Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report of 2019 April 2019 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Section I. Important Notes Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint. Mr. Li Wei, person in charge of the Company, Mr. Pang Haitao, person in charger of accounting works and Mr. Luo Bo, person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete. Prompt of non-standard audit opinion □ Applicable √ Not applicable The First Quarterly Report of 2019 has not been audited. All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for Quarterly Report deliberation. 1 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Section II. Basic situation of the Company I. Main accounting data and financial indexes Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not □Yes √ No Changes of this period over same This Period Same period of last year period of last year Operating income (RMB) 4,222,693,607.41 4,245,506,565.60 -0.54% Net profit attributable to shareholders of 60,526,575.53 56,261,852.68 7.58% the listed company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting 36,385,461.05 23,011,689.73 58.12% non-recurring gains and losses (RMB) Net cash flow arising from operating -921,543,887.11 -771,375,311.87 -19.47% activities (RMB) Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0579 0.0539 7.42% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0579 0.0539 7.42% Weighted average ROE 1.20% 1.11% 0.09 percentage points up Changes of this period-end over End of this period End of last period same period-end of last year Total assets (RMB) 15,122,914,651.38 15,561,810,184.54 -2.82% Net assets attributable to shareholder of 5,065,768,249.09 5,015,730,486.57 1.00% listed company (RMB) Items of non-recurring gains and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB Amount from year-begin to Item Note period-end Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the Found in “Asset -786,764.45 write-off that accrued for impairment of assets) disposal income” Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including Found in “Other the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to national standards, 15,222,078.41 income” which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business) Held transaction financial asset, gains/losses of changes of fair values Found in “Investment from transaction financial liabilities, and investment gains from disposal 11,538,197.60 income” and “Changes of transaction financial asset, transaction financial liabilities and financial in fair value gains” 2 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 asset available for sales, exclude the effective hedging business relevant with normal operations of the Company Reversion of the impairment provision of account receivable and Found in “Account 289,901.57 contractual assets that carry impairment test independently receivable” Found in Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the -869,981.41 “Non-operating income aforementioned items and expenditure” Less: impact on income tax 906,134.04 -- Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) 346,183.20 -- Total 24,141,114.48 -- Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company has no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, in the period. II. Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and top ten shareholders 1. Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten common shareholders In shares Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at Total number of common shareholders at the end of report period 65,331 0 end of reporting period (if applicable) Top ten shareholders Number of share Proporti Amount of Amount of pledged/frozen Nature of on of Shareholder’s name restricted shares shareholder shares shares held State of held held Amount share State-owned legal Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. 23.79% 248,457,724 69,877,638 - - person State-owned legal Hefei Industrial Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. 4.58% 47,823,401 0.00 - - person Foreign legal Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd. 2.59% 27,077,797 0.00 - - person 3 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Foreign nature CAOSHENGCHUN 1.36% 14,240,979 0.00 - - person Domestic Ping An UOB-Ping An Bank-Guohai Securities Co., non-State-owned 1.20% 12,522,361 0.00 - - Ltd. legal person Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai (Anhui) Domestic Emerging Industry Investment Fund (Limited non-State-owned 1.03% 10,733,452 0.00 - - Partnership) legal person Foreign legal UBSAG 1.01% 10,533,440 0.00 - - person Caitong Fund-Everbright Bank-Soochow Securities Domestic Co., Ltd. non-State-owned 0.67% 6,997,881 0.00 - - legal person Foreign legal Philip Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd. 0.60% 6,296,913 0.00 - - person Domestic China Construction Bank - China Central Zhongzheng non-State-owned 0.44% 4,627,500 0.00 - - Sichuan Reform of State-owned Enterprise ETF legal person Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held Amount of unrestricted Type of shares Shareholder’s name shares held Type Amount Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. 178,580,086 RMB ordinary shares 178,580,086 Hefei Industrial Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. 47,823,401 RMB ordinary shares 47,823,401 Domestically listed Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd. 27,077,797 27,077,797 foreign shares Domestically listed CAOSHENGCHUN 14,240,979 14,240,979 foreign shares Ping An UOB-Ping An Bank-Guohai Securities Co., Ltd. 12,522,361 RMB ordinary shares 12,522,361 Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai (Anhui) Emerging Industry 10,733,452 RMB ordinary shares 10,733,452 Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) UBSAG 10,533,440 RMB ordinary shares 10,533,440 Caitong Fund-Everbright Bank-Soochow Securities Co., Ltd. 6,997,881 RMB ordinary shares 6,997,881 Domestically listed Philip Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd. 6,296,913 6,296,913 foreign shares China Construction Bank - China Central Zhongzheng Sichuan Reform of 4,627,500 RMB ordinary shares 4,627,500 State-owned Enterprise ETF 4 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Among the above shareholders, CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED (“CHANGHONG (HK)” for short) is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. (“Sichuan Changhong” for short), except for the shares directly held by HK Changhong, 6,296,913 B-shares are held by HK Changhong through Philip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, which consist a person acting in concert. There existed no associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies among Sichuan Changhong, CHANGHONG (HK) and other top 7 shareholders; “Ping An Explanation on associated relationship UOB-Ping An Bank-Guohai Securities Co., Ltd. ”Ping An UOB-Ping An Bank-Guohai Securities Co., among the aforesaid shareholders Ltd. refers to the products of Ping An UOB Fund Management Company subscribe for privately placement of 2016; “Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai (Anhui) Emerging Industry Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) ” and “Caitong Fund-Everbright Bank-Soochow Securities Co., Ltd.”refers to the products of Caitong Fund Management Company subscribe for privately placement of 2016; The company neither knows whether there is any association among other shareholders, nor knows whether other shareholders belong to the persons acting in concert that is stipulated in the “Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies”. Explanation on top ten common shareholders involving margin business N/A (if applicable) Note 1: In the above table, "Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top 10 shares holding" is subject to the data on stock transfer books provided by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period □ Yes √ No The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period. 2. Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred stock held □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Section III. Significant Events I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index and explanations of reasons √ Applicable □Not applicable (I) Changes and reasons of items in balance sheet In RMB Changes Item Ending balance Opening balance Reasons of changes ratio Other account receivable from clients increased in Other receivable 110,894,324.39 63,192,740.93 75.49% the Period Transactional financial Change of the fair value for FXA (Forward 37,130,673.69 55,586,666.70 -33.20% liabilities Exchange Agreement) carried out in the period Taxes paid by subsidiary Sichuan Air Conditioner Taxes payable 72,320,922.91 109,753,432.17 -34.11% in the period (II) Changes and reasons of items in profit statement In RMB Amount at the Item Amount at the same period of Changes ratio Reasons of changes period last year Taxes and 41,279,976.29 25,629,526.25 61.06% Taxes accrual in the period increased from a year earlier surcharges Interest expenditure and loss from foreign exchange in the Financial expenses 12,386,522.10 -1,695,567.00 830.52% period increased on a y-o-y basis Due to the change of accounting policy, accrual of Assets impairment 8,114,711.29 17,534,805.86 -53.72% financial assets impairment was transfer to “Loss of credit loss impairment” in the period Credit impairment -4,348,457.12 -100.00% Same as “Assets impairment loss” loss Government grants received in the period increased from a Other income 15,924,209.49 10,367,452.07 53.60% year earlier Income from financing in the period declined on a y-o-y Investment income -3,294,794.60 23,858,193.30 -113.81% basis Changing income of Change of the fair value for FXA (Forward Exchange 17,239,305.01 -3,292,159.49 623.65% fair value Agreement) carried out in the period 6 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Assets disposal The income from non-current assets disposal decreased on -786,764.45 3,634,169.59 -121.65% income a y-o-y basis Non-business Relocation expenditure from subsidiary Sichuan Air 1,901,268.37 16,552.57 11,386.24% expenditure Conditioner increased on a y-o-y basis Some of the wholly-owned subsidiary have deficit in the Minority interest -5,022,513.61 -1,101,397.78 -356.01% period with a y-o-y increased (III) Changes and reasons of items in cash flow statement In RMB Amount at the Amount at the same period of last Changes Item Reasons of changes ratio period year The export rebate received in the period decreased from Write-back of tax received 67,038,256.22 142,336,736.25 -52.90% a year earlier Other cash received in connection Collection of the operational limited monetary fund in 73,527,737.20 8,641,836.66 750.83% with business activities the period Taxes paid 159,372,262.81 65,401,069.62 143.68% Taxes paid in the period increased on a y-o-y basis Cash received from investment The income from entrusted financial management 1,512,445.59 30,148,051.45 -94.98% income received in the period declined on a y-o-y basis Principal of entrusted financing are paid in the Period Cash paid for investments 424,000,000.00 1,080,000,000.00 -60.74% declined from a year earlier Other cash paid concerning investing Loss from forward foreign exchange contract delivery 5,481,620.00 10,010,000.00 -45.24% activities declined on a y-o-y basis Cash paid for dividend/profit 35,295,622.65 16,030,019.50 120.18% Cash dividend paid in the period distribution or interest expenses Other cash paid concerning financing The funding-constrained monetary funds increased on a 25,073,514.40 0.00 100.00% activities y-o-y basis II. Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions √ Applicable □Not applicable (I) Particular about process of the fund raised and investment of fund raised in the report period The Company implemented a private placement of A-share in year of 2016, totally 1,569,999,998.84 Yuan raised, net money raised amounting to 1,540,732,722.76 Yuan after deducted vary issuance costs (tax included) 29,267,276.08 Yuan. The resolutions of the 16th session of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company, the 8th session of the 9th Board of Supervisors of the Company, and the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 passed, and the independent directors consented, and the sponsor institution made unanimous verification opinions to agree the company to use the idle raised funds of not exceeding RMB 940 million to invest in the principal-protected 7 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 financial products with high security, good liquidity and allotted time of single item not more than one year, the authorization period is valid for one year from the date of approval by the company’s general meeting of shareholders. Up to now, the company is normatively using the raised funds in accordance with the decision-making and relevant regulations and requirements. Ended as 31 March 2018, actually fund of raised used accumulative amounted as 726,039,989.35 Yuan in total, balance of the account for fund raised counted as 907,308,197.77 Yuan (including interest income accumulative amounted as 10,993,276.01 Yuan and income from financial product at expiration 81,474,847.34 Yuan, as well as 9040000 million Yuan financial products purchased by idle temporary fund-raising) The Company accumulative used the fund raised amounted as 726,039,989.35 Yuan, the use of purpose including: intelligent construction has 127,357,924.32 Yuan in used; R&D ability for intelligence and new products for intelligent household appliance has 282,800,601.26 Yuan in used; smart life project totally used 45,001,400.00 Yuan; used in current fund supplementary counted as 270,880,063.77 Yuan (including saving interest of 147,341.01 Yuan) The resolutions of the 20th session of the 9th Board of Directors and the 11th session of the 9th Board of Supervisors of the Company agreed to postpone the date of the intelligent manufacturing construction project, intelligent R&D capacity building and intelligent home appliance technology development project reaching the expected usable condition to the end of December 2021. At the same time, the company’s independent directors have issued independent opinions of consent, and the company’s sponsor institution Shenwan Hongyuan issued a unanimous verification opinion. The Intelligent Life project is implemented by Changmei Technology Co., Ltd., this project is in operation. (II) Implementation for annual performance incentive fund On August 9, 2012 and August 28, 2012, the Company considers the adoption of "Hefei Meiling annual performance incentive fund implementation plan" (hereinafter referred to as "" stimulus "") on the 16th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 2012-second provisional shareholders meeting. Details were disclosed on information disclosure media appointed by the Company as "Securities Times", "Chinese Securities Daily", "Hong Kong Commercial Daily" and the Juchao network ( on August 10, 2012 and August 29 in the form of announcement (No.: 2012-028, No.:2012-035). 1. Implementation about 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016 performance incentive fund provision and distribution plan See details in "Implementation of the company's annual incentive fund" in "XI Implementation of the company's stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan, or other employee incentive measures" in "Section V Important Events" of the company's "2018 Annual Report" disclosed on 29 March 2019. Up to the end of this reporting period, the company's stock purchased by some 2012 annual performance incentive objects (non-directors, supervisors and senior management), 2013 annual performance incentive objects (non-directors, supervisors and senior management), the 2014 annual performance incentive objects (non-directors, supervisors and senior management) with their granted 2012 annual performance incentive funds and own funds and 2013 & 2014 annual performance incentive funds and own funds have been fully released for 8 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 trading; details of the share reduction for the above mentioned objects see below; if the holding period of the company’s shares which are purchased by the 2016 annual performance incentive targets with their awarded 2016 annual performance incentive funds and their own funds is less than two years, all shares purchased by the incentive targets will be locked in accordance with their commitments. The Company’s shares purchased by the current directors, supervisors and senior executives among the performance incentive targets due to the implementation of the 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016 annual performance incentive plans have not reduced the shareholdings. 2. Shareholding and reducing of performance incentive objects of the Company Ended as 31 March 2019, shares hold by all incentive objects amounting to 11,728,680 shares, a 1.1228 % in total share capital of the Company, including 10,038,787 A-share, a 0.9610% in total share capital and 1,689,893 B-share, a 0.1618% in total share capital of the Company. Other grantees of the 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016 incentive plan (not being directors, supervisors and senior management) have reduced holding of 4,785,135 in aggregate, accounting for about 0.4581% of the total share capital and 68,750 shares are reduced in the reporting period. (III) Transaction with Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd The resolution of the 34th meeting of the 8th board of directors on August 9, 2017 and the second extraordinary general meeting of 2017 on September 12, 2017 approved and agreed the company to continue carry out the financial service cooperation with Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Changhong Finance Company”) and sign a triennial Financial Service Agreement. According to the “Proposal on Expected Continuous Related Transactions with Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd. in 2019” approved by the deliberations of the 17th session of the 9th Board of Directors, the 9th session of the 9th Board of Supervisors and the 4th Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 of the Company, Changhong Finance Company provides a series of financial services such as deposits and loans within the scope of its business in accordance with the requirements of the Company and its subsidiaries. The related transactions between the company and its subsidiaries and Changhong Finance Company from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period are as follows: In RMB Interest, Increased during the Decreased during the Item Opening balance Ending balance handling charge Year Year paid or received I. Savings in Changhong Group 3,119,117,207.91 6,648,303,460.19 7,427,219,085.87 2,340,201,582.23 21,915,303.29 Finance Company II. Borrowings from Changhong Group Finance Company 1.Short-term loans 9 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Interest, Increased during the Decreased during the Item Opening balance Ending balance handling charge Year Year paid or received 2.Long-term loans III. Other financial business 1.Notes drawing 819,806,514.07 471,939,007.48 412,786,235.76 878,959,285.79 214,728.43 2.Notes discounted 772,233,395.98 345,625,142.76 148,981,669.33 968,876,869.41 334,593.52 (IV) Other significant events Information index for temporary report Overview Date for disclosure disclosure Mr. Wu Dinggang, the former president of the company, applied for resignation as Juchao Website: president of the Company due to changes in his personal work, but he will continue to 2019-1-12 serve as the vice president of the company, a member of the strategy committee and a (No. 2019-001) member of the remuneration and appraisal committee of the board of directors. The company’s board resolution passed and agreed to authorize the company’s Juchao Website: directors and vice president Mr. Kou Huameng to act on the president’s behalf, and the 2019-1-12 allotted time is from January 11, 2019, i.e. the date on which the board resolution takes (No. 2019-002) effect, to the date on which the board of directors engages a new president. On January 14, 2019, the company received a Notification Letter from Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. About the Progress of Reducing Equity Holding of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.” from Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Juchao Website: “Caitong Fund”) which held more than 5% shares of the company, Caitong Fund 2019-1-15 reduced equity holdings of 12,160,298 shares of the company’s shares through (No. 2019-003) centralized bidding transaction and block trading method from October 18, 2018 to January 13, 2019, accounting for 1.1641% of the Company’s total share capital. The resolutions of the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the general Juchao Website: meeting of shareholders of the company passed and agreed the company to provide 2019-1-30 credit guarantees totaling 2980 million yuan to the wholly-owned and holding 2019-2-14 (No. 2019-004, No. 2019-005, No. subsidiaries of the company in 2019. For the guarantee amount newly increased in this 2019-2-23 2019-006, No. 2019-008, No. 2019-010, year and the amount of renewal in the current year, the guarantee period is one year. No. 2019-012) The resolution of the company’s board of director passed and agreed the company to Juchao Website: apply for a special credit line of maximum 300 million yuan in the bill pool of Hefei 2019-1-30 Branch of China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. (No. 2019-003, No. 2019-007) During the reporting period, the company used idle raised funds to purchase 424 million yuan of principal-protected bank financial products, including 100 million yuan Juchao Website: for the financial products of China Guangfa Bank, 100 million yuan for the financial 2019-2-1 products of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and 224 million yuan for the (No. 2019-009) financial products of Bank of Communications. As of the end of the reporting period, the balance of the idle raised funds that the company used to purchase the 10 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 principal-protected bank financial products was 904 million yuan. On February 13, 2019, the company received the “Short-Form Report on Changes in Equity of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.” from Caitong Fund, during the period from January 14, 2019 to February 12, 2019, the assets management plan of Caitong Fund Juchao Website: reduced the equity holding of 2,600,729 shares of Changhong Meiling by centralized 2019-2-14 bidding transactions, with a total reduction amount of 8,115,894.30 yuan, accounting (No. 2019-011) for 0.25% of the company’s total share capital. After this change in equity, Caitong Fund (on behalf of its asset management plan) holds 52,229,844 shares of Changhong Meiling, accounting for 4.999995% of Changhong Meiling’s total share capital. On February 25, 2019, the company received the Notice About Increasing Shareholding of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. and the Equity Changes of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. and its concerted action person Changhong (Hong Kong) Trading Co., Ltd.” (hereinafter referred to as “Notice”). During the period from November 12, 2018 to February 25, 2019, Sichuan Changhong and its concerted action Juchao Website: person Changhong (Hong Kong) Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “HK 2019-2-26 Changhong” or “Concerted Action Person”) bought 16,231,024 shares of Changhong 2019-2-28 (No. 2019-013) Meiling (including 13,751,756 shares of Changhong Meiling A shares and 2,479,268 shares of Changhong Meiling B shares) by bidding transaction through the secondary market, accounting for 1.55% of Changhong Meiling’s total share capital, resulting in the equity ratio of Changhong Meiling held by Sichuan Changhong and Concerted Action Person increased by 5% from September 2009 to February 2019. Juchao Website: In late March 2019, the company received the “Notice of Drafted Civil Penalty” issued 2019-3-26 by U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”). (No. 2019-014) The resolution of company’s board of directors passed and agreed the company to make changes in the corresponding accounting policies according to the relevant Juchao Website: regulations and requirements of the Ministry of Finance so as to apply to the new 2019-3-29 regulations. This matter still needs to be submitted to the company’s 2018 annual (No. 2019-015, No. 2019-018) general meeting of shareholders for consideration and approval. The resolution of company’s board of directors passed and agreed the company and its subsidiaries to carry out forward foreign exchange fund transaction business from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, the business transaction balances do not exceed US$650 Juchao Website: million (mainly including: US dollar, Australian dollar, Euro, other foreign exchanges 2019-3-29 are all converted into US dollars), the delivery period of a single business should be (No. 2019-015, No. 2019-020) less than one year. This matter still needs to be submitted to the company’s 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders for consideration and approval. Being deliberated and approved by resolution of the Board, the intended usable state Juchao Website: for “Construction of intelligent manufacturing project” and “Construction of intelligent 2019-3-29 R&D capability and new products development of the intelligent appliance (No. 2019-015, No. 2019-021) technology” (the investment projects with privately placement of 2016) will postpone 11 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 to end of December in 2021. This matter still needs to be submitted to the company’s 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders for consideration and approval. The resolution of company’s board of directors passed and agreed to amend some articles of the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting Juchao Website: of Shareholders, and the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors. This matter still 2019-3-29 needs to be submitted to the company’s 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders (No. 2019-015, No. 2019-022) for consideration and approval. The resolution of company’s board of directors passed and agreed the company and its subsidiaries, including Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd., Guangdong Juchao Website: Changhong Ridian Technology Co., Ltd. and Hongyuan Geothermal Heat Pump 2019-3-29 Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd., donated a total of 130,000 yuan to the Nantou (No. 2019-015, No. 2019-023) Town People’s Government of Zhongshan City for expanding the Nantou Town Central Primary School. (v) Implementation progress of shares buy-back □ Applicable √ Not applicable (vi) Implementation progress of the reduction of repurchases shares by centralized bidding □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Commitments completed in Period and those without completed till end of the Period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company has no commitments completed in Period and those without completed till end of the Period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies. IV. Forecast of operation performance from Jan. – June of 2019 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason □ Applicable √ Not applicable V. Securities Investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable No security investment in Period. VI. Derivative investment √ Applicable □Not applicable 12 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 In 10 thousand Yuan Ratio of investment Amount of Relate Whether Amount Amount amount at Investment reserve for Investment Actual d related Initial purchased in sales in the period-end in net Operator Type Start date End date amount at devaluation of amount at gains/losses relatio trade or investment the reporting reporting assets of the period-begin withdrawing period-end in period nship not period period Company at (if applicable) period-end Forward foreign Financial N/A No exchange 200,656.30 2017-9-29 2019-12-23 149,739.86 50,916.44 43,964.10 -- 157,413.54 30.41% -721.36 institution contract Total 200,656.30 -- -- 149,739.86 50,916.44 43,964.10 -- 157,413.54 30.41% -721.36 Capital resource (if applicable) Self-owned capital Lawsuit involved (if applicable) Not applicable Disclosure date for approval from the Board for 2018-3-30 investment of derivatives (if applicable) Disclosure date for approval from board of shareholders for investment of derivatives (if 2018-5-11 applicable) 1. Market risk: domestic and international economic situation changes may lead to exchange rate fluctuations, forward foreign exchange transactions are under certain market risk. Forward foreign exchange business is aiming to reducing impact on corporate profits by foreign exchange settlement and sale prices, exchange rate fluctuations. The Company will follow up the exchange fluctuation, on the basis of target rate determined from the business, relying on the research of the Risk analysis and controlling measures for foreign currency exchange rates, combined with prediction of consignments, and burdening ability to price variations due to exchange rate fluctuations, then derivatives holdings in the Period (including but determine the plan of forward foreign exchange contracts, and make dynamic management to the business, to ensure reasonable profit level. not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit 2. Liquidity risk: all foreign exchange transactions are based on a reasonable estimate of the future import and export business, to meet the requirements of the trade risks, operation risk and law risks etc.) authenticity. In addition, forward foreign exchange transactions are processed with bank credit, will not affect liquidity of company funds. 3. Bank default risk: if cooperative banks collapse within the contract time, the Company will not be able to transact the original foreign exchange contracts with contract price, which leads the risk of income uncertainty. So the Company chose Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of 13 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 China, China Construction Bank and other chines e-funded banks with a joint-stock system as Everbright and Industrial Bank, as well as the foreign-funded banks as UOB, Oversea Chinese Bank and the Bank of East Asia etc. to conduct the trading of foreign exchange capital. These banks share a solid strength and management whose failure and the risk of loss may bring to the Company is very low. 4. Operational risk: improper operation of the person in charge of forward foreign exchange transactions may cause related risk also. The Company has formulated related management system which defines the operation process and responsibility to prevent and control risks. 5. The legal risks: unclear terms based in contract signed with banks for related transactions may lead legal risks when forward foreign exchange transactions are processing. The Company will strengthen legal review, and choose good bank to carry out this kind of business as to risk control. The Company determines fair value in accordance with the Chapter VII “Determination of Fair Value” carried in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises Risk analysis and controlling measures for No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. Fair-value is basically obtained according to prices offered by bank and other pricing services. derivatives holdings in the Period (including but While fair-value of derivatives is mainly obtained according to the balance between prices given by outstanding contracts and forward prices given by contracts not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit signed during the reporting period with bank. The differences are identified as trading financial assets and liabilities. During the reporting period, forward foreign risks, operation risk and law risks etc.) exchange contracts and losses of the Company is RMB 7,213,600. Specific principle of the accounting policy and calculation for derivatives in the Period compared Not applicable with last period in aspect of major changes Upon inspection, the independent directors of the Company believes that: During the reporting period, the Company carried out its foreign exchange forward deals in strict compliance with the standardized operation guidelines for listed issuer on main board (2015 amended) issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Articles of Association, Authorization Management of the Company, Management System in relating to Foreign Exchange Forward Deals of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd., and these deals were conducted within the authorization scope under general meeting and board meeting. The Company conducts no foreign exchange transactions on Special opinion on derivative investment and risk the purpose of getting profit only, all of the forward foreign exchange transactions are operates based on normal operating and production, which is relying on control by independent directors specific business operations with purpose of avoiding the preventing the risks in exchange rate. The forward foreign exchange transactions of the Company is related with the routine operation needs of the Company are beneficial to prevent the exchange risks exposed by import and export business and thus met its requirement for operation development. There was no speculative operation, no break of relevant rules and regulations and relevant business was conducted under corresponding decision-making procedures. Interests of the Company and entire shareholders, especially minority shareholders, were not prejudiced. 14 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 VII. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Time Way Type Basic situation index of investigation 2019-2-26 Field research Institute kCode=000521# VIII. Guarantee outside against the regulation □Applicable √Not applicable The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the reporting period. IX. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company had no non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders or its related party in the reporting period. 15 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Section IV. Financial Statement I. Financial statement 1. Consolidate balance sheet Prepared by Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. In RMB Items 2019-3-31 2018-12-31 Current assets: Monetary fund 3,298,560,072.14 4,596,077,557.40 Settlement provisions Capital lent Transactional financial assets 8,038,858.13 Financial assets measured by fair value and with 9,253,635.59 variation reckoned into current gains/losses Derivative financial assets Note receivable and account receivable 4,669,700,970.50 4,058,819,532.50 Including: Notes receivable 2,215,850,948.58 2,387,830,887.74 Accounts receivable 2,453,850,021.92 1,670,988,644.76 Account paid in advance 87,614,787.29 86,180,459.26 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivables Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable Other account receivable 110,894,324.39 62,129,574.17 Including: Interest receivable 560,000.00 2,653,712.36 Dividends receivable Buying back the sale of financial assets Inventories 2,284,085,805.76 2,174,436,573.67 Contractual assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets maturing within one year Other current assets 1,175,918,616.79 1,184,686,956.96 Total current assets 11,634,813,435.00 12,171,584,289.55 16 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Non-current assets: Loans and payments on behalf Debt investment Available-for-sale financial assets 45,000,000.00 Other debt investment Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 63,951,984.06 61,869,440.55 Investment in other equity instrument Other non-current financial assets 45,000,000.00 Investment real estate 46,495,016.63 46,846,507.41 Fixed assets 1,795,481,364.06 1,733,957,012.14 Construction in progress 492,381,189.77 464,558,352.60 Productive biological assets Oil and natural gas assets Right-of-use assets Intangible assets 819,449,590.61 817,579,958.94 Research and development costs 118,455,247.67 108,210,966.60 Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses Deferred income tax assets 106,886,823.58 112,203,656.75 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 3,488,101,216.38 3,390,225,894.99 Total assets 15,122,914,651.38 15,561,810,184.54 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings 2,099,804,318.77 2,336,373,929.62 Loan from central bank Capital borrowed Transactional financial liability 37,130,673.69 Financial liability measured by fair value and 55,586,666.70 with variation reckoned into current gains/losses Derivative financial liability Notes payable & account payable 5,783,696,601.37 6,009,929,380.98 Accounts received in advance 445,670,416.05 354,551,354.80 17 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Selling financial asset of repurchase Absorbing deposit and interbank deposits Agent buying and selling securities Acting underwriting securities Wage payable 126,298,833.73 163,638,627.79 Taxes payable 72,320,922.91 109,753,432.17 Other accounts payable 641,578,423.45 660,320,360.26 Including: Interest payable 13,609,466.80 7,519,756.26 Dividend payable 3,234,928.37 17,317,286.45 Handling fees and commissions payable Reinsurance payable Contractual liability Liability held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one year 275,439,053.10 273,682,737.85 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 9,481,939,243.07 9,963,836,490.17 Non-current liabilities: Insurance contract reserve Long-term loans 1,920,000.00 1,920,000.00 Bonds payable Including: preferred stock Perpetual capital securities Lease liability Long-term account payable 4,693,693.60 5,017,208.00 Long term employee compensation payable 17,493,733.00 19,073,101.29 Accrued liabilities 273,233,043.84 273,063,677.21 Deferred income 164,718,767.14 160,250,963.60 Deferred income tax liabilities 3,003,916.98 3,098,699.11 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 465,063,154.56 462,423,649.21 Total liabilities 9,947,002,397.63 10,426,260,139.38 Owners’ equity: Share capital 1,044,597,881.00 1,044,597,881.00 Other equity instrument 18 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Including: preferred stock Perpetual capital securities Capital public reserve 2,684,369,598.46 2,684,369,598.46 Less: Inventory shares Other comprehensive income -19,191,702.01 -18,143,569.26 Special reserve Surplus reserve 399,082,433.26 400,673,993.50 Provision of general risk Retained profit 956,910,038.38 904,232,582.87 Total owner’s equity attributable to parent Company 5,065,768,249.09 5,015,730,486.57 Minority interests 110,144,004.66 119,819,558.59 Total owner’s equity 5,175,912,253.75 5,135,550,045.16 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 15,122,914,651.38 15,561,810,184.54 Legal Representative: Li Wei Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo 2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company In RMB Items 2019-3-31 2018-12-31 Current assets: Monetary fund 1,888,933,793.71 2,897,004,041.87 Transactional financial assets 8,038,858.13 Financial assets measured by fair value and with 9,253,635.59 variation reckoned into current gains/losses Derivative financial assets Note receivable and account receivable 3,675,549,527.97 3,483,525,970.01 Including: Notes receivable 2,161,492,040.09 2,433,243,946.64 Accounts receivable 1,514,057,487.88 1,050,282,023.37 Account paid in advance 85,121,554.58 58,710,427.38 Other account receivable 169,032,349.14 182,744,033.52 Including: Interest receivable 560,000.00 2,653,712.36 Dividends receivable 19 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Inventories 984,874,854.85 911,130,106.30 Contractual assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets maturing within one year Other current assets 1,106,511,243.92 1,113,987,528.70 Total current assets 7,918,062,182.30 8,656,355,743.37 Non-current assets: Debt investment Available-for-sale financial assets 45,000,000.00 Other debt investment Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 1,741,080,806.77 1,731,109,903.70 Investment in other equity instrument Other non-current financial assets 45,000,000.00 Investment real estate 7,532,990.42 7,618,550.16 Fixed assets 1,080,514,627.58 1,082,915,540.08 Construction in progress 130,770,479.74 125,064,106.10 Productive biological assets Oil and natural gas assets Right-of-use assets Intangible assets 459,627,275.68 462,425,105.64 Research and development costs 75,337,664.97 57,383,653.72 Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses Deferred income tax assets 76,189,368.54 78,357,299.17 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 3,616,053,213.70 3,589,874,158.57 Total assets 11,534,115,396.00 12,246,229,901.94 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings 1,535,198,900.65 1,911,719,726.13 Transactional financial liability 13,467,437.90 Financial liability measured by fair value and 19,893,875.00 with variation reckoned into current gains/losses 20 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Derivative financial liability Notes payable & account payable 3,709,869,919.69 4,013,263,630.45 Accounts received in advance 102,234,815.49 105,815,140.88 Contractual liability Wage payable 10,756,063.71 31,271,182.48 Taxes payable 16,244,613.19 21,992,129.58 Other accounts payable 413,170,461.81 427,293,961.56 Including: Interest payable 10,022,140.43 5,801,215.14 Dividend payable 3,234,928.37 17,317,286.45 Liability held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one year 260,355,541.04 258,588,504.48 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 6,061,297,753.48 6,789,838,150.56 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,920,000.00 1,920,000.00 Bonds payable Including: preferred stock Perpetual capital securities Lease liability Long-term account payable Long term employee compensation payable 17,493,733.00 19,073,101.29 Accrued liabilities 266,465,514.75 266,641,323.73 Deferred income 59,577,173.43 53,118,676.50 Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 345,456,421.18 340,753,101.52 Total liabilities 6,406,754,174.66 7,130,591,252.08 Owners’ equity: Share capital 1,044,597,881.00 1,044,597,881.00 Other equity instrument Including: preferred stock Perpetual capital securities Capital public reserve 2,753,017,007.10 2,753,017,007.10 Less: Inventory shares 21 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Other comprehensive income Special reserve Surplus reserve 398,864,267.58 400,455,827.82 Retained profit 930,882,065.66 917,567,933.94 Total owner’s equity 5,127,361,221.34 5,115,638,649.86 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 11,534,115,396.00 12,246,229,901.94 Legal Representative: Li Wei Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo 3. Consolidated Profit Statement In RMB Items Current Period Last Period I. Total operating income 4,222,693,607.41 4,245,506,565.60 Including: Operating income 4,222,693,607.41 4,245,506,565.60 Interest income Insurance gained Handling fees and commissions income II. Total operating cost 4,184,854,861.76 4,213,805,314.53 Including: Operating cost 3,378,498,741.74 3,395,348,853.41 Interest expense Handling fees and commissions expenses Cash surrender value Net amount of expense of compensation Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve Bonus expense of guarantee slip Reinsurance expense Taxes and surcharge 41,279,976.29 25,629,526.25 Sales expenses 613,574,029.12 659,262,709.74 Administration expenses 83,140,320.57 73,449,404.70 R&D expenses 52,209,017.77 44,275,581.57 Financial expenses 12,386,522.10 -1,695,567.00 22 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Including: interest expenses 27,122,066.28 22,081,680.01 Interest income 25,211,309.83 25,860,272.23 Losses of devaluation of asset 8,114,711.29 17,534,805.86 Loss of credit impairment -4,348,457.12 0.00 Add: other income 15,924,209.49 10,367,452.07 Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”) -3,294,794.60 23,858,193.30 Including: Investment income on affiliated 2,406,312.81 -1,987,586.69 Company and joint venture Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”) Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”) Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed 17,239,305.01 -3,292,159.49 with “-”) Income on disposal of assets (Loss is listed with -786,764.45 3,634,169.59 “-”) III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 66,920,701.10 66,268,906.54 Add: Non-operating income 1,031,286.96 1,557,612.64 Less: Non-operating expense 1,901,268.37 16,552.57 IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 66,050,719.69 67,809,966.61 Less: Income tax 10,546,657.77 12,649,511.71 V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) 55,504,061.92 55,160,454.90 (i) Classify by business continuity 1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with 55,504,061.92 55,160,454.90 ‘-”) 2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”) (ii) Classify by ownership 1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent 60,526,575.53 56,261,852.68 company 2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses -5,022,513.61 -1,101,397.78 VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income -2,085,506.09 -6,515,999.71 Net after-tax of other comprehensive income -1,048,132.75 -4,584,887.13 attributable to owners of parent company (I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss 1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured 23 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss 3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument 4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk 5. Other (II) Other comprehensive income items which will -1,048,132.75 -4,584,887.13 be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss 2.Change of fair value of other debt investment 3.gain/loss of fair value changes for available-for-sale financial assets 4.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income 5.Gain/loss of held-to-maturity investments that re-classify to available-for-sale financial asset 6.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment 7.Cash flow hedging reserve 8.Translation differences arising on -1,048,132.75 -4,584,887.13 translation of foreign currency financial statements 9.Other Net after-tax of other comprehensive income -1,037,373.34 -1,931,112.58 attributable to minority shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 53,418,555.83 48,644,455.19 Total comprehensive income attributable to 59,478,442.78 51,676,965.55 owners of parent Company Total comprehensive income attributable to minority -6,059,886.95 -3,032,510.36 shareholders VIII. Earnings per share: (i) Basic earnings per share 0.0579 0.0539 (ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.0579 0.0539 Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0 Yuan before combination, and realized 0 Yuan at last period for combined party Legal Representative: Li Wei 24 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo 4. Profit Statement of Parent Company In RMB Items Current Period Last Period I. Operating income 2,235,042,419.73 2,108,581,292.40 Less: Operating cost 1,952,295,548.80 1,809,944,883.90 Taxes and surcharge 22,080,703.51 13,489,765.30 Sales expenses 182,856,903.44 204,911,029.89 Administration expenses 33,905,037.20 29,338,556.94 R&D expenses 22,605,067.51 23,195,836.24 Financial expenses 3,903,872.42 307,773.98 Including: interest expenses 19,232,245.83 15,868,162.75 Interest income 15,126,621.45 13,139,035.21 Losses of devaluation of asset 3,052,384.53 -1,979,239.78 Loss of credit impairment -4,032,480.31 0.00 Add: other income 6,673,926.51 4,241,513.91 Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”) 1,728.66 20,171,924.50 Including: Investment income on affiliated 3,970,903.07 559,794.36 Company and joint venture Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”) Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed 5,211,659.64 -9,649,410.27 with “-”) Income on disposal of assets (Loss is listed with -645,262.95 -627,343.74 “-”) II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 29,617,434.49 43,509,370.33 Add: Non-operating income 188,670.00 1,508,872.27 Less: Non-operating expense III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 29,806,104.49 45,018,242.60 Less: Income tax 2,167,930.63 5,037,110.64 IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) 27,638,173.86 39,981,131.96 (i)continuous operating net profit (net loss listed 27,638,173.86 39,981,131.96 with ‘-”) 25 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 (ii) termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”) V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income (I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss 1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured 2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss 3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument 4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk 5. Other (II) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss 2.Change of fair value of other debt investment 3.gain/loss of fair value changes for available-for-sale financial assets 4.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income 5.Gain/loss of held-to-maturity investments that re-classify to available-for-sale financial asset 6.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment 7.Cash flow hedging reserve 8.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements 9.Other VI. Total comprehensive income 27,638,173.86 39,981,131.96 VII. Earnings per share: (i) Basic earnings per share 0.0265 0.0383 (ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.0265 0.0383 Legal Representative: Li Wei Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao 26 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo 5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement In RMB Items Current Period Last Period I. Cash flows arising from operating activities: Cash received from selling commodities and 3,904,690,858.42 3,116,283,648.67 providing labor services Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit Net increase of loan from central bank Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution Cash received from original insurance contract fee Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of insured savings and investment Net increase of amount from disposal financial assets that measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current gains/losses Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission Net increase of capital borrowed Net increase of returned business capital Net cash received by agents in sale and purchase of securities Write-back of tax received 67,038,256.22 142,336,736.25 Other cash received concerning operating activities 73,527,737.20 8,641,836.66 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 4,045,256,851.84 3,267,262,221.58 Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving 4,065,487,408.62 3,209,115,632.97 labor service Net increase of customer loans and advances Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation Net increase of financial assets held for transaction purposes 27 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Net increase of capital lent Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip Cash paid to/for staff and workers 446,317,342.30 415,551,393.88 Taxes paid 159,372,262.81 65,401,069.62 Other cash paid concerning operating activities 295,623,725.22 348,569,436.98 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 4,966,800,738.95 4,038,637,533.45 Net cash flows arising from operating activities -921,543,887.11 -771,375,311.87 II. Cash flows arising from investing activities: Cash received from recovering investment 430,000,000.00 540,000,000.00 Cash received from investment income 1,512,445.59 30,148,051.45 Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible 557,933.20 252,000.00 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units Other cash received concerning investing activities 30,122,236.60 29,832,743.55 Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities 462,192,615.39 600,232,795.00 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other 137,742,454.20 108,817,240.77 long-term assets Cash paid for investment 424,000,000.00 1,080,000,000.00 Net increase of mortgaged loans Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained Other cash paid concerning investing activities 5,481,620.00 10,010,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 567,224,074.20 1,198,827,240.77 Net cash flows arising from investing activities -105,031,458.81 -598,594,445.77 III. Cash flows arising from financing activities Cash received from absorbing investment Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries Cash received from loans 470,219,380.02 607,619,100.00 Cash received from issuing bonds Other cash received concerning financing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 470,219,380.02 607,619,100.00 Cash paid for settling debts 695,000,000.00 598,642,903.58 28 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or 35,295,622.65 16,030,019.50 interest paying Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries Other cash paid concerning financing activities 25,073,514.40 Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities 755,369,137.05 614,672,923.08 Net cash flows arising from financing activities -285,149,757.03 -7,053,823.08 IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to -7,529,242.84 -18,498,907.12 fluctuation in exchange rate V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -1,319,254,345.79 -1,395,522,487.84 Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the 4,484,643,187.93 5,089,765,770.39 period -begin VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period 3,165,388,842.14 3,694,243,282.55 -end Legal Representative: Li Wei Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo 6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company In RMB Items Current Period Last Period I. Cash flows arising from operating activities: Cash received from selling commodities and providing 2,044,451,401.10 1,622,336,432.60 labor services Write-back of tax received 34,183,811.93 72,233,740.77 Other cash received concerning operating activities 14,223,467.81 208,146.11 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 2,092,858,680.84 1,694,778,319.48 Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving 2,460,080,220.15 1,634,525,578.72 labor service Cash paid to/for staff and workers 146,712,285.95 139,285,545.18 Taxes paid 27,729,284.95 16,622,857.79 Other cash paid concerning operating activities 105,382,944.46 78,553,787.65 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 2,739,904,735.51 1,868,987,769.34 Net cash flows arising from operating activities -647,046,054.67 -174,209,449.86 29 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 II. Cash flows arising from investing activities: Cash received from recovering investment 430,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Cash received from investment income 1,512,445.59 30,015,681.60 Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible 500,000.00 220,000.00 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units Other cash received concerning investing activities 208,059,288.34 14,230,005.57 Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities 640,071,733.93 544,465,687.17 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other 54,735,486.93 34,937,488.72 long-term assets Cash paid for investment 430,000,000.00 1,060,000,000.00 Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained Other cash paid concerning investing activities 55,481,620.00 9,740,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 540,217,106.93 1,104,677,488.72 Net cash flows arising from investing activities 99,854,627.00 -560,211,801.55 III. Cash flows arising from financing activities Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received from loans 289,000,000.00 426,678,000.00 Cash received from issuing bonds Other cash received concerning financing activities 31,346,756.76 15,281,801.00 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 320,346,756.76 441,959,801.00 Cash paid for settling debts 655,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or 32,672,266.77 13,430,070.19 interest paying Other cash paid concerning financing activities 114,243,780.75 72,182,236.15 Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities 801,916,047.52 385,612,306.34 Net cash flows arising from financing activities -481,569,290.76 56,347,494.66 IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to -4,061,294.11 -6,743,197.91 fluctuation in exchange rate V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -1,032,822,012.54 -684,816,954.66 Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the 2,894,384,811.05 3,410,029,424.54 period -begin VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end 1,861,562,798.51 2,725,212,469.88 30 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Legal Representative: Li Wei Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo II. Explanation on financial statement adjustment 1. Financial statement adjustment at the beginning of the first year when implementation of new financial instrument rules, new revenue rules and new leasing rules √ Applicable □Not applicable (1) Consolidate balance sheet In RMB Items 2018-12-31 2019-1-1 Adjustment Current assets: Monetary fund 4,596,077,557.40 4,596,077,557.40 Transactional financial assets Not applicable 9,253,635.59 9,253,635.59 Financial assets measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into 9,253,635.59 Not applicable -9,253,635.59 current gains/losses Note receivable and account 4,058,819,532.50 4,043,930,389.93 -14,889,142.57 receivable Including: Notes receivable 2,387,830,887.74 2,370,568,253.64 -17,262,634.10 Accounts receivable 1,670,988,644.76 1,673,362,136.29 2,373,491.53 Account paid in advance 86,180,459.26 86,180,459.26 0.00 Other account receivable 62,129,574.17 63,192,740.93 1,063,166.76 Including: Interest receivable 2,653,712.36 2,653,712.36 Inventories 2,174,436,573.67 2,174,436,573.67 Other current assets 1,184,686,956.96 1,184,686,956.96 Total current assets 12,171,584,289.55 12,157,758,313.74 -13,825,975.81 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets 45,000,000.00 Not applicable -45,000,000.00 Long-term equity investments 61,869,440.55 61,869,440.55 Other non-current financial assets Not applicable 45,000,000.00 45,000,000.00 Investment real estate 46,846,507.41 46,846,507.41 Fixed assets 1,733,957,012.14 1,733,957,012.14 Construction in progress 464,558,352.60 464,558,352.60 31 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Intangible assets 817,579,958.94 817,579,958.94 Research and development costs 108,210,966.60 108,210,966.60 Deferred income tax assets 112,203,656.75 112,203,656.75 Total non-current assets 3,390,225,894.99 3,390,225,894.99 Total assets 15,561,810,184.54 15,547,984,208.73 -13,825,975.81 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings 2,336,373,929.62 2,336,373,929.62 Transactional financial liability Not applicable 55,586,666.70 55,586,666.70 Financial liability measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into 55,586,666.70 Not applicable -55,586,666.70 current gains/losses Notes payable & account payable 6,009,929,380.98 6,009,929,380.98 Accounts received in advance 354,551,354.80 354,551,354.80 Wage payable 163,638,627.79 163,638,627.79 Taxes payable 109,753,432.17 109,753,432.17 Other accounts payable 660,320,360.26 660,320,360.26 Including: Interest payable 7,519,756.26 7,519,756.26 Dividend payable 17,317,286.45 17,317,286.45 Non-current liabilities due within 273,682,737.85 273,682,737.85 one year Total current liabilities 9,963,836,490.17 9,963,836,490.17 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,920,000.00 1,920,000.00 Long-term account payable 5,017,208.00 5,017,208.00 Projected liabilities 273,063,677.21 273,063,677.21 Deferred income 160,250,963.60 160,250,963.60 Deferred income tax liabilities 3,098,699.11 3,098,699.11 Other non-current liabilities 19,073,101.29 19,073,101.29 Total non-current liabilities 462,423,649.21 462,423,649.21 Total liabilities 10,426,260,139.38 10,426,260,139.38 Owners’ equity: Share capital 1,044,597,881.00 1,044,597,881.00 Capital public reserve 2,684,369,598.46 2,684,369,598.46 Other comprehensive income -18,143,569.26 -18,143,569.26 Surplus public reserve 400,673,993.50 399,082,433.26 -1,591,560.24 32 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Retained profit 904,232,582.87 896,383,462.85 -7,849,120.02 Total owner’s equity attributable to parent 5,015,730,486.57 5,006,289,806.31 -9,440,680.26 company Minority interests 119,819,558.59 115,434,263.04 -4,385,295.55 Total owner’s equity 5,135,550,045.16 5,121,724,069.35 -13,825,975.81 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 15,561,810,184.54 15,547,984,208.73 -13,825,975.81 Statement of adjustment The Company implemented the new financial instrument rules since 1 Jan. 2019, the “Financial assets measured by fair value and with its variation reckoned into current gain/loss” adjusted to “Transactional financial assets”, the “Financial assets available-for-sale” adjusted to “Other non-current financial assets”, the “Financial liability measured by fair value and with its variation reckoned into current gain/loss” adjusted to “Transactional financial liability” In addition, according to the connection rules of the new financial instrument standards, the company does not need to restate the previous comparables, and it’s unnecessary to adjust when the information presented in the financial statements is not inconsistent with the requirements of the new standards. The difference between the original book value of financial instrument and the new book value before the date of implementation of the standards is adjusted and included in the retained earnings at the beginning of the period of 2019. (2) Balance Sheet of Parent Company In RMB Item 2018-12-31 2019-1-1 Adjustment Current assets: Monetary fund 2,897,004,041.87 2,897,004,041.87 Transactional financial assets Not applicable 9,253,635.59 9,253,635.59 Financial assets measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into 9,253,635.59 Not applicable -9,253,635.59 current gains/losses Note receivable and account 3,483,525,970.01 3,467,513,069.95 -16,012,900.06 receivable Including: Notes receivable 2,433,243,946.64 2,419,743,946.64 -13,500,000.00 Accounts receivable 1,050,282,023.37 1,047,769,123.31 -2,512,900.06 Account paid in advance 58,710,427.38 58,710,427.38 0.00 Other account receivable 182,744,033.52 182,841,331.20 97,297.68 Including: Interest receivable 2,653,712.36 2,653,712.36 Inventories 911,130,106.30 911,130,106.30 Other current assets 1,113,987,528.70 1,113,987,528.70 Total current assets 8,656,355,743.37 8,640,440,140.99 -15,915,602.38 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets 45,000,000.00 Not applicable -45,000,000.00 33 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Long-term equity investments 1,731,109,903.70 1,731,109,903.70 Other non-current financial assets Not applicable 45,000,000.00 45,000,000.00 Investment real estate 7,618,550.16 7,618,550.16 Fixed assets 1,082,915,540.08 1,082,915,540.08 Construction in progress 125,064,106.10 125,064,106.10 Intangible assets 462,425,105.64 462,425,105.64 Research and development costs 57,383,653.72 57,383,653.72 Deferred income tax assets 78,357,299.17 78,357,299.17 Total non-current assets 3,589,874,158.57 3,589,874,158.57 Total assets 12,246,229,901.94 12,230,314,299.56 -15,915,602.38 Current liabilities Short-term borrowings 1,911,719,726.13 1,911,719,726.13 Transactional financial liability Not applicable 19,893,875.00 19,893,875.00 Financial liability measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into 19,893,875.00 Not applicable -19,893,875.00 current gains/losses Notes payable & account payable 4,013,263,630.45 4,013,263,630.45 Accounts received in advance 105,815,140.88 105,815,140.88 Wage payable 31,271,182.48 31,271,182.48 Taxes payable 21,992,129.58 21,992,129.58 Other accounts payable 427,293,961.56 427,293,961.56 Including: Interest payable 5,801,215.14 5,801,215.14 Dividend payable 17,317,286.45 17,317,286.45 Non-current liabilities due within 258,588,504.48 258,588,504.48 one year Total current liabilities 6,789,838,150.56 6,789,838,150.56 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,920,000.00 1,920,000.00 Accrued liabilities 266,641,323.73 266,641,323.73 Deferred income 53,118,676.50 53,118,676.50 Other non-current liabilities 19,073,101.29 19,073,101.29 Total non-current liabilities 340,753,101.52 340,753,101.52 Total liabilities 7,130,591,252.08 7,130,591,252.08 Owners’ equity: Share capital 1,044,597,881.00 1,044,597,881.00 34 Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2019 Capital public reserve 2,753,017,007.10 2,753,017,007.10 Surplus reserve 400,455,827.82 398,864,267.58 -1,591,560.24 Retained profit 917,567,933.94 903,243,891.80 -14,324,042.14 Total owner’s equity 5,115,638,649.86 5,099,723,047.48 -15,915,602.38 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 12,246,229,901.94 12,230,314,299.56 -15,915,602.38 Statement of adjustment The Company implemented the new financial instrument rules since 1 Jan. 2019, the “Financial assets measured by fair value and with its variation reckoned into current gain/loss” adjusted to “Transactional financial assets”, the “Financial assets available-for-sale” adjusted to “Other non-current financial assets”, the “Financial liability measured by fair value and with its variation reckoned into current gain/loss” adjusted to “Transactional financial liability” In addition, according to the connection rules of the new financial instrument standards, the company does not need to restate the previous comparables, and it’s unnecessary to adjust when the information presented in the financial statements is not inconsistent with the requirements of the new standards. The difference between the original book value of financial instrument and the new book value before the date of implementation of the standards is adjusted and included in the retained earnings at the beginning of the period of 2019. 2. Retrospective adjustment of the comparative data for initial implementation of new financial instrument rules and new leasing rules □Applicable √Not applicable III. Audit report Whether the 1st quarterly report has been audited or not □Yes √ No The 1st quarterly report of the Company has not been audited. Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. Chairman: Li Wei 20 April 2019 35