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						                                                                                               NBHX 议事规则
                                                                                              2012 年 5 月 31 日

            RULES OF PROCEDURE                                        公司管理议事规则
            for the Management of

                                    NBHX (the Company)
                        宁波华翔电子股份有限公司(以下简称/ 公司)

                                  1. Legal Principles / 法律原则

The responsibilities and powers of the Compa-            公司执管会的职责和权力是指法律规定、章
ny’s executive committee members are defined            程、议事规则和执管会服务协议中所规定的
in the provisions of law, the articles of associa-       职责和权力。为公司的利益,执管会应与本
tion, these Rules of Procedure and in the ser-           公司其他法人团体相互信任,密切合作。
vice agreements of the executive committee
members. For the benefit of the Company, the
executive committee members shall cooperate
closely and with mutual trust with the other
corporate bodies of the Company.

             2. Chief Executive Officer; Meetings of the Executive Committee Members

 2.1 Board of Directors (BOD) shall appoint a             2.1 董事会应任命一名总经理(CEO)和
     general manager(CEO) and more than                       任命其他一名以上的执管会成员。
     one executive committee members

 2.2 Meetings of the executive committee                  2.2 应 至 少 【 每 月 召 开 一 次 】 执 管 会 会
     shall be called at least [once a month].                 议。必要时可增开会议。管理会议由
     Additional meetings are to be called if                  CEO 召集,CEO 无法召集时,由投资
     necessary. Meetings of the management                    副总召集。会议由 CEO 或投资副总主
     are to be called by the CEO or, should he
     be prevented, by investment manager.
     The meetings shall be chaired by the
     CEO or investment manager.

 2.3 Meetings may be called in writing, by                2.3 经 事 先 【 三 】 日 发 送 通 知 , 可 以 书
     email or telefax observing a notice period               面、电子邮件或电传方式召集会议。
     of [three] days. Each item on the agenda                 通知中应载明各项会议议程。
     is to be included in the notice.

 2.4 [Minutes shall be prepared of all meet-              2.4 【 应 就 所 有 会 议 及 决 议 制 作 会 议 纪
     ings and resolutions and be signed by the                要,并经执管会成员签字。应在下一
     executive committee members. A resolu-                   次执管会会议开始前通过批准会议纪
     tion approving the minutes shall be                      要的决议。】
     passed at the beginning of the next meet-
     ing of the executive committee mem-

                                                                                           NBHX 议事规则
                                                                                          2012 年 5 月 31 日

                            3. Schedule of Authorities / 授权安排

3.1 Areas of responsibility and competences           3.1 可在授权书中对每位执管会的职责和
    of each individual executive committee                权限作出规定,该授权书应由 CEO 决
    member may be defined in a schedule of                定,并经董事会审批。
    authorities which shall be resolved by the
    CEO and requires the consent of the

3.2 The schedule of powers forms a part of            3.2 授 权 书 构 成 本 《 议 事 规 则 》 的 一 部
    these Rules of Procedure.                             分。

3.3 Unless the consent of the BOD is re-              3.3 除非根据本《议事规则》的规定需征
    quired in accordance with these Rules of              得董事会的同意,否则执管会应有权
    Procedure, individual executive commit-               在其个人的责任区域内通过决议。影
    tee members shall be authorized to pass               响一个以上执管会责任区域的决议应
    resolutions within their individual area of
    responsibility. Resolutions affecting
    areas of responsibility of more than one              一致的,应由 CEO 决定,并立即报告董
    executive committee member shall re-                  事会。
    quire the consent of all executive com-
    mittee members affected. If no agreement
    can be reached, the CEO shall resolve on
    such matter, and report to the BOD
    promptly .

3.4 Notwithstanding the delineation of the 3.4 尽管有对每个个别执管会成员权力和责
    powers and responsibilities of each indi-   任的描述,全体执管会成员应当对一般
    vidual executive committee member, all      业务事项负有共同责任,并应共同决定
    executive committee members shall have      具有重大影响的事项。
    joint responsibility for general business
    matters and shall jointly resolve on issues
    of general importance.

3.5 The executive committee members shall             3.5 执管会成员应将公司的所有基本决策
    keep each other informed on all funda-                和事项告知其他执管会成员。
    mental decisions and matters of the Com-

3.6 All of the Company’s contract, agreement         3.6 公司对外签署的所有合同、协议或其
    and other legally binding documents shall             他具有法律效力的文件需董事长或其
    take effect upon signature of the Chair-              授权的两人以上共同签字方可生效。
    man of Board of Directors or jointly sig-
    nature of two persons authorized by the
    Chairman of Board of Directors.

                                                                                  NBHX 议事规则
                                                                                 2012 年 5 月 31 日

                                     4. Resolutions / 决议

4.1 Resolutions of the executive committee            4.1 执管会决议应当在会议上通过。除会
    shall be passed in meetings. Outside of               议外,如果 CEO 或投资副总要求,且
    meetings, resolutions may be passed in                无执管会成员反对,可以书面、电
    writing, by phone, fax or email if so re-             话、传真或电子邮件等方式通过决
    quested by the CEO or by the deputy and
    if no executive committee member ob-
    jects to such procedure. A managing di-               管会成员的投票。
    rector may pass on the vote of a manag-
    ing director not present at the meeting.

4.2 The executive committee meeting shall             4.2 执管会会议应有三分之二以上执管会
    have more than two thirds of the execu-               成员出席方可举行。不符合法定人数
    tive committee members to make a quo-                 要求的,应召集第二次会议。在第二
    rum if all executive committee members                次会议上,如果会议通知中已指出,
    participate in the meeting. In case the
    meeting does not have a quorum, a
    second meeting shall be called. Such                  何,均该次会议视为已达到法定人
    meeting has a quorum regardless of the                数。
    executive committee members participat-
    ing in the meeting if the notice contained
    a reference to such consequence.

4.3 Resolutions of the executive committee            4.4 执管会会议决议应经多数投票表决通
    meeting shall be passed by majority vote.             过。出现平局的情况下,由【董事
    In case of a tie, the [BOD] shall decide.             会】作出决定。

                                    5. Business Plans /商业计划

5.1 The executive committee shall submit to           5.1 执管会应当在每个财务年度开始前最
    the Company’s BOD for decision each of               迟【一(1)】个月,将公司及其子公
    the following business planning docu-                 司的下述商业规划文件提交公司的董
    ments for the Company and its subsidiar-              事会决定:
    ies at the latest [one (1)] month prior to
    the beginning of each financial year:

    a)     Budgeted financial statement,                 a)下一财务年度的预算财务报表、利
           profit- and loss calculation as well          润和损失计算表以及投资和现金流规
           as the investment and liquidity               划;
           planning for the next financial

    b)     Rough planning of the revenue,                b)下一财务年度后两(2)个财务年
           costs, investments and liquidity for          度的粗略收入、成本、投资和流动资
           the two (2) financial years follow-           金规划。
           ing the next financial year.

5.2 The resolution on the aforementioned              5.2 就上述商业规划所作的决议须经董事
    business planning requires the BOD’s                 会同意。

                                                                                  NBHX 议事规则
                                                                                 2012 年 5 月 31 日

                              6. Information of the BOD /董事会资料

6.1 The executive committee shall provide to          6.1 执管会应当向董事会提供所有相关资
    the BOD all relevant information for the              料,以对公司及其子公司的经济和财
    evaluation of the economic and financial              务状况进行评估,特别是:
    situation of the Company and its subsidi-
    aries, in particular

    a)     until the [15th of each month], re-           a)须在【每月的 15 号】之前,提供
           ports on the financial statement              有关前一个【月】财务报表数字和损
           figures and the profit and loss cal-          益计算的报告,以及预算数字与实际
           culations of the previous [month]             数字之间的比较和与前一年数字的比
           and a comparison of budget figures
           with actual figures as well as a
           comparison with figures of the                且为已过去财务年度的累计计算结果
           previous year, in each case on a              (定期报告);
           consolidated basis and cumulative
           for the period of the financial year
           already completed (periodic re-

    b)     reports on issues which could or              b)有关可能或已经对公司或子公司的
           already have significantly influ-             状况产生重大影响以及公开上述信息
           ence(d) the Company’s or a sub-              后公司发展的报告(事件报告)。
           sidiary’s situation and develop-
           ment immediately after such in-
           formation becomes known (report-
           ing upon occasion).

6.2 The executive committee shall inform the 6.2         执管会应当在就对公司及其子公司进
    BOD prior to their decision on matters               一步发展具有重大意义的事项作出决
    which are of essential significance for the          定前,应告知董事会。本规定特别适
    Company’s and its subsidiaries’ further            用于超出公司或其子公司正常业务经
    development. This applies in particular to
    decisions exceeding the Company’s or its
    subsidiaries’ normal course of business             所不包含的决定。
    which have not been part of the business
    plans approved by the BOD.

                     7. Matters requiring Approval / 要求审批的事项

7.1 Unless already included in the approved           7.1 除非按照第五条批准的业务计划中已
    business plans pursuant to §5, the execu-            包含,否则,执管会在正常业务外进
    tive committee shall obtain the prior con-            行交易或作出下述决定前,必须事先
    sent of the BOD prior to entering into                征得董事会同意,这些决定包括但不
    transactions or making the following de-
    cisions outside the ordinary course of

                                                                               NBHX 议事规则
                                                                              2012 年 5 月 31 日

business including without limitation:

a)    entering into affiliation and acqui-        a)订立联盟和收购协议,特别是收购
      sition agreements, in particular the        或对其它公司的参股权进行撤资,或
      acquisition or divestment of par-           任何上述协议的签订或修改;损益转
      ticipations in other companies, or          让协议的修改和终止;
      the conclusion or modification of
      any such agreements; modification
      and termination of profit and loss
      transfer agreements;

b)    pledging or otherwise encumbering           b)对当前资产或财务资产设定单笔价
      of current assets or financial assets       值超过【500,000】人民币的质押或其
      where      the    value     exceeds         它产权负担;
      RMB [500,000] in the individual

c)    disposing or encumbering of mate-           c)处理或托管价值超过【500,000】人
      rial fixed assets where the value           民币的重要固定资产
      exceeds RMB [500,000] in the in-
      dividual case;

d)    Making investments (purchasing              d)一个业务年度内进行单笔超过
      fixed assets, construction or recon-        【 1,000,000 】 人 民 币 或 累 计 超 过
      struction activities, etc.) which ex-       【3,000,000】人民币投资(购买固定
      ceed        an       amount        of       资产、或重组活动等),但继续开展
      RMB [1,000,000] in the individual
      case or RMB [3,000,000] in the
      aggregate within a business year,           务维护措施除外;在这种情况下,执
      with the exception of replacement           管会应立即通知董事会;
      investments or business mainte-
      nance measures which are abso-
      lutely necessary for the continua-
      tion of the business operations; in
      this case, the executive committee
      shall inform the BOD without un-
      due delay;

e)    acquiring, pledging or disposing of         e)购买、质押或处置知识产权,以及
      intellectual property rights and            提供、收购、改变、质押或终止除标
      granting, acquiring, changing,              准软件包许可协议外的(分)许可协
      pledging       or       terminating         议;
      (sub)license agreements, excluding
      those for standard software pack-

f)    establishing, acquiring, decommis-          f)建立、收购、解散、关闭和销售分
      sioning, closing and selling                公司、企业、经营单位和业务经营;
      branches, enterprises, business
      units and business operations;

                                                                             NBHX 议事规则
                                                                            2012 年 5 月 31 日

g)   changing the business plan and in-           g)变更业务计划和推出业务计划中尚
     troducing new products, services             不包括并可能导致业务显著变化的新
     and customers which are not yet              产品、服务和客户;
     part of the business plan and which
     presumably lead to significant
     changes to the business operations;

h)   the complete or partial abandon-             h)完成或部分放弃业务活动,以及终
     ment of business activities and the          止或大幅缩小与可能导致业务显著变
     termination or considerable reduc-           化的某些客户的合作;
     tion of the cooperation with certain
     customers which presumably leads
     to significant changes to the busi-
     ness operations;

i)   establishment or liquidation of              i)建立或清算分支机构;

j)   acquiring, disposing or encumber-            j)收购、处置不动产、不动产权益和
     ing of real estate, real estate inter-       权利,或在其上设置权利负担;
     ests, and rights to real estate;

k)   entering into or substantially modi-         k)签订或更改贷款协议,或从当前的
     fying credit agreements or taking            信用额度外提取贷款单笔超过
     out loans outside the existing               【 500,000 】 人 民 币 或 累 计 超 过
     credit lines where the value ex-             【1,000,000】人民币的;
     ceeds RMB [500,000] in the indi-
     vidual      case     or      exceeds
     RMB [1,000,000] in total;

l)   granting loans or any financial as-          l)向包括员工、执管会和股东在内的
     sistance to third parties including          第三方提供贷款或任何财务援助、提
     employees, managing directors and            供保证、担保或类似文书;
     shareholders, issuance of surety-
     ships, guarantees or similar in-

m)   repaying, prepaying, not paying or           m)偿还、预付、不支付或推迟支付
     postponing the payment of (part              (部分)与股东贷款有关的本金、利
     of) the principal, interest payment          息或罚款;
     or penalty payment related to a
     shareholder loan;

n)   releasing reserves, stock exchange           n)发行任何类型的储备金、进行股票
     transactions of any kind and bill            交易和票据交易;

                                                                          NBHX 议事规则
                                                                         2012 年 5 月 31 日

o)   entering into, making substantial           o)与公司或其子公司的员工和执管会
     modifications to, and terminating           签订单笔总报酬额超过【500,000】人
     any employment or service con-              民币的任何劳动或服务合同、对上述
     tracts with employees and execu-            合同进行重大修改、以及终止上述合
     tive committee of the Company or
     its subsidiaries exceeding an ag-
     gregate       remuneration     of
     RMB [500,000] in the individual

p)   making any changes in personnel             p)对集体或个别养老金和保险安排或
     pension and insurance arrange-              一般员工工作条件和福利进行任何变
     ments, collective or individual, or         更;
     to general employee working con-
     ditions and benefits;

q)   making donations which are not              q)进行非市场习惯性捐款,以及同意
     customary in the market and agree-          进行上述捐款;
     ing to make such donations;

r)   granting of registered business             r)就整个业务经营授予注册业务授权
     powers of attorney or general               委托书或一般授权委托书;
     powers of attorney for the entire
     business operations;

s)   entering into contracts or obliga-          s)与公司或其关联公司的股东和执管
     tions including employment and              会(包括其关联公司和直系亲属)签
     service agreements with share-              订合同,或形成义务关系,包括劳动
     holders and executive committee             和服务协议;
     members (in each case including
     their affiliates and immediate fam-
     ily relatives) of the Company or its

t)   entering into legal proceedings as          t)作为原告或者被告进入金额
     claimant or defendant with a value          【500,000】人民币以上的除作为正常
     over RMB [500,000], in court or             业务经营一部分的收债外的法院或仲
     arbitration cases, other than collec-       裁案件法律程序;
     tion procedures as part of the ordi-
     nary course of business;

u)   entering into a commitment or con-          u)作出单笔超过【1,000,000】人民币
     tractual arrangement with a value           或期间超过一年的保证或合同性约
     exceeding RMB [1,000,000] in the            定;
     individual case or with a term in
     excess of one year;

v)   entering into, terminating, and             v)签订、终止及变更合资协议;
     changing joint venture agreements;

w)   Exercising the voting powers of             w)行使公司在其子公司中的表决权。

                                                                                          NBHX 议事规则
                                                                                         2012 年 5 月 31 日

             the Company in its subsidiaries.                    本规定不适用于上述子公司的《章
             This does not apply to share-                       程》或《议事规则》就达成第 7 b)、
             holder’s resolutions required pur-                 c)、d)、k)、0)和 u)条意义上的协
             suant to the articles of association                议和交易所要求的股东决议,前提
             or the rules of procedure of such
             subsidiaries for entering into
             agreements and transactions in the                  中所规定的上限。
             sense of §7 b), c), d), k), o) and u),
             provided that such agreements and
             transactions do not exceed the
             thresholds specified in these sec-

 7.2 The consent shall be obtained prior to en- 7.2              除非任何迟延将对公司造成重大损
     tering into any of the abovementioned                       害,否则,在达成任何上述交易,必
     transactions unless any delay would                         须征得同意。在上述情况下,执管会
     cause substantial harm to the Company.                      应当立即取得批准书。
     In such case the executive committee
     shall be required to obtain a statement of
     ratification without delay.

 7.3 The BOD may give its prior consent to 7.3                   董事会可以一般性地事先同意某些类
     certain kinds of transactions in general or                 型的交易,或在特别交易符合特定要
     in case the particular transaction meets                    求时,事先同意该等交易。
     certain requirements.
                                                           7.4   任一单笔投资、预算若经董事会或股东
7.4 Any investment or budget in the individual
     case shall not be counted in the annual
     budget plan if it has been approved by the                  划之内。
     BOD or the Shareholders’ meeting sepa-

                                       8. Subsidiaries / 子公司

The executive committee shall procure that all             执管会应当确保子公司所取得的在公司层面
measures and all actions taken by a subsidiary             需要按照法律、公司章程或本《议事规则》
which would, on the level of the Company,                  的规定征得股东大会或董事会同意的所有措
require the shareholder’s meeting’s or BOD’s            施和行动,应征得股东大会或董事会的同
consent pursuant to the provisions of law, the
articles of association of the Company or these
Rules of Procedure, will also require the con-             报表内的公司应视为本公司的子公司。
sent of the shareholder’s meeting or of the advi-
sory board. For the purposes of these Rules of
Procedure, a company in which the company is
consolidated into the Company’s Financials
shall be deemed a subsidiary.

      9. Repealing of and Modification to Rules of Procedure / 议事规则的废止和修改

These Rules of Procedure may be repealed, 本《议事规则》只能由董事会废止、补充或
supplemented or modified only by the BOD or 修改。

                                                                              NBHX 议事规则
                                                                             2012 年 5 月 31 日

by the shareholder’s meeting.

                                  10. Effective Date / 生效日期

These Rules of Procedure shall enter into im- 本《议事规则》自即日起生效。
mediate effect.

                                 11. Prevailing Version /通行版本

In case of doubt, the Chinese language version 如有疑问,以本《议事规则》中文版本为
of these Rules of Procedure shall prevail.     准。

