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						      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                      The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

                                    Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.
                                The First Quarterly Report 2012
                                           (Full Text)
§1. Important Notes
      1.1 Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that
there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this
report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
      1.2 The First Quarterly Financial Report of 2012 has not been audited by CPAs.
      1.3 Chairman of the Board Mr. Liu Tibin, President Mr. Wang Yong, Deputy President Mr. Yu
Wangchun and Person in Charge of Accounting Works Mr. Tang Bin hereby confirm that the
Financial Report hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the First Quarterly Report is true and
§2. Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting highlights and financial indexes:
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Changes of
                                           At the end of the      At the period-end of
                                              report period           the last year
Total assets (RMB)                              7,713,392,031.27        7,602,563,620.91               1.46%
Owners’ equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed company              2,830,834,119.06        2,796,317,375.44               1.23%
       Total share capital (Share)                636,449,338.00          636,449,338.00               0.00%
   Net asset per share attributable to
    shareholders of listed company                           4.45                    4.39              1.37%
                                                                                             Changes of
                                                                  The same period of
                                          In the report period                            increase/decrease
                                                                        last year
Total operating income (RMB)                    2,295,111,500.70        2,214,478,744.14               3.64%
Net       profit     attributable      to
shareholders of the listed company                 34,607,026.34           38,110,507.07              -9.19%
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                 -131,391,287.31         -420,571,347.68              68.76%
activities (RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                            -0.21                   -0.79             73.42%
activities per share (RMB/Share)
Basic       earnings       per     share
                                                          0.0544                  0.0719             -24.34%
Diluted       earnings      per    share
                                                          0.0544                  0.0719             -24.34%
Weighted average return on equity
                                                          1.23%                   1.39%               -0.16%
Weighted average return on equity
after deducting non-recurring gains                       1.17%                   1.34%               -0.17%
and losses (%)

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                      The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

    Note: the profit distribution plan of 2010 was implemented in August of 2011; total share capital
of the Company increased to 636,449,338 shares from 530,374,449, therefore, total share capital
calculated for this period based on 636,449,338 shares while same period of last year based on

Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                          Amount from year-begin             Remarks (If
       Items of non-recurring gains and losses
                                                              to period-end                  applicable)
Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains
and losses, but closely relevant to the Company’s
business except for the governmental subsidy                             2,212,802.13
enjoyed in quota or ration according to the national
general standards
Other non-operating income and expenditure except
for the aforementioned items
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                         -33,064.44
Influenced amount of income tax                                           -102,402.54
                        Total                                            1,650,422.38               -

2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top
ten shareholders with unrestricted conditions
                                                                                               Unit: Share
     Total number of shareholders
      at the end of report period
   Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditions
                                       Amount of tradable shares with
       Full name of shareholder         unrestricted conditions held at           Type of shares
                                            the end of report period
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co.,
                                                               90,664,342 RMB common share
Hefei Xingtai Holding Group Co.,
                                                               39,251,671 RMB common share
Dragon Life -Universal insurance
                                                               24,000,000 RMB common share
Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co.,
                                                               20,971,519 Domestically listed foreign share
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                           13,716,869 Domestically listed foreign share
Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.                              12,000,000 RMB common share
Ningbo Weichuang Union
                                                               10,800,000 RMB common share
  Investment Co., Ltd.
Founder Securities Co., Ltd.                                   10,800,000 RMB common share
Donghai Securities Co., Ltd.                                   10,800,000 RMB common share
CAO SHENGCHUN                                                  10,429,906 Domestically listed foreign share

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                          The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

§3. Significant Events
3.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index, and explanations of reasons
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
3.1.1 Changes and reasons of items in balance sheet
                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Balance at        Balance at     Changes
      Item                                                            Reasons of changes.
                  period-end         year-begin       ratio
                                                             Staff remuneration and annual bonus
                   76,414,695.13     109,562,805.25  -30.25% of December, withdrawal for year of
                                                             2011, was distributed.
                  126,553,840.63      73,939,903.98   71.16% Postponement payment of taxes.

3.1.2 Changes and reasons of items in profit statement
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                          Amount at
                     Amount at this                       Changes
      Item                               same period                           Reasons of changes.
                       period                              ratio
                                          of last year
Business tax
                        6,779,869.41      4,629,805.23     46.44%     Taxes increased due to sales expansion.
and surcharge
                                                                      Subordinate marketing division of former
                                                                      parent     company       reorganized    as
Administrative                                                        independent joint-venture in April 2011;
                       83,538,395.24     62,144,428.52     34.43%
expenses                                                              part of the expense calculated in sales
                                                                      expenses was calculated in administrative
                                                                      expense for this period.
                                                                      Increased of interest from time deposit of
Financial                                                             fund raised, as well as gains/losses of
                       -23,224,251.62     -7,006,958.93   -231.45%
expenses                                                              exchange and cash discount obtained
                                                                      from suppliers.
Assets                                                                The bad debt provision withdrawal and
impairment              9,435,721.68      2,024,454.30    366.09%     inventory      depreciation      provision
losses                                                                increased.
                                                                      Decrease of equity invested in
income(loss is           -383,521.48        235,864.47    -262.60%
                                                                      joint-ventures and affiliated enterprises.
listed with “-“)

3.1.3 Changes and reasons of items in cash flow statement
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                          Amount at
                     Amount at this                        Changes
     Item                               same period of                           Reasons of changes
                       period                               ratio
                                           last year
Cash received
                                                                       Sales income gains a sustainable growth
from selling
               1,390,920,733.09          972,106,840.66      43.08%    in this period; settlement of exchange
goods      and                                                         for note receivable undue.
labor provided
Cash paid for
other                                                                  Cash paid for sales expense decreased in
                 140,966,582.38          245,548,289.60     -42.59%
operation                                                              this period.

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

Cash received                                                     Cash dividend allocated from property
from                                                              exchange of Hefei Technology, stock
                                   -     514,300.00    -100.00%
investment                                                        jointly company of the Company, in
income                                                            same period of last year.
Net         cash
received from
disposal      of
fixed assets,
                                                                  Disposal of assets decreased in this
intangible               557,803.00    1,112,104.15.    -49.84%
assets       and
Cash paid for
fixed assets,                                                     Increase of investment on project of
intangible                                                        production base of Athena Luxury
                      50,796,274.87    36,146,666.52    40.53%
assets       and                                                  Refrigerator and capacity expansion for
other                                                             ice box.
Cash received
                                                                  No new subsidiary was invested in this
by absorbing                       -   30,191,000.00   -100.00%
Cash paid for                                                     Bank loans paid expired reduced in this
                      11,000,000.00    42,048,951.80    -73.84%
debt                                                              period.
Cash paid for
                                                                  Loan interest paid in this period
distributed or         1,916,677.69     2,900,223.66    -33.91%
Influence of
cash and cash
equivalent                                                        Changes of foreign exchange rate in
                       3,192,615.43.   1,233,015.43.   158.93%
from changes                                                       report period.
of       foreign
exchange rate

3.2 Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions

3.2.1 Particular about Qualified Opinion
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

3.2.2 Particular about fund offered to shareholder or its related parties by the Company and
external guarantee with procedure violation
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

3.2.3 Particular about the significant contract of routine operation signed and implemented
□Applicable         √Inapplicable

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                   The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

3.2.4 Other
√Applicable           □Inapplicable
     1. Particular about process of the fund raised and investment of fund raised in the report
      Privately A-stock offering of the Company was implemented in 2010, raised capital totally
amounting to RMB 1,199,999,820, net raised capital of RMB 1,177,954,320 after deducted RMB
22,045,500 issuing expense (including RMB 20,500,000 underwriting fee and sponsor charge).
      For purpose of improving the utilization of raising fund, reduced the financial expenses, lower
the operational cost and under the premise of ensure the capital requirement for investment project,
temporary supplementation of circulating capital from partial idle raising fund has been deliberated
and approved by 7th Meeting of 7th Session of the Board, the 4th Meeting of 7th Session of supervisory
committee and 5th extraordinary shareholders general meeting of 2011, and recognized by
independent director and sponsor institution. Partial raising fund was consented for temporary
supplementation for circulating capital, amount of RMB 400 million within 6 months since the date
of approval day from Shareholders’ General Meeting, which is from 21 December 2011 to 21 June
2012. Raised fund are utilized by the Company by regulations and decision-making rules till recently.
      Ended as 31st March 2012, funds used for project of fund raised totally amounting to RMB
558,104,962. Besides, idle raised fund temporary for current capital supplementation was RMB 187
million. Balance of raised fund of the Company was RMB 633,867,484(including interest RMB
14,018,126 and RMB 187 million,supplemented current capital of the Company temporary).
      Investment of raised fund project RMB 558,104,962 including: RMB 243,929,740 invested in
production base of Athena luxury refrigerator; RMB 166,116,077 invested in capacity expansion of
ice box; RMB 110,091,034 invested in capacity expansion of environmentally refrigerator(including
saving interest RMB 91,034); RMB 37,968,111 used for current capital supplementation
temporary(including saving interest RMB 13,791).
      Ended as 31st March 2012, first phase of production base of Athena luxury refrigerator
completed its main plant, part of the production equipment finished installment and debugging and is
in a trial production recently, first phase will expected to put into production in June of 2012; first
phase of capacity expansion for ice box has put into production in January 2011 with favorable
running condition; production line for second phase of this project is on process and expected to put
into production at end of October 2012; project of capacity expansion for environmentally
refrigerator has put into production and with a favorable running condition in report period.
     2. Un-lock of part of restricted shares of privately offering of A-stock for year of 2010
      On 11 January 2012, part of the A-stock, privately offering for year of 2010, was released.
Totally 7 shareholders un-lock the sales (excluding shares subscribed by Sichuan Changhong Electric
Co., Ltd., controlling shareholder of the Company), totally 93,385,200 shares are released for sales, a
14.67% in total share capital of the Company.
      More details found in notice of No.: 2012-001 released on appointed media dated 10 January
     3. Increasing of shareholding by controlling shareholders
      On 16 January 2012, the Letter of increasing of shareholding was received by the Company
from Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. (“Sichuan Changhong”), controlling shareholder of the
Company. Based on confidence of future development of the Company, totally shares of the
Company 1,664,541 shares were increased for held by Sichuan Changhong and its subordinate
wholly-owed subsidiary Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd (“HK Changhong”) with a 0.26%
in total share capital of the Company occupied by exchange system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
from 26 December 2011 to 13 January 2012. Sichuan Changhong increased shareholding 1,274,000
shares of circulated A-stock of the Company by exchange system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange dated
13 January 2012, a 0.20% in total share capital of the Company; HK Changhong increased

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                    The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

shareholding 390,541 shares of circulated B-stock of the Company by exchange system of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange from 26 December 2011 to 13 January 2012, a 0.06% in total share capital of the
     Ended as 31st March 2012, shares of the Company 158,328,461 shares were held by Sichuan
Changhong and its person acting in concert HK Changhong in total with 24.88% in total share capital
of the Company; Sichuan Changhong held 137,356,942 A-stock of the Company directly with
21.58% in total share capital while HK Changhong held 20,971,519 circulated B-stock of the
Company with 3.30% in total share capital of the Company.
     More details found in notice of No.: 2012-002 released on appointed media dated 17 January
     4. the fifth batch of release of circulated shares with restricted condition after
implementation of share merger reform
     The fifth batch of restricted circulated shares after implementation of share merger reform was
released for trading on 30 March 2012. Shares with restriction released for this time has 5
shareholders, totally 607,846 shares release for sales, a 0.0955% in total share capital of the
     More details found in notice of No.: 2012-011 released on appointed media dated 28 March
     5. “Implementation plan of internal control regulations”
     The “Implementation plan of internal control regulations” for year of 2012 was deliberated and
approved in 11th Meeting of 7th Session of the Board.
     More details found in notice of No.: 2012-012 and “Implementation plan of internal control
regulations” released on appointed media dated 31 March 2012.
     6. Relevant lawsuits and arbitration
     Based on the principle of unify usage and integrated management on the trademark and trade
name of “Meiling”, the Company checking and inspecting the situation, left over by history reasons,
of trademark and trade name authorized externally from Hefei Meiling Holding Group (“Meiling
Group”) before acquisition. Progress of lawsuit and arbitration with “Meiling” involved ended as this
report period are as:
     (1) Subordinate subsidiary of the Company Meiling Group charge Hefei Meiling Small
Appliance Co., Ltd. for agreement termination signed originally “Agreement of Trademark
Licensing”. Meiling Group secondly appeal to High People’s court of Anhui Province, recently the
case open a court session and waiting for the ruling.
     (2) Case of agreement termination signed originally “Agreement of Trademark Licensing”
between Meiling Group and Hefei Meiling Communication Technology Co., Ltd and Hefei Meiling
Cabinet Appliance Co., Ltd, and compensation suit has been applied for attribution. Recently the case
open a court session and waiting for the ruling from Hefei Attribution Committee.

3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controller
Commitments make within the report period or persisted to the period by listed company and its
director, supervisor and senior executives, shareholder with over 5 percent shares held and its actual
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
Item of Commitments Promisee                    Content of commitments               Implementation
Commitments made in
Acquisition Report or Sichuan        Commitment on avoid competitions in the
                                                                                    performed the
Reports on Change in Changhong same industry.

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                 The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

                                   1. Reduce, avoidance and standardized the
                                   horizontal competition and related
                                   transaction; leasing the land and house to
                                   Changhong Air Conditioner for a long period
                                   and transfer the land and house to
                                   Changhong Air Conditioner after the assets
                                   property certificate have been done;          Strictly
Commitments made in Sichuan
                                   supervise and urge the Sichuan Changhong performed the
  privately offering     Changhong
                                   Minsheng Logistic Co., Ltd., the subsidiary, commitments
                                   to lease its land and houses to Mianyang
                                   Meiling for a long period and transfer the
                                   land and house to Mianyang Meiling after the
                                   assets property certificate have been done.
                                   2. The lock-up period for the shares acquired
                                   will be 36 months.
                                   Published the regular notice, information
                                   with significant influence and clarification
                                   etc. in way of true, accuracy, completion,
Commitments made in The            fairness and timely; no share trading of the
                                                                                 performed the
privately offering       Company Company directly/indirectly in way of sharp
                                   practice by insider information obtained from
                                   the Board, Supervisory Committee and
                                   Senior executives.
Commitments made in The            Transfer the state-owned property of Meiling
                                                                                 performed the
  assets acquisition     Company Group.
                                   Use in the production related with main
                                   operational by regulation; return the payment
Commitments made in
                                   timely; do no affects on the normal process Strictly
the current capital      The
                                   of investment projects from the raised fund performed the
supplementation from Company
                                   and change no use purpose of the fund;        commitments
partial idle raised fund
                                   performed no securities investment and risk
Other commitments                                                                Strictly
                         Sichuan   Transfer of the assets property of air
(including additional                                                            performed the
                         Changhong conditioner.
commitments)                                                                     commitments

3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next
report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the
corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason
□Applicable          √Inapplicable

3.5 Other significant events which need explanations
3.5.1 Particulars about securities investment
□Applicable            √Inapplicable

3.5.2 Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report
                                             Type of                Contents discussed and
    Date          Place        Method                   Investor
                                            investors                  materials supplied

       Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                    The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

                Conference                                     Guotai Fund      Business production
2012-01-13      room of the                    Institution     Management       status of the Company,
                company                                        Co., ltd.        no material required
                Conference                                     Bosera Assets    Business production
2012-02-06      room of the                      Institution   Management       status of the Company,
                company                                        Co.,ltd.         no material required

 3.6 Particulars about derivatives investment
 □Applicable          √Inapplicable

 3.6.1 Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report period
 □Applicable         √Inapplicable

 §4. Appendix
 4.1 Balance sheet
 Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.             March 31, 2012               Unit: RMB
                                    Balance at period-end                Balance at year-begin
                              Consolidation Parent Company           Consolidation Parent Company
 Current assets:
       Monetary funds          1,222,990,767.65     821,955,761.30    1,401,674,679.41       1,045,235,918.61
       Capital lent
       Transaction finance
       Notes receivable        1,791,475,573.00   1,285,551,005.75    1,523,729,827.01       1,338,813,802.92
       Accounts receivable       727,652,758.97     509,399,163.55      571,218,022.80         402,230,488.74
       Accounts paid in
                                 193,001,561.90     490,205,758.10      237,494,745.03         253,040,962.58
       Insurance receivable
       Contract reserve of
 reinsurance receivable
       Interest receivable
       Dividend receivable
       Other receivables          50,370,645.51      51,630,886.17        41,508,227.47         48,509,875.77
       Purchase restituted
 finance asset
       Inventories             1,738,110,392.50     879,425,022.91    1,860,605,286.96         990,284,586.85
       Non-current      asset
 due within one year
       Other current assets
 Total current assets          5,723,601,699.53   4,038,167,597.78    5,636,230,788.68       4,078,115,635.47
 Non-current assets:
       Granted loans and

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

      Finance           asset
available for sales
      Long-term account
      Long-term        equity
                                  36,526,937.14     841,484,712.78        36,910,458.62        841,422,384.33
      Investment property         17,116,396.42      13,582,986.50        17,318,541.96         13,701,458.68
      Fixed assets               923,234,379.48     675,819,826.28      935,910,604.45         687,515,150.24
      Construction         in
                                 243,499,289.52     219,390,177.67      204,053,321.44         191,737,347.16
      Disposal of fixed
biological asset
      Oil and gas asset
      Intangible assets          641,753,653.73     494,905,839.10      648,660,218.36         501,028,725.80
      Expense             on
Research                 and      27,695,074.67                           25,167,492.74
      Goodwill                     5,529,842.09                            5,529,842.09
      Long-term expenses
to be apportioned
      Deferred income tax
                                  94,434,758.69      70,424,987.21        92,782,352.57         69,532,232.71
      Other non-current
Total non-current asset         1,989,790,331.74   2,315,608,529.54   1,966,332,832.23       2,304,937,298.92
Total assets                    7,713,392,031.27   6,353,776,127.32   7,602,563,620.91       6,383,052,934.39
Current liabilities:
      Short-term loans           142,509,065.89     120,000,000.00      144,000,000.00         120,000,000.00
      Loan from central
      Absorbing deposit
and interbank deposit
      Capital borrowed
financial liabilities
      Notes payable             1,094,558,422.58    799,451,012.20    1,191,929,934.59         858,879,727.69
      Accounts payable          1,658,860,189.23   1,378,195,569.70   1,598,851,420.62       1,271,155,333.03
      Accounts received
                                 654,388,145.43     156,340,974.75      703,404,091.67         277,848,104.26
in advance
      Selling       financial
asset of repurchase

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

      Commission charge
and commission payable
      Wage payable                76,414,695.13      61,440,309.08      109,562,805.25          80,821,797.09
      Taxes payable              126,553,840.63     103,418,169.45        73,939,903.98         81,559,342.02
      Interest payable
      Dividend payable             1,510,068.01       1,510,068.01         1,524,379.01           1,524,379.01
      Other        accounts
                                 647,411,610.19     380,656,112.91      518,444,925.03         400,789,644.51
      Insurance contract
      Security trading of
      Security sales of
liabilities due within 1           2,454,608.52       2,454,608.52         2,452,094.16           2,452,094.16
      Other          current
Total current liabilities       4,404,660,645.61   3,003,466,824.62   4,344,109,554.31       3,095,030,421.77
Non-current liabilities:
      Long-term loans             12,705,500.00      12,705,500.00        12,705,500.00         12,705,500.00
      Bonds payable
      Long-term account
      Special      accounts
                                  17,875,696.46                0.00       18,494,978.80                    0.00
      Accrual liabilities        332,154,591.67     332,154,591.67      315,699,502.43         315,699,502.43
   Deferred income tax
      Other non-current
                                  56,702,276.59      56,638,676.59        57,318,443.08         57,254,843.08
Total           non-current
                                 419,438,064.72     401,498,768.26      404,218,424.31         385,659,845.51
Total liabilities               4,824,098,710.33   3,404,965,592.88   4,748,327,978.62       3,480,690,267.28
Owner’s       equity     (or
shareholders’ equity):
      Paid-in capital (or
                                 636,449,338.00     636,449,338.00      636,449,338.00         636,449,338.00
share capital)
      Capital         public
                                1,609,999,547.27   1,625,315,350.37   1,609,999,547.27       1,625,315,350.37
      Less:       Inventory
      Reasonable reserve
      Surplus         public     299,625,924.94     299,407,759.26      299,625,924.94         299,407,759.26

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

      Provision of general
      Retained profit            285,350,698.58     387,638,086.81      250,743,672.24         341,190,219.48
      Balance difference
of     foreign      currency        -591,389.73                             -501,107.01
Total owner’s equity
attributable to parent          2,830,834,119.06   2,948,810,534.44   2,796,317,375.44       2,902,362,667.11
Minority interests                58,459,201.88                           57,918,266.85
Total owner’s equity           2,889,293,320.94   2,948,810,534.44   2,854,235,642.29       2,902,362,667.11
Total     liabilities    and
                                7,713,392,031.27   6,353,776,127.32   7,602,563,620.91       6,383,052,934.39
owner’s equity

4.2 Profit statement
Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.           Jan.-Mar. 2012                       Unit: RMB
                                  Amount in this period                   Amount in last period
                            Consolidation Parent Company              Consolidation Parent Company
I. Total operating income    2,295,111,500.70  1,397,547,537.71       2,214,478,744.14       1,673,770,903.51
Including:        Operating
                             2,295,111,500.70  1,397,547,537.71       2,214,478,744.14       1,673,770,903.51
      Interest income
      Insurance gained
      Commission charge
and commission income
II. Total operating cost     2,249,394,271.33  1,341,115,836.98       2,168,166,929.49       1,614,878,599.57
Including: Operating cost    1,776,374,196.54  1,216,817,422.17       1,755,361,265.07       1,289,604,447.57
      Interest expense
      Commission charge
and commission expense
      Cash        surrender
      Net     amount     of
expense of compensation
         Net amount of
withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
      Bonus expense of
guarantee slip
      Operating tax and
                                 6,779,869.41      3,636,826.24            4,629,805.23           3,803,643.47
      Sales expenses           396,490,340.08    102,877,657.98         351,013,935.30         292,054,356.21
                                83,538,395.24     46,198,636.42           62,144,428.52         40,675,854.27

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                  The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

      Financial expenses         -23,224,251.62   -20,606,542.37       -7,006,958.93          -9,075,240.76
      Losses                of
                                  9,435,721.68     -7,808,163.46        2,024,454.30          -2,184,461.19
devaluation of asset
      Add:          Changing
income of fair value(Loss
is listed with “-”)
      Investment income
                                   -383,521.48        62,328.45           235,864.47
(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income on
                                   -383,521.48        62,328.45
affiliated company and
joint venture
      Exchange        income
(Loss is listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit
                                 45,333,707.89    56,494,029.18        46,547,679.12         58,892,303.94
(Loss is listed with “-”)
      Add: Non-operating
                                  2,376,415.27     1,303,861.13         2,303,381.36           1,755,648.51
      Less: Non-operating
                                    590,525.91       470,558.33           580,846.90             445,943.71
      Including: Disposal
                                    471,937.41       470,558.33           446,994.83             445,943.71
loss of non-current asset
IV. Total Profit (Loss is
                                 47,119,597.25    57,327,331.98        48,270,213.58         60,202,008.74
listed with “-”)
      Less: Income tax           11,911,447.40    10,879,464.65         9,519,588.87           9,557,949.38
V. Net profit (Net loss is
                                 35,208,149.85    46,447,867.33        38,750,624.71         50,644,059.36
listed with “-”)
      Net               profit
attributable to owner’s         34,607,026.34    46,447,867.33        38,110,507.07         50,644,059.36
equity of parent company
shareholders’ gains and            601,123.51                            640,117.64
VI. Earnings per share
i. Basic earnings per
                                        0.0544           0.0730               0.0719                 0.0955
ii. Diluted earnings per
                                        0.0544           0.0730               0.0719                 0.0955
VII. Other consolidated
VIII. Total consolidated
                                 35,057,678.65    46,447,867.33        38,750,624.71         50,644,059.36
Total          consolidated
income attributable to
                                 34,516,743.62    46,447,867.33        38,110,507.07         50,644,059.36
owners        of       parent
Total          consolidated
income attributable to              540,935.03                            640,117.64
minority shareholders

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                   The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

Concerning the enterprise consolidation under common control occurred in the period; the mergered
party realized net profit before consolidation amounting to RMB00.00.

4.3 Cash flow statement
Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.            Jan.-Mar. 2012                Unit: RMB
                                   Amount in this period                Amount in last period
                             Consolidation Parent Company           Consolidation Parent Company
I. Cash flows arising
from operating activities:
      Cash received from
selling commodities and 1,390,920,733.09 1,039,414,237.50             972,106,840.66         692,132,319.10
providing labor services
      Net increase of
customer deposit and
interbank deposit
      Net increase of loan
from central bank
      Net increase of
capital borrowed from
other financial institution
      Cash received from
original          insurance
contract fee
      Net cash received
from            reinsurance
      Net increase of
insured savings and
      Net increase of
disposal of transaction
financial asset
    Cash received from
interest,      commission
charge and commission
      Net increase of
capital borrowed
      Net increase of
returned business capital
      Write-back of tax
                                 13,744,120.64      13,354,107.09       16,322,359.55           6,106,556.57
      Other cash received
concerning        operating       4,733,910.95         406,351.37        5,537,314.80           2,249,189.45
       Subtotal of cash
inflow     arising     from 1,409,398,764.68 1,053,174,695.96         993,966,515.01         700,488,065.12
operating activities
      Cash      paid     for
                              1,170,601,469.32   1,065,929,384.89     971,309,670.22         773,811,180.94
purchasing commodities

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

and      receiving     labor
      Net increase of
customer       loans     and
      Net increase of
deposits in central bank
and interbank
      Cash      paid      for
original          insurance
contract compensation
      Cash      paid      for
interest,       commission
charge and commission
      Cash paid for bonus
of guarantee slip
      Cash paid to/for
                                 176,132,186.73      86,635,481.81      153,323,013.85          97,348,049.20
staff and workers
      Taxes paid                  53,089,813.56      32,916,050.67        44,356,889.02         35,429,887.25
      Other cash paid
concerning        operating      140,966,582.38      50,423,248.32      245,548,289.60         175,060,677.54
      Subtotal of cash
outflow arising from            1,540,790,051.99   1,235,904,165.69   1,414,537,862.69       1,081,649,794.93
operating activities
      Net cash flows
arising from operating          -131,391,287.31    -182,729,469.73     -420,571,347.68        -381,161,729.81
II. Cash flows arising
from investing activities:
      Cash received from
recovering investment
      Cash received from
                                                                             514,300.00             514,300.00
investment income
      Net cash received
from disposal of fixed,
                                     557,803.00         475,073.00         1,112,104.15           1,112,104.15
intangible and other
long-term assets
      Net cash received
from        disposal       of
subsidiaries and other
      Other cash received
concerning         investing       3,266,905.75       1,976,936.35         3,506,000.97           4,038,585.40
      Subtotal of cash
inflow from investing              3,774,708.75       2,452,009.35         5,132,405.12           5,664,989.55
      Cash      paid      for     50,796,274.87      33,908,559.70        36,146,666.52         34,761,129.64

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                 The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

purchasing            fixed,
intangible and other
long-term assets
      Cash     paid      for
                                                                      -8,964,000.00         50,000,000.00
      Net increase of
mortgaged loans
      Net cash received
from subsidiaries and                                                    931,220.72
other units
      Other cash paid
concerning        investing         63,443.51                                               38,875,000.00
      Subtotal of cash
outflow from investing          50,859,718.38    33,908,559.70        28,113,887.24        123,636,129.64
      Net cash flows
arising from investing          -47,085,009.63   -31,456,550.35      -22,981,482.12       -117,971,140.09
III. Cash flows arising
from financing activities
      Cash received from
absorbing investment
      Including:       Cash
received from absorbing
minority     shareholders’
investment               by
      Cash received from
      Cash received from
 issuing bonds
      Other cash received
concerning        financing                                                                   5,000,000.00
      Subtotal of cash
inflow from financing            9,517,752.79                         30,191,000.00           5,000,000.00
      Cash     paid      for
                                11,000,000.00                         42,048,951.80         30,000,000.00
settling debts
      Cash     paid      for
dividend      and     profit
                                 1,916,677.69     1,454,021.87         2,900,223.66           2,120,745.67
distributing or interest
      Including: Dividend
and profit of minority
shareholder paid by
      Other cash paid                1,305.35    10,000,000.00                              72,745,443.61

      Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.                                     The First Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

concerning       financing
      Subtotal of cash
outflow from financing            12,917,983.04      11,454,021.87        44,949,175.46        104,866,189.28
      Net cash flows
arising from financing             -3,400,230.25     -11,454,021.87      -14,758,175.46         -99,866,189.28
IV. Influence on cash and
cash equivalents due to
                                   3,192,615.43       2,359,884.64         1,233,015.43           1,453,557.42
fluctuation in exchange
V. Net increase of cash
                                 -178,683,911.76   -223,280,157.31     -457,077,989.83        -597,545,501.76
and cash equivalents
      Add: Balance of
cash and cash equivalents       1,401,674,679.41   1,045,235,918.61   1,986,440,504.29       1,798,742,365.37
at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and
cash equivalents at the         1,222,990,767.65    821,955,761.30    1,529,362,514.46       1,201,196,863.61
period -end

4.4 Auditor’ report
Auditor’s opinions: Un-audited

                                                                           Chairman: Liu Tibin
                                                                           Board of Director of
                                                                          Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.
                                                                             21 April 2012
