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                                 Midea Group Co., Ltd.
Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021

                 April 2021

                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                   Section I Important Reminders

1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the

directors, supervisors and senior management staff of Midea Group Co.,

Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) have warranted that this

Report contains no false record, misleading statement or material

omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality,

accuracy and completeness of the information given in this Report.

2. All the directors have attended the Q1 report review board meeting.

3. The financial statements contained in this Report have not been

audited by a certified public auditors (CPAs) firm.

4. Mr. Fang Hongbo, Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Company,

and Ms. Zhong Zheng, Director of Finance of the Company, have

represented and warranted that the financial statements in this Report

are factual, accurate and complete.

5. This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should

there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version

shall prevail.

                                                          Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                    Section II Company Profile

1. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years?

□Yes √No

                                              Jan.-Mar. 2021                 Jan.-Mar. 2020          YoY Change (%)

Operating revenue (RMB'000)                              82,504,017                  58,013,031                    42.22%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           6,468,588                  4,810,977                    34.45%
the Company (RMB'000)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company before non-recurring                           6,649,368                  4,816,912                    38.04%
gains and losses (RMB'000)

Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                           8,553,861                  7,668,597                     11.54%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                              0.93                        0.70                 32.86%

Diluted earnings per share
                                                                  0.92                        0.69                 33.33%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                      5.35%                       4.62%                     0.73%

                                               31 Mar. 2021                   31 Dec. 2020             Change (%)

Total assets (RMB'000)                                 369,174,526                  360,382,603                     2.44%

Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                                         117,532,628                117,516,260                     0.01%
of the Company (RMB'000)

Total share capital of the Company on the last trading session before disclosure:

Total share capital of the Company on the last trading
session before disclosure (share)

Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest share capital above:

Dividend paid to preference shareholders                                                                                  -

Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest
share capital above (RMB/share)

Non-recurring gains and losses

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’000

                             Item                                        Jan.-Mar. 2021                 Note

                                                             Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                            1,579

Except for effectively hedging business related to normal
business operations of the Company, gain or loss arising
from the change in the fair value of financial assets held for
trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held
for trading, derivative financial liabilities and other
non-current financial assets, as well as investment gain or
loss produced from the disposal of financial assets held for
trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held
for trading, derivative financial liabilities and other
non-current financial assets

Other                                                                                    366,439

Less: Corporate income tax                                                                -26,239

        Minority interests (after tax)                                                      8,376

Total                                                                                    -180,780                   --

2. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the

2.1 Total number of common shareholders, preference shareholders with resumed voting rights
and shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders at the period-end

                                                                                                                            Unit: share

                                                                         Total number of preference
Total number of common
                                                 404,034                 shareholders with resumed voting                   0
shareholders at the period-end
                                                                         rights at the period-end (if any)

                                                       Top ten shareholders

                                                                                                               Pledged or frozen
                                                                   Sharehol                                              shares
                                                                                                 Number of
                                                 Nature of             ding      Number of                     Status
            Name of shareholder                                                                   restricted
                                                shareholder        percenta     shares held                      of       Number of
                                                                                                shares held
                                                                    ge (%)                                     share        shares

Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                      non-state-owned            30.78 2,169,178,713                              100,000,000

Hong Kong Securities Clearing                Foreign
                                                                        14.91 1,050,938,349
Company Limited                              corporation

                                                           Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                  2.81     198,145,134

Fang Hongbo                                                         1.66     116,990,492   87,742,869

The securities account of Midea Group
                                           non-state-owned          1.64     115,686,277
Co., Ltd. for share repurchase

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Foreign
                                                                    1.47     103,913,897
- own funds (stock exchange)              corporation

Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd.                                1.28      90,169,354

Huang Jian                                                          1.22      86,140,000

Li Jianwei                                                          0.71      50,160,000

Yuan Liqun                                                          0.57      40,343,895

                                        Top 10 non-restricted common shareholders

                                                         Number of non-restricted               Type of shares
               Name of shareholder                      common shares held at the
                                                                                            Type                 Shares

Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                                              2,212,046,613 RMB common stock          2,212,046,613

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                        1,050,938,349 RMB common stock          1,050,938,349

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                     198,145,134 RMB common stock            198,145,134

The securities account of Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                       115,686,277 RMB common stock            115,686,277
for share repurchase

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board- own
                                                                       103,913,897 RMB common stock            103,913,897
funds (stock exchange)

Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd.                                    90,169,354 RMB common stock              90,169,354

Huang Jian                                                              86,140,000 RMB common stock              86,140,000

Li Jianwei                                                              50,160,000 RMB common stock              50,160,000

Yuan Liqun                                                              40,343,895 RMB common stock              40,343,895

Merrill Lynch International                                            39,798,754 RMB common stock               39,798,754
Explanation of related relationship or/and
acting-in-concert parties among the                     N/A
above-mentioned shareholders

                                                        1. The Company’s shareholder Yuan Liqun holds 4,227,400 shares
Top ten non-restricted common shareholders
                                                        in the Company through her common securities account and
taking part in securities margin trading (if any)
                                                        36,116,495 shares in the Company through her account of collateral

                                            Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                         securities for margin trading, representing a total holding of
                                         40,343,895 shares in the Company.

Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of the

Company conduct any promissory repurchase during the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2.2 Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten preference
shareholders at the period-end

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                        Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                   Section III Significant Events

1. Major changes of main items in financial statements and financial indicators
within the Report Period, as well as the reasons for the changes

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’000

Financial statement              31 March           31 December
          items                2021/January-       2020/January-Ma                       Reasons for the changes
    (consolidated)              March 2021            rch 2020
Financial assets held                                                                  Mainly due to the decreased
                                   17,847,023            28,239,601         -36.80%
for trading                                                                            structured deposits

                                                                                       Mainly due to the changes in the
Derivative        financial
                                      212,889               161,225          32.04%    fair value of derivative financial

Current       portion     of        3,416,313             6,310,181         -45.86%    Mainly due to the repayment of
non-current liabilities                                                                borrowings

                                                                                       Mainly due to the reclassification
Long-term payables                             -                13,260     -100.00%
                                                                                       to contract liabilities

                                                                                       Mainly due to the increased share
Treasury stock                     13,396,198             6,094,347         119.81%

                                                                                       Mainly due to the increased sales
Operating revenue                  82,504,017            58,013,031          42.22%

                                                                                       Mainly due to the changes in the
Interest income                       513,036               342,786          49.67%
                                                                                       finance business

                                                                                       Mainly due to the increased sales
Cost of sales                       63,526,113           43,428,300          46.28%

                                                                                       Mainly due to the changes in the
Interest costs                         15,059                   53,023      -71.60%
                                                                                       finance business

                                                                                       Mainly due to the increased sales
Taxes and surcharges                  390,356               281,138          38.85%
Selling and distribution                                                               Mainly due to the increased sales
                                    7,456,925             5,656,993          31.82%
expenses                                                                               revenue

                                                                                       Mainly    due    to   the   increased
Financial expense                     -960,112             -267,397        -259.06%
                                                                                       interest income

                                                                                       Mainly    due    to   the   increased
Other income                          345,651                   81,818     322.46%
                                                                                       subsidies received

Gains on changes in
                                     -830,632                   20,570   -4,138.07%    Mainly due to the changes in the
fair value

                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                             fair value of financial assets held
                                                                             for trading

Credit       impairment                                                      Mainly due to the changes in the
                               180,953            131,813          37.28%
losses                                                                       finance business

Asset        impairment                                                      Mainly       due    to    the   increased
                               115,967                -1,430    8,209.58%
losses                                                                       inventory valuation allowances

                                                                             Mainly       due    to    the   increased
Gains/(Losses)         on
                                 1,400                 3,841      -63.55%    losses on disposal of non-current
disposal of assets

                                                                             Mainly       due    to    the   increased
Non-operating income            72,204                46,134       56.51%
                                                                             subsidies received

Non-operating                                                                Mainly due to the increased other
                                25,720                16,726       53.77%
expenses                                                                     expenses

                                                                             Mainly due to the increased profits
Minority interests             100,849                  -587   17,280.41%
                                                                             of joint ventures

                                                                             Mainly due to the increased cash
Net cash flows from
                              -932,059          -5,485,574         83.01%    received       from        disposal      of
investing activities

                                                                             Mainly due to the increased cash
Net cash flows from
                            -3,537,964            300,610      -1,276.93%    payments           relating     to    other
financing activities
                                                                             financing activities

                                                                             Mainly due to the increased net
Net increase in cash
                             4,033,640          2,540,236          58.79%    cash     flows           from    investing
and cash equivalents

2. Progress, influence and solutions of significant events

□ Applicable √ N/A

Progress of any share repurchase

√ Applicable □ N/A

The Proposal on the Plan for the Repurchase of Some Public Shares was approved at the 29th Meeting

of the 3rd Board of Directors on 23 February 2021. As such, the Company was agreed to repurchase,

with its own funds, no less than 50,000,000 shares and no more than 100,000,000 shares by way of

centralized bidding at a price not exceeding RMB140/share. The share repurchase plan would be

implemented within 12 months starting from the date it was approved by the Board of Directors. And the

repurchased shares would be used for the Company’s equity incentive schemes and/or employee stock

                                                                Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  ownership schemes.

  The Announcement on the Completion of the Implementation of the Share Repurchase Plan was

  disclosed on 3 April 2021. As of 2 April 2021, the Company has cumulatively repurchased 99,999,931

  shares (1.4189% of the Company’s total share capital as of 31 March 2021). With the highest trading

  price being RMB95.68/share and the lowest being RMB80.29/share, the total payment amounted to

  RMB8,664,107,576.69 (exclusive of trading fees). With the repurchased shares close to the upper limit

  of the share repurchase plan of 100,000,000 shares, the implementation of this share repurchase plan

  has been completed.

  Progress of any repurchased share reduction through centralized price bidding

  □ Applicable √ N/A

  3. Overdue commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related
  parties and acquirer, as well as the Company and other commitment makers in the
  Report Period or ongoing at the period-end

  □Applicable √N/A

  No such cases in the Reporting Period.

  4. Financial investments

  4.1 Securities investments

  √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB’000

                                                            Profit or
                                                            loss from
                                         Meas                           tive fair
Type Code Abbrevi                                           change                   Purcha                  Profit or                       Fund
                              Initial    ureme Opening                      value                 Sold in                Closing
  of      of     ation of                                    in fair                 sed in                   loss in               Account ing
                            investment     nt    carrying               change                     the                   carrying
secur securi securiti                                        value                    the                       the                 ing title sour
                               cost      metho amount                   charged                   period                 amount
 ities    ties     es                                        during                  period                   period                             ce
                                           d                                  to

                                         Fair                                                                                       Financi Own
seas             XIAOMI
         1810                 769,972 value 1,676,547 -374,629               3,885            -             - -374,629 1,305,803 al asset fund
listed             -W
                                         metho                                                                                      held for s

                                                                                 Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                   d                                                                                                 trading

Over                                               Fair                                                                                              Financi
seas                                               value                                                                                             al asset
            DNK Danke                    172,190                   35,126      -6,534         183            -           -      -6,534      28,775                fund
listed                                             metho                                                                                             held for
stock                                              d                                                                                                 trading

                      Espress                      Fair                                                                                              Financi
estica                                                                                                                                                            Own
            6880 if                                value                                                                                             al asset
lly                                       13,998               128,032        -40,625           -            -           -     -40,625      87,407                fund
            18        System                       metho                                                                                             held for
listed                                                                                                                                                            s
                      s                            d                                                                                                 trading
                                                   Fair                                                                                              Financi
estica                                                                                                                                                            Own
            6881                                   value                                                                                             al asset
lly                   EFORT              178,534               475,260 -119,260                 -            -           - -119,260        356,000                fund
            65                                     metho                                                                                             held for
listed                                                                                                                                                            s
                                                   d                                                                                                 trading

Total                                  1,134,694       --    2,314,965 -541,048           4,068              -           - -541,048 1,777,985            -            --

      4.2 Derivatives investments

      √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB’000

                 Rel                                                                                                                       Closing
                 atio                                                                                                                     investment
                 nshi Rel                                                                     Purcha                                      amount as      Actual
                                 Type                                                                      Sold in provid Closing
      Opera       p       ated               Initial        Starti             Opening        sed in                                          a         gain/loss
                                   of                                Endin                                 Reporti ed for investm
       ting      with tran                investment         ng               investment Reporti                                          percentage         in
                                 deriva                              g date                                  ng       impair     ent
      party the sact                        amount          date               amount          ng                                           of the      Reporting
                                  tive                                                                     Period ment amount
                 Co       ion                                                                 Period                                      Company’s     Period
                 mpa                                                                                                                      closing net
                 ny                                                                                                                         assets

      Futur                      Futur
      es                         es                         01/01/ 31/12/
                 No       No                       105                                  105            -          -           - 18,905      0.0161%          39,921
      comp                       contra                     2021 2021
      any                        cts

                                                            01/01/ 31/12/
      Bank No             No     deriva    1,007,587                           1,007,587 6,674.9 4,468.1                      - 564,255     0.4801%      264,788
                                                            2021 2021

      Total                                1,007,692          --       --      1,007,692 6,674.9 4,468.1                      - 583,160     0.4962%      304,709

      Source of derivatives
                                          All from the Company’s own funds
      investment funds

      Litigation involved (if             N/A

                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.


Disclosure date of the
announcement about
the board’s consent for 30/04/2021
the derivative
investment (if any)

Disclosure date of the
announcement about
the general meeting’s
consent for the
derivative investment (if

                               For the sake of eliminating the cost risk of the Company's bulk purchases of raw materials as a
                               result of significant fluctuations in raw material prices, the Company not only carried out futures
                               business for some of the materials, but also made use of bank financial instruments and
                               promoted forex funds business, with the purpose of avoiding the risks of exchange and interest
                               rate fluctuation, realizing the preservation and appreciation of forex assets, reducing forex
                               liabilities, as well as achieving locked-in costs. The Company has performed sufficient
                               evaluation and control against derivatives investment and position risks, details of which are
                               described as follows:

                               1. Legal risk: The Company's futures business and forex funds businesses shall be conducted
                               in compliance with laws and regulations, with clearly covenanted responsibility and obligation
Risk analysis of
                               relationship between the Company and the agencies.
positions held in
derivatives during the         Control measures: The Company has designated relevant responsible departments to enhance
Reporting Period and           learning of laws and regulations and market rules, conducted strict examination and verification
explanation of control         of contracts, defined responsibility and obligation well, and strengthened compliance check, so
measures (Including but as to ensure that the Company's derivatives investment and position operations meet the
not limited to market          requirements of the laws and regulations and internal management system of the Company.
risk, liquidity risk, credit
                               2. Operational risk: Imperfect internal process, staff, systems and external issues may cause the
risk, operational risk,
                               Company to suffer from loss during the course of its futures business and forex funds business.
legal risk, etc.)
                               Control measures: The Company has not only developed relevant management systems that
                               clearly defined the assignment of responsibility and approval process for the futures business
                               and forex funds business, but also established a comparatively well-developed monitoring
                               mechanism, aiming to effectively reduce operational risk by strengthening risk control over the
                               business, decision-making and trading processes.

                               3. Market risk: Uncertainties caused by changes in the prices of bulk commodity and exchange
                               rate fluctuations in foreign exchange market could lead to greater market risk in the futures
                               business and forex funds business. Meanwhile, inability to timely raise sufficient funds to
                               establish and maintain hedging positions in futures operations, or the forex funds required for
                               performance in forex funds operations being unable to be credited into account could also result

                                                           Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                            in loss and default risks.

                            Control measures: The futures business and forex funds business of the Company shall always
                            be conducted by adhering to prudent operation principles. For futures business, the futures
                            transaction volume and application have been determined strictly according to the requirements
                            of production & operations, and the stop-loss mechanism has been implemented. Besides, to
                            determine the prepared margin amount which may be required to be supplemented, the futures
                            risk measuring system has been established to measure and calculate the margin amount
                            occupied, floating gains and losses, margin amount available and margin amount required for
                            intended positions. As for forex funds business, a hierarchical management mechanism has
                            been implemented, whereby the operating unit which has submitted application for funds
                            business should conduct risk analysis on the conditions and environment affecting operating
                            profit and loss, evaluate the possible greatest revenue and loss, and report the greatest
                            acceptable margin ratio or total margin amount, so that the Company can update operating
                            status of the funds business on a timely basis to ensure proper funds arrangement before the
                            expiry dates.

Changes in market
prices or fair value of
derivative products
during the Reporting
                            1. Gain from futures contracts during the Reporting Period was RMB39.921 million.
Period, specific
                            2. Gain from FX derivatives during the Reporting Period was RMB264.788 million.
methods used and
                            3. Public quotations in futures market or forward forex quotations announced by the Bank of
relevant assumption
                            China are used in the analysis of derivatives fair value.
and parameter settings
shall be disclosed for
analysis of fair value of

Explanation of
significant changes in
accounting policies and
specific financial
accounting principles in
respect of the              No change
Company's derivatives
for the Reporting Period
as compared to the
previous Reporting
Special opinions            The Company's independent directors are of the view that the futures hedging business is an
expressed by                effective instrument for the Company to eliminate price volatility and implement risk prevention
independent directors       measures through enhanced internal control, thereby improving the operation and management
concerning the              of the Company; the Company's foreign exchange risk management capability can be further
Company's derivatives       improved through the forex funds business, so as to maintain and increase the value of foreign
investment and risk         exchange assets and the abovementioned investment in derivatives can help the Company to

                                                     Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

control                fully bring out its competitive advantages. Therefore, it is practicable for the Company to carry
                       out derivatives investment business, and the risks are controllable.

5. Progress on projects financed with raised funds

□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Operating result forecast for January-June 2021

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the

period-start until the end of the next Reporting Period according to predictions as well as any

explanations for these reasons:

□ Applicable √ N/A

7. Significant contracts arising from the Company’s ordinary course of business

□ Applicable √ N/A

8. Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

9. Irregular provision of guarantees

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

10. Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related
parties for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

11. Visits received during the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ N/A

     Date          Place        Type of    Type of             Visitor               Discussions       Index to main

                                                     Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                visit     visitor                                                           inquiry

                                                     BOCIM, New China
                                                     Fund, Taiping Asset
                                                     Management, Ping An
                                                     Annuity Insurance, SWS
                                                     MU Fund Management,
                                                     Kaiyuan Securities,       1. Midea’s new

                                                     Fullgoal Fund, CICC       business structure

                                                     Securities, Industrial    and strategic focus?

                                                     Securities, Essence       2. Midea’s planning
                                                     Fund, Huamei              and strategy for
                                                     Investment, Fullgoal      overseas sales in         Log Sheet of
                                                     Fund, UBS SDIC,           the near future?             Investor
                                                     Huitong Fund,             3. KUKA’s latest           Relations
                Midea Group                          Focusbridge Fund, BOC condition and future         Activities for 18
18 March 2021                 By phone Institution
                    HQ                               Wealth Management,        development?              March 2021
                                                     Minsheng Royal,           4. What are the           disclosed on
                                                     Maxwealth Fund,           positions for            www.cninfo.com
                                                     Huashang Fund, Guotai     WINONE Elevator                .cn
                                                     Junan Securities Asset    and WDM, which
                                                     Management, Ping An       were acquired in the
                                                     Fund Management,          past year, in Midea’s
                                                     Xueshi Investment,    business landscape
                                                     Western Leadbank FMC, in the future?
                                                     AXA SPDB Investment
                                                     Managers, PICC
                                                     Pension, Xinyuan Asset
                                                     Management, and

                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                       Section IV Financial Statements

 1. Financial statements

                                                  Balance Sheet

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                  31 March 2021                             Unit: RMB’000

                                            31 March 2021       31 December 2020        31 March 2021       31 December 2020
                                            Consolidated           Consolidated           Company              Company

Current assets:

  Cash at bank and on hand                       86,223,870              81,210,482          62,926,571             49,240,180

  Financial assets held for trading              17,847,023              28,239,601           8,875,145             16,614,658

  Derivative financial assets                       329,867                 420,494                     -                      -

  Notes receivable                                4,609,220               5,304,510                     -                      -

  Accounts receivable                            26,388,315              22,978,363                     -                      -

  Receivables financing                          12,868,889              13,901,856                     -                      -

  Advances to suppliers                           3,208,993               2,763,710              77,952                  45,306

  Contract assets                                 3,875,902               3,236,848                     -                      -

  Loans and advances                             19,728,893              16,469,069                     -                      -

  Other receivables                               2,757,223               2,973,945          33,832,202             28,318,670

  Inventories                                    31,496,638              31,076,529                     -                      -

  Other current assets                           38,238,606              33,079,918          24,805,849             20,533,745

Total current assets                            247,573,439             241,655,325         130,517,719            114,752,559

Non-current assets:

  Other debt investments                         23,256,572              21,456,155          21,864,572             20,064,155

  Long-term receivables                             937,727                 981,623                     -                      -

  Loans and advances                                952,561                1,113,501                    -                      -

  Long-term equity investments                    2,951,553               2,901,337          56,142,828             54,991,161

  Other investments in equity instruments            38,975                  46,651                     -                      -

  Other non-current financial assets              3,302,444               3,360,849              79,139                  80,937

  Investment properties                             366,254                 405,559             466,099                476,839

                                                    Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Fixed assets                         21,955,436              22,239,214             708,433                749,835

  Construction in progress              1,508,141               1,477,302             260,637                204,304

  Right-of-use assets                   2,050,852                                       8,402

  Intangible assets                    16,588,979              15,422,393             681,037                684,997

  Goodwill                             28,365,224              29,557,218                   -                      -

  Long-term prepaid expenses            1,321,140               1,300,962              94,750                 97,078

  Deferred tax assets                   7,435,518               7,208,635             286,871                287,360

  Other non-current assets             10,569,711               11,255,879         10,040,163             10,141,031

Total non-current assets              121,601,087             118,727,278          90,632,931             87,777,697

TOTAL ASSETS                          369,174,526             360,382,603         221,150,650            202,530,256

 Legal representative:         Principal in charge of accounting:               Head of accounting department:
 Fang Hongbo                   Zhong Zheng                                      Chen Lihong

                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                         Balance Sheet (Continued)

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                 31 March 2021                      Unit: RMB’000

 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'            31 March 2021          31 December 2020        31 March 2021       31 December 2020

                    EQUITY                 Consolidated            Consolidated            Company               Company

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                        11,589,187                  9,943,929             490,570                799,314

  Customer deposits and deposits from
                                                   98,785                     87,535                     -                      -
banks and other financial institutions

  Derivative financial liabilities                212,889                    161,225                     -                      -

  Notes payable                                29,015,231                 28,249,939                     -                      -

  Accounts payable                             58,403,164                 53,930,261                     -                      -

  Contract liabilities                         20,148,760                 18,400,922                     -                      -

  Employee benefits payable                     4,956,559                  6,954,822             558,134                562,954

  Taxes payable                                 4,667,549                  5,758,058             984,212               1,326,219

  Other payables                                4,278,661                  4,501,391         145,857,360            123,120,354

  Current portion of non-current
                                                3,416,313                  6,310,181               7,786               4,000,000

  Other current liabilities                    51,057,776                 49,852,239            3,004,427              3,048,794

Total current liabilities                     187,844,874                184,150,502         150,902,489            132,857,635

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                         46,909,801                 42,827,287          12,000,000               5,800,000

  Lease liabilities                             1,422,561                                            684

  Long-term payables                                      -                   13,260                     -                      -

  Provisions                                      299,147                    298,110                     -                      -

  Deferred income                                 823,607                    779,729                     -                      -

  Long-term employee benefits payable           1,838,312                  2,159,675                     -                      -

  Deferred tax liabilities                      4,975,914                  5,223,954              46,647                   67,792

  Other non-current liabilities                   691,182                    692,986                     -                      -

Total non-current liabilities                  56,960,524                 51,995,001          12,047,331               5,867,792

Total liabilities                             244,805,398                236,145,503         162,949,820            138,725,427

Shareholders' equity:

  Share capital                                 7,047,686                  7,029,976            7,047,686              7,029,976

                                                        Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Capital surplus                         23,340,345                22,488,105          29,956,567              29,123,547

  Less: Treasury stock                   (13,396,198)               (6,094,347)        (13,396,198)            (6,094,347)

  Other comprehensive income              (1,574,746)               (1,549,003)             (4,529)               (16,009)

  General risk reserve                       587,984                   587,984                    -                      -

  Specific reserve                            13,441                    12,730

  Surplus reserve                          7,966,362                 7,966,362            7,966,362              7,966,362

  Undistributed profits                   93,547,753                87,074,453          26,630,942              25,795,300

  Total equity attributable to
                                         117,532,627               117,516,260          58,200,830              63,804,829
shareholders of the Company

  Minority interests                       6,836,501                 6,720,840                    -                      -

Total shareholders' equity               124,369,128               124,237,100          58,200,830              63,804,829

                                         369,174,526               360,382,603         221,150,650            202,530,256

Legal representative:            Principal in charge of accounting:               Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo                      Zhong Zheng                                      Chen Lihong

                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                     Income Statement

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                   January-March 2021                               Unit: RMB’000

                                                       January-March        January-March        January-March         January-March

                          Item                             2021                 2020                 2021                  2020

                                                       Consolidated         Consolidated           Company               Company

1. Total revenue                                            83,017,120           58,355,915              442,664              382,710

  Including: Operating revenue                              82,504,017           58,013,031              442,664              382,710

              Interest income                                  513,036              342,786                      -                      -

              Fee and commission income                               67                   98                    -                      -

2. Total operating cost                                    (75,354,650)         (53,240,225)             257,173              166,944

  Including: Cost of sales                                 (63,526,113)         (43,428,300)             (11,610)             (10,696)

              Interest expenses                                (15,059)             (53,023)                     -                      -

              Fee and commission expenses                         (1,776)              (1,976)                   -                      -

              Taxes and surcharges                           (390,356)            (281,138)             (18,648)              (14,860)

              Selling and distribution expenses             (7,456,925)          (5,656,993)                     -                      -

              General and administrative expenses           (2,404,839)          (2,008,521)           (233,265)             (129,126)

              Research and development expenses             (2,519,694)          (2,077,671)                     -                      -

              Financial income                                 960,112              267,397              520,696              321,626

              Including: Interest expenses                   (317,428)            (272,142)            (504,197)             (397,286)

                          Interest income                    1,158,995              778,923            1,024,813              718,942

        Add: Other income                                      345,651                 81,818            152,367                   1,687

              Investment income                                531,167              409,709              254,440              222,065

              Including: Investment income from
                                                               136,353              137,588                 70,473                74,300
associates and joint ventures

              Gains/(Losses) on changes in fair
                                                             (830,632)                 20,570          (249,001)                  86,529

              Credit impairment losses                       (180,953)            (131,813)                  (664)                (6,179)

              Asset impairment losses                         (115,967)                 1,430                    -                      -

              Gains/(Losses) on disposal of assets                 1,400                3,841                (964)                      -

3. Operating profit                                          7,413,136            5,501,245              856,015              853,756

  Add: Non-operating income                                       72,204               46,134                 448                    842

  Less: Non-operating expenses                                 (25,720)             (16,726)                     -            (12,629)

4. Total profit                                              7,459,620            5,530,653              856,463              841,969

                                                            Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Less: Income tax expenses                                (890,183)           (720,263)           (25,533)           (52,467)

5. Net profit                                              6,569,437          4,810,390            830,930             789,502

  (1) Classified by continuity of operations

       Net profit from continuing operations               6,569,437          4,810,390            830,930             789,502

       Net profit from discontinued operations                       -                 -                  -                  -

  (2) Classified by ownership of the equity

       Attributable to shareholders of the Company         6,468,588          4,810,977            830,930             789,502

       Minority interests                                   100,849                (587)                  -                  -

6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                   (42,607)           (834,341)             11,480                  -

  Other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                            (25,743)           (583,429)             11,480                  -
shareholders of the Company, net of tax

  (1) Other comprehensive income items which will
                                                             94,651             (34,092)                  -                  -
not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

     1) Changes arising from remeasurement of
                                                             94,607             (34,092)                  -                  -
defined benefit plan

   2) Changes in fair value of other investments in
                                                                 44                    -                  -                  -
equity instruments

  (2) Other comprehensive income items which will
                                                           (120,394)           (549,337)             11,480                  -
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

     1) Other comprehensive income that will be

transferred subsequently to profit or loss under the         12,308               1,606              11,480                  -

equity method

     2) Cash flow hedging reserve                          (197,769)           (326,367)                  -                  -

     3) Exchange differences on translation of
                                                             65,067            (224,576)                  -                  -
foreign currency financial statements

  Other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                            (16,864)           (250,912)                  -                  -
minority shareholders, net of tax

7. Total comprehensive income                              6,526,830          3,976,049            842,410             789,502

  Attributable to shareholders of the Company              6,442,845          4,227,548            842,410             789,502

  Minority interests                                         83,985            (251,499)                  -                  -

8. Earnings per share

  (1) Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                       0.93               0.70                N/A                N/A

  (2) Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                     0.92               0.69                N/A                N/A

Legal representative:                   Principal in charge of accounting:             Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo                             Zhong Zheng                                    Chen Lihong

                                                               Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                     Cash Flow Statement

 Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                   January-March 2021                              Unit: RMB’000

                                                        January-March       January-March       January-March         January-March

                        Item                                2021                2020                2021                  2020

                                                        Consolidated        Consolidated          Company               Company

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering
                                                             70,624,192          54,493,549                      -                     -
of services

  Net increase in customer deposits and deposits
                                                                   11,250               9,220                    -                     -
from banks and other financial institutions

  Net decrease in deposits with the Central Bank                823,134                26,198                    -                     -

  Cash received from interest, fee and commission               449,113             356,968                      -                     -

  Refund of taxes and surcharges                              2,185,291           1,481,374                      -                     -

  Cash received relating to other operating
                                                              1,612,552             771,562          23,394,410            13,336,223

              Sub-total of cash inflows                      75,705,532          57,138,871          23,394,410            13,336,223

  Cash paid for goods and services                          (43,141,773)        (29,986,705)                     -                     -

  Net increase in loans and advances                         (3,182,455)          (420,707)                      -                     -

  Cash paid for interest, fee and commission                    (17,033)            (55,731)                     -                     -

  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                   (10,119,594)         (8,895,742)               (5,245)               (9,783)

  Payments of taxes and surcharges                           (3,252,112)         (2,621,587)            (14,624)                 (2,964)

  Cash paid relating to other operating activities           (7,438,704)         (7,489,802)         (7,745,089)           (2,828,386)

              Sub-total of cash outflows                    (67,151,671)        (49,470,274)         (7,764,958)           (2,841,133)

  Net cash flows from operating activities                    8,553,861           7,668,597          15,629,452            10,495,090

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from disposal of investments                 27,124,590          22,580,275          17,800,000            20,960,000

  Cash received from returns on investments                     942,913           1,005,097             987,658               980,079

  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                   16,233               8,683                 255                      -
intangible assets and other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                    2,479                   -                    -                     -
and other business units

              Sub-total of cash inflows                      28,086,215          23,594,055          18,787,913            21,940,079

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                             (2,145,202)          (884,830)             (78,204)              (47,168)
assets and other long-term assets

  Cash paid to acquire investments                          (26,718,699)        (28,183,538)        (25,870,441)          (27,760,000)

                                                                Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
                                                               (146,982)            (11,261)                    -                 -
business units

  Cash paid relating to other investing activities               (7,391)                   -                    -                 -

             Sub-total of cash outflows                     (29,018,274)        (29,079,629)         (25,948,645)      (27,807,168)

  Net cash flows from investing activities                     (932,059)         (5,485,574)          (7,160,732)       (5,867,089)

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Cash received from capital contributions                      358,749             361,920              358,749           361,920

     Including: Cash received from capital

contributions by minority shareholders of                                -                 -                    -                 -


  Cash received from borrowings                                9,152,583           1,403,478           6,200,000           308,744

  Cash received from issuance of short-term
                                                               2,999,629                   -           2,999,629                  -
financing bonds

  Cash received relating to other financing activities           16,742                    -                    -                 -

                 Sub-total of cash inflows                    12,527,703           1,765,398           9,558,378           670,664

  Cash repayments of borrowings                              (5,081,076)           (260,351)          (4,308,744)                 -

  Cash repayments of short-term financing bonds              (3,000,000)                   -          (3,000,000)                 -

  Cash payments for interest expenses and
                                                               (426,488)           (383,344)           (461,849)         (400,222)
distribution of dividends or profits

     Including: Cash payments for dividends or
                                                                (81,772)            (62,631)                    -                 -
profit to minority shareholders of subsidiaries

  Cash payments relating to other financing
                                                             (7,558,103)           (821,093)          (7,394,100)        (802,059)

                Sub-total of cash outflows                  (16,065,667)         (1,464,788)         (15,164,693)       (1,202,281)

  Net cash flows from financing activities                   (3,537,964)            300,610           (5,606,315)        (531,617)

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
                                                                (50,198)             56,603                     -                 -
and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   4,033,640           2,540,236           2,862,405         4,096,384

   Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
                                                              23,548,509          30,441,760          16,595,063        12,408,650

6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 27,582,149          32,981,996          19,457,468        16,505,034

 Legal representative:                       Principal in charge of accounting:                Head of accounting department:
 Fang Hongbo                                 Zhong Zheng                                       Chen Lihong

                                                          Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

2. Adjustments to the Financial Statements

2.1 Adjustments to financial statement items at the beginning of the year of the first
implementation of the new accounting standards governing leases which have been
implemented since 2021

√ Applicable □ N/A

Whether any balance sheet items at the beginning of the year requires adjustment

√ Yes □ No

                                               Balance Sheet

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                             31 March 2021                      Unit: RMB’000
                                           Consolidated                                          Company

         ASSETS            31 December       1 January                         31 December
                                                              Adjustment                         1 January 2021       Adjustment
                              2020             2021                               2020

Current assets:

  Cash at bank and on
                              81,210,482       81,210,482                  -      49,240,180          49,240,180               -

  Financial assets held
                              28,239,601       28,239,601                  -      16,614,658          16,614,658               -
for trading

  Derivative financial
                                 420,494         420,494                   -                 -                    -            -

  Notes receivable             5,304,510        5,304,510                  -                 -                    -            -

  Accounts receivable         22,978,363       22,978,363                  -                 -                    -            -

  Receivables financing       13,901,856       13,901,856                  -                 -                    -            -

  Advances to suppliers        2,763,710        2,763,710                  -          45,306             45,306                -

  Contract assets              3,236,848        3,236,848                  -                 -                    -            -

  Loans and advances          16,469,069       16,469,069                  -                 -                    -            -

  Other receivables            2,973,945        2,973,945                  -      28,318,670          28,318,670               -

  Inventories                 31,076,529       31,076,529                  -                 -                    -            -

  Other current assets        33,079,918       33,079,918                  -      20,533,745          20,533,745               -

Total current assets         241,655,325      241,655,325                  -     114,752,559         114,752,559               -

Non-current assets:

  Other debt investments      21,456,155       21,456,155                  -      20,064,155          20,064,155               -

  Long-term receivables          981,623         981,623                   -                 -                    -            -

  Loans and advances           1,113,501        1,113,501                  -                 -                    -            -

                                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Long-term equity
                            2,901,337     2,901,337                -      54,991,161        54,991,161             -

  Other investments in
                              46,651        46,651                 -               -                 -             -
equity instruments

  Other non-current
                            3,360,849     3,360,849                -          80,937            80,937             -
financial assets

  Investment properties      405,559       405,559                 -         476,839           476,839             -

  Fixed assets             22,239,214    22,212,866         (26,348)         749,835           749,835             -

  Construction in
                            1,477,302     1,477,302                -         204,304           204,304             -

  Right-of-use assets               -     2,155,516        2,155,516               -            10,340        10,340

  Intangible assets        15,422,393    15,422,393                -         684,997           684,997             -

  Goodwill                 29,557,218    29,557,218                -               -                 -             -

  Long-term prepaid
                            1,300,962     1,300,962                -          97,078            97,078             -

  Deferred tax assets       7,208,635     7,208,635                -         287,360           287,360             -

  Other non-current
                           11,255,879    11,255,879                -      10,141,031        10,141,031             -

Total non-current
                          118,727,278   120,856,446        2,129,168      87,777,697        87,788,037        10,340

TOTAL ASSETS              360,382,603   362,511,771        2,129,168     202,530,256       202,540,596        10,340

                                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                     Balance Sheet (Continued)

    Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                              31 March 2021                          Unit: RMB’000
                                                    Consolidated                                          Company
              LIABILITIES AND
                                     31 December     1 January                          31 December          1 January       Adjustm
     SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                              Adjustment
                                        2020           2021                                2020                2021            ent

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                 9,943,929       9,943,929                   -        799,314             799,314             -

  Customer deposits and deposits

from banks and other financial             87,535         87,535                    -                 -                  -           -


  Derivative financial liabilities        161,225        161,225                    -                 -                  -           -

  Notes payable                        28,249,939      28,249,939                   -                 -                  -           -

  Accounts payable                     53,930,261      53,930,261                   -                 -                  -           -

  Contract liabilities                 18,400,922      18,400,922                   -                 -                  -           -

  Employee benefits payable             6,954,822       6,954,822                   -        562,954             562,954             -

  Taxes payable                         5,758,058       5,758,058                   -      1,326,219           1,326,219             -

  Other payables                        4,501,391       4,501,391                   -    123,120,354         123,120,354             -

  Current portion of non-current
                                        6,310,181       6,939,183          629,002         4,000,000           4,007,693       7,693

  Other current liabilities            49,852,239      49,852,239                   -      3,048,794           3,048,794             -

Total current liabilities             184,150,502     184,779,504          629,002       132,857,635         132,865,328       7,693

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                 42,827,287      42,827,287                   -      5,800,000           5,800,000             -

  Lease liabilities                                     1,513,426         1,513,426                   -             2,647      2,647

  Long-term payables                       13,260                  -       (13,260)                   -                  -           -

  Provisions                              298,110        298,110                    -                 -                  -           -

  Deferred income                         779,729        779,729                    -                 -                  -           -

  Long-term employee benefits
                                        2,159,675       2,159,675                   -                 -                  -           -

  Deferred tax liabilities              5,223,954       5,223,954                   -         67,792              67,792             -

  Other non-current liabilities           692,986        692,986                    -                 -                  -           -

Total non-current liabilities          51,995,001      53,495,167         1,500,166        5,867,792           5,870,439       2,647

Total liabilities                     236,145,503     238,274,671         2,129,168      138,725,427         138,735,767      10,340

Shareholders' equity:

  Share capital                         7,029,976       7,029,976                   -      7,029,976           7,029,976             -

                                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

  Capital surplus                 22,488,105    22,488,105               -      29,123,547      29,123,547         -

  Less: Treasury stock           (6,094,347)   (6,094,347)               -     (6,094,347)      (6,094,347)        -

  Other comprehensive income     (1,549,003)   (1,549,003)               -        (16,009)        (16,009)         -

  General risk reserve              587,984       587,984                -               -                -        -

  Specific reserve                   12,730        12,730                -               -                -        -

  Surplus reserve                  7,966,362     7,966,362               -       7,966,362       7,966,362         -

  Undistributed profits           87,074,453    87,074,453               -      25,795,300      25,795,300         -

  Total equity attributable to
                                 117,516,260   117,516,260               -      63,804,829      63,804,829         -
shareholders of the Company

  Minority interests               6,720,840     6,720,840               -               -                -        -

Total shareholders' equity       124,237,100   124,237,100               -      63,804,829      63,804,829         -

                                 360,382,603   362,511,771       2,129,168     202,530,256     202,540,596    10,340

Notes to the adjustments

Pursuant to the Notice of Revising and Issuing the Accounting Standard No. 21 for Business

Enterprises—Leases (CK [2018] No. 35) issued by the Ministry of Finance on 7 December 2018, the

Company has adopted, starting from 1 January 2021, the revised Accounting Standard No. 21 for

Business Enterprises—Leases (hereinafter referred to as the “New Lease Standard”). According to the

New Lease Standard, the Company chooses to adjust the amounts of retained earnings and other

relevant financial statement items at the beginning of the year of the first implementation of the New

Lease Standard based on the cumulative effects arising from the first implementation of the New Lease

Standard, with no adjustments to comparable data. For finance leases before the first implementation

date, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities based on the original carrying

amounts of the assets held under the finance leases and the finance lease payables respectively on the

first implementation date. For operating leases other than short-term leases and leases of low-value

assets before the first implementation date, the Company recognizes lease liabilities on the first

implementation date based on the present value of the balances of lease payables discounted using the

interest rate of the Company’s incremental borrowings on the first implementation date, and recognizes

right-of-use assets by making necessary adjustments to prepaid rents based on amounts equivalent to

lease liabilities.

                                         Interim Report for the First Quarter 2021 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

2.2 Retrospective adjustments to comparative data of the previous period due to the first
implementation of the new accounting standards leases since 2021

□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Auditor’s report

Is this Report audited by a CPAs firm?

□Yes √No

                                                                        Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                Legal Representative: Fang Hongbo

                                                                              30 April 2021
