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五 粮 液:2022年度报告(英文版)2023-06-14  

                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

   Annual Report 2022

 Chairman of the Board: Zeng Congqin

            29 April 2023
                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

        Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

     1. The Board of Directors (or the ―Board‖), the Supervisory Committee as well as the
directors, supervisors and senior management of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as the ―Company‖) hereby guarantee that the contents of this Report are true, accurate and
complete and free of any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions, and
collectively and individually accept legal responsibility for such contents.
     2. Zeng Congqin, the Company’s legal representative, Xie Zhiping, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer, and Yang Wentian, head of the Company’s accounting department, hereby
guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report are true, accurate and complete.
     3. 11 directors were supposed to attend the board meeting for the review of this Report. Seven
of them were present at the meeting in person while Mr. Xiao Hao, Mr. Xie Zhihua, Mr. Hou
Shuiping, and Mr. Luo Huawei voted by way of telecommunication for they were unable to be
present due to work reasons.
     4. Any future plans, development strategies and other forward-looking statements mentioned
in this Report shall not be considered as promises to investors for the reason of their uncertainty.
Investors are kindly advised to invest wisely. The Company has disclosed in this Report the
possible risks. And investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.
     5. The Board of Directors has approved a final cash dividend of RMB37.82 (tax inclusive)
per 10 shares to shareholders based on the total 3,881,608,005 shares held by them, with no bonus
issue from either profit or capital reserves.
     6. This Report has been prepared in Chinese and translated into English. Should there be any
discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                    Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 10

Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 32

Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 50

Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................... 56

Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................... 60

Part VIII Preference Shares ............................................................................................................ 66

Part IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 66

Part X Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 67

                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                        Documents Available for Reference

     The following documents are available for shareholders at the relevant department of the
     1. The financial statements that have been signed and stamped by the legal representative, the
Chief Financial Officer, and the head of the accounting department.
     2. The original copy of the Independent Auditor’s Report that has been stamped by the CPA
firm, as well as signed and stamped by the relevant certified public accountants.
     3. The originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements that were disclosed on
China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Times during the Reporting
     4. The Annual Report of the Company.

                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.


                  Term               refers to                           Definitions

   The ―Company‖, ―Wuliangye‖,
                                     refers to       Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.
―WLY‖, or ―we‖
                                                    The State-owned Assets Supervision and
  SASAC Yibin                        refers to   Administration Commission of the People’s Government
                                                 of Yibin City

  Yibin Development Group            refers to       Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd.

  Wuliangye Group                    refers to       Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.

  Wuliang NongXiang                  refers to       Sichuan Wuliangye NongXiang Baijiu Co., Ltd.

  Push Group                         refers to       Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.

  Global Group                       refers to       Sichuan Yibin Global Group Co., Ltd.

  Anji Logistic Group                refers to       Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan

  Wuliangye Group Finance            refers to       Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd.

  Wuliangye Group I&E                refers to       Yibin Wuliangye Group I&E Co., Ltd.

  Creart                             refers to       Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.

  Wuliangye New Retail               refers to       Sichuan Wuliangye New Retail Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

        Stock name                            Wuliangye                          Stock code                       000858
      Stock exchange                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company name in Chinese                                             宜宾五粮液股份有限公司
           Abbr.                                                              五粮液
Company name in English (if
                                                                WULIANGYE YIBIN CO.,LTD.
       Abbr. (if any)                                                          WLY
    Legal representative                                                    Zeng Congqin
    Registered address                    150 Minjiang West Road, Cuiping District, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China
         Zip code                                                             644007
 Past changes of registered
       Office address                     150 Minjiang West Road, Cuiping District, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China
         Zip code                                                             644007
     Company website                                                http://www.wuliangye.com.cn
       Email address                                                  000858-wly@sohu.com

II Contact Information
                                                          Board Secretary                         Securities Representative
                   Name                                      Jiang Lin                                   Huang Hui
                                            150 Minjiang West Road, Cuiping District, 150 Minjiang West Road, Cuiping District,
             Office address
                                               Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China       Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China
                    Tel.                                (0831)3567000                              (0831)3567000

                    Fax                                 (0831)3555958                              (0831)3555958
             Email address                            000858-wly@sohu.com                         000858-wly@sohu.com

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged
Stock exchange website where this Report
                                                          The website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (www.szse.cn)
              is disclosed
 Media and website where this Report is            China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times, and
              disclosed                                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
    Place where this Report is lodged                                     The Company’s Board Office

IV Change to Company Registered Information
             Unified social credit code                                         91511500MA62A0WM8P
 Changes to the principal activities of the Company
                                                                          No change during the Reporting Period
              since its listing (if any)
   Every change of controlling shareholder since
                                                                          No change during the Reporting Period
              incorporation (if any)

V Other Information
    The independent auditor appointed by the Company:
 Name of the independent auditor                                 Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP)

                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

            Office address                    28/F, South Jinmaolidu, 18 Ximianqiao Street, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
   Accountants writing signatures                                            Li Wulin, Ye Juan, and Luo Guiqiu
     The independent sponsor appointed by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in
the Reporting Period:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
         Name of sponsor                        Office address                    Representative                 Supervision period
   Guotai Junan Securities Co.,           618 Shangcheng Road, China
                                                                         Cai Hu, and Kang Xin          1 January 2022-31 December 2022
              Ltd.                      (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
   The independent financial advisor appointed by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the
Company in the Reporting Period:
   □ Applicable  Not applicable
VI Key Financial Information
      Indicate whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
      □ Yes  No
                                                       2022                           2021            2021 change              2020

Operating revenue (RMB)                            73,968,640,704.54             66,209,053,612.11        11.72%           57,321,059,453.15

Net profit attributable to the listed
                                                   26,690,661,397.42             23,377,074,353.40        14.17%           19,954,809,594.52
company’s shareholders (RMB)
Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s shareholders before                     26,662,736,708.98             23,327,729,257.82        14.30%           19,994,943,929.15
exceptional gains and losses (RMB)
Net cash generated from/used in
                                                   24,431,136,261.48             26,774,941,873.05         -8.75%          14,698,327,593.21
operating activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                             6.876                        6.023       14.16%                       5.141

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                           6.876                        6.023       14.16%                       5.141

                                                                                                        Down by
Weighted average return on equity (%)                         25.28%                         25.30%                                   24.94%
                                                                                                       Change of
                                                 31 December 2022              31 December 2021        2022 over         31 December 2020
                                                                                                       2021 (%)

Total assets (RMB)                                152,714,727,880.22            135,620,812,221.13        12.60%          113,893,139,013.72

Equity attributable to the listed
                                                  114,025,058,788.17             99,068,498,346.24        15.10%           85,705,972,645.74
company’s shareholders (RMB)
     Indicate whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before and
after exceptional gains and losses was negative for the last three accounting years, or the latest independent
auditor’s report indicated that there was uncertainty about the continuity of the Company’s operations.
     □ Yes  No

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      Indicate whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before and
after exceptional gains and losses was negative.
      □ Yes  No
VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards
1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No difference for the Reporting Period.
2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No difference for the Reporting Period.
VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                      Q1                     Q2                    Q3                    Q4

Operating revenue                             27,548,160,168.43        13,674,217,414.68     14,557,309,237.20    18,188,953,884.23
Net profit attributable to the listed
                                              10,822,866,097.02          4,276,070,476.74      4,890,398,775.10      6,701,326,048.56
company’s shareholders
Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s shareholders before                10,841,889,446.84          4,268,700,205.22      4,908,714,059.89      6,643,432,997.03
exceptional gains and losses
Net cash generated from/used in
                                              -3,401,025,898.78          5,288,100,539.70      8,898,402,607.19   13,645,659,013.37
operating activities
    Indicate whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs materially
from what have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports.
    □ Yes  No
IX Exceptional Gains and Losses
       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                           Item                                   2022                  2021                  2020             Note

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets
                                                              2,282,237.38            -23,622,995.51         -5,064,647.92
(inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)
Government grants through profit or loss (exclusive
of government grants consistently given in the
Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed             100,421,839.81            184,126,377.62        100,407,690.85
quotas or amounts as per governmental policies or
Capital occupation charges on non-financial
                                                                  442,730.22            2,144,596.61          2,602,571.31
enterprises that are recognized in profit or loss
Non-operating income and expense other than the
                                                            -62,917,173.08            -80,306,712.64       -141,782,777.02

Less: Income tax effects                                      8,377,774.30             21,010,672.65        -15,373,976.81

     Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)           3,927,171.59             11,985,497.85         11,671,148.66

                         Total                               27,924,688.44             49,345,095.58        -40,134,334.63      --

      Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:

                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases for the Reporting Period.
     Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases for the Reporting Period.

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                   Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Industry Overview for the Reporting Period
     The Baijiu industry remains in long-term structural prosperity. It continued to see structural growth in 2022.
In the year, the number of Baijiu producers above the designated size nationwide was 963, a decrease of two
over last year; the production volume of Baijiu stood at 6.712 million kiloliters, down 5.6% year on year; the
sales revenue was RMB662.65 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 9.6%; and the profit before tax
grew 29.4% on a year-on-year basis to RMB220.17 billion. The market has become more concentrated towards
strong brands, top producers, and major regions of production. In 2022, the Company achieved operating
revenue of RMB73.969 billion, up 11.72% year on year, and a profit before tax of RMB37.104 billion, up 14.34%
year on year.
II Principal Operations of the Company during the Reporting Period
(I) Overview
     The Company is principally engaged in Baijiu production and sales. According to the Guidelines for the
Industry Classification of Listed Companies (revised in 2012) issued by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission, the Baijiu industry falls into the category of the "liquor & wine, beverage, and refined tea
production industry" (C15). No change occurred to the principal operations of the Company during the
Reporting Period. "Wuliangye", the primary product of the Company, is a classic strong-flavor Chinese Baijiu.
Additionally, the Company has developed, based on different production techniques, ―Wuliang NongXiang‖
products such as Wuliang Chun (Spring), Wuliang Chun (Rich Flavor), Wuliang Tetouqu, and Mianrou
Jianzhuang with complete categories and unique tastes to meet the diverse needs of different consumers.
(II) Brand Operation
     1. Wuliangye-branded Baijiu Products
      In 2022, the Company took solid steps to drive high-quality marketing. It continued to increase consumer
cultivation efforts, enhance Wuliangye's market position, meet the consumer needs arising in the new era, and
build a shared future of Wuliangye. In doing so, the marketing of the Wuliangye brand has been brought to a
new level.
      Firstly, the Company continued to optimise its product system and steadily improved its product
strength. It refined the development processes for standard and customised products, the management standards
and mechanisms for new product development, and the management standards for the elimination of Wuliangye-
branded products. In addition, 23 new product series were launched, further enriching the Wuliangye-branded
product system.
      Secondly, continuous efforts were made to better convey the culture in pursuit of a stronger brand
presence. The Company worked with high-profile platforms such as the Boao Forum for Asia, and APEC, and
established deep cooperation with CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and other mainstream media to
drive a stronger presence of the Wuliangye brand.
      Finally, the Company continually improved its channel structure and steadily increased its strength
with regard to channels. Through innovative methods including the star-rating at the retail end, QR code-
related prizes, and policy support payments, the Company helped distributors enhance royalty at the retail end,
thus strengthening the traditional retail channels. Centering around ―one focus on major customers, three high-
end markets, and two platforms‖, the Company strove to establish cooperation with more major corporate
customers by paying over 50,000 visits to enterprises in the year as part of its efforts to expand group purchase
channels. Meanwhile, it worked with Geely Auto to launch the Wuliangye Zeekr Limited Edition Customized
Baijiu, actively exploring innovative channel cooperation models. In addition, the Wuliangye exclusive store
platform integrated branding, consumption conversion and membership operation, entering a new stage of smart
store operation.
      2. Wuliang NongXiang products

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     In 2022, Wuliang NongXiang continued to adhere to the strategies of "three characteristics and one
recognition", "three focuses" and key product building. Through proactive, relentless, flexible and practical
efforts, new results and breakthroughs have been achieved in high-quality development.
     Firstly, the product system continued to improve. A variety of products were launched to the market to
meet increasing consumer demand, including Wuliangchun Mingmenchun, Wuliang Tequ Jincai, Wuliang Tequ
Crown, Wuliang Haoke, Wuliang NongXiang for the Year of the Rabbit, etc. Meanwhile, certain low-priced
products were eliminated in pursuit of a higher brand value.
     Secondly, the sell-through of products hit a record high. Vigorous actions were taken with regard to the
QR code-related prizes for consumers, banquet promotions, etc. A double-digit growth was achieved year on
year in the participants in the ―crack a bottle, scan the code, and win a prize‖ activities.
     Thirdly, the brand image continued to improve. On-site publicity achieved full coverage in key markets,
and online promotions reached nearly two billion participants. Wuliang Chun (Spring), and Wuliang Chun (Rich
Flavor) were ranked 35th and 37th on the 2022 (28th) Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands, representing
significant improvements in brand reputation.
     Finally, market empowerment efforts proved to be accurate and effective. Through visits, social
meetings and regional seminars, as well as the launch of the 12 measures of "flexible and practical
empowerment", a variety of actions were taken to empower markets and serve distributors in a deeper manner to
promote the sustained, high-quality and healthy development of markets.
(III) Major Sales Models of the Company
     Distribution model: This includes the traditional channel operator model, KA marketplace, etc., mainly
sold offline.
     Direct-to-consumer model: This includes the group purchase model, where products are sold directly to
groups of consumers, the exclusive store model for the retail end and consumer groups, and the online sales
model, where products are sold through e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and JD.

(IV) Distribution Model
      Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Operating Revenues, Costs of Sales and Gross Profit Margins of Different Sales Models and Product
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                          Gross      YoY change in                YoY change in
                                                                                                   YoY change in
         Item                Operating revenue        Cost of sales       profit       operating                   gross profit
                                                                                                    cost of sales
                                                                          margin        revenue                      margin
                                                         By sales model

Liquor products                67,562,646,631.24     12,242,850,024.31      81.88%          9.45%            0.63%         1.59%
Of which: Distribution
                               40,492,386,915.69      8,702,257,564.41      78.51%          7.19%           -1.10%         1.80%
                               27,070,259,715.55      3,540,592,459.90      86.92%         13.00%            5.17%         0.97%
consumer model
                                                      By product category

Liquor products                67,562,646,631.24     12,242,850,024.31      81.88%          9.45%            0.63%         1.59%
Of which: Wuliangye-
                               55,335,178,077.41      7,434,393,364.78      86.56%         12.67%            5.06%         0.97%
branded Baijiu products
          Other liquor
                               12,227,468,553.83      4,808,456,659.53      60.67%          -3.11%          -5.53%         1.00%
2. Number of Distributors
                                        Number of distributors of
                                                                                                      Reason for change (more than
                  Region                Wuliangye-branded Baijiu      YoY change (number)
                East China                                    691                              129
             South China                                      468                                57               N/A
             West China                                       466                                74

                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

            North China                                   351                               75
           Central China                                  513                              100
              Subtotal                                  2,489                              435
                                    Number of distributors of
              Region                 Wuliang NongXiang              YoY change (number)
               China                                      655                               53
               Total                                    3,144                              488
     Note: There is overlap between distributors of Wuliangye-branded Baijiu products and Wuliang NongXiang
3. Main Settlement Methods and Dealing Methods of Distributor Customers
     A distribution model is mainly used, with a "payment before delivery" settlement method. In the Reporting
Period, the total sales revenue from the top five distributors reached RMB9.8 billion, accounting for 13.25% of
the total sales revenue.
4. Retail Store Sales Accounting for More Than 10% of Total Sales
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                      Number of exclusive
                                                               Number of exclusive stores at the Reason for change (more than
              Region                stores at the beginning of
                                                                 end of the Reporting Period                 30%)
                                      the Reporting Period
            East China                                    411                              443

            South China                                   273                              292

            West China                                    291                              286
            North China                                   217                              237

           Central China                                  353                              372

               Total                                    1,545                             1,630

5. Online Direct-to-consumer Sales
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                    Product category                                                    Platform
Wuliangye-branded Baijiu products:
              The 8th-generation Wuliangye                                       Tmall, JD, and WeChat
Other liquor products:
   Wuliang Chun (Spring), Wuliang Chun (Rich Flavor),
                                                                                 Tmall, JD, and WeChat
              Wuliang Tequ, and Jianzhuang
     Indicate whether any of the major products that accounted for more than 10% of the total operating revenue
in the current period saw a 30% or greater change in its selling price compared to the prior reporting period.
     □ Applicable  Not applicable

(V) Purchase Model and Purchased Items
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
            Purchase model                           Purchased items                                Amount
         Market-based purchase          Raw materials and auxiliary materials, etc.                          8,823,725,733.36
         Market-based purchase                     Packaging materials                                       2,432,264,243.26
         Market-based purchase                           Energy                                               515,505,433.53
     Indicate whether the purchase of raw materials from cooperatives or farmers accounted for more than 30%
of the total purchase amount.
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     Indicate whether the price of any of the major raw materials purchased externally changed by more than 30%
     □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(VI) Main Production Models
     The Company's Baijiu products are all produced by itself.
     Commissioned processing and production:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
(VII) Production Volume and Inventory
1. Production Volume, Sales Volume and Inventory of Major Products
                         Production volume (ton)                    Sales volume (ton)                      Inventory (ton)
                         2022              YoY change            2022           YoY change              2022           YoY change
 branded Baijiu                33,791               18.95%             32,768            12.21%                2,961   52.79% (note 2)
  Other liquor
                               95,537     -40.40% (note 3)             94,393   -38.13% (note 3)            20,367              5.95%
      Total                 129,328                -31.47%          127,161              -30.04%            23,328             10.24%
Notes: 1. The liquor referred to in the table above is all commercial liquor.
         2. Mainly because the Company stocked up for sales in the Spring Festival in 2023, which was ten days
earlier than last year, and the inventory base in 2021 was low.
         3. Mainly because Wuliang NongXiang optimized its product mix in 2022 to focus on mid- to high-
priced products; and the sales base of low-priced products in 2021 was high.
2. Finished Liquor and Semi-finished Liquor (Including Base Liquor)
                    Category                                                         Inventory (ton)
                  Finished liquor                                                                                              23,328
   Semi-finished liquor (including base liquor)                                                                               182,849
3. Designed, Actual and In-progress Production Capacity of Major Products by Production Entities
                                    Designed production         Actual production capacity         Production capacity in progress
      Major product
                                    capacity (’0,000 tons)            (’0,000 tons)                       (’0,000 tons)
          Liquor                                      14.2802                        10.4316                                         6
     Note: The liquor in the table above includes Baijiu and base fruit liquor.
III Core Competitiveness Analysis
     The Company has five major competitive edges that are unique and unrepeatable, which represent its core
     The first is the geographical competitiveness. The unique natural environment and production techniques
have created a unique microbial zone within the Wuliangye Distillery.
     The second competitive edge lies in the ancient fermentation pit clusters. The ancient fermentation pit
clusters dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, represented by Changfasheng and Lichuanyong, have been
in existence for more than 650 years, and are the earliest and largest cave-type fermentation pits in China with
uninterrupted production, which have scarcity value that is unrepeatable and non-reproducible.
     Quality represents the third competitive edge. The five-grain formulas, the production secrets of
"growing, brewing, selecting, aging and mixing", and the unique "1366" traditional production technique that has
been identified as a national intangible cultural heritage have contributed to the outstanding quality of the
products of the Company. It is the only Baijiu producer to have won four China Quality Awards.
     The fourth is the brand strength. Wuliangye is a time-honored brand with a history of over a thousand
years, beginning in the Tang Dynasty, emerging in the Song Dynasty, becoming famous in the Ming Dynasty,
and establishing the brandname in the Qing Dynasty. It is a symbol and leader of China’s strong-flavored Baijiu.
     Finally, the consumer base. Strong-flavored Baijiu is the Baijiu category with the highest market share and
the largest consumer base. Being famous worldwide for its unique style of "lasting aroma, mellow, pleasant and
smooth taste, and harmonious, well-balanced and comprehensive flavors", Wuliangye has a wide and solid
consumer base.
IV Analysis of Principal Operations
1. Overview
     During the Reporting Period, the Company adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented the key spirit and instructions of the 20th

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Sichuan and
Yibin, and followed the general principle of "staying politically aware, driving development, improving people's
livelihood, ensuring safety, and delivering first-class performance". In accordance with the general requirements
of "focusing on stability, seeking progress in stability, and making more contributions", the Company adhered to
"focusing on and strengthening the principal operations", and continued to shore up weak spots, develop
strengths, rise to challenges and forge ahead against headwinds. As a result, it performed well in both stable
current year growth and long-term growth planning, and delivered improvements in both financial results and
development quality. In 2022, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB73.969 billion, up 11.72% year
on year, and a net profit attributable to its shareholders of RMB26.691 billion, up 14.17% year on year. This
represented a new stage for the development of the Company. Wuliangye's finished Baijiu production and sales
grew steadily, matching the expansion in the high-end markets. The brand value has increased by 12.08% to
RMB364.619 billion on top of five consecutive years of double-digit growth. For that, it becomes the only Baijiu
producer in China to have won the ―2022 Best China Brand‖.
      Meanwhile, significant progress has been made in product mix, cultural development, branding, marketing
reform, technological innovation and long-term planning.
      Firstly, the product mix continued to improve. In the year, 12 brands were eliminated; the packaging
design of the 8th-generation Wuliangye and low-alcohol Wuliangye products was refined; and a variety of
cultural Baijiu products including Harmonious China, Lucky Panda, and Year of the Rabbit Baijiu were launched,
which are all well-received among consumers. As for the Wuliang NongXiang products, the Company adhered to
―three focuses‖, with Wuliang Chun (Spring), Wuliang Chun (Rich Flavor), Wuliang Tetouqu, Jianzhuang and
other key national strategic products and regional brands all seeing a stronger presence.
      Secondly, cultural development efforts produced a wide range of results. The scenic spot of Wuliangye
has been selected as one of the first scenic spots as national intangible cultural heritages and a national
demonstration base for industrial tourism. The international proposal collection for the Chinese Baijiu cultural
sanctuary and Yuanshui area was completed, and the construction of the 501 ancient fermentation pits-Chinese
Baijiu cultural sanctuary and the gateway for world-class Baijiu producers was in full swing. Additionally, the
Wuliangye old fermentation pit site was approved as the only restoration project in the Baijiu category for the
2022 national cultural relic preservation campaign.
      Thirdly, impressive results have been achieved in branding. The new brand concept of ―Aroma of the
Nation, Harmony of Wuliangye, Masterpiece of Chinese Baijiu‖ has been established, and a number of cultural
IPs have been created, including the "Harmony Cultural Festival", "1218 Super Fan Festival" and "Rose
Wedding Ceremony". 10 new Wuliangye Cultural Experience Halls have been established in Shanghai,
Guangdong and other key and high-end markets. Joining hands with high-end platforms, the Company
participated in a deep manner in top international and domestic political and business events such as APEC,
Boao Forum for Asia and the China International Import Expo. Meanwhile, the Company stepped up its
cooperation with CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and other mainstream media to effectively tell the
brand, cultural and production technique stories of Wuliangye, further improving the reputation of the brand.
      Fourthly, marketing reform carried on in a deeper manner. A marketing strategy of "headquarters
responsible for overall marketing and regional marketing divisions responsible for regional marketing" has been
adopted, with 21 regional marketing divisions adjusted to 26, enabling better responsiveness to market changes,
more accurate strategies, and more thoughtful services. Further, the Company strengthened market expansion
with nearly 100 new exclusive stores and steady improvement in the operations of Wuliangye New Retail.
      Fifthly, it was a fruitful year in technological innovation. The innovation platform system has become
more complete. With the new China Scientific Research Centre for Baijiu Flavour and the China Engineering
and Technology Research Centre for Baijiu Brewing Grains, the number of the Company’s national innovation
platforms has increased to seven. A major technological breakthrough was achieved, with the discovery and
announcement of three typical microbial strains of strong-flavored Baijiu for the first time in the world, verifying
the scarcity value of Wuliangye's special brewing environment and deciphering the key to the aroma of the
nation. For the first time in the world, the 8th-generation Wuliangye flavour spectrum has been unveiled with
approximately 3,000 compounds found, around 1,000 compounds more than the industry average. A number of
technological achievements have been recognized as internationally advanced, and four of them including the
research on new strains in old fermentation pit mud for strong-flavored Baijiu have been published as key
scientific and technological achievements of the Chinese Baijiu.
      Finally, key projects progressed well. In pursuit of long-term growth, the Company launched the 345 high
quality and fast growth programme. To be specific, the 523 workshop 2,000-ton capacity expansion project, the
80,000-ton pottery jar cellar project, and the grinding automation project have been completed and put into
operation; main constructions have been completed for the Baijiu blending and storage cellar renovation project

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

and the intelligent packaging and warehousing integration project; and construction has started for the 100,000-
ton ecological brewery phase I and phase II projects, the 110kV power distribution system renovation project,
the Jiangbei water supply system upgrade project, the qu production capacity expansion project, and the
centralised waste water treatment plant project.
2. Revenue and Cost Analysis
(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                          2022                                 2021
                                                       As % of                            As % of
                                                        total                              total         Change (%)
                            Operating revenue                     Operating revenue
                                                      operating                          operating
                                                    revenue (%)                        revenue (%)
Total                           73,968,640,704.54      100.00%     66,209,053,612.11      100.00%               11.72%
By operating division
Manufacturing                   73,968,640,704.54      100.00%     66,209,053,612.11      100.00%               11.72%
By product category
Liquor products                 67,562,646,631.24       91.34%     61,731,839,992.96       93.24%                9.45%
Of which: Wuliangye-
                                55,335,178,077.41       74.81%     49,112,013,173.38       74.18%               12.67%
branded Baijiu products
         Other liquor
                                12,227,468,553.83       16.53%     12,619,826,819.58       19.06%               -3.11%
Plastic products                 3,201,867,776.04        4.33%      2,509,011,509.24        3.79%               27.61%
Printing                          138,273,774.15         0.19%        138,217,423.29        0.21%                0.04%
Glass bottles                      119,011,295.97        0.16%        135,971,277.27        0.21%              -12.47%
Other                            2,946,841,227.14        3.98%      1,694,013,409.35        2.56%       73.96% (note 2)
By operating segment (note 1)
Liquor products                 67,562,646,631.24       91.34%     61,731,839,992.96       93.24%                9.45%
Of which: East China            18,985,619,872.12       25.67%     18,782,177,440.32       28.37%                1.08%
           South China           7,481,640,730.11       10.11%      7,430,135,341.39       11.22%                0.69%
           West China           21,538,460,675.15       29.12%     16,979,243,862.88       25.64%               26.85%
           North China           8,414,668,164.38       11.38%      7,535,414,625.22       11.38%               11.67%
           Central China        11,142,257,189.48       15.06%     11,004,868,723.15       16.62%                1.25%
Non-liquor products              6,405,994,073.30        8.66%      4,477,213,619.15        6.76%       43.08% (note 2)
By sales model
Liquor products                 67,562,646,631.24       91.34%     61,731,839,992.96       93.24%                9.45%
Of which: Distribution
                                40,492,386,915.69       54.74%     37,776,547,362.99       57.06%                7.19%
                                27,070,259,715.55       36.60%     23,955,292,629.97       36.18%               13.00%
consumer model
Non-liquor products              6,405,994,073.30        8.66%      4,477,213,619.15        6.76%       43.08% (note 2)
        Notes: 1. The sales regions are divided based on the places of registration of customers.
               2. Mainly due to the active expansion of external markets for non-liquor products and businesses.
(2) Operating Division, Product Category, Operating Segment or Sales Model Contributing over 10% of
Operating Revenue or Operating Profit
         Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                              YoY        change in
                                                                 Gross     YoY change in
                                                                                            change in      gross
                        Operating revenue    Cost of sales       profit       operating
                                                                                             cost of       profit
                                                                 margin     revenue (%)
                                                                                            sales (%)     margin
By operating division
                         67,562,646,631.24   12,242,850,024.31    81.88%           9.45%        0.63%        1.59%
(Liquor production)
By product category
Liquor products          67,562,646,631.24   12,242,850,024.31    81.88%           9.45%        0.63%        1.59%
Of which:
Wuliangye-branded        55,335,178,077.41    7,434,393,364.78    86.56%          12.67%        5.06%        0.97%
Baijiu products
  Other liquor
                         12,227,468,553.83    4,808,456,659.53    60.67%           -3.11%      -5.53%        1.00%
By operating segment
Liquor products          67,562,646,631.24   12,242,850,024.31    81.88%           9.45%        0.63%        1.59%
Of which: East
                         18,985,619,872.12    2,810,516,337.59    85.20%           1.08%      -17.63%        3.37%
  South China             7,481,640,730.11    1,126,829,964.29    84.94%           0.69%       -4.05%        0.75%
  West China             21,538,460,675.15    4,731,384,798.37    78.03%          26.85%       15.97%        2.06%
  North China             8,414,668,164.38    1,181,126,024.59    85.96%          11.67%       -5.23%        2.50%
  Central China          11,142,257,189.48    2,392,992,899.47    78.52%           1.25%        6.21%       -1.01%
By sales model
Liquor products          67,562,646,631.24   12,242,850,024.31    81.88%           9.45%        0.63%        1.59%
Of which:
                         40,492,386,915.69    8,702,257,564.41    78.51%           7.19%       -1.10%        1.80%
Distribution model
                         27,070,259,715.55    3,540,592,459.90    86.92%          13.00%        5.17%        0.97%
consumer model
    Data of principal operations for the prior period (2021) adjusted according to the changed methods of
measurement that occurred in the Reporting Period (if any):
     Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        YoY change
                                                                 Gross      change in   YoY change
                                                                                                          in gross
                        Operating revenue    Cost of sales       profit     operating    in cost of
                                                                 margin      revenue     sales (%)
                                                                                                        margin (%)
By sales model
Liquor products          61,731,839,992.96   12,165,790,903.99    80.29%      17.73%         17.63%          0.01%
Of which:
                         37,776,547,362.99    8,799,371,305.03    76.71%      16.11%         16.53%         -0.08%
Distribution model
                         23,955,292,629.97    3,366,419,598.96    85.95%      20.39%         20.60%         -0.02%
consumer model
     Reasons for the changed methods of measurement:
     The Company accelerated the construction of Smart Store 2.0 to enhance the service capability at the retail
end and positioned the exclusive stores as the core of direct services for retail customers, in view of which the
Company adjusted the exclusive stores to the direct-to-consumer model.

                                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue
       Yes □ No
Operating division               Item                     Unit                      2022                    2021                Change (%)
                          Sales volume                Metric ton                       127,161                  181,775          -30.04% (note)
      Liquor            Production volume             Metric ton                       129,328                  188,717          -31.47% (note)
                              Inventory               Metric ton                           23,328                  21,161               10.24%
     Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     Note: Mainly because Wuliang NongXiang optimized its product mix in 2022 to focus on mid- to high-
priced products; and the sales base of low-priced products in 2021 was high.
(4) Execution Progress of Significant Signed Sales or Purchase Contracts in the Reporting Period
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                     2022                                           2021
   Operating                                                       As % of                                    As % of total       Change in
    division                              Cost of sales          total cost of        Cost of sales           cost of sales       percentage
                                                                  sales (%)                                       (%)
                                        9,599,577,215.97              52.81%           8,695,241,991.41              53.28%              -0.47%
                     Labor cost         5,705,800,119.67              31.39%           5,141,719,582.95              31.51%              -0.12%
                      Energy               934,705,836.04              5.14%               947,639,638.53             5.81%              -0.67%
                                        1,938,342,487.96              10.66%           1,534,177,375.93               9.40%               1.26%
                       n cost
(6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period
      Yes □ No
     As per the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises at Provincial and Municipal Levels
(2020~2022), in order to optimize the branch company and subsidiary allocation as a state-owned enterprise,
the Company has strengthened the disposal of less competitive business entities that are not part of its principal
operations. In 2022, two subsidiaries of the Company, namely Wuhou Cultural Development Co., Ltd. and Yibin
Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd., were de-registered.
(7) Significant Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
(8) Major Customers and Suppliers
      Major customers:
Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                       9,799,743,491.32
Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales in the
Reporting Period (%)
Total sales to related parties among top five customers as % of
total sales in the Reporting Period (%)

      Top five customers:
                                                                                                                    As % of total sales in the
               No.                              Customer                      Sales to the customer (RMB)
                                                                                                                     Reporting Period (%)
               1                               Customer A                                  2,715,811,660.32                               3.67%

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                2                          Customer B                              2,106,211,539.64                             2.85%
                3                          Customer C                             1,689,723,678.83                              2.28%
                4                          Customer D                             1,650,422,292.90                              2.23%
                5                          Customer E                             1,637,574,319.63                              2.21%
            Total                                --                               9,799,743,491.32                             13.25%
     Other information about major customers:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     Major suppliers:
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                        2,816,306,970.68
Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total purchases
in the Reporting Period (%)
Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers
as % of total purchases in the Reporting Period (%)
     Top five suppliers:
                                                                                                        As % of total purchases in the
               No.                           Supplier                       Purchases (RMB)
                                                                                                           Reporting Period (%)
                1                           Supplier A                              797,675,435.45                              6.29%
                2                           Supplier B                              797,438,814.15                              6.29%
                3                           Supplier C                              486,353,033.02                              3.84%
                4                           Supplier D                              375,218,334.12                              2.96%
                5                           Supplier E                              359,621,353.94                              2.84%
            Total                                --                               2,816,306,970.68                             22.22%
     Other information about major suppliers:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
3. Expenses
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Main reason for any significant
         Item                       2022                          2021              Change (%)
    Selling expense              6,844,237,013.17           6,503,506,131.90               5.24%
Administrative expense           3,068,119,268.45           2,899,968,867.37               5.80%
     Finance costs              -2,026,351,047.92           -1,731,702,085.22                N/A
                                                                                                      Greater investments in R&D
    R&D expense                    235,783,645.79                177,411,727.65            32.90%     projects such as production
(1) Breakdown of Selling Expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                        2022                                        2021
                                                                                                                             Reason for
        Item                                   As % of selling                             As % of selling     Change (%)
                            Amount                                       Amount                                               change
                                                  expense                                     expense
 Image promotion
                         1,240,440,205.34                18.12%      1,218,266,158.62                 18.73%         1.82%
  Sales promotion
                         3,889,326,216.67                56.83%      3,786,854,045.27                 58.23%         2.71%
 Warehousing and
                           476,754,635.74                6.97%           411,654,403.24                6.33%        15.81%
 logistics expense
    Labor cost             718,179,395.38                10.49%          611,192,688.42                9.40%        17.50%

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

  Other expenses            519,536,560.04               7.59%         475,538,836.35                7.31%         9.25%
        Total             6,844,237,013.17                           6,503,506,131.90                              5.24%
(2) Advertising Expense
     During 2022, the Company’s primary advertising means included TV, broadcasting, Internet, outdoor ads
and exhibitions. The expenses on online, offline and TV ads were RMB126 million, RMB755 million and
RMB359 million, respectively.
4. R&D Investments
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                    Specific            Expected impact on the
 Main R&D project              Purpose                    Progress
                                                                                   objectives                 Company
                          The project is
                                                (1) The new strain (code:
                          designed to
                                                JNU-WLY1368; Chinese
                          replicate the
                                                name: 解糖利乳己小杆菌)
                          similar function
                                                of the main caproic acid
                          of naturally                                                              The project will expedite the
                                                bacteria in the strong-         The project
                          ageing pit mud                                                            ageing of the new fermentation
                                                flavoured pit mud has been      aims to screen
                          with modern                                                               pits and pit mud, continuously
                                                obtained. (2) The first         functional
                          biotechnology and                                                         increase the yield rate of high-
 Research on the                                purely cultured new species     microorganisms
                          obtain man-made                                                           quality unblended Baijiu,
 replication of the pit                         (code: JNU-WLY501;              in the pit mud
                          ageing pit mud                                                            especially the famous wine rate,
 mud engineering                                Chinese name: 501 丙酸菌)       and use them
                          with a similar                                                            and help Wuliangye safeguard
 technology with                                of the proteiniphilum           for man-made
                          flavour of                                                                its advantageous position as
 modern                                         microorganism in the pit        ageing of the pit
                          naturally ageing                                                          China's largest brewing base
 biotechnology and                              mud has been obtained. (3)      mud and
                          pit mud and                                                               using the pure-grain solid
 its application in the                         In terms of achievements,       conduct a large-
                          microbial flora                                                           fermentation technique, keep in
 Wuliangye high-                                major breakthroughs have        scale production
                          during brewing,                                                           alignment with the development
 quality                                        been made in the research       and application
                          thereby enabling                                                          trend of the Baijiu industry,
 multiplication                                 on the new species,             demonstration
                          man-made pit                                                              meet people's increasing
 project                                        metabolic mechanisms, and       in Wuliangye
                          mud to rapidly                                                            demand for quality Baijiu, and
                                                interaction of characteristic   Baijiu
                          age and                                                                   consolidate Wuliangye's status
                                                microorganisms in the           production
                          contributing to the                                                       as a leader in strong-flavoured
                                                strong-flavoured Baijiu         workshops.
                          construction of                                                           Baijiu.
                                                brewing system, and the
                          the new plant in
                                                overall technology has
                          the high-quality
                                                reached an internationally
                                                advanced level.
                          The project is
                          designed to
                          establish a data
                                                (1) More than 100 small
                          bank of small
                                                active molecules in             The project
                          bioactive                                                                 The project will help analyse the
                                                Wuliangye Baobaoqu,             aims to analyse
                          molecules during                                                          small bioactive molecules
                                                fermented grains, brewing       the small
 Key technology for       the brewing of                                                            during the brewing of the
                                                byproducts, and Baijiu have     bioactive
 analysing small          Wuliangye,                                                                representative of strong-
                                                been separated and              molecules
 bioactive molecules      providing                                                                 flavoured Baijiu--Wuliangye,
                                                identified. (2) Thirteen        during the
 during the brewing       technical support                                                         provide a scientific basis for
                                                invention patents have been     brewing of
 of Wuliangye and         for research on                                                           rational drinking, and play a
                                                applied for (nine of them       Wuliangye and
 its application          the active                                                                critical role in improving Baijiu
                                                have been granted), eleven      use them for
                          ingredients in                                                            quality and expanding the Baijiu
                                                papers have been published,     quality control
                          Baijiu and a data                                                         market.
                                                and one corporate standard      of Baijiu.
                          basis for
                                                has been formulated.
                          drinking and
                          healthy living".
 Development of           The project is        (1) The R&D of key              The project         The dissemination and
 Wuliangye                designed to           brewing equipment has           aims to apply       application of the project result
 intelligent brewing      inherit the essence   been completed, and a pilot     the                 will enable the bionic equipment
 production line and      of the traditional    demonstration line has been     demonstration       to imitate flexible manual

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 research on              production            built. (2) The application of   line on a certain        operation, achieve the scientific
 supporting               technique and         the designed intelligent        scale in the             analysis of the traditional
 production               develop               brewing production line in      brewing plants           brewing technique, and
 technique                intelligent bionic    the intelligent brewing base    of Wuliangye.            transform the experience- and
                          brewing               in the first phase of the                                skill-dominated production
                          equipment by          Wuliangye high-quality                                   process toward a human-
                          focusing on the       multiplication project has                               machine collaborative
                          core brewing          been confirmed. Currently,                               production process. This will
                          process of            the base has proceeded to                                help inherit the traditional
                          Wuliangye,            construction. (3) More than                              production technique, stabilize
                          thereby reducing      60 patent applications have                              the traditional production
                          labour intensity      been filed.                                              technique operation, and
                          during                                                                         improve product quality.
                          production,                                                                    Concurrently, applying
                          improving                                                                      intelligent equipment can lower
                          production                                                                     labour costs and boost the
                          efficiency, and                                                                labour efficiency of brewing
                          promoting the                                                                  production lines.
                          perfect integration
                          of the traditional
                          technique and
Particulars about R&D personnel:
                                                2022                             2021                                Change (%)
Number of R&D personnel                                     2,574                             2,571                                 0.12%
R&D personnel as % of total
                                                          10.11%                             9.96%           Up by 0.15 percentage point
Educational background of R&D personnel
     Bachelor’s degree                                        915                              899                                 1.78%
      Master’s degree                                         171                              168                                 1.79%
      Doctoral degree                                           14                                  13                              7.69%
Age structure of R&D personnel
         Below 30                                              860                              857                                 0.35%
           30~40                                               987                              988                                -0.10%

Particulars about R&D investments:
                                                        2022                         2021                            Change (%)
R&D investments (RMB)                                    235,783,645.79            177,411,727.65                           32.90% (note)
R&D investments as % of operating
                                                                     0.32%                   0.27%           Up by 0.05 percentage point
Capitalized R&D investments (RMB)                                     0.00                     0.00                                 0.00%
Capitalized R&D investments as % of
                                                                     0.00%                   0.00%                                  0.00%
total R&D investments
     Note: Mainly due to greater investments in R&D projects such as production techniques.
     Reasons for any significant change to the composition of R&D personnel and the impact:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D investments in operating revenue:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Reasons for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D investments and rationale:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
5. Cash Flows
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                Item                          2022                            2021                         Change (%)
Subtotal of cash generated from
                                            83,849,102,992.33              83,023,369,160.65                              0.99%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                            59,417,966,730.85              56,248,427,287.60                              5.63%
operating activities
Net cash generated from/used in
                                            24,431,136,261.48              26,774,941,873.05                             -8.75%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash generated from
                                               69,705,342.99                     47,904,368.82                  45.51% (note 1)
investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                             1,786,159,893.52                 1,544,754,180.86                           15.63%
Net cash generated from/used in
                                            -1,716,454,550.53                 -1,496,849,812.04                             N/A
investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from
financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                            13,105,431,458.20              11,269,456,954.06                             16.29%
financing activities
Net cash generated from/used in
                                           -13,105,431,458.20              -11,269,456,954.06                               N/A
financing activities
Net increase in cash and cash
                                             9,609,386,518.94              14,008,165,578.27                   -31.40% (note 2)
     Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly on a year-on-year basis:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
Notes: 1. Mainly due to the increased net cash proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets in the Reporting Period.
        2. Mainly due to the high base in the prior year (higher cash proceeds from due bank acceptance notes),
the year-on-year decrease in net cash generated from operating activities as a result of a slight increase in cash
generated from operating activities and the increased taxes and levies paid, etc., and the increased cash dividends
paid in the Reporting Period.
     Explanation of why the net cash generated from/used in operating activities varies significantly from the net
profit of the Reporting Period:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
V Analysis of Non-Core Businesses
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
VI Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                31 December 2022                          1 January 2022                                  Reason
                                                                                                           Change in
                                                                                                                          for any
                                            As % of total                               As % of total      percentag
                           Amount                                    Amount                                             significant
                                               assets                                      assets            e (%)
Monetary assets        92,358,426,975.79             60.48%      82,335,955,927.74                60.71%     -0.23%
                           35,686,942.32             0.02%           64,193,116.22                0.05%      -0.03%

                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

    Inventories            15,980,657,013.57            10.46%           14,015,067,118.25              10.33%        0.13%
      equity                1,986,387,524.78                1.30%           1,911,228,653.63             1.41%        -0.11%
   Fixed assets             5,312,971,445.61                3.48%           5,610,147,000.37             4.14%        -0.66%
 Construction in
                            3,773,155,983.95                2.47%           2,646,087,846.01             1.95%        0.52%
                             380,922,885.84                 0.25%            697,805,952.69              0.51%        -0.26%
                           12,379,125,542.70                8.11%        13,058,652,246.11               9.63%        -1.52%
 Lease liabilities            16,976,148.73                 0.01%            355,338,950.93              0.26%        -0.25%
         Indicate whether overseas assets account for a large proportion in total assets.
         □ Applicable  Not applicable
 2. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value
          Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                    oss on Cumulat Impair
                                                                                   hase Sold
                                                     fair-    ive fair- ment
                                                                                   d in in the
                                                    value      value     allowa
                                                                                   the curre
            Item               Opening amount       change changes nce for                        Other changes         Closing amount
                                                                                   curr   nt
                                                     s in     recogniz      the
                                                                                   ent perio
                                                     the       ed in     current
                                                                                   peri   d
                                                    current equity period

Financial assets

1. Held-for-trading
financial assets
                                     1,200,000.00                                                                              1,200,000.00
(exclusive of derivative
financial assets)

2. Derivative financial

3. Other debt investments

4. Other equity

5. Receivables financing         1,641,509,588.69                                                 27,262,688,831.75     28,904,198,420.44

Subtotal of financial
                                 1,642,709,588.69                                                 27,262,688,831.75     28,905,398,420.44

Investment property

Productive living assets

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.


Total of the above              1,642,709,588.69                                              27,262,688,831.75         28,905,398,420.44

Financial liabilities
      Contents of other changes:
      The Company classified the portion of bank's acceptance notes received that were to be endorsed or
 discounted as receivables financing, and other changes during the current period represented the net amount
 recognized and utilized during the current period.
      Indicate whether any significant change occurred to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the
 Reporting Period.
      □ Yes  No
 3. Restricted Assets as at the Period-end
           Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
              Item            Closing carrying amount                                 Reason for restriction
                                                     The balance of RMB3,222.19 in the securities trading account with the Yibin
                                                     Business Department of Essence Securities, security deposits of
        Monetary assets               192,532,713.23
                                                     RMB192,004,714.62 for bank acceptance notes, and other security deposits of
    Receivables financing              117,021,640.00 In pledge for bank acceptance notes

              Total                   309,554,353.23

 VII Investment Analysis
 1. Total Investment Amount
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 2. Significant Equity Investments Acquired in the Reporting Period
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 3. Significant Ongoing Non-Equity Investments in the Reporting Period
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 4. Financial Investments
 (1) Securities Investments
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.
 (2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.
 5. Use of Raised Funds
       Applicable □ Not applicable
 (1) General Information about the Use of Raised Funds
           Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                              Re-                    Cumulat             Purpose
                                                                            purpose                   ive re-              and
                                                                                                                Unuse               being
                                               Used in the                     d        Cumulative purpose               whereab
Year of                         Total amount                 Cumulatively                                         d                idle for
             Way of raising                      current                    amount re-purposed           d               outs of
raising                            raised                       used                                            amoun               more
                                                   period                    in the       amount      amount               the
                                                                                                                  t                than two
                                                                            Reportin                  as % of            unused
                                                                            g Period                   total             amount

                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

             Private placement of
    2018                               185,327.74      45,360.72    193,500.84            0     169,405.51 91.41%            0    N/A      N/A
    Total             --               185,327.74      45,360.72    193,500.84            0     169,405.51 91.41%            0     --             0
                                         General information about the use of raised funds
As of 31 December 2022, The Company had used up the total raised funds of RMB1,935 million (including the net proceeds of
RMB1,813 million and the interest income of RMB122 million).
    (2) Promised Use of Raised Funds
             Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB’0,000
   raised                                                                                                              Retur
                              Total                                                           Investm                                     Signifi
   funds          Re-                                                                                       Time          ns     Meeti
                           promised                                                              ent                                        cant
investmen       purpose                                                                                   when the     deriv     ng the
                           investme        Adjusted                      Cumulatively         progress                                    change
 t project        d or                                    Used in the                                     project is   ed in     expect
                               nt            total                       used as of the       as of the                                       to
    and         partiall                                  Reporting                            period-    ready for      the       ed
                            amount        investment                      period-end                                                      project
investmen        y re-                                      Period                                           its       Repor     return
                              with        amount (1)                          (2)              end (3)                                    feasibil
  ts with       purpose                                                                                   intended      ting      s or
                             raised                                                              =                                        ity or
   over-        d or not                                                                                     use       Perio      not
                             funds                                                             (2)/(1)                                       not
   raised                                                                                                                 d
Promised projects

technolog                                                                                      100.00
                   Yes        71,530         5,644.64                         5,644.64                      N/A        N/A        N/A       No
y-based                                                                                            %
on of a                                                                                        100.00
                   Yes        50,793         3,944.06                         3,944.06                      N/A        N/A        N/A       No
marketing                                                                                          %
oriented e-                                                                                    100.00
                   Yes        63,074         8,434.04                         8,434.04                      N/A        N/A        N/A       No
commerce                                                                                           %
                                                                                               103.93       dly
warehousi          No                       94,422.74       28,795.55        98,132.23                                 N/A        N/A       No
                                                                                                   %      Decem
ng and
Baijiu             No                       74,982.77       16,565.17        77,345.87         103.15                  N/A        N/A       No

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

blending                                                                                 %
                --       185,397     187,428.25   45,360.72        193,500.84       --          --                 --       --
Investments with over-raised funds

Total           --       185,397     187,428.25   45,360.72        193,500.84       --          --          0      --       --
project by
project the
for not
―N/A‖ for
returns or
change to
and use
progress      N/A
of over-
Change of
location of
t projects
nts to the
way of
implement     N/A
ation of

                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

t projects
ts in
funded        N/A
funds and
t swaps
Use of
idle raised
funds for
y             N/A
nting the
amount of
ation and
uts of        N/A
or other
arising in
the use       N/A
of raised
  (3) Re-purposed Raised Funds
          Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB’0,000
                           Total raised                                                     Returns Meeting       Significant
                                                   Cumulativel t progress Time when the
                           funds to be Used in the                                          derived      the     change to the
                                                   y used as of as of the    project is
New project Former project invested in Reporting                                             in the expected feasibility of
                                                   the period- period-end ready for its
                             the new     Period                                             Reportin returns or the new project
                                                     end (2)       (3)=   intended use
                           project (1)                                                      g Period    not          or not
Finished      Information
Liquor        technology-
                                94,422.74   28,795.55   98,132.23   103.93%    December         N/A        N/A        No
packaging     based
and           transformation,

                                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

intelligent   construction of
warehousin a marketing
g and         center, and
distribution service-
integration oriented e-
Baijiu        commerce
blending      platform
and storage                        74,982.77     16,565.17       77,345.87    103.15%                          N/A          N/A      No
    Total            --           169,405.51     45,360.72       175,478.1      --            --                       --             --
                                               The Proposal on Changes to the Purpose and User of Funds Raised in a Private Placement
                                               was approved at the 73rd Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors on 24 April 2020 and then
                                               at the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 29 May 2020. As such, it was
Reasons for the changes, decision-making agreed to change the purpose of the raised funds, and change the user from Sichuan Yibin
procedure executed and relevant disclosed Wuliangye Supply and Marketing Co., Ltd. to Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Distillery Co., Ltd.
information (project by project)               For further information, see the Announcement on Resolutions of the 73rd Meeting of the
                                               Fifth Board of Directors, the Announcement on Resolutions of the 2019 Annual General
                                               Meeting of Shareholders, and the Announcement on Signing a Four-party Supervision
                                               Agreement for the Special Account for Raised Funds for a Private Placement.
Reasons for not reaching the scheduled
progress or expected returns (project by       N/A
Particulars about significant change to the
feasibility of the new projects

 VIII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Investments
 1. Sale of Major Assets
         □ Applicable  Not applicable
         No such cases in the Reporting Period.
 2. Sale of Major Equity Investments
         □ Applicable  Not applicable
 IX Principal Subsidiaries and Joint Stock Companies
          Applicable □ Not applicable
         Principal subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% effect on the consolidated net profit:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                Name                     ip with the                   Registered capital            Total assets             Net assets
 Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co.,
                                         Subsidiary related                  200,000,000.00        54,143,959,635.14         30,465,929,640.29

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                Name                     Relationsh      Principal     Operating revenue           Operating profit           Net profit

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                    ip with the     activities
Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co.,
                                    Subsidiary related             55,106,792,873.09       26,483,924,329.02         19,857,416,073.60
      Subsidiaries acquired or disposed of in the Reporting Period:
       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                    Way of acquisition
        Name of company                                                              Impact on the Company
                                       or disposal
                                                            As per the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises
                                                            at Provincial and Municipal Levels (2020~2022), in order to optimize
                                                            the branch company and subsidiary allocation as a state-owned
Yibin Wuliangye Xinshengdai
                                                            enterprise, the Company has strengthened the disposal of less
Liquor Co., Ltd. and Wuhou            De-registered
                                                            competitive business entities that are not part of its principal operations.
Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
                                                            In 2022, two subsidiaries of the Company, namely Wuhou Cultural
                                                            Development Co., Ltd. and Yibin Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co.,
                                                            Ltd., were de-registered.

 X Structured Entities Controlled by the Company
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 XI Prospects
       (I) Industry Landscape and Trends
       From a macroeconomic point of view, China's economy remains resilient with great potential and vitality,
 and the conditions that support the country’s achievement of high-quality development have not changed. In
 particular, governments at all levels have prioritised the recovery and expansion of consumption in 2023,
 providing multiple channels to increase the income of urban and rural residents, which will accelerate the
 recovery of consumption.
       For the Baijiu industry, growth is a long-term trend. The structural prosperity of the industry is accelerating
 towards strong brands, top producers, and major regions of production, with better overall efficiency. With
 consumption gradually recovering, the Baijiu industry is ushering in a new round of strategic opportunities.
       In terms of policy-related opportunities, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the
 State Council jointly issued a strategic planning outline for expanding domestic demand. With expanding
 domestic demand being lifted as a national strategy, the potential for Baijiu consumption remains huge.
 Meanwhile, Sichuan Province takes the development of distinctive industries and strategic emerging industries
 as a key task, vigorously implementing a plan to drive the quality and growth of these industries. In addition,
 Yibin City supports Wuliangye to lead the way in the creation of a world-class premium Baijiu industry cluster.
 As such, the Company will embrace multiple strategic opportunities.
       (II) Development Strategies of the Company: The Company will vigorously implement the 135
 development strategy. With an aim to develop into a world-leading Baijiu producer with superior products,
 strong brands, advanced innovation and modern governance, the Company will promote the three major
 programmes of quality brands, marketing innovation and high-quality & fast growth, and make every effort to
 build an ecological and quality-oriented Wuliangye with culture as the foundation, digital transformation as the
 driver and sound corporate governance as the support. It will further polish the signboard of "Aroma of the
 Nation, Harmony of Wuliangye, Masterpiece of Chinese Baijiu", and lead the way in the creation of a world-
 class premium Baijiu industry cluster.
       (III) Completion of the Business Plan for 2022
       1. Planning at the beginning of the year: Continued double-digit growth in operating revenue in 2022.
       2. Realities: In 2022, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB73.969 billion, up 11.72% year on
       (IV) Development Goals for 2023
       The Company's operation goal for 2023: A continued double-digit growth in operating revenue.
       In 2023, the Company will follow the general principle of "staying politically aware, driving development,
 improving people's livelihood, ensuring safety, and delivering first-class performance", comply with the general

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

requirements of "focusing on stability, seeking progress in stability, improving quality and efficiency, as well as
making more contributions", and adhere to the philosophy of "taking quality, culture, integrity and innovation as
the foundation". Proactive actions will be taken to shore up weak spots, develop strengths, as well as strive for
high-quality development and sound financial growth, so as to further solidify the Company’s position as a
leading producer of strong-flavored Baijiu in China.
     (V) Potential Risks
     Firstly, there exist uncertainties in the macro environment; secondly, consumption is not recovering in an
expected pace; and finally, competition in the industry, especially among the top players, is increasingly intense.
XII Researches, Inquiries, Interviews, etc. Received during the Reporting Period
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                ons and
                                                       Type of
                                         Way of                                                 material    Index to the
          Date               Place     communicat                     Communication party          s          relevant
                                          ion                                                   provide     information
                                                     ation party
                                                                                                d by the
    22 January 2022          Yibin      By phone     Institution
    9 February 2022          Yibin      By phone     Institution   E Fund
                                                                   HSBC Qianhai,
                                       One-on-one                  Greenwoods Asset
    17 February 2022         Yibin                   Institution
                                        meeting                    Management, and Allianz
                                                                   Capital Partners
    18 February 2022         Yibin      By phone     Institution   Brilliance Capital
                                                                   Fullgoal Fund, China
    24 February 2022         Yibin      By phone     Institution   Universal, Penghua Fund,
                                                                   and BOCOM Schroders
                                                                   Taikang, China Universal,
      1 March 2022           Yibin                   Institution   and ICBC Credit Suisse
                                                                   Asset Management
                                                                   China Merchants Fund,           The
      3 March 2022           Yibin      By phone     Institution   China Post Fund, and         Compan
                                                                   Yinhua Fund                     y’s
      4 March 2022           Yibin      By phone     Institution   China Universal                          http://www.
                                        Securities                                              strategie
                                                                   E Fund, China Merchants                       cn
                                          firm’s                                                   s,
                                                                   Fund, Invesco Great Wall     producti
     11 March 2022           Yibin     investment    Institution
                                                                   Fund Management, and          on and
                                                                   Taikang Asset                operatio
                                                                                                n status
                                                                   CCB Wealth Management,
                                        By phone
                                                                   Ping An Fund Management,
    16-17 March 2022         Yibin     and one-on-   Institution
                                                                   BOCIM, and China
                                       one meeting
                                                                   Southern Asset Management
                                                                   China Life Asset, ICBC
                                                                   Credit Suisse Asset
     24 March 2022           Yibin      By phone     Institution   Management, BlackRock,
                                                                   and Nuode Asset
                                                                   Zhong Ou Asset, Yinhua
      19 May 2022            Yibin      By phone     Institution   Fund, E Fund, and Nuode
                                                                   Asset Management
      25 May 2022            Yibin     meeting and   Institution   E Fund and Taikang Asset
                                        by phone

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                China Southern Asset
                                     General      Institution
                                                                Management, Invesco Great
    27 May 2022         Yibin       meeting of       and
                                                                Wall Fund Management,
                                   shareholders   individual
                                                                and Great Wall Fund
                                                                JPMorgan Chase, UBS
    31 May 2022         Yibin                     Institution   Asset Management, and
                                                                Canada Pension Plan
                                                                Fidelity, Tiger Pacific
    2 June 2022         Yibin       By phone      Institution   Capital LP, Harvest Fund,
                                                                and Fullgoal Fund
                                                                Panjing Invest, PICC Asset
                                                                Management, Penghua
  10-11 June 2022       Yibin      meeting and    Institution
                                                                Fund, and Canada Pension
                                    by phone
                                                                Invesco Great Wall Fund
                                                                Management, Citibank,
    17 June 2022        Yibin       By phone      Institution
                                                                Ninetyone, and Goldman
                                                                Sachs Asset Management
    20 June 2022        Yibin       By phone      Institution   Huachuang Securities
                                                                Zhongtai Securities and
    30 June 2022        Yibin       By phone      Institution
                                                                Yongjin Investment
                                   One-on-one                   Northeast Securities, CICC,
    6 July 2022         Yibin                     Institution
                                    meeting                     and Anatole Investment
                                                                Bosera Funds, Orient
                                    By phone                    Securities Asset
    8 July 2022         Yibin      and one-on-    Institution   Management, Ping An Fund
                                   one meeting                  Management, and
                                                                Zheshang Securities,
                                    By phone                    Fullgoal Fund, Western
                       Yibin and
  12-15 July 2022                  and one-on-    Institution   Securities, Soochow
                                   one meeting                  Securities, Tebon Securities,
                                                                and GF Fund Management
                                                                Huatai Securities, China
    18 July 2022        Yibin                     Institution   Merchants Fund, and China
                                    By phone                    Bosera Funds, Brilliance
  21-25 July 2022       Yibin      and one-on-    Institution   Capital, E Fund, and China
                                   one meeting                  Universal
   31 August 2022       Yibin                     Institution   E Fund
                                                                China Universal, Mega
                                                                Trust, Bank of China Asset
 1-2 September 2022    Shanghai    investment     Institution
                                                                Management, and AEGON-
                                                                INDUSTRIAL Fund
                                                                Minsheng Securities and
 6 September 2022       Yibin       By phone      Institution
                                                                Ping An Annuity Insurance
                                    Securities                  AEGON-INDUSTRIAL
                                      firm’s                   Fund, Fullgoal Fund,
 7-9 September 2022                investment     Institution   Taiping Asset Management,
                                     strategy                   Zhong Ou Asset, and
                                   conference                   Sinolink Securities
                                                                GF Fund Management,
11-16 September 2022    Yibin       By phone      Institution   BOCIM, Huitaifu Fund, and
                                                                Sealand Asset Management
                                                                First Seafront and BOCOM
 24 September 2022      Yibin       By phone      Institution

                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                 By phone
                                                            China Asset Management,
                                                            GF Fund Management,
 4 November 2022      Chengdu      firm’s    Institution
                                                            HuaAn Fund, Tongben
                                                            Invest, and Loyal Valley
                                 Securities                 Ping An Fund Management,
                                   firm’s                  Guotai Asset Management,
7-9 November 2022     Chengdu   investment    Institution   Maxwealth Fund, Tongben
                                  strategy                  Invest, Cinda Fund, and
                                conference                  Bosera Funds
                                                            China Universal, New China
23-29 December 2022    Yibin    By phone      Institution   Fund, E Fund, and

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                               Part IV Corporate Governance

I Corporate Governance Overview
     In 2022, focusing closely on the development goal of building a world-class enterprise with modern
governance, the Company continued to improve its corporate governance structure, optimize its mechanisms, as
well as accelerate the establishment of a well-organized, well-coordinated and well-balanced corporate
governance mechanism.
     1. The corporate governance structure has further improved. During the Reporting Period, the
Company completed the re-election of the sixth Board of Directors and the sixth Supervisory Committee.
Meanwhile, staffing has been further improved for the five special committees under the Board of Directors,
namely the Strategy Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Nomination Committee, the
Audit Committee, and the Comprehensive Budget Management Committee. And new senior executives have
been appointed by the Board of Directors. As such, a well-coordinated and well-balanced corporate governance
mechanism has been put in place, enabling scientific decision-making and efficient operation.
     2. A series of operational rules have been refined. During the Reporting Period, the Company amended
the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of Shareholders, the Rules of Procedure
for the Board of Directors, the Operational Rules for Major Decision-making, Personnel Appointments and
Dismissals, Project Arrangements and Operation of Large Sums of Money, etc., which has further refined the
system of rules. As such, a sound mechanism of categorised and tiered delegation of authority has been put in
place to ensure that each governance body has its own role to play.
     Indicate whether there is any material incompliance with the applicable laws, regulations, or rules issued by
the CSRC governing the governance of listed companies.
     □ Yes  No
     No such cases.
II Independence of the Company from its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller in
Assets, Personnel, Finance, Organizational Structure, Business, etc.
     The Company is independent of its controlling shareholder in business, personnel, assets, organizational
structure, finance, etc. It has independent and complete systems of production and operation and is able to
operate on its own.
     In terms of business, the Company has independent production and operation systems, production
supporting systems and related ancillary facilities. It is able to make decisions on its own with respect to
operating activities.
     In terms of personnel, the Company independently manages labor, human resources and salaries.
     In terms of assets, the Company has ownership and control of its assets, and the controlling shareholder
does not occupy its assets or funds.
     In terms of organizational structure, the principal management organs and systems for production and
operation of the Company are independent.
     In terms of finance, the Company has an independent financial organ, independent accounting system and
financial management mechanism, and has its own bank account.
III Horizontal Competition
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
IV Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the
Reporting Period
1. General Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting Period
   Meeting              Type                               Date of the meeting     Disclosure date          Resolutions
                                     participation ratio

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                See the Announcement
                                                                                                                 on Resolutions of the
 The 2021 Annual          Annual General
                                                                                                                 2021 Annual General
General Meeting of          Meeting of          71.49%            27 May 2022             28 May 2022
                                                                                                                      Meeting of
   Shareholders            Shareholders
                                                                                                                    (2022/No. 028)
 2. Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders
 with Resumed Voting Rights
         □ Applicable  Not applicable
 V Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
 1. General Information
                                                                                          Increa    Decrea
                                                                                                               Other           Reaso
                                                                                 Opening se in       se in            Closing
                                                                                                              increas           n for
                          Stat Gen                                               sharehol the         the             sharehol
 Name      Office title            Age Start of office term   End of office term                               e/decr           share
                           us der                                                  ding current     current             ding
                                                                                                                ease           change
                                                                                  (share) period    period             (share)
                                                                                                              (share)             s
                                                                                          (share)   (share)
        Secretary of
          the CPC Incu                      28 January 2022
 Zeng                  Mal
        Committee mbe                54                       Currently ongoing
Congqin                 e
        Chairman of nt
                                             27 May 2022
         the Board
      Secretary of
                                            28 January 2022
       the CPC
      Committee Incu
Jiang                  Mal
         Vice      mbe               56                       Currently ongoing
Wenge                   e
      Chairman of nt
            the Board                        27 May 2022
           and General
       Member of
         the CPC                           30 December 2020
 Zhang Committee Incu Mal
                   mbe               48                       Currently ongoing
  Yu       Vice        e
       Chairman of                           27 May 2022
        the Board
Liang Li    Director      mbe       52       27 May 2022      Currently ongoing
Xu Bo       Director      mbe       55       27 May 2022      Currently ongoing
           Secretary of Incu
 Xiao                                      15 December 2021
            the CPC mbe Mal          46                       Currently ongoing
 Hao       Committee nt      e

            Director                         27 May 2022
           Member of
 Jiang      the CPC Incu Fem               22 February 2022
  Lin      Committee mbe ale 43                               Currently ongoing
           Director and                      27 May 2022

                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                      24 August 2022
  Xie   Independent        Mal
                    mbe          63    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
 Zhihua   Director          e
        Independent        Mal
Wu Yue              mbe          56    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
          Director          e
  Hou Independent          Mal
                    mbe          67    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
Shuiping Director           e
  Luo Independent          Mal
                    mbe          53    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
Huawei    Director          e
         Member of
          the CPC                     22 February 2022
         Committee Incu
 Liu                     Mal
         Chairman of mbe e       52                      Currently ongoing                                      6,065
             the      nt
                                       27 May 2022
 Zhang                   Mal
         Supervisor mbe          53    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
  Xin                     e
 Zhang   Employee        Mal
                    mbe          57    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing                                     12,730
 Qing    Supervisor       e
                   Incu                                                                                              emplo
  Wu    Employee        Mal
                   mbe           53    27 May 2022       Currently ongoing      17,594                         40,988 yee
Guoping Supervisor       e
                    nt                                                                                                stock
         Member of
          the CPC Incu                 23 May 2022
 Yang                  Fem
         Committee mbe      51                           Currently ongoing                                     15,894
Yunxia                  ale
            Chief   nt
                                       27 May 2022
          Member of
           the CPC Incu               22 February 2022
Jiang Jia Committee mbe          48                      Currently ongoing                                     11,841
             Chief   nt
                                       27 May 2022
        Member of
 Xie     the CPC       Mal            26 October 2022
                  mbe            54                      Currently ongoing
Zhiping Committee       e
           CFO                        4 November 2022
 Yue      Deputy  Incu Mal       50     27 May 2022      Currently ongoing                                      9,819

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 Song      General        mbe     e
           Manager         nt
           Deputy         Incu
  Liu                          Mal
           General        mbe           44     27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
 Yang                           e
           Manager         nt
             Deputy       Incu
Li Jian      General      mbe           48     27 May 2022       Currently ongoing
            Manager        nt
          Secretary of
            the CPC       For Mal
Shuguan                                 60     21 April 2017     18 February 2022
           Committee      mer e
          and Director
           Member of
            the CPC
              Vice        For Mal
Zou Tao                                 44     21 July 2018      18 February 2022
          Chairman of     mer e
           the Board
          and General
           Member of
            the CPC
                          For Mal
Luo Wei      Deputy                     58     18 July 2014      4 November 2022
                          mer e
            and CFO
 Zhou     Independent     For Mal
                                        70     22 June 2016        27 May 2022
 Yousu      Director      mer e
          Independent For Mal
Shengda                                 56   18 November 2016      27 May 2022
            Director mer e
          Employee For Fem
Hongyin                      56                5 June 2020         27 May 2022
          Supervisor mer ale
   Hu                     For Mal
          Supervisor                    38     27 May 2022        17 March 2023
 Jianfu                   mer e
          Member of
           the CPC
 Zhao                For Mal
          Committee          58                12 July 2017        19 May 2022                                          12,130
 Dong                mer e
          and Chief
  Liu                For Fem
          Supervisor         53                29 May 2020         27 May 2022
 Feng                mer ale
 Total         --          --     --    --          --                   --             17,594                        109,467    --
     Indicate whether any director, supervisor or senior management resigned before the expiry of their office
 terms during the Reporting Period.
     □ Yes  No
     Changes of directors, supervisors and senior management:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                              Type of
   Name                  Office title                             Date                                 Reason

   Zeng                   Director                                                Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                                              Elected          27 May 2022
  Congqin           Chairman of the                                               Elected by the Board of Directors

                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                    Director                                        Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
  Jiang       Vice Chairman of the    Elected
                                                   27 May 2022      Elected by the Board of Directors
  Wenge              Board
                General Manager      Appointed                      Appointed by the Board of Directors
                    Director                                        Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
 Zhang Yu     Vice Chairman of the    Elected      27 May 2022
                                                                    Elected by the Board of Directors
 Liang Li           Director          Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
  Xu Bo             Director          Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
 Xiao Hao           Director          Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                    Director          Elected                       Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                 Deputy General                    27 May 2022
 Jiang Lin
                    Manager          Appointed                      Appointed by the Board of Directors
                Board Secretary                  24 August 2022
Xie Zhihua    Independent Director    Elected     27 May 2022       Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
  Wu Yue      Independent Director    Elected     27 May 2022       Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
              Independent Director    Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
Luo Huawei    Independent Director    Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                   Supervisor         Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                Chairman of the
 Liu Ming
                  Supervisory         Elected      27 May 2022      Elected by the Supervisory Committee
Zhang Xin          Supervisor         Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
                                      Elected      27 May 2022      Elected at a general meeting of shareholders
 Hu Jianfu        Supervisor
                                      Former      17 March 2023     Resigned for work reasons
Zhang Qing    Employee Supervisor     Elected      27 May 2022      Elected in a staff congress
              Employee Supervisor     Elected      27 May 2022      Elected in a staff congress
                Chief Engineer       Appointed     27 May 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
 Jiang Jia      Chief Economist      Appointed     27 May 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
Xie Zhiping           CFO            Appointed   4 November 2022    Appointed by the Board of Directors
                Deputy General
 Yue Song                            Appointed     27 May 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
                Deputy General
 Liu Yang                            Appointed     27 May 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
                Deputy General
  Li Jian                            Appointed     27 May 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
                    Director          Former     18 February 2022   Resigned for a job change
              Vice Chairman of the
 Zou Tao       Board and General      Former     18 February 2022   Resigned for a job change
Zhou Yousu    Independent Director    Former       27 May 2022      Dismissed at a general meeting of shareholders
              Independent Director    Former       27 May 2022      Dismissed at a general meeting of shareholders
                                     Appointed    3 March 2022      Appointed by the Board of Directors
Zhao Dong       Chief Engineer
                                      Former      19 May 2022       Ceased to be Chief Engineer due to age
Liu Feng          Supervisor          Former      27 May 2022       Dismissed at a general meeting of shareholders
              Employee Supervisor     Former       27 May 2022      Dismissed at a staff congress
                Deputy General                                      Ceased to be Deputy General Manager and CFO
 Luo Wei                              Former     4 November 2022
               Manager and CFO                                      due to age

                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Biographical Information
     Professional backgrounds, main work experience and current positions in the Company of the incumbent
directors, supervisors and senior management:
     (1) Mr. Zeng Congqin, a doctoral degree holder. He began to work in July 1988 and successively served in
Changning County of Yibin, municipal authorities, Cuiping District, and Lingang Economic Development Zone.
He once served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Changning County CPC Committee, Director of
the Publicity Department, and Executive Deputy County Chief of Changning County, Director of the Investment
Service Bureau of Yibin Lingang Economic Development Zone, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and
Director of the Yibin Municipal Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Municipal Price
Bureau, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Energy, Secretary of the Cuiping District CPC Committee, and
Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Lingang Economic Development Zone. At present, he serves as the
Secretary of the CPC Committee and the Chairman of the Board of the Company, as well as the Secretary of the
CPC Committee and the Chairman of the Board of Wuliangye Group.
     (2) Mr. Jiang Wenge, a master's degree holder. He began to work in August 1985 and successively served in
Peng'an County and Shunqing District of Nanchong City, Sichuan, the Sichuan Provincial Development and
Reform Commission, and the Welfare-to-work Office of Sichuan Province. He once served as the Deputy Head
of Shunqing District Government, Deputy Director of the Employment and Income Distribution Office, Deputy
Director of the Division of Rural Economy, and Director of the Division of Rural Economy of Sichuan
Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the Deputy Director and Primary Investigator of the
Welfare-to-work Office of Sichuan Province. He now serves as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee,
Vice Chairman of the Board, and General Manager of the Company.
     (3) Mr. Zhang Yu, a doctoral degree holder. He began to work in July 1997 and successively served in the
Chengdu Education Bureau, Qingyang District Government and Xindu District Committee. He once served as
Secretary of CPC Committee, Director, and Party Group Secretary of the District Education Bureau, a member
of the Party Group of the District Government, Deputy District Chief, a member of the Standing Committee of
District Committee and Director of the Organization Department of the District Government, Deputy Secretary
of the CPC Committee of Wuliangye Group from April to December 2020, and Deputy Secretary of the CPC
Committee of the Company from December 2020 to December 2021. Currently, he is a member of the CPC
Committee and Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company.
     (4) Ms. Liang Li, a bachelor's degree holder. She began to work in November 1986 and once took
community-level posts in towns, the organization department of the county CPC Committee, and the urban
governance office. She took the posts of Director of the Office and Head of the Agriculture Section of Yibin
Municipal Finance Bureau, Member of the CPC Committee and Chief Financial Officer of Yibin Kaiyi
Automobile Co., Ltd., Deputy Secretary to the CPC Committee and General Manager of Yibin Sanjiang
Investment and Construction Group Co., Ltd. Concurrently, she was the Secretary to the CPC Committee and
Chairman of Sichuan Changjiang Private Economy Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. At present, she serves as
Director of the Company and Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of the Board of Yibin
Development Group.
      (5) Ms. Xu Bo, a bachelor's degree holder. She began to work in December 1983 and successively served
in the Electronic Education Company of the Yibin Education Bureau and the Yibin City Bureau of Audit. She
once served as the Deputy Head, Head, and Deputy Director of the Yibin City Bureau of Audit. She now serves
as a Director of the Company, as well as a Director and the General Manager of Yibin Development Group.
     (6) Mr. Xiao Hao, a master's degree holder. He began to work in July 1998. He successively served in the
Organization Department of the CPC Committee of Yibin County, the Organization Department of the CPC
Committee of Yibin City, and the Office of the CPC Committee of Yibin City. He successively served as the
Deputy Director of Municipal CPC Committee Office, Director of the Standing Committee Office of the
Municipal CPC Committee, and Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal CPC Committee. He served as the
Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Wuliangye Group from December 2020 to December 2021. He has
been the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Company since December 2021, and the Deputy
Secretary of the CPC Committee and a Director of Wuliangye Group since March 2022. He is now a Deputy
Secretary of the CPC Committee and a Director of the Company.
     (7) Ms. Jiang Lin, a doctoral degree holder. She began to work in July 2004 and successively served in
Research Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, Research Office of Chengdu Municipal Committee,
Chengdu Finance Office, Tianfu International Fund Area, and Wanchuang Investment Holdings Chengdu Co.,
Ltd. She once served as the Deputy Head of the Economy Division of the Research Office of Chengdu
Municipal Committee, Deputy Head and Head of the Capital Market Division of the Chengdu Finance Office,
Director and General Manager of the Tianfu International Fund Area, and Deputy General Manager of

                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Wanchuang Investment Holdings Chengdu Co., Ltd. She now serves as a member of the CPC Committee,
Director, and Deputy General Manager of the Company, in addition to being a Director and the Secretary of the
CPC Branch of Wuliangye Group Finance, as well as a Director of Yibin Wuliangye Fund Management Co., Ltd.,
Sichuan Bank, and Sichuan United Liquor Exchange Co., Ltd.
      (8) Mr. Xie Zhihua, a doctoral degree holder, professor, certified public accountant, and Expert of the
Special Government Allowances of the State Council. He began to work in June 1976 and successively served in
Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Commercial School, Beijing Business School, and Beijing Technology and
Business University. He once served as the Deputy Director, Director, Director of the Academic Affairs
Department, and Vice President of the Accounting Faculty of Beijing Business School, and a member of the CPC
Committee and Vice President of Beijing Technology and Business University. He now serves as an Independent
Director of the Company, Professor of Beijing Technology and Business University, as well as an Independent
Director of BJB (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd., China Non-ferrous Metal Industry's Foreign
Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., Sinochem Energy Co., Ltd., Yunnan Hongta Bank Co., Ltd., and Bank
of Jiaxing Co., Ltd.
      (9) Mr. Wu Yue, a doctoral degree holder and professor. He now serves as the Professor at the School of
Law of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and concurrently serves as the Vice President of
Sichuan Business Law Research Association, Executive Director of China Business Law Research Association,
Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and Arbitrator of Chengdu
Arbitration Commission, and Independent Director of the Company, Independent Director of Chengdu Corpro
Technology Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Sichuan MIngxing Electric Power Co., Ltd., and Independent
Director of Sichuan Jule Food Co., Ltd.
      (10) Mr. Hou Shuiping, a doctorate degree holder, researcher and an expert entitled to special allowances
from the State Council. He took the posts of Dean of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences and Deputy
Director of the Decision-making Advisory Committee (Provincial Science and Technology Advisory Group) of
the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Sichuan Province. At present, he serves
as a researcher and post-doctoral co-supervisor at the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Vice Chairman and
Director of the Academic Committee of Sichuan Law Society, and Independent Director of Sichuan Yahua
Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Shudao Equipment & Technology Co., Ltd., and the Company.
      (11) Mr. Luo Huawei, a doctorate degree holder, professor, certified public accountant, and legal
practitioner. At present, he serves as a doctoral supervisor at Sichuan Agricultural University, Director of the
Accounting Society of Sichuan, External Director of Ya'an Development Investment Co., Ltd., and Independent
Director of Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and the Company.
       (12) Mr. Liu Ming, a bachelor's degree holder, senior engineer of liquor brewing, and China Liquor
Brewing Master, national-level specially-invited Baijiu appraisal committee member. He began to worked in
Wuliangye distillery in December 1986 and once served as the Deputy Director and Director of the workshop,
and concurrently served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch, Secretary of the Party Branch, President of
the Branch Labor Union, Secretary of the Party General Branch, General Manager and Chairman of Yibin
Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd., Assistant to the General Manager and Director of the Production Management
Department of the Company. He served as the Chief Engineer of the Company from July 2021 to March 2022.
He has been a member of the CPC Committee of the Company since February 2022. Currently, he is a member
of the CPC Committee and the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.
      (13) Mr. Zhang Xin, a master's degree holder. With his career starting in August 1991, he used to serve in
the Yibin Bureau of Finance, and the Yibin State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. He
once was a Head of Section, Deputy Head of the Corporate Section, Full-time Deputy Secretary of the CPC
Committee and Head of the Asset Management Section of the Yibin Bureau of Finance. Currently, he is a
Supervisor of the Company, a member of the CPC Committee and Deputy General Manager of Yibin
Development Group, as well as the Secretary of the CPC Branch and Chairman of the Board of Sichuan Sanjiang
Huihai Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.
      (14) Mr. Zhang Qing, a college degree holder and brewing engineer. He began to work at the Wuliangye
distillery in January 1983. He took the posts of Leader and Technician of the Brewing Team of the Workshop,
Assistant Workshop Director, Assistant Head of the Production Management Department, Head of the Control
Room, President of the Branch Labour Union, Workshop Director, President of the Labour Union, Supervisor,
General Manager, and Director of Yibin Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd., and Deputy Head of the Production
Management Department of the Company. At present, he serves as Employee Supervisor and Head of the
Production Management Department of the Company.
       (15) Mr. Wu Guoping, a bachelor's degree holder, auditor and senior sourcer. He began to work in August
1989 and once served in Audit Bureau and Finance Bureau of Cuiping District, Yibin City, Yibin City Bureau of

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Audit. He was transferred to the Company and served as the Deputy Director of the Audit Affairs Department in
May 2015, Employee Supervisor of the Company in June 2015, and Deputy Director of the Audit Department in
July 2015. He now serves as an Employee Supervisor and the Deputy Director of the Audit and Supervision
Department of the Company, as well as a Supervisor of Wuliangye Group.
      (16) Ms. Yang Yunxia, a bachelor's degree holder and Senior Political Mentor. She began to work at the
Wuliangye distillery in July 1991. She once held offices at Workshop 508, Workshop 513, the Audit Supervision
and Legal Affairs Department, and the Organization Department of the CPC Committee. She was Deputy
Secretary to the CPC Branch of Workshop 506 in August 2003 and Secretary of the CPC Branch of Workshop
506 in December 2003. Ms. Yang Yunxia was an Employee Representative Supervisor of the Company between
June 2014 and June 2020 and Head of the Work Department of the CPC Committee of the Company between
May and July 2015. She started serving as the Head of the Mass Work Department of the Company in July 2015
(concurrently, she was Deputy Secretary to the CPC Xingwen Committee between March 2016 and June 2018).
She took the posts of Member of the CPC Committee, President of the Labour Union, and Head of the Mass
Work Department of the Company in June 2018, and of Member of the CPC Committee, Chairman of the
Supervisory Committee, and Head of the Mass Work Department of the Group in December 2020. At present,
she is a Member of the CPC Committee and General Engineer of the Company.
       (17) Mr. Jiang Jia, a bachelor's degree holder and senior economist. He began to work in Wuliangye
distillery in July 1997 and once served as the Deputy General of the Sales Department, Deputy General of the
Brand Affairs Department of Brand Distributors, Deputy Director and Director of the Strategic Development
Department, and Chairman of Wuliangye Health Wine Company. He has served as a member of the CPC
Committee and Chief Economist of Wuliangye Group since April 2020. He is also a member of the CPC
Committee and the Chief Economist of the Company.
      (18) Mr. Xie Zhiping, a master's degree holder. He began to work in August 1991. He took posts at the
Yibin Municipal Finance Bureau and Yibin Municipal Bureau of Statistics. He was a Member of the CPC Group
and Deputy Director of Yibin Municipal Finance Bureau, Secretary to the CPC Group and Director of the Yibin
Municipal Bureau of Statistics, and Secretary to the CPC Group and Director of Yibin Municipal Finance Bureau.
He became a Member of the CPC Committee and Chief Financial Officer of Wuliangye Group in February 2022.
At present, he is a Member of the CPC Committee and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.
       (19) Mr. Yue Song, a bachelor's degree holder and senior brewing technician. He started to work in the
Wuliangye Distillery in December 1995. He once served as the Deputy Director of the Office, Deputy Director
of the Office of the Board of Directors, Secretary of the CPC Branch, as well as Secretary of the CPC Branch
and President of the Branch Labor Union of Workshop 505 and Workshop 523 of the Company, General
Manager and President of the Branch Labor Union of Sichuan Wuliangye Culture Tourism Co., Ltd., Secretary
of the Party General Branch and Chairman of Yibin Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd., and General Engineer of
Wuliangye Group. He is now a Deputy General Manager of the Company.
      (20) Mr. Liu Yang, a bachelor's degree holder. He began to work in July 2001 and used to serve as the
Director of the Liaison Office of Yibin Municipal Government in Beijing. He is now a Deputy General Manager
of the Company.
      (21) Mr. Li Jian, a doctoral degree holder. He began to work in October 1995 and once served in the
Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Changning County, Education and Sports Bureau of Yibin
City, and Shunan Culture & Tourism Group. He once served as a member of the CPC Committee and Deputy
General Manager of Shunan Culture & Tourism Group. He is now a Deputy General Manager of the Company.

    Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:
     Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                  Start of office     End of office    Paid by the entity
    Name        Shareholding entity   Office held in the entity
                                                                       term              term                or not
                                        Secretary of the CPC
Zeng Congqin     Wuliangye Group      Committee and Chairman                                                  No
                                            of the Board
                                        Secretary of the CPC
                Yibin Development
   Liang Li                           Committee and Chairman                                                  Yes
                      Group                 of the Board
                Yibin Development       Director and General
   Xu Bo                                                                                                      Yes
                      Group                   Manager
                                       Deputy Secretary of the
  Xiao Hao       Wuliangye Group        CPC Committee and                                                     No

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                         Member of the CPC
                 Yibin Development
  Zhang Xin                             Committee and Deputy                                                  Yes
                                          General Manager
     Offices held concurrently in other entities:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                        Start of   End of
                                                                   Office held in the                       Paid by the
    Name                          Other entity                                           office    office
                                                                         entity                             entity or not
                                                                                         term       term
                                                                     Director and
                Wuliangye Group Finance                             Secretary of the
                                                                     CPC Branch
  Jiang Lin                                                                                                      No
                Yibin Wuliangye Fund Management Co., Ltd.,
                Sichuan Bank Company Limited, and Sichuan              Director
                United Liquor Exchange Co., Ltd.
                Beijing Technology and Business University             Professor                                Yes
                BJB (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd.,
  Xie Zhihua    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry's Foreign
                Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd.,                                                         Yes
                Sinochem Energy Co., Ltd., Yunnan Hongta Bank
                Co., Ltd., and Bank of Jiaxing Co., Ltd.
                Southwestern University of Finance and            Professor of School
                Economics                                               of Law
   Wu Yue       Chengdu Corpro Technology Co., Ltd., Sichuan
                MIngxing Electric Power Co., Ltd., and Sichuan                                                  Yes
                Jule Food Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Research Fellow
                Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences                 and Postdoctoral
Hou Shuiping                                                                                                    Yes
                Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co., Ltd., and
                Sichuan Shudao Equipment & Technology Co.,
                Sichuan Agricultural University                   Doctoral Supervisor

 Luo Huawei     Ya'an Development Investment Co., Ltd.             Outside Director                             Yes
                Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Secretary of the
                Sichuan Sanjiang Huihai Finance Leasing Co.,       CPC Branch and
  Zhang Xin                                                                                                      No
                Ltd.                                               Chairman of the
      Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors,
supervisors and senior management as well as those who resigned in the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
3. Remunerations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
      Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remunerations for directors,
supervisors and senior management:
     (1) Decision-making procedure
      In accordance with the relevant rules of the higher organization and the Company, the remuneration plan for
the senior management of the Company is formulated, then submitted to the Remuneration and Appraisal
Committee under the Board of Directors for review, and then finalized by the Board of Directors.
     (2) Basis for the determination of remunerations
      In accordance with the relevant rules, the remunerations for directors, supervisors and senior management
are determined upon appraisal.
     (3) Actual payments
      Part of the base pay is given on a monthly basis, and part of the performance-related pay is given within the
              Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior management during the Reporting Period

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                              Total before-tax
                                                                               remunerations     Paid by any related
  Name                  Office title           Gender    Age       Status
                                                                                 from the           party or not
                  Chairman of the Board        Male          54   Incumbent             92.91            No
  Jiang       Vice Chairman of the Board and
                                               Male          56   Incumbent             97.78            No
  Wenge              General Manager
 Zhang Yu      Vice Chairman of the Board      Male          48   Incumbent             66.94            No
 Liang Li                Director              Female        52   Incumbent                             Yes
  Xu Bo                  Director              Female        55   Incumbent                             Yes
 Xiao Hao               Director               Male          46   Incumbent             24.47            No
                Director, Deputy General
 Jiang Lin                                     Female        43   Incumbent             54.29            No
               Manager and Board Secretary
Xie Zhihua        Independent Director         Male          63   Incumbent                10            No
 Wu Yue            Independent Director        Male          56   Incumbent                10            No
                   Independent Director        Male          67   Incumbent                6.8           No
                   Independent Director        Male          53   Incumbent                6.8           No
               Chairman of the Supervisory
 Liu Ming                                      Male          52   Incumbent             57.89            No
Zhang Xin               Supervisor             Male          53   Incumbent                             Yes
Zhang Qing         Employee Supervisor         Male          57   Incumbent             37.33            No
                   Employee Supervisor         Male          53   Incumbent             70.53           Yes
                     Chief Engineer            Female        51   Incumbent             51.25            No
 Jiang Jia           Chief Economist           Male          48   Incumbent             38.87            No
Xie Zhiping                CFO                 Male          54   Incumbent              3.57            No
 Yue Song        Deputy General Manager        Male          50   Incumbent             17.64            No
 Liu Yang        Deputy General Manager        Male          44   Incumbent             36.67            No
 Li Jian         Deputy General Manager        Male          48   Incumbent             35.95            No
                         Director              Male          60    Former               92.91            No
 Zou Tao       Vice Chairman of the Board      Male          44    Former               41.78            No
Zhao Dong            Chief Engineer            Male          58    Former               92.79            No
               Deputy General Manager and
 Luo Wei                                       Male          58    Former               89.37            No
Zhou Yousu        Independent Director         Male          70    Former                  5.8           No
                   Independent Director        Male          56    Former                    9           No
Hu Jianfu               Supervisor             Male          38    Former                               Yes
                   Employee Supervisor         Female        56    Former              252.87            No
Liu Feng                Supervisor             Female        53    Former                               Yes
   Total                     --                  --          --      --              1,304.21            --
Notes: 1. During the Reporting Period, the Company settled the remuneration of some of the directors and
supervisors for the year 2020 and granted incentives to some of the incumbent directors and supervisors for the
2019-2021 period.
       2. Mr. Jiang Wenge was paid the additional remunerations for 2020 due to post and remuneration
adjustments. Mr. Xiao Hao, Ms. Yang Yunxia, Ms. Jiang Lin, Mr. Xie Zhiping and Mr. Yue Song were on the
Company's payroll upon their appointment and on Wuliangye Group's payroll before their appointment. And Mr.
Wu Guoping was given a pay of RMB44.7 thousand by Wuliangye Group.

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

VI Activities of Directors during the Reporting Period
1. Board Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period
              Meeting                  Date of the meeting       Disclosure date               Resolutions
The 100 Meeting of the Fifth Board
                                        27 January 2022         29 January 2022     See Announcement 2022/No. 001
            of Directors
  The Second Meeting of the Fifth
                                       18 February 2022         19 February 2022    See Announcement 2022/No. 003
     Board of Directors in 2022
The Third Meeting of the Fifth Board
                                         3 March 2022            5 March 2022       See Announcement 2022/No. 004
        of Directors in 2022
                                                                                    The Proposal on Adjusting the
                                                                                    Name and Construction Plan of
  The Fourth Meeting of the Fifth
                                         17 March 2022                N/A           the 120,000-ton Ecological
    Board of Directors in 2022
                                                                                    Brewing Project (Phase I) was
The Fifth Meeting of the Fifth Board
                                        18-19 April 2022         20 April 2022      See Announcement 2022/No. 008
        of Directors in 2022
The Sixth Meeting of the Fifth Board
                                         27 April 2022           29 April 2022      See Announcement 2022/No. 011
        of Directors in 2022
  The Seventh Meeting of the Fifth
                                          19 May 2022             21 May 2022       See Announcement 2022/No. 027
     Board of Directors in 2022
The First Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                          27 May 2022             28 May 2022       See Announcement 2022/No. 029
        of Directors in 2022
  The Second Meeting of the Sixth
                                          15 June 2022            17 June 2022      See Announcement 2022/No. 032
     Board of Directors in 2022
The Third Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                         6-7 July 2022            9 July 2022       See Announcement 2022/No. 034
        of Directors in 2022
                                                                                    The following proposals were
                                                                                    approved: the Proposal on the
                                                                                    Star Rating and Awards for Retail
                                                                                    Stores for H1 2022, the Proposal
                                                                                    on the Report on the
  The Fourth Meeting of the Sixth                                                   Establishment of the ―Group
                                        3-4 August 2022               N/A
    Board of Directors in 2022                                                      Purchase-based Sales‖ Project of
                                                                                    Wuliangye Headquarters, and the
                                                                                    Proposal on Wuliang
                                                                                    NongXiang’s Wuliangye Culture
                                                                                    Publicity and Promotion Plan for
The Fifth Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                        24 August 2022          26 August 2022      See Announcement 2022/No. 035
        of Directors in 2022
                                                                                    The Proposal on the Plan for the
The Sixth Meeting of the Sixth Board                                                Transfer and Disposal of Some
                                        29 August 2022                N/A
        of Directors in 2022                                                        Assets in Plastic F Section was
                                                                                    The Proposal on the Donation for
                                                                                    the 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake
  The Seventh Meeting of the Sixth
                                       6 September 2022               N/A           Stricken Area in Luding County,
     Board of Directors in 2022
                                                                                    Ganzi, Sichuan Province was
                                                                                    The Proposal on the Project of the
  The Eighth Meeting of the Sixth                                                   Construction of a New Boiler
                                       16 September 2022              N/A
    Board of Directors in 2022                                                      Room in the Hongba New Park,
                                                                                    among others, was approved.

                                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

The Ninth Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                              27-29 September 2022       30 September 2022           See Announcement 2022/No. 040
          of Directors in 2022
The 10 Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                               25-26 October 2022          28 October 2022           See Announcement 2022/No. 041
          of Directors in 2022
 The 11th Meeting of the Sixth Board
                                               3-4 November 2022          5 November 2022            See Announcement 2022/No. 043
          of Directors in 2022
                                                                                                     The Proposal on the Transfers of
 The 12th Meeting of the Sixth Board       30 November-2 December                                    Physical Assets by Wuliangye
         of Directors in 2022                      2022                                              Supply and Marketing and Liquor
                                                                                                     Sales was approved.
                                                                                                     The following proposals were
                                                                                                     approved: the Proposal on
                                                                                                     Amendments to the Performance
                                                                                                     Appraisal and Remuneration
 The 13th Meeting of the Sixth Board                                                                 Management Methods for Deputy
                                               8-9 December 2022                   N/A
         of Directors in 2022                                                                        Senior Management, and the
                                                                                                     Proposal on the Transfer of
                                                                                                     Equity Interests in Wuguchun Jiu
                                                                                                     Ye Co., Henan. China for No
                                                                                                     The Proposal on the Wuliangye
 The 14th Meeting of the Sixth Board                                                                 1618 Spring ―Crack a Bottle,
                                               16 December 2022                    N/A
         of Directors in 2022                                                                        Scan the Code, and Win a Prize‖
                                                                                                     Activities was approved.
2. Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings of Shareholders
                           Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings of shareholders
                 Total number                                                             Board           The director
                                                       meetings          Board                                               General
                    of board            Board                                            meetings       failed to attend
                                                      attended by      meetings                                              meetings
                 meetings the         meetings                                              the               two
  Director                                               way of         attended                                                 of
                 director was        attended on                                         director         consecutive
                                                     telecommuni       through a                                           shareholder
                  supposed to            site                                            failed to      board meetings
                                                       cation or         proxy                                              s attended
                     attend                                                               attend             or not
                      21                  3               18               0                0                 No               1
 Jiang Wenge          21                  3               18               0                0                 No               1
  Zhang Yu            14                  2               12               0                0                 No               1
  Liang Li            14                  2               12               0                0                 No               1
   Xu Bo              21                  3               18               0                0                 No               1
  Xiao Hao            14                  2               12               0                0                 No               1
  Jiang Lin           21                  3               18               0                0                 No               1
 Xie Zhihua           21                  0               21               0                0                 No               0
   Wu Yue             21                  2               19               0                0                 No               1
Hou Shuiping          14                  1               13               0                0                 No               1
 Luo Huawei           14                  1               13               0                0                 No               1
 Li Shuguang           1                  0                1               0                0                 No               0
  Zou Tao              1                  0                1               0                0                 No               0
 Zhou Yousu            7                  1                6               0                0                 No               1
                       7                  1                6               0                0                 No               1
     Explanation of why any director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings:
     Not applicable.

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

3. Objections Raised by Directors on Matters of the Company
    Indicate whether any director raised any objections on any matter of the Company.
    □ Yes  No
    No such cases in the Reporting Period.
4. Other Information about the Activities of Directors
      Indicate whether any recommendation from directors was adopted by the Company.
       Yes □ No
      Explanation on adoption/rejection of recommendations of directors:
      During the Reporting Period, in strict compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and the Articles of
Association, the directors of the Company performed their duties diligently, providing professional opinion or
recommendations for business decisions of the Company. They have played their part in protecting the
legitimate rights and interests of the Company and its shareholders.
VII Activities of Special Committees under the Board of Directors during the Reporting
      The Board of Directors of the Company has set up five special committees, including the Strategy
Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, and
the Comprehensive Budget Management Committee.
      1. Strategy Committee
      As per the relevant requirements of the Implementation Rules for the Strategy Committee, the Strategy
Committee convened two meetings during the Reporting Period, mainly receiving briefings on key work
progress in the first half of the year and the implementation plan for the high-quality development and fast-
growth programme, studying the report of the 20th CPC Congress, and studying the Report on Accelerating the
High-quality Development of the Baijiu Industry jointly issued by the Yibin Municipal CPC Committee and the
Yibin Municipal Government.
      2. Audit Committee
      As per the relevant requirements of the Implementation Rules for the Audit Committee, the Audit
Committee was diligent and responsible in performing the responsibilities required by the rules in the Reporting
Period: (1) conducting a reminder on the audit of the 2021 annual financial statements upon the First Meeting of
the Audit Committee under the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022; (2) reviewing, for the first time, the summary
financial statements of 2021 prepared by the Department of Finance of the Company before the entry of the
certified public accountants for the annual audit, and providing written review pinion at the Second Meeting of
the Audit Committee under the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022; (3) reviewing, for the second time, the 2021
annual financial statements of the Company, and providing written review pinion at the Third Meeting of the
Audit Committee under the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022; (4) reviewing and approving the Proposal on the
Re-appointment of the CPA Firm for 2022, the Summary of the Audit on the Financial Statements and Internal
Control of 2021, the Independent Auditor’s Reports on the Financial Statements and Internal Control of 2021,
the 2021 Internal Control Assessment Report, and the Deposit and Use of Raised Funds in 2021 at the Fourth
Meeting of the Audit Committee under the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022; (5) reviewing and approving the
First Quarterly Report 2022 at the Fifth Meeting of the Audit Committee under the Fifth Board of Directors in
2022; (6) reviewing and approving the Interim Report 2022 at the Sixth Meeting of the Audit Committee under
the Sixth Board of Directors in 2022; and (7) reviewing and approving the Third Quarterly Report 2022 at the
Seventh Meeting of the Audit Committee under the Sixth Board of Directors in 2022.
      3. Nomination Committee
      The Nomination Committee convened six meetings in the Reporting Period according to the relevant
provisions of the Implementation Rules for the Nomination Committee, at which the following proposals were
approved to be submitted to the Board of Directors for further review: the Proposal on the Election of Vice
Chairman of the Board and the Appointment of General Manager, the Proposal on New Director for the Fifth
Board of Directors, the Proposal on the Appointment and Dismissal of Senior Management, and the Proposal on
the Appointment of Board Secretary.
      4. Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
      The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee convened two meetings in the Reporting Period according to
the relevant provisions of the Implementation Rules for the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, and issued
opinions on the settlement of senior management’s 2020 annual remunerations and the prepayment of part of the

                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2022 annual remunerations (including the incentives for the 2019-2021 period) for senior management.
    5. Comprehensive Budget Management Committee
    The committee convened two meetings in the Reporting Period according to the Implementation Rules for
Comprehensive Budget Management Committee of the Company, and deliberated and approved the Annual
Budget Scheme 2022 and the Comprehensive Budget Adjustment Scheme 2022.
VIII Activities of the Supervisory Committee
     Indicate whether the Supervisory Committee identified any risk to the Company during its supervision in
the Reporting Period.
     □ Yes  No
     The Supervisory Committee raised no objections with respect to matters of the Company.
IX Employees
1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees
Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent
at the period-end                                                                                                       17,142

Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries at the
period-end                                                                                                               8,322

Total number of in-service employees at the period-end                                                                  25,464
Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period                                                                  25,464
Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent and its
major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions                                                                         320

                           Function                                                   Number of employees
                          Production                                                                                    19,081
                            Sales                                                                                        1,145
                          Technical                                                                                      4,048
                          Financial                                                                                        198
                        Administrative                                                                                     992
                            Total                                                                                       25,464
                                                       Educational backgrounds
                   Educational background                                             Number of employees
                  Junior college and beyond                                                                              7,044
           High school to junior college (exclusive)                                                                    11,265
                  Middle school and below                                                                                7,155
                            Total                                                                                       25,464

2. Remuneration Policy
     The remuneration policies implemented by the Company are the Trial Measures for the Management of
Total Wages of Municipal Supervised Enterprises in Yibin City (YGZW [2019] No. 205), and the Company's
Interim Provisions on Wage Management and the Trial Measures for the Management of Total Wages of
3. Training Plans
     In 2022, trainings organized by the Company centered on the strategy of "Reform, Innovation,
Transformation, and Development", focused on the building of the talent team and strengthened the foundation
of innovation and development. The Company carried out hierarchical and classified trainings with rich contents
and by flexible means based on the demand of the Company for reform and development and the demands of
employees for diversified trainings, enhancing the planning, pertinency and effectiveness of training. In 2023,
the Company plans to carry out 104 trainings at company level, 94 trainings at department level, 209 trainings at
workshop level, 46 skill trainings and 87 external trainings to provide strong human resources guarantee for the
reform and innovation of the Company, so as to effectively match up with and promote strategic improvement of
the Company and achievement of the annual operation objectives.

                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 4. Labor Outsourcing
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     During 2022, the Company and its major majority-owned subsidiaries outsourced carriage, loading and
 unloading, temporary work, etc., for which they paid RMB214 million in total.
 X Profit Distributions in the Form of Cash and/or Shares
       The formulation, implementation and amendments to the profit distribution policy, especially the cash
 dividend policy, in the Reporting Period:
        Applicable □ Not applicable
       According to the 2021 Final Dividend Plan approved at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
 the Company declared a cash dividend of RMB30.23 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to shareholders based on the
 total 3,881,608,005 shares held by them. The independent directors issued their opinion on the final dividend
 plan, which was approved by the Board of Directors and then at the general meeting of shareholders. This final
 dividend plan has been carried out on 29 June 2022.
                                            Special statement about the cash dividend policy
 In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
 resolution of general meeting of shareholders
 Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                                      Yes
 Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                                    Yes
 Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and
 played their due role
 Non-controlling shareholders are able to fully express their
 opinion and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully                                   Yes
 In case of adjusting or altering the cash dividend policy, the
 conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with                                           Yes
 applicable regulations and transparent
      Indicate whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend plan despite the facts that the Company
 has made profit in the Reporting Period and the profit of the Company as the parent distributable to shareholders
 is positive.
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Final dividend plan for the Reporting Period:
       Applicable □ Not applicable
Bonus issue from profit (share/10 shares)                                                                                            0
Cash dividend/10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                    37.82
Share base (share)                                                                                                       3,881,608,005
Cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                 14,680,241,474.91
Cash dividends in other forms (such as share repurchase)
Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) (RMB)                                                          14,680,241,474.91
Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                           52,952,968,888.03
Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) as % of
the total profit to be distributed
                                                     Applicable cash dividend policy
Where the Company is at a mature stage of development and has any substantial spending plan, total cash dividends shall account for
at least 40% of the total profit to be distributed.
                                                       Final dividend plan in detail
As the 2022 final dividend plan, the Company intends to pay a cash dividend of RMB37.82 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to
shareholders based on the total share capital at the record date for the dividend payout, with the total amount to be distributed
amounting to RMB14,680,241,474.91; and no bonus issue will be carried out, either from profit or capital reserves.

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

XI Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures
for Employees
      Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Equity Incentives
     Not applicable.
     Equity incentives received by directors and senior management:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     Appraisal mechanism and incentives for senior management:
     See ―Part IV, V, 3. Remunerations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management‖ herein.
2. Employee Stock Ownership Plans
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     Outstanding employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
  Scope of                  Total number of shares               As % of the total share capital
                  of                                  Change                                       Funding source
 employees                   held under the plans                      of the Company
 covered by        2,428                23,696,280     None                              0.61%       Self-pooled
  the plans
      Shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management under employee stock ownership plans
during the Reporting Period:
      In April 2018, the Company carried out an employee stock ownership plan through a private placement, and
certain in-service directors, supervisors and senior management participated in the employee stock ownership
plan. By the end of the Reporting Period, some non-transaction transfers had been completed.
      Change of the asset management agency during the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Equity changes incurred by the disposal of shares by any holder, etc. during the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Exercise of shareholder rights during the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Other information about the employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
       Applicable □ Not applicable
      As approved at the first general meeting of holders under the employee stock ownership plan in 2021 and
the first meeting of the management committee of the employee stock ownership plan in 2021, the shares under
the employee stock ownership plan were transferred to the securities accounts of the holders by way of ―non-
transaction transfer‖. As of the end of the Reporting Period, a total of 21.04 million shares have been transferred
to 2,412 holders by way of ―non-transaction transfer‖ under the employee stock ownership plan.
      As approved at the first general meeting of holders under the employee stock ownership plan in 2022 and
the Fifth Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022, the duration of the employee stock ownership plan has
been agreed to be extended to 31 December 2023.
      Changes to members of the management committees of employee stock ownership plans:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      The financial impact of employee stock ownership plans on the Company and the relevant accounting
treatments during the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Termination of employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Other information: None.
3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees
     □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

XII Establishment and Implementation of Internal Controls during the Reporting Period
1. Establishment and Implementation of Internal Controls
      In 2022, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations such as the Company Law, the Basic
Criteria of Enterprise Internal Control, and the Guidelines on the Compliance of the Operation of Listed
Companies, the Company continuously established institutional norms for Party building, business operation,
risk control and post-event supervision, and continued to improve the internal control system.
      As per the relevant requirements, the Company conducts internal control self-assessment every year. It set
up steering groups for internal control self-assessment to guide a total of 57 units including workshops,
functional departments and subsidiaries to carry out internal control self-assessment work and at the same time,
set up groups for random inspection of internal control to conduct random inspection on the construction and
implementation of the Company's internal control system, focused on major business segments such as
procurement, sales, and production, evaluated the rationality of the design and the effectiveness of the operation
of the internal control system, so as to continuously optimized internal control. The evaluation results showed
that no material and significant deficiency was identified in the internal control system.
      In the future, the Company will continue to strengthen internal control training, reinforce the awareness of
compliance in operation, enhance the risk prevention capability and effectively promote the steady
implementation of its strategies.
2. Material Defects in Internal Control Identified during the Reporting Period
     □ Yes  No
XIII Management and Control of Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
    Name of                              Integration
                     Integration plan                   encountered in the       Measures taken            Progress     Subsequent plan
    company                               progress

XIV Self-assessment Report or Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control
1. Self-assessment Report on Internal Control
Date of full disclosure of the internal control assessment report                                      29 April 2023
Index of full disclosure of the internal control assessment report                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Ratio of the total assets of the organizations included in the assessment to
the Company's consolidated total assets
Ratio of the operating revenue of the organizations included in the
assessment to the Company's operating revenue in the consolidated                                                                100.00%
financial statements
                                                   Deficiency identification criteria
             Category                               Financial report                                    Non-financial report
                                  1. Material deficiencies: (1) correction by the       1. Material deficiencies: (1) in violation of
                                  Company of the financial statement which have         national laws, regulations, or normative
                                  been published. (2) major misstatements found         documents. (2) unscientific enterprise decision-
                                  by the external auditor in current financial          making procedure, such as wrong decision,
                                  statements which have not been identified. (3)        which causes failure of major transactions. (3)
                                  corrupt practice of directors, supervisors, and       loss of management personnel or technician of
                                  officers found by the external auditor. (4)           important posts. (4) lack of institutional control
                                  ineffective supervision of internal control by the    or systematic failure of the institution for
                                  Company's internal audit department. (5)              important businesses, and existing but ineffective
                                  material deficiencies previously found but were       operation of institutional guidance for internal
       Qualitative criteria
                                  not corrected within a reasonable period or were      control of important economic business. (5)
                                  ineffectively corrected.                              failure to correct material deficiencies within a
                                  2. Significant deficiencies: (1) failure to select    reasonable period.
                                  and apply accounting policies in accordance           2. Significant deficiencies: (1) property loss not
                                  with generally accepted accounting policies. (2)      reaching or exceeding the level of materiality but
                                  failure to effectively control irregular (non-        should be noticed by the Board of Directors and
                                  repeating) or complicated transactions. (3)           the management in nature. (2) individual events
                                  failure to effectively control the anti-corrupt       criticized by government departments, causing
                                  work. (4) ineffective internal control over the       moderate negative influence on reputation of the
                                  financial report at the end of the period.            Company. (3) violation of internal rules and

                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                    3. General deficiencies: deficiencies other than   regulations of the enterprise and causing losses.
                                    material deficiencies and significant              (4) deficiency in important business mechanism
                                    deficiencies are recognized as general             or system.
                                    deficiencies.                                      3. General deficiencies: deficiencies in internal
                                                                                       control other than material deficiencies and
                                                                                       significant deficiencies are general deficiencies.
                                    1. Material deficiencies: misstatement
                                    amount >3% of total operating revenue;
                                    misstatement amount >10% of net profit;
                                    misstatement amount >3% of total assets.
                                    2. Significant deficiencies: 1% of total           1. Material deficiencies: proportion of loss to net
                                    operating revenue < misstatement amount ≤3%       profit ≥5%.
                                    of total operating revenue; 5% of net profit <     2. Significant deficiencies: 3%≤ proportion of
      Quantitative criteria
                                    misstatement amount ≤10% of net profit; 1% of     loss to net profit <5%.
                                    total assets < misstatement amount ≤3% of total   3. General deficiencies: proportion of loss to net
                                    assets.                                            profit <3%.
                                    3. General deficiencies: misstatement amount
                                    ≤1% of total operating revenue; misstatement
                                    amount ≤5% of net profit; misstatement amount
                                    ≤1% of total assets.
Number of material deficiencies
in financial reports
Number of material deficiencies
in non-financial reports
Number of significant
deficiencies in financial reports
Number of significant
deficiencies in non-financial                                                                                                               0

2. Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                           Opinion paragraph
Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP) is of the opinion that the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal
control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2022, based on the Basic Rules on Enterprise Internal Control and other
applicable regulations.
Report disclosed or not                Disclosed
Disclosure date                        29 April 2023
Index to the disclosed report          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Type of opinion                        Unmodified unqualified opinion
Material defects in internal control
not related to financial reporting
      Indicate whether any modified opinion is expressed in the Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control.
      □ Yes  No
      Indicate whether the Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control is consistent with the internal control
self-assessment report issued by the Company’s Board of Directors.
       Yes □ No
XV Remediation of Problems Identified by Self-inspection in the Special Action on the
Governance of Listed Companies
     During the Reporting Period, the Company actively promoted the re-election of the Board of Directors
according to the prescribed procedure. On 27 April 2022, the Proposal on the Re-election of the Board of
Directors was approved at the Sixth Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors in 2022. On 27 May 2022, the
Proposal on the Re-election of the Board of Directors was approved at a general meeting. As such, the re-
election of the Board of Directors has been completed.

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                    Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

 I Major Environmental Issues
      Indicate whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries was identified as a major polluter by environmental
       Yes □ No
 1. Policies and Industry Standards on Environmental Protection
      The Company strictly complies with the laws and regulations on environmental protection and has
 identified and collected 218 laws, regulations, rules, and standards on environmental protection, such as the
 Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on
 Promoting Clean Production, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Water Pollution Prevention and
 Control, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control, and the
 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution, formulated 15
 policies on corporate environmental protection management, and developed the relevant internal control
 standards Brewery Wastewater Discharge Standards. The Company has implemented the requirements for
 environmental protection throughout its operation.
 2. Administrative Licenses of Environmental Protection
      The Company was granted the pollutant discharge license valid between November 2019 and November
 2024 in accordance with the national pollutant discharge license management regulations. The new, renovation
 and expansion projects of the Company all met the requirements of laws and regulations, such as the national
 environmental protection law and the environmental impact assessment law, went through the environmental
 impact assessment and approval process before commencement, and carried out environmental protection
 acceptance after completion. Additionally, all pollution governance facilities ran stably, and pollutants were
 discharged in compliance with standards, satisfying the requirement for total emission control.
 3. Industry Discharge Standards and Discharge of Pollutants in Production and Operation
Name                                     mbe
         Type                                                                                                         ved
of the                                   r of                                                              Total              Excess
          of       Major     Way of             Distribution of        Discharge         Governing                    total
Comp                                     disc                                                            discharge              ive
         major    pollutan   discharg             discharge        concentration/        discharge                   discha
any or               ts                  harg                                                             (metric             discha
         pollut                 e                   outlets             intensity        standards                     rge
subsid                                    e                                                                ton)                 rge
         ants                                                                                                        (metri
 iary                                    outl
                                                                                                                     c ton)
                   COD                                                 19.55mg/l       Table 1 of the       84        132      None
                  Ammon                                                                 Standard of
                      ia                                               0.34mg/l            Water            1.5        9.9     None
         Water                Direct               outlets at
                  nitrogen                                                             Pollutants in
         pollut              discharg     1       Wuliangye
                    Total                                                              Minjiang and
          ants                   e                Ecological           6.98mg/l                             30        49.5     None
                  nitrogen                                                            Tuojiang Rivers
 The                                                                                  (DB51/2311-
                  phospho                                              0.24mg/l                              1        1.65     None
Comp                 rus                                                                  2016)
 any                                             Natural gas
                                                                                       Table 3 of the
                             Organiz            boilers (Phase         1.34 mg/m                           0.17       N/A      None
          Air                 ed and               I) 1#-9#
                  Particul                                                            Standard of Air
                             intermitt           Natural gas
         pollut     ate                  18                                            Pollutants for
                                ent             boilers (Phase         1.19 mg/m                           0.16       N/A      None
          ants    matter                                                               Coal-burning
                             discharg            II) 10#-15#
                                 e               Natural gas
                                                                       1.17 mg/m      Gas-fired Boiler     0.04       N/A      None
                                                boilers (Phase

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                            III) 16#-18#                           (GB13271-
                                             Hot water
                                      5                          1.12 mg/m                              0.1       N/A      None
                                           boilers 1#-5#
                                           Broken leaven                           Table 2 of the
                                      20                         17.35 mg/m                            9.04       N/A      None
                                           outlets 1#-20#                            Integrated
                                               Grain                              Standard of Air
                                            processing                               Pollutants
                                      18                         18.72 mg/m                            6.16       N/A      None
                                             Natural gas
                                           boilers (Phase        Not detected      Table 3 of the       0.9       N/A      None
                                              I) 1#-9#                               Emission
                          Organiz                                                 Standard of Air
                                             Natural gas
       Air                 ed and                                                  Pollutants for
                                      18   boilers (Phase        Not detected                          0.75       N/A      None
               Sulfur     intermitt                                                Coal-burning
      pollut                                II) 10#-15#
               dioxide       ent                                                    Oil-burning
       ants                                  Natural gas
                          discharg                                                Gas-fired Boiler
                                           boilers (Phase        Not detected                           0.2       N/A      None
                                            III) 16#-18#                           (GB13271-
                                             Hot water                                2014)
                                      5                          Not detected                         0.0009      N/A      None
                                           boilers 1#-5#
                                             Natural gas
                                           boilers (Phase        50.42 mg/m        Table 3 of the      43.1       92.5     None
                                              I) 1#-9#                               Emission
                          Organiz                                                 Standard of Air
                                             Natural gas
       Air                 ed and                                                  Pollutants for
                                      18   boilers (Phase        51.70 mg/m                            32.2       50.3     None
               Oxynitri   intermitt                                                Coal-burning
      pollut                                II) 10#-15#
                 de          ent                                                    Oil-burning
       ants                                  Natural gas
                          discharg                                                Gas-fired Boiler
                                           boilers (Phase        49.33 mg/m                            12.3       20.1     None
                                            III) 16#-18#                           (GB13271-
                                             Hot water                                2014)
                                      5                          84.45 mg/m                             0.3        0.5     None
                                           boilers 1#-5#
4. Treatments of Pollutants
     The Company has three wastewater pretreatment stations and one wastewater advanced treatment zone in
the Jiangbei industrial park, using biochemical treatment and Fenton treatment technology for wastewater
treatment. The advanced treated tailwater is discharged after being treated by ecological wetlands and is under
good condition.
     At present, the Company has built 18 natural gas boilers (20t/h) in the Jiangbei industrial park and put them
into operation, which adopt the advanced low-NOx combustion technology of first-line brands of German and
run normally. The leaven production line is equipped with 20 bag-type dust collectors, and the grain processing
production line is equipped with 18 bag-type dust collectors, all of which run normally.
5. Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies
     The Company has formulated the Comprehensive Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies, which
has been filed with Yibin Environmental Protection Bureau after expert review. On 2 November 2022, the
Company carried out the "Emergency Drill for Environmental Emergencies", which tested the emergency
response, the effectiveness of response measures and the organization and coordination ability under emergency
situations, and laid a solid foundation for the construction of the Company's emergency response system.
6. Environmental Self-Monitoring Plan
     The Company strictly implements the self-monitoring requirements of the discharge permits and formulates
annual monitoring plans in accordance with the aforesaid requirements. As per the Self-monitoring and
Information Disclosure Measure for National Key Monitoring Enterprises (Trial), the Company discloses its
self-monitoring plans, annual reports and self-monitoring data to the public on the pollutant source monitoring
information management and sharing platform of Sichuan Province.
7. Spending on Environmental Protection and Payment of Environmental Protection Tax
     The Company spent a total of approximately RMB230 million on environmental protection projects and
pollution control facilities and paid environmental protection tax of RMB388 thousand.
8. Measures Taken to Reduce Carbon Emissions in the Reporting Period and the Results
      Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

    The Company uses biogas generated from wastewater treatment to generate electricity with approximately
6.7 million kWh of electricity generated in this way in 2022, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by
approximately 3,500 tons.
9. Administrative Penalties Imposed for Environmental Issues during the Reporting Period
 Company name or                         Regulation                                                  Remediation
                    Reason for penalty                Penalty        Impact on the Company
  subsidiary name                         violated                                                    measures
10. Other Environmental Information that should Be Disclosed
     The Company implemented relevant requirements of the Administrative Measures for the Legal Disclosure
of Enterprise Environmental Information and disclosed basic corporate information, environmental management
information, information on pollutant generation, governance, and discharge, and ecological and environmental
emergency information in the Management System of Sichuan Province for the Legal Disclosure of Corporate
Environmental Information. Additionally, according to the self-monitoring plan, the Company disclosed the data
on pollutant discharge self-monitoring via the Pollution Source Monitoring Information Management and
Sharing Platform of Sichuan Province.
11. Other Environmental Information
     The Company's environmental management system ran continuously and effectively. Additionally, the
Company carried out an integrated internal audit of environmental and energy management systems. The
Company also engaged a third-party institution to re-certify and externally audit its energy and environmental
management systems as per the management requirements of the environmental management system and
successfully passed the external audit. Moreover, China Quality Certification Centre was appointed by the
Company to audit the Company's green gas discharge report and issue a third-party audit statement.
II Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
   For details, please refer to the Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022 disclosed by the
Company on 29 April 2023.
III Efforts in Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization
1. Efforts in Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization
     The year 2022 witnessed the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,
was the first year of the second centennial goal, and was a crucial year for the "14th Five-Year Plan". According
to the arrangements of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, the People's Government of Sichuan Province,
the CPC municipal committee, and the People's Government of Municipality, for an effective and smooth
transition in consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization,
Wuliangye provided targeted assistance for Litang County, Ganzi Prefecture and Pingshan County, Yibin City.
Adhering to the "Company's investment, professional operation, and benefiting all" assistance philosophy,
Wuliangye carried out assistance work in depth and solidly with a focus on industrial development, market
expansion, and governance improvement. This earned the Company a number of honours, such as "Progressive
Group in Paired Assistance of the Province", "The 17th People's Enterprise Social Responsibility Awards of the
People's Daily Online: Rural Revitalization Prize", "China Agriculture-Rural Revitalization Extraordinary
Contribution Award", and "Best Practice Case in Rural Revitalization" (China Association for Public Companies)
Concurrently, the assisted counties were included among the key, excellent assisted counties in the rural
revitalization of the province, and the assisted villages were selected as the demonstration villages in the rural
revitalization of the province and "civilized demonstration villages" and "Six Free" safe villages of Yibin City.
     (1) Promoted base construction and the prosperity of featured local industries
     Industrial development is crucial to rural revitalization. The Company, based on the resource endowment,
industrial foundation, and people's development willingness of the assisted regions, earnestly promoted the
development and expansion of featured industries, thereby helping "local specialities" grow. First, achievements
in the construction of the polar fruit and vegetable (lentinus) industrial base of Wuliangye were consolidated and
expanded. On the basis of the previous development of the industrial base, Wuliangye made strenuous efforts to
cement the foundation and establish platforms and built up momentum and strength for expanding marketing
channels, strengthening the endogenous driving force, and extending industrial chains. At present, the base
covers an area of 42 mu and boasts an annual yield of 700,000 bags of lentinus, 100,000 jin of dried lentinus,
300,000 rods of agaric, and 50,000 jin of dried agaric. It achieves a scale output value of more than RMB15
million. With an industrial system that integrates production, supply, and marketing, the base provided nearly 80
jobs in 2022, and the gross pay for its employees surpassed RMB0.8 million. Moreover, the base distributed

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

more than RMB0.5 million in dividends in 2022 to farmers and herdsmen. Second, the "vegetable basket"
vegetable supply base in Litang County was upgraded. Based on Litang County's strengths in location, arable
land, and agricultural industry, Wuliangye empowered the resource endowment, attracted leading enterprises,
tapped into land resources and assets, and cultivated new agricultural entities. Relying on the "assisting unit +
leading enterprise + village collective + farmer" development mode, Wuliangye established a vegetable supply
base that covered an area of nearly 500 mu in Mula Town, Litang County, removing the bottlenecks in mass
labour and technical management. Additionally, it helped each household improve garden planting efficiency.
Through experiments and trial planting, Wuliangye helped the vegetable park in Naisha Village successfully test
more than 20 varieties, achieving an output value of more than RMB3 million, providing jobs for over 6,000
people, paying total wages of nearly RMB0.8 million, and improving the average household income by more
than RMB0.012 million. Third, the cultivation of featured industries based on mountains and woodland in
Pingshan County was expedited. Wuliangye donated a total of nearly RMB3 million in industrial development
funds. Based on the natural conditions and tea industry foundation of Yingxiong Village, Qingping Yi Ethnic
Township assisted, Wuliangye introduced high-mountain tea strains and adopted equal-height platforms, road
and water supporting facilities, and ecological cultivation to effectively conserve water and soil and improve the
soil and ecological environment. Additionally, Wuliangye encouraged villagers in Yingxiong Village to plant tea
spontaneously. It boosted the tea industries of townships and towns around Qingping Yi Ethnic Township by
developing a "fan-out" high-mountain tea industrial radiation belt. So far, 700,000 tea seedlings have been
planted by 71 households, contributing to the sustainability of the collective economy and the stable income of
farmers. Fourth, efforts were made to promote the sustainable development of local bamboo and tea industries.
Wuliangye vigorously procured nearly 700,000 tons of bamboo raw materials from Yibin, boosting the fine
processing of the bamboo industry and the sustainability of the industry, converting the strengths in bamboo
resources into regional development strengths, and giving full play to the role of the bamboo industry in boosting
farmers' income. Additionally, Wuliangye procured nearly RMB10 million of tea raw materials from Yibin,
vigorously promoting industrial development and farmers' income.
      (2) Made unremitting efforts in promoting consumer spending on agricultural specialities,
increasingly broadening the prospects of the agricultural speciality market
      Promoting consumer spending is a critical initiative in consolidating and expanding the achievements in
poverty alleviation and promoting full rural revitalization. It is also crucial to helping regions lifted out of
poverty improve the quality and efficiency of their featured industries and stimulate the endogenous driving
force of local development. Adhering to the market-oriented strategy, the Company made "promoting consumer
spending" a vital driver of rural revitalization and common prosperity through the external and internal
connection and online and offline combination, thereby stimulating the vitality of economic growth. First,
domestic sales strengths were fully leveraged. Throughout the year, Wuliangye purchased dozens of categories
of agricultural specialities from Litang County and Pingshan County, including lentinus, agaric, yak meat, honey,
and bamboo shoots, through normalized purchasing instead of donations, centralized procurement in important
solar terms, pre-purchase orders of canteens, and launching in the "Wuliangye Family" app, with a total purchase
amount of nearly RMB10 million. Second, platform resources were fully used. In collaboration with large
businesses such as Fresh Hema, Wuliangye helped introduce products from the assisted regions such as lentinus
and agaric into local supermarkets in Zhuhai and exhibit such products at fairs such as the fair of the China
Agricultural Brand Annual Ceremony and the Agricultural Expo, contributing to the expansion of the external
markets of such products.
      (3) Focused on the leadership of Party building and significantly raised the efficiency of rural
      Rural governance is the foundation of national governance, and effective governance guarantees rural
revitalization. Wuliangye has been raising the efficiency of grassroots governance by upholding the leadership of
high-quality Party building. It has been strengthening the political and organizational roles of the Party
organizations in rural areas to boost the modernization of grassroots governance. First, the building of grassroots
Party organizations was enhanced. In 2022, a donation of RMB0.2 million was arranged for Litang and Pingshan
counties, respectively, to strengthen the development of grassroots Party organizations. To this end, grassroots
positions were enhanced by strengthening standard, normative, and information-based development of Party
branches, and an efficient operation mechanism featuring "co-development of organization positions, co-
management of education of Party members, co-arrangements for activities, co-promotion of things for people,
and win-win through scientific development" was developed. Second, paired assistance was deepened. The Party
committee of Wuliangye vigorously supported the paired co-development of the grassroots Party branches of the
Company's subordinate agencies and the assisted villages. To constantly improve the leadership, innovation, and
strength of grassroots Party organizations, Wuliangye regularly stationed the steering groups of Party building in

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

the paired villages, supported grassroots Party building, the cultivation of reserve forces, competence and quality
improvement, and guided Party branches to implement policies such as "Three Sessions and One Class",
democratic life meetings, and heart-to-heart talks. Additionally, Wuliangye's basic militia brigade and the militia
platoon of Qingping Yi Ethnic Township carried out paired co-development events. Specifically, more than 500
sets (pieces) of equipment and other emergency supplies, including tents and go bags, were donated to Qingping
Yi Ethnic Township to boost its capabilities of responding to disasters, including floods and earthquakes.
      (4) Persisted in project promotion to solidify the support and protection of rural development
      Local educational and cultural development and talent support are critical for rural development. Hence,
Wuliangye persists in refining assistance projects through down-to-earth efforts and improving quality and
efficiency through work promotion, thereby providing firm and vigorous support and protection for long-term
local development. First, dedicated educational and talent donations were made. Wuliangye donated RMB2
million to the "Wuliangye Education Fund" educational aid activity in order to boost local educational causes
through concrete actions. It also explored the educational and talent development in the assisted regions through
visits, seminars, and site research. Concurrently, RMB0.3 million in assistance funds was donated to Litang and
Pingshan counties, respectively, to set up the "Wuliangye Love: Litang Talent Development Fund" and
"Wuliangye Love: Pingshan Talent Development Fund". To help cultivate and leverage local talent, Wuliangye
granted more than 50 university students in need grants in 2022. It continued to donate RMB0.06 million to the
"Compassionate Student Financial Aid Fund Package" project of Yibin City, sending hundreds of compassionate
student financial aid fund packages to Qingping Yi Ethnic Primary School. Moreover, the assistance role of
resident cadres was fully capitalized on in coordinating and integrating resources. Specifically, charitable
organizations were invited to carry out caring activities in Starbase School, including donating more than 2,500
sets (pieces) of school, life, cultural, and sports goods equivalent to approximately RMB0.25 million, thereby
helping students grow and succeed. Second, social civility development was advanced. Wuliangye vigorously
guided people in the assisted regions to develop new social civility. It encouraged villagers from the assisted
villages in Litang and Pingshan counties to go to Wuliangye. Additionally, Wuliangye capitalized on the
cultivation methods of the corporate culture to help the assisted villages refine and develop values and cultures
that have a rich rustic flavour and will inspire people to work hard. Moreover, rustic culture publicity platforms
were established to guide the abolishment of outmoded conventions and customs using healthy corporate culture.
Vigorous efforts were made to help explore and develop comparison-based appraisal and incentive channels,
such as "Point Management", Moral Bank, and "Point Supermarket", to further stimulate the endogenous driving
force of people lifted out of poverty. Third, assistance was provided for infrastructure upgrading. Thanks to
strenuous efforts, Wuliangye's resident cadres helped the assisted villages secure RMB1.4 million in the road
construction fund to broaden the village industry roads and RMB0.3 million to repair the landslide roads. By
improving the road infrastructure, the travelling trouble plaguing people was resolved, and the industrial
development foundation was solidified.
2. Efforts in Green Development and Employment Security
      Wuliangye vigorously fulfilled social responsibility with a higher political stance and a stronger political
      (1) Adhered to the green development path that puts ecology first
      First, the upstream sense was strengthened, and ecological restoration was implemented. Wuliangye has
always been an advocate of the ecological civilization philosophy. It has been strengthening its big-picture
awareness and upstream sense and redoubling efforts to fulfil upstream responsibilities. Second, organizational
construction was strengthened to solidify basic guarantees. Wuliangye established an Environmental
Management Committee with Chairman as the leader to explore, arrange, guide, and coordinate the overall
ecological construction of the Company. An ecological environment inspection team was set up to strengthen
inspections and evaluations, ensuring that all environmental protection targets are achieved and measures
implemented. Third, wastewater was discharged in line with standards stricter than the national ones. Wuliangye
constructed an environmental protection ecological wetland that integrated such functions as landscape,
demonstration, and pollution treatment in 2018. By diverting the wastewater into the wetland and further
reducing the volume of pollutants discharged through biodegradation, Wuliangye met the Standards for the
Discharge of Water Pollutants in the Minjiang and Tuojiang River Basins in Sichuan Province (DB51 2311—
2016) two years earlier. Concurrently, Wuliangye formulated and implemented the Brewery Wastewater
Discharge Standards that is stricter than the national and Sichuan Provincial wastewater discharge indicators.
Fourth, scientific plans were made to drive green development. To contribute to ecological and environmental
protection of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Wuliangye formulated a "dual carbon" plan and the "14th
Fiver-Year Plan" for Comprehensive Energy based on the current development in combination with the
nationally planned path, current technological development, and key development orientations.

                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     (2) Firmly implemented employment security on all fronts
     First, vigorous efforts were made to offer jobs. Wuliangye offered more than 1,000 jobs to fresh graduates,
the disabled, people out of poverty, veterans, and dependents through campus recruitment, public recruitment,
and flexible employment. Second, vigorous efforts were made to ensure stable employment. Wuliangye persisted
in not downsizing or reducing salaries for the surplus staff caused by business optimization to enable all
employees to share the fruits of development. Third, vigorous efforts were made to integrate industries and
education. Wuliangye vigorously strengthened cooperation and exchanges with local institutions of higher
education and carried out industry-education integration. Specifically, Wuliangye carried out joint cultivation
and provided internships for university students to help students improve their employability and access more
jobs. Additionally, it provided internships and jobs to bring in outstanding talent.

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                   Part VI Significant Events

I Fulfillment of Undertakings
1. Undertakings of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as
well as the Company Itself and other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-
     Applicable □ Not applicable
    On 19 April 2018, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Undertakings Made in a Private Placement,
which detailed the undertakings in five aspects made by the Company and its directors, controlling shareholder
and actual controller as well as the directors and senior management who participated in the employee stock
ownership plan. During the Reporting Period, the aforesaid entities and personnel all strictly abided by their
2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period.
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
II Occupation of the Company’s Funds by the Controlling Shareholder or Any of Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees for External Parties
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
IV Statement Made by the Board of Directors Regarding the Latest “Modified Opinion” of
an Independent Auditor on Financial Statements
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
V Statements Made by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the
Independent Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on
the Financial Statements of the Reporting Period
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
VI Changes to Accounting Policies and Estimates and Correction of Material Accounting
Errors Compared with Last Year
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
VII Changes to the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements Compared with Last Year
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     As per the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises at Provincial and Municipal Levels
(2020~2022), in order to optimize the branch company and subsidiary allocation as a state-owned enterprise,
the Company has strengthened the disposal of less competitive business entities that are not part of its principal
operations. In 2022, two subsidiaries of the Company, namely Wuhou Cultural Development Co., Ltd. and Yibin
Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd., were de-registered.
VIII Appointment and Dismissal of CPA Firm
     Current CPA firm:
Name of the domestic CPA firm                                                     Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP)

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

The Company’s payment to the domestic CPA firm
                                                                           136 (exclusive of the internal control audit fee)
How many consecutive years the domestic CPA firm has
provided audit service for the Company
Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic
                                                                                       Li Wulin, Ye Juan, and Luo Guiqiu
CPA firm writing signatures on the independent auditor’s report
                                                                                                         Li Wulin: 2 years
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants
                                                                                                          Ye Juan: 3 years
have provided audit service for the Company
                                                                                                       Luo Guiqiu: 2 years
     Indicate whether the CPA firm was changed for the Reporting Period.
     □ Yes  No
     CPA firm appointed for the audit of internal control, as well as financial advisor or sponsor appointed:
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company re-appointed Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP) as the independent auditor for internal
control of the Company in 2022, with a payment of RMB600,000.
IX Possibility of Delisting after the Disclosure of this Report
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
X Insolvency and Reorganization
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XI Significant Legal Matters
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XII Penalties and Rectifications
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XIII Credit Standings of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company as well as its controlling shareholder and actual controller were in good credit standing
during the Reporting Period.
XIV Significant Related-Party Transactions
1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     See ―5. Related-Party Transactions‖ under ―XI Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions‖ of Part X.
2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Investments
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
3. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies
      Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

    Making deposits:
                                                                                Amount incurred in the current
                         Upper limit of                                                     period                    Closing
 Related                                        Range of      Opening balance
            Relationship daily deposit                                          Total amount       Total amount       balance
  party                                       interest rate    (RMB’0,000)
                         (RMB’0,000)                                             deposited         withdrawn       (RMB’0,000)
                                                                                (RMB’0,000)      (RMB’0,000)
  Group      Associate      4,790,000.00      0.42%~3.5%        3,463,584.01      1,400,901.25      1,360,052.09    3,504,433.17
     Note: The amount incurred in the current period is presented on a net basis, which means such transactions
are eliminated as the same company withdrawing a deposit and making another deposit of a different kind, or
companies included in the consolidated financial statements making transfers via Wuliangye Group Finance.
     Receiving loans: The Company received no loans from Wuliangye Group Finance during the Reporting
    Receiving credit (inclusive of discounting) or other financial services:
                                                                                                            Amount incurred
     Related party             Relationship               Type of business       Line (RMB’0,000)
   Wuliangye Group
                                Associate                 Receiving credit                1,000,000.00                  87,200.00
     Note: On 15 April 2022, the Company and Wuliangye Group Finance signed a supplementary agreement to
the Financial Service Agreement, agreeing to continue to implement in 2022 ―the Financial Service Agreement
signed between the Company and Wuliangye Group Finance on 2 April 2021‖, i.e. the daily total balance of
outstanding loans and unused credit with Wuliangye Group Finance shall not exceed RMB10 billion in 2022.
     The ―amount incurred‖ in the Reporting Period includes the discounted bank acceptance notes of RMB860
million with Wuliangye Group Finance (annual interest rate: 1.85%; interest payment: RMB6.418 million; and
undue bank acceptance notes as of the end of the Reporting Period: RMB581 million) and the bank acceptance
notes of RMB12 million issued by Wuliangye Group Finance (undue at 31 December 2022).
6. Transactions between Finance Companies Controlled by the Company and Related Parties
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
    No such cases in the Reporting Period.
7. Other Significant Related-Party Transactions
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
    No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XV Significant Contracts and Execution
1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases
(1) Entrustment
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
(2) Contracting
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
(3) Leases
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
2. Significant Guarantees
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
3. Cash Entrusted to Other Entities for Management
(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(2) Entrusted Loans
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
4. Other Significant Contracts
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XVI Other Significant Events
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
XVII Significant Events of Subsidiaries
      Applicable □ Not applicable
     As per the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises at Provincial and Municipal Levels
(2020~2022), in order to optimize the branch company and subsidiary allocation as a state-owned enterprise,
the Company has strengthened the disposal of less competitive business entities that are not part of its principal
operations. In 2022, two subsidiaries of the Company, namely Wuhou Cultural Development Co., Ltd. and Yibin
Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd., were de-registered.

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                   Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information

   I Share Changes
   1. Share Changes
                                                                                                                     Unit: share
                                     Before             Increase/decrease in the current period (+/-)            After
                                              As % of            ue                                                       As % of
                              Number of                 New             from                             Number of
                                                total             fr               Other     Subtotal                       total
                               shares                   issue         capital                             shares
                                               shares             o                                                        shares
I Restricted shares                110,244     0.00%                              -28,146     -28,146          82,098       0.00%
   1. Shares held by the
   2. Shares held by state-
owned corporations
   3. Shares held by other
                                   110,244     0.00%                             -28,146     -28,146           82,098       0.00%
domestic investors
      Of which: Shares
held by domestic
              Shares held
                                   110,244     0.00%                             -28,146     -28,146           82,098       0.00%
by domestic individuals
4. Shares held by overseas
      Of which: Shares
held by overseas
              Shares held
by overseas individuals
                                               100.00                                                                       100.00
II Unrestricted shares        3,881,497,761                                       28,146      28,146    3,881,525,907
                                                   %                                                                            %
   1. RMB-denominated                          100.00                                                                       100.00
                              3,881,497,761                                       28,146      28,146    3,881,525,907
ordinary shares                                    %                                                                            %
   2. Domestically listed
foreign shares
   3. Overseas listed
foreign shares
   4. Others
                                               100.00                                                                       100.00
III Total shares              3,881,608,005                                                             3,881,608,005
                                                   %                                                                            %
        Reasons for share changes:
         Applicable □ Not applicable
        The share changes were mainly attributable to the expiry of the lockup periods for the shares held by former
   directors, supervisors and senior management, the non-transaction transfers of shares to the incumbent directors,
   supervisors and senior management under the employee stock ownership plan, etc.
        Approval of share changes:
        □ Applicable  Not applicable
        Transfer of share ownership:

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

        Applicable □ Not applicable
       As approved at the first general meeting of holders under the employee stock ownership plan in 2021 and
 the first meeting of the management committee of the employee stock ownership plan in 2021, the shares under
 the employee stock ownership plan were transferred to the securities accounts of the holders by way of ―non-
 transaction transfer‖. As of the end of the Reporting Period, a total of 21.04 million shares have been transferred
 to 2,412 holders by way of ―non-transaction transfer‖ under the employee stock ownership plan.
       Effects of share changes on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, equity per share
 attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the latest year and the latest
 accounting period, respectively:
       □ Applicable  Not applicable
       Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be
       □ Applicable  Not applicable
 2. Changes in Restricted Shares
       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: share
                     Opening         Increase in the     Unlocked in the           Closing         Reason for        Date of
                 restricted shares   current period       current period      restricted shares    restriction     unlocking
 Yang Yunxia                                                                            11,920                         In
  Jiang Jia                                                                              8,881         Non-
                                                                                                                    with the
                                                                                                   transaction      rules for
  Liu Ming                                                                               4,549
                                                                                                     transfer    restriction of
  Yue Song                                                                               7,364      under the     shares held
 Zhang Qing                                                                              9,547      employee           by
                                                                                                       stock      incumbent
 Wu Guoping                17,545               13,195                                  30,740                   management
                                                                                                       plan           and
                                                                                                   Lockup of        with the
                                                                                                  shares held       rules for
 Zhao Dong                                                                               9,097     by former     restriction of
                                                                                                     senior       shares held
                                                                                                  management       by former
 Peng Zhifu                43,858                                  43,858                         Unlocking of    20220902
                                                                                                   shares held
Tang Shengyun               9,100                                   9,100                                         20220119
                                                                                                    by former
Cao Hongying                7,740                                   7,740                             senior      20221125
Zhu Zhongyu                11,501                                  11,501                         management      20220119
 Tang Bochao               20,500                                  20,500                                         20220317
    Total                110,244                13,195             92,699               82,098         --              --

 II Issuance and Listing of Securities
 1. Securities (Exclusive of Preference Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 2. Changes in Total Shares and Ownership Structure, as well as Asset and Liability Structures
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
 3. Existing Staff-Held Shares
      □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

III Shareholders and Actual Controller
1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the End of the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                        Unit: share
                                                                                                   Number of
                                     Number of                                                     preference
                                                                    Number of
                                     ordinary                                                      shareholders
                                     shareholders                                                  with resumed
Number of ordinary                   at the                                                        voting rights at
                                                                    with resumed
shareholders at the       577,632    month-end            473,366                             0    the month-end                  0
                                                                    voting rights
period-end                           prior to the                                                  prior to the
                                                                    at the period-
                                     disclosure                                                    disclosure of
                                                                    end (if any)
                                     of this                                                       this Report (if
                                                                    (see note 8)
                                     Report                                                        any) (see note
                                      5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                        Shares in
                                     Shareho                        Increase/dec     Restri                              pledge,
                        Nature of                   Total shares
                                      lding                          rease in the     cted        Unrestricted          marked or
Name of shareholder     sharehold                    held at the
                                     percenta                         Reporting      shares       shares held             frozen
                            er                      period-end
                                        ge                             Period         held                                     Shar
Yibin Development
Holding Group Co.,                    34.43%        1,336,548,020                                 1,336,548,020
Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Group                       20.40%         791,823,343                                   791,823,343
Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong                Overseas
Securities Clearing     corporatio     5.86%         227,567,230      2,384,694                    227,567,230
Company Limited             n
China Securities
Finance Corporation       Other        2.38%          92,385,936                                     92,385,936
Bank of China
Merchants China
Securities Baijiu         Other        1.39%          53,813,064      5,280,184                      53,813,064
Index Classification
Securities Investment
Central Huijin Asset
Management Co.,                        1.01%          39,325,400                                     39,325,400
Bank of China
Limited-E Fund
Blue Chip Selected        Other        0.79%          30,700,000      2,300,000                      30,700,000
Mixed Securities
Investment Fund
Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
China Limited-
Invesco Great Wall        Other        0.57%          22,233,100      1,268,990                      22,233,100
Newly Growth Mixed
Securities Investment
China Life Insurance
Company Limited-
                          Other        0.55%          21,325,437      -2,709,010                     21,325,437
Insurance Product-

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Agricultural Bank of
China Limited-E
Fund Consumer                Other        0.38%           14,684,751        2,588,111                  14,684,751
Sector Stock
Investment Fund
Strategic investor or general
corporation becoming a top-10
shareholder in a rights issue (if
any) (see note 3)
                                        Among the top 10 shareholders, Wuliangye Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yibin
Related or acting-in-concert parties
                                        Development Group. And the Company is not aware of any related or acting-in-concert
among the shareholders above
                                        parties among the other public shareholders.
Shareholders above
entrusting/entrusted with or            N/A
waiving voting rights
Repurchased share account (if any)
among the top 10 shareholders (see      N/A
note 10)

                                                  Top 10 unrestricted shareholders

                                                  Unrestricted shares held at the period-                 Shares by class
           Name of shareholder
                                                                   end                            Class                  Shares
Yibin Development Holding Group Co.,
                                                                           1,336,548,020    denominated               1,336,548,020
                                                                                            ordinary shares
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                                      791,823,343    denominated                 791,823,343
                                                                                            ordinary shares
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company
                                                                             227,567,230    denominated                 227,567,230
                                                                                            ordinary shares
China Securities Finance Corporation
                                                                              92,385,936    denominated                  92,385,936
                                                                                            ordinary shares
Bank of China Limited-China Merchants                                                      RMB-
China Securities Baijiu Index                                                 53,813,064    denominated                  53,813,064
Classification Securities Investment Fund                                                   ordinary shares
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.                                     39,325,400    denominated                  39,325,400
                                                                                            ordinary shares
Bank of China Limited-E Fund Blue Chip
                                                                              30,700,000    denominated                  30,700,000
Selected Mixed Securities Investment Fund
                                                                                            ordinary shares
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China                                                     RMB-
Limited-Invesco Great Wall Newly                                             22,233,100    denominated                  22,233,100
Growth Mixed Securities Investment Fund                                                     ordinary shares
China Life Insurance Company Limited-                                                      RMB-
Traditional-General Insurance Product-                                       21,325,437    denominated                  21,325,437
005L-CT001 Shenzhen                                                                         ordinary shares
Agricultural Bank of China Limited-E                                                       RMB-
Fund Consumer Sector Stock Investment                                         14,684,751    denominated                  14,684,751
Fund                                                                                        ordinary shares
Related or acting-in-concert parties among
                                               Among the top 10 shareholders, Wuliangye Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
top 10 unrestricted public shareholders, as
                                               Yibin Development Group. And the Company is not aware of any related or
well as between top 10 unrestricted public
                                               acting-in-concert parties among the other public shareholders.
shareholders and top 10 shareholders
Top 10 ordinary shareholders involved in
securities margin trading (if any) (see note   N/A
     Indicate whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of
the Company conducted any promissory repurchase during the Reporting Period.

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     □ Yes  No
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
2. Controlling Shareholder
     Nature of the controlling shareholder: controlled by a local state-owned organization
     Type of the controlling shareholder: corporation
   Name of the controlling    representative/
                                              Date of incorporation     Organization code              Principal activities
       shareholder              person-in-
                                                                                                 Capital and asset operations as
 Yibin Development Holding
                                 Liang Li        4 August 1999        915115007118234259          authorized by the People’s
       Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Government of Yibin City
    Interests held in other
  domestically and overseas   Yibin Development Group directly held 171,401,846 shares (or 16.88%) in Yibin Tianyuan Group
   listed companies in the    Co., Ltd.; and indirectly held 79,368,520 shares (or 44.87%) in Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd.
       Reporting Period
     Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
3. Actual Controller and Acting-in-Concert Parties
     Nature of the actual controller: local state-owned assets management organization
     Type of the actual controller: corporation
                                       Legal representative/person-        Date of
     Name of the actual controller                                                        Organization code Principal activities
                                                in-charge               incorporation
 The State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission of the           Xiang Junge            24 February 2005           N/A                  N/A
  People’s Government of Yibin City
Interests controlled in other          SASAC Yibin indirectly held 171,401,846 shares (or 16.88%) in Yibin Tianyuan Group
domestically and overseas listed       Co., Ltd.; and indirectly held 79,368,520 shares (or 44.87%) in Yibin Paper Industry Co.,
companies in the Reporting Period      Ltd.
     Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period:
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
     No such cases in the Reporting Period.
     Illustration of the relationship between the actual controller and the Company:

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

    Indicate whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
4. Indicate whether the cumulative number of shares held by the Company’s controlling shareholder or
the largest shareholder and its acting-in-concert parties that are in pledge accounts for over 80% of their
total shareholdings in the Company.
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
5. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders
     Applicable □ Not applicable
     Name of corporate
                            representative/person- Date of incorporation   Registered capital        Principal activities
                                                                                            Investment and investment
  Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye                                                                   management, asset
                               Zeng Congqin          12 August 1998        RMB1,000,000,000
      Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       management, and business
                                                                                            management services
6. Restrictions on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Undertaking Makers
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
IV Share Repurchases in the Reporting Period
    Progress on any share repurchase:
    □ Applicable  Not applicable
    Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by way of centralized bidding:
    □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                            Part VIII Preference Shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

                                       Part IX Bonds

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                       Part X Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report
            Type of the independent auditor’s opinion                                Unmodified unqualified opinion
         Date of signing the independent auditor’s report                                      27 April 2023
                Name of the independent auditor                                     Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP)
           Number of the independent auditor’s report                                 Huaxin Audit (2023) No. 0068
            Names of the certified public accountants                                Li Wulin, Ye Juan, and Luo Guiqiu
                                           Independent Auditor’s Report
     To the Shareholders of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.:
      I Opinion
      We have audited the financial statements of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
―Company‖), which comprise the consolidated and parent company (the Company as the parent exclusive of
subsidiaries) balance sheets as at 31 December 2022, the consolidated and parent company statements of income,
cash flows and changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements.
      In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
consolidated and parent company financial position of the Company at 31 December 2022, and the consolidated
and parent company operating results and cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with China’s
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CAS).
      II Basis for Opinion
      We conducted our audits in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of
Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China
Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
accordance with the said Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
      III Key Audit Matters
      Key audit matters are matters that, based on our professional judgment, are deemed most important to the
audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit
of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate
opinion on these matters. The key audit matters we identified in our audit are as follows:
           Key audit matters                                                        Audit response
(I) Existence and integrity of monetary assets
       Please refer to notes to financial    With respect of monetary assets, we conducted the following audit procedures:
statements "V. Notes to consolidated         1. Understood, tested, and evaluated key internal controls related to the management of
financial statements, 1. Monetary assets".   monetary assets;
       As at 31 December 2022, the           2. Obtained list of bank accounts opened, and checked the books of the Company against
balance of monetary assets of the            the bank account information and integrity of the bank accounts;
Company was RMB92,358.4270 million,          3. Obtained the bank statement and bank reconciliation for confirmation of the bank
accounting for 60.48% of the total assets.   accounts, and controlled the process of confirmation;
The safety of deposits and the accuracy
and integrity of balance have great          4. Supervised the originals of certificate of time deposit, and paid attention to the holders of
impact on the financial statements due to    certificate of time deposit and other information;
the large amount of balance of monetary      5. Obtained credit report of the enterprise and checked whether the monetary assets are
assets and large number of bank              under mortgage, charge or frozen;
accounts. Therefore, we consider the         6. At the end of the period, the amount deposited with Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group
existence and integrity of monetary          Finance Co., Ltd. was RMB35,044.3317 million in total; the deposit and loan business of
assets as a key audit matter.                Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd. was checked.
                                             We believe that the above audit procedures can support the management of the Company in
                                             their determination of the existence and integrity of monetary assets.
(II) Recognition of operating revenue
     Please refer to notes to financial      With respect of operating revenue, we conducted the following audit procedures:
statement "V Notes to the Consolidated       1. Understood, tested, and evaluated key internal controls related to the recognition of

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Financial Statements, 33. Operating         operating revenue;
revenue and cost of sales".                 2. Selected samples to examine sales contracts and identify contractual terms and
     The Company recorded operating         conditions relating to the transfer of control of goods in order to evaluate whether the time
revenue of RMB73,968.6407 million           of recognition of operating revenue meets the requirements of the CAS;
during 2022, which was the main source      3. Performed analytical review procedures to compare the key indicators such as sales
of the operating profit. And operating      volumes, unit sales prices, gross margins and major customers for the current period with
revenue is one of the key performance       the previous period to identify changes in key indicators and the reasonableness of the
indicators. Therefore, we consider the      changes;
recognition of operating revenue as a key   4. Performed detail testing by selecting samples of the revenue and transactions of the
audit matter.                               principal operations recorded during the year and examining supporting documentation
                                            such as sales contracts or orders, release orders, delivery notes, customer sign-off records,
                                            sales invoices, etc. to evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of operating revenue
                                            5. Selected samples of sales transactions near the year-end and examined samples of
                                            relevant supporting documentation (including dispatch notes or customer acknowledgement
                                            of receipt) to assess whether operating revenue is recognised in the appropriate accounting
                                            period; and
                                            6. Selected samples of major distributors in conjunction with the audit of contract liabilities
                                            to perform correspondence procedures to verify the amount of operating revenue for the
                                            period and the closing balance of contract liabilities and verify the authenticity and
                                            accuracy of the amount of operating revenue recognized by management.
                                            We believe that the above audit procedures can support the management of the Company in
                                            their determination of the recognition of operating revenue.
       IV Other Information
       The Company’s management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all
of the information included in the Company’s 2022 Annual Report other than the financial statements and our
auditor’s report thereon.
       Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.
       In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
       If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
       V Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Financial Statements
       The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a fair
view in accordance with CAS, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as the
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
       In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern (if applicable) and using
the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease
operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
       Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
       VI Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements
       Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our
opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
accordance with CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from
fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
       As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
       (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement
resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
       (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

are appropriate in the circumstances.
      (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
      (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and,
based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that
may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a
material uncertainty exists, we are required by CAS to draw users’ attention in our auditor’s report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future
events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
      (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the
financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
      (6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or
business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for
the direction, supervision and performance of the Company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit
      We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any noteworthy deficiencies in internal control
that we identify during our audit.
      We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters
that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
      From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that
were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key
audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public
disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

 Sichuan Huaxin (Group) CPA (LLP)               Chinese certified public accountant: Li Wulin
                                                      (engagement partner)
          Chengdu China
                                                Chinese certified public accountant: Ye Juan

                                               Chinese certified public accountant: Luo Guiqiu

                                                              27 April 2023

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

II Financial Statements
Monetary unit for the financial statements and the statements in the notes thereto unless otherwise stated: RMB
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.                                                                          Unit: RMB

                    Item                       31 December 2022                             1 January 2022
Current assets:
     Monetary assets                                        92,358,426,975.79                        82,335,955,927.74
      Settlement reserve
      Loans to other banks and financial
      Held-for-trading financial assets
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable                                         119,918,307.60                         23,859,058,132.07
     Accounts receivable                                       35,686,942.32                             64,193,116.22
     Receivables financing                                  28,904,198,420.44                         1,641,509,588.69
     Prepayments                                              135,982,868.14                            195,652,974.42
     Premiums receivable
     Reinsurance receivables
     Receivable reinsurance contract
     Other receivables                                         30,901,231.69                             26,288,496.24
       Of which: Interest receivable
                Dividends receivable
     Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements
     Inventories                                            15,980,657,013.57                        14,015,067,118.25
     Contract assets
     Assets held for sale
     Current portion of non-current
     Other current assets
Total current assets                                    137,565,771,759.55                         122,137,725,353.63
Non-current assets:
     Loans and advances to customers
     Debt investments
     Other debt investments
     Long-term receivables
     Long-term equity investments                            1,986,387,524.78                         1,911,228,653.63
     Other equity investments
     Other non-current financial assets                          1,200,000.00                                1,200,000.00
     Investment property
     Fixed assets                                            5,312,971,445.61                         5,610,147,000.37
     Construction in progress                                3,773,155,983.95                         2,646,087,846.01
     Productive living assets
     Oil and gas assets

                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Right-of-use assets                             380,922,885.84                            697,805,952.69
     Intangible assets                               518,517,835.31                            556,398,465.19
     Development costs
     Goodwill                                           1,621,619.53                             1,621,619.53
     Long-term prepaid expense                       158,586,327.06                            155,512,345.82
     Deferred income tax assets                     2,043,089,823.62                         1,683,957,848.54
     Other non-current assets                        972,502,674.97                            219,127,135.72
Total non-current assets                           15,148,956,120.67                        13,483,086,867.50
Total assets                                   152,714,727,880.22                         135,620,812,221.13
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings
     Borrowings from the central bank
     Loans from other banks and
financial institutions
     Held-for-trading financial liabilities
     Derivative financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                   887,970,376.53                            872,040,239.87
     Accounts payable                               7,246,802,709.58                         5,403,561,392.95
     Advances from customers                          16,160,671.49                             10,970,385.19
      Contract liabilities                         12,379,125,542.70                        13,058,652,246.11
      Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
      Customer deposits and deposits
from other banks and financial
      Payables for acting trading of
      Payables for underwriting of
      Employee benefits payable                     3,375,526,829.88                         3,335,937,141.30
     Taxes and levies payable                       5,301,718,185.93                         5,192,183,704.90
     Other payables                                 4,631,434,915.43                         3,693,858,108.21
        Of which: Interest payable
                 Dividends payable                    13,191,392.99                             37,436,404.82
     Fees and commissions payable
      Reinsurance payables
      Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
      Current portion of non-current
                                                     375,682,599.77                            360,027,399.06
      Other current liabilities                     1,544,723,419.34                         1,688,367,639.42
Total current liabilities                          35,759,145,250.65                        33,615,598,257.01
Non-current liabilities:
     Insurance contract reserve
     Long-term borrowings
     Bonds payable
        Of which: Preference shares
                 Perpetual bonds

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Lease liabilities                                                      16,976,148.73                            355,338,950.93
    Long-term payables
    Long-term employee benefits
     Deferred income                                                       254,416,864.75                            257,991,368.32
     Deferred income tax liabilities
     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                              271,393,013.48                            613,330,319.25
Total liabilities                                                        36,030,538,264.13                        34,228,928,576.26
Owners’ equity:
     Share capital                                                        3,881,608,005.00                         3,881,608,005.00
     Other equity instruments
        Of which : Preference shares
                    Perpetual bonds
     Capital reserves                                                     2,682,647,086.15                         2,682,647,086.15
     Less: Treasury shares
     Other comprehensive income
     Specific reserve
     Surplus reserves                                                    28,432,198,524.98                        23,866,103,395.72
     General reserve
     Retained earnings                                                   79,028,605,172.04                        68,638,139,859.37
Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                                      114,025,058,788.17                          99,068,498,346.24
Company as the parent
     Non-controlling interests                                            2,659,130,827.92                         2,323,385,298.63
Total owners’ equity                                                 116,684,189,616.09                        101,391,883,644.87
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                 152,714,727,880.22                        135,620,812,221.13
Legal representative: Zeng Congqin         Chief Financial Officer: Xie Zhiping   Head of the accounting department: Yang Wentian
2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  31 December 2022                             1 January 2022
Current assets:
     Monetary assets                                                     51,104,448,387.06                        43,723,114,772.56
     Held-for-trading financial assets
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                                                                     50,000.00
     Accounts receivable
     Receivables financing
     Prepayments                                                            33,048,447.08                             32,605,050.85
     Other receivables                                                    8,462,631,304.66                         7,827,776,183.91
        Of which: Interest receivable
                    Dividends receivable                                  2,126,718,123.00                         1,153,154,780.16

                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Contract assets
     Assets held for sale
     Current portion of non-current
     Other current assets
Total current assets                               59,600,128,138.80                        51,583,546,007.32
Non-current assets:
     Debt investments
     Other debt investments
     Long-term receivables
     Long-term equity investments                  13,383,816,192.05                        13,313,609,602.58
     Other equity investments
     Other non-current financial assets                 1,200,000.00                             1,200,000.00
     Investment property
     Fixed assets                                    100,713,555.25                             97,722,498.48
     Construction in progress                        115,870,542.48                            114,160,542.48
     Productive living assets
     Oil and gas assets
     Right-of-use assets                                1,948,611.38                             3,757,317.38
     Intangible assets                                38,664,783.59                             41,628,936.23
     Development costs
     Long-term prepaid expense
     Deferred income tax assets                         1,082,797.53                             1,108,475.08
     Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                           13,643,296,482.28                        13,573,187,372.23
Total assets                                       73,243,424,621.08                        65,156,733,379.55
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings
     Held-for-trading financial liabilities
     Derivative financial liabilities
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                                   1,134,674.42                             1,134,674.42
     Advances from customers
     Contract liabilities
     Employee benefits payable                          4,106,534.36                             3,747,183.77
     Taxes and levies payable                        277,283,965.88                             65,068,408.85
     Other payables                                  146,366,462.73                            154,169,154.25
       Of which: Interest payable
                 Dividends payable
     Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale

                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      Current portion of non-current
                                                    1,170,924.31                             1,816,912.87
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                        430,062,561.70                            225,936,334.16
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings
     Bonds payable
        Of which: Preference shares
                    Perpetual bonds
     Lease liabilities                                                                       1,170,924.31
     Long-term payables
    Long-term employee benefits
     Deferred income                                 500,000.00                                 500,000.00
     Deferred income tax liabilities
     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                        500,000.00                              1,670,924.31
Total liabilities                                430,562,561.70                            227,607,258.47
Owners’ equity:
     Share capital                              3,881,608,005.00                         3,881,608,005.00
     Other equity instruments
        Of which: Preference shares
                    Perpetual bonds
     Capital reserves                           2,682,647,086.15                         2,682,647,086.15
     Less: Treasury shares
     Other comprehensive income
     Specific reserve
     Surplus reserves                          13,295,638,080.20                        11,333,854,390.82
     Retained earnings                         52,952,968,888.03                        47,031,016,639.11
Total owners’ equity                          72,812,862,059.38                        64,929,126,121.08
Total liabilities and owners’ equity          73,243,424,621.08                        65,156,733,379.55

3. Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                 Item                    2022                            2021

I Total revenues                                          73,968,640,704.54             66,209,053,612.11

  Of which: Operating revenue                             73,968,640,704.54             66,209,053,612.11

              Interest income

              Insurance premium income

              Fee and commission income

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

II Total costs and expenses                                             37,049,016,916.17            33,957,661,247.50

  Of which: Cost of sales                                               18,178,425,659.64            16,318,778,588.82

               Interest costs

               Fee and commission costs


               Net insurance claims paid
               Net amount provided as insurance contract
               Expenditure on policy dividends

               Reinsurance premium expense

               Taxes and levies                                         10,748,802,377.04             9,789,698,016.98

               Selling expense                                           6,844,237,013.17             6,503,506,131.90

               Administrative expense                                    3,068,119,268.45             2,899,968,867.37

               R&D expense                                                235,783,645.79                177,411,727.65

               Finance costs                                            -2,026,351,047.92            -1,731,702,085.22

                  Of which: Interest expense                               48,003,667.91                 69,130,792.55

                            Interest income                              2,075,700,630.12             1,801,002,307.73

        Add: Other income                                                 186,525,904.41                215,728,235.35

             Return on investment (―-‖ for loss)                        92,571,951.15                 97,346,566.33
           Of which: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures
                                                                           92,571,951.15                 97,346,566.33
and associates
                  Income from the derecognition of financial
assets at amortized cost
             Exchange gain (―-‖ for loss)

             Net gain on exposure hedges (―-‖ for loss)

             Gain on changes in fair value (―-‖ for loss)

             Credit impairment loss (―-‖ for loss)                       -1,437,932.66                -2,601,524.74

             Asset impairment loss (―-‖ for loss)                       -26,207,459.87                -7,531,487.70

             Asset disposal income (―-‖ for loss)                         3,347,202.23                -1,905,183.84

III Operating profit (―-‖ for loss)                                  37,174,423,453.63            32,552,428,970.01

        Add: Non-operating income                                          38,885,270.86                 52,099,818.22

        Less: Non-operating expense                                       109,788,008.25                154,124,342.53

IV Gross profit (―-‖ for gross loss)                                 37,103,520,716.24            32,450,404,445.70

        Less: Income tax expense                                         9,132,888,784.02             7,942,954,115.44

V Net profit (―-‖ for net loss)                                      27,970,631,932.22            24,507,450,330.26

  (I) By operating continuity
        1. Net profit from continuing operations (―-‖ for net
                                                                        27,970,631,932.22            24,507,450,330.26

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

        2. Net profit from discontinued operations (―-‖ for net
  (II) By ownership
     1. Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as
                                                                                    26,690,661,397.42             23,377,074,353.40
the parent
        2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests                      1,279,970,534.80              1,130,375,976.86

VI Other comprehensive income, net of tax
   Other comprehensive income, net of tax attributable to
owners of the Company as the parent
     (I) Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss
              1. Changes caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit schemes
              2. Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
              3. Changes in the fair value of other debt
              4. Changes in the fair value arising from
changes in own credit risk
               5. Other
     (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss
              1. Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
              2. Changes in the fair value of other debt
              3. Other comprehensive income arising from the
reclassification of financial assets
              4. Credit impairment allowances for other debt
               5. Reserve for cash flow hedges
             6. Differences arising from the translation of
foreign currency-denominated financial statements
               7. Other
  Other comprehensive income, net of tax attributable to
non-controlling interests
VII Total comprehensive income                                                      27,970,631,932.22             24,507,450,330.26
     Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of
                                                                                    26,690,661,397.42             23,377,074,353.40
the Company as the parent
     Total comprehensive income attributable to non-
                                                                                     1,279,970,534.80              1,130,375,976.86
controlling interests
VIII Earnings per share:

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                                               6.876                      6.023

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                            6.876                      6.023
Where business combinations involving entities under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the
acquirees before the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for last year being RMB0.00.
Legal representative: Zeng Congqin         Chief Financial Officer: Xie Zhiping   Head of the accounting department: Yang Wentian
4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                              Item                                           2022                               2021
I Operating revenue                                                                         0.00                           6,072.98
        Less: Cost of sales                                                                 0.00                           3,997.51

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

           Taxes and levies                                             370,416.70                          169,236.15
           Selling expense
           Administrative expense                                   142,946,488.68                      108,298,808.63
           R&D expense                                               55,470,547.04                       49,585,654.07
           Finance costs                                          -1,320,194,889.62                  -1,174,604,456.01
             Of which: Interest expense                                  68,515.70                          120,978.03
                        Interest income                            1,320,290,654.38                   1,174,761,559.86
     Add: Other income                                               20,873,010.56                       12,836,803.76
           Return on investment (―-‖ for loss)                 18,799,779,256.49                  17,986,096,250.69
           Of which: Share of profit or loss of joint
                                                                     87,619,669.47                       94,286,122.75
ventures and associates
                   Income from the derecognition of
financial assets at amortized cost (―-‖ for loss)
           Net gain on exposure hedges (―-‖ for loss)
           Gain on changes in fair value (―-‖ for loss)
           Credit impairment loss (―-‖ for loss)                   -1,002,989.80                        -500,010.20
           Asset impairment loss (―-‖ for loss))
           Asset disposal income (―-‖ for loss)
II Operating profit (―-‖ for loss)                             19,941,056,714.45                  19,014,985,876.88
     Add: Non-operating income                                          413,500.00                           75,201.02
     Less: Non-operating expense                                     58,415,869.51                       99,772,654.47
III Gross profit (―-‖ for gross loss)                          19,883,054,344.94                  18,915,288,423.43
     Less: Income tax expense                                       265,217,451.15                      220,328,944.73
IV Net profit (―-‖ for net loss)                               19,617,836,893.79                  18,694,959,478.70
     (I) Net profit from continuing operations (―-‖ for
                                                                  19,617,836,893.79                  18,694,959,478.70
net loss)
     (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (―-‖
for net loss)
V Other comprehensive income, net of tax
     (I) Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss
              1. Changes caused by remeasurements on
defined benefit schemes
              2. Other comprehensive income that will
not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity
              3. Changes in the fair value of other debt
              4. Changes in the fair value arising from
changes in own credit risk
             5. Other
     (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss
              1. Other comprehensive income that will
be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
              2. Changes in the fair value of other debt
              3. Other comprehensive income arising
from the reclassification of financial assets
              4. Credit impairment allowances for other
debt investments

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

            5. Reserve for cash flow hedges
             6. Differences arising from the translation
of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
            7. Other
VI Total comprehensive income                                   19,617,836,893.79                     18,694,959,478.70
VII Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share
     (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                            Item                                2022                                 2021
I Cash flows from operating activities:
     Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of
                                                                81,770,582,903.92                     80,952,960,804.29
     Net increase in customer deposits and deposits
from other banks and financial institutions
     Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
      Net increase in loans from other financial
      Premiums received on original insurance
     Net proceeds from reinsurance
    Net increase in deposits and investments of policy
     Interest, fees and commissions received
     Net increase in loans from other banks and
financial institutions
     Net increase in proceeds from repurchase
     Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
     Tax and levy rebates                                              72,322,800.00                        24,522,993.00
     Cash generated from other operating activities              2,006,197,288.41                      2,045,885,363.36
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities            83,849,102,992.33                     83,023,369,160.65
     Payments for goods and services                            19,397,297,581.75                     19,137,502,429.86
     Net increase in loans and advances to customers
      Net increase in deposits in the central bank and
other banks and financial institutions
      Payments for claims on original insurance
      Net increase in loans to other banks and financial
     Interest, fees and commissions paid
     Policy dividends paid
     Cash paid to and for employees                              7,879,082,833.54                      7,240,759,270.94
     Taxes and levies paid                                      27,773,048,881.11                     25,084,613,186.47
     Cash used in other operating activities                     4,368,537,434.45                      4,785,552,400.33
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                   59,417,966,730.85                     56,248,427,287.60
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities            24,431,136,261.48                     26,774,941,873.05

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

II Cash flows from investing activities:
     Proceeds from the disposal of investments
     Return on investment                                             23,038,080.00                        41,720,016.00
     Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                      46,667,262.99                         6,184,352.82
intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units
     Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                  69,705,342.99                        47,904,368.82
     Payments for the acquisition and construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term                1,780,534,893.52                   1,539,129,180.86
     Payments for the acquisition of investments                       5,625,000.00                         5,625,000.00
     Net increase in pledge loans
     Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries
and other business units
     Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                      1,786,159,893.52                   1,544,754,180.86
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities               -1,716,454,550.53                 -1,496,849,812.04
III Cash flows from financing activities:
     Capital contributions received
     Of which: Capital contributions received by
subsidiaries from non-controlling interests
     Borrowings received
     Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities
     Repayment of borrowings
     Interest and dividends paid                                  12,681,422,089.05                  10,874,295,018.51
     Of which: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-
                                                                     947,321,133.56                     859,746,365.61
controlling interests
     Cash used in other financing activities                         424,009,369.15                     395,161,935.55
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                     13,105,431,458.20                  11,269,456,954.06
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities              -13,105,431,458.20                -11,269,456,954.06
IV Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and
                                                                         136,266.19                          -469,528.68
cash equivalents
V Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                        9,609,386,518.94                  14,008,165,578.27
     Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the
                                                                  80,975,257,378.72                  66,967,091,800.45
VI Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                   90,584,643,897.66                  80,975,257,378.72

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                Item                                   2022                         2021

I Cash flows from operating activities:

     Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services                      0.00                            2,200.00

     Tax and levy rebates

     Cash generated from other operating activities                1,463,712,176.86                   1,053,801,847.71

                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                    1,463,712,176.86                   1,053,804,047.71

     Payments for goods and services

     Cash paid to and for employees                                       151,676,699.98                     114,541,768.51

     Taxes and levies paid                                                 46,538,112.01                     193,123,570.90

     Cash used in other operating activities                              264,037,436.73                     521,409,386.01

Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                             462,252,248.72                     829,074,725.42

Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                    1,001,459,928.14                     224,729,322.29

II Cash flows from investing activities:

     Proceeds from the disposal of investments

     Return on investment                                              17,761,634,324.18                  17,515,105,146.72
     Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets
     Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units
     Cash generated from other investing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                   17,761,634,461.79                  17,515,105,146.72
     Payments for the acquisition and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                           11,972,576.93                      21,157,071.16
intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Payments for the acquisition of investments                            5,625,000.00                       5,625,000.00
     Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other
business units
     Cash used in other investing activities

Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                              17,597,576.93                      26,782,071.16

Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                   17,744,036,884.86                  17,488,323,075.56

III Cash flows from financing activities:

     Capital contributions received

     Borrowings received

     Cash generated from other financing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities

     Repayment of borrowings

     Interest and dividends paid                                       11,734,100,955.49                  10,014,548,652.90

     Cash used in other financing activities                                1,979,700.00                       1,979,700.00

Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                          11,736,080,655.49                  10,016,528,352.90

Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                   -11,736,080,655.49                -10,016,528,352.90
IV Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
V Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             7,009,416,157.51                   7,696,524,044.95

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period           42,966,222,702.66                  35,269,698,657.71

VI Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                        49,975,638,860.17                  42,966,222,702.66

                                                                                                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

            7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB


                                                                         Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                         Other equity
     Item                                                                      Le
                                         instruments                                  Other    Sp                               Ge
                                                                               ss:                                                                                                  Non-controlling
                                       Pre                                     Tre
                                                                                      comp     eci                              ner
                                                                                                                                                           Ot                                           Total owners’ equity
                                             Per                                      rehen    fic                               al                                                    interests
                    Share capital      fer                Capital reserves     asu                       Surplus reserves             Retained earnings    he    Subtotal
                                             pet                                       sive    res                              res
                                       enc          Ot                          ry                                                                          r
                                             ual                                       inco    erv                              erv
                                        e           her                        sha
                                             bo                                         me      e                                e
                                       sha                                     res
I Balance as at
the end of the      3,881,608,005.00                      2,682,647,086.15                                23,866,103,395.72            68,638,139,859.37        99,068,498,346.24   2,323,385,298.63      101,391,883,644.87
prior year
for changes in

for correction
of previous

for business
entities under


II Balance as
at the
beginning of        3,881,608,005.00                      2,682,647,086.15                                23,866,103,395.72            68,638,139,859.37        99,068,498,346.24   2,323,385,298.63      101,391,883,644.87
the year
III Increase/
decrease in the
period (―-‖ for                                                                                          4,566,095,129.26            10,390,465,312.67        14,956,560,441.93     335,745,529.29       15,292,305,971.22
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                                                          26,690,661,397.42        26,690,661,397.42   1,279,970,534.80       27,970,631,932.22
                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(II) Capital
increase and
reduction by                                                                    -21,148,883.78       -21,148,883.78
1. Ordinary
share increase
by owners
2. Capital
increase by
holders of
other equity
3. Share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity

4. Other                                                                        -21,148,883.78       -21,148,883.78

(III) Profit
distribution      4,566,095,129.26   -16,300,196,084.75   -11,734,100,955.49   -923,076,121.73   -12,657,177,077.22
to surplus        4,566,095,129.26    -4,566,095,129.26
to general
3. Distributed
to owners (or                        -11,734,100,955.49   -11,734,100,955.49   -923,076,121.73   -12,657,177,077.22

4. Other

(IV) Transfers
within owners’
1. Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
2. Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
3. Surplus
reserves used
to offset loss

                                                                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 4. Changes in
 defined benefit
 transferred to
 5. Other
 transferred to

 6. Other

 (V) Specific
 1. Increase in
 the period
 2. Used in the

 (VI) Other

 IV Balance as
 at the end of      3,881,608,005.00                        2,682,647,086.15                                   28,432,198,524.98            79,028,605,172.04          114,025,058,788.17   2,659,130,827.92     116,684,189,616.09
 the period

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB


                                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                          Other equity
     Item                                 instruments                                     Other    Sp                               Ge
                                                                                   ss:                                                                                                      Non-controlling
                                       Pre                                                comp     eci                              ner                                                                         Total owners’ equity
                                               Per                                 Tre                                                                                                         interests
                                       fer                                                rehen    fic                               al                          Ot
                   Share capital               pet         Capital reserves        asu                       Surplus reserves              Retained earnings              Subtotal
                                       enc            Ot                                   sive    res                              res                          her
                                               ual                                  ry
                                        e            her                                   inco    erv                              erv
                                               bo                                  sha
                                       sha                                                  me      e                                e
                                               nds                                 res
I Balance as at
the end of the     3,881,608,005.00                        2,682,647,086.15                                   19,698,525,995.51              59,443,191,559.08          85,705,972,645.74   2,052,273,998.97       87,758,246,644.71
prior year
for changes in

                                                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.


for correction
of previous

for business
entities under
II Balance as
at the
beginning of        3,881,608,005.00   2,682,647,086.15   19,698,525,995.51   59,443,191,559.08    85,705,972,645.74    2,052,273,998.97    87,758,246,644.71
the year
III Increase/
decrease in the
period (―-‖ for                                          4,167,577,400.21    9,194,948,300.29    13,362,525,700.50     271,111,299.66     13,633,637,000.16
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                 23,377,074,353.40    23,377,074,353.40    1,130,375,976.86    24,507,450,330.26
(II) Capital
increase and
reduction by
1. Ordinary
share increase
by owners
2. Capital
increase by
holders of
other equity
3. Share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity
4. Other

(III) Profit
distribution                                               4,167,577,400.21   -14,182,126,053.11   -10,014,548,652.90   -859,264,677.20    -10,873,813,330.10
to surplus                                                 4,167,577,400.21    -4,167,577,400.21

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

to general
3. Distributed
to owners (or                                                               -10,014,548,652.90   -10,014,548,652.90   -859,264,677.20    -10,873,813,330.10
4. Other
(IV) Transfers
within owners’
1. Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
2. Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
3. Surplus
reserves used
to offset loss
4. Changes in
defined benefit
transferred to
5. Other
transferred to
6. Other

(V) Specific
1. Increase in
the period
2. Used in the

(VI) Other
IV Balance as
at the end of     3,881,608,005.00   2,682,647,086.15   23,866,103,395.72   68,638,139,859.37    99,068,498,346.24    2,323,385,298.63   101,391,883,644.87
the period

                                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

           8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                               Other equity instruments                      Less:    Other      Spe
                            Item                                                                                             Treas   compre      cifi
                                                                                          Perpe                                                                                                     Ot
                                                            Share capital      Prefere                    Capital reserves    ury     hensiv       c    Surplus reserves      Retained earnings           Total owners’ equity
                                                                                           tual    Ot                                                                                               her
                                                                                 nce                                         share      e        rese
                                                                                          bond     her
                                                                               shares                                          s     income      rve
I Balance as at the end of the prior year                   3,881,608,005.00                              2,682,647,086.15                               11,333,854,390.82      47,031,016,639.11            64,929,126,121.08
     Add: Adjustments for changes in accounting
         Adjustments for correction of previous

II Balance as at the beginning of the year                  3,881,608,005.00                              2,682,647,086.15                               11,333,854,390.82      47,031,016,639.11            64,929,126,121.08

III Increase/ decrease in the period (―-‖ for decrease)                                                                                                 1,961,783,689.38       5,921,952,248.92              7,883,735,938.30

(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                  19,617,836,893.79            19,617,836,893.79

(II) Capital increase and reduction by owners

1. Ordinary share increase by owners
2. Capital increase by holders of other equity
3. Share-based payments recognized in owners’
4. Other

(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                 1,961,783,689.38     -13,695,884,644.87            -11,734,100,955.49

1. Appropriated to surplus reserves                                                                                                                       1,961,783,689.38      -1,961,783,689.38

2. Distributed to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                     -11,734,100,955.49            -11,734,100,955.49

3. Other

(IV) Transfers within owners’ equity
1. Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital
2. Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus
3. Surplus reserves used to offset loss

                                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

4. Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income transferred to
retained earnings
6. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Increase in the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other

IV Balance as at the end of the period                        3,881,608,005.00                                2,682,647,086.15                           13,295,638,080.20      52,952,968,888.03               72,812,862,059.38

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB


                                                                     Other equity                                       Ot
                                                                     instruments                                        he
                                                                Pr                                              Less    m
                  Item                                          ef                                                :     pr   Spec
                                                                                                                Trea    eh    ific
                                            Share capital       er                         Capital reserves                          Surplus reserves    Retained earnings       Other              Total owners’ equity
                                                                en    Perpetual     Othe                        sury    en   reser
                                                                ce     bonds         r                          shar    si     ve
                                                                sh                                               es     ve
                                                                ar                                                      in
                                                                es                                                      co
  I Balance as at the end of the prior
  year                                     3,881,608,005.00                                2,682,647,086.15                           9,464,358,442.95     40,220,101,761.18                                  56,248,715,295.28

  Add: Adjustments for changes in
  accounting policies
       Adjustments for correction of
  previous errors


  II Balance as at the beginning of
  the year                                 3,881,608,005.00                                2,682,647,086.15                           9,464,358,442.95     40,220,101,761.18                                  56,248,715,295.28

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

III Increase/ decrease in the period
(―-‖ for decrease)                        1,869,495,947.87    6,810,914,877.93                               8,680,410,825.80

(I) Total comprehensive income                                 18,694,959,478.70                              18,694,959,478.70

(II) Capital increase and reduction
by owners
1. Ordinary share increase by
2. Capital increase by holders of
other equity instruments
3. Share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity

4. Other

(III) Profit distribution                   1,869,495,947.87   -11,884,044,600.77                            -10,014,548,652.90

1. Appropriated to surplus reserves         1,869,495,947.87    -1,869,495,947.87

2. Distributed to owners (or
shareholders)                                                  -10,014,548,652.90                            -10,014,548,652.90

3. Other

(IV) Transfers within owners’
1. Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital reserves
2. Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves used to offset
4. Changes in defined benefit
schemes transferred to retained
5. Other comprehensive income
transferred to retained earnings

6. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Increase in the period

                                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other

IV Balance as at the end of the
period                            3,881,608,005.00   2,682,647,086.15        11,333,854,390.82   47,031,016,639.11                             64,929,126,121.08

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

III Company Profile
      1. Company history
      Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") is a company limited by shares
established by Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Distillery through fund raising on 19 August 1997 with the approval of
Document CFH (1997) No. 295 issued by the People's Government of Sichuan Province. The Company is
principally engaged in the production and sales of "Wuliangye"-branded Baijiu products and other Baijiu series,
with a registered capital of RMB3,881.6080 million and registered address: 150 Minjiang West Road, Cuiping
District, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China.
      The Company issued 80 million common shares (in RMB) on-line by fixed price offering at Shenzhen
Stock Exchange on 27 April 1998. According to the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting of
Shareholders in September 1999, the Company, based on the total share capital of 320 million shares on 30 June
1999, transferred capital reserve to increase share capital, increasing five shares for every ten shares and the total
share capital after the conversion was changed to 480 million shares. The Company placed 31.2 million common
shares (in RMB) to the original shareholders as approved by the Document ZH.J.G.S.Z. [2001] No. 6 issued by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The total share capital after the placement was 511.2 million
shares. In August 2001, the Company implemented the interim distribution plan 2001 and issued four bonus
shares and increased three shares for every ten shares by transferring capital reserve to share capital, with 357.84
million bonus shares and shares transferred from capital reserve in total. The total share capital after the issuance
and translation was 869.04 million shares. In April 2002, the Company implemented the distribution plan 2001
and issued one bonus shares, increased two shares by transferring capital reserve to share capital, and distributed
RMB0.25 (tax inclusive) in cash for every ten shares, with 260.712 million bonus shares in total. The total share
capital after the issuance and translation was 1,129.752 million shares. In April 2003, the Company implemented
the distribution plan 2002 and increased two shares for every ten shares by transferring capital reserve to share
capital for all shareholders, increasing the share capital by 225.9504 million shares. The total share capital after
the translation was 1,355.7024 million shares. In April 2004, the Company implemented the distribution plan
2003 and issued eight bonus shares and increased two shares by transferring capital reserve to share capital for
every ten shares, with 1,355.7024 million bonus shares in total. The total share capital after the issuance and
translation was 2,711.4048 million shares.
      On 31 March 2006, the Company carried out the equity division reform and the shareholding structure after
the reform was as below: 1,817.7869 million shares for state-owned legal person, taking up 67.04% of the total
share capital, 493.4 thousand shares for officers, taking up 0.02% of the total share capital, and 893.1245 million
shares for other shareholders, taking up 32.94% of the total share capital. The total share capital remained
2,711.4048 million shares.
      In April 2007, the Company implemented the distribution plan 2006 and issued four bonus shares and
distributed RMB0.60 (tax inclusive) in cash for every ten shares, with 1,084.5619 million bonus shares in total.
The total share capital after the issuance and distribution was 3,795.96672 million shares. On 2 April 2008,
shares for state-owned legal person decreased by 416.5303 million shares due to the exercise of warrants and
became 2,128.3714 million shares, taking up 56.07% of the total share capital. Other shareholders held
1,667.5954 million shares, taking up 43.93% of the total share capital.
      According to the Notice on Free Transfer of Shares Held by State-owned Shareholders of Wuliangye Yibin
Co., Ltd. of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Sichuan Province
(CH.G.Z.CH.Q. [2012] No. 88) and the Reply on Free Transfer of Shares Held by State-owned Shareholders of
Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
Council (G.Z.CH.Q. [2012] No. 889), Yibin State-Owned Assets Operation Co., Ltd. (renamed as Yibin
Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. in 2021) transferred 761,823,343 shares held by it in the Company to
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. for free on 10 October 2012. After this free transfer of shares, Yibin
Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. still held 36% shares of the Company (i.e. 1,366,548,020 shares) and was
the first majority shareholder of the Company; Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd., holding 20.07%
shares of the Company (i.e. 791,823,343 shares), was the second majority shareholder of the Company.
      According to the Reply on Free Transfer of 49% Shares Held by Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.
(Y.G.Z.W. [2016] No. 32), the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s
Government of Yibin City transferred 49% shares held by it in Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. to
Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. for free in 2016. This transfer of shares did not involve the change
of shares held by both parties in the Company, without changing the controlling shareholder and actual controller
of the Company.
      According to the resolutions of the 11th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors, annual general meeting of

                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Shareholders 2015, the 19th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors, the 24th meeting of the 5th Board of
Directors, and annual general meeting of Shareholders 2016 of the Company and as approved by the License
ZH.J.X.K. [2017] No. 1910 issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company issued
85,641,285 shares by non-public offering by means of targeted issue on 12 April 2018. The total share capital
after the issuance was 3,881.608 million shares, including 2128.3714 million shares for state-owned legal person,
taking up 54.83% of the total share capital, and 1,753.2366 million shares for other shareholders, taking up 45.17%
of the total share capital.
      According to the Reply on Approval of Free Transfer of Shares Held by Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.
(Y.G.Z.W. [2020] No. 157), issued by The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
the People’s Government of Yibin City, the transfer was approved in principle. On 24 August 2020, Yibin
Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. transferred 30,000,000 shares held by it in the Company to Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. for free. After this transfer of shares, Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd.
still held 34.43% shares of the Company (i.e. 1,336,548,020 shares) and was the first majority shareholder of the
Company; Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd., holding 20.40% shares of the Company (i.e. 791,823,343
shares), was the second majority shareholder of the Company. This transfer of shares did not change the
controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company.
       2. Industry and primary business scope of the Company
      The Company is engaged in the beverage production industry and its business scope is: Production and
operation of liquor products and relevant auxiliary products (bottle caps, trademarks, logos and packaging
products). Its primary products are "Wuliangye"-branded Baijiu products and other Baijiu series.
       3. Approval of financial statements
      These financial statements have been reviewed and approved by General Meeting of Shareholders of the
Company on 27 April 2023, and will be submitted to the general meeting for review according to the Articles of
      4. Scope of consolidated financial statements of current year
   As of 31 December 2022, subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidated financial statements of the
Company were:
                                                                                                The Company’s
                 Full name of subsidiary                 Type of subsidiary         Tier         shareholding
                                                                                                                   voting right
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Distillery Co., Ltd.                                      First-tier        99.99%           99.99%
Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.                                            First-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Yibin Wuliang Tequ and Touqu Brand Marketing Co.,         Majority-owned
                                                                                 Second-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Ltd.                                                        subsidiary
Yibin Wuliangchun Brand Marketing Co., Ltd                                       Second-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Yibin Wuliangye Series Liquor Brand Marketing Co.,        Majority-owned
                                                                                 Second-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Ltd.                                                        subsidiary
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Supply and Marketing Co., Ltd.                            First-tier        99.95%           99.95%
Yibin Jiangjiu Liquor Co., Ltd.                                                   First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Environmental Protection          Majority-owned
                                                                                  First-tier        51.00%           51.00%
Industry Co., Ltd.                                          subsidiary
Sichuan Jinwuxin Technology Co., Ltd.                                            Second-tier        51.00%           51.00%
Sichuan Jiebeike Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.                              Second-tier        26.01%           26.01%
Yibin Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd.                                             First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Yibin Changjiangyuan Trade Co., Ltd.                                             Second-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Yibin Changjiangyuan Brewery Co., Ltd.                                           Second-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Yibin Wuliangye Organic Agriculture Development Co.,      Wholly-owned
                                                                                 Second-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Ltd.                                                        subsidiary

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Yibin Wuliangye Xianlin Ecological Liquor Co., Ltd.                         First-tier        90.00%           90.00%
Yibin Xianlin Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.                                   Second-tier        90.00%           90.00%
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd.                          First-tier        98.53%           98.53%
Yibin Xinxing Packaging Co., Ltd.                                          Second-tier        98.53%           98.53%
Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials Company      Wholly-owned
                                                                            First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Limited                                                  subsidiary
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Shenzhou Glass Co., Ltd.                         First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Sichuan Yibin Global Gelasi Glass Manufacturing Co.,   Wholly-owned
                                                                            First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Ltd.                                                     subsidiary
Sichuan Yibin Push Group 3D Co., Ltd.                                       First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Guangdong Plastic Packaging Materials Company          Wholly-owned
                                                                           Second-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Limited                                                  subsidiary
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Investment (Consulting) Co.,   Majority-owned
                                                                            First-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Ltd.                                                     subsidiary
Wuliangye Dashijie (Beijing) Trade Co., Ltd.                                First-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Handan Yongbufenli Liquor Co., Ltd.                                         First-tier        51.00%           51.00%
Linzhang Desheng Liquor Trade Co., Ltd.                                    Second-tier        51.00%           51.00%
Handan Yongbufenli Sales Co., Ltd.                                         Second-tier        51.00%           51.00%
Huaibin Wubin Consultation Service Co., Ltd.                                First-tier        100.00%         100.00%
Wuguchun Jiu Ye Co., Henan. China                                          Second-tier        51.03%           51.03%
Huaibin Tenglong Trade Co., Ltd.                                            Third-tier        51.03%           51.03%
Wuguchun Jiu Ye Sales Co., Henan. China                                     Third-tier        51.03%           51.03%
Sichuan Wuliangye Culture Tourism Development Co.,     Majority-owned
                                                                            First-tier        80.00%           80.00%
Ltd.                                                     subsidiary
Sichuan Wuliangye Tourist Agency Co., Ltd.                                 Second-tier        80.00%           80.00%
Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.                                            First-tier        45.00%           51.00%
Sichuan Wuliangye NongXiang Baijiu Co., Ltd.                                First-tier        95.00%           95.00%
Sichuan Wuliangye New Retail Management Co., Ltd.                           First-tier        90.00%           90.00%
     Refer to the Note "VIII. Changes in consolidation scope" and "IX. Interests in other entities" for the scope
of consolidated financial statements of the current period and its changes.
IV Preparation Basis for Financial Statements
1. Preparation basis
      The financial statements of the Company are prepared on the basis of going concern and the recognition
and measurement are made at actual transactions and matters in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises-Basic Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance and the specific Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprise, Guidelines for Application of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises,
Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant provisions (hereinafter
referred to as ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise‖), combining with the Preparation Rules for
Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on
Financial Reports (2014 revision) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission on this basis.

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Going concern
      The Company has the ability of going concern for at least 12 months from the end of the Reporting Period,
and there is no major event affecting the ability of going concern.
V Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
     The Company should obey the disclosure requirement for the food and wine manufacturing related
industries in SSE Guidelines No. 3 on the Application of Self-Regulation Rules for Listed Companies - Industry
Information Disclosure requirement
     Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
     The contents disclosed below cover the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated by
the Company according to the actual production and operation characteristics.
1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
      The Company states that the financial statements prepared comply with the requirements of the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company's financial position, operating
results, cash flows and other relevant information.
2. Accounting period
     From 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year.
3. Operating cycle
     The Company’s operating cycle is 12 months.
4. Bookkeeping base currency
     RMB is used as the bookkeeping base currency and reporting currency of the Company.
5. Accounting methods for business combinations involving enterprises under and not under the common
       (1) Business combination involving enterprises under the common control
       The assets and liabilities acquired by the combining party through business combination involving
enterprises under the common control are measured at the share of owners' equity of the combined party in the
carrying value on consolidated financial statements of the final controlling party on the combination date. The
difference between the carrying value of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying value of
consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of the shares issued) is adjusted against share premium
in the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient for writing down, the retained earnings shall be
adjusted. All the direct costs incurred by the combining party for the business combination shall be included in
current profit/loss when incurred.
       (2) Business combination involving enterprises not under the common control
       In case of business combination involving enterprises not under the common control, the combination costs
shall be the fair values of the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued on the
date of acquisition by the acquirer in exchange for control on the acquiree.
       For a business combination involving enterprises not under the common control achieved through step-by-
step implementation of multiple transactions, related accounting treatment shall be carried out by distinguishing
individual financial statements from consolidated financial statements:
      a) In the individual financial statements, the sum of carrying value of the equity investment held in the
acquiree prior to the date of acquisition and cost of the new investment on the date of acquisition shall be taken
as the initial cost of such investment; where the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition
involves other comprehensive income, the other comprehensive income related to such investment shall be
transferred to current return on investment.
      b) In the consolidated financial statements, the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition
shall be re-measured at the fair value of such equity on the date of acquisition, and the difference between its fair
value and its carrying value shall be included in the current return on investment; where the equity held in the
acquiree prior to the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income, the other comprehensive income
related to such investment shall be transferred to current return on investment on the date of acquisition.
       The intermediary expenses such audit, legal service, evaluation and consultation and other administrative
expenses incurred by the acquirer for the business combination shall be included in current profit/loss; the
transaction expenses for issuing equity securities or debt securities by the acquirer as consideration of the
combination shall be included in the initial recognition amount of the equity securities or debt securities.

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree in the business
combination involving enterprises not under the common control shall be measured at the fair value on the date
of acquisition. Where the combination cost exceeds the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's net
identifiable assets obtained in the combination, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the
combination cost is less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's net identifiable assets
obtained in the combination, the acquirer shall first recheck the fair values of the acquiree's identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained in the combination and the combination cost. Where the
combination cost is still less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's net identifiable assets
obtained in the combination, the difference shall be included in the current profit/loss.
6. Methods for preparing consolidated financial statements
      (1) Principles for determining the scope of consolidated financial statements:
      The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control, including the
Company and the subsidiaries under its control. Control means that the Company has the power over the
invested company, gets variable return by participating in related activities of the invested company and has the
ability to influence the amount of the return by its power over the invested company.
      (2) Methods for preparing consolidated financial statements:
      The Company as the parent shall prepare the consolidated financial statements based on its financial
statements and those of its subsidiaries and according to other relevant information. The share of the subsidiaries
in current profit/loss attributable to non-controlling interests shall be presented in the consolidated income
statement as "net profit attributable to non-controlling interests" under the net profit. The share in current
comprehensive income of the subsidiaries which is attributable to non-controlling interests shall be presented in
the consolidated income statement as "total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests"
under the total other comprehensive income.
      For subsidiaries and businesses of the Company as the parent added by business combination involving
enterprises under the common control during the Reporting Period, the revenue, expenses, and profits of such
subsidiaries and businesses from the beginning to the end of the period of business combination shall be
recorded into the consolidated income statement. Cash flows of such subsidiaries and businesses from the
beginning to the end of the year of business combination shall be recorded into the consolidated cash flow
statement, and relevant items of the statements shall be adjusted through comparison of the statements, as if the
reporting entity after the combination had been existing from control of the final controlling party after the
combination comes into effect.
      For subsidiaries and businesses added by business combination involving enterprises not under the
common control or other means, the revenue, expenses, and profits of such subsidiaries and businesses from the
date of acquisition to the end of Reporting Period shall be recorded into the consolidated income statement. Cash
flows of such subsidiary from the date of acquisition to the end of the Reporting Period shall be recorded into the
consolidated cash flow statement.
      When the Company as the parent disposes subsidiaries and businesses during the Reporting Period, the
revenue, expenses, and profits of such subsidiary and business from the beginning of the Reporting Period to the
date of disposal shall be recorded into the consolidated income statement; and the cash flow of such subsidiary
and business from the beginning of the Reporting Period to the date of disposal shall be recorded into the
consolidated cash flow statement.
      In the consolidated financial statements, when the Company as the parent acquires the equity held by the
minority shareholders in the subsidiary, the difference between the long-term equity investment obtained by
acquiring non-controlling interests and the share of the net assets to be enjoyed and continuously calculated from
the date of acquisition or combination according to the new increase in shareholding proportion shall be adjusted
against the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is not sufficient for writing
down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting methods for joint operations
      Joint arrangements include joint operations and joint ventures.
      Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where the Company is a party to the joint venture and owns its
relevant assets and bears its relevant liabilities.
      The Company shall recognize the following items related to share of interests and treat them according to
relevant Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
      (1) Recognize assets solely held by the Company, and those jointly owned assets according to the
Company's share;
      (2) Recognize liabilities solely assumed by the Company, and those jointly assumed liabilities according to

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

the Company's share;
      (3) Recognize revenue from sales of the share that the Company enjoys in the output of joint operation;
      (4) Recognize revenue from sales in the joint operation according to the Company's share;
      (5) Recognize expenses solely incurred, and those incurred for joint operation according to the Company's
      Refer to the Note "long-term equity investment" for the accounting policy of the Company for investments
in joint venture.
8. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents
      Cash of the Company refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at any time; cash
equivalents refer to the short-term (no more than three months since the date of acquisition) and highly liquid
investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk
of change in value.
9. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation
       (1) Accounting methods of foreign currency transaction:
       Foreign currency transaction shall be translated into the bookkeeping base currency at the benchmark
exchange rate (which is generally refers to the middle rate of the current foreign exchange rate published by the
People's Bank of China, the same below) published by the People's Bank of China on the transaction date; at the
end of the period, foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the ending spot exchange rate; non-
monetary items in foreign currency measured at historical cost shall be translated at the spot exchange rate
prevailing on the transaction date; monetary items in foreign currency and measured at the fair value shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the date of determining fair value. The difference arising from
translation shall be included in the construction cost of relevant fixed assets if in connection with acquisition and
construction of the fixed assets which has not yet reached its intended condition for use; shall be included in
administrative expenses if incurring during the preparation period and not in connection with acquisition and
construction of fixed assets; and shall be included in current finance costs if incurring during the production and
operation period.
       (2) Translation methods for foreign currency financial statements:
       The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at the spot rate on the balance sheet date;
all items of owners' equity, except for retained earnings, shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time
of incurrence.
       The revenues and expenses in the income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the date
of transaction. Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
shall be separately presented under the owners' equity in the balance sheet.
       The cash flows in foreign currency and cash flows of overseas subsidiaries shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate on the date of incurrence of the cash flows.
10. Financial instruments
       Financial instruments refer to any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of a party and financial
liabilities or equity instruments of other parties.
      (1) Recognition and de-recognition of financial instruments
       The Company shall recognize relevant financial assets or financial liabilities when becoming a party of the
financial instrument contract.
       The financial assets shall be derecognized when meeting any of the following conditions: 1) The
contractual right to charge the cash flow of the financial assets is terminated; 2) The financial assets have been
transferred and the Company has transferred almost all risks and remuneration of the financial assets ownership
to the transferee; and 3) The financial assets have been transferred and the Company does neither transfer nor
retain almost all risks and remuneration of the financial assets ownership but gives up the control over the
financial assets.
       The financial liabilities (or part thereof) shall be derecognized only when the existing obligation (or part
thereof) has been discharged.
       For the purchase or sale of financial assets in a conventional way, the Company shall recognize the assets
to be received and the liabilities to be assumed on the trading day, or derecognize the assets sold on the trading
      (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets
       According to the business model of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics
of financial assets, the Company classified financial assets into the following categories: Financial assets

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

measured at the amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, and
financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss of the current period.
       1) Initial measurement of financial assets
       Financial liabilities, upon initial recognition, shall be measured at fair value. For financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss, relevant transaction expenses shall be directly included in current profit or loss; for
other categories of financial assets, relevant transaction expenses shall be included in the initial recognition
amount. For notes receivable and accounts receivable arising from sales of goods or provision of service which
do not include or consider the compositions of major assets, the Company shall take the consideration expected
to be received as the initial recognition amount.
       2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets
       a) Investments in debt instruments measured at amortized cost
       The business model of the Company for managing such financial assets aims at obtaining contractual cash
flow, and the characteristics of contractual cash flow of such financial assets are basically the same as basic
borrowing arrangement, namely the cash flow arising on a specific date, which are solely payments of principal
and interest on the principal amount outstanding. The Company subsequently measures such financial assets at
amortized costs by effective interest method. The gain or loss from their amortization, impairment and
derecognition shall be included in current profit or loss.
       b) Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
       The business model of the Company for managing such financial assets aims at receiving contractual cash
flow as well as selling, and the characteristics of contractual cash flow of such financial assets are basically the
same as basic borrowing arrangement. Such financial assets shall be measured at fair value, with the changes
included in other comprehensive income, but the impairment loss, exchange gain or loss and interest income
calculated by effective interest method shall be included in current profit or loss. The accumulative gains or
losses which are previously included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out from other
comprehensive income and included in current profit or loss upon derecognition.
       c) Investment in debt instruments at fair value through profit or loss
       The Company classifies debt instruments held which are not classified as debt instruments measured at
amortized cost and debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income as financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss. For eliminating or significantly reducing accounting mismatch upon initial
recognition, financial assets may be designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Such
financial assets shall be subsequently measured at fair value with all changes in fair value included in current
profit or loss. Only when the Company changes the business model of managing financial assets, shall relevant
financial assets being affected be reclassified.
       d) Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
       The Company designates some of the investments in non-trading equity instrument as financial assets at
fair value through other comprehensive income upon initial recognition. The Company includes relevant
dividends income in current profit or loss, with changes in fair value included in other comprehensive income.
The accumulative gains or losses which are previously included in other comprehensive income shall be
transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings instead of current profit or loss upon
derecognition of such financial assets.
      (3) Recognition basis and measurement methods for transfer of financial assets
       If the Company has transferred almost all risks and remuneration of the financial assets ownership to the
transferee, the financial assets shall be derecognized; if the Company retains almost all risks and remuneration of
the financial assets ownership, the financial assets shall not be derecognized.
       The Company does neither transfer nor retain almost all risks and remuneration of the financial assets
ownership but gives up the control over the financial assets, such financial assets shall be derecognized and the
rights or obligations arising or retained during the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities; if
control over the financial assets is retained, relevant financial assets shall be continuously recognized according
to the extent of involving in the financial assets transferred and relevant liabilities shall be recognized
      (4) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
       Financial liabilities shall be classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost and financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition.
      1) Initial measurement of financial liabilities
       Any financial liability meeting any of the following conditions can be designated upon initial measurement
as the financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: a) This designation can eliminate or significantly
reduce accounting mismatch; b) According to the risk management or investment strategy of the Company as

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

stated in formal written document, the portfolio of financial liabilities or the portfolio of financial assets and
financial liabilities is managed and evaluated on the basis of fair value, and reported to the key management on
the basis of this inside the Company; c) This financial liability contains embedded derivative to be separately
        The Company shall determine classification of the financial liabilities upon initial recognition. For
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction expenses shall be directly included in
current profit or loss; relevant transaction expenses of financial liabilities measured at amortized cost shall be
included in the initial recognition amount.
       2) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
        a) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: The Company subsequently measures such financial
liabilities at amortized costs by effective interest method. The gain or loss from derecognition or amortization
shall be included in current profit/loss.
        b) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: Including held-for-trading financial liabilities
(including derivative instruments belonging to financial liabilities) and the financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss upon initial recognition.
        Held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivative instruments belonging to financial liabilities)
shall be subsequently measured at fair value (except for those concerning hedge accounting) with changes in fair
value included in current profit or loss.
        For financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value through profit or loss, changes in fair value
arising from change of the credit risk of the Company shall be included in other comprehensive income;
accumulative gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred from other
comprehensive income to retained earnings. Other changes in fair value shall be included in current profit or loss.
If previous accounting treatment may cause or expand the accounting mismatch in profit or loss, all gains or
losses of such financial liabilities (including the amount affected by change in credit risk of the Company) shall
be included in current profit or loss.
       (5) Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
        When the following conditions are met at the same time, the financial assets and financial liabilities shall
be presented as net amount after offset in the balance sheet: The Company has the legal right to offset the
recognized amount and may exercise such legal right currently; the Company plans to settle with net amount or
realize the financial asset and pay off the financial liability simultaneously.
       (6) Fair value determination of financial instruments
        For financial instruments with active market, the fair value shall be determined by the quotation in the
active market. For financial instruments without active market, the fair value shall be determined by valuation
technique. The Company shall adopt the valuation technique which is applicable in current situation and
supported by sufficient available data and other information for valuation. The Company shall choose inputs
which are consistent with the characteristics of assets or liabilities considered by the market participant in the
transaction of relevant assets and liabilities, and give priority to relevant observable inputs. If it is impossible or
impractical to obtain relevant observable inputs, the Company may use unobservable inputs.
       (7) Impairment of financial instruments
       The Company shall recognize provisions for loss of the financial assets measured at the amortized cost,
investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, contract asset, lease
receivables, loan commitment and financial guarantee contracts based on the expected credit loss.
        The expected credit loss refers to the weighted average credit loss of financial instruments weighted by the
risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flows discounted by the Company at
the original effective interest rate and receivable according to the contract and all expected cash flows received,
namely the present value of all cash shortage. Among which, the financial assets purchased or originated that
have suffered from credit impairment shall be discounted at the effective interest rate of the financial assets after
credit adjustment.
        Lifetime expected credit loss refers to the expected credit loss possibly incurred during the expected
lifetime of financial instruments due to defaults.
        12-month expected credit loss refers to expected credit loss possibly incurred within 12 months (if the
expected lifetime of the financial instrument is less than 12 months, the expected lifetime) after the balance sheet
date due to possible defaults of financial instruments and is an integral part of the lifetime expected credit loss.
        On the balance sheet date, the Company measured the expected credit loss of financial instruments at
different stages, respectively. If the credit risk of a financial instrument has not increased significantly since the
initial recognition, the financial instrument is in Stage 1, and the Company measures the provisions for loss
according to the 12-month expected credit loss; if the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

significantly but the credit impairment has not yet occurred since the initial recognition, the financial instrument
is in Stage 2, and the Company measures the provisions for loss according to the lifetime expected credit losses;
if the financial instrument has suffered credit impairment since the initial recognition, it is in Stage 3, and the
Company measures the provisions for loss according to the lifetime expected credit loss.
       For a financial instrument with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that the
credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and the Company measures the provisions
for loss according to the 12-month expected credit loss.
       For financial instruments with low credit risk in Stage 1 and Stage 2, the Company shall calculate the
interest income according to the carrying amount and effective interest rate before deducting the provisions for
impairment. For financial instruments in Stage 3, the Company shall calculate the interest income according to
the amortized cost and effective interest rate of the carrying amount after withdrawing the provisions for
       For notes receivable and accounts receivable, regardless of whether there is major financing, the Company
shall always consider all reasonable and sound information, including prospective information, to estimate
expected credit loss of the above accounts receivable individually or in combination and adopt the simplified
model of expected credit loss. The Company shall always measure the provisions for loss according to the
lifetime expected credit loss.
      1) Accounts receivable
       a) At the end of the Reporting Period, if there is objective evidence indicating that impairment has occurred
in an account receivable, impairment test shall be carried out separately on it, such as accounts receivable in
dispute with counterparties or involved in litigation or arbitration; if there is obvious indication that the debtor is
likely to fail to comply with the repayment obligation, the impairment loss shall be recognized and the bad debt
provisions shall be made based on the balance between the present value of future cash flows and its carrying
       b) If there is no objective evidence indicating that impairment or the credit loss of a single financial asset
cannot be evaluated at reasonable cost, the accounts receivable shall be classified into several groups by
characteristics of credit risk. The expected credit loss shall be calculated based on the combinations. Basis for
determining the combinations is as below:
                   Item                                                     Determination Basis

        Bank acceptance bill group                                          Bank acceptance bills

           Letter of credit group                                              Letters of credit

     Commercial acceptance bills group                                  Commercial acceptance bills

         Accounts receivable group                                    Receivables from related parties

         Accounts receivable group                                           External customer

          Other receivables group                              Receivables from and payables to related parties

          Other receivables group                      Cash float, deposits and other receivables with low credit risk

          Other receivables group                                              Other amounts
      For accounts receivable divided into risk groups, the Company, with reference to historical experience in
credit loss and based on current situation and forecast of future economic situation, shall prepare a comparison
table between the aging of accounts receivable and the lifetime expected credit loss rate to calculate the expected
credit losses. For other groups, the Company, with reference to historical experience in credit loss and based on
current situation and forecast of future economic situation, shall calculate the expected credit losses according to
the exposure at default and the 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate.
     2) Debt investments and other debt investments
      For debt investment and other debt investments, the Company shall calculate the expected credit loss
according to the nature of investment, types of counterparty and risk exposure, exposure at default and the 12-
month or lifetime expected credit loss rate.
The Company shall include the provision or reversal for loss made or included in current profit or loss. For
investment in debts instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company shall adjust
other comprehensive income when the impairment loss or gain is included in current profit or loss; for financial
assets measured at amortized cost, the provision for loss shall offset the carrying value of such financial assets.

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

11. Inventory
       (1) Classification of inventory
       Inventories mainly include raw materials, packing materials, self-manufactured semi-finished products,
goods in process, inventory of goods, turnover materials, etc.
       (2) Valuation method of inventory
       Grains, raw coal and auxiliary materials for producing Baijiu are measured at actual cost and priced by
weighted average method when sent out; paper, printing ink, and auxiliary materials for producing printed
matters are measured at planned cost when purchased and sent out, with the difference between actual cost and
planned cost included in ―materials cost difference‖. The difference to be amortized by the materials sent out
shall be calculated by materials cost difference by category at the end of the month, so as to adjust cost of the
materials sent out into actual cost; goods in process, self-manufactured semi-finished products, and finished
products are measured at actual cost and priced by weighted average method when sent out.
       (3) Determination basis of net realizable value of inventory and methods for provision of inventory falling
price reserves
       On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If
cost of the inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a provision for inventory falling price reserves shall
be made and included in current profit or loss.
       Net realizable value refers to the amount after deducting the cost estimated until completion, estimated
selling expenses, and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of the inventory.
       The Company shall determine the net realizable value of inventories based on solid evidence obtained and
after taking into consideration the purpose for which the inventory is held, and the impact of post-balance sheet
events. Materials held for use in the production of inventories are measured at cost if the net realizable value of
the finished products in which they will be incorporated is higher than their cost; decline in the price of materials
indicates that the cost of the finished products exceeds their net realizable value, the materials are measured at
net realizable value. The net realizable value of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is based on the
contract price. If the quantities held by the Company is higher than the quantities of inventories specified in sales
contracts, the net realizable value of the excess portion of inventories shall be based on general selling price.
       Any of the following circumstances usually indicates that net realizable value of an inventory is lower than
the cost.
       1) Market price of the inventory declines continuously and there is no hope of rising in the foreseeable
       2) The cost of products produced by the Company with such raw materials is higher than the selling price
of the product.
       3) The raw material inventory no longer satisfies the needs of new products due to upgrade of products,
and the market price of the raw material is lower than the book cost.
       4) The market price declines gradually due to obsolete goods or service provided by the Company, or
change of market demands due to change of consumer preference.
       5) Other circumstances which are sufficient to prove substantial impairment of the inventory.
       The Company shall usually determine the falling price reserves of inventories on an item-by-item basis.
For inventories in large amount and low unit price, provision for inventory falling price reserves may be made by
category of the inventories. For item of inventories relating to a product line that is produced and marketed in the
same geographical area, have the same or similar end uses or purposes, and cannot be practically measured
separately from other items, provision for inventory falling price reserves may be made on an aggregate basis.
       The Company shall determine the net realizable value of inventories on the balance sheet date. When
factors causing written-down of the inventory value disappear, the amount written down shall be recovered and
will be reversed from the provided inventory falling price reserves. The amount reversed will be included in
current profit or loss.
       (4) Inventory system of inventories
       The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
       (5) Amortization method for low-value consumables
       Low-value consumables shall be amortized according to one-off amortization method.
12. Contract assets and contract liabilities
      Under the contract between the Company and the customer, the Company shall be entitled to receive the
contract price for the goods transferred to the customer and for the related services provided, while at the same
time assuming the performance obligation to transfer the goods or services to the customer. When the customer
has actually paid the contract consideration or the enterprise has transferred goods or services to the customer

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

before such consideration is due and payable, the right to receive the consideration for the transferred goods or
services should be presented as a contract asset and recognized as an accounts receivable when the unconditional
right to receive is obtained; conversely, the Company's obligation to transfer goods or services to the customer
for the consideration received or receivable from the customer should be presented as a contract liability. Any
contract liability shall be recognised as revenue when the Company fulfils its obligation to transfer goods or
provide services to the customer. The Company presents contract asset and contract liability under the same
contract on a net basis.
13. Assets held for sale
       (1) Classification of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale
       The Company classifies non-current assets or disposal groups that meet both of the following conditions as
assets held for sale: 1) Assets or disposal groups can be sold immediately under current conditions based on the
practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions; 2) sales are highly likely to occur, that is,
the Company has already made a resolution on a sale plan and obtained a certain purchase commitment, and the
sale is expected to be completed within one year.
       Non-current assets or disposal groups specifically obtained by the Company for resale shall be classified
by the Company as held-for-sale on the acquisition date when they meet the stipulated conditions of ―expected to
be sold within one year‖ on the acquisition date, and may well satisfy the category of held-for-sale within a short
time (which is usually three months).
       If the transaction between non-related parties fails to be completed within one year due to one of the
following circumstances which is over the control of the Company, and the Company still promises to sell the
non-current assets or disposal groups, the Company should continue to classify the non-current assets or disposal
groups as held-for-sale: 1) The purchaser or other party unexpectedly sets conditions that lead to extension of the
sale. The Company has already acted on these conditions in a timely manner and it is expected to be able to
successfully deal with the conditions that led to the extension of the sale within one year after the conditions
were set; 2) due to unusual circumstances, the non-current assets or disposal groups held-for-sale failed to be
sold within one year. In the first year, the Company has taken necessary measures for these new conditions and
the assets or disposal groups meet the conditions of held-for-sale again.
       (2) Measurement of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale
       1) Initial measurement and subsequent measurement
       When the Company initially measures or remeasures non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale on
the balance sheet date, if the carrying value is higher than the fair value minus the net amount of the sale costs,
the carrying value will be written down to the net amount of fair value minus the sale costs. The amount written
down will be recognized as asset impairment loss and included in current profit and loss, and provision for
impairment of assets held for sale will be made.
       Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held-for-sale on the date of acquisition shall be
measured at the lower of net amount of initial measurement amount minus sales cost and that of fair value minus
selling expenses, assuming they were not classified as held-for-sale during initial measurement. Except for non-
current assets or disposal groups acquired from business combination, the difference arising from taking the net
amount of fair value minus sales cost as initial measurement amount of the non-current assets or disposal groups
shall be included in current profit or loss.
       For the recognized amount of asset impairment loss of the disposal groups held for sale, the carrying value
of goodwill of the disposal groups shall be offset first, and then the carrying value of various non-current assets
in the disposal groups shall be offset by proportions.
       Non-current assets held for sale or non-current assets in the disposal group are not subject to depreciation
or amortization. Interest and other expenses of liabilities in the disposal group held for sale shall still be
       2) Accounting treatment for reversal of asset impairment loss
       If the net amount that the fair value of the non-current assets held for sale on the follow-up balance sheet
date minus the sale costs increases, the previous written-down amount will be restored and reversed from the
asset impairment loss recognized after the assets are classified as held-for-sale. The reversed amount shall be
included in the current profit or loss. The asset impairment loss recognized before being classified as held-for-
sale shall not be reversed.
       If the net amount that the fair value of the disposal groups held for sale on the follow-up balance sheet date
minus the sale costs increases, the previous written-down amount will be restored and reversed from the asset
impairment loss recognized for non-current assets after the assets are classified as held-for-sale. The reversed
amount shall be included in the current profit or loss. The carrying value of goodwill which had been written

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

down and the asset impairment loss recognized before non-current assets being classified as held-for-sale shall
not be reversed.
      For the recognized amount of asset impairment loss of the disposal groups held for sale which is reserved
subsequently, the carrying value shall be increased according to the proportion of carrying value of various non-
current assets (except for goodwill) in the disposal groups.
      3) Accounting treatment for assets no longer classified as held-for-sale and derecognition
      When a non-current assets or disposal group ceases to be classified as held-for-sale or a non-current asset
is removed from the disposal group held for sale due to failure in meeting the classification conditions for the
category of held-for-sale, it will be measured by one of the followings, whichever is lower: a) Amount after
adjusting the carrying value before being classified as held for sale according to the depreciation, amortization or
impairment that would have been recognized under the assumption that it was not classified as held for sale; b)
the recoverable amount.
      The gain or loss not yet recognized shall be included in current profit or loss when recognizing the non-
current assets or disposal groups held for sale.
14. Long-term equity investments
      (1) Determination of initial investment cost
      a) Long-term equity investment from business combination
      1) For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries acquired through business combination involving
enterprises under the common control, the share of the carrying value of the owners' equity of the combined
party in the ultimate controller's consolidated financial statements on the date of combination shall be taken as
the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. The share premium of the capital reserve shall be
adjusted with the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the
carrying value of the consideration paid. If the share premium of the capital reserve is insufficient for writing
down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
      2) For long-term equity investments in subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving
enterprises not under the common control, initial investment cost of the investment shall be the fair value of the
assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the Company in exchange for control
over the acquiree on the date of acquisition. For long-term equity investment in subsidiaries acquired through
business combination involving enterprises not under the common control implemented by multiple transactions,
the initial investment cost shall be the sum of the carrying value of equity investment held by the Company in
the acquiree before the date of acquisition and the cost of new investment on the date of acquisition.
      b) For long-term equity investment acquired by cash payment, the initial investment cost shall be the
purchase price actually paid. The initial investment cost includes fees, taxes and other necessary expenses
directly related to acquire the long-term equity investment.
      c) For long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost of long-
term equity investment obtained by issuing of equity securities shall be the fair value of issuing the equity
      d) The initial investment cost of long-term equity investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary
assets shall be the fair value of the assets surrendered and relevant taxes payable if the exchange of non-
monetary assets has commercial nature and the fair value of the assets received or surrendered may be reliably
measured, unless there is conclusive evidence providing that fair value of the assets received is more reliable.
For exchange of non-monetary assets not meeting the above conditions, the initial investment cost shall be the
carrying value of the assets surrendered and relevant taxes payable.
      e) The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by debt restructuring shall be
recognized at the fair value.
      (2) Subsequent measurement and profit & loss recognition methods
      The long-term equity investment in subsidiaries is measured by the cost method. Long-term equity
investment calculated by cost method shall be priced at the initial investment cost. The cost of long-term equity
investment shall be adjusted when the investment is added or recovered. The cash dividends or profits declared
to be distributed by the invested company should be recognized as current return on investment.
      The long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures is accounted by the equity method.
      If the initial cost of long-term equity investment is greater than the fair value of identifiable net assets of
the invested company gained from the investment, the initial cost of long-term equity investment shall not be
adjusted. If the initial investment cost is smaller than the fair value of identifiable net assets of the invested
company gained from the investment, the difference shall be included in current profit or loss, and the cost of
long-term equity investments shall be adjusted.

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      After the Company obtains a long-term equity investment, it shall, in accordance with the share of the net
profits and other comprehensive income of the invested company to be enjoyed or shared, recognize the return
on investment and other comprehensive income respectively, and adjust the carrying value of the long-term
equity investment. The Company shall, in accordance with the share in the profits or cash dividends declared and
distributed by the invested company, decrease the carrying value of the long-term equity investment accordingly.
      As for other changes in owners' equity except for the net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution of the invested company, the Company shall adjust the carrying value of the long-term equity
investment and include it into the owners' equity. When the share of the net profit or loss of the invested
company is recognized, the net profit of the invested company shall be adjusted and recognized according to the
fair value of the net identifiable assets of the invested company when the investment is made.
      For the transactions between the Company and associates and joint ventures, the unrealized gains and
losses of the internal transactions shall be offset by the proportion attributable to the Company, and the return on
investment is recognized accordingly. Unrecorded internal transaction losses incurred between the Company and
the invested company shall be recognized in full if they fell under asset impairment loss.
      The Company shall recognize the net losses of the invested company until the carrying value of the long-
term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment
made to the invested company are reduced to zero, unless the Company has the obligation to undertake extra
losses. If the invested company realizes a net profit in the subsequent period, the Company shall restore the
recognition of its share in profits after its share in profits offsets the share in unrecognized losses.
      If the accounting policy and accounting period adopted by the invested company are inconsistent with
those adopted by the Company, financial statements of the invested company shall be adjusted and return on
investment and other comprehensive income shall be recognized according to the accounting policy and
accounting period of the Company.
      (3) Disposal of long-term equity investments
      In disposal of the long-term equity investment, the balance between the carrying value and the actual price
at which the investment is obtained shall be included in current profit or loss.
      For long-term equity investment accounted by the equity method, the part of the investment originally
included in other comprehensive income shall be accounted for on the same basis as the invested company's
direct disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities when disposed. The owners' equity recognized as a result of
changes in other owners' equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and profit distribution
of the invested company is carried forward proportionally into current profit or loss, except for other
comprehensive income arising from changes due to remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of the defined
benefit plan.
      In case of loss of common control or significant influence on the invested company due to disposal of part
of the equity investments, residual equity will be accounted by the recognition and measurement criterion for
financial instruments. The difference between the fair value on the date of losing common control or significant
influence and the carrying value shall be included in current profit or loss. Other comprehensive income
recognized due to accounting of the original equity investment by equity method shall be accounted for on the
same basis as the invested company’s direct disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities when stopping using
equity method. Owner’s equity recognized due to other changes in other owners’ equity other than the net profit
or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the invested company will all be carried forward
into current profit or loss when stop using equity method.
      If the Company disposes of part of the equity investment and loses control over the invested company, and
if the remaining equity after disposal can implement joint control or exert significant influence on the invested
company, it shall be accounted for using the equity method when the individual financial statements are prepared,
and the equity shall be adjusted as if the remaining equity had been accounted for using the equity method since
acquired; if the remaining equity after disposal cannot implement joint control or exert significant influence on
the invested company, it shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the criteria for recognition and measurement of financial instruments. The difference between the fair value and
the carrying value on the date of losing control shall be included in the current profit or loss.
      If the disposed equities are acquired by the business combination due to the reasons such as additional
investment, the remaining equities after the disposal shall be calculated based on the cost method or equity
method in preparing the individual financial statements, and other comprehensive income and other owners'
equity recognized because of the equity method adopted for the calculation of the equity investment held prior to
the date of acquisition are carried forward in proportion; if the remaining equities after the disposal shall be
changed to be accounted in accordance with the recognition and measurement criterion for financial instruments,
other comprehensive income and other owners' equity shall be carried forward in full.

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      (4) Determination basis of common control and significant influence on the invested company
      Common control means common control over an arrangement according to relevant provisions, and the
decision-making for relevant activities of such arrangement needs unanimous agreement of all participants
sharing the control.
      Significant influence means having the power to participate in decision-making of the financial and
operating policies of the invested company, but not the power to control or jointly control the formulation of
these policies together with other parties.
15. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition conditions
      Fixed assets refer to tangible assets which are held for producing goods, providing services, renting or
operation and management and with service life of more than one year and high unit value.
      Costs of outsourced fixed assets include purchase price, import duty and other relevant taxes, and other
expenditures incurred before and for making the fixed assets reach its intended condition for use directly
attributable to such assets.
      Book value of self-constructed fixed assets shall be the necessary expenditures incurred before and for
making the fixed assets reach its intended condition for use.
      Book value of fixed assets invested by investors shall be the value recognized by the investors.
      Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets shall be included in the cost of fixed assets if meeting the
recognition conditions for fixed assets, and shall be included in current profit or loss if not meeting the
recognition conditions for fixed assets.
(2) Depreciation method
       Category           Depreciation Method     Depreciation Life       Residual Rate       Yearly Depreciation Rate
Tenements and Buildings   Straight-line method      25-30 years              3%-5%                  3.17-3.88%
   General equipment      Straight-line method      10-12 years              3%-5%                  7.92-9.70%
 Specialised equipment    Straight-line method       eight years             3%-5%                 11.18-12.13%
  Transport equipment     Straight-line method        six years              3%-5%                 15.83-16.17%
    Other equipment       Straight-line method        six years              3%-5%                 15.83-16.17%
     Fixed assets are recorded at actual cost at the time of acquisition and depreciated using the straight-line
method (the straight-line depreciation) from the second month after they reach their intended serviceable
16. Construction in progress
      (1) For construction in progress, book value of the fixed assets shall be the necessary expenditures incurred
before the assets reach its intended condition for use.
      (2) Cost of fixed assets that have reached the intended condition for use but for which the completion
settlement has not been handled shall be recognized at the estimated value, and depreciation shall be provided.
Adjustment shall be made to the originally and provisionally estimated value based on the actual cost after the
completion settlement is handled, but depreciation already provided shall not be adjusted.
17. Borrowing costs
      (1) Recognition principles of borrowing costs:
      Interest of borrowings, and amortization of discount or premium attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of fixed assets, investment properties and inventories meeting the conditions of
capitalization period and capitalization amount should be capitalized and included in the cost of such assets;
other interest of borrowings, and amortization of discounts or premiums shall be included in expenses in current
period. The exchange differences incurred from special foreign currency borrowings for acquisition and
construction or production of fixed assets and investment properties shall be capitalized and included in the cost
of such assets if it is within the capitalization period. Auxiliary expenses for special borrowings, if incurred
before the fixed assets acquired or constructed reach the intended condition for use, shall be capitalized at the
time of occurrence; other auxiliary expenses shall be recognized as expenses in current period and included in
current profit or loss.
      (2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs:
      a) Commencement of capitalization: Capitalization of borrowing interest, amortization of discount or
premium, and exchange differences shall be commenced when all the following conditions are met.

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      1) Asset expenditure has already occurred.
      2) Borrowing costs have already occurred.
      3) Acquisition and construction activities necessary to bring the assets to the intended condition for use
have already begun.
      b) Suspension of capitalisation: Where the acquisition and construction of a fixed asset is interrupted
abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended and the borrowing costs shall be recognized as current expenses until recommencement of the
acquisition and construction of the asset.
      c) Termination of capitalization: When the fixed assets acquired and constructed reach the intended
condition for use, capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be terminated.
      (3) Capitalized amount of borrowing costs:
      Capitalized amount of interest of special borrowings during each accounting period shall be the amount of
interest expenses actually incurred in the current period less the interest income of the borrowings unused and
deposited in bank or the amount of return on investment from temporary investment. Interest of general
borrowings to be capitalized should be calculated by multiplying the weighted average of asset disbursements of
the excess of accumulated asset disbursements over the special borrowings by the capitalization rate of used
general borrowings.
      (4) Determination principles of capitalization rate:
      The capitalization rate is calculated by weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
18. Right-of-use assets
     Refer to "Part X, V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates, 28. Lease".
19. Intangible assets
(1) Valuation method, service life and impairment test
      a) Valuation and amortization of intangible assets: Externally acquired intangible assets shall be measured
at the actual cost when acquired and averagely amortized during the expected service life since the month when
the intangible assets is acquired; book value of the self-developed intangible assets shall be the sum of the
expenditures during the research and development stage of internal research and development projects of the
Company which are eligible for capitalization and the expenditures incurred before reaching the intended
condition for use, and be averagely amortized over the expected service life since the month in which the
intangible asset is ready for use.
      b) Service life: Service life of intangible assets shall be analyzed and determined when acquired. Intangible
assets with limited service life shall be amortized over period during which they may bring economic interests; if
the period during which the intangible assets may bring economic benefit to the enterprise is unforeseeable, such
intangible assets shall be considered as intangible assets with uncertain service life and shall not be amortized.
      c) Impairment test: At the end of each year, the Company shall recheck the service life and amortization
method of the intangible assets. Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall be subject to impairment test
every year whether there is any indication of impairment.
(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development costs
       The expenditures of the Company’s internal research and development projects are divided into research
phase expenditures and development phase expenditures.
       Research phase expenditures shall be included in current profit or loss when incurred.
       Development phase expenditures can be capitalized and recognized as intangible assets only when meeting
all of the following conditions, otherwise shall be included in current profit or loss when incurred:
       a) It is technically feasible to complete this intangible assets so that it can be used or sold.
       b) The Company has the intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them.
       c) The way in which intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the ability to prove that the
products produced using the intangible assets exist in the market or the intangible assets themselves exist in the
market, and the intangible assets will be used internally, can prove their usefulness; sufficient technical, financial
resources and other resources support to complete the development of the intangible asset and the ability to use
or sell the intangible asset; the expenditure attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be
reliably measured.
20. Long-term asset impairment
      For the long-term equity investments, investment properties, fixed assets, construction in progress,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets measured at cost model, if there are signs of impairment, an

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

impairment test shall be conducted on the balance sheet date. If the recoverable amount of the asset is less than
its carrying value according to the test, provision for impairment will be made at the difference and included in
impairment loss. Recoverable amount is the higher of the net amount of fair value of an asset deducting the
disposal expenses and the present value of estimated future cash flow of the asset. The provision for impairment
of assets is calculated and made on an individual basis. If it is difficult for the Company to estimate the
recoverable amount of the individual asset, the recoverable amount of an asset group, to which the said asset
belongs, shall be determined. Asset group is the smallest asset group that can independently generate cash
      For goodwill, impairment test shall be conducted at least at the end of each year. Impairment test shall be
carried out in combination with the relevant asset group or combination of asset group.
      The carrying value of goodwill caused by business combination is amortized to relevant asset groups with
a reasonable method from the date of acquisition when the Company carries out impairment test on goodwill; or
amortized to relevant combination of asset groups if it is difficult to be amortized to relevant asset groups. When
the carrying value of goodwill is amortized to the relevant assets group or combination of assets groups, it shall
be evenly amortized according to the proportion of the fair value of each assets group or combination of assets
groups in the total fair value of the relevant assets groups or combinations of assets groups. Where the fair value
cannot be reliably measured, it should be amortized according to the proportion of the carrying value of each
asset group or combination of assets groups in the total carrying value of assets groups or combinations of assets
      When making an impairment test on the relevant assets groups or combination of assets groups containing
goodwill, if any indication shows that the assets groups or combinations of assets groups may be impaired, the
Company shall first conduct an impairment test on the assets groups or combinations of assets groups not
containing goodwill, calculate the recoverable amount and compare it with relevant carrying value to recognize
the corresponding impairment loss. Then the Company shall conduct an impairment test on the assets groups or
combinations of assets groups containing goodwill, and compare the carrying value of these assets groups or
combinations of assets groups (including the carrying value of the goodwill apportioned thereto) with the
recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of the relevant assets groups or combinations of assets
groups is lower than the carrying value thereof, the Company shall recognize the impairment loss of goodwill.
      The above asset impairment losses shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods once recognized.
21. Long-term prepaid expense
      Long-term prepaid expense is recorded according to the actual amount incurred and amortized over the
benefit period or the stipulated amortization period by the straight-line method. If a long-term deferred expense
item cannot benefit a later accounting period, the amortized value of the item that has not been amortized shall
be transferred to the current profit or loss; long-term prepaid expense such as expenditure for improvement of
fixed assets under operating lease shall be amortized averagely within the benefit period.
22. Employee benefits
(1) Accounting treatment of short-term remuneration
     Short-term remuneration refers to the payroll which is expected to be paid in full by the enterprise within
12 months after the end of the year in which the employee provided relevant services.
     During the accounting period when employees serve the Company, the actual short-term remuneration is
recognized as liabilities and included in current profit or loss or costs of relevant assets.
(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
       Post-employment benefits refer to various compensations and benefits to be provided by the enterprise
after retirement from or termination of the labor relation with the enterprise in exchange for the service provided
by the employee. Post-employment benefits are divided into two types: Defined contribution plans and defined
benefit plans.
       a) Defined contribution plan: Contribution which shall be made by the Company separately on the balance
sheet date in exchange for the service provided by the employee during the accounting period shall be
recognized as payroll liabilities and included in current profit or loss or relevant asset cost.
       b) Defined benefit plan: Based on the formula determined by expected cumulative welfare unit method, the
benefit obligations arising from the defined benefit plan shall be attributable to the period in which the employee
provides service and included in current profit or loss or cost of relevant asset; changes due to remeasurement of
the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan shall be included in other comprehensive income and
shall not be reversed to profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods.

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(3) Accounting treatment of dismissal benefits
      Dismissal benefits refer to the compensation paid to the employee by the enterprise for termination of the
labor contract with the employee prior to expiration, or encouraging the employee to accept downsizing
      If the enterprise provides dismissal benefits, payroll liabilities arising from dismissal benefits shall be
recognized and included in current profit or loss on the earlier date of:
      a) The date when the enterprise could not unilaterally withdraw the dismissal benefits which offered by the
plan or layoff proposal due to termination of the labor relation.
      b) The date when the enterprise recognizes the cost or expense related to the reorganization related to
payment of the dismissal benefits.
(4) Accounting treatment of the other long-term employee welfare
       Other long-term employee benefits refer to all payrolls except for short-term remuneration, post-
employment benefits, and dismissal benefits, including long-term paid absences, long-term disability benefits,
long-term profit sharing plan, etc.
       The other long-term employee benefits provided by the enterprise shall be recognized and measured as net
liability or net asset of other long-term employee benefits according to relevant provisions of the defined benefit
plan, except for those meetings the conditions of defined contribution plan.
23. Lease liabilities
     Refer to "Part X, V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates, 28. Lease".
24. Provisions
      (1) Recognition criteria for provisions
      When obligations related to contingencies meet the following conditions, the Company shall recognize
them as provisions:
      a) The obligation is the current obligation assumed by the Company.
      b) The performance of this obligation may result in the outflow of economic benefits.
      c) The amount of this obligation can be reliably measured.
      (2) Measurement method of provisions
      Considering the risks, uncertainties, and time value of money related to contingencies, the provisions shall
be initially measured at the best estimate of the required expenditure for the performance of current obligation. If
the time value of money is significant, the best estimate shall be determined after discounting relevant future
cash outflow. The Company shall check the carrying value of the provisions on the balance sheet date, and adjust
the carrying value to reflect current best estimate.
25. Revenue
      Accounting policy for recognition and measurement of revenue
      (1) Recognition principles of revenues
      Revenue is the total inflow of economic benefits arising from the Company's ordinary activities that would
result in an increase in shareholders' equity and are unrelated to capital contributions by shareholders.
      The Company recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its performance obligations under the contract, that
is, when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods. Obtaining control over related goods means being
able to dominate the use of the goods and obtain almost all economic benefits from them.
      If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company will allocate the transaction
price to each individual performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the individual selling
price of the goods or services promised under each individual performance obligation on the contract
commencement date, and measure the revenue according to the transaction price allocated to each individual
performance obligation.
      Transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be received due to the
transfer of goods or services to customers, excluding the amount collected on behalf of third parties. In
determining the transaction price of a contract, if variable consideration exists, the Company will determine the
best estimate of the variable consideration based on the expected or most likely amount and include in the
transaction price in an amount not exceeding the amount that the accumulated recognized revenue will most
likely not be significantly reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. If there is a significant financing
component in the contract, the Company will determine the transaction price according to the amount payable by
the customer in cash when obtaining the control right of the goods. The difference between the transaction price
and the contract consideration will be amortized by the effective interest rate method during the contract period.

                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

If the interval between the transfer of control right and the payment price by the customer does not exceed one
year, the Company will not consider the financing component.
        Performance obligations are fulfilled within a certain period if any of the following conditions is met;
otherwise, performance obligations are fulfilled at a certain point in time:
        a) The customer acquires and consumes the economic benefits of the Company's performance at the same
time as the Company's performance;
        b) The customer controls the goods under construction during the performance of the Company;
        c) The goods produced by the Company during the performance of the contract have irreplaceable uses,
and the Company has the right to collect money for the accumulated performance that has been completed so far
during the whole contract period.
        For performance obligations performed within a certain period, the Company recognizes revenue according
to the performance progress within that period, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably
determined. The Company determines the performance progress of the services provided according to the input
method (or output method). When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the costs
incurred by the Company are expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to the
amount of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined.
        For performance obligations performed at a certain point in time, the Company recognizes revenue at the
point when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods. When judging whether the customer has acquired
control of goods or services, the Company will consider the following indications:
        a) The Company has a present right to receive payment for the goods or services, i.e. the customer has a
present obligation to pay for the goods;
        b) The Company has transferred legal ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer has legal
ownership of the goods;
        c) The Company has physically transferred the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer has taken physical
possession of the goods;
        d) The Company has transferred to the customer the principal risks and rewards of ownership of the goods,
i.e., the customer has acquired the principal risks and rewards of ownership of the good;
        e) The customer has accepted the goods.
        (2) Recognition methods of revenues
        a) Recognition methods of revenues for distribution model
        The Company arranges logistics delivery to the customer's designated location, delivers the goods to the
buyer according to the contract, and recognizes revenue after the buyer signs for it;
        b) Recognition methods of revenues for direct sales model
       1) Group purchase sales: Revenue is recognized when the Company delivers the goods to the buyer and
receives payment or acquires the right to receive payment;
       2) On-line sales; Revenue is recognized when the Company receives the payment transferred from the e-
commerce platform from the consumer.
26. Government subsidy
      (1) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of asset-related government subsidies
      The asset-related government subsidies refer to the government subsidies obtained by the Company and
used for acquisition or construction or for formation of long-term assets in other ways, including the financial
allocation for purchasing fixed assets or intangible assets, the financial discount for special loan of fixed assets
and others.
      The specific standard of the Company for classifying the government subsidies as asset-related subsidies:
government subsidies obtained by the Company and used for acquisition or construction or for formation of
long-term assets in other ways.
      If the government documents do not specify the target of the subsidies, the basis that the Company
classifies the government subsidies as asset-related subsidies or income-related subsidies were as follows:
Whether the subsidies are used for acquisition or construction or for formation of long-term assets in other ways.
      Timing of recognition of asset-related government subsidies of the Company: Government subsidies, when
actually received, shall be recognized as deferred income and transferred equally to current profit or loss based
on the expected service life of the long-term assets when the long-term assets are available for use.
      The asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, and included in current profit or
loss by stages based on the service life of the assets acquired and constructed. If the related asset is sold,
transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of the service life, the deferred income balance not yet
distributed shall be transferred to the profits and losses of the period in which the assets are disposed.

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      (2) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of income-related government subsidies
      Income-related government subsidies refer to all the government subsidies other than asset-related
government subsidies.
      The specific standard of the Company for classifying the government subsidies as income-related subsidies:
All the government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies.
      Timing of recognition of income-related government subsidies of the Company: Government subsidies,
when actually received, shall be included in current profit or loss if used to compensate the relevant expenses or
losses of the Company in the subsequent period; included in current profit or loss directly when acquired if used
to compensate relevant expenses or losses incurred by the Company.
      Income-related government subsidies used to compensate the relevant expenses or losses of the Company
in the subsequent period shall be recognized as deferred income when acquired; included in current profit or loss
in the period in which relevant expenses are recognized; those used to compensate relevant expenses or losses
incurred by the Company, shall be directly included in profit or loss directly when they are received.
      (3) The government subsidies related to daily activities of the Company shall be included in other incomes
or used to offset relevant costs and expenses according to the substance of the economic business. The
government subsidies irrelevant to the daily activities of the Company shall be included in non-operating
27. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
       The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated and recognized according
to the difference (temporary difference) between the tax base and carrying value of the assets and liabilities.
Deductible losses that can be carried forward to the subsequent year to offset taxable income according to the tax
law shall be considered as temporary difference, and corresponding deferred income tax assets shall be
       For temporary differences related to the initial recognition of goodwill, corresponding deferred income tax
liabilities shall not be recognized. For the temporary differences related to the initial recognition of the assets or
liabilities incurred in the transaction not for business combination that will not affect the accounting profits and
taxable income (or deductible losses), corresponding deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall not be recognized. The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
measured on the balance sheet date according to the applicable tax rate in the period of expected recovery of
relevant assets or liquidation of relevant liabilities.
       Deferred income tax assets shall be recognized within the limit of taxable income which the Company may
obtain for deducting deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax deduction. Deferred income tax
assets and deferred income tax liabilities arising from temporary differences related to the investment in
subsidiaries and associates shall be recognized. If the time of reversal of temporary differences can be controlled
by the Company and the temporary differences are likely to not be reversed in the foreseeable future, deferred
income tax assets and liabilities shall not be recognized.
28. Leases
      From the effectiveness date of a contract, the Company assesses whether the contract is a lease or includes
any lease. If a party to the contract transfers the right allowing the control over the use of one or more assets that
have been identified within a certain period, in exchange for a consideration, such contract is a lease or includes
a lease.
      (1) Accounting treatment of the Company as the lessee
      On the commencement date of the lease term, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
being adopted simplified treatment, the Company recognises right-of-use assets or lease liabilities for the lease.
      Right-of-use assets shall be initially measured at costs, including: a) The initial measurement amount of the
lease liabilities; b) the lease payment paid on or before the commencement date of the lease term. If there is a
lease incentive, the amount related to the lease incentive taken should be deducted; c) the initial direct cost
incurred by the lessee; d) the estimated cost that the Company will use to pull down and remove the leasehold
property, and restore the site of the leasehold property or restore the leasehold property to the state agreed in the
lease clauses (excluding the costs incurred by inventories for production).
      The lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value of the unpaid lease payment from the
commencement date of the lease term. When calculating the present value of lease payments, the Company uses
the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. If the interest rate implicit in lease cannot be determined,
the Company’s incremental lending rate is used as the rate of discount.
      After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company subsequently measures the right-of-use
assets at cost model, and the right-of-use assets are subject to depreciation by using the straight-line method.

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Meanwhile, the interest expenses of the lease liabilities in each period of the lease term are calculated, and shall
be included in the profit or loss for the current period, unless otherwise stipulated to be included in underlying
asset costs. Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities are included
in current profit or loss when actually incurred, unless otherwise stipulated to be included in underlying asset
       For short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Company chooses not to recognise right-of-use
assets and lease liabilities. They are included in relevant asset cost or the profit or loss for the current period in
the straight-line method in each period of the lease term.
       (2) Accounting treatment of the Company as the lessor
       a) Classification of lease
       The Company classifies leases into finance leases and operating leases at the inception of leases. A finance
lease refers to a lease where almost all the risks and rewards, related to the ownership of the leased asset, are
substantially transferred, regardless of whether the ownership is eventually transferred or not. An operating lease
refers to all leases other than finance leases.
       b) Accounting treatment of financial lease
       On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognises the finance lease receivables for the
finance lease and derecognises the leased asset of the finance lease. In the initial measurement of finance lease
receivables, the sum of the unsecured residual value and the present value of the lease payments receivable not
yet received on the commencement date of the lease term discounted at the interest rate implicit in lease is the
book value of the finance lease receivables. The Company calculates and recognises the interest income in each
period within the lease term at a fixed interest rate implicit in the lease. The received variable lease payments
that are not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are included in profit or loss for the
current period when they are actually incurred.
       c) Accounting treatment of operating lease
       The Company recognises the lease payments receivable of the operating lease as rental earning in each
period within the lease term on a straight-line basis or according to other systematic and reasonable methods.
The initial direct costs related to the operating lease are capitalised, amortised within the lease term on the same
basis as the recognition of rental earning, and included in profit or loss for the current period. The received
variable lease payments related to the operating lease that are not included in the lease payments receivable are
included in profit or loss for the current period when they are actually incurred.
29. Changes to Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates
(1) Changes to Significant Accounting Policies
      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                         Change and reason                                                         Note
     In December 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 15 for the Accounting       The implementation of
Standards for Business Enterprises, with provisions regarding "accounting treatments for the sale of     the provisions had no
products or by-products produced by an enterprise before a fixed asset is ready for its intended use     impact on the financial
or in the course of research and development" and "judgment on loss-making contracts‖. The              statements of the
Company has implemented the aforementioned provisions since 1 January 2022.                              Company.
     In November 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 16 for the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, with provisions regarding "accounting treatments for deferred
                                                                                                         The implementation of
income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction that is not exempt from
                                                                                                         the provisions had no
initial recognition", "accounting treatments for the income tax effects of dividends on financial
                                                                                                         impact on the financial
instruments classified as equity instruments by the issuer", and "accounting treatments for the
                                                                                                         statements of the
modification of share-based payments settled in cash to share-based payments settled in equity". The
first provision will be implemented by the Company from 1 January 2023, while the second and
third provisions will be implemented from the date of publication.

(2) Changes to Significant Accounting Estimates
     □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

VI Taxes
1. Main taxes and tax rates
                   Tax Item                                        Tax Basis                             Tax Rate
                                                                                                13% (paid after offsetting input
                     VAT                                    Taxable sales revenue
               Consumption tax                        Taxable price or ex-factory price                              10%, 20%
    Urban maintenance and construction tax                  Turnover tax payable                                            7%
             Corporate income tax                             Taxable income                                               25%
              Education surcharge                           Turnover tax payable                                            3%
           Local education surcharge                        Turnover tax payable                                            2%
     Note on disclosure of taxpayer applying different corporate income tax rates:
                              Name of taxpayer                                                Income tax rate
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd.                                                                         15%
Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials Company Limited                                                                  15%
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd.                                                        15%
Yibin Xinxing Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                          20%
Sichuan Jiebeike Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                        20%
Sichuan Jinwuxin Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                      20%
Yibin Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd.                                                                               20%
Linzhang Desheng Liquor Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                                    20%
Sichuan Wuliangye Tourist Agency Co., Ltd.                                                                                 20%

2. Tax preference
      (1) Value added tax (VAT)
      In January 2007, Sichuan Yibin Global Gelasi Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd. obtained the certificate of
social welfare enterprise "F.Q.ZH.Z. No. 51004121049" issued by the Department of Civil Affairs of Sichuan
Province. The Company, conforming to relevant provisions of G.SH.F. [2016] No. 33 and the Notice on VAT
Preferential Policy for Promoting the Employment of the Disabled of the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation (C.SH. [2016] No. 52), enjoys the drawback policy of value-added tax. Recoverable
value-added tax of each month = Number of disabled person employed by the taxpayer in current month x
quadruple of the minimum wage of current month. The amount of value-added tax refunded in 2022 was
       (2) Corporate income tax
      Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials Company
Limited, and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd. conforming to the
Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Continuing the Corporate
Income Tax Policies for the Large-Scale Development of Western China (Announcement [2020] No. 23 of the
Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission)
has been filed with the Local Taxation Bureau of Yibin for preferential corporate income tax and pays the
corporate income tax at 15%.
      Yibin Xinxing Packaging Co., Ltd., Sichuan Jiebeike Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Sichuan
Jinwuxin Technology Co., Ltd., Yibin Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd., Linzhang Desheng Liquor
Trade Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Wuliangye Tourist Agency Co., Ltd. conform to the provisions of the Notice on
Implementing the Inclusive Tax Deduction Policy for Small and Micro Enterprises (C.SH. [2019] No. 13), and
the Announcement on Implementing the Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises and
Individual Industrial and Commercial Households ([2021] No. 12), and the Announcement on the Further
Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises ([2022] No. 13) jointly
issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, which specifying that if the annual
taxable income of small low-profit enterprises is less than RMB1 million, the taxable income shall be 12.5% of
such annual taxable income and the corporate income tax rate shall be 20%; if the annual taxable income is more
than RMB1 million but less than RMB3 million, the taxable income shall be 25% of such annual taxable income
and the corporate income tax rate shall be 20%.

                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

            VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
            1. Monetary assets
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                      Closing balance                     Opening balance
                                 Cash on hand                                                     19,772.01                      21,897.04
                                 Bank deposits                                         92,144,164,939.42                 82,028,143,002.95
                             Other monetary assets                                       214,242,264.36                     307,791,027.75
                                      Total                                            92,358,426,975.79                 82,335,955,927.74
            Total amount restricted in use due to being mortgaged, in
                                                                                         192,532,713.23                     307,498,340.40
                               pledge, frozen, etc.
                 Other information:
                 (1) Other monetary assets included the securities trading balance of RMB3,222.19 deposited with the Yibin
            Business Department of Essence Securities, the security deposits for bank acceptance notes of
            RMB192,004,714.62, the Tenpay account balance of RMB21,709,551.13, and other security deposits of
                 (2) Among other monetary assets, the securities trading balance of RMB3,222.19, the security deposits for
            bank acceptance notes of RMB192,004,714.62, and other security deposits of RMB524,776.42 were restricted in
            use. Save as disclosed above, there were no other funds restricted in use due to being mortgaged, in pledge,
            frozen, etc.; nor there were funds deposited overseas and restricted in repatriation.
                 A liquor/wine production enterprise should disclose in detail whether there is any special interest
            arrangement where the Company and any of its stakeholders have a joint account for funds, etc.
                 □ Applicable  Not applicable
            2. Notes receivable
            (1) Notes receivable presented by category
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                              Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance
                     Bank acceptance notes                                                                               23,859,058,132.07
                        Letters of credit                                       119,918,307.60
                             Total                                              119,918,307.60                           23,859,058,132.07
                 As a result of the decreased discount rates on the notes during the current period, the Company changed the
            purpose of managing its bank acceptance notes from notes receivable with the purpose of collecting contractual
            cash flows to notes receivable with the purposes of both collecting contractual cash flows when due and selling,
            which were reclassified from notes receivable to financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                            Closing balance                                                   Opening balance
                                                 Allowance for                                                      Allowance for
                     Gross amount                                                        Gross amount
                                                doubtful account                                                   doubtful account
 Category                         As % of          Allowance Carrying amount                           As % of          Allowance Carrying amount
                                  the total          as % of                                           the total          as % of
                  Amount                    Amount                                    Amount                     Amount
                                    gross           the gross                                            gross           the gross
                                  amount             amount                                            amount             amount
for which
for doubtful

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

on an
for which
for doubtful
accounts         119,918,307.60 100.00%                     119,918,307.60 23,859,058,132.07 100.00%                       23,859,058,132.07
on a
acceptance                                                                   23,859,058,132.07 100.00%                     23,859,058,132.07
Letters of
                 119,918,307.60 100.00%                     119,918,307.60
Total            119,918,307.60 100.00%                     119,918,307.60 23,859,058,132.07 100.00%                       23,859,058,132.07
                  Where the allowance for any doubtful note receivable is established using the general model of expected
             credit loss, please disclose allowance information as other receivables.
                  □ Applicable  Not applicable
             (2) Notes receivable in pledge at the end of the current period
                 The Company had no notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period.
             (3) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the current period and not
             expired yet on the balance sheet date
                  The Company had no notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and
             not expired yet on the balance sheet date.
             (4) Notes transferred to accounts receivable by the Company at the end of the current period due to
             failure of the drawer to perform
                 Notes transferred to accounts receivable by the Company at the end of the period due to failure of the
             drawer to perform.
             (5) Notes receivable actually written off in the current period
                 The Company had no notes receivable actually written off in the current period.

                                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

  3. Accounts receivable
  (1) Accounts receivable presented by category
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                       Closing balance                                                              Opening balance

                                                         Allowance for doubtful                                                         Allowance for doubtful
                              Gross amount                                                              Gross amount
                                                               account                                                                        account
       Category                                                                       Carrying                                                                          Carrying
                                           As % of                       Allowanc                                      As % of                          Allowanc
                                           the total                     e as % of    amount                           the total                        e as % of       amount
                           Amount                         Amount                                     Amount                              Amount
                                             gross                       the gross                                       gross                          the gross
                                           amount                         amount                                       amount                            amount
Accounts receivable for
which allowances for
doubtful accounts are       5,174,866.86     11.86%       5,174,866.86    100.00%                     1,508,250.71       2.08%          1,508,250.71     100.00%
established on an
individual basis

  Of which:
                            5,174,866.86     11.86%       5,174,866.86    100.00%                     1,508,250.71       2.08%          1,508,250.71     100.00%
Accounts receivable for
which allowances for
doubtful accounts are      38,447,767.23     88.14%       2,760,824.91      7.18%    35,686,942.32   70,910,703.98      97.92%          6,717,587.76       9.47%      64,193,116.22
established on a
grouping basis

  Of which:
                           22,700,453.71     52.04%       2,760,824.91     12.16%    19,939,628.80   50,946,303.21      70.35%          6,717,587.76      13.19%      44,228,715.45
       Related parties     15,747,313.52     36.10%                         0.00%    15,747,313.52   19,964,400.77      27.57%                                        19,964,400.77
         Total             43,622,634.09                  7,935,691.77     18.19%    35,686,942.32   72,418,954.69     100.00%          8,225,838.47      11.36%      64,193,116.22

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

      Accounts receivable for which allowances for doubtful accounts are established on an individual basis:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                               Closing balance
                Entity                                       Allowance for         Allowance as % of the
                                          Gross amount                                                        Reason for allowance
                                                            doubtful account           gross amount
                                                                                                                 Expected to be
               Qu Liang                    1,411,528.44          1,411,528.44                    100.00%
Beijing Junhui Tianhong Trading                                                                                  Expected to be
                                           1,174,891.71          1,174,891.71                    100.00%
            Co., Ltd.                                                                                            unrecoverable
                                                                                                                 Expected to be
          Wang Xiubing                       872,596.00            872,596.00                    100.00%
   Ningxiahong Zhongning                                                                                         Expected to be
                                             516,135.60            516,135.60                    100.00%
  Wolfberry Products Co., Ltd.                                                                                   unrecoverable
                                                                                                                 Expected to be
Nanxi Daliangxin Food Co., Ltd.              389,729.12            389,729.12                    100.00%
   Hunan Liuyanghe Liquor                                                                                        Expected to be
                                             308,155.34            308,155.34                    100.00%
       Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                        unrecoverable
Sichuan Debo Daily Commodity                                                                                     Expected to be
                                             294,230.65            294,230.65                    100.00%
           Co., Ltd.                                                                                             unrecoverable
                                                                                                                 Expected to be
  Gushi County Yingjun Liquor                207,600.00            207,600.00                    100.00%
                 Total                     5,174,866.86          5,174,866.86

      Accounts receivable for which allowances for doubtful accounts are established on a grouping basis:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                      Closing balance
                          Item                                                    Allowance for         Allowance as % of the gross
                                                          Gross amount
                                                                                 doubtful account                amount
Accounts receivable for which allowances for
doubtful accounts are established based on the              22,700,453.71             2,760,824.91                          12.16%
external customer group
Accounts receivable for which allowances for
doubtful accounts are established based on the              15,747,313.52
related party group
                          Total                             38,447,767.23             2,760,824.91
     Where the allowance for any doubtful account receivable is established using the general model of expected
credit loss, please disclose allowance information as other receivables.
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Accounts receivable presented by aging:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                  Aging                                                      Gross amount

Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                             35,188,964.20

1 to 2 years                                                                                                             285,551.64

2 to 3 years                                                                                                                  66.00

More than 3 years                                                                                                      8,148,052.25

  3 to 4 years                                                                                                           676,388.51

                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

  4 to 5 years                                                                                                          708,459.63

  More than 5 years                                                                                                   6,763,204.11

                             Total                                                                                   43,622,634.09

(2) Allowances for doubtful accounts established, recovered or reversed in the current period
     Allowances for doubtful accounts in the current period:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                     Changes in the current period
             Category                                                       Recovered         Written      Othe    Closing balance
                                            balance        Established
                                                                            or reversed        off          rs
Accounts receivable for which
allowances for doubtful accounts
                                          1,508,250.71     3,666,616.15                                               5,174,866.86
are established on an individual
Accounts receivable for which
allowances for doubtful accounts
                                          6,717,587.76     -3,950,913.85                      5,849.00                2,760,824.91
are established based on the
external customer group
                 Total                    8,225,838.47      -284,297.70                       5,849.00                7,935,691.77

(3) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                         Amount written off
             Beijing Feidi Jiahao Liquor Co., Ltd.                                                                        5,849.00
                             Total                                                                                        5,849.00

(4) Top five entities with respect to accounts receivable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                            Closing balance of
                                     Closing balance of    As % of the closing balance of total
            Entity                                                                                       allowances for doubtful
                                     accounts receivable          accounts receivable
Sichuan Putian Packaging
                                            9,704,093.72                                  22.25%
Co., Ltd.
Shanxi Pangquan Distillery
                                            2,515,132.00                                   5.77%                        125,756.60
Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huayu Glass
                                            2,274,390.13                                   5.21%
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Hebei Boqiang Plastic
                                            2,206,346.19                                   5.06%                        110,317.31
Products Co., Ltd.
Yibin Guanghua Packaging
                                            2,007,197.14                                   4.60%                        100,359.86
Co., Ltd.
            Total                          18,707,159.18                                  42.89%

(5) Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer of accounts receivable and continuous
    At the end of the current period, the Company had no assets or liabilities formed due to the transfer of
accounts receivable and continuous involvement.
(6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets
      At the end of the current period, the Company had no accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer
of financial assets.

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

  4. Receivables financing
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  Closing balance                         Opening balance

            Bank acceptance notes                                  28,904,198,420.44                             1,641,509,588.69

                    Total                                          28,904,198,420.44                             1,641,509,588.69
       Changes in receivables financing and in their fair value in the current period:
        Applicable □ Not applicable
       The Company, based on the management purpose of notes receivable, classified notes receivable for
  receiving contractual cash flows and selling as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.
       Where the allowance for any doubtful receivable financing is established using the general model of
  expected credit loss, please disclose allowance information as other receivables.
        Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                    Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                             Allowa                                                    Allowa
                                             nce for                                                   nce for
                                             doubtf                                                    doubtf
                       Gross amount                                             Gross amount
                                               ul                                                        ul
                                             accoun                                                    accoun
                                                t                                                         t
                                                  All                                                      All
                                                  ow                                                       ow
   Category                                       anc                                                      anc
                                                   e    Carrying amount                                     e      Carrying amount
                                                   as                                                       as
                                    As % of                                                  As % of
                                               A %                                                      A %
                                    the total                                                the total
                     Amount                   mo of                           Amount                   mo of
                                      gross                                                    gross
                                              unt the                                                  unt the
                                    amount                                                   amount
                                                  gro                                                      gro
                                                   ss                                                       ss
                                                  am                                                       am
                                                  ou                                                       ou
                                                   nt                                                       nt
financing for
allowances for
accounts are
established on
an individual
financing for
allowances for
doubtful         28,904,198,420.44 100.00%              28,904,198,420.44   1,641,509,588.69 100.00%                1,641,509,588.69
accounts are
established on
a grouping
  Of which:
acceptance       28,904,198,420.44 100.00%              28,904,198,420.44   1,641,509,588.69 100.00%                1,641,509,588.69
    Total        28,904,198,420.44 100.00%              28,904,198,420.44   1,641,509,588.69 100.00%                1,641,509,588.69

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(2) Receivables financing in pledge at the end of the current period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                               Item                                                   Closing amount in pledge
                      Bank acceptance notes                                                                       117,021,640.00
                               Total                                                                              117,021,640.00
     Notes: The bank acceptance pledged by the Company at the end of the current period is mainly arising from
the Company’s pledge of notes in large amount to the bank and the issuance of notes in small amount for
external payments.
(3) Receivables financing endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and not expired
yet on the balance sheet date
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Amount not yet derecognized at
                       Item                        Amount derecognized at the end of the period
                                                                                                        the end of the period
            Bank acceptance notes                                                2,368,263,504.29
                       Total                                                     2,368,263,504.29

(4) Receivables financing transferred the notes to accounts receivable by the Company at the end of the
period due to failure of the drawer to perform.
(5) The Company had no receivables financing actually written off at the end of the period.
5. Prepayments
(1) Prepayments presented by aging
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                               Closing balance                                   Opening balance
        Aging                                                As % of total                                    As % of total
                                       Amount                                            Amount
                                                             prepayments                                       prepayments
     Within 1 year                      71,127,726.38                  52.31%            147,104,566.14                 75.19%
      1 to 2 years                      23,434,210.61                   17.23%              8,669,096.35                     4.43%
      2 to 3 years                       3,031,956.47                   2.23%               2,832,862.76                     1.45%
   More than 3 years                    38,388,974.68                   28.23%             37,046,449.17                    18.93%
         Total                         135,982,868.14                                     195,652,974.42
      Reasons for non-timely settlement of prepayments in significant amount with the aging more than one year:
      Prepayments with the aging more than one year are mainly the prepayments to Yibin Guoding Gas Co., Ltd.
for the gas source as agreed.
(2) Top five entities with respect to prepayments
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     As % of the closing balance of
                                 Entity                                      Closing balance
                                                                                                          total prepayments
Yibin Guoding Gas Co., Ltd.                                                         28,160,000.00                            20.71%
Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial Co., Ltd., Sichuan                        18,900,000.00                            13.90%
Wankai New Materials Co., Ltd.                                                       6,163,036.00                              4.53%
Sichuan Qichen Trading Co., Ltd.                                                     6,148,180.50                              4.52%
China National Petroleum Corporation, Southwest Chemical Sales
Branch                                                                                                                         4.04%
                                 Total                                              64,860,328.70                            47.70%
6. Other receivables
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  Closing balance                             Opening balance
            Other receivables                                            30,901,231.69                               26,288,496.24

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                    Total                                                  30,901,231.69                              26,288,496.24

(1) Other receivables
1) Other receivables classified by nature
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Nature                                 Closing gross amount                      Opening gross amount
                 Cash float                                                 4,232,009.46                               4,850,891.36
               Current account                                              2,980,205.78                               3,783,822.76
           Security deposits                                               26,975,912.31                              18,850,679.72
   Other advance money for others or
                                                                            5,094,260.41                               5,464,059.31
          temporary payment
                    Total                                                  39,282,387.96                              32,949,453.15

2) Allowances for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                             Stage 1               Stage 2                        Stage 3
   Allowances for doubtful                 12-month        Lifetime expected credit      Lifetime expected credit         Total
         accounts                        expected credit     loss (without credit            loss (with credit
                                               loss              impairment)                   impairment)
Balance as at 1 January 2022               6,657,087.06                                                    3,869.85    6,660,956.91
Balance as at 1 January 2022
was in the current period
- Transferred to Stage 2
- Transferred to Stage 3
- Transferred back to Stage 2
- Transferred back to Stage 1
Established in the current
                                           1,722,230.36                                                                1,722,230.36
Reversed in the current period
Charged off in the current
Written off in the current
                                                                                                          2,031.00          2,031.00
Other changes
Balance as at 31 December
                                           8,379,317.42                                                   1,838.85     8,381,156.27
      Gross amounts with significant changes in loss allowances in the current period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Other receivables presented by aging:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                              Aging                                                            Gross amount
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                             17,581,713.35
1 to 2 years                                                                                                           3,323,404.48
2 to 3 years                                                                                                           5,059,243.45
More than 3 years                                                                                                     13,318,026.68
     3 to 4 years                                                                                                      3,963,253.36
     4 to 5 years                                                                                                      6,209,638.20
     More than 5 years                                                                                                 3,145,135.12
                                 Total                                                                                39,282,387.96

3) Allowances for doubtful accounts established, recovered or reversed in the current period
      Allowances for doubtful accounts in the current period:

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                Changes in the current period

                       Category                      Opening balance                        Recover
                                                                                                       Written    Othe Closing balance
                                                                            Established       ed or
                                                                                                        off        rs
    Other receivables for which allowances for
    doubtful accounts are established on an                   3,869.85                                 2,031.00                1,838.85
    individual basis
    Other receivables for which allowances for
    doubtful accounts are established based on the        6,657,087.06       1,722,230.36                                  8,379,317.42
    credit risk chacteristic group
                            Total                         6,660,956.91       1,722,230.36              2,031.00            8,381,156.27

    4) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                       Amount written off
                             Zhou Zhiqiang                                                                                    2,031.00
                                  Total                                                                                       2,031.00

    5) Top five entities with respect to other receivables
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         As % of the
                                              Nature                                                                        balance of
                                                                                                       closing balance
                    Entity                       of       Closing balance            Aging                                allowances for
                                                                                                        of total other
                                              account                                                                        doubtful
                                              Security                         Within 1year; 2-3
    Yibin Zhongqi Natural Gas Co., Ltd.                      8,000,000.00                                        20.37%      920,000.00
                                              deposit                                years
    Yibin Cuiping District Housing and        Security
                                                             5,000,000.00          4-5 years                     12.73%    2,500,000.00
    Urban-Rural Development Bureau             deposit
    China National Petroleum Corporation,                                      Within 1year; 1-2
                                                 ary         1,831,508.70                                         4.66%       73,552.85
    Sichuan Yi Saibin Sales Branch            payment                                years
    Chongqing Xibolesi Building               e money
                                                             1,671,340.32      More than 5 years                  4.25%    1,337,072.26
    Engineering Co., Ltd.                        for
    Xu Wenwen                                                1,289,963.40         Within 1year                    3.28%       38,698.90
                    Total                                   17,792,812.42                                        45.29%    4,869,324.01

    7. Inventory
    (1) Classification of inventory
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                  Closing balance                                                  Opening balance
                                     Inventory                                                         Inventory
                                     valuation                                                         valuation
                                  allowances or                                                     allowances or
    Item                            impairment                                                        impairment
                  Gross amount                           Carrying amount          Gross amount                            Carrying amount
                                  allowances for                                                    allowances for
                                      contract                                                          contract
                                   performance                                                       performance
                                       costs                                                             costs
Raw materials      707,788,815.54    5,923,783.20           701,865,032.34          775,478,393.21     6,475,077.13            769,003,316.08
  Goods in
                   1,198,799,326.25                        1,198,799,326.25        1,140,224,322.36                          1,140,224,322.36

                                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

  Inventory of
                            2,498,986,318.92        30,602,282.53         2,468,384,036.39         1,609,230,590.03     31,291,117.30         1,577,939,472.73
                                 3,026,557.39          436,409.41               2,590,147.98           2,481,991.95         436,409.41            2,045,582.54
  Goods issued                105,088,512.68         1,956,236.12           103,132,276.56           191,350,703.16      1,956,236.12           189,394,467.04
  semi-finished            11,388,060,199.27           150,386.01        11,387,909,813.26        10,218,594,324.45         150,386.01      10,218,443,938.44
                               15,916,796.10        15,916,796.10                                     16,029,954.45    15,916,796.10                113,158.35
  consignment                  86,136,817.83                                 86,136,817.83            86,246,622.66                              86,246,622.66
 Goods in transit              31,839,562.96                                 31,839,562.96            31,656,238.05                              31,656,238.05
       Total               16,035,642,906.94        54,985,893.37        15,980,657,013.57        14,071,293,140.32    56,226,022.07         14,015,067,118.25

       (2) Classification of merchandise on hand
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                           Closing balance                                                         Opening balance
   Item                                       Valuation                                                               Valuation
                    Gross amount                                     Carrying amount           Gross amount                              Carrying amount
                                             allowances                                                              allowances
  Liquor               1,937,262,431.76                                1,937,262,431.76         1,045,634,821.36                            1,045,634,821.36
                        290,783,376.85            1,367,676.36           289,415,700.49          383,408,719.29        2,133,613.56           381,275,105.73
 Printing                38,532,766.99        15,558,180.76               22,974,586.23           52,359,687.34       13,613,249.08            38,746,438.26
                        176,993,699.53        12,986,459.20              164,007,240.33           71,528,868.04       10,402,859.31            61,126,008.73
  Others                 55,414,043.79             689,966.21             54,724,077.58           56,298,494.00        5,141,395.35            51,157,098.65
  Total                2,498,986,318.92       30,602,282.53            2,468,384,036.39         1,609,230,590.03      31,291,117.30         1,577,939,472.73

       (3) Inventory valuation allowances and impairment allowances for contract performance costs
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  Decrease in the current
                                                           Increase in the current period
            Item                  Opening balance                                                                                     Closing balance
                                                                                                  Reversed or
                                                              Established          Others                           Others
                                                                                                  charged off
    Raw materials                         6,475,077.13                                               551,293.93                               5,923,783.20
 Inventory of goods                    31,291,117.30             5,552,799.12                      6,241,633.89                              30,602,282.53
  Turnover materials                       436,409.41                                                                                           436,409.41
  Packing materials                    15,916,796.10                                                                                         15,916,796.10
    Goods issued                          1,956,236.12                                                                                        1,956,236.12
Semi-finished products                     150,386.01                                                                                           150,386.01
            Total                      56,226,022.07             5,552,799.12                      6,792,927.82                              54,985,893.37

       (4) Note on closing balance of inventory containing the capitalized amount of borrowing costs
       (5) Notes of the amount of contract performance costs amortized for the current period
       8. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                           Increase/decrease in the current period                                         Cl
                                                                        De        Return on       Adju Ot                   Im                            osi
                               Opening balance                                                                                  Ot     Closing balance
            Investee                                   Increase in      cre      investment       stme her Declared cash    pai                           ng
                              (carrying amount)                                                                                 her   (carrying amount)
                                                       investment       ase recognized using nt to eq dividends or profit   rm                            bal
                                                                         in the equity method other uit                     ent                           anc

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                      inv                   comp     y                    all                          e
                                                      est                   rehen   cha                   ow                           of
                                                      me                     sive   ng                    anc                         im
                                                       nt                    inco    es                    e                          pai
                                                                              me                                                      rm
I Joint ventures
II Associates
Oriental Outlook
Media Co., Ltd.       25,565,938.31                           563,199.61                                              26,129,137.92
Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Group     1,865,633,396.55                        87,543,010.97                 23,038,080.00            1,930,138,327.52
Finance Co., Ltd.
Education and           5,508,129.61   5,625,000.00           -486,541.11                                             10,646,588.50
Technology Co.,
Yibin Jiamei
Packaging Co.,        14,521,189.16                          4,952,281.68                                             19,473,470.84
      Sub-total     1,911,228,653.63   5,625,000.00         92,571,951.15                 23,038,080.00            1,986,387,524.78
      Total         1,911,228,653.63   5,625,000.00         92,571,951.15                 23,038,080.00            1,986,387,524.78
        Other information:
        (1) The Company invested in Oriental Outlook Media Co., Ltd., an associate of the Company, for
   implementing the strategy of entering the media industry. The Company contributed RMB17.15 million in April
   2005, acquiring 49% of the equity of Oriental Outlook Media Co., Ltd. held by China Worldbest Group,
   Shanghai Worldbest Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Tiancheng Chuangye Development Co., Ltd.
        (2) As reviewed and approved by the 22th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of the Company on 24
   October 2012, the Company, Wuliangye Group and six of its subsidiaries, and ABC International Holdings
   Limited jointly invested and established Wuliangye Group Finance. Its registered capital is RMB2 billion,
   among which the Company contributed RMB720 million, taking up 36% of the registered capital.
        On 23 May 2020, the 74th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company considered and approved
   the capital increase of the Company to Wuliangye Group Finance based on the net asset value per share of
   Wuliangye Group Finance evaluated at RMB1.3817 per share as consideration for the capital increase of
   RMB734,693,877.55, of which: RMB531,731,835.82 was credited to registered capital and RMB202,962,041.73
   was credited to capital reserve. In this capital increase, the related party Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co.,
   Ltd. increased its capital at the same price, and the remaining shareholders of Wuliangye Group Finance did not
   participate in this capital increase. After the completion of this capital increase, the registered capital of
   Wuliangye Group Finance increased from RMB2 billion to RMB3,085,619,164.80, and the shareholding ratio of
   the Company was changed to 40.56%.
        (3) In 2019, Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the Company, and
   Shenzhen Jinjia New Intelligent Packaging Co., Ltd. jointly invested and established Yibin Jiamei Intelligent
   Packaging Co., Ltd. Primary business of Yibin Jiamei Intelligent Packaging Co., Ltd. include research and
   development, platemaking, printing, production and sales of packaging products. Its registered capital is RMB20
   million, among which Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd. contributed RMB9.8 million, taking
   up 49% of the registered capital.
        (4) As reviewed and approved by the 85th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on 5
   February 2021, the Company, Beijing Zhongjiuhuicui Exhibition Co., Ltd. Sichuan Wine and Tea Investment
   Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Science and Engineering Asset Management Co., Ltd., Sichuan Jingwei Education
   Management Group Co., Ltd., and Yibin Vocational & Technical College Asset Operation and Management Co.,
   Ltd. jointly invested and established Beijing Zhongjiuhuicui Education and Technology Co., Ltd. Its registered
   capital is RMB54 million, among which the Company contributed RMB11.25 million, taking up 20.83% of the
   registered capital.
   9. Other non-current financial assets
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                   Item                                   Closing balance                      Opening balance
       Sichuan Chinese Liquor Jinshanjiao Brand Operation
                                                                                       1,200,000.00                         1,200,000.00
       and Development Co., Ltd.
                                   Total                                               1,200,000.00                         1,200,000.00

       10. Fixed assets
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                          Item                                   Closing balance                            Opening balance

                      Fixed assets                                           5,311,203,941.09                         5,607,863,056.26

                 Disposal of fixed assets                                       1,767,504.52                                2,283,944.11

                          Total                                              5,312,971,445.61                         5,610,147,000.37

       (1) Information on fixed assets
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Buildings and          Specialised                              Transport
       Item                                                      General equipment                       Other equipment            Total
                        constructions          equipment                                equipment
I Gross amount:
   1. Opening
                        8,797,174,386.17      3,093,820,422.08     2,167,789,285.29    163,972,215.17     681,867,695.24      14,904,624,003.95
   2. Increases in
                            5,246,881.01        57,310,748.50       117,902,600.47       28,581,398.54      29,516,927.32         238,558,555.84
the current period
                            2,206,685.48        43,085,460.11       107,013,920.72       28,581,398.54      18,916,799.79         199,804,264.64
Transferred from
                            3,040,195.53        14,225,288.39        10,888,679.75                          10,600,127.53          38,754,291.20
construction in
      (3) Increase
from business
   3. Decreases in
                         130,232,923.88         63,871,629.78       347,903,459.38       36,887,562.17      29,012,925.93         607,908,501.14
the current period
      (1) Disposed
                         130,173,171.23         63,871,629.78       336,538,123.38       36,887,562.17      29,012,925.93         596,483,412.49
or scrapped
   (2) Donation
   (3) Others                     59,752.65                           11,365,336.00                                                11,425,088.65
   4. Closing
                        8,672,188,343.30      3,087,259,540.80     1,937,788,426.38    155,666,051.54     682,371,696.63      14,535,274,058.65
II Accumulated
   1. Opening
                        4,133,514,850.60      2,809,105,163.85     1,677,332,760.07    105,098,035.25     563,256,309.76         9,288,307,119.53
   2. Increases in
                         296,720,447.34         51,343,108.66        49,986,363.31       13,598,118.53      29,300,410.77         440,948,448.61
the current period
                         296,720,447.34         51,343,108.66        49,986,363.31       13,598,118.53      29,300,410.77         440,948,448.61
   3. Decreases in
                           88,999,470.17        61,983,777.84       318,936,698.91       34,946,362.95      27,068,182.25         531,934,492.12
the current period
      (1) Disposed
                           88,988,274.87        61,983,777.84       307,915,155.40       34,946,362.95      27,068,182.25         520,901,753.31
or scrapped
   (2) Donation
   (3) Others                     11,195.30                           11,021,543.51                                                11,032,738.81
   4. Closing
                        4,341,235,827.77      2,798,464,494.67     1,408,382,424.47      83,749,790.83    565,488,538.28         9,197,321,076.02
III Impairment

                                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

   1. Opening
                            1,544,029.33           5,782,681.58            656,514.70                                470,602.55            8,453,828.16
   2. Increases in
                          13,868,555.42            6,530,068.67            255,099.56                                    937.10           20,654,660.75
the current period
                          13,868,555.42            6,530,068.67            255,099.56                                    937.10           20,654,660.75
   3. Decreases in
                                                   2,359,447.37                                                                            2,359,447.37
the current period
      (1) Disposed
                                                   2,359,447.37                                                                            2,359,447.37
or scrapped
   4. Closing
                          15,412,584.75            9,953,302.88            911,614.26                                471,539.65           26,749,041.54
IV Carrying
   1. Closing
                      4,315,539,930.78           278,841,743.25       528,494,387.65         71,916,260.71      116,411,618.70         5,311,203,941.09
carrying amount
   2. Opening
                      4,662,115,506.24           278,932,576.65       489,800,010.52         58,874,179.92      118,140,782.93         5,607,863,056.26
carrying amount
       (2) Fixed assets that are temporarily idle
                The Company has no major fixed assets that are temporarily idle.
       (3) Fixed assets leased out under operating leases
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                          Closing carrying amount
                          Buildings and constructions                                                                            109,486,889.71
                                     Total                                                                                       109,486,889.71

       (4) Fixed assets without certificate of title
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
               Item               Carrying amount                               Reason for not obtaining certificate of title
                                                            The certificate of title has not been obtained due to historical reasons, to which
          Buildings and
                                       800,150,312.30       the Company has attached great importance and planned to obtain the
          constructions                                     certificate of title gradually.
          Buildings and
                                             3,601,131.98   In progress
              Total                    803,751,444.28
           Other information:
           According to the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration of Sichuan Province 2016, the property
       ownership certificate and the land use certificate are integrated into the real estate ownership certificate. The
       Company is sorting out relevant assets and handling with the certificate of title of relevant assets.
       (5) Disposal of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                          Item                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance
                      Equipment                                                    1,767,504.52                                     2,283,944.11
                          Total                                                    1,767,504.52                                     2,283,944.11

       11. Construction in progress
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                          Item                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance
               Construction in progress                                         3,770,609,910.77                                2,643,541,772.83
              Project goods and materials                                           2,546,073.18                                    2,546,073.18
                          Total                                                 3,773,155,983.95                                2,646,087,846.01

                                                                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 (1) Construction in progress
                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                               Closing balance                                         Opening balance
                         Project                                                   Impairment                                           Impairment
                                                           Gross amount                          Carrying amount     Gross amount                          Carrying amount
                                                                                    allowance                                            allowance
The liquor packaging and integrated smart storage-and-
                                                            1,078,547,581.94                      1,078,547,581.94    653,863,297.65                           653,863,297.65
delivery project
Baijiu Cellar Renovation Project                              803,231,249.04                       803,231,249.04     561,927,859.73                           561,927,859.73
300-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Aging Spirit Room (Phase
                                                              566,214,173.72                       566,214,173.72     551,044,953.58                           551,044,953.58
Hongba New Park Supporting Facilities Construction
                                                              264,584,722.28                       264,584,722.28     170,985,026.40                           170,985,026.40
Brewing Special Grain Process Bin & Milling
                                                              213,100,568.24                       213,100,568.24     110,513,220.77                            110,513,220.77
Automation Renovation Project
Marketing Centre Construction Project                          80,451,935.66                        80,451,935.66       6,607,740.78                              6,607,740.78
100,000-ton Ecological Brewery Project (Phase I)               45,707,989.86                        45,707,989.86
Pipe Network Reconstruction Project of Jiangbei Park           38,861,543.75                        38,861,543.75      37,438,811.11                             37,438,811.11
Phase II of 90-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Aging Spirit
                                                               34,528,685.42                        34,528,685.42      32,843,685.42                             32,843,685.42
Room Technical innovation Project (Phase VI)
Anlequan Scenic Area Upgrade Emergency Project                 32,447,494.28                        32,447,494.28      29,657,494.28                             29,657,494.28
Pilot Project for the Expansion of the Research and
Application of Traditional Solid Baijiu Production
                                                               26,518,531.22                        26,518,531.22      18,606,364.43                             18,606,364.43
Responding to the Restriction of High temperature in Hot
503 Workshop Appearance Upgrade                                20,968,792.45                        20,968,792.45      20,968,792.45                             20,968,792.45
523 Workshop Expansion and Renovation Project                  11,357,798.14                        11,357,798.14
Factory Buildings and Other Buildings Renovation
                                                               20,754,455.03                        20,754,455.03      34,238,205.03                             34,238,205.03
Project of the Company (Phase II)
High-end Intelligent Oxyfuel Kiln (8#) Crystal Glass
Bottles Demonstration Production Line Renovation               17,444,335.98                        17,444,335.98
Coal-to-Gas Energy Conservation and Emission
                                                               15,003,189.00                        15,003,189.00      14,992,917.35                             14,992,917.35
Reduction Project (Phase III)
                                                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     506 Workshop Blending Center Upgrading and
                                                                           14,726,158.45                               14,726,158.45         10,376,158.46                                   10,376,158.46
     Renovation Project
     New Finished Product Warehouse Construction Project                   14,051,582.78                               14,051,582.78
     Wuliangye Distillery Main Water Pipe Renovation
                                                                           13,401,990.72                               13,401,990.72         12,551,990.72                                   12,551,990.72
     Project of the Conversion of No. 1 Natural Gas Kiln to a
                                                                           10,693,940.81                               10,693,940.81
     Fully Electric Fusion Kiln Production Line
     Installation of online monitoring equipment in the gas
                                                                           10,321,392.48                               10,321,392.48
     boiler room of Workshop 510
     Wastewater Treatment Capacity Upgrade Project                         10,078,673.88                               10,078,673.88               797,118.40                                  797,118.40
     Emergent Maintenance and Rectification of Ageing
     Group 521-2 (Sixty–Thousand-Tons) Wine Cellar and                     9,290,000.00                                 9,290,000.00        13,790,000.00                                   13,790,000.00
     Adjacent Accommodation
     Miscellaneous works                                                  420,723,131.19        2,400,005.55          418,323,125.64       364,738,141.82          2,400,005.55          362,338,136.27
                               Total                                    3,773,009,916.32        2,400,005.55        3,770,609,910.77      2,645,941,778.38         2,400,005.55        2,643,541,772.83

       (2) Changes in important construction in progress in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    sfe                                                                      Cu
                                                                                                    rre                                                                      m        Of
                                                                                                      d                                                                      ul    which
                                                                                                     to                                                Cumulat               ati       :
                                                                                                    fix                                                   ive                ve    Capita
                                                                                                                   Other                                                                      tion
                                                                                                     ed                                                 project              ca     lized
                                                                              Increase in the                  decreases in                                        Project                     rate   Funding
         Project                   Budget             Opening balance                               ass                          Closing balance       investm               pit   interes
                                                                              current period                    the current                                       progress                     for     source
                                                                                                    ets                                                ent as %              ali     t in
                                                                                                                  period                                                                       the
                                                                                                     in                                                 of the               ze      the
                                                                                                    the                                                 budget                d    curren
                                                                                                    cur                                                                      int       t
                                                                                                    ren                                                                      er    period
                                                                                                      t                                                                      est
The liquor packaging and                                                                                                                                                                               Owned
                                                                                                                                                                  33% (no                               and
integrated smart storage-       8,596,655,000.00         653,863,297.65          424,684,284.29                                   1,078,547,581.94      12.55%                                         raised
and-delivery project                                                                                                                                                                                   funds

                                                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Baijiu Cellar Renovation
                            1,726,166,000.00   561,927,859.73   241,303,389.31         803,231,249.04    46.53%        97%                            raised
Project                                                                                                                                             funds and
300-Thousand-Ton Pottery                                                                                                                             Owned
Jar Aging Spirit Room        857,070,000.00    551,044,953.58    15,169,220.14         566,214,173.72    66.08%        99%                          funds and
(Phase I)                                                                                                                                           subsidies

Hongba New Park
Supporting Facilities        655,122,000.00    170,985,026.40    93,599,695.88         264,584,722.28    40.39%        90%                           funds
Construction Project
Brewing Special Grain
Process Bin & Milling
                             414,160,100.00    110,513,220.77   102,587,347.47         213,100,568.24    51.58%        99%                          funds and
Automation Renovation                                                                                                                               subsidies
Marketing Centre                                                                                                                                      and
                             170,954,000.00      6,607,740.78    73,844,194.88          80,451,935.66    47.06%        99%                           raised
Construction Project
100,000-ton Ecological                                                                                                                               Owned
                            1,407,954,000.00                     45,707,989.86          45,707,989.86     3.25%        30%                           funds
Brewery Project (Phase I)
Pipe Network
Reconstruction Project of    109,396,900.00     37,438,811.11     1,422,732.64          38,861,543.75    36.40%      99.8%                           funds
Jiangbei Park
Phase II of 90-Thousand-
Ton Pottery Jar Aging
Spirit Room Technical         50,552,120.00     32,843,685.42     1,685,000.00          34,528,685.42    68.30%       100%                           funds
innovation Project (Phase
Anlequan Scenic Area
Upgrade Emergency             46,744,700.00     29,657,494.28     2,790,000.00          32,447,494.28    70.59%        99%                           funds
Pilot Project for the
Expansion of the Research                                                                                                                            Owned
                              47,044,400.00     18,606,364.43     7,912,166.79          26,518,531.22    56.37%        99%                           funds
and Application of
Traditional Solid Baijiu

                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Production Responding to
the Restriction of High
temperature in Hot Season
503 Workshop Appearance                                                                                                                                          Owned
                              69,690,500.00   20,968,792.45                                         20,968,792.45    30.09%        99%                           funds
523 Workshop Expansion                                                                                                                                           Owned
                              84,526,000.00                   11,357,798.14                         11,357,798.14    13.44%        99%                           funds
and Renovation Project
Factory Buildings and
Other Buildings                                                                                                                                                  Owned
                             201,841,000.00   34,238,205.03    4,000,000.00         17,483,750.00   20,754,455.03    28.98%        30%                           funds
Renovation Project of the
Company (Phase II)
High-end Intelligent
Oxyfuel Kiln (8#) Crystal
Glass Bottles                 64,329,600.00                   17,444,335.98                         17,444,335.98    27.12%        85%                           funds
Demonstration Production
Line Renovation Project
Coal-to-Gas Energy
Conservation and                                                                                                                                                 Owned
                              37,490,000.00   14,992,917.35      10,271.65                          15,003,189.00    40.39%        99%                           funds
Emission Reduction
Project (Phase III)
506 Workshop Blending
Center Upgrading and          29,884,165.00   10,376,158.46    4,349,999.99                         14,726,158.45    49.28%        99%                           funds
Renovation Project
New Finished Product
Warehouse Construction        29,111,257.68                   14,051,582.78                         14,051,582.78    48.27%        98%                           funds
Wuliangye Distillery Main
Water Pipe Renovation         21,499,200.00   12,551,990.72     850,000.00                          13,401,990.72    62.34%        99%                           funds
Project of the Conversion
of No. 1 Natural Gas Kiln                                                                                                                                        Owned
                              37,000,000.00                   10,693,940.81                         10,693,940.81    28.90%        95%                           funds
to a Fully Electric Fusion
Kiln Production Line
Installation of online
monitoring equipment in                                                                                                                                          Owned
                              25,563,900.00                   10,321,392.48                         10,321,392.48    40.37%        99%                           funds
the gas boiler room of
Workshop 510
                                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Wastewater Treatment                                                                                                                                                          Owned
                               89,330,700.00         797,118.40         9,281,555.48                             10,078,673.88    11.28%        45%                           funds
Capacity Upgrade Project
Emergent Maintenance
and Rectification of
Ageing Group 521-2                                                                                                                                                            Owned
                               24,575,200.00       13,790,000.00                               4,500,000.00       9,290,000.00    56.11%       100%                           funds
Wine Cellar and Adjacent

          Total             14,796,660,742.68   2,281,203,636.56     1,093,066,898.57         21,983,750.00   3,352,286,785.13

            Notes: The total budget investment in liquor packaging and integrated smart storage-and-delivery project is RMB8,596,655,000, among which the investment in
       construction is RMB6,787,568,000, with RMB1,809,087,000 of initial working capital. The project has two phases. The progress of the first phase is 85.00%, and the
       second phase will begin at the right time according to the production and operations of the Company. The total progress of the two phases of the project is 33.00%.

                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(3) Project goods and materials
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                    Closing balance                                         Opening balance
        Item                          Impairment         Carrying                             Impairment         Carrying
                   Gross amount                                          Gross amount
                                       allowance         amount                                allowance         amount
Project goods
                    2,546,073.18                        2,546,073.18       2,546,073.18                          2,546,073.18
and materials
Total               2,546,073.18                        2,546,073.18       2,546,073.18                          2,546,073.18

12. Right-of-use assets
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Buildings and     Specialised      Transport          Other
        Item                                                                              Land use right          Total
                   constructions     equipment        equipment        equipment
I Gross amount
   1. Opening
                   237,782,957.80     366,174.21       783,273.42      9,604,798.89       843,537,258.68      1,092,074,463.00
   2. Increases
in the current      63,963,075.43                      623,858.85                           9,767,580.97        74,354,515.25
Operating           63,963,075.43                      623,858.85                           9,767,580.97        74,354,515.25
   3. Decreases
in the current      19,578,102.77                                                                               19,578,102.77
      (1) Expiry
or termination      19,578,102.77                                                                               19,578,102.77
of leases
   4. Closing
                   282,167,930.46     366,174.21      1,407,132.27     9,604,798.89       853,304,839.65      1,146,850,875.48
II Accumulated
   1. Opening
                   108,633,309.38      81,372.04       656,756.01      3,717,986.64       281,179,086.24       394,268,510.31
   2. Increases
in the current      98,183,655.64     122,058.11       188,903.31      3,717,986.65       286,062,876.60       388,275,480.31
                    98,183,655.64     122,058.11       188,903.31      3,717,986.65       286,062,876.60       388,275,480.31

   3. Decreases
in the current      16,616,000.98                                                                               16,616,000.98
      (1) Expiry
or termination      16,616,000.98                                                                               16,616,000.98
of leases

   4. Closing
                   190,200,964.04     203,430.15       845,659.32      7,435,973.29       567,241,962.84       765,927,989.64
III Impairment
   1. Opening
   2. Increases
in the current

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

   3. Decreases
in the current

  4. Closing
IV Carrying
  1. Closing
carrying             91,966,966.42     162,744.06       561,472.95    2,168,825.60     286,062,876.81      380,922,885.84
  2. Opening
carrying            129,149,648.42     284,802.17       126,517.41    5,886,812.25     562,358,172.44      697,805,952.69
13. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                             ent                      Technology use
      Item           Land use right    te           Software system                      Copyright           Total
                                             tec                           right
I Gross amount
     1. Opening
                     477,637,232.10                  278,204,210.77    10,391,942.73     8,066,037.47    774,299,423.07
     2. Increases
in the current        18,257,951.57                   12,240,173.06                                       30,498,124.63
                      18,257,951.57                   12,240,173.06                                       30,498,124.63
Internal research
and development
Increase from

     3. Decreases
in the current          7,917,930.00                                                                       7,917,930.00
                        7,917,930.00                                                                       7,917,930.00

     4. Closing
                     487,977,253.67                  290,444,383.83    10,391,942.73     8,066,037.47    796,879,617.70
II Accumulated
     1. Opening
                     128,447,525.76                   76,158,517.67    10,337,367.33     2,957,547.12    217,900,957.88
     2. Increases
in the current          9,710,717.39                  52,626,625.04         7,358.52     1,613,207.52     63,957,908.47
                        9,710,717.39                  52,626,625.04         7,358.52     1,613,207.52     63,957,908.47

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     3. Decreases
in the current          3,497,083.96                                                                             3,497,083.96
                        3,497,083.96                                                                             3,497,083.96

      4. Closing
                     134,661,159.19                   128,785,142.71      10,344,725.85        4,570,754.64   278,361,782.39
III Impairment
      1. Opening
      2. Increases
in the current

     3. Decreases
in the current

     4. Closing
IV Carrying
     1. Closing
                     353,316,094.48                   161,659,241.12          47,216.88        3,495,282.83   518,517,835.31
carrying amount
     2. Opening
                     349,189,706.34                   202,045,693.10          54,575.40        5,108,490.35   556,398,465.19
carrying amount
   At the end of the current period, the intangible assets created by internal research and development of the
Company accounts for 0.00% of the balance of intangible assets.
(2) Land use right failed to accomplish certification of property
14. Goodwill
(1) Gross amounts of goodwill
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Decrease in
                                                                         Increase in the
                                                                                                the current
                                                                         current period
                                                      Opening          Generated
      Investee or item generating goodwill                                                                    Closing balance
                                                      balance            due to
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Shenzhou Glass
                                                         37,535.96                                                 37,535.96
Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Yibin Global Gelasi Glass
                                                         18,005.18                                                 18,005.18
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials
                                                        666,461.77                                                666,461.77
Company Limited
Sichuan Yibin Push Group 3D Co., Ltd.                   899,616.62                                                899,616.62
                     Total                            1,621,619.53                                               1,621,619.53

15. Long-term prepaid expense
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                             Increase in the      Amortization in
       Item           Opening balance                                                      Other decreases    Closing balance
                                             current period      the current period

                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Molds                    125,820,463.71        67,571,755.55             57,777,265.66                                 135,614,953.60
Overhaul expenses
                               24,810,358.81           3,507,820.03            8,476,099.60                                  19,842,079.24
     of kilns
     Others                     4,881,523.30           4,003,121.59            5,755,350.67                                   3,129,294.22
      Total                   155,512,345.82        75,082,697.17             72,008,715.93                                 158,586,327.06
    Other notes: Long-term prepaid expense include the molds of Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials
Company Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, and the overhaul expenses of kilns of Sichuan Yibin Global
Gelasi Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which will be amortized in three years and four years, respectively.
16. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets which have not been offset
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                              Closing balance                                        Opening balance
        Item                   Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax            Deductible temporary    Deferred income tax
                                   differences                 assets                      differences                assets
  Asset impairment
                                       97,653,716.96              24,413,429.24                  67,911,132.12               16,977,783.03
 Unrealized profit of
                                    1,138,589,500.24            284,647,375.06                 896,183,664.84               224,045,916.21
 internal transactions
  Employee benefits
                                    3,102,191,751.36            775,547,937.84                3,154,737,566.48              788,684,391.62
Accrued expenses, etc.              3,833,924,325.92            958,481,081.48                2,616,999,030.72              654,249,757.68
        Total                       8,172,359,294.48           2,043,089,823.62               6,735,831,394.16         1,683,957,848.54

(2) Details about deferred income tax assets which have not been recognized
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Closing balance                               Opening balance
   Deductible temporary differences                                            3,304,671.54                                  14,562,119.04
           Deductible losses                                                 154,643,413.06                                 185,492,641.43
                      Total                                                  157,948,084.60                                 200,054,760.47
    Notes: Due to the uncertainty of whether sufficient taxable income will be obtained in the future, deductible
temporary differences and deductible losses of deferred income tax assets are not recognized.
(3) Deductible losses of deferred income tax assets which have not been recognized will become due in the
following years
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
              Year                         Closing amount                      Opening amount                        Remarks
              2022                                                                      32,142,312.41
              2023                                  81,171,553.38                       81,397,256.28
              2024                                  37,175,954.09                       45,130,913.39
              2025                                  26,822,159.35                       26,822,159.35
              2027                                     9,473,746.24
              Total                                154,643,413.06                      185,492,641.43

17. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                   Closing balance                                       Opening balance
              Item                                      Impairment          Carrying                           Impairment       Carrying
                                    Gross amount                                          Gross amount
                                                         allowance          amount                              allowance       amount
   Advances of progress
                                      246,955,204.05                   246,955,204.05         219,127,135.72                 219,127,135.72
  payment for information

                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

   system construction
 Prepayments for land bids           725,547,470.92           725,547,470.92
           Total                     972,502,674.97           972,502,674.97         219,127,135.72               219,127,135.72
      The prepayments for land bids mainly included the prepayments to the Yibin Natural Resources and
Planning Bureau for land transfers, including RMB639,693,000.00 for land in the Wuliangye gateway area,
RMB75,200,515.04 for land for the 100,000-ton Ecological Brewery Project Phase II and RMB10,653,955.88
for land for the qu-making workshop expansion project.
18. Notes payable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
              Category                                Closing balance                              Opening balance
        Bank acceptance notes                                      886,789,180.37                               871,061,362.43
           Letters of credit                                         1,181,196.16                                    978,877.44
                   Total                                           887,970,376.53                               872,040,239.87
   Total amount of notes payable which became matured but unpaid at the end of the current period is
19. Accounts payable
(1) Presentation of accounts payable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                               Closing balance                              Opening balance
          Accounts payable                                        7,246,802,709.58                            5,403,561,392.95
                   Total                                          7,246,802,709.58                            5,403,561,392.95

(2) Significant accounts payable over 1 year
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                               Closing balance                   Reason for unsettlement or carryforward
           Project payment                                          18,627,178.78
                   Total                                            18,627,178.78

20. Advances from customers
(1) Presentation of advances from customers
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Item                               Closing balance                              Opening balance
      Advances from customers                                       16,160,671.49                                10,970,385.19
                   Total                                            16,160,671.49                                10,970,385.19

(2) Significant advances from customers over 1 year
       There were no significant advances from customers over 1 year during the Reporting Period.
(3) Advances from customers presented by aging
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                  Aging                                                     Gross amount
                               Within 1 year                                                                         6,620,873.55
                                1 to 2 years                                                                         5,390,442.18
                                2 to 3 years                                                                          414,047.47
                           More than 3 years                                                                         3,735,308.29
                                   Total                                                                          16,160,671.49

(4) Top five entities with respect to advances from customers
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                 As % of the closing balance of total
                         Entity                               Closing balance
                                                                                                     advances from customers
Beijing Universe Pictures Co., Ltd.                                         5,790,000.00                                         35.83%
Henan Huaibin Wulong Wine Industry Co., Ltd.                                1,144,539.50                                          7.08%
Gubeichun Group Co., Ltd.                                                        462,977.00                                       2.86%
ICBC Yibin Branch                                                                299,520.00                                       1.85%
Chengdu Jinqiao Wine Co., Ltd.                                                   260,000.00                                       1.61%
                         Total                                              7,957,036.50                                         49.24%

21. Contract liabilities
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Item                                    Closing balance                                 Opening balance
       Advances from customers                                      12,379,125,542.70                                13,058,652,246.11
                  Total                                             12,379,125,542.70                                13,058,652,246.11

22. Employee benefits payable
(1) Presentation of employee benefits payable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
         Item                     Opening balance                                                                   Closing balance
                                                               period                      period
I Short-term
                                    3,335,922,928.44        6,602,622,547.27             6,564,174,584.67             3,374,370,891.04
II Post-employment
benefits - defined                         14,212.86        1,265,585,788.93             1,265,444,062.95                   155,938.84
contribution plans
III Dismissal benefits                                           2,475,935.67                   1,475,935.67              1,000,000.00
         Total                      3,335,937,141.30        7,870,684,271.87             7,831,094,583.29             3,375,526,829.88

(2) Presentation of short-term remuneration
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
          Item                     Opening balance                                                                  Closing balance
                                                               period                      period
1. Salaries, bonuses,
                                    3,277,576,290.68        5,434,201,775.35             5,451,376,881.48             3,260,401,184.55
allowances and subsidies
2. Employee benefits                                          118,793,387.51                  118,793,387.51
3. Social insurance
                                          154,678.65          396,323,924.86                  396,312,764.51                165,839.00
     Including: Medical
                                          154,486.34          336,064,014.92                  336,064,014.92                154,486.34
insurance premium
                                             107.45            59,801,642.60                   59,790,482.25                  11,267.80
injury insurance premium
                                               84.86               458,267.34                    458,267.34                       84.86
insurance premium
4. Housing provident
                                       32,467,779.00          539,210,185.90                  477,678,270.90             93,999,694.00
5. Labor union
expenditure and
                                       25,724,180.11          114,093,273.65                  120,013,280.27             19,804,173.49
personnel educational
          Total                     3,335,922,928.44        6,602,622,547.27             6,564,174,584.67             3,374,370,891.04

(3) Presentation of defined contribution plans
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
         Item                     Opening balance                                                                   Closing balance
                                                               period                      period

                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

1. Basic pension
                                         14,212.86     1,011,001,271.82             1,010,864,648.30               150,836.38
2. Unemployment
                                                          26,878,192.74               26,873,090.28                  5,102.46
insurance premium
3. Corporate pension
                                                        227,706,324.37               227,706,324.37
        Total                            14,212.86     1,265,585,788.93             1,265,444,062.95               155,938.84

23. Taxes and levies payable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Closing balance                             Opening balance
                   VAT                                           1,081,836,866.14                            728,372,175.12
           Consumption tax                                        921,407,756.36                           1,334,494,888.87
         Corporate income tax                                    3,017,389,769.33                          2,815,738,734.80
         Individual income tax                                     26,308,217.47                              82,919,949.14
Urban maintenance and construction tax                            143,754,429.94                             187,159,402.54
                Property tax                                           441,068.14                                  689,739.04
                Stamp duty                                          6,357,506.98                               1,929,855.79
                Land use tax                                           669,153.14                              1,064,621.99
          Education surcharge                                      62,118,360.81                              23,896,418.74
       Local education surcharge                                   41,417,432.28                              15,899,070.65
     Environmental protection tax                                       17,625.34                                   18,848.22
                   Total                                         5,301,718,185.93                          5,192,183,704.90
     Other information: The taxes and levies of the Company depend on the amount verified and imposed by the
tax authorities.
24. Other payables
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Closing balance                             Opening balance
          Dividends payable                                        13,191,392.99                              37,436,404.82
            Other payables                                       4,618,243,522.44                          3,656,421,703.39
                   Total                                         4,631,434,915.43                          3,693,858,108.21

(1) Dividends payable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Closing balance                             Opening balance
  Dividends payable by subsidiaries to
                                                                   13,191,392.99                              37,436,404.82
     non-controlling shareholders
                   Total                                           13,191,392.99                              37,436,404.82

(2) Other payables
1) Presentation of other payables by nature
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Item                              Closing balance                             Opening balance
   Image publicity expense and sales
                                                                 3,107,040,267.25                          2,275,896,048.89
         promotional expense
           Security deposits                                     1,059,053,791.82                            952,693,928.59
             Frozen funds                                         254,603,170.35                             249,103,170.35

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 Collecting payment on behalf of others                                 79,272,558.15                             57,463,693.60
    Claims from safeguarding rights                                     31,207,782.63                             27,200,519.63
                   Others                                               87,065,952.24                             94,064,342.33
                   Total                                              4,618,243,522.44                         3,656,421,703.39

2) Significant other payables over one year
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Closing balance                  Reason for unsettlement or carryforward
              Security deposits                                        140,068,578.96
               Frozen funds                                            248,322,766.21
                   Total                                               388,391,345.17

25. Current portion of non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Closing balance                             Opening balance
   Current portion of lease liabilities                                375,682,599.77                            360,027,399.06
                   Total                                               375,682,599.77                            360,027,399.06

26. Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Closing balance                             Opening balance
      Output tax to be transferred                                    1,544,723,419.34                         1,688,367,639.42
                   Total                                              1,544,723,419.34                         1,688,367,639.42

27. Lease liabilities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Closing balance                             Opening balance

              Lease liabilities                                         16,976,148.73                            355,338,950.93

                   Total                                                16,976,148.73                            355,338,950.93

28. Deferred income
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                              Increase in the         Decrease in the
      Item                 Opening balance                                                Closing balance           Cause
                                              current period          current period
                             257,991,368.32     23,347,702.40           26,922,205.97       254,416,864.75

      Total                  257,991,368.32     23,347,702.40           26,922,205.97       254,416,864.75            --

                                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

          Items involving government subsidies:
                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                            recognize        Amount
                                                                              New                                           to costs
                                                                                             d in non-    recognized in
                                                                          government                                          and                                               Related to
                    Liability item                    Opening balance                       operating    other income in               Other changes     Closing balance
                                                                        subsidies in the                                   expenses                                           assets/income
                                                                                            income in       the current
                                                                         current period                                      in the
                                                                                           the current        period
90-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Baijiu Aging Cellar                                                                                                                                Related to
                                                       167,816,667.10                                       6,712,666.56                                    161,104,000.54
Technical Innovation Project (Phase I)                                                                                                                                          assets
Brewery Wastewater Comprehensive Treatment                                                                                                                                     Related to
                                                        13,950,000.00                                        750,000.00                                      13,200,000.00
Project                                                                                                                                                                         assets
Wastewater Comprehensive Treatment and                                                                                                                                         Related to
                                                        13,133,333.23                                        333,333.36                                      12,799,999.87
Transformation Project                                                                                                                                                          assets
                                                                                                                                                                               Related to
Wuliangye Industrial Park Construction Project          10,000,000.00                                                                                        10,000,000.00
300-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Baijiu Aging Cellar                                                                                                                               Related to
                                                        10,000,000.00                                                                                        10,000,000.00
(Phase I)                                                                                                                                                                       assets
Baijiu Blending and Storage Cellar Renovation                                                                                                                                  Related to
                                                        10,000,000.00                                                                                        10,000,000.00
Project                                                                                                                                                                         assets
Songgong River (Wuliangye Section) Comprehensive                                                                                                                               Related to
                                                         9,835,833.20                                        357,666.72                                       9,478,166.48
Treatment Project                                                                                                                                                               assets
Technical Upgrading Project of the Quality Control,                                                                                                                            Related to
                                                         8,583,333.39                                        343,333.32                                       8,240,000.07
Quality Inspection and Testing Center                                                                                                                                           assets
Wastewater Treatment System Upgrading and                                                                                                                                      Related to
                                                         7,999,999.84                                        320,000.04                                       7,679,999.80
Renovation Project                                                                                                                                                              assets
Coal-to-Gas Energy Conservation and Emission                                                                                                                                   Related to
                                                         1,393,035.30                                        219,999.96                                       1,173,035.34
Reduction Project (Phase I)                                                                                                                                                     assets
Technical Upgrading Project of the 60-Thousand-Ton                                                                                                                             Related to
                                                         1,179,999.68                                        590,000.04                                         589,999.64
Rich-Flavor Baijiu Pottery Jar Aging Cellar                                                                                                                                     assets
Brewing Special Grain Process Bin & Milling                                                                                                                                    Related to
                                                                           2,740,000.00                                                                       2,740,000.00
Automation Renovation Project                                                                                                                                                   assets
                                                                                                                                                                               Related to
Informatization and big data application                   479,166.58                                        125,000.04                                         354,166.54
Shiergoubao Production Line Technical Upgrading                                                                                                                                Related to
                                                           120,000.00                                        120,000.00
Project                                                                                                                                                                         assets
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Award from the 4A Scenic Spot of Tourist                                                                                                             Related to
                                                         2,000,000.00                           103,540.00                          1,896,460.00
Administration of Cuiping District                                                                                                                    income
                                                                                                                                                     Related to
Industrial development funds                             1,000,000.00                           558,744.47                            441,255.53
Reward payment for demolition of Jiujiang Lingang
                                                                                                                                                     Related to
International Industrial Community, Nanhai District,                    20,307,702.40          6,215,221.46   10,172,700.00         3,919,780.94
Foshan City
                                                                                                                                                     Related to
Subsidy for national green plant of 2018                  500,000.00                                                                  500,000.00
Yibin Sanjiang New Area 2021 Outstanding                                                                                                             Related to
                                                                          300,000.00                                                  300,000.00
Economic Contribution Enterprise Award                                                                                                                income
                        Total                          257,991,368.32   23,347,702.40         16,749,505.97   10,172,700.00       254,416,864.75

                                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

29. Share capital
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                         Increase/decrease in the current period (+/-)
                   Opening balance                                      Bonus issue                                    Closing balance
                                             New issue                  from capital        Others       Subtotal
Total shares        3,881,608,005.00                                                                                       3,881,608,005.00

30. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                            Increase in the current    Decrease in the current
          Item                  Opening balance                                                                       Closing balance
                                                                    period                    period
 Capital premium (share
                                  2,682,523,702.98                                                                         2,682,523,702.98
  Other capital reserves                 123,383.17                                                                             123,383.17
          Total                   2,682,647,086.15                                                                         2,682,647,086.15

31. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                           Increase in the current     Decrease in the current
         Item                 Opening balance                                                                         Closing balance
                                                                   period                     period
   Statutory surplus
                                23,866,103,395.72                4,566,095,129.26                                      28,432,198,524.98
         Total                  23,866,103,395.72                4,566,095,129.26                                      28,432,198,524.98

32. Retained earnings
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                    Item                                             2022                                           2021
Retained earnings at the end of the prior
                                                                         68,638,139,859.37                             59,443,191,559.08
period before adjustment
Retained earnings at the beginning of the
                                                                         68,638,139,859.37                             59,443,191,559.08
period after adjustment
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of
the Company as the parent in the current                                 26,690,661,397.42                             23,377,074,353.40
Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus
                                                                           4,566,095,129.26                                4,167,577,400.21
      Dividends payable to ordinary
                                                                         11,734,100,955.49                             10,014,548,652.90
Retained earnings at the end of the period                               79,028,605,172.04                             68,638,139,859.37
     Adjustments to the retained earnings at the beginning of the period:
     1) The retained earnings at the beginning of the period are adjusted by RMB0.00 due to the retroactive
adjustment according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new provisions.
     2) The retained earnings at the beginning of the period are adjusted by RMB0.00 due to changes in
accounting policies.
     3) The retained earnings at the beginning of the period are adjusted by RMB0.00 due to correction of major
accounting errors.
     4) The retained earnings at the beginning of the period are adjusted by RMB0.00 due to changes in the
combination scope arising from the same control.
     5) The retained earnings at the beginning of the period are adjusted by RMB0.00 in total due to other

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

33. Operating revenue and cost of sales
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                           2022                                           2021
                             Revenue                  Costs                 Revenue                   Costs
 Principal operations      73,363,741,120.87      17,732,568,111.41       65,753,001,416.07        15,948,182,928.09
  Other operations           604,899,583.67          445,857,548.23         456,052,196.04            370,595,660.73
        Total              73,968,640,704.54      18,178,425,659.64       66,209,053,612.11        16,318,778,588.82
    Whether the lower of net profit before or after exceptional gains and losses is negative
    □ Yes  No

                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Information on revenue:
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      East China             South China              West China              North China            Central China                 Total

By product category
branded Baijiu        17,496,875,030.84        6,786,734,526.67       13,176,884,851.52        8,103,453,869.26        9,771,229,799.12          55,335,178,077.41
 Other liquor
                       1,488,744,841.28         694,906,203.44         8,361,575,823.63          311,214,295.12        1,371,027,390.36          12,227,468,553.83
By sales channel

    Online             1,179,671,394.19         165,150,138.76           465,552,199.55        2,329,179,020.66         109,284,348.17            4,248,837,101.33

    Offline           17,805,948,477.93        7,316,490,591.35       21,072,908,475.60        6,085,489,143.72      11,032,972,841.31           63,313,809,529.91

By sales model
                      13,203,392,902.94        4,353,631,980.37       12,351,614,157.07        3,843,483,477.70        6,740,264,397.61          40,492,386,915.69
  consumer             5,782,226,969.18        3,128,008,749.74        9,186,846,518.08        4,571,184,686.68        4,401,992,791.87          27,070,259,715.55
     Total            18,985,619,872.12        7,481,640,730.11       21,538,460,675.15        8,414,668,164.38      11,142,257,189.48           67,562,646,631.24
     Information related to performance obligations:
     Revenue is recognized at the point when the Company completes its contractual performance obligations when the customer obtains control of the goods to
which it belongs in the contractual agreement.
     Information related to the transaction price apportioned to the remaining performance obligation:
     The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations that have been contracted but not yet performed or not completed at the end of the Reporting
Period was RMB12,379,125,542.70.

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

34. Tax and surcharges
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                    Item                                       2022                                           2021
             Consumption tax                                          8,653,332,472.22                               7,776,945,076.19
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                1,132,484,875.40                               1,010,969,161.44
            Education surcharge                                        486,699,510.87                                 434,483,541.69
          Tax on natural resources                                          92,594.00                                      45,946.20
                Property tax                                            47,802,066.72                                 108,880,137.88
               Land use tax                                             48,955,268.10                                  49,348,856.38
        Vehicle and vessel usage tax                                       105,993.23                                     130,667.12
                Stamp duty                                              54,296,957.03                                 118,209,627.99
         Local education surcharge                                     324,466,433.74                                 289,651,168.33
        Environmental protection tax                                       566,205.73                                   1,033,833.76
                    Total                                          10,748,802,377.04                                 9,789,698,016.98

35. Selling expenses
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                                       2022                                           2021
          Image publicity expense                                     1,240,440,205.34                               1,218,266,158.62
         Sales promotional expense                                    3,889,326,216.67                               3,786,854,045.27
     Storage and logistics expenses                                    476,754,635.74                                 411,654,403.24
             Expenses of labor                                         718,179,395.38                                 611,192,688.42
              Other expenses                                           519,536,560.04                                 475,538,836.35
                    Total                                             6,844,237,013.17                               6,503,506,131.90

36. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                       Item                                                   2022                       2021
Comprehensive expenses of the Company (including travel, office, expenses of
the Board of Directors, employee remuneration, labor insurance, labor protection           1,302,358,844.82          1,153,058,803.19
appliances, etc.)
Rents                                                                                         12,138,843.91            31,590,929.73

Trademark and logo royalties                                                                863,873,404.43            742,030,648.63

Comprehensive service fee                                                                     78,322,182.60            80,272,320.88

Others                                                                                      811,425,992.69            893,016,164.94

                                       Total                                               3,068,119,268.45          2,899,968,867.37

37. Research and development expense
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                                  2022                       2021
Comprehensive expenses (including travel, office, payroll, labor insurance, labor
                                                                                           159,734,978.88             112,283,087.89
protection appliances, etc.)
Material expenses                                                                           24,305,191.52              17,595,341.62

                                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Product design fees                                                                         14,835,860.22            14,671,117.06
Depreciation and amortization expenses                                                      15,940,284.31            11,225,044.37
Comprehensive expenses (including travel, office, payroll, labor insurance, labor
                                                                                            20,967,330.86            21,637,136.71
protection appliances, etc.)
                                       Total                                               235,783,645.79           177,411,727.65

38. Finance costs
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                                         2022                                         2021
              Interest costs                                            48,003,667.91                                69,130,792.55
          Less: Interest income                                       2,075,700,630.12                             1,801,002,307.73
             Exchange loss                                                 394,735.15                                     585,270.50
         Less: Exchange gains                                              509,873.32                                     256,035.88
 Service charge of financial institutions                                1,903,782.68                                 1,984,791.95
                 Others                                                   -442,730.22                                 -2,144,596.61
                  Total                                             -2,026,351,047.92                           -1,731,702,085.22

39. Other income
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
        Sources of other income                                2022                                         2021
         Government subsidies                                          100,421,839.81                               159,198,913.34
               Tax rebates                                              72,322,800.00                                24,522,993.00
            Tax preferences                                             13,781,264.60                                32,006,329.01
                  Total                                                186,525,904.41                               215,728,235.35
     Notes: 1. Refer to the Note "VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, 51. Government
subsidies" for details of government subsidies.
             2. The tax rebates are the VAT rebates received by the Company, refer to the Note "VI Taxes, 2. Tax
preferences" for details.
40. Return on investment
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                                         2022                                         2021
Return on long-term equity investments
                                                                        92,571,951.15                                97,346,566.33
  measured using the equity method
                  Total                                                 92,571,951.15                                97,346,566.33

41. Credit impairment loss
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                                         2022                                         2021
 Loss on uncollectible other receivables                                 -1,722,230.36                                -1,546,459.61
     Loss on uncollectible accounts
                                                                           284,297.70                                 -1,055,065.13
                  Total                                                  -1,437,932.66                                -2,601,524.74

42. Asset impairment loss
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                               Item                                            2022                                2021

                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

 Inventory valuation loss and impairment loss on contract
                                                                                       -5,552,799.12                    -7,531,487.70
                    performance costs
             Impairment loss on fixed assets                                          -20,654,660.75
                             Total                                                    -26,207,459.87                    -7,531,487.70

43. Asset disposal income
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
    Source of asset disposal income                          2022                                             2021
    Disposal of non-current assets                                        3,347,202.23                                  -1,905,183.84
                   Total                                                  3,347,202.23                                  -1,905,183.84

44. Non-operating income
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Amounts included in current
           Item                              2022                             2021
                                                                                                     exceptional profit or loss
      Penalty income                             7,902,851.31                 11,413,330.49                             7,902,851.31
  Gains from scrap of non-
                                                 4,916,136.57                  1,713,863.61                             4,916,136.57
       current assets
          Others                                26,066,282.98                 38,972,624.12                            26,066,282.98
           Total                                38,885,270.86                 52,099,818.22                            38,885,270.86

45. Non-operating expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Amounts included in current
           Item                              2022                              2021
                                                                                                        exceptional profit or loss
         Donations                              57,541,747.10                   99,159,845.28                          57,541,747.10
    Penalty expenditure                             578,945.52                       588,035.22                           578,945.52
  Sponsorship expenditure                        1,000,000.00                                                           1,000,000.00
Loss on scrap of non-current
                                                 5,981,101.42                   23,431,675.28                           5,981,101.42
      Exceptional loss                              198,610.78                       386,224.38                           198,610.78
          Others                                44,487,603.43                   30,558,562.37                          44,487,603.43
           Total                               109,788,008.25                  154,124,342.53                         109,788,008.25
    Other information: The donations mainly consisted of RMB57.3821 million to Sichuan Wuliangye Charity
46. Income tax expense
(1) List of income tax expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                   Item                                      2022                                             2021
     Current income tax expense                                        9,492,020,759.10                              8,140,840,384.03
     Deferred income tax expense                                       -359,131,975.08                               -197,886,268.59
                   Total                                               9,132,888,784.02                              7,942,954,115.44

(2) Reconciliation between accounting profit and income tax expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                                                 2022

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Gross profit                                                                                                      37,103,520,716.24
Income tax expense based on the statutory/applicable tax rates                                                      9,275,880,179.06
Effects of different tax rates of subsidiaries                                                                        -98,809,539.85
Effects of adjustments to income tax of the prior period                                                              -19,147,403.40
Effects of non-taxable revenue                                                                                        -23,142,987.79
Effects of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                  36,940,122.68
Effects of the utilization of deductible losses on which deferred income tax
assets were unrecognized in the prior period
Effects of deductible temporary differences or losses on which deferred income
tax assets are unrecognized in the current period
Effects of the utilization of temporary differences on which deferred income
tax assets were unrecognized in the prior period
Effects of the over-deduction in the calculation of the taxable amount in
relation to wages for the disabled employees
Effects of the 10% preferential income tax rate for stream revenue
Effects of the over-deduction in the calculation of the taxable amount in
relation to R&D expense
Effects of the one-time deduction of fixed assets                                                                          441,246.00
Income tax expense                                                                                                  9,132,888,784.02

47. Cash flow statement line items
(1) Cash generated from other operating activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                                         2022                                        2021
               Interest income                                          1,547,650,473.84                            1,661,218,236.26
    Security deposits and government
                                                                         458,546,814.57                              384,667,127.10
            subsidies received
                    Total                                               2,006,197,288.41                            2,045,885,363.36

(2) Cash used in other operating activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                            Item                                               2022                               2021
                 Expenses relating to selling                                   2,284,853,859.19                    2,690,167,279.28
                 Comprehensive service fee                                            78,322,182.60                   80,272,320.88
                Trademark and logo royalties                                      863,873,404.43                     742,030,648.63
Security deposits paid, payments for current transactions,
                                                                                1,141,487,988.23                    1,273,082,151.54
            and other out-of-pocket expenses
                            Total                                               4,368,537,434.45                    4,785,552,400.33

(3) Cash used in other financing activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                             2022                              2021
                Payment for the lease liabilities                                     402,860,485.37                 395,161,935.55
  Payments to non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries for
    distribution of residual assets in the liquidation and de-                         21,148,883.78
                   registration of subsidiaries
                                 Total                                                424,009,369.15                 395,161,935.55

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

48. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Supplementary information                                        2022                              2021
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash generated from/used in
operating activities
  Net profit                                                                          27,970,631,932.22               24,507,450,330.26
  Add: Asset impairment allowances                                                           20,844,584.71                 5,796,149.63
        Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas
                                                                                         440,948,448.61                  427,065,481.45
assets, and depreciation of productive living assets
         Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                             388,275,480.31                  394,268,510.31
         Amortization of intangible assets                                                   63,957,908.47                37,740,806.36
         Amortization of long-term prepaid expense                                           72,008,715.93                57,930,691.97
        Loss on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                             -3,347,202.23                 1,905,183.84
other long-term assets (―-‖ for gain)
         Loss on the retirement of fixed assets (―-‖ for gain)                              1,064,964.85                21,717,811.67
         Loss on changes in fair value (―-‖ for gain)
         Finance costs (―-‖ for income)                                                    47,867,401.72                69,600,321.23
         Loss on investment (―-‖ for income)                                           -92,571,951.15                  -97,346,566.33
         Decrease in deferred income tax assets (―-‖ for increase)                    -359,131,975.08                 -197,886,268.59
       Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (―-‖ for
         Decrease in inventories (―-‖ for increase)                                  -1,964,349,766.62                -790,605,226.52
         Decrease in operating receivables (―-‖ for increase)                        -3,969,465,671.49              -5,010,652,760.11
         Increase in operating payables (―-‖ for decrease)                           1,814,403,391.23                7,347,957,407.88
         Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                         24,431,136,261.48               26,774,941,873.05
2. Significant investing and financing activities that involve no
cash proceeds or payments
  Conversion of debt to capital
  Current portion of convertible corporate bonds
  Fixed assets under finance leases
3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
  Closing balance of cash                                                             90,584,643,897.66               80,975,257,378.72
  Less: Opening balance of cash                                                       80,975,257,378.72               66,967,091,800.45
  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                            9,609,386,518.94               14,008,165,578.27

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                          Item                                     Closing balance                           Opening balance

I Cash                                                                   90,584,643,897.66                            80,975,257,378.72

Of which: Cash on hand                                                          19,772.01                                      21,897.04

                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

        Bank deposits that can be readily drawn
                                                                    90,562,914,574.52                        80,974,942,794.33
on demand
         Other monetary assets that can be readily
                                                                        21,709,551.13                               292,687.35
drawn on demand

III Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                    90,584,643,897.66                        80,975,257,378.72

49. Assets with restricted ownership or rights-of-use
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                         Closing carrying
        Item                                                                 Reason for restriction
                                               The balance of RMB3,222.19 in the securities trading account with the Yibin
                                               Business Department of Essence Securities, security deposits of
  Monetary assets           192,532,713.23
                                               RMB192,004,714.62 for bank acceptance notes, and other security deposits of
                            117,021,640.00     In pledge for bank acceptance notes
       Total                309,554,353.23

50. Foreign currency monetary items
(1) Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                   Closing balance in foreign
               Item                                                       Exchange rate               Closing balance in RMB
Monetary assets
Of which: USD                                        303,443.37                           6.9646                  2,113,361.69

Accounts receivable
Of which: USD

Long-term borrowings
Of which: USD

(2) Overseas business entities (for substantial overseas business entities, the following information shall be
disclosed: principal place of business, functional currency and basis for the choice, change of functional
currency and reasons)
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
51. Government subsidies
(1) Basic information on government subsidies
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                            Amount included in current
                        Type                            Amount          Presented item
                                                                                                 profit or loss
90-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Baijiu Aging Cellar
                                                       201,380,000.00   Deferred income                    6,712,666.56
Technical Innovation Project (Phase I)
Reward payment for demolition of Jiujiang Lingang
International Industrial Community, Nanhai District,    20,307,702.40   Deferred income                    6,215,221.46
Foshan City
Brewery Wastewater Comprehensive Treatment
                                                        22,500,000.00   Deferred income                      750,000.00
Technical Upgrading Project of the 60-Thousand-Ton
                                                         5,900,000.00   Deferred income                      590,000.04
Rich-Flavor Baijiu Pottery Jar Aging Cellar
Industrial development funds                             1,000,000.00   Deferred income                      558,744.47
Songgong River (Wuliangye Section)
                                                        10,730,000.00   Deferred income                      357,666.72
Comprehensive Treatment Project
Technical Upgrading Project of the Quality Control,
                                                        10,300,000.00   Deferred income                      343,333.32
Quality Inspection and Testing Center
Wastewater Comprehensive Treatment and
                                                        10,000,000.00   Deferred income                      333,333.36
Transformation Project
Wastewater Treatment System Upgrading and
                                                         9,600,000.00   Deferred income                      320,000.04
Renovation Project
Coal-to-Gas Energy Conservation and Emission
                                                         6,600,000.00   Deferred income                      219,999.96
Reduction Project (Phase I)
Informatization and big data application                 1,000,000.00   Deferred income                      125,000.04
Shiergoubao Production Line Technical Upgrading
                                                         1,200,000.00   Deferred income                      120,000.00
Cuiping District Tourism Bureau 4A Scenic Spot
                                                         2,000,000.00   Deferred income                      103,540.00
300-Thousand-Ton Pottery Jar Baijiu Aging Cellar
                                                        10,000,000.00   Deferred income
(Phase I)
Baijiu Blending and Storage Cellar Renovation
                                                        10,000,000.00   Deferred income
Wuliangye Industrial Park Construction Project          10,000,000.00   Deferred income
Brewing Special Grain Process Bin & Milling
                                                         2,740,000.00   Deferred income
Automation Renovation Project
Subsidy for national green plant of 2018                  500,000.00    Deferred income
Yibin Sanjiang New Area 2021 Outstanding
                                                          300,000.00    Deferred income
Economic Contribution Enterprise Award
Award from the Modern Service Industry
Development Bureau of the Economic and                  45,771,539.00    Other income                     45,771,539.00
Technological Development Zone in Lingang
Job Stabilisation Subsidy                               12,222,276.84    Other income                     12,222,276.84
Industrial support funds for projects in Lingang
Economic and Technological Development Zone of           5,045,222.00    Other income                      5,045,222.00
Talent Introduction Subsidy                              4,329,400.00    Other income                      4,329,400.00
Sichuan National Enterprise Technology Centre
                                                         3,000,000.00    Other income                      3,000,000.00
R&D Investment Incentive
Subsidy funds of the ten measures for a strong
                                                         2,720,000.00    Other income                      2,720,000.00
modern industrial city
Support funds for settled enterprises                    2,128,500.00    Other income                      2,128,500.00
Team Award by the Economic Cooperation and
                                                         1,307,400.00    Other income                      1,307,400.00
Foreign Affairs Bureau in Nanxi District, Yibin
Support funds from the Linzhang County Finance
                                                         1,265,496.00    Other income                      1,265,496.00

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Henan Liquor Development Funds                             1,080,000.00   Other income                     1,080,000.00
The first batch of Yibin manufacturing segment
                                                           1,000,000.00   Other income                     1,000,000.00
champion incubatees
Utilities subsidy for industrial enterprise
                                                            939,900.00    Other income                       939,900.00
Funds for promoting innovation and development of
                                                            650,000.00    Other income                       650,000.00
industrial enterprises in Sanjiang New Area, Yibin
Sales incentive from the Yibin Sanjiang New Area
                                                            583,120.00    Other income                       583,120.00
Industry and Services Bureau
Special enterprise technology transformation funds
                                                            538,500.00    Other income                       538,500.00
for high quality development
Provincial special funds for science and technology
                                                            412,000.00    Other income                       412,000.00
Special subsidy for the overall image promotion of
                                                            200,000.00    Other income                       200,000.00
liquor produced in Henan
Fiscal incentive funds for full capacity production of
above-designated-size enterprises in the first quarter      100,000.00    Other income                       100,000.00
of 2022
Subsidy from the International Cooperation and
Investment Service Bureau of the Chengdu Hi-Tech
                                                            100,000.00    Other income                       100,000.00
Industrial Development Zone for supporting small
trading enterprises to scale up
Provincial special funds for intellectual property          100,000.00    Other income                       100,000.00
Special funds for high-quality development                    50,000.00   Other income                        50,000.00
Municipal Business Development Project Subsidy
from the Yibin Sanjiang New Area Industry and                 50,000.00   Other income                        50,000.00
Service Bureau
Yibin Nanxi District Finance Bureau 2021 Economic
                                                              50,000.00   Other income                        50,000.00
Work Recognition Award
Special fund for talent development                           20,000.00   Other income                        20,000.00
Other miscellaneous government subsidies                       8,980.00   Other income                         8,980.00
                         Total                           419,730,036.24                                  100,421,839.81

(2) Return of government subsidies
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
VIII Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Business combinations involving entities not under common control
      There were no business combinations involving entities not under common control in the Reporting Period.
2. Business combinations involving entities under common control
      There were no business combinations involving entities under common control in the Reporting Period.
3. Counter purchase
      There was no subsidiary acquired by counter purchase during the Reporting Period.
4. Disposal of subsidiary
      There was no disposal of subsidiaries during the Reporting Period.
5. Changes in the consolidation scope for other reasons
     As per the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises at Provincial and Municipal Levels
(2020~2022), in order to optimize the branch company and subsidiary allocation as a state-owned enterprise,
the Company has strengthened the disposal of less competitive business entities that are not part of its principal
operations. In 2022, two subsidiaries of the Company, namely Wuhou Cultural Development Co., Ltd. and Yibin

                                                                             Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Wuliangye Xinshengdai Liquor Co., Ltd., were de-registered.
IX Interests in Other Entities
1. Interests in subsidiaries
(1) Compositions of the Group
                                                                                            The Company’s       How the
                                                Principal      Place of
                                                                             Nature of          interest        subsidiary
                  Subsidiary                    place of      registratio
                                                                             business                              was
                                                business           n                       Direct    Indirect    obtained
                                                                            Manufacturi                         Incorporat
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Distillery Co., Ltd.     Yibin            Yibin                   99.00%      0.99%
                                                                               ng                                    ed
Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.           Yibin            Yibin      Business     95.00%
Yibin Wuliang Tequ and Touqu Brand                                                                              Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin      Business                95.00%
Marketing Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  ed
Yibin Wuliangchun Brand Marketing Co., Ltd       Yibin            Yibin      Business                95.00%
Yibin Wuliangye Series Liquor Brand                                                                             Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin      Business                95.00%
Marketing Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  ed
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Supply and                                                                              Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin      Business     99.00%      0.95%
Marketing Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  ed
                                                                            Manufacturi   100.00                Incorporat
Yibin Jiangjiu Liquor Co., Ltd.                  Yibin            Yibin
                                                                               ng           %                        ed
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Environmental                                       Manufacturi                         Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin                   51.00%
Protection Industry Co., Ltd.                                                  ng                                    ed
Sichuan Jinwuxin Technology Co., Ltd.            Yibin            Yibin      Business                51.00%
                                                                                                                entities not
Sichuan Jiebeike Environmental Technology                                                                       Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin     Engineering              26.01%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            ed
                                                                            Manufacturi   100.00                Incorporat
Yibin Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd.            Yibin            Yibin
                                                                               ng           %                        ed
                                                                                                      100.00    Incorporat
Yibin Changjiangyuan Trade Co., Ltd.             Yibin            Yibin      Business
                                                                                                        %            ed
                                                                            Manufacturi               100.00    Incorporat
Yibin Changjiangyuan Brewery Co., Ltd.           Yibin            Yibin
                                                                               ng                       %            ed
Yibin Wuliangye Organic Agriculture                                                                   100.00    Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin     Agriculture
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                   %            ed
Yibin Wuliangye Xianlin Ecological Liquor                                   Manufacturi                         Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin                   90.00%
Co., Ltd.                                                                      ng                                    ed
Yibin Xianlin Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.         Yibin            Yibin      Business                90.00%
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co.,                               Manufacturi                         Incorporat
                                                 Yibin            Yibin                   97.00%      1.53%
Ltd.                                                                           ng                                    ed
Yibin Xinxing Packaging Co., Ltd.                Yibin            Yibin      Business                98.53%
Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials                                   Manufacturi   100.00                combinatio
                                                 Yibin            Yibin
Company Limited                                                                ng           %                         n

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                             entities not
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Shenzhou Glass                                Manufacturi   100.00
                                                Yibin          Yibin
Co., Ltd.                                                                   ng           %
Sichuan Yibin Global Gelasi Glass                                        Manufacturi   100.00
                                                Yibin          Yibin
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                     ng           %
                                                                         Manufacturi   100.00
Sichuan Yibin Push Group 3D Co., Ltd.           Yibin          Yibin
                                                                            ng           %
Guangdong Plastic Packaging Materials                                    Manufacturi               100.00    Incorporat
                                               Foshan          Foshan
Company Limited                                                             ng                       %            ed
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Investment                                                                           Incorporat
                                                Yibin          Yibin     Investment    95.00%
(Consulting) Co., Ltd.                                                                                            ed
Wuliangye Dashijie (Beijing) Trade Co., Ltd.   Beijing         Beijing    Business     95.00%
                                                                         Manufacturi                         Incorporat
Handan Yongbufenli Liquor Co., Ltd.            Handan      Handan                      51.00%
                                                                            ng                                    ed
Linzhang Desheng Liquor Trade Co., Ltd.        Handan      Handan         Business                51.00%
Handan Yongbufenli Sales Co., Ltd.             Handan      Handan         Business                51.00%
                                                                         Consultatio   100.00                 involving
Huaibin Wubin Consultation Service Co., Ltd.   Huaibin     Huaibin
                                                                             n           %                   entities not
Wuguchun Jiu Ye Co., Henan. China              Huaibin     Huaibin                     11.03%     40.00%
Huaibin Tenglong Trade Co., Ltd.               Huaibin     Huaibin        Business                51.03%
Wuguchun Jiu Ye Sales Co., Henan. China        Huaibin     Huaibin        Business                51.03%
Sichuan Wuliangye Culture Tourism                                                                            Incorporat
                                                Yibin          Yibin      Tourism      80.00%
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                            ed
Sichuan Wuliangye Tourist Agency Co., Ltd.      Yibin          Yibin      Tourism                 80.00%
Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.                Yibin          Yibin      Business     45.00%
Sichuan Wuliangye NongXiang Baijiu Co.,                                                                      Incorporat
                                                Yibin          Yibin      Business     95.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                             ed
Sichuan Wuliangye New Retail Management                                                                      Incorporat
                                               Chengdu     Chengdu        Business     90.00%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        ed
     Note on the difference between shareholding proportion and proportion of voting rights in subsidiary:
     As reviewed and approved by the 5th Board of Directors of the Company, the Company, Beijing Sparkle
Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Changjiang Growth Capital Co.,
Ltd. jointly funded and established Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Creart
Company"), of which the registered capital is RMB100 million. The Company contributes RMB45 million,
taking up 45% of the registered capital. On 9 December 2014, Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co.,
Ltd. and the Company entered into the Investment Cooperation Agreement of Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.
through mutual negotiation, Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. entrusted the Company for
management of the 6% equity held by it in Creart Company from the effective date of the agreement till the
duration of Creart Company. The Company will be entitled to the right of management of Shanghai Yue Shan

                                                                        Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Investment Management Co., Ltd. in Creart Company and the voting right at the shareholder meetings of Creart
Company. The Company holds 51% of the voting rights at shareholder meetings of Creart Company in total, and
therefore Creart Company is included in the consolidated statements.
     As resolved by the shareholder meeting of Creart Company on 23 February 2018, Changjiang Growth
Capital Co., Ltd. transferred 11% of the equity to Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. and 6%
of the equity to China Financial Investment Management Limited; as resolved by the shareholder meeting of
Creart Company on 16 July 2018, Beijing Sparkle Investment Co., Ltd. transferred 20% of the equity to Beijing
Sparkle Hengye Education and Cultural Development Co., Ltd.; after the said equity transfer, the Company still
holds 51% of the voting rights at shareholder meetings of Creart Company, and therefore it is included in the
consolidated statements.
     The basis of controlling the invested company even if holding half or less than half voting rights and not
controlling the invested company even if holding more than half voting rights:
     As reviewed and approved by the 5th Board of Directors of the Company, the Company, Beijing Sparkle
Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Changjiang Growth Capital Co.,
Ltd. jointly funded and established Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Creart
Company"), of which the registered capital is RMB100 million. The Company contributes RMB45 million,
taking up 45% of the registered capital. On 9 December 2014, Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co.,
Ltd. and the Company entered into the Investment Cooperation Agreement of Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.
through mutual negotiation, Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. entrusted the Company for
management of the 6% equity held by it in Creart Company from the effective date of the agreement till the
duration of Creart Company. The Company will be entitled to the right of management of Shanghai Yue Shan
Investment Management Co., Ltd. in Creart Company and the voting right at the shareholder meetings of Creart
Company. The Company holds 51% of the voting rights at shareholder meetings of Creart Company in total, and
therefore Creart Company is included in the consolidated statements.
     As resolved by the shareholder meeting of Creart Company on 23 February 2018, Changjiang Growth
Capital Co., Ltd. transferred 11% of the equity to Shanghai Yue Shan Investment Management Co., Ltd. and 6%
of the equity to China Financial Investment Management Limited; as resolved by the shareholder meeting of
Creart Company on 16 July 2018, Beijing Sparkle Investment Co., Ltd. transferred 20% of the equity to Beijing
Sparkle Hengye Education and Cultural Development Co., Ltd.; after the said equity transfer, the Company still
holds 51% of the voting rights at shareholder meetings of Creart Company, and therefore it is included in the
consolidated statements.
(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                               Net profit or loss      Declared dividends
                         Non-controlling     attributable to non-      for non-controlling   Closing balance of non-
                            interests       controlling interests in     interests in the      controlling interests
                                              the current period          current period

Yibin Wuliangye
                                    5.00%            992,870,803.68        760,305,969.08            1,537,827,517.88
Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

(3) Key financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Closing balance
                                     Current assets          Non-current assets          Total assets            Current liabilities   Non-current liabilities       Total liabilities
                                      52,251,794,015.91         1,892,165,619.23        54,143,959,635.14          23,671,251,317.50               6,778,677.35        23,678,029,994.85

 Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co.,                                                                  Opening balance
               Ltd.                  Current assets          Non-current assets          Total assets            Current liabilities   Non-current liabilities       Total liabilities
                                      48,642,681,798.88         1,409,440,389.95        50,052,122,188.83          23,989,163,724.26             248,325,516.31        24,237,489,240.57
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

            Subsidiary                                                                                                                               Net cash generated from/used in
                                         Operating revenue                         Net profit                  Total comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                                           operating activities
                                                  55,106,792,873.09                   19,857,416,073.60                      19,857,416,073.60                         17,366,966,563.43

 Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co.,
                                                                                                                                                     Net cash generated from/used in
               Ltd.                      Operating revenue                         Net profit                  Total comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                                           operating activities
                                                  58,718,765,149.19                   16,925,376,124.29                      16,925,376,124.29                         21,044,523,299.61

                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Interests in joint ventures or associates
(1) Important joint ventures or associates
                                                                                                The Company’s        Accounting
                                                                                                 interest (%)         treatment of
                                               Principal      Place of
                                                                              Nature of                                investment
         Joint venture or associate            place of      registratio
                                                                              business                                 in the joint
                                               business           n                            Direct    Indirect       venture or
                                                                             Advertising                                Equity
Oriental Outlook Media Co., Ltd.                Beijing       Beijing                          49.00%
                                                                              industry                                  method
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance                                                                                   Equity
                                                 Yibin         Yibin           Finance         40.56%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                               method
                                                                            Packaging and
Yibin Jiamei Intelligent Packaging Co.,                                                                                 Equity
                                                 Yibin         Yibin           printing                  48.28%
Ltd.                                                                                                                    method
Beijing Zhongjiuhuicui Education and                                          Education                                 Equity
                                                Beijing       Beijing                          20.83%
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           industry                                 method
(2) Key financial information of important associates
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                     Closing balance/2022                         Opening balance/2021
                                             Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance        Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance
                                                            Co., Ltd.                                    Co., Ltd.
Current assets                                                    10,716,370,139.80                           15,261,397,498.01

Non-current assets                                                33,512,182,650.82                           28,681,784,105.08

Total assets                                                      44,228,552,790.62                           43,943,181,603.09

Current liabilities                                               39,453,741,415.00                           39,338,284,799.58

Non-current liabilities                                                 16,087,688.44                                 5,208,942.19

Total liabilities                                                 39,469,829,103.44                           39,343,493,741.77

Non-controlling interests

Equity attributable to the shareholders of
                                                                    4,758,723,687.18                             4,599,687,861.32
the Company as the parent
Share of net assets in proportion to the
                                                                    1,930,138,327.52                             1,865,633,396.55
Company’s interest



--Unrealized profit of internal


Carrying amount of equity investments
                                                                    1,930,138,327.52                             1,865,633,396.55
in associates
Fair value of equity investments in
associates with quoted prices on the open

Operating revenue                                                    478,928,872.79                                 501,329,916.19

                                                                                  Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Net profit                                                            215,835,825.86                             210,463,988.65

Net profit of discontinued operations

Other comprehensive income

Total comprehensive income                                            215,835,825.86                             210,463,988.65

Dividends received from the associates
                                                                       23,038,080.00                              41,720,016.00
in the current period

(3) Aggregate financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                      Closing balance/2022                       Opening balance/2021

Joint ventures:

Aggregate amount in proportion to the
Company’s interests


Total carrying amount of investments                                   56,249,197.26                              45,595,257.08

Aggregate amount in proportion to the
Company’s interests

--Net profit                                                            5,028,940.18                               7,388,096.20

--Total comprehensive income                                            5,028,940.18                               7,388,096.20

3. Interests in structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statements
    There were no structured entities that were not included in the consolidated financial statements in the
Reporting Period.
X Disclosure of Fair Value
1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                            Closing fair value

                  Item                     Fair value        Fair value              Fair value
                                         measurement at    measurement at        measurement at level             Total
                                             level I          level II                   III
I Consistent fair value measurement            --                --                        --                      --
Receivables financing                                                                28,904,198,420.44        28,904,198,420.44
Other non-current financial assets                                                        1,200,000.00             1,200,000.00
Total assets measured at fair value
                                                                                     28,905,398,420.44        28,905,398,420.44
on an ongoing basis
II Fair value measurement on a
                                               --                --                        --                      --
non-ongoing basis

2. Basis for determining the market value of fair value measurement at level I on an ongoing and non-
ongoing bases
      Not applicable
3. For fair value measurement at level II on an ongoing and non-ongoing bases, qualitative and
quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters
      Not applicable

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

4. For fair value measurement at level III on an ongoing and non-ongoing bases, qualitative and
quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters
      Receivables financing: Due to the short term of notes receivable held by the Company, and the selling time,
selling price and selling proportion cannot be estimated reliably, the Company measures the notes receivable
according to the par value as a reasonable estimate of fair value.
      Other non-current financial assets: Since the Company holds other non-current financial assets that are not
traded in an active market, and its equity interest in the invested company is low and has no significant influence,
it is not realistic and feasible to value the equity in the invested company using the income approach or market
approach, and there is no recent introduction of external investors to the invested company or transfer of equity
among shareholders that can be used as a reference basis for determining fair value. In addition, the Company
has not found any significant changes in the internal and external environment of the invested company since the
beginning of the year from the analysis of the relevant information available, therefore, it is a "limited
circumstances" in which the carrying cost can be used as the best estimate of the fair value, and therefore the fair
value is based on the cost at the end of the year.
5. For fair value measurement at level III on an ongoing basis, reconciliation information between
beginning and ending carrying values and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters
     Not applicable
6. For fair value measurement items on a continuous basis, if there is a conversion between different levels
in the current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policy for determining the conversion time
     Not applicable
7. Changes in valuation techniques occurring in the current period and reasons for changes
     Not applicable
8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value
     Not applicable
XI Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions
1. Information on the parent company of the Company
                                                                                                              The parent
                               Place of                                                 The parent
                                            Nature of                                                      company’s voting
 Name of the parent company   registratio                      Registered capital   company’s interest
                                            business                                                      right percentage in
                                   n                                                 in the Company
                                                                                                             the Company
Yibin Development Holding
                                Yibin       Investment           RMB5 billion            34.43%                34.43%
Group Co., Ltd.
     Information on the parent company of the Company:
     Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly state-owned company funded and established by
the People’s Government of Yibin City. Legal representative of the company is Liang Li and its registered
capital is RMB5 billion. Its business scope includes the state-owned property right (including state-owned
shares), state-owned assets and state investments as authorized by the People's Government of Yibin City. The
company, as an investor, conducts capital management and assets management by holding, shareholding,
investment and receiving assignment, transfer, auction, and lease within the limits of authority.
     Main functions of Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. include: First, holding state-owned equity
and exercising shareholder’s rights in municipal-level enterprise on behalf of the People’s Government of Yibin
City; second, raising funds for key construction projects as an investment and financing platform of the People’s
Government of Yibin City, and investing in such projects by shareholding and holding; third, promoting the
preserve and increase the value of state-owned assets and economic development of the city by capital
management and assets management.
     Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd., by administrative transfer of state-owned assets, holds 100%
of the equity of Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd., so that it controls 2,128,371,363.00 shares of the
Company directly or indirectly, taking up 54.83% of the total share capital of the Company.
     The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Yibin
City is the ultimate controller of the Company.

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
     Refer to the Note "IX Interests in Other Entities" for information about subsidiaries of the Company.
3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
     Refer to the Note "IX Interests in Other Entities" for information about important joint ventures and
associates of the Company.
     Other joint ventures or associates that were involved in related-party transactions with the Company in the
current period, or that were involved in related-party transactions with the Company in prior periods with
balances lasting into the current period:
              Name of joint venture or associate                             Relationship with the Company
       Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                 Associate
          Yibin Jiamei Intelligent Packaging Co., Ltd.                                 Associate

4. Other related parties
                Names of other related parties                 Relationship between other related parties and the Company
                                                           The legal representative of the Company concurrently serves as
                                                           the Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of the
                                                           Board of Wuliangye Group, and some directors and officers of
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.
                                                           the Company concurrently hold positions in Wuliangye Group.
                                                           Wuliangye Group directly holds a 20.40% interest in the
Yibin Wuliangye Group I&E Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.                                   Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological Brewery and
                                                                            Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Marketing Co., Ltd.
Yibin Wuliangye Ecological Brewing Co., Ltd.                                Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Chengdu Wuliangye Grand Hotel Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd.                                              Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd.                                              Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Push Acetati Company Limited                                           Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Drive Co., Ltd.                                             Subsidiary of Push Group
Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Building Materials Co., Ltd.                                Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Push Group
Push Information & Automation (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                            Subsidiary of Push Group
Yibin Push Linko Technology Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                                             Subsidiary of Push Group
Yibin Push Assets Management Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Push International Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary of Push Group
Push Ningjiang Machine Tool Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Push Group
Zhejiang Pukai New Material Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Push Group
Chongqing PUSH POWER Technology Co., Ltd.                                      Subsidiary of Push Group
Yibin Puyi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary of Push Group
Sun Display Co., Ltd.                                                          Subsidiary of Push Group
Sichuan Yibin Licai Group Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                Subsidiary of Licai Group
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co., Ltd.                             Subsidiary of Global Group

                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy Conservation Technology
                                                                                   Subsidiary of Global Group
Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Global Group
Yibin Global Energy Conservation Service Co., Ltd.                                 Subsidiary of Global Group
Sichuan Global Insulator Co., Ltd.                                                 Subsidiary of Global Group
Yaohua (Yibin) Glass, Co., Ltd.                                                     Associate of Global Group
Yibin City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                                         Wuliangye Group holds a 19.99% interest
Yibin Wuliangye Fund Management Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Yibin Wuliangye Rural Development Fund (L.P.)                                    Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Yibin Wuliangye Tea Industry Development Fund (L.P.)                    Subsidiary of Wuliangye Rural Development Fund
Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                                Subsidiary of Wuliangye Tea Industry Development Fund
Yibin Chuanhong Tea Group Co., Ltd.                                  Subsidiary of Wuliangye Tea Industry Development Fund
Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                                           Subsidiary of Chuanhong Tea Group
Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                            Subsidiary of Chuanhong Tea Group
Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                                            Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji Logistic Co., Ltd.                           Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co., Ltd.                               Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Sichuan An Shi Ji Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                             Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Sichuan Andaxin Logistics Co., Ltd.                                             Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Yibin Jichi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.                                  Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd. (Chengdu Branch)                         Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Wuliangye Group Anji Shipping Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. (Chengdu, Sichuan Branch)                         Subsidiary of Anji Logistic Group
Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Huansheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Wuliang Pharmaceutical
Yibin Tianyuan Group Co., Ltd.                                               Subsidiary of Yibin Development Group
Yibin Tianyuan Goods&Materials Industry Group Co., Ltd.                           Subsidiary of Tianyuan Group
Yibin Tianyi New Material Technology Co., Ltd.                                    Subsidiary of Tianyuan Group
Yibin Tianchang Logistics Co., Ltd.                                               Subsidiary of Tianyuan Group
Yibin Grace Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Subsidiary of Yibin Development Group
Yibin Grace Fiber Industry Co., Ltd.                                                Subsidiary of Grace Group
Yibin Hiest Fibre Limited Corporation                                               Subsidiary of Grace Group
Yibin Jinxilai Changxin Industry Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Grace Group
Yibin Jinxiuyuan Landscaping Co., Ltd.                                              Subsidiary of Grace Group
Yibin Grace Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.                         Subsidiary of Grace Group
Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si Chuan                                   Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial Co., Ltd., Sichuan               Subsidiary of Sacred Mountain Molin Group
Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                                    Subsidiary of Sacred Mountain Molin Group
Yibin Sanjiang Investment and Construction Group Co., Ltd.                   Subsidiary of Yibin Development Group
Yibin Xianghe Aviation Service Co., Ltd.                             Subsidiary of Sanjiang Investment and Construction Group
Cowin Automobile Co., Ltd.                                           Subsidiary of Sanjiang Investment and Construction Group
Yibin Jindun Security Service Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of Sanjiang Investment and Construction Group
Sichuan Haida Rubber Group Co., Ltd.                                             Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.                                                   Subsidiary of Haida Group
Sichuan Gloport Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd.                   Subsidiary of Yibin Development Group
Yibin Lingang Business Service Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary of Gloport Investment Group
Yibin Urban and Traffic Construction Investment Group Co.,                   Subsidiary of Yibin Development Group

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Yibin Changsheng Engineering Management Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of Yibin Urban and Traffic Construction Investment
WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Yibin. Sichuan                           Subsidiary of Wuliangye Group
Sichuan Wuliangye Baojianjiu Sales Co., Ltd.                                   Subsidiary of Health Liquor Group

5. Related-party transactions
(1) Related-party transactions involving purchase and sale of goods, as well as receipt and rendering of
Purchases of goods/receipt of services:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                 Content of                                trans
                Related party                                               2022                   actio            2021
                                                 transaction                               actio
                                               Raw materials,
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade
                                                glass bottles,           486,353,033.02                         489,352,080.56
Co., Ltd.
Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si       Raw materials,
                                                                         279,025,424.54                         244,713,764.87
Chuan                                                etc.
                                                 RFID anti-
Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.               counterfeit               74,657,518.94                           67,959,749.62
                                                 labels etc.
                                               Raw materials,
Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.                                  74,547,521.47                           29,445,309.93
Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co.,   Raw materials,
                                                                           70,910,604.02                           71,018,790.28
Ltd.                                                 etc.
Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si
                                                  PPE, etc.                63,612,864.25                           63,567,442.37
Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.               Tea, etc.              54,932,985.64                           63,205,148.32
Yibin Chuanhong Tea Group Co., Ltd.                   Tea                  29,638,828.00                            1,908,311.50
                                               Raw materials,              64,080,623.14
Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd.                                                                                  68,939,522.33
                                               Raw materials,
Sichuan Yibin Push Drive Co., Ltd.                                         17,523,314.19                           25,198,204.17
Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial
                                                  PPE, etc.                16,261,166.33
Co., Ltd., Sichuan
Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co.,
                                               Medicines, etc.             14,620,065.38                           11,174,519.56
                                               Raw materials,
Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                                         13,561,665.00                           10,720,904.50
Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy              Raw materials,
                                                                           12,271,638.57                             694,466.22
Conservation Technology Co., Ltd.                  etc.
Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.     Glass bottles              21,780,109.59                            3,233,095.59
Sichuan Yibin Push Building Materials Co.,
                                               Raw materials                5,487,962.63                             166,591.02

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Huansheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.               Medicines           2,567,710.74                           641,800.51
                                                 Raw materials,
Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                                2,006,480.60
Push Information & Automation (Chengdu)          Raw materials,
Co., Ltd.                                            etc.
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade
                                                  Health liquor                                            44,958,850.17
Co., Ltd.
                                                 Raw materials,
Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                                  468,746.01                         1,279,766.67
Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co.,   Raw materials,
                                                                         450,353.40                         1,406,227.36
Ltd.                                                  etc.
Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            44,574,105.04
                                                 materials, etc.
Sichuan Wuliangye Baojianjiu Sales Co., Ltd.      Health liquor                                            39,195,390.87
                                                 Raw materials,
Yibin Push Linko Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                      17,849,789.80
Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co.,
                                                     Liquor                                                 2,026,327.43
Other miscellaneous purchases of goods from
                                                                       2,683,557.95                         4,519,425.55
related parties
Total purchases of goods from related parties                       1,308,552,760.86                    1,307,749,584.24
                                                   Freight and
Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                                797,438,814.15                       691,658,046.61
                                                 charges, service
                                                   charges, etc.
Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.             processing        87,842,293.03                        41,632,320.82
                                                 External labour
Sichuan Andaxin Logistics Co., Ltd.                                   77,361,088.22
                                                   Freight and
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji Logistic
                                                 charges, shuttle     69,437,258.05                        38,527,096.20
Co., Ltd.
                                                 service charges,
Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co.,        Repair
                                                                       9,875,552.57                         8,250,361.82
Ltd.                                              expenses, etc.
WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd.
                                                      support          8,157,421.41
Yibin. Sichuan
                                                   Freight and
Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd.            charges, repair       5,718,811.96                        5,274,819.29
                                                 charges, vehicle
                                                    costs, etc.
Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd.                     processing         3,064,274.15
                                                   Freight and
Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co.,
                                                  miscellaneous        1,352,869.02
Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.        Repair expenses       1,337,300.00                         2,899,211.82
Yibin Global Energy Conservation Service Co.,        Smoke
                                                                         644,617.72                         2,579,378.09
Ltd.                                             treatment, etc.
Yibin Jichi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.    Vehicle costs,         188,590.86                         1,916,208.75

                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.


Chengdu Wuliangye Grand Hotel Co., Ltd.            promotion                                               6,830,188.54
                                                   Freight and
Wuliangye Group Anji Shipping Co., Ltd.           miscellaneous                                            3,909,107.29
Other miscellaneous receipts of services from
                                                                      4,029,096.79                         2,319,214.57
related parties
Total receipts of services from related parties                    1,066,447,987.93                      805,795,953.80
     Notes to the related-party transactions involving purchases of goods/receipt of services:
     Note 1: The Company and Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co., Ltd. entered into the Purchase
and Sales Agreement and Agreement, according to which the Company procures raw materials, cartons, glass
bottles, etc. from Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co., Ltd. The pricing principle is market quotations,
and the specific purchases and sales demand may be determined according to the orders by the two parties. The
Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 2: The Company and Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si Chuan entered into the Labor
Protection Appliances, Packing Bags, and Festival Food Supply Agreement on 1 January 2021, according to
which the Company procures labor protection appliances, packing bags, and festival food from Sacred Mountain
Molin Group. The pricing principle is negotiable bidding, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be
determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2023.
     Note 3: The Company and Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co., Ltd. entered into Procurement
Contract. The Company procures films, bags, boxes, accessories, etc. from Chengdu Push Medical Plastics
Packaging Co., Ltd. According to the bid agreement, the Company will place an order with Chengdu Push
Medical Plastics Packaging Co., Ltd. with the bid result. Specific information on the name, quantity, amount, etc.
of accessories can be seen in the procurement orders signed by both parties. The price of goods is the factory
price in lump sum, including the factory price of materials, packing expenses, transportation loss charges,
transportation expenses, and various testing fees of the material, various risks, profits, taxes, and other expenses.
The Agreement is valid for three year since the bid opening day.
     Note 4: On 11 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd. entered into the
Supply Agreement. The Company procures molds, spare parts, systems, R&D restructuring and maintenance
projects, injection products and raw material, value-added services and so on from Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co.,
Ltd. The agreement products are paid at market price, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be
determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2023.
     Note 5: On 5 March 2021, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd. entered into the Related-
Party Transaction Framework Agreement. The Company procures equipment and anti-counterfeit labels from
Push Group. Refer to corresponding purchases and sales contract for details on sales of goods, unit, quantity, and
amount. The product price is the factory price in lump sum, including the factory price of materials, packing
expenses, and various testing fees of the material, various risks, profits, taxes (utilizing the tax rate adjusted by
the country) and other expenses. If delivery is requested, extra expenses such as the freight charge, insurance
expense and delivery expense are needed based on the factory price. The Agreement is valid from 5 March 2021
to 31 December 2023.
     Note 6: The Company and Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd. entered into the Agreement, according
to which the Company procures tea leaves and peripheral products of tea, tea-related prepackaged foods and tea
for heatstroke prevention and cooling, papers products, and marketing products from Wuming Tea Industry
Holding Co., Ltd. The pricing principle is based on the value and cost, oriented by market competition, taking
the historical price for reference and the costs, profits, taxes and dues, quality, delivery date, order quantity, after-
sales service, logistics, packaging, payment terms into full consideration. The specific purchases and sales
demand may be determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January
2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 7: The Company and Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si Chuan entered into the Labor
Protection Appliances, Packing Bags, and Festival Food Supply Agreement on 1 January 2021, according to
which the Company procures labor protection appliances, packing bags, and festival food from Sacred Mountain

                                                                                Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Molin Group. The pricing principle is negotiable bidding, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be
determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2023.
     Note 8: The Company and Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan entered into the Agreement on 1 January
2021, according to which the Company procures the services of transportation and delivery, warehousing and
stevedoring. The pricing principle is price fairness, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be
determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2023.
Sale of goods/rendering of services:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Related party                    Content of transaction                2022                   2021
Yibin Wuliangye Group I&E Co., Ltd.                  Liquor products, etc.              890,325,314.77         409,320,476.95
Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.              Liquor products                  336,748,937.76         816,348,512.08
Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                  Bottle caps, slices, etc.           147,098,873.26         177,193,094.91
Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co., Ltd.    Liquor products, etc.               96,358,269.24
Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                Liquor products, etc.               88,605,502.59                  416.04
Sichuan Global Insulator Co., Ltd.                    Glass bottles, etc.                85,983,531.87              62,123.90
                                                      Glass bottles, raw
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Co., Ltd.                                                     59,487,606.48         176,449,056.05
                                                       materials, etc.
Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy Conservation
                                                     Raw materials, etc.                 50,054,556.67              47,195.44
Technology Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                    Liquor products                   41,097,469.02          49,538,612.53
Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co.,
                                                       Slices, rolls, etc.               37,044,899.55          55,077,686.69
Yibin Tianyuan Goods&Materials Industry Group
                                                     Raw materials, etc.                 23,198,309.63
Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.       Liquor products, etc.               17,820,858.43          36,147,029.43
Sichuan Yibin Push Drive Co., Ltd.                        Slices, etc.                   10,870,632.10          19,366,272.90
Zhejiang Pukai New Material Co., Ltd.                        Slices                       9,609,175.58
Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.              Cartons, etc.                    6,311,751.24           6,490,641.32
Sichuan Yibin Push Building Materials Co., Ltd.      Raw materials, etc.                  5,730,155.65             364,117.86
Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.             Hangtags, labels, etc.                5,456,605.98          11,348,797.14
Yibin Xianghe Aviation Service Co., Ltd.               Liquor products                    5,094,330.99
Yibin Grace Fiber Industry Co., Ltd.                        Cartons                       4,139,121.41
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological
                                                       Liquor products                    3,233,235.08          45,012,917.77
Brewery and Marketing Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological
                                                     Raw materials, etc.                  2,895,562.51           2,128,083.34
Brewery and Marketing Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                Packaging boxes, etc.                 2,708,303.80           8,657,314.16
                                                    Miscellaneous items,
Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                                       2,482,856.40           2,055,108.18
                                                        paper, etc.
Yibin Wuliangye Ecological Brewing Co., Ltd.         Raw materials, etc.                  2,285,500.82           2,035,519.70
Yibin Tianyi New Material Technology Co., Ltd.              Cartons                       2,277,096.90
Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.              Raw materials, etc.                  1,910,077.66             722,332.60
Cowin Automobile Co., Ltd.                             Liquor products                    1,911,504.42
Sichuan Yibin Push International Co., Ltd.                   Slices                       1,621,563.45           3,646,154.03
Yibin Hiest Fibre Limited Corporation                       Cartons                       1,495,038.88

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan              Raw materials, etc.               1,220,663.96
                                                    Liquor, food and
Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd.                                                    1,203,612.63           1,625,007.87
                                                     beverage, etc.
Yibin Jinxilai Changxin Industry Co., Ltd.          Glass bottles, etc.              1,150,733.24
Push Ningjiang Machine Tool Co., Ltd.                Liquor products                 1,061,946.90           1,061,946.90
Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                 Paper, etc.                    993,977.16             513,031.82
Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                Liquor products                   275,706.18         796,696,566.44
Sichuan Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.                    Liquor products                   265,486.73           1,356,672.57
Sichuan An Shi Ji Supply Chain Management Co.,
                                                     Liquor products                   254,910.61           1,469,515.07
Sichuan Push Acetati Company Limited               Raw materials, etc.                  56,833.55          17,958,510.06
                                                   Glass bottles, paper,
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co.,
                                                    industrial sodium                   48,054.66          17,429,899.65
                                                      carbonate, etc.
Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.        Mixed grains, rice bran             3,458,626.32           3,871,702.12
Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd.                      Liquor products                                       44,573,505.04
Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.                       Plastics                                          12,277,424.74
WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Yibin.
                                                     Liquor products                                        3,320,666.38
Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                 Liquor products                                        1,221,238.94
Other miscellaneous sales to related parties                                         6,124,646.14           7,618,094.91
                       Total                                                     1,959,971,840.22       2,733,005,245.53
     Notes to the related-party transactions involving sale of goods/rendering of services:
     Note 1: On 1 January 2021, the Company and Yibin Wuliangye Group I&E Co., Ltd. entered into the
Export Commodities Purchase and Sales Agreement. According to the Agreement, Wuliangye Group I&E shall
give the Company prior written notice of specific requirements for specification, model, packaging, anti-
counterfeit label, quantity, and delivery term of the Wuliangye series products according to the demands of the
international market, and prepay 60% of the purchase price to the Company. The Company shall organize the
production and supply Wuliangye series liquor products in a timely manner according to the export demands of
Wuliangye Group I&E. Due to some factors such as the change of the exchange rate, the price that the Company
charges for the agreed products supplying to Wuliangye Group I&E is floating price. The Agreement is valid
from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 2: On 22 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd. entered into the
Framework Contract. Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd. procures bulk chemical materials, packaging products
and other materials from the Company for production and operation. Refer to corresponding purchases and sales
contract for details on sales of goods, unit, quantity, and amount. The product price is the factory price in lump
sum, including the factory price of materials, packing expenses, and various testing fees of the material, various
risks, profits, taxes (utilizing the tax rate adjusted by the country) and other expenses. If delivery is requested,
extra expenses such as the freight charge, insurance expense and delivery expense are needed based on the
factory price. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 3: On 1 January 2021, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Global Group Co., Ltd. entered into the
Agreement. Sichuan Yibin Global Group Co., Ltd. procures glass bottles and so on from the Company. The
pricing principle is as it is agreed in the contract, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be
determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31
December 2023.
     Note 4: The Company and Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co., Ltd. entered into the Framework
Contract and Related-Party Transaction Framework Agreement. Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co.,
Ltd. procures bulk chemical materials, packaging products and other materials from the Company for production
and operation. Please refer to corresponding purchases and sales contract for details on sales of goods, unit,
quantity, and amount. The product price is the factory price in lump sum, including the factory price of materials,
packing expenses, and various testing fees of the material, various risks, profits, taxes (utilizing the tax rate

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

adjusted by the country) and other expenses. If delivery is requested, extra expenses such as the freight charge,
insurance expense and delivery expense are needed based on the factory price. The Agreement is valid from 1
January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 5: The Company and Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd. entered into the Agreement. Sichuan
Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd. procures Wuliang Nongxiang wine from the Company, and the specific
purchases and sales demand may be determined according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is
valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 6: On 1 September 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological Brewery and
Marketing Co., Ltd. entered into the Base Wine Purchase Agreement. According to the market demand, Sichuan
Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological Brewery and Marketing Co., Ltd. put forward specific requirements for the
quantities, delivery date and so on of the agreed products in advance. Then, the Company supplies the agreed
products to it based on its demand for production and operation. For each actual supply of the agreed products,
the actual settle quantity should be the quantity determined by both parties, and the price of the agreed products
shall strictly obey the market price with the delivery after payment. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021
to 31 December 2023.
     Note 7: On 15 December 2020, the Company and Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd. entered into the
Agreement. Yibin Wucai Packaging Co., Ltd. procures finished liquor and others from the Company. The pricing
principle is as it is agreed in the contract, and the specific purchases and sales demand may be determined
according to the orders by the two parties. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
(2) Leases between the Company and related parties
The Company as the lessor:
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                    Lease income
                                                   Type of the                          Lease income recognized in
                     Lessee                                       recognized in the
                                                   leased asset                               the prior period
                                                                    current period
Sichuan Yibin Push Building Materials Co., Ltd.   Warehouses              657,289.27                     817,008.36
Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co.,      Buildings and
                                                                          384,171.44                     384,171.44
Ltd.                                              constructions
                                                  Buildings and
Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                                     169,268.48
Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                Warehouses                63,048.44                     74,109.62
WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Yibin.    Buildings and
Sichuan                                           constructions
Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co.,
                                                  Warehouses                                              60,317.51

                                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

        The Company as the lessee:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                Lease expense on short-term leases
                      Type of     and leases of low-value assets     Variable lease payments not included
                                                                                                                           Lease payments              Interest expense on lease liabilities   Addition of right-of-use assets
                        the        accounted with a simplified         in lease liabilities (if applicable)
                      leased         approach (if applicable)
                                    2022               2021               2022                    2021              2022                    2021           2022                   2021           2022                 2021

Chengdu Huayu
Glass                 Equipm
                                    10,570.50           15,855.75                                                   3,945,619.28        4,053,906.15       100,468.44             754,209.05
Manufacturing Co.,      ent
Anji Logistic
Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                            126,517.41
Anji Logistic
Group Co., Ltd.                    490,000.11          716,376.87      61,860,729.58         130,597,335.81     23,103,665.50          19,603,124.18       757,254.25             342,054.67   34,272,706.59
Anji Logistic
Group Co., Ltd.       Wareho
                                  376,098.91           580,823.31
(Chengdu, Sichuan      uses
Sichuan An Shi Ji
Supply Chain          Wareho
                                    25,943.39           28,301.88
Management Co.,        uses
Sichuan Putian        Equipm
                                    29,496.14           11,865.31
Packaging Co., Ltd.     ent
Sichuan Yibin
Global Group
                       Plant                         2,742,857.12                                                   2,057,142.84                           210,054.49                           7,847,140.12
Tianwo Trade Co.,
Sichuan Yibin
Global Group Co.,                                                                                                   2,989,811.34        1,494,905.67        84,675.42              61,061.66                        5,827,142.31
Sichuan Yibin Licai   Buildin
                                 4,189,086.00       10,794,555.85
Group Co., Ltd.       gs and

                                                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                       (note 3)
                       gs and
Sichuan Yibin Push
                       constru                                      6,715,238.08     6,715,238.10     446,482.91       1,189,835.59
Group Co., Ltd.
                       (note 4)
Sichuan Yibin Push     Wareho
                                                                    2,510,558.74     2,510,537.14      84,882.52        166,924.34
Group Co., Ltd.         uses
Sichuan Yibin Push     Equipm
                                    62,006.20    130,810.30
Auto Parts Co., Ltd.     ent
Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Group        Vehicle
                                                                     286,200.00                          5,909.04                        623,858.85
Anji Logistic Co.,        s
WuLiangYe Group
Health Liquor Co.,                                                   834,227.59       834,227.59       53,826.65         26,243.24                      2,408,821.15
Ltd. Yibin. Sichuan
Sichuan Yibin          gs and
Wuliangye Group        constru    1,522,182.20                  29,255,400.00       29,255,400.00    1,533,162.69      2,485,292.89                    83,200,577.90
Co., Ltd.              ctions
                       (note 2)
Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Group                                                296,608,546.40      296,608,546.40   15,544,110.07     25,197,390.30                   843,537,258.68
                       (note 1)
Co., Ltd.
Yibin Global
Energy                 Wareho
                                                 702,124.30         3,714,028.94     3,738,763.42     217,815.12        637,038.24                      4,019,872.24
Conservation            uses
Technology Co.,
Yibin Global
Energy                 Equipm
Conservation             ent
Technology Co.,
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Yibin Push Linko
                      gs and
Technology Co.,                  907,200.00     897,933.34          1,885,428.57   1,885,428.57    68,515.70       120,978.03                      1,235,272.20
Yibin Push Linko
Technology Co.,                 2,219,398.11   2,024,924.51
Yibin Push Assets
Management Co.,                 4,128,446.44                        3,735,473.53   7,751,407.36   146,943.35       427,923.75     4,718,715.17              0.00
Sun Display Co.,      Wareho
                                 437,084.60      42,884.00
Ltd.                   uses
Sichuan Andaxin       Wareho
Logistics Co., Ltd.    uses

                                                                         Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

     Notes to the leases between the Company and related parties:
     Note 1: On 31 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. entered into
three Land Lease Agreements, according to which Wuliangye Group leased five plots of lands (Wujiaba Land
Parcel, Zongchang Land Parcel, Ziyan Land Parcel I, Fuzao Land Parcel, and Zhuchangqu Land Parcel) with an
area of 2,315,349.08 square meters, Guifei Land Parcel, Old Summer Palace Land Parcel I and II, Nanxi Land
Parcel I, II, and III, Zhuchangqu Land Parcel with an area of 725,587.75 square meters, and 1,000 mu of land (an
area of 666,670.00 square meters) in the north side of Hongba Road owned by it to the Company. The annual
rents are RMB185,227,900, RMB5,804,700and RMB53,333,600, respectively, totaling RMB296,608,500. The
lease term is from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Land price criterion:
     The land lease pricing policy of the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. is formulated
with reference to the land lease criterion of previous years and in accordance with the Reply of Yibin Land
Resource Administration Bureau on the Request of Wuliangye Group for Adjustment of the Land Lease Criterion
(YGTH [2010] No. 53, 12 March 2010), which states that "the rent of RMB50 to RMB110 per square meter per
year for the industrial land in this area is consistent with prevailing land price of Yibin". The Company and
Wuliangye Group determine the rent of leased land as RMB80 per square meter per year through mutual
     Note 2: On 31 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. entered into
the Operation and Management Areas Lease Agreement, according to which Wuliangye Group leases part of the
operation and management areas (including the office building, multi-function pavilion, etc.) owned by it to the
Company. The leased area is 27,121.32 square meters, with the annual rent of RMB29,255,400. The lease term is
from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 3: On 19 November 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Licai Group Co., Ltd. entered into the
Factory Building Lease Contract, according to which Licai Group leases the high-end product workshop building
(1 F-5 F) at its headquarter to the Company. The leased area is 20,557.30 square meters, with the annual rent (tax
inclusive) of RMB16,288,386. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 4: On 1 January 2021, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd. entered into the
Operation and Management Areas Lease Agreement, according to which Push Group leases its office building
located at No. 150, West Minjiang Road, Yibin and all office equipment in the office building to the Company.
The leased area is 6,536.70 square meters, with the annual rent of RMB7.051 million. The lease term is from 1
January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
(3) Guarantees between the Company and related parties
There were no guarantees between the Company and related parties during the Reporting Period.
(4) Loans between the Company and related parties
There were no loans between the Company and related parties during the Reporting Period.
(5) Asset transfers and debt restructuring involving related parties
There were no asset transfers or debt restructuring involving related parties during the Reporting Period.
(6) Remuneration of key management
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000
                  Item                                 2022                                     2021
   Remuneration of key management                                    1,304.21                                 1,407.67

(7) Other related-party transactions
     a) Procurement of equipment, etc.
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                     Related party                   Content of transaction           2022                  2021
                                                  Trademark and logo royalties
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                                             862,086,498.68        739,709,867.75
                                                           (Note 1)
                                                   Comprehensive service fee
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                                              77,670,062.58         79,499,446.08
                                                           (Note 2)
Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd.                  Procurement of equipment           4,345,132.74
Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd.            Procurement of transportation      15,450,000.00

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd. (Chengdu       Procurement of transportation
                                                                                              756,340.64           1,002,032.36
Branch)                                                        equipment
                                                      Procurement of transportation
Yibin Jichi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.                                             11,861,194.56           5,075,292.71
                                                      Procurement of equipment and
Push Information & Automation (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                                           7,176,823.71           5,525,663.76
                                                            software systems
Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.     Procurement of equipment            6,570,295.36           6,506,484.48
Chongqing PUSH POWER Technology Co., Ltd.               Procurement of equipment              167,433.63
Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy Conservation
                                                        Procurement of equipment              142,477.88
Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.             Procurement of equipment                 2,298.01
Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.                      Procurement of equipment                                   6,207,106.20
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                      Land use rights                                        814,316.92
Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                 Procurement of equipment                                    339,022.37
                                                      Procurement of transportation
Yaohua (Yibin) Glass Co., Ltd.                                                                                       32,998.25
Sun Display Co., Ltd.                                      Sale of equipment                     5,843.81
Yibin Jichi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.             Sale of equipment                                        849,557.52
                                                          Sale of transportation
Sichuan Yibin Push Mold Co., Ltd.                                                                                   423,194.48
     Note 1: On 31 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. entered into
the Trademark and Logo Licensing Agreement, which specifies that: Wuliangye Group licenses to the Company
the nonexclusive right of use of one factory emblem, the nonexclusive right of use of seven trademarks,
exclusive right of use of 182 trademarks, and unpaid exclusive right of use of eight trademarks. The royalty shall
be paid by the following means: a) The royalty of "factory emblem" shall be paid at 1.27% of the annual sales
revenue from all liquor products using the factory emblem; b) no royalty shall be paid for trademark of liquor
products of which the annual sales revenue is less than 50 tons, and royalty of trademark of liquor products sold
by 50 tons (inclusive) or more shall be calculated by the total sales volume. Royalties of trademark shall be paid
by the following means: Trademark royalty of products with selling price at RMB30,000 per ton and above shall
be RMB1,500 per ton; and that of products with selling price at RMB12,000 per ton and above but below
RMB30,000 per ton shall be RMB1,400 per ton; that of products with selling price below RMB12,000 shall be
RMB1,300 per ton. The Agreement is valid from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     Note 2: On 31 December 2020, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. entered into
the Comprehensive Service Agreement, according to which the latter shall provide the agreed service to the
Company by the quantity agreed by both parties from time to time. Both parties measure the services at the
actual cost, and the rate of increase of the unit cost price compared with the previous year shall be no more than
the inflation index of previous year plus 5% or the growth factor of consumer price index of Sichuan Province,
whichever is lower. The increase shall not be subject to the above limit when the service scope is expanded, and
the service shall still be measured at the actual cost of provision of the service. The Agreement is valid from 1
January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
     b) Related-party transactions with Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd.
     On 15 April 2022, the Company and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "Wuliangye Group Finance") entered into the Financial Service Agreement. The main contents are
loan and deposit services. As such, both parties agreed to continue to implement in 2022 ―the Financial Service
Agreement signed between the Company and Wuliangye Group Finance on 2 April 2021‖, i.e. the daily balance
of deposits in 2022 was no more than RMB47.9 billion, and the daily balance of loans in 2022 was no more than
RMB10 billion.
     The total deposits of the Company with Wuliangye Group Finance was RMB35,044,331,678.13 at the end
of the period; Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd. issued the Commitment Letter to the Company,
assuring that relevant deposits and loans of the Company with Wuliangye Group Finance are safe; the current
interest income is RMB909,869,881.32 in total; Wuliangye Group Finance discounted bank acceptance notes of
RMB860,000,000.00 for the Company during the current period (annual interest rate for discounting: 1.85%;
paid interest for discounting: RMB6,417,986.25; undue bank acceptance notes as at 31 December 2022:

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

RMB581,000,000.00); and Wuliangye Group Finance issued bank acceptance notes of RMB12,000,000.00 for
the Company during the current period (all undue as at 31 December 2022).
      c) Related-party transactions with Yibin City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
      The total deposits of the Company with Yibin City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. was RMB4,819,054,254.00
at the end of the period; the current interest income is RMB33,498,295.65 in total; Yibin City Commercial Bank
Co., Ltd. issued bank acceptance notes of RMB240,678,000.00 for the Company during the current period
(undue bank acceptance notes as at 31 December 2022: RMB110,758,000.00).
6. Amounts due from and to related parties
(1) Amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                   Closing balance                Opening balance
                                                                                     Allow                          Allow
                                                                                      ance                           ance
   Item                      Related party                                             for                            for
                                                                Gross amount         doubtf    Gross amount         doubtf
                                                                                        ul                             ul
                                                                                     accou                          accou
                                                                                        nt                             nt
             Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                     9,704,093.72                 12,850,871.27
 Account     Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co.,
                                                                    2,274,390.13                   2,735,249.77
receivable   Ltd.
             Yibin Grace Fiber Industry Co., Ltd.                   1,667,887.25
 Account     Yibin Tianyi New Material Technology Co.,
receivable   Ltd.
             Yibin Puyi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.               260,687.92
             Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                  254,828.61                      57,854.06
             Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                     223,910.00
             Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                    203,114.35
             Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd.                           167,965.83
 Account     Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co.,
receivable   Ltd.
             Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                  134,578.48
             Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                   98,059.08                    129,813.03
             Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                     82,148.00
 Account     Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological
receivable   Brewery and Marketing Co., Ltd.
             Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                       46,800.00
 Account     Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging
receivable   Co., Ltd.
 Account     WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd.
receivable   Yibin. Sichuan
             Yibin Chuanhong Tea Group Co., Ltd.                                                      84,455.50

                                                                           Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

              Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial
Prepayment                                                         18,900,000.00
              Co., Ltd., Sichuan
Prepayment    Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                  827,429.00                     827,429.00
Prepayment    Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd.                 238,939.83                        4,528.59
              Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology
Prepayment                                                           155,255.03
              Co., Ltd.
              Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade
Prepayment                                                             30,000.00
              Co., Ltd.
Prepayment    Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                     7,245.00                   1,560,000.00
Prepayment    Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.                                                 24,826,236.07
              Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging
Prepayment                                                                                         4,713,700.00
              Co., Ltd.
              Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si
Prepayment                                                                                         1,761,061.95
 Monetary     Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co.,
                                                                  666,921,754.74                510,174,463.27
   assets     Ltd.
              Yibin City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                 10,804,085.47
   Other      Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji
 receivable   Logistic Co., Ltd.
              Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                     260,000.00                     260,000.00
   Other      Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co.,
                                                                     200,000.00                     200,000.00
 receivable   Ltd.
              Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                  160,000.00                     130,000.00
   Other      Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy
 receivable   Conservation Technology Co., Ltd.
   Other      Yibin Wuliangye Ecological Brewing Co.,
                                                                     122,727.27                     122,727.27
 receivable   Ltd.
              Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                     69,000.00                      45,000.00
              Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd.                  56,200.00
              Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                  15,000.00                      15,000.00
              Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                   5,000.00
              Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                       2,000.00
     The amounts related to Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Finance Co., Ltd. and Yibin City Commercial
Bank Co., Ltd. in this table represented the interest on time deposits accrued on an accrual basis, and the closing
balances were presented in monetary assets.
(2) Amounts due to related parties
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
     Item                          Related party                   Closing gross amount        Opening gross amount
   Account       Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co.,
                                                                             4,376,392.22                   7,598,386.93
   payable       Ltd.
   Account       Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co.,
                                                                             1,026,904.56                     169,087.50
   payable       Ltd.
                 Chengdu Huayu Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                  723,458.44                      897,056.30
   Account       Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji Logistic
                                                                              626,849.99                    1,178,214.10
   payable       Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

               Yibin Push Assets Management Co., Ltd.                 313,182.65
  Account      Yibin Global Energy Conservation Service Co.,
   payable     Ltd.
               Sichuan Global Insulator Co., Ltd.                     209,728.58
  Account      Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial Co.,
   payable     Ltd., Sichuan
               Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                       37,096.80                      37,096.80
               Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                    35,588.80
               Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.           11,035.00
               Sichuan Yibin Push Group Co., Ltd.                                                   6,385,676.78
               Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                                              4,050,000.00
  Account      Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy Conservation
   payable     Technology Co., Ltd.
               Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                                                  405,066.80
               Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co., Ltd.                                       73,959.23
  Account      Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si
   payable     Chuan
               Sichuan Huansheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                                     1,310.05
Advance from   WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Yibin.
  customer     Sichuan
               Yibin Wuliangye Group I&E Co., Ltd.                 445,542,725.66                     371,681.42
               Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.            59,426,283.57
               Yibin Xianghe Aviation Service Co., Ltd.             33,329,766.37
  Contract     Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Ecological
   liability   Brewery and Marketing Co., Ltd.
               Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.        1,536,665.16                  17,410,387.61
  Contract     Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si
                                                                     1,020,748.11                     959,477.88
   liability   Chuan
               Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                709,442.48                      524,403.54
               Yibin Wuliangye Ecological Brewing Co., Ltd.           675,562.97                      675,562.97
  Contract     Sichuan An Shi Ji Supply Chain Management
                                                                      453,916.81                      211,498.23
   liability   Co., Ltd.
               Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                    453,537.40                      741,808.36
               Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd.              369,000.00                      326,548.67
               Yibin Jinxilai Changxin Industry Co., Ltd.             214,099.77
               Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                120,325.42
  Contract     Sichuan Yibin Push Auto Parts Co., Ltd.                  81,505.00

                                                                    Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

                Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                   50,286.24                       16,579.99
 Contract       WuLiangYe Group Health Liquor Co., Ltd. Yibin.
  liability     Sichuan
                Sichuan Yibin Licai Group Co., Ltd.                     35,745.13
                Yibin City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                    15,313.27
                Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                     9,000.00
                Sichuan Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.                          230.09
                Yibin Lingang Business Service Co., Ltd.                     53.10
                Sichuan Yibin Push International Co., Ltd.                                           1,435,659.19
                Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co., Ltd.                                      184,290.39
                Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                     112,938.05
 Contract       Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji Logistic
  liability     Co., Ltd.
Note payable    Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                                              9,190,015.55
Note payable    Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                      70,000.00
Other payable   Yibin Chuanhong Tea Group Co., Ltd.                   3,206,818.98
                Sichuan Yibin Push Intelligent Technology Co.,
Other payable                                                         2,356,447.86                   1,674,898.82
Other payable   Anji Logistic Group Co., Ltd. Sichuan                 1,615,588.00
                Sacred Mountain Molin Group Co., Ltd. Si
Other payable                                                         1,315,988.00                     440,254.40
                Push Information & Automation (Chengdu) Co.,
Other payable                                                         1,313,400.40                   1,356,900.44
Other payable   Yibin An Shi Ji Auto Service Co., Ltd.                 872,925.00                       20,000.00
Other payable   Sichuan Putian Packaging Co., Ltd.                     712,872.00                    1,838,478.00
Other payable   Yibin Wuliangye Fund Management Co., Ltd.              534,000.00
                Chengdu Push Medical Plastics Packaging Co.,
Other payable                                                          217,761.64                      217,761.64
Other payable   Yibin Jinxiuyuan Landscaping Co., Ltd.                 210,778.80
Other payable   Sichuan Nongwu E-commerce Co., Ltd.                    200,000.00                      100,000.00
                Sichuan Gloport Investment and Development
Other payable                                                          194,572.40
                Group Co., Ltd.
Other payable   Yibin An Shi Ji International Logistics Co., Ltd.      150,000.00                      731,184.30
Other payable   Yibin Xianghe Aviation Service Co., Ltd.               150,000.00
                Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Anji Logistic
Other payable                                                          137,790.43                      137,790.43
                Co., Ltd.
Other payable   Sichuan Yibin Wuliang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         100,000.00                      111,500.00
Other payable   Yi Bin Jia Mei Smartpackaging Co., Ltd.                 60,000.00                       60,000.00
                Yibin Global Photoelectric Energy Conservation
Other payable                                                           50,004.21                        5,040.84
                Technology Co., Ltd.
Other payable   Sichuan Yibin Push Building Materials Co., Ltd.         50,000.00                       50,000.00
Other payable   Yibin Development Holding Group Co., Ltd.               50,000.00                       50,000.00
Other payable   Sichuan Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.                       50,000.00                       50,000.00
Other payable   Yibin Tianchang Logistics Co., Ltd.                     50,000.00

                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Other payable   Cowin Automobile Co., Ltd.                                 50,000.00
                Yibin Global Energy Conservation Service Co.,
Other payable                                                              49,000.00                      49,000.00
Other payable   Yibin Jinlong Trade Development Co., Ltd.                  30,000.00
                Sichuan Yibin Global Group Tianwo Trade Co.,
Other payable                                                              20,000.00                      20,000.00
Other payable   Wuming Tea Industry Holding Co., Ltd.                      20,000.00                      20,000.00
Other payable   Chongqing PUSH POWER Technology Co., Ltd.                  18,920.00
                Sacred Mountain White Magnolia Industrial Co.,
Other payable                                                               9,200.00
                Ltd., Sichuan
Other payable   Yibin Jindun Security Service Co., Ltd.                     6,000.00
                Yibin Grace Mechanical and Electrical
Other payable                                                               5,000.00
                Engineering Co., Ltd.
                Yibin Changsheng Engineering Management Co.,
Other payable                                                               2,000.00
Other payable   Yibin Push Linko Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    166,531.03
Other payable   Yibin Push Assets Management Co., Ltd.                                                    85,204.00
Other payable   Sichuan Linhu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.                                                      10,000.00
Other payable   Sichuan Shuzhan New Materials Co., Ltd.                                                    3,000.00
Other payable   Sichuan Andaxin Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                        1,000.00

XII Undertakings and Contingencies
1. Significant undertakings
     The Company had no significant undertakings which need to be disclosed during the Reporting Period.
2. Contingencies
     The Company had no significant contingencies which needed to be disclosed during the Reporting Period.
XIII Post-Balance Sheet Date Events
1. Important non-adjustment matters
     The Company had no important non-adjustment matters which need to be disclosed.
2. Profit distribution
      As resolved by the 4th Meeting in 2023 of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company held on 27 April
2023, the final dividend plan for 2022 is: a cash dividend of RMB37.82 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares should be
distributed to shareholders, with no bonus issue from capital reserves. This plan shall be subject to the approval
of a general meeting of shareholders.
3. Note on other post-balance sheet date events
     The Company has no other post-balance sheet date events which need to be disclosed.
XIV Other Significant Matters
1. Annuity plan
     The Company obtained the reply of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
the People’s Government of Yibin City on the Plan of Establishing the Corporate Annuity Plan of the Company
(YGZW [2018] No. 221) on 14 September 2018, and had filed with the Department of Human Resources and
Social Security of Sichuan Province on 30 October 2018.
     Participants of the corporate annuity plan of the Company include: (1) Employees who have entered into
labor contracts with the Company; (2) employees who participate in the basic old-age insurance system for
enterprise employees according to the law and perform the obligation of payment; and (3) employees who are on
duty and registered (excluding the probation period) will participate the corporate pension plan on a voluntary
     Expenses for the corporate annuities shall be shared by the Company and the employees. Contribution by an
employee shall be 3% of the contribution base of such employee, and the monthly contribution base of the

                                                                               Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

employee shall be the average wage in the previous year. Total amount of contribution by the Company shall be
5% of the total annual wage paid by the Company, which shall be distributed to individual accounts of the
employees at 3% of the contribution base of the employees, while the remaining 2% shall be distributed to the
corporate account as incentives for rewarding personnel who make significant contributions to the Company and
for redistribution to employees of the Company.
2. Segment information
     The Company has no other businesses than liquor products which have significant impact on the operating
result. The Company has no segment information that needs to be disclosed since revenue of the Company is
mainly generated within China and the assets are also located within China.
XV Notes to Major Line Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent
1. Other receivables
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                                 Closing balance                             Opening balance
          Dividends receivable                                     2,126,718,123.00                          1,153,154,780.16
            Other receivables                                      6,335,913,181.66                          6,674,621,403.75
                  Total                                            8,462,631,304.66                          7,827,776,183.91

(1) Dividends receivable
1) Classification of dividends receivable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
            Item (or investee)                         Closing balance                             Opening balance
 Dividends receivable from subsidiaries                            2,126,718,123.00                          1,153,154,780.16
                  Total                                            2,126,718,123.00                          1,153,154,780.16

2) Allowances for doubtful accounts
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
(2) Other receivables
1) Other receivables classified by nature
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                 Nature                             Closing gross amount                      Opening gross amount
             Current account                                       6,333,318,770.49                          6,671,120,101.42
            Security deposits                                         5,000,000.00                               5,000,000.00
               Cash float                                                101,301.29                                    5,202.65
                  Total                                            6,338,420,071.78                          6,676,125,304.07

2) Allowances for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                    Stage 1                Stage 2                       Stage 3
 Allowances for doubtful           12-month        Lifetime expected credit      Lifetime expected credit            Total
       accounts                  expected credit     loss (without credit            loss (with credit
                                      loss               impairment)                   impairment)
Balance as at 1 January
                                    1,503,900.32                                                                 1,503,900.32
Balance as at 1 January
2022 was in the current
- Transferred to Stage 2

                                                                                   Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

- Transferred to Stage 3
- Transferred back to
Stage 2
- Transferred back to
Stage 1
Established in the current
                                         1,002,989.80                                                                1,002,989.80
Reversed in the current
Charged off in the current
Written off in the current
Other changes
Balance as at 31
                                         2,506,890.12                                                                2,506,890.12
December 2022

      Gross amounts with significant changes in loss allowances in the current period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      Other receivables presented by aging:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                 Aging                                                       Gross amount
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                       4,118,461,478.12
1 to 2 years                                                                                                      213,939,106.11
2 to 3 years                                                                                                      150,484,231.55
More than 3 years                                                                                               1,855,535,256.00
     3 to 4 years                                                                                                 102,537,494.25
     4 to 5 years                                                                                                 126,271,655.92
     More than 5 years                                                                                          1,626,726,105.83
                                 Total                                                                          6,338,420,071.78

3) Allowances for doubtful accounts established, recovered or reversed in the current period
      Allowances for doubtful accounts in the current period:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                               Changes in the current period
                        Category                        Opening balance                   Recovered Writte
                                                                          Established                       Others     balance
                                                                                          or reversed n off
Other receivables for which allowances for
doubtful accounts are established on an individual
Other receivables for which allowances for
doubtful accounts are established based on the             1,503,900.32    1,002,989.80                               2,506,890.12
credit risk chacteristic group
                         Total                             1,503,900.32    1,002,989.80                               2,506,890.12

4) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
      The Company as the parent had no other receivables actually written off in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

5) Top five entities with respect to other receivables
                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                               As % of the          Closing balance
                              Nature of                                                                     closing balance of       of allowances
        Entity                                  Closing balance                     Aging
                              account                                                                           total other           for doubtful
                                                                                                               receivables              accounts
Sichuan Yibin
Wuliangye Distillery                                3,992,817,736.97             Within 1year                           62.99%
Co., Ltd.
Yibin Jiangjiu Liquor          Current                                    1-5 years; more than
                                                    2,030,221,667.91                                                    32.03%
Co., Ltd.                      account                                          5 years
Sichuan Yibin
                               Current                                    Within 2 years; more
Environmental                                        181,069,526.20                                                      2.86%
                               account                                        than 5 years
Protection Industry
Co., Ltd.
Yibin Wuliangye
Xianlin Ecological                                   129,206,278.05           More than 5 years                          2.04%
Liquor Co., Ltd.
Housing and Urban-
Rural Development              Security
                                                         5,000,000.00             4-5 years                              0.08%          2,500,000.00
Bureau of Cuiping              deposit
District, Yibin City
         Total                                      6,338,315,209.13                                                   100.00%          2,500,000.00

2. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                 Closing balance                                                    Opening balance
                                                         Imp                                                             Imp
                                                         airm                                                            airm
            Item                                          ent                                                             ent
                                     Gross amount                 Carrying amount               Gross amount                       Carrying amount
                                                         allo                                                            allo
                                                         wan                                                             wan
                                                          ces                                                             ces
      Investments in
       subsidiaries                 11,416,902,138.11              11,416,902,138.11            11,416,902,138.11                   11,416,902,138.11

 Investments in associates
    and joint ventures                1,966,914,053.94               1,966,914,053.94               1,896,707,464.47                 1,896,707,464.47

            Total                   13,383,816,192.05              13,383,816,192.05            13,313,609,602.58                  13,313,609,602.58

(1) Investments in subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                      Increase/decrease in the
                                                                                            current period                                       Closi
                                                                                      Inc     De      Im                                          ng
                                                                                      rea     cre     pai                                        balan
                                                             Opening balance                                              Closing balance        ce of
                        Investee                                                       se     ase     rm
                                                             (carrying amount)                                 Ot        (carrying amount)
                                                                                       in     in      ent                                        impai
                                                                                                              her                                rment
                                                                                      inv     inv     all
                                                                                      est     est     ow                                         allow
                                                                                      me      me      anc                                        ance
                                                                                       nt     nt       e

Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Distillery Co., Ltd.                     5,069,784,707.36                                            5,069,784,707.36

Yibin Wuliangye Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.                             190,000,000.00                                               190,000,000.00

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

   Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Supply and Marketing Co.,
                                                                         765,756,006.41                                             765,756,006.41
   Yibin Jiangjiu Liquor Co., Ltd.                                        50,000,000.00                                              50,000,000.00
   Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Environmental Protection
                                                                          18,870,000.00                                              18,870,000.00
   Industry Co., Ltd.
   Yibin Changjiangyuan Liquor Co., Ltd.                                  20,000,000.00                                              20,000,000.00

   Yibin Wuliangye Xianlin Ecological Liquor Co., Ltd.                      2,700,000.00                                              2,700,000.00

   Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Jingmei Printing Co., Ltd.                     49,374,409.93                                              49,374,409.93
   Sichuan Yibin Plastic Packaging Materials Company
                                                                        3,443,149,609.25                                          3,443,149,609.25
   Sichuan Yibin Global Group Shenzhou Glass Co., Ltd.                   108,922,175.18                                             108,922,175.18
   Sichuan Yibin Global Gelasi Glass Manufacturing Co.,
                                                                         307,282,551.14                                             307,282,551.14
   Sichuan Yibin Push Group 3D Co., Ltd.                                 240,419,229.32                                             240,419,229.32
   Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Investment (Consulting) Co.,
                                                                          47,500,000.00                                              47,500,000.00
   Wuliangye Dashijie (Beijing) Trade Co., Ltd.                          323,000,000.00                                             323,000,000.00

   Handan Yongbufenli Liquor Co., Ltd.                                   255,000,000.00                                             255,000,000.00

   Huaibin Wubin Consultation Service Co., Ltd.                          199,675,708.13                                             199,675,708.13

   Wuguchun Jiu Ye Co., Henan. China                                      55,467,741.39                                              55,467,741.39
   Sichuan Wuliangye Culture Tourism Development Co.,
                                                                          40,000,000.00                                              40,000,000.00
   Yibin Wuliangye Creart Co., Ltd.                                       45,000,000.00                                              45,000,000.00

   Sichuan Wuliangye NongXiang Baijiu Co., Ltd.                           95,000,000.00                                              95,000,000.00

   Sichuan Wuliangye New Retail Management Co., Ltd.                      90,000,000.00                                              90,000,000.00

                              Total                                    11,416,902,138.11                                          11,416,902,138.11

  (2) Investment in associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                 Increase/decrease in the current period
                                                                                        jus                                                                Clos
                                                                                        tm                                                                  ing
                                                                                        ent                                                                bala
                                                                De                            Ot                        Im
                                                                                         to                                                                nce
                                                                cre                           her                       pai
                                                                                        oth                                                                  of
                         Opening balance                        ase        Return on           eq                       rm            Closing balance
    Investee                                                                             er                                 Ot                             imp
                        (carrying amount)         Increase in    in       investment          uit   Declared cash       ent          (carrying amount)
                                                                                         co                                 her                            airm
                                                  investment    inv    recognized using         y dividends or profit   all
                                                                                        mp                                   s                              ent
                                                                est   the equity method       cha                       ow
                                                                                        reh                                                                allo
                                                                me                            ng                        anc
                                                                                        ens                                                                wan
                                                                 nt                            es                        e
                                                                                        ive                                                                  ce

I Joint ventures

II Associates
Oriental Outlook
Media Co., Ltd.               25,565,938.31                                 563,199.61                                                     26,129,137.92
Sichuan Yibin
Group Finance              1,865,633,396.55                              87,543,010.97                 23,038,080.00                    1,930,138,327.52
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Education and               5,508,129.61       5,625,000.00          -486,541.11                                           10,646,588.50
Technology Co.,

   Sub-total          1,896,707,464.47         5,625,000.00    87,619,669.47                 23,038,080.00               1,966,914,053.94

     Total            1,896,707,464.47         5,625,000.00    87,619,669.47                 23,038,080.00               1,966,914,053.94

  3. Operating revenue and cost of sales
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                       2022                                                  2021
                                       Revenue                   Cost                        Revenue                       Cost
  Other operations                                                                                   6,072.98                      3,997.51
             Total                                                                                   6,072.98                      3,997.51

  4. Return on investment
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                     Item                                        2022                                             2021
  Return on long-term equity investments
                                                                        18,712,159,587.02                            17,889,486,279.68
  measured using the cost method
  Return on long-term equity investments
                                                                             87,619,669.47                                 94,286,122.75
  measured using the equity method
  Income from the disposal of long-term
  equity investments
                     Total                                              18,799,779,256.49                            17,986,096,250.69

  XVI Supplementary Information
  1. Schedule of current exceptional gains and losses
         Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                       Item                                                  Amount                          Note
  Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                   2,282,237.38
  Government grants through profit or loss (exclusive of government
  grants consistently given in the Company’s ordinary course of business                        100,421,839.81
  at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental policies or standards)
  Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are
  recognized in profit or loss
  Non-operating income and expense other than the above                                          -62,917,173.08
  Less: Income tax effects                                                                         8,377,774.30

       Non-controlling interests effects                                                           3,927,171.59

                                       Total                                                      27,924,688.44               --
        Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:
        □ Applicable  Not applicable
       No such cases for the Reporting Period.
       Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the
  Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
  Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
        □ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                            Annual Report 2022 of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS)

                                      Weighted average ROE                                 EPS
   Profit in the Reporting Period
                                               (%)                 Basic EPS (RMB/share)         Diluted EPS (RMB/share)
Net profit attributable to the
                                                    25.28%                            6.876                         6.876
Company’s ordinary shareholders
Net profit attributable to the
Company’s ordinary shareholders                    25.26%                            6.869                         6.869
before exceptional gains and losses

3. Accounting data differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CAS) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and foreign accounting standards
(1) Net profit and equity under CAS and IFRS
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
(2) Net profit and equity under CAS and foreign accounting standards
     □ Applicable  Not applicable
(3) Accounting data differences under CAS and IFRS and foreign accounting standards. Where any
reconciliation is made to the data audited by an overseas independent auditor, the name of the overseas
independent auditor shall be provided.
