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						Guangdong Electric Power
 Development Co., Ltd.

Semi-Annual Report 2011

        August 31, 2011
                                    Important Notices

     The Board of directors and directors of the Company hereby guarantees that
there are no false records, misleading representation or important omissions in this
report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the contents hereof .
    Director Li Zhuoxian and Director Gao Shiqiang all respectively authorized Board chairman
Pan Li, Director Hong Rongkun and Director Zhong Weimin all respectively authorized Vice
Board chairman Liu Qian, Director Kong Huitian and Director Rao Subo all respectively
authorized Director General Manager Lin Shizhuang, Director Li Mingliang respectively
authorized Director Wang Jin, Independent director Song Xianzhong respectively authorized
Independent director Zhu Weiping to attend the meeting and exercise voting right on their behalf.
    Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pan Li, General Manager, Lin Shizhuang ,and Deputy
General Manager and Chief Accountant, Li Xiaoqing and Financial Manager ,Qin Jingdong
represent and warrant the financial and accounting report in the Semi-annual report is
true and complete.
    The financial report of the semi-annual report has not been audited.

                                Table of contents

I. Basic information of the Company

II.Highlights of financial data and indicators

III. Change of share Capital and Shareholding of principal shareholders

IV.Information about Directors, Supervisors and senior Executives

V.Discussion and Analysis of Management

VI.Important Events

VII.Financial Report

VIII. Documents for reference

                        I. Basic Information of the Company

(I)       Statutory name of the Company in Chinese:广东电力发展股份有限公司
      English abbreviation:GED

(2)Stock exchange for listing:Shenzhen Stock Exchange
      Stock abbreviation:Yue Dian Li A, Yue Dian Li B
      Stock code:000539、200539

(3)Registered address of Company:23-26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 2 Tianhe Dong
Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
Office address:23-26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province
      Company’s web site:http://www.ged.com.cn
      Company’s E-mail:ged@ged.com.cn
(4)Legal Representative:Pan Li
      General Manager:Lin Shizhuang
(5)Secretary to the board of Directors:Liu Wei
      Contact Tel:(020)87570276
      Representative of stock affairs:Zhang Shaomin
      Contact Tel:(020)87570251
      E-mail:zhangsm @ged.com.cn
Address:26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong
      Post code:510630

(6)For information discloosure:China Securities Daily, Securities Times and    Hong

Kong Commercial Daily (overseas newspaper for English version).
      Web site:http://www.cninfo.com.cn
      Place where company’s periodic report is kept:Office of board affairs

                         II. Highlights of financial data and indicators
       (I)Highlights of financial data and indicators
                                                                       Ended previous
                                                     Ended this report                  Increase/Decrease(%)
                 Total assets                       37,821,241,600.00 34,596,318,255.00                  9.32%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                10,197,708,174.00 10,165,754,201.00                                   0.31%
             the listed company
                Share capital                    2,797,451,138.00 2,797,451,138.00                                    0.00%
    Net assets per share attributable to
          shareholders of the listed                         3.65              3.63                                   0.55%
                                                                                                  Increase /Decrease
                                                       Report period      Same period last
                                                      (January-June)           year                     (%)
            Total operating income              6,470,761,685.00 6,251,011,400.00                                 3.52%
                Operating profit                  387,257,540.00   611,264,665.00                               -36.65%
                    Total profit                  388,818,024.00   612,605,977.00                               -36.53%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                  317,648,740.00   430,513,284.00                               -26.22%
                 listed company
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
listed company after deducting non-recurring      305,271,640.00   418,989,163.00                               -27.14%
                gains and losses
     Basic earnings per share(RMB/share)                    0.11             0.16                               -31.25%
    Diluted earnings per share(RMB/share)                   0.11             0.16                               -31.25%
            Return on equity(%)                         3.08%            4.42%                                 -1.34%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities           2.96%            4.30%                                 -1.34%
Net cash flow per share arising from operating
                                                1,057,308,604.00 1,003,137,349.00                                     5.40%
            activities (RMB/share)

 Note: The amount of non-recurring gains and losses in the report period was RMB
 12,377,100.00. The items involved and their amount are as follows:
          Items of non-recurring gains and losses                               Amount           Notes (if applicable
 Income of commission loans                                                       11,711,530.00
 Net amount of non-operating income and expense except the
 aforesaid items
                           Total                                                   12,377,100.00                  -

 (II) Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                Earnings per share
                                         Weighted average
    Profit in the report peirod
                                        return on equity(%)   Basic earnings per share     Diluted earnings per share

 Consolidated net profit attributable
                                                   3.08%                 0.11                         0.11
   to shareholders of the Company
 Consolidated net profit excluding
   non-routine items attributable to               2.96%                 0.11                         0.11
   shareholders of the Company
 (III) Difference between items calculated pursuant to domestic and foreign accounting

                                                                                           Unit :(RMB)

                           Net profit attributable to shareholders of    Owners’ Equity attributable to shareholders
                                         listed company                               of listed company
                         Amount in the report                                                         Amount in
                                                  Amount in last period Amount in period-end
                                  period                                                             period-begin
IAS                             313,945,740.00          426,891,284.00      10,300,194,174.00       10,271,943,201.00
CAS                             317,648,740.00          430,513,284.00      10,197,708,174.00       10,165,754,201.00
Sub-items and total adjusted based on IAS Sub-items and total adjusted based on IAS:
Land use right
                                  -3,736,000.00           -3,736,000.00         12,180,000.00           15,916,000.00
The difference arising
from recognition of
goodwill after merger                        0.00                   0.00        64,623,000.00           64,623,000.00
of enterprises under
the same control
Difference arising
from recognition of
                                    -315,000.00             -315,000.00         22,325,000.00           22,640,000.00
land use value after
enterprise merger
Influence on minority
                                     348,000.00              429,000.00           3,358,000.00            3,010,000.00
Total amount of
differences betweend              -3,703,000.00           -3,622,000.00        102,486,000.00          106,189,000.00
                        1. Land use right amortization
                        The difference formed by different period of land use right amortization.
                        2.The difference arising from recognition of goodwill after merger of enterprises under the
                        same control and recognition of land value after enterprise merger.
                        As required by new Chinese accounting standards, the goodwill formed by the merger of
                        enterprises under the same control shall not be recognized and capital surplus shall be
                        adjusted. Under IFRS, the golldwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same
Notes to difference     control shall be recognized and equal to the difference between merger cost and share of
between CAS and IAS fair value of recognizable net assets of the purchased party obtained in merger. Meanwhile,
                        all assets of the purchased party obtained in merger shall be accounted for according to
                        their fair value while such assets shall be accounted for according to their book value
                        according to original Chinese accounting standards for business enterprises. Therefore, this
                        difference will continue to exist.
                        3.Influence on minority interests
                        Housing reform loss occurred to the Company and some holding subsidiaries. Therefore,
                        there’s some influence on minority interests.

                 III.Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal
         (I).Statement of changes in shares

                                                                                                 Unit :Shares
              Before this change                   Increase or decrease this time (+/-)                 After this change
          Quantity         proportion Share allotment Bonus Capitalizati other      subtotal       Quantity        proportion
                                                      shares on of

I.Shares with
conditional             143,496,965    5.13%                                         -27,450      -27,450    143,469,515      5.13%
legal person            138,189,742    4.94%                                                                 138,189,742      4.94%
3.Other domestic
                          5,270,776    0.19%                                                                   5,270,776      0.19%
                          5,254,555    0.19%                                                                   5,254,555      0.19%
domestic legal
person shares
   naturalperson             16,221    0.00%                                                                       16,221     0.00%
4.Share held by
foreign investors
  Incl: Shares
   heldby foreign
   legal persons
                             36,447    0.00%                                         -27,450      -27,450           8,997     0.00%
executives’ shares
II. Shares with
unconditional          2,653,954,173   94.87%                                         27,450       27,450 2,653,981,623      94.87%
1.Common shares
                       1,988,646,923   71.09%                                                               1,988,646,923    71.09%
in RMB
2.Foreign shares
in domestic             665,307,250    23.78%                                         27,450       27,450    665,334,700     23.78%
3.Foreign shares
in overseas
III.Total of capital
                       2,797,451,138 100.00%                                                                2,797,451,138   100.00%

                   (II)As of June 30, 2011, the Company had totally 146,736 shareholders, of them, 92,031
                   shareholders of A-share, and 54,705 shareholders of B-share.

                   (III) (II) Particulars of the shareholding of the top ten shareholders as of June 30, 2011

           Name of         Increase or     Number of                                      Conditional   Quantity
                                                         Proportio                                                 Properties of
       shareholder (full decrease in the shares held at                   Type of share     shares         of
                                                           n (%)                                                   shareholder
            name)             year       the end of year                                                pledged

                                                                                                  or frozen
                                                                  RMB Common                                  State-owned
Yudean Group          0           1,370,445,900     48.99%                         138,189,742        0
                                                                    shares                                    Legal person
Co., Ltd.
Guangfa Electric
                                                                  RMB Common                                  State-owned
Power                 0            101,777,185       3.64%                               0            0
                                                                    shares                                    Legal person
Investment Co.,
Electric Power                                                    RMB Common                                  State-owned
                      0             78,639,451       2.81%                               0            0
Development                                                         shares                                    Legal person
Guangdong                                                                                                     Domestic non
                                                                  RMB Common
Guangkong             0             23,610,428       0.84%                               0            0       State-owned
Group Co., Ltd                                                                                                Legal person
Bank-Penghua                                                                                                 Domestic non
                                                                  RMB Common
Value Advantage 6,037,182           14,468,781       0.52%                               0            0       State-owned
Stock-linked                                                                                                  Legal person
Investment Fund
Boshi Increase                                                                                                Domestic non
                                                                  RMB Common
securities       -3,372,429         12,000,000       0.43%                               0            0       State-owned
Investment Fund                                                                                               Legal person
                                                                  Foreign shares
Natio Securities                                                    placed in                                 Foreign legal
                     -619,650       11,295,592       0.40%                               0            0
Co., Ltd.                                                           domestic                                  person
China Xinda
Asset                                                             RMB Common                               State-owned
                         0           10,900,000      0.39%                               0            0
Management                                                             shares                              Legal person
CAPITAL                                                           Foreign shares
CORP HONG                                                            placed in                             Foreign legal
                         0           10,259,685      0.37%                               0            0
KONG                                                                 domestic                              person
SECURITIES                                                           exchange
                                                                                                           Domestic non
 SecialInsurance                                                  RMB Common
                    1,999,982         9,999,923      0.36%                               0            0    State-owned
 Fund 103                                                              shares
                                                                                                           Legal person
Notes to the related relationship between Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. the Third of the top 10
the top ten shareholders or their concerted shareholders, is a subsidiary of Yudean Group, Which is the No.3 shareholder; its
action                                      is unknown whether relationship exists between other shareholders.
           (IV) Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
                   Name of the shareholder)                 Unconditional shares            Type of shares
                                                                                             RMB Common
            Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                     1,232,256,158
            Guangdong Guangfa Electric Power                                                 RMB Common
            Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                shares

 Guangdong Electric Power                                                    RMB Common
 Development Corporation                                                       shares
 Guangdong Guangkong Group Co.,                                              RMB Common
 Ltd                                                                           shares
 China Construction Bank-Penghua
                                                                             RMB Common
 Value Advantage Stock-linked                       14,468,781
 Security Investment Fund
 Boshi Increase securities Investment                                         RMB Common
 Fund                                                                             shares
                                                                              Foreign shares
 Natio Securities Co., Ltd.                           11,295,592            placed in domestic
 China Xinda Asset Management                                                 RMB Common
 Company                                                                          shares
                                                                              Foreign shares
                                                      10,259,685            placed in domestic
 National SecialInsurance Fund 103                                            RMB Common
 Combination                                                                      shares
                                        Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. the
 Notes to the related relationship      Third of the top 10 shareholders, is a subsidiary of
 between the top ten shareholders or    Yudean Group, Which is the No.3 shareholder; its is
 their concerted action                 unknown whether relationship exists between other

(V) Bond holding by top 10 corporate bond holders
                                 Name                                      Number(shares)
Paiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Universal - Universal insurance
China People’s Life Insurance Co., Ltd.                                        2,388,140
Xinhua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Universal - Deyi Management
Zhongying Life insurance Co., ltd.                                              2,114,775
China Post Office Saving Bank Co., Ltd.                                         2,000,000
China Ping An Life Insurance Co., Ltd.                                          1,600,000
Zhongyou Financial Co., Ltd                                                     1,336,678
Taikang Life insurance Co., Ltd - Dividend Distribution - Group
Taikang Life insurance Co., Ltd-Universal--Universal individual
China Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd.                                        800,000

(VI)There was no change in the Company’s controlling shareholder or actual controller during
the reporting period.
 IV. Particulars of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

   In the report period, The Company reelected the board of directors, the supervisory committee
and senior executives. 2010 annual shareholders' general meeting elected the seventh board of

directors and supervisory committee. Pan Li, Li Zhuoxian, Liu Qian ,Hong Rongkun, Zhong
Weimin, Gao Shiqiang, Kong Huitian, Li Mingliang , Lin Shizhuang, Rao Subo ,Wang Jin and
Zhang Xueqiu were elected as non-independent directors of the Company. Wang Jun , Song
Xianzhong, Zhu Weiping , Feng Xiaoming, Yang Zhishan and Liu Tao were elected as
independent directors of the Company. Qiu Jianyi and Zhao Li were elected as non-independent
supervisors ,Sha Qilin and Xiang Ying were elected as independent supervisors,     Lin Weifeng
and Tong Jianjun acted as employee-representing supervisors after democratic recommendation by
staff and workers. The 1st meeting of the seventh board of directors elected Pan Li as board
chairman and Liu Qian as vice board chairman and appointed Lin Shizhuang as general manager,
Luo Zhiheng ,Li Xiaoqing and Liu Hui as deputy general managers, Li Xiaoqing concurrently as
person in charge of financial affairs and Liu Wei as board secretary. The seventh supervisory
committee elected Qiu Jianyi as chairman of the supervisory committee. Relevant resolutions were
disclosed on China Securities Daily, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily (English
version for overseas areas) and www.cninfo.com.cn on May 20, 2011

In the report period, the shares of the Company held by the directors, supervisors and senior
executives of the Company remained unchanged. No stock options or restricted stocks were
granted to them.

                V. Discussion and Analysis of the Management

In the report period, the economy of Guangdong Province developed steadily and
quickly. The electric power demand of the province continued to increase and power
output increased to certain extent. Due to continuous rise in the price of coal for
power generation and slowdown of growth of installed capacity of thermal power,
supply and demand imbalance was still serious.
During 1 to 6 months, the maximum load of integration tune in Guangdong reached
70.74 million kilowatts, up by 8.28% year-on-year; Guangdong power consumption
throughout society was 201.761 billion KWH, up by 9.44%; the power generation
capacity in Guangdong is 164.468 billion KWH, up by 9.92%; of which, the fired
power up by 11.44%. During the reporting period, the power generation capacity of
merger report caliber completed by the company was 15.554 billion KWH, up by
0.06%; the completed grid power of 14.503 billion KWH, up by 0.71%; the equity
installed capacity of power generation of 14.781 billion KWH, up 0.57%. the on-grid
power capacity of 13.857 billion KWH, up by 1.09%.

In the report period, With our power generating capacity evidently increasing, we
realized the business incomes of RMB 6.471 billion, growth of 3.52 % year-on-year.
Whereas, the price of fuses rose, the increase of amount of our operating business was
down evidently. During the reporting period, our business profits and the net profits
attributable to the shareholders of the listed company respectively were RMB 0.387
billion and RMB 0.318 billion, respectively, decreas of 36.66% and 26.22%

In the report period,The Company actively promoted the construction progress of the

    projects under construction. Sujia Estuary Power Station (315MW) and Songshan
    Estuary Power Station (168MW) constructed by Yunnan Baoshan Binglang River
    Hydroelectric Development Co., Ltd. of which the Company holds 29% equity
    successfully started operation in the first half year. The oil-to-coal project (1200MW)
    constructed by Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy Co., Ltd. of which the Company holds
    90% equity and Xuwen Yongshi Wind Power Project (49.5MW) constructed by
    Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd. of which the
    Company holds 70% equity are expected to start operation in the second half year.

    The Company persisted in seeking sustainable development and carried out the
    initial-stage work for #3 and #4 units of Huilai Power Plant, Maoming oil shale
    mine-power joint operation project, Maoming Bohe coal-fired power project and
    Zhanjiang Zhongyue energy renovation project as scheduled. In the report period, the
    Company increased the capital of Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Generation Co.,
    Ltd., Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy Co., Ltd., Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal-fired
    Power Co., Ltd., Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd.,
    Weixin Yuntou Yudean Zhaxi Energy Co., Ltd. and Huaneng Shantou Wind Power
    Generation Co., Ltd.
    In the report period, The Company actively handled the procedures concerning
    application for approval of the significant asset reorganization project for issuing
    shares to the controlling shareholder to purchase assets. The reorganization scheme
    was not approved after examination by CSRC. Then, the 3rd meeting of the seventh
    board of directors decided to continue this significant asset reorganization, adjust,
    revise and perfect the reorganization scheme according to relevant opinions of CSRC
    and resubmit it to CSRC for examination as soon as possible. The continuation of the
    Company's reorganization is consistent with the Company's long-term development
    target and serves the interests of the Company and all shareholders.
        (I) Main operating status of the Company in the report period:

             1.Main operating scope and its operating status
             The Company is a big power generating company engaged in operation and construction of
    power stations and power transmission and transformation projects.
            Operating result for first half year of 2011 is as follows:

                                                                                Increase/dec     Increase
                                                                                  rease on     /decrease on     Increase
                              Main operating          Main            Gross          main          main       /decrease on
 Industry          Area
                                 income           operating cost    profit(%)     operating      operating     gross profit
                                                                                income over      cost over        over
                                                                                   (%)         (%)
Sale             Guangdo
                                640,506.69         575,445.42        10.16%       2.97%          7.72%          -3.96%
Electricty         ng
Labour           Guangdo
                                 1,488.91           1,484.52         0.29%       -10.83%         50.66%         -40.70%
services           ng
Total                           641,995.60         576,929.94        10.13%       2.94%           7.8%          -4.06%

    The status of power production of the power plants under the Company and its controlled

 subsidiaries in the report period is as follows:

                                                                The same
                                                                                 Year-on-year growth
  Indicator             Power plant           January-June    period of the
                                                                                      rate (±%)
                                                              previous year
                  Shajiao A Power Plant             4.17          4.202                 -0.76
                  Zhanjiang Power Plant             3.666         3.898                 -5.95
                   Meixian Power Plant              0.756         1.477                -48.81
Power output
                  Shaoguan Power Plant              1.773         1.607                10.33
(billion kwh)
                   Maoming Zhenneng                 1.759         1.882                 -6.54
                    Huilai Power Plant              3.381         2.428                39.25
                      Wind Power                    0.05           0.05                  -
                  Shajiao A Power Plant             3.868         3.903                 -0.90
                  Zhanjiang Power Plant             3.447         3.651                 -5.59
   On-grid         Meixian Power Plant              0.694         1.347                -48.48
                  Shaoguan Power Plant              1.635         1.454                12.45
(billion kwh)      Maoming Zhenneng                 1.626         1.735                 -6.28
                    Huilai Power Plant              3.185         2.264                40.68
                      Wind Power            0.047             0.047                 -
 2. There was no material change in the Company's profit structure, main operation or its structure
 in the report period.
 3. The Company was not involved in other business operation activities that had significant
 influence on profit.
 4. The circumstances where the income from investment in a joint venture accounted for more
 than 10% (including 10%) of the Company's net profit.

    Company                               Share                                          Net Profits
                        Capital                              Business Scope
     Name                              Percentage                                     (RMB’0000)
                                                                                        RMB 91.77
    Shenzhen                                                                             million of
                                                       Build to operate Shenzhen
   Guangqian                                                                           period earnings
                      103,029.25           40%        Qian Bay Combined Cycle
 Electric Power                                                                         discounted as
                                                       Gas-Turbine Power Plant
    Co., Ltd                                                                              per 40%
                                                       Investment, construction
                                                       and operation of electric        RMB 54.46
                                                       power projects, sales of          million of
  Natural Gas                                          electric          power,
                        96,300             32%         production and sales of         period earnings
   Power Co.,
                                                       industrial steam and             discounted as
      Ltd.                                             de-mineralized     water,
                                                                                          per 32%
                                                       processing and sales of

                                             natural gas, technical        Equities
                                             consultation for energy
                                             development and electric
                                             power projects.
5. Problems and difficulties occurred in operation
(1) Despite the situation of power shortage and big electric power demand in
Guangdong Province, the profit margin of power generation business was seriously
narrowed because coal price rose continuously and electricity rate rose by so small
margin that it is hard to make up the fuel cost increased by rise in coal price. The
Company will make efforts to generate more power under the premise of safety, save
energy, decrease consumption, control cost and improve operating results.
    (2) With stricter national currency policies, the external financing environment
tended to worsen and the Company's financial expenses increased by big margin. The
Company will actively widen financing channels, lower financing costs and prevent
financial risks.

    (II) The investment of the Company

 1. Application of Raised Capital during the Reporting Period

     Total Amount of Raised Capital                                  82,000.00
                                                                                 Total Amount Of Raised Capital
 Total Amount of Raised Capital for Use                                                                                                                                  48,850.00
                                                                     45,000.00   Invested in the Reporting Period
    Changed in the Reporting Period
Total Amount for Accumulative Changed
              Raised Capital                                                        Total Amount Of Accumulated
       Total Amount Proportion for                                                     Raised Capital Invested
 Accumulative Changed Raised Capital
                                                                                Balance between
                        Changed Total Amount                       Total Amount Total Amount for
                                               Total  Total Amount
                                                                         for                                                        Access to       Achieve the    Change Greatly
                        (Includ of Raised Amount of    Invested                  Accumulative
 Promised Projects of                                              Accumulativ
                        ing Part Capital For Adjusted  within the                                     Usable Date For Projects    Benefits in the       Expected     for Projects
     Investment                                                     e Put up to      Invested
                           of    Investment Investment Reporting
                                                                    the End of                                                   Reporting Period       Benefits     Feasibility
                        Changin Promised        (1)      Period                 & Promised Up To
                                                                    Period (2)
                          g)                                                   The End of Period
  Promised Projects of
Replenish capital of
RMB 0.19 billion and
offered loan by mandate
of RMB 0.26 billion     Yes       45,000.00   45,000.00                 45,000.00           100.00% April 30, 2012                            0.00 No              No
for Weixin Yuntou
Yudean Zhaxi Energy
Co., Ltd.
Replenish Capital
for Guangdong
Yudean Zhanjiang        No        12,000.00   12,000.00 3,850.00         8,400.00            70.00% December 29,2011                          0.00 No              No
Wind Power Co.,
Repay yhe Load       No       25,000.00   25,000.00        0.00   25,000.00            100.00% June 30,2011                  672.00 Yes           No
    Subtotal of the
      committed         -     82,000.00   82,000.00
                                                                  78,400.00        -                          -              672.00       -             -
 investment projects
Intended investment
    with unbooked
Repayment of bank
                        -                                                                                     -          -                -             -
    loan(If any)
  Replenishing the
working capital(If     -                                                                                     -          -                -             -
Subtotal of intended
   investment with      -         0.00      0.00           0.00        0.00        -                          -                0.00       -             -
 unbooked proceeds
        Total           -    82,000.00 82,000.00      48,850.00   78,400.00        -                          -              672.00       -             -
Analysis For Failure Xunwenyongshi wind power project which was invested by Zhanjiang wind power company, total installed capacity is 49.5MW, this construction
     To Reach The      project had been approved by Guangdong Development & Reform Commission in May, 2009. While it was impacted by the factors of land
  Planned Schedule requisition and bank loan delay of European Investment Bank. There is some delay in the progress of project construction, so, the fundraised
     And Earnings      capital of company can’t be implemented as schedule.
(Specific Projects)
Notes to significant
change in feasibility Nil
     of the project
Amount, application
    and application
                       Not applicable
    progress of the
unbooked proceeds
About the change of
the implementation
  site of the projects Not applicable
   invested with the

About the change of
the implementation
     method of the     Not applicable
  projects invested
  with the proceeds
   About the initial
  investment in the
 projects planned to
                       Not applicable
be invested with the
  proceeds and the
     Using the idle
      proceeds to
    supplement the     Not applicable
 working capital on
   temporary basis
    Balance of the
proceeds in process
       of project      Not applicable
implementation and
       the cause
 About application
                       Up to the end of this reporting period, RMB36 million of raised capital was not used, was used to replenish capital for Guangdong Yudean
   and status of the
                       Zhanjiang Wind Power Co., Ltd. and built the project of Xuwen warrior wind-power.
  proceeds unused
Problems existing in
  application of the
  proceeds and the
 disclosure or other

2.       Particulars about change of investment projects using raised proceeds

                                                                   Actual                                            Whet       Whether
                                      Total amount
                                                       Actual   accumulati Investment                                 her        project
                                         of raised
                                                      amount of ve amount progress as                                earnin    feasibility
                      Corresponding proceeds to                                        Date of getting Earnings in
     Project after                                   investment      of     of the end                                  g         will
                        originally     be invested                                        ready for    this report
       change                                          in this  investment of period                                 target      change
                     promised project in the project                                    intended use     period
                                                        report    as of the (%) (3) =                                  is      materially
                                       after change
                                                       period      end of    (2) / (1)                               fulfill      after
                                                                 period (2)                                            ed        change
Increase the
capital of
Weixin Yuntou
                     Increasing the
Yudean Zhaxi
                     capital of
Energy Co.,
                     Weixin Yuntou
Ltd. by RMB                              45,000.00   45,000.00   45,000.00    100.00% April 30, 2012          0.00 No          No
                     Yudean Zhaxi
190 million and
                     Energy Co.,
provision of
entrusted loan
of RMB 260
      Total                 -            45,000.00   45,000.00   45,000.00      -             -               0.00      -           -
                     In order to enhance the efficiency of use of raised proceeds and promote the coal-electricity
  Reason for         integration project of Weixin Power Plant, the first meeting of the sixth board of directors of the
    reason,          Company by correspondence adopted the Proposal for Changing Partial Investment Projects Using
decision-maki        Raised Proceeds and agreed to change the original plan for increasing the capital of Weixin Yuntou
 ng procedure        Yudean Zhaxi Energy Co., Ltd. by RMB 450 million to construct Erjing project of Kwan-yin
and statement        Mountain coal mine of Yunnan Weixin Zhaxi coal-electricity integration project to "increasing the
of information       capital of Weixin Yuntou Yudean Zhaxi Energy Co., Ltd. by RMB 190 million and providing
  disclosure         entrusted loan of RMB 260 million". In total, RMB 450 million will be specially used to construct
   statement         the power plant project of Yunnan Weixin Zhaxi coal-electricity integration project. This matter was
  (project by        examined and approved at the first provisional shareholders' general meeting of the Company in
    project)         2011 on February 16, 2011. Refer to relevant announcements of the board of directors and
                     shareholders' general meeting published on January 28, 2011 and February 17, 2011 for details.
about failure
    to fulfill
  progress or Nil
 profit target
and its reason
  (project by
Statement on
   change of
 after change
       3. Investment with non-IPO proceeds and its progress and income in the report period
       Unit: RMB’0000
                                Investment                                                                Project
        Project Name                                       Project Progress
                                 Amount                                                     Earnings/Remarks
                                                                                         RMB 41.86 million of
                                            At present, #1& #2 units(2×600MW) of Huilai period earnings
Guangdong Yudean Jinghai                    power plant are being operating, and #3 & #4 discounted as per 65%
Power Generation Co Ltd.                    units(2×1000MW) of pre-stage works are      Equities, Without the
                                            being constructed.                           operational efficiency
                                                                                         brought yet
                                                 "Oil-to-coal"   renovation project (2×600MW)

Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy                        is under construction. The project is planned to Without the operational
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                          efficiency brought yet
                                                 be completed and start operation at the end of
                                                 this year.
                                                 The initial-stage work for the construction of
Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal                                                                        Without the operational
                                    2,000        coal dock and power plant project (2×1000
&Electricity Co., Ltd.                                                                            efficiency brought yet
                                                 MW) is being carried out.
                                                                                                  RMB 6.05 million of
                                                 This company is operating the Nanao Wind         period earnings
Huaneng Shantou Wind Power                       Power project (53X850 KW) and                   discounted as per 25%
Co.,Ltd.                                         constructing the Dongdao wind power project      Equities, Without the
                                                 (15MW)                                         operational efficiency
                                                                                                  brought yet

       (III)The plan for the second half year:
       1. To continue improving power plant safety management, reasonably arrange the
       repair and management of units of power plants, ensure the continuous and steady
       operation of generating units and strive to fulfill the power generation plan for the
       2. To focus on the construction of Zhanjiang Xuwen Yongshi Wind Power Project and
       try to make it start operation and generate power within the year, accelerate the
       initial-stage work of the planned projects and relevant application work, seek new
       power supply through various modes and reserve more projects.
       3. To actively take various effective means to strengthen cost control, reduce expenses
       and expenditure, actively seek policy support, strive for reasonable electricity rate and
       keep good profitability.
       4. To further perfect and improve management and internal control system of the
       Company and enhance the level of standardized operation and corporate governance
       of the Company according to new policies and statutory requirements.
       5. To continue the promotion of significant asset reorganization, actively coordinate
       with the parties concerned, adjust and perfect reorganization scheme according to
       relevant opinions of CSRC and promote great development of the Company through
       capital operation.
        (IV) Assets measured with fair value
       Financial assets available for sale were measured according to fair value. In case of change in fair
       value and book value, capital surplus shall be adjusted and the profit for the report period shall not
       be affected. The financial assets available for sale held by the Company are 8,400,000 shares of
       Shenzhen Energy and 55,532,250 shares of Shenergy Company.
               The Company's real estate for investment is old office building rent by the Company, which
          is measured with cost mode mainly because the obtainment of its fair value relies on appraisal and
          it was difficult to continuously and accurately to obtain the market price of real estate of the same
          or similar kind from market.

                                              VI. Important Events

               (I) Status of corporate governance structure
          In the report period, The Company continued to unceasingly improve its own corporate
          governance structure and further enhanced the level of its standardized operation strictly according
          to the requirements of laws and regulations including the Company Law, the Securities Law,
          relevant regulations of CSRC and Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The
          Company earnestly carried out the work concerning its own corporate governance and its status of
          corporate governance met the requirements of relevant documents of CSRC.

          According to the requirements of relevant policies, laws and regulations, the Company,
          as a company listed at the main market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, shall start to
          implement 18 application guidelines including No. 1 Guideline for Application of
          Internal Control of Enterprises - Organizational Structure, Guidelines for Evaluation
          of Internal Control of Enterprises and Guidelines for Audit of Internal Control of
          Enterprises. In order to further perfect management mechanism and enhance risk
          control level, the Company carried out the work concerning internal control in all
          aspects in the first half year of 2011.

                  (II) The status of implementation of profit distribution plan of the Company for 2010 in the
          report period
               The profit distribution plan for 2010 was examined and adopted at the shareholders' general
          meeting of the Company on May 18, 2011. And “Announcement on Year 2010 Dividend
          Distribution” was published in the appointed media on July 1,2011. Stock right was registered on
          July 7, 2011 (July 12 for B shares). The ex-dividend date is July 8, 2011. Cash dividends were
          distributed on July 8 (for A shares) and July 12 (for B shares).

          (III)The Company was not involved in any material lawsuit or arbitration in the report period.

          (IV) Shareholdings of other listed companies
                                                                                              Unit :RMB
          Stock                           Proportio
                        Investment                  Book Value at    Profit & loss    Change of
Stock                                        n of                                                     Accounti    Share
         abbrevia      amount at the
                                                     the end of      in the report owner’s equity in
                                                                                                        ng        Source
           tion:         beginning                     report           period     the report period
         Shen                                                                                          Available Issued
000027                    16,949,674.00      0.32%   63,336,000.00     700,000.00      -7,294,000.00
         Energy                                                                                         for sale Obtaine

                                                                                                         financial d
                                                                                                         for sale
600642 Shenergy         235,837,987.50      1.28% 281,548,508.00 3,702,150.00               -925,537.00             e to
     Total            252,787,661.50         -       344,884,508.00 4,402,150.00          -8,219,537.00     -           -

                 (V) Equity of non-listed financial enterprises and companies to be listed held by the


                                                                                                             Changes of
                         Amount of                        Proportion in                       Profits or
                                           Amount of                    Book value at                         owners’
   Name of object          initial                        equity of the                     losses in the
                                           shares held                   period-end                         equity in the
                         investment                        Company                          report period
                                                                                                            report period
 Yudean Finance        375,000,000.00     375,000,000          25%       375,000,000.00 26,200,000.00           0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Sun Insurance
                       356,000,000.00     350,000,000         6.99%      356,000,000.00         0.00            0.00
 Group Co., Ltd.
        Total          731,000,000.00     725,000,000             -      731,000,000.00 26,200,000.00           0.00

         (VI) Matters related transactions
             Details please refer to the financial report “VII, Related Parties and Related Transaction (5)
         Related Transaction”
                The Related transactions existing between the company and the affiliates mainly display on
         purchasing fuses and materials, apportioning the common operating costs, accepting and offering
         labor services, selling the products, deposit and demanding interests, and leasing the fields out,
                 The pricing policy of the said related transaction::For the price of fuel purchase, if the state
         sets a price, such price shall apply. If the State does not set a price, market price shall apply. The
         related parties promised that the price offered would not be higher than the price of products of the
         same quality offered to third parties. The price of materials shall be settled according to market
         price. Labor services/services are accepted and provided at the price agreed by both parties
         according to cost price and by reference to the market price of similar services. Products are sold
         at the price agreed by both parties according to cost and by reference to the market price of similar
         products.     Relevant regulations of People's Bank of China apply to deposits. Site rent is collected
         in the mode agreed by all parties based on cost price.
                 The said related transactions were settled in cash and did not have unfavorable influence
         on the profit of the Company. There is no significant difference from estimated related

     (VII) Information about other material related transactions
     1. Related parties for Joint Venture Investment

In the report period, We will replenish capital as per 70% equity proportion Our
company and Chaokang investment Co., Ltd. which is the fully owned subsidiary
company of our company’s controlling shareholder Guangdong Yudean Group Co.,
Ltd., will jointly conduct capital increment to Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind
Power Generation Co., Ltd. which is controlled by our company. The increased capital
amount of our company is RMB 38.50 million. The business scope of Guangdong
Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd. is “the investment, construction
and operation of power plant, wind power generation and investment, development,
operation and management on other new energy projects, power generation and sales
of electricity, power project consultancy offering and other relevant services.” the
registered capital is RMB346.11 million, total assets is RMB792.02 million, net assets is
RMB297.51 million, and net profits is RMB3.14 million. Currently, it is operating the project of
Xuwen warrior wind-power(49.5MW)and constructing Yongshi Wind-power(49.5MW) .

2. Associated Relationship & Guarantee in Rights of Credit & Liabilities
Details on Rights of Credit & Liabilities, please refer to the financial report “Seventh, Related
parties and Related Transaction (5) Related Transaction”

Details on Guarantee, please refer to the contents “(8) Important Contracts and Promises of
Company——3. Important Guarantee” below
There exists the relationship in rights of credit & liabilities with the affiliates, and we also offer
guaranteed for them, which is implemented according to the requests of company’s self-operating
and the projects progress situation of affiliates. These are useful and have positive significations
for improving the development of company and promoting the progress of projects invested, there
is no harm to the interests of company.
(VIII)Important contracts and commitments of the Company
      1. In the report period, the company conducted no major contract issues which
recognized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange according to . The Company did not hold in trust or contract for or lease the material
assets of other companies nor did other companies hold in trust, contract for or lease the
material assets of the Company in the report period.
     2. In the report period, the Company was not involved in any material entrusted money
management or any entrusted money management that existed in previous periods and
continued in the report period.

      3. Significant guarantee:
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0000
                                                     External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                                  Amount       Date of
                       Related                              Actually                                                                    Guarantee for
     Name of the                     of    happening (Date                                                  Complete implementation
                    announcement                            guarantee         Guarantee type Guarantee Term                           related party (Yes
company guaranteed                guarante    of signing                                                             or not
                     date and No.                           amount                                                                          or No)
                                      e      agreement)
Lincang            July 22,2006
                   (Announceme            December                         Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                  3,430.00                         3,430.00                    15 years     No                        No
                   nt                      25,2006                          joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Ltd.               No.:2006-25)
Yunnan Baoshan     May 24,2007
                   (Announceme            November                         Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                  2,900.00                         2,900.00                    14 years     No                        No
                   nt                      30,2007                          joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Yunnan Baoshan     May 24,2007
                   (Announceme            November                         Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                  1,305.00                         1,305.00                    11 years     No                        No
                   nt                      30,2007                          joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Ltd.               No.:2007-19)
Yunnan Baoshan     May 24,2007
                   (Announceme            November                         Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                  1,450.00                         1,450.00                    8 years      No                        No
                   nt                      30,2007                          joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Yunnan Baoshan     May 24,2007
                   (Announceme            December                         Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                  4,350.00                         4,350.00                    17 years     No                        No
                   nt                      19,2007                          joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Ltd.               No.:2007-19)
Yunnan Baoshan     December       4,350.00 December                4,350.00 Guaranteeing of    15 years     No                        No
Binlangjiang       19,2007                      25,2007                   joint liabilities.
Hydroelectricity   (Announceme
Development Co.,   n No.:2007-44)
                  May 16,2008
Guangdong Yudean (Announceme        20,580.0 September                   Guaranteeing of
                                                              20,580.00                        6 years    No   Yes
Shiping Co., Ltd. nt                        0 27,2008                     joint liabilities.
Yunnan Baoshan    December
Binlangjiang      19,2007
                                     12,000.0                             Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity  (Announceme                March 18,2008   12,000.00                        20 years   No   No
                                            0                             joint liabilities.
Development Co., nt
Ltd.              No.:2007-44)
Lincang           July 22, 2006
                  (Announceme                                            Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                     1,372.00 July 29,2008     1,372.00                        12 years   No   No
                  nt                                                      joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Ltd.              No.:2006-25)
Yunnan Baoshan    August 22,2008
                  (Announceme                  October 31,               Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                     5,800.00                  5,800.00                        17 years   No   No
                  nt                            2008                      joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Yunnan Baoshan    November
Binlangjiang      12,2008
                                                November                  Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity  (Announceme       7,250.00                  7,250.00                        12 years   No   No
                                                14,2008                   joint liabilities.
Development Co., nt
Ltd.              No.:2008-54)
                  August 29,2009
Weixin Yuntou
                  (Announceme                                            Guaranteeing of
Yudean Zhaxi                         8,800.00 March 19,2009    8,800.00                        3 years    No   No
                  nt                                                      joint liabilities.
Energy Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Baoshan    May 27,2009        17,400.0 May 27,2009      7,250.00 Guaranteeing of        14 years   No   No

Binlangjiang        (Announceme           0                                    joint liabilities.
Hydroelectricity    nt
Development Co.,    No.:2009-17)
Yunnan Baoshan      May 27,2009
                    (Announceme 11,600.0                                       Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                          June 22,2009               9,367.00                        20 years   No   No
                    nt                  0                                       joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
                    August 29,2009
Weixin Yuntou
                    (Announceme 20,000.0 September 22,                         Guaranteeing of
Yudean Zhaxi                                                        20,000.00                        5 years    No   No
                    nt                  0 2009                                  joint liabilities.
Energy Co., Ltd.
Weixin Yuntou       3,2010
Yudean Zhaxi        (Announceme 20,000.0 March 15,2010             12,000.00
                                                                                Guaranteeing of
                                                                                                     4 years    No   No
                                        0                                       joint liabilities.
Energy Co., Ltd.    nt
Yunnan Baoshan        May 27,2010
                      (Announceme                                              Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity                    7,250.00 June 23, 2010           7,250.00                        5 years    No   No
                      nt                                                        joint liabilities.
Development Co.,
Yunnan Baoshan        September
Binlangjiang          10,2010
                                    14,500.0 December                           Guaranteeing of
Hydroelectricity      (Announceme                                  14,500.00                        10 years   No   No
                                           0 16,2010                            joint liabilities.
Development Co., nt
Ltd.                  No.:2010-49)
   Total amount of approved                                   Total actually amount of
external guarantee in the report                       0.00   external guarantee in the                                         0.00
          period(A1)                                             report period(A2)
   Total amount of approved                                   Total actually amount of
                                                263,557.00                                                                143,954.00
external guarantee at the end of                              external guarantee at the

     the report period(A3)                                    end of the report period(A4)
                                                             Guarantee of the company for its subsidiaries
                                                  Date of
Name of the        Related                      happening( Actually                        Guaran        Complete
                                  Amount of
 company        announcement                      date of  guarantee      Guarantee type     tee     implementation or        Guarantee for related party(yes or no)
guaranteed       date and no.                     signing   amount                          term           not
Zhongyue       11,2010                          September                 Guaranteeing of 12
Energy Co.,                        117,000.00                 60,000.00                             No                   No
               (Announcemen                    29,2010                   joint liabilities years
               t No.:2010-57)
Zhongyue       11,2010                          January                   Guaranteeing of 12
Energy Co.,                        117,000.00                 10,000.00                             No                   No
               (Announcemen                    3,2011                    joint liabilities years
               t No.:2010-57)
     Total of guarantee for                                      Total of actual guarantee for
 subsidiaries approved in the                               0.00 subsidiaries in the period                                                                   10,000.00
          period(B1)                                                         (B2)
     Total of guarantee for                                      Total of actual guarantee for
    subsidiaries approved at                         117,000.00 subsidiaries                at                                                                70,000.00
        period-end(B3)                                           period-end(B4)
                                               Total of company’s guarantee(namely total of the large two aforementioned)
 Total of guarantee approved in                                  Total of Actual guarantee in
                                                            0.00                                                                                              10,000.00
       the period(A1+B1)                                              the period(A2+B2
 Total of guarantee approved at                                  Total of actual guarantee at
                                                     380,557.00                                                                                              213,954.00
    the period-end(A3+B3)                                        the period-end(A4+B4)
The proportion of the total amount guarantee in the net assets of
the company(that is A4+B4)
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, Actual controller and its
associated parties(C)
The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties
whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(D)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
company exceed 50%(E)
Total guarantee Amount of the abovementioned
Explorations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees
  All the said guarantees were examined and adopted at the shareholders' general meeting of the Company.

 4.Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controller

                              Items of commitments                    Promisee                 Content of commitments     Implementation
                Promise in share holding structure reform          N/A                N/A                                N/A
                Commitments made in Acquisition Report or
                                                                   N/A                N/A                                N/A
                Reports on Change in interests
                Commitments made in Material assets
                                                                   N/A                N/A                                N/A
                Commitments made in issuing                        N/A            N/A                                          N/A
                                                                                  138,047,138 RMB ordinary shares (A shares)
                                                                                  privately issued by the Company to
                                                                                  Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd., its
                                                                      Guangdong controlling shareholder, were listed at
                  Other commitments(Including: supplementary
                                                                     Yudean Group Shenzhen Stock Exchange from May 25, Under fulfillment
                               commitments)                           Co., Ltd.  2010. Yudean Group promised not to assign
                                                                                  the stocks of Yue Dian Li owned by it within
                                                                                  36 months from the said day of listing.

(IX) Other misc. income subjects

                        Items                            Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
1.Gains(losses)from sellable financial assets                       -8,219,537.00                 -164,519,120.00
Less:Income tax influence of sellable financial
                                                                      -2,054,884.00                    -41,129,780.00
Net amount written into other gains and transferred
into gain/loss in previous terms
Subtotal                                                              -6,164,653.00                   -123,389,340.00
2.Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the
investee on equity basis
Less:income tax influence of shares in other gains
of investees on equity basis
Net amount written into other gains and transferred
into gain/loss in previous terms
3.Amount of gains(or losses) from cash flow
hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge
Net amount written into other gains and transferred
into gain/loss in previous terms
Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of
  the target project
4.Difference from translating of foreign currency
  financial statements
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas Business
and transferred to current gain/loss
Less:Income tax influence by other accounted into
  other misc. incomes
Net amount accounted into other misc. income and
transferred into current gain/loss in previous terms
Total                                                                 -6,164,653.00                   -123,389,340.00
(X)The Bonds of Company
China construction bank holdings Co., Ltd authorizes its Guangdong branch to issue bonds
interest’s cash for our company, and fully offer the guarantee of unconditional irrevocable and
related duty. During the reporting period, the guarantor continues to obtain earnings, assets scale
keeps increasing, and the credibility is no major disadvantage of change.
During the reporting period, there is no obvious change for the company's credits. At the end of
reporting period, the asset debt ratio of company is 64.85%. We have paid the interest for the
company’s bonds during the third interest period on March 10, 2011. In the future, we will
continue to ensure repayment of capitals and interests of bonds with our business of stable
The trustees of our bonds of China International Finance Co., Ltd have published the report of
annual bond entrusted affairs on May 11, 2011. The company's operation, assets, bonds of raised
capital and bonds track and rating are included in this report.

(XI) The special statement and independent opinions of the independent directors of the
Company on fund occupation by related parties and external guarantee of the Company

     According to the Circular on Certain Issues Relating to Standardization of Fund Transfer
Between Listed Companies and Their Related Parties and Guarantees Provided by Listed
Companies (Zheng Jia Fa (2003) No. 56 Document), In accordance with the provisions of “Notice
on Regulating the Listed Company of Outside Guarantee”(CSRC No. [2005]20) the independent
director checked for our funds relationship and outside guarantee with the affiliates, now present
related explaination and independent opinion:

    As of June 30, 2011, The Company did not provide funds to related parties in violation of
regulations as of the end of the report period. The Company neither provided guarantee to its
controlling shareholder, any unincorporate entity and individual nor provided any guarantee in
violation of regulations.

        (XII) The Company's acceptance of investigation and research and interview

 In the report period, the Company received 3 institutional investors for investigation and research,

held 1 telephone conference mainly for the purpose of communication in respect of the Company's

production and operation status in current period and future development plan. The Company did

not provide written materials to the visitors. The Company and relevant information disclosure

obligors strictly followed the principle of fair information disclosure, neither implemented

discriminatory policy, nor disclosed or divulged non-public significant information to specific

objects selectively and privately. They disclosed information according to the principle of

timeliness and did not intentionally choose the time point of disclosure or lighten the effect of

information disclosure so as to cause actual unfairness.
     The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the
report period for future reference
                                                                                Content of discussion and
        Date                Place          Mode               Visitor
                                                                                   materials provided
                       Office of the                   Franklin Templeton   Current status of production and
March 25,2011                          Consultatio
                       Company                         Investments          management of the company
                       Office of the                                        Current status of production and
May 11,2011                            investigatio    Changsheng Fund
                       Company                                              management of the company
                       Office of the                                        Current status of production and
May 12,2011                            investigatio    Huaxia Fund
                       Company                                              management of the company

              Office of the                CITIC Securities and Current status of production and
May 13,2011                   investigatio
              Company                      Its clients          management of the company

                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

                                 VII. Financial Report(Unandited)

     (I)Financial statements
     (II)Notes to financial statements

                                                Balance Sheet

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                           June 30, 2011                              Unit:RMB
                                        Year-end balance
                                                                                Year-beginning balance
                                 Consolidated        Parent company       Consolidated       Parent company
Current asset:
   Monetary fund                  2,981,800,221.00      603,138,069.00    1,894,021,204.00      659,395,980.00
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
 Trading financial assets
   Bill receivable
     Account receivable           1,664,076,562.00      402,957,393.00    1,841,038,374.00      442,971,470.00
   Prepayments                      968,642,941.00      177,759,700.00      668,596,257.00      177,510,400.00
         Insurance receivable
   Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
     Interest receivable                                                        223,800.00
   Dividend receivable                                    9,155,096.00                             9,155,096.00
     Other account
                                   179,232,813.00       155,291,365.00      572,285,959.00      553,478,108.00
Repurchasing of financial
       Inventories                 860,285,584.00       185,123,802.00      852,247,851.00      147,588,932.00
   Non-current asset due in 1
Other current asset                  94,636,572.00
Total of current assets           6,748,674,693.00    1,533,425,425.00    5,828,413,445.00     1,990,099,986.00
Non-current assets:
   Loans and payment on
other’s behalf disbursed
Financial assets available for
                                   344,884,508.00       344,884,508.00      353,104,045.00      353,104,045.00
   Expired investment in
   Long-term receivable            492,628,676.00       428,780,000.00       33,326,446.00        15,580,000.00
Long term share equity
                                  5,822,492,548.00   13,224,695,979.00    5,469,169,354.00   12,138,988,785.00
 Property investment                 12,427,531.00       12,427,531.00       12,743,846.00        12,743,846.00
   Fixed assets                  10,607,618,883.00    1,149,474,027.00   11,207,225,955.00     1,230,337,302.00

                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

Construction in progress          11,572,479,804.00      57,681,939.00     9,964,066,605.00        21,272,816.00
   Engineering material            1,579,940,342.00                        1,154,219,103.00
   Fixed asset disposal               12,460,800.00         300,089.00        13,259,341.00
Production physical assets
Gas & petrol
   Intangible assets                495,320,339.00      109,581,803.00       471,880,558.00       111,321,196.00
   R & D petrol
Long-germ expenses to be
  Differed income tax asset           93,609,099.00                           88,909,557.00
Other non-current asset               38,704,377.00
Total of non-current assets       31,072,566,907.00   15,327,825,876.00   28,767,904,810.00   13,883,347,990.00
Total of assets                   37,821,241,600.00   16,861,251,301.00   34,596,318,255.00   15,873,447,976.00
Current liabilities
Short-term loans                   8,969,800,000.00    3,120,000,000.00    8,327,500,000.00     3,670,000,000.00
Loan from Central Bank
  Deposit received and hold
for others
Call loan received
   Trade off financial
      Bill payable                   365,000,000.00                          110,000,000.00
   Account payable                 2,452,588,763.00     351,584,477.00     2,636,633,053.00      362,866,001.00
   Accounts received in
                                       5,843,088.00        2,618,280.00        2,091,859.00         1,629,002.00
   Selling financial assets of
   Commission charge and
commission payable
      Wage payable                   325,184,804.00      64,024,880.00       248,689,441.00        53,486,508.00
   Taxes payable                    -485,134,576.00      14,552,824.00      -296,863,723.00        25,701,980.00
  Interest payable                    58,964,818.00      46,825,354.00       108,347,024.00        99,039,629.00
  Dividend payable                   228,509,514.00     220,279,847.00        12,042,196.00         7,112,529.00
         Other accounts
                                    765,666,823.00       76,994,823.00       878,339,481.00        60,544,841.00
   Reinsurance payables
   Insurance contract reserve
   Security trading of agency
   Security sales of agency
  Non-current liability due in
                                    682,103,258.00       40,000,000.00       627,733,453.00
1 year
   Other current liability
Total of current liability        13,368,526,492.00    3,936,880,485.00   12,654,512,784.00     4,280,380,490.00
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan                     7,463,123,710.00    1,060,000,000.00    6,320,720,000.00
   Bond payable                    1,990,091,089.00    1,990,091,089.00    1,988,739,874.00     1,988,739,874.00
  Long-term payable                1,663,536,868.00                          498,657,613.00
   Special payable
   Expected liabilities
  Differed income tax
                                       3,196,536.00        1,851,673.00        5,251,421.00         3,906,557.00
  Other non-current liabilities      40,053,232.00       23,076,924.00        44,059,687.00        24,615,385.00
Total of non-current
                                  11,160,001,435.00    3,075,019,686.00    8,857,428,595.00     2,017,261,816.00

                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

Total of liabilities            24,528,527,927.00     7,011,900,171.00      21,511,941,379.00     6,297,642,306.00
Owners’ equity
 Share capital                   2,797,451,138.00     2,797,451,138.00       2,797,451,138.00     2,797,451,138.00
  Capital reserves               1,878,476,518.00     1,811,607,163.00       1,884,426,171.00     1,817,556,816.00
  Less:Shares in stock
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserves               3,775,481,032.00     3,775,481,032.00       3,425,241,041.00     3,425,241,041.00
     Common risk provision
     Undistributed profit        1,746,299,486.00     1,464,811,797.00       2,058,635,851.00     1,535,556,675.00
 Different of foreign
currency translation
Total of owner’s equity
belong to the parent            10,197,708,174.00     9,849,351,130.00      10,165,754,201.00     9,575,805,670.00
  Minor shareholders’ equity    3,095,005,499.00                            2,918,622,675.00
Total of owners’ equity        13,292,713,673.00     9,849,351,130.00      13,084,376,876.00     9,575,805,670.00
Total of liabilities and
                                37,821,241,600.00   16,861,251,301.00       34,596,318,255.00    15,873,447,976.00
owners’ equity

Legal representative:Pan Li     Financial controller:Li Xiaoqing      The person in change of the financial Dept:
                                                                        Qin Jingdong

                                               Profit statement

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                 January-June 2011                  Unit:(RMB)
                                          Report period                       Same period of the previous year
                                Consolidated        Parent company           Consolidated       Parent company
I.Total operating income         6,470,761,685.00     1,681,819,565.00       6,251,011,400.00     1,660,327,049.00
Including:Operating income      6,470,761,685.00     1,681,819,565.00       6,251,011,400.00     1,660,327,049.00
           Interest income
      Insurance gained
Commission charge and
commission income
II.Total operating costt         6,382,188,878.00     1,702,777,297.00       5,874,981,787.00     1,559,994,562.00
Including:Operating cost        5,797,248,108.00     1,468,983,247.00       5,360,853,100.00     1,379,459,513.00
     Commission chare and
commission expense
      Cash surrender value
   Net amount of expense of
  Net amount of withdrawal
of insurance contract reserve
  Bonus expense of guarantee
   Reinsurance expense
   Operating tax and extras        36,936,079.00          9,068,500.00          14,042,641.00
       Sales expenses                 325,957.00            173,989.00             202,227.00             57,805.00
                                  252,607,719.00         67,289,264.00         253,021,483.00        67,818,771.00
   Financial expenses             295,071,015.00       157,262,297.00          223,470,605.00       114,497,407.00

                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

  Losses of devaluation of
                                             0.00                               23,391,731.00         -1,838,934.00
Add :Changing income of
fair value
   Investment income              298,684,733.00       579,587,353.00          235,235,052.00       376,755,247.00
income on affiliate company
and joint venture
  Exchange income
III. Operating profit             387,257,540.00       558,629,621.00          611,264,665.00       477,087,734.00
Add :Non-operating income          6,819,739.00         1,556,102.00            3,722,833.00         1,561,402.00
                                     5,259,255.00         2,522,749.00           2,381,521.00           644,876.00
   Including :Disposal loss of
non-current assets
IV. Total profit                  388,818,024.00       557,662,974.00          612,605,977.00       478,004,260.00
Less:Income tax                   65,133,726.00        -1,577,252.00          128,556,650.00        28,306,572.00
V. Net profit                     323,684,298.00       559,240,226.00          484,049,327.00       449,697,688.00
   Net profit attributable to
owner’s equity of parent         317,648,740.00       559,240,226.00          430,513,284.00       449,697,688.00
       Minority shareholders’
                                     6,035,558.00                               53,536,043.00
gains and losses
VI. Earnings per share
     (i)Basic earnings per
                                             0.11                                         0.16
   (ii)Diluted earnings per
                                             0.11                                         0.16
VII. Other comprehensive
                                    -6,164,653.00        -6,164,653.00        -123,389,340.00      -123,389,340.00
VIII. Total comprehensive
                                  317,519,645.00       553,075,573.00          360,659,987.00       326,308,348.00
Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of      311,484,087.00       553,075,573.00          307,123,944.00       326,308,348.00
the parent company
  Total comprehensive
income attributable minority         6,035,558.00                               53,536,043.00

Legal representative:Pan Li     Financial controller:Li Xiaoqing      The person in change of the financial Dept:
                                                                        Qin Jingdong

                                             Cash flow statement

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                 January-June 2011                  Unit:(RMB)
                                          Report period                       Same period of the previous year
                                 Consolidated       Parent company           Consolidated        Parent company
I.Cash flows from operating
Cash received from sales of
                                 7,730,790,288.00     2,002,589,057.00       6,865,360,421.00     1,846,595,084.00
goods or rending of services
     Net increase of
customer deposits and capital

                                                       广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

kept for brother company
   Net increase of loans from
central bank
   Net increase of inter-bank
loans from other financial
   Cash received against
original insurance contract
      Net cash received from
reinsurance business
         Net increase of client
deposit and investment
    Net increase of trade
financial asset disposal
  Cash received as interest,
processing fee and
    Net increase of
inter-bank fund received
       Net increase of
repurchasing business
         Tax returned                 3,663,842.00        148,145.00         3,497,724.00         2,000,000.00
   Other cash received from
                                   120,978,133.00      24,791,515.00        43,564,581.00        18,907,308.00
business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow          7,855,432,263.00   2,027,528,717.00    6,912,422,726.00     1,867,502,392.00
Cash paid for purchasing of
                                  5,641,639,499.00   1,469,383,014.00    4,723,963,576.00     1,278,106,152.00
merchandise and services
Net increase of client trade
and advance
Net increase of savings n
central bank and brother
  Cash paid for original
contract claim
Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and
Cash paid for policy
Cash paid to staffs or paid
                                   478,147,993.00     163,193,890.00       417,313,447.00      138,556,350.00
for staffs
      Taxes paid                   524,718,229.00     115,034,480.00       629,479,632.00       211,774,247.00
  Other cash paid for business
                                   153,617,938.00      47,740,750.00       138,528,722.00        38,441,001.00
  Sub-total of cash outflow
                                  6,798,123,659.00   1,795,352,134.00    5,909,285,377.00     1,666,877,750.00
from business activities
  Cash flow generated by
                                  1,057,308,604.00    232,176,583.00     1,003,137,349.00      200,624,642.00
business operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by
   Cash received from
                                   413,200,000.00     413,200,000.00        98,747,925.00        98,747,925.00
investment retrieving
   Cash received as
                                   139,108,962.00     420,011,582.00       258,785,655.00      400,305,850.00
investment gains
  Net cash retrieved from
                                       240,321.00            9,740.00           31,392.00            30,906.00
disposal of fixed assets,

                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
  Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
     Other investment-related
                                      2,729,389.00         342,586.00         2,779,371.00
cash received
     Sub-total of cash inflow
                                    555,278,672.00     833,563,908.00       360,344,343.00      499,084,681.00
due to investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets   2,111,885,680.00      44,501,335.00     1,430,763,991.00        26,241,767.00
and other long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment        616,413,725.00    1,348,697,725.00      196,250,000.00      672,470,000.00
  Net increase of loan against
    Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other
operational units
  Other cash paid for
                                     23,358,173.00         378,996.00        33,185,003.00            48,280.00
investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow
                                  2,751,657,578.00    1,393,578,056.00    1,660,198,994.00      698,760,047.00
due to investment activities
    Net cash flow generated
                                  -2,196,378,906.00   -560,014,148.00    -1,299,854,651.00      -199,675,366.00
by investment
  III.Cash flow generated by
  Cash received as investment       301,552,900.00                          985,400,000.00      810,400,000.00
     Incl: Cash received as
investment from minor
    Cash received as loans        8,367,837,038.00    3,520,000,000.00    7,448,880,598.00     2,800,000,000.00
    Cash received from bond
    Other financing –related
                                      2,714,679.00         630,525.00           118,943.00
ash received
  Sub-total of cash inflow
                                  8,672,104,617.00    3,520,630,525.00    8,434,399,541.00     3,610,400,000.00
from financing activities
     Cash to repay debts          5,623,888,525.00    2,970,000,000.00    7,026,670,843.00     3,032,686,450.00
    Cash paid as dividend,
                                    765,564,373.00     273,248,871.00       487,772,478.00      172,097,534.00
profit, or interests
  Incl: Dividend and profit
paid by subsidiaries to minor
Other cash paid for financing
                                     55,802,400.00        5,802,000.00          787,287.00           787,287.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due
                                  6,445,255,298.00    3,249,050,871.00    7,515,230,608.00     3,205,571,271.00
to financing activities
  Net cash flow generated by
                                  2,226,849,319.00     271,579,654.00       919,168,933.00      404,828,729.00
IV.Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash
V.Net increase of cash and
                                  1,087,779,017.00      -56,257,911.00      622,451,631.00      405,778,005.00
cash equivalents
Add: balance of cash and
                                  1,894,021,204.00     659,395,980.00     1,738,834,186.00      287,691,522.00
cash equivalents at the

                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

beginning of term
VI .Balance of cash and cash
                                 2,981,800,221.00      603,138,069.00     2,361,285,817.00       693,469,527.00
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative:Pan Li     Financial controller:Li Xiaoqing   The person in change of the financial Dept:
                                                                     Qin Jingdong

                                                                                                            广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

                                                        Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity
Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                            June 30, 2011                           Unit:(RMB)
                                               Amount of the Current term                                                  Amount of the previous term
                              Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company                         Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                                                              Total                                                                        Total
                                                                  Com               Minor                                                    Com                 Minor
             Items               Capita Less: Specia Surplu                                    of           Capita Less: Specia Surplu                                      of
                          Share                                   mon Attrib        shareh           Share                                   mon Attrib          shareh
                                    l Shares l              s                                owner             l Shares l              s                                  owner
                          Capita                                  risk utable Other olders’         Capita                                  risk utable Other   olders’
                                 reserv in reserv reserv                                       s’          reserv in reserv reserv                                         s’
                             l                                   provis profit      equity              l                                   provis profit        equity
                                   es stock         e      es                                equity           es stock         e      es                                  equity
                                                                  ions                                                                       ions
                                                                                              13,08                                                                     12,05
                          2,797, 1,884,                  3,425,         2,058,      2,918,           2,659, 1,334,                  3,159,          2,117,       2,782,
I.Balance at the end of                                                                      4,376,                                                                     4,819,
                           451,1 426,1                   241,0           635,8       622,6            404,0 874,3                    617,9          942,7        980,6
last year                                                                                     876.0                                                                     667.0
                           38.00 71.00                   41.00           51.00       75.00            00.00 25.00                    44.00          15.00        83.00
                                                                                                   0                                                                        0
   Add: Change of
accounting policy
   Correcting of previous
                                                                                              13,08                                                                      12,05
                          2,797, 1,884,                  3,425,         2,058,      2,918,           2,659, 1,334,                  3,159,          2,117,       2,782,
II.Balance at the                                                                            4,376,                                                                     4,819,
                           451,1 426,1                   241,0           635,8       622,6            404,0 874,3                    617,9          942,7        980,6
beginning of current year                                                                     876.0                                                                      667.0
                           38.00 71.00                   41.00           51.00       75.00            00.00 25.00                    44.00          15.00        83.00
                                                                                                   0                                                                         0
                                 -5,949                  350,2          -312,3       176,3 208,3 138,0 549,5                         265,6         -59,30        135,6 1,029,
III.Changed in the
                                 ,653.0                  39,99           36,36       82,82 36,79 47,13 51,84                         23,09         6,864.        41,99 557,2
current year
                                       0                   1.00           5.00        4.00 7.00 8.00 6.00                             7.00              00         2.00 09.00
                                                                         317,6      6,035, 323,6                                                    765,8        22,58 788,3
   (I) Net profit                                                      48,74       558.0 84,29                                                    06,46        5,313. 91,77
                                                                          0.00           0 8.00                                                       1.00           00 4.00
                                 -6,164                                                      -6,164         -122,3                                                      -122,3
                                 ,653.0                                                      ,653.0          40,46                                                       40,46
                                       0                                                           0          9.00                                                        9.00
                                 -6,164                                  317,6      6,035, 317,5            -122,3                                  765,8        22,58 666,0
  Total of (I) and (II)          ,653.0                                  48,74       558.0 19,64             40,46                                  06,46        5,313. 51,30
                                       0                                  0.00           0 5.00               9.00                                    1.00           00 5.00
     (III) Investment or                                                             301,5 301,5 138,0 671,8                                                     259,1 1,069,
decreasing of capital by                                                             52,90 52,90 47,13 92,31                                                     22,30 061,7
owners                                                                                0.00 0.00 8.00 5.00                                                          0.00 53.00
      1. Capital inputted                                                            301,5 301,5 138,0 671,7                                                             809,8
by owners                                                                            52,90 52,90 47,13 59,81                                                             06,95

                                                                                                           广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

                                                                                      0.00   0.00   8.00    5.00                                                      3.00
     2.Amount of shares                                                                                                                                    259,1    259,1
paid and accounted as                                                                                                                                       22,30    22,30
owners’ equity                                                                                                                                              0.00     0.00
                                                                                                           132,5                                                     132,5
 3. Other
                                                                                                           00.00                                                     00.00
                                                         350,2        -629,9        -131,2 -410,9                               265,6        -825,1        -146,0   -705,5
  (IV)Profit allotment                                 39,99         85,10         05,63 50,74                                23,09         13,32         65,62    55,84
                                                          1.00          5.00          4.00 8.00                                  7.00          5.00          1.00     9.00
                                                         350,2        -350,2                                                    265,6        -265,6
1.Providing of surplus
                                                         39,99         39,99                                                    23,09         23,09
                                                          1.00          1.00                                                     7.00          7.00
 2.Providing of common
risk provisions
                                                                      -279,7        -131,2 -410,9                                            -559,4        -146,0 -705,5
3.Allotment to the
                                                                       45,11         05,63 50,74                                              90,22         65,62 55,84
owners (or shareholders)                                                4.00          4.00 8.00                                                8.00          1.00 9.00
 (V) Internal transferring
of owners’ equity
 1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
 2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
 3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.
4. Other
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2.Used this term
                                    215,0                                                    215,0
                                    00.00                                                    00.00
                                                                                             13,29                                                                13,08
                             2,797, 1,878,               3,775,        1,746,        3,095,          2,797, 1,884,             3,425,        2,058,        2,918,
IV. Balance at the end of                                                                   2,713,                                                                4,376,
                             451,1 476,5                 481,0         299,4          005,4          451,1 426,1               241,0         635,8         622,6
this term                                                                                    673.0                                                                876.0
                             38.00 18.00                 32.00         86.00          99.00          38.00 71.00               41.00         51.00         75.00
                                                                                                  0                                                                   0
Legal representative:Pan Li       Financial controller:Li Xiaoqing   The person in change of the financial Dept:Qin Jingdong

                                                                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

                                             Parent Company Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                          June 30, 2011                                         Unit:(RMB)
                                               Amount of the Current term                                                Amount of the previous term
                                                                      Commo                                                                      Commo
                                            Less:                               Attribut Total of                     Less:                              Attribut   Total of
          Items           Share Capital             Special Surplus n risk                        Share Capital               Special Surplus n risk
                                            Shares                                able owners’                       Shares                               able     owners’
                          Capital reserves          reserve reserves provisio                     Capital reserves            reserve reserves provisio
                                           in stock                              profit equity                       in stock                             profit     equity
                                                                        ns                                                                         ns
                          2,797,4 1,817,5                    3,425,2            1,535,5 9,575,8 2,659,4 1,268,0                         3,159,6          1,359,9    8,447,0
I.Balance at the end of
                          51,138. 56,816.                    41,041.            56,675. 05,670. 04,000. 04,970.                         17,944.          84,311.    11,225.
last year
                               00       00                        00                00      00      00      00                               00                00       00
   Add: Change of
accounting policy
   Correcting of previous
                          2,797,4 1,817,5                    3,425,2            1,535,5 9,575,8 2,659,4 1,268,0                        3,159,6            1,359,9 8,447,0
II.Balance at the
                          51,138. 56,816.                    41,041.            56,675. 05,670. 04,000. 04,970.                        17,944.            84,311. 11,225.
beginning of current year
                               00       00                        00                00      00      00      00                             00                 00       00
III.Changed in the                -5,949,6                  350,239             -70,744, 273,545 138,047 549,551                       265,623           175,572
current year                         53.00                  ,991.00              878.00 ,460.00 ,138.00 ,846.00                        ,097.00           ,364.00
                                                                                                                                                          1,000,6 1,000,6
                                                                                559,240 559,240
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                        85,689. 85,689.
                                                                                ,226.00 ,226.00
                                                                                                                                                              00       00
                                                                                                           -122,34                                                -122,34
  (II)Other                     -6,164,6                                              -6,164,6
                                                                                                           0,469.0                                                 0,469.0
misc.income                          53.00                                                 53.00
                                                                                                                 0                                                       0
                                                                                                           -122,34                                        1,000,6
                                  -6,164,6                                      559,240 553,075                                                                   878,345
 Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                     0,469.0                                        85,689.
                                     53.00                                      ,226.00 ,573.00                                                                   ,220.00
                                                                                                                 0                                            00
    (III) Investment or
                                                                                                   138,047 671,892                                                  809,939
decreasing of capital by
                                                                                                   ,138.00 ,315.00                                                  ,453.00
     1. Capital inputted                                                                           138,047 671,759                                                  809,806
by owners                                                                                          ,138.00 ,815.00                                                  ,953.00
     2.Amount of shares
paid and accounted as
owners’ equity

                                                                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

                                                                                                           132,500                                            132,500
 3. Other
                                                                                                               .00                                                .00
                                                                                -629,98 -279,74                                                       -825,11 -559,49
                                                               350,239                                                              265,623
  (IV)Profit allotment                                                        5,104.0 5,113.0                                                       3,325.0 0,228.0
                                                               ,991.00                                                              ,097.00
                                                                                      0       0                                                             0       0
                                                                                -350,23                                                               -265,62
1.Providing of surplus                                         350,239                                                              265,623
                                                                                9,991.0                                                               3,097.0
reserves                                                       ,991.00                                                              ,097.00
                                                                                      0                                                                     0
 2.Providing of common
risk provisions
                                                                                -279,74 -279,74                                                       -559,49 -559,49
3.Allotment to the
                                                                                5,113.0 5,113.0                                                       0,228.0 0,228.0
owners (or shareholders)                                                              0       0                                                             0       0
 (V) Internal transferring
of owners’ equity
 1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
 2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
 3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.
4. Other
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2.Used this term
                                     215,000                                             215,000
                                         .00                                                 .00
                             2,797,4 1,811,6                   3,775,4           1,464,8 9,849,3 2,797,4 1,817,5                     3,425,2          1,535,5 9,575,8
IV. Balance at the end of
                             51,138. 07,163.                   81,032.           11,797. 51,130. 51,138. 56,816.                     41,041.          56,675. 05,670.
this term
                                 00       00                       00                00       00     00      00                          00               00      00

Legal representative:Pan Li      Financial controller:Li Xiaoqing   The person in change of the financial Dept:Qin Jingdong

                                                   广东电力发展股份有限公司 2011 年半年度报告全部报送数据

         Schedule of Asset Depreciation Reserve

         Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.         June 30,2011
                                                        Increased        Decrease in this period
                                      Book balance in                                                Book balance in
              Items                                   amount in this
                                        year-begin                     Transfer-in    Transfer-out     period-end
I.Provision for bad debts                1,971,217.00                                                   1,971,217.00
II.Provision for falling price of
                                         8,630,653.00                                                   8,630,653.00
III.Provision for devaluation
  offinancial asset available for
IV.Provision for devaluation of
  held-to maturity investment
V.Provision for devaluation of
long-term equity investment
VI.Provision for devaluation
  ofinvesting property
VII.Provision for devaluation
                                       228,331,363.00                                                228,331,363.00
  offixed assets
VIII.Provision for devaluation of
  engineering materials
IX.Provision for devaluation
  ofcontruction in progress
X.Provision for devaluation of
productive biological assets
  Including:Provision for
devaluation of mature productive
biological assets
XI.Provision for devaluation of oil
XII.Provision for devaluation of
intangible assets
XIII.Provision for devaluation of
Total                                  238,933,233.00                                                238,933,233.00

2011 年中期财务报表附注

        Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                Notes to Financial Statement
                   For Semi-annual 2011
I.General information

Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. ("the Company") is a joint stock limited
company jointly sponsored and established by Guangdong Electric Power Group Company,
Guangdong Trust Investment Company under Construction Bank of China, Guangdong Electric
Power Development Company, Guangdong International Trust Investment Company and
Guangdong Development Bank (now as Guangdong Guangkong Co., Ltd.). At the time of
establishment, the registered capital of the Company was 356,250,000 ordinary shares with par
value of RMB 1 per share.

The Company issued RMB 44,000,000 Denominated Domestic Shares (“A Shares”)
and Demestically Listed Foreign Shares (“B Shares”) on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
on November 26, 1993 and June 28, 1995 respectively. After this issurance, the share
capital of the Company increased to RMB 505,250,000.

In 2001, prusuant to the approval on the implementation Plan of Guangdongrovince’s
Reform of power industry structure Relating to Restructuring of Generation and
Transmission Assets, a document issued by Guangdong Provincial Government and
referred to as Yue Fu Han 2001 No.252, Guangdong Electric Power Holding
Co.( “GPHC”), the former major shareholder of the Company, was split into two
separate companies, namely, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation ( “GPGC”,formerly
Guangdong Guangdian Group Co., Ltd.”), and Guabngdong Yudean Group Co.,
Ltd.(“Yudean” formerly Guangdong Yudean Assets Management Co., Ltd.”). After
restructuring, the electrictity transmission and distribution in Guangdong Province,
The PRC, were controlled and managed by GPGC, while Yudean concentrated in the
investment and management of power plants. According to the Reply to issues in the
Restructuring of Provincial Power Companies assets with a document number of Yue
Cai Qi (2001)No.247, the Company’s 50.15% equity interest formerly held by GPHC
was transferred to Yudean on August 1,2001.

According to Yue Guo Zi Han (2005) No. 452 Document, i.e., Official Reply to Issues Concerning
Share Holding Structure Reform of Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., issued by
State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under Guangdong People's Government, the
Company carried out share holding structure reform on January 18, 2006. All shareholders holding
non-negotiable shares paid 3.1 shares for every 10 shares to shareholders holding negotiable A
shares registered on the equity change registration day (January 18, 2006) specified in the plan for
share holding structure reform as consideration. 121,357,577 corporate shares were paid in total.

       2011 年中期财务报表附注
       From January 19, 2006, all corporate shares of the Company can be listed and traded at Shenzhen
       Stock Exchange. However, sale restriction period of 1-3 years was specified. Due to these
       restricted conditions, As of June 30, 2010, there were still 5, 885, 259 shares of legal shares not
       traded which were originally held by the non-tradable shareholders, after the non-tradable share
       reform, the stock shares which were owned by Yudean. Reduced from 50.15% to 46.34%.

       According to “Approval of Non-publicly Issued Shares for Guangdong Power Development Co.,
       Ltd”(CSRC License No. [2010]376)on April, 2010, The non-publicly issued A shares of parties,
       Yudean Group actually purchase 138,047,138 of A shares. After the non-public issued, the stock
       shares which were owned by Yudean Group Increased from 46.34% to 48.99%

       The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the
       susiness of developing electric power plants in Guangdong Province, the PRC. The
       Company’s registered address is 23 to 26 floor, Yudean Plaza, 2 Tianhe East Road,
       Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the PRC. Yudean Group is the Parent
       Company of the company.

       II. Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
       (1). Compilation basis of financial statements

       The financial statements is formulated according to Item 38: specific accounting
       standards from “Corporate Accounting Standards—basic principles” issued by Ministry of
       Finance on Feb., 15, 2006, corporate accounting standards application guide, corporate accounting
       standards explanation and other related regulations (Hereinafter referred to be “corporate
       accounting standards”) issued later.
(2)Fiscal year

      Fiscal year is dated from Gregorian calendar Jan., 1 to Gregorian calendar Dec., 31.
(3)Recording currency

       Recording currency is RMB.
       (4)Business Combinations

        (a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

       The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business
       combination are measured at the carrying amount. The difference between the
       carrying amount of the net assets abtained and the carrying amount of the
       consideration paid for the combination is treated as an adjustment to capital surplus, if
       the capital surplus is not sufficient to absorb the diference, the remaining balance is
       adjusted aginst retained earnings.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the
period in which they are incurred.
 (b) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a
business combination are measured at the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the
cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the
cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recogrised in profit or loss for the
current period.
Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in the cost of combination.

(5)Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the
company and its subsidiaries.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains
 controland are de-consolidated from the date that such control ceased. For a
 subsidiary acquired in a business combination involving enterprises under common
 control. Its is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when it,
 together with the Company.. came under common control of the ultimate controlling
 party . The portion of the net profits realized before the combination date is
 presented separately in the consolidated income statement.

The financial statements of subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the
accounting policies and accounting period of the Company during the preparation of
the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the
accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company and subsidiaries. For
subsidiaries acquired from a business combination involving enterprises not under
common control, the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted
based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

All significant inter-group balances, transactions and unrealized profits are
 eliminatedin the consolidated financial statements, the portion of a subsidiary’s
 equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and lossets for the period not held
 by the Company are recognized as minority interests and presented separately in the
 consolidated balance shreet within equity and net profit respectively.

(6) Cash and cash equivalents

2011 年中期财务报表附注
The cash listed in cash flow table refers to stored cash and payable deposit
  whenever,the term “ cash “ refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for
  payment at any time. The term : cash equivalents” refers to short-term and highly
  liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which
  are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
(7) Foreign currency translation
Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates
 prevailing at the dates of the transactions.

At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currency are
translated into RMB using the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Exchange
differences arising from these translations are recognized in profit or loss for the
current peiod, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have
been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets,
which are capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items
denominated in foreign currency that are measured in terms of historical cost are
translated at the balance sheet date using the sopt exchange rate at the date of
transaction. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the
cash flow statement.

(8)Financial instrument

(a)Financial assets

(i) Classification

Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition:
financial assets at fair value through profit or low, receivables, available –for –sale
financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The classification of financial assets
depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets. During 2010,
other than receivables and available-for –sale financial assets, the Group did not hold
any financial assets in other categories.

Account receivables

Account receivables, including accounts receivable and other receivables, are
non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not
quoted in an active market.
Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-deriative financial assets that are either
designated in this category or not classified in any of the other categories at initial

2011 年中期财务报表附注
recognition. Available-for –sale financial assets are included in other current assets in
the balance sheet if management intends to dispose of them within 12 months of the
balance sheet date.
(ii) Recognition and measurement
Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group
becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument, for
receivables and available-for-sale financial assets, transaction costs that are
attributable to the acquisition of the financial assets are included in the their initial
recognition amounts

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial
assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are
measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and
whose air value cannot be reliably measured. Receivables are measured at amortised
cost using the effective interest methord.

Again or loss arising from a change in fair value of an available-for-sale financial
asset is recognized directly in equity , except for impairment lossets and foreign
exchange gains and losses arising from the translation of monetary financial assets.
When such financial asset is derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously
recognized in equity is recognized in profit or loss for the current peiod, Interests on
available-for –sale investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective
interest method during the period in which such investments are held and cash
dividends declared by the investee on available-for –sale investments in equity
instruments are recognized as investment income in profit or loss.

(iii) Impairment of financial assets

The Group assesses the carrying amount of a financial asset other than that at fair
value through profit or loss at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence
that the financial asset is impaired, the Group shall determine the amount of any
impairment loss.
If an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has been
 incurred,the amount of loss is measured at the difference between the asset’s
 carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (Eccluding
 future credit losses that have not been incurred), if there is objective evidence that
 the value of the financial assets recovered and the recovery is related objectively to
 an event occurring after the impaiment was recognized, the previously recognized
 impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in profit or loss.
In the case of a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an
available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss arising from the decline in fair
value that had been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and

2011 年中期财务报表附注
recognized in impairment loss. For an investment in debt instrument classified as
available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognized, if in a
subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can be objectively related
to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss, the
previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and recognized in profit or loss for
the current period, for an investment in an equity instrument classified as
available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognized, when ,the
previously recognized impairment loss for sellable rights Characteristics of
Investment, in a subsequent peiod, its fair value increases and directly recognized in

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets

Financial assets are derecognized when:i) the contractual arights to receive the cash
flows from the financial assets have expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii) the control over the
financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all
of the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a financial assets.
On derecognition of a financial assets, the difference between the carrying amount
and the aggregate of consideration received and the accumulative amount of the
changes of fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equity is recognized in profit
or loss.
(b)Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition:
the financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities,
During 2011, The financial liabilities in the Group mainly comprise other financial
liabilities, including payables and lorrowings.

Payables comprise accounts payable and other payables, which are recognized
initially at fair value and measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective
interest method.

Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurrend,
and subsequently carried at amortised costs using the effective interest methor.

Other Financial liabilities are classified as the current liabilities if thety mature within
one year (one year included); others are classified as Non- current liabilities; Non-
current liabilities due for repayment within one year since the balance sheet day are
classified as current portion of non-current liabilities.

A financial liability is derecognized when and only when the obligation specified in

2011 年中期财务报表附注
  the contrat is discharged or cancelled. The difference between the carrying amount
  of a financial liability extinguished and the consideration paid is recognized in profit
  of loss.
 Determination of fair value of financial instruments

The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is
determined at the quoted price in the active market. The fair value of a financial
instrument for which the market Is not active is determined by using a valuation
technique. Valuation techniques include using prices of recent market transactions
between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another
financial asset that is substantially the same with this instrument, and discounted cash
flow analysis. When avaluation technique is used to establish the fair value of a
financial instrument, use market data as much as possible and avoid use of data that is
particularly reated to the Group .

(9) Account receivable
Account receivables comprise accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts
receivable arising from sale of Goods or rendering of services are initially recognized
at fair value of the contractual payments from the buyer.
              (a) Bad debt recognition and measurement method

   --Bad debt recognition criterion

      For all receivables, separately perform impairment testing. When objective
      evidence indicates the Group can’t receive money according original terms,
      provision for bad debts recognized .
   — Bad debts provision method

   The bad debt will be recognized when the present value of estimated future cash
    flow below their book value.
(b)When the Group transfers the accounts receivable to financial institutions without
recourse, the difference between proceeds derived from the transaction, net of the
carrying amounts of the accounts receivable and relevant taxes is recognized in profit
or loss for the current period.

Inventories mainly include fuel and spare parts, and are presented at the lower of
 costand net realizable value.

2.The valuation method of inventories

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Cost is determined using the weighted average method.

3.The method of determination of net realizable value of inventory and impairment

Provisions for declines in the value of inventories are determined at the carrying
 valueof the inventories net of their net realizable value. Net realizable alue is
 determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business,
 less the estimated costs to completion and wstimated costs necessary to make the
 sale and relevant taxes.

 4.The group adopts perpetual inventory system.

(11)Long-term Equity Investments

Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity
 investmentsin its subsidiaries, the Group’s long-term equity investments in its
 associates as well as the long-term equity investment where the Group does not have
 control, joint control or significant influence over the investees, and which are not
 aquoted in an dactive market and whose fair value cannot be reliable measured.
Subsidiaries are all investees oer which the Company is able to control; associates
 areal investees that the Group has significant influence on their financial and
 operating policies.

Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s
financial statements, and adjusted using the equity method when preparing the
consolidated financial statements; investments in associates are accounted for using
the equity method; other long-term equity investments there the Group does not have
control, joint control or significant influence over the investee, and which are not
quoted in an active market and whose fair vale cannot be relably measured are
accounted for using the cost method.

(a) Determining investment cost

Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method are measured at
the initial investment cost. Long-term equity investments accounted for using the
equity method, where the initial investment cost exceeds the Group’s share of the fair
value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the ivestment
is initially measured at cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s
share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition,
the difference is included in profit or loss for the current period and the cost of the
long-term equity ivestment is adjusted accordingly.
(b) Subsequent accounting and recognition of profit or loss

2011 年中期财务报表附注
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, investment
income is recognized in profit or loss for the cash dividends or profit declared by the

When using the equity method of accounting, the Group recognized the investment
income based on its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues
recognizing its share of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the
long-term equty investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance,
form part of the investor’s net investment in the investee are reduced to zero.
However, if the Group has obligations for additional losset and the conditions on
recognition of provision are satisfied in accordance with the accounting standards on
contingencies, the Group continues to recognize the investment losses and the
provision. For changes in owner’s equity of the investee other than those arising form
its net profit or loss, the Group record directly in capital surplus its proportion,
provided that the Group’s proportion of shareholding in the investee remains
unchanged . the carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group ‘s share of
the profit or cash dividends declared by and investee. The unrealized profits or losses
arising from the intra-group transactions between the Group and its investees are
eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investees, on the basis of which
the investment gain or losses are recognized.The loss on the intra-group transaction
between the Group and its investees, of which the nature is asset impairment , is
recognized in full amount, and the relevant unrealized gain or loss is not allowed to be

 Determining control, joint control, significant influence over investees

Control means that the investor has the power to govern the financial and operating
policies so as to obtain benefits from their operating activities. The existence and
effect of potential voting rights (including that derived from the convertible boods and
warrants that are currently convertible or exercisable ) are considered to determine
whether the Group has control over the investee.
Joint control means that the investor has contractual obligation to control a certain
economic activity, while such control only exists when the significant financial and
operating policies relating to that activing are agreed upon by all investors sharing
that control.
Significant influence means that the investor has the right to participate in the
    determination of the investee’s financial and operating policies, but cannot control
    or joint control with other parties on the determination of these policies.

2011 年中期财务报表附注

(d)Impairment of long-term equity investments

The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates
 isreduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the
 carrying amount (Note 2(18)). When the long-term investments which are not quoted
 in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliable measured have
 impaiment, the impairment loss is recognized at the differences between carrying
 amounts and the present value of future cash flow discounted using the prevailing
 market returmn rate on similar financial assets. Once the impairment loss is
 recognized, it is not allowed to be reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent

(12)Investment property

Investment property, including buildings that held for the purpose of lease and leased
land use right, is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expensitures incurred for and
investment property is included in the cost of the investmentproperty when it is
probable that economic benefits associated with the investment property will flow to
the Group and its cost can be reliable measured, otherwise the expenditure is
recognized in profit or loss in the period in thich they are incurred.

The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of the investment
property. Buildings and lond use rights are depreciated or amortised to their estimated
net residual values over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful luves, the
estimated net residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual
depreciation rates of the investment properties are as follows:

                              Estimated useful l Estimated residual Annual depreciatio
                                            ives            value              n rate

House and Bulding            30~41 years          5%                   2.32~3.17%

When an investment property is changed to an owner-occupied property, it is
transferred to fixed asset at the date of the change. When an owner-occupied property is
changed to be held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset is
transferred to investment property at the date of the change at the carrying amount of
the property.

The estimated useful life, net residual value of the investment property and the
depreciation method applied are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at each

2011 年中期财务报表附注
financial year-end.

An investment property is derecognised on disposal or when the investment property
is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected
from its disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of
an investment property less its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is
recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

When the recoverable amount of investment real estate less than its carrying value,
book value is reduced to its recoverable amount (Notes 2 (17)).

(13).Fixed assets

(1)Initial recognization and measurement

Fixed assets comprise buildings, electric utilities in service, motor vehicles and other

A fixed asset is recongnized when it is probable that the economic benefits associated
with the fixed assets will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliably measured.
Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially measured at cost at
the time of acquisition. Fixed assets contributed by the State-owned shareholders at
the incorporation of a limited company are initially recorded at the valuation amount
recognized by the State-owned assets supervision and administration department.

Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed
asset when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset
will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliably measured. The carrying amount of
those parts that are replaced is derecognized and all the other subsequent expenditures
are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

(2)Depreciation method

Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the
assets to their estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed
assets being provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is
prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their
remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, the estimated residual values
expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual depreciation rates are as follows:

                           Estimated useful lives Estimated residual val Annual depreciation ra
                                                                    ue                       te

2011 年中期财务报表附注

House and Bulding                10 years-35 years             5%-10%             2.57%-9.5%
Electric Utilities in service     8 years-18 years             5%-10%              5%-11.88%
Motor vehicles                  8 years- 10 years              5%-10%              9%-11.88%
Other equipment                   5 years-10 years             5%-10%                9%-19%

The estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied
to the asset are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at least at each financial
(3)When the recoverable amount of investment real estate less than its carrying value,
book value is reduced to its recoverable amount (Notes 2 (17)).

(4)Fixed assets disposal

A fixed asset is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are
expected from its use or disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement
or damage of a fixed asset net of its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is
recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(14).Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises
construction costs, installation cost, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization
and other costs necessary to bring the the fixed assets ready for their intended use.
Actual cost also consists of the net amount of revenue generated and expenses that
incurred in the text running peiod.
Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for
their intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. The carrying
amount of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the
recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount (Notes 2(17)).

Approach of defining financial leases and pricing of the construction in progress.

Essentially, leases that involve the transfer of all risks and income related to the
ownership of assets can be defined as financial lease. When determining the recorded
value of the leased construction in progress, the fair value of the leased asset and the
lowest payment of the lease are compared and the lower will be applied. The
difference between the recorded value of the leased asset and the lowest payment of
the lease in termed as unconfirmed financing costs (Note 2 (24)(b))
(15). Borrowing costs
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
of a fixed asset that needs a substantially long period of time of acquisition and
construction for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as part of
2011 年中期财务报表附注
the cost of the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been
incurred, and the activities relating to the acquisition and construction that are
necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The capitalisation
of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes
ready for its intended use, the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in
profit or loss for the current period. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended
during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted
abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or
construction is resumed.

For a borrowing specific for the acquisition, construction or production activities for
preparing an asset eligible for capitalisation, the to-be-capitalised borrowing costs
shall be determined according to the actual borrowing costs incurred less any income
earned on the unused borrowing fund as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary
For the other borrowings related to acquisition, construction and production of a
qualifying asset, the amount of to-be-capitalised borrowing costs shall be the lower of
the actual borrowing costs incurred and the amount of qualifying asset not financed
by specific borrowings multiplying capitalisation rate. The capitalisation rate is the
weighted average interest rate of these borrowings.

(16).Intangible assets

Intangible assets including land use rights, sea use rights, software and associated
projects for electricity transmission and transformation are measured at cost.
Intangible assets contributed by the state-owned shareholders at the incorporation of a
limited company are initially recorded at the valuation amount recognized by the
state-owned assets supervision and administration department.
(1)Land use rights (“LUR”) and sea use lights

LUR acquired are amortized on the straight-line basis over 20 to 50 years. If the
purchase costs of LUR and attached buildings cannot be reliably allocated between
the LUR and buildings, for the purchase costs are recognised as fixed assets.

Sea use rights acquired are amortized on the straight-line basis in 50 years.
(2)Other Intangible assets

Other intangible assets acquired except for LUR and sea use rights are amortized on
the straight-line basis over 2 to 20 years according to their estimated useful lives.

(3) Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method

2011 年中期财务报表附注
For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review and adjustment on useful life
and amortization method are performed at each year-end.

(4)Impairment of intangible assets

The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when
the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount (Notes 2(17)).

(17).Impairment of long-term assets

Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives,
investment properties measured using the cost model and long-term equity
investments in subsidiaries and associates are tested for impairment if there is any
indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance date. If the result of the
impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its
carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised
for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the
present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. A
provision for asset Impairment is determined and recognised on an individual asset
basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset,
the recoverable amount of the group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined.
A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent
cash inflows.
Separately recognised goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective
of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. During the test, the
carrying value of goodwill is allocated to the related asset group or groups of asset
group which is expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If
the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or groups
of asset group including the goodwill allocated is lower than its carrying amount, the
corresponding impairment loss is recognized. The impairment loss is first deducted
from the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the asset group or groups of asset
group, and then deducted from the carrying amount of the remaining assets of the
asset group or groups of asset group pro rata with goodwill.

Once the asset impairment loss mentioned above is recognised, it is not allowed to be
reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent periods.

(18).Employee benefits

Employee benefits mainly include wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, staff

2011 年中期财务报表附注
welfare, social security contributions, housing funds, labour union funds, employee education
funds and other expenditures incurred in exchange for service rendered by employees.

If the Group terminates the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the

relevant labor contract or makes a severance package proposal with the purpose of enticing the

employees to willingly accept such a termination, and the following conditions are concurrently

satisfied, the Group shall recognize the liabilities to be incurred due to severance pay, and shall at

the same time record them in the profit and loss of the current period.

Except for the compesation for termination of labor relationship, employee benefits are recognised

as a liability in the accounting period in which an employee has rendered service, and as costs of

assets or expenses to whichever the employee service is attributable.

(19).Dividend distribution

Proposed Dividend distribution is recognised as a liability in the period in which it is approved by
the shareholders’ meeting.

(20).Estimated liabilities

Provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts are recognised when the Group
has a present obligation, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will
be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be measured

A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to
settle the related present obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency such as the
risks, uncertainties and the time value of money are taken into account as a whole in
reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of money
is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash
outflows.     The increase in the discounted amount of the provision arising from
passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted
to reflect the current best estimate.
(21).Revenue recognition

The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the
consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary

2011 年中期财务报表附注
course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of value-added tax, rebates,
discounts and returns.

Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction
will flow to the Group, the relevant revenue can be reliably measured and specific
revenue recognition criteria have been met for each of the Group’s activities as
described below:
(1)Sale of electricity and heat energy

Revenue is recognised upon transmission of electricity or heat energy.

(2) Rendering of services

The Group provides service to external parties and determines the stage of completion
based on proportion of costs incurred to date to the estimated total costs. Revenue is
recognised using the percentage of completion method.

(3)Transfer of asset use rights

Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis, the cash at bank and on hand
of the Group used by other parties, using the effective interest method.
Income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period
of the lease.
(22).Goernment subsidies

Government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained freely by
an enterprise from the government, including tax returns, financial subsidies.

Government subsidy is recognized unless the additional condition can be met and the
subsidy can be received by the corporation. If the government subsidy is a monetary
asset, it will be measured in the light of the received or receivable amount, if the
government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If
its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it will be measured at its nominal

The government subsidies pertinent to assets will be recognized as other non-current
debt-deferred income, equally amortized within the useful lives of the relevant assets
and recognized as profit and loss at the same time. The government subsidies
measured at their nominal amounts will be directly recognized as profit and loss in the
current period.

The government subsidies pertinent to incomes, those subsidies used for

2011 年中期财务报表附注
compensating related future expenses or losses will be recognized as deferred income
and recognized as profit and loss during the period when the relevant expenses are
recognized; those subsidies used for compensating related expenses or losses already
existed will be directly recognized as income or cost in the current period.

(23).Deferred tax assets and liablities

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on
the differences arising between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying
amount (temporary differences). Deferred tax asset is recognized for the deductible
losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable
profit in in accordance with the tax law. No deferred tax liability is recognised for a
temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax
asset or deferred tax liability is recognized for the temporary differences resulting
from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a
business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or
deductible loss) At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax
liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when
the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences,
deductible losses and tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit
will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary differences,
deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from
investments in subsidiaries and associates, except where the Group is able to control
the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference, and it is probable that the
temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable
that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, joint
ventures and associates will be reversed in the foreseeable future and that the
taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary differences
can be utilized, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognized.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset and presented on net basis when:
(a)The deferred taxes are relate to the same tax payer within the group and same fiscal
authority, and;
(b)That tax payer has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against
current tax liabilities.

A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards

2011 年中期财务报表附注
    incidental to ownership of an asset. An operating lease is a lease other than a
    finance lease.

(a) Operating lease

Lease payments under and operating lease are recogrised on a straight-line basis over
the period of the lease , and are either capitalized as part of the cost of related assets,
or charged as an expense for the current period.

(b)Finance lease

The leased asset is recorded at the amounts equal to the lower of the fair valueof the
 leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The difference
 between the recorded amount of the leased asset asnd tht minimum lease payments is
 accounted for as unrecognized finance charge and is amortised using the effective
 interest method over the period of the lease. A long-term payable is recorded at the
 amount equal to the minimum lease payments less the unrecognized finance charge.
(25).Segment information

The Group identify operating segments based on the internal organization structure,
management requirement and internal reporting, then disclose segment information of
reportable segment which is based on operating segment.

An operating segment is the component of the Group that all of the following
conditions are satisfied:
(1) that component can earn revenues and incur expenses from ordinary activities;
(2) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to
make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its
performance, and (3) for which the information of financial position, operating results
and cash flows is available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have
similar economic characteristics, and certain conditions are satisfied, they may be
aggregated into a single operating segment.

(26).Exchange of non-monetary assets

The "exchange of non-monetary assets" refers to the exchange of non-monetary assets
between two parties that includes the transactions of inventories, fixed assets,
intangible assets, or long-term equity investments. Such an exchange involves no or
few monetary assets (i.e. boot).

When the exchange of a non-monetary asset concurrently satisfies the following
conditions, the cost of the received asset shall be its fair value including the relevant

2011 年中期财务报表附注
applicable taxes; any difference between the fair value and the book value of the
relinquished asset shall be recorded as profit or loss for the current period:
(a) The exchange is commercial in nature;
(b) The fair value of the received or relinquished asset can be reliably measured;

Where an exchange of non-monetary assets does not concurrently meet the above
conditions, the book value of the relinquished asset including all relevant applicable
taxes shall be the cost of the received asset, and no profits or losses shall be recorded.

(27).Critical accounting estimates and judgments

The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgments
applied based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The critical
accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a
material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next
financial year are outlined below:

(a) The estimates of the depreciable lives of property, plant and equipments

The estimate of depreciable lives of property, plant and equipments was made by the
directors with reference to the practice of industry, their expected physical wear and
tear, and the durability assessment performed. The evaluation of estimated useful lives
is assessed by the directors annually.
Change of estimated useful lives may cause significant impact on the Group’s net
(b)Estimated impairment of other long-term assets

As disclosed in Notes 2(17), the Group’s long-term assets, such as fixed assets,
construction progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment properties
measured using the comodel and long-term equity investments, are tested for
impairment if there is any indication that a asset may be impaired at the balance date.

In determining whether there is any indication of potential asset impairment,
management mainly evaluate and analyze from the following aspects: (1) whether the
issues affecting the asset impairment have occurred; (2) whether the present value of
cash flows, which is expected to receive for the sustained use of the asset or disposal
of the asset, is less than the net book value; and (3) whether the key assumptions used
for the present value of projected future cash flow is appropriate.

The relevant assumptions used to determine asset impairment, such as the discount
rate used in present value of future cash flow method, the variation of the growth rate
assumptions and so on, may have a significant impact on the present value which is

2011 年中期财务报表附注
employed in the impairment testing, resulting the impairment of long-term assets of
the Group.

(a) Income taxes

The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are mary
transactions and events for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during
the ordinary course of business. Significant judgment is re\quired from the Group in
determining the provision for income taxes in each of these jurisdictions. The Group
recognizes income taxes in each jurisdiction based on estimates. Where the final tax
outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded,
such differences will impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period
in which such determination is made.

III. Taxation

(1)The types and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below:

Type                   Taxable base                                 Tax rate

Enterprise      income Taxable income                               12%,24% and 25%
VAT                  Taxable value added amount (Tax payable 17%
                        iscalculated using the taxable sales
                        amount multiplied by the effective tax
                        rate less deductible VAT input of current
Business tax         Taxable turnover                             5%
City maintenance Value added tax and Business tax amount          5% and 7%
and construction tax
Surcharge        for Value added tax and Business tax amount      2%及 3%

On March 16 ,2007, the National People’s Congress approved the Corporate Income
Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “new CIT Law”), which is effective
from January 1,2008. Except for the two subsidiaries, Guangdong Yuejia Electric
Power Co., Ltd. (“Yuejia Electric”) and Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power
Co., Ltd. (“Zhanjiang Wind Power”) (as disclosed in the following notes), the
enterprise income tax rate applicable to the Group is 25%.
Additionally, according to the State Council’s Notification of unification of domestic
companies, Foreign investment and Foreign Enterprises’ urban Maintenance and
Construction Tax and Additional Education Fees (NDRC(2010)No.35), all Foreign

2011 年中期财务报表附注
investment and Foreign Enterprises are subjected to urban Maintenance and
Construction Tax and Additional Education Fees from 1 December 2010, As a result,
the company and the subsidiaries of the company, Yuejia Electric And Zhanjiang
Wind power , are no more subjected to the temporary exemption from urban
maintenance and construction tax and additional eduction fees.

(2)   Tax preferential and approval

According to the approvment of the Guangzhou Municipal Office of State
Administration of Taxation Foreign Tax Center Guoshuifa [1997] No. 185 and the
Guangzhou Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation Foreign Tax Center
Waifa [1998] No. 045, the corporate income tax rate of YueJia Electric is 15%. Based
on the new CIT law, the corporate income tax rate of YueJia Electric will apply from
2008 to 2012 as period of 5 years and gradual transition to 25%. The enterprise
income tax rate of the YueJia Electric is 24% for 2011.

According to the approvment ofthe Zhanjiang Municipal Office of State
Administration of Taxation Direct Taxation Office Zhangguoshui [2007] No. 15, the
enterprise income tax rate of Zhanjiang Wind Power is 15%, and from the
profit-making year, the first and second year exemption from enterprise income tax,
the third to fifth year business income tax reduced by half. On January 1,2008,
Zhanjiang Wind Power has not profitable. Under the provisions of the new CIT Law,
which will continue to apply the preferential policies, but was identified 2008 as the
first profitable year. Therefore, Zhanjiang Wind Power will continue to apply
exemption from corporate income tax. The enterprise income tax rate of the Zhanjiang
Wind Power is 12% for 2011.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
IV. Subsidiaries
(a) Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control

                                                            Type of        Place of     Nature of business    Registered             Scope of business              Business type
                                                          Subsidiaries   Registration                             capital

Zhangjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.                         Direct        Zhanjiang          Electric        2,875,440,000         Generation of Electri
                                                                                                                                   city, Power plant ope           Limited Liability
                                                                                                                                                      rating          Company
Yuejia Electric                                              Direc        Meizhou            Electric        1,200,000,000         Generation        of
                                                                                                                                   Electricity, Power
                                                                                                                                   plant operating             Foreign-funded enterprise
Guangdong     Shaoguan    Yuejiang    Electric     Dire     Direct        Shaoguan           Electric         770,000,000          Generation        of
PowerCo., Ltd.                                                                                                                     Electricity, Power              Limited Liability
                                                                                                                                   plant operating                    Company
Zhanjiang Zhongyue Engergy Co., Ltd                         Direct                           Electric                                Generation of
                                                                                                                                   Electricity, Power              Limited Liability
                                                                          Zhanjiang                          1,454,300,000          plant operating                   Company

                                                 The actual amou              Essentially constitute a            Interest held   Voting rights Whether          Minority interest
                                                 nts of capital in       subsidiary the balance of the                      (%)            (%) consolida
                                                     the year end             net investment in other                                                 te the
                                                                                             projects                                           financial
                                                                                                                                                     or not

Zhanjiang Electric                                2,185,334,400                                      -                      76%          76%         Yes             925,751,474
Yuejia Electric                                      701,279,338                                     -                      58%          58%         Yes             385,583,920
Yuejiang Electric                                    500,500,000                                     -                      65%          65%         Yes             139,491,255
Zhongyue Energy                                   1,532,578,100                                      -                      90%          90%         Yes             122,587,101
                                                  4,919,691,838                                      -                                                             1,573,413,750

2011 年中期财务报表附注

(2)Subsidiaries established or invested by the Group

                                                        Type of         Place of        Nature    Registered capital         Scope of business               Business type
                                                      Subsidiaries registratio         business

Maoming Zhenneng Thermoelectric power Co., Ltd             Direct                                                                                            Limited      Liability
                                                                       Maoming         Electric     542,157,500        Generation of Electricity              Company
Guangdong     Yudean    Jinghai   Electric    Power        Direct          Jieyang     Electric   2,919,272,000        Generation of Electricity             Limited      Liability
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         Company
Zhanjiang Wind Power                                       Direct      Zhangjian       Electric      346,110,000       New Energy Development and            Foreign-funded
                                                                             g                                          Generation of Electricity            enterprise
Guangdong Oil shale power Generation Co., Ltd.             Direct      Maoming         Electric     235,000,000        Oil     Development             and   Limited      Liability
                                                                                                                       Generation of Electricity              Company
Guangdong     Yudean    Anxin     Electric    Power        Direct       Donggua        Electric       20,000,000       Providing         repair        and   Limited      Liability
Maintenance                                                                  n                                         maintenance service                    Company
Guangdong Yudean Humen Electric Power Co., Ltd.            Direct       Donggua        Electric     150,000,000        Generation of Electricity             Limited      Liability
                                                                             n                                                                                Company
Guangdong Yudean Power Bohe Repair Co., Ltd.               Direct      Maoming         Electric     170,000,000        Generation of Electricity and         Limited      Liability
                                                                                                                        Coal construct                        Company
Zhanjiang Yuheng Power Repair Co., Ltd.                 Indirect       Zhangjian       Electric       20,000,000       Poviding           repair       and   Limited      Liability
                                                                             g                                         Mainterance service                    Company
Guangdong Yudean Xuwen Wind Electric Power Co.,         Indirect           Zhanjian    Electric       65,000,000       Generation of Electricity             Limited      Liability
Ltd.                                                                   g                                                                                      Company

                                                                     Essentially constitute a                                                consolidate
                                       The actual almo              subsidiary the balance of                                              the financial
                                       unts of capital i               the Net investment in        Interest held      Voting rights statements or
                                          n the year end                         other projects               (%)                  (%)                not    Minonity interest

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Maoming Zhenneng        288,561,587    -   53.28%   53.28%   Yes    277,041,197
Jinghai Electric       1,930,395,668   -     65%      65%    Yes   1,062,042,928
Zhanjiang Wind Power    205,044,000    -     70%      70%    Yes     89,252,695
Oil Shale Power         196,398,200    -   83.66%   83.66%   Yes     34,602,659
Anxin                    20,000,000    -    100%     100%    Yes               -
Humen Electric           90,000,000    -     60%      60%    Yes     58,652,270
Bohe                    170,000,000    -    100%     100%    Yes               -
Zhangjiang Yuheng        15,200,000    -    100%     100%    Yes               -
Xuwen Wind               45,500,000    -    100%     100%    Yes               -
                       2,961,099,455   -                           1,521,591,749

2011 年中期财务报表附注

V.Notes to the consolidated financial statements

(1) Monetary fund

                                               December 31, 2010                                       June 30,2011
                                       Foreign                                            Foreign
                                       currency        Exchan                             currency         Exchan
                                        amount          ge rate                RMB         amount          ge rate              RMB

Cash on hand
  RMB                                                                    385,446                                              43,870

Cash at bank
  RMB                                                             1,128,362,608                                       1,568,687,522
  USD                                  1,095,209       6.6227          7,253,241           1,924,604                     12,455,267
  HKD                                      15,125      0.8509               12,870            12,872                          10,704

Cash at Guangdong Yudean
  Finance       Co.,   ltd(Notes
  RMB                                                               758,007,039                                       1,400,602,858
                                                                  1,894,021,204                                       2,981,800,221

It is the same as cash isted in the cash flow statement.

(2) Accounts receivable

                                                                    December 31, 2010                                June 30,2011
Accounts receivable
     Within 1 year                                                            1,841,038,374                        1,650,307,471
     1-2 years                                                                            -                           13,769,091
     2-3 years                                                                            -                                    -
     Over 3 years                                                                         -                                    -
Less:Provision for bad debts                                                             -                                    -
                                                                              1,841,038,374                        1,664,076,562
(a)          Accounts receivable are analysed by customents categories as follows:

                                   December 31, 2010                                                June 30,2011
                        Book Balance              Provision for bad debts            Book Balance            Provision for bad debts
                                   Proportio                      Proportio                   Proportio                       Proportio
                        Amount            n            Amount            n           Amount            n             Amount            n

Individual         1,831,238,519   99.47%                     -           -     1,656,393,829 99.54%                      -            -

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Other                    9,799,855   0.53%                   -        -         7,682,733   0.46%                   -            -
                  1,841,038,374      100%                    -        -   1,664,076,562      100%                   -            -

(b)    As of June 30,2011,No balances included in above accounts receivable are
due from the shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% (including 5%) shares
with voting rights
(c)    As of June 30, 2011 the Group’s five largest accounts receivable balances are
analysed as follows:

                                                   Relatation                                                  Ratio of total
                                                       with the                                                          accaount
                                                        Group                  Amount          Period                   receivable

GPGC                                               Third party        1,642,785,344         Within 1 year                 98.72%
Shajiao Power Plan C                              Related party           4,538,419          1-2 years                     0.27%
Zhanjiang Branch of GPGC                           Third party            3,440,814         Within 1 year                  0.21%
Shenzhen Guangqian Electric Power Co.,
                                                  Related party
  Ltd.                                                                    2,985,812          1-2 years                     0.18%
Guangdong Huizhou Natural gas Power
                                                  Related party           2,643,440          1-2 years                     0.16%
                                                                      1,656,393,829                                       99.54%

(d)         Accounts receivable from related parties are analysed as follows:

                                                             December 31, 2010                       June 30, 2011
                                                                 Ratio of                             Ratio of
                                                                  total ac                             total ac
                                                                  caounts                              caounts
                          Relationship    with   the             receivabl                            receivabl
                           Group                           Amount e (%) Provision               Amount e (%) Provision

Shajiao C                 Controlled by Yudean
                            Group                      14,171,438     0.77%             -     4,538,419     0.27%                -
Guangqian                 The Group’s associate
                            andcontrolled        by
                            yudean Group                6,534,224     0.35%             -     2,985,812     0.18%                -
                          The Group’s associate
Huizhou Natural Gas         andcontrolled        by
                            yudean Group                2,400,177     0.13%             -     2,643,440     0.16%                -
Guangdong      Yudean
  Group           Co.,
  Ltd.Zhuhai    Power     Controlled by Yudean
  plant                     Group                       1,802,225     0.10%             -               -                        -
Guangdong        Zhuhai Controlled       by Yudean
Jinwan Power Co., Ltd.      Group                                 -        -            -     2,563,622     0.15%                -

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Guangdong        Yudean
Environmental Protection Controlled     by Yudean
Co., Ltd.                 Group                                 -           -             -            300,215     0.02%            -

                                                     24,908,064        1.35%              -       13,031,508       0.78%            -

(e)    As of June 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010,No accounts receivable balances
are dominated in foreign currencies.

(3) Other receivables

                                          December 31,
                                               2010                                                              June 30,2011

Entrust loans(a)                             542,159,228                                                           138,547,053
Advance for construction                       3,607,797                                                             1,735,806
Suppliers                                      7,836,751                                                            11,676,051
Withholding income tax fee                     1,635,277                                                                     -
Other                                         19,018,123                                                            29,245,120
                                             574,257,176                                                           181,204,030

                                                                    Increased     in Decreased in
                                                                    current period current period

Less:Provision for bad debts                 (1,971,217)                         -                       -         (1,971,217)
                                             572,285,959                                                           179,232,813
(a) The entrust loans, which the Group provides for associates through the trustee, are
    listed as follows:

                                                           Annual                                                 Accumulati     for
                                                           interest                   Annual intere                ve accrued bad
Trustee                      Borrower         Principal      rate      Due date                   s June 30, 2011     interest debts

 Yudean Finance     Guangdong      Yudean     44,200,000 6.14%         26/11/2011       1,122,293       46,730,153    2,530,153         -
                      Holding Westem          26,000,000 4.78%         19/08/2011         624,722       27,131,446    1,131,446         -
Yudean Finance      Shanxi         Yudean     38,000,000 5.27%        07/02/2012          986,926       38,516,042     516,042          -
                      Energy Co., Ltd.         6,000,000 5.76%        15/06/2012          146,456         6,076,578        76,578       -
                                               6,800,000 5.00%         21/11/2011         171,081         6,889,455        89,455       -
                                               8,000,000 5.68%        09/05/2012              65,624      8,034,313        34,313       -
Industrial          Linchang Yuntou            2,500,000 6.65%         27/10/2011             79,560      2,584,533        84,533       -
  Bank,Guangzhou                               2,500,000 6.65%         29/11/2011             79,560      2,584,533        84,533       -
                                             134,000,000                                3,276,222 138,547,053         4,547,053         -

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(b) The ageing of other receivables are analyzed as follows:

                                                            December 31,2010                               June 30,2011

Within 1 year                                                             553,253,557                        173,824,135
1-2 years                                                                   8,287,397                          4,598,692
2-3 years                                                                   6,532,041                            130,637
3-4 years                                                                   2,552,842                            271,680
4-5 years                                                                   1,347,040                            205,000
Over 5 years                                                                  313,082                            202,669
                                                                          572,285,959                        179,232,813
 other receivables are analysed by customers categories as follows:

                                December 31, 2010                                             June 30,2011
                     Book Balance           Provision for bad debts            Book Balance            Provision for bad debts
                                    Total                      Total                          Total                        Total
                     Amount balance%            Amount balance%                 Amount balance%              Amount balance%

   material       548,159,228   95.46%                  -             -     146,757,106                             -
Other              26,097,948    4.54%       (1,971,217)     7.55%           34,446,924                 (1,971,217)
                  574,257,176     100%       (1,971,217)     0.34%          181,204,030                 (1,971,217)

(d)As of June 30,2011, no balances included in above other receivables are due from
the shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% (including 5%) shares with
voting rights.
(e) As of June 30, 2011, the Group’s five largest other receivables balances are as
                                            Relationship with                                                Total other rec
                                               The Group                      Amount          Period             eivables %

Yudean Westem                                Related parties               73,861,599     Within 1 year            41.21%
Shanxi Energy                                Related parties               59,516,388      Within 1 year           33.21%
Linchang Yuntou                              Related parties                5,169,066      Within 1 year                2.88%
Hongkong Huajinyuan Shipping Co., Ltd.        Third Partes                  5,019,945      Within 1 year                2.80%
Shajiao C                                    Related parties                3,190,108      Within 1 year                1.78%
                                                                          146,757,106                              81.88%

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(f)Other receivables due from related parties are as follows:

                                                      December 31, 2010                       June 30,2011
                                                               Ratio of                             Ratio of
                                                                total ac                             total ac
                                                               caount r                             caount r
                         Relationship                         aceivable                            aceivable
                          YudeanGroup           Amount               (%) Provision   Amount               (%) Provision

Weixin Yuntou            Associates             260,701,555    45.55%            -             -           -           -
Shanxi Energy            Associates             204,333,143    35.70%            -    59,516,388    33.21%             -
Yudean Westem            Associates              72,114,584    12.60%            -    73,861,599    41.21%             -
Linchang Yuntou          Associates               5,009,946      0.88%           -     5,169,066      2.88%            -
Shajiao C                Controlled by Yudean     1,635,277      0.29%           -     3,190,108      1.78%            -
 Yudean environmental                                                                                 0.71%
                                                   766,176       0.13%           -                                     -
 protection              Controlled by Yudean                                          1,274,545
Other(Notes VII(5)(i))   Controlled by Yudean             -           -          -      772,088       0.43%            -
                                                544,560,681    95.15%            -   143,783,794    80.22%             -

(g)As of June 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010,No other receivables balances are
dominated in foreign currencies.
(4) Advances to suppliers

(a) The ageing of advances to suppliers is analysed below:

                                     December 31,2010              June 30,2011
                                         Amount      Total balance %     Amount                    Total balance %

Within 1 year                           455,391,128             68.11%          308,215,685                        3
1-2 years                               181,184,160             27.10%          458,561,600                        4
2-3 years                                31,593,891              4.73%          194,122,101                        2
Over 3 years                                427,078              0.06%            7,743,555
                                        668,596,257              100%           968,642,941                       10

The balances with ageing over one year represent the prepayment or deposits paid to
construction and equipment suppliers.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(b) As of June 30,2011,the Group’s largest five advances to suppliers balances are as
                              with the Group       Amount          Proportion     Prepaid year            Reasons for unsettling

Guangdong Electric Fuel                                                         2009、2010、        Purchase deposits and contract has
                              Related party    540,630,766         55.81%
 Supply Co., Ltd.                                                                       2011                  not yet expired
East Boiler                                                                                      Purchase deposits for the equipments
                               Third party     257,760,000         26.61%               2009           and Equipment has not been
Maoming Bohe New Port
  Construction                                                                                   Prepaid land and has not yet obtained
                               Third party     42,646,000          4.40%                2010
  construction      control                                                                               the relevant certificates
Maoming              Land                                                                           repaid land and has not yet obtained
                               Third party     18,000,000          1.86%                2009
Resources Bureau                                                                                          the relevant certificates
                                                                                                 Purchase deposits for the equipments
Beijing Jinshiwei Power
                               Third party     10,298,000          1.06%                2011           and Equipment has not been
Technology Co., Ltd.

                                               869,334,766         89.74%

(c) As of June 30,2011,no prepaid in prepayments of our company hold above 5%
(including 5%) voting shares’ Shareholders funds:
(d) Prepayments to related parties as follows:

                                                                    December 31,2010                             June 30, 2011
                                                                            Proportio                                 Proportio
              Relationship with the Group                    Amount             n (%) Provision f       Amount              n (%) Provision f

Fuel supply Associate and under common control                              59.35%                                        55.81%
                 byYudean                               396,810,766                              - 540,630,766                              -

(e) As of June 30,2011 and December 31, 2010, no prepayments balances are
dominated in foreign currencies.

(5) Inventory
(a) Inventory categories are listed as follows:

                                                December 31,2010                                      June 30,2011
                                                  Provision fo                                          Provision fo
                                     Book Balan    r investory             Book va        Book Balan     r investory            Book va

Fuel                               606,778,427                 -     606,778,427        598,892,398                   -    598,892,398
Spare parts                        241,105,399      (8,630,653)      232,474,746        232,593,961      (8,630,653)       223,963,308
Other                               12,994,678                 -      12,994,678         37,429,878                   -      37,429,878
                                   860,878,504      (8,630,653)      852,247,851        868,916,237      (8,630,653)       860,285,584

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(b) Movement of inventory provision is as follows:

                         December 31                                Reduction                June 30,2011
                                              Addition       Reversal       Write off

Spare parts               (8,630,653)                    -             -                -     (8,630,653)
(c) Inventory provision is analysed as follows:

                                                              Inventory provision    Reversal accounting
                                                              reversal during year     for ypear end toal
                         Reason of accrual                                                     balance%

Spare parts    The difference of the net realizable value                    N/A                      N/A
                         lower than the carrying amount

(6) Available-for-sale financial assets

                                         December 31,2       Sold in 2011 Change of fairv June 30,2011
Available-for-sale financial assets
   Shenzhen Energy (i)                        70,630,001               -      (7,294,001)       63,336,000
Shenergy(ii)                                 282,474,044               -        (925,536)      281,548,508
                                             353,104,045               -      (8,219,537)      344,884,508

(i)  As at June 30,2011,The Company hold Shenzhen Energy A share amounted to
     8,400,000 shares and the investment cost is RMB 15,890,628. The Company states this
     investment at fair value determined by reference to the quoted price in an active market.
     During the year, a fair value loss of approximately RMB 7,294,001,Was recognized in
(ii) The company purchased 37,021,500 shares of Shenergy on 11 June 2007, this
     investment was stated at fair value determined by reference to the quoted price in an
     active market.
During the year, a fair value loss of approximately RMB 925,536,Was recognized in equity..

The Company purchased 37,021, 500 shares of A share without restrictive selling con
ditions from Shanghai Electric Power Company and East China Power Grid Co., Ltd.
 with the investment cost of RMB 235,837,988. with buying every 10 shares getting e
xtra 5 shares stock, the company held 55,532,250 shares.
(7)Long-term receivable account

                                                      December 31,2010                      June 30,2011

Deposit of financial lease                                   17,746,446                      63,848,676

      2011 年中期财务报表附注
      Entrust loans(a)                                                          15,580,000                       428,780,000
                                                                                33,326,446                       492,628,676

      The long-term receivable balances are all entrust loans that the Group provides to
      associates, details are listed as follows:

                                                             Annual                                               Accumulativ
                                                             interest                     Annual                    e accrued Provi
       Trustee                 Borrower       Principal          rate      Due date       interes June 30,2011        interest   sion

        Yudean Finance       Shanxi Energy    153,200,000        6.72%    29/05/2014    915,115 153,200,000                  -      -
          Bank ,Guangzhou                     260,000,000                 03/03/2014               260,000,000               -      -
                  Branch     Weixin Yuntou                       6.41%                 5,237,867
       Industry             Linchang Yuntou     2,500,000        6.65%    27/10/2012     79,560      2,500,000               -      -
         Bank ,Guangzhou                        2,500,000        6.65%    27/10/2013     79,560      2,500,000               -      -
         Branch                                 3,280,000        6.65%    27/10/2014    104,383      3,280,000               -      -
                                                2,500,000        6.65%    29/11/2012     79,560      2,500,000               -      -
                                                2,500,000        6.65%    29/11/2013     79,560      2,500,000               -      -
                                                2,300,000        6.65%    29/11/2014     73,195      2,300,000               -      -
                                              428,780,000                              6,648,800 428,780,000                 -      -

(8)Long-term equity investment

                                                                         December 31,2010                        June 30,2011

      Associates(a)                                                          4,991,865,647                   5,345,188,841
      Other long-term equity investments(b)                                    477,303,707                     477,303,707
                                                                             5,469,169,354                   5,822,492,548
      Less: Provision for impairment                        of
      long-term equity investments                                                       -                               -
                                                                             5,469,169,354                   5,822,492,548

      The long-term investments of the Group are not subject to restriction on conversion
      into cash on restriction on remittance of investment income.

      The associates of the group are without quoted prices.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(a) Associates
                                                                                                                                                                                       Current ye
                                                                                                                                                                              Impair   ar accrual
                              Accounti                                                        Net profit    Cash dividands                                           Voting    ment impairment
                                ng       Original investment   December 31,   Addition or    adjusting by     declared this other equity                  Interest   rights provisi     providion
                              method                    cost          2010      reduction equity method               year   movement      June 30,2011      held      held      on
                                                                                             (Notes V(40)

Guangqian                      Equity
                              method          412,117,000      619,994,288                     91,765,597                                  711,759,885      40%       40%          -            -
Huizhou Natural gas            Equity
                              method          308,160,000      550,598,195                     54,462,148                                  605,060,343      32%       32%          -            -
Red Gulf                       Equity
                              method          687,437,500      745,213,406                     25,518,527    (62,985,277)     215,000      707,961,656      25%       25%          -            -
Fuel supply                    Equity
                              method          339,234,300      383,058,799                     22,742,574    (33,678,914)                  372,122,459      35%       35%          -            -
Yunnan Baoshan Binlangjiang    Equity
                              method          223,858,100      227,320,553                      1,000,770                                  228,321,323      29%       29%          -            -
Shanxi Energy                  Equity
                              method          400,000,000      455,397,500                     26,686,964                                  482,084,464      40%       40%          -            -
Yudean Finance                 Equity
                              method          375,000,000      433,063,516                     26,196,584                                  459,260,100      25%       25%          -            -
udean Westem                   Equity
                              method          150,124,000      166,900,461                    (3,185,676)                                  163,714,785      26%       26%          -            -
Yudean Shipping                Equity
                              method          863,030,000      912,818,731                     15,500,092                                  928,318,823      35%       35%          -            -
Guangdong Yudean Shibeishan    Equity
                              method            69,510,000      71,322,774                        906,038     (1,560,422)                   70,668,390      30%       30%          -            -
Linchang Yuntou                Equity
                              method            62,034,000      57,925,467                                                                  57,925,467      49%       49%          -            -

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Weixin Yuntou                             Equity
                                          method             494,000,000    303,952,215     190,000,000                                                      493,952,215          40%      40%        -             -
Huaneng Shantou Wind Power                Equity
                                          method              48,547,500     50,714,660       5,113,725      6,048,592     (10,792,500)                        51,084,477         25%      25%        -             -
Jiangyuan Hydroelectric station           Equity
                                          method               5,000,000       5,997,810                                      (630,628)                         5,367,182         25%      25%        -             -
Zhongxinyuan Power                        Equity
                                          method               6,060,000       7,587,272                                                                        7,587,272         40%      40%        -             -
                                                                           4,991,865,647    195,113,725    267,642,210    (109,647,741)      215,000       5,345,188,841                              -             -

(b) Other long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                                                      Impairme     impairme       Cash dividends
                                                   Accounting Original investmen      December 31, Current year mo                       Interest hel       Voting           nt              nt     declared this
                                                      method                t cost             2010         vement       June 30, 2011             d    rights held   provision    providion                year

Sunshine insurance Group Co., Ltd.                    Cast
                                                    method         356,000,000       356,000,000                 -       356,000,000         6.99%         6.99%              -               -
Shenzhen Chuangxin Investment Co., Ltd.               Cast
                                                    method          115,000,000      115,000,000                 -       115,000,000         3.67%         3.67%              -               -     11,025,000
Maomeng Energy-saving coral water Co., Ltd.           Cast
                                                    method            1,800,000        1,800,000                 -         1,800,000        19.35%        19.35%              -               -
Maoming Electric water supply Co., Ltd.               Cast
                                                    method             903,707             903,707               -           903,707        15.00%        15.00%              -               -
GMG Internatial Tendering Co., Ltd.                   Cast
                                                    method            3,600,000        3,600,000                 -         3,600,000         1.97%         1.97%              -               -
                                                                                     477,303,707                 -       477,303,707                                          -               -     11,025,000

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(9)Investment properties

                                            December 31,           Increased      in Decreased in June                30,
                                                 2010              current period     current period               2011

House and Building-
 Cost                                          20,135,165                     -                       -     20,135,165
 Accumulated depreciation                      (7,391,319)            (316,315)                       -     (7,707,634)
Book value                                     12,743,846             (316,315)                       -     12,427,531

As of June 30,2011, directors of the Group considered that no need to provide
provision for impairement for investment properties .
(10) Fixed assets

                         December 31, 2010 Increased           in Decreased                in        June 30,2011
                                              current period         current period

Book value               22,490,960,975            17,971,166            (497,438,869)          22,011,493,272
  Building                5,892,659,235             2,737,741                  (600,281)         5,894,796,695
  Electric utilitiesin   16,119,154,020             8,607,478
    service                                                              (491,326,784)          15,636,434,714
  Motor vehicle             303,890,951             3,437,358              (2,327,400)             305,000,909
  Other equipment           175,256,769             3,188,589              (3,184,404)             175,260,954

Accumulated              (11,055,403,657)
Depreciation                                     (574,788,103)           454,648,734            (11,175,543,026)
  Building                (2,149,196,713)        (104,151,799)                  87,330           (2,253,261,182)
  Electric utilitiesin    (8,603,140,601)
    service                                      (437,327,762)           447,327,090             (8,593,141,273)
  Motor vehicle            (174,614,981)           (12,311,932)             3,595,826             (183,331,087)
  Other equipment          (128,451,362)          (20,996,610)              3,638,488             (145,809,484)

Provision          for     (228,331,363)                                                          (228,331,363)
                                                               -                           -
  Building                  (84,289,158)                       -                           -       (84,289,158)
  Electric utilitiesin     (140,283,597)                                                          (140,283,597)
                                                               -                           -
  Motor vehicle               (2,245,506)                      -                           -         (2,245,506)
  Other equipment             (1,513,102)                      -                           -         (1,513,102)

Total book value         11,207,225,955                                                         10,607,618,883
  Building                3,659,173,364                                                          3,557,246,355
  Electric utilitiesin    7,375,729,822
    service                                                                                      6,903,009,844

       2011 年中期财务报表附注
          Motor vehicle              127,030,464                                                                119,424,316
          Other equipment             45,292,305                                                                 27,938,368

(11)Constuction in progress

                                                         December 31,2010                                     June 30,2011

                                          Book balance        Impairme Net took value      Book balance          Impairme Net took value

       Zhongyue Energy project             4,019,991,816               - 4,019,991,816      4,239,611,931               -    4,239,611,931
       Jinhai 3#, 4# generate sets         4,424,392,334               - 4,424,392,334      5,247,785,829               -    5,247,785,829
       Yuejiang 2x600MWLpgrade project      461,298,854                -     461,298,854      807,937,497               -     807,937,497
       Zhenneng 600MW#7 Generate
                                            193,894,437                -     193,894,437
       sets                                                                                   276,862,044               -     276,862,044
       Dapu Project                         156,874,911                -     156,874,911      165,226,581               -     165,226,581
       Technology improvement               155,668,694                -     155,668,694      295,417,872               -     295,417,872
       Oil Shale power project              118,762,337                -     118,762,337      127,563,169               -     127,563,169
       Humen Project                         118,511,017               -     118,511,017      121,222,511               -     121,222,511
       Jinghai 50KV output                  116,230,328                -     116,230,328                  -             -                  -
       Coal mixture project                  79,207,245                -      79,207,245       81,170,079               -      81,170,079
       Bohe Project                          50,975,482                -      50,975,482       57,669,032               -      57,669,032
       Zhangjiang Crossroad project          26,473,034                -      26,473,034       27,110,069               -      27,110,069
       Xuwen Yongshi Wind power              17,229,026                -      17,229,026       89,682,755               -      89,682,755
       Xuwen Yangqian Wind power                   953,495             -         953,495         1,131,111              -        1,131,111
       Other                                 23,603,595                -      23,603,595       34,089,324               -      34,089,324
                                           9,964,066,605               - 9,964,066,605     11,572,479,804               - 11,572,479,804

(12)Construction material

                                                    Decembert              Increased    in Decreased             in
                                                      31,2010              current period current period              June 30,2011

       Spectial equipment                           1,146,769,252             842,478,68       (416,977,609)           1,572,270,325
       Tools                                            7,449,851               3,608,17         (3,388,009)               7,670,017
                                                    1,154,219,103             846,086,85       (420,365,618)           1,579,940,342
       (13) Disposal of fixed assets

                                      December 31,2010                             June 30,2011                                 Cause

       Electric utilities in                                                                              Removed for technical
        service                                                                                           transformation and not
                                               13,259,341                              12,460,800              yet disposed

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(14) Intangible assets

                                                   Increased     in d            in
                                                   current             current
                                  December 31, period                  period         June 30,2011

Book value                          947,659,382          36,126,562                       983,785,944

  Electric Transmission project     442,517,684                    -                      442,517,684

  Land use rights                   432,411,537          34,630,000                       467,041,537

  Sea use right                      26,849,101                    -                       26,849,101

  Transportation project             22,468,672                    -                       22,468,672

  Softwares                          23,412,388           1,496,562                        24,908,950

Accumulated depreciation           (475,778,824)      (12,686,781)                       (488,465,605)

  Electric Transmission project    (374,442,819)         (5,481,867)                     (379,924,686)

  Land use rights                   (63,998,845)         (5,075,582)                      (69,074,427)

  Sea use right                      (2,149,524)          (290,413)                        (2,439,937)

  Transportation project            (20,218,248)             (3,780)                      (20,222,028)

  Softwares                         (14,969,388)         (1,835,139)                      (16,804,527)

Net Value                           471,880,558                                           495,320,339

  Electric Transmission project      68,074,865                                            62,592,998

  Land use rights                   368,412,692                                           397,967,110

  Sea use right                      24,699,577                                            24,409,164

  Transportation project              2,250,424                                             2,246,644

  Softwares                           8,443,000                                             8,104,423

As of June 2011, directors of the Group considered that no need to provide provision
for impairement of intangible assets.
(15) Other Non-Current assets

                                                         December 31,2010                       June 30, 2011
Unrealized losses leaseback                                             -                          38,704,377
(16) Short-term borrowings

                                                         December 31,2010                       June 30, 2011

Credit loans(a)                                                 8,327,500,000                    8,969,800,000
Mortgage loans                                                              -                                -
                                                                8,327,500,000                    8,969,800,000
(a) As at 30 June 2011,Unsecured borrowings amounted to RMB 3,160,000,000 is
from Yudean Finance (31 December 2010:RMB2,635,500,000)(NotesVII(5)(i)).

2011 年中期财务报表附注

As of June 30, 2011, There are no overdue short-term borrowings.
(17) Bill payable

                                              December 31,2010          June 30, 2011

Bank acceptance                                    110,000,000            365,000,000
Commecial acceptance notes                                   -                      -
                                                   110,000,000            365,000,000
(18)Account payable

                                              December 31,2010          June 30, 2011

Fuel payable                                      1,215,184,996         1,332,700,400
Construction and equipment payable                1,295,573,749         1,009,654,371
Materials payable                                    86,096,923            24,201,098
Other                                                39,777,385            86,032,894
                                                  2,636,633,053         2,452,588,763

(a) As of June 30, 2011, no balances included in above accounts payable are due to
the shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% (including 5%) shares with
voting rights.

(b)Accoutns payable due to related parties:

                                              December 31,2010          June 30, 2011

Fuel supply                                        1,195,469,385            950,990,781
Maoming Thermal                                       42,726,239             54,958,270
Yudean environmental protection                        3,228,894              5,564,678
Yudean XinfengJiang                                      524,881                257,873
Jinhui Power                                              90,582                 90,582
                                                   1,242,039,981          1,011,862,184

 As of June 30, 2011, the balance with ageing over than one year is
RMB660,589,053, and it is mainly represent payables to construction, equipment
suppliers. Because these projects have not been completed / accepted of completion,
such balances have not been finally settled.

(d)As of June 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, no accounts payable balances are
denominated in foreign currencies.
(19)Employee benefits payable

2011 年中期财务报表附注

                                December 31,         Increased        in Decreased        in
                                       2010          current period      current period          June 30,2011

Wages         and       salaries,
  bonuses,allowances         and
  subsidies                        94,419,843         362,741,081        (263,805,096)           193,355,828
Staff welfare                      11,016,578          39,056,670         (38,564,437)            11,508,811
Social security contributions       1,427,860          80,905,583         (78,570,160)             3,763,283
Including:Medical insurance        1,414,642          10,822,897          (9,556,495)             2,681,044
       Basic pensions                   9,545          55,504,600         (55,504,600)                 9,545
       insurance                        3,673           1,828,196          (1,829,756)                  2,113
       Work injury insurance                -           2,184,753          (2,184,753)                      -
       Maternity insurance                  -           1,072,669          (1,072,669)                      -
Housing funds                         124,408          70,229,401         (70,353,809)                      -
Labor union funds and
   employee education funds        29,254,606          14,353,762         (12,450,300)            31,158,068
Early retirement obligation       109,554,011             468,504         (27,515,836)            82,506,679
Other                               2,892,135           3,250,313          (3,250,313)             2,892,135
                                  248,689,441         571,005,314        (494,509,951)           325,184,804

(20)Tax payable

                                                      December 31,2010                         June 30,2011

Enterprise income tax payable(Prepaid)                       109,229,563                         30,651,546
VAT payable                                                 (444,980,187)                      (535,446,762)
Business tax payable                                           1,046,746                          1,129,323
City maintenance and construction tax
payable                                                          357,838                          3,442,762
Educational surcharge payable                                    573,779                          2,072,445
Individual income tax payable                                 26,288,702                          3,358,234
House tax payable                                              4,580,088                                  -
Other                                                          6,039,748                          9,657,876
                                                            (296,863,723)                      (485,134,576)
(21)Interest payable

                                                      December 31,2010                         June 30,2011

Interest   payable        for     short-term                     12,000,092                     18,366,036

   2011 年中期财务报表附注
   Interest payable for lont-term borrowings
   that interest are payable by installment                  7,141,453
   and principal at maturity                                                    6,393,303
   Interest     payable      for    corporate               89,205,479         34,205,479
                                                           108,347,024         58,964,818

   (22)Dividends payable

                                                   December 31,2010          June 30,2011

   Common stock dividend payable to the                      7,112,530        220,279,848
   Shaoguan Power Plant D                                    3,521,190          3,521,190
   Qujiang Electric                                          1,408,476          1,408,476
   Chaokang Investment Co., Ltd.                                     -          3,300,000
                                                            12,042,196        228,509,514

   (23) Other payable

                                                   December 31,2010          June 30,2011

   Performance guarantee deposits from                     576,065,825        573,735,032
   Construction and equipment payable                        5,867,230         79,281,003
   Advance from shaoguan Electric Power                    224,760,861         16,586,460
   Rent fee for shaoguan Plant D payable                     1,750,737          1,752,591
   Other                                                    69,894,828         94,311,737
                                                           878,339,481        765,666,823
(a)As of June 30, 2011, no balances included in above other payables are due to the
   shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% (including 5%) shares with voting
   rights .

(b)Other payables due to related parties are as follows:

                                                   December 31,2010          June 30,2011

   Shaoguan Electric Power plant                           224,760,861         16,586,460
   Guandong       Yudean       Environment                   2,561,138          7,350,360
   Protection Company
   Shaoguan Power plant D                                    1,750,737          1,752,591
   Yudean Shipping                                              36,450          1,875,000

        2011 年中期财务报表附注
        Other                                                                        104,309                            24,309
                                                                               229,213,495                       27,588,720

      (c) As of June 30, 2011, the balances with ageing over one year amounted to
         RMB261,609,419 are mainly represent the performance guarantee deposits
         from construction and equipment suppliers, and they have not been settled.
      (d)As of June 30,2011 and December,31, 2010, no other payables balances are
         denominated in foreign currencies.
         (24) Non-current liability due in 1 year

                                                                        December 31,2010                       June 30,2011

        Long-term borrowings due in 1 year                                    550,340,000                       518,810,000
        Long-term Account payable due                    in    1
        year(Notes V(27))                                                      77,393,453                       163,293,258
                                                                              627,733,453                       682,103,258

(a)     Long-term borrowings due in 1 year

                                                                        December 31,2010                       June 30,2011

        Pledged borrowings                                                    204,020,000                       83,810,000
        Credit borrowing                                                      346,320,000                      435,000,000
                                                                              550,340,000                      518,810,000

(b)     The top five of long-term borrowings

                                        Beginning       Expiring date    Currenc   Interest December 31,2010      June 30,2011
                                          date                                 y   Rate(%

        Agricaultural Bank of China   2007-12-4        2012-6-3            RMB     5.94%         111,000,000          111,000,000
        China Constrcution Bank       2006-5-9         2011-12-31          RMB     5.76%         100,000,000           97,000,000
        ICBC                          2006-4-25        2011-12-31          RMB     6.12%          90,000,000           65,000,000
        Yudean Finance                2007-12-6        2012-6-5            RMB     5.35%          50,000,000           50,000,000
        Bank of China                 2009-7-21        2011-12-21          RMB     5.01%          87,060,000           43,530,000

                                                                                                 438,060,000          366,530,000

        (25) Long –term borowings

                                                  Currency         December 31,2010                    June 30,2011

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Pledged borrowings      RMB                                        1,415,900,000                               892,823,710
Credit borrowing        RMB                                        4,904,820,000                             6,570,300,000
                                                                   6,320,720,000                             7,463,123,710
(a) The top five of long-term borrowings

                              Beginning date   Expiring date    Currenc    Interest       December 3                  June 3
                                                                      y    Rate(%

Agricaultural Bank of China     2007-12-4       2025-12-3         RMB       5.94%          2,109,000,000         2,028,500,000

China Constrcution Bank         2006-5-9        2021-1-12         RMB       5.76%          1,100,000,000         1,100,000,000
Yudean Finance                  2007-7-17       2025-7-17         RMB       5.35%           950,000,000           950,000,000
ICBC                            2006-4-25       2022-4-23         RMB       6.12%           910,000,000           910,000,000
China Constrcution Bank         2011-1-10        2014-1-9         RMB       5.27%                       -        430,000,000
                                                                                           5,069,000,000         5,418,500,000

(b) The maturity of the non-current borrowings is as follows:

                                                               December 31,2010                              June 30,2011

1-2 years                                                            386,800,000                               240,550,000
2-5 years                                                            135,000,000                             1,370,269,550
Over 5 years                                                       5,798,920,000                             5,852,304,160
                                                                   6,320,720,000                             7,463,123,710
       (26)Boods payable

                                     December 31,              Increased      in Decreased in
                                            2010               current period         current period         June 30, 2011

Company bonds                        1,988,739,874                1,351,215                         -         1,990,091,089

On 10 March 2008 after CSRC’s approval, the Company successfully issued long
term debts with an aggregate principal amount of RMB2,000,000,000. The term of
long term debts is 7 years deducted by the issuance related expenses amounted to
Rmb18,917,012, the total fund finance amounted to Rmb1,981,082,988. Interest is
calculated from 10 March 2008 with annual interest rate of 5.5%.
Interest payable of the debentures is analysed as below:

                                         December 31,                 Interest
                                                2010                   accrued             Interest paid             June 30,
                                                                  (Notes v(38))

Interest payable(Notes V(21))                  89,205,479            55,000,000             110,000,000           34,205,479
(27) Long –term payable

2011 年中期财务报表附注

                                                    December 31,2010                June 30,2011

Finance leasing payable                                  498,657,613              1,663,536,868

Finance leasing payable is the balance of the minimum lease payments of thefinance
 leasing rental expense of Zhongyue Energy Less the unrecognized financing charges
 (Notes 11), The company has provided guarantee for Zhongyue Energy’s finance
 leasing .

The maturity of the Long-term payable is as follows:

                                                    December 31,2010                June 30,2011

1-2 years                                                 48,872,968                116,627,147
2-5 years                                                148,260,492                382,946,016
Over 5 years                                             301,524,153              1,163,963,705
                                                         498,657,613              1,663,536,868
(28)Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(a) Deferred tax assets before offsetting:

                                       December 31,2010                      June 30,2011
                                     Deferred tax   Deductible      Deferred tax      Deductible
                                             assets temporary               assets    temporary
                                                     difference                        difference

Tax deductible losses                 63,222,706      252,890,826    69,340,910      277,363,638
Employee benefits payable             15,003,627       60,014,506    14,844,461       59,377,846
Provision for assets impairement      14,736,237       58,944,949    13,707,735       54,830,939
Nnet income from test run
included in CIP                        6,526,996       29,041,140     6,526,996       29,041,140
Govemment grants related to assets     6,153,846       24,615,385     6,153,846       24,615,385
Amortization of LUR                    5,899,911       26,020,515     5,086,017       22,764,946
Accrued expenses                               -                -       489,669        1,958,677
                                     111,543,323      451,527,321   116,149,634      469,952,571
(b) Deferred tax liablities before offsetting:

                                       December 31,2010                      June 30,2011
                                     Deferred tax    Temporary      Deferred tax      Temporary
                                         liabilities  difference        liabilities    difference

Available-for-sales                   25,343,856      101,375,429      23,288,972      93,155,892

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Capitalised interest expenses               1,344,865         5,603,600        1,344,865       5,603,600
Included in the construction of
thetest run of net expense                  1,196,466         4,785,860        1,103,234       4,412,935
                                       27,885,187         111,764,889         25,737,071     103,172,427
(c) Offsetting amount of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

                                                        December 31,2010                   June 30,2011
Deferred tax assets                                           22,633,766                     22,540,535
Deferred tax liabilities                                      22,633,766                     22,540,535

(d) The net balances of deferred tax assets and liabilities after offsetting are as

                                                        December 31,2010                   June 30,2011

Net value of deferred tax assets                                88,909,557                  93,609,099
Net value of deductible temporary                                5,251,421                   3,196,536
(29)Other non-current liabilities

                                                        December 31,2010                   June 30,2011
Government grants related with assets 补
   Desulfurization project for 5# set (i)                       24,615,385                  23,076,924
   Water-freshing project (ii)                                   2,000,000                   2,000,000
Unacknowledged financial charges                                17,444,302                  14,976,308
                                                                44,059,687                  40,053,232
(i)    This represents the government subsidy granted for the 5# generation set desulfurization
       project of Shajiao Power Plant A, which is a branch of the Company in 2005. it is amortized
       over the useful lives, 13 years, of related assets.
(ii)   This tepresents the government subsidy granted for water-freshing project of Zhongyue
       Energy. Until to the approval of these financial statements, this project has not been
       finished, no amortization accordingly.

(30)Provision for asset impairment

                           December 31, 2                    Decreased in current period          June 30, 2
                                             Increased in cu Reversal          Write -off

Provision for bad debts       (1,971,217)                 -               -            -        (1,971,217)
-Other receivable

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Provision for declines in      (8,630,653)                 -                    -               -       (8,630,653)
the value of investories
Provision              for   (228,331,363)                 -                    -               -     (228,331,363)
impairment of fixed
                             (238,933,233)                 -                    -               -     (238,933,233)

(31)Share capital

                                              December                         Decreased in
                                                31,2010        Increased in cu current period           June 30, 2
Shares subject to sale restrictions-
  Shares held by                   state-
Companies                                 138,189,742                       -                   -    138,189,742
  Other Domestic shares                        5,307,223                    -         (27,450)         5,279,773
  Incl : Non-state owned domestic
       legal person shares                     5,254,555                    -                   -      5,254,555
 Domestic nature person shares                   52,668                     -         (27,450)             25,218

                                             143,496,965                    -         (27,450)       143,469,515

Shares with unconditional subscriptio
     Common shares in RMB              1,988,646,923                        -                   -   1,988,646,923
     Foreign shares in domestic market 665,307,250                    27,450                    -    665,334,700
                                         2,653,954,173                27,450                    -   2,653,981,623
                                         2,797,451,138                27,450          (27,450)      2,797,451,138

With the implementation of the share reform scheme on 17 January 2006, the
formerly legal person shares were converted into A shares but subject to restrictions of
one to three years in their sales. As of June 30,2011, there are 5,254,555 shares are

According to the Reply of Approval for Non-public Issuance of Stocks by
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.( Issued by CSRC<2010>No.376)
and the signed share purchase agreement between the company and Yudean.The
Company issued 138,047,138 shares to the Group. With RMB 5.94 per share, the total
amount is 820,000,000. Deducting the issuance fee of RMB 10,193,047 , the net value
is RMB 809,806,953; Equity premium is RMB 671,759,815. These shares are
published at Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 25, 2010, and are subject to
restrictions of 36 morths non-tradable period.

(32) Capital surplus

       2011 年中期财务报表附注

                                                            December 31,       Current   year
                                                                    2010             changed        June 30, 2011
       Capital premium                                      1,667,638,988                 -        1,667,638,988
       Revaluation reserves                                   119,593,718                 -          119,593,718
       Other capital surplus—
          Change in fair value of available-for-sale
       financial assets                                                            (8,219,537)        93,155,892
           Tax on change in fair value                 of
       available-for-sale                                     (25,343,856)          2,054,884        (23,288,972)
       Transfer from the balance of capital surplus
       recognised under previous accounting                                                -          20,474,592
       Other (a)                                                  687,300             215,000            902,300
                                                            1,884,426,171          (5,949,653)     1,878,476,518

      (a) In 2011, the associate company of the Group. Red Gulf, has received a subsidy
      from govemment for energy conservation, amounted to RMB 860,000.The Group
      adopts the surplus according to investment portion.
(33)Supplus reserve

                                        December 31,             Statutory     Current year        June 30,2011
                                                2010        surplus reserve         Decrease

       Statutory Surplus reserve        1,451,672,700         100,068,569                       - 1,551,741,269
       Arbitariness Surplus reserve     1,973,568,341         250,171,422                       - 2,223,739,763
                                        3,425,241,041         350,239,991                       - 3,775,481,032

       (34)Undistributed profits

                                         December 31,2010                            June 30,2011
                                          Amount                                 Amount

        Beginning      balance    of
        undistribute                   2,117,942,715
        profits                                                               2,058,635,851
        Add: net profit attributable
        to the stockholders of the       765,806,461
        parent company                                                          317,648,740
        Less:     appropriation   to      (75,892,313)                         (100,068,569)
        surplus reserves
        Surplus reserves used to        (189,730,784)                          (250,171,422)
        offset accumulated losses
        Commonstock        dividends    (559,490,228)                          (279,745,114)

       2011 年中期财务报表附注
        Ending       balance    of
        undistributed profits                                        1,746,299,486

      According to the resolution at the shareholders meeting on 18 May 2011,
      the company should appropriate 10% of net profit for the year to the statutory surplus
      reserve of RMB 100,068,569 in 2010. the company should appropriate 10% of net pro
      fit for the year to the discretionary surplus reserve of RMB 250,171,422.and proposed
      cash dividend at RMB 1 per 10 shares to all shareholders.
(35)Minority interest in equity

                                     December 31,2010                       June 30,2011
                                       Intere      Owners’equity        Intere        Owners’equity

       Zhanjiang Electric               24%            922,457,581          24%          925,751,474
       Yuejia Electric                  42%            397,327,073          42%          385,583,920
       Yuejiang Electric                35%            167,951,250          35%          139,491,255
       Zhongyue Energy                  10%             79,197,884          10%          122,587,101
       Zhenneng Power plant           46.72%           282,114,536     46.72%            277,041,197
       Jinghai Electric                  35%           900,553,074        35%          1,062,042,928
       Zhanjiang Wind Power              30%            75,112,060        30%             89,252,695
       Oil Shale power                16.34%            35,048,203     16.34%             34,602,659
       Humen Electric                   40%           58,861,014            40%           58,652,270
                                                   2,918,622,675                       3,095,005,499
       (36)Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                   January-June 2010          January-June 2011

       Main operating revenue                               6,236,855,683             6,419,956,038
       Other operating revenue                                 14,155,717                50,805,647
                                                            6,251,011,400             6,470,761,685

                                                   January-June 2010          January-June 2011

       Main operating cost                                (5,351,663,654)            (5,769,299,387)
       Other operating cost                                   (9,189,446)               (27,948,721)
                                                          (5,360,853,100)            (5,797,248,108)

       (a) Revenue and cost from main operations
       Analysis by products is as follows:
                                      January-June 2010                   January-June 2011
                                    Main          Main                   Main Main operating

2011 年中期财务报表附注
                  operating   operating cost                            operating                          cost
                      revenue                                              revenue

Electricity income       6,220,158,314        (5,341,810,198)            6,405,066,896          (5,754,454,210)
Service income             16,697,369              (9,853,456)              14,889,142              (14,845,177)
                         6,236,855,683        (5,351,663,654)            6,419,956,038          (5,769,299,387)

The electricity transmission and distribution in Guangdong Province, the PRC,
 werecontrolled and managed by GPGC, GPGC is the solitary customer of the
 electricity generated by the Group, and the Group entered into electric sales contracts
 with GPGC.
Electricity prices of the Group’s individual entity were approved by the price Bureau
 of Guangdong Province, As of June 30, 2011, the volume of electricity purchased by
 GPGC and the corresponding unit selling prices were summarized as follows:
                               Electricity volume MillionKWH             Uunit electricity prices RMB per MWH
                                                                     Before ( November     After     (January      1,
                                                                     20,2009 to December     2010TO      June      30,
                              January –June 20   January-June20                31,2010                     2011)

The Company–Shajiao A
 - 1#-4# Genators                          2,8               2,92                  424.10                        425.64
 - 5# Generators                           1,0                 94                  424.27                        425.81
Zhanjiang Electric
 -- 1#-4# Genators                         3,6               3,44                  440.85                        442.39
Yuejia Electric
 - 3#-4# Genators                            6                                     431.37                        444.19
 - 5#-6# Genators                            6                 69                  424.10                        436.92
Yuejiang Electric
 - 10# Generators                            7                 76                  469.15                        481.97
 - 11# Generstors                            7                 87                  441.20                        454.02
Zhenneng Electric                          1,7               1,62                  424.10                        425.64
Jinghai Electric                           2,2               3,18                  424.10                        425.64
Zhanjiang Wind Power                                             4                 588.88                        588.88

According to Yue Jia (2011) No. 93 Document of Guangdong Price Bureau, the
on-grid electricity rate of #10-#11 units of Yuejiang Electric Power and #3-#6 units of
Yuejia Electric Power shall be raised by RMB 15/ megawatt hour (including tax),
which came into force from January 1, 2010. The income from electricity charge for
2010 increased after the said adjustment shall be accounted for as gains and losses for
2011 from the day of receipt.
According to Yue Jia (2011) No. 130 Document of Guangdong Price Bureau, the
on-grid electricity rate of #1-#5 units of Shajiao A , #1--# units of Zhanjiang Electric ,
#5-6# units of Zhenneng Power plant and #1--#2 units of Jianghai Power shall be
raised by RMB 1.8/ megawatt hour (including tax), which came into force from
January 1, 2010. The income from electricity charge for 2010 increased after the said
adjustment shall be accounted for as gains and losses for 2011 from the day of receipt.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(b)Revenue and cost from other operations

                                     January-June 2010                    January-June 2011
                                       Other                                Other
                                    operating       Other                operating       Other
                                      revenue operating cost               revenue operating cost

Rental income                         609,948           (264,307)         1,162,540          (57,047)
Coal ash income                      1,653,329                   -       41,010,566      (21,423,254)
Sale of material                         7,911             (7,911)         903,539          (903,539)
Other                               11,884,529        ( 8,917,228)        7,729,002       (5,564,881)
                                    14,155,717        (9,189,446)        50,805,647      (27,948,721)

(c)Particulars of revenue from the top five customers of the Group

Revenue from the top five customers with aggregate amount of RMB6,432,350,675
accounted for 99.40% of the Group's total revenue. Details are as follows:

                                                                          Total revenue of the
                                                           Revenue                    Group%
GPGC                                                   6,405,066,896                    98.98%
Shenzhen      Minglonhui          Indusrty                12,565,578                     0.19%
Development Co., Ltd.
Shajiao C                                                 10,672,100                         0.16%
Huizhou Natural gas                                        2,416,443                         0.04%
Guangqian Electric                                         1,629,658                         0.03%
                                                       6,432,350,675                        99.40%
(37)Business Tax and surcharges

                          January-June 2010               January-June 2011           Accrual basis

City maintenance and                                                                    Notes III
construction tax                    9,059,253                        19,374,279
Surcharge for education             4,159,105                        15,915,692         Notes III
Business tax                          824,283                         1,646,108         Notes III
                                   14,042,641                        36,936,079

      (38)Financial expense

                                                  January-June 2010          January-June 2011

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Interest bond(Notes V(26))                           55,305,556             55,000,000
Interest loans                                      324,111,348            491,461,247
Less                                     :
counted into interest for construction in p
rogress                                            (148,621,250)         (245,980,759)
Interst expenses                                     230,795,654           300,480,488
Long-term         bond        Amortization
(NotesV(26))                                           1,351,215              1,351,215
Less :Interst income                                (9,208,965)           (17,066,627)
Less                                     :
counted into poundage and saving deposi
t allowance                                             203,086              1,739,089
Interest from trading cash                                    -              2,126,596
Net exchange loss                                             -              (239,362)
Bank charges and other                                  329,615              6,679,616
                                                    223,470,605            295,071,015
(39)Impairment losses

                                               January-June 2010     January-June 2011

Impairment losses(reversal)                             230,665                          -
Reversal of write-off bad debInventory
provision                                            (1,838,934)                         -
Provison for impairment of fixed assets              25,000,000                          -
                                                     23,391,731                          -
     (40)Investment income

                                               January-June 201    January-June 2011

Share of profit of investees under equity
method of accounting                               215,853,476          267,642,210
Profit/cash dividends declared by investees
under cost method of accounting                               -          11,025,000
Entrusted Loan interest income                       11,977,276          15,615,373
Income from available-for-sale financial
assets                                               7,404,300            4,402,150
                                                   235,235,052          298,684,733

There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the
(41)Non-operating income and expenses

2011 年中期财务报表附注

(a) Non-operating income
                                                 January-June 2010       January-June 2011

Government subsidy amortization                          3,663,107                2,497,487
Other                                                       59,726                4,322,252
                                                         3,722,833                6,819,739
(b) Non-operating expenses
                                                 January-June 2010       January-June 2011

Loss on disposal of aoliyou machine set                    537,830                     4,300
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                           979,936                 2,605,159
Penalty and late fee                                         4,565                     1,025
Other                                                      859,190                 2,648,771
                                                         2,381,521                 5,259,255

(42)Income tax
                                                 January-June 2010       January-June 2011

Current income tax                                    127,554,059                71,547,849
Reversal of the in previous years                         281,930                    340,304
Deferred income tax                                       720,661                (6,754,427)
                                                      128,556,650                65,133,726

    (43)Other comprehensive income

                                                     January-June 2010      January-June 201

Profits/(losses) arising from available-for-sale
financial assets                                         (164,519,120)           (8,219,537)
Less: Income tax relating to available-for-sal
financial assets                                            41,129,780             2,054,884
                                                         (123,389,340)           (6,164,653)

(44)Supplementary information of cash flow statements

(a)Reconciliation from net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                 January-June 2010       January-June 2011

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Net profit                                            484,049,327            323,684,298
Add: Provisions/(reversal) for assets
impairment                                             23,391,731                         -
     Depreciation of fixed assets and                 630,803,818            575,104,418
Amortisation of intangible assets                      11,106,812              12,686,781
     Losses on scrapping of fixed assets                1,517,766               2,609,459
     Financial expenses                               223,470,605            295,071,015
     Investment income                              (235,235,052)           (298,684,733)
Increase/(Decrease) in deferred tax
     assets                                              720,661              (6,754,427)
     Increase(decrease) in inventories               (25,306,751)             (8,037,733)
     Increase(decrease) in operating
     receivables                                    (784,164,062)            269,968,274
     Increase/(Decrease) in operating
     payables                                         672,782,494           (108,338,748)
     Net cash flows from operating
     activities                                     1,003,137,349           1,057,308,604

(a) Net increase in cash and cash quivalents

                                               January-June 2010      January-June 2011

Cash at end of year                                 2,361,285,817           2,981,800,221
Less:Cash at beginning of year                   (1,738,834,186)         (1,894,021,204)
Net increase in cash                                  622,451,631           1,087,779,017

VI. Segment information
The reportable segments of the Group are the business units that provide different
products or service, or operate in the different areas, Different businesses or areas
require different technologies and marketing strategies, the Group therefore ,
separately manages the production and operation of each reportable segment and
evaluates their operating results respectively, in order to make decisions about
resources to be allocated to these segments and to assess their performance.

The Group identified 8 reportable segments, which are generating and saling
electricity in different areas in Guangdong.

The management of the Company assesses the operating performance of parent
company and subsidiaries. Inter-segment transfers are measured by making reference
to the sales to 3rd parties

The assets are allocated based on the operations of the segment and the physical

2011 年中期财务报表附注
location of the asset. The liabilities are allocated based on the operations of the

       2011 年中期财务报表附注
(a)Segment information as at and for the year ended June 30, 2011 is as follows:

                                      The Company Zhanjiang Electric Yuejiang Electric    Yuejia Electric Zhongyue Energy Zhenneng Electric    Jinghai Electric          Other       Elimination             Total

       Revenue                       1,681,819,565     1,550,054,078       808,915,153     329,265,732                  -      697,106,958     1,361,386,575       67,667,239      (25,453,615)      6,470,761,685

       Including : Revenue
         from             actemal
         customers                   1,681,819,565     1,549,977,078       808,915,153     329,265,732                  -      697,106,958     1,361,386,575       42,290,624                  -     6,470,761,685

       Inter-segment revenue                      -           77,000                  -               -                 -                 -                   -    25,376,615      (25,453,615)                      -

       Operating expenases          (1,702,777,297)   (1,391,583,414)    (888,272,259)    (357,205,969)     (23,166,657)     (710,909,587)    (1,277,502,435)     (66,805,893)       36,034,633     (6,382,188,878)

       Investment income               579,587,353        13,179,583                  -               -                 -                 -         3,583,125                -    (297,665,328)        298,684,733

       Operating profit                558,629,621       171,650,247      (79,357,106)     (27,940,237)     (23,166,657)      (13,802,629)        87,467,265          861,346     (287,084,310)        387,257,540

       Assets                       16,861,251,301     4,321,981,577     2,719,296,018    1,147,654,751    5,448,698,232     2,462,519,358    12,133,222,957 1,356,102,990       (8,629,485,584)    37,821,241,600

       Liabilities                  (7,011,900,171)    (464,683,769)    (2,320,749,574)   (229,597,798)   (4,222,827,227)   (1,869,538,677)   (9,098,814,591) (507,894,782)       1,197,478,662    (24,528,527,927)

       Depreciation          and
       amortisation                   (87,087,262)     (126,333,507)      (88,483,138)     (37,054,076)       (1,545,645)     (58,974,165)     (174,831,558)      (13,481,848)                 -     (587,791,199)

       loss on asset
       impairment                                 -                 -                 -               -                 -                 -                   -              -                 -                     -

       Other            non-cash
         expenditures       other
         than depreciation and
         amortisation                      468,504                  -                 -               -                 -                 -                   -              -                 -           468,504

       (b) Segment information as at and for the year ended June 30, 2010 is as follows:

2011 年中期财务报表附注

                                The Company Zhanjiang Electric Yuejiang Electric    Yuejia Electric Zhongyue Energy Zhenneng Electric    Jinghai Electric          Other       Elimination             Total

Revenue                        1,660,327,049     1,613,004,324       661,950,594     575,720,139                  -      733,086,263       962,290,400       64,173,489      (19,540,858)      6,251,011,400

Including:         Revenue
              customers        1,660,327,049     1,613,004,324       661,950,594     575,720,139                  -      733,086,263       962,290,400       44,632,631                  -     6,251,011,400

Inter-segment revenue                       -                 -                 -               -                 -                 -                   -    19,540,858      (19,540,858)                      -

Operating expenses            (1,559,994,562)   (1,391,502,345)    (765,383,427)    (553,961,387)     (15,105,664)     (657,759,451)     (905,899,797)      (69,074,627)       43,699,473     (5,874,981,787)

Investment income                376,755,247        13,563,748                  -               -                 -                 -                   -              -    (155,083,943)        235,235,052

Operating profit                 477,087,734       235,065,727     (103,432,833)      21,758,752      (15,105,664)        75,326,812        56,390,603       (4,901,138)    (130,925,328)        611,264,665

Assets                        14,894,345,163     4,351,850,014     2,288,089,847    1,342,722,228    3,489,738,368     2,212,583,409     9,176,646,303 1,117,857,474       (6,926,482,636)    31,947,350,170

Liabilities                   (5,870,576,364)    (451,844,523)    (1,683,018,734)   (173,749,907)   (2,681,628,401)   (1,596,173,166)   (6,901,530,180) (402,418,390)         594,386,552    (19,166,553,113)

Depreciation           and
amortisation                   (104,361,964)     (137,750,263)      (88,418,193)     (62,170,667)       (1,359,836)     (60,585,702)     (174,892,296)      (12,371,709)                 -     (641,910,630)

Loss          on      asset
impairment                         1,838,934      (25,229,669)           (996)                -                 -                 -                   -              -                 -    (23,391,731)

Other              non-cash
  expenditures        other
                                            -                 -                 -               -                 -                 -                   -              -                 -                     -
  than depreciation and

The group’s main operation income largely comes from power plants in China engaged in the development and operation, and all of the assets
are in China.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
VII.Related party relationships and related party transactions

(1) General information of the parent company

(a) General information of the parent company

                                 of          Legal
                     Form of registr representa
                      business ation         tive                    Nature of business
Yudean Group         State-own Guang        Pan Li            Power plant operating,electricity
                         ed     zhou                          assets management, electricity
                     enterprise                               generation
(b) Registered capital and changes in registered capital of the parent company

                               December              31,
                                        2010    Current year                       Current year     June 30,2011
        Yudean Group             20,000,000,000           -                                  -           20,000,000,000

(c) The proportion of interests and voting rights in the Company held by the parent company

                                            December 31, 2010                                     June 30,2011
                                             Interest         Voting rights                  Interest       Voting rights
                                               held%                           %              held%                   %
Yudean Group                                  48.99%                48.99%                   48.99%             48.99%
(2) Information of subsidiaries

The general information and other related information of the subsidiaries is set out in
Note 4.

(3) Information of associates

                                                                                   proport        Voting
                                                               Nature                ion       proportion
                                        Place of
Name                   Type           Registration

Guangqian Electric     State           Shenzhen         Generate electricity          40%          40%
Hui LNG                State           Huizhou          Generate electricity          32%          32%
Red Gulf               State           Shanwei          Generate electricity          25%          25%
Fuel supply            State          Guangzhou              Fuel supply              35%          35%
Binglang jiang         State            Foshan          Generate electricity          29%          29%
Shanxi Energy          State            Taiyuan              Coal mining              40%          40%
Yudean Finance         State          Guangzhou               Financing               25%          25%

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Yudean Wwstem            State        Guangzhou   Generate electricity     26%           26%
Yudean Shipping          State        Guangzhou        Shipping            35%           35%
Shibeishan Wind pow      State        Guangzhou   Generate electricity     30%           30%
Lingchang Yuntou         State         Linchang   Generate electricity     49%           49%
Wenxin Yuntou            State         Zhaotong   Generate electricity     40%           40%
Shantou Wind Power       State         Shantou    Generate electricity     25%           25%
Jiangyuan Hydropowe      State         Qingyuan   Generate electricity     25%           25%
Zhongxinyuan Electri     State         Qingyuan   Generate electricity     40%           40%
(4) Information of other related parties

 Name of party                                                    Relationship with the Company

 Guangdong Power Development Corporation                          Controlled by Yudean Group
 Guangdong Yudean Property Investment Co., Ltd                    Controlled by Yudean Group
 Yudean Information Technology Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Yudean Group
 Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiangsheng Matter Power Co., Ltd.           Controlled by Yudean Group
 Guangdong Yudean Property Management Co.,Ltd.                    Controlled by Yudean Group
 Guangdong Yunfu Electric Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Yudean Group
 Chaokang Company                                                 Controlled by Yudean Group
 Maoming Thermal                                                  Controlled by Yudean Group
 Shaoguan Power plant                                             Controlled by Yudean Group
 Shaoguan Power plant D                                           Controlled by Yudean Group
 Shajiao Power plant C                                            Controlled by Yudean Group
 Xinfengjiang                                                     Controlled by Yudean Group
 Zhuhai Power plant                                               Controlled by Yudean Group
 Zhuhai Jinwan                                                    Controlled by Yudean Group
 Yudean Environment Protection                                    Controlled by Yudean Group
 Jinhui Electric                                                  Controlled by Yudean Group

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(5) Related party transactions

(a) Purchase and sale of goods, providing and receiving services

                      Type of                                Pricing                January-June                January-June 2011
                    related-part      Content of            policy and              2010
                         y           related-party         decision-ma                      Proportion                   Proportion
Related parties     transaction       transaction          king process

Yudean                Sale of      Sale of Material                                     -            -        997,584       2.43%
Environment            goods                               Agreement
Protection                                                    price
Fuel Supply         Purchase of Fuel purchase              Agreement        3,189,984,045     76.30%     3,449,201,656     80.03%
                       goods                                  price
Shaoguan Electric Purchase of Purchase fuel and Agreement                                     13.49%                       14.23%
                       goods        material                  price          563,768,442                  613,467,998
Maoming Thermal Purchase of Fuel purchase                  Agreement                           0.11%                                -
                       goods                                  price            4,465,700                             -
Yudean              Purchase of Purchase material                                              0.37%                       16.38%
Environment            goods
protection                                                                    15,334,019                   24,853,415
Shajiao C            Providing Providing                                       5,456,400      14.36%       10,672,100      26.50%
                      services     maintenance
Zhuhai Power         Providing Providing                                         435,575       1.15%                 -              -
                      services     maintenance
                                   services                   price
Zhuhai Jinwan        Providing Providing                                         157,365       0.41%                 -              -
                      services     maintenance
Guangqian            Providing Providing                                       1,906,700       5.02%        1,629,658       4.05%
Electric              services     maintenance
Huizhou      Natural Providing Providing                                       2,240,317       5.89%                        6.00%
 gas                  services     maintenance
                                   services                   price                                         2,416,443
Shaoguan Power       Providing Acceptance             of                     103,151,328      76.62%      195,512,319      86.09%
                      services     management
Maoming              Providing Acceptance             of                      30,000,214      22.28%       29,457,555      12.97%
Thermal(i)            services     management
Yudean shipping      Providing Acceptance             of Agreement             5,330,000        100%                     100.00%
                      services     tugboat services           price                                         5,405,000
Xinfengjiang         Providing Acceptance             of                         671,469       0.36%          232,500       0.21%
                      services     management

(i)           Pursuant to the related agreement, Shaoguan Electric Power plant Allocatedthe

2011 年中期财务报表附注
            actrual general administrative expenses occurred.

(ii)       The 5# generation set of Maoming Ruineng is managed by Maoming Thermal.
           According to the written agreement, the management fee for the whole year is RMB
           20, 360,000 , and an additional charge for other fluctuated expenses at RMB 4 for
           each KKWH electricity generated; In addition, the 6# generation set of Maoming
           Zhenneng is also managed by Maoming Thermal. According to the written agreement,
           the management fee for the whole year is RMB 25, 556,300, with additional charge at
           RMB 4 for each KKWH Electricity generated for other fluctuated expenses.
(b) Rental expense

                                                 January-June 2010            January-June 2011

Yudean Property                                             1,649,091                    1,610,304
Percentage                                                    72.87%                       48.60%

(c) Common expense allocation

The Company’s branches Shajiao A and Shajiao C agreed to allocate certain common
expenses according to agreed allocation basis. For the year January-June 2011, the
expense reimbursement received from Shajiao C amounted to approximately RMB
1,554,830 (January-June 2010: RMB1,482,633).

(d) Guarantee

                                                                                             Whether fulfil
                                                                                             ied the guara
Gurantor      Guarantee                 Amount         The starting date   The maturity date   ntee or not

The           Lincang Yuntou                                                                      No
Company                         34,300,000             25/12/2006          25/12/2021
The           Lincang Yuntou                                                                      No
Company                         13,720,000             29/07/2008          29/07/2020
The           Weixin Yuntou                                                                       No
Company                         88,000,000             19/03/2009          19/03/2012
The           Weixin Yuntou                                                                       No
Company                        200,000,000             22/09/2009          22/09/2014
The           Weixin Yuntou                                                                       No
Company                        120,000,000             10/01/2010          10/01/2014
The           Binglangjiang                                                                       No
Company                         29,000,000             30/11/2007          30/11/2021
The           Binglangjiang                                                                       No
Company                         13,050,000             30/11/2007          30/11/2018
The           Binglangjiang                                                                       No
Company                         14,500,000             30/11/2007          30/11/2015

2011 年中期财务报表附注
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       43,500,000            25/12/2007          25/12/2022
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       43,500,000            19/12/2007          18/12/2024
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                      120,000,000            20/03/2008          20/03/2028
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       58,000,000            31/10/2008          30/10/2025
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       72,500,000            14/11/2008          14/11/2020
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       72,500,000            27/05/2009          27/05/2023
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       93,670,000            25/08/2009          25/08/2029
The        Binglangjiang                                                                      No
Company                       72,500,000            23/06/2010          23/06/2015
The                                                                                           No
Company    Binglangjiang     145,000,000            16/12/2010          15/12/2020
The        Yudean                                                                             No
Company    Shipping          205,800,000            27/09/2008               (i)

(i) The period of validity of this ship manufacturing payment deposits will be expired
    at the first when the ship is received and accepted by buyer, or all the payment for
    second, third, fourth contracts and related late fee have been settled.

(e) Loan of capital

The First half year of 2011 , considering the actual capital requirement, Yudean Finance lent the
Group borrowings with aggregate amounted to RMB2,720,000,000 (January-June 2010:
RMB3,601,500,000), the Group paid interest for such borrowing at RMB92,587,444 (January-June
2010: RMB77,318, 689).

(f) Interest income

                                               January-June 2010             January-June 2011

Interest income from cash in Yudean
   Finance                                                  7,515,606                    8,681,929
Weixin Yuntou                                               7,059,000                    8,990,867
Yudean Western                                              1,528,133                    1,747,015
Lincang Yuntou                                                595,997                      654,938
Shaxi Energy                                                4,425,523                    4,849,770
                                                           21,124,259                   24,924,519
Percentage                                                    92.62%                       74.70%

2011 年中期财务报表附注
The interest rate of cash in Yudean Finance is the same as the interest rate of cash in
bank for the same period.
(g) Interest expense

                                                 January-June 2010      January-June 2011

Interest paid to Yudean for the entrust loan              3,610,800             13,585,129
Interest paid to Yudean Finance for
   Discount                                             10,732,358                          -
Interest paid to Yudean Finance for
   borrowing                                            77,318,689              92,587,444
                                                        91,661,847             106,172,573
Percentage                                                 31.23%                  19.43%

(h) Joint investment

As of June 30, 2011, the Group invested in the following subsidiaries and associates
jointly with Yudean:
                                                            Yudean Group
                                                         Attrbutable equity
                                                         interest owned by
                                                                  yudean %

 Yudean Finance                                                         65%
 Fuel Supply                                                            65%
 Shanxi Energy                                                          60%
 Guangqian Electric                                                     60%
 Shibeishan                                                             40%
 Red Bay                                                                40%
 Yudean Westm                                                           35%
 Yudean Shipping                                                        45%
 Huizhou Natural gas                                                    35%
(i) Receivables from and payables to related parties

                                                 December 31, 2010        June 30,2011

  Monetary fund        Yudean Finance                  758,007,039         1,400,602,858

Account receivables Shajiao C                           14,171,438              4,538,419
                    Guangqian Electric                   6,534,224              2,985,812
                    Huizhou Natural gas                  2,400,177              2,643,440
                    Zhuhai Electric                      1,802,225                      -

2011 年中期财务报表附注
                Zhuhai Jinwan                                        -          2,563,622
                         Yudean        Environment
                         Protection                               -              300,215
                                                         24,908,064           13,031,508

Other receivables        Wenxin Yuntou                  260,701,555                    -
                         Shanxi Energy                  204,333,143           59,516,388
                         Yudean Westm                    72,114,584           73,861,599
                         Linchang Yuntou                  5,009,946            5,169,066
                         Shajiao C                        1,635,277            3,190,108
                         Yudean        Environment
                         Protection                         766,176            1,274,545
                         Yudean Property                           -              536,768
                         Yudean Property                           -              180,320
                         Guangqian Electric                        -               55,000
                                                         544,560,681          143,783,794

Advances            to
suppliers                Fuel supply                     396,810,766          540,630,766

Long-term                Linchang Yuntou
receivable                                                15,580,000           15,580,000
                         Wenxin Yuntou                             -          260,000,000
                         Shanxi Energy                             -          153,200,000
                                                          15,580,000          428,780,000

                                                 December 31, 2010       June 30,2011

Account Payable Fuel supply                          1,195,469,385          950,990,781
                Maoming Thermal                         42,726,239           54,958,270
                Yudean Environment                                            5,564,678
                Protection                               3,228,894
                Xinfengjiang                               524,881              257,873
                Jinhui Electric                             90,582               90,582
                                                     1,242,039,981        1,011,862,184

Other payables       Shaoguan Electric                224,760,861            16,586,460
                     Shaoguan D                         1,750,737             1,752,591
                     Yudean Environment
                     Protection                          2,561,138            7,350,360
                     Yudean Infornation                     88,000                8,000

2011 年中期财务报表附注
                Yudean Shipping                        36,450               1,875,000
                Xinfengjiang                           16,309                  16,309
                                                  229,213,495              27,588,720

Interest payable   Yudean Finance                            -               2,860,007

Dividends payable Shaoguan D                        3,521,190               3,521,190
                   Yudean Group                             -             137,044,590
                  Company                                   -               7,863,945
                  Chaokang                                  -               4,271,390
                                                    3,521,190             152,701,115

Short-term         Yudean Finance
borrowings                                      2,635,500,000           3,160,000,000
                   Yudean Group                   600,000,000             450,000,000
                                                3,235,500,000           3,610,000,000

Non-current         Yudean Finance
 liability due in 1
 year                                              50,000,000              50,000,000

borrowings         Yudean Finance                 950,000,000             950,000,000

VIII. Contingent liability

As disclosed in Note 7(5)(d), as of June 30, 2011, the group provided a guarantee for
accounts payable of Yudean Shipping amounted to RMB205,800,000; the group
provided a Financing guarantee for accounts payable of Binglangjiang Amounted to
RMB560,220,000,and provides joint and several liability guarantee for bank
borrowings amounted to RMB217,500,000, RMB48,020,000 And RMB408,000,000,
which belong to Binglangjiang, Lincang Yuntou and Weixin Yuntou respectively.

IX. Commitments

The 11th meeting of the sixth board of directors of the Company held on April 12,
2010 adopted the Proposal for Investing the Project of Coal-fired Unit of Shaoguan
Power Plant for Constructing New Big Power Units While Closing Small Ones.
According to the proposal, the Company will participate in investment in and

2011 年中期财务报表附注
construction of the coal-fired unit project of Shaoguan Power Plant for "Constructing
New Big Power Units While Closing Small Ones" and increase the capital of Yuejiang
Electric Power by RMB 690.69 million by installment at shareholding ratio of 65%
according to the construction progress of the project. After such injection, the
shareholding percentage of the company to Yuejiang Electric will not change. As of
June 30, 2011, The company can not increase the capital of Yuejiang Electric .

The 3rd Meeting of the Sixth board of directors of the Company held on July 26, 2010,
A capital injection of RMB 250,000,000, which is at shareholding percentage of 25%
to Yudean Finance. After such injection, the shareholding percentage of the company
to Yudean Finance will not change. As of June 30, 2011,The Company has injected
fund amounted to RMB 125 million.

The 2nd meeting of the seventh board of directors held on June 28, 2011 adopted the Proposal for
Increasing the Capital of Maoming Zhenneng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. According to the proposal,
the Company will increase the capital of Zhenneng Power Plant by RMB 263.7360 million at
shareholding ratio. The capital increased in 2011 is RMB 124.36 million. The Company and
Guangdong Electric Power Development Company accepted the share of additional capital
abandoned by Guangdong Yudeanlian Investment Development Co., Ltd. in respective proportion
of capital contribution. The newly increased amount of capital contribution is RMB 42.7084
million. The capital increased in 2011 is RMB 20.1385 million. As of June 30, 2011, The
company can not increase the capital of Zhenneng Power Plant.

The 2nd meeting of the seventh board of directors held on June 28, 2011 adopted the Proposal
Concerning the Investment in Offshore Wind Power Project by Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang
Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd. According to the proposal, the Company will increase the
capital of Zhanjiang Wind Energy by RMB 140 million to invest in Xuwen offshore wind power
demonstration project and make investment by installment according to the actual progress of the
project. As of June 30, 2011, The company can not increase the capital of Yudean
Zhanjiang Wind Powe.

X. Subsequent Event on the Balance Sheet Date

     According to the Announcement of Failure to Obtain Approval of the Company's
Issue of Shares to Purchase Assets and Related Transaction from Merger, Acquisition
and Reorganization Committee of CSRC issued by the Company on July 6, 2011. On
July 5, 2011, the 22nd work meeting of Listed Company Merger, Acquisition and
Reorganization Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Merger, Acquisition and

2011 年中期财务报表附注
Reorganization Committee") of China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2011
examined and conditionally approved the matters concerning the issue of shares to
purchase assets and related transaction of Guangdong Electric Power Development
Co., Ltd..

      According to the announcement of the resolutions of the 3rd meeting of the seventh board of

directors issued by the Company on August 6, 2011, the board of directors of the Company

decided to continue promoting the significant asset reorganization concerning issuing shares to

Yudean Group Company to purchase assets. to revise, supplement and perfect the

application materials concerning reorganization plan according to relevant opinions of
CSRC and resubmit them to CSRC for examination as soon as possible.

XI. Lease

The Group leaseback generation equipments and the future rental expense islisted as
                                          December 31, 2010           June 30,2011

Within 1 year                                                              77,393,453                     163,293,259
1-2 years                                                                  78,325,657                     246,539,246
2-3 years                                                                  78,325,657                     246,539,246
Over 3 years                                                              528,158,185                   1,709,360,968
                                                                          762,202,952                   2,365,732,719

As at June 30, 2011, the unamortized balance of unrecognized financing charges is
RMB 538,902,539 (December 31, 2010:RMB186,151,886).

XII.Assets measured at fair value

                                                    Current yearfair
                                                     value changes        Current yearfair
                                                     in   profit     or    value changes
                                   December 31, 2                  loss        in equity     Impairmen prov June 30,2011
                                                                              Notes v(32)
Financial assets -
  Available-for–sales financial
  assets                             353,104,045          (8,219,537)           93,155,892               -    344,884,508

2011 年中期财务报表附注
XIII. Notes to the Company’s financial statements
(1) Long-term equity investments

                                            December 31,2010                June 30,2011

Subsidiaries(b)                                  6,705,377,308              7,437,761,308
Associated                                       4,991,865,647              5,345,188,841
Other long-term equity investment                  477,303,707                477,303,707
                                                12,174,546,662             13,260,253,856
Less: Provision for impairment         of
long-term equity investments (a)                   (35,557,877)               (35,557,877)
                                                12,138,988,785             13,224,695,979

(2) No significant restriction on the receipt of the Company’s Long-term equity

No quoted value of the company’s associates.
a)      Impairment of long-term equity investments

                            Decemger 31, Increased    in Decreased in
                                  2010 current period    current period            June 30,

Investment in subsidiaries
   -Yuejia Electric       (35,557,877)                 -              -    (35,557,877)

2011 年中期财务报表附注

                                                                                                                                                          Current year
                                                                                                                                 Voting                        accrual
                    Accounting Original Investment                       Current          yaar                    Interest   rights held   Impairment     impairment     Cash dividends de
                     method                 cost     December 31, 2010              movement           June 30,    held %            %       provision      providion      clared this year

Electric            Cost method    2,185,334,400        2,185,334,400 -                          2,185,334,400      76%           76% -                              -         86,241,034
Yuejia Electric     Cost method      701,279,338         701,279,338 -                            701,279,338       58%           58%      (35,557,877)              -                    -
Yuejiang Electric Cost method        500,500,000         500,500,000                              500,500,000       65%           65% -                              -                    -
Electric            Cost method      288,561,587         288,561,587                              288,561,587     53.28%       53.28% -                              -                    -
Jinghai Electric    Cost method    1,930,395,668        1,485,381,668              445,014,000   1,930,395,668      65%           65% -                              -       186,961,586
Oil shale power     Cost method      196,398,200         196,398,200                              196,398,200     83.66%       83.66% -                              -                    -
Zhanjiang Wind
Power               Cost method      205,044,000         166,544,000                38,500,000    205,044,000       70%           70% -                              -          7,700,000
Anxin               Cost method        20,000,000          20,000,000                              20,000,000      100%          100% -                              -                    -
Humeng Electric Cost method            90,000,000          90,000,000                              90,000,000       60%           60% -                              -                    -
Energy              Cost method    1,532,578,100          921,378,115              228,870,000   1,150,248,115      90%           90% -                              -                    -
Bohe         Coal
Electric            Cost method      170,000,000         150,000,000                20,000,000    170,000,000      100%          100% -                              -                    -

                                                        6,705,377,308              732,384,000   7,437,761,308                             (35,557,877)              -       280,902,620

(3) Investment Income

                                                                    January-June 2010               January-June 201

Share of profit of            investees under equity                        215,853,476                 267,642,210

2011 年中期财务报表附注
method of accounting
Profit/ cash dividends declared by investees
under cost method of accounting                    141,520,195            291,927,620
Entrusted Loan interest income                      11,977,276             15,615,373
Income from available-for-sale financial
assets                                                    7,404,300            4,402,150
                                                      376,755,247            579,587,353
No significant restriction on the receipt of the Company’s investment income.

2011 年中期财务报表附注
(4) Supplemental information of cash flow statements

(a) Reconciliation from the net profit to the cash flow operating activities

                                             January-June 2010        January-June 2011

Net profit                                         449,697,688             559,240,226
Add:        Provisions for assets
impairment                                          (1,838,934)                           -
Depreciation of fixed assets and
     Amortisation of intangible assets              102,622,570             85,347,868
Amortisation of intangible assets                     1,739,394               1,739,394
Financial expenses                                  114,497,407            157,262,297
Investment losses                                 (376,755,247)          (579,587,353)
Decrease in deferred tax (increase)                           -             (2,054,884)
Increase/(Decrease) in inventories                   17,723,346           (37,534,870)
Decrease/(Increase) in operating
     receivables                                   (90,983,490)                42,216,953
Increase/(Decrease) in operating
     payables                                      (16,078,092)              5,546,952
Net cash flows from operating                      200,624,642             232,176,583

(b) Net changes of Cash and cash equivalent

                                             January-June 2010        January-June 2011

Cash at end of year                                 693,469,527             603,138,069
Less: Cash at beginning of year                   (287,691,522)           (659,395,980)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash                     405,778,005             (56,257,911)

XIV. Breakdown of extraoidinary gains and losses

                                                  January-June 2010        January-June 2011

 Net profit                                            484,049,327              323,684,298
 Add: Non-operating Expenses                              1,793,935                3,945,337
 Less: Non-perating income                              (3,089,576)              (5,239,477)
 Entrusted loans investment income                      (8,982,957)             (11,711,530)
 Recovery of bad debts written off                      (1,379,200)                        -
 Net profit after deducting non-recurring
 gains and losses                                      472,391,529              310,678,628

2011 年中期财务报表附注
 Including: Net profit attributable to Parent                            418,989,163                       305,271,640

          Minor shareholders’ equit                                        53,402,366                         5,406,988

XV. Return on equity and earnings per share

                               Weighted average return on                          Earnings per share
                                       equity(%)                 Basic earnings per share     Diluted earnings per share
                                    2010            2011             2010           2011           2010            2011
                                January         January           January
                                    -June          -June           -June      January -June January -June January -June

Consolidated net profit
attributable to shareholders
of the Company                      4.42%           3.08%              0.16            0.11             0.16         0.11
Consolidated net profit
excluding       non-routine
attributable to shareholders
of the Company                      4.30%           2.96%              0.15            0.11             0.15         0.11

2011 年中期财务报表附注

   VIII. Documents for reference
1.Text of Semi-ammual report carrying the signature of Chairman of the Board;
2.Financial statements bearing the seal and signature of legal representative, financial controller
and the person in charge of the accounting organ;
3.All original copies of official documents and notices, which were disclosed in Securities Times,
China Secunities and Hong Kong Commercial Daily (Both English and Chinese version);
4.The article of association of the Company;
5. English version of the semi-annual report.

The documents mentioned above are kept in office, and are ready for reference at any

time (except public holidays, Saturday and Sunday).

                                         Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

                                       Chairman of the board of directors: Pan Li

                                                                    August 31, 2011
