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中鼎股份:Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 20242024-04-30  

                                               Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd.

             Report of Q1 2024

       Stock Abbreviation: Zhongding Stock

               Stock code: 000887

                  April 2024

                                                        Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

 The Company and all members of the Board of Directors have guaranteed that the
 information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, and contains no false record,
 misleading statements or material omissions.
Important Notice:

1.   Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior

     management staff of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

     have guaranteed that this Report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission and

     shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information given in

     this Report.

2.   CEO of the Company, CFO of the Company, and Chief Accountant of Accounting Institution declared that

     the quarterly financial statements should be true, accurate and complete.

     In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version of the report shall prevail.

3.   Whether the first quarter report was audited

     □ Yes √ No

                                                      Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

1. The Main Financial Data
(1) Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years
 Yes  No
                                                                                                       Unit: yuan
                                     2024 Q1                     2023 Q1                      YoY Change

Operating Revenues                     4,692,198,237.48            3,859,400,993.20                       21.58%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the
                                         360,935,095.41              262,384,653.95                       37.56%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the
Company before non-                      302,014,681.35            214,991,122.97                         40.48%
recurring gains and losses

Net cash flows from
operating activities                     322,482,469.62              238,881,856.59                       35.00%

Basic earnings per share
(RMB Yuan
                                                   0.27                        0.20                       35.00%

Diluted earnings per
share (RMB Yuan
                                                   0.27                        0.20                       35.00%

Weighted average return
on net assets                                    2.96%                       2.32%                         0.64%

                               31st March 2024             31 s t December 2023               YoY Change
Total Assets                          23,133,638,313.50           22,844,191,495.69                        1.27%
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the                   12,357,907,971.91           12,064,199,955.89                        2.43%

(2)   Non-recurring gain and loss items and amounts thereof
Applicable □N/A                         Item

                       Item                                  2024 Q1                            Note
 Profit or loss from disposal of non-current
 assets (including the write-off of the                                -186,375.99
 provision for impairment of assets)
 Government grants included in the current                           43,581,732.07

                                                       Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

 profit or loss (that is closely related to the
 operations of the Company, except for those
 of fixed quotas or amounts according to the
 nationally unified standards)
 Gains or losses from changes in fair value
 arising from the holding of trading financial
 assets, derivative financial assets, trading
 financial liabilities and derivative financial
 liabilities and investment income from the
 disposal of trading financial assets, derivative                    20,559,637.36
 financial assets, trading financial liabilities,
 derivative financial liabilities and other debt
 investments, excluding the effective hedging
 business related to the Company’s normal
 business operations
  Other non-operating income or expenses                               6,574,470.85
  except the above items
  Less: Impact of income taxes                                       11,532,087.36
       Impact of minority interests (after tax)                           76,962.87
  Total                                                              58,920,414.06

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss
□ Applicable √ N/A

Not Applicable to the Company.

For non-recurring profit or loss items defined by the Company according to the definitions under the

Interpretative Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 1

— Non-recurring Profit or Loss and the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretative

Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 1 — Non-

recurring Profit or Loss that have been defined as recurring profit or loss items by the Company, please provide

the reasons

□ Applicable √ N/A

Not Applicable to the Company.

(3)   Major Changes of Main Items in Financial Statements and Financial Indicators within
the Report Period, as well as the Reasons for the Changes

 Applicable   □ N/A

                                               The reasons for the Changes

                      31 March           31 December               Fluctuant Amount、Flux
                     2024/From            2023/From
      Item                                                    Fluctuant                                     Notes
                  January to March     January to March                               Flux    Notes
                       of 2024              of 2023           Amount

                                                 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

                                                                                                Mainly due to
                                                                                                  the increase
                                                                                                    of sales
                                                                                                  growth in
 Prepaid                                                                                        the current
              252,500,762.35    163,601,224.40        88,899,537.95      54.34%      0,762.3
 expense                                                                                         period a nd
                                                                                                 the risk of
                                                                                                  locked in
                                                                                                    mate ria l
                                                                                                Mainly due to
Other non-                                                                                         addition of
                                                                                     389,75         other non-
              389,751,568.80    265,069,840.78       124,681,728.02      47.04%      1,568.8          current
 financial                                                                              0      financial assets
   assets                                                                                           during the
                                                                                                Mainly due to
   Other                                                                                -
                                                                                                   changes in
comprehens    -235,925,085.29   -168,698,005.90       -67,227,079.39     39.85%
                                                                                               exchange rates
ive income                                                                                          during the
                                                                                                Mainly due to
                                                                                               the increase in
 Financial                                                                           69,363,     interest rates
              69,363,522.03     44,467,888.29         24,895,633.74      55.99%
  income                                                                             522.03     on euro loans
                                                                                                    during the
Gains/(Loss                                                                                     Mainly due to
                                                                                        -       changes in the
   es) on
               -1,963,480.75     2,938,054.78         -4,901,535.53     -166.83%     1,963,4     fair value of
changes in                                                                            80.75           trading
 fair value                                                                                    financial assets
                                                                                                Mainly due to
                                                                                                the amount of
  Asset                                                                                 -        change in the
impairment    -20,973,958.35     -8,374,105.27        -12,599,853.08     150.46%     20,973,    current period
  losses                                                                             958.35     is greater than
                                                                                                    that in the
                                                                                                  same period
                                                                                                     last year
                                                                                                Mainly due to
   Non-                                                                                        the increase in
 operating     7,398,599.67      3,418,364.51          3,980,235.16      116.44%
  income                                                                                       income during
                                                                                                    the period
                                                                                                Mainly due to
                                                                                               the increase of
                                                                                                   profit and
Income tax                                                                           71,336,
              71,336,165.09     53,690,901.45         17,645,263.64      32.86%                      deferred
 expenses                                                                            165.09
                                                                                                   income tax
                                                                                               expense during
                                                                                                   this period
                                                                                                Mainly due to
Refund of                                                                            17,103,
              17,103,377.76      8,697,755.86          8,405,621.90      96.64%                the increase of
taxes and                                                                            377.76
                                                                                               refund of taxes

                                                    Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

surcharges                                                                                        and surcharges

   received                                                                                        Mainly due to
                                                                                                  the decrease of
     from              -             500,000.00           -500,000.00      -100.00%         -
  returns on                                                                                          income
   Net cash
     from                                                                                          Mainly due to
 disposal of                                                                                      the decrease of
fixed assets,     334,661.18        15,887,847.40        -15,553,186.22     -97.89%
                                                                                                  proceeds from
  intangible                                                                                        the sale of
  assets and                                                                                           assets
 other long-
 term assets
   Net cash
   received                                                                                       Mainly due to
     from                                                                                         receipt of the
 disposal of                                                                            10,729,      balance
                 10,729,282.63            -              10,729,282.63
subsidiaries                                                                            282.63     payment for
  and other                                                                                         disposal of
   business                                                                                        subsidiaries
                                                                                                  Mainly due to
 Cash paid                                                                                        the increase of
 to acquire     124,800,000.00      40,000,000.00        84,800,000.00      212.00%     0,000.0
                                                                                                   payments for
investments                                                                                0
  Net cash
   paid to                                                                                         Mainly due to
   acquire                                                                                        the decrease of
subsidiaries           -            32,341,140.57        -32,341,140.57    -100.00%         -       the previous
  and other                                                                                          investment
  business                                                                                            payment
 Cash paid                                                                                         Mainly due to
 relating to                                                                                      the decrease in
                                                                                                  the payment of
    other       1,162,721,704.83   1,996,322,345.89     -833,600,641.06     -41.76%     21,704.
  investing                                                                               83
  activities                                                                                             funds
                                                                                                   Mainly due to
                                                                                                  the increase in
    Cash                                                                                             investment
  received                                                                                        funds received
from capital     22,565,000.00       1,300,000.00        21,265,000.00     1635.77%
                                                                                                   from minority
contribution                                                                                        shareholders
      s                                                                                           of subsidiaries
                                                                                                      during the

                                                        Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

                                                                                                        Mainly due to
     Cash                                                                                               the increase of
   received                                                                                               company's
  relating to                                                                               24,035,     withdrawal of
                     24,035,219.33            -              24,035,219.33
     other                                                                                  219.33        acceptance
  financing                                                                                                deposits
   activities                                                                                             during the
     Cash                                                                                               Mainly due to
  payments                                                                                              the increase in
 for interest                                                                                            interest paid
  expenses                                                                                                   by the
                                                                                            56,671,      company on
     and             56,671,158.27      29,923,707.61        26,747,450.66      89.39%
                                                                                            158.27        bank loans
 distribution                                                                                             during the
      of                                                                                                     period
  or profits
                                                                                                         Mainly due to
     Cash                                                                                               the decrease of
  payments                                                                                                    bank
  relating to                                                                               9,653,7
                     9,653,754.87       40,528,759.77        -30,875,004.90     -76.18%                   deposit paid
     other                                                                                   54.87
                                                                                                             by the
  financing                                                                                               company in
   activities                                                                                              the current

2. Shareholders and Shares
(1) Total number of common shareholders and number of preferred shareholders whose
voting rights were restored, shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders at the
Total number of common                          Total number of preferred shareholders
shareholders at the end of the          80,245 with resumed voting rights at the end of the                    0
Reporting Period                                Reporting Period (if any)
                                         Top 10 common shareholders
                                                                    Number        Pledged or frozen shares
                                                  Total shares         of
  Name of          Nature of     Shareholding
                                                   held at the     restricted
shareholders      shareholders    percentage                                      Status          Number
                                                  period-end         shares
Anhui             Domestic
                  non- state-
Holding                              40.46%       532,701,321.00               pledged         142,500,000.00
(Group) Co.,      owned
LTD               corporation
Hong Kong
Securities        Foreign            3.43%        45,121,321.00
Clearing Co.,     corporation
Ltd. (HKSCC)
National Social
Security Fund     Others             1.74%        22,931,603.00
102 portfolio

                                                       Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

Ping An Bank
Co., Ltd.Boshi
Growth Pilot
allocation of     Others              0.87%        11,440,863.00
Miaosu                                0.75%        9,813,102.00
                  natural person
Bank of China
Limited - China
Securities 500
exchange-                             0.72%        9,445,729.00
traded Index
China Life
Insurance Co
                  Others              0.71%        9,291,881.00
Bank Co.,Ltd.-    Others              0.69%        9,118,072.00
E Fund
Co., Ltd.
Lombarda          Others              0.69%        9,019,144.00
China Fund
Zhao Xiyi                             0.43%        5,720,666.00
                  natural person
                                    Top 10 non-restricted common shareholders
                                      Number of non-restricted shares held               Type of shares
     Name of shareholder                                                           Type of          Number
Anhui Zhongding Holding
(Group) Co., LTD
                                                532,701,321.00                  common          532,701,321.00
Hong Kong Securities
Clearing Co., Ltd. (HKSCC)
                                                45,121,321.00                   common
National Social Security Fund 102
                                                22,931,603.00                   common

                                                                   Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

Ping An Bank Co., Ltd.Boshi                                                                      RMB
Growth Pilot flexible allocation of                      11,440,863.00                           common
hybrid securities investment funds                                                               stock
Miaosu                                                    9,813,102.00                           common               10,776,881.00
Agricultural Bank of China
Limited - China Securities 500
                                                          9,445,729.00                           common               10,671,828.00
exchange-traded Index Securities
Investment Fund
China Life Insurance Co Ltd.-                                                                   RMB
Tradtional-General insurance                             9,291,881.00                           common               10,546,102.00
product-005L-CT001Hu                                                                             stock
Shanghai Pudong Development                                                                      RMB
Bank Co.,Ltd.-E Fund                                      9,118,072.00                           common                8,690,892.00
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                             stock
China Construction Bank-                                                                         RMB
Lombarda China Fund                                       9,019,144.00                           common                8,563,198.00
Management Co.,ltd.                                                                              stock
Zhao Xiyi                                                 5,720,666.00                           common                8,333,050.00
                                                             The company does not know whether there is an associated relationship
                                                             between the shareholders, and whether it is a person acting in concert
Related or acting-in-concert parties among
                                                             stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the Disclosure of
shareholders above
                                                             Information on Changes in Shareholdings of Shareholders of Listed
                                                             As of March 31st , 2024, Miaosu, one of the top 10 shareholders of the
 Notes on the existence of                                   company, held 9807,441 shares of the company through the customer
repurchase specialized accounts among the                    credit transaction guarantee securities account of Huaxi Securities Co.,
top 10 shareholders (if any)                                 Ltd.

     The lending of shares by shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10

shareholders with non-restricted sharesthe in the securities financing business

      Applicable  N/A


         The lending of shares by shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10 shareholders and top
                10 shareholders with non-restricted sharesthe in the securities financing business

                                                    Number of lending
                  Number of shares held in                                      Number of shares held in      Number of lending shares
                                                  shares of the securities
                    ordinary accounts and                                         ordinary accounts and       of the securities financing
                                                   financing and not be
                    credit accounts at the                                      credit accounts at the end    and not be returned yet at
                                                     returned yet at the
   Name of         beginning of the period                                             of the period                the end period
                                                      beginning period
 (Full name)                           The                           The                           The                           The
                                   proportion                    proportion                    proportion                    proportion
                     Total                         Total                          Total                         Total
                                   of the total                  of the total                  of the total                  of the total
                    quantity                      quantity                       quantity                      quantity
                                      share                         share                         share                         share
                                     capital                       capital                       capital                       capital
 Agricultural     4,058,029.0                                                   9,445,729.0
                                        0.31%     15,990,00           0.12%                         0.72%        799,500          0.06%
 Bank of                    0                                                             0

                                                         Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

 Limited -
 traded Index

     Changes in the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders without selling restriction due to

securitieslending/returning transactions of refinancing business compared to the previous period

      Applicable         N/A

 Changes in the top 10 shp 10 shareholders without selling restriction due to securitieslending/returning
                  transactions of refinancing business compared to the previous period
                                         Number of shares lent through
                                                                                     Number of shares held by
                                        refinancing business and not yet
                                                                                shareholders in ordinary and credit
                           New /        returned at the end of the Period
                                                                                    accounts, and lent through
    Name of             withdrawn           Number of shares held by
                                                                                 refinancing business and not yet
shareholders(Full      shareholdings   shareholders in ordinary and credit
                                                                                 returned at the end of the Period
     name)               during the        accounts, and lent through
                          Period                            The proportion of                      The proportion of
                                        Total quantity       the total share     Total quantity     the total share
                                                                 capital                                capital
Agricultural Bank
of China Limited -
China Securities
500 exchange-              New                  799,500                0.06%          10,245,229              0.78%
traded Index
Investment Fund

(2) Total Number of Preferred Shareholders and TOP 10 Preferred Shareholders and
Their Shareholdings

□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Other Important Matters
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Quarterly Financial Statements

(1) Financial Statements

                                                      Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

a.     Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by:Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts., Ltd.
                                               31 March 2024
Item                                                31 March 2024               31 December 2023
       Current assets:
       Cash at bank and on hand                           2,234,135,878.36                   2,176,668,984.69
       Deposit reservation for balance
       Lending funds
       Trading financial assets                            487,487,584.50                      497,657,186.01
       Derivative financial assets                              84,364.74                           86,372.61
       Notes receivable                                    326,674,700.64                      409,910,067.46
       Accounts receivable                                3,932,431,894.45                   4,179,140,505.59
       Receivables financing                               727,319,916.61                      585,537,227.94
       Prepaid expense                                     252,500,762.35                      163,601,224.40
       Premium receivable
       Reinsurance accounts receivable
       Provision of cession receivable
       Other receivables                                   194,883,609.02                      186,771,567.07
         Including: interest receivable
                   Dividend receivable
       Redemptory monetary capital for sale
       Including: data resource
       Contract assets                                     260,653,482.01                      264,882,386.00
       Holding assets for sale
       Current portion of non-current assets                38,000,000.00                       38,000,000.00
       Other current assets                               1,360,468,877.58                   1,200,905,204.88
Total current assets                                     13,471,168,744.82                  13,211,670,082.22
Non-current assets:
       Issuance of loans and advances
       Equity expense
       Other equity investments
       Long-term receivables
       Long-term equity investments                        266,594,449.63                      273,788,896.31
       Investments in other equity                            7,881,930.86                       7,881,930.86
       Other non-current financial assets                  389,751,568.80                      265,069,840.78
       Investment properties
       Fixed assets                                       4,652,806,896.76                   4,677,966,647.98
       Construction in progress                            624,614,415.36                      620,575,394.42
     Productive biological asset
     Oil and gas assets
     Right-of-use assets                                   258,562,978.67                      279,287,931.54
     Intangible assets                                     660,669,492.40                      655,367,909.83
     Including: data resource

                                           Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

    Development expenditures
    Including: data resource
    Goodwill                                   2,396,929,436.30                   2,445,900,676.53
    Long-term prepaid expenses                   80,665,802.71                       85,208,758.91
    Deferred tax assets                         197,516,946.35                      189,412,074.26
    Other non-current assets                    126,475,650.84                      132,061,352.05
Total non-current assets                       9,662,469,568.68                   9,632,521,413.47
TOTAL ASSETS                                  23,133,638,313.50                  22,844,191,495.69
Current liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                      2,687,264,378.57                   2,530,009,731.17
    Loans from the central bank
    Loans from other banks
    Trading financial liabilities
    Derivative financial liability                  490,318.78                         501,988.32
    Notes payable                               567,292,711.00                      535,656,585.10
    Accounts payable                           3,034,665,251.19                   3,313,511,878.14
    Unearned revenue
    Contract liabilities                         62,775,724.95                       88,710,257.01
    Financial assets sold for repurchase
    Deposits from customers and
    Receiving from vicariously traded
    Receiving from vicariously sold
    Payroll payable                             408,308,499.09                      443,281,079.88
    Tax payable                                 241,248,966.42                      192,032,124.58
    Other payables                              181,593,485.37                      147,882,701.87
    Including: Interest payable
             Dividend payable                          1,185.84                           1,185.84
    Handling fees and commissions
    Dividend payable for reinsurance
      Holding liabilities for sale
         Current portion of non-current         258,536,124.72                      264,724,898.85
      Other current liabilities                    5,814,223.06                       6,769,420.40
Total current liabilities                      7,447,989,683.15                   7,523,080,665.32
Non-current liabilities
    Reserve fund for insurance contracts
    Long-term borrowings                       2,640,115,674.01                   2,590,413,202.21
    Bonds payable
      Including: Preferred stock
              Perpetual bonds
    Lease liabilities                           187,672,991.66                      202,330,084.45
    Long-term payables
    Long-term payroll payable                   129,022,390.77                      124,399,533.31
    Accrued liabilities                          68,140,276.41                       53,624,081.18
    Deferred income                             245,957,760.72                      254,070,201.34

                                                           Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

     Deferred tax liabilities
     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                   3,270,909,093.57                         3,224,837,102.49
Total liabilities                                             10,718,898,776.72                         10,747,917,767.81
Shareholders’ equity
  Share capital                                                 1,316,489,747.00                         1,316,489,747.00
     Other equity instruments
        Including: Preferred stock
                  Perpetual bond
     Capital surplus                                            3,392,534,899.55                         3,392,534,899.55
     Less: Treasury stock
     Other comprehensive income                                  -235,925,085.29                          -168,698,005.90
     Special reserve                                                2,060,420.12                             2,060,420.12
     Surplus reserve                                             669,753,166.88                            669,753,166.88
     General risk reserve
     Undistributed profits                                      7,212,994,823.65                         6,852,059,728.24
Total equity attributable to shareholders                     12,357,907,971.91                         12,064,199,955.89
of the Company
     Minority interests                                            56,831,564.87                            32,073,771.99
Total shareholders’ equity                                   12,414,739,536.78                         12,096,273,727.88
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND                                         23,133,638,313.50                         22,844,191,495.69

Legal representative:Xia Yingsong   Principal in charge of accounting:Yi Shanbing Head of accounting department:Zhujian

b. Consolidated Income Statements for the Three Months Ended 31March 2023

                Item                                  Q1 of 2024                                Q1 of 2023

Total revenue                                                   4,692,198,237.48                         3,859,400,993.20
   Including: Operating revenue                                 4,692,198,237.48                         3,859,400,993.20
           Interest income
           Earned Premium
           Handling fees and
           commission income
Total revenue                                                   4,317,593,564.22                         3,600,800,012.88
   Including: Operating revenue                                 3,640,255,554.78                         3,056,477,627.02
           Interest income
             Handling fees and
             commission expenses
            Surrender value
            Net payments for
            insurance claims
            Net provision for
            insurance liability
            Bond insurance
            Taxes and surcharges                                   31,887,051.91                            24,452,249.57

                                       Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

            Selling and distribution        117,084,377.09                       96,255,174.41
            General and
            administrative                  243,993,726.30                      200,838,363.61
            Research and                    215,009,332.11                      178,308,709.98
            development expenses
            Financial income                 69,363,522.03                       44,467,888.29
              Including: Interest            57,639,712.41                       43,157,332.21
                    Interest income           3,665,976.25                        8,978,130.23
     Add: Other income                       43,581,732.06                       14,287,696.34
          Investment income/(loss)           22,523,118.12                       36,765,494.65
          Including: Investment
          income from associates             -4,598,895.66                        1,635,131.69
          and joint ventures
              Including: Profits
or losses arising from
derecognition of financial
assets measured at amortized
          Foreign exchange
          Net exposure to hedging
          Gains/(Losses) on                  -1,963,480.75                        2,938,054.78
          changes in fair value
          Credit impairment losses            5,959,144.22                        6,542,389.34
         Asset impairment losses            -20,973,958.35                       -8,374,105.27
          Losses on disposal of                -186,376.00                         396,447.06
Operating profit                            423,544,852.56                      311,156,957.22
     Add: Non-operating income                7,398,599.67                        3,418,364.51
     Less: Non-operating expenses               824,128.91                         957,189.83
Total profit                                430,119,323.32                      313,618,131.90
     Less: Income tax expenses               71,336,165.09                       53,690,901.45
Net Profit                                  358,783,158.23                      259,927,230.45
  (1) Classified by continuity of
     Net profit from continuing             358,783,158.23                      259,927,230.45
     Net profit from discontinued
  (2) Classified by ownership of
  the equity
     Attributable to shareholders of        360,935,095.41                      262,384,653.95
     the Company
     Minority interests                      -2,151,937.18                       -2,457,423.50
Other comprehensive income, net             -67,227,079.40                        2,894,365.54
of tax
  Other comprehensive
income attributable to                      -67,227,079.40                        2,894,365.54
equity owners of the
Company, net of tax
     (1) Other comprehensive                  2,163,320.84                       -1,110,917.35

                                                             Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

income items which will not be
reclassified subsequently to
profit or loss
            1) Changes arising from
            remeasurement of                                          2,163,320.84                              -1,110,917.35
            defined benefit
            2) Other
comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to profit or
loss under the equity method
            3) Changes in
fair value of investments in
other equity instruments
            4) Changes in fair value
            of an enterprise's own
            credit risk
            5) Others
     (2) Other comprehensive
income items which will be                                          -69,390,400.24                               4,005,282.89
reclassified subsequently to
profit or loss
            1) Other
comprehensive income available
for transfer to profit or loss under
the equity method
            2) Changes in fair value
            of other debt
            3) Reclassification of
            financial assets to other
            comprehensive income
            4) Provision for credit
            impairment of other
            debt investments
            5) Cash flow hedge
            6) Exchange differences
            on translating foreign                                  -69,390,400.24                               4,005,282.89
         7) Others
     Other comprehensive income
attributable        to       minority
shareholders, net of tax
Total comprehensive income                                         291,556,078.83                             262,821,595.99
     Attributable to equity owners                                 293,708,016.01                             265,279,019.49
     of the Company
     Attributable      to     minority                               -2,151,937.18                              -2,457,423.50
Earnings per share:
     (1) Basic earnings per share                                             0.27                                       0.20
     (2) Diluted earnings per share                                           0.27                                       0.20

In the case of a business combination under the same control in the current period, the net income realized by the party being

consolidated before the combination was: RMB , and the net income realized by the party being consolidated in the previous

                                                           Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

period was: RMB.

Legal representative:Xia Yingsong   Principal in charge of accounting:Yi Shanbing Head of accounting department:Zhujian

c.   Consolidated Cash Flow Statements
                               Item                   Q1 of 2024                                Q1 of 2023
1. Cash flows from operating
     Cash received from sales of                                4,018,440,517.56                         3,606,015,691.53
     goods or rendering of services
     Net increase in customer
deposits and deposits from banks
and other financial institutions
   Net decrease in deposits with the
Central Bank
   Net decrease in deposits with
other financial institutions
     Cash received from premiums
     of original insurance contracts
     Net cash received from
     reinsurance operations
     Net increase in policyholders'
     savings and investment funds
     Cash received from interest,
     fee and commission
     Net increase in borrowed
     Net increase in funds for
     repurchase operations
     Net cash received from
     agency purchases and sales of
     Refund       of     taxes     and                             17,103,377.76                             8,697,755.86
     Cash received relating to other                               58,768,126.48                            45,388,647.01
     operating activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                       4,094,312,021.80                         3,660,102,094.40
     Cash paid for goods and                                    2,216,727,168.55                         2,086,765,192.24
     Net increase in loans and
     advances to customers
     Deposits from banks and other
     financial institutions
     Cash payment of benefits
     from the original insurance
     Net increase in funds removed
     Cash paid for interest, fee and
     Cash paid as policy dividends
     Cash paid to and on behalf of                              1,142,637,229.70                           955,939,456.39

                                        Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

     Payments of taxes and                   222,215,286.80                      211,944,307.24
     Cash paid relating to other             190,249,867.13                      166,571,281.94
     operating activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                  3,771,829,552.18                   3,421,220,237.81
Net cash flows from operating                322,482,469.62                      238,881,856.59
2. Cash flows from investing
     Cash received from disposal
     of investments
     Cash received from returns on                                                  500,000.00
     Net cash received from
disposal     of     fixed    assets,             334,661.18                       15,887,847.40
intangible assets and other long-
term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of
     subsidiaries and other business          10,729,282.63
     Cash received relating to other        1,093,760,159.84                   1,641,393,607.89
     investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                   1,104,824,103.65                   1,657,781,455.29

     Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and                200,971,024.58                      199,818,909.75
other long- term assets
     Cash     paid      to   acquire         124,800,000.00                       40,000,000.00
     Net increase in pledged loans
     Net cash paid to acquire
     subsidiaries and other business                                              32,341,140.57
     Cash paid relating to other            1,162,721,704.83                   1,996,322,345.89
     investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                  1,488,492,729.41                   2,268,482,396.21
Net cash flows from investing               -383,668,625.76                     -610,700,940.92
3. Cash flows from financing
     Cash received from capital               22,565,000.00                        1,300,000.00
      Including: Cash received
from capital contributions by                 22,565,000.00                        1,300,000.00
minority        shareholders       of
     Cash        received       from        1,264,990,923.54                   1,397,489,746.05
   Cash received relating to other
financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                  1,311,591,142.87                   1,398,789,746.05
     Cash        repayments        of       1,022,403,489.86                   1,265,650,333.85
     Cash payments for interest
 expenses and distribution of                 56,671,158.27                       29,923,707.61
 dividends or profits

                                                 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q1 2024

     Including: Cash payments for
dividends or profit to minority
shareholders of subsidiaries
     Cash payments relating to                          9,653,754.87                       40,528,759.77
     other financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                           1,088,728,403.00                   1,336,102,801.23
Net cash flows from financing                         222,862,739.87                       62,686,944.82
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash                                -9,575,466.50                       6,230,901.84
5. Net increase in cash and cash                      152,101,117.23                     -302,901,237.67
    Add:       Cash     and     cash
    equivalents at the beginning of                  1,774,186,205.78                   1,867,819,580.09
    the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents at the                  1,926,287,323.01                   1,564,918,342.42
end of the period
(2) Adjustments to financial statements at the beginning of the year of first implementation
of new accounting standards for the first time starting in 2024
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Auditing Report

Whether the first quarterly report was audited

□ Yes √ No

The first quarterly report was not audited.
