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						                   Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

         Midea Group Co., Ltd.
Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017

                 April 2017

                                     Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                     Section I Important Reminders

1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the

directors, supervisors and senior management staff of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) have warranted that this Report

contains no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. And

they shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy and

completeness of the information given in this Report.

2. All the directors have attended the Q1 report review board meeting.

3. The financial statements contained in this Report have not been audited by

a certified public auditors (CPAs) firm.

4. Mr. Fang Hongbo, Chairman of the Board and President of the Company,

and Mr. Xiao Mingguang, responsible person for the Company’s financial

affairs, have represented and warranted that the financial statements in this

Report are factual, accurate and complete.

5. This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there

be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall


                                                        Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                    Section II Company Profile

1. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to changes in
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?

□ Yes √ No

                                              Jan.-Mar. 2017           Jan.-Mar. 2016              YoY Change (%)

Sales revenues (RMB’000)                              59,755,914               38,341,624                        55.85%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                        4,352,587                3,907,252                        11.40%
the Company (RMB’000)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company before non-recurring                        4,263,125                3,745,392                        13.82%
gains and losses (RMB’000)

Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                        7,008,571                6,595,024                         6.27%

Basic EPS (RMB / share)                                        0.67                     0.61                       9.84%

Diluted EPS (RMB / share)                                      0.67                     0.61                       9.84%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                    6.87%                    7.58%                        -0.71%

                                               31 Mar. 2017             31 Dec. 2016                 Change (%)

Total assets (RMB’000)                              225,914,387               170,600,711                        32.42%

Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                                       65,533,771               61,126,923                         7.21%
of the Company (RMB’000)

Note: KUKA Aktiengesellschaft (KUKA), Toshiba Lifestyle Products & Services Corporation (TLSC) and other acquired

entities were included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2017. Upon the

evaluation of these acquired assets by a professional international evaluation agency, the asset premium was amortized

as per the accounting standards, and a amortized cost of RMB600,145,400 was recognized for the first quarter of 2017.

Excluding the said amortized cost, the consolidated net profit for this quarter increased 22% compared with a year earlier.

KUKA and TLSC both delivered an excellent performance for the first three months of 2017. To be specific, KUKA

achieved sales revenue of RMB5,807,296,560, up 26% year on year, and net profit of RMB195,588,490, 27% higher than

the same period of last year, indicating effective growth in business; while TLSC realized sales revenue of

RMB3,777,047,000 and net profit of RMB-187,988,610, better than the first quarter of 2016.

Excluding the acquired entities, the consolidated sales revenue of the first quarter of 2017 grew 31% year on year and the

                                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

consolidated net profit went up 22%.

Non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’000

                                Item                                Jan.-Mar. 2017                     Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current assets
(including the offset part of asset impairment provisions)

Government grants recognized in the current period, other
than those closely related to business of the Company and
granted at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with
certain national standards

Gains/losses arising from changes in fair value of financial
assets and liabilities held for trading, (other than effective
hedging instruments related to the Company’s normal
operations), as well as investment gains from disposal of
financial assets and liabilities held for trading and financial
assets available for sale

Other non-operating income and expenses except the
above items

Less: Income tax effects                                                          -11,482

        Minority interests effects (after tax)                                    -24,148

Total                                                                              89,462                -

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the
definition in the , or classifies any non-recurring
gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurring gain/loss item

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Report Period.

2. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the

2.1 Total number of common shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten common
shareholders at the period-end

                                                                                                               Unit: share

                                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Total number of preference
Total number of common shareholders                                shareholders with resumed
                                               118,808                                                                0
at the period-end                                                  voting       rights   at       the
                                                                   period-end (if any)

                                                Top ten shareholders

                                                                                                             Pledged or frozen
                                                            Shareholding                       Number of
                                            Nature of                          Number of                     Status
          Name of shareholder                                percentage                         restricted
                                          shareholder                         shares held                      of         Number of
                                                                 (%)                           shares held
                                                                                                             share         shares

                                                                              2,244,375,00                   Pledg
Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                 non-state-owned               34.71                                           854,955,000
                                                                                           0                  ed

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                     2.18 140,695,026

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing            Foreign
                                                                       2.12 136,994,785
Limited                                    corporation

                                            Domestic                                           102,742,86
Fang Hongbo                                                            2.12 136,990,492
                                            individual                                                   9

Hillhouse Capital Management Limited        Foreign
                                                                       1.76 113,891,138
-HCM China Fund                           corporation

                                            Domestic                                                         Pledg
Huang Jian                                                             1.36    88,000,000                                 22,999,900
                                            individual                                                        ed

Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd              non-state-owned                1.28    82,500,000 82,500,000

                                            Domestic                                                         Pledg
Yuan Liqun                                                             1.24    79,915,900                                  9,304,000
                                            individual                                                        ed

Central Huijin Asset Management Co.,      State-owned
                                                                       1.21    78,474,900
Ltd.                                       corporation

He Xiangjian                                                           1.20    77,334,548

                                     Top ten non-restricted common shareholders

                                                Number of non-restricted                          Type of shares
             Name of shareholder              common shares held at the
                                                                                           Type                     Number

Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                                        2,244,375,000 RMB ordinary shares                    2,244,375,000

                                                            Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                   140,695,026 RMB ordinary shares             140,695,026

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited                             136,994,785 RMB ordinary shares             136,994,785

Hillhouse Capital Management Limited-
                                                                     113,891,138 RMB ordinary shares             113,891,138
HCM China Fund

Huang Jian                                                            88,000,000 RMB ordinary shares              88,000,000

Yuan Liqun                                                            79,915,900 RMB ordinary shares              79,915,900

Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.                             78,474,900 RMB ordinary shares              78,474,900

He Xiangjian                                                          77,334,548 RMB ordinary shares              77,334,548

Li Jianwei                                                            73,977,047 RMB ordinary shares              73,977,047

Guotai Junan – Construction Bank -
                                                                      69,426,617 RMB ordinary shares              69,426,617
Shanghai HSBC

Explanation of connected relationship or/and
                                                    The controlling shareholder of Midea Holding Co., Ltd is Mr. He Xiangjian,
acting-in-concert     parties    among       the
                                                    which makes them acting-in-concert parties.
above-mentioned shareholders

Top ten non-restricted common shareholders
taking part in securities margin trading (if any)

Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of the
Company carry out any agreed buy-back in the Report Period?

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the Report Period.

2.2 Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten preference
shareholders at the period-end

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                      Section III Significant Events

      1. Major changes of main items in financial statements and financial indicators
      within the Report Period, as well as the reasons for the changes

      √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB’000

  Balance sheet
                                31 March       31 December
      items                                                     Change (%)           Main reasons for the changes
                                  2017             2016
Derivative          financial                                                    Mainly due to changes in the fair value of
                                    280,926          412,813          -31.95%
assets                                                                           derivative financial assets

                                                                                 Mainly due to the increased sales and the
Accounts receivable               18,026,613       13,454,511          33.98%
                                                                                 consolidation of KUKA and TLSC

Inventories                       21,977,297      15,626,897           40.64%    Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

                                   1,773,706       5,187,732          -65.81%    Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA
financial assets

Long-term       accounts
                                    459,520           33,868       1,256.80%     Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

Construction               in                                                    Mainly due to the increased inputs to
                                    809,709          580,729           39.43%
progress                                                                         construction

Intangible assets                 16,655,839       6,868,538         142.49%     Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

Goodwill                          27,314,731       5,730,995         376.61%     Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

                                  32,139,135       3,024,426         962.65%     Mainly due to the increased borrowings

Customer            deposits
and     deposits        from                                                     Mainly due to the changes in the operation of
                                     70,836           36,708           92.97%
banks         and      other                                                     Midea Group Finance
financial institutions

Derivative          financial                                                    Mainly due to changes in the fair value of
                                    156,403           89,838           74.09%
liabilities                                                                      derivative financial assets

                                                                                 Mainly due to the increased profit, the
Taxes payable                      3,571,091       2,364,446           51.03%    increased income tax and the consolidation
                                                                                 of KUKA

Interest payable                      97,110          21,343         355.00%     Mainly due to the increased borrowings

Dividends payable                                                                Mainly due to the payout of last year’s
                                     14,443          105,641          -86.33%
                                                                                 dividends in the current year

                                                           Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Long-term borrowings              4,040,286         2,254,348            79.22%    Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

Long-term employee
                                  2,426,373         1,449,954            67.34%    Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA
benefits payable

Deferred income tax                                                                Mainly due to the asset revaluation gains
                                  4,608,469         1,831,973          151.56%
liabilities                                                                        resulted from the consolidation of KUKA

Other comprehensive
                                   -177,571            13,125        -1,452.92%    Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA

Income statement
                             January-March     January-March         YoY
          items                                                                        Main reasons for the changes
                                 2017              2016           Change (%)
                                                                                   Mainly due to the increased sales and the
Sales revenue                    59,755,914        38,341,624            55.85%
                                                                                   consolidation of KUKA and TLSC

Fee and commission                                                                 Mainly due to the changes in the operation of
                                          1               2,805         -99.96%
income                                                                             Midea Group Finance

                                                                                   Mainly due to the increased sales and the
Cost of sales                    44,782,859        26,906,188            66.44%
                                                                                   consolidation of KUKA and TLSC

                                                                                   Mainly due to the changes in the operation of
Interest expenses                    93,334           132,167           -29.38%
                                                                                   Midea Group Finance

                                                                                   Mainly due to the reclassification of the
Taxes and surtaxes                  361,767           276,519            30.83%
                                                                                   stamp tax and the property tax

Selling                and                                                         Mainly due to the increased sales and the
                                  6,820,223         4,977,071            37.03%
distribution expenses                                                              consolidation of KUKA and TLSC

General                and
                                                                                   Mainly due to the increased sales and the
administrative                    3,178,001         1,662,776            91.13%
                                                                                   consolidation of KUKA and TLSC

Finance cost                                                                       Mainly   due    to     the   increased      interest
                                   -183,364          -282,083           -35.00%

                                                                                   Mainly due to the consolidation of KUKA and
Investment income                   726,487           253,713          186.34%     the increased        gains   on   bank’s   wealth
                                                                                   management products

Non-operating                                                                      Mainly due to the increased government
                                    387,856           292,676            32.52%
income                                                                             subsidies

                                     63,474            21,506          195.15%     Mainly due to the increased donations

      Cash flow
                             January-March     January-March         YoY
 statement items                                                                       Main reasons for the changes
                                 2017              2016           Change (%)
Net cash flows from
                                 -26,909,489        -9,560,260         181.47%     Mainly due to the acquisition of KUKA
investing activities

                                                             Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Net cash flows from
                                28,551,856              4,802,468        494.52%      Mainly due to the increased borrowings
financing activities

    2. Progress, influence and solutions of significant events

    √ Applicable □ N/A

    The acquisition of KUKA through tender offer has been formally completed on 6 January 2017 following

    the execution of all required decision-making and approval procedures. The 32,233,536 shares of KUKA

    have been all transferred to MECCA International (BVI) Limited (MECCA), for which MECCA has paid


    As such, Midea Group holds, via its wholly-owned foreign subsidiary MECCA, altogether 37,605,732

    shares in KUKA, accounting for approximately 94.55% of KUKA’s outstanding shares.
                  Overview of the significant event                 Date of disclosure          Website for disclosure

     Announcement on Consummation of Acquisition of KUKA
                                                                     7 January 2017               www.cninfo.com.cn
              Aktiengesellschaft through Tender Offer

     Report of Midea Group Co., Ltd. on Acquisition of KUKA
                                                                    12 January 2017               www.cninfo.com.cn
              Aktiengesellschaft through Tender Offer

    3. Overdue commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related
    parties and acquirer, as well as the Company and other commitment makers in the
    Report Period or ongoing at the period-end

    □ Applicable √ N/A

    4. Operating result forecast for January-June 2017

    Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the

    period-start until the end of the next Report Period according to predictions as well as any explanations

    for these reasons:

    □ Applicable √ N/A

    5. Securities investment

    □ Applicable √ N/A

    No such cases in the Report Period.

                                                                       Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

No such cases in the Report Period.

6. Investments in financial derivatives

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                                                   on of
                 Rel                                                                                                                the
                 ated                                                                 Purch                                       closing
                 -par                                                                 ased                                        investm
          Rel            Type      Initial                               Opening                  in        Impair Closing                    Actual
                  ty                                                                   in                                           ent
Opera atio                of     investme                                investme                Repor ment investme                         gain/loss
                 tran                            Start date End date                  Repor                                       amount
  tor     nshi          deriva         nt                                    nt                    t        provis       nt                  in Report
                 sact                                                                   t                                          in the
           p             tive     amount                                  amount                 Perio       ion       amount                 Period
                 ion                                                                  Perio                                       Compa
                  or                                                                   d                                           ny’s
                 not                                                                                                              closing

Futur                   Futur
  es                      es                     1 January
          N/A No                    -11.50                   Decembe        -11.50           -          -          -    723.76     0.01%      1,240.31
comp                    contra                   2017
                                                             r 2017
 any                     cts

                        excha 32,817.6 1 January                          32,817.6                                     22,329.6
Bank N/A No                                                  Decembe                         -          -          -               0.34% -10,604.61
                         nge                 0 2017                               0                                           5
                                                             r 2017

                                  32,806.1                                32,806.1                                     23,053.4
Total                                               --            --                         -          -          -               0.35% -9,364.30
                                             0                                    0                                           1

Capital        source      for
                                 All the Company’s own funds
derivative investment

Lawsuits involved (if

Disclosure date of the
board      announcement
                                 31 March 2017
approving the derivative
investment (if any)

Disclosure date of the
                                 22 April 2017
general                meeting

                                                                Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

approving the derivative
investment (if any)

                                 In order to reduce the price risk of the Company's bulk purchases of raw materials as a result of
                                 significant fluctuations in raw material prices, the Company not only carried out futures
                                 business for some of the materials, but also made use of bank financial instruments and
                                 promoted forex funds business, with the purpose of reducing the risks associated with
                                 exchange and interest rate fluctuations, realizing the preservation and appreciation of forex
                                 assets, reducing forex liabilities, and achieving locked-in costs. The Company has undertaken
                                 extensive evaluation and risk control with regard to derivative investment positions, details of
                                 which are as follows:
                                 1. Legal risk: The Company's futures business and forex funds businesses are conducted in
                                 compliance with laws and regulations, with clearly defined responsibilities and obligations
                                 between the Company and agencies.
                                 Control measures: The Company has designated relevant departments with the responsibility
                                 for enhancing expertise in laws, regulations and market rules, conducting strict examination
                                 and verification of contracts, defining responsibility and obligations, and strengthening
                                 compliance checks, so as to ensure that the Company's derivatives investment and position
                                 operations meet the requirements of the laws and regulations and internal management
Analysis of risks and
                                 system of the Company.
control       measures     of
                                 2. Operational risk: Risks caused by imperfect internal processes, staff, systems and external
derivative products held
                                 issues may cause the Company to incur losses during the course of its futures business and
in the Report Period
                                 forex funds business.
(including but not limited
                                 Control measures: The Company has not only developed relevant management systems that
to market risk, liquidity
                                 clearly define the assignment of responsibility and approval process for the futures business
risk,         credit     risk,
                                 and forex funds businesses, but has also established a well-developed monitoring mechanism,
operational risk, legal
                                 aimed at effectively reducing operational risk by strengthening its risk control over the business,
risk, etc.)
                                 decision-making and trading processes.
                                 3. Market risk: Uncertainties caused by changes in the prices of bulk commodities and
                                 exchange rate fluctuations in foreign exchange markets could lead to greater market risk in the
                                 futures business and forex funds business. Meanwhile, the inability to raise sufficient funds in a
                                 timely manner in order to establish and maintain hedging positions in futures operations, or
                                 forex funds required for performance in forex funds operations that are unable to be credited
                                 into account   could also result in loss and default risks.
                                 Control measures: The futures business and forex funds business of the Company are always
                                 conducted by adhering to prudent operation principles. For futures business, futures
                                 transaction volumes and applications have been strictly determined according to the
                                 requirements for production and operations, and a stop-loss mechanism has been
                                 implemented. Furthermore, to determine the prepared margin amount which may be required
                                 to be supplemented, a futures risk measuring system has been established to measure and
                                 calculate the margin amount already in use, floating gains and losses, margin amount available
                                 and margin amount required for intended positions. As for forex funds business, a hierarchical
                                 management mechanism has been implemented, whereby the operating unit which has

                                                                   Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                    submitted applications for funds business should conduct a risk analysis on the conditions and
                                    environment that could affect the operating profit and loss, evaluate the possible greatest
                                    revenue and loss, and report the greatest acceptable margin ratio or total margin amount, so
                                    that the Company can update the operating status of the funds business on a timely basis thus
                                    ensuring the arrangement of proper funds before expiry dates.

Changes          in      market
prices or fair values of
the invested derivatives
                                    1. Profit/loss from futures hedging contracts incurred during the Report Period was
during         the       Report
                                    RMB12.4031 million;
Period. Analysis of the
                                    2. Profit/loss from forward forex contracts incurred during the Report Period was
derivative’s fair value
                                    RMB-106.0461 million;
should         include       the
                                    3. Public quotations in futures market or forward forex quotations announced by Bank of China
specific methods of use
                                    are used in the analysis of the derivatives fair value.
and        the          relevant
assumptions                 and

Whether               significant
changes occurred to the
Company’s accounting
policy         and      specific
                                    No change
accounting principles of
derivatives in the Report
Period compared to the
previous Report Period

                                    The Company's independent directors are of the view that: the futures hedging business is an
                                    effective instrument for the Company to eliminate price volatility and implement risk prevention
Specific opinion from
                                    measures through enhanced internal controls, thereby improving the operation and
independent            directors
                                    management of the Company; the Company's foreign exchange risk management capability
on       the     Company’s
                                    can be further improved through the forex funds business, so as to maintain and increase the
derivatives          investment
                                    value of foreign exchange assets; the abovementioned investment in derivatives can help the
and risk control
                                    Company to fully realize its competitive advantages. Therefore, it is practical for the Company
                                    to carry out derivatives investment business when the risks are controllable.

7. Visits received during the Report Period

√ Applicable □ N/A
           Date                       Type of visit            Type of visitor                         Discussions
                                                                                     Please refer to Investor Relations Activities from
 4-21 January 2017                   Field research              Institution         4 January 2017 to 21 January 2017 on the
                                                                                     website of www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                     Please refer to Investor Relations Activities on
  20 February 2017                   Field research              Institution         20 February 2017 on the website of

                                          Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                          Please refer to Investor Relations Activities from
22-24 February 2017    Field research   Institution       22 February 2017 to 24 February 2017 on the
                                                          website of www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                          Please refer to Investor Relations Activities on
   31 March 2017       Field research   Institution       31 March 2017 on the website of

8. Irregular provision of guarantees

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Report Period.

9. Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related
parties for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Report Period.

                                                   Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                         Section IV Financial Statements

1. Financial statements

                                                Balance Sheet

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Unit:RMB’000
                           31-Mar-17                31-Dec-16                 31-Mar-17                31-Dec-16
                         Consolidated              Consolidated            The Company               The Company
Current assets
  Cash at bank and
                                35,292,098                27,169,118               21,079,937               17,135,480
on hand
  Derivative financial
                                     280,926                 412,813
assets                                                                                       -                          -

  Notes receivable                  8,747,847              7,427,488
                                                                                             -                          -
                                18,026,613                13,454,511
receivable                                                                                   -                          -
  Advances to
                                    2,037,448              1,587,366                   26,202                      8,252
  Loans and
                                10,599,809                10,273,397
advances                                                                                     -                          -
receivable                                  -                       -                        -
  Other receivables                 1,392,703              1,140,133               14,907,159               12,644,592

  Inventories                   21,977,297                15,626,897
                                                                                             -                          -
  Other current
                                47,683,258                43,529,597               26,884,842               24,165,141
    Total current
                              146,037,999               120,621,320                62,898,140               54,239,381
Non-current assets
                                    1,773,706              5,187,732                   36,868                    28,931
financial assets
  Long-term accounts
                                     459,520                  33,868
receivable                                                                                   -                          -
  Long-term equity
                                    2,266,419              2,211,732               23,572,452               23,058,980
  Investment                         487,468                 494,122                  597,821                  604,881

                                               Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Fixed assets                  22,904,995            21,056,791                  946,198                  984,666
  Construction in
                                    809,709              580,729                  501,679                  467,053
  Intangible assets             16,655,839             6,868,538                  235,968                  236,083

  Goodwill                      27,314,731             5,730,995
                                                                                         -                          -
  Long-term prepaid
                                    640,024              625,971                   39,579                    46,090
  Deferred income
                                 3,639,034             3,030,383                   54,655                    62,711
tax assets
  Other non-current
                                 2,924,943             4,158,530                2,477,000                3,342,000
                                79,876,388            49,979,391               28,462,220               28,831,395
non-current assets
                               225,914,387          170,600,711                91,360,360               83,070,776

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                     Accounting head for this Report: Xiao Mingguang
Head of the accounting division: Chen Lihong

                                                    Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                   Balance Sheet (Continued)

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Unit:RMB’000

 Liabilities and Shareholders'        31-Mar-17            31-Dec-16             31-Mar-17             31-Dec-16
               Equity                Consolidated         Consolidated         The Company           The Company

Current liabilities

Short-term borrowings
                                         32,139,135             3,024,426             1,600,000

Customer deposits and deposits
from banks and other financial               70,836                36,708
                                                                                               -                     -

Derivative financial liabilities
                                            156,403                89,838
                                                                                               -                     -

Notes payable
                                         20,284,017            18,484,939
                                                                                               -                     -

Accounts payable
                                         32,390,349            25,356,960
                                                                                               -                     -

Advances from customers
                                         11,831,751            10,252,375
                                                                                               -                     -

Employee benefits payable                 3,351,787             3,154,387               189,115              199,842

Taxes payable                             3,571,091             2,364,446               129,327              103,848

Interest payable                             97,110                21,343               106,940                76,776

Dividends payable
                                             14,443               105,641
                                                                                               -                     -

Other payables                            1,965,146             1,571,422           60,589,822            54,461,578

Current portion of non-current
                                            162,893               158,545
liabilities                                                                                    -                     -

Other current liabilities                27,379,037            24,562,970                48,210              140,264

Total current liabilities               133,413,998            89,184,000           62,663,414            54,982,308

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings
                                          4,040,286             2,254,348
                                                                                               -                     -

Debentures payable
                                          4,796,167             4,818,769
                                                                                               -                     -

Long-term payables                          468,993               366,881
                                                                                               -                     -

Payables for specific projects
                                              2,500                  2,405
                                                                                               -                     -

                                            341,296               325,217
                                                                                               -                     -

                                                   Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Deferred revenue
                                            500,877              502,316
                                                                                              -                     -
Long-term employee benefits
                                           2,426,373           1,449,954
payable                                                                                       -                     -

Deferred income tax liabilities
                                           4,608,469           1,831,973
                                                                                              -                     -

Other non-current liabilities
                                            885,168              888,152
                                                                                              -                     -

Total non-current liabilities
                                          18,070,129          12,440,015
                                                                                              -                     -

Total liabilities                        151,484,127         101,624,015           62,663,414            54,982,308

Shareholders' equity

Share capital                              6,465,677           6,458,767             6,465,677            6,458,767

Capital surplus                           13,834,616          13,596,569             5,688,522            5,455,268

Less: treasury stock
                                                   -                    -                     -                     -

Other comprehensive income                 (177,571)              13,125              (22,054)               (9,069)

Surplus reserve                            2,804,469           2,804,469             2,804,469            2,804,469

General reserve
                                            148,602              148,602
                                                                                              -                     -

Undistributed profits                     42,457,978          38,105,391           13,760,332            13,379,033

Total     equity     attributable   to
shareholders        of   the    parent    65,533,771          61,126,923           28,696,946            28,088,468

Minority interests
                                           8,896,489           7,849,773
                                                                                              -                     -

Total shareholders' equity                74,430,260          68,976,696           28,696,946            28,088,468

                                         225,914,387         170,600,711           91,360,360            83,070,776

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                         Accounting head for this Report: Xiao Mingguang
Head of the accounting division: Chen Lihong

                                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                              Income Statement

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Unit: RMB’000

                                              January-March       January-March       January-March       January-March
                    Item                          2017                 2016                2017                2016

                                              Consolidated         Consolidated       The Company         The Company

1. Total revenue                                  59,988,619           38,599,501             334,192             295,466

Including: Sales revenue                          59,755,914           38,341,624             334,192             295,466

Interest income
                                                     232,704              255,072
                                                                                                      -                   -

Fee and commission income
                                                             1                2,805
                                                                                                      -                   -

2. Total Cost                                    (55,281,140)         (33,884,840)           (161,996)           (131,125)

Including:            Cost of sales              (44,782,859)         (26,906,188)             (9,683)             (4,792)

Interest expenses
                                                     (93,334)            (132,167)
                                                                                                      -                   -

Fee and commission expenses
                                                         (756)                (666)
                                                                                                      -                   -

Taxes and surtaxes                                 (361,767)             (276,519)             (1,854)                (956)

Selling and distribution expenses
                                                  (6,820,223)          (4,977,071)
                                                                                                      -                   -

General and administrative expenses               (3,178,001)          (1,662,776)            (79,016)            (87,582)

Financial expenses – net                            183,364              282,083             (70,893)            (37,770)

Asset impairment (loss)/reversal                   (227,564)             (211,536)                (550)                (25)

Add: Gains/(losses) on changes in fair
                                                   (168,515)             (239,146)                                  22,673
value                                                                                                 -

Investment income                                    726,487              253,713             289,640             134,422

Including: Share of profit of associates
                                                      87,936                81,800              42,380              55,455
and a joint venture

3. Operating profit                                5,265,451            4,729,228             461,836             321,436

Add: Non-operating income                            387,856              292,676                  337                 695

Including:   Gains      on    disposal   of
                                                         8,743                1,423
non-current assets                                                                                    -                   -

Less:   Non-operating expenses                       (63,474)             (21,506)             (1,008)             (2,076)

Including:   Losses      on   disposal   of
                                                     (15,889)             (12,537)                 (88)
non-current assets                                                                                                        -

4. Total profit                                    5,589,833            5,000,398             461,165             320,055

                                                           Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Less: Income tax expenses                               (903,968)          (833,631)            (79,866)            (66,511)

5. Net profit                                           4,685,865         4,166,767             381,299             253,544

Including:      Net     profit        achieved     by
consolidated                entities           before
                                                                -                   -                   -                   -

Attributable to shareholders of the
                                                        4,352,587         3,907,252             381,299             253,544
parent company

Minority interests
                                                         333,278            259,515
                                                                                                        -                   -

6. Other comprehensive income net
                                                        (179,644)           648,965             (12,985)               (100)
of tax

Attributable to shareholders of the
                                                        (190,696)           630,038             (12,985)               (100)
parent company

(1) Other comprehensive income items
which        will     not      be       reclassified
                                                           6,365                    -                   -                   -
subsequently to profit or loss

1) Changes in net liabilities or assets
with     a   defined        benefit     plan     upon
                                                           6,365                    -                   -                   -

2) Shares in other comprehensive
incomes in investees that cannot be
reclassified into gains and losses under                        -                   -                   -                   -
the equity method

(2) Other comprehensive income items
which will be reclassified subsequently                 (197,061)           630,038             (12,985)               (100)
to profit or loss

1) Share of the other comprehensive
income of the investee accounted for
using equity method which will be                        (18,790)           (52,591)            (12,985)               (100)
reclassified subsequently to profit and

2)     Changes         in      fair     value      of
                                                        (309,321)           549,616
available-for-sale financial assets                                                                     -                   -

3) Effective portion of cash flow hedging
gains or losses                                                 -                   -                   -                   -

4)     Translation     of     foreign     currency
                                                          97,869            147,624
financial statements                                                                                    -                   -

5) Foreign-currency financial statement
                                                          33,181            (14,611)
translation difference                                                                                  -                   -

Attributable to minority shareholders                     11,052              18,927

                                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               -                   -

7. Total comprehensive income                  4,506,221          4,815,732            368,314             253,444

Attributable to shareholders of the
                                               4,161,891          4,537,290            368,314             253,444
parent company

Attributable to minority shareholders
                                                344,330            278,442
                                                                                               -                   -

8. Earnings per share                                            (Restated)

Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                 0.67               0.61                 N/A                 N/A

Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan)               0.67               0.61                 N/A                 N/A

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                          Accounting head for this Report: Xiao Mingguang
Head of the accounting division: Chen Lihong

                                                             Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                 Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Unit: RMB’000

                                                  January-March       January-March       January-March       January-March
                      Item                            2017                2016                 2017                2016

                                                  Consolidated        Consolidated        The Company         The Company

1.   Cash      flows     from      operating

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                      47,125,873          32,056,847
rendering of services                                                                                     -                   -

Net increase in customer deposits and
deposits     from      banks      and    other            34,128
                                                                                      -                   -                   -
financial institutions

Net decrease in deposits with central
bank                                                              -                                       -                   -

Cash received from interest, fee and
                                                         246,210             257,877
commission                                                                                                -                   -

Refund of taxes and surtaxes
                                                       1,384,056            1,588,785
                                                                                                          -                   -

Cash     received      relating    to    other
                                                       1,160,334            1,564,570           6,368,959           9,967,594
operating activities

Sub-total of cash inflows                             49,950,601          35,738,626            6,368,959           9,967,594

Cash paid for goods and services
                                                     (26,421,269)        (17,512,729)
                                                                                                          -                   -

Net decrease in customer deposits
and deposits from banks and other                                            (19,252)
                                                                  -                                       -                   -
financial institutions

Net increase in loans and advances
                                                       (349,405)          (1,779,265)
                                                                                                          -                   -

Net increase in deposits with central
bank                                                                                  -                   -                   -

Cash    paid    for    interest,   fee    and
                                                         (94,090)           (132,833)
commission                                                                                                -                   -

Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                      (6,338,017)         (3,254,369)             (12,672)            (17,997)

Payments of taxes and surtaxes                        (2,729,906)         (2,003,485)             (35,399)            (26,836)

Cash paid relating to other operating
                                                      (6,692,300)         (4,441,669)         (2,466,800)          (3,830,862)

Sub-total of cash outflows                           (42,942,030)        (29,143,602)         (2,514,871)          (3,875,695)

                                                          Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Net cash flows from operating
                                                     7,008,571           6,595,024           3,854,088           6,091,899

2.   Cash       flows     from     investing

Cash received from withdrawal of
                                                    26,720,523         16,846,496           17,024,406           9,282,040

Cash     received       from     returns     on
                                                       490,466            406,105              654,204             556,038

Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and                     13,902               2,987              12,049
other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units                         -                   -                   -                    -

Cash     received       relating    to     other
investing activities                                          -                   -                   -                    -

Sub-total of cash inflows                           27,224,891         17,255,588           17,690,659           9,838,078

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                (510,405)           (484,331)             (36,702)           (148,301)

Cash paid to acquire investments                   (28,410,748)       (26,331,517)        (22,291,936)         (14,046,586)

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units                                                          -                   -                    -

Cash     paid     to    other      investment
activities                                                    -                   -                   -                    -

Sub-total of cash outflows                         (54,134,380)       (26,815,848)        (22,328,638)         (14,194,887)

Net cash flows from investing
                                                   (26,909,489)        (9,560,260)         (4,637,979)          (4,356,809)

3.   Cash       flows     from     financing

Cash         received       from         capital
                                                       161,107                                 161,107
contributions                                                               19,234                                   19,234

Including: Cash received from capital
contributions by minority shareholders
                                                              -                   -                   -                    -
of subsidiaries

Cash received from borrowings
                                                    29,829,202           7,773,335           1,600,000
Cash received from commercial paper
issued                                                        -                   -                   -                    -

Cash     received       relating    to     other

                                                      Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

financing activities                                      -                   -                   -                    -

Sub-total of cash inflows                       29,990,309           7,792,569           1,761,107             519,234

Cash repayments of borrowings
                                                (1,153,671)        (2,847,658)                              (1,290,000)

Cash     repayments       of    commercial
paper                                                     -                   -                   -                    -

Cash payments for interest expenses
                                                 (189,407)           (142,443)           (125,351)            (261,178)
and distribution of dividends or profits

Including:    Cash        payments        for
dividends     or   profit      to    minority     (91,200)           (106,543)
                                                                                                  -                    -
shareholders of subsidiaries

Cash payments to other financing
activities                                                                    -                   -                    -

Sub-total of cash outflows                      (1,438,453)        (2,990,101)           (125,351)          (1,551,178)

Net cash flows from financing
                                                28,551,856           4,802,468           1,635,756          (1,031,944)

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes       on   cash        and     cash         48,314             (2,347)
                                                                                                  -                    -

5. Net decrease in cash and cash
                                                 8,699,252           1,834,885             851,865             703,146

Add:    Opening        cash     and     cash
                                                12,513,730           5,187,317           8,174,915           6,245,008

6.     Closing     cash        and     cash
                                                21,212,982           7,022,202           9,026,780           6,948,154

Legal representative: Fang Hongbo                             Accounting head for this Report: Xiao Mingguang
Head of the accounting division: Chen Lihong

                                            Interim Report for the First Quarter 2017 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

2. Auditor’s report

Is this Report audited by a CPAs firm?
□ Yes √ No
This Report is un-audited by a CPAs firm.

                                                                     Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                                                              Legal Representative: Fang Hongbo
                                                                         29 April 2017
