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东山精密 (002384)
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                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                Annual Report 2022

                  April 21, 2023

                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                  Annual Report 2022

             Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior officers of
the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Annual Report is true,
accurate and complete and this Annual Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading
statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Annual
YUAN Yonggang, Principal of the Company, CFO WANG Xu and Accounting Supervisor ZHU
Deguang hereby represent that the financial statements contained in this Annual Report are
true, accurate and complete.
All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors reviewing this
This Report contains certain forward-looking statements regarding future plans, which do not
constitute any substantial covenant made by the Company to the investors, and involve material
uncertainties, and the realization of which is subject to market changes, efforts made by the
Company’s management team and other factors. The main risk factors facing the Company are
set forth in “Section III – XI. Prospects for Future Development of the Company” of this Report.
The investors should pay attention to the relevant investment risks.
According to the profit distribution proposal approved by the Board of Directors, the Company
will distribute a cash dividend of RMB 1.1 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares to all shareholde rs
on the basis of 1,702,865,009 shares (excluding the treasury shares), and will not distribute any
bonus shares or transfer any capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period.

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version Annual Report 2022(“2022 年年度
报告”), and the published annual report in the Chinese version shall prevail. The complete published
Chinese Annual Report 2022 may be obtained at www.cninfo.com.cn .

                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                            Table of Contents

Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions ................................ 2

Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights ........................................... 7

Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis ............................................. 10

Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................ 30

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities .......................................... 43

Section VI Significant Matters .............................................................................. 47

Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders ................................................ 55

Section VIII Preferred Shares ............................................................................... 59

Section IX Bonds .................................................................................................... 60

Section X Financial Report .................................................................................... 61

                                                           Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                 List of References
I. Financial statements signed and chopped by Mr. YUAN Yonggang, legal representative, Mr. WANG Xu, CFO, and Mr. ZHU Deguang,

Accounting Supervisor of the Company;

II. Original of the auditor’s report stamped with the seal of the accounting firm and signed and chopped by the certified public


III. Originals of all documents of the Company publicly disclosed during the reporting period and related announcements;

IV. Original of the Annual Report 2022 signed by the legal representative of the Company; and

V. Place keeping such documents for inspection: Securities Department of the Company at Building 12#, Yunhe Town Headquarters
Industrial Park, 99 East Taihu Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou.

                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                 Term         means                                     Definition
Company, we or DSBJ           means     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                        one of our three major business segments, including research and
Printed circuit board (PCB)   means     development (R&D), design, manufacturing and sale of flexible
                                        PCBs, rigid PCBs, rigid-flex PCBs and other products.
                                        one of our three major business segments, including R&D, design,
Photoelectric display         means     manufacturing and sale of LED devices, touch panels, liquid crystal
                                        display modules and other products.
                                        one of our three major business segments, including design,
Precision manufacturing       means     manufacturing and sale of precision metal structural components and
                                        assemblies and other products.
                                        Suzhou Yongchuang Metal Science and Technology Co., Ltd., a
Yongchuang Tech               means
                                        wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
                                        Hong Kong Dongshan Precision Union Opoelectronic Co., Limited,
Hong Kong Dongshan            means
                                        a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
                                        Dragon Electronix Holdings Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong
Dragon Holdings               means
                                        Kong Dongshan.
                                        Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Dragon
MFLEX                         means
MFLEX Suzhou                  means     MFLEX Suzhou Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of MFLEX.
MFLEX Yancheng                means     MFLEX Yancheng Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of MFLEX.
                                        Hong Kong Dongshan Holding Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary
Hong Kong Dongshan Holding    means
                                        of the Company.
                                        Multek Group (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Multek Group                  means
                                        the Company
                                        Multek Industries Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Multek
Multek Industries             means
                                        Multek Electronics Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Multek
Multek Electronics            means
Multek Zhuhai                 means     Multek Zhuhai Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Multek Group.
Multek China                  means     Multek China Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Multek Group.
                                        Yancheng Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a wholly
Yancheng Dongshan             means
                                        owned subsidiary of the Company.
                                        Mutto Optronics Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of
Mutto Optronics               means
                                        the Company
                                        Suzhou RF Top Electronic Communication Co., Ltd., a controlled
RF Top Electronic             means
                                        subsidiary of the Company
JDI                           means     Japan Display Inc.
5G                            means     the 5th generation mobile communication technology.
                                        artificial intelligence, the simulation of human intelligence using
AI                            means
                                        computer programs.
                                        augmented reality, a technology that combines and integrates the
                                        virtual world on screen with real world, based on precise calculation
AR                            means
                                        of position and angle of camera images and image analysis
                                        virtual reality, a computer-simulated 3D virtual world with scenes and
VR                            means
                                        objects that appear to be real.
                                        Internet of Things, a system of interrelated computing devices,
IoT                           means     mechanical and digital machines, that has a unique identifier (UID)
                                        and is capable to transmit data over the network.
                                        printed circuit board, a finished product with insulated substrates and
                                        conductors as materials, designed and made into printed circuits,
PCB                           means
                                        printed components or a combination of conductive patterns
                                        according to the pre-designed circuit schematic diagram.
FPC                           means     flexible printed circuit.
                                        light-emitting diode, a conductor diode that emits incoherent light
                                        when current flows through it, and the recombination of electrons and
LED or LED device             means     electron holes in the semiconductor produces radiation, for purpose
                                        of this Report, including LED particles, LED light bars, LED
                                        backlight modules, LED lighting devices and other LED products.
                                        sub-millimeter light emitting diode, a LED device with a grain size of
Mini LED                      means
                                        about 50-200μm.

                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                    LCD module or LCD display module, a module formed by
                                    assembling LCD display device with the relevant connectors, control,
LCM                       means
                                    driver and other peripheral circuits, PCB circuit board, backlight
                                    source, structural components and other components.
                                    a device under the protection of transparent glass that detects touches
Touch panel               means
                                    using sensors and processes and transmits the relevant information.
                                    the Articles of Association of Suzhou Dongshan Precision
Articles of Association   means
                                    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
CSRC                      means     the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
SZSE                      means     the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Reporting period          means     the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
RMB and RMB0’000         means     Renminbi and ten thousand Yuan.

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                  Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights
I.   Company Profile
 Stock short name                              DSBJ                       Stock code       002384
 Original stock short name (if any)            None
 Stock exchange                                Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Chinese name                                  苏州东山精密制造股份有限公司
 Chinese short name                            东山精密
 English name (if any)                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 English short name (if any)                   DSBJ
 Legal representative                          YUAN Yonggang
 Registered address                            No. 88 Tangdong Road, Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou
 Postal code of registered address             215124
 History of changes in registered address      Our registered address was at Shangwan Village, Dongshan, Wuzhong District,
                                               Suzhou, Jiangsu when we were reorganized from Suzhou Dongshan Sheet Metal Co.,
                                               Ltd. into Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2007, and was
                                               changed into No. 88 Tangdong Road, Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou
                                               on December 27, 2019.
                                               Building 12#, Yunhe Town Headquarters Industrial Park, 99 East Taihu Road, Wuzhong
 Office address
                                               District, Suzhou
 Postal code of office address                 215128
 Company website                               www.dsbj.com
 Email                                         dsbj@dsbj.com
II. Contact Person and Contact Information
                                                                Board Secretary
 Name                                                            MAO Xiaoyan
 Address           Building 12#, Yunhe Town Headquarters Industrial Park, 99 East Taihu Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, Jiangsu
 Telephone                                                       0512-80190019
 Facsimile                                                       0512-80190029
 Email                                                         maoxy@dsbj.com
III. Media for Information Disclosure and Place for Keeping Annual Report
 Website of the stock exchange disclosing the Company’s
 annual report
 Media and website disclosing the Company’s annual          The Securities Times, the China Securities Journal, the Shanghai
 report                                                      Securities News, the Securities Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn
 Place for keeping the Company’s annual report              Securities Department of the Company
IV. Changes in Registration Particulars
 Unified social credit code                           91320500703719732P
                                                      Since our IPO and listing, we have strategically included PCB, photoelectric
                                                      display and other electronic business in our industrial mix. We focus on the R&D
 Changes in main business since the listing of the
                                                      and manufacturing of technologically advanced core components for the
 Company (if any)
                                                      intelligently interconnected world, and provision of comprehensive intelligent
                                                      interconnection solutions to customers throughout the world.
 Changes in controlling shareholder (if any)          None
V. Other Related Information
Accounting firm engaged by the Company:
 Name of accounting firm                          Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
                                                  31/F, Block B, China Resources Building, No. 1366 Qianjiang Road, Jianggan
 Office address of accounting firm
                                                  District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
 Name of accountants signing this report          ZHANG Yang and FU Zhenlong
Sponsor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable  N/A
Financial advisor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reportin g
□ Applicable  N/A

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

VI. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Did the Company need to retrospectively adjust or restate any accounting data of prior accounting years?
□ Yes  No
                                                                                               Y/Y %
                                                    2022                    2021                                       2020
 Operating revenue (RMB)                       31,580,146,732.58      31,793,147,908.12           -0.67%            28,093,409,430.26
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                2,367,519,530.91        1,862,481,138.84           27.12%            1,530,132,196.09
 of the listed company (RMB)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
 of the listed company after deduction          2,125,754,423.71        1,576,650,669.18           34.83%            1,301,219,335.83
 of non-recurring gain or loss (RMB)
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                4,629,884,011.38        3,209,544,484.21           44.25%            2,932,168,894.65
 activities (RMB)
 Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                        1.39                    1.09          27.52%                         0.93
 Diluted       earnings    per     share
                                                             1.39                    1.09          27.52%                         0.93
 Weighted average return on net assets                     15.33%                  13.46%          1.87%                      14.41%
                                                                                               Y/Y %
                                            December 31, 2022       December 31, 2021                            December 31, 2020
 Total assets (RMB)                            40,531,361,181.17        37,951,408,787.25          6.80%              37,503,068,713.54
 Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                               16,359,429,480.45        14,576,500,325.15            12.23%           13,068,916,872.79
 of the listed company (RMB)
Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gain or loss in the past three accounting years has been
negative and the most recent annual auditor’s report indicates that the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern is uncertain?

□ Yes  No

Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gain or loss is negative?

□ Yes  No

VII.    Differences in Accounting Data under the Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (the “CASBEs”) and Overseas Accounting Standards
1. Differences in net profit and in net assets disclosed in the financial report prepared under the CASBEs
and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
□ Applicable  N/A

There was no difference in net profit and in net assets disclosed in the financial report for the reporting period prepared under the
CASBEs and the IFRS.

2. Differences in net profit and in net assets disclosed in the financial report prepared under the CASBEs
and overseas accounting standards
□ Applicable  N/A

There was no difference in net profit and in net assets disclosed in the financial report for the reporting period prepared under the
CASBEs and overseas accounting standards.

VIII.      Key Financial Indicators by Quarter
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                   First quarter       Second quarter          Third quarter        Fourth quarter
  Operating revenue                              7,312,341,630.60      7,233,844,881.71       8,272,468,957.28       8,761,491,262.99
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                    364,247,140.34         432,088,992.74       784,348,996.94          786,834,400.89
  the listed company
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of
  the listed company after deduction of non-        304,010,307.06         373,904,270.06       779,265,150.04          668,574,696.55
  recurring gain or loss
  Net cash flows from operating activities          685,764,513.69         632,359,164.14       721,837,570.14        2,589,922,763.41
Whether there’s any material difference between the financial metrics or aggregate amounts thereof set out above and the corresponding

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

financial metrics set out in any quarter report or semi-annual report of the Company already disclosed?

□ Yes  No

IX. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains or Losses
 Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                              Items                                   2022              2021                2020           Remark
   Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including
   allowance for impairment of assets that has been written       -14,220,918.02      13,783,433.93        18,548,846.52
   Government grants recognized in profit or loss
   (excluding government grants that are closely related to
   the business of the Company and are provided in fixed          317,926,133.80     268,965,326.25       208,864,058.42
   amount or quantity continuously according to the
   applicable polices of the country)
   Fund occupation fee received from non-financial entities
                                                                                      19,777,467.66        25,555,038.76
   that was recorded in profit or loss
   Gain or loss on assets under entrusted investment or
                                                                   10,408,683.62      11,913,618.63        10,718,494.92
   Gain or loss on changes in fair value of financial assets
   held for trading and financial liabilities held for trading,
   and gain on disposal of financial assets held for trading,
                                                                  -63,657,229.48      17,766,609.82        12,906,432.35
   financial liabilities held for trading and available-for-
   sale financial assets, except for effective hedges held in
   the ordinary course of business
   Reversal of impairment loss on accounts receivable
                                                                    9,500,583.33      22,451,468.46
   tested for impairment individually
   Other non-operating revenue and expenses                         3,073,832.45      -1,909,316.59        -1,135,781.75
   Other gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring
                                                                      956,961.84         722,866.99
   gain or loss
   Less: Effect on income tax                                      21,900,816.79      65,906,713.13        46,295,962.38
          Effect on minority interests (exclusive of tax)             322,123.55       1,734,292.36           248,266.58
                              Total                               241,765,107.20     285,830,469.66       228,912,860.26      --
Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring   gains or losses:

□ Applicable  N/A

We do not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gains or losses.

Classification of any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss:

□ Applicable  N/A

We have not classified any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss.

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                   Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis
I.        Industry Overview and Outlook for the Reporting Period
PCB segment: According to the latest report issued by Prismark, the total output value of the PCB industry reached USD81.741 billion
in 2022, an increase of 1.0% from the preceding year. The vigorous development of 5G, cloud, AI, Internet of Things, consumer
electronics, new energy and other industries will continuously drive the rapid growth of the PCB industry. According to Prismark, we
were ranked the world’s third largest PCB manufacturer in terms of operating revenue in 2022. In reliance on our superior R&D,
production process, quality control, delivery and other capabilities, we are able to provide premium products and services to our

Photoelectric display segment: (1) Touch panel products: Along with the rapid development of AI, big data and other new technologies,
touch panel products are applied in more and more fields, such as laptop, smart home and new energy vehicles, to realize human-
machine interaction. (2) LED devices: Small-pitch LEDs are characterized by high definition, high brightness, high fidelity, long life
and seamless image, and suit different application scenarios. Due to their remarkable advantages, small-pitch LEDs come into favor of
the professional display and commercial market and their market penetration has been increasing continuously. In the future, after the
products show their cost advantages, they are expected to enter the broader civilian market. In the field of photoelectric display, we are
a well-known manufacturer of touch panel modules and LED display devices.

Precision manufacturing segment: Our products in the field of precision manufacturing, including base station antennas, filters and
other structural components and assemblies for mobile communication, functional and structural components for new energy vehicles
(such as heat dissipation, shell, body in white and battery structural parts), are mainly applied in communication equipment, new energy
vehicle and other fields.

As of December 2022, there were 2.31 million 5G base stations in China, accounting treatment of 21.3% of the total number of mobile
base stations, or an increase of 7 percentage points from the preceding year. Along with the improvement of the private 5G network
ecosystem led by the operators and participated in by lots of players, the relevant market size is expected to further increase in 2023.
As a well-known supplier of communication equipment and assemblies in the world, we will firmly grasp this opportunity for

Along with the vigorous development of the new energy vehicle industry, the vehicles tend to be electrically powered, lightweight and
intelligent with long range. As one of the few vendors that are able to provide the new energy vehicle manufacturers with a wide range
of products (including PCB (including FPC), on-board display, functional and structural components) and integrated solutions, our
advantages in the coverage of multiple industry chains and provision of integrated solutions will help us improve customer adhesion.

II. Main Business Overview during the Reporting Period
During the reporting period, the main business conducted by us has not undergone any material change.

We are committed to growing into a supplier of core components for the intelligently interconnected world. Our business operations
are divided into three main segments: PCB, photoelectric display, and precision manufacturing. Our products are widely applie d in
consumer electronics, new energy vehicle, communication equipment, industrial equipment, AI, servers, medical appliances and other

In the field of PCB, we are committed to providing industry-leading customers with comprehensive PCB products and services, and
integrated solutions covering design, R&D and manufacturing of PCB products that are customized to suit different downstream end
products. Our products are widely used on mobile phones, computers, AR/VR devices, wearable devices, energy storage devices,
servers, communication equipment, new energy vehicles, energy storage, industrial control equipment, etc.

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

In the field of photoelectric display, we are a well-known manufacturer of touch panel modules and LED display devices. Our touch
panel products are mainly used on medium- and large-sized displays for laptops, tablets, smart home devices, on-board displays, etc.;
LCM products are mainly used on medium- and small-sized displays for mobile phones, tablets, etc.; and LED products are widely
used on outdoor and indoor small-pitch HD displays. We are actively expanding the application of our optoelectronic display products
on vehicles.

In the field of precision manufacturing, we mainly provide precision metal structural components and assemblies to customers engaged
in the business of new energy vehicles, energy storage and communication equipment, including functional and structural components
for new energy vehicles (such as heat dissipation, shell, body in white and battery structural parts), base station antennas, filters and
other structural components and assemblies for mobile communication.

III. Core Competencies of DSBJ
(I)   Advantage in customers: High-quality domestic and foreign customer base

Our products find favor with top customers in different areas throughout the world and have a premium customer base, which has a
good demonstration effect, and will help us further enhance capability to develop new customers, and acquire larger market shares in
the future competition. Our customers come from consumer electronics, new energy vehicle, communication equipment and other
industries. Such diversified customer base enables us to fend off the impact of seasonal and cyclical fluctuations of differe nt industries,
and improve our core competencies while maintaining stable growth of business.

(II) Advantage in products: Wide range of products and integrated industry chain

In recent years, we have continuously improved our industrial and product mix through acquisitions and internal development, broken
development bottlenecks, and introduced superior businesses to build up new growth drivers. At present, our product offerings cover
three business segments, namely PCB, photoelectric display and precision manufacturing. We are able to provide our customers with
a variety of basic and core components for intelligent interconnection. In the field of PCB, we have grown into a leading company in
the industry. We actively leverage the synergistic effect of all business segments in R&D, technology, supply chain, products,
marketing and other areas, through integration of internal resources and coordinated development, gradually achieve the synergy
advantage of vertically integrated industry chain, and strive to provide comprehensive, one-stop and technologically advanced
integrated product solutions to our customers, and satisfy their customization requirements to the maximum extent.

(III) Advantage in technology: Stick to the principle that technological innovation capability is the primary production factor

We attach great importance to technological innovation in our business development, and drive our development through innovation.
Through participation in the early development projects of the industry-leading customers, we keep in step with the development of
cutting-edging technologies, and have built complete open R&D system and efficient R&D mechanisms, and a global R&D team with
outstanding professional level, rich industrial experience and strong innovation capabilities. Through continuous investments in R&D
of new materials, new technologies and new production processes, we have continuously explored frontier production technologies for
core components in the field of intelligent interconnection, and laid solid foundations for serving emerging businesses, such as AR/VR,
IoT, Mini LED and new energy vehicles. While improving product technologies, we attach great importance to the innovation and
upgrading of production technologies, and have gained some effect in the integrated development of informatization and
industrialization. By promoting integrated development of industrialization and informatization, we have vigorously implemented
intelligent manufacturing and built intelligent factories.

(IV) Advantage in management: Advanced concept, complete system and efficient execution

We advocate the corporate spirit of “openness, inclusion, pragmatism and forward-looking”, stick to the management principle of
“overall planning, delegation of powers in business operation, support by the platform and centralized supervision”, give full play to

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

the initiative and creativity of all organizations, and have built a scientific and efficient management system. Our management team
owns practical experience in the management of advanced manufacturing industry, has wide global visions, is able to make accurate
strategic judgments and decisions on the trends of industry and opportunities for development, and has strong cohesion and executive
ability. We are practical and keep forging ahead in day-to-day management and operation, make periodic benchmarking analysis to
compare our performance against historic data, budget targets and the results of outstanding peers, and effectively improve our
operational quality and efficiency by setting examples and objectives, identifying the breakthrough point, focusing on implementation
and reviewing what has been done, to lay solid foundations for our sustainable high-quality development.

(V)   Advantage in scale: Promote development in reliance on advantage in scale and increase benefits based on synergistic

Our customers are well-known domestic and international hi-tech companies who have high purchase quantities, strict requirements
for delivery of products, and high requirements for the scale of production and production efficiency of suppliers. Through years of
development and accumulation, we have grown into a supplier of core components for intelligent interconnection with relatively strong
overall capabilities in China. Our large scale of production can satisfy the purchase demands of major downstream customers, creating
a big advantage in scale. Our advantage in scale provides us with strong bargaining power in the purchase of raw materials, resulting
in reduction of the unit production costs. On the other hand, through effective integration of internal resources, we can reduce operating
costs, thereby increasing our superiority over our competitors, further consolidating and enhancing our position in the industry, and
improving our core competencies.

(VI) Advantage in internationalization: Promote the establishment of a “dual circulation” development pattern

We closely follow the national development strategy, actively take part in global economic competitions, and continuously enhance
integration of high-quality resources of the industry. After the completion of two overseas acquisitions, we have successfully entered
the PCB industry that has broader prospects for development, optimized our industrial structure, and laid solid foundations for our
high-quality development. We have achieved growth in both scale of operation and operating results through such lead-forward
development. In 2019, we established our overseas headquarters and operating entities with different functions in North America,
Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. In 2022, in order to implement our new-round development strategy and
actively respond to the demands of customers, we accelerated the development of overseas production bases, to further improve our
global operating capabilities, promote the establishment of a “dual circulation” development pattern, and actively cope with the
complicated competition environment.

IV. Analysis of Main Business
1.    Overview

During the reporting period, in face of complicated global economic situations, weak consumer demands, periodically interrupted
supply of materials and other unfavorable factors, we made steady progress, stuck to the “two-wheel drive” strategy, focused on the
two key fields of consumer electronics and new energy vehicles, actively marched into the new blue sea of new energy while
continuously improving the product quality and efficiency of the consumer electronics business. We implemented a more moderate
business strategy, improved internal management, enhanced system governance and data governance, actively developed domestic and
overseas production bases, and fully leveraged our efficient R&D system to continuously launch new technologies and new products,
thereby achieving steady growth of operating results.

In 2022, our main financial indicators grew stably: our operating revenue was RMB31.580 billion, a decrease of 0.67% year on year;
net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB2.368 billion, an increase of 27.12% year on year; net profit
attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring gains or losses was RMB2.126 billion, an increase
of 34.83% year on year; net cash flows from operating activities was RMB4.630 billion, an increase of 44.25% year on year; and debt

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

to assets ratio was 59.52%, a decrease of 1.82% year on year.

In 2022, we and our subsidiaries were awarded many special honors, including “Yins Award for Social Responsibility 2022”, “2022
Model Factory for Intelligent Manufacturing of Jiangsu” and “AAA Candidate Model Enterprise of Jiangsu in the Implementation of
Integration of Informatization and Industrialization Management System”, among others.

Below is a brief description of the main activities conducted by us in 2022:

I     Focus on and continue to put superior resources in the two key fields and main products

During the reporting period, we stuck to the “two-wheel drive” strategy, focused on and continued to put superior resources in the two
key fields and main products; while actively cultivating our advantageous products and key customers, enhanced the development of
new products and new customers. We further improved our deployment in the key fields, to enhance the synergy effect. During the
reporting period, we successfully acquired a back-end on-board display module assembly plant owned by JDI, thereby entering the
field of on-board displays, and accelerated the transformation and adjustment of our non-key business, to focus on key business and
assets. While maintaining a cautious and optimistic attitude and pursuing sustainable development, we vigorously enhanced the
deployment at home and abroad and development of the domestic and overseas market, in order to further improve our operating
efficiency and results of operation.

II    Actively leverage the efficient R&D system, and promote the rapid development of the new energy business.

We actively leveraged our efficient R&D system, and based on our capabilities accumulated in the fields of PCB and communication
equipment, achieved the application of lightweight, electric, intelligent and other new products and made breakthroughs in the field of
new energy vehicles. In particular, our heat dissipation, shell and battery structural part products have got wide approbation of the
customers, driving a sharp increase in our operating revenue from the new energy business. In the field of PCB, we actively participated
in the early development projects of the industry-leading customers, to keep in step with the strategic innovations of the leading
customers, and further enhance our capabilities and advantages.

III   Continuously optimize the organization structure, and build competitive remuneration policies and system

We continuously optimized our organization structure, provided organizational and talent support for the rapid development of the new
businesses through training, introducing and retaining talents and other measures, further improved our scientific and effective
performance appraisal system, and explored the establishment of a more competitive remuneration system. During the reporting period,
we implemented the 2022 employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) for key officers and technical personnel with the shares repurchased.
As we are accelerating the deployment in the field of new energy, the new “three-year plan” will lead our high-quality development.
We implemented the 2022 second ESOP, to further enhance the sense of gain and arouse the enthusiasm of our employees, maximize
our values, and promote the achievement of our strategic objectives.

IV    Continuously improve the system and data governance, and further increase the management efficiency

We continuously improved the system and data governance, and further optimized the management documents and internal processes
at all levels according to the characteristics of our industry and development stage, to effectively increase our operating and
management capabilities, reduce the institutional costs of our business operation, build a sound, scientific and effective internal
management system. We carried out a data governance campaign, in order to fully activate and release the value of our data assets
through data governance at the source and with data security as the baseline, enhance group-wide data integration, further promote our
development towards digitalization and intelligentalization, and improve our work efficiency and management level through intellige nt
application of data.

V     Adhere to the proactive and moderate financial management strategy, and promote our development to a new level

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

During the reporting period, we continuously adjusted and optimized our capital structure and debt structure, adopted a more moderate
and cautious financial strategy, maintained a healthy financial position, and further lowered our debt to asset ratio. First, we improved
the budget management system, monitored the achievement of budget goals, detected gaps through ongoing comparative analysis, and
took corresponding measures. Second, we focused on the management of cash flows, which produced good results, ensured the use of
funds as scheduled, and maintained a stable ratio of cash to net profit. Third, we used foreign exchange and commodity hedging
instruments to prevent the effect of market fluctuations on our business operation. Fourth, we actively improved the asset turnovers,
enhanced cost improvement, and leveraged the value of assets, to promote steady growth of our operating results.

2.    Revenue and costs

(1)   Components of operating revenue
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                              2022                                    2021
                                                                          % of                                   % of         Y/Y %
                                                    Amount             operating             Amount           operating       change
                                                                        revenue                                revenue
 Total operating revenue                       31,580,146,732.58             100%        31,793,147,908.12          100%        -0.67%
 By segment
 Computer, communication        and other
                                               31,450,821,150.93           99.59%        31,682,727,248.03        99.65%        -0.73%
 electronic components
 Others                                           129,325,581.65            0.41%          110,420,660.09          0.35%       17.12%
 By product
 PCBs                                          21,819,200,095.46           69.09%        20,495,329,957.29        64.46%         6.46%
 Touch panels and LCMs                          3,402,832,979.40           10.78%         5,156,396,939.04        16.22%       -34.01%
 LED display devices                            1,682,433,257.88            5.33%         2,603,932,687.66         8.19%       -35.39%
 Precision components                           4,546,354,818.19           14.40%         3,427,067,664.04        10.78%        32.66%
 Others                                           129,325,581.65            0.41%           110,420,660.09         0.35%        17.12%
 By region
 Domestic market                                5,622,124,424.21           17.80%         6,798,743,063.07        21.38%       -17.31%
 Overseas market                               25,958,022,308.37           82.20%        24,994,404,845.05        78.62%         3.86%
 By sales model
 Direct sales                                  31,580,146,732.58          100.00%        31,793,147,908.12        100.00%       -0.67%
(2)   Segments, products, regions or sales models representing more than 10% of operating revenue or profit

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                                                                Y/Y %
                                                                                                       Y/Y %       Y/Y %
                                                                                           Gross      change in   change in
                                             Operating revenue       Operating cost                                                in
                                                                                           margin     operating   operating
                                                                                                       revenue      cost
 By segment
 Computer, communication and other
                                              31,450,821,150.93      25,961,338,699.87     17.45%       -0.73%       -4.13%      2.93%
 electronic components
 By product
 PCBs                                         21,819,200,095.46      17,235,837,938.13     21.01%        6.46%       -0.48%      5.51%
 Touch panels and LCMs                         3,402,832,979.40       3,358,366,909.38      1.31%      -34.01%      -29.08%     -6.85%
 LED display devices                           1,682,433,257.88       1,534,248,833.74      8.81%      -35.39%      -27.87%     -9.50%
 Precision components                          4,546,354,818.19       3,832,885,018.62     15.69%       32.66%       32.25%      0.26%
 By region
 Domestic market                               5,622,124,424.21       4,921,998,801.00     12.45%      -17.31%      -16.41%     -0.94%
 Overseas market                              25,958,022,308.37      21,098,680,532.24     18.72%        3.86%       -0.67%      3.70%
 By sales model
 Direct sales                                 31,580,146,732.58      26,020,679,333.24     17.60%       -0.67%       -4.08%      2.93%
Note: In 2022, our revenue from the new energy business was about RMB2.370 billion.

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

In case of any adjustment to the statistic scale for main business data, the main business data of the most recent reporting period as
adjusted according to the statistic scale applied at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

(3)     Whether the Company’s revenue from the sale of tangible goods is higher than the revenue from labor service?

 Yes □ No

            Segment                    Item            Unit                2022                        2021             Y/Y % change
                                   Sales volume        m2                    3,480,443.01                3,331,653.39           4.47%
 PCBs                                 Output           m2                    3,478,056.19                3,312,615.14           4.99%
                                    Inventories        m2                      134,879.10                  137,265.92          -1.74%
                                   Sales volume        PC                   10,577,698.00               21,628,005.00         -51.09%
 LCMs                                 Output           PC                   10,566,760.00               22,321,638.00         -52.66%
                                    Inventories        PC                    3,876,017.00                3,886,955.00          -0.28%
                                   Sales volume        PC             174,462,497,331.00          208,056,642,319.00          -16.15%
 LED display devices                  Output           PC             168,183,812,209.00          216,650,785,694.00          -22.37%
                                    Inventories        PC              25,530,494,435.00           31,809,179,557.00          -19.74%
                                   Sales volume        PC                 100,447,048.00                65,150,504.00          54.18%
 Precision components                 Output           PC                 118,717,426.00                66,107,258.00          79.58%
                                    Inventories        PC                   30,352,448.00               12,082,070.00         151.22%
Analysis of changes in the relevant data over 30% year on year

 Applicable □ N/A

1. The output and sales volume of LCMs decreased by 52.66% and 51.09% respectively compared to the preceding year, primarily due
to the significant decrease in the sales achieved by the domestic manufacturers of branded mobile phones, laptops and other consumer
electronics, resulting in significant decrease in the output and sales volume of our products.

2. The output and sales volume of precision components increased by 79.58% and 54.18% respectively compared to the preceding year,
primarily due to the strong demands for new energy vehicles, driving the rapid growth of purchase orders from our customers, and the
mass production of our new products.

(4)     Performance of material sales contracts and material purchase contracts by the Company as of the end of the reporting

□ Applicable  N/A

(5)     Components of operating costs
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                               2022                                     2021
      Category of                                                          % of                                    % of       Y/Y %
       products                                       Amount             operating             Amount            operating    change
                                                                           costs                                   costs
 Computer,            Direct material costs       19,293,122,426.37          74.15%     20,105,035,098.47            74.11%     -4.04%
 communication        Direct labor costs           1,784,170,333.27           6.85%      2,073,617,167.68             7.64%    -13.96%
 and        other
 electronic           Manufacturing     and
                                                   4,943,386,573.60          19.00%         4,949,898,361.78        18.25%      -0.13%
 components           other costs

(6)     Changes in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period

 Yes □ No

1. Subsidiaries newly included in the scope of consolidation

                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                               Method of
                                                                   Date of acquisition of                                    Ratio of capital
              Company name                    acquisition of                                      Capital contribution
                                                                           shares                                             contribution
 Suzhou Dongyue New                Energy
                                                Investment       September 6, 2022                  RMB165,000,000.00           100.00%
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 DSBJ MEXICO ,S.DER. L. DEC. V.                 Investment       March 27, 2022                              MXN3,000.00        100.00%

 Suzhou     Dongshan             Industrial
                                                Investment       December 29, 2022                   RMB 30,000,000.00          100.00%
 Investment Co., Ltd.
2. Subsidiaries removed from the scope of consolidation

                                          Method of                                                             Net profit from January 1,
                                                               Date of disposal of       Net assets at the
          Company name                    disposal of                                                           2022 to the date of disposal
                                                                     shares              date of disposal
                                             shares                                                                       (RMB)
 Suzhou    Aiguan     Material
                                        Deregistration       September 29, 2022                                                 3,611,898.67
 Technology Co., Ltd.

(7)    Material changes or adjustments in respect of business, products or services of the Company during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

(8)    Major customers and suppliers

Major customers of the Company

 Aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers (RMB)                                                                        21,106,964,489.18
 Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers to
 annual sales revenue
 Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from related parties
 among top 5 customers to annual sales revenue
Particulars of top 5 customers

      No.             Name of customer                         Sales revenue (RMB)                       % of annual sales revenue
       1                Customer 1                                        16,295,062,455.27                                          51.60%
       2                Customer 2                                         2,160,642,100.80                                           6.84%
       3                Customer 3                                         1,027,736,498.24                                           3.25%
       4                Customer 4                                           886,267,264.08                                           2.81%
       5                Customer 5                                           737,256,170.79                                           2.33%
      Total                  --                                           21,106,964,489.18                                          66.84%
Other information of major customers

□ Applicable  N/A

Major suppliers of the Company

 Aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers (RMB)                                                                       5,312,026,961.91
 Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers to
 annual purchase cost
 Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from related parties
 among top 5 suppliers to annual purchase cost
Particulars of top 5 suppliers

       No           Name of supplier                    Purchase amount (RMB)                          % of annual purchase cost
        1             Supplier 1                                      1,449,502,833.70                                                7.38%
        2             Supplier 2                                      1,445,026,090.10                                                7.35%
        3             Supplier 3                                      1,165,482,130.64                                                5.93%
        4             Supplier 4                                        762,476,476.80                                                3.88%
        5             Supplier 5                                        489,539,430.67                                                2.49%
      Total               --                                          5,312,026,961.91                                               27.03%
Other information of major suppliers

                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

□ Applicable  N/A

3.     Expenses
                                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                           2022                        2021               Y/Y % change               Reason of material changes
 Selling expenses                        352,993,453.50               341,087,646.41              3.49%
 Administrative expenses                 815,662,486.89               781,664,730.36              4.35%
                                                                                                                  Primarily due to the exchange
 Financial expenses                      199,633,104.49               436,663,673.90                -54.28%
                                                                                                                  gain realized this year
 R&D expenses                            940,085,451.98             1,028,567,206.95                  -8.60%
4.     R&D investments

       Applicable □ N/A

     Description of major R&D                                                                                            Expected effect on the future
                                             Purpose                Progress            Proposed objectives
              project                                                                                                     development of Company
                                                                                 To develop the production process
                                   To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
 Development of a full LCP                                                       for full LCP multi-layer FPCs and
                                   and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
 multi-layer FPC                                                                 provide better signal transmission
                                   of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                   To reduce carbon emission                     To improve the efficiency and
 Development of     press-fit                                                                                            The technology and market
                                   and improve the market                        reduce energy consumption of the
 technology for FPC coverlay                                       Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                   competitiveness of    the                     production process of the relevant
 films                                                                                                                   products will be improved.
                                   relevant products.                            products.
                                   To reduce carbon emission
 Development of the new-type                                                     To improve the efficiency of press-     The technology and market
                                   and improve the market
 press-fit technology for super-                                   In progress   fit process for multi-layer boards      competitiveness of the relevant
                                   competitiveness of    the
 efficient FPCs                                                                  and coverlay films.                     products will be improved.
                                   relevant products.
                                                                                 To research CPW radio frequency
                                                                                 structure meeting long-life dynamic
 Research of the long-life         To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
                                                                                 bending requirements, extend the
 dynamic bending board CPW         and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                                                                 bending life, and reduce changes in
 structure for foldable devices    of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                                                                 the post-bending radio frequency
                                                                                 To use the simulation software to
 Development of simulation         To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
                                                                                 assess the dynamic bending life of
 assessment method for the         and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                                                                 FPCs, and guide the selection of
 dynamic bending life of FPCs      of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                                                                 materials in design.
                                                                                 To simulate and assess different
                                   To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
 Development of UWB FPC                                                          UWB FPC antenna designs, and
                                   and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
 antenna design proposals                                                        provide      the    best    antenna
                                   of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                                                                 performance solution.
                                   To reduce carbon emission                     To optimize the distribution of air
 Optimization of the drying                                                                                              The technology and market
                                   and improve the market                        flow and temperature at the drying
 system on the development line                                    In progress                                           competitiveness of the relevant
                                   competitiveness of        the                 section of the manufacturing
 and etching line                                                                                                        products will be improved.
                                   relevant products.                            process based on simulation.
                                   To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
 Formation of FPCs by laser                                                      To form flexible copper metal
                                   and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
 cutting                                                                         circuits by laser cutting.
                                   of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                   To reduce carbon emission
 Applied research of electro-                                                                                            The technology and market
                                   and improve the market                        To use recycled copper powder in
 coppering    process   using                                      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                   competitiveness of        the                 electro-coppering, to reduce costs.
 recycled copper powder                                                                                                  products will be improved.
                                   relevant products.
                                   To reduce carbon emission
 Applied research of electro-                                                                                            The technology and market
                                   and improve the market                        To use recycled gold salt in electro-
 gilding process using recycled                                    Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                   competitiveness of        the                 gilding, to reduce costs.
 gold salt                                                                                                               products will be improved.
                                   relevant products.
 Applied research of a pre-ink     To improve the technology                     To use copper surface roughening        The technology and market
 copper surface roughening         and market competitiveness      Completed     agent to improve the reliability of     competitiveness of the relevant
 agent                             of the relevant products.                     the relevant products.                  products will be improved.
                                   To improve the technology                     To develop fluorine materials, and      The technology and market
 Research and development of a
                                   and market competitiveness      In progress   build fluororesin FPC processing        competitiveness of the relevant
 new-type fluororesin FPC
                                   of the relevant products.                     capability.                             products will be improved.
                                                                                 To replace hot air baking with
 Research of protective film       To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
                                                                                 infrared heating, to reduce energy
 hardening      process using      and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
                                                                                 consumption       and     improve
 infrared heating                  of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                   To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
 Research and development of a                                                   To develop a new-type stretchable
                                   and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
 stretchable FPC                                                                 FPC.
                                   of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.
                                                                                 To develop thin copper and thin
                                   To improve the technology                                                             The technology and market
 Development of a thin fine line                                                 coverlay film for use in the
                                   and market competitiveness      Completed                                             competitiveness of the relevant
 FPC                                                                             manufacturing of thin fine line
                                   of the relevant products.                                                             products will be improved.

                                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                    To improve the technology                          To develop a long-life dynamic          The technology and market
Research of a long-life dynamic
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed       bending FPC for use in foldable         competitiveness of the relevant
bending FPC
                                    of the relevant products.                          phones.                                 products will be improved.
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
Development of a four-layer                                                            To produce four-layer substrate-like
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
substrate-like PCB                                                                     PCBs using mSAP process.
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
Development of the application
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
of    graphene glue       and                                                          To realize the control of heating
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
semiconductor        ceramic                                                           temperature using FPCs.
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
substrate on FPCs
                                    To improve the engineering                                                                 The engineering and market
Development of the single SMT                                                          To realize the diversification of
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
assembly technology                                                                    assembly technologies.
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       To let the levelness of asymmetric
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
Development of an asymmetric                                                           PCBs be similar to that of
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
thin PCB                                                                               symmetric PCBs, so as to reduce the
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       mounting risk of the customers.
Development of the sub-outer        To improve the technology                          To achieve the effect of accurate       The technology and market
layer   step gold finger            and market competitiveness         Completed       depth milling decap through form        competitiveness of the relevant
technology                          of the relevant products.                          milling.                                products will be improved.
                                    To improve the technology                          To satisfy the integration, anti-       The technology and market
Development of the buried
                                    and market competitiveness         In progress     interference and other requirements     competitiveness of the relevant
resistance process
                                    of the relevant products.                          of devices.                             products will be improved.
                                                                                       To design laser grooves that satisfy
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
                                                                                       the customers’ requirements for
Development of laser groove         and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
                                                                                       different thicknesses, lengths and
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       widths of dielectric layers
Development of the conductive       To improve the technology                          To provide the customers with next-     The technology and market
copper grease process and           and market competitiveness         Completed       generation 5G millimeter waver          competitiveness of the relevant
technology                          of the relevant products.                          solutions.                              products will be improved.
Development of the process
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
technology for producing buried                                                        To provide the customers with
                                    and market competitiveness         In progress                                             competitiveness of the relevant
resistance using thin film buried                                                      buried resistance solutions.
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
resistance foil TCR
                                                                                       To improve high-speed product
                                                                                                                               The technology and market
Simulation and design of 56/112     To improve the         product                     design capability and efficiency, and
                                                                       In progress                                             competitiveness of the relevant
Gbps transmission line              design capability.                                 reach the leading level of the
                                                                                                                               products will be improved.
                                                                                       To develop the LCM side blind hole
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
Development of LCM blind                                                               and middle blind hole process,
                                    and market competitiveness         Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
hole technology                                                                        which can be applied in mass
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       To narrow the frames of LCMs and
                                    To improve the technology                                                                  The technology and market
Development of LCM three-                                                              connect LCMs with the enclosures
                                    and market competitiveness         In progress                                             competitiveness of the relevant
side sealing technology                                                                more closely, to produce a better
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       sealing effect.
                                                                                       To develop the optic and structural
                                    To develop the new                                 design, driver and algorithm of blue    The technology and market
Mini LED LCM                        technology to improve the          In progress     light COB Mini LEDs, and realize        competitiveness of the relevant
                                    display effect of LCDs.                            the industrialization of the            products will be improved.
                                                                                       To maintain the consistent color of
                                                                                       the display area and the edge ink
                                                                                       area when the screen is turned off,
                                                                                       to improve the aesthetics. The
                                    To improve the display effect                                                              The technology and market
Display integrated black panel                                                         integrated black panel (IBP)
                                    and market competitiveness         In progress                                             competitiveness of the relevant
technology                                                                             technology that can create a novel,
                                    of the relevant products.                                                                  products will be improved.
                                                                                       prominent, beautiful display effect
                                                                                       with a sense of technology will
                                                                                       become a tendency of display
                                                                                       The development of PF2 product
                                                                                       technology and process has been
                                    To improve the technology
                                                                                       completed, which will satisfy the       The technology and market
                                    and market competitiveness
PF2 project R&D                                                        Completed       customers’ requirements for ultra-     competitiveness of the relevant
                                    of laptop and all-in-one PC
                                                                                       thin specifications. A number of        products will be improved.
                                    device products.
                                                                                       projects have entered into mass
                                                                                       The development of G-sensor
                                    To improve the technology                          yellow light process and etching
                                                                                                                               The technology and market
                                    and market competitiveness                         paste process has been completed,
Self-made G-sensor                                                     Completed                                               competitiveness of the relevant
                                    of on-board and industrial                         which reaches the advanced level of
                                                                                                                               products will be improved.
                                    control products.                                  the industry. A number of projects
                                                                                       have entered into mass production.
                                                                                       The development of 3um~5um
                                    To improve the technology                          mesh process has been completed,
                                                                       At the stage                                            The technology and market
                                    and market competitiveness                         which reaches the advanced level of
Self-made metal mesh sensor                                            of      trial                                           competitiveness of the relevant
                                    of tablet, laptop and all-in-one                   the industry. A number of projects
                                                                       production                                              products will be improved.
                                    PC device products.                                are at the stage of trial production.
                                                                                       Efforts are made to further increase

                                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                   the yield of the manufacturing
                                                                                   To develop visually striking
                                                                                                                            The technology and market
 Design of home electric vehicle    To improve the        market                   leading-edge products for the
                                                                     Completed                                              competitiveness of the relevant
 charger products                   competitiveness.                               strategic customers in            the
                                                                                                                            products will be improved.
                                                                                   automotive field.
 Development of home electric                                                      To provide products with reliable        The technology and market
                                    To improve the        market
 vehicle charger automatic                                           Completed     quality for the strategic customers in   competitiveness of the relevant
 assembly line                                                                     the automotive field.                    products will be improved.
                                                                                   To provide products with reliable        The technology and market
 Automatic welding of home          To improve the        market
                                                                     Completed     quality for the strategic customers in   competitiveness of the relevant
 electric vehicle chargers          competitiveness.
                                                                                   the automotive field.                    products will be improved.
                                    To         improve        the
                                                                                   To optimize the structure of energy      The technology and market
 Optimization of the structure of   manufacturability, technology
                                                                     In progress   storage cabinet, improve the             competitiveness of the relevant
 energy storage cabinet             and market competitiveness
                                                                                   manufacturability, and reduce costs.     products will be improved.
                                    of the relevant products.
 Development of the cold plate                                                                                              The technology and market
                                    To improve the        market
 production line and tooling                                         Completed     To put into operation.                   competitiveness of the relevant
 technology                                                                                                                 products will be improved.
Particulars of R&D personnel

                                                      2022                                  2021                                Y/Y % change
 Number of R&D personnel
                                                                     3,944                                   3,699                                 6.62%
 Ratio of R&D personnel to
                                                                    18.76%                               18.53%                                    0.23%
 total number of employees
 Education background of R&D personnel
 Undergraduate                                                       1,856                                   1,741                                 6.61%
 Master                                                                 55                                      37                                48.65%
 Age of R&D personnel
 Below 30                                                            1,950                                   1,726                                12.98%
 30-40                                                                 552                                     518                                 6.56%
Particulars of R&D expenses

                                                       2022                       2021                                          Y/Y % change
 Amount of R&D expenses (RMB)                        940,085,451.98                1,028,567,206.95                                               -8.60%
 Ratio of R&D expenses to operating
                                                             2.98%                           3.24%                                                -0.26%
 Amount of R&D expenses capitalized
                                                               0.00                            0.00                                                0.00%
 Ratio of capitalized R&D expenses to
                                                             0.00%                           0.00%                                                 0.00%
 total R&D expenses
Analysis of the cause and effect of the significant changes in the composition of R&D personnel

□ Applicable  N/A

Analysis of the cause of the significant change in the ratio of R&D expenses to operating revenue compared to the preceding year

□ Applicable  N/A

Analysis of the cause and reasonableness of the significant change in the ratio of R&D expenses capitalized

□ Applicable  N/A

5.   Cash flows
                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                         Item                                                2022                              2021                   Y/Y % change
 Cash provided by operating activities                                    32,948,819,791.38                 31,571,649,840.58                  4.36%
 Cash used in operating activities                                        28,318,935,780.00                 28,362,105,356.37                 -0.15%
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                  4,629,884,011.38                  3,209,544,484.21                 44.25%
 Cash provided by investing activities                                       679,476,885.00                  1,871,205,697.48                -63.69%
 Cash used in investing activities                                         4,438,468,040.34                  3,898,266,527.76                 13.86%
 Net cash flows from investing activities                                 -3,758,991,155.34                 -2,027,060,830.28                -85.44%
 Cash provided by financing activities                                    12,967,955,013.11                 13,568,826,956.10                 -4.43%

                                                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

    Cash used in financing activities                                12,464,334,940.01                13,662,677,252.42                      -8.77%
    Net cash flows from financing activities                            503,620,073.10                    -93,850,296.32                    636.62%
    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         1,517,725,695.91                 1,066,166,041.32                      42.35%
   Analysis of the main causes of the significant changes in the relevant data

    Applicable □ N/A

   1. The net cash flows from operating activities increased by 44.25% compared to the preceding year, primarily due to the increase in
   the net profit for the reporting period and high receivables turnover ratio during the credit period for the customers of our core business.

   2. The net cash flows from investing activities decreased by 85.44% compared to the preceding year, primarily due to the decrease in
   the amount of investment in wealth management products recovered upon maturity during the reporting period.

   3. The net cash flows from financing activities increased by 636.62% compared to the preceding year, primarily due to the increase in
   the long-term funds raised by us for the implementation of our new energy strategy.

   4. The net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased by 42.35% compared to the preceding year, primarily due to the significant
   increase in the net cash flows from operating activities and the reserve funds appropriated by us for the new energy and on-board
   component business.

   Analysis of the significant difference between net cash flows from operating activities during the reporting period and net profit for the
   current year

    Applicable □ N/A

   In 2022, the net cash flows from operating activities were RMB4.630 billion, while the net profit was RMB2.368 billion. The difference
   was primarily due to the increase in depreciation, amortization and accounts receivable collected.

   V. Analysis of Non-main Business
   □ Applicable  N/A

   VI. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
   1.     Material changes in the components of assets
                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                               December 31, 2022               January 1, 2022
                                                                                          Y/Y %
                                             % of total                      % of total                         Reason of significant change
                              Amount                         Amount                       change
                                               assets                          assets
                                                                                                   Primarily due to the significant increase in the net cash
Cash and            bank                                                                           flows from operating activities and the reserve funds
                            7,131,202,817.72   17.59%      5,400,837,392.47     14.23%     3.36%
balances                                                                                           appropriated by us for the new energy and on-board
                                                                                                   component business.
Accounts receivable         7,006,411,466.74   17.29%      7,666,079,765.82     20.20%    -2.91%
Inventories                 6,165,738,409.09   15.21%      6,451,712,389.82     17.00%    -1.79%
                                1,296,551.42                   1,554,262.58
Long-term equity
                             139,767,215.41      0.34%      143,121,019.78       0.38%    -0.04%
Fixed assets               10,673,700,468.47   26.33%     10,736,270,678.33     28.29%    -1.96%
                                                                                                   Primarily due to the fine line FPC project, IC substrate
Construction          in
                            1,813,183,815.67     4.47%      503,037,513.25       1.33%     3.14%   project and the domestic and overseas new energy-
                                                                                                   related projects being under construction
Right-of-use assets          951,068,254.01      2.35%      920,952,667.75       2.43%    -0.08%
                            7,794,409,944.68   19.23%      8,047,168,009.16     21.20%    -1.97%
Contract liabilities          26,193,456.12      0.06%       39,681,986.94       0.10%    -0.04%
                                                                                                   Primarily due to the long-term bank loans obtained for
Long-term loans             3,197,821,643.49     7.89%     2,030,525,761.80      5.35%     2.54%
                                                                                                   our new major investment projects
                                                                                                   Primarily due to the new lease liabilities incurred in
Lease liabilities           1,647,319,046.20     4.06%     1,147,810,164.72      3.02%     1.04%
                                                                                                   connection with the factory buildings leased for the

                                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                                             Yancheng Phase II project

Analysis of high proportion of overseas assets

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                          Whether it
                                                                                                                                                         Proportion       involves
                                                                                                          Controls for
                          Method of                                                   Mode of                                                            of overseas       risk of
        Assets                                    Amount              Location                          guaranteeing the              Income
                          acquisition                                                 operation                                                           assets to        material
                                                                                                        security of assets
                                                                                                                                                          net assets     impairment
                         Established                                                                    Its manufacturing
                                                                      Delaware,      R&D and
Dragon Holdings          by       the      27,056,169,632.12                                            entity is located          1,143,169,986.23         34.70%       No
                                                                      U.S.           sales
                         Company                                                                        in China
                         Established                                  Hong                              Its manufacturing
                                                                                     R&D and
Multek Group             by       the         5,388,023,644.89        Kong,                             entity is located            105,030,584.26         11.89%       No
                         Company                                      China                             in China
Remark                   None
2.       Assets and liabilities at fair value

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                           Aggregate            loss
                                                    Gain or loss on                                       Amount acquired        Amount sold in
                                    Opening                              changes in fair      recogni
            Items                                   changes in fair                                        in the reporting       the reporting     Other changes      Closing balance
                                    balance                              value recorded        zed in
                                                        value                                                   period               period
                                                                            in equity           the
Financial assets
1. Financial assets held for
trading (excluding derivative    362,098,666.66                                                           1,438,774,536.19       1,448,083,103.13     6,348,937.52     359,139,037.24
financial assets)
2. Derivative financial assets    97,179,912.08     -15,402,605.82       -37,830,849.50                     148,764,414.64         32,845,252.37                       159,865,619.03
4. Investment in other equity
                                  40,249,971.12                                                              19,515,060.00          2,985,883.46                        56,779,147.66
Subtotal of financial assets     499,528,549.86     -15,402,605.82       -37,830,849.50                   1,607,054,010.83       1,483,914,238.96     6,348,937.52     575,783,803.93

Total                            499,528,549.86     -15,402,605.82       -37,830,849.50                   1,607,054,010.83       1,483,914,238.96     6,348,937.52     575,783,803.93

Financial liabilities                     0.00      51,210,853.68       170,981,004.89                                            130,674,741.68                        91,517,116.89

Other changes: N/A

Whether there’s any material change in the measurement properties of main assets of the Company during the reporting period?

□ Yes  No

3.       Encumbrances on assets as of the end of the reporting period
                                   Items                                                   Closing carrying value                           Reason for restrictions
                          Cash and bank balances                                                       1,674,175,995.02            Security deposit for notes and loans, etc.
                        Account receivables financing                                                    441,621,937.83                         Pledge of notes
                               Fixed assets                                                              459,521,491.55            Collateral for loans, sale and lease back
                            Right-of-use assets                                                          951,068,254.01                          Finance lease
                                   Total                                                               3,526,387,678.41
VII.              Analysis of Investments
1.       Overview

 Applicable □ N/A

     Amount of investment in 2022 (RMB)                          Amount of investment in 2021 (RMB)                                            Y/Y % change
              3,151,530,715.00                                              841,517,692.36                                                       274.51%
2.       Major equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                        Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

3.      Major non-equity investments that have not yet been completed in the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

4.      Investment in financial assets

(1)     Investment in securities

□ Applicable  N/A

We have not invested in any securities during the reporting period.

(2)     Investment in derivatives

 Applicable □ N/A

1)      Investment in derivatives for hedging purpose during the reporting period

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                In RMB0’000
        Type of            Initial        Gain or loss on                            Amount           Amount sold in                          % of net assets
                                                              changes in fair
     investment in      investment        changes in fair                         acquired in the      the reporting      Closing balance     at the end of the
                                                              value recorded
      derivatives         amount              value                               reporting period        period                              reporting period
                                                                 in equity
                             2,535.88             -867.51                    0          40,903.33           46,688.54             7,604.46              0.46%
 Total                       2,535.88             -867.51                    0          40,903.33           46,688.54             7,604.46              0.46%
 policies    and
 adopted for the
 reporting period
 and significant      None
 changes in such
 policies    and
 compared to the
 reporting period
 Actual profit or
 loss for the         The loss on commodity futures transactions recorded in profit or loss was RMB8.6751 million.
 reporting period
                      We conduct hedging transactions for the purpose of locking in the costs, avoiding and preventing exchange or interest rate risks, and
 Effect          of
                      prohibit any risk speculation. Our objectives are to further improve our capability to address the risk of foreign exchange fluctuations,
                      avoid and prevent exchange or interest rate risks, and improve our financial soundness.
 Source of funds
 for investment       Self-owned funds
 in derivatives
 Analysis       of
 risks associated
 with          the
 derivatives held
 in the reporting
 limitation           Refer to the Announcement of Commodity Futures Hedging (Announcement No. 2022-004) disclosed by us on January 25, 2022.
 market      risk,
 liquidity risk,
 credit      risk,
 operational risk
 and legal risk)
 and related risk
 Changes in the
 market price or
 fair value of the    We are mainly engaged in hedging transactions with mainstream products on major domestic futures markets. The derivatives traded by
 derivatives held     us have a transparent and active market, and their transaction prices and settlement prices can fully reflect their fair valu e.
 in the reporting
 period (in the

                                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 analysis of the
 fair value of
 derivatives, the
 assumptions and
 parameters used
 shall         be
 involved      (if    N/A
 Disclosure date
 of           the
 of the board of
 directors            January 25, 2022
 approving the
 investment in
 derivatives (if
 Special opinion
 issued by the
                      The hedging transactions conducted by the Company with commodity futures can leverage the hedging function of futures, reduce the
                      effect of the fluctuations in market prices of raw materials and products on the production and operating costs and the price s of main
 regarding the
                      products of the Company, improve its capability to fend off risks and enhance its financial soundness. The relevant transactions have been
                      considered and decided in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws , regulations and normative documents and the relevant
 investment in
                      policies of the Company, and will not prejudice the interests of the Company and its shareholders. Therefore, we consent to the conduct
 derivatives and
                      of the hedging transactions by the Company with commodity futures.
 related     risk

2)       Investment in derivatives for speculative purpose during the reporting period

□Applicable N/A

We have not made any investment in derivatives for hedging purpose during the reporting period.

5.       Use of offering proceeds

 Applicable □ N/A

(1)      Description of use of offering proceeds

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                      In RMB0’000
                                                                                  T otal
                                                                                                                                                           T otal
                                                                               amount of      Aggregate
                                                 T otal                                                     Percentage                                   amount of
                                                                                 offering     amount of
                                              amount of        Aggregate                                     of offering     T otal    Purpose and        offering
                                                                              proceeds the     offering
                                 T otal         offering       amount of                                    proceeds the   amount of   whereabouts        proceeds
      Year of    Method of                                                     purpose of    proceeds the
                                offering       proceeds         offering                                     purpose of      unused     of unused         that has
      offering    offering                                                     which was     purpose of
                                proceeds      used in the       proceeds                                     which has      offering     offering        remained
                                                                               changed in     which has
                                               reporting      already used                                      been        proceeds    proceeds         unused for
                                                                                   the           been
                                                 period                                                       changed                                    more than
                                                                                reporting      changed
                                                                                                                                                         two years

                                                                                                                                           T o be
                  Private                                                                                                               invested in
       2020                    289,225.58     58,878.74       211,882.99       61,565.47     61,565.47       21.29%        75,903.11                         0
                 placement                                                                                                             the relevant

       T otal        --        289,225.58     58,878.74       211,882.99       61,565.47     61,565.47       21.29%        75,903.11        --               0

                                                            Description of use of offering proceeds

 With the approval of the CSRC under the Reply on Approval of Private Placement of Shares by Suzhou Dongshan Precision
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2020] No. 980) and the consent of the SZSE, we privately offered 103,294,850
 Renminbi-denominated ordinary A shares at the offer price of RMB28.00 per share to specific investors through the lead underwriter
 Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd., and raised RMB2,892.2558 million in total, and after deduction of the underwriter’s fee and sponsor’s
 fee totaling RMB23.1132 million, the balance of the offering proceeds, RMB2868.7558 million, was remitted to our supervisory
 account of offering proceeds by Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd. on July 13, 2020. After deduction of the accountant’s fee, attorney’s
 fee, legal information disclosure fee and other external costs directly relating to the offering of equity securities, totaling RMB5.1887
 million, the amount of net offering proceeds was RMB2863.9539 million (exclusive of tax). Pan-China Certified Public

                                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 Accountants LLP verified the receipt of such offering proceeds, and issued the Capital Verification Report (Tian Jian Yan [2020]
 No. 5-9).

(2)     Committed investment projects using offering proceeds

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                      In RMB0’000
                                                                                     Aggregate                                                                             Whether
                                                                                                      Progress of
                 Whether the                                                           amount                                                                             there’s any
 Committed                                                            Amount                          investment        Date that        Income         Whether the
                 project has         T otal           T otal                           already                                                                            significant
 investment                                                         invested in                         as of the      the project      earned in       project has
                    been          committed        investment                        invested as                                                                           change in
 project and                                                            the                            end of the     is ready for         the           produced
                 changed or       investment        amount as                         of the end                                                                              the
 use of over-                                                        reporting                         reporting      its intended      reporting       the desired
                  partially         amount         adjusted (1)                         of the                                                                           feasibility of
 raised funds                                                          period                          period (3)           use           period           result
                  changed                                                             reporting                                                                           the project
                                                                                      period (2)
 Committed investment project
 400,000 m 2
 fine line
                                                                                                                       January 5,
 and                 No           80,338.48         80,338.48        11,613.98        79,798.34        99.33%                           30,600.82           Yes               No
 Multek 5G
 and high-           No           65,958.46         65,958.46         6,385.49        32,041.72        48.58%             N/A            4,324.58           No                No
 density PCB
 Multek PCB
 line                                                                                                                   April 19,
                     No           72,805.89         72,805.89        14,576.88        65,691.03        90.23%                            9,349.58           Yes               No
 technology                                                                                                              2023
 FPC for
 new energy
                     Yes                            61,565.47        25,931.22        25,931.22        42.12%             N/A              N/A              N/A               No
 project of
 project of
                     Yes          70,122.75           8,557.28          371.17         8,420.68        98.40%             N/A              N/A              N/A              Yes
 Co., Ltd.
 Subtotal             --          289,225.58       289,225.58        58,878.74       211,882.99           --               --            44,274.98           --               --
 Use of over-raised funds
 T otal               --          289,225.58       289,225.58        58,878.74       211,882.99           --               --            44,274.98           --               --
 Failure to
 meet      the
 progress and
 produce the
                 Due to the construction of 5G network falling short of expectations, the changes in the macro-economic environment in the recent years and other unfavorable factors,
 result and
                 the “ Multek 5G high-speed high-frequency and high-density PCB technology upgrading project” has proceeded slowly and produced relatively poor results. In recent
                 years, the digital economy has developed vigorously in China, and become a main driving force for building the new development pattern and new competitive
                 advantages of the country. As the key to leading the development of new-generation information technology and new-type infrastructure, 5G is an important engine
                 driving the development of digital economy, and provides enormous potentials for pushing the society into the era of intelligent interconnection. We believe that the
 describe on
                 prospects of the 5G market are promising in the long run, and will adjust and advance the relevant investment projects taking into account the changes in market
 a project-by-
                 demands. T herefore, according to the market conditions and the progress of the construction and funding of the investment project, we plan to extend the date that
                 the project is ready for its intended use to October 31, 2024, without changing the use of offering proceeds and amount of offering proceeds to be invested in the
                 project. Such extension has been approved at the 33rd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 20 th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors held on April 19,
 the reason of
 N/A in the
 “whether the
 project has

                                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 the desired
 Reason of        Due to the bottleneck in the development of 5G communication, weak downstream demands and other unfavorable factors, the progress of the “Wireless module
 significant      production and construction project of Yancheng Dongshan Communication Technology Co., Ltd.” fell short of expectations. In light of the rapid development of the
 change in        new energy vehicle market and rising demands of the on-board FPC market, as a component supplier for the international leading new energy vehicle manufacturers,
 the              we need to further improvement our industrial layout, capability to serve the downstream customers, and overall competencies. Therefore, in order to ensure the
 feasibility of   efficient use of offering proceeds, we have decided to change the “ wireless module production and construction project of Yancheng Dongshan Communication
 the project      Technology Co., Ltd.” into the “FPC for new energy application and assembly project of MFLEX Yancheng”.
 Amount and
 use of over-
 and progress
 of         use
 Change in
 the place of
 of         the
 method of
 ion of the
 Funds pre-       Applicable
 invested in
 investment       T he 3 rd meeting of the 5 th meeting of the Board of Directors considered and adopted the Proposal for Replacing the Self-raised Funds Pre-invested in the Investment
 project and      Projects using Offering Proceeds with the Idle Offering Proceeds, approving the replacement of the funds pre-invested in the investment projects using offering
 replacement      proceeds in the amount of RMB399.5914 million with the offering proceeds. The replacement was completed in 2020.
 Temporary        Applicable
 nt          of
 working          On June 13, 2022, the 23rd meeting of the 5 th Board of Directors and the 16 th meeting of the 5 th Board of Supervisors considered and adopted the Proposal for
 capital with     Temporary Replenishment of Working Capital with the Idle Offering Proceeds, approving the temporary replenishm ent of working capital with the idle offering
 the       idle   proceeds up to RMB1 billion for a period of not more than 12 months. As of December 31, 2022, we used the idle offering proceeds of RMB655 million to temporarily
 offering         replenish the working capital.
 Amount of        T he “ 400,000 m 2 fine line FPC production and assembly capacity expansion project” and the “ Multek PCB production line technology upgrading project” have been
 surplus          ready for their intended use. On the principle of reasonableness, economy and effectiveness, we have used the offering proceeds prudently, enhanced control,
 offering         supervision and management of all kinds of expenses, reasonably allocated and optimized all kinds of resources, reasonably reduced the relevant costs and expenses,
 proceeds         and saved certain offering proceeds. In addition, we have earned interest income from the offering proceeds. T he total surplus offering proceeds, in the amount of
 and reason       RMB6.34 million, have been permanently applied to replenish our working capital, and will be used in our day-to-day business operations. The completion of such
 thereof          investment projects using offering proceeds and the use of the surplus offering proceeds to permanently replenish the working capital have been approved at the 33rd
                  meeting of the 5 th Board of Directors and the 20 th meeting of the 5 th Board of Supervisors held on April 19, 2023.
 Purpose and
                  As of December 31, 2022, the amount of unused offering proceeds was RMB759.0311 million, of which, RMB655 million was used to replenish the working capital,
 of unused
                  and RMB104.0311 million was deposited in the special account of offering proceeds.
 of       the
 method of
 ion of the

(3)    Changes in the investment projects using offering proceeds

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                        In RMB0’000
                                       Amount of                                                Progress of                                                                 Whether
                                         offering           Amount                            investment as      Date that the         Income          Whether the        there’s any
                      Original                                                 already
                                       proceeds to        invested in                          of the end of       project is       earned in the       project has        significant
  New project        committed                                              invested as of
                                      be invested in     the reporting                         the reporting     ready for its        reporting        produced the      change in the
                       project                                              the end of the
                                         the new            period                              period (3)       intended use           period         desired result    feasibility of
                                       project (1)                                               =(2)/(1)                                                                 the project
                                                                              period (2)
 FPC for new       Wireless
 energy            module
                                          61,565.47         25,931.22          25,931.22            42.12%            N/A                     N/A     N/A                No
 application       production
 and assembly      and

                                                                                        Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 project of         construction
 MFLEX              project of
 Yancheng           Yancheng
                    Co., Ltd.
 T otal                   --                61,565.47             25,931.22         25,931.22              --               --                   --                --                 --
                                                             Due to the bottleneck in the development of 5G communication, weak downstream demands and other unfavorable factors,
                                                             the progress of the “ wireless module production and construction project of Yancheng Dongshan Communication Technology
                                                             Co., Ltd.” fell short of expectations. In light of the rapid development of the new energy vehicle market and rising demands of
                                                             the on-board FPC market, as a component supplier for the international leading new energy vehicle manufacturers, we need to
 Reason of change, decision-making procedures                further improvement our industrial layout, capability to serve the downstream customers, and overall competencies. Therefore,
 and information disclosure (please describe on a            in order to ensure the efficient use of offering proceeds, we have decided to change the “ wireless module production and
 project-by-project basis)                                   construction project of Yancheng Dongshan Communication Technology Co., Ltd.” into the “ FPC for new energy application
                                                             and assembly project of MFLEX Yancheng”. Such change in the use of offering proceeds were approved at the 19 th meeting
                                                             of the 5 th Board of Directors and the 13th meeting of the 5 th Board of Supervisors held on February 17, 2022, and the first
                                                             extraordinary general meeting in 2022 held on March 8, 2022, and disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn, and our designated
                                                             newspapers for information disclosure.
 Failure to meet the scheduled progress and produce
 the desired result and reason thereof (please               N/A
 describe on a project -by-project basis)
 Reason of significant change in the feasibility of the

VIII.            Sale of Material Assets and Equities
1.     Sale of material assets

□ Applicable  N/A

No material asset has been sold during the reporting period.

2.     Sale of material equities

□ Applicable  N/A

IX. Analysis of Major Subsidiaries and Investees
 Applicable □ N/A

Major subsidiaries and investees representing more than 10% of the net profit of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                      In RMB
                      Type of
  Company name                              Main business                Registered capital       Total assets       Net assets         Operating revenue   Operating profit      Net profit
                                  Design, R&D, sale and after-sale
                    Subsidiary    services in respect of P CBs;            USD113,450,100     27,056,169,632.12    5,693,347,235.44     35,126,071,016.69   1,488,476,842.55   1,143,169,986.23
                                  investment holding
                                  R&D, sale and after-sale services in
 Multek Group       Subsidiary                                           USD218,248,360.27      5,388,023,644.89   1,951,469,300.00      4,650,989,651.82   139,763,610.35     105,030,584.26
                                  respect of P CBs

Subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the reporting period:

 Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                        Effect on overall production, operation
                    Company name                                         Method of acquisition or disposal
                                                                                                                                                       and results
 Suzhou Aiguan Material Technology Co.,                                                                                               No material effect on our operating
 Ltd.                                                                                                                                 results in the reporting period
 Suzhou Dongshan Industrial Investment                                                                                                No material effect on our operating
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                            results in the reporting period
 Suzhou Dongyue New Energy                                                                                                            No material effect on our operating
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                 results in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                      No material effect on our operating
 DSBJ MEXICO,S.DE R.L.DE CV.                                                              Investment
                                                                                                                                      results in the reporting period
X. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company
□ Applicable  N/A

XI. Prospects for Future Development of the Company
(I)    Our development strategy

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

We focus on high-quality development, enhance systemic thinking, make top-level design, strictly defend the bottom line of operation;
actively embrace changes, focus on the two key fields of consumer electronics and new energy vehicles, actively march into the new
blue sea of new energy while continuously improving the product quality and efficiency of the consumer electronics business; increase
R&D investments, enable industrial development, fully exploit internal resources and potentialities, strive to improve our performance
in the new energy sector; implement comprehensive budget management, focus on key products, serve key customers; insist on prudent
operation, maintain a healthy financial position; optimize the organization structure, enhance the training of personnel; implement the
integration of informatization and industrialization, and drive the transition from “manufacturing” to “intelligent manufacturing”.

(II) 2023 business plan

(1) Stick to the “two-wheel drive” strategy, improve the product quality and efficiency of the consumer electronics business, and
vigorously develop the new energy business;

(2) Optimize the layout and improve the operating capability of the overseas bases;

(3) Enhance comprehensive budget management, maintain a healthy financial position, and continuously optimize the capital structure;

(4) Enhance the integration of informatization and industrialization, improve system governance and data governance, and promote
high-quality development of the Company;

(5) Continuously optimize the organization structure and talent training; and

(6) Increase ESG values and sustainability, and actively explore green and low-carbon development and sustainable development issues.

(III) Main risk factors

1.    Risk of concentration of customers

We have good customer resources. Our major customers are well-known domestic and international companies in the relevant
industries that are of sound credit and have established stable cooperation relationship with us. However, our top 5 customers constitute
a large proportion in our total sales revenue, which may further increase in the future. Any material adverse change in the business
situation of such major customers could have an adverse effect on our business.

We will give full play to our advantages, make active deployment in new energy and other emerging industries and strive to develop
new customers, in order to mitigate the adverse effect of the relative concentration of customers on us.

2.    Risks brought by rapid technology upgrading of the industry

Our business covers PCB, photoelectric display, precision manufacturing and other technology intensive industries, and our products
are widely applied in consumer electronics, new energy vehicles, communication equipment, industrial equipment, AI, medical
appliances and other fields, all of which are characterized by rapid technology upgrading. If our R&D and manufacturing capabilities
fail to keep pace with the rapid technology upgrading of downstream products, our products and technologies may become obsolete.

We will follow up on the new technologies and new processes of the industry from the strategic perspective, and strive to kee p our
technologies and processes at the advanced level through continuous and effective R&D investments.

3.    Risk of changes in the global trade environment

Our major customers include some well-known international companies, and our export sales have grown steadily for years. Though
China has established good economic and trade cooperation relationships with major countries in the world, the increasingly fierce
regional disputes in recent years may cause uncertainties to the applicable trade policies, which could affect our international trade.

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

We will follow up on the development of international trade disputes, enhance communication with our customers, and continue to
enhance our competencies and customer adhesion.

4.    Risk of market exploitation

We are a strong R&D and manufacturing enterprise in the field of PCB, photoelectric display and precision manufacturing. Due to our
stable product quality and efficient customer services, we have remarkable competencies, and are able to provide the downstream
enterprises with “one-stop” products and services, and satisfy their demands for systemic manufacturing solutions. However, our
downstream industries are characterized by rapid upgrading and rapid changes in the preference of consumers, among others. If our
major customers are at a disadvantage on the market, or we are unable to satisfy the demands of customers or fail to acquire new
customers, the sales and margin rate of our products may decrease.

We will continue to increase R&D investments, optimize our product mix and process structure, enhance our competencies, and
actively cope with market competitions.

5.    Environmental risk

In our production, the electroplating, etching and other processes produce waste water, waste gas and fixed wastes, and therefore are
subject to strict requirements for environmental protection. We cannot exclude the possibility that environmental incidents may happen
during our production due to negligence in management, force majeure or otherwise. If we meet with any environmental incident,
cause pollution to the environment or violate the applicable environmental protection laws and regulations, our reputation and
operations could be adversely affected. Along with the vigorous development of a green and low-carbon circular economic
development system and improvement of people’s living standard in China, and increasingly enhanced awareness of environmental
protection of people, the country attaches increasingly great importance to environmental protection. If the country puts forward stricter
environmental protection requirements, we may need to increase the funding for environmental protection, which would increase our
environmental protection costs and in turn affect our results.

We have set the building of an environment friendly enterprise as a key goal of our sustainable development strategy, attached great
importance to and increased the funding for environmental protection in our production and operation, actively responded to the
requirements of the latest environmental protection laws and regulations, enhanced environmental protection training and employees’
awareness of environmental protection, taken control measures at source, established and improved the environmental management
system, and implemented the requirements related to environmental safety in all of our key business activities, to reduce the
environmental risks.

6.    Foreign exchange risk

Export sales constitute a large proportion in our total sales revenue. Because our day-to-day operation involves transactions in USD
and other foreign currencies, and our consolidated accounts are presented in RMB, the changes in the exchange rate between RMB and
USD may cause foreign exchange risk to our future operation.

We will keep a close watch on the changes in the relevant foreign exchange rates, strive to control the exposure to foreign exchange
risk at a reasonable level, and hedge or otherwise reduce exposure to such risk.

XII.    Investigation, Research, Communication, Interview and Other Activities during the
Reporting Period
 Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                     Particulars of the
                                Method of                                              Main topics of discussion     investigation and
       Date         Place                      Type of guests          Guests
                              communication                                            and information provided       research activity
                                                                                                                         available at

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                             Ping An Asset
                                                                                       Interpretation of our results
                            Communication   Institutional    Management Co., Ltd.
April 20, 2022     Online                                                              in 2021 and development         www.cninfo.com.cn
                            by telephone    investors        and other 160
                                                             institutional investors
                                            Individual and
                                                                                       Interpretation of our annual
April 27, 2022     Online   Others          institutional    Investors                                                 www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                       report 2021
                                                                                       Interpretation of our semi-
                                                             GF Fund Management
                                                                                       annual report of 2022, and
                            Communication   Institutional    Co., Ltd. and other
August 18, 2022    Online                                                              introduction about the          www.cninfo.com.cn
                            by telephone    investors        171 institutional
                                                                                       development of our main
                                                                                       business segments
                                                             Hua Chuang
                            Communication   Institutional    Securities and other      Interpretation of our third
October 25, 2022   Online                                                                                              www.cninfo.com.cn
                            by telephone    investors        508 institutional         quarter report of 2022

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                   Section IV Corporate Governance
I.    Overview of Corporate Governance
During the reporting period, we have continuously improved our corporate governance structure, operated in compliance with the
regulations, and enhanced information disclosure in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of
Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
applicable laws and regulations. We have established a corporate governance structure that sets forth well-defined powers and
responsibilities, and mutual restraint mechanisms, and operates in a coordinated manner. Our general meeting, Board of Directors and
Board of Supervisors have duly performed their duties and exercised their functions, operated in compliance with the regulations, and
seriously protected the legitimate rights and interests of the investors and the Company.

Is there any significant difference between the actual circumstance of corporate governance of the Company and the applicable laws,
administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies?

□ Yes  No

There isn’t any significant difference between the actual circumstance of our corporate governance and the applicable laws,
administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies.

II. The Company’s independence of its controlling shareholders and actual controllers in
assets, personnel, finance, organization and business
We are independent of our controlling shareholders in business, personnel, assets, organization and finance, and have our own
independent and complete business, and are independent in management.

1. Independence in business operation: We are independent of our shareholders and other affiliates in business operation, have complete
production, R&D, management, procurement and sales systems, and are able to carry out business independently on the market.

2. Independence in personnel: We have a sound corporate governance structure in place, and our directors, supervisors and senior
officers have been appointed in strict accordance with the Company Law and the Articles of Association, and do not hold any concurrent
post in contravention of the applicable laws and regulations. We are independent of our shareholders in personnel and payroll
management, and all of our employees receive their salaries from us. We have developed stringent employment, performance appraisal,
promotion and other competent labor policies, and entered into a Labor Contract with each employee. We are fully independent in
labor, personnel and payroll management.

3. Independence in assets: We have a clear property right relationship with our controlling shareholders, own or have the right to use
the premises and land necessary for our production and operating activities, and have complete auxiliary production systems and
supporting facilities. None of our controlling shareholders or the business entities controlled by them has occupied any of our funds,
assets or other resources.

4. Independence in organization: We have established a relatively sound corporate governance structure in accordance with the
requirements of the Company Law and the Articles of Association, and our general meeting, Board of Directors and Board of
Supervisors exercise their respective functions in strict accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We have set up internal bodies
suitable for our development, defined their respective functions, and developed corresponding internal management and control
systems. All of our functional departments operate independently, free from any interference by any shareholders, other department,
entities or individuals, and do not engage in any mixed operation or share office space with other departments.

                                                                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

  5. Independence in finance: We have an independent finance department, and full-time financial personnel, established sound
  accounting system and financial management and decision-making policies, and implemented strict financial supervision and
  administration. We open independent bank accounts, and control our funds and assets independently, free from any interference by our
  shareholders. We are an independent taxpayer, pay taxes independently according to law, and do not mix our tax payment with any

  III. Horizontal competition
  □ Applicable  N/A

  IV. Particulars of Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings Held during
  the Reporting Period
  1.         General meetings held during the reporting period
                                                                        Percentage of
                Session                     T ype of meeting                                  Date of meeting            Disclosure date                            Resolution of the meeting
                                                                        attending the
    T he 1 st extraordinary             Extraordinary                                                                                              Announcement of the resolutions of the 1 st extraordinary
                                                                               40.13%         March 8, 2022           March 9, 2022
    general meeting in 2022             general meeting                                                                                            general meeting in 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-017)
    2021 annual general                 Annual general                                                                                             Announcement of the resolutions of the 2021 annual general
                                                                               39.83%         May 20, 2022            May 21, 2022
    meeting                             meeting                                                                                                    meeting (Announcement No.: 2022-044)
    T he 2 nd extraordinary             Extraordinary                                                                                              Announcement of the resolutions of the 2 nd extraordinary
                                                                               28.57%         October 31, 2022        November 1, 2022
    general meeting in 2022             general meeting                                                                                            general meeting in 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-078)

  2. Extraordinary shareholders’ meetings convened on the requisition of holders of preferred shares whose
  voting rights have been restituted

  □ Applicable  N/A

  V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers
  1.         Particulars
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cause of
                                                                                                                                                       No. of                   Changes
                                                                                                                                                                     No. of                                    increase
                                                                                                                                                      addition                    in the
                                                                                                                                                                     shares                                        or
                                                                                              Beginning date    Ending date of      Opening            shares                    number
                                                                                                                                                                  disposed of                Closing balance   decrease
     Name                           Title                      Status        Sex    Age       of the term of     the term of      balance of        acquired in      in the     of shares     of shares held     in the
                                                                                                   office           office        shares held            the                    held due
                                                                                                                                                                   reporting                                    number
                                                                                                                                                     reporting                   to other
                                                                                                                                                       period        period      reasons                       of shares
YUAN Yonggang        Chairman                                  Active       Male        44     May   29, 2020   May   29, 2023     202,226,196                                                  202,226,196
YUAN Yongfeng        Director & General Manager                Active       Male        46     May   29, 2020   May   29, 2023     222,388,153                                                  222,388,153
ZHAO Xiutian         Vice Chairman                             Active       Male        60     May   29, 2020   May   29, 2023
SHAN Jianbin         Director & Executive President            Active       Male        47     May   29, 2020   May   29, 2023        553,700                                                       553,700
                     Director, Deputy General Manager                       Femal
MAO Xiaoy an                                                   Active                   43     May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023          391,600                                                       391,600
                     & Board Secretary                                        e
                     Director, Deputy General Manager
WANG Xu              & CFO                                     Active       Male        41     May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023          560,000                                                       560,000
                     Independent director                      Active       Male        60     May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023
SONG Liguo           Independent director                   Active          Male        59     May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023
GAO Yongru           Independent director                   Active          Male        55     March 8, 2020    May 29, 2023
LIN Shu              Independent director                  Resigned         Male        45     May 29, 2020     March 8, 2022
                     Chairman of the Board of
MA Liqiang                                                     Active       Male        42     May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023               3,000                                                       3,000
JI Yachun            Employ ee representative supervisor       Active       Male         45    May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023
HUANG Yongxin        Employ ee representative supervisor       Active       Male         37    May 29, 2020     May 29, 2023
       Total                         --                          --          --         --          --               --            426,122,649                                                  426,122,649       --

  Whether any director or supervisor resigned or any executive was removed during the reporting period?

   Yes □ No

  In 2022, Mr. LIN Shu resigned as our Independent director. Mr. GAO Yongru was elected as an Independent director at the 1st
  extraordinary general meeting in 2022.

  Changes in directors, supervisors and senior officers

   Applicable □ N/A

                 Name                                           Title                                      Type                                      Date                                   Reason
                LIN Shu                            Independent director                                 Resigned                             March 8, 2022                           Personal reason

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                              Elected by the general
      GAO Yongru              Independent director             Elected                 March 8, 2022
2.    Profile

Professional background, main work experience and main duties of our current directors, supervisors and senior officers

(1)   Members of the Board of Directors

Mr. YUAN Yonggang: a PRC citizen, bachelor’s degree, one of controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the Company. He
has served as the Director of the Marketing Department, Deputy Manager and Vice Chairman of the Company since October 1998,
and is now Chairman of the Company, Vice Chairman of the Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce, Vice Chairman of the Suzhou
Association of Industry and Commerce, member of the 17th People’s Congress of Suzhou, and Chairman of the Suzhou Chamber of
Commerce for New-Generation Entrepreneurs (directly under the jurisdiction of the Suzhou Association of Industry and Commerce).

Mr. YUAN Yongfeng: a PRC citizen, bachelor’s degree, one of controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the Company. He
has served as the Director of the Manufacturing Department and Supervisor of the Company since October 1998, and is now director
and General Manager of the Company, Chairman of the Yancheng Electronic Information Industry Association, and member of the 5th
CPPCC Wuzhong District Committee of Suzhou.

Mr. ZHAO Xiutian: a U.S. citizen, master’s degree. He has served in Feichuang, Hughes Network Systems, MCE, Celiant and Andrew,
and is now Vice Chairman of the Company.

Mr. SHAN Jianbin: a PRC citizen, bachelor’s degree. He has served in Mektec Manufacturing Corporation (Zhuhai) Ltd., and is now
director and Executive President of the Company, and Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of the China Printed Circuit Association.

Ms. MAO Xiaoyan: a PRC citizen, master’s degree, economist. She has served in Suzhou Huacheng Auto Car Trade Group Company
Limited and Jiangsu Wuzhong Industrial Co., Ltd., and is now director, Deputy General Manager and Board Secretary of the Company.

Mr. WANG Xu: a PRC citizen, master’s degree, certified public accountant (non-practitioner). He has served in Kunshan Fengrui
United Accounting Firm and Suzhou Good-ark Electronics Co., Ltd., and is now Director, Deputy General Manager and CFO of the
Company, part-time tutor for postgraduates in accounting of the Soochow University Dongwu Business School, and part-time career
development tutor of the Renmin University of China Suzhou Campus.

Mr. WANG Zhangzhong: a PRC citizen, master’s degree. He has served in the Nanjing Institute of Technology School of Materials
Science and Engineering as teacher, office director, secretary of the Party committee, chief of the division of science and technology,
dean and professor since August 1983, and is now independent director of the Company, Director of the Nanjing Institute of Technology
Institute of New Material Technology, Director of the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Structural Materials and Application
Technology, member of the Executive Council of the China Heat Treatment Association, Chairman of the Executive Council of the
Industrial Furnace Branch of Jiangsu Mechanical Engineering Society, and Vice Chairman of the New Metal Materials Branch of
Jiangsu Metallurgical Industry Association.

Mr. SONG Liguo: a Hong Kong citizen, doctoral degree. He has served in CITIC Securities Tianjin Business Department, the Tianjin
Equity Exchange, Anhui Antai Law Firm, China Baoan Group, Hong Kong Heng Feng Group International Investment Limited, CHAN
& Co., ARTHUR K.H. and Denton Wilde Sapte (Hong Kong), and is now independent director of the Company, counsel of Jones Day
International Law Firm (Hong Kong), visiting associate professor of the Anhui University Law School, and arbitrator of the China
International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, the Cross-Straits Arbitration Center, and the Xiamen Arbitration

Mr. GAO Yongru: a PRC citizen, doctoral degree, senior accountant. He has served in Panda Electronic Group, Jiangsu Jinling
Accounting Firm, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Labor, Huatai Securities Co., Ltd., Nanjing Transportation Holding Co., Ltd.,
Yincheng Properties Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shengkun Asset Management Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xinsheng Investment Management Co.,

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Ltd., Shenwu Energy Saving Co., Ltd. and Hefei Genius Advanced Material Co., Ltd., and is now independent director of the Company,
Deputy General Manager of Yongtuo Certified Public Accountants LLP Jiangsu Office, independent director of Jiangsu Binhai Rural
Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., director of Jinling Resort Nanjing Co., Ltd., independent director of Guangzhou Haozhi Industrial Co.,
Ltd., independent director of Nanjing CompTech Composites Corp., independent director of Jiangsu Sunlant Bioengineering Co., Ltd. ,
director of Jiangsu Limin Paper Co., Ltd., supervisor of Jiangsu Xinruide System Integration Engineering Co., Ltd., supervisor of Wuxi
Jin Zhang Fang Technology Co., Ltd., director of Nanjing Borun Neuromorphic Technology Co., Ltd., CFO of Nanjing Borun Brain
Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., part-time tutor for postgraduates in accounting of the Nanjing University of Information Science &
Technology, and part-time tutor for postgraduates in accounting of the Shenyang University.

(2)   Members of the Board of Supervisors

Mr. MA Liqiang: a PRC citizen, bachelor’s degree. He has served in Suzhou Dayin Electronic Telecommunications Equipment Co.,
Ltd., Suzhou Jinhuasheng Paper Co., Ltd. and Dongshan Optronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., and is now Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors of the Company, and COO, President of China Region, and President of Touch & Display Business Unit of Multek.

Mr. JI Yachun: a PRC citizen, born in March 1978, bachelor’s degree. He has served in the Central Committee of the Communist
Youth League of China, and is now employee representative supervisor and Public Relations President (Yancheng) of the Company,
Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Management Committee of the Yancheng Dongshan Precision Industrial Park,
and representative of the 14th People’s Congress of Jiangsu Province.

Mr. HUANG Yongxin: a PRC citizen, bachelor’s degree. He has served in Everlight Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., and is now employee
representative supervisor of the Company, and General Manager of Yancheng Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

(3)   Senior officers

The resume of Mr. YUAN Yongfeng (General Manager), Mr. SHAN Jianbin (Executive President), Ms. MAO Xiaoyan (Deputy
General Manager and Board Secretary) and Mr. WANG Xu (Deputy General Manager and CFO) are set forth in “Members of Board
of Directors” above.

Positions held in shareholders:

□ Applicable  N/A

Positions held in other entities:

 Applicable □ N/A

     Name                                                   Entity                                            Position
 YUAN Yonggang          Suzhou Toprun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.                            Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Suzhou Dongyang Investment Co., Ltd.                                  Supervisor
 YUAN Yonggang          Anhui Landun Photoelectron Co., Ltd.                                  Chairman
 YUAN Yonggang          Shanghai Corkuna New Material Technologies Co., Ltd.                  Chairman
 YUAN Yonggang          Jingbaiyue Investment Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.                  Executive Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Shenzhen National Star Vision Technology Co., Ltd.                    Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Suzhou Dongding Tea Shop Co., Ltd.                                    Supervisor
 YUAN Yonggang          Shanghai Xinhuarui Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.                 Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Jiangsu Xinhuarui Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.                  Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Ningbo Qixiang Information Technology Co., Ltd.                       Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Brave Pioneer International Limited                                   Executive Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Hong Kong Dongshan Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.                      Executive Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Fujian Nanping Nanfu Battery Co., Ltd.                                Director
 YUAN Yonggang          Shanghai Fu Shan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                    Vice Chairman
 YUAN Yonggang          Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce                                   Vice Chairman
 YUAN Yonggang          Suzhou Association of Industry and Commerce                           Vice Chairman
 YUAN Yonggang          Suzhou Chamber of Commerce for New-Generation Entrepreneurs           Chairman
 YUAN Yongfeng          Suzhou Dongyang Investment Co., Ltd.                                  Executive Director
 YUAN Yongfeng          Shanghai Fu Shan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                    Director
 YUAN Yongfeng          Suzhou Toprun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.                            Director

                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 YUAN Yongfeng         Yancheng Electronic Information Industry Association                          Chairman
 YUAN Yongfeng         CPPCC Wuzhong District Committee of Suzhou                                    Member
 ZHAO Xiutian          Suzhou Langsheng Communication Technology Co., Ltd.                           Director
 SHAN Jianbin          China Printed Circuit Association                                             Vice Chairman of the Executive Council
 MAO Xiaoyan           Shanghai Dotwil Intelligence Technology Ltd.                                  Director
                                                                                                     Part-time tutor for postgraduates in
 WANG Xu               Soochow University Dongwu Business School
 WANG Xu               Renmin University of China Suzhou Campus                                      Part-time career development tutor
                       Nanjing Institute of Technology Institute of New Material Technology          Dean
                       Nanjing Institute of Technology School of Materials Science and Engineering   Professor
 WANG                  Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Structural Materials and Application
 Zhangzhong            Technology
                       China Heat Treatment Association                                              Member of the Executive Council
                       Industrial Furnace Branch of Jiangsu Mechanical Engineering Society           Chairman of the Executive Council
                       New Metal Materials Branch of Jiangsu Metallurgical Industry Association      Vice Chairman
 SONG Liguo            Jones Day International Law Firm (Hong Kong)                                  Counsel
 SONG Liguo            Anhui University Law School                                                   Visiting associate professor
 SONG Liguo            China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission                 Arbitrator
 SONG Liguo            Cross-Straits Arbitration Center                                              Arbitrator
 SONG Liguo            Xiamen Arbitration Commission                                                 Arbitrator
 GAO Yongru            Yongtuo Certified Public Accountants LLP Jiangsu Office                       Deputy General Manager
 GAO Yongru            Jiangsu Binhai Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                                Independent director
 GAO Yongru            Jinling Resort Nanjing Co., Ltd                                               Director
 GAO Yongru            Guangzhou Haozhi Industrial Co., Ltd.                                         Independent director
 GAO Yongru            Nanjing CompTech Composites Corp.                                             Independent director
 GAO Yongru            Jiangsu Sunlant Bioengineering Co., Ltd.                                      Independent director
 GAO Yongru            Jiangsu Limin Paper Co., Ltd.                                                 Director
 GAO Yongru            Jiangsu Xinruide System Integration Engineering Co., Ltd.                     Supervisor
 GAO Yongru            Wuxi Jin Zhang Fang Technology Co., Ltd.                                      Supervisor
 GAO Yongru            Nanjing Borun Neuromorphic Technology Co., Ltd.                               Director
 GAO Yongru            Nanjing Borun Brain Intelligent Technology Co., L                             CFO
                                                                                                     Part-time tutor for postgraduates in
 GAO Yongru            Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
                                                                                                     Part-time tutor for postgraduates in
 GAO Yongru            Shenyang University
Punishments imposed by the securities regulatory authorities in the past three years on the directors, supervisors and senior officers of
the Company currently in office or leaving office during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

3.    Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior officers

Decision-making process, criteria for determination and actual amount in respect of remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior

The remunerations of our directors, supervisors and senior officers are determined in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of
Association as follows: the amount and terms of payment of remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of
Supervisors are determined by the general meeting; the amount and terms of payment of remuneration of the senior officers are
determined by the Board of Directors; the remunerations of the directors, supervisors and senior officers are determined based on their
respective job responsibilities, and achievement of annual performance indicators for those holding key operational positions
concurrently, or fulfillment of job responsibilities and annual tasks for those holding key managerial positions concurrently. The
remunerations paid by us to our directors, supervisors and senior officers conform to our remuneration policies and the fulfillment of
their job responsibilities.

Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior officers paid in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                  In RMB0’000
                                                                                                              Total            Whether or not
           Name                       Title                  Sex          Age             Status          remuneration           receiving
                                                                                                        received from the      remunerations

                                                                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                                                               Company               from any affiliate
                                                                                                                                           (inclusive of tax)         of the Company
     YUAN Yonggang                    Chairman                                 Male                44               Active                                325                No
     YUAN Yongfeng                    Director & General Manager               Male                46               Active                                325               No
       ZHAO Xiutian                   Vice Chairman                            Male                60               Active                                410               No
                                      Director & Executive
       SHAN Jianbin                                                            Male                47               Active                              376.6               No
                                      Director, Deputy General
       MAO Xiaoyan                                                           Female                43               Active                             144.52               No
                                      Manager & Board Secretary
                                      Director, Deputy General
         WANG Xu                                                               Male                41               Active                             199.18               No
                                      Manager & CFO
 WANG Zhangzhong                      Independent director                     Male                60               Active                                     12           No
        SONG Liguo                    Independent director                     Male                59               Active                                     12           No
           LIN Shu                    Independent director                     Male                45             Resigned                                     3            No
        GAO Yongru                    Independent director                     Male                55               Active                                     10           No
                                      Chairman of the Board of
         MA Liqiang                                                            Male                42               Active                                240               No
                                      Employee representative
          JI Yachun                                                            Male                45               Active                             145.65               No
                                      Employee representative
     HUANG Yongxin                                                             Male                37               Active                                160               No
              Total                                --                            --                --                  --                            2,362.95                --

VI. Performance of Duties by the Directors during the Reporting Period
1.       Meetings of the Board of Directors held during the reporting period
                 Session                        Date of meeting                  Disclosure date                                   Resolution of the meeting
     T he 18 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 18th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         January 21, 2022                 January 25, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-002)
     T he 19 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 19th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         February 17, 2022                February 19, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-008)
     T he 20 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 20th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         April 19, 2022                   April 20, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-023)
     T he 21 st meeting of the 5 th
                                         April 21, 2022                   April 22, 2022                     T he first quarter report of 2022 was approved.
     Board of Directors
     T he 22 nd meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 22nd meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         April 25, 2022                   April 26, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-035)
     T he 23 rd meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 23rd meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         June 13, 2022                    June 14, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-048)
     T he 24 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 24th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         August 17, 2022                  August 18, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-059)
     T he 25 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 25th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         August 21, 2022                  August 23, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-063)
     T he 26 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 26th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         October 14, 2022                 October 15, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-072)
     T he 27 th meeting of the 5 th
                                         October 24, 2022                 October 25, 2022                   T he third quarter report of 2022 was approved.
     Board of Directors
     T he 28 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 28th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         October 27, 2022                 October 29, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-076)
     T he 29 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 29th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         December 21, 2022                December 22, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-085)
     T he 30 th meeting of the 5 th                                                                          Announcement of the resolutions of the 30th meeting of the 5 th Board of
                                         December 30, 2022                December 31, 2022
     Board of Directors                                                                                      Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-088)

2.       Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders
                                                      Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders
                             No. of board                                  No. of board                                                      Whether or not having
                                                   No. of board                                   No. of board           No. of board
                           meetings attended                            meetings present                                                     been absent from two       No. of general
       Director                                   meetings present                             meetings present       meetings absent
                              during the                                   by means of                                                         consecutive board       meeting attended
                                                     in person                                     by proxy                 from
                           reporting period                              communication                                                             meetings
 YUAN Yonggang                            13                     2                     11                                                    No                                         3
 YUAN Yongfeng                            13                     2                     11                                                    No                                         3
 ZHAO Xiutian                             13                                           13                                                    No                                         3
 SHAN Jianbin                             13                     2                     11                                                    No                                         3
 MAO Xiaoyan                              13                     2                     11                                                    No                                         3
 WANG Xu                                  13                     2                     11                                                    No                                         3
                                           13                                          13                                                    No                                         3
 SONG Liguo                                13                                          13                                                    No                                         3
 GAO Yongru                                11                                          11                                                    No                                         3
 LIN Shu                                    2                                           2                                                    No                                         1

Reason for absence from two consecutive board meetings: None.

                                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

   3.     Objections raised by the directors regarding matters of the Company

   Whether any director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company?

   □ Yes  No

   No director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company during the reporting period.

   4.     Other information regarding the performance of duties by the directors

   Whether the suggestions put forward by the directors have been adopted by the Company?

    Yes □ No

   Explanation about the adoption or rejection by the Company of the suggestions put forward by the directors:

   During the reporting period, our directors have performed their duties and overseen our operation in strict accordance with the
   applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. All professional advice put forward by our directors have been adopted,
   which have actively promoted the improvement of our supervisory mechanisms and scientificity of decisions, among others.

   VII.           Activities of the Committees of the Board of Directors during the Reporting Period

                                              No. of                                                                                                Important
    Committee              Members           meetings       Date of meeting                                  Subject                               opinions and
                                                                                                                                                                    of other duties
                                               held                                                                                                 suggestions

                                                                                   Considered the Summary of Internal Audit in 2021 and the
                                                                                   Working Plan 2022, the Annual Report 2021 and Summary                            T he Audit
                                                                                   of the Report, the Annual Financial Report 2021 of the                           Committee has
                                                                                   Company, the 2021 Profit Distribution Proposal of the           T he relevant    actively
                                                                                   Company, the Proposal Regarding Re-engagement of the            proposals        communicated
                      GAO Yongru (LIN
                                                                                   Auditor for 2022, the 2021 Self-assessment Report on            were             with the
                      Shu before March 8,
                                                                                   Internal Controls, the 2021 Special Report on the Deposit       approved and     auditor of our
Audit Committee       2022),      WANG          4       April 19, 2022
                                                                                   and Use of Offering Proceeds of the Company, the Proposal       submitted to     annual report,
                      Zhangzhong     and
                                                                                   Regarding Application for Facilities from Banks and other       the Board of     to effectively
                      SHAN Jianbin
                                                                                   Financial Institutions in 2022 of the Company, the Proposal     Directors for    supervise the
                                                                                   Regarding Provision of Guarantee by the Company for the         consideration.   conduct of
                                                                                   Financing Obtained by its Subsidiaries from Banks and other                      annual audit of
                                                                                   Financial Institutions, and the Proposal Regarding Changes                       the Company.
                                                                                   in Accounting Policies.
                                                                                   Considered the Proposal Regarding Change in the Use of
                                                                                   Part of the Offering Proceeds, and the Proposal Regarding
                                                        February 17, 2022
                                                                                   the T ermination of Spin-off of the Controlled Subsidiary for
                                                                                   Listing on the ST AR Market.
                                                                                   Considered the Proposal Regarding Application for
                                                                                   Facilities from Banks and other Financial Institutions in
                                                                                   2022 of the Company, the Proposal Regarding Provision of
                                                        April 19, 2022             Guarantee by the Company for the Financing Obtained by its
                                                                                   Subsidiaries from Banks and other Financial Institutions, and
                                                                                                                                                   T he relevant
                      YUAN Yonggang,                                               the Proposal Regarding the T hree-year Plan for Return to
                      WANG Zhangzhong,                                             Shareholders (2022-2024).
                      SONG Liguo, GAO                                              Considered the Proposal Regarding Repurchase of the
                                                        April 25, 2022                                                                             approved and
Strategy Committee    Yongru (LIN Shu           6                                  Company’s Shares.                                                                     --
                                                                                                                                                   submitted to
                      before March 8,                                              Considered the Proposal Regarding Additional Capital
                                                                                                                                                   the Board of
                      2022) and SHAN                                               Contribution to Suzhou RF T op Electronic Communication
                                                        August 17, 2022                                                                            Directors for
                      Jianbin                                                      Co., Ltd., and the Proposal Regarding Additional Investment
                                                                                   in the Mexico Subsidiary.
                                                                                   Considered the Proposal Regarding Acquisition of 100%
                                                        October 27, 2022
                                                                                   Shares of Suzhou JDI Electronics Inc.
                                                                                   Considered the Proposal Regarding the Progress of
                                                                                   Acquisition of 100% Shares of Suzhou JDI Electronics Inc.,
                                                                                   the Proposal Regarding Foreign Exchange Hedging, the
                                                        December 30, 2022
                                                                                   Feasibility Report on Foreign Exchange Hedging, the
                                                                                   Proposal Regarding Commodity Future Hedging, and the
                                                                                   Feasibility Report on Commodity Future Hedging.
                                                                                                                                                   T he relevant
                      WANG Zhangzhong,
                                                                                                                                                   proposal was
                      SONG Liguo, LIN
                                                                                                                                                   approved and
Nomination            Shu      (resigned),                                         Considered the Proposal Regarding the Independent Director
                                                1       February 17, 2022                                                                          submitted to           --
Committee             YUAN Yonggang                                                Candidate for the 5 th Board of Directors.
                                                                                                                                                   the Board of
                      and          YUAN
                                                                                                                                                   Directors for
                      SONG        Liguo,                                           Considered the Proposal Regarding the 2022 Stock                T he relevant
                      WANG Zhangzhong,                                             Ownership Plan for Key Officers and T echnical Personnel        proposals
Remuneration and
                      GAO Yongru (LIN           3       February 17, 2022          (Draft) and its Summary, the Proposal Regarding the             were                   --
Appraisal Committee
                      Shu before March 8,                                          Administrative Measures for the 2022 Stock Ownership Plan       approved and
                      2022),      YUAN                                             for Key Officers and T echnical Personnel, and the Proposal     submitted to

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                Yonggang     and                                    to Request the General Meeting to Authorize the Board of     the Board of
                YUAN Yongfeng                                       Directors to Handle the Matters Related to the Employee      Directors for
                                                                    Stock Ownership Plan.                                        consideration.
                                                                    Considered the Proposal Regarding the Remunerations of
                                            April 19, 2022
                                                                    the Directors and Senior Officers of the Company in 2022.
                                                                    Considered the Proposal Regarding the 2022 Second
                                                                    Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) and its Summary,
                                            October 14, 2022
                                                                    the Proposal Regarding the Administrative Measures for the
                                                                    2022 Second Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

VIII.      Activities of the Board of Supervisors
Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risk involving the Company in its supervisory activities during the reporting

□ Yes  No

The Board of Supervisors has not raised any objection to the supervisory matters during the reporting period.

IX. Employees
1.   Number, structure of profession and education of employees
 Number of current employees of the parent at the end of the
 reporting period (person)
 Number of current employees of the major subsidiaries at the
 end of the reporting period (person)
 Total number of current employees at the end of the reporting
 period (person)
 Total number of salaried employees during the reporting period
 Total number of resigned employees to or for whom the parent
 and the major subsidiaries are obligated to make payments                                                                                            0
                                                       Structure of profession
                      Categories of profession                                               Number of employees (person)
 Production staff                                                                                                                                 14,941
 Sales staff                                                                                                                                         399
 Technical staff                                                                                                                                   3,944
 Financial staff                                                                                                                                     128
 Administrative staff                                                                                                                                362
 Management staff                                                                                                                                  1,247
 Total                                                                                                                                            21,021
                       Degree of education                                                   Number of employees (person)
 Doctor                                                                                                                                                4
 Master                                                                                                                                              134
 Undergraduate                                                                                                                                     2,287
 College                                                                                                                                           4,315
 Below college                                                                                                                                    14,281
 Total                                                                                                                                            21,021
2.   Remuneration policies

We advocate creation of values, and give priority to high-performance teams and individuals in remuneration and incentives. We have
developed sound remuneration and incentive polices, which are designed to attract and retain outstanding technical and management
talents with competitive remuneration, and give long-acting incentives to our employees through the combination of short-, medium-
and long-term incentives taking into account our overall operating results and the employees’ performance, in order to enhance our
core competencies.

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

3.     Training programs

We actively introduce, seek and train talents, and make efforts to build an efficient and systemic talent training system, to continuously
improve our employees’ comprehensive capabilities; conduct job-specific training in various forms centered on the training of
management and professional talents and building of talent pools, to improve our employees’ professional quality, skills and
management capabilities; actively provide our employees with learning and growth opportunities, encourage them to strive for progress,
and build talent pools, to help the achievement of our strategic objectives.

4.     Outsourced workers

□ Applicable  N/A

X. Profit Distribution and Transfer of Capital Reserve to the Share Capital
Establishment, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policy, in particular, cash dividend policy, during the reporting

 Applicable □ N/A

We attach great importance to the return to our shareholders. In order to maintain a continuous and stable profit distribution policy,
pursuant to the Regulatory Guidance for Listed Companies No. 3 –Distribution of Cash Dividends by the Listed Companies, the
Articles of Association and other relevant provisions, we have developed the Three-year Plan for Return to Shareholders (2022-2024),
which sets forth the specific principles and plans for return to shareholders. During the reporting period, we developed the 2022 Profit
Distribution Proposal taking into account of our actual business situations and development plans, and needs to ensure normal business
operation and long-term development.

                                            Special explanation about the cash dividend policy
  Whether or not comply with the provisions of the articles of association or requirements of
  resolutions of the general meeting of the Company?
  Whether the standard and ratio of cash dividend distribution are clear and definite?                                              Yes
  Whether the relevant decision-making process and mechanism are sound?                                                             Yes
  Whether the independent directors have performed their duties and exercised their
  Whether the minority shareholders have sufficient opportunities to express their opinions
  and requests and their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected?
  Whether the conditions and procedures in respect of any adjustment or amendment of the
  cash dividend policy comply with the applicable regulations and are transparent?
Whether the Company has made a profit in the reporting period and the parent has profits available for distribution to the shareholders,
but the Company does not propose to distribute cash dividends?

□ Applicable  N/A

Particulars of profit distribution and transfer of capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period:

 Applicable □ N/A

     Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (share)                                                                                        0
     Amount of cash dividends per 10 shares (RMB) (inclusive of tax)                                                                   1.1
     Share capital based on which the distribution proposal was made
     Amount of cash dividends (RMB) (inclusive of tax)                                                                     187,315,150.99
     Amount of cash dividends distributed in other ways (such as share
     repurchase) (RMB)
     Total amount of cash dividends (including other ways) (RMB)                                                           237,306,007.16
     Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                            224,481,653.09
     Ratio of total cash dividends (including other ways) to the distributable

                                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                          Particulars of cash dividends distributed for the reporting period
     If we are at the growth stage and have certain material capital expenditure arrangements, at least 20% of the distributable profit will
     be distributed in cash.
                         Particulars of the proposal of profit distribution or for transfer of capital reserve to share capital
     Our 2022 Profit Distribution Proposal is as follows: to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.10 (inclusive of tax)
     per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 1,702,865,009 shares (excluding treasury shares), or RMB187,315,150.99 in
     total, without distribution of any bonus shares or transfer of any capital reserve to the share capital. The 2022 Profit Distribution
     Proposal is subject to approval by the general meeting. (Note: As of the date of this Report, we had a total share capital of
     1,709,867,327 shares, of which, 7,002,318 shares held in the special securities account for repurchase will not participate in the
     profit distribution.)
XI. Share Incentives Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Employee Incentives
 Applicable □ N/A

1.      Share incentives

We have not granted any share incentive during the reporting period.

Share incentives granted to directors and senior officers:

□ Applicable  N/A

Performance appraisal and incentives in respect of senior officers: None.

2.      Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)

 Applicable □ N/A

Effective ESOPs in the reporting period:

                                                                                                                               % of total
                                                                                    No. of       T otal shares
                             Scope of employees                                                                    Changes       share                    Source of funds
                                                                                  employees      held (share)
  Certain directors, supervisors and senior officers of the Company, and mid-
  and high-level officers and key employees at the level of director or above
  who do full-time jobs for, receive remuneration from and have valid                    119       21,914,118      None            1.28%
  employment contracts with the Company or its controlled subsidiaries (2021
  ESOP) 1                                                                                                                                      Legal remuneration of the employees,
  Certain key officers and technical personnel of the Company or its controlled                                                                self-raised funds or otherwise permitted
  subsidiaries, excluding directors, supervisors and senior officers of the              308        1,366,120      None            0.08%       by     the applicable laws          and
  Company (2022 ESOP for key officers and technical personnel)2                                                                                administrative regulations
  Certain employees who do full-time jobs for, receive remuneration from and
  have valid employment contracts with the Company or its controlled
                                                                                         366        4,847,178      None            0.28%
  subsidiaries, excluding directors, supervisors and senior officers of the
  Company (2022 second ESOP) 3
Note: 1. As of the date of this Report, the shares held under the 2021 ESOP have been sold and the 2021 ESOP has terminated.

2. T he lock-up period for the 2022 ESOP for key officers and technical personnel expired on March 17, 2023, upon which, the first installment of shares, representing 50% of the total

shares granted thereunder were vested.

3. As of the date of this Report, the lock-up period for the 2022 second ESOP has not yet commenced.

Shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior officers under the ESOPs during the reporting period:

                                                                                    Opening balance of the         Closing balance of the number
            Name                                     T itle                                                                                                 % of total share capital
                                                                                     number of shares held                 of shares held
     SHAN Jianbin              Director & Executive President                                      1,753,128                            1,753,128                                 0.10%
     WANG Xu                   Director, Deputy General Manager & CFO                              1,314,846                            1,314,846                                 0.08%
                               Director, Deputy General Manager & Board
     MAO Xiaoyan                                                                                     525,938                                525,938                               0.03%
     MA Liqiang                Chairman of the Board of Supervisors                                  525,938                                525,938                               0.03%
     JI Yachun                 Supervisor                                                            525,938                                525,938                               0.03%
     HUANG Yongxin             Supervisor                                                            525,938                                525,938                               0.03%

Changes in asset manager during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Changes in equity due to disposal of shares by the holders or otherwise during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

Exercise of shareholder rights during the reporting period: None.

Other information related to the ESOPs during the reporting period and the relevant explanation

□ Applicable  N/A

Changes in the members of the ESOP management committee during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

The financial effect of the ESOPs on the listed company during the reporting period and the relevant accounting treatment

□ Applicable  N/A

Termination of the ESOPs during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

Other information: During the reporting period, our directors, supervisors and senior officers only held shares under the 2021 ESOP,
and did not participate in any other ESOP.

3.     Other employee incentives

□ Applicable  N/A

XII.        Establishment and Implementation of Internal Controls during the Reporting Period
1.     Establishment and implementation of internal controls

Pursuant to the requirements of the Company Law, the Basic Internal Control Standards for Enterprises and the relevant
guidelines, we have established a sound internal control system according to our actual situations and needs of
management. During the reporting period, we have continuously improved the internal control system, carried out internal
control self-assessment, and identified deficiencies in internal control, risks and hazards, to further improve the
effectiveness of our internal controls .

According to the assessment of material weakness in internal control over financial reporting, as of the reference date of the assessment
report on internal controls, there’s no material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting. We have maintained effective
internal control over financial reporting in all material respects pursuant to the requirements of the Basic Internal Control
Standards for Enterprises and other relevant provisions. According to the assessment of material weakness in internal control
over non-financial reporting, as of the base day of the assessment report on internal controls, there’s no material weakness in our
internal control over non-financial reporting.

2.     Material weaknesses in internal controls identified during the reporting period

□ Yes  No

XIII.       Management and Control of Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
                                             Progress of        encountered                            Progress of         Subsequent
       Subsidiary      Integration plan                                           Actions taken
                                             integration            during                              resolution          solutions

                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

     N/A                    N/A               N/A                 N/A                  N/A                  N/A                  N/A
XIV.          Self-assessment Report on Internal Controls or Auditor’s Report on Internal Controls
1.     Self-assessment report on internal controls
     Disclosure date of the full copy of the
                                                                                                                                   April 21, 2023
     self-assessment report on internal controls
     Disclosure reference of the full copy of
     the self-assessment report on internal                                                                            http://www.cninfo.com.cn
     Ratio of total assets of the entities covered
     by the assessment to total assets recorded
     in the consolidated financial statements of
     the Company
     Ratio of total operating revenue of the
     entities covered by the assessment to total
     operating revenue recorded in the                                                                                                   100.00%
     consolidated financial statements of the
                                                      Criteria for determination of deficiencies
                        Type                                       Financial reporting                         Non-financial reporting
                                                     Indicators of material weaknesses in
                                                     internal control over financial reporting
                                                     include: (i) any fraud on the part of
                                                     directors, supervisors and senior officers
                                                     of the Company; (ii) any correction of a
                                                     financial report already disclosed; (iii)
                                                     any material misstatement in the financial
                                                     report for the current period that was
                                                     found by the public certified accountants
                                                     but failed to be identified through internal
                                                                                                     Indicators of material weaknesses in
                                                     controls; and (iv) ineffective supervision
                                                                                                     internal control over non-financial
                                                     by the Audit Committee and the Internal
                                                                                                     reporting include:
                                                     Audit Department of the Company over
                                                                                                     (i) any violation of the applicable laws,
                                                     the financial reports disclosed externally
                                                                                                     regulations or normative documents of
                                                     or internal control over financial
                                                                                                     the country; (ii) unscientific procedure in
                                                     reporting. Indicators of significant
                                                                                                     making any major decision; (iii) absence
                                                     deficiencies in internal control over
                                                                                                     of any regulations which may result in
                                                     financial reporting include: (i) failure to
     Qualitative criteria                                                                            systemic failure; (iv) failure to rectify any
                                                     correctly select and apply accounting
                                                                                                     material     weakness or          significant
                                                     policies pursuant to the generally
                                                                                                     deficiency;     and     (v)     any      other
                                                     accepted accounting principles; (ii)
                                                                                                     circumstance that has a material adverse
                                                     failure to establish anti-fraud procedures
                                                                                                     effect on the Company. Other deficiencies
                                                     and controls; (iii) failure to establish or
                                                                                                     are classified into significant or general
                                                     implement controls over the accounting
                                                                                                     deficiency depending on the degree of
                                                     treatment of extraordinary or special
                                                     transactions, and failure to establish
                                                     corresponding compensatory controls;
                                                     and (iv) one or more deficiencies existing
                                                     in control over the preparation of financial
                                                     report at the end of period, and inability to
                                                     reasonably ensure the truthfulness and
                                                     completeness of the financial statements.
                                                     General deficiencies in internal control
                                                     over      financial     reporting    include
                                                     deficiencies in control other than material
                                                     weakness and significant deficiency.
                                                     Material       weakness:       amount      of
                                                     misstatement ≥ 0.5% of the operating
                                                     revenue; significant deficiency: 0.3% of        Material weakness: direct loss > 0.5% of
                                                     the operating revenue ≤ amount of              the total assets; significant deficiency:
     Quantitative criteria                                                                           0.2% of the total asset < direct loss ≤ 0.5%
                                                     misstatement < 0.5% of the operating
                                                                                                     of the total asset; general deficiency:
                                                     revenue; general deficiency: amount of
                                                                                                     direct loss ≤ 0.2% of the total asset.
                                                     misstatement < 0.3% of the operating

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

     Number of material weaknesses in
     financial reporting
     Number of material weaknesses in non-
     financial reporting
     Number of significant deficiencies in
     financial reporting
     Number of significant deficiencies in
     non-financial reporting
2.     Auditor’s report on internal controls

 Applicable □ N/A

                                  Auditor’s opinion expressed in the auditor’s report on internal controls
  In our opinion, DSBJ has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all material respects as of December 31,
  2022 in accordance with the Guide on Self-regulatory Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 –
  Code of Operations for Companies Listed on the Main Board (Shen Zheng Shang [2022] No. 13).
  Disclosure of the auditor’s report on internal controls                                                                      Disclosed
  Disclosure date of the full copy of the auditor’s report on internal
                                                                                                                          April 21, 2023
  Disclosure reference of the full copy of the auditor’s report on
  internal controls
  Type of opinion expressed in the auditor’s report on internal
                                                                                                             Standard unqualified opinion
  Whether there’s any material weakness in non-financial
Whether the accounting firm issued a modified auditor’s report on internal controls?

□ Yes  No

Whether the auditor’s report on internal controls issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the opinion expressed in the self-
assessment report of the Board of Directors?

 Yes □ No

XV. Rectification of Non-Compliances Found in the Special Self-Examination of the Corporate
Governance of the Listed Company

                                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities
I.      Material Environmental Issues
Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries have been identified as major polluters by the environmental protection authorities?

 Yes □ No

Policies and industrial standards related to environmental protection:

During the reporting period, we and our subsidiaries identified as major polluters have strictly complied with the Environmental
Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric
Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic
of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on
Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, the
Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment, the Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China,
the Fire Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China and other laws and regulations related to environmental protection, and
implemented the Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-93), the Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants
(DB32/4041-2021), the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boilers (GB13271-2014), the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for
Industrial Furnaces and Kilns (DB32/3728-2020), the Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage (GB18597-2001),
the Emission Standard for Pollutants from Electroplating (GB21900-2008), the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at
Boundary (GB12348-2008), the Standard for Fugitive Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (GB37822-2019), the Discharge
Standard of Water Pollutants for Electronic Industry (GB39731-2020), the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996),
the Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers (GB/T31962-2015), the Standard for Pollution Control on the
Non-Hazardous Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill (GB18599-2020) and other national and industrial standards related to
environmental protection.

Environmental Permits

Environmental permits held by us and our subsidiaries identified as major polluters during the reporting period:

                           Company name                                                 No.                                       Validity period
                       Multek Electronics                                 91440400617482388X001W                       From July 5, 2022 to July 4, 2027
          Multek Technologies (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. (“Multek                                                         From November 28, 2022 to November 27,
                         Technologies”)                                                                                             2027
                       Multek Industries                                  91440400714732019J001W                   From October 13, 2022 to October 12, 2027
                           Multek Zhuhai                                  9144040061749918XX001Y                     From April 12, 2022 to April 11, 2027
                                                                                                                   From December 20, 2021 to December 19,
                            Multek China                                  914404006182559377001W
     Suzhou Chengjia Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (“Suzhou
                                                                           913205065754151948001X                      From April 8, 2020 to April 7, 2025
                                                                                                                   From December 14, 2022 to December 13,
                         Yongchuang Tech                                  9132050675271409XG001U
                                                                                                                   From December 31, 2022 to December 31,
                        Yancheng Dongshan                                91320903MA1P7PG85D001X
                         MFLEX Yancheng                                  91320903MA1P7PLE6D001T                       From June 24 ,2020 to June 23, 2023
                          MFLEX Suzhou                                    91320500738277671B001V                From February 22, 2022 to February 21, 2027
                          MFLEX Suzhou                                    91320500738277671B002U                   From January 31, 2022 to January 30, 2027
Industrial discharge standards and the pollutants discharged in our production and operating activities:

                    of main                                                                              Applicable
      Name of                     of main                     No. of      Location of                                                     Approved
                   pollutants                  Method of                                   Pollutant      pollutant     Total amount                    Excessive
     company or                  pollutants                  discharge     discharge                                                    total amount
                      and                      discharge                                 concentration    discharge      discharged                     discharge
      subsidiary                and specific                  outlets       outlets                                                     dischargeable
                    specific                                                                              standard
 Multek            Waste        COD            Continuous    1            Within         13.05mg/L       160mg/L        35.948t         242.36t         No

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Industries,     water from                   discharge           factory
Multek          general                                          boundary
Electronics     discharge
and Multek      outlet
                water from                                       Within
Multek                       Ammonia         Continuous
                general                                     1    factory        0.95 mg/L   30mg/L      1.225t       45.44t      No
Electronics                  nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
and Multek
                water from                                       Within
Multek                       Total           Continuous
                general                                     1    factory        9.26 mg/L   40mg/L      20.975t      60.59t      No
Electronics                  nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
and Multek
Multek          Waste
Industries,     water from
Multek          Class I                      Intermittent
                             T otal nickel                  1    factory        0.1 mg/L    0.5mg/L     0.001t       0.055t      No
Electronics     waste                        discharge
and Multek      discharge
Technologies    outlet
                water from                                       Within
Multek Zhuhai   general      COD                            1    factory        15.34mg/L   160mg/L     3.997t       33.643t     No
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from                                       Within
                             Ammonia         Continuous
Multek Zhuhai   general                                     1    factory        2.35 mg/L   30mg/L      0.534t       6.308t      No
                             nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from                                       Within
                             Total           Continuous
Multek Zhuhai   general                                     1    factory        6.18 mg/L   40mg/L      1.59t        28.6748t    No
                             nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from
                Class I                      Intermittent
Multek Zhuhai                T otal nickel                  1    factory        0 mg/L      0.5mg/L     0t           0.358t      No
                waste                        discharge
                water from                                       Within
Multek China    general      COD                            1    factory        30.23mg/L   160mg/L     21.93t       216.372t    No
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from                                       Within
                             Ammonia         Continuous
Multek China    general                                     1    factory        7.6mg/L     30mg/L      3.01t        40.5697t    No
                             nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from                                       Within
                             Total           Continuous
Multek China    general                                     1    factory        14.48mg/L   40mg/L      10.17t       54.093t     No
                             nitrogen        discharge
                discharge                                        boundary
                water from
                Class I                      Intermittent
Multek China                 T otal nickel                  1    factory        0.02mg/L    0.5mg/L     0.00009t     1.3523t     No
                waste                        discharge
                water from
                Class I                      Intermittent
Multek China                 T otal silver                  1    factory        0mg/L       0.1mg/L     0t           0.270465t   No
                waste                        discharge
Yongchuang                                   Continuous
                Waste gas    Particles                      1    of the         1.4mg/m     20 mg/m     8400         /           No
Tech                                         discharge
Yongchuang                   Nitrogen        Continuous
                Waste gas                                   1    of the         1.5mg/m     180 mg/m    9000         /           No
Tech                         oxide           discharge
Yongchuang                   Sulfur          Continuous
                Waste gas                                   1    of the         1.5mg/m     80 mg/m     9000         /           No
Tech                         dioxide         discharge
                                                                 East of roof
Suzhou                                       Organized
                Waste gas    NmHc                           1    of factory     2 mg/m3     120 mg/m3   0.024        0.18        No
Chengjia                                     discharge
                                                                 waste water
Yancheng        Waste                        Indirect            discharge
                             COD                            1                   83mg/L      500mg/L     19.747526t   188.745t    No
Dongshan        water                        discharge           outlet at
                                                                 southeast of
                                                                 the factory
Yancheng        Waste        Ammonia         Indirect
                                                            1    waste water    10mg/L      35mg/L      2.37924t     11.91t      No
Dongshan        water        nitrogen        discharge

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                              outlet at
                                                              southeast of
                                                              the factory
                                                              waste water
 Yancheng      Waste                        Indirect          discharge
                            T otal nickel                1                   0.005mg/L    0.5mg/L   0.001189615t   0.0057t     No
 Dongshan      water                        discharge         outlet at
                                                              southeast of
                                                              the factory
 Yancheng                   Hydrogen        Organized         Roof of
               Waste gas                                 2                   1.36mg/m     30mg/m    0.0627t        0.412t      No
 Dongshan                   chloride        discharge         building 5#
                                                              Roof of
 Yancheng                   Hydrogen        Organized
               Waste gas                                 4    buildings      0.09mg/m     0.5mg/m   0.0054t        0.059t      No
 Dongshan                   cyanide         discharge
                                                              5# and 28#
 MFLEX         Waste        Total           Indirect          East of the
                                                         1                   8.1          40        75.42t         4.66t       No
 Yancheng      water        nitrogen        discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste        Ammonia         Indirect          East of the
                                                         1                   0.74         35        67.84t         0.35t       No
 Yancheng      water        nitrogen        discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste                        Indirect          East of the
                            COD                          1                   46.84        500       756.39t        32.7t       No
 Yancheng      water                        discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste                        Indirect          East of the
                            Copper                       1                   0.015        1         1.02t          0.02t       No
 Yancheng      water                        discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste        T otal          Indirect          East of the
                                                         1                   1.5          3.5       6.94t          1.2t        No
 Yancheng      water        phosphorus      discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste                        Indirect          East of the
                            Nickel                       1                   0.02         1         0.07t          0.03t       No
 Yancheng      water                        discharge         factory
 MFLEX         Waste        T otal          Indirect          East of the
                                                         1                   0.001        0.3       0.17t          0.0014t     No
 Yancheng      water        cyanides        discharge         factory
                                            Discharge         Roof of
               Waste gas    VOCs            after        3    factory        0.115        50        19.352t        5.688t      No
                                            treatment         buildings
                                            Discharge         Roof of
 MFLEX                      T in and its
               Waste gas                    after        3    factory        0.001        8.5       0.4t           0.0059t     No
 Yancheng                   compounds
                                            treatment         buildings
                                            Discharge         Roof of
               Waste gas    NH              after        1    factory        1.38         10        0.52t          0.44t       No
                                            treatment         buildings
                                            Discharge         Roof of
 MFLEX                      Sulfuric acid
               Waste gas                    after        6    factory        0.1          5         1.66t          0.19t       No
 Yancheng                   mist
                                            treatment         buildings
               water from                                     Within
 MFLEX                                      Continuous
               general      COD                          1    factory        94mg/L       500mg/L   83.374t        152.5t      No
 Suzhou                                     discharge
               discharge                                      boundary
               water from                                     Within
 MFLEX                      Ammonia         Continuous
               general                                   1    factory        1.21mg/L     25mg/L    2.254t         3.413t      No
 Suzhou                     nitrogen        discharge
               discharge                                      boundary
               water from                                     Within
 MFLEX                                      Continuous
               general      T otal copper                1    factory        0.05mg/L     0.5mg/L   0.0167t        0.319t      No
 Suzhou                                     discharge
               discharge                                      boundary
               water from
 MFLEX         Class I                      Continuous
                            T otal nickel                1    factory        ND           0.1mg/L   /              0.010652t   No
 Suzhou        waste                        discharge
               water from                                     Within
 MFLEX                                      Continuous
               general      COD                          1    factory        115.6 mg/L   500mg/L   15.9t          92.893t     No
 Suzhou                                     discharge
               discharge                                      boundary
               water from                                     Within
 MFLEX                      Ammonia         Continuous
               general                                   1    factory        6.44 mg/L    30mg/L    0.885t         7.963t      No
 Suzhou                     nitrogen        discharge
               discharge                                      boundary

Treatment of wastes

With respect to the waste water, waste gas, solid wastes and other wastes generated during our production, we have a complete set of
pollution treatment facilities in place, which are operated and maintained by ourselves or the service providers appointed by us. We
designate special personnel to monitor the operation of equipment and discharge of pollutants, and maintain and repair the equipment
and facilities on a regular basis, to ensure the discharge and disposal of all kinds of pollutants in accordance with the applicable
standards and regulations, and minimize the environmental impact of our production. During the reporting period, our discharge of
pollutant complied with the applicable standards and regulations.

Environmental self-monitoring plans

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

We have developed environmental self-monitoring plans in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and installed
automatic monitoring equipment or appointed qualified third-party inspection institutions to monitor the waste water, waste gas, noise
and other pollutants on a regular basis. During the reporting period, the results of our environmental monitoring complied with the
applicable standards and regulations.

Environmental emergency response plans

We have developed environmental emergency response plans in accordance with the National Environmental Emergency Response
Plan, filed the same with the local environmental protection authority, and carried out exercises on a regular basis, to improve our
capability to respond to environmental emergencies, and reduce harms to the environment and impact on the society.

Expenditures on environmental governance and protection, and payment of environmental protection tax

We have made continuous investments in environmental governance and protection, regularly maintained the waste gas, waste water
and solid waste treatment and other environmental protection facilities to ensure their effective operation, and discharge of all kinds of
pollutants in conformity with the applicable standards, and promote our sustainable development.

Measures taken for reducing carbon emission during the reporting period and their effect

 Applicable □ N/A

Refer to our Social Responsibility Report 2022 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

Other environment information that should be disclosed: None.

Refer to our Social Responsibility Report 2022 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn for other information related to environmental

II. Social Responsibility
Refer to our Social Responsibility Report 2022 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

III. Consolidating and Expanding the Result of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization
Refer to our Social Responsibility Report 2022 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                          Section VI Significant Matters
I.      Fulfillment of Covenants
1. Covenants made by the actual controllers, shareholders, affiliates and acquirer of the Company, the
Company itself and other related parties that have been fulfilled during the reporting period or failed to be
fulfilled as at the end of the reporting period

 Applicable □ N/A

      Background of                           Type of                                                            Time of                    Status of
                            Covenantor                                    Content of covenant                               period of
        covenant                             covenant                                                           covenant                   fulfillment
                                                               Each of the shareholders YUAN Yonggang
                                                               and YUAN Yongfeng, as director and
                                                               senior officer of the Company, covenants
                                                               that so long as I remain a director and
                                                               senior officer of the Company, I will not                                 As of the end of
                           YUAN           Covenants            transfer more than 25% of the total shares                                the reporting
                           Yongfeng and   related         to   held by me in the Company each year; and         April 9,   Permanently   period,      the
                           YUAN           restrictions on      if I cease to be a director and senior officer   2010       binding       covenantors
                           Yonggang       the sale of shares   of the Company, I will not transfer any                                   have abided by
                                                               shares held by me in the Company within                                   such covenants.
                                                               half a year, and will not transfer more than
                                                               50% of the total shares held by me in the
                                                               Company through the stock exchange
                                                               within 12 months thereafter.
                                                               Covenants related        to    horizontal
                                          related        to                                                                              As of the end of
                           YUAN                                competition: Each of the shareholders
                                          horizontal                                                                                     the reporting
                           Yongfeng,                           YUAN Yonggang, YUAN Yongfeng and
                                          competition,                                                          April 9,   Permanently   period,      the
                           YUAN                                YUAN Fugen covenants that I will not,
                                          related-party                                                         2010       binding       covenantors
                           Yonggang and                        directly or indirectly, engage in any
                                          transactions and                                                                               have abided by
                           YUAN Fugen                          business in competition with the business
                                          occupation of                                                                                  such covenants.
                                                               actually conducted by the Company.
                                                               Covenants related            to     horizontal
                                                               competition: Each of the shareholders
                                                               YUAN Yonggang, YUAN Yongfeng and
                                                               YUAN Fugen covenants that after the
                                                               completion of this material asset
                                                               restructuring, I will not, directly or through
     Covenant                                                  any affiliate, participate or engage in any
     relating to initial                                       business that substantially competes or
     public offering or                                        might compete with the business of the
     subsequent fund                                           Company; and if                any product
     raising                              Covenants            manufactured or business conducted by
                                          related        to    any entity wholly owned, controlled or                                    As of the end of
                           YUAN Fugen,
                                          horizontal           invested by me in the future competes or                                  the reporting
                                          competition,         might compete with the Company, at the           June 11,   Permanently   period,      the
                           Yongfeng and
                                          related-party        request of the Company, I will transfer all      2018       binding       covenantors
                                          transactions and     of the investment or shares held by me in                                 have abided by
                                          occupation of        such entity, give priority to the Company                                 such covenants.
                                          funds                or its wholly-owned subsidiary in the
                                                               acquisition of such investment or shares
                                                               subject to the applicable laws and
                                                               regulations, and use my best efforts to
                                                               procure that the transfer price will be
                                                               determined on an arm length’s basis; and if
                                                               I or any of my affiliates breaches any
                                                               covenant set forth above, I will indemnify
                                                               the Company and other shareholders for
                                                               the damages arising therefrom according to
                                                               Covenants related to the regulation and
                                                               reduction of related-party transactions:
                                                               Each of the shareholders YUAN
                                          related        to                                                                              As of the end of
                           YUAN Fugen,                         Yonggang, YUAN Yongfeng and YUAN
                                          horizontal                                                                                     the reporting
                           YUAN                                Fugen covenants that: 1. I and my affiliates
                                          competition,                                                          June 11,   Permanently   period,      the
                           Yongfeng and                        will avoid and reduce related-party
                                          related-party                                                         2018       binding       covenantors
                           YUAN                                transactions with the Company to the
                                          transactions and                                                                               have abided by
                           Yonggang                            maximum extent practicable; 2. With
                                          occupation of                                                                                  such covenants.
                                                               respect to the related-party transactions
                                                               that are unavoidable or necessary, I will
                                                               abide by the principle of justice, fairness

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                        and openness, enter into the relevant
                                                        agreements according to law, perform the
                                                        legal procedures pursuant to the applicable
                                                        laws, regulations, normative documents,
                                                        the Articles of Association and other
                                                        relevant provisions of the Company,
                                                        ensure that such related-party transactions
                                                        are fair, comply with the regulations, and
                                                        will not damage the legitimate rights and
                                                        interests of the Company and other
                                                        shareholders, and make the relevant
                                                        information disclosures promptly in
                                                        accordance with the requirements of the
                                                        applicable laws, regulations and normative
                                                        documents; and 3. I will exercise the
                                                        shareholder rights in strict accordance with
                                                        the Company Law and other the applicable
                                                        laws and regulations, and the relevant
                                                        provisions of the Articles of Association of
                                                        the Company, and abstain from the voting
                                                        on the related-party transactions involving
                                                        me and other entities controlled by me at
                                                        the general meeting of the Company in
                                                        accordance with the relevant provisions.
                                                        Covenant regarding the remedial measures
                                                        for the dilution of current earnings caused
                                                        by the private placement: Each of the
                                                        directors and senior officers of the
                                                        Company covenants that: 1. I will not
                                                        transfer benefits to any other entity or
                                                        individual without compensation or on
                                                        unfair terms, or otherwise damage the
                                                        interest of the Company; 2. I will exercise
                                                        self-discipline in       consumption in
                                                        performing my duties; 3. I will not use the
                                                        assets of the Company to engage in any
                                                        investment or consumption activities not in
                     YUAN                               connection with my duties; 4. I will link the
                     Yongfeng,                          remuneration system adopted by the Board
                                                                                                                                 As of the end of
                     YUAN                               of Directors or the Remuneration
                                                                                                                                 the reporting
                     Yonggang,                          Committee with the implementation of the
                                                                                                        October    Permanently   period,      the
                     ZHAO Xiutian,    Other covenants   Company’s remedial measures for the
                                                                                                        10, 2019   binding       covenantors
                     SHAN Jianbin,                      dilution of current earnings; 5. if the
                                                                                                                                 have abided by
                     WANG       Xu,                     Company implements any share incentive
                                                                                                                                 such covenants.
                     MAO Xiaoyan                        plan in the future, I will link the vesting
                     and MA Liqiang                     conditions under such share incentive plan
                                                        with the implementation of the Company’s
                                                        remedial measures for the dilution of
                                                        current earnings; and 6. I will seriously
                                                        implement the Company’s remedial
                                                        measures for the dilution of current
                                                        earnings, and abide by the relevant
                                                        covenants made by me; and if I breach any
                                                        covenant set forth above, I will indemnify
                                                        the Company and other shareholders for
                                                        the losses arising therefrom according to
                                                        law, and accept the punishments that the
                                                        competent regulatory authorities may
                                                        impose on me.
                                                        Covenant regarding the remedial measures
                                                        for the dilution of current earnings caused
                                                        by the private placement: Each of the
                                                        controlling shareholders and actual
                                                        controllers of the Company covenants that
                                                                                                                                 As of the end of
                     YUAN Fugen,                        I will not interfere with the management
                                                                                                                                 the reporting
                     YUAN                               and operation of the Company beyond my
                                                                                                        October    Permanently   period,      the
                     Yongfeng and     Other covenants   powers, or infringe on the interest of the
                                                                                                        17, 2019   binding       covenantors
                     YUAN                               Company; and as the person responsible
                                                                                                                                 have abided by
                     Yonggang                           for the serious implementation of the
                                                                                                                                 such covenants.
                                                        remedial measures for the dilution of
                                                        current earnings, if I breach or refuse to
                                                        fulfill any covenant set forth above, I will
                                                        assume the relevant liabilities according to
Whether the
covenants have
been fulfilled on
If any covenant
fails    to     be

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

   fulfilled on time,
   please explain the
   reason and the
   relevant actions
   to be taken in
2. If the Company has made any profit forecast on its assets or project and the reporting period falls within
the period of such profit forecast, explanation about whether the goal has been achieved and the related

□ Applicable  N/A

II. Occupation by the Controlling Shareholders and their Affiliates of the Funds of the
Company for Non-Operating Purpose
□ Applicable  N/A

Our controlling shareholders and their affiliates have not occupied our funds for non-operating purpose during the reporting period.

III. External Guarantees in Violation of the Regulations
□ Applicable  N/A

We have not provided any external guarantee in violation of the applicable regulations during the reporting period.

IV. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the Most Recent Modified Auditor’s Report
□ Applicable  N/A

V. Explanation by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Independe nt
directors (if any) about the Modified Auditor’s Report Issued by the Accounting Firm for the
Reporting Period
□ Applicable  N/A

VI. Changes in the Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates Compared with the Financial
Report for the Preceding Year or Correction of Material Accounting Errors
 Applicable □ N/A

We have adopted the changes in accounting standards set forth in Interpretation of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 15 (issued on December 30, 2021) and the Interpretation of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 (issued on
November 30, 2022), and continued to adopt the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic Standard, and the specific
accounting standards, the Guidance on the Application of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, interpretations of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant provisions promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. Such changes
in accounting policies have been approved at the 33rd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 20th meeting of the 5th Board of

VII.    Explanation about Changes in the Scope of Consolidation Compared with the Financial
Report for the Preceding Year
 Applicable □ N/A

1. Subsidiaries newly included in the scope of consolidation

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                               Method of
                                                                  Date of acquisition of                                  Ratio of capital
             Company name                     acquisition of                                    Capital contribution
                                                                          shares                                           contribution
 Suzhou Dongyue New              Energy
                                               Investment        September 6, 2022                RMB165,000,000.00          100.00%
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 DSBJ MEXICO, S.DER. L. DEC. V.                Investment        March 27, 2022                            MXN3,000.00       100.00%

 Suzhou     Dongshan          Industrial
                                               Investment        December 29, 2022                 RMB 30,000,000.00         100.00%
 Investment Co., Ltd.
2. Subsidiaries removed from the scope of consolidation

                                        Method of                                                             Net profit from January 1,
                                                               Date of disposal of     Net assets at the
         Company name                   disposal of                                                          2022 to the date of disposal
                                                                     shares            date of disposal
                                           shares                                                                       (RMB)
 Suzhou    Aiguan     Material
                                      Deregistration        September 29, 2022                                               3,611,898.67
 Technology Co., Ltd.
VIII.       Engagement and Termination of Engagement of Accounting Firm
Accounting firm currently engaged:

 Name of domestic accounting firm                                                           Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
 Remuneration of domestic accounting firm (in RMB0’000)                                                                            240
 Consecutive years in which the domestic accounting firm has
 provided auditing service
 Certified public accountants of the domestic accounting firm                                              ZHANG Yang and FU Zhenlong
 Consecutive years in which the certified public accountants of
                                                                                                                                       1, 1
 the domestic accounting firm have provided auditing service
 Name of foreign accounting firm (if any)                                                                                           None
Whether a new accounting firm was appointed during the reporting period?

□ Yes  No

Engagement of accounting firm for auditing internal controls, financial advisor or sponsor

Applicable □ N/A

During the reporting period, we engaged Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP as the auditor of internal controls, responsible
for audit of our internal controls in 2022.

IX. Risk of Delisting after Disclosure of the Annual Report
□ Applicable  N/A

X. Matters Relating to Bankruptcy and Reorganization
□ Applicable  N/A

We have not been involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings during the reporting period.

XI. Material Litigation and Arbitration
□Applicable N/A

We have not been involved in any material litigation or arbitration proceedings during the reporting period.

XII.        Punishments and Rectifications
□ Applicable  N/A

We have not been involved in any punishment and rectification during the reporting period.

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

XIII. Credit Standing of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual
□ Applicable  N/A

XIV.        Material Related-party Transactions
1.    Related-party transactions relating to day-to-day operation
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no related-party transaction relating to day-to-day operation during the reporting period.

2.    Related-party transactions involving acquisition or sale of assets or equities
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no related-party transaction involving acquisition or sale of assets or equities during the reporting period.

3.    Related-party transactions involving joint external investment
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no related-party transaction involving joint external investment during the reporting period.

4.    Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no accounts receivable from and payable to related parties during the reporting period.

5.    Dealings with affiliated financial companies
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no deposit, loan, facility or other financial business between us and any of our affiliated financial companies.

6.    Dealings with financial companies controlled by the Company and its affiliates
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no deposit, loan, facility or other financial business between any of our controlled financial companies and affiliates.

7.    Other material related-party transactions
□ Applicable  N/A

There has been no other material related-party transaction during the reporting period.

XV. Particulars and Performance of Material Contracts
1.    Trusteeship, contracting and leases
(1)   Trusteeship

□ Applicable  N/A

No such case during the reporting period.

(2)   Contracting

□ Applicable  N/A

No such case during the reporting period.

(3)   Leases

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

No such case during the reporting period.

2.    Material guarantees
Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                              In RMB0’000
                                  External guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding those provided for the subsidiaries)
                         Disclosure date
                                                                                                                               Counter                                 or not
                        of announcement       Maximum         Effective        Actual                         Collateral                                 Whether
                                                                                               Type of                        guarantee       Term of                 provided
      Obligor           of the maximum         amount          date of        amount                             (if                                      or not
                                                                                              guarantee                          (if         guarantee                  for a
                             amount           guaranteed      guarantee      guaranteed                      applicable)                                 expired
                                                                                                                             applicable)                               related
 Suzhou T oprun
 Electric Equipment     April 20, 2022             3,000                           2,500                                                                 No          Yes
 Co., Ltd.
 Suzhou LEGAT E
                        April 20, 2022             3,000
 Equipment Corp.,
 Shanghai Fu Shan
                        April 20, 2022             3,000
 Manufacturing Co.,
                                                                            Total amount of external
 Total amount of external guarantee
                                                                            guarantee actually provided
 approved during the reporting period                             9,000                                                                                                    5,400
                                                                            during the reporting period
                                                                            Total amount of external
 Total amount of external guarantee
                                                                            guarantee actually provided
 approved as at the end of the reporting                          9,000                                                                                                    2,500
                                                                            as at the end of the reporting
 period (A3)
                                                                            period (A4)
                                                              Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                         Disclosure date
                                                                                                                               Counter                                 or not
                        of announcement       Maximum         Effective        Actual                         Collateral                                 Whether
                                                                                               Type of                        guarantee       Term of                 provided
      Obligor           of the maximum         amount          date of        amount                             (if                                      or not
                                                                                              guarantee                          (if         guarantee                  for a
                             amount           guaranteed      guarantee      guaranteed                      applicable)                                 expired
                                                                                                                             applicable)                               related
 Dragon Electronix
 Holdings Inc. and                                                                                                                           18
                        April 20, 2022           250,000                       243,338.4                                                                 No          No
 its controlled                                                                                                                              months
 Hong Kong
 Dongshan Holding       April 20, 2022           150,000
 Yancheng                                                                                                                                    18
                        April 20, 2022           150,000                         137,545                                                                 No          No
 Dongshan                                                                                                                                    months
 Multek Group
 (Hong Kong)
 Limited and its        April 20, 2022           150,000                       58,726.91                                                                 No          No
 Mutto Optronics        April 20, 2022           100,000                       85,118.49                                                                 No          No
 Yongchuang Tech        April 20, 2022            80,000                       47,033.27                                                                 No          No
                        April 20, 2022            60,000
 (Yancheng) Co.,
 Shanghai Dongxin
 New Energy
                        April 20, 2022            60,000
 T echnology Co.,
 Communication          April 20, 2022            30,000                        6,295.52                                                                 No          No
 Technology Co.,
 RF Top Electronic      April 20, 2022            20,000                        4,614.68                                                                 No          No
 Hong Kong
                        April 20, 2022            10,000                                                                                                             No
 Suzhou Chengjia
 Precision                                                                                                                                   18
                        April 20, 2022             8,000                        4,421.94                                                                 No          No
 Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                                                          months
 Suzhou Dongbo
 Precision                                                                                                                                   18
                        April 20, 2022             3,000                             580                                                                 No          No
 Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                                                          months
                                                                            Total amount of guarantee
 Total amount of guarantee approved to
                                                                            actually provided for
 be provided for subsidiaries during the                     1,071,000                                                                                             1,177,213.89
                                                                            subsidiaries during the
 reporting period (B1)
                                                                            reporting period (B2)
 Total amount of guarantee approved to                       1,071,000      Total amount of guarantee                                                               587,674.21

                                                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 be provided for subsidiaries as at the end                                    actually provided for
 of the reporting period (B3)                                                  subsidiaries as at the end of
                                                                               the reporting period (B4)
                                                                  Guarantees provided by subsidiaries for each other
                          Disclosure date
                                                                                                                                Counter                               or not
                         of announcement       Maximum         Effective          Actual                         Collateral                             Whether
                                                                                                  Type of                      guarantee     Term of                 provided
      Obligor            of the maximum         amount          date of          amount                             (if                                  or not
                                                                                                 guarantee                        (if       guarantee                  for a
                              amount           guaranteed      guarantee        guaranteed                      applicable)                             expired
                                                                                                                              applicable)                             related
                                                                               Total amount of guarantee
 Total amount of guarantee approved to
                                                                               actually provided for
 be provided for subsidiaries during the                                   0                                                                                                0
                                                                               subsidiaries during the
 reporting period (C1)
                                                                               reporting period (C2)
                                                                               Total amount of guarantee
 Total amount of guarantee approved to
                                                                               actually provided for
 be provided for subsidiaries as at the end                                0                                                                                                0
                                                                               subsidiaries as at the end of
 of the reporting period (C3)
                                                                               the reporting period (C4)
                                                                 Total amount of guarantee provided by the Company
                                                                               Total amount of guarantee
 Total amount of guarantee approved                                            actually provided during the
                                                               1,080,000                                                                                          1,182,613.89
 during the reporting period (A1+B1+C1)                                        reporting period
                                                                               Total amount of guarantee
 Total amount of guarantee approved as at
                                                                               actually provided as at the
 the end of the reporting period                               1,080,000                                                                                           590,174.21
                                                                               end of the reporting period
 Ratio of total amount of guarantee actually provided (A4+B4+C4) to
 the net assets of the Company
 Outstanding guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controllers
 and their affiliates (D)
 Outstanding guarantees directly or indirectly provided for obligors
 whose debt-to-assets ratio exceeds 70% (E)
 Portion of total amount of guarantee in excess of 50% of the net assets
 Total (D+E+F)                                                                                                                                                      523,037.1
 Explanation about the joint and several liability that has been or might
 be incurred in respect of outstanding guarantees during the reporting         N/A
 period (if any)
 Explanation about external guarantees provided in contravention of the
 established procedures (if any)
Note: The guarantees provided for related parties are for our investees.

Guarantees provided using complex method: None.

3.    Entrusted management of cash assets
(1)   Entrusted wealth management

 Applicable □ N/A

Particulars of entrusted wealth management during the reporting period
                                                                                                                                                             In RMB0’000
                                                                                                                                               Impairment loss recognized
           Type                      Source of funds                 Total amount               Outstanding amount                                 for overdue wealth
                                                                                                                                                 management products
 Bank wealth
                                Self-owned funds                               131,177.45                      35,913.90
 management product 1
 Bank wealth
                                Offering proceeds                               12,700.00                           0.00
 management product
 Total                                                                         143,877.45                      35,913.90
Note: 1. Use in a recycling manner.

High-risk entrusted wealth management products that are significant individually, illiquid or not principal protected:

□ Applicable  N/A

Entrusted wealth management products the principal of which may be unrecoverable or which may otherwise be impaired:

□ Applicable  N/A

(2)   Entrusted loans

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

□ Applicable  N/A

No such case during the reporting period.

4.    Other material contracts
□ Applicable  N/A

We have not entered into any other material contract during the reporting period.

XVI.        Other Significant Matters
□ Applicable  N/A

There’s no other significant matter that need to be explained for the reporting period.

XVII.       Significant Matters of Subsidiaries
□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                            Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders
I.     Changes in Shares
1.     Changes in shares
                                                                                                                                                               Unit: Shares
                                                     Before the change                                +/-                                          After the change
                                                                             New      Bonus    Capitalization of capital
                                                   Number            %                                                     Others   Subtotal     Number                %
                                                                            shares    shares           reserves
 I. Non-tradable shares                           319,591,987      18.69%                                                                       319,591,987       18.69%
 1. Shares held by the State
 2. Shares held by State-owned corporations
 3. Shares held by other domestic investors       319,591,987      18.69%                                                                       319,591,987       18.69%
 Incl.: Shares held by domestic non-State-
 owned corporations
       Shares held by domestic natural persons    319,591,987      18.69%                                                                       319,591,987       18.69%
 4. Shares held by foreign investors
 Incl.: Shares held by foreign corporations
       Shares held by foreign natural persons
 II. Tradable shares                             1,390,275,340     81.31%                                                                      1,390,275,340      81.31%
 1. RMB-denominated ordinary shares              1,390,275,340     81.31%                                                                      1,390,275,340      81.31%
 2. Foreign currency-denominated shares listed
 3. Foreign currency-denominated shares listed
 4. Others
 III. Total shares                               1,709,867,327    100.00%                                                                      1,709,867,327    100.00%

Reasons of changes in shares

□ Applicable  N/A

Approval of changes in shares

□ Applicable  N/A

Transfer of shares

□ Applicable  N/A

Effect of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, net assets per share attributable to ordinary
shareholders and other financial indicators of the Company in the preceding year and the most recent reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

Other information disclosed as the Company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities

□ Applicable  N/A

2.     Changes in non-tradable shares

□ Applicable  N/A

II. Offering and Listing of Securities
1.     Offering of securities (other than preferred shares) during the reporting period

□ Applicable  N/A

2. Changes in total number of shares, shareholding structure, and structure of assets and liabilities of the

□ Applicable  N/A

3.     Outstanding employee shares

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 III. Shareholders and Actual Controllers
 1.      Number of shareholders and shareholding structure of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: Shares
                                                      Total number
                                                                                        Total number of
                                                      of ordinary
                                                      shareholders                                                                 Total number of preferred
                                                      at the end of                                                                shareholders whose voting rights had
Total number of ordinary                                                                whose voting
                                                      the month                                                                    been restituted at the end of the
shareholders at the end of the             51870                             45884      rights had been                       0                                                          0
                                                      immediately                                                                  month immediately preceding the
reporting period                                                                        restituted at the
                                                      preceding the                                                                disclosure date of this annual report
                                                                                        end of the
                                                      disclosure                                                                   (if any) (Note 8)
                                                                                        reporting period
                                                      date of this
                                                                                        (if any) (Note 8)
                                                      annual report
                                        Shareholding of ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares or top 10 ordinary shareholders
                                                                            No. of                                                                      Pledge, attachment or freeze
                                                                                            Changes in                                  No. of
                                                                         shares held                             No. of non-
                                       Status of       Shareholding                        shareholding                                tradable
    Name of shareholder                                                  at the end of                        tradable ordinary
                                     shareholder        percentage                          during the                                 ordinary       Status of shares        Number
                                                                              the                                shares held
                                                                                         reporting period                             shares held
                                  Domestic natural
YUAN Yongfeng                                                13.01%      222,388,153                              166,791,115         55,597,038    Pledged                 133,137,000
                                  Domestic natural                                                                                                  Pledged                  87,620,000
YUAN Yonggang                                                11.83%      202,226,196                              151,669,647         50,556,549
                                  person                                                                                                            Locked                    9,295,000
Hong Kong Securities              Foreign
                                                              3.55%      60,665,866                                                   60,665,866
Clearing Company Limited          corporation
                                  Domestic natural
YUAN Fugen                                                    3.44%      58,796,052                                                   58,796,052
Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Limited – GF
Multi-factor Flexible             Others                      1.39%      23,827,139                                                   23,827,139
Commingled Securities
Investment Fund
Shaanxi International Trust
Co., Ltd.-SIT I-DSBJ ESOP        Others                      1.28%      21,914,118                                                   21,914,118
Collective T rust Plan II
Pension Fund Portfolio 15022      Others                      1.17%      20,000,000                                                   20,000,000
Zhangjiagang Industrial           Stated owned
                                                              1.12%      19,074,681                                                   19,074,681
Capital Investment Co., Ltd.      corporation
Pension Fund Portfolio 1204       Others                      1.10%      18,865,100                                                   18,865,100
GF Fund Management Co.,
Ltd. Social Security Fund          Others                     1.09%      18,622,600                                                   18,622,600
Portfolio 402
Strategic investors or general corporations
becoming top 10 ordinary shareholders as a result of   N/A
rights issue (if any) (Note 3)
                                                       Among the shareholders listed above, YUAN Yonggang and YUAN Yongfeng are sons of YUAN Fugen, and YUAN Yongfeng is
                                                       the elder broth of YUAN Yonggang. YUAN Fugen, YUAN Yongfeng and YUAN Yonggang are our actual controllers. Shaanxi
Affiliates or concert parties among the shareholders
                                                       International Trust Co., Ltd.-SITI-DSBJ ESOP Collective Trust Plan II is the account responsible for implementing our 2021 ESOP.
listed above
                                                       We are not aware whether there are affiliates or concert parties within the meaning of the Administrative Measures for Information
                                                       Disclosure by the Listed Companies Relating to Changes in Shares Held by Shareholders among other shareholders listed above.
Delegation or waiver of voting rights or ownership
of voting rights by or to the shareholders listed      N/A
Special explanation about any special account for
repurchase opened by any top 10 shareholder (if        N/A
any) (Note 10)
                                                                    Shares held by top 10 holders of tradable shares
                                                                                                                                                        Type and number of shares
                    Shareholder                                   Number of tradable shares held at the end of the reporting period
                                                                                                                                                            Type              Number
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                                                                     60,665,866                                 60,665,866
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
YUAN Fugen                                                                                                                        58,796,052                                 58,796,052
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
YUAN Yongfeng                                                                                                                     55,597,038                                 55,597,038
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
YUAN Yonggang                                                                                                                     50,556,549                                 50,556,549
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited –
GF Multi-factor Flexible Commingled Securities                                                                                    23,827,139                                 23,827,139
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
Investment Fund
Shaanxi International Trust Co., Ltd.-SITI-DSBJ                                                                                                    RMB-denominated
                                                                                                                                  21,914,118                                 21,914,118
ESOP Collective T rust Plan II                                                                                                                      ordinary share
Pension Fund Portfolio 15022                                                                                                      20,000,000                                 20,000,000
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
Zhangjiagang Industrial Capital Investment Co.,                                                                                                     RMB-denominated
                                                                                                                                  19,074,681                                 19,074,681
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                ordinary share
Pension Fund Portfolio 1204                                                                                                       18,865,100                                 18,865,100
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary share
GF Fund Management Co., Ltd. Social Security                                                                                                        RMB-denominated
                                                                                                                                  18,622,600                                 18,622,600
Fund Portfolio 402                                                                                                                                  ordinary share

                                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Affiliates or concert parties among top 10 holders of   Among the shareholders listed above, YUAN Yonggang and YUAN Yongfeng are sons of YUAN Fugen, and YUAN Yongfeng is
                                                        the elder broth of YUAN Yonggang. YUAN Fugen, YUAN Yongfeng and YUAN Yonggang are our actual controllers. Shaanxi
tradable ordinary shares, and among top 10 holders
                                                        International Trust Co., Ltd.-SITI-DSBJ ESOP Collective Trust Plan II is the account responsible for implementing our 2021 ESOP.
of tradable ordinary shares and top 10 ordinary         We are not aware whether there are affiliates or concert parties within the meaning of the Administrative Measures for Information
                                                        Disclosure by the Listed Companies Relating to Changes in Shares Held by Shareholders among other shareholders listed above.
Securities margin trading carried out by top 10
ordinary shareholders (if any) (Note 4)

 Did any top 10 ordinary shareholder or top 10 holder of tradable ordinary shares conduct any transaction under repurchase agreement
 during the reporting period?

 □ Yes  No

 No top 10 ordinary shareholder or top 10 holder of tradable ordinary shares has conducted any transaction under repurchase agreement
 during the reporting period.

 2.       Controlling shareholders of the Company

 Nature of controlling shareholders: Natural persons.

 Type of controlling shareholders: Natural persons.

       Name of controlling
                                          Nationality                          Whether or not having obtained residency in any other country or region
      YUAN Yongfeng                  China                    No
      YUAN Yonggang                  China                    No
      YUAN Fugen                     China                  No
      Main occupation and            YUAN Yonggang is our Chairman, YUAN Yongfeng is our director and General Manager, and YUAN Fugen is our senior
      title                          advisor.
                                     (1) YUAN Yonggang holds 23.94% shares in Anhui Landun Photoelectron Co., Ltd. (stock short name: Landun Photoelectron;
                                     stock code: 300862) directly, and Anhui Gaoxin Jintong Anyi Venture Capital Fund II (L.P.), which is jointly controlled by
                                     YUAN Yonggang and his wife WANG Wenjuan, holds 10.95% in Landun Photoelectron, so YUAN Yonggang and his wife
      Shares held in other
                                     WANG Wenjuan hold 34.89% shares of Landun Photoelectron in aggregate and are its actual controllers.
      domestic or foreign
                                     (2) YUAN Yonggang and his wife WANG Wenjuan hold 98% shares of Shenzhen Qinghai Rongyao Capital Management Co.,
      listed companies
                                     Ltd. (“Rongyao Capital”) through Jintong Zhihui Investment Management Co., Ltd. (an investment company operated and
      controlled or invested
                                     managed by a professional management team, whose investment capital was primarily raised from the society), and Rongyao
      by the controlling
                                     Capital is the Managing Partner of Hefei Rongxin Equity Investment Fund Partnership (L.P.) (“Hefei Rongxin”). On November
      shareholders during
                                     21, 2019, Hefei Rongxin became the controlling shareholder of Anhui Anfu Battery Technology Co., Ltd. (stock short name:
      the reporting period
                                     Anfu Technology; stock code: 603031). At present, Hefei Rongxin hold 29.13% shares of Anfu Technology together with its
                                     concert parties, and is the controlling shareholder of Anfu Technology, so YUAN Yonggang and his wife WANG Wenjuan are
                                     actual controllers of Anfu Technology.
 Change in the controlling shareholders during the reporting period:

 □ Applicable  N/A

 There has been no change in our controlling shareholders during the reporting period.

 3.       Actual controllers of the Company and their concerted parties

 Nature of actual controllers: Domestic natural persons.

 Type of actual controllers: Natural persons.

                                                                                  Relationship with the                            Whether or not having obtained residency
                          Name of actual controller                                                                Nationality
                                                                                    actual controller                                  in any other country or region
    YUAN Yongfeng                                                               Himself                            China           No
    YUAN Yonggang                                                               Himself                            China           No
    YUAN Fugen                                                                  Himself                     China        No
                                                                                See “III. Shareholders and Actual Controllers – 2. Controlling shareholders of the
    Main occupation and title
                                                                                Company” above.
    Domestic or foreign listed companies that have been controlled              See “III. Shareholders and Actual Controllers – 2. Controlling shareholder of the
    by the actual controllers in the past 10 years                              Company” above.
 Change in the actual controllers during the reporting period:

 □ Applicable  N/A

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

There has been no change in our actual controllers during the reporting period.

Diagram of ownership and control relationship between the Company and its actual controllers

IV. Share Repurchases Effected during the Reporting Period
Progress of share repurchases

 Applicable □ N/A

                Number of                Amount of                                                                    Ratio of the shares
 Disclosure                   % of                                                                    Number of
                  shares                   shares                                                                   already repurchased to
 date of the                   total                        Proposed period of      Use of shares       shares
               proposed to             proposed to be                                                                the total underlying
 repurchase                   share                            repurchase           repurchased         already
                    be                  repurchased                                                                 shares under the share
    plan                     capital                                                                  repurchased
               repurchased              (RMB0’000)                                                                 incentive plan (if any)
                                                        12 months following the
                                                           date that the share     Implementation
  April 27,    4545500-      0.27%-
                                       10000-20000        repurchase plan was      of ESOP or share    3,048,700
   2022        9090900       0.53%
                                                        approved by the Board of      incentives
Progress of sale or repurchase of shares by aggregate auction:

 Applicable □ N/A

As of the disclosure date of this Announcement, we have repurchased 3.0487 million shares in total by aggregate auction through the
special securities account for repurchase, accounting for 0.18% of our total share capital. This share repurchase plan has terminated
with the approval of the 2nd extraordinary general meeting in 2023. Please refer to the relevant announcement on www.cninfo.com.cn,
and our designated newspapers for information disclosure.

                                                           Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                      Section VIII Preferred Shares
□ Applicable  N/A

We did not have any preferred share during the reporting period.

                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                     Section IX Bonds
□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                              Section X Financial Report
I.      Financial Report
      Audit opinion                                                      Standard unqualified opinion
      Signing date of the auditor’s report                              April 19, 2023
      Auditor                                                            Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
      Name of certified public accountants                               ZHANG Yang and FU Zhenlong
                                                          Auditor’s Report

                                                    Pan-China Audit [2023] No. 5-31

To shareholders of Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,
I.      Opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing (the “Company”), which comprise the
consolidated and standalone balance sheets as at December 31, 2022, consolidated and standalone income statements, consolidated and
standalone cash flow statements, and consolidated and standalone statements of changes in owners’ equity for the year ended December
31, 2022, and the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements are prepared and present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and
standalone financial positions of the Company as at December 31, 2022 and its consolidated and standalone results of operations and
cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2022 in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the

II.     Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. Our responsibilit ies
under those standards are further described in “Responsibilities of the certified public accountants for the audit of the financial
statements” below. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants of
China, and have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

III. Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the financial statements
for the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming
our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

(I)     Revenue recognition

1.      Description

See Notes III(XXIV) and V(II)1 to the financial statements for details.

The operating revenue of the Company was primarily generated from the sale of PCBs, LED display devices, touch panels and LCMs,
precision components and other products, which amounted to RMB31580.1467 million in 2022.

Since operating revenue is a key performance indicator of the Company, and there is an inherent risk that the management of the
Company (the “Management”) may attempt to achieve the specific objectives or expectations through improper revenue recognition,
we identified revenue recognition as a critical audit matter.
2.      Audit response

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Our audit procedures related to revenue recognition included the following, among others:
(1)    Obtained an understanding of the key internal controls related to revenue recognition, assessed the design of such controls,
determined whether such controls have been implemented, and tested the effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
(2)    Examined major sales contracts, obtained an understanding of the main contract terms and conditions, and assessed the
appropriateness of the method of revenue recognition;
(3)    With respect to the revenue from domestic sales, examined on a sample basis the sales contracts, sales invoices, delivery orders,
delivery notes and other supporting documents related to revenue recognition; with respect to the revenue from export, obtained the
relevant information from the China Electronic Port, checked the same against the book records kept by the Company, and examined
on a sample basis the sales contracts, sales invoices, delivery orders, export declaration forms, bills of lading and other supporting
documents related to revenue recognition;

(4)    Analyzed the operating revenues and gross margin by month, product and customer, identified major or abnormal fluctuations,
and found out the causes of such fluctuations;
(5)    With respect to accounts receivable, sent confirmation requests to the major customers, on a sample basis, to verify the sales
revenues of the current period;
(6)    Conducted cut-off tests on the operating revenues recognized around the balance sheet date to assess whether the operating
revenues were recognized in the proper period; and

(7)    Examined whether the information related to operating revenues has been properly presented in the financial statements.
(II)   Impairment of accounts receivable

1.     Description

See Notes III(X) and V(I)4 to the financial statements for details.

As of December 31, 2022, the Company’s book balance of accounts receivable was RMB7997.2146 million, allowance for doubtful
accounts was RMB990.8032 million, and carrying value of accounts receivable was RMB7006.4115 million.

The Management measures the lifetime expected credit losses on accounts receivable individually or collectively according to their
credit risk characteristics, and recognizes an equal amount as allowance for impairment losses. In measuring the expected credit losses
on accounts receivable individually, the Management estimates the expected cash flows taking into account reasonable and supportable
information relating to past events, current situation and forecasts on future economic conditions, and recognizes an allowance for
doubtful accounts accordingly. In measuring the expected credit losses on accounts receivable collectively, the Management divides
them into groups by age, adjusts such groups based on its historic credit loss experience and forward-looking estimates, prepares a
comparison table of ages and expected credit loss ratios of accounts receivable, and recognizes an allowance for doubtful accounts
Due to the significant amount of accounts receivable, and the impairment of accounts receivable involves significant management
judgment, we identified impairment of accounts receivable as a critical audit matter.

2.     Audit response

Our audit procedures related to impairment of accounts receivable included the following, among others:

(1)    Obtained an understanding of the key internal controls related to impairment of accounts receivable, assessed the design of such
controls, determined whether such controls have been implemented, and tested the effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
(2)    Reviewed the subsequent write-off or reversal of the accounts receivable for which allowances for doubtful accounts have been
recognized in the prior years, and assessed the accuracy of the past forecasts of the Management;
(3)    Reviewed the considerations and objective evidence used by the Management in assessing the credit risks of accounts receivable,

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

and assessed whether the Management has properly identified the credit risk characteristics of all accounts receivable;
(4)   With respect to the accounts receivable assessed individually, on a sample basis, reviewed the basis on which the Management
assessed the credit risk and expected credit losses, including the assessment by the Management of credit losses on the basis of
customers’ business situation, market environment, enforcement of judgments, professional opinion of counsels, etc.;
(5)   With respect to the accounts receivable assessed collectively, assessed the reasonableness of grouping by the Management
according to credit risk characteristics, and the comparison tables of ages and expected credit loss ratios of accounts receivable prepared
by the Management based on its historic credit loss experience and forward-looking estimates, tested the accuracy and completeness
of the data (such as ages of accounts receivable, historical loss rate, etc.) used and the accuracy of the allowance for doubtful accounts
calculated by the Management;
(6)   Examined the subsequent recovery of accounts receivable, to assess the reasonableness of the allowance for impairment loss of
accounts receivable recognized by the Management; and

(7)   Examined whether the information related to impairment of accounts receivable has been properly presented in the financial
(III) Goodwill impairment

1.    Description

See Notes III(XIX) and V(I)18 to the financial statements for details.

As of December 31, 2022, the Company’s original value of goodwill was RMB2239.0412 million, allowance for goodwill impairment
was RMB47.1013 million, and carrying value of goodwill was RMB 2191.9399 million.

The Management tests the goodwill for impairment when there’s an indication of impairment of any asset group or combination of
asset groups and at the end of each year. The Management tests the goodwill for impairment together with the relevant asset group or
combination of asset groups, whose recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of its estimated future cash flows.
The key assumptions used in impairment test include revenue growth rate over the detailed forecast period, growth rate over the
perpetual forecast period, gross margin, discount rate, etc.

Due to the significant amount of goodwill, and the goodwill impairment tests involve significant management judgment, we identified
goodwill impairment as a critical audit matter.

2.    Audit response

Our audit procedures related to goodwill impairment included the following, among others:

(1)   Obtained an understanding of the key internal controls related to goodwill impairment, assessed the design of such controls,
determined whether they have been executed, and tested the effectiveness of such internal controls;
(2)   Reviewed the present value of future cash flows estimated by the Management in prior years and the actual operating results, and
assessed the accuracy of the past forecasts of the Management;
(3)   Inquired about and assessed the competencies, professional quality and objectivity of the external appraisers engaged by the

(4)   Assessed the reasonableness and consistency of the approaches adopted by the Management in impairment tests;
(5)   Assessed the reasonableness of the key assumptions used by the Management in impairment tests and whether the relevant
assumptions were consistent with the overall economic environment, industrial conditions, operating situations, historical experience ,
business plans, approved budgets, and other assumptions used by the Management in relation to the financial statements;

(6)   Tested the accuracy, completeness and relativity of the data used by the Management in impairment tests and reviewed the
consistency of inputs in impairment tests;

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

(7)    Tested the accuracy of the calculation of estimated present value of future cash flows by the Management; and

(8)    Examined whether the information related to goodwill impairment has been properly presented in the financial statements.

IV.    Other information

The Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Annual
Report, but does not include the financial statements and our Auditor’s Report.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information, and we will not express any form of assurance conclusions

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information, and in doing so, consider
whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
If we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we are required to communicate such matter. We have nothing to report in
this regard.

V.     Responsibilities of the Management and those charged with governance for the financial statements

The Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the CASBE,
and design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls that are necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern,
disclosing (as applicable) matters relating to going concern, and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Management
either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance of the Company is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of the Company.

VI.    Responsibilities of the Certified Public Accountants for the audit of the financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the audit standards will always detect a material misstatement when
it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error, and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with the audit standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism
throughout the audit. We also:
(I)    Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and
perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud
may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;
(II)   Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
(III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures
made by the Management;
(IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required by the audit
standards to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements, or if such disclosures are
inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report.

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern;
(V)   Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial statements represent
the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation; and
(VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities with in
the Company, to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of
the audit of the Group, and solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and
significant audit findings, including any noteworthy deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the
audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the critical audit matters. We describe these matters in our
auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we
determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

 Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP             Certified Public Accountant of China (Project partner): ZHANG Yang

 Hangzhou, China                                        Certified Public Accountant of China: FU Zhenlong

                                                        Date: April 19, 2023

                                                           Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

II. Financial Statements
The amounts in the statements contained in the notes to the financial statements are presented in RMB.

1.     Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                                        December 31, 2022
                                                                                                                           In RMB
                               Item                                   December 31, 2022                  January 1, 2022
     Current assets:
      Cash and bank balances                                                     7,131,202,817.72               5,400,837,392.47
      Settlement deposit
      Loans to banks and other financial institutions
      Financial assets held for trading                                            575,783,803.93                499,528,549.86
      Derivative financial assets
      Notes receivable                                                              48,401,430.82                  14,624,540.85
      Accounts receivable                                                        7,006,411,466.74               7,666,079,765.82
      Accounts receivable financing                                                644,057,382.41                 828,355,016.30
      Advances to suppliers                                                        161,512,824.53                 186,095,112.93
      Premiums receivable
      Reinsurance accounts receivable
      Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
      Other receivables                                                             35,793,851.22                  37,505,521.59
        Incl.: Interest receivable
               Dividends receivable
      Financial assets held under resale agreements
      Inventories                                                                6,165,738,409.09               6,451,712,389.82
      Contract assets
      Assets held for sale
      Non-current assets due within one year
      Other current assets                                                         504,573,874.64                646,070,013.64
     Total current assets                                                       22,273,475,861.10             21,730,808,303.28
     Non-current assets:
      Loans and advances to clients
      Debt investments
      Other debt investments
      Long-term accounts receivable                                                 30,000,000.00                 69,950,000.88
      Long-term equity investments                                                 139,767,215.41                143,121,019.78
      Investments in other equity instruments                                      171,322,110.00                171,322,110.00
      Other non-current financial assets
      Investment properties                                                          1,296,551.42                  1,554,262.58
      Fixed assets                                                              10,673,700,468.47             10,736,270,678.33
      Construction in progress                                                   1,813,183,815.67                503,037,513.25
      Productive biological assets
      Oil and gas assets
      Right-of-use assets                                                          951,068,254.01                920,952,667.75
      Intangible assets                                                            302,589,719.92                297,383,991.47
      Development expenses
      Goodwill                                                                   2,191,939,940.60              2,211,722,774.04
      Long-term deferred expenses                                                  501,517,044.33                343,067,848.10
      Deferred tax assets                                                          608,987,423.66                535,920,683.59
      Other non-current assets                                                     872,512,776.58                286,296,934.20
     Total non-current assets                                                   18,257,885,320.07             16,220,600,483.97
     Total assets                                                               40,531,361,181.17             37,951,408,787.25
     Current liabilities:

                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 Short-term borrowings                                                  7,794,409,944.68                 8,047,168,009.16
 Borrowings from Central Bank
 Borrowings from banks and other financial
 Financial liabilities held for trading                                    91,517,116.89
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes payable                                                          2,008,405,860.19                 1,646,644,107.17
 Accounts payable                                                       5,986,286,590.32                 6,729,890,126.00
 Advances from clients
 Contract liabilities                                                      26,193,456.12                    39,681,986.94
 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
 Deposits from clients and other banks
 Funds received as stock broker
 Funds received as underwriter of securities
 Employee benefits payable                                                500,125,315.30                   503,138,722.06
 Taxes payable                                                            412,289,780.94                   151,692,543.85
 Other payables                                                            54,324,601.72                   323,166,075.34
   Incl.: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
 Fees and commissions payable
 Reinsurance accounts payable
 Liabilities held for sale
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                            1,189,744,866.13                 1,490,545,864.93
 Other current liabilities                                                  4,476,657.36                     2,440,030.34
Total current liabilities                                              18,067,774,189.65                18,934,367,465.79
Non-current liabilities:
 Provision for insurance contracts
 Long-term borrowings                                                   3,197,821,643.49                 2,030,525,761.80
 Bonds payable
   Incl.: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
 Lease liabilities                                                      1,647,319,046.20                 1,147,810,164.72
 Long-term accounts payable                                                                                 78,927,000.98
 Long-term employee benefits payable
 Provisions                                                                69,202,183.16                    89,442,831.13
 Deferred income                                                          747,587,634.12                   685,633,680.65
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                 395,309,035.94                   314,359,343.00
 Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                           6,057,239,542.91                 4,346,698,782.28
Total liabilities                                                      24,125,013,732.56                23,281,066,248.07
Owners’ equity:
 Share capital                                                          1,709,867,327.00                 1,709,867,327.00
 Other equity instruments
   Incl.: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                                                        8,054,894,080.77                 8,099,524,872.90
 Less: Treasury shares                                                    125,906,811.33                   100,479,794.32
 Other comprehensive income                                              -692,976,005.21                  -519,626,066.21
 Special reserve
 Surplus reserve                                                          135,347,835.10                   111,698,315.15
 General risk reserve
 Retained profits                                                       7,278,203,054.12                 5,275,515,670.63
Total owners’ equity attributable to the parent                       16,359,429,480.45                14,576,500,325.15
 Minority interests                                                        46,917,968.16                    93,842,214.03
Total owners’ equity                                                  16,406,347,448.61                14,670,342,539.18
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                  40,531,361,181.17                37,951,408,787.25

                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 Legal Representative: YUAN Yonggang            CFO: WANG Xu                   Accounting Supervisor: ZHU Deguang
2.     Standalone balance sheet
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                 Item                           December 31, 2022                   January 1, 2022
     Current assets:
      Cash and bank balances                                              1,412,679,165.36                 1,320,945,743.89
      Financial assets held for trading                                       5,339,600.00                    12,875,960.00
      Derivative financial assets
      Notes receivable                                                          561,448.01                    31,632,433.51
      Accounts receivable                                                 1,941,106,338.87                 2,751,126,772.11
      Accounts receivable financing                                          12,405,985.23                   552,882,532.72
      Advances to suppliers                                                 398,743,645.61                   115,749,043.07
      Other receivables                                                   3,245,530,947.12                 3,408,234,419.21
        Incl.: Interest receivable
               Dividends receivable                                       1,210,095,256.90                   581,000,000.00
      Inventories                                                         1,009,877,418.76                   697,310,419.09
      Contract assets
      Assets held for sale
      Non-current assets due within one year
      Other current assets                                                   95,208,426.22                    44,816,583.10
     Total current assets                                                 8,121,452,975.18                 8,935,573,906.70
     Non-current assets:
      Debt investments
      Other debt investments
      Long-term accounts receivable                                          30,000,000.00                    55,000,000.88
      Long-term equity investments                                        7,580,547,437.18                 7,096,642,244.53
      Investments in other equity instruments                               171,322,110.00                   171,322,110.00
      Other non-current financial assets
      Investment properties
      Fixed assets                                                        1,224,723,019.96                 1,180,664,110.78
      Construction in progress                                              482,015,287.67                   119,752,899.75
      Productive biological assets
      Oil and gas assets
      Right-of-use assets                                                     6,523,001.84                     8,479,902.43
      Intangible assets                                                      61,782,911.44                    63,720,204.68
      Development expenses
      Long-term deferred expenses                                           156,467,709.39                    97,651,794.61
      Deferred tax assets                                                   189,246,815.34                   161,821,257.17
      Other non-current assets                                              110,280,926.88                    41,372,547.26
     Total non-current assets                                            10,012,909,219.70                 8,996,427,072.09
     Total assets                                                        18,134,362,194.88                17,932,000,978.79
     Current liabilities:
      Short-term borrowings                                               3,239,724,817.50                 3,523,782,504.56
      Financial liabilities held for trading
      Derivative financial assets
      Notes payable                                                       1,433,148,316.04                 1,500,663,176.84
      Accounts payable                                                      725,307,838.44                   930,354,491.13
      Advances from clients
      Contract liabilities                                                  261,978,225.55                   184,899,206.27
      Employee benefits payable                                              36,013,112.32                    27,858,029.13
      Taxes payable                                                           2,676,526.20                     3,879,187.43
      Other payables                                                      1,527,486,936.57                 1,472,895,655.79
        Incl.: Interest payable
               Dividends payable
      Liabilities held for sale

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Non-current liabilities due within one year                                  216,525,360.27                   152,150,642.66
      Other current liabilities                                                      2,052,903.93
     Total current liabilities                                                   7,444,914,036.82                 7,796,482,893.81
     Non-current liabilities:
      Long-term borrowings                                                       1,106,033,055.55                   334,960,336.11
      Bonds payable
       Incl.: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
      Lease liabilities                                                              4,746,572.24                     6,774,436.43
      Long-term accounts payable                                                                                     78,927,000.98
      Long-term employee benefits payable
      Provisions                                                                     3,414,342.70                     1,935,062.28
      Deferred income                                                               22,333,333.41                    25,653,396.00
      Deferred tax liabilities                                                       1,235,824.13                     2,178,114.46
      Other non-current liabilities
     Total non-current liabilities                                               1,137,763,128.03                   450,428,346.26
     Total liabilities                                                           8,582,677,164.85                 8,246,911,240.07
     Owners’ equity:
      Share capital                                                              1,709,867,327.00                 1,709,867,327.00
      Other equity instruments
       Incl.: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
      Capital reserve                                                            7,953,356,366.17                 7,961,185,289.83
      Less: Treasury shares                                                        125,906,811.33                   100,479,794.32
      Other comprehensive income                                                  -345,461,340.00                  -350,000,000.00
      Special reserve
      Surplus reserve                                                              135,347,835.10                   111,698,315.15
      Retained profits                                                             224,481,653.09                   352,818,601.06
     Total owners’ equity                                                       9,551,685,030.03                 9,685,089,738.72
     Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                      18,134,362,194.88                17,932,000,978.79
3.     Consolidated income statement
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                   Item                                       2022                              2021
     I. Total operating revenue                                                 31,580,146,732.58                31,793,147,908.12
       Incl.: Operating revenue                                                 31,580,146,732.58                31,793,147,908.12
              Interest income
              Premiums earned
              Fee and commission income
     II. Total operating costs                                                  28,434,705,720.60                29,789,694,099.52
       Incl.: Operating costs                                                   26,020,679,333.24                27,128,550,627.93
              Interest expenses
              Fee and commission expenses
              Net payments for insurance claims
              Net insurance claim reserves
              Policyholder dividends
              Reinsurance expenses
              Taxes and surcharges                                                 105,651,890.50                    73,160,213.97
              Selling expenses                                                     352,993,453.50                   341,087,646.41
              Administrative expenses                                              815,662,486.89                   781,664,730.36
              Research and development expenses                                    940,085,451.98                 1,028,567,206.95
              Financial expenses                                                   199,633,104.49                   436,663,673.90
                Incl.: Interest expenses                                           393,340,686.55                   371,339,473.57
                       Interest income                                              42,128,725.22                    62,819,318.55
       Add: Other income                                                           318,574,095.64                   269,467,593.24
              Investment income (loss expressed with “-”)                           -922,388.82                    41,578,291.23

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

           Incl.: Investment income from associates and
                                                                                     -2,008,218.02                   -7,515,648.15
                  joint ventures
                  Gain on derecognition of financial assets
                  at amortized cost
        Exchange gain (loss expressed with “-”)
        Net exposure hedging income (loss expressed
        with “-”)
        Gain on changes in fair value (loss expressed
                                                                                    -66,613,459.50                    8,645,469.99
        with “-”)
        Credit loss (loss expressed with “-”)                                     -76,228,643.25                   -7,992,105.91
        Impairment loss on assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                  -468,204,563.83                  -187,376,720.10
        Gain on disposal of assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                     -5,513,221.27                  -14,060,145.96
III. Operating profit (loss expressed with “-”)                                2,846,532,830.95                 2,113,716,191.09
  Add: Non-operating revenue                                                        12,212,345.74                     3,112,802.79
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                                      17,846,210.04                     6,006,471.39
IV. Profit before tax (loss expressed with “-”)                                2,840,898,966.65                 2,110,822,522.49
  Less: Income tax expenses                                                        473,639,443.09                   249,922,824.36
V. Net profit (loss expressed with “-”)                                        2,367,259,523.56                 1,860,899,698.13
  (I) Classified by continuity of operation
  1. Net profit from continuing operation (loss
                                                                                 2,367,259,523.56                 1,860,899,698.13
  expressed with “-”)
  2. Net profit from discontinued operation (loss
  expressed with “-”)
  (II) Classified by attribution
  1. Net profit attributable to owners of the parent (loss
                                                                                 2,367,519,530.91                 1,862,481,138.84
  expressed with “-”)
  2. Minority interests (loss expressed with “-”)                                   -260,007.35                    -1,581,440.71
VI. Other comprehensive income, net                                               -173,374,048.73                   -46,074,281.99
  Other comprehensive income attributable to the
                                                                                  -173,349,939.00                   -46,074,281.99
  parent, net
        (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
        reclassified into profit or loss
        1. Changes arising from remeasurement of
        defined benefit plans
        2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
        reclassified into profit or loss under equity
        3. Change in fair value of investments in other
        equity instruments
        4. Change in fair value of the corporation’s
        credit risk
        5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                                  -173,349,939.00                   -46,074,281.99
        reclassified into profit or loss
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be
        reclassified into profit or loss under equity
        2. Change in fair value of other debt
        3. Financial assets reclassified into other
        comprehensive income
        4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt
        5. Reserves for cash flow hedge                                           -112,225,912.41                     4,646,609.02
        6. Differences on translation of foreign currency
                                                                                    -61,124,026.59                  -50,720,891.01
        financial statements
        7. Others
  Other comprehensive income attributable to minority
  interests, net
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                  2,193,885,474.83                 1,814,825,416.14
  Total comprehensive income attributable to the parent                          2,194,169,591.91                 1,816,406,856.85

                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                           -284,117.08                    -1,581,440.71
     VIII. Earnings per share
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                1.39                             1.09
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                             1.39                             1.09
The net profit realized by the acquirees before acquisition in business combinations involving entities under common control was nil
in 2022 and nil in 2021.

 Legal Representative: YUAN Yonggang                  CFO: WANG Xu                         Accounting Supervisor: ZHU Deguang
4.     Standalone income statement
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                   Item                                            2022                              2021
     I. Operating revenue                                                             3,877,913,051.67                 4,244,074,740.42
       Less: Operating costs                                                          3,478,568,986.55                 3,883,235,776.32
             Taxes and surcharges                                                         7,784,720.56                    19,465,458.59
             Selling expenses                                                            63,703,774.98                    38,690,956.59
             Administrative expenses                                                    354,137,272.59                   324,739,564.30
             Research and development expenses                                          149,446,571.49                    43,692,074.72
             Financial expenses                                                         145,208,675.20                   190,892,392.23
                Incl.: Interest expenses                                                272,353,140.97                   232,182,345.26
                       Interest income                                                   71,430,377.19                    80,410,545.58
       Add: Other income                                                                 10,684,111.51                    15,687,436.18
             Investment income (loss expressed with “-”)                              589,880,146.37                   562,696,915.32
                Incl.: Investment income from associates and
                                                                                          -1,184,714.09                   -7,099,445.94
                       joint ventures
                       Gain on derecognition of financial assets
                       at amortized cost
             Net exposure hedging income (loss expressed
             with “-”)
             Gain on changes in fair value (loss expressed
                                                                                         -14,434,367.40                    7,766,360.00
             with “-”)
             Credit loss (loss expressed with “-”)                                     -14,517,058.05                   40,737,910.06
             Impairment loss on assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                         -34,480,575.88                  -29,305,690.70
             Gain on disposal of assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                            102,024.93                       236,751.46
     II. Operating profit (loss expressed with “-”)                                   216,297,331.78                   341,178,199.99
       Add: Non-operating revenue                                                           205,398.99                     1,322,195.03
       Less: Non-operating expenses                                                       9,176,319.82                     1,389,386.90
     III. Profit before tax (loss expressed with “-”)                                 207,326,410.95                   341,111,008.12
       Less: Income tax expenses                                                        -29,168,788.50                   -23,818,369.37
     IV. Net profit (loss expressed with “-”)                                         236,495,199.45                   364,929,377.49
       (I) Net profit from continuing operation (loss
                                                                                        236,495,199.45                   364,929,377.49
       expressed with “-”)
       (II) Net profit from discontinued operation (loss
       expressed with “-”)
     V. Other comprehensive income, net                                                   4,538,660.00
             (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
             reclassified into profit or loss
             1. Changes arising from remeasurement of
             defined benefit plans
             2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
             reclassified into profit or loss under equity
             3. Change in fair value of investments in other
             equity instruments
             4. Change in fair value of the corporation’s
             credit risk
             5. Others
             (II) Other comprehensive income that will be                                 4,538,660.00

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

            reclassified into profit or loss
            1. Other comprehensive income that can be
            reclassified into profit or loss under equity
            2. Change in fair value of other debt
            3. Financial assets reclassified into other
            comprehensive income
            4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt
            5. Reserves for cash flow hedge                                              4,538,660.00
            6. Differences on translation of foreign currency
            financial statements
            7. Others
     VI. Total comprehensive income                                                    241,033,859.45                 364,929,377.49
     VII. Earnings per share
      (I) Basic earnings per share
      (II) Diluted earnings per share
5.     Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                 Item                                           2022                              2021
     I. Cash flows from operating activities:
       Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services                      30,689,737,979.37                29,815,812,937.85
       Net increase in deposits from clients and other banks
       Net increase in borrowings from Central Bank
       Net increase in borrowings from other financial
       Proceeds from premiums under prior insurance
       Net proceeds from reinsurance business
       Net increase in insured’s deposits and investments
       Proceeds from interest, fees and commissions
       Net increase in borrowings from banks and other
       financial institutions
       Net increase in receipts under repurchase transactions
       Net cash received as stock broker
       Tax refunds received                                                        1,402,945,080.65                 1,243,753,661.97
       Other proceeds relating to operating activities                               856,136,731.36                   512,083,240.76
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                           32,948,819,791.38                31,571,649,840.58
       Payments for purchase of goods and receipt of
                                                                                  22,311,360,256.76                23,091,788,130.30
       Net increase in loans and advances from clients
       Net increase in deposits in Central Bank and other
       Payment of claims under prior insurance contracts
       Net increase in loans to banks and other financial
       Payment of interest, fees and commissions
       Payment of policyholder dividends
       Payments to and for employees                                               4,177,722,088.02                 4,026,453,550.20
       Taxes paid                                                                    492,638,579.06                   519,261,401.11
       Other payments relating to operating activities                             1,337,214,856.16                   724,602,274.76
     Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                          28,318,935,780.00                28,362,105,356.37
     Net cash flows from operating activities                                      4,629,884,011.38                 3,209,544,484.21
     II. Cash flows from investing activities:
       Proceeds from disposal of investments                                           424,159,710.89               1,221,008,889.75
       Proceeds from return on investments                                              10,968,187.55                  21,034,758.46
       Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                         8,924,465.56                    14,867,642.54
       assets and other long-term assets
       Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries and other

                                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

       business entities
       Other proceeds relating to investing activities                                   235,424,521.00                 614,294,406.73
     Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                  679,476,885.00               1,871,205,697.48
       Payments for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                     3,375,029,627.94                 3,049,208,456.95
       assets and other long-term assets
       Payments for investments                                                          608,374,219.69                 849,056,781.87
       Net increase in mortgage loans
       Net Payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other
       business entities
       Other cash payments relating to investing activities                             455,064,192.71                        1,288.94
     Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                              4,438,468,040.34                3,898,266,527.76
     Net cash flows from investing activities                                        -3,758,991,155.34               -2,027,060,830.28
     III. Cash flows from financing activities:
       Proceeds from investors                                                                                             17,800,000.00
       Incl.: Proceeds of subsidiaries from minority
       shareholders’ investments
       Cash receipts from borrowings                                                10,828,761,291.26                 9,629,498,697.60
       Other proceeds relating to financing activities                               2,139,193,721.85                 3,921,528,258.50
       Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                           12,967,955,013.11                13,568,826,956.10
       Repayment of borrowings                                                       9,629,498,697.60                 8,348,766,123.52
       Payment of distribution of dividends and profits or for
                                                                                         642,139,429.34                 456,920,317.80
       Incl.: Dividends and profits distributed by subsidiaries
       to minor shareholders
       Other payments relating to financing activities                               2,192,696,813.07                 4,856,990,811.10
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                            12,464,334,940.01                13,662,677,252.42
     Net cash flows from financing activities                                          503,620,073.10                    -93,850,296.32
     IV. Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                         143,212,766.77                 -22,467,316.29
     V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    1,517,725,695.91                 1,066,166,041.32
       Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                             3,939,301,126.79                 2,873,135,085.47
     VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                5,457,026,822.70                 3,939,301,126.79
6.     Standalone cash flow statement
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                Item                                              2022                              2021
     I. Cash flows from operating activities:
       Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services                         3,930,357,686.47                 3,363,805,354.17
       Tax refunds received                                                            238,277,121.92                   134,161,286.35
       Other proceeds relating to operating activities                               2,118,216,199.44                 3,081,500,098.60
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                              6,286,851,007.83                 6,579,466,739.12
       Payments for purchase of goods and receipt of
                                                                                     4,440,683,078.94                 4,090,981,643.21
       Payments to and for employees                                                   337,116,177.01                   398,660,527.63
       Taxes paid                                                                       19,309,238.75                    33,744,370.30
       Other payments relating to operating activities                                 639,515,727.10                   592,980,732.05
     Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                             5,436,624,221.80                 5,116,367,273.19
     Net cash flows from operating activities                                          850,226,786.03                 1,463,099,465.93
     II. Cash flows from investing activities:
       Proceeds from disposal of investments                                             121,461,752.60                 252,000,000.00
       Proceeds from return on investments                                               573,504,702.64                 356,296,361.26
       Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                          15,670,927.06                    31,699,821.28
       assets and other long-term assets
       Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries and other
       business entities
       Other proceeds relating to investing activities                                                                   50,000,000.00
     Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                  710,637,382.30                 689,996,182.54
       Payments for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                         797,364,143.36                 233,002,384.33
       assets and other long-term assets
       Payments for investments                                                          458,359,760.00               1,086,517,692.36

                                                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

       Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other
       business entities
       Other payments relating to investing activities
     Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                                                         1,255,723,903.36                                  1,319,520,076.69
     Net cash flows from investing activities                                                                                     -545,086,521.06                                   -629,523,894.15
     III. Cash flows from financing activities:
       Proceeds from investors
       Proceeds from borrowings                                                                                                  4,553,408,751.02                                  3,991,741,102.36
       Other proceeds relating to financing activities
     Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                                                          4,553,408,751.02                                  3,991,741,102.36
       Repayment of borrowings                                                                                                   3,991,741,102.36                                  3,495,543,277.60
       Payment of distribution of dividends and profits or for
                                                                                                                                       606,951,054.50                               396,644,933.48
       Other payments relating to financing activities                                                                             120,819,536.78                                    274,156,177.46
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                                                         4,719,511,693.64                                  4,166,344,388.54
     Net cash flows from financing activities                                                                                     -166,102,942.62                                   -174,603,286.18
     IV. Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                                                                       -35,276,962.44                                 -1,751,977.28
     V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                                                  103,760,359.91                                   657,220,308.32
       Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                                           930,383,165.21                                   273,162,856.89
     VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                                            1,034,143,525.12                                   930,383,165.21
7.        Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                                                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                               Owners’ equity attributable to the parent
       Item                                                                                                                                                                                           Total
                                                                                                 Other                                                                                Minority
                                    Other equity instruments                     Less:                                                    General                                                   owners’
                  Share                                             Capital                    compreh         Special      Surplus                 Retained                          interests      equity
                                                                               Treasury                                                     risk               Others   Subtotal
                  capital    Preferred     Perpetual                reserve                      ensive        reserve      reserve                  profit
                                                           Others               shares          income                                    reserve
                              shares        bonds
     at the                                                                                            -                                                                14,576,5                    14,670,3
                  1,709,86                                          8,099,52    100,479,                                    111,698,                5,275,51                          93,842,2
     end of                                                                                     519,626,                                                                00,325.1                    42,539.1
                  7,327.00                                          4,872.90     794.32                                       315.15                5,670.63                             14.03
     the                                                                                          066.21                                                                       5                           8
     y ear
     n of prior
     at the                                                                                            -                                                                14,576,5                    14,670,3
                  1,709,86                                          8,099,52    100,479,                                    111,698,                5,275,51                          93,842,2
     beginnin                                                                                   519,626,                                                                00,325.1                    42,539.1
     g of the     7,327.00                                          4,872.90     794.32           066.21                      315.15                5,670.63                   5         14.03             8
     y ear
     ) in the
                                                                           -                           -                                                                                     -
     current                                                                    25,427,0                                    23,649,5                2,002,68            1,782,92                    1,736,00
                                                                    44,630,7                    173,349,                                                                              46,924,2
     period                                                            92.13       17.01          939.00                       19.95                7,383.49            9,155.30         45.87      4,909.43
     d with
     (I) Total
     compreh                                                                                           -                                            2,367,51            2,194,16             -      2,193,90
                                                                                                173,349,                                                                              260,007.
     ensive                                                                                                                                         9,530.91            9,591.91                    9,584.56
                                                                                                  939.00                                                                                    35
                                                                           -                                                                                                   -             -             -
     nt/(divest                                                                 25,427,0
     ment) by                                                       44,630,7       17.01                                                                                70,057,8      46,627,8      116,685,
                                                                       92.13                                                                                               09.14         29.73        638.87

                                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

  of other
  3. Share-
  pay ments
                                                     16,730,2                                                                                         16,730,2                 16,734,9
  recorded                                                                                                                                                       4,703.42
                                                        12.08                                                                                            12.08                    15.50
                                                            -                                                                                                -          -             -
  4. Others                                          61,361,0    25,427,0                                                                             86,788,0   46,632,5      133,420,
                                                        04.21                                                                                            21.22      33.15        554.37
  Distributi                                                                                                 23,649,5                    -                   -          -             -
                                                                                                                                  364,832,            341,182,   36,408.7      341,219,
  on of                                                                                                         19.95
                                                                                                                                    147.42             627.47           9        036.26
  1.                                                                                                                                     -
  Surplus                                                                                                                         23,649,5
  reserve                                                                                                                            19.95
                                                                                                                                         -                   -          -             -
  ons to
  owners                                                                                                                          341,182,            341,182,   36,408.7      341,219,
                                                                                                                                    627.47             627.47           9        036.26

  4. Others
  of capital
  to (share)
  to (share)
  3. Make-
  up of
  losses by
  plans to
  of other

  6. Others
  ated in
  y ear
  2. Used
  in the
  y ear
  at the                                                                                -                                                             16,359,4                 16,406,3
               1,709,86                              8,054,89    125,906,                                    135,347,             7,278,20                       46,917,9
  end of                                                                         692,976,                                                             29,480.4                 47,448.6
  the          7,327.00                              4,080.77     811.33           005.21                      835.10             3,054.12                   5      68.16             1
  y ear

                                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

    Item                                                        Owners’ equity attributable to the parent                                                                       Total
               Share                                 Capital      Less:          Other          Special      Surplus    General   Retained                       interests      equity
                          Other equity instruments                                                                                           Others   Subtotal
               capital                               reserve    Treasury        compreh         reserve      reserve      risk     profit

                                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                        Preferred   Perpetual                       shares       ensive                    reserve
                         shares      bonds      Others                          income
Balance                                                                                -                                         13,068,9              13,174,9
at the       1,709,86                                    8,136,87                               75,205,3             3,598,58               106,051,
                                                                                451,615,                                         16,872.7              67,928.2
end of       7,327.00                                    9,413.39                                  77.40             0,392.76                 055.46
                                                                                  637.76                                                9                     5
y ear
n of prior


Balance                                                                                -                                         13,068,9              13,174,9
at the       1,709,86                                    8,136,87               451,615,        75,205,3             3,598,58    16,872.7   106,051,   67,928.2
beginnin     7,327.00                                    9,413.39                                  77.40             0,392.76                 055.46
                                                                                  637.76                                                9                     5
g of the
y ear
) in the                                                        -
                                                                                                36,492,9             1,676,93    1,507,58
current                                                  37,354,5               68,010,4                                                    12,208,8
                                                                     794.32                        37.75             5,277.87    3,452.36              4,610.93
period                                                      40.49                  28.45                                                       41.43
d with
(I) Total                                                                              -                                                           -
                                                                                46,074,2                             1,862,48    1,816,40   1,581,44   1,814,82
compreh                                                                                                              1,138.84    6,856.85              5,416.14
ensive                                                                             81.99                                                        0.71
Investme                                                        -                                                                       -          -          -
                                                         37,354,5   100,479,                                         -2,336.98   137,836,   10,602,3   148,439,
nt/(divest                                                           794.32
ment) by                                                    40.49                                                                 671.79       69.68     041.47
ions                                                                                                                                        17,800,0   17,800,0
from                                                                                                                                           00.00      00.00
of other
3. Share-
pay ments
                                                                -                                                                       -          -          -
                                                         37,354,5                                                    -2,336.98   137,836,   28,402,3   166,239,
4. Others                                                            794.32
                                                            40.49                                                                 671.79       69.68     041.47

(III)                                                                                                                       -           -          -          -
Distributi                                                                                                           207,479,    170,986,   25,031.0   171,011,
on of                                                                                                                  670.45     732.70           4     763.74
1.                                                                                              36,492,9
Surplus                                                                                            37.75

Distributi                                                                                                                  -           -          -          -
ons to                                                                                                               170,986,    170,986,   25,031.0   171,011,
owners                                                                                                                 732.70     732.70           4     763.74

4. Others

Internal                                                                               -
transfer                                                                        21,936,1
of                                                                                 46.46
of capital
to (share)

                                                                                                    Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

     to (share)
     3. Make-
     up of
     losses by
     plans to
     of other                                                                                                   -
     compreh                                                                                             21,936,1                                             21,936,1
     ensive                                                                                                                                                      46.46

     6. Others
     ated in
     y ear
     2. Used
     in the
     y ear
     Balance                                                                                                    -                                                                        14,576,5                      14,670,3
     at the          1,709,86                                                 8,099,52   100,479,                                        111,698,             5,275,51                                  93,842,2
                                                                                                         519,626,                                                                        00,325.1                      42,539.1
     end of          7,327.00                                                 4,872.90    794.32                                           315.15             5,670.63                                     14.03
                                                                                                           066.21                                                                               5                             8
     y ear

8.        Standalone statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

         Item                                      Other equity instruments                                      Less:                Other                                                                          Total
                                                                                            Capital                                                 Special     Surplus       Retained
                       Share capital                                                                           Treasury            comprehensi                                                      Others          owners’
                                       Preferred          Perpetual                         reserve                                                 reserve     reserve        profit
                                                                              Others                            shares              ve income                                                                       equity
                                        shares             bonds
     I. Balance at
     the end of        1,709,867,32                                                       7,961,185,28       100,479,794.                                     111,698,315.   352,818,601.                          9,685,089,73
     the previous              7.00                                                               9.83                 32                                               15             06                                  8.72
     y ear
     Changes in
     of prior
     period errors
     II. Balance
     at the                                                                                                                                   -
     beginning of      1,709,867,32                                                       7,961,185,28       100,479,794.          350,000,000.               111,698,315.   352,818,601.                          9,685,089,73
                               7.00                                                               9.83                 32                                               15             06                                  8.72
     the current                                                                                                                             00
     y ear
     crease) in                                                                                                                                                                         -                                     -
     the current                                                                                     -       25,427,017.0                                     23,649,519.9
                                                                                                                                   4,538,660.00                              128,336,947.                          133,404,708.
     period                                                                               7,828,923.66                  1                                                5
     (decrease                                                                                                                                                                         97                                    69
     with “-”)
     (I) Total                                                                                                                                                               236,495,199.                          241,033,859.
     comprehensi                                                                                                                   4,538,660.00
                                                                                                                                                                                       45                                    45
     ve income
     Investment/(                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
                                                                                                     -       25,427,017.0
     divestment)                                                                                                                                                                                                   33,255,940.6
                                                                                          7,828,923.66                  1
     by                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
     Contribution                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
     s from                                                                                                  49,990,856.1
     holders of                                                                                                         7
     s from
     holders of
     other equity
     3. Share-                                                                            16,734,915.5                                                                                                             16,734,915.5
     based                                                                                           0                                                                                                                        0

                                                                                          Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

  pay ments
  recorded in
                                                                                             -              -
  4. Others                                                                       24,563,839.1   24,563,839.1
                                                                                             6              6
  (III)                                                                                                                                                                   -                       -
  Distribution                                                                                                                                                 364,832,147.            341,182,627.
  of profits                                                                                                                                                             42                      47
  1. Surplus                                                                                                                                    23,649,519.9
  reserve                                                                                                                                                  5
  Distributions                                                                                                                                                           -                       -
  to owners                                                                                                                                                    341,182,627.            341,182,627.
  (shareholder                                                                                                                                                           47                      47
  3. Others
  (IV) Internal
  transfer of
  1. Transfer
  of capital
  reserve to
  2. Transfer
  of surplus
  reserve to
  3. Make-up
  of losses by
  4. Transfer
  of changes
  in defined
  benefit plans
  to retained
  5. Transfer
  of other
  ve income to

  6. Others
  (V) Special
  d in the
  current y ear
  2. Used in
  the current
  y ear
  (VI) Others

  IV. Balance                                                                                                                     -
  at the end of   1,709,867,32                                                    7,953,356,36   125,906,811.                                   135,347,835.   224,481,653.            9,551,685,03
  the current             7.00                                                            6.17             33                                             10             09                    0.03
  y ear

                                                                                                                                                                                       In RMB

       Item                                   Other equity instruments                              Less:                 Other                                                          Total
                                                                                   Capital                                            Special    Surplus        Retained
                  Share capital                                                    reserve        Treasury             comprehensi    reserve    reserve         profit       Others    owners’
                                  Preferred          Perpetual                                     shares               ve income                                                       equity
                                   shares             bonds
  I. Balance at                                                                                                                   -
                  1,709,867,32                                                    7,961,185,28                                                  75,205,377.4   195,368,894.            9,591,626,88
  the end of              7.00                                                            9.83                         350,000,000.                        0             02                    8.25
  the previous                                                                                                                   00
  y ear
  Changes in
  of prior
  period errors


  II. Balance                                                                                                                     -
  at the          1,709,867,32                                                    7,961,185,28                                                  75,205,377.4   195,368,894.            9,591,626,88
                          7.00                                                            9.83                         350,000,000.                        0             02                    8.25
  beginning of                                                                                                                   00
  the current
  y ear
  crease) in                                                                                     100,479,794.                                   36,492,937.7   157,449,707.            93,462,850.4
  the current                                                                                              32                                              5             04                       7
  with “-”)
  (I) Total                                                                                                                                                    364,929,377.            364,929,377.
  comprehensi                                                                                                                                                            49                      49
  ve income
  (II)                                                                                                                                                                                            -
  Investment/(                                                                                   100,479,794.
                                                                                                           32                                                                          100,479,794.
  divestment)                                                                                                                                                                                    32
  1.                                                                                                                                                                                              -
  Contribution                                                                                   100,479,794.
  s from                                                                                                   32
  holders of

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022


   s from
   holders of
   other equity
   3. Share-
   pay ments
   recorded in

   4. Others

                                                                                                   36,492,937.7              -              -
   (III)                                                                                                          207,479,670.   170,986,732.
   Distribution                                                                                               5
                                                                                                                            45             70
   of profits

   1. Surplus                                                                                                     36,492,937.7
   reserve                                                                                                                   5

   2.                                                                                                                        -              -
   Distributions                                                                                                  170,986,732.   170,986,732.
   to owners                                                                                                                70             70

   3. Others

   (IV) Internal
   transfer of
   1. Transfer
   of capital
   reserve to
   2. Transfer
   of surplus
   reserve to
   3. Make-up
   of losses by
   4. Transfer
   of changes
   in defined
   benefit plans
   to retained
   5. Transfer
   of other
   ve income to

   6. Others

   (V) Special
   d in the
   current y ear
   2. Used in
   the current
   y ear

   (VI) Others

   IV. Balance                                                                                 -
                   1,709,867,32                       7,961,185,28   100,479,794.                  111,698,315.   352,818,601.   9,685,089,73
   at the end of           7.00                               9.83             32
                                                                                                             15             06           8.72
   the current                                                                                00
   y ear

III. General Information of the Company
Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is a company limited by shares converted from Suzhou
Dongshan Sheet Metal Co., Ltd., which was registered with the Wuxian Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce on
October 28, 1998 and converted into the Company on September 30, 2007 (reference date). The Company was registered with the
Suzhou Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce of Jiangsu on December 24, 2007, and is headquartered in Suzhou,
Jiangsu, holds a business license with unified social credit code of 91320500703719732P, and has a registered capital of
RMB1709867327.00, divided into 1,709,867,327 shares with a par value of RMB 1 each, of which, 319,591,987 shares are non-
tradable A shares, and 1,390,275,340 shares are tradable A shares. The Company’s shares have been listed and traded on the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange since April 9, 2010.

The Company belongs to the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, and is primarily
engaged in the provision of core devices for intelligent interconnection, including PCBs, LED display devices, touch panels, LCMs,
precision components, etc.

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

These financial statements are published with the approval of the 33th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on April
19, 2023.

66 subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries are included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements for the reporting period, including
Multi-Fineline Electronix Inc. (“MFLEX”), Multek Group (Hong Kong) Limited (“Multek”) and Yancheng Dongshan Precision
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (“Yancheng Dongshan”). See Notes VIII and IX to the financial statements for details.

IV. Basis for Preparation of the Financial Statements
1.    Basis for preparation

These financial statements have been prepared on the assumption that the Company is a going concern.

2.    Going concern

There is no event or fact that may cast significant doubts on the Company’s ability to remain a going concern within 12 months after
the end of the reporting period.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
Note about specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

Important note: The Company has established the specific accounting policies and made the specific accounting estimates with respect
to the impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, recognition of revenues and
other transactions and events according to its actual production and operation characteristics.

1.    Statement of compliance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“CASBE”)

The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the CASBE and truly and completely reflect the
Company’s financial condition, operating results, cash flows and other related information.

2.    Accounting period

The Company’s accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.

3.    Operating cycle

The Company has a relatively short operating cycle, and determines the liquidity of assets and liabilities on the basis of 12 months.

4.    Functional currency

The Company adopts RMB as its functional currency, MFLEX adopts USD as its functional currency, and the subsidiaries of MFLEX,
Multek and other companies adopt the currencies of the main economic environment in which they operate as their functional currencies.

5. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities under common control and not under
common control

1. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities under common control

Assets and liabilities acquired from a business combination by the Company are measured at the carrying value of the assets a nd
liabilities of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the combination date. The difference
between the carrying value of the owners’ equity of the acquiree as stated in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controller and the carrying value of the total consideration paid or total par value of the shares issued in connection with the combination

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining
balance is charged against the retained earnings.

2. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities not under common control

Where the cost of combination exceeds the Company’s share of the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is
recognized as goodwill at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination is lower than the Company’s share of the fair value of
the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the Company reviews the measurement of the fair value of each of the identifiable assets, liabilit ies
and contingent liabilities acquired from the acquiree and the cost of combination, and if the cost of combination as reviewed is still
lower than the Company’s share of the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognized in profit or loss.

6.    Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements

The parent includes all of its controlled subsidiaries in its consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are
prepared by the parent in accordance with CASBE 33 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, on the basis of the respective financial
statements of the parent and its subsidiaries, by reference to other relevant data.

7.    Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

1. Joint arrangements are classified into joint operations and joint ventures.

2. When the Company is a party to a joint operation, the Company recognizes the following items relating to its interest in the joint

(1) the assets individually held by the Company, and the Company’s share of the assets held jointly;

(2) the liabilities incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the liabilities incurred jointly;

(3) the Company’s revenue from the sale of its share of output of the joint operation;

(4) the Company’s share of revenue from the sale of assets by the joint operation; and

(5) the expenses incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the expenses incurred jointly.

8.    Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits, and cash equivalents compris e
short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignific ant
risk of changes in value.

9.    Translation of foreign currency transactions and foreign currency financial statements

1. Translation of foreign currency transactions

Upon initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction
dates. At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the spot exc hange
rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from such translations are recognized in profit or loss, except for those
attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets
and accrued interest. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated using
the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates, without adjusting the amounts in RMB. Non-monetary items denominated
in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the dates the fair value
was determined, with the exchange differences arising from such translations recognized in profit or loss or other comprehensive

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2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. The
owners’ equity items other than “retained profits” are translated at the spot exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates. The
income and expense items in the income statements are translated at the spot exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates. The
differences arising from such translation of foreign currency financial statements are recognized in other comprehensive income.

10. Financial instruments

1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

Upon initial recognition, financial assets are classified into: (1) financial assets at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value
through other comprehensive income; and (3) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

Upon initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into: (1) financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss; (2) financial
liabilities arising as a result of transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the
financial assets transferred; (3) financial guarantee contracts not falling under items (1) and (2), and loan commitments not falling
under item (1) and below market interest rate; and (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.

2. Recognition, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

(1) Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset or liability is recognized. Financial assets and
liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs relating to financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit or
loss are directly recognized in profit or loss. Transaction costs relating to other kinds of financial assets or liabilities are included in
their initially recognized amount. However, the accounts receivable that do not contain any significant financing component or are
recognized by the Company without taking into consideration the significant financing components under the contracts with a term of
less than one year upon initial recognition are initially measured at transaction price as defined in CASBE 14 “Revenue”.

(2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets

1) Financial assets at amortized cost

Financial assets at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses on
financial assets at amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss upon derecognition,
reclassification, amortization using the effective interest method or recognition of impairment.

2) Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income

Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest,
impairment losses or gains and exchange gains or losses calculated using the effective interest method are recognized in profit or loss,
other gains or losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the aggregate gains or losses previously
recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to profit or loss.

3) Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income

Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividend s
received (other than those received as recovery of investment cost) are recognized in profit or loss, other gains or losses a re recognized
in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the aggregate gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive
income are transferred to retained earnings.

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4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses thereon, including interest
and dividend income, are recognized in profit or loss, except the financial assets belonging to any hedging relationship.

(3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading (including derivatives classified as
financial liabilities), and financial liabilities directly designated as at fair value through profit or loss. Such financial liabilities are
subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss
arising out of changes in the Company’s credit risk are recognized in other comprehensive income, unless such treatment will result in
or increase any accounting mismatch in profit or loss. Other gains or losses on such financial liabilities, including interest expenses
and changes in fair value not arising out of changes in the Company’s credit risk, are recognized in profit or loss, except the financial
liabilities belonging to any hedging relationship. Upon derecognition, the aggregate gains or losses previously recognized in other
comprehensive income are transferred to retained earnings.

2) Financial liabilities arising as a result of transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing
involvement in the financial assets transferred

Such financial liabilities are measured in accordance with CASBE 23 “Transfer of Financial Assets”.

3) Financial guarantee contracts not falling under items 1) and 2), and loan commitments not falling under item 1) and below market
interest rate

Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at the higher of ① allowance for impairment losses determined according to the
policy for impairment of financial instruments; and ② balance of the initially recognized amount after deduction of the accumulated
amortization determined in accordance with CASBE 14 “Revenue”.

4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost

Financial liabilities at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses
on financial liabilities at amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss upon
derecognition or amortization using the effective interest method.

(4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

1) Financial assets are derecognized when:

① the contractual right to receive cash flows from the financial assets has expired; or

② the financial assets have been transferred and such transfer meets the criteria for derecognition of financial assets as set forth in
CASBE 23 “Transfer of Financial Assets”.

2) A financial liability (or part thereof) is derecognized when all or part of the outstanding obligations thereon have been discharged.

3. Determination and measurement of financial assets transferred

When a financial asset of the Company is transferred, if substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the
financial asset have been transferred, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and obligations incurred or retained in such
transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be); if the Company has retained substantially all the risks
and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset, the Company continues to recognize the financial asset transferred. If

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the Company neither transferred nor retained a substantial portion of all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial
asset, then: (1) if the Company does not retain control over the financial asset, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and
obligations incurred or retained in such transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be); or (2) if the
Company retains control over the financial asset, the financial asset continues to be recognized to the extent of the Company ’s
continuing involvement in the financial asset transferred, and a corresponding liability is recognized.

If an entire transfer of a financial asset meets the criteria for derecognition, the difference between (1) the carrying value of the financial
asset transferred at the date of derecognition; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the portion of the
cumulative amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other comprehensive income originally that corresponds to the part
derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehe nsive
income) is recognized in profit or loss. If part of a financial asset is transferred and the part transferred entirely meets the criteria for
derecognition, the total carrying value of the financial asset immediately prior to the transfer is allocated between the part derecognized
and the part not derecognized in proportion to their relative fair value at the date of transfer, and the difference between (1) the carrying
value of the part derecognized; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer of the part derecognized and the portion
of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other comprehensive income originally that corresponds to the
part derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive
income) is recognized in profit or loss.

4. Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

The Company adopts the valuation techniques applicable to the current situations and with sufficient data available and support of
other information, to determine the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities. The Company classifies the inputs used by the
valuation techniques in the following levels and uses them in turn:

(1) Level 1 inputs: quoted market price (unadjusted) in an active market for an identical asset or liability available at the date of

(2) Level 2 inputs: inputs other than inputs included within Level 1 that are observable directly or indirectly. This category includes
quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive
markets, observable inputs other than quoted prices (such as interest rate and yield curves observable during regular interva ls of
quotation), and inputs validated by the market;

(3) Level 3 inputs: inputs that are unobservable. This category includes interest rate or stock volatility that cannot be directly observed
or validated by observable market data, future cash flows from retirement obligation incurred in business combinations, and financial
forecasts made using own data.

5. Impairment of financial instruments

(1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments

The Company determines the impairment and assesses allowance for impairment losses of financial assets at amortized cost,
investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, lease payments receivable, loan commitments other
than financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, and financial guarantee contracts other than financial liabilit ies
designated at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting
the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the financial assets transferred, on the basis of expected credit losses.

Expected credit loss is the weighted average of credit losses on financial instruments taking into account the possibility of default.
Credit loss is the present value of the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable under the contract and estimated future
cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate, i.e., the present value of all cash shortages, where the Company’s purchased

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or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired are discounted at their credit-adjusted effective interest rate.

With respect to purchased or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired, at the balance sheet date, the Company
recognizes an impairment loss equal to the cumulative amount of changes in lifetime expected credit losses since initial recognition.

With respect to accounts receivable arising from transactions within the meaning of CASBE 14 “Revenue” that do not contain any
significant financing component or are recognized by the Company without taking into consideration the significant financing
components under the contracts with a term of less than one year, the Company uses the simplified measurement method and recognizes
an impairment loss equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.

With respect to financial assets not using the measurement methods stated above, at each balance sheet date, the Company asse sses
whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, and recognizes an impairment loss equal to the lifetime
expected credit losses if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, or to the expected credit losses within the
next 12 months if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

The Company uses reasonable and supportable information, including forward-looking information, and compares the possibility of
default at the balance sheet date with the possibility of default upon initial recognition, to determine whether the credit risk of the
financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition.

At the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that a financial instrument has low credit risk, the Company assumes that its
credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

The Company assesses expected credit risk and measures expected credit losses of financial instruments individually or collec tively.
When assessing the financial instruments collectively, the Company includes the financial instruments in different groups according to
their common risk characteristics.

At each balance sheet date, the Company re-assesses the expected credit losses, with the amount of increase in or reversal of impairment
loss recognized in profit or loss as impairment losses or gains. With respect to a financial asset at amortized cost, its carrying value
recorded on the balance sheet is written off against the impairment loss. With respect to an investment in debt instruments at fair value
through other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the impairment loss in other comprehensive income, without reducing
its carrying value.

(2) Financial instruments for which expected credit risk is assessed collectively and expected credit losses are measured using the three-
stage model

                     Item                            Basis for grouping              Method for measuring expected credit losses
 Other receivables – aging group                Aging                            By reference to historical credit loss experience, and
                                                                                  taking into account the current situations and
                                                                                  prediction of future economic conditions, calculate the
 Other receivables - related parties within
                                                 Consolidated related parties     expected credit losses according to the default risk
 the scope of consolidation
                                                                                  exposure and rate of expected credit loss within the
                                                                                  next 12 months or over the lifetime.
(3) Accounts receivable for which expected credit losses are measured collectively using the simplified approach

1) Groups and method for measuring expected credit losses

                    Item                             Basis for grouping              Method for measuring expected credit losses
 Banker’s acceptance bills receivable           Type of bills                    By reference to historical credit loss experience, and
                                                                                  taking into account the current situations and
                                                                                  prediction of future economic conditions, calculate the
 Commercial acceptance bills receivable                                           expected credit losses according to the default risk
                                                                                  exposure and rate of lifetime expected credit loss.

                                                                                  By reference to historical credit loss experience, and
 Accounts receivable – aging group              Age
                                                                                  taking into account the current situations and

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                                                                                   prediction of future economic conditions, prepare a
                                                                                   comparison table of the age of accounts receivable and
                                                                                   rate of lifetime expected credit loss, and calculate the
                                                                                   expected credit losses.
                                                                                   By reference to historical credit loss experience, and
                                                                                   taking into account the current situations and
 Accounts receivable - related parties
                                                   Consolidated related parties    prediction of future economic conditions, calculate the
 within the scope of consolidation
                                                                                   expected credit losses according to the default risk
                                                                                   exposure and rate of lifetime expected credit loss.
                                                                                   By reference to historical credit loss experience, and
                                                                                   taking into account the current situations and
 Long-term accounts receivable – group of
                                                   Nature of accounts              prediction of future economic conditions, calculate the
 security deposit
                                                                                   expected credit losses according to the default risk
                                                                                   exposure and rate of lifetime expected credit loss.
2) Accounts receivable - comparison table of the age and rate of lifetime expected credit loss

                                 Age                                        Rate of expected credit loss on accounts receivable (%)
              Within 6 months (inclusive, the same below)                                                                          0.5
                             7-12 months                                                                                             5
                              1-2 years                                                                                             20
                              2-3 years                                                                                             60
                             Over 3 years                                                                                         100
6. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis on the balance sheet only if: (1) the Company has a
currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognized amounts; and (2) the Company has an intention to settle on a net basis, or
realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously. Except as stated above, financial assets and financial liabilities are presented
on the balance sheet separately, without offsetting each other.

With respect to the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition, the Company does not offset the financial
assets transferred against the relevant liabilities.

11. Inventories

1. Classification of inventories

Inventories include finished products or goods held for sale in the ordinary course of business, work in progress and materia ls and
goods consumed in the process of production or rendering of services.

2. Calculation of the price of inventories dispatched

The price of inventories dispatched is calculated using the weighted average method at the end of the month in which they were

3. Basis for determination of net realizable value of inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. An amount equal to the cos t of an
inventory in excess of its net realizable value is recognized as the allowance for impairment of inventories. The net realizable value of
inventories held directly for sale is the estimated selling price of such inventories less the estimated selling expenses and related taxes
in the ordinary course of business. The net realizable value of inventories to be further processed is the estimated selling price of
finished goods less the estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes in the ordinary course of business.
At the balance sheet date, if part of an inventory has a contract price while the remaining part thereof does not have a contract price,
the net realizable value is determined separately, which is compared with their cost, to determine the amount of the allowance for
impairment of inventories recognized or reversed (as applicable).

4. Inventory system

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The perpetual inventory system is adopted.

5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials

(1) Low-value consumables

Low-value consumables are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

(2) Packing materials

Packing materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

12. Contract assets

Contract assets or contract liabilities are presented on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the relevant performance
obligations and payment by the customer. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis.

The right of the Company to payment that is unconditional, except for the passage of time, is presented as an account receivable. The
right of the Company to payment for goods already transferred to a customer is presented as a contract asset if that right to payment is
conditional on something other than the passage of time.

13. Contract costs

Assets related to contract costs include contract acquisition cost and contract performance cost.

Contract acquisition costs, i.e., the incremental cost of acquiring a contract, are recognized as an asset if they are expected to be
recovered, and if the amortization period is no more than one year, are directly recorded in profit or loss as incurred.

Contract performance costs, i.e. the costs of fulfilling a contract, are recognized as an asset if they are not addressed by the standards
on inventories, fixed assets and intangible assets and meet all of the following criteria:

1. the costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including direct labor, direct material, manufacturing costs (or
similar costs), costs that are explicitly chargeable to the relevant customer under the contract and other costs incurred solely in
connection with the contract;

2. the costs enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying the performance obligations in the future; and

3. the costs are expected to be recovered.

The assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of revenues from goods or services related to
such assets, and recognized in profit or loss.

The portion of the carrying value of an asset related to contract costs in excess of the remaining consideration receivable from the
transfer of goods or service related to such asset less the estimated costs that are expected to be incurred is recognized as an impairment
loss. If, as a result of changes in the factors of impairment in the previous periods, the remaining consideration receivable from the
transfer of goods or service related to such asset less the estimated costs that are expected to be incurred exceeds the carrying value of
such asset, the impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss, provided that the carrying value of the reversed asset shall not exceed
its carrying value at the reversal date assuming such impairment loss were not recognized.

14. Long-term equity investments

1. Criteria for determining joint control and significant influence

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the re levant

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activities require unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and
operating policy making of an entity, but is not control or joint control over those policies.

2. Determination of investment cost

(1) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination involving entities under common control, if the acquirer
pays consideration for the business combination by cash, transfer of non-monetary assets, assumption of liabilities or issuance of equity
securities, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the Company’s share of the carrying value of the owners’
equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference
between: (i) the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment; and (ii) the carrying value of the consideration paid for the
combination or the total par value of the shares issued (as applicable) is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the
capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is charged against the retained earnings.

If a business combination is achieved through multiple transactions by steps that constitute a package deal, the Company accounts for
such transactions as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do not constitute a package deal, the initial investment cost
is the Company’s share of the carrying value of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the
ultimate controller at the date of combination; and the difference between: (i) the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment at the date of combination; and (ii) the sum of the carrying value of long-term equity investment before the combination
and the carrying value of the consideration paid for acquisition of the additional shares at the date of combination is treated as an
adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining bala nce is charged
against the retained earnings.

(2) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination involving entities not under common control, the initial
investment cost is the fair value of the aggregate consideration paid at the date of acquisition.

With respect to a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving entities under common control that
is achieved through multiple transactions by steps, the accounting thereof in the standalone financial statements is different from that
in the consolidated financial statements as stated below:

1) In the standalone financial statements, the sum of the carrying value of the equity investment originally held in the acquiree and the
additional investment cost incurred is recorded as the initial investment cost of the equity investment changed into the cost method.

2) In the consolidated financial statements, if the transactions constitute a package deal, the Company accounts for such tra nsactions
as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do not constitute a package deal, the Company remeasures the fair value of
the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition, and records the difference between the fair value and the c arrying value
as investment income for the current period; if the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition involves other
comprehensive income under equity method, such other comprehensive income is transferred to the income of the period in which the
date of acquisition falls, except for other comprehensive income arising from remeasurement of changes in net liabilities or net assets
of defined benefit plans.

(3) In case of an equity investment not acquired through business combination, the initial investment cost is the purchase price actually
paid if it is acquired by cash, or the fair value of the equity securities issued if it is acquired through issuance of equity securities, or in
accordance with CASBE 12 “Debt Restructuring” if it is acquired through debt restructuring, or CASBE 7 “Exchange of Non-monetary
Assets” if it is acquired through exchange of non-monetary assets.

3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

Long-term equity investments in investees are accounted for using the cost method. Long-term equity investments in associates and
joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.

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4. Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary

(1) Standalone financial statements

The difference between the carrying value of the equity disposed of and the disposal proceeds actually received is recognized in profit
or loss. If the remaining equity empowers the Company to exercise significant influence or joint control over the investee, the remaining
equity is accounted for using the equity method; if the remaining equity does not empower the Company to exercise control, jo int
control or significant influence over the investee, the remaining equity is accounted for in accordance with CASBE 22 “Recognition
and Measurement of Financial Instruments”.

(2) Consolidated financial statements

1) Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary which do not
constitute a package deal. Prior to the loss of control, the difference between the disposal proceeds and the share owned by the Company
in the net assets of the subsidiary in relation to the long-term equity investment disposed of that is calculated continuously from the
date of acquisition or combination is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve (share premium). In case the capital reserve is not
sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is charged against the retained earnings. When losing control over a subsidiary,
the remaining equity is remeasured at its fair value at the date of loss of control. The sum of the consideration received from the disposal
of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, net of the share owned by the Company in the net assets of the subsidiary in
relation to the long-term equity investment disposed of as calculated continuously from the date of acquisition according to the previous
shareholding ratio, is recognized in the investment income for the period in which the control is lost, and the goodwill is written down
accordingly. Other comprehensive income relating to the equity investment in the subsidiary is transferred to the investment income
for the period in which the control was lost.

2) Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary which constitute
a package deal. The Company accounts for such transactions as one transaction to dispose of and lose its control over the subsidiary;
however, the difference between the proceeds from each disposal before loss of control and the share owned by the Company in the
net assets of the subsidiary in relation to the investment disposed of is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated
financial statements, which is wholly transferred to the profit or loss in the period in which the control is lost.

15. Investment property
Measurement model for investment property

Measured at cost

Method of depreciation or amortization

1. Investment properties include land use right leased out or held for appreciation and buildings and structures leased out.

2. An investment property is measured initially at cost, and subsequently using the cost model, and depreciated or amortized using the
same method as fixed assets and intangible assets.

16. Fixed assets

(1)   Criteria for recognition

Fixed assets are tangible assets held for production of goods, rendering of service, lease or operation and management with a useful
life of more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the
Company and its cost can be reliably measured.

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(2)     Depreciation

                                                                         Estimated useful        Rate of residual         Annual rate of
                Category                  Method of depreciation
                                                                            life (years)              value                depreciation
      Buildings and structures             Straight-line   method       20-30                   0.05                 3.17%-4.75%
      Machinery and equipment              Straight-line   method       5-10                    0.05                 9.50%-19.00%
      Transportation equipment             Straight-line   method       5                       0.05                 0.19
      Office equipment and others          Straight-line   method       5                       0.05                 0.19
17. Construction in progress

1. A construction in progress is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the Company and its cost
can be reliably measured. A construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred before it is completed and ready for intended

2. When a construction in progress is ready for intended use, it is transferred to fixed assets at its actual construction cost. A construction
in progress that is ready for intended use but the final settlement of which has not yet been completed is transferred to fixed assets at
estimated value first, and after the completion of final settlement, the estimated value is adjusted according to the actual cost, without
adjusting the accumulated depreciation.

18. Borrowing costs

1. Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part
of the cost of the asset when they meet the condition for capitalization. Other borrowing costs are expensed when they are incurred and
recognized in profit or loss.

2. Period of capitalization of borrowing costs

(1) A borrowing cost is capitalized when all of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) the expenditures on the asset have already been
incurred; 2) the borrowing cost has already been incurred; and 3) the acquisition, construction or production activities necessary to
prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already commenced.

(2) Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during the period of abnormal interruption of acquisition, construction or production
of a qualifying asset which lasts for more than three consecutive months. The borrowing costs incurred during the period of suspension
are recognized as expenses for the current period. The capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended until the resumption of acquisition,
construction or production activities.

(3) Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when a qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced gets ready for its intended use
or sale.

3. Rate and amount of capitalization of borrowing costs

For borrowings obtained specially for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the amount of capitalization of
the borrowing costs is the cost of the borrowings actually incurred in the current period (including amortized discount or premium
determined using the effective interest method) less the interest income from the part of borrowings that has not yet been utilized and
is deposited in banks or investment income from temporary investment of the borrowings. For ordinary borrowings occupied for the
acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization is determined by
multiplying the weighted average of the excess of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the special borrowings by the rate of
capitalization of the ordinary borrowings occupied.

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19. Right-of-use assets

A right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost, which comprise: 1) the amount of the lease liability initially measured; 2) any lease
payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received; 3) any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee;
and 4) estimated costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is
located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease.

The Company depreciates the right-of-use assets using the straight-line method. If it is reasonable to be certain that the ownership of
an underlying asset can be acquired by the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the right-of-use asset from the
commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the Company depreciates the right-of-use asset
from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.

20. Intangible assets

(1)   Measurement, useful life and impairment test

1. Intangible assets, including land use right, patents, non-patent technologies, etc., are initially measured at cost.

2. An intangible asset with a finite useful life is amortized in a systematic and reasonable manner according to the pattern in which the
economic benefits related to the intangible asset are expected to be realized, or if that pattern cannot be determined reliably, using the
straight-line method as follows:

                                Item                                       Amortization period (years)
                            Land use right                                                                            50
                          Development costs                                                                            5
                              Software                                                                                 3
                        Trademarks and patents                                                                        10
(2)   Accounting policy for e xpenditures on internal research and development projects

Expenditures on an internal research and development project at research phase are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.
Expenditures on an internal research and development project at development phase are recognized as an intangible asset if: 1) it is
technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use of sale; 2) it is intended to complete the intangible
asset so that it will be available for use of sale; 3) the pattern in which the intangible asset will generate economic results can
demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself, or if it is to be used internally,
the usefulness of the intangible asset; 4) there are sufficient technical, financial and other resources available to complete the
development activities and to use or sell the intangible asset; and 5) the expenditures attributable to the development of the intangible
asset can be reliably measured.

21. Impairment of long-term assets

With respect to long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with a finite useful life and other
long-term assets, if there’s an indication of impairment at the balance sheet date, the Company assesses their recoverable amount.
Goodwill arising from business combinations and intangible assets with an infinite useful life are tested for impairment every year
regardless of whether there’s an indication of impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment together with the relevant groups of assets
or combinations of groups of assets.

If the recoverable amount of a long-term asset is less than its carrying value, the difference is measured as impairment loss on the
asset and recognized in profit or loss.

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22. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are expenses that have already been incurred but should be amortized over a period of more than one
year. Long-term deferred expenses are stated at the amount actually incurred, and equally amortized over the benefit period or
established period. If an item of long-term deferred expenses will not benefit the subsequent periods, the remaining unamortized balance
of the item is wholly transferred to profit or loss.

23. Contract liabilities

Contract assets or contract liabilities are presented on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the relevant performance
obligations and payment by the customer. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis.

The Company’s obligation to transfer goods to a customer in exchange for the consideration paid or payable by the customer is
presented as a contract liability.

24. Employee benefits

(1)   Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits

The short-term employee benefits actually incurred are recognized as liabilities in the accounting period during which employee
services are rendered, and included in profit or loss or the cost of related assets.

(2)   Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.

(1) In the accounting period during which employee services are rendered, the amount contributable as calculated according to the
defined contribution plan is recognized as liabilities and included in profit or loss or the cost of related assets.

(2) The accounting treatment of a defined benefit plan generally involves the following steps:

1) According to the projected unit credit method, use the unbiased and consistent actuarial assumptions to estimate demographic
variables and financial variables, measure the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the period to which the
relevant obligation belongs. Meanwhile, discount the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan, in order to determine the present
value of the benefit plan obligation and the current service cost;

2) If the defined benefit plan has assets, the deficit or surplus resulting after reducing the present value of the defined benefit obligation
by the fair value of the defined benefit plan is recognized as a net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan. If the defined benefit
plan has a surplus, the net assets of the defined benefit plan are measured at the lower of surplus in the defined benefit plan and asset

3) At the end of the current period, the cost of employee benefits arising from the defined benefit plan is recorded as service cost, net
interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and changes arising from remeasurement of the net liabilities or
net assets of the defined benefit plan, where the service cost and the net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit
plan are included in profit or loss or the cost of related assets, and the changes arising from remeasurement of the net liabilities or net
assets of the defined benefit plan are included in other comprehensive income, which will not be reversed to profit or loss in subsequent
periods, but may be transferred within the scope of equity.

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(3)   Accounting treatment of termination benefits

When the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of termination benefits as a result of termination of employment or redunda ncy,
or recognizes the restructuring costs or expenses relating to payment of termination benefits, whichever the earlier, the employee benefit
liabilities arising from recognition of termination benefits are recognized in profit or loss.

(4)   Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits

Other long-term employee benefits are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined contribution plans if they
are qualified as defined contribution plans, otherwise, are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined benefit
plans. In order to simplify the accounting, the total net amount of the cost of employee benefits arising from the defined be nefit plans
that is recorded as service cost, net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, changes arising from
remeasurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan and other components is included in profit or loss or the
cost of related assets.

25. Provisions

1. Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation as a result of any external guarantee, litigations, product
quality warranty, onerous contract or other contingencies, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured.

2. Provisions are initially measured according to the best estimates of the expenditures required to settle the related prese nt obligations.
The carrying value of provisions is reviewed at the balance sheet date.

26. Share-based payments

1. Types of share-based payments

Share-based payments include equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based payment.

2. Accounting treatment of implementation, amendment and termination of share-based payment plans

(1) Equity-settled share-based payment

With respect to an equity-settled share-based payment that is granted in exchange for the services of employees, if the right can be
immediately exercised after the grant, at the date of grant, the fair value of the equity instruments is included in the relevant costs or
expenses, and the capital reserve is adjusted accordingly; if the right may not be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or
until the specified performance conditions are met, at each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services received in the
current period are, based on the best estimate of the exercisable equity, included in the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of
the equity instruments at the date of grant, and the capital reserve is adjusted accordingly.

An equity-settled share-based payment that is granted in exchange for the services of any other party is measured at fair value at the
date of receipt of such services if the fair value of such services can be reliably measured, or at the fair value of the equity instruments
at the date of receipt of such services if the fair value of such services cannot be reliably measured but the fair value of the equity
instruments can be reliably measured. The services are included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the owners’ equity is increased

(2) Cash-settled share-based payment

With respect to a cash-settled share-based payment that is granted in exchange for the services of employees, if the right can be
immediately exercised after the grant, at the date of grant, the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company is inc luded in the
relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities are increased accordingly; if the right may not be exercised until the vesting period comes

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to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, at each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the se rvices
received in the current period are, based on the best estimate about the exercisable right, included in the relevant costs or expenses and
the corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company.

(3) Amendment and termination of share-based payment plans

If such amendment results in an increase in the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the Company recognizes a corresponding
increase in the services received according to the increase in the fair value of the equity instruments. If such amendment results in an
increase in the number of the equity instruments granted, the Company recognizes a corresponding increase in the services rec eived
according to the fair value of the additional equity instruments granted. If the Company amends the vesting conditions in a manner
favorable to the employees, the Company will take into account the vesting conditions as amended in the accounting thereof.

If such amendment results in a decrease in the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the Company continues to recognize the
services received based on the fair value of the equity instruments at the date of grant, without taking into account the decrease in the
fair value of the equity instruments. If such amendment results in a decrease in the number of the equity instruments granted, the portion
of the equity instruments reduced is deemed cancelled. If the Company amends the vesting conditions in a manner unfavorable to the
employees, the Company will not take into account the vesting conditions as amended in the accounting thereof.

If, during the vesting period, the Company cancels or settles any equity instruments granted (except for those cancelled due to failure
to satisfy the vesting conditions), such cancellation or settlement is treated as an acceleration of vesting, and the amount that would
have been recognized in the remaining vesting period is recognized immediately.

27. Revenue

Accounting policies for recognition and measurement of revenue

1. Revenue recognition principle

At contract inception, the Company assesses a contract to identify each single performance obligation included in the contract and
whether such performance obligation shall be satisfied over time or at a point in time.

A performance obligation shall be satisfied over time if it meets one of the following criteria, otherwise, it shall be satisfied at a point
in time: 1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company’s performance; 2) the customer
can control the work in process created during the Company’s performance; or 3) the Company’s performance does not create the
goods with an alternative use to the Company and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to

With respect to a performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company recognizes revenue over time by measuring the progress
toward complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. If the Company is unable to reasonably measure the progress of a
performance obligation, but expects to recover the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation, the Company recognizes
revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until such time that it can reasonably measure the progress of the performance obligation.
With respect to a performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Company recognizes revenue when the customer obtains
control of the relevant goods or service. In determining whether the customer has obtained control of any goods, the Company considers
the following indicators: 1) the Company has a present right to payment for the goods, i.e., the customer presently is obliged to pay for
the goods; 2) the Company has transferred the legal title to the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer has the legal title to the goods;
3) the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer physically possesses the goods; 4)
the Company has passed the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer has the significant
risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; 5) the customer has accepted the goods; and 6) other indictors showing that the customer
has obtained control of the goods.

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2. Revenue measurement principle

(1) The Company measures revenue according to the transaction price allocated to each performance obligation. Transaction price is
the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring the relevant goods or services to
a customer, excluding the amounts collected on behalf of third parties or expected to be returned to the customer.

(2) If a contract has any variable consideration, the Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration according to
the expected value or the most likely amount, but the Company shall include in the transaction price some or all of an amount of
variable consideration only to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized
will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved.

(3) If a contract contains a significant financing component, the Company determines the transaction price according to the amount
that the customer would have paid for the goods or services if it had paid cash when it obtains control of the goods or services. The
difference between such transaction price and the contract consideration is amortized over the term of the contract using the effective
interest method. The significant financing component contained in a contract will not be considered if the Company expects, at contract
inception, that the period between the time the customer obtains controls of the relevant goods or services and the time the customer
pays for the goods or services will not be longer than one year.

(4) If a contract includes two or more performance obligations, at contract inception, the Company allocates the transaction price to
each performance obligation on a relative standalone selling price basis.

3. Methods of revenue recognition

The Company is primarily engaged in the sale of PCBs, LED display devices, touch panels and LCMs, precision components and other
products, the revenues from which constitute performance obligations to be satisfied at a point in time. Revenue from sale of products
on the domestic market is recognized when the Company has delivered the products to the agreed place of delivery which have been
accepted by the customer, has received or has a present right to payment for the products, and it is probable that the economic benefits
associated with the transaction will flow to the Company. Revenue from sale of products on the overseas market is recognized when
the products delivered by the Company pursuant to the contract have been cleared through customs, and the Company has received the
relevant export declaration form and bill of lading, has received or has a present right to payment for the products, and it is probable
that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company.

28. Government grants

1. Government grants are recognized if 1) the Company meets the conditions attaching to the government grants; and 2) the Company
will receive the government grants. Government grants in the form of monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable.
Government grants in the form of non-monetary assets are measured at fair value, or if their fair value is unavailable, at nominal amount.

2. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to assets

Government grants related to assets are government grants which are offered for purchasing, constructing or otherwise acquiring long-
term assets as provided by the applicable government documents, or in the absence of such express provision in the applicable
government documents, whose primary condition is that the Company should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets.
Government grants related to assets are offset against the carrying value of the relevant assets or recognized as deferred income.
Government grants related to assets recognized as deferred income are included in profit or loss over the service life of the relevant
assets on a reasonable and systemic basis. Government grants measured at nominal amount are directly recognized in profit or loss. In
case of sale, transfer, retirement or damage of the relevant assets before the end of intended service life, the balanc e of the unallocated
deferred income is transferred to profit or loss for the period in which the assets are disposed of.

3. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to income

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Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. Government grants related to both assets
and income where it is difficult to make a distinction between the portion related to assets and the portion related to income are wholly
classified as government grants related to income. Government grants related to income as compensation for expenses or losses to be
incurred in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and in the period for recognizing the relevant costs, expenses or
losses, included in profit or loss or offset against the relevant costs. Government grants related to income as compensation for expenses
or losses already incurred are directly included in profit or loss or offset against the relevant costs.

4. Government grants related to day-to-day operations of the Company are recognized in other income or offset against the relevant
costs and expenses depending on the nature of economic business. Government grants not related to day-to-day operations of the
Company are recognized in non-operating revenues or expenses.

5. Accounting treatment of policy loan interest subsidy

(1) If the financial authority appropriates any interest subsidy to the lending bank, which then provides a loan to the Company at the
 policy preferential interest rate, the loan is stated at the amount of loan actually received, and the borrowing cost is calculated
 according to the principal of the loan and the policy preferential interest rate.

(2) If the financial authority directly appropriates any interest subsidy to the Company, an amount equal to the interest subsidy is
charged against the borrowing cost.

29. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

1. The difference between the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying value, or in case of an item not recognized as asset or
liability whose tax base can be determined according to the applicable tax law, the difference between its tax base and c arrying value,
is recognized as a deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability according to the tax rate applicable to the period in which the asset or
liability is expected to be recovered or settled.

2. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent of the amount of income tax payable that will be available in future periods against
which deductible temporary differences are deductible. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets not recognized in prior periods
are recognized if there’s conclusive evidence that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future periods against
which the deductible temporary differences are deductible.

3. At the balance sheet date, the carrying value of deferred tax assets is reviewed and written down to the extent that it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred tax assets to be utilized.
If it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available, the amount of write-down is reversed.

4. The income taxes and deferred income taxes are included in profit or loss as income tax expenses or gains, except the income taxes
arising from any: 1) business combination; or 2) transaction or event directly recognized in owners’ equity.

30. Leases

(1)   Accounting treatment of operating lease

Lease receipts are recognized as lease income using the straight-line method over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred are
capitalized, amortized on the same basis as the recognition of lease income, and recognized in profit or loss by installments. Variable
lease payments related to operating lease which are not included in the lease receipts are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.

(2)   Accounting treatment of finance lease

At the commencement date of a lease, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivable based on the net investment in the lease
(equal to the sum of the present value of unguaranteed residual value and lease receipts that are not received at the commencement

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date, discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease), and derecognizes the assets held under the finance lease. The Company
calculates and recognizes interest income using the interest rate implicit in the lease over the lease term.

31. Other Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

1. Recognition and accounting treatment of discontinued operation

A discontinued operation is a separately identifiable component that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale, and:

(1) represents a separate major line business or geographical area of operations;

(2) is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; or

(3) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a review to resale.

2. Basis for the adoption of hedge accounting and its accounting treatment

(1) Hedge includes fair value hedge, cash flow hedge and hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation.

(2) A hedging relationship qualifies for hedge accounting if all of the following conditions are met: 1) the hedging relationship consists
only of eligible hedging instruments and eligible hedged instruments; 2) at the inception of the hedge there is formal designation of
hedging instruments and hedged item, and documentation of the hedging relationship and the Company’s risk management objective
and strategy for undertaking the hedge; and 3) the hedging relationship meets the hedging effectiveness requirements. The Company
recognizes that the hedging relationship meets effectiveness requirements if all of the following conditions are met: 1) there is an
economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instruments; 2) the effect of credit risk does not dominate the value
changes that result from the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instruments; and 3) the hedge ratio of the
hedging relationship is the same as the ratio of the quantity of the hedged item that the Company actually hedges to the number of
hedging instruments that the Company actually uses to hedge such hedged item, but does not reflect an imbalance between the
weightings of the hedged item and the hedging instrument.

The Company assesses whether a hedging relationship meets the hedge effectiveness requirements at inception and on an ongoing
basis. If a hedging relationship ceases to meet the hedge effectiveness requirement relating to the hedge ratio but the risk management
objective for that designated hedging relationship remains the same, the hedging relationship will be rebalanced.

(3) Hedge accounting

1) Fair value hedge

① The gain or loss on a hedging instrument is recognized in profit or loss (or other comprehensive income, if the hedging instrument
hedges a non-trading equity instrument (or a component thereof) at fair value through other comprehensive income).

② The gain or loss on a hedged item arising from risk exposure is recognized in profit or loss, with a corresponding adjustment to the
carrying amount of the hedged item not measured at fair value. If the hedged item is a financial asset (or a component thereof) that is
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with Article XVIII of the CASBE 22 “Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement”, the gain or loss arising from the risk exposure on the hedged item is recognized in profit or loss,
without adjusting its carrying amount which has already been measured at fair value; if the hedged item is a non-trading equity
instrument (or a component thereof) for which the Company has elected to present changes at fair value through other comprehensive
income, the gain or loss arising from the risk exposure on the hedged item is recognized in profit or loss, without adjusting its carrying
amount which has already been measured at fair value.

When a hedged item is an unrecognized firm commitment (or a component thereof), the cumulative change in fair value of the he dged
item subsequent to its designation is recognized as an asset or a liability with a corresponding gain or loss recognized in profit or loss.

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When a firm commitment is performed to acquire an asset or assume a liability, the initial carrying amount of the asset or the liabilit y
is adjusted to include the cumulative change in fair value of the hedged item that was previously recognized.

For a hedged item that is a financial instrument (or a component thereof) measured at amortized cost, any adjustment on the c arrying
amount of the hedged item is amortized to profit or loss based on a recalculated effective interest rate at the date that amortization
begins. For a financial asset (or a component thereof) that is a hedged item and measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income in accordance with Article XVIII of the CASBE 22 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, the cumulative
gain or loss previously recognized thereon is amortized in the same manner, and recognized in profit or loss, without adjusting its
carrying amount.

2) Cash flow hedges

① The portion of the gain or loss on a hedging instrument that is determined to be an effective hedge is recognized in other
comprehensive income as cash flow hedge reserve, while the ineffective portion is recognized in profit or loss. The cash flow hedge
reserve is recognized at the lower of the following (in absolute amount): A. the cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument from
inception of the hedge; and B. the cumulative change in present value of the expected future cash flows of the hedged item from
inception of the hedge.

② If a hedged forecast transaction subsequently results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or a hedged
forecast transaction for a non-financial asset or non-financial liability becomes a firm commitment for which fair value hedge
accounting is applied, the Company transfers out the amount of cash flow hedge reserve previously recognized in other comprehensive
income, and includes it in the initial cost of the asset or the liability.

③ For other cash flow hedges, the amount of cash flow hedge reserve previously recognized in other comprehensive income is
transferred to profit or loss in the same period the hedged forecast sale affects profit or loss.

3) Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation

The portion of the gain or loss on a hedging instrument that is determined to be an effective hedge is recognized in other comprehensive
income, and reclassified from other comprehensive income into profit or loss on the disposal of the foreign operation, while the
ineffective portion is recognized in profit or loss.

3. Accounting treatment related to share repurchase

When the Company repurchases its shares for the purpose of reducing its registered capital, rewarding its employees or otherwise, if
the purchased shares are to be held as treasury shares, the treasury shares are recorded at the amount actually paid and the relevant
filing procedures are performed; if the repurchased shares are to be retired, the difference between the total book value of the shares
retired and the amount actually paid therefore is recognized as a reduction in capital reserve, and if the capital reserve is not sufficient
to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is charged against the retained earnings. If the repurchased shares are granted to the
employees as equity-settled share-based payments, the purchase price paid by the employees upon exercise of their rights is recognized
as a reduction in the cost of the relevant treasury shares vested in the employees and capital reserve (other capital reserve) accumulated
within the vesting period, with a corresponding adjustment to capital reserve (share premium).

32. Significant changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1)     Significant changes in accounting policies

 Applicable □ N/A

        Changes in accounting policies and
                                                                Approval procedures                               Remark
      The Company adopted the provision             The Proposal Regarding Changes in

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      regarding the accounting treatment of          Accounting Policies was approved at the
      sales of products or byproducts produced       33th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
      before a fixed asset is ready for intended     and the 20th meeting of the 5th Board of
      use or during the R&D process (“sales at      Supervisors of the Company held on April
      the stage of trial operation”) set forth in   19, 2023, on which the independent
      the Interpretation of the Accounting           directors of the Company expressed their
      Standards for Business Enterprises No.         independent opinion. Pursuant to the
      15 issued by the Ministry of Finance since     Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on
      January 1, 2022, whereby the sales at the      the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
      stage of trial operation occurred from the     relevant provisions, such change in
      beginning of earliest period presented in      accounting policies is not subject to
      the financial statements till January 1,       approval of the general meeting.
      2022 were retroactively adjusted.
      The Company adopted the provision
                                                     The Proposal Regarding Changes in
      regarding the determination of onerous
                                                     Accounting Policies was approved at the
      contract set forth in the Interpretation of
                                                     33th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
      the Accounting Standards for Business
                                                     and the 20th meeting of the 5th Board of
      Enterprises No. 15 issued by the Ministry
                                                     Supervisors of the Company held on April
      of Finance since January 1, 2022, which
                                                     19, 2023, on which the independent
      applied to all outstanding contracts as of
                                                     directors of the Company expressed their
      January 1, 2022, with the cumulative
                                                     independent opinion. Pursuant to the
      effect recognized as an adjustment to the
                                                     Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on
      balance of the retained earnings and other
                                                     the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
      related financial statement items at the
                                                     relevant provisions, such change in
      beginning of the period in which such
                                                     accounting policies is not subject to
      provision was adopted, without restating
                                                     approval of the general meeting.
      comparative period financial statements.
      The Company adopted the provision
                                                     The Proposal Regarding Changes in
      regarding the determination of onerous
                                                     Accounting Policies was approved at the
      contract set forth in the Interpretation of
                                                     33th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
      the Accounting Standards for Business
                                                     and the 20th meeting of the 5th Board of
      Enterprises No. 15 issued by the Ministry
                                                     Supervisors of the Company held on April
      of Finance since January 1, 2022, which
                                                     19, 2023, on which the independent
      applied to all outstanding contracts as of
                                                     directors of the Company expressed their
      January 1, 2022, with the cumulative
                                                     independent opinion. Pursuant to the
      effect recognized as an adjustment to the
                                                     Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on
      balance of the retained earnings and other
                                                     the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
      related financial statement items at the
                                                     relevant provisions, such change in
      beginning of the period in which such
                                                     accounting policies is not subject to
      provision was adopted, without restating
                                                     approval of the general meeting.
      comparative period financial statements.
      The Company adopted the provision
      regarding the accounting treatment of the
      change of cash-settled share-based
                                                     The Proposal Regarding Changes in
      payment into equity-settled share-based
                                                     Accounting Policies was approved at the
      payment set forth in the Interpretation of
                                                     33th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
      the Accounting Standards for Business
                                                     and the 20th meeting of the 5th Board of
      Enterprises No. 16 issued by the Ministry
                                                     Supervisors of the Company held on April
      of Finance since November 30, 2022,
                                                     19, 2023, on which the independent
      whereby the transactions occurred
                                                     directors of the Company expressed their
      between January 1, 2022 and November
                                                     independent opinion. Pursuant to the
      30, 2022 were adjusted according to such
                                                     Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on
      provision, and the transactions occurred
                                                     the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
      before January 1, 2022 were retroactively
                                                     relevant provisions, such change in
      adjusted, with the cumulative effects
                                                     accounting policies is not subject to
      recognized as adjustment to the balance of
                                                     approval of the general meeting.
      the retained earnings and other related
      items at January 1, 2022, without restating
      comparative period financial statements
Such changes in accounting policies did not have a material effect on the Company’s financial statements.

(2)     Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable  N/A

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33. Miscellaneous

(1)     Sale and leaseback

1) The Company as lessee

In accordance with CASBE 14 “Revenue”, the Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of any asset in a sale and
leaseback transaction should be accounted for as a sale of that asset.

If the transfer of an asset is accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company measures the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback
at the proportion of the original carrying value of the asset that relates to the right of use retained by the Company. Accordingly, the
Company recognizes only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the lessor.

Otherwise, the Company continues the recognition of the transferred asset, and recognizes a financial liability equal to the amount of
transfer proceeds in accordance with CASBE 22 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” at the same time.

2) The Company as lessor

In accordance with CASBE 14 “Revenue”, the Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of any asset in a sale and
leaseback transaction should be accounted for as a sale of that asset.

If the transfer of an asset is accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company accounts for the purchase of assets in accordance with
other applicable standards, and accounts for the lease of assets in accordance with CASBE 21 “ Leases”.

Otherwise, the Company does not recognize the transferred asset, instead, recognizes a financial asset equal to the amount of transfer
proceeds in accordance with CASBE 22 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”.

VI. Taxation
1.      Main categories of taxes and tax rates
      Category of tax                                      Tax base                                                            Tax rate
                          The output tax calculated based on revenue from sales of goods or rendering
 Value-added tax                                                                                           13%, 6% or 7%-25% (for the Company’s overseas
                          of services in accordance with the tax law, net of the input tax deductible in
 (VAT)                                                                                                     subsidiaries)
                          the current period
 Sales tax                Taxable sales                                                                    8% (U.S.A.)
 Urban maintenance
                          Amount of turnover tax actually paid                                             5% or 7% (China)
 and construction tax
                                                                                                           15%, 16.50%, 25%, 0, 21%, 0.75%-8.84%, 17%,
 Enterprise income tax    Amount of taxable income
                                                                                                           10%、20%, 20.6%, 24% or 30%
                          If levied on the basis of price, 1.2% * 70% of the original value of the
 Property tax                                                                                              1.2% or 12% (China)
                          property; if levied on the basis of rental, 12% of the lease income
 Education surcharge      Amount of turnover tax actually paid                                             3% (China)
 Local education
                          Amount of turnover tax actually paid                                             2% (China)
Different rates of enterprise income tax applicable to the taxpayers:

                                     Taxpayer                                                                     Income tax rate
 The Company, Yongchuang Tech, Mutto Optronics, MFLEX Yancheng, Yancheng
 Dongshan, Dongguan Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., RF Top
 Electronic, Suzhou Chengjia, Yancheng Mutto Optronics Science and Technology
 Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Dongdai Electronic Tech Co Ltd.
 Hong Kong Dongshan and other companies incorporated in Hong Kong                       16.5%
 Mutto Optronics Group Limited, M-Flex Cayman Island, INC, The Dii Group (BVI)
 Co. Limited
 Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc. and other companies incorporated in the United         Federal corporate income tax rate, 21%; state corporate income tax
 States                                                                                 rate, 0.75%-8.84%
 Multi-Fineline Electronix Singapore Ptd. Ltd. and other companies incorporated in
                                                                                        17% (Singapore)
 Multek Technologies Limited                                                            15% (enjoying an 80% tax exemption)
 Multek Technology Sweden AB                                                            20.6% (Sweden)
 Multek Technology Malaysia SDN.BHD                                                     24% (Malaysia)

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 DSBJ MEXICO, S.DER.L.DEC.V.                                                30.00%
 Other taxpayers not listed above                                           25%
2.     Tax preferences

1. Pursuant to the Notice on Publishing the Filing of the Third Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises Recognized by the
Recognition Authority of Jiangsu Province in 2022 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for Recognition Management
of High and New Technology Enterprises, the Company and its subsidiaries Mutto Optronics, Yancheng Dongshan, Yancheng
Dongshan Communication Technology Co., Ltd. and MFLEX Yancheng passed the high and new technology enterprise qualification
review with a term of three years from 2022 to 2024, and therefore are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for the current

2. Pursuant to the Notice on Publishing the Filing of the Fourth Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises Recognized by the
Recognition Authority of Jiangsu Province in 2022 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for Recognition Management
of High and New Technology Enterprises, the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary Suzhou Chengjia passed the high and new
technology enterprise qualification review with a term of three years from 2022 to 2024, and therefore is subject to an enterprise income
tax rate of 15% for the current period.

3. Pursuant to the Notice on Publishing the Filing the Second Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises Recognized by the
Recognition Authority of Jiangsu Province in 2022 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for Recognition Management
of High and New Technology Enterprises, the Company’s subsidiary EF Top Electronic passed the high and new technology enterprise
qualification review with a term of three years from 2022 to 2024, and therefore is subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for
the current period.

4. Pursuant to the Reply on the Filing of the Third Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises of Guangdong Province in 2022
(Guo Ke Huo Zi [2021] No. 23) issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for Recognition Management of High and New
Technology Enterprises, the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary Dongguan Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. passed the
high and new technology enterprise qualification review with a term of three years from 2020 to 2022, and therefore is subject to an
enterprise income tax rate of 15% for the current period.

5. Pursuant to the Notice on the Filing of the Third Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises of Jiangsu Province in 2021, the
Company’s wholly owned subsidiary Yancheng Mutto Optronics Science and Technology Co., Ltd. passed the high and new
technology enterprise qualification review with a term of three years from 2021 to 2023, and therefore is subject to an enterprise income
tax rate of 15% for the current period.

6. Pursuant to the Reply on the Filing of the Second Batch of High and New Technology Enterprises of Jiangsu Province in 2020 (Guo
Ke Huo Zi [2021] No. 40) issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for Recognition Management of High and New
Technology Enterprises, the Company’s subsidiary Suzhou Dongdai Electronic Tech Co., Ltd. passed the high and new technology
enterprise qualification review with a term of three years from 2020 to 2022, and therefore is subject to an enterprise income tax rate
of 15% for the current period.

7. Multek Technologies Limited is subject a corporate income tax rate of 15% under the Mauritius Corporate Income Tax Act, and as
a global Class I company incorporated in Mauritius but operating abroad, enjoys an 80% tax exemption, so its effective corporate
income tax rate is 3%.

VII.        Notes to items of the consolidated financial statements
1.     Cash and bank balances
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                      Item                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance
 Cash on hand                                                                  340,651.93                                    241,046.60

                                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 Bank deposits                                                                           5,456,686,170.77                                    3,939,060,080.19
 Other cash and bank balances                                                            1,674,175,995.02                                    1,461,536,265.68
 Total                                                                                   7,131,202,817.72                                    5,400,837,392.47
 Incl.: Total amounts deposited abroad                                                   2,247,517,164.32                                    1,025,270,288.66
Note: Other cash and bank balances included RMB611,218,010.65 of security deposit for acceptance bills, RMB278,516,239.17 of
financing security for acceptance bills, RMB59,093,243.44 of security for letters of credit, RMB174,646,000.00 of security for loans,
RMB87,288,309.05 of security for letters of guarantee, RMB455,064,192.71 of time deposits, and RMB8,350,000.00 of security for
foreign exchange transactions, all of which were subject to restrictions.

2.       Financial assets held for trading
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                         Item                                               Closing balance                                    Opening balance
      Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                                             575,783,803.93                                      499,528,549.86
      profit or loss
      Investments in equity instruments                                                       56,779,147.66                                       40,249,971.12
      Bank wealth management products                                                        519,004,656.27                                      459,278,578.74
      Total                                                                                  575,783,803.93                                      499,528,549.86
3.       Notes receivable

(1)      Notes receivable by category
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                      Item                                                  Closing balance                                    Opening balance
      Commercial acceptance bills                                                          48,401,430.82                                     14,624,540.85
      Total                                                                                48,401,430.82                                     14,624,540.85
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                               Closing balance                                                          Opening balance
                                                   Allowance for doubtful                                                   Allowance for doubtful
         Item              Book balance                                                             Book balance
                                                         accounts               Carrying                                          accounts             Carrying
                                                                                 value                                                                  value
                      Amount              %       Amount             %                         Amount              %       Amount            %
                     48,644,654.                                               48,401,430.    14,698,031.                                             14,624,540.
      recognized                     100.00%     243,223.27          0.50%                                    100.00%      73,490.15          0.50%
                             09                                                        82             00                                                      85
                     48,644,654.                                               48,401,430.    14,698,031.                                             14,624,540.
      acceptance                     100.00%     243,223.27          0.50%                                    100.00%      73,490.15          0.50%
                             09                                                        82             00                                                      85
                     48,644,654.                                               48,401,430.    14,698,031.                                             14,624,540.
      T otal                         100.00%     243,223.27          0.50%                                    100.00%      73,490.15          0.50%
                             09                                                        82             00                                                      85

Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized collectively:
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                   Closing balance
                          Item                                                                 Allowance for doubtful
                                                                 Book balance                                                                    %
      Group of commercial acceptance bills                               48,644,654.09                       243,223.27                                  0.50%
      Total                                                              48,644,654.09                       243,223.27
Basis for grouping:

If the allowance for doubtful accounts is recognized for notes receivable in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
please disclose the relevant information by reference to the disclosure of the allowance for doubtful accounts in respect of other

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

(2)      Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized, recovered or reversed in the current period

Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized in the current period:
                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                           Changes in the current period
                          Item                                                                Recovered        Written                                Closing balance
                                                             balance            Recognized                                              Others
                                                                                              or reversed        off
      Allowance recognized collectively                        73,490.15         169,733.12                                                                  243,223.27
      Total                                                    73,490.15         169,733.12                                                                  243,223.27
Significant amount of allowance for doubtful accounts recovered or reversed in the current period:

□Applicable N/A

(3)      Notes receivable already endorsed or discounted but not yet become due at the balance sheet date
                                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                  Amount derecognized at December 31,                  Amount not derecognized at December
                                                                                2022                                                 31, 2022
      Commercial acceptance bills                                                         77,828,794.51
      Total                                                                               77,828,794.51
4.       Accounts receivable

(1)      Accounts receivable by category
                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                   Closing balance                                                             Opening balance
                                                       Allowance for doubtful                                                      Allowance for doubtful
         Item               Book balance                                                                Book balance
                                                             accounts                 Carrying                                           accounts              Carrying
                                                                                       value                                                                    value
                      Amount               %          Amount             %                         Amount              %          Amount            %
                     619,864,657                    619,864,657                                   648,099,738                    648,099,738
      recognized                           7.75%                        100.00%                                        7.50%                      100.00%
                             .18                            .18                                           .87                            .87
                     7,377,349,9                    370,938,505                     7,006,411,4   7,994,960,2                    328,880,437                  7,666,079,7
      recognized                       92.25%                            5.03%                                     92.50%                            4.11%
                          72.72                             .98                          66.74         03.24                             .42                       65.82
                     7,997,214,6                    990,803,163                     7,006,411,4   8,643,059,9                    976,980,176                  7,666,079,7
      T otal                          100.00%                           12.39%                                    100.00%                           11.30%
                          29.90                             .16                          66.74         42.11                             .29                       65.82
Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized individually:
                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                    Closing balance
                     Name                                                   Allowance for
                                                    Book balance                                        %                                  Reason
                                                                           doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
      Shenzhen Baofeng Leader                                                                                      is less likely to be collected, so an amount equal to
                                                      401,778,317.42            401,778,317.42          100.00%
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                         the account receivable was already recognized as
                                                                                                                   impairment loss in 2019.
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
      Dongguan Baofeng Intelligent                                                                                 is less likely to be collected, so an amount equal to
                                                      169,582,771.72            169,582,771.72          100.00%
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                         the account receivable was already recognized as
                                                                                                                   impairment loss in 2019.
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
                                                                                                                   is less likely to be collected, so an amount equal to
      YLC International Group Inc.                     32,623,735.29              32,623,735.29         100.00%
                                                                                                                   the account receivable was already recognized as
                                                                                                                   impairment loss in 2018.
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
      Gongguan Xindong Intelligent                                                                                 is less likely to be collected, so an amount equal to
                                                         3,787,969.53              3,787,969.53         100.00%
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                         the account receivable was already recognized as
                                                                                                                   impairment loss in 2021.
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
                                                                                                                   is less likely to be collected, so an amount equal to
      Leesys - Leipzig Electronic Systems                3,583,014.53              3,583,014.53         100.00%
                                                                                                                   the account receivable was already recognized as
                                                                                                                   impairment loss in 2019.
                                                                                                                   According to the forecast of collection, the account
      Others                                             8,508,848.69              8,508,848.69         100.00%    is less likely to be collected, so an impairment loss
                                                                                                                   was recognized.
      Total                                           619,864,657.18            619,864,657.18

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized collectively: age
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                 Closing balance
                     Item                                                    Allowance for doubtful
                                                  Book balance                                                           %
      Within 6 months                                  6,527,619,977.21                   32,638,099.89                            0.50%
      7-12 months                                        415,534,427.06                   20,776,721.35                            5.00%
      1-2 years                                           74,386,686.62                   14,877,337.32                           20.00%
      2-3 years                                          142,906,336.02                   85,743,801.61                           60.00%
      Over 3 years                                       216,902,545.81                  216,902,545.81                          100.00%
      Total                                            7,377,349,972.72                  370,938,505.98
Basis for grouping:

If the allowance for doubtful accounts is recognized for notes receivable in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
please disclose the relevant information by reference to the disclosure of the allowance for doubtful accounts in respect of other

□ Applicable  N/A

Accounts receivable by age
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                    Age                                                            Book balance
      Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                          6,943,154,404.27
      Within 6 months                                                                                                    6,527,619,977.21
      7-12 months                                                                                                          415,534,427.06
      1-2 years                                                                                                             79,131,332.02
      2-3 years                                                                                                            147,646,312.40
      Over 3 years                                                                                                         827,282,581.21
         3-4 years                                                                                                         780,916,195.14
         4-5 years                                                                                                          29,163,991.48
         Over 5 years                                                                                                       17,202,394.59
      Total                                                                                                              7,997,214,629.90
(2)     Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized, recovered or reversed in the current period

Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized in the current period:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                   Changes in the current period
            Item                                                  Recovered or                                            Closing balance
                              balance            Recognized                          Written off          Others
      recognized            648,099,738.87        3,432,495.64      6,000,583.33     25,666,994.00                         619,864,657.18
      recognized            328,880,437.42       88,483,587.06                       47,788,795.71        1,363,277.21     370,938,505.98
      Total                 976,980,176.29       91,916,082.70      6,000,583.33     73,455,789.71        1,363,277.21     990,803,163.16
(3)     Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                    Item                                                       Amount written off

      Accounts receivable                                                                                                    73,455,789.71

Significant amount of accounts receivable written off:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                     Nature of        Amount written      Reason for write-          Write-off           Whether or not
           Company name
                                      account             off                   off                  procedure            arising from

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                        performed               related-party
                                                                                                    With the approval
                                                                              The debtor has
      Universal Wisdom Tech.                                                                        of the working
                                   Loan                  25,666,994.00        gone bankrupt and                            No
      (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                                                                           meeting of the
                                                                              been liquidated
                                                                                                    General Manager
                                                                                                    With the approval
      AMBASSADOR                                                              The debtor has        of the working
                                   Loan                  18,398,411.69                                                     No
      FUEGUINASA                                                              become insolvent      meeting of the
                                                                                                    General Manager
      Total                                              44,065,405.69
(4)     Top 5 debtors in terms of closing balance of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                          Closing balance of accounts         % of total closing balance of      Closing balance of allowance
              Company name
                                                   receivable                     accounts receivable                for doubtful accounts
      Debtor 1                                        2,866,719,849.53                               35.85%                       17,555,802.92
      Debtor 2                                           401,778,317.42                               5.02%                     401,778,317.42
      Debtor 3                                           393,757,570.89                               4.92%                        1,968,787.86
      Debtor 4                                           314,339,343.99                               3.93%                        3,149,017.12
      Debtor 5                                           240,456,591.83                               3.01%                        1,202,282.96
      Total                                           4,217,051,673.66                               52.73%
(5)     Assets and liabilities arising from continuing involvement in accounts receivable transferred

                                                                                Gain or loss related to            Method of transfer of
                  Item              Amount derecognized (RMB)
                                                                                derecognition (RMB)                  financial assets
              Customer 1                              386,875,406.33                            -750,524.24             Factoring
               Subtotal                               386,875,406.33                            -750,524.24
5.      Accounts receivable financing
                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                        Item                                    Closing balance                                   Opening balance
      Banker’s acceptance bills                                             644,057,382.41                                    828,355,016.30
      Total                                                                  644,057,382.41                                    828,355,016.30
Changes in the amount and fair value of accounts receivable financing in the current period:

□Applicable N/A

If the allowance for impairment loss on accounts receivable financing is recognized in accordance with the general model of expected
credit loss, please the relevant information by reference to the disclosure of the allowance for doubtful accounts in respect of other

□Applicable N/A

Other information:

As the acceptors of banker’s acceptance bills are commercial banks that have high credit ratings, banker’s acceptance bills are less
likely to be dishonored when they become due. Therefore, the Company derecognizes the banker’s acceptance bills already endorsed
or discounted. However, if such bills fail to be paid when they become due, the Company will assume joint and several liability to the
holders thereof pursuant to the Law on Negotiable Instruments.

6.      Advances to suppliers

(1)     Advances to suppliers by age
                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                   Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                                          Amount                          %                        Amount                          %
      Within 1 year                        144,831,544.38                       89.67%              160,251,493.67                      86.11%

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      1 to 2 years                         9,311,244.44                      5.77%              15,439,994.92                        8.30%
      2 to 3 years                         3,378,241.58                      2.09%               3,182,325.68                        1.71%
      Over 3 years                         3,991,794.13                      2.47%               7,221,298.66                        3.88%
      Total                              161,512,824.53                                        186,095,112.93
Reason of failure to timely settle the significant advances to suppliers aged more than one year:

                  Company name                             Closing balance (RMB)                       Reason of failure to settle
       Leader Formula (Hong Kong) Industrial
                                                                                4,626,030.09    The contract has not yet been executed
                     Subtotal                                                   4,626,030.09
(2)     Top 5 suppliers in terms of closing balance of advances to suppliers

                                                                                                    % of total balance of advances to
                     Company name                           Book balance (RMB)
                       Supplier 1                                              34,581,921.08                                        20.51
                       Supplier 2                                              20,000,000.00                                        11.86
                       Supplier 3                                              11,407,005.87                                          6.77
                       Supplier 4                                               8,755,875.83                                          5.19
                       Supplier 5                                               7,652,852.36                                          4.54
                        Subtotal                                               82,397,655.14                                        48.87
7.      Other receivables
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                          Item                                Closing balance                                  Opening balance
      Other receivables                                                      35,793,851.22                                   37,505,521.59
      Total                                                                  35,793,851.22                                   37,505,521.59
(1)     Other receivables

1) Other receivables by nature
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                    Nature of account                            Closing balance                               Opening balance
      Loan and reserve fund                                                    7,767,360.70                                   6,048,087.60
      Security deposit                                                        25,463,197.09                                  31,879,767.11
      Performance compensation                                                                                                7,000,000.00
      Temporary payment receivable and others                                  17,415,911.41                                 17,631,714.10
      Total                                                                    50,646,469.20                                 62,559,568.81
2) Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                         Stage 1                    Stage 2                    Stage 3
      Allowance for doubtful                                 Lifetime expected           Lifetime expected
                                    12-month expected                                                                       Total
            accounts                                        credit loss (not credit      credit loss (credit
                                        credit loss
                                                                   impaired)                  impaired)
      Balance at January 1,
                                            1,120,965.67               1,175,265.40             22,757,816.15                25,054,047.22
      In the current period:
      - Transferred to stage 2               -161,491.44                 161,491.44
      - Transferred to stage 3                                          -308,750.74                 308,750.74
      Recognized                             690,170.63                 -705,023.22              -6,341,736.65               -6,356,589.24
      Reversed                                                                                    3,500,000.00                3,500,000.00
      Written off                                                                                   344,840.00                  344,840.00
      Balance at December
                                            1,649,644.86                 322,982.88             12,879,990.24                14,852,617.98
      31, 2022
Significant changes in the carrying amount of allowance for doubtful accounts in the current period:

□ Applicable  N/A

Other receivables by age:

                                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                      Age                                                                          Book balance
      Within 1 year                                                                                                                           32,992,896.42
      1-2 years                                                                                                                                3,233,448.86
      2-3 years                                                                                                                                3,764,903.27
      Over 3 years                                                                                                                            10,655,220.65
         3-4 years                                                                                                                             3,360,841.55
         4-5 years                                                                                                                               508,660.00
         Over 5 years                                                                                                                          6,785,719.10
      Total                                                                                                                                   50,646,469.20
3) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                      Item                                                                     Amount written off
      Other receivables                                                                                                                          344,840.00
4) Top 5 debtors in terms of closing balance of other receivables
                                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                                                                 % of total closing      Closing balance of
                            Nature of account             Closing balance                     Age                balance of other          allowance for
                                                                                                                   receivables           doubtful accounts
      Debtor 1            Security deposit                       6,964,598.25       Within 1 year                           13.75%                348,229.91
      Debtor 2            Security deposit                       4,146,250.00       Over 3 years                              8.19%             4,146,250.00
                          Temporary payment
                                                                        3,620.00    1-2 years                                 0.01%                3,620.00
                          receivable and others
                          Temporary payment
      Debtor 3                                                     677,395.91       2-3 years                                 1.34%              677,395.91
                          receivable and others
                          Temporary payment
                                                                 2,909,689.00       Over 3 years                              5.75%            2,909,689.00
                          receivable and others
                          Temporary payment
                                                                 3,211,140.00       Within 1 year                             6.34%              160,557.00
      Debtor 4            receivable and others
                          Security deposit                         16,800.00        Over 3 years                             0.03%                16,800.00
      Debtor 5            Security deposit                      2,855,772.00        Within 1 year                            5.64%               142,788.60
      Total                                                    20,785,265.16                                                41.05%             8,405,330.42
5) Receivables related to government grants
                                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                                                                       Estimated time of
                                       Description of
          Company name                                                   Closing balance                    Closing age              receipt, amount to be
                                      government grant
                                                                                                                                       received and basis
      Yancheng Hi-tech             Milestone investment                                                                             The grant has been
      Zone Investment              installment II for                              3,211,140.00      Within 1 year                  received in full on
      Group Co., Ltd.              model Internet project                                                                           January 11, 2023
8.      Inventories

Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry? No.

(1)     Categories of inventories
                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                  Closing balance                                                      Opening balance
                                                   Allowance for                                                        Allowance for
            Item                                   impairment of                                                        impairment of
                             Book balance          inventories or          Carrying value           Book balance        inventories or       Carrying value
                                                  costs of fulfilling                                                  costs of fulfilling
                                                     contracts                                                            contracts
      Raw materials          1,054,142,552.20         52,636,496.51        1,001,506,055.69         1,389,061,379.96       21,517,744.17     1,367,543,635.79
      Work in progress         839,758,226.64         29,797,143.67          809,961,082.97         1,043,705,029.33       13,539,434.50     1,030,165,594.83
      Goods on hand          4,710,817,179.86        366,785,710.02        4,344,031,469.84         4,234,690,470.68      188,416,933.04     4,046,273,537.64
                                10,278,315.47              38,514.88          10,239,800.59            7,768,136.44             38,514.88        7,729,621.56
      Total                  6,614,996,274.17        449,257,865.08        6,165,738,409.09         6,675,225,016.41      223,512,626.59     6,451,712,389.82

                                                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

(2)       Allowance for impairment of inventories or costs of fulfilling contracts
                                                                                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                     Increase                                               Decrease
                    Item                                                                                                  Reversed or                                          Closing balance
                                                  balance               Recognized                 Others                                              Others
                                                                                                                           written off
 Raw materials                                   21,517,744.17          31,118,752.34                                                                                                52,636,496.51
 Work in progress                                13,539,434.50          16,257,709.17                                                                                                29,797,143.67
 Goods on hand                               188,416,933.04            394,180,158.86             5,320,935.45            221,132,317.33                                            366,785,710.02
 Circulating materials                              38,514.88                                                                                                                            38,514.88
 Total                                       223,512,626.59            441,556,620.37                 221,132,317.33
                                                                                                  5,320,935.45                                        449,257,865.08
                                                                                                               Reason for writing off the allowance for impairment of
         Item                              Basis for determining the net realizable value
                                                                                                                         inventories in the current period
                          The net realizable value is the estimated selling price of finished goods less the The inventories for which an allowance for impairment
                          estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes in the of inventories was recognized at the beginning of the
                          ordinary course of business.                                                        current period have been used.
                          The net realizable value is the estimated selling price of finished goods less the The inventories for which an allowance for impairment
 Work in
                          estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes in the of inventories was recognized at the beginning of the
                          ordinary course of business.                                                        current period have been used.
                                                                                                              The inventories for which an allowance for impairment
 Goods on                 The net realizable value is the estimated selling price of finished goods less the
                                                                                                              of inventories was recognized at the beginning of the
 hand                     estimated selling expenses and related taxes in the ordinary course of business.
                                                                                                              current period have been sold.
9.        Other current assets
                                                                                                                                                                                              In RMB
                         Item                                                                Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
      Cost of returned goods receivable                                                                     21,651,650.92                                                  12,777,920.71
      Deductible input tax                                                                                153,399,758.40                                                  309,081,986.00
      Prepaid enterprise income tax                                                                         76,293,525.58                                                  34,663,477.77
      Deferred expenses and others                                                                        253,228,939.74                                                  289,546,629.16
      Total                                                                                               504,573,874.64                                                  646,070,013.64
10. Long-term accounts receivable

(1)       Particulars of long-term accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                Closing balance                                                            Opening balance                               Range of
                    Item                                         Allowance for                 Carrying                                     Allowance for            Carrying            discount
                                         Book balance                                                                Book balance                                                           rate
                                                               doubtful accounts                value                                      doubtful accounts          value
      Security deposit for
                                          30,000,000.00                                      30,000,000.00           69,950,000.88                                69,950,000.88
      finance lease
      Account receivable from
                                          10,703,905.76                10,703,905.76                                 10,703,905.76            10,703,905.76                             7.5
      Technologies (Thailand)
      Co., Ltd.
      Total                               40,703,905.76                10,703,905.76         30,000,000.00           80,653,906.64            10,703,905.76       69,950,000.88

11. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                              Changes in this year
                                                                                                Adjustme                      Declared       Allowa                                    Closing balance of
                              Opening balance       Additio   Redu                                                                                              Closing balance
            Investee                                                     Investment income      nt to other     Other           cash         nce for                                     allowance for
                              (carrying value)        nal      ced                                                                                     Oth      (carrying value)
                                                                            or loss under       comprehe       changes      dividends or     impair                                     impairment loss
                                                    investm   invest                                                                                   ers
                                                                           equity method           nsive      in equity        profit         ment
                                                      ent      ment
                                                                                                 income                     distribution      loss
      I. Joint ventures

      II. Associates
      Suzhou       Toprun
      Electric Equipment        24,012,990.02                                  227,839.46                                                                          24,240,829.48           51,487,204.05
      Co., Ltd.
      Shenzhen Nanfang
      Blog     Technology
      Development Co.,
      Shanghai Fu Shan
      P recision
      Manufacturing Co.,
      Suzhou LEGATE
      Intelligent               23,087,770.98                                  106,212.49                                                                          23,193,983.47
      Equipment Co., Ltd.
      Suzhou      Dongcan
                                 3,716,150.29                                   34,482.66                                                                            3,750,632.95
      Technology      Co.,

                                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Jiangsu      Nangao
      Equipment                4,020,556.59              112,738.89                                                  4,133,295.48
      Innovation Center
      Co., Ltd.
      Jiaozuo Songyang
                             30,748,059.62             -2,549,668.86                                                28,198,390.76
      Technology     Co.,
      Suzhou      Yongxin
      Jingshang Venture
                             14,983,489.88              -461,905.08                                                 14,521,584.80
      Capital P artnership
      Isotek Microwave
                               8,539,424.61                                                                          8,539,424.61
      BVF (BVI) Holding
                             34,012,577.79              -823,503.93                                                 33,189,073.86
      L.P .
      Subtotal               143,121,019.78            -3,353,804.37                                               139,767,215.41        68,994,260.52

      Total                  143,121,019.78            -3,353,804.37                                               139,767,215.41        68,994,260.52

12. Investment in other equity instruments
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                         Item                                            Closing balance                        Opening balance
      Jiangsu Bohua Equity Investment Partnership
                                                                                    150,000,000.00                                  150,000,000.00
      Hai Dixin Semiconductor (Nantong) Co., Ltd.                                    21,322,110.00                                   21,322,110.00
      Total                                                                         171,322,110.00                                  171,322,110.00
Other information:

1) Hai Dixin Semiconductor (Nantong) Co., Ltd.

Hai Dixin Semiconductor (Nantong) Co., Ltd. was established on April 6, 2012, with a registered capital of RMB36,152,329.00, in
which the Company holds 10.2345% shares. In consideration that the Company has a close business relationship with Hai Dixin
Semiconductor (Nantong) Co., Ltd., the shares held by the Company in it will help the Company improve its business competencies
and the investment is not held for trading, the Company designated this investment as a financial asset at fair value through other
comprehensive income on January 1, 2019.

2) Jiangsu Bohua Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.)

Jiangsu Bohua Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) was established on September 27, 2021, with a registered capital of RMB3.3billion,
and is primarily engaged in venture capital investment (in unlisted companies only). In consideration that this investment will bring a
good return to the Company and provide the Company with opportunities to invest in premium fields and assets, and is not held for
trading, the Company has designated this investment as a financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income.

13. Investment properties

(1)       Investment properties measured at cost

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                         Buildings and                       Construction in
                                        Item                                                Land use right                                  Total
                                                                          structures                            progress
      I. Original value
          1. Opening balance                                                5,309,132.17                                                 5,309,132.17
          2. Increase
             (1) Acquired
             (2) Transferred from inventories/ fixed assets/
             construction in progress
             (3) Increased due to business combinations
          3. Decrease
             (1) Disposed
             (2) Other transfer-out
          4. Closing balance                                                5,309,132.17                                                 5,309,132.17
      II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

          1. Opening balance                                          3,754,869.59                                         3,754,869.59
          2. Increase                                                   257,711.16                                           257,711.16
             (1) Recognized or amortized                                257,711.16                                           257,711.16
          3. Decrease
             (1) Disposed
             (2) Other transfer-out
          4. Closing balance                                          4,012,580.75                                         4,012,580.75
      III. Allowance for impairment loss
          1. Opening balance
          2. Increase
             (1) Recognized
          3. Decrease
             (1) Disposed
             (2) Other transfer-out
          4. Closing balance
      IV. Carrying value
          1. Closing balance                                          1,296,551.42                                         1,296,551.42
          2. Opening balance                                          1,554,262.58                                         1,554,262.58
(2)     Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable  N/A

14. Fixed assets
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                        Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance
      Fixed assets                                                       10,673,700,468.47                         10,736,270,678.33
      Total                                                              10,673,700,468.47                         10,736,270,678.33
(1)     Particulars of fixed assets
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                               Buildings and      Machinery and             Transport        Office equipment
            Item                                                                                                       Total
                                structures         equipment                equipment           and others
 I. Original value
     1. Opening
                               3,404,571,153.47   15,940,602,509.77          84,352,784.26      653,421,895.02    20,082,948,342.52
     2. Increase                163,839,782.99     1,510,970,058.32           6,205,624.45       72,202,842.72     1,753,218,308.48
        (1) Acquired                                  17,740,559.02           3,850,347.38        5,000,350.97        26,591,257.37
        from                    163,739,033.99     1,418,774,061.95           2,294,031.72       66,548,332.01     1,651,355,459.67
        construction in
        (3) Increased
        due to
        Differences on
        translation of
        foreign                     100,749.00                                   61,245.35          654,159.74          816,154.09
        Acquisition of
                                                      74,455,437.35                                                   74,455,437.35
        assets under
        finance lease
     3. Decrease                  14,507,090.77     379,610,976.27            5,096,848.68       15,184,966.97      414,399,882.69
        (1) Disposed
                                  14,507,090.77     369,542,145.66            5,096,848.68       15,184,966.97      404,331,052.08
        or retired

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

        (2) Renovation
                                                        10,068,830.61                                                               10,068,830.61
        and upgrading
     4.Closing balance         3,553,903,845.69    17,071,961,591.82             85,461,560.03           710,439,770.77         21,421,766,768.31
 II. Accumulated
     1. Opening
                               1,200,644,824.27     7,681,028,127.93             59,384,782.62           397,841,742.20          9,338,899,477.02
     2. Increase                171,264,342.83      1,484,018,225.77                4,633,607.64            83,927,007.50        1,743,843,183.74
                                171,212,432.44      1,438,305,022.15                4,585,121.75            83,411,607.34        1,697,514,183.68
        Differences on
        translation of
        foreign                       51,910.39                                       48,485.89               515,400.16              615,796.44
        Acquisition of
                                                        45,713,203.62                                                               45,713,203.62
        assets under
        finance lease
     3. Decrease                   8,658,330.80       323,068,678.28                4,639,620.37            13,830,222.74         350,196,852.19
        (1) Disposed
                                   8,658,330.80       315,593,795.93                4,639,620.37            13,830,222.74         342,721,969.84
        or retired
        (2) Renovation
                                                         7,474,882.35                                                                7,474,882.35
        and upgrading
     4.Closing balance         1,363,250,836.30     8,841,977,675.42             59,378,769.89           467,938,526.96         10,732,545,808.57
 III. Allowance for
 impairment loss
     1. Opening
                                                         7,219,901.42                                         558,285.75             7,778,187.17
     2. Increase                                        11,049,705.17                                                               11,049,705.17
                                                        11,049,705.17                                                               11,049,705.17
     3. Decrease                                         3,307,401.07                                                                3,307,401.07
        (1) Disposed
                                                         3,307,401.07                                                                3,307,401.07
        or retired
     4.Closing balance                                  14,962,205.52                                         558,285.75            15,520,491.27
 IV. Carrying value
     1. Closing
                               2,190,653,009.39     8,215,021,710.88             26,082,790.14           241,942,958.06         10,673,700,468.47
     2. Opening
                               2,203,926,329.20     8,252,354,480.42             24,968,001.64           255,021,867.07         10,736,270,678.33
(2)     Fixed assets whose property title certificates have not yet been obtained
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                                   Reason of not obtaining the property title
                        Item                                    Carrying value
            Multek’s factory building                           28,865,800.05                                 Pending review
15. Construction in progress
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                       Item                                     Closing balance                                   Opening balance
             Construction in progress                           1,813,183,815.67                                  503,037,513.25
                       Total                                    1,813,183,815.67                                  503,037,513.25
(1)     Particulars of construction in progress
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                              Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
            Item                               Allowance for                                                   Allowance for
                           Book balance                            Carrying value         Book balance                              Carrying value
                                              impairment loss                                                 impairment loss
      Wireless module
      production and
                                                                                             6,086,553.24                               6,086,553.24
      project of

                                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Technology Co.,
      Multek 5G high-
      speed high-
      frequency and
                                    8,726,174.90                                  8,726,174.90             6,499,800.00                                 6,499,800.00
      high-density PCB
      upgrading project
      Multek PCB
      production line
                                   22,910,222.23                                 22,910,222.23           108,766,335.70                              108,766,335.70
      upgrading project
      400,000 m2 fine
      line FPC
      production and               30,000,000.00                                 30,000,000.00            15,468,498.40                                15,468,498.40
      assembly capacity
      expansion project
      FPC for new
      energy application
      and assembly                 15,615,783.77                                 15,615,783.77
      project of MFLEX
      R&D and
      industrialization of
                                                                                                         125,169,108.26                              125,169,108.26
      LED packaging
      IC substrate
      project of Chaowei
      Microelectronics           212,665,663.71                                 212,665,663.71
      (Yancheng) Co.,
      Large-sized die-
      casting project of
                                 429,683,425.58                                 429,683,425.58
      Kunshan new
      manufacturing                97,518,667.74                                 97,518,667.74
      Mexico new
      manufacturing                11,656,038.90                                 11,656,038.90
      MFLEX Yancheng
                                 228,417,694.07                                 228,417,694.07            28,911,225.60                                28,911,225.60
      Phase II project
      MFLEX Suzhou
      Guoxiang Phase II
      and other                  372,710,903.38                                 372,710,903.38             1,497,678.22                                 1,497,678.22
      expansion project
      equipment in
                                 383,279,241.39                                 383,279,241.39           210,638,313.83                              210,638,313.83
      progress and
      Total                     1,813,183,815.67                               1,813,183,815.67          503,037,513.25                              503,037,513.25
(2)      Changes in significant constructions in progress in the current period
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                                % of                                  Incl.:    Rate of
                                                       Amount                                                            ated
                                                                                              project                              Capitaliz    interest
                               Opening                transferre    Other         Closing                              amount                               Source of
       Project      Budget                 Increase                                           costs to     Progress                     ed     capitaliza
                               balance                d to fixed   decreases      balance                                 of                                  funds
                                                                                                the                                 interest    tion this
                                                        assets                                                        capitalize
                                                                                               budget                              this year      year
                                                                                                                      d interest
      n and
      on project   86,000,00   6,086,553              6,086,553                                                                                             Offering
                                                                                              94.77%       1
      of               0.00          .24                    .24                                                                                             proceeds

                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

gy Co.,
5G high-
and high-    660,000,0   6,499,800   24,221,16   9,803,702   12,191,08   8,726,174                                              Offering
                                                                                     42.57%   0.4257
density         00.00          .00       2.76          .18       5.68          .90                                              proceeds
g project
n line       728,000,0   108,766,3   126,396,6   154,353,9   57,898,85   22,910,22                                              Offering
                                                                                     87.57%   0.8757
technolog       00.00       35.70       90.79       47.95        6.31        2.23                                               proceeds
g project
m 2 fine
line FPC
             803,000,0   15,468,49   65,497,53   50,966,03               30,000,00                                              Offering
n and                                                                                93.03%   0.9303
                00.00        8.40        3.12        1.52                    0.00                                               proceeds
n project
FPC for
n and        650,000,0               118,405,9   102,790,1               15,615,78                                              Offering
                                                                                     29.34%   0.2934
assembly        00.00                   54.38       70.61                    3.77                                               proceeds
project of
R&D and
ization of
LED          680,000,0   125,169,1   27,844,03   145,789,7   7,223,367
                                                                                     90.88%   1                                 Others
packagin        00.00       08.26        6.92       78.08          .10
project of
             1,500,000               212,665,6                           212,665,6
Microele                                                                             14.18%   0.1418                            Others
               ,000.00                  63.71                               63.71
g) Co.,
sized die-
project of   1,500,000               430,324,7   641,312.2               429,683,4
                                                                                     28.69%   0.2869                            Others
Yanchen        ,000.00                  37.79            1                  25.58
manufact     1,800,000               148,670,3   51,151,67               97,518,66
                                                                                     8.26%    0.0826                            Others
uring          ,000.00                  40.78        3.04                    7.74
manufact     600,000,0               11,656,03                           11,656,03
                                                                                     1.94%    0.0194                            Others
uring           00.00                    8.90                                8.90
Yanchen      1,000,000   28,911,22   772,912,5   438,120,7   135,285,3   228,417,6
                                                                                     77.29%   0.7729                            Others
g Phase II     ,000.00       5.60       70.62       20.78       81.37       94.07
             2,100,000   1,497,678   757,808,7   353,935,8   32,659,66   372,710,9
Guoxiang                                                                             36.09%   0.3609                            Others
               ,000.00         .22      08.55       23.32        0.07       03.38
Phase II
and other

                                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

   n project
                 12,107,00    292,399,1   2,696,403    1,313,639     245,258,3      1,429,904
   T otal
                  0,000.00       99.42      ,438.32      ,712.93        50.53         ,574.28

16. Right-of-use assets
                                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                               Buildings and                Machinery and
                     Item                                                                                          Land                            Total
                                               structures                    equipment
   I. Original value
       1. Opening balance                      938,323,995.90                         96,320,821.16                 49,571,215.74               1,084,216,032.80
       2. Increase                             115,989,640.92                                                       43,628,970.89                 159,618,611.81
          (1) Leased                           115,170,918.83                                                       43,628,970.89                 158,799,889.72
          (2) Differences on
          translation of
                                                      818,722.09                                                                                       818,722.09
          foreign currency
          financial statements
       3. Decrease                                 2,710,951.71                       74,809,377.98                                                 77,520,329.69
          (1) Disposed                             2,710,951.71                                                                                      2,710,951.71
          (2) Acquisition of
          assets under finance                                                        74,809,377.98                                                 74,809,377.98
       4.Closing balance                     1,051,602,685.11                         21,511,443.18                 93,200,186.63               1,166,314,314.92
   II. Accumulated
       1. Opening balance                      127,433,979.70                         30,898,095.70                  4,931,289.65                  163,263,365.05
       2. Increase                              74,230,573.82                         25,589,051.36                    587,226.01                  100,406,851.19
          (1) Recognized                        73,929,774.47                         25,589,051.36                    587,226.01                  100,106,051.84
          (2) Differences on
          translation of
                                                      300,799.35                                                                                       300,799.35
          foreign currency
          financial statements
       3. Decrease                                 2,710,951.71                       45,713,203.62                                                 48,424,155.33
          (1) Disposed                             2,710,951.71                                                                                      2,710,951.71
          (2) Acquisition of
          assets under finance                                                        45,713,203.62                                                 45,713,203.62
       4.Closing balance                       198,953,601.81                         10,773,943.44                  5,518,515.66                  215,246,060.91
   III. Allowance for
   impairment loss
       1. Opening balance
       2. Increase
          (1) Recognized

       3. Decrease
          (1) Disposed

      4.Closing balance
   IV. Carrying value
      1. Closing balance                       852,649,083.30                         10,737,499.74                 87,681,670.97                  951,068,254.01
      2. Opening balance                       810,890,016.20                         65,422,725.46                 44,639,926.09                  920,952,667.75
Other information:

17. Intangible assets

Particulars of intangible assets:
                                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                 Unpatented                      T rademark and   Development
                       Item                     Land use right     Patent                         Software                                              T otal
                                                                                 technology                           patent         costs
 I. Original value
     1. Opening balance                        236,106,942.79                                   185,075,303.39   140,567,942.35     6,733,029.45    568,483,217.98

                                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

       2. Increase                                   12,896,365.64                              49,543,085.38                                        62,439,451.02
           (1) Acquired                              12,896,365.64                                 249,203.62                                        13,145,569.26
           (2) Internal R&D
           (3) Increased due to business
         (4) T ransferred from inventories                                                       2,344,964.66                                         2,344,964.66
         (5) Differences on translation of foreign
                                                                                                 2,253,903.46                                         2,253,903.46
         currency financial statements
         (6) T ransferred from construction in
                                                                                                44,695,013.64                                        44,695,013.64
       3. Decrease                                                                               2,099,040.53                                         2,099,040.53
           (1) Disposed                                                                          2,099,040.53                                         2,099,040.53

       4.Closing balance                             249,003,308.43                             232,519,348.24      140,567,942.35   6,733,029.45    628,823,628.47
 II. Accumulated amortization
       1. Opening balance                            61,151,767.10                              132,063,151.39       71,151,278.57   6,733,029.45    271,099,226.51
       2. Increase                                    6,448,005.76                              36,554,075.02        14,057,163.08                   57,059,243.86
           (1) Recognized                             6,448,005.76                              37,270,886.20        14,057,163.08                   57,776,055.04
         (2) Differences on translation of foreign
                                                                                                  -716,811.18                                          -716,811.18
         currency financial statements
       3. Decrease                                                                               1,924,561.82                                         1,924,561.82
           (1) Disposed                                                                          1,924,561.82                                         1,924,561.82

       4.Closing balance                             67,599,772.86                              166,692,664.59       85,208,441.65   6,733,029.45    326,233,908.55
 III. Allowance for impairment loss
       1. Opening balance
       2. Increase
           (1) Recognized

       3. Decrease
           (1) Disposed

       4.Closing balance
 IV. Carrying value
       1. Closing balance                            181,403,535.57                             65,826,683.65        55,359,500.70                   302,589,719.92
       2. Opening balance                            174,955,175.69                             53,012,152.00        69,416,663.78                   297,383,991.47

Ratio of intangible assets arising from internal R&D to total intangible assets at the end of the current period: 0.00%.

18. Goodwill

(1)     Original value of goodwill
                                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                          Increase                      Decrease
      Investee or event giving rise to goodwill           Opening balance            Arising from                                              Closing balance
                                                                                  business combination
      MFLEX                                                  1,770,752,915.84                                                                       1,770,752,915.84
      Multek                                                   179,329,062.90                                                                        179,329,062.90
      Mutto Optronics                                          153,957,647.78                                                                        153,957,647.78
      RF Top Electronic                                        135,001,580.53                                                                        135,001,580.53
      Total                                                  2,239,041,207.05                                                                       2,239,041,207.05
(2)     Allowance for impairment of goodwill
                                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                          Opening                  Increase                           Decrease
  Investee or event giving rise to goodwill                                                                                                     Closing balance
                                                          balance           Recognized                    Disposed
 Mutto Optronics                                         18,450,298.84      19,782,833.44                                                            38,233,132.28
 RF Top Electronic                                        8,868,134.17                                                                                8,868,134.17
                          Total                          27,318,433.01      19,782,833.44                                                            47,101,266.45
Information regarding the asset group or combination of asset groups to which the goodwill belongs:

                                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022


 Composition of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    Asset or liability (RMB)
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    8,429,930,810.14
 Carrying value of the goodwill allocated to the asset group or combination of
 asset groups and method of allocation
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups including
 the goodwill
 Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the
 asset group or combination of asset groups determined at the acquisition date                              Yes
 and prior goodwill impairment tests
(2) Multek

 Composition of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    Asset or liability (RMB)
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    2,489,414,865.47
 Carrying value of the goodwill allocated to the asset group or combination of
 asset groups and method of allocation
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups including
 the goodwill
 Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the
 asset group or combination of asset groups determined at the acquisition date                              Yes
 and prior goodwill impairment tests
(3) Mutto Optronics

 Composition of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    Asset or liability (RMB)
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    589,275,484.50
 Carrying value of the goodwill allocated to the asset group or combination of
 asset groups and method of allocation
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups including
 the goodwill
 Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the
 asset group or combination of asset groups determined at the acquisition date                             Yes
 and prior goodwill impairment tests
(4) RF Top Electronic

 Composition of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    Asset or liability (RMB)
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups                                    178,934,090.60
 Goodwill attributable to the Company                                                                126,133,446.36
 Goodwill attributable to the minority interests                                                      54,057,191.30
 Carrying value of the goodwill allocated to the asset group or combination of
 asset groups and method of allocation
 Carrying value of the asset group or combination of asset groups including
 the goodwill
 Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the
 asset group or combination of asset groups determined at the acquisition date                             Yes
 and prior goodwill impairment tests
Describe the process and key parameters (such as growth rate over the forecast period, growth rate over the stable period, margin,
discount rate and forecast period used in estimating the present value of future cash flow) of the goodwill impairment test, and method
for determining impairment of goodwill:


The recoverable amount of goodwill was calculated according to the present value of estimated future cash flow, which was determined
based on the five-year cash flow estimation approved by the Company and using the discount rate of 14.52%, and the growth rate of
cash flow after the forecast period as 0.00%.

Other key inputs used in the impairment test included expected selling prices and sales volume of products, production costs and other
related expenses, which were determined based on historic experience and forecasts of market development. The discount rate reflected
the time value of money on the present market and the pre-tax interest rate for the specific risks of the relevant asset group.

According to the Valuation Report (Canwin Valuation Report [2023] No. 2-9) issued by Canwin Appraisal Co., Ltd., the recoverable
amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including the goodwill was RMB13.05 billion, which was higher than its
carrying value of RMB2,849,316,274.02, so the goodwill was not impaired.

(2) Multek

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

The recoverable amount of goodwill was calculated according to the present value of estimated future cash flow, which was determined
based on the five-year cash flow estimation approved by the Company and using the discount rate of 11.17%, and the growth rate of
cash flow after the forecast period as 0.00%.

Other key inputs used in the impairment test included expected selling prices and sales volume of products, production costs and other
related expenses, which were determined based on historic experience and forecasts of market development. The discount rate reflected
the time value of money on the present market and the pre-tax interest rate for the specific risks of the relevant asset group.

According to the Valuation Report (Canwin Valuation Report [2023] No. 2-4) issued by Canwin Appraisal Co., Ltd., the recoverable
amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including the goodwill was RMB3.43 billion, which was higher than its
carrying value of RMB761,256,071.66, so the goodwill was not impaired.

(3) Mutto Optronics

The recoverable amount of goodwill was calculated according to the present value of estimated future cash flow, which was determined
based on the five-year cash flow estimation approved by the Company and using the discount rate of 11.56%, and the growth rate of
cash flow after the forecast period as 0.00%.

Other key inputs used in the impairment test included expected selling prices and sales volume of products, production costs and other
related expenses, which were determined based on historic experience and forecasts of market development. The discount rate reflected
the time value of money on the present market and the pre-tax interest rate for the specific risks of the relevant asset group.

According to the Valuation Report (Canwin Valuation Report [2023] No. 2-8) issued by Canwin Appraisal Co., Ltd., the recoverable
amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including the goodwill was RMB705 million, while its carrying value was
RMB724,782,833.44, so the goodwill impairment of RMB19,782,833.44 was recognized.

(4) RF Top Electronic

The recoverable amount of goodwill was calculated according to the present value of estimated future cash flow, which was determined
based on the five-year cash flow estimation approved by the Company and using the discount rate of 12.60%, and the growth rate of
cash flow after the forecast period as 0.00%.

Other key inputs used in the impairment test included expected selling prices and sales volume of products, production costs and other
related expenses, which were determined based on historic experience and forecasts of market development. The discount rate reflected
the time value of money on the present market and the pre-tax interest rate for the specific risks of the relevant asset group.

According to the Valuation Report (Zhongsheng Valuation Report [2023] No. 0030) issued by Zhongsheng Appraisal & Consulting
Co., Ltd., the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including the goodwill was RMB377 million ,
which was higher than its carrying value of RMB17,875,271.74, so the goodwill was not impaired.

19. Long-term deferred expenses
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
            Item                                        Increase            Amortization        Other decreases         Closing balance
 Decoration costs of fixed
                                 343,067,848.10        315,650,230.75        157,201,034.52                               501,517,044.33
 assets and others
 Total                           343,067,848.10        315,650,230.75        157,201,034.52                               501,517,044.33
20. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1)   Deferred tax assets not offset
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
           Item                                 Closing balance                                       Opening balance

                                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                  Deductible temporary                                          Deductible temporary
                                                                    Deferred tax assets                                    Deferred tax assets
                                      differences                                                   differences
 Allowance for
                                           1,152,275,069.45              181,401,380.14                956,860,891.98             180,116,639.73
 impairment of assets
 Deductible losses                         1,466,877,523.35              222,911,742.77              1,160,149,214.53             184,025,381.05
 Fixed assets                                200,864,027.50               30,334,952.34                 18,518,436.84               3,989,568.63
 Accrued expenses                            200,467,698.35               40,863,348.65                215,578,295.20              37,447,545.61
 Provisions                                   69,202,183.16               12,324,185.63                 89,442,831.13              17,799,642.22
 Deferred income                             747,587,634.12              121,151,814.13                681,387,013.96             112,541,906.35
 Total                                     3,837,274,135.93              608,987,423.66              3,121,936,683.64             535,920,683.59
(2)     Deferred tax liabilities not offset
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                  Closing balance                                              Opening balance
              Item                Deductible temporary                                          Deductible temporary
                                                               Deferred tax assets                                        Deferred tax assets
                                      differences                                                   differences
 Book-tax differences
                                           1,803,750,324.83              380,449,918.63              1,292,505,799.91             285,711,977.06
 on fixed assets
 Accrued interest
                                              69,638,588.72                14,859,117.31               136,407,400.98              28,647,365.94
 income and others
 Total                                     1,873,388,913.55              395,309,035.94              1,428,913,200.89             314,359,343.00
(3)     Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities presented on a netting basis
                                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                  Closing set-off amount           Closing balance of             Opening set-off           Opening balance of
              Item                of deferred tax assets          deferred tax assets or       amount of deferred tax      deferred tax assets or
                                       and liabilities           liabilities after set-off      assets and liabilities    liabilities after set-off
 Deferred tax assets                                                        608,987,423.66                                           535,920,683.59
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                   395,309,035.94                                           314,359,343.00
(4)     Unrecognized deferred tax assets
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                  Item                                             Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Deductible losses                                                                           460,552,464.56                      260,832,646.62
 Allowance for doubtful accounts – accounts receivable                                      184,846,353.06                      143,374,158.66
 Allowance for doubtful accounts – other receivables                                         14,541,464.85                       25,054,047.22
 Allowance for impairment of inventories                                                     119,014,473.40                      100,331,242.39
 Allowance for impairment of advances to suppliers                                             7,086,125.93                       11,270,721.08
 Investment loss                                                                              76,100,324.95                       74,092,106.93
 Changes in investment in other equity instruments                                           400,000,000.00                      400,000,000.00
 Allowance for impairment of long-term equity investments                                     68,994,260.52                       68,994,260.52
 Allowance for impairment of goodwill                                                         47,101,266.45                       27,318,433.01
 Total                                                                                     1,378,236,733.72                    1,111,267,616.43
(5)     Deductible losses on unrecognized deferred tax assets that will expire in the following years
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                     Year                          Closing balance                     Opening balance                          Remark
      2022                                                                                      66,252,182.98
      2023                                                     13,996,117.83                    13,996,117.83
      2024                                                     40,403,329.83                    40,403,329.83
      2025                                                    100,804,003.97                   100,804,003.97
      2026                                                     39,377,012.01                    39,377,012.01
      2027                                                    265,972,000.92
      Total                                                   460,552,464.56                      260,832,646.62
21. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                               Closing balance                                                Opening balance
          Item                                  Allowance for                                                  Allowance for
                            Book balance                            Carrying value           Book balance                        Carrying value
                                               impairment loss                                                impairment loss
 Deferred                    33,780,926.88                             33,780,926.88          41,372,547.26                        41,372,547.26

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 income –
 unrealized gain
 or loss on sale
 and leaseback
 Prepayment for
 projects and            838,731,849.70                     838,731,849.70     244,924,386.94                      244,924,386.94
 Total                   872,512,776.58                     872,512,776.58     286,296,934.20                      286,296,934.20
22. Short-term borrowings

(1)     Short-term borrowings by category
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                       Item                                Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Pledge loans                                                            747,939,478.37                           803,328,447.58
 Credit loans                                                          5,734,146,965.18                         5,423,644,628.31
 Proceeds from discount on acceptance
                                                                       1,312,323,501.13                          1,820,194,933.27
 bills and letters of credit
 Total                                                                 7,794,409,944.68                          8,047,168,009.16
23. Financial liabilities held for trading
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                      Item                                 Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Financial liabilities held for trading                                  91,517,116.89
 Derivative financial liabilities                                         91,517,116.89
 Total                                                                    91,517,116.89
24. Notes payable
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                 Category                                  Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Commercial acceptance bills                                             280,442,316.20                           495,211,358.88
 Banker’s acceptance bills                                            1,727,963,543.99                         1,151,432,748.29
 Total                                                                 2,008,405,860.19                         1,646,644,107.17
Total amount of notes payable due and unpaid at the end of the current period: Nil.

25. Accounts payable

(1)     Particulars of accounts payable
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                   Item                                    Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Payment for materials                                                 5,156,025,655.74                          6,379,442,178.87
 Payment for projects and equipment                                      563,403,370.98                            238,100,061.70
 Others                                                                  266,857,563.60                            112,347,885.43
 Total                                                                 5,986,286,590.32                          6,729,890,126.00
26. Contract liabilities
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                       Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Loans                                                                    26,193,456.12                             39,681,986.94
 Total                                                                    26,193,456.12                             39,681,986.94
27. Employee benefits payable

(1)     Employee benefits payable
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                 Item              Opening balance              Increase                  Decrease              Closing balance
      I. Short-term benefits           494,188,318.20           3,923,597,175.06          3,927,719,830.29           490,065,662.97
      II. Post-employment                 8,950,403.86            244,829,829.64            243,720,581.17            10,059,652.33

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      benefits - defined
      contribution plans
      III. Termination
                                                                   6,118,695.31              6,118,695.31
      Total                            503,138,722.06          4,174,545,700.01          4,177,559,106.77             500,125,315.30
(2)     Short-term employee benefits
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                 Item                   Opening balance         Increase                Decrease                Closing balance
 1. Wages, bonuses, allowances
                                          483,302,445.96     3,427,491,424.71           3,433,010,711.69             477,783,158.98
 and subsidies
 2. Staff welfare                            7,033,964.95      237,030,483.06             235,717,370.98               8,347,077.03
 3. Social insurance contributions           3,095,849.82      134,491,048.09             134,279,334.36               3,307,563.55
    Workers’ compensation
                                              305,337.04         5,995,376.33               6,010,698.24                 290,015.13
     Medical and maternity
                                             2,790,512.78      128,495,671.76             128,268,636.12               3,017,548.42
 4. Housing provident fund                    713,714.47       114,496,314.06             114,644,453.18                 565,575.35
 5. Trade union fund and
                                               42,343.00        10,087,905.14              10,067,960.08                  62,288.06
 employee education fund
 Total                                    494,188,318.20     3,923,597,175.06           3,927,719,830.29             490,065,662.97
(3)     Defined contribution plans
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                   Item                Opening balance          Increase                 Decrease                Closing balance
      1. Basic pension insurance            8,515,363.52        236,273,469.15            235,230,443.46                9,558,389.21
      2. Unemployment insurance               435,040.34          8,556,360.49              8,490,137.71                  501,263.12
      Total                                 8,950,403.86        244,829,829.64            243,720,581.17               10,059,652.33
28. Taxes payable
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                            Item                                    Closing balance                        Opening balance
 VAT                                                                           51,132,065.23                          13,157,710.23
 Enterprise income tax                                                        339,281,179.49                        118,468,480.14
 Individual income tax                                                          6,334,094.56                           6,497,075.81
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                         3,920,049.58                           5,756,770.23
 Property tax                                                                   3,841,808.72                           2,086,047.98
 Stamp duty                                                                     4,553,692.87                           1,218,619.49
 Education surcharge                                                            1,765,890.80                           2,533,372.30
 Land use tax                                                                     267,878.11                             251,467.78
 Local education surcharge                                                      1,061,118.33                           1,688,914.92
 Water conservancy construction fund                                                                                       3,191.10
 Environmental protection tax                                                       132,003.25                            30,893.87
 Total                                                                          412,289,780.94                      151,692,543.85
29. Other payables
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                             Item                                     Closing balance                       Opening balance
      Other payables                                                             54,324,601.72                       323,166,075.34
      Total                                                                      54,324,601.72                       323,166,075.34
(1)     Other payables

1) Other payables by nature
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                              Item                                    Closing balance                       Opening balance
      Advance from customers under factoring agreement                                                               255,139,275.93
      Temporary receipts payable                                                  30,358,476.53                        53,170,787.42
      Others                                                                      23,966,125.19                        14,856,011.99
      Total                                                                       54,324,601.72                      323,166,075.34

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

30. Non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                 Item                                  Closing balance                     Opening balance
      Long-term borrowings due within one year                                 1,165,803,694.70                    1,386,857,142.00
      Long-term payables due within one year                                                                          34,658,340.90
      Lease liabilities due within one year                                         23,941,171.43                     69,030,382.03
      Total                                                                      1,189,744,866.13                  1,490,545,864.93
31. Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                Item                                   Closing balance                     Opening balance
      Output tax to be recognized                                                  4,476,657.36                        2,440,030.34
      Total                                                                        4,476,657.36                        2,440,030.34
32. Long-term borrowings

(1)     Long-term borrowings by category
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                              Item                                     Closing balance                     Opening balance
      Pledge loans                                                                                                    96,273,070.00
      Guaranteed loans                                                                                               200,000,000.00
      Credit loans                                                               2,583,821,643.49                  1,274,252,691.80
      Guaranteed and pledge loans                                                  100,000,000.00                    200,000,000.00
      Pledge, mortgage and guaranteed loans                                        514,000,000.00                    260,000,000.00
      Total                                                                      3,197,821,643.49                  2,030,525,761.80
33. Lease liabilities
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                        Item                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
      Lease obligations payable                                          1,985,857,535.57                          1,477,069,971.87
      Less: Unrecognized financing costs                                  -338,538,489.37                           -329,259,807.15
      Total                                                              1,647,319,046.20                          1,147,810,164.72
34. Long-term payables
                                                                                                                           In RMB
                       Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance
      Long-term payables                                                                                              78,927,000.98
      Total                                                                                                           78,927,000.98
(1)     Long-term payables by nature
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                         Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance
      Finance lease obligations payable                                                                               78,927,000.98
35. Provisions
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                   Item                       Closing balance                  Opening balance                    Reason
      Product warranty                                 42,352,230.73                    67,188,779.26
      Provision for sales return                       26,849,952.43                    22,254,051.87
      Total                                            69,202,183.16                    89,442,831.13
36. Deferred income
                                                                                                                          In RMB
            Item              Opening balance         Increase            Decrease            Closing balance         Reason
      Government grants         685,633,680.65       204,822,493.63       142,868,540.16         747,587,634.12
      Total                     685,633,680.65       204,822,493.63       142,868,540.16         747,587,634.12            --
37. Share capital
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                       Opening                                            Capitalizatio                                     Closing
                       balance          New issue       Bonus shares      n of capital     Others          Subtotal         balance
                      1,709,867,32                                                                                        1,709,867,32
   Total shares
                              7.00                                                                                                7.00
38. Capital reserve
                                                                                                                              In RMB
               Item                   Opening balance               Increase               Decrease                Closing balance
   Capital premium (share
                                       7,957,871,910.95                 7,368,451.11          68,729,455.32           7,896,510,906.74
   Other capital reserve                 141,652,961.95                16,734,915.50               4,703.42             158,383,174.03
   Total                               8,099,524,872.90                24,103,366.61          68,734,158.74           8,054,894,080.77
Other information, including explanation about changes in the current period and reasons thereof:

In January and March 2021, the Company entered into share transfer agreements with the minority shareholders of RF Top Electronic,
namely Shanghai Nanyao Asset Management Center (L.P.), Zhoushan Longxiang Investment Partnership (L.P.), XIANG Rong,
Suzhou Aifuxin Investment Management Center (L.P.), CHEN Rongda and JIANG Nanqiu respectively, pursuant to which, the
Company purchased 19.44% shares held by them in total in RF Top Electronic at the aggregate purchase price of RMB83,405,588. 47 ,
as a result of which, the Company’s capital reserve was reduced by RMB44,165,616.16 in the current period.

In June 2022, pursuant to the capital injection agreement entered into between the Company and RF Top Electronic, the Company
contributed an additional amount of RMB52 million to RF Top Electronic, which resulted in the dilution of the minority interests, and
an increase in the consolidated capital reserve by RMB7,368,451.11.

In March 2022, with the approval of the general meeting, the Company decided to implement the ESOP for key officers and technical
personnel. The share-based payments thereunder would be amortized over the service period, which resulted in an increase in the
capital reserve by RMB16,734,915.50. See Note XI(I) for details.

In March 2022, the Company received a Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration from China Securities Depository and
Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch, confirming that 1,366,120 shares of the Company held in the “special securities
account for repurchase of Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” were transferred to “Suzhou Dongshan Precision
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. – third employee stock ownership plan” on March 15, 2022 by means of non-trade transfer, which resulted
in a decrease in the capital reserve by RMB24,563,839.16.

The decrease in the capital reserve by RMB4,703.42 in the current period reflected the effect on minority interests caused by the share
incentives granted by the Company.

39. Treasury shares
                                                                                                                              In RMB
            Item                   Opening balance                  Increase               Decrease                Closing balance
   Treasury shares                     100,479,794.32                  49,990,856.17         24,563,839.16              125,906,811.33
   Total                               100,479,794.32                  49,990,856.17         24,563,839.16              125,906,811.33
Other information, including explanation about changes in the current period and reasons thereof:

1) Pursuant to the Proposal Regarding Repurchase of the Company’s Shares (the “Repurchase”) adopted at the 22nd meeting of the 5th
Board of Directors held on April 25, 2022, the Company repurchased 3.0487 million shares in total by aggregate auction through the
special securities account for repurchase as of the end of May 2022, accounting for 0.18% of the Company’s total share capital, at the
purchase price of RMB15.98-16.77 per share, or RMB49.9909 million in total.

2) Refer to “Capital reserve” for the reason of decrease in treasury shares.

                                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

40. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                       Less: Other            Less: Other                                               Amount         Balance at
                    Balance at                                                                                          Amount
     Item                                            comprehensive          comprehensive                                              attributable   December 31,
                  January 1, 2022   Amount before                                                 Less: Income       attributable to
                                                         income                 income                                                  to minor         2022
                                        tax                                                       tax expenses      the parent after
                                                     reclassified into      reclassified into                                            interest
                                                      profit or loss       retained earnings                                            after tax
 I. Other
 income that
 cannot be        -350,000,000.00                                                                                                                     -350,000,000.00
 into profit or
 Change in fair
 value of
 investments in   -350,000,000.00                                                                                                                     -350,000,000.00
 other equity
 II. Other
 income that
 will be          -169,626,066.21                     -78,788,663.50                             -17,773,168.75     -173,349,939.00    -24,109.73     -342,976,005.21
 into profit or
 Reserves for
 cash flow         54,755,948.99                      -78,788,663.50                             -17,773,168.75     -112,225,912.41    -24,109.73      -57,469,963.42
 Differences on
 translation of
                  -224,382,015.20   -61,124,026.59                                                                   -61,124,026.59                   -285,506,041.79
 T otal other
 comprehensive    -519,626,066.21                     -78,788,663.50                             -17,773,168.75     -173,349,939.00    -24,109.73     -692,976,005.21

41. Surplus reserve
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB
              Item                       Opening balance                      Increase                            Decrease                     Closing balance
   Statutory surplus reserve                 111,698,315.15                     23,649,519.95                                                       135,347,835.10
   Total                                     111,698,315.15                     23,649,519.95                                                       135,347,835.10
42. Retained profits
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB
                            Item                                                                2022                                           2021
 Opening balance of retained profits after adjustment                                              5,275,515,670.63                             3,598,580,392.76
 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent                                              2,367,519,530.91                             1,862,481,138.84
 Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                                     23,649,519.95                                 36,492,937.75
       Dividends payable to the ordinary shareholders                                                341,182,627.47                               170,986,732.70
 Add: Others                                                                                                                                        21,933,809.48
 Closing balance of retained profits                                                               7,278,203,054.12                             5,275,515,670.63
Particulars of adjustment to the retained profits at the beginning of the current period:

1) The effect of retrospective adjustment pursuant to the CASBEs and related new provisions thereunder on the opening balance of
retained profits was nil.

2) The effect of changes in accounting policies on the opening balance of retained profits was nil.

3) The effect of correction of material accounting errors on the opening balance of retained profits was nil.

4) The effect of changes in the scope of consolidation resulting from business combinations involving entities under common control
on the opening balance of retained profits was nil.

5) The cumulative effect of other adjustments on the opening balance of retained profits was nil.

                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

43. Operating revenue and operating costs
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                  2022                                              2021
                                    Income                     Cost                   Income                      Cost
  Main business                   31,450,821,150.93        25,961,338,699.87        31,682,727,248.03         27,080,576,091.48
  Other business                     129,325,581.65            59,340,633.37           110,420,660.09             47,974,536.45
  Total                           31,580,146,732.58        26,020,679,333.24        31,793,147,908.12         27,128,550,627.93
44. Taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                    Item                                      2022                                     2021
  Urban maintenance and construction tax                               42,173,074.00                              24,263,505.47
  Education surcharge                                                  18,333,969.54                              11,969,192.59
  Property tax                                                         16,738,300.91                              16,123,105.43
  Land use tax                                                          1,587,701.79                               1,365,774.21
  Vehicle and vessel tax                                                    9,563.33                                  24,502.86
  Stamp duty                                                           14,176,516.91                              11,367,477.23
  Local education surcharge                                            12,228,157.62                               7,913,333.55
  Environmental protection tax                                            404,606.40                                 133,322.63
  Total                                                               105,651,890.50                              73,160,213.97
45. Selling expenses
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                     Item                                     2022                                     2021
  Employee benefits                                                   178,775,039.38                            190,368,189.92
  Sales service fees                                                   35,375,649.64                             39,874,711.20
  Export charges                                                       52,914,479.30                             35,107,304.52
  Travel expenses                                                      26,656,711.23                             30,192,865.53
  Entertainment expenses                                               18,403,395.91                             13,589,530.56
  Others                                                               40,868,178.04                             31,955,044.68
  Total                                                               352,993,453.50                            341,087,646.41
46. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                    Item                                      2022                                     2021
  Employee benefits                                                   445,921,834.05                            416,884,816.93
  Depreciation and amortization                                       124,492,061.14                            112,065,654.97
  Consulting service fees                                              58,050,066.27                             72,107,147.93
  Office expenses                                                      44,182,104.24                             49,392,919.93
  Entertainment expenses                                               44,097,815.99                             39,212,589.24
  Travel expenses                                                      15,460,221.90                             12,835,540.39
  Rents                                                                10,211,075.07                              8,372,878.92
  Repair costs                                                         19,422,207.36                             17,205,668.65
  Taxes                                                                 1,409,194.20                                436,304.97
  Others                                                               52,415,906.67                             53,151,208.43
  Total                                                               815,662,486.89                            781,664,730.36
47. R&D expenses
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                      Item                                    2022                                     2021
  Materials requisitioned                                             448,026,811.32                             553,757,553.07
  Labor costs                                                         367,119,066.09                             345,837,438.45
  Depreciation                                                         76,160,187.19                              56,671,015.71
  Others                                                               48,779,387.38                              72,301,199.72
  Total                                                               940,085,451.98                           1,028,567,206.95
48. Financial expenses
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                      Item                            2022                                     2021
  Interest expenses                                           302,704,601.47                           285,474,106.93
  Interest on leases and financing fees                        80,950,330.25                            85,865,366.64
  Less: Interest income                                        42,128,725.22                            62,819,318.55
  Add: Exchange loss                                         -204,336,793.36                            70,483,663.21
  Bank charges and others                                      62,443,691.35                            57,659,855.67
  Total                                                       199,633,104.49                           436,663,673.90
49. Other income
                                                                                                             In RMB
           Sources of other income                    2022                                     2021
  Government grants related to assets                         142,868,540.16                           105,569,311.37
  Government grants related to income                         174,748,593.64                           163,175,414.88
  Refund of individual income tax
                                                                  956,961.84                               722,866.99
  withholding service fees
50. Investment income
                                                                                                             In RMB
                      Item                            2022                                     2021
  Income from long-term equity
                                                               -3,353,804.37                            -7,515,648.15
  investments under equity method
  Investment income from disposal of
  long-term equity investments
  Investment income from financial assets
  held for trading during the holding                           6,348,937.52                               108,467.86
  Investment income from disposal of
                                                                2,956,230.02                             9,012,671.97
  financial assets held for trading
  Discount loss on accounts receivable
                                                              -10,933,498.09                              -768,750.98
  Income from bank wealth management
                                                                4,059,746.10                            11,913,618.63
  Total                                                          -922,388.82                            41,578,291.23
51. Gain on changes in fair value
                                                                                                             In RMB
   Source of gain on changes in fair value            2022                                     2021
  Financial assets held for trading                           -66,613,459.50                             8,645,469.99
  Total                                                       -66,613,459.50                             8,645,469.99
52. Impairment loss on credit
                                                                                                             In RMB
                    Item                              2022                                     2021
  Loss from doubtful accounts                                 -76,228,643.25                            -7,992,105.91
  Total                                                       -76,228,643.25                            -7,992,105.91
53. Impairment loss on assets
                                                                                                             In RMB
                     Item                             2022                                     2021
  I. Loss from doubtful accounts                                4,184,595.15                           -11,270,721.08
  II. Allowance for impairment of
                                                             -441,556,620.37                          -166,254,407.47
  inventories or costs of fulfilling contracts
  V. Impairment loss on fixed assets                          -11,049,705.17                              -983,457.38
  XI. Goodwill impairment loss                                -19,782,833.44                            -8,868,134.17
  Total                                                      -468,204,563.83                          -187,376,720.10
54. Gain on disposal of assets
                                                                                                             In RMB
    Source of gain on disposal of assets              2022                                     2021
  Gain on disposal of fixed assets                             -5,513,221.27                           -14,060,145.96

                                                             Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

55. Non-operating revenue
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                                             Amount recognized in non-
                Item                             2022                              2021
                                                                                                               recurring gain or loss
   Penalties                                            7,926,374.74                        407,738.14                       7,926,374.74
   Amounts that cannot be paid                          3,996,486.25                      2,380,233.49                       3,996,486.25
   Others                                                 289,484.75                        324,831.16                         289,484.75
   Total                                               12,212,345.74                      3,112,802.79                     12,212,345.74
56. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                                             Amount recognized in non-
                Item                             2022                              2021
                                                                                                               recurring gain or loss
   Donations                                            6,916,600.00                      3,503,180.00                       6,916,600.00
   Loss on destruction and
   retirement of non-current                            8,707,696.75                         984,352.01                      8,707,696.75
   Penalties, overdue fines and
                                                        1,440,637.80                         972,242.63                      1,440,637.80
   liquidated damages
   Others                                                 781,275.49                        546,696.75                         781,275.49
   Total                                               17,846,210.04                      6,006,471.39                      17,846,210.04
57. Income tax expenses

(1) Statement of income tax expenses
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                    Item                                             2022                                         2021
   Income tax expense                                                       447,983,321.47                                213,580,884.70
   Deferred income tax expenses                                              25,656,121.62                                 36,341,939.66
   Total                                                                    473,639,443.09                                249,922,824.36
(2) Reconciliation of income tax expenses to accounting profit
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                  Item                                                                2022
   Total profit                                                                                                          2,840,898,966.65
   Income tax expenses calculated based on statutory/applicable
   tax rate
   Effect of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                                 30,184,598.68
   Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                       5,895,200.27
   Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses
   not recognized for deferred tax assets for the current period
   Effect of super deduction of R&D expenses                                                                              -67,575,212.66
   Income tax expenses                                                                                                    473,639,443.09
58. Other comprehensive income

See the notes related to other comprehensive income.

59. Items of the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash receipts related to operating activities
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                      Item                                           2022                                         2021
   Security deposit for acceptance bills                                    406,241,523.96                                129,542,128.04
   Government grants                                                        379,880,087.27                                318,989,224.87
   Interest income                                                           42,128,725.22                                 62,819,318.55
   Temporary receipts payable and others                                     27,886,394.91                                    732,569.30
   Total                                                                    856,136,731.36                                512,083,240.76
(2) Other cash payments related to operating activities
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                     Item                             2022                                     2021
  Security deposit for acceptance bills                       767,949,563.14                           151,102,248.04
  Payment of selling expenses in cash                         174,218,414.12                           150,719,456.49
  Payment of administrative expenses in
                                                              247,248,591.70                           252,714,258.46
  Payment of R&D expenses in cash                               48,779,307.34                            72,301,199.72
  Bank charges                                                  62,443,691.35                            57,659,855.67
  Temporary payment receivable and
                                                                36,575,288.51                            40,105,256.38
  Total                                                      1,337,214,856.16                          724,602,274.76
(3) Other cash receipts related to investing activities
                                                                                                             In RMB
                    Item                              2022                                     2021
  Recovery of term deposits                                   228,424,521.00                             50,000,000.00
  Recovery of performance compensation                          7,000,000.00
  Recovery of asset transfer price                                                                     564,294,406.73
  Total                                                       235,424,521.00                           614,294,406.73
(4) Other cash payments related to investing activities
                                                                                                             In RMB
                    Item                              2022                                     2021
  Term deposits                                               455,064,192.71
  Loss of control over subsidiaries                                                                           1,288.94
  Total                                                       455,064,192.71                                  1,288.94
(5) Other cash receipts related to financing activities
                                                                                                             In RMB
                       Item                           2022                                     2021
  Security deposits                                           826,870,220.72                          2,101,333,325.23
  Proceeds from discount on acceptance
                                                             1,312,323,501.13                         1,820,194,933.27
  bills and letters of credit
  Total                                                      2,139,193,721.85                         3,921,528,258.50
(6) Other cash payments related to financing activities
                                                                                                             In RMB
                     Item                             2022                                     2021
  Security deposits                                            453,162,239.17                           826,870,220.72
  Payment of rents                                             253,811,187.11                           282,078,462.04
  Payments under bill financing                              1,337,897,642.56                         3,581,805,423.85
  Repurchase of shares                                          49,990,856.17                           100,479,794.32
  Acquisition of minority interests in RF
                                                                97,834,888.06                            65,756,910.17
  Top Electronic
  Total                                                      2,192,696,813.07                         4,856,990,811.10
60. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                                             In RMB
          Supplementary information                   2022                                     2021
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash
  flows from operating activities:
    Net profit                                               2,367,259,523.56                         1,860,899,698.13
    Add: Allowance for impairment of
                                                              544,433,207.08                           195,368,826.01
        Depreciation of fixed assets, oil
        and gas assets, and productive                       1,697,771,894.84                         1,581,049,391.72
        biological assets
        Depreciation of right-of-use assets                   100,106,051.84                            86,304,860.90
        Amortization of intangible assets                      57,776,055.04                            48,775,081.14
        Amortization of long-term deferred                    157,201,034.52                           147,371,022.13

                                                  Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

         Loss on disposal of fixed assets,
         intangible assets and other long-
                                                                   5,513,221.27                                14,060,145.96
         term assets (gain expressed with
         Loss on retirement of fixed assets
                                                                   8,707,696.75                                   984,352.01
         (gain expressed with “-”)
         Loss on changes in fair value (gain
                                                                 66,613,459.50                                 -8,645,469.99
         expressed with “-”)
         Financial expenses (income
                                                                179,318,138.36                               351,562,005.91
         expressed with “-”)
         Investment loss (income expressed
                                                                 -10,011,109.27                               -41,578,291.23
         with “-”)
         Decrease in deferred tax assets
                                                                 -73,066,740.07                                22,499,150.53
         (increase expressed with “-”)
         Increase in deferred tax liabilities
                                                                 98,722,861.69                                 13,842,789.13
         (decrease expressed with “-”)
         Decrease in inventories (increase
                                                               -160,903,575.10                              -739,877,310.44
         expressed with “-”)
         Decrease in trade receivables
                                                                625,999,220.48                              -780,445,681.69
         (increase expressed with “-”)
         Increase in trade payables
                                                              -1,052,291,844.61                              457,373,913.99
         (decrease expressed with “-”)
         Others                                                  16,734,915.50
         Net cash flows from operating
                                                              4,629,884,011.38                             3,209,544,484.21
  2. Significant investing and financing
  activities not involving cash receipts and
    Debt-to-capital swap
    Convertible corporate bonds due within
    one year
    Fixed assets acquired under finance
  3. Net changes in cash and cash
    Closing balance of cash                                   5,457,026,822.70                             3,939,301,126.79
    Less: Opening balance of cash                             3,939,301,126.79                             2,873,135,085.47
    Add: Closing balance of cash
    Less: Opening balance of cash
    Net increase in cash and cash
                                                              1,517,725,695.91                             1,066,166,041.32
(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                     Item                          Closing balance                            Opening balance
  I. Cash                                                      5,457,026,822.70                          3,939,301,126.79
  Incl.: Cash on hand                                                340,651.93                                241,046.60
         Bank deposit readily available for
                                                              5,456,686,170.77                             3,939,060,080.19
  III. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                              5,457,026,822.70                             3,939,301,126.79
61. Assets subject to restrictions on ownership or right of use
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                      Item                      Closing carrying value                       Reason of restriction
  Cash and bank balances                                       1,674,175,995.02   Security deposit for bills, loans, etc.
  Fixed assets                                                   459,521,491.55   Collateral for loans, sale and lease back
  Accounts receivable financing                                  441,621,937.83   Pledge of notes
  Right-of-use assets                                            951,068,254.01   Finance lease
  Total                                                        3,526,387,678.41

                                                    Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

62. Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies
(1) Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                Closing balance in foreign
              Item                                                 Exchange rate             Closing balance in RMB
  Cash and bank balances                                                                                3,749,263,803.12
  Incl.: USD                                 527,233,216.63                       6.96460               3,671,968,460.54
          EUR                                  8,532,422.87                       7.42290                  63,335,321.72
          HKD                                  1,050,849.62                       0.89327                     938,692.44
          KRW                                 19,096,808.00                       0.00552                     105,471.67
          SGD                                  1,375,985.72                       5.18310                   7,131,871.59
          NTD                                    394,433.00                       0.22700                      89,536.29
          JPY                                        278.00                       0.05236                          14.56
          SEK                                     25,274.71                       0.66590                      16,830.43
          CHF                                          0.74                       7.54320                           5.58
          NOK                                     29,936.34                       0.70420                      21,081.17
          MXN                                 15,826,852.63                       0.35740                   5,656,517.13
  Accounts receivable                                                                                   5,444,917,839.46
  Incl.: USD                                 781,576,649.25                       6.96460               5,443,368,731.37
          EUR                                    190,477.60                       7.42290                   1,413,896.18
          JPY                                  2,582,351.20                       0.05236                     135,211.91
  Long-term borrowings                                                                                    481,100,696.82
  Incl.: USD                                  69,078,008.33                       6.96460                 481,100,696.82
  Other receivables                                                                                        38,679,653.02
  Incl.: USD                                   3,205,277.15                        6.9646                  22,323,473.24
         NTD                                      13,000.00                         0.227                       2,951.00
         NOK                                  23,222,420.88                        0.7042                  16,353,228.78
  Short-term borrowings                                                                                 1,955,594,688.97
  Incl.: USD                                 272,178,970.36                        6.9646               1,895,617,656.97
         EUR                                   8,080,000.00                        7.4229                  59,977,032.00
  Accounts payable                                                                                      2,725,863,060.76
  Incl.: USD                                 390,455,533.55                        6.9646               2,719,366,608.96
         EUR                                     156,504.39                        7.4229                   1,161,716.44
         JPY                                 101,852,000.00                       0.05236                   5,332,970.72
         SEK                                       2,650.00                        0.6659                       1,764.64
  Employee benefits payable                                                                                52,016,173.72
  Incl.: USD                                   7,468,652.00                        6.9646                  52,016,173.72
  Taxes payable                                                                                           313,073,333.33
  Incl.: USD                                  44,952,091.05                        6.9646                 313,073,333.33
  Other payables                                                                                           52,613,130.27
  Incl.: USD                                   7,554,364.97                        6.9646                  52,613,130.27
  Non-current liabilities due
  within one year
  Incl.: USD                                  19,315,124.21                        6.9646                 134,522,114.07
(2) Information about overseas operating entities, including main places of business and functional
currencies of major overseas operating entities, basis for choice of such functional currencies, and reasons of
changes in functional currencies:
□ Applicable  N/A

                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

63. Government grants

(1) Particulars of government grants
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                     Item                                         Amount          Recorded in      recognized
                                                                                                                  profit or loss
  Yancheng subsidy for production equipment                                     384,111,702.15   Other income      65,286,852.60
  District special fund for high-quality development of industrial economy      158,226,471.48   Other income      41,216,171.12
  Technology upgrading subsidy to Multek                                         81,407,701.16   Other income      11,627,050.30
  Special reward fund of the science and technology industrial park              57,474,000.00   Other income       7,416,000.00
  2020 central financial subsidy for the building of emergency supplies
                                                                                 19,413,333.37   Other income       2,559,999.96
  assurance system
  Reward for high-quality development of industrial economy –
                                                                                 18,325,514.26   Other income       3,504,674.44
  replacement of labor with machine
  Suzhou subsidy for machinery and equipment                                      5,853,443.08   Other income       4,297,147.92
  Reward and subsidy to RF Top Electronic for industrial technological
                                                                                  5,038,630.67   Other income         727,486.20
  Subsidy to Mutto Optronics for technological upgrading                          4,540,666.67   Other income         749,200.00
  Reward and subsidy for supporting effective investment by
                                                                                  4,466,156.25   Other income         297,743.75
  Special fund for high-quality development (digitalization)                      2,719,500.00   Other income         220,500.00
  Other subsidies                                                                 6,010,515.03   Other income       4,965,713.87
  Special reward for outstanding contributions                                   64,086,500.00   Other income      64,086,500.00
  Job stabilization subsidy                                                      16,252,362.09   Other income      16,252,362.09
  Special fund for high-quality development of industrial economy                14,150,000.00   Other income      14,150,000.00
  Special reward for development of foreign trade                                 7,104,900.00   Other income       7,104,900.00
  Local economic contribution reward                                              5,774,900.00   Other income       5,774,900.00
  Municipal special fund for the development of advanced manufacturing
                                                                                  5,700,000.00   Other income       5,700,000.00
  2022 municipal special fund for the development of advanced
                                                                                  5,500,000.00   Other income       5,500,000.00
  manufacturing industry
  Development of the advanced manufacturing industry                              5,180,000.00   Other income       5,180,000.00
  Refund of income tax                                                            5,042,196.10   Other income       5,042,196.10
  2022 municipal special fund for the development of advanced
                                                                                  4,336,200.00   Other income       4,336,200.00
  manufacturing industry (batch 1) – construction of key industrial projects
  Municipal special fund for the development of open economy –
                                                                                  2,610,000.00   Other income       2,610,000.00
  availability of foreign investment
  Subsidy for work in lieu of training                                            2,555,589.66   Other income       2,555,589.66
  2021 model factory for industrial Internet of the province                      2,000,000.00   Other income       2,000,000.00
  2021 high-quality development of industrial economy and intelligent
                                                                                  1,910,000.00   Other income       1,910,000.00
  2021 provincial special fund for intelligent transformation and digital
                                                                                  1,790,000.00   Other income       1,790,000.00
  Subsidy for stay during the Spring Festival                                     1,717,100.00   Other income       1,717,100.00
  2020 science and technology policy reward and subsidy                           1,680,000.00   Other income       1,680,000.00
  2020 Yancheng Hi-tech Zone fund for encouraging proprietary
                                                                                  1,600,680.00   Other income       1,600,680.00
  innovation and building new driving force for development
  2021 special fund for the development of financial industry (batch 2)           1,600,000.00   Other income       1,600,000.00
  2021 district reward fund for scientific and technological innovations          1,515,300.00   Other income       1,515,300.00
  2021 reward for high-quality development of industrial economy                  1,437,500.00   Other income       1,437,500.00
  2022 municipal special fund for advanced manufacturing bases                    1,340,000.00   Other income       1,340,000.00
  REITs subsidy for differences in rent under new and old contracts               1,195,822.91   Other income       1,195,822.91
  2021 municipal special fund for the development of advanced
                                                                                  1,000,000.00   Other income       1,000,000.00
  manufacturing industry (batch 2)
  2022 Suzhou subsidy for scientific and technological development (batch
                                                                                  1,000,000.00   Other income       1,000,000.00
  2022 municipal special fund for the development of advanced
  manufacturing industry (batch 1) – commencement of operation and               1,000,000.00   Other income       1,000,000.00
  achievement of design capacity of key projects
  2021 special fund for business development (batch 1) – supporting                900,000.00   Other income         900,000.00

                                                                        Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      headquarters economy of transnational companies
      Application for 2020 Yancheng Hi-tech Zone reward                                              788,050.00       Other income               788,050.00
      2021 Seagull program municipal reward and subsidy – digital RMB                               779,228.50       Other income               779,228.50
      Subsidy for the building of skilled talent base                                                600,000.00       Other income               600,000.00
      Others                                                                                      12,602,264.38       Other income            12,602,264.38
      Loan interest subsidy                                                                          309,000.00                                  309,000.00
(2) Return of government grants
□ Applicable  N/A

VIII.          Changes in the Scope of Consolidation
1.      Changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons

Particulars of changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (such as subsidiaries newly established or liquidated):

(1) Subsidiaries newly included in the scope of consolidation

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                     Method of
                                                                         Date of acquisition of                                         Ratio of capital
               Company name                         acquisition of                                        Capital contribution
                                                                                 shares                                                  contribution
      Suzhou Dongyue New Energy
                                                     Investment            September 6, 2022                  RMB165,000,000.00                  100.00%
          Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     Investment              March 27, 2022                           MXN3,000.00                100.00%
       Suzhou Dongshan Industrial
                                                     Investment            December 29, 2022                  RMB 30,000,000.00                  100.00%
          Investment Co., Ltd.
(2) Subsidiaries removed from the scope of consolidation
                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                             Method of
                                                                      Date of disposal of        Net assets at the        Net profit from January 1,
            Company name                     disposal of
                                                                            shares               date of disposal         2022 to the date of disposal
       Suzhou Aiguan Material
                                           Deregistration             September 29, 2022                                                      3,611,898.67
        Technology Co., Ltd.
IX. Interests in Other Entities
1.      Interests in subsidiaries

(1)     Composition of the enterprise group

                                  Principal place        Place of                                  Shareholding percentage
             Subsidiary                                                    Nature of business                                      Method of acquisition
                                   of business        incorporation                                  Direct          Indirect
                                                                                                                                Business combination
      Yongchuang Tech             Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                100.00%                   involving entities under
                                                                                                                                common control
                                                                                                                                Business combination
      Suzhou Yuanshi Electronic
                                  Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                100.00%                   involving entities under
      Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                common control
                                  Hong Kong,          Hong Kong,
      Hong Kong Dongshan                                                 Business & investment        100.00%                   Established
                                  China               China
      Suzhou Dongkui Lighting
                                  Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                100.00%                   Established
      Co., Ltd.
      Suzhou Chengjia             Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                100.00%                   Established
      Dongguan Dongshan
      Precision Manufacturing     Dongguan            Dongguan           Manufacturing                 95.00%          5.00%    Established
      Co., Ltd.
      Suzhou Dongjiyuan Metal
                                  Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                100.00%                   Established
      Technology Co., Ltd.
      Yancheng Dongshan           Yancheng            Yancheng           Manufacturing                 95.00%          5.00%    Established
                                                                                                                                Business combination
      RF Top Electronic           Suzhou              Suzhou             Manufacturing                 93.51%
                                                                                                                                involving entities not under

                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                      common control
Suzhou Jebson Intelligent
                             Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing            51.00%              Established
Technology Co., Ltd.
Suzhou           Dongdai
Electronic Technology Co.,   Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing            51.00%              Established
Suzhou           Dongyan
Electronic Technology Co.,   Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing            51.00%              Established
Yancheng        Dongshan
Business Management Co.,     Yancheng      Yancheng      Property management      95.00%      5.00%   Established
Hong Kong Dongshan           Hong Kong,    Hong Kong,
                                                         Business & investment    100.00%             Established
Holding Limited              China         China
Yancheng        Dongshan
Communication                Yancheng      Yancheng      Manufacturing            100.00%             Established
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai         Chengjia
Consulting Management        Shanghai      Shanghai      Business & investment    100.00%             Established
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Business combination
Mutto Optronics Group
                             BVI           BVI           Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
DSBJ Solutions INC           USA           USA           Business & investment              100.00%   Established
DSBJ holdings Inc.           USA           USA           Business & investment              100.00%   Established
DSBJ International Inc.      USA           USA           Business & investment              100.00%   Established
DSBJ Finland OY              Finland       Finland       Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Dragon Electronix
                             USA           USA           Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Holdings INC.
Dongshan International       Cayman        Cayman
                                                         Business & investment    100.00%             Established
Holdings Inc                 Islands       Islands
                                                                                                      Business combination
Mutto Optronics              Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing                      100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
Suzhou         Dongshan
Precision Technology Co.,    Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing                      100.00%   Established
Yancheng Mutto Optronics
                             Yancheng      Yancheng      Manufacturing                      100.00%   Established
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Business combination
Multi-Fineline Electronix,
                             USA           USA           Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
                                                                                                      Business combination
                             Delaware,     Delaware,
MFLEX Delaware, Inc.                                     Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
                             USA           USA
                                                                                                      common control
                                                                                                      Business combination
MFLEX B.V.                   Netherlands   Netherlands   Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
                                                                                                      Business combination
Multi-Fineline Electronix
                             Singapore     Singapore     Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
Singapore Pte. Ltd.
                                                                                                      common control
                                                                                                      Business combination
MFLEX Suzhou                 Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing                      100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
Dowell Smart Suzhou Co.,
                             Suzhou        Suzhou        Manufacturing                      100.00%   Established
                                                                                                      Business combination
MFLEX      Chengdu Co.,
                             Chengdu       Chengdu       Manufacturing                      100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
MFLEX Yancheng Co.,
                             Yancheng      Yancheng      Manufacturing                      100.00%   Established
DSBJ Pte. Ltd.               Singapore     Singapore     Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Multek Technology
                             Sweden        Sweden        Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Sweden AB
Multek Technology
                             Malaysia      Malaysia      Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Malaysia SDN.BHD
DSBJ Germany Pte. Ltd.       Germany       Germany       Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Multek Group (Hong           Hong Kong,    Hong Kong,
                                                         Business & investment              100.00%   Established
Kong) Limited                China         China
                                                                                                      Business combination
The Dii Group (BVI) Co.
                             BVI           BVI           Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
                                                                                                      common control
                                                                                                      Business combination
Multek Group (Hong           Hong Kong,    Hong Kong,
                                                         Business & investment              100.00%   involving entities not under
Kong) Limited                China         China
                                                                                                      common control
Multek Technologies                                                                                   Business combination
                             Mauritius     Mauritius     Business & investment              100.00%
Limited                                                                                               involving entities not under

                                                                    Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      The Dii      Group     Asia   Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
                                                                    Business & investment                 100.00%      involving entities not under
      Limited                       China          China
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
                                    Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
      Astron Group Limited                                          Business & investment                 100.00%      involving entities not under
                                    China          China
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Multek         Technology
                                    Zhuhai         Zhuhai           Manufacturing                         100.00%      involving entities not under
      (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Vastbright PCB (Holding)      Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
                                                                    Business & investment                 100.00%      involving entities not under
      Limited                       China          China
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Multek Industries             Zhuhai         Zhuhai           Manufacturing                         100.00%      involving entities not under
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Multek Electronics            Zhuhai         Zhuhai           Manufacturing                         100.00%      involving entities not under
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Multek Zhuhai                 Zhuhai         Zhuhai           Manufacturing                         100.00%      involving entities not under
                                                                                                                       common control
                                                                                                                       Business combination
      Multek China                  Zhuhai         Zhuhai           Manufacturing                         100.00%      involving entities not under
                                                                                                                       common control
      Multek Technology, Inc.       USA            USA              Business & investment                 100.00%      Established
      Suzhou Dongbo Precision
                                    Suzhou         Suzhou           Manufacturing               51.00%                 Established
      Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
      MFLEX Shanghai Co.,
                                    Shanghai       Shanghai         Wholesale                  100.00%                 Established
      Shenzhen            Qindao
      Dongchuang Investment         Shenzhen       Shenzhen         Business & investment       76.92%                 Established
      Partnership (L.P.)
      Suzhou Dongke Real
                                    Suzhou         Suzhou           Real estate                100.00%                 Established
      Estate Co., Ltd.
      Yancheng       Dongchuang
      Precision Manufacturing       Yancheng       Yancheng         Manufacturing              100.00%                 Established
      Co., Ltd.
      DSBJ Norway AS                Norway         Norway           Business & investment                 100.00%      Established
      Suzhou           Dongchen
      Intelligent      Equipment    Suzhou         Suzhou           Manufacturing                         100.00%      Established
      Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
      Shanghai Dongxin New
      Energy Technology Co.,        Shanghai       Shanghai         Manufacturing               95.00%        5.00%    Established
      Shanghai Donglan New
      Energy Technology Co.,        Shanghai       Shanghai         Manufacturing                         100.00%      Established
      Hainan             Chengjia
      Technology Consulting         Haikou         Haikou           Technology consulting      100.00%                 Established
      Co., Ltd.
      Suzhou Dongyue New
      Energy Technology Co.,        Kunshan        Kunshan          Manufacturing               90.00%        10.00%   Established
                                    Mexico         Mexico           Manufacturing                         100.00%      Established
      Suzhou Dongshan
      Industrial Investment Co.,    Suzhou         Suzhou           Business & investment      100.00%                 Established
2. Transactions resulting in changes in the share of the owners’ equity of a subsidiary while retaining the
control over the subsidiary

(1)      Description of changes in the share of the owners’ equity of the subsidiary

                                                                                  Shareholding percentage         Shareholding percentage
            Name of subsidiary                   Time of change
                                                                                     before the change                after the change
      RF Top Electronic                          January 31, 2022                                    68.91%                          82.33%
      RF Top Electronic                           March 31, 2022                                     82.33%                          88.35%
      RF Top Electronic                          August 31, 2022                                     88.35%                          93.51%
(2)      Effects of the transactions on minority interests and owners’ equity attributable to the parent
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                     RF Top Electronic                RF Top Electronic                RF Top Electronic
      Acquisition cost

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

     --Cash                                               65,847,206.25                    17,558,382.22                      14,429,299.59
     --Fair value of non-cash assets                                                                                          37,570,700.41

     Total acquisition cost/consideration
                                                          65,847,206.25                    17,558,382.22                      52,000,000.00
     for disposal
     Less: Share of the net assets of the
     subsidiary calculated based on the                   27,047,455.73                    12,192,516.58                      44,631,548.89
     shares acquired/disposed
     Difference                                           38,799,750.52                     5,365,865.64                       7,368,451.11
     Incl.: Adjustment to capital reserve                 38,799,750.52                     5,365,865.64                       7,368,451.11
            Adjustment to surplus reserve
            Adjustment to retained profits
3.     Interests in joint ventures or associates

(1) Summarized financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                   Closing balance/2022                     Opening balance/2021
     Joint ventures:
     Aggregate amount of the following items
     calculated based on shareholding percentage
     Aggregate carrying value of investments:                                    139,767,215.41                             143,121,019.78
     Aggregate amount of the following items
     calculated based on shareholding percentage
     --Net profit                                                                  -3,353,804.37                              -7,515,648.15
     --Total comprehensive income                                                  -3,353,804.37                              -7,515,648.15
X. Risks associated with financial instruments
The Company’s objectives of risk management are to maintain a balance between risk and income, minimize the negative effect of
risks on the operating results of the Company and maximize the interests of the shareholders and other equity investors. On the basis
of such objectives of risk management, the Company’s basic risk management policy is designed to identify and analyze all kinds of
risks facing the Company, set appropriate risk thresholds in risk management, and monitor risks and adherence to limits in a timely and
reliable manner.

The Company faces a variety of risks associated with financial instruments in its daily activities, mainly including credit risk, liquidit y
risk and market risk. Below is a summary of the policies for managing such risks considered and approved by the management.

(I) Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss to the other party by failing to discharge an

1. Credit risk management practice

(1) Assessment of credit risk

At each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since
initial recognition. In assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company takes into
account reasonable and supportable information, which is available without undue cost or effort, including qualitative and quantitative
analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating, and forward-looking information. The Company determines the changes
in default risk of financial instruments during their estimated lifetime through comparison of the default risk at the balance sheet date
and the initial recognition date, on an individual or collective basis.

The Company determines that the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly when one or more of the following
qualitative and quantitative standards are met:

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

1) Quantitative standard, mainly relates to the scenario in which, at the balance sheet date, the probability of default in the remaining
lifetime has risen by more than a certain percentage compared with the initial recognition; and/or

2) Qualitative standard, mainly relates to significant adverse changes in the debtor ’s business situation or financial position, and present
or expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment that will have a material adverse effect on the debtor ’s
ability to repay.

(2) Definition of default and credit-impaired assets

A financial instrument is in default or credit impaired when one or more of the following conditions are met:

1) significant financial difficulty of the debtor;

2) any breach by the debtor of contract terms binding on it;

3) it becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

4) the creditors of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, having granted to the
debtor a concession that the creditors would not otherwise consider.

2. Measurement of expected credit losses

The key factors in the measurement of expected credit losses include the probability of default, loss rate of default, and exposure to
default risk. The Company has developed a model of the probability of default, loss rate of default and exposure to default risk on the
basis of quantitative analysis of historical data (e.g. counterparty rating, guarantee measures and collateral type, payment method, etc.)
and forward-looking information.

3. See Notes V(I)3, V(I)4, V(I)7 and V(I)10 for the conciliation table of opening balances and closing balances of allowance for
impairment loss on financial instruments.

4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration

The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and bank balances and receivables. In order to control such risks, the
Company has taken the following measures:

(1) Cash and bank balances

The Company deposits its bank balances and other monetary capital in financial institutions with relatively high credit ratings, so its
credit risk is relatively low.

(2) Accounts receivable

The Company performs credit assessment on customers using credit settlement on an ongoing basis. The Company selects approved
and creditworthy customers based on the result of credit assessment, and monitors the balance of accounts receivable from them on an
ongoing basis, to avoid significant risk of doubtful accounts.

As the Company only deals with approved and creditworthy third parties, no collateral is required. As at December 31, 2022, the
Company faced certain credit concentration risk. In particular, 52.73% (which was 50.05% as at December 31, 2021) of the Company’s
accounts receivable came from the top 5 customers, without any collateral or other credit enhancement.

The Company’s maximum exposure to credit risk is the carrying value of each financial asset on the balance sheet.

(II) Liquidity risk

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company may not have enough cash to satisfy its obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets,
due to inability to liquidate financial assets at fair value in a timely manner, or failure of counterparties to discharge their contract
liabilities, acceleration of debts, failure to generate expected cash flows, or otherwise.

In order to control such risk, the Company utilizes a variety of financing tools such as settlement by means of notes, bank loans, etc.,
combines long-term and short-term financing to optimize financing structure, and maintains a balance between financing sustainabilit y
and flexibility. The Company has obtained lines of credit from many commercial banks to satisfy its working capital requirements and
capital expenditures.

Financial liabilities classified by remaining maturity

                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                                    December 31, 2022
                   Item                                          Undiscounted
                                            Carrying value                            Within 1 year       1-3 years         Over 3 years
                                                                contract amount
 Bank loans (including non-current
                                            12,518,035,282.87   12,622,983,732.45     9,154,149,516.56   2,953,900,674.22    514,933,541.67
 liabilities due within one year)
 Financial liabilities held for trading         91,517,116.89       91,517,116.89        91,517,116.89
 Notes payable                               2,008,405,860.19    2,008,405,860.19     2,008,405,860.19
 Accounts payable                            5,986,286,590.32    5,986,286,590.32     5,986,286,590.32
 Other payables                                 54,324,601.72       54,324,601.72        54,324,601.72
 Lease liabilities (including non-current
                                             1,671,260,217.63    2,187,054,071.55        24,396,526.02    303,388,335.26    1,859,269,210.27
 liabilities due within one year)
 Subtotal                                   22,329,829,669.62   22,950,571,973.12    17,319,080,211.70   3,257,289,009.48   2,374,202,751.94

                                                                                    December 31, 2021
                   Item                                          Undiscounted
                                            Carrying value                            Within 1 year       1-3 years         Over 3 years
                                                                contract amount
 Bank loans (including non-current          11,464,550,912.96   11,736,409,681.74     9,646,227,290.73   1,985,923,474.35    104,258,916.66
 liabilities due within one year)
                                             1,646,644,107.17    1,646,644,107.17     1,646,644,107.17
 Financial liabilities held for trading
                                             6,729,890,126.00    6,729,890,126.00     6,729,890,126.00
 Notes payable
                                              323,166,075.34       323,166,075.34       323,166,075.34
 Accounts payable

 Other payables                               113,585,341.88       117,815,283.97        38,648,899.77     79,166,384.20

 Long-term payables (including non-          1,216,840,546.75    1,547,455,035.50        70,417,680.05    140,536,827.11    1,336,500,528.34
 current liabilities due within one year)
 Lease liabilities (including non-current   21,494,677,110.10   22,101,380,309.72    18,454,994,179.06   2,205,626,685.66   1,440,759,445.00
 liabilities due within one year)
                                            11,464,550,912.96   11,736,409,681.74     9,646,227,290.73   1,985,923,474.35    104,258,916.66

(III) Market Risk

Market risk is the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments due to changes in market prices.
Market risk mainly includes interest risk and foreign exchange risk.

1. Interest risk

Interest risk is the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments due to changes in market interest
rates. Interest-bearing financial instruments with fixed interest rates expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk, while interest-
bearing financial instruments with floating interest rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk. The Company determines
the proportion of fixed-rate financial instruments and floating-rate financial instruments based on the market environment, and reviews
and monitors the appropriateness of its portfolio of financial instruments on a regular basis. The cash flow interest rate risk that the
Company faces is primarily associated with the floating-rate bank loans owed by the Company, which amounted to RMB735.9 million
as at December 31, 2022 (which was RMB11449693630.87 as at December 31, 2021). Supposing the interest rate changes by 50
basic points while other variables remain unchanged, the Company’s total profit and shareholders’ interest will not be materially

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

2. Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk is the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flows of financial instrument due to changes in exchange
rates. The Company’s foreign exchange risk relates mainly to foreign currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities. When a
short-term imbalance occurred on foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities, the Company may trade foreign currencies at
market exchange rates when necessary, in order to maintain the net risk exposure at an acceptable level.

See Note V(V)2 for details of foreign currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities at December 31, 2022.

XI. Fair Value Disclosures
1.     Closing balance of the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                            Closing balance of fair value
                    Item                   Level 1 fair value   Level 2 fair value        Level 3 fair value
                                             measurement          measurement               measurement
     I. Recurring fair value
                                                   --                  --                         --                         --
     1. Financial assets at fair value
                                                                     519,004,656.27              56,779,147.66             575,783,803.93
     through profit or loss
     (2) Investment in equity
                                                                                                 56,779,147.66              56,779,147.66
     (4) Bank wealth management
                                                                     519,004,656.27                                        519,004,656.27
     (II) Other debt investments                                                                644,057,382.41             644,057,382.41
     (III) Investment in other equity
                                                                                                171,322,110.00             171,322,110.00
     Total assets measured at fair
                                                                     519,004,656.27             872,158,640.07           1,391,163,296.34
     value on a recurring basis
     (VI) Financial liabilities held for
                                                                      91,517,116.89                                         91,517,116.89
     Total liabilities measured at fair
                                                                      91,517,116.89                                         91,517,116.89
     value on a recurring basis
     II. Fair value measurement on a
                                                   --                  --                         --                         --
     non-recurring basis
2. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important inputs for items subject
to recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements at Level 2
1. The closing balance of the fair value of bank wealth management products was determined mainly based on their principal and
expected income.

2. The fair value of forward exchange settlement and sale transactions already authorized but not yet settled was determined based on
the forward exchange rates as confirmed with the transaction bank at the end of the reporting period.

3. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important inputs for items subject
to recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements at Level 3
1. The fair value of an investment in other equity instruments was determined based on the initial investment amount.

2. The fair value of a note receivable was determined based on its face amount.

3. The fair value of an investment in equity instruments was determined based on the initial investment amount.

XII.          Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions
1.     Parent of the Company
The Company’s actual controllers are YUAN Yonggang, YUAN Yongfeng and YUAN Fugen, who hold 11.83%, 13.01% and 3.44%
of the total shares and votes of the Company respectively, and 28.28% of the total shares and votes of the Company in aggregate.

                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

2.     Subsidiaries of the Company
The particulars of the subsidiaries of the Company are set forth in “Interests in Other Entities”.

3.     Joint ventures and associates of the Company
The particulars of the joint ventures and associates of the Company are set forth in “Interests in Other Entities”.

Other joint ventures or associates that have carried out related-party transactions with the Company in the current period or in the
previous periods with balances recorded in the current period:

                  Name of joint venture or associate                                       Relationship with the Company
     Suzhou Toprun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.                           Associate
     Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                  Associate
4.     Other related parties
                     Name of other related party                                        Relationship with the Company
     Hai Dixin Semiconductor (Nantong) Co., Ltd.                          Investee
     Anhui Landun Photoelectron Co., Ltd.                                 A company controlled by the actual controllers of the Company
5.     Related-party transactions
(1) Related-party commodity and service transactions

Purchase of goods and receipt of services from related parties
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                        Transaction         Whether or not
                Related party                  Subject matter            2022              quota              exceed the           2021
                                                                                         approved         transaction quota?
     Suzhou Toprun Electric Equipment
                                            Purchase of goods             3,097.35                       No
     Co., Ltd.
     Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics
                                            Purchase of goods           204,576.69                       No                       49,297.45
     Technology Co., Ltd.
Sale of goods and rendering of services to related parties
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                        Related party                                    Subject matter                   2022                  2021
     Suzhou Toprun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Sale of goods                            131,783.22          1,580,509.87

     Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.          Sale of goods                               18,297.73          109,532.95

     Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.          Rendering of services                       97,261.61

     Anhui Landun Photoelectron Co., Ltd.                         Rendering of services                    485,700.00

(2) Related-party guarantees

The Company as guarantor:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                                                    Whether the obligation
                                                                Effective date of            Expiry date of
             Obligor             Amount guaranteed                                                                   guaranteed has been
                                                                   guarantee                   guarantee
                                           3,000,000.00      April 30, 2022             April 30, 2023              No
     Suzhou Toprun                         5,400,000.00      August 21, 2022            August 21, 2023             No
     Electric Equipment
     Co., Ltd.                             6,600,000.00      August 25, 2022            August 25, 2023             No

                                           4,000,000.00      November 10, 2022          November 10, 2023           No

The Company as obligor:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                Effective date of            Expiry date of          Whether the obligation
           Guarantor             Amount guaranteed
                                                                   guarantee                   guarantee             guaranteed has been

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

     YUAN Yonggang and
                                         500,000,000.00    March 22, 2018           August 28, 2024             No
     YUAN Yongfeng
(3) Remunerations of key officers
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                      Item                                           2022                                        2021
     Remunerations of key officers                                           23,629,500.00                                 22,533,200.00
6. Amounts receivable from/payable to related parties
(1) Amounts receivable from related parties
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                     Closing balance                        Opening balance
         Item                  Related party                                   Allowance for                         Allowance for
                                                           Book balance                            Book balance
                                                                             doubtful accounts                     doubtful accounts
     Accounts        Hai Dixin Semiconductor
                                                             1,607,132.92          1,607,132.92      1,607,132.92           1,607,132.92
     receivable      (Nantong) Co., Ltd.
     Accounts        Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics
                                                                95,094.62              1,972.32          63,031.33                   315.16
     receivable      Technology Co., Ltd.
     Accounts        Suzhou Toprun Electric
                                                             1,032,857.12            181,059.83      1,485,976.17               7,429.88
     receivable      Equipment Co., Ltd.
     Other           Hai Dixin Semiconductor
                                                             1,790,748.55          1,790,748.55      1,790,748.55           1,438,405.10
     receivables     (Nantong) Co., Ltd.
     Other           Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics
                                                                                                         20,000.00              1,000.00
     receivables     Technology Co., Ltd.
(2) Amounts payable to related parties
                                                                                                                                In RMB
             Item                        Related party                        Closing balance                   Opening balance
                             Suzhou Dongcan Optoelectronics
     Accounts payable                                                                        45,359.67                          3,499.61
                             Technology Co., Ltd.
XIII.        Share-based Payments
1.     Summary of share-based payments
 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                In RMB
     Total amount of equity instruments granted in the current period                                                       1,366,120.00
     Total amount of equity instruments exercised in the current period                                                     1,366,120.00
     Total amount of equity instruments expired in the current period                                                               0.00
Other information:

Pursuant to the 2022 stock ownership plan for key officers and technical personnel (the “ESOP”) approved at the 19th meeting of the
5th Board of Directors, the 13th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors and the first extraordinary general meeting in 2022, the shares
will be granted to up to 350 key officers and technical personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries, while the directors, supervisors,
senior officers, holders of more than 5% shares and actual controllers of the Company will not participate in the ESOP.

2.     Equity-settled share-based payments
 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                In RMB
     Method of determining the fair value of equity instruments at the
                                                                                Closing price of the Company’s stock at the grant date
     grant date
     Basis for determining the number of exercisable equity
                                                                                        Number actually exercised in the current period
     Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based payments
     recorded in capital reserve
     Total amount of equity-settled share-based payments recognized
     in expenses in the current period

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

XIV.          Commitments and Contingencies
1.      Significant commitments
Significant commitments as at the balance sheet date

As at the balance sheet date, the Company did not have any significant commitment that need to be disclosed.

2.      Contingencies
(1) Significant contingencies as of the balance sheet date

As at the balance sheet date, the Company did not have any contingency that need to be disclosed.

(2) Whether the Company does not have any significant contingency that need to be disclosed?

The Company does not have any significant contingency that need to be disclosed.

XV. Subsequent Events
1.      Profit distribution
                                                                                                                               In RMB
      Profits or dividends to be distributed                                                                            187,315,150.99
      Profit or dividend distribution that has been approved and declared                                               187,315,150.99
2.      Other subsequent events
On October 27, 2022, the 28th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the Progress of
Acquisition of 100% Shares of Suzhou JDI Electronics Inc., pursuant to which, the Company intends to acquire 100% Shares of Suzhou
JDI Electronics Inc. held by JDI at the price of JPY20.5 billion (equivalent to RMB1 billion, as calculated according to the JPY/RMB
exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China at the date of announcement), as adjusted for any dividends, effects of profit
or loss or other changes in equity that may occur before the reference date, i.e. November 30, 2022 (the final transaction price would
be determined based on the audit conducted on the reference date) (the “Transaction”). As of January 19, 2023, the Company has paid
to JDI the total consideration (except 15% of the total basic consideration), JDI has delivered the relevant proofs of closing to the
Company, the share purchase has been consummated, and Suzhou JDI Electronics Inc. has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the

XVI.          Other Significant Information
1.      Segment information
(1)     Determination basis and accounting policies for reporting segments

The Company is primarily engaged in the sale of PCBs, LED display devices, touch panels and LCMs, precision components and other
products, which are managed and assessed as a whole, so the Company does not need to disclose segment information.

(2)     Financial information of reporting segments
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                              LED display        Touch panels and      Precision         Offset among
            Item               PCB                                                                                           Total
                                                devices              LCMs             components          segments
      Revenue of main
                          21,819,200,095.46   1,682,433,257.88     3,402,832,979.40   4,546,354,818.19                  31,450,821,150.93
      Costs of main
                          17,235,837,938.13   1,534,248,833.74     3,358,366,909.38   3,832,885,018.62                  25,961,338,699.87
2.      Others
1. The Company as lessee

(1) See Note V(I)16 for details of right-of-use assets.

                                                                   Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

(2) See Note III(XXVIII) for the Company’s accounting policy regarding short-term leases. The table below summarizes the payments
for short-term leases recognized in profit or loss:

                   Item                                                2022 (RMB)                                       2021 (RMB)
       Payments for short-term leases                                                  18.926.906.73                                   12,662,311.00
                   Total                                                               18.926.906.73                                   12,662,311.00
(3) Profit or loss and cash flows related to leases:

                     Item                                          2022 (RMB)                                           2021 (RMB)
     Interest expenses related to lease
                                                                                       75,984,905.99                                   69,800,646.24
    Total cash outflows related to leases                                            264,518,782.83                                   294,740,773.04
(4) See Note VIII(II) for an analysis of the remaining maturity of lease liabilities and related liquidity risk management.

2. The Company as lessor

Operating lease

(1) Lease income

                       Item                                            2022 (RMB)                                       2021 (RMB)
                   Lease income                                                         2,758,058.01                                    4,253,653.65
(2) Assets held under finance leases

                    Item                                    December 31, 2022 (RMB)                              December 31, 2021 (RMB)
                Fixed assets                                                                                                            25,725.92
            Investment properties                                                       1,296,551.42                                 1,554,262.58
                  Subtotal                                                              1,296,551.42                                 1,579,988.50
See Note V(I)14 for details of fixed assets leased out under finance leases.

(3) Undiscounted lease payments receivable under non-cancellable leases entered into with the lessees:

                  Remaining term                            December 31, 2022 (RMB)                              December 31, 2021 (RMB)
                  Within one year                                                982,800.00                                          4,497,481.58
                     1-2 years                                                                                                         935,664.81
                       Total                                                             982,800.00                                  5,433,146.39
XVII.       Notes to Key Items of the Standalone Financial Statements
1. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable by category
                                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                            Closing balance                                                      Opening balance
                                              Allowance for doubtful                                                Allowance for doubtful
    Category           Book balance                                       Carrying           Book balance                                    Carrying
                                                     accounts                                                             accounts
                    Amount          %         Amount          %            value         Amount         %           Amount          %         value
                    11,014,4                  11,014,43                                   13,584,08                  13,584,08
   recognized                       0.54%                   100.00%                                     0.47%                     100.00%
                       31.64                       1.64                                        1.38                       1.38
                    2,029,41                  88,306,91                   1,941,106,     2,846,995,                  95,868,99               2,751,126,
   recognized                     99.46%                      4.35%                                    99.53%                       3.37%
                    3,258.12                       9.25                      338.87          763.39                       1.28                   772.11
                    2,040,42                  99,321,35                   1,941,106,     2,860,579,                  109,453,0               2,751,126,
   Total                          100.00%                     4.87%                                    100.00%                      3.83%
                    7,689.76                       0.89                      338.87          844.77                      72.66                   772.11
Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized individually:
                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

                                                                               Closing balance
                 Name                                       Allowance for doubtful
                                        Book balance                                           %                           Reason
   Dongguan Xindong Intelligent
                                           3,787,969.53                  3,787,969.53                  100.00%     According to the
   Technology Co., Ltd.
   Jiangyin Hanwei Aluminum                                                                                        forecast of collection,
                                           2,425,312.67                  2,425,312.67                  100.00%     the account is less
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   likely to be collected,
   Huizhou Chuangshi Industrial
                                           1,216,968.00                  1,216,968.00                  100.00%     so an impairment loss
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   was recognized.
   Others                                  3,584,181.44                 3,584,181.44                   100.00%
   Total                                  11,014,431.64                11,014,431.64
Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized collectively:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                   Closing balance
                  Name                                                        Allowance for doubtful
                                                 Book balance                                                             %
   Group of related parties within
   the scope of consolidation
   Group of age                                       1,128,459,875.20                      88,306,919.25                            7.83%
   Total                                              2,029,413,258.12                      88,306,919.25
Explanation about the basis for grouping: None.

If the allowance for doubtful accounts is recognized for notes receivable in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
please disclose the relevant information by reference to the disclosure of the allowance for doubtful accounts in respect of other

□ Applicable  N/A

Accounts receivable by age:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                  Age                                                              Book balance
   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                              1,687,314,119.76
   Within 6 months                                                                                                        1,391,027,273.41
   7-12 months                                                                                                              296,286,846.35
   1-2 years                                                                                                                 42,046,884.05
   2-3 years                                                                                                                 46,005,127.05
   Over 3 years                                                                                                             265,061,558.90
         3-4 years                                                                                                          230,459,611.43
         4-5 years                                                                                                           15,304,313.92
         Over 5 years                                                                                                        19,297,633.55
   Total                                                                                                                  2,040,427,689.76
(2) Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized, recovered or reversed in the current period
Allowance for doubtful accounts recognized in the current period:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                          Changes in the current period
               Item                                                       Recovered or                                        Closing balance
                                       balance            Recognized                         Written off         Others
 Allowance recognized
                                      13,584,081.38       3,430,933.59       6,000,583.33                                       11,014,431.64
 Allowance recognized
                                      95,868,991.28      16,841,818.87                       24,403,890.90                      88,306,919.25
 Total                               109,453,072.66      20,272,752.46       6,000,583.33    24,403,890.90                      99,321,350.89
(3) Top 5 debtors in terms of closing balance of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                             Closing balance of            % of total closing balance of     Closing balance of allowance
               Company name
                                             accounts receivable               accounts receivable               for doubtful accounts
   Dongguan Dongshan Precision                       404,119,464.30                               19.81%

                                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
      Mutto Optronics                                     178,785,220.43                               8.76%
      MFLEX Yancheng                                      186,294,791.48                               9.13%
      Debtor 4                                            143,509,868.11                               7.03%                         717,549.34
      Yancheng Mutto Optronics
                                                           96,588,732.62                               4.73%
      Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
      Total                                             1,009,298,076.94                             49.46%
2.      Other receivables
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                        Item                                      Closing balance                                   Opening balance
      Dividends receivable                                                    1,210,095,256.90                                   581,000,000.00
      Other receivables                                                       2,035,435,690.22                                 2,827,234,419.21
      Total                                                                   3,245,530,947.12                                 3,408,234,419.21
(1)     Dividends receivable

1) Dividends receivable by category
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                Item (or investee)                                Closing balance                                   Opening balance
      Hong Kong Dongshan Holding Limited                                        944,095,256.90                                   315,000,000.00
      Yancheng Dongshan                                                         266,000,000.00                                   266,000,000.00
      Total                                                                   1,210,095,256.90                                   581,000,000.00
2) Significant dividends receivable aged over one year
                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                                             Whether or not
                 Item (or investee)                  Closing balance       Age           Reason of failure to collect     impaired and basis for
                                                                                         To support the development
      Hong Kong Dongshan Holding Limited              344,095,256.90   1-2 years
                                                                                         of the subsidiary
                                                                                         To support the development
      Yancheng Dongshan                               266,000,000.00   1-2 years
                                                                                         of the subsidiary
      Total                                           610,095,256.90
(2)     Other receivables

1) Other receivables by nature
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                 Nature of account                                Closing balance                                   Opening balance
      Current accounts                                                        2,021,455,028.32                                 2,811,870,279.40
      Security deposit                                                            8,626,398.25                                      2,852,298.50
      Performance compensation                                                                                                      7,000,000.00
      Loans and reserve fund                                                       7,191,382.15                                     7,083,613.68
      Total                                                                    2,037,272,808.72                                2,828,806,191.58
2) Allowance for doubtful accounts
                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                           Stage 1                     Stage 2                      Stage 3
      Allowance for doubtful                                    Lifetime expected             Lifetime expected
                                      12-month expected                                                                           Total
            accounts                                           credit loss (not credit        credit loss (credit
                                          credit loss
                                                                      impaired)                    impaired)
      Balance at January 1,
                                               413,792.74                   818,644.63                   339,335.00                 1,571,772.37
      In the current period:
      - Transferred to stage 2                 -101,236.18                  101,236.18
      - Transferred to stage 3                                             -161,725.84                   161,725.84
      Recognized                               284,800.35                  -555,682.60                   536,228.38                  265,346.13
      Balance at December
                                               597,356.91                   202,472.37                 1,037,289.22                 1,837,118.50
      31, 2022
Significant changes in the carrying amount of allowance for doubtful accounts in the current period:

                                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

□ Applicable  N/A

Other receivables by age:
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                       Age                                                                          Book balance
      Within 1 year                                                                                                                            1,811,580,254.07
      1-2 years                                                                                                                                  209,574,243.72
      2-3 years                                                                                                                                    8,539,126.50
      Over 3 years                                                                                                                                 7,579,184.43
            3-4 years                                                                                                                                 39,000.00
            4-5 years                                                                                                                                189,660.00
            Over 5 years                                                                                                                           7,350,524.43
      Total                                                                                                                                    2,037,272,808.72
3) Top 5 debtors in terms of closing balance of other receivables
                                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                                                                  % of total closing      Closing balance of
        Company name            Nature of account            Closing balance                   Age                balance of other          allowance for
                                                                                                                    receivables           doubtful accounts
                                Current accounts               642,244,114.46       Within 1 year                            31.52%
      Suzhou Dongkui
                                Current accounts               308,786,242.13       Within 1 year                            15.16%
      Lighting Co., Ltd.
      Hong Kong                 Current    accounts             34,823,000.00       Within 1 year                             1.71%
      Dongshan Holding          Current    accounts            207,549,520.03       1-2 years                                10.19%
      MFLEX Yancheng            Current    accounts            215,662,000.00       Within 1 year                            10.59%
      Mutto Optronics           Current    accounts            198,058,742.37       Within 1 year                             9.72%
      Total                                                  1,607,123,618.99                                                78.89%
3.      Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                   Closing balance                                                      Opening balance
            Item                                    Allowance for                                                        Allowance for
                             Book balance                                Carrying value              Book balance                                Carrying value
                                                   impairment loss                                                      impairment loss
      Investments in
                             7,635,046,830.50         133,690,000.00      7,501,356,830.50           7,148,611,337.41      133,690,000.00        7,014,921,337.41
      Investments in
      associates and            96,697,663.15          17,507,056.47           79,190,606.68           99,227,963.59        17,507,056.47           81,720,907.12
      joint ventures
      Total                  7,731,744,493.65         151,197,056.47      7,580,547,437.18           7,247,839,301.00      151,197,056.47        7,096,642,244.53
(1)     Investments in subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                            Opening                                Changes in the current period                                                 Closing balance
                                                                                                                            Closing balance
         Investee           balance             Additional         Reduced          Allowance for                                                of allowance for
                                                                                                               Others       (carrying value)
                        (carrying value)        investment        investment       impairment loss                                               impairment loss
                         451,439,101.11            89,755.90                                                                 451,528,857.01
      Suzhou Yuanshi
                            5,000,000.00                                                                                       5,000,000.00
      Technology Co.,
      Hong       Kong   3,744,565,150.0                                                                                      3,744,565,150.0
      Dongshan                        0                                                                                                    0
                           12,100,000.00                                                                                      12,100,000.00
      Lighting Co.,
      Precision            80,000,000.00           68,355.10                                                                  80,068,355.10
      Co., Ltd.
                         342,000,000.00                                                                                      342,000,000.00

                                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

Co., Ltd.
Metal               52,600,000.00                                                               52,600,000.00
Technology Co.,
Yancheng           1,092,500,000.0                                                            1,092,500,000.0
Dongshan                         0                                                                          0
RF          Top
                   237,256,910.17                                                              237,256,910.17
Suzhou Jebson
                       255,000.00                                                                 255,000.00
Technology Co.,
Electronic           1,530,000.00                                                                1,530,000.00
Technology Co.,
Electronic           1,530,000.00                                                                1,530,000.00
Technology Co.,
Hong Kong
                   452,677,880.00                                                              452,677,880.00
Communication      279,978,200.13                                                              279,978,200.13
Technology Co.,
Suzhou Dongbo
                     5,100,000.00                                                                5,100,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Co.,        2,000,000.00                                                                2,000,000.00
                   100,000,000.00                                                              100,000,000.00
Suzhou Dongke
Real Estate Co.,   150,389,096.00      2,000,000.00                                            152,389,096.00
Business             3,000,000.00         42,042.00                                              3,042,042.00
Co., Ltd.
Technology           1,000,000.00      3,090,724.00                                              4,090,724.00
Consulting Co.,
Multek China                              44,577.80                                                 44,577.80
Dongxin New
Energy                                20,000,000.00                                             20,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Co.,                             23,777.30                                                 23,777.30
RF Top
                                     135,478,107.29                                            135,478,107.29
Dongyue New
Energy                               165,000,000.00                                            165,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
                                        571,953.00                                                571,953.00
                                       4,501,718.20                                              4,501,718.20

                                                                                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

      Precision                                    150,000,000.00                                                                     150,000,000.00
      Co., Ltd.
                                                       699,757.00                                                                          699,757.00
      Communication                                    264,502.30                                                                          264,502.30
      Co., Ltd.
      Optronics                                            29,718.50                                                                        29,718.50
      Co., Ltd.
                                                     2,806,806.40                                                                        2,806,806.40
                                                     1,536,469.20                                                                        1,536,469.20
      Multek Zhuhai                                    187,229.10                                                                          187,229.10
                             7,014,921,337.4                                                                                          7,501,356,830.5
      Total                                        486,435,493.09                                                                                          133,690,000.00
                                           1                                                                                                        0
(2)     Investments in associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                        Changes in the current period
                      Opening                                                                          Declared
                                                                              nt to                                                                       Closing balance
                       balance      Addit                      Investment                                cash       Allowanc           Closing balance
  Investee                                      Reduced                       other        Other                                                          of allowance for
                      (carrying     ional                    income or loss                           dividends        e for    Oth    (carrying value)
                                               investmen                      comp       changes in                                                       impairment loss
                        value)      inves                     under equity                             or profit    impairme    ers
                                                   t                          rehen        equity
                                    tment                        method                               distributio     nt loss
 I. Joint ventures
 II. Associates
 Electric         16,319,738.95                                 227,839.46                                                              16,547,578.41
 t Co., Ltd.
 ent Co.,
 Fu Shan
 uring Co.,
 Intelligent      11,932,911.79                                 106,212.49                                                              12,039,124.28
 t Co., Ltd.
                     3,716,150.29                                34,482.66                                                               3,750,632.95
 y Co., Ltd.
                     4,020,556.59                               112,738.89                                                               4,133,295.48
 n Center
 Co., Ltd.
                  30,748,059.62                               -2,549,668.86                                                             28,198,390.76
 y Co., Ltd.
                  14,983,489.88                                 -461,905.08                                                             14,521,584.80

                                                              Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

 p (L.P.)
 Subtotal     81,720,907.12                   -2,530,300.44                                                    79,190,606.68      17,507,056.47
 T otal       81,720,907.12                   -2,530,300.44                                                    79,190,606.68      17,507,056.47

4.     Operating revenue and operating costs
                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                      2022                                                    2021
                                      Income                        Cost                      Income                          Cost
     Main business                   3,614,088,084.88            3,328,227,008.90            3,936,953,911.43              3,714,657,158.64
     Other business                    263,824,966.79              150,341,977.65              307,120,828.99                168,578,617.68
     Total                           3,877,913,051.67            3,478,568,986.55            4,244,074,740.42              3,883,235,776.32
5.     Investment income
                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                           Item                                            2022                                        2021
     Income from long-term equity investments under
                                                                                  600,121,362.64                                581,083,436.82
     cost method
     Income from long-term equity investments under
                                                                                    -2,530,300.44                                -7,099,445.94
     equity method
     Investment income from disposal of long-term
     equity investments
     Discount loss on accounts receivable financing                                -7,880,660.00
     Income from bank wealth management products                                      169,744.17                                  2,212,924.44
     Total                                                                        589,880,146.37                                562,696,915.32
XVIII. Supplementary Information
1.     Statement of non-recurring gain or loss for the current period
 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                           Item                                                Amount                          Remark
 Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                              -14,220,918.02
 Government grants recognized in profit or loss (excluding government grants that
 are closely related to the business of the Company and are provided in fixed amount          317,926,133.80
 or quantity continuously according to the applicable polices of the country)
 Gain or loss on entrusted investment or asset management                                       10,408,683.62
 Gain or loss on changes in fair value of financial assets held for trading and
 financial liabilities held for trading, and gain on disposal of financial assets held
 for trading, financial liabilities held for trading and available-for-sale financial
 assets, except for effective hedges held in the ordinary course of business
 Reversal of allowance for impairment loss on accounts receivable assessed
 Other non-operating revenues and expenses not listed above                                     3,073,832.45
 Other gains or losses within the meaning of extraordinary gain or loss                           956,961.84
 Less: Effect on income tax                                                                    21,900,816.79
        Effect on minority interests                                                              322,123.55
                                           Total                                              241,765,107.20                     --
Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gain or loss:

□ Applicable  N/A

The Company does not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gain or loss.

Classification of any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring gain or Loss as recurring profit or loss:

□ Applicable  N/A

                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022

2.     Return on net assets and earnings per share
                                               Weighted average                         Earnings per share
           Profit for the reporting period      return on net       Basic earnings per share        Diluted earnings per share
                                                    assets               (RMB/share)                       (RMB/share)
     Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                        15.33%                             1.39                             1.39
     shareholders of the Company
     Net profit attributable to ordinary
     shareholders of the Company after                  13.76%                             1.25                             1.25
     deduction of non-recurring gain or loss

                                                                            Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         Legal representative: YUAN Yonggang

                                                                                                                 April 19, 2023
