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                                                                         CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

Stock code: 000521, 200521                                                                      Notice No.: 2022-080
short form of the stock:Changhong Meiling, Hongmeiling B

                            CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD.
                     THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

The Company and whole members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true,
accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements or important
Important content reminder:
1. Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are
no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of
the whole contents.
2. Principal of the Company, Person in Charge of Accounting Works and Person in Charge of
Accounting Organ (Accounting Officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Third
Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
3. Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited or not

□Yes √No

I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not

□Yes √No
                                                                                                     Increase/decrease from
                                                    Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                      year-begin to period-
                                                    the period compared      Year-begin to period-
                             Current period                                                          end compared with the
                                                   with the same period of           end
                                                                                                       same period of the
                                                      the previous year
                                                                                                          previous year
  Operating income
                              5,150,870,767.54                    19.45%        15,375,374,318.73                  10.49%
  Net profit attributable
  to shareholders of the        101,823,245.05                   305.63%           162,198,444.30                 160.52%
  listed company (Yuan)
  Net profit attributable
  to shareholders of the         74,277,789.36                 7,406.25%             78,385,258.27                221.40%
  listed company after

                                                         CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

  deducting non-
  recurring gains and
  losses (Yuan)
  Net cash flow arising
  from operating                                                                             1,839,226,386.84                    1,095.63%
  activities (Yuan)
  Basic earnings per
                                                0.0989                    312.08%                          0.1567                 162.92%
  share (Yuan /Share)
  Diluted earnings per
                                                0.0989                    312.08%                          0.1567                 162.92%
  share (Yuan /Share)

  Weighted average ROE                                             Increase by 1.56                                       Increase by 2.03
                                                2.08%                                                      3.31%
                                                                  percentage points                                      percentage points
                                                                                          Increase/decrease at the period-end compared
                                                              End of previous year
                                                                                                with the end of the previous year

  Total assets (Yuan)                17,582,381,359.13           15,190,469,756.33                                                  15.75%
  Net assets attributable
  to shareholder of listed            4,947,965,824.13            4,837,334,400.21                                                      2.29%
  company (Yuan)

(ii) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan
                                                                                          Amount from
                                                                  Amount for the
                             Item                                                          year-begin to                  Note
 Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset
                                                                                                               Found more in “Income
 (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of               1,294,425.92          9,653,201.02
                                                                                                               from assets disposal”
 Government subsidy recorded in current gains/losses
 (except those closely related to the Company’s normal
                                                                                                               Found more in “Other
 operation, and those continuously enjoyed on a fixed or              24,292,688.88         65,636,383.36
 quantitative basis with certain standards in accordance
 with national policy regulations)
 Losses/gains from changes of fair values occurred in
 holding trading financial assets and trading financial
                                                                                                               Found more in “Income
 liabilities, and investment income obtaining from the
                                                                       6,802,233.26         19,975,149.91      from fair value changes”
 disposal of trading financial assets and trading financial
                                                                                                               and “Investment income”
 liability, excluded effective hedging business relevant
 with normal operations of the Company
 Reversal of the account receivable depreciation                                                               Found more in “Account
                                                                                      -        714,463.58
 reserves subject to separate impairment test                                                                  receivable”
 Other non-operating income and expenses other than                                                            Found more in “Non-
                                                                       2,257,007.55          2,834,934.51
 the above                                                                                                     operation income” and

                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

  Less: impact on income tax                                           4,359,875.00          10,686,897.61

       Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)             2,741,024.92           4,314,048.74

  Total                                                               27,545,455.69          83,813,186.03                  --

Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not have other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit
Explanation on those non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not have the non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as
recurring gain/loss

(iii) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and
explanations of reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Changes and reasons of items in balance sheet
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan
                                                 Prior year-end        Changes
            Item            Ending balance                                                            Reasons of changes
                                                    balance             ratio
                                                                                     Mainly due to the financial products purchased by the
Trading financial assets       341,834,121.47       17,997,086.19      1,799.39%
                                                                                     Company in current period.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the notes receivable due for remittance
Notes receivable                             -       2,216,752.22       -100.00%
                                                                                     in the current period.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in production in the current
Inventory                   1,951,569,411.95     1,356,357,419.80         43.88%
                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in project warranty in the
Contractual assets               2,713,272.58                     -              -
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in time deposits in the
Other current assets           351,336,094.19      124,240,934.45        182.79%
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the new large deposit certificates in the
Debt investment                291,494,430.56                     -              -
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the increased investment of R&D in the
Development expenses           124,736,170.71       87,728,990.86         42.18%
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the construction of leased premises in
Long-term amortization            839,996.06                      -              -
                                                                                     the current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the decrease in prepaid work in the
Other non-current assets         1,151,729.02        3,087,780.59        -62.70%
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in bank borrowings in the
Short-term loan             1,103,339,807.26       622,874,652.77         77.14%
                                                                                     current period

                                                            CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

                                                                                     Mainly due to the non-cancelable orders and change
Trading financial
                                   79,358,264.39         12,304,272.41       544.97% of the valuation from forward foreign exchange
Account payable              3,615,327,973.23          2,299,103,796.88        57.25% Mainly due to the increase in payable for purchases
Taxes payable                      78,042,854.94        141,874,861.88        -44.99% Mainly due to the payment of VAT
                                                                                        Mainly due to the increase in accrued expenses and
Other account payable        1,332,482,287.29           751,452,768.00         77.32%
Non-current liability due                                                               Mainly due to the repayment of long-term loans due
                                   30,566,132.26        332,718,478.25        -90.81%
within one year                                                                         within one year
Treasury shares                                   -      26,430,571.38       -100.00% Mainly due to the cancellation of treasury shares

2. Changes and reasons of items in profit statement
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                                      Amount at the
                             Amount at the
         Item                                         same period of      Changes ratio                  Reasons of changes
                                                       previous year
Financial expenses            -79,277,613.98            -35,552,769.58        -122.99% Mainly due to the y-o-y declined in interest expenses

Income from fair value                                                                 Mainly due to the non-cancelable orders and change
changes                            6,783,043.30         -28,310,289.03         123.96% of the fair value of forward foreign exchange

Investment income                                                                         Mainly due to the y-o-y decrease in forward foreign
                               19,970,558.55             80,853,371.21         -75.30%
                                                                                          exchange contract delivery gains
Income from assets                                                                        Mainly due to the income on assets disposal
disposal                           9,653,201.02            -249,004.26       3,976.72%
                                                                                          increased on a y-o-y basis

Credit impairment loss                                                                    Mainly due to the y-o-y increase in impairment loss
                              -61,885,204.97            -21,358,115.43         189.75%
                                                                                          from account receivable
Non-operation                                                                             Mainly due to the increase in donation expenses in
expenditure                        4,890,597.15           2,003,084.43         144.15%
                                                                                          the current period

Income tax expenses                                                                       The decrease in income tax expenses due to the
                               -9,091,804.45             29,394,642.88        -130.93%
                                                                                          declined in taxable income

3. Changes and reasons of items in cash flow statement
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                                 Amount at the same
                                   Amount at the                               Changes
             Item                                 period of previous                                      Reasons of changes
                                     period                                     ratio
Other      cash       received                                                              The margin restricted reversal in the current
                                172,312,892.42              117,355,922.31        46.83%
concerning operation activities                                                             period
                                                                                            The VAT paid in the Period increased on a y-o-y
Taxes paid                         429,330,130.27           297,701,677.67        44.21%
Cash received from recovering                                                               Mainly due to the y-o-y decrease in recovery of
                              323,322,268.35              1,420,000,000.00        -77.23%
investment                                                                                  the wealth management products
Cash       received         from                                                            Bonus from affiliated enterprise and Hongyun
                                    34,407,108.44            23,968,192.46        43.55%
investment income                                                                           Funds received in the Period
Net cash received from
disposal of fixed, intangible 16,653,271.93                   1,290,668.56     1,190.28% Asset disposal increased on a y-o-y basis
and other long-term assets
                                   1,150,000,000.                                           Purchase of wealth products declined on a y-o-y
Cash paid for investments                                 1,799,000,000.00        -36.08%
                                               00                                           basis
Other cash paid concerning                                                            Not Mainly due to the loss of foreign exchange
                           66,344,241.47                         58,411.60
investing activities                                                            applicable investment in the Period

                                                        CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

  Cash received from absorbing                                                           The fund-raising are collected by subsidiary
                               368,459,272.52              15,000,000.00     2,356.40%
  investment                                                                             Zhongke Meiling in the Period
                                                                                         The loans received in the Period declined from a
  Cash received from borrowing 868,040,918.37         1,293,560,455.26         -32.90%
                                                                                         year earlier
  Other      cash       received                                                         Mainly due to the discounting bill of related
                                  11,404,482.95             5,986,105.14        90.52%
  concerning financing activities                                                        parties
  Cash paid for debt repayment 695,000,000.00         1,674,330,870.00         -58.49% The refunds declined on a y-o-y basis
  Other cash paid concerning
                                869,994,470.14             15,403,414.62     5,548.06% Mainly due to the margin limitation in the Period
  financing activities
  Influence on cash and cash
                                                                                         Mainly due to the change of exchange rate in the
  equivalents due to fluctuation 47,997,201.13             24,846,222.17        93.18%
  in exchange rate

   II. Shareholders Information

   (i) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights
   recovered and top ten common shareholders

                                                                                                                               Unit: Share
                                                                      Total preference shareholders
Total common shareholders at end of                                   with voting rights recovered at
                                                             72,828                                                                                 0
the Period                                                            end of reporting period (if
                                                           Top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                             Information of shares
                                                                           Proportion                      Amount of          pledged, tagged or
                                                       Nature of                           Amount of
              Shareholder’s name                                          of shares                        restricted                frozen
                                                      shareholder                          shares held
                                                                             held                          shares held         State of
                                                  State-owned legal
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.                                          24.12%        248,457,724                  0        -            --
Hefei Industrial Investment Holding (Group) Co., State-owned legal
                                                                                4.64%         47,823,401                 0        -            -
Ltd.                                              person

CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED                    Foreign legal person          2.63%         27,077,797                 0        -            -

CAOSHENGCHUN                                      Foreign natural
                                                                                1.43%         14,766,086                 0        -            -

Xu Aiyun                                          Domestic natural
                                                                                1.36%         14,038,100                 0        -            -
Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai
                                                  Domestic non-state-
(Anhui) Emerging Industry Investment Fund                                       1.04%         10,733,452                 0        -            -
                                                  owned legal person
(Limited Partnership)

Wang Xinzhong                                     Domestic natural
                                                                                0.94%          9,679,840                 0        -            -

Ren Fenhua                                        Domestic natural
                                                                                0.73%          7,543,000                 0        -            -

Ma Guobin                                         Domestic natural              0.67%          6,917,600                 0        -            -

                                                               CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022


Wang Kai                                                 Domestic natural
                                                                                     0.62%         6,378,892                 0       -            -
                                           Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held
                                                                                         Amount of                        Type of shares
                                   Shareholders’ name                                   unrestricted
                                                                                                                   Type                  Amount
                                                                                         shares held
                                                                                                          RMB         ordinary
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.                                                       248,457,724                                     248,457,724
                                                                                                          RMB         ordinary
Hefei Industrial Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.                                        47,823,401                                     47,823,401
                                                                                                          Domestically listed
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED                                                               27,077,797                                     27,077,797
                                                                                                          foreign shares
                                                                                                          Domestically listed
CAO SHENGCHUN                                                                                14,766,086                                     14,766,086
                                                                                                          foreign shares

Xu Aiyun                                                                                                  RMB         ordinary
                                                                                             14,038,100                                     14,038,100
Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai (Anhui) Emerging Industry                                       RMB         ordinary
                                                                                             10,733,452                                     10,733,452
Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)                                                                     shares

Wang Xinzhong                                                                                             RMB         ordinary
                                                                                              9,679,840                                      9,679,840

Ren Fenhua                                                                                                RMB         ordinary
                                                                                              7,543,000                                      7,543,000

Ma Guobin                                                                                                 RMB         ordinary
                                                                                              6,917,600                                      6,917,600
Wang Kai                                                                                                  RMB         ordinary
                                                                                              6,378,892                                      6,378,892
                                   Among the above shareholders, CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as Hong
                                   Kong Changhong) is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.; There existed no
                                   associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for the Administration of
Explanation on associated Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies among Sichuan Changhong,
relationship      or consistent Hong Kong Changhong and other top 8 shareholders; “Caitong Fund- Ningbo Bank-Haitong Xingtai (Anhui)
actors among the aforesaid Emerging Industry Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)” refers to the products of Caitong Fund
shareholders                       Management Company subscribe for privately placement of 2016; The company neither knows whether there
                                   is any association among other shareholders, nor knows whether other shareholders belong to the persons
                                   acting in concert that is stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of
                                   Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.
                                   As of Sept. 30, 2022, among the top 10 common shareholders, the shareholder-Wang Xinzhong holds
                                   9,679,840 shares of the Company through customer credit trading secured account of Guojin Securities Co.,
Explanation       on   top   ten
                                   Ltd., thus 9,679,840 shares of the Company are held in total. The shareholder-Ma Guobin holds 6,916,700
common             shareholders
                                   shares of the Company through customer credit trading secured account of Founder Securities Co., Ltd., and
involving margin business
                                   900 shares hold through common securities account, thus 6,917,600 shares of the Company are held in total.
(if applicable)
                                   The shareholder-Wang Kai holds 6,378,892 shares of the Company through customer credit trading secured
                                   account of Guojin Securities Co., Ltd., thus 6,378,892 shares of the Company are held in total.

                                                              CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

      (ii) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders
      with preferred stock held

      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

      III. Other significant events

      √ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                             Information index for temporary report
                                   Overview                                            Date for disclosure
On March 2, 2022, the cancellation of 14,674,166 shares of domestically
listed foreign shares (B-stock) repurchased was completed at the Shenzhen                                    Juchao                        Website:
Branch of CSDC. Total share capital of the Company was reduced from 2022-3-4                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
1,044,597,881 shares to 1,029,923,715 shares upon the completion of                                          (No. 2022-011)

The Company agrees to renew the Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants
(LLP) as the auditing institution of the financial report and internal control of
                                                                                                             Juchao                        Website:
the Company for the year of 2022, upon the approval by the Board and
                                                                                    2022-3-31                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders General Meeting. At the same time, submit to the Shareholders
                                                                                    2022-4-29                (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-016 and No.
General Meeting for authorization, management of the Company was
deputed to determining their annual remuneration in line with the industry
standards and actual condition of the auditing works of the Company.

The Company agrees to changed the relevant accounting policies pursuit to                                    Juchao                        Website:
the Q&A with ASBE Concerned issued by The Accounting Regulatory Dept. 2022-3-31                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Of Ministry of Finance, upon the approval by the BOD, BOS and 2022-4-29                                      (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-013, No.
Shareholders General Meeting.                                                                                2022-017 and No. 2022-033)

Upon the resolution approved by the BOD and Shareholders General
Meeting, it agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries shall carry out
                                                                                                             Juchao                        Website:
forward foreign exchange fund trading business during the period from 1 July
                                                                                    2022-3-31                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2022 to 30 June 2023. Balance of trading not exceeding US$ 825 million
                                                                                    2022-4-29                (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-019 and No.
(mainly including USD, AUD, EUR and other foreign exchange converted to
USD), and the maximum period of delivery of a single business shall not
exceed one year.

Upon the resolution approved by the BOD and Shareholders General
Meeting, it agreed that the controlling subsidiary-Zhongke Meiling
                                                                                                             Juchao                        Website:
Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Zhongke Meiling)
                                                                                    2022-3-31                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
shall donate scholarships totaling no more than 5.65 million yuan to 11 well-
                                                                                    2022-4-29                (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-021 and No.
known domestic universities within 10 years, which will be used to support
the development of college education and enhance the brand reputation,
social image and influence of the company and its subsidiaries.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, BOS and Shareholders                                       Juchao                        Website:
General Meeting, it was agreed that the company would complete the                                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
"intelligent R&D management platform construction", a sub-project of the                                     (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-013, No.

                                                              CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

remaining fundraising projects "intelligent manufacturing construction                            2022-022 and No. 2022-033)
project" and "intelligent R&D project". The amount of the surplus raised
funds in the completion of the fundraising project was 45,665,621.17 yuan,
which was wealth management income and deposit interest income. The
above-mentioned surplus of raised funds is mainly due to the interest income
generated from financial management and deposits during the depositing
period of idle raised funds. All of the fund-raising projects of the Company
have been completed so far.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, it was agreed that the
Company invested 10.45 million yuan for the technical transformation of
                                                                                                  Juchao                       Website:
front-end production line in Hefei refrigerator base to enhance the front-end
                                                                                    2022-3-31     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
manufacturing capability in refrigerators, accomplish the cost reduction and
                                                                                                  (No. 2022-012)
efficiency improvement to meet the production demand of refrigerator

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD and Shareholders General
Meeting, it was agreed that the company and its subsidiaries apply to
                                                                                                  Juchao                       Website:
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei Branch for a special credit line of bill pool of
                                                                                    2022-3-31     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
up to 400 million yuan, and applied to Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. Hefei Branch
                                                                                    2022-4-29     (No. 2022-012, No. 2022-023 and No.
for a special credit line of bill pool of up to 300 million yuan, and applied to
Jiujiang Bank Co., Ltd. Hefei Branch for a special credit line of bill pool of
up to 400 million yuan.

On April 22, 2022, the Company received a Letter of Notification of Share
Reduction from Ms. Li Xia-the secretary of the BOD of the Company. Due to
the need of Li’s own funds, within six months after 15 trading days from the
share reduction plan announced, Ms. Li Xia reduced 138,200 shares of the                          Juchao                       Website:
Company at most (0.0134% of total share capital of the Company) by way of                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
centralized competitive bidding, shares reduction shall not exceed 25% of the                     (No. 2022-032 and No. 2022-041)
shares held by Ms. Li. As of June 6, 2022, Ms. Li Xia completed the
reduction of 138,200 shares aforesaid through centralized bidding trading on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The “Meiling Shareholder Return Activity” was held by the Company from
May 9, 2022 to May 15, 2022 to thanks the shareholders for their concern                          Juchao                       Website:
and support for a long period, also, allows shareholders to experience new 2022-5-7               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
products and services of the Company, improve the understanding and                               (No. 2022-035)
recognition of the intrinsic value of the Company.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, agreed to proposed a
public offering of shares to unspecified qualified investors under the name of
                                                                                                  Juchao                       Website:
Zhongke Meiling(controlling subsidiary of the Company) and listing on
                                                                                    2022-5-18     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Beijing Stock Exchange to further improve its governance standards, enhance
                                                                                                  (No. 2022-036 and No. 2022-038)
the capital strength, expanding influence within the industry and heighten its
overall competitiveness.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD and Shareholders General                         Juchao                       Website:
Meeting, agreed the Company to provide a domestic guarantee for                                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                            CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

Changhong RUBA Trading Co., Ltd to apply for a loan from local banks. 2022-6-30                 (No. 2022-036, No. 2022-037 and No.
Guarantee amounted to $9 million at most, with a period of one year for the                     2022-049)
operating capital turnover of Changhong RUBA Trading Company.
Meanwhile, Changhong RUBA Trading Company will provide a
corresponding counter-guarantee to the Company’s guarantee with its whole

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD and Shareholders General                       Juchao                      Website:
Meeting, agreed to amend some Clauses of the Article of Association, Rules 2022-6-14            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
of Procedure for the Shareholders General Meeting, Rules of Procedure of 2022-6-30              (No. 2022-042, No. 2022-043 and No.
the BOD and Rules of Procedure of the BOS.                                                      2022-049)

On June 16, 2022, after the implementation of the company's share structure
reform, the thirteenth batch of tradable shares with sales restrictions was
                                                                                                Juchao                      Website:
lifted and listed for circulation. There were 4 holders of shares lifted from
                                                                                 2022-6-15      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
sales restrictions this time, and the number of shares lifted from sales
                                                                                                (No. 2022-045)
restrictions was 1,250,430 shares, accounting for 0.1214% of the company's
total share capital.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD and BOS, it was agreed
that the company and its subsidiaries Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner                         Juchao                      Website:
Co., Ltd invested 200 million yuan with its own funds in the establishment of                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
“Changhong Group Sichuan Shenwa Hongyuan Strategy New Industry                                 (No. 2022-051, No. 2022-052 and No.
Master Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)”, and as the limited partner of                  2022-053)
the Fund.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD and Shareholders General
Meeting, it was agreed that      Zhongke Meiling (subordinate controlling                       Juchao                      Website:
subsidiary) should adjust the public offering of shares to        unspecified 2022-8-3          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
qualified investors and the base price in the specific proposal for listing on 2022-8-20        (No. 2022-056, No. 2022-057 and No.
BSE, that is, adjusted from 17 Yuan / Share to 16 Yuan/ Share and agreed to                     2022-066)
the above mentioned issues that adjusted .

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, it was agreed that the
Company donate 150,000 yuan to the People’s Government of Songdian                             Juchao                      Website:
Town, Huoqiu County, Liuan City, Anhui Province for the collective               2022-8-18      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
development project in Nanbeisi Village, Songdian Town, Huoqiu County, to                       (No. 2022-062 and No. 2022-065)
increase jobs and grow the collective economy.

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, it was agreed to to by-                       Juchao                      Website:
election of Mr. Zhao Qilin as the member of Strategy Committee of the 10th 2022-8-18            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
BOD of the Company.                                                                             (No. 2022-062)

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, and pursuit to the
“Amendment of Some Clauses in Articles of Association” that approved by                       Juchao                      Website:
the Shareholders General Meeting dated June 29, 2022, it was agreed to 2022-8-18                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
amended the relevant provisions of the Rules of Procedures of the President                     (No. 2022-062)

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, it was agreed to issue the 2022-9-7           Juchao                      Website:

                                                           CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

Commitment on Trademark Licensing to its controlling subsidiary - Zhongke                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Meiling.                                                                                          (No. 2022-068)

According to the resolutions approved by the BOD, it was agreed the targeted
                                                                                                  Juchao                          Website:
donation of one million yuan through Mianyan Charity Federation for the
                                                                               2022-9-8           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
earthquake relief in Luding County and work together to help the affected
                                                                                                  (No. 2022-069 and No. 2022-070)
people from difficulties and rebuild their homes.

On August 5, 2022, controlling subsidiary of the Company - Zhongke
Meiling obtained the approval from Listing Committee of Beijing Stock
                                                                                                  Juchao                          Website:
Exchange on public offering of shares to unspecified qualified investors and 2022-8-6
listing on BSE; on September 16, 2022, Zhongke Meiling obtained the 2022-9-19
                                                                                                  (No. 2022-060, No. 2022-072 and No.
registration of CSRC on public offering of shares to unspecified qualified 2022-10-14
investors and listing on BSE; with the consent of BSE, stock of Zhongke
Meiling are listed on Beijing Stock Exchange on October 18, 2022.

      IV. Quarterly financial statements

      (i) Financial statement

      1. Consolidate balance sheet

      Prepared by Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan
                                Item                             September 30, 2022                   January 1, 2022
           Current assets:
                Monetary fund                                                  7,252,235,741.23                    5,938,823,396.21
                Settlement provisions
                Capital lent
                Trading financial assets                                        341,834,121.47                       17,997,086.19
                Derivative financial assets
                Note receivable                                                                                       2,216,752.22
                Account receivable                                             1,527,601,664.85                    1,440,874,691.28
                Receivable financing                                           1,372,633,110.61                    1,808,109,301.56
                Accounts paid in advance                                         25,415,903.50                       29,766,797.34
                Insurance receivable
                Reinsurance receivables
                Contract reserve of reinsurance
                Other account receivable                                         89,221,013.01                      111,652,635.86
                  Including: Interest receivable
                             Dividend receivable
                Buying back the sale of financial assets
                Inventories                                                    1,951,569,411.95                    1,356,357,419.80
                Contractual assets                                                2,713,272.58

                                             CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

     Assets held for sale
     Non-current asset due within one year
     Other current assets                                   351,336,094.19                     124,240,934.45
Total current assets                                      12,914,560,333.39                  10,830,039,014.91
Non-current assets:
     Loans and payments on behalf
     Debt investment                                        291,494,430.56
     Other debt investment
     Long-term account receivable
     Long-term equity investment                             87,354,803.14                      86,631,660.53
     Investment in other equity instrument
     Other non-current financial assets                     614,418,197.15                     581,980,440.70
     Investment real estate                                  51,933,593.58                      53,149,934.45
     Fixed assets                                          2,284,525,011.88                   2,303,122,699.92
     Construction in progress                                83,881,099.27                      98,469,862.45
     Productive biological asset
     Oil and gas asset
     Right-of-use assets                                     40,102,232.67                      45,367,918.31
     Intangible assets                                      908,749,065.98                     953,403,100.33
     Expense on Research and Development                    124,736,170.71                      87,728,990.86
     Long-term expenses to be apportioned                       839,996.06
     Deferred income tax asset                              178,634,695.72                     147,488,353.28
     Other non-current asset                                   1,151,729.02                       3,087,780.59
Total non-current asset                                    4,667,821,025.74                   4,360,430,741.42
Total assets                                              17,582,381,359.13                  15,190,469,756.33
Current liabilities:
     Short-term loans                                      1,103,339,807.26                    622,874,652.77
     Loan from central bank
     Capital borrowed
     Trading financial liability                             79,358,264.39                      12,304,272.41
     Derivative financial liability
     Note payable                                          5,144,162,829.41                   4,839,837,317.78
     Account payable                                       3,615,327,973.23                   2,299,103,796.88
     Accounts received in advance
     Contractual liability                                  399,474,036.54                     515,004,115.23
     Selling financial asset of repurchase
    Absorbing deposit and interbank
     Security trading of agency
     Security sales of agency

                                                   CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

       Wage payable                                               308,418,608.51                     247,044,421.56
       Taxes payable                                               78,042,854.94                     141,874,861.88
       Other account payable                                     1,332,482,287.29                    751,452,768.00
         Including: Interest payable
                    Dividend payable                                 4,978,994.16                       4,753,764.56
    Commission charge and commission
       Reinsurance payable
       Liability held for sale
       Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                                   30,566,132.26                     332,718,478.25
       Other current liabilities                                   25,532,152.23                      24,373,759.16
Total current liabilities                                       12,116,704,946.06                   9,786,588,443.92
Non-current liabilities:
       Insurance contract reserve
       Long-term loans                                            158,000,000.00                     168,000,000.00
       Bonds payable
         Including: Preferred stock
                    Perpetual capital securities
       Lease liability                                             29,861,671.87                      33,225,912.15
       Long-term account payable                                     1,193,375.67                       1,337,643.24
       Long-term wages payable                                       8,603,810.39                       9,828,300.06
       Accrual liability                                            11,535,780.22                      11,363,601.63
       Deferred income                                            167,305,173.37                     175,664,038.83
       Deferred income tax liabilities                               9,410,260.91                       9,670,435.45
       Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                     385,910,072.43                     409,089,931.36
Total liabilities                                               12,502,615,018.49                  10,195,678,375.28
Owner’s equity:
       Share capital                                             1,029,923,715.00                   1,044,597,881.00
       Other equity instrument
         Including: Preferred stock
                    Perpetual capital securities
       Capital public reserve                                    2,670,335,732.53                   2,682,829,400.26
       Less: Inventory shares                                                                         26,430,571.38
       Other comprehensive income                                  -20,236,842.85                     -20,903,270.57
       Reasonable reserve
       Surplus public reserve                                      423,111,236.90                     423,111,236.90
       Provision of general risk
       Retained profit                                            844,831,982.55                     734,129,724.00
Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent
                                                                 4,947,965,824.13                   4,837,334,400.21

                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

       Minority interests                                                    131,800,516.51                  157,456,980.84
  Total owner’ s equity                                                    5,079,766,340.64                4,994,791,381.05
  Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                                17,582,381,359.13                 15,190,469,756.33

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang

Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao

Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

2. Consolidated Profit Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan
                                      Item                                          Current period       Last period
  I. Total operating income                                                          15,375,374,318.73    13,915,010,518.02
       Including: Operating income                                                   15,375,374,318.73    13,915,010,518.02
               Interest income

               Insurance gained
               Commission charge and commission income
  II. Total operating cost                                                           15,220,350,623.36    13,872,478,761.87
        Including: Operating cost                                                    13,432,282,408.89    12,225,814,695.57
               Interest expense
               Commission charge and commission expense
               Cash surrender value
               Net amount of expense of compensation
               Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve
               Bonus expense of guarantee slip
               Reinsurance expense
               Tax and extras                                                           121,545,023.40         96,101,240.28
               Sales expense                                                          1,082,452,911.29      1,064,459,268.59
               Administrative expense                                                   276,767,176.89        221,253,602.91
               R&D expense                                                              386,580,716.87        300,402,724.10
               Financial expense                                                        -79,277,613.98        -35,552,769.58
                  Including: Interest expenses                                           24,006,944.91         50,740,185.10
                            Interest income                                             112,113,274.51        100,950,646.76
        Add: other income                                                                78,117,281.45         84,253,298.12
             Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                               19,970,558.55         80,853,371.21
             Including: Investment income on affiliated company and
                                                                                          7,410,470.62        -21,089,185.99
  joint venture
                  The termination of income recognition for financial
  assets measured by amortized cost (Loss is listed with “-”)
             Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
             Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)
             Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)                 6,783,043.30        -28,310,289.03
             Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)                      -61,885,204.97        -21,358,115.43
             Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)                 -35,044,901.69        -46,558,863.61
             Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)                      9,653,201.02           -249,004.26

  III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                                     172,617,673.03        111,162,153.15

       Add: Non-operating income                                                          7,725,531.66          8,126,104.09

                                                           CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

        Less: Non-operating expense                                                  4,890,597.15              2,003,084.43

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                                       175,452,607.54            117,285,172.81

        Less: Income tax expense                                                    -9,091,804.45             29,394,642.88
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                                      184,544,411.99             87,890,529.93
      (i) Classify by business continuity

        1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)             184,544,411.99             87,890,529.93

        2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)

      (ii) Classify by ownership

      1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company (net loss
                                                                                   162,198,444.30             62,259,854.30
listed with ‘-”)
        2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses (net loss listed with ‘-
                                                                                    22,345,967.69             25,630,675.63

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                                        733,928.17               -100,790.49

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners
                                                                                       666,427.72               -198,976.30
of parent company

     (i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

                1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured

             2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that
cannot be transfer to gain/loss
                3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity

                4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk

                5. Other

      (ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be
                                                                                       666,427.72               -198,976.30
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

             1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that
can transfer to gain/loss

                2.Change of fair value of other debt investment

           3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

                4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment

                5.Cash flow hedging reserve
            6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign
                                                                                       666,427.72                  5,937.80
currency financial statements

  Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                        67,500.45                 98,185.81
minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                    185,278,340.16             87,789,739.44

                                                      CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

     Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
                                                                               162,864,872.02             62,060,878.00

       Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                22,413,468.14             25,728,861.44

  VIII. Earnings per share:

       (i) Basic earnings per share                                                      0.1567                   0.0596

       (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                                   0.1567                   0.0596

Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0.00 Yuan
before combination, and realized 0.00 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang

Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao

Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan
                               Item                                     Current period              Last period

  I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

       Cash received from selling commodities and providing
                                                                            16,406,630,708.13         13,404,052,674.38
  labor services
       Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit
       Net increase of loan from central bank

        Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial
       Cash received from original insurance contract fee
       Net cash received from reinsurance business

       Net increase of insured savings and investment

     Cash received from interest, commission charge and

       Net increase of capital borrowed
       Net increase of returned business capital
       Net cash received by agents in sale and purchase of
       Write-back of tax received                                              526,357,420.68           561,963,582.97

       Other cash received concerning operating activities                     172,312,892.42            117,355,922.31

  Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                 17,105,301,021.23         14,083,372,179.66
       Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving
                                                                            13,083,886,564.95         12,095,383,651.27
  labor service
       Net increase of customer loans and advances
       Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank

                                                      CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

        Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation
        Net increase of capital lent

   Cash paid for interest, commission charge and

        Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

        Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                   1,262,282,443.43          1,248,072,379.51

        Taxes paid                                                            429,330,130.27            297,701,677.67

        Other cash paid concerning operating activities                       490,575,495.74            626,943,831.60

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                  15,266,074,634.39         14,268,101,540.05

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                             1,839,226,386.84           -184,729,360.39

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

        Cash received from recovering investment                              323,322,268.35           1,420,000,000.00

        Cash received from investment income                                   34,407,108.44             23,968,192.46

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and
                                                                               16,653,271.93               1,290,668.56
other long-term assets

        Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other

        Other cash received concerning investing activities                   110,063,532.63            157,222,294.61

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                             484,446,181.35           1,602,481,155.63

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other
                                                                              202,669,585.70            187,456,291.30
long-term assets

        Cash paid for investment                                             1,150,000,000.00          1,799,000,000.00

        Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

        Other cash paid concerning investing activities                        66,344,241.47                  58,411.60

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                           1,419,013,827.17          1,986,514,702.90

Net cash flows arising from investing activities                              -934,567,645.82           -384,033,547.27

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

        Cash received from absorbing investment                               368,459,272.52             15,000,000.00

     Including: Cash received from absorbing minority
                                                                              368,459,272.52             15,000,000.00
shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries

        Cash received from loans                                              868,040,918.37           1,293,560,455.26

        Other cash received concerning financing activities                     11,404,482.95              5,986,105.14

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                            1,247,904,673.84          1,314,546,560.40

                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2022

       Cash paid for settling debts                                            695,000,000.00           1,674,330,870.00

       Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest
                                                                               102,939,182.56               89,877,378.92
       Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder
                                                                                25,417,858.64                1,598,892.00
  paid by subsidiaries

       Other cash paid concerning financing activities                         869,994,470.14               15,403,414.62

  Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                          1,667,933,652.70          1,779,611,663.54

  Net cash flows arising from financing activities                             -420,028,978.86           -465,065,103.14

  IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation
                                                                                47,997,201.13               24,846,222.17
  in exchange rate

  V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                 532,626,963.29          -1,008,981,788.63

       Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-
                                                                              5,840,194,931.57          6,425,529,815.10

  VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end                  6,372,821,894.86          5,416,548,026.47

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang

Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao

Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

(ii) Audit report

Whether the 3rd quarterly report has been audited or not
□Yes √ No
The 3rd quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.

                                                                                    Board of Directors of

                                                                                    Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    October 25, 2022
