Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Stock Abbreviation: Zhongding Stock Stock code: 000887 October 2023 1 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 The Company and all members of the Board of Directors have guaranteed that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, and contains no false record, misleading statements or material omissions. Important Notice: 1. Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior management staff of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) have guaranteed that this Report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission and shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information given in this Report. 2. CEO of the Company, CFO of the Company, and Chief Accountant of Accounting Institution declared that the quarterly financial statements should be true, accurate and complete. 3. Whether the third quarter report has been audited □ Yes √ No Note: This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English version, and the English version is for reference only. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall prevail. 2 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 3 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 1. The Main Financial Data (1) Main accounting data and financial indicators Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years Yes No YoY Change(%) YoY Change(%) Q3 2023 Q1-Q3 2023 between 2023 between 2023 Q3 and 2022 Q3 Q1~Q3 and 2022 Q1~Q3 Operating revenue 4,585,492,677.58 24.42% 12,774,099,548.15 24.52% (RMB ) Net profit attributable to shareholders of 344,627,668.75 23.10% 875,838,601.48 16.70% the listed company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the the listed 272,918,418.41 33.22% 727,091,192.13 20.07% company before non-recurring gains and losses (RMB) Net cash flows from operating activities — — 657,234,744.07 7.53% (RMB) Basic earnings per 0.27 28.57% 0.67 15.52% share (RMB/share) Diluted earnings per 0.27 28.57% 0.67 15.52% share (RMB/share) Weighted average 2.92% 0.15% 7.64% 0.09% ROE Increase/decrease at the end of the End of the End of last year reporting period compared with the end of reporting period last year Total Assets (RMB) 22,484,412,477.58 21,124,309,445.51 6.44% Net assets attributable to shareholders of the 11,788,275,561.42 11,168,127,264.81 5.55% listed company (RMB) (2) Non-recurring gain and loss items and amounts thereof Applicable □N/A 4 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Unit: RMB Item Q3 2023 Q1-Q3 2023 Note Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the part written- 44,362,468.60 42,783,586.85 off with provision for asset impairment accrued) Government grants recognized in current gain and loss (excluding grants entitled to in quota or ration according to certain criteria 32,046,434.71 55,432,383.22 under national policies and which is closely relevant to the company’s normal business operations) Except for effective hedging business related to the normal business operations of the company, changes in gains and losses of fair value arising from trading financial assets, trading 15,713,541.01 81,304,308.49 financial liabilities, investment income obtained from disposal of trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets Other non-operating income or expenses except the 1,419,067.79 5,725,986.98 above items Less: Impact of income tax 20,082,091.64 34,905,523.42 Impact of the minority 1,750,170.13 1,593,332.77 interests (after tax) Total 71,709,250.34 148,747,409.35 -- Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss □ Applicable √ N/A Not Applicable to the Company. Descriptions where the Company defines any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss items during the reporting period □ Applicable √ N/A Not Applicable to the Company. 5 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 (3) Major Changes of Main Items in Financial Statements and Financial Indicators within the Report Period, as well as the Reasons for Change Applicable √ N/A The Reasons for Change U Unit:RMB 30th September 31st December Fluctuant Amount、Flux Item 2023/Jan.~Sep. 2022/Jan.~Sep.20 Notes 2023 22 Fluctuant Amount Flux Notes Mainly due to the decrease in the payment ratio of Notes 272,558,402.89 404,958,408.13 -132,400,005.24 -32.69% (1) commercial receivable acceptance instruments in the current period Mainly due to the Receivabl increase in the es 497,832,516.04 253,266,584.59 244,565,931.45 96.56% (2) payment ratio of financing current bills Mainly due to the increase of sales and Lock-in Prepaid 172,547,696.37 105,492,179.34 67,055,517.03 63.56% (3) material price expense increase risk leads to advance payment growth Current Mainly due to the portion of decrease of some non- 19,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 -19,000,000.00 -50.00% (4) asset disposal current funds have been assets received Investmen Mainly due to the ts in other increase of equity 59,000,166.17 29,000,166.17 30,000,000.00 103.45% (5) investments in instrument other equity s Mainly due to the increase in Constructi production plant on in 773,825,029.01 593,076,684.70 180,748,344.31 30.48% (6) and equipment by progress the subsidiary during the period Mainly due to the Current decrease of the portion of non-current non- 171,099,777.92 606,272,893.68 -435,173,115.76 -71.78% (7) liabilities of current Zhongding Europe liabilities within one year Mainly due to the Financial 94,029,393.40 33,870,191.85 60,159,201.55 177.62% (8) increase in interest expenses rates on euro loans 6 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 during the period Mainly due to the Gain/loss decrease of on changes in the fair changes 7,818,248.17 20,875,811.51 -13,057,563.34 -62.55% (9) share value of in fair trading financial value assets Mainly due to the decrease of the amount of Asset inventory changes impairme -23,211,091.30 -62,703,406.21 39,492,314.91 -62.98% (10) in the current nt loss period being less than the same period last year Mainly due to the Gain/loss decrease of on -1,975,304.68 3,967,011.74 -5,942,316.42 -149.79% (11) disposal of long- disposal term assets by of assets major subsidiaries Mainly due to the Non- decrease of in operating 10,109,591.76 52,614,054.51 -42,504,462.75 -80.79% (12) non-operating income income during the period Mainly due to the Non- decrease of in operating 4,383,604.78 44,525,869.93 -40,142,265.15 -90.15% (13) non-operating expenses expenses during the period Mainly due to the increase of profit Income during the period tax 181,364,270.56 115,320,185.88 66,044,084.68 57.27% (14) and the increase in expenses deferred income tax expense Mainly due to the Cash paid increase of sales for goods and Lock-in purchased 7,209,410,824.85 5,517,525,754.89 1,691,885,069.96 30.66% (15) material price and increase risk leads services to advance received payment growth Cash Mainly due to the received increase in from the 6,712,173.01 313,491.07 6,398,681.94 2041.11% (16) investment income return on received during investmen the period t Net cash received Mainly due to from the increase of the disposal receipt of payment 17,753,661.31 4,485,429.28 13,268,232.03 295.81% (17) of fixed for the sale of assets, assets during the intangible period assets and 7 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 other long-term assets Net cash received from the Mainly due to the disposal increase in the of amount received 130,823,912.13 - 130,823,912.13 (18) subsidiari from the sale of es and subsidiary equity other during the period business units Mainly due to the Cash paid decrease in for 72,341,140.57 244,722,125.00 -172,380,984.43 -70.44% (19) foreign investment investmen payments during ts the period Cash Mainly due to received increase of the relating to withdrawal of 40,075,403.31 27,595,246.12 12,480,157.19 45.23% (20) other acceptance financing deposits in the activities current period Cash paid Mainly due to the for increase in 2,413,121,972.81 1,587,090,481.24 826,031,491.57 52.05% (21) repayment repayable bank of debts loans Mainly due to Cash paid increase of the relating to payment of bank other 110,152,537.66 47,917,936.14 62,234,601.52 129.88% (22) acceptance investing deposits in the activities current period 2. Shareholders and Shares (1) Total number of common shareholders and number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights were restored, shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders at the period-end Unit:share Total number of common Total number of preferred shareholders with shareholders at the end of the 72,525 resumed voting rights at the end of the 0 Reporting Period Reporting Period (if any) Top 10 common shareholders Shareholdi Total shares Number of Pledged or frozen shares Name of Nature of ng held at the restricted shareholder shareholder Status Number percentage period-end shares held Anhui Domestic Zhongding non- state- 40.46% 532,701,321.00 pledged 142,500,000 Holding owned (Group) Co., corporation 8 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 LTD Hong Kong Securities Foreign 2.26% 29,765,730.00 Clearing Co., corporation Ltd. National Social Security Others 1.44% 18,932,794.00 Fund 102 portfolio Everyone Life Insurance Others 1.03% 13,604,990.00 Co., LTD. - Universal Products Abu dhabi Investment Foreign 0.98% 12,890,263.00 Authority corporation Domestic Miaosu natural 0.78% 10,283,602.00 person China Life Insurance Co Ltd.- Tradtional- General Others 0.77% 10,167,381.00 insurance product- 005L- CT001shang hai Ping An Bank Co., Ltd.Boshi Growth Pilot flexible Others 0.75% 9,938,950.00 allocation of hybrid securities investment funds Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., LTd.-Yi Fangda Others 0.62% 8,118,072.00 Yuxiang Return Bond securities Investment Fund Industrial and Commercial Others 0.55% 7,234,198.00 Bank of China 9 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Limited - China- Europe Times Pioneer equity initiated securities investment Fund Top 10 non-restricted common shareholders Type of shares Name of shareholder Number of non-restricted shares held Type of Number shares RMB Anhui Zhongding Holding 532,701,321.00 common 532,701,321.00 (Group) Co., LTD stock RMB Hong Kong Securities 29,765,730.00 common 29,765,730.00 Clearing Co., Ltd. stock RMB National Social Security Fund 18,932,794.00 common 18,932,794.00 102 portfolio stock RMB Everyone Life Insurance Co., 13,604,990.00 common 13,604,990.00 LTD.- Universal Products stock RMB Abu dhabi Investment 12,890,263.00 common 12,890,263.00 Authority stock RMB Miaosu 10,283,602.00 common 10,283,602.00 stock China Life Insurance Co Ltd. RMB -Tradtional-General 10,167,381.00 common 10,167,381.00 insurance product-005L- stock CT001shanghai Ping An Bank Co., Ltd.Boshi RMB Growth Pilot flexible 9,938,950.00 common 9,938,950.00 allocation of hybrid securities stock investment funds Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., RMB LTd.-Yi Fangda Yuxiang 8,118,072.00 common 8,118,072.00 Return Bond securities stock Investment Fund Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - RMB China-Europe Times Pioneer 7,234,198.00 common 7,234,198.00 equity initiated securities stock investment Fund The company does not know whether there is an associated Explanation of the relationship or concerted relationship between the shareholders, and whether it is a person action among the above shareholders acting in concert stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the Disclosure of Information on Changes in Shareholdings of Shareholders of Listed Companies. Explanation of the top 10 shareholders’ As of December 31, 2023, Miaosu, one of the top 10 shareholders participation in securities margin trading of the company, held 9,947,441 shares of the company through the 10 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 customer credit transaction guarantee securities account of Huaxi Securities Co., Ltd. (2) Total Number of Preferred Shareholders and TOP 10 Preferred Shareholders and Their Shareholdings □ Applicable √ N/A 3. Other Important Matters □ Applicable √ N/A 4. Quarterly Financial Statements (1) Financial Statements a. Consolidated Balance Sheet Prepared by:Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. 30th October 2023 Unit:RMB Item 30th September 2023 1st January 2023 Current assets: Monetary fund 1,756,746,288.19 1,923,617,230.68 Settlement provisions Lending funds Trading financial assets 919,598,761.12 741,671,102.29 Derivative financial assets 806,426.57 789,202.73 Notes receivable 272,558,402.89 404,958,408.13 Accounts receivable 4,119,067,591.18 3,505,909,956.11 Receivables financing 497,832,516.04 253,266,584.59 Prepaid expense 172,547,696.37 105,492,179.34 Premium receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Provision of cession receivable Other receivables 236,211,943.02 193,476,793.78 Including: interest receivable Dividend receivable Redemptory monetary capital for sale Inventories 3,418,181,597.20 3,258,238,827.31 Contract assets 292,158,677.49 229,283,057.16 Holding assets for sale Current portion of non-current 19,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 assets Other current assets 1,052,517,811.69 1,072,614,384.18 Total current assets 12,757,227,711.76 11,727,317,726.30 Non-current assets: Issuance of loans and advances Equity expense 11 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Other equity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 270,758,352.18 275,007,143.63 Investments in other equity 59,000,166.17 29,000,166.17 instruments Other non-current financial assets 228,851,654.35 213,298,887.08 Investment properties Fixed assets 4,403,289,450.24 4,309,162,421.76 Construction in progress 773,825,029.01 593,076,684.70 Productive biological asset Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 279,060,024.77 323,995,986.62 Intangible assets 607,673,879.02 634,351,082.66 Development expenditures Goodwill 2,413,245,987.45 2,358,624,311.00 Long-term prepaid expenses 77,591,398.08 94,574,628.85 Deferred tax assets 357,682,560.51 350,607,130.25 Other non-current assets 256,206,264.04 215,293,276.49 Total non-current assets 9,727,184,765.82 9,396,991,719.21 TOTAL ASSETS 22,484,412,477.58 21,124,309,445.51 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 2,415,039,953.87 2,267,874,557.23 Loans from the central bank Loans from other banks Trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liability 2,852,453.95 2,890,576.58 Notes payable 620,827,598.09 501,998,154.07 Accounts payable 2,999,045,882.21 2,844,416,077.10 Unearned revenue Contract liabilities 56,000,708.80 45,109,850.66 Financial assets sold for repurchase Deposits from customers and interbank Receiving from vicariously traded securities Receiving from vicariously sold securities Payroll payable 406,553,686.45 352,639,966.57 Tax payable 214,230,903.81 175,623,893.33 Other payables 238,300,421.45 188,014,434.76 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable 1,185.84 1,185.84 Handling fees and commissions payable Dividend payable for reinsurance Holding liabilities for sale Current portion of non-current 171,099,777.92 606,272,893.68 liabilities Other current liabilities 5,167,871.66 5,140,327.35 Total current liabilities 7,129,119,258.21 6,989,980,731.33 Non-current liabilities Reserve fund for insurance contracts Long-term borrowings 2,728,405,664.62 2,116,673,746.24 Bonds payable Including: Preferred stock 12 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 205,862,323.95 251,606,745.78 Long-term payables Long-term payroll payable 123,089,376.35 117,005,295.30 Accrued liabilities 69,211,990.15 54,871,715.06 Deferred income 239,317,549.66 217,838,737.64 Deferred tax liabilities 171,249,145.35 173,941,323.83 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 3,537,136,050.08 2,931,937,563.85 Total liabilities 10,666,255,308.29 9,921,918,295.18 Shareholders’ equity Share capital 1,316,489,747.00 1,316,489,747.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred stock Perpetual bond Capital surplus 3,424,781,748.55 3,424,781,748.55 Less: Treasury stock Other comprehensive income -192,453,395.38 -200,084,624.82 Special reserve 1,898,223.84 1,921,808.75 Surplus reserve 649,957,479.32 649,957,479.32 General risk reserve Undistributed profits 6,587,601,758.09 5,975,061,106.01 Total equity attributable to 11,788,275,561.42 11,168,127,264.81 shareholders of the Company Minority interests 29,881,607.87 34,263,885.52 Total shareholders’ equity 11,818,157,169.29 11,202,391,150.33 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 22,484,412,477.58 21,124,309,445.51 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Legal representative:Xia Yingsong Principal in charge of accounting:Yi Shanbing Head of accounting department:Zhujian b. Consolidated income statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period Unit:RMB Item Q1 - Q3 2023 Q1 - Q3 2022 1.Total revenue 12,774,099,548.15 10,258,833,694.82 Including: Operating revenue 12,774,099,548.15 10,258,833,694.82 Interest income Earned Premium Handling fees and commission income 2.Total operating cost 11,867,784,559.37 9,497,160,637.34 Including: operating cost 10,029,997,224.38 8,021,558,278.85 Interest expense Handling charge and commission expenses Surrender value Net payments for insurance claims Net appropriation of reserves for insurance liability Policy dividend payment Reinsurance costs Taxes and surcharges 79,897,003.73 65,626,971.11 Selling expenses 343,702,838.17 274,835,570.36 Administrative expenses 718,646,740.95 614,508,296.76 13 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 R&D expenses 601,511,358.74 486,761,328.41 Financial expenses 94,029,393.40 33,870,191.85 Including: Interest expenses 125,275,202.78 86,557,965.60 Interest income 17,200,823.79 13,870,335.78 Add: Other income 55,432,383.23 48,987,375.59 Investment income (loss with "-" sign) 118,244,951.85 108,186,689.05 Including: return on investment in associated enterprises and joint ventures 2,813,819.37 -4,081,569.52 Gains on derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Exchange gain (loss with "-" sign) Net exposure hedging gain (loss with "-"sign) Gain/loss on changes in fair value (loss with "-" sign) 7,818,248.17 20,875,811.51 Credit impairment loss (loss is listed with "-" sign) -23,944,601.37 -27,898,424.31 Asset impairment loss (loss with "-" sign) -23,211,091.30 -62,703,406.21 Gain/loss on disposal of assets (loss with "-"sign) -1,975,304.68 3,967,011.74 3.Operating profit (losses are listed with "-" sign) 1,038,679,574.68 853,088,114.85 Add: Non-operating income 10,109,591.76 52,614,054.51 Less: Non-operating expenses 4,383,604.78 44,525,869.93 4.Gross profit (the gross loss shall be filled in with the sign "-") 1,044,405,561.66 861,176,299.43 Less: Income tax expenses 181,364,270.56 115,320,185.88 5.Net profit (net loss is listed with "-" sign) 863,041,291.10 745,856,113.55 (1) By business continuity a. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss with "-" sign) b. Net profit from termination of operation (net loss with "-" sign) (2) Net profit classified by attribution of ownership a. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company (net loss with "-" 875,838,601.48 750,480,170.42 sign) b. Minority interest income (net loss with "-" sign) -12,797,310.38 -4,624,056.87 6.Other comprehensive income, net of tax 7,631,229.44 -32,194,584.93 After-tax net of other comprehensive income attributable to the 7,631,229.44 -32,194,584.93 owners of parent company (1) Other comprehensive income which may not be reclassified to gain and loss -1,632,935.24 -19,246,312.12 a. Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plans -1,632,935.24 b. Other comprehensive income which may not be transferred to gain and loss under the equity method c. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity instruments -19,013,301.07 d. Changes in fair value of the credit risk of the Company e. Others -233,011.05 (2).Other comprehensive income which may be reclassified to gain and loss 9,264,164.68 -12,948,272.81 a. .Other comprehensive income which may be transferred to gain and loss under the equity method 14 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 b. Changes in fair value of other creditors investment c. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income d. Provision for credit impairment of other creditors investments e. Cash flow hedging reserves f. Difference in translation of foreign currency financials 9,264,164.68 -12,948,272.81 g. Others Other comprehensive income attributable to equity owners of the Company, net of tax 7.Total comprehensive income 870,672,520.54 713,661,528.62 (1)Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 883,469,830.92 718,285,585.49 company (2)Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders -12,797,310.38 -4,624,056.87 8.Earnings per share: (1) Basic earnings per share 0.67 0.58 (2) Diluted earnings per share 0.67 0.58 Legal representative:Xia Yingsong Principal in charge of accounting:Yi Shanbing Head of accounting department:Zhujian 3、Consolidated cash flow statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period Unit:RMB Item Q1 - Q3 2023 Q1 - Q3 2022 1.Cash flow from operating activities: Cash received from sales of 11,655,626,481.56 9,290,294,994.53 goods or rendering of services Net increase in deposits from customers and other banks Net increase in borrowing from the central bank Net increase in loans from other financial institutions Cash received from receiving insurance premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in deposits and investment of the insured Cash received from interests, handling charges and commissions Net increase in borrowing funds Net increase in repurchase business capital Net cash received from securities trading agency Refunds of taxes and levies 68,643,873.32 61,303,387.88 Cash received relating to other 148,651,276.26 131,387,199.22 operating activities Subtotal of cash inflows for 11,872,921,631.14 9,482,985,581.63 operating activities Cash paid for goods purchased 7,209,410,824.85 5,517,525,754.89 15 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 and services received Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in deposits with the central bank and other banks Cash paid for claims under original insurance contracts Net increase in lending funds Cash paid for interests, handling charges and commissions Cash paid for policy dividends Cash paid to and on behalf of 2,958,743,831.75 2,485,873,939.15 employees Payments of all types of taxes 521,546,299.79 453,360,288.27 Cash paid relating to other 525,985,930.68 414,993,700.51 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 11,215,686,887.07 8,871,753,682.82 operating activities Net cash flow from operating 657,234,744.07 611,231,898.81 activities 2.Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investment 29,241,826.99 27,499,999.97 recovery Cash received from the return on 6,712,173.01 313,491.07 investment Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible 17,753,661.31 4,485,429.28 assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other 130,823,912.13 business units Cash received relating to other 3,693,982,188.71 5,109,293,984.18 investing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 3,878,513,762.15 5,141,592,904.50 investing activities Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, 607,017,537.59 747,245,384.38 intangible assets and other long- term assets Cash paid for investments 72,341,140.57 244,722,125.00 Net increase in pledge loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units Cash paid relating to other 3,813,721,705.45 5,434,267,744.38 investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 4,493,080,383.61 6,426,235,253.76 investing activities Net cash flow from investment -614,566,621.46 -1,284,642,349.26 activities 3.Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from absorption 8,500,000.00 of investment Including: cash received by 8,500,000.00 subsidiaries from investments of 16 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Report of Q3 2023 minority shareholders Cash received from borrowings 2,621,044,003.48 2,023,877,942.03 Cash received relating to other 40,075,403.31 27,595,246.12 financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 2,669,619,406.79 2,051,473,188.15 financing activities Cash paid for repayment of 2,413,121,972.81 1,587,090,481.24 debts Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment 410,658,987.74 331,940,869.42 of interests Including: dividends or profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Cash paid relating to other 110,152,537.66 47,917,936.14 financing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 2,933,933,498.21 1,966,949,286.80 financing activities Net cash flow from financing -264,314,091.42 84,523,901.35 activities 4.Effect of change in exchange rate 37,588,550.92 4,747,831.37 on cash and cash equivalents 5.Net increase in cash and cash -184,057,417.89 -584,138,717.73 equivalents Add: opening balance of cash 1,867,819,596.09 1,631,317,104.81 and cash equivalents 6.Ending balance of cash and cash 1,683,762,178.20 1,047,178,387.08 equivalents (2) Financial statements related to adjustments to items at the beginning of the year of first-time implementation of new accounting standards from 2023 onwards □ Applicable √ N/A (3) Auditing Report Whether the Report has been audited □ Yes √ No The report for the third quarter of 2023 of the Company has not been audited Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co.,Ltd. Board of Directors 31st October 2023 17