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                                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

     Stock code: 000333                Stock name: Midea Group              Announcement No.: 2022-031

                                             Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                           Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022

Midea Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and all the members of the

Company’s Board of Directors have warranted that the information given in this Report is true, accurate

and complete, as well as free of any false record, misleading statement or material omission.

Important Reminders:
1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of the Company have warranted that this Report contains no false record, misleading
statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the information given in this Report.
2. The legal representative, principal in charge of accounting and head of the accounting department of
the Company have represented and warranted that the financial information in this Report is true,
accurate and complete.
3. Is this Report audited by a CPA firm?
□ Yes √ No
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

1. Key financial information

1.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                          Jan.-Mar. 2021             YoY Change (%)
                                               Jan.-Mar. 2022
                                                                      Before         Restated           Restated
Operating revenue (RMB'000)                          90,381,167       82,504,017       82,504,017               9.55%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                       7,177,925       6,468,588        6,468,588              10.97%
the Company (RMB'000)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company before non-recurring gains                 6,993,024       6,649,368        6,649,368               5.17%
and losses (RMB'000)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                       7,978,986       8,553,861        8,553,861              -6.72%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                           1.06          0.93             0.93             13.98%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                         1.05          0.92             0.92             14.13%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                  5.57%            5.35%            5.35%             0.22%
                                                31 Mar. 2022               31 Dec. 2021               Change (%)

                                                              Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                             Before          Restated           Restated
Total assets (RMB'000)                                     407,842,387      387,946,104      387,946,104                5.13%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                           132,301,754      124,868,124      124,868,124                5.95%
the Company (RMB'000)
Reasons for the changes to the accounting policies:
The Company has prepared the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and for the
three months ended 31 March 2022 according to the Q&A for the Implementation of the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance on 2 November 2021. For
transportation costs that were incurred before the control of goods was handed over to customers and
for the purpose of executing sales contracts, the Company has reclassified them from selling and
distribution expenses to cost of sales, and has retrospectively restated the relevant data in the same
period of last year.

Total share capital of the Company on the last trading session before disclosure:
Total share capital of the Company on the last trading
session before disclosure (share)
Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest share capital above:
Dividend paid to preference shareholders                                                                                     -
Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest share
capital above (RMB/share)

1.2 Non-recurring gains and losses

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB’000
                                Item                                       Jan.-Mar. 2022                     Note

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                                          12,679

Except for effectively hedging business related to normal
business operations of the Company, gains and losses
arising from the change in the fair value of financial assets
held for trading, derivative financial assets, financial
liabilities held for trading, derivative financial liabilities and
other non-current financial assets, as well as investment
gains and losses produced from the disposal of the
aforesaid financial assets and liabilities

Other                                                                                     366,109

Less: Corporate income tax                                                                   8,058

        Minority interests (after tax)                                                      59,418

Total                                                                                     184,901               --

Other items that meet the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                     Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the
 as a recurring gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

1.3 Major changes of main items in financial statements and financial indicators, as well as the
reasons for the changes

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’000
                               31 March        31 December
   Financial statement                                            Change
                             2022/January-   2021/January-Mar                         Reasons for the changes
  items (consolidated)                                             (%)
                              March 2022         ch 2021
                                                                               Mainly due to the increased monetary
Other current assets            46,465,237         33,156,012       40.14%
                                                                               investment products
Loans with the Central                                                         Mainly due to the changes in the
                                  308,403            178,878        72.41%
Bank                                                                           operations of the finance business
Financial liabilities held                                                     Mainly due to the increased business
                                 1,565,346                   -     100.00%
for trading                                                                    combinations
Derivative financial                                                           Mainly due to the changes in the fair
                                  252,234            157,602        60.04%
liabilities                                                                    value of derivative instruments
Employee benefits                                                              Mainly due to the payment of salaries to
                                 4,551,048          7,535,168       -39.60%
payable                                                                        employees
Bonds payable                    2,853,438                   -     100.00%     Mainly due to the issuance of bonds
                                                                               Mainly due to the changes in the
Interest costs                      33,226             15,059      120.64%
                                                                               operations of the finance business
                                                                               Mainly due to the decreased interest
Investment income                 261,189            531,167        -50.83%
                                                                               income from structured deposits
Gains/(losses) on                                                              Mainly due to the changes in the fair
                                  -416,409           -830,632       -49.87%
changes in fair value                                                          value of financial assets
                                                                               Mainly due to the increased gains on
Asset impairment losses              6,945              1,400      396.07%
                                                                               disposal of non-current assets
Net profit attributable to                                                     Mainly due to the decreased profits of
                                    50,656           100,849        -49.77%
minority interests                                                             non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
Net cash flows from                                                            Mainly due to the increased cash paid
                               -11,536,258           -932,059    -1137.72%
investing activities                                                           to acquire investments
                                                                               Mainly due to the decreased cash
Net cash flows from
                                 8,587,145         -3,537,964      342.71%     payments relating to other financing
financing activities

2. Shareholder information

2.1 Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting
rights, as well as shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the period-end

                                                                                                            Unit: share

Total number of common shareholders at                                 Total number of preference
                                                   438,206             shareholders with resumed            0
the period-end
                                                                       voting rights at the

                                                       Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                          period-end (if any)
                                                 Top 10 shareholders
                                                      Sharehol                              Pledged or frozen
                                                                               Number of
                                         Nature of       ding      Number of                     shares
       Name of shareholder                                                     restricted
                                       shareholder     percenta   shares held
                                                                              shares held Status    Shares
                                                        ge (%)
Midea Holding Co., Ltd.              non-state-owned      30.99 2,169,178,713                     100,000,000
Hong Kong Securities Clearing        Foreign
                                                           16.89      1,182,613,943
Company Limited                      corporation
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.   non-state-owned           2.83    198,145,134
Fang Hongbo                                                    1.67    116,990,492     87,742,869
Central Huijin Asset Management      State-owned
                                                               1.26     88,260,460
Ltd.                                 corporation
Huang Jian                                                     1.23     86,140,000
Canada Pension Plan Investment
Board- own funds (stock                                       1.00     70,126,251
Li Jianwei                                                     0.68     47,852,845
Yuan Liqun                                                     0.56     39,320,997
                                     Domestic                                                       Pledg
Huang Xiaoxiang                                                0.54     37,835,332                            17,348,318
                                     individual                                                      ed
                                          Top 10 non-restricted shareholders
                                                        Number of non-restricted                Type of shares
                 Name of shareholder                      shares held at the
                                                             period-end                     Type              Shares
                                                                                       RMB common
Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                                        2,169,178,713                                2,169,178,713
                                                                                       RMB common
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                  1,182,613,943                                1,182,613,943
                                                                                       RMB common
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                              198,145,134                                  198,145,134
                                                                                       RMB common
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd.                             88,260,460                                   88,260,460
                                                                                       RMB common
Huang Jian                                                       86,140,000                                   86,140,000
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board- own funds                                       RMB common
                                                                 70,126,251                                   70,126,251
(stock exchange)                                                                          stock
                                                                                       RMB common
Li Jianwei                                                       47,852,845                                   47,852,845
                                                                                       RMB common
Yuan Liqun                                                       39,320,997                                   39,320,997
                                                                                       RMB common
Huang Xiaoxiang                                                  37,835,332                                   37,835,332
                                                                                       RMB common
Merrill Lynch International                                      35,362,310                                   35,362,310
Explanation of related relationship or/and
acting-in-concert parties among the above-mentioned N/A

                                                     Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                                     126,983,003 common shares (or 1.81% of the Company’s total
Special account for repurchased shares among the top share capital) were held in the special account for repurchased
10 shareholders                                      shares of Midea Group Co., Ltd. at the end of the Reporting
                                                     The Company’s shareholder Yuan Liqun holds 680,000 shares
                                                     in the Company through her common securities account and
                                                     38,640,997 shares in the Company through her account of
                                                     collateral securities for margin trading, representing a total
Explanation on the top 10 common shareholders        holding of 39,320,997 shares in the Company.
participating in securities margin trading           The Company’s shareholder Huang Xiaoxiang holds 27,257,332
                                                     shares in the Company through his common securities account
                                                     and 10,578,000 shares in the Company through his account of
                                                     collateral securities for margin trading, representing a total
                                                     holding of 37,835,332 shares in the Company.

2.2 Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 preference
shareholders at the period-end

□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Other significant events

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                            Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

4. Financial statements

4.1 Financial statements

4.1.1 Consolidated and Company balance sheets

                                        Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets

Prepared by Midea Group Co. Ltd.                              As at 31 March 2022                              Unit: RMB’000
                                        31 March 2022        31 December 2021         31 March 2022         31 December 2021
                                        Consolidated            Consolidated            Company                Company
Current assets:
    Cash at bank and on hand                   69,846,860             71,875,556            42,594,726               48,153,997
    Financial assets held for trading           5,759,640              5,879,202              3,386,356               3,442,317
    Derivative financial assets                  697,915                 545,865               229,328                 157,501
    Notes receivable                            4,881,564              4,784,914                        -                       -
    Accounts receivable                        29,667,624             24,636,440                        -                       -
    Receivables financing                      10,734,607             10,273,552                        -                       -
    Advances to suppliers                       4,676,190              4,352,807               224,001                 106,838
    Contract assets                             4,258,097              3,823,476                        -                       -
    Loans and advances                         20,116,922             20,656,600                        -                       -
    Other receivables                           2,823,263              3,104,065            30,038,666               31,447,849
    Inventories                                41,761,065             45,924,439                        -                       -
    Current portion of non-current
      assets                                   21,571,870             19,851,577            20,822,606               19,095,262
    Other current assets                       46,465,237             33,156,012            24,720,153               11,713,182
Total current assets                         263,260,854             248,864,505           122,015,836              114,116,946
Non-current assets:
    Other debt investments                      8,643,633              7,893,935              6,768,201               6,034,563
    Long-term receivables                        841,098                 871,356                        -                       -
    Loans and advances                           871,011                 851,927                        -                       -
    Long-term equity investments                3,739,027              3,796,705            69,205,856               66,805,691
    Investments in other equity
       instruments                                43,536                  45,747                        -                       -
    Other non-current financial
       assets                                   7,050,279              5,912,873               471,007                 537,214
    Investment properties                        838,482                 859,195               418,091                 428,460
    Fixed assets                               22,909,694             22,852,848               646,786                 661,692
    Construction in progress                    3,233,882              2,690,930               918,984                 800,243
    Right-of-use assets                         2,322,651              2,297,354                      646                 2,585
    Intangible assets                          16,846,723             17,173,072               665,199                 669,158
    Goodwill                                   27,370,595             27,874,752                        -                       -
    Long-term prepaid expenses                  1,409,424              1,394,240                  86,332                 79,799
    Deferred tax assets                         8,871,002              8,192,309               250,606                 289,964
    Other non-current assets                   39,590,496             36,374,356            35,769,753               33,023,304
Total non-current assets                     144,581,533             139,081,599            115,201,461             109,332,673
TOTAL ASSETS                                 407,842,387             387,946,104           237,217,297              223,449,619

                                                                   Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

                                           Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets (Cont’d)

Prepared by Midea Group Co. Ltd.                                      As at 31 March 2022                             Unit: RMB’000
                                              31 March 2022         31 December 2021         31 March 2022        31 December 2021
                                               Consolidated            Consolidated            Company                Company
Current liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                            13,388,929               5,381,623                       -                       -
    Loans with the Central Bank                         308,403                 178,878                       -                       -
    Customer deposits and
      deposits from banks and
      other financial institutions                       88,231                  78,180                       -                       -
  Financial liabilities held for trading              1,565,346                        -                      -                       -
    Derivative financial liabilities                    252,234                 157,602                       -                       -
    Notes payable                                    31,334,031              32,752,007                       -                       -
    Accounts payable                                 64,861,539              65,983,559                       -                       -
    Contract liabilities                             26,513,521              23,916,595                       -                       -
    Employee benefits payable                         4,551,048               7,535,168               450,714                 420,536
    Taxes payable                                     4,510,543               5,404,267               658,013                1,184,813
    Other payables                                    4,708,922               4,288,104           164,814,558             151,450,555
    Current portion of non-current
      liabilities                                    26,999,131              28,947,540                  90,666                 92,647
    Other current liabilities                        53,360,594              48,227,953                  12,804                 35,932
Total current liabilities                           232,442,472             222,851,476           166,026,755             153,184,483
Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings                             19,531,218              19,734,020            12,509,900               12,509,900
    Lease liabilities                                 1,580,313               1,533,552                       -                       -
    Bonds payable                                     2,853,438                        -                      -                       -
    Provisions                                          311,704                 310,571                       -                       -
    Deferred income                                   1,197,587               1,228,459               154,015                 154,015
    Long-term employee benefits
      payable                                         1,539,671               1,825,016                       -                       -
    Deferred tax liabilities                          4,835,799               4,950,245                  12,145                 17,028
    Other non-current liabilities                       687,595                 687,689                       -                       -
Total non-current liabilities                        32,537,325              30,269,552            12,676,060               12,680,943
Total liabilities                                   264,979,797             253,121,028           178,702,815             165,865,426
Shareholders’ equity:
    Share capital                                     6,999,815               6,986,564              6,999,815               6,986,564
    Capital surplus                                  21,122,274              20,516,930            28,187,196               27,105,153
    Less: Treasury stock                            (14,624,578)            (14,044,550)          (14,624,578)            (14,044,550)
    Other comprehensive income                       (1,542,699)             (1,758,948)               (9,876)                  (7,295)
    General risk reserve                                700,351                 719,922                       -                       -
    Special reserve                                      16,370                  15,542                       -                       -
    Surplus reserve                                   9,449,901               9,449,901              9,449,901               9,449,901
    Undistributed profits                           110,180,320             102,982,763            28,512,024               28,094,420
    Total equity attributable to
       shareholders of the
       Company                                      132,301,754             124,868,124            58,514,482               57,584,193
    Minority interests                               10,560,836               9,956,952                       -                       -
Total shareholders’ equity                         142,862,590             134,825,076            58,514,482               57,584,193
   SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY                            407,842,387             387,946,104           237,217,297             223,449,619

Legal representative:                         Principal in charge of accounting:               Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo                                   Zhong Zheng                                      Chen Lihong

                                                                        Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

   4.1.2 Consolidated and Company income statements
                                                Consolidated and Company Income Statements

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                          For the three months ended 31 March 2022                            Unit: RMB’000
                                                                            For the three        For the three        For the three        For the three
                                                                           months ended         months ended         months ended         months ended
                                   Item                                    31 March 2022        31 March 2021        31 March 2022        31 March 2021
                                                                            Consolidated        Consolidated           Company              Company

Total revenue                                                                    90,938,820         83,017,120              436,315              442,664

   Including: Operating revenue                                                  90,381,167         82,504,017              436,315              442,664

               Interest income                                                      557,424            513,036                        -                    -

               Fee and commission income                                                229                 67                        -                    -

Total operating cost                                                            (82,511,495)       (75,354,650)              55,260              257,173

   Including: Cost of sales                                                     (70,336,385)       (64,720,868)             (10,369)             (11,610)

               Interest costs                                                       (33,226)           (15,059)                       -                    -

               Fee and commission expenses                                           (1,520)            (1,776)                       -                    -

               Taxes and surcharges                                               (388,006)           (390,356)             (10,612)             (18,648)

               Selling and distribution expenses                                 (7,599,881)        (6,262,170)                       -                    -

               General and administrative expenses                               (2,380,911)        (2,404,839)            (407,140)            (233,265)

               Research and development expenses                                 (2,926,616)        (2,519,694)                       -                    -

               Financial income                                                   1,155,050            960,112              483,381              520,696

               Including: Interest expenses                                       (417,184)           (317,428)            (596,719)            (504,197)

                         Interest income                                          1,308,788          1,158,995            1,082,164            1,024,813

       Add: Other income                                                            373,682            345,651                        -          152,367

               Investment income                                                    261,189            531,167               54,893              254,440
               Including: Investment income from associates and joint
                            ventures                                                103,807            136,353               59,564               70,473

               Gains/(Losses) on changes in fair value                            (416,409)           (830,632)             (49,401)            (249,001)

               Credit impairment losses                                           (219,124)           (180,953)            -1,178.00              -664.00

               Asset impairment losses                                             (117,425)          (115,967)                       0                0

               Gains on disposal of assets                                            6,945              1,400                 (268)                (964)

Operating profit                                                                  8,316,183          7,413,136              495,621              856,015

    Add: Non-operating income                                                        65,080             72,204                5,218                   448

    Less: Non-operating expenses                                                    (18,499)           (25,720)                (295)                       -

Total profit                                                                      8,362,764          7,459,620              500,544              856,463

    Less: Income tax expenses                                                    (1,134,183)          (890,183)             (82,940)             (25,533)

Net profit                                                                        7,228,581          6,569,437              417,604              830,930

   (1) Classified by continuity of operations

      Net profit from continuing operations                                       7,228,581          6,569,437              417,604              830,930

      Net profit from discontinued operations                                               -                    -                    -                    -

   (2) Classified by ownership of the equity

      Attributable to shareholders of the Company                                 7,177,925          6,468,588              417,604              830,930

                                                                        Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

     Minority interests                                                            50,656          100,849                  -                -

Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                            184,270          (42,607)           (2,581)          11,480
   Other comprehensive income attributable to equity owners of
       the Company, net of tax                                                    216,310          (25,743)           (2,581)          11,480
   (1) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
          reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                             128,387           94,651                  -                -
          1) Changes arising from remeasurement of defined benefit
               plan                                                               127,142           94,607                  -                -
          2) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity
               instruments                                                          1,245               44                  -                -
   (2) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified
          subsequently to profit or loss                                           87,923         (120,394)           (2,581)          11,480
          1) Other comprehensive income that will be transferred
               subsequently to profit or loss under the equity method              (4,176)          12,308            (2,581)          11,480

         2) Cash flow hedging reserve                                             117,901         (197,769)                 -                -
         3) Differences on translation of foreign currency financial
               statements                                                         (25,802)          65,067                  -                -
   Other comprehensive income attributable to minority
      shareholders, net of tax                                                    (32,040)         (16,864)                 -                -

Total comprehensive income                                                      7,412,851        6,526,830           415,023          842,410

   Attributable to equity owners of the Company                                 7,394,235        6,442,845           415,023          842,410

   Attributable to minority interests                                              18,616           83,985                  -                -

Earnings per share:

   (1) Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                                           1.06             0.93     Not applicable   Not applicable

   (2) Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                                         1.05             0.92     Not applicable   Not applicable

Legal representative:                       Principal in charge of accounting:                   Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo                                 Zhong Zheng                                          Chen Lihong

                                                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

4.1.3 Consolidated and Company cash flow statements

                                           Consolidated and Company Cash Flow Statements

Prepared by Midea Group Co., Ltd.                         For the three months ended 31 March 2022                      Unit: RMB’000
                                                                   For the three        For the three       For the three      For the three
                                                                  months ended 31      months ended 31     months ended 31    months ended 31
                              Item                                  March 2022           March 2021          March 2022         March 2021
                                                                    Consolidated        Consolidated          Company            Company
1. Cash flows from operating activities
   Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services           77,541,698          70,624,192                    -                  -
   Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from banks
     and other financial institutions                                        10,051             11,250                    -                  -
   Net decrease in loans and advances                                       527,693                    -                  -                  -
   Net decrease in deposits with the Central Bank, banks and
     other financial institutions                                                  -           823,134                    -                  -
   Net increase in loans with the Central Bank                              129,526                    -                  -                  -
   Cash received from interest, fee and commission                          474,350            449,113                    -                  -
   Refund of taxes and surcharges                                          2,324,371         2,185,291                    -                  -
   Cash received relating to other operating activities                    1,305,290         1,612,552          15,290,251         23,394,410
      Sub-total of cash inflows                                         82,312,979          75,705,532          15,290,251         23,394,410
   Cash paid for goods and services                                   (51,917,522)         (43,141,773)                   -                  -
   Net increase in loans and advances                                              -        (3,182,455)                   -                  -
   Net increase in balances with the Central Bank                           (17,361)                   -                  -                  -
   Cash paid for interest, fee and commission                               (35,019)           (17,033)                   -                  -
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                            (10,851,471)         (10,119,594)          (143,499)             (5,245)
   Payments of taxes and surcharges                                    (3,966,746)          (3,252,112)          (156,665)            (14,624)
   Cash paid relating to other operating activities                    (7,545,874)          (7,438,704)          (730,277)         (7,745,089)
      Sub-total of cash outflows                                      (74,333,993)         (67,151,671)         (1,030,441)        (7,764,958)
   Net cash flows from operating activities                                7,978,986         8,553,861          14,259,810         15,629,452
2. Cash flows from investing activities
   Cash received from disposal of investments                           20,762,454          27,124,590          14,200,000         17,800,000
   Cash received from returns on investments                               1,537,811           942,913           1,093,468            987,658
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
     assets and other long-term assets                                       28,857             16,233                  23                 255
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
     business units                                                           9,349              2,479                    -                  -
   Cash received relating to other investing activities                     335,082                    -                  -                  -
      Sub-total of cash inflows                                         22,673,553          28,086,215          15,293,491         18,787,913
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
     other long-term assets                                            (1,555,626)          (2,145,202)          (170,899)            (78,204)
   Cash paid to acquire investments                                   (32,615,005)         (26,718,699)        (24,155,045)       (25,870,441)
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business
     units                                                                  (39,180)         (146,982)                    -                  -
   Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                -            (7,391)                   -                  -
      Sub-total of cash outflows                                      (34,209,811)         (29,018,274)        (24,325,944)       (25,948,645)
   Net cash flows from investing activities                           (11,536,258)           (932,059)          (9,032,453)        (7,160,732)
3. Cash flows from financing activities
   Cash received from capital contributions                                 556,188            358,749             555,188            358,749
   Including: Cash received from capital contributions by
                minority shareholders of subsidiaries                         1,000                    -                  -                  -
   Cash received from borrowings                                           7,529,546         9,152,583                    -         6,200,000
   Cash received from issuance of bonds                                    2,841,690                   -                  -                  -
   Cash received from issuance of short-term financing bonds                       -         2,999,629                    -         2,999,629
   Cash received relating to other financing activities                       3,200             16,742                    -                  -

                                                                  Interim Report for the First Quarter 2022 of Midea Group Co., Ltd.

     Sub-total of cash inflows                                          10,930,624       12,527,703           555,188         9,558,378
   Cash repayments of borrowings                                           (954,060)     (5,081,076)                 -      (4,308,744)
   Cash paid for repayment of short-term financing bonds                           -     (3,000,000)                 -      (3,000,000)
   Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of
      dividends or profits                                                 (446,421)       (426,488)         (639,276)        (461,849)
   Including: Cash payments for dividends or profit to minority
                shareholders of subsidiaries                                (21,038)        (81,772)                 -                 -
   Cash payments relating to other financing activities                    (942,998)     (7,558,103)         (649,449)      (7,394,100)
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                        (2,343,479)      (16,065,667)       (1,288,725)     (15,164,693)
   Net cash flows from financing activities                                8,587,145     (3,537,964)         (733,537)      (5,606,315)
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and
   cash equivalents                                                         (24,799)        (50,198)                 -                 -
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               5,005,074      4,033,640         4,493,820         2,862,405
   Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the
          period                                                        40,550,039       23,548,509        21,957,042        16,595,063
6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                   45,555,113       27,582,149        26,450,862        19,457,468

Legal representative:                       Principal in charge of accounting:                Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo                                 Zhong Zheng                                       Chen Lihong

4.2 Auditor’s report

Is this Report audited by a CPA firm?
□ Yes √ No
This Report is not audited by a CPA firm.

                                                                   The Board of Directors of Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 30 April 2022
