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						ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.   Annual Report 2016

              PROPERTIES (GROUP) CO., LTD.
                                        ANNUAL REPORT 2016


                                                   March 2017

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.    Annual Report 2016

           Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions
The board of directors (the “Board”), the supervisory board (the “Supervisory Board”), as
well as the directors, supervisors and executive officers of ShenZhen Special Economic Zone
Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality,
accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report, and shall be jointly and severally
liable for any false representation, misleading statements or material omissions in this Report.
Zhou Jianguo, board chairman, Chen Maozheng, GM, Tang Xiaoping, accounting head for
this Report, and Qiao Yanjun, head of the accounting department (head of accounting),
hereby guarantee that the Financial Report carried in this Report is factual, accurate and
All directors attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or convert capital
reserve into share capital.
This Annual Report and its abstract have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should
there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                                         Annual Report 2016

                                                   Table of Contents

Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions ............................................................ 2

Section II Corporate Profile and Financial Results ........................................................................ 5

Section III Business Profile ............................................................................................................... 9

Section IV Performance Discussion and Analysis ......................................................................... 11

Section V Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 24

Section VI Share Changes and Shareholders’ Profile ................................................................... 35

Section VII Preference Shares......................................................................................................... 41

Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Executive Officers and Staff .............................................. 42

Section IX Corporate Governance ................................................................................................. 48

Section X Corporate Bonds ............................................................................................................. 56

Section XI Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 57

Section XII Documents Available for Reference ......................................................................... 170

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2016


                    Term                                                    Definition
                                                      ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties
Company, the Company, the Group
                                                      (Group) Co., Ltd.
The controlling company of the
                                                      Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                 Annual Report 2016

                Section II Corporate Profile and Financial Results

I Corporate information

Stock name              SPG A(SPG B)                  Stock code             000029(200029)
Changed stock name (if
Stock exchange          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company        name  in
Abbr.                   深房集团
Company        name  in
                        ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.
English (if any)
Abbr. (if any)          SPG
Legal representative    Zhou Jianguo
Registered address      45/F-48/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Zip code                518001
Office address          47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Zip code                518001
Company website         http://www.sfjt.com.cn
Email                   spg@163.net

II Contact information

                                                   Board Secretary               Securities Representative
Name                                     Mr. Chen Ji                       Mr. Luo Yi
                                         47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South 47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South
Address                                  Road,     Shenzhen,    Guangdong, Road,     Shenzhen,     Guangdong,
                                         P.R.China                         P.R.China
Tel.                                     (86 755)82293000-4718           (86 755)82293000-4715
Fax                                      (86 755)82294024                (86 755)82294024
E-mail                                   spg@163.net                       spg@163.net

III Information disclosure and place where this Report is kept

Newspapers designated by the Company for Domestic: Securities Times and China Securities Journal
information disclosure                     Overseas: Ta Kung Pao (HK)
Website designated by the China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC) for the http://www.cninfo.com.cn
publication of this Report
                                           47/F, SPG Plaza, 3005 Renmin South Road, Luohu District,
Place where this Report is kept
                                           Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China

IV Company registration and alteration

Credibility code                    19217958-5
Changes in main business activities
of the Company after going public No changes
(if any)
Changes of controlling shareholder On 24 Mar. 1999, the controlling shareholder was changed from Shenzhen

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                Annual Report 2016

(if any)                                 Investment Management Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Construction Investment
                                         Holdings Co., Ltd. And on 14 Feb. 2006, it was changed to Shenzhen
                                         Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

V Other information

The CPAs firm hired by the Company
Name                         Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP
                             9 F, West Tower, China Overseas Property Plaza, Building No. 7, Compound No.
Office address
                             8, Xi Binhe Road, Yong Ding Men, Dong Cheng District, Beijing, China
Accountants writing
                             Cai Xiaodong, Wang Huansen
Sponsor engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during this Reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Accounting and financial results

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its
accounting data due to changes of accounting policies or correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
                                      2016                 2015                 +/-%             2014
Operating revenues (RMB)         2,352,023,528.43 2,163,365,575.33                    8.72% 2,132,311,222.93
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company        311,567,386.94       301,129,840.84                3.47%    298,033,316.49
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                   303,613,457.72       300,963,536.83                0.88%    297,166,883.74
before exceptional profit and
loss (RMB)
Net cash flows from operating
                                   526,691,326.20 1,097,144,254.51                  -51.99%    322,162,063.36
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                            0.3080               0.2977               3.46%            0.2946
Diluted earnings per share
                                            0.3080               0.2977               3.46%            0.2946
Weighted average return on
                                           12.53%               13.21%               -0.68%           14.81%
equity (%)
                               December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015              +/-%        December 31, 2014
Total assets (RMB)               3,785,600,783.23 4,179,937,120.75                   -9.43% 4,375,098,314.05
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the Company 2,643,860,443.09 2,331,704,116.07                        13.39% 2,161,537,401.78

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                          Annual Report 2016

VII Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under Chinese
and international accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                               Net profit attributable to shareholders of     Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                              the Company                                   the Company
                                    2016                     2015              Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              311,567,386.94           301,129,840.84 2,643,860,443.09                2,331,704,116.07
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                              311,567,386.94           301,129,840.84 2,643,860,443.09                2,331,704,116.07
accounting standards

2. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under Chinese
and foreign accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                               Net profit attributable to shareholders of     Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                              the Company                                   the Company
                                    2016                     2015              Closing amount         Opening amount
According to Chinese
                              311,567,386.94         301,129,840.84             2,643,860,443.09      2,331,704,116.07
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
                              311,567,386.94         301,129,840.84             2,643,860,443.09      2,331,704,116.07
accounting standards

3. Reasons for the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Financial results by quarter

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                          1Q                     2Q                   3Q                    4Q
Operating revenues                     332,573,819.86        765,313,149.82       646,575,128.32        607,561,430.43
Net profit attributable to
                                    31,138,409.00     103,622,712.51      102,114,004.00         74,692,261.43
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                    31,099,423.53       96,222,162.57     101,810,300.34         74,481,571.28
before exceptional profit and
Net cash flows from operating
                                  127,807,035.61      298,360,945.15      124,933,785.65        -24,410,440.21
Indicate by tick mark whether there are any material differences between the financial indicators above or their
summations and those which have been disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports
□ Yes √ No

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                    Annual Report 2016

IX Exceptional profit/loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                  Item                           2016                2015          2014                Note
Profit/loss on disposal of non-current
assets     (including   offset   asset          -301,584.30           -65,371.34   -133,442.39
impairment provisions)
                                                                                                 Receipt of the
Profit/loss on contingencies irrelevant
                                                                                                 executed money of
to the Company’s routine business             5,393,358.79
                                                                                                 the Luofu
                                                                                                 Mountain case
                                                                                                 Receipt of the
                                                                                                 executed money of
Impairment provision reversal for
                                                                                                 the Luofu
accounts receivable on which the
                                               4,800,000.00                                      Mountain case and
impairment test is carried out
                                                                                                 reversal of the
                                                                                                 relevant bad-debt
Non-operating income and expense
                                            713,464.47        287,110.02       1,319,554.06
other than the above
Less: Corporate income tax                2,651,309.74         55,434.67         319,678.92
Total                                     7,953,929.22        166,304.01         866,432.75          --
Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss, or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the
said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                            Annual Report 2016

                                     Section III Business Profile

I Main business scope for this Reporting Period

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?
Yes. For the Company engages in real estate, it is subject to the Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
on Information Disclosure by Industry—for Listed Companies Engaging in Real Estate.
In 2016, the country’s policies for real estate went through the status from loose to tight for hot
cities. The full-year turnover reached a record high. However, the trend of differentiation among
cities kept aggravating, being accompanied by fierce market competitions. Local governments
intensively issued regulatory policies around the National Day, and as a result, the market behavior
gradually turned to be stable in the fourth quarter. The Company concentrated on developing the
housing real estate, strictly controlled on the quality and progress of products, and made efforts to
build exquisite projects, bringing the emerging brand effect, the gradual growth of operation
efficiency, as well as a virtuous circle of the development and management of main businesses.
Real estate development and sales of the Company mainly concentrate on Shenzhen and Shantou.
As for Cuilinyuan and Tianjv Jingtian Apartment in Shenzhen, the two projects have entered the
stage of constructing the main part. As for Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan in Shenzhen, its foundation
trench is in construction. As for Shantou Tianyuewan, the roof capping was finished on 9 Jan 2017.
The development progress of all projects is basically in line with the schedule. As for SPG
Chuanqishan, it has been almost sold out. As for Chuanqi Shanglin, there are only a little bit
remaining units. As for Tianyuewan Phase I, there have been more than 100 suits sold out since the
project opened to sale on the National Day in 2016.

II Significant changes in main assets

1. Significant changes in main assets

             Main assets                                         Reason for any significant change

                                       RMB37,447,267.61 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB20,321,536.75 less than
                                       the opening amount, down 35.18% -- mainly because Shenzhen Properties
Equity assets                          Group Bao’an Development Co., Ltd. accomplished registration deregister
                                       in the Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen Municipality on 30
                                       Dec 2016
                                       RMB45,531,813.41 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB6,682,171.90 less than
Fixed assets                           the opening amount, down 12.80% -- mainly due to depreciation in the
                                       reporting year
Intangible assets                      No significant changes
Construction in progress               No significant changes
                                       RMB1,266,057,324.40 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB90,301,018.04 more
Monetary funds                         than the opening amount, up 7.68% -- mainly due to collection of sales
                                       RMB20,606,778.91 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB1,942,906.89 more than
Notes receivable
                                       the opening amount, up 10.41% -- mainly due to new sales

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2016

                                       RMB15,865,139.33 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB7,087,240.07 less than
Prepayments                            the opening amount, down 30.88% -- mainly due to the carry-over of
                                       construction impacts of projects
                                       RMB1,734,553,042.10 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB411,670,853.51 less
                                       than the opening amount, down 19.18% -- mainly due to the carry-over from
                                       the real estate sales to cost in current period, as well as the carry-over of
                                       income from construction projects
                                       RMB13,358,714.45 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB26,957,116.61 less than
                                       the opening amount, down 66.86% -- mainly due to punctual business tax
Other current assets
                                       payment for the project of “replacing business tax with value-added tax” in
                                       current year, as well as the settlement of land VAT for Chuanqishan
                                       RMB35,781,937.87 as at 31 Dec. 2016, with RMB3,584,569.66 more than
Deferred income tax assets
                                       the opening amount, up 11.13% -- mainly due to provision of the land VAT

2. Main assets overseas

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Core competitiveness analysis

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?
Yes. For the Company engages in real estate, it is subject to the Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
on Information Disclosure by Industry—for Listed Companies Engaging in Real Estate.
As one of the earliest real estate listed companies in Shenzhen, the Company has a history over 30
years in real estate development in Shenzhen and rich experience in the main business of real estate
development. In recent years, thanks to the experience learned from the SPG Chuanqishan project
in Guangming, Shenzhen, the SPG Shanglin Garden project in Longgang, Shenzhen and the project
in Shantou, the Company accelerates the establishment of a modern enterprise HR management
system and works hard in building a professional and high-quality development team. It also keeps
improving the management mechanism and processes for project development. As a result, the
professionalism and management capability of the Company have improved significantly; planning,
construction, cost control, marketing capability and brand image have been effectively enhanced;
and the operational capability in the main business of real estate keeps increasing, along with the
core competitiveness.
In this Reporting Period, the Company was rated as the Best Faithful Enterprise in Guangdong
Province, and one of the Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong Province by Guangdong Provincial
Enterprise Confederation and Guangdong Provincial Association of Entrepreneurs, rated as one of
the Top Ten Enterprises with Comprehensive Strength in Shenzhen Real Estate Industry by
Shenzhen Real Estate Association, and was rated as a Two-Star Unit in the 1st Social Responsibility
Rating Activity in Shenzhen by Shenzhen Municipal Association of Promoting Corporate Social

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.        Annual Report 2016

                Section IV Performance Discussion and Analysis

I Overview

For this Reporting Period, the Company achieved, on a consolidated basis, operating revenues of
RMB2,352,023,500, up 8.72% from last year; total profits of RMB425,291,700, up 3.75% from last
year; and net profits of RMB311,567,400 attributable to the shareholders of the Company, up
3.47% from last year. As of December 31, 2016, the net assets attributable to the shareholders of the
Company stood at RMB2,643,860,400, up 13.39% from the year-beginning amount.
Business management review for Y2016
Y2016, the start of the Company’s 13th Five Year Plan, was also a transition year for the Company.
The whole Company united in a concerted effort and overcame difficulties, which promoted the
business management to a new height, firmly carried forward the progress of major assets
restructuring, obviously improved the capability of developing main businesses, and achieved the
8-year continuous profit growth, as well as the good development trend. The employees were
aggressive and motivated with more and more strengthening cohesion, the professional teams
gradually became mature, and the brand effect gradually showed up. The two-civilization
construction made new progress.
(I) Fundamentals of the Company kept making progress, and the business performance obtained
8-year continuous stable growth. In this Reporting Period, business performance of the Company
made new progress, representing a good start for the 13th Five Year Plan. The structure of assets
and liabilities of the Company was in rational distribution, with good financial status and abundant
cash flow.
(II) The main business development reached the expected goal. The Company further perfected the
development and management system, attached importance to safety production management, and
strengthened cost control. As for Cuilinyuan and Tianjv Jingtian Apartment in Shenzhen, the two
projects have entered the stage of constructing the main part. As for Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan, its
foundation trench is in construction. As for Shantou Tianyuewan Phase I, the roof capping
ceremony was held on 9 Jan 2017.
(III) The sales of real estate went well. The Company adjusted marketing strategies based on policy
update in due course, reinforced the sales of villas and shops, and scheduled the development
progress of all projects basically in line with expectation. As for SPG Chuanqishan, it has been
almost sold out. As for Chuanqi Shanglin, there are only a little bit remaining units. As for
Tianyuewan Phase I, there have been more than 100 suits sold out since the project opened to sale
on the National Day in 2016.
(IV) The capability of management and control of the Company was improved. The Company
standardized corporate governance, continuously perfected its system and mechanism, carried out
internal control in order; detailed finance management, accelerated the return of capital, strictly
controlled on budget management, emphasized on supervising all kinds of expenditures; achieved
obvious progress of lawsuit settlement; enhanced talent team construction and business training,
and raised the level of expertise.
(V) All subsidiary enterprises fulfilled business assignments. All subsidiary enterprises further

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Annual Report 2016

enhanced management, improved service level, worked hard to enlarge market, improved the
profitability, made new progress in business performance, and fulfilled the budget index.
(VI) The Company made greater efforts to construct party and corporate culture. The Party
Committee of the Company practically enhanced the grass-roots party construction, as well as the
construction of the party conduct of honesty and incorruption, deeply developed the learning and
education of “Two Studies, One Action”, positively initiated, supported, and developed corporate
culture activities, cultivated common values, constructed new types of corporate culture, and
strengthened the cohesive force of the Company.
(VII) The progress of asset restructuring was carried forward steadily. The Company suspended its
share trading on 14 Sep. 2016, and signed the Cooperation Agreement on Restructuring and Listing
with restructuring parties on 3 Oct. 2016. During the suspension period, the Company, in strict
accordance with rules and requirements from related laws and regulations, disclosed the progress at
regular intervals. The Company accomplished the selection and recruitment of agencies. The
Company’s congress of workers and staffs reviewed and approved the Scheme of Guarantee of
Rights and Interests for Employees. Currently, the Company is positively propelling the work of
due diligence investigation, audit, assessment, as well as drafting and negotiation of related schemes,
and so on. In view of the large scale of assets to be purchased by the restructuring this time,
together with the complicated transaction structure, resulting to certain particularity in aspects of
scale and coverage of assets purchased, the Company regarded the event as a significant case
without example. The Company held online investor presentation, applied to Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for the deferral of trading resumption for shares, and disclosed the notice of deferral of
trading resumption for shares on 14 Mar. 2017.

The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements in the Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on
Information Disclosure by Industry—for Listed Companies Engaging in Real Estate.

II Analysis of main business

1. Overview

See “I Overview” in “Performance Discussion and Analysis”.

2. Revenues and costs

(1) Breakdown of operating revenues

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                      2016                                   2015
                                         As a percentage                        As a percentage
                          Amount            of operating            Amount         of operating
                                           revenues (%)                           revenues (%)
                  2,352,023,528.43                     100% 2,163,365,575.33              100%                8.72%
By business segment
Real estate       1,344,124,795.75                   57.15% 1,451,882,212.00             67.11%            -9.96%
Construction        808,558,753.43                   34.38% 518,895,054.20               23.99%            10.39%

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report 2016

Leasing              75,779,681.07                      3.22%      79,149,162.72              3.66%            -0.44%
                    136,128,709.12                      5.79%     128,945,973.91              5.96%            -0.17%
Other                21,069,704.87                    0.90%        21,421,062.40            0.99%              -0.09%
Internally offset   -33,638,115.81                   -1.43%       -36,927,889.90           -1.71%               0.28%
By product
                  1,212,599,201.90                   51.56% 1,267,905,057.00              58.61%               -7.05%
Shops               131,525,593.85                      5.59%      18,977,155.00           0.88%                4.71%
Warehouses                                                        165,000,000.00           7.63%               -7.63%
Other products    1,041,536,848.49                   43.39%       748,411,253.23          33.60%                9.78%
Less: Internally
                    -33,638,115.81                   -1.43%       -36,927,889.90           -1.71%                0.28%
By geographical segment
                  2,249,649,529.50                   95.65%                               99.09%               -3.44%
Province                                                        2,143,635,244.42
Other regions in
                    135,452,938.12                      5.76%      56,204,916.71              2.60%              3.16%
Overseas                559,176.62                    0.02%           453,304.10            0.02%                0.00%
Internally offset   -33,638,115.81                   -1.43%       -36,927,889.90           -1.71%                0.28%

(2) Business segments, products or geographical segments contributing over 10% of the operating revenues
or profit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?
Yes, for the Company engages in real estate.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                          Operating                   Gross profit
                     Operating                          Gross profit                 Operating cost:
                                    Operating cost                      revenue: YoY                  margin: YoY
                      revenue                             margin                       YoY +/-%
                                                                            +/-%                          +/-%
By business segment
Real estate       1,344,124,795. 753,861,210.1
                                                          43.91%          -7.42%             -3.66%           -2.19%
                               75               5
                   808,558,753.4 777,725,613.0
Construction                                               3.81%          55.82%            58.49%            -1.62%
                                3               2
By product
Residential       1,212,599,201. 688,043,767.3
                                                          43.26%          -4.36%             -9.59%            3.28%
houses                         90               0
Shops                             65,817,442.85           49.96%         593.07%           839.66%          -13.13%
By geographical segment
Guangdong         2,249,649,529. 1,570,680,163.
                                                          43.23%            4.95%           15.45%             6.70%
Province                       50              87
Main business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Whether revenue from physical sales is higher than service revenue

√ Yes □ No
Business segment            Item                 Unit                  2016            2015               +/-%

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                          Annual Report 2016

Real         estate Sales volume                                       75,386.12          78,251.65              -3.66%
development         Output volume                                      36,812.82          28,876.86              27.48%
(RMB’0,000)        Inventory                                         153,905.79         192,479.09             -20.04%
Reason for any over 30% YoY movements in the data above
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(4) Execution progress of major signed sales contracts in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of operating costs

By business segment
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                  2016                               2015
                                                          As a                               As a
                        Item                          percentage of                      percentage of        +/-%
    segment                            Amount                               Amount
                                                     operating costs                    operating costs
                                                           (%)                                (%)
Real estate                          753,861,210.1                   782,516,505.6
                                                              45.18%                            56.31%          -11.13%
                                                 5                               3
                                     777,725,613.0                   490,709,048.8
Construction                                                  46.61%                            35.31%           11.30%
                                                 2                               7
Leasing                              30,635,008.91             1.84% 29,731,750.12               2.14%           -0.30%
Property                             121,051,398.6
                                                               7.25% 110,204,670.86              7.93%           -0.68%
management                                       4
Other                                16,257,255.61             0.97% 15,185,380.88               1.09%           -0.12%
                                    -30,884,645.86            -1.85% -38,720,066.88             -2.79%            0.94%

(6) Changes in the scope of the consolidated financial statements for this Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

(7) Major changes in the business, products or services in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Main customers and suppliers

Main customers
Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                   149,204,144.32
Total sales to top five customers as a percentage
of the total sales for this Reporting Period (%)
Total sales to related parties among top five
customers as a percentage of the total sales for                                                                  0.00%
this Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five customers
   No.                     Customer                      Sales amount (RMB)        As a percentage of the total sales for

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

                                                                                     this Reporting Period (%)
1          Corporate customer A                                    36,121,765.71                             1.54%
2          Corporate customer B                                    34,682,769.33                             1.47%
3          Corporate customer C                                    33,387,291.50                             1.42%
4          Corporate customer D                                    24,036,087.38                             1.02%
5          Corporate customer E                                    20,976,230.40                             0.89%
Total                       --                                    149,204,144.32                             6.34%

Other information about the main customers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Main suppliers
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                        272,072,746.26
Total purchases from top five suppliers as a percentage
of the total purchases for this Reporting Period (%)
Total purchases from related parties among top five
suppliers as a percentage of the total purchases for this                                                     7.72%
Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five suppliers
                                                                                As a percentage of the total
    No.                     Supplier                  Purchase amount (RMB) purchases for this Reporting Period
1            Corporate supplier A                               134,640,526.17                           11.46%
2            Corporate supplier B                                90,678,261.74                            7.72%
3            Corporate supplier C                                26,000,000.00                            2.21%
4            Corporate supplier D                                18,251,558.35                            1.55%
5            Corporate supplier E                                 2,502,400.00                            0.21%
Total                         --                                272,072,746.26                           23.15%
Other information about the main suppliers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    2016            2015                +/-%                Reason for any significant change
               20,688,512.41 46,977,100.96                  -55.96% Decreased sales agent fees and commissions
                                                                   Intermediary fees of a large amount in the
             71,955,523.95 58,883,597.38                    22.20% Current Year due to the launch of a significant
ve expenses
                                                                   asset reorganization
                                                                   Products under construction meeting the
Finance         -12,642,048.4
                              32,367,511.56               -139.06% conditions for interest capitalization,
costs                       8
                                                                   considerably decreased bank loans

4. R&D input

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash flows

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report 2016

            Item                             2016                            2015                     +/-%
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                           2,354,513,956.22                 2,593,917,264.63                    -9.23%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                           1,827,822,630.02                 1,496,773,010.12                   22.12%
due to operating activities
Net cash flows from
                                             526,691,326.20                 1,097,144,254.51                  -51.99%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                1,890,997.58                        386,230.00                389.60%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                1,821,040.16                    7,894,632.61                  -76.93%
due to investing activities
Net cash flows from
                                                    69,957.42                  -7,508,402.61                  100.93%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                               24,000,000.00                 227,837,400.00                   -89.47%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                             455,429,367.18                  818,348,503.54                   -44.35%
due to financing activities
Net cash flows from
                                             -431,429,367.18                 -590,511,103.54                   26.94%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                               96,010,984.21                 499,636,457.33                   -80.78%
cash equivalents
Explanation of why the data above varied significantly

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year decrease of
9.23%, mainly caused by the decrease of the houses selling and the engineering amount received
from providing the labor services and the goods selling of 2016.
The subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year increase of
22.12%, mainly due to the common effects caused by the increase of the engineering amount paid
for purchasing the goods and accepting the labor services, as well as the decrease of tax payments.
The subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year increase of
389.60%, mainly because of receiving financial cash and the bonus of the financial assets
available-for-sale during the holding period in 2016.
The subtotal of cash outflow from investment activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year decrease of
76.93%, mainly because of the decrease of the purchase of the fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets in 2016.
The subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year decrease of
89.47%, mainly because of the decrease of financing in 2016.
The subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities in 2016 showed a year-on-year decrease of
44.35%, mainly because of the decrease of the paid bank loans and the distributed cash dividends.
Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Analysis of non-core business

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                          Annual Report 2016

IV Analysis of assets and liabilities

1. Significant changes in the asset composition

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      December 31, 2016               December 31, 2015
                                    As a                            As a
                                 percentage                      percentage              Reason for any significant change
                     Amount                          Amount                     percenta
                                   of total                        of total
                                                                                 ge (%)
                                 assets (%)                      assets (%)
Monetary          1,266,057,324.                  1,175,756,306.                          Increased payments from house
                                     33.44%                          28.13%       5.31%
funds                        40                              36                           buyers and decreased total assets
Accounts           108,298,050.4                   112,543,908.6
                                       2.86%                           2.69%      0.17%
receivable                     0                               6
                  1,734,553,042.                  2,146,223,895.                          Carry-forward of sales costs due
Inventories                          45.82%                          51.35%      -5.53%
                             10                              61                           to sales of houses
Investment         416,227,686.3                   435,058,564.2
                                     11.00%                          10.41%       0.59%
property                       0                               0
equity             37,447,267.61         0.99% 57,768,804.36            1.38% -0.39%
Fixed assets       45,531,813.41         1.20% 52,213,985.31            1.25% -0.05%
Short-term         111,709,916.4               143,418,286.2
                                         2.95%                          3.43% -0.48%
borrowings                     4                           9
Long-term          136,000,000.0               382,233,324.8
                                         3.59%                          9.14% -5.55% Long-term borrowings repaid
borrowings                     0                           8
Accounts           168,614,299.9               290,453,110.5
                                         4.45%                          6.95% -2.50%
payable                        5                           0
                   325,851,112.5                  475,620,347.3
received in                              8.61%                         11.38% -2.77% Carry-forward of sales revenue
                               4                              5
Taxes and fares
                   65,765,997.90         1.74% 63,459,415.42            1.52%     0.22%
liabilities due    37,234,933.67         0.98%                          4.04% -3.06% Long-term borrowings repaid
within one year

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Restricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period

      Type of asset                Project name              Closing book value              Reason for restriction
Monetary funds                                                            290,033.83     See Note VI 1 for details
Notes receivable                                                       20,606,778.91 Pledge for a short-term borrowing
Accounts receivable                                                    73,103,137.53 Pledge for a short-term borrowing
Investment property               Petrel Building                      64,969,223.83     Mortgage for a long-term
Investment property            Guoshang Building                       52,223,202.52     Mortgage for a long-term

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Annual Report 2016

Investment property                 SPG Plaza                         223,598,885.86   Mortgage for a long-term
          Total                                                       434,791,262.48

V Investments made

1. Total investments made

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Significant equity investments made in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investments ongoing in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial investments

(1) Securities investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period

(2) Investment in derivative financial instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period

5. Use of funds raised

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

VI Sale of major assets and equity interests

1. Sale of major assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2016

2. Sale of major equity interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Main controlled and joint stock companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Main subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% influence on the Company’s net profit
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Relationsh   Main
  Company                    business      Registered                         Operating Operating
                 ip with the                          Total assets Net assets                         Net profit
   name                       scope         capital                           revenues   profit
SPG                                      Developme
Longgang        Subsidiary   Real estate nt of real 713,405,01 224,772,96 561,014,09 193,382,02 144,517,48
Development                              estate           3.98       5.41       3.23       3.63       6.60
Co., Ltd.
Shantou SEZ,
Wellam FTY,                              Developme
Building        Subsidiary   Real estate nt of real 265,842,78 123,430,09 61,820,627 2,279,351.
Development,                             estate           0.28       0.23        .58        28
Co., Ltd.
Huafeng Real                             Developme
Estate          Subsidiary   Real estate nt of real 602,595,60 7,395,155.                -8,072,973. -6,054,729.
Development                              estate           0.04        55                         23          92
Co., Ltd.
Great     Wall                           Developme
Estate     Co., Subsidiary   Real estate nt of real 19,855,883 -87,512,09             -201,946.1 -201,946.1
Inc. (U.S.)                              estate             .60       0.59                     8          8
Shenzhen                                 Fixing and
Zhentong                                 maintenanc
                Subsidiary   Service                 249,808,99 20,488,753 809,627,73 3,464,976. 2,904,540.
Engineering                              e        of
                                                           4.35        .19       5.50        05         63
Co., Ltd.                                projects
                Subsidiary   Service       manageme 87,931,093 19,726,014 136,128,70 2,203,641. 1,683,150.
                                           nt              .16        .18       9.12        08         55
Co., Ltd.
Petrel Hotel Subsidiary      Service                     46,713,475 39,821,504 27,771,080 2,958,890. 2,205,120.
Co., Ltd.                                                       .91        .38        .42        80         10
                                           Rent     of
SPG Mini-bus Subsidiary      Service                   16,660,318 13,586,374 4,022,498.
                                           mini-bus                                     652,384.13 489,288.10
Rent Co., Ltd.                                                .03        .15        40
Huazhan                                    Constructio
Construction Subsidiary      Service       n           9,186,842. 8,475,241. 3,693,244.
                                                                                        103,991.21 83,192.97
Supervision                                supervision        08         39         49
Co., Ltd.
Xin       Feng            Investment
Enterprise     Subsidiary manageme              152,034,69 -419,243,8            -10,943,03 -10,945,61
                                     manageme                         144,500.00
Co., Ltd.                 nt                          1.58      41.18                  6.09       0.90

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report 2016

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Information about the main controlled and joint stock companies
1. The subordinate subsidiaries engaged in real estate development mainly include: Shenzhen SPG Longgang
Development Co., Ltd., Shantou SEZ, Wellam FTY, Building Development, Co., Ltd. and Shantou Huafeng Real
Estate Development Co., Ltd.. The Longgang Company was responsible for the development of the SPG Shanglin
Garden Project with the carried forward sales of 2016 of RMB0.561 billion for the north area, and the proportion
of the operating income to that of the Group Company of 23.85% as well as the proportion of the net profits which
was of RMB0.144 billion to that of the Group Company of 46.39%. Shantou Wellam Company took the
responsibility of developing the projects such as the Jinye Island and Yuejing Dongfang, with the 2016 carried
forward sales of the Yuejing Dongfang Project of RMB0.056 billion, and the carried forward sales of the
remaining building of Jinye Island of RMB0.006 billion. Shantou Huafeng Company took the responsibility of
developing the Tianyuewan Project (namely the Shantou Jingzaiwan Project), of which the Phase I was opened to
sale in Oct. 2016, and is expected to be completed in Dec 2017. The sales revenue of Tianyuewan Phase I has not
been carried forward yet, and its operating profit of RMB-8.07 million was caused by marketing expense.
2. Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd. was engaged in the business of building installation and maintenance
with the 2016 operating income of RMB0.809 billion and of 34.42% to the operating income of the Group
3. The 2016 operating income of Shenzhen Property Management Co., Ltd. was of RMB0.136 billion that was of
5.79% to the operating income of the Group Company.
4. The 2016 net profits of Xin Feng Enterprise Co., Ltd. was of RMB-10.94 million which mainly due to the
losses of the exchange rate changes of RMB9.12 million.

VIII Structured bodies controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Outlook for the future development of the Company

Facing the complicated domestic and overseas political and economic situation in 2017, China will
implement more prudent and improved macroeconomic policy, more proactive and powerful fiscal
policy, prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity and further intensified
economic structure adjustment. In the aspect of real estate market, China will strengthen the
classified regulation and control of real estate market and accelerate the establishment and
improvement of long-term mechanism to facilitate the steady and sound development of real estate
market so as to accomplish the rational development of the market.
The Company will adhere to the management strategy of "carefully planning the development
strategies, executing refine cultivation on the main business operating, making careful calculation
and strict budgeting on the intensification of the cost control and keeping enhancing of the
management and control level", continue to optimize and improve the development strategies and
business planning put forward in the 13th Five-Year Plan, make overall arrangements for and take
into consideration of enterprise management and production safety, actively push forward material
assets reorganization of the company, accelerate the projects construction and sales, and strive for

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.         Annual Report 2016

the stable and continuous development of the Company.
In 2017, the Company will make great efforts to grasp the following work of five aspects:
(I) To pay adequate attention to main business. To ensure project development and sales progress:
first, to promote project construction such as Cuilinyuan, Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan, Tianyuewan
and Tianjv Jingtian Apartment and to ensure the smooth realization of development plan of projects
under construction; second, to do a good job of project sales, to achieve sell-out of villas of SPG
Chuanqishan project, to speed up the sales of remaining villas and shops of Chuanqi Shanglin
project, to increase the sales efforts of Tianyuewan Phase I and Cuilinyuan and to make full
preparation for marketing planning of Tianjv Jingtian Apartment; third, pay constant attention to
and increase at proper time land reserve so as to ensure the sustained and steady development of the
Company in the future.
(II) To strengthen the control over main business. To further enhance the overall planning,
coordination and control capability in the whole development process of main business: first, to
strengthen cost control, to cover the whole development process with cost control and to implement
the fine cost management target; second, to improve financial management capability, to do a good
job in comprehensive budget management and financing management and to ensure the safety and
efficiency of fund utilization; to strengthen tax management and to actively prevent various tax
risks; third, to intensify the learning, absorbing and reference of the new technology, new process
and the new mode of the management during the process of the projects development and
construction, to raise the level of planning and design management and to strive for the building of
the boutique projects; fourth, to strengthen the project management and supervision level and
production safety during the process of project construction and to ensure project quality, progress
and security.
(III) Strengthen the business management of the owning enterprise. The owning enterprise shall
stress the main business, clarify responsibility, and ensure the smooth accomplishment of business
indicator and the proceeding of key work according to annual highlights and the responsibility book.
The property company shall fully enable the property management service information system and
improve service level as well as management level. Zhentong Company shall increase market
exploitation efforts, actively participate in foreign bid competition and improve the proportion of
self operating project; Petrel Hotel shall improve management mechanism and incentive system,
continuously extend guest source and strive to build new pattern of new business hotel; Huazhan
Supervision shall focus efforts on the supervision on group development projects and strengthen
production safety supervision.
(IV) To strengthen basic-level Party construction work and implement the spirit learning activity put
forward on the 19th National Congress of the CPC. To consolidate the "Two Studies, One Action"
learning and education achievements, to enhance the "Two Responsibilities" in the process of clean
government construction, to strengthen the anti-corruption and clean government promotion of
state-owned enterprise and the construction of basic-level Party organization and Party member
troop, to organize various enterprise culture activities, to strengthen the cohesion of the team and to
ensure the harmony and stability of the enterprise.
(V) To actively push forward material assets reorganization: first, to continue to push forward
material assets reorganization jointly with all parties concerned, to actively facilitate and cooperate
in due diligence, auditing, evaluation, and negotiation of various parties concerned in the trade on
the scheme, as well as necessary regulation communication in strict accordance with the

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                         Annual Report 2016

requirements of regulatory department supervision department; to ensure the compliance and
smooth proceeding of material assets reorganization; second, to attach great importance to the
stability of employee team and the guarantee of rights and interests during assets reorganization; to
ensure the normal implementation of all management work of the Company.

X Visits paid to the Company for purposes of research, communication, interview, etc.

1. In this Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                         Way of
     Date of visit                    Type of visitor                  Index to main inquiry information
                       Telephone                        Inquired of the progress of the projects development and the
29 Jan. 2016           communic      Individual         number of the shareholders etc. and didn’t offer written
                       ation                            materials
                       Telephone                        Inquired of the appointed disclosure time of the annual report
9 Mar. 2016            communic      Individual         and the situation of the projects development and the sales in
                       ation                            2015 and didn’t offer written materials
                       Telephone                        Inquired of the process of the projects development and the
13 May 2016            communic      Individual         impact of Shenzhen state-funded and state-owned enterprise
                       ation                            reform on the Company and didn’t offer written materials
                       Telephone                        Inquired of the appointed disclosure time of the semi-annual
28 Jun. 2016           communic      Individual         report and the number of the shareholders etc. and didn’t offer
                       ation                            written materials
                                                        Inquired of the appointed disclosure time of the semi-annual
                        Telephone                       report, the progress of the projects development in the first
25 Jul. 2016            communic Individual             half year and the impact of Shenzhen state-funded and
                        ation                           state-owned enterprise reform on the Company and didn’t
                                                        offer written materials
                                                        Inquired of the progress of state-funded and state-owned
                                                        enterprise in Shenzhen and the impact on the company and the
17 Aug. 2016            communic Individual
                                                        semi-annual operating of the Company and didn’t offer
                                                        written materials
                                                        Inquired of the delisting reason and relisting time and didn’t
14 Sep. 2016            communic     Individual
                                                        offer written materials
                        Telephone                       Inquired of the delisting reason and relisting time, the
28 Sep. 2016            communic     Individual         appointed disclosure time of the three-quarter report and
                        ation                           didn’t offer written materials
                                                        Inquired of the progress of major assets reorganization and
10 Oct. 2016            communic     Individual
                                                        estimated relisting time and didn’t offer written materials
                                                        Inquired of the progress of major assets reorganization and
14 Nov. 2016            communic     Individual
                                                        estimated relisting time and didn’t offer written materials
                                                        Inquired of the progress of major assets reorganization and
28 Nov. 2016            communic     Individual
                                                        estimated relisting time and didn’t offer written materials
                                                        Inquired of the progress of major assets reorganization and
13 Dec. 2016            communic     Individual
                                                        estimated relisting time and didn’t offer written materials
                        Telephone                       Inquired of the progress of major assets reorganization,
30 Dec. 2016            communic     Individual         estimated relisting time and the situation of the projects
                        ation                           development in 2016 and didn’t offer written materials

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.   Annual Report 2016

Times of visit                                                                                   13
Number of visiting institutions                                                                   0
Number of visiting individuals                                                                   13
Number of other visitors                                                                          0
Significant     undisclosed     information
disclosed, revealed or leaked

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2016

                                    Section V Significant Events

I Profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for common

Formulation, execution or adjustments of profit distribution policy, especially cash dividend policy, for common
shareholders in this Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The 2015 semi-annual profit distribution proposal was considered and approved at the 26th meeting
of the 7th Board held on August 28, 2015 and the 1st special meeting of shareholders in 2015 held on
September 21, 2015. As such, it was decided to distribute, based on the Company’s total shares of
1,011,660,000, a cash dividend of RMB1.30 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all the shareholders of
the Company, and that no bonus shares would be granted, nor would any capital reserve be
converted into share capital. The said profit distribution has been carried out.

                                        Explanation on cash dividend policy
                                                           The conditions and process of formulation of the
In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Retribution Plan for the Company’s Shareholders, the
Association and the relevant resolution of the meeting revision of the Articles of Association was compliance and
of shareholders                                            transparent with the contents met with the requirements
                                                           of the relevant laws and regulations as well as CSRC.
                                                           The dividend standard and the proportion were definite
Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio
                                                           and clear after revision.
                                                           The relevant decision-making process and system was
Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism
                                                           The independent director executed dutifully and gave
Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and
                                                           independent advice of the cash dividend policy of the
played their due role
Minority interests have the chance to fully express their
opinion and desire and their legal rights and interests Yes
were fully protected
In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy,
the conditions and procedure were in compliance with Yes
applicable regulations and transparent
Plans/proposals for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for common shareholders

for the past three years (including this Reporting Period):
For the year 2014, the net profit was used for covering the deficit of the previous years. Thus, no
profit distribution or share capital increase from capital reserve was conducted.
For the first half of 2015, based on its total shares of 1,011,660,000, the Company distributed a cash
dividend of RMB1.30 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all of its shareholders; and no bonus shares
were granted, nor was any capital reserve converted into share capital.
For the year 2015, no profit distribution or share capital increase from capital reserve was
For the year 2016, no profit distribution or share capital increase from capital reserve would be

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                    Annual Report 2016

Cash dividend distribution of the Company to common shareholders over the past three years (including this
Reporting Period)
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                          Proportion in net
                                            Net profit
                                          attributable to
                                                            attributable to
                                                               common                                Ratio of cash
                      Cash dividends shareholders of                           Cash dividends in
       Year                                                shareholders of                        dividends in other
                      (tax included)     the Company in                           other forms
                                                           the Company in                                forms
                                         the consolidated
                                                          the consolidated
                                          statements for
                                                            statements for
                                              the year
                                                             the year (%)
2016                              0.00 311,567,386.94                   0.00%                0.00             0.00%
2015                   131,515,800.00 301,129,840.84                  43.67%                 0.00             0.00%
2014                              0.00 298,033,316.49                   0.00%                0.00             0.00%
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company made profit in this Reporting Period and the profit distributable to
common shareholders of the Company was positive, but it did not put forward a proposal for cash dividend
distribution to its common shareholders
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                          Reason                                         Intended use of retained profit
                                                          Retained profit mainly used for construction in progress
Significant asset reorganization still underway           and increasing the land reserve when the time is right so
                                                          as to ensure the sustained development of the Company

II Proposal for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for this
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or convert capital reserve into share capital.

III Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties and acquirer, as well as
the Company and other commitment makers, fulfilled in this Reporting Period or ongoing at the

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and this Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for this Reporting Period.

□Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related parties
for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2016

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

V Explanations given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the independent
directors (if any) regarding the “modified auditor’s report” issued by the CPAs firm for this
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI YoY changes in accounting policies, estimations and methods

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

VII Retroactive restatement due to correction of material accounting errors in this Reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

VIII YoY changes in the scope of the consolidated financial statements

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

IX Engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Current CPAs firm
Name of the domestic CPAs firm                    Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP
The Company’s payment for the domestic
CPAs firm (RMB’0,000)
Consecutive years of the audit service
provided by the domestic CPAs firm
Names of the certified public accountants
                                                  Cai Xiaodong, Wang Huansen
from the domestic CPAs firm
Name of the foreign CPAs firm (if any)            N/A
The Company’s payment for the foreign
CPAs firm (RMB’0,000) (if any)
Consecutive years of the audit service
provided by the foreign CPAs firm (if any)
Names of the certified public accountants
from the foreign CPAs firm (if any)

Indicate by tick mark whether the CPAs firm was changed during this Reporting Period.

□ Yes √ No

CPAs firm, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for internal control audit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company hired Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP to provide internal control audit

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

service for this Reporting Period at the cost of RMB0.25 million.

X Possibility of listing suspension or termination after disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI Bankruptcy and restructuring

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

XII Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                       Provisio                                                                           Index to
Lawsuit/ar involved                                                          Execution of      Disclosu
                           n        Progress      Decision and influence                                 disclosed
   bitration (RMB’0,                                                          decision         re date
                       (yes/no)                                                                         information
                                             ①     Business Tourism
                                             Company had to pay for
                                             the           compensation
                                             RMB36,620 thousand and
                                             the relevant interest (from
                                             14 Sept. 1998 to the
                                             payment day) to Xi’an
                                             Fresh Peak Company The applicant has
                                             within one month after received            RMB
                                                                          15.20       million.
                                             the judgment entering
                                             into force. If the Business Now         Business
                                             Tourism Company failed       Tourism Company                  Semi-Annu
Xi’an                                       to pay in time, it had to has no executable                    al Report
                                   In        pay double debt interests properties          and 08/27/20     2015 (full
Project          2,100 No
                                   execution                              Xi’an         Joint 16           text) on
Lawsuit                                      to Xi’an Fresh Peak
                                             Company for the overdue Commission              on             www.cnin
                                                                          Commerce          has             fo.com.cn
                                             period; ② Xi’an Joint
                                                                          been refusing to
                                             Commission                on execute the ruling.
                                             Commerce had jointly It is difficult to
                                             and severally obligation
                                                                          recover the rest.
                                             of the interests of the
                                             compensation;       . ③
                                             Business           Tourism
                                             Company shall           bear
                                             RMB227,500 of the
                                             acceptance fee and the
                                             security fee.
                                             ①     Luofu      Mountain On 21 April. 2016,                 Announce
                                             Tourism Company has the Company had                           ment on the
Luofu                                        paid     back      RMB9.6 signed               the            Progress of
                   960 No
                                   Execution million;      ②     Luofu Pacification            08/27/20   the
project                            completed Mountain Administration Agreement               on 16         Lawsuits
Lawsuit                                      Committee        had      to Enforcement with                 on
                                             undertake one third of the the       Guangdong                www.cninf
                                             debts     which      Luofu   Luofu Mountain                   o.com.cn

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

                                                Mountain Tourism was Tourism
                                                unable to repay; ③ Luofu Development
                                                Mountain         Tourism Corporation,
                                                Company shall        bear Administration
                                                RMB167,700 of the case Committee           of
                                                acceptance fee and the Guangdong Luofu
                                                security fee.             Mountain Scenic
                                                                          Area. According to
                                                                          the      agreement,
                                                                          Guangdong Luofu
                                                                          Mountain Tourism
                                                                          Corporation    had
                                                                          transferred     the
                                                                          agreement amount
                                                                          of RMB18 million
                                                                          in the appointed
                                                                          account of the
                                                                          Company and the
                                                                          case had closed
                                                                          since then.

XIII Punishments and rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

XIV Credit conditions of the Company as well as its controlling shareholder and actual

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV Implementation of any equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other
incentive measures for employees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

XVI Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase or sales of assets or equity interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Annual Report 2016

3. Related-party transitions regarding joint investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Indicate by tick mark whether there were any credits and liabilities with related parties for non-operating
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

XVII Significant contracts and execution

1. Entrustment, contracting and leasing

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

2. Significant guarantees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                Unit: RMB'0,000
 Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report 2016

                  e date of              Actual                                                              Guarant
                      the              occurrence                  Actual                                    ee for a
                             Line of                                           Type of     Term of    Due or
 Guaranteed party guarantee           date (date of               guarantee                                  related
                            guarantee                                         guarantee   guarantee    not
                     line              agreement                   amount                                    party or
                  announce              signing)                                                               not
                                                            Total actual external
Total external guarantee line
                                                            guarantee        amount
approved      during     this                             0                                                           0
                                                            during this Reporting
Reporting Period (A1)
                                                            Period (A2)
                                                            Total actual external
Total    approved       external
                                                            guarantee balance at the
guarantee line at the end of                              0                                                           0
                                                            end of this Reporting
this Reporting Period (A3)
                                                            Period (A4)
                               Guarantees between the Company and its subsidiaries
                      e date of                 Actual                                                        Guarant
                          the                 occurrence      Actual                                          ee for a
                                  Line of                                  Type of      Term of Due or
 Guaranteed party guarantee                  date (date of guarantee                                          related
                                 guarantee                               guarantee guarantee      not
                         line                 agreement       amount                                          party or
                     announce                  signing)                                                         not
Shantou SEZ,
Wellam FTY,
                     10/31/201                                          Joint-liabili
Building                                  0 04/17/2013           13,000               3 years   Yes          Yes
                     2                                                  ty
Development Co.,
                                                            Total actual guarantee
Total guarantee line for
                                                            amount for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved during                              0                                                           0
                                                            during this Reporting
this Reporting Period (B1)
                                                            Period (B2)
                                                            Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line
                                                            balance for subsidiaries
for subsidiaries at the end of                      13,000                                                            0
                                                            at the end of this
this Reporting Period (B3)
                                                            Reporting Period (B4)
                                          Guarantees between subsidiaries
                      e date of                 Actual                                                       Guarant
                          the                 occurrence      Actual                                         ee for a
                                  Line of                                 Type of       Term of Due or
 Guaranteed party guarantee                  date (date of guarantee                                         related
                                 guarantee                               guarantee guarantee      not
                         line                 agreement       amount                                         party or
                     announce                  signing)                                                        not
                                                            Total actual guarantee
Total guarantee line for
                                                            amount for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved during                              0                                                           0
                                                            during this Reporting
this Reporting Period (C1)
                                                            Period (C2)
                                                            Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line
                                                            balance for subsidiaries
for subsidiaries at the end of                            0                                                           0
                                                            at the end of this
this Reporting Period (C3)
                                                            Reporting Period (C4)
                 Total guarantee amount (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)
                                                            Total actual guarantee
Total guarantee line approved
                                                            amount during this
during this Reporting Period                              0                                                           0
                                                            Reporting         Period

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report 2016

                                                              Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line
                                                              balance at the end of
at the end of this Reporting                           13,000                                                   0
                                                              this Reporting Period
Period (A3+B3+C3)
Proportion of the total actual guarantee amount
(A4+B4+C4) in net assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, the
actual controller and their related parties (D)
Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or
indirectly for entities with a liability-to-asset ratio over                                                    0
70% (E)
Portion of the total guarantee amount in excess of 50%
of net assets (F)
Total amount of the three kinds of guarantees above
                                                          The Company is its house buyers’ guarantee for
Joint responsibilities possibly borne or already borne in mortgage loans from banks. As of December 31, 2016,
this Reporting Period for undue guarantees (if any)       the outstanding guaranteed amount was RMB8.01
Provision of external guarantees in breach of the
prescribed procedures (if any)
Composite guarantees:
The Company belongs to the property industry and according to the relevant regulations of the People’s Bank of
China, the developers must provide the mortgage loan guarantees for the home buyers, and the guarantee that the
Company recently provided for the home buyers was the phased joint guarantee with the period from the date
when the bank released the loans to the date when the home buyers completed the real estate license. If during the
above guarantee period, the home buyers didn’t execute the debtor responsibility, the Company has the right to
recover the sold property and the guarantee would not cause any actual loss for the Company.

(2) Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

3. Entrusted cash management

(1) Entrusted cash management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report 2016

4. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.

XVIII Social responsibilities

1. Targeted measures taken to help people lift themselves out of poverty

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Other social responsibilities taken

The Company paid attention on the execution of the social responsibilities and positively protected
the legal interests of the stakeholders such as the creditors, employees, customers, suppliers and
community as well as executed the social responsibilities. During this Reporting Period, the
Company organized the volunteer team and the Party member volunteer service team and positively
developed the volunteer service and the Party member volunteer service activities; furthermore, the
Company also executed the social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise, helped families with
family planning difficulty, paid consolation money to Party members and employees in hardship
and hospitalized employees due to diseases; carried out condolence activities for employees on their
birthday and for retired cadres on festivals; positively developed the interest teams activities such as
the badminton, table tennis, mountain climbing and basketball as well as the activities of the health
knowledge lectures. During this Reporting Period, the Company was honored by GuangDong
Provincial Enterprise Confederation and Guangdong Provincial Association of Entrepreneurs as
"Best honesty enterprise of Guangdong Province" and honored by Shenzhen Corporate Social
Responsibility Promotion Association as "Two-Star Entity of Shenzhen 1st Social Responsibility
Evaluation Session".
Is the Company or any of its subsidiaries a heavily polluting business identified by the environmental protection
authorities of China?

Indicate by tick mark whether a social responsibility report is released.

□ Yes √ No

XIX Other significant events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Since the planning of controlling shareholders of the Company involves major issues, based on the
application submitted to Shenzhen Stock Exchange, certain shares of the Company (A share: short
name of stock: SSFA, stock code: 000029; B share: short name of stock: SSFB, stock code: 200029)
ware delisted as of 14 Sep., 2016. The Company disclosed the Announcement on Delisting Due to
Planning of Major Issues (No. 2016-022), the Announcement on Continued Delisting Due to
Planning of Major Issues (No. 2016-023) and the Announcement on Continued Delisting Due to

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.        Annual Report 2016

Planning of Major Issues (No. 2016-024) on 14 Sep. 2016, 22 Sep. 2016 and 29 Sep. 2016
respectively. Upon verification, the issues constitute major assets reorganization. The listed
company disclosed the Announcement on Delisting Due to Planning of Major Assets
Reorganization (No. 2016-025) on 30 Sep. 2016 and the Announcement on Signing the Cooperation
Agreement on Assets Reorganization for Listing on Market (No. 2016-027) on 10 Oct. 2016.
Upon expiration of delisting period of 1 month, based on the application submitted by the Company,
shares of the Company were delisted continuously as of 14 Oct. 2016 after market opening. The
listed company disclosed the Announcement on Relisting in the Period of Major Assets
Reorganization Progress Delay (No. 2016-028) on 14 Oct. 2016.
Prior to the expiration of delisting period of 2 months, based on the Motion on Continued Delisting
Due to Major Assets Reorganization reviewed and approved by the 33rd Session of the 7th Board of
the Directors held on 11 Nov. 2016, the Company applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for
continued delisting as of 14 Nov. 2016. The delisting period shall not exceed 3 months
accumulatively from the first day of delisting. The Company disclosed the Announcement on
Continued Delisting after Expiration of Delisting Period Due to Planning of Assets Reorganization
(No. 2016-039) on 14 Nov. 2016.
Prior to the expiration of delisting period of 3 months, the Company held the 1st Extraordinary
General Meeting on 12 Dec. 2016, reviewed and approved the Motion on Continued Delisting Due
to Planning of Assets Reorganization, and disclosed the Announcement on Application for
Continued Delisting after Expiration of Delisting Period Due to Planning of Assets Reorganization
(No. 2016-047). Upon the application, the Company shall continue to delist shares as of 14 Dec,
2016 after market opening and undertook that the delisting period shall not exceed 6 months
accumulatively from the first day of delisting (i.e., to 13 Mar. 2017).
Prior to the expiration of delisting period of 6 months, the Company held the online illustration
meeting to investors on 10 Mar. 2017, exchanged and communicated relevant information of the
major assets reorganization event with investors and answered the questions that have caused the
general concern of investors. Please refer to the Announcement on Holding Online Illustration
Meeting to Investors (No. 2017-012) disclosed on 11 Mar. 2017 for details. Upon application to the
exchange, the Company issued the Announcement on Relisting Delay Due to Planning of Major
Assets Reorganization (No. 2017-013) on 14 Mar. 2017. To ensure the smooth progress of the major
assets reorganization work, prevent abnormal fluctuation of the share price of the Company and
protect the rights and interests of medium and small shareholder investors, upon application to
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company will continue to delist shares for no more than 1 month as
of 14 Mar. 2017 and is expected to disclose the major assets reorganization plan or report and apply
for relisting according to the requirements of the Standards for the Contents and Formats of
Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 26—Major Assets
Reorganization of Listed Companies prior to 14 Apr. 2017.
During delisting period, the Company shall disclose the progress of relevant issues every five
business days at least in strict accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. At
present, all work involved with the major assets reorganization is proceeding smoothly.
The major assets reorganization planned by the Company is still very uncertain, thus the investors
should take invest risk into account.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.   Annual Report 2016

XX Significant events of subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.           Annual Report 2016

              Section VI Share Changes and Shareholders’ Profile

I Share changes

1. Share changes

                                                                                              Unit: share
                                   Before            Increase/decrease (+/-)                 After
                                    Percenta New    Bonus     from                           Percenta
                             Number                                    Other Subtotal Number
                                     ge (%) issues shares capital                             ge (%)
1. Restricted shares              0 0.00%         0       0         0        0      0      0 0.00%
1.1 Shares held by the
                                     0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
1.2 Shares held by
                                     0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
state-owned corporations
1.3 Shares held by other
                                     0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
domestic investors
Among which: Shares
held      by     domestic            0    0.00%                      0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
held      by     domestic            0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
1.4 Shares held by
                                     0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0             0.00%
foreign investors
Among which: Shares
held       by      foreign           0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
held       by      foreign           0    0.00%            0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
                        1,011,66                                                      1,011,66 100.00
                                 100.00%                   0         0      0   0   0
2. Non-restricted shares   0,000                                                         0,000      %
                        891,660,                                                      891,660,
2.1 RMB common shares             88.14%                   0         0      0   0   0          88.14%
                             000                                                           000
2.2 Domestically listed 120,000,                                                      120,000,
                                  11.86%                   0         0      0   0   0          11.86%
foreign shares               000                                                           000
2.3 Overseas listed
                               0 0.00%                     0         0      0   0   0         0   0.00%
foreign shares
2.4 Other                      0 0.00%                     0         0      0   0   0        0    0.00%
                        1,011,66                                                      1,011,66    100.00
3. Total shares                  100.00%                   0         0      0   0   0
                           0,000                                                         0,000        %
Reasons for any share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2016

Transfer of share ownership

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Effects of share changes on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders

of the Company and other financial indexes over the prior year and the prior period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulatory authorities to


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: share
                    Unlocke       Increase
Name of Opening                              Closing
                    d in this     d in this              Reason for
sharehol restricted                         restricted                           Date of unlocking
                    Reportin      Reportin                lock-up
  der      shares                             shares
                    g Period      g Period
                                                                   Not restricted by the clearing company and as
                                                      Shares held per the relevant regulations of decrease of
Qiu                                                   by executive shareholding by directors, supervisors and
              45,382     11,346           0    34,036
Lihua                                                 officer’s   executive officers issued by CSRC, 11,346
                                                      relative     restricted shares were unlocked on January 1,
Deng                                                  Shares held
                                                                   2,500 restricted shares were unlocked on
Kangche       10,000      2,500           0     7,500 by executive
                                                                   January 1, 2017
ng                                                    officer
                                                      Shares held
Zhuang                                                             20,000 restricted shares were unlocked on
              80,000     20,000           0    60,000 by executive
Quan                                                               January 1, 2017
                                                                   Not restricted by the clearing company and as
                                                      Shares held per the relevant regulations of decrease of
Wang                                                  by executive shareholding by directors, supervisors and
              10,000      2,500           0     7,500
Xiulan                                                officer’s   executive officers issued by CSRC, 2,500
                                                      relative     restricted shares were unlocked on January 1,
Total       145,382      36,346           0   109,036        --                           --

II Issuance and listing of securities

1. Securities (excluding preference shares) issued in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in total shares of the Company and the shareholder structure, as well as the asset and liability

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                         Annual Report 2016


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Existing employee-held shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                Unit: share
                                                                                             Total number
                                                                                             of preference
                              Total number                   Total number of                 shareholders
                              of    common                   preference                      with resumed
Total number
                              shareholders at                shareholders                    voting rights at
of common
                              the       prior                with    resumed                 the       prior
shareholders           74,659                         74,638                               0                            0
                              month-end                      voting rights at                month-end
at        the
                              before      the                the period-end                  before      the
                              disclosure of                  (if any) (see                   disclosure of
                              this Report                    note 8)                         this Report (if
                                                                                             any) (see note
                              5% or greater shareholders or the top 10 shareholders
                                                    Increase                        Pledged or frozen shares
                                             Total                       Number
                                                     /decreas Number
                                  Shareho shares                             of
                                                    e during      of
    Name of           Nature of     lding held at                       non-restr
                                                       this restricte
   shareholder       shareholder percenta the                              icted     Status         Number
                                                      Reporti d shares
                                   ge (%) period-e                        shares
                                                        ng       held
                                              nd                           held
Investment      State-owned          642,884                                    642,884,
                              63.55%                                        0
Holdings Co., corporation               ,262                                        262
Shanjin Jinkong
Management      Domestic
                                     10,300,                                    10,300,0
Co., Ltd. - non-state-owne 1.02%                                           0
                                         000                                         00
Shanjin Jinkong d corporation
Sustaining Fund
No. 1
                Domestic             3,246,9                                  3,246,94
Lu Zhigao                      0.32%                                        0
                individual                49                                         9
                Domestic             1,286,7                                  1,286,70
Tan Shiqing                    0.13%                                        0
                individual                01                                         1
                Domestic             1,273,7                                  1,273,70
Yang Shuilian                  0.13%                                        0
                individual                00                                         0
                Domestic             1,255,7                                  1,255,75
Yang Jianxiong                 0.12%                                        0
                individual                50                                         0

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2016

Central Huijin
Asset              State-owned                1,165,5                      1,165,50
                                      0.12%                             0
Management         corporation                     00                             0
Co., Ltd.
                   Domestic                   1,129,0                      1,129,08
Peng Wei                              0.11%                             0
                   individual                      82                             2
                   Foreign                    1,109,3                      1,109,30
Wu Haoyuan                            0.11%                             0
                   individual                      00                             0
Guotai Junan
Securities         Foreign                    1,015,6                      1,015,68
                                      0.10%                             0
(Hong Kong)        corporation                     83                             3
Strategic investors or general
corporations becoming top-ten
shareholders due to placing of
new shares (if any) (see Note 3)
Related or acting-in-concert The Company finds no related parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in
parties among the shareholders the Administrative Measures for Shareholding Changes in Listed Companies
above                               among the above shareholders.
                              Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted shareholders
                                      Number of non-restricted shares held at the            Type of shares
       Name of shareholder
                                                     period-end                          Type           Number
Shenzhen Investment Holdings                                                        RMB common
                                                                       642,884,262                     642,884,262
Co., Ltd                                                                            share
Shanjin       Jinkong       Capital
                                                                                    RMB common
Management Co., Ltd.-Shanjin                                           10,300,000                      10,300,000
Jinkong Sustaining Fund No. 1
                                                                                    RMB common
Lu Zhigao                                                                 3,246,949                      3,246,949
                                                                                    RMB common
Tan Shiqing                                                               1,286,701                      1,286,701
                                                                                    RMB common
Yang Shuilian                                                             1,273,700                      1,273,700
                                                                                    Overseas listed
Yang Jianxiong                                                            1,255,750                      1,255,750
                                                                                    foreign share
Central         Huijin        Asset                                                 RMB common
                                                                          1,165,500                      1,165,500
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                share
                                                                                    RMB common
Peng Wei                                                                  1,129,082                      1,129,082
                                                                                    Overseas listed
Wu Haoyuan                                                                1,109,300                      1,109,300
                                                                                    foreign share
Guotai Junan Securities (Hong                                                       Overseas listed
                                                                          1,015,683                      1,015,683
Kong) Limited                                                                       foreign share
Related or acting-in-concert
parties among the top ten
non-restrictedly tradable share The Company finds no related parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in
holders and between the top ten the Administrative Measures for Shareholding Changes in Listed Companies
non-restrictedly tradable share among the above shareholders.
holders and the top ten
Top ten common shareholders The 4th shareholder holds all of his shares in the Company in a credit securities
conducting securities margin account, and the 3rd shareholder holds part of his shares in the Company in
trading (if any) (see Note 4)       such an account.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Annual Report 2016

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common

shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during this Reporting Period.

□ Yea √ No

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

2. Information about the controlling shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by the local government
Type of the controlling shareholder: Corporation
                                          Date of
   Name of controlling      representati
                                         establishm Credibility code             Main business scope
       shareholder          ve/person in
                                                                     Investment in equities on behalf of the
                                                                     government and management of those
Shenzhen       Investment               10/13/200                    investments; development and operation of
                           Peng Haibin              767566421
Holdings Co., Ltd.                      4                            government-allocated land; and investment
                                                                     in and provision of services for strategic
                                                                     emerging industries
                           380,380,000 shares in SZPRD A (000011), representing a stake of 63.82%;
                           234,060,000 shares in STHC (000045) , representing a stake of 46.21%;
                           72,250,000 shares in SBSY A (000019) , representing a stake of 16.00%;
Shareholdings of the
                           14,440,000 shares in Shenzhen Universe A (000023) , representing a stake of 10.41%;
controlling shareholder in
                           962,720,000 shares in Ping An (601318) , representing a stake of 5.27%;
other listed companies at
                           2,749,520,000 shares in Guosen Securities (002736) , representing a stake of 33.53%;
home or abroad in this
                           624,070,000 shares in Guotai Junan (601211) , representing a stake of 8.18%;
Reporting Period
                           131,917,569 shares in Telling Holding (000829) , representing a stake of 13.76%;
                           42,000,000 shares in E-top (834386) , representing a stake of 60.00%; and
                           20,000,000 shares in CCIC Testing (836325) , representing a stake of 40.00%.
Change of the controlling shareholder during this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

3. Information about the actual controller

Nature of the actual controller: Local institution for state-owned assets management
Type of the actual controller: Corporation
                               representative/       Date of
 Name of actual controller                                          Credibility code      Main business scope
                                  person in      establishment
Shenzhen        State-owned                                                            Perform the responsibilities
Assets Supervision and                                                                 of investor on behalf of the
                              Peng Haibin       07/31/2004       K3172806-7
Administration                                                                         state, and supervise and
Commission                                                                             manage the authorized

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                Annual Report 2016

                                                                                   state-owned assets legally.
Shareholdings of the actual
                            In addition to the Company controlling shareholder - Shenzhen Investment Holding
controller in other listed
                            Co., Ltd. Other domestic and overseas listed companies whose equity held by the
companies at home or
                            actual controllers did not rank among the top ten shareholders of the Company
abroad in this Reporting
Change of the actual controller during this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company

                                  Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                  Administration Commission

                                          Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                       The Company

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. 10% or greater corporate shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Limitations on shareholding decrease by the Company’s controlling shareholder, actual controller,
reorganizer and other commitment makers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.   Annual Report 2016

                                  Section VII Preference Shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preference shares in this Reporting Period.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

   Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Executive Officers and Staff

I Changes in shareholdings of directors, supervisors and executive officers

                                                                                 Increase Decreas
                                                                        Opening                       Other Closing
                   Incumbe                      Starting     Ending               in this e in this
            Office          Gend                                        sharehol                    increase sharehol
 Name              nt/forme      Age            date of      date of             Reportin Reportin
             title           er                                           ding                      /decreas ding
                       r                         tenure      tenure              g Period g Period
                                                                         (share)                    e (share) (share)
                                                                                  (share) (share)
        Chairma                                          When a
Zhou                  Incumbe                  04/17/201
        n of the              Male        61             new Board              0       0        0        0          0
Jianguo               nt                       2
        Board                                            is elected
Chen                                                     When a
        Manage        Incumbe                  04/17/201
Maozhe                        Male        52             new Board              0       0        0        0          0
        r and         nt                       2
ng                                                       is elected
                                                           When a
Zhuang Supervis Incumbe                        04/17/201
                        Male              61               Supervisor       80,000      0        0        0   80,000
Quan   or       nt                             2
                                                           y Board is
Deng                                                       When a
                Incumbe                        04/17/201
Kangch Director         Male              50               new Board        10,000      0        0        0   10,000
                nt                             2
eng                                                        is elected
                                                           When a
                      Incumbe Femal            04/17/201
Wen Li Director                           47               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
                      nt      e                2
                                                           is elected
                                                           When a
Jiang                 Incumbe Femal            04/17/201
           Director                       52               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
Lihua                 nt      e                2
                                                           is elected
       CFO                                                 When a
Zhang                 Incumbe                  04/17/201
       and                    Male        48               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
Lei                   nt                       2
       Director                                            is elected
Liu    Indepen                                             When a
                      Incumbe                  10/15/201
Quanmi dent                   Male        52               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
                      nt                       0
n      director                                            is elected
       Indepen                                             When a
Song                  Incumbe                  10/15/201
       dent                   Male        48               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
Botong                nt                       0
       director                                            is elected
Zhang Indepen                                              When a
                      Incumbe                  04/23/201
Shunwe dent                   Male        49               new Board            0       0        0        0          0
                      nt                       4
n      director                                            is elected
                                                           When a
Wang Supervis Incumbe Femal                    04/17/201
                                          52               Supervisor           0       0        0        0          0
Xiuyan or     nt      e                        2
                                                           y Board is
                                                           When a
           Supervis Incumbe Femal              04/17/201
Li Yufei                                  38               Supervisor           0       0        0        0          0
           or       nt      e                  2
                                                           y Board is
Xiong      Supervis Former Male           60 04/17/201     03/02/2017           0       0        0        0          0

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                           Annual Report 2016

Xingnon or                                     2
        Supervis                               04/17/201
Chunron          Former Male              60             04/27/2016             0              0     0          0        0
        or                                     2
                                                        When new
Teng    Vice         Incumbe                  05/17/201 executive
                             Male          59                                   0              0     0          0        0
Xianyou GM           nt                       2         officers are
                                                        When new
Wei     Vice         Incumbe Femal            09/28/201 executive
                                           50                                   0              0     0          0        0
Hanping GM           nt      e                2         officers are
                                                        When new
        Vice         Incumbe                  10/22/201 executive
Xiaopin                      Male          46                                   0              0     0          0        0
        GM           nt                       3         officers are
                                                        When a
                 Incumbe                      05/17/201 new board
Chen Ji Secretar         Male              45                                   0              0     0          0        0
                 nt                           2         secretary is
                                                        When a
Feng                                                    new
       Supervis Incumbe                       03/02/201
Hongwe                  Male               45           Supervisor              0              0     0          0        0
       or       nt                            7
i                                                       y Board is
                                                        When a
          Supervis Incumbe Femal              04/27/201
Lin Jun                                    47           Supervisor              0              0     0          0        0
          or       nt      e                  6
                                                        y Board is
Total         --        --        --     --       --         --             90,000             0     0          0   90,000

II Changes in directors, supervisors and executive officers

                                      Type of
     Name          Office title                                   Date                             Reason
Shi Chunrong Supervisor            Outgoing         04/27/2016                       Retired
             Supervisor            Outgoing         03/02/2017                       Passed away from illness
III Brief biographies
Professional backgrounds, main working experience and current responsibilities in the Company of the incumbent

directors, supervisors and executive officers
1. Zhou Jianguo: he was once the Vice GM of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And he has been the
Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of the Company since Feb. 2009.
2. Chen Maozheng: he once was the Vice GM, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Director GM of Shenzhen
City Construction Development (Group) Co. Ltd. And he has been the Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and
Director as well as GM of the Company since Oct. 2009.
3. Zhuang Quan: he once was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Shenzhen Shenfubao Group Co., Ltd.. He
has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company since Apr. 2012.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                Annual Report 2016

4. Deng Kangcheng: he was once deputy director, director of the Office of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
Ltd., and supervisor of the Company. And he has been director, Vice Secretary of CPC and Secretary in
Discipline Inspection Committee of the Company since Feb. 2009.
5. Zhang Lei: he was once the CFO and Secretary to the Board of SDIC ZHONGLU FRUIT Co., Ltd. And he has
been the Director and CFO of the Company since Oct. 2010.
6. Liu Quanmin: he ever worked as the full-time lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, and the partner and
licensed lawyer of Guangdong Shenyatai Law Firm. Now he is the practicing lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm
(Shenzhen), He has been the independent director of the Company since Oct. 2010.
7. Song Botong: he ever took posts of Deputy Chief of Civil Engineering Department in College of Architecture
and Civil Engineering and Chairman of Labor Union of Shenzhen University. Now he acts as Standing Deputy
Director of Research Center for Real Estate of Shenzhen University. He has been the Independent Director of the
Company since Oct. 2010.
8. Zhang Shunwen: he acted as Director of the Shenzhen Juyuan Certified Public Accounting, now he acts as
partner of BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP. He acts as Independent Directors of the
Company since Apr. 2014.
9. Wen Li: she once worked as the Vice Chief of the Investment and Development Department, Vice Director of
Management Center for Construction Project of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been the
Director of the Company since Sept. 2006.
10. Jiang Lihua: she once was the Vice Manager, Manager and Vice Chief of the Finance Department of
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been acting as Director of the Company since Feb. 2009.
11. Wang Xiuyan: she once was the Audit Project Manager of the Audit Department of and is now the Vice Chief
of the Audit and Risk Control Department (the Supervisory Board’s Office) of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
Ltd. And she has been acting as Supervisor of the Company since Feb. 2009.
12. Feng Hongwei: He once was the Vice Chief of the Board Secretariat, the Securities Representative and the
Audit Supervisory Manager of the Company. And he has been acting as a supervisor of the Company since March
13. Lin Jun: She once was the Vice Chief of the Party-Mass Work Department and the Vice Discipline Inspection
Secretary & Chief of the Party-Mass Work Department of the Company. And she has been acting as a supervisor
of the Company since April 2016.
14. Li Yufei: she ever worked as the Assistant Manager of the Investment Department and Assistant Manager &
Vice Manager of Assets Management Centre as well as Senior Management Staff of Enterprise Dept. I in
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been the Supervisor of the Company since Apr. 2012.
15. Teng Xianyou: he once was the Assistant GM and Vice GM of Shenzhen Tonge Group Co., Ltd., and
concurrently as GM of Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Corp. And he has been Vice GM of the Company since
Dec. 2009.
16. Wei Hanping: he ever worked as the Manager of the Leasing Operation Department in Shenzhen City
Construction Development (Group) Co. and the Manager of Cost Control Department of the Company. And he
has been the Vice GM of the Company since Sept. 2012.
17. Tang Xiaoping: he ever act as CFO of Shenzhen HRD Assets Management Company, minister of Financial
Operations Management Department of Shenzhen Foreign Labor Service Co., Ltd. Legal representative, the
executive director of the Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Service Center, and financing plan department manager of the
Company. Since 22 Dec. 2013 he acts as deputy GM of the Company.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                            Annual Report 2016

18. Chen Ji: He once was the Director of the CPC Office of Shenzhen City Construction Investment Development
Company. And he has been the Board Secretary and Director of the Board Secretariat of the Company since Dec.
Posts concurrently held in shareholding entities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                        Allowance from
                                              Post in shareholding          Starting date   Ending date
    Name           Shareholding entity                                                                  the shareholding
                                                      entity                  of tenure      of tenure
                                                                                                         entity (yes/no)
                                          Minister of the 1
                Shenzhen      Investment
Wen Li                                    department      of   the 1 Apr. 2013                           Yes
                Holdings Co., Ltd
                                          The      minister     of
                Shenzhen      Investment
Jiang Lihua                               inspection distribution 1 Apr. 2015                            Yes
                Holdings Co., Ltd
                                          Vice      minister    of
                                          ministry of audit and
                Shenzhen      Investment
Wang Xiuyan                               risk management (the 1 Apr. 2013                               Yes
                Holdings Co., Ltd
                                          Supervisory      Board’s
                                          Senior director of the 2
                Shenzhen      Investment department       of   the
Li Yufei                                                            1 Jul. 2015                          Yes
                Holdings Co., Ltd         enterprise (Periodical
Notes           N/A
Posts held concurrently in other entities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                   Post in    Starting date Ending date of
    Name                      Other entity                                                 from the entity
                                                 other entity of tenure        tenure
Liu Quanmin Beijing Yingke Law Firm (Shenzhen)               1 Jun. 2013                   Yes
            Infrastructure    Department     of
Song Botong                                     Director     1 Mar. 2013                   Yes
            Shenzhen University
Zhang       BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified
                                                Partner      1 Mar. 2008                   Yes
Shunwen     Public Accountants LLP.
Notes       N/A
Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulators on the incumbent directors, supervisors

and executive officers as well as those who left in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Remuneration of directors, supervisors and executive officers
Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors and
executive officers
It was executed according to the procedures stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Human
Resources of the Company.
Their remuneration was decided in accordance with the Interim Provisions of the Annual Salary System for
Managers of the State-owned Enterprises in Shenzhen and spirit of relevant documents as well as the Interim
Measures for the Administration of Human Resources of the Company.
The Directors Jiang Lihua and Wen Li, and the Supervisor Wang Xiuyan and Li Yufei took posts in the
shareholders’ units without drawing remuneration from the Company.
With review and approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 convened on 23 Apr. 2014, allowance for

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

each independent director was adjusted to RMB7,000 (tax included) per month since May. 2014. Besides, they
received no other rewards from the Company.
The Company paid their remuneration monthly according to relevant systems for remuneration management of
the Company.

Remuneration of directors, supervisors and executive officers in this Reporting Period
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                           Total    Remuneration
                                                                                        before-tax   from related
     Name           Office title        Gender             Age                        remuneration parties of the
                                                                                         from the      Company
                                                                                        Company        (yes/no)
                  Chairman of
Zhou Jianguo                  Male                                 61 Incumbent                 78.19 No
                  the Board
                  Manager and Male                                 52 Incumbent                  86.5 No
Zhuang Quan       Supervisor  Male                                 61 Incumbent                 42.88 No
                  Director         Male                            50 Incumbent                 65.98 No
Wen Li            Director         Female                          47 Incumbent                    0 Yes
Jiang Lihua       Director         Female                          52 Incumbent                    0 Yes
                  CFO and
Zhang Lei                          Male                            48 Incumbent                 41.88 No
Liu Quanmin                        Male                            52 Incumbent                   8.4 No
Song Botong                        Male                            48 Incumbent                   8.4 No
Zhang             Independent
                                   Male                            50 Incumbent                   8.4 No
Shunwen           director
Wang Xiuyan       Supervisor       Female                          54 Incumbent                    0 Yes
Li Yufei          Supervisor       Female                          38 Incumbent                    0 Yes
                  Supervisor       Male                            59 Incumbent                 30.12 No
Lin Jun      Supervisor            Female                          47 Incumbent                 44.17 No
Teng Xianyou Vice GM               Male                            59 Incumbent                 65.98 No
Wei Hanping  Vice GM               Female                          50 Incumbent                 65.98 No
Tang XiaopingVice GM               Male                            46 Incumbent                 65.98 No
Chen Ji                            Male                            45 Incumbent                  45.8 No
Shi Chunrong Supervisor            Male                            60 Former                    18.27 No
Total               --                     --                --             --                 676.93       --
Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and executive officers in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Employees

1. Number, functions and educational backgrounds of employees

Number of in-service employees of the Company                                                                      121
Number of in-service employees of main subsidiaries                                                              1,848
Total number of in-service employees                                                                             1,969

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report 2016

Total number of employees with remuneration in this
Reporting Period
Number of retirees to whom the Company or its main
subsidiaries need to pay retirement pension
                        Function                                            Number of employees
Production                                                                                                1,346
Sales                                                                                                        82
Technical                                                                                                   412
Financial                                                                                                    55
Administrative                                                                                               74
Total                                                                                                     1,969
                                            Educational backgrounds
                Educational background                                      Number of employees
Doctors                                                                                                       1
Masters                                                                                                      25
Bachelors                                                                                                   163
College graduates                                                                                           268
Technical secondary school graduates                                                                        184
High school graduates and below                                                                           1,328
Total                                                                                                     1,969
2. Employee remuneration policy
The vice GM and management personnel above conducted annual salary system, other employees conducted
contacting the performance with the benefit salary system.

3. Employee training plans
The Company established annual training plan in line with Measures for the Management of Employee Training
The Company adopts internal training, hires experts give lectures to the Company or participate professional
training, train the on job employees with job knowledge, professional skills, rules and regulations, the business
process etc., which enrich and renew the professional knowledge, enhance the comprehensive quality and
business skills of the employees.

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.           Annual Report 2016

                                Section IX Corporate Governance

I Basic situation of corporate governance
In this Reporting Period, the Company strictly accorded with requirements of Company Law,
Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and other laws and statutes,
continuously perfected its corporate governance, and standardized its operation. The actual situation
of corporate governance was in line with the requirements of the relevant normative documents.
The operating mechanism, of which the Board of Directors made decisions, the management team
took execution, and the Supervisory Board implemented supervision.
(I) Preparations and holding of shareholders’ general meeting and disclosure of resolution of the
meetings were normatively in line with Articles of Association and Rules for Procedure of the
Shareholders’ General Meeting; all shareholders were on an equal position and could fully exercise
their legal rights.
(II) Directors and the Board of Directors: The Board is responsible for decision-making and
choosing directions. It exercised its power as per the corporate governance requirements.
Preparations, holding and disclosure of resolution of the Board sessions were normatively in line
with the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors; all directors
performed their obligations in an honest and diligent manner; independent directors had a rational
profession structure; and special committees concerning strategy, audit, nomination, remuneration
and appraisal under the Board can operate positively and effectively.
(III) Supervisors and the Supervisory Board: structure of the Supervisory Board was reasonable.
The Supervisory Board conducted the supervision and inspection for the significant events of the
Company strictly in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of the Supervisory Board, and
exercised its supervision right effectively and brought its supervision function into fully play.
(IV) Manager level: the manager level of the Company was fully responsible for the production and
management of the Company, performed their obligations in an honest and diligence manner.
Implemented the resolution of the Board with efficient supervision and restriction and acquired
good achievement.
Any significant incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing the governance of

listed companies

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

II Independence of businesses, personnel, asset, organizations and finance which are separate
from the controlling shareholder
(I) In respect of business, the Company possessed independent production, supply and sales system;
(II) In respect of personnel, the Company was absolutely independent in management of labor,
personnel and salaries from the controlling shareholders. All the senior executives of the Company
took no office title concurrently and drew no remunerations from the Shareholder Company.

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

(III) In respect of assets, the Company possessed independent and integrated assets and the property
of the Company is transparent.
(IV) In respect of organization, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board operated
independently. There existed no superior-inferior relationship between the controlling shareholder
and its function department and the Company.
(V) In respect of finance, the Company has independent financial department, independently
accounted and paid taxes according to the law. The Company established a complete accounting
system, financial accounting system and financial administrative systems. The Company opened
independent bank accounts.
III Horizontal competition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Annual and special meetings of shareholders convened during this Reporting Period

1. Meetings of shareholders convened during this Reporting Period

                                             Convened          Disclosure
   Meeting           Type      participation                                     Index to disclosed information
                                               date               date
2015 Annual                                                                 Announcement on Resolutions of 2015
Meeting    of Annual                 63.55% 04/28/2016 04/29/2016           Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Shareholders                                                                disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn
The 1st
Special                                                                     Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st
Meeting of    Special                63.85% 12/12/2016 12/13/2016           Special Meeting of Shareholders in 2016
Shareholders                                                                disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn
in 2016
2. Special meetings of shareholders convened at the request of preference shareholders with resumed voting


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Performance of independent directors in this Reporting Period

1. Attendance of independent directors in board meetings and meetings of shareholders

                               Attendance of independent directors in board meetings
                     Due presence
                                                      Presence by      Presence                Absent for two
   Independent           in this      Presence on                                    Absence
                                                     telecommunic      through a                consecutive
      director         Reporting      site (times)                                   (times)
                                                      ation (times) proxy (times)                  times
                     Period (times)
Liu Quanmin                        7               5               2             0           0 No
Song Botong                        7               5               2             0           0 No
Zhang Shunwen                      7               4               2             1           0 No
Attendance       of    independent
directors     in    meetings      of
shareholders      as     non-voting
delegates (times)
Notes to any absence for two consecutive times:

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                 Annual Report 2016

2. Objections raised by independent directors on issues of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any independent directors raised any objections on issues of the Company.

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in this Reporting Period.

3. Other details about the performance of duties by independent directors

Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from independent directors were adopted by the Company.

√ Yes □ No
Suggestions from independent directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:
VI Performance of duties by specialized committees under the Board during this Reporting
During reporting period, there was no change in the relevant committees of the board of directors,
the committees actively, effectively work, providing powerful guarantee to the scientific
decision-making, the relevant situations are as follows:
(I) Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board
During this Reporting Period, the Audit Committee actively promoted the progress of the annual
audit and the relevant work. It reviewed on the Company’s following issues: Arrangement on the
Annual Audit Work, Periodic Financial Report, Profit Distribution Plan, Engagement of CPAs Firm,
Written Submission of the Administration on CPAs Firm, Construction of Internal Control, Fund
Transfer Between Listed Companies and Related Parties and Guarantee Events, etc.. Besides, it also
kept full and necessary communication with the annual auditor of the Company. During this
Reporting Period, the Audit Committee has convened three sessions, reviewed the Company’s
financial statements and the preliminary auditing result issued by the annual auditor of the
Company, as well as issued their opinions after the review.
(II) Performance of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board carefully examined the annual
remuneration of the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior executives disclosed in the 2015
Annual Report. And it was of the opinion that: the decision-making procedure concerning the
remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior executives was in line with relevant
regulations; the standards for remuneration paid to the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior
executives complied with the remuneration system; and the remuneration disclosed in the 2015
Annual Report was factual and accurate.
(III) Performance of Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors
By 14 Oct. 2016, independent directors Mr. Liu Quanmin and Mr. Song Botong have served for 6
years consecutively. They submitted the Resignation of Independent Director to the Company on 8
Oct. 2016 and the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors gave independent opinions on
the resignation of these 2 independent directors: Since Mr. Liu Quanmin and Mr. Song Botong's
resignation will result in a lower proportion of independent directors than the minimum requirement
of relevant laws, their resignation will come into force after new independent directors fill the
vacancy. Before new independent directors assume the office, Mr. Liu Quanmin and Mr. Song

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Annual Report 2016

Botong will continue to perform their duties according to relevant provisions of laws, administrative
laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. The Company shall elect new independent
directors promptly according to the requirements of relevant documents of China Securities
Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

VII Performance of duties by the Supervisory Board
Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Board found any risks to the Company during its supervision in

this Reporting Period.

□ Yes √ No

The Supervisory Board raised no objections in this Reporting Period.
In 2016, the supervisors in line with the Company Law and Article of Association, and under the
energetically support of board of directors, management team and lots of shareholders, actively
maintain the equity of shareholders and faithfully fulfill their duties of supervision.
(I) Performance of the Supervisory Board
During this Reporting Period, the Supervisory Board effectively exercised its supervisory power on
various decision-making meetings of the Company. Focus on the enterprise core assets operation
and the usage of significant capital and compliance of significant engineering projects, enforce and
perfect the enterprise supervision and restraint mechanism and internal control system, continue to
perfect and curing the supervision system new pattern, integrated supervision power, implement the
joint conference system of supervision, which ensure the enterprise funds and assets risk under
control.       Promote    the     public     Company        affairs,    decision   democratization,    supervising
decision-making rules, specification and effectiveness of program; strengthen the daily the
supervision of the significant business activities. Enhance each special supervision and inspection,
conduct capital safety inspection, and enhance the supervision to the lawsuit cases, and each
invitation for bids of engineering projects. Supervision of internal audit, conduct performance
assessment, operation management, capital management and audit of financial expenses. It also
enhanced its supervision over the information disclosure of the Company, reviewing the Company’s
information to be disclosed as per the prescribed procedure so as to ensure the authenticity, accuracy,
completeness, and timeliness of the disclosure of information.
During this Reporting Period, the Supervisory Board kept an eye on the progress of the Company’s
significant asset reorganization and focused its supervision on regulation compliance of the
decision-making procedure for the significant asset reorganization.
(II) Particulars about the meetings held by the Supervisory Board
1. On March 29, 2016, the 16th Meeting of the 7th Supervisory Board was held, the meeting
reviewed and approved the Annual Report and Abstract of 2015, Profit Allocation Pre-plan of 2015,
Supervision Committee Report of 2015, Report on Self-appraisal Internal Control in 2015, there

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.              Annual Report 2016

were 5 supervisors participated the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention.
2. On April 28, 2016, the 17th Meeting of the 7th Supervisory Board was held, the meeting reviewed
and approved the First Quarter Report and Abstract of 2016, there were 4 supervisors participated
the meeting, the voting situation: 4 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention.
3. On August 26, 2016, the 18th Meeting of the 7th Supervisory Board was held, the meeting
reviewed and approved the Semi-annual Report and Abstract of 2016. There were 4 supervisors
participated the meeting, the voting situation: 4 consent, 0 against, 0 abstention.
4. On October 26, 2016, the 19th Meeting of the 7th Supervisory Board was held by way of
telecommunication, the meeting reviewed and approved the Third Quarter Report and Abstract of
2016, there were 5 supervisors participated the meeting, the voting situation: 5 consent, 0 against, 0
(III) The independent opinions of the relevant events of the Company given by Supervisor
1. The Company's legal operation: In 2016, the members of supervisor committee attended the
meetings of the Board of Directors, and the chief of supervisors, Zhuang Quan represented the
supervisor committee to attend the resolution meetings of the management, the GM office meetings
and other important meetings.            In line with each stipulations, the Supervisor Committee believed
that: during reporting period, the decision-making of the Company conducted in line with the laws
and regulations and Articles of Association, and had no damage to the equity of shareholders, and
further perfected the internal management mechanism and the Company control system. The
Directors, senior executives implemented Company position without violating to laws and laws and
regulations, Article and Associations, and damages the equity of the Company, and was
conscientious and compliance in their performance.
2. Financial status: during reporting period, the Supervisor Committee seriously perform their
supervision to the financial status, the operation and risk situation of the Company, and issue audit
opinion to each periodic report. The Supervisor Committee believed that: the standard unqualified
opinions of the financial report issued by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) truly and objectively reflected the operation results of financial status of the Company
in 2015.
3. During reporting period, there was no fund-raising in the Company.
4. During reporting period, the related transaction and guarantee of the Company:
(1) During reporting period, there was no non-operating occupying capital of the Company by
controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other related party; and there was no controlling
shareholders, other related party, illegal person, unit or individual providing guarantee.
(2) During reporting period, the wholly-owned Company Shenzhen SPG Longgang Development
Co., Ltd. paid RMB 90.6783 million of general contract funds to related party Shenzhen Jianan

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2016

(Group) Co., Ltd; the wholly-owned Company Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd.
undertook the project implementation of related party Shenzhen Jianan (Group) Co., Ltd., and
received RMB 3.1838 million of project funds. Shenzhen Jianan (Group) Co., Ltd won the general
contract of Cuilinyuan project and east area of SPG Chuanqishan project of the Company through
the public tender system of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trade Center.
(3) During reporting period, the related transaction of the Company was fairness and compliance,
there was no any damage to equity of minority shareholders and profits of the Company; there was
no new increase of guarantee events in the Company during reporting period.
5. Opinion on self-appraisal report of internal control: In 2016, the Company continue enforce the
risk management and standardized construction of internal control, the internal control of the
Company covered the department and its affiliated companies, and the important activities of
internal control was in line with the stipulations of each rules, there was no defect, the Company's
self-appraisal was confirm with the actual situation of the Company.

IX Internal control

1. Serious internal control defects found in this Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

2. Internal control self-evaluation report

Disclosure date of the internal
control self-evaluation report
Index to the disclosed internal
                                       See the Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report on www.cninfo.com.cn
control self-evaluation report
Total assets of the evaluated entities
as a percentage in the consolidated                                                                          100.00%
total assets
Operating revenues of the evaluated
entities as a percentage in the                                                                              100.00%
consolidated operating revenues
                                           Defect identification standards
                 Type                          Financial-report related               Non-financial-report related
                                       The Company in line with the actual The criterion of quality of the
                                       situation, when the follows events or recognition of defects of internal
                                       indications happen, which means there control          in the non-financial
                                       probably existing serious or important statements mainly were order of
                                       defects in the financial report; (1) the severity of defect involving
                                       directors, supervisors and senior business nature, the direct               or
Nature standard
                                       executives were fraud.(2)Certified potential negative influence nature
                                       Public Accountant find that there is a and the influence scope and other
                                       significant error in the financial report, factors. If the follows events or
                                       however, the internal control did not indicators occur, there may be
                                       discover it when conducting internal serious or important defects of
                                       control; ( 3 ) The Audit Committee internal control in the non-financial

ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report 2016

                                         under the Board and Internal Audit statements : (1) Lack democratic
                                         Service's supervision to the internal decision-making process, if lack
                                         control is invalid. (4) The accounting significant                  problem
                                         personnel were without necessary decision-making,                  important
                                         qualities to complete the preparation appointment and dismissal of
                                         of financial statements.                cadres,      significant      project
                                                                                 investment decision-making; usage
                                                                                 of large capital (three important,
                                                                                 one large); (2) Unscientific
                                                                                 decision-making process, such as
                                                                                 the major decision-making errors,
                                                                                 has caused a serious property loss
                                                                                 to the company; (3) Seriously
                                                                                 violating     state     laws     and
                                                                                 regulations; (4) Loss of key
                                                                                 management          personnel      or
                                                                                 important talent; (5) Negative news
                                                                                 media appear frequently and
                                                                                 widely spread; (6) The results of
                                                                                 the internal control evaluation
                                                                                 especially large or significant
                                                                                 defects have not been corrected.
                                                                                 (7) Important business systems
                                                                                 lack control rules, or systemic
                                         Serious defects: the defects, or defect
                                         group may lead to the financial results
                                         misstatement or potential losses >3%
                                                                                 The criterion of quantity of the
                                         of net assets; important defects: 1% of
                                                                                 recognition of defects of internal
                                         net assets