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						                              广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文


            The Semi-annual Report 2015

                   August 2015

                                                                    广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors , Supervisory Committee ,Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company
hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report
and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.

Board chairman Li Zhuoxian, Director Zhong Weimin, Director Hong Rongkun ,Director Gao Shiqiang,
Director Kong Huitian, Director Li Mingliang,Director Yang Xinli, Director General Manager Yao Jiheng,
Director Hu Xiaolei, Independent director Zhang Hua, Independent director Sha Qilin, Independent Director
Mao Fugen and Independent director Lu Jun attended this meeting. Director Zhang Xueqiu Authorized
Independent Director Lu Jun, Independent director Liu Tao authorized Independent director Sha Qilin,
Independent director Ding Yougang Authorized Independent Director Mao Fugen attend the meeting and exercise
voting right on their behalf.

The Company Will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.

Mr.Li Zhuoxian, The Company leader, Mr. Li Xiaoqing, Chief financial officer and the Mr.Qin Jingdong, the
person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the
authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Semi-annual report.

This semi-annual report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese
version shall prevail. This semi-annual report involves the forecasting description such as the future plans, and
does not constitute the actual commitments of the company to the investors. The investors should pay attention to
the investment risks.

                                                                 广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

Table of Contents

2015 Semi- Annual Report

I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions

II. Basic Information of the Company

III. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

IV. Report of the Board of Directors

V. Important Events

VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

VIII.Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

IX. Financial Report

X. Documents available for inspection

                                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文


            Terms to be defined            Refers to                                Definition

Yudean Group                               Refers to Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.

Zhanjiang Company                          Refers to Zhanjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Yuejia Company                             Refers to Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Yuejiang Company                           Refers to Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Power Generation Co., Ltd.

Zhenneng Company                           Refers to Maoming Zhenneng Thermal Power Co., Ltd.

Jinghai Company                            Refers to Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Co., Ltd.

Zhanjiang Wind Power Company               Refers to Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

Zhongyue Compamy                           Refers to Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy Co., Ltd.

Bohe Company                               Refers to Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd

Guangqian Company                          Refers to Shenzhen Guangqian Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Huihou Natural Gas Company                 Refers to Guangdong Huizhou Natural Gas Power Co., Ltd.

Shibeishan Wind Power Company              Refers to Guangdong Shibeishan Wind Power Development Co., ltd.

Red Bay Company                            Refers to Guangdong Red Bay Power Co., Ltd.

Pinghai Power Plant                        Refers to Guangdong Hluizhou Pinghai Power Co., Ltd.

Humen Power Company                        Refers to Guangdong Yudean Humen Power Co., Ltd.

Anxin Electric Inspection & Installation
                                           Refers to Guangdong Yudean Anxin Electric Inspection & Installation Co., Ltd

Guohua Taishan                             Refers to Guangdong Guohua Yudean Taishan Power Generation Co., Ltd.

Yudean Industry Fuel Company               Refers to Guangdong Power Industry Fuel Co., Ltd.

Huadu Natural Gas Company                  Refers to Guangdong Huadu Natural GasT Thermal Power Co., Ltd.

Dapu Company                               Refers to Guangdong Dapu Power Generation Co., Ltd.

Wind Power Company                         Refers to Guangdong Wind Power Co., Ltd.

Lincang Company                            Refers to Lincang Yuntou Yudean Hydroelectricity Development Co., Ltd.

Qujie Wind Power Company                   Refers to Guangzhou Yudean Qujie Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd.

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           II. Basic Information of the Company
1.Company information

Stock abbreviation                Yue Dian Li A, Yue Dian Li B            Stock code:                 000539、200539

Stock exchange for listing:      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name in Chinese                   广东电力发展股份有限公司

Abbreviation of Registered
Company Name in Chinese(If 粤电力


English abbreviation (If any)     GED

Legal Representative              Li Zhuoxian

2. Contact person and contact manner

                                                             Board secretary                   Securities affairs Representative

Name                                            Liu Wei                                   Zhang Shaomin

                                                26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2     26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2
Contact address                                 Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong
                                                Province                                  Province

Tel                                             (020)87570276                             (020)87570251

Fax                                             (020)85138084                             (020)85138084

E-mail                                          liuw@ged.com.cn                           zhangsm@ged.com.cn

3. Other

1. Way of contact

Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period or
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,
found nore details in annual report 2014.

2. In formation disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
 The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation
place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in annual report 2014.

                                                                              广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

3.Registration changes of the Company

Whether registration has changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Date/place for registration of the Company, registration nmber for enterprise legal license number of taxation registration and
organization code have no change in reporting period, found more details in annual report 2014.

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III. Summary of Accounting Highlights and Business Highlights

(I).Summary of accounting /Financial Data

May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change of the
accounting policy and correction of accounting errors.
□Yes √ No

                                                       Reporting period          Same period of last year           YoY+/-(%)

Operating income(RMB)                                   12,911,553,232.00              14,971,313,646.00                        -13.76%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                            1,720,995,015.00              1,644,460,546.00                          4.65%
of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of               1,516,376,522.00              1,649,146,988.00                         -8.05%
listed company(RMB)

Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                            5,702,180,434.00              4,534,129,911.00                        25.76%

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                                        0.33                          0.31                        6.45%

Diluted gains per
                                                                          0.33                          0.31                        6.45%

Weighted average ROE(%)                                               7.74%                           8.27%                        -0.53%

                                                   As at the end of the
                                                                                 As at the end of last year         YoY+/-(%)
                                                       reporting period

Total assets(RMB)                                       72,519,761,442.00              69,084,825,852.00                          4.97%

Net assets attrilutable to shareholder of
                                                          22,350,256,396.00              21,310,054,597.00                          4.88%
listed company(RMB)
(II)The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed in the financial
reports of differences in net income and net assets.

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                   Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the      Net Assets attributable to the shareholders of
                                                    listed company                                      the listed company

                                     Amount in the           Amount in the previous        End of the reporting      Beginning of the
                                     reporting period                 period                      period              reporting period

According to CAS                       1,720,995,015.00              1,644,460,546.00         22,350,256,396.00        21,310,054,597.00

Items and amount adjusted according to IAS

Land use right amortization

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The difference arising from
recognition of goodwill after
                                                                                                 64,623,000.00           64,623,000.00
merger of enterprises under
the same control

Difference arising from
recognition of land use value                 -315,000.00                 -315,000.00            19,805,000.00           20,120,000.00
after enterprise merger

Influence on minority interests                 27,060.00                   27,060.00              4,620,799.00            4,593,739.00

Accouding to IAS                          1,720,707,075.00          1,643,311,165.00         22,439,305,195.00        21,399,391,336.00

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √Not applicable

No Differences

3.Note to the Difference in the Accounting Data based on the Accounting Standards of CAS and IAS.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
A. Land use right amortization
The difference formed by different period of land use right amortization.
B.The difference arising from recognition of goodwill after merger of enterprises under the same control and recognition of land
value after enterprise merger.
As required by new Chinese accounting standards, the goodwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same control shall not
be recognized and capital surplus shall be adjusted. Under IFRS, the golldwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same
control shall be recognized and equal to the difference between merger cost and share of fair value of recognizable net assets of the
purchased party obtained in merger. Meanwhile, all assets of the purchased party obtained in merger shall be accounted for according
to their fair value while such assets shall be accounted for according to their book value according to original Chinese accounting
standards for business enterprises. Therefore, this difference will continue to exist.
C. Influence on minority interests
Housing reform loss occurred to the Company and some holding subsidiaries. Therefore, there’s some influence on minority
(III)Items and amount of deducted non-current gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                  Items                                     Amount                            Notes

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part                          Mainly for oil shale Company’s equity
for which assets impairment provision is made)                                             disposal profits

Govemment subsidy recognized in currentgain and loss(excluding
those closely related to the Company’s business and granted

                                                                              广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

under the state’s policies)

Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets                   21,977,012.00

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
 aforementioned items

                                                                                        Enterprises can control the invested party
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above
                                                                                        under the different control due to additional
                                                                                        investment and other reasons.          In the
                                                                                        consolidated financial statements, enterprise
                                                                                        should   carry   on       re   measurement   in
                                                                        49,276,222.00 accordance with the fair value of the equity
                                                                                        which held by the acquiree before the
                                                                                        purchase date. The difference between the
                                                                                        fair value and the value of the accounts
                                                                                        should be accounted into the current
                                                                                        investment income.

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                    1,161,738.00

Amount of influence of minority interests                                1,193,541.00

Total                                                                  204,618,493.00                            --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for
Compaines Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated
in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring
Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/itesm as defined by the information disclosure explanatory
Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

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                                            IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. General

During the reporting period, The electricity consumption of the Province is 246.05 billion kwh, which increased by 3.19% year on
year. The quantity of power purchased from west regions is 70.75 billion kwh, which increased by 24.10% year on year.
Sending electrical power to the western area squeeze the generation set market share.

During the reporting period, due to the decline of the units utilization hours,Its on-grid electricity volume was 31.808billion kwh,
which decreased by 11.5% year on year. Its on-grid electricity volume was 29.957billion kwh, which decreased by 11.57% year on
year. 44.93% of the power generation plan for the year was fulfilled.,
In the report period, affected by the declines of electricity and electricity price, Company's profit increased slightly year on year due to
coal prices slipping back, strengthening the control of cost, as well as investment income achieved by the disposal of some project

In the report period, affected by the declines of electricity and electricity price,Its operating income was RMB 12.912 billion, which
decreased by 13.76% year on year. Company's profit increased slightly year on year due to coal prices slipping back, strengthening the
control of cost, as well as investment income achieved by the disposal of some project equity. the Company's operating profit was
RMB 2.956 billion, which decreased by 0.44% year on year , the net profit for its shareholders was RMB 1.721 billion which
respectively Increased by 4.65% year on year.

During the reporting period, the Company has continued to promote the construction and development of new projects.The first unit
of “Developing Large Units and Suppressing Small Units” projects (2*600MW) of Shaoguan Power Plant operated by Guangdong
Shaoguan Yuejiang Power Generation Co., Ltd. whose 90% shares held by the Company, has been put into operation by the end of July
2015. The projects construction of “Developing Large Units and Suppressing Small Units” (2*600MW) of Dapu Plant, Maoming
Bohe Coal Wharf, Dianbai Reshui Wind Power Plant (49.5MW), Shibanling Wind Power Plant (49.5MW), Xuwen Qujie Wind Power
Plant (49.5MW) and other projects are being promoted as per the plans.
During the reporting period, the Company continued to focus on "bigger and stronger the main industry, adjust and optimize the power
structure," orderly promote the project and development. Shaoguan Power Plant(2×600MW),Dapu(2×600MW)“New Big Power
Units While Closing Small Ones ” Project, Maoming Bohe Power Plant Project, Dianbai Hot wind farm project(49.5MW) Shibanling
Wind power project(49.5MW)and Xuwen Qujie Wind Power Project (49.5MW)are still under construction. Through standardize
infrastructure management, process control, multi-organizational coordination and effective measures to strengthen and ensure the
project put into operation as soon as possible. Maoming Bohe Power Plant(2×1000MW), Huilai Power Plant’s #5 and #6 generating
units (2x1000MW), Pinghai Power Plant's Phase I#3 and #4 generating units (2x1000MW), Shanwei Power Plant’s Phase II #5 and #6
generating units(2x1000MW) and a number of clean energy projects are being planned to promote the preliminary work.

During the reporting period, the 7th Meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors has examined and approved to make non-public
issuance of Share A, and raise funds of RMB 4 billion for the new projects and the supplementation of liquid fund. This financing is
the important measure for the Company to accelerate the growth of installed capacity and the optimization of energy structure in
accordance with the development strategy of the Company. Thus, the Company shall actively promote the follow-up approval and
issuance for this financing.

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II. Analsis on principal Business

Y-o-Y changes of main financial data
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                   Y-o-y increase/decrease
                                  Current period        Same period of last year                               Reasons for changes

Operration revenue                  12,911,553,232.00         14,971,313,646.00                    -13.76%

Operation cost                       9,181,722,019.00         10,982,443,113.00                    -16.40%

                                                                                                             The expenses are
Sales expenses                            821,137.00               1,471,882.00                    -44.21%

Administrative expenses               374,363,287.00             396,554,512.00                     -5.60%

Financial cost                        812,265,280.00             887,886,490.00                     -8.52%

Income tax expense                    578,388,722.00             637,267,131.00                     -9.24%

                                                                                                             The decline of coal prices
Net cash flow arising
                                     5,702,180,434.00          4,534,129,911.00                     25.76% made the payment of
from operation activities
                                                                                                             purchasing fuel decrease.

Net cash flow arising
from investment                     -1,834,715,211.00         -1,609,841,662.00                     13.97%

Net cash flow arising
                                    -1,885,042,105.00         -2,157,481,098.00                    -12.63%
from financing activities

                                                                                                             Net cash flow arising
Net increase of cash
                                     1,982,423,118.00            766,807,151.00                    158.53% from operation activities
 andcash equivalent

Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No major changes on profit composition or profit resources occurred in reporting period.
The future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private
placing memorandum and recapitalize statement.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No future development and planning extended to peporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private
placing memorandum and recapitalize statement.
Review on the previous business plan and its progress during reporting period.
(1) In the report period, the Company completed power output of 31.808 billion kwh in terms of consolidated statements, which
decreased by 11.54% year on year. The actual on-grid electricity volume was 29.95 billion kwh, which decreased by11.57% year on
year and accounted for 44.93% of the planned on-grid electricity volume for the year.
(2) In the report period, the Company actually completed external investment of RMB 1249.80 million, which accounts for 88.44%
of the planned amount of external investment for the year.
The main reason for the higher rate of completion on investment was that parts of the construction project entered into the peak period
of production and the Company increased investment according to the construction progress of the project.

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III. Constitution of main business

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                     Increase           Increase
                                                                                                                        Increase /decrease
                                                                 Gross Profit       /decrease of      /decrease of
                  Operating Income       Operating cost                                                                  of Gross profit
                                                                  Ratio(%)       operating income     operating cost
                                                                                      (%)             (%)

On Industry

Electric Power     12,911,553,232.00 9,181,722,019.00                   28.89%            -13.76%            -16.40%               2.25%

Electric Power     12,911,553,232.00 9,181,722,019.00                   28.89%            -13.76%            -16.40%               2.25%

Guangdong          12,911,553,232.00 9,181,722,019.00                   28.89%            -13.76%            -16.40%               2.25%

IV. Core competitive-ness analsis

The company's core competitiveness in the reporting period has no significant changes, specific details can be found in the 2014
annual report.

V. Analysis on investment status

1. External Equity investment

(1)External investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                          External investment

 Investment of the period (RMB)                 Investment of same period of last year (RMB)                         Scale of change
                  1,249,800,000.00                                                          662,690,000.00                        88.59%

                                                  Particulars of the invested company

                                                                                                             Share of equity in invested
       Name of companies                                           Main Business
Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang          Investment and Operation of electric power projects , Production
Power Generation Co., Ltd.            and sales of electricity

                                     Power plant construction, production and operation, production and
Guangdong Yudean Dapu Power
                                     sales of electric power and auxiliary products, project contracting,                         100.00%
Generation Co., Ltd
                                     technical consultation and technical services in power sector.

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Guangdong Yudean Bohe                 Coal dock construction, power plant construction, technical
Coal-fired Power Co., Ltd             consultation and services for power plant projects

                                      The company was engaged in wind, solar, biomass and other new
                                      energy design, development, investment, construction and
Guangdong Wind Power
                                      operation management; new energy technology research and                                             100.00%
Generation Co., Ltd
                                      development, application and promotion, equipment testing and
                                      maintenance, technical training and consulting services.
                                      Investment, construction and management of power plants,
Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang
                                      investment in wind power and other new energy projects,
 Wind Power Generation Co.,                                                                                                                 70.00%
                                      development, operation, management, production and sale of
                                      electricity, provide power consulting and other related services.

(2)Holding of the equity in financial enterprises

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                        Number of Shareholdi
                                                                     Number of Shareholdi          Book
                                        shares held        ng
                                                                     shares held       ng        balance at Gain/..loss
                            Initial       at the        proportion
                                                                     at the end proportion the end of          of the
 Company Company Investment beginning                     at the                                                          Accountin Sauce of
                                                                       of the       at the end      the       reporting
   Name         type         cost         of the        beginning                                                          g items       the shares
                                                                     reporting        of the     reporting     period
                            (RMB)       reporting         of the
                                                                     period(sha reporting          period     (RMB)
                                          period        reporting
                                                                        res)        period(%)     (RMB)
                                         (shares)       period (%)

Sun                                                                                                                       Financial
Insurance Insurance      356,000,00 350,000,00                       350,000,00                  356,000,00               assets avai
                                                            5.34%                       5.34%                      0.00                  Initiated
Group Co., Company               0.00               0                           0                      0.00               lable for s
Ltd.                                                                                                                               ale

g Yudean                 513,325,00 500,000,00                       500,000,00                  634,722,18 48,938,783
            Other                                          25.00%                     25.00%                              Equity         Initiated
Finance                          0.00               0                           0                      3.00         .00
Co., Ltd.

                         869,325,00 850,000,00                       850,000,00                  990,722,18 48,938,783
Total                                                       --                          --                                    --              --
                                 0.00               0                           0                      3.00         .00

(3)Investment in Securities

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
The Company had no investment in securities in period.

(4)Explanation on equity of other listed company held

√ Applicable □Not applicable

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                                                     Sharehol                    Sharehol
                                      Number of        ding                        ding
                                                                  Number of
                                      shares held proportio                      proportio
                                                                  shares held                Book balance at
Compa                   Initial          at the      n at the                    n at the                        Gain/..loss of                    Sauce
          Compa                                                  at the end of                the end of the                       Accountin
     ny             Investment cost beginning of beginnin                         end of                          the reporting                    of the
          ny type                                                the reporting               reporting period                       g items
Name                    (RMB)         the reporting g of the                        the                          period (RMB)                      shares
                                                                 period(shares                   (RMB)
                                         period      reporting                   reporting
                                        (shares)      period                     period(%
                                                       (%)                           )

                      15,890,628.00      8,400,000     0.32% 12,600,000            0.32% 155,610,000.00            1,680,000.00 Financial
                                                                                                                                   assets avai Initiat
 Energ Other
                                                                                                                                   lable for s ed

                    235,837,987.50 55,532,250          1.22% 55,532,250            1.22% 555,877,823.00                       0.00 Financ
SHEN                                                                                                                                assets         Transf
ERGY                                                                                                                               availa          eree
                                                                                                                                   ble for

Total               251,728,615.50 63,932,250           --         68,132,250       --        711,487,823.00       1,680,000.00         --           --

2.Entrusted Financing , investment in derivative products and entrusted loan

(1)Trust financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company had no trust financing in the reporting period.

(2)Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company had no derivative investment in the reporting period.

(3)Entrusted loans

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       In RMB’0000

                                                                   Is it a                                                        Application of the
                                                                                              Interest         Guarantor or
                    Prospective borrower                          related        Amount                                              loan by the
                                                                                                rate            collateral
                                                                     party                                                             borrower

Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Power Generation                    No                 10,000        6.00% Nil                        Supplement

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 Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                              current capital

Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Generation Co., Ltd No                          10,000         5.60% Nil
                                                                                                                       current capital

Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal-fired Power Co., Ltd             No                 10,000         6.77% Nil
                                                                                                                       current capital

Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal-fired Power Co., Ltd             No                 20,000         6.77% Nil
                                                                                                                       current capital

Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal-fired Power Co., Ltd             No                 10,000         6.00% Nil

Total                                                               --         60,000         --            --                  --

Disclosure date for the notice of approval by the
                                                            March 4, 2014
Board(if any)

Disclosure date for the notice of approval by
Shareholders’ General Meeting (If any)
3. Application of raised proceeds
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

The company had no application of raised proceeds in the reporting period.

4. Main subsidiaries and stock-jointly company analysis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Particulars about the principal subsidiaries and Mutual shareholding companies
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                 Leading                    Total                                 Operating
 Company        Company           Sectors                  Registered                     Net assets   Tumover                Net Profit
                                             products                     assets(RMB                               profit
   Name           type       engaged in                         capital                    (RMB)       (RMB)                   (RMB)
                                            and services                      )                                    (RMB)

Guangdong                                   Power
 Huizhou                                    generation
 Pinghai                     Electric       and power      1,370,000,0 8,434,794,4 2,247,267,2 2,006,214,9 712,992,2 541,642,588.
 Power                       Power          station        00                     35.00        81.00      26.00       95.00              00
 Generation                                 constructio
 Co., Ltd.                                  n.

Guangdong                                   Power
 Yudean                                     generation
 Jinghai                     Electric       and power      2,919,272,0 11,426,626, 3,646,899,0 2,488,474,6 557,269,7 418,126,140.
 Power                       Power          station        00                 979.00           53.00      40.00       11.00              00
 Generation                                 constructio
 Co., Ltd.                                  n.

Guangdong Subsidiary         Electric       Power          2,749,750,0 8,936,578,7 3,285,541,9 1,971,436,1 374,667,1 282,700,367.

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Red Bay                   Power      generation    00               10.00       91.00       46.00     85.00           00
Power                                and power
Generation                           station
Co., Ltd.                            constructio

Zhangjiang                           generation
 Electric                 Electric   and power     2,875,440,0 4,595,118,4 4,111,991,2 1,142,689,7 328,647,2 250,863,802.
 Power                    Power      station       00               58.00       92.00       23.00     68.00           00
 Co., Ltd.                           constructio

Zhanjiang                            generation
 Zhongyue                 Electric   and power     1,454,300,0 5,447,589,3 1,556,332,6 1,079,612,1 125,262,6 93,976,191.0
 Energy                   Power      station       00               52.00       59.00       86.00     32.00            0
 Co., Ltd.                           constructio

                          Electric   and power     1,019,535,5 3,592,296,3 1,107,886,4 827,506,53 66,914,04 54,043,818.0
Thermal      Subsidiary
                          Power      station       00               00.00       99.00        3.00      3.00            0
Power Co.,

                          Electric   and power     1,030,292,5 2,206,788,3 1,475,850,9 645,215,15 61,926,83 53,642,992.0
 Electric    Subsidiary
                          Power      station       00               57.00       09.00        6.00      1.00            0
 Co., Ltd.

                          Electric   and power     1,080,000,0 473,054,33 396,807,41 279,974,71 39,365,03 40,372,951.0
 Electric    Subsidiary
                          Power      station       00                4.00        7.00        3.00      6.00            0
 Co., Ltd.

                          Electric   and power     963,000,00 2,469,167,2 1,201,645,2 618,327,72 49,858,96 37,469,998.0
 natural     Subsidiary
                          Power      station       0                00.00       06.00        4.00      6.00            0
 Gas Power
 Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Subsidiary      Electric   Power         1,400,000,0 7,033,533,4 988,137,50 655,351,36 19,945,14 19,973,715.0

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Shaoguan                     Power      generation 00                   29.00        3.00         3.00        2.00              0
Yuejiang                                and power
Power                                   station
Generation                              constructio
Co., Ltd.                               n.

Guangdong                               Wind
Yudean                                  Power
Zhanjiang                               generation
                             Electric                 346,110,00   850,948,30 296,815,48 49,628,847. 12,353,13 12,520,540.0
Wind            Subsidiary              and power
                             Power                    0                  4.00        1.00          00         0.00              0
Power                                   station
Generation                              constructio
Co., Ltd                                n.

Guangdong                               Power
Wind                                    generation
                             Electric                 551,452,90   910,708,97 532,954,17 36,236,790. 5,117,416
Power           Subsidiary              and power                                                                    6,532,272.00
                             Power                    0                  6.00        6.00          00          .00
Generation                              station
Co., Ltd                                constructio

 Yudean                                 Power
 Anxin                                  generation
                             Electric                              63,745,702. 45,136,070. 27,712,108. 2,377,867
 Maintenan Subsidiary                   and           20,000,000                                                     1,775,900.00
                             Power                                         00          00          00          .00
 ce &                                   Maintenanc
 installation                           e
 Co., Ltd.

Guangdong                               Power
 Yudean                                 generation
 Humen                       Electric   and power     150,000,00   144,195,22 140,311,05                 212,815.0
                Subsidiary                                                                  450,000.00                 212,815.00
 Generation                  Power      station       0                  3.00        7.00                       0
 Power                                  constructio
 Co., Ltd.                              n.

Guangdong                               Power
 Yudean                                 generation
 Dapu                        Electric   and power     900,000,00 2,826,398,9 900,000,00
                Subsidiary                                                                        0.00        0.00           0.00
 Power                       Power      station       0                 24.00        0.00
 Generation                             constructio
 Co., Ltd.                              n.

Lincang Yu                              Water
ntou Yudea                   Electric   power         396,490,00 1,257,164,7 375,371,59 4,357,052.0 -981,303.
                Subsidiary                                                                                           -1,030,350.00
n Hydroelec                  Power      Generation 0                    28.00        2.00           0          00
tricity Deve                            and power

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lopment Co.                                station
, Ltd                                      constructio

 Yudean                                    Power
 Huadu                                     generation
                             Electric                    120,000,00    112,659,98 110,954,20                 -2,760,48
 Natural        Subsidiary                 and                                                        0.00               -2,760,480.00
                             Power                       0                    0.00         4.00                  0.00
 Gas &                                     Maintenanc
 Heat-Powe                                 e
 r Co., Ltd.

                                           Coal dock
                                           n and
 Bohe                        Electric                    1,685,000,0 3,101,996,6 1,605,692,3                 -4,861,16
                Subsidiary                 power                                                      0.00               -4,861,169.00
 Coal-fired                  Power                       00                  79.00        55.00                  9.00
 Co., Ltd

Guangdong                                  Wind
Guohua                                     Power
Yudean                                     generation
                Sharing      Electric                    4,669,500,0 14,230,401, 9,193,678,4 4,144,646,7 1,407,070 1,052,152,43
Taishan                                    and power
                Company      Power                       00                433.00         85.00      54.00    ,888.00            0.00
Power                                      station
Generation                                 constructio
Co., Ltd.                                  n.

5. Projects invested with Funds not raised through share offering

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

VI. Prediction of business performance for January -September 2015.

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
 warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the “ non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs
firm for the reporting period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “ non-standard audit report “ for lastyear.

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

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VIII. Explanation of the Board of Directions Concerning the “ non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable

IX. Profit distribution carried out in the report period

Execution or adjustment of profit distribution, especially cash dividend, and capitalizing of reserves in the report period.
√Applicable □    Not applicable
    The Company's profit distribution plan for 2014 was examined and adopted by its 2014 annual shareholders' general meeting on
May 20, 2015. The Company published Announcement of Interest Distribution for 2014 on designated media on June 19, 2015. The
stock right registration date is June 25, 2015 (June 30 for B shares). The ex-dividend date is June 26, 2015. Cash dividends were
distributed on July 1 (for A shares) and June 30 (for B shares).

                                               Special explanation of the cash dividend policy

Whether conformed with the regulations of the Articles of association or the requirements of the resolutions of the
shareholders’ meeting:

Whether the dividend standard and the proportion were definite and clear:                                                   Yes

Whether the relevant decision-making process and the system were complete:                                                  Yes

Whether the independent director acted dutifully and exerted the proper function:                                           Yes

Whether the medium and small shareholders had the chances to fully express their suggestions and appeals, of
which their legal interest had gained fully protection:

Whether the conditions and the process met the regulations and was transparent of the adjustment or altered of the
                                                                                                                            Not a;pplicable
cash dividend policy:
X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company planed that no to distribute cash dividend, bonus shares and there was no turning of capital reserve into share capital.

XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√Applicable □    Not applicable

                                                                                                      Discussion topics and provision of
 Reception time Reception place Way of reception            Types of visitors    Visitors received

                                                                                                     The Company’s current production
                    Office of the     Onsite                                    Joint research of    of operation conditions and the
January 28,2015                                            Organiation
                    Company           investigation                             CITIC Securities     situation of the construction and
                                                                                                     development projects

                                                                                                     The Company’s current production
                    Office of the     Onsite                                                         of operation conditions and the
May 4, 2015                                                Organiation          Efund
                    Company           investigation                                                  situation of the construction and
                                                                                                     development projects

May 5, 2015         Office of the     Onsite               Organiation          Boshi Fund           The Company’s current production

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               Company         investigation                                     of operation conditions and the
                                                                                 situation of the construction and
                                                                                 development projects

                                                                                 The Company’s current production
                                                             Joint research of
               Office of the   Onsite                                            of operation conditions and the
May 6, 2015                                    Organiation   Guotai Junan
               Company         investigation                                     situation of the construction and
                                                                                 development projects

                                                                                 The Company’s current production
               Office of the   Onsite                                            of operation conditions and the
May 15, 2015                                   Organiation   Hongyuan
               Company         investigation                                     situation of the construction and
                                                                                 development projects

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                                                       V. Important Events

1.Governance of the Company
The company has strictly abided by the requirements of the laws and regulations and the normative documents, such as “Corporate
Law”, “Securities Law”, “Governance Rules of Listed Companies” and “Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange” to standardize
the operations, continuously perfect the internal control system and the corporate governance structure, ensure the system carried out
and effectively implemented and improve the governance level of the company. There was no difference between the actual
conditions of corporate governance and the requirements of the Company Law and relevant regulations of CSRC.

II. Lawsuits affairs

Major lawsuits and Arbitration affairs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no major lawsuit or arbitration in the report period.

Other Lawsuits affairs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. Query form media
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting year, the Company had no query from media
IV. Bankruptcy or Reorganization Events
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There Company was not involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization events in the reporting period.

V. Transaction in Assets

1. Purchase of assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no purchase of assets in the Company during the reporting period.

2. Sale of assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no sale of assets in the Company during the reporting period
3. Business combination
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no Bubiness combination in the Company during the reporting period
VI. Implementation and Influence of Equity Incentive Plan of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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There is no equity incentive plan and its implementation in the Company during the reporting period.
VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

√Applicable □Not applicable
     In January –June 2015,Daily related transactions were carried out after examination and approval by 2014 annual
 shareholders’general meeting. Refer to (5) related transactions of XII. Related transactions on purchasing goods and receiving
 services (1) and Related leases (2).Relationship between related parties and the transactions between them of the Financial report of
 this report for details.

The Related transactions existing between the company and the affiliates mainly display on purchasing fuses and materials,
apportioning the common operating costs, accepting and offering labor services, selling the products, deposit and demanding
interests, and leasing the fields out, etc.

     The pricing policy of the said related transaction::For the price of fuel purchase, if the state sets a price, such price shall apply.

If the State does not set a price, market price shall apply. The related parties promised that the price offered would not be higher than

the price of products of the same quality offered to third parties. The price of materials shall be settled according to market price.

Labor services/services are accepted and provided at the price agreed by both parties according to cost price and by reference to the

market price of similar services. Products are sold at the price agreed by both parties according to cost and by reference to the market

price of similar products.     Relevant regulations of People's Bank of China apply to deposits. Site rent is collected in the mode

agreed by all parties based on cost price.

      The said related transactions were settled in cash and did not have unfavorable influence on the profit of the Company. There is

no significant difference from estimated related transactions.
2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale during the reporting period.
3. Related-party transitions with joint investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transaction with joint investments during the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√Applicable □ Not applicable
There is any credit and liability with related parties of the Company,See Notes of Financial Statement.

There is no any credit and liability with related parties of the Company of the reporting period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not Other significant related-party transactions during the reporting period.

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VIII. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder
and other related parties of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other related parties
during the reporting period..
IX. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment
1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease
(1) Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any trusteeship of the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any contract of the Company in the reporting period.
(3) Lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was not involved in ant lease of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees provided by the company

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            In RMB’0000

                                         External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)

                       Relevant                                                                                                     e
                                                       Date of
                      disclosure                                                                                  Complete         for
                                                    happening        Actual
    Name of the       date/No. of Amount of                                           Guarantee       Guarantee   implemen associate
                                                       (Date of     mount of
     Company              the       Guarantee                                            type            term      tation          d
                                                       signing      guarantee
                      guaranteed                                                                                   or not      parties
                        amount                                                                                                 (Yes or

Yunnan Baoshan
 Binlangjiang                                                                       Guaranteeing
                     May                         November
 Hydroelectricity                        2,900                             1,247       of joint      14 years     No          No
                     24,2007                     30,2007
 Development Co.,                                                                     liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan       May                         November                           Guaranteeing
                                         1,305                                261                    12 years     No          No
Binlangjiang         24,2007                     30,2007                            of joint

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Hydroelectricity                                                   liabilities.
Development Co.,

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
                   May                   December
Hydroelectricity                 4,350                    3,190        of joint     17 years   No   No
                   24,2007               19,2007
Development Co.,                                                     liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
                   December              December
Hydroelectricity                 4,350                    1,827 of joint            17 years   No   No
                   19,2007               25,2007
Development Co.,                                                   liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
Hydroelectricity                12,000 March 28,2008     11,300        of joint     20 years   No   No
Development Co.,                                                     liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
                   August 22,            October 31,
Hydroelectricity                 5,800                    4,300 of joint            17 years   No   No
                   2008                  2008
Development Co.,                                                   liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
                   November              November 14,
Hydroelectricity                 7,250                    2,494        of joint     12 years   No   No
                   12, 2008              2008
Development Co.,                                                     liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
Hydroelectricity                 7,250 May 27, 2009       4,350 of joint            14 years   No   No
Development Co.,                                                   liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang                                                       Guaranteeing
                   May 27,
Hydroelectricity                 9,367 June 22, 2009      7,627        of joint     20 years   No   No
Development Co.,                                                     liabilities.

Yunnan Baoshan
Binlangjiang       September             December 16,
                                14,500                  7,199.67       of joint     10 years   No   No
Hydroelectricity   10,2010               2010
Development Co.,

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                                                                                                 The power pl
Weixin Yuntou                                                                     Guaranteeing ant put into o
                      March 8,
Yudean Zhaxi                          27,400 April 11, 2013               26,852 of joint        peration and t No           No
Energy Co., Ltd.                                                                  liabilities.   erminated aft
                                                                                                 er two years

   Total amount of approved                                         Total actually amount of
external guarantee in the report                                0   external guarantee in the                                           0
             period(A1)                                                report period(A2)

   Total amount of approved                                         Total actually amount of
external guarantee at the end of                        254,251 external guarantee at the end                                70,647.67
        the report period(A3)                                       of the report period(A4)

                                           Guarantee of the company for its subsidiaries

                          Related                   Date of                                                      Complete
      Name of the                                                   Actually                                                   e for
                      announcem Amount of happening(date                            Guarantee     Guarantee      implemen
       company                                                      guarantee                                                 related
                      ent date and guarantee       of signing                          type          term        tation or
       guaranteed                                                    amount                                                  party(yes
                            no.                   agreement)                                                          not
                                                                                                                              or no)

YuntouYudean                                                                      Guaranteeing
                      July 22,                  December 25,
Hydroelectricity                        3,430                              1,372 of joint        14 years        No          No
                      2006                      2006
Development Co.,                                                                  liabilities.

YuntouYudean                                                                      Guaranteeing
                      July 22,
Hydroelectricity                        1,372 July 29, 2008                548.8 of joint        12 years        No          No
Development Co.,                                                                  liabilities.

Yudean Zhanjiang April 29,
                                    12,716.29 October 9,2010           12,716.29 of joint        18 years        No          No
Wind Power Co.,       2009

Shaoguan Yuejiang June 29,
                                      23,075 July 28, 2011              5,161.34 of joint        7 years         No          No
Power Generation 2011
Co., Ltd.

Shaoguan Yuejiang August 15,                    December 6,
                                      19,500                            4,920.57 of joint        5 years         No          No
Power Generation 2012                           2012
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong             November        23,400 January 28,                  17,100 Guaranteeing 7 years            No          No

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Shaoguan Yuejiang 16, 2013                     2014                                  of joint
Power Generation                                                                     liabilities.
Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                                   occurred guarantee for
guarantee for subsidiaries in                                  0                                                                        0
                                                                   subsidiaries in reportperiod
report period(B1)

                                                                   otal amount of actual occurred
Total amount of approved
                                                                   guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                         74,200                                                               41,819
                                                                   the end of reporting period
end of reporting period(B3)

                                          Guarantee of the subsidiaries for its subsidiaries

                       Related                      Date of                                                     Complete
   Name of the                                                         Actually                                                e for
                     announcem Amount of happening(date                                Guarantee    Guarantee   implemen
     company                                                          guarantee                                               related
                     ent date and guarantee       of signing                              type        term      tation or
    guaranteed                                                         amount                                                party(yes
                          no.                     agreement)                                                      not
                                                                                                                              or no)

Total of Company’s guarantee(namely total of the large three aforementioned)

Total of guarantee in the Period                                   Total of actual guarantee in
                                                               0                                                                        0
(A1+B1+C1)                                                       the Period(A2+B2+C2)

                                                                    Total of actual guarantee at
Total of guarantee at Period-end
                                                         328,451             Period-end                                     112,466.67

The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
net assets of the Company(that is A4+B4+C4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
associated parties(D)

The debts guarantee amount provided for the
Guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed                                                                       97,829.58
70% directly or indirectly(E)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
company exceed 50%(F)

Total guarantee Amount of the abovementioned guarantees

Explanations about joint and several liability for repayment in
                                                                   Not applicable
respect of undue guarantee(if any)

Explanation about external guarantee violating established
                                                                   Not applicable
procedure if any)

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Description of the guarantee with complex method
(1) Particulars about illegal external guarantee
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no particular about illegal external guarantee of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Other significant contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other significant contract of the Company in the reporting period.
3. Other significant transactions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the reporting period.

X. Implementation of commitments

1.Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the reporting period or such
commitments carried down into the reporting period
√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             Time of
                                                                                                                       Period of
                   Commitm                                                                                   making                   Fulfil
  Commitment                                                       Contents                                            commitme
                   ent maker                                                                                commitme                  lment

Commitment on
share reform

Commitment in
the acquisition
report or the
report on equity

Commitment                       Yue Dian Li is the only quoted platform of Yudean Group’s electricity     November Within 5 y
made upon the                    asset integration within the boundary. ② Except Yue Dian Li and the       3,         ears after t
assets                           electricity assets controlled by it, within 5 years after the last         2011       he comple
replacement                      recombination is done, Yudean Group will pump the assets which meet                   tion of maj
                                 the conditions of launching after reformation into Yue Dian Li                        or asset re
                   Guangdon gradually through purchasing and recombination and other ways,                             organizati Unde
                   g Yudean according to the situation of solutions to different problems, e.g. the                    on             r
                   Group         imperfect examination and approval procedures, the situation of                                      fulfill
                   Co., Ltd.     profitability, cooperation agreement and land utilization. ③ At the                                 ment
                                 aspects of the development of power project and assets purchasing,
                                 Yudean Group provides the priority for Yue Dian Li choose. If Yue
                                 Dian Li gives up development and purchasing, Guangkong Group will
                                 join Yue Dian Li under the situation that the project is completed and
                                 put into production, and that the purchase is done and the project meets

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                               the conditions of listing.For details,
                               see June 5, 2014, published in the designated media "Announcement o
                               f Guangdong Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd. matters related to c

made upon

                   Guangdon                                                                                                      Unde
commitments                    To maintain the stability of the market, Yudean Group promised not to
                   g Yudean                                                                              July 8,                 r
made to                        reduce the Yudean electric power shares within the next 12 months.                    12 months
                   Group                                                                                 2015                    fulfill
                   Co., Ltd.                                                                                                     ment

Executed timely
or not?
XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.
XII. Punishment and Rectification
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any punishment and rectification of the Company in the reporting period.

XIII. Reveal of the delisting risks of illegal or violation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any delisting risk of illegal or violation of the Company in the reporting period.

XIV. Explanation about other significant matters

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company issued corporate bonds of RMB 2 billion with coupon rate of 5.5% on March 10, 2008. Construction Bank of China
Co., Ltd. authorized its Guangdong Branch to provide full-amount, unconditional and irrevocable guarantee of joint and several
liabilities. The corporate bonds were listed for trading at Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 27, 2008. Stock code: 112001; Stock
abbreviation: 08 Yudean Bond. Term: 7 years. Put provision is attached. March 3, 2015 is the trading termination day (subject to the
announcement of the Company).
On March 18, 2013, the Company newly issued corporate bonds of RMB 1.2 billion with coupon rate of 4.95%. The corporate bonds
were listed for trading at Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 24, 2013. Stock code: 112162; Stock abbreviation: 12 Yudean Bond. The
term of bonds is 7 years and put provision is attached. March 18, 2020 is the trading termination day (subject to the announcement of
the Company).
During the reporting period, the company's credit status did not change significantly.At the end of the report period, the company's as
sets and liabilities was 60.64%. During the reporting period, the guarantor sustained profitability, asset size keep growing and there is

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no negative change in credit conditions. The company paid interest and delisting on March 3, 2015
for "08 Yudean debt"and "12 Yudean debt" in the second interest period on March 18,2015..
    Quantity of bonds held by the top ten bond shareholders of the Company(As of June 30, 2015)
 Bond abbreviation                                  Name of shareholder                             Quantity of
      and code                                                                                        bonds
12 Yudean(112162)CCB                                                                              3,600,000
                     China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.                                                 2,400,000
                     Truvalue Asset Management-China Merchants Bank-China                         1,948,000
                      Resourcesszitic Trust Co., Ltd.-Xinrui No.1 fund trust
                     China Pingan Life insturance Co., Ltd.-Dividend distribution-Individual      1,400,000
                     insurance dividend
                     Bank of China Investment Management-ICBC-Bank of China                       1,200,000
                     China Pingan Life insturance Co., Ltd.-Universal-Individual insurance        1,000,000
                     Jinyuan Securities Co., Ltd.                                                    190,000

                     ABC-Shun target revenue bond securities investment fund                        150,900

                     GTJA Allianz Funds - SPDB - GTJA Allianz Funds - Pengyang No.1                50,000
                      assetamangement plan for the 6 phase bonds

                     Zhang Guiqing                                                                    21,100

                                                                                 广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                            VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

(1) Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                                In Shares

                                  Before the change                  Increase/decrease(+,-)                       After the Change

                               Amount Proportion                               Capitalizat
                                                                                 ion of
                                                        Share       Bonus                                                      Proportio
                                                                                common       Other      Subtotal    Quantity
                                                       allotment    shares                                                        n

I. Share with conditional      1,582,205,                          316,327,8                            315,761,4 1,897,966
                                             36.16%                                          -566,370                            36.15%
subscription                          389                                04                                   34        ,823

2. State-owned legal           1,577,865,                          315,557,1                            315,477,3 1,893,342
                                             36.06%                                           -79,740                            43.27%
person shares                         257                                04                                   64        ,621

3.Other domestic shares        4,340,132       0.10%                770,700                  -486,630    284,070 4,624,202        0.09%

Of which:Domestic legal
                               4,272,301       0.10%                770,111                  -421,746    348,365 4,620,666        0.09%
person shares

Domestic natural person
                                   67,831      0.00%                    589                   -64,884     -64,295      3,536      0.00%

II. Shares with                2,793,031,                          558,719,5                            559,285,8 3,352,317
                                             63.84%                                          566,370                             63.85%
unconditional subscription            266                                27                                   97        ,163

                               2,127,691,                          425,651,5                            426,217,8 2,553,909
1.Common shares in RMB                       48.63%                                          566,370                             48.64%
                                      266                                27                                   97        ,163

2.Foreign shares in            665,340,0                           133,068,0                            133,068,0 798,408,0
                                             15.21%                                                                              15.21%
domestic market                        00                                00                                   00          00

                               4,375,236,                          875,047,3                            875,047,3 5,250,283
III. Total of capital shares                100.00%                                                                             100.00%
                                      655                                31                                   31        ,986

Reasons for share changed:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. The total shares have additional 875,047,331 shares on June 26, 2015 owing to the implementation of 2014 annual equity
distribution program.
2. 566,370 Share A stocks have become the unrestricted circulation stocks since May 25, 2015 due to the dissolution of restriction
procedure handled by some corporate shareholders in the equity division reform.
Approval of Change of Shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
√Applicable □Not applicable
After the implementation of stock dividend program in this time, the annual earnings per share is RMB0.57 in 2014 and the
semi-annual earnings per share is RMB0.33, which are calculated according to the dilution of 5,250,283,986 new capital stocks.
Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Explanation on changes in aspect of total shares, shareholders structures as well as structure of assets and liability of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder

                                                                                                                                In Shares

                                                                        Total number of preferred
Total number of common                                                  shareholders that had restored
shareholders at the end of the                                106,697 the                                                                    0
reporting period                                                      voting right at the end of the
                                                                        reporting period (if any) (note 8)

                            Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                               Number os
                                                         tion of    Number of     Changes in      Amount of    Amount of
                                       Nuture of                                                                                     zen
           Shareholders                                  shares shares held at     reporting      restricted   un-restricted
                                      shareholder                                                                              State
                                                          held      period -end      period      shares held   shares held
                                                                                                                                of     Amo
                                                                                                                               shar    unt

Guangdong Yudean Group Co., State-owned                   67.39
                                                                   3,538,005,285 589,667,548 1,893,342,621 1,644,662,664
Ltd.                                legal person              %

Guangdong      Guangfa     Electric State-owned
                                                         2.29%      120,183,822 18,406,637
Power Investment Co., Ltd.          legal person

Guangdong Electric Power            State-owned
                                                         1.80%       94,367,341 15,727,890
Development Corporation             legal person

                                    Domestic       non
China ResourcesSZITIC Trust
Co., Ltd.-Zexi No.6 single trust                        0.72%       37,769,243 37,769,243
                                    Legal person

GOLDEN CHINA MASTER                 Overseas legal
                                                         0.62%       32,393,060 5,398,843
FUND                                person

                                                                                 广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                    Overseas legal
NORGES BANK                                              0.58%      30,329,088 9,879,662

                                    Domestic       non
National social security fund 102                        0.46%      23,999,685 23,999,685
                                    Legal person

GREENWOODS CHINA                    Overseas legal
                                                         0.39%      20,238,886 3,373,148
ALPHA MASTER FUND                   person

                                    Overseas legal
HONG KONG SECURITIES                                     0.33%      17,575,735 6,927,492

                                    Overseas legal
EMERGING MARKETS                                         0.30%      15,996,644 2,666,107

Strategy investors or general legal person becomes
top 10 shareholders due to rights issued (if             Not applicable
applicable)(See Notes 3)

                                                          The third largest shareholder Guangdong Electric Power Development Co.,
                                                         Ltd. and the tenth largest shareholders Guangdong Chaokang Investment Co.,
Explanation on associated relationship among the
                                                         Ltd. are the wholly-owned subsidiaries of the largest shareholder Yudean
aforesaid shareholders
                                                         Group. These three companies have relationships; whether the other
                                                         shareholders have relationships or unanimous acting was unknown.

                                      Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                              Quantity of unrestricted shares              Share type
                         Name of the shareholder                              held at the end of the reporting                          Quant
                                                                                                                     Share type
                                                                                           period                                        ity

                                                                                                                  RMB Common
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 1,644,662,664

                                                                                                                  RMB Common
Guangdong Guangfa Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd.                                               120,183,822

                                                                                                                  RMB Common
Guangdong Electric Power Development Corporation                                                     94,367,341

                                                                                                                  RMB Common
China ResourcesSZITIC Trust Co., Ltd.-Zexi No.6 single trust fund                                   37,769,243

                                                                                                                  Foreign shares
GOLDEN CHINA MASTER FUND                                                                             32,393,060 placed in domestic

                                                                                                                  Foreign shares
NORGES BANK                                                                                          30,329,088
                                                                                                                  placed in domestic

                                                                            广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文


                                                                                                            RMB Common
National social security fund 102                                                              23,999,685

                                                                                                            Foreign shares
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND                                                             20,238,886 placed in domestic

                                                                                                            Foreign shares
CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG SECURITIES LTD                                              17,575,735 placed in domestic

                                                                                                            Foreign shares
                                                                                               15,996,644 placed in domestic

                                                                        The third largest shareholder Guangdong Electric Power
                                                                        Development Co., Ltd. and the tenth largest shareholders
Explanation on associated relationship or consistent action among the
                                                                        Guangdong Chaokang Investment Co., Ltd. are the
top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares and that
                                                                        wholly-owned subsidiaries of the largest shareholder Yudean
between the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares
                                                                        Group. These three companies have relationships; whether
and top 10 shareholders
                                                                        the other shareholders have relationships or unanimous
                                                                        acting was unknown.

Explanation on shareholders participating in the margin trading
                                                                        Not applicable
business(if any )(see note 4)

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reorting period?
□ Yes √ No
Shareholders of the Company had not carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.
IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or implemented by the shareholders and
act-in-concert persons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Within the scope known to the Company, there was no any shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons.

                                                                       广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                           VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period

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VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
There was no change in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs, for the specific information please refer
to the 2014 Annual Report.
II. Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management staffs
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

      Name                Title             Type                  Date                                Reason

Pan Li             Chairman          Leave office       May 8,2015              Job transfer

Zhu Dejun          Director          Leave office       July 4, 2015            Job transfer

                                                                             广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                                     IX. Financial Report

1. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements:RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by:Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
June 30,2015
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                  Items                                     Year-end balance         Year-beginning balance

                             Current asset:

                             Monetary fund                                        6,540,700,432.00           4,548,277,314.00

                           Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

   Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted
into current income account

     Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable

 Account receivable                                                               2,671,807,325.00           2,580,733,823.00

   Prepayments                                                                    1,481,185,036.00           1,529,371,276.00

 Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable

   Interest receivable                                                                8,420,779.00               5,471,097.00

   Dividend receivable

 Other account receivable                                                           126,625,918.00             214,346,505.00

 Repurchasing of financial assets

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 Inventories                                                        1,571,237,553.00         1,623,199,010.00

  Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

  Other current asset                                                 492,580,656.00           704,977,094.00

Total of current assets                                            12,892,557,699.00        11,206,376,119.00

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed

  Disposable financial asset                                        1,256,087,823.00           997,082,335.00

  Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable                                                 123,967,197.00           121,334,809.00

 Long term share equity investment                                  6,367,106,019.00         6,604,709,646.00

 Property investment                                                    9,885,633.00            10,203,433.00

  Fixed assets                                                     37,729,248,891.00        39,164,300,297.00

  Construction in progress                                          8,389,505,948.00         6,349,045,387.00

Engineering material                                                   81,014,722.00             6,791,093.00

  Fixed asset disposal                                                 19,160,490.00             1,493,296.00

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

 Intangible assets                                                  1,577,827,189.00         1,487,859,824.00

 R & D petrol

 Goodwill                                                              27,486,780.00             2,449,886.00

Long-germ expenses to be amortized                                     29,889,683.00            31,000,707.00

Differed income tax asset                                              60,234,316.00            60,234,315.00

 Other non-current asset                                            3,955,789,052.00         3,041,944,705.00

Total of non-current assets                                        59,627,203,743.00        57,878,449,733.00

Total of assets                                                    72,519,761,442.00        69,084,825,852.00

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                                                  8,406,000,000.00         5,721,000,000.00

 Loan from Central Bank

 Deposit received and hold for others

 Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations
accounted into current income account

     Derivative financial liabilities

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  Bill payable                                       348,122,499.00           321,711,616.00

  Account payable                                  2,790,630,896.00         1,913,294,877.00

 Advance payment                                        213,308.00               179,708.00

 Selling of repurchased financial assets

Fees and commissions receivable

 Employees’ wage payable                            176,586,942.00           105,824,243.00

 Tax payable                                         507,237,847.00           462,231,344.00

 Interest payable                                    232,025,448.00           214,956,543.00

 Dividend payable                                      8,640,834.00             7,918,730.00

  Other account payable                            2,403,479,156.00         2,577,102,293.00

 Reinsurance fee payable

 Insurance contract provision

 Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

  Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year                1,169,877,724.00         4,497,962,344.00

Other current liability                              725,119,863.00           808,630,228.00

Total of current liability                        16,767,934,517.00        16,630,811,926.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                                  23,005,392,222.00        20,614,916,646.00

 Bond payable                                      1,195,553,333.00         1,195,076,905.00

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

  Long-term payable                                2,698,892,032.00         2,649,435,371.00

Long-term payable employees’s remuneration           47,910,348.00            53,839,983.00

 Special payable                                      38,508,105.00            16,192,269.00

 Expected liabilities

     Differed income                                  93,510,570.00            98,197,020.00

  Differed income tax liability                      131,547,487.00            42,136,023.00

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                     27,211,314,097.00        24,669,794,217.00

Total of liability                                43,979,248,614.00        41,300,606,143.00

Owners’ equity

  Share capital                                    5,250,283,986.00         4,375,236,655.00

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     Other equity instruments

  Including:preferred stock

             Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                                                         4,998,433,067.00           4,998,433,067.00

  Less:Shares in stock

        Other comprehensive income                                          366,750,518.00             172,496,403.00

Special reserves

  Surplus reserves                                                        5,812,191,775.00           4,810,903,365.00

 Common risk provision

Undistributed profit                                                      5,922,597,050.00           6,952,985,107.00

Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                    22,350,256,396.00          21,310,054,597.00

Minority shareholders’ equity                                            6,190,256,432.00           6,474,165,112.00

Total of owners’ equity                                                 28,540,512,828.00          27,784,219,709.00

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                                 72,519,761,442.00          69,084,825,852.00

Legal representative :Li Zhuoxian

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiaoqing

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Qin Jingdongi

2. Balance sheet of Parent Company

                                                                                                              In RMB

                                 Items                              Year-end balance         Year-beginning balance

Current asset:

Monetary fund                                                               613,597,767.00             468,233,799.00

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted
into current income account

  Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable

 Account receivable                                                         237,408,827.00             233,268,283.00

  Prepayments                                                               114,484,407.00             142,923,390.00

  Interest receivable                                                         1,339,226.00               1,786,468.00

  Dividend receivable

Other account receivable                                                    316,104,051.00             360,853,242.00

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  Inventories                                                         123,167,317.00           110,192,735.00

Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset                                                                             85,145,999.00

Total of current assets                                             1,406,101,595.00         1,402,403,916.00

Non-current assets:

  Disposable financial asset                                        1,256,087,823.00           997,082,335.00

Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable                                                 300,000,000.00           550,000,000.00

 Long term share equity investment                                 22,762,244,204.00        21,651,878,481.00

 Property investment                                                    9,885,633.00            10,203,433.00

  Fixed assets                                                      1,198,816,768.00         1,269,105,391.00

  Construction in progress                                             57,334,319.00            43,403,794.00

Engineering material

  Fixed asset disposal                                                  7,073,236.00

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

Intangible assets                                                      97,551,166.00            99,372,754.00

 R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Differed income tax asset

 Other non-current asset                                              207,000,000.00            90,000,000.00

Total of non-current assets                                        25,895,993,149.00        24,711,046,188.00

Total of assets                                                    27,302,094,744.00        26,113,450,104.00

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                                                  2,650,000,000.00         1,050,000,000.00

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations
accounted into current income account

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Bill payable

  Account payable                                                     322,742,072.00            92,264,357.00

 Advance payment

 Employees’ wage payable                                              26,118,176.00            25,676,736.00

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 Tax payable                                  64,891,903.00            46,543,086.00

 Interest payable                             26,203,223.00           141,345,087.00

 Dividend payable                              8,640,834.00             7,918,730.00

  Other account payable                      149,065,814.00           143,109,145.00

  Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year                                 1,999,548,864.00

Other current liability                      416,569,863.00           507,146,666.00

Total of current liability                 3,664,231,885.00         4,013,552,671.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                           1,500,000,000.00         1,500,000,000.00

 Bond payable                              1,195,553,333.00         1,195,076,905.00

  Including:preferred stock

             Sustainable debt

  Long-term payable

     Employees’ wage payable                 10,419,714.00            11,640,351.00

     Special payable                          11,297,686.00            11,297,686.00

 Expected liabilities

Differed income                               42,848,677.00            43,105,866.00

Differed income tax liability                 97,591,185.00            32,839,813.00

  Other non-current liabilities

Total of Non-current liabilities           2,857,710,595.00         2,793,960,621.00

Total of liability                         6,521,942,480.00         6,807,513,292.00

Owners’ equity

        Share capital                      5,250,283,986.00         4,375,236,655.00

  Other equity instrument

  Including:preferred stock

             Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                          5,607,138,564.00         5,607,138,564.00

  Less:Shares in stock

  Other comprehensive income                 366,750,518.00           172,496,403.00

Special reserves

Surplus reserves                           5,812,191,775.00         4,810,903,365.00

Undistributed profit                       3,743,787,421.00         4,340,161,825.00

Total of owners’ equity                  20,780,152,264.00        19,305,936,812.00

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Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                      27,302,094,744.00            26,113,450,104.00

3.Consolidated Profit statement

                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                  Same period of the previous
                                  Item                    Report period

I. Income from the key business                               12,911,553,232.00            14,971,313,646.00

Incl:Business income                                         12,911,553,232.00            14,971,313,646.00

     Interest income

 Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost                                       10,475,134,429.00            12,351,960,481.00

Incl:Business cost                                            9,181,722,019.00            10,982,443,113.00

      Interest expense

 Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

  Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

     Business tax and surcharge                                  105,962,706.00                85,666,772.00

     Sales expense                                                   821,137.00                  1,471,882.00

 Administrative expense                                          374,363,287.00               396,554,512.00

    Financial expenses                                           812,265,280.00               887,886,490.00

 Asset impairment loss                                                                          -2,062,288.00

 Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                               519,970,718.00               350,116,580.00

  Incl: investment gains from affiliates                         317,900,849.00               336,254,319.00

     Gains from currency exchange(“-”for loss)

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                       2,956,389,521.00              2,969,469,745.00

     Add :Non-operational income                                 21,200,140.00                16,955,331.00

  Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets              894,294.00                  1,616,440.00

  Less:Non business expenses                                      1,064,715.00                26,279,545.00

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Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                    257,135.00             20,960,267.00

IV.Total   profit(“-”for loss)                                             2,976,524,946.00         2,960,145,531.00

Less:Income tax expenses                                                      578,388,722.00           637,267,131.00

V. Net profit                                                                2,398,136,224.00         2,322,878,400.00

Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                      1,720,995,015.00         1,644,460,546.00

Minority shareholders’ equity                                                 677,141,209.00           678,417,854.00

VI. Other comprehensive income                                                 194,254,115.00            -4,280,394.00

Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributable to owners
                                                                               194,254,115.00            -4,280,394.00
of the parent company.

(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified
into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in net debt o
r net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee ca
n not be reclassified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or l          194,254,115.00            -4,280,394.00

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee ca
n be reclassified into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available for sale fina
                                                                               194,254,115.00            -4,280,394.00
ncial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and losses of a
vailable for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statements


7.Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributable to Minor
ity shareholders’ equity

VII. Total comprehensive income                                              2,592,390,339.00         2,318,598,006.00

Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent
                                                                             1,915,249,130.00         1,640,180,152.00

 Total comprehensive income attributable minority shareholders                 677,141,209.00           678,417,854.00

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                            0.33                     0.31

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                          0.33                     0.31

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The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved net profit of RMB 0,
last period the combined party realized RMB 0.

Legal representative :Li Zhuoxian

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiaoqing

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Qin Jingdongi

4. Profit statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                                     Same period of the previous
                                    Items                                   Report period

I. Income from the key business                                                   1,097,666,614.00              1,336,343,088.00

  Incl:Business cost                                                              768,961,812.00               1,020,967,418.00

Business tax and surcharge                                                           10,990,417.00                  7,710,083.00

     Sales expense                                                                                                     14,200.00

 Administrative expense                                                              54,106,442.00                62,046,419.00

    Financial expenses                                                             159,912,982.00                186,366,961.00

 Asset impairment loss                                                                                             -1,388,889.00

  Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                                2,071,148,869.00              2,206,084,036.00

        Incl: investment gains from affiliates                                     317,900,849.00                336,254,319.00

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                                           2,174,843,830.00              2,266,710,932.00

     Add :Non-operational income                                                     1,719,783.00                  3,417,625.00

  Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets

  Less:Non business expenses                                                            26,530.00                  4,944,391.00

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets
III.Total   profit(“-”for loss)                                                 2,176,537,083.00              2,265,184,166.00

 Less:Income tax expenses                                                           21,528,415.00                13,847,441.00

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                                               2,155,008,668.00              2,251,336,725.00

V.Net of profit of other comprehensive income                                       194,254,115.00                 -4,280,394.00

  (I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be
reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in net debt o
r net assets

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2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee ca
n not be reclassified into profit or loss.

(                                   II                               )
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or l                 194,254,115.00              -4,280,394.00

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee ca
n be reclassified into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available for sale fina
                                                                                      194,254,115.00              -4,280,394.00
ncial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and losses of a
vailable for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income                                                      2,349,262,783.00           2,247,056,331.00

VII. Earnings per share:

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                                  0.41                       0.43

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                                0.41                       0.43

5. Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                 Items                                     Amount in this period       Amount in last period
I.Cash flows from operating activities

        Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services                   15,036,477,914.00          17,544,601,068.00

     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit and investment

Net increase of trade financial asset disposal

Cash received as interest, processing fee and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

                                                                       广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

    Tax returned                                                                6,168,959.00             5,269,271.00

Other cash received from business operation                                    81,857,382.00           107,482,653.00

    Sub-total of cash inflow                                               15,124,504,255.00        17,657,352,992.00

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                        6,733,903,103.00        10,306,659,130.00

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings n central bank and brother company

Cash paid for original contract claim

 Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission

 Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                        755,190,690.00           705,648,519.00

 Taxes paid                                                                 1,690,188,956.00         1,831,039,047.00

Other cash paid for business activities                                       243,041,072.00           279,876,385.00

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                          9,422,323,821.00        13,123,223,081.00

Cash flow generated by business operation, net                              5,702,180,434.00         4,534,129,911.00

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving                                      217,476,155.00            95,095,390.00

Cash received as investment gains                                             150,543,015.00           145,416,583.00

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets,
                                                                                8,734,737.00             5,960,128.00
and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational

Other investment-related cash received                                         52,028,777.00

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                         428,782,684.00           246,472,101.00

Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets                                             2,263,497,895.00         1,843,387,663.00
and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment                                                                                 12,926,100.00

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units

Other cash paid for investment activities

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                      2,263,497,895.00         1,856,313,763.00

Net cash flow generated by investment                                       -1,834,715,211.00       -1,609,841,662.00

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment                                                    33,000,000.00            30,000,000.00

Incl: Cash received as investment from minor shareholders                      33,000,000.00            30,000,000.00

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Cash received as loans                                                         13,765,880,000.00          13,051,747,796.00

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities                             13,798,880,000.00          13,081,747,796.00

Cash to repay debts                                                            12,880,903,754.00          12,360,309,069.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                     2,752,618,351.00           2,878,919,825.00

Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders              943,649,890.00           1,171,005,593.00

Other cash paid for financing activities                                           50,400,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities                          15,683,922,105.00          15,239,228,894.00

Net cash flow generated by financing                                           -1,885,042,105.00          -2,157,481,098.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                     1,982,423,118.00            766,807,151.00

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term              4,528,277,314.00           4,377,311,176.00

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                    6,510,700,432.00           5,144,118,327.00

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                Items                                  Amount in this period       Amount in last period
I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services                        1,276,185,551.00           1,487,034,175.00

 Tax returned
Other cash received from business operation                                        12,896,711.00             26,812,959.00

Sub-total of cash inflow                                                        1,289,082,262.00           1,513,847,134.00

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                              414,080,693.00            758,970,126.00

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                            137,574,749.00            155,959,256.00

Taxes paid                                                                        130,030,174.00             84,282,692.00

Other cash paid for business activities                                            26,139,598.00             54,247,259.00

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                707,825,214.00           1,053,459,333.00

Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                    581,257,048.00            460,387,801.00

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving                                          937,052,822.00            345,095,391.00

Cash received as investment gains                                               1,780,610,890.00           2,000,266,130.00

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Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets,
                                                                                                4,045.00         637,415.00
and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational

Other investment-related cash received

 Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                               2,717,667,757.00       2,345,998,936.00

Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets                                                            51,321,957.00      104,340,140.00
and other long-term assets

        Cash paid as investment                                                      1,399,800,000.00         642,776,100.00

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units

Other cash paid for investment activities

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                               1,451,121,957.00         747,116,240.00

Net cash flow generated by investment                                                1,266,545,800.00       1,598,882,696.00

III.Cash flow generated by financing

  Cash received as investment

        Cash received as loans                                                       2,350,000,000.00       1,350,000,000.00

 Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received

 Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities                                  2,350,000,000.00       1,350,000,000.00

  Cash to repay debts                                                                2,849,548,864.00       1,850,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                          1,142,890,016.00       1,182,014,830.00

Other cash paid for financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities                               3,992,438,880.00       3,032,014,830.00

Net cash flow generated by financing                                                -1,642,438,880.00      -1,682,014,830.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                           205,363,968.00          377,255,667.00

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                    408,233,799.00          296,476,854.00

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                          613,597,767.00          673,732,521.00

7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
Amount in this period

                                                                                                                     In RMB

         Items                                                     Amount in this period

                                                                             广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                        Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                   Other Equity                                                                 Total
                                 instrusment              Less: Other          Surplu Comm                       of
                       Share                     Capital               Specia                  Attribu shareh owner
                                                         Shares Compre            s    on risk
                       Capit prefer              reserve                lized                   table olders’
                                    Sustai                 in hensive          reserve provisi                   s’
                        al    red          Other s                     reserve                 profit equity
                                    nable                stock Income             s      on                    equity

                       4,375,                      4,998,4                           4,810,9        6,952,9 6,474,1 27,784,
I.Balance at the                                                  172,496
                       236,65                      33,067.                           03,365.        85,107. 65,112. 219,709
end of last year                                                   ,403.00
                         5.00                          00                                00              00        00       .00

Add: Change of

Correcting of
previous errors

Merger of entities
under common


II.Balance at the      4,375,                      4,998,4                           4,810,9        6,952,9 6,474,1 27,784,
beginning of           236,65                      33,067.                           03,365.        85,107. 65,112. 219,709
current year             5.00                          00                                00              00        00       .00

                       875,04                                                        1,001,2        -1,030,3 -283,90
III.Changed in the                                                194,254                                               756,293
                       7,331.                                                        88,410.        88,057. 8,680.0
current year                                                       ,115.00                                              ,119.00
                          00                                                             00              00         0

(1)Total                                                                                          1,720,9             2,592,3
                                                                  194,254                                     677,141
comprehensive                                                                                       95,015.             90,339.
                                                                   ,115.00                                    ,209.00
income                                                                                                   00                 00

                                                                                                              -17,400, -17,400,
or decreasing of
                                                                                                               000.00 000.00
capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share
                                                                                                              -17,400, -17,400,
s invested by hare
                                                                                                               000.00 000.00

2 . Holders of oth
er equity instrume
nts invested capital

3.Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as

                                                       广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

owners’ equity


                                                               1,001,2        -2,751,3 -943,64 -2,693,7
                                                               88,410.        83,072. 9,889.0 44,551.
                                                                   00              00        0       00

                                                               1,001,2        -1,001,2
1.Providing of
                                                               88,410.        88,410.
surplus reserves
                                                                   00              00

 2.Providing         of
common            risk

3.Allotment to the                                                           -1,750,0 -943,64 -2,693,7
owners (or                                                                    94,662. 9,889.0 44,551.
shareholders)                                                                      00        0       00


(IV) Internal             875,04
transferring of           7,331.
owners’ equity              00

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3.Making up
losses by surplus

4. Other                  7,331.

(VI Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the        5,250,   4,998,4   366,750           5,812,1        5,922,5 6,190,2 28,540,
end of this term          283,98   33,067.   ,518.00           91,775.        97,050. 56,432. 512,828

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                       6.00                           00                                 00            00        00        .00

Amount in last year
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                               Amount in last year

                                       Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                  Other Equity                                                                Total
                               instrusment              Less: Other          Surplu Comm                       of
                     Share                     Capital               Specia                  Attribu shareh
                                                       Shares Compre            s    on risk                 owner
                     Capit prefer              reserve                lized                   table olders’
                                  Sustai                 in hensive          reserve provisi                   s’
                      al    red          Other    s                  reserve                 profit equity
                                  nable                stock Income             s      on                    equity

                      4,375,                      4,987,6                            4,203,5       5,431,3 6,537,7 25,592,
I.Balance at the                                                  57,020,
                     236,65                       98,211.                            71,276.       87,393. 56,802. 670,852
end of last year                                                  515.00
                       5.00                           00                                 00            00        00        .00

Add: Change of

Correcting of
previous errors

Merger of entities
under common


II.Balance at the 4,375,                          4,987,6                            4,203,5       5,431,3 6,537,7 25,592,
beginning          of 236,65                      98,211.                            71,276.       87,393. 56,802. 670,852
current year           5.00                           00                                 00            00        00        .00

III.Changed in the                                               -8,823,3            607,332       162,081             298,002
current year                                                       13.00             ,089.00       ,126.00             ,164.00

(1)Total                                                                                         1,644,4             2,314,0
                                                                 -8,823,3                                    678,417
comprehensive                                                                                      60,546.             55,087.
                                                                   13.00                                     ,854.00
income                                                                                                 00                  00

                                                                                                             30,000, 30,000,
or decreasing of
                                                                                                              000.00 000.00
capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share
                                                                                                             30,000, 30,000,
s invested by hare
                                                                                                              000.00 000.00

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2 . Holders of oth
er equity instrume
nts invested capital

3.Allotment to the
owners (or


(IV) Internal                                                              -1,482,3 -1,171, -2,046,0
transferring of                                                            79,420. 005,592 52,923.
owners’ equity                                                                 00      .00      00

1. Capitalizing of                                                         -607,33
capital reserves (or                                                       2,089.0
to capital shares)                                                               0

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3.Making up                                                               -875,04 -1,171, -2,046,0
losses by surplus                                                          7,331.0 005,592 52,923.
reserves.                                                                        0      .00      00

4. Other

(VI )Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the
end of this term

(V) Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


                       4,375,   4,987,6                     4,810,9        5,593,4 6,075,1 25,890,
IV. Balance at the                        48,197,
                       236,65   98,211.                     03,365.        68,519. 69,064. 673,016
end of this term                          202.00
                         5.00       00                          00              00      00      .00

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8.Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount in this period

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                     Amount in this period

                                   Other Equity instrusment
                                                                           Less:                             Common Attribut Total of
         Items           Share                                 Capital                Compreh     Surplus
                                   preferre Sustain                       Shares in                            risk       able        owners’
                        Capital                       Other   reserves                 ensive     reserves
                                   d stock   able                          stock                             provision   profit        equity

I.Balance at the 4,375,23                                     5,607,138               172,496,4              4,810,903                19,305,93
end of last year        6,655.00                                ,564.00                  03.00                 ,365.00                 6,812.00

Add: Change of

Correcting         of
previous errors


II.Balance at the                                                                                                        4,340,1
                        4,375,23                              5,607,138               172,496,4              4,810,903                19,305,93
beginning          of                                                                                                    61,825.
                        6,655.00                                ,564.00                  03.00                 ,365.00                 6,812.00
current year                                                                                                                 00

III.Changed in the 875,047,                                                           194,254,1              1,001,288                1,474,215
current year             331.00                                                          15.00                 ,410.00                  ,452.00

(I)Total                                                                                                               2,155,0
                                                                                      194,254,1                                       2,349,262
comprehensive                                                                                                            08,668.
                                                                                         15.00                                          ,783.00
income                                                                                                                       00

(II) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share
s invested by hareh

2 . Holders of oth
er equity instrume
nts invested capital

3.Amount of

                                              广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity


(III)Profit                                                     1,001,288              -1,750,09
allotment                                                           ,410.00               4,662.00

1.Providing of                                                    1,001,288
surplus reserves                                                    ,410.00

2.Allotment to the                                                           -1,750,0
owners (or                                                                    94,662.
shareholders)                                                                      00


                       875,047,                                                          875,047,3
transferring of
                        331.00                                                              31.00
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

 3.Making up
losses by surplus

                       875,047,                                                          875,047,3
4. Other
                        331.00                                                              31.00

(V) Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the 5,250,28       5,607,138     366,750,5         5,812,191              20,780,15
end of this term       3,986.00     ,564.00        18.00            ,775.00               2,264.00

Amount in last year

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                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                     Amount in last year

                                   Other Equity instrusment
                                                                           Other           Commo
                                                                  Less:                             Attribu Total of
                        Share                           Capital          Compreh Surplus n risk
                                preferre Sustain                 Shares                              table owners’
                        Capital                  Other reserves            ensive reserves provisio
                                d stock able                    in stock                            profit equity
                                                                          Income              n

I.Balance at the 4,375,23                                     5,596,404           57,020,51        4,203,571             17,193,94
end of last year        6,655.00                                ,133.00                5.00          ,276.00              9,795.00

Add: Change of

Correcting         of
previous errors


II.Balance at the                                                                                              2,961,7
                        4,375,23                              5,596,404           57,020,51        4,203,571             17,193,94
beginning          of                                                                                          17,216.
                        6,655.00                                ,133.00                5.00          ,276.00              9,795.00
current year                                                                                                       00

III.Changed in the                                                                -8,823,31        607,332,0 768,957 1,367,466
current year                                                                           3.00           89.00 ,305.00        ,081.00

(I)Total                                                                                                     2,251,3
                                                                                  -8,823,31                              2,242,513
comprehensive                                                                                                  36,725.
                                                                                       3.00                                ,412.00
income                                                                                                             00

(II) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share
s invested by hareh

2 . Holders of oth
er equity instrume
nts invested capital

3.Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity


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(III)Profit                                                                                607,332,0              -875,047,
allotment                                                                                        89.00                331.00

1.Providing of                                                                               607,332,0
surplus reserves                                                                                 89.00

2.Allotment to the                                                                                      -875,04
owners (or                                                                                               7,331.0
shareholders)                                                                                                  0


transferring of
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

 3.Making up
losses by surplus

4. Other

(V) Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the 4,375,23                         5,596,404           48,197,20            4,810,903              18,561,41
end of this term       6,655.00                        ,133.00                2.00             ,365.00               5,876.00

III.Basic Information of the Company

Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. ("the Company") is a joint stock limited company jointly sponsored and
established by Guangdong Electric Power Group Company, Guangdong Trust Investment Company under Construction Bank of
China, Guangdong Electric Power Development Company, Guangdong International Trust Investment Company and Guangdong
Development Bank (now as Guangdong Guangkong Co., Ltd.) on 8 September 1992,. At the time of establishment, the registered

                                                                               广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

capital of the Company was 356,250,000 ordinary shares with par value of RMB 1 per share.

The Company issued 44,000,000 Renminbi denominated ordinary shares (“A shares”) and 105,000,000 domestically listed foreign
shares (“B shares”) for listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 26 November 1993 and 28 June 1995 respectively. After this
issuance, the total share capital of the Company increased to RMB 505,250,000.

In 2001, prusuant to the approval on the implementation Plan of Guangdong Province’s Reform of power industry structure Relating
to Restructuring of Generation and Transmission Assets, a document issued by Guangdong Provincial Government and referred to as
Yue Fu Han 2001 No.252, Guangdong Electric Power Holding Co.( “GPHC”), the former major shareholder of the Company, was
split into two separate companies, namely, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation ( “GPGC”,formerly Guangdong Guangdian Group
Co., Ltd.”), and Guabngdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.(“Yudean” formerly Guangdong Yudean Assets Management Co., Ltd.”). After
restructuring, the electrictity transmission and distribution in Guangdong Province, The PRC, were controlled and managed by
GPGC, while Yudean concentrated in the investment and management of power plants. According to the Reply to issues in the
Restructuring of Provincial Power Companies assets with a document number of Yue Cai Qi (2001)No.247, the Company’s 50.15%
equity interest formerly held by GPHC was transferred to Yudean on August 1,2001.
Pursuant to the Approval on the Share Reform Scheme of Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (Yue Guo Zi Han[2005]
No.452) issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province (Guangdong SASAC),
the Company carried out the non-tradable share reform on 18
January 2006. The non-tradable shareholders paid 3.1 shares per 10 shares to the tradable A-share shareholders, who were registered on
the date of the equity change registration (18 January 2006), and 121,357,577 legal person shares were paid in total.All the legal person
shares can be traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange starting from
19 January 2006, but they are subject to lock-up periods ranging from one to three years.After the share reform, Yudean’s equity
interest               in               the                Company                   decreased                 to               46.34%.
All corporate shares of the company hold tradable and listed the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the convention of the restricted period ra
nging from 1-3 years. After the share reform, Yudean’s equity interest in the Company decreased to 46.34%. Due to the selling
restriction, 4,416,925 legal person shares originally held by
the non-tradable shareholders were still untradable as at 31 December 2014.

According to “Approval of Non-publicly Issued Shares for Guangdong Power Development Co., Ltd”(CSRC License No. [2010]376)
on April, 2010, The non-publicly issued A shares of parties, Yudean Group actually purchase 138,047,138 of A shares. After the
non-public issued, the stock shares which were owned by Yudean Group Increased from 46.34% to 48.99%
  Pursuant to the approval on the Restructuring Plan of Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd and Guangdong Electric Power
Development Co., Ltd., and the Approval on the Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Issuing Shares to Buy Assets of
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd. Documents issued by the Stte-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
Guangdong and accordingly referred to as Yue Guo Zi Han(2011) No.945 and Zheng Jian Xu Ke(2012) No.865, the Company
non-public offered the domestic listed ordinary shares( A share) in December, 2012, 1 RMB in book value per share and 4.73 RMB is
issue price per share, and the number of issued is 1,577,785,517, which once registered in Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd can’t
transfer to others within 36 months. Yudean used its 60% stake in Shenzhen Guangqian Electric Power Co., Ltd. (“Guangqian
Electric”), 35% stake in Guangdong Huizhou Natural Gas Power Co., Ltd. (“Huizhou Natural Gas”), 40% stake in Guangdong Yudean
Shibeishan Wind Power Co., Ltd. (“Shibeishan”), 45% stake in
Guangdong Huizhou Pinghai Power Co., Ltd. (“Huizhou Pinghai”), 40% stake in Guangdong Red Bay Power Generation Co., Ltd.
(“Red Bay”), 20% stake in Guangdong Guohua Yudean Taishan Generation Company (“Guohua Taishan”) and 15% stake in
Guangdong Electric Fuel Supply Co., Ltd. (“Fuel Supply”) (collectively
referred to as “Targeted Assets”) to buy the Company’s domestically listed ordinary shares (A shares). After the share issuance, the
Company had a total of 4,375,236,655 shares in circulation, and Yudean’s equity interest in the Company increased from 48.99% to

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  The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the businesses of developing and operating electric power
plants in Guangdong Province,the PRC. The Company’s registered address is 23rd, 25th and 26th floor, Yudean Plaza, 2 Tianhe East
Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the PRC. Yudean is the parent company of the Company and State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province is the actual controller.
 The profit distribution plan reviewed and approved by the boarding meeting was summarized as follows:
Total     share     of        4,375,236,655    shares     or     Base      on      the     Company‘s       total    share      capital,
The Company would distribute 2 bonus for every 10 shares to all the shareholders.After the dividend, the total share capital increased
to 5,250,283,986 shares, company has implemented and completed the equity distribution on June 26, 2015.
  The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the susiness of developing electric power plants in
Guangdong Province, the PRC. The Company’s registered address is 23 to 26 floor, Yudean Plaza, 2 Tianhe East Road, Guangzhou
City, Guangdong Province, the PRC. Yudean Group is the Parent Company of the company.
  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the People’s Govemment of Guangdong Province is the actual
controller of the Company.
For the Consolidation scope changed of the Group, please refer to VIII.
For the information of subsidiaries of the Company, please refer to Note XII.

IV.Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1.Basis for the preparation
The Company's financial statements were compiled on the basis of the continuous operation assumption ,according to the actual
transactions and events, and in accordance with the "enterprise accounting standards -basic standards" (Announcement on Decree
No.33, the Ministry of Finance, Amendment on Decree No. 76 ,the Ministry of Finance) and 41 specific accounting standards, the
enterprise accounting standards application guide, the enterprise accounting standards explanation and other relevant regulations
(referring to "enterprise accounting standard" collectively) issued and revised on and after February 15, 2006, and the regulations on
‘‘Information Disclosure Compilation Rules No. 15 by the Company issuing stocks publicly - general provisions of the financial
report "(revising in 2014) disclosed by China Securities Supervision and Management Committee.

2. Continuous operation.

The Company since 12 months after the reporting period does not exist on the company's continued viability of significant concern e
vents or circumstances.

V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

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Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates tips:
2.Complying with the statements in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
  The financial Report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the Enterprise Accounting Standard. They
reflect the financial position as of June 30, 2015 as well as the business performance and cash flow situation in the first half of 2015
of the Company frankly and completely.

3. Accounting period

Fiscal    year     is     dated     from      Gregorian      calendar      Jan.,    1     to    Gregorian       calendar     Decmber.,       31.
The accounting of the financial statements during the period starts from January 1, 2015 to 6 months ended June 30,
4.Business cycle
The Company’s normal business cycle is the period from the acquisition of assets such as those for the generation of electricity to the
realisation of cash or cash equivalents.The business cycles for principal activities are usually less than 12 months.
5 Functional currency
The Company’s functional currency is Renminbi and these financial statements are presented in Renminbi.

5. Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different controlling.
(1) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination, and that control is not
transitory. The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being combined at the
combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid
for the combination (or the total par value of shares issued) is adjusted to share premium (or capital premium) in the capital reserve. If
the balance of share premium (or capital premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Any costs directly
attributable to the combination are recognised in profit or loss for the current period when occurred. The combination date is the date on
which one combining enterprise effectively obtains control of the other combining enterprises.Transaction costs incurred from the
issuance of equity securities or debt securities for the combination are included in the initial costs of equity securities or debt
securities.Other costs directly attributable to the combination are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(2) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination. the aggregate of
the fair value at the acquisition date of assets transferred (including the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree),
liabilities incurred or assumed,and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree,exceeds. the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value at the acquisition date of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as
goodwill. the difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. The costs of the issuance of equity or debt securities as a
part of the consideration paid for the acquisition are included as a part of initial recognition amount of the equity or debt securities.
Other acquisition-related costs arising from the business combination are recognised as expenses in the periods in which the costs are
incurred.The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the assets transferred is recognised in profit or loss. The
acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, if satisfying the recognition criteria, are recognised by the Group at
their fair value at the acquisition date. The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.

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6.Consolidated financial statements

(1) General principle
The scope of consolidated financial statements is based on control and the consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and
its subsidiaries. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee so as to obtain benefits from its
operating activities, and the power to influence its investment return. In accessing control, the Group only takes into account the
substantive rights relevant to the investee, including those entitiled to the Group and other parties. The financial position, financial
performance and cash flows of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences
until the date that control ceases.
(2) Acquisition of subsidiaries through business combinations
Non-controlling interest is presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’ equity. Net profit or loss
attributable to non-controlling shareholders is presented separately in the consolidated income statement below the net profit lineitem.
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling shareholders is presented separately in the consolidated income statement below
the total comprehensive income line item.
When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the non-controlling shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the
non-controlling shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess is allocated against the
non-controlling interests.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the Company, the Company makes
necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting
policies. Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised profit or
loss arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealised losses resulting
from intra-group transactions are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a businesscombination involving enterprises under common
control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements as if the combination had
occurred at the date that the ultimate controlling party first obtained
control. The opening balances and the comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements are also restated. In the preparation
of the consolidated financial statements,the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities based on their carrying amounts are included in the
consolidated balance sheet, and financial performance is included in the
consolidated income statement, respectively, from the date that the ultimate parent company of the Company obtains the control of the
subsidiary to be consolidated.
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business combination involving enterprises not under common
control, the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquired subsidiaries are included in the scope of consolidation from the date that
control commences, base on the fair value of those identifiable assets and liabilities at the acquisition date.
(3) Disposal of subsidiaries
When the Group loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an equity investment, the Group derecognises assets,
liabilities, non-controlling interests and other related items in owners’equity in relation to that subsidiary. The remaining equity
investment is remeasured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. Any
gains or losses therefor incurred are recognised as investment income for the current period when control is lost.
When the disposal of a long-term equity investment in a subsidiary is achieved through multiple deals in stages to the extent that the
control of the subsidiary is lost, apply the following criteria to determine whether these deals can be defined as a package deal:
- these deals are concluded simultaneously or taking into account the inter-relations of each deal;
- only when all the deals are combined can complete business results be achieved;
- the existence of a deal is dependent on the existence of at least one other deal;

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   - a deal is uneconomical when considered separately, but economical when considered in combination with other deals.
   If the deals do not satisfy the above criteria, deals before the loss of control of will beaccounted for based on the accounting policy set
   out for the disposal of a portion of an equity investment in an subsidiary when the Group still has control.
   If the deals satisfy the above criteria, the deals will be accounted for as the disposal of a
   subsidiary where control is lost. The difference between the amount of consideration received from each deal and the share in the
   carrying amount of net assets in the subsidiary immediately before the loss of control is recognised in other comprehensive income in
   the consolidated financial statements and transferred to profit and loss for the current period when control is lost.
   (4) Changes in non-controlling interests
   Where the Company acquires a non-controlling interest from a subsidiary’s non-controlling shareholders or disposes of a portion of an
   interest in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference between the amount by which the non-controlling interests are
   adjusted and the amount of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the capital reserve (share premium) in the consolidated
   balance sheet. If the credit balance of capital reserve (share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

   7. Cash and cash equivalents
   The cash listed in cash flow table refers to stored cash and payable deposit whenever, the term “ cash “ refers to cash on hand and
     deposits that are available for payment at any time. The term : cash equivalents” refers to short-term and highly liquid investments
     that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency Convert

   When the Group receives capital in foreign currencies from investors, the capital is translated to RMB at the spot exchange rate at the
   date of the receipt. Other foreign currency transactions are, on initial recognition, translated to RMB at the spot exchange rates on the
   dates of the transactions.
   Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. The
   resulting exchange differences, except for those arising from the principal and interest of specific foreign currency borrowings for the
   purpose of acquisition and construction of qualifying assets, are
   recognised in profit or loss. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated
   to Renminbi using the foreign exchange rate at the transaction date.
   9. Financial instruments
   Financial instruments include cash at bank and on hand, receivables, equity securities other than long-term equity investments ,
   payables, loans and borrowings, debentures payable and share capital.
   (1) Recognition and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
   A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the balance sheet when the Groupbecomes a party to the contractual provisions of
   a financial instrument.
   The Group classifies financial assets and liabilities into different categories at initial recognition based on the purpose of acquiring
   assets or assuming liabilities: financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables,
   held-to-maturity investments, available-for-sale financial assets and other financial liabilities.
   During the year, the Group’s financial assets include receivables and available-for-sale financial assets. The Group’s financial
   liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities, including payables, loans and borrowings, and debentures payable. Payables include
   accounts payable, other payables, bills payable and long-term payables.
   Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured initially at fair value. Transaction costs attributable to receivables and
   available-for-sale financial assets are included in their initial costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, financial assets and liabilities are
   measured as follows:
   - (a)Receivables
   Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.
   Subsequent to initial recognition, receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

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-    (b)Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets include non-derivative financial assets that are designated upon initial recognition as available for
sale and other financial assets which do not fall into any of the above categories. Available-for-sale financial assets that will be sold
within 12 months counting from the balance sheet date are included in other current assets in the balance sheet.
Available-for-sale investments in equity instruments whose fair value cannot bemeasured reliably are measured at cost subsequent to
initial recognition. Other available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value subsequent to initial recognition and changes
therein, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange
gains and losses from monetary financial assets which are recognised directly in profit or loss, are recognised as other comprehensive
income. When an investment is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss is reclassified from equity to profit or loss.
Dividend income from the available-for-sale equity instruments is recognised in profit or loss when the investee declares the dividends.
Interest on available-for-sale financial assets calculated using the effective interest method is recognised in profit or loss
(c)Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities include the liabilities arising from financial guarantee contracts. Financial guarantees are contracts that
require the Group (i.e. the guarantor) to make specified payments to reimburse the beneficiary of the guarantee (the holder) for a loss
the holder incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument. Where
the Group issues a financial guarantee, subsequent to initial recognition, the guarantee is measured at the higher of the amount initially
recognised less accumulated
amortisation and the amount of a provision determined in accordance with the principles of contingencies .
Except for the liabilities arising from financial guarantee contracts described above, subsequent to initial recognition, other financial
liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
(2) Presentation of financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet, and are not offset. However, a financial asset and
a financial liability are offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the Group has a legal right to set off the recognised amounts and the legal right is currently enforceable;
- the Group intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously.
(3) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
A financial asset is derecognised if the Group’s contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire or if the Group
transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset to another party.
Where a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety meets the criteria for derecognition, the difference between the two amounts below is
recognised in profit or loss:
- the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred;
- the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognised directly in
shareholders’ equity.

The Group derecognises a financial liability (or part of it) only when the underlying present obligation (or part of it) is discharged,
cancelled or expires.
(4) Impairment of financial assets
The carrying amounts of financial assets (other than those at fair value through profit orloss) are reviewed at each balance sheet date to
determine whether there is objective evidence of impairment. If any such evidence exists, an impairment loss is recognised.
Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes but is not limited to:
(a) significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;
(b) a breach of contract by the borrower, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments
(c) it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation;
(d) the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties faced by the issuer ;

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         (e) significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in
         which the issuer operates, indicating that the cost of an investment in an equity instrument may not be recovered by the investor;
         (f) a significant decline in the fair value (i.e. the fair value becomes 50% or lower than the initial investment cost) or a prolonged decline
         in the fair value (i.e. the fair value persisting at a level lower than the initial investment cost for a year or longer) of an investment in an
         equity instrument below its cost. If the fair value of the investment becomes 20% (or more) but less than 50% lower than its initial cost
         at the balance sheet date, the Group considers other related factors (such as fluctuations in prices) on the whole to determine whether the
         investment is impaired.
         For the calculation method of impairment of receivables,.The impairment of available-for-sale financial assets is measured as follows:
         - Available-for-sale financial assets
         Available-for-sale financial assets are assessed for impairment both on an individual basis and on a collective group basis. When an
         available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from decline in fair value that has been recognised directly in
         shareholders’ equity is reclassified to profit or loss even though the financial asset has not been derecognised.
         If, after an impairment loss has been recognised on an available-for-sale debtinstrument, the fair value of the debt instrument increases
         in a subsequent period and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised, the
         impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss. An impairment loss recognised for an investment in an equity instrument classified as
         available-for-sale is not reversed through profit or loss. However, the impairment loss recognised for equity instruments whose fair
         value cannot be measured reliably that are not quoted in an active market cannot be reversed.
         (5) Equity instrument
         The consideration received from the issuance of equity instruments net of transaction costs is recognised in shareholders’ equity.

         10.Account receivable

         (1)Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually
                                                                                    The Company and its subsidiaries, or other receivables or all
          Criteria and norm of individual significance                                long-term receivables of more than RMB 5 million in the
                                                                                      financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries.

                                                                                    The Group tests such receivables for impairment on an
          Measurement of impairment allowances for receivables of individual individual basis. For individually insignificant receivables, the
          significance                                                              Group tests them for impairment on an individual basis when
                                                                                    there is evidence of impairment.

(2)Accounts receivable with material specific amount and specific provisioned bad debt preparation.

                                                           When objective evidence indicates the Group can’t receive money according
          Bad debt recognition criterion
                                                            originalterms, provision for bad debts recognized.

                                                           The bad debt will be recognized when the present value of estimated future cash flow
          Bad debt provision method
                                                            below their book value.
         11 Inventories
         (1) Classification and cost
         Inventories include fuel and spare parts. Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase
         and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

         (2)Pricing method of stock delivered
         Cost of fuel transferred out is calculated using the weighted average method. Spart parts are amortised in full when received for use.

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 (3) Basis for determining the net realisable value of inventories and provisioning methods for decline in value of inventories
At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs necessary to make the
sale and relevant taxes.

(4)Inventory system
   Perpetual inventory

  The group adopts perpetual inventory system.

12.Long-term eqiuty investment

(1)Investment cost of long-term eqiuty investment
(a)Long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination
- The initial cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common
control is the Company’s share of the carrying amount of the subsidiary’s equity in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party at the combination date. The difference
between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the consideration given is adjusted to share premium in the capital
reserve, with any excess adjusted against retained earnings.
- For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the
initial cost comprises the aggregate of the fair value of assets transferred, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by
the Company, in exchange for control of the acquiree. For a
long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control and achieved
through multiple transactions in stages which do not form a bundled transaction, the initial cost comprises the carrying amount of the
previously-held equity investment in the acquiree immediately before the acquisition date, and the additional investment cost at the
acquisition date
 (b)Long-term equity investments acquired other than ghrough a business combination
- A long-term equity investment acquired other than through a business combination is initially recognised at the actual consideration
paid if the Group acquires the investment by cash, or at the fair value of the equity securities issued if an investment is acquired by
issuing equity securities, or at the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement if an investment is contributed by
(2)Subsequent measurement
(a)Investments in subsidiaries
In the Company’s separate financial statements, long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method
for subsequent measurement. Except for cash dividends or profit distributions declared but not yet distributed that have been included
in the price or consideration paid in obtaining the investments, the
Company recognises its share of the cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee as investment income in the current
The investments in subsidiaries are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairment losses.
 (b)Investment in joint ventures and associates
A joint venture is an enterprise which operates under joint control in accordance with a contractual agreement between the Group and
other parties.
An associate is an enterprise over which the Group has significant influence.
An investment in a joint venture or an associate is accounted for using the equity method for subsequent measurement, unless the
investment is classified as held for sale.

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Under the equity method:
- Where the initial cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net
assets at the date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s
interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at
the date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the investor’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net
assets, and the difference is recognised in profit or loss.
- After the acquisition of the investment, the Group recognises its share of the investee’s net profit or loss and other comprehensive
income as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income respectively, and adjusts the carrying amount of the
investment accordingly. Once the investee declares any cash dividends or profit distributions, the carrying amount of the investment is
reduced by that amount attributable to the Group. The Group adjusts the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment for
changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than those arising from net profits or losses, other comprehensive income or profit
distributions, and recognises the corresponding adjustment in shareholders’ equity.
The Group recognises its share of the investee’s net profits or losses as investment income and other comprehensive income after
making appropriate adjustments to align the accounting policies or accounting periods with those of the Group based on the fair value
of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Unrealised profits and losses resulting from transactions between the
Group and its
associates or joint ventures are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates or joint ventures. Unrealised losses
resulting from transactions between the Group and its associates or joint ventures are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains but
only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
- The Group discontinues recognising its share of further losses of the investee after the carrying amount of the long-term equity
investment and any long-term interest that in substance forms part of the Group’s net investment in the joint venture or associate is
reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Group has an obligation to
assume additional losses. If the joint venture or associate subsequently reports net profits, the Group resumes recognising its share of
those profits only after its share of the profits equals the share of losses not recognised.
(3) Basis for determining the existence of joint control or significant influence over an
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an investee’s economic activities, and exists only when the strategic
financial and operating decisions relating to the activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the control. The
following factors are usually considered when assessing whether the Group can
exercise joint control over an investee:
- Whether no single investor is in a position to control the investee’s operating
activities unilaterally;
- Whether strategic decisions relating to the investee’s main operating activities require the unanimous consent of all investors;
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an investee but does not have control
or joint control over those policies.

  13.Investment property
The measurement mode of investment property
The measurement by the cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

Investment property, including buildings that held for the purpose of lease and leased land use right, is measured initially at cost.
Subsequent expensitures incurred for and investment property is included in the cost of the investmentproperty when it is probable
that economic benefits associated with the investment property will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliable measured,
otherwise the expenditure is recognized in profit or loss in the period in thich they are incurred.

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The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of the investment property. Buildings and lond use rights are
depreciated or amortised to their estimated net residual values over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful luves, the
estimated net residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual depreciation rates of the investment properties is 30
years 5% and 3.17% respectively.
When an investment property is changed to an owner-occupied property, it is transferred to fixed asset at the date of the change. When
an owner-occupied property is changed to be held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset is transferred to investment
property at the date of the change at the carrying amount of the property.
The estimated useful life, net residual value of the investment property and the depreciation method applied are reviewed, and
adjusted as appropriate at each financial year-end.
An investment property is derecognized on disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no
future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an
investment property less its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
 When the recoverable amount of investment real estate less than its carrying value, book value is reduced to its recoverable
amount .

14. Fixed assets

(1)Confirmation conditions of fixed assets
 Fixed assets comprise buildings, electric utilities in service, motor vehicles and other equipments.

A fixed asset is recongnized when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed assets will flow to the Group and
its cost can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially measured at cost at the time of
acquisition. Fixed assets contributed by the State-owned shareholders at the incorporation of a limited company are initially recorded
at the valuation amount recognized by the State-owned assets supervision and administration department. Subsequent expenditures
incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the
fixed asset will flow to the Group and its cost can be reliably measured. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is
derecognized and all the other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

(2)Depreciation method

           Class                    Method                Estimated useful life         Residual value rate(%)     Depreciation rate(%)

House and Building         Straight-line method       10 – 35 years                0     - 10%                  2.57% - 10.00%

Power generation
                           Straight-line method       7    - 25 years               0     - 10%                  3.60% - 14.29%

Transporation equipment Straight-line method          5 – 10 years                 0     - 10%                  9.00% - 20.00%

Other Equipment            Straight-line method       5    - 25 years               0     - 10%                  3.60% - 20.00%
Useful lives, estimated residual value and depreciation methods are reviewed at least at each year-end.

(3)Cognizance evidence and pricing method of financial leasing fixed assets
A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership. For the fixed
assets acquired under finance leases, the company takes less of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the
minimum lease payments as recorded value of leased assets. The difference between the recorded value of leased assets and the

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minimum lease payments shall be regarded as the unrecognized financial expenses.The depreciation policy adopted for the fixed
assets acquired under finance leases should be the same as that of own fixed assets. For the ownership of leased assets reasonably
determined and obtained in the expiry of lease period, the fixed assets acquired under leases shall be recognized the depreciation
within its expected use life; otherwise, the shorter of the leases period and the expected use life is recognized the depreciation.
For the recognition, measurement and depreciation of fixed assets acquired under finance leases,

15.Construction in progress

(1)Categories of projects un

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, installation cost, borrowing costs that
are eligible for capitalization and other costs necessary to bring the fixed assets ready for their intended use. Actual cost also consists
of the net amount of revenue generated and expenses that incurred in the text running period.

(2)Standard and timing for transferring of projects under construction to fixed assets

 Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use, and depreciation begins from
the following month.
(3)Impairment text and providing of impairment provisions on projects under construction

The carrying amount of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the
carrying amount

16. Borrowing cost
Borrowing costs incurred directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of
the asset. Except for the above, other borrowing costs are recognised as financial expenses in the income statement when incurred.
During the capitalisation period, the amount of interest (including amortisation of any discount or premium on borrowing) to be
capitalised in each accounting period is determined as follows:
- Where funds are borrowed specifically for the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be capitalised
is the interest expense calculated using effective interest rates during the period less any interest income earned from depositing the
borrowed funds or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds before being used on the asset.
- Where funds are borrowed generally and used for the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be
capitalised on such borrowings is determined by applying a capitalisation rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of
cumulative expenditures on the asset over the above amounts of specific borrowings. The capitalisation rate is the weighted average of
the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.
The effective interest rate is determined as the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flow through the expected life of the
borrowing or, when appropriate, a shorter period to the initially recognised amount of the borrowings.
During the capitalisation period, exchange differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose borrowing
denominated in foreign currency are capitalised as part of the cost of the qualifying asset. The exchange differences related to the
principal and interest on foreign currency borrowings other than a specific-purpose borrowing are recognised as a financial expense in
the period in which they are incurred.
The capitalisation period is the period from the date of commencement of capitalisation of borrowing costs to the date of cessation of
capitalisation, excluding any period over which capitalisation is suspended. Capitalisation of borrowing costs commences when
expenditure for the asset is being incurred, borrowing costs are being incurred and activities of acquisition or construction that are
necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use are in progress, and ceases when the assets become ready for their intended use.

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Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended when the acquisition or construction activities are interrupted abnormally and the
interruption lasts for more than three months.

17. Intangible assets

1.Pricing ,service life and Impairment test

(1)Pricing of intangible assets

Intangible assets including land use rights, sea use rights, software and associated projects for electricity transmission and
transformation are measured at cost. Intangible assets contributed by the state-owned shareholders at the incorporation of a limited
company are initially recorded at the valuation amount recognized by the state-owned assets supervision and administration
between the land use right and the buildings,the purchase costs are recognised as fixed assets. Associated projects for electricity
transmission and transformation and microwave engineering are for the grid connection project between the Guangdong Electric
Holding Co., and Guangdong Power Grid Corporation.

(2)Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review and adjustment on useful life and amortization method are performed at each

                        Items                                Expected useful life                             Basis

Associated projects for electricity transmission 10 years                                  Expected Use period
and transformation and microwave

Land use right                                    20-70 years                              Useful life

Sea use right                                     50 years                                 Useful life

Transportation engineering.                       10 – 20 years                           Expected beneficial period

Concession contracts                              10 – 25 years                           Expected Use period

Software                                          2 – 10 years                            Expected Use period

Non-p[atent technology                            2 – 6 years                             Expected Use period

(3)Judgment based on indefinite life intangible assets

An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life and is not amortised when there is no foreseeable limit to the period
over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group. At the balance sheet date, the Group does not have any
intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.

(4)Provision for impairment of investment assets
The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the carrying

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18.Long-term assets impairment

The carrying amounts of the following asswets are reviewed at each balance sheet date based on the internalandexternal sources of
  information to determine whether thire is and indication of impairment: fixed assets,construction in progress, construction
  materials, intangible assets, investment properties, measured using a cost model , long-term equity investments , Goodwill and
  long-term deferred expenses.
If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated. In addition, the Group estimates
the recoverable amounts of goodwill at each year-end, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment. Goodwill is
allocated to each asset group or set of asset groups, that is expected to
benefit from the synergies of the combination for the purpose of impairment testing.
The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its present value
of expected future cash flows.
An asset group is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows
from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset
group is based on whether major cash inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors the Group’s operations and how
management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of the Group’s assets.
An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction, less the
costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset. The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined
by discounting the future cash flows, estimated to be derived from
continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal, to their present value using an appropriate pre-tax discount rate.
If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the
carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to
profit or loss for the current period. A provision for impairment of the asset is recognised accordingly. For impairment losses related to
an asset group or a set of asset
groups, first reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the carrying
amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis. However, the carrying amount of an impaired
asset will not be lower than the greatest amount of its individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of
expected future cash flows (if determinable) and zero.
Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.
19.Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method within the benefit period.
The respective amortisation periods for such expenses are as Follows: Expenses on improvement of fixed assets:2—180 months;
 Long-term lease expensesz; 79-180 months.
20. Employee benefits
(1) Short-term employee benefits
Employee wages or salaries, bonuses, social security contributions such as medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity
insurance and housing fund, measured at the amount incurred or at the applicable benchmarks and rates, are recognised as a liability as
the employee provides services, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate.

(2)Post –employment benefits

Pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the Group participated in a defined contribution basic
pension insurance in the social insurance system established and managed by government organisations. The Company makes
contributions to basic pension insurance plans based on the applicable benchmarks and rates stipulated by the government. The

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Company also purchases and makes contributions to supplementary pension insurance based on the applicable benchmarks and rates
stipulated by Yudean. Basic pension and supplementary pension insurance contributions are recognised as a liability as the related
services are rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate.
(3) Termination benefits
When the Company terminates the employment with employees before the employment contracts expire, or provides compensation
under an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision is recognised with a corresponding expense in
profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates:
- The Group is not allowed to withdraw from termination plan or redundancy offer unilaterally;
- The Group has a detailed and formal restructuring plan related to the payment of termination benefits; and the Group has launched the
plan or notified the affected parties of its content, thereby making the restructuring plan reasonably expected by all related parties.
21. Estimated Liabilities:
When an obligation which was related to events matching the following conditions, it was confirmed as estimated Liabilities:
(1) The obligation was a present obligation belonging to Company’s commitment; (2) Performing the obligation was likely to lead to an
outflow of economic benefits; (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
In the balance sheet date, calculating the estimated liabilities on the basis of considering the risks of contingent item, uncertainty and the
time value of money and other factors, and in accordance with the best estimates needed to expand when performing the relevant
current obligations.
If the needed all or parts of the expectation when paying off the projected liabilities were compensated by the third party and the
amount of compensation were basically received, it should be confirmed as assets solely and the confirmed amount of the
compensation can’t exceed the book value of estimated Liabilities.
22. Revenue recognition
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefit arising in the course of the Group’s ordinary activities when the inflows result in
increase in shareholders’ equity, other than increase relating to contributions from shareholders. Revenue is recognised in profit or loss
when it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group, the
revenue and costs can be measured reliably and the following respective conditions are met. The amount of revenue is measured at the
fair value of the consideration received or receivable under the sales contract or agreement. Revenue is shown net of sales discounts or
(1) Revenue from sales of electricity and heat energy
Revenue is recognised when electricity and heat energy are supplied to grid companies or customers.
(2) Revenue from sales of by-products
Revenue from the sales of goods is recognised when the Group transfers by-products (such as coal ash) to the designated delivery place
pursuant to the contract or agreement and the recipient confirms receipt.
(3) Rendering of services
Revenue from rendering of services is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable under the contract or
At the balance sheet date, where the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably, revenue
from the rendering of services is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction based on the proportion of costs
incurred to date to the estimated total costs.
Where the outcome of rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably, if the costs incurred are expected to be recoverable, revenues
are recognised to the extent of the costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable, and an equivalent amount is charged to profit or
loss as service cost; if the costs incurred are not expected to be recoverable, the costs incurred are recognised in profit or loss and no
service revenue is recognised.
(4) Revenue from sale of certified emission reductions (CERs)
The Company sells CERs provided by its wind power facilities. These wind power facilities are registered with the Clean Development

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Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board (EB) of the United Nations as CDM projects under the Kyoto Protocol. The Company also sells
voluntary emission reductions (“VERs”) attributable to the
electricity generated from CDM projects before getting registered with CDMEB.
Revenue related to CERs and VERs is recognised when the following conditions are met:
- The amount of income from selling CERs or VERs can be reliably measured
- The Company has generated the related electricity
(5) Interest income
Interest income is recognised based on the length of time of the deposits or principal outstanding and the applicable effective interest
(6) Revenue from operating leases
Rental income from operating leases is recognised as income on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
23. Government grants
Government grants are transfers of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at no consideration
except for any capital contribution from the government as an investor in the Group. Special funds such as investment grants allocated
by the government, if clearly defined in official documents as part of “capital reserve” are dealt with as capital contributions, and not
regarded as government grants.
A government grant is recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and that the Group will comply
with the conditions attaching to the grant.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount that is received or receivable. If a
government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at its fair value.
Government grants related to income are grants other than those related to assets. A government grant related to an asset is recognised
initially as deferred income and amortised to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset. A grant that
compensates the Group for expenses to be incurred in the subsequent periods is recognised initially as deferred income and recognised
in profit or loss in the same periods in which the expenses are recognised. A grant that compensates the Group for expenses incurred is
recognised in profit or loss immediately.

24. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liability

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the
deductible losses and tax credits carried forward to subsequent periods.Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is
probable that future taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.
Deferred tax is not recognised for the temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction
that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or tax loss). Deferred tax is not
recognised for taxable temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill.
At the balance sheet date, the amount of deferred tax recognised is measured based on the expected manner of recovery or settlement of
the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates that are expected to be applied in the period when the asset is recovered
or the liability is settled in accordance with tax laws.
The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date. The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is
reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow the benefit of the deferred tax
asset to be utilised. Such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if all
the following conditions are met:
- the taxable entity has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and current tax assets
- they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on either: the same taxable entity; or

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Different taxable entities which intend either to settle the current tax liabilities
and current tax assets on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the
liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or deferred tax assets are
expected to be settled or recovered..


(1)Accounting of operational leasing

Afinance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. An operating lease is
a lease other than a finance lease.

Lease payments under and operating lease are recogrised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease , and are either
capitalized as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period.

(2)Accounting treatment of financing leasing

  The leased asset is recorded at the amounts equal to the lower of the fair valueof the leased asset and the present value of the
 minimum lease payments. The difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset asnd tht minimum lease payments is
 accounted for as unrecognized finance charge and is amortised using the effective interest method over the period of the lease. A
 long-term payable is recorded at the amount equal to the minimum lease payments less the unrecognized finance charge.
Leaseback is a transaction in which the seller (the lessee) sells a self-made or purchased asset, then leases it back from the buyer (the
lender) for a long-term period. A leaseback is considered to be a financing lease, so the difference between the selling price and the
asset’s carrying amount will be deferred and allocated based on the depreciation years of the leased asset and recorded as an adjustment
to the depreciation expense.
26. Other significant accounting policies and estimates
  □ Applicable √Not applicable

27.Change of main accounting policies and estimations

(1)Change of main accounting policies
□Applicable √Not applicable

(2)Change of main accounting estimations

□Applicable √Not applicable



1.Main categories and rates of taxes

                  Tax items                                                      Tax basis                                   Tax rate

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                                              Output VAT is calculated on product sales and taxable services
                                              revenue, based on tax laws. The remainning balance of output VAT ,
VAT                                                                                                                  17% and 13%
                                              after subtracting the deductible input VAT of the period, is VAT

Business tax                                  Taxable turnover                                                       5%

City maintenance construction tax             Value added tax and Business tax amount                                5% and 7%

                                                                                                                     12.5% and
Enterprise income tax                         Taxable income

Education surtax                              Value added tax and Business tax amount                                3%

Local surcharge for Education                 Value added tax and Business tax amount                                2%

In case there exist any taxpayer paying corporate income tax at different tax rates, disclose the information

                                    Name of taxpayer                                                   Income tax rates

Guangdong Yudean Xuwen Wind Power Co., Ltd.                                             12.5%

2.Tax preferences

The fourth year for Zhanjiang Xuwen Wind Power to enjoy the favorable income tax of “three-half and three-free” In 2015, and the
applicable enterprise income tax rate is 12.5%. In addition, the applicable income tax rate of the Company and other subsidiaries is
In addition, 50% of VAT levied on the sales of electricity generated by wind power of Shibeishan, Zhanjiang Wind Power, Xuwen
Wind and Huilai Wind Power Co. Ltd. (“Huilai Wind”) will be refunded immediately in accordance with the Notice Concerning
Policies on Value Added Tax on Products Made through Comprehensive
Utilisation of Resources and Other Products (Cai Shui [2008] No.156).

        VII. Notes of consolidated financial statements

1. Currency funds

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                     Items                                 Year-end balance                          Year-beginning balance

Cash                                                                          169,332.00                                     88,728.00

Bank deposit                                                            6,510,531,100.00                            4,528,188,586.00

Other                                                                      30,000,000.00                                  20,000,000.00

Total                                                                   6,540,700,432.00                            4,548,277,314.00

Other explanation

2.Account receivable

(1)Classification Account receivable :
                                                                                                                                In RMB

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                                         Year-end balance                                      Year-beginning balance

                                               Provision for bad    Book
                          Book balance                                           Book balance        Provision for bad debts
    Classification                                   debts          Value
                                                                                                                                Book Value
                                   Proportio                       Proportio             Proportio               Proportion
                        Amount                 Amount Amount                   Amount                 Amount
                                   n(%)                          n(%)                 n(%)                   (%)

Receivables with
major individual
amount and bad debt
provision provided
individually            2,652,10                                   2,652,107                                                    2,565,462,5
                                     99.26%                                    62,568.    99.41%
receivables with        7,637.00                                     ,637.00                                                         68.00
major individual
amount and bad debt
provision provided

Account receivable
with minor individual 19,699,6                                     19,699,68 15,271,                                            15,271,255.
                                      0.74%                                                 0.59%
amount but bad debt        88.00                                        8.00 255.00                                                     00
provision is provided

                        2,671,80                                   2,671,807                                                    2,580,733,8
Total                               100.00%                                    33,823. 100.00%
                        7,325.00                                     ,325.00                                                         23.00

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided.
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

   Content of account                                                       End of term
   receivable(Unit)           Account receivable     Provision for bad debts      Proportion of provision       Reason for provision

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
GPGC                                2,483,026,186.00                         0.00                       0.00%

Shenzhen Powe suply                                                                                             Full amount recovery is
                                      154,258,694.00                         0.00                       0.00%
Bureau                                                                                                          expected

GPGC,Zhanjiang Powe                                                                                             Full amount recovery is
                                       11,776,250.00                         0.00                       0.00%
suply Bureau                                                                                                    expected

GPGC, Jieyang Power                                                                                             Full amount recovery is
                                        3,046,507.00                         0.00                       0.00%
Suply Bureau                                                                                                    expected

Total                               2,652,107,637.00                                           --                          --

Account reveivable on which bad debt proisions are provided on age basis in the group
□Applicable √Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which had debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio

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□Applicable √Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which had debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio
Account receivable accounts with not minor amount but were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.

   Description Of account                             Amount of bad
                                  Book balance                                  rate                  Reason
            receivables                                   debt

Electricity charge receivable          2,468,024.00                   -                  0.00% Full amount
                                                                                                recovery is

Steam accounts receivable              6,888,543.00                   -                  0.00% Full amount
                                                                                                recovery is

Receivable maintenance servi           9,960,473.00                   -                  0.00% Full amount
ce fees                                                                                         recovery is

Income       receivable   from           382,648.00                   -                  0.00% Full amount
byproduct sales                                                                                 recovery is

              Total                   19,699,688.00         -                       --                      --

(2)The ending balance of account receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Name                             Amount in year-end               Bad        debt        provision   Proportion%

Total                            2,656,972,277.89                 -                                  99.44%

GPGC                             2,483,026,185.52                 -                                  92.93%,

Shenzhen Powe suply              154,258,693.93                   -                                  5.77%

GPGC,Zhanjiang Powe suply        11,776,250.20                    -                                  0.44%

Huizhou Huiling Hacheng Co.,     4,757,394.16                     -                                  0.18

Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang       3,153,754.08                     -                                  0.12%
Biological Power Generation
Co., Ltd.

3. Prepayments

(1)Prepayments age :

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                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                               End of term                                                 Beginning of term
                                    Amount                  Proportion(%)                       Amount               Proportion(%)

Within 1 year                       1,473,730,070.00                          99.50%              1,524,462,657.00                       99.68%

1-2 years                              3,714,623.00                            0.25%                 1,990,267.00                         0.13%

2-3 years                              1,192,041.00                            0.08%                 2,057,901.00                         0.13%

Over 3 years                           2,548,302.00                            0.17%                   860,451.00                         0.06%

Total                               1,481,185,036.00                  --                          1,529,371,276.00               --

Notes :

(2)The ending balance of Prepayments owed by the imputation of the top five parties

The Group’s the five largest balances of prepayment totalled RMB 1,433,319,026, accounting for 96.77% of the total balance of

4. Interest receivable

(1)Interest receivable

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                Classification                              Year-end balance                                Year-beginning balance

Fixed deposit                                                                      8,420,779.00                                  5,447,764.00

Entrusted loans                                                                           0.00                                         23,333.00

Total                                                                              8,420,779.00                                  5,471,097.00

5.Other rceivables

(1)Disclosure of calassification of other receivables

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                       Amount in year-end                                             Amount in year-begin

                           Book Balance      Bad debt provision                       Book Balance          Bad debt provision
         Type                                                              Book
                         Amount Proportio Amount          Proportio                 Amount Proportio Amount          Proportion( Book value
                                    n(%)                    n(%)                              n(%)                      %)

Other receivables
with major individual 72,611,2                                        72,611,24 164,168                                               164,168,15
                                    54.59%       0.00        0.00%                            74.38%                      0.00%
amount and had debt         48.00                                             8.00 ,157.00                                                  7.00
provision provided

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Other account
receivable with
                         60,398,4             6,383,75            54,014,67 56,562,                 6,383,754                 50,178,348.
minor individual                     45.41%              10.57%                           25.62%                     11.29%
                           24.00                 4.00                 0.00 102.00                         .00                          00
amount but bad debt
provision is provided

                         133,009,             6,383,75            126,625,9 220,730                 6,383,754                  214,346,50
Total                               100.00%                                               100.00%
                          672.00                 4.00                18.00 ,259.00                        .00                         5.00

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                               End of term
        Other receivable(Unit)                                       Bad debt
                                              Other receivable                               Proportion                    Reason

Guangdong Yudean Enviornmental                                                                                  Full amount recovery is
                                                    17,270,956.00                  0.00               0.00%
Pretection Co., Ltd.                                                                                            expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Huidong Finance Bureau                              21,318,970.00                  0.00               0.00%

Shenzhen Economic Trade &                                                                                       Full amount recovery is
                                                     9,576,815.00                  0.00               0.00%
Information Technology Commission                                                                               expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Huilai State Taxation Bureau                         4,657,907.00                  0.00               0.00%

Jeson Gypsum Board (Huizhou)Co.,                                                                                Full amount recovery is
                                                     4,214,486.00                  0.00               0.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                            expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Huilai Xincheng Industry Co., Ltd.                   2,746,579.00                  0.00               0.00%

Huizhou Zhonghai Shipping Agency                                                                                Full amount recovery is
                                                     2,725,720.00                  0.00               0.00%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                       expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Xuwen Finance Bureau                                 2,708,834.00                  0.00               0.00%

Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.,                                                                               Full amount recovery is
                                                     2,061,019.00                  0.00               0.00%
Shajiao C Plant                                                                                                 expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
HOWDEN                                               1,677,479.00                  0.00               0.00%

Meizhou Jiayuan Investment                                                                                      Full amount recovery is
                                                     1,377,045.00                  0.00               0.00%
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                           expected

                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Guoyi Tender Co., Ltd.                               1,265,243.00                  0.00               0.00%

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Shaoguan Xinyi Power Industry Co.,                                                                            Full amount recovery is
                                                       1,010,195.00                   0.00            0.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                          expected

Total                                              72,611,248.00                      0.00       --                       --

Other receivable accounts in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze basis:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other receivable account in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis:
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with Not large amount and were provided had debt provisions individually at end of period.
Nature                                      Book balance                                     Bad debt provision
Prepayments for construction                2,957,596                                        2,266,543
Income receivable from byproduct sales      7,857,115                                        2,803,641
Reserve funds                               10,999,254                                       5,899
Other                                       38,584,458                                       1,307,671
Total                                       60,398,424                                       6,383,754

(3)Other receivables Nature of fund classification information
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                   Nature                                    End of term                                 Beginning of term

Entrusted loan                                                                                                            50,000,000.00

Prepayments for construction                                                27,331,090.00                                 25,670,161.00
Income receivable from byproduct sales                                      35,825,051.00                                 80,858,769.00

Reserve funds                                                               10,999,254.00                                  6,636,284.00

Government Grants                                                           15,958,187.00                                  5,193,307.00

Other                                                                       42,896,090.00                                 52,371,738.00

Total                                                                      133,009,672.00                                220,730,259.00

(3)The ending balance of other receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                                             Bad debt
                                                                Year-end                     Portion in total other       provision of
                 Name                        Nature                                   Age
                                                                balance                      receivables(%)                  year-end

Guangdong Yudean Enviornmental                                                 Within 1
                                       Product sales          17,270,956.00                                    36.09%                0.00
Pretection Co., Ltd.                                                           year

Huidong Finance Bureau                 Land fund              21,318,970.00 Over 3 years                       16.84%                0.00

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Shenzhen Economic Trade &                Government                              Within 1
                                                                  9,576,815.00                                    7.56%              0.00
Information Technology Commission grants                                         year

                                                                                 Within 1
Huilai State Taxation Bureau             VAT return               4,657,907.00                                    3.68%              0.00

Jeson Gypsum Board (Huizhou)Co.,                                                 Within 1
                                         Product sales            4,214,486.00                                    3.33%              0.00
Ltd.                                                                             years

Total                                              --            57,039,134.00           --                       67.50%             0.00

(4)Government grants

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                               Expected date of receipt,
           Name                   Name of Grant                 End of term                   Ageing         amount and rationale of the
                                                                                                                  grant expected to be

 Guangdong Yudean Enviornmental
                                                                                                             Recovered in December
 Pretection Co., Ltd.       Subsidy income                           9,576,815.00 Within 1 year
 Huidong Finance Bureau

Huilai State Taxation                                                                                        Recovered in December
                            VAT Refund                               4,657,907.00 Within 1 year
Bureau                                                                                                       2015

Xuwen State Taxation                                                                                         Recovered in December
                            VAT Refund                               1,723,465.00 Within 1 year
Bureau                                                                                                       2015

Total                                    --                         15,958,187.00               --                         --


(1)Inventory types
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                         Year-end balance                                        Year-beginning balance
        Items           Book balance     Provision for bad      Book value        Book balance       Provision for bad     Book value
                                                debts                                                     debts

Raw materials           843,510,632.00                  0.00   843,510,632.00     920,420,055.00                  0.00     920,420,055.00

Parts                   768,850,393.00        61,454,752.00    707,395,641.00     735,994,949.00        61,454,752.00      674,540,197.00

Other                    20,331,280.00                  0.00    20,331,280.00       28,238,758.00                 0.00      28,238,758.00

Total               1,632,692,305.00          61,454,752.00 1,571,237,553.00 1,684,653,762.00           61,454,752.00 1,623,199,010.00

(2)Inventory Impairment provision
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                        Beginning of           Increased in current period          Decreased in current period
        Items                                                                                                              End of term
                           term               Provision            Other         Transferred back         Other

                                                                                     广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

Raw materials                       0.00                                                                                            0.00

Parts                      61,454,752.00                                                                                   61,454,752.00

Other                               0.00                                                                                            0.00

Total                      61,454,752.00                                                                                   61,454,752.00

7.Other current assets

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Items                                       End of term                                Beginning of term

Other current assets to be disposed                                                       0.00                             57,387,152.00

Deductible VAT                                                                 412,090,752.00                             589,611,053.00

Prepayment of income tax                                                        32,681,696.00                              10,170,681.00

Other                                                                           47,808,208.00                              47,808,208.00

Total                                                                          492,580,656.00                             704,977,094.00


8. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1)Sellable financial assets
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                            Balance in year -end                                  Amount at year beginning
             Items                               Provision for                                          Provision for
                                Book balance                       Book value         Book balance                        Book value
                                                 impairment                                              impairment

Available-for-sale equity       1,256,087,823.                    1,256,087,823.
                                                                                      997,082,335.00                      997,082,335.00
instruments                                00                                   00

        According to the fair
                                711,487,823.00                    711,487,823.00 452,482,335.00                           452,482,335.00
value measurement

        According to the
                                544,600,000.00                    544,600,000.00 544,600,000.00                           544,600,000.00
Cost measurement

                                1,256,087,823.                    1,256,087,823.
Total                                                                                 997,082,335.00                      997,082,335.00
                                           00                                   00

(2)Measured at fair value for the available-for-sale financial assets at the end period
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                            Available-for-sale equity        Available-for-sale
Classification                                                                                                            Total
                                                                    instruments             liabilities instruments

Equity instruments cost/Amortized cost of debt
                                                                        251,728,616.00                                   251,728,616.00

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Fair value                                                                711,487,823.00                                          711,487,823.00

Changes in the fair value of the amount that accumula
                                                                          459,759,207.00                                          459,759,207.00
ted in other comprehensive income.

(3)Available-for –sale financial assets measured at cost at the end of the year

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                Book balance                         Provision for impairment          Percentage
                                                                                   Balanc                                              dividends
          Investee                              Increa Decrea                                Increa Decrea End of shareholdi
                            Balance of term                        End of term      e of                                                for the
                                                 se        se                                  se     se    term    ng in
                                                                                   term                                                  year

Shenzhen Capital Group
                            115,000,000.00                        115,000,000.00                                             3.67%
 Co., Ltd.

Sun Insurance               356,000,000.00                       356,000,000.00                                              5.22%

Guoyi Tendering Co.,
                               3,600,000.00                         3,600,000.00                                             1.97% 720,000.00

South Sea Wind
Electricity Development      70,000,000.00                         70,000,000.00                                          10.00%
Co., Ltd.

Total                       544,600,000.00                       544,600,000.00                                              --       720,000.00

9.Long-term account receivable


                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                       End of term                                         Beginning of term

        Items                                                                                     for                              Range of rate
                      Book balance        for             Book value       Book balance                         Book value

Financing Rent        123,967,197.00                   123,967,197.00      121,334,809.00                     121,334,809.00       5.31%-7.05%

Total                 123,967,197.00            0.00     123,967,197.00    121,334,809.00              0.00    121,334,809.00            --

10. Long term share equity investment.

(1)Details of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

  Name          Beginnin                               Increase/decrease during the year                                  End of Provision

                                                                                    广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

            g of term                              Investme                                                             term      for
                                                   nt income      Other                           Provision                       impairm
                                                                            Other   distributio
                           Increase Decrease recognise Compaeh                                       for                          ent   of
                                                                           eqiuty   n of cash                 Other
                           in capital in capital    d under       ensive                          impairme                        closing
                                                                           changed dividends
                                                    equity        income                             nt                           balance
                                                                                     or profit

1. Joint venture

Electric    597,811,3                              43,461,24                        -74,772,2                         566,500,3
Power              76.00                                1.00                             53.00                           64.00
Fuel Co.,

            597,811,3                              43,461,24                        -74,772,2                         566,500,3
                   76.00                                1.00                             53.00                           64.00

II. Associates

            5,867,441                                                                                                 5,967,213
 Hydropo                                           99,772.00
                     .00                                                                                                    .00

            7,847,994                              356,006.0                                                          8,204,000
                     .00                                      0                                                             .00

            256,008,4                              5,459,077                                                          261,467,5
                   51.00                                 .00                                                             28.00
 ent Co.,

            945,671,3                              3,517,351                        -15,835,3                         933,353,4
                   63.00                                 .00                             00.00                           14.00
Co., Ltd.

WenxinY 617,225,8                     -221,275, -4,315,85                                                             391,634,5

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 untou          72.00              476.00        9.00                                     37.00
 Co., Ltd.

Yudean       869,294,1                      33,771,48                                  903,065,6
Energy          93.00                            8.00                                     81.00
Co., Ltd.

             648,047,1                      48,938,78   -57,535,4                      639,450,5
                85.00                            3.00       61.00                         07.00
Co., Ltd.

             205,634,4                      -11,177,9                                  194,456,5
                75.00                          75.00                                      00.00
 Co., Ltd.

             2,208,688                      193,221,8                                  2,401,910
               ,289.00                         42.00                                     ,131.00
n Co.,

             58,176,05                      2,920,089                                  61,096,14
                  5.00                            .00                                       4.00
 on Co.,

             184,436,9 227,046,1                                           -411,483,
                52.00     76.00                                              128.00

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 Co., Ltd.

              6,006,898 227,046,1 -221,275, 272,790,5                     -73,370,7            -411,483, 5,800,605
                ,270.00     76.00   476.00       74.00                        61.00              128.00    ,655.00

              6,604,709 227,046,1 -221,275, 316,251,8                     -148,143,            -411,483, 6,367,106
                ,646.00     76.00   476.00       15.00                       014.00              128.00    ,019.00


11.Investment real estate

(1)Measured by the cost of investment in real estate
                                                                                       In RMB√Applicable □Not applicable

             Items             House, Building           Land use right     Construction in process          Total

I. Original price

1. Balance at
                                      20,135,165.00                                                           20,135,165.00

2.Increase in the current

  (1) Purchase

( 2 ) Inventory\Fixed
assets\ Transferred from
 construction in progress

  (3)Increased of
Enterprise Combination

3.Decreased amount of
the period


     (2)Other out

4. Balance at period-end              20,135,165.00                                                           20,135,165.00


       1.Opening balance               9,931,732.00                                                            9,931,732.00

2.Increased amount ofthe
                                        317,800.00                                                               317,800.00

     (1) Withdrawal                     317,800.00                                                               317,800.00

3.Decreased amount of

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the period


       (2)Other out

   4. Balance at
                                         10,249,532.00                                                                10,249,532.00

III. Impairment provision

1. Balance at

   2.Increased amount of
the period

       (1) Withdrawal

3.Decreased amount of
the period


         (2)Other out

4. Balance at period-end

IV.Book value

1.Book value at period
                                          9,885,633.00                                                                 9,885,633.00

   2.Book value at
                                         10,203,433.00                                                                10,203,433.00

(2) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property

□ Applicable √ Not appliucable

12. Fixed assets

(1)Fixed assets
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                          Including: House,         Machinery
Items                                                                   Transportations       Other equipment         Other
                              building              eqiupment

I. Original price

                           13,834,307,849.00     47,775,699,632.00           612,368,738.00    1,014,042,348.00   63,236,418,567.00

2.Increased amount
                             269,113,034.00         111,943,478.00             5,251,013.00        9,967,554.00     396,275,079.00
 ofthe period

(1) Purchase                   22,720,239.00         27,824,397.00             3,158,543.00        7,458,699.00      61,161,878.00

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(2)     Transferred fro

            m construc
                             50,341,192.00       43,270,433.00                          989,828.00       94,601,453.00
            tion in pro


  (3)Increased of
Enterprise                  196,051,603.00       40,848,648.00      2,092,470.00      1,519,027.00      240,511,748.00

  3. Decrease in the
                                421,419.00       57,254,353.00      6,454,957.00      1,819,884.00       65,950,613.00
current period

       (1)Disposal            421,419.00       57,254,353.00      6,454,957.00      1,819,884.00       65,950,613.00

  4. Balance at
                          14,102,999,464.00   47,830,388,757.00   611,164,794.00   1,022,190,018.00   63,566,743,033.00


1. Balance at
                           4,575,546,265.00   17,734,197,932.00   380,854,757.00    633,443,892.00    23,324,042,846.00

2. Increase in the
                            273,641,059.00     1,482,088,391.00    22,713,930.00     29,164,236.00     1,807,607,616.00
current period

  (1) Withdrawal            254,166,129.00     1,471,777,300.00    20,958,514.00     28,231,655.00     1,775,133,598.00

                             19,474,930.00        10,311,091.00     1,755,416.00        932,581.00       32,474,018.00
 inEnterprise merge

3. Decrease in the
                                 96,464.00       34,745,254.00      5,934,246.00      1,331,198.00       42,107,162.00
current period

(1)Disposal                    96,464.00       34,745,254.00      5,934,246.00      1,331,198.00       42,107,162.00

4. Balance at
                           4,849,090,860.00   19,181,541,069.00   397,634,441.00    661,276,930.00    25,089,543,300.00

III. Impairment

1. Balance at
                            240,233,419.00      500,953,423.00      2,892,966.00      3,995,616.00      748,075,424.00

amount of the period

       (1) Withdrawal

  3. Decrease in the
                                                     17,128.00       107,454.00                             124,582.00
current period

(1)Dispose                                         17,128.00       107,454.00                             124,582.00

  4. Balance at             240,233,419.00      500,936,295.00      2,785,512.00      3,995,616.00      747,950,842.00

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IV.Book value

1.Book value at
                           9,013,675,185.00      28,147,911,393.00       210,744,841.00         356,917,472.00    37,729,248,891.00
period -end

2.Book value at
                           9,018,528,165.00      29,540,548,277.00       228,621,015.00         376,602,840.00    39,164,300,297.00

(2) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease:

                                                                                                                             In RMB

             Items                 Book value                                     Impairment provision            Book value

Zhongyue Financing
                                        900,000,000.00           197,916,303.82                       0.00            702,083,696.18
lease rent

Yuejiang Financing lease
                                        631,080,000.00           240,387,538.34                       0.00            390,692,461.66

Jinghai Financing lease
                                    1,600,000,000.00             625,416,666.67                       0.00            974,583,333.33

(3)Fixed assets held for sale at the end of the year

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                Items                                                     Closing book value e

House and building                                                                                                      3,036,533.00

13.Project under construction
(1)Project under construction
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                         Year-end balance                                    Year-beginning balance
       Items          Book balance         Provision for    Book Net value    Book balance        Provision for    Book Net value
                                           devaluation                                             devaluation

Project of "New
Big Power Units
While Closing
Small Ones" of       4,476,088,660.00                       4,476,088,660.00 3,787,247,455.00                      3,787,247,455.00
Yuejiang Electric

Electric units
Construction of       878,559,148.00                         878,559,148.00    541,350,180.00                         541,350,180.00
Dapu Power Plant

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(2 * 600MW)

Bohe coal
integration            1,439,338,007.00                        1,439,338,007.00 1,229,219,826.00                               1,229,219,826.00

Project of Humen
                        137,345,530.00         2,916,126.00       134,429,404.00    137,253,230.00            2,916,126.00      134,337,104.00

                        700,145,173.00                            700,145,173.00
Dayakou Station

Project of units
5# and 6# of Red         42,755,027.00                             42,755,027.00         40,470,000.00                            40,470,000.00

Project of
                         85,254,354.00                             85,254,354.00         59,452,711.00                            59,452,711.00
Dianbai Hot wind

Project of
                         17,625,753.00                             17,625,753.00         12,925,651.00                            12,925,651.00
Hongxinlou Wind

 Naturalgas II
                         58,948,185.00                             58,948,185.00         55,220,347.00                            55,220,347.00

Project of Jinghai
Power Plant 5 #          35,049,305.00                             35,049,305.00         18,178,754.00                            18,178,754.00
and 6# units

Other project           257,397,753.00                            257,397,753.00    211,668,455.00                               211,668,455.00

improvement and         264,796,546.00          881,367.00        263,915,179.00    259,856,271.00               881,367.00     258,974,904.00
other project

Total                  8,393,303,441.00        3,797,493.00 8,389,505,948.00 6,352,842,880.00                 3,797,493.00 6,349,045,387.00

(2)Significant changes in projects of construction-in-progress
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                    Project                              o:
                        Amount               Transferr             investme                           amount      Current
                                  Increase                                                 amount                                       Amount
                        at year                ed to      Other       nt       Project                   of       Interest    Capital
  Name        Budget               at this                                                    of                                        at year
                       beginnin               fixed      reduction proportio progress                 Current capitaliz       source
                                  period                                                   interest                                      end
                           g                  assets                n of the                                   ation rate
                                                                                           capitaliz Interest
                                                                    budget                           capitaliz

                                                                        广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

of "New
Closing     5,128,00 3,787,24 688,841,                   4,476,08                     432,373, 98,221,5
                                           0.00   0.00              87.29% 87.29%                         5.69% Other
Small       0,000.00 7,455.00    205.00                  8,660.00                      610.00    58.00
Ones" of

tion of
            5,312,69 541,350, 337,208,                   878,559,                     91,533,2 40,385,5
Dapu                                       0.00   0.00              16.54% 16.54%                         5.40% Other
            0,000.00   180.00    968.00                   148.00                        57.00    68.00
Plant (2

            9,785,95 1,229,21 210,118,                   1,439,33                     30,304,5 15,455,2
integrati                                  0.00   0.00              14.71% 14.71%                         6.18% Other
            0,000.00 9,826.00    181.00                  8,007.00                       82.00    24.00

            7,789,51 134,337, 92,300.0                   134,429,
Humen                                      0.00   0.00               1.73% 1.73%                          0.00% Financng
            0,000.00   104.00         0                   404.00

g           916,132,            700,145,                 700,145,                     82,462,4 16,748,1
                         0.00              0.00   0.00              76.42% 76.42%                         6.33% Other
Dayakou      800.00              173.00                   173.00                        68.00    41.00

of units
            7,714,37 40,470,0 2,285,02                   42,755,0
5# and                                     0.00   0.00              554.23% 554.23%                       0.00% Financng
               0.00     00.00      7.00                    27.00
6# of
Red Bay

                                                                           广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

of          483,714, 59,452,7 25,801,6                    85,254,3                     3,865,79 2,580,60
                                            0.00   0.00              17.62% 17.62%                         5.09% Other
Dianbai      800.00       11.00    43.00                    54.00                          0.00     7.00
Hot wind

Leizhou     925,840, 12,925,6 4,700,10                    17,625,7
                                            0.00   0.00               1.90% 1.90%                          0.00% Financng
Hongxin      000.00       51.00      2.00                   53.00
lou Wind

 gas II     196,000, 55,220,3 3,727,83                    58,948,1
                                            0.00   0.00              30.08% 30.08%                         0.00% Financng
 Phase       000.00       47.00      8.00                   85.00

            8,054,82 18,178,7 16,870,5                    35,049,3
Power                                       0.00   0.00               0.44% 0.44%                          0.00% Financng
            0,000.00      54.00    51.00                    05.00
Plant 5 #
and 6#

                        5,878,40 1,989,79                 7,868,19                     640,539, 173,391,
Total       71,970.0                        0.00   0.00               --         --                                 --
                        2,028.00 0,988.00                 3,016.00                       707.00   098.00

14..Engineering Material

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                             End of term                             Beginning of term

Spectial eqiupment                                                   78,857,427.00                            4,633,798.00

Spectial Material                                                     2,157,295.00                            2,157,295.00

Total                                                                81,014,722.00                            6,791,093.00


15.Liquidation of fixed assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                             End of term                             Beginning of term

Power Equipment parts scrapped due to tec                            18,923,364.00                            1,493,296.00

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  hnical innovation

  Administrative supplies                                                           237,126.00                                                0.00

  Total                                                                        19,160,490.00                                           1,493,296.00


  16. Intangible assets

  (1)Intangible assets
                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                              Non-patent                  Franchise       Sea use         n project     Transportati
         Items            use        Patent                Software                                                                       Total
                                              Technology                    right          right            and         on project

I. Original price

                                                           73,875,462. 13,720,736. 89,256,779. 442,517,684 22,468,672. 2,194,096,6
1.Opening balance 39,042. 618,319.00
                                                                   00               00              00            .00            00          94.00

                      69,308,                              5,253,549.0                   40,649,767.                                   115,211,447
 amount ofthe
                       131.00                                         0                             00                                            .00

                                                           5,193,549.0                   40,649,767.                                    45,843,316.
(1) Purchase
                                                                      0                             00                                            00



(3)Increased of
                      69,308,                                                                                                           69,368,131.
Enterprise                                                  60,000.00
                       131.00                                                                                                                     00

amount of the


4. Balance at                                              79,129,011. 13,720,736. 129,906,546 442,517,684 22,468,672. 2,309,308,1
                      47,173. 618,319.00
period-end                                                         00               00             .00            .00            00          41.00


1. Balance at         177,635 190,989.00                   49,290,881. 7,054,279.0 12,829,171. 403,724,304 21,300,811. 672,025,892

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period-beginning     ,457.00                                      00             0           00           .00           00              .00

2. Increase in the   18,624,                             4,603,354.0                                                          25,244,082.
                                40,761.00                               476,071.00 830,977.00 643,209.00         25,059.00
current period        651.00                                        0                                                                   00

                     17,656,                             4,543,354.0                                                          24,215,431.
  (1) Withdrawal                40,761.00                               476,071.00 830,977.00 643,209.00         25,059.00
                      000.00                                        0                                                                   00

(2)Increased of
                     968,651                                                                                                  1,028,651.0
Enterprise                                                 60,000.00
                         .00                                                                                                             0

amount of the


4. Balance at        196,260                             53,894,235. 7,530,350.0 13,660,148. 404,367,513 21,325,870. 697,269,974
period-end           ,108.00                                      00             0           00           .00           00              .00

III. Impairment

1. Balance at                                                                                      33,189,374. 1,021,604.0 34,210,978.
period-beginning                                                                                           00             0             00

2. Increase in the
current period

(1) Withdrawal

amount of the


4. Balance at                                                                                      33,189,374. 1,021,604.0 34,210,978.
period-end                                                                                                 00             0             00

4. Book value

1.Book value at                                          25,234,776. 6,190,386.0 116,246,398 4,960,797.0                      1,577,827,1
                     87,065. 386,569.00                                                                         121,198.00
period -end                                                       00             0           .00            0                         89.00

2.Book value at                                          24,584,581. 6,666,457.0 76,427,608. 5,604,006.0                      1,487,859,8
                     03,585. 427,330.00                                                                         146,257.00
period-beginning                                                  00             0           00             0                         24.00
  Intangible assets through internal R & D accounting for the balance of intangible assets ratio of 0.00% at the end of the period.

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(1)Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                         Amount at                                                                                            Amount at
Name                                         Increase in the current period             Decrease in the current period
                      period-beginning                                                                                        period-end

Province Wind
                          2,449,886.00                 0.00                                       0.00                          2,449,886.00

                                             25,036,894.00                                                                     25,036,894.00

        Total             2,449,886.00       25,036,894.00                                        0.00                         27,486,780.00

18. Long-term amortization expenses

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                            Balance in             Increase at this           Amortization
         Items                                                                                      Other decrease       Balance in year-end
                            year-begin                 period                   balance

Leased assets
                                5,572,416.00              450,795.00               547,736.00                                   5,475,475.00
improve expenses

Long-term rent fee            25,428,291.00                      0.00            1,014,083.00                                 24,414,208.00

Total                         31,000,707.00               450,795.00             1,561,819.00                                 29,889,683.00

19. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liability
(1)Deferred tax liabilities without offsetting
                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                             Amount at period-end                                   Amount at period-beginning
           Items                                           Deferred income tax                                       Deferred income tax
                              Temporary differences                                       Temporary differences
                                                                  liability                                                 liability

Provision for impairment                 133,188,421.00               31,140,365.00               133,188,421.00               31,140,365.00

Deductible loss                                    0.00                          0.00                        0.00                         0.00

Pre-operating expenses                     9,829,416.00                 1,361,496.00                9,829,416.00                1,361,496.00

Deductible loss                                    0.00                          0.00                        0.00                         0.00

Government grant                          47,889,337.00               11,972,334.00                47,889,337.00               11,972,334.00

Net income from
 testrunincluded in                       26,896,029.00                 6,604,120.00               26,896,029.00                6,604,120.00
 construction in progress

Fixed assets Depreciation                 66,617,909.00               16,654,477.00                66,617,909.00               16,654,477.00

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Intangible assets
                                       3,108,146.00                  777,037.00                 3,108,146.00                   777,037.00

Employee benefits
                                      49,254,790.00              12,313,698.00                49,254,790.00                12,313,697.00

Total                                336,784,048.00              80,823,527.00               336,784,048.00                80,823,526.00

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities un-offset

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                End of term                                          Beginning of term
          Items              Taxable provisional        Deferred income tax          Taxable provisional         Deferred income tax
                                   difference                  liability                  difference                     liability

Revaluation surplus in
business combination not             101,895,431.00              25,473,858.00                  3,255,066.00                   813,769.00

under common control

Changes in fair value of
                                     459,759,208.00             114,939,802.00               200,753,719.00                50,188,427.00
tradable financial assets
Net incme/expensess
included in the                       46,892,152.00              11,723,038.00                46,892,153.00                11,723,038.00
Construction in project

Total                                608,546,791.00             152,136,698.00               250,900,938.00                62,725,234.00

(3)Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities listed after off-set

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                        Endding balance of          Trade-off between the          Opening balance
                            Trade-off between the
                                                        deferred income tax          deferred income tax        ofdeferred income tax
          Items              deferred income tax
                                                      assets or liabilities after   assets and liabilities at   assets or liabilities after
                             assets and liabilities
                                                               off-set                   period-begin                    off-set

Deferred income tax
                                     -20,589,211.00              60,234,316.00                -20,589,211.00               60,234,315.00

Deferred income tax
                                     -20,589,211.00             131,547,487.00                -20,589,211.00               42,136,023.00

(4)Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                    Items                                 Ending balance                                  Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences                                           800,778,504.00                                 912,430,704.00

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Deductible tax losses                                                478,120,849.00                               461,474,828.00

Total                                                               1,278,899,353.00                             1,373,905,532.00

(5)Expiration of deductible tax losses for unrecognised defered tax assets

                                                                                                                          In RMB

               Year                      Ending amount                    Opening amount                       Notes

2015                                            111,974,454.00                   108,707,352.00

2016                                            231,867,041.00                   227,073,101.00

2017                                            116,608,507.00                   113,780,436.00

2018                                              2,620,176.00                      2,637,971.00

2019                                             11,259,840.00                      9,275,968.00

2020                                              3,790,830.00                             0.00

Total                                           478,120,848.00                   461,474,828.00                  --


20.Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Items                              At end of term                            At beginning of term

Prepay Porject and equipment funds                                  3,733,877,654.00                             2,810,434,353.00

Unrealized loss of sale and leaseback                                221,911,398.00                               231,510,352.00

Total                                                               3,955,789,052.00                             3,041,944,705.00


21. Short-term borrowings

(1)Categories of short-term loans

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Items                              At end of term                            At beginning of term

Credit loans                                                        8,406,000,000.00                             5,721,000,000.00

Total                                                               8,406,000,000.00                             5,721,000,000.00

Statement on categories of short-term loans:
On June 30, 2015,Unsecured borrowings amounted to RMB4,835,000,000 is from Yudean Finance (31 December
(b) On June 30, 2015, The Group has no outstanding overdue short-term borrowings.

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22. Bills payable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Type                        At end of term                              At beginning of term

Commercial acceptance                                          150,000,000.00                                70,000,000.00

Bank acceptance                                                198,122,499.00                               251,711,616.00

Total                                                          348,122,499.00                               321,711,616.00

Amount due in next fiscal period is RMB 0.00.

23. Account payable

(1)Account payable
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                       At end of term                              At beginning of term

Fuel payable                                               2,274,483,117.00                                1,361,267,039.00

Construction and equipment payable                             367,054,371.00                               426,407,376.00

Management fee payable                                         100,667,955.00                                94,009,782.00

Other                                                           48,425,453.00                                31,610,680.00

Total                                                      2,790,630,896.00                                1,913,294,877.00

(2)Accout payable due to 1 year

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                        End of term                                      Reason

                                                                                 After both parties to confirm the amount
Fuel payable                                                     11,753,524.00

Management fee payable                                         111,927,493.00 Time arrangement for payable

Total                                                          123,681,017.00                        --


24. Received in advance

(1)Received in advance
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                       At end of term                              At beginning of term

Advance disposal of recyclable resources                           124,381.00                                   179,708.00

Other                                                               88,927.00

Total                                                              213,308.00                                   179,708.00
25. Employees’ wage payable

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(1) Details
                                                                                                                         In RMB
            Items             Beginning of term      Increased this period      Decreased this period        End of term

I. Short-term wages                  91,157,716.00          744,356,203.00             671,104,628.00           164,409,291.00

II. Welfare afterleaving
 of position-fixed                    1,497,384.00          101,347,702.00             102,517,507.00                 327,579.00

 provision scheme
IV.Other welfare within 1
                                     13,169,143.00               271,829.00               1,590,900.00           11,850,072.00

Total                               105,824,243.00          845,975,734.00             775,213,035.00           176,586,942.00
(2) Details of short term wages
                                                                                                                           In RMB
            Items             Beginning of term      Increased this period      Decreased this period        End of term
1.Wage, bonus,
                                                            500,157,703.00             433,799,854.00            66,357,849.00
allowance and subsidies

2. Employee welfare                   4,221,970.00           53,459,598.00               53,968,415.00            3,713,153.00

3. Social insurance                  30,595,524.00           34,672,896.00               32,445,486.00           32,822,934.00

Incl. Medical insurance              30,593,710.00           31,802,185.00               29,573,152.00           32,822,743.00
Labor injury insurance                    1,814.00             1,681,629.00               1,683,391.00                     52.00

Maternity insurance                                            1,189,082.00               1,188,943.00                   139.00

4. Housing fund                          33,064.00          120,446,783.00             120,444,698.00                  35,149.00

5. Labour union fee and
                                     54,787,347.00           20,420,039.00               15,416,898.00           59,790,488.00
employee education fee
8.Other                               1,519,811.00           15,199,184.00               15,029,277.00            1,689,718.00

Total                                91,157,716.00          744,356,203.00             671,104,628.00           164,409,291.00
(3) Details of fixed provision scheme

                                                                                                                         In RMB
            Items             Beginning of term      Increased this period      Decreased this period        End of term
1.Basic pension
                                        973,508.00           71,109,885.00               72,070,372.00                 13,021.00
2. Unemployment
                                        523,876.00             3,233,552.00               3,442,870.00                314,558.00

3. Enterprise annual fee                      0.00           27,004,265.00               27,004,265.00                      0.00

Total                                 1,497,384.00          101,347,702.00             102,517,507.00                 327,579.00

26. Tax payable

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                     Items                               End of term                              Beginning of term

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VAT                                                                  159,447,566.00                            116,279,995.00

Operational tax                                                          2,170,485.00                             2,480,359.00

Enterprise income tax                                                299,386,481.00                            281,556,788.00

Individual income tax                                                 15,125,646.00                             31,973,720.00

City maintenance and construction tax                                    9,079,860.00                             7,976,346.00

Education surtax                                                         7,764,666.00                             6,594,531.00

Land use tax                                                              905,014.00                              1,190,672.00

Property tax                                                             2,426,201.00                             1,240,728.00

Discharge fees                                                           4,799,588.00                             3,786,528.00

Price regulation fund                                                    4,720,113.00                             5,598,220.00

Other                                                                    1,412,227.00                             3,553,457.00

Total                                                                507,237,847.00                            462,231,344.00


27. Interest Payable

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                     Items                              At end of term                          At beginning of term

Long-term loans interest of installment and
                                                                     187,667,347.00                             51,758,493.00
interest charge

Debenture interest                                                    23,248,814.00                            136,065,449.00

Short term loan interest payable                                      21,109,287.00                             27,132,601.00

Total                                                                232,025,448.00                            214,956,543.00

Interest overdue without paid:
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                   Borrower                                Amount                                     Reason

Notes :

28.Dividend payable

                                                                                                                       In RMB

               Company name                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Common dividends                                                         8,640,834.00                             7,918,730.00

Total                                                                    8,640,834.00                             7,918,730.00

Other explanation, including dividends payable with over one yearage and disclosure un-payment reasons:

                                                                              广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

29.Other Payable

(1) Other Payable
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Name                                    At end of term                           At beginning of term

Performance guarantee deposits from
                                                                          197,040,060.00                               206,292,851.00

Construction and equipment payable                                     2,045,363,705.00                               2,208,802,539.00

Volume Purchase payable                                                    28,000,000.00                                33,000,000.00

Advance from shaoguan Electric Power
                                                                           29,362,756.00                                25,366,557.00

Other                                                                     103,712,635.00                               103,640,346.00

Total                                                                  2,403,479,156.00                               2,577,102,293.00

(2)Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Items                                    End of term                                    Reason

Performance guarantee deposits from

Construction and equipment payable                                     1,074,971,292.00

Volume Purchase payable                                                    28,000,000.00

Advance from shaoguan Electric Power

Other                                                                      21,005,135.00

Total                                                                  1,208,356,227.00                          --

Mainly used to cope with project funds and retention money. Since the project has not finished the project and acceptance and final s
ettlement or in the warranty period of acceptance, the project funds and retention money has not been settled.

30.Non-current libability due in 1 year

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Name                                    At end of term                           At beginning of term

Account payable due in 1 year                                             796,146,551.00                              2,016,890,836.00

Bond payable due in 1 year                                                          0.00                              1,999,548,864.00

Long-term Account payable due in 1 year                                   373,031,173.00                               467,522,644.00

Long-termliability due in 1 year                                             700,000.00                                 14,000,000.00

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Total                                                                1,169,877,724.00                             4,497,962,344.00


31.Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Name                                At end of term                             At beginning of term

Short-term financing notes payable                                     725,119,863.00                              808,630,228.00

Total                                                                  725,119,863.00                              808,630,228.00

32.Long-term loan

(1)Long-term loan

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Name                                At end of term                             At beginning of term

Pledge loans                                                         1,760,078,400.00                              416,368,400.00

Mortgage loans                                                         346,400,000.00                              346,400,000.00

Guarantee loans                                                      1,772,212,500.00                             1,743,375,000.00

Credit loans                                                        19,126,701,322.00                           18,108,773,246.00

Total                                                               23,005,392,222.00                           20,614,916,646.00

Notes :

33.Bond payable

(1)Bond payable

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Name                                At end of term                             At beginning of term

12 Yudean Bond                                                       1,195,553,333.00                             1,195,076,905.00

Total                                                                1,195,553,333.00                             1,195,076,905.00

(2)Changes of bonds payable(Not including the other financial instrument of preferred stock and perpetual capital securities that
classify as financial liability)

                                                                                                                             In RMB

             1,200,000 2013-03-             1,200,000 1,195,076               29,700,00 476,428.0 59,400,00                1,195,553
Yudean                             7 Year                              0.00
               ,000.00 18                     ,000.00    ,905.00                   0.00         0        0.00                ,333.00

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                                                   1,200,000 1,195,076               29,700,00 476,428.0 59,400,00                1,195,553
  Total           --          --          --                                  0.00
                                                     ,000.00   ,905.00                    0.00        0         0.00                ,333.00

34.Long-term payable

(1)Long-term payable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                       Name                                     At end of term                            At beginning of term

Financing lease                                                             2,698,892,032.00                            2,649,435,371.00


35.Long-term employee payable

(1)Long-term employee payable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                       Name                                     At end of term                            At beginning of term

Termination benefits                                                          47,910,348.00                               53,839,983.00

Total                                                                         47,910,348.00                               53,839,983.00

36.Special payable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

          Items           Beginning of term        Increased this term   Decreased this term      End of term             Remarks

Relocation compens
                                   16,192,269.00                  0.00             144,164.00       16,048,105.00

Special fund of
administrative unds-
water and electricity                                   22,460,000.00                               22,460,000.00
efficiency expansion

Total                              16,192,269.00        22,460,000.00              144,164.00       38,508,105.00            --


37.Differed income
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                           Decreased this
          Items           Beginning of term Increased this period                                 End of term              Cause
Government subsidy                 88,484,262.00          1,681,272.00           1,629,712.00       88,535,822.00

Income from sales
                                    9,712,758.00                                 4,738,010.00        4,974,748.00
 and lease back of

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    fixed assets

Total                       98,197,020.00          1,681,272.00            6,367,722.00      93,510,570.00           --
Details of government subsidies

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Beginning of     New subsidy in     transferred to                                       Asset-related or
         Items                                                               Other changes     End of term
                         term          current period    non-operational                                        income-related
The unit 5
                       12,307,693.00                        1,538,462.00                       10,769,231.00 Related to assets
project of shajiao

Expansion on
                        4,850,312.00                                                             4,850,312.00 Related to assets
ject of shaojiao A

Energy saving
funds of Yuejiang       2,810,000.00                            62,500.00                        2,747,500.00 Related to assets

project ofshaojiao      3,508,547.00                                                             3,508,547.00 Related to assets

    onair preheater     2,997,949.00      1,150,000.00                                           4,147,949.00 Related to assets
    of shajiao A

Tax refund for
PRC-produced of        25,517,767.00                                                           25,517,767.00 Related to assets

project of              1,538,462.00                                                             1,538,462.00 Related to assets

Shajiao A
Zhenkou Pump           11,902,314.00                                                           11,902,314.00 Related to assets

Dianbei Reshui
    Wind power          3,000,000.00                                                             3,000,000.00 Related to assets
    plant project

Assets speical          1,433,000.00                            28,750.00                        1,404,250.00 Related to assets

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funds for
electricity price
of Yuejiang

Special prize
funds of recycle
econmy and                  412,500.00                                                                         412,500.00 Related to assets
energy saving of

Incentives for
energy efficiency
                          6,705,006.00                                                                       6,705,006.00 Related to assets
of power plant of
Shajiao A

Development and
 fund from
                         10,666,667.00                                                                      10,666,667.00 Related to assets
 Xuwen Wind

                            834,045.00               131,272.00                                                965,317.00 Related to income
 and charge of

Development                           0.00           400,000.00                                                400,000.00 Related to income
Fund of Dayakou

Total                    88,484,262.00           1,681,272.00          1,629,712.00                 0.00    88,535,822.00         --


38. .Stock capital
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                  Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )
                       Balance                                                                                                  Balance
                                      Issuing of new                         Transferred
                    Year-beginning                        Bonus shares                            Other          Subtotal       year-end
                                             share                          from reserves

Total of capital 4,375,236,655.                                                                                               5,250,283,986.
                                                         875,047,331.00                                      875,047,331.00
shares                           00                                                                                                        00


39. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

            Items            Year-beginning balance          Increase in the current       Decrease in the current     Year-end balance

                                                                                     广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                                                       period                        period

Share premium                        4,439,517,054.00                                                                               4,439,517,054.00

Other capital reserves                      1,652,919.00                                                                                1,652,919.00

Estimate Increase                         119,593,718.00                                                                              119,593,718.00

Transfer from the
balance of capital surplus
                                           20,474,592.00                                                                               20,474,592.00
recognised under
previous accounting

Investment from Yudean
                                          395,000,000.00                                                                              395,000,000.00
Enjoy the rights of associ
ated enterprise base on sh                 22,194,784.00                                                                               22,194,784.00
are holding

Total                                4,998,433,067.00                                                                               4,998,433,067.00

Other exlanation, including changes and reasons for changes:

40.Other Comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                    Occurred current term

                                                                           Accounted as                        Attributable
                                                             occurred                                                         Attributable
                                            Beginning of                    other gains          Less:           to the                      End of
                 Items                                        before                                                          to minority
                                                term                       previously but Income tax             parent                        term
                                                            income tax                                                        shareholder
                                                                           transferred to        expenses       Company
                                                              of the                                                           s after tax
                                                                           gain/loss this                       after tax
II. Other Comprehensive income that
                                            172,496,403. 259,005,48                             64,751,372. 194,254,11                       366,750,5
will be reclassified subsequently to                                                     0.00
                                                       00         7.00                                    00          5.00                      18.00
profit or loss

Indluding:Share of other
comprehensive income of the                 21,931,111.0                                                                                     21,931,11
investee under the equity method that                  0                                                                                          1.00
w8ill be reclassified to profit or loss

Gains or losses on changes in fair
                                            150,565,292. 259,005,48                             64,751,372. 194,254,11                       344,819,4
value of available-for-sale financial
                                                       00         7.00                                    00          5.00                      07.00

                                            172,496,403. 259,005,48                             64,751,372. 194,254,11                       366,750,5
                                                       00         7.00                                    00          5.00                      18.00

Other explanation, including the active part of the hedging gains/losses of cash flow transfer to initial recognization adjustment fro
the arbitraged items:

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41. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                          In RMB

            Items           Year-beginning balance    Increase in the current   Decrease in the current      Year-end balance
                                                              period                    period

Statutory surplus
                                   1,847,576,221.00           286,082,403.00                                     2,133,658,624.00
Optional surplus reserves          2,963,327,144.00           715,206,007.00                                     3,678,533,151.00

Total                              4,810,903,365.00          1,001,288,410.00                                    5,812,191,775.00

Other explanation, including changes reasons for changes:

42. Retained profits

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                       Items                                   Current period                             Last period

Before adjustments: Retained profits at the
                                                                         6,952,985,107.00                        5,431,387,393.00
period end
Adjustments: Total retained profits at the period
                                                                                      0.00                                   0.00
beginning (+,-)

After adjustments: Retained profits at the period
                                                                         6,952,985,107.00                        5,431,387,393.00

Add:Net profit belonging to the owner of the
                                                                         1,720,995,015.00                        1,644,460,546.00
parent company
Less:Drawing statutory surplus reserve                                    286,082,403.00                          173,523,454.00

Drawing discretionary surplus reserve                                      715,206,007.00                          433,808,635.00

DrawingCommon risk provision                                             1,750,094,662.00                          875,047,331.00

Payable dividends of common shares                                       5,922,597,050.00                        5,593,468,519.00

Retained profits at the period end

As regards the details of adjusted the beginning undistributed profits

(1)As the retroactive adjustment on Enterprise Accounting Standards and its related new regulations, the affected

beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(2) As the change of the accounting policy, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(3) As the correction of significant accounting error, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

(4) As the change of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected beginning undistributed profits

are RMB 0.00.

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(5) Other adjustment of the total affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

43. Business income, Business cost
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                        Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                                  Income                      Cost                     Income                     Cost

Income from Business
                                12,829,246,738.00           9,165,222,591.00       14,899,869,105.00           10,965,575,585.00

Other Business income               82,306,494.00              16,499,428.00            71,444,541.00              16,867,528.00

Total                           12,911,553,232.00           9,181,722,019.00       14,971,313,646.00           10,982,443,113.00

44. Business taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Items                           Amount of current period                    Amount of previous period

Business tax                                                            4,537,938.00                                2,205,231.00

City maintenance and construction tax                                 54,939,268.00                                45,487,117.00

Surcharge for education                                               46,485,500.00                                37,974,424.00

Total                                                                105,962,706.00                                85,666,772.00


45.Selling expenses

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Items                           Amount of current period                    Amount of previous period

Business expenses                                                        821,137.00                                 1,471,882.00

Total                                                                    821,137.00                                 1,471,882.00


46. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Items                           Amount of current period                    Amount of previous period

Employee’s remuneration                                             174,984,163.00                               158,689,241.00

Depreciation expenses                                                 22,690,907.00                                24,294,734.00

Repair expenses                                                         3,760,763.00                                4,234,406.00

Office expenses                                                         6,209,864.00                                6,822,510.00

Insurance                                                               1,851,678.00                                1,151,813.00

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Travel expenses                                         2,651,430.00                          3,007,457.00

Board of directors                                       701,036.00                           1,908,272.00

Customers                                               4,505,106.00                          6,944,453.00

Lowsuit expenses                                        1,023,219.00                          1,166,472.00

Amortiation of Intangible assets                      24,175,132.00                          20,516,995.00

Effluent charges                                      12,863,994.00                          24,697,292.00

Consulting fee                                          1,788,654.00                          1,778,815.00

Agency Charge                                           3,233,082.00                          3,000,313.00

Tax fee                                               50,922,398.00                          67,553,155.00

Property Management                                     7,692,885.00                         12,274,379.00

Fireman’s charge                                     12,328,317.00                          12,408,143.00

Embankment protection fees                              6,200,430.00                          8,414,776.00

Health afforestation fees                               5,894,982.00                          3,871,410.00

Other                                                 30,885,247.00                          33,819,876.00

Total                                                374,363,287.00                         396,554,512.00


47.Financial expenses

                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Items          Amount of current period              Amount of previous period

Interest expenses                                    843,968,072.11                         913,312,263.00

Interest income                                       -33,436,364.40                        -29,331,087.00

Other                                                   1,733,572.29                          3,905,314.00

Total                                                812,265,280.00                         887,886,490.00


48. .Loss of assets impairment
                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Items          Amount of current period              Amount of previous period

1. Bad debts losses                                                                          -1,388,889.00

2. Inventory falling price losses                                                              -673,399.00

Total                                                                                        -2,062,288.00


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49.Investment income

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Items                             Amount of current period                 Amount of previous period

Gainfrom long-term eqiuty investment under
                                                                           316,251,814.00                         336,254,319.00
  Equity method

Investment income from the disposal of
long-term equity investment

Investment income from holding the
financialasset of which fair value recognized                                                                         607,511.00
in profit or loss

Investment income gain from available for sale
                                                                             2,400,000.00                          14,962,500.00
financial assets

Other                                                                       49,276,222.00                           -1,707,750.00

Total                                                                      519,970,718.00                         350,116,580.00


50. Non-Operation income

                                                                                                                          In RMB
              Items                  Amount of current period        Amount of previous period     Recorded in the amount of the
                                                                                                   non-recurring gains and losses

Total gains from disposal of
                                                     894,294.00                     1,616,440.00                      894,294.00
non-current assets

Including:Gains from disposal
                                                     894,267.00                     1,060,795.00                      894,267.00
of fixed assets

Gains from disposal of
                                                              0.00                    555,645.00                             0.00
intangible assets
Government Subsidy                                19,733,641.00                    13,994,880.00                     3,417,315.33

Other                                                572,205.00                     1,344,011.00                      572,205.00

Total                                             21,200,140.00                    16,955,331.00                     4,311,609.33

Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses

                                                                                                                          In RMB
              Items                   Amount of this period            Amount of last period       Assets-related/income -related

Income of levy and refund of V
                                                    6,719,511.00                    4,666,419.00 Related to the income

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Amortization of Government S
                                                1,667,315.00                   3,038,461.00 Related to the assets

River seawall reinforcement gra
                                                  750,000.00                   2,030,000.00 Related to the income

Energy conservation Subsidy                     1,000,000.00                   2,760,000.00 Related to the income

Purchase natural gas subsidies                  9,576,815.00                             0.00 Related to the income

Other                                              20,000.00                   1,500,000.00 Related to the income

Total                                          19,733,641.00                 13,994,880.00                    --


51. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                        In RMB

               Items              Amount of current period     Amount of previous period         Amount recorded in current
                                                                                                non-operating gains and losses\

Total Disposal of loss of
                                                  257,135.00                 20,960,267.00                           257,135.00
non-current assets

Including:Disposal of net
                                                  257,135.00                 20,948,267.00                           257,135.00
loss of fixed assets
         Intangible assets
disposal losses

Foreign donations                                 453,756.00                    555,678.00                           453,756.00

Other                                             353,824.00                   4,763,600.00                          353,824.00

Total                                           1,064,715.00                 26,279,545.00


52. .Income tax expenses

(1)Lists of income tax expense

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                       Items                     Amount of current period                  Amount of previous period

Current income tax                                                594,165,352.00                                639,926,159.00

Deferred income tax expenses                                          -515,517.00                                  -2,659,028.00

Tax filling differences                                            -15,261,113.00

Total                                                             578,388,722.00                                637,267,131.00

(2)Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                        In RMB

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                                Items                                                      Current amount

Total profits                                                                                                2,976,524,946.00

Income tax expenses calculated on legal / applicable tax
Impact of different tax rates of subsidiaries                                                                     -298,237.00

Impact of income tax adjustment in previous periods                                                            -15,261,113.00

Impact of non-taxable income                                                                                  -129,992,680.00

Impact of un-deductible costs, epenses or losses\                                                                  100,832.00

Impact of deductible loss of un-recognized deferred income
taxassets of previous periods

Impact of deductible temporary difference of un-recognized
deferred income tax asset of current period

Income tax expenses                                                                                            578,388,722.00


53 Other comprehensive income

See to Notes VII.40.

54.Notes of Cash flow statement

          (1)Cash received related to other operating activities
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                   Occurred in previous term
Interest income                                                            29,696,988.55                        25,942,328.00

Government Subsidy                                                          7,359,948.97                        47,873,866.00

Insurance indemnity                                                        31,632,432.88                        24,301,649.00

Rent income                                                                 2,541,202.00                         1,651,908.00

Other                                                                      10,626,809.60                         7,712,902.00

Total                                                                      81,857,382.00                       107,482,653.00

Explanation on other cash received in relateion to peration activities:

(2)     Cash paid related to other operating activities
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                   Occurred in previous term
Sewage charges                                                             13,877,054.00                        91,332,963.00

Insurance expenses                                                         31,629,074.00                        29,082,708.00

Equipment cleaning and hygiene green fee                                   17,590,064.00                        13,782,658.00

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Transportation fee                                                      6,746,968.00                        1,517,412.00

Fire guard fee                                                         12,328,317.00                       13,955,393.00

Business fee                                                            5,199,597.00                        6,944,453.00

Agency Charge                                                           5,021,736.00                        3,100,917.00

Embankment protection fees                                              6,200,427.00                        3,450,976.00

Office Expenses                                                         8,180,473.00                        8,440,402.00

Travel expenses                                                         4,546,391.00                        4,993,524.00

Rental fee                                                              7,263,680.00                        7,984,698.00

Enterprise publicity expenses                                           2,538,460.00                        2,545,326.00

Information system maintenance                                          2,794,655.00                        2,431,121.00

Water and electrical                                                    7,645,983.00                        5,633,321.00

R&D development                                                         1,708,666.00                        2,481,476.00

Property Management fee                                                 7,692,885.00                       15,198,809.00

Motor expenses                                                         11,370,348.00                       12,606,569.25

Union expenses                                                         12,215,786.00                       12,885,806.00

Other                                                                  78,490,508.00                       41,507,852.75

                     Total                                            243,041,072.00                      279,876,385.00

Explanation on other cash paid in relation to peration activities:

(3)Cash received from other investment activities

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                            Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term
Merger of linchang cash                                                52,028,777.00

Total                                                                  52,028,777.00

Explanation on cash received from other investment activities:

(4)Cash paid related with investment activities

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                            Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term
Explanation on cash paid related with investment activities:

(5)Other cash received in relation to financing activities

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                            Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term

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Explanation on other cash received in relation to financing activities:

(6)Cash paid related with financing activities

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Items                             Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
Yuejia Compan paid the minority
shareholders capital

Total                                                                        50,400,000.00

Explanation on cash paid related with financing activities:

55. Supplement Information for cash flow statement

(1)Supplement Information for cash flow statement
                                                                                                                             In RMB

             Supplement Information                    Amount of current period                  Amount of previous period

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from
                                                                   --                                       --
operating activities

Net profit                                                                 2,398,136,224.00                      2,322,878,400.00

Add: Impairment loss provision of assets                                                                              -673,399.00

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas
                                                                           1,775,451,397.00                      1,813,737,659.00
assets and consumable biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                            24,215,430.00                          20,516,995.00

Amortization of intangible assets                                             1,561,819.00

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                               -637,159.00                          19,343,827.00
assets and other long-term deferred assets

Financial cost                                                              843,968,072.00                         913,552,263.00

Loss on investment                                                         -519,970,718.00                        -351,016,013.00

Decrease of deferred income tax assets                                                                              -2,118,559.00

Increased of deferred income tax liabilities                                   -515,517.00                            -540,469.00

Decrease of inventories                                                      51,961,457.00                        -126,397,729.00

Decease of operating receivables                                             79,411,520.00                         607,460,042.00

Increased of operating Payable                                             1,048,597,909.00                       -682,613,106.00

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                                           5,702,180,434.00                      4,534,129,911.00

II. Significant investment and financing
                                                                   --                                       --
activities that without cash flows:

III. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                     --                                       --

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Ending balance of cash                                               6,510,700,432.00                            5,144,118,327.00

Less: Beginning balance of cash                                      4,528,277,314.00                            4,377,311,176.00

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                            1,982,423,118.00                              766,807,151.00

(2)Information on acquiring or disposing subsidiary company and other business unit at this period.

                                                                                                                             In RMB


Cash and csh equivalents of enterprise consolidation that Occurred
in the Current period paid in the current period.

Including:                                                                                       --

Less:Cash or cash equivalent Owned by Subsidiary on the
Purchasing Date

Including:                                                                                       --

Add:The enterprise merger during the prior period in cash of the
current payment or cash equivalent

Including:                                                                                       --

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                      -52,052,110.00


(3)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Items                                  End of term                             Beginning of term

                                                                     6,510,700,432.00                            4,528,277,314.00
I. Cash

                                                                            169,332.00                                     88,728.00
Of which: Cash in stock
Demanddeposit in the Central Bank                                    6,510,531,100.00                            4,528,188,586.00

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                     6,510,700,432.00                            4,528,277,314.00
the period end

Notes :
56. Assets with limitation on ownership or using rights
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Items                              Closing book value                        Causation o limitation
Monetary capital                                                          30,000,000.00 Margin deposit at bank

Fixed assets                                                         1,049,446,735.00 Mortgaged generating equipment

Account receivable                                                    112,171,137.00 Pledged account receivable electricity bill

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Total                                                                       1,191,617,872.00                          --

57. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                                                               Translated to RMB at end of
               Items                    Balance at end of period                 Exchange rate

Monetary capital                                     --                                --                                             11,311.00

Incl:USD                                                       189.00 6.11                                                            1,155.00

         HKD                                                  12,878.00 0.79                                                          10,156.00

Notes :
(2) Note to overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities, wich should be disclosed
about its principal business place, function currency for bookkeeping and basis for the choice. In case of any
change in function currency, the cause should be disclosed.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII. Change in consolidation scope
1. Consolidation of enterprises not under common control
(1) Consolidation of enterprises not under common control occurred in the current period
                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                 Standard to      Income of     Net profit of
                 Time point         Cost of        Ratio of        Acquired
                                                                                 Purchasing determine the acquiree from acquiree from
  Acquiree       for equity         equity          equity        way equity
                                                                                    date         purchasing       purchasing        purchasing
                   obtained        obtained        obtained      obtained way
                                                                                                    date            date to          date to

                                                                                               According to
                                                                                               No. 20,
                                                                                               merger or
                                                                                               purchase date
Linchang                                                         Non-monetar
               November           243,252,487.                                  January 5,     referring to
Yuntou                                                51.00% y assets                                            4,357,051.89 -1,030,350.39
               30,2014                        00                                2015           the date when
Yudean                                                           exchange
                                                                                               the merged
                                                                                               party or the
                                                                                               obtained the
                                                                                               control over
                                                                                               the merged

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                                                                                              party or the
                                                                                              namely the
                                                                                              date when the
                                                                                              net assets or
                                                                                              the control of
                                                                                              operation and
                                                                                              decision were
                                                                                              transferred to
                                                                                              the merged
                                                                                              party or the

As of December 31, 2014, the Company has invested RMB194.280100 million for Lincangyun capital fund, with
the shareholding proportion of 49%. In the first half of this year, the Company has completed the synchronous
equity replacement of LincangYuntou and WeixinYuntou with Yunnan Power Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “Yunnan Power Investment”). Based on the consideration of asset assessment report, the Company
has made the mutual equivalent replacement for 14.34% of equity of WeixinYuntou and 51% of equity of
LincangYun Investment held by Yunnan Power Investment. After the completion of the equity replacement, the
Company has held 100% of equity of LincangYuntou, acquired LincangYuntou, and held 25.66% of equity of
 (2) Consolidation cost and goodwill
                              Combination cost                                                   Linchang Company

--Fair value of non cash assets                                                                                           243,252,487.00

--Acquisition-date fair value of equity held before the acquisition date                                                  233,713,174.00

Total of consolidation cost                                                                                               476,965,661.00

Less: Obtained definable net assets fair proportion                                                                       451,928,767.00

Goodwill/Balance of total combination costsafter deducting
Share fair value of net identified assets acquired
Determination method for fair value of the combination cost and contingent consideration and changes:
Main reason for large goodwill resulted:

(3)Identifiable assets and liability on purchasing date under the acquiree

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                      Fair value on purchasing date                    Book value on purchasing date

Assets:                                                                   1,161,791,902.00                              1,079,843,870.00

Monetary fund                                                                52,028,777.00                                  52,028,777.00

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Account recivable                                                               818,150.00                                       818,150.00

Inventories                                                                             0.00                                             0.00

Fixed assets                                                                208,037,730.00                                   183,708,445.00

Intangible assets                                                            68,339,479.97                                     5,937,213.00

Other receivable                                                                   21,939.00                                      21,939.00

Construction in progress                                                    832,545,827.00                                   837,329,347.00

Liabilities:                                                               709,863,135.00                                   703,441,927.00

Loan                                                                        638,200,000.00                                   638,200,000.00

Account payable                                                              23,205,536.00                                    23,205,536.00

Differed income tax liabilities                                              25,175,608.00                                               0.00

Employees’ wage payable                                                        656,744.00                                       656,744.00

Tax payable                                                                     237,059.00                                       237,059.00

Interest payable                                                              1,234,351.00                                     1,234,351.00

Other account payable                                                           374,237.00                                       374,237.00

Long-term payable                                                            17,470,000.00                                    17,470,000.00

Other current Liabilities                                                     3,309,600.00                                    22,064,000.00

Net assets                                                                  451,928,767.00                                   376,401,943.00

Less :Minority equity instrument                                                       0.00                                             0.00

acquired Net assets                                                         451,928,767.00                                   376,401,942.81

Determination method for fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities:
Adjusting the measurements of depreciation for plant assets and amortization of intangible assets on the basis of evaluation on base date
in the transaction.
Caontingent liability of the acquiree bear during combination:
Notes :

(4)Gains or losses arising from re-measured by fair value for the equity held before purchasing date

Whether it is a business combination realized by Two or more transactions of exchange and a transaction of obtained control right
 inthe period or not
√ Yes □ No
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                                 Determination           Changes in other
                                                                       Gains/losses on fair
                            Acquisition-data   Acquisition date fair                               method and             comprehensive
                                                                       value remeasurement
                        carrying amount of value of equity hold                                    significant            income/equity
       Acquirees                                                       ofequity held before
                        equity hold before          before the                                   assumptions on        related to equity held
                                                                       the acquisition date
                        the acquisition date     acquisition date                              acquisition-date fair        before the
                                                                                               value ofequity held       acquisition date

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                                                                                              before the             transferred to
                                                                                           Acquisiton date         investment income

                                                                                         The equity exchange
                                                                                         was non- monetary
                                                                                         assets exchange.
                                                                                         Determining the
                                                                                         swap-in value of the
                                                                                         equity with the
                                                                                         swap-out fair value
                                                                                         of the equity.
                                                                                         Confirming the fair
Linchang Yuntou                                                                          value of the
                             184,436,952.00       233,713,174.00         49,276,222.00                                             0.00
Yudean                                                                                   replacement equity
                                                                                         according to the
                                                                                         assessment results
                                                                                         and determining the
                                                                                         fair value of the
                                                                                         original ownership
                                                                                         of equity with the
                                                                                         swap-in fair value of
                                                                                         the equity

Notes :

2.Other reasons for consolidation range changes

Reasons sfor changed onconsolidation range (such as new subsidairy established, subsidiary liquidated etc. ) and relevant information
The new wholly-owned subsidiary “Guangzhou Yudean Qujie Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd.” has invested the
down payment of RMB60 million, with 100% of investment ratio.

IX. Equity in other entity

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1)Constitute of enterprise group

                                                                                    Share-holding ratio
    Subsidiary      Main operation    Registered place    Business nature                                             Acquired way
                                                                                Directly              Indirectly

Maoming                                                  Electric
                   Maoming            Maoming                                         58.27%                        Investment \

Jianghai Power     Jieyang            Jieyang            Electric                     65.00%                        Investment \

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Zhangjiang Wind                               Electric
                    Zhanjiang    Zhangjiang                     70.00%                 Investment \

Anxin Electric
                    Dongguan     Dongguan     Electric         100.00%                 Investment \
Power Maintenance

Humen Power         Dongguan     Dongguan     Electric          60.00%                 Investment \

Bohe Electric                                 Electric
                    Maoming      Maoming                       100.00%                 Investment \

                    Zhanjiang    Zhanjiang    Electric                          76.00% under common

Xuwen Wind                                    Electric
                    Zhangjiang   Zhanjiang                                      70.00% Investment \

Huadu Natural
                    Guangzhou    Guangzhou    Electric          65.00%                 Investment \

Dapu Power          Meizhou      Meizhou                       100.00%                 Investment \

Leizhou Wind
                    Leizhou      Leizhou      Electric          80.00%          14.00% Investment \

Dianbai Wind                                  Electric
                    Maoming      Maoming                                       100.00% Investment \

Zhanjiang Power Zhangjiang       Zhangjiang   Electric          76.00%                 under common

Yuejia Power        Meizhou      Meizhou                        58.00%                 under common

Yuejiang Power      Shaoguan     Shaoguan     Electric          90.00%                 under common

Zhongyue Energy Zhangjiang       Zhanjiang                      90.00%                 under common

                    Shenzhen     Shenzhen     Electric         100.00%                 under common
Electric Power

Huizhou Natural
                    Huizhou      Huizhou      Electric          67.00%                 under common

Pinghai Pwer        Huizhou      Huizhou      Electric          45.00%                 Combination

                                                                                广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

Plant                                                                                                                under common

Shibeishan Wind
                   Jieyang             Jieyang            Electric                                          70.00% under common

Red Bay Power      Shanwei             Shanwei                                            65.00%                     under common

Guangdong Wind                                                                                                       Not Under
                   Guangzhou           Guangzhou          Electric                     100.00%
 Power                                                                                                               common control

Huilai Wind                                               Electric                                                   Not Under
                   Jieyang             Jieyang                                                              70.00%
Power                                                                                                                common control

Hongrui                                                   Electric
                   Shaoguan            Shaoguan                                                             90.00% Investment \

Linchang                                                                                                             Not Under
                   Linchang            Linchang           Electric                     100.00%
 YuntouYudean                                                                                                        common control

Explanation on share-holding ratio in subsidiary different from ratio of voting right:
The voting rights proportion of the Company over its subsidiary: Zhanjiang Wind Power, Xuwen Wind Power,
Leizhou Wind Power, Yuejia Electric and Shibeishan are determined based on relevant rules of these subsidiaries’
articles of association.As such, the Company’s voting proportion and shareholding percentage are not consistent.
According to the agreement between Yudean and Huaxia Electric, which holds 40% share interest in Pinghai
Power, the delegated shareholder and director from Huaxia Electric maintain consensus with those of Yudean
when exercising their voting rights during shareholder and board meeting; while after Yudean transferred its 45%
shareholding of Pinghai Power to the Company, the delegated shareholder and director from Huaxia Electric also
maintain consensus with those of the Company when exercising their voting rights during shareholder and board
meeting. On account of the above facts, with the control power of Pinghai Power, Huaxia Electric enjoys variable
returns through involving in its relevant activities and has the ability to make use of its power to influence the
amount of returns. Therefore, the Company owns the control power over Pinghai Power.
Basis for controlling the invested entity with half or below voting rights held and without controlling invested entity but with over
half and over voting rights:
According to the agreement between Yudean and Huaxia Electric, which holds 40% share interest in Pinghai
Power, the delegated shareholder and director from Huaxia Electric maintain consensus with those of Yudean
when exercising their voting rights during shareholder and board meeting; while after Yudean transferred its 45%
shareholding of Pinghai Power to the Company, the delegated shareholder and director from Huaxia Electric also
maintain consensus with those of the Company when exercising their voting rights during shareholder and board
meeting. On account of the above facts, with the control power of Pinghai Power, Huaxia Electric enjoys variable
returns through involving in its relevant activities and has the ability to make use of its power to influence the
Controlling basis for the structuring entity included in consolidated range:
Basis on determinning to be a agent or consignor:

                                                                                             广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

(2)Significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                Profit or loss attributable
                                 Holding proportion of                                            Dividend declared to                 Closing balance of
            Name                                                       to non-controlling
                               non-controlling interest                                          non-controlling interest           non-controlling interest

Jinghai Power                                         35.00%                 146,344,149.00                 326,152,880.00                   1,276,414,669.00

Zhanjiang Power                                       24.00%                  60,207,312.00                     48,928,538.00                  986,877,910.00

Zhongyue Energy                                       10.00%                   9,397,619.00                      5,817,296.00                  155,633,266.00

Pinghai Power plant                                   55.00%                 305,218,424.00                 237,005,516.00                   1,235,612,005.00

Red Bay                                               35.00%                  98,945,128.00                 231,651,012.00                   1,149,939,697.00


(3)Main financial information of significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                     Closing balance                                                             Beginning balance

                                                             Non-curr                                                                     Non-curr
Subsidia               Non-curr                                                                  Non-curr
            Current                   Total       Current         ent        Total     Current                    Total        Current        ent       Total
     ries                ent                                                                          ent
             assets                  assets       liabilities Liabilitie liabilities   assets                     assets       liabilities Liabilitie liabilities
                        assets                                                                     assets
                                                                   s                                                                           s

                       10,008,0 11,426,6                                                          10,381,7 11,943,3
Jinghai     1,418,54                              2,569,64 5,210,08 7,779,72 1,561,65                                          2,104,50 5,678,23 7,782,74
                       80,574.0 26,979.0                                                          18,869.0 78,397.0
    Power   6,405.00                              3,117.00 4,809.00 7,926.00 9,528.00                                          5,777.00 4,335.00 0,112.00
                                 0            0                                                             0              0

Zhanjian 2,687,79 1,907,32 4,595,11 478,904, 4,222,93 483,127, 2,533,61 1,992,21 4,525,82 456,081, 4,747,28 460,828,
g Power     3,828.00 4,631.00 8,458.00              229.00         8.00      166.00 0,385.00 4,977.00 5,362.00                   675.00         9.00     964.00

            720,623, 4,726,96 5,447,58 1,634,80 2,256,44 3,891,25 631,073, 4,882,25 5,513,32 1,736,16 2,256,63 3,992,79
             809.00 5,543.00 9,352.00 8,066.00 8,627.00 6,693.00                        543.00 5,394.00 8,937.00 2,188.00 7,324.00 9,512.00

            2,659,99 5,774,79 8,434,79 1,146,33 5,041,89 6,188,22 2,198,92 5,959,68 8,158,61 994,172, 5,041,89 6,036,06
            6,377.00 8,059.00 4,435.00 0,154.00 7,000.00 7,154.00 4,204.00 9,376.00 3,580.00                                     766.00 7,000.00 9,766.00

            1,085,46 7,851,11 8,936,57 1,992,43 3,658,60 5,651,03 1,463,84 8,201,08 9,664,92 1,311,62 4,688,60 6,000,22
Red Bay
            7,090.00 1,620.00 8,710.00 6,719.00 0,000.00 6,719.00 0,846.00 6,069.00 6,915.00 5,258.00 0,000.00 5,258.00

                                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                          Current term                                                                Last term

                                                                          Cash flow                                                                 Cash flow
 Subsidiaries      Operating                              Total                             Operating                                Total
                                     Net profit                              from                           Net profit                                 from
                   revenue                            comprehensi                           revenue                             comprehensi
                                                                           operating                                                                operating

                                                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                                    ve income          activities                                ve income         activities

Jinghai              2,488,474,64 418,126,140. 418,126,140. 1,315,885,09 6,075,568,20 1,035,405,97 1,035,405,97 2,509,070,67
Power                       0.00            00              00                6.00            6.00        0.00          0.00              0.00

Zhanjiang            1,142,689,72 250,863,802. 250,863,802. 441,395,633. 2,303,196,12 394,203,054. 394,203,054. 587,581,392.
Power                       3.00            00              00                      00        8.00          00            00                    00

Zhongyue             1,079,612,18 93,976,191.0 93,976,191.0 711,561,187. 2,083,466,97 64,636,619.0 64,636,619.0 137,731,751.
Energy                      6.00             0                  0                   00        0.00           0               0                  00

Pinghai              2,006,214,92 554,942,588. 554,942,588. 755,716,923. 3,837,401,38 907,871,678. 907,871,678. 1,224,362,65
Power plant                 6.00            00              00                      00        5.00          00            00              1.00

                     1,971,436,14 282,700,367. 282,700,367. 1,380,294,20 4,722,896,25 735,400,037. 735,400,037. 1,977,432,45
Red Bay
                            6.00            00              00                4.00            0.00          00            00              6.00


II. Equity in joint venture or associates

(1)Significant joint ventures or associates

 Joint ventures or       Main operating       Plance of                                      Holding proportion(%)           Accounting
                                                                    Business nature
        associates           plance          registration                                   Direct          Indirect             treatment

Industry Fuel           Guangzhou         Guangzhou             Fuel Trade                      50.00%                   Equity method

Taishan Power           Taishan           Taishan               Power Generation                20.00%                   Equity method

Shanxi Yudean
                        Taiyuan           Taiyuan               Coal                            40.00%                   Equity method

Yudean Finance          Guangzhou         Guangzhou             Finance                         25.00%                   Equity method

Yudean Shipping Shenzhen                  Shenzhen              Shipping                        35.00%                   Equity method

Weixin Yuntou           Zhaotong          Zhaotong              Power Generation                22.56%                   Equity method

The description of Joint ventures or associates is different from the proportion of voting rights of the shares :Holds 20% less of the v
oting rights but has significant influence, or holds 20% or more of the voting rights but does not have a significant impact on the basi
s of:

(2)Main financial information of significant joint ventures

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                        Closing balance/current period                   Opening balance/last period

                                                                     Industry fuel

Current assets                                                                  2,955,000,962.00                          4,079,683,355.00

Including:Cash and cash equivalent                                             1,495,808,553.00                          2,745,465,152.00

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Non-current assets                                                 72,646,091.00                                 73,526,306.00

Total assets                                                     3,027,647,053.00                              4,153,209,661.00

Current liabilities                                              2,093,855,441.00                              3,156,796,026.00

Non-current liabilities                                                218,959.00                                     218,959.00

Total liabilities                                                2,094,074,400.00                              3,157,014,985.00

Minority shareholders’ equity                                                 0.00                                         0.00

Equityattributable to owners of parent
                                                                  933,572,652.00                                996,194,676.00

Proportionate share in net assets                                 466,786,326.22                                498,097,338.08

--Other                                                            99,714,038.00                                 99,714,038.00

Book value of investment in joint ventures                        566,500,364.00                                597,811,376.00

Business income                                                  7,512,806,685.00                            10,322,975,071.00

Financial expenses                                                 -21,173,157.00                                -10,294,605.00

Income tax expenses                                                28,974,161.00                                 28,724,380.00

Net profit                                                         86,922,482.00                                 86,173,141.00

Other comprehensive income                                                     0.00                                         0.00

Total comprehensive income                                         86,922,482.00                                 86,173,141.00

Dividend from joint ventures received
                                                                   74,772,253.00                                 66,524,888.00
 incurrent period


(3)Main financial information of significant associates

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                            Closing balance/current period                      Opening balance /Last period

               Yudean       Yudean       Shanxi    Taishan    Yudean       Yudean      Shanxi     Taishan    Weixin
               Shipping     Finance      Energy    Power      Shipping Finance         Energy     Power      Yuntou

Current       600,503,1 3,980,618 221,942,5 2,149,424         614,192,4 5,296,047 88,116,75 1,869,119 814,365,5
assets              00.00     ,266.00      83.00    ,642.00      03.00      ,633.00        1.00    ,309.00     73.00

Non-curre 5,236,819 10,498,43 2,377,288 12,080,97             5,418,402 11,111,72 2,421,256 12,331,46 7,823,443
nt assets       ,725.00 6,404.00          ,205.00 6,792.00      ,047.00 0,508.00        ,448.00 9,273.00      ,918.00

Total         5,837,322 14,479,05 2,599,230 14,230,40         6,032,594 16,407,76 2,509,373 14,200,58 8,637,809
assets          ,825.00 4,670.00          ,788.00 1,433.00      ,450.00 8,141.00        ,199.00 8,582.00      ,491.00

Current       1,499,161 11,974,55 181,566,5 4,556,722         1,626,343 13,868,87 22,937,71 5,559,062 848,995,6
liabilities     ,193.00 2,656.00           86.00    ,949.00     ,355.00 9,408.00           9.00    ,528.00     94.00

Non-curre 1,671,437                     160,000,0 480,000,0   1,704,343               313,200,0 500,000,0 6,362,471
                                0.00                                           0.00
nt              ,464.00                    00.00      00.00     ,619.00                  00.00       00.00    ,717.00

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Total         3,170,598 11,974,55 341,566,5 5,036,722       3,330,686 13,868,87 336,137,7 6,059,062 7,211,467
liabilities     ,657.00 2,656.00       86.00      ,949.00     ,974.00 9,408.00       19.00      ,528.00   ,411.00

                   0.00        0.00     0.00                     0.00        0.00     0.00

e to          2,666,724 2,504,502 2,257,664 9,193,678       2,701,918 2,538,888 2,173,235 8,141,526 1,426,342
owners of       ,169.00     ,014.00   ,202.00     ,485.00     ,423.00     ,733.00   ,480.00     ,054.00   ,080.00

nate share 933,353,4 626,125,5 903,065,6 1,838,735          945,671,4 634,722,1 869,294,1 1,628,305 570,536,8
in net           59.00       05.00     81.00      ,697.00      48.00        84.00    92.00      ,209.00    32.00

Adjustme                  13,325,00                                     13,325,00
nt                             0.00                                          0.00

                                                563,174,4                                     580,383,0 46,689,04
--Other          -45.00                                        -85.00
                                                   36.00                                         80.00      0.00

value of
              933,353,4 639,450,5 903,065,6 2,401,910       945,671,3 648,047,1 869,294,1 2,208,688 617,225,8
                 14.00       05.00     81.00      ,133.00      63.00        85.00    93.00      ,289.00    72.00
t in

Business 735,866,0 359,207,4                    4,144,646   869,651,0 344,483,7               4,963,080 590,520,1
                                        0.00                                          0.00
 income          04.00       95.00                ,754.00      61.00        79.00               ,620.00    15.00

              10,049,57 195,755,1 84,428,72 1,052,152       15,794,48 190,032,3 102,968,4 1,212,928 -38,930,0
Net profit
                   5.00      31.00      1.00      ,430.00        6.00       93.00    23.00      ,883.00    82.00

                   0.00        0.00     0.00                     0.00        0.00     0.00

comprehe 10,049,57 195,755,1 84,428,72 1,052,152            15,794,48 190,032,3 102,968,4 1,212,928 -38,930,0
nsive              5.00      31.00      1.00      ,430.00        6.00       93.00    23.00      ,883.00    82.00

              15,835,30 57,535,46                           8,977,900 53,750,72
                   0.00        2.00                               .00        2.00

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(4)Aggregated financial information of insignificant jiont ventures and associates

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                      Closing balance/Current period                 Opening balance/Last period

Joint ventures:                                                      --                                            --

Total book value of investment                                                531,191,385.00                               717,971,368.00

Proportionate share in the following                                  --                                            --

Associates :                                                         --                                            --

Proportionate share in the following                                  --                                            --

--Net profit                                                                   -2,343,031.00                                  5,057,259.00

--Other Comprehensive income                                                            0.00

--Total comprehensive income                                                   -2,343,031.00                                  5,057,259.00


X.Risk related to financial nstruments

The Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments in
the normal course of the Group‘s operations, which mainly include: Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Interest rate risk and Foreign exchange
risk.This note presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the above risks
and their sources and changes during the year, the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing risks and
their changes during the year. The Group aims to seek the appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from its use of financial
instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial
instruments have on the Group‘s financial performance. Based on such objectives, the Group‘s risk management policies are
established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Group, to set appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and
adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the
Group‘s activities.
(1) Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an
obligation. The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash at bank and receivables. Exposure to these credit risks are monitored
by management on an ongoing basis.
The cash at bank of the Group is mainly held with well-known financial institutions in China, which have no any default records of
paying deposits and interests. Management does not foresee any significant credit risks from these deposits and does not expect that
these financial institutions may default and cause losses to the Group. Accounts receivable of the Group are mainly electricity payment
due from GPGC, entrusted loans due from related parties. Management continues to perform credit assessment on the debtors’ financial

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position, but usually does not require collaterals for outstanding debts. In view of the liquidity of outstanding amounts, management
had provision for corresponding bad debts and the actual losses on bad debts were within their expectation. Based on the past record of
debtors and the positive recovery of accounts receivable, management thinks the Group has no significant credit risk over accounts
As at 31 June 2015 and 31 December 2013, the debtors that are past due but not impaired based on individual or collective assessment
 are not significant.
(2) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. the
Group’s current liabilities was more than its current assets of RMB 3.5 billion, implying the Group is exposed to certain liquidity risks.
Management ensures the liquidity risk is within a controllable range with the following measures:
(a) Use the existing financing credit to repay the Group’s liabilities and fulfil the
requirement of the Group’s capital expenditure;
(b) Expedite the approval procedure of relevant documents to secure credit line subject to the approval of the construction of new units;
(c) Obtain stable cash inflow from operating activities;
(d) Closely monitor and control the payment amount and time required for the construction of new power station and the purchase of
new generators.
The following tables show the remaining contractual maturities at the balance sheet date
of the Group’s financial liabilities, which are based on contractual cash flows (including
interest payments computed using contractual rates or, if floating, based on rates current
on 31 December) and the earliest date the Group can be required to pay:
(3) Interest rate risk
The Group has no other significant interest-bearing assets except for cash at banks and entrusted loans. The Group earns interest income
from cash at banks at floating rates published by the banks from time to time. Any change in the interest rate published by the banks is
not considered to have significant impact to the Group.
The Group’s interest rate risk mainly arises from long-term interest-bearing borrowings, including long-term bank borrowings,
corporate bonds issued and finance lease payable.Interest-bearing financial instruments at fixed rates and variable rates expose the
Group to fair value interest rate risk and cash flow interest risk, respectively. The Group determines the appropriate weightings of the
fixed and floating rate interest-bearing instruments based on the current market conditions and performs regular reviews and
monitoring to achieve an appropriate mix of fixed and floating rate exposure. The Group does not enter into financial derivatives to
hedge interest rate risk.
(4) Foreign exchange risk
Exchange risks that the Group is exposed to are generally related to USD, EUR and HKD. The Group settles all major business
transactions in RMB except for capital contribution from foreign investors, income from certified emission reduction, long-term loans
and dividends to foreign investors. RMB is still not able to exchange
into other currencies because of the restrictions announced by the Chinese government on RMB exchange rate and foreign currency
control. Therefore, all monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are exposed to any fluctuation in exchange

XI. Disclosure of fair value

1. Ending fair value of the assets and liabiliies measured by fair value

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

              Items                                                           Ending fair value

                                                                                   广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                           First-order                   Second-order                 Third-order                 Total

1. Sustaining measured by fair
                                                --                            --                           --                       --

(1)Available-for –sale
                                               711,487,823.00                                                                 711,487,823.00
financial assets

(2)Investment interest tools                 711,487,823.00                                                                 711,487,823.00

II. Non –persistent measure                    --                            --                           --                       --

2.Recognized basis for the market price sustaining and non-persistent measured by fair value oon first-order

For the available-for-sale financial assets in an active market, their fair values are measured at the quoted price at balance sheet date.

3. Valuation technique and qualitative and quantitative information on major parameters for the fair value measure sustaining and
non-persistent on second-order

Except for available-for-sale financial assets that measured at historical cost not being able to gain fair value, the carrying amounts of
financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value are not materially different from their fair values.
XII.Related parties and related-party transactions
1. Parent company information of the enterprise

                                                                                                                       Vote right ratio of
                                                                                              Share ratio of parent
   Parent company         Registration                                           Registered                             parent company
                                                         Nature                               company against the
          name                 place                                               capital                                   against the

                                          Power plant
Guangdong Yudean                          operating,electricity assets       21,500,000,00
                       Guangzhou                                                                            67.39%                   67.39%
Group                                     management, electricity            0

Explanation on parent company of the enterprise
Ultimate controller os the Company is Guangdong Provincial People’s Govemment state owned assets supervision and
Administration Commission.

2.Subsidiary of the Enterprise

See to Notes XVI.3.

3.Cooperative enterprise and joint venture

See Notes IX.2.
Other cooperative enterprise and joint venture that have related transaction with the Company in the Period or occurred in pervious

                                                          广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                              Name                                      Relationship

Industry Fuel                                 Joint venture

Taishan Electric                              Associate

Weixin Yuntou Yudean Zhaxi                    Associate

Shanxi Yudean Energy                          Associate

Guangdong Yudean Shipping                     Associate

Yunnan Baoshan Binlangjiang                   Associate

Yudean West Investment                        Associate

Guangdong Yudean Finance                      Associate

Huaneng Shantou Wind Power                    Associate

Yangshan Jiangkeng Hydropower station         Associate

Yangshan Zhongxinkeng Power                   Associate


4.Other related party

                        Other related party                   Relationship with the Enterprisse

Chaokang Investment                           Controlled by Yudean

Guangdong Guanghe Power                       Controlled by Yudean

Industry Fuel                                 Controlled by Yudean

Power Development                             Controlled by Yudean

Yuelongfa Power                               Controlled by Yudean

Guangdong Yangjiang Port                      Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Finance                                Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Shipping                               Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Environmental protection               Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Property                               Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Xinfengjiang                           Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Informtion Technology                  Controlled by Yudean

Yudean Zhangjiang Biology                     Controlled by Yudean

Yuean Zhongshan Thermoelectricity             Controlled by Yudean

Yuehua Power                                  Controlled by Yudean

Yueyang Power                                 Controlled by Yudean

Zhuhai Jinwan Power                           Controlled by Yudean

Guangzhou Huangpu Power                       Controlled by Yudean

                                                                           广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

Guangzhou Huangpu Yuehua Power                                 Controlled by Yudean

Maoming Thermoelectricity                                      Controlled by Yudean

Shaoguan Power                                                 Controlled by Yudean

Shaoguan No.9 Power                                            Controlled by Yudean

Shenzhen Tianxin Insurance                                     Controlled by Yudean

Yunfo Jinhui Power                                             Controlled by Yudean

Zhuhai Hengda Energy                                           Controlled by Yudean

Zhuhai Guangzhu Power                                          Controlled by Yudean


5. Related Transactions

(1)Goods purchasing, labor service providing and receiving
Goods purchasing/labor service receiving
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                      Approval trading    Whether over the
         Related party              Content        Current amount                                                Last amount
                                                                           limit          trading limit(Y/N)

Fuel Company                    Fuel purchase      4,252,984,217.00                      No                    5,960,402,388.00

Yudean Environment Protection                        51,944,371.00                       No                      47,930,909.00

                                Acceptance of
Yudean Shipping                                      13,434,906.00                       No                      10,951,887.00
                                tugboat services

                                Acceptance of
Yudean Property Management      management           11,342,256.00                       No                      10,037,716.00

Guangzhou HuangpuYueha          Outsource
                                                      8,867,503.00                       No                      12,072,933.00
Power Generation                service

                                Acceptance of
Yangjiang Port                                         4,114,969.00                      No
                                tugboat services

Yudean Property                 Leasing service       3,055,092.00                       No                       3,055,092.00

                                Acceptance of
Yudean Information              management            1,236,373.00                       No                         665,174.00

Huangpu Yuehua                                        1,016,667.00                       No                       1,525,000.00

Hengda Energy                                           479,044.00                       No                         744,952.00

Chaokang Investment             Consultion              228,101.00                       No                               0.00

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Yudean Environmental
                                   Carbenium                104,160.00                       No                                    0.00

Sales of goods and services
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                                                  Occurred in previous
               Related parties                              Content                  Occurred current term

Yudean Environment Protection                  Sale of Material                                  47,618,619.00           32,969,689.00

Shajiao C                                      Providing maintenance services                    14,094,728.00           10,122,222.00

Zhuhai Jinwan Power Generation Co., Ltd. Providing maintenance services                            2,115,483.00           2,057,974.00

Yudean Group                                   Service                                              205,500.00                     0.00


(2)Related leasing

The Company is the lender
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                                         Rental recognized in the last
        Name of the owner             Category of asset for rent      Rental recognized in the period

Yudean Property                    Property Leasing                                     2,655,732.00                      2,655,732.00

(3)Status of related party guarantee

As a guarantor for the company
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                                              Execution accomplished
         Guarantor               Guarantee amount              Start date                 End date
                                                                                                                        or not

Linchang Yuntou                        13,720,000.00 January 20,2007              December 25, 2020          No

Linchang Yuntou                         5,488,000.00 July 29, 2008                July 29, 2020              No

Weixin Yuntou                         268,520,000.00 April 19, 2013               April 18, 2030             No

Binlangjiang                           71,996,700.00 June 29, 2010                July 15, 2020              No

Binlangjiang                           12,470,000.00 March 16, 2006               March 13, 2020             No

Binlangjiang                          113,000,000.00 April 2, 2008                June 5, 2028               No

Binlangjiang                           43,000,000.00 October 31, 2008             October 31, 2025           No

Binlangjiang                           18,270,000.00 December 19, 2007            December 18, 2024          No

Binlangjiang                           31,900,000.00 August 31, 2005              August 30,2022             No

Binlangjiang                           76,270,000.00 August 25, 2009              August 24, 2029            No

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Binlangjiang                          24,940,000.00 November 14, 2008      November 14, 2020    No

Binlangjiang                          43,500,000.00 May 27, 2009           May 27, 2023         No

Binlangjiang                           2,610,000.00 June 30,2005           June 30,2017         No

Yuejiang Power                        90,000,000.00 July 3, 2014           July 2, 2021         No

Yuejiang Power                        81,000,000.00 July 3, 2014           July 2, 2021         No

Yuejiang Power                        51,613,400.00 July 28, 2011          July 20,2018         No

Yuejiang Power                        49,205,700.00 December 6, 2012       December 6, 2017     No

Zhanjiang Wind Power                 127,162,900.00 March 3, 2011          March 2, 2029        No

As a secured party for The company
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                 Execution accomplished
       Guarantor             Guarantee amount               Start date             End date
                                                                                                         or not

Yudean Group                      1,500,000,000.00 August 14, 2013         August 13, 2022      No

Statement on related guarantees

(4)Related party funds

                                                                                                                  In RMB

     Related parties       Amount of demolition            Start date             Expired on            Remarks

Borrow in

Guangdong Yudean
                                     150,000,000.00 February 26, 2015      August 25, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                     100,000,000.00 March 25, 2015         September 24, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      50,000,000.00 June 1, 2015           November 30,2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                     100,000,000.00 June 9, 2015           December 8, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                     100,000,000.00 June 25, 2015          December 24, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                     150,000,000.00 October 16, 2014       October 13, 2029
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                     100,000,000.00 October 30,2014        October 13, 2029
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      30,000,000.00 February 1, 2015       February 10,2032
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                       7,000,000.00 June 9, 2015           June 8, 2032
Finance Co., Ltd.

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Guangdong Yudean
                     50,000,000.00 May 25, 2015          May 24, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     50,000,000.00 January 21, 2015      July 20,2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    100,000,000.00 July 29, 2014         July 28, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     80,000,000.00 August 8, 2014        August 7, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    100,000,000.00 March 30,2015         March 29, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    200,000,000.00 April 8, 2015         April 7, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    100,000,000.00 June 24, 2015         June 23, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     79,400,000.00 March 11, 2013        March 10,2031
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     35,000,000.00 April 21, 2015        October 20,2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     30,000,000.00 May 11, 2015          May 10,2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     10,000,000.00 May 19, 2015          May 18, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     60,000,000.00 August 26, 2014       August 25, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    270,000,000.00 November 12, 2014     October 27, 2029
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     30,000,000.00 June 9, 2015          June 8, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                     20,000,000.00 February 13, 2015     February 12, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    300,000,000.00 February 10,2015      February 9, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    200,000,000.00 February 11, 2015     February 10,2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    150,000,000.00 April 20, 2015        April 19, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                    653,300,627.00 December 6, 2007      December 21, 2028
Finance Co., Ltd.

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Guangdong Yudean
                                      600,000,000.00 June 18, 2015              December 17, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                    1,200,000,000.00 May 20,2014                May 19, 2017
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      500,000,000.00 September 9, 2014          September 8, 2015
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                       52,000,000.00 August 21, 2012            August 21, 2022
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      300,000,000.00 June 17, 2015              June 17, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      120,000,000.00 June 26, 2015              June 26, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      100,000,000.00 June 29, 2015              June 29, 2016
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      194,444,444.44 December 19, 2012          December 19, 2017
Finance Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Yudean
                                      300,000,000.00 January 15, 2013           January 15, 2028
Finance Co., Ltd.

Lend out

(5)Rewards for key management personnel

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                            Amount of current period                              Amount of previous period
Annual salary                                                              3,175,561.00                               3,396,530.00

(6)Other related transactions

6. Payables and receivables of the related party


                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                       Amount at year end                          Amount at year begiing
Name                        Related party
                                               Balance of Book       Bad debt provision   Balance of Book       Bad debt provision

                      Guangdong Yudean
Monetary fund                                   4,561,493,165.00                           3,061,921,598.00
                      Finance Co., Ltd.

                      Guangdong Yudean
Account receivable                                  2,622,773.00                                18,072,681.00
                       Group Co., Ltd.

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                       Shajiao C

                      Guangdong Yudean
Account receivable     Group Co.,                  1,480,000.00                            2,590,000.00
                       Ltd.Zhuhai Power

                      Guangdong Yudean
Account receivable      Zhanjiang Bioligy          3,153,754.08                            3,818,754.00

Account receivable     ZhuhaiJinwan                1,895,846.14

                      Guangdong Yudean
Other receivable       Environmental              17,270,955.54                           76,349,187.00

                      Linchang Yuntou
Other receivable                                             0.00                         50,000,000.00

Other receivable       YudeanGroup.                2,061,019.18                             517,252.00
                       Shajiao C

                      Guangdong Yudean
Other receivable       Property                      885,244.00                             885,244.00

                      Guangdong Yudean
Other receivable                                     289,360.00                             289,360.00

Other receivable                                     220,434.36                             220,434.00

Other receivable      Shaoguan Power                      5,370.69

                      Guangdong Yudean
Interest receivable                                8,420,779.30                            5,447,764.00

                      Linchang Yuntou
Interest receivable                                          0.00                              23,333.00

                      Guangdong Fuel
Prepayment                                     1,040,985,026.05                       1,373,757,103.00


                                                                                                                    In RMB

             Name                         Related party              Amount at year end          Amount at year beginning

Account payable                   Guangdong Fuel Company                      818,650,992.84               1,275,148,310.00

Account payable                   Manming Thermal power                       101,009,781.90                  94,009,782.00

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                                 Guangdong Yudean
Account payable                                                       22,655,652.55              46,176,613.00
                                 Environmental Protection

                                 Guangdong Yudean
Account payable                                                         166,700.00                 163,700.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean
Account payable                                                           75,000.00

Account payable                  Zhuhai Hengda Energy                   441,996.00                 390,618.00

Account payable                  Shaoguan Power                        3,544,826.00               3,544,826.00

Other payable                    Maoming Thermal power                                           12,000,000.00

Other payable                    Shaoguan Power                       25,870,370.31              25,366,557.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean
Other payable                                                          1,084,284.30
                                 Environmental Protection

Other payable                    Guangzhou Huangpu Power               5,393,856.18              14,250,499.00

Other payable                    Guangdong Yudean Shipping             4,895,000.00                  20,000.00

Other payable                    Guangdong Yudean Property             5,132,592.80               1,955,783.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean
Other payable                                                             75,000.00                  75,000.00

                                 Guangzhou Huangpu Yuehua
Other payable                                                           991,250.00                1,728,333.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean Information
Other payable                                                             13,000.00                  21,000.00

                                 Shenzhen Tianxin Insurance
Other payable                                                             70,000.00                  70,000.00

Other payable                    Guangdong Yuehua Power                 226,666.67                 226,667.00

Other payable                    Guangdong Yueyang Power              18,000,000.00              18,000,000.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean Finance
Interest payable                                                       8,543,886.26              10,483,449.00
                                 Co., Ltd.

                                 Guangdong Yudean Finance
Bill payable                                                         150,000,000.00             100,000,000.00
                                 Co., Ltd.

                                 Guangdong Power industry
Bill payable                                                                                     70,000,000.00

                                 Guangdong Yudean Finance
Short-term loan                                                    4,835,000,000.00           4,149,000,000.00
                                 Co., Ltd.

Non-current liability due in 1   Guangdong Yudean Finance
year                             Co., Ltd.

                                 Guangdong Yudean Finance
Long-term loan                                                     1,836,145,071.44           1,963,900,000.00
                                 Co., Ltd.

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7.Related Commitment


(a) Allocation of common expenses

The Company’s branches shajiao A and Shajiao C Agreed to share common expenses based on their agreed allocation basis. As at 30
June 2015, the common expenses received by the Group form Shajiao C was RMB 1,543,787.

(b) Interest income

                                                              June 30, 2015           June 30, 2014

Deposit income paid form Yudean Finance                     26,818,606                 24,101,568

Weixin Yuntou                                                                           607,511

Total                                                      26,818,606                  24,709,079

Percentage of interest income                                 80.21%                     84.24%

(c)Interest expense

                                                           June 30, 2015               June 30, 2014

Loan interest paid to Yudean Finance                    152,203,390                    17,129,771

Total                                                     152,203,390                     17,129,771

Percentage of interest expenses                             18.03%                       18.63%

(d) Joint investment

As at 30 June 2015, the Group invests in the following subsidiaries, jiont ventures and associates with Yudean:

                                                                         Percentage of equity

                                                                        Attributable to Yudean

Yudean Finance                                                                65%

Industry Fuel                                                                 50%

Shanxi Yudean Energy                                                          60%

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West investment                                                         35%

Yudean Shipping                                                          45%

XIII.Commitment events and subsequent events

1.Importance commitment events

Important commitments of existence of balance sheet date
1.Foreign investment commitments

a.On April 27, 2015, the company‘s 6th meeting of the Eight board meeting passed “Proposal on Establishing Guangdong Yangjiang
Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.”, agreeing the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Guangdong Province Wind Power Co.,
Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Province Wind Power”) to wholly establish“Guangdong Yangjiang Sea Wind Power Co., Ltd.”(the
final company name will be subject to the name registered in Industrial and Commercial Administration) in Yangjiang city, which
would be as the main body of investing and constructing sea wind power projects for Guangdong Yudean Yangjiang Offshore Wind
Power Co., Ltd.. The first-phase registered capital of the new company is tentatively fixed at 55 million RMB. The company
increases 55 million RMB of new capital to Province Wind Power to establish“Guangdong Yudean Yangjiang Sea Wind Power Co.,
Ltd.”with capital injection. By June 30,2015, the company had finished increasing RMB 55 million RMB of new capital to Province
Wind Power.
b.The Board passed adopted the Proposal on Capital Increment for Guangdong Yudean Huadu Natural Gas Thermal power Co.,
Ltd.For the smooth progress of Huadu Natural Gas Thermal power project, the Board of Directors approves the company to increase
the capital of RMB19.5 million for Guangdong Yudean Huadu Natural Gas Thermal power Co., Ltd.as per 65% of shareholding, in
order to carry out the preparatory work of the project, the field engineering of plant and the equipment purchase.As at 30 June 2015,
has not performed the payment of capital injection yet.

2.Investment commitement

a.The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Capital Increase in Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Electric Power
Co.Ltd” during its 18th meeting on 3 March 2014, pursuant to which the Company agreed to inject RMB63,000,000 in cash to Yuejiang
Electric on its 90% shareholding proportion to ensure smooth
implementation of manufacturing and operation. As at 30 June 2015, the Company has not performed the payment of capital injection

b.The Eighth Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Capital Increase in Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Electric Power Co.Ltd”
during its 2nd meeting on 24 August 2014, pursuant to which the Company is required to inject RMB923,000,000 (20% of the total
project investment) on its 90% shareholding proportion to promote
the Upgrade Project (2×600MW) of Shaoguan Power invested by Yuejiang Electric, ie to offer supplementary capital injection of
RMB232,310,000 on the basis of the initial injection of RMB690,690,000 approved during 11th meeting of The Sixth Session of the
Board. As at 31 December 2014, the capital injection from the
Company to Yuejiang Electric was RMB774 million and the rest amount of RMB149 million will be injected in batches based on the
construction progress and the capital plan
c.The Eighth Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Capital Increase in Guangdong Yuedean Leizhou Wind Power Co.Ltd”
during its 3rd meeting on 28 October 2014, pursuant to which the Board of the Company agreed to inject RMB80,800,000 in cash to
Leizhou Wind Power on its 70% shareholding proportion to

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ensure the construction of Hongxinlou Wind Power Project invested by Leizhou Wind Power. The Company’s shareholding proportion
of Leizhou Wind Power has increased to 80% after capital injection (injection price is based on the asset assessment result recorded by
authorized institutions). As at 30 June 2015, the Company injected RMB60 million to Qujie Wind Power.

d.The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of "Investment in Guishan Offshore Wind Power Project” during its first
meeting in 2012 on 19 January, pursuant to which the Company will invest in the construction of South Wind Power based on its 10%
shareholding proportion and take part in Guishan Offshore Wind Power Project. The registered capital is tentatively set at
RMB900,000,000. The Company is required
to invest RMB90,000,000 as 10% of the total capital of the project. As at 30 June 2015, the Company injected RMB70 million to South
Wind Power.

e.The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Capital Increase in Weixin Yuntou Yudean Zhaxi Energy Co., Ltd.”
during its 10th meeting on 21 August 2012, pursuant which the Company will inject RMB239,600,000 to its associated company
Weixin Yuntou based on its 40% shareholding proportion. The Company injected a total of RMB733,600,000 following the capital
injection. As at 30 June 2015, the
capital injection from the Company to Weixin Yuntou was RMB200,000,000.

f.The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Establishment of Guangdong Yudean Dabu Electric Ltd” during its 11th
meeting on 29 October 2012, pursuant to which the Company will establish Dabu Electric as its wholly-owned subsidiary. The
Company is required to inject RMB1,104,000,000 (20% of the total
project investment RMB 5,520,000,000) in batches based on the construction progress. As at 30 June 2015, the Company invested
RMB900 million to Dabu Electric.

g.The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Capital Increase in Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal Power Co., Ltd”
during its 11th meeting on 29 October 2012, pursuant to which the Company agreed to inject RMB854,570,000 in cash to Bohe Coal
for the construction of terminal project. The injection would be made in
batches based on the capital requirement of the project. On 22 August 2013, the Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of
“Investment in Guangdong Maoming Bohe Electric power generation project” during its 15th meeting, pursuant to which the Company
agreed to inject RMB1,375,000,000 to Bohe Coal for the construction of Bohe electric plant. The injection of the initial capital of Bohe
Coal of RMB285 million
was completed. The subsequent injection of RMB1,090,000,000 will be made in batches based on the capital requirement of the project.
The foresaid capital commitment is totaled at RMB2,229,570,000. As at 30 June 2015, the Company injected RMB1685 million to
Bohe Coal.

h.The Sixth Session of the Board agreed to increase its capital in the Company’s associated company Shantou Wind Power for the
construction of a wind power project in Nanao East Island during its eighth meeting on 29 June 2009. The Company agreed to inject
RMB35,000,000 to Shantou Wind Power based on its 25% shareholding proportion. The injection would be made in batches based on
the contrsuction progress. As at 30 June 2015, the Company injected RMB12,472,500 to Shantou Wind Power.
i.The Sixth Session of the Board passed the reolution of “Capital Increase in Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Co., Ltd.” during its
11th metting on 15 April 2010, pursuant to which the Company agreed to inject RMB565,025,500 to its subsidiary Jinghai Power based
on its 65% shareholding proportion. The Company’s proportion of shareholding in Jinghai Power remains unchanged following the
completion of capital increase. As at 30, June 2015, the Company injected RMB445,014,000 to Jinhai Power.

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j. The Seventh Session of the Board passed the resolution of “Investment in Offshore Wind Power Project by Guangdong Yudean
Zhanjiang Wind Power Generation Co.,Ltd.” during its second meeting on 28 June 2011, pursuant to which the Company agreed to
inject RMB140,000,000 to its subsidiary Zhanjiang Wind Power for the
investment in Xuwen offshore wind power project. The injection would be made in batches based on the actual progress of the project.
As at 30 June 2015, the Company injected RMB75,733,000 to Zhanjiang Wind Power.
k.The Board passed the resolution (vote & sign) of Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd. to Establish
Guangdong Yudean Leizhou Wind Power Co.,Ltd. on 9 January 2013, pursuant to which the Company established Leizhou Wind
Power based on its 70% shareholding proportion of Zhanjiang Wind Power. The registered capital of Leizhou Wind Power does not
exceed RMB162,455,300 and is responsible for the development of Hongxinlou wind power project(49.5MW).Zhanjiang Wind Power
shall inject capital in Leizhou Wind Power through the Company and other shareholders of Zhanjiang Wind Power, in which the
injections of
the Company will not surpass RMB10,671,870 and that of Zhanjiang Wind Power not over than RMB162,455,300. As at 30 June 2015,
the Company has not performed the payment of capital injection while Zhanjiang Wind Power has already offered RMB100 million..


(1)Significant contingency at banlance sheet date

As at 30 June 2015, the Group Provides joint guarntee for bank borrowings amounted to RMB 365,960,000 and financeleases
  amounted to RMB 71,996,700 OF Binlangjiang ; Bank borrowings amounted to RMB 287,728,000 of Linchang Yuntou, and bank
  borrowings amounted to RMB 268,520,000 of Weixin Yuntou .

(2)The Company have no significant contingency to disclose, also should be stated

The was no significant contingency in the Company.

XIV. Post-balance-sheet events

1. Other explanation after balance sheet date.

On August 5, 2015, the 8th Board of Directors has approved the Company to transfer 29% of stock equity from Yunnan Baoshan
Binglangjiang Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., with the transfer price of RMB261.3158 million. The equity transfer is conducive
to safeguarding the investment interests of the Company and eliminating the guarantee risk, and helps the Company to concentrate on
the operational development of holding hydropower projects. If the equity transfer successes, the Company shall revitalize the capital,
optimize the integration of the management resources in Yunnan region and further focus on the operational development of holding
projects. After the completion of the transaction, RMB83 million is expected to increase in the current earnings for the Company, which
will have the positive impact on the operation results of the Company in the current period.

XV. Other significant events

1. Retroactive restatement

(1)Non-monetary assets exchange

In the first half year, the Company has completed the synchronous equity replacement of LincangYun Investment and WeixinYuntou

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with Yunnan Power Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yunnan Power Investment”). Based on the consideration of
asset assessment report, the Company has made the mutual equivalent replacement for 14.34% of equity (book value:
RMB221,275,475 and fair value: RMB243,252,487) of WeixinYuntou and 51% of equity of LincangYuntou held by Yunnan Power
Investment. The exchange gains and losses are recognized as RMB21,977,012.

2.Segment reporting

(1) Segment profits and losses, assets and liabilities
In accordance with internal organisation structure, management requirements and
internal report system, the Group has identified eight reportable segments, which are
independent business units that provide different products or service, or operate in the
different areas. Different businesses or areas require different technologies and
marketing strategies, the Group, therefore, separately manages the production and
operation of each reportable segment and evaluates their operating results respectively,
in order to make decisions about resources to be allocated to these segments and to
assess their performance.

Inter-segment transfers are measured by making reference to the sales to third parties.
The assets are allocated based on relevant incomes and expenses, assets and liabilities of segment operation.

(1)Basis for determing a reporting branch and accounting policy

In accordance with internal organisation structure, management requirements and internal report system, the Group has identified eight
reportable segments, which are independent business units that provide different products or service, or operate in the different areas.
Different businesses or areas require different technologies and marketing strategies.
Inter-segment transfers are measured by making reference to the sales to third parties.
The assets are allocated based on relevant incomes and expenses, assets and liabilities of segment operation.
For the purposes of assessing segment performance and allocating resources between segments, the Group’s management regularly
reviews the assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and financial performance, attributable to each reportable segment on the following
Segment assets include all tangible, intangible, other long-term assets and current assets, such as accounts receivable, with the
exception of deferred tax assets and other unallocated corporate assets. Segment liabilities include payables and advances, bank
borrowings and interest payable, long-term and short-term bonds and dividends payable attributable to the individual segments, but
exclude deferred tax liabilities.
Financial performance is operating income (including operating income from external customers and inter-segmentoperating income)
 after deducting expenses, depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses attributable to the individual segments, and interest
 income and expense from cash balances and borrowings managed directly by the segments. Inter-segment sales are determined with
 reference to prices charged to external parties for similar orders.

(2)Financial information of reporting branches

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                 Parent        Jinghai      Huizhou                    Zhanjiang    Zhongyue                    Partial
    Items                                                Red Bay                                   Other                      Total
                Company         Power       Pinghai                     Power         Enerty                    offset

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               1,082,635,6 2,474,745,4 1,982,776,2 1,971,436,1 1,134,741,5 1,072,321,8 3,128,808,6 -18,218,890 12,829,246,
                      23.00          32.00         94.00              46.00           95.00       93.00          46.00          .00        738.00

               761,750,894 1,694,075,0 1,095,445,6 1,410,691,3 785,954,104 829,442,898 2,605,658,2 -17,795,513 9,165,222,5
                        .00          08.00         11.00              04.00             .00         .00          85.00          .00         91.00

               2,176,537,0 558,095,493 713,017,295 376,890,916 328,606,639 125,301,588 242,573,913 -1,544,497, 2,976,524,9
Profit Total
                      83.00            .00            .00               .00             .00         .00            .00       981.00         46.00

               27,302,094, 11,426,626, 8,434,794,4 8,936,578,7 4,595,118,4 5,447,589,3 25,209,115, -18,832,156 72,519,761,
Assets Total
                     744.00         979.00         35.00              10.00           58.00       52.00        240.00       ,476.00        442.00

Liability      6,521,942,4 7,779,727,9 6,188,227,1 5,651,036,7 483,127,166 3,891,256,6 15,825,725, -2,361,794, 43,979,248,
Total                 80.00          26.00         54.00              19.00             .00       93.00        474.00        997.00        615.00


  XVI..Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company

1.Account receivable

(1)Account receivable
                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                             Year –end balance                                         Year-beginning balance

                                                  Provision for bad
                              Book balance                                                Book balance       Provision for bad debts
    Classification                                      debts                 Book
                                                                                                                                       Book value
                                     Proportio               Proportio        value              Proportio
                        Amount                   Amount                                 Amount                Amount     Proportion
                                         n                        n                                 n

Account receivable
with significant
specific amount that     237,408,                                         237,408,8 233,268                                            233,268,28
                                     100.00%          0.00      0.00%                            100.00%          0.00       0.00%
were provisioned had      827.00                                                27.00 ,283.00                                                3.00
debt preparation

                         237,408,                                         237,408,8 233,268                                            233,268,28
Total                                100.00%                                                     100.00%
                          827.00                                                27.00 ,283.00                                                3.00

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                 Year-end balance
Account receivable(Unit)
                                  Account reiceivable        Provision for bad debts             Proportion%                    Reason

GPGC                                    237,408,827.00                                 0.00                     0.00% Full amount recovery is

                                                                                    广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文


Total                                  237,408,827.00                            0.00              --                              --

Using age methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of account receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using other methods to provision for bad debts of account receivable in group
(2)The ending balance of receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties
Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd. is the only customer of the Company for the generated power, and the account receivable balances
of the Company shall be the payment of power sold by Guangdong Power Grid on December 31, 2014 and June 30, 2015.

2.Other receivable

(1)Other receivable
                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                           Year-end balance                                              Year-beginning

                                                  Provision for bad
                            Book balance                                             Book balance        Provision for bad debts
    Classification                                     debts             Book
                                                                                                                                        Book value
                                    Proportio               Proportio    value               Proportio                 Proportion
                        Amount                  Amount                              Amount                Amount
                                      n%                       n%                               n%                         %

Other Receivables
with major individual
                         307,684,                                       307,684,1 356,573                                               356,573,50
amount and bad debt                   97.34%         0.00      0.00%                           98.81%          0.00         0.00%
                           118.00                                          18.00 ,505.00                                                      5.00
provision provided

Other Account
receivable with
                         8,419,93                                       8,419,933 4,279,7                                               4,279,737.0
minor individual                       2.66%         0.00      0.00%                            1.19%          0.00         0.00%
                             3.00                                             .00    37.00                                                       0
amount but bad debt
provision is provided

                         316,104,                                       316,104,0 360,853                                               360,853,24
Total                                100.00%         0.00      0.00%                           100.00%         0.00         0.00%
                           051.00                                          51.00 ,242.00                                                      2.00

Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
√ applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                 End of term
 Other account receivable           Other account
                                                             Bad debt provision                Proportion%                       Reason

Guangdong Shaoguan                                                                                                    Full amount recovery is
                                       200,000,000.00                            0.00                        0.00%
Yuejiang                                                                                                              expected

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                                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
Guangdong Yudean Bohe                 100,000,000.00                           0.00                     0.00%

Guangdong Yudean                                                                                                Full amount recovery is
                                          7,684,118.00                         0.00                     0.00%
Environmental protection                                                                                        expected

Total                                 307,684,118.00                           0.00              --                             --

Using age methods to provision for bad debts of other receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using percentage balance method of provision for bad debts of other receivable in group:
□Applicable √not Applicable
Using other methods to provision for bad debts of other receivable in group:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of period
Other account               End of term
receivable                  Other account                Bad debts provision          Provision proportion%          Reason of provision
Advance Project             332,370                      0.00                         0.00                           Full amount recovery is
Petty cash                  1,701,633.75                 0.00                         0.00                           Full amount recovery is
Other                       6,382,929                    0.00                         0.00                           Full amount recovery is
Total                       8,419,933

(2)Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                Account Property                                 End of term                               Beginning of term

Entrusted loan                                                             300,000,000.00                                   350,000,000.00

Advance                                                                          335,370.00                                          500,146.00

Petty cash                                                                      1,701,634.00                                         559,514.00

Other                                                                          14,067,047.00                                    9,793,582.00

Total                                                                      316,104,051.00                                   360,853,242.00
(3) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party
                                                                                                                                        In RMB

        Name of the                                                                            Percentage in total
                          Account property         End of term                 Age                                     Bad debt provision
         Company                                                                               other receivable%

Guangdong Shaoguan
                           Entrusted loan        200,000,000.00         Within 1 year                      63.27%                          0.00
    Yuejuang Power

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 Guangdong Yudean
                           Entrusted loan         100,000,000.00         Within 1 year                         31.64%                     0.00

 Guangdong Yudean
    Environmental         Combination o            7,684,118.00          Within 1 year                          2.43%                     0.00

    Yudean Group.
                           Common Cost             2,061,019.00          Within 1 year                          0.65%                     0.00
        Shajiao C

HOWDEN                  Pay                              1,677,479.00 Within 1 year                             0.53%                     0.00

Total                             --                311,422,616.00               --

3.Long –term share equity investment

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                            End of term                                                  Beginning of term
        Items                               Impairment                                                      Impairment
                      Book Balance                              Book value            Book Balance                             Book value
                                             provision                                                      provision

Investment in        16,911,818,596.0                        16,456,234,329.0 15,560,929,157.0                               15,105,344,890.0
                                           455,584,267.00                                                  455,584,267.00
subsidiaries                           0                                     0                       0                                       0

Investment in
joint ventures and 6,306,009,875.00                          6,306,009,875.00 6,546,533,591.00                               6,546,533,591.00

                     23,217,828,471.0                        22,762,244,204.0 22,107,462,748.0                               21,651,878,481.0
Total                                      455,584,267.00                                                  455,584,267.00
                                       0                                     0                       0                                       0

(1)Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

 Name of investee Opening balance             Increase           Decrease        Closing balance                             provision for the

Huizhou Natural
                       845,846,646.00                                                 845,846,646.00

                     1,353,153,223.00                                            1,353,153,223.00
Guangqian Power

Guangdong Red
                     2,220,023,386.00                                            2,220,023,386.00

                                           427,689,439.00                             427,689,439.00

Zhanjiang Power      2,185,334,400.00                                            2,185,334,400.00

                                                                           广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

Guangdong Yujia
                     701,279,338.00                       69,600,000.00    631,679,338.00                  455,584,267.00

                     856,694,674.00     297,000,000.00                    1,153,694,674.00
Shaoguan Yuejiang

                     595,005,970.00                                        595,005,970.00

Yudean Jinghai      1,930,395,668.00                                      1,930,395,668.00

                     242,277,000.00                                        242,277,000.00
Zhangjiang Wind

                      20,000,000.00                                         20,000,000.00
Yudean Anxin

                      90,000,000.00                                         90,000,000.00
Humen Power

                    1,150,248,115.00                                      1,150,248,115.00
Zhongyue Enerty

Yudean Bohe         1,385,000,000.00    300,000,000.00                    1,685,000,000.00

Huizhou Pinghai
                     720,311,347.00                                        720,311,347.00

                     700,000,000.00     200,000,000.00                     900,000,000.00

Yudean Huadu          78,000,000.00                                         78,000,000.00
Natural Gas

Guangdong Wind
                     487,359,390.00      55,000,000.00                     542,359,390.00

Leizhou Wind                   0.00      80,800,000.00                      80,800,000.00

Yudean Qujie                   0.00      60,000,000.00                      60,000,000.00
Wind Power

                    15,560,929,157.0                                      16,911,818,596.0
Total                                  1,420,489,439.00   69,600,000.00                                    455,584,267.00
                                  0                                                     0

                                                                                      广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

(2)Investment in joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                      Increase/decrease in this period
                                                 Investme                                                                            of the
                          Increase Decrease                     Other                   d for       Provision
Name of Beginnin                                 nt income                 Other                                         End of     provision
                             in          in                    comprehe               distributin      for
investee    g of term                             under                   changes                               Other     term       on for
                          investmen investmen                   nsive                   g cash      impairme
                                                  equity                  in eqiuty                                                 impairme
                              t          t                      income                dividend         nt
                                                  method                                                                               nt
                                                                                       or profit

I.Joint venture

ng Power 597,811,3                               43,461,24                            -74,772,2                         566,500,3
Industry          76.00                               1.00                                 53.00                           64.00

            597,811,3 227,046,1 -221,275, 43,461,24                                   -74,772,2                         566,500,3
                  76.00       76.00     476.00        1.00                                 53.00                           64.00

II. Associatesd

            5,867,441                                                                                                   5,967,213
 g                                               99,772.00
                    .00                                                                                                       .00

            7,847,994                            356,006.0                                                              8,204,000
                    .00                                    0                                                                  .00

 West       256,008,4                            5,459,077                                                              261,467,5
 Investm          51.00                                .00                                                                 28.00

ng          945,671,3                            3,517,351                            -15,835,3                         933,353,4
Yudean            63.00                                .00                                 00.00                           14.00

Yuntou      617,225,8                 -221,275, -4,315,85                                                               391,634,5
Yudean            72.00                 476.00        9.00                                                                 37.00

            869,294,1                            33,771,48                                                              903,065,6
                  93.00                               8.00                                                                 81.00

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ng             648,047,1                         48,938,78                      -57,535,4                             639,450,5
Yudean             85.00                              2.00                            62.00                              05.00

    Baoshan 205,634,4                            -11,177,9                                                            194,456,5
    Binlangj       75.00                            75.00                                                                00.00

               2,208,688                         193,221,8                      -74,772,2                             2,401,910
                 ,289.00                            44.00                             53.00                             ,133.00

               184,436,9 227,046,1               193,221,8                                                -411,483,
    Yundou                                                                                                                 0.00
                   52.00       76.00                44.00                                                   128.00

               5,948,722 227,046,1 -221,275, 269,870,4                          -73,370,7                 -411,483, 5,739,509
                 ,215.00       76.00    476.00      86.00                             62.00                 128.00      ,511.00

               6,546,533 227,046,1 -221,275, 313,331,7                          -148,143,                 -411,483, 6,306,009
                 ,591.00       76.00    476.00      27.00                            015.00                 128.00      ,875.00


4. Business income, Business cost
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                            Amount of current period                             Amount of previous period
                                        Income                    Cost                        Income                       Cost

Main business                          1,082,635,623.00           761,750,894.00              1,328,220,705.00           1,016,529,956.00

Other business                           15,030,991.00              7,210,918.00                 8,122,383.00                4,437,462.00

Total                                  1,097,666,614.00           768,961,812.00              1,336,343,088.00           1,020,967,418.00


5. Investment income

(1)Income from investment
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                       Items                              Amount of current period                     Amount of previous period

Income from long-term equity investment                                  1,608,008,961.00                                1,843,773,960.00

                                                                         广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

measured by adopting the cost method

Income from long-term equity investment
                                                                     313,331,726.00                                    336,254,319.00
measured by adopting the Equity method

Investment gain on disposal of long-term
eqiuty invest

Hold the investment income during from
                                                                       2,400,000.00                                     14,962,500.00
available-for-sale financial assets

Entrust Loan interest income                                          24,636,833.00                                     12,651,008.00

Other                                                                 -1,512,486.00                                      -1,557,751.00

Total                                                            2,071,148,869.00                                    2,206,084,036.00


XVII. Supplement information

1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                    Items                                   Amount                                           Notes

Gains/losses from the disposal of                                                     Mainly for oil shale Company’s equity
non-current asset                                                                     disposal profits

Governmental subsidy calculated into
current gains and loess(while closely related
with the normal business of the Company,
excluding the fixed-amount or
fixed-proportion governmental subsidy
according to the unified national standard)

Gains and losses from exchange of
non-monetary assets

Other non-operating income and expenditure
except for the aforementioned items

                                                                                      Enterprises can control the invested party
                                                                                      under     the   different      control   due   to
                                                                                      additional investment and other reasons. In
                                                                                      the     consolidated    financial    statements,
Other non-business income and expenditures
                                                                      49,276,222.00 enterprise should carry on re measurement
other than the above
                                                                                      in accordance with the fair value of the
                                                                                      equity which held by the acquiree before
                                                                                      the purchase date. The difference between
                                                                                      the fair value and the value of the accounts

                                                                             广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                                                                          should be accounted into the current
                                                                                          investment income.

Less:Influence amount of income tax                                       1,161,738.00

Influenced amount of minor shareholders’

Total                                                                    204,618,493.00                        --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public-Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

2. Return on net asset and earnngs per share

         Profitofreportperiod             Weightedaverageretureoneqiuty(%)        Basicearningspershare(R      Diluted eqrnings per
                                                                                       MB/share)               share(RMB/share)

Net profit attributable to the
Common stock shareholders of                                             7.73%                        0.33                            0.33

Net profit attributable to the
Common stock shareholders of
                                                                         6.81%                        0.29                            0.29
Company after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss.

3.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

(1)Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed in the financial
reports of differences in net income and net assets.

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                  Net profit                                          Net assets

                             Amount in the reporting Amount in the previous         End of the reporting        Beginning of the
                             period                             period                    period                   reporting period

According to CAS                      1,720,995,015.00         1,644,460,546.00         22,350,256,396.00            21,310,054,597.00

Items and amount adjusted according to IAS

 Land use right

 The difference arising
                                                                                            64,623,000.00                64,623,000.00
from recognition of

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goodwill after merger of
enterprises under the same

 Difference arising
 fromrecognition of land
                                          -315,000.00                 -315,000.00           19,805,000.00              20,120,000.00
 use value after enterprise

 Influence on minority
                                            27,060.00                   27,060.00             4,620,799.00               4,593,739.00

According to IAS                     1,720,707,075.00           1,643,311,165.00         22,439,305,195.00         21,399,391,336.00

 (2) Discrepancy in net profit and net assets as disclosed in the financial report respectively according to the accounting
standards outside Mainland China and CAS
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
(3) Note to the discrepancy in accounting data under the accounting standards outside Mainland China. In case the
discrepancy in data which have been audited by an overseas auditing agent has been adjusted, please specify the name of the
overseas auditing agent.
a. Land use right amortization
The difference formed by different period of land use right amortization.
b.The difference arising from recognition of goodwill after merger of enterprises under the same control and recognition of land
value after enterprise merger.
As required by new Chinese accounting standards, the goodwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same control shall not
be recognized and capital surplus shall be adjusted. Under IFRS, the golldwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the same
control shall be recognized and equal to the difference between merger cost and share of fair value of recognizable net assets of the
purchased party obtained in merger. Meanwhile, all assets of the purchased party obtained in merger shall be accounted for according
to their fair value while such assets shall be accounted for according to their book value according to original Chinese accounting
standards for business enterprises. Therefore, this difference will continue to exist.
c. Influence on minority interests
Housing reform loss occurred to the Company and some holding subsidiaries. Therefore, there’s some influence on minority

                                                                   广东电力发展股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告全文

                                         X.Documents for reference

1.Text of Semi-ammual report carrying the signature of Chairman of the Board;

2.Financial statements bearing the seal and signature of legal representative, financial controller and the person in
charge of the accounting organ;

3.All original copies of official documents and notices, which were disclosed in Securities Times, China
Secunities and Hong Kong Commercial Daily (Both English and Chinese version);

4.The article of association of the Company;

5. English version of the semi-annual report.

The documents mentioned above are kept in office, and are ready for reference at any time (except public holidays,

Saturday and Sunday).
