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    §1. Important Notes

    1.1 The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

    referred to as the Company), along with all its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby

    confirm that there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading

    information carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the

    reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

    1.2 The Third Quarterly Financial Report 2009 of the Company has not been audited by CPAs.

    1.3 Principal of the Company Zhao Yong, Person in Charge of Accounting Works Yu Wanchun and

    Person in Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting Officer) Liu Bimin hereby confirm that the

    Financial Report of the Third Quarterly Report is true and complete.

    §2. Company Profile

    2.1 Main accounting highlights and financial indexes:

    Unit: RMB

    Sep. 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008 Increase/decrease scope


    Total assets (RMB) 4,415,290,701.41 3,390,314,408.86 30.23%

    Owners’ equities attributable to the

    shareholders of listed company


    1,283,432,202.17 1,060,231,039.59 21.05%

    Share capital (Share) 413,642,949.00 413,642,949.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    the shareholders of listed company


    3.10 2.56 21.09%

    July-Sep. 2009


    over the same

    period of the last

    year (%)

    Jan.-Sep. 2009


    over the same

    period of the last

    year (%)

    Total operating income (RMB) 1,536,559,894.02 24.61% 4,099,000,749.46 10.00%

    Net profit attributable to the

    shareholders of listed company


    153,161,303.11 2,992.06% 183,542,357.13 859.04%

    Net cash flow arising from operating

    activities (RMB) - - -133,489,216.36 -222.02%

    Net cash flow arising from operating

    activities per share (RMB/Share) - - -0.32 -222.02%

    Basic earnings per share

    (RMB/Share) 0.37 1,750.00% 0.4437 858.32%

    Diluted earnings per share

    (RMB/Share) 0.37 1,750.00% 0.4437 858.32%

    Return on equity (%) 11.93% 2,353.84% 14.30% 663.75%

    Return on equity after deducting

    non-recurring gains and losses (%) 7.15% 1,389.07% 6.18% 386.48%HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    Unit: RMB

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount from year begin to

    the end of report period Remarks

    Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current asset -116,992.54

    Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and

    losses, while closely related with the business of the

    Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion

    governmental subsidy according to the unified national



    Held transaction financial asset, gains/losses of changes of

    fair values from transaction financial liabilities, and

    investment gains from disposal of transaction financial asset,

    transaction financial liabilities and financial asset available

    for sales, exclude the effective hedging business relevant

    with normal operations of the Company


    Other non-operating income and expenditure beside for the

    aforementioned items -6,736.83

    Total 104,216,436.75 -

    2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten

    shareholders with unrestricted conditions

    Unit: Share

    Total number of shareholders

    at the end of report period 62,753

    Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders with unrestricted conditions

    Full Name of shareholder Unrestricted shares held Type of shares

    Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd. 16,995,815 Domestically listed foreign share

    CAO SHENGCHUN 7,178,247 Domestically listed foreign share

    Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. 4,277,155 RMB common share

    Long Qinfang 2,099,566 Domestically listed foreign share

    CHEN YI QING 1,608,859 Domestically listed foreign share

    Song Tianfeng 1,536,680 RMB common share

    Wo Liangliang 1,450,000 RMB common share

    DBS VICKERS LTD A/C CLIENTS 1,291,000 Domestically listed foreign share

    Anhui Technology Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. 1,102,533 RMB common share

    Liang Xixian 1,016,005 RMB common share

    §3. Significant events

    3.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index,

    and explanations of reasons

    √Applicable □Inapplicable









    of last

    year or the


    period of

    last year

    Notes receivable 666.92%

    Domestic sales increased and the Company received

    more bank acceptances in this report period;

    endorsement transfer and discount comparatively

    decreased, which brought increase of stock bank


    Accounts paid in advance -41.96%

    RMB 58 million, the account paid in advance by the

    subsidiary of the Company-Jiangxi Meiling Company

    to liquidation team of Jingdezheng Huayi Electrical

    Appliance Corporation for auctioning bankruptcy

    assets, had been settled in this year. Details could be

    available in point 6, Other significant

    proceedings-Annotation 15 of the financial report


    Other receivables -40.37%

    Management over fund of disbursement was

    strengthened and limit of fund of disbursement was

    compressed in this year.

    Investment property 283.71% House properties available for external lease have

    been increased for this year.

    Accounts payable 71.55% As in busy season, accounts which haven’t been due

    for settlement paid for purchase have been increased.

    Accounts received in advance 35.80% Accounts received in advance for sales were increased

    in this report period.

    Wage payable 75.77% Early retirement staff increased, thus correspondingly

    retirement welfare climbed.

    Taxes payable 205.36%

    The economic benefit was improved in this year; loss

    compensation period had ended at the end of last year;

    tax payable was increased.

    Other accounts payable 52.77%

    The withdrawal market support expense and sales

    expense arising from various sales outlets which

    hadn’t been applied for reimbursement and paid was

    increased in comparison over year-begin.

    Projected liabilities 4,569.39%

    Expense arising from ten-year-repair-guarantee for

    Products Sent to Countryside was withdrawn in this

    report period

    Other non-current liabilities -

    The Company received advanced encouragement from

    government for economic development in this report

    period, which had been settled yet.

    Operating tax and extras 166.02% Value-added tax was paid more in this report period,

    thus surtax correspondingly was increased.

    Sales expenses 49.52%

    To reply to the economic crisis, the Company

    arranged works for sending appliances to countryside,

    further fractionized market, expansion, subsection

    channels and network outlets, and strengthened efforts

    in marketing, which resulted in rising expenses such

    as market support expense, advertisement fee, manual

    work fee, fuel consumption of vehicles, as well as

    logistics stock fee; also it was predicted that the sales

    expense was resulted in from the guarantee for

    10-year-maintenance- for-free for the refrigerators

    sent to countryside.

    Financial expenses -62.58% Due to the declining interest rate, interests paid in thisHEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    report period also declined; meanwhile, utilization

    efficiency of capital was raised this year.

    Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”) 5648.56%

    Some financial assets available for sale of China

    Pacific Insurance and IFLYTEK were disposed in this

    report period.

    Non-operating income 60.45% The Company received more governmental subsidy in

    this report period

    Non-operating expense -71.77% Donation for earthquake area was made last year.

    Income tax expense 1,609.35%

    By the end of last year, the loss compensation period

    of the Company had been matured; and income tax

    expenses was increased since the performance

    climbed in this report period

    Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent

    company 859.04%

    Since demand for refrigerator market increased, the

    Company strategically cut down cost, optimized

    products structure, advanced management and

    disposed part financial assets available for sale.

    Write-back of tax received -98.00% Export rebates was decreased in this report period

    Other cash received concerning operating

    activities 87.00% Subsidy received in advance from government was

    increased in this report period.

    Taxes paid 313.00% Performance of this report period was advanced, thus

    tax payable also increased.

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed,

    intangible and other long-term assets 235.00%

    Some financial assets available for sale of China

    Pacific Insurance and IFLYTEK were disposed in this

    report period.

    Other cash received concerning investing

    activities -36.00% Interests received from bank savings were decreased

    in this report period.

    Cash paid for purchasing and constructing fixed,

    intangible and other long-term assets -73.00% Fixed assets investment was decreased in this report


    Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or

    interest paying -40.00% Interest rate fell down, thus interest paid for this report

    period also decreased.

    3.2 Progress of significant events, their influences, and analysis and explanation of their solutions

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controller

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Commitments Content of commitments Implementation

    Commitments for Share Merger


    Legal commitments of

    share merger reform

    Had accomplished implementation.

    Commitments made in Acquisition

    Report or Reports on Change in


    Relevant commitments on

    avoid competitions of the

    same industry

    Strictly performed.

    3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report

    period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding

    period of the last year and explanation of reason

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Forecast of performances Increased greatly year-on-year

    Year-begin to the end of

    next report period

    The same period

    of last year Change of increase/decrease (%)

    Estimated amount of

    accumulative net profit


    25,000.00 2,567.90 Growth 873.56%HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    Basic earnings per share

    (RMB/Share) 0.604 0.0621 Growth 873.56%

    Explanations on forecast

    of performances

    1. In the report period, the Company sold out part of the financial assets available for

    sales and obtained bigger investment gains; the actual investment net gains after tax by

    selling out part of the financial assets available for sales in the first three quarters of

    2009 was about RMB 98,913,400; but because bigger uncertainties remained in future

    tendency of capital market, the forecasted investment gains during the period of Oct. 1,

    2009-Dec. 31, 2009 were initially calculated by the Company based on the present

    market situation;

    2. Influenced by the state policies of Home Appliances Going To The Countryside and

    Trade the Old for New, the market demands of refrigerator increased; in addition,

    strategically decrease in cost, improvement in management abilities and assets quality

    of the Company, and adjustment and optimization of products structures accelerated the

    advances of operation performance of the Company.

    It is forecasted that the net profit attributable to owners of parent company in whole

    year of 2009 was about RMB 250 million.

    3.5 Particulars about the other significant events which needed explanations

    Particulars about the securities investment of the Company in the report period:

    Unit: RMB

    No. Securities

    kinds Stock code Short form

    of the stock






    held in



    Book value at










    Gains and

    losses in

    report period

    1 Stock 002230 iFLYTEK 18,960,000.00 6,513,000 205,810,800.00 100.00% 67,994,623.87

    2 Stock 601601




    580,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 30,918,752.28

    Other stock investment held at the end of report

    period 0.00 - 0.00 0.00% 0.00

    Gain/loss of the sold securities investment in the

    report period - - - - 98,913,376.15

    Total 19,540,000.00 - 205,810,800.00 100% 98,913,376.15

    3.5.1 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

    Date Place Way The received parties Contents discussed and

    materials supplied

    June 30, 2009 Conference room

    of the Company Spot investigation

    Citic Securities Co.,

    Ltd., ABN AMRO



    Fund Management

    Company Ltd., and

    China Galaxy

    Securities Co., Ltd.

    Get to know the operations of the

    Company; no material was


    Aug. 12, 2009 Conference room

    of the Company Spot investigation

    Boshi Fund

    Management Co.,


    Get to know the operations of the

    Company; no material was



    Aug. 19, 2009 Office of the




    Shenyin &Wanguo

    Securities Co. Ltd.

    Get to know the operations of the

    Company; no material was


    Oct. 14, 2009 Conference room

    of the Company Spot investigation Northeast Securities

    Co., Ltd.

    Get to know the operations of the

    Company; no material was


    3.6 Particulars about derivatives investment

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.6.1 Particulars about the positions of derivatives investment at the end of report period

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    §4. Appendix

    4.1 Balance sheet

    Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. Sep. 30, 2009 Unit: RMB

    Balance at Items Consolidation pePriaorde-netn Cd ompany ConsolBidaaltaionnce at yePara-rbeengt iCn ompany

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 278,463,740.15 247,220,302.97 338,230,921.44 306,127,639.14

    Settlement provisions

    Capital lent

    Transaction finance asset

    Notes receivable 1,356,636,606.02 1,356,636,606.02 176,893,815.75 176,893,815.75

    Accounts receivable 285,150,344.78 280,087,127.98 282,278,322.28 283,645,063.75

    Accounts paid in advance 78,316,298.56 104,975,884.08 134,938,234.66 87,116,862.99

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivables

    Contract reserve of

    reinsurance receivable

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other receivables 23,972,712.07 22,015,530.38 40,200,759.80 39,517,439.05

    Purchase restituted

    finance asset

    Inventories 452,445,402.16 463,638,888.39 538,043,077.21 522,957,717.07

    Non-current asset due

    within one year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 2,474,985,103.74 2,474,574,339.82 1,510,585,131.14 1,416,258,537.75

    Non-current assets:

    Granted loans and


    Finance asset available

    for sales 205,810,800.00 205,810,800.00 166,220,000.00 166,220,000.00




    Long-term account


    Long-term equity

    investment 32,205,741.78 164,205,741.78 32,058,769.12 139,199,441.99

    Investment property 15,663,873.97 15,663,873.97 4,082,185.28 4,082,185.28

    Fixed assets 648,127,116.23 571,934,379.89 667,231,824.31 482,330,683.29

    Construction in progress 75,700,176.46 75,646,757.66 60,139,261.97 60,139,261.97

    Engineering material

    Disposal of fixed asset 359,182,295.15 359,182,295.15 358,013,123.80 358,013,123.80

    Productive biological


    Oil and gas asset

    Intangible assets 589,345,906.08 556,134,706.05 579,003,366.14 574,503,366.14

    Expense on Research and



    Long-term expenses to be


    Deferred income tax asset 14,269,688.00 13,790,020.32 12,980,747.10 12,501,079.42

    Other non-current asset

    Total non-current asset 1,940,305,597.67 1,962,368,574.82 1,879,729,277.72 1,796,989,141.89

    Total assets 4,415,290,701.41 4,436,942,914.64 3,390,314,408.86 3,213,247,679.64

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term loans 358,000,000.00 338,000,000.00 336,427,193.11 306,427,193.11

    Loan from central bank

    Absorbing deposit and

    interbank deposit

    Capital borrowed

    Transaction financial


    Notes payable 459,403,287.15 451,959,978.80 584,560,526.09 582,245,703.75

    Accounts payable 1,091,562,571.56 1,165,598,107.31 636,288,350.79 657,248,796.03

    Accounts received in

    advance 433,774,612.63 432,238,897.59 319,411,065.64 318,498,724.58

    Selling financial asset of


    Commission charge and

    commission payable

    Wage payable 48,994,600.18 47,123,485.25 27,873,906.64 26,863,214.71

    Taxes payable 41,578,536.96 42,547,139.77 13,616,162.10 15,213,301.43

    Interest payable

    Dividend payable 1,387,950.42 1,387,950.42 1,387,950.42 1,387,950.42

    Other accounts payable 536,117,729.91 524,955,747.83 350,937,168.31 197,903,731.23

    Reinsurance payables

    Insurance contract reserve



    Security sales of agency

    Non-current liabilities due

    within 1 year 3,000,000.00

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 2,973,819,288.81 3,003,811,306.97 2,270,502,323.10 2,105,788,615.26

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term loans 16,198,200.00 16,198,200.00 19,198,200.00 16,198,200.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term account


    Special accounts payable

    Projected liabilities 77,080,365.86 77,080,365.86 1,650,759.86 1,650,759.86

    Deferred income tax

    liabilities 29,000,612.73 29,000,612.73 22,002,000.00 22,002,000.00

    Other non-current

    liabilities 20,172,100.00 20,172,100.00

    Total non-current liabilities 142,451,278.59 142,451,278.59 42,850,959.86 39,850,959.86

    Total liabilities 3,116,270,567.40 3,146,262,585.56 2,313,353,282.96 2,145,639,575.12

    Owner’s equity (or

    shareholders’ equity):

    Paid-in capital (or share

    capital) 413,642,949.00 413,642,949.00 413,642,949.00 413,642,949.00

    Capital public reserve 740,826,884.17 740,686,884.17 701,168,078.72 701,168,751.59

    Less: Inventory shares

    Reasonable reserve

    Surplus public reserve 284,889,548.51 284,889,548.51 284,889,548.51 284,889,548.51

    Provision of general risk

    Retained profit -155,927,179.51 -148,539,052.60 -339,469,536.64 -332,093,144.58

    Balance difference of

    foreign currency translation

    Total owner’s equity

    attributable to parent company 1,283,432,202.17 1,290,680,329.08 1,060,231,039.59 1,067,608,104.52

    Minority interests 15,587,931.84 16,730,086.31

    Total owner’s equity 1,299,020,134.01 1,290,680,329.08 1,076,961,125.90 1,067,608,104.52

    Total liabilities and owner’s

    equity 4,415,290,701.41 4,436,942,914.64 3,390,314,408.86 3,213,247,679.64

    4.2 Profit statement in the report period

    Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. July-Sep. 2009 Unit: RMB

    Items ConsolidatioTnh is perPioadr ent Company ConTsohlei dsaatmioen p eriodP oafr elanstt Cyeoamr pany

    I. Total operating income 1,536,559,894.02 1,652,197,274.25 1,233,063,629.47 1,296,976,858.64

    Including: Operating income 1,536,559,894.02 1,652,197,274.25 1,233,063,629.47 1,296,976,858.64

    Interest income

    Insurance gained

    Commission charge and



    II. Total operating cost 1,463,903,814.13 1,578,813,302.17 1,230,092,745.34 1,292,872,987.29

    Including: Operating cost 1,046,549,485.95 1,169,429,381.82 975,430,160.27 1,045,409,838.10

    Interest expense

    Commission charge and

    commission expense

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of expense

    of compensation

    Net amount of

    withdrawal of insurance

    contract reserve

    Bonus expense of

    guarantee slip

    Reinsurance expense

    Operating tax and extras 7,767,147.84 7,469,453.08 3,031,243.10 2,845,545.93

    Sales expenses 372,818,027.87 370,302,339.99 196,656,723.53 194,700,510.26

    Administration expenses 37,670,803.18 32,622,568.59 38,554,485.68 33,960,873.71

    Financial expenses 3,042,025.95 2,933,235.35 15,654,369.62 15,190,456.15

    Losses of devaluation of

    asset -3,943,676.66 -3,943,676.66 765,763.14 765,763.14

    Add: Changing income

    of fair value(Loss is listed

    with “-”)

    Investment income (Loss

    is listed with “-”) 107,977,317.95 101,343,198.10 24,936.27 -335,196.58

    Including: Investment

    income on affiliated company

    and joint venture

    146,972.66 146,972.66 62,574.61 62,574.61

    Exchange income (Loss

    is listed with “-”)

    III. Operating profit (Loss is

    listed with “-”) 180,633,397.84 174,727,170.18 2,995,820.40 3,768,674.77

    Add: Non-operating

    income 1,723,467.88 1,600,547.88 2,627,834.60 2,604,370.00

    Less: Non-operating

    expense 502,181.65 475,695.43 1,136,639.65 1,136,538.94

    Including: Disposal loss

    of non-current asset 29,731.44 29,731.44 219,906.26 219,906.26

    IV. Total Profit (Loss is

    listed with “-”) 181,854,684.07 175,852,022.63 4,487,015.35 5,236,505.83

    Less: Income tax

    expense 28,850,649.31 28,850,649.31 175,453.43 -23,982.92

    V. Net profit (Net loss is listed

    with “-”) 153,004,034.76 147,001,373.32 4,311,561.92 5,260,488.75

    Net profit attributable to

    owner’s of parent company 153,161,303.11 147,001,373.32 4,953,372.41 5,260,488.75

    Minority shareholders’

    gains and losses

    VI. Earnings per share

    i. Basic earnings per share 0.37 0.35 0.02 0.02

    ii. Diluted earnings per share 0.37 0.35 0.02 0.02HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    VII. Other consolidated

    income -14,089,542.16 -14,089,542.16 -81,236,200.00 -81,236,200.00

    VIII. Total consolidated

    income 138,914,492.60 132,911,831.16 -76,924,638.08 -75,975,711.25

    Total consolidated income

    attributable to owners of

    parent company

    139,071,760.95 132,911,831.16 -76,282,827.59 -75,975,711.25

    Total consolidated income

    attributable to minority


    -157,268.35 -641,810.49

    4.3 Profit statement from year-begin to the end of report period

    Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sep. 2009 Unit: RMB

    Amount i Items Consolidation n thiPsa preenrito Cd ompany ConsolAidmatoiounn t in lasPta preenrito Cd o mpany

    I. Total operating income 4,099,000,749.46 4,260,573,850.48 3,726,261,097.21 3,865,113,308.56

    Including: Operating income 4,099,000,749.46 4,260,573,850.48 3,726,261,097.21 3,865,113,308.56

    Interest income

    Insurance gained

    Commission charge and

    commission income

    II. Total operating cost 4,008,400,539.80 4,161,689,651.75 3,714,137,905.16 3,851,885,601.86

    Including: Operating cost 2,885,665,625.37 3,063,041,501.09 2,909,413,884.53 3,065,560,297.85

    Interest expense

    Commission charge and

    commission expense

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of expense of


    Net amount of withdrawal

    of insurance contract reserve

    Bonus expense of

    guarantee slip

    Reinsurance expense

    Operating tax and extras 26,286,672.63 25,853,053.74 9,881,474.46 9,215,632.75

    Sales expenses 951,735,790.78 944,476,597.81 636,530,774.95 632,137,572.01

    Administration expenses 118,841,072.25 103,416,672.91 102,449,942.19 90,153,478.92

    Financial expenses 15,850,330.89 14,880,778.32 42,355,874.89 41,312,666.19

    Losses of devaluation of

    asset 10,021,047.88 10,021,047.88 13,505,954.14 13,505,954.14

    Add: Changing income of

    fair value(Loss is listed with


    Investment income (Loss

    is listed with “-”) 118,412,775.48 111,778,655.63 2,059,868.88 1,699,736.03

    Including: Investment

    income on affiliated company

    and joint venture

    146,972.66 146,972.66 147,507.22 147,507.22

    Exchange income (Loss is

    listed with “-”)

    III. Operating profit (Loss is 209,012,985.14 210,662,854.36 14,183,060.93 14,927,442.73HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    listed with “-”)

    Add: Non-operating

    income 6,972,921.60 6,337,360.07 4,345,966.05 4,318,856.45

    Less: Non-operating

    expense 618,734.72 592,248.50 2,191,739.08 2,190,249.05

    Including: Disposal loss

    of non-current asset 127,878.89 127,878.89 219,906.26 219,906.26

    IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed

    with “-”) 215,367,172.02 216,407,965.93 16,337,287.90 17,056,050.13

    Less: Income tax expense 32,966,969.36 32,853,873.95 -2,184,186.61 -2,383,622.96

    V. Net profit (Net loss is listed

    with “-”) 182,400,202.66 183,554,091.98 18,521,474.51 19,439,673.09

    Net profit attributable to

    owner’s of parent company 183,542,357.13 183,554,091.98 19,138,035.83 19,439,673.09

    Minority shareholders’

    gains and losses

    VI. Earnings per share

    i. Basic earnings per share 0.4437 0.4438 0.0463 0.0470

    ii. Diluted earnings per share 0.4437 0.4438 0.0463 0.0470

    VII. Other consolidated

    income 39,658,805.45 39,658,805.45 87,322,200.00 87,322,200.00

    VIII. Total consolidated

    income 222,059,008.11 223,212,897.43 105,843,674.51 106,761,873.09

    Total consolidated income

    attributable to owners of parent


    223,201,162.58 223,212,897.43 106,460,235.83 106,761,873.09

    Total consolidated income

    attributable to minority


    -1,142,154.47 -616,561.32

    4.4 Cash flow statement from year-begin to the end of report period

    Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sep. 2009 Unit: RMB

    Amount i Items Consolidation n thiPsa preenrito Cd ompany ConsolAidmatoiounn t in lasPta preenrito Cd o mpany

    I. Cash flows arising from

    operating activities:

    Cash received from

    selling commodities and

    providing labor services

    1,749,269,134.50 1,708,665,841.74 1,908,025,201.83 1,931,189,848.50

    Net increase of customer

    deposit and interbank deposit

    Net increase of loan from

    central bank

    Net increase of capital

    borrowed from other financial


    Cash received from

    original insurance contract fee

    Net cash received from

    reinsurance business

    Net increase of insured



    Net increase of disposal

    of transaction financial asset

    Cash received from

    interest, commission charge

    and commission

    Net increase of capital


    Net increase of returned

    business capital

    Write-back of tax

    received 412,490.95 82,579.91 24,961,348.45 24,672,294.29

    Other cash received

    concerning operating activities 46,448,884.25 42,225,929.15 24,850,277.37 24,758,155.85

    Subtotal of cash inflow

    arising from operating


    1,796,130,509.70 1,750,974,350.80 1,957,836,827.65 1,980,620,298.64

    Cash paid for purchasing

    commodities and receiving

    labor service

    1,164,772,848.63 1,162,051,735.69 1,275,141,451.43 1,312,181,343.04

    Net increase of customer

    loans and advances

    Net increase of deposits

    in central bank and interbank

    Cash paid for original

    insurance contract


    Cash paid for interest,

    commission charge and


    Cash paid for bonus of

    guarantee slip

    Cash paid to/for staff and

    workers 151,564,039.15 134,237,601.64 150,630,665.66 137,275,473.30

    Taxes paid 261,826,725.39 255,455,617.08 63,393,825.59 52,898,713.40

    Other cash paid

    concerning operating activities 351,456,112.89 342,425,305.56 359,271,070.83 358,157,613.61

    Subtotal of cash outflow

    arising from operating


    1,929,619,726.06 1,894,170,259.97 1,848,437,013.51 1,860,513,143.35

    Net cash flows arising

    from operating activities -133,489,216.36 -143,195,909.17 109,399,814.14 120,107,155.29

    II. Cash flows arising from

    investing activities:

    Cash received from

    recovering investment 17,639,867.15

    Cash received from

    investment income 1,897,125.00 1,897,125.00 1,850,000.00 1,850,000.00

    Net cash received from

    disposal of fixed, intangible

    and other long-term assets

    122,109,297.31 172,109,297.31 36,437,408.70 36,437,408.70

    Net cash received from

    disposal of subsidiaries and

    other units


    Other cash received

    concerning investing activities 2,440,080.65 2,058,202.74 3,802,107.51 3,574,669.70HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    Subtotal of cash inflow

    from investing activities 126,446,502.96 178,083,411.50 42,089,516.21 59,501,945.55

    Cash paid for purchasing

    fixed, intangible and other

    long-term assets

    18,150,280.70 15,191,398.81 66,129,667.00 62,474,413.64

    Cash paid for investment 45,000,000.00 20,367,400.00 20,367,400.00

    Net increase of mortgaged


    Net cash received from

    subsidiaries and other units

    Other cash paid

    concerning investing activities

    Subtotal of cash outflow

    from investing activities 18,150,280.70 60,191,398.81 86,497,067.00 82,841,813.64

    Net cash flows arising

    from investing activities 108,296,222.26 117,892,012.69 -44,407,550.79 -23,339,868.09

    III. Cash flows arising from

    financing activities

    Cash received from

    absorbing investment

    Including: Cash received

    from absorbing minority

    shareholders’ investment by


    Cash received from loans 313,888,346.48 313,888,346.48 438,204,427.07 385,204,427.07

    Cash received from

    issuing bonds

    Other cash received

    concerning financing activities

    Subtotal of cash inflow

    from financing activities 313,888,346.48 313,888,346.48 438,204,427.07 385,204,427.07

    Cash paid for settling

    debts 334,313,486.31 334,313,486.31 476,025,511.11 436,025,511.11

    Cash paid for dividend

    and profit distributing or

    interest paying

    13,979,675.13 13,008,927.63 23,232,564.44 21,580,101.94

    Including: Dividend and

    profit of minority shareholder

    paid by subsidiaries

    Other cash paid

    concerning financing activities 1,959,929.83

    Subtotal of cash outflow

    from financing activities 348,293,161.44 347,322,413.94 501,218,005.38 457,605,613.05

    Net cash flows arising

    from financing activities -34,404,814.96 -33,434,067.46 -63,013,578.31 -72,401,185.98

    IV. Influence on cash and cash

    equivalents due to fluctuation

    in exchange rate

    -169,372.23 -169,372.23 -4,950,303.64 -4,950,303.64

    V. Net increase of cash and

    cash equivalents -59,767,181.29 -58,907,336.17 -2,971,618.60 19,415,797.58

    Add: Balance of cash and

    cash equivalents at the period


    338,230,921.44 306,127,639.14 404,131,911.83 354,939,066.12

    VI. Balance of cash and cash

    equivalents at the period -end 278,463,740.15 247,220,302.97 401,160,293.23 374,354,863.70HEFEI MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2009 (FULL TEXT)


    4.5 Auditor’ report

    Auditor’s opinions: Un-audited