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						                                      The Semi-annual Report 2012

                                                     I.Important Notes

The Board of directors and directors of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no false

records, misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and

several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof .
Disagreement claimed by the Directors, Supervisors or the Executives

                                                                                          Reason for unable to guarantee for the
                 Name                                     Position                  thruthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the

Directors other than the followings presented the Board Meeting at which this report was examined.

                                                                      Reason for not presenting the
 Name of the director absented               Position                                                        Name of consignee

Liu Qian                         Director                            business                         Pan Li

Li Zhuoxian                      Director                            business                         Gao Shiqiang

Li Mingliang                     Director                            business                         Lin Shizhuang

Rao Subo                         Director                            business                         Lin Shizhuang

Zhang Xueqiu                     Director                            business                         Liu Tao

Feng Xiaoming                    Independent director                business                         Zhu Weiping

Auditors’ Opinions
The Semi-annual Report was not audited by CPA.
Mr. Pan Li, the responsible people of the Company, Ms. Li Xiaoqing, The Chief Financial fficer, and Mr. Qing Jingdong Manager of
 accounting department declare: The Financial Report carried in this report is authentic and completed .

                      Items                                                                 Definition


           II. Basic Information of the Company
(1)Company information

Code of A-Stock             000539                               Code of B-Stock        200539

Stock A abbreviation        Yue Dian Li A                        Stock B abbreviation Yue Dian Li B
Stock exchange for          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Statutory name of the
Company in Chinese:

Chinese abbreviation

Statutory name of the
Company in English

English abbreviation        GED

Legal representative        Pan Li

                            23-26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou,
Registered address          Guangdong Province

Post code                   510630

                            23-26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou,
Office Address:
                            Guangdong Province
Post code                   510630

Website:                    http://www.ged.com.cn

E-mail                      ged@ged.com.cn

(2)Contact      person and contact manner
                                                    Board secretary             Securities affairs Representative

Name                                   Liu Wei                              Zhang Shaomin

                                       26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza , 26/F, South Tower, Yudian Plaza ,
Contact address                        2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou, 2 Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou,
                                       Guangdong Province                   Guangdong Province
                     Tel               (020)87570276                        (020)87570251

                     Fax               (020)85138084                      (020)85138084

                  E-mail               liuw@ged.com.cn                      zhangsm@ged.com.cn

(3)Information disclosure and placed

Newspapers selected by the
Company for information                  China Securities Daily, Securities Times and                Hong Kong
                                                Commercial Daily (overseas newspaper for English version).
Internet website designated by
CSRC for publishing the Interim                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
report of the Company
The place where the Interim report is
prepared and placed
                                                    Office of board affairs

III. Highlights of financial data and indicators

(1)Highlights of financial data and indicators

Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not

□ Yes √ No
Main accounting data

                                                                                                            Increase/decrease in this
                                                   Reporting period
        Highlights accounting data                                            Same period of last year            report period

Operating Gross income                                   7,826,479,881                 6,470,761,685                          20.95%
Operating profit                                           366,361,520                    387,257,540                             -5.4%
Total profit                                               413,093,472                    388,818,024                             6.24%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                           292,168,221                    317,648,740                          -8.02%
of the listed company

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of              250,524,005                    305,271,640                        -17.93%
listed company

Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                         1,948,724,416                 1,057,308,604                          84.31%

                                                   End of report year          At the end of last year     Changed over last year(%)

Gross Assets                                            40,496,085,419                39,480,195,392                              2.57%
Shareholders’ equity attributable to
                                                        10,333,482,304                10,206,623,366                              1.24%
shareholders of the listed company

Capital stock                                            2,797,451,138                 2,797,451,138                                0%
2.Main financial indices

                                                                                                             Increase/decrease in this
                                                   Reporting period
           Main financial indices                                             Same period of last year            report period

Basic gains per share(RMB/Share)                                        0.1                         0.11                          -9.1%
Diluted gains per share(RMB/Share)                                      0.1                         0.11                          -9.1%
Basic earning per share after deducting of
                                                                       0.09                         0.11                       -18.18%
non-recurring gains/losses(RMB/Share)

Diluted return on equity (%)                                     2.83%                         3.11%                            -0.28%
Weighted average return on equity(%)                             2.82%                         3.08%                            -0.26%
 Diluted return on equity after deducting
                                                                   2.42%                         2.99%                            -0.57%
non-recurring gains and losses(%)

Net income on asset, weighted and
                                                                   2.42%                         2.96%                            -0.54%
deducted non-recurring gain/loss(%)

Net cash flow per share generated by
                                                                        0.7                         0.38                          84.21%
business operation (RMB/Share)

                                                  End of report year           At the end of last year     Changed over last year(%)

Net asset per share attributable to
shareholders of the listed                                             3.69                         3.65                           1.1%

Assets liabilities ratio(%)                                      66.84%                         64.85%                            1.99%
The information of main accounting data and main financial indices of the company by the end of
report period.(Filling the adjustment explanation if retroactive adjusted)

(II)The    differences between domestic and international accounting standards

1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed
in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

2. Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and overseas accounting standards disclosed in
the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.

√Applicable □Not applicable


                                 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Owner equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                      company                                            listed company

                                                                                                                Beginning of the report
                                       Current term         Same period last year      End of the report year

Pursuant to Chinese
                                             292,168,221                317,648,740           10,333,482,304              10,206,623,366
accounting standards

Subitem and total adjusted pursuant to international accounting standards:

Land use right amortization                    -3,736,000                 -3,736,000                4,708,000                  8,444,000
The difference arising from
recognition of goodwill after
                                                                                                    64,623,000              64,623,000
merger of enterprises under
the same control

Difference arising from
recognition of land use value                     -315,000                   -315,000               21,695,000              22,010,000
after enterprise merger

Influence on minority interests                    348,000                    348,000                4,054,000               3,706,000

Pursuant to International
                                              288,465,221                313,945,740          10,428,562,304          10,305,406,366
accounting standards

3. Significant differences between line items

                                                                                                        Explanation on IAS and (or)
  Items with major differences        Amount involved (RMB)             Reasons for differences       foreign accounting standards


4. The explanation of accounting data from the Statement on differences between the IAS and Domestic
accounting Standard

1. Land use right amortization
The difference formed by different period of land use right amortization.
2.The difference arising from recognition of goodwill after merger of enterprises under the same control and recognition of land
value after enterprise merger.
As required by new Chinese accounting standards, the goodwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same control shall not
be recognized and capital surplus shall be adjusted. Under IFRS, the golldwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same
control shall be recognized and equal to the difference between merger cost and share of fair value of recognizable net assets of the
purchased party obtained in merger. Meanwhile, all assets of the purchased party obtained in merger shall be accounted for according
to their fair value while such assets shall be accounted for according to their book value according to original Chinese accounting
standards for business enterprises. Therefore, this difference will continue to exist.
3.Influence on minority interests
Housing reform loss occurred to the Company and some holding subsidiaries. Therefore, there’s some influence on minority
(III)Items and amount of deducted non-current gains and losses

√Applicable□ Not applicable

                              Items                                Amount(RMB)                            Notes

Gain/loss form disposal of non-current assets                              42,348,939
Tax refund, deduction and exemption that is examined and
approved by authority exceeding or has no official approval

Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss,
except for those subsidies at with amount or quantity fixed
by the national government and closely related to the
Company’s business operation.

Capital occupation fee collected from non-financial
organizations and accounted as current gain/loss.

Income from the exceeding part between investment cost of
the Company paid for obtaining subsidiaries associates and
joint-ventures and recognizable net assets fair value
attributable to the Company when acquiring the investment.

Non-monetary asset exchange gain/loss.

Gain/loss investment of Commission

Asset impairment provisions for force major such as natural

Gain/loss from debt reorganization

Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as payment to stuff
placement and consolidation expenses

Gain/loss from trades obviously departed from fair value

Net gain/loss of current term from consolidation of
subsidiaries under common control from beginning of term
to the consolidation date

Gain/loss from debt forcasting without connection to the
main business operation

In addition to normal business with the company effective
hedging related business, holders of tradable financial
assets, transactions and financial liabilities arising from
changes in fair value gains and losses, as well as the
disposal of trading of financial assets, trading financial
liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets gains return
on investment;

Single impairment test for impairment of receivables
transferred back to preparation

Commissioned external loans by the Gain/loss                       14,240,369
The use of fair value measurement model of follow-up to
the fair value of real estate investment gains and losses
arising from changes

According to tax, accounting and other laws, regulations,
the requirements of the current Gain/loss for a one-time
adjustment of the impact of the current Gain/loss;

Entrusted with the operating of the trust to obtain fee

Net amount of non-operating income and expense except
the aforesaid items

Other non-recurring Gains/loss items

Amount of influence of minority interests                               -18,738,022
Amount of influence of income tax                                             -590,083

Total                                                                       41,644,216                            --

Statement of the Company on “ Other gain/loss items satisfying the definitions of non-recurring gain/loss accounts” and the
non-recurring items defined as recurring items according to the nature and characteristics of the businesses.

               Items            Amount involved (RMB)                                       Remarks


               IV. Particulars about the Changes of Share Capital and Shareholders
(1)Particulars about the Changes of Share Capital

1.Statement of changes in shares

√Applicable□ Not applicable

                               Before the change                    Increase/decrease(+,-)                           After the Change

                              Amount Proportion                               Capitalizat
                                                                                ion of
                                                          Share    Bonus                                                           Proportio
                                                                               common       Other      Subtotal        Quantity
                                                      allotment    shares                                                             n

I. Share with conditional     143,464,2                                                                                143,464,2
                                              5.13%                                                                                   5.13%
subscription                          15                                                                                     15

1.State-owned shares

2.Staee-owned legal           138,216,3                                                                                138,216,3
                                              4.94%                                                                                   4.94%
person shares                         22                                                                                     22

3.Other domestic shares       5,244,196       0.19%                                                                    5,244,196      0.19%

Of which:Domestic
Non-state –owned legal       5,140,225       0.18%                                         -175,500   -175,500 4,964,725             0.18%
person shares

Domestic natural person
                                103,971       0.01%                                         175,500     175,500         279,471       0.01%
4.Share held by foreign

 Of which:Foreign legal
person shares

Foreign natural person

5 .Executive shares                  3,697         0%                                                                  3,697        0%

II. Shares with                2,653,986,                                                                           2,653,986
                                               94.87%                                                                           94.87%
unconditional subscription            923                                                                                ,923

                               1,988,646,                                                                           1,988,646
1.Common shares in RMB                         71.09%                                                                           71.09%
                                      923                                                                                ,923

2.Foreign shares in            665,340,0                                                                            665,340,0
                                               23.78%                                                                           23.78%
domestic market                        00                                                                                 00

3.Foregin shares in
overseas market


                               2,797,451,                                                                           2,797,451
III. Total of capital shares                     100%                                                                             100%
                                      138                                                                                ,138

Approval of changes in shares(if applicable)
Ownership transfer of changed shares
Influence on latest EPS, net asset per share and other financial index from changes in shares(If applicable)
Other information necessary to be disclosed by the Company or should be disclosed according to requirement of securities regulators.

  2.Change in conditional shares

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

  (II)The information of issuing shares

1. The information of issuing shares in the previous three years

√Applicable□ Not applicable

 The name of                                                                                          The quantity
stocks and its                                Issuing price                                            of permitted       Transaction
                      Issuing date                            Issuing Quantity     listing date
  derivative                                 (RMB/shares)                                               listing        terminated date
    funds                                                                                              transaction

Yue Dian Li
                May 12, 2010                            5.94       138,047,138 May 25, 2010                            0

Convertible bonds, Separable-traded convertible bonds, company bonds


Stock options


Statement of security issuing in latest three years(please state individually if different interest rates are applied to each bond)

2. Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and structure

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

3.Current employees’ shares

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
(III)Shareholders and the substantial controller of the Company

1.Total of shareholders at the end of report term

Number of shareholding accounts at the end of report term was125,940.

2. Particulars about the shareholding of the top ten shareholders

Shui rich regions selected hybrid open securities investment fund
                                     Particulars about the shareholding of the top ten shareholders

                                    Nature of                        Quantity of       Conditional             Pledged or frozen
       Name of shareholder                        Proportion (%)
                                   shareholder                       shares held         shares            Status            Quantity

Guangdong Yudean Group Co., State-owned
                                                         48.99%      1,370,472,480 138,216,322                                          0
Ltd.                                     shares

Guangdong Guangfa Electric State-owned
                                                          3.64%        101,777,185                 0                                    0
Power Investment Co., Ltd.               shares

Guangdong       Electric   Power State-owned
                                                          2.81%          78,639,451                0                                    0
Development Corporation                  shares

                                   Public legal
Guangdong Guangkong Group
                                         person           0.83%          23,111,754                0                                    0
Co., Ltd

Taifook Securities Company             Foreign            0.56%          15,613,627                0                                    0
Limited-Account Client                      shares

China Construction Bank-
                                       Public legal
Penghua Value Advantage
                                            person          0.55%           15,484,373             0                                  0
Security Investment Fund

Agricultural Bank of China- Public legal
Fullgoal Selected Mixed open                person          0.52%           14,675,676             0                                  0
securities investment fund                  shares

Bank        of    China-E       Fund Public legal
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100                 person          0.45%           12,658,465             0                                  0
Exchange         Traded Fund                shares

GOLDEN CHINA MASTER                        Foreign
                                                            0.45%           12,567,951             0                                  0
FUND                                        shares

                                       Public legal
103      Portfolio     of   National
                                            person          0.43%           12,010,094             0                                  0
Social Security Fund


Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
√Applicable□Not applicable

                                                          Amount of tradable                        Type and Quantity
                                                              shares with
                 Full name of shareholder                unrestricted conditions
                                                                                         Type                      Quantity
                                                           held at the end of
                                                             report period

Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                 1,232,256,158                  A shares                1,232,256,158

Guangdong Guangfa Electric Power Investment
                                                                    101,777,185                 A shares                  101,777,185
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong            Electric   Power      Development
                                                                     78,639,451                 A shares                      78,639,451

Guangdong Guangkong Group Co., Ltd                                   23,111,754                 A shares                      23,111,754

Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account
                                                                     15,613,627                 Bshares                       15,613,627

China Construction Bank-Penghua Value
Advantage Stock-linked                                               15,484,373                 A shares                      15,484,373
Security Investment Fund

Agricultural Bank of China-Fullgoal Selected
                                                                     14,675,676                 A shares                      14,675,676
Mixed open securities investment fund

Bank of China-E Fund                   Shenzhen Stock
                                                                     12,658,465                 A shares                      12,658,465
Exchange 100 Exchange Traded Fund
GOLDEN CHINA MASTER FUND                                         12,567,951                    B shares                12,567,951

103 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund                   12,010,094                    A shares                12,010,094

Notes to the related relationship between the top ten shareholders or their concerted action
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. the Third of the top 10 shareholders, is a subsidiary of Yudean Group, Which is
the No.3 shareholder; its is unknown whether relationship exists between other shareholders.

  3. Introduction to the controlling shareholder and actual controller

(1)The changing information of the controlling shareholder and actual controller

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(2)The actual introduction to the controlling shareholder and actual controller

Whether exist new actual controller
□ Yes √ No

                                                                    State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under the People's
The Name of the actual controller
                                                                    Government of Guangdong Province

                                                                    Local State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
The classification of actual controller

Explanation :

      Yudean Group Co., Ltd. Holding 48.99% shares of the Company and is the major shareholder

of the Company. State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under the People's Government of

Guangdong Province holds 76% equity of Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd. and is the actual

controller of the Company. According to the Business License of Incorporated Enterprise verified

and issued by Guangdong Administration for Industry and Commerce, Yudean Group is a wholly

Limited Liability Company. Its registered capital is RMB 20,000,000,000 and its registered address

is 33-36/F Yudean Plaza, No.2 Tianhe Road East , Guangzhou,Guangdong Province. Its legal

representative is Mr. Pan Li. Its is mainly engaged in management and sales of the electricity

investment,construction,operation management,electricity power(Thermal Power),The the

industry of transportation,resources,environmental protection,new source of energy,electricity

investment; investment planning and consulting ; information consulting service; sales of
production materials.

(3)The block diagram of the title and control relationship between the Company and actual

controller is as follows:

     State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under the People's Government of
     Guangdong Province

      Guangdong Hengjian Investment                     China Huaneng Group Company
      Co., Ltd.
                        76%                                    24%

                            Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.

                          100%                                      100%
     Chaokang     Investment        Co.,                Guangdong Electric              Power
     Ltd.                                               Development Co.

                   0.71                48.99%                       2.81%

                  Guangdong         Electric      Power        Development

(4)Controlling over the Company by the substantial controller through trust or other asset management
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

4.   The other legal person shareholders holding more than 10% shares of the Company.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(IV)Information of convertible corporate bonds

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

         V. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives

       (I)The changes of holding shares of the directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                                                                            The             The                                                                     Remuneratio
                                                                                       Number of                                                          Of which:
                                                                                                         increased       decreased       Number of                           Final                  n drawn from
                                                                                      shares held at                                                     the number
                                        Beginning date office Ending date of office                      number of       number of shares held at                          numbers of Reason     for shareholder
      Name      Position    Sex   Age                                                      the                                                           of restricted
                                                term                  term                              shares on the shares on the the year-end                          stock options change        entities or
                                                                                       year-begin                                                        stocks held
                                                                                                        report period report period      (shares)                        held(Shares)            other related
                                                                                       (shares)                                                        (Shares)
                                                                                                        (Shares)       (Shares)                                                                 parties or not

Pan Li                     Male     58 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Liu Qian     Director      Male     58 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Li Zhuoxian Director       Male     49 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

             Director      Male     55 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

             Director      Male     56 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

             Director      Male     55 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

             Director      Male     56 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Li Minglang Director       Male     48 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Lin          General
                           Male     51 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              No
Shizhuang    Manager

Wang Jin     Director      Male     49 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Rao Subo     Director      Male     48 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              No

             Director      Male     46 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              Yes

Wang Jun     Independent Male       54 May 18, 2011          May 18, 2014                           0                0               0               0                0              0              No

Song          Independent
                            Male    49 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No
Xianzhong     director

Zhu Weiping                 Male    55 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Feng          Independent Femal
                                    57 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No
Xiaoming      director      e

Liu Tao                     Male    41 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Zhang Hua                   Male    47 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Qiu Jianyi    Supervisor    Male    48 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   Yes

Zhao Li       Supervisor            40 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   Yes

Sha Qilin     Supervisor    Male    52 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Xiang Ying    Supervisor            59 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Lin Weifeng Supervisor      Male    44 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014   3,930   0   0   3,930   0   0   No

Tong Jianjun Supervisor     Male    57 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Luo Zhiheng Deputy GM       Male    45 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014   1,000   0   0   1,000   0   0   No

Li Xiaoqing Deputy GM               41 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Liu Hui       Deputy GM             47 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No

Liu Wei                     Male    33 May 18, 2011   May 18, 2014      0    0   0      0    0   0   No
   Total          --           --   --   --              --             4,930         0   0   4,930   0   0   --   --

The directors, supervisors and senior managers did not implement equity incentives.
□Applicable√Not applicable
(II)Representation information

Representation of shareholders
√Applicable□Not applicable

     Name         Name of corporate shareholders         Position          Term start date   Term terminated date
                                                                                                                     or subsidy

                                                    Board chairman,
Pan Li        Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.      Secretary of Party   February 9,2007                            Yes

                                                    Deputy General
Liu Qian      Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           February 9,2007                            Yes

              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.      General Manager      January 26, 2010                           Yes

Hong                                                Deputy General
              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           Fenbruary 9,2007                           Yes
 Rongkun                                            Manager

Zhong                                               Vice Secretary of
              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           Fenbruary 9,2007                           Yes
Weimin                                              Party committee

Gao                                                 Deputy General
              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           Fenbruary 9,2007                           Yes
Shiqiang                                            Manager

Kong                                                Chief economi
              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           February 26, 2009                          Yes
Huitian                                             st
Li                                                  Deputy General
              Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           November 4, 2010                           Yes
Mingliang                                           Manager

                                                    Vice Chief
Wang Jin      Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.      engineer, Director   November 1, 2010                           Yes
                                                    of Operating Dept

                                                    Vice President of
Zhang         Guangzhou Development Holding Group
                                                     Administration      May 8, 2009                                Yes
Xueqiu         Co., Ltd.

                                                    Secretary of Audit
Qiu Jianyi Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                              April 11, 2005                             Yes
                                                     Supervise Dept

                                                    Vice Secretary of
Zhao Li       Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                           November 1, 2010                           Yes
                                                     Finance Dept

tion of

Representation in other unit
□Applicable√Not applicable
(III)Information of remuneration about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

The determination
                               The allowance for the independent directors and independent supervisors of the Company shall be paid
of remuneration of
                               according to the standards approved by the shareholders' general meeting. The allowance for
                               independent directors is RMB 80,000 per person each year and that for independent supervisors is RMB
Supervisors and
                               50,000 per person each year.
Senior Executives.
The rewards
                               Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company shall obtain labor remuneration and enjoy
determined basis of
                               corresponding employee benefits according to their position and the Company's wage system. Except
                               such remuneration and benefits, no other remuneration and fringe benefits shall be additionally
supervisors and
senior executives
The actual salary
information of                 In the report period, the total amount of remuneration paid to independent directors, independent
Directors,                     supervisors and senior executives was RMB 1.7257 million.
Supervisors and

(IV)Information about changing Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    Name          Jobs taken               Changed            Date of change                      Cause of change


(V)The Employees

Number of employees in position                                                                                                    1,414

Retired employees on the Company’s expense                                                                                         415

                                                       Composition of professions

                    Categories of professions                                                Number of persons

Production                                                                                                                          907

Sales & Marketing                                                                                                                     0

Technicians                                                                                                                         279

Finance & Accounting                                                                                                                 22

Executive                                                                                                                           206
                                                         Education background

                      Categories of education                                                 Number of persons

Masters’ degree                                                                                                                        10

Bachelors’ degree                                                                                                                     315

College diploma                                                                                                                        480

High school and below                                                                                                                  609

Particulars about the employees

                                           V .Report of the Board of Directors
        (I) Management discussion and analysis

    In the report period, The growth rate of national economy has been lowering. The growth of electric power demand is lower than
expected. The power supply in Guangdong Province has been suppressed by the additional transmission of electricity in the western
area. Power generation enterprises are facing the situation of increasingly keen competition. In the first half year, the total electricity
consumption of Guangdong Province was 214.373 billion kwh, a year-on-year increase of 6.34%. The maximum load was RMB
74.957 million kw, a year-on-year increase of 5.97%. The year-on-year growth rate both somewhat slowed down. Under the
background of slowdown of electricity demand growth of Guangdong Province, the electricity in the west area has been additionally
transmitted in large quantity. The quantity of electricity purchased by Guangdong Province from the west area increased by 22.3%
year on year, which formed great pressure of peak regulation on units in Guangdong Province.
         In the report period, Thanks to the contribution of additional units, the overall power output enjoyed certain growth. The
power output in terms of consolidated statements was 18.424 billion kwh, a year-on-year increase of 18.45%. The on-grid electricity
volume was 17.175 kwh, a year-on-year increase of 18.42%. 46.48% of the plan of on-grid electricity volume for the whole year was
fulfilled. On equity basis (including joint venture power plants), the power output and on-grid electricity volume of the Company
were 183.33 billion kwh and 17.163 billion kwh, which respectively increased by 24.03% and 23.86% year on year.
          In the report period, Thanks to the rise in electricity rate and power output of additional units, power revenue increased
remarkably year on year. The operating income was RMB 7.826 million, a year-on-year increase of 20.95%. Due to year-on-year
increase of fuel cost caused by delayed report of coal price, the earning status of the Comapny has not been effectively improved. For
the report period, the operating profit of the Company and its net profit for the shareholders of the Company were RMB 366 million
and 292 million, which respectively decreased by 5.43% and 8.18% year on year.
        In the report period, The Company continued to follow up the construction progress of the projects under construction, deeply
participated in the management of capital construction projects and tried to ensure the start of project operation as soon as possible.
The major capital construction projects followed up by the Company include the project of No. 7 unit (600WM) in Maoming and
Zhanjiang Yongshi wind power project (49.5WM) held by the Company and Weixin coal-electricity integration project (2X 600WM)
and Lincang Dayakou hydropower project (102WM) partly held by the Company. At present, the engineering construction of some
projects has entered into the last stage and they are about to become the new channels for profit growth of the Company.
    In the report period,      The significant asset reorganization scheme of the Company was examined and approved by CSRC.
Finally, the official approval was obtained from CSRC on June 28. The approval of this significant asset reorganization will create
important influence on the quick increase of assets and installation scale of the Company and enhancement of its asset quality and

Description for above 20%of the company's actual business performance than the profit forecast
disclosed publicly during the reporting period
□ Yes √ No
Major subsidiaries of the company, shares of the company's operations and performance analysis

          Shajiao A Power Plant, the Company's wholly-owned plant, achieved electricity generation
volume of 3.708 billion KWH and on-grid electricity generation volume of 3.437 billion KWH,
decrease by 11.08% and 11.14% respectively as compared to those of last year.
Zhanjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. (“Zhanjiang Electric”), a 76% held subsidiary with a registered
capital of RMB 2875.44 million, is mainly engaged in power generation and construction of power
plant . For the end of report period, its total assets, net assets were RMB 4307.40 million and RMB
3871.56million respectively. In the report period, ,Its Main business income ,Main business profit
and net profit were RMB 1568.18 million, RMB171.07 million and RMB115.40 million
respectively. The Zhanjiang Power Plant owned by Zhanjiang Electric has achieved power
generation of3.596 billion KWH and on-grid electricity of 3.385 billion KWH, decrease by 1.91%
and 1.80% respectively compared to those of last year.
          Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co., Ltd. (“Yuejia Electric”), a 58% held subsidiary, with a
registered capital of RMB 1200 million, is mainly engaged in power generation.                               For the end of report

period,   its total assets and net assets were RMB840.18million, RMB 53.82respectively. In the report
period,       Its   Main      business       income,       Main       business       profit      and   net      profit     were
RMB356.17million,RMB-1.52million and RMB6.79 million respectively. The Meixian Power Plant
owned by Guangdong Yuejia Electric has achieved power generation of 0.832 billion KWH and
on-grid electricity volume of 0.76 billion KWH, increase by 10.05 % and 9.51% respectively
compared to those of last year.

          Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Power Generation Co., Ltd. ("Yuejiang Electric Power") of

which the Company holds 65% equity has registered capital of RMB 770 million.It is mainly

engaged in power generation.             For the end of report period,   its total assets and net assets were RMB

2973.54 million and RMB269.37million respectively. In the report period, Its main business

income ,main business profit and Net profit were RMB722.14million , RMB3.58million and

RMB-49.62 million respectively. The power output and on-grid electricity volume of #10 and #11

unit of subsidiary Shaoguan Power Plant were 1.573 billion kwh and 1.451 billion kwh, a respective

decrease of 11.28% and 11.25 % year on year.

          Maoming Zhenneng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. of which our company holds 58.27% equity has

registered capital of RMB 999.53 million and mainly engaged in power generation. For the end of report

period,   its total assets and net assets were RMB 3414.87million and RMB990.08million respectively.
In the report period, its main business income ,main business profit and Net profit were

RMB647.62 million, RMB23.73 million and RMB -19.45 million respectively.The power output

and on-grid electricity volume of #5 and #6 unit of subsidiary Maoming Ruineng Thermal Power

Plant were 1.549 billion kwh and 1.433 billion kwh, a respective decrease of 11.94% and 1187 %

year on year.

       Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Co., Ltd. , a 65% held subsidiary with a registered capital
of RMB 2919.27 million.It is mainly engaged in power generation.                             For the end of report period,   its total
assets and net assets were RMB13275.88million and RMB3092.23 million respectively. In the
report period, Its Main business income, Main business profit and net profit were RMB1422.25
million , RMB247.91million and RMB 102.18 million respectively. Huilai Power Plant owned by
Yudean Jinghai Electric Power has achieved power generation of 3.394 billion KWH and on-grid
electricity volume of 3.193 billion KWH, increases by 0.38 % and 0.25% respectively compared to
those of last year.

The registered capital is RMB 1454.30 million of Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy Co.,                                       Ltd. which our
company has 90% of its original holding. For the end of report period, its total assets and net assets were RMB6004.89 million and
RMB1197.21 million respectively. In the report period, Its Main business income, Main business profit and net profit were
RMB1475.92million,RMB159.44million                          and                    RMB12.04million                       respectively.
The affiliated company Zhanjiang orimulsion-fired power plant has finished the “oil changes coal” building and transformation by th
e second half of the year,has achieved power generation of 3.715 billion KWH and on-grid electricity volume of 3.464 billion KWH.
    The registered capital of Shanxi Yuedian Energy Co., Ltd. of which the Company holds 40% equity is RMB 1000 million. It is
mainly engaged in coal investment, coal stock piling, loading and unloading at ports and intermediary services concerning
commodity logistics. On basis of 40% equity, the income for the report period was RMB 67.50 million.
    The registered capital of Guangdong Yuedian Finance Co., Ltd. of which the Company holds 25% equity is RMB 2000 million.
It is mainly engaged in the businesses approved by China Banking Industry Regulatory Commission in accordance with relevant laws
and administrative regulations. On basis of 25% equity, the income for the report period was RMB 43.72 million.

    The registered capital of Guangdong Red Bay Power Generation Co., Ltd. of which the Company holds 25% equity is RMB
2749.75 million. It is mainly engaged in power generation and power station construction. On basis of 25% equity, the income for the
report period was RMB 43.02 million. The power output and on-grid electricity volume of affiliated Shanwei Power Plant were
respectively 7.069 billion kwh and 6.663 billion kwh.

All the risk factors that maybe have adverse influence on the achievement of future development strategy and business objective of
the company
(1) In the first half of the year, part of industrial enterprises has short production due to the impact of slowdown of
national economy, which directly causes the electricity demand declined, and the subordinate power plants of the
company have un-ideal performance of the electricity generation capacity. But with the commission of other large
capacity of units and the pressure of west-to-east diversion in the second half of the year, the competition in the
electricity market within the province should be further sharp, and the production operation and management is
facing a critical challenge.
(2) The price of fuels has dropped slightly than previous year in the first half of the year, but the whole economic
trend in the second half of the year has an uncertainty. There still exists the possibility of rising for the fuel prices,
but the company still has the cost pressure of electricity generation business.

1.The Status of key business in terms of industry of business.

(1)The Status of key business in terms of industry and product of business.

                                                                                                                Unit :RMB

                                                                              Change of
                                                  Increase/decr Increase/decr Gross profit
 On industry Income from Cost of key Gross profit ease of key ease of key rate over the
or production key business business  rate(%)      business business cost same period
                                                  turnover(%) (%)       of last year
In terms of business line

Sales       Electric
heat supply             7,768,087,935       6,978,829,000              10.16%                    21%   20.96%       0.03%
 And Provision

In terms    of product
Sales Electric
                        7,735,315,438       6,952,100,646              10.13%              20.77%      20.81%      -0.03%

heat supply
                             9,608,000          5,985,630               37.7%

                            23,164,497         20,742,724              10.45%              55.58%      39.73%      10.16%

The Status of key business in terms of industry and product of business.

The main business scope of the company is the investment, construction, operation and management of power, as
well as the production and sales of power and the management of large electricity generation companies. During
the report period, owing to the heating needs, Maoming Zhenneng Thermoelectricity Co. Ltd. has, 58.27%
controlled by the company, restored the heating business.
Description for the reasons of greater rise or fall range in gross profit rate year-over-year:

(2)Main        operation in terms of areas are as follows:

                                                                                    Increase/decrease of income
                  Area                         Income from key business
Guangdong                                                           7,768,087,935                            21%

The Status of main operation in terms of areas

Description for the composition of main business

(3)Reasons for the material change of key business and its structure

□Applicable√Not applicable

(4)Reasonsfor the material change of the profitability ( gross profit rate) of the key business
compared with the previous year
□Applicable√Not applicable

(5)Analysis     of the reasons for the material change of profit structure compared with the previous
□Applicable√Not applicable

2.Internal controlling system related to accounting of fair value

□Applicable√Not applicable

3.Holding of financial assets and liabilities in foreign currency

□Applicable√Not applicable

        (II)Investment of Company
        1.The Company raised funds in the report period.
□Applicable√Not applicable

2.Commitments on projects of raised funds

□Applicable√Not applicable
3.Changes of projects of raised funds

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

4.Investment on major projects of non-raised funds

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(III)Revising of business plan of the second half of year by the Board

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(IV)Prediction of Business performance for Jan-Sept 2012.

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
 probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
 explanation of reason.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(V)The management’s remarks on the “non-standard opinions” by the auditors for the report

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(VI)The management’s remarks on any changes in and results of issues related to the “non opinions”
by the auditors for the previous year.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(VII)Results of discussion by the Board on the causation and impact of change in accounting
policies and estimations or correction of material accounting errors..

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(VIII)Establishment and Implementation of Cash Dividend Policy of the Company
   During the report period, in accordance to the relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC), and considering reality of the company, the company has made amendment to the part of terms related to
the profit distribution policy in the “Articles of Association”, made further improvement and perfection on cash
dividend policy and formulated “Management System on Dividend Payment” and “Shareholder Returns Plan in
the Next Three Years (2012 to 2014)” which are approved on the First Extraordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders 2012, the decision-making procedure is transparent, and the relevant specifications and requirements
are met. Also, the company has strictly conformed to the “Articles of Association” to implement the profit
distribution policy, establish the cash dividend policy of the company, perform the provisions in line with the
“Articles of Association” and the resolution requirements of General Meeting of Shareholders, define and clarify
the standard and the proportion of dividend, have the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms
prepared completely, clarify the independent directors’ duties who can play the proper role, have the minority
shareholders fully owning the chances of expressing their views and argument, and make the legitimate rights and
interests of minority shareholders protected.

(IX)Profit distribution or capitalizing of common reserves

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(X)Situation Of positive retained profit at end of 2011 but no cash dividend was proposed

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(XI)Establishment and Implementation of the Registration and Management System on Learners
  of Insider Information
In order to standardize the management of inside information, strengthen the confidentiality of inside information
and maintain the fair principle of information disclosure, the company has revised “Management System on Inside
Information” into “Management System on Inside Information and Learner” which shall have been examined and
passed by the 9th Meeting of the seventh Board of Directors held on July 25, 2012 and started to implement
according to the laws and regulations and the normative documents, such as “Corporate Law”, “Securities Law”,
“Information Disclosure Management Method of Listed Companies” of The China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC), the “Provisions on Listed Company Formulating Management System on Learners of
Insider Information” and the “Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange” and the relevant provisions of “Articles
of Association” and “Management System on Information Disclosure”.
In the report period, The company has strictly implemented the management system of inside information, and well
done the circulation, registration, disclosure, archiving and filing to the supervision departments for the inside
information as per the system. The Supervisory Board of the company has conducted the supervision for the
registration and management situations of inside information learners. After self-examination, the company has
not found the behavior that the inside learners deal with the company’s stocks during the sensitive period.
Whether implemented self-examination and accountability on insiders who dealing with stock of the Company as well as derivative
□ Yes √ No
Whether custody measurement and administration punishment on listed company and related staff from regulatory authorities in
aspect of implementation of registration management mechanism of insiders or inside trading involved or not.
□ Yes √ No

(XII)Other    Disclosures

(XIII)Liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangement for debt paying in later year(only applies to
listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
                                                    VII. Important Events

1.Governance of the Company
The company has strictly abided by the requirements of the laws and regulations and the normative documents,
such as “Corporate Law”, “Securities Law”, “Governance Rules of Listed Companies” and “Listing Rules of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange” to standardize the operations, continuously perfect the internal control system and the
corporate governance structure, ensure the system carried out and effectively implemented and improve the
governance level of the company.
 During the report period, in accordance to the relevant requirements of “Notice on Further Implementation of the
Relevant Provisions of the Dividends of Listed Companies” of The China Securities Regulatory Commission
(Guangdong Securities and Futures [2012] No.91) transmitted by Guangdong Bureau of The China Securities
Regulatory Commission, and considering reality of the company, the company has made improvement and
supplement for the cash dividend policy, decision-making procedure, information disclosure, supervision
mechanism and other contents in the “Articles of Association”, and formulated the “Management System on
Dividend Payment” and “Shareholder Returns Plan in the Next Three Years (2012 to 2014)” which should be
started to implement after the approval of General Meeting of Shareholders.

  According to the requirements of Document of “Notice on Special Inspection for the Implementation of Work
System on Secretary of the Board of Directors of Listed Companies” (Guangdong Securities and Futures [2012]
No.80) of Guangdong Bureau of The China Securities Regulatory Commission, the company has formulated
“Management System on Secretary of the Board of Directors”, and further clarified the duties, responsibility
management, position security and internal accountability mechanism of Secretary of the Board of Directors,
which are conducive to strengthening the management of Secretary of the Board of Directors, improving the
quality of information disclosure of the company and standardizing the operation levels.

(II)Dividend plans, reserve capitalizing plans, or share issuing plans proposed in previous period
and implemented in the current period.

√Applicable □Not applicable
    The Company's profit distribution plan for 2011 was examined and adopted by its 2011 annual shareholders' general meeting on
May 18, 2012. The Company published Announcement of Interest Distribution for 2011 on designated media on June 30, 2012. The
stock right registration date is July 6, 2012 (July 11 for B shares). The ex-dividend date is July 9, 2012. Cash dividends were
distributed on July 9 (for A shares) and July 11 (for B shares).

(III)Material lawsuits

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

Not material lawsuits and arbitrations occurred in this period.
(IV)Bankruptcy or capital reorganizing

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(V)Holding other PLC’S shares or participating of financial entities

1. Securities investment

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Statement on securities investment

2. Holding of other PLC’S shares

√ Applicable          □Not   applicable
                                                                                              Changes of
                                 Initial                                        Profits or                      Subject of
                   Stock                        Proportion of Book value at                     owners’                        Resource of
 Stock code                    investment                                     losses in the                     accounting
                abbreviation                    shareholding    period-end                    equity in the                        share
                                 amount                                       report period                     calculation
                                                                                              report period

                                                                                                               Available for
                                                                                                                sale           Issued
000027          Shen Energy     16,949,674             0.32%     54,348,001        840,000       3,108,000
                                                                                                                financial       Obtained

                                                                                                               Available for
                               235,837,987.                                                                     sale           Transferee to
600642          Shenergy                               1.28% 256,003,672         5,553,225       1,110,645
                                            5                                                                   financial       obtain

Total                                                --         310,351,673      6,393,225       4,218,645             --            --

Statement on holding of other PLC’s shares.

3.Shareholding in non-listed financial entities

√ Applicable          □Not   applicable

                                                                                              Changes of
                                                    The                       Loss and gain
                   Initial                                                                      owner’s        Accounting
   Name of                                      proportion to Book value at       in the                                         Origin of
                 investment    Number held                                                    equity in the     calculation
subjects held                                   the equity of   period end      reporting                                          equity
                  amount                                                                       reporting         subjects
                                                the company                      period

Guangdong       500,000,00 500,000,00                           577,178,80                                     Long-term       Initiated
                                                          25%              43,722,377                      0
Yudean                   0          0                                    2                                     investment      establishment
Finance Co.,                                                                             on stocks

Insurance       356,000,00 350,000,00                     356,000,00                                 Initiated
                                                    5.34%                       0    0 investment
Group Co.,               0          0                              0                                 establishment
                                                                                         on stocks

                856,000,00 850,000,00                        933,178,80
       Total                                       --                   43,722,377   0        --           --
                         0          0                                 2
Statement on shareholding in non-listed financial entities

4.Trading of other PLC’S shares

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Statement on trading of other PLC’S shares.

(VI)Asset trade

1.   Acquisition or swap in of assets

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Statement on acquisition of assets.

2.   Disposal or swap out of assets

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

Statement on disposal of assets

3.Asset exchange

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Statement on asset exchange.

4.Merger of entities

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
5. The progress of the event after the publishing of asset reorganization report or announcement of
acquisition or disposal of assets and its influence on the operating results and financial status for the
report period.

√ Applicable            □Not    applicable
    In the report period, The Company's application for significant asset reorganization concerning issuing shares to the controlling
shareholder to purchase assets was examined and approved by CSRC. At present, the Company is handling the procedures related to
assets delivery. It will try to complete the issue and listing of shares as soon as possible. This matter has not created influence on the
Company's operating results and financial position in the report period.

( VII ) Statement on share increasing proposal raised by the holding shareholder or its
action-in-concert parties in the report period

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(VIII)Implementation and influences of share equity incentive program

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
(IX)Important         Related transactions

1.Related transactions related to daily operation

Details on Rights of Credit & Liabilities, please refer to the financial report “Seventh, Related parties and Related Transaction (5)
Related Transaction”
The Related transactions existing between the company and the affiliates mainly display on purchasing fuses and materials,
apportioning the common operating costs, accepting and offering labor services, selling the products, deposit and demanding
interests, and leasing the fields out, etc.

     The pricing policy of the said related transaction::For the price of fuel purchase, if the state sets a price, such price shall apply.

If the State does not set a price, market price shall apply. The related parties promised that the price offered would not be higher than

the price of products of the same quality offered to third parties. The price of materials shall be settled according to market price.

Labor services/services are accepted and provided at the price agreed by both parties according to cost price and by reference to the

market price of similar services. Products are sold at the price agreed by both parties according to cost and by reference to the market

price of similar products. Relevant regulations of People's Bank of China apply to deposits. Site rent is collected in the mode

agreed by all parties based on cost price.

      The said related transactions were settled in cash and did not have unfavorable influence on the profit of
the Company. There is no significant difference from estimated related transactions.

2.Related transactions related to asset purchasing or disposal

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
3.Material related transactions related to collaborated external investment

√ Applicable          □Not   applicable
                                                                                                             Net profit     Progress of
                                                                       Registered capital   Asset scale of     of the       significant
 Joint investing                  Name of the invested                  of the invested     the invested     invested     projects of the
                   Relationship                               of the
      party                              enterprise                    enterprise(RMB enterprise(RMB enterprise            invested
                                                                           million)           million)       (RMB        enterprise under
                                                                                                             million)      construction

Guangdong                                                n,
                                  Maoming Zhenneng
Electric Power                                           production
                                  Thermal Power Co.,                              99,953         341,487        -1,945
Development                                              and
Company                                                  operation,
                                                         sales of
                                                         steam and

Statement on Material related transactions related to collaborated external investment

4. Credits/Debts with Related Parties

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Fund occupation and progress of paying off
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Till end of reporting period, accountability plan proposed by the Board for completed no non-operational fund occupation from listed
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
 Other Important Related transactions

(X)Important       contracts and their performance

1.Trusteeship , contract, or leasing issues which contributes 10% or over of total profit of the period


□ Applicable√ Not applicable

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


□ Applicable√ Not applicable


√Applicable □ Not applicable


                                     External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)

                      Relevant                                                                                            e
                                                  Date of
                      disclosure                                                                          Complete        for
                                                 happening        Actual
       Name of the   date/No. of Amount of                                         Guarantee    Guarantee implemen associate
                                                  (Date of       mount of
        Company          the       Guarantee                                         type          term     tation        d
                                                  signing       guarantee
                     guaranteed                                                                             or not    parties
                       amount                                                                                        (Yes or

                     July 22,                  December 25,                    Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                       3,430                           2,401                   15 years   No         No
                     2006                      2006                            g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                     May 24,                   November                        Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                       2,900                           2,900                   14 years   No         No
                     2007                      30,2007                         g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                     May 24,                   November 30,                    Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                       1,305                           1,305                   11 years   No         No
                     2007                      2007                            g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan       May 24,                   November 30,                    Guaranteein
                                       1,450                           1,450                   8 years    No         No
Binlangjiang         2007                      2007                            g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   May 24,               December 19,            Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                 4,350                   4,350                 17 years   No   No
                   2007                  2007                    g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   December              December 25,            Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                 4,350                   4,350                 15 years   No   No
                   19, 2007              2007                    g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   December                                      Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                12,000 March 18, 2008   12,000                 20 years   No   No
                   19, 2007                                      g
Development Co.,

                   July 22,                                      Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                 1,372 July 29,2008       960                  12 years   No   No
                   2006                                          g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   August 22,            October 31,             Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                 5,800                   5,800                 17 years   No   Yes
                   2008                  2008                    g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   November              November 14,            Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                 7,250                   7,250                 12 years   No   No
                   12, 2008              2008                    g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                   May 27,                                       Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                17,400 May 27, 2009      7,250                 14 years   No   No
                   2009                                          g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang       May 27,                                       Guaranteein
                                11,600 June 22, 2009     9,367                 20 years   No   Yes
Hydroelectricity   2009                                          g
Development Co.,

Weixin Yuntou
                        August 29,             September 22,                    Guaranteein
Yudean Zhaxi                          20,000                           20,000                   5 years    No          Yes
                        2009                   2009                             g
Energy Co., Ltd.

Yunnan Baoshan
                        May 27,                                                 Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                       7,250 June 23, 2010              7,250                   5 years    No          No
                        2010                                                    g
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
                        September              December 16,                     Guaranteein
Hydroelectricity                      14,500                           14,500                   10 years   No          No
                        10,2010                2010                             g
Development Co.,

Weixin Yuntou
                        March 8,                                                Guaranteein
Yudean Zhaxi                          93,680 March 27, 2012            33,480                   15 years   No          No
                        2012                                                    g
Energy Co., Ltd.

       Total amount of approved                                   Total actually amount of
 external guarantee in the report                     -63,520     external guarantee in the                             33,480
              period(A1)                                             report period(A2)

       Total amount of approved                                   Total actually amount of
 external guarantee at the end of                     267,637 external guarantee at the end                            134,613
         the report period(A3)                                    of the report period(A4)

                                         Guarantee of the company for its subsidiaries

                           Related                Date of                                                  Complete
                                                                  Actually                                               e for
       Name of the      announcem Amount of happening(date                          Guarantee    Guarantee implemen
                                                                  guarantee                                             related
company guaranteed ent date and guarantee        of signing                           type          term   tation or
                                                                   amount                                              party(yes
                             no.                 agreement)                                                     not
                                                                                                                        or no)

Zhongyue Energy         November               September 29,                    Guaranteein
                                     117,000                           54,000                   12 years   No          No
Co., Ltd.               11, 2010               2010                             g
Zhongyue Energy         November                                                Guaranteein
                                     117,000 January 3, 2011            9,000                   12 years   No          No
Co., Ltd.               11, 2010                                                g
Zhongyue Energy         November                                                Guaranteein
                                     117,000 March 24, 2011            18,000                   12 years   No          No
Co., Ltd.               11, 2010                                                g

                        April 29,                                               Guaranteein
Zhanjiang                             15,700 March 4, 2011             13,200                   20 years   No          Yes
                        2009                                                    g
Wind Power
Co., Ltd.
Shaoguan Yuejiang       June 29,                                                        Guaranteein
                                         32,500 July 28, 2011                  23,075                   7 years   No   No
Generate electricity    2011                                                            g
Co., Ltd.

Total of guarantee for subsidiaries                                    Total of actual guarantee for
                                                                  0                                                           0
   approved in the period(B1)                                         subsidiaries in the period (B2)

Total of guarantee for subsidiaries                                   Total of actual guarantee for
                                                           165,200                                                       117,275
   approved at period-end(B3)                                         subsidiaries at period-end(B4)

Total of company’s guarantee(namely total of the large two aforementioned)

Total of guarantee approved in the                                     Total of Actual guarantee in
                                                           -63,520                                                       33,480
            period(A1+B1)                                                    the period(A2+B2

Total of guarantee approved at the                                    Total of actual guarantee at
                                                         432,837                                                        251,888
       period-end(A3+B3)                                              the period-end(A4+B4)

The proportion of the total amount guarantee in the net assets of
the company(that is A4+B4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
associated parties(C)

The debts guarantee amount provided for the
Guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed                                                                  238,688
70% directly or indirectly(D)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of
the Company exceed 50%(E)

Total guarantee amount of the abovementioned

Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees

Remarks on illegal providing of external guarantee                    None

3.Entrusted capital management

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

4.Performing of material contracts

5.Other material contracts

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
(XI)Statement on issuing of company bonds

√Applicable □ Not applicable

      Construction Bank of China Co., Ltd. authorized its Guangdong Branch to provide full-amount unconditional irrevocable
guarantee of joint and several liabilities for the honoring of the principal and interest of corporate bonds issued by the Company. The
guarantor has made profit continuously and its asset scale has kept increasing. There has been no material unfavourable change in
credit status.

      The Company's credit status has not changed apparently. At the end of the report period, the assets-liabilities ratio of the
Company was 66.84%. 公On March 12, 2012, the Company paid the interest of corporate bonds for the fourth interest period. In the
future, the Company will continue to provide guarantee for the debt service concerning its corporate bonds through steady
development of its own business.

     China International Finance Co., Ltd., the trustee of the bonds of the Company, published annual report on entrusted
management of bonds on April 26, 2012. The content of the report includes the Company's operating status, condition of assets,
condition of use of proceeds raised through issue of bonds, follow-up rating of bonds, etc.

(XII)Fulfilling of commitments

 1.Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in reporting
period or extending to reporting period.

√Applicable □ Not applicable
   Items of      Promise                                                                                                           Implement
                                                     Content of commitments                                  Date         Time
commitments         e                                                                                                                 ation

Promise in
share holding
                 N/A       N/A                                                                                                     N/A

made in
Report or        N/A       N/A                                                                                                     N/A
Reports on
Change in

made in
Material         N/A       N/A                                                                                                     N/A

                         ①Yue Dian Li is the only platform of listing for integration of
                         power generation assets in Yudean Group.

                    ② After the completion of this reorganization, it is unsuitable to
                    inject the remaining power generation assets in China controlled by
                    Yuedian Group due to various problems including imperfectness of
                    procedures of examination and approval, status of profit making,
                    provisions of cooperation agreement and use of land, except Yue
                    Dian Li and the power generation assets controlled by it. According
                    to the status of solution of the above-mentioned problems, Yuedian
                    Group will gradually inject the assets qualified for listing into Yue
Commitments ng
                    Dian Li through assets merger and acquisition or reorganization in November               Under
made in     Yudean
                    the next 5 years and finally realize the overall listing of its power 3, 2011             fulfillment
issuing     Group
                    generation assets in China.
             Co., Ltd.

                         ③ During the injection of power generation assets into Yue Dian
                         Li, Yuedian Group will first support Yue Dian Li in respect of
                         power supply project development, capital operation, assets merger
                         and acquisition, etc.

                         ④ Yudean Group will continue to fulfill all commitments of
                         supporting the development of Yue Dian Li that were made by it

commitm                138,047,138 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) privately issued by
ents         Guangdo the Company to Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd., its
offered to   ng        controlling shareholder, were listed at Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                                                       May 25,                Under
the          Yudean from May 25, 2010. Yudean Group promised not to assign the                      3 years
                                                                                       2010                   fulfillment
company’    Group stocks of Yue Dian Li owned by it within 36 months from the said
s minority   Co., Ltd. day of listing.
ents         √   Yes □ No
fulfilled in
a timely
reason for
unfinished N/A
ents and
the next
leads to
on and the
of related     √Yes □No
d settled      N/A
ents fulfill   N/A

2.Explanation on assets or projects that reached the original profit forecast as well as its reasons while the
reporting period still in forecast period, and there are profit forecast on assets or projects of the Company.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(XIII)Other misc. income subjects


                                 Items                         Occurred current term      Occurred in previous term

1.Gains(losses)from sellable financial assets                                4,218,645                  -8,219,537

Less:Income tax influence of sellable financial assets                      -1,054,661                   2,054,884
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms

Subtotal                                                                             3,163,984                   -6,164,653

2.Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the investee on equity

Less:income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on
equity basis

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms


3.Amount of gains(or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument

Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments

Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in
previous terms

Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target project


4.Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statements

Less: Net amount of disposing overseas Business and transferred to
current gain/loss



Less:Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc. incomes

Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred into
current gain/loss in previous terms


Total                                                                                3,163,984                   -6,164,653

(XIV)The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for
future reference

                                                                                                 Content of discussion and
        Date                  Place                 Mode                  Type       Visitor
                                                                                                     materials provided

                      Office of the                                                              Current status of
March 20, 2012                               Onsite investigation Institution    Boshi Fund
                      Company                                                                    production,management

                      Office of the                                              Assets          Current status of
March 28, 2012                               Onsite investigation Institution
                      Company                                                    Management      production,management
                                                                                 Co., Ltd.
                        Office of the                                                                     Current status of
June 6, 2012                                    Onsite investigation Institution          Guangfa fund
                        Company                                                                           production,management

                        Office of the                                                     Industrial      Current status of
June 19, 2012                                   Onsite investigation Institution
                        Company                                                           Securities      production,management

    (XV)Engagement            and removal of certified public accountants
If the Semi-annual Report is audited
□ Yes √ No

(XVI)Punishment on the Company and/or the directors, supervisors, executives, shareholders,
substantial controller, and purchasers, and correcting of misbehaviors

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
(XVII)Other Material events
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(XVIII)Material change in profit ability, asset, and credit situation of the guarantor of the
convertible bonds

(Only applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(XIX)Index for information disclosed

                                           Name and layout of                                   Website for publishing and searching
             Matter                                                      Date of publishing
                                        newspapers for publishing                                              path

                                  China Securities Daily,
Announcement of                   Securities Times and
 Resolutionsof the First          Hong Kong
                                                                     January 21, 2012          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Meeting of the Seventh Board     Commercial Daily
 of Directors in 2012             (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
                                  China Securities Daily,
                                  Securities Times and
Announcement on External          Hong Kong
                                                                     January 21, 2012          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Investment                        Commercial Daily
                                  (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
                                  China Securities Daily,
                                  Securities Times and
Forenotice of Earnings            Hong Kong                          January 21, 2012          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                  Commercial Daily
                                  (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
                              Securities Times and
Announcement ofProgress
                              Hong Kong
 ofsignificant asset                                    February 10,2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                              Commercial Daily
                              (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
                              Securities Times and
Announcement of Interest      Hong Kong
                                                        March 3, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Payment for Yudean bonds      Commercial Daily
                              (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
                              Securities Times and
Announcement of Resolutions
                              Hong Kong
 of the 7th Meeting of the                              March 8, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                              Commercial Daily
 Seventh Board of Directors
                              (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
Announcement of Resolutions   Securities Times and
 of the 4th Meeting of the    Hong Kong
                                                        March 8, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Seventh Supervisory          Commercial Daily
 Committee                    (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
Related Transaction           Securities Times and
Announcement with             Hong Kong
                                                        March 8, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Guangdong Yudean              Commercial Daily
Finance Co., Ltd.             (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
                              Securities Times and
Announcement On External      Hong Kong
                                                        March 8, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Guarantee                     Commercial Daily
                              (overseas newspaper
                              for English version).
                              China Securities Daily,
Announcement of change of
                              Securities Times and
accounting Policies
                              Hong Kong                 March 8, 2012      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                              Commercial Daily
                              (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
                                 Securities Times and
Summary of 2011 Annual           Hong Kong
                                                           March 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Report                           Commercial Daily
                                 (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
                                 Securities Times and
                                 Hong Kong
Forenotice of Earnings                                     April 14, 012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 Commercial Daily
                                 (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
Announcement of                  Securities Times and
Resolutions of the 8th           Hong Kong
                                                           April 26, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting of the Seventh           Commercial Daily
Board of Directors               (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                           China Securities Daily,
                           Securities Times and
Announcement of the
                           Hong Kong
                                                           April 26, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Party Transactions Commercial Daily
                           (overseas newspaper
                           for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
                                 Securities Times and
Announcement of Notice of
                                 Hong Kong
2011 Shareholders’ General                                April 26, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 Commercial Daily
                                 (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
                                 Securities Times and
The First Quarterly Report       Hong Kong
                                                           April 26, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
2012                             Commercial Daily
                                 (overseas newspaper
                                 for English version).
                                 China Securities Daily,
Suggestive announcement of       Securities Times and
Holding of 2011 annual           Hong Kong                 May 14, 2012     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
shareholders’ General Meeting   Commercial Daily
                                 (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
                                  China Securities Daily,
                                  Securities Times and
Announcement of Resolutions
                                  Hong Kong
of 2011 Annual shareholders’                               Ma 18, 2012     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                  Commercial Daily
General Meeting
                                  (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
Yue Dian Li's Announcement
of Suspension of Listing Due to   China Securities Daily,
Examination of the Company's      Securities Times and
Issue of Shares to Purchase       Hong Kong
                                                            May 23, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Assets and Related Transaction    Commercial Daily
by Merger, Acquisition and        (overseas newspaper
Reorganization Committee of       for English version).

                                  China Securities Daily,
Announcement of
                                  Securities Times and
Resolutions of the
                                  Hong Kong
Second Meeting of the                                       May 25, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                  Commercial Daily
Seventh Board of
                                  (overseas newspaper
Directors in 2012
                                  for English version).
Announcement on Related China Securities Daily,
                                  Securities Times and
Transaction       Concerning Hong Kong
                                                            May 25, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Acquisition of Capacity Commercial Daily
                                  (overseas newspaper
Quota of Shut-down Units for English version).

                                  China Securities Daily,
 Announcement on CSRC's           Securities Times and
Approval of the Application for   Hong Kong
                                                            May 30, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Issue of Shares to Purchase       Commercial Daily
Assets and Related Transaction    (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
                                  China Securities Daily,
                                  Securities Times and
Announcement On Electricity       Hong Kong
                                                            June 12, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Rate Ajustment                   Commercial Daily
                                  (overseas newspaper
                                  for English version).
Announcement on CSRC's            China Securities Daily,
Approval of the Application for   Securities Times and      June 30, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Issue of Shares to Purchase       Hong Kong
Assets                             Commercial Daily
                                   (overseas newspaper
                                   for English version).
                                   China Securities Daily,
                                   Securities Times and
Yue Dian Li's Announcement
                                   Hong Kong
of Dividend Distribution for                                      June 30, 2012           http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                   Commercial Daily
                                   (overseas newspaper
                                   for English version).

       XIII. Financial Report

1 Auditor's report

If the interim report is audited
□ Yes v No

2.Financial statements

Consolidated or not:
√Yes □ No
All figures in the financial statements are in RMB yuan except fro otherwise stated.
All figures in the Notes to the financial statements are in RMB yuan.

1. Consolidated Balance sheet

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                 Unit :RMB

                 Items                  Notes               Year-end balance                 Year-beginning balance
Current asset:

   Monetary fund                                                          2,772,677,837                      2,182,660,514
   Settlement provision

   Outgoing call loan

 Trading financial assets                                                                                               0
 Bill receivable                                                                                                        0
 Account receivable                                                       1,411,101,269                      1,657,325,697
   Prepayments                                                              943,794,646                        321,693,491
 Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
  Interest receivable                981,921         1,071,844
  Dividend receivable             12,032,000       96,079,553
 Other account receivable        148,609,606       97,964,732
 Repurchasing of financial
 Inventories                    1,210,537,221    1,410,576,820
  Non-current asset due in 1
  Other current asset            913,592,886      969,425,199
Total of current assets         7,413,327,386    6,736,797,850
Non-current assets:
  Loans and payment on
other’s behalf disbursed
  Disposable financial asset     310,351,673      306,133,028
  Expired investment in
 Long-term receivable            521,179,550      482,006,891
 Long term share equity
                                5,752,378,636    5,812,518,793
 Property investment              11,792,428       12,110,227
  Fixed assets                 14,239,447,538   14,866,672,176
  Construction in progress     10,623,246,045    9,159,945,080
Engineering material             641,479,735     1,023,682,015
  Fixed asset disposal            46,019,975         4,164,516
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets               478,272,659      491,722,772
 R & D petrol
  Long-germ expenses to be
Differed income tax asset         96,909,186       96,909,186
 Other non-current asset         361,680,608      487,532,858
Total of non-current assets    33,082,758,033   32,743,397,542
Total of assets                     40,496,085,419   39,480,195,392
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                   9,286,600,000    9,318,000,000
 Loan from Central Bank
 Deposit received and hold for
 Call loan received
  Trade off financial liabilities
  Bill payable                        691,160,000      343,083,604
  Account payable                    3,269,982,458    3,449,859,930
 Advance payment                         9,810,640        2,315,543
  Selling of repurchased
financial assets
Fees and commissions
 Employees’ wage payable             267,250,232      205,462,922
 Tax payable                           83,002,572       65,250,662
 Interest payable                      71,526,444      122,666,756
 Dividend payable                     180,064,470       15,552,964
  Other account payable               867,633,871      817,248,933
 Reinsurance fee payable
 Insurance contract provision
 Entrusted trading of securities
Entrusted selling of securities
Non-current liability due in 1
                                      968,382,437      940,141,518
Other current liability
Total of current liability          15,695,413,124   15,279,582,832
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                     7,272,973,658    7,167,153,408
 Bond payable                        1,992,793,519    1,991,442,304
  Long-term payable                  2,059,094,307    1,741,163,487
 Special payable
 Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability            3,674,601        2,619,939
 Other non-current liabilities                                45,567,072                       46,730,522
Differed income                                           11,374,103,157                   10,949,109,660
Total of liability                                       27,069,516,281                    26,228,692,492
Owners’ equity
  Share capital                                            2,797,451,138                    2,797,451,138
 Capital reserves                                          1,851,256,357                    1,848,718,571
  Less:Shares in stock
 Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                                         3,955,568,618                    3,775,481,032
 Common risk provision
  Undistributed profit                                     1,729,206,191                    1,784,972,625
  Different of foreign currency

Total of owner’s equity belong to
                                                         10,333,482,304                    10,206,623,366
the parent company

Minority shareholders’ equity                             3,093,086,834                    3,044,879,534
Total of owners’ equity                                 13,426,569,138                    13,251,502,900
Total of liabilities and owners’
                                                         40,496,085,419                    39,480,195,392

Legal representative :Pan Li Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiaoqing Person-in -charge of the
accounting organ:Qin Jingdong

2. Balance sheet of the Parent Company


                Items                Notes      Year-end balance              Year-beginning balance
Current asset:

         Monetary fund                                      579,244,486                       417,749,940
Trading financial assets

 Bill receivable
 Account receivable                                         295,707,611                       348,032,141
  Prepayments                                               222,149,545                       178,078,582
  Interest receivable                                         12,515,139                        5,701,784
  Dividend receivable                                       138,380,529                       105,234,649
 Other account receivable                                   344,602,860                       273,092,240
 Inventories                          167,226,823      192,183,732
  Non-current asset due in 1
  Other current asset                    1,524,259      35,837,879
Total of current assets              1,761,351,252    1,555,910,947
Non-current assets:
  Disposable financial asset          310,351,673      306,133,028
  Expired investment in
 Long-term receivable                 523,780,000      423,780,000
 Long term share equity
                                    13,315,662,580   13,118,857,714
 Property investment                   11,792,428       12,110,227
  Fixed assets                       1,005,567,882    1,086,238,084
  Construction in progress            220,435,353       88,123,240
Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal                 18,154,154
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets                    106,103,015      107,842,409
 R & D petrol
  Long-germ expenses to be
Differed income tax asset
 Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets         15,511,847,085   15,143,084,702
Total of assets
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                   2,929,100,000    3,075,000,000
  Trade off financial liabilities
  Bill payable
  Account payable                     645,659,771      469,788,433
 Advance payment                         2,550,000        1,831,135
 Employees’ wage payable              64,555,082       42,398,999
 Tax payable                                                 8,625,076                          14,826,004
 Interest payable                                           50,692,813                        110,857,332
 Dividend payable                                       175,134,803                              7,323,298
  Other account payable                                 105,578,989                             47,816,643
Non-current liability due in 1
                                                            40,000,000                          40,000,000
Other current liability
Total of current liability                            4,021,896,534                         3,809,841,844
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                                      1,250,000,000                         1,090,000,000
 Bond payable                                         1,992,793,519                         1,991,442,304
  Long-term payable
 Special payable
 Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability                                3,674,601                           2,619,939
  Other non-current liabilities                             30,567,072                          29,508,307
Total of Non-current liabilities                      3,277,035,192                         3,113,570,550
Total of liability                                    7,298,931,726                         6,923,412,394
Owners’ equity
  Share capital                                       2,797,451,138                         2,797,451,138
 Capital reserves                                     1,785,707,538                         1,782,543,554
  Less:Shares in stock
 Special reserves
Surplus reserves                                      3,955,568,618                         3,775,481,032
  Undistributed profit                                1,435,539,317                         1,420,107,531
  Different of foreign currency

Total of owners’ equity                              9,974,266,611                         9,775,583,255
Total of liabilities and owners’
                                                    17,273,198,337                         16,698,995,649

3. Consolidated Profit statement


                Items               Notes   Report period                Same period of the previous year

I. Income from the key business                       7,826,479,881                         6,470,761,685
Incl:Business income                 7,826,479,881   6,470,761,685
    Interest income
 Insurance fee earned
Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost               7,729,840,255   6,382,188,878
Incl:Business cost                   6,997,972,389   5,797,248,108
      Interest expense
 Fee and commission paid
   Insurance discharge
  Net claim amount paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
  Reinsurance expenses
    Business tax and surcharge          25,656,761      36,936,079
     Sales expense                         714,612         325,957
 Administrative expense                259,461,977     252,607,719
   Financial expenses                  446,034,516     295,071,015
 Asset impairment loss
   Add:Gains from change of
fir value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)     269,721,894     298,684,733
  Incl: investment gains from
    Gains from currency
exchange(“-”for loss)
III. Operational profit(“-”for
                                       366,361,520     387,257,540
 Add:Non-business income               47,922,349       6,819,739
 Less:Non business expenses             1,190,397       5,259,255
Incl:Loss from disposal of
                                            18,000       2,609,459
non-current assets
IV.Total profit(“-”for loss)         413,093,472     388,818,024
 Less:Income tax expenses              75,884,101      65,133,726
V. Net profit(“-”for net loss       337,209,371     323,684,298
  Including: Net profit realized by
the entity taken over before the

 Net profit attributable to the
                                                                     292,168,221                           317,648,740
owners of parent company
  Minority shareholders’
                                                                         45,041,150                           6,035,558
VI. Earnings per share:                                      --                                     --
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                   0.1                                 0.11
 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                 0.1                                 0.11
VII. Other comprehensive income                                           3,163,984                          -6,164,653
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                     340,373,355                           317,519,645
Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the                                     295,332,205                           311,484,087
parent company

 Total comprehensive income
                                                                         45,041,150                           6,035,558
attributable minority shareholders

Enterprise combination under same controlling at the end of current period. the net profit for the
enterprise to be combined is 0.00.

Legal representative :Pan Li        Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiaoqing Person-in -charge of the
accounting organ:Qin Jingdong

4. Profit statement of the Parent Company


                Items                 Notes              Report period                Same period of the previous year

I. Income from the key business                                    1,544,981,110                          1,681,819,565
  Incl:Business cost                                              1,387,282,791                          1,468,983,247
Business tax and surcharge                                                5,994,320                           9,068,500
     Sales expense                                                         263,005                              173,989
 Administrative expense                                                  68,732,493                          67,289,264
    Financial expenses                                               196,319,231                           157,262,297
 Asset impairment loss
   Add:Gains from change of
fir value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                   476,013,186                           579,587,353

  Incl: investment gains from
II. Operational profit(“-”for
                                                            362,402,456                             558,629,621
 Add:Non-business income                                      1,991,782                               1,556,102
 Less:Non business expenses                                   1,027,797                               2,522,749
   Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets
III.Total profit(“-”for loss)                             363,366,441                             557,662,974
 Less:Income tax expenses                                               0                            -1,577,252
IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                         363,366,441                             559,240,226
V. Earnings per share:                             --                                        --
(I)Basic earnings per share
 (II)Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income                                 3,163,984                              -6,164,653
VII. Total comprehensive income                             366,530,425                             553,075,573

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

                                                                                                      Unit :RMB

                 Items                   Report period                       Same period of the previous year

I.Cash flows from operating activities

  Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                         9,395,461,209                              7,730,790,288
rending of services

   Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for
brother company
     Net increase of loans from
central bank
   Net increase of inter-bank
loans from other financial bodies
Cash received against original
insurance contract
 Net cash received from
reinsurance business
    Net increase of client deposit
and investment
     Net increase of trade
financial asset disposal
  Cash received as interest,
processing fee and commission
Net increase of inter-bank fund
 Net increase of repurchasing
  Tax returned                           2,955,183       3,663,842

  Other cash received from
                                        75,141,102     120,978,133
business operation
  Sub-total of cash inflow            9,473,557,494   7,855,432,263

  Cash paid for purchasing of
                                      6,518,764,635   5,641,639,499
merchandise and services
  Net increase of client trade and
  Net increase of savings n
central bank and brother company
  Cash paid for original contract
 Cash paid for interest, processing
fee and commission
  Cash paid for policy dividend
 Cash paid to staffs or paid for
                                       441,775,530     478,147,993
  Taxes paid                           380,616,055     524,718,229

   Other cash paid for business
                                       183,676,858     153,617,938
    Sub-total of cash outflow
                                      7,524,833,078   6,798,123,659
from business activities
 Cash flow generated by business
                                      1,948,724,416   1,057,308,604
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by
 Cash received from investment
                                        32,000,000     413,200,000
  Cash received as investment
                                       424,921,718     139,108,962
   Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible     64,960,139          240,321
assets, and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other
operational units
 Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other                                   2,729,389
operational units
   Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                        521,881,857      555,278,672
investment activities
  Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and    1,185,962,381   2,111,885,680
other long-term assets
  Cash paid as investment                14,781,600      616,413,725

  Net increase of loan against
Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other operational
 Other cash paid for investment
                                            142,686       23,358,173
   Sub-total of cash outflow
                                       1,200,886,667   2,751,657,578
due to investment activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                       -679,004,810    -2,196,378,906
  III.Cash flow generated by
 Cash received as investment             90,332,375      301,552,900

  Incl: Cash received as
investment from minor
  Cash received as loans               7,179,309,589   8,367,837,038

  Cash received from bond
 Other financing –related ash
   Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                       7,269,641,964   8,672,104,617
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts                                  6,939,230,296                          5,623,888,525

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                           924,117,077                             765,564,373
  Incl: Dividend and profit paid
by subsidiaries to minor
 Other cash paid for financing
                                                            85,996,874                              55,802,400
    Sub-total of cash outflow due
                                                          7,949,344,247                          6,445,255,298
to financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                          -679,702,283                           2,226,849,319
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                           590,017,323                           1,087,779,017
  Add: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of                           2,182,660,514                          1,894,021,204
VI.Balance of cash and cash
                                                          2,772,677,837                          2,981,800,221
equivalents at the end of term

6. Cash flow statement of the Parent Company


                 Items                    Report period                   Same period of the previous year

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                          1,864,051,062                          2,002,589,057
rending of services

       Tax returned                                                  0                                 148,145

  Other cash received from
                                                            22,682,205                              24,791,515
business operation
  Sub-total of cash inflow                                1,886,733,267                          2,027,528,717

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                          1,183,908,500                          1,469,383,014
merchandise and services

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for                           137,424,003                             163,193,890
  Taxes paid                             82,941,412     115,034,480

   Other cash paid for business
                                         58,631,685      47,740,750
    Sub-total of cash outflow
                                       1,462,905,600   1,795,352,134
from business activities
 Cash flow generated by business
                                        423,827,667     232,176,583
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by
 Cash received from investment
                                         32,000,000     413,200,000
  Cash received as investment
                                        506,549,752     420,011,582
   Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible                          9,740
assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other
operational units
  Other cash receivable for
investment activities
   Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                        538,549,752     833,563,908
investment activities
  Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and      86,788,014      44,501,335
other long-term assets
  Cash paid as investment               471,726,621    1,348,697,725

Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other operational
 Other cash paid for investment
   Sub-total of cash outflow
                                        558,514,635    1,393,578,056
due to investment activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                         -19,964,883   -560,014,148
  III.Cash flow generated by
  Cash received as loans
  Cash received from bond
                                                                    1,594,100,000                        3,520,000,000
 Other financing –related ash
   Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                                    1,594,100,000                        3,520,630,525
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts                                            1,480,000,000                        2,970,000,000

 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                     356,084,890                          273,248,871
 Other cash paid for financing
                                                                         383,348                               5,802,000
    Sub-total of cash outflow due
                                                                    1,836,468,238                        3,249,050,871
to financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                                    -242,368,238                          271,579,654
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                     161,494,546                              -56,257,911
  Add: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of                                      417,749,940                          659,395,980
VI.Balance of cash and cash
                                                                     579,244,486                          603,138,069
equivalents at the end of term
7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
Report period

                                                                       Report period

                                          Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
             Items                                  Less:          Surplu Comm                           Total of
                                            Capital        Special                 Attribu      sharehol
                                    Share           Shares            s    on risk                       owners’
                                            reserve          ized                   table Other   ders’
                                    Capital           in           reserve provisi                        equity
                                               s           reserve                 profit        equity
                                                    stock             s      on
                                    2,797,4 1,848,71                3,775,4            1,784,97   3,044,879 13,251,502
I.Balance at the end of last year
                                     51,138   8,571                 81,032               2,625         ,534         ,900

Add: Change of accounting

Add: Change of accounting

Correcting of previous errors

                                  2,797,4 1,848,71            3,775,4       1,784,97       3,044,879 13,251,502
       Other                                          0   0             0
                                  51,138     8,571             81,032         2,625             ,534         ,900

II.Balance at the beginning of             2,537,78           180,087       -55,766,       48,207,30 175,066,23
current year                                     6               ,586           434               0            8

                                                                            292,168,       45,041,15 337,209,37
III.Changed in the current year
                                                                                221               0            1

  (I) Net profit                                                                                      3,163,984

                                           3,163,98                         292,168,       45,041,15 340,373,35
  (II)Other misc.income
                                                 4                              221               0            5

                                           -626,19                                         90,958,57
 Total of (I) and (II)                 0              0   0        0    0         0    0               90,332,376
                                                 8                                                4

(III) Investment or decreasing             -626,19                                         90,958,57
of capital by owners                             8                                                4

1. Capital inputted by owners

2.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity

                                                              180,087       -347,93        -87,792,4 -255,639,4
 3. Other                              0         0    0   0             0              0
                                                                 ,586         4,655              24           93

                                                              180,087       -180,08
  (IV)Profit allotment
                                                                 ,586         7,586

1.Providing of surplus reserves

 2.Providing of common risk                                                 -167,84        -87,792,4 -255,639,4
provisions                                                                    7,069              24           93

3.Allotment to the owners (or

     4.Other                          0         0    0   0        0    0         0    0          0            0

 (V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)

 3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.

4. Other

(VI) Special reserves

1. Provided this year

2.Used this term

                                    2,797,4 1,851,25                 3,955,5         1,729,20       3,093,086 13,426,569
  (VII)Other                                           0       0               0              0
                                     51,138     6,357                 68,618           6,191             ,834         ,138

IV. Balance at the end of this

Amount of the previous term

                                                              Amount of the previous term
                                          Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                 Items                              Less:          Surplu Comm                           Total of
                                            Capital        Special                 Attribu      sharehol
                                    Share           Shares            s    on risk                       owners’
                                            reserve          ized                   table Other ders’
                                    Capital           in           reserve provisi                        equity
                                               s           reserve                 profit        equity
                                                    stock             s      on
                                    2,797,4 1,884,42                 3,425,2         2,058,63       2,918,622 13,084,376
I.Balance at the end of last year
                                     51,138     6,171                 41,041           5,851             ,675         ,876

Add:Retrospective adjustment
 caused by merger of entities
 under common control

Add: Change of accounting

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of 2,797,4 1,884,42                      3,425,2         2,058,63       2,918,622 13,084,376
                                                         0       0               0
current year                         51,138     6,171                 41,041           5,851             ,675         ,876

                                              -5,949,6               350,239         -312,33        176,382,8 208,336,79
III.Changed in the current year          0
                                                   53                   ,991           6,365              24            7

                                                                                     317,648,                   323,684,29
  (I) Net profit                                                                                  6,035,558
                                                                                         740                            8

  (II)Other misc.income                                                                                       -5,949,653

                                              -5,949,6                               317,648,                   317,734,64
 Total of (I) and (II)                                                                              6,035,558
                                                   53                                    740                            5
(III) Investment or decreasing                                                                         301,552,9 301,552,90
                                       0        0        0           0        0     0         0    0
of capital by owners                                                                                         00           0

                                                                                                       301,552,9 301,552,90
1. Capital inputted by owners
                                                                                                             00           0

2.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity

 3. Other

                                                                         350,239        -629,98        -131,205, -410,950,7
  (IV)Profit allotment               0        0        0           0              0              0
                                                                            ,991          5,105             634          48

                                                                         350,239        -350,23
1.Providing of surplus reserves
                                                                            ,991          9,991

 2.Providing of common risk

3.Allotment to the owners (or                                                          -279,74        -131,205, -410,950,7
shareholders)                                                                             5,114             634          48


 (V) Internal transferring of
                                       0        0        0           0        0     0         0    0          0           0
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)

 3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.

4. Other

(VI) Special reserves

1. Provided this year

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the end of this    2,797,4 1,848,71                       3,775,4        1,784,97       3,044,879 13,251,502
term                              51,138    8,571                         81,032          2,625             ,534       ,900

8. Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount of the Current term

                                                                 Amount of the Current term
                                    Share      Capital       Less:       Specializ Surplus Common Attributa Total of
                                      Capital       reserves Shares in   ed          reserves        risk   ble profit owners’
                                                              stock    reserve                    provision             equity
                                      2,797,451, 1,811,607,                          3,775,481,               1,464,811, 9,849,351,
I.Balance at the end of last year
                                            138          163                               032                      797          130

Add:    Change      of   accounting

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of 2,797,451, 1,782,543,                                 3,775,481,               1,420,107, 9,775,583,
current year                                138          554                               032                      531          255

                                                                                     180,087,58                            198,683,35
III.Changed in the current year                     3,163,984                                                 15,431,786
                                                                                             6                                     6

                                                                                                              363,366,44 363,366,44
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                                      1            1

  (II)Other misc.income                           3,163,984                                                               3,163,984

                                                                                                              363,366,44 366,530,42
 Total of (I) and (II)                              3,163,984
                                                                                                                      1            5

(III) Investment or decreasing of
                                                0          0        0            0           0            0           0            0
capital by owners

1. Capital inputted by owners

2.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity

 3. Other

                                                                                     180,087,58               -347,934,6 -167,847,0
  (IV)Profit allotment                        0          0        0            0                        0
                                                                                             6                       55           69

                                                                                     180,087,58               -180,087,5
1.Providing of surplus reserves
                                                                                             6                       86

 2.Providing of common risk

3.Allotment to the owners (or                                                                                -167,847,0 -167,847,0
shareholders)                                                                                                        69           69


 (V) Internal transferring of
                                                0          0        0            0           0            0           0            0
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
 3.Making up losses by surplus

4. Other

(VI) Special reserves

1. Provided this year

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the end of this        2,797,451, 1,785,707,                       3,955,568,         1,435,539, 9,974,266,
term                                        138           538                           618                317         611

Amount of the previous term

                                                                  Amount of the previous term

                                                              Less: Specializ           Common               Total of
                                      Share          Capital                   Surplus            Attributa
                                                             Shares in   ed                risk              owners’
                                      Capital       reserves                   reserves           ble profit
                                                              stock    reserve          provision             equity
                                      2,797,451, 1,817,556,                       3,425,241,         1,535,556, 9,575,805,
I.Balance at the end of last year
                                            138           816                           041                675         670

Add:     Change     of   accounting

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of 2,797,451, 1,817,556,                              3,425,241,         1,535,556, 9,575,805,
current year                                138           816                           041                675         670

                                                                                  350,239,99         -70,744,87 273,545,46
III.Changed in the current year                     -5,949,653
                                                                                           1                 8           0

                                                                                                     559,240,22 559,240,22
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                             6           6

  (II)Other misc.income                           -5,949,653                                                   -5,949,653

                                                                                                     559,240,22 553,290,57
 Total of (I) and (II)                              -5,949,653
                                                                                                             6           3

(III) Investment or decreasing of
                                                0           0       0         0            0     0           0           0
capital by owners

1. Capital inputted by owners

2.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity

 3. Other
                                                                       350,239,99          -629,985,1 -279,745,1
  (IV)Profit allotment                  0          0    0        0                   0
                                                                               1                  05         14

                                                                       350,239,99          -350,239,9
1.Providing of surplus reserves
                                                                               1                  91

 2.Providing of common risk

3.Allotment to the owners (or                                                             -279,745,1 -279,745,1
shareholders)                                                                                     14         14


 (V) Internal transferring of
                                          0          0    0        0           0       0           0          0
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)

 3.Making up losses by surplus

4. Other

(VI) Special reserves

1. Provided this year

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the end of this    2,797,451, 1,811,607,                3,775,481,          1,464,811, 9,849,351,
term                                    138        163                       032                 797        130

(III)Basic Information of the Company

Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. ("the Company") is a joint stock limited company jointly
sponsored and established by Guangdong Electric Power Group Company, Guangdong Trust Investment
Company under Construction Bank of China, Guangdong Electric Power Development Company, Guangdong
International Trust Investment Company and Guangdong Development Bank (now as Guangdong Guangkong Co.,
Ltd.). At the time of establishment, the registered capital of the Company was 356,250,000 ordinary shares with
par value of RMB 1 per share.
The Company issued RMB 44,000,000 Denominated Domestic Shares (“A Shares”) and
Demestically Listed Foreign Shares (“B Shares”) on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 26,
1993 and June 28, 1995 respectively. After this issurance, the share capital of the Company
increased to RMB 505,250,000.
 In 2001, prusuant to the approval on the implementation Plan of Guangdongrovince’s Reform of
power industry structure Relating to Restructuring of Generation and Transmission Assets, a
document issued by Guangdong Provincial Government and referred to as Yue Fu Han 2001 No.252,
Guangdong Electric Power Holding Co.( “GPHC”), the former major shareholder of the Company,
was split into two separate companies, namely, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation
( “GPGC”,formerly Guangdong Guangdian Group Co., Ltd.”), and Guabngdong Yudean Group Co.,
Ltd.(“Yudean” formerly Guangdong Yudean Assets Management Co., Ltd.”). After restructuring,
the electrictity transmission and distribution in Guangdong Province, The PRC, were controlled and
managed by GPGC, while Yudean concentrated in the investment and management of power plants.
According to the Reply to issues in the Restructuring of Provincial Power Companies assets with a
document number of Yue Cai Qi (2001)No.247, the Company’s 50.15% equity interest formerly
held by GPHC was transferred to Yudean on August 1,2001.

According to Yue Guo Zi Han (2005) No. 452 Document, i.e., Official Reply to Issues Concerning Share Holding Structure Reform
of Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., issued by State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under Guangdong
People's Government, the Company carried out share holding structure reform on January 18, 2006. All shareholders holding
non-negotiable shares paid 3.1 shares for every 10 shares to shareholders holding negotiable A shares registered on the equity change
registration day (January 18, 2006) specified in the plan for share holding structure reform as consideration. 121,357,577 corporate
shares were paid in total. From January 19, 2006, all corporate shares of the Company can be listed and traded at Shenzhen Stock
Exchange. However, sale restriction period of 1-3 years was specified. Due to these restricted conditions, As of June 30, 2010, there
were still 5, 885, 259 shares of legal shares not traded which were originally held by the non-tradable shareholders, after the
non-tradable share reform, the stock shares which were owned by Yudean. Reduced from 50.15% to 46.34%.
 According to “Approval of Non-publicly Issued Shares for Guangdong Power Development Co., Ltd”(CSRC License No.
[2010]376)on April, 2010, The non-publicly issued A shares of parties, Yudean Group actually purchase 138,047,138 of A shares.
After the non-public issued, the stock shares which were owned by Yudean Group Increased from 46.34% to 48.99%
   The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the susiness of
developing electric power plants in Guangdong Province, the PRC. The Company’s registered
address is 23 to 26 floor, Yudean Plaza, 2 Tianhe East Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province,
the PRC. Yudean Group is the Parent Company of the company.

(IV)Principal accounting policies, accounting estimates and early errors

1.Basis for the preparation of financial statements

The financial statements is formulated according to Item 38: specific accounting standards from
“Corporate Accounting Standards—basic principles” issued by Ministry of Finance on Feb., 15, 2006, corporate accounting
standards application guide, corporate accounting standards explanation and other related regulations (Hereinafter referred to be
“corporate accounting standards”) issued later.

2.Complying with the statements in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

  The financial Report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the Enterprise Accounting Standard. They
reflect the financial position as of June 30, 2012, as well as the business performance and cash flow situation in the first half of 2012
of the Company frankly and completely.
3.Fiscal year

       Fiscal year is dated from Gregorian calendar Jan., 1 to Gregorian calendar Dec., 31.
       The accounting of the financial statements during the period starts from January
        1, 2012 to 6 months ended June 30,

       4. Accounting standard money
       The Company takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.
       Standard Currency for bookkeeping of overseas subsidiaries

       5. Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different controlling.

       (1)Enterprise merger under same control

       The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are
       measured at the carrying amount. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
       abstained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an
       adjustment to capital surplus, if the capital surplus is not sufficient to absorb the diference, the
       remaining balance is adjusted against retained earnings.

       Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which
       they are incurred.
       (2)Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

       The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business
       combination are measured at the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the
       combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets,
       the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s
       interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised in profit
       or loss for the current period.
       Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in the cost of combination.
       6.Preparation of consolidated financial statements
       (1)Preparation of consolidated financial statements
         The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the company and its

       Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains controland are
        de-consolidated from the date that such control ceased. For a subsidiary acquired in a business
        combination involving enterprises under common control. Its is included in the consolidated
        financial statements from the date when it, together with the Company.. came under common
        control of the ultimate controlling party . The portion of the net profits realized before the
        combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income statement.
         The financial statements of subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and
         accounting period of the Company during the preparation of the consolidated financial statements,
         where the accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company
         and subsidiaries. For subsidiaries acquired from a business combination involving enterprises not
         under common control, the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on
         the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

         All significant inter-group balances, transactions and unrealized profits are eliminated in the
          consolidated financial statements, the portion of a subsidiary’s equity and the portion of a
          subsidiary’s net profits and losses for the period not held by the Company are recognized as
          minority interests and presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet within equity and net
          profit respectively.

         (2)Accounting treatment when the share equity of the same subsidiary is purchased and sold, or sold and
         purchased in successively two years.

         7. Cash and cash equivalents
         The cash listed in cash flow table refers to stored cash and payable deposit whenever, the term
          “ cash “ refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The term :
          cash equivalents” refers to short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to
          known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
8. Foreign currency Convert

(1)Foreign currency Transactions

         Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the
          dates of the transactions.
(2)Foreign currency statement Convert

         At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currency are translated into RMB
         using the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these
         translations are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to
         foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction
         of qualifying assets, which are capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items
         denominated in foreign currency that are measured in terms of historical cost are translated at the
         balance sheet date using the spot exchange rate at the date of transaction. The effect of exchange
         rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

         9. Financial instruments
              Financial instruments comprise Financial assets , Financial liabilities and Equity instruments.

         (1) Classification of financial assets:
         Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at
fair value through profit or low, receivables, available –for –sale financial assets and
held-to-maturity investments. The classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention
and ability to hold the financial assets. During 2010, other than receivables and available-for –sale
financial assets, the Group did not hold any financial assets in other categories.
Account receivables
  Account receivables, including accounts receivable and other receivables, are non-derivative
financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.
Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-deriative financial assets that are either designated in this
category or not classified in any of the other categories at initial recognition. Available-for –sale
financial assets are included in other current assets in the balance sheet if management intends to
dispose of them within 12 months of the balance sheet date.

Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: the financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities, During 2012, The
financial liabilities in the Group mainly comprise other financial liabilities, including payables and

(2) Measurement of financial assets

   Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a
party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument, for receivables and available-for-sale
financial assets, transaction costs that are attributable to the acquisition of the financial assets are
included in the their initial recognition amounts

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets are
subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are measured at cost when
they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose air value cannot be reliably
measured. Receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest methord.

Again or loss arising from a change in fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset is
recognized directly in equity , except for impairment lossets and foreign exchange gains and losses
arising from the translation of monetary financial assets. When such financial asset is derecognized,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity is recognized in profit or loss for the
current peiod, Interests on available-for –sale investments in debt instruments calculated using the
effective interest method during the period in which such investments are held and cash dividends
declared by the investee on available-for –sale investments in equity instruments are recognized as
investment income in profit or loss.
   Payables comprise accounts payable and other payables, which are recognized initially at fair
       value and measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

       Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurrend, and
       subsequently carried at amortised costs using the effective interest methor.

       Other Financial liabilities are classified as the current liabilities if thety mature within one year (one
       year included); others are classified as Non- current liabilities; Non- current liabilities due for
       repayment within one year since the balance sheet day are classified as current portion of
       non-current liabilities.

       (3)Recognition basis and measurement for transferred financial assets
       Financial assets are derecognized when:i) the contractual arights to receive the cash flows from the
       financial assets have expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
       assets have been transferred; or iii) the control over the financial asset has been waived even if the
       Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a
       financial assets.
       On derecognition of a financial assets, the difference between the carrying amount and the
       aggregate of consideration received and the accumulative amount of the changes of fair value
       originally recorded in the owner’s equity is recognized in profit or loss.

       (4)Financial Liabilities

       A financial liability is derecognized when and only when the obligation specified in the contrat is
        discharged or cancelled. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability
        extinguished and the consideration paid is recognized in profit of loss.
(5)The determination method for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

        The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the
       quoted price in the active market. The fair value of a financial instrument for which the market Is
       not active is determined by using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using prices
       of recent market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair
       value of another financial asset that is substantially the same with this instrument, and discounted
       cash flow analysis. When avaluation technique is used to establish the fair value of a financial
       instrument, use market data as much as possible and avoid use of data that is particularly reated to
       the Group .

            (6)Providing of impairment provision on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts)

       The Group assesses at the balance sheet date the book value of financial assets. If there is any objective evidence
       that a financial asset is impaired, the Group provides for such impairment losses.
            If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on financial assets carried at
  amortized cost, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s book vale and the present
  value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If in a subsequent
  period, the amount of the impairment loss increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event
  occurring after the impairment is recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed by adjusting
  the allowance account. The amount of the reversal is recognized in the income statement.
  In the case of a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial
  assets, the cumulative loss arising from the decline in fair value that had been recognized directly in
  equity is removed from equity and recognized in impairment loss. For an investment in debt
  instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognized, if in a
  subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event
  occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss, the previously recognized
  impairment loss is reversed and recognized in profit or loss for the current period, for an investment
  in an equity instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been
  recognized, when ,the previously recognized impairment loss for sellable rights Characteristics of
  Investment, in a subsequent peiod, its fair value increases and directly recognized in equity.

    (7)If investment held to mature is recztegorized to sellable financial assets, please state the
  intention or evidence of change incapability

  10. Recognition standard and providing basis of bad debt provision on receivable accounts

  Account receivables comprise accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts receivable
  arising from sale of Goods or rendering of services are initially recognized at fair value of the
  contractual payments from the buyer.
  Bad debt recognition and measurement method

      --Bad debt recognition criterion

         For all receivables, separately perform impairment testing. When objective evidence
         indicates the Group can’t receive money according original terms, provision for bad debts
         recognized .
      — Bad debts provision method

     The bad debt will be recognized when the present value of estimated future cash flow below their
      book value.
(1)Accounts receivable with material specific amount and specific provisioned bad debt preparation.

                                                    Account receivable with special account
   Judgment criteria or amount standard of material receivable exceeding RMB 8 million is viewed as
                                                    material accounts receivable.Account receivable
   specific amount or amount criterial
                                                    with special account receivable exceeding RMB 1
                                                    million is viewed as material accounts receivable.
Provision method with material specific amount and The bad debt will be recognized when the present value of
                                                                      estimated future cash flow below their book value
provision of specific bad debt preparation

(2)The accounts receivable of bad debt provisions made by Group

                                      Method for recognition of
               Name                   impairment allowances by                     Basis of determination of groups

Accounts on age basis in group
□ applicable √not applicable

Accounts on percentage basis in group:
□ applicable √not applicable
Accounts on other basis in group:
□ applicable √not applicable

      (3)Account receivable with non-material specific amount but specific bad debt preparation
Reason of specific bad debt preparation provision:
Accounts receivable with non-material specific amount and being not able to relent its risk character by provisioning bad debt
preparation in accordance with portfolio

Provision method of bad debt preparation
Bad debt preparation will be provisioned in accordance with the difference of present value of its future cash flow below its book

11.      Inventories
Inventories mainly include fuel and spare parts, and are presented at the lower of cost and net
 realizable value.

(2)Pricing method of stock delivered
□ firs-in –first-out □ weighted average□ individual recognition □other

        Stock delivered is measured according to weighted average method.

(3)Confirmation basis of stock net realizable value and withdrawal method of inventory falling price reserves.
Provisions for declines in the value of inventories are determined at the carrying valueof the
 inventories net of their net realizable value. Net realizable value is determined based on the
 estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion
 and estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.

(4)Inventory system
√ Perpetual inventory □ Fixed date inventory □Other
     The group adopts perpetual inventory system.

(5)Amortization method of consumption goods with low value and wrap page
Consumption goods with low value
Consumption goods with low value adopt one time amortization method when used.

Wrap page:Wrap page adopts one time amortization when used
12.Long-term equity investment

(1)Investment cost confirmation
Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investmentsin its
 subsidiaries, the Group’s long-term equity investments in its associates as well as the long-term
 equity investment where the Group does not have control, joint control or significant influence
 over the investees, and which are not a quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
 reliable measured.
Subsidiaries are all investees the which the Company is able to control; associates areal investees
 that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial
statements, and adjusted using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial
statements; investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method; other long-term
equity investments there the Group does not have control, joint control or significant influence over
the investee, and which are not quoted in an active market and whose fair vale cannot be relably
measured are accounted for using the cost method.
   The long-term equity investment formed in the merger of an enterprise: for the long-term equity investment
arising from the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of
the book value of the owner’s equity of the merged enterprise as the cost of investment; for the long-term equity
investment arising from the merger of enterprises under the different control, it shall regard the merger costs as the
long-term equity investment costs.

   The long-term equity investment obtained by other means besides by the merger of enterprises: for the
long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash, it shall regard the purchase cost actually paid as
the initial investment cost; for the long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities, it
shall regard the fair value of the equity securities issued as the initial investment cost.

   (2)Rear measuring and profit and loss confirmation method

 For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, investment income is
recognized in profit or loss for the cash dividends or profit declared by the investee.

The long-term equity investment measured by employing the equity method: for the initial cost is more than the
investing enterprise’ attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net assets for the
investment, it shall regard the long-term equity investment cost as the initial investment cost; for the initial cost is
less than the investing enterprise’ attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net assets
for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the cost of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted correspondingly.
      When using the equity method of accounting, the Group recognized the investment income
based on its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues recognizing its share
of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the long-term equty investment together
with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the investor’s net investment in the
investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losset and the
conditions on recognition of provision are satisfied in accordance with the accounting standards on
contingencies, the Group continues to recognize the investment losses and the provision. For
changes in owner’s equity of the investee other than those arising form its net profit or loss, the
Group record directly in capital surplus its proportion, provided that the Group’s proportion of
shareholding in the investee remains unchanged . the carrying amount of the investment is reduced
by the Group ‘s share of the profit or cash dividends declared by and investee. The unrealized
profits or losses arising from the intra-group transactions between the Group and its investees are
eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investees, on the basis of which the investment
gain or losses are recognized.The loss on the intra-group transaction between the Group and its
investees, of which the nature is asset impairment , is recognized in full amount, and the relevant
unrealized gain or loss is not allowed to be eliminated.

(3)    Confirm the basis that has common control and major infection upon invested unit.
Control means that the investor has the power to govern the financial and operating policies so as to
obtain benefits from their operating activities. The existence and effect of potential voting rights
(including that derived from the convertible boods and warrants that are currently convertible or
exercisable ) are considered to determine whether the Group has control over the investee.
Joint control means that the investor has contractual obligation to control a certain economic
activity, while such control only exists when the significant financial and operating policies relating
to that activing are agreed upon by all investors sharing that control.
Significant influence means that the investor has the right to participate in the determination of the
    investee’s financial and operating policies, but cannot control or joint control with other parties
    on the determination of these policies.
 (4)Depreciation testing method and depreciation reserve withdrawal method.

The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates isreduced to the
 recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount (Note 2(18)).
 When the long-term investments which are not quoted in an active market and whose fair value
 cannot be reliable measured have impaiment, the impairment loss is recognized at the differences
 between carrying amounts and the present value of future cash flow discounted using the
 prevailing market returmn rate on similar financial assets. Once the impairment loss is recognized,
 it is not allowed to be reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent periods.
  13.Investment property
Investment property, including buildings that held for the purpose of lease and leased land use right,
is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expensitures incurred for and investment property is
included in the cost of the investmentproperty when it is probable that economic benefits associated
with the investment property will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliable measured, otherwise
the expenditure is recognized in profit or loss in the period in thich they are incurred.

The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of the investment property. Buildings
and lond use rights are depreciated or amortised to their estimated net residual values over their
estimated useful lives. The estimated useful luves, the estimated net residual values expressed as a
percentage of cost and the annual depreciation rates of the investment properties are as follows:

                                Estimated useful li Estimated residual Annual depreciatio
                                               ves               value            n rate

House and Building              30~41 years        5%                    2.32~3.17%
  When an investment property is changed to an owner-occupied property, it is transferred to fixed
asset at the date of the change. When an owner-occupied property is changed to be held to earn
rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset is transferred to investment property at the date of
the change at the carrying amount of the property.

The estimated useful life, net residual value of the investment property and the depreciation method
applied are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at each financial year-end.

An investment property is derecognized on disposal or when the investment property is
permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal.
The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an investment property less its
carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

When the recoverable amount of investment real estate less than its carrying value, book value is
reduced to its recoverable amount .

14. Fixed assets

(1)Confirmation conditions of fixed assets
Fixed assets comprise buildings, electric utilities in service, motor vehicles and other equipments.

A fixed asset is recongnized when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed
assets will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or
constructed by the Group are initially measured at cost at the time of acquisition. Fixed assets
contributed by the State-owned shareholders at the incorporation of a limited company are initially
recorded at the valuation amount recognized by the State-owned assets supervision and
administration department.
Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it
is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the Group and its
cost can be reliably measured. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is derecognized
and all the other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they
are incurred.

(2)Cognizance evidence and pricing method of financial leasing fixed assets

A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership.
For the fixed assets acquired under finance leases, the company takes less of the fair value of the leased asset and
the present value of the minimum lease payments as recorded value of leased assets. The difference between the
recorded value of leased assets and the minimum lease payments shall be regarded as the unrecognized financial
The depreciation policy adopted for the fixed assets acquired under finance leases should be the same as that of
own fixed assets. For the ownership of leased assets reasonably determined and obtained in the expiry of lease
period, the fixed assets acquired under leases shall be recognized the depreciation within its expected use life;
otherwise, the shorter of the leases period and the expected use life is recognized the depreciation.

(3)Fixed assets depreciation method

Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their
estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets being provided for
impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the
adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives.

The estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied to the asset
are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at least at each financial year-end.
                                 Estimated useful lives Estimated residual valu               Annual depreciation rate
House and Building               10-35                    5-10                         2.57-9.5
Machinery and equipment          8-18                     5-10                         5-11.88
Electronic Equipment
                          8-10                            5-10                         9-11.88
 Transportation equipment
Other equipment           5-10                            5-10                         9-19
financial leasing fixed assets             --                          --                             --
thereunto:House and
                                 10-35                    5-10                         2.57-9.5
Machinery and equipment          8-18                     5-10                         5-11.88
Electronic Equipment
                                 8-10                     5-10                         9-11.88
  Transportation equipment
Other equipment               5-10                     5-10                       9-19

(4)Depreciation measuring method and depreciation reserves withdrawn method of fixed assets

   When the recoverable amount of investment real estate less than its carrying value, book value is
reduced to its recoverable amount


A fixed asset is derecognized on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its
use or disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net
of its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized in profit or loss for the current
   15.Construction in progress

(1)Categories of projects un

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs,
installation cost, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization and other costs necessary to
bring the fixed assets ready for their intended use. Actual cost also consists of the net amount of
revenue generated and expenses that incurred in the text running period.

Essentially, leases that involve the transfer of all risks and income related to the ownership of assets
can be defined as financial lease. When determining the recorded value of the leased construction in
progress, the fair value of the leased asset and the lowest payment of the lease are compared and the
lower will be applied. The difference between the recorded value of the leased asset and the lowest
payment of the lease in termed as unconfirmed financing costs .

(2)Standard and timing for transferring of projects under construction to fixed assets

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended
use, and depreciation begins from the following month.
     (3)Impairment text and providing of impairment provisions on projects under construction

The carrying amount of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the
recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount

16. Borrowing cost

(1)Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

 The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of a fixed
asset that needs a substantially long period of time of acquisition and construction for its intended
use commence to be capitalized and recorded as part of the cost of the asset when expenditures for
the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the activities relating to the acquisition and
construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The
capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes
ready for its intended use, the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in profit or loss for
the current period.
(2)Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses

During Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses the point in time stops the capital point, the mora
torium on Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses are not included.

  (3)Temporarily suspension of capitalizing period

      If meet the capitalization conditions or non-normal breaks occurred in the course of
production and the break time is more than three months, then the capitalization of borrowing costs
shall be suspended; when the acquisition or construction or production meet the conditions of
capitalization and achieve the predicted use or sale state, Asset acquisition or production
activities began.

(4)Calculating of borrowing expense capitalizing

For a borrowing specific for the acquisition, construction or production activities for preparing an
asset eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized borrowing costs shall be determined according
to the actual borrowing costs incurred less any income earned on the unused borrowing fund as a
deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment.
For the other borrowings related to acquisition, construction and production of a qualifying asset,
the amount of to-be-capitalized borrowing costs shall be the lower of the actual borrowing costs
incurred and the amount of qualifying asset not financed by specific borrowings multiplying
capitalization rate. The capitalization rate is the weighted average interest rate of these borrowings.

   17. Biological assets

18.Oil gas assets

19.Intangible assets

(1)Pricing of intangible assets

Intangible assets including land use rights, sea use rights, software and associated projects for
electricity transmission and transformation are measured at cost. Intangible assets contributed by
the state-owned shareholders at the incorporation of a limited company are initially recorded at the
valuation amount recognized by the state-owned assets supervision and administration department.
(2)Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review and adjustment on useful life and
amortization method are performed at each year-end.

           Name                Expected useful life                               Basis
Land use right              20-50years                 The term of the Land use right
Sea use right               50 years                   The term of the Sea use rights
Software                    2-20years                  The term of the Software
Associated project for
                            2-20years                  The term of the Associated project for electricity
Microwave Project and                                  The term of the Microwave Project and Transportation
Transportation project                                 project

(3)Intangible assets without certain useful life

(4)Provision for impairment of investment assets
The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable
amount is less than the carrying amount

(5)Dividing of research stage and development stage of internal R& D projects

Internal R&D project expenditure according to their nature, as well as research and development activities ultimat
ely whether intangible assets with greater uncertainty, are divided into research expenses and development expens
es and treated separately.

(6)Accounting of internal R & D expenses

    Expenses of internal R& D projects in development stages, are recognized as intangible assets when all of the
 following conditions are satisfied, or otherwise recorded to be capitalized:
     Complete to enable them to use or sell the intangible asset is technically feasible;
     Management with the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
     To demonstrate how the intangible asset will generate economic benefits;
     Adequate technical, financial and other resources to support, to complete the development of the
         intangible assets, and have the ability to use or sell the intangible asset;
     Expenditure attributable to the intangible asset development can be measured reliably
    Expenditure does not meet the above criteria, development, occurrence of the period included in profit or loss
 has been accounted for in the profit and loss account for the period prior period after development expenditure is
 not reconfirmed as assets. Capitalized development expenditures in development expenditures above shown in
 the balance sheet, from the date of the item for its intended purpose to intangible assets.
Expenses of internal R& D projects in research stages are recorded into current income
20.Long-term amortization expenses

21.Asset transferring with repurchasing terms

22.Anticipated liabilities

(1)Recognition of expectable liabilities

 Provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts are recognised when the Group has a present
obligation, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the
obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

(2)Accounting of expectable liabilities

 A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
related present obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and the
time value of money are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision.
Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by
discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in the discounted amount of the
provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense.
The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the
current best estimate.

23.Share payment and equity instrument

(1)Category of share payment

(2)Recognition of fair value of equity instruments

(3)Recognition basis of best estimation of exercisable equity instruments

(4)Accounting treatment of share payment plan to be implemented, revised , and terminated

24.Repurchasing of the Company’s shares

25. Revenues

     (1). Recognition time for sales of goods
The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received
or receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities.
Revenue is shown net of value-added tax, rebates, discounts and returns.
 Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the
Group, the relevant revenue can be reliably measured and specific revenue recognition criteria have
been met for each of the Group’s activities as described below:
   (1)Sale of electricity and heat energy

Revenue is recognised upon transmission of electricity or heat energy.

a.Revenues of Certified Emission Reduction (CER)
The Group sells the Certified Emission Reductions (“CERs”) of Carbon produced by the wind-power facilities
which has been registered the Clean Development Mechanism (“CDM”) project by the United Nations Clean
Development Mechanism Executive Board (“CDM EB”) according to the “Kyoto Protocol”.
The revenues related to CERs shall be confirmed under the following conditions:
— The other side has promised to purchase CERs;
— The parties have made the agreement for the sales price;
— The company has produced the relevant electricity;
The relevant CERs have got the United Nations certification.
(2)Incomes from transferring asset use right.
Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis, the cash at bank and on hand of the Group
used by other parties, using the effective interest method.
Income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

(3)Deciding of completion percentage when percentage basis is adopted to recognize income from service
providing or construction contracts.

The Group provides service to external parties and determines the stage of completion based on
proportion of costs incurred to date to the estimated total costs. Revenue is recognised using the
percentage of completion method.

26.   Governmental subsidy


Government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained freely by an enterprise
from the government, including tax returns, financial subsidies.

Government subsidy is recognized unless the additional condition can be met and the subsidy can
be received by the corporation. If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it will be measured in
the light of the received or receivable amount, if the government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it
shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it will be
measured at its nominal amount.
(2)Accounting treatment

The government subsidies pertinent to assets will be recognized as other non-current debt-deferred
income, equally amortized within the useful lives of the relevant assets and recognized as profit and
loss at the same time. The government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts will be directly
recognized as profit and loss in the current period.

The government subsidies pertinent to incomes, those subsidies used for compensating related
future expenses or losses will be recognized as deferred income and recognized as profit and loss
during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; those subsidies used for
compensating related expenses or losses already existed will be directly recognized as income or
cost in the current period.

   27. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liability

    (1)Confirmation of deferred income tax assets
  Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the
differences arising between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount
(temporary differences). Deferred tax asset is recognized for the deductible losses that can be
carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax
  Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses
and tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future
against which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.
 When it is probable that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, joint
ventures and associates will be reversed in the foreseeable future and that the taxable profit will
be available in the future against which the temporary differences can be utilized, the corresponding
deferred tax assets are recognized.

    (2)   The confirmation of deferred income tax liability
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the
differences arising between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount
(temporary differences). No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary difference arising
from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognized
for the temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a
transaction other than a business combination,
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in
subsidiaries and associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of
the temporary difference, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
foreseeable future.
28.Operational leasing and Financing leasing

(1)Accounting of operational leasing

Lease payments under and operating lease are recogrised on a straight-line basis over the period of
the lease , and are either capitalized as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for
the current period.

(2)Accounting treatment of financing leasing

A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an asset.
  The leased asset is recorded at the amounts equal to the lower of the fair valueof the leased asset
 and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The difference between the recorded
 amount of the leased asset asnd tht minimum lease payments is accounted for as unrecognized
 finance charge and is amortised using the effective interest method over the period of the lease. A
 long-term payable is recorded at the amount equal to the minimum lease payments less the
 unrecognized finance charge.

29.Sellable assets in possession

(1)Recognition of sellable assets in possession

(2)Accounting treatment of sellable assets in possession

30.Securitilization of assets

31.Hedging instruments

32.Change of main accounting policies and estimations

Is there any material change of accounting policies occurred in the year.
□ Yes √ No

(1)Change of accounting policies

Is there any change in accounting policies in the report period
□ Yes √ No

(2)Change of accounting estimations

Is there any change in accounting estimations in the report period
□ Yes √ No
33.Correction of accounting errors in previous period

Is there any accounting error with previous period found in the report period
□ Yes √ No

(1)Retrospective restatement

Is there any retrospective restatement on the accounting error with previous periods done in the report term .
□ Yes √ No

(2)Future adoption method

Is there any future adoption method apply able to accounting errors with previous period, found in the report
□ Yes √ No

34.Other principal accounting policies, estimations and preparation method of financial statements

(1)Impairment of long-term assets

    Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment
properties measured using the cost model and long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and
associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired at the
balance date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is
less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised
for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of
the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.        A provision for asset Impairment is
determined and recognised on an individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the
recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the group of assets to which
the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to
generate independent cash inflows.
   Separately recognised goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether
there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. During the test, the carrying value of
goodwill is allocated to the related asset group or groups of asset group which is expected to benefit
from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable
amount of an asset group or groups of asset group including the goodwill allocated is lower than its
carrying amount, the corresponding impairment loss is recognized. The impairment loss is first
from the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the asset group or groups of asset group, and then
deducted from the carrying amount of the remaining assets of the asset group or groups of asset
group pro rata with goodwill.

Once the asset impairment loss mentioned above is recognised, it is not allowed to be reversed for
the value recovered in the subsequent periods.
(2)Employee benefits
    Employee benefits mainly include wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, staff

welfare, social security contributions, housing funds, labour union funds, employee education funds and other
expenditures incurred in exchange for service rendered by employees.

If the Group terminates the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the

relevant labor contract or makes a severance package proposal with the purpose of enticing the

employees to willingly accept such a termination, and the following conditions are concurrently

satisfied, the Group shall recognize the liabilities to be incurred due to severance pay, and shall at

the same time record them in the profit and loss of the current period.

Except for the compesation for termination of labor relationship, employee benefits are recognised

as a liability in the accounting period in which an employee has rendered service, and as costs of

assets or expenses to whichever the employee service is attributable.

(3).Dividend distribution

  Proposed Dividend distribution is recognised as a liability in the period in which it is approved by the
shareholders’ meeting.

(4)Critical accounting estimates and judgments
The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgments applied based
on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed
to be reasonable under the circumstances. The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions
that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities within the next financial year are outlined below:
   (a) The estimates of the depreciable lives of property, plant and equipments

The estimate of depreciable lives of property, plant and equipments was made by the directors with
reference to the practice of industry, their expected physical wear and tear, and the durability
assessment performed. The evaluation of estimated useful lives is assessed by the directors
Change of estimated useful lives may cause significant impact on the Group’s net profit.
(b)Estimated impairment of other long-term assets

As disclosed in Notes 2(17), the Group’s long-term assets, such as fixed assets, construction
progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment properties measured using the
comodel and long-term equity investments, are tested for impairment if there is any indication that a
asset may be impaired at the balance date.
In determining whether there is any indication of potential asset impairment, management mainly
evaluate and analyze from the following aspects: (1) whether the issues affecting the asset
impairment have occurred; (2) whether the present value of cash flows, which is expected to receive
for the sustained use of the asset or disposal of the asset, is less than the net book value; and (3)
whether the key assumptions used for the present value of projected future cash flow is appropriate.

The relevant assumptions used to determine asset impairment, such as the discount rate used in
present value of future cash flow method, the variation of the growth rate assumptions and so on,
may have a significant impact on the present value which is employed in the impairment testing,
resulting the impairment of long-term assets of the Group.
a.Income taxes
The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are mary transactions and
events for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business.
Significant judgment is re\quired from the Group in determining the provision for income taxes in
each of these jurisdictions. The Group recognizes income taxes in each jurisdiction based on
estimates. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were
initially recorded, such differences will impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the
period in which such determination is made.


1.Main categories and rates of taxes

                Tax items                              Tax basis                   Tax rate
                                          Taxable value added amount
                                          (Tax payable is calculated
                                          using the taxable sales amount
VAT                                                                       17%
                                          multiplied by the effective tax
                                          rate less deductible VAT input
                                          of current period)
Business tax                              Taxable turnover               5%
                                          Value added tax and Business
City maintenance and construction tax                                    5%及 7%
                                          tax amount
Enterprise income tax                     Taxable income                 12.5%及 25%
                                          Value added tax and Business
Education surtax                                                         3%
                                          tax amount
                                          Value added tax and Business
Local surcharge for Education                                            2%
                                          tax amount
Income tax rate apply able to branches and factories
Except for the two subsidiaries, Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co., Ltd. (“Yuejia Electric”) and
Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Co., Ltd. (“Zhanjiang Wind Power”) (as disclosed in
the following notes), the enterprise income tax rate applicable to the Group is 25%. the enterprise
income tax rate applicable to Zhanjiang Wind Powe is 12.5% .
(2) Tax preferential and approval

According to the approvment ofthe Zhanjiang Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation
Direct Taxation Office Zhangguoshui [2007] No. 15, the enterprise income tax rate of Zhanjiang
Wind Power is 15%, and from the profit-making year, the first and second year exemption from
enterprise income tax, the third to fifth year business income tax reduced by half. On January
1,2008, Zhanjiang Wind Power has not profitable. Under the provisions of the new CIT Law, which
will continue to apply the preferential policies, but was identified 2008 as the first profitable year.
Therefore, Zhanjiang Wind Power will continue to apply exemption from corporate income tax. The
enterprise income tax rate of the Zhanjiang Wind Power is 12.5% for 2012.

3.Other statements

  (VI) Enterprise consolidation and combined financial statements
Overall statement on consolidating of entities and consolidated financial statements:

1. Subsidiary
(1)Subsidiary obtained through establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                              After wrote down
                                                                                                                                             current period loss
                                                                                    Other                                                        of minority
                                                                                                           Whethe                  used to
                                                                       Actual      projects Holdi Proporti                                    shareholders over
                                                                                                               r                 write down
                                                                       capital     balance    ng   on of             Interest of              equity beginning
Full name of       Subsidiary Registrat          Registered Business                                       consolid                  lost
                                        Business                      amounts essentially propo voting                minority                share of minority
 subsidiary          type     ion place           capital    scope                                         ation of              included in
                                                                     of     the from net rtion rights(%             shareholder              shareholders in the
                                                                                                            report                minority
                                                                        end      investment (%)      )                                       subsidiary from the
                                                                                                             form                shareholder
                                                                                to subsidiary                                                 parent company’s
                                                                                                                                              share ,Balance of
                                                                                                                                               Owner's equity
                                                              n of
Maoming                                                       electric
Zhenneng                      Maomin               999,530,6 power,      595,005,9             58.27                                 -23,716,87
                 Direct                 Electric                                                     58.27% Yes       412,912,719
Thermoelectric                g                           07 power              67                %                                           2
power Co., Ltd                                                station
                                                              n of
Yudean Jinghai
                                                   2,919,272, power,     1,930,395,                                   1,082,279,52
Electric Power   Direct       Jieyang   Electric                                                65%     65% Yes                              0
                                                         000 power             668                                               0
Co., Ltd.
                                                             New Energy
Zhanjiang Wind              Zhanjian              346,110,0 Development 242,277,0
                   Direct              Electric                                           70%     70% Yes    61,922,158         0
Power                       g                           00 and Generation     00
                                                             of Electricity

Guangdong Oil                                                Oil
shale power                 Maomin                235,000,0 Development 196,398,2         83.66
                   Direct              Electric                                                 83.66% Yes   33,095,122 -1,953,163
Generation Co.,             g                           00 and Generation     00             %
Ltd.                                                         of Electricity

Guangdong                                                    Providing
Yudean Anxin                Donggua               20,000,00 repair and        20,000,00
                   Direct              Electric                                           100%   100% Yes                       0
Electric Power              n                             0 maintenance               0
Maintenance                                                  service

                                                            n of
Guangdong                                                   electric
Yudean Humen                Donggua               150,000,0 power,     90,000,00
                   Direct              Electric                                           60%     60% Yes    58,169,829   -691,185
Electric Power              n                           00 power               0
Co., Ltd.                                                   station
                                                            Coal Wha
                                                            rf const
Guangdong                                                   ruction,
Yudean Power                Maomin                285,000,0 power p 285,000,0
                   Direct              Electric                                           100%   100% Yes                       0
Bohe Repair Co.,            g                           00 lant con           00
Ltd.                                                        structio
                                                            n, elect
                                                            ricity p
                                                            with tec
                                                            hnical a
                                                            dvice an
                                                            d servic

Zhanjiang                                                   repair a
                            Zhanjian              20,000,00            15,200,00
Yuheng Power       Direct              Electric             nd insta               76%   76% Yes    6,565,707   0
                            g                             0                    0
Repair Co., Ltd.                                            llation
                                                            n of
Guangdong                                                   electric
Yudean Xuwen                Zhanjian              173,190,0 power,     121,233,0
                   Direct              Electric                                    70%   70% Yes   52,127,818   0
Wind Electric               g                            00 power             00
Power Co., Ltd.                                             station
Other statements on Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment:
(2)Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under common control


                                                                                                                        After wrote
                                                                                                                        period loss
                                                                                                                        of minority
                                                                     Other                                             shareholders
                                                                                             Whe            used to
                                                                   projects   Hol                                       over equity
                                                                                     Prop     ther            write
                                            Actual                 balance    din                  Interest              beginning
                                                                                     ortio   cons            down
  Full           Regis                      capital                essentia     g                     of                  share of
                              Regist Busine                                          n of    olida             lost
name of Subsidia tratio Busin               amoun                  lly from   pro                   minorit               minority
                               ered     ss                                           votin    tion          include
subsidia ry type   n     ess                 ts of                    net     por                     y                shareholders
                              capital scope                                            g       of              d in
   ry            place                        the                  investm     tio                 sharehol                 in the
                                                                                     right   repor          minorit
                                              end                    ent to     n                    der                subsidiary
                                                                                     s(%)       t               y
                                                                   subsidia   (%)                                         from the
                                                                                             form            shareh
                                                                       ry                                                  parent
                                                                                                                       share ,Balan
                                                                                                                            ce of
Zhanjian                                2,875,            2,185,
                    Zhanj                      power                           76                  922,608
g Electric Direct           Electric   440,00            334,40                   76% Yes                         0
                    iang                       ,                               %                      ,844
Power                                       0                 0
Yuejia                                  1,200, of
                    Meiz                                 701,27                58                  249,404 -147,9
Electric   Direct           Electric   000,00 electri                             58% Yes
                    hou                                   9,338                %                      ,473 22,601
Power                                       0c
Guangd                                                    of
ong                                                       electri
Shaogua                                                   c
n                          Shao                   770,00 power           500,50                   65                        94,279, -73,67
         Direct                       Electric                                                       65% Yes
Yuejiang                   guan                    0,000 ,                0,000                   %                            673 1,577
Power                                                     power
Generati                                                  statio
on                                                        n
g                                                  1,454,                 1,532,
                           Zhanj                          power                                   90                       119,720 -4,906,
Zhongy Direct                         Electric    300,00                 578,10                      90% Yes
                           iang                           ,                                       %                           ,971    913
ue                                                     0                      0
Other statements on Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under common control:

(3)The company has no subsidiary company acquired via enterprise consolidation under same controlling.


                                                                                      Other                                              Amount After wrote down
                                                                                     projects    Hold                                     used to     current period
                                                                          Actual                        Proport     er
 Full name                                                                           balance     ing                                       write     loss of minority
                           Registra               Registrat               capital                       ion of consoli Interest of
    of        Subsidiary              Business                Scope of              essentially prop                                     down lost shareholders over
                             tion                   ion                  amounts                        voting dation       minority
 subsidiary     type                  character               business              from net ortio                                       included    equity beginning
                            Place                  capital                  of                          rights(    of      shareholder
 company                                                                            investment    n                                         in       share of minority
                                                                         the end                          %)      report
                                                                                        to       (%)                                     minority    shareholders in
                                                                                    subsidiary                                           sharehold    the subsidiary
                                                                                                 er interest   from the parent


                                                                                                               share ,Balance of

                                                                                                                Owner's equity

Other statements on Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under different control:None

2. Entities with special purposes or entities on which the Company has controlling power through
entrusted operation or leasing

□Applicable √Not applicable
Other statement on entities with special purposes or entities on which the Company has controlling power through
  entrusted operation or leasing:
3. Changes of combination scope at current period
Change of consolidation range:
□Applicable √Not applicable

4.Entities included or excluded in the consolidation range in the report period.

Subsidiaries, entities with special purpose, or entities on which the Company has controlling power through
entrusted operation or leasing excluded from the consolidation range in the report period.

                       Name                              Net asset at end of term       Net profit of the current term

There is no other changes in consolidation scope except this. there is no other main part to be newly included or to
be excluded in consolidation scope of this period.

                                                                                        Net profit from beginning of
                       Name                             Net asset at day of disposal
                                                                                        year to the date of disposal

Other statements on entities included to or excluded from the consolidation range in the report period:
5. Enterprise consolidation under same controlling at the end of current period.

                                                                                                        Cash flow for
                         Recognition                           Income from the
                                                                                  Net profit of the        business
                        basis of entities Substantial            beginning of
 Entities taken over                                                              period until the     activities of the
                        under common controller                period to the date
                                                                                  date of merger       period until the
                            control                                of merger
                                                                                                       date of merger
Other statements on merger of entities under common control:
6. Enterprise consolidation under non-same controlling within the reporting period.

      Entities taken over               Amount of goodwill                        Accounting of goodwill

Other statement on merger of entities under different control.:

7. Sell stock right losing controlling right to decrease subsidiary company.
           Name of the subsidiaries                      Date of disposal             Recognition of gain/loss

Other statement on subsidiaries reduced for disposal of shares and lose of control power:

8. Reverse acquisition occurred in the report period.

                                                                                        Goodwill recognized in
                               Basis for recognition of
      The undertaker                                        Recognition of merger cost merger or accounting basis
                                 reverse acquisition
                                                                                          of current gain/loss

Other statements on reverse Acquisition:

9. Takeover occurred in the report period.
            Type OF takeover                      Main assets taken over              Main liabilities taken over
     Takeover under common control                Items             Amount             Items            Amount

     Takeover under different control             Items             Amount             Items            Amount

Other statement on takeover:

10.Exchange rate of main accounts of overseas businesses.

     (VII). Notes of consolidated financial statements

1. Currency funds


                                     Year-end balance                              Year-beginning balance
         Items                             Excha                            Original    Exchange
                        Original currency nge         RMB                   currency      rate          RMB
Cash                               --            --             83,507         --             --               413,124
  RMB                              --            --             83,507         --             --               413,124

Bank deposit                       --            --     1,506,515,585          --             --          635,174,192
  RMB                              --            --     1,506,515,585          --             --          635,174,192

Other monetary capital             --            --     1,266,078,745          --             --         1,547,073,198
  RMB                              --            --     1,266,078,745          --             --         1,547,073,198

 Total                             --            --     2,772,677,837          --             --         2,182,660,514
Accounts under pledge, restriction, or saved abroad, which are attached with potential risks, shall be stated
       2.Financial assets for transaction

       (1) Financial assets for transaction

                                                                                           Fair value at beginning of
                         Items                           Fair value at end of term
 Transactional bond investment
 Transactional equity instruments
 Financial assets assigned to be accounted into
 current gain/loss account at fair value
 Deductive financial assets
 Hedge instrument
 Total                                                                                                                  0

(2)Transactional financial assets with restriction to liquefy


                                                  Restriction for sale or other material
                     Items                                                                     Amount at end of term
                                                        restriction on liquefying

(3)Statements on hedge instruments and related trading

3. Bill receivable

(1)Classification Bill receivable
                                                                                                              Unit RMB

                   Classification                        Year-end balance              Year-beginning balance

Total                                                                                                               0

(2)Bill receivable under pledge


          Issuer             Date of issue           Expired on               Amount                  Remark

 Total                              --                    --                                             --

(3)Bill transferred to account receivable for the issuer is not able to execute the liability , and notes endorsed to
other parties but are not mature yet at the end of period.


          Issuer             Date of issue           Expired on               Amount                  Remark

Total                               --                    --                                             --
Bill endorsed to other parties but not due

          Issuer             Date of issue           Expired on               Amount                  Remark

Total                               --                    --                                             --
Statements on commercial accepted notes already discounted or under pledge:

4.Dividend receivable


          Items            Beginning of term      Increased this term   Decreased this term         End of term
Dividend receivable
 with age within 1                   96,079,553           20,916,924             104,964,477              12,032,000
In which:
Guangqian Electric Power             96,079,553           20,916,924             104,964,477              12,032,000
Dividend receivable
                                                 0                         0                           0                       0
 with age over 1 year
In which:                           --                        --                         --                         --

Total                                96,079,553                20,916,924                 104,964,477                12,032,000

5.Interest receivable

(1)Interest receivable


        Items              Beginning of term         Increased this term   Decreased this term              End of term
Deposit interest                     1,071,844                18,808,349              18,898,272                          981,921
          Total                      1,071,844                18,808,349              18,898,272                          981,921

(2)Overdue interests


           Loan provided by                          Days overdue(day)                   Amount of interests overdue

                   Total                                       --

(3)Statement on interest receivable

6. Account receivable

(1)Classification Account receivable :

                                                                                                                          Unit :RMB

                                           Year-end balance                               Year-beginning balance
                                                       Provision for bad
                              Book balance                                       Book balance          Provision for bad debts
                                          Proportio        Proportio        Proportio                                Proportion
                            Amount                  Amount           Amount                             Amount
                                          n(%)           n(%)           n(%)                                     (%)
Receivables with
major individual
amount and bad debt 1,388,763                                                  1,647,38
                                           98.42%             0                                99.4%             0
provision provided       ,698                                                     8,766
receivables with major
individual amount and
bad debt provision
provided individually
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Subtotal of group                  0           0%           0                       0                0%            0
Account receivable
with minor individual 22,337,57                                             9,936,93
                                          1.58%             0                                  0.6%                0
amount but bad debt           1                                                    1
provision is provided
                        1,411,101                                           1,657,32
Total                                     --                0     --                           --                  0        --
                             ,269                                              5,697

Category explanation of accounts receivable:
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided.
√Applicable □Not applicable
   Description of the receivable                                 Bad debt
                                          Book balance                                         Rate            Reason to provide
             accounts                                            provision
Electricity receivables                     1,377,906,658                                                 0%
Steam sales receivables                         10,857,040                                                0%
                Total                       1,388,763,698                       0                   --
Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.
 Description Of other
                           Book balance             Amount of bad debt                  rate                      reason
Electricity receiva
Maintenance servi
ce receivables
Other                                   619,328
        Total                      22,337,571                          0                                               --

(2)Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period


   Description of the       Reason to write         Basis of original bad    Bad debt provision Amount written back
   receivable accounts         back or retrieve          debt provision          provided before         or retrieved
                                                                                 writing back or

           Total                         --                     --                                             --
Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided
individually at end of period:
  Description of the
                             Book balance           Amount of bad debts Providing rate(%)                 Reason
  receivable account

         Total                                                                         --                      --
Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with accounts
with similar risks:

(3)Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


                       Property of the                                                                   Occurred under
   Name of the                                Date of written        Amount written Reason of writing
                         receivable                                                                          related
    company                                         off                  off              off
                          account                                                                         relationship

        Total                 --                    --                                      --                      --
Statement on writing off of receivable accounts:

(4)Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

(5)The front 5 units’ information of account receivable

                           Relation with the                                                            Portion in total
         Name                                              Amount                    Ages
                              Company                                                                   receivables(%)
GPGC                     Third party                        1,377,906,658 Within 1 year                                  97.65%
China Petroleum &
                   Third party                                  10,857,040 Within 1 year                                 0.77%
g Branch
Guangqian Electric
                         Related party                           6,147,204 Within 1 year                                 0.44%
Zhanjiang Branch of
                         Third party                             4,944,540 Within 1 year                                 0.35%
Guangdong Huizhou
Natural gas Power            Related party                       4,595,832 Within 1 year                             0.33%
           Total                        --                    1,404,451,274          --                         99.53%

(6)Account due from related parties


                                                                                                  Portion in total
  Name of the company             Relation with the company              Amount
Shajiao Power Plan C             Controlled by Yudean Group                        685,000                           0.05%
                                 The Group’s associate
Guangqian Electric Power                                                          6,147,204                          0.44%
                                 andcontrolled by yudean Group
Guangdong Yudean
Environmental Protection Co.,    Controlled by Yudean Group                        376,529                           0.03%

Zhuhai Gold Bay                  Controlled by Yudean Group                       1,985,640                          0.14%
Huizhou Natural Gas              Controlled by Yudean Group                       4,595,832                          0.33%
Zhanjiang Biological
                                 Controlled by Yudean Group                        220,027                           0.02%
Power Generation
Guangdong Yudean
Group .Zhuhai Power              Controlled by Yudean Group                        740,000                           0.05%
             Total                              --                             14,750,232                            1.06%

(7)Recognition of receivable accounts terminated


                   Items s                           Amount terminated             Gain/loss related to termination


(8)For securitization on receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed by
continuous involving


Items                                                                         At end of term

Subtotal of asset
Subtotal of liabilities

7.Other Account receivable

         (1)Category of other account receivable:

                                                                                                              Unit :RMB

                                    Year-end balance                                  Year-beginning balance
                            Book balance        Book balance                    Book balance          Book balance
                                        Proporti                  Proporti               Proportio                  Proporti
                           Amount                Amount                    Amount                      Amount
                                        on(%)                   on(%)                n(%)                     on(%)
Receivables with
major individual
amount and bad debt            73.52%                        0           0% 72,489,477      72.51%              0
provision provided
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Subtotal of group                   0           0%           0                       0            0%            0
Account receivable
with minor individual
                      39,886,121 26.48% -2,000,879                 5.28% 27,476,134         27.49%     -2,000,879    7.85%
amount but bad debt
provision is provided
Total                                      --        -2,000,879     --      99,965,611       --        -2,000,879     --
Statement on categories of other receivable accounts:

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.
√Applicable □Not applicable
 Description Of other
                             Book balance            Amount of bad debts             Rate                   Reason
Bank acceptance
loan by mandate d
ue in one year                      19,834,189

Material fund                       11,390,462
CDM income                              6,051,925
withholding fun
          Total                 110,724,364                        0             --                       --
Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.
√Applicable □Not applicable

 Description Of other
                           Book balance        Amount of bad debts              Rate                   Reason
Suppliers                        17,946,183
                                                                                                Expected uncollect
Withholding funds                  1,184,550                 -780,879                 193.44%
                                                                                                ible amounts
Deposit                            2,219,264             -1,220,000                   122.09%
                                                                                                uncollectible deposit
Material fund                       419,620                        0
Other                            18,116,504                        0
          Total                  39,886,121              -2,000,879                    5.28%              --

(2)Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period


                                                                        Bad debt provision
  Description of other      Reason to write    Basis of original bad     provided before   Amount written back
     receivables            back or retrieve     debt provision          writing back or       or retried

            Total                  --                   --                                                --
Receivable accounts with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are tested and
provided individually at end of period
  Description of the
                           Book balance        Amount of bad debt Providing rate(%)                  Reason
 receivable accounts

          Total                                                                  --                       --
Statement on other account receivable with minor amount but with greater risks when combined with other
 receivable accounts with similar natures:
(3)Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


   Name of the           Property of     Date of written    Amount written      Reason of            Occurred under
    Company               account              off              off             written off        related relationship

      Total                   --                --                                     --                   --
Statements on writing off of other receivable accounts:

(4)Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s
shares in the report period.

□Applicable √Not applicable

(5)Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

                                                                                        Non-current asset due in 1 year

                                                             Nature or content of           Portion in total other
              Name                        Amount
                                                                 the account                  receivables(%)
Pingan Bank. Guangzhou                                    Bank acceptance d
                                               60,000,000                                                        40.37%
 Branch.                                                  eposit
                                                          Loan by mandate d
Shanxi Energy                                  14,824,605                                                        9.98%
                                                          ue in one year
Guangzhou Huading Construct
                                                8,264,539 Material fund                                          5.56%
Co., Ltd.
Chaokang Investment Co.,Ltd.                    6,051,925 CDM income                                             4.07%
Yuneng Investment Co., Ltd.                     5,366,485 Withholding funds                                      3.61%
                 Total                         94,507,554             --                                         63.59%

(6) The front 5 units’ information of Other account receivable


                           Relation with the                                                      Portion in total other
          Name                                       Amount                    Ages
                              Company                                                               receivables (%)
Pingan Bank.
                         Third party                        60,000,000 Within 1 year                             40.37%
Guangzhou Branch.
Shanxi Energy               Associated Company                  14,824,605 Within 1 year                          9.98%
Guangzhou Huading
                    Third party                                  8,264,539 Within 1 year                          5.56%
Construct Co., Ltd.
Chaokang Investment Controlled by Yudean
                                                                 6,051,925 Within 1 year                          4.07%
Co.,Ltd.             Group
Yuneng Investment
                            Third party                          5,366,485 Within 1 year                          3.61%
Co., Ltd.
            Total                         --                    94,507,554           --                         63.59%

(7)Account receivable from Related parties

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Portion in total other
             Name                Relation with the Company               Amount
                                                                                                 receivables (%)
Shanxi Energy                   Associated Company                             14,824,605                         9.98%
Yudean Environmental Protection Controlled by Yudean Group                        3,214,032                       2.16%
Yudean Group                    Parent Company
Linchang Yuntou                 Associated Company                                5,009,584                       3.37%
Shajiao C                       Controlled by Yudean Group                        1,755,887                       1.18%
Yudean Property                 Controlled by Yudean Group                         597,764                         0.4%
Chaokang Company                Controlled by Yudean Group                        6,051,925                       4.07%
Yudean Property
                                Controlled by Yudean Group                         195,188                        0.13%
                                The Group’s associate
Guangqian Electric Power                                                            20,000                        0.01%
                                andcontrolled by yudean Group

Total                                          --                              31,668,985                         21.3%

(8)Termination of other receivable accounts


                    Items                           Amount terminated              Gain/loss related to termination


(9)For securitization on other receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed by
continuous involving


Items                                                                         At end of term
Subtotal of assets

Subtotal of liabilities


(1)Prepayments age :


                                               End of term                           Beginning of term
      Age                                                          Proportion                                  Proportion
                                      Amount                                        Amount
                                                                     (%)                                       (%)
Within 1
                                                     690,785,469       73.2%                 143,475,165                 44.6%
1-2 years                                            183,777,791      19.47%                 176,858,200            54.98%
2-3 years                                             68,180,000       7.22%                     630,134                  0.2%
Over 3 years                                           1,051,386       0.11%                     729,992                 0.22%
Total                                                943,794,646       --                    321,693,491                 --
Notes to age of payment in advance::
The balances with ageing over one year represent the prepayment or deposits paid to construction
and equipment suppliers.

(2) The front 5 units’ information of Prepayments

                                  Relation with the                                                   Reason of not
         Unit name                                                 Amount          Time
                                       company                                                            clearing
Guangdong Electric Fuel                                                                         Purchase deposits and
                               Related party                         863,387,321
Supply Co., Ltd.                                                                                contract has not yet expired

                                                                                                 Purchase deposits for the
Beijing Jinshiwei Power
                                       Third party                    10,298,000                equipments and Equipment
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  has not been completed

                                                                                                Prepaid land and has not yet

East Electric                          Third party                    10,122,940                     obtained the relevant

                                                                                                Prepaid land and has not yet
East Electric   Grouop. East
                                       Third party                     6,527,600                     obtained the relevant

Shenyang Dongguan
                                                                                                Prepaid land and has not yet
Electric Power
                                       Third party                     5,183,141                     obtained the relevant
Technology Group
Co., Ltd.
Total                            --                     895,519,002              --                     --
Statements on main receivers of prepayments:

(3)Prepayment received by shareholding parties holding 5% or above of the Company’s shares in the report

□Applicable √Not applicable

(4)Statements on prepayments


(1)Inventory types
                                                                                                        Unit :RMB

                                  Year-end balance                             Year-beginning balance
        Items         Book balance Provision for Book value           Book balance Provision for Book value
                                      bad debts                                      bad debts
Raw materials           947,813,139               0    947,813,139 1,098,814,992                    0 1,098,814,992
                        253,788,989 -21,580,149        232,208,840      312,333,938     -21,580,149     290,753,789
Stock goods              30,515,242               0     30,515,242       21,008,039                 0    21,008,039
biological assets

Total                 1,232,117,370 -21,580,149 1,210,537,221 1,432,156,969             -21,580,149 1,410,576,820

(2)Inventory Impairment provision

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                              Amount             Amount Decreased in current
                       Book balance at                                                             Book balance at
        Type                                accounted in                    period                   period end
                       year beginning                            Transferred
                                            current period          back
Raw materials                           0                                                                            0
Processing products        -21,580,149                       0               0                 0        -21,580,149
Stock goods                           0                                                                            0
Turnover materials
biological assets

Total                        -21,580,149                 0                0                 0         -21,580,149

(3)Condition of stock value decline

            Items             Base of stock value decline Reason of issuing back to Proportion of issuing back
                                                         stock value decline plan of      amount to the stock
                                                                  this period             balance at this period
Raw materials
Processing products
Stock goods
Turnover materials
Consumable biological

Statement on inventories:

10.Other current assets


                    Items                           End of term                        Beginning of term
Pending Deductible VAT (a)                                    854,585,280                             964,268,582
Prepaid Income Tax (a)                                            1,524,259                              1,524,259
Other (b)                                                      57,483,347                                3,632,358
                    Total                                     913,592,886                             969,425,199
Description for Other Current Assets:
(a) The Group shall reclassify the amounts of pending deductable VAT and the prepaid income tax formed by the
purchase and construction of fixed assets by Jinghai Power Generation, Zhongyue Energy and Zhenneng
Thermoelectricity from the payable taxes into other current assets to report.

 (b) Other current assets are the balance which hasn’t yet drawn from the relending US dollars loans of
Guangdong Province Department of Finance by Zhanjiang Wind Power, a subsidiary of the company, according
to the “China Climate Change Framework Loan (CCCFL)” signed by China and European Investment Bank (EIB).
By the end of June 30, 2012, Zhanjiang Wind Power has drawn the loan amounts of RMB185,853,860. Of which,
RMB128,457,063 has been drawn for the purchase of the wind devices of Warrior Wind Farm, and the balance of
RMB 57,483,347 is still saved in Guangdong Province Department of Finance.

11. Disposable financial asset
(1)Sellable financial assets

                         Items                          Fair value at end of term       Fair value at beginning of

Available-for-sale bonds
Available-for-sale equity instruments                                  310,351,673                       306,133,028
Total                                                                  310,351,673                       306,133,028
The amount of investment held to mature recategorized to sellable financial assets was RMB 0 , Account for 0%
 of total investment held to mature.
Statement on sellable financial assets:

(2)Long-germ liability investment in the sellable financial assets


               Type of                                         Beginning Interest of ed interest           Ending
Bond items                 Face value Initial costs Expired on
                bond                                            balance  the period received or            balance

Total             --             --                      --
Statement on long-term liability investment in the sellable financial assets:

12.Investment held to mature

(1)Investment held to mature


                                          Balance of book value at end of        Balance of book value at beginning
                Items s
                                                       term                                   of term

Statement on investment held to mature:

(2)Investment held to mature disposed in the report period before mature

                                                                                                    Percentage in the total investment before
Items                                                             Amount

                     Total                                                                                                       --
Statement on investment held to mature disposed in the report period before mature:

13.Long-term receivables

                   Categories                                       End of term                                         Beginning of term
Financed rent                                                                          97,399,550                                                     58,226,891
Incl: un-realized financial gains
Sales of goods in stallments
Providing of services in
Other                                                                                 423,780,000                                                   423,780,000
Total                                                                                 521,179,550                                                   482,006,891

14. Investment to joint venture and Affiliated Enterprises


                                                                                                 vote right
                                                                                     Company                                                       Total
                                                     Legal                           sharehold                Ending    Ending                    business
                             Corporati Registrati               Business Registere                e in the                            Ending                 Current
          Name                                      Represent                           ing                    total     total                    revenues
                             on Type    on place                Nature   d Capital               invested                            net assets              net profit
                                                      ative                          percentag                assets   liabilities                 at this
                                                                                      e (%)                                                        period
                                                                                                  of units

I. Joint venture

II. Affiliated      enterprise
                                            Wen al        1,030,                                         2,750, 1,518, 1,231,
                             Liabili Shenzh                                                                                   694,19 79,393
Guangqian                                    Lianh power 292,50                         40%         40% 046,08 198,08 847,99
                             ty      en                                                                                        9,627 ,498
                                             e     genera     0                                              4      8      6
                             Limite         Gao Therm                                                    2,937, 1,721, 1,215,
                                     Huizho              963,00                                                               750,21 96,172
Huizhou Natural gas          d              Shiqia al                                   32%         32% 153,12 997,29 155,82
                                     u                    0,000                                                                4,647 ,690
                             Liabili        ng     power                                                     2      8      4
                  ty                     genera
                  Comp                   tion
                                Wen                2,749,             10,975 8,116, 2,859, 2,923,
                  Liabili Shanw                                                                   172,08
Red Bay                          Lianh            750,00    25%   25% ,582,7 415,19 167,51 781,68
                  ty      ei                                                                       1,901
                                 e                     0                  09      9      0      4
                                                                       3,006, 2,186,        12,859
                  Liabili Guang Zhu               630,00                             819,94        73,903
Fuel supply                          Coal                   35%   35% 430,57 490,18         ,950,4
                  ty      zhou Dejun               0,000                              0,393          ,456
                                                                           9      6             75
                                       ulic                            3,756, 3,093,
Yunnan Baoshan    Liabili Baosha Liu          713,00                                 663,13 110,22 -70,59
                                       power                29%   29% 408,01 273,49
Binlangjiang      ty      n      Yibin         0,000                                  4,519 9,133 6,447
                                       genera                              8      9
                                                   1,000,              1,989,         1,554,
                  Liabili Taiyua Liang                                        434,91                168,74
Shanxi Energy                          Coal       000,00    40%   40% 357,45         439,93     0
                  ty      n       Jian                                         7,514                 0,794
                                                       0                   2              8
                                Yang          2,000,                  15,104 12,848 2,256,
                  Liabili Guang       Financ                                               366,71 175,07
Yudean Finance                   Xuan        000,00         25%   25% ,450,7 ,190,5 260,17
                  ty      zhou        e                                                     1,763 1,742
                                 xing             0                       50     73      7
                                Hong al                                8,848, 6,949, 1,898, 2,110,
                  Liabili Guang              847,40                                                42,194
West Investment                 Rongk power                 26%   26% 368,68 503,29 865,38 301,46
                  ty      zhou                0,000                                                  ,689
                                un    genera                               3      6      7      3
                d                                  2,465,              6,830, 4,247, 2,582,
                        Guang Zhu                                                           878,19 3,997,
Yudean Shipping Liabili            Ship           800,00    35%   35% 077,38 264,96 812,42
                        zhou Dejun                                                           8,957   964
                ty                                     0                   8      0      8
                d                   Wind
Shibeishan Wind Liabili Guang       power 231,70                           517,32 278,08 239,24 39,627 4,037,
                              Cheng                          30%     30%
 Power          ty      zhou        genera 0,000                            6,431 4,629 1,802 ,092       966
                Comp                tion
                               Huang ulic
                Liabili Lincha              226,60                         532,71 323,30 209,41 7,272, -3,119,
Linchang Yuntou                  Nin power                   49%     49%
                ty      ng                   0,000                          5,609 0,781 4,828     786 390.52
                                 g   genera
                                       Yang al     1,168,                 6,643, 5,478, 1,164,
                        Liabili Zhaoto
Weixin Yuntou                          Guow power 277,40     40%     40% 420,71 440,61 980,10           0         0
                        ty      ng
                                       en   genera     0                      7      5      2
                        d                    Wind
Shantou Wind            Liabili Shanto Yang power 194,19                   532,44 265,34 267,09 47,882 18,358
                                                             25%     25%
power                   ty      u       Qing genera 0,000                   1,795 6,752 5,043 ,015 ,577
                        Comp                 tion
                                      Li    ulic
Jiangkeng               Liabili Qingy             22,839                   26,393 1,428, 24,965 4,950, 2,126,
                                      Guans power            25%     25%
Hydroelectric station   ty      uan                 ,076                     ,378   021 ,357      777    280
                                      heng genera
                                      Luo    ulic
Zhongxinkeng            Liabili Qingy               15,150                 29,372 9,095, 20,277 5,475, 3,269,
                                      Shihen power           40%     40%
Power                   ty      uan                   ,000                   ,505   370 ,135       411   713
                                      g      genera

Statements on material diversity in accounting policies, estimations adopted by the Company and the affiliates:

15. Long term share equity investment.
(1)Details of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                Explaination of

                                                                                                                                               diffirence between

                                                                                                        Shareholding         Voting right        shareholding
                      Accounting   Initial investment                                                                                                                                                 Cash
       Name                                             Original balance   change     Ending Balance   proportion in the   proportion in the    proportion and      Devalue       Current devalue
                       method            cost                                                                                                                                                        bonus
                                                                                                           investee            investee           voting right

                                                                                                                                                 proportion in


insurance Group Cast method        356,000,000 356,000,000                            356,000,000               5.34%               5.34%
Co., Ltd.

                   Cast method      115,000,000 115,000,000                           115,000,000               3.67%               3.67%                                                           13,781,250
Investment Co.,

                   Cast method            903,707             903,707                      903,707                 15%                 15%
coral water Co.,

Guoyi Invite
              Cast method              3,600,000           3,600,000                     3,600,000              1.97%               1.97%                                                             900,000
 bidding Co.,
Total                     --       475,503,707 475,503,707                          0 475,503,707             --                  --                  --                      0                 0   14,681,250
(2)Constrains on the ability to transfer capital to invested entities


 Constrains on the ability to transfer                                            Accumulated investment loss not
                                               Causation of constrain
capital to long-term invested entities                                                     recognized

Statements on long-term equity investment:

16.Investment real estate

(1)Measured by the cost of investment in real estate

√Applicable □Not applicable

         Items          Book amount at year      Increase at this         Decrease at this       Book balance in year

                            beginning                 period                  period                    -end

1.   Total original
                                  20,135,165                        0                        0              20,135,165
                                  20,135,165                                                                20,135,165
1.House, Building

2.Land use right


                                   8,024,938               -317,799                          0                 8,342,737


                                   8,024,938               -317,799                          0                 8,342,737
1.House, Building

2.Land use right

III. Total book value
                                  12,110,227                        0                        0              11,792,428
of investment real

                                 12,110,227                                                       11,792,428
1.House, Building

2.Land use right

IV.        Total      of


provision            for
                                             0                   0                 0                        0
devaluation           of

investment           real

1.House, Building

2.Land use right

V.        Total    book
                                 12,110,227                      0                 0              11,792,428
value of investment

real estate
                                 12,110,227                                                       11,792,428
1.House, Building

2.Land use right
                                                                               This period
Current amount of depreciation and amortization                                                            0
Investment real estate in this period the amount of impairment                                             0

(2)Investment property on fair value basis

□Applicable √Not applicable
Statements the investment properties which have changed of measurement basis and those which are not licensed
  yet, statement thereason and expected completion date.

17. Fixed assets
(1)Fixed assets


             Items          Book amount at       Increase at this period    Decrease at this Book balance in
                               year beginning                                    period           year -end
                               26,651,292,208                   782,366,419    1,691,394,820 25,742,263,807
1. Total original price

Including:        House    ,
                                6,928,919,733                        40,699          384,672     6,928,575,760
                               19,193,565,883                   775,578,937    1,682,016,714 18,287,128,106
Machinery equipment
                                  308,627,504                     3,010,472        8,118,629      303,519,347
Office Equipment and
                                  220,179,088                     3,736,311          874,805      223,040,594
                               Book balance at   Current term   Current term Decrease at this Book balance in
                               year beginning       new extra      provision     period           year -end
II. Total of accumulative
                          11,297,854,935                    0   727,164,064      938,119,516 11,086,899,483

Including:        House    ,
                                2,367,805,393               0   124,384,761           75,658     2,492,114,496
                                8,589,177,749               0   580,157,322      929,483,395     8,239,851,676
Machinery equipment
                                  196,259,866               0    11,957,019        7,761,018      200,455,867
Office Equipment and
                                  144,611,927               0    10,664,962          799,445      154,477,444
                               Book balance at                                                 Book balance in
             --                                                    --
                               year beginning                                                  year -end
III. Total book value of
                               15,353,437,273                      --                          14,655,364,324
Fixed assets

Including:        House    ,
                                4,561,114,340                      --                            4,436,461,264
                               10,604,388,134                      --                          10,047,276,430
Machinery equipment
                                  112,367,638                      --                             103,063,480
Office Equipment and
                                   75,567,161                      --                              68,563,150
IV. Total of Devalued
                                  486,765,097                      --                             415,916,786

Including:        House    ,
                                   84,289,158                      --                              84,289,158
                                  398,717,331                      --                             327,869,020
Machinery equipment
                                   2,245,506                         --                                 2,245,506
Office Equipment and
                                   1,513,102                         --                                 1,513,102
V. Total book value of
                              14,866,672,176                         --                           14,239,447,538
Fixed assets

Including:     House     ,
                               4,476,825,182                         --                             4,352,172,106
                              10,205,670,803                         --                             9,719,407,410
Machinery equipment
                                 110,122,132                         --                               100,817,974
Office Equipment and
                                  74,054,059                         --                                67,050,048
Current depreciation is RMB 0 . The issue of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress original price
is RMB 0.

(2)Fixed assets temporarily in idle status


                       Original book       Accumulated       Impairment
      Items                                                                   Net book value          Notes
                           value           depreciation       provision

House , Building



(3)Fixed assets leased by finance

√Applicable □Not applicable

             Items                 Original book value    Accumulated depreciation          Net book value

House , Building

Machinery equipment

(4)Fixed assets leased out on finance.
□Applicable √Not applicable

(5)Fixed assets held for sale at end of period


                                                                        Predicted disposal    Predicted disposal
             Items              Book value            Fair value
                                                                             expense                 date

(6)Fixed asset not licensed yet

                      Item                     Reason for not granted                Expected date of grant
Manming Zhenneng
Manming Zhenneng
                                       Turbine Division Office
Zhanjiang Electric Power

                                       Administrative production build
Zhanjiang Electric Power
                                       Administrative production build
Zhanjiang Electric Power
Zhanjiang Electric Power               Central control room (phase II)
  Maoming Zhenneng Thermoelectricity Co., Ltd. has not got the building and construction property rights;
Zhanjiang Power has more assets required to get the property rights. Four items having more value are listed here.
18.Project under construction



                                         Year-end balance                        Year-beginning balance
                              Book balance Provision for Book Net       Book balance Provision for   Book Net
                                            devaluation   value                       devaluation      value
                              6,289,478,57               6,289,478,57 5,622,227,87
Jinhai 3#, 4# generate sets                                                                         5,622,227,874
                                         8                          8            4
Zhenneng 600MW#7 Generate     1,459,480,30               1,459,480,30 1,040,279,97
sets                                     7                          7            8
Yuejiang 2x600MWLpgrade       1,135,124,61               1,135,124,61 1,000,144,26                  1,000,144,266
project                              5                         5            6
Technology improvement     335,662,576               335,662,576 299,533,138                299,533,138
Jinghai 50KV output        281,626,612               281,626,612 279,017,341                279,017,341
Xuwen Yongshi Wind power   274,154,440               274,154,440 230,816,938                230,816,938
Dapu Project               245,751,929               245,751,929 217,138,806                217,138,806
Oil Shale power
                           142,328,924               142,328,924 135,208,890                135,208,890

Humen Project2x1000MW      127,404,478               127,404,478 127,286,670                127,286,670
Bohe Project 1000MW         74,866,615                74,866,615   61,426,212                61,426,212
Other                      258,163,432    -796,461 257,366,971 147,661,428       -796,461   146,864,967
                           10,624,042,5              10,623,246,0 9,160,741,54
Total                                     -796,461                               -796,461 9,159,945,080
                                    06                        45             1
(2)Significant changes in projects of construction-in-progress

                                                                                                 Project                             Accumulated
                              Amount at                                                                                                             amount of     Current Interest
                                            Increase at   Transferred to                        investment                            amount of                                                        Amount at year
     Name            Budget      year                                      Other reduction                       Project progress                    Current       capitalization     Capital source
                                            this period    fixed assets                      proportion of the                         interest                                                             end
                              beginning                                                                                                              Interest           rate
                                                                                                  budget                              capitalized
Jinhai 3#, 4#     7,174,620,0 5,622,227,8                                                                                                                                            Self fund,        6,289,478,5
                                          667,250,704                                                  98% 99%                      726,829,530 170,923,134              6.55%
generate sets             00          74                                                                                                                                             loan                      78
Jinghai 50KV                                                                                                                                                                         Self fund,
                  352,273,800 279,017,341    2,609,271                                                 94% 99%                                                                                         281,626,612
output                                                                                                                                                                               loan
Xuwen Yongshi                                                                                                                                                                        Capital and
                  494,830,000 230,816,938 43,337,502                                                   60% 60%                        1,452,498       702,001             100%                   274,154,440
Wind power                                                                                                                                                                           loan
Dapu Project                  217,138,806 28,837,421                            224,298                    5% 5%                     22,352,802     3,843,463            6.56% Loan                    245,751,929
Humen Project                 61,426,212 13,440,403                                                        1% 1%                                                                     Self               74,866,615
Humen Project                 127,286,670      117,808                                                     2% 2%                                                                     Self              127,404,478
Oil Shale power   3,300,000,0
                              135,208,890    7,120,034                                                     4% 4%                                                                     Self              142,328,924
project                   00
                  4,960,000,0 1,000,144,2                                                                                                                                                              1,135,124,6
2x600MWLpgr                               134,980,349                                                  23% 23%                       98,281,977 31,980,659               3.28% Loan
                          00          66                                                                                                                                                                       15
ade project

                  2,478,750,0 1,040,279,9                                                                                                                                            Capital and       1,459,480,3
600MW#7                                   425,497,115           80,657       6,216,130                 73% 73%                       96,261,940 34,552,200               6.56%
                          00          78                                                                                                                                             loan                      07
Generate sets
Technology                                                                      Not
                         299,533,138 202,403,804 16,928,223 149,346,143                                                     Self        335,662,576
improvement                                                                     applicable
Other                    146,864,967 110,502,004                                                                            Self        257,366,971
              47,405,093, 9,159,945,0 1,636,096,4                                                                                       10,623,246,
Total                                             17,008,879 155,786,570   --        --      945,178,746 242,001,457   --          --
                     800          80          15                                                                                               045
Statements on change of construction-in-progress:
(3)Impairment Provisions of Construction in progress
                                               Increased this     Decreased this
        Items             Beginning of term                                            End of term        Reason to provide
                                                    term              term

Total                             -796,461                                                     -796,461          --

(4)Major projects under construction

                     Items                             Project progress                                Notes
Jinhai 3#, 4# generate sets                   99%
Jinghai 50KV output                           99%
Xuwen Yongshi Wind power                      60%
Dapu Project                                  5%
Bohe Project                                  1%
Humen Project                                 2%
Oil Shale power project                       4%
Yuejiang 2x600MWLpgrade project               23%
Zhenneng 600MW#7 Generate sets                73%

(5)Statement on projects under construction

    The project progress of major projects under construction based on June 30, 2011 should be assessed on the
basis of the completed projects quantity.

19.Engineering Material


                                              Beginning of      Increased this     Decreased this
                    Items                                                                                  End of term
                                                 term                term              term
Spectial equipment                             1,023,630,719        48,354,218        430,505,498              641,479,439
Tools                                                 51,296              15,444              66,444                     296
Total                                          1,023,682,015        48,369,662        430,571,942              641,479,735
Statement on project material:

20.Liquidation of fixed assets


                   Items                 Beginning book value         Eng book value             Reason of liquidation
                                                                                              Removed for technical
Power generation equipment                            4,164,516                  46,019,975
                                                                                              transformation and not yet
Total                                            4,164,516               46,019,975               --
Progress of fixed assets turn to be liquidated for over one year:

21.Production biological assets

(1)On costs

□Applicable √Not applicable

(2)On fair value

□Applicable √Not applicable

22.Petrolum assets


                         Beginning balance                                                   End balance of book
         Items                             Increased this term       Decreased this term
                         of book value                                                       value
1. Total of original
 book value
1.Rights on proved
2.Rights on unproved
3.Wels and facilities
II.Total of
1.Rights on proved
2.Wels and facilities
III.Total Of
  impairment provision
  on petroleum assets
1.Rights on proved
2.Rights on unproved
3.Wels and facilities
IV.Total of book value
of petroleum assets
1.Rights on proved
2.Rights on unproved
3.Wels and facilities
Statements on petroleum assets:

23. Intangible assets

(1)Intangible assets

          Items            Book Balance in     Increase at this                                 Book Balance in
                                                                      Decrease at this period
                             year-begin            period                                          year-end
                              1,018,172,885              260,872                            0       1,018,433,757
1. Total original price
Electric Transmission
                                442,517,684                                                          442,517,684
  Land use rights               496,916,007                                                          496,916,007
  Sea use right                  26,849,101                                                            26,849,101
  Transportation project         22,468,672                                                            22,468,672
  Software                       29,421,421              260,872                                       29,682,293
II. Total amount of
                                503,023,613          -13,710,985                            0        516,734,598
Electric Transmission
                                385,041,620           -5,481,867                                     390,523,487
  Land use rights                75,181,876           -5,746,005                                       80,927,881
  Sea use right                    2,686,506            -268,491                                        2,954,997
  Transportation project         20,583,182             -182,467                                       20,765,649
  Software                       19,530,429           -2,032,155                                       21,562,584
III. Book value of
                                515,149,272          -13,450,113                            0        501,699,159
intangible assets
Electric Transmission
                                 57,476,064           -5,481,867                                       51,994,197
  Land use rights               421,734,131           -5,746,005                                     415,988,126
  Sea use right                  24,162,595             -268,491                                       23,894,104
  Transportation project           1,885,490            -182,467                                        1,703,023
  Software                         9,890,992          -1,771,283                                        8,119,709
IV.Total value of
provision for                    23,426,500                       0                         0          23,426,500
Electric Transmission            23,426,500                                                            23,426,500
  Land use rights
  Sea use right
  Transportation project
V. Total of Book value
                                  491,722,772                         0                         0          478,272,659
of intangible assets
Electric Transmission
                                    34,049,564                                                              28,567,697
  Land use rights                 421,734,131                                                              415,988,126
  Sea use right                     24,162,595                                                              23,894,104
  Transportation project                1,885,490                                                            1,703,023
  Software                              9,890,992                                                            8,119,709
The amortization amount is RMB 0.

  (2)The current expenditure on non-development projects
                                                                      Decrease at this period
                           Balance in         Increase at this   Accounted into                         Balance in
          Items                                                                      Recognized as
                           year-begin             period         current income                          year-end
                                                                                    intangible asset

R & D expenses of the current period accounted for % of the total coast of R&D.
Intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period accounted for % of the total book value of intangible assets
Statement on R&D projects, including single account over RMB 1 million basing on evaluation results. Please
 provide the evaluation body and basis of evaluation.

(3)Uncertificated intangible assets

24. Goodwill

 Name of the investee or the            Balance in     Increase at this Decrease at this Book Balance in
 matter of forming Goodwill             year-begin         period          period            year-end

Statement of basis for impairment testing and provision of goodwill:

     25. Long-term amortization expenses
                                                                                                      Unit :RMB

     Items                                          Amount of       Other Decrease Balance in year      Other
                    Balance in     Increase at
                                                  amortization at                       end
                    year-begin     this period
                                                  current period

Total                                                                                                     --
Statement on long-term amortizable expenses:

26. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities

(1)Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
□Applicable √Not applicable

(2)Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

√Applicable □Not applicable
The netting balances of deferred tax assets and liabilities after offsetting

                                         Deferred                                                  Temporarily
                                                            Temporarily     Deferred Income
                                        Income Tax                                                Deductable or
                                                           Deductable or     Tax Assets or
                                         Assets or                                                   Taxable
                 Items                                   Taxable Difference Liabilities at the
                                      Liabilities at the                                         Difference at the
                                                            at the End of    Beginning of
                                       End of Report                                              Beginning of
                                                           Report Period     Report Period
                                          Period                                                  Report Period
Deferred income tax assets:
Assets depreciation reserves                9,267,648            37,070,593          9,267,648         37,070,593
Start-up costs                              2,161,626             9,833,207          2,161,626          9,833,207
Deductible loss                            73,130,768         292,523,073           73,130,768        292,523,073

Subtotal                                    5,996,395            23,985,580          5,996,395         23,985,580
Deferred income tax liability:
Trading of financial instruments
and Derivative financial
Increase and decrease of fair value
of available-for-sale financial             3,674,601            14,698,401          2,619,939         10,479,757

Subtotal                                    3,674,601            14,698,401          2,619,939         10,479,757
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences

                      Items                                         Offsetting Amounts of This Period
The offsetting between the deductable losses
(assets) and the depreciation differences
(liabilities) resulted from the commissioning
costs of Zhenneng Thermoelectricity
The offsetting between the deductable losses
(assets) and the depreciation differences
(liabilities) resulted from the commissioning
costs of Zhongyue Energy
The changes of payable remuneration
(assets) to employees and the fair value of an
available-for-sale financial assets recognized
in the capital reserves of headquarters
The changes of capital government subsidies
(assets) and the fair value of an
available-for-sale financial assets recognized
in the capital reserves of headquarters
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences

27.Detail of asset impairment provision
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                            Decrease at this period
                            Balance of book
                                                                         Withdrawal          Transfer in
                                                                                                                Balance of
                                value at         Increase at this       amount in this
                                                                                                               book value at
                              beginning of           period                                                     end of term

1. Bad debt provision
2 Inventory impairment
                                 -21,580,149                        0                    0                 0    -21,580,149
3. Disposable financial
 asset impairment
4. Investment equity hold
 till expiring impairment
5. Long-term equity
investment impairment                                               0                                                      0
6. Property investment
                                             0           0                                         0
impairment provision
7.Fixed asset impairment
                               486,765,097                                                415,916,786
8. Project material
 impairment provision
9. Construction in process
                                   -796,461                                                  -796,461
impairment provision
10 Production biological
material asset impairment
   Incl. Mature
production biological
material asset impairment
11. Gas & oil asset
impairment provision
12. Intangible asset
                                23,426,500               0                                 23,426,500
impairment provision
13. Goodwill impairment
Statement on details of asset impairment:

28.Other non-current assets


                  Items                          At end of term            At beginning of term
Prepay project funds                                          57,184,721                  148,601,055
Prepay equipment funds                                        20,694,690                   59,142,351
Unrealized loss of sale and l
                                                             283,801,197                  279,789,452
Total                                                        361,680,608                  487,532,858
Statement on other non-recurring assets

29. Short-term borrowings

(1)Categories of short-term loans

                  Items                          At end of term            At beginning of term
Loan by pledge                                                                                           298,000,000
Pledged loan
Guarantee loan
Credit loan                                                         9,286,600,000                      9,020,000,000

Total                                                               9,286,600,000                      9,318,000,000
Statement on categories of short-term loans:

(a) As at 30 June 2012,Unsecured borrowings amounted to RMB 3,080,000,000 is from Yudean Group (31
December 2011:RMB3,045,000,000), Unsecured borrowings amounted to RMB 250,000,000 is from Yudean
Finance (31 December 31,2011:RMB300,000,000)

(b)As of June 30, 2012, There are no overdue short-term borrowings.

(2)Short-term loans expired but not repaid


                      Amount of                                                                 Scheduled repaying
Loan provided by                         Interest rate   Usage of loan     Reason of overdue
                        loan                                                                           date

Total                                         --               --                   --                   --
Repaid in post-balance-sheet period.
Statement on short-term loans, including due but extended. Please provide the extending conditions and extended
expiration date.

30.Transactional financial liabilities


                   Items                             Fair value at end of term       Fair value at beginning of term
Transactional bonds issued
Financial liabilities accounted on fair
 value and the fluctuations accounted
 into current gain/loss account
Deductive financial liability
Other financial liabilities
Statement on transactional financial liabilities:

31.Bills payable

                  Type                             At end of term                 At beginning of term
Commercial acceptance                                          318,160,000
Bank acceptance                                                373,000,000                        343,083,604
Total                                                          691,160,000                        343,083,604
Amount due in next fiscal period is RMB 691,160,000.
Statement on Bills payable:

32 Account payable



                  Items                            At end of term                 At beginning of term
Fuel payable                                                 2,053,354,062                      2,116,551,880
Construction and equipment payable                             655,976,236                      1,098,131,151
Materials payable                                              188,140,865                        158,354,658
Other                                                          372,511,295                         76,822,241
Total                                                        3,269,982,458                      3,449,859,930
(2)Account payable to shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report period
√Applicable □Not applicable
Statement on payable accounts due for over one year
As of June 30, 2012, the balance with ageing over than one year is RMB539,358,011, and it is mainly
represent payables to construction, equipment suppliers. Because these projects have not been
completed / accepted of completion, such balances have not been finally settled.

33. Received in advance



                     Items                            At end of term               At beginning of term

Total                                                               9,810,640                       2,315,543

(2)Prepayment collected from shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report period.
□Applicable √Not applicable

The description of large-sum accounts payable with the age over 1 year:

34. Employee salary of payable
                                                                                                         Unit: RNB

        Items          Book Balance in       Increase in the current   Decrease in the current   Book Balance in

                         year-begin                  period                    period               year-end

1.Wages, bonuses,
                              37,248,924               333,620,185                 260,935,776        109,933,333
allowances      and


                              11,016,578                40,132,326                  40,132,326          11,016,578
3. Social insurance
                               7,040,863                90,357,153                  84,973,491          12,424,525
Medical insurance              7,027,645                21,584,699                  18,848,878           9,763,466

Basic        old-age
                                   9,545                63,189,577                  60,720,351           2,478,771

                                   3,673                  1,984,255                  1,900,004             87,924
Work injury
                                         0                2,402,022                  2,367,256             34,766
                                         0                1,196,600                  1,137,002             59,598
IV. Public reserves
                                         0              74,330,719                  74,330,719                     0
for housing
V. .Refuse welfare           114,395,535                  2,783,635                 19,481,955          97,697,215
VI.Other                      35,761,022                18,249,816                  17,832,257          36,178,581
                              35,761,022                18,249,816                  17,832,257          36,178,581
Total                       205,462,922                559,473,834                 497,686,524        267,250,232

The amounts of arrears of staff salary and welfare payable are RMB 0 00.
The amounts of trade union funds and staff education expenses are RMB34,665,771, the amounts of
non-monetary benefits are RMB97,697,215, and the compensations for the lifting of labor relations is 0
The expected release time and amount of staff salary and welfare payable are arranged in the beginning of next
The payable salaries, bonuses, allowances, subsidies and employee welfare expenses will be offered and used up in
2012, the social insurances and the housing funds will be turned in to the relevant government departments in 2012,
and the welfare benefits of early retirement staff are expected to give and use up one by one before 2015.

35. Tax Payable

                       Items                                At end of term               At beginning of term
VAT                                                                     4,994,799                       2,024,111
Consumption tax
Business Tax                                                            1,396,916                       1,311,765
Enterprise Income tax                                                  63,726,063                      20,757,183
Individual Income tax
City Construction tax                                                        478,678                    1,181,880
Educational surcharge payable                                                405,215                    1,138,468
Individual income tax payable                                           2,941,167                      21,159,117
House tax payable                                                                                       8,929,719
Other                                                                   9,059,734                       8,748,419
Total                                                                  83,002,572                      65,250,662
Statement on tax payable: Please provide the calculating processes then taxable income is balanced between
branch companies or factories as approved by the tax bureau.

36. Interest Payable


                       Items                                At end of term               At beginning of term
Long-term loans interest of installment and
                                                                       17,379,529                      11,046,615
interest charge
Debenture interest                                                     34,205,479                      89,205,479
Short term loan interest payable                                       19,941,436                      22,414,662

Total                                                                  71,526,444                     122,666,756
Statement on interest payable:

37.Dividend payable


                                                                                       Reason of overdue for one
               Name                  At end of term         At beginning of term
Common       stock  dividend
                                              175,134,804               7,323,298
payable to the Company
Shaoguan Power Plant D                          3,521,190               3,521,190
Qujiang Electric                                1,408,476               1,408,476
Chaokang Investment Co.,
   Total                                         180,064,470               15,552,964              --
  Statement on interest payable:

  38.Other Payable

  (1)                                                        Unit:RMB

                     Name                                 At end of term                  At beginning of term
   Performance guarantee deposits from
                                                                         534,632,189                    601,765,566
   Construction and equipment payable                                    139,234,870                    122,318,121
   Advance from shaoguan Electric
                                                                          73,506,568                     30,083,004
   Power plant
   Rent fee for shaoguan Plant D
                                                                           1,750,737                      1,750,737
   Other                                                                 118,509,507                     61,331,505
   Total                                                                 867,633,871                    817,248,933

  (2)In the balance of other payable, there were no funds of shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) or more of the

  voting right of the Company;
  □Applicable √Not applicable

  (3)Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year

(a) As of June 30, 2012 the balances with ageing over one year amounted to RMB300,134,413 are
   mainly represent the performance guarantee deposits
   from construction and equipment suppliers, and they have not been settled.

  (4)Statement on large amount other payable accounts

  39.Estimated liabilities


   Items                     Beginning of term     Increased this term    Decreased this term     End of term
   Providing of external
     Unsettled lawsuit
     Quality warranty
     Dismissing policy
     Loss contract to be
Statement on anticipated liabilities:

40. Non-current liabilities due within one year



                       Name                          At end of term                  At beginning of term
Long-term loans due in 1 year                                    533,940,000                        625,670,000
Bond payable due in 1 year
Long-term payable due in 1 year                                  434,442,437                        314,471,518
Total                                                            968,382,437                        940,141,518

(2)Long-term loans due in 1 year

Long-term loans due in 1 year

                       Name                          At end of term                  At beginning of term
Loan by pledge                                                   176,540,000                        247,550,000
Pledged loan
Guarantee loan
Credit loan                                                      357,400,000                        378,120,000

Total                                                            533,940,000                        625,670,000
Among the long-term loans due in 1 year, the loans overdue but extended is amounted to RMB 0.
Top 5 long-term loans due in 1 year

                   Loans                                            Year-end balance Year-beginning balance
                                Loans              Interest rate Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
 Loan unit         starting               Currency
                                                                  Foreign      RMB    Foreign      RMB
                              ending date              (%)
                    date                                          currency            currency
Agricaultural   December4 June                                                 111,000,00             111,000,00
                                         CNY             6.12%
Bank of China   , 2007    3,2013                                                        0                      0
                May29,200 June                                                                        159,600,00
Constrcution                             CNY             6.35%                 99,000,000
                6         30,2013                                                                              0

Bank of China   June          June       CNY             6.35%                 87,060,000             130,590,00
            30,1998        30,2013                                                                                       0
Yudean      December1 June
                                         CNY                 6.35%                  50,000,000                50,000,000
Finance     0,2007    5,2013
            April,25,20 June                                                                                  134,480,00
ICBC                                     CNY                 6.35%                  45,000,000
            06          30,2013                                                                                        0
                                                                                    392,060,00                585,670,00
Total             --            --              --          --           --                           --
                                                                                             0                         0
Overdue loans among the long-term loan due in 1year:

Loan provided                             Annual interest                                 Reason for         Scheduled
              Total amount Date of mature                 Usage of loan
     by                                      rate(%)                                       overdue         repaying date

Total                           0          --               --                 --                --              --
Among repaid in post-balance-sheet day.
Statement on long-term loans due in 1 year:

(3)Bonds payable due in 1 year


                                                               Interest                        Interest
                                                                           Interest  Interest
               Face        Date of           Issuing          payable at                      payable at End   of
   Bond                            Bond term                              occurred paid this
               value        issue            amount           beginning                         end of balance
                                                                         this period period
                                                              of period                         period

Statement on bond payable due in 1 year:

(4)Long-term payable account due in 1 year


                                                          Interest       Interest
  Loans from           Term          Initial amount                                       End balance        Condition
                                                         rate(%)        payable
Jinghai Power                                                                                              Financing
              10 years                 133,712,489               5.85%        4,230,429    133,712,489
Generation                                                                                                 leasing
Jinghai Power                                                                                              Financing
              6 years                                0           7.05%        4,254,358    120,552,092
Generation                                                                                                 leasing
ZhongyueEner                                                                                               Financing
             10 years                  121,661,618               5.85%        2,817,435     86,280,702
gy                                                                                                         leasing
Yuejiang                                                                                                   Financing
                 5 years                59,097,411                             115,641      93,897,154
Power                                                                                                      leasing
Statement on long-term payable due in 1 year:

41.Other current liabilities


                   Items                         Year-end balance             Year-Beginning balance

Statement of other current liabilities:

42. Long-term loan

(1)Long-term loans classifications

                   Items                         Year-end balance             Year-Beginning balance
Loan by pledge                                             1,448,410,100                    1,231,880,000
Pledged loan
Guarantee loan
Credit loan                                                5,641,700,000                    5,809,806,371
European Investment Bank loan
                                                              182,863,558                    125,467,037
Total                                                      7,272,973,658                    7,167,153,408
As regards long-term loans classifications:

(2)The top five of long-term loans

                 Loans                                           Year-end balance Year-beginning balance
                               Loans            Interest rate Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
 Loan unit      starting               Currency
                                                               Foreign      RMB    Foreign      RMB
                           ending date              (%)
                 date                                          currency            currency
            May 29,        June 12,                                     1,097,000,0           2,417,800,0
Constructio                            CNY            6.35%
            2006           2021                                                 00                    00
n Bank
            December4 December3                                         1,942,500,0           2,159,000,0
l Bank of                       CNY                   6.12%
            ,2007     ,2025                                                     00                    00
Yudean      July         December5                                                  875,000,00                900,000,00
                                   CNY                       6.35%
Finance     17,2007      ,2025                                                               0                         0
            April25,20 April                                                        840,000,00                1,384,745,0
ICBC                                   CNY                   6.35%
            06         23,2022                                                               0                        00
Bank of     June         June                                                       240,945,10                273,200,00
                                       CNY                   6.35%
China       30,1998      21,2020                                                             0                         0
                                                                                    4,995,445,1               7,134,745,0
Total             --          --             --              --            --                          --
                                                                                            00                        00
Statement on long-term loans. For long-term loans over due but extended for another period, please provide the
 conditions, principal, interest rate, and repayment arrangement.

43.Bond payable


                                                                Interest                        Interest
                                                                            Interest  Interest
              Face       Date of           Issuing             payable at                      payable at  End
  Bond                           Bond term                                 occurred paid this
              value       issue            amount              beginning                         end of   balance
                                                                          this period period
                                                               of period                         period
Company 2,000,000, March                          2,000,000,               55,000,00 110,000,0                 1,992,793,
                                   7 years
  Bonds       000 10,2008                               000                        0       00                        519
Statement on bonds payable, including the condition and time of converting of the convertible bonds:

44.Long-term payable

(1)Top 5 long-term payable


                                                      Interest rate        Interest
     Name              Term        Initial amount                                         End balance        Condition
                                                        (%)              payable

(2)Details of finance leasing payments in long-term payable

                                                                                                               Unit :RMB

                                                     End of term                            Beginning of term
                                     Foreign currency              RMB              Foreign currency          RMB
Jinghai Power Generation                                 0        1,201,774,446                    0         795,482,488
Zhongyue Energy                                          0            684,975,700                  0         684,975,700
Yuejiang Power Generation                                0            172,344,161                  0         260,705,299
Total                                                    0        2,059,094,307                    0        1,741,163,487
Guarantee provided by the 3rd party for the leasing finance is amounted to RMB0.
Statement on long-term payables:

45.Special payable

                              Beginning of Increased this      Decreased
           Items                                                             End of term           Remarks
                                 term           term           this term

           Total                                                                                       --
Statement on special payable accounts:

46.Other Non-current liabilities

Items                                                Year-end balance                Year-beginning balance
Government grants related with assets-
Desulfurization project for 5# set (a)                             20,000,000                           21,538,462
Water-freshing project (b)                                          2,000,000                               2,000,000
Flow modification and expansion project
                                                                    5,610,000                               5,610,000
Port and port construction fees
                                                                    4,957,072                               2,359,846
income-related government grants-
Competition Fund of State-owned Assets
                                                                   13,000,000                           12,000,000
Regulatory Commission (e )
Proceeds of sale and leaseback financ
ing fixed assets
Total                                                              45,567,072                           46,730,522
Statement on other non-current liabilities, including asset-related and income-related government subsidy and
closing balances:
a. The payment that Guangdong Province Department of Finance has specially made from Guangdong Yudean
Group Co., Ltd. for the desulfurization project of Unit 5 in Shaojiao A Power Station, a branch of the company, in
2005. The Group shall comply with the relevant assets expected available to use for 13-year to conduct a average
amortization for this subsidy income from the commencement date of project completion.

b. The payment has been made specially for the freshwater project of Zhongyue Energy by Zhanjiang Government.
The Group hasn’t yet completed the construction of freshwater project till June 30, 2012. So, no amortization is

c. The special funds of energy saving and emission reduction that Shaojiao A Power Station has received this year
are payed for the project of units expansion flow reconstruction. The Group hasn’t yet completed the construction of
this project till June 30, 2012. So, no amortization is made.

d. The construction funds that Shaojiao A Power Station has received this year are payed for the construction of
Humen Port. The funds haven’t yet used currently, the Group plans to use after 2012. So, no amortization is made.

e. It is the special capital of reformation and development that Zhanjiang Wind-Power has received this year, which
is related to future long-term earnings. So, no amortization is made.

47. .Stock capital

                     Balance                    Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )
                                                           Transferred                                    Balance
               Year-beginni     Issuing of                                                                year-end
                                             Bonus shares     from           Other        Subtotal
                                new share
                    ng                                      reserves
Total of       2,797,451,13                                                                              2,797,451,13
capital shares            8                                                                                         8
Statement of change in capital shares. Name of CPA and number of verification report shall be provided if capital
increasing or decreasing occurred in the report period; as for shareholding limited companies incorporated for less
than three years, only net assets is required for the years prior to incorporation; for shareholding limited
companies reformed from limited companies shall provide the capital verification at incorporation.

48.Shares in stock

Statement on share in stock

49.Special reserves

Statement on special reserves

50. Capital reserves


           Items                 Year-beginning        Increase in the        Decrease in the Year-end balance

                                     balance           current period         current period
Share premium                        1,666,944,650                                    626,198        1,666,318,452
Other capital reserves
Assessment of value                    119,593,718                                                       119,593,718
Change in fair value of
available-for-sale                      54,404,412                4,218,645                               58,623,057
financial assets
Tax on change in fair value
                                       -13,601,101                                     1,054,661         -14,655,762
of available-for-sale
Transfer from the balance
                                        20,474,592                                                        20,474,592
of capital surplus
recognised under previous
Total                                     902,300                                                             902,300
Total                               1,848,718,571                4,218,645           1,680,859         1,851,256,357
Statement on capital reserves:
    In 2012, the Group and Guangdong Electric Power Development Company accepted the share of additional
capital of Zhenneng Power Plant abandoned by Guangdong Yuedianlian Investment Development Co., Ltd.
according to respective proportion of capital contribution. As a result, capital surplus-share capital premium
decreased by RMB 626,198. The ratio of the Company's shareholding in Zhenneng Power Plant rose from 56.39%
at the beginning of the year to 58.27%.

51. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                       Unit    :RMB

            Items               Year-beginning      Increase in the current   Decrease in the       Year-end balance

                                    balance                 period            current period
Statutory surplus reserve           1,551,741,269              51,453,596                              1,603,194,865
Optional surplus reserves           2,223,739,763             128,633,990                              2,352,373,753
Preserved fund
Enterprise development
Total                               3,775,481,032             180,087,586                       0      3,955,568,618
Statement on surplus reserves. Please state the related resolutions of the Board on capitalizing of reserves, making
up losses, and dividends:

52.Providing of common risk provisions

Statement on common risk provisions:

53. Retained profits


                                         At end of term                            At beginning of term
                                                           Percentage                                    Percentage
                                     Amount                of drawing             Amount                 of drawing
                                                          or allocation                                 or allocation
Before       adjustments:
                                           1,784,972,625        --                    2,058,635,851        --
Retained profits at the

period end

Adjustments:         Total

retained profits at the
                                                                --                                         --
period beginning

                                                                --                                         --
profits at the period
Add:Net profit
belonging to the owner of                    292,168,221        --                      356,321,879        --
the parent company
Less:Drawing statutory
                                              51,453,596                                100,068,569
surplus reserve
Drawing discretionary
                                             128,633,990                                250,171,422
surplus reserve
Drawing commonly risk
Payable dividends of
                                             167,847,069                                279,745,114
common shares
Transfer to common
stock equity dividends

Retained profits at the
                                           1,729,206,191        --                    1,784,972,625        --
period end

As regards the details of adjusted the beginning undistributed profits

(1)As the retroactive adjustment on Enterprise Accounting Standards and its related new regulations, the affected

beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(2) As the change of the accounting policy, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(3) As the correction of significant accounting error, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

(4) As the change of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected beginning undistributed profits

are RMB 0.00.

(5) Other adjustment of the total affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .
Statement on retained profit: for companies issued their securities for the first time, if the accumulated profit
before the issuing is shared by the new and existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders’ meeting, shall
be described particularly; if the accumulated profit before the issuing is shared only by existing shareholders as
approved by the shareholders’ meeting, the Company shall provide the details of dividend payable to the existing
shareholders as audited by CPA.

54. Business income, Business cost

(1)Business income, Business cost
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

              Items                     Amount of current period                  Amount of previous period
Income from Business income                                 7,768,087,935                         6,419,956,038

                                                                58,391,946                             50,805,647
Other Business income
Business cost                                                6,997,972,389                          5,797,248,108

(2)Main business(Industry)

□Applicable√ Not applicable

(3)Main business(Production)
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit :RMB

                              Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                               Business income       Business cost         Business income    Business cost
Power sales                          7,735,315,438        6,952,100,646        6,405,066,896        5,754,454,210
Heat supply                             9,608,000             5,985,630
Provide labor service                  23,164,497            20,742,724           14,889,142           14,845,177
Total                                7,768,087,935        6,978,829,000        6,419,956,038        5,769,299,387

(4)Main Business(Area)
□Applicable√ Not applicable

     (5)Total income and the ratio of operating income from top five clients

              Name                      Business Income                           Proportion(%)
GPGC                                              7,735,234,621                                          98.834%
China Petroleum
                                                      9,608,000                                           0.123%
 Maoming Branth
Shaoguan Qujiang Xinze
                                                        9,188,374                                       0.117%
Trade Development Co., Ltd.
Shajiao C                                               8,376,421                                       0.107%
Shaoguang Songrao
Environmental protection                                6,855,595                                       0.088%
Construction Co., Ltd
Total                                               7,769,263,011                                      99.269%
Statement on operating income

55. Contract income
□Applicable√ Not applicable
Statement on Contact Items:

56. Business taxes and surcharges


                                  Amount      of   current Amount of previous
               Items                                                               Project payment standard
                                  period                            period
Business tax                                     2,096,914             1,646,108
City maintenance and
                                                12,222,118            19,374,279
construction tax
Surcharge for education                         11,337,729            15,915,692
Resource tax

Total                                           25,656,761            36,936,079              --
Statement on Business taxes and surcharges:

57.Income from fair value fluctuation

  Source of income from fluctuation of fair
                                                     Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
Transactional financial assets
Incl:Gains from fluctuation of fair value of
 derivate financial instruments
Trade off financial liabilities
Investment property measured at fair value

Statement on Income from fair value fluctuation:
58. Investment income

(1)Income from investment


                 Items                Amount of current period                Amount of previous period
Long-term equity investment income by
                                                          14,681,250                           11,025,000
Long-term equity investment income by
                                                              234,407,050                     267,642,210
equity method
Dispose the investment income from the
long-term equity
Hold the investment income which gained
from the transactional
financial assets
Gain the investment income from the
held-to-maturity investment
Hold the investment income during from
available-for-sale financial assets
Dispose the investment income from the
transactional financial assets
Dispose the investment income from the
held-to-maturity investment
Dispose the investment income from the
                                                                6,393,225                        4,402,150
available-for-sale financial assets
Other                                                          14,240,369                      15,615,373
Total                                                         269,721,894                     298,684,733

(2)long-term equity investment gains on cost basis

Unit :RMB

                                                           Occurred in
            Company               Occurred current term                          Causation of change
                                                          previous term
Shenzhen Chuangxin Technology                                               Increase in assigned dividend
                                             13,781,250        11,025,000
 Investment Co., Ltd.                                                        investment unit
Guoyi Invitepublic bidding                                                  Increase in assigned dividend
                                                900,000                   0
Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                             investment unit

Total                                        14,681,250        11,025,000                --
(3)Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis

                                                               Occurred in
        Company invested in         Occurred current term                              Causation of change
                                                              previous term
                                                                               Gains from investment increa
Shanxi Yudean Energy Co., Ltd.                 67,496,318           26,686,964
Yudean Finance                                 43,722,377           26,196,584 Gains from interest increased
Guangdong Red Bay                              43,020,475           25,518,527 gains from interest increased
                                                                               Electricity, electricity prices
Shenzhen Guangqian                             31,757,399           91,765,597
                                                                               Electricity, electricity prices
Huizhou Natural gas                            30,775,261           54,462,148
Guandong Electric power                                                        The coal-fired power plant p
                                               25,866,209           22,742,574
 Industry Fuel Co., Ltd.                                                       urchase volume increased
Yudean Holding West Investment
                                                4,730,706           -3,185,676
 Co., Ltd.
Huaneng Shantou Wind Power
                                                4,589,644            6,048,592
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Yudean Shipping
                                                1,399,287           15,500,092
Yangshan Zhongxinkeng Electric
                                                1,307,885                     0
power Company
Shibeishan Wind power
                                                 1,211,390             906,038
Developemnt Co., Ltd.
Yangshan Jiangkeng Hydropower
                                                  531,570                     0
Linchang Yuntou Hydropower
                                                -1,528,501                    0
Development Co., Ltd.
Yunnan Baoshan Binlangjiang
Hydropower Development Co.,                   -20,472,970            1,000,770
Total                                         234,407,050          267,642,210                   --
Statement on investment gains, please state whether or not there are material constrains on retrieving of
investment gains.:

59. .Loss of assets impairment
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Name                         Amount of current period         Amount of previous period
Loss for bad debts                                                   2,000,879                        2,000,879
2.Loss for falling price of Inventory                                21,580,149                       21,580,149
3 . Loss for devaluation of financial asset
available for sales
   4.Loss for devaluation of held-to maturity
   5.Loss for devaluation of long-term equity
  6.Loss for devaluation of investing property
         7.loss for devaluation of fixed assets                                                      486,765,097
 8.loss for devaluation of engineering materials
9.loss for devaluation of construction in progress                                                      796,461
                10.loss for devaluation
             Of productive biological asset
          11.loss for devaluation of oil asset
   12.loss for devaluation of intangible asset                                                        23,426,500
          13.loss for devaluation of goodwill

60. Non-operating income



                           Items                       Amount of current period      Amount of previous period

 Total income from liquidation of non-current
 Including:Income from liquidation of fixed asset
     Income of the sale of intangible assets
 Debt restructuring profits

 Non-monetary assets Exchange profits

  Donation accepted
 Government Subsidy                                                      4,423,146                      2,497,487
 Other                                                                   1,132,264                      4,322,252
 Total                                                                 47,922,349                       6,819,739

(2)Government subsidy list

                Items                 Amount of current     Amount of previous                Notes

                                              period               period
Income of levy and refund
                                               1,698,185               959,026
 of VAT
Amortization of Governm
                                               1,538,461             1,538,461
ent Subsidy
River seawall reinforceme
nt grants
Total                                          4,423,146             2,497,487                    --

Statement on Non-operating income

61. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                           Items                           Amount of current period       Amount of previous period
Total Disposal of loss of non-current assets
Including:Disposal of net loss of fixed assets                                       0                   2,605,159
Disposal of loss of   Intangibles assets                                      18,000                          4,300
Losses from debt restructuring
Non-monetary assets exchange losses
Donation expenses

Fine expenses
                                                                           1,172,397                      2,648,771
Other expenses
Total                                                                      1,190,397                      5,259,255
Statement on non-operational expenditures:

62. .Income tax expenses

                                                                                                       Unit :RMB

                          Items                            Amount of current period       Amount of previous period

Income tax at current period according to taxation and
                                                                          75,884,101                    71,547,849
related regulation
Adjustment Deferred income tax
Total                                                                     75,884,101                    65,133,726
63. Calculation process of basic earnings per share and dilute earning per share

64. Other comprehensive income
                            Items                         Amount of current period       Amount of previous period
                                                                          4,218,645                     -8,219,537
1.Loss amount produced by sellable financial assets

  Less:Deduct: income tax infection produced by
                                                                          1,054,661                     -2,054,884
sellable financial assets

 Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current

period that reckoned into other comprehensive income

at former period
                                                                          3,163,984                     -6,164,653

2. The enjoyed share in other comprehensive income

of other invested unit according to equity method

   Less:Deduct: income tax infection produced from
the enjoyed share in other comprehensive income of
other invested unit according to equity method

     Net amount transferred into profit and loss at

current period that reckoned into other comprehensive

income at former period
                                                                                     0                           0

3.. Benefit (or loss) amount produced from cash flow

 Less:Deduct: income tax infection produced from

cash flow hedging instruments

    Net amount transferred into profit and loss at

current period that reckoned into other comprehensive

income at former period

  Transferred to the adjustment of initial confirmation

amount of items at hedged period
                                                                                     0                           0

4. Translating difference in foreign currency financial

   Less:Deduct: net amount that transferred into

profit and loss at current period in disposed overseas




  Less :taxation infection arising from reckoning

other comprehensive income.

   Net amount transferred into profit and loss at

current period that reckoned into other comprehensive

income at former period
                                                                             0                         0
                                                                      3,163,984              -6,164,653

Statement on Other comprehensive income

65.Cash flow statement Notes

           (1)Cash received related to other operating activities

                                  Items                                           Amount
Insurance indemnity                                                                          6,610,852
Interest income                                                                             18,898,272
Government Subsidy                                                                           4,552,853
Recovered current money                                                                     35,188,143
Other                                                                                        9,890,982
                                  Total                                                     75,141,102
Statement on Cash received related to other operating activities

(2) Cash paid related to other operating activities

                                  Items                                           Amount
Swwage charge                                                                               24,024,888
Insurance expenses                                                                          23,121,617
Equipment cleaning and hygiene green fee                                                    11,944,870
Transportation fee                                                                           8,907,450
Fire guard fee                                                                               8,233,079
Business fee                                                                   7,388,997
Agency Charge                                                                  7,071,229
Embankment protection fees                                                     6,241,113
Office Expenses                                                                6,054,761
Travel expenses                                                                4,762,786
Rental fee                                                                     3,875,609
Test fee                                                                       3,504,062
Enterprise publicity expenses                                                  3,436,926
Director fee and other conference fee                                          2,904,366
Land use fees and sea areas use fees                                           2,429,542
Information system maintenance                                                 1,735,450
Water and electrical                                                           1,622,134
R&D development                                                                1,451,110
Property Management fee                                                        1,382,665
Other                                                                         53,584,204
                                Total                                        183,676,858
Statement on Cash paid related to other operating activities

(3)      Cash received related to other investment activities

                                Items                               Amount


Statement on Cash received related to other investment activities

(4)Cash paid related to other investment activities

                                Items                               Amount
Enrusted lan fees                                                               142,686
                                Total                                           142,686

Statement on Cash paid related to other investment activities

(5)Cash received related to financing activities

                                Items                               Amount

Statement on Cash received related to financing activities
(6)Cash paid related to financing activities


                                 Items                                                  Amount
Bank acceptance deposits                                                                                60,000,000
Financing lease                                                                                         25,549,589
Other                                                                                                      447,285
                                  Total                                                                 85,996,874

Statement on Cash paid related to financing activities

66. Supplement Information for cash flow statement

(1)Supplement Information for cash flow statement

                                                                                                         Unit :RMB

                 Supplement Information                Amount of current period        Amount of previous period

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating
                                                                   --                             --
    Net profit                                                          337,209,371                    323,684,298

     Add: Impairment loss provision of assets

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and
                                                                        727,481,863                    575,104,418
 consumable biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                        13,710,985                     12,686,781

Amortization of Long-term deferred expenses

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                         -42,348,939                     2,609,459
and other long-term deferred assets

Loss from Fixed assets Discard

Loss of fair value fluctuation on assets

Financial cost                                                          446,034,516                    295,071,015

Loss on investment                                                      -269,721,894                   -298,684,733

Decrease of deferred income tax assets                                                                   -4,699,543

Increased of deferred income tax liabilities                              1,054,662                      -2,054,884
Decrease of inventories                                                200,039,599                       -8,037,733

Decease of operating receivables                                       -262,725,469                    269,968,274

Increased of operating Payable                                         797,989,722                    -108,338,748


Net cash flows arising from operating activities                    1,948,724,416                     1,057,308,604

II. Significant investment and financing activities
                                                                  --                             --
 that without cash flows:

Liability transfer to capital

Convertible corporate bond due within 1 year

Finance leased fixed assets

III. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                    --                             --

Ending balance of cash                                              2,772,677,837                     2,981,800,221

Less: Beginning balance of cash                                     2,981,800,221                     1,894,021,204

Add: Ending balance of cash

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                              590,017,323                    1,087,779,017

(2)Information on acquiring or disposing subsidiary company and other business unit at this period.


              Supplement Information                  Amount of current period        Amount of previous period
I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses                     --                             --
1.Price to acquire subsidiaries and other
2.Cash and cash equivalents paid to acquire
 subsidiaries or businesses
Less:Cash and cash equivalents held by the
subsidiaries and other businesses
3.Net cash paid for acquiring of subsidiaries and
other businesses
4.Net asset of subsidiaries acquired
     Current assets
     Non-current assets
     Current liabilities
     Non-Current liabilities
II. Disposal of subsidiaries and bushiness                       --                          --
1.Price to dispose subsidiaries and other business
2.Cash and cash equivalents received from
disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
     Less:Cash and cash equivalents held by the
subsidiaries and other businesses
3.Net cash received for disposal of subsidiaries
 and other businesses
4.Net asset of subsidiaries disposed
       Current assets
       Non-current assets
       Current liabilities
       Non-Current liabilities

(3)Composition of cash and cash equivalents


                             Items                    Amount of current period    Amount of previous period
                                                                  2,772,677,837                   2,981,800,221
I. Cash

Of which: Cash in stock

Bank savings could be used at any time

       Other monetary capital could be used at any


       Usable money in Central Bank

       Money saved in associated financial bodies

       Money from associated financial bodies

II. Cash equivalents

Of which: bond investment which will due in three


III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                  2,772,677,837                   2,182,660,514
period end
Statement on Supplementary information of cash flow statement
67.Notes to statement of change in owners’ equity

Please state the names and adjusted amount of the items of previous year, and retrospective adjustment on merger
of entities under common control.:

     (VIII)Accounting treatment of asset securitization

1 On the principal of asset securitization transactions and its accounting, bankruptcy, isolation provisions

2. The Company does not have controlled over but in fact assume the risk situation of special-purpose body


                                                                                       Net profit of
                  Total asset at    Total liability   Net asset at   Turnover of the
     Name                                                                              the current       Notes
                   end of term      at end of term    end of term        period

(IX). Related parties and related-party transactions
1. Parent company information of the enterprise

                                                                  ratio of
                                                                                        ratio of
 Parent                               Legal                                              parent Ultimate
        Related Enterpris Registrat                    Registere company                                 Organiza
company                             represent Business                                 company controlli
        parties  e type ion place                      d capital against                                 tion code
  name                                ative character                                   against ng party
                                                          Power                                 State-ow
                                                            atin                                Regulato
Guangdo   Controlli                                         g,ele                                   ry
ng        ng        State          Guangzh                  ctric 21,500,0                      Commiss 7304860
                                           Pan Li                             48.99%     48.99%
Yudean    sharehol holding         ou                       ity    00,000                        ion of 2-2
Group     der                                             assets                                Guangdo
                                                            man                                    ng
                                                            age                                 People's
Particulars about the parent company of the Company

     Yudean Group Co., Ltd. Holding 48.99% shares of the Company and is the major shareholder

of the Company. State-owned Assets Regulatory Commission under the People's Government of

Guangdong Province holds 76% equity of Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd. and is the actual

controller of the Company. According to the Business License of Incorporated Enterprise verified

and issued by Guangdong Administration for Industry and Commerce, Yudean Group is a wholly

Limited Liability Company. Its registered capital is RMB 20,000,000,000 and its registered address

is 33-36/F Yudean Plaza, No.2 Tianhe Road East , Guangzhou,Guangdong Province. Its legal

representative is Mr. Pan Li. Its is mainly engaged in management and sales of the electricity

investment,construction,operation management,electricity power(Thermal Power),The the

industry of transportation,resources,environmental protection,new source of energy,electricity

investment; investment planning and consulting ; information consulting service; sales of

production materials.

2. Subsidiary companies information of the enterprise
Full name
           Subsidiary                         Legal                          Share
    of                Enterprise Registrati            Business Registered           Vote right Organizati
            company                         representa                      holding
subsidiary              type      on area              character capital             ratio (%) on code
              type                             tive                        ratios(%)
Zhanjiang Controllin
                      bility                                       2,875,440,                    23210093
 Electric g                     Zhanjiang Liu Qian      Electric                76%        76%
                      Compan                                             000                     -2
 power    Subsidiary
Yuejia     Controllin Foreign
                                        Lin                        1,200,000,                    61741361
Electric   g          investmen Meizhou                 Electric                58%        58%
                                        Shizhuang                        000                     -4
Power      Subsidiary t
Yuejiang Controllin
                      bility             Lin                       770,000,0                     70752208
 Electric g                     Shaoguan                Electric                65%        65%
                      Compan             Shizhuang                       00                      -0
 power    Subsidiary
zhongyue             bility                                          1,454,300,                     74367331
         g                     Zhanjiang Liu Qian         Electric                  90%      90%
 energy              Compan                                                000                      -0
Zhenneng Controllin
                     bility            Hu                            999,530,6                      76656459
Power    g                     Maoming                    Electric                58.27%   58.27%
                     Compan            Xiaolei                             07                       -8
Plant    Subsidiary
Jinghai              Limitedlia
Power                 bility                 Li                      2,919,272,                     77307022
          g                     Jieyang                   Electric                  65%      65%
Generatio             Compan                 Mingliang                     000                      -X
n                     y
Zhanjiang Controllin Foreign
                                         Lin                         346,110,0                      79295197
 Wind     g          investmen Zhanjiang                  Electric                  70%      70%
                                         Shizhuang                         00                       -0
 Power    Subsidiary t
Oil Shale             bility            Lin                          235,000,0                      78488120
          g                     Maoming                   Electric                83.66%   83.66%
power                 Compan            Shizhuang                          00                       -4
Yudean                   Limitedlia
Anxin                     bility                                     20,000,00                      66498489
              g                     Dongguan Rao Sobo     Electric                 100%     100%
Electric                  Compan                                             0                      -0
Power                     y

Humen         Controllin
                          bility             Lin                     150,000,0                      68056908
Power         g                     Dongguan              Electric                  60%      60%
                          Compan             Shizhuang                     00                       -0
plant         Subsidiary
Yudean        Controllin
                          bility            Luo                      285,000,0                      55168364
Power Bohe    g                     Maoming               Electric                 100%     100%
                          Compan            Zhiheng                        00                       -5
Repair Co.,   Subsidiary

Zhanjiang             bility              Shen                       20,000,00                      78942832
          g                     Zhanjiang                 Electric                  76%      76%
 Yuheng               Compan              Mingde                             0                      -9
Xuwen         Controllin
                          bility              Lin                    173,190,0                      69473177
Wind          g                     Zhanjiang             Electric                  70%      70%
                          Compan              Shizhuang                    00                       -1
Power         Subsidiary
3. Joint-venture and affiliated enterprises information of the company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit :RMB

                                                                                                                            Assets amount     Liability     Net assets   Business total
 Invested unit                     Registration       Legal          Business    Registered   Share holding   vote right                                                                  Net benefit at   Affiliation   Organization
                 Enterprise type                                                                                              at end of     amount at end amount at end income at this
     name                             Place       representative     character    capital       ratio(%)      ratio(%)                                                                     this period     relation         code
                                                                                                                               period         of period     of period       period

                       --              --              --               --          --             --            --              --              --            --             --               --             --             --

II. Affiliated
                       --              --              --               --          --             --            --              --              --            --             --               --             --             --

Guangqia Limited
                              Wen                                   ower      1,030,292,                                    2,750,046, 1,518,198, 1,231,847, 694,199,6 79,393,49                                         70842633
n Electric Liability Shenzhen                                                                           40%           40%
                              Lianhe                                generatio       500                                           084        088        996        27          8                                         -0
Power      Company
Huizhou Limited
                             Gao                                    ower      963,000,0                                     2,937,153, 1,721,997, 1,215,155, 750,214,6 96,172,69                                         76380066
   Natura Liability Shenzhen                                                                            32%           32%
                             Shiqiang                               generatio       00                                            122        298        824        47          0                                         -3
   l gas Company
                                    Wen                             ower      2,749,750,                                    10,975,58 8,116,415, 2,859,167, 2,923,781, 172,081,9                                         76061818
Red Bay          Liability Shenzhen                                                                     25%           25%
                                    Lianhe                          generatio       000                                         2,709       199        510        684        01                                          -8
Fuel                                                                             630,000,0                                  3,006,430, 2,186,490, 819,940,3 12,859,95 73,903,45                                          19032603
        Liability Shenzhen Zhu Dejun Coal                                                               35%           35%
Company                                                                                00                                         579        186        93      0,475         6                                          5
Binlangjia Limited                                                 Hydraulic 713,000,0                                      3,756,408, 3,093,273, 663,134,5 110,229,1 -70,596,4                                          75066253
                                   Shenzhen Liu Yibin                                                   29%           29%
ng         Liability                                               power           00                                             018        499        19        33        47                                           -X
           Company                       generation
Shanxi                                                1,000,000,               1,989,357, 434,917,5 1,554,439,              168,740,7   79021637
           Liability Shenzhen Liang Jian Coal                      40%   40%                                            0
 Enerty                                                     000                      452        14        938                     94    4
Yudean                        Yang                    2,000,000,               15,104,45 12,848,19 2,256,260, 366,711,7 175,071,7       71226867
           Liability Shenzhen          Finance                     25%   25%
Finance                       Xuanxing                      000                    0,750     0,573       177        63        42        -0
West      Limited                    Thermalp
                             Hong               847,400,0                      8,848,368, 6,949,503, 1,898,865, 2,110,301, 42,194,68    75285691
Investmen Liability Shenzhen         ower                          26%   26%
                             Rongkun                  00                             683        296        387        463          9    -X
t         Company                    generation
Yudean                                                2,465,800,               6,830,077, 4,247,264, 2,582,812, 878,198,9               77555547
           Liability Shenzhen Zhu Dejun Shipping                   35%   35%                                              3,997,964
Shipping                                                    000                      388        960        428        57                4
Shibeisha Limited                     Thermalp
                             Li                  231,700,0                     517,326,4 278,084,6 239,241,8 39,627,09                  76384872
n Wind    Liability Shenzhen          ower                         30%   30%                                           4,037,966
                             Chengjun                  00                            31        29        02          2                  0
power     Company                     generation
         Limited                         Hydraulic
Linchang                    Huang                   226,600,0                  532,715,6 323,300,7 209,414,8           -3,119,390       77048814
         Liability Shenzhen              power                     49%   49%                                 7,272,786
 Yuntou                     Ning                          00                         09        81        28                   .52       -5
         Company                         generation
           Limited                       Thermalp
Weixin                        Yang                  1,168,277,                 6,643,420, 5,478,440, 1,164,980,                         77859169
           Liability Shenzhen            ower                      40%   40%                                            0          0
Yuntou                        Guowen                      400                        717        615        102                          -X
           Company                       generation
Shantou    Limited                      Wind
                                                   194,190,0                   532,441,7 265,346,7 267,095,0 47,882,01 18,358,57        78385384
 Wind      Liability Shenzhen Yang Qing power                      25%   25%
                                                         00                          95        52        43          5         7        2
 Power     Company                      generation
Jiangkeng Limited                Li       Hydraulic
                                                     22,839,07                 26,393,37           24,965,35                            61806551
 Hydroelectri Liability Shenzhen Guanshen power                    25%   25%             1,428,021           4,950,777 2,126,280
                                                             6                         8                   7                            -9
 c station    Company            g        generation
Zhongxin Limited                      Hydraulic
                            Luo                  15,150,00               29,372,50           20,277,13                       70760320
keng     Liability Shenzhen           power                  40%   40%             9,095,370           5,475,411 3,269,713
                            Shiheng                      0                       5                   5                       -0
Electric Company                      generation
4. Other Related parties information of the enterprise

     Other Related parties name                  Relation of other Related parties    Organization code

                                                          with the company
Guangdong Power Development                 Controlled by Yudean Group
Yudean Information Technology Co., Ltd. Controlled by Yudean Group                    69692475-3
Guangdong Yunfu Electric Co., Ltd.      Controlled by Yudean Group                    19577353-9
Guangdong Yudean Property Management Controlled by Yudean Group
Co.,Ltd.                                                                              73987209-3
Bioligy Power                           Controlled by Yudean Group                    680565944
Yudean Porpoety                         Controlled by Yudean Group                    74706406-1
                                        Controlled by Yudean Group                    Hongkong Company,No
Chaokang Company
                                                                                      organization code
Maoming Thermal                             Controlled by Yudean Group                19492436-6
Shaoguan Power plant                        Controlled by Yudean Group                61744590-7
Gaoguan D                                   Controlled by Yudean Group                61744707-2
Shajiao C                                   Controlled by Yudean Group                74369834-X
Xinfengjiang                                Controlled by Yudean Group                751086546
Zhuhai Power                                Controlled by Yudean Group                70812907-X
Zhuhai Jinwan                               Controlled by Yudean Group                717859111
Yudean Environment Protection               Controlled by Yudean Group                69643858-7
Jinhui Electric                             Controlled by Yudean Group                72785566-7
Shenzhen Tianxin                            Controlled by Yudean Group                788338241
Pinghai Power                               Controlled by Yudean Group                791172465
Statement on other related parties

5. Related Transactions

(1)The providing service/sells goods
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                     Occurred current term   Occurred in previous term
                                                    Pricing and                     Percenta                   Percenta
                       Subjects of the
                                                 decision making                       ge in                      ge in
  Related parties
                                                                       Amount        similar    Amount          similar
                    related transactions              process                         trades                     trades
                                                                                     (%)                      (%)
Fuel Company        Fuel purchase                  Agreement price    4,848,929,886 90.08%     3,449,201,656 80.03%
Yudean Environment
                   Material purchase               Agreement price       22,534,054      9.23%             24,853,415 16.38%
                    Acceptance              of
Shaoguan Electric                                  Agreement price       94,052,243 74.42%                195,512,319 86.09%
                    management services
                    Acceptance              of
Maoming Thernal                                    Agreement price       28,684,053      22.7%             29,457,555 12.97%
                    management services
                    Acceptance of tugboat
Yudean Shipping     services
                                                 Agreement pri            6,700,000      100%               5,405,000   100%
Sales of goods and services

                                                                 Occurred current term   Occurred in previous term
                                                Pricing and                     Percenta                   Percenta
                        Subjects of the
                                             decision making                       ge in                      ge in
  Related parties
                                                                  Amount         similar    Amount          similar
                     related transactions         process                         trades                     trades
                                                                                 (%)                      (%)
Yudean Environment
                   Sale of Material            Agreement price      12,417,302 28.24%              997,584    2.43%
                     Providing maintenance
Shajiao C            services                  Agreement price        8,376,421 15.51%          10,672,100    26.5%
                     Providing maintenance
Zhuhai Power plant   services                  Agreement price        1,581,197     2.93%
                     Providing maintenance
Zhuhai Jinwan        services                  Agreement price        2,446,667     4.53%
                     Providing maintenance
Guangqian power      services
                                             Agreement pri            1,629,658     3.02%        1,629,658    4.05%
                     Providing maintenance
Bioligy Power        services                  Agreement price        3,580,573     6.63%        2,416,443       6%
                     Providing maintenance
Bioligy Power        services
                                             Agreement priice         2,267,202     4.2%

(2)Related trusteeship or contracting

Related trusteeship or contracting in which the Company is the undertaker

                                                    Nature of                                  Gains       Influence
          Name of          Asset         of the
Name of                                             the asset                                   from the   of the
           the             situation     asset to                        Terminati Pricing
 the                                                to be     Start date                        deal in    gains on
           undertak        of the        be                               ng date basis
 employer                                           undertake                                   report     the
           er              undertaker    undertak
                                                    n                                           period     Company

Related trusteeship or outsourcing in which the Company is the employer

                                                                                               Amount      Influence
          Name of          Asset         of the     Nature of
Name of                                                                                         of         of the
           the             situation     asset to   the asset                        Pricing
 the                                                          Start date End date               payment    payment
           Employe         of the        be         to be                            basis
 employer                                                                                       recogniz   on the
           r               Employer      Employe    Employer
                                                                                                ed         Company
Maoming     Maoming                814,344,9             January 1,                  Agreemen 28,684,05
ThermaL     Therma plant   Good               generation
                                           49            2010                        t price          3
Statement on the trusteeship and contracting

(3)Related leasing

The Company is the lender
                     Category Descriptio Amount                                                             of the
 Name of Name of                                    Starting                        Pricing     recognize
                     of asset  n of the of asset to                    Stop date                          rental on
the owner the tenant                                  date                           basis       d in the
                      for rent property be leased                                                            the

The Company is the undertaker

                     Category Descriptio Amount                                                             of the
 Name of Name of                                    Starting                        Pricing     recognize
                     of asset  n of the of asset to                    Stop date                          rental on
the owner the tenant                                  date                           basis       d in the
                      for rent property be leased                                                            the
Yudean     The         Property                           January 1, December      Agreement
                                  Good        1,793,292                            price        1,793,292
 Property Company         Leasing                         2012        31, 2012
Statement on related leasing

(4)Status of related party guarantee

                     The beneficiary      Amount
    Guarantor                                                  Start date          Due date        Completed or not
                          party          guaranteed

Statement on related guarantees

(5)Related party funds


                            Amount of
   Related parties                                Start date                Expired on               Remarks
Borrow in

                                                                                               In accordance with
                                                                                               the frame agreement
                                                                                               for financial services
                                                                                               for 2012 signed by
                                                                                               the Company and
Yudean Fanince                2,205,000,000                                                    Yuedian        Finance,
                                                                                               Yuedian        Finance
                                                                                               promised to provide
                                                                                               credit line of not
                                                                                               more than RMB 14
                                                                                               billion in total to the
                                                                                               Group in 2012. In the
                                                                                               first half of 2012, the
                                                                                           Group        borrowed
                                                                                           RMB 2,205,000,000
                                                                                           from          Yuedian
                                                                                           Finance     in    total
                                                                                           according to the
                                                                                           actual fund demand.

Lend out

(6)The information of asset transfer, debt restructured of the related parties


                                                 Pricing      Amount in current period    Amount in last period
                              Content of
                                               principle of
Related parties    Type           related                                      Proporti                  Proporti
                                                 related          Amount                    Amount
                              transaction                                      on(%)                   on(%)

(7)Other related transactions

(a) Common expense allocation
The Company’s branches Shajiao A and Shajiao C agreed to allocate certain common
expenses according to agreed allocation basis. For the year January-June 2012, the
expense reimbursement received from Shajiao C amounted to approximately RMB
2,222,169 (January-June 2011: RMB1,554,83).
                                                      January- June 2011           January –June 2012

Interest income from cash in Yudean                               8,681,929                    8,701,340
    Wenxin Yuntou                                                 8,990,867                    8,076,520
    West Investment                                               1,747,015                       75,440
    Linchang Yuntou                                                 654,938                      521,373
    Shanxi Enerty                                                 4,849,770                    5,567,036
                                                                 24,924,519                   22,941,709
Percentage                                                          74.70%                       69.42%
The interest rate of cash in Yudean Finance is the same as the interest rate of cash in bank
for the same period.

                                                      January- June 2011           January –June 2012
Interest paid to Yudean for the entrust loan                  13,585,129                 10,097,383
   Interest paid to Yudean Finance for                                    -              13,842,235
   Interest paid to Yudean Finance for                        92,587,444                117,814,770
                                                             106,172,573                141,754,388
  Percentage                                                     19.43%                     20.81%
(d)Joint investment

   As of June 30, 2012, the Group invested in the following subsidiaries and associates
jointly with Yudean:

                                                                     Yudean Group
                                                                  Attrbutable equity
                                                                  interest owned by
                                                                           yudean %

Yudean Finance                                                                   65%
Fuel Supply                                                                      65%
Shanxi Energy                                                                    60%
Guangqian Electric                                                               60%
Shibeishan                                                                       40%
Red Bay                                                                          40%
Yudean Westm                                                                     35%
Yudean Shipping                                                                  45%
Huizhou Natural gas                                                              35%

6. Account receivable and payable of related parties
The account receivable of related parties of the company
                                                                                     Unit :RMB

       Name              Related parties            Year-end balance             Year-beginning balance
                      Shajiao C                                        685,000                   12,876,382
Account               Guangqian
                                                                  6,147,204                       9,563,928
receivables           Electric
Account               Yudean Environment
                                                                       376,529                    8,114,310
                      Zhuhai Jinwan                               1,985,640                       3,853,987
Account               Huizhou Natural                             4,595,832                       3,352,133
receivables           gas
                      Bioligy Power                          220,027                          88,011
                      Zhuhai Electric                        740,000
Other receivables     Yudean Westm                                                       26,508,842
Other receivables     Shanxi Energy                       14,824,605                     20,842,013
                      Yudean Environment
Other receivables     Protection                           3,214,032                        5,853,102
Other receivables     Yudean Group                                                          5,210,000
Other receivables     Linchang Yuntou                      5,009,584                        5,011,712
Other receivables     Shajiao C                            1,755,887                        2,651,692
                      Yudean Property
Other receivables                                            597,764                         536,768
Other receivables     Chaokang Company                     6,051,925
Other receivables     Yudean Poperty                         195,188                         180,320
Other receivables     Guanqian Electric                       20,000                          35,000
Other receivables     Pinghai Power                                                           20,000
Advances to
                      Fuel Supply                        863,387,321                    250,772,991
Advances to
                      Shaoguan Power                                                     50,000,000
Advances to
                      Shenzhen Tianxin                                                      4,065,598
Dividend              Guangqian
                                                          12,032,000                     96,079,553
Receivalbes           Electric
                      Wenxin Yuntou                      260,000,000                    260,000,000
                      Shanxi Enerty                      153,200,000                    153,200,000
                      Linchang Yuntou                     10,580,000                     10,580,000
Account payable to related parties
           Projects                   Related parties
                                                        Year-end balance     Year-beginning balance
Bills payables                  Fuel Supply                      631,520,000
Account payables                Fuel Supply                    1,845,288,835           1,758,725,434
Account payables                Maoming Thermal                   73,637,015              60,178,485
                                Yudean Environment
Account payables                Protection                       22,427,170                 6,314,656
Account payables                Xinfengjiang                           75,000                737,790
                                Yudean Property
Account payables                                                    611,794                  608,247
Account payables                Jinhui Power                         90,582                  90,582
Other Payables                  Shaoguan Power                   73,506,568              30,083,004
                                Yudean Environment
Other Payables                  Protection                        1,084,284                 8,004,511
Other Payables                  Shaoguan D                        1,750,737                 1,750,737
Other Payables                  Yudean Shipping                     875,000                   895,000
                                  Yudean Information
Other Payables                                               611,984                 550,000
                                  Yudean Property
Other Payables                                                19,817
Other Payables                    Guangqian Electric            5,399
Other Payables                    Yudean Property             597,764
Interest payables                 Yudean Finance            6,325,590               2,860,007
Interest payables                 Yudean Group                478,333
Dividend payable                  Shaoguan D                3,521,190               3,521,190
Dividend payable                  Chaokang Investment                               3,300,000

    (X). Share payment

1.Overall situation of share payment

Total of equity instruments issued by the
company in the report period
Total of equity instruments exercised in
the period
Total of equity instruments invalidated in
the period
Price range of share options issued to
outside and remained term of the contract
at end of period
Price range of other equity instruments
   issued to outside and remained term of
   the contract at end of period
Statement on share payment

2.Share payment settled in term of equity

Recognition of fair value of equity instrument at date of
Recognition of best estimation on exercisable equity
Cause of material difference between estimation basis
 of current period and previous period
Accumulated amount of share payment on equity basis
 in capital reserves
Total of expenses recognized for share payment on
equity basis
Statement on share payment on equity basis

3.Share payment settled by cash

Recognition Of fair value of liabilities calculated upon
shares or other equity instruments which are undertaken
by the Company
Accumulative liabilities generated by share payment
 settled by cash in the liabilities
Total expenses recognized on share payment settled by
Statement on share payment settled by cash

4.Service paid by shares


Total of employees’ services paid by shares
Total of other services paid by shares
5.Revising and termination of share payment

     (XI) Subsequent events

1. Liabilities formed from pending lawsuit and mediation and its financial impact

As of June 30,2012,The company has no liabilities formed from pending lawsuit and mediation.

2. For other units to provide debt guarantees, forming of contingent liabilities and the financial impact.

Other contingent liabilities and their influences:

     (XII). Commitment events.

1.Importance commitment events

2. Information guaranteed at the former period.

The 2nd meeting of the seventh board of directors held on June 28, 2011 adopted the Proposal for
Increasing the Capital of Maoming Zhenneng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. According to the proposal, the
Company will increase the capital of Zhenneng Power Plant by RMB 263.7360 million at
shareholding ratio. The capital increased in 2011 is RMB 124.36 million. The Company and
Guangdong Electric Power Development Company accepted the share of additional capital abandoned
by Guangdong Yudeanlian Investment Development Co., Ltd. in respective proportion of capital
contribution. The newly increased amount of capital contribution is RMB 42.7084 million. The capital
increased in 2012 is RMB306.4444 million. The ratio of the Company's shareholding in Zhenneng
Power Plant rose from 56.39% at the beginning of the year to 58.27%.

     The first meeting of the sixth board of directors of the Company by correspondence in 2010 held
on January 15, 2010 adopted the Proposal for Establishing a Wholly-owned Subsidiary for Maoming
Bohe Project. According to the proposal, the Company invested RMB 285 million to establish a
wholly-owned subsidiary for Bohe project. As of June 30, 2012, the Company invested RMB 285
million in Bohe Company.

    The 3rd meeting of the sixth board of directors of the Company held on August 12, 2008 adopted
the Proposal for Investing in Lincang Dayakou Hydroelectric Power Station. According to the
proposal, the Company will participate in the investment in Dayakou hydroelectric power station
through increasing the capital of Lincang Yuntou Yuedian Hydroelectric Development Co., Ltd..
According to shareholding ratio, the Company shall increase the capital of Lincang Company by RMB
88.49 million. The company has provided additional capital of RMB 14.70 million to Lincang

(XIII). Post-balance-sheet events

1. Statement on material post-balance-sheet events

                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                           Influence on the financial
                                                                                         Reason for not able to
             Items                     Contents              position and business
                                                                                         estimate the influence

2.Statement on profit distribution in post balance sheet period


Proposed profit or dividend
Approved and announced profit or dividend

3.Statement on other issues in post balance sheet period

There is no disclosure of the Post-balance-sheet of the Company.

(XIV). Other Important events

1. Non-monetary asset exchange

2. Liabilities recombination

3. Enterprise consolidation.

4. Leasing

5. Financial instruments issued outside and can be transferred to stock at end period.

6. Annuity Plan content and significant changes

The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal for Terminating the Investment in Mao
ming Oil Shale Mine and Power Joint Operation Project of The 9th meeting of the sevent
h board of directors of the Company on July 25, 2012. According to project plan, 2 gener
ating units (2X200MW) for circulating fluid bed and an oil shale mine with annual produ
ction capacity of 6 million tons of oil shale will be constructed. As of June 30, 2012, the r
egistered capital of Oil Shale Company was RMB 235 million. Five shareholders, Our co
mpany has invested about 197 million dollars, accounting for 83.66%
     Since the start of this project, the land requisition for plant site has been completed
and the leveling of plant site has been basically completed for the power plant. The
supporting documents necessary for construction have been completed. The project has
satisfied the conditions for approval and commencement of construction. For the
supporting Jintang strip mine, various supporting documents necessary for applying for
mining right and reserve verification have been completed. The conditions for applying
for mining permit have been satisfied. In recent years, there have been more disputes over
the title of Jintang strip mine, which has not only caused serious difficulties for Oil Shale
Company to apply for mining right and carry out development and utilization of the
mining area but also brought great adverse influence on local economic and social
development and harmony and stabilization of local society. To solve the problem of
illegal exploitation of Jintang strip mine and ensure the environmental protection,
stabilization and safety of the mining area, the local government decided to close down
this mining area. Despite the efforts of involved parties, the local government is unable to
assist Oil Shale Company in obtaining the mining right for Jintang strip mine and other
oil shale mineral resources. As a direct result, it is impossible to continue the construction
preparation of the oil shale power generation project due to failure to obtain oil shale
mineral resources necessary for construction as expected. Therefore, the Company has
decided to terminate the investment in Maoming oil shale mine and power joint operation
project and will actively communicate and consult with the local government and
relevant parties in respect of subsequent liquidation and compensation concerning this
project and try to minimize possible loss.
   According to the provisions of “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Impairment of
Assets”, if there exists the impairment of assets, the company shall estimate the recoverable amounts,
and compare the amounts with the book value to determine the assets whether the impairment occurs
or not. But currently, the compensation of the initial investment of Oil Shale Company is under the
negotiation by People’s Government of Maoming City, and the recoverable value under the
construction is in the uncertain progress. So, the company hasn’t yet had the condition of the
preparation for the assets impairment, and the amount of assets impairment isn’t determined untill the
pending compensation amount is recognized.
  (XV).Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company

1.Account receivable

(1)Account receivable
                                  Year-end balance                    Year-beginning balance
                         Book Balance      Provision for bad    Book Balance       Provision for bad
         Type                                    debts                                   debts
                                   ortio                Propor           Propor                 Propor
                       Amount      n% Amount            tion% Amount     tion% Amount           tion%
Account receivable
with significant
specific amount that                  100
                       295,707,611                      0             348,032,141 100%                  0
were provisioned had                    %
debt preparation
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Subtotal of group                  0 0%                 0                      0     0%                 0
Account receivable
with minor individual
                                   0                    0                      0                        0
amount but bad debt
provision is provided
Total                   295,707,611 --                  0    --       348,032,141   --                  0   --
Remarks on categories of receivable accounts:

The Year-end accounts receivable balances are all receivable from GPGC power sales fu
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                           Bad debt
 Description of receivable accounts  Book balance                           Proportion        Reason
                                                                                            Expected can be r
Receivable Electricity charge            295,707,611                     0               0% ecovered

              Total                       295,707,611                    0       --                --
Using age methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using other methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at
end of period
□Applicable √not Applicable

(2)Switch back or regain of the account receivable in the reporting period


                                                                         Bad debt provision
    Description of the        Reason to write    Basis of original bad    provided before      Amount written back
   receivable accounts        back or retrieve     debt provision         writing back or         or retrieved

           Total                    --                --                                                 --
Receivable account with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are
provided individually at end of period:
   Description of the
                            Book balance     Amount of bad debt Providing rate(%)                   Reason
  receivable accounts

        Total                                                                --                     --
Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with
accounts with similar risks:

(3)Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


                    Property of the                                                                 Occurred under
                                         Date of written     Amount written Reason of writing
      Name            receivable                                                                        related
                                               off               off              off
                       account                                                                       relationship

      Total                 --                --                                      --                      --
Statement on writing off of receivable accounts:

(4)Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period
□Applicable√ Not applicable

(5)Natures or contents of receivable accounts with large amount

(6) The front 5 units’ information of the account receivable

                           Relation with the                                                   Portion in total other
        Name                                          Amount                   Ages
                               Company                                                            receivables (%)
GPGC                     Third party                       295,707,611 Winth 1 year                             100%
        Total                    --                    295,707,611            --                                 100%

(7)Account receivable from Related affiliated parties

                                                                                         Unit :RMB

        Unit name          Relation with the company              Amount                Percentage of account


          Total                         --

(8)Account receivable that is not accord with expiration confirmation condition

(9)Account receivables subject to asset securitization , needed to briefly describe the arrangements
related to transactions.

2.Other receivable

(1)Other receivable


                                      Year-end balance                           Year-beginning
                                               Provision for bad                         Provision for bad
                         Book balance                                Book balance
                                               debts                                     debts
                                         Prop                  Prop                Prop                Prop
                         Amount          ortio Amount          ortio Amount        ortio Amount        ortio
                                         n(%)                  n(%)                n(%)                n(%)
Other Receivables with
major individual amount                    97.7                                         98.04
                            336,685,612                       0          266,360,974                         0
and bad debt provision                       %                                             %
provided individually
Other Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Deposit group                            0   0%               0                     0  0%                    0
Subtotal of group               7,917,248 2.3%                0             5,326,086                        0
Other Account
receivable with minor         344,602,860    --               0   --     271,687,060     --                  0    --
individual amount but
bad debt provision is
Statement on Other receivable:

Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
√Applicable □not Applicable
  Description of other
                          Book balance       Bad debt provision         Proportion             Reason
  receivable accounts
 Principal and inter                                                                      Expected can be re
est of the entrusted             325,762,689                    0                    0% covered
                                                                                          Expected can be re
Factory A Port colliso
                                   3,748,945                    0                    0% covered

                                                                                          Expected can be re
Guangdong Yudean
                                   2,876,014                    0                    0% covered

                                                                                          Expected can be re
Guangdong Yudean
                                   1,755,887                    0                    0% covered
 Group. Shajiao C

                                                                                          Expected can be re
Yudean Environment
Protection                         1,342,077                    0                    0% covered

         Total                 336,685,612                        0           --                  --
Using age methods to provision for bad debts of other account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using other methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at
end of period
√Applicable □not Applicable
Name                      Book balance            Bad debts                               Reason of provision
                                                                                          Expected can be re
Yudean Property                     597,764                     0                    0%
                                                                                          Expected can be reco
Other                              7,319,484                    0                    0%

        Total                      7,917,248                    0                                  --
(2)Switch back or regain of the other account receivable in the reporting period

                                                                                               Unit :RMB

                                                                       Bad debt provision
Description of the Other    Reason to write    Basis of original bad    provided before          Amount written back
 receivable accounts        back or retrieve     debt provision         writing back or             or retrieved

          Total                     --                --                                         --
Other Receivable account with large amount, or minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are
provided individually at end of period:
  Description of the
                           Book balance      Amount of bad debt Providing rate(%)            Reason
 receivable accounts

        Total                                                                --                    --
Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with
accounts with similar risks:

(3)Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


                     Property of the
                                       Date of written     Amount written        Reason of          Occurred under
      Name             receivable
                                             off               off               writing off      related relationship

      Total                 --                 --                                    --                    --
Statement on writing off of other receivable accounts:

(4)Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period
□Applicable√ Not applicable

(5)Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

(6) The front 5 units’ information of other account receivable


                         Relation with the                                                       Portion in total other
        Name                                        Amount                   Ages
                             Company                                                               receivables (%)
Zhanjiang Zhongyue Subsidiary                            200,000,000 Within 1 year                             58.04%
Yuejiang               Subsidiary                        100,385,292 Within 1 year                             29.13%
Shanxi Engrty          Associate Company                  20,343,890 Withn 1 year                                 5.9%
                       Associate Company                   5,033,507 Within 1 year                              1.46%
Factory A Port colliso Third party                         3,748,945 0-2 years                                  1.09%
           Total                           --                        329,511,634                      --                                95.62%

(7)Other Account receivable from Related affiliated parties


           Unit name                  Relation with the company                     Amount                        Percentage of account

Zhongyue                             Subsidiary                                            200,000,000                                  58.04%
Yuejiang                             Subsidiary                                            100,385,292                                  29.13%
Shanxi Yudean Engrty                 Associate Company                                      20,343,890                                    5.9%
Linchang                             Associate Company                                       5,033,507                                   1.46%
Yudean Anxin                         Subsidiary                                              2,876,014                                   0.83%
Shajiao C                            Associate Company                                       1,755,887                                   0.52%
Yudean Environment                   Controlled by Yudean Group
                                                                                                1,342,077                               0.39%
Yudean Property                      Controlled by Yudean Group                                    597,764                              0.17%
Weixin                               Associate Company                                             462,139                              0.13%
Yudean Property                      Controlled by Yudean Group
                                                                                                   195,188                              0.06%
         Total                                    --                                       332,991,758                                  96.63%

(8)Account receivable that is not accord with expiration confirmation condition

(9)Account receivables subject to asset securitization , needed to briefly describe the arrangements
related to transactions.

      3. .Long –term stocks equity investment




                                                                      Shareholdin                   between
                                                                                    Voting right
                           Initial                                         g                       shareholdin
            Accounting                 Original             Ending                  proportion                               Current     Cash
    Name                 investment               change               proportion                      g         Devalue
             method                     balance            Balance                     in the                                devalue    bonus
                            cost                                         in the                    proportion
                                                                        investee                   and voting



                                                                                                   in investee
Total       --                                                --      --        --
Statement on Long-term equity investment

4. Business income, Business cost

(1)Business income, Business cost


            Items                        Amount of current period              Amount of previous period

Income      from       Business


Other Business income
Business cost                                             1,387,282,791                           1,468,983,247

(2)Main business(Industry)
□Applicable√ Not applicable

(3)Main business(Production)
□Applicable√ Not applicable

(4)Main Business(Area)
□Applicable√ Not applicable

    (5)Total income and the ratio of operating income from top five clients

                                  Name                                     Business Income        Proportion(%)
GPGC                                                                                1,530,732,633       99.08%
Dongguan Humen Jinfan Industry Company                                                  4,341,323         0.27%
Dongguan Taicheng Industry Co., Ltd.                                                    1,794,904         0.12%
Yudean Environment Protection                                                           1,593,362          0.1%
Dongguan Haiyue Industry Investment Co., Ltd.                                           1,482,274          0.1%
Total                                                                               1,539,944,496       99.67%
Statement on revenue

5. Investment income

(1)Income from investment

                       Items                              Amount of current period       Amount of previous period
Income from long-term equity investment measured
                                                                         210,054,196                  291,927,620
by adopting the cost method
Income from long-term equity investment measured
                                                                         234,407,050                  267,642,210
by adopting the Equity method
Income from disposal of long-term equity
hold the investment income which gained from the
transactional financial assets
Gain     the    investment     income     from      the
Hold the investment income during from
available-for-sale financial assets
Dispose    the     investment   income    from      the
financial assets
Dispose the investment          income    from      the
Dispose    the     investment   income    from      the
available-for-sale                                                           6,393,225                     4,402,150
financial assets
Other                                                                     25,158,715                   15,615,373
Total                                                                    476,013,186                  579,587,353

(2)Long term equity investment calculated to cost method:


                   Name                  Amount of current       Amount of                  Change cause

                                                 period        previous period
Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power                                                   Decrease in assigned dividend in
                                                 117,193,433       186,961,586
Generate Co., Ltd.                                                               vestment unit
                                                                               Decrease in assigned dividen
Zhanjiang Electric                                78,179,513        86,241,034
                                                                               d investment unit
Shenzhen Chuangxin Technology                                                  Increase in assigned dividend
                                                  13,781,250        11,025,000
Investement Company                                                             investment unit
                                                                                    Increase in assigned dividend
Guoyi Invite public bidding Co., Ltd.               900,000                     0
                                                                                     investment unit
Zhanjiang Wind Power                                      0         7,700,000
Total                                           210,054,196       291,927,620                      --

(3)Long term equity investment calculated via equity method
                                                                                           Unit :RMB

                Name                      Amount of current     Amount of                    Change cause

                                               period         previous period
                                                                                    Gains from investment increased
Shanxi Yudean Engrty                             67,496,318        26,686,964
Guangdong Yudean Finance                         43,722,377        26,196,584 Gains from interest increased
Guangdong Red Bay                                43,020,475        25,518,527 Power increased
                                                                              Electricity, electricity prices
Guangqian Electric                               31,757,399        91,765,597
                                                                              Electricity, electricity prices
Huizhou Natural gas                              30,775,261        54,462,148
Guangdong Electric Industry Fuel                                              The coal-fired power plant p
                                                 25,866,209        22,742,574
 Co.,Ltd.                                                                     urchase volume increased
Yudean Western                                    4,730,706        -3,185,676
Huaneng Shantou Wind Pwer                         4,589,644         6,048,592
Guangdong Yudean Shipping                         1,399,287        15,500,092
Yangshan Zhongxinkeng                             1,307,885
Shibeishan Wind Power                             1,211,390           906,038
Yangshan Jiangkeng                                  531,570
Linchang Yuntou                                  -1,528,501
Yunnan Baoshan Binlangjiang                     -20,472,970         1,000,770
Total                                           234,407,050       267,642,210                      --
Statement on Investment income:

6. Supplement information of Consolidated Flow Statement

                          Items                                 Amount of current             Amount of previous
                                                                   period                          period
1. Adjusting net profit to net cash flow in operating
                                                                        --                              --
  Net profit                                                             363,366,441                     559,240,226
  Add: Provision for impairment of assets
  Fixed assets depreciation                                                  78,651,076                      85,347,868
      Amortization of intangible assets                                       1,739,394                       1,739,394
 Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortize
The losses on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
and other long-term assets
     Loss on retirement of fixed assets
     Loss on changes of Fair value
     Financial expenses                                                     196,319,231                  157,262,297
   Investment losses                                                       -476,013,186                 -579,587,353
   Decrease of deferred income tax asset
    Increase of deferred income tax liability                                    1,054,662                    -2,054,884
       Decrease in inventory                                                    24,956,909                   -37,534,870
   Decrease in operating receivable                                             -40,606,065                  42,216,953
  Increase in operating payables                                            274,359,205                       5,546,952
Net cash flows from operating activities                                    423,827,667                  232,176,583
2.Investing and financing activities that do not involve
                                                                           --                           --
cash receipts and payments
    Conversion of debt into capital
 Convertible bonds to be expired within one year
   Fixed assets under financial lease
3.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                --                           --
   Cash at the end of the period                                            579,244,486                  603,138,069
     Less:Cash at the beginning of the period                              417,749,940                  659,395,980
     Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the period
 Less:Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   161,494,546                      -56,257,911

7. Reversal purchase of the assess under assessed value, liabilities information


   Description of the asset or liabilities booked at
                                                                Appraised value               Original book value

(16)Supplement information

     1. Return on net assets and earnings per share


                                                                            Earnings per share(RMB)
                                            Return on net assets .
Profit of the report period                                           Basic earnings per      Diluted gains per
                                                                             share                  share
Net profit attributable to the Common
                                                             2.82%                     0.1                    0.1
stock shareholders of Company.
Net profit attributable to the Common
stock shareholders of Company after                          2.42%                    0.09                   0.09
deducting of non-recurring gain/loss.

2. The explanation of abnormal circumstance and reasons of items in major accounting statement.

The report items of abnormal amounts or abnormal changes during the comparison period (such as,
above 30% change fluctuation between two data periods, above 5% of the assets sum or above 10% of
the profits sum of the Group’ statements date), the report items not designated by Accounting Standard,
and the report items that names can’ t reflect the nature or contents.
Items         of Line       June 30, 2012 December 31, Changed                   Increased(Decreased)%
Balance sheet                                  2011
                  1         943,794,646        321,693,491       622,101,155     193.38%
Dividend          2         12,.32,000         96,079,553        -84,047,553     -87,48%
Other             3         148,609,606        97,964,732        50,644,870      51.70%
Engineering       4         641,479,735        1,023,682,015 -382,202,280        -37.34%
Fixed      asset 5          46,019,975         4,164,516         41,855,459      1005.05%
Bill payable      6         691,160,000        343,083,604       348,076,396     101.46%
Advance           7         9,810,640          2,315,543         7,495,097       323.69%
Interest          8         71,526,444         122,666,756       -51,140,312     -41.69%
Dividend          9         180,064,470        15,552,964        164,511,506     1057.75%
Differed          10        3,674,600          2,619,939         1,054,662       40.26%
income       tax
Items of Profit
Gross             11        7,826,479,881 6,470,761,685 1,355,718,,196 20.95%
Business         12        6,978,829,000    5,769,299,387    1,209,529,613     20.96%
Other business   13        19,143,389       27,948,721       -8,805,332        -31.51%
Business tax     14        25,656,761       36,936,079       -11,279,318       -30.54%
and surcharge
Sales expense    15        714,612          325,957          388,655           119.24%
Financial        16        446,034,516      295,071,015      150,963,501       51.16%
Non-business     17        47,922,349       6,819,739        41,102,610        602.70%
Non business     18
Minority         19        45,041,150       6,035,558        39,005,592        646.26%
Other            20        3,163,984        -6,164,653       9,328,637         -151.32%

1.Payment in advance: The prepayment made to Fuel Company increased by big margin over the
beginning of year mainly because Jinghai Power Generation and Zhanjiang Power settled the security
deposit for coal purchase for 2011 in the same year and paid such security deposit for the current year
in 2012.
2.Dividends receivable: Receipt of dividends of RMB 105 million for 2011 from Guangqian Power
3.Other receivables: Zhanjiang Zhongyue Company increased the security deposit for banker's
acceptance bills by RMB 60 million.
4.Engineering materials: The engineering material requisition of Jinghai Company decreased in the
current year.
5.Disposal of fixed assets: The abandoned assets of Zhanjiang Power Company were transferred in but
not be disposed of yet.
6.Bills payable: Zhanjiang Zhongyue Company started to pay for fuels with commercial bills of
exchange from 2012. The end-of-period balance of bills payable was RMB 260 million. Partial
payment for coal purchase between Zhenneng Company and Fuel Company was settled with
acceptance bills. The bills were accepted by Yuedian Finance. The end-of-period balance of bills
payable increased by about 63 million.
7.Advance receipts: The payment for pulverized fuel ash received by Zhanjiang Power Company from
Environmental Protection Company in advance increased.
8.Interest payable: payment of corporate bond interest and handling charges to Securities Registration
Company for the period from March 2011 to March 2012.
9.Dividends payable: Provision of RMB 168 million was made for dividends payable according to the
dividend distribution plan adopted at 2011 annual shareholders' general meeting. Dividends were not
paid yet.
10.Deferred income tax liabilities: The change in fair value of financial assets available for sale
caused the increase of temporary difference of tax payable so that the ending balance of deferred
income tax liabilities somewhat increased over the beginning of year.
11. Gross operating income: on-grid electricity volume increased by 2.672 billion kwh and 18.42%
year on year (Zhanjiang Zhongyue Company was not put into operation in the same period of the
previous year. In this year, on-grid electricity volume increased by 3.464 billion kwh). Income
increased by about RMB 1.18 billion. The change in average on-grid electricity rate increased the
income by RMB 154 million.
12. Cost of main operation: Fuel cost increased by 22.77%. Direct labor decreased by 8.44% year on
year. Manufacturing expenses increased by 21.29% year on year.
13. Other operational cost: In the first half year, the site management cost of pulverized fuel ash of
Sha A Company decreased year on year.
14. Business tax and surtax: The business tax and surtax of Zhenneng Company, Zhanjiang Power
Company and Yuejiang Company decreased.
15. Selling expenses: Zhanjiang Zhongyue Company started operation in the current year so that
selling expenses increased year on year.
16. Financial expenses: Financial expenses increased by 51.16% year on year ( 7.13% if the loan
interests were not transferred into expenses after the start of operation of units of Zhanjiang Zhongyue
17. Non-operating income: Income from disposal of Yuejia Company's assets.
18. Non-operating expenses: The fixed assets scrapped in the current year decreased so that
non-operating expenses decreased.
19. Minority gains and losses/total amount of composite income for minority shareholders: Yuejia
Company that has big proportion of minority shareholders decreased loss remarkably. The net profit
of Jinghai Company increased by big margin year on year.
20. Other composite income: The change in fair value of financial assets available for sale caused the
change in other composite income.

   IX. Documents for reference
                                           Documents for reference
 1.Text of Semi-ammual report carrying the signature of Chairman of the Board;
2.Financial statements bearing the seal and signature of legal representative, financial controller and the person
in charge of the accounting organ;
3.All original copies of official documents and notices, which were disclosed in Securities Times, China
Secunities and Hong Kong Commercial Daily (Both English and Chinese version);
4.The article of association of the Company;
5. English version of the semi-annual report.

The documents mentioned above are kept in office, and are ready for reference at any time (except
public holidays, Saturday and Sunday).

                                           Chairman of the board of directors: Pan Li

                                            Date of submitting approved by the Board:2012-8-21
Revsing record
                                       Date of correction or supplementary         Contents of correction or
             Version No
                                                    disclosure                     supplementary disclosure