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						                                                                    The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Stock code:000539、200539                             Stock Abbreviation:Yue Dian Li ,Yue Dian Li B
Bond code:112162.SZ                                   Bond short name:12 Yudean Bond

                       Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

                              The Third Quarterly Report 2016

                                      October 2016

                                                                                       The Third Quarterly Report 2016

                                                          1 Important notes
The Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Quarterly Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the Quarterly Report.
    All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report except the follows:

 The name of director who did                                                            The name of director who was
                                              Positions                       Reason
not attend the meeting in person                                                                     authorized

Zhong Weimin                       Director                       Due to business        Hong Rongkun

Kong Huitian                       Director                       Due to business        Yao Jiheng

Li Mingliang                       Director                       Due to business        Yao Jiheng

Yang Xinli                         Director                       Due to business        Hong Rongkun

Zhang Xueqiu                       Director                       Due to business        Sha Qilin

Liu Tao                            Independent Director           Due to business        Zhang Hua

Mao Fugen                          Independent Director           Due to business        Shen Hongtao

Wang Xi                            Independent Director           Due to business        Shen Hongtao

Mr. Huang Zhenhai, Person in charge of the Company, Ms.Li Xiaoqing , Person in charge of accounting works,
Mr.Meng Fei ,CFO as well as person in charge of accounting institution represent and warrant the financial and
accounting report in the third quarterly report is true and complete.

                                                                                                              The Third Quarterly Report 2016

II. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I.Main financial data and financial index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed
and accounting error correction or not.
□ Yes √ No
                                           As at the end of the reporting                                        Changed (%)over end of
                                                                                As at the end of last year
                                                          period                                                           prev. year

Gross assets(RMB)                                   71,619,435,369.00                   71,919,934,143.00                              -0.42%

Net assets attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                    23,919,977,656.00                   23,754,596,981.00                              0.70%

                                                                      Increase/decrease over Between beginning of
                                                                                                                          Changed (%)over
                                             Reporting period         the same period of last the year to the end of
                                                                                                                           end of prev. year
                                                                           year(%)              the report period

Operating income(RMB)                        6,207,318,559.00                       -8.40%       16,442,308,125.00                    -16.48%

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company               738,187,983.00                      -19.69%        1,476,562,767.00                    -44.07%

Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                                 744,574,860.00                      -17.47%        1,488,076,826.00                    -38.63%
to the shareholders of listed

Cash flow generated by business
                                                     --                         --                  8,050,018,485.00                     -6.29%
operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                             0.14                  -22.22%                      0.281                 -44.14%

Diluted gains per
                                                               0.14                  -22.22%                      0.281                 -44.14%

Weighted average income/asset ratio
                                                             3.13%                    -0.91%                     6.18%                   -5.89%

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                             Amount (Year-beginning to
                                 Items                                                                                     Notes
                                                                            the end of the report period.)

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part
for which assets impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and
loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business                                4,330,234.00
and granted under the state’s policies)

                                                                                       The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above       -26,498,677.00

Less:Amount of influence of income tax                                -1,461,589.00

Influence on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)               -10,349,202.00

Total                                                                 -11,514,059.00                 --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

                                                                                                       The Third Quarterly Report 2016

II. Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered and the
Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                                  In shares
                                                                     Total preference shareholders
Total number of common                                               with the voting power
                                                           111,580                                                                         0
shareholders at the period-end                                       recovered at the end of the
                                                                     reporting period(if any)

                                                Shares held by the top 10 shareholders

                                                            Share                       Amount of tradable          Pledging or freezing
                                        Properties of
          Shareholder name                                proportio       Quantity           shares with        Status of the
                                        shareholder                                                                             Quantity
                                                             n%                         Conditional held           shares

Guangdong Yudean Group Co.,          State-owned legal
                                                             67.39% 3,538,005,285               1,893,342,621
Ltd.                                 person

                                     State-owned legal
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                            2.78%      145,748,980

Guangdong      Guangfa       Electric State-owned legal
                                                              2.22%       116,693,602
Power Investment Co., Ltd.           person

Guangdong Electric Power             State-owned legal
                                                              1.80%        94,367,341
Development Corporation              person

                                     Domestic Natural
Li Zhuo                                                       0.41%        21,362,585

                                     Overseas Legal
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                        0.33%        17,484,844

                                     Overseas Legal
NORGES BANK                                                   0.31%        16,235,358

                                     Overseas Legal
HONG KONG SECURITIES                                          0.29%        15,322,336

NOMURA SINGAPORE                     Overseas Legal
                                                              0.24%        12,599,843
LIMITED                              person

Central Huijin Assets                State-owned legal
                                                              0.23%        12,258,200
Management Co., Ltd.                 person

                                   Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares

                                                          Number of the non-restricted                          Share type
                Shareholders’ Names
                                                                    shares held                        Share type               Quantity
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                            1,644,662,664 RMB Common shares

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                            145,748,980 RMB Common shares

                                                                                                 The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Guangdong Guangfa Electric Power Investment
                                                                         116,693,602 RMB Common shares
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Electric Power Development
                                                                          94,367,341 RMB Common shares

Li Zhuo                                                                   21,362,585 RMB Common shares

BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS                                                      Foreign shares placed in
STOCK INDEX FUND                                                                       domestic exchange

                                                                                       Foreign shares placed in
NORGES BANK                                                               16,235,358
                                                                                       domestic exchange

CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG                                                     Foreign shares placed in
SECURITIES LTD                                                                         domestic exchange

                                                                                       Foreign shares placed in
NOMURA SINGAPORE LIMITED                                                  12,599,843
                                                                                       domestic exchange

Central Huijin Assets Management Co., Ltd.                                12,258,200 RMB Common shares

                                                    The fourth largest shareholder Guangdong Electric Power Development
Explanation on associated relationship or concerted Corporation is the wholly-owned subsidiaries of the largest shareholder
action of the above shareholders                    Yudean Group. These two companies have relationships; whether the other
                                                    shareholders have relationships or unanimous acting was unknown.

                                                    The Fifth largest shareholder Li Zhuo holds 21,074,665 A shares of the
Note to the top 10 common stockholders involved     Company through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee and
in margin financing & securities lending (If any)   holds287,920 A shares through ordinary stock account, hold 21,362,585 shares
                                                    of the Company's stock totally.

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of the
report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                                    The Third Quarterly Report 2016

 III. Significant Events

 I. Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its

 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
      It is indicated in the reporting period the net profits assigned to the shareholders of listed companies have
 been 44.7% YoY drop. Weak power demand and anabatic competition have compelled drastic decline in electric
 quantity. Another reduction of on-grid price released by the state as of January, 1st has an intensely negative effect
 on the profits from power generation and return on investment from the associated company. Upon synthetic
 analysis of the aforesaid factors, the net profits are sizeable YoY drop.

 II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal.

 □ Applicable √Not applicable

 III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
 directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
 unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period
 √Applicable□ Not applicable

                                                                                                  Time of
                        Commitmen                                                                 making        Period of        Fulfillm
    Commitment                      Type                         Contents
                          t maker                                                                commitm      commitment           ent

Commitment on share

Commitment in the
acquisition report or
the report on equity

                                           Yue Dian Li is the only quoted platform of Yudean                Within 5 years af
                                           Group’s electricity asset integration within the                ter the completio
                                           boundary. ② Except Yue Dian Li and the                          n of major asset r
                                           electricity assets controlled by it, within 5 years              eorganization
                        Guangdong          after the last recombination is done, Yudean Group
Commitments in          Yudean             will pump the assets which meet the conditions of Novembe
assets reorganization Group Co.,           launching after reformation into Yue Dian Li          r 3,2011
                        Ltd.               gradually through purchasing and recombination
                                           and other ways, according to the situation of
                                           solutions to different problems, e.g. the imperfect
                                           examination and approval procedures, the situation
                                           of profitability, cooperation agreement and land

                                                                                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2016

                                            utilization. ③ At the aspects of the development
                                            of power project and assets purchasing, Yudean
                                            Group provides the priority for Yue Dian Li
                                            choose. If Yue Dian Li gives up development and
                                            purchasing, Guangkong Group will join Yue Dian
                                            Li under the situation that the project is completed
                                            and put into production, and that the purchase is
                                            done and the project meets the conditions of
                                            listing.For details,
                                            see June 5, 2014, published in the designated med
                                            ia "Announcement of Guangdong Electric Power
                                            Development Co.,Ltd. matters related to commitm

Commitments make
in initial public
offering or

Equity incentive

                       Guangdong            To maintain the stability of the market, Yudean                                    Perform
Other commitments
                       Yudean               Group promised not to reduce the Yudean electric July 8,                           ance is
for medium and small                                                                                        12 months
                       Group Co.,           power shares within the next 12 months.                2015                        complet
                       Ltd.                                                                                                    ed

Completed on

 IV.Prediction of Business performance for 2016.

 Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the

 same period of last year, and statement of causations.
 □ Applicable √Not applicable

 V. Investment in securities
 □ Applicable √Not applicable

 No Securities investment in period
 VI. Investment in derivatives
 □ Applicable √Not applicable
 There is no derivative investment during the report period.
 VII. Registration form of such Activities as Reception, Research, Communication, Interview in the
 Reporting Period
 √Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                  The Third Quarterly Report 2016

       Reception time                   Way of reception    Types of visitors                       Basic index
                                                                                The Company’s current production of operation
March 4,2016                      Onsite investigation     Organization         conditions and the situation
                                                                                of the construction and development projects.
                                                                                The Company’s current production of operation
June 13,2016                      Onsite investigation     Organization         conditions and the situation
                                                                                of the construction and development projects.
                                                                                The Company’s current production of operation
June 28,2016                      Onsite investigation     Organization         conditions and the situation
                                                                                of the construction and development projects.

                                                                                The Company’s current production of operation
July 15,2016                      Onsite investigation     Organization
                                                                                conditions and development projects.

                                                                                The Company’s current production of operation
September 29,2016                 Onsite investigation     Organization
                                                                                conditions and development projects.

VIII. Outward Guarantee against the Regulations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the reporting period.

IX. Non-operational Occupancy of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder and its Related
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party.

                                                                                   The Third Quarterly Report 2016

                                            IV. Financial Statement
I. Financial statement

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

                                               September 30,2016
                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Items                       At the end of term                    Beginning of term

               Current asset:

               Monetary fund                                   6,434,501,238.00                   5,237,406,725.00

             Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

  Financial assets measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account

     Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable

 Account receivable                                            2,227,711,105.00                   2,484,683,890.00

  Prepayments                                                  1,132,018,850.00                   1,063,701,630.00

 Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts

  Interest receivable                                              10,706,789.00                    10,232,658.00

  Dividend receivable                                                                                4,000,000.00

 Other account receivable                                        154,214,547.00                    188,899,280.00

 Repurchasing of financial assets

 Inventories                                                   1,402,989,421.00                   1,333,654,623.00

  Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

  Other current asset                                            578,368,623.00                    638,461,972.00

Total of current assets                                       11,940,510,573.00                 10,961,040,778.00

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s behalf

                                                                   The Third Quarterly Report 2016

  Disposable financial asset                    1,272,659,414.00                 1,094,350,488.00

  Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable                            131,907,487.00                    128,640,631.00

 Long term share equity investment              5,417,979,671.00                 5,924,410,159.00

 Property investment                                9,091,136.00                     9,567,835.00

  Fixed assets                                 43,502,107,437.00                44,330,167,621.00

  Construction in progress                      5,585,696,465.00                 5,613,398,840.00

Engineering material                                1,913,477.00                     1,673,547.00

  Fixed asset disposal                              6,490,498.00                     3,475,384.00

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

 Intangible assets                              1,698,521,951.00                 1,663,430,069.00

 R & D petrol                                         36,966.00

 Goodwill                                         27,486,780.00                     27,486,780.00

Long-germ expenses to be amortized                29,196,198.00                     28,843,225.00

Deferred income tax asset                        135,470,275.00                    116,237,351.00

 Other non-current asset                        1,860,367,041.00                 2,017,211,435.00

Total of non-current assets                    59,678,924,796.00                60,958,893,365.00

Total of assets                                71,619,435,369.00                71,919,934,143.00

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                              5,603,430,000.00                 6,288,060,000.00

 Loan from Central Bank

 Deposit received and hold for others

 Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account

     Derivative financial liabilities

  Bill payable                                  1,300,245,477.00                   593,971,146.00

  Account payable                               2,178,915,618.00                 1,739,227,291.00

 Advance payment                                     224,798.00                        244,798.00

 Selling of repurchased financial assets

Fees and commissions receivable

 Employees’ wage payable                        244,201,239.00                    123,477,922.00

 Tax payable                                     510,829,787.00                    404,729,354.00

                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2016

 Interest payable                        172,216,610.00                    105,492,698.00

 Dividend payable                           9,703,930.00                     8,640,994.00

  Other account payable                 3,593,399,181.00                 3,536,133,625.00

 Reinsurance fee payable

 Insurance contract provision

 Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

  Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year     1,105,268,753.00                 1,851,670,652.00

Other current liability                 1,918,564,247.00                 1,711,348,630.00

Total of current liability             16,636,999,640.00                16,362,997,110.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                       20,705,689,789.00                21,303,229,910.00

 Bond payable                           1,894,416,665.00                 1,196,029,762.00

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

  Long-term payable                     1,957,797,865.00                 2,495,443,111.00

Long-term payable employees’s
                                          74,814,135.00                     85,827,126.00

 Special payable                          26,899,913.00                     24,711,974.00

 Expected liabilities

     Deferred income                     104,140,723.00                    103,256,725.00

       Deferred income tax liability      50,370,776.00                     87,243,028.00

Other non-current liabilities             39,000,000.00                     39,000,000.00

Total non-current liabilities          24,853,129,866.00                25,334,741,636.00

Total of liability                     41,490,129,506.00                41,697,738,746.00

Owners’ equity

          Share capital                 5,250,283,986.00                 5,250,283,986.00

      Other equity instrument

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                       5,007,746,614.00                 5,007,077,158.00

  Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income               141,422,482.00                    245,708,715.00

                                                                                                   The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Special reserves

  Surplus reserves                                                       6,845,001,818.00                         5,812,191,775.00

 Common risk provision

Undistributed profit                                                     6,675,522,756.00                         7,439,335,347.00

Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                                        23,919,977,656.00                        23,754,596,981.00
parent company

Minority shareholders’ equity                                           6,209,328,207.00                         6,467,598,416.00

Total of owners’ equity                                                30,129,305,863.00                        30,222,195,397.00

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                                71,619,435,369.00                        71,919,934,143.00

Legal Representative: Huang Zhenhai        Person in charge of accounting:Li Xiaoqing         Accounting Dept Leader: Meng Fei

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Items                                At the end of term                          Beginning of term

Current asset:

Monetary fund                                                              971,728,581.00                          682,950,639.00

Financial assets measured at fair value with
variations accounted into current income

Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable

 Account receivable                                                        227,099,200.00                          134,539,664.00

  Prepayments                                                               80,063,365.00                          115,303,150.00

  Interest receivable                                                           1,279,235.00                          1,818,442.00

  Dividend receivable                                                                                               21,512,934.00

Other account receivable                                                   128,710,517.00                          318,483,048.00

  Inventories                                                              139,447,545.00                          141,559,999.00

Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset                                                                                                 10,508,362.00

Total of current assets                                                  1,548,328,443.00                         1,426,676,238.00

Non-current assets:

  Disposable financial asset                                             1,272,659,414.00                         1,094,350,488.00

Expired investment in possess

                                                                   The Third Quarterly Report 2016

 Long-term receivable                            300,000,000.00                    100,000,000.00

 Long term share equity investment             22,575,296,396.00                22,588,550,554.00

 Property investment                                9,091,136.00                     9,567,835.00

  Fixed assets                                  1,112,927,185.00                 1,217,618,892.00

  Construction in progress                        43,278,412.00                     26,156,889.00

Engineering material

  Fixed asset disposal                                  7,479.00

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

Intangible assets                                 93,099,324.00                     95,876,179.00

 R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Deferred income tax asset

 Other non-current asset                         653,004,000.00                    653,004,000.00

Total of non-current assets                    26,059,363,346.00                25,785,124,837.00

Total of assets                                27,607,691,789.00                27,211,801,075.00

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                               700,000,000.00                    900,000,000.00

Financial liabilities measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account
  Derivative financial liabilities

  Bill payable

  Account payable                                326,127,377.00                    292,714,747.00

 Advance payment

 Employees’ wage payable                         35,492,347.00                     30,063,156.00

 Tax payable                                      47,697,792.00                     21,266,249.00

 Interest payable                                 39,992,730.00                     52,100,633.00

 Dividend payable                                   9,703,930.00                     8,640,994.00

  Other account payable                           96,788,643.00                    112,031,125.00

Classified as held for sale debt
      Non-current liability due in 1 year

Other current liability                         1,208,240,000.00                 1,509,599,589.00

Total of current liability                      2,464,042,819.00                 2,926,416,493.00

                                                                                    The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                                              1,500,000,000.00                     1,500,000,000.00

 Bond payable                                                 1,196,744,405.00                     1,196,029,762.00

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

   Long-term payable

Long-term payable to employees                                      21,971,652.00                     24,192,962.00

  Special payable

 Expected liabilities

Deferred income                                                     52,056,186.00                     52,918,949.00

Deferred income tax liability                                       19,870,926.00                     54,572,001.00

  Other non-current liabilities

Total of Non-current liabilities                              2,790,643,169.00                     2,827,713,674.00

Total of liability                                            5,254,685,988.00                     5,754,130,167.00

Owners’ equity

        Share capital                                         5,250,283,986.00                     5,250,283,986.00

      Other equity instrument

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                                             5,610,491,299.00                     5,609,821,843.00

  Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income                                         141,422,483.00                    245,708,715.00

Special reserves

Surplus reserves                                              6,845,001,818.00                     5,812,191,775.00

Undistributed profit                                          4,505,806,215.00                     4,539,664,589.00

Total of owners’ equity                                     22,353,005,801.00                    21,457,670,908.00

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                     27,607,691,789.00                    27,211,801,075.00

3.Consolidated Income statement of the Report period

                                                                                                            In RMB

                     Items                 Amount in this period                    Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business                           6,207,318,559.00                         6,776,239,369.00

Incl:Business income                                     6,207,318,559.00                         6,776,239,369.00

                                                              The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost                    5,171,188,129.00                 5,323,700,647.00

Incl:Business cost                        4,594,220,998.00                 4,644,479,136.00

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

     Business tax and surcharge              51,461,297.00                     51,881,014.00

     Sales expense                              567,104.00                        294,824.00

Administrative expense                      176,112,019.00                    230,113,038.00

Financial expenses                          349,955,971.00                    396,932,635.00

Asset impairment loss                         -1,129,260.00

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)            190,223,865.00                    175,459,458.00

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss     1,226,354,295.00                 1,627,998,180.00

Add:Non-business income                        954,763.00                     40,074,816.00

         Incl:Gains from disposal of
                                               -130,677.00                       -894,294.00
non-current assets

     Less:Non business expenses              7,070,375.00                      5,124,593.00

           Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets

IV.Total   profit(“-”for loss)           1,220,238,683.00                 1,662,948,403.00

 Less:Income tax expenses                  272,941,293.00                    385,099,703.00

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss            947,297,390.00                  1,277,848,700.00

Net profit attributable to the owners of    738,187,983.00                    919,135,346.00

                                                                   The Third Quarterly Report 2016

parent company

  Minority shareholders’ equity                  209,109,407.00                   358,713,354.00

VI. Net after-tax of Other
                                                    3,661,960.00                  -148,390,700.00
comprehensive income

Net                                   after-tax
of other comprehensive income attribut              3,661,960.00                  -148,390,700.00
able to owners of the parent company.

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b              3,661,960.00                  -148,390,700.00
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi                    0.00                             0.00
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
                                                    3,661,960.00                  -148,390,700.00
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements


after-tax of other comprehensive incom
e attributable to Minority shareholders’

VII. Total comprehensive income                   950,959,350.00                 1,129,458,000.00

Total comprehensive income
                                                  741,849,943.00                   770,744,646.00
attributable to the owner of the parent

                                                                                                 The Third Quarterly Report 2016


 Total comprehensive income
                                                                       209,109,407.00                              358,713,354.00
attributable minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                       0.14                                        0.18

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                     0.14                                        0.18

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved net profit of RMB
0.00, last period the combined party realized RMB0.00.

Legal Representative:Huang Zhenhai         Person in charge of accounting:Li Xiaoqing     Accounting Dept Leader:Meng Fei

4.Income statement of the Parent Company of the Report period

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Items                             Amount in this period                       Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business                                        622,332,773.00                              618,417,649.00

  Less:Business cost                                                  460,750,721.00                              437,221,777.00

Business tax and surcharge                                               4,652,331.00                                3,826,245.00

     Sales expense                                                                                                         20,333.00

 Administrative expense                                                 22,267,139.00                               29,045,001.00

    Financial expenses                                                  51,406,097.00                               72,350,203.00

 Asset impairment loss

  Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                     284,325,421.00                              404,687,794.00

  Incl: investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                                367,581,906.00                              480,641,884.00

     Add :Non-operational income                                             101,775.00                            17,205,272.00

  Including:Income from disposal of
non-current assets

  Less:Non business expenses                                                 173,158.00                                  319,011.00

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current

III.Total   profit(“-”for loss)                                      367,510,523.00                              497,528,145.00

 Less:Income tax expenses                                              17,221,265.00                               23,650,223.00

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                                    350,289,258.00                              473,877,922.00

                                                                                            The Third Quarterly Report 2016

V.Net of profit of other comprehensive i
                                                                   3,661,960.00                             -148,390,700.00

     (I)Other comprehensive income
items that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

(                     II                  )
Other comprehensive income that will b                             3,661,960.00                             -148,390,700.00
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi                                   0.00                                       0.00
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
                                                                   3,661,960.00                             -148,390,700.00
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income                                   353,951,218.00                             325,487,222.00

VII. Earnings per share:

(I)Basic earnings per share

 (II)Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Income statement between the beginning of the year and end of the report period

                                                                                                          In RMB

                    Items                       Amount in this period             Amount in last period

I. Total operating income                                     16,442,308,125.00                           19,687,792,601.00

Including:Operating income                                   16,442,308,125.00                           19,687,792,601.00

                                                              The Third Quarterly Report 2016

      Interest income

         Insurance gained

Commission charge and commission

II. Total operating cost                  14,066,645,693.00                15,798,835,076.00

Including:Operating cost                 12,362,131,227.00                13,826,201,155.00

Interest expense

Commission chare and commission

              Insurance discharge


              Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

                    Business tax and
                                            127,569,340.00                    157,843,720.00

     Sales expense                             1,303,572.00                     1,115,961.00

Administrative expense                      524,842,412.00                    604,476,325.00

Financial expenses                         1,051,928,402.00                 1,209,197,915.00

Asset impairment loss                         -1,129,260.00

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)            318,945,399.00                    695,430,176.00

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss     2,694,607,831.00                 4,584,387,701.00

Add:Non-business income                      11,564,474.00                    61,274,956.00

         Incl:Gains from disposal of

non-current assets

     Less:Non business expenses             21,238,175.00                      6,189,308.00

            Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets

IV.Total    profit(“-”for loss)          2,684,934,130.00                 4,639,473,349.00

                                                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2016

 Less:Income tax expenses                         688,423,363.00                    963,488,425.00

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss                  1,996,510,767.00                 3,675,984,924.00

Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                  1,476,562,767.00                 2,640,130,361.00
parent company

  Minority shareholders’ equity                   519,948,000.00                  1,035,854,563.00

VI. Net after-tax of Other
                                                  -104,286,232.00                     45,863,415.00
comprehensive income

Net                                   after-tax
of other comprehensive income attribut            -104,286,232.00                     45,863,415.00
able to owners of the parent company.

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b            -104,286,232.00                     45,863,415.00
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi               970,838.00
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
                                                  -105,257,070.00                     45,863,415.00
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements



after-tax of other comprehensive incom
e attributable to Minority shareholders’

                                                                                                  The Third Quarterly Report 2016


VII. Total comprehensive income                                   1,892,224,535.00                              3,721,848,339.00

Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the parent                           1,372,276,535.00                              2,685,993,776.00

 Total comprehensive income
                                                                    519,948,000.00                              1,035,854,563.00
attributable minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                   0.281                                      0.503

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                 0.281                                      0.503

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved net profit of RMB
0.00, last period the combined party realized RMB0.00.

6.Income Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                    Items                          Amount in this period                Amount in last period

I. Business income                                                1,448,006,883.00                              1,716,084,263.00

Less:Business cost                                               1,091,118,775.00                              1,206,183,589.00

Business tax and surcharge                                           12,646,846.00                                 14,816,662.00

Sales expense                                                                9,300.00                                  20,333.00

Administrative expense                                               77,549,050.00                                 83,151,443.00

Financial expenses                                                  163,432,962.00                                232,263,185.00

Asset impairment loss

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                  2,137,470,736.00                              2,475,836,663.00

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit                                            2,240,720,686.00                              2,655,485,714.00

Add:Non-business income                                               1,897,148.00                                18,925,055.00

         Incl:Gains from disposal of
non-current assets

Less:Non business expenses                                                531,243.00                                 345,541.00

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current

III.Total profit                                                  2,242,086,591.00                              2,674,065,228.00

Less:Income tax expenses                                            35,569,606.00                                 45,178,638.00

                                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2016

IV. Net profit                                      2,206,516,985.00                     2,628,886,590.00

V. Net after-tax of Other comprehensive
                                                     -104,286,232.00                        45,863,415.00

Net after                             –tax
of profit of other comprehensive incom
e attributable to owners of the parent co

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl             -104,286,232.00                        45,863,415.00
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b                   970,838.00
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi             -105,257,070.00                        45,863,415.00
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements

6.Other                                             2,102,230,753.00                     2,674,750,005.00

V. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share

(II)Diluted earnings per share

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                        The Third Quarterly Report 2016

                  Items                     Amount in this period             Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                          19,580,053,140.00                           23,307,995,187.00
rending of services

  Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from
other financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance

Net cash received from reinsurance

Net increase of client deposit and

Net increase of the financial assets that
are measured at fair value and whose
movement is counted to the current gain
and loss

Cash received as interest, processing fee
and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

   Tax returned                                                2,298,081.00                                6,849,537.00

Other cash received from business
                                                             192,906,314.00                             251,610,796.00

   Sub-total of cash inflow                               19,775,257,535.00                           23,566,455,520.00

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                           8,179,839,824.00                           10,842,305,367.00
merchandise and services

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings n central bank
and brother company

Cash paid for original contract claim

 Cash paid for interest, processing fee
and commission

 Cash paid for policy dividend

                                                                 The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs        1,124,600,927.00                 1,145,428,589.00

 Taxes paid                                   2,085,277,353.00                 2,648,618,826.00

Other cash paid for business activities        335,520,946.00                    340,198,354.00

Sub-total of cash outflow from business
                                             11,725,239,050.00                14,976,551,136.00

Cash flow generated by business
                                              8,050,018,485.00                 8,589,904,384.00
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment

Cash received as investment gains              512,343,277.00                    605,182,713.00

Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other        1,578,434.00                     9,985,554.00
long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash received                                            52,028,777.00

Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                               513,921,711.00                    884,673,199.00
investment activities

Cash paid for construction of fixed
     assets, intangible assets and other      2,311,505,369.00                 3,373,186,865.00
     long-term assets

Cash paid as investment

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

Other cash paid for investment

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                              2,311,505,369.00                 3,373,186,865.00
investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment        -1,797,583,658.00                -2,488,513,666.00

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment                     91,950,000.00                     33,000,000.00

Incl: Cash received as investment from
                                               141,950,000.00                     33,000,000.00
minor shareholders

Cash received as loans                       10,077,351,398.00                18,916,451,051.00

Cash received from bond placing

                                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Other financing –related ash received

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
                                                         10,169,301,398.00                 18,949,451,051.00

Cash to repay debts                                      11,862,353,840.00                 20,833,488,393.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                          3,352,287,872.00                  3,565,490,032.00

Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
                                                            920,168,209.00                  1,211,762,971.00
subsidiaries to minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities                                                       50,400,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                         15,214,641,712.00                 24,449,378,425.00
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing                     -5,045,340,314.00                 -5,499,927,374.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          1,207,094,513.00                    601,463,344.00

Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                          5,227,406,725.00                  4,528,277,314.00
equivalents at the beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                          6,434,501,238.00                  5,129,740,658.00
equivalents at the end of term

8. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                        In RMB

                  Items                    Amount in this period             Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                          1,602,241,681.00                  2,018,894,760.00
rending of services

Tax returned                                                                                         132,753.00

Other cash received from business
                                                             21,065,583.00                     47,154,728.00

Sub-total of cash inflow                                  1,623,307,264.00                  2,066,182,241.00

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                            816,458,488.00                    832,357,541.00
merchandise and services

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                      228,836,275.00                    228,812,019.00

Taxes paid                                                  157,580,734.00                    236,082,041.00

Other cash paid for business activities                      32,094,089.00                     41,122,395.00

                                                                The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Sub-total of cash outflow from business
                                             1,234,969,586.00                 1,338,373,996.00

Cash flow generated by business
                                              388,337,678.00                    727,808,245.00
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment
                                              300,000,000.00                  1,137,029,489.00

Cash received as investment gains            2,351,701,691.00                 2,466,207,496.00

Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other                                            4,045.00
long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash received

 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                             2,651,701,691.00                 3,603,241,030.00
investment activities

Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets                71,825,283.00                     84,688,373.00
and other long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                  795,583,889.00                  1,988,904,000.00

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

Other cash paid for investment

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                              867,409,172.00                  2,073,592,373.00
investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment        1,784,292,519.00                 1,529,648,657.00

III.Cash flow generated by financing

  Cash received as investment

     Cash received as loans                  2,197,650,000.00                 2,550,000,000.00

 Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received

 Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                             2,197,650,000.00                 2,550,000,000.00
financing activities

  Cash to repay debts                        2,700,000,000.00                 3,649,999,300.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                             1,381,502,255.00                 1,176,044,625.00

                                                                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2016

Other cash paid for financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                              4,081,502,255.00                     4,826,043,925.00
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing                         -1,883,852,255.00                    -2,276,043,925.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                288,777,942.00                       -18,587,023.00

Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                                682,950,639.00                       408,233,799.00
equivalents at the beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                                971,728,581.00                       389,646,776.00
equivalents at the end of term

II. Auditor‘s report
If the 3rd quarterly report been audited
[] Yes [V] No
The 3rd quarterly report has not been audited.

                                 The Board of Directors of Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                                         Chairman of the Board: Huang Zhenhai
                                                         October 29, 2016
