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						                     Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

      Midea Group Co., Ltd.
Report for the First Quarter of 2015

              April 2015

                                                Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                        Section I. Important Reminders

1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors,

supervisors and senior management staff of Midea Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

referred to as the “Company”) warrant that this report contains no false records,

misleading statements or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally

liable for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report.

1.2 All directors have attended the Q1 report review board meeting.

1.3 The Q1 Financial Report has not been audited by a CPAs firm.

1.4 Mr. Fang Hongbo, Chairman of the Board and President of the Company, and Ms.

Yuan Liqun, responsible person for the Company’s financial affairs, have represented

and warranted that the financial report in this report is factual, accurate and complete.

1.5 This report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any

misunderstanding between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                       Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

          Section II. Financial Highlights & Changes in Shareholders

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to changes in
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?

□ Yes √ No
                                                   Jan.-Mar. 2015                Jan.-Mar. 2014                  +/- (%)

Sales revenues (RMB’000)                                 42,426,713.97                 38,351,110.06                       10.63%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                            3,342,134.83                 2,538,849.11                       31.64%
the Company (RMB’000)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after extraordinary gains and                   3,019,956.04                 2,889,535.17                        4.51%
losses (RMB’000)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                            2,498,715.37                 3,223,813.31                      -22.49%

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                           0.79                          0.60                     31.67%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                         0.79                          0.60                     31.67%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                            8.11%                         7.47%                      0.64%

                                                    31 Mar. 2015                  31 Dec. 2014                   +/- (%)

Total assets (RMB’000)                                  135,830,927.66                120,292,088.16                       12.92%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                          42,939,219.43                 39,470,499.84                        8.79%
the Company (RMB’000)

Total share capital of the Company on the last trading session before disclosure:
Total share capital of the Company on the last trading session
before disclosure (share)

Whether the Company's share capital changed and the change affected the owners' equity due to reasons like the

issuance of new shares, allotment of shares, equity incentive plans, and repurchases during the time from the end

of the reporting period to the date when this report was released

□ Yes √ No
Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB’000

                              Item                                          Jan.-Mar. 2015                     Note

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the                     -24,085.96

                                                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

   offset part of asset impairment provisions)

   Government grants recognized in the current period, except for
   those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at
   certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified

   Gain/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset

   Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial
   assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment
   income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable
   financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale, except
   for effective hedging related to the normal businesses of the

   Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                   18,487.37

   Less: Income tax effects                                                                172,995.55

         Minority interests effects (after tax)                                            104,098.47

                                  Total                                                    322,178.79                  --

  Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
  the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
  Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
  explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

  □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

  No such cases in the reporting period.

  II. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the

  1. Total number of common shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders at the

                                                                                                                                 Unit: share

Total number of common shareholders at the

                                              Shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders

                                                                                                                            Pledged or frozen
                                                                     Shareholding                       Number of                shares
                                                      Nature of                      Number of the
               Name of shareholder                                    percentage                      restricted shares Status
                                                    shareholder                        shares held                                 Number of
                                                                           (%)                               held         of

                                                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                            non-state-owned        35.49%     1,496,250,000     1,496,250,000 Pledged     205,205,500

Rongrui        Equity    Investment     (Zhuhai)
                                                   non-state-owned         7.22%         304,500,000               0
Partnership (limited partnership)

Fang Hongbo                                                                2.17%          91,326,995     90,000,000

Tianjin   CDH       Jiatai   Equity   Investment
                                                   non-state-owned         1.85%          78,000,000               0
Partnership (limited partnership)

Huang Jian                                                                 1.78%          75,160,057     75,000,000

Ningbo Maysun Equity Investment Partnership
                                                   non-state-owned         1.78%          75,000,000     75,000,000
(limited partnership)

Yuan Liqun                                                                 1.44%          60,500,000     60,000,000

CDH M-Tech (HK) Co., Ltd.                                                  1.42%          60,000,000               0

CDH Spark (HK) Co., Ltd.                                                   1.36%          57,500,000               0

Huang Xiaoming                                                             1.24%          52,213,366     50,000,000    Pledged     8,993,000

                                      Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted common shareholders

                                                                     Number of non-restricted                 Type of shares
                        Name of shareholder                          common shares held at the
                                                                                                          Type                   Number

Rongrui Equity Investment (Zhuhai) Partnership (limited
                                                                                   304,500,000 RMB ordinary shares               304,500,000

Tianjin CDH Jiatai Equity Investment Partnership (limited
                                                                                    78,000,000 RMB ordinary shares                78,000,000

CDH M-Tech (HK) Co., Ltd.                                                           60,000,000 RMB ordinary shares                60,000,000

CDH Spark (HK) Co., Ltd.                                                            57,500,000 RMB ordinary shares                57,500,000

Merrill Lynch International                                                         44,005,222 RMB ordinary shares                44,005,222

China Life Insurance Company Ltd.-Dividend-Individual
                                                                                    41,465,007 RMB ordinary shares                41,465,007

UBS AG                                                                              39,177,207 RMB ordinary shares                39,177,207

                                                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

National Social Security Fund 104 Portfolio                                           35,488,888 RMB ordinary shares             35,488,888

New China Life Insurance Company Ltd. - Dividend -
                                                                                      32,837,906 RMB ordinary shares             32,837,906
Individual Dividend-018L-FH002Shen

Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc.                                               31,494,873 RMB ordinary shares             31,494,873

                                                                    Two individual shareholders, Mr. Fang Hongbo and Ms. Yuan Liqun,

                                                                    serve as a director and as a senior executive in Midea Group. CDH Jiatai,

                                                                    CDH M-Tech and CDH Spark, which hold a total stake of 4.63% in

                                                                    Midea Group, are related parties.
Related-parties   or    acting-in-concert   parties   among   the
                                                                    The company has not confirmed if any associated relationship exists
above-mentioned shareholders
                                                                    among other shareholders of tradable shares and whether other

                                                                    shareholders of tradable shares belong to persons acting-in-concert

                                                                    specified   in   the   "Management   of   Information   Disclosure       for

                                                                    Shareholding Alteration in a Listed Company".

asTop ten non-restricted common shareholders taking part in
securities margin trading (if any)

   Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of the Company
   carry out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period?

   □ Yes √ No

   No such cases in the reporting period.

   2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten preference shareholders at the

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                     Section III. Significant Events

I. Major changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators within the
reporting period, as well as reasons for the changes

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB’000

          Balance sheet items          31 Mar. 2015    31 Dec. 2014                           Main reason for the change
                                                                        Decrease (%)

                                                                                         Business grew and the operating
Monetary funds                          9,210,123.97    6,203,282.81           48.47%
                                                                                         efficiency improved.

Due from banks and other financial                                                       Operating changes in Midea Group
                                        1,046,502.02    2,126,444.99          -50.79%
institutions                                                                             Finance

                                                                                         Changes      in   the    fair   value    of
Derivative financial assets              308,051.02      162,513.84            89.55%
                                                                                         derivative financial assets

Notes receivable                       27,551,795.43   17,097,233.37           61.15%    Sales increased.

Accounts receivable                    13,487,865.88    9,362,102.75           44.07%    Sales increased.

Prepayments                             2,093,978.64    1,414,470.45           48.04%    Procurement increased.

                                                                                         Dividends receivable from associates
Dividends receivable                      61,603.82       45,943.22            34.09%

                                                                                         Short-term borrowings from outside
Short-term borrowings                   8,238,588.50    6,070,879.03           35.71%

Customer bank deposits due to banks                                                      Operating changes in Midea Group
                                             213.58         7,493.81          -97.15%
and other financial institutions                                                         Finance

                                                                                         Changes      in   the    fair   value    of
Derivative financial liabilities         103,679.33       74,960.70            38.31%
                                                                                         derivative financial assets

Notes payable                          18,522,639.98   12,648,496.99           46.44%    Procurement increased.

                                                                                         Remuneration for employees was
Payroll payable                         1,208,350.59    2,199,776.95          -45.07%

                                                                                         Sales increased and income tax and
Taxes and fares payable                 4,908,100.78    3,280,150.71           49.63%
                                                                                         VAT increased accordingly.

                                                                                         The dividends for last year were paid
Dividends payable                          11,703.66      93,799.03           -87.52%
                                                                                         in the current period.

Non-current liabilities due within 1                                                     Some      non-current    liabilities    due
                                          17,061.66      611,900.00           -97.21%
year                                                                                     within 1 year were repaid.

                                        Jan.-Mar.       Jan.-Mar.       Increase/Dec
       Income statement items                                                                 Main reason for the change
                                           2015            2014           rease (%)

                                                                    Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           The business scale of Midea Group
Interest expenses                             98,854.06      68,558.65           44.19%
                                                                                           Finance expanded.

Business tax and surtaxes                    329,869.89     215,272.48           53.23%    Sales increased.

Selling expenses                           5,363,077.42    3,710,417.81          44.54%    Sales increased.

Financial expenses                           195,782.99      -44,139.27        -543.56%    Exchange losses increased.

Asset impairment losses                      241,604.72     353,776.63          -31.71%    Accounts receivable grew slower.

                                                                                           Changes      in   the   fair   value   of
Gains on fair value changes                  153,580.51    -776,075.05         -119.79%
                                                                                           derivative financial instruments

                                                                                           Financial management gains
Investment gains                             527,790.47     272,930.60           93.38%

                                                                                           Gains on disposal of non-current
Gains on disposal of non-current assets        8,650.10      17,633.87          -50.95%
                                                                                           assets decreased.

                                                                                           Losses on disposal of non-current
Non-operating expense                         43,517.96       81,111.66         -46.35%
                                                                                           assets decreased.

Losses on disposal of non-current                                                          Losses on disposal of non-current
                                              26,312.08      62,182.41          -57.69%
assets                                                                                     assets decreased.

Income tax expenses                          776,836.83     594,390.32           30.69%    Profits increased.

                                            Jan.-Mar.      Jan.-Mar.      Increase/Dec
         Cash flow statement items                                                              Main reason for the change
                                              2015           2014           rease (%)

                                                                                           Investments          and        financial
Net cash flows from investing activities   -1,175,368.57    257,253.68         -556.89%
                                                                                           management increased.

Net cash flows from financing
                                           1,325,027.56    4,571,664.18         -71.02%    Borrowings secured decreased.

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and explanation on

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

1. The Company and Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Jingdong Group, signed on 31

Dec. 2014 a letter of intent for strategic cooperation in 2015, confirming the annual business goal of RMB10

billion between Midea and Jingdong as well as the wish to deepen cooperation in intelligent homes and channel

expansion. Jingdong, with its expertise in logistics, Internet technology, big data analysis and the intelligent cloud

platform, is beneficial to Midea’s e-commerce business.

2. On 12 Dec. 2014, the Proposal for the Plan for Private A-share Offering to Specific Entities was reviewed and

approved at the 25th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors. The Company intended to issue RMB ordinary shares

                                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

(A-share) of 55,000,000 in number to Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. at RMB23.01/share, with the par value per

share at RMB1.00/share and the total raised funds not exceeding RMB1,265,550,000.

On 23 Jan. 2015, the Company received the CSRC Notice of Acceptance of Administrative Permission

Application (No. 150067) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) dated 22 Jan. 2015. On

24 Apr. 2015, the Company disclosed the Announcement about Implementation of the 2014 Annual Profit

Distribution, with the date recorded as 29 Apr. 2015 and the ex-right and ex-dividend date on 30 Apr. 2015. Upon

completion of the profit distribution, the price for the said private A-share offering to Xiaomi Technology was

adjusted from RMB23.01/share to RMB22.01/share.

3. On 27 Mar. 2015, the Core Management Team Shareholding Plan and Midea Group Partners Plan (Draft) was

reviewed and approved at the 26th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors, which was initiated to further improve

the corporate governance mechanism, increase the overall value, promote transformation of “managers” towards

“partners” and improve and reform the remuneration and incentive structure. The shareholding plan would be

rolled out to 31 core management personnel who have played and will play an important role in the Company’s

overall performance and its medium to long-term development, with capital from the Shareholding Plan special

fund, the holders’ own funds and the funds raised through financing under the staff shareholding plan. The special

fund provided for the first phase of the shareholding plan stood at RMB115 million. As the shareholding plan’s

Phase One holders’ meeting resolved, China International Capital Co., Ltd. (CICC) agreed to serve as the

administrator for the shareholding plan’s Phase One. On 21 Apr. 2015, the shareholding plan was reviewed and

approved at the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

4. On 27 Mar. 2015, the Proposal for Adjustments to the Incentive Receivers and Exercised Option Number of the

Stock Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and approved at the 26th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors,

agreeing to the adjustments to the incentive receivers and exercising any option number for the equity incentive

plan Phase One due to resignations, position changes, disqualification in performance appraisal, by some

incentive receivers. After adjustments, the number of incentive receivers changed from 681 to 626 and the number

of stock options entitled but not yet exercised fell from 99,862,500 to 90,660,000. Meanwhile, the Proposal for the

Exercise-related Matters for the First Exercise Period for the Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase One was also

reviewed and approved at the Meeting. The exercise conditions for the first exercise period for the Stock Option

Incentive Plan Phase One were satisfied. 613 incentive receivers were confirmed and passed the appraisal for the

Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase One, with 29,840,000 exercisable stock options in the first exercise period.

5. On 27 Mar. 2015, the Proposal for the Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase II (Draft) and its abstract were

reviewed and approved at the 26th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors. In order to further improve the corporate

                                                                     Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

governance structure, perfect the incentive mechanism, increase the sense of duty and mission of the management

team and key business personnel for the Company’s sustained and healthy development, and ensure the realization

of development objectives, the Company intended to grant 84,300,000 stock options to 738 incentive receivers,

which accounted for 2% of the totally issued shares. The exercise price for the said stock options was

RMB31.54/share. The Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase II can only be carried out when the Company files it to

CSRC with no dissent from the latter and after it is reviewed and approved by the General Meeting.

                                                                                                      Index to the relevant
                   Overview of the significant event                       Date of disclosure      announcement disclosed on
                                                                                                           the website

 Announcement about Midea and Jingdong Signing a Letter of Intent for
                                                                              6 Jan. 2015              www.cninfo.com.cn
                         Strategic Cooperation

    Announcement about CSRC’s Acceptance of the Private Offering
                                                                              24 Jan. 2015             www.cninfo.com.cn

 Core Management Team Shareholding Plan & “Midea Group Partners
                                                                             31 Mar. 2015              www.cninfo.com.cn
                             Plan” (Draft)

    Announcement about Adjustments to the Incentive Receivers and
                                                                             31 Mar. 2015              www.cninfo.com.cn
      Exercised Option Number of the Stock Option Incentive Plan

 Announcement about the Exercise-related Matters for the First Exercise
                                                                             31 Mar. 2015              www.cninfo.com.cn
           Period for the Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase I

 Stock Option Incentive Plan Phase II (Draft) of Midea Group Co., Ltd.       31 Mar. 2015              www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                                                                                                    Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

       III. Commitments made by the Company or any shareholder holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the reporting period or such
       commitments carried down into the reporting period

       √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                    Undertaking                                                                                               Undertaking
 Undertaking                                                        Details of undertaking                                                          Term                   Particulars on the performance
                        giver                                                                                                    date

                                  1. Undertaking of Midea Holding Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Midea                                   Apart from the 1. There has been no violation of commitments.

                                  Holding"), and He Xiangjian, respectively the controlling shareholder and actual                          first    item     of

                                  controller of Midea Group Co., Ltd., towards the lock-up period of shares.                                commitments,

                                  He Xiangjian and Midea Holding have undertaken as follows: Within 36 months from                          its        duration
                                  the listing date of Midea Group's stocks, they will neither transfer or entrust others to                 validity       spans
made           in
                    Controlling manage their directly and indirectly held shares of Midea Group issued prior to this                        36 months from
                    shareholder, issuance, nor sell them to Midea Group. If they break the above undertaking, they will 28 Mar.             the      day      of
documents or
                    actual        assume all liabilities arising therefrom.                                                   2013          Midea Group’s
                    controller    2. Undertaking of Midea Holding and the actual controller He Xiangjian towards                            listing which is 2. There is no violation of commitments.
                                  the maintenance of the independence of Midea Group.                                                       18 Sept. 2013
                                  He Xiangjian and Midea Holding have undertaken as follows: He Xiangjian, Midea                            to         18 Sept.

                                  Holding and their controlled enterprises will remain independent from Midea Group in                      2016 , all other

                                  respect of personnel, finance, assets, business and institutions, etc. in accordance with                 items            are

                                  relevant laws and regulations and regulatory documents. They will faithfully fulfill the                  indefinite.

                                                                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

above undertaking, and assume the corresponding legal liability. If they fail to fulfill

their obligations and responsibilities conferred by the undertaking, they will bear the

corresponding legal liabilities according to relevant laws, rules, regulations and

regulatory documents.

3. Undertaking of Midea Holding and the actual controller He Xiangjian towards                        3. There has been no violation of commitments.

avoiding competition within the industry.

In order to avoid possible competition within the industry between Midea Group and

Midea Holding and its controlled enterprises as well as He Xiangjian, his immediate

family and his controlled companies, He Xiangjian and Midea Holding have

undertaken as follows:

(1). None of the entities or individuals mentioned above is or will be engaged in the

same or similar business as the existing main business of Midea Group and its

controlled companies. They are not or will not engage or participate in such business

that is competitive to the existing main business of Midea Group and its controlled

companies by controlling other economic entities, institutions or economic


(2). If Midea Group and its controlled companies expand their business on the basis of

the existing ones to those where the above mentioned related entities or individuals are

already performing production and operation, as long as He Xiangjian is still the actual

controller of Midea Group, and Midea Holding the controlling shareholder, they will

                                                                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

agree on solving the problem of competition within the industry arising therefrom,

within a reasonable period;

(3). If Midea Group and its controlled companies expand their business scope on the

basis of the existing ones to those where the above mentioned related subjects have not

gone into production or operation, as long as He Xiangjian is still the actual controller

of Midea Group, and Midea Holding the controlling shareholder, they would undertake

as not to engage in any business competing with the new ones of Midea Group and its

controlled companies;

(4). In accordance with effective laws, regulations or other regulatory documents of

People's Republic of China, as long as He Xiangjian is identified as the actual

controller of Midea Group, and Midea Holding the controlling shareholder, they will

not change or terminate this undertaking.

(5). He Xiangjian and Midea Holding shall faithfully fulfill the above undertaking, and

assume the corresponding legal responsibilities. If they fail to fulfill their obligations

and responsibilities conferred by the undertaking, they would bear the corresponding

legal responsibilities according to relevant laws, rules, regulations and regulatory                     4. There has been no violation of commitments.


4. Undertaking of Midea Holding and the actual controller He Xiangjian towards

the regulation of related transactions.

In order to regulate matters of related transactions that may occur in the future between

                                                                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Midea Group and Midea Holding and its controlled companies as well as He Xiangjian,

his immediate family and his controlled companies, He Xiangjian and Midea Holding

have undertaken as follows:

(1) They will regulate any related transactions with Midea Group and its controlled

companies using their utmost efforts to reduce them. For unavoidable related

transactions with Midea Group and its controlled companies, including but not limited

to commodity trading, providing services to each other or as agent, they will sign legal

normative agreements with Midea Group, and go through approval procedures in

accordance with related laws, regulations, rules, other regulatory documents, and

relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of Midea Group. They guarantee to

offer fair prices for related transactions, and fulfill the information disclosure

obligations in respect of the related transactions according to related laws, regulations,

rules, other regulatory documents, and relevant provisions of the Articles of

Association of Midea Group. They also guarantee not to illegally transfer funds or

profits from Midea Group, or damage the interests of its shareholders at their

advantages during the related transactions.

(2) They shall fulfill the obligation of withdrawing from voting that involves the above

mentioned related transactions at the general meeting of Midea Group;

(3) The related subject mentioned above shall not require Midea Group to offer more

favorable conditions than those to any independent third party in any fair market

                                                                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.


(4) In accordance with effective laws, regulations or other regulatory documents of

People's Republic of China, as long as He Xiangjian is identified as the actual

controller of Midea Group, and Midea Holding the controlling shareholder, they shall

not change or terminate this undertaking.

(5) He Xiangjian and Midea Holding will faithfully fulfill the above undertaking and

assume the corresponding legal liabilities. If they fail to fulfill their obligations and              5. So far, this shareholding transfer has not brought

responsibilities conferred by the undertaking, they will bear the corresponding legal                  about any loss caused by any dispute or potential

responsibilities according to relevant laws, rules, regulations and regulatory documents.              disputes.   There    has    been    no   violation   of

5. Related undertaking by He Xiangjian, the actual controller of Midea Group, on                       commitments.

Midea Trade Union Committee transferring its limited equity of Midea Group.

On 4 January , 2001, the Midea Trade Union Committee signed the "Equity Transfer

Contract" with five people, i.e. He Xiangjian, Chen Dajiang, Feng Jingmei, Chen

Kangning and Liang Jieyin, where it transfered all limited equity of Midea Group (22.

85%) respectively to those five people. According to the confirmation letter issued by

members of the Midea Trade Union Committee at that time, the equity transfer price

was determined after mutual discussion on the basis of their true opinions, therefore

there was no dispute or potential dispute.

On 28 June, 2013, Foshan Shunde Beijiao General Union, superior department of

Midea Trade Union Committee, issued a confirmation letter to the fact that Midea

                                                                                         Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Trade Union Committee funded the establishment of Midea Group Co., Ltd. In

addition, the letter also confirmed that the council of Midea Trade Union Committee is

entitled to dispose any property of the committee, and such property disposal does not

need agreement from all staff committee members.

Midea Holding and He Xiangjian, respectively the controlling shareholder and actual

controller of Midea Group Co., Ltd. have undertaken as follows: For any loss of Midea

Group caused by any dispute or potential dispute arising from the matters of equity                 6. So far, the payment of the staff social insurance

transfer mentioned above, they are willing to assume full liability for such loss.                  and the housing provident fund has not brought

6. Commitments on Issues about Payment of the Staff Social Insurance and the                        about any controversy or potential disputes. There

Housing Provident Fund involved in Midea Group's Overall Listing                                    has been no violation of commitments.

Midea Holding and He Xiangjian: Midea Holding have undertaken to be liable for (1)

paying such expenses and related expenses on time based on the requirements of

relevant state departments, if Midea Group is required to be liable for the payment of

staff social insurance and the housing provident fund and the payment required by

relevant state authorities prior to this merger, (2) paying corresponding compensation

for all direct and indirect losses incurred by Midea Group and its subsidiaries due to

this merger, (3) indemnifying and holding harmless Midea Group and its subsidiaries                 7.1 The Process of Property Ownership Certificate:

in time from such expenses where Midea Group and its subsidiaries are required to pay               The Report discloses that the Company is trying to get

them in advance.                                                                                    the Property Ownership Certificate for 177 of its

7. Commitments on issues about asset alteration, asset flaw and house leasing of                    properties, which cover an area of 2,148,485.65 square

                                                                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Midea Group and its subsidiaries                                                                        meters. So far, 51 applications have been approved, the

Midea Holding and He Xiangjian have undertaken as follows:                                              total area covers 1,638,892.27 square meters, which

(1) Midea Holding will do its utmost to assist and urge Midea Group (including its                      accounts for 76.28% of total area; 12 applications are

subsidiaries) to complete renaming procedures of related assets, such as land, houses,                  under process, covering an area of 449,431.84 square

trademarks, patents and stock rights, declared in the related files of this merger. Midea               meters, accounting for 20.92% of total area. These 12

Holding will be liable for all compensations of losses caused by issues about renaming                  properties are in possession of ownership certificates

procedures of related assets mentioned above to Midea Group.                                            have not brought about any controversy or dispute. The

(2) Midea Holding shall do its utmost to assist Midea Group (including its subsidiaries)                remaining 114 properties, spanning an area of

to apply for ownership certificates of land and property declared in related files of this              60,161.54 square meters account for 2.8% of the total

merger.                                                                                                 area. These properties are all small unit size auxiliary

(3) For those houses without ownership certificates due to incomplete formalities in the                facilities such as secuirty booth, transformer room,

past, Midea Holding shall assist Midea Group (including its controlled subsidiaries) in                 power room, pump room, gas station and so on, for

going through relevant construction-related formalities again and obtaining the                         which property ownership certificates cannot be granted

corresponding house ownership certificates. If the competent authorities require Midea                  or applied for. So far these 114 properties have not been

Group to dismantle buildings that can not acquire the real estate registration procedures               required to be dismantled by competent departments so

re-application, Midea Holding shall do its utmost to provide assistance and be liable for               that these buildings are still in regular use, which has

any related expenses used in dismantling such buildings by Midea Group (including its                   not brought about any controversy or any company loss

subsidiaries).                                                                                          caused by disputes. There is no violation of

(4) Under any circumstances that Midea Group suffers from losses incurred through                       commitments.

no longer using those properties or failing to obtain or collect in time, the ownership                 7.2 The Use of Rental Houses of This Company

                                                                                              Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

certificates of those properties currently being used or any losses caused by other                      The Report discloses that as of 31 December, 2012 , our

reasons, Midea Holding shall compensate any loss for these reasons in time and in full.                  company used 113 leasing houses in total, of which our

Midea Holding shall compensate the actual loss Midea Group suffers, from any                             company can't get the property certificate of 100 leasing

circumstances above resulting from penalties subjected to by competent authorities or                    houses from the leasing party. So far the contracts of 77

through claims by any third party.                                                                       out of the 113 rental houses haven't been signed to

(5) Based on issues of defective house leasing declared in related files of this merger,                 extend the leasehold. The property certificates of 2 of

Midea Holding shall provide sufficient compensations for all economic losses incurred                    the remaining 36 houses have been obtained while the

by Midea Group (including its subsidiaries) where the leasehold relations above                          other 34 certificates haven't been obtained. These 34

become invalid or other disputes occur, which are caused by rights claims from a third                   rental houses haven't rendered our company any

party or by means of an administrative authority exercising a right and therefore results                economic loss or penalty caused by defective property

in any economic losses due to eviction from rental houses, or any penalties subjected to                 rights, which result in removing to other rental houses.

by competent government departments or any recourse from related parties.                                7.3 Land Use Rights of Leasing Use

(6) Based on the issues of defective land leasing declared in related files of this merger,              The "Report" discloses that as of 31 December, 2012,

when leasehold relations become invalid caused by defects of land leasing or when                        our company has had one case of using rental houses,

other disputes occur, resulting in any economic losses to Midea Group (including its                     covering a total area of 57,506.95 square meters for

subsidiaries) or through any penalties administered by competent government                              which the lessor of the rental land mentioned above did

departments. Likewise if the lessor can't compensate for losses caused by such                           not provide any legal ownership files showing or

defective leasing, Midea Holding shall compensate Midea Group for losses caused by                       detailing ownership of this land. So far this rental land

such defective land leasing                                                                              has not rendered our company any controversy or any

Midea Holding will compensate any losses of Midea Group where a violation of                             loss caused by disputes. There has been no violation of

                                                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

guarantees and commitments referred to previously occurs or such guarantees and              commitments.

commitments are not consistent with the reality.                                             7.4 The Procedures of Renaming Land Owner

                                                                                             Under Process Caused by the Alteration of the

                                                                                             Company's Name

                                                                                             The Report discloses that there are still 10 cases in the

                                                                                             process of registering a new land owner caused by

                                                                                             changing the company's name of our company and its

                                                                                             subsidiaries. So far, five cases have been approved and

                                                                                             the other five cases are still under review, which have

                                                                                             not rendered any loss to the company. There has been

                                                                                             no violation of commitments.

                                                                                             7.5 Processing the Renaming Procedures of Some


                                                                                             So far, 8 of the 62 trademarks cases involved in the

                                                                                             Report have applied for cancellation of the subjects

                                                                                             through their owners and these trademarks shall no

                                                                                             longer be in use. The company will not apply for the

                                                                                             renaming procedures for those trademarks. The

                                                                                             renaming procedures of the remaining 54 cases have

                                                                                             been processed and this commitment has been fulfilled.

                                                                                                                                       Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                  There has been no violation of commitments.

                                                                                                                                 36 months from
                              Shareholders of Midea Group, Ningbo Maysun, Fang Hongbo, Huang Jian, Cai Qiwu,
                                                                                                                                 18 Sept. 2013,
                              Yuan Liqun, Huang Xiaoming, Li Jianwei, Zheng Weikang, promise that since Midea
                                                                                                                       28 Mar.   the date of
                 Other        Group is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Center, the transferal or delegation
                                                                                                                       2013      Midea Group’s There has been no violation of commitments.
                 shareholders of others to manage these issued shares who have direct or indirect ownership of Midea
                                                                                                                                 listing, to 18
                              Group, has been forbidden for a period of 36 months. Midea Group is not allowed to
                                                                                                                                 Sept. 2016
                              buy back those shares either.

Whether the

undertaking is
fulfilled in


reasons for
failing to
fulfill any
and plan for
the next step
(if any)

                                                                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

             IV. Predicting the operating results for Jan.-Jun. 2015

             Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-start

             until the end of the next reporting period according to predictions as well as any explanations for these reasons:

             □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

             V. Securities investment

             □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

             No such cases in the reporting period.

             VI. Shareholdings in other listed companies

             □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

             No such cases in the reporting period.

             VII. Investments in derivatives

             √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                                                      Proportion of the
                       Related-party        Type of        Initial                               Opening     Impairment   Closing closing investment
                                                                                                                                                            gain/loss in
Operator Relation transaction or derivative investment                  Start date   End date   investment provision (if investment    amount in the
                            not          investment       amount                                 amount         any)      amount         Company’s
                                                                                                                                      closing net assets

              No            No              hedging         -327.94     2015.01.01 2015.12.31      -327.94         0.00     341.90                0.01%         -402.35

  Bank        No            No              exchange -19,490.04         2015.01.01 2015.12.31 -19,490.04           0.00 15,764.61                 0.37%       46,898.32

Total                                                    -19,817.98                             -19,817.98         0.00 16,106.51                 0.38%       46,495.97

Capital source for derivative investment                 All self-owned funds

Disclosure date of the board announcement
                                                         31 Mar. 2015
approving the derivative investment (if any)

Disclosure   date    of   the     general    meeting
                                                         22 Apr. 2015
announcement        approving      the      derivative

                                                                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

investment (if any)

                                                       In order to reduce the price risk of the Company's bulk purchases of raw materials as a result of significant
                                                       fluctuations in raw material prices, the Company not only carried out futures business for some of the
                                                       materials, but also made use of bank financial instruments and promoted forex funds business, with the
                                                       purpose of reducing the risks associated with exchange and interest rate fluctuations, realizing the
                                                       preservation and appreciation of forex assets, reducing forex liabilities, and achieving locked-in costs. The
                                                       Company has undertaken extensive evaluation and risk control with regard to derivative investment
                                                       positions, details of which are as follows:
                                                       1. Legal risk: The Company's futures business and forex funds businesses are conducted in compliance with
                                                       laws and regulations, with clearly defined responsibilities and obligations between the Company and
                                                       Control measures: The Company has designated relevant departments with the responsibility for enhancing
                                                       expertise in laws, regulations and market rules, conducting strict examination and verification of contracts,
                                                       defining responsibility and obligations, and strengthening compliance checks, so as to ensure that the
                                                       Company's derivatives investment and position operations meet the requirements of the laws and regulations
                                                       and internal management system of the Company.
                                                       2. Operational risk: Risks caused by imperfect internal processes, staff, systems and external issues may
                                                       cause the Company to incur losses during the course of its futures business and forex funds business.
Analysis of risks and control measures of
                                                       Control measures: The Company has not only developed relevant management systems that clearly define
derivative products held in the reporting period
                                                       the assignment of responsibility and approval process for the futures business and forex funds businesses, but
(including but not limited to market risk,
                                                       has also established a well-developed monitoring mechanism, aimed at effectively reducing operational risk
liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk, legal
                                                       by strengthening its risk control over the business, decision-making and trading processes.
risk, etc.)
                                                       3. Market risk: Uncertainties caused by changes in the prices of bulk commodities and exchange rate
                                                       fluctuations in foreign exchange markets could lead to greater market risk in the futures business and forex
                                                       funds business. Meanwhile, the inability to raise sufficient funds in a timely manner in order to establish and
                                                       maintain hedging positions in futures operations, or forex funds required for performance in forex funds
                                                       operations that are unable to be credited into account   could also result in loss and default risks.
                                                       Control measures: The futures business and forex funds business of the Company are always conducted by
                                                       adhering to prudent operation principles. For futures business, futures transaction volumes and applications
                                                       have been strictly determined according to the requirements for production and operations, and a stop-loss
                                                       mechanism has been implemented. Furthermore, to determine the prepared margin amount which may be
                                                       required to be supplemented, a futures risk measuring system has been established to measure and calculate
                                                       the margin amount already in use, floating gains and losses, margin amount available and margin amount
                                                       required for intended positions. As for forex funds business, a hierarchical management mechanism has been
                                                       implemented, whereby the operating unit which has submitted applications for funds business should
                                                       conduct a risk analysis on the conditions and environment that could affect the operating profit and loss,
                                                       evaluate the possible greatest revenue and loss, and report the greatest acceptable margin ratio or total margin
                                                       amount, so that the Company can update the operating status of the funds business on a timely basis thus
                                                       ensuring the arrangement of proper funds before expiry dates.

Changes in market prices or fair values of the
                                                       1. Profit/loss from futures hedging contracts incurred during the Reporting Period was RMB -4,023,500;
invested derivatives during the reporting period.
                                                       2. Profit/loss from forward forex contracts incurred during the Reporting Period was RMB 468,983,200;
Analysis of the derivative’s fair value should
                                                       3. Public quotations in futures market or forward forex quotations announced by Bank of China are used in
include the specific methods of use and the

                                                                                   Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

relevant assumptions and parameters.          the analysis of the derivatives fair value.

Whether significant changes occurred to the
Company’s accounting policy and specific
accounting principles of derivatives in the No change
reporting period compared to the previous
reporting period

                                              The Company's independent directors are of the view that: the futures hedging business is an effective
                                              instrument for the Company to eliminate price volatility and implement risk prevention measures through
Specific opinion from independent directors on enhanced internal controls, thereby improving the operation and management of the Company; the
the Company’s derivatives investment and risk Company's foreign exchange risk management capability can be further improved through the forex funds
control                                       business, so as to maintain and increase the value of foreign exchange assets; the abovementioned investment
                                              in derivatives can help the Company to fully realize its competitive advantages. Therefore, it is practical for
                                              the Company to carry out derivatives investment business when the risks are controllable.

            VIII. Research, visits and interviews received during the reporting period

            √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                        Main discussion and
                                           Way of      Visitor
                   Time        Place                                                        Visitor                               materials provided by the
                                          reception      type

                                                                    China    Universal   Assets,      Step     Stone    Assets,
                                                                    Investment    Banking,Corporate          Finance,    Value
                                          Strategy                  Partners Funds, Ideapark, OCH-ZIFF Capital, Xijing,
             8 Jan. 2015    Hong Kong                 Institution                                                                 The main contents of the
                                          meeting                   Tianma Assets, Indus, TPG-AXON CAPITAL,
                                                                                                                                  Company’s reception of
                                                                    Farallon, MARSHALL WACE, Rays Capital, LBN,
                                                                                                                                  investors included:
                                                                    BAM, PINE RIVER, Full Vision Capital, Primero
                                                                                                                                  (1) Industry status and
                                                                    Changli Capital, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock Assets,
                                                                                                                                  development condition;
                                                                     Henderson Global Investors (Hong Kong) Limited,
                                                                                                                                  (2)       The       Company's
                                                                     Fedelity Fund, Invesco Ltd, Cathay Life, J.P.
                                                                                                                                  business        situation    and
                                                                     Morgan Asset, Shanghai Baoyin, China Universal
                                                                                                                                  development strategy;
                                                                     Assets, Harvest Fund, Temasek, Yiheng Capital,
                                                                                                                                  (3) Related content in
                                                                     PROTEK(HK), Prudence Investment Management,
                                                                                                                                  regular         reports,     and
                                          Strategy                   Nomura Securities, New Ideas Investment, UBP
            12 Jan. 2015     Shanghai                 Institution                                                                 announcements published
                                          meeting                    Asset   Management,     APS       Asset    Management,
                                                                                                                                  by the other companies.
                                                                     REYHER Investment, Springs Capital, Baring
                                                                     Assets BOSVALEN, Panah Fund, Kingsmead, Tiger Information provided by
                                                                     Pacific,   HIGHBRIDGE,        WELLINGTON the Company: regular
                                                                     MANAGEMENT, SPARX, Carrhae Capital, Stone reports, announcements
                                                                     Forest Capital, Bestinver, Turiyacapital, Comgest, and other public data of
                                                                     Bernstein, PIMCO, Matthews, Truck, Broad Peak                the Company.

                                The        Field                    Jingyuan Capital,    Trivest Investment, Ideapark,、
            16 Jan. 2015                              Institution
                             Company      research                  SMC CHINA FUND, Pacific Eagle, BlueCrest, UG,

                                                                     Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                      ACORN CAPITAL

                  The         Field
21 Jan. 2015                            Institution Stock Department of China Life Insurance Asset
               Company      research

                  The         Field
23 Jan. 2015                            Institution GLG
               Company      research

                  The         Field
23 Jan. 2015                            Institution Carmignac Gestion
               Company      research

                  The         Field
27 Jan. 2015                            Institution Tiger Fund
               Company      research

28 Jan. 2015               communicat Institution Government of Singapore Investment Corp

                  The         Field
28 Jan. 2015                            Institution Fedelity Fund,
               Company      research

                                                      Taiwan SinoPac Securities, Fuh Hwa Securities
                                                      Investment Trust, Mega International Investment
                           Telephone                  Trust, Taishin Securities Investment Trust, Fubon
29 Jan. 2015               communicat Institution Securities Investment Trust, Nan Shan Life Insurance,
                               ion                    MassMutual Mercuries Life, CTBC Life Insurance,
                                                      Fubon Life Insurance, CENTRAL REINSURANCE
                                                      CORPORATION, Ruiteng Investment

                  The         Field
29 Jan. 2015                            Institution China Merchants Securities
               Company      research

                  The         Field
29 Jan. 2015                            Institution Nikko Asset
               Company      research

                                                      Shenyin   &    Wanguo    Investment    Management,
                                                      Princeton Capital Management,         Value Partners
                                                      Fund, Blue Pool Capital, Janchor, The Bank of
                              Field                   Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., The Bank of China Life
30 Jan. 2015   Hong Kong                Institution
                            research                  Insurance, Oberweis、Daiwa Asset Investment, VL
                                                      Asset Investment, Taiping Assets, Xinsheng Assets,
                                                      Hong Kong Huguang International Investment,
                                                      BOSVALEN, Morgan Stanley, Karst Peak、Primero

                  The         Field
2 Feb. 2015                             Institution Putnam Investment Management
               Company      research

4 Feb. 2015                communicat Institution Yuanta Securities Investment Trust, KGI Securities

                  The         Field
5 Feb. 2015                             Institution Capital World Investors
               Company      research

                                                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                 The         Field
6 Feb. 2015                              Institution Singapore Jin Rong Assets
               Company     research

11 Feb. 2015              communicat Institution Falcon Edge

                 The         Field
11 Feb. 2015                             Institution Merrill Lynch
               Company     research

12 Feb. 2015              communicat Institution BROAD PEAK

                 The         Field
5 Mar. 2015                              Institution Merrill Lynch
               Company     research

                 The         Field
10 Mar. 2015                             Institution Kora Capital
               Company     research

                 The         Field                     Excel Investment、Trilogy Partners, Farallon Capital,
10 Mar. 2015                             Institution
               Company     research                    Myriad Asset, Azentus Capital

                 The         Field
12 Mar. 2015                             Institution Investec
               Company     research

                 The         Field
16 Mar. 2015                             Institution Broad Peak
               Company     research

                 The         Field
18 Mar. 2015                             Institution Mercuries Life Insurance
               Company     research

                                                       Bank of China Investment Management, (CITIC
                                                       Asset Management Corporation Ltd, CITICS, CICC,
                                                       Zheng     Xiang       Investment,     China       Merchants
                                                       investment Management, Great Wall Fund, Yuan Xin,
                                                       Golden Trust Sinopac Fund Management, Galaxy
                                                       Securities,    E      Fund,      Aegon-industrial      Fund
                                                       Management, New China Assets, Co-power Capital,
                                                       Century Securities, Rongtong Fund, Invesco Great
                                                       Wall, Greenwoods Asset, Jin Niu Investment, Harvest
31 Mar. 2015   Shenzhen                  Institution Fund,       Huili     Assets,      ChinaAMC,        Huaqiang
                                                       investment, Citibank, Hanxi Fund, Korea Investment
                                                       Trust, Haitong Securities, Guosen Securities, Guotai
                                                       Junan    Security      Assets     Management,         GuoDu
                                                       Securities    Institute,      Guangzhou       Long     Term
                                                       Investment, GF Securities, Everbright Prudential
                                                       Fund, GUANJUN Asset, ICBC Credit Suisse, ICBCI
                                                       - Circulation Capital, Gaoyi Capital, Goldman Sachs
                                                       Gao Hua, ChinaVenture Investment, Fengling Capital,
                                                       Soochow       Fund,     Orient      Securities,      Daoning

                 Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Investment, Springs- Capital, Da Hong Assets, Bosera
Fund, ESSENCE SECURITIES, Yiheng Capital,
Ward Ferry, Value partner, Trilogy Partners, Sumeru
Capital, Senrigan Capital Group Limited, RCM Asia
Pacific Limited, Ozcap, Overlook capital, Norges,
First State, Eton Park Asia Limited, Comgest, Cloud
Ridge Capital, Central Asset, BOSVALEN ASSET
MANAGEMENT, Black Rock, Axis Capital, APS
Asset, etc. (120 institutions in total)

                                                                 Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                  Section IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial statements

                                                     Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Unit: RMB’000
                                             30 Mar. 2015                                       31 Dec. 2014
                              Consolidated              The Company              Consolidated                The Company

Current assets:

  Monetary funds
                                   9,210,123.97             13,017,745.12              6,203,282.81                 8,452,623.95

  Deposits at central
bank                               1,428,629.09                                        1,279,592.47
  Deposits at other
banks                              1,046,502.02                                        2,126,444.99

  Financial          assets
measured at fair value
and for which changes
are      recorded      into
current      gains     and

  Derivative financial
assets                               308,051.02                                          162,513.84

  Notes receivable
                                  27,551,795.43               519,825.93              17,097,233.37                   693,828.61

receivable                        13,487,865.88                                        9,362,102.75

  Accounts paid in
advance                            2,093,978.64                  2,879.83              1,414,470.45                     1,102.42

  Loans and advances
                                   7,074,277.66                                        5,940,800.47

  Interest receivable

receivable                            61,603.82                  3,129.44                 45,943.22                   280,771.02

  Other         accounts
receivable                           866,643.28              2,639,024.15              1,180,767.53                 2,418,306.21


                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                             11,029,452.31                             15,020,030.26

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets
due within 1 year

  Other current assets
                             27,833,598.41   22,920,117.28             26,593,892.46                22,892,049.61

Total current assets
                            101,992,521.53   39,102,721.75             86,427,074.62                34,738,681.82
 Non-current assets:

financial assets              1,709,070.34    1,218,277.80              1,655,494.72                 1,230,277.80


  Long-term accounts

  Long-term        equity
investment                     892,488.65    16,652,242.51                951,874.39                16,548,882.73

  Investment property
                               152,145.97      298,877.58                 171,634.90                   323,355.75

  Fixed assets
                             19,225,545.69    1,600,574.36             19,521,814.06                 1,653,024.17

  Construction         in
progress                       565,298.63       42,386.34                 661,882.29                    42,386.34


  Disposal of fixed

  Intangible assets
                              3,380,380.94     285,079.66               3,431,958.12                   280,656.35

  R&D expense

                              2,931,791.41                              2,931,791.41

  Long-term deferred
expenses                       843,137.29       79,507.00                 758,576.10                    68,787.68

  Deferred         income
tax assets                    4,138,547.21        1,061.99              3,779,987.55                     4,483.56

  Other      non-current

Total of non-current
assets                       33,838,406.13   20,178,007.24             33,865,013.54                20,151,854.38

                                                                        Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Total assets
                                     135,830,927.66             59,280,728.99               120,292,088.16                54,890,536.20

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                                                 Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yuan Liqun
Chief of the accounting division: Chen Jianwu

                                           Balance Sheet (Continued)

 Prepared by: Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Unit: RMB’000

    Liabilities and Shareholders’                       30 Mar. 2015                                   31 Dec. 2014
                 Equity                     Consolidated         The Company                Consolidated          The Company

 Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings
                                              8,238,588.50                                      6,070,879.03             500,000.00

  Borrowings from the Central Bank

  Customer bank deposits and due
  to banks and other financial
                                                      213.58                                        7,493.81

  Intra-group borrowings

  Financial liabilities measured at
  fair value and for which changes
  are recorded into current gains and

  Derivative financial liabilities
                                                103,679.33                   2,939.62              74,960.70                   54.78
  Financial assets sold and
 repurchased                                    210,153.27

  Notes payable
                                             18,522,639.98                                    12,648,496.99

  Accounts payable
                                             20,720,158.95                   3,243.31         20,137,454.46                 2,671.39

  Accounts received in advance
                                              4,178,809.48                                      3,992,540.46

  Employees’ compensation payable
                                              1,208,350.59                     832.32           2,199,776.95               16,865.00

  Tax payable                                 4,908,100.78                                      3,280,150.71               51,951.23

  Interest payable
                                                 25,274.92                 142,527.52              22,912.17             217,050.96

                                                     Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Dividends payable
                                        11,703.66                               93,799.03

Other accounts payable
                                      1,396,760.54   40,825,904.15           1,223,548.76          36,057,338.71

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within
1 year                                  17,061.66                             611,900.00

Other current liabilities
                                     25,497,009.90                         22,778,936.05

Total current liabilities
                                     85,038,505.14   41,054,681.65         73,142,849.12           36,845,932.07

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings
                                        14,607.85                               19,205.03

Bonds payable
                                       155,763.80                             153,026.30

Long-term payables

Specific payables
                                       847,394.36                             851,825.49

Estimated liabilities
                                        24,428.61                               25,573.83

Deferred income tax liabilities
                                       343,743.98                             342,235.91

Other non-current liabilities
                                        27,748.86                               25,917.24

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities
                                      1,413,687.46                           1,417,783.80

Shareholders’ equity
                                     86,452,192.60   41,054,681.65         74,560,632.92           36,845,932.07
Share capital

Notes payable
                                      4,215,808.47    4,215,808.47           4,215,808.47            4,215,808.47
Other equity instruments

Of which: preference shares

            Perpetual bonds

Capital reserves
                                     13,058,394.16    5,356,552.11         13,024,883.19             5,356,080.10

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income
                                       -681,225.04                            -774,298.83

                                                                     Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

 Surplus reserves
                                               1,189,791.32              1,189,791.32         1,189,791.32            1,189,791.32

 Retained profits
                                              25,156,450.52              7,463,895.44        21,814,315.69            7,282,924.24

 Total     equity     attributable   to
 shareholders of the Company                  42,939,219.43          18,226,047.34           39,470,499.84           18,044,604.13

 Minority interests
                                               6,439,515.63                                   6,260,955.40

 Total shareholders’ equity
                                              49,378,735.06          18,226,047.34           45,731,455.24           18,044,604.13

 Total liabilities and
 shareholders’ equity                       135,830,927.66          59,280,728.99          120,292,088.16           54,890,536.20

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                                            Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yuan Liqun
Chief of the accounting division: Chen Jianwu

                                                   Income Statement

Prepared by: Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Unit: RMB’000
                                                        Jan.-Mar. 2015                              Jan.-Mar. 2014
                                               Consolidated     The Company              Consolidated            The Company

I. Total operating revenues                    42,574,425.37         126,937.94              38,533,256.41              137,257.35

  Including: Sales income                      42,426,713.97         126,937.94              38,351,110.06              137,257.35

         Interest income                          146,675.78                                    182,146.35

         Handling charges and
         commission income

II. Total operating costs                      38,878,820.78         321,306.78              34,616,054.15              156,249.60

  Including: Cost of sales                     31,041,580.76              5,131.89           28,689,939.33               17,127.61

         Interest expenses                         98,854.06                                     68,558.65

         Handling charges and
                                                      389.37                                        337.45
         commission expenses

         Business taxes and surcharges            329,869.89                440.55              215,272.48                1,256.02

         Selling and distribution expenses       5,363,077.42                                 3,710,417.81

         Administrative expenses                 1,607,661.57            80,775.91            1,621,891.07               92,142.16

         Financial expenses                       195,782.99         235,496.85                 -44,139.27               49,945.05

         Asset impairment loss                    241,604.72               -538.42              353,776.63               -4,221.24

  Add: Gain from change in fair value             153,580.51             -2,884.84             -776,075.05               -3,556.74

                                                              Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

          Income from investment                527,790.47    390,492.65                272,930.60              233,441.94
 Including: share of profits in associates
                                                 15,208.72       1,215.68                19,454.63                   71.27
 and joint ventures
III. Business profit                           4,376,975.57   193,238.97              3,414,057.81              210,892.95

  Add: non-operating income                      94,168.96     22,027.33                122,099.17
         Including: gain from non-current
                                                  8,650.10        354.15                 17,633.87
asset disposal                                                                                                       41.11

  Less: non-operating expenses                   43,517.96       4,334.46                81,111.66
         Including: loss from non-current
                                                 26,312.08       3,734.46                62,182.41
         asset disposal                                                                                           8,769.38
IV. Total profit                               4,427,626.57   210,931.84              3,455,045.32              212,875.27

  Less: Income tax expense                      776,836.83                              594,390.32
                                                               29,960.65                                          5,685.39
V. Net profit                                  3,650,789.74   180,971.19              2,860,655.00              207,189.88

  Including: Net profit achieved by
combined         parties      before     the

  Attributable      to     owners   of   the
Company                                        3,342,134.83   180,971.19              2,538,849.11              207,189.88

  Minority shareholders’ income                308,654.91                              321,805.89

VI. The after-tax net income of other
                                                  -2,510.60                            -234,564.28
comprehensive income
  The after-tax net income of other
comprehensive income attributable to             93,073.79                             -264,728.01
owners of the Company
  (I) Other comprehensive income items
that cannot be reclassified as gains and
  1. Changes in net liabilities or assets
from re-measuring benefit plans
  2. The share of other comprehensive
income under the equity method, in the
invested entity, that cannot be classified
into profits and losses
  (II) Other comprehensive income that
                                                 93,073.79                             -264,728.01
will be reclassified into profits and losses
  1. The share of other comprehensive
income, under the equity method, in the
                                                  -5,514.27                              16,022.30
invested entity , that will be reclassified
into profits and losses
  2. Changes in fair value of                      -820.17                                  -14.42

                                                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

available-for-sale financial assets
     3. Held-to-maturity investments
reclassified as gains and losses on
available-for-sale financial assets
     4. Effective part of the gains and
                                                       231,232.42                                  -293,971.99
losses of cash flows through hedging
     5. Foreign exchange differences                   -131,824.19                                   13,236.10
     6. Other
     The after-tax net income of other
comprehensive income attributable to                    -95,584.39                                   30,163.73
minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income
                                                      3,648,279.14        180,971.19              2,626,090.72              207,189.88
     Attributable      to     owners     of    the
                                                      3,435,208.62        180,971.19              2,274,121.10              207,189.88

     Attributable to minority shareholders             213,070.52                                   351,969.62

VIII. Earnings per share

     (I) Basic earnings per share                            0.79                                         0.60

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                         0.79                                         0.60

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                                               Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yuan Liqun
Chief of the accounting division: Chen Jianwu

                                                     Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Unit: RMB’000
                                                              Jan.-Mar. 2015                             Jan.-Mar. 2014
                                                     Consolidated       The Company            Consolidated          The Company

I.     Cash      flows      from     operating

     Cash     received        from     sale   of
commodities and rendering of service                   25,578,062.67                              19,194,300.03

     Net    increase     of deposits from
customers and dues from banks                              -7,280.23                                   6,600.07

     Net increase of loans from central
bank                                                                                                 110,291.66

     Cash       received      from      interest,

                                                                Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

handling charges and commissions                  147,711.40                               182,146.35

  Tax refunds received
                                                 1,121,281.80                              957,556.72

  Other cash received relating to
operating activities                             1,207,298.06     6,000,634.08             994,846.88         10,705,628.59

Subtotal       of   cash    inflows    from
operating activities                            28,047,073.70     6,000,634.08          21,445,741.71         10,705,628.59

  Cash paid for goods and services
                                                16,100,503.33                            9,236,942.09

  Net increase of customer lendings
and advances                                     1,115,647.70                             -592,727.39

  Net increase of funds deposited at
central bank and amounts due from
                                                  151,065.49                              -133,591.68

  Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions                            99,243.43                                68,896.10

  Cash paid to and for employees
                                                 3,472,711.35        28,227.07           3,240,584.65              24,295.77

  Various taxes paid
                                                 2,000,945.86        12,422.08           1,504,612.89               1,510.30

  Other cash payment relating to
operating activities                             2,608,241.17       432,825.89           4,897,211.74           2,370,199.13

Subtotal of cash outflows from
operating activities                            25,548,358.33       473,475.04          18,221,928.40           2,396,005.20

Net cash flows from operating
activities                                       2,498,715.37     5,527,159.04           3,223,813.31           8,309,623.39

II.   Cash       flows     from    investing

  Cash received from retraction of
investments                                          2,380.46        13,860.00                                     24,901.98

  Cash        received   from     return   on
investments                                       492,988.79        596,897.53             236,049.11            542,475.72

  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                     8,810.40           354.15             925,139.30              36,984.39
long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

  Other cash received relating to
  investing activities

Subtotal       of   cash    inflows    from

                                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

investing activities                                504,179.65        611,111.68           1,161,188.41            604,362.09

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term
                                                    523,829.03        183,970.53             902,058.24            140,335.52

  Cash paid for investments
                                                  1,155,719.19        475,952.90                                   330,000.00

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units                                                                       1,876.49

  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
investing activities                              1,679,548.22        659,923.43             903,934.73            470,335.52

Net      cash     flows      from    investing
                                                  -1,175,368.57        -48,811.75            257,253.68            134,026.57

III. Cash flows from financing

      Cash      received      from      capital

      Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments by

      Cash received from borrowings
                                                  5,883,038.37                            14,420,203.63           1,100,000.00

      Cash received from issuance of
medium term notes

      Cash received from issuance of
      short-term financing bonds

      Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Subtotal        of    cash    inflows    from
financing activities                              5,883,038.37                            14,420,203.63           1,100,000.00

      Cash repayment of borrowings
                                                  4,433,876.85        500,000.00           8,595,134.47            340,000.00

      Cash for repaying medium term
notes                                                                                      1,000,000.00           1,000,000.00

      Cash      for   repaying      short-term
financing bonds

      Cash paid for interest expenses and
      distribution of dividends or profit           124,133.96        405,234.42             253,404.98            232,604.90

                                                                   Report for the First Quarter of 2015 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

       Including: dividends or profit paid
       by      subsidiaries    to   minority
                                                  119,432.36                                   82,760.68

       Other cash payments relating to
       financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
 financing activities                            4,558,010.81          905,234.42           9,848,539.45           1,572,604.90

 Net        cash    flows   from financing
                                                 1,325,027.56         -905,234.42           4,571,664.18            -472,604.90

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
 changes           on   cash    and    cash
                                                      -80,698.63                              -14,111.80

 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                 2,567,675.73        4,573,112.87           8,038,619.37           7,971,045.06

    Add: Opening balance of cash and
 cash equivalents                                5,272,238.35        6,879,717.05          16,763,873.80         13,809,135.41

 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
 equivalents                                     7,839,914.08       11,452,829.92          24,802,493.17         21,780,180.47

 Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yuan Liqun
 Chief of the accounting division: Chen Jianwu

II. Auditor’s report

Is this report audited by a CPAs firm?
□ Yes √ No
The Company’s report is un-audited by a CPAs firm.

                                                                                Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                          Legal Representative: Fang Hongbo

                                                                                      29 April 2015
