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    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties


    (Group) Co., Ltd.


    Annual Report 2008


    (A share)


    April 20, 20092


    Section I Important Notes and Contents


    The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as Directors, Supervisors


    and Senior Executives of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties


    (Group) Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby ensure that there


    are no false records, misleading statements, or significant omissions in the materials


    of this report, and will assume individual and joint responsibilities concerning the


    authenticity, accuracy and integrity of its contents.


    None of Directors, Supervisors or Senior Executives can’t confirm the authenticity,


    accuracy and integrity of annual reports’ contents or had any objections. All Directors


    of the Company attended the Board Meeting.


    Chairman of the Board Zhou Jianguo, person in charge of accounting work Guo


    Hongzhuang and person in charge of accounting firm Chen Jincai hereby ensure the


    authenticity and integrity of the Financial Report enclosed in the Annual Report.


    The annual Report is written in both English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy


    between the two versions, Chinese version prevails.




    Section II Company Profile----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Section III Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights-----------------


    Section IV Change of Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders------------------


    Section V Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees----------------------


    Section VI Corporate Governance---------------------------------------------------------------


    Section VII Brief introduction to the Shareholders’ General Meeting---------------------


    Section VIII Report of the Board of Directors-------------------------------------------------


    Section IX Report of the Supervisory Committee--------------------------------------------


    Section X Significant Events---------------------------------------------------------------------


    Section XI Financial Report----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Section XII Documents Available for Reference----------------------------------------------3


    Section II Company Profile


    (I) Legal Name of the Company:


    In Chinese: 深圳经济特区房地产(集团)股份有限公司


    In English: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group)


    Co., Ltd.


    Abbreviation in Chinese: 深房集团


    Abbreviation in English: SPG


    (II) Legal Representative: Zhou Jianguo


    (III) Secretary to the Board


    Securities Affairs Representative: Feng Hongwei


    Contact Address: 47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen


    Tel: (0755) 82293000-4718, 4715


    Fax: (0755) 82294024


    E-mail: spg@163.net


    (IV) Registered Address: 47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen


    Office Address: 46/F-48/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen


    Postal Code: 518001


    E-mail: spg@163.net


    Website: http://www.sfjt.com.cn


    (V) Newspapers for Information Disclosure Designated by the Company:


    Domestic: China Securities Journal


    Overseas: Ta Kung Pao


    Internet Website Designated by CSRC for Publishing the Annual Report:




    The Place Where the Annual Report is Prepared and Placed: 47/F, SPG


    Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen


    (VI) Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange


    Short Forms of the Stock: SHENSHENFANG A(Stock Code: 000029)


    SHENSHENFANG B (Stock Code: 200029)


    (VII) Other Information of the Company


    Initial Registration Date: Jan. 8, 1980


    Registration Place: Shenzhen Administration Bureau for Industry and




    Registration Code of Corporate Business License: 440301103225878


    Registration Code of Taxation: 440301192179585


    Accounting Firms Engaged by the Company:


    Name: Shenzhen Nanfang-Minhe Certified Public Accountants


    Address: 7-8/F, Electronics Tech. Bldg., No. 2007, Shennan Middle Road,




    Section III Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    (I) Profit indices of current year


    Total profit realized by the Company as of the year 2008: 41,034,343.76


    Net profit: 19,123,787.11


    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses: 21,340,998.68


    Investment income: 2,770,589.42


    Net cash flows arising from operating activities: -82,529,495.72


    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents: -123,038,218.98


    Deducted non-recurring gains and losses was RMB-2,217,211.57, including gains and


    losses from contingencies with no relationship of normal business being RMB


    -4,200,000.00, gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets amounting to


    3,08,259.89, gains and losses from changes in fair value of transaction financial assets


    was RMB -406,051.04, other non-operating income and expense amounted to RMB


    -646,826.14 and deducted influence on income tax amounting to RMB 12,954.28.


    Difference between A shares and B shares:


    Effect on net profit and net assets calculated under IFRS and reconciliation:




    Net profit 19,123,787.11 19,123,787.11


    Net assets 1,208,288,874.76 1,208,288,874.76


    Explanation on difference None


    (II) Main accounting data and financial indices of the Company over the past three




    1. Main accounting data


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    2008 2007 Increase/decrease


    than last year (%) 2006


    Operating income 706,005,324.41 845,127,526.44 -16.46% 995,935,563.22


    Net profit 41,034,343.76 51,658,929.76 -20.57% 21,218,544.81


    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company 19,123,787.11 39,007,992.54 -50.97% 20,150,368.49


    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company


    after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 21,340,998.68 8,059,156.58 164.80% 59,637,104.41


    Operating income 2,265,656,678.91 2,302,724,936.60 -1.61% 180,631,092.66


    At the end of


    2008 At the end of 2007 Increase/decrease


    than last year (%) At the end of 2006


    Total assets 2,248,250,005.03 2,285,318,262.72 -1.62% 2,392,948,463.16


    Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity) 1,208,288,874.76 1,188,146,644.01 1.70% 1,130,710,841.90


    Share capital 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00 0.00% 1,011,660,000.00


    2. Main financial indices


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    2008 2007 Increase/decrease


    than last year (%) 2006


    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.0189 0.0386 -51.04% 0.0199


    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.0189 0.0386 -51.04% 0.0199


    Basis earnings per share after deducting non-recurring gains and losses




    0.0211 0.0080 163.75% 0.059


    Fully diluted return on equity (%) 1.58% 3.28% -1.70% 1.78%


    Weighted average return on equity (%) 1.60% 3.35% -1.75% 1.89%5


    Fully diluted return on equity after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (%) 1.77% 0.68% 1.09% 5.27%


    Weighted average return on equity after deducting non-recurring gains and losses


    (%) 1.78% 0.69% 1.09% 5.59%


    Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities (Yuan/share) -0.08 -0.05 60.00% 0.18


    At the end


    of 2008


    At the end


    of 2007




    than last year (%)


    At the end


    of 2006


    Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed companies (Yuan/share) 1.19 1.17 1.71% 1.12


    Items of non-recurring gains and losses


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    Items Amount Notes (if applicable)


    Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 3,048,259.89


    Gains and losses from contingencies not relating to Company’s normal business -4,200,000.00


    Gains and losses from changes in fair value of transaction financial assets and transaction financial


    responsibilities, and investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets/responsibilities


    and financial assets available for sale, excluding valid hedging business relating to normal operation.




    Other operating income and expense -646,826.14


    Impact on income tax -12,594.28


    Total -2,217,211.57 -6


    Section IV Change of Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders


    I. Change of share capital


    (I) The Company has completed the share merger reform on Feb. 15, 2006. In


    accordance with share merger reform plan, there were 50,583,000 shares subject to


    moratorium were released from trading moratorium on Feb. 26, 2007, and then


    50,583,000 shares were released on 14 Oct. 2008. The Company’s equity structure


    was adjusted as follows:


    Before the change Increase/decrease (+/-) After the change


    Amount Proportion




    of new










    n of public




    Others Subtotal Amount Proportion


    I. Shares subject to trading moratorium 622,279,350 61.51% -50,583,000 -50,583,000 571,696,350 56.51%


    1. Shares held by state


    2. Shares held by state-owned


    corporation 622,273,800 61.51% -50,583,000 -50,583,000 571,690,800 56.51%


    3. Shares held by domestic investors 5,500 5,550


    Including: shares held by domestic


    non-state-owned corporation 0


    Shares held by domestic natural


    person 5,500 5,550


    4. Shares held by foreign investors 0


    Including: shares held by foreign


    corporation 0


    Shares held by foreign natural person 0


    II. Shares not subject to trading


    moratorium 389,380,650 38.49% 50,583,000 50,583,000 439,963,650 43.49%


    1. RMB ordinary shares 269,380,650 26.63% 50,583,000 50,583,000 319,963,650 31.63%


    2. Domestically listed foreign shares 120,000,000 11.86% 120,000,000 11.86%


    3. Overseas listed foreign shares


    4. Others


    III. Total shares 1,011,660,00


    0 100.00% 1,011,660,0


    00 100.00%


    (II) Change of shares subject to moratorium


    Unit: Share


    Name of shareholder


    Shares subject to


    moratorium at the




    Shares released


    in current year




    increased in


    current year


    Shares subject to


    moratorium at the




    Reason Date of release




    Investment Holding




    622,273,800 50,583,000 0 571,690,800


    Implementing the


    commitment on releasing


    from moratorium according


    to share merger reform


    13 Oct. 2008


    Total 622,273,800 50,583,000 0 571,690,800 - -


    II. Issuance and listing of shares


    1. Over the past three years as at the end of the report period, the Company never


    issued shares or derivative securities.


    2. On Feb. 26, 2007, 50,583,000 shares subject to moratorium held by Shenzhen


    Investment Holding Co., Ltd., the only shareholder holding non-tradable shares, was


    freed from the trading moratorium, taking up 5% of the total share capital of the


    Company, 7.52% of the total shares subject to moratorium, as well as 14.93% of total


    shares not subject to moratorium; on Oct. 13, 2008, Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,


    Ltd released 50,583,000 shares subject to trading moratorium, taking up 5% of total


    capital share, 8.13% of total shares subject to trading moratorium, as well as 12.99%


    of total shares not subject to moratorium.


    3. The Company’s inner employees’ shares were listed for trading through


    approval on Aug. 26, 1994. At present, the Company has no inner employees’7




    III. About shareholders


    1. Number of shareholders and shares held by shareholders


    Total number of shareholders 104,002


    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders


    Name of shareholders Nature of shareholders Proportion Total shares held Shares subject to trading


    moratorium held


    Share pledged or




    Shenzhen Investment Holding Corporation State-owned corporation 64.82% 655,800,149 571,690,800 0


    Li Gang Domestic Natural person 0.08% 816,717 0 0


    Zhong Yingxin Domestic Natural person 0.08% 762,500 0 0


    CHU KOON YUK Other 0.07% 720,000 0 0


    Chen Kangliang Domestic Natural person 0.07% 683,417 0 0


    Zhan Xiaomin Domestic Natural person 0.06% 604,100 0 0


    OREBURNS(AUSTRALIA) TY.LIMITED Other 0.06% 600,000 0 0


    Xia Xiuzhen Domestic Natural person 0.05% 525,700 0 0


    Zhu Zhikai Domestic Natural person 0.05% 476,100 0 0


    KWONG,FAT MOON EDKO Other 0.05% 473,399 0 0


    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares


    Name of shareholders Number of shares not subject to


    trading moratorium held Type of share


    Shenzhen Investment Holding Corporation 84,109,349 RMB ordinary share


    Li Gang 816,717 RMB ordinary share


    Zhong Yingxin 762,500 RMB ordinary share


    CHU KOON YUK 720,000 Domestically listed foreign share


    Chen Kangliang 683,417 Domestically listed foreign share


    Zhan Xiaomin 604,100 Domestically listed foreign share


    ORE BURNS (AUSTRALIA) PTY.LIMITED 600,000 Domestically listed foreign share


    Xia Xiuzhen 525,700 RMB ordinary share


    Zhu Zhikai 476,100 RMB ordinary share


    KWONG,FAT MOON EDKO 473,399 Domestically listed foreign share


    Explanation on associated relationship or


    action-in-concert among the above






    2. Controlling shareholder of the Company: Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd


    is a sole state-funded company limited, who was founded on Oct. 13, 2004 with a


    registered capital of RMB 4.6 billion as well as legal representative Chen Hongbo. Its


    business scope included: providing guarantees for municipal state-owned enterprises,


    management of state-owned equity, and assets restructure reformation, capital


    operation and equity investment of enterprises etc. The ultimate controller of the


    Company was Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision Administrative Committee.


    SASAC of Shenzhen was located at Investment Building, Shennan Av., Futian District,


    Shenzhen, as well as the post code 518029.


    The property right and controlling relationship between the Company and the actual


    controller are as follows:


    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,




    The Company




    Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision Administrative Committee8


    Section V Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees


    I. Basic information of directors, supervisors and senior executives


    Starting date


    of office






    date of


    office term


    Equity incentive awarded in the report




    Name Title Sex Age




    held at










    held at










    n for








    from the




    in the




















    has been












    Market price


    of share at
















    company or




    related units


    Shao Zhihe Chairman of the


    Board Male 58 28 Dec.




    11 Feb.


    2009 7,400 7,400 No 40.00 No 0 0.00 0.00 No










    Male 50 21 Aug.




    11 Feb.




    0 0 No 40.00 No 0 0.00 0.00 No






    Chairman of the






    Male 54 28 Jan. 2003 11 Feb.


    2009 0 0 00 40.00 No 0 0.00 0.00 No




    Naidian Director Male 59 28 Sep.




    11 Feb.


    2009 0 0 00 31.71 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Xu Zhenhan Director Male 55 28 Jan. 2003 11 Feb.




    0 0 0 0.00 Yes 0 0.00 0.00 Yes


    Liu Ying Director Female 46 9 Sep. 2003 11 Feb.


    2009 0 0 0 0.00 Yes 0 0.00 0.00 Yes


    Wen Li Director Female 39 8 Sep. 2006 11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 0 0.00 Yes 0 0.00 0.00 Yes










    Male 67 28 Jun.




    28 Jun.




    0 0 0 3.60 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Hou Liying Independent


    Director Female 54 28 Jun.




    28 Jun.


    2010 0 0 0 3.60 No 0 0.00 0.00 No








    Director Male 39 26 Feb.




    11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 00 3.00 No 0 0.00 0.00 No






    Supervisor Male 41 28 Jun.




    11 Feb.




    0 0 0 0.00 Yes 0 0.00 0.00 No






    Supervisor Male 51 28 Jun.




    11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 0 17.45 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Chen Junyi Supervisor Male 51 11 Apr.




    11 Feb.


    2009 0 0 0 22.34 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Zhang Xuxi Supervisor Male 32 11 Apr.




    11 Feb.




    0 0 0 16.93 No 0 0.00 0.00 Yes








    Deputy General




    Male 53 28 Jan. 2003 22 Aug.


    2008 0 0 0 19.20 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Luo Zichao Deputy General


    Manager Male 48 21 Aug.




    11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 0 31.71 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Song Gongli Deputy General


    Manager Male 52 21 Aug.




    11 Feb.


    2009 0 0 0 31.71 No 0 0.00 0.00 No






    Deputy General


    Manager Male 36 21 Aug.




    11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 0 31.71 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Chen Ji Secretary to the


    Board Male 36 28 Jan. 2003 11 Feb.


    2012 0 0 0 23.22 No 0 0.00 0.00 No


    Total - - - - - 7,400 7,400 - 356.18 - 0 - - -


    Note: Director Xu Zhenhan, Liu Ying and Wen Li and supervisor Deng Kangcheng


    held positions in shareholding units. For their positions and office term, please refer to


    following text.


    II. Main experiences of current directors, supervisors and senior executives


    1. Shao Zhihe: Aug. 1981 - Sep. 1983, commander, 13th company, 4th barrack, 302


    regiment, Capital Construction Engineer Corps; Sep. 1983 to Oct. 1995, Manager,


    Installation Branch, Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Corporation; Oct. 1995 – May


    1999, Vice General Manager of Shenzhen Tonge Group; May 1999 to Dec. 2002,


    General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC, Shenzhen Urban Construction9


    Investment & Development Company; Dec. 2002-Feb. 2009, Secretary of the CPC


    and Chairman of the Board of the Company.


    2. Guo Hongzhuang, male, Han nationality, from Chaoyang, Guangdong, born in


    Dec. 1958 from member of CPC, is a holder of on-the-job master degree and engineer.


    He ever took posts of clerk in Cadre Department, the 16th regiment, Capital


    Construction Engineer Corps; Director of the Office of Shenzhen Nanyang Enterprise


    Corporation, clerk of Labor Union and secretary of GM in Shenzhen Construction


    (Group) Corporation; Deputy GM in Shenzhen Construction Engineering General


    Contract Corporation; Manager in Longgang Real Estate Company of Shenzhen


    Construction (Group) Corporation, Deputy GM in Real Estate Development in


    Shenzhen Construction Investment Holding Corporation; Secretary of CPC and GM


    in Shenzhen Kingon (Group) Co., Ltd., Vice Secretary of CPC, GM, Secretary of CPC


    and Chairman of the Board in Shenzhen Cities Construction Development (Group)


    Corporation. He acted as GM, Vice Secretary of CPC and Director of the Company


    since Aug. 2006.


    3. Zhuang Chuanghui: From Feb. 1983 to Mar. 1986, promulgation chief, Cannon


    Regiment, 42 Army; from Mar. 1986 to Dec. 1987, deputy section chief of the Cadre


    Section, deputy director of the Office, Economic Work Department, Huizhou Local


    CPC Committee; from Dec. 1987 to Jul. 1989, deputy director of the Office, section


    chief of the Statistics Section, Huizhou local Administration for Industry &


    Commerce; from Jul. 1989 to Feb. 1997, senior staff member, principal staff member,


    discipline inspector of deputy section chief level, vice director of the Office (section


    chief level), No. 1 Office, Shenzhen Commission for Discipline Inspection; from Feb.


    1997 to May 1999, Vice Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection,


    Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings Corporation; from May 1999 to Jan.


    2003, Vice Secretary of CPC, director in SPG. From Jan. 2003 to Feb. 2009, Chairman


    of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.


    4. Xu Zhenhan: once had been commander-level secretary in charge, 802 Regiment,


    Capital Construction Engineer Corps; clerk, Vice Secretary of Discipline Inspection


    Committee, director of the CPC Office, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee,


    Vice Secretary of the CPC in Shenzhen Mechanical Equipment Installation Company;


    Vice Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee of Shenzhen Construction


    Investment Holdings Corporation. From Oct. 2004 to 2 Feb. 2009, he held the post of


    Vice Secretary in Discipline Inspection Committee of Shenzhen Investment Holdings


    Co., Ltd. From Jan. 2003 to Feb. 2009, he was director of the Company and has been


    Chairman of the Supervisory Committee since Feb. 2009.


    5. Peng Naidian: from Jul. 1973 to Dec. 1984, he successively acted as section chief,


    vice minister, and standing member of Secretary Department, Young Farmer


    Department, Publicity Department, Secretariat, Communist Youth League Guangdong


    Committee, and concurrently director of the Publicity Department; from Jan. 1985 to


    May 1992, superintendent, and member of the CPC Organization in Guangdong

    Institute of Foreign Trade & Economic Development; from Jun. 1992 to Sep. 1996, he


    was Assistant to General Manager and Chairman of the Labor Union in Shenzhen


    Huihua Group Co., Ltd.; from Sep. 1996to Feb. 2009, he worked as director and Vice


    Secretary of the CPC and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee.


    6. Zhou Hanjun, male, Han nationality, born in Oct. 1969, native place of Sichuan,


    is certified public accountant and certified tax agent. He once worked as accountant


    and Deputy Section Chief of Financial Section in the Second People’s Hospital of


    Neijiang, Sichuan; Chief accountant in Chongqing Metro Group Co., Ltd; auditor in


    Shenzhen East Sea Certified Public Accountants. Now he was partner of Shenzhen10


    Guangxin Certified Public Accountants and Shenzhen Junxin Certified Tax Agent Co.,


    Ltd. He has been independent director of the Company since Feb. 2008.


    7. Zong Dechun: from Jan. 1981 to Aug. 1983, worked as director of the Political


    Department, 304 Regiment, Capital Construction Engineer Corps; from Sep. 1983 to


    Feb. 1986, Vice Secretary of the CPC, Shenzhen No. 5 Construction Engineering Co.,


    Ltd.; from Mar. 1986 to Nov. 1996, Division Chief of the HR Department, Chairman


    of the Labor Union, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, Shenzhen Construction


    Group; from Dec. 1996 to Jun. 2002, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection


    Committee, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee in Shenzhen Construction


    Investment Holdings Corporation; in Jul. 2002, he retired; since Jun. 2004, he was


    engaged by the Company and held a position of independent director.


    8. Hou Liying: from Aug. 1982 to Aug. 1984, acted as Assistant Economist,


    Development & Design Research Institute, China National Offshore Oil Corp.; from


    Sep. 1984 till now, associate professor, masters’ instructor, College of Management,


    Shenzhen University. In Jun. 2004, she was engaged as the independent director of the




    9. Liu Ying, female, Han nationality, bachelor degree, is an economist. She was born


    in Changchun, Jili in Jul. 1962. She ever took the posts of clerk and Senior Staff


    Member in China Power Equipment Bidding Center of State Commodities Bureau, of


    Principal Staff Member and League Secretary in China Power Equipment Bidding


    Center of Economic and Trade commission of the State Council, of Deputy Manager


    of Security Dept., Manager and Director of GM Office in Shenzhen Hongchang


    Industrial Co., Ltd., of Deputy Director of the Office and principal Head of Assets


    Operation Dept. in Shenzhen Trade Investment Holding Corporation, and of senior


    Head of the Assets Operation and Management Dept. and principal Head of the


    Property Management Dept., Assets Management Dept., the 2nd Enterprise in


    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. From Sep. 2006 to Feb. 2009, she was


    director of the Company.


    10. Wen Li, female, Han nationality, master degree, is an engineer as well as


    economist. She was born in Sichuan in Dec. 1969. She ever took the posts of Engineer


    of Real Estate Development Dept. in Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd., of Assistant


    GM, Project Manager as well as Manager of Market Planning Dept. in Fantasia


    Investment Development Co., Ltd., and of Deputy Manager in Shenzhen Investment


    Holdings Co., Ltd. She is acting as director of the Company since Sep. 2006.


    11. Chen Junyi, male, 49 years old, party member of CPC, bachelor degree, political


    engineer. He was born in Xiangyin, Hunan. He ever took the posts of Section Chief of


    Organization Department in Bureau of Mine, of Director of GM Office in Shenzhen


    Xinguang Milk Union Corporation, of Director of GM Office in Shenzhen


    North-South Industrial Co., Ltd., of Section Chief and Deputy Director of Shenzhen


    Huihua Group Corporation, of Deputy Director of Discipline Inspection Supervisory


    Office in SPG Group, of Deputy GM in Shenzhen Properties & Resources


    Development (Group) Ltd., of Deputy GM and concurrently Secretary of Labor Union


    in Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd. He now acts as Deputy Director of Work Dept. of


    CPC and Discipline Inspection Commission in SPG Group. From Apr. 2006 to Feb.


    2009, he acted as the employee supervisor of the Company.


    12. Zhang Xuxi, male, the Han nationality. He was born in Meizhou, Guangdong in


    May 1976. He ever took the posts of Enterprise Law Adviser and Deputy Manager of


    Law Affair Office in the Company. From Apr., 2006, he acted as the employee


    supervisor of the Company.


    13. Xiong Xingnong: Jan. 1982 to Jan. 1983, trainee, Party school, Guangzhou11


    Railway Administration; Jan. 1983 to Dec. 1995, office secretary, consultant, section


    chief, Guangzhou Railway Administration; Jan. 1996 to Mar. 2004, office director of


    SPG; Mar. 2004 till now, Vice Director of Office of the Supervisory Committee. Since


    Jun. 2004, he has been taking the post of supervisor of the Company.


    14. Deng Kangcheng: from Jul. 1991 to Dec. 1991, he was technician of Shenzhen


    Luohu Material Trading Center; from Dec. 1991 to Mar. 1997, Assistant Engineer,


    deputy section chief and section chief in Shenzhen Construction Earthwork


    Mechanical Engineering Company; from Apr. 1997 to Sep. 2004, supervisor, vice


    director and director in Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of Shenzhen


    Construction Investment Holdings Corporation; Oct. 2004 till now, he acted as deputy


    director, director of the Office of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. From Jun.


    2004 to Feb. 2009, he was elected as supervisor of the Company and acts as director


    since Feb. 2009.


    15. Luo Kunquan: from Oct. 1987 to Sep. 1990, he was vice factory director of


    Guangdong Xingning County Brewage Machinery Factory; from Sep. 1990 to Jul.


    1993, he worked as Manager in Guangdong Xingning County Foreign-Invested


    Enterprise Resources Company; From Aug. 1993 to Dec. 1993, General Manager of


    Shenzhen Communist Youth Industrial Park Industrial Company; from Dec. 1993 to


    Jun. 1994, Manager of Shenzhen Shenhua Enterprise Company; from Jun. 1994 to


    Nov. 1998, Manager of Shenzhen Shenhua Property Development Company; from


    Nov. 1998 to Dec. 2002, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Shenhua Group


    Company; from Dec. 2002 to Dec. 2005, Deputy General Manager of the Company.


    He took the post of Standing Deputy General Manager of the Company since Dec.




    16. Luo Zichao: from Oct. 1984 to May 1993, he was assistant, office director, chief


    assistant in Shenzhen Design & Decoration Engineering Company; from May 1993 to


    Jul. 2003, General Manager and Vice Secretary of the CPC Committee in Shenzhen


    Design & Decoration Engineering Company; from May 1999 to Jul. 2003, General


    Manager, Shenzhen Construction Engineering Contractor Corporation; from May


    1999 to Jul. 2002, Chairman of the Board, Shenzhen Architectonic Industrial Co., Ltd.;


    he took the post of Deputy General Manager of the Company since Jul. 2003.


    17. Song Gongli, male, Han nationality, party member of CPC, master degree. He


    was born in Changgeng, Henan in June 1956. He ever took the posts of officer and


    Senior Staff Member of budget office in Guizhou Provincial Department of Finance,


    of Principal Staff Member of Economic Development Bureau of Shenzhen


    Municipality Office, Deputy Manager in Shenzhen Foreign Trade Investment


    Corporation, Deputy Division Chief of Travel Service and Division Chief of Planning


    & Financial Division in Shenzhen Trade Development Bureau, Director General in


    Shenzhen Travel Bureau Quality Supervision Institute; Principal of Financing, Head


    of Enterprise Management Dept, Director of the Office and Assistant President in


    Shenzhen Trade Investment Holding Corporation, Director of the Office in Shenzhen


    Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. From Aug. 2006 to Feb. 2009, he acts as the post of


    Deputy GM of the Company.


    18. Yang Jiayong, male, Han nationality, party member of CPC, master degree, is


    an economist. He was born in Maoming, Guangdong in Nov. 1972. He ever took the


    posts of Assistant Economist, Assistant of Manager of HR Dept. in Shenzhen Tonge


    (Group) Co., Ltd, Director of the Office, Secretary of Party General Branch, Manager


    of HR Dept. and Assistant GM in Shenzhen Cities Construction Investment


    Development Corporation, Director of the Office and Assistant GM in SPG, GM and


    Secretary of Party General Branch in Shenzhen SPG Tariff Free Trade Co., Ltd. Since12


    Jul. 2006, he acted as the post of Deputy GM of the Company.


    19. Chen Ji: from Jul. 1995 to Jul. 1996, he was clerk of the Comprehensive Office in


    Tonge Truck Transportation Company; from Jul. 1996 to Mar. 2001, secretary of the


    CPC Office in Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings Corporation; from Mar.


    2001 to Dec. 2002, director of the CPC Office of Shenzhen Urban Construction


    Investment Development Company; from Dec. 2002 till now, he takes the posts of


    Secretary to the Board, Director of the Board Office of the Company.


    III. Annual remuneration


    Annual payment system had been introduced into the rewards for the proprietors,


    whose annual remuneration level and distribution regulation was implemented in


    compliance with the relevant regulation of the State-owned Assets Supervision and


    Administration Commission and municipal investment holdings company, the basic


    payment was RMB 20,000 per month and performance annual remuneration and


    encourage annual remuneration would be distributed after approving by municipal


    investment holdings company. The remuneration level and distribution regulation of


    Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Group Company would be decided in


    line with the remuneration level of General Manager of the Group Company that was:


    the basic payment was RMB 20,000 per month. The remuneration level and


    distribution regulation of deputy leaders of the Group Company was decided in line


    with the remuneration level as well as the performance appraisal of the proprietors


    that was: the basic payment was RMB 15,000 per month.


    Xu Zhenhan, Liu Ying and Wen Li, the Director of the Company, Deng Kangcheng,


    the Supervisor of the Company, drew their payment from shareholding companies, not


    from the Company.


    Allowance for each independent directors for the year 2007 was RMB 36,000


    (before tax), and they received no other rewards besides this from the Company.


    IV. About resign, engagement and Dismissal


    1. The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 26 Feb. 2008 disposed Li Qiusheng


    from independent director, and elected Zhou Hanjun as independent director.


    2. In the report period, there was no additional director, supervisor and senior


    executives. Reelection of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee has


    been completed at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 26 Feb. 2008.


    V. Number of employees, professional composition, education background and


    retired employees


    At the end of 2007, the Company had totally 1,926 employees, of which 1,277


    production personnel, 51 sales personnel, 491 technicians, 48 financial personnel and


    59 administrative personnel. Among them, 151 personnel are undergraduates or above,


    221 personnel are holder of associate degree, 187 graduated from technical secondary


    school, 1367 from senior high school or below. The Company had 313 retirees.13


    Section VI Corporate Governance


    I. Actual status of governance corporate of the Company


    In the report period, the Company strictly accorded with requirements of Company


    Law, Securities Law, Administrative Rules for Listed Companies and other laws and


    statutes, in accordance with the requirements of the special campaign to Strengthen


    the corporate governance form the CSRC and the rectification requirements after


    in-process checking from the Shenzhen Securities Bureau, the Company continuously


    perfected its corporate governance, standardized its operation. The actual situation of


    legal person governance was in line with the requirements of the relevant normative




    (I) Preparations and holding of the shareholders’ general meeting and disclosure of


    resolution of the meetings were normatively in line with Articles of Association and


    Rules for Procedure of the Shareholders’ General Meeting; all shareholders were on


    an equal position and could fully exercise their legal rights.


    (II) Directors and the Board of Directors: power of decision-making was exercised


    normally, reparations and holding of the Board meeting and disclosure of resolution of


    the meetings were normatively in line with the Articles of Association and Rules of


    Procedure for the Board of Directors; all directors performed their obligations in an


    honest and diligence manner. In order to perfect the decision-making mechanism of


    the Board, the Company formulated working rules for special committees such as e


    strategy committee, audit committee, nomination committee and remuneration &


    appraisal committee, which guaranteed for scientific operation of the Board of




    (III) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: structure of the Supervisory


    Committee were reasonable. The Supervisory Committee conducted the supervision


    and inspection for the significant events of the Company strictly in accordance with


    the Rules for Procedure of the Supervisory Committee, and exercised its supervision


    right effectively and brought its supervision function into full play.


    (IV) Manager level: the manager level of the Company was fully responsible for the


    production and management of the Company, other Senior Executives performed their


    obligations in an honest and diligence manner. The manager level of the Company


    implemented the resolution of the Board with efficient supervision and control.


    (V) Information disclosures and transparency: the Board of Directors seriously


    performed information disclosure obligations strictly according to the relevant laws


    and regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, paid much attention


    to the investors’ management, opened the Company’s communication platform,


    performed the obligation of information disclosure, and could publish all significant


    information in true, accurate, complete and timely manner.


    II. Duty performance of Independent Directors


    In the report period, the Company’s independent directors fully performed their duties


    in line with the requirements of the relevant laws and the Articles of Associations,


    expressed independent opinion seriously and analyzed professionally on significant


    matters, played the important roles on normative operation of the Company.


    Independent Directors’ attendance of Board meetings:


    Name Times of Times of Times of Times of absent14


    meetings should




    attendance in








    from on-the-spot




    Zong Dechun 7 7 0 0


    Hou Liying 7 6 1 0


    Zhou Hanjun 6 6 0 0


    III. The Company was independent from the controlling shareholders in business,


    personnel, assets, organization and financing of the Company, possessed independent


    operation capabilities facing market.


    (I) In respect of business, the Company possessed independent production, supply


    and sales system;


    (II) In respect of personnel, the Company was absolutely independent in management


    of labor, personnel and salaries from the controlling shareholders. All the senior


    executives of the Company took no office title concurrently and drew no


    remunerations from the Shareholder Company.


    (III) In respect of assets, the Company possessed independent and integrated assets


    and the property of the Company is transparent.


    (IV) In respect of organization, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee


    operated independently. There existed no superior-inferior relationship between the


    controlling shareholder and its function department and the Company.


    (V) In respect of finance, the Company has independent financial department,


    independently accounted and paid taxes according to the law. The Company


    established a complete accounting system, finacial accountng system and financial


    administrative systems. The Company opened independent bank accounts.


    IV. Establishment and perfecting of internal control


    The Company paid great attention to the construction and improvement of the internal


    control, set down the Rules Collections of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real


    Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd., totaling 32 rules covering meeting, human


    resource, management on production operation, financial management, audit


    management and construction of the enterprise culture. The Company produced the


    management and control system and 68 business procedure in 2007, which was


    implemented fully to strengthen the regulated operation and internal control, to ensure


    the healthy operation of all business activities.


    (I) Self-appraisal on internal control


    1. General appraisal on internal control by the Board of Director


    In 2008, with effort of the Board of Directors and managements and according to


    provisions in the Company Law, Securities Law, Rules for Listing Shares in Shenzhen


    Stock Exchange and Articles of Association, the Company set up a set of completed


    internal control system. Firstly, the Company perfected corporate governance


    structure, standardized work of the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of


    Directors, the Supervisor Committee and operating group. In 2008, based on standard


    governance in the previous years and combined with inspection of CSRC, the


    Company further resolved problem in system of the Shareholders’ General Meeting,


    the Board of Directors and Supervisor Committee, revised Articles of Association,15


    strengthened financial management and accounting calculation, set up organization


    under the Board of Directors, such as Audit Committee, Strategy Committee,


    Remuneration & Appraisal Committee and Nomination Committee, which formed


    standard operating mechanism with core of the Board of Directors.


    2. Important activities to be controlled


    (1) Organizational structure


    (2) Control on key business


    For relationship of holding subsidiaries, the Company roundly managed and


    controlled financial management, internal audit, human resource, property right


    Shareholders’ General Meeting


    The Board of Directors


    Management Leader


    The Supervisory Committee


    Audit Committee


    Strategy Committee


    Expert review Team


    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou Real Estate Co., Ltd (100%)


    Shenzhen Property Management Co., Ltd. (100%)


    Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd. (100%)


    Shenzhen SPG Longgang Development Co., Ltd (100%)


    Shenzhen SPG Mini-bus Rent Co., Ltd. (100%)


    Shenzhen Huazhan Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. (100%)


    Remuneration & Appraisal Committee


    Secretariat of the Board




    Party-masses Work Department


    Human Resource Department


    Planning Finance Department


    Audit Supervisor Department


    Enterprise Investment Management Dept


    Design Department


    Property Management Department


    Marketing Service Department


    Engineering Technology Department


    Cost Control Department


    Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd. (100%)


    Xin Feng Property Co., Ltd (100%)


    Great Wall Estate Co., Inc (70%)


    Stock Participant Enterprises


    Xin Feng Enterprise Co., Ltd. (100%)16


    supervision, general budget and project investment & implementation in accordance


    with supervision system and Provisional Measures for Operation and Management of


    Subsidiaries of the Company and with principal of limited self-decision management,


    inspected, guided and supervised business development of subsidiaries, and verified


    and appraised roundly according to Responsibility Agreement on Target. The


    Company strengthened construction and execution of business all around, effectively


    perfected relevant management system and all departments operated 68 business




    There were no significant related transaction, guarantee or raised proceeds.


    Information disclosure was strictly in line with provisions in Rules for Listing Shares


    in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Articles of Association.


    Control on business: in respect of financial management, the Company strictly


    executed Provisions on Financial Management and its business procedure and


    controlled risk of capital; in respect of main business, with precondition of controlling


    risk, the Company executed all regulations of management on tendering and biding,


    leasing management, management on Safety Production and Sales Management


    formulated, and ensured that main business keep stable in the severe economic




    3. Plan on perfection of internal control


    The Company will accord with requirements of Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal


    Control jointly issued by Ministry of Finance and other ministries and Guidelines of


    Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Internal Control of Listed Companies, revised and


    perfected significant regulations and rules of the Company, importantly executed


    supervision and control system and business procedure, further cleared power and


    responsibilities in decision making, supervision and execution and authorization


    mechanism of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and managements,


    reasonably estimated and perfected running internal control system, which will


    enhanced internal control of the Company when further improve operation efficiency.


    4. Self-appraisal on internal control by the Board of Directors


    The Board of Directors considered that the Company established perfect internal


    control system in decision making, execution, supervision and every key links, and


    design of system was reasonable and effective. The Company must continuously


    perfect internal control system in accordance with new rules and work guideline,


    ensure standard governance, effective internal control, improvement of management


    efficiency and risk control.


    (II) Independent opinions on self-appraisal of internal control expressed by


    Independent Directors


    We reviewed self-appraisal on internal control 2008 by the Board of Directors, now


    the appraisal opinions are as follows: in 2007, taking the advantage of the special


    campaign to further strengthen the corporate governance, the Company revised and


    perfected the all kinds of rules of internal control; aiming to strengthen internal


    control, the Company perfected the management and control system and business


    procedure, let the internal control system covered the all operation parts and links of


    the Company basically, defended, found and rectified the deviation which was


    possible to happen in the process of operation, safeguarded the rights and benefits of17


    all shareholders, confirmed the accounting records and accounting information’ s


    trueness, accuracy and timeliness. The key activities of internal control operated in


    conformity with the relevant regulations of internal control in the Company. The


    self-evaluation of internal control was in line with its actual situation.


    V. Regular activities of corporate governance and rectification of inspection from


    Shenzhen Securities Bureau


    Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau inspected the Company on the spot during


    Sep. 13, 2007 to Sep. 29, 2007, and issued the Circular on Demanding Shenzhen


    Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd to Rectify within a


    certain time limit (SZJ [2007] Document No. 127) (hereinafter referred to as “the


    Circular”), which pointed that there was some problems in independence of the


    company, operation of the Board of Director, the Supervisor Committee and the


    Shareholders’ General Meeting, rules, information disclosure, finance management


    and accounting settlement. The management officer of the Company paid much


    attention the problems showed in the Circular, organized relevant department to


    rectify comprehensively.


    Combined with inspection of Shenzhen Bureau at the end of 2007, in 2008, the


    Company revised Articles of Association, Rules for Procedure of the Supervisory


    Committee, enhanced financial management and accounting settlement, set up audit


    committee, strategy committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee


    under the Board of Directors, formed regular operation mechanism with core of


    corporate governance. On 25 Jan. 2008, the Board of Directors reviewed and


    approved Rectification Report on Problems found in inspection by CSRC Shenzhen


    Bureau, confirmed person in charge of rectification and limitation of time, and all the


    problems had been rectified effectively. For details, please refer to China Securities


    Journal and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao dated 26 Jan. 2008 as well as


    http://www.cninfo.com.cn. In 2008, the Company formulated and perfected Work


    System on Annual Report for Independent Directors, Audit Procedure of Audit


    Committee for Annual Report and Work Rules for General Manager and so on.


    There was no irregular corporate governance in the Company, nor proving


    undisclosed information to actual controller. Original system on report of


    representative of property has been cancelled.


    In accordance with filling requirement of information system for state-owned assets


    administration of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of


    Shenzhen Municipal Government, the Company submitted monthly financial indices


    to Shenzhen Investment Holding Corporation periodically before 10th of each month,


    which was submitting non-public information to principal shareholder. In accordance


    with requirements of Circular on Strengthening Supervision and Administration of


    Providing Non-public Information to Principal Shareholders and Actual Controller


    issued by CSRC Shenzhen Bureau, the Company reported list of person who know


    non-public information to Shenzhen Bureau each month.18


    Section VII Brief introduction to the Shareholders’ General Meeting


    The 16th Shareholders’ General Meeting (Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting for


    the year 2007) was held at 9:30 on Jun. 24, 2008, in which examined and approved


    the Working Report of the Board of Directors 2007, Working Report of the


    Supervisory Committee 2007, Profit Distribution Plan 2007, Annual Report 2007 and


    Proposal of Reengagement of Certified Public Accountant for Auditing, and shaped


    relevant resolutions. Resolutions at the meeting were published in China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and website http://www.cninfo.com.cn designated by CSRC on


    Jun. 25, 2007, the Board of Directors implemented the resolutions strictly with the


    authority under the shareholders’ general meeting.


    The 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008 was held at Feb. 26, 2008,


    at which reviewed and approved Proposal on Replacement of Independent Directors,


    Proposal on Election of Independent Directors, Program on Revising Articles of


    Association, Program on Revising Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Committee


    and Program on Payment of Senior Executives, and shaped relevant resolutions.


    Resolutions of the meeting was published in China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao


    and website http://www.cninfo.com.cn designated by CSRC on Feb. 27, 2008.19


    Section VIII Report of the Board of Directors


    I. Retrospect on overall operation during the report period


    (I) Discussion and Analysis of the management


    It is unusual year of 2008 regardless for the world or China. Due rapid spread of


    global financial crisis, market environment was worse. As real estate industry, which


    was close to finance and capital market and influenced by financial crisis most


    directly, the Company faced strike and challenge.


    With severe ordeal of financial crisis, we was in line with principal of “Improvement


    of Management, Create of Brand, as quickly as possible and Increase of Reserves”,


    deepened activity of “Year of Development and Improvement”, advanced stable


    development of all work; pay attention to scientific and durative development,


    decisively adjusted operating strategy, flexibly deal with market crisis; managements


    were diligent and responsible, staff worked hard, and accomplished annual operating


    target. In order to confront sudden outbreak of financial crisis and depression of real


    estate, we properly proposed two countermeasure, that is, complete operating task and


    accelerate exploitation and sales by every possible means; preserve in improvement of


    management and increase of land reserve.


    (II) Overall operation


    In 2008, the Company realized total profit amounting to RMB 41.03 million, down


    20.57 % year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies


    amounting to 19.120 million, down 50.97% year-on-year. Main reason for decrease of


    profit was large-margin decrease of investment income in the report period


    (investment income in last year from disposal of equity of Shenyang Tongxin Real


    Estate Development Limited Company and Shenzhen Bafangtong Railway Storage &


    Transportation Co., Ltd was RMB 11.020 million and 116.37 million respectively).


    Income from change of fair value changed to negative benefit from benefit of last year,


    withdrawal of reserve for falling price of inventories being RMB 1.35 million and loss


    from lawsuit was RMB 6.4 million during the report period.


    In 2008, the Company realized operating income RMB 706.01 million, with an


    decrease of 16.46% year-on-year, which was because income from sales of real estate


    decreased 37.65% year-on-year.


    Income from sales of real estate, leading business of the Company, was RMB 318.34


    million, with an decrease of 37.65% year-on-year, which was mainly due to influence


    of macro adjustment on real estate market of 2008.


    Lease income was RMB 68.16 million, up 27.48% year-on-year, which was mainly


    because the Company seriously analyzed lease market, followed change of market,


    enhanced consciousness of service, improved property environment, widened leasing


    channel, realized “stabilization of regular customer and exploitation of new


    customers”, and the rent rate increased to 93.64% from 90.01% of last year.


    Income from construction fixing was RMB 198.64 million, up 18.15% year-on-year,


    which was mainly because Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd strengthened


    contracting projects and successful bid increased.


    Income from property management increased 10.01% year-on-year, income from


    hotel and other service remained the same with last year.


    II. Scope and status of main business


    The Company belongs to real estate industry and is engaged in the development of


    real estate and sales of commercial house, lease and management of property,


    construction decoration and fixing, retail and trade of commodities and hotel and


    dietetic service.20


    1. Composing of income from main operations and profit from main operations


    classified according to industry:


    Industry Operating income Operating cost Gross operating profit


    2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007


    Real estate 318,341,233.41 510,543,751.94 156,884,141.75 342,581,402.58 161,457,091.66 167,962,349.36


    Construction fixing 198,643,152.28 168,119,414.61 189,063,593.50 156,567,107.62 9,579,558.78 11,552,306.99


    Lease 68,156,645.38 53,462,110.04 34,783,068.61 36,504,754.95 33,373,576.77 16,957,355.09


    Property management 90,591,169.68 82,346,479.41 74,760,638.91 67,086,498.17 15,830,530.77 15,259,981.24


    Hotel and other services 30,273,123.66 30,655,770.44 17,658,843.94 18,901,274.60 12,614,279.72 



    Total 706,005,324.41 845,127,526.44 473,150,286.71 621,641,037.92 232,855,037.70 223,486,488.52


    2. Composing of income from main operations and profit from main operations


    classified according to areas


    Operating income Operating cost Gross operating profit




    2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007




    Guangdong Province 704,312,668.41 843,585,909.43 471,333,454.43 619,793,339.53 232,979,213.98 



    Overseas: 1,692,656.00 1,541,617.01 1,816,832.28 1,847,698.39 -124,176.28 -306,081.38


    Total 706,005,324.41 845,127,526.44 473,150,286.71 621,641,037.92 232,855,037.7 223,486,488.52


    III. Operations achievements of main wholly-owned affiliated companies and


    shareholding companies (the consolidated statement)


    Full names of subsidiary














    Business type


    and scope


    Balance of net
















    Net assets












    Net profit






    Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 3,000 Hotel Service 3,000 100% 5,649 3,663 2,537 44


    Shenzhen Property Management


    Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 725 Property


    management 725 100% 8,135 1,011 9,396 229


    Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering


    Co., Ltd.


    Shenzhen 1,000


    Fixing and


    maintenance of




    1,000 100% 6,381 855 21,891 27


    Shenzhen Huazhan Construction


    Supervision Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 800 Construction


    and supervision 800 100% 811 745 304 13


    Shenzhen SPG Mini-bus Rent


    Co., Ltd. Shenzhen 1,029 Rent of mini-bus 1,029 100% 1,644 1,321 412 110


    Shenzhen SPG Longgang


    Development Co., Ltd


    Shenzhen 3,000 Development of


    real estate


    3,000 100% 18,223 -1,946 - -773


    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone


    Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou


    Real Estate Co., Ltd


    Guangzhou 2,000 Development of


    real estate 2,000 100% 2,368 2,007 - -5


    Xin Feng Property Co., Ltd Hongkong HKD100 Investment and


    management 9,870 100% 58,924 1,222 22,571 4,364


    .Great Wall Estate Co., Inc. USA USD50 Development of


    real estate 11,122 70% 1,933 -8,653 75 -1


    Xin Feng Enterprise Co., Ltd. Hongkong HKD100 Investment and




    66,358 100% 24,772 -44,445 5,909 2,760


    IV. Main suppliers and customers21


    Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan


    2008 2007




    Sales amount


    Proportion in


    total sales income


    Sales amount


    Proportion in total


    sales income


    Total sales amount of the top five customers 8,486 12.02% 5,064 5.99%


    V. Problems, difficulties, and solution plans in operation


    1. Problems and difficulties


    (1) Bottleneck of Resource has not broken through, and there were hidden troubles in


    sustainable development. In 2008, there were no gains in land reserves, and the


    Company just won the bid of 8,443 ㎡ land of Jinhu Road in Shantou.


    (2) Capital market environment was worse, and financing was more difficult. Owing


    to slowing of callback of sales fund, demand for financing of the Company increased.


    However, the capital market was impacted by financial crisis, credit and loan from


    bank was more carefully, and it was more difficult to enlarge credit line.


    2. Proposed solutions for the above problem and difficulty:


    (1) Increase of land reserve timely and appropriately


    The Company will widely collect information on sales of land, strengthen market


    research and investigation, and make effort to increase land reserves in Shenzhen,


    Guangzhou, Shantou or Pearl River Delta Region.


    (2) Strengthen financial management and improve use efficiency of capital


    The Company will properly management of all capital, enhance cash flow


    management, improve overall planning transmission, widely extend financing channel,


    further strengthen cooperation with bank enterprises, accelerate callback of capital


    and enhanced management of accounts receivable.


    VI. Investment


    1. There was no raised proceed in the report period, nor was there any proceeds raised


    in previous periods yet still used in the report period.


    2. Significant Investment Projects with Non-Raised Proceeds


    Name of projects Project value (Unit:


    RMB 0,000)


    Progress of projects Income from projects


    The 3# Building of Star Lake


    Garden 1,644.15 The project was completed at the beginning


    of 2008.


    Switching back profit of RMB




    Shui Yun Tian Ya Garden, and


    Ming Garden 472.15


    The Company has submitted the working


    drawing to apply for building the two






    Shantou Jinye Island


    International Garden 18,698.05 The project is in development stage by




    Switching back profit of RMB




    North of Jinhu Road 5,353.89 It is the newly increased land, and the


    project is in contemplation




    Total 26,168.24 - -


    VII. Analysis on Financial Status and Business Achievements in the reporting period


    (I) Analysis on Financial Status22


    1、Comparison with Major Financial Indexes Unit: RMB 0,000


    Items Amount at the




    Amount at the




    Increase or decrease












    Main reasons


    Total assets 226,565.68 230,272.50 -3,706.82 -1.61 There was no obvious change.


    Bank and Cash






    -12,350.17 -27.33


    It was mainly because the Company paid to buy


    the land and received less from the sale of


    property in this year.




    monetary assets






    -45.60 -70.64 It was because the value of shares held by the


    Company reduced.


    Prepayment 2,433.21 2,040.01 393.20 19.27


    It was mainly because the progress payment for


    subcontracted projects, which should be paid by


    subsidiaries engaging in construction, had not


    been settled up.






    82,247.51 12,311.72 14.97


    It was mainly because the Company bought the


    land for residence project in Shantou Jinhu


    Road and increased investment in the 11th phase


    Shantou Jinye Island Project in this year.






    23,044.68 18,126.00 4,918.68 27.14 It was mainly because of the increase in project




    Advance from


    customers 13,013.45 20,699.38 - 7,685.93 - 3 7 .1 3 I t was mainly because of the decrease in


    advance from customers in sale of property.


    Taxes and fees








    529.36 174.03


    It was mainly because the project of Guangzhou


    Huangpu Elegant Garden had settled the Land


    Appreciation Tax, which led to the increase of


    Land Appreciation Taxes payable.








    290.13 498.68 171.88


    It was mainly because the Company had not


    paid the interest of loans from Shenzhen


    Investment Holdings Co., Ltd in the 2nd half


    year of 2007 and in the whole year of 2008.




    219.67 219.67 Withholding losses due to lawsuits


    Owners’ Equity


    of listed






    118,814.66 2,014.23 1.70


    It was mainly because of the net profit increased


    in this year and the converted difference in


    Foreign Currency Statements.




    liabilities due


    within one




    1,046.18 2528.01 -1,481.83 -58.62 It was mainly because of the decrease in


    long-term loans due within one year






    Amount at the




    Amount at the




    Increase or decrease












    Main reasons






    Ratio (%)


    47.16 48.70 -1.54 It was mainly because of the decrease in


    advance from customers in sale of property.


    Current Ratio 1.86 1.77 0.09 The decreasing amplitude of current assets was


    smaller than that of current liabilities.


    Quick Ratio 0.57 0.70 -0.13 Among the current assets, inventory increased


    relatively fast.




    turnover ratio




    0.535 0.833 -0.298 It was mainly because the inventory increased


    and the operation cost reduced.23


    2、Comparison on Structure of Major Financial Indexes Unit: RMB 0,000


    Dec. 31, 2008 Dec. 31, 2007




    Amount Percentage in


    total assets (%)


    Amount Percentage in


    total assets (%)




    in total


    assets (%)


    Total assets 226,565.68 100.00 230,272.50 100.00 -


    Bank and Cash 32,841.34 14.50 45,191.51 19.95 -5.45


    Other payable 4,400.42 1.94 5,051.21 2.23 -0.29


    Inventory 94,559.23 41.74 82,247.51 36.30 5.44


    Including: accomplished product










    11.94 6.94


    Product development in


    progress 48,651.08






    23.41 -1.94


    Total of current assets 135,746.87 59.92 136,134.40 60.09 -0.17


    Long-term equity investment 9,283.04 4.10 8,597.84 3.79 0.31


    Investment Real Estate 71,902.51 31.74 74,951.10 33.08 -1.34


    Fixed assets 7,089.45 3.13 7,632.45 3.37 -0.24


    Total of non-current assets 90,818.80 40.08 94,138.10 41.55 -1.47


    Accounts payable 23,044.68 10.17 18,126.00 8.00 2.17


    Advance from customers 13,013.45 5.74 20,699.38 9.14 -3.40


    Other payable 26,291.41 11.60 27,761.56 12.25 -0.65


    Non-current liabilities due within


    one year


    1,046.18 0.46 2,528.01


    1.12 -0.66


    Short-term loans 5,920.00 2.61 4,700.00 2.07 0.54


    Long-term loans 33,034.30 14.58 34,221.43 15.10 -0.52


    Total of liabilities 106,852.93 47.16 112,135.30 49.49 -2.33


    (II) Analysis on Business Achievements


    In the report period, the Management Team of the Company fulfilled its duties with


    diligence and faced up to the sever challenge of the financial crisis, under the


    leadership of the Board. They actively responded to the crisis, made efforts to tap the


    potential and improve the level of refined management, accomplished the annual


    business target, as well as increased its land resources at appropriate opportunity.


    1. In 2008, the total profit of the Company was RMB 41,030,000, down by 20.57%;


    Net income attributed to shareholders of listed companies was RMB 19,120,000,


    down by 50.97%. The major influencing factor that caused the decrease of profit was


    the sharp decrease in return on investment (in the last year, the Company acquired


    return on investment of RMB 11,020,000 and RMB 16,370,000, by disposing equity


    of Shenyang Tongxin Real Estate Development Limited Company and Shenzhen


    Bafangtong Railway Storage & Transportation Co., Ltd). It was also because the


    income from changes in fair value was shifted from profit to negative profit in this


    year, the Company withdrew provision for inventory of RMB 1,350,000 and there


    was a loss of RMB 6,400,000 due to lawsuits.


    2. In 2008, the total business income of the Company was RMB 706,010,000, down


    by 16.46%, including the major decrease in income from property sales by 37.65%.


    3. Taxes and Fees in the Report Period


    (1) Sales tax and other taxes reached RMB 72,880,000, up by 11.22% compared with


    RMB 65,530,000 of last year. The increase mainly lies in the increase of Land24


    Appreciation Tax.


    Items In 2007 (RMB) In 2006 (RMB)


    Sales taxes 34,066,890.14 40,560,987.12


    Tax on urban maintenance 294,453.17 362,286.05


    Extra charges of education funds 570,478.34 870,312.81


    Housing property tax 7,597,837.35 6,409,368.10


    Land appreciation tax 29,800,780.19 16,869,744.90


    other 554,758.48 456,093.61


    Total 72,885,197.67 65,528,792.59


    (2) Selling expense was RMB 9,304,100, down by 8.47%, which was due to the


    decrease of sales income.


    (3) Administration expenses was RMB 76,700,500, up by 9.70%, which was a result


    of increasing the fees for property certificate handling of RMB 3,460,000 and


    refunding the retained staff welfare of RMB 11,870,000 in previous years.


    (4) Financial expenses decreased significantly compared with that of last year, which


    was because of the decrease in exchange loss, induced by slow variation of exchange




    Classification In 2008 (RMB) In 2007 (RMB)


    Interest expense 37,691,766.29 42,036,666.93


    Less: amount of capitalization


    of interest


    10,481,274.23 25,566,161.56


    Less: interest revenue 4,222,677.14 4,920,817.96


    Exchange loss 5,786,273.36 41,658,689.44


    Less:exchange gain 129,580.24 74,905.46


    Other 866,291.09 258,135.05


    Total 29,510,799.13 53,391,606.44


    4. Non-Operating Incomes and Non-Operating Expenses


    (1) Non-Operating Incomes


    Classification In 2008 (RMB) In 2007 (RMB)


    1 、Total gains on disposal of




    3,132,015.82 94,170.00


    Including: gains on disposal of fixed




    3,132,015.82 94,170.00


    2、Amercement income -- 66,360.09


    3、Breach penalty -- 2,233,288.00


    4. Other 68,056.46 47,738.39


    Total 3,200,072.28 2,441,556.4825


    (2) Non-Operating Expenses


    Classification In 2008 (RMB) In 2007 (RMB)


    1. Loss from non-current asset disposal 83,755.93 113,850.02


    Of which: loss from fixed asset disposal 83,755.93 113,850.02


    2. Expenditure of penalty 5,871.72 2,727,368.63


    3. Donation expenditure 562,636.95 218,000.00


    4. Expenditure for loss 6,785,703.66 918,156.31


    5. Other 146,373.93 100,683.37


    Total 7,584,342.19 4,078,058.33


    5. Income Tax Expenses


    Items In 2008 (RMB) In 2007 (RMB)


    Income tax expense in 2008 17,928,912.10 3,460,653.51


    Deferred income tax expenses 3,949,656.44 9,264,644.01


    Total 21,878,568.54 12,725,297.52


    6. Influence on Profit by the Items, Which Were Measured by fair value (Unit: RMB)


    Name of items


    Balance at






    Balance at the




    Current change

    Amount of the


    current profit


    under its influence


    Trading financial assets




    189,488.50 -455,981.50 -456,411.50


    Total 645,470.00 189,488.50 -455,981.50 -456,411.50


    7. The net cash flow from operating activities was RMB -82,530,000, decreasing by


    RMB 31,750,000 compared with RMB -50,780,000 of last year. That was mainly


    because: the income from development projects decreased in this year; the net cash


    flow from investing activities was RMB 5,690,000 down by RMB 4,760,000, from


    RMB 10,450,000 of last year, as there was an income from disposing equity of


    Shenyang Tongxin Real Estate Development Limited Company and Shenzhen


    Bafangtong Railway Storage & Transportation Co., Ltd last year; net cash flow from


    financing activities was RMB -43,790,000, down by RMB 6,8280,000 from RMB


    24,490,000 of last year, which was because of the decrease in new loans in this year.


    VIII. Prospect for Future Development of the Company


    General guidelines for operation in 2009: Under the guidance of Scientific Concept of


    Development, the Company will focus on preventing risks, striving to survive, seizing


    every opportunity, and seeking for development. The Company will insist on


    promoting development on the one hand and pushing reform on the other hand, so as


    to solve problems occurring in the reform through development, as well as to promote


    development of the enterprise through reform. Besides, operation will be given


    primary importance among priorities and vigorously developed, management will be


    strengthen and plans will be made to revitalize reserves; meanwhile, the Party26


    Building, leadership building, and Corporate Cultural Construction will be strengthen


    comprehensively so as to provide a firm guarantee for the development and reform for


    the Company.


    In 2009, the Company will focus on five aspects:


    (I) To make every effort to concentrate on major operation and ensure the operation


    budget target will be met. 1. It will focus on property sales and property lease; 2. All


    enterprises under the Company shall seriously implement the target task of overall


    budget management, and ensure the target of management responsibility is fully


    accomplished, through improving operation management and strengthening control


    over costs. 3. The Company will attach importance to construction in progress. 4.


    Adequate attention will be paid to preparation for new projects. 5. Land reserves shall


    be increased adequately at appropriate opportunity.


    (II) To enhance internal basic administration, and conduct Bushiness Process


    Reengineering as well as management innovation, so as to achieve standardized


    governance and a effective management in the Company. 1. To improve the corporate


    governance structure, and regulate operation. 2. To improve the method of


    performance evaluation by means of optimizing operation flow, making quantifiable


    standards for performance evaluation, so as to improve management efficiency and


    management level. 3. To establish an effective risk management system, based on the


    actual situation and business feature of the Company. 4. To enhance finance


    management, improve capital utilization efficiency, speed up capital turnover, and


    expand financing channels, in order to ensure sufficient capital for management and


    development of the Company. 5. To strengthen production safety management and


    strictly implement the responsibility system for production safety.


    (III) To make greater efforts to revitalize assets, stick to promoting separation of main


    from sub, and solve problems left by history as soon as possible.


    (IV) To study and make development strategy of the Company, as well as determine


    the medium-and-long-term development plan of the Company.


    (V) To enhance the Party Building and leadership building, as well as construct new


    corporate culture.


    IX. Routing Work of the Board of Directors


    (I) Meetings and Resolutions of the Meetings of the Board in the reporting period


    Details of the Board meetings in 2008 were as follows:


    1. On Jan. 25, the 1st Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the Company,


    with attendance of 8 Directors and absence of 1 Director. The meeting deliberated and


    approved the Report on In-progress Quality Control and Rectification by Shenzhen


    Securities Regulatory Commission, Resolution of displacing Independent Directors,


    Resolution of nominating Independent Directors, Revision Scheme of the Articles of


    Association, Work Rules for General Managers, Methods for Labor Contract


    Management, Payroll Solutions of the Staff in 2008, Resolution of convening the 1st


    Extraordinary Shareholders General Meeting in 2008.27


    The relevant resolutions of the Board meeting were published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Jan. 26.


    2. On Apr. 8, the 2nd Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the Company,


    with attendance of 8 Directors and entrusted voting of 1 Directors. The meeting


    deliberated and approved the Independent Directors Work System about Annual


    Report, Resolution of establishing special committees under the Board, Resolution of


    cooperating with the large shareholder to develop Yue Liang Wan Project, Working


    Regulation for annual auditing of the Audit Committee under the Board.


    The relevant resolutions of the Board meeting were published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Apr. 9.


    3. On Apr. 21, the 3rd Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the Company,


    with attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the Annual


    Report 2007 and its Summery, Profit Distribution Preplan 2007, and Annual Report


    on Work of the Board 2007.


    The relevant resolutions of the Board meeting were published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Apr. 22.


    4. On Apr. 25, the 4th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the First Quarterly


    Report 2008, which had not been disclosed to the public.


    5. On May 22, the 5th Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the Company,


    with attendance of 8 Directors and absence of 1 Director. The meeting deliberated and


    approved the resolution of selling the land of American Company, which had not been


    disclosed to the public.


    6. On May 30, the 6th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the Duty Report of


    Independent Directors, Proposal on Reappointment of the Certified Public


    Accountants and Resolution of convening Shareholders’ General Meeting.


    The relevant resolutions of the Board meeting were published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on May 31.


    7. On Jun. 3, the 7th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the Resolution of


    donating money to build wooden houses in earthquake-stricken area of Sichuan.


    The relevant resolution of the Board meeting was published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Jun. 4.


    8. On Jul. 8, the 8th Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the Company,


    with attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting agreed to close down units in Kunshan


    Power Plant, and sell the unit capacity. Besides, it also agreed to sell property of




    CO., LTD, repurchase the 1st floor of Shenfang Plaza and permit Shantou subsidiary


    to bid for the Jinhu Road Project. All decisions on this meeting had not been disclosed28


    to the public.


    9. On Jul. 16, the 9th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the Explanation on


    rectification of corporate governance, Self-Check Report on Capital Appropriation by


    the Big Shareholders and its Affiliated Parties.


    The relevant resolution of the Board meeting was published on China Securities


    Journal, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Jul. 18.


    10. On Jul. 30, the 10th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and approved the Proposal on


    liquidation of ShenZhen Digital Port Investment Co., Ltd, which had not been


    disclosed to the public.


    11. On Aug. 20, the 11th Board meeting was held at the meeting room of the


    Company’s Shantou subsidiary, with attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting


    deliberated and approved the Semi-Annual Report 2008 and its Summery, which had


    not been disclosed to the public.


    12. On Aug. 20, the 11th Board meeting was held by communication means, with


    attendance of 9 Directors. The meeting deliberated and permitted Deputy General


    Manager of the Company to sever labor relations with the Company.


    The relevant resolutions were published on China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao


    and http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 23 Aug. 2008.


    13. The 13th Meeting was convened by means of communications on 22 Oct. 2008,


    with 9 directors present. And the 3rd Quarterly Report of 2008 was reviewed and


    approved at the meeting.


    The relevant resolutions were published on China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao


    and http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 23 Oct. 2008.


    (Ⅱ) Execution of resolutions made at Shareholders’ General Meeting by the Board of




    The 16th Shareholders’ General Meeting (the 2007 Annual Shareholders’ General


    Meeting) was convened at 9:30 a.m. on 24 Jun. 2008, at which the following


    proposals were reviewed and approved: 2007 Work Report of Board of Directors,


    2007 Work Report of Supervisory Board, Plan for Profit Distribution for 2007, 2007


    Annual Report, Proposal on Renewing the Employment of the CPA Firm, etc.. And


    the relevant resolutions were formed and published on China Securities Journal, Ta


    Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn (designated by CSRC) dated 25 Jun. 2007.


    As authorized by Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors faithfully


    executed the aforesaid resolutions. In the reporting period, the Company did not put


    forward plans for profit distribution or turning surplus capital to share capital, with no


    share allotment or new share issuance.


    The 1st Provisional Shareholders’ General Meeting in 2008 was convened on 26 Feb.29


    2008, where the following proposals were reviewed and approved: Proposal on


    Replacing Independent Director, Proposal on Electing Independent Director, Plan on


    Revising Articles of Association, Plan on Revising Rules of Procedure for


    Supervisory Board, Plan for Remuneration of Senior Management Personnel. And the


    relevant resolutions were formed and published on China Securities Journal, Ta Kung


    Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn (designated by CSRC) dated 27 Feb. 2008. As


    authorized by Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors faithfully


    executed the aforesaid resolutions.


    (Ⅲ) Duty fulfillment of Audit Committee of the Board


    According to the Circular of CSRC on 2008 Annual Reports of Listed Companies and


    Relevant Issues, as well as the No. 2 Norms for Contents and Formats of Information


    Disclosure by Listed Companies That Offer Securities to the Public 〈Contents and


    Format of Annual Report〉(revised in 2007), the Audit Committee conscientiously


    performed its duties and formulated the Rules for Audit Committee Concerning


    Annual Reports.


    Upon the start of the audit for the 2008 annual report, the Audit Committee actively


    conducted communication with the CPA firm to determine the arrangements for the


    audit. At the period-end, the Audit Committee convened two meetings, reviewing the


    Company’s 2008 financial statements and issuing their opinions after the review. It


    also urged the CPA firm to follow closely the audit plan, so as to make sure the


    smooth accomplishment of the audit plan. Meanwhile, it made resolutions concerning


    the employment renewal of the CPA firm, as well as the fees for the annual audit.


    1. Two review opinions issued concerning the Company’s 2008 financial statements


    Based on their professional knowledge and experience, the members of Audit


    Committee reviewed the 2008 financial and accounting report prepared by the


    Company. In the reporting period, according to relevant regulations of CSRC, the


    Audit Committee issued two review opinions on the annual financial and accounting




    Before the presence of the registered accountants for the 2008 annual audit, the Audit


    Committee reviewed the annual financial report prepared by the Company. And the


    Audit Committee was of the opinion that: According to the New Accounting


    Standards for Business Enterprises, the Company chose and applied a proper


    accounting policy, with reasonable accounting estimates. The Company always


    adopted a prudent attitude towards the changes of the accounting policy and estimates,


    with no such cases as manipulating the changes of the accounting policy and estimates


    to adjust the profits. And the financial report prepared by the Company was factual


    and reliable with complete contents.


    After the preliminary audit opinion issued by the registered accountants on the


    Company’s 2008 financial report, the Audit Committee reviewed, for a second time,


    the financial report and conducted discussions with the registered accountants. And


    they were of the same opinion that the 2008 financial report prepared by the Company


    was in accordance with the requirements of the accounting standards for business


    enterprises, factually and completely presenting the Company’s operating results and30


    cash flows in 2008 and its financial position as at 31 Dec. 2008 in all major aspects.


    2. The Committee’s supervising and urging the audit work of the CPA firm


    Before the audit, the Audit Committee formulated a comprehensive plan for the


    annual audit by discussing and determining the scope and the schedule for the audit


    report with the existing CPA firm. Upon the presence of the audit team, the


    Committee communicated with the people in charge of the audit project, learnt about


    the audit progress and the accountant’s concerns, and timely offered the feedback to


    relevant departments of the Company, so as to make sure the progress of the annual


    audit and information disclosure in accordance with the set plan.


    3. Summary report on the 2008 annual audit conducted by Shenzhen Nanfang Minhe


    Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.


    In accordance with the Public Notice 【2008】No. 48 issued by CSRC, the Audit


    Committee summarized the 2008 annual audit conducted by Shenzhen Nanfang


    Minhe Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Nanfang


    Minhe”) as follows:


    (1) Preparation before the audit


    A. Formulation of the audit plan


    The 2008 audit lasted for a period of nearly four months, with the pre-audit started at


    Dec. 2008. And the schedule for the audit was detailed as follows:


    Started from 10 Jan. 2009, the field audit by Nanfang Minhe on the annual report of


    the Company and its holding subsidiaries was finished on 5 Mar. 2009. On 27 Mar.,


    the first draft of the 2008 Annual Audit Report was submitted to the Audit Committee


    for review. And on 20 Apr., the final version of the 2008 Annual Audit Report was




    B. Review of the financial statements


    Before the presence of the registered accountants for the annual audit, the Audit


    Committee carefully reviewed the financial statements prepared by the Company and


    formed the relevant written opinion.


    (2) Audit process


    From 10 Jan. 2009, the audit team from Nanfang Minhe conducted a thorough audit


    on the Company and its subsidiaries. During the audit process, the Audit Committee,


    for several times, urged Nanfang Minhe to closely follow the audit schedule and


    finish the audit in time. Nanfang Minhe submitted to the Audit Committee the first


    draft of the Audit Report of the 2008 Annual Report on 27 Mar. 2009, and its final


    version on 20 Apr. 2009. And this marked the end of the site audit conducted by


    Nanfang Minhe on the Company’s 2008 financial report.31


    (3) Audit results


    Nanfang Minhe issued the standard unqualified 2008 Auditor’s Report to the


    Company. And the Audit Committee was of the opinion that Nanfang Minhe


    excellently accomplished the audit of the Company’s financial report.


    (Ⅳ) Duty fulfillment of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board


    According to the Circular of CSRC on 2008 Annual Reports of Listed Companies and


    Relevant Issues, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee carefully examined the


    annual salaries of the Company’s directors, supervisors and other senior management


    personnel disclosed in the 2008 Annual Report. And it was of the opinion that: The


    decision-making procedure concerning the remuneration of the directors, supervisors


    and other senior management personnel was in line with relevant regulations; The


    standards for remuneration paid to the Company’s directors, supervisors and other


    senior management personnel complied with the remuneration system; And the


    remuneration disclosed in the 2008 Annual Report was factual and accurate.


    Ⅹ. Pre-plan for profit distribution


    As audited by Nanfang Minhe Certified Public Accountants, the Company achieved,


    in 2008, a net profit of RMB 19,123,787.11, with the accumulative deficit of RMB


    -934,635,245.38. According to relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Articles of


    Association of the Company, the net profit in 2008 will be used for covering the


    deficit of the previous years. And thus no profit distribution or turning the capital


    surplus to share capital will be conducted. After the recovery of the deficit, the


    Company’s undistributed profit will stand at RMB -915,511,458.27.


    Cash bonus of the Company over the past three years


    Unit: RMB Yuan


    Amount in cash dividends


    (tax included)


    Net profit attributable to


    owners of parent company


    under the consolidated




    Ratio in net profit


    attributable to


    owners of parent


    company under the






    2007 0.00 39,007,992.54 0.00%


    2006 0.00 20,150,368.49 0.00%


    2005 0.00 12,100,200.79 0.00%


    Ⅺ. The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure


    remained unchanged, namely, China Securities Journal for the domestic


    investors and Ta Kung Pao for those overseas.


    Ⅻ. Statement and independent opinions of independent directors on the


    Company’s provision of guarantees, as well as the Company’s execution of the


    Circular on Relevant Issues Concerning Standardization of Fund Transfer


    Between Listed Companies and Associated Parties and Provision of External




    We have reviewed the Company’s provision of external guarantees and the irregular32


    capital occupation by associated parties in the 2008 Annual report and financial report


    of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and


    other materials. And we hereby make the statement concerning the Company’s


    provision of external guarantees and the irregular capital occupation by associated


    parties as follows:


    1. The Company provided no guarantees for external parties in the reporting period. In


    the reporting period, there existed a balance of property mortgage guarantee of RMB


    10.80 million to be paid by the Company. Such a kind of guarantee is a common


    phenomenon in the real estate industry. Within the guarantee period (from the date


    when the sum is set out by the mortgage banker to the date when the Certificate of


    Real Estate of the property purchaser is handled by the mortgage banker), if the


    property purchaser does not perform the debtor’s duties, the Company has the right to


    take back the properties sold. Therefore, the said guarantee will not cause actual


    losses to the Company, with slim possibility of the Company’s taking the several and


    joint liability.


    2. There existed no irregular occupation of the Company’s capital by its controlling


    shareholder. A certain amount of receivables from the related parties was mainly


    resulted from the Company’s borrowings to its subsidiaries in the previous years.


    Thereupon, we are of the opinion that the Company well executed the Circular on


    Relevant Issues Concerning Standardization of Fund Transfer Between Listed


    Companies and Associated Parties and Provision of External Guaranty33


    Section Ⅸ Report of the Supervisory Board


    In 2008, according to Securities Law, Company Law and Articles of Association, with


    the great support from the Company’s Board of Directors, its management team and


    shareholders, the Supervisory Board, bearing the rights and interests of all the


    shareholders in mind, faithfully performed its duty of supervision by participating in


    the major operation activities and effectively exercising its right of supervision.


    Keeping its focus on the Company’s standardized operation, core assets and major


    capital operation, the Supervisory Board managed to keep an effective supervision on


    the Company’s expenses and asset risks, as well as a normal operation of the


    Company. The Supervisory Board emphasized transparent corporate operation and


    democratic decision-making, strengthened its supervision on the information


    disclosure and faithfully executed the Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Share


    Listing and other laws and regulations. According to the prescribed procedure, the


    Supervisory Board conducted examinations on the reports disclosed by the Company


    and its Board of Directors, so as to ensure the factuality, accuracy, completeness and


    timeliness of the information disclosed.


    Ⅰ. Meetings held by Supervisory Board in the reporting period


    (Ⅰ) The 1st meeting was convened on 25 Jan. 2008, at which the Report on


    Rectification Following the Supervision by CSRC Shenzhen Bureau was reviewed


    and approved.


    (Ⅱ) The 2nd meeting was convened on 21 Apr. 2008, at which the 2007 Annual


    Report and Its Summary, the Plan for Profit Distribution for 2007 and the 2007 Report


    of the Supervisory Board were reviewed and approved.


    (Ⅲ) The 3rd meeting was convened on 20 Aug. 2008, at which the 2008 Semi-yearly


    Report and Its Summary was reviewed and approved.


    Ⅱ. Independent opinions and brief remarks of relevant matters by the Supervisory




    (Ⅰ) About the Company’s operation according to laws: In 2008, the members of the


    Supervisory Board attended all the board meetings and other important meetings. And


    the Supervisory Board was of the opinion that the Company made decisions in


    accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association; that the internal management


    mechanism and the control system were further improved; that the directors and other


    management personnel diligently and responsibly performed their duties; and that the


    Company’s operation was basically in line with relevant regulations.


    (Ⅱ) About the Company’s self-evaluation of its internal control


    In 2008, taking the opportunity of further promoting the special campaign of


    corporate governance, the Company adjusted and improved the internal control


    systems, which enabled the internal control system to basically cover all the aspects of


    the Company’s operation. And the Company timely corrected the errors incurred in


    the operation process, with the self-assessment report on its internal control in line


    with the actual situation of the Company.34


    (Ⅲ) About the Company’s financial status: The Supervisory Board was of the opinion


    that the audit opinion issued by Shenzhen Nanfang Minhe Certified Public


    Accountants was objective, with the financial report in line with the actual situation


    and factually presenting the Company’s financial and operational position.


    (Ⅳ) In the reporting period, the Company did not raise any funds.


    (Ⅴ) In the reporting period, the Company conducted no related transactions.35


    Section Ⅹ Significant Events


    Ⅰ. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations


    For the details of the significant lawsuits and arbitrations where the Company was


    involved in the reporting period, please refer to Note ⅩⅣ of the Financial




    Ⅱ. The Company did not conduct any major purchases or sales of assets in the


    reporting period.


    Ⅲ. For the details of the related parties and the related transactions in the reporting


    period, please refer to Note Ⅸ of the Financial Statements.


    Ⅳ. The Company did not sign any major contracts concerning entrustment,


    contracting or leasing in the reporting period. Nor did it entrust other parties with


    assets management.


    Ⅴ. Particulars about guarantees


    Unit: RMB’0000


    External guarantees of the Company (excluding guarantees for holding subsidiaries)


    Name of the






    Date of occurring (the


    date when the agreement


    was signed)


    Amount of




    Type of




    Term of






    or not


    Guarantee for related


    parties (yes or not)




    Total guarantee amount in the reporting period


    Total guarantee balance at period-end


    Guarantees for holding subsidiaries of the Company


    Total guarantee amount for holding subsidiaries in


    the reporting period 2800


    Total guarantee balance for holding subsidiaries at






    Total guarantee amount of the Company (including guarantees for holding subsidiaries)


    Total guarantee amount 2800


    The proportion of total guarantee amount in the net


    assets of the Company 2.32%


    Irregular guarantees of the Company


    Amount of the guarantees for holding shareholder


    and other related parties of which the Company held


    less than 50% shares




    Amount of the debt guarantees directly or indirectly


    provided for guaranteed objects with an


    asset-liability ratio exceeding 70%


    Guarantee amount exceeding 50% of the net assets


    (yes or not) Not


    Total amount of irregular guarantees 0.00


    In the reporting period, there existed a balance of property mortgage guarantee of


    RMB 10.80 million to be paid by the Company. Such a kind of guarantee is a


    common phenomenon in the real estate industry. Within the guarantee period (from


    the date when the sum is set out by the mortgage banker to the date when the


    Certificate of Real Estate of the property purchaser is handled by the mortgage


    banker), if the property purchaser does not perform the debtor’s duties, the Company


    has the right to take back the properties sold. Therefore, the said guarantee will not36


    cause actual losses to the Company, with slim possibility of the Company’s taking the


    several and joint liability.


    Ⅵ. Commitments made by the controlling shareholder of the Company in the share


    merger reform, as well as the execution of the said commitments


    Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. made the following commitments concerning


    the relevant matters of the share merger reform of SPG: “ 1. The Company shall abide


    by the relevant laws, regulations and rules, and fulfill the legal commitments; 2. The


    Company hereby declares that: The promisor shall faithfully fulfill its commitments


    and shoulder corresponding responsibilities; Unless the transferee agrees to and is


    able to fulfill the commitments, the promisor shall not transfer the held shares. 3. The


    Company hereby declares that: Should the promisor fail to fulfill its commitments


    prescribed in the relevant documents, it shall compensate the other shareholders for


    their losses caused thereupon.” The commitments are currently in the process of




    Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. made the following commitments concerning


    the conditional sales of its held shares: The shares shall not be listed or transferred


    within 12 months from the date when the reform plan is implemented; When the


    aforesaid provision reaches its mature term, the originally non-tradable shares may be


    listed for trading at securities exchanges, with the proportion of the sold amount in the


    Company’s total shares not exceeding 5% within 12 months, as well as not exceeding


    10% within 24 months.” And the said commitments have been fulfilled;


    In the share merger reform, Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. promised to


    implement a share incentive plan, where the company was to sell its held shares (not


    exceeding 10% of SPG’s total shares) to the SPG’s management on three years’


    amortization. On 30 Sept. 2006, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and


    Administration Commission of the State Council issued the Trial Measures for


    Implementing Equity Incentive Plans by State Holding Listed Companies (Domestic)


    (GZFFP【2006】No. 175). The Item 9 of the Trail Measures stipulates that the source


    of the subject shares for implementing the equity incentive plan of a listed company


    shall not be paid by a single state shareholder and that the state equity shall not be


    gratuitously quantized either. Therefore, the equity incentive plan was unable to be


    implemented. Nor the concerned commitment of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,


    Ltd. was able to be fulfilled.


    Ⅶ. Particulars about equity incentive


    When implementing the share merger reform, it was set forth that: the controlling


    holder would sell its held shares (not exceeding 10% of the Company’s total shares) to


    the Company’s management on three years’ amortization, with the price determined


    according to the net asset value per share as most recently audited during the


    implementation. However, the policies concerning the implementation of equity


    incentive plan by state holding enterprises had not been introduced by the


    State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council


    at that time. Therefore, the Company did not execute the equity incentive plan which


    was stated in the share merger reform plan. On 30 Sept. 2006, the State-Owned Assets


    Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued the Trial37


    Measures for Implementing Equity Incentive Plans by State Holding Listed


    Companies (Domestic). As clearly stated in the Trial Measures, the granting price of


    equity of a listed company shall not be lower than the closing price of the subject


    shares of the company on the trading day before the promulgation of the equity


    incentive plan, or lower than the average closing price of the subject shares of the


    company within 30 trading days before the promulgation of the equity incentive plan.


    As a result, the concerned commitment of the controlling shareholder was unable to


    be fulfilled. Nor the equity incentive plan was able to be implemented. On 17 Mar.


    2008, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of


    Shenzhen introduced the Interim Measures of Shenzhen on Establishment of


    Long-term Efficiency Incentive Mechanism by State-owned Enterprises. According to


    the range of the aforesaid policy, the Company would explore the mechanism for


    equity incentive.


    Ⅷ. The Company engaged Shenzhen Nanfang Minhe Certified Public Accountants to


    take charge of the Company’s 2008 annual audit, which had been providing annual


    audit service to the Company since 2001. According to the relevant agreement, the


    Company was to pay RMB 0.8 million to Shenzhen Nanfang Minhe Certified Public


    Accountants as the audit fee.


    Ⅸ. In the reporting period, the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company and


    its directors received no criticism or condemnations.


    Ⅹ. Interviews and visits received by the Company


    Reception date Reception place Reception way Visitor Main contents of discussion and materials




    21 Jan. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the public notices


    disclosed by the Company, with no written


    materials provided by the Company.


    25 Feb. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s


    projects, with no written materials


    provided by the Company.


    15 Mar. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the disclosure date of


    the Company’s 2007 Annual Report and


    the Company’s financial position, with no


    materials provided by the Company.


    10 Apr. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the unlocked


    non-tradable shares held by the controlling


    shareholder, with the Company replying in


    truth and proving no written materials.


    22 Apr. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s stock


    price, with no materials provided by the




    6 May 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the status of the real


    estate industry of Shenzhen and its impact


    on the Company, with no materials


    provided by the Company.


    4 Jun. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor The investor inquired the Company’s stock38


    price, with no materials provided by the




    30 Jun. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s


    operation and its semi-yearly report, with


    no relevant data provided by the Company.


    23 Jul. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s


    project development. And the


    communication was conducted verbally,


    with no materials provided by the




    11 Aug. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the status of the real


    estate industry of Shenzhen and its impact


    on the Company. The Communication was


    conducted verbally with no materials


    provided by the Company.


    17 Sept. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the unlocked


    non-tradable shares of the Company. And


    the communication was conducted verbally


    with no materials provided by the




    10 Oct. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the unlocked


    non-tradable shares of the Company. And


    the communication was conducted verbally


    with no materials provided by the




    17 Oct. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s


    operation in the 3rd quarter, with no


    materials provided by the Company.


    24 Nov. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the Company’s stock


    price, with no materials provided by the




    10 Dec. 2008 Office room By telephone Individual investor


    The investor inquired the real estate sales


    of the Company. And the communication


    was conducted verbally with no materials


    provided by the Company.


    Section Ⅺ. Financial Report


    (Please see the attachments for the financial statements and auditor’s report.)


    Section Ⅻ. Documents Available for Reference


    1. The accounting statements with personal signatures and seals of Legal


    Representative, Chief Accountant and the person in charge of the accounting agency.


    2. The original of the Auditor’s Report with the seals of the CPA firm, as well as the


    signatures and seals of the registered accountants.


    3. The originals of all the documents and public notices disclosed on China Securities


    Journal and Ta Kung Pao by the company during the reporting period.39


    * Confidential *




    深南财审报字(2009)第CA358 号






    We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Shenzhen Special


    Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and its


    subsidiaries (together with the Company referred to as the “Group”), which comprise the


    consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2008, and the consolidated income statement,


    the consolidated cash flow statement, the consolidated statement of changes in equity for


    the year then ended and notes to these financial statements.


    1、Management responsibility for the financial statements


    Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance


    with the Enterprise Accounting Standard. This responsibility includes:(1)designing,


    implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation of financial


    statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error;(2)


    selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies;(3)making accounting estimates


    that are reasonable in the circumstances.


    2、Auditor’s Responsibility


    Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.


    We conducted our audit in accordance with the China Auditing Standards. Those standards


    require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain


    reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.40


    An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and


    disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor ’s


    judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial


    statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor


    considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial statements in


    order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the


    purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An


    audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the


    reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the


    overall presentation of the financial statements.


    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to


    provide a basis for our audit opinion.




    In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the


    financial position of the Company as of 31 December 2008, and of its financial


    performance and its cash flows for the year then ended and prepared in accordance with


    the Enterprise Accounting Standards.


    Shenzhen Nanfang-Minhe CPAs Ltd. Certified Public Accountant


    Certified Public Accountant


    Shenzhen, China 20 April 200941


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    ASSETS Note 2008-12-31 2007-12-31


    Cash at bank and on hand 7、1 328,413,393.57 451,915,145.77


    Financial assets held for trading 7、2 189,488.50 645,470.00


    Accounts receivable 7、3 14,937,238.37 15,396,075.35


    Advances to suppliers 7、4 24,332,129.12 20,400,102.24


    Other receivables 7、5 44,004,157.29 50,512,052.62


    Inventories 7、6 945,592,254.25 822,475,093.91


    1 ,357,468,661.10 1,361,343,939.89


    Long-term equity investments 7、7 92,830,359.32 85,978,361.05


    Investment Property 7、8 719,025,078.32 749,511,049.03


    Fixed assets 7、9 70,894,484.45 76,324,451.29


    Intangible assets 7、10 6,430,760.00 6 ,312,140.00


    Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 7、11 527,346.90 825,350.08


    Deferred tax assets 7、12 18,479,988.82 22,429,645.26


    9 08,188,017.81 941,380,996.71


    2,265,656,678.91 2 ,302,724,936.60




    As at 31 December 2008






    Current assets




    Total non-current assets


    Total current assets


    Non-current assets


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents42


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY Note 2008-12-31 2007-12-31


    Current liabilities


    Short-term borrowings 7、15 59,200,000.00 47,000,000.00


    Account payable 7、16 230,446,779.80 181,259,988.97


    Prepayment received 7、17 130,134,521.89 206,993,814.01


    Employee benefits payable 7、18 25,202,232.34 31,957,382.75


    Tax payable 7、19 2,251,929.90 - 3,041,657.01


    Interest payable 7、20 7,888,053.54 2 ,901,306.85


    Other payables 7、21 262,914,117.22 277,615,580.37


    Non-current liability due in one year 7、22 10,461,764.71 25,280,129.52


    Total of current liability 728,499,399.40 7 69,966,545.46


    Non-current liabilities


    Long-term borrowings 7、22 330,343,020.83 342,214,327.80


    Long-term payable 7、23 7,490,170.24 9 ,172,161.05


    Accrued liabilities 7、24 2,196,714.08 -


    Total non-current liabilities 340,029,905.15 3 51,386,488.85


    Total liabilities 1,068,529,304.55 1 ,121,353,034.31


    Owners' equity


    Share capital 7、25 1 ,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00


    Capital surplus 7、26 978,244,858.10 978,244,858.10


    Less: Shares in stock - -


    Surplus reserve 7、27 118,910,686.94 118,910,686.94


    Undistributed profits 7、28 -915,511,458.27 -934,635,245.38


    Translation difference of foreign currency


    financial statements


    14,984,787.99 13,966,344.35


    Total equity attributable to equity holders of


    the Company


    1,208,288,874.76 1 ,188,146,644.01


    Minority interest 7、29 -11,161,500.40 -6,774,741.72


    1 ,197,127,374.36 1 ,181,371,902.29


    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY 2,265,656,678.91 2 ,302,724,936.60




    As at 31 December 2008


    Total owners' equity






    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents43


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Items Note 2008 2007


    1、Revenue 7、30 7 06,005,324.41 845,127,526.44


    Less: Cost of sales 7、30 473,150,286.71 6 21,641,037.92


    Tax and levies on operations 7、31 7 2,885,197.67 6 5,528,792.59


    Selling and distribution expenses 9 ,304,138.71 1 0,165,581.70


    General and administrative expenses 7 6,700,466.44 69,919,988.99


    Finance expenses 7、32 2 9,510,799.13 5 3,391,606.44


    Asset impairment losses 7、33 1 ,350,000.00 -


    Add: Income from change of fair value -456,411.50 342,635.00


    Investment income 7、34 2 ,770,589.42 28,472,277.81


    Including: Investment income from affiliates 7、34 2 ,720,228.96 985,946.73


    2、Operating profit 4 5,418,613.67 5 3,295,431.61


    Add: Non-operating income 7、35 3 ,200,072.28 2,441,556.48


    Less: Non-operating expenses 7、36 7 ,584,342.19 4,078,058.33


    Including: Loss from disposal of


    non-current assets


    7、36 83,755.93 94,170.00


    3、Total profit 41,034,343.76 51,658,929.76


    Less: Income tax expenses 7、37 2 1,878,568.54 1 2,725,297.52


    4、Net profit 1 9,155,775.22 38,933,632.24


    Attributable to equity holders of the Company 1 9,123,787.11 3 9,007,992.54


    Minority profit or loss 31,988.11 -74,360.30


    5、Earnings per share


    (一)Basic earnings per share 7、38 0 .0189 0 .0386


    (二)Diluted earnings per share 7、38 0 .0189 0 .0386




    For the year ended 31 December 2008






    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents44


    Items Note 2008 2007


    1、Cash flows from operating activities


    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of




    6 19,939,957.74 6 77,835,550.23


    Refund of taxes and levies - -


    Cash received relating to other operating activities 7、39.1 2 7,069,483.45 31,926,453.77


    Sub-total of cash inflows 647,009,441.19 709,762,004.00


    Cash paid for goods and services 4 84,498,771.96 5 14,082,303.62


    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 9 8,228,960.64 1 10,609,549.61


    Payments of taxes and levies 7 6,718,146.38 72,483,132.26


    Cash paid relating to other operating activities 7、39.2 7 0,093,057.93 63,368,814.94


    Sub-total of cash outflows 7 29,538,936.91 760,543,800.43


    Net cash flows from operating activities -82,529,495.72 -50,781,796.43


    2、Cash flows from investing activities


    Cash received from investment retrieving - 31,850,000.00


    Cash received as investment gains 5 ,131,080.69 1 ,087,268.66


    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,


    intangible assets and other long-term assets


    3 ,316,643.70 3 23,220.78


    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or


    other operational units


    - -


    Cash received relating to other investing activities - -


    Sub-total of cash inflows 8,447,724.39 3 3,260,489.44


    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and


    other long-term assets


    2 ,752,386.21 13,898,642.52


    Cash paid to acquire investments - 302,835.00


    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational




    - 4,440,753.40


    Cash paid relating to other investing activities 7、39.3 - 4,170,000.00


    Sub-total of cash outflows 2,752,386.21 22,812,230.92


    Net cash flows from investing activities 5,695,338.18 10,448,258.52


    3、Cash flows from financing activities


    Cash received as investment - -


    Including: Cash received as investment from minor




    - -


    Cash received from borrowings 8 5,000,000.00 4 24,000,000.00


    Cash received relating to other financing activities - -


    Sub-total of cash inflows 85,000,000.00 424,000,000.00


    Cash repayments of borrowings 9 9,489,671.78 3 52,930,442.68


    Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of


    dividends or profits


    2 9,307,608.42 46,576,290.57


    Including: Cash payments for dividends or profit to


    minority shareholders of subsidiaries


    - -


    Cash payments relating to other financing activities - -


    Sub-total of cash outflows 1 28,797,280.20 399,506,733.25


    Net cash flows from financing activities -43,797,280.20 24,493,266.75




    Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash




    -2,406,781.24 -1,609,507.54


    5、Net increase in cash and cash equivalents - 123,038,218.98 - 17,449,778.70


    Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 7、39.4 4 22,049,961.88 4 39,499,740.58


    6、Cash and cash equivalent at end of year 299,011,742.90 422,049,961.88




    For the year ended 31 December 2008


    Units:Rmb Yuan






    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents45


    For the year ended 31 December 2008


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Share capital Capital surplus




    difference of foreign


    currency financial




    Surplus reserves






    1、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 1 18,910,686.94 -934,635,245.38 13,966,344.35 - 6,774,741.72 





    Changes of


    accounting policy - - - - - - -


    Error correction of


    the last period - - - - - - -


    2、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 1 18,910,686.94 -934,635,245.38 13,966,344.35 -6,774,741.72 



    3、 - - - 19,123,787.11 1,018,443.64 - 4,386,758.68 15,755,472.07


    (1) Net profit - - - 1 9,123,787.11 - 31,988.11 19,155,775.22




    Profits and losses


    calculating into - - - - 1,018,443.64 -4,418,746.79 -3,400,303.15




    Net changing


    amount of fair value


    of financial assets - - - - - - -




    Effect of changes


    of other owners'


    equity of invested - - - - - - -




    Effect of income


    tax related to - - - - - - -


    4、 Others - - - - 1,018,443.64 -4,418,746.79 -3,400,303.15


    sub-total(1)&(2) - - - 19,123,787.11 1,018,443.64 -4,386,758.68 15,755,472.07




    Owners' devoted and


    decreased capital - - - - - - -




    Owners' devoted


    capital - - - - - -




    Amount calculated


    into owners' equity - - - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - - - -


    (4) Profit distribution - - - - - - -




    Withdrawal of


    surplus reserves - - - - - - -




    Distribution to


    shareholders - - - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - - - -




    Carrying forward


    internal owners' - - - - - - -




    Capital surplus


    conversed to capital - - - - - - -




    Surplus reserves


    conversed to capital - - - - - - -




    Remedying loss with


    profit surplus - - - - - - -


    d、 Others - - - - - - -


    4、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 1 18,910,686.94 - 915,511,458.27 14,984,787.99 -11,161,500.40 1 



    Balance at the end of the


    last year:


    Balance at the beginning


    of the year


    Increase/ Decrease in


    this year


    Balance at the end of the






    Attributable to equity holders of the Company


    Total owners'










    CO., LTD.


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents46


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Paid-in capital Capital surplus




    difference of foreign


    currency financial




    Surplus reserves






    1、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 118,910,686.94 -1,022,454,478.17 7,595,803.64 - 1 ,093,956,870.51




    Changes of


    accounting policy - - - 3 6,753,971.39 - -13,284,952.70 23,469,018.69


    Error correction of


    the last period - - - 1 2,057,268.86 - - 12,057,268.86


    2、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 118,910,686.94 -973,643,237.92 7,595,803.64 -13,284,952.70 1 



    3、 - - - 39,007,992.54 6,370,540.71 6,510,210.98 51,888,744.23


    (1) Net profit - - - 3 9,007,992.54 - -74,360.30 38,933,632.24




    calculating into


    owners' equity - - - - 6,370,540.71 6 ,584,571.28 12,955,111.99




    amount of fair value


    of financial assets


    available for sale - - - - - - -




    Effect of changes


    of other owners'


    equity of invested


    units under equity


    method - - - - - - -




    tax related to


    owners' equity - - - - - - -


    4、 Others - - - - 6,370,540.71 6 ,584,571.28 12,955,111.99


    sub-total(1)&(2) - - - 39,007,992.54 6,370,540.71 6 ,510,210.98 51,888,744.23




    Owners' devoted and


    decreased capital - - - - - - -




    Owners' devoted


    capital - - - - - -




    into owners' equity


    paid in shares - - - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - - - -


    (4) Profit distribution - - - - - - -




    Withdrawal of


    surplus reserves - - - - - - -




    Distribution to


    shareholders - - - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - - - -




    internal owners'


    equity - - - - - - -




    Capital surplus


    conversed to capital - - - - - - -




    Surplus reserves


    conversed to capital - - - - - - -




    Remedying loss with


    profit surplus - - - - - - -


    d、 Others - - - - - - -


    4、 1,011,660,000.00 978,244,858.10 1 18,910,686.94 -934,635,245.38 13,966,344.35 -6,774,741.72 







    Total owners'






    Increase/ Decrease in


    this year


    balance at the end of the




    Balance at the end of the last year


    Balance at the beginning


    of the year


    Attributable to equity holders of the Company




    CO., LTD.


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents47


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    ASSETS Note 2008-12-31 2007-12-31


    Cash at bank and on hand 188,891,010.32 219,453,189.28


    Financial assets held for trading 189,488.50 645,470.00


    Accounts receivable 8、1 7 ,598,911.50 8 ,877,807.66


    Advances to suppliers 478,423.65 215,537.63


    Other receivables 8、2 607,212,015.51 597,447,535.25


    Inventories 8、3 181,274,439.65 158,995,156.01


    9 85,644,289.13 985,634,695.83


    Long-term equity investments 8、4 302,909,360.35 310,584,126.62


    Investment Property 641,638,730.03 668,607,908.15


    Fixed assets 4 1,729,025.52 4 4,054,270.10


    Deferred tax assets 4 ,235,725.42 1 0,172,116.09


    990,512,841.32 1,033,418,420.96


    1,976,157,130.45 2,019,053,116.79


    Current assets




    As at 31 December 2008


    Total current assets


    Non-current assets


    Total non-current assets








    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents48


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY Note 2008-12-31 2007-12-31


    Current liabilities


    Short-term borrowings 5 9,200,000.00 4 7,000,000.00


    Account payable 3 2,708,884.80 3 2,338,787.84


    Prepayment received 5,211,019.92 4,268,071.92


    Employee benefits payable 1 0,720,641.23 1 5,086,558.23


    Tax payable 4,250,387.71 2,877,169.33


    Interest payable 7,888,053.54 2,901,306.85


    Other payables 3 55,621,239.01 3 71,180,760.18


    Non-current liability due in one year 1 0,461,764.71 1 0,280,129.52


    Other current liability - -


    Total of current liability 486,061,990.92 485,932,783.87


    Non-current liabilities


    Long-term borrowings 2 43,543,020.83 2 54,214,327.80


    Accrued liabilities 2,196,714.08 -


    Total non-current liabilities 245,739,734.91 254,214,327.80


    Total liabilities 7 31,801,725.83 740,147,111.67


    Owners' equity


    share capital 1,011,660,000.00 1,011,660,000.00


    Capital surplus 978,244,858.10 9 78,244,858.10


    Less: Shares in stock - -


    Surplus reserve 113,936,295.79 1 13,936,295.79


    Undistributed profits -859,485,749.27 -824,935,148.77


    Total owners' equity 1,244,355,404.62 1 ,278,906,005.12


    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY 1,976,157,130.45 2,019,053,116.79


    BALANCE SHEET(Continued)


    As at 31 December 2008


    Preparation of company:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE




    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents49


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Items Note 2008 2007


    1、Revenue 8、5 120,818,309.21 232,443,851.16


    Less: Cost of sales 8、5 5 0,943,414.14 148,460,789.08


    Tax and levies on operations 1 8,386,335.70 19,787,867.28


    Selling and distribution expenses 2,476,251.00 1,429,274.76


    General and administrative expenses 3 7,541,592.89 33,801,427.20


    Finance expenses 2 9,781,446.46 33,552,657.45


    Asset impairment losses 1,350,000.00 -


    Add: Income from change of fair value -456,411.50 3 42,635.00


    Investment income 8、6 -1,719,466.38 17,089,822.66


    Incl. Investment income from affiliates -1,766,492.73 7 23,822.66


    2、Operating profit -21,836,608.86 1 2,844,293.05


    Add: Non-operating income 1 ,401.00 2,284,175.09


    Less: Non-operating expenses 6,705,364.35 3,720,688.74


    Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets - 9 4,170.00


    3、Total profit -28,540,572.21 11,407,779.40


    Less: Income tax expenses 6,010,028.29 1 15,615.23


    4、Net profit - 34,550,600.50 1 1,292,164.17




    For the year ended 31 December 2008






    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents50


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Items Note 2008 2007


    1、Cash flows from operating activities


    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services 9 0,852,938.89 5 8,321,425.86


    Refund of taxes and levies - -


    Cash received relating to other operating activities 4 6,692,789.14 2 75,637,326.22


    Sub-total of cash inflows 137,545,728.03 333,958,752.08


    Cash paid for goods and services 1 6,884,661.12 6 1,837,252.92


    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 3 3,977,923.45 3 2,346,439.16


    Payments of taxes and levies 2 3,688,882.56 3 5,484,815.00


    Cash paid relating to other operating activities 7 0,795,743.68 2 96,798,754.81


    Sub-total of cash outflows 1 45,347,210.81 426,467,261.89


    Net cash flows from operating activities -7,801,482.78 -92,508,509.81


    2、Cash flows from investing activities


    Cash received from investment retrieving - 3 1,850,000.00


    Cash received as investment gains 4 7,026.35 723,822.66


    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible


    assets and other long-term assets


    - -


    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or


    other operational units


    - -


    Cash received relating to other investing activities 7 5,695.00 -


    Sub-total of cash inflows 122,721.35 32,573,822.66


    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and


    other long-term assets


    1 52,029.00 2,908,301.52


    Cash paid to acquire investments - 3 02,835.00


    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational




    - -


    Cash paid relating to other investing activities 7 6,125.00 4,170,000.00


    Sub-total of cash outflows 2 28,154.00 7,381,136.52


    Net cash flows from investing activities -105,432.65 25,192,686.14


    3、Cash flows from financing activities


    Cash received as investment - -


    Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders - -


    Cash received from borrowings 7 0,000,000.00 3 36,000,000.00


    Cash received relating to other financing activities - -


    Sub-total of cash inflows 7 0,000,000.00 336,000,000.00


    Cash repayments of borrowings 6 8,289,671.78 2 76,930,442.68


    Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of


    dividends or profits


    2 4,342,687.23 3 0,279,407.01


    Incl. Cash payments for dividends or profit to minority


    shareholders of subsidiaries


    - -


    Cash payments relating to other financing activities - -


    Sub-total of cash outflows 92,632,359.01 307,209,849.69


    Net cash flows from financing activities - 22,632,359.01 28,790,150.31




    Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash




    -120,295.60 -1,609,507.54


    5、Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -30,659,570.04 -40,135,180.90


    Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 1 96,103,453.37 236,238,634.27


    6、Cash and cash equivalent at end of year 165,443,883.33 1 96,103,453.37




    For the year ended 31 December 2008






    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Share capital Capital surplus










    Total owners' equity


    1、 1 ,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -824,935,148.77 1,278,906,005.12


    Add: Changes of accounting policy - - - - -


    Error correction of the last period - - - - -


    2、 1 ,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -824,935,148.77 1,278,906,005.12


    3、 - - - -34,550,600.50 -34,550,600.50


    (1) Net profit - - - -34,550,600.50 -34,550,600.50




    Profits and losses calculating into


    owners' equity - - - - -




    Net changing amount of fair value of


    financial assets available for sale - - - - -




    Effect of changes of other owners'


    equity of invested units under equity


    method - - - - -




    Effect of income tax related to owners'


    equity - - - - -


    4、 Others - - - - -


    sub-total(1)&(2) - - - -34,550,600.50 -34,550,600.50


    (3) Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - - -


    a、 Owners' devoted capital - - - - -




    Amount calculated into owners' equity


    paid in shares - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - -


    (4) Profit distribution - - - - -


    a、 Withdrawal of surplus reserves - - - - -


    b、 Distribution to shareholders - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - -




    Carrying forward internal owners'


    equity - - - - -


    a、 Capital surplus conversed to capital - - - - -


    b、 Surplus reserves conversed to capital - - - - -


    c、 Remedying loss with profit surplus - - - - -


    d、 Others - - - - -


    4、 1 ,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -859,485,749.27 1,244,355,404.62






    (GROUP) CO., LTD.


    For the year ended 31 December 2008


    Balance at the end of the last year:


    Balance at the beginning of this year


    Balance at the end of this


    report period


    Increase/ Decrease in this year


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents52


    Units:Rmb Yuan


    Share capital Capital surplus










    Total owners' equity


    1、 1,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -1,004,367,961.05 1,099,473,192.84


    Add: Changes of accounting policy - - - 168,140,648.11 168,140,648.11


    Error correction of the last period - - - - -


    2、 1,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -836,227,312.94 1,267,613,840.95


    3、 - - - 11,292,164.17 1 1,292,164.17


    (1) Net profit - - - 1 1,292,164.17 11,292,164.17




    Profits and losses calculating into


    owners' equity - - - - -




    Net changing amount of fair value of


    financial assets available for sale - - - - -




    Effect of changes of other owners'


    equity of invested units under equity


    method - - - - -




    Effect of income tax related to owners'


    equity - - - - -


    4、 Others - - - - -


    sub-total(1)&(2) - - - 1 1,292,164.17 1 1,292,164.17


    (3) Owners' devoted and decreased capital - - - - -


    a、 Owners' devoted capital - - - - -




    Amount calculated into owners' equity


    paid in shares - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - -


    (4) Profit distribution - - - - -


    a、 Withdrawal of surplus reserves - - - - -


    b、 Distribution to shareholders - - - - -


    c、 Others - - - - -




    Carrying forward internal owners'


    equity - - - - -


    a、 Capital surplus conversed to capital - - - - -


    b、 Surplus reserves conversed to capital - - - - -


    c、 Remedying loss with profit surplus - - - - -


    d、 Others - - - - -


    4、 1,011,660,000.00 9 78,244,858.10 113,936,295.79 -824,935,148.77 1,278,906,005.12




    Balance at the end of this


    report period


    Balance at the end of the last year:


    Balance at the beginning of this year


    Increase/ Decrease in this year




    (GROUP) CO., LTD.


    The Notes on page 53 to 116 form part of these financial statemtents53


    NOTE 1、The company's basic information


    (1) General information


    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate and Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (the


    “Company”) was in corporate in July 1993, as approved by the Shenzhen Municipal


    Government with document SFBF (1993) 724. The Company issued A shares on the 15


    September 1993 and issued B shares on the 10 January 1994. From 31 August 1994, the


    Company issued B shares were listed ADR as a recommend in New York Exchange market.


    The share capital total is 1,011,660,000 shares, of which, the A share is 891,660,000 shares,


    the B share is 120, 000,000 shares. The company corporate business licenses registration


    number: 440301103225878, registered capital of RMB 1,011,660,000.00.


    On 13 October 2004,according to State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration


    Commission of Shenzhen Municipal Government with document No.(2004) 223 “Decision


    on establishing Shenzhen investment Holding Co., Ltd.”. Former major shareholder


    merged to form the Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. By the State-owned Assets


    Supervision and Administration Commission of the state council, and quasi-exempt


    obligations tender offer as approved by China Security Regulatory Committee with


    document No.(2005)116, this issue of consolidated has been authorized and the


    registration changing has been done at 15 Feberary 2006. As at the end of the reporting


    period, Shenzhen Investment Holding Limited holds 655,800,149 shares of the company


    (64.82% of the total share capital) which holds the limited sale of share conditions


    622,273,800 shares, unlimited shares in circulation for sale 33,526,349 shares is real estate




    The company trades nature: This Company belongs to the real estate industry.


    Business scope:Mainly engaged in real estate development and sales, property leasing and


    management retail operations and trading, hotel operations, equipment installation and


    maintenance, construction, fitting-out and others.


    The main product or provides service:The company provides commodity housing is a


    major product, property leasing and management services, hotel room service, and


    construction and installation, renovation services.54


    (2) Approved financial report


    The financial statements were authorized for issue by the board of directors on 20


    April 2009.


    NOTE 2、Basis of preparation


    The Company on a going concern basis, in accordance with actual transactions and matters,


    financial statements according to the accrual system.


    NOTE 3、Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.


    The Company’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 truly and


    completely present the financial position of the Company and of their financial


    performance and their cash flows for the year then ended in compliance with the


    Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.


    NOTE 4、 Summary of significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and prepare the


    consolidated financial statements


    ( 1) Accounting period


    The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.


    (2) Functional and presentation currency


    The consoliated financial statements are presented in Renminbi Yuan, and subsidiaries


    registered in foreign country shall consider the local currency as functional and


    presentation currency.


    (3) Accounting basis and Accounting measurement


    The accounting basis of the Group is the accrual system.


    Accounting measurements consist of: historical cost, replacement cost, net realizable value,


    present value, fair value. An enterprise shall generally adopt historical cost as the


    measurement basis for accounting elements. If the accounting elements are measured at


    replacement cost, net realizable value, present value or fair value, the enterprise shall


    ensure such amounts can be obtained and reliably measured.


    (4) Foreign currency transactions


    Foreign currency transactions during the year are translated at the foreign exchange rates


    ruling at the transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign55


    currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date.


    Exchange gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss.


    The results of foreign operations are translated into Renminbi Yuan at the exchange rates


    approximating the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Balance


    sheet items are translated into Renminbi Yuan at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the


    balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences are recognized directly in a


    separate component of equity.


    With the purchase or construction of production in line with the conditions of capital


    assets related to exchange rate difference, accordance with the principles borrowing costs.


    (5) Cash and cash equivalents


    Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to


    known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


    (6) Recognition and Measurement of financial assets and financial liability




    Financial assets and financial liability are classified into the following categories:


    financial assets and financial liability held for trading, held-to-maturity investments,


    receivables, financial assets available for sale, and other financial liabilities.


    2、Determination of the Fair Value of the financial assets and financial liability


    (1)If there is an active market for a financial asset or financial liability, the quoted prices


    in the active market shall be used to establish the fair value of the financial assets and


    financial liability.


    (2)There is no active financial instruments market, the valuation techniques used to


    determine its fair value.


    (3)As for the financial assets initially obtained or produced at source and the financial


    liabilities assumed, the fair value thereof shall be determined on the basis of the


    transaction price of the market.


    (4)In applying discounted cashflow analysis to determine the fair value of a financial


    instrument, it shall use the market returns ratio of other financial instruments with


    essentially the same contractual stipulations and features as the rate of capitalization.


    Short-term receivable and payable with no state interest rate may be measured at the actual56


    transaction amount when the difference between that amount and its present value is




    3、Transaction of financial assets and financial liabilities


    The initial reorganization of a financial asset or financial liability held for trading shall


    measure it at fair value. Transaction costs shall be charged to the profit or loss for the


    current period. The payment has been including in the declared but not yet paid cash


    dividends or interest paid to the period but not yet receiving interest, recognized as


    receivables. Holding companies in the trading of financial assets acquired during the


    interest or dividends in cash, recognized as investment income.


    The balance sheet date, adopt fair value for trading financial assets and financial liabilities,


    changes of fair value will be included in current profit and loss.


    The disposal of financial assets or financial liabilities, its fair value and accounted for the


    initial amount of the difference recognized as investment income and changes in the fair


    value adjustment of profit and loss.


    4、Held-to-maturity investments


    The term "held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a


    fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the


    enterprise holds for a definite purpose or the enterprise is able to hold until its maturity.


    The following non-derivative financial assets shall not be classified as investments held to


    their maturity:


    (1) The designated non-derivative financial assets which, at their initial recognition, are


    measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits


    and losses;


    (2) The non-derivative financial assets which are designated as sellable at their initial


    recognition; and


    (3) Loans and account receivables.


    An enterprise shall, on the balance sheet date, make an appraisal on its purpose of holding


    and ability to hold. Where there is any change, it shall be dealt with according to the


    present Standards.57




    Should be receiving amount according to the take initial confirmation amount with debtors


    between the contract or the agreement.


    The date of the balance sheet, the receivable amount must account to the amortized cost


    measurement. Disposal or recovery of receivables, the difference between actual price and


    fair value will be counted as gain or loss for the current period.


    6、Sellable financial assets


    Sellable financial asset should be made in accordance with the fair value of financial


    assets and related transaction costs and is recognized as the initial amount. To pay the


    price included in the payment period has not yet received the bonds but has not yet


    declared or paid cash dividends, recognized as a separate receivables.


    For the sale of financial assets held by the period of interest and cash dividends, will be


    included in investment income. The balance sheet date, for the sale of financial assets


    should be based on fair value, and the changes in fair value will be included in capital




    7、Other financial liabilities


    Other financial liabilities at fair values and relevant transaction expenses to get them are


    deemed as the initial confirmation amount. The subsequent calculation adopts the


    amortized cost method.


    8、Impairment of Financial Assets


    The end of trading on financial assets other than financial assets, there is objective


    evidence that the impairment occurred, according to their expected future cash flows are


    lower than the book value of the difference between the impairment provisions.




    Provide of the bad debts using the allowance method. At the end of period, if have the


    objective evidence to indicate that the receivable amount reduce, then the net book value


    and the estimate in the future between the cash flow current value differential computation


    confirmation the impairment loss.58


    The end of the period, receivables that are individually significant are subject to individual


    impairment assessment, separate impairment test. If there is objective evidence that the


    incidence of impairment, a provision for impairment of the receivable is established at the


    difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of


    estimated future cash flows.


    The company based on the same or similar case which had the similar credit risk and actual


    loss, to define the specific provision for bad debt.


    The criterion of the bad debts: 1.the debtor goes bankrupt or the death, pay off the legally


    after its bankrupt property or the inheritance, still that is unable to recover the funds; 2.


    the debtor default overdue, and that is unable to recover the funds.


    To the notes of the receivable and prepay credit,this company carries on the impairment


    test alone, which has the objective evidence to indicate that it has had the impairment, will


    be lower than its book value according to the future cashflow the current value the


    difference, it is the impairment loss, the provision for bad debt.


    (2)Held-to-maturity investments


    Has the objective evidence to indicate that has had the impairment to the due investment,


    that should be calculate this investment the cash flow current value in the future, this


    current value is lower than the book vale which the difference is the revaluation deficit.


    (3)Sellable financial asset


    Where a sellable financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset


    has not been terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value


    of the owner ’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded


    into the profits and losses of the current period. The accumulative losses that are


    transferred out shall be the balance obtained from the initially obtained costs of the sold


    financial asset after deducting the principals as taken back, the current fair value and the


    impairment-related losses as was recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.


    As for the sellable debt instruments whose impairment-related losses have been recognized,


    if, within the accounting period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively


    related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment-related losses


    were recognized, the originally recognized impairment-related losses shall be reversed and


    be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.59


    The impairment-related losses incurred to a sellable equity instrument. Investment shall


    not be reversed through profits and losses. However, the impairment-related losses


    incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price in the active


    market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a derivative


    financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument and which shall be


    settled by delivering the said equity instrument, may not be reversed.


    After an impairment of a financial asset, the interest incomes shall be recognized at the


    interest rate which is used as the capitalization rate in the capitalization of the future cash


    flow when the impairment-related losses are determined.


    (7) Inventories


    1、Categories of Inventories


    Inventory classification according to real estate development and non-development of


    products. The real estate development products are the real estate development products


    under construction development products which have been completed, the lands to be


    developed, etc. The non-real estate development products including raw materials, finished


    products and stocks, low-value consumable products and construction.


    2、Measurement of Inventories:


    (1) Have been completed is the development of products that have been completed,


    pending the sale of the property; under construction is the development of products that


    have not yet completed the sale of the property for development purposes; to develop land


    is acquired by means of, has decided to be developed for sale or lease land property. To the


    overall development of land in the project development, all built into the development of


    products; in the project development phases, it will be part of a phased development of


    land into the development of products in the building, undeveloped land is still retained in


    the proposed land development.


    (2) Public Facilities Fee: The cost is the actual construction cost incurred. Measured in the


    non-development product account. If several estate projects benefit from the same facility,


    and they stay in the same category. The cost of fee should be measured according to the


    allocation of sales area. If they got benefit but in different categories, the cost measured


    according to the allocation of the area under the prorated. Until the project complete, the


    cost measures in the assessment into the real estate development products.


    (3) Utility Reserve Fund: In special administrative region, the fund is the ratio of 2% of


    the whole constructive investment that included the land price of delivery of completed60


    estate. Outside the region, the ratio of 2% of the whole constructive investment of the


    estate. But it all measures in the non-development products.


    (4) Quality Guarantees: According to the contract amount puts into the account of real


    estate development. Also record in the accounts payable at the same time. The actual


    payment incurs after the expiry of guarantee.


    (5) Implement the perpetual inventory system; all kinds of inventories are recorded in the


    actual cost, a weighted-average valuation for sell. The real estate development records in


    the measurement of identification. As for the low value properties, implement one


    amortization method when used.


    (6) Inventories are written down to the lower of the cost and the revised net realizable


    value. On the basis of comprehensive inventory, those destroyed, in whole or part outdated


    or the sales price is lower than its cost. Should decline the value. And the value is the


    difference from the cost and net realizable value. Longterm equity investments.


    (8) Long term equity investment


    1、 Long term equity investment can be classified: Investment in subsidiary; investment


    in associate; investment in joint venture; other long term investment in an entity which the


    investor does not have jointly control and significant influence, and also the fair value of


    this long term investment can not measure reliably in the active market.


    2、 Investment in subsidiary


    For the investment in subsidiary, initially cost of investment should be accounted for at its


    carrying value of the investing entity. The direct cost relating to the acquisition, are


    recognized as expenses to income statement. The difference between the initially cost of


    investment and the fair value paid for the investment should be adjusted to capital reserve.


    If the capital reserve is not enough to deduct the difference, the surplus should be adjusted


    to retained earnings.


    For the investment in subsidiary, which is not under the same control, initially cost of


    investment should be accounted for at its fair value paid for the investment and all the


    direct cost relating to the investment. The difference between initially cost of investment


    and carrying value of the investing entity at the date of acquisition are recognised as


    profit/loss for the year. If the initially cost of investment is more than identifiable assets


    and liabilities for the investment entity at the date of acquisition, the surplus should be


    treated as long term investment in the investor/parent’s book. This surplus can be treated61


    as goodwill, recorded in the consolidated accounts. If the initial cost of investment is less


    than the identifiable assets and liabilities of the investing entity at the date of acquisition,


    the difference should be recognized as expense for the year.


    Goodwill should not be amortized, but acquirer shall test it for impairment annually


    instead. Impairment test for goodwill is part of impairment testing the cash generating


    units to which it related. Once the impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reverse back.


    In the investor/parent’s financial statement, costing method is used to account for the long


    term equity investment. Consolidated financial statement should be included subsidiary.


    If subsidiary has the indication for impairment as at the balance sheet date, recoverable


    amount should be measured. If the recoverable amount is less than its fair value,


    impairment loss should be provided. Provision for impairment cannot be reverse back in


    the following accounting period.


    For disposal of the long term investment, the difference between sales proceeds and


    carrying value, recognized as profit/loss for the investment.


    3、 Investment in associate and joint venture


    For the investment in associate, initial cost of investment should be account for the fair


    value paid for the investment and related cost for the investment.


    Investment in associate is acquired by non-monetary asset, if this transaction has business


    value, and the fair value of exchangeable assets can be measured reliably, therefore, initial


    cost of investment should be account at fair value of the exchangeable assets and related


    tax expenses. Difference of fair value and carrying value of the exchangeable assets,


    should be recognized as profit and loss for the year. If the two requirements are not met,


    then carrying value of the exchangeable assets and related tax expenses should be account


    at initial cost of investment.


    If the associate is acquired by debt restructuring, initial cost of investment should be the


    market value of the shares acquired. The difference of the initial cost of investment and


    carry value of the debt should be recognized as profit/loss for the year.


    Equity method should be used for subsequent measurement of investment in associate.


    Once measuring gain/loss for investing in associate, it should be based on the fair value of


    identifiable net assets as at acquisition date. If associated company’s accounting policy62


    and accounting period is difference with investing company, then it should follow


    investing company’s accounting policy and accounting period, and measure the investment


    profit or loss.


    If associated company is making a loss, carrying value of this investment and net


    investment equity can be reduce to zero, except for other responsibilities to be bear by the


    investing company.


    If associate company has the indication for impairment as at the balance sheet date,


    recoverable amount should be measured. If the recoverable amount is less than its fair


    value, impairment loss should be provided. Provision for impairment cannot be reverse


    back in the following accounting period.


    For disposal of the long term investment, the difference between sales proceeds and


    carrying value, recognized as profit/loss for the investment. Any movements which


    recorded in owner ’s equity, during the disposal, it should be reverse out, and recognized as


    profit/loss for the year proportionately.


    The treatment of accounting principal for investment in joint venture is the same as


    investment in associate.


    4、 Other long term investment (no control and significant influence for the investing


    entity; no active market price; fair value can not be measured reliably)


    Investment in an entity which has no control power and significant influence, no active


    market value and fair value can not be measured reliably, called other long term


    investment. The recognition criteria of the initial cost of investment are same as the


    investment in associate.


    Costing method is used for subsequent measurement for other long term investment.


    When impairment appears, the difference between net present value of the market yield for


    similarity financial instrument and carrying value of the investment should be recognized


    impairment loss, recorded in income statement. Impairment can not be reverse back in the


    following accounting period.


    For disposal of the long term investment, the difference between sales proceeds and


    carrying value, recognized as profit/loss for the investment.63


    (9) Investment Property


    1、Recognition of Investment property


    Investment property shall be recognized as an assets when, and only when both of the


    following conditions are satisfied: ( 1 ) The held for earn rentals and/or capital


    appreciation, or both; (2)Investment property shall be capable of being measured and


    sold separately; (3)The economic benefits pertinent to this investment real estate are


    likely to flow into the enterprise; (4)The initial measurement of the investment real estate


    shall be made at its cost.


    2、Initial measurement


    Investment property should be measured in cost model.


    The cost of investment property from the transfer of non-monetary assets were taken into


    accounts of the transfer assets and the related expenditure, if it is the real exchange with


    commercial and the value of assets could be measured reliably. If not, the difference


    between the fair value and cost of the transfer assets should be taken into accounts of


    current profit and loss.


    The costs of investment property from debt restriction use the fair value as the initial


    investment cost. The difference between the cost and book value includes in current profit


    and loss.


    3、Subsequent Measurement


    An enterprise shall use the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property


    at the balance sheet date.


    4、Transfer and Disposals


    Transfer to, or form, investment property shall be made when, and only when, there is a


    change in use.


    An investment property shall be derecognized on disposal; the enterprise shall deduct the


    book value of the investment property as well as the relevant taxes from the disposal


    income, and include the amount in the current profits and losses.


    (10) Recognition standard of fixed assets, Classification and Depreciation


    1、Standard of fixed assets64


    Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of services,


    for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; they have useful lives over one fiscal




    2、Recognition standard of fixed assets


    (1)It is probable that economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the




    (2)The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.


    3、Classification of fixed assets:


    The Company’s fixed assets are classified as buildings and constructions, machinery


    equipment, transportation equipment, other equipment and fixed assets fitment.


    4、Initial measurement of fixed assets


    Fixed assets are recorded at the actual cost on acquisition. The cost of fixed assets


    purchased includes purchase price, import tariffs, transport and insurance and other related


    costs as well as the fixed assets reached before the intended use of the necessary


    expenditure. Where payment for the purchase price of a fixed asset is deferred beyond


    normal credit terms, such that the arrangement is in substance of a financing nature, the


    cost of the fixed asset shall be determined based on the present value of the purchase price.


    The difference between the purchase price and its present value shall be recognized in


    profit or loss over the period of credit, except where it is capitalized in accordance with


    borrowing cost principle.


    5、Depreciation method


    Depreciation of fixed assets is provided for on a straight-line basis, the depreciation rate is


    recognized in accordance with fix assets, estimated useful life (5% of original value) and


    estimated residual rate of fixed assets. Annual depreciation rate of fixed assets by


    categories are as follows:


    Category Estimated useful life (year)


    Annual depreciation




    Buildings and constructions 30 3.17


    Machinery equipment 7 13.57


    Transportation equipment 6 15.83


    Other equipment 5 1965


    6、Subsequent expenditure of fixed assets


    Subsequent expenditure is only recognized as an asset when it meets two conditions at the


    same time: Firstly, it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the


    expenditures will flow into the enterprise. Secondly, the cost can be measured reliably. If


    not meets that, the expenditures should be included in the current profit and loss.


    Subsequent expenditure of operating lease should be capitalized, as long-term prepaid


    expenses, which amortize in a reasonable period.


    Impairment of fixed assets


    fixed assets should be estimated the recoverable amount if there is an indication. The


    recoverable amount is according to the high one of net value of fair value minus the


    disposal with the present value of the future cash flows. The estimation should be based on


    individual assets, if it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount, change into


    estimating the group of assets it belongs to. Once provision for impairment, it could not be


    reversed in later accounting period.


    (11) Construction-in-progress


    Construction-in-progress includes the pre-construction preparation, the under construction,


    installation, technical construction, overhaul project and so on. It measures in actual cost


    incurred. And are taken into accounts of fixed assets to record before used.


    On the balance sheet day, estimate the impairment of that long-term suspension and will


    not re-started in three years. The impairment estimation is book value minus the


    recoverable amount. Once provision for impairment, it could not be reversed in later


    accounting period.


    (12) Intangible assets


    Intangible assets including intangible assets with a finite useful life and intangible assets


    with an indefinite useful life.


    1、Calculation method of intangible assets


    An intangible asset shall be measured initially


    The cost of self-developed intangible assets shall include the total expenditures incurred


    during the period from the time when it meets the provisions of standards to the time when


    the expected purposes of use are realized.66


    2、Amortization of intangible assets


    (1)With regard to intangible assets with limited service life.


    Useful life in the period, with the use of intangible assets related to the economic interests


    of the consistent realization of the expected amortization method, not a reliable way of


    determining expected to achieve, intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-line




    Taxi license shall be amortized for 38 years.


    (2)Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized.


    3、Impairment of Intangible Assets


    On balance sheet day, make impairment testing to the uncertain life of intangible assets.


    If there is an indication of impairment on balance sheet day for intangible assets with the


    finite useful life. Estimate the recoverable amount. If the amount is lower than the book


    value, the carrying value of intangible assets will be written down to its recoverable


    amount. And the cut amount recognized as impairment losses, included in the current


    profit and loss period. Once provision for impairment, it could not be reversed in later


    accounting period.


    (13) Other assets accounting method


    Long-term prepaid expenses amortize among the benefit periods average.


    (14) Borrowing costs


    The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or


    premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency




    Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the


    acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be


    capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be


    recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded


    into the current profits and losses.




    The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following67


    3 requirements:


    (1)expenditure for the asset are being incurred;


    (2)borrowing cost are being incurred;


    (3)The necessary construction or production activities to make the assets ready for use or


    sales have been launched.


    2、Determination of the amount of capitalized


    As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of


    assets eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be


    determined in light of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present


    period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in


    the bank or as a temporary investment.


    Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of


    assets eligible for capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the


    to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the


    weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements


    minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The


    capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average


    interest rate of the general borrowing.


    3、Capitalized of Suspension


    Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted


    abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than three months, the capitalization


    of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such


    period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of


    the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts.


    If the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset under acquisition and


    construction or production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the


    borrowing costs shall continue.


    4、Capitalized of ceased


    When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the


    intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. After the68


    borrowing costs incurred in the current period expenses.


    (15) Employee Benefits


    The term “employee benefits “refers to all kinds of payments and other relevant


    expenditures given by enterprises in exchange of the services offered by the employees.


    Employee benefits include: (1) Wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies for the


    employees; (2) Welfare expenses for the employees; (3) Medical insurance, endowment


    insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and other


    social insurances; (4) Housing accumulation fund ;(5) Labor union expenditure and


    employee education expenses; (6) Non-monetary benefits; (7) Compensations for the


    cancellation of the labor relationship with the employees; and (8) Other relevant


    expenditures of services offered by the employees.


    During the accounting period of an employee' providing services to an enterprise, the


    enterprise shall recognize the compensation payable as liabilities. Except for the


    compensations for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the employee, the


    enterprise shall, in accordance with beneficiaries of the services offered by the employee;


    cost of product, cost of services, cost of fixed assets, intangible assets or profit or loss for


    the current period, shall be recognized.


    (16) Contingent liability


    The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as a provision when the


    following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:


    (1)the obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;


    (2)it is probable that an outflow of economic benefit will be required to settle the




    (3)the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably


    A provision shall be recognized when an onerous contract and obligation to restructure


    incurred by an enterprise satisfies the requirements of the above conditions.


    The amount of a provision recognized of expenditure required to settle a provision is


    expected to be reimbursed of the best estimates of measurement.


    (17) Revenue


    ( 1) revenue from sales goods shall be recognized only when all of the following69


    conditions are satisfied:


    A、the enterprise has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of


    ownership of the goods;


    B、 the enterprise retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually


    associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;


    C、the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;


    D、it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the




    E、the associated costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably:


    According to the principles above, the Company established real estate sales revenue is


    recognized, must satisfied the following four conditions at the same time:


    A、Real estate is completed, and is completed checking and accepting;


    B、Signed a contract of sale and make recording in land department


    Installment, if it is deferred for receiving money with financing, the cost should be


    measured in present value according to the contract price. Mortgage, has been received,


    and have completed the first phase of the mortgage loan approval procedures;


    D、Agreed in the contract of sale and transfer the property to buyers


    (2)Rendering of service,In case on the preparation date of balance sheet the results


    about service transaction can be reliably evaluated, the labor income will be confirmed by


    the completion percentage method.


    Company has estimated the costs of determining the proportion of the total cost of


    providing labor services, determinate of the progress of the completion of transactions. In


    case the service transaction results on the preparation date of balance sheet cannot be


    reliably evaluated. In case the service costs that have occurred can be compensated, the


    service income will be confirmed based on such service costs and the same amounts will


    be settled as the service costs. In case the service costs that have occurred cannot be


    compensated, such service costs will be accrued to the current profit and loss and will not


    be confirmed as the service costs.


    (3)Use by others of enterprise assets,in case the economic benefits related to the


    transaction will probably flow into the enterprise and the income amounts can be reliably70


    calculated. The interest income amount will be calculated and determined based on the use


    time of currency capital from the Company by others and actual interest rate. The income


    amount of use expenses will be calculated and determined subject to the charging time and


    method agreed in the relevant contracts and agreements.


    (18) Government Grants


    A government grant is transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the


    government to an enterprise at no consideration, excluding the contribution from the


    government as the owner of the enterprise to enterprise. The company’s government grants


    are classified into government grants relate to assets and government grants relate to




    If a government grant is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received


    or receivable amount. If a government grants is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured


    at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured


    at its nominal amount.


    The government grant pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally


    distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits


    and losses. But the government grants measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly


    included in the current profits and losses.


    The government grant related to income, the grant used for compensating the related future


    expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall


    included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are


    recognized; the grant used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the


    enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.


    (19) Income Taxes


    The enterprise implies the balance sheet liability method to measure its income tax.


    Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability arises from the temporary differences


    between taxable base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount in the balance sheet.


    The deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability measure in the applicable tax rates in


    accordance with the expected recovery of assets or liquidation of liabilities on balance


    sheet day.


    The confirmation of deferred tax assets uses the probable deductions to the deductible


    temporary difference as its limits in future period.71


    It prohibits the recognition of such deferred tax assets and liabilities of subsidiaries and


    associates to the extent that:


    a. it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future


    b. the parent is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference


    (20) Business Combinations


    A business combinations refers to a transaction or event that brings together of separate


    enterprises into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into the


    business combinations involving enterprise common control under and the business


    combinations not involving enterprise under common control.


    1.For a business combination involving enterprise common control: A business


    combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the


    same party or the same parties both before and after the business combination and on that


    control is not transitory. Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the absorbing party in a


    business combination shall be measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date


    as record by the party being absorbed. The different between the carrying amount of the


    net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for combination(or


    the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration), adjust the share premium (or


    capital premium) in capital surplus, if it is insufficient for reduction, adjust retained


    earnings. Date of acquisition is the date on which control of the net assets and operations


    of the acquire is effectively transferred to the acquirer.


    2、For a business combination not involving enterprise common control: A business


    combine in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the


    same party or parties before and after the combination. The company shall measure the


    assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed as consideration of the business


    combination at their fair values on the acquisition date; any difference between the fair


    value and the carrying amount of an item shall be recognized in profit or loss for the


    current period. Acquisition date is the date on which the group effectively obtain control


    of the acquire.


    (21) Preparation of Consolidated Accounting Statements


    1、Preparation of consolidated accounting statements


    The basis for the consolidated to the consolidated of the parent companies and72


    incorporated subsidiary of the accounting statements,will be consolidated with the parent


    company of the important inter-subsidiary investment, demand, inventory and procurement,


    and marketing of insider trading profits to offset itemized consolidated. And calculate


    interests of minority shareholders and minority shareholders of profit and loss.


    2、Reported of minority interest and the profit or loss


    The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority


    profit or loss shall be presented in the consolidated income statement below the net profit


    line item as "minority profit or loss".


    That portion of a subsidiary’s equity attributable to minority interests shall be presented as


    "minority interest" in the consolidated balance sheet within owners’ equity.


    3、Deal with the excess loss


    When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders of


    a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of owners’


    equity of the subsidiary, if the minority shareholders have a binding obligation under a


    statute or an agreement and are able to make an additional investment to cover the loss, the


    excess amount of loss shall be allocated against minority interests. Otherwise, the excess


    amount of loss shall be allocated against owners’ equity attributable to the parent, the


    subsidiary subsequently reports profits, and such profits shall be allocated to owners’


    equity attributable to the parent until the minority shareholders’ share of losses previously


    absorbed by the parent has been recovered.


    4、Current increases and decreases in consolidated statement handling of the subsidiary


    Where a subsidiary has been acquired through a business combination involving


    enterprises under common control, the subsidiary’s revenue, expenses and profit from the


    beginning to the end of the reporting period in which the combination takes place shall be


    included in the consolidated income statement. And adjust the opening number. Where a


    subsidiary has been acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises


    under common control, the revenue, expenses and profit of that subsidiary from the


    acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated


    income statement.


    During the reporting period, disposed of a subsidiary, expenses and profit of the subsidiary


    from the beginning of the reporting period to the date of disposal shall be included in the


    consolidated income statement.73


    NOTE 5、Taxation


    The main tax type and tax rate:


    Type Taxable basis Tax rate


    Business tax


    proceeds from sales of properties, leasing income,


    property management income




    Construction, installation of income 3%


    Value added tax (“VAT”) Goods sales income 17%


    Construction tax Business tax and value added tax payable 1%


    Education surcharge Business tax and value added tax payable 3%


    Increment tax on land value Sales revenue of properties *1


    Income tax Income tax payable *2


    * 1 According to Provisions of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government and the local


    Inland Revenue Department. From 1 November 2005, the company or individuals should


    pay land value-added tax if they gain income from the real estate development or transfer


    in Shenzhen. “Pay in advance, settlement after, refund for any overpayment or a


    supplemental payment for any deficiency. In other words, prepaid the tax on the basis of


    the income from real estate transfer before the project completed (the pre-charge rate of


    villas, resorts, hotel–style apartment on sales of 1%, while 0.5% of other real estate sales).


    Till it all completed, handle settlement after clear the account. Clearing the land valued


    added tax rate of used ultra-progressive tax rate. Valued-added ratio of 50% or less by 30


    percent the proportion of value-added tax( general standard of domestic value-added ratio


    of less than 20% of the land exempt tax from value-added tax). Value-added ratio of more


    than 50 % did not exceed 100% of parts by 40% the proportion of the levy. Value-added tax


    of more than 100% does not exceed 200% of the parts by 50% the proportion of the levy.


    Value-added ratio of more than 200% of the parts by 60% the proportion of the levy.


    * 2、Enterprise income tax rate is as follows:


    Items Income tax rate


    Domestic Enterprises


    - enterprises in Shenzhen 18%


    - enterprises outside Shenzhen 25%


    Enterprises in HK 17.50%


    * According to the China's Corporate Income Tax ("CIT") Law that was passed by the Standing


    Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress ("NPC") on 16 March 2007 and the Notice of the


    State Council on the Transitional Preferential Policy regarding implementation of the CIT Law (Guo Fa


    [2007] No.39) issued on 26 December 2007, income tax rate is revised to 25% with effect from 1


    January 2008. i.e., pay the payable tax amount calculated at a tax rate of 18% for the year 2008, the74


    payable tax amount calculated at a tax rate of 20% for the year 2009, the payable tax amount calculated


    at a tax rate of 24% for the year 2011 and the payable tax amount calculated at a tax rate of 25 % for


    years as of 2012. As at 30 June 2008, the original implementation of the corporate tax rate 24% are


    calculated based on the applicable income tax rates of 25% from 1 January 2008.


    NOTE 6、Enterprises combination and the consolidated financial statements


    1、 Include in the scope of the consolidated of the subsidiaries


    Subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidated in 2008 is as follows:


    (1) Holding through the merger of the subsidiary to obtain


    A、Subsidiaries has been acquired through a business combination involving business


    combination under same control of the subsidiaries;


    The company haven’t subsidiaries has been acquired through a business combination


    involving enterprise combination under same control.


    B、Subsidiaries has been acquired through a business combination not involving business


    combination under same control.


    31 December 2008






    Percentage (%)


    Voting power




    Name of












    (in ten






    Nature of


    business and










    (in ten










    in subsidiary


    in substance


    (in ten














    Shan Tou






    Zone Real


    Estate Ltd.


    Shan Tou HKD3000 Property


    development 2108 2108 -- 100 -- 100


    (2) Subsidiaries has been acquired through new establishment


    31 December 2008








    Voting power




    Name of


    the Subsidiary Registered






    capital (in ten






    Nature of


    business and










    (in ten










    in subsidiary


    in substance


    (in ten






    Direct Indirect Direct Indirect




    Petrel Hotel


    Co. Ltd.










    3,000 3,000 68.10 31.90 68.10 31.90


    Shenzhen City
















    725 725 95 5 95 5


    Shenzhen Zhen




















    1,000 1,000 73 27 73 27


    Shenzhen City


    We Gen


















    800 800 75 25 75 25


    Shenzhen City


    Car Rental Ltd.






    Car rental


    1,029 1,029 55 45 55 4575


    31 December 2008








    Voting power




    Name of


    the Subsidiary Registered






    capital (in ten






    Nature of


    business and










    (in ten










    in subsidiary


    in substance


    (in ten






    Direct Indirect Direct Indirect




    Shenfang Car


    Park Ltd.






    Develop and


    operate car




    4,250 4,250 70 30 70 30


    Shenzhen City


















    1,000 1,000 90 10 90 10


    Shenzhen City


    Shenfang Free


    Trade Trading








    Trading of


    Import and




    500 500 95 5 95 5


    Shenzhen City


    SPG Bao An














    2,000 2,000 95 5 95 5


    Shenzhen City


    SPG Long
















    3,000 3,000 95 5 95 5








    Zone Real


    Estate (Group)




    Property and


    Estate Co., Ltd.










    2,000 2,000 95 5 95 5


    Beijing fresh


    peak property














    operating of


    Real estate


    7,671 7,671 75 25 75 25


    Beijing SPG
















    50 50 10 90 10 90


    Shenzhen Lain


    Hua Industry


    and Trading


    Co. Ltd.






    Trading of




    and provision


    of renovation




    1,000 1,000 95 5 95 5


    Fresh Peak


    Enterprise Ltd.


    Hong Kong










    HKD82 9,668 100 -- 100 --


    Wellam Ltd.


    Hong Kong








    HKD1 HKD1 -- 100 -- 100


    Shantou SEZ


    Wellam Fty


    Bldg., Dev. Co.










    US$600 US$600 -- 100 -- 100


    Great Wall


    Estate Co., Inc










    USD35 10,376 70 -- 70 --


    Fresh Peak


    Holdings Ltd.


    Hong Kong










    HKD100 64,479 100 -- 100 --


    Skill Elite Ltd.


    Hong Kong








    HKD1 HKD1 -- 100 -- 100


    Fresh Peak






    Hong Kong








    HKD55 HKD55 -- 55 -- 55


    Openice Ltd.


    Hong Kong










    HKD120 HKD120 20 80 20 80


    Barenie Co.




    Hong Kong








    HKD0.8 HKD0.8 -- 80 -- 80




    Development Ltd.


    Hong Kong








    HKD100 HKD100 -- 100 -- 10076


    31 December 2008








    Voting power




    Name of


    the Subsidiary Registered






    capital (in ten






    Nature of


    business and










    (in ten










    in subsidiary


    in substance


    (in ten






    Direct Indirect Direct Indirect






    Xizun real


    estate limited












    HKD3980 HKD3980 -- 100 -- 100


    Fresh Peak


    Real Estate






    (Wuhan) Co.














    US$400 US$400 -- 100 -- 100


    2、 Companies excluded from the scope of combination


    31 December 2008








    Voting power




    Name of


    the Companies


    Place of






    capital (in








    Nature of


    business and










    (in ten










    In companies


    In substance


    (in ten thous


    and Yuan) Direct Indirect Direct Indirect






    Department Store


    Co. Ltd.








    goods supplier


    1,000 1,000 95 5 95 5




    CyberPort Co.,














    1,400 1,400 70 -- 70 --


    Shenzhen Real






    Service Co.,












    consume goods


    596 596 100 -- 100 --


    Shenzhen Shen


    Fang Industrial


    Development Co.,








    Invest in






    450 450 100 -- 100 --


    Shenzhen Tefa


    Real Estate




    Service Co.,










    and decoration


    818 818 100 -- 100 --


    Bekaton Property












    91 1,347 60 -- 60 --


    Paklid Limited*6


    Hong Kong










    trading of






    20 1,127 60 40 60 40


    Shenzhen City




    Construction and




    Materials Ltd.*7










    268 268 100 -- 100 --






    Haiyan Enterprise












    1,294 1,294 68 -- 68 --


    Shenzhen Xing


    Dongfang Store












    goods supply


    1,850 1,850 92.5 7.5 92.5 7.5




    Province Fengkai


    Lain Feng Cement




    Co., Ltd.*10










    and trading


    in cement




    12,126 12,126 -- 90 -- 9077


    *1 Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.:


    The shareholders meeting was held on 29 October 2007, the resolution to terminate


    business, the write-off and formed a group to carry out the liquidation. The liquidation


    group issued a notice of liquidation on 7 December 2007. According to the “Enterprise


    Accounting Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be


    include in the Group’s consolidation financial statement of scope of the merger. The book


    value of the investment account of the Group to zero.


    *2 Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd


    The shareholders’ meeting was held on 12 May 2008, the resolution to terminate business,


    the write-off and formed a group to carry out the liquidation. The liquidation group issued


    a notice of liquidation on 5 December 2008. According to the “Enterprise Accounting


    Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be include in


    the Group’s consolidation financial statement of scope of the merger. The book value of


    the investment account of the Group to zero.


    *3 Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.


    Operating period of 26 January 1983 to 28 August 1999, the company has ceased


    operations for many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection in 8 February


    2002 in accordance with the law and revoke their licenses.


    *4 Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd.


    Operating period of 3 October 1993 to 3 October 1998, the company has ceased operations


    for many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection in February 8, 2002 in


    accordance with the law and revoke their licenses.


    *5 Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd


    Operating period of 7 March 1983 to 14 April 1995, the company has ceased operations for


    many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection was in 2004 in accordance with


    the law before their business licenses.


    *6 Bekaton Property Limited and Paklid Limited


    The Departments of the two companies of the Company were set up offshore companies at


    the early years. 13 December 2000 the company held a board of directors, the two


    companies decided to carry out liquidation.


    *7 Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd


    Operating period of 1 January 1984 to 6 July 2004, the company has ceased operations for


    many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection in February 8, 2002 was to


    revoke the business license.78


    *8 Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd


    Operating period of 16 October 1984 to 16 October 2004, the company has ceased


    operations for many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection in 1999 was to


    revoke the business license.


    *9 Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.


    Operating period of 7 June 1983 to 7 June 1998, the company has ceased operations for


    many years, for failing to take part in the annual inspection in 10 January 2001 in


    accordance with the law and revoke their licenses.


    *10 Guangdong Province Fengkai Lian Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


    The company's total asset (including tangible and intangible assets) was auction debt at 22


    January 2006, the Group's investment in the company's book value of zero.


    In addition to *1、*2 、*10 of above are not included in the scope of the merge of the


    investment unit was many years ago to stop operating, and the suspension of business


    licenses for many years, these companies have been unable to carry out business activities,


    the company has no control over its business activities. According to the “Enterprise


    Accounting Standards No.33- Consolidation financial Statements”, these companies are


    not included in the Group’s consolidation financial statements of the scope of the merger.


    The Group’s investment above, and the constitute the company’s book value of investment


    to zero.


    3、 Changes in the scope of combination in 2008


    New company included in the scope of combination


    The company shareholders meeting were held on 12 May 2008. Resolution to terminate the


    company business, write-offs and liquidation group has been formed to carry out the


    liquidation. Liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on 5 December 2008.


    According to the “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33- Consolidation financial


    Statements”, these companies are not included in the Group’s consolidation financial


    statements of the scope of the merger.


    Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd's assets and liabilities on 31 December 2008:


    Acquisition date


    Total assets 10,217,365.26


    Total liabilities 351,961.13


    Total owners' equity 9,865,404.13


    Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd business operating for year 2008:79


    Since the date of purchase to the end of the reporting period


    Revenue 36,040.00


    Net Profit -3,398,033.97


    Net cash flows from operating activities -387,643.74


    Net cash flows from financing activities --


    Net cash flows from investing activities --


    4、 Conversion of foreign currency statement


    Great Wall Estate Co., Inc. use U.S. dollar as the functional and presentation currency, for


    foreign currency conversion, the assets and liabilities of balance sheet, the balance sheet


    date using the spot exchange rate, the owner ’s equity account use spot exchange rate


    except “retained earnings”. The accounts of revenue and expense in income statement used


    the approximate rate of spot exchange. The translation difference should list as


    “translation differences of foreign currency financial statements” in owner ’s equity of


    balance sheet. The differences arising from related party transactions, offset when




    NOTE 7 、Notes to the consolidated and the Company’s financial statements


    1、 Cash at bank and on hand


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


























    Cash on hand


    RMB 328,739.70 328,739.70 730,643.86 730,643.86


    HKD 45,458.39 0.8825 40,118.75 84,187.39 0.9376 78,934.10


    USD 2,000.00 6.8397 13,679.40 2,000.00 7.3195 14,639.00


    382,537.85 824,216.96


    Cash at bank


    RMB 266,123,403.00 266,123,403.00 391,094,976.96 391,094,976.96


    HKD 29,920,395.95 0.8825 26,405,647.07 19,025,780.27 0.9376 17,838,571.58


    USD 93,200.04 6.8397 637,460.31 83,659.16 7.3195 612,343.22


    CAD 196,266.82 5.5973 1,098,564.27 188,736.99 7.4468 1,405,486.62


    AUD 39,089.22 4.7304 184,907.64 45,327.78 6.3893 289,612.79


    294,449,982.29 411,240,991.17


    Other cash




    RMB 33,371,352.68 33,371,352.68 33,919,833.62 33,919,833.62


    HKD 237,409.21 0.8825 209,520.75 6,324,769.66 0.9376 5,930,104.02


    33,580,873.43 39,849,937.64


    328,413,393.57 451,915,145.7780


    Other currencies, mainly the owners of funds to the bank to apply for mortgage loans to


    purchase the Company's real estate development. Lending banks have asked the Company


    to provide mortgage lending margin.


    Cash at bank and on hand is 27.33% less than the previous year. Mainly because of this


    year to buy land to pay the purchase price and received amount of selling real estate has




    2、 Financial assets held for trading


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    stock investment 189,488.50 645,470.00


    Including:cost 303,265.00 302,835.00


    Change in the fair value -113,776.50 342,635.00


    3、 Accounts receivable


    (1)The aging of accounts receivable by categories:


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007










    Provision for


    bad debts








    Provision for


    bad debts


    Within 1 year 1,860,981.24 5.54 -- 852,074.60 2.37 --


    1 to 2 years 387,433.51 1.15 -- 234,998.80 0.65 --

    2 to 3 years 213,704.58 0.64 -- 5,974,517.01 16.60 1,533,428.95


    Over 3 year 31,104,798.15 92.67 18,629,679.11 28,936,867.79 80.38 19,068,953.90


    33,566,917.48 100.00 18,629,679.11 35,998,458.20 100.00 20,602,382.85


    (2)The symbol of credit risk identified by customers categories


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Book balance






    Provision for


    bad debts Book balance






    Provision for


    bad debts


    category 1 -- -- -- -- -- --


    category 2 14,132,195.58 42.10 11,574,556.00 18,441,322.87 51.23 13,566,657.46


    category 3 19,434,721.90 57.90 7,055,123.11 17,557,135.33 48.77 7,035,725.39


    33,566,917.48 100.00 18,629,679.11 35,998,458.20 100.00 20,602,382.85


    category 1: refers to accounts receivable with significant individual amount, such


    individual amount is more than 10 million yuan


    category 2: individual is not a significant amount of credit risk, but according to the


    characteristics of the portfolio after portfolio of risky accounts receivable, aging of such


    fund in three years, and still less likely to recover the money.


    category 3: Other is not significant accounts receivable81


    (3)As at 31 December 2008,Top five of accounts receivable Units (Personal) as follows:


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Amount 9,757,303.02 17,062,684.11


    Proportion of total other


    receivable accounts


    29.07 47.40%


    (4)Accounts receivable balance at the end of 5% without holders of company (including


    5%) over the right to vote the shares outstanding units of shareholders.


    (5)In accounts receivable at the end of the balance of account receivable related parties


    sum.(see note 10(3)、4).


    4、 Advance to suppliers


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007




    Amount proportion % Amount proportion %


    Within 1 year 13,646,498.46 56.08 9,708,315.71 47.59


    1 to 2 years 2,000.00 0.01 1,364,450.37 6.69


    2 to 3 years 27,058.00 0.11 2,414,608.72 11.84


    Over 3 year 10,656,572.66 43.80 6,912,727.44 33.88


    24,332,129.12 100.00 20,400,102.24 100.00


    The group did not have any balances which were due to parties having 5% or above


    shareholdings in the Company.


    5、 Other receivables


    (1)The aging of accounts receivable by categories:


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007












    for bad debts










    for bad debts


    Within1year 2,525,642.20 1.13 -- 7,731,346.93 3.22 --


    1to 2 years 5,911,834.18 2.65 -- 12,256,168.54 5.10 --


    2to 3 years 3,576,605.94 1.60 -- 3,759,082.03 1.56 1,698,653.51


    Over3 year 210,856,418.69 94.62 178,866,343.72 216,725,067.54 90.12 188,260,958.91


    222,870,501.01 100.00 178,866,343.72 240,471,665.04 100.00 189,959,612.42


    (2)Customers categories as follows:


    customers 31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    categories Book balance






    Provision for


    bad debts Book balance






    Provision for


    bad debts


    category 1 140,857,938.22 63.20 136,057,938.22 135,125,297.28 56.19 135,125,297.28


    category 2 57,157,084.50 25.65 40,820,183.82 65,487,723.11 27.23 45,934,734.58


    category 3 24,855,478.29 11.15 1,988,221.68 39,858,644.65 16.58 8,899,580.56


    222,870,501.01 100.00 178,866,343.72 240,471,665.04 100.00 189,959,612.4282


    category 1 : refers to accounts receivable with significant individual amount, such


    individual amount is more than 10 million yuan.


    category 2: individual is not a significant amount of credit risk, but according to the


    characteristics of the portfolio after portfolio of risky accounts receivable, aging of such


    fund in three years, and still less likely to recover the money.


    category 3:Other is not significant accounts receivable.


    (3)Other receivables provision for bad debts this year, ready 11,093,268.70 yuan less


    than the previous year, mainly because of a liquidation of the debtor has been canceled this


    year. The company will claim the money and the associated preparation for the reseller


    deal with bad debts.


    (4)As at 31 December 2008,top five of other receivable Units (Personal) as follows:


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Amount 140,857,938.22 140,857,938.22


    Proportion of total other receivable accounts 63.20 58.58


    (5)Other accounts receivable balance of this year than last year sharply reduced, mainly


    due to the company dead with Guoxin building projects corresponding to a real estate


    development Baoxing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd account receivable 166,109,047.00 yuan and its


    allowance for doubtful debt account 97,388,273.67 yuan.


    (6)The group did not have any balances which were due to parties having 5% or above


    shareholdings in the Company.


    (7)The ending balance of related parties accounts of other receivable, For particulars see


    Note 10(3)、4.


    6、 Inventories


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007






    for declines






    for declines


    Real estate development


    products 429,136,074.84 1,350,000.00 270,541,384.78 --


    Real estate


    developing products 534,095,339.64 47,584,499.31 577,953,205.14 47,584,499.31


    Raw materials 1,206,220.38 -- 3,450,958.41 --


    finished products 296,311.43 278,891.91 440,678.84 278,891.91


    low-value consumable


    products 37,339.94 -- 32,883.38 --


    Construction 30,034,359.24 -- 17,919,374.58 --


    994,805,645.47 49,213,391.22 870,338,485.13 47,863,391.2283


    (1) Real estate development products




    time (year)


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December




    Jinyedao villa 1 1996 3,141,098.72 -- -- 3,141,098.72








    1997 36,584,904.93 -- 253,778.28 36,331,126.65


    Jinyedao villa 6 2007 55,717,653.52 -- 12,694,826.46 43,022,827.06


    Jinyedao villa 7 2007 46,660,076.85 -- 28,235,149.97 18,424,926.88


    Jinyedao villa 8 2007 80,757,916.17 -- 61,267,038.50 19,490,877.67


    Jinyedao villa 11 2008 -- 297,116,369.53 34,566,445.16 262,549,924.37


    Huang Pu 1 1994 1,979,320.92 1,230,235.20 3,088,272.24 121,283.88


    Huang Pu 2 2007 28,479,378.24 -- 15,897,506.41 12,581,871.83


    Huamin Building 2,912,786.08 107,810.60 -- 3,020,596.68


    Huafeng Building 2000 1,631,743.64 -- -- 1,631,743.64


    Xinhu Garden






    516,210.59 -- 134,218.39 381,992.20


    Xinhu Garden 8 2005 10,633,511.17 -- 644,721.96 9,988,789.21


    Xinhu Garden 3 2008 -- 30,729,629.75 13,807,397.65 16,922,232.10


    Ri Yuege 854,963.28 -- -- 854,963.28


    Beijing Fresh Peak




    671,820.67 -- -- 671,820.67


    270,541,384.78 329,184,045.08 170,589,355.02 429,136,074.84


    (2)Real estate developing products


    Starting time










    31 December




    31 December




    Dongle Garden 128,932,800.58 128,932,800.58


    Xinhu Garden 3 2006 2008 14,288,103.95 --


    Jin yedao 9 2008 2009 21,860,253.22 47,546,989.99


    Jin yedao 10 2008 2009 64,937,484.29 69,666,035.43


    Jin yedao 11 2007 2008 118,165,416.03 --


    Shantou Jinhulu 2008 -- 53,538,914.00




    mingyuan 2007 208,605,091.02 213,326,543.59


    Shantou fresh


    peak Building 21,084,056.05 21,084,056.05


    Haiyan Car Park


    restrictions 80,000.00 --


    577,953,205.14 534,095,339.6484


    (3)Provision for declines in the value of inventories


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December




    finished products 278,891.91 -- -- 278,891.91


    Longfeng Villa 47,584,499.31 -- -- 47,584,499.31


    Huamin Building -- 1,350,000.00 -- 1,350,000.00


    47,863,391.22 1,350,000.00 -- 49,213,391.22


    Development cost, the Jinyedao 10 period of land use rights for the book value of


    61,548,064.64 yuan has been used in the company’s borrowing deposit. Mortgages until July


    30, 2010.


    The amount of capitalize borrowing money is RMB 10,481,274.23 (year 2007: RMB




    7、 Long-term equity investments


    31 December 2008








    Net value


    Joint venture investment 91,678,556.86 62,236,756.27 29,441,800.59


    Associate investment 58,297,430.97 2,522,380.20 55,775,050.77


    Other equity investment 186,256,480.74 178,642,972.78 7,613,507.96


    336,232,468.57 243,402,109.25 92,830,359.32


    31 December 2007








    Net value


    Joint venture investment 91,678,556.86 62,236,756.27 29,441,800.59


    Associate investment 59,058,940.66 2,522,380.20 56,536,560.46


    Other equity investment 178,642,972.78 178,642,972.78 --


    329,380,470.30 243,402,109.25 85,978,361.058 5


    (1)According to equity method


    Name of investees




    of the










    31 Dec 2007








    in this year






    in this year








    to be












    decreased in


    this year


    31 Dec 2008






    1 、joint venture




    Guangdong province


    Huizhou Luofu Hill


    mineral water Co.,Ltd




    9,969,206.09 9,969,206.09 -- -- -- -- 9,969,206.09 9,969,206.09


    Fengkai Xinhua Hotel




    9,455,465.38 9,455,465.38 -- -- -- -- 9,455,465.38 9,455,465.38


    Jiangmen Xinjian Real


    Estate Co. Ltd.




    9,037,070.89 9,037,070.89 -- -- -- -- 9,037,070.89 912,537.16


    Xian Fresh Peak


    Building Co. Ltd.




    32,840,729.61 32,840,729.61 -- -- -- -- 32,840,729.61 20,673,831.77


    Tung Yick Property


    Co., Ltd.




    30,376,084.89 30,376,084.89 -- -- -- -- 30,376,084.89 21,225,715.87


    91,678,556.86 91,678,556.86 -- -- -- -- 91,678,556.86 62,236,756.27


    2 、Associate




    Shenzhen Shatoujiao


    Nantian Store




    2,850,618.06 2,850,618.06 -- -251,532.40 -- -251,532.40 2,599,085.66 --


    Shenzhen Runhua


    automobile trading






    1,445,425.56 1,445,425.56 -- -- -- -- 1,445,425.56 1,445,425.56


    Zhaoqing Guifeng


    cement Co.,Ltd




    15,112,000.00 15,112,000.00 -- -611,088.97 -- -611,088.97 14,500,911.03 --


    Kunshan Diao Feng


    Electricity Power Co.






    32,471,239.25 32,471,239.25 -- -- -- -- 32,471,239.25 --8 6


    Name of investees




    of the










    31 Dec 2007








    in this year






    in this year








    to be












    decreased in


    this year


    31 Dec 2008






    Shenzhen Dongfang


    New world store






    15,000,000.00 -- -- -- -- -15,000,000.00 -- --


    Shenzhen City Wing


    Wah Engineering Ltd.




    1,250,000.00 1,715,417.05 -- 101,111.68 -- 566,528.73 1,816,528.73 1,076,954.64


    Shenzhen Fresh Peak


    property consultant






    600,000.00 -- -- -- -- -600,000.00 -- --


    Yunnan Kun Peng


    Aviation Service Ltd.


    25% 5,464,240.74 5,464,240.74 -- -- -- -- 5,464,240.74 --


    74,193,523.61 59,058,940.66 -- -761,509.69 -- -15,896,092.64 58,297,430.97 2,522,380.20


    165,872,080.47 150,737,497.52 -- -761,509.69 -- -15,896,092.64 149,975,987.83 64,759,136.47


    (2)According to cost method.


    Name of investees




    of the










    31 December








    sed in this year


    31 December








    1、Other investments:


    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial


    Development Co., Ltd


    100% 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 -- 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00


    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan


    Enterprise Ltd.


    68% 12,940,900.00 12,940,900.00 -- 12,940,900.00 12,940,900.00


    Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated


    Service Co., Ltd.


    100% 5,958,305.26 5,958,305.26 -- 5,958,305.26 5,958,305.26


    Paklid Limited 100% 201,100.00 201,100.00 -- 201,100.00 201,100.00


    Bekaton Property Limited 60% 906,630.00 906,630.00 -- 906,630.00 906,630.008 7


    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated


    Service Co., Ltd.


    100% 8,180,003.63 8,180,003.63 -- 8,180,003.63 8,180,003.63


    Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd. 100% 18,500,000.00 18,500,000.00 -- 18,500,000.00 18,500,000.00


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction


    and Decoration Materials Ltd.


    100% 2,680,000.00 2,680,000.00 -- 2,680,000.00 2,680,000.00


    Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store


    Co. Ltd.


    100% 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 -- 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00


    Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd *2 70% 14,000,000.00 -- 7,613,507.96 7,613,507.96 --


    Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng


    Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


    90% 121,265,000.00 56,228,381.64 -- 56,228,381.64 56,228,381.64


    Shantou Fresh Peak Building 68,731,560.43 58,547,652.25 -- 58,547,652.25 58,547,652.25


    267,863,499.32 178,642,972.78 7,613,507.96 186,256,480.74 178,642,972.7888


    *1 Kunshan Diao Feng Electricity Power Co. Ltd.


    On 14 October 2008, Kunshan Diao Feng Electricity Power Co. Ltd. held board meeting.


    The Board decided that 30 June 2009 is the date for the dissolution of the company and


    in accordance with the liquidation procedures.


    *2 Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd


    On 12 May 2008, Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd held a meeting of shareholders,


    resolution of business termination, cancellation, and the composition of the liquidation


    group to carry out the liquidation, the liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on


    5 December 2008. In accordance with "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.


    33 - Consolidated Financial Statements", the company is not included in the Company's


    consolidated financial statements of the scope of the merger. Increase investment of


    7,613,507.96 of above, it is invested by Japanese company on 31 December 2008.


    (3)Impairment Provision for Long-term equity investment are as follows:


    Current year




    Name of investees Opening balance














    Closing balance


    Shenzhen City Wing Wah Engineering Ltd. 1,076,954.64 -- -- -- 1,076,954.64


    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd 4,500,000.00 -- -- -- 4,500,000.00


    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd. 12,940,900.00 -- -- -- 12,940,900.00


    Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd. 5,958,305.26 -- -- -- 5,958,305.26


    Paklid Limited 201,100.00 -- -- -- 201,100.00


    Bekaton Property Limited 906,630.00 -- -- -- 906,630.00


    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd. 8,180,003.63 -- -- -- 8,180,003.63


    Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd. 18,500,000.00 -- -- -- 18,500,000.00


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration


    Materials Ltd.


    2,680,000.00 -- -- -- 2,680,000.00


    Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd. 10,000,000.00 -- -- -- 10,000,000.00


    Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement


    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


    56,228,381.64 -- -- -- 56,228,381.64


    Shenzhen Runhua automobile trading Co.,Ltd 1,445,425.56 -- -- -- 1,445,425.56


    Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water




    9,969,206.09 -- -- -- 9,969,206.09


    Fengkai Xinhua hotel 9,455,465.38 -- -- -- 9,455,465.38


    Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd. 912,537.16 -- -- -- 912,537.16


    Xian Fresh Peak Property Management & Trading Co. Ltd. 20,673,831.77 -- -- -- 20,673,831.77


    Tung Yick Property Co., Ltd. 21,225,715.87 -- -- -- 21,225,715.87


    Shantou Fresh Peak Building 58,547,652.25 -- -- -- 58,547,652.25


    243,402,109.25 -- -- -- 243,402,109.2589


    8、 Investment Property


    If the cost measurement model is applied


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December




    Original cost


    Buildings 961,678,279.84 -- -- 961,678,279.84


    Right to the use of land 112,820,364.88 -- 7,395,479.34 105,424,885.54


    Sub-total 1,074,498,644.72 -- 7,395,479.34 1,067,103,165.38


    Accumulated depreciation


    Buildings 217,106,811.97 29,160,306.35 -- 246,267,118.32


    Right to the use of land -- -- -- --


    Sub-total 217,106,811.97 29,160,306.35 -- 246,267,118.32


    Investment property


    provision for


    impairment losses


    Buildings 15,283,846.00 -- -- 15,283,846.00


    Right to the use of land 92,596,937.72 -- 6,069,814.98 86,527,122.74


    Sub-total 107,880,783.72 -- 6,069,814.98 101,810,968.74


    Investment property


    on book value


    Buildings 729,287,621.87 700,127,315.52


    Right to the use of land 20,223,427.16 18,897,762.80


    Sub-total 749,511,049.03 719,025,078.32


    Original cost and impairment of reducing this year, because of exchange rate


    fluctuations when converted foreign currency.


    For investment of real estate, company borrowing short-term and long-term borrowings


    (including due within one year of the long-term loan) book value of the collateral is


    358,144,423.64 yuan (see note 7、14).


    9、 Fixed assets and Accumulated depreciation


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December






    Buildings 118,990,582.37 -- 1,872,689.81 117,117,892.56


    Transport equipment 21,850,576.12 1,189,857.00 1,968,910.93 21,071,522.19


    Electronic equipment and others 16,682,128.54 1,396,899.21 2,335,022.40 15,744,005.35


    157,523,287.03 2,586,756.21 6,176,623.14 153,933,420.1090


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December




    Accumulated depreciation


    Buildings 52,902,396.69 4,164,715.09 1,244,054.63 55,823,057.15


    Transport equipment 14,514,535.08 1,523,267.14 1,763,053.78 14,274,748.44


    electronic equipment and others 13,650,176.01 894,977.67 1,735,751.58 12,809,402.10


    81,067,107.78 6,582,959.90 4,742,859.99 82,907,207.69


    Net book value 76,456,179.25 71,026,212.41


    less:Provision for


    impairment loss 131,727.96 131,727.96


    Net amount 76,324,451.29 70,894,484.45


    In buildings of fixed assets, there is 33,040,094.55 yuan book value of the houses and


    buildings has been used in the Company's short-term borrowings, long-term borrowings


    (including due within one year of long-term borrowing) mortgage(see note7、14).


    10、 Intangible assets


    Manners Original cost








    Current year












    Current year














    Software outsourcing 286,200.00 -- 286,200.00 --




    -- -- 286,200.00


    Taxi license outsourcing 6,368,000.00 6,312,140.00 -- -- 167,580.00 223,440.00 6,144,560.00


    6,654,200.00 6,312,140.00 286,200.00 -- 167,580.00 223,440.00 6,430,760.00


    less:Provision for


    impairment loss -- --


    Net amount 6,312,140.00 6,430,760.00


    11、 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses


    Original cost


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year








    31 December




    Decoration costs 1,808,640.24 825,350.08 -- 298,003.18 1,281,293.34 527,346.90


    1,808,640.24 825,350.08 -- 298,003.18 1,281,293.34 527,346.90


    12、 Deferred tax assets


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Inventories Impairment provision 9,516,899.86 7,137,674.90


    Employee benefits payable 647,628.85 764,827.91


    Unused operating losses against tax 8,315,460.11 14,527,142.45


    18,479,988.82 22,429,645.2691


    Deferred income tax assets recognized: the next period is likely to get used to offset the


    temporary differences can be offset taxable income amount, to confirm the


    above-mentioned deferred income tax assets. Because of the Company and some


    subsidiaries are unlikely to receive future taxable profits that can be used to offset the


    loss, the Company has not recognized the 92,351,954.66 yuan of deferred income tax


    assets to offset the cumulative loss .


    13、 Impairment provision of assets


    Current year reductions


    31 December
















    31 December




    Provision for bad debts *1 210,561,995.27 -- 11,992,989.63 1,072,982.81 197,496,022.83


    Inventories impairment


    provision *2 47,863,391.22




    -- -- 49,213,391.22


    Long-term equity investment


    impairment provision *3 243,402,109.25


    -- --


    -- 243,402,109.25


    Investment property


    impairment provision *4 107,880,783.72


    -- -- 6,069,814.98




    Fixed assets impairment


    provision 131,727.96


    -- --


    -- 131,727.96


    609,840,007.42 1,350,000.00 11,992,989.63 7,142,797.79 592,054,220.00


    * Provision of bad debts was mainly due to the Company one debtor has been liquidated


    this year. The company will claim the money and the corresponding preparation for


    reseller deal with bad debts. Decreasing in provision of bad debts was mainly due to the


    Shenzhen Investment Ltd, Cyberport this year not included in the scope of consolidation


    statement. Provision of investment impairment loss in real estate this year; prepare the


    other reduced, mainly because of foreign currency when converted.


    14、 Restrictions on the ownership of assets


    Items Book value on 31 December 2007


    Cash at bank Other currencies 29,401,650.67


    Inventories(work in




    Land rights of Jinyedao 61,548,064.64


    Investment property Shengfang square 268,239,931.31


    Investment property Floor 2 of guoshan north building 81,929,380.03


    Investment property Real estate Building 7,975,112.31


    Fixed assets Floor 46 of Shengfang Building 33,040,094.55




    The above-mentioned restrictions on ownership of assets, both for the Company’s


    short-term borrowing and long-term borrowings (including due within one year of the


    long-term loan) mortgage.


    15、 Short-term borrowings


    Borrowing conditions 31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Mortgage borrowings* 59,200,000.00 47,000,000.00


    59,200,000.00 47,000,000.00


    * The mortgage details see note 7. 14.


    16、 Accounts payable


    (1)Accounts payable balance at the end, the Group did not less holding company 5%


    (including 5%) over the right to vote, shareholders of the funds unit.


    (2)Accounts payable balance at the end of non-affiliated companies to meet payments.


    17、 Advances from customers


    (1)Advance payment balance at the end, the Group did not less holding company 5%


    (including 5%) over the right to vote, shareholders of the funds unit;


    (2)At the end of the balance of accounts in advance to deal with non-affiliated


    companies money;


    (3)Accounts in advance of this year is 37.13% less than the previous year. Mainly due to a


    decrease in advance real estate receipts.


    On December 31, 2008, the Company accounts in advance of paying back the principal


    in advance details:


    Project names Opening balance Closing balance Completion time aging


    Guangzhou H


    Huangpu yuan


    20,288,013.52 -- Completion


    Jinyedao villa 6 20,053,064.00 -- Completion


    Jinyedao villa 7 34,434,918.00 5,136,334.00 Completion Within1year


    Jinyedao villa 8 91,121,134.00 5,136,334.00 Completion Within1year


    Jinyedao villa 11 -- 74,520,189.83 Completion Within1year


    165,897,129.52 84,792,857.8393


    18、 Employee benefits payable


    31 December




    Current year




    Current year




    31 December




    Wages and salaries,


    bonuses, allowances and




    19,576,031.33 72,894,613.68 75,237,186.35 17,233,458.66


    Staff welfare -- 2,593,933.19 2,593,933.19 --


    Social security contributions 5,631,601.55 10,050,994.69 13,822,559.40 1,860,036.84


    Labor union and employee


    education funds


    519,602.68 1,354,372.96 1,073,746.99 800,228.65


    Compensation to employees


    for termination of


    employment relationship


    5,731,091.06 32,000.00 500,101.00 5,262,990.06


    Others 499,056.13 3,315,678.29 3,769,216.29 45,518.13


    31,957,382.75 90,241,592.81 96,996,743.22 25,202,232.34


    19、 Taxes payable


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Value added tax (“VAT”) -2,818,856.76 -3,866,883.58


    Business tax -1,616,946.70 2,432,137.35


    Construction tax -220,035.78 -70,405.32


    Education surcharge -91,896.23 277,972.99


    Embankment 10,927.15 69,911.04


    Real estate tax 2,081,659.05 1,896,744.04


    Increment tax on


    land value


    4,170,141.46 -1,092,935.93


    Income tax 267,821.39 -3,286,758.31


    Personal income tax 469,019.54 597,249.52


    others 96.78 1,311.19


    2,251,929.90 -3,041,657.01


    Taxes payable has a substantial increase over the previous year. Mainly due to


    Guangzhou Huangpu Yayuan project has been initially completed and the clearing of


    land value-added tax, resulting in the increase in land value-added tax.


    20、 Interests payable


    Company name 31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Shenzhen Investment


    Shareholding Co.,Ltd


    7,888,053.54 2,901,306.85


    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd is the holding company. The items of borrowing to see


    note7, 21. The unpaid interest balance is the second half year of 2007 and the interest during


    the year2008, as detailed in note 9,(3).3.94


    21、 Other payables


    ( 1 ) In other accounts payable balance at the end, owe the Company holds 5%


    (including 5%) over the right to vote, shareholders funds units are as follows:


    Shareholder company




    31 December 2008


    31 December 2007 Nature


    Shenzhen Investment


    Shareholding Co.,Ltd 63,848,819.24 83,848,819.24 Borrowing


    (2)Other accounts payable balance at the end of the money owed to related parties see


    note 9, (3) .4.


    22、 Long-term borrowings


    Borrowing conditions 31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Mortgage borrowings 340,804,785.54 367,494,457.32


    Total 340,804,785.54 367,494,457.32


    Including.:non-current liability


    due in one year


    10,461,764.71 25,280,129.52


    long term borrowings 330,343,020.83 342,214,327.80


    The ending balance of borrowings is as follows according to the enterprises’ names.


    31 December




    Name of borrowing enterprises








    Maturity Date


    Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank 201,000,000.00 Mortgage 2010.06.21


    Shenzhen Nanyang Commercial Bank 53,004,785.54 Mortgage 2017.05.29


    China Commercial Bank in Shenzhen 9,400,000.00 Mortgage 2010.06.13


    China Commercial Bank in Shenzhen 17,400,000.00 Mortgage 2010.7.10


    Bank of Communication in Shantou 60,000,000.00 Mortgage 2010.7.30




    *1Details of mortgage borrowings for particulars see note7、14.


    23、 Long-term payables


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Maintenance fund 7,490,170.24 9,172,161.05


    24、 Accrued liabilities


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Loss from lawsuit 2,196,714.08 --


    For the detail of lawsuit see 14(4)95


    25、 Share capital


    31 December 2007


    Current year




    Current year




    31 December 2008


    1、Shares with restriction on disposals


    1)、State-owned shares 622,273,800 -- 50,583,000 571,690,800


    2)、PRC legal person shares -- -- -- --


    3)、PRC legal nature person shares -- -- -- --


    4)、Others 5,550 -- 5,550 --


    Total of shares with restriction on




    622,279,350 -- 50,588,550 571,690,800


    2、Shares without restriction on




    1)、Domestically listed PRC public




    269,380,650 50,588,550 -- 319,969,200


    2)、Domestically listed foreign shares 120,000,000 -- -- 120,000,000


    3)、Overseas listed foreign shares -- -- -- --


    4)、Others -- -- -- --


    Total of shares without restriction on




    389,380,650 50,588,550 -- 439,969,200


    3、Total 1,011,660,000 1,011,660,000


    Change this year, increase or decrease in equity is accordance with the Company's share reform


    program. The only non-circulation of the Company shares of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.


    held by the conditions of limited access to the shares listed part.


    26、 Capital surplus


    Opening balance


    Current year




    Current year




    Closing balance


    Capital premium 557,433,036.93 -- -- 557,433,036.93


    Other capital surplus 420,811,821.17 -- -- 420,811,821.17


    978,244,858.10 -- -- 978,244,858.10


    27、 Surplus reserve


    31 December 2007


    Current year




    Current year


    reductions 31 December 2008


    Reserve fund 118,910,686.94 -- -- 118,910,686.94


    28、 Profit distribution


    2008 2007


    Net profit for parent company’s shareholders 19,123,787.11 39,007,992.54


    add:Undistributed profit at beginning of year -934,635,245.38 -973,643,237.92


    less:Profit distribution -- --


    Including.:withdrawal legal surplus -- --


    withdrawal free surplus reserves -- --


    Undistributed profit at ending of year -915,511,458.27 -934,635,245.3896


    29、 Minority Interest and profit or loss


    Name of investees


    Proportion of minority




    31 December




    31 December 2007


    Fresh Peak Investment Ltd . 45% -10,995,584.63 -10,733,643.11


    Barenie Co. Ltd. 20% -2,027,387.46 -1,920,929.04


    Shenzhen Cyber Port






    -- 4,050,346.85


    Shenzhen City Wa Gen




    Management Ltd.


    25% 1,861,471.69 1,829,483.58


    -11,161,500.40 -6,774,741.72


    * Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd is not included in the scope of the combined


    statements this year (see note 6, (3)).


    30、 Revenue and cost of sales


    Revenue from Revenue Cost Gross profit


    main operations 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007


    Sales of


    properties 318,341,233.41 510,543,751.94 156,884,141.75 342,581,402.58 161,457,091.66 167,962,349.36


    Construction 198,643,152.28 168,119,414.61 189,063,593.50 156,567,107.62 9,579,558.78 11,552,306.99


    Business 68,156,645.38 53,462,110.04 34,783,068.61 36,504,754.95 33,373,576.77 16,957,355.09


    Leasing and






    90,591,169.68 82,346,479.41 74,760,638.91 67,086,498.17 15,830,530.77 15,259,981.24


    Hotel and others




    30,273,123.66 30,655,770.44 17,658,843.94 18,901,274.60 12,614,279.72 11,754,495.84


    706,005,324.41 845,127,526.44 473,150,286.71 621,641,037.92 232,855,037.70 223,486,488.52


    (1) The sales of top five:


    2008 2007


    Sales (in ten th


    ousand Yuan)


    Proportion of


    the company’s


    total sales


    Sales (in ten


    thousand Yuan)


    Proportion of the


    company’s total sales


    Total sales of top five 8,486 12.02% 5,064 5.99%


    (2) main operations by geographical segments as follows:


    Revenue Cost Gross profit


    2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007




    Guangdong province 704,312,668.41 843,585,909.43 471,333,454.43 619,793,339.53 232,979,213.98 



    Overseas: 1,692,656.00 1,541,617.01 1,816,832.28 1,847,698.39 -124,176.28 -306,081.38


    706,005,324.41 845,127,526.44 473,150,286.71 621,641,037.92 232,855,037.70 223,486,488.5297


    31、 Tax and levies on operations


    2008 2007


    Business tax 34,066,890.14 40,560,987.12


    City maintenance and construction tax 294,453.17 362,286.05


    Educational surcharge 570,478.34 870,312.81


    Real estate tax 7,597,837.35 6,409,368.10


    Increment tax on land value 29,800,780.19 16,869,744.90


    others 554,758.48 456,093.61


    72,885,197.67 65,528,792.59


    32、 Finance expenses


    2008 2007


    Interest expenses 37,691,766.29 42,036,666.93


    Less:expenses of capitalization interest 10,481,274.23 25,566,161.56


    Less: interest income 4,222,677.14 4,920,817.96


    Exchange losses 5,786,273.36 41,658,689.44


    Less: exchange gains 129,580.24 74,905.46


    Others 866,291.09 258,135.05


    29,510,799.13 53,391,606.44


    The substantial decrease is mainly due to the decrease in exchange currency losses.


    33、 Assets impairment losses


    2008 2007


    Reverse Impairment losses for inventories 1,350,000.00 --


    34、 Investment income


    2008 2007


    Sale income from financial assets held for trading 50,360.46 101,321.93


    Long-term equity investment income 2,720,228.96 28,370,955.88


    including:dividends income from investees 5,080,720.23 985,946.73


    Income from disposal of subsidiaries -- 11,019,009.15


    Income from disposal of other operational units -- 16,366,000.00


    Change in net profit of investees according to


    equity method.


    -2,360,491.27 --


    2,770,589.42 28,472,277.81


    Long-term investment income this year, decreased significantly over the previous year.


    Mainly due to the gain on disposal of Shenyang Tongxin Real Estate Development Co.,


    Ltd. and Shenzhen Railway Logistics Co Ltd shares 11,019,009.15 yuan, 16,366,000.0098


    yuan investment income respectively.


    35、 Non-operating income


    2008 2007


    1、Total gain on disposal of non current assets 3,132,015.82 94,170.00


    including:Gain on disposal of fixed assets 3,132,015.82 94,170.00


    2、Fine income -- 66,360.09


    3、Penalty income -- 2,233,288.00


    4、Others 68,056.46 47,738.39


    3,200,072.28 2,441,556.48


    36、 Non-operating expenses


    2008 2007


    1、Total losses on disposal of non current assets 83,755.93 113,850.02


    including:Loss on disposal of fixed assets 83,755.93 113,850.02


    2、Fine expenses 5,871.72 2,727,368.63


    3、Donation expenses 562,636.95 218,000.00


    4、Penalty expenses 6,785,703.66 918,156.31


    5、Others 146,373.93 100,683.37


    7,584,342.19 4,078,058.33


    37、 Income tax expenses


    2008 2007


    Current year income tax expenses 17,928,912.10 3,460,653.51


    Deferred income tax expenses 3,949,656.44 9,264,644.01


    21,878,568.54 12,725,297.52


    38、 Earning per share


    Calculation process of EPS


    2008 2007


    Net profit attributable to equity holders of the




    19,123,787.11 39,007,992.54


    Weighted average number of ordinary shares




    1,011,660,000 1,011,660,000


    Basic earnings per share(per share RMB yuan) 0.0189 0.0386


    Earnings per share - diluted(per share RMB yuan) 0.0189 0.0386


    39、 Cash flow statements


    (1)Cash received from operating activities99


    2008 2007


    interest income 4,222,677.14 4,920,817.96


    Mortgage、Guarantee 2,418,644.77 4,094,725.16


    Other debits 16,410,500.52 14,136,400.00


    Maintenance fund 1,278,150.16 3,756,612.39


    Others switch to cash at bank 463,533.22 2,119,773.71


    Others 2,275,977.64 2,898,124.55


    27,069,483.45 31,926,453.77


    (2)Cash paid for other operating activities


    2008 2007


    Cash paid to General and


    administrative expenses 35,270,916.16 30,696,161.22


    Cash paid to operating expenses 7,012,640.95 5,898,497.30


    Mortgage and Guarantee 1,619,530.09 3,274,198.32


    Other credits 21,388,870.52 18,485,443.60


    Others 4,801,100.21 5,014,514.50


    70,093,057.93 63,368,814.94


    (3)Cash paid for other investing activities


    2008 2007


    Cost of shares disposal of Bafangtong








    (4)Cash and cash equivalents


    2008 2007


    1、Cash 299,011,742.90 422,049,961.88


    including:Cash on hand 382,537.85 824,216.96


    the bank deposits for available




    298,629,205.05 421,225,744.92


    2、Cash equivalents -- --


    3、Cash and cash equivalent at end of year 299,011,742.90 422,049,961.88


    The differences between cash and cash equivalents, and the one at the end of monetary


    balance, mainly because of the existence of notes7, 14.


    (5)Cash flow statement(continued)10 0


    Supplementary information 2008 2007


    1、Reconciliation from the net profit to the cash flows


    from operating activities


    Net profit 19,155,775.22 38,933,632.24


    Add:Provisions for assets impairment


    1,350,000.00 --


    Depreciation of fixed assets and


    investment property






    Amortization of intangible assets 167,580.00 59,806.60


    Long-term deferred and prepaid


    expenses amortization






    Losses on disposal of fixed assets,


    intangible assets and other long-term


    assets(gains used“-”)






    Scrapping of fixed assets losses


    (gains used“-”)






    Exchange of fair value losses(gains used“-”) 456,411.50 -342,635.00


    Finance expenses (gains used“-”) 30,483,564.39 58,054,289.35


    Investment losses(gains used“-”) -2,770,589.42 -28,472,277.81


    Decrease in deferred tax assets(gains used“-”) 3,949,656.44 9,264,644.01


    Increase in deferred tax liabilities


    (gains used“-”)






    Decrease in inventories(gains used“-”) -124,467,160.34 -172,243,837.43


    Decrease in operating receivables


    (gains used“-”)






    Increase in operating payables(gains used“-”) -39,010,464.12 -225,278,369.49


    Others 463,533.22 2,119,773.71


    Net cash flows from operating activities -82,529,495.72 -50,781,796.43


    2、Investment and financing activities not involving cash -- --


    3、Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents


    Cash at end of the year 299,011,742.90 422,049,961.88


    Less: cash at beginning of the year 422,049,961.88 439,499,740.58


    Add:cash equivalents at end of the year -- --


    Less: cash equivalents at beginning of the year -- --


    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -123,038,218.98 -17,449,778.7010 1


    NOTE 8、Notes to the parent company financial statements


    1、 Accounts receivable


    Aging analysis


    31 December 2008


    31 December 2007










    Provision for


    bad debts








    Provision for


    bad debts


    Within 1 year 65,745.71 0.47 -- 278,938.00 1.82 --


    1 to 2 years 183,200.39 1.30 -- -- -- --


    2 to 3 years -- -- -- 4,333,055.00 28.26 --


    Over 3 year 13,807,219.42 98.23 6,457,254.02 10,723,068.68 69.92 6,457,254.02


    14,056,165.52 100.00 6,457,254.02 15,335,061.68 100.00 6,457,254.02


    2、 Other receivables


    Aging analysis


    31 December 2008


    31 December 2007










    Provision for


    bad debts








    Provision for


    bad debts


    Within 1 year 64,567,287.58 4.39 -- 226,370,886.99 15.50 --


    1 to 2 years 209,294,808.32 14.23 -- 154,315,379.41 10.56 4,001,634.89


    2 to 3 years 154,786,735.85 10.53 4,001,634.89 71,859,551.18 4.92 28,201,360.84


    Over 3 year 1,041,756,363.78 70.85 859,191,545.13 1,008,094,897.69 69.02 830,990,184.29


    1,470,405,195.53 100.00 863,193,180.02 1,460,640,715.27 100.00 863,193,180.02


    3、 Inventories


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007




    Provision for






    Provision for




    Real estate development


    products 53,691,639.07 1,350,000.00






    Construction development


    products 128,932,800.58 --






    182,624,439.65 1,350,000.00




    --10 2


    4、 Long-term equity investments


    (1) Long-term equity investments


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007








    Net value Amount




    provision Net value


    Subsidiaries investment 272,668,771.15 -- 272,668,771.15 291,983,046.15 -- 291,983,046.15


    joint venture investment 19,424,671.47 19,424,671.47 -- 19,424,671.47 19,424,671.47 --


    associate investment 20,361,950.98 2,522,380.20 17,839,570.78 21,123,460.67 2,522,380.20 18,601,080.47


    other equity investment 134,315,609.56 121,914,591.14 12,401,018.42 121,914,591.14 121,914,591.14 --


    446,771,003.16 143,861,642.81 302,909,360.35 454,445,769.43 143,861,642.81 310,584,126.6210 3


    (2) According to equity method


    Name of investees


    proportion of


    the investment








    31 December










    this year




    adjustment in


    this year






    declared to be




    Equity method








    31 December








    1、joint venture investment:


    Guangdong province Huizhou


    Luofu Hill mineral water






    9,969,206.09 9,969,206.09 -- -- -- -- 9,969,206.09 9,969,206.09


    Fengkai Xinhua Hotel




    9,455,465.38 9,455,465.38 -- -- -- -- 9,455,465.38 9,455,465.38


    19,424,671.47 19,424,671.47 -- -- -- -- 19,424,671.47 19,424,671.47


    2、associate investment:


    Shenzhen Shatoujiao


    Nantian Store




    2,850,618.06 2,850,618.06 -- -251,532.40 -- -251,532.40 2,599,085.66 --


    Shenzhen Runhua automobile


    trading Co.,Ltd




    1,445,425.56 1,445,425.56 -- -- -- -- 1,445,425.56 1,445,425.56


    Zhaoqing guifeng cement






    15,112,000.00 15,112,000.00 -- -611,088.97 -- -611,088.97 14,500,911.03 --


    Shenzhen Dongfang New


    world store Co.,Ltd




    15,000,000.00 -- -- -- -- -15,000,000.00 -- --


    Shenzhen City Wing Wah


    Engineering Ltd.




    1,250,000.00 1,715,417.05 -- 101,111.68 -- 566,528.73 1,816,528.73 1,076,954.64


    Shenzhen Fresh Peak


    property consultant Co.,Ltd




    600,000.00 -- -- -- -- -600,000.00 -- --


    46,758,043.62 21,123,460.67 -- -761,509.69 -- -15,896,092.64 20,361,950.98 2,522,380.20


    66,182,715.09 40,548,132.14 -- -761,509.69 -- -15,896,092.64 39,786,622.45 21,947,051.6710 4


    (3) According to cost method


    Name of investees




    of the




    Initial investment


    amount 31 December








    decreased in


    this year


    31 December


    2008 Impairment




    1、Subsidiaries investment:


    Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd. 95 12,821,791.52 12,821,791.52




    12,821,791.52 --


    Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd. 68.10 20,605,047.50 20,605,047.50




    20,605,047.50 --


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd. 90 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00




    9,000,000.00 --


    Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd. 100 556,500.00 556,500.00




    556,500.00 --


    Fresh Peak Enterprise Ltd. 100 20,824,545.77 21,717,697.73 -- 21,717,697.73 --


    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group)


    Guangzhou Property and Estate Co., Ltd.


    100 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 -- 20,000,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd. 73 11,332,321.45 11,332,321.45 -- 11,332,321.45 --


    Great Wall Estate Co., Inc. 70 1,435,802.00 1,435,802.00 -- 1,435,802.00 --


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd. 95 4,750,000.00 4,750,000.00 -- 4,750,000.00 --


    Shenzhen City Wa Gen Construction Management Ltd. 75 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 -- 6,000,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Shengfang Car rental Ltd. 55 11,809,500.00 11,809,500.00 -5,314,275.00 6,495,225.00 --


    Openice Ltd. 20 212,280.00 212,280.00 -- 212,280.00 --


    Beijing SPG Property Management Limited 100 500,000.00 500,000.00 -- 500,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Lain Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd. 95 13,458,217.05 13,458,217.05 -- 13,458,217.05 --


    Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd. 95 30,850,000.00 30,850,000.00 -- 30,850,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Cyber Port Co.,Ltd 70 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 -14,000,000.00 -- --


    Beijing fresh peak property development management


    limited company




    64,183,888.90 64,183,888.90 -- 64,183,888.90 --10 5


    Name of investees




    of the




    Initial investment


    amount 31 December








    decreased in


    this year


    31 December


    2008 Impairment




    Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd. 95% 19,000,000.00 19,000,000.00 -- 19,000,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd. 70% 29,750,000.00 29,750,000.00 -- 29,750,000.00 --


    291,089,894.19 291,983,046.15 -19,314,275.00 272,668,771.15 --


    2、Others investment:


    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd. 100% 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 -- 4,500,000.00 



    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd. 68% 12,940,900.00 12,940,900.00 -- 12,940,900.00 12,940,900.00


    Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd. 100% 5,958,305.26 5,958,305.26 -- 5,958,305.26 



    Paklid Limited 100% 201,100.00 201,100.00 -- 201,100.00 201,100.00


    Bekaton Property Limited 60% 906,630.00 906,630.00 -- 906,630.00 906,630.00


    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd. 100% 8,180,003.63 8,180,003.63 -- 8,180,003.63 



    Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd. 100% 18,500,000.00 18,500,000.00 -- 18,500,000.00 18,500,000.00


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration


    Materials Ltd.


    100% 2,680,000.00 2,680,000.00 -- 2,680,000.00 2,680,000.00


    Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd. 95% 9,500,000.00 9,500,000.00 -- 9,500,000.00 9,500,000.00


    Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd 70% 14,000,000.00 -- 12,401,018.42 12,401,018.42 -


    Shantou Fresh Peak Building 100% 68,731,560.43 58,547,652.25 -- 58,547,652.25 58,547,652.25


    146,098,499.32 121,914,591.14 12,401,018.42 134,315,609.56 121,914,591.14


    437,188,393.51 413,897,637.29 -6,913,256.58 406,984,380.71 121,914,591.1410 6


    (4) impairment Provision of long-term equity investments


    Impairment Provision


    Name of investees


    Opening balance


    Current year




    Current year


    reductions Closing balance


    Provision for




    Shenzhen City Wing Wah Engineering Ltd. 1,076,954.64 -- -- 1,076,954.64 Closed operations


    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd. 4,500,000.00 -- -- 4,500,000.00 Closed operations


    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd. 12,940,900.00 -- -- 12,940,900.00 Closed operations


    Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co.,Ltd. 5,958,305.26 -- -- 5,958,305.26 Closed operations


    Paklid Limited 201,100.00 -- -- 201,100.00 Closed operations


    Bekaton Property Limited 906,630.00 -- -- 906,630.00 Closed operations


    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd. 8,180,003.63 -- -- 8,180,003.63 Closed operations


    Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd. 18,500,000.00 -- -- 18,500,000.00 Closed operations


    Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and


    Decoration Materials Ltd.


    2,680,000.00 -- -- 2,680,000.00


    Closed operations


    Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd. 9,500,000.00 -- -- 9,500,000.00 Closed operations


    and liquidation


    Shenzhen Runhua automobile trading Co.,Ltd 1,445,425.56 -- -- 1,445,425.56 Closed operations


    Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral


    water Co.,Ltd


    9,969,206.09 -- -- 9,969,206.09


    Closed operations


    Fengkai Xinhua Hotel 9,455,465.38 -- -- 9,455,465.38 Closed operations


    Shantou Fresh Peak Building 58,547,652.25 -- -- 58,547,652.25 Closed operations


    143,861,642.81 -- -- 143,861,642.8110 7


    *1. This year reduce is due to the Company transfer 45% of its right to its subsidiary- Shenzhen


    Shenfang Investment Limited.


    * 2. Because of the company's liquidation has been conducted to adjust from the subsidiary to other


    listed investments, the amount difference between the two adjustments is included in the profit and


    loss for this year.


    5、 Revenue and cost of good sold


    Revenue Cost Gross profit


    2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007


    Sales ofproperties


    56,391,974.81 182,933,260.47 19,238,250.46 114,294,772.82 37,153,724.35 68,638,487.65


    Leasing income


    64,426,334.40 49,510,590.69 31,705,163.68 34,166,016.26 32,721,170.72 15,344,574.43


    120,818,309.21 232,443,851.16 50,943,414.14 148,460,789.08 69,874,895.07 83,983,062.08


    Main operations by geographical segment are as follows:


    Revenue Cost Gross profit




    2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007


    Shenzhen 120,818,309.21 232,443,851.16 50,943,414.14 148,460,789.08 69,874,895.07 83,983,062.08


    6、 Investment income


    2008 2007


    Sale income from available-for-sales financial assets 47,026.35 --


    Long-term equity investment income -1,766,492.73 17,089,822.66


    including:Dividends income from investees -- 723,822.66


    Income from disposal of subsidiaries -- 16,366,000.00


    Changes in net profit of investees according to


    equity method


    -1,766,492.73 --


    others -- --


    -1,719,466.38 17,089,822.66


    NOTE 9、Related parties and related party transactions


    ( 1)The standards of related parties recognition


    Party control, joint control or the other to exert a significant impact on the other party, as


    well as two or more than two parties are of the same party control, joint control or


    significant influence, constitutes a related party.10 8


    ( 2)Related party relationships


    1、 Related parties with controlling relationship








    Place of




    Nature of


















    of the








    Shenzhen Investment


    Shareholding Limited










    * RMB 4 billion 56.51% 56.51%


    *Guarantees for Municipal State-owned enterprises; stated-owned shares management


    excluded from the enterprises of direct control by SAC; on assets restructurings of


    controlled enterprises as well as its capital operation. Other businesses authorized by city




    Company that is the ultimate controlling party of the Company under the direct control


    2、 Subsidiaries


    Detail information about subsidiaries for detail see note 6、1 & 2.


    3、 Joint ventures, associates


    Detail information about joint ventures and associates for detail see NOTE 7、7.


    ( 3)Related party transactions


    a) Emoluments






    (in ten thousand Yuan)




    (in ten thousand Yuan)


    Total emoluments for key


    management personnel 356.78 359.66


    Total of top 3 120.00 132.00


    b) Borrowings from related party


    Name 2008 2007


    Shenzhen Investment Shareholding


    Limited Company


    63,848,819.24 83,848,819.24


    c) Interest pay to the related party


    Name 2008 2007


    Shenzhen Investment Shareholding


    Limited Company


    4,986,746.69 4,954,619.2310 9


    *Interest: annual interest of 6.12%, according to the borrowing agreement.


    d) Receivables and Payables of related parties


    31 December 2008 31 December 2007


    Name of related parties




    Provision for


    bad debts




    Provision for


    bad debts


    Other receivables


    Guangdong province Huizhou


    Luofu Hill mineral water Co.,Ltd


    10,465,168.81 10,465,168.81 10,465,168.81 10,465,168.81


    Shenzhen Runhua automobile


    trading Co.,Ltd


    3,072,764.42 3,072,764.42 3,072,764.42 3,072,764.42


    Fidelity Development Limited 89,035,748.07 89,035,748.07 89,035,748.07 89,035,748.07


    Bekaton Property Limited 12,559,290.58 12,559,290.58 12,559,290.58 12,559,290.58


    Paklid Limited 19,205,883.66 19,197,730.76 19,205,883.66 19,197,730.76


    Shenzhen Shenfang Department


    Store Co. Ltd.


    189,179.82 189,179.82 189,179.82 139,693.51


    Shenzhen Real Estate


    Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.


    927,136.22 927,136.22 927,136.22 901,956.22


    Shenzhen City Shenfang


    Construction and Decoration


    Materials Ltd.


    8,327,180.71 8,327,180.71 8,327,180.71 7,064,855.69


    Shenzhen City Wing Wah


    Engineering Ltd.


    1,187,723.46 -- 1,187,723.46 --


    Xi’an Fresh Peak property


    management& Trading Co.,Ltd


    8,419,205.19 -- 8,419,205.19 --






    Shenzhen Fresh Peak property


    consultant Co.,Ltd


    4,272,678.17 -- 4,333,055.00 --


    Other payables


    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate


    Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.


    598,012.16 -- 598,012.16 --


    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial


    Development Co., Ltd


    1,534,854.91 -- 1,534,854.91 --


    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan


    Enterprise Ltd.


    135,853.52 -- 135,853.52 --


    Shenzhen Dongfang New world


    store Co.,Ltd


    902,974.64 -- 902,974.64 --


    Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store




    1,394,704.21 -- 1,394,704.21 --


    Guangdong Province Fengkai


    Lain Feng Cement Manufacturing


    Co., Ltd.


    1,880,577.00 -- 1,880,577.00 --


    Shenzhen Shatoujiao Nantian




    1,200,000.00 -- 1,200,000.00 --


    Shenzhen Cyber Port Co., Ltd


    6,026,357.00 -- -- --11 0


    NOTE 10、Exchange of non-monetary assets


    No disclosures for exchange of non-monetary assets in 2008.


    NOTE 11、Share-based payment


    No Share-based payment contracts.


    NOTE 12、Debt restructurings


    No debt restructurings disclosures this year.


    NOTE 13、Segment reporting




    provide information in main operations reporting


    Real estate and


    real estate














    Hotels and other




    counteract Total


    1、Revenue 406,373,043.81 93,955,234.39 221,950,305.58 29,494,024.07 -45,767,283.44 706,005,324.41


    2、operating expenses 352,480,123.62 90,966,831.58 221,500,641.04 28,039,398.32 -32,400,283.82 



    3、Operating profit(loss) 53,892,920.19 2,988,402.81 449,664.54 1,454,625.75 -13,366,999.62 45,418,613.67


    4、Total assets 3,061,686,236.86 83,999,031.68 71,922,398.35 154,573,924.25 -1,106,524,912.23 



    5、Total liabilities 2,328,133,550.33 79,541,289.95 55,927,525.41 95,202,636.31 -1,490,275,697.45 





    provide information in main operations reporting


    Real estate and


    real estate














    Hotels and other




    counteract Total


    1、Revenue 560,193,019.83 86,164,402.18 173,270,962.61 35,760,689.82 -10,261,548.00 845,127,526.44


    2、operating expenses 512,936,223.98 79,899,919.84 172,633,573.04 34,990,478.22 -8,628,100.25 



    3、Operating profit(loss) 47,256,795.85 6,264,482.34 637,389.57 770,211.60 -1,633,447.75 53,295,431.61


    4、Total assets 3,080,016,595.08 80,989,252.36 50,382,892.95 179,429,852.36 -1,088,093,656.15 



    5、Total liabilities 2,249,276,745.59 81,303,003.04 34,876,918.30 107,175,522.92 -1,351,279,155.54 

1,121,353,034.3111 1


    NOTE 14、Contingencies


    1、 Significant litigation


    (1)Guoxing Building Lawsuit


    On 21 March 1997, the company executed an agreement with Baoxin real Estate


    Development (Shenzhen) Company limited ( called Baoxin below) to sell its share of 68%


    interest in Guoxin Building at a consideration of RMB145,000,000.In addition, The


    company had outstanding accounts of the project 15,000,000 yuan will be paid by Baoxin


    Company. After Baoxing company paid 45,000,000 yuan, 100,000,000 yuan owed money


    and the transfer of the rights and interests of 15,000,000 yuan project is not paid to the


    Company. So the company instituted legal proceedings. After the trial of the Guangdong


    High People’s Court on 28 September 2002, Baoxin should pay the outstanding purchase


    consideration of RMB 98,948,060 yuan and the interests to the company. Upon a second


    sue of the case in 2003, the outcome remained unchanged and in the favor of the company.


    The company has made an agreement with BaoXin on 22 Feb 2008. According to the


    agreement, the company gave up the rights of disposal and arrangement of BaoXin


    Building in LongGang District on the condition of BaoXin has to make a payment RMB


    15,000,000.00 to the company.


    Till 31 December, 2008, the amount of RMB 63,701,645.33 has been called back on the


    case with the execution.


    (2)Xi’an project Lawsuit


    A subsidiary, Fresh Peak Holding limited company (called Fresh Peak below),entered into


    a joint venture agreement with a third party to establish a contractual joint venture,


    Xi’an Fresh Peak Estate Commercial limited company (called Xi’an Fresh Peak Estate


    below) in Xi’an. Its principal activities are the developing and managing of commercial


    buildings in Xi’an. Pursuant to the aforesaid agreement. Fresh Peak Hong Kong Limited


    invested a cashflow as accounted for 84% of the shares, Shangmao Wei Xian


    Xian-commerce enterprises directly under the building to the right to use land investment


    accounted for 16% of the shares. Its main object is to developing Xi’an commerce building.


    The project was launched on 28 November, 1995. Due to the major differences in their


    co-operation in the area of running business, As the co-operation projects between the two


    sides in principle on the major differences, the project forced the lay-off during 2006. In


    following 1997 Xi’an Government compulsively withdraw the Xi'an Fresh Peak investment11 2


    project and the Civic Commercial and Business Committee redirect this mentioned


    company to its subsidiary ---Xi'an Tourism Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the


    "Business Tourism Company"). In addition, the two parties have insulted an lawsuit of


    compensation. 1, one month after the decision entering into force, Business Tourism


    Company has to reimburse Xi'an Fresh Peak RMB36, 620,000 yuan and interest as a


    compensation. Overdue payment or lie over, the obligor party is liable to pay double. The


    Commercial and Business Committee is jointly and severally liable with the mentioned




    While the case up to 31 December, 2008, the company has been paid RMB 11,500,000.00


    with a balance of RMB 21million of the non-authority credit cost and its interest


    non-refund. The case is proceeding and has no actual progress currently.


    Up to 31 December 2008, the written value of long-term investment to Xi’an Fresh Peak


    Company is RMB 32,840,729.61(RMB20, 673,831.77 of the impairment provision), and its


    credit right to claim is RMB8, 419,205.19.


    (3)Luofushan project Lawsuit


    The early years of the Company and Luofu Mountain Corporation Joint Ventures Luofu


    Mountain tourism project, due to Luofu Mountain Corporation did not perform the contract,


    the Company access to the courts. The final judgment on 21 December, 2007 on 6


    January 2008 supported: 1. Luofushan Tourism Co., Ltd. should pay off RMB9.6 million


    yuan to the real estate company of Shenzhen within ten days since the effective day of this


    judgment; 2. Luofushan Tourism Co., Ltd. should pay off the interests of RMB9.6 million


    yuan produced in the actual occupied period according to the interest rate of loan of the


    People’s Bank of China in the same period within ten days since the effective day of this


    judgment, among which, the interest of 4.4 million yuan shall be calculated from 1 May


    1986 till it is liquidated; and the interest of 4.1 million yuan shall be calculated from 1


    February 1988 till it is liquidated; and the rest interest of 1.1 million yuan shall be


    calculated from 15 June 1989 till it is liquidated; RMB8.58 million yuan of paid interest


    shall be deducted from the sum; 3. Luofushan Administration Committee shall undertake


    one third of the debts which Luofushan Tourism is unable to pay; 4. Provided that


    Luofushan Tourism Co. Ltd. and Luofushan Administration Committee fail to fulfill their


    obligations within the designated period of this judgment, the interest of debts within the


    delayed period will be doubled; 5. Luofushan Tourism Co., Ltd. undertakes all the


    litigation fees (RMB167,714 yuan) of the first instance and the second instance, and pays11 3


    them to our company during the duration of payment.


    As at 31 December 2008, company Luo Fu Shan Tourism Corporation's debt balance of


    book value 9600000.00 yuan, Provision for bad debts has been prepared to 4,800,000.00




    (4)Xianluo Yanwo Restaurant Lawsuit


    On 26 March 2003, Shenzhen Xianluo Yanwo Restaurant and the Company entered into rental


    contracts, rental of premises of the Company to operate restaurants Xianluo Yanwo Restaurant.


    Because of the mismanagement, the restaurant was close downed on January 2006. May 2006,


    Shenzhen Xianluo Yanwo Restaurant sue the Company not to the obligations of building owners


    and property managers on the grounds to Shenzhen Luohu District People's Court sued the


    Company for compensation for loss of their business and decoration. On 29 December 2007


    Luohu District, Shenzhen People's Court (2006) Shen Luo Court Min No.3 trial of first instance


    paper of civil judgment No. 808 judged that the Company shall pay the loss of 2,926,714.08 yuan


    for Shenzhen City Siam Bird's Nest restaurant operators and decoration. The Company arrested


    the above judgment and appealed on 26 February 2008 to the Shenzhen Intermediate People's


    Court. As of 31 December 2008, the Shenzhen City Intermediate People's Court has not yet made


    a final judgment on the appeal.


    The Company in accordance with the Shenzhen Luohu District People's Court ruling, after


    deducted the rent and property management fees which owed by Xianluo Yanwo Restaurant , the


    Company is expected that a loss of litigation 2,196,714.08 yuan.


    (5)Shenyang Tongxin Case


    Shenyang Tongxin with Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "


    Shenyang Tongxin Company") is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company in Hong Kong Fresh


    Peak Enterprises Limited (hereinafter referred to as " Fresh Peak Company") established a joint


    venture in Shenyang. The Fresh Peak shares holding ratio of 93.1%. Its main business is to


    develop a Shenyang Fresh Peak Commercial Plaza. Shenyang Tongxin Company was provided


    security by the Company under the 1994 to 2001 in order to borrow between the old to the Bank


    of China Shenyang Shenhe Branch 13,140,000 yuan loans. Shenyang Tongxin Company cannot


    afford to repay the loan after the expiration, Bank of China Shenyang branch suit Shenyang


    Tongxin Company to the Shenyang Municipal Intermediate People's Court. Then with the signed


    loan agreement, borrowings by the Company to 13.5 million yuan in Shenyang Tongxin Company


    to repay the Bank of China Shenyang Shenhe Branch 13.14 million yuan loan and interest. On11 4


    January 25, 2008, according to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration


    Commission South China Branch of the ruling, Shenyang Tongxin shall make a ruling within


    thirty days from the date of repayment of money owed to the Company 14,422,440.22 yuan and


    the corresponding interest. The deadline is December 31, 2008 the case is still ongoing, and the


    Company has not yet received Shenyang Tongxin Company's repayment.


    Matters associated with the case: Shenyang Tongxin Company's 93.1% shares which was held


    by Fresh Peak Company, was auctioned by Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on 22


    January 2006.


    2、 Security for debt


    Up to 31 December 2008, balance of guarantees is as follows:






    (in ten thousand Yuan)


    Internal guarantees in the group RMB 2,800.00


    Guarantees for outstanding


    mortgage RMB 1,080.00


    NOTE 15、Commitments


    Supplementary information:


    1. Non - regular gains and losses


    According to "public offering of securities companies to disclose information


    interpretative bulletin No. 1 - non-recurring gains and losses (2008)", the Company


    non-recurring gains and losses are as follows:


    Item Year 2008 Year 2007


    Non-current assets disposed of profit and loss, including the write-off


    part of provision for asset impairment


    3,048,259.89 27,365,329.13


    Authority approval or non-formally approved document or incidental


    tax revenue return, relief


    - -


    Gains and losses included in the current period of government


    subsidies, but the company is closely related to normal business, in


    line with national policies and regulations, in accordance with


    standard fixed or quantitative government subsidies except


    - -


    Gains and losses included in current period on non-financial


    enterprises occupy fees charged by funds


    - -


    Enterprises to obtain subsidiaries, joint ventures and joint venture


    investment is less than the cost of investment should be enjoyed by


    - -11 5


    Item Year 2008 Year 2007


    the investment unit fair value of identifiable net assets of the revenue




    Non-monetary assets to exchange gains and losses - -


    Commissioned the investment or management of assets, profit and




    - -


    Due to force majeure factors, such as natural disasters and the


    provision of the quasi-impairment of assets


    - -


    Debt restructuring, profit and loss - -


    Corporate restructuring costs, such as placement of workers spending,


    such as integration charges


    - -


    Significant loss of fair trading price of the transaction over the fair


    value of part of the profit and loss


    - -


    The same under the control of mergers resulting from the merger a


    subsidiary of the opening day of the current period to the net profit or




    - -


    Normal business with the company or have a matter arising from


    unrelated to the profit and loss


    -4,200,000.00 -


    In addition to normal business with the company effective hedging


    related business, holders of tradable financial assets, transactions and


    financial liabilities arising from changes in fair value gains and losses,


    as well as the disposal of trading of financial assets, trading financial


    liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets investment returns




    -406,051.04 443,956.93


    A separate impairment test for impairment of receivables transferred


    back to preparation


    - -


    Commissioned external loans made by the profit and loss - -


    The use of fair value measurement model of follow-up to the fair


    value of real estate investment gains and losses arising from changes


    - -


    According to tax, accounting and other laws and regulations the


    requirements of the current profit and loss for a one-time adjustment


    of the current profit and loss impact


    - 8,195,054.65


    Entrusted with the operation of the trustee to obtain fee income - -


    In addition to the above other than the operating income and




    -646,826.14 -1,616,821.83


    Other non-recurring gains and losses in line with the definition of


    profit and loss items


    - -


    Total -2,204,617.29 34,387,518.88


    Less: Income tax impact of several 12,594.28 3,438,682.92


    Profit and loss impact of the number of minority shareholders - -


    Deducting income tax, minority shareholders after the non-recurring


    profit and loss profit and loss together


    -2,217,211.57 30,948,835.96


    Non-recurring gains and losses this year than the previous year decreased significantly over the


    previous year mainly due to the disposal of Shenyang Tongxin real estate Development Co., Ltd. and


    Shenzhen Railway Logistics Co Ltd, P Plus Qualcomm shares respectively 11,019,009.15 yuan,11 6


    investment income 16,366,000.00 yuan。


    2. Net assets yield and Earnings per share


    Net assets yield (%)


    Earnings per


    share ( yuan/share)




    Profit during the


    reporting period










    basic diluted




    Net profit parent company


    to common shareholders 19,123,787.11 1.58 1.60 0.0189 0.0189


    Net profit parent company to


    common shareholders after


    deducting extraordinary gains


    or losses


    21,340,998.68 1.77 1.78 0.0211 0.0211




    Net profit parent company


    to common shareholders 39,007,992.54 3.28 3.35 0.0386 0.0386


    Net profit parent company to


    common shareholders after


    deducting extraordinary gains


    or losses


    8,059,156.58 0.68 0.69 0.0080 0.0080


    3. Financial statements difference adjustment according to different accounting






    Net profit 19,123,787.11 19,123,787.11


    Net assets 1,208,288,874.76 1,208,288,874.76


    Difference No difference


    These financial statements have been issued in Chinese. This English translation copy is prepared


    for reference only. If there is any conflict of meaning between the Chinese and English versions,


    the Chinese version will prevail.