2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. 2019 Third Quarterly Report October 2019 1 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section I Important Notes The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby guarantee that the information presented in this report is authentic, accurate and complete and free of any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and will undertake individual and joint legal liabilities. All directors have attended the board meeting to review this quarterly report. Lyu Liang, the Company’s legal representative and the officer in charge of accounting, and Ma Honglan, head of accounting department (accounting supervisor) hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements in this report are authentic, accurate and complete. According to “Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2018 Revision)”, if listed companies have both Chinese and other language versions of public notice, they should ensure the content of both versions are the same. In the case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail. 2 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section II Company Profile I. Key accounting data and financial indicators Whether the Company needs to perform a retroactive adjustment or restatement of the previous accounting data √ Yes □ No Reasons for retroactive adjustment or restatement Other reason Change between At December 31, 2018 December 31, 2018 and At September 30, 2019 September 30, 2019 (%) Before adjustment After adjustment After adjustment Total assets (yuan) 22,510,034,334.48 19,217,357,282.33 19,217,357,282.33 17.13% Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company 11,661,608,297.70 9,938,148,996.53 9,938,148,996.53 17.34% (yuan) YoY Change between YoY Change between 2019 Q3 2018 Q3 and 2019 Q3 2019 Q1 - Q3 2018 Q1 - Q3 and 2019 (%) Q1 - Q3 (%) Operating revenue (yuan) 9,379,217,601.89 19.03% 27,627,885,218.87 19.06% Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company 616,830,635.77 19.61% 2,213,114,054.08 22.33% (yuan) Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company after 605,703,004.52 17.68% 2,079,980,188.55 16.59% deducting non-recurring profit or loss (yuan) Net cash flows from operating - - 909,038,245.94 -35.59% activities (yuan) Basic earnings per share (yuan per 0.3525 19.61% 1.2648 22.33% share) Diluted earnings per share (yuan 0.3525 19.61% 1.2648 22.33% per share) Weighted average Return on 5.44% -0.14% 20.14% 0.18% Equity (ROE) Note: As the Company increased share capital by converting capital reserve in June 2019, earnings per share of preceding period was adjusted based on the increased capital under relevant accounting standards. Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts √ Applicable □ N/A Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount (January 1 - Remarks September 30, 2019) Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including 112,098,352.29 Mainly due to the recognition of written-off of provision for impairment) house demolition fees. Tax refund, credit or exemption approved beyond the power of 470,984.63 authorities or without formal documents Government grant included in profit or loss (excluding those Mainly due to the recognition of closely related to operating activities, or regular government 100,202,966.33 government subsidy by the grants) subsidiaries Hangzhou 3 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Amount (January 1 - Remarks September 30, 2019) Zhongmeihuadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Huadong Ningbo Medicine Co., Ltd. in the current period. Other non-operating revenue or expenditures -13,128,532.14 Less: Enterprise income tax affected 47,237,243.48 Non-controlling interest affected (after tax) 19,272,662.10 Total 133,133,865.53 -- If the Company recognizes an item as a non-recurring profit or loss based on the “Interpretation Pronouncement on Information Disclosure Criteria for Public Companies No. 1 - Non-Recurring Profit or Loss” or recognizes an item satisfying the definition of non-recurring profit or loss as a recurring profit or loss, reasons should be specified. □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. II. Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period and information of top 10 shareholders 1. Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares and shareholders of preferred shares with voting rights resumed and information about top 10 shareholders Unit: Share Total number of shareholders Total number of shareholders of of preferred shares whose ordinary shares at the end of the 101,640 voting rights have been 0 reporting period recovered at the end of the reporting period (if any) Information about top 10 shareholders Number of Pledged or frozen Name of shareholders Nature Holding Number of holding shares proportion (%) holding shares Status Number with restrictions Domestic 中国远大集团有限责任公司 41.77% 730,938,157 0 Pledged 247,964,000 non-state-owned (China Grand Enterprises, Inc.) legal person 杭州华东医药集团有限公司 State-owned legal 16.46% 288,000,000 0 (Hangzhou Huadong Medicine person * Group Co., Ltd. ) 香港中央结算有限公司 (Hong Overseas legal 2.45% 42,831,179 0 Kong Securities Clearing Company * person Ltd. ) National Social Security Fund Other 1.33% 23,341,513 0 Portfolio 106 中国证券金融股份有限公司 Domestic (China Securities Finance Co., non-state-owned 1.27% 22,186,818 0 Ltd.*) legal person 泰康资产管理有限责任公司 (Taikang Asset Management Co., 0.95% 16,645,294 0 Other Ltd.*) - actively allocated investment products 泰康人寿保险有限责任公司 (Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. *) - Other 0.70% 12,275,192 0 Dividend – Personal dividend - The English names are for identification purpose only. 4 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. 019L-FH002 Shen 中国银行股份有限公司 (Bank of China Co., Ltd.) – Jiashi Shanghai Other 0.63% 11,000,026 0 HK Shenzhen Selected Stock Securities Investment Fund 澳门金融管理局 (Autoridade Overseas legal 0.60% 10,434,399 0 Monetaria de Macau*) – Self-owned person fund Guotai Junan Securities Asset Management - CCB - Guotai Junan Other 0.50% 8,794,016 0 Jundexin Stock Collective Asset Management Plan Information about top 10 shareholders holding unrestricted shares Type of shares Name of shareholders Number of holding shares without restrictions Type Number China Grand Enterprises, Inc. 730,938,157 RMB ordinary 730,938,157 shares Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group 288,000,000 RMB ordinary 288,000,000 Co., Ltd.. shares Hong Kong Securities Clearing 42,831,179 RMB ordinary 42,831,179 Company Ltd. shares National Social Security Fund 23,341,513 RMB ordinary 23,341,513 Portfolio 106 shares China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. 22,186,818 RMB ordinary 22,186,818 shares Taikang Asset Management Co., Ltd. - actively allocated investment 16,645,294 RMB ordinary 16,645,294 shares products Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Dividend – Personal dividend - 12,275,192 RMB ordinary 12,275,192 shares 019L-FH002 Shen Bank of China Co., Ltd. – Jiashi Shanghai HK Shenzhen Selected 11,000,026 RMB ordinary 11,000,026 shares Stock Securities Investment Fund Autoridade Monetaria de Macau – 10,434,399 RMB ordinary 10,434,399 Self-owned fund shares Guotai Junan Securities Asset Management - CCB - Guotai Junan 8,794,016 RMB ordinary 8,794,016 Jundexin Stock Collective Asset shares Management Plan Explanation on relationship and The Company does not know whether the above shareholders are related parties with each other concerted actions among above or whether they are acting-in-concert parties with each other. shareholders Explanation on the margin trading and short selling business conducted N/A by top 10 shareholders (if any) Any of the Company’s top 10 of ordinary shares or top 10 shareholders holding unrestricted ordinary shares conducts any agreed buy-back transaction in the reporting period? □ Yes √ No No such case during the reporting period. 2. Total number of shareholders of preferred shares and information about top 10 shareholders of preferred shares □ Applicable √ N/A The English names are for identification purpose only. 5 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section III Significant Events I. Information and explanation about changes in key financial data and financial indicators during the reporting period √ Applicable □ N/A Unit: in ten thousand yuan Balance sheet items Opening Change rate Remarks on changes Closing balance balance Accounts receivable 788,655.16 563,301.12 40.01% Mainly due to sales growth. Advances paid 55,953.12 35,167.61 59.10% Mainly due to the increase of prepayments for medicines. Other receivables 12,702.15 8,209.89 54.72% Mainly due to the increase of temporary payment and deposits. Long-term equity investments 22,033.66 8,891.82 147.80% Mainly due to the increase of external equity investments. Mainly due to reclassification of revised financial Other equity investments 21,902.63 / / statement items and the increase of external equity investments. Construction in progress 120,929.87 61,700.50 95.99% Mainly due to the increase of Biomedical Science and Technology Park Project Phase II. Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of Other non-current assets 79,080.89 22,340.41 253.98% prepayment for equipment and prepayment for technology transfer at the end of the period. Notes payable 92,632.64 56,695.51 63.39% Mainly due to the increase of notes for purchasing. Advances received 6,638.60 15,551.63 -57.31% Mainly due to the decrease of advanced receipt of medicine sales Other payables 178,264.51 135,698.33 31.37% Mainly due to the increase of temporary receipts payable. Non-current liabilities due 106,568.56 4,090.47 2505.29% Mainly due to reclassification of bonds payable due within one year within one year. Preceding Income statement items Current period Change rate Remarks on changes period cumulative comparative Selling expenses 457,280.64 337,956.32 35.31% Mainly due to sale growth and the consolidation of Sinclair Pharma limited. Administrative expenses 77,329.53 51,553.48 50.00% Mainly due to the increase of employee benefits and the consolidation of Sinclair Pharma limited. Mainly due to the increase of R&D expenses of the R&D expenses 71,222.72 46,600.70 52.84% subsidiary Hangzhou Zhongmeihuadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Mainly due to the increase of interest-bearing Financial expenses 10,983.69 4,177.79 162.91% liabilities and decrease of interest income on deposits in the current period. Gains on asset disposal 11,434.74 6.98 163615.84% Mainly due to the recognition of house demolition fees in the current period. Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease of net Investment income 876.39 2,834.10 -69.08% profit generated by associates and inclusion of loss from newly consolidated associates. Preceding Cash flow statement items Current period Change rate Remarks on changes period cumulative comparative Net cash flows from operating 90,903.82 141,142.63 -35.59% Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of payment activities for operating expenses. 6 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Net cash flows from investing -115,923.50 -165,986.57 30.16% Mainly due to the large amount of undue financial activities products in the preceding period. Net cash flows from financing -62,018.87 -88,685.52 30.07% Mainly due to year-on-year decrease of payment for activities dividends. II. Progress and influence of significant events, analysis and explanation of corresponding solutions □ Applicable √ N/A Implementation progress of share repurchase □ Applicable √ N/A Progress in the implementation of reducing repurchased shares by centralized price bidding □ Applicable √ N/A III. Unfulfilled and overdue commitments from the related committed parties such as the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer(s), and the Company during the reporting period □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. IV. Securities investment □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. V. Entrusted financial management □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. VI. Derivatives investment □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. VII. Schedule of reception activities including research, communication and interviews during the reporting period √ Applicable □ N/A Time of reception Method of reception Type of reception Index of basic information of the research object Please refer to the “000963 Huadong Medicine 1/16/2019 Field research Institutional investors Research Activity: January 18, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for 7 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Time of reception Method of reception Type of reception Index of basic information of the research object details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 2/19/2019 Field research Institutional investors from February 19, 2019 to February 20, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 2/20/2019 Field research Institutional investors from February 19, 2019 to February 20, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 4/19/2019 Conference call Institutional investors from April 19, 2019 to April 24, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 4/23/2019 Conference call Institutional investors from April 19, 2019 to April 24, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 4/24/2019 Field research Institutional investors from April 19, 2019 to April 24, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “000963 Huadong Medicine 4/30/2019 Conference call Institutional investors Research Activity: May 6, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 5/28/2019 Conference call Institutional investors from May 28, 2019 to May 29, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 5/29/2019 Field research Institutional investors from May 28, 2019 to May 29, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 6/06/2019 Field research Institutional investors June 6, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 7/18/2019 Field research Institutional investors from July 18, 2019 to July 19, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 7/19/2019 Field research Institutional investors from July 18, 2019 to July 19, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 8/28/2019 Conference call Institutional investors August 28, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 9/23/2019 Field research Institutional investors from September 23, 2019 to September 25, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. Please refer to the “Investor Relations Activity Record: 9/25/2019 Field research Institutional investors from September 23, 2019 to September 25, 2019” presented on the websites of irm.cninfo.com.cn and cninfo.com.cn for details. VIII. Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. 8 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. IX. The Company’s funds used by the controlling shareholder or its related parties for non-operating purposes □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. X. Overview of the Company’s operations from January to September 2019 In 2019, the Company takes innovation and transformation as the working principle throughout the year, vigorously carries out the set-up of scientific R&D system as of Global Development Center, and actively monitors the KPIs of productions and operations related objectives. From January to September 2019, Hangzhou Zhongmeihuadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, the Company’s core wholly-owned subsidiary, generated operating revenue of 8.39 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 29.88%, and a net profit of 1.85 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 26.99%. Both operating revenue and net profit continued to maintain fast growth. The total operating revenue of pharmaceutical business, aesthetic business and other businesses was 19.24 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 14.89%. From January to September 2019, the Company’s total R&D expenditures added up to 712 million yuan, which presented a year-on-year increase of 52.84%. During the reporting period, and in order to strengthen the overall capabilities of R&D, as well as to build an advanced system of drug innovation, Hangzhou Zhongmeihuadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd has established a global new-drug innovation center, which is positioned as an international platform for the Company’s new drug R&D and external innovation. By building a leading scientific team of R&D researchers and external experts, the center is aiming to integrate resources into an open, sustainable and high-quality innovation-driven ecological system. In the future, the Company will focus on three key areas - new drug screening, safety evaluation and clinical development, covering end-to-end process of new drug development from pre-clinical research to new drug application with global standards. At present, the innovation center is responsible for carrying out the corresponding clinical development of the Company’s innovative drugs TTP273 and HD118, and other four innovative products introduced from MediBeacon pipeline. The Company continues to be innovation-oriented and adopts a “two-wheel drive” new drug development strategy by combining internal R&D and external collaboration which enables the Company to keep up with leading-edge of international drug research and development. Meanwhile, the Company also focuses on high-end generic drugs with high technical barriers, drugs for special target patient populations, and new modified drug products. During the reporting period, the Company has accomplished more than 10 innovative projects kick-off(including innovative drugs, generic drugs with high technical barriers, and US 505 b (2)). All these initiatives will enable as of a good foundation for the sustainable enrichment of product pipeline and the continuous introduction of new drugs. As for the approved generic drug projects, the Company has reevaluated the on-going projects to streamline and prioritize key projects with high unmet medical needs and differentiation. During the reporting period, the Company accelerated the internal reform of R&D incentives mechanism and KPI-based performance assessment policy. By improving the internal scientific research and innovation 9 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. environment, and building the basis for innovation culture, the Company has further deepened the reform of R&D system. The Company introduced a step-wised assessment and incentive recognition approach, by combining R&D deliverables with future commercial value of the products. The establishment of a long-term incentive mechanism will motivate talents with higher efficiency and effectiveness. Sinclair, the Company’s international aesthetic business platform will continue to explore new markets. During the reporting period, Sinclair has accomplished the registration and introduction in five countries and regions. The overall business operation of the whole year is expected to meet the annual target. Sinclair has completed clinical trials of its key product Ellansé(long-acting injectable microsphere) in China and will submit the clinical report to the National Medical Products Administration for registration as long as it has been done. The company will continuously carry out technology introduction and resource integration. After signing the strategic cooperation agreement with R2 Dermatology, the Company initiated the clinical research for the original freckle-removing medical equipment F1 in China. During the reporting period, the Company also signed off a strategic cooperation agreement with MediBeacon in order to obtain the exclusive commercialization right of all products as owned by MediBeacon (including renal function monitoring and assessment, gastrointestinal function assessment, surgical visualization, etc.) in 25 Asian countries and regions including Mainland China after it has subscribed part of its B-round preferred shares issued by MediBeacon. This partnership will continuously accelerate the Company’s synergy between the drug product portfolio and the accurate monitoring methods for chronic diseases, while further strengthening the Company’s leading competitiveness for chronic disease diagnosis and treatment. 10 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section IV Financial Statements I. Financial statements 1. Consolidated balance sheet as at September 30, 2019 Prepared by: Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 1,725,868,074.04 2,442,723,381.93 Settlement funds Loans to other banks Held-for-trading financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 712,334,083.97 639,854,829.69 Accounts receivable 7,886,551,580.89 5,633,011,225.41 Receivables financing Advances paid 559,531,177.14 351,676,102.16 Premiums receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance reserve receivable Other receivables 133,277,142.84 82,878,867.32 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable 6,255,557.18 779,957.18 Financial assets under reverse repo Inventories 3,902,687,914.90 3,875,647,048.31 Contract assets Assets as held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 43,566,311.73 38,097,580.91 Total current assets 14,963,816,285.51 13,063,889,035.73 Non-current assets: Loans and advances paid Debt investments Available-for-sale financial assets 91,111,431.20 Other debt investments Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivable Long-term equity investments 220,336,557.13 88,918,218.64 11 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Other equity instrument investments 219,026,331.20 Other non-current financial assets Investment property 22,768,100.38 23,841,968.85 Fixed assets 2,039,505,556.08 2,033,587,957.65 Construction in progress 1,209,298,693.60 617,004,995.98 Productive biological assets Oil & gas assets Use right assets Intangible assets 1,436,805,135.32 1,507,864,929.72 Development expenditures Goodwill 1,469,564,972.95 1,458,322,456.39 Long-term prepayments 24,827,688.40 12,487,374.06 Deferred tax assets 113,276,137.31 96,924,790.85 Other non-current assets 790,808,876.60 223,404,123.26 Total non-current assets 7,546,218,048.97 6,153,468,246.60 Total assets 22,510,034,334.48 19,217,357,282.33 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 505,650,000.00 625,731,594.90 Central bank loans Loans from other banks Held-for-trading financial liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 926,326,393.05 566,955,074.64 Accounts payable 4,687,426,229.27 3,905,462,438.68 Advances received 66,386,046.04 155,516,265.85 Contract liabilities Financial liabilities under repo Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit Deposit for agency security transaction Deposit for agency security underwriting Employee benefits payable 117,344,985.46 115,269,567.11 Taxes and rates payable 583,028,826.69 591,738,858.25 Other payables 1,805,738,720.39 1,397,399,947.38 Including: Interest payable 22,869,369.38 40,192,471.83 Dividend payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Handling fee and commission payable Reinsurance accounts payable Liabilities classified as held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one 1,065,685,587.57 40,904,660.77 year 12 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 9,757,586,788.47 7,398,978,407.58 Non-current liabilities: Insurance policy reserve Long-term borrowings 178,569,509.41 Bonds payable 995,545,627.39 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities Long-term payables 264,065,312.44 274,759,833.53 Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions 28,800,025.76 34,746,434.39 Deferred income 63,269,711.44 68,138,547.84 Deferred tax liabilities 18,371,094.01 19,659,864.09 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 553,075,653.06 1,392,850,307.24 Total liabilities 10,310,662,441.53 8,791,828,714.82 Equity: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,458,174,624.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 2,157,832,946.57 2,455,526,993.18 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income -24,824,158.96 -22,426,154.59 Special reserve Surplus reserve 592,903,007.98 592,903,007.98 General risk reserve Undistributed profit 7,185,886,954.11 5,453,970,525.96 Total equity attributable to the parent 11,661,608,297.70 9,938,148,996.53 company Non-controlling interest 537,763,595.25 487,379,570.98 Total equity 12,199,371,892.95 10,425,528,567.51 Total liabilities & equity 22,510,034,334.48 19,217,357,282.33 Lyu Liang Lyu Liang Ma Honglan Legal representative Officer in charge of accounting Head of accounting department 13 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. 2. Parent company balance sheet as at September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 821,337,646.05 1,385,023,943.20 Held-for-trading financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 136,308,925.38 240,692,611.41 Accounts receivable 4,997,226,962.31 3,169,895,951.84 Receivables financing Advances paid 146,133,582.87 190,099,922.21 Other receivables 840,329,752.82 671,375,825.45 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable Inventories 1,718,758,305.62 1,699,409,254.34 Contract assets Assets classified as held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 11,574.97 501,622.85 Total current assets 8,660,106,750.02 7,356,999,131.30 Non-current assets: Debt investments Available-for-sale financial assets 91,111,431.20 Other debt investments Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivable Long-term equity investments 4,591,521,228.65 4,324,003,989.90 Other equity instrument investments 91,261,431.20 Other non-current financial assets Investment property 8,708,367.34 9,058,041.82 Fixed assets 68,368,615.03 76,599,082.48 Construction in progress 61,863,083.27 46,137,210.35 Productive biological assets Oil & gas assets Use right assets Intangible assets 46,018,086.80 46,549,160.16 Development expenditures Goodwill Long-term prepayments 930,380.88 1,341,804.52 Deferred tax assets 51,655,668.67 44,071,892.75 14 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 4,920,326,861.84 4,638,872,613.18 Total assets 13,580,433,611.86 11,995,871,744.48 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 47,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 319,331,785.86 262,559,098.87 Accounts payable 3,223,181,658.19 2,571,660,073.04 Advances received 1,639,136.19 25,072,721.43 Contract liabilities Employee benefits payable 3,875,680.07 2,828,750.56 Taxes and rates payable 35,430,053.47 68,310,184.18 Other payables 820,013,368.07 559,364,820.54 Including: Interest payable 17,383,561.66 29,256,720.34 Dividend payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Liabilities as held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one 997,947,820.75 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 5,448,419,502.60 3,509,795,648.62 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payable 995,545,627.39 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions Deferred income 43,906,254.60 45,830,660.79 Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 43,906,254.60 1,041,376,288.18 Total liabilities 5,492,325,757.20 4,551,171,936.80 Equity: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,458,174,624.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 2,168,451,528.01 2,460,086,452.01 15 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income Special reserve Surplus reserve 670,758,767.42 670,758,767.42 Undistributed profit 3,499,088,011.23 2,855,679,964.25 Total equity 8,088,107,854.66 7,444,699,807.68 Total liabilities & equity 13,580,433,611.86 11,995,871,744.48 3. Consolidated income statement for the three months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Total operating revenue 9,379,217,601.89 7,879,523,915.85 Including: Operating revenue 9,379,217,601.89 7,879,523,915.85 Interest income Premium earned Revenue from handling charges and commission II. Total operating cost 8,618,965,918.08 7,195,038,226.20 Including: Operating cost 6,530,011,823.86 5,690,198,648.16 Interest expenses Handling charges and commission expenditures Surrender value Net payment of insurance claims Net provision of insurance policy reserve Premium bonus expenditures Reinsurance expenses Taxes and surcharges 38,178,625.13 38,210,923.51 Selling expenses 1,519,078,821.04 1,057,821,839.93 Administrative expenses 246,637,621.16 185,162,037.81 R&D expenses 243,558,122.30 201,959,797.30 Financial expenses 41,500,904.59 21,684,979.50 Including: Interest expenses 98,312,209.64 29,507,714.90 Interest income 63,390,852.02 9,224,680.38 Add: Other income 14,508,606.35 6,066,019.70 Investment income (or less: losses) 706,857.54 11,177,071.95 Including: Investment income from 706,857.54 4,084,800.04 associates and joint ventures Gains from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains on foreign exchange (or less: losses) Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses) Gains on changes in fair value (or 16 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative less: losses) Credit impairment loss ( less: losses) Assets impairment loss ( less: losses) Gains on asset disposal (or less: 3,151,854.72 62,871.14 losses) III. Operating profit (or less: losses) 778,619,002.42 701,791,652.44 Add: Non-operating revenue 5,741,109.69 1,955,312.06 Less: Non-operating expenditures 8,842,809.50 10,953,012.38 IV. Profit before tax (or less: total loss) 775,517,302.61 692,793,952.12 Less: Income tax 134,060,752.36 146,239,165.14 V. Net profit (or less: net loss) 641,456,550.25 546,554,786.98 (I) Categorized by the continuity of operations 1. Net profit from continuing 641,456,550.25 546,554,786.98 operations (or less: net loss) 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss) (II) Categorized by the portion of equity ownership 1. Net profit attributable to owners of 616,830,635.77 515,692,006.71 parent company 2. Net profit attributable to 24,625,914.48 30,862,780.27 non-controlling shareholders VI. Other comprehensive income after 5,120,322.24 tax Items attributable to the owners of the 5,120,322.24 parent company (I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan 2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk 5. Others (II) To be reclassified subsequently to 5,120,322.24 profit or loss 1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Profit or loss from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 4. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other comprehensive income 5. Profit or loss from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale financial assets 6. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 7.Cash flow hedging reserve 8. Translation reserve 5,120,322.24 17 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative 9. Others Items attributable to non-controlling shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 646,576,872.49 546,554,786.98 Items attributable to the owners of the 621,950,958.01 515,692,006.71 parent company Items attributable to non-controlling 24,625,914.48 30,862,780.27 shareholders VIII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS 0.3525 0.2947 (II) Diluted EPS 0.3525 0.2947 As for the business combination under common control in the current period, net profit generated by the combined party before the combination is 0.00 yuan, and that generated in the preceding period is 0.00 yuan. Lyu Liang Lyu Liang Ma Honglan Legal representative Officer in charge of accounting Head of accounting department 4. Parent company income statement for the three months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Operating revenue 5,182,126,633.77 4,316,569,724.24 Less: Operating cost 4,978,946,269.84 4,090,169,378.47 Taxes and surcharges 1,967,436.65 1,490,195.83 Selling expenses 88,177,037.72 91,230,287.06 Administrative expenses 28,005,562.61 28,860,642.30 R&D expenses Financial expenses 4,109,247.77 2,840,392.71 Including: Interest expenses 22,585,823.19 16,314,220.30 Interest income 18,753,277.91 14,574,274.45 Add: Other income 1,200,268.73 1,855,356.33 Investment income (or less: losses) 1,512,000.00 31,363,058.64 Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures Gains from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses) Gains on changes in fair value (or less: losses) Credit impairment loss (less: losses) Assets impairment loss (less: losses) Gains on asset disposal (or less: 3,296,727.00 12,960.60 losses) II. Operating profit (or less: losses) 86,930,074.91 135,210,203.44 Add: Non-operating revenue 3,131,226.80 1,061,010.96 18 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative Less: Non-operating expenditures 1,248,362.78 1,540,853.28 III. Profit before tax (or less: total loss) 88,812,938.93 134,730,361.12 Less: Income tax 17,289,210.53 45,661,358.38 IV. Net profit (or less: net loss) 71,523,728.40 89,069,002.74 (I) Net profit from continuing 71,523,728.40 89,069,002.74 operations (or less: net loss) (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss) V. Other comprehensive income after tax (I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan 2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk 5. Others (II) To be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Profit or loss from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 4. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other comprehensive income 5. Profit or loss from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale financial assets 6. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 7. Cash flow hedging reserve 8. Translation reserve 9. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 71,523,728.40 89,069,002.74 VII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS (II) Diluted EPS 5. Consolidated income statement for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Total operating revenue 27,627,885,218.87 23,204,473,939.34 Including: Operating revenue 27,627,885,218.87 23,204,473,939.34 Interest income 19 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative Premium earned Revenue from handling charges and commission II. Total operating cost 25,005,132,440.34 20,891,595,911.32 Including: Operating cost 18,693,219,439.56 16,355,806,107.94 Interest expenses Handling charges and commission expenditures Surrender value Net payment of insurance claims Net provision of insurance policy reserve Premium bonus expenditures Reinsurance expenses Taxes and surcharges 143,747,259.50 132,906,924.59 Selling expenses 4,572,806,352.64 3,379,563,235.82 Administrative expenses 773,295,251.59 515,534,771.20 R&D expenses 712,227,234.86 466,006,973.37 Financial expenses 109,836,902.19 41,777,898.41 Including: Interest expenses 120,743,347.18 81,409,278.37 Interest income 26,477,339.86 38,090,383.35 Add: Other income 100,578,832.37 64,493,605.70 Investment income (or less: losses) 8,763,938.51 28,340,970.67 Including: Investment income from 8,763,938.51 14,999,593.70 associates and joint ventures Gains from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains on foreign exchange (or less: losses) Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses) Gains on changes in fair value (or less: losses) Credit impairment loss (less: losses) -64,662,855.38 Assets impairment loss (less: losses) 4,216,269.24 -32,630,911.85 Gains on asset disposal (or less: 114,347,426.77 69,845.06 losses) III. Operating profit (or less: losses) 2,785,996,390.04 2,373,151,537.60 Add: Non-operating revenue 9,904,357.05 4,097,872.06 Less: Non-operating expenditures 25,280,163.60 23,533,214.14 IV. Profit before tax (or less: total loss) 2,770,620,583.49 2,353,716,195.52 Less: Income tax 465,973,627.74 443,178,869.72 V. Net profit (or less: net loss) 2,304,646,955.75 1,910,537,325.80 (I) Categorized by the continuity of operations 1. Net profit from continuing 2,304,646,955.75 1,910,537,325.80 operations (or less: net loss) 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss) 20 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative (II) Categorized by the portion of equity ownership 1. Net profit attributable to owners of 2,213,114,054.08 1,809,081,209.36 parent company 2. Net profit attributable to 91,532,901.67 101,456,116.44 non-controlling shareholders VI. Other comprehensive income after -2,398,004.37 tax Items attributable to the owners of the -2,398,004.37 parent company (I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan 2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk 5. Others (II) To be reclassified subsequently to -2,398,004.37 profit or loss 1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Profit or loss from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 4. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other comprehensive income 5. Profit or loss from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale financial assets 6. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 7.Cash flow hedging reserve 8. Translation reserve -2,398,004.37 9. Others Items attributable to non-controlling shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 2,302,248,951.38 1,910,537,325.80 Items attributable to the owners of the 2,210,716,049.71 1,809,081,209.36 parent company Items attributable to non-controlling 91,532,901.67 101,456,116.44 shareholders VIII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS 1.2648 1.0339 (II) Diluted EPS 1.2648 1.0339 As for the business combination under common control in the current period, net profit generated by the combined party before the combination is 0.00 yuan, and that generated in the preceding period is 0.00 yuan. Lyu Liang Lyu Liang Ma Honglan Legal representative Officer in charge of accounting Head of accounting department 21 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. 6. Parent company income statement for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Operating revenue 14,392,526,732.46 12,683,134,739.66 Less: Operating cost 13,648,150,345.97 12,004,899,508.87 Taxes and surcharges 11,915,143.04 6,635,908.47 Selling expenses 291,307,268.26 263,859,498.73 Administrative expenses 91,903,249.87 94,863,422.85 R&D expenses Financial expenses 28,085,582.70 -4,612,596.22 Including: Interest expenses 72,726,605.93 42,152,281.55 Interest income 45,925,702.07 49,657,170.03 Add: Other income 3,975,252.18 5,245,370.45 Investment income (or less: losses) 852,512,000.00 794,227,331.48 Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures Gains from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses) Gains on changes in fair value (or less: losses) Credit impairment loss (less: losses) -62,996,903.82 Assets impairment loss (less: losses) -24,741,864.55 Gains on asset disposal (or less: 114,481,393.83 12,960.60 losses) II. Operating profit (or less: losses) 1,229,136,884.81 1,092,232,794.94 Add: Non-operating revenue 6,333,924.40 2,468,232.04 Less: Non-operating expenditures 5,584,454.90 3,935,724.64 III. Profit before tax (or less: total loss) 1,229,886,354.31 1,090,765,302.34 Less: Income tax 105,280,681.41 98,543,732.55 IV. Net profit (or less: net loss) 1,124,605,672.90 992,221,569.79 (I) Net profit from continuing 1,124,605,672.90 992,221,569.79 operations (or less: net loss) (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss) V. Other comprehensive income after tax (I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1.Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan 2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk 5. Others (II) To be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 22 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative 1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Profit or loss from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 4. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other comprehensive income 5. Profit or loss from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale financial assets 6. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 7. Cash flow hedging reserve 8. Translation reserve 9. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 1,124,605,672.90 992,221,569.79 VII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS (II) Diluted EPS 7. Consolidated cash flow statement for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from sale of goods or 27,974,289,685.61 25,878,097,338.39 rendering of services Net increase of client deposit and interbank deposit Net increase of central bank loans Net increase of loans from other financial institutions Cash receipts from original insurance contract premium Net cash receipts from reinsurance Net increase of policy-holder deposit and investment Cash receipts from interest, handling charges and commission Net increase of loans from others Net increase of repurchase Net cash receipts from agency security transaction Receipts of tax refund 3,509,309.91 12,388,840.73 Other cash receipts related to 910,566,277.20 799,172,970.80 operating activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 28,888,365,272.72 26,689,659,149.92 operating activities Cash payments for goods purchased 19,475,142,964.99 18,435,651,812.89 and services received Net increase of loans and advances to clients 23 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative Net increase of central bank deposit and interbank deposit Cash payments for insurance indemnities of original insurance contracts Net increase of loans to others Cash payments for interest, handling charges and commission Cash payments for policy bonus Cash paid to and on behalf of 1,392,446,790.07 1,145,387,596.08 employees Cash payments for taxes and rates 1,721,105,543.87 1,876,130,500.31 Other cash payments related to 5,390,631,727.85 3,821,062,936.31 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 27,979,327,026.78 25,278,232,845.59 operating activities Net cash flows from operating 909,038,245.94 1,411,426,304.33 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash receipts from withdrawal of investments Cash receipts from investment 900,000.00 17,858,250.88 income Net cash receipts from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and 44,373,345.73 257,656.36 other long-term assets Net cash receipts from the disposal of subsidiaries & other business units Other cash receipts related to 4,575,605,506.59 investing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 45,273,345.73 4,593,721,413.83 investing activities Cash payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and 892,858,638.47 701,262,416.23 other long-term assets Cash payments for investments 256,944,900.00 Net increase of pledged borrowings Net cash payments for the acquisition 1,199,793.01 5,100,000.00 of subsidiaries & other business units Other cash payments related to 53,505,038.76 5,547,224,705.40 investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 1,204,508,370.24 6,253,587,121.63 investing activities Net cash flows from investing -1,159,235,024.51 -1,659,865,707.80 activities III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash receipts from absorbing 9,800,000.00 19,200,000.00 investments Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from non-controlling shareholders as investments Cash receipts from borrowings 1,564,929,901.12 559,609,600.36 Other cash receipts related to 4,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 1,578,729,901.12 608,809,600.36 financing activities Cash payments for the repayment of 1,522,743,554.14 633,950,840.36 borrowings Cash payments for distribution of 658,094,315.61 846,713,966.81 24 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative dividends or profits and for interest expenses Including: Cash paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders as 50,512,000.00 66,931,502.28 dividend or profit Other cash payments related to 18,080,734.99 15,000,000.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 2,198,918,604.74 1,495,664,807.17 financing activities Net cash flows from financing -620,188,703.62 -886,855,206.81 activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate -7,776,333.09 2,870,314.57 changes on cash & cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -878,161,815.28 -1,132,424,295.71 equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and 2,398,709,506.06 2,372,819,624.82 cash equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 1,520,547,690.78 1,240,395,329.11 equivalents 8. Parent company cash flow statement for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 Monetary unit: RMB Yuan Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from sale of goods and 14,477,219,497.23 13,738,345,389.32 rendering of services Receipts of tax refund Other cash receipts related to operating 874,387,153.77 1,121,978,747.65 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 15,351,606,651.00 14,860,324,136.97 operating activities Cash payments for goods purchased 14,681,841,784.49 13,579,716,479.11 and services received Cash paid to and on behalf of 116,707,767.78 134,157,786.32 employees Cash payments for taxes and rates 233,069,793.79 167,680,234.03 Other cash payments related to 843,853,594.57 775,235,685.03 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 15,875,472,940.63 14,656,790,184.49 operating activities Net cash flows from operating -523,866,289.63 203,533,952.48 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash receipts from withdrawal of investments Cash receipts from investment income 432,512,000.00 783,385,289.90 Net cash receipts from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 43,344,599.85 1,630.00 long-term assets Net cash receipts from the disposal of subsidiaries & other business units Other cash receipts related to investing 491,900,000.00 3,989,191,195.89 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 967,756,599.85 4,772,578,115.79 investing activities Cash payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 30,322,745.47 9,477,869.26 long-term assets 25 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Items Current period cumulative Preceding period comparative Cash payments for investments 245,607,400.00 28,800,000.00 Net cash payments for the acquisition 5,100,000.00 of subsidiaries & other business units Other cash payments related to 736,750,000.00 5,233,800,000.00 investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 1,012,680,145.47 5,277,177,869.26 investing activities Net cash flows from investing -44,923,545.62 -504,599,753.47 activities III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash receipts from absorbing investments Cash receipts from borrowings 701,857,401.68 85,009,600.36 Other cash receipts related to financing 576,500,000.00 46,000,000.00 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 1,278,357,401.68 131,009,600.36 financing activities Cash payments for the repayment of 674,787,776.40 85,010,840.36 borrowings Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits and for interest 556,049,101.48 747,032,688.27 expenses Other cash payments related to 92,000,000.00 20,500,000.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 1,322,836,877.88 852,543,528.63 financing activities Net cash flows from financing -44,479,476.20 -721,533,928.27 activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate 106,466.60 -484,288.71 changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -613,162,844.85 -1,023,084,017.97 equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and cash 1,384,560,116.18 1,591,016,109.85 equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 771,397,271.33 567,932,091.88 equivalents II. Remarks on adjustments of financial statements 1. Adjustments on related financial statement items at the beginning of the period due to adoption of new financial instruments standards, new revenue standards and new lease standards since 2019 √ Applicable □ N/A Remarks on adjustments Consolidated statements Parent company statements Before adjustments After adjustments Before adjustments After adjustments Items Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Preceding period Preceding period Preceding period Preceding period comparative comparative comparative comparative Notes receivable and accounts 6,272,866,055.10 3,410,588,563.25 receivable Notes receivable 639,854,829.69 240,692,611.41 Accounts receivable 5,633,011,225.41 3,169,895,951.84 Available-for-sale financial assets 91,111,431.20 91,111,431.20 0.00 26 2019 Third Quarterly Report of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Consolidated statements Parent company statements Before adjustments After adjustments Before adjustments After adjustments Items Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Opening balance/ Preceding period Preceding period Preceding period Preceding period comparative comparative comparative comparative Other equity instrument investments 91,111,431.20 91,111,431.20 Notes payable and accounts payable 4,472,417,513.32 2,834,219,171.91 Notes payable 566,955,074.64 262,559,098.87 Accounts payable 3,905,462,438.68 2,571,660,073.04 Administrative expenses 594,419,909.46 330,372,733.39 63,897,687.26 63,897,687.26 R&D expenses 264,047,176.07 Assets impairment loss 32,630,911.85 24,741,864.55 Credit impairment loss (less: losses) -32,630,911.85 -24,741,864.55 Assets impairment loss (less: losses) 2. Remarks on retrospective adjustments on comparative data in previous period due to adoption of new financial instruments standards or new lease standards since 2019 □ Applicable √ N/A III. Auditor’s report Has the third quarterly report been audited? □ Yes √ No The third quarterly report has not been audited. Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board: Lyu Liang October 30, 2019 27