) The Audit decision-making process, such as the major
                             Committee under the Board and decision-making errors, has caused a serious
                             Internal Audit Service's supervision property loss to the company; (3) Seriously
                             to the internal control is invalid. (4) violating state laws and regulations; (4) Loss
                             The accounting personnel were of key management personnel or important
                             without necessary qualities to talent; (5) Negative news media appear
                             complete the preparation of frequently and widely spread; (6) The results
                             financial statements.                   of the internal control evaluation especially
                                                                     large or significant defects have not been
                                                                     corrected. (7) Important business systems
                                                                     lack control rules, or systemic failure.
                             Large defects: the defects, or defect
                                                                     The criterion of quantity of the recognition of
                             group may lead to the financial
                                                                     defects of internal control in the non-financial
                             results misstatement or potential
                                                                     statements mainly were amount of direct
                             losses >3% of net assets; significant
Quantitative criteria                                                economy losses, in line with the criterion of
                             defects: 1% of net assets