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						                                                                       广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

                   Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                          The First Quarterly Report 2012

§I Important Statement

1.1 The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, Directors , Supervisors, Senior Executives of
    the Company hereby warrant that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or
    important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the
    authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.
1.2 Other directors attended the meeting on examining the Annual except for the following directors.
   Name absent
                              Title                                    Reason of absence                                 Name of entrusted
Li Zhuoxian           Director              Due to business                                                            Liu Qian
Zhong Weimin          Director              Due to business                                                            Hong Rongkun
Wang Jin              Director              Due to business                                                            Lin Shizhuang
Zhang Xueqiu          Director              Due to business                                                            Liu Tao
1.3 The financial report of the Company in this Quarterly report period has not been audited.
1.4 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Pan Li, General Manager, Lin Shizhuang , Deputy General
    Manager and Principal of Financial Dept , Li Xiaoqing and Financial Manager ,Qin Jingdong
    represent and warrant the financial and accounting report in the Quarterly report is true and
    English translation for reference only. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese
    and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

§2 Basic Information

2.1 Main accounting Highlights and financial indexes


                                                                                                                    Increase/decrease of the
                                                             At the end of the report    At the end of the last    end of report period than
                                                                     period                      year              that of the end of the last
                 Total assets(RMB)                               39,863,216,231.00         39,480,195,392.00                         0.97%
 Owner’s equity attributable to the shareholders of the
                                                                   10,252,968,992.00         10,206,623,366.00                         0.45%
             listed company (RMB)
                Stock capital(Shares)                             2,797,451,138.00          2,797,451,138.00                         0.00%
 Net assets per share attributable to the shareholders of
                                                                                  3.67                      3.65                       0.55%
          the listed company(RMB/shares)
                                                                                         Amount of the same
                                                            Amount of current period                               Increase /decrease(%)
                                                                                          period in last year
                Total turnover(RMB)                                 3,933,102,585.00          2,764,782,132.00                        42.26%
   Net profit attributable to owners of parent
                                                                       58,784,105.00             12,721,156.00                      362.10%
      Net cash flow arising from operating                            772,285,337.00            220,682,918.00                      249.95%

                                                                      广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

 Net cash flow per share arising from operating
                                                                              0.28                     0.08                  250.00%
      Basic earnings per share(RMB/share)                                    0.021                    0.005                  320.00%
     Diluted earnings per share(RMB/share)                                   0.021                    0.005                  320.00%

    Weighted average return on equity(%)                                  0.57%                    0.13%                       0.44%
   Weighted average return on equity after deducting
                                                                            0.50%                    0.06%                       0.44%
        non-recurring gains and losses(%)

Items of non-current gains and losses

√ applicable □ not applicable


                                                                         Amount (Year-beginning to the
                  Non-recurring gain and loss items                                                           Notes(If applicable)
                                                                           end of the report period.)
Profit & loss arising from entrusting Loan                                                   6,959,272.42
Except the above items, other non-operating earning and expenditure                          1,399,925.97
Amount of influence of income tax                                                             -365,525.50
Amount of influence of minority interests                                                     -474,052.45
                                 Total                                                       7,519,620.44               -

2.2 Top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unconditional shares


Total number of shareholders at the end of
              report period
           Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditions
                                                   Amount of tradable shares with
          Full name of shareholder                unrestricted conditions held at the                    Type of shares
                                                         end of report period
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                             1,232,256,158 RMB Common shares
Shenzhen Guangfa Electric Power Investment
                                                                              101,777,185 RMB Common shares
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Electric Power Development
                                                                                78,639,451 RMB Common shares
Guangdong Guangkong Group Co., Ltd.                                             23,610,428 RMB Common shares
102 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund                                  21,496,929 RMB Common shares
China Construction Bank-Penghua Value
Advantage Stock-linked                                                          15,447,184 RMB Common shares
Security Investment Fund
Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account                                                   Foreign shares placed in domestic
Client                                                                                       exchange
Bank of China-E Fund Shenzhen Stock
                                                                                12,145,665 RMB Common shares
Exchange 100 Exchange Traded Fund
103 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund                                  12,010,094 RMB Common shares
Boshi Increase securities Investment Fund                                       12,000,000 RMB Common shares

                                                                    广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

§3 Significant Events

3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason.

√ applicable □ not applicable

1. Net profit increased by 362.1% year on year mainly due to small base amount of earnings for the same period of the previous year
and the rise in power output and electricity rate.
2. Net cash flows from operating activities increased by 249.95% year on year mainly due to the rise in power output and electricity

3.2 The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal

3.2.1 Non-standard Opinion

□applicable √ not applicable

3.2.2 The Company provided funds to its controlling shareholder or related parties and provided guarantees in
violation of established procedures.

□applicable √ not applicable

3.2.3 Signing and performance of significant contracts for daily operation

□applicable √ not applicable

3.2.4 Other

√□applicable □not applicable
In August 2011, the Company decided to continue the significant asset reorganization related to issue of shares to controlling
shareholder Guangdong Yuedian Group Co., Ltd. to purchase assets. After approval by the board of directors and shareholders' general
meeting, the Company planned to issue about 1.558 billion shares to the controlling shareholder to acquire the equities of 7 power
projects held by it including Pinghai Power Plant and Taishan Power Plant. The value of the said equities is about RMB 7.463 billion.
CSRC officially accepted the materials of this reorganization on March 14, 2012. At present, the examination is still under way. The
continuation of this reorganization contributes to consolidating and improving the Company's market position and core
competitiveness, matches its long-term development target and serves the interests of all shareholders.

3.3 The fulfillment of the commitment made by the Company , shareholders and the actual controller

Commitments made by the listed company and its directors, supervisors, senior executives, the shareholders with
holding above 5% shares and its actual controller in the report period, or lasting until the report period.
√□applicable □not applicable
        Items of commitments                  Promisee                 Content of commitments                    Implementation
Promise in share holding structure reform N/A                N/A                                               N/A
Commitments made in Acquisition Report
or Reports on Change in interests      N/A                   N/A                                               N/A
Commitments made in Material assets
Reorganization                            N/A                N/A                                               N/A
Commitments made in issuing               N/A                N/A                                N/A
Other commitments(Including:             Guangdong          138,047,138 RMB ordinary shares (A Under fulfillment

                                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

supplementary commitments)                  Yudean Group       shares) privately issued by the Company
                                             Co., Ltd.\         to Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.,
                                                                its controlling shareholder, were listed at
                                                                Shenzhen Stock Exchange from May 25,
                                                                2010. Yudean Group promised not to
                                                                assign the stocks of Yue Dian Li owned
                                                                by it within 36 months from the said day
                                                                of listing.

3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
 probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
 explanation of reason.

□applicable √ not applicable

3.5 Other significant events need to be explained

3.5.1 Securities investment

√applicable □ not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Percentage of
                                                         Initial     Holding     Book values at                 Profit and loss
                                         Stock                                                  investment in
  No     Stock type     Stock code                     investment  quantity(Shar   the end of                  during the report
                                      abbreviation                                               this stock at
                                                      amount(Yuan)      e)       period(RMB)                    period(RMB)
                                                                                                  the end or
                                      Shen Energy
   1   Stock          000027                           16,949,674.00        8,400,000      50,484,000.00         17.39%        -756,001.00
   2   Stock          600642          SHENERGY        235,837,987.50       55,532,250 239,899,320.00             82.61%      -14,993,707.00
 Other securities investment held at the end of the
                                                                  0.00        -                       0.00           0.00%            0.00
Gain and loss from investment in securities already
                                                            -                 -                   -              -                    0.00
             sold in the report period
                       Total                          252,787,661.50          -          290,383,320.00              100%    -15,749,708.00
Explanation Investment in securities :

3.5.2 Reception of investigations , communications , or interviews

        Date                Place            Mode                                                            Content of discussion and
                                                                Type                    Visitor
                                                                                                               materials provided
                                                                                                         To learn about the Company’s
                      Office of the       Onsite
March 20, 2012                                          Organization         Boshi Fund                   operating and Development
                      Company             investigation
                                                                                                          status,. etc.
                                                                                                         To learn about the Company’s
                      Office of the       Onsite                             Yongrong Assets
March 28,2012                                           Organization                                     operating and Development
                      Company             investigation                      Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         status,. etc.

3.6 Derivative Investment

□applicable √ not applicable

                                                                   广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

3.6.1 Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report period

□applicable √ not applicable

§4 Appendix

4.1 Balance sheet

Prepared by: Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

             March 31, 2012                          Unit : RMB
                                                Year-end balance
                                                                                           Year-beginning balance
                                      Consolidated         Parent company           Consolidated         Parent company
Current asset:
  Monetary fund                         2,709,859,373.00           370,436,465.00     2,182,660,514.00        417,749,940.00
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
 Trading financial assets
  Bill receivable
     Account receivable                 1,763,750,100.00           386,985,945.00     1,657,325,697.00        348,032,141.00
  Prepayments                            495,903,175.00            178,248,245.00      321,693,491.00         178,078,582.00
       Insurance receivable
  Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
     Interest receivable                     367,941.00              9,089,394.00         1,071,844.00          5,701,784.00
  Dividend receivable                     96,079,553.00            105,234,649.00       96,079,553.00         105,234,649.00
     Other account receivable             79,275,940.00            248,639,458.00       97,964,732.00         273,092,240.00
Repurchasing of financial assets
      Inventories                        966,767,314.00            146,070,029.00     1,410,576,820.00        192,183,732.00
  Non-current asset due in 1 year
Other current asset                      830,918,117.00              1,524,259.00      969,425,199.00          35,837,879.00
Total of current assets                 6,942,921,513.00      1,446,228,444.00        6,736,797,850.00      1,555,910,947.00
Non-current assets:
  Loans and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed
Financial assets available for sale      290,383,320.00            290,383,320.00      306,133,028.00         306,133,028.00
  Expired investment in possess
  Long-term receivable                   520,518,490.00            523,780,000.00      482,006,891.00         423,780,000.00
Long term share equity
                                        5,857,302,310.00     13,325,586,254.00        5,812,518,793.00     13,118,857,714.00
 Property investment                       11,951,327.00            11,951,327.00        12,110,227.00         12,110,227.00
  Fixed assets                         14,490,282,549.00      1,047,248,083.00       14,866,672,176.00      1,086,238,084.00
Construction in progress                9,720,141,294.00           128,579,799.00     9,159,945,080.00         88,123,240.00
  Engineering material                   999,275,403.00                               1,023,682,015.00
  Fixed asset disposal                    29,172,141.00                 84,670.00         4,164,516.00
Production physical assets

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Gas & petrol
  Intangible assets                    485,111,008.00     106,972,712.00       491,722,772.00       107,842,409.00
  R & D petrol
Long-germ expenses to be
 Differed income tax asset             98,226,675.00         1,317,488.00       96,909,186.00
Other non-current asset               417,930,201.00                           487,532,858.00
Total of non-current assets         32,920,294,718.00   15,435,903,653.00   32,743,397,542.00    15,143,084,702.00
Total of assets                     39,863,216,231.00   16,882,132,097.00   39,480,195,392.00    16,698,995,649.00
Current liabilities
Short-term loans                     9,654,600,000.00    3,169,100,000.00    9,318,000,000.00     3,075,000,000.00
Loan from Central Bank
 Deposit received and hold for
Call loan received
  Trade off financial liabilities
     Bill payable                     311,640,000.00                           343,083,604.00
  Account payable                    2,861,338,414.00     535,525,995.00     3,449,859,930.00       469,788,433.00
  Accounts received in advance           3,547,159.00        2,899,668.00        2,315,543.00         1,831,135.00
  Selling financial assets of
  Commission charge and
commission payable
     Wage payable                     252,050,281.00       65,722,248.00       205,462,922.00        42,398,999.00
  Taxes payable                        80,759,507.00       33,947,205.00        65,250,662.00        14,826,004.00
 Interest payable                      44,773,153.00       22,930,913.00       122,666,756.00       110,857,332.00
 Dividend payable                      12,252,964.00         7,323,298.00       15,552,964.00         7,323,298.00
        Other accounts payable        802,882,140.00       48,871,524.00       817,248,933.00        47,816,643.00
  Reinsurance payables
  Insurance contract reserve
  Security trading of agency
  Security sales of agency
 Non-current liability due in 1
                                      810,609,130.00       40,000,000.00       940,141,518.00        40,000,000.00
  Other current liability
Total of current liability          14,834,452,748.00    3,926,320,851.00   15,279,582,832.00     3,809,841,844.00
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan                       7,227,153,408.00    1,150,000,000.00    7,167,153,408.00     1,090,000,000.00
  Bond payable                       1,992,117,912.00    1,992,117,912.00    1,991,442,304.00     1,991,442,304.00
 Long-term payable                   2,368,828,782.00                        1,741,163,487.00
  Special payable
  Expected liabilities
 Differed income tax liability                                                   2,619,939.00         2,619,939.00
 Other non-current liabilities         46,798,938.00       31,798,938.00        46,730,522.00        29,508,308.00
Total of non-current liabilities    11,634,899,040.00    3,173,916,850.00   10,949,109,660.00     3,113,570,551.00
Total of liabilities                26,469,351,788.00    7,100,237,701.00   26,228,692,492.00     6,923,412,395.00
Owners’ equity

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 Share capital                             2,797,451,138.00          2,797,451,138.00     2,797,451,138.00        2,797,451,138.00
  Capital reserves                         1,836,280,092.00          1,770,731,273.00     1,848,718,571.00        1,782,543,553.00
  Less:Shares in stock
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserves                         3,775,481,032.00          3,775,481,032.00     3,775,481,032.00        3,775,481,032.00
     Common risk provision
     Undistributed profit                  1,843,756,730.00          1,438,230,953.00     1,784,972,625.00        1,420,107,531.00
  Different of foreign currency
Total of owner’s equity belong to
                                          10,252,968,992.00          9,781,894,396.00    10,206,623,366.00        9,775,583,254.00
the parent company
  Minor shareholders’ equity              3,140,895,451.00                               3,044,879,534.00
Total of owners’ equity                  13,393,864,443.00          9,781,894,396.00    13,251,502,900.00        9,775,583,254.00
Total of liabilities and owners’
                                          39,863,216,231.00      16,882,132,097.00       39,480,195,392.00      16,698,995,649.00

4.2 Profit statement

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                     January-March 2012        Unit:(RMB)
                                                     Report period                         Same period of the previous year
                                        Consolidated          Parent company            Consolidated         Parent company
I.Total operating income                   3,933,102,585.00           819,154,778.00      2,764,782,132.00         749,893,517.00
Including:Operating income                3,903,204,669.00           808,458,372.00      2,745,587,546.00         739,143,827.00
             Interest income
              Insurance gained
Commission charge and
commission income
II.Total operating costt                   3,890,504,772.00           857,657,992.00      2,863,449,903.00         774,251,840.00
Including:Operating cost                  3,531,864,514.00           722,594,258.00      2,572,999,423.00         658,547,744.00
              Interest expense
   Commission chare and
commission expense
     Cash surrender value
  Net amount of expense of
 Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve
 Bonus expense of guarantee slip
  Reinsurance expense
  Operating tax and extras                    11,733,929.00              3,823,458.00       12,439,251.00             3,823,721.00
      Sales expenses                             253,776.00               163,291.00           147,360.00               107,000.00
     Administration expenses                 115,092,310.00            33,690,399.00       118,958,722.00            35,866,986.00
  Financial expenses                         221,270,745.00            92,449,880.00       150,080,837.00            71,132,078.00
 Losses of devaluation of assets
Add :Changing income of fair
  Investment income                           51,742,791.00            56,885,516.00        82,631,869.00            82,631,869.00

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 Including:Investment income on
affiliate company and joint
 Exchange income
III. Operating profit                          94,340,604.00           18,382,302.00         -16,035,902.00            58,273,546.00
Add :Non-operating income                      1,736,281.00               24,000.00           3,232,845.00                17,641.00
  Less:Non-operating expense                     336,354.00             282,880.00            1,590,069.00             1,552,705.00
  Including :Disposal loss of
non-current assets
IV. Total profit                               95,740,531.00           18,123,422.00         -14,393,126.00            56,738,482.00
Less:Income tax                               31,899,083.00                    0.00           6,207,910.00            -6,994,706.00
V. Net profit                                  63,841,448.00           18,123,422.00         -20,601,036.00            63,733,188.00
  Net profit attributable to
                                               58,784,105.00           18,123,422.00          12,721,156.00            63,733,188.00
owner’s equity of parent company
     Minority shareholders’ gains
                                                5,057,343.00                                 -33,322,192.00
and losses
VI. Earnings per share
    (i)Basic earnings per share                      0.021                                          0.005
  (ii)Diluted earnings per share                     0.021                                          0.005
VII. Other comprehensive income               -11,812,281.00          -11,812,281.00           5,959,193.00             5,959,193.00
VIII. Total comprehensive income               52,029,167.00            6,311,141.00         -14,641,843.00            69,692,381.00
Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the               46,971,824.00            6,311,141.00          18,680,349.00            69,692,381.00
parent company
 Total comprehensive income
                                                5,057,343.00                                 -33,322,192.00
attributable minority shareholders
For the enterprises under the same control consolidated in the report period, the net profit realized by the consolidate before the
consolidation is RMB 0.00.

4.3 Cash flow statement

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                      January-March 2012       Unit:(RMB)
                                                      Report period                         Same period of the previous year
                                         Consolidated          Parent company          Consolidated           Parent company
I.Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sales of
                                            4,481,269,651.00          919,752,220.00       3,356,069,674.00          892,789,828.00
goods or rending of services
     Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for
brother company
  Net increase of loans from
central bank
   Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies
   Cash received against original
insurance contract
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
        Net increase of client

                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

deposit and investment
    Net increase of trade financial
asset disposal
 Cash received as interest,
processing fee and commission
   Net increase of inter-bank
fund received
      Net increase of
repurchasing business
       Tax returned                       1,253,092.00             0.00        2,399,936.00          139,496.00
  Other cash received from
                                        55,054,320.00      9,471,145.00       31,640,414.00        10,434,147.00
business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow              4,537,577,063.00   929,223,365.00     3,390,110,024.00      903,363,471.00
  Cash paid for purchasing of
                                      3,287,686,752.00   555,605,899.00    2,681,195,018.00       512,682,365.00
merchandise and services
  Net increase of client trade and
  Net increase of savings n
central bank and brother company
    Cash paid for original contract
  Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and commission
  Cash paid for policy dividend
       Cash paid to staffs or paid
                                       235,670,386.00     69,993,430.00      246,782,277.00        90,742,324.00
for staffs
     Taxes paid                        157,984,201.00     30,474,588.00      173,240,215.00        40,437,829.00
 Other cash paid for business
                                        83,950,387.00     19,912,583.00       68,209,596.00        25,300,647.00
 Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                      3,765,291,726.00   675,986,500.00    3,169,427,106.00       669,163,165.00
business activities
 Cash flow generated by business
                                       772,285,337.00    253,236,865.00      220,682,918.00       234,200,306.00
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by
   Cash received from investment
                                        26,000,000.00     26,000,000.00      260,000,000.00       260,000,000.00
  Cash received as investment
                                         5,373,808.00      6,750,912.00        7,781,537.00         7,781,537.00
 Net cash retrieved from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets,      6,480,350.00                            174,787.00             4,280.00
and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other
operational units
    Other investment-related cash
    Sub-total of cash inflow due
                                        37,854,158.00     32,750,912.00      269,282,386.00       267,785,817.00
to investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and    616,618,207.00     44,907,358.00      801,654,665.00         8,281,349.00
other long-term assets
   Cash paid as investment                               261,945,021.00      450,040,000.00       678,870,000.00
 Net increase of loan against

                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2012 年第一季度季度报告全文

  Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other operational
 Other cash paid for investment
                                          130,000.00          60,000.00        -4,950,013.00         197,356.00
Sub-total of cash outflow   due to
                                      616,748,207.00     306,912,379.00    1,246,744,652.00       687,348,705.00
investment activities
  Net cash flow generated by
                                     -578,894,049.00    -274,161,467.00     -977,462,266.00      -419,562,888.00
  III.Cash flow generated by
 Cash received as investment           90,332,375.00                         216,589,200.00
   Incl: Cash received as
investment from minor
   Cash received as loans            3,685,669,589.00   1,184,100,000.00   5,597,688,000.00     2,670,000,000.00
  Cash received from bond
  Other financing –related ash
                                                                               1,205,541.00          630,525.00
     Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                     3,776,001,964.00   1,184,100,000.00   5,815,482,741.00     2,670,630,525.00
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts             3,027,396,483.00   1,030,000,000.00   3,705,339,531.00     2,570,000,000.00
   Cash paid as dividend, profit,
                                      388,801,036.00     180,105,525.00      319,853,560.00       155,236,894.00
or interests
 Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minor shareholders
    Other cash paid for financing
                                       25,996,874.00         383,348.00       55,171,400.00         5,171,000.00
    Sub-total of cash outflow due
                                     3,442,194,393.00   1,210,488,873.00   4,080,364,491.00     2,730,407,894.00
to financing activities
  Net cash flow generated by
                                      333,807,571.00      -26,388,873.00    1,735,118,250.00      -59,777,369.00
IV.Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                      527,198,859.00      -47,313,475.00     978,338,902.00      -245,139,951.00
Add: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of      2,182,660,514.00    417,749,940.00    1,894,021,204.00       659,395,980.00
VI .Balance of cash and cash
                                     2,709,859,373.00    370,436,465.00    2,872,360,106.00       414,256,029.00
equivalents at the end of term

4.4 Auditor’ report

Auditor’s opinions: Not audited
