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						                                          The First Quarterly Report 2018

Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

        The First Quarterly Report 2018

                  April 2018

                                                                                                          The First Quarterly Report 2018

                                                     I Important notes
The Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Quarterly Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the Quarterly Report.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the first quarterly report except the follows:
 The name of director who did                                                                                 The name of director who was
                                                 Positions                             Reason
not attend the meeting in person                                                                              authorized
          Zhou Xi’an                            Director                          Due to business                       Rao Subo
         Zhang Xueqiu                            Director                          Due to business                     Ma Xiaoqian

Mr. Huang Zhenhai, Person in charge of the Company, Mr.Liu Wei , Person in charge of accounting works,
Mr.Meng Fei ,CFO as well as person in charge of accounting institution represent and warrant the financial and
accounting report in the first quarterly report is true and complete.

                                II. Basic Information of the Company

I. Main accounting data and financial Index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed
and accounting error correction or not.
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                             Changes of this period over
                                                             This period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                           same period of last year(%)
Operating income(RMB)                                          5,812,535,688               5,554,665,288                          4.64%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                                                     5,745,879                -115,409,510                         104.98%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of                        4,330,364                -125,128,941                         103.46%
listed company(RMB)
Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                                 1,540,043,756                  475,755,783                        223.70%
Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                                         0.001                     -0.022                        104.55%
Diluted gains per
                                                                           0.001                     -0.022                        104.55%
Weighted average return on equity(%)                                     0.02%                     -0.49%                       0.51%
                                                                                                           Changes of this period-end
                                                       End of this period             End of last period  over same period-end of last
Gross assets(RMB)                                            70,852,027,159              71,007,415,323                        -0.22%
Net assets attributable to the shareholders of
                                                               23,694,287,612               23,695,190,653                              0%
the listed company(RMB)
Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

                                                                                                The First Quarterly Report 2018

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                         Amount (Year-beginning to the end
                                 Items                                                                           Notes
                                                                              of the report period.)
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part for
which assets impairment provision is made)
Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and loss(excluding
those closely related to the Company’s business and granted under the                            851,696
state’s policies)
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items
Less: Amount of influence of income tax                                                          1,668,627
   Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ equity (after tax)                                    788,813
Total                                                                                            1,415,515         --
For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
information disclosure for Compaines Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

                                                                                                The First Quarterly Report 2018

II. Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered
and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                       In shares
                                                                    Total preference shareholders
Total number of common                                              with the voting power
                                                            99,743                                                             0
shareholders at the period-end                                      recovered at the end of the
                                                                    reporting period(if any)
                                             Shares held by the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                      Pledging or
                                                                                                       Amount of
                                                                       Share                                           freezing
                                                       Properties of                                 tradable shares
                  Shareholder name                                   proportion     Quantity                         Status
                                                       shareholder                                  with Conditional        Quant
                                                                         %                                           of the
                                                                                                          held                ity
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                          67.39% 3,538,005,285 1,893,342,621
                                                         legal person
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                         2.78%       145,748,980
                                                         legal person
Shenzhen Guangfa Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd.                       2.22%       116,693,602
                                                         legal person
Guangdong Electric Power Development Corporation                           1.80%        94,367,341
                                                         legal person
Harbin Daoli District Charity Foundation                                   0.79%        41,633,830
                                                         owned legal
Li Zhuo                                                  Natural           0.60%        31,745,043
National Social Security Fund 103 portfolio                                0.48%        24,994,982
                                                         owned legal
Harbin Hali Industry Co., Ltd.                                             0.42%        22,068,565
                                                         owned legal
Zheng Jianqun                                            Natural           0.41%        21,681,998
CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG                       Overseas
                                                                           0.29%        15,316,067
SECURITIES LTD                                           Legal person
                                  Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares
                                                                  Number of the                         Share type
                   Shareholders’ Names
                                                            non-restricted shares held            Share type           Quantity
Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.                                        1,644,662,664 RMB Common shares
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                        145,748,980 RMB Common shares
Shenzhen Guangfa Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd.                      116,693,602 RMB Common shares
Guangdong Electric Power Development Corporation                           94,367,341 RMB Common shares
Harbin Daoli District Charity Foundation                                   41,633,830 RMB Common shares
Li Zhuo                                                                    31,745,043 RMB Common shares
National Social Security Fund 103 portfolio                                24,994,982 RMB Common shares
Harbin Hali Industry Co., Ltd.                                             22,068,565 RMB Common shares
                                                                                       Foreign shares placed in
Zheng Jianqun                                                              21,681,998
                                                                                       domestic exchange

                                                                                                 The First Quarterly Report 2018

CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG                                                     Foreign shares placed in
SECURITIES LTD                                                                         domestic exchange
                                                           The fourth largest shareholder Guangdong Electric Power Development
                                                           Corporation is the wholly-owned subsidiaries of the largest shareholder
Explanation on associated relationship or concerted action
                                                           Yudean Group. These two companies have relationships; whether the
of the above shareholders
                                                           other shareholders have relationships or unanimous acting was
                                                           The Fifth largest shareholder Harbin Daoli District Charity Foundation
                                                           holds535,016 A shares of the Company through stock account with
                                                           credit transaction and guarantee and holds 41,098,814 A shares through
                                                           ordinary stock account, hold 41,633,830 shares of the Company's stock
                                                           The Sixth largest shareholder Li Zhuo holds237,720 A shares of the
Note to the top 10 common stockholders involved in         Company through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee
margin financing & securities lending (If any)             and holds31,507,323 A shares through ordinary stock account, hold
                                                           31,745,043 shares of the Company's stock totally.
                                                           The Eighth largest shareholder Harbin Hali Industry Co., Ltd. holds
                                                           1,125,920 A shares of the Company through stock account with credit
                                                           transaction and guarantee and holds 20,942,645 A shares through
                                                           ordinary stock account, hold 22,068,565 shares of the Company's stock
Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.
2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of the
report period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                        The First Quarterly Report 2018

                                         III. Significant Events

I. Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company
of RMB 5.75 million, representing a profit turnaround compared to the last year. The reason mainly was that the
demand for electricity in the society in the first quarter of 2018 went up, the company’s on-grid electricity
increased and the profitability of joint ventures and associates was relatively good, resulted in a turnaround in
operating performance; however, because of the high coal prices, the cost of fuel for power generation was high,
which lead to that the company's operating performance was at a small profit level.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. During the reporting period, according to Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as
“Yudean Group”) “Statement on the implementation of the commitment”, the Company and Yudean Group signed
the Equity Right Entrustment Agreement, stipulating that Yudean Group entrusted the shareholder’s rights
excluding the ownership, earnings right and right of disposition of the 29 underlying companies including Zhuhai
SEZ Guangzhu Power Generation Co., Ltd to the Company.
2. In the reporting period, the company received the “Letter of Issuing the Work Plan of the Decommissioning of
Shajiao Power Plant and the Alternative Power Supply Construction by Guangdong Development and Reform
Commission” (No. 578-2018 Yue Development and Reform Commission Doc.) (hereinafter referred to as "the
Work Plan"). The Work Plan stated: By the end of 2025, the decommissioning of all 10 units in Shajiao Power
Plant will be completed step by step, the alternative power source will be constructed in appropriate locations, and
the corresponding power grid reconstruction and the staff placement will be well completed.” Five of the 10 units
mentioned above in Shajiao Power Plant are owned by Shajiao A Power Plant, a branch of the Company.
According to the Work Plan, Shajiao A Power Plant No. 1 unit will be shut down before the end of 2019, and No.
2 unit and No. 3 unit will be shut down before the end of 2020, and No. 4 unit and No. 5 unit will be shut down
before the end of 2023. At present, the related issues, such as the decommissioning implementation plan, the
alternative power supply construction plan, the supporting grid reconstruction plan and staff placement and the
land development, are still in the process of research and formulation, of which the final impact on the company is
still relatively uncertain, yet the Company will make timely disclosure based on the follow-up progress.
3. In the reporting period, the Company completed the repurchase of part of the “Yudean Bonds” and the interest
payment work of 2018 for the remaining corporate bonds. The number of put-back of "12 Yudean Bonds" was
11,596,935 and the repurchase amount was RMB 1,217,087,933.25 (including interests), with that the remaining
number of bonds in trust was 403,065.
                           Announcement                            Date of disclosure        Website for disclosure
Announcement on the Controlling Shareholder’s Commitment to
                                                                January 3,2018          http//www.cninfo.com.cn.
Perform the Related Matters
Announcement on Related Transaction with Guangdong Yudean Group January 13,2018         http//www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                                                       The First Quarterly Report 2018

Co., Ltd. Signing of the Energy Entrusting trusteeship Agreement
Announcement on Receiving the Letter of Guangdong Provincial
Development and Reform Commission on Printing Work Plan for          February 9,2018                                   http//www.cninfo.com.cn.
Retirement and Alternative Power Construction of Shajiao Power Plant
Announcement of Concerning Payment of Corporate “12 Yudean
                                                                     March 13,2018                                     http//www.cninfo.com.cn.
Bonds” Interest of 2018
Announcement on the Resale Results of Corporate Bonds “12 Yudean
                                                                     March 17,2018                                     http//www.cninfo.com.cn.

III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

IV.Prediction of Business performance for January- June 2017

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
explanation of reason.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Securities investment

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                  Number of        Shareholding        Number of       Shareholding                   Gain. loss
                                                                                                                      Book balance
                                     Initial     shares held at    proportion at     shares held at proportion at                       of the                 Sauce
Security   Stock      Stock                                                                                           at the end of                Accountin
                                   investment   the beginning of the beginning       the end of the the end of the                    reporting                of the
category   Code    Abbreviation                                                                                       the reporting                 g items
                                   cost(RMB)     the reporting    of the reporting     reporting        reporting                      period                  shares
                                                                                                                      period (RMB)
                                                period(shares)      period(%)        period (shares)    period(%)                      (RMB)
                                                                                                                                              assets           Trans
Stock 600642 Shenergy             235,837,988     55,532,250              1.22% 55,532,250                  1.22% 319,865,760               0
                                                                                                                                              available        feree
                                                                                                                                              for sales
                   Shenzhen                                                                                                                   assets
Stock 000027                       15,890,628     12,600,000              0.32% 12,600,000                  0.32% 73,584,000                0                  obtai
                   Energy                                                                                                                     available
                                                                                                                                              for sales
Stock 831039 NEEQ                   3,600,000       1,800,000             1.29%         1,800,000           1.29%       6,678,000           0                  lishm
                                                                                                                                              for sales
Total                             255,328,616     69,932,250 255,328,616 69,932,250                         --         69,932,250        --                         0
Disclosure date for the
notice of approval by the
Board (If any)
Disclosure date for the
notice of approval by
shareholders’ Meeting (If

                                                                               The First Quarterly Report 2018

VI. Investment in derivatives
□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
VII. Registration form of such Activities as Reception, Research, Communication, Interview in the
Reporting Period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

VIII. External guarantee get out of line

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

IX. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                 The First Quarterly Report 2018

                                         IV. Financial Statement
I. Financial statement

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                          In RMB
                   Items                      At the end of term                  Beginning of term
Current asset:
Cash and bank balances                                        4,449,939,409                      4,996,580,490
           Settlement provision
Outgoing call loan
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
      Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
 Account receivable                                           2,777,704,159                      2,826,237,259
Advance payments                                                976,214,046                        826,786,279
 Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivable
Provisions of Reinsurance contracts
   Interest receivable                                              22,598,976                         14,923,771
   Dividend receivable
 Other account receivable                                          163,537,647                        208,907,993
Securities purchased under agreements
to resell
 Inventories                                                  2,324,768,911                      1,527,634,773
Held-for-sale assets
Current portion of non-current assets                                                               29,563,053
   Other current asset                                        1,030,241,176                      1,137,582,469
Total of current assets                                      11,745,004,324                     11,568,216,087
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances
Available-for-sale financial assets                           1,234,768,760                      1,243,633,985
Held-to-maturity investments
 Long-term receivable                                            85,017,590                         84,358,065
 Long term share equity investment                            5,912,779,071                      5,801,006,412
 Property investment                                              8,137,740                          8,296,639
   Fixed assets                                              40,311,020,293                     40,996,206,316
   Construction in progress                                   8,747,606,223                      8,467,687,340
Engineering material                                              5,588,696                         35,869,033
Fixed assets pending for disposal                                29,044,758                         14,662,233
Productive biological assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets                                            1,653,100,455                      1,665,784,490
Research and Development
 Goodwill                                                           27,486,780                         27,486,780
Long-term prepaid expenses                                          26,395,522                         27,007,371
Deferred income tax                                                417,570,205                        372,553,039
 Other non-current asset                                           648,506,742                        694,647,533

                                                                    The First Quarterly Report 2018

Total of non-current assets                        59,107,022,835                  59,439,199,236
Total of assets                                    70,852,027,159                  71,007,415,323
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loan facilities                     9,550,000,000                   9,270,000,000
Borrowings from central bank
Deposits and placements from other
financial institutions
Placement from banks and other
financial institution
Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit and loss
      Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                                         379,154,349                     297,611,800
   Account payable                                  3,348,763,049                   2,219,027,261
Advances from customers                                   276,713                       1,938,223
Securities sold under agreement to
Fees and commissions payable
Payroll payable                                       183,564,028                     157,738,628
Taxes and surcharges payable                           94,725,607                     277,285,402
  Interest payable                                    100,067,768                      98,553,104
  Dividend payable                                      9,703,930                       9,703,930
   Other payable                                    3,704,603,737                   3,908,512,671
Reinsurance amounts payable
Provision of insurance contract
Securities brokering
Securities underwriting
Held-for-sale liabilities
Current portion of non-current liabilities          2,127,883,462                   3,012,690,360
Other current liability                                56,659,205
Total of current liability                         19,555,401,848                  19,253,061,379
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term bank loan facilities                     19,205,618,292                  19,465,723,869
  Bond payable                                        736,770,042                     698,168,211
   Including:preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
   Long-term payable                                1,487,690,049                   1,548,259,241
Long-term employee benefits payable                    84,237,719                      91,622,907
Grants payable                                         64,275,954                      64,605,011
      Deferred income                                 142,520,262                     142,520,263
Deferred tax liabilities                               23,994,623                      24,188,860
Other non-current liabilities                          20,405,569                      16,405,569
Total non-current liabilities                      21,765,512,510                  22,051,493,931
Total of liability                                 41,320,914,358                  41,304,555,310
          Share capital                             5,250,283,986                   5,250,283,986
      Other equity instrument
  Including:preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
Reserves                                            5,004,250,685                   5,004,250,685
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income                           130,352,605                      137,001,523
Specialized reserve
  Surplus reserves                                  7,590,363,724                   7,590,363,724

                                                                                                   The First Quarterly Report 2018

General risk reserve
Retained earnings                                                         5,719,036,612                             5,713,290,735
Equity contributable to parent company                                   23,694,287,612                            23,695,190,653
Minority interests                                                        5,836,825,189                             6,007,669,360
Total equity                                                             29,531,112,801                            29,702,860,013
Total liabilities and equity                                             70,852,027,159                            71,007,415,323

Legal Representative: Huang Zhenhai           Person in charge of accounting:Liu Wei      Accounting Dept Leader: Meng Fei

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                           In RMB
                  Items                                   Year-end balance                        Year-beginning balance
Current asset:
Cash and bank balances                                                       243,706,011                              429,724,538
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
 Account receivable                                                          207,244,177                              195,462,150
Advance payments                                                              57,222,822                               57,189,222
   Interest receivable                                                         3,082,612                                1,698,504
   Dividend receivable                                                        11,536,791                               17,536,791
Other receivable                                                              11,215,680                               27,984,304
   Inventories                                                               150,144,924                              151,849,683
Held-for-sale assets
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current asset
Total of current assets                                                      684,153,017                              881,445,192
Non-current assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets                                       1,234,768,760                             1,243,633,985
Held-to-maturity investments
 Long-term receivable                                                       401,460,000                               401,460,000
 Long term share equity investment                                       23,296,783,329                            23,370,412,702
 Property investment                                                          8,137,740                                 8,296,639
   Fixed assets                                                           1,027,316,485                             1,054,459,265
   Construction in progress                                                  74,465,838                                49,949,168
Engineering material
Fixed assets pending for disposal                                               132,629
Productive biological assets
 Gas & petrol
Intangible assets                                                             87,706,111                               88,660,312
Research and Development
Long-term prepaid expenses
Deferred income tax                                                          58,034,880                                43,591,562
 Other non-current asset                                                    356,004,000                               356,004,000
Total of non-current assets                                              26,544,809,772                            26,616,467,633
Total of assets                                                          27,228,962,789                            27,497,912,825
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loan facilities                                           2,630,000,000                             1,700,000,000
Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit and loss

                                                                               The First Quarterly Report 2018

  Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
  Account payable                                              105,944,113                        221,325,935
Advances from customers
Payroll payable                                                 31,741,206                         32,124,015
 Tax payable                                                    22,404,617                         38,907,195
 Interest payable                                                8,599,890                         49,765,772
 Dividend payable                                                9,703,930                          9,703,930
  Other payable                                                107,452,931                        119,738,967
Held-for-sale liabilities
Current portion of non-current liabilities                                                      1,197,935,476
Other current liability
Total of current liability                                    2,915,846,687                     3,369,501,290
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term bank loan facilities                                1,500,000,000                     1,500,000,000
 Bond payable                                                    38,480,190
Including:preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
  Long-term payable
  Long-term employee benefits
                                                                 21,524,778                        22,265,631
     Grants payable                                               8,775,514                         8,775,514
Deferred income                                                  53,869,596                        53,869,596
Deferred income tax
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of Non-current liabilities                              1,622,650,078                     1,584,910,741
Total of liability                                            4,538,496,765                     4,954,412,031
        Share capital                                         5,250,283,986                     5,250,283,986
Other equity instrument
Including:preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
Reserves                                                      5,605,794,603                     5,605,794,601
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income                                     130,352,605                        137,001,523
Specialized reserve
Surplus reserves                                             7,590,363,724                      7,590,363,724
Retained earnings                                            4,113,671,106                      3,960,056,960
Total equity                                                22,690,466,024                     22,543,500,794
Total liabilities and equity                                27,228,962,789                     27,497,912,825

3.Consolidated Income statement

                                                                                                      In RMB
                   Items                     Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I. Revenue                                                     5,812,535,688                     5,554,665,288
Including: business revenue                                    5,812,535,688                     5,554,665,288
Interest income
Premiums earned
Fees and commissions income
II. Total operating cost                                      5,861,825,692                     5,731,755,826
Including: Cost of sales                                      5,380,318,561                     5,232,107,151
Interest expense

                                                                 The First Quarterly Report 2018

Fees and commissions expense
Cash surrender amount
Net expenses of claim settlement
   Net provisions for insurance contract
Policy dividend expenses
Reinsurance expenses
Business taxes and surcharges                       34,361,198                      46,883,420
   Selling expenses                                  4,817,203                       1,128,943
Administrative expense                             134,383,821                     135,333,767
Financial expenses                                 307,944,909                     316,302,545
      Impairment loss on assets
Add: Gain from fair-value changes(“-“for
Investment income(“-“for loss)                   116,815,302                      71,376,143
Including: investment income from
associates and joint ventures
Gain on foreign exchange(“-“for loss)
Assets disposition income                               30,809                         902,715
           Other income                              2,894,673
III. Operating profit(“-”for loss)              70,450,780                    -104,811,680
Add:Non-operating income                             3,679,083                      14,694,439
      Less:Non business expenses                    1,189,871                       2,489,993
IV. Total Profit(“-“for loss)                     72,939,992                     -92,607,234
Less: Income tax expense                             9,063,824                      25,738,798
V. Net profit (“-“for net loss)                   63,876,168                    -118,346,032
(I) Continuous operation net profit                 63,876,168                    -118,346,032
(II) Discontinued operation net profit
Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                     5,745,879                    -115,409,510
parent company
Minority interests                                  58,130,289                       -2,936,522
VI. Other comprehensive income after
                                                    -6,648,919                      18,875,683
Net of profit of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of the                -6,648,919                      18,875,683
parent company
(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent accounting
1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pla
ns of changes in net debt or net assets
2.Other comprehensive income under the
equity method investee can not be reclass
ified into profit or loss.
Other comprehensive income that will be             -6,648,919                      18,875,683
reclassified into profit or loss.
1.Other comprehensive income under the
equity method investee can be reclassifie
d into profit or loss.
2.Gains and losses from changes in fair v
                                                    -6,648,919                      18,875,683
alue available for sale financial assets
3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassifi
ed to gains and losses of available for sal
e financial assets

                                                                                                The First Quarterly Report 2018

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedg
es and losses
5.Translation differences in currency fina
ncial statements
after-tax of other comprehensive income
attributable to Minority shareholders’
VII. Total comprehensive income                                            57,227,249                               -99,470,349
Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                                             -903,040                               -96,533,827
to the owner of the parent company
  Total comprehensive income
                                                                           58,130,289                                -2,936,522
attributable minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                   0.001                                      -0.022
  (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                0.001                                      -0.022
The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved
net profit of RMB 0 , last period the combined party realized RMB0 .

Legal Representative: Huang Zhenhai        Person in charge of accounting:Li u Wei     Accounting Dept Leader: Meng Fei

4.Income statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                        In RMB
                     Items                           Amount in this period                      Amount in last period
I.Revenue                                                                465,311,491                                380,801,562
    Less:Business cost                                                  449,858,137                                381,038,604
Business tax and surcharge                                                  1,821,322                                    465,610
    Selling expenses                                                          437,911                                      3,062
  Administrative expense                                                   18,828,427                                 19,688,793
      Financial expenses                                                   47,457,181                                 47,038,961
      Impairment loss on assets
Add: Gain from fair-value
changes(“-“for loss)
Investment income(“-“for loss)                                         195,076,685                                 75,921,316
Including: investment income from
                                                                         114,290,630                                 71,376,143
associates and joint ventures
Assets disposition income                                                     -32,933
            Other income
II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                                  141,952,265                                  8,487,848
Add:Non-operating income                                                      27,610                                  9,551,560
Less:Non-operating expenses                                                  592,734                                    133,371
III.Total profit                                                         141,387,141                                 17,906,037
Less: Income tax expense                                                 -12,227,011                                -13,367,526
IV. Net profit (“-“for net loss)                                       153,614,152                                 31,273,563
(I) Continuous operation net profit                                      153,614,152                                 31,273,563
(II) Discontinued operation net profit
V.Net of profit of other comprehensive i
                                                                           -6,648,919                                18,875,683
    (I)Other comprehensive income
items that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

                                                                                  The First Quarterly Report 2018

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets
2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.
(                    II                )
Other comprehensive income that will b                               -6,648,919                           18,875,683
e reclassified into profit or loss.
1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi
fied into profit or loss.
2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
                                                                     -6,648,919                           18,875,683
value available for sale financial assets
3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets
4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses
5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements
VI. Total comprehensive income                                   146,965,233                              50,149,246
VII. Earnings per share:
(I)Basic earnings per share
  (II)Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                            In RMB
                  Items                      Amount in this period                Amount in last period
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                              6,909,344,782                         6,534,220,810
rending of services
   Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of inter-bank loans from
other financial bodies
Cash received against original
insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance
Net increase of client deposit and
Net increase of the financial assets that
are measured at fair value and whose
movement is counted to the current
gain and loss
Cash received as interest, processing
fee and commission
Net increase of inter-bank fund
Net increase of repurchasing business
    Tax returned                                                  4,180,540                                  232,947
Other cash received from business                               102,634,309                               38,308,102

                                                                 The First Quarterly Report 2018

    Sub-total of cash inflow                     7,016,159,631                   6,572,761,859
Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                 4,669,079,682                   5,217,883,087
merchandise and services
Net increase of client trade and
Net increase of savings n central bank
and brother company
Cash paid for original contract claim
  Cash paid for interest, processing fee
and commission
  Cash paid for policy dividend
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs            376,566,617                      354,132,647
  Taxes paid                                      309,033,731                      361,679,696
Other cash paid for business activities           121,435,845                      163,310,646
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                 5,476,115,875                   6,097,006,076
   business activities
Cash flow generated by business
                                                 1,540,043,756                     475,755,783
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment
Cash received as investment gains
Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and                   10,100                        1,062,462
other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units
Other investment-related cash received                                              10,500,000
Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                                       10,100                       11,562,462
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of fixed
      assets, intangible assets and other         657,061,177                      607,704,985
      long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                                                125,694
Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries
and other operational units
Other cash paid for investment
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                  657,061,177                      607,830,679
investment activities
Net cash flow generated by investment            -657,051,077                     -596,268,217
III.Cash flow generated by financing
Cash received as investment                         4,000,000
Incl: Cash received as investment from
minor shareholders
Cash received as loans                           2,446,395,253                   3,030,404,699
Cash received from bond placing
Other financing –related ash received
Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
                                                 2,450,395,253                   3,030,404,699
Cash to repay debts                              3,279,948,065                   2,972,122,871
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                  462,961,076                      419,903,293
Incl: Dividend and profit paid by

                                                                             The First Quarterly Report 2018

subsidiaries to minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing activities                      137,119,426                             6,440,107
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                            3,880,028,567                      3,398,466,271
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by financing                        -1,429,633,314                      -368,061,572
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                                         -446                                   -86
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                             -546,641,081                       -488,574,092
Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                            4,996,580,490                      5,184,873,650
equivalents at the beginning of term
VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                            4,449,939,409                      4,696,299,558
equivalents at the end of term

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent company

                                                                                                        In RMB
                   Items                   Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                              543,833,558                        506,722,273
rending of services
Tax returned                                                                                           232,947
Other cash received from business
                                                               16,238,994                             4,345,031
Sub-total of cash inflow                                      560,072,552                        511,300,251
Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                              557,730,970                        662,899,601
merchandise and services
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                         72,942,857                            76,886,841
Taxes paid                                                     17,395,705                             9,375,647
Other cash paid for business activities                        21,649,266                             9,965,255
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                              669,718,798                        759,127,344
   business activities
Cash flow generated by business
                                                             -109,646,246                       -247,827,093
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment
                                                              187,920,000                        100,000,000
Cash received as investment gains                              85,567,058                             4,295,833
Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and                               10,100
other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units
Other investment-related cash received
  Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                                              273,497,158                        104,295,833
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of fixed
      assets, intangible assets                                29,854,267                            17,484,290
and other long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment                                                                    131,602,154
Net cash received from subsidiaries
and other operational units
Other cash paid for investment

                                                                The First Quarterly Report 2018

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                  29,854,267                      149,086,444
investment activities
Net cash flow generated by investment            243,642,891                       -44,790,611
III.Cash flow generated by financing
   Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans                    1,930,000,000                   1,300,000,000
  Cash received from bond placing
Other financing –related ash received
  Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                1,930,000,000                   1,300,000,000
financing activities
   Cash to repay debts                          2,159,693,500                   1,000,000,000
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                  90,010,272                       95,417,563
Other cash paid for financing activities             310,954                           38,721
  Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                2,250,014,726                   1,095,456,284
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by financing            -320,014,726                      204,543,716
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                            -446                              -86
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                -186,018,527                      -88,074,074
Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                 429,724,538                      326,073,538
equivalents at the beginning of term
VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                 243,706,011                      237,999,464
equivalents at the end of term
II. Auditor‘s report
Whether the Q1 report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The Q1 Report is not audited.
