2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2022 Annual Report 2023-013 April 2023 1 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2022 Annual Report Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and the Directors, Supervisors, and senior management of the Company guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the contents in this annual report, and that there are no false records, misleading statements, or material omissions, and assume individual and joint legal responsibilities. Qiu Jianping, the person in charge of the Company, and Ni Shuyi, the chief accountant and the head of accounting department, declare that they guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the financial information in this annual report. All the Directors have attended the Board Meeting at which this report was deliberated. This annual report involves forward-looking statements such as future plans, which do not constitute a material commitment of the Company to investors. Investors and related parties shall maintain adequate risk awareness and understand the differences among plans, forecasts and commitments. This report details the potential risks that the Company will face in the future in “Section III Management Discussion and Analysis, (XI) Prospects for the Company’s Future Development: Potential Risks”. Investors shall be aware of the investment risks. The profit distribution plan deliberated and approved by the Company at the Board Meeting is as follows: Based on the amount of CNY 1,194,478,182.00, the Company will distribute a cash dividend of CNY 1.66 (tax included) for every 10 shares to all the shareholders and issue 0 bonus shares (tax included), without carrying out conversion of capital reserve into share capital. 3 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Contents Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ........................................................................................... 3 Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results ....................................................................................... 7 Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ...............................................................................................11 Section IV Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................................... 50 Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ........................................................................................... 72 Section VI Important Matters .............................................................................................................................. 74 Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ............................................................ 103 Section VIII Preferred Shares .............................................................................................................................113 Section IX Information about Bond ....................................................................................................................114 Section X Financial Statements ...........................................................................................................................115 4 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Documents Available for Reference I. Financial statements signed and sealed by the person in charge of the Company, the chief accountant and the head of accounting department. II. Original audit reports signed and sealed by the accounting firm and certified public accountant. III. Original copies of all the Company’s documents and announcements publicly disclosed in newspapers and periodicals designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) during the reporting period. 5 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Definitions Item refers to Definition From January 1, 2022 to December 31, Reporting period refers to 2022 Company, the Company, the Public refers to Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Company and GreatStar Hangzhou GreatStar Sheffield Trading Sheffield refers to Co., Ltd. Guozi refers to Zhejiang Guozi Robotics Co., Ltd. Arrow refers to Arrow Fastener Co., LLC Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro Huada Kejie refers to Instrument Co., Ltd Ole-Systems refers to Hangzhou Ole-Systems Co., Ltd. NDHB refers to Ningbo Donghai Bank Co., Ltd. PT refers to PRIM'TOOLS LIMITED GreatStar Group refers to GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. Lista refers to Lista Holding AG Prime-Line refers to Prime-Line Products, LLC Lianhe refers to Hangzhou Lianhe Machinery Co., Ltd. Haining GreatStar Intelligent Equipment Haining GreatStar refers to Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Zhongce Haichao Enterprise Zhongce Haichao refers to Management Co., Ltd. Hangcha Group refers to Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Haichao Enterprise Hangzhou Haichao refers to Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) GreatStar Europe refers to GreatStar Europe AG JFB AG and BeA refers to Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG Geelong refers to Geelong Holdings Limited GDR refers to Global Depository Receipts CSRC refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission 6 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results I. Company information Stock abbreviation GreatStar Stock code 002444 Stock exchange on which Shenzhen Stock Exchange shares are listed Name of the Company in Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Chinese Chinese abbreviation GreatStar Name of the Company in Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. English (if any) English abbreviation (if any) GreatStar Legal representative of the Qiu Jianping Company Registered address 35 Jiuhuan Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City Postal code of the registered 310019 address Historical changes of the Changed from 35 Jiuhuan Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou City to 35 Jiuhuan Road, registered address of the Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City Company Office address 35 Jiuhuan Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City Postal code of the office 310019 address Website of the Company https://www.greatstartools.com/ E-mail zq@greatstartools.com II. Contact persons and contact methods Secretary to the Board of Directors Representative of Securities Affairs Name Zhou Siyuan Lu Haidong 35 Jiuhuan Road, Shangcheng District, 35 Jiuhuan Road, Shangcheng District, Contact address Hangzhou City Hangzhou City Telephone 0571-81601076 0571-81601076 Fax 0571-81601088 0571-81601088 E-mail zq@greatstartools.com zq@greatstartools.com III. Information disclosure and the place where the report is available Stock exchange website where companies disclose annual http://www.szse.cn/ reports Website of the stock exchange on which the annual report of Securities Times, Securities Daily, cninfo the Company is published (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) Place where the Company’s annual report is available Office for the Board of Directors of the Company 7 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. IV. Change of registration Unified social credit code 91330000731506099D Change of the Company's main business since its listing (if None any) Change of controlling shareholders (if any) None V. Other relevant information Accounting firms engaged by the Company Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP (Special General Name Partnership) T2 Office Building, Runao Business Center, Intersection of Office address Boao Road and Pinglan Road, Yingfeng Street, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province Name of signing accountant Fei Fanghua and Li Xi Sponsors engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A Financial advisors engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A VI. Principal accounting data and financial indicators Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of prior years □Yes No 2022 2021 YOY increase/decrease 2020 Operating proceeds 12,610,189,590.33 10,919,683,344.37 15.48% 8,544,440,154.30 (CNY) Net profits attributable to shareholders of the 1,419,559,507.10 1,270,003,396.40 11.78% 1,350,132,516.91 Public Company (CNY) Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company after 1,454,643,772.32 1,073,557,965.88 35.50% 1,233,758,395.96 deducting non- recurring gains and losses (CNY) Net cash flows from operating activities 1,631,836,642.39 18,632,169.67 8,658.17% 771,150,625.24 (CNY) Basic earnings per 1.24 1.13 9.73% 1.27 share (CNY/share) Diluted earnings per 1.24 1.13 9.73% 1.25 share (CNY/share) Weighted average 12.31% 12.70% -0.39% 16.67% return on equity (ROE) As at the end of 2022 As at the end of 2021 Change As at the end of 2020 8 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Total assets (CNY) 18,579,554,796.77 17,307,154,886.67 7.35% 13,677,779,045.68 Net assets attributable to shareholders of the 13,397,947,543.83 10,598,896,746.70 26.41% 8,826,190,578.28 Public Company (CNY) The lower of the Company's net profits before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is negative in the last three fiscal years, and the audit report of the latest fiscal year shows that there is uncertainty in the Company's sustainable operation ability □Yes No The lower of the net profits before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is negative □Yes No VII. Differences in accounting data by domestic and overseas accounting standards 1. Differences in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards □ Applicable N/A 2. Difference in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under the overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards □ Applicable N/A VIII. Quarterly principal financial indicators Unit: CNY Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Operating proceeds 2,875,588,357.88 3,358,609,094.36 3,600,569,974.82 2,775,422,163.27 Net profits attributable to shareholders of the 182,880,976.76 458,662,642.78 621,565,034.54 156,450,853.02 Public Company Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company after 192,168,174.10 432,121,803.36 610,004,863.57 220,348,931.29 deducting non- recurring gains and losses Net cash flows from 42,355,099.74 269,267,134.98 133,185,327.92 1,187,029,079.75 operating activities Whether there is any material difference between the above financial indicators or their totals and those disclosed by the Company in the quarterly and semi-annual reports □Yes No IX. Items and amounts of non-recurring gains and losses Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 9 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Item Amount in 2022 Amount in 2021 Amount in 2020 Remarks Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets (including write-off of provision -24,332,379.79 -4,813,678.28 -688,830.06 for assets impairment) Government grants accounted for, in the profit or loss for the current period (except for the government grants closely related to the business of the Company 46,471,430.13 43,080,948.70 30,007,164.80 and continuously given at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with certain standards) Gains in fair value of identifiable net assets attributable to invested units at the time of acquisition over investment costs 82,984,773.90 53,341,459.79 for acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures by the enterprise Gains or losses on assets entrusted for 2,368,356.03 1,808,120.10 1,792,735.16 investment or management Gains or losses on changes in fair value of held-for-trading financial assets, held- for-trading financial liabilities and investment income from disposal of held- for-trading financial assets, held-for- -66,784,931.44 95,687,869.64 62,235,238.75 trading financial liabilities and available- for-sale financial assets, excluding those arising from hedging business related to operating activities Other non-operational income and expenditure in addition to the items listed -12,290,983.36 -127,210.71 -632,799.21 above Other items of gains and losses that fall into the category of non-recurring gains 12,733,584.83 502,892.56 267,035.13 and losses Less: Income tax impact -9,422,034.54 17,156,521.94 25,137,742.09 Non-controlling interests impact 2,671,376.16 5,521,763.45 4,810,141.32 (after tax) Total -35,084,265.22 196,445,430.52 116,374,120.95 -- Details of other items of gains and losses that fall into the category of non-recurring gains and losses: □ Applicable N/A The Company has no other items of gains and losses that fall into the category of non-recurring gains and losses. Remarks on the situation that non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Profit and Loss are defined as recurring profit and loss items □ Applicable N/A There is no situation that non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Profit and Loss are defined as recurring profit and loss items. 10 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section III Management Discussion and Analysis I. Situation of the industry in which the Company is operating during the reporting period The Company is operating in the tools & storage industry. Its main products include hand tools & storage as well as power tools & laser measurement & power stations, which are primarily used for family housing maintenance, construction engineering, vehicle maintenance, surveying and mapping, home energy management, etc. Family housing and related maintenance are the most important sector where tool products are most widely applied. In most parts of North America and Europe, due to the extensive use of freestanding buildings and the large floor area per capita, the maintenance of residential houses is costly and time-consuming. On account of the relatively high labor cost, residents in Europe and North America are more willing to carry out the maintenance work of their houses and attached buildings by themselves, thus giving rise to the famous European and American DIY culture. Meanwhile, European and American families have a large number of cars, and the daily maintenance of cars, covering the inspection and replacement of parts, is an important part of the European and American DIY culture. There are heavy professional and DIY-related demands for various tools which are one of the necessities for maintenance in North America and Europe. Therefore, North America and Europe have become the most important markets for the global tool industry, with the highest proportion of potential customers. With the longest history, the tool industry can be said to have evolved with the birth and development of human beings. In recent centuries, with the ever-increasing global population, the tool industry has been scaling up at a stable growth rate due to the rigid demand for and short replacement cycle of tool products. Besides, it still showed a sustained positive growth trend after a short-lived fluctuation caused by the financial crisis in 2008. According to the reports released by Frost & Sullivan, the global tool market grew steadily from 2018 to 2022, with the market size increasing from USD 82 billion to USD 103 billion, representing a compound annual growth rate of 5.9%. From 2020 to 2021, the global tool market experienced temporary fluctuations in raw material prices and supply chains. Due to the lockdown of professional maintenance shops, customers, especially local residents in North America and Europe, were in greater and greater demand for professional tools and warehouses used in daily household maintenance. The problem that global tool manufacturing capabilities were lagging in 2020 got solved in 2021, which contributed to strong growth in the size of the global tool market in 2021. Due to customers’ overspending on tool products in 2021, the market demand for such products slowed down significantly in 2022. The surge in tool shipments led to inventory accumulation in 2021, so local tool dealers paid more attention to inventory optimization. The growth rate of the global tool market decreased temporarily from 10.8% in 2021 to 3.2% in 2022. In Europe and America, the main markets for tool products, the actual expenditures on tools and hardware fell by 11.7% without regard to inflation, with the lowest year-on-year growth rate over the past 30 years. In the future, with the recovery of real estate and manufacturing industries as well as the economic growth, the demand for tools and warehousing products is expected to increase continuously, and the size of the global tool market is expected to reach USD 131 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 4.7% compared to 2023. 11 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. II. Main business carried out by the Company during the reporting period During the reporting period, the Company continued to develop its main business in the global consumer market of tools. The hand tools & storage business expanded steadily, and important breakthroughs were made in channels and new categories for the power tools business. Moreover, non-tool consumer goods became the highlight of the Company's performance. At present, the Company's main products include hand tools & storage as well as power tools & laser measurement & power stations, which are primarily used for family housing maintenance, construction engineering, vehicle maintenance, surveying and mapping, home energy management, etc. During the reporting period, the Company continued to maintain its dominant position in the hand tools & storage industry, promoting its sales through product innovation and accelerating category expansion to further gain market share. The power tools business continued to grow at a high rate, becoming an important growth point for the Company’s performance. A breakthrough was achieved in the home energy storage business, which proved the Company's ability to develop and expand new categories. Furthermore, the Company obtained important orders for consumer goods other than tools, which is expected to become a new growth point in the future. The cross-border e-commerce business continued to grow rapidly, and the Company's overall market share increased steadily. During the reporting period, the Company achieved operating proceeds of CNY 12,610,189,600.00, up 15.48% year-on-year. In 2022, the Company's net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company were CNY 1,419,559,500.00, and the net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses were CNY 1,454,643,800.00, achieving a year-on-year growth rate of 35.50%. III. Analysis of core competitiveness 1. Innovation advantage Innovation has always been the soul of the Company's development. The Company has an experienced R&D team for professional tool products and non-tool consumer goods, which is always committed to development and innovation of new products and upholds the concept that details determine success or failure to improve product functionality and added value, as well as to ensure the Company's long-term core competitiveness. During the reporting period, the Company invested CNY 319 million in R&D, designing 2,105 new products. The numbers of new patents applied for and patents granted both exceeded 300. Besides, the Company was approved as a high-tech enterprise, innovatively developing automatic lifting and shifting vice series, 12V and 20V lithium battery products, 360-degree surround measuring and light-emitting torches with handles and many other products which received good market feedback. The project of "Intelligent Robot System for Bulk Handling and Its Application" declared by Ole-Systems, one of the Company’s subsidiaries, jointly with Jinling Institute of Technology in Jiangsu won the Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Achievement Award. During the reporting period, the Company continued to carry out large-scale innovation of power tools, especially lithium battery power tools. With a large number of highly cost-effective innovative products, the Company obtained orders of 12V power tools from a large retail company in the United States. Meanwhile, the Company successfully achieved a breakthrough in home energy storage products, relying on its own professional product team. In the face of constant changes in the global tool industry, the Company timely responded to and seized market opportunities with its innovation advantage, continuing to gain market share and maintaining long-term and stable development. 12 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2. Channel advantage The Company has its own sales channels, highly trusted by customers. This is the guarantee for GreatStar’s continuous development. The diversified product mix and sustainable innovation ability of the Company can not only meet the one-stop purchasing needs of channel customers to the greatest extent, but also constantly save their purchasing and management costs and continuously improve channel customer loyalty. The Company has become one of the largest suppliers of tools and storage for many large supermarket chains such as HOME DEPOT, WALMART and LOWES in the United States, Kingfisher in Europe and CTC in Canada, and has been expanding new product categories. In a global context, there are currently more than 20,000 large supermarket chains such as those for hardware, building materials and auto parts, selling a wide range of the Company’s products. These channels effectively ensure the rapid development of various innovative products of the Company. Meanwhile, the Company makes continuous efforts in the new sales channel of cross-border e- commerce. The direct sales model based on cross-border e-commerce has become the most important sales channel for GreatStar, in addition to traditional large supermarket chains. As an effective supplement to traditional channels, this channel not only provides a new market for the Company to develop its own brands, but also gives better play to the Company’s advantage of rapid innovation. Relying on the above channel advantage, the Company can constantly develop and expand new product categories with good market prospects. Historically, it has successfully achieved breakthroughs in such major categories as laser measurement, storage, power tools and home energy storage. 3. Supply chain advantage After decades of development, the Company has established a global supply chain management system with China at its core, and has built good cooperative relationships with thousands of suppliers worldwide, ensuring that the Company will not be restricted by its own production capacity and can quickly respond to market demands and timely complete the delivery of various large orders. Relying on China's global supply chain system with the most complete basic categories and the growing global supplier network, the Company can 13 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. realize global purchasing and global manufacturing, enabling the Company to maintain a stable supply capacity in the context of short global shipping cycles and laying a foundation for it to continuously increase its market share. Meanwhile, given the high efficiency arising from China's ultra-wide and ultra-fine supply chain network as well as the strong resilience, the Company can also achieve centralized purchasing in China and global distribution, greatly reducing the comprehensive purchasing cost and improving the market competitiveness of the Company's products. At present, the Company has 20 manufacturing bases worldwide, which can fully meet various needs and cope with the complicated external environment. 4. Brand advantage The main products of the Company are durable consumer goods for households and industrial products for professionals. Brand is the most effective guarantee for the Company to provide consumers with products and services for a long time, so the Company is always committed to the creation and development of its own brands. During the reporting period, the Company made great efforts to develop its own brands, enhance the brand influence and strengthen the brand advantage. Its own brands, especially e-commerce brands, continued to grow. The sales revenues of WORKPRO, DURATECH, SWISSTECH, Prexiso and other brands increased significantly year-on-year. Besides, the sales revenues of the Company’s own brands accounted for more than 40% for the first time. The brand advantage not only further enhances the international competitiveness of the Company's products, but also effectively improves the Company's gross profit margin and business stability, providing a guarantee for the long-term healthy development of the Company. 14 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 5. International advantage During the reporting period, domestic and international economic patterns were complicated. As a company with international development planning, GreatStar made full use of manufacturing capacities and sales markets in different regions worldwide, actively coping with risks and seeking opportunities. During the reporting period, the Company positively promoted the full production of manufacturing bases in Southeast Asia and constantly optimized the division and planning of manufacturing work on a global scale, fully reflecting the advantage of the Company's international layout and flexibility of production capacity. At present, the Company’s factories in Southeast Asia have all been put into use, and the layout of production capacity has preliminarily taken shape in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, in the face of poor staff mobility on an international scale during the reporting period, the Company actively made use of the advantages of local teams in Europe and America, continuing to provide customers with a well-established nearby service system and guaranteeing the matching between orders and after-sales services. The international advantage effectively ensures that the Company can not only give play to the superiority of China's manufacturing clusters, but also make use of the strengths in manufacturing costs in Southeast Asia and local channel services in the European and American markets when facing other international competitors, so as to build stronger core competitiveness. The Company is accelerating to become a global resource allocation company integrating local services in Europe and America, manufacturing based on industrial chains in Asia and R&D management in China. IV. Analysis of main business 1. Overview During the reporting period, the total demand of the global tool market slowed down and the overall overseas product inventory was high, leading to a sharp decline in the gross sales. Due to inflation, the growth rate of the industry scale still increased, and online channels as well as some best-selling products provided good growth opportunities for the Company. The Company seized the opportunities and effectively guaranteed the unimpeded supply chains and order delivery with its innovation, supply chain integration and channel expansion abilities, achieving substantial growth in some new businesses and products. Online channels continued to grow at a high rate, and the Company’s overall market share increased steadily. Meanwhile, drastic fluctuations in the CNY exchange rate and favorable changes in global logistics costs had a positive impact on the Company's profitability. During the reporting period, the Company achieved operating proceeds of CNY 12,610,189,600.00, up 15.48% year-on-year. In 2022, the Company's net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company were CNY 1,419,559,500.00, and the net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses were CNY 1,454,643,800.00, achieving a year-on-year growth rate of 35.50%. The performance of each business segment is as follows: 1. Hand tools & storage During the reporting period, the influence of the Company’s own brands gradually improved, and the orders of some brands increased more than expected. The sales of the Company’s own brands accounted for more than 40% for the first time. Besides, in the face of market changes, the product strategy was adjusted timely, and substantial growth was realized in some products, especially outdoor tools. The Company reinforced the development of markets in the Belt and Road countries and achieved some results in channel construction. The cross-border e-commerce business maintained a high growth rate while categories and product lines were constantly improved. The self-built stations of the Company’s own brands were put into operation for the first time, and the channel expansion continued to deepen with improvements in online live-streaming channels as well as a continuous increase in the brand popularity and fan base. Combined with the development direction of 15 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. the Company, the export department took the initiative to analyze and tap the potential of customers. While ensuring the steady growth of main tool products, it actively sought opportunities for non-tool consumer goods and signed important purchase agreements for non-tool household goods. The storage business achieved rapid growth, with new categories and products launched at an accelerated pace. The production bases in Thailand were fully put into operation, laying a foundation for further increasing the market share. Zhongshan Geelong took the initiative to adjust its own business strategy and achieved growth more than expected all year round. Lista, located in Europe, seized the opportunities of the market demand recovery in Europe and the rising import demand to maintain steady growth. 2. Power tools & laser measurement & power stations During the reporting period, the Company obtained the purchase order confirmation of power tools from a large retail company for the first time after restarting the power tools business, reaching the ceiling for growth in the power tool business. It proactively adjusted the product supply according to market demand and gave priority to providing customers with heating equipment and home energy storage equipment, so as to meet consumers' immediate needs, extend the Company's product lines, and achieve significant breakthroughs especially in the home energy storage products. Moreover, the Company continued to innovate in power tool product lines for online channels, setting up an important channel for the power tool business. For the laser measurement business, the focus is on new products and channel construction. Based on the readjusted brand positioning and business direction, the awareness of the Company’s own brands and products was improved, and the new series of products launched obtained good market feedback. Besides, the Company opened up marketing channels based on short videos and expanded the online sales business scale. The laser radar business maintained rapid growth year on year, with increasing product application scenarios and channels, and the Company completed the iterative design of some products according to the changing needs of the industry and customers. 2. Revenue and costs (1) Composition of operating proceeds Unit: CNY 2022 2021 YOY increase or Percentage in Percentage in decrease Amount Amount operating proceeds operating proceeds Total 12,610,189,590.33 100% 10,919,683,344.37 100% 15.48% Business segment Tools and 12,545,286,576.78 99.49% 10,849,925,564.41 99.36% 15.63% hardware Other operating 64,903,013.55 0.51% 69,757,779.96 0.64% -6.96% proceeds Product Hand tools & 10,004,744,537.61 79.34% 8,911,550,156.07 81.61% 12.27% storage Power tools & laser measurement 2,540,542,039.17 20.15% 1,909,689,643.58 17.49% 33.03% & power stations Personal protective 0.00 0.00% 28,685,764.76 0.26% -100.00% equipment Other operating 64,903,013.55 0.51% 69,757,779.96 0.64% -6.96% proceeds 16 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Region America 7,892,263,869.75 62.59% 7,521,994,025.83 68.88% 4.92% Europe 3,296,852,123.29 26.14% 2,399,120,860.68 21.97% 37.42% Others 634,667,980.89 5.03% 510,223,523.81 4.67% 24.39% Domestic (China) 721,502,602.85 5.72% 418,587,154.09 3.83% 72.37% Other operating 64,903,013.55 0.51% 69,757,779.96 0.64% -6.96% proceeds Sales model OBM 5,087,869,546.67 40.35% 3,836,999,428.09 35.14% 32.60% ODM 7,457,417,030.11 59.14% 7,012,926,136.32 64.22% 6.34% Other operating 64,903,013.55 0.51% 69,757,779.96 0.64% -6.96% proceeds (2) Business segments, products, regions and sales models that account for more than 10% of the Company's operating proceeds or operating profit Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY YOY increase YOY increase YOY increase Operating Gross profit or decrease of or decrease of Operating costs or decrease of proceeds margin operating gross profit operating costs proceeds margin Business segment Tools and 12,545,286,576 9,244,404,166. 26.31% 15.63% 13.46% 1.40% hardware .78 19 Product Hand tools & 10,004,744,537 7,332,189,779. 26.71% 12.27% 9.84% 1.62% storage .61 90 Power tools & laser 2,540,542,039. 1,912,214,386. 24.73% 33.03% 32.10% 0.53% measurement & 17 29 power stations Region 7,892,263,869. 5,744,738,104. America 27.21% 4.75% 1.52% 2.32% 75 68 3,296,852,123. 2,362,455,830. Europe 28.34% 37.42% 34.95% 1.31% 29 12 Sales model 5,087,869,546. 3,831,561,078. OBM 24.69% 32.60% 33.54% -0.53% 67 82 7,457,417,030. 5,412,843,087. ODM 27.42% 6.34% 2.47% 2.74% 11 37 In case of any adjustment in the statistical standards for the Company’s main business data during the reporting period, the Company’s main business data in the prior year based on the statistical standards adjusted at the end of the reporting period shall prevail □ Applicable N/A (3) Whether the Company's revenue from physical product sales is greater than its service revenue Yes □ No Business segment Item Unit 2022 2021 YOY increase or 17 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. decrease Sales volume PCS 513,462,176 444,440,557 15.53% Production Tools and PCS 523,831,646 497,037,108 5.39% quantity hardware Inventory level PCS 123,945,263 113,575,793 9.13% Reasons for any year-on-year increase or decrease of relevant data by more than 30% □ Applicable N/A (4) Performance of major sales contracts and purchase contracts signed by the Company as of the reporting period □ Applicable N/A (5) Composition of operating costs Business segment and product Unit: CNY 2022 2021 Business YOY increase Item Percentage in Percentage in segment Amount Amount or decrease operating costs operating costs Tools and 9,244,404,166. 8,147,389,910. / 99.76% 99.65% 13.46% hardware 19 45 Other operating / 22,518,138.56 0.24% 28,733,758.05 0.35% -21.63% costs Unit: CNY 2022 2021 YOY increase Product Item Percentage in Percentage in Amount Amount or decrease operating costs operating costs Hand tools & 7,332,189,779. 6,675,528,068. / 79.12% 81.65% 9.84% storage 90 48 Power tools & laser 1,912,214,386. 1,447,529,390. / 20.63% 17.70% 32.10% measurement & 29 12 power stations Personal protective / 0.00 0.00% 24,332,451.85 0.30% -100.00% equipment Other operating / 22,518,138.56 0.24% 28,733,758.05 0.35% -21.63% costs Notes None (6) Whether there was any change in the consolidation scope during the reporting period Yes □ No For details, see the notes in VIII, Section X. 18 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (7) Major changes or adjustments in the Company's business segments, products or services during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A (8) Major customers and suppliers Major customers Total sales revenue from the top five customers (CNY) 6,056,269,323.22 Proportion of the total sales revenue from the top five 48.03% customers in the total annual sales revenue Proportion of the sales revenue from the affiliated parties 0.00% thereof in the total annual sales revenue Information of the Company's top five customers Proportion in the total annual No. Name Sales revenue (CNY) sales revenue 1 Customer 1 3,057,264,391.78 24.24% 2 Customer 2 1,578,675,477.75 12.52% 3 Customer 3 862,130,369.56 6.84% 4 Customer 4 346,410,830.38 2.75% 5 Customer 5 211,788,253.75 1.68% Total -- 6,056,269,323.22 48.03% Other information on major customers □ Applicable N/A Major suppliers Total acquisition cost paid to the top five suppliers (CNY) 519,819,828.17 Proportion of the total acquisition cost paid to the top five 5.61% suppliers in the total annual acquisition cost Proportion of the acquisition cost paid to the affiliated parties 0.00% thereof in the total annual acquisition cost Information of the Company's top five suppliers Proportion in the total annual No. Name Acquisition cost (CNY) acquisition cost 1 Supplier 1 163,104,790.91 1.76% 2 Supplier 2 96,702,638.71 1.04% 3 Supplier 3 95,133,654.01 1.03% 4 Supplier 4 89,906,569.94 0.97% 5 Supplier 5 74,972,174.60 0.81% Total -- 519,819,828.17 5.61% Other information on major suppliers □ Applicable N/A 3. Expenses Unit: CNY 19 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. YOY increase or Reasons for any 2022 2021 decrease material change Mainly attributable to the increase in personnel Sales expenses 757,228,439.80 593,003,103.68 27.69% compensation, advertising and promotion expenses and office expenses Mainly attributable to Administrative the increase in 760,961,439.86 686,120,731.06 10.91% expenses personnel compensation Mainly attributable to the increase in exchange earnings and Financial expenses -110,855,174.76 64,801,716.03 -271.07% interest income arising from the depreciation of CNY R&D expenses 319,444,535.16 309,763,366.15 3.13% 4. R&D expenses Applicable □ N/A Expected impact on the Item Purpose Progress Expected goal Company's future development R&D of two-axis laser To To increase product To achieve good level which can be enhance the functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for directly traced to laser Company’s market performance the Company wavelength competitiveness To R&D of laser instrument To increase product To achieve good enhance the which projects cross laser functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for Company’s market rays on four sides performance the Company competitiveness To R&D of laser positioning To increase product To achieve good enhance the level for continuous functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for Company’s market measuring and positioning performance the Company competitiveness To R&D of integrated laser To increase product To achieve good enhance the base assembly system functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for Company’s market technology for laser level performance the Company competitiveness To To increase product To achieve good R&D of multi-mode enhance the functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for control laser level Company’s market performance the Company competitiveness R&D of cross line laser To To increase product To achieve good which can realize the enhance the functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for function of optical path Company’s market performance the Company alignment competitiveness R&D of laser level for To To increase product To achieve good fixed-point horizontal enhance the functionality or improve Completed economic benefits for marking at arbitrary Company’s market performance the Company distance competitiveness 20 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. R&D and application of To increase product new multifunction tool To develop new products Completed To cut down on labor lines car Development and application of a high- To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product Completed strength PC alloy in performance stability lines toolbox R&D and application of high-performance To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product Completed antibacterial dust-proof performance stability lines coating materials R&D of high-efficiency wireless charging technology in the To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product Uncompleted application scenarios of performance stability lines power tools and cabinet products R&D and application of To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product Completed intelligent storage system performance stability lines Development and application of leak-proof To increase product To develop new products Uncompleted RFID technology in lines cabinet products Development and application of multi- To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product Completed station intelligent toolbox performance stability lines production lines Development and application of multi- To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product dimensional intelligent Completed performance stability lines bending machine in toolbox products Application of nano-level To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product spraying technology in Completed performance stability lines toolbox R&D and application of To improve functionality or To ensure product To increase product intelligent combination Uncompleted performance stability lines lock in combined cabinets R&D of cable cutters with To make it easier to cut To save the labor by To increase product aluminum handles and cables than traditional Completed 20% lines replaceable blades products To resolve the problem of To enable cutting R&D of copper pipe To increase product cutting copper pipes in a Completed copper pipes in a cutter for ratchets lines narrow space narrow space To facilitate driving hand- To make it available R&D of dredging device To increase product held and switchable power Completed for both hand and with a steerable grip lines tools power tools R&D of multi-angle To cut plates at different To cut materials at To increase product functional scissors with Completed angles several fixed angles lines two-color handles R&D of portable To develop small and To develop portable and To increase product multifunction straight Completed portable cutters with multifunction cutters lines plate cutter wrenching function R&D of multi- To resolve the limitations To realize the rotation To increase product specification ratchet on the application of Completed of ratchet wrenches at lines wrench with large torque traditional ratchet wrenches multiple angles R&D of fine crystal To increase product Completed To achieve To increase the 21 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. tandem rolling and functionality or improve breakthroughs in Company’s profits hardening technology and performance existing products and its application in grid processes products Application of fully To achieve To increase product automatic integrated breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed drawer molding process existing products and Company’s profits performance in toolbox processes R&D of power lithium To achieve battery packs for BMS To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the integrated control system functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits and their application in performance processes power tools Research and application of key technologies of multi-mode 3D laser To achieve To increase product imaging for large-space breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed and high-definition existing products and Company’s profits performance natural scenes – R&D of a processes laser ranging module with imaging function To achieve Application of PU To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the foaming materials in functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits cutting tools performance processes Application of 304 To achieve To increase product antibacterial materials breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed containing copper in existing products and Company’s profits performance cutting tools processes Development of anti- To achieve hydrogen embrittlement To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the high-strength vacuum functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits chrome-plated performance processes screwdriver Feasibility research on To achieve To increase product high-power COB breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed integrated light source existing products and Company’s profits performance module processes To achieve Application of wireless To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the and PD fast chargers in functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits POWER-BANK performance processes Research and application of key technologies of multi-mode 3D laser imaging for large-space To achieve To increase product and high-definition breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed natural scenes – R&D of existing products and Company’s profits performance high-definition laser processes ranging products based on 12V lithium battery pack platform To achieve R&D and application of To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the high-performance functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits polypropylene materials performance processes R&D of fluorinated To increase product Completed To achieve To increase the 22 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. coatings and their functionality or improve breakthroughs in Company’s profits application in the tool performance existing products and industry processes To achieve To increase product R&D of nail guns with breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed quick-change clips existing products and Company’s profits performance processes To achieve R&D of screw bits based To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the on "polymer magnetic functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits composite materials" performance processes Application of high wear- To achieve resistant super- To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the hydrophobic composite functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits coating in lighting performance processes products To achieve R&D of energy recovery To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the for high-speed functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits screwdrivers performance processes Application of adaptive To achieve To increase product control processing breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed technology in hand tool existing products and Company’s profits performance products processes Application of residual To achieve To increase product heat quenching process of breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve Completed hot rolled alloy steel in existing products and Company’s profits performance tool products processes Design of precision, To achieve complex and long-life To increase product breakthroughs in To increase the injection mold based on functionality or improve Completed existing products and Company’s profits the control volume performance processes method Intelligent storage SAAS To meet the needs of To increase labor To increase the cloud management Completed multi-mode business productivity Company’s profits platform expansion Lean supply chain To meet the needs of business system software To increase labor To increase the Completed multi-mode business – lean supply chain productivity Company’s profits expansion system for domestic trade R&D and industrialization To achieve To increase product Duration: of high-resolution 3D breakthroughs in To increase the functionality or improve 2022.07- vision sensors with a wide existing products and Company’s profits performance 2023.12 imaging range processes R&D of high-power and To develop new high-precision 3D laser To increase the added value Completed customers and increase To enrich product lines building instrument of products revenue platform R&D of panoramic real- To develop new time indoor and outdoor To increase the added value To increase product Completed customers and increase removable space laser of products lines revenue measuring instrument R&D on integration of To improve production To reduce labor and To innovate in products long-distance laser efficiency and develop In progress improve construction and fill the gaps in the ranging technology and products in a new mode of efficiency market cross line laser operation R&D of large-angle and To develop a high-precision In progress To develop a platform To innovate in 23 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. high-precision attitude and high-value innovative technology and new platforms and fill the control sensors for laser technology customers gaps in the market measuring instrument R&D of high-precision To innovate in Application of full- To develop a platform panoramic 3D laser platforms and increase waveform measurement In progress technology for laser imaging system based on the added value of technology products single-photon array products To mass-produce new R&D of folding trolley To develop new products Completed To increase income products R&D of multifunction To mass-produce new To develop new products Completed To increase income combined gas furnace products Demountable service cart To mass-produce new To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income for barbecue products R&D of environmental To mass-produce new waste sorting and To develop new products Completed To increase income products recycling bins To mass-produce new R&D of storage bins To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income products To mass-produce new Folding miter saw bracket To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income products Practical application of general-purpose dual To raise the technical To increase the output To increase the power supply system with Completed requirements of products value Company’s profits dry lithium battery in lamps and lanterns Technical solution of To raise the technical To increase the output To increase the LED applied in flexible Completed requirements of products value Company’s profits light strips Application of wireless bluetooth interconnection To raise the technical To increase the output To increase the Completed technology in lamps and requirements of products value Company’s profits lanterns R&D and application of laser sensor module for To improve the To increase the intelligent equipment – 01 Completed To increase sales technological process Company’s profits development of special- purpose laser sensor chip R&D and application of laser sensor module for To improve the To increase the intelligent equipment – 02 Completed To increase sales technological process Company’s profits development of opto- mechatronics module R&D and application of laser sensor module for intelligent equipment – 03 To improve the To increase the Completed To increase sales development of technological process Company’s profits algorithms matching application scenarios R&D and application of laser sensor module for To improve the To increase the intelligent equipment – 04 Completed To increase sales technological process Company’s profits development of intelligent laser sensor R&D and application of laser sensor module for To improve the To increase the Completed To increase sales intelligent equipment – 05 technological process Company’s profits development of new 24 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. intelligent measuring tools RD11 – safety-certified To achieve To develop new products single-channel scanning breakthroughs in To increase the and improve production Completed and sensing laser existing products and Company’s profits efficiency detection device processes RD12 – miniaturized mid- To achieve and long-range single- To develop new products breakthroughs in To increase the channel multi-angle and improve production Completed existing products and Company’s profits scanning and sensing efficiency processes laser detection device To achieve RD13 – phase-type long- To develop new products breakthroughs in To increase the range single-point laser and improve production Completed existing products and Company’s profits sensor detection device efficiency processes RD14 – multi-step laser- To achieve To develop new products receiving single-channel breakthroughs in To increase the and improve production Completed scanning and sensing existing products and Company’s profits efficiency laser detection device processes RD15 – large-sized multi- To achieve channel multi-reflection To develop new products 2022.1.1- breakthroughs in To increase the light path scanning and and improve production 2023.12.31 existing products and Company’s profits sensing laser detection efficiency processes device RD16 – heavy multi- To achieve To develop new products channel 3D space 2022.1.1- breakthroughs in To increase the and improve production scanning and sensing 2023.12.31 existing products and Company’s profits efficiency laser detection device processes RD17 – lightweight ultra- To achieve small close-range multi- To develop new products 2022.1.1- breakthroughs in To increase the angle scanning and and improve production 2023.12.31 existing products and Company’s profits sensing laser detection efficiency processes device R&D of six-claw energy- To independently develop To develop new To increase revenue efficient quick ratchet new product prototypes or Completed products from product sales wrenches sample products R&D of aerospace To make general To increase product To increase revenue double-ended ring improvements for existing Completed functionality or from product sales spanner products and processes improve performance To make general To increase product R&D of toothed socket To increase revenue improvements for existing Completed functionality or ratchet wrench from product sales products and processes improve performance To make general To increase product R&D of triple-purpose To increase revenue improvements for existing Completed functionality or wrench from product sales products and processes improve performance To independently develop R&D of new water pipe To develop new To increase revenue new technologies, processes Completed wrench products from product sales or construction methods To independently develop R&D of eight-in-one dog- To develop new To increase revenue new technologies, processes Uncompleted bone-shaped wrench products from product sales or construction methods To independently develop To improve product To improve product Ratchet wrench tester new technologies, processes Completed quality quality or construction methods To independently develop Assembly machine for To increase labor To increase labor new technologies, processes Completed ratchet retainer ring productivity productivity or construction methods 25 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. R&D of numerically- To independently develop To increase labor To increase labor controlled pressing new technologies, processes Completed productivity productivity process or construction methods Improvement and To enhance the market To increase production To increase product application of reverse nail Completed competitiveness of products and output value lines pulling process Hammer handle spacing lengthening and To enhance the market To increase production To increase product Completed appearance upgrading competitiveness of products and output value lines process and its application One-time forging and To enhance the market To increase production To increase product handle upgrading process Completed competitiveness of products and output value lines and its application Torsion and tension reinforcement process of To enhance the market To increase production To increase product Completed brick trowel handle and competitiveness of products and output value lines its application Development of automatic loading and To improve work efficiency unloading process for Completed To reduce labor To save the cost and reduce labor costs grinding teeth of saws based on robot technology Research on single-edge sharpening process of To shorten the time and To improve product pipe cutter based on five- Completed improve the product quality and win more axis CNC machining accuracy customers technology R&D of multi-station To shorten the time and To shorten the toothing process of hand Completed improve the efficiency production time cutter R&D of NC precision To improve product single-sided grinding To improve the product Completed quality and win more process of plastering accuracy customers trowel Development of semi- To reduce labor and To save the cost and automatic riveting Completed improve product improve product technology for pipe cutter accuracy quality holder To develop new Research on file cutting To increase the product Completed products and sales tools functionality growth points Research on pipe wrench with opening size To develop new To increase the product adjustable quickly Completed products and sales functionality according to the outer growth points pipe diameter Development and To improve product industrialization of DLC To develop new In progress quality and add new film coating strengthening coating technologies products tool To improve the Development of 3-axis machining precision, technology upgrade to 4- To shorten the In progress simplify the process axis technology for production time and improve the machining center production efficiency R&D of saw tooth To realize automatic In progress To save the cost dividing machine machine feeding and 26 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. reduce the labor To realize fully Research on automatic To save production automatic processing polishing technology of In progress costs and improve and reduce the plastering tools product quality dependency on labor R&D of automatic feeding technology of To improve work efficiency wire stripper for In progress To reduce labor To save the cost and reduce labor costs manipulator polishing and forging Development of automatic feeding To improve work efficiency In progress To reduce labor To save the cost technology for stamping and reduce labor costs parts R&D and industrialization of high-resolution 3D R&D of 3D vision In progress To add new products vision sensors with a wide sensor imaging range Research on multi-station To improve production To increase product automatic welding efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor lines process of shelf brackets costs To increase the application highlights Research on high-peel- of corresponding strength thermoplastic To improve production products, improve the elastomer for nylon efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor Company's technical handle cladding of hand costs strength, promote other tools and its application products and enhance the Company’s overall competitiveness To increase the application highlights Technical research on of corresponding production lines for high- To improve production products, improve the efficiency stamping of efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor Company's technical stainless steel plates for costs strength, promote other putty knives products and enhance the Company’s overall competitiveness To increase the application highlights Research on forming of corresponding process of low-shrinkage To improve production products, improve the polypropylene composite efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor Company's technical filled with calcium costs strength, promote other carbonate and plastic products and enhance parts the Company’s overall competitiveness PLC-based manipulator- To improve the To improve production operated material taking adhesion strength of efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor and feeding system for product cladding. To costs screwdriver bits decrease the scrap rate. Multi-specification To improve the injection mould for To improve production adhesion strength of screwdriver bits based on efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor product cladding. To rapid positioning costs decrease the scrap rate. technology 27 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Research on To improve the manufacturing process of To improve production adhesion strength of folding prefabricated efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor product cladding. To plastic operating table for costs decrease the scrap rate. woodworking decoration Fine blanking die sets of To improve production nitrogen spring type and To increase product efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor fine blanking of impact lines costs parts Research on multi-station To improve production To increase product automatic welding efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor lines technology and equipment costs Precision mold for rapid To improve production prototyping and extruding To increase product efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor of aluminum alloy with lines costs uneven wall thickness Design and development of continuous precision To improve production To increase product punching process and efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor lines mold for stepless quick- costs clamp high-carbon steel To realize various To realize various functions, Drive circuit with a hand- functions, make make products portable, as To increase product held power bank and Uncompleted products portable, as well as save energy and lines multiple LED functions well as save energy and electricity electricity To realize various To realize various functions, R&D of LED lamps with functions, make make products portable, as To increase product portable bluetooth Completed products portable, as well as save energy and lines speakers well as save energy and electricity electricity R&D of integrated To improve production continuous die forging To increase product efficiency and reduce labor Completed To cut down on labor technology for sheet lines costs metal parts R&D of fully automatic To increase labor To further promote assembly technology for Completed To reduce labor productivity automatic production L-shaped angle square R&D of automatic To increase product To reduce labor and To further promote assembly technology for functionality or improve Completed ensure quality stability automatic production angle square performance Research on the engine To promote new To expand product guarantee technology for To develop new products Completed products and lines yacht consignment technologies Development of key To increase product To increase the output To expand product technologies of functionality or improve Completed value lines multifunction laser level performance Development of key To increase product To increase the output To expand product technologies of display functionality or improve Completed value lines stand for fishing rods performance R&D of fully automatic dispensing and assembly To increase labor To reduce labor and To further promote Completed technology of level productivity ensure quality stability automatic production production line Development of several Product design- To increase the output To expand product key technologies of file To develop new products drawing value lines cutting completed 28 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. To mass-produce new R&D of folding trolley To develop new products Completed To increase income products R&D of multifunction To mass-produce new To develop new products Completed To increase income combined gas furnace products Demountable service cart To mass-produce new To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income for barbecue products R&D of environmental To mass-produce new waste sorting and To develop new products Completed To increase income products recycling bins To mass-produce new R&D of storage bins To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income products To mass-produce new Folding miter saw bracket To develop new products Uncompleted To increase income products R&D of adjustable To nearly double the torque To improve product To obtain stable market wrenches with helical Trial production of adjustable wrenches performance orders teeth R&D of SK-type plier To achieve quick shift and To improve product To obtain stable market Trial production tools increase the torque performance orders R&D employees 2022 2021 Turnover Number of R&D employees 1,099 978 12.37% (person-time) As (%) in the total number of 10.41% 9.07% 1.34% the Company’s employees Educational background structure of R&D employees Undergraduate 408 361 13.02% Master's degree 24 20 20.00% Age structure of R&D employees Under 30 178 141 26.24% 30-40 599 378 58.47% R&D expenses 2022 2021 Turnover R&D expenses (CNY) 319,444,535.16 309,763,366.15 3.13% As (%) in the operating 2.53% 2.84% -0.31% proceeds Capitalized R&D expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00% (CNY) As (%) in the R&D expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Reasons for the significant changes in R&D employees and their impacts □ Applicable N/A Reasons for the significant changes in the proportion of the total R&D expenses in the operating proceeds compared with prior year □ Applicable N/A Reasons for and reasonable explanation of the significant changes in capitalized R&D expenses □ Applicable N/A 29 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 5. Cash flows Unit: CNY Item 2022 2021 YOY increase or decrease Sub-total of cash inflows 13,850,370,894.60 11,353,982,165.74 21.99% from operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows 12,218,534,252.21 11,335,349,996.07 7.79% from operating activities Net cash flows from operating 1,631,836,642.39 18,632,169.67 8,658.17% activities Sub-total of cash inflows 345,733,789.20 576,965,254.73 -40.08% from investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows 860,100,111.16 1,790,034,046.53 -51.95% from investment activities Net cash flows from -514,366,321.96 -1,213,068,791.80 -57.60% investment activities Sub-total of cash inflows 4,690,798,053.76 4,415,766,206.58 6.23% from financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows 5,300,549,759.79 2,884,992,006.99 83.73% from financing activities Net cash flows from financing -609,751,706.03 1,530,774,199.59 -139.83% activities Net increase in cash and cash 792,240,939.29 270,923,023.10 192.42% equivalents Main influencing factors of the significant year-on-year changes in relevant data Applicable □ N/A The net cash flows from operating activities increased by 8,658.17% year on year, mainly due to the substantial increase in cash received from sales of goods and provision of services. The net cash flows from investing activities increased by 57.60% year on year, mainly due to the decrease in the net cash paid by subsidiaries and other business units in the current year compared to the prior year. The net cash flows from financing activities decreased by -139.83% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in cash payments for debt service. Reasons for the significant differences between the net cash flows from the Company's operating activities and the net profits for the current year during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A V. Analysis of non-core business □ Applicable N/A 30 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities 1. Material changes in composition of assets Unit: CNY As at the end of 2022 As at the beginning of 2022 Change in Reasons for any Percentage in Percentage in percentage material change Amount Amount total assets total assets Monetary 4,863,206,182. 4,033,707,240. 26.18% 23.31% 2.87% assets 40 16 Accounts 1,896,685,590. 1,798,265,505. 10.21% 10.39% -0.18% receivable 11 53 2,812,572,525. 2,835,777,996. Inventories 15.14% 16.39% -1.25% 68 84 Investment real 122,158,556.01 0.66% 127,058,966.69 0.73% -0.07% estate property Long-term 2,544,523,517. 2,353,942,699. equity 13.70% 13.60% 0.10% 55 80 investment 1,518,902,232. 1,494,547,487. Fixed assets 8.18% 8.64% -0.46% 96 29 Construction in 304,599,362.46 1.64% 113,750,851.49 0.66% 0.98% progress Right-to-use 417,129,361.41 2.25% 411,722,761.66 2.38% -0.13% assets Mainly attributable to the decrease in Short-term 1,379,062,713. 1,806,901,201. loans caused by 7.42% 10.44% -3.02% loans 11 39 the rise in market interest rate of USD loans Contractual 131,898,420.14 0.71% 91,235,951.19 0.53% 0.18% liabilities Long-term 1,015,445,732. 798,604,951.84 4.30% 5.87% -1.57% loans 07 Lease liabilities 318,221,349.99 1.71% 289,196,511.02 1.67% 0.04% Mainly attributable to the repayment Other amounts 21,198,376.32 0.11% 676,502,987.21 3.91% -3.80% of funds payable borrowed from affiliated parties The overseas assets account for a relatively high proportion Applicable □ N/A Control Proportion Whether Reason for Operation measures to Profitabilit of overseas there is a Item Size Location formation mode ensure the y assets in material safety of the impairment 31 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. assets Company’s risk net assets Financial 100% supervision 20,607.23 shares of Independen and Share (Unit: CNY Switzerlan Lista t commissio Profitable 1.51% No acquisition 10,000) d Holding accounting ned AG external audit Financial 100% supervision shares of 46,131.71( Independen and Share Arrow Unit: CNY USA t commissio Profitable 3.39% No acquisition Fasterner 10,000) accounting ned Co., LLC external audit 2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY Changes in Provision fair value Cumulative for Purchase Sales recognised changes in Opening impairment amount in amount in Other Closing Item in profit or fair value balance in the the current the current changes balance loss for the recognised current period period current in equity period period Financial assets 1. Held- for-trading financial assets 188,000,00 128,000,00 60,000,000. 0.00 (excluding 0.00 0.00 00 derivative financial assets) 2. Derivative 4,330,070.0 5,900,034.2 5,162,396,7 2,374,061,4 10,230,104. financial 0 4 51.13 58.24 24 assets 4. Investment 16,550,000. 16,550,000. s in other 00 00 equity instruments Sub-total of 20,880,070. 5,900,034.2 5,350,396,7 2,502,061,4 86,780,104. financial 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 4 51.13 58.24 24 assets 20,880,070. 5,900,034.2 5,350,396,7 2,502,061,4 86,780,104. Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 4 51.13 58.24 24 - Financial 48,413,710. 978,031.91 47,435,678. liabilities 29 38 32 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Other changes N/A Whether there is a significant change in the measurement attribute of the Company's main assets during the reporting period □Yes No 3. Restricted assets rights as at the end of the reporting period Book value as at the end of Item the reporting period Reason for restriction (Unit: CNY) Guarantee deposits for future foreign Monetary assets 33,448,671.74 exchange settlement Monetary assets 20,893,800.00 Guarantee deposits for short-term loans Monetary assets 6,616,370.00 Guarantee deposits for letters of credit Monetary assets 7,384,067.19 Guarantee deposits for bank acceptance bills Monetary assets 1,393,093.00 Customs guarantee deposits Monetary assets 43,000.00 Guarantee deposits for ETC Used as collateral for drawing bank Fixed assets 27,776,638.39 acceptance bills Fixed assets 10,003,152.72 Used as collateral for bank loans Used as collateral for drawing bank Intangible assets 2,046,633.50 acceptance bills Intangible assets 1,385,386.53 Used as collateral for bank loans 100% shares of Arrow Fastener Co., LLC (Note) 481,723,419.57 Used as collateral for bank loans Total 592,714,232.64 (Note): The 100% shares of Arrow Fastener Co., LLC are the book balance of net assets as at the end of the reporting period VII. Analysis of investment situation 1. General situation Applicable □ N/A Investment in the reporting period Investment in the same period of prior Change (CNY) year (CNY) 1,529,848,856.93 1,123,031,335.02 36.22% 2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 33 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Profit or loss Whet Progr Am from her it Date Index Sour ess as Name ount Term Proje inves is of of Main Invest Share ce Prod of the of the of Part of cted tment invol discl discl busine ment holdin of uct balan invest inve ner inves inco s in ved osure osure ss mode g ratio fund type ce ee stme tment me the in a (if (if s sheet nt curre lawsu any) any) date nt it perio d Agric Hangz ultural hou scienti Long Anno Great fic Self- Estab 698, -term - - Dece unce Star resear Newly own lishe 610, 100.0 Long equit 2,317 2,317 mber ment Garde ch and establi ed / d and No 000. 0% -term y ,343. ,343. 17, No.: n experi shed fund comp 00 inves 88 88 2022 2022- Tools mental s leted tment 093 Co., develo Ltd. pment ; Batter y manuf acturi ng; Hangz atomic Long Anno hou - Self- Estab 349, -term - - Septe unce Great power Newly own lishe 305, 100.0 Long equit 1,158 1,158 mber ment Star equip establi ed / d and No 000. 0% -term y ,671. ,671. 24, No.: Energ ment shed fund comp 00 inves 94 94 2022 2022- y Co., manuf s leted tment 067 Ltd. acturi ng based on new energy Whole sale Zhong sales shan of Long Jilong hardw Self- Estab 21,0 -term Import are Newly own lishe 2,035 2,035 65,0 100.0 Long equit and produ establi ed / d and ,695. ,695. No 00.0 0% -term y Export cts; shed fund comp 77 77 0 inves Trade import s leted tment Co., and Ltd. export of goods Zhejia House 10,0 Self- Long Estab - - Newly ng hold 00,0 100.0 own Long -term lishe 1,036 1,036 establi / No Shiwa applia 00.0 0% ed -term equit d and ,552. ,552. shed nke nce 0 fund y comp 73 73 34 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Electri manuf s inves leted c acturi tment Applia ng nce Co., Ltd. 1,07 - - 8,98 2,476 2,476 Total -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0,00 ,872. ,872. 0.00 78 78 3. Significant non-equity investments ongoing during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY Reaso ns for Actual failure invest Accum to ment ulated Amou compl amoun incom Wheth nt ete the t e Date Index er it is Relate investe Project planne Invest accum Source realize of of a fixed d d in Progre ed d Item ment ulated of d as at disclos disclos asset industr this ss incom schedu mode as at funds the end ure (if ure (if invest y reporti e le and the end of the any) any) ment ng realize of the reporti period the reporti ng project ng period ed period incom e Annua l output of 550,00 Laser 12,024 39,960 Self- Raised 40.00 0 sets Yes measur ,283.0 ,000.0 0.00 0.00 / built funds % of ement 2 0 laser sensor modul es Phase- I factory constr uction of 68,380 92,216 GreatS Self- Hand Raised 92.00 Yes ,874.8 ,998.5 0.00 0.00 / tar built tools funds % 1 9 Intellig ent Equip ment Co., Ltd. in 35 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Vietna m Intellig ent factory with an Raised annual 19,200 & Self- Power 3,749, 23.00 output Yes ,447.5 Self- 0.00 0.00 / built tools 200.00 % of 1 6 owned million funds sets of new power tools Constr uction of toolbo Raised x 11,233 116,49 and Self- Toolbo 97.00 produc Yes ,233.8 3,835. self- 0.00 0.00 / built x % tion 7 50 owned bases funds in Thaila nd 110,83 252,42 Total -- -- -- 8,839. 0,034. -- -- 0.00 0.00 -- -- -- 26 09 4. Investments in financial assets (1) Securities investment □ Applicable N/A There is no securities investment in the reporting period. (2) Investment in derivatives Applicable □ N/A 1) Investment in derivatives for the purpose of hedging during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 10,000 Proportion of Changes in the closing fair value Cumulative Purchase amount in Initial recognised in changes in Sales amount amount in Closing the Type investment profit or loss fair value in the current the current amount Company’s amount for the recognised in period period net assets as current equity at the end of period the reporting 36 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. period Future 28,062.46 -4,139.28 0 516,239.68 237,406.15 306,895.99 22.53% exchange Total 28,062.46 -4,139.28 0 516,239.68 237,406.15 306,895.99 22.53% Reasons for the significant changes in the accounting policies and specific accounting principles of Unchanged hedging business during the reporting period compared to the same period of prior year Realized gains and The gains or losses from investment in derivatives recognised during the reporting period are CNY - losses during 25,565,069.36. the reporting period During the reporting period, the Company adhered to the principle of exchange rate risk-neutral and signed forward exchange contracts as hedging tools according to the amount of foreign exchange based on the sales Description forecasts as well as the target cost of exchange rate, with the delivery time and the agreed delivery amount of the effect matching the predicted amount cashed, so as to avoid the risks caused by exchange rate fluctuations. During this of hedging report period, the changes of hedging tools in cash flows could offset the changes of the hedged items in cash flows caused by the risk of exchange rate fluctuations, which met the hedging effectiveness requirements and achieved the hedging target. Source of funds for Self-owned funds investment in derivatives Position risk 1. Market risk: The changes in the international and domestic economic conditions may cause large fluctuations analysis and in the exchange rate, so forward exchange transactions will face certain market risks. The Company's forward control exchange transactions are to lock in the settlement or sale price of foreign exchange and reduce the impact of measures of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company's profits. The Company will closely track exchange rate changes and derivatives determine the plan to sign forward exchange contracts based on the target exchange rate for transactions, the during the research and judgment of foreign exchange rate trends, as well as the Company's forecasts of foreign exchange reporting payment and ability to withstand price changes caused by exchange rate fluctuations, while implementing period dynamic management on transactions to ensure a reasonable profit level. (including 2. Liquidity risk: All foreign exchange transactions of the Company are based on reasonable estimates of the but not Company's future imports and exports to meet the needs of transaction authenticity. limited to 3. Bank default risk: If the cooperative bank closes down or any other defaults occur during the term of the market risk, contract, the Company will not be able to deliver the original foreign exchange contract at the contract price, liquidity risk, resulting in the risk of uncertain returns. Therefore, the banks that the Company chooses to carry out foreign credit risk, exchange transactions with include the five major state-owned banks, Chinese-funded banks such as China operational Merchants Bank, and foreign-funded banks such as HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank. These banks have risk, legal strong strength and stable operations, and the risk of their closedown that may bring losses to the Company is risk, etc.) very low. 37 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 4. Operational risk: The Company's forward exchange transactions may cause related risks due to improper operation of handling personnel. The Company has formulated relevant management systems and specified the operating procedures and responsible persons, which is conducive to preventing and controlling risks. 5. Legal risk: Legal disputes may arise when the Company conducts forward exchange transactions and signs ambiguous contracts or agreements with banks on relevant transactions. The Company will legally strengthen the review of relevant contracts and choose banks with good credit to carry out such transactions, so as to control risks. For the changes in the market prices of the invested derivatives or the fair values of products during the reporting period, the The gains or losses from changes in fair value recognised during the reporting period are CNY -41,392,762.63. analysis of The fair values of derivatives are measured with the notice of valuation given by banks and securities companies the fair as a reasonable estimate of the fair value. values of derivatives shall disclose the specific method used and the setting of relevant assumptions and parameters Whether it is involved in a N/A lawsuit (if applicable) Date of announceme nt of the Board Meeting on April 12, 2022 approval of investment in derivatives (if any) Date of announceme nt of the Shareholders' Meeting on May 10, 2022 approval of investment in derivatives (if any) Independent The Company carries out foreign-exchange derivative transactions, which meets the needs of the Company's directors’ actual operation and can reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company's profits to a certain 38 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. special extent. The Company has established the Management System of Foreign-exchange Derivative Transactions and opinions on effective risk control measures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. We agree upon the Company's the proposal to conduct foreign-exchange derivative transactions in 2022. Company's investment in derivatives and risk control 2) Investment in derivatives for speculation purposes during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A There is no investment in derivatives for speculation purposes during the reporting period. 5. Use of raised funds Applicable □ N/A (1) Overall use of raised funds Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 10,000 Total Proporti Total Amount funds Total on of the funds Total Use and of funds repurpos accumul total Year of Mode of Total used accumul Total whereab that have ed ated accumul fund- fund- funds during ated funds outs of been idle during funds ated raising raising raised the funds unused funds for more the repurpos funds current used unused than two reporting ed repurpos period years period ed Deposite Issue of d in a converti 20,275.4 74,006.3 13,494.4 25,991.9 special 2020 97,260 0 13.87% 0 ble 2 4 2 4 fund bonds raising account 20,275.4 74,006.3 13,494.4 25,991.9 Total -- 97,260 0 13.87% -- 0 2 4 2 4 Overall use of raised funds According to the Reply on Approval of Public Issue of Convertible Bonds for Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (ZJXK (2019) No. 2656) from CSRC, the Company is authorized to issue convertible bonds not exceeding CNY 972,600,000.00. CITIC Construction Securities Co., Ltd., the lead underwriter, shall give priority to the original shareholders of the Company for placement, and the remaining part after the original shareholders' priority placing (including the part waived by the original shareholders) shall be issued to public investors via the Internet. The part whose subscription amount is less than CNY 972,600,000.00 shall be exclusively sold by the lead underwriter. The Company actually issued 9,726,000 convertible bonds, each with a face value of CNY 100.00, raising a total of CNY 972,600,000.00. After deducting the underwriting and sponsor fees of CNY 5,188,679.25 (excluding tax), the raised funds reached CNY 967,411,320.75. These funds have been remitted by CITIC Construction Securities Co., Ltd., the lead underwriter, to the Company's supervision account for raised funds on July 2, 2020. In addition, after deducting the underwriting and sponsor fees, audit and capital verification fees, attorney fees, credit rating fees, information disclosure fees for this issue, lottery fees, bond issuance registration fees and other external expenses directly related to the issue of convertible bonds, with a total of CNY 2,289,867.92, the Company raised a net of CNY 965,121,452.83. The above raised funds have been verified by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP (Special General Partnership) with the Verification Report issued (TJY (2020) No. 244). 39 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2022, the Company has invested a total of CNY 740,063,400.00 in the raised funds. The net income from interest on funds is CNY 34,052,300.00, and the gains or losses from exchange of financial expenses are CNY 809,000.00. As of December 31, 2022, the account balance of the raised funds is CNY 259,919,400.00. (2) Commitments of raised funds Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 10,000 Cumulat Whether Progress Committ Whether Total ive Date of there is as at the Benefits Whether ed there is committ Total Amount investme achievin any end of realized the investme any ed investme invested nts as at g the significa the during expected nts and change investme nts in this the end conditio nt reporting this benefits over- (includin nts of adjusted reporting of the ns for change period reporting are raised g partial raised (1) period reporting intended in the (3) = period achieved funds changes) funds period use feasibilit (2)/(1) (2) y Committed investments Laser measurin g instrume nt and smart Decemb 16,962.5 home No 20,426 20,426 8,368.39 83.04% er 31, N/A No 9 applianc 2023 e producti on base construct ion Toolbox producti 13,281.5 13,281.5 on base Yes 26,776 0 100.00% 2,311.3 N/A Yes 8 8 construct ion Intellige nt warehou Decemb sing and 22,542.1 22,542.1 No 246.87 7,717.06 34.23% er 31, N/A No logistics 5 5 2023 base construct ion R&D Decemb center No 7,768 7,768 3,538.33 3,550.69 45.71% er 31, N/A No construct 2023 ion Capital increase of 13,494.4 13,494.4 July 2, 27,026.6 subsidiar No 8,121.83 100.00% N/A No 2 2 2021 9 ies and acquisiti on of the 40 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 100% shares of Geelong Holding s Limited held by Geelong Orchid Holding s Ltd Sub-total of committ 77,512.1 77,512.1 20,275.4 55,006.3 29,337.9 -- -- -- -- -- ed 5 5 2 4 9 investme nts Over-raised funds N/A Addition al working -- 19,000 19,000 19,000 100.00% -- -- -- -- capital (if any) Sub-total of over- -- 19,000 19,000 19,000 -- -- -- -- raised funds 96,512.1 96,512.1 20,275.4 74,006.3 29,337.9 Total -- -- -- -- -- 5 5 2 4 9 Failures I. The reasons why the Company’s investments of raised funds did not reach the planned schedule are as follows: to 1. The subjects of implementation for laser measuring instrument and smart home appliance production base complete construction are the Company’s wholly-owned sub-subsidiary, Haining GreatStar Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., as the well as wholly-owned subsidiaries, GreatStar Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. in Vietnam and Hangzhou GreatStar planned Tools Co., Ltd. The implementation sites are located in Lianhang Economic and Technological Development Zone, schedule Haining City, Zhejiang Province, Nanjianqiao Industrial Zone, Shuiyuan County, Haiphong City, Vietnam, and HZGC and Lot 26 (2020), Jianggan District, Hangzhou City. The project was originally scheduled to be completed on December realize 31, 2022. During the implementation of the project, the Company was restricted by the shortage of global shipping the capacity in 2021 and the first half of 2022, and some raw materials and equipment could not be timely delivered to projecte Vietnam. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the construction progress of the project to a certain extent, resulting in d the delay of the completion time of the project. In order to better implement this project and ensure the maximization income of project benefits, the 29th Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors and the 1st Extraordinary General and their Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2023 approved the extension of the project implementation period to respectiv December 31, 2023. e 2. The subject of implementation for intelligent warehousing and logistics base construction is the Company’s wholly- reasons owned sub-subsidiary, Haining GreatStar Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. The implementation site is located in (includin Lianhang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province. The project was g the originally scheduled to be completed on December 31, 2022. During the implementation of this project, the reasons Company's revenue scale and order size achieved rapid growth. The existing warehousing capacity cannot meet the for N/A growing order demand, so the Company needs to increase the number of warehousing and logistics bases and improve as to the overall warehousing and logistics capacity. In order to better implement the project and ensure the maximization whether of project benefits, the 29th Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors and the 1st Extraordinary General the Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2023 have approved and decided to add Vietnam GreatStar Intelligence expected Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, and Hangzhou GreatStar Energy Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned sub-subsidiary as benefits one of the implementation subjects of the intelligent warehousing and logistics base project, and to add Nanjianqiao are Industrial Zone, Shuiyuan County, Haiphong City, Vietnam, JG1601-43 Plot, Unit of Genbei New District, 41 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. achieved Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and Chang'an Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province as one ) of the implementation sites of the project, as well as to adjust the investment structure of the project while extending the implementation period of the project to December 31, 2023. 3. The subject of implementation for R&D center construction is the Company, and the construction site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Hongpu Road and Jiuheng Road, Jiupu Street, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City. The project was originally scheduled to be completed on December 31, 2022. During the implementation of this project, new products combined endlessly, so it was necessary to adjust the R&D focus to products more in line with the long-term development strategy of the Company. Meanwhile, after the Company consolidated by combining its original wholly-owned subsidiary, Hangzhou Lianhe Machinery Co., Ltd., the planned investments in equipment and software needed to be reevaluated, resulting in the failure to complete the relevant work as planned. In order to make efficient use of the Company's R&D capability and ensure the maximization of project benefits, the 29th Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors and the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders the Company in 2023 approved the extension of the project implementation period to December 31, 2023. II. Description of the failure of raised funds investment project to be separately accounted for the benefits The construction project of intelligent warehousing and logistics base is designed to meet the needs of the Company to improve operation efficiency, expand business in the future and achieve sustainable development of the Company, so the benefits cannot be calculated separately. The implementation of R&D center construction projects is mainly based on product R&D design, product trial production and product testing, producing no direct economic benefits. The supplementary working capital project is designed to meet the needs of working capital for the continuous expansion of the Company's operating scale, so the benefits cannot be accounted separately. Due to the shortage of global shipping capacity, some raw materials and equipment cannot be delivered to the project’s implementation site in time, which has a certain impact on the construction progress of the Company's tool storages production base project. As a result, the project’s completion date is delayed to some extent. According to the Descripti Company's long-term strategic planning and current development needs, in order to improve the use efficiency of on of raised funds, improve the Company's existing production capacity and supply capacity faster, and better meet significa customer needs, after deliberation and approval of the 7th meeting of 5th session of board of directors and the annual nt general meeting of shareholders in 2020, the Company used the uninvested raised funds of CNY 134,944,200.00 from changes the Toolbox cabinet production base construction project up to April 5, 2021 for the purchase of 100% equity of in Geelong Holdings Limited held by Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd., and the construction project of the original toolbox project cabinet production base was terminated. In order to promote the smooth implementation of equity acquisition and feasibilit reduce transaction costs, the Company held its 10th meeting of 5th session of board of directors meeting on June 21, y 2021, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Changing the Implementation Subjects of Some Raised Projects, and agreed to change the implementation subjects of equity acquisition projects from the Company to Hong Kong GreatStar International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Amount, purpose and progress N/A of the overraise d funds Applicable Incurred in prior year Change On July 22, 2020, the Company held the 37th Meeting of the 4th Session of Board of Directors, deliberated and of the approved the Proposal on Adding the Implementation Subjects and Locations of the Raised Funds Investment project impleme and Using Part of the Raised Funds to Increase Capital to the Wholly-owned Subsidiary. 1. Agreed to add Vietnam ntation Giant Intelligence Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, as one of the implementation subjects of the laser measuring location instrument and smart home production base construction project, and add Nanjianqiao Industrial Zone, Shuiyuan of the County, Haiphong City, Vietnam, as one of the implementation locations of the project; 2. Agreed to add the wholly- raised owned subsidiary Thailand New Land Co., Ltd. (renamed Geelong (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) as one of the implementation funds subjects of the toolbox cabinet production base construction project, and add No. 54/5, Village 1, Mayangpong Town, investme Baodan County, Rayong Province, Thailand, as one of the implementation locations of the project. nt On April 14, 2021, the Company held the 8th meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors, deliberating and project approving the Proposal on Changing the Implementation Subject and Location of the Raised Funds Investment Project, Adjusting the Investment Structure of the Raised Project and Extending the Implementation Period. 1. Agreed to add Hangzhou GreatStar Tool Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, as one of the implementation subjects of the 42 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. laser measuring instrument and smart home production base construction project, and add Hang Zheng Gong Chu (2020) No. 26 Plot, Jianggan District, Hangzhou as one of the implementation sites of the project; 2. Agreed to change the implementation subject of R&D center construction project to Hangzhou GreatStar Technology Co., Ltd. On June 21, 2021, the Company held the 10th meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Changing the Implementation Subject of Some Raised Funds Investment Projects, agreeing that the implementing entity for the Company's acquisition of 100% of the equity in Geelong Holdings Limited held through Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd be changed from the Company to Hong Kong GreatStar International Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. On December 30, 2022, the Company held the 29th meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Increasing the Implementation Subject and Implementation Location of the Raised Funds Investment Projects, Adjusting the Investment Structure of the Raised Projects and Extending the Implementation Period. Agreed to add Vietnam GreatStar Intelligence Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, and Hangzhou GreatStar Energy Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned Sub-subsidiary, as one of the project implementation subjects. Meanwhile, Nanjianqiao Industrial Zone, Shuiyuan County, Haiphong City, Vietnam, JG1601-43 Plot, Unit of Genbei New District, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and Chang'an Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province are added as one of the implementation sites of this project. Adjustm ent of impleme ntation methods N/A of raised funds investme nt project Applicable 1. On July 22, 2020, the Company held the 37th meeting of the 4th Session of Board of Directors, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self-raised Funds of Pre-investment in the Project. (1) The Company agreed to replace the self-raised funds pre-invested in the project with the raised funds of CNY 148,254,900. (2) The Company agreed to replace the issuance fee of CNY 1.7238 million paid by the Company’s own funds with the raised funds. The expenses of the Company's R&D center construction project include employees' remunerations, bonuses, social Advance insurance premiums, housing provident funds and other expenses. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the investme People's Bank of China Administrative Rules for RMB Bank Settlement Accounts, the employees' remunerations can nt and not be paid via the Company's special account. And considering that the employees' social insurance premium and replacem housing provident fund are uniformly transferred or paid by the Company's own fund account, it is not feasible to pay ent of the personnel expenses involved in the raised funds investment project (hereinafter referred to as “Fund-raised raised Project”) directly via the special account for raising funds. Therefore, it is necessary to advance the payment with the funds for Company’s own funds, and then transfer the same amount from the fund raising account to the relevant deposit investme account of the Company. On September 23, 2022, the Company held the 24th meeting of the 5th Session of Board of nt Directors, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Using its Own Funds to Pay Part of the Subsequent Funds of the projects Raised Funds Investment Project in Exchange for the Same Amount of Raised Funds. It is agreed that during the implementation of the raised funds investment project (hereinafter referred to as “Project”), the Company shall first pay part of the project with its own funds (personnel expenses such as salary, bonus, social insurance premium, housing provident fund, etc.), then make monthly statistics on the amount of funds paid for the project with its own funds, and transfer the same amount from the raised funds special account to the Company's own funds account. As of December 31, 2022, the Company paid the fund amount of the raised project with its own funds, and transferred the same amount from the special fund raising account to the Company's own fund account, totaling CNY 20.1543 million. Descripti on of temporar N/A y replenish ment of 43 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. working capital with idle raised funds Amount Applicable and reasons of raised The Company’s project of "capital increase to subsidiaries and acquisition of 100% equity of Geelong Holdings fund Limited held through Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd" has been implemented as planned. In order to facilitate the surplus management of the fund collection special account, the Company has cancelled the raised fund special account of the in the project. In addition, the saved raised funds (interest income) of USD 14.98 (discounted to CNY 100.00 according to impleme the spot exchange rate of the trading day) will be transferred to its own fund account for permanent replenishment of ntation working capital. of the project Purpose and destinati By the end of the period, the balance of the unutilized raised funds is equivalent to CNY 259,919,400.00 (CNY on of 34,052,300.00, including the cumulative bank deposit interest minus bank charges), which is deposited in the special unutilize account for the raised funds. d raised funds Problem s or other circumst ances in the N/A utilizatio n and disclosur e of the raised funds (3) Projects involved with changes in raised fund Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 10,000 Total Whether Actual Investme funds to Date of the Correspo Actual cumulativ nt Benefits Whether be achieving project nding investmen e progress realized the Items invested the feasibility original t amount investmen by the during expected after in the condition has commitm in this t amount end of the this benefits change project s for changed ent reporting at the end period reporting are after intended significan project period of the (3)=(2)/(1 period achieved change use tly after period (2) ) (1) change Capital Toolbox increase productio July 2, to n base 13,494.42 8,121.83 13,494.42 100.00% 27,026.69 N/A No 2021 subsidiary constructi and on 44 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. acquisitio n of 100% stake in Geelong Holdings Limited through Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd Total -- 13,494.42 8,121.83 13,494.42 -- -- 27,026.69 -- -- According to the Company's long-term strategic planning and current development needs, in order to improve the use efficiency of raised funds, improve the Company's existing production capacity and supply capacity faster, and better meet customer needs, after deliberation and approval of the 7th meeting of the 5th session of board of directors and the annual general meeting of shareholders in 2020, the Company used the uninvested raised funds of CNY 134,944,200.00 from the Toolbox cabinet production base Description of reasons for change, construction project up to April 5, 2021 for the purchase of 100% equity of Geelong decision-making procedures and Holdings Limited held by Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd., and the construction project of information disclosure (project- the original toolbox cabinet production base was terminated. In order to promote the wise) smooth implementation of equity acquisition and reduce transaction costs, the Company held it’s the 10th meeting of the 5th session of board of directors meeting on June 21, 2021, deliberated and approved the Proposal on Changing the Implementation Subjects of Some Raised Projects, and agreed to change the implementation subjects of equity acquisition projects from the Company to Hong Kong GreatStar International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Details and reasons for not achieving the planned progress or expected N/A earnings (project-wise) Description of significant changes in N/A project feasibility after change VIII. Sale of major assets and equity 1. Sale of major assets □ Applicable N/A No major assets were sold during the reporting period. 2. Sale of major equity □ Applicable N/A IX. Analysis of major holding and participating companies Applicable □ N/A Details of main subsidiaries and the participating companies which have more than 10% influence on the net profit of the Company Unit: CNY Designatio Type Main Registered Total assets Net assets Operating Operating Net profit 45 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. n business capital proceeds profit Hong Kong Hand tools, GreatStar power tools 978,911,99 3,602,465,7 1,877,030,1 1,164,633,5 173,992,77 150,241,38 Subsidiary Internation and 4.66 74.67 88.85 71.47 4.96 6.40 al Co., LTD storages Acquisition and disposal information of subsidiaries during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Acquisition and disposal method of Impact on overall production, operation Companies subsidiaries during the reporting period and performance Zhongshan Jilong Import and Export Established No significant impact Trade Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Shiwanke Electric Appliance Established No significant impact Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Energy Co., Ltd. Established No significant impact Hangzhou GreatStar Garden Tools Co., Established No significant impact Ltd. SHOP-VAC VIETNAM CO.,LTD Established No significant impact HUADA VIETNAM CO.,LTD Established No significant impact Hangzhou Lianhe Machinery Co., Ltd. Cancelled No significant impact Zhejiang GreatStar Intelligent Tool Co., Cancelled No significant impact Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Power Tools Co., Cancelled No significant impact Ltd. International Storage Solutions Limited Cancelled No significant impact Description of major holding and participating companies None X. Structural subjects under control of the Company □ Applicable N/A XI. Prospect of the company's future development (I) The Company's development strategy The Company's overall development strategy is: to focus on the main business, base in China, pursue the global layout, and plan long-term development. “Focusing on the main business” means that the Company will continue to use the existing European and American large-scale supermarkets and e-commerce self-operated channels to focus on the main business with TOOLS as the core product. Meanwhile, the Company will continue to dispose of non-core business assets to recover cash and use it for the development of the main business. The Company will also rely on the extension of acquisitions, focusing on the development of non-hand tools including power tools and outdoor products. “Basing in China” means that the Company will rely on the Southeast Asia supply chain network with China as the core and the know-how of Chinese engineers, leading global supply chain division of tool industry, continue to expand the leading position in the industry, leading the development of international tool industry, and in the future, gradually take over the European and American industrial transfer to create customer demand as the core of the innovative economic era. “Pursuing the global layout” means that the Company will continue to strengthen the construction of its own brand service system in Europe and America and the production capacity layout in Southeast Asia, select foreign high-quality companies for industrial combination and integration, better access to international resources and international markets, and gradually upgrade the 46 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Company from an ODM company in China to an international OBM company designed in China, created in Asia and combined with local services in Europe and America. Finally, “Planning long-term development” means that the Company will respect the century-old development history of the tool industry, rely on the characteristics of slow growth and stable cash flow in the field of durable consumer goods, plan its own business and development path in a long period, gradually cultivate new business growth points, and eventually become a good company with steady operation, sustained growth and healthy development that creates long-term value for society. (II) Business plan 1. Overall business goals The basic strategy of the Company is to focus on the main business, base in China, pursue the global layout and plan long-term development. Since the three-year development goal was set in the annual report in 2019, the cumulative revenue had increased by 90.33% and non-profit increased by 77.13% in the past three years. The current global supply chain and industry pattern continue to present rare strategic development opportunities. The international layout of the Company since 2018 will continue to strengthen its position in the industry in the future. Meanwhile, the layout of power tool product line, especially household energy storage products, will bring new growth points to the Company. The Company strives to achieve the cumulative 100% growth of the main business in the next three years. 2. Development goal in private brands The private brands are the long-term and stable core competitiveness of the Company. The Company will continue to maintain investment in the promotion of private brand products, and ensure that the sales revenue proportion of private brand products will continue to increase in 2023, striving to reach 50% of the revenue proportion. 3. Development goal in cross-border e-commerce Cross-border e-commerce is the core of the Company's strategy for sustainable growth. The Company will actively integrate internal advantageous resources, improve the product categories and service capabilities of cross-border e-commerce, and continue to maintain the cross-border e-commerce business growth of nearly 50% in 2023. 4. Development goal in power tools As a new business line after laser and cabinet, power tool will become the second growth curve of the Company in the future. The Company will integrate domestic high-quality lithium power resources, orderly promote the power tool products with its own characteristics, and strive to achieve more than 50% growth of power tool business in 2023. (III) Possible risks After a comprehensive analysis of the Company's external environment and actual situation, the main operating risks the Company faces include: 1. Exchange rate fluctuation risk At present, the Company's operating income basically comes from the overseas market. For example, the wide fluctuation of CNY exchange rate will have a certain impact on the Company's operating income. Most of the Company's main business orders are denominated in USD, and the fluctuations of the exchange rate between CNY and USD directly affect the price competitiveness of products, thus affecting the Company's operating performance. In this regard, the Company will continue to strengthen overseas layout and foreign exchange settlement regulation, to hedge and reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company's performance. 2. Risk of rising raw material prices Recently, the Company's main raw material prices fluctuate greatly, resulting in the Company's production costs have fluctuated. Although the Company's production capacity is dominated by outsourced production, which has a high ability of bargaining with upstream outsourced manufacturers, if the price of raw materials continues to rise, the Company's profitability may still be affected to some extent. In this regard, the Company will continue to strengthen procurement and cost control, establish strategic cooperative relations with suppliers and sign long-term agreements to absorb the risk of raw material price fluctuations. 47 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Meanwhile, the Company will continue to optimize the product structure, strengthen the R&D of new products, and rely on innovative products to determine reasonable prices, maintaining the product gross margin. 3. Risk of trade conflict Currently, the United States is the largest single market of the Company, and most of the products exported by the Company to the United States are still subject to 25% tariff, which has an adverse impact on the development of the Company. In this regard, the Company will pay close attention to the international situation, continue to implement the internationalization strategy, promote the construction of overseas manufacturing bases, cultivate overseas supply chains, and establish a global production capacity layout and supply chain system to ensure the stable development of the Company's business. XII. Reception of survey, communication and interview activities during the report period Applicable □ N/A Main contents Reception Basic Reception discussed and Reception date Reception place object Reception object information mode information type index of survey provided The Company's The Company's Institutional investors January 17, Telephone 2021 annual 2021 annual Company Others and individual 2022 communication performance performance investors forecast. forecast. The Company's The Company's Institutional investors January 18, Telephone 2021 annual 2021 annual Company Others and individual 2022 communication performance performance investors forecast. forecast. The Company's The Company's Institutional investors January 19, Telephone 2021 annual 2021 annual Company Others and individual 2022 communication performance performance investors forecast. forecast. The Company's The Company's Institutional investors 2021 annual 2021 annual Telephone April 26, 2022 Company Others and individual report and 2022 report and 2022 communication investors quarterly quarterly report. report. The Company's The Company's Institutional investors 2021 annual 2021 annual Telephone April 27, 2022 Company Others and individual report and 2022 report and 2022 communication investors quarterly quarterly report. report. The Company's The Company's Institutional investors 2021 annual 2021 annual Telephone April 28, 2022 Company Others and individual report and 2022 report and 2022 communication investors quarterly quarterly report. report. Institutional investors The Company's The Company's August 29, Telephone Company Others and individual 2022 semi- 2022 semi- 2022 communication investors annual report. annual report. Institutional investors The Company's The Company's August 30, Telephone Company Others and individual 2022 semi- 2022 semi- 2022 communication investors annual report. annual report. Institutional investors The Company's The Company's August 31, Telephone Company Others and individual 2022 semi- 2022 semi- 2022 communication investors annual report. annual report. October 21, Company Telephone Others Institutional investors Company 2022 Company 2022 48 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2022 communication and individual Q3 report. Q3 report. investors Institutional investors October 24, Telephone Company 2022 Company 2022 Company Others and individual 2022 communication Q3 report. Q3 report. investors Institutional investors October 25, Telephone Company 2022 Company 2022 Company Others and individual 2022 communication Q3 report. Q3 report. investors 49 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section IV Corporate Governance I. Basic situation of corporate governance During the reporting period, the Company continuously improved the corporate governance structure, established and improved the internal management and control system, improved the corporate governance level, and standardized the operation of the Company in strict accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law, Securities Law, Governance Code for Listed Companies, and Rules for Stock Listing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. By the end of this report, the actual situation of corporate governance basically conforms to the requirements of the documents on corporate governance of listed companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. (I) Situation of shareholders and general meetings of shareholders In strict accordance with the requirements of the Opinions on the Shareholders' Meeting of Listed Companies, Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting, the Company standardizes the convening, holding and voting procedures of the shareholders' meeting, treats all shareholders equally, guarantees the right of all shareholders to know and participate in the Company's major matters, and ensures that all shareholders can fully exercise their rights. (II) Situation of directors and the board of directors The Company elects directors in strict accordance with the appointment procedures stipulated in the Company Law and Articles of Association. Currently, the Company has nine directors, including three independent directors, accounting for one-third of the total directors. The number and composition of the board of directors of the Company meet the requirements of laws and regulations. The board of directors consists of four special committees: Strategy and Development Committee, Compensation and Evaluation Committee, Nomination Committee and Audit Committee. The board of directors carries out its work in strict accordance with the Articles of Association, Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, Working System of Independent Directors, Rules of Secretary of the Board of Directors, Guidelines on Self-Regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 -- Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on the Main Board, etc. All directors of the Company attend the board of directors and general meeting of shareholders on time to perform the duties of director in good faith, diligence and due diligence. (III) Situation of supervisors and the board of supervisors The board of supervisors shall elect supervisors in strict accordance with the recruitment procedures of the Company Law, Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall consist of three supervisors, one of whom is the employee supervisor. The number and personnel composition of the board of supervisors shall meet the requirements of laws and regulations. The Company's supervisors conscientiously perform their duties, in the spirit of being responsible to all shareholders, and in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors and other rules and regulations, convene the board of supervisors, attend the general meeting of shareholders, sit on the board of directors, effectively supervise the Company's major matters, related transactions, financial conditions, the performance of the directors and the president and give independent opinions. (IV) Situation of relationship between the controlling shareholder and the listed company The Company and the controlling shareholder are separately independent in personnel, assets, finance, organization and business, and the Company's board of directors, board of supervisors and internal organs can operate independently. The code of conduct of the controlling shareholders of the Company is, through the general meeting of shareholders, to exercise shareholder rights, and undertake corresponding obligations, not directly or indirectly intervene in the Company's decision-making and business activities beyond the general meeting of shareholders, damage the legitimate rights and interests of the Company or other shareholders. (V) Situation of performance evaluation and incentive and constraint mechanism The Company has established a relatively comprehensive performance evaluation method, and the appointment of senior managers is open, transparent and in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and internal rules and regulations of the Company. The 50 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Company has established a work performance evaluation system, so that employees' income is linked with their work performance. In the future, the Company will explore more forms of incentive, form a multi-level comprehensive incentive mechanism, improve performance evaluation standards, better mobilize the enthusiasm of managers, attract and stabilize outstanding management talents and technical and business backbone. (VI) Situation of relevant stakeholders The Company fully respects and maintains the legitimate rights and interests of relevant stakeholders, achieves the balance of interests of shareholders, employees, society and other parties, attaches great importance to social responsibility, and join tly promotes the sustainable and healthy development of the Company with stakeholders. (VII) Situation of information disclosure and transparency In strict accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Company’s Information Disclosure Management System, the Company shall strengthen the management of information disclosure affairs, fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, and appoint Securities Times, Securities Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn as the newspapers and websites of the Company to disclose information truthfully, accurately, timely and completely, ensuring fair access to company information for all investors. The Company will continue to improve various internal rules and regulations of corporate governance, strengthen standardized operation and promote the sustainable and stable development of the Company in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Governance for Listed Companies and Rules for Stock Listing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Whether there is any material difference between the actual situation of corporate governance and laws, administrative regulations and the regulations issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the governance of listed companies □Yes No There is no material difference between the actual situation of corporate governance and laws, administrative regulations and the regulations issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the governance of listed companies. II. Independence of the Company in terms of assets, personnel, finance, organization and business, etc. relative to the controlling shareholders and actual controllers During the reporting period, the Company and the controlling shareholder were completely separated from each other in terms of business, assets, personnel, organization, finance, etc. The Company's production and operation was stable, its internal organization was perfect, and it could operate independently: (I) Independence of the Company's business The Company has independent production, procurement and sales systems, and is completely independent from the controlling shareholder in business. The controlling shareholder and its affiliated enterprises have no competition with the Company. (II) Independence of the Company’s personnel The Company’s personnel, personal affairs and wages are completely independent. The president, vice president, secretary of the board of directors, chief financial officer and other senior management personnel of the Company all work in the Company and receive remuneration, but do not hold any position or receive remuneration except director and supervisor in the controlling shareholder and its subsidiaries. (III) Integrity of the Company's assets The property right relationship between the Company and the controlling shareholder is clear, and the Company's funds, assets and other resources are not illegally occupied or dominated by them. The assets of the Company are complete, with production equipment, auxiliary production equipment, patents and other assets suitable for the scope of production and business. The Company has complete control and dominance of all assets. (IV) Independence of institutions The Company's board of directors, board of supervisors, managers and other internal institutions operate independently, and each functional department is completely separated from the controlling shareholder in terms of powers and responsibilities, personnel and other aspects. There is no superior and subordinate relationship between the controlling shareholder and its functional 51 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. departments and the Company and its functional departments, and there is no phenomenon that the controlling shareholder affects the independence of the Company's production, operation and management. (V) Independence of finance The Company has set up an independent financial department, and established a sound financial and accounting management system for independent accounting. And there is no controlling shareholder’s intervention in the Company's financial and accounting activities. The Company opens accounts in commercial banks independently and does not share bank accounts with controlling shareholders. The Company independently declares its taxes and fulfills tax obligations in accordance with the law. III. Competition among peers □ Applicable N/A IV. Description of annual and extraordinary general meetings of shareholders held during the reporting period 1. General Meeting of shareholders during this reporting period Investor Session Type Date of convening Date of disclosure Resolution participation ratio Annual General Annual general Announcement 57.74% May 9, 2022 May 10, 2022 Meeting 2021 meeting No.: 2022-031 1st extraordinary Extraordinary Announcement general meeting general meeting of 59.30% August 3, 2022 August 4, 2022 No.: 2022-046 2022 shareholders 2nd extraordinary Extraordinary Announcement general meeting general meeting of 55.44% August 29, 2022 August 30, 2022 No.: 2022-060 2022 shareholders 3rd Extraordinary Extraordinary Announcement general meeting general meeting of 53.13% October 10, 2022 October 11, 2022 No.: 2022-069 2022 shareholders 2. Preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored request an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders □ Applicable N/A V. Description of directors, supervisors and senior managers 1. Basic information Numb Numb Numb er of er of Other er of Ending shares shares increas shares numbe Reaso Comm increas (shares e/decre Emplo Expira (shares r of ns for Positio Gende encem ed in ) ase Name yment Age tion ) at the shares change n r ent the reduce change status date beginn held in date current d in s ing of (shares shares period the (shares the ) (shares current ) period ) period 52 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Chair Qiu June August Increas man of Incum 45,817 2,878, 48,696 Jianpin Male 61 16, 30, 0 0 ed the bent ,500 958 ,458 g 2008 2023 shares board Vice Chi Chair Januar August Incum Femal 729,95 729,95 Xiaohe man & 48 y 12, 30, 0 0 0 bent e 0 0 ng Presid 2021 2023 ent Direct Wang or & June August Incum Femal 12,950 12,950 Lingli Vice 61 16, 30, 0 0 0 bent e ,960 ,960 ng Presid 2008 2023 ent Direct or & August August Li Incum 676,47 676,47 Vice Male 63 31, 30, 0 0 0 Zheng bent 0 0 Presid 2020 2023 ent June August Xu Direct Incum Femal 39 16, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Zheng or bent e 2008 2023 Cen Direct Incum Zheng Male 61 0 0 0 0 0 or bent ping Indepe August August Wang ndent Incum Male 47 31, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Gang directo bent 2020 2023 r Indepe Chen August August ndent Incum Femal Zhimi 62 31, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 directo bent e n 2020 2023 r Indepe August August Shi ndent Incum Femal 59 31, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Hong directo bent e 2020 2023 r Chair man of the August August Fu Incum Femal Board 50 31, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Yajuan bent e of 2020 2023 Superv isors June August Chen Superv Incum Male 42 15, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Jun isor bent 2011 2023 Huang August Superv Incum Femal May 9, Qiaozh 39 30, 0 0 0 0 0 isor bent e 2022 en 2023 Chief June August Ni financi Incum Femal 46 16, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Shuyi al bent e 2008 2023 officer Vice June August Wang Incum 771,52 771,52 preside Male 53 16, 30, 0 0 0 Weiyi bent 5 5 nt 2008 2023 53 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Vice June August Wang Incum 760,20 760,20 preside Male 51 16, 30, 0 0 0 Min bent 0 0 nt 2008 2023 Vice June August Increas Li Incum 812,97 853,27 preside Male 48 16, 30, 40,300 0 0 ed Feng bent 7 7 nt 2008 2023 shares Secret ary to the Januar August Increas Zhou Incum 600,00 600,00 Board Male 36 y 31, 30, 0 0 0 ed Siyuan bent 0 0 of 2018 2023 shares Direct ors Vice April August Zhang Incum preside Male 56 29, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 Ou bent nt 2019 2023 Jiang Vice May August Incum Femal Saipin preside 51 10, 30, 0 0 0 0 0 bent e g nt 2022 2023 Vice Januar August Zhang Incum Femal preside 43 y 27, 30, 2,900 0 0 0 2,900 Mao bent e nt 2022 2023 62,522 3,519, 66,041 Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- ,482 258 ,740 During the reporting period, whether there is any resignation of directors and supervisors and dismissal of senior management personnel during their terms of office □Yes No Description of changes in directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company Applicable □ N/A Name Position Type Date Cause According to the needs of the Company's business development, we aim to better manage international e- commerce business. After being nominated Zhang Mao Senior executive Appointment January 27, 2022 by the Company's president, we have agreed to appoint Ms. Zhang Mao, the head of the international e- commerce department, as the vice president of the Company. Due to the resignation of the former supervisor Jiang Saiping, the Board of Supervisors of the Huang Qiaozhen Supervisor Elected May 9, 2022 Company has nominated Ms. Huang Qiaozhen as the candidate of shareholder 54 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. representative supervisor of the 5th Board of Supervisors. In order to further develop the Company's own brand and key account business, upon the nomination of the president of the Jiang Saiping Senior executive Appointment May 10, 2022 Company, we have agreed to appoint Ms. Jiang Saiping, senior Sales Director, as the Vice President of the Company. Application for resignation as chairman Jiang Saiping Supervisor Quit May 9, 2022 of the Board of Supervisors as a result of the job. 2. Employment status Professional background, main work experience and main responsibilities of directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company Professional background, main work experience and main responsibilities of directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company 1. Directors Mr. Qiu Jianping, Chairman of the board, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1962, he graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1985 with a master's degree in mechanical casting. He served as Chairman and President of the Company from June 2008 to January 2021, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company from January 2021 to present. Ms. Chi Xiaoheng, Vice Chairman & President, Chinese nationality, no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1975, college degree. Director and Vice President of the Company from June 2008 to August 2020. She served as Vice Chairman & Vice President of the Company from August 2020 to January 2021. Vice Chairman & President of the Company from January 2021 to present. Mr. Li Zheng, Director and Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1959, college degree. Vice Chairman & Vice President of the Company from 2008 to August 2020, Director and Vice President of the Company from August 2020 to present. Ms. Wang Lingling, Director & Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1961, bachelor’s degree, Director and Vice President of the Company from 2008 to present. Ms. Xu Zheng, Director, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1984, bachelor’s degree. From 2008 to present, she has been secretary to the chairman of GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. Director of Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. from 2011 to present. She has been a director of the Company since 2008. Mr. Cen Zhengping, Director of the Company, born in Hong Kong, China in 1962, master’s degree, professor-level senior engineer. He has served as a director of the Company since May 2019. Mr. Wang Gang, Independent Director, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in October 1975, Master’s degree, Certified Public Accountant, senior economist. From August 2017 to now, he has served as Director, Deputy 55 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. He has been an independent director of the Company since August 2020. Ms. Shi Hong, Independent Director, Chinese nationality, no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in July 1963, master’s degree, associate professor. From September 2005 to July 2018, she served as Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Engineering Laboratory, College of Marine Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University. He has been an independent director of the Company since August 2020. Ms. Chen Zhimin, Independent Director, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in April 1960, master’s degree. Currently, she is a director of Zhejiang Caitong Capital Investment Co., Ltd., a supervisor of Hangzhou Tigermed Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Canaan Technology Co., Ltd., and an independent director of Hangzhou Honghua Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Tongkun Group Co., Ltd. He has been an independent director of the Company since August 2020. Supervisors Ms. Fu Yajuan, Supervisor of the Company, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in September 1972, college degree, senior accountant, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Company from July 2008 to present. Mr. Chen Jun, Supervisor, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in August 1980, bachelor’s degree, intermediate engineer. Since 2009, he has been the manager of the Industrial Design Department of the Company, the Deputy Secretary of the Enterprise Science and Technology Association of the Company, and the Secretary of the R&D and Innovation Branch of the Communist Party of China GreatStar. Ms. Huang Qiaozhen, Supervisor, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in November 1983, bachelor’s degree. From January 2021 to now, she has served as secretary to the president of the Company and part-time deputy director of the Office of the President. Other senior managers Mr. Zhou Siyuan, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1986, master’s degree, Secretary of the Board of Directors from January 2018 to present. Ms. Ni Shuyi, Chief Financial Officer, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1976, bachelor’s degree. She has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Company since 2008. Mr. Wang Weiyi, Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1970, he graduated from Zhejiang University with a bachelor's degree in mechanical manufacturing and technology. Since 2008, he has been the vice President of the Company, responsible for product development and quality management, and one of the principal persons in charge of the national laboratory. Mr. Wang Min, Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1971, college degree, Vice President of the Company from 2008 to present, responsible for the Company's product procurement business. Mr. Li Feng, Vice President, Chinese nationality, has no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1975, college degree. From 2008 to present, he has been the Vice President of the Company, responsible for the external sales of the Company's products. Mr. Zhang Ou, Vice President, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence right, born in 1967, senior economist, professor, Vice President of the Company from April 2019 to now, responsible for the operation of the Company's laser industry sector. Ms. Zhang Mao, Vice President Chinese nationality, no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in 1979, bachelor’s degree. From May 2021 to January 2022, she served as Senior Director of International E-commerce Department of Hangzhou GreatStar Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President of the Company from January 2022 to present, responsible for the Company's international e- commerce business. Ms. Jiang Saiping, Vice President, Chinese nationality, no right of permanent residence abroad. Born in November 1971, bachelor’s degree. From December 2013 to May 2022, she served as the Director of Export Sales of the Company, Vice President of the Company from May 2022 to present, responsible for the Company's private brand and key account business. 56 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Employment in the shareholder unit Applicable □ N/A Whether to receive Position in the Commencement remuneration and Name Shareholder unit Expiration date shareholder unit date allowance in the shareholder unit GreatStar Holding Chairman of the Qiu Jianping August 10, 2009 No Group Co., Ltd. board GreatStar Holding Wang Lingling Vice Chairman January 10, 2020 No Group Co., Ltd. GreatStar Holding Li Zheng Director August 10, 2009 No Group Co., Ltd. GreatStar Holding Chi Xiaoheng Director August 10, 2009 No Group Co., Ltd. GreatStar Holding Xu Zheng Manager January 1, 2016 Yes Group Co., Ltd. GreatStar Holding Fu Yajuan Supervisor January 10, 2020 No Group Co., Ltd. Description of employment in a None shareholder unit Employment in other organizations Applicable □ N/A Whether to receive Position in other Commencement compensation and Name Other units Expiration date units date allowance in other units Zhejiang Hangcha Chairman & Qiu Jianping February 2, 2011 No Holding Co., Ltd. General Manager Hangcha Group Qiu Jianping Director February 2, 2011 No Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhongtai Qiu Jianping GreatStar Real Director May 10, 2005 No Estate Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Haiwo Qiu Jianping Executive Director March 19, 2011 No Holding Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Chairman of the December 30, Qiu Jianping Precision No board 2006 Machinery Co., Ltd. SMART SILVER Qiu Jianping Director January 20, 2011 No LIMITED Hong Kong Qiu Jianping Golden Deer Director January 20, 2011 No Limited Ruian Zhaowei Qiu Jianping Director January 20, 2011 No Co., Ltd. Ruian Qihao Co., Qiu Jianping Director January 20, 2011 No Ltd. Ruian Junye Co., Qiu Jianping Director January 20, 2011 No Ltd. GreatStar Qiu Jianping Executive Director June 20, 2013 No Industries Co., 57 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ltd. Jindao Investment Qiu Jianping Director January 20, 2011 No Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Xihu Tiandi Qiu Jianping Director May 13, 2011 No Development Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Lianhe Qiu Jianping Investment limited Managing partner January 10, 2012 No partnership Qiu Jianping Taifeng Co., Ltd. Director January 20, 2011 No Hangzhou Kunxia Investment Management Qiu Jianping Managing partner January 18, 2018 No Partnership (limited partnership) Zhejiang Equity Qiu Jianping Service Group Co., Director November 8, 2017 No Ltd. Zhejiang Guozi September 26, Qiu Jianping Director No Robotics Co., Ltd. 2014 Zhejiang Private Enterprise Joint Qiu Jianping Director April 13, 2015 No Investment Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Lujing November 26, Qiu Jianping Cultural Creative Executive Director No 2015 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Youbang December 25, Qiu Jianping Small Loan Co., Director No 2009 Ltd. Shanghai Haichao Haoyun Enterprise Management Qiu Jianping Managing partner April 17, 2019 No Partnership (limited partnership) Shanghai Haichao Wenxing Enterprise Qiu Jianping Management Managing partner January 7, 2021 No Partnership (limited partnership) Shanghai Haichao Jinguan Enterprise Management Qiu Jianping Managing partner January 7, 2021 No Partnership (limited partnership) Hangzhou Zhongce Haichao Chairman of the Qiu Jianping Enterprise April 17, 2019 No board Management Co., Ltd. Qiu Jianping Zhejiang Xinchai Director December 26, No 58 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 2019 Zhongce Rubber Qiu Jianping Director October 21, 2019 No Group Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhongtai Qiu Jianping GreatStar Real Director May 10, 2005 No Estate Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar September 20, Wang Lingling Precision Director No 2011 Machinery Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Fuyang Executive Director November 11, Wang Lingling Chongsheng & General No 2013 Trading Co., Ltd. Manager Zhejiang Zhongtai Wang Lingling GreatStar Real Supervisor March 11, 2011 No Estate Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hangcha Wang Lingling Director January 27, 2012 No Holding Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Haiwo Wang Lingling Supervisor February 17, 2022 No Holding Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Yunsong Artificial Wang Lingling Intelligence Supervisor May 20, 2022 No Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar September 20, Li Zheng Precision Director No 2011 Machinery Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Zhongce Haichao Xu Zheng Enterprise Supervisor April 21, 2019 No Management Co., Ltd. Hangcha Group Xu Zheng Director March 25, 2011 No Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hangcha Xu Zheng Supervisor January 27, 2012 No Holding Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Zhongce Rubber Xu Zheng Board of October 21, 2019 No Group Co., Ltd. Supervisors Hanjia Design Chairman of the Cen Zhengping March 18, 2007 No Group Co., Ltd. board Zhejiang Chairman & Cen Zhengping Chengjian Group February 15, 2006 No General Manager Co., Ltd. Shanghai Hanjia Chairman & September 12, Cen Zhengping Investment Co., No General Manager 2007 Ltd. Zhejiang Chengjian Real Chairman of the September 21, Cen Zhengping Yes Estate Group Co., board 2010 Ltd. Zhejiang Hanjia Executive Cen Zhengping October 20, 2010 No Investment Co., Director, General 59 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ltd. Manager Zhejiang Dishang Chairman of the Cen Zhengping Investment Co., April 4, 2006 No board Ltd. Zhejiang Zhonglian Real Cen Zhengping Estate Director July 25, 2005 No Development Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hanjia Xinde Investment Cen Zhengping Managing partner August 28, 2014 No Management Partnership Hangzhou Zheda Cen Zhengping Zinc Electric Director June 21, 2017 No Energy Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Kaiyin Cen Zhengping Director April 9, 2018 No Holding Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Chengjian Design Cen Zhengping Director March 15, 2022 No & Research Institute Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Robam Vice President, Wang Gang Appliances Co., Secretary of the June 1, 2008 Yes Ltd. Board, Director Hangzhou Wang Gang Nuobang Non- Director January 1, 2013 No textile Co., Ltd. Dize Household Appliances Wang Gang Director July 1, 2012 No (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Fortune Gas Cryogenic Wang Gang Director January 1, 2018 No Equipment Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Mige New Wang Gang Director December 7, 2022 No Material Co., Ltd. De Dietrich Appliances Wang Gang Trading Director June 1, 2016 No (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Wang Gang Guoguang Tourism Director October 1, 2017 No Supplies Co., Ltd. Shanghai Qingke Information Wang Gang Supervisor November 1, 2017 No Technology Co., Ltd. Ningbo Qingfeng Wang Gang Investment Co., Director December 1, 2017 No Ltd. Hangzhou Laoban Fuchuang Wang Gang Supervisor May 1, 2018 No Investment Management Co., 60 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ltd. Shengzhou Jindi Wang Gang Intelligent Kitchen Director July 1, 2018 No Electric Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Xiaodian Independent Wang Gang September 1, 2020 Yes Technology Co., director Ltd. Hangzhou Hengsheng December 28, Wang Gang Director No Technology Co., 2022 Ltd. Zhejiang Caitong Chen Zhimin Capital Investment Director No Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Tigermed Chen Zhimin Supervisor April 22, 2020 Yes Consulting Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Canaan September 20, Chen Zhimin Technology Co., Supervisor Yes 2022 Ltd. Hangzhou Honghua Digital Independent Chen Zhimin December 6, 2019 Yes Technology Co., director Ltd. Tongkun Group Independent Chen Zhimin June 23, 2020 Yes Co., Ltd. director Zhejiang Guozi September 14, Zhou Siyuan Director No Robotics Co., Ltd. 2017 Hangzhou Weiming Zhou Siyuan Investment Director September 1, 2017 No Management Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Xihu Tiandi Zhou Siyuan Director May 13, 2011 No Development Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Xihu Tiandi Zhou Siyuan Director July 23, 2014 No Management Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hangcha Zhou Siyuan Director January 28, 2011 No Holding Co., Ltd. Ningbo Donghai Zhou Siyuan Director No Bank Co., Ltd. Shanghai Lainuo Photoelectric Zhang Ou Director April 4, 2007 No Technology Co., Ltd. Changzhou Haojia Executive Intelligent September 20, Zhang Ou Director, General No Technology 2018 Manager Service Co., Ltd. Punishment of current and outgoing directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company by the securities regulatory authorities in the past three years 61 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. □ Applicable N/A 3. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payment of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior managers 4.3.1 Decision-making procedures for remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers The remuneration plan for directors of the Company shall be put forward by the remuneration committee and examined and approved by the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders. The compensation plan of the Company's supervisors shall be put forward by the Human Resources Department and reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors and the shareholders' meeting. The compensation committee of the Company's senior management personnel shall put forward the pre- plan for the part of duty salary, which shall be reviewed and approved by the board of directors; Based on the Company's operating performance, the annual reward principle will be determined for performance-based pay, which will be paid after the executive's personal performance appraisal and authorized by the chairman of the board. 4.3.2 Determination basis for remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company shall receive their duties salary according to their positions, and the annual reward principle shall be determined according to the Company's operating performance. The performance salary shall be paid after examination and verification by the chairman of the Company. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers during the reporting period Unit: CNY 10,000 Whether to Total pre-tax receive Employment remuneration remuneration Name Position Gender Age status received from from related the Company parties of the Company Chairman of Qiu Jianping Male 61 Incumbent 62.57 No the board Vice Chairman Chi Xiaoheng Female 48 Incumbent 180 No & President Director & Vice Li Zheng Male 63 Incumbent 120 No President Director & Vice Wang Lingling Female 61 Incumbent 40.67 No President Cen Zhengping Director Male 61 Incumbent 0 Yes Xu Zheng Director Female 39 Incumbent 0 Yes Independent Shi Hong Female 59 Incumbent 9.29 No director Independent Chen Zhimin Female 62 Incumbent 9.29 No director Independent Wang Gang Male 47 Incumbent 9.29 No director Jiang Saiping Vice president Female 51 Incumbent 68.4 No Chairman of Fu Yajuan the Board of Female 50 Incumbent 34.52 No Supervisors Chen Jun Supervisor Male 42 Incumbent 44.08 No Huang Supervisor Female 39 Incumbent 21.06 No Qiaozhen Secretary of the Zhou Siyuan Male 36 Incumbent 100 No Board and Vice 62 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. President Chief financial Ni Shuyi Female 46 Incumbent 100 No officer Wang Weiyi Vice president Male 53 Incumbent 120 No Wang Min Vice president Male 51 Incumbent 100 No Li Feng Vice president Male 48 Incumbent 120 No Zhang Ou Vice president Male 56 Incumbent 121.21 No Zhang Mao Vice president Female 43 Incumbent 62.4 No Total -- -- -- -- 1,322.78 -- VI. Performance of directors' duties during the reporting period 1. Situation of the Board of Directors during this reporting period Session Date of convening Date of disclosure Resolution 16th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- January 27, 2022 January 28, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 004 17th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- April 11, 2022 April 12, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 013 18th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- April 25, 2022 April 26, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 027 19th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- May 10, 2022 May 11, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 032 20th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- June 30, 2022 July 1, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 038 21st Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- July 18, 2022 July 19, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 043 22nd Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- August 12, 2022 August 13, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 047 23rd Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- August 25, 2022 August 26, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 057 24th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- September 23, 2022 September 24, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 063 25th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- October 19, 2022 October 20, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 072 26th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- November 8, 2022 November 9, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 077 27th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- December 11, 2022 December 14, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 090 28th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- December 16, 2022 December 17, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 092 29th Meeting of the 5th Announcement No.: 2022- December 30, 2022 December 31, 2022 Session of Board of Directors 096 2. Directors' attendance at the board of directors and shareholders' meetings Directors' attendance at the board of directors and shareholders' meetings Number of Whether Number of board failed to Number of board Number of meetings to Number of Number of attend two Name of board meetings shareholders' be attended board board consecutive director meetings attended via meetings during the appointments absences board attended corresponden attended reporting meetings in ce period person 63 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Qiu Jianping 14 14 0 0 0 No 4 Chi 14 14 0 0 0 No 4 Xiaoheng Wang 14 14 0 0 0 No 4 Lingling Li Zheng 14 14 0 0 0 No 4 Xu Zheng 14 14 0 0 0 No 4 Cen 14 11 3 0 0 No 4 Zhengping Wang Gang 14 11 3 0 0 No 4 Chen Zhimin 14 11 3 0 0 No 4 Shi Hong 14 11 3 0 0 No 4 Description of failure to attend two consecutive board meetings in person 3. Cases in which directors raise objections to relevant matters of the Company Whether the director has raised an objection to the relevant matters of the Company □Yes No During the reporting period, the directors raised no objections to relevant matters of the Company. 4. Other instructions for directors to perform their duties Whether the director's suggestions to the Company have been accepted Yes □ No Whether the director's suggestions to the Company have been adopted or not During the reporting period, in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of the Company, the directors of the Company earnestly performed the relevant duties, strictly implemented the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders, participated in the meetings of the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders, carefully deliberated various proposals, and actively promoted the implementation of the resolutions of the board of directors. Meanwhile, each director timely understood the Company's operating conditions, internal control system construction and the implementation of the board's resolutions, studied, planned and promoted the next stage of work priorities, fully understood and agreed on the Company's renewal of financial audit institutions, profit distribution, related transactions, financial assistance and other matters in the report period, so as to promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the Company's various businesses. VII. Situation of special committees under the board of directors during the reporting period Important opinions Performa Number of Details of Committee Date of and nce of Membership meetings Meeting content objection (if name convening suggestion other held any) s put duties forward Compensatio Chen We deliberated and n and Zhimin, Shi April 11, adopted the 1 Evaluation Hong, 2022 Proposal on the Committee Wang Gang, Compensation Plan 64 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Chi of the Company's Xiaoheng, Directors in 2022 Xu Zheng and Proposal on the Compensation Plan of the Company's Senior Executives in 2022. The meeting deliberated and approved the full text and abstract of 2021 Annual Report, 2021 Annual Audit Report of the Company, 2021 Financial Final Accounts Report of the Company, 2021 Annual Internal Control Self- evaluation Report of the Company, Wang Gang, Proposal on Shi Hong, Renewing Tianjian Chen Audit April 11, Certified Public Zhimin, 4 committee 2022 Accountants Wang (Special General Lingling, Partnership) as Xu Zheng Audit Institution of the Company in 2022, Proposal on the Forecast of Daily Connected Transactions in 2022, Summary of 2021 Audit Work and 2022 Audit Work Plan of the Audit Department, and Special Report on the Deposit and Use of the Company's Raised Funds in 2021. Wang Gang, Shi Hong, The meeting has Chen Audit April 25, deliberated and Zhimin, 4 committee 2022 approved Q1 2021 Wang Report. Lingling, Xu Zheng Wang Gang, The meeting has Shi Hong, deliberated and Audit Chen August 25, approved the full 4 committee Zhimin, 2022 text and abstract of Wang the 2022 Semi- Lingling, Annual Report and 65 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Xu Zheng Special Report on 2022 Semi-Annual Storage and Use of the Company's Raised Funds. Wang Gang, Shi Hong, The meeting has Chen Audit October 19, deliberated and Zhimin, 4 committee 2022 approved the Q3 Wang Report 2022 Lingling, Xu Zheng VIII. Work of the Board of Supervisors The Board of Supervisors find out whether the Company is at risk in its supervisory activities during the reporting period □Yes No The Board of Supervisors has no objection to the supervisory matters in the reporting period. IX. Employees condition 1. Number of employees, position types and education level Number of active employees in the parent company at the end 1,403 of reporting period (person) Number of active employees in the main subsidiary at the end 9,156 of reporting period (person) Total number of active employees at the end of reporting period 10,559 (person) Total number of employees receiving salary during the period 10,559 (person) Number of retired employees of the parent company and its 0 main subsidiary that shall bear the expenses(person) Positions Position category Number of each position (person) Production personnel 7,199 Sales personnel 1,035 Technical personnel 1,099 Financial personnel 170 Administrative personnel 1,056 Total 10,559 Educational background Educational background type Quantity (person) Graduate degree or above 120 University degree (including junior college) 2,716 Senior high school (including technical secondary school and 2,924 technical school) Below high school 4,799 Total 10,559 66 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2. Salary policy In strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the national labor contract law, the Company carries out staff salary management and ensures that the employees are paid on time and in full before the 20th day of each month. The average salary of employees in 2022 is higher than the provincial average salary standard of Zhejiang Province in 2022. The overtime salary of employees in weekdays and weekends is calculated in full according to the regulations. Some positions are subject to the comprehensive working hour system. Complete one general salary adjustment annually, three salary adjustment quarterly, and one external salary level survey. The salary calculation scheme is divided into two categories: the front-line employees are paid according to overtime work, and the hourly wage and overtime pay are calculated according to the national labor law policy. The salary of management positions are based on a combination of fixed salary and performance-based pay. 3. Training plan Staff training and development is an important part of the Company's work. Training management in 2022 will continue to focus on the three directions of new staff growth education, professional and technical training, and staff professional quality education. The Company organized 314 training sessions throughout the year, with a total of 5,999 people attending the training, and the total class hours reached 11,783 hours. Meanwhile, the Company continued to carry out the construction of talent echelon and focuses on the director and manager level talent selection and training. In 2022, in order to support the long-term sustainable development of the Company, the Company will focus on improving the management skills of in-service middle and senior management personnel, doing a good job in the training of reserve talents, strengthening the construction of internal trainer team and building a strong teaching team to meet the growing training demand. 4. Labor service outsourcing condition □ Applicable N/A X. Profit distribution of the Company and conversion of capital reserve fund to share capital Profit distribution policy, especially the formulation, implementation or adjustment of cash dividend policies during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A The Company held the 2020 annual general meeting of shareholders on May 10, 2021, deliberated and approved the Company's Shareholder Return Plan for the Next Three Years (2021-2023), which comprehensively considered the Company's profitability, development strategy planning, shareholder return, social cost of capital, external financing environment and other factors. The Company's Board of Directors has formulated the Three-year Shareholder Return Plan (2021-2023). During the reporting period, the formulation and implementation of the Company's profit distribution policy were in line with China Securities Regulatory Commission's Notice on Further Implementation of Related Matters Concerning Cash Dividend of Listed Companies, Guidance on Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 -- Cash Dividend of Listed Companies, the Articles of Association, and other relevant provisions. The relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms were complete, and the independent directors were diligent and responsible, fully safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders. Special description of the cash dividend policy Whether it complies with the provisions of the Company's articles of association or the resolution of the general meeting Yes of shareholders: 67 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Whether the dividend standard and proportion are clear and Yes definite: Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and Yes mechanisms are complete: Whether the independent directors performed their duties and Yes played their due roles: Whether minority shareholders have sufficient opportunities to express their opinions and appeals, and whether their legitimate Yes rights and interests are fully protected: If the cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed, whether the Yes conditions and procedures are compliant and transparent: The Company's profit in the reporting period and the parent company's profit available to shareholders are positive, but no cash dividend distribution plan has been proposed □ Applicable N/A Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserve into share capital during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Bonus shares per 10 shares (shares) 0 Dividend payout per 10 shares (CNY) (tax included) 1.66 Share capital base (shares) of the distribution plan 1,194,478,182 Cash dividend amount (CNY) (tax included) 198,283,378.21 Amount of cash dividend by other means (e.g. share 50,184,048.00 repurchase) (CNY) Total cash dividend (including other means) (CNY) 248,467,426.21 Distributable profit (CNY) 4,882,191,240.72 The proportion of total cash dividends (including other means) 100 in total profit distribution This cash dividend situation Others Detailed description of profit distribution or capital reserve conversion plan Audited by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), the Company (parent company) achieved a net profit of CNY 653,002,000.00 in 2022. According to the Company Law, the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Articles of Association, the Company intends to withdraw the legal surplus reserve of CNY 65,300,200.00 in accordance with 10% of the net profit achieved in 2022, and the remaining profit available for distribution in prior years is CNY 429,8560,700.00, deducting CNY 4,071,200.00 generated by absorption of combined subsidiaries. The actual profit available for distribution by shareholders was CNY 4,882,191,200.00. (Note: The difference in mantissa between the total count and the number calculated according to the details is due to rounding) XI. Implementation of company equity incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans, or other employee incentive measures □ Applicable N/A The Company has no implementation of equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive measures during the reporting period. 68 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. XII. Construction and implementation of the internal control system during the reporting period 1. Construction and implementation of internal control During the reporting period, the Company continuously improves the internal control system in strict accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies, Basic Norms for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant laws, regulations and normative documents. The Board of Directors carries out self-evaluation on the internal control of the company every year and discloses the Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report. Meanwhile, according to the requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company hires an accounting firm to conduct internal control audit of the company. In 2022, the Company revised the Articles of Association in accordance with the new Securities Law, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules and other laws, regulations and normative documents, and the actual situation of the company. The Company constantly improves and enhances the level of corporate governance in accordance with the provisions and requirements of laws, regulations, normative documents and the Articles of Association. During the reporting period, the Company has no major or material defects in the internal control of financial reporting and non- financial reporting. The Company has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all major aspects in accordance with the requirements of the internal control standard system and relevant regulations of the enterprise. 2. Specific situation of major internal control defects found during the reporting period □Yes No XIII. The Company's management and control over its subsidiaries during the reporting period Problems Integration Measures taken Settlement Follow-up Designation Integration plan encountered in progress to resolve it progress resolution plan integration N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A XIV. Internal control self-evaluation report or internal control audit report 1. Internal control self-evaluation report Date of full text disclosure of internal April 22, 2023 control evaluation reports Index to full text disclosure of internal The 2022 Annual Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report disclosed by control evaluation reports http://www.cninfo.com.cn Proportion of the total assets of the units included in the evaluation to the total 100.00% assets of the consolidated financial statements of the Company Proportion of the operating income of the units included in the evaluation to the 100.00% operating income of the Company's consolidated financial statements Defect identification criteria 69 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Category Financial report Non-financial report (1) Signs of major defects in financial reports include: ① Fraud by directors, supervisors and senior managers; ② Correct the material defects in the financial reports that have been announced; ③ The CPA found that there If any of the following circumstances was a material misstatement in the occurs, it can be identified as a major current financial report and the defect. In other circumstances, it can be Company's internal control failed to find identified as a material defect or a the misstatement in the operation general defect according to the degree of process; ④ Ineffective supervision of influence. (1) Unscientific decision- internal control by the audit committee making procedure; (2) Violating national and the internal audit institution. (2) laws and regulations, such as Qualitative criteria Indications of material deficiencies in environmental pollution; (3) The loss of financial reports include: ① Failure to managerial or technical personnel; (3) select and apply accounting policies in The loss of managerial or technical accordance with GAAP; ② No anti- personnel; (5) The results of internal fraud procedures and control measures control evaluation, especially the major have been established; ③ No or material defects, have not been corresponding control mechanism has rectified; (6) Lack of system control or been established or no corresponding systematic failure of system for compensatory control has been important business. implemented for the accounting treatment of unconventional or special transactions; (3) Refers to other defects except major defects and material defects as general defects. Internal control defects that may cause or have caused loss related to profit, as measured by operating income measures. If this defect alone or in conjunction with other defects may result in a misstatement of less than 1% of the operating income in the financial report, it is considered a general defect; If it is more than 1% of operating proceeds but less than 3%, it is deemed to be a (1) Major defects: causing direct material defect. If it exceeds 3% of property losses of more than CNY 10 revenue, it is considered a major defect. million; (2) Material defects: causing Quantitative criteria Losses that may result from or have direct property losses of CNY 1 million - resulted from internal control defects 10 million (inclusive); (3) General related to asset management, measured defects: causing direct property losses of by the total assets index. If this defect less than CNY 1 million (inclusive). alone or in conjunction with other defects may result in a misstatement of less than 1% of the total assets in the financial report, it is considered to be a general defect; If it is more than 1% of the total assets but less than 3%, it is deemed as a material defect; If it exceeds 3% of the total assets, it is considered a major defect. Number of major defects in financial 0 reports (PCS) Number of major defects in non-financial 0 reports (PCS) 70 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Number of material defects in financial 0 reports (PCS) Number of material defects in non- 0 financial reports (PCS) 2. Internal control audit report Applicable □ N/A The deliberative comment section of the internal control audit report In our opinion, GreatStar maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all material respects as of December 31, 2022, in accordance with the Basic Norms for Internal Control of Enterprises and relevant regulations. Disclosure of internal control audit report Disclosure Date of the full text disclosure of internal control audit reports April 22, 2023 Verification Report on the Internal Control of Hangzhou Index to the full text disclosure of internal control audit reports GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (Tian Jian Shen (2023) No.3370, published by http://www.cninfo.com.cn) Internal control audit report opinion type Standard unqualified opinion Whether there are major defects in non-financial reports No Whether the accounting firm issues non-standard opinions of the internal control audit report □Yes No Whether the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the self-evaluation report of the Board of Directors Yes □ No XV. Description of listed company governance special action self-examination problem rectification According to the document requirements of Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau Notice on Carrying out Special Action on the Governance of Listed Companies under the Jurisdiction (Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Company (2022) No. 141), our company carefully carries out inspection according to the relevant requirements in the self-inspection list. Through self-inspection, it is found that the Company complies with relevant regulations in terms of the operation of the three committees, investor management and management, internal control system construction, information disclosure quality and other aspects. The directors, supervisors and senior managers are diligent and responsible, and the Company does not have the situation that the controlling shareholders and their related parties occupy funds or violate external guarantees. The Company will further improve the internal control system, do a good job in information disclosure, investor relationship management and other related work, and constantly improve the level of corporate governance. 71 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility I. Major environmental protection issues Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the environmental protection department □Yes No Administrative punishment for environmental problems during the reporting period The impact on the Name of company Cause of production and Corrective action Violation situation Punishment result or subsidiary punishment operation of listed of the Company companies None None None None None None Refer to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharge units The Company and its subsidiaries do not belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the national environmental protection department. During the reporting period, the Company was not subject to administrative penalties due to environmental problems. Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects Applicable □ N/A In response to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction, the Company has formulated the Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Management System, Energy Management Operation Instruction, Regulations on Greenhouse Gas Management and other systems, integrating the concept of environmental protection into the daily production and operation of the company. Meanwhile, the Company actively design green products, build green factories and promote green office to implement the concept of energy saving and low carbon. The Company takes environmental factors into full consideration in the product design and R&D stage, actively launches green products, continuously improves the product environmental protection attributes, and continuously develops new environmental protection technology, so as to reduce material waste, environmental pollution and energy consumption; In order to help fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, the Company has developed scientific waste management and control procedures, chemical management procedures and other relevant standards, so as to strictly control pollution, maximize the impact of its business operations on the environment, and realize green production; In accordance with the principles of low-carbon energy and clean production, the Company promotes the green transformation and upgrading of the factory through the construction of rooftop solar energy, the use of electric forkl ift and other measures to achieve green development, centering on the concept of green office. The Company advocates system upgrading and supports with all departments to actively promote the popularity of green office awareness in the whole company. Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information None II. Social Responsibility (1) Protecting the rights and interests of shareholders and creditors During the reporting period, the Company further strengthened the standardized operation, established and improved the corporate governance structure, standardized management in the convening and procedure of the general meeting of shareholders, and 72 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. ensured the shareholders' right to know, right to participate and right to vote on major issues of the company; The Company constantly improved the Company's internal control system, revised the Articles of Association according to relevant regulations; The Company conscientiously performed the obligation of information disclosure, ensured the true, accurate, complete, timely and fair information disclosure, did not selectively disclose information, strictly implemented the insider information registration and insider information confidentiality system, and treated all shareholders and investors fairly; The Company strengthened investor relationship management, communicated with investors through investor relationship interactive platforms, hotlines and other means, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders, especially minority shareholders. (2) Protection of employee rights and interests The Company adheres to the people-oriented, takes the talent strategy as the focus of enterprise development, strictly abides by the Labor Law, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests and other relevant laws and regulations, pays employees' pension, medical, unemployment, industrial injury, maternity and other social insurance on time, respects and protects employees' individual rights and interests, and pays attention to employees' health, safety and satisfaction. The Company attaches great importance to personnel training, and regularly organizes training on production safety knowledge, basic skills of various positions, and comprehensive quality training of management personnel, so that employees can effectively improve their overall professional quality and comprehensive quality in addition to their own work, so as to realize the common growth of employees and enterprises, and build harmonious and stable labor-capital relations. (3) Protecting the rights and interests of suppliers, clients and consumers The Company has been following the trading principles of "honesty and trustworthiness, mutual benefit, legal compliance", pays attention to the communication and coordination with all relevant parties, fully respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers and customers, and establishes a strategic partnership with suppliers and customers. The Company constantly improves the procurement system and process. In terms of the selection of suppliers, the Company has established a fair and impartial evaluation system to select qualified suppliers. The Company adheres to customer interests first, strictly controls product quality, constantly improves service quality, and always pays attention to product safety, so that the rights and interests of all parties have been duly protected. (4) Environmental protection The Company attaches great importance to environmental protection and takes environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction as an important work. During the reporting period, the Company conducted effective and comprehensive treatment of waste water and waste gas in strict accordance with relevant environmental laws and regulations and corresponding standards, and the waste water and waste gas treatment facilities operated normally. In order to strengthen the management of emission reduction and pollution control, the Company conducts regular testing. The overall operation of environmental protection facilities is in good condition, and the work of energy conservation and emission reduction is carried out orderly. III. Consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization During the reporting period, the Company did not participate in the precise consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization work. 73 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section VI Important Matters I. Performance of commitments 1. Commitments completed by the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers, the Company and other relevant parties within the reporting period and commitments not completed by the end of the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Cause of Type of Content of Commitment Term of Promising party Performance commitment commitment commitment time commitment 1. I and the enterprises controlled by me shall minimize related transactions with the listed company as much as possible, and shall not use my position as the actual controller of the listed company to seek to grant rights superior to other third Commitments Reduce and parties in made at the Qiu Jianping; standardize business Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Wang Lingling related cooperation validity performance restructuring transactions with the listed company. 2. The Company will not use its position as the controlling shareholder of the listed company to seek the right to enter into transactions with the listed company first. 3. In case of necessary and unavoidable related transactions, the Company 74 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. and the enterprises controlled by the Company will enter into agreements with the listed company according to the principles of fairness and compensation of equivalent value and perform legal procedures, and comply with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents and provisions of the Articles of Association. The Company will perform the obligations of information disclosure and relevant internal decision- making and approval procedures in accordance with the law, and ensure that it will not conduct transactions with the listed company on terms that are obviously unfair compared with the market price, nor will it use such transactions to engage in any behavior that damages the legitimate rights and 75 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. interests of the listed company and other shareholders. 1. The Company and the enterprises controlled by the Company will minimize affiliated transactions with the listed company and will not use its position as the controlling shareholder of the listed Company to seek to grant rights superior to other third parties in business cooperation with the listed Company. 2. The Company Commitments Reduce and will not use its made at the GreatStar standardize position as the Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Group related controlling validity performance restructuring transactions shareholder of the listed company to seek the right to enter into transactions with the listed company first. 3. In case of necessary and unavoidable related transactions, the Company and the enterprises controlled by the Company will enter into agreements with the listed company according to the principles of fairness and compensation 76 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. of equivalent value and perform legal procedures, and comply with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents and provisions of the Articles of Association. The Company will perform the obligations of information disclosure and relevant internal decision- making and approval procedures in accordance with the law, and ensure that it will not conduct transactions with the listed company on terms that are obviously unfair compared with the market price, nor will it use such transactions to engage in any behavior that damages the legitimate rights and interests of the listed company and other shareholders. 1. I shall not directly or Commitments indirectly made at the Qiu Jianping; Avoid engage in or Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Wang Lingling competition participate in validity performance restructuring any business that may be in direct or 77 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. indirect competition with the business of the listed company and its subsidiaries; I warrant that legal and effective measures will be taken to prevent other enterprises under my control from engaging in or participating in any business that competes with the operation of the listed company and its subsidiaries. 2. If the listed company further expands its business scope, I and other enterprises controlled by me will not compete with the expanded business of the listed company; Where there may be competition with the expanded business of the listed company, I and other enterprises controlled by me shall withdraw from the competition with the listed company in the following ways: A. Discontinue any business that is or may 78 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. be competitive with the listed company; B. Incorporate the competing businesses into the listed company for management; C. Transfer the competing business to an unrelated third party. 3. If I or any other enterprise under my control has any business opportunity to engage in or participate in any activity which may be competitive with the operation of the listed company, I shall immediately notify the listed company of such business opportunity, and within a reasonable period specified in the notice, if the listed company gives a positive reply that it is willing to take advantage of such business opportunity, I shall try my best to give the listed company such business opportunity. 4. If I violate the above commitments, I am willing to bear all the liabilities arising 79 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. therefrom and fully compensate or compensate for all the direct or indirect losses caused to the listed company. 1. The Company does not directly or indirectly engage in or participate in any business that is in potential direct or indirect competition with the business of the listed company and its subsidiaries; The Company warrants that it will take legal and effective measures to prevent other enterprises Commitments controlled by made at the GreatStar Avoid the Company Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Group competition from engaging validity performance restructuring in or participating in any business that competes with the operation of the listed company and its subsidiaries. 2. If the listed company further expands its business scope, the Company and other enterprises controlled by the Company will not compete with the expanded business of the listed company; 80 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Where there may be competition with the expanded business of the listed company, the Company and other enterprises controlled by the Company shall withdraw from the competition with the listed company in the following ways: A. Discontinue any business that is or may be competitive with the listed company; B. Incorporate the competing businesses into the listed company for management; C. Transfer the competing business to an unrelated third party. 3. If the Company and other enterprises controlled by the Company have any business opportunity to engage in or participate in any activity which may be competitive with the operation of the listed company, the Company shall immediately notify the listed company of such business 81 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. opportunity, and within a reasonable period specified in the notice. If the listed company gives a positive reply that it is willing to take advantage of such business opportunity, the Company will try to give the business opportunity to the listed company. 4. In case of violation of the above commitments, the Company is willing to bear all the liabilities arising therefrom and fully compensate or compensate for all the direct or indirect losses caused to the listed company. I promise that after the completion of this transaction, I will ensure that the listed company will continue to improve its corporate Commitments Ensure the governance made at the Qiu Jianping; independence Long-term In strict structure and June 4, 2019 time of asset Wang Lingling of listed validity performance independently restructuring companies operated corporate management system in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association, 82 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. continue to maintain the independence of the listed company in terms of business, assets, finance, institutions and personnel, and effectively protect the interests of all shareholders. The Company undertakes that after the completion of this transaction, it will ensure that the listed company will continue to improve its corporate governance structure and independently operated corporate management system in Commitments Ensure the accordance made at the GreatStar independence with relevant Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Group of listed laws and validity performance restructuring companies regulations and the requirements of the Articles of Association, continue to maintain the independence of the listed company in terms of business, assets, finance, institutions and personnel, and effectively protect the interests of all shareholders. All directors 1. I promise not Commitments and senior Other to transfer Long-term In strict made at the June 4, 2019 management commitments benefits to validity performance time of asset personnel of the other units or 83 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. restructuring Company individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, nor to damage the interests of the company in other ways. 2. I promise to restrict my duty consumption behavior. 3. I promise that I will not use the Company's assets to engage in investment and consumption activities unrelated to the performance of my duties. 4. I promise that the compensation system set by the Board of Directors or the compensation and Evaluation Committee will be linked to the implementation of the Company's compensation measures. In case of any loss caused to the Company or the stockholders by violation of the above commitments, I shall be liable for compensation according to law. 1. I shall not interfere with the Company's Commitments operation and made at the GreatStar Other Long-term In strict management June 4, 2019 time of asset Group commitments validity performance activities restructuring beyond its authority, and shall not 84 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. encroach on the company's interests. 2. If the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) makes explicit provisions on supplementary return measures and commitments between the issuance date of this Commitment and the completion of the transaction, and the aforesaid commitments fail to meet such provisions of the CSRC, I promise to issue supplementary commitments in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC. 3. The Company will strictly fulfill the measures to fill the diluted immediate return. If it fails to fill the diluted immediate return measures, it will publicly explain the specific reasons for its failure to fill the diluted immediate return measures at the shareholders' meeting of the Company and 85 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. apologize to the Company's shareholders and public investors; If investors suffer losses in securities trading due to failure to fulfill relevant commitments, they will be compensated according to law. In case of any loss caused to the Company or its shareholders due to its breach of the aforesaid commitment, the Company shall be liable for compensation according to law. 1. I shall not interfere with the Company's operation and management activities beyond its authority, and shall not encroach on the company's interests. 2. If Commitments the China made at the Qiu Jianping; Other Securities Long-term In strict June 4, 2019 time of asset Wang Lingling commitments Regulatory validity performance restructuring Commission (CSRC) makes explicit provisions on supplementary return measures and commitments between the issuance date of this Commitment and the 86 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. completion of the transaction, and the aforesaid commitments fail to meet such provisions of the CSRC, I promise to issue supplementary commitments in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC. 3. I will strictly fulfill the measures to fill the diluted immediate return. If I fail to fill the diluted immediate return measures, I will publicly explain the specific reasons for my failure to fill the diluted immediate return measures at the Company's general meeting of shareholders and apologize to the Company's shareholders and public investors; If investors suffer losses in securities trading due to failure to fulfill relevant commitments, they will be compensated according to law. In case of any loss caused to the Company 87 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. or its shareholders by violation of the above commitments, I shall be liable for compensation according to law. 1. Promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, nor to damage the interests of the Company by other means. 2. Promise to restrict the consumption behavior of directors and senior managers. 3. Promise not to use company Commitments assets to engage All directors made at the in investment and senior time of an Other and November 23, Long-term In strict management initial public commitments consumption 2018 validity performance personnel of the offering or activities Company refinancing unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. Promise that the compensation system set by the Board of Directors or the compensation committee will be linked to the implementation of the Company's compensation measures. 5. If the Company implements the equity incentive plan in the future, promise 88 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. that the exercise conditions of the future equity incentive plan will be linked to the implementation of the Company's filling return measures. As one of the subjects responsible for filling the return measures, if I violate the above commitments or refuse to perform the above commitments, I agree to be punished or take relevant management measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules formulated or issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other securities regulatory authorities, and I am willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities. Promise not to interfere with Commitments the Company's made at the operation and time of an GreatStar Other November 23, Long-term In strict management initial public Group commitments 2018 validity performance activities offering or beyond its refinancing power and not to encroach on 89 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. the Company's interests. As one of the subjects responsible for the compensation measures, if the Company violates the above commitments or refuses to perform the above commitments, the Company agrees to impose relevant penalties or take relevant management measures on the Company in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules formulated or issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other securities regulatory authorities, and is willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities. Promise not to interfere with the Company's operation and Commitments management made at the activities time of an Qiu Jianping; Other beyond its November 13, Long-term In strict initial public Wang Lingling commitments power and not 2019 validity performance offering or to encroach on refinancing the Company's interests. As one of the subjects responsible for 90 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. filling the return measures, if I violate the above commitments or refuse to perform the above commitments, I agree to take relevant penalties or take relevant management measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules formulated or issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other securities regulatory authorities, and I am willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities. During its tenure as the controlling shareholder of the issuer, GreatStar Holdings Group Co., Commitments Ltdand the Commitments on trade companies it made at the As the competition, will directly or time of an GreatStar controlling In strict connected indirectly April 5, 2009 initial public Group shareholder of performance transactions, control in the offering or the Company and utilization future will not refinancing of funds engage in or participate in any business or activity within or outside China in any form (including but not limited to investment, 91 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. combination and acquisition, association, joint venture, cooperation, partnership, contract or lease operation, or purchase of shares of listed companies) that constitutes or may constitute material competition with the Issuer's main business. Nor will it support, in any form, any third party other than the issuer and its wholly-owned or majority- controlled subsidiaries in or outside China to engage in or participate in any business or activity that constitutes or may constitute material competition with the Issuer's main business. In case any loss is caused to the issuer due to the failure to fulfill the promises and warranties made in the commitment letter, the GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. will compensate the issuer for all actual losses. Qiu Jianping; Commitments While it has As the actual In strict Commitments April 5, 2010 Wang Lingling on trade effective controller of the performance 92 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. made at the competition, control of the Company time of an connected issuer, Qiu initial public transactions, Jianping and offering or and utilization his wife and the refinancing of funds other enterprises directly or indirectly controlled by Qju Jianping and his wife and other enterprises other than the issuer and its wholly-owned or controlling subsidiaries will not engage in or participate in any form (including but not limited to investment, combination and acquisition, association, joint venture, cooperation, partnership, contract or lease operation, purchase of shares of listed companies) within or outside China, which constitutes or may constitute the main business of the issuer any business or activity in which the issuer has a material competitive relationship will not support in any way, whether in or outside China, any third party other than the issuer and its wholly-owned 93 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. or majority- owned subsidiaries to engage in or participate in any business or activity that constitutes or may constitute a material competitive relationship with the issuer's main business. If any loss is caused to the issuer due to the failure to fulfill the promise and guarantee made in the commitment letter, Qiu Jianping and his wife will compensate the issuer for all actual losses. Whether promises are Yes kept on time 2. If there is a profit forecast for the assets or projects of the Company and the reporting period is still in the profit forecast period, the Company shall explain the reasons for the assets or projects reaching the original profit forecast □ Applicable N/A II. Non-operational funds occupied by the controlling shareholders and other related parties of the listed company □ Applicable N/A During the reporting period, the controlling shareholder and other related parties do not occupy non-operational funds of the listed company. III. Violation of foreign guarantee □ Applicable N/A The Company has no violation of external guarantee during the reporting period. 94 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. IV. The Board of Directors' explanation of the latest issue of "Non-standard Audit Report" □ Applicable N/A V. Explanation of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the independent directors (if any) to the "Non-standard Audit Report" of the accounting firm in the current reporting period □ Applicable N/A VI. Description of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates or corrections of major accounting errors compared with the financial report of the prior year □ Applicable N/A There is no change in accounting policies, accounting estimates or correction of material accounting errors during the reporting period. VII. Description of changes in the scope of consolidated statements compared with the financial report of the prior year Applicable □ N/A For details, see Section 10, VIII, “Changes in the scope of consolidation” VIII. Employment and dismissal of accounting firms The accounting firm currently employed Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP (Special General Name of domestic accounting firm Partnership) Remuneration of domestic accounting firms (ten thousand 89.5 CNY) Consecutive years of audit services provided by domestic 14 accounting firms Name of CPA of domestic accounting firm Fei Fanghua and Li Xi Number of consecutive years of CPA audit services provided 2 by domestic accounting firms Whether to hire an accounting firm during the current period □Yes No Employment of internal control audit firms, financial advisers or sponsors □ Applicable N/A IX. Delisting after disclosure of annual report □ Applicable N/A 95 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. X. Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization □ Applicable N/A No bankruptcy reorganization related matters occurred during the reporting period. XI. Major litigation and arbitration matters Applicable □ N/A Litigation Basic Amount Enforcement Whether Progress of (arbitration) information involved (ten of litigation Date of Disclosure provisions litigation hearing of litigation thousand (arbitration) disclosure index are formed (arbitration) results and (arbitration) CNY) judgments impact For litigation matters, the Company will: 1. Successful litigation or mediation to recover the funds As of involved; 2. December Require the 31, 2022, the involved unit settlement and its amount has associated reached CNY legal person 0.00; The or nature to Summary of amount provide other matters involved in guarantee for that do not the mediation the execution meet the to be of the debt, A total of material recovered is so as to CNY 0.00 litigation 83.82 No CNY 0.00 guarantee the has been disclosure The amount recovery of collected standards of money the involved (the involved in funds; 3. Set Company as the case that aside bad plaintiff) has won the debt arbitration allowance in but has not accordance been with completed is accounting CNY standards and 808,200.00. company management system. In summary, this summary of litigation matters has no material impact on the Company. 96 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. For litigation matters, the Company will: 1. Successful litigation or mediation to recover the funds involved; 2. Require the involved unit By and its December associated 31, 2022, the legal person amount of or nature to money Summary of provide involved in other matters guarantee for the case has that do not the execution Among been settled meet the of the debt, them, the and material so as to compensatio 54.32 No withdrawn is litigation guarantee the n judgment CNY disclosure recovery of has been 43,900.00; criteria (the the involved executed The amount company as funds; 3. Set of defendant) aside bad compensatio debt n involved in allowance in the case is accordance CNY with 2,480.00. accounting standards and company management system. In summary, this summary of litigation matters has no material impact on the Company. XII. Punishment and rectification □ Applicable N/A The Company has no punishment and rectification during the reporting period. XIII. Good faith status of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers Applicable □ N/A 97 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. During the reporting period, the Company and Qiu Jianping, the controlling shareholder of GreatStar Group and the actual controller, have good integrity. There is no failure to fulfill the effective judgment of the court, and the debts with a large amount of debt are not repaid when they mature. XIV. Material affiliated Transactions 1. Related transactions related to daily operations □ Applicable N/A During the reporting period, no affiliated transactions related to daily operations occurred. 2. Related transactions arising from asset or equity acquisition or sale □ Applicable N/A During the reporting period, there is no related transaction of asset or equity acquisition or sale. 3. Related transactions for joint foreign investment □ Applicable N/A There is no affiliated transaction of the Company's joint foreign investment during the reporting period. 4. Related creditor's rights and debts □ Applicable N/A The Company does not have related debt transactions during the reporting period. 5. Dealings with related financial companies □ Applicable N/A There is no deposit, loan, credit granting or other financial business between the Company and the finance company and the related parties. 6. Transactions between financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties □ Applicable N/A There is no deposit, loan, credit granting or other financial business between the finance company controlled by the Company and its related parties. 7. Other major related transactions □ Applicable N/A The Company has no other significant related transactions during the reporting period. 98 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. XV. Major Contracts and performance 1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing matters (1) Trusteeship situation □ Applicable N/A There is no trusteeship during the reporting period. (2) Contracting conditions □ Applicable N/A There is no contract in the reporting period. (3) The leasing situation □ Applicable N/A There is no lease during the reporting period. 2. Major guarantee Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY 10,000 External guarantees of the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries) Guarante e Whether Whether Counter Name of amount Amount Actual Actual the to Type of guarante the related of date of amount Security Guarante performa guarante guarante e guaranto announc guarante occurren guarante (if any) e period nce is e for e situation r ement e ce ed complete related (if any) disclosur d or not parties e date N/A The guarantee status of the Company to its subsidiaries Guarante e Whether Whether Counter Name of amount Amount Actual Actual the to Type of guarante the related of date of amount Security Guarante performa guarante guarante e guaranto announc guarante occurren guarante (if any) e period nce is e for e situation r ement e ce ed complete related (if any) disclosur d or not parties e date GreatSta r Europe 2018/8/3 Limited July 3, 48,991.1 August 13,360.5 General 1- by No Yes 2018 4 31, 2018 2 warranty 2023/7/2 shares 7 Compan y Arrow April 12, May 23, General 6,964.6 6,964.60 1 No Yes Fastener 2022 2022 warranty 99 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Co., LLC Prime- Line April 12, May 23, General 5,223.45 5,223.45 1 No Yes Products 2022 2022 warranty , LLC Shop- Vac April 12, April 12, General 6,964.6 6,964.6 1 No Yes USA, 2022 2022 warranty LLC Suzhou Xindadi Hardwar June 22, January General 10,000 7,600 3 No Yes e 2020 7, 2021 warranty Product Co., Ltd. 2022/10/ Geelong Septemb October General 13- Sales er 24, 8,400 0.00 No Yes 13, 2022 warranty 2025/12/ Co., Ltd. 2022 31 GreatSta r Europe 2021/12/ Limited Decemb Decemb 25,980.1 25,980.1 General 27- by er 4, er 27, No Yes 5 5 warranty 2029/06/ shares 2021 2021 30 Compan y Total amount of Total amount of guarantee actually guarantee approved incurred to the for subsidiaries 27,552.65 26,752.65 subsidiary during the during the reporting reporting period period (B1) (B2) Total approved Total balance of guarantee amount actual guarantee to for subsidiaries at 112,523.94 subsidiary at the end 66,093.32 the end of the report of reporting period period (B3) (B4) The guarantee of the subsidiary to the subsidiary Guarante e Whether Whether Counter Name of amount Amount Actual Actual the to Type of guarante the related of date of amount Security Guarante performa guarante guarante e guaranto announc guarante occurren guarante (if any) e period nce is e for e situation r ement e ce ed complete related (if any) disclosur d or not parties e date N/A Total amount of company guarantee (the sum of the first three items) Total amount of Total amount of actual guarantee approved guarantee 27,552.65 incurred during the 26,752.65 in reporting period reporting period (A1+B1+C1) (A2+B2+C2) Total amount of 112,523.94 Total amount of 66,093.32 100 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. approved guarantee actual guaranteed at the end of the balance at the end of reporting period the reporting period (A3+B3+C3) (A4+B4+C4) Proportion of the actual total guaranteed (i.e. 4.93% A4+B4+C4) to the company's net assets Including: Balance of security provided to shareholders, 0 actual controllers and their affiliates (D) Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly to the insured with an asset- 59,128.72 liability ratio of more than 70% (E) Amount guaranteed in excess of 50% of net 0 assets (F) Total amount of the above three guarantees 59,128.72 (D+E+F) The specific situation of the composite guarantee N/A 3. Entrusted cash asset management (1) Entrusted financial management situation Applicable □ N/A Summary of entrusted financial management during the reporting period Unit: CNY 10,000 Overdue recovery of the financial Sources of funds Amount of Amount not Outstanding management has Concrete type entrusted to entrusted financial recovered after the balance been deducted finance management deadline impairment amount Bank financial Self-owned funds 18,800 6,000 0 0 products Total 18,800 6,000 0 0 Specific situation of high-risk entrusted financial management with significant single amount or low security and poor liquidity □ Applicable N/A Entrusted financing is expected to fail to recover the principal or exist other circumstances that may lead to impairment □ Applicable N/A (2) Entrusted loans □ Applicable N/A There are no entrusted loans during the reporting period. 101 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 4. Other major contracts □ Applicable N/A There are no other major contracts during the reporting period. XVI. Explanation of other important matters Applicable □ N/A 1. During the reporting period, the Company obtained the purchase confirmation from a large retail company in the United States, the purchase target is 12 volt power tools, the purchase scope is all the sales and services of this type of products in about 2,000 stores in North America in the next three years, and the estimated order amount is no less than USD 15 million per year, more than 50% of the Company's 2020 power tool product revenue. For details, see Notice (2022) No. 010 disclosed on April 7, 2022. 2. During the reporting period, the Company signed a supplier purchase agreement with a large retail company in the United States. The purchase object is non-tool household goods, and the expected purchase amount is no less than USD 40 million per year. For details, see Announcement (2022) No. 034 disclosed on May 13, 2022. 3. During the reporting period, the Company obtained the final confirmation of product procurement from a large retail company, the procurement target is mobile energy storage (POWER BANK) and household energy storage (POWER STATION) products, and the expected purchase amount is no less than USD 20 million per year. The validity period of this purchase is two years. For details, see Announcement (2022) No. 061 disclosed on September 10, 2022. 4. On September 23, 2022, the 24th meeting of the 5th session of Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Establishment of a Wholly-owned Subsidiary Company through Foreign Investment. Hong Kong GreatStar International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, intends to establish a wholly-owned sub-subsidiary company, Hangzhou GreatStar New Energy Co., Ltd. (tentatively named, subject to the approval of the competent authorities), with a registered capital of USD 15 million, which will be raised by Hong Kong GreatStar. For details, see Announcement (2022) No. 067 disclosed on September 24, 2022. 5. Global Depository Receipts issued by the Company approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission and SIX Exchange RegulationAG, Switzerland Hereinafter referred to as "GDR") will be listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange on November 15, 2022 (Swiss time) (hereinafter referred to as "Issuance"). GDR securities are Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. GDR listing code: GSI. 70% or more of the net proceeds from the offering will be used to expand the Company's main business, including but not limited to the development of power tools and home energy storage products and overseas distribution: not more than 30% or the remainder of the net proceeds will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes. The price of each GDR in the Issuance is USD13.08. The number of GDRS in the Issuance is 11,812,700, among which each GDR represents 5 shares of the Company's A shares, and the corresponding number of new underlying A shares is 59,063,500. After the completion of the Issuance of GDRS, the total share capital of the Company is changed to 1,202,501,992 shares, and the total amount of funds raised by the Issuance of GDRS is USD154,510,116.00. The funds raised in the Issuance have been received. 6. On December 16, 2022, the 28th meeting of the 5th session of Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Establishment of a Wholly-owned Sub-subsidiary through Foreign Investment. Hong Kong GreatStar International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, intends to establish a wholly-owned sub-subsidiary, Hangzhou GreatStar Garden Tools Co., Ltd. (tentatively named, subject to the approval of the competent authorities), in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with a registered capital of USD 100 million, which is self-raised by Hong Kong GreatStar. For details, see Announcement (2022) No. 093 disclosed on December 17, 2022. XVII. Major matters of subsidiaries of the Company □ Applicable N/A 102 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders I. Changes in shares 1. Changes in shares Unit: share Before change Increase/decrease (+, -) After change Conversio n of Proportio Issue new Share Proportio Quantity provident Others Subtotal Quantity n shares delivery n fund shares I. Limited - - sale 61,339,78 49,531,30 5.36% 11,808,48 11,808,48 4.12% condition 6 4 2 2 shares 1. State sharehold ing 2. Sharehold ing by state- owned legal persons 3. Other - - 61,339,78 49,531,30 domestic 5.36% 11,808,48 11,808,48 4.12% 6 4 holdings 2 2 Including: domestic legal person sharehold ing Domestic natural - - 61,339,78 49,531,30 person 5.36% 11,808,48 11,808,48 4.12% 6 4 sharehold 2 2 ing 4. Foreign ownershi p Including: foreign legal person sharehold ing 103 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Sharehold ing by foreign natural persons II. Shares subject to 1,082,098 59,063,50 11,808,48 70,871,98 1,152,970 94.64% 95.88% unlimited ,706 0 2 2 ,688 sale 1. CNY 1,082,098 59,063,50 11,808,48 70,871,98 1,152,970 ordinary 94.64% 95.88% ,706 0 2 2 ,688 shares 2. Foreign capital stocks listed in China 3. Foreign capital stocks listed overseas 4. Others III. Total 1,143,438 59,063,50 59,063,50 1,202,501 number of 100.00% 0 100.00% ,492 0 0 ,992 shares Reasons for changes in shares Applicable □ N/A During the reporting period, the number of global depositary receipts issued by the Company was 11,812,700, in which each GDR represented five A-shares of the Company, and the corresponding number of new underlying A-shares was 59,063,500. As a result, the total capital of the Company increased by 59,063,500 shares; Changes in limited sale conditions are caused by changes in the holdings of directors and executives of the Company. Approval of changes in shares Applicable □ N/A The Company has obtained the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC") for the issuance of GDRS. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Issuance and Listing of GDRS on the Swiss Stock Exchange Approved by the CSRC published by the Company on November 10, 2022 (Announcement (2022) No. 081) and has obtained the approval of the Prospectus Office of the Swiss Stock Exchange Regulator for the GDR offering, as detailed in the Company's Notice concerning the Determination of the Price Range for the GDR Offering and the Approval of the Prospectus Office of the Swiss Stock Exchange Regulator, dated 10 November 2022 (Announcement (2022) No. 082). Transfer of stock changes □ Applicable N/A The impact of stock changes on basic and diluted earnings per share, net asset value per share attributable to the Company's common shareholders and other financial indicators in the most recent year and the most recent period □ Applicable N/A 104 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required by the securities regulatory authorities to be disclosed □ Applicable N/A 2. Changes in restricted shares Applicable □ N/A Unit: share Increase the Number of Number of Initial limited number of restricted restricted Name of Reasons for Date of lifting number of restricted shares released shares at the shareholder restricted sales the restriction shares sold shares in the in the current end of the current period period period 25% of the total number of restricted Appointed an shares to be executive and Zhang Mao 0 2,175 2,175 released at the locked up 75% beginning of of his shares. each year during the term of office. 25% of the total number of restricted shares to be Executive lock Li Feng 609,733 30,225 639,958 released at the stock beginning of each year during the term of office. 25% of the total number of restricted shares to be Director lock-in Qiu Jianping 45,663,225 2,159,218 11,300,100 36,522,343 released at the stock beginning of each year during the term of office. 25% of the total number of restricted shares to be Executive lock Wang Lingling 12,863,220 3,150,000 9,713,220 released at the stock beginning of each year during the term of office. 25% of the total number of restricted Executive lock Zhou Siyuan 0 450,000 450,000 shares to be stock released at the beginning of each year 105 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. during the term of office. Total 59,136,178 2,641,618 14,450,100 47,327,696 -- -- II. Securities issuance and listing 1. Securities issuance (excluding preferred shares) during the reporting period Applicable □ N/A Names of Issue price Number of stocks and Date of Quantity Date of Closing Disclosure Date of (or interest approved derivative issue issued listing date index disclosure rate) listings securities Stock class Announce November USD 2.616 November March 15, A-share 59,063,500 59,063,500 ment No.: 10, 2022 per share 15, 2022 2023 2022-086 Convertible bonds, separately traded convertible bonds and corporate bonds Other derivative securities Global It's USD Announce November November November depositary 13.08 per 11,812,700 11,812,700 ment No.: 10, 2022 15, 2022 10, 2022 receipts copy 2022-084 Description of securities issuance (excluding preferred stock) during the reporting period The Company completed the issue of Global Depository Receipts (hereinafter referred to as "GDR") in November 2022 and was listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange on November 15, 2022 (Swiss time) (hereinafter referred to as "Issuance"). The price of each GDR in the Issuance is USD 13.08. The number of GDRS in the Issuance is 11,812,700, among which each GDR represents 5 shares of the Company's A shares, and the corresponding number of new underlying A shares is 59,063,500. After the completion of this GDR, the total share capital of the Company is changed to 1,202,501,992 shares. 2. Description of changes in the total number of shares and shareholder structure of the company, as well as changes in the structure of assets and liabilities of the company Applicable □ N/A The Company completed the issue of Global Depository Receipts (hereinafter referred to as "GDR") in November 2022 and was listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange on November 15, 2022 (Swiss time) (hereinafter referred to as "Issuance"). The price of each GDR in the Issuance is USD 13.08. The number of GDRS in the Issuance is 11,812,700, among which each GDR represents 5 shares of the Company's A shares, and the corresponding number of new underlying A shares is 59,063,500. After the completion of this GDR, the total share capital of the Company is changed to 1,202,501,992 shares. 3. Situation of the existing internal job stock □ Applicable N/A 106 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. III. Shareholders and actual controllers 1. Number and shareholding of the Company's shareholders Unit: share Total Total number of number of common Reporting preferred shareholder Total number of preferred the total shareholder s at the end shareholders whose voting number of s reporting of the rights were restored at the common restoration 46,393 preceding 53,807 0 end of the month prior to 0 shareholder of voting month prior disclosure of the Annual s at the end rights (if to Report (if any) (see Note of the any) at the disclosure 8) period end of the of the period (see Annual Note 8) Report Shareholders holding more than 5% or the top 10 shareholders Report the Number of Number of Condition of pledge, mark Changes in number of shares held shares held or freeze Name of Nature of Shareholdi the holdings at on limited under an shareholder shareholder ng ratio reporting Share the end of terms of unlimited Quantity period status the period sale condition Domestic GreatStar non-state- Holding 452,305,86 452,305,86 owned 37.61% -11434000 0 Group Co., 4 4 legal Ltd. person Citibank, Overseas 59063500.0 59,063,500. National legal 4.91% 59,063,500 0 0 00 Association person Domestic Qiu natural 4.05% 48,696,458 2878958 36,522,343 12,174,115 Jianping person Hong Kong Securities Overseas Clearing legal 2.08% 25,044,623 -53725619 0 25,044,623 Company person Limited China Constructio n Bank Co., Ltd. - BoCOM Schroders Others 1.61% 19,359,284 5056185 0 19,359,284 Economic new power hybrid securities investment fund China Merchants Others 1.09% 13,103,456 3139581 0 13,103,456 Bank Co., 107 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ltd. - BoCOM Schroders Innovation Pilot hybrid securities investment fund Domestic Wang natural 1.08% 12,950,960 0 9,713,220 3,237,740 Lingling person National Social Security Others 1.02% 12,300,000 -500000 0 12,300,000 Fund 115 portfolio National Social Security Others 0.97% 11,635,720 6922494 0 11,635,720 Fund 418 portfolio Industrial and Commercia l Bank of China Limited - Fuguo Tianhui Others 0.83% 10,003,400 2794148 0 10,003,400 Select Growth Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) Placement of new shares by strategic investors or During the reporting period, the Company added 59,063,500 basic A-shares due to the issuance of general corporations as GDRS. At the end of the reporting period, the above added shares were held by Citibank and top 10 shareholders (if National Association. any) (see Note 3) Description of such GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd., Qiu Jianping and Wang Lingling are related and belong to the stockholder affiliation or concerted actors stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of Acquisition of Listed concerted action Companies. Description of the above shareholders involved in entrustment/fiduciary None voting rights, waiver of voting rights Special description of the repurchase account (if None any) among the top 10 shareholders (see Note 10) Holdings of the top 10 unlimited sale condition shareholders 108 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Class of shares Number of unlimited sale condition shares held at the end of reporting Name of shareholder Class of period Quantity shares CNY GreatStar Holding Group 452,305,86 452,305,864 common Co., Ltd. 4 stock CNY Citibank, National 59,063,500 common 59,063,500 Association stock Hong Kong Securities CNY Clearing Company 25,044,623 common 25,044,623 Limited stock China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - BoCOM CNY Schroders Economic new 19,359,284 common 19,359,284 power hybrid securities stock investment fund China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - BoCOM CNY Schroders Innovation 13,103,456 common 13,103,456 Pilot hybrid securities stock investment fund CNY National Social Security 12,300,000 common 12,300,000 Fund 115 portfolio stock CNY Qiu Jianping 12,174,115 common 12,174,115 stock CNY National Social Security 11,635,720 common 11,635,720 Fund 418 portfolio stock Industrial and Commercial Bank of CNY China Limited - Fuguo 10,003,400 common 10,003,400 Tianhui Select Growth stock Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. CNY - Social Security Fund 9,760,298 common 9,760,298 17052 portfolio stock Description of the relationships or concerted actions of the top 10 unlimited-float GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Qiu Jianping are related to each other and belong to the joint stockholders and the top actors stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of Acquisition of Listed Companies. 10 unlimited-float stockholders and the top 10 stockholders Description of top 10 common shareholders' GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. participated in the lending business of the securities of the participation in margin transfer, by the end of the reporting period, a total of 11,434,000 shares had been lent. trading (if any) (see Note 4) Whether the top 10 common shareholders and the top 10 unlimited condition common shareholders of the company have engaged in agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period 109 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. □Yes No The top 10 common shareholders and the top 10 unlimited condition common shareholders of the Company did not conduct agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period. 2. Controlling shareholders of the Company Nature of controlling shareholder: natural person holding Type of controlling shareholder: natural person Whether they have obtained the right of Name of controlling shareholder Nationality abode in another country or region Qiu Jianping China No Main occupation and position Chairman of the Board, Chairman of GreatStar Group Hangcha Group Co., Ltd., stock code: 603298, stock abbreviation: Hangcha Group, the company was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 27, 2016, mainly Equity status of other domestic and engaged in forklift trucks, intelligent vehicles and other industrial vehicle products foreign listed companies holding or and main parts of the kit. Zhejiang Xinchai Co., Ltd., stock code: 301032, stock participating shares during the reporting abbreviation: Xinchai Co., Ltd., listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on July 22, 2021, period is mainly engaged in the R&D, production and sales of non-road diesel engines and related parts. Change in reporting period of controlling shareholders □ Applicable N/A The controlling shareholders of the company have not changed during the reporting period. 3. The actual controller of the Company and the person acting in concert Nature of actual controller: Domestic natural person Type of actual controller: natural person Whether they have obtained Relationship with actual Name of actual controller Nationality the right of abode in another controller country or region Qiu Jianping Myself China No Main occupation and position Chairman of the Board, Chairman of GreatStar Group The domestic and foreign Qiu Jianping is the actual controller of Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. (Stock code: 603298) and listed companies in the past Zhejiang Xinchai Co., Ltd. (stock code: 301032). 10 years Whether actual controller has changed in the reporting period □ Applicable N/A The actual controller of the Company has not changed during the reporting period. Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the company and the actual controller 110 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Qiu Jianping Qiu Jianping and his wife GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. The actual controller controls the Company through trust or other asset management □ Applicable N/A 4. The accumulative number of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of the Company and the persons acting in concert shall account for 80% of the number of shares held by them □ Applicable N/A 5. Other corporate shareholders holding more than 10% □ Applicable N/A 6. The controlling shareholder, the actual controller, the reorganization party and other commitment subject stock restriction reduction □ Applicable N/A IV. Specific implementation of share repurchase in the reporting period The implementation progress of share repurchase Applicable □ N/A Proportion of shares repurchased Amount to Number of Number of to the Scheme As a be Proposed shares to be Repurchase shares underlying disclosure percentage of repurchased buyback repurchased use repurchased shares time total equity (ten thousand period (shares) (shares) covered by CNY) the equity incentive plan (if any) Among them, 40% of the 18,000- 2021-7-6 to July 6, 2021 repurchased 8,023,810 36,000 2022-7-4 shares are intended to be used for 111 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. stock source of employee stock ownership plan or equity incentive plan, and 60% of the repurchased shares are intended to be used for conversion of corporate bonds issued by the Company that can be converted into stock The implementation progress of reducing shares and repurchasing shares by centralized bidding trading □ Applicable N/A 112 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section VIII Preferred Shares □ Applicable N/A No preferred stock existed in the Company during the reporting period. 113 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section IX Information about Bond □ Applicable N/A 114 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Section X Financial Statements I. Audit report Type of audit opinion Standard unreserved opinion Date of signing the audit report April 21, 2023 Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (special general Name of audit institution partnership) Audit report number Pan-China Audit (2023) No. 3368 CPA name Fei Fanghua and Li Xi Text of audit report All shareholders of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd.: I. Audit opinions We have audited the financial statements of Hangzhou GreatStar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “GreatStar”), including the consolidated and parent company balance sheet for December 31, 2022, the consolidated and parent company income statement for 2022, the consolidated and parent company cash flow statement, the consolidated and parent company statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, and the relevant notes to the financial statements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements, prepared in all material respects in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises, fairly present the financial position of the combination and parent company as of December 31, 2022, and the results of the combination and parent company's operations and cash flows for the year 2022. II. Basis of audit opinions We carried out the audit in accordance with the auditing standards of Chinese certified public accountants. Our responsibilities under these standards are further elaborated in the "Certified Public Accountant Responsibilities for the Audit of Financial Statements" section of the audit report. In accordance with the Chinese Certified Public Accountant Code of Ethics, we are independent of GreatStar and fulfill other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. III. Key audit matters Key audit items refer to the items that we consider to be the most important in the audit of current financial statements based on our professional judgment. The response to these matters is in the context of an audit of the financial statements as a whole and the formation of an audit opinion. We do not express an opinion on these matters separately. (I) Revenue recognition 1. Event description For details of disclosure of relevant information, see Note V, (II), 1 and Note III, (XXV) to the financial statements. The revenue of GreatStar comes from hand tools, power tools, laser measurement and storage, etc. In 2022, the operating income of GreatStar was CNY 1,261,0189,600.00. As revenue is one of the key performance indicators of GreatStar, there may be an inherent risk that the management of GreatStar (hereinafter referred to as “Management”) may achieve specific goals or expectations through inappropriate revenue recognition. Therefore, we have identified revenue recognition as a key audit item. 2. Audit response For revenue recognition, our audit procedures mainly include: 115 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (1) Understand the key internal controls related to revenue recognition, evaluate the design of these controls, determine whether they are implemented, and test the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls; (2) Examine the sales contract, understand the main contract terms or conditions, and evaluate whether the revenue recognition method is appropriate; (3) Carry out analysis procedures for operating proceeds and gross profit margin on a monthly, product and customer basis, identify whether there are significant or abnormal fluctuations, and find out the causes of fluctuations; (4) For domestic sales revenue, check supporting documents related to revenue recognition by sampling method, including sales contract, order, sales invoice, warehouse delivery and customer signature; For export income, check sales contract, export declaration, freight bill of lading, customer receipt, sales invoice and other supporting documents by sampling method; (5) Confirm current sales to major customers by sampling method in combination with receivables confirmation; (6) Implement cut-off test for the operating income recognized around the balance sheet date to evaluate whether the operating income is recognized in the appropriate period; (7) Check whether the information related to the operating income has been properly presented in the financial statements. (II) Impairment of goodwill 1. Event description For details of disclosure of relevant information, see Note III, (XX) and Note V, (I), 19 to the financial statements. As at December 31, 2022, the original book value of goodwill of GreatStar was CNY 2,585,130,465.59, the reserve for impairment was CNY 148,989,670.93, and the book value was CNY 2,436,140,794.66. When there are signs of impairment in the asset group or asset group combination related to goodwill, and at the end of each year, management shall conduct impairment tests on goodwill. Management will combine the goodwill with its related asset group or asset group combination for impairment test, and the recoverable amount of the related asset group or asset group combination shall be calculated according to the present value of the estimated future cash flow. Key assumptions used in the impairment test include: revenue growth rate in the detailed forecast period, growth rate in the perpetual forecast period, gross profit rate and discount rate, etc. Because the amount of goodwill is material and the test of goodwill impairment involves significant management judgment, we have identified goodwill impairment as a critical audit matter. 2. Audit response For goodwill impairment, our audit procedures mainly include: (1) Understand the key internal controls related to goodwill impairment, evaluate the design of these controls, determine whether they are implemented, and test the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls; (2) Review the management's forecast of the present value of future cash flows and actual operating results in prior years, and evaluate the accuracy of the management's past forecasts; (3) Understand and evaluate the competence, professional quality and objectivity of external valuation experts employed by management; (4) Evaluate the rationality and consistency of the methods used by the management in the impairment test; (5) Evaluate the rationality of key assumptions adopted by the management in the impairment test, and review whether relevant assumptions are consistent with the overall economic environment, industrial conditions, business conditions, historical experience and other assumptions used by the management in relation to financial statements; (6) Test the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the data used by the management in the impairment test, and review the internal consistency of relevant information in the impairment test; (7) Test whether the calculation of the present value of the expected future cash flow by the management is accurate; (8) Check whether the information related to goodwill impairment has been properly presented in the financial statements. 116 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. IV. Other information Management is responsible for other information. Other information includes information covered in the annual report, but excludes the financial statements and our audit reports. Our audit opinion on the financial statements does not cover other information, nor do we express any form of forensic conclusions on other information. In conjunction with our audit of the financial statements, it is our responsibility to read the additional information and, in doing so, consider whether the additional information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or what we have learned during the audit or appears to be materially misstated. Based on the work we have performed, if we determine that additional information is materially misstated, we shall report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. V. Responsibility of the management for financial statements Management is responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards for business enterprises to achieve fair representation, and for designing, implementing and maintaining the necessary internal controls t o ensure that the financial statements are free from material misstatement due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for evaluating GreatStar's ability to go as a going concern, disclosing matters relating to going concern, if applicable, and applying the going concern assumption, unless a liquidation is planned, the operations are discontinued or there is no other realistic alternative. The GreatStar Management Layer (hereinafter referred to as “Management”) is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of GreatStar. VI. Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants for auditing financial statements Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement due to fraud or error, and to produce an audit report containing an audit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but it does not guarantee that an audit performed in accordance with auditing standards will always find a material misstatement. The misstatement may result from fraud or error and is generally considered material if it is reasonably expected that the missta tement, in isolation or in combination, could affect the economic decisions made by users of the financial statements based on the financial statements. In performing our audit work in accordance with audit standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism. Meanwhile, we also perform the following work: (I) Identify and assess the risk of material misstatement of financial statements caused by fraud or error, design and implement audit procedures to deal with these risks, and obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as the basis for expressing audit opinions. Because fraud may involve collusion, forgery, willful omission, misrepresentation, or override internal controls, the risk of failing to detect a material misstatement as a result of fraud is higher than the risk of failing to detect a material mis statement as a result of error. (II) Understand the internal controls related to audit to design appropriate audit procedures. (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies chosen by the management and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and relevant disclosures made by the management. (IV) Conclude the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern assumption. Meanwhile, based on the audit evidence obtained, it concludes whether there is a material uncertainty about matters or circumstances that may raise material doubt about GreatStar's ability to go as a going concern. If we conclude that there is a material uncertainty, auditing standards require us to bring relevant disclosures in the financial statements to the attention of statement users in our audit reports; If disclosure is 117 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. inadequate, we shall express a non-unqualified opinion. Our conclusions are based on information available as of the audit reporting date. However, future events or circumstances may result in GreatStar not being a going concern. (V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and evaluate whether the financial statements fairly reflect the relevant transactions and events. (VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entity or business activities of the GreatStar, so as to express audit opinions on the financial statements. We are responsible for the guidance, supervision and execution of Group audits and take full responsibility for audit opinions. We communicate with the management about the planned audit scope, timing, and significant audit findings, including internal control deficiencies of concern that we have identified during the audit. We also provide the management with a statement that we have complied with ethical requirements related to our independence and communicate with governance about all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as well as relevant precautions, if applicable. From the matters communicated with the management layer, we determine which matters are the most important for the audit of the current financial statements and therefore constitute the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our audit reports unless the public disclosure of such matters is prohibited by law or regulation or, in rare circumstances, we determine that we shall not communicate a matter in our audit report if the negative consequences of communicating the matter in our audit report can reasonably be expected to outweigh the benefit in the public interest. II. Financial statements The unit of the statement in the financial notes: CNY 1. Consolidated balance sheets Prepared by: Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. December 31, 2022 Unit: CNY Item December 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 Current assets: Cash and Cash equivalents 4,863,206,182.40 4,033,707,240.16 Settlements Provision Loans to banks and other financial institutions Financial assets held for trading 70,230,104.24 13,557,757.75 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 18,765,981.83 6,629,914.18 Accounts receivable 1,896,685,590.11 1,798,265,505.53 Financing receivables 324,557,679.71 559,020,827.52 Prepayments 128,254,093.87 77,743,441.90 Insurance premium receivable Due from reinsurers Reinsurance contract reserves receivable Other receivables 58,325,042.10 96,151,003.68 Including: Interest receivable 118 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Dividends receivable Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 2,812,572,525.68 2,835,777,996.84 Contract assets Assets classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current assets 98,061.60 90,708.80 Other current assets 134,130,648.58 193,991,198.10 Total current assets 10,306,825,910.12 9,614,935,594.46 Non-current assets: Loans and advances Debt investment Other debt investments Long-term receivables 2,872,179.47 2,721,241.71 Long-term equity investment 2,544,523,517.55 2,353,942,699.80 Other equity instruments investment 16,550,000.00 16,550,000.00 Other non-current financial assets Investment properties 122,158,556.01 127,058,966.69 Fixed assets 1,518,902,232.96 1,494,547,487.29 Construction in progress 304,599,362.46 113,750,851.49 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-to-use assets 417,129,361.41 411,722,761.66 Intangible assets 712,798,866.46 671,293,451.61 Development expenditure Goodwill 2,436,140,794.66 2,305,780,623.86 Long-term deferred expenses 29,683,274.34 26,745,962.25 Deferred tax assets 92,863,613.38 64,333,652.79 Other non-current assets 74,507,127.95 103,771,593.06 Total non-current assets 8,272,728,886.65 7,692,219,292.21 Total assets 18,579,554,796.77 17,307,154,886.67 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 1,379,062,713.11 1,806,901,201.39 Borrowings from the central bank Deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions Financial liabilities held for trading 48,413,710.29 978,031.91 Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 21,096,540.03 51,728,000.00 Accounts payable 1,366,875,268.71 1,640,430,929.84 Receipts in advance Contract liabilities 131,898,420.14 91,235,951.19 Financial assets sold under agreements 119 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. to buy Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions Customer brokerage deposits Securities underwriting brokerage deposits Payroll and employee benefits payable 270,678,187.82 264,073,705.38 Tax payable 176,943,955.53 170,836,108.02 Other payables 21,198,376.32 676,502,987.21 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable Fees and commissions payable Reinsurance payable Liabilities classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current 323,296,833.40 358,525,963.69 liabilities Other current liabilities 2,136,266.97 2,501,196.81 Total current liabilities 3,741,600,272.32 5,063,714,075.44 Non-current liabilities: Insurance reserves Long-term borrowings 798,604,951.84 1,015,445,732.07 Bonds payable Including: Preference shares Perpetual debt Lease liabilities 318,221,349.99 289,196,511.02 Long-term payables Long-term payroll and employee 19,223,856.97 20,854,276.60 benefits payable Provisions 4,548,413.90 4,924,868.93 Deferred income 2,364,687.74 2,802,244.63 Deferred tax liabilities 70,462,027.25 96,927,387.14 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 1,213,425,287.69 1,430,151,020.39 Total liabilities 4,955,025,560.01 6,493,865,095.83 Shareholders’ equity: Paid-in capital 1,202,501,992.00 1,143,438,492.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preference shares Perpetual bond Capital reserve 3,950,778,936.53 2,924,951,844.93 Less: Treasury shares 236,625,962.00 186,441,914.48 Other comprehensive income 115,010,556.85 -229,774,189.10 Special reserve Surplus reserve 663,843,379.04 598,543,176.63 General risk reserve Retained earnings 7,702,438,641.41 6,348,179,336.72 Equity attributable to parent company 13,397,947,543.83 10,598,896,746.70 120 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Non-controlling interests 226,581,692.93 214,393,044.14 Total shareholders’ equity 13,624,529,236.76 10,813,289,790.84 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 18,579,554,796.77 17,307,154,886.67 Legal representative: Qiu Jianping Chief accountant: Ni Shuyi Head of accounting department: Ni Shuyi 2. Balance sheet of parent company Unit: CNY Item December 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 Current assets: Cash and Cash equivalents 1,959,109,461.78 2,206,647,760.44 Financial assets held for trading 2,805,400.00 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 6,303,252.22 3,817,503.68 Accounts receivable 1,094,304,301.40 972,916,000.96 Financing receivables 321,247,171.36 370,836,450.93 Prepayment 11,356,975.59 15,407,186.40 Other receivables 2,755,900,353.60 1,458,883,819.83 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable Inventories 67,443,090.27 68,823,270.52 Contract assets Assets classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets 56,338,463.11 51,228,927.28 Total current assets 6,272,003,069.33 5,151,366,320.04 Non-current assets: Debt investment Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 6,646,597,702.06 6,509,236,517.72 Other equity instruments Investment 16,550,000.00 16,550,000.00 Other non-current financial assets Investment properties 122,158,556.01 Fixed assets 164,458,168.94 148,222,773.14 Construction in progress 32,000,978.77 6,172,215.82 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-to-use assets Intangible assets 21,448,416.46 16,166,495.20 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 121 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Deferred tax assets 16,436,967.81 12,054,042.27 Other non-current assets 2,422,590.14 5,741,206.20 Total non-current assets 7,022,073,380.19 6,714,143,250.35 Total assets 13,294,076,449.52 11,865,509,570.39 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 656,030,197.16 1,547,295,724.96 Financial liabilities held for trading 13,075,775.62 Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 100,000,000.00 Accounts payable 1,107,917,284.47 389,834,880.42 Receipts in advance Contract liabilities 43,237,007.23 46,268,755.74 Payroll and employee benefits payable 52,247,521.65 46,155,738.14 Taxes payable 35,226,805.80 76,469,338.83 Other payables 3,392,054.12 585,010,369.48 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable Liabilities classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current 73,583,468.23 82,994,001.43 liabilities Other current liabilities 604,815.09 427,742.00 Total current liabilities 2,085,314,929.37 2,774,456,551.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 792,728,586.65 391,626,437.89 Bonds payable Including: Preference shares Perpetual bond Lease liabilities Long-term payables Long-term payroll and employee benefits payable Provisions Deferred income 795,332.50 1,556,851.32 Deferred tax liabilities 2,413,918.11 1,799,743.40 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 795,937,837.26 394,983,032.61 Total liabilities 2,881,252,766.63 3,169,439,583.61 Shareholders’ equity: Paid-in capital 1,202,501,992.00 1,143,438,492.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preference shares Perpetual debt Capital reserve 3,958,727,598.88 2,930,657,501.76 Less: Treasury shares 236,625,962.00 186,441,914.48 Other comprehensive income -54,066,268.84 -84,939,637.21 122 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Special reserve Surplus reserve 660,095,082.13 594,794,879.72 Retained earnings 4,882,191,240.72 4,298,560,664.99 Total shareholders’ equity 10,412,823,682.89 8,696,069,986.78 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 13,294,076,449.52 11,865,509,570.39 3. Consolidated income statement Unit: CNY Item 2022 2021 I. Total revenue 12,610,189,590.33 10,919,683,344.37 Including: Operating proceeds 12,610,189,590.33 10,919,683,344.37 Interest income Net earned premiums Net fee and commission revenue II. Total operating costs 11,041,030,293.49 9,865,931,262.26 Including: Operating cost 9,266,922,304.75 8,176,123,668.50 Interest expense Fees and commission expenses Surrenders Net payments for insurance claims Net provision of insurance reserve Policyholder dividends Reinsurance expense Taxes and surcharges 47,328,748.68 36,118,676.84 Selling expenses 757,228,439.80 593,003,103.68 General and administrative 760,961,439.86 686,120,731.06 expenses R&D expenses 319,444,535.16 309,763,366.15 Financial expenses -110,855,174.76 64,801,716.03 Including: Interest expense 102,114,891.52 59,754,089.36 Interest income 83,482,441.75 59,709,415.20 Add: Other income 50,671,622.68 47,550,853.31 Investment income (loss 176,927,540.37 370,298,858.39 presented by “-”) Including: Share of profits 186,224,854.43 253,722,685.68 or loss of associates and joint ventures Gain from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Exchange gain (loss presented by “-”) Net exposure hedging gain (loss 123 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. presented by “-”) Gain on changes in fair value -50,580,428.04 -23,610,602.75 (loss presented by “-”) Credit impairment loss (loss 19,113,580.83 -44,330,212.07 presented by “-”) Assets impairment loss (loss -61,324,795.37 -23,131,165.61 presented by “-”) Gain from disposal of assets (loss -16,894,964.73 -3,020,089.44 presented by “-”) III. Operating profit (loss presented by “- 1,687,071,852.58 1,377,509,723.94 ”) Add: Non-operating income 1,183,010.44 87,347,950.40 Less: Non-operating costs 20,981,657.35 6,324,391.50 IV. Total Profit (total loss presented by “- 1,667,273,205.67 1,458,533,282.84 ”) Less: Income tax expense 222,629,780.80 161,218,083.23 V. Net profit (net loss presented by “-”) 1,444,643,424.87 1,297,315,199.61 (1) Classified by operation continuity 1. Net profit from continuing 1,444,643,424.87 1,297,315,199.61 operations (net loss presented by “-”) 2. Net profit from discontinuing operations (net loss presented by “-”) (2) Classified by ownership 1. Net profit attributable to owners 1,419,559,507.10 1,270,003,396.40 of parent company 2. Net profit attributable to non- 25,083,917.77 27,311,803.21 controlling interests VI. Other comprehensive income, net of 345,139,758.35 -124,287,257.00 tax Other comprehensive income, net of tax, attributable to owners of the parent 344,784,745.95 -123,936,842.23 company (1) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or -57,181,824.00 71,842,154.00 loss 1. Remeasurement gains or losses -57,181,824.00 71,842,154.00 of a defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in the fair value of the enterprise's own credit risk 5. Others (2) Other comprehensive income to 401,966,569.95 -195,778,996.23 be reclassified into profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that can be classified into profit or loss in 30,873,368.37 -57,553,901.17 equity method 2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive 124 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedging reserves 6. Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency financial 371,093,201.58 -138,225,095.06 statements 7. Others Other comprehensive income, net of tax, attributable to non-controlling 355,012.40 -350,414.77 interests VII. Total comprehensive income 1,789,783,183.22 1,173,027,942.61 Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent 1,764,344,253.05 1,146,066,554.17 company Total comprehensive income 25,438,930.17 26,961,388.44 attributable to non-controlling interests VIII. Earnings per share (1) Basic earnings per share 1.24 1.13 (2) Diluted earnings per share 1.24 1.13 If a combination of enterprises under common control occurs in the current period, the net profit realized by the combined party before the combination: CNY 0.00, and the net profit realized by the combined party in the prior period: CNY 0.00. Legal representative: Qiu Jianping Chief accountant: Ni Shuyi Head of accounting department: Ni Shuyi 4. Profit statement of parent company Unit: CNY Item 2022 2021 I. Operating proceeds 4,823,927,494.05 5,221,628,054.56 Less: Operating costs 3,916,985,810.07 4,191,586,370.63 Taxes and surcharges 7,125,272.26 3,914,655.88 Selling expenses 157,616,107.21 148,931,778.67 Administrative expenses 158,154,677.59 149,112,457.48 R&D expenses 172,795,285.87 179,141,639.18 Financial expenses -118,107,418.16 14,697,466.10 Including: Interest expenses 61,350,280.13 34,320,239.29 Interest income 81,159,347.99 60,903,121.60 Add: Other income 26,535,450.88 30,673,586.63 Investment income (loss 212,798,675.79 328,237,087.74 presented by “-”) Including: Investment income 185,125,266.05 254,321,468.97 from associates and joint ventures Gain from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost (loss presented by “-”) Net exposure hedging gain (loss presented by “-”) Gain on changes in fair value -15,881,175.62 -10,581,000.00 (loss presented by “-”) 125 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Credit impairment loss (loss -19,083,749.36 -14,920,249.84 presented by “-”) Assets impairment loss (loss -766,503.26 -458,846.42 presented by “-”) Gain from disposal of assets (loss 70,451.00 74,881.50 presented by “-”) II. Operating profit (loss presented by “- 733,030,908.64 867,269,146.23 ”) Add: Non-operating income 624.86 381,632.32 Less: Non-operating costs 118,114.79 714,318.83 III. Total Profit (total loss presented by "- 732,913,418.71 866,936,459.72 ") Less: Income tax expense 79,911,394.57 97,532,338.07 IV. Net Profit (net loss presented by “-”) 653,002,024.14 769,404,121.65 (1) Net profit from continuing 653,002,024.14 769,404,121.65 operations (net loss presented by “-”) (2) Net profit from discontinuing operations (net loss presented by “-”) V. Other comprehensive income, net of 30,873,368.37 -57,553,901.17 tax (1) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 1. Changes arising from the re- measurement of defined benefit plans 2. Other comprehensive income using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of enterprise’s own credit risk 5. Others (2) Other comprehensive income to 30,873,368.37 -57,553,901.17 be reclassified to profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss in 30,873,368.37 -57,553,901.17 equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedge reserve 6. Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements 7. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 683,875,392.51 711,850,220.48 VII. Earnings per share (1) Basic earnings per share (2) Diluted earnings per share 126 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 5. Consolidated cash flow statement Unit: CNY Item 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods 12,910,612,353.48 10,523,385,725.14 and the rendering of services Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Net increase in loans from the central bank Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash premiums received on original insurance contracts Net cash received from re-insurance business Net increase in deposits and investments from insurers Cash received from interest, fees and commission Net increase in funds deposit Net increase in repurchase business funds Net income from securities trading brokerage business Tax refunds received 767,676,772.01 670,357,690.68 Cash received relating to other 172,081,769.11 160,238,749.92 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 13,850,370,894.60 11,353,982,165.74 activities Cash paid for purchase of goods and 8,589,229,524.03 8,138,089,857.73 services Net increase in loans and payments on behalf of customers Net increase in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions Payments for claims for original insurance contracts Net increase in funds lent Cash paid for interest, fees and commission Commissions on insurance policies pai Cash paid to and on behalf of 2,037,598,678.58 1,806,978,106.79 employee Cash paid for taxes 419,820,083.63 365,159,229.48 Cash paid relating to other operating 1,171,885,965.97 1,025,122,802.07 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 12,218,534,252.21 11,335,349,996.07 operating activities Net cash flows from operating activities 1,631,836,642.39 18,632,169.67 127 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. II. Cash flows from investment activities: Cash received from disposal of 167,680,415.22 399,043,604.99 investments Cash received from investment 67,654,596.08 121,150,687.38 income Net proceeds from disposal of property, intangible assets and other 40,203,072.92 50,825,512.05 long-term assets Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Cash received relating to other 70,195,704.98 5,945,450.31 investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 345,733,789.20 576,965,254.73 activities Purchase of property, intangible assets 432,498,640.04 541,990,133.84 and other non-current assets Cash paid for investments 221,000,000.00 321,320,000.00 Net increase in secured loans Net cash paid for acquisition of a 76,724,758.42 923,935,753.71 subsidiary and other operating units Cash paid relating to other investing 129,876,712.70 2,788,158.98 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 860,100,111.16 1,790,034,046.53 investment activities Net cash flows from investment activities -514,366,321.96 -1,213,068,791.80 III. Cash flows from financing Activities: Cash received from investments 1,087,601,650.11 Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from non-controlling interests of subsidiaries Proceeds from borrowings 3,498,929,736.98 3,832,766,206.58 Cash receipts relating to other 104,266,666.67 583,000,000.00 financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 4,690,798,053.76 4,415,766,206.58 activities Cash paid for repayment of debt 4,431,592,234.99 2,540,690,729.79 Cash payments for distribution of 84,667,826.94 53,626,407.90 dividends or profit and interest expenses Including: Dividends or profit paid to non-controlling shareholders of 13,170,580.97 755,470.43 subsidiaries Cash payments relating to other 784,289,697.86 290,674,869.30 financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 5,300,549,759.79 2,884,992,006.99 financing activities Net cash flows from financing activities -609,751,706.03 1,530,774,199.59 IV. Effect of exchange rate change on 284,522,324.89 -65,414,554.36 cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash 792,240,939.29 270,923,023.10 equivalents Add: Cash and cash equivalent at the 4,001,186,241.18 3,730,263,218.08 beginning of the period VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end 4,793,427,180.47 4,001,186,241.18 of the period 128 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 6. Cash flow statement of parent company Unit: CNY Item 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods 4,918,593,279.27 5,540,994,419.37 and the rendering of services Tax refunds received 478,049,259.74 539,325,024.06 Cash received relating to other 91,105,691.64 105,584,100.91 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 5,487,748,230.65 6,185,903,544.34 activities Cash paid for purchase of goods and 3,482,411,796.27 4,918,942,931.09 services Cash paid to and on behalf of 316,096,416.76 287,460,870.76 employee Cash paid for taxes 135,425,402.10 130,907,197.94 Cash paid for other operating activities 274,272,238.19 329,723,900.32 Sub-total of cash outflows from 4,208,205,853.32 5,667,034,900.11 operating activities Net cash flows from operating activities 1,279,542,377.33 518,868,644.23 II. Cash flows from investment activities: Cash received from disposal of 119,399.32 52,950,000.00 investments Cash received from investment 78,605,425.60 78,486,454.00 income Net proceeds from disposal of property, intangible assets and other 731,000.00 256,690.72 long-term assets Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Cash received relating to other 103,688,450.77 12,022,084.95 investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 183,144,275.69 143,715,229.67 activities Purchase of property, intangible assets 39,019,508.60 25,307,503.53 and other non-current assets Cash paid for investments 154,755,189.04 1,207,408,860.00 Cash paid for disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Cash paid relating to other investing 1,360,257,082.16 616,537,578.64 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 1,554,031,779.80 1,849,253,942.17 investment activities Net cash flows from investment activities -1,370,887,504.11 -1,705,538,712.50 III. Cash flows from financing Activities: Cash received from investments 1,087,601,650.11 Proceeds from borrowings 2,986,019,388.00 2,985,778,938.56 Cash receipts relating to other 18,857,097.90 583,000,000.00 financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 4,092,478,136.01 3,568,778,938.56 activities Repayments for debts 3,637,460,412.39 2,197,497,826.00 Cash payments for distribution of 42,758,384.71 29,988,023.43 dividends or profit and interest expenses Cash payments relating to other 676,660,516.57 216,024,031.31 financing activities 129 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Sub-total of cash outflows from 4,356,879,313.67 2,443,509,880.74 financing activities Net cash flows from financing activities -264,401,177.66 1,125,269,057.82 IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on 108,079,052.78 -20,904,019.78 cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -247,667,251.66 -82,305,030.23 equivalents Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the 2,205,340,620.44 2,287,645,650.67 beginning of the period VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end 1,957,673,368.78 2,205,340,620.44 of the period 7. Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity Current amount Unit: CNY 2022 Shareholders’ equity attributable to parent company Other equity Othe Total instruments r O share Gen Min Item Shar Capi Less: com Spec Surp Reta t ority hold Pref eral e Perp tal Treasu preh ial lus ined h Subt equit ers’ eren risk capit etual Othe reser ry ensi reser reser profi e otal y equit ce reser al bon rs ve shares ve ve ve ts r y shar ve d inco s es me - 10,5 10,8 1,14 2,92 598, 6,34 214, I. Balance at 186,4 229, 98,8 13,2 3,43 4,95 543, 8,17 393, the end of 41,91 774, 96,7 89,7 8,49 1,84 176. 9,33 044. prior year 4.48 189. 46.7 90.8 2.00 4.93 63 6.72 14 10 0 4 Add: Accounting 0.00 policy changes Pr evious error 0.00 correction er ger of enterprises 0.00 under common control Ot 0.00 hers - 10,5 10,8 II. Balance 1,14 2,92 598, 6,34 214, 186,4 229, 98,8 13,2 at the 3,43 4,95 543, 8,17 393, 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,91 774, 0.00 0.00 96,7 89,7 beginning of 8,49 1,84 176. 9,33 044. 4.48 189. 46.7 90.8 the year 2.00 4.93 63 6.72 14 10 0 4 III. Changed 59,0 1,02 50,18 344, 65,3 1,35 2,79 12,1 2,81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 during the 63,5 5,82 4,047. 784, 00,2 4,25 9,05 88,6 1,23 130 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. period 00.0 7,09 52 745. 02.4 9,30 0,79 48.7 9,44 (decrease 0 1.60 95 1 4.69 7.13 9 5.92 presented by “-") 344, 1,41 1,76 25,4 1,78 (1) Total 784, 9,55 4,34 38,9 9,78 comprehens 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 745. 9,50 4,25 30.1 3,18 ive income 95 7.10 3.05 7 3.22 (2) Owner 59,0 1,01 1,07 1,07 investment 63,5 2,26 1,32 1,32 and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00.0 4,79 8,29 8,29 reduction of 0 6.24 6.24 6.24 capital 1. Common 59,0 1,01 1,07 1,07 shares 63,5 2,26 1,32 1,32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 invested by 00.0 4,79 8,29 8,29 the owner 0 6.24 6.24 6.24 2. Other equity 0.00 instrument 3. Shares paid taken into 0.00 shareholder’ s equity 4. Others 0.00 - - - 65,3 65,3 13,1 13,1 (3) Profit 00,2 0.00 0.00 00,2 0.00 70,5 70,5 distribution 02.4 02.4 80.9 80.9 1 1 7 7 - 65,3 1. Transfer 65,3 00,2 to surplus 0.00 0.00 00,2 0.00 0.00 0.00 02.4 reserve 02.4 1 1 2. Transfer to general 0.00 0.00 reserve 3. - - Distribution 13,1 13,1 to owners 70,5 70,5 (or 80.9 80.9 shareholders 7 7 ) 4. Others 0.00 (4) Transfer within 0.00 equity 1. Transfer- in from 0.00 capital reserves 2. Transfer- 0.00 131 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. in from surplus reserves 3. Loss covered by 0.00 surplus reserves 4. Retained earnings transferred from 0.00 changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred 0.00 from other comprehens ive income 6. Others 0.00 5. Special 0.00 reserves 1. Current 0.00 extraction 2. Current 0.00 use - - 13,5 - 50,18 36,6 36,7 62,2 79,7 (6) Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,047. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,7 01,4 95.3 00.4 52 52.1 52.5 6 1 6 7 13,3 13,6 IV. Balance 1,20 3,95 115, 663, 7,70 226, 236,6 97,9 24,5 at the end of 2,50 0,77 010, 843, 2,43 581, 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,96 0.00 0.00 47,5 29,2 the current 1,99 8,93 556. 379. 8,64 692. 2.00 43.8 36.7 period 2.00 6.53 85 04 1.41 93 3 6 Prior amount Unit: CNY 2021 Shareholders’ equity attributable to parent company Other equity G instruments e Sp n Total Pr Other O Min share Pe ec e Item ef Capita Less: compr Surplu t ority hold rp ial r Retain Share er l Treasu ehensi s h Subt equit ers’ et re a ed capital en Othe reserv ry ve reserv e otal y equit ua se l profits ce rs e shares incom e r y l rv r sh e s bo e i ar nd s es k 132 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. r e s e r v e 190, - 8,82 211, 9,03 I. Balance at 1,075, 2,095, 105,4 521,6 5,155, 509, 105,8 6,19 219, 7,41 the end of 247,7 044,5 92,69 02,76 116,35 257. 37,34 0,57 605. 0,18 prior year 00.00 41.15 0.23 4.46 2.49 28 6.87 8.28 02 3.30 Add: Accounting policy changes Pr evious error correction C ombination of enterprises under common control Ot hers II. Balance 190, - 8,82 211, 9,03 1,075, 2,095, 105,4 521,6 5,155, at the 509, 105,8 6,19 219, 7,41 247,7 044,5 92,69 02,76 116,35 beginning of 257. 37,34 0,57 605. 0,18 00.00 41.15 0.23 4.46 2.49 the year 28 6.87 8.28 02 3.30 III. Changed - during the - 1,77 1,77 68,19 190, 829,9 80,94 76,94 1,193, 3,17 period 123,9 2,70 5,87 0,792. 509, 07,30 9,224. 0,412. 062,9 3,43 (decrease 36,84 6,16 9,60 00 257. 3.78 25 17 84.23 9.12 presented by 2.23 8.42 7.54 28 “-") - 1,14 26,9 1,17 (1) Total 1,270, 123,9 6,06 61,3 3,02 comprehens 003,3 36,84 6,55 88.4 7,94 ive income 96.40 2.23 4.17 4 2.61 (2) Owner - - 801, 801, investment 68,19 190, 818,1 105,4 333, 333, and 0,792. 509, 59,47 92,69 703. 703. reduction of 00 257. 8.29 0.23 24 24 capital 28 1. Common shares invested by the owner 2. Other equity instrument 133 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 3. Shares paid taken into shareholder’ s equity - - 801, 801, 68,19 190, 818,1 105,4 333, 333, 4. Others 0,792. 509, 59,47 92,69 703. 703. 00 257. 8.29 0.23 24 24 28 - - - 76,94 (3) Profit 76,94 755, 755, 0,412. distribution 0,412. 470. 470. 17 17 43 43 - 1. Transfer 76,94 76,94 to surplus 0,412. 0,412. reserve 17 17 2. Transfer to general reserve 3. Distribution - - to owners 755, 755, (or 470. 470. shareholders 43 43 ) 4. Others (4) Transfer within equity 1. Transfer- in from capital reserves 2. Transfer- in from surplus reserves 3. Loss covered by surplus reserves 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred 134 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. from other comprehens ive income 6. Others 5. Special reserves 1. Current extraction 2. Current use - - - 11,747 186,4 174, 23,0 197, (6) Others ,825.4 41,91 694, 32,4 726, 9 4.48 088. 78.8 567. 99 9 88 10,5 10,8 IV. Balance - 214, 1,143, 2,924, 186,4 598,5 6,348, 98,8 13,2 at the end of 229,7 393, 438,4 0.00 951,8 41,91 43,17 179,3 96,7 89,7 the current 74,18 044. 92.00 44.93 4.48 6.63 36.72 46.7 90.8 period 9.10 14 0 4 8. Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity of parent company Current amount Unit: CNY 2022 Other equity instruments Less Other : compr Spec Total Item Pref Surplu Retain Share Perp Capital Trea ehensi ial shareh eren s ed Others capital etual reserve sury ve reser olders’ ce Others reserve profits bon shar incom ve equity shar es e d es 186, - I. Balance at 594,79 4,298, 8,696, 1,143,43 2,930,657, 441, 84,93 the end of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,879. 560,66 069,98 8,492.00 501.76 914. 9,637. prior year 72 4.99 6.78 48 21 Add: Accounting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 policy changes Pr evious error 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 correction Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 II. Balance 186, - 594,79 4,298, 8,696, at the 1,143,43 2,930,657, 441, 84,93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,879. 560,66 069,98 beginning of 8,492.00 501.76 914. 9,637. 72 4.99 6.78 the year 48 21 III. Changed 50,1 30,87 65,300 583,63 1,716, 59,063,5 1,028,070, during the 0.00 0.00 0.00 84,0 3,368. 0.00 ,202.4 0,575. 753,69 00.00 097.12 period 47.5 37 1 73 6.11 135 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (decrease 2 presented by “-") (1) Total 30,87 653,00 683,87 comprehens 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,368. 0.00 0.00 2,024. 5,392. ive income 37 14 51 (2) Owner investment 1,071, 59,063,5 1,012,264, and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 328,29 00.00 796.24 reduction of 6.24 capital 1. Common 1,071, shares 59,063,5 1,012,264, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 328,29 invested by 00.00 796.24 6.24 the owner 2. Other equity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 instrument 3. Shares paid taken into 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 shareholder’ s equity 4. Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 65,300 (3) Profit 65,300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,202.4 0.00 distribution ,202.4 1 1 - 1. Transfer 65,300 65,300 to surplus 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,202.4 0.00 ,202.4 reserve 1 1 2. Distribution to owners 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (or shareholders ) 3. Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4) Transfer within 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 equity 1. Transfer- in from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 capital reserves 2. Transfer- in from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 surplus reserves 3. Loss covered by 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 surplus 136 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. reserves 4. Retained earnings transferred from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 from other comprehens ive income 6. Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5. Special 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 reserves 1. Current 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 extraction 2. Current 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 use 50,1 - - 15,805,30 84,0 38,449 (6) Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,071, 0.88 47.5 ,992.6 246.00 2 4 IV. Balance 236, - 660,09 4,882, 10,412 at the end of 1,202,50 3,958,727, 625, 54,06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,082. 191,24 ,823,6 the current 1,992.00 598.88 962. 6,268. 13 0.72 82.89 period 00 84 Prior amount Unit: CNY 2021 Other equity instruments Pe Less: Other Spec Surplu Total Item Pref rp Ot Share Capital Treasu compreh ial s Retaine shareh eren et he capital reserve ry ensive reser reserv d profits olders’ ce ua Others rs shares income ve e equity shar l es bo nd I. Balance at 105,4 - 517,8 7,360, 1,075,247, 190,509, 2,103,49 3,606,09 the end of 92,69 27,385,7 54,46 322,3 700.00 257.28 2,365.12 6,955.51 prior year 0.23 36.04 7.55 19.19 Add: Accounting policy changes Pr evious error correction 137 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ot hers II. Balance 105,4 - 517,8 7,360, at the 1,075,247, 190,509, 2,103,49 3,606,09 92,69 27,385,7 54,46 322,3 beginning of 700.00 257.28 2,365.12 6,955.51 0.23 36.04 7.55 19.19 the year III. Changed during the - 80,94 - 76,94 1,335, period 68,190,79 827,165, 692,463, 190,509, 9,224. 57,553,9 0,412. 747,6 (decrease 2.00 136.64 709.48 257.28 25 01.17 17 67.59 presented by “-") (1) Total - 711,85 769,404, comprehens 57,553,9 0,220. 121.65 ive income 01.17 48 (2) Owner - investment - 801,3 68,190,79 818,159, 105,4 and 190,509, 33,70 2.00 478.29 92,69 reduction of 257.28 3.24 0.23 capital 1. Common shares invested by the owner 2. Other equity instrument 3. Shares paid taken into shareholder’ s equity - - 801,3 68,190,79 818,159, 105,4 4. Others 190,509, 33,70 2.00 478.29 92,69 257.28 3.24 0.23 76,94 - (3) Profit 0,412. 76,940,4 distribution 17 12.17 1. Transfer 76,94 - to surplus 0,412. 76,940,4 reserve 17 12.17 2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders ) 3. Others (4) Transfer within equity 1. Transfer- 138 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. in from capital reserves 2. Transfer- in from surplus reserves 3. Loss covered by surplus reserves 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred from other comprehens ive income 6. Others 5. Special reserves 1. Current extraction 2. Current use - 186,4 9,005,65 177,4 (6) Others 41,91 8.35 36,25 4.48 6.13 IV. Balance 186,4 - 594,7 8,696, at the end of 1,143,438, 2,930,65 4,298,56 41,91 84,939,6 94,87 069,9 the current 492.00 7,501.76 0,664.99 4.48 37.21 9.72 86.78 period III. Basic Information about the Company Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”), formerly known as Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Limited., was formed and jointly invested by natural persons Qiu Jianping, Wang Lingling, Li Zheng, Wang Weiyi and Wang Min, and was registered in Hangzhou Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce on August 9, 2001. Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. was established by way of an overall change with March 31, 2008 as the base date, and was registered with the Hangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce on July 2, 2008. Its headquarters is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. 139 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. The Company now holds the business license of unified social credit code 91330000731506099D. As of December 31, 2022, the registered capital was CNY 1,202,501,992.00 and the total number of shares was 1,202,501,992, with the nominal value of CNY 1 per share. Among them, there are 49,531,304 outstanding shares subject to selling restrictions and 1,152,970,688 outstanding shares not subject to selling restrictions. The Company's shares have been listed and traded in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since July 13, 2010. The Company engages in the tool hardware industry. The main business activities are the R&D, production and sales of hand tools, power tools, laser measurement, storage cabinets and Power Stations. The main products of the Company are hand tools, power tools, laser measurement, storage cabinets and Power Stations. This financial statement was approved for disclosure by the 30th meeting of the 5th session of Board of Directors of the Company on April 21, 2023. The Company has incorporated 91 subsidiaries, including Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro Instrument Co., Ltd., Zhejiang GreatStar Tools Limited, Hangzhou GreatStar Tools Limited, Hong Kong GreatStar International Limited, GreatStar Tools USA Inc, Arrow Fastener Co., LLC, GreatStar Industrial USA LLC, GreatStar Europe AG, Lista Holding AG, BeA GmbH and Zhongshan Kilong Industrial Co., Ltd. in the scope of the consolidated financial statements for the period. For details, see the notes VI & VII to the financial statements. 4. Basis for preparing financial statements 1. Preparation basis The Company's financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis. 2. Continuing operation The Company has no events or circumstances that would cause material doubt about its ability to go as a going concern for the 12 months from the end of the reporting period. 5. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates notes: The Company has formulated specific accounting policies and estimates for transactions or events such as impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, and revenue recognition based on actual production and operation characteristics. 140 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 1. Statement of compliance with accounting standards for business enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of the accounting standards for business enterprises and truly and completely reflect the company's financial position, operating results and cash flow and other relevant information. 2. Accounting period The fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of a calendar year. 3. Business cycle The operating cycle of the Company's business is relatively short, with 12 months as the liquidity division standard of assets and liabilities. 4. Functional currency The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt CNY as the functional standard currency. Overseas subsidiaries such as Hong Kong GreatStar International Limited, GreatStar Tools USA, Inc and GreatStar Europe AG have chosen the currency of the accounting standard for their overseas operations in the main economic environment in which they operate. 5. Accounting treatment methods for combination of enterprises under common control and not under common control 1. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations under common control The assets and liabilities acquired by the Company in the business combination shall be measured according to the book value of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the combination date. The Company shall adjust the capital reserve according to the difference between the book value share of the shareholders’ equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party and the book value of the combined consideration paid or the total face value of the issued shares. If the capital reserve is insufficient for write-down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. 2. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations not under common control On the purchase date, the Company recognizes the difference between the cost of the combination and the share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the purchaser obtained in the combination as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the purchaser obtained in the combination, the fair value of the acquired identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the combination cost shall be reviewed first. If the combination 141 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. cost is still less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the purchaser obtained in the combination, the difference shall be recorded into profit and loss. 6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements The parent company includes all subsidiaries under its control in the consolidated scope of the consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the parent company and its subsidiaries and are prepared by the parent company in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements based on other relevant information. 7. Classification of joint venture arrangement and accounting treatment of joint operation 1. The joint venture arrangement is divided into joint operations and joint venture. 2. When the Company is a joint venture party, the following items related to the share of profits in the joint operation shall be recognized: (1) Recognize the assets held separately, and confirm the assets held jointly according to the holding share; (2) Recognize the liabilities undertaken separately and the liabilities jointly undertaken according to the share held; (3) Recognize the income generated from the sale of the Company's share of joint operation; (4) Recognize the income generated from the disposal of assets in joint operation according to the shares held by the Company; (5) Recognize the expenses incurred separately and the expenses incurred by joint operation according to the shares held by the Company. 8. Criteria for determining cash and cash equivalents Cash shown in the statement of cash flows refers to cash on hand and deposits available for payment at any time. Cash equivalents refer to investments held by enterprises with a short term, strong liquidity, easy to convert into known amounts of cash, and little risk of changes in value. 9. Translation of foreign currency business and foreign currency statements 1. Translation of foreign currency business When a foreign currency transaction is initially recognized, the approximate spot rate of the transaction date shall be converted into the CNY amount. On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the different exchange rates shall be recorded into profit and loss, except for the exchange difference of the principal and interest of special foreign currency loans related to the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost shall still be 142 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. converted at the approximate spot rate on the date of transaction without changing the CNY amount; The foreign currency non- monetary items measured at fair value shall be converted by the spot exchange rate on the fair value determination date, and the difference shall be booked into profit and loss or other comprehensive income. 2. Translation of financial statements in foreign currency The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date; The shareholders’ equity items, except the "undistributed profit" items, shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date; The income and expense items in the income statement shall be converted at the approximate spot rate of the transaction date. The difference in translation of foreign currency financial statements resulting from the above-mentioned translation shall be included in other comprehensive income. 10. Financial instruments 1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities At the initial recognition, financial assets are divided into the following three categories: (1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost; (2) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income; (3) Financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss. At the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the following four categories: (1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss; (2) Financial liabilities arising from transfers of financial assets that do not qualify for derecognition or from continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets; (3) Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall under (1) or (2) above, and loan commitments that do not fall under (1) above and lend at below-market rates; (4) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. 2. Recognition basis, measurement method and derecognition conditions for financial assets and financial liabilities (1) Recognition basis and initial measurement method of financial assets and financial liabilities When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, it recognizes a financial asset or liability. When financial assets or financial liabilities are initially recognized, they are measured at fair value. For financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit and loss. For ot her types of financial assets or financial liabilities, related transaction costs are included in the initial recognized amount. However, if the accounts receivable initially recognized by the Company does not contain significant financing component or the Company does not consider the financing component in the contract less than one year, the initial measurement shall be made in accordance with the transaction price defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 -- Revenue. (2) Follow-up measurement methods of financial assets 1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost Using the effective interest rate method, the follow-up measurement is carried out according to the amortized cost. The gains or losses arising from financial assets measured at amortized cost and not part of any hedging relationship shall be recognized in profit or loss upon derecognition, reclassification, amortization according to the effective interest rate method or recognit ion of impairment. 2) Investment in debt instruments measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income Fair value is used for subsequent measurement. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains and losses calculated using the effective interest rate method are included in profit and loss, while other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out of other comprehensive income and recognized in profit and loss. 3) Investment in equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 143 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Fair value is used for subsequent measurement. The dividends obtained (except the part of investment cost recovery) are included in the profit and loss, and other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously recorded in other comprehensive income are transferred out of other comprehensive income and recognized in retained earnings. 4) Financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss The fair value is adopted for subsequent measurement, and the resulting gain or loss (including interest and dividend income) is recognized in profit and loss, unless the financial asset is a part of the hedge relationship. (3) Follow-up measurement methods of financial liabilities 1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss Such financial liabilities include trading financial liabilities (including derivative instruments belonging to financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value through profit and loss. Follow-up measurement of such financial liabilities is recognized at fair value. Changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value through profit and loss due to changes in the Company's own credit risks are recognized in other comprehensive income unless accounting misallocation in profit and loss is caused or extended by such adjustment. Other gains or losses arising from such financial liabilities (including interest expense, except changes in fair value caused by changes in the Company's own credit risk) are recognized in profit or loss, unless the financial liabilities are part of the hedging relationship. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously recorded in other comprehensive income are transferred out of other comprehensive income and recognized in retained earnings. 2) Financial liabilities arising from transfers of financial assets that do not qualify for derecognition or from continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets Measurement is carried out in accordance with relevant provisions in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Financial assets transfer. 3) Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall under 1) or 2) above, and loan commitments that do not fall under 1) and lend at below-market rates After the initial recognition, subsequent measurement shall be made in accordance with the higher of the following two amounts: (1) the loss reserve amount determined in accordance with the impairment provisions of financial instruments; (2) The balance of the initial recognized amount after deducting the accumulated amortization amount determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 -- Income. 4) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost The effective interest rate method is adopted to measure the amortized cost. The gains or losses arising from financial liabilities measured at amortized cost and not part of any hedging relationship shall be recognized in profit and loss upon derecognition and amortization according to the effective interest rate method. (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities 1) Financial assets shall be derecognized when one of the following conditions is met: ① The contractual right to collect cash flows of financial assets has been terminated; ② The financial assets have been transferred, and the transfer meets the provisions related to derecognition of financial assets in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets. 2) When the current obligation of the financial liabilities (or part thereof) has been discharged, financial liabilities (or part thereof) shall be derecognized accordingly. 3. Confirmation basis and measurement method of financial asset transfer If the Company transfers almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets, it shall derecognize such financial assets and separately recognize the rights and obligations generated or retained in the transfer as assets or liabilities. Those who retain almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets continue to recognize the transferred financial assets. If the company neither transfers nor retains almost all the risks and rewards in the ownership of the financial asset, it shall deal with the 144 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. following cases respectively: (1) If it does not retain the control over the financial asset, it shall derecognize the financial asset and separately recognize the rights and obligations generated or retained in the transfer as assets or liabilities; (2) If the control of the financial assets is retained, the relevant financial assets shall be recognized according to the degree of continued involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly. If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the following two amounts shall be recorded into current profit and loss: (1) Book value of the transferred financial assets on the date of derecognition; (2) The sum of the consideration received for the transfer of financial assets and the amount corresponding to the part of termination of recognition in the accumulative amount of the change in fair value directly included in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are debt instrument investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income). If a part of the financial asset is transferred and the transferred part satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the book value of the whole financial asset before transfer shall be apportioned between the part of termination of recognition and the part of continued recognition according to their relative fair value on the transfer date, and the difference of the following two amounts shall be recognized in profit and loss: (1) Book value of the part of termination of recognition; (2) The sum of the consideration for the part of termination of recognition and the amount corresponding to the part of derecognition in the accumulated amount of the change in fair value directly included in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are the debt instrument investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income). 4. Methods for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities The Company determines the fair value of the relevant financial assets and financial liabilities using valuation techniques applicable in the current circumstances and supported by sufficient available data and other information. The Company divides the input values used by the valuation technology into the following levels and uses them successively: (1) The input value of the first level is the unadjusted quotation of the same asset or liability available on the measurement date in the active market; (2) The input value of the second level is the directly or indirectly observable input value of related assets or liabilities except the input value of the first level, including the quotation of similar assets or liabilities in the active market; quotation of the same or similar assets or liabilities in inactive markets; observable input values other than quotes, such as interest rates and yiel d curves that are observable during normal quotation intervals; and market validation input values; (3) The input values of the third level are the unobtainable input values of related assets or liabilities, including interest rates that cannot be directly observed or verified by observable market data, stock volatility, future cash flows of the disposal obligations undertaken in the enterprise combination, and financial forecasts made using their own data. 5. Impairment of financial instruments (1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments Based on expected credit losses, the Company shall make provisions for impairment and recognize loss reserve with respect to financial assets measured at amortized cost, investment in debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, contract assets, lease receivables, loan commitments other than financial liabilities classified as measured at fair value through profit and loss, financial liabilities not measured at fair value through profit and loss, or financial guarantee contracts for financial liabilities arising from transfers of financial assets that do not qualify for derecognition or from continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets. Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of credit loss of financial instruments weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flows receivable by the company at the original actual interest rate and all cash flows expected to be collected, i.e., the present value of all cash shortages. The financial assets purchased or originated by the Company that have suffered credit impairment shall be discounted according to the actual credit-adjusted interest rate of the financial assets. 145 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. For the financial assets purchased or originated by the Company that have suffered credit impairment , the Company will only recognize the cumulative changes in expected credit losses in the entire duration since the initial recognition as a loss reserve at the balance sheet date. For receivables and contract assets formed from transactions regulated by Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 -- Revenue and without significant financing component or the Company does not consider the financing component in contracts less than one year, the Company uses simplified measurement method to measure the loss reserve in accordance with the expected credit loss amount equivalent to the entire duration. For financial assets other than those measured in the above manners, the Company evaluates at each balance sheet date whether their credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition. If the credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Company measures the loss reserve in accordance with the amount of expected credit losses during the entire duration. If the credit risk does not increase significantly since the initial recognition, the Company measures the loss reserve in accordance with the amount of expected credit losses on the financial instrument within the next 12 months. The Company uses reasonably available and evidence-based information, including forward-looking information to determine whether the credit risk of the financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition by comparing t he risk of default on the financial instruments as of the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date. At the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that a financial instrument has only low credit risk, it is assumed that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition. The Company evaluates expected credit risk and measures expected credit losses on the basis of individual financial instruments or combinations of financial instruments. When the combination of financial instruments is based, the Company divides the financial instruments into different combinations based on common risk characteristics. The company will remeasure the expected credit losses on each balance sheet date, and the resulting increase or reversal of loss reserves will be recorded into current profit and loss as impairment losses or gains. For a financial asset measured at amort ized cost, the loss reserve shall be used to offset the carrying value of the financial asset listed in the balance sheet. For creditor's rights investment measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes its loss reserve in other comprehensive income and does not offset the carrying value of the financial asset. (2) A financial instrument that evaluates expected credit risk by portfolio and adopts a three-stage model to measure expected credit losses Basis for determining Item Method of measuring expected credit losses the combination With reference to historical credit loss experience, combined with the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, Other receivables -- aging Aging the expected credit loss is calculated by default risk exposure and the combination expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the whole duration With reference to historical credit loss experience, combined with Other receivables -- collections Associated the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, of related party funds within transactions within the the expected credit loss is calculated by default risk exposure and the the scope of consolidated scope of consolidation expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the whole receivables duration (3) Adopt simplified measurement method to measure receivables and contract assets of expected credit losses by combination 1) Specific combinations and methods for measuring expected credit losses Basis for determining Item Method of measuring expected credit losses the combination By referring to the historical credit loss experience, combining the Banker's acceptance receivable current situation and the forecast of the future economic situation, Type of bill the expected credit loss is calculated through the default risk Trade acceptance receivables exposure and the expected credit loss rate of the whole duration 146 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. By referring to the historical credit loss experience, combining the current situation and the forecast of the future economic situation, Accounts receivable -- aging Aging the comparison table between the aging receivable and the expected combination credit loss rate in the whole duration is prepared to calculate the expected credit loss 2) Accounts receivable -- comparison table of aging combination and expected credit loss rate over the whole duration Accounts receivable Aging Expected credit loss ratio (%) Within 1 year (inclusive, the same below) 5 1-2 years 10 2-3 years 20 3-4 years 30 4-5 years 50 More than 5 years 100 6. Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities Financial assets and financial liabilities are shown separately in the balance sheet and do not offset each other. Provided that the following conditions are met meanwhile, the Company shall show the net amount after offsetting each other in the balance sheet: (1) The Company has the legal right to offset the confirmed amount, and such legal right is currently enforceable; (2) The Company plans to settle on a net basis, or meanwhile realize the financial assets and settle the financial liabilities. If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for termination of recognition, the Company shall not offset the transferred financial assets and related liabilities. 11. Notes receivable The notes receivable has a short maturity, low default risk and strong ability to fulfill the contract cash flow obligation in the short term, and therefore the Company regards notes receivable as a financial instrument with low credit risk and directly makes t he assumption that the credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition. Considering that the historical default rate is zero, the Company's fixed non-performing debt ratio for notes receivable is 0. 12. Accounts receivable For details, see V “Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”, 10 “Financial Instruments”. 13. Financing of receivables For details, see V “Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”, 10 “Financial Instruments”. 14. Other receivables Methods of determining and accounting for expected credit losses of other receivables For details, see V “Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”, 10 “Financial Instruments”. 147 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 15. Inventory 1. Classification of inventory Inventory includes finished products or commodities held for sale in daily activities, products in the production process, materials and supplies consumed in the production process or in the provision of services. 2. Valuation method for issuing inventory The monthly weighted average method is adopted for issuing inventory. 3. The basis for determining the net realizable value of inventory On the balance sheet date, the inventory shall be measured by the lower of cost and net realizable value, and the inventory depreciation reserve shall be drawn according to the difference between the cost and net realizable value of a single inventory. The net realizable value of the inventory directly used for sale shall be determined by the estimated selling price of the invent ory less estimated selling expenses and related taxes in the normal course of production and operation. For inventories that need to be processed, the net realizable value shall be determined by the estimated selling price of finished products produced in the normal course of production and operation after deducting the estimated cost, estimated selling expenses and related taxes to be incurred upon completion. On the balance sheet date, if a part of the same inventory has a contract price, but the other part does not have a contract price, its net realizable value shall be determined respectively, and the corresponding cost shall be compared with it to determine the amount to be withdrawn or transferred back from the reserve for inventory declines respectively. 4. Inventory system The inventory system is the perpetual inventory system. 5. Amortization method of low-value consumable products and packaging (1) Low-value consumable products Amortization is carried out in accordance with the one-time resale method. (2) Packaging Amortization is carried out in accordance with the one-time resale method. (XII) Contract cost The assets related to contract cost include contract acquisition cost and contract performance cost. The incremental cost incurred by the company to acquire the contract is expected to be recovered and recognized as an asset as the contract acquisition cost. If the amortization period of contract acquisition costs does not exceed one year, it is recognized directly in profit and loss when incurred. The cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract, which does not apply to the scope of relevant standards such as inventory, fixed assets or intangible assets and meets the following conditions, shall be recognized as an asset as t he performance cost of the contract: 1. The costs are directly related to a current or prospective contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs expressly borne by the customer and other costs incurred solely as a result of the contract; 2. The cost increases the Company's resources for future performance obligations; 3. The cost is expected to be recovered. The Company amortizes the assets related to the contract cost on the same basis as the commodity or service revenue recognition related to the asset and recognizes them in profit and loss. If the carrying value of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the remaining consideration expected to be obt ained from the transfer of the commodity or service related to the asset minus the estimated cost to be incurred, the Company shall set aside an impairment reserve for the excess part and recognize it as an asset impairment loss. The factors of impairment in the prior period change after the transfer, so that if the remaining consideration expected to be obtained minus the estimated cost to be incurred is higher than the book value of the asset, the original asset impairment reserve has been withdrawn and recorded into the current profit and loss. However, the carrying value of the asset after conversion shall not exceed the carrying value of the asset on the date of conversion under the assumption that no impairment provision is made. 148 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 16. Contract assets The Company shall list the contractual assets or contractual liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between the performance of the obligations and the payment of the customer. The Company presents contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract on a net basis after offsetting them against each other. The Company shows as receivables its right to collect consideration from the customer unconditionally (that is, depending only on the passage of time), and its right to collect consideration for goods transferred to the customer (which depends on factors other than the passage of time) as contractual assets. 17. Contract cost The assets related to contract cost include contract acquisition cost and contract performance cost. The incremental cost incurred by the company to acquire the contract is expected to be recovered and recognized as an asset as the contract acquisition cost. If the amortization period of contract acquisition costs does not exceed one year, it is recognized directly in profit and loss when incurred. The cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract, which does not apply to the scope of relevant standards such as inventory, fixed assets or intangible assets and meets the following conditions, shall be recognized as an asset as t he performance cost of the contract: 1. The costs are directly related to a current or prospective contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs expressly borne by the customer and other costs incurred solely as a result of the contract; 2. The cost increases the Company's resources for future performance obligations; 3. The cost is expected to be recovered. The Company amortizes the assets related to the contract cost on the same basis as the commodity or service revenue recognition related to the asset and recognizes them in profit and loss. If the carrying value of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the remaining consideration expected to be obt ained from the transfer of the commodity or service related to the asset minus the estimated cost to be incurred, the Company shall set aside an impairment reserve for the excess part and recognize it as an asset impairment loss. The factors of impairment in the prior period change after the transfer, so that if the remaining consideration expected to be obtained minus the estimated cost to be incurred is higher than the book value of the asset, the original asset impairment reserve has been withdrawn and recorded into the current profit and loss. However, the carrying value of the asset after conversion shall not exceed the carrying value of the asset on the date of conversion under the assumption that no impairment provision is made. 18. Assets held for sale 1. Classification of non-current assets held for sale or disposal groups Non-current assets or disposal groups are classified as assets held for sale by the Company if they both meet the following conditions: (1) They can be immediately sold under current conditions, as is customary for the sale of such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions; (2) A sale is highly likely to occur, that is, the Company has decided on the sale plan and obtained firm purchase commitments, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. Non-current assets or disposal groups acquired by the Company specifically for resale shall be classified as assets held for sale on the acquisition date if they meet the condition that the sale is expected to be completed within one year and are likely to meet other classification conditions for the held-for-sale category within a short period (usually three months). 149 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. If the transaction between non-related parties is not completed within one year due to one of the following reasons beyond the control of the Company and the Company remains committed to selling the non-current assets or disposal group, the non-current assets or disposal group shall continue to be classified as assets held for sale: (1) The Purchaser or any other party sets conditions that lead to the postponement of the Sale, and the Company has acted in a timely manner in respect of such conditions and expects to be able to successfully resolve the postponement factors within one year from the date of setting conditions that lead to the postponement of the Sale; (2) Due to the occurrence of rare circumstances that cause the non-current assets held for sale or the disposal group to fail to complete the sale within one year, the Company has taken necessary measures in response to these new circumstances and re-satisfied the classification conditions of the categories held for sale within the first one year. 2. Measurement of non-current assets held for sale or disposal groups (1) Initial measurement and subsequent measurement When the non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale are initially measured or remeasured on the balance sheet date, if the carrying value is higher than the net amount after the fair value minus the selling expense, the carrying value shall be written down to the net amount after the fair value minus the selling expense, and the amount written down shall be recognized as the asset impairment loss and included in profit and loss. Meanwhile, the impairment provisions of the assets held for sale shall be recognized. Initial measurement amount of the non-current assets or disposal groups classified as assets held for sale on the acquisition date is the lower of initial measurement amount assuming that they are not classified as assets held for sale and the net fair value after deducting selling expenses are compared. Except for the non-current assets or disposal group acquired in the enterprise combination, the difference generated by the net amount of the fair value minus the sale expense of the non-current assets or disposal group as the initial measurement amount shall be recorded in profit and loss. As for the amount of asset impairment loss recognized by the disposal group held for sale, the carrying value of goodwill in the disposal group shall be offset first, and then the carrying value shall be offset proportionally according to the proportion of the carrying value of various non-current assets in the disposal group. Non-current assets held for sale or in the disposal group are not depreciated or amortized, and interest and other expenses of liabilities in the disposal group held for sale continue to be recognized. (2) Accounting treatment for reversal of asset impairment loss If the net amount of the fair value of the non-current assets held for sale after subtracting the selling expense increases on the subsequent balance sheet date, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized after being classified as assets held for sale, and the reversed amount shall be recorded in profit and loss. Asset impairment losses recognized before being classified as assets held for sale are not reversed. If the net amount of the fair value of the disposal group held for sale after subtracting the selling expense increases on the subsequent balance sheet date, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized after the non-current assets are classified as held for sale, and the reversed amount shall be included in profit and loss. The carrying value of goodwill that has been written off and the asset impairment losses recognized before the non- current assets are classified as assets held for sale are not reversed. The subsequent reversed amount of asset impairment loss recognized by the disposal group held for sale shall be increased in proportion to the carrying value of various non-current assets except goodwill in the disposal group. (3) Accounting treatment for assets no longer classified as held-for-sale category and derecognition When non-current assets or disposal groups are no longer classified as assets held for sale because they no longer meet the conditions for classification of the held-for-sale class or non-current assets are removed from the held-for-sale disposal group, the measurement shall be at the lower of the following: 1) Book value before it is classified as assets held for sale, adjusted for depreciation, amortization or impairment that would have been recognized if it were not classified as assets held for sale; and 2) reversible amount. 150 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. When the non-current assets held for sale or disposal group is derecognized, the unrecognized gains or losses shall be booked in profit and loss. 19. Long-term equity investment 1. Judgment of joint control and significant influence There is common control over an arrangement in accordance with relevant provisions, and the relevant activities of the arrangement can only be decided after the consensus of the participants who share the control right, which is deemed as joint control. Having the power to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operational policies of the investee, but not being able to control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties, shall be regarded as having significant influence. 2. Determination of investment cost (1) For the combination of enterprises under common control, if the merging party pays cash, transfers non-cash assets, assumes debt or issues equity securities as the combination consideration, the initial investment cost shall be based on the book value of the shareholders’ equity of the combined party acquired in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the combination date. The capital reserve shall be adjusted by the difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of the combined consideration paid or the total face value of the issued shares. If the capital reserve is insufficient for write-down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The Company realizes long-term equity investment formed by enterprise combination under common control step by step through multiple transactions to judge whether it is a package transaction. In the case of a package transaction, each transaction is accounted for as one transaction in which control is acquired. If it is not a package transaction, the initial investment cost shall be determined on the combination date according to the share of the book value of the consolidated party's net assets in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party after the combination. The capital reserve shall be adjusted by the difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment on the combination date and the sum of the book value of long-term equity investment before the combination and the book value of the new payment consideration of shares further acquired on the combination date. If the capital reserve is insufficient for write-down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. (2) If it is formed by the combination of enterprises not under common control, the fair value of the combination consideration paid on the purchase date shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The Company realizes long-term equity investment formed by enterprise consolidation under different control step by step through multiple transactions, and conducts relevant accounting treatment by differentiating individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements: 1) In individual financial statements, the sum of the book value of the original equity investment plus the cost of the new investment shall be used as the initial investment cost calculated according to the cost method. 2) Determine whether it is a package transaction in the consolidated financial statements. In the case of a package transacti on, each transaction is accounted for as one transaction in which control is acquired. If it does not belong to the package transaction, the equity held by the purchaser before the purchase date shall be remeasured according to the fair value of the equity on the purchase date, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying value shall be included in the current investment income. If the equity held by the purchaser before the purchase date involves other comprehensive income under the equity method, other comprehensive income related thereto shall be converted into the current income of the purchase date, except other comprehensive income arising from changes in net liabilities or net assets of the invested party due to remeasurement of the defined benefit plan. (3) Other than the enterprise combination: In case of cash payment, the purchase price actually paid shall be regarded as the initial investment cost. Where equity securities are issued, the fair value of the equity securities issued shall be taken as the initial investment cost. If it is obtained through debt restructuring, its initial investment cost shall be determined according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt Restructuring. If it is obtained by exchange of non-monetary assets, its initial 151 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. investment cost shall be determined according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of non- monetary Assets. 3. Follow-up measurement and profit and loss recognition methods The long-term equity investment controlled by the invested entity shall be accounted by cost method. Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures shall be accounted for by the equity method. 4. The method of disposing the investment in the subsidiary company step by step through multiple transactions until the loss of control (1) Individual financial statements The difference between the book value and the actual purchase price of the disposed equity shall be booked into profit and loss. For the remaining equity, which still has a significant influence on the invested entity or is under joint control with other parties, it shall be converted to the equity method of accounting. If it is no longer able to control, jointly control or have significant influence on the invested entity, the accounting shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 -- Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. (2) Consolidated financial statements 1) Disposal of the investment in the subsidiary step by step through multiple transactions until the control right is lost and it is not a package transaction Before the loss of control, the disposal price and the disposal of long-term equity investment shall be entitled to the difference between the net asset share continuously calculated by the subsidiary since the purchase date or the combination date, and the capital reserve (capital premium) shall be adjusted. If the capital premium is insufficient, the retained earnings shall be deducted. When the control of original subsidiary is lost, the remaining equity shall be remeasured according to its fair value on the date of the loss of control. The sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, minus the difference between the shares of the original shareholding proportion which shall enjoy the net assets continuously calculated from the purchase date or combination date of the original subsidiary, shall be included in the investment income of the period of loss of control, and the goodwill shall be written down meanwhile. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investment of the original subsidiary shall be converted to current investment income when the right of control is lost. 2) Disposal of the investment in the subsidiary step by step through multiple transactions until the control right is lost and it is a package transaction Each transaction shall be treated as a transaction for the disposal of a subsidiary and loss of control. However, the difference between the disposal price and the disposal investment corresponding to the share of the net assets of the subsidiary before the loss of the right of control shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and transferred to the profit and loss of the period when the right of control is lost. 20. Investment real estate Investment real estate measurement model Cost method measurement Depreciation or amortization method 1. Investment real estate includes leased land use right, land use right held and ready to be transferred after appreciation and leased buildings. 2. The initial measurement of investment real estate shall be based on the cost, the subsequent measurement shall be carried out in the cost mode, and the depreciation or amortization shall be carried out in the same way as that of fixed assets and intangible assets. 152 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 21. Fixed assets (1) Recognition conditions Fixed assets refer to tangible assets that are held for the production of commodities, the provision of labor services, the lease or the operation and management, and whose service life exceeds one fiscal year. Fixed assets are recognized when economic benefits are likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably. (2) Depreciation method Annual depreciation Category Depreciation method Depreciation life Residual value rate rate Houses and buildings Average years method 20-25 years 0%, 5% 5.00% - 3.80% General purpose Average years method 3-10 years 0%, 10% 33.33%-9.00% equipment Special equipment Average years method 5-15 years 0%, 10% 20.00%-6.00% Means of transport Average years method 4-10 years 5%, 10% 23.75%-9.00% (3) Identification basis, valuation and depreciation method of fixed assets leased by financing If one or more of the following criteria is met, it shall be regarded as a finance lease: (1) When the lease term expires, the ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee; (2) The lessee has the option to purchase the leased asset, and the purchase price concluded is expected to be far lower than the fair value of the leased asset when the option is exercised, so it is reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise this option on the commencement date of the lease; (3) Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease period accounts for the majority of the useful life of the leased asset [usually more than 75% (inclusive) of the useful life of the leased asset]; (4) The present value of the minimum lease payment of the lessee on the beginning date of the lease, which is almost equivalent to the fair value of the leased asset on the beginning date of the lease [more than 90% (inclusive)]; The present value of the minimum lease payment of the lessor on the lease commencement date, which is almost equivalent to the fair value of the leased asset on the lease commencement date [more than 90% (inclusive)]; and (5) The nature of the leased assets is special, if there is no major transformation, only the lessee can use it. For the fixed assets under financing lease, the lower of the fair value of the leased assets on the date of lease commencement and the current value of the minimum lease payment shall be recognized and depreciation shall be calculated and deducted according to the depreciation policy of the self-owned fixed assets. 22. Construction in progress 1. The construction in progress will be recognized when the financial benefit is likely to flow in, and the cost can be reliably measured. The construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred before the construction of the asset reaches a predetermined usable state. 2. When the project under construction reaches the predetermined usable state, it shall be transferred to fixed assets according to the actual cost of the project. If it has reached the predetermined serviceable state but has not yet handled the final accou nting for completion, it shall first transfer the estimated value to the fixed assets, and after the final accounting for completion, it shall adjust the original provisional estimated value according to the actual cost, but no longer adjust the depreciation that has already been drawn. 153 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 23. Borrowing costs 1. Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs If the borrowing expenses incurred by the Company can be directly attributed to the purchase, construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, they shall be capitalized and included into the cost of the relevant assets. Other borrowing expenses shall be recognized as expenses when incurred and recorded into profit and loss. 2. Period of capitalization of borrowing costs (1) Capitalization begins when the borrowing cost meets the following conditions: 1) Asset expenditure has been incurred; 2) The borrowing cost has been incurred; 3) The purchase, construction or production activities necessary to bring the assets to a predetermined usable or marketable state have begun. (2) If the assets eligible for capitalization are abnormally interrupted in the process of purchase, construction or production, and the interruption time is more than 3 months, the capitalization of borrowing costs will be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during the interruption period are recognized as current expenses until the purchase and construction of assets or production activities are restarted. (3) When the assets purchased, built or produced in line with the capitalization conditions reach a predetermined useable or saleable state, the capitalization of borrowing costs ceases. 3. Capitalization rate and capitalization amount of borrowing costs When a special loan is borrowed for the purchase, construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, the interest expense actually incurred in the current period of the special loan (including the amortization of discount or premium determined according to the effective rate method), less the amount of interest income obtained from depositing the loan funds not yet used in the bank or investment income obtained from making temporary investment, Determining the amount of interest to be capitalized. Where the general loan is occupied for the purchase, construction or production of assets conforming to the capitalization conditions, the amount of interest to be capitalized for the general loan shall be calculated and determined according to the weighted average of the accumulated asset expenditure exceeding the special loan's asset expenditure multiplied by the capitalization rate of the occupied general loan. 24. Right-to-use assets 1. Recognition conditions for the right-to-use assets The right to use assets refers to the right of the company as the lessee to use the leased assets during the lease term. The Company shall confirm the right-to-use assets of the lease on the commencement date of the lease term. Right-to-use assets are recognized when economic benefits are likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably. 2. Initial measurement of right-to-use assets The right-to-use assets are initially measured according to the cost, which includes: (1) The initial measurement amount of the lease liability; (2) The amount of the lease payment paid on or before the commencement date of the lease term, if there is l ease incentive, the amount related to the lease incentive already enjoyed shall be deducted; (3) Initial direct expenses incurred by lessee; (4) The estimated costs incurred by the Lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the premises where the leased assets are located, or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms. 3. Follow-up measurement of right-to-use assets (1) The Company adopts the cost model to carry out follow-up measurement of the right-to-use assets. (2) The Company shall calculate and depreciate the right-to-use assets. If the ownership of the leased asset can be reasonably determined at the end of the lease term, the company shall calculate and withdraw depreciation within the remaining service life of the leased asset. If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership of the leased asset can be acquired at the end of the lease term, the Company shall calculate and withdraw depreciation during the short period between the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset. 154 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (3) When the company re-measures the lease liability according to the current value of the changed lease payment amount and adjusts the book value of the right-to-use asset accordingly, if the book value of the right-to-use asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the remaining amount shall be recorded into the current profit and loss. 25. Intangible assets (1) Valuation method, service life and impairment test 1. Intangible assets, including land ownership, land use right, patent right, trademark right, proprietary technology, management software and pollutant discharge right, shall be initially measured according to cost. 2. Intangible assets with limited service life shall be systematically and reasonably amortized within the service life according to the expected realization mode of the economic benefits related to the intangible assets. If the expected realization mode can not be reliably determined, the straight-line method shall be adopted for amortization. The specific years are as follows: Item Amortization years (year) Land use right 50, 30 Patent right 10 Trademark right 10 Proprietary technology 5 Management software 3-10 Pollutant discharge right 10 The Company does not amortize intangible assets such as land ownership and trademark right whose service life is uncertain. The Company will review the service life of such intangible assets in each accounting period. For intangible assets with uncertai n service life, the basis for judging the uncertain service life is that it is impossible to estimate the period of intangible assets bringing future economic benefits to the enterprise. Intangible assets whose service life is uncertain shall be the ownership of land. (2) Internal R&D expenditure accounting policies The expenditure in the research phase of internal R&D projects shall be booked into profit and loss when incurred. The expenditures in the development stage of an internal R&D project shall be recognized as intangible assets if the following conditions are met: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold; (2) It has the intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them; (3) The way in which intangible assets generate economic benefits, including proving the existence of a market for products produced by the use of intangible assets or the existence of a market for intangible assets themselves, and proving the usefulness of intangible assets to be used internally; (4) It has sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets and has the ability to use or sell the int angible assets; (5) The expenditures attributable to the development stage of the intangible assets can be measured reliably. 26. Impairment of long-term assets For long-term equity investment, investment real estate measured by cost mode, fixed assets, construction in progress, assets with use right, intangible assets with limited service life and other long-term assets, if there are signs of impairment on the balance sheet date, the recoverable amount shall be estimated. For the intangible assets whose goodwill and service life are uncertain due 155 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. to the business combination, the impairment test will be conducted every year regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment in conjunction with its associated asset group or combination of asset groups. If the recoverable amount of the above long-term assets is lower than the carrying value, the asset impairment reserve shall be recognized according to the difference and booked into profit and loss. 27. Long-term deferred expenses Long-term amortized expenses have been accounted for, amortization period of more than 1 year (exclusive) of various expenses. Long-term deferred expenses are recorded in the account according to the actual amount incurred and amortized evenly in installments during the benefit period or specified period. If long-term deferred expense items do not benefit future accounting periods, the amortized value of the item that has not been amortized is fully transferred to current profit and loss. 28. Contractual liabilities The Company shall list the contractual assets or contractual liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between the performance of the obligations and the payment of the customer. The Company shall set off the contractual assets and contractual liabilities under the same contract and show them in net. The Company lists as a contractual liability the obligation to transfer goods to the customer for consideration received or receivable from the customer. 29. Employee compensation (1) Accounting treatment of short-term compensation During the accounting period when employees provide services to the company, the short-term compensation actually incurred is recognized as a liability and recorded into the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets. (2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits Post-employment benefits are divided into defined deposit plan and defined benefit plan. (1) During the accounting period when an employee provides services to the Company, the amount to be paid according to the established withdrawal plan shall be recognized as a liability and recorded into the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets. (2) Accounting for defined benefit plans usually includes the following steps: 1) According to the expected cumulative benefit unit method, using unbiased and mutually consistent actuarial assumptions to estimate the relevant demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligations arising from the benefit plan, and determine the duration of the related obligations. Meanwhile, the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan is discounted to determine the current value of the defined benefit plan obligation and the current service cost; 2) If there are assets in the defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed by the present value of the obligations of the defined benefit plan minus the fair value of the assets in the defined benefit plan will be recognized as the net liability or net asset of a defined benefit plan. If there is surplus in the defined benefit plan, the net assets of the defined benefit plan shall be measured according to the lower of the surplus of the defined benefit plan or the upper limit of assets; 3) At the end of the period, the employee compensation cost generated by the defined benefit plan shall be recognized as service cost, net interest of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and changes generated by remeasuring net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, among which the service cost and net interest of net liabilities or net assets of the defined 156 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. benefit plan shall be included into current profit or loss or cost of related assets. Changes resulting from the re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of the benefit plan are recorded in other comprehensive income and are not allowed to be carried back to profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods, but such amounts recognized in other comprehensive income can be transferred within the scope of equity. (3) Accounting treatment of dismiss welfare For dismiss benefits provided to employees, the employee compensation liability generated by dismiss benefits shall be recognized as soon as possible and recorded into profit and loss: (1) The Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismiss benefits provided by the termination of labor relations plan or reduction proposal; (2) When the Company recognizes the costs or expenses related to the restructuring involving the payment of dismiss benefits. (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits Other long-term benefits provided to the staff and workers, which meet the requirements of the defined deposit plan, shall be accounted for in accordance with the relevant provisions of the defined deposit plan. In addition, other long-term benefits shall be accounted for in accordance with the relevant provisions of the defined benefit plan. To simplify the relevant accounting treatment, the employee compensation cost generated as service cost, net interest of net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee benefits, and the total net income generated by the re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee benefits shall be recognized in profit and loss or cost of related assets. 30. Lease liabilities On the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the present value of the outstanding lease payments as a lease liability. When calculating the present value of lease payments, the internal interest rate of lease is used as the discount rate. If the internal interest rate of lease cannot be determined, the company's incremental borrowing rate is used as the discount rate. The difference between the lease payment amount and the present value shall be regarded as the unrecognized financing expense, and the interest expense shall be recognized in accordance with the discount rate of the present value of the lease payment amount during each period of the lease term and recorded into the current profit and loss. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are booked into current profit and loss when actually incurred. After the commencement of the lease term, when the actual fixed payment amount changes, the estimated amount payable of the guarantee balance changes, the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment amount changes, the evaluation result of the purchase option, the renewal option or the termination option changes, or the actual exercise of the option changes, the Company shall remeasure the lease liability according to the present value of the changed lease payment amount. And adjust the book value of the right to use assets accordingly. If the book value of the right to use assets has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the remaining amount shall be booked in profit and loss. 31. Provisions 1. Obligations arising from contingent matters such as external guarantee, litigation, product quality assurance and loss contract become the current obligations undertaken by the Company, and the performance of such obligations is likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits from the Company. When the amount of such obligations can be measured reliably, the Company will recognize such obligations as provisions. 157 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2. The Company makes the initial measurement of the provisions in accordance with the best estimate of the expenditures required to fulfill the relevant current obligations, and reviews the carrying value of the provisions on the balance sheet date. 32. Share payment 1. Types of share payments Including share payments settled in equity and share payments settled in cash. 2. Implement, modify and terminate relevant accounting treatment of share payment plans (1) To be paid in equity settled shares Immediately after the grant of feasible rights in exchange for employee services with equity settlement of the stock payment, on the grant date according to the fair value of the equity instrument into the relevant costs or expenses, adjust the capital r eserve accordingly. If the service within the waiting period is completed or the performance conditions are met, the right is paid by the equity settled shares. On each balance sheet day during the waiting period, based on the best estimate of the number of the available right equity instruments, the service acquired during the current period is included into the relevant cost or expense according to the fair value of the grant date of the equity instruments, and the capital reserve is adjusted accordingly. If the fair value of the other party's services can be measured reliably, it shall be measured according to the fair value of the other party's services on the date of acquisition; If the fair value of the services of other parties cannot be measured reliably, but the fair value of the equity instrument can be measured reliably, it shall be measured according to the fair value of the equity instrument on the date the service is acquired, and recorded into the relevant cost or expense, and the shareholders’ equity shall be increased accordingly. (2) To be paid in cash shares Cash settled share-based payments that are immediately exercisable after the grant in exchange for employee services are recognized as relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the Company's liabilities on the grant date, with corresponding increases in liabilities. After completing the service within the waiting period or meeting the specified performance conditions, the right is paid in cash settled shares in exchange for the employee's service. On each balance sheet date within the waiting period, based on the best estimate of the situation of the right, the service acquired during the current period is included in the relevant costs or expenses and corresponding liabilities according to the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the company. (3) Modify and terminate the share payment plan If the amendment increases the fair value of the equity instrument granted, the Company recognizes the increase in the acquired services accordingly according to the increase in the fair value of the equity instrument; If the amendment increases the number of equity instruments granted, the Company accordingly recognizes the fair value of the increased equity instruments as an increase in the services acquired; If the Company modifies the option conditions in a way that benefits the employee, the Company will consider the revised option conditions when dealing with the option conditions. If the amendment reduces the fair value of the equity instrument granted, the Company continues to recognize the amount of services obtained based on the fair value of the equity instrument on the grant date, without regard to the decrease in the fair value of the equity instrument; If the modification reduces the number of equity instruments granted, the Company will treat the reduction as a cancellation of the equity instruments granted; If an option condition is modified to the detriment of the employee, the modified option condition shall not be taken into account when dealing with the option condition. If the Company cancellations or settles the vested instrument during the waiting period (other than if it is cancelled because the conditions of the vesting right have not been met), the cancellation or settlement will be treated as an accelerated vesting right, immediately recognizing the amount originally recognized during the remaining waiting period. 33. Revenue The accounting policies used to recognize and measure revenue 158 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 1. Principle of revenue recognition On the commencement date of the contract, the Company evaluates the contract, identifies the individual performance obligations contained in the contract, and determines whether the individual performance obligations shall be performed within a certain period or at a certain point. If one of the following conditions is met, the performance obligation shall be performed within a certain period; otherwise, the performance obligation shall be performed at a certain point: (1) The customer shall obtain and consume the economic benefits brought by the performance of the Company meanwhile; (2) The customer can control the goods under construction during the company's contract performance; (3) The commodities produced by the Company during the performance of the Contract have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the performance part accumulated so far during the whole contract period. For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes revenue in accordance with the progress of the performance within that period of time. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the cost already incurred is expected to be compensated, the income shall be recognized according to the amount of cost already incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. For performance obligations performed at a certain point, revenue is recognized when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. In determining whether the customer has acquired control of the commodity, the company considers the following indications: (1) The Company has a current right to collect on the commodity, that is, the customer has a current obligation to pay for the commodity; (2) The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the commodity to the customer, that is, the customer has the legal ownership of the commodity; (3) The Company has physically transferred the commodity to the customer, that is, the customer has physically possessed the commodity; (4) The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the commodities to the customer, that is, the customer has acquired the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the commodities; (5) The customer has accepted the commodity; (6) Other indications indicating that the customer has taken control of the goods. 2. Principles of income measurement (1) The Company measures its income according to the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation. The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company expects to be entitled to receive in connection with the transfer of goods or services to the customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties and amounts expected to be refunded to the Customer. (2) Where there is variable consideration in the contract, the Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration in accordance with the expected value or the amount most likely to occur, provided that the transaction price containing the var iable consideration does not exceed the amount of accumulated recognized revenue that is highly unlikely to be materially reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. (3) If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company shall determine the transaction price according to the amount payable in cash, which is assumed to be paid by the customer upon acquisition of control of the commodity or service. The difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration shall be amortized by the effective interest rate method during the contract period. On the commencement date of the contract, if the Company expects that the interval between the customer acquiring the control of the commodity or service and the customer paying the price is not more than one year, it will not consider the significant financing element in the contract. (4) If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, on the commencement date of the contract, apportion the transaction price to the performance obligations of each individual item in accordance with the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the commodity promised by the performance obligations of each individual item. 3. Specific methods of revenue recognition The sales business of Hand Tools, Power Tools, Laser Measurement, Storage and other products of the company belong to the performance obligations performed at a certain point. Domestic sales income will be recognized when the company delivers the products to the place of delivery agreed in the contract and the customer confirms acceptance, the company has received the price 159 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. or has obtained the right to collect payment, and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in. Export sales income is recognized when the company has declared the products to customs according to the contract, obtained the bill of lading or arrived at the destination designated by the customer and confirmed by the customer, received the payment for goods or obtained the right to collect payment and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in. Different business models of the same type of business lead to differences in revenue recognition accounting policies 34. Government subsidies 1. The government subsidy shall be recognized when the following conditions are met: (1) The Company can meet the conditions attached to the government subsidy; (2) The Company can receive government subsidies. If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If government subsidies are non-monetary assets, they shall be measured at fair value; if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured according to the nominal amount. 2. Judgment basis and accounting treatment method of government subsidies related to assets Government documents specify that government subsidies used to purchase and build or otherwise form long-term assets are classified as asset-related government subsidies. If the government documents are not clear, it shall be judged on the basis of the basic conditions that must be met to obtain the subsidy, and if the basic conditions are the purchase and construction of long-term assets or the formation of long-term assets by other means, it shall be regarded as government subsidies related to assets. Government subsidies related to assets, write-down of the book value of related assets or recognized as deferred income. If the government subsidy related to assets is recognized as deferred income, it shall be recorded into profit and loss by stages in a reasonable and systematic way during the service life of the relevant assets. The government subsidy measured according to the nominal amount is directly booked into the current profit and loss. If relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of their useful life, the balance of relevant deferred income that has not been distributed shall be transferred to the profit or loss of the asset disposal period. 3. Judgment basis and accounting treatment method of government subsidies related to income Government subsidies other than those related to assets are divided into revenue-related government subsidies. For government subsidies that contain both asset-related parts and revenue-related parts, it is difficult to distinguish between asset-related or revenue-related government subsidies, and the overall government subsidies are classified as revenue-related government subsidies. The government subsidies related to revenue, which are used to compensate the relevant costs or losses in the subsequent period, are recognized as deferred revenue, and in the period of recognizing the relevant costs or losses, are recorded into the current profit and loss or write-off the relevant costs; If it is used to compensate the incurred costs or losses, it shall be directly recorded into the current profit and loss or write-off the relevant costs. 4. Government subsidies related to daily business activities of the company shall be recorded into other income or written down related costs according to the essence of economic business. Government subsidies unrelated to daily activities of the company shall be included in non-operating income and expenditure. 35. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities 1. The deferred income tax asset or deferred income tax liability shall be calculated and recognized according to the applicable tax rate during the expected recovery of the asset or repayment of the liability based on the difference between the book value of the asset or liability and its tax basis (if the tax basis of the item not recognized as an asset or liability can be determined in accordance with the tax law). 2. Identify deferred income tax assets to the extent that taxable income is likely to be obtained to offset deductible temporary differences. On the balance sheet date, if there is conclusive evidence that it is likely that sufficient taxable income will be 160 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. obtained in the future period to offset the deductible temporary differences, the deferred income tax assets not recognized in the previous accounting period will be recognized. 3. On the balance sheet date, review the carrying value of the deferred income tax assets, and write down the carrying value of the deferred income tax assets if it is likely that it cannot obtain enough taxable income to offset the benefits of the deferred income tax assets in the future period. When sufficient taxable income is likely to be obtained, the amount of the write-down is reversed. 4. The current income tax and deferred income tax of the company are recorded into the current profit and loss as income tax expense or income, but the income tax generated under the following circumstances is excluded: (1) enterprise combination; (2) Transactions or events directly recognized in shareholders’ equity. 36. Leasing (1) Accounting treatment of operating leases 1. The Company as lessee On the commencement date of the Lease term, the Company considers any lease for a period not exceeding 12 months and without a purchase option to be a short-term lease; when a single leased asset is a brand-new asset, the lease with a lower value is identified as a low-value asset lease. Where the company subleases or intends to sublease the leased assets, the original lease shall not be deemed as a low-value asset lease. For all short-term leases and low-value asset leases, the Company shall, in accordance with the straight-line method, record the lease payment into the cost of the relevant asset or current profit or loss during each period of the lease term. With the exception of short-term leases and low-value asset leases which adopt simplified treatment above, the Company recognizes the use right assets and lease liabilities for the lease on the commencement date of the lease term. (1) Right to use assets The right to use assets shall be initially measured according to the cost, which includes: 1) the initial measurement amount of the lease liability; 2) The amount of lease payment paid on or before the beginning of the lease term, if there is lease incentive, the amount related to lease incentive already enjoyed will be deducted; 3) Initial direct expenses incurred by Lessee; 4) The estimated costs incurred by the Lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site where the leased assets are l ocated, or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms. The company shall depreciate the assets to be used according to the straight-line method. If the ownership of the leased asset can be reasonably determined at the end of the lease term, the company shall calculate and withdraw depreciation within the remaining service life of the leased asset. If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership of the leased asset can be acquired at t he end of the lease term, the Company shall calculate and withdraw depreciation during the short period between the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset. (2) Lease liabilities On the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the present value of the outstanding lease payments as a lease liability. When calculating the present value of lease payments, the internal interest rate of lease is used as the discount rate. If the internal interest rate of lease cannot be determined, the company's incremental borrowing rate is used as the discount rate. The difference between the lease payment amount and the present value shall be regarded as the unrecognized financing expense, and the interest expense shall be recognized in accordance with the discount rate of the present value of the lease payment amount during each period of the lease term and recorded into the current profit and loss. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are booked into current profit and loss when actually incurred. After the commencement of the lease term, when the actual fixed payment amount changes, the estimated amount payable of the guarantee balance changes, the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment amount changes, the evaluation result of the purchase option, the renewal option or the termination option changes, or the actual exercise of the option changes, the Company shall remeasure the lease liability according to the present value of the changed lease payment amount. And adjust the book value 161 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. of the right to use assets accordingly. If the book value of the right to use assets has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the remaining amount shall be booked in profit and loss. 2. The Company acts as lessor On the beginning day of the lease, the company classifies the leases that essentially transfer almost all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased assets as financial leases, and all the others as operating leases. (1) Operating lease During each period of the lease term, the company recognizes the lease revenue as rental income according to the straight-line method, and the initial direct expenses incurred are capitalized and apportioned according to the same basis as the rental in come recognition, and recorded into the current profit and loss by stages. The amount of variable lease payments obtained by the Company in connection with the operating lease and not included in the lease collection amount shall be recorded in the current profit and loss when actually incurred. (2) Accounting treatment of finance lease On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company shall recognize the finance lease payment receivable according to the net lease investment (the sum of the unguaranteed balance and the lease payment not received on the beginning date of the lease term according to the present value discounted by the inherent interest rate of the lease) and terminate the recognition of the fi nance lease asset. During each period of the lease term, the Company calculates and recognizes interest income based on the inherent interest rate of the lease. The amount of variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the measurement of net lease investment is recorded in current profit and loss when actually incurred. 37. Changes in major accounting policies and estimates (1) Changes in major accounting policies Applicable □ N/A Contents and reasons of changes in Approval procedure Remarks accounting policy 1. Since January 1, 2022, the Company has implemented the provisions of Accounting Standards for Enterprises Interpretation No. 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance on “Accounting treatment of the products or by-products produced before the fixed assets reach the predetermined usable state or in the process of R&D”. This change in accounting policy has no impact on the financial statements of the company. 2. Since January 1, 2022, the Company has implemented the provisions of “Judgment on loss-making Contracts” in Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance, and this change in accounting policy has no impact on the Company's financial statements. 3. Since November 30, 2022, the Company has implemented the provisions of Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 issued by the Ministry of Finance on “Accounting treatment of income tax Impact on dividends related to financial instruments classified by the Issuer as equity instruments”. Such change of accounting policy has no impact on the financial statements of the Company. 4. Since November 30, 2022, the Company has implemented the provisions of Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 issued by the Ministry of Finance on “Accounting treatment of the Company's modification of cash settlement share payment to equity settlement share payment”. This change of accounting policy has no impact on the Company's financial statements. 162 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (2) Changes in material accounting estimates □ Applicable N/A VI. Taxes 1. Main types of taxes and tax rates Type of tax Tax basis Tax rate Output tax shall be calculated on the basis of the income from sales of goods and taxable services calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Value-added tax 13%, 6% Tax Law. After deducting the input tax allowed to be deducted for the current period, the difference shall be VAT payable City maintenance and construction tax The turnover tax actually paid 7%, 5% For details, see instructions on corporate Corporate income tax Taxable income income tax rates of tax subjects with different tax rates In case of AD valorem tax, 1.2% of the remaining value of the original value of the property after a one-time reduction of Property tax 1.2%, 12% 30% shall be paid; If the tax is levied from rent, 12% of the rental income shall be paid Education surcharge The turnover tax actually paid 3% Local education fees surcharge The turnover tax actually paid 2% If there are tax payers with different corporate income tax rates, the information shall be disclosed Name of taxpayer Income tax rate The Company 15% Hong Kong GreatStar International Limited 16.50% Prim' Tools Limited 16.50% Hong Kong Goldblatt Industrial Co.,Ltd. 16.50% Hong Kong International Huada Kejie Opto-Electro Instrument 16.50% Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Shop-Vac International Co., Limited 16.50% Geelong Sales Company International (HK) 16.50% Limited Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro Instrument Co., Ltd 15% Hangzhou Lianhe Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 15% Dongguan Ouda Electronics Co., Ltd. 15% Hangzhou Lianhe Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 15% Hangzhou Liansheng Measuring Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 15% Zhejiang Yiyang Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 15% Suzhou Xindadi Hardware Product Co., Ltd. 15% Geelong Sales Co., Ltd. 15% Geelong Investment Holding Limited 15% 13.24%, 19.00%, 19.41%, 21.00%, 22.00%, 24.00%, 25.00%, GreatStar Europe AG and its subsidiaries 27.50%, 27.90%, 29.13% Zhejiang Guoxin Tool Co., Ltd. 20% Changzhou Huada Kejie Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. 20% Zhongshan Geelong Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd. 20% 163 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Ningbo Fenghua Giant Star Tool Co., Ltd. 15% GreatStar Vietnam Co., Ltd 20% Vietnam United Co., Ltd 20% TGH (Cambodia) Industrial Co., LTD 20% Geelong (Thailand) Co., Ltd 20% GreatStar Industrial Vietnam Co., Ltd 20% XDD Products (USA) LLC 21% SHOP-VAC VIETNAM CO.,LTD 20% HUADA VIETNAM CO.,LTD 20% Newland.LLC 21% 25.1745%, GreatStar according to the Internal Revenue Code of the United States Industrial USA, LLC, Arrow Fastener Co., LLC, Prime-Line GreatStar Tools USA,Inc and its subsidiaries Products, LLC, 4900 Highlands Parkway, LLC, Shop-Vac USA, LLC and SK Hand Tool, LLC are not required to declare and pay corporate income tax as LLC. The subject of tax liability is GreatStar Tools USA,Inc GreatStar Japan Co., Ltd Corporate tax is payable at a progressive rate A company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. No GreatStar International Holdings Limited corporate income tax is payable under the British Virgin Islands tax system A company registered in the British Cayman Islands. No Geelong Orchid Holding Limited corporate income tax is required under the British Cayman Islands tax system A company registered in the British Cayman Islands. No Geelong Holdings Limited corporate income tax is required under the British Cayman Islands tax system The taxable income tax not exceeding 600,000 patacas shall be subject to 0% corporate income tax rate, and the portion Geelong Sales (Macau Commercial) Limited exceeding 600,000 Patacas shall be subject to 12% corporate income tax rate Other taxable entities other than those mentioned above 25% 2. Tax incentives 1. According to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Identification and Administration of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and "Guidelines for the Identification and Administration of High-tech Enterprises" (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), the Company is recognized as a high-tech enterprise and has obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate (No. GR202233005456). The validity period of the recognition is 3 years (2022-2024), and the corporate income tax shall be paid at the tax rate of 15% in 2022. 2. According to the List of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be Recognized in Jiangsu Province in 2020 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for the Recognition and Management of High-tech Enterprises, Changzhou Huadkejie Photoelectric Instrument Co., Ltd. is recognized as a high-tech enterprise and has obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202032002996. The validity period of the recognition is 3 years (2020-2022), and the corporate income tax shall be paid at the tax rate of 15% in 2022. 3. According to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Identification and Administration of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and Guidelines on the Identification and Administration of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), its subsidiary Hangzhou Lianhe Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is identified as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202233010022, which shall be valid for 3 years (2022-2024), and pay the enterprise income tax at the tax rate of 15% in 2022. 4. According to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and Guidelines for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 164 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 195), Dongguan Ouda Electronic Co., Ltd. of Sub-subsidiary is recognized as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202144002851, which shall be valid for 3 years (2021-2023), and pay the enterprise income tax at 15% tax rate in 2022. 5. According to the Letter on the Record of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2020 (Guo Ke Huo Zi (2020) No. 251) issued by the Office of the Leading Group for the Identification and Management of National High-tech Enterprises, the subsidiary Hangzhou Lianhe Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is recognized as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202133002795, which shall be valid for 3 years (2021-2023), and pay the enterprise income tax at 15% tax rate in 2022. 6. According to the Letter on the Record of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2020 (Guo Ke Huo Zi (2020) No. 251) issued by the Office of the Leading Group for the Identification and Management of National High-tech Enterprises, the subsidiary Hangzhou Liansheng Measuring Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is recognized as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202133004728, which shall be valid for 3 years (2021-2023), and pay the enterprise income tax at 15% tax rate in 2022. 7. According to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and Guidelines for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), Sub-subsidiary Zhejiang Yiyang Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is recognized as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202233007785, which shall be valid for 3 years (2022-2024), and pay the enterprise income tax at the tax rate of 15% in 2022. 8. According to the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Identification and Administration of New and High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and the Guidelines for the Identification and Administration of New and High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), Suzhou New Earth Hardware Products Co., Ltd. is identified as a new and high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202132006099, which shall be valid for 3 years (2021-2023), and pay the enterprise income tax at 15% tax rate in 2022. 9. According to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and Guidelines for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), Sub-subsidiary Zhongshan Jiilong Industrial Co., Ltd. is recognized as a high-tech enterprise. The company shall obtain the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202244011605, which shall be valid for 3 years (2022-2024), and pay the enterprise income tax at 15% tax rate in 2022. 10. In accordance with relevant provisions in Administrative Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 32) and Guidelines for Administration of Identification High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo (2016) No. 195), the subsidiary Ningbo Fenghua GreatStar Tools Co., Ltd. has been identified as a high-tech enterprise and granted the High-tech Enterprise Certificate numbered GR202233100274 with a validity period of 3 years (from 2022 to 2024). Therefore, the enterprise income tax was paid at the tax rate of 15% in 2022. 11. According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Administrative Measures for the Preferential VAT Policies to Promote the Employment of Disabled Persons (Cai Shui (2016) No. 52), the subsidiary Longyou Hugong Forging Three Tools Co., Ltd., after filing with the competent tax authority for the employment of disabled persons, enjoys the preferential policy of the VAT limit collection and refund at this period. 12. According to the document of Announcement on Further Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises (Announcement No. 13 2022 of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, during the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, the annual taxable income of small and micro profit enterprises shall not exceed CNY 1 million. Deduct 12.50% from the amount of taxable income and pay the enterprise income tax at the rate of 20%. The part of the annual taxable income exceeding CNY 1 million but not exceeding CNY 3 million shall be included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a tax rate of 20%. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, Zhejiang Guoxin Tools Co., Ltd., 165 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Kilong Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd., and Changzhou Huada Kejie Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., shall be subject to this preferential income tax policy and pay corporate income tax at a tax rate of 20%. VII. Notes to consolidated financial statements 1. Cash and cash equivalents Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Cash on hand 4,328,053.84 2,574,760.83 Bank deposit 4,788,725,570.94 3,983,507,419.70 Other monetary funds 70,152,557.62 47,625,059.63 Total 4,863,206,182.40 4,033,707,240.16 Including: the total amount of funds 1,073,586,253.48 802,607,925.10 deposited abroad Total amount of money subject to restrictions on use by reason of 69,779,001.93 32,520,998.98 mortgage, pledge or freeze Other notes: Other monetary funds at the end of the period include forward settlement of foreign exchange of CNY 33,448,671.74, short-term loan of CNY 20,893,800.00, letter of credit of CNY 6,616,370.00, banker's acceptance of CNY 7,384,067.19 and customs duty guarantee of CNY 1,393,093.00, Alipay of CNY 373,555.69 and ETC deposit of CNY 43,000.00. Other monetary funds at the beginning of the period include bank acceptance deposit of CNY 27,725,700.00, securities account deposit of CNY 13,598,051.60, forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange deposit of CNY 2,295,252.00, ETC deposit of CNY 32,000.00, customs duty bond deposit of CNY 1,975,140.00, project performance deposit of CNY 492,906.98, and deposit in Alipay of CNY 1,506,009.05. 2. Trading financial assets Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets measured at fair value 70,230,104.24 13,557,757.75 through profit or loss Including: Derivative financial assets 10,230,104.24 4,330,070.00 Bank financial products 60,000,000.00 Equity instrument investment 9,227,687.75 Including: Total 70,230,104.24 13,557,757.75 Other notes: None 166 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 3. Notes receivable (1) Classification and listing of notes receivable Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Banker's acceptance 18,765,981.83 5,663,502.93 Commercial acceptance 966,411.25 Total 18,765,981.83 6,629,914.18 Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Categor Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision y Book Book Proporti Provisio value Proporti Provisio value Amount Amount Amount Amount on n ratio on n ratio Includ ing: Notes receivab le set aside for 18,765,9 18,765,9 6,629,91 6,629,91 bad 100.00% 100.00% 81.83 81.83 4.18 4.18 debts assessed by groups Includ ing: Banker's 18,765,9 18,765,9 5,663,50 5,663,50 acceptan 100.00% 85.42% 81.83 81.83 2.93 2.93 ce Commer cial 966,411. 966,411. 14.58% acceptan 25 25 ce 18,765,9 18,765,9 6,629,91 6,629,91 Total 100.00% 100.00% 81.83 81.83 4.18 4.18 Bad debt provision assessed by groups: Unit: CNY Closing balance Name Book balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Bank acceptance portfolio 18,765,981.83 Total 18,765,981.83 Instructions for determining the basis of the combination: Bad debt provision assessed by groups: Unit: CNY Closing balance Name Book balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Instructions for determining the basis of the combination: 167 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. If the provision for doubtful accounts of notes receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to other methods of disclosure of receivables to disclose the relevant information of doubtful accounts: □ Applicable N/A (2) Notes receivable that have been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and are not due on the balance sheet date Unit: CNY Amount derecognized at the end of the Amount not derecognized at the end of Item period the period Banker's acceptance 4,504,513.91 Total 4,504,513.91 4. Accounts receivable (1) Classification of accounts receivable Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Categor Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision y Book Book Proporti Provisio value Proporti Provisio value Amount Amount Amount Amount on n ratio on n ratio Account receivab le of bad debt 3,780,75 3,780,75 provisio 0.19% 100.00% 3.57 3.57 n assessed individu ally Includ ing: Account s receivab le of bad debt 1,999,94 103,257, 1,896,68 1,899,00 100,742, 1,798,26 99.81% 5.16% 100.00% 5.31% provisio 2,811.41 221.30 5,590.11 8,012.88 507.35 5,505.53 n assessed by groups Includ ing: 2,003,72 107,037, 1,896,68 1,899,00 100,742, 1,798,26 Total 100.00% 5.34% 100.00% 5.31% 3,564.98 974.87 5,590.11 8,012.88 507.35 5,505.53 Provision for bad debts assessed individually: 3,780,753.57 Unit: CNY 168 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Closing balance Name Book balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Reason for provision Shanghai Lainuo Expected Photoelectric 3,780,753.57 3,780,753.57 100.00% unrecoverable Technology Co., Ltd. Total 3,780,753.57 3,780,753.57 Bad debt provision assessed by groups: 103,257,221.30 Unit: CNY Closing balance Name Book balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Aging groups 1,999,942,811.41 103,257,221.30 5.16% Total 1,999,942,811.41 103,257,221.30 Instructions for determining the basis of the combination: Aging If the provision for doubtful accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to other methods of disclosure of receivables to disclose the relevant information of doubtful accounts: □ Applicable N/A Aging disclosure Unit: CNY Aging Book balance Within 1 year (inclusive) 1,970,425,386.97 1-2 years 25,344,201.58 2-3 years 5,830,575.46 More than 3 years 2,123,400.97 3-4 years 696,290.54 4-5 years 454,657.11 More than 5 years 972,453.32 Total 2,003,723,564.98 (2) Bad debt provision withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period Details of bad debt provision: Unit: CNY Changes in the current period Opening Category Recovery or Closing balance balance Provision Write-off Others reversal Bad debt provision 3,591,754.39 188,999.18 3,780,753.57 assessed individually Bad debt provision 100,742,507.35 -1,858,727.49 1,055,458.37 5,428,899.81 103,257,221.30 assessed by groups 169 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Total 100,742,507.35 1,733,026.90 188,999.18 1,055,458.37 5,617,898.99 107,037,974.87 Among them, the amount of the current bad debt provision recovery or reversal is important: Unit: CNY Name of unit Recovery or reversal Recovery mode (3) Receivables among the top five closing balances collected by the debtor Unit: CNY Percentage of total closing Closing balance of accounts Closing balance of bad debt Customer balance of accounts receivable provision receivable Customer 1 417,503,364.89 20.84% 20,875,168.24 Customer 2 369,853,367.35 18.46% 18,492,668.37 Customer 3 60,719,295.17 3.03% 3,035,964.76 Customer 4 56,385,734.96 2.81% 2,819,286.75 Customer 5 51,415,571.21 2.57% 2,570,778.56 Total 955,877,333.58 47.71% 5. Financing of receivables Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Banker's acceptance 3,310,508.35 5,278,343.13 Accounts receivable 321,247,171.36 553,742,484.39 Total 324,557,679.71 559,020,827.52 Changes in the current period and fair value of receivables financing Applicable □ N/A (1) Breakdown Closing balance Opening balance Item Accumulative confirmed Accumulative confirmed Book value reserve for credit Book value reserve for credit impairment impairment Banker's acceptance 3,310,508.35 5,278,343.13 Accounts receivable 321,247,171.36 16,907,745.86 553,742,484.39 29,144,341.28 Total 324,557,679.71 16,907,745.86 559,020,827.52 29,144,341.28 (2) Reserve for credit impairment of receivables financing Decrease in the current Increase in the current period period Item Opening balance Impact of Closing balance Write- Provision exchange rate Reversal Others off fluctuations Reserve for credit impairment is set 29,144,341.28 16,907,745.86 aside on a -12,767,474.27 530,878.85 combination basis 170 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Decrease in the current Increase in the current period period Item Opening balance Impact of Closing balance Write- Provision exchange rate Reversal Others off fluctuations Total 29,144,341.28 -12,767,474.27 530,878.85 16,907,745.86 (3) At the end of the period, the Company has endorsed or discounted the notes receivable and has not matured on the balance sheet date Derecognition amount at Item the end of the period Banker's acceptance 6,559,637.55 Subtotal 6,559,637.55 The acceptor of the banker's acceptance bill is the commercial bank. Because the commercial bank has high credit, the possibility that the banker's acceptance bill will not be paid when it expires is low, so our company will terminate the confirmation of the banker's acceptance bill that has been endorsed or discounted. However, if such notes are not paid at maturity, the Company shall remain jointly and severally liable to the holders under the Instruments Act. (4) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets Gain or loss associated Item Derecognition Transfer mode of financial assets with the derecognition 1,878,525,994.18 Receivables financing assignment Payment for goods -7,931,415.18 (Note) without additional recourse Subtotal 1,878,525,994.18 -7,931,415.18 (Note) The amount of the receivables financing transfer without recourse was USD 269,724,893.63. The transfer of receivables financing in USD without recourse was translated into CNY 1,878,525,994.18 by the exchange rate at the end of the period If the financing impairment reserve of receivables is prepared according to the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to other methods of disclosure of receivables to disclose the relevant information of impairment reserve: □ Applicable N/A Other notes: 6. Advance payment (1) Prepayments shall be listed and shown according to aging Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Aging Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Within 1 year 123,153,057.84 95.25% 74,702,657.14 96.09% 1-2 years 3,784,255.82 0.00% 1,748,154.88 2.25% 2-3 years 808,907.98 0.00% 1,075,509.98 1.38% 171 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. More than 3 years 507,872.23 0.47% 217,119.90 0.28% Total 128,254,093.87 77,743,441.90 Explanation of the reasons why the prepayment with an important amount and an aging age of more than 1 year is not settled in time: (2) Advance payment among the top five in the closing balance of the prepaid objects The total prepayments of the top five closing balance amounts to CNY 47,934,016.73, accounting for 35.13% of the total closing balance of prepayments Other notes: (1) Provision for bad debts in the current period amounted to CNY 2,411,861.08, which increased by CNY 463,566.46 due to exchange rate fluctuations. (2) The actual written off prepayment is CNY 54,269.29 in the current period. 7. Other receivables Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Other receivables 58,325,042.10 96,151,003.68 Total 58,325,042.10 96,151,003.68 (1) Other receivables 1) Classification of other receivables by nature Unit: CNY Book balance at the end of the reporting Book balance at the beginning of the Nature period reporting period Deposit 30,880,521.21 24,611,560.03 Export tax rebate receivable 24,697,312.44 61,953,922.99 Provisional payment receivable 5,617,725.38 6,025,540.52 Employee reserve fund 1,529,914.18 2,666,593.46 Equity settlement receivable 6,160,202.73 Others 2,327,676.34 2,653,025.72 Total 65,053,149.55 104,070,845.45 2) Provision for bad debts Unit: CNY Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad debt provision Lifetime ECL (not Lifetime ECL Total 12-month ECL impaired) (impaired) As at January 1, 2022 4,606,101.41 854,761.14 2,458,979.22 7,919,841.77 Changes due to 172 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. financial instruments recognized as at January 1, 2022 -- Transfer to stage II -99,539.17 99,539.17 -- Transfer to stage III -775,552.12 775,552.12 Provision -11,184,311.29 20,330.15 672,986.60 -10,490,994.54 Write-off 5,000.00 5,000.00 Other changes 9,304,260.22 9,304,260.22 As at December 31, 2,621,511.17 199,078.34 3,907,517.94 6,728,107.45 2022 Loss reserve for a significant change in book balance during the current period □ Applicable N/A Aging disclosure Unit: CNY Aging Book balance Within 1 year (inclusive) 52,430,223.89 1-2 years 1,990,783.43 2-3 years 7,755,521.23 More than 3 years 2,876,621.00 3-4 years 588,931.41 4-5 years 215,910.64 More than 5 years 2,071,778.95 Total 65,053,149.55 3) Other receivables actually written off during the current period Unit: CNY Item Write-off amount Shifeng outdoor shopping mall 5,000.00 Other significant write-offs of receivables: Unit: CNY Whether the Write-off payment is Nature of other Reason for write- Name of unit Write-off amount procedures generated by receivables off performed related party transactions Instructions for writing off other receivables: Other receivables actually written off during the period are CNY 5,000.00. 4) Other receivables among the top five closing balances collected by the debtor Unit: CNY Percentage of the Closing balance of Name of unit Nature of payment Closing balance Aging total closing bad debt provision 173 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. balance of other receivables Export tax rebate Export tax rebate 24,697,312.44 Within 1 year 37.96% 1,234,865.62 receivable receivable Cng ty c phn Tng Viên Grand Deposit 5,058,071.44 2-3 years 7.78% 1,011,614.29 Park Payment of social insurance premium Provisional and housing payment 2,923,397.25 Within 1 year 4.49% 146,169.86 provident fund on receivable behalf of employees Hangzhou Qiantang Smart deposit 1,908,000.00 More than 5 years 2.93% 1,908,000.00 City Management Committee Hangzhou Qiantang Smart deposit 1,007,000.00 2-3 years 1.55% 201,400.00 City Management Committee China Construction Electronic deposit 2,510,000.00 Within 1 year 3.86% 125,500.00 Commerce Co., Ltd. Total 38,103,781.13 58.57% 4,627,549.77 8. Inventory Whether the Company is required to follow real estate industry disclosure requirements None (1) Categories of inventories Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Reserve for Reserve for inventory inventory Item decline or decline or Book balance impairment of Book value Book balance impairment of Book value contract contract performance performance costs costs Raw material 763,015,426.57 11,758,583.43 763,015,426.57 828,353,943.87 828,353,943.87 Goods in 346,179,403.66 346,179,403.66 411,642,818.41 411,642,818.41 progress 1,769,035,629. 1,685,025,580. 1,619,622,574. 1,572,401,600. Finished goods 72,251,465.32 47,220,974.64 25 50 68 04 Commissioned 16,699,727.54 16,699,727.54 22,559,098.84 22,559,098.84 materials Low-value consumable 1,652,387.41 1,652,387.41 820,535.68 820,535.68 goods 174 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2,896,582,574. 2,812,572,525. 2,882,998,971. 2,835,777,996. Total 84,010,048.75 47,220,974.64 43 68 48 84 (2) Reserve for inventory decline and impairment of contract performance costs Unit: CNY Current increase Current reduction Opening Item Reversal or Closing balance balance Provision Others Others elimination Raw material 12,089,485.73 39,929.66 370,831.96 11,758,583.43 Finished goods 47,220,974.64 31,100,452.54 3,977,161.75 10,047,123.61 72,251,465.32 Total 47,220,974.64 43,189,938.27 4,017,091.41 10,417,955.57 84,010,048.75 Reverse inventory Determine net realizable value decline The value of inventory sold fell Item Concrete basis Reasons for Reasons for preparation preparation The amount of the estimated selling price of the During the current period, the relevant finished products less the estimated Raw material inventory that has been set aside for cost to be incurred up to completion, estimated inventory decline is consumed/sold selling expenses and related taxes and fees Selling or scrapping part of the The amount of the estimated selling price of the inventory that has been drawn down Finished relevant finished products less the estimated goods the reserve for inventory decline, and selling expenses and related taxes is determined selling off the corresponding inventory as net realizable value decline reserve that has been drawn up 9. Current portion of non-current assets Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Finance lease receivable 98,061.60 90,708.80 Total 98,061.60 90,708.80 Significant debt investments/other debt investments Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Credit item Coupon Effective Maturity Coupon Effective Maturity Face value Face value rate interest rate date rate interest rate date Other notes: 10. Other current assets Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance VAT allowance 114,913,836.33 160,295,028.26 Advance payment of corporate income 4,945,994.21 24,135,847.39 tax Deferred expense 3,832,917.83 5,876,647.96 175 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Time deposit interest 10,437,900.21 3,683,674.49 Total 134,130,648.58 193,991,198.10 Other notes: 11. Long-term receivables (1) Long-term receivables Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Discount rate Item Bad debt Bad debt Book balance Book value Book balance Book value interval provision provision Finance lease 299,568.31 299,568.31 446,386.40 446,386.40 0.75% Includin g: Unrealized -4,002.95 -4,002.95 -14,135.20 -14,135.20 financing income Land lease 2,572,611.16 2,572,611.16 2,274,855.31 2,274,855.31 deposit Total 2,872,179.47 2,872,179.47 2,721,241.71 2,721,241.71 Impairment of bad debt provision Unit: CNY Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad debt provision Lifetime ECL (not Lifetime ECL Total 12-month ECL impaired) (impaired) Changes due to financial instruments recognized as at January 1, 2022 Loss reserve for a significant change in book balance during the current period □ Applicable N/A 12. Long-term equity investment Unit: CNY Changes in the current period Investm ent Openin gains Impair Other Declara Closing g and ment Investe Additio Reducti compre Other tion of Provisi balance balance losses reserve e nal on of hensive changes cash on for (book (book recogni Others closing investm investm income in dividen impair value) value) zed balance ent ent adjustm equity d or ment under ents profit the equity method 176 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. I. Joint ventures II. Associates Hangzh ou Zhongc e Haicha 1,268,8 1,387,6 o 85,019, 28,287, 5,465,5 65,846. 37,932. Enterpr 436.77 071.60 77.19 61 17 ise Manage ment Co., Ltd. Zhejian g Hangch 732,591 95,134, 3,648,4 6,495,7 40,000, 797,869 a ,395.62 172.50 30.69 30.54 000.00 ,729.35 Holdin g Co., Ltd. Zhejian g Guozi - 75,805, 1,521,2 62,379, Robotic 14,947, 856.54 87.22 261.25 s Co., 882.51 Ltd. Ningbo Dongha - 190,561 12,234, 201,743 i Bank 1,053,1 ,324.86 926.64 ,081.34 Co., 70.16 Ltd. Changz hou Huada Xideba 1,873,6 1,099,5 2,973,2 o Laser 75.00 88.38 63.38 Instrum ent Co., Ltd. Hangzh ou Micro - Nano 84,244, 7,684,6 91,920, 8,963.7 Technol 601.17 12.65 250.06 6 ogy Co., Ltd. 2,353,9 2,544,5 Subtota 186,224 30,873, 13,482, 40,000, 42,699. 23,517. l ,854.43 368.37 594.95 000.00 80 55 2,353,9 2,544,5 186,224 30,873, 13,482, 40,000, Total 42,699. 23,517. ,854.43 368.37 594.95 000.00 80 55 Other notes: None 177 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 13. Investments in other equity instruments Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Hangzhou Haibang Xinhu Talent Venture Investment Partnership (limited 16,550,000.00 16,550,000.00 partnership) Total 16,550,000.00 16,550,000.00 Itemized disclosure of non-trading equity instrument investments in the current period Unit: CNY Reasons for Amounts Reasons for measurement at transferred transferring fair value with Recognized from other other Cumulative Cumulative their changes Item dividend comprehensive comprehensive gain loss included into income income to incomes into other retained retained comprehensive earnings earnings income Hangzhou Haibang Xinhu Talent Venture Investment 12,400,000.00 Partnership (limited partnership) Other notes: None 14. Investment real estate (1) Investment real estate with cost measurement model Applicable □ N/A Unit: CNY Construction in Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total progress I. Original book value 1. Opening 118,165,047.78 16,928,850.24 135,093,898.02 balance 2. Amount increased in the current period (1) Outsourcing (2) Inventory, fixed assets, transfer-in of construction in progress 178 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (3) Increase of enterprise combination 3. Amount decreased in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance 118,165,047.78 16,928,850.24 135,093,898.02 II. Cumulative depreciation and Cumulative amortization 1. Opening 6,059,898.87 1,975,032.46 8,034,931.33 balance 2. Amount increased in the current 4,561,833.68 338,577.00 4,900,410.68 period (1) Provision 4,561,833.68 338,577.00 4,900,410.68 or amortization 3. Amount decreased in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance 10,621,732.55 2,313,609.46 12,935,342.01 III. Reserve for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Amount increased in the current period (1) Provision 3. Amount decreased in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 179 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 1. Closing book 107,543,315.23 14,615,240.78 122,158,556.01 value 2. Opening book 112,105,148.91 14,953,817.78 127,058,966.69 value (2) Investment real estate with fair value measurement model □ Applicable N/A 15. Fixed assets Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Fixed assets 1,518,902,232.96 1,494,547,487.29 Total 1,518,902,232.96 1,494,547,487.29 (1) Fixed assets Unit: CNY Houses and General purpose Item Special equipment Means of transport Total buildings equipment I. Original book value: 1. Opening 1,221,859,989.74 208,831,294.89 1,325,263,396.67 44,231,023.20 2,800,185,704.50 balance 2. Amount increased in the 94,159,063.15 49,115,083.32 138,256,756.93 8,552,151.34 290,083,054.74 current period (1) 36,556,513.47 38,547,696.43 93,759,147.55 4,242,093.19 173,105,450.64 Purchase (2) Transfer-in of 27,885,715.08 1,855,954.14 9,671,073.12 3,041,043.36 42,453,785.70 construction in progress (3) Increase of enterprise combinations (4) Impact of 29,716,834.60 8,711,432.75 34,826,536.26 1,269,014.79 74,523,818.40 exchange rate fluctuations 3. Amount decreased in the 7,359,741.55 6,002,459.65 93,452,684.73 8,025,841.63 114,840,727.56 current period (1) Disposal or 7,359,741.55 6,002,459.65 93,452,684.73 8,025,841.63 114,840,727.56 scrapping 4. Closing 1,308,659,311.34 251,943,918.56 1,370,067,468.87 44,757,332.91 2,975,428,031.68 180 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. balance II. Cumulative depreciation 1. Opening 376,911,458.22 146,391,564.76 743,906,907.98 37,645,885.82 1,304,855,816.78 balance 2. Amount increased in the 59,158,712.49 18,643,595.92 119,449,690.75 3,857,957.27 201,109,956.43 current period (1) 52,744,462.75 12,401,804.36 109,060,827.37 2,956,682.34 177,163,776.82 Provision (2) Impact of exchange rate 6,414,249.74 6,241,791.56 10,388,863.38 901,274.93 23,946,179.61 fluctuations 3. Amount decreased in the 784,252.64 4,668,140.95 41,411,177.43 6,677,728.03 53,541,299.05 current period (1) Disposal or 784,252.64 4,668,140.95 41,411,177.43 6,677,728.03 53,541,299.05 scrapping 4. Closing 435,285,918.07 160,367,019.73 821,945,421.30 34,826,115.06 1,452,424,474.16 balance III. Reserve for impairment 1. Opening 782,400.43 782,400.43 balance 2. Amount increased in the 3,428,590.31 3,428,590.31 current period (1) 3,305,922.73 3,305,922.73 Provision (2) Impact of 122,667.58 122,667.58 exchange rate fluctuations 3. Amount decreased in the 109,666.18 109,666.18 current period (1) Disposal or 109,666.18 109,666.18 scrapping 4. Closing 4,101,324.56 4,101,324.56 balance IV. Book value 1. Closing 873,373,393.27 91,576,898.83 544,020,723.01 9,931,217.85 1,518,902,232.96 book value 2. Opening 844,948,531.52 62,439,730.13 580,574,088.26 6,585,137.38 1,494,547,487.29 book value 181 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (2) Fixed assets leased through operating leases Unit: CNY Item Book value as at the end of the reporting period Houses and buildings 10,845,503.63 Subtotal 10,845,503.63 16. Construction in progress Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Construction in progress 304,599,362.46 113,750,851.49 Total 304,599,362.46 113,750,851.49 (1) Details of construction in progress Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Reserve for Reserve for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Annual output of 550,000 sets 1,865,865.07 1,865,865.07 27,730,496.71 27,730,496.71 of laser sensor modules Phase-I factory construction of GreatStar 95,185,314.94 95,185,314.94 23,839,910.93 23,839,910.93 Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. in Vietnam Cambodia Phase II plant 21,017,425.13 21,017,425.13 17,095,602.29 17,095,602.29 construction project Cambodia phase III plant 19,576,510.61 19,576,510.61 construction project Annual output of 1.5 million mesh 9,141,619.68 9,141,619.68 10,154,222.15 10,154,222.15 technology transformation phase II project Intelligent factory with an annual output 19,200,447.56 19,200,447.56 of 1 million sets of new power tools GreatStar headquarters 28,297,770.43 28,297,770.43 5,824,743.14 5,824,743.14 renovation 182 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. project Construction of toolbox production 11,842,636.03 11,842,636.03 62,254.53 62,254.53 bases in Thailand Vietnam Union Company 1,348,331.57 1,348,331.57 200,574.51 200,574.51 equipment installation Drawer cabinet production line 28,596,859.65 28,596,859.65 construction project Sporadic 68,526,581.79 68,526,581.79 28,843,047.23 28,843,047.23 projects Total 304,599,362.46 304,599,362.46 113,750,851.49 113,750,851.49 (2) Changes of major construction in progress in the current period Unit: CNY Includi Amou Propor Other Cumul ng: nt tion of Curren reduce ative Amou transfe cumul t Openi Curren d Closin amoun nt of rred to ative interes Source ng t amoun g Progre t of capital Item Budget fixed project t of balanc increas ts in balanc ss capital ized assets invest capital funds e e the e ized interes in the ment ization current interes t in the current to rate period t current period budget period Annua l output Stock of offerin 550,00 100,00 27,730 12,024 37,888 1,865, 39.75 g 0 sets 0,000. ,496.7 ,283.0 ,914.6 40% 865.07 % funds of 00 1 2 6 & laser others sensor modul es Phase- I factory constr uction Stock of offerin 102,38 23,839 68,380 95,185 GreatS 2,964, 92.97 g 3,700. ,910.9 ,874.8 ,314.9 92% tar 529.20 % funds 00 3 1 4 Intellig & ent others Equip ment Co., Ltd. in 183 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Vietna m Cambo dia Phase 20,756 17,095 21,017 2,262, 1,658, 101.26 II plant ,100.0 ,602.2 ,425.1 99% Others 941.42 881.42 % constr 0 9 3 uction project Cambo dia Phase 24,658 18,909 19,576 III 667,01 79.39 ,000.0 ,493.7 ,510.6 75% Others plant 6.91 % 0 0 1 constr uction project Annua l output of 1.5 million mesh 15,000 10,154 techno 3,119, 4,131, 9,141, 88.49 ,000.0 ,222.1 90% Others logy 272.51 874.98 619.68 % 0 5 transfo rmatio n phase II project Intellig ent factory with Stock an offerin annual 103,00 19,200 19,200 18.64 g output 0,000. ,447.5 ,447.5 20% % funds of 1 00 6 6 & million Others sets of new power tools GreatS tar headqu 35,220 22,473 28,297 5,824, 80.35 arters ,000.0 ,027.2 ,770.4 80% Others 743.14 % renova 0 9 3 tion project Constr uction Stock of 116,78 11,233 11,842 62,254 547,14 93.33 offerin toolbo 5,800. ,233.8 ,636.0 95% .53 7.63 % g x 00 7 3 funds produc tion 184 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. bases in Thaila nd Vietna m Union Compa 17,234 200,57 1,542, 432,99 38,220 1,348, 106.95 ny ,300.0 99% Others 4.51 532.40 6.06 .72 331.57 % equip 0 ment installa tion Drawe r cabinet produc 45,704 28,596 28,596 62.57 tion ,200.0 ,859.6 ,859.6 62% Others % line 0 5 5 constr uction project 580,74 84,907 187,74 42,453 236,07 5,875, Total 2,100. ,804.2 2,966. ,785.7 2,780. 795.88 00 6 23 0 67 17. Productive biological assets (1) Productive biological assets using cost measurement model □ Applicable N/A (2) Productive biological assets using fair value measurement model □ Applicable N/A 18. Oil and gas assets □ Applicable N/A 19. Right-to-use assets Unit: CNY General purpose Item Houses and buildings Means of transport Total equipment I. Original book value 1. Opening 504,829,254.24 3,540,581.40 9,299,747.81 517,669,583.45 balance 2. Amount increased in the current 109,390,010.92 671,700.57 9,036,662.95 119,098,374.44 period (1) New lease 75,608,439.45 437,472.00 6,618,528.00 82,664,439.45 (2) Increase 185 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. resulted from the combination of enterprises not under common control (3) Impact of exchange rate 33,781,571.47 234,228.57 2,418,134.95 36,433,934.99 fluctuations 3. Amount decreased in the 17,138,965.73 229,213.09 17,368,178.82 current period (1) Lease 17,138,965.73 229,213.09 17,368,178.82 expiration 4. Closing balance 597,080,299.43 4,212,281.97 18,107,197.67 619,399,779.07 II. Cumulative depreciation 1. Opening 101,721,014.98 1,142,277.36 3,083,529.45 105,946,821.79 balance 2. Amount increased in the current 103,121,531.98 680,961.90 6,442,374.58 110,244,868.46 period (1) Provision 93,465,964.39 550,368.00 4,332,384.00 98,348,716.39 (2) Increase resulted from the combination of enterprises not under common control (3) Impact of exchange rate 9,655,567.59 130,593.90 2,109,990.58 11,896,152.07 fluctuations 3. Amount decreased in the 13,861,403.50 59,869.09 13,921,272.59 current period (1) Disposal (2) Lease 13,861,403.50 59,869.09 13,921,272.59 expiration 4. Closing balance 190,981,143.46 1,823,239.26 9,466,034.94 202,270,417.66 III. Reserve for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Amount increased in the current period (1) Provision 3. Amount decreased in the current period (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance 186 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. IV. Book value 1. Closing book 406,099,155.97 2,389,042.71 8,641,162.73 417,129,361.41 value 2. Opening book 403,108,239.26 2,398,304.04 6,216,218.36 411,722,761.66 value Other notes: None 20. Intangible assets (1) Intangible assets Unit: CNY Unpatente Proprietar Land Managem Pollutant Land use Patent d Trademar y Item ownershi ent discharge Total right right technolog k right technolog p software right y y I. Original book value 1. 232,058,1 5,117,908 129,852,2 310,883,4 18,478,82 132,102,1 2,648,543 831,141,3 Opening 68.21 .04 68.23 76.53 0.35 69.22 .69 54.27 balance 2. Amount increased 23,051,25 289,742.5 6,978,678 15,539,10 31,384,53 77,243,31 in the 4.70 3 .95 6.30 7.22 9.70 current period ( 18,643,00 289,742.5 1,906,467 23,742,51 44,585,49 1) 3,773.58 0.00 3 .25 6.14 9.50 Purchase ( 2) Internal R&D ( 3) Increase of enterprise combinati ons (4) Impact of exchange 4,408,254 5,072,211 15,535,33 7,642,021 32,657,82 rate .70 .70 2.72 .08 0.20 fluctuatio ns 3. 1,816,371 584,614.0 2,400,985 187 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Amount .00 3 .03 decreased in the current period ( 1,816,371 584,614.0 2,400,985 1) .00 3 .03 Disposal 4. 255,109,4 5,407,650 135,014,5 326,422,5 18,478,82 162,902,0 2,648,543 905,983,6 Closing 22.91 .57 76.18 82.83 0.35 92.41 .69 88.94 balance II. Cumulati ve amortizati on 1. 39,264,22 2,634,970 5,310,521 11,264,38 100,689,6 684,207.2 159,847,9 Opening 1.69 .57 .33 0.89 00.98 0 02.66 balance 2. Amount increased 6,008,367 514,583.3 4,771,932 1,755,487 20,606,30 264,854.4 33,921,53 in the .61 0 .85 .93 7.76 0 3.85 current period ( 5,935,759 514,583.3 4,146,261 1,755,487 19,327,67 264,854.4 31,944,62 1) .66 0 .20 .93 6.58 0 3.07 Provision (2) Impact of exchange 625,671.6 1,278,631 1,976,910 72,607.95 0.00 rate 5 .18 .78 fluctuatio ns 3. Amount decreased 584,614.0 584,614.0 in the 3 3 current period ( 584,614.0 584,614.0 1) 3 3 Disposal 4. 45,272,58 3,149,553 10,082,45 13,019,86 120,711,2 949,061.6 193,184,8 Closing 9.30 .87 4.18 8.82 94.71 0 22.48 balance III. Reserve for impairme nt 1. 188 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Opening balance 2. Amount increased in the current period ( 1) Provision 3. Amount decreased in the current period ( 1) Disposal 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 1. Closing 209,836,8 2,258,096 135,014,5 316,340,1 5,458,951 42,190,79 1,699,482 712,798,8 book 33.61 .70 76.18 28.65 .53 7.70 .09 66.46 value 2. Opening 192,793,9 2,482,937 129,852,2 305,572,9 7,214,439 31,412,56 1,964,336 671,293,4 book 46.52 .47 68.23 55.20 .46 8.24 .49 51.61 value The intangible assets formed through internal R&D of the Company at the end of the current period account for 0.00% of the balance of intangible assets. 21. Goodwill (1) Original book value of goodwill Unit: CNY Investee or Increase in the current period Decrease in the current period matter of Opening Formed by the Impact of Closing balance forming balance combination of exchange rate Disposal goodwill enterprises fluctuations Lista Holding 1,065,726,426. 985,816,724.04 79,909,702.35 AG 39 Geelong Orchid 568,037,859.11 568,037,859.11 Holdings Ltd Arrow Fastener 588,655,629.60 54,371,959.20 643,027,588.80 Co., LLC 189 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro 118,076,677.01 118,076,677.01 Instrument Co., Ltd Prim' Tools 62,974,701.61 5,816,741.97 68,791,443.58 Limited Suzhou Xindadi Hardware 42,288,608.30 42,288,608.30 Product Co., Ltd. Prexiso AG 31,562,433.97 2,558,431.65 34,120,865.62 Prime-Line 27,415,510.00 2,532,270.00 29,947,780.00 Products, LLC Longyou Hugong 8,072,738.29 8,072,738.29 Forging No. 3 Tools Co., Ltd. Shanghai Endura Tool 5,677,361.84 5,677,361.84 Co., Ltd. Haining Sheffield 884,415.32 884,415.32 Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Guoxin Tool 308,667.41 308,667.41 Co., Ltd. Longyou Yiyang Forging 170,033.92 170,033.92 Co., Ltd. 2,439,941,360. 2,585,130,465. Total 145,189,105.17 42 59 (2) Reserve for goodwill impairment Unit: CNY Investee or Increase in the current period Decrease in the current period matter of Opening Closing balance forming balance Provision Disposal goodwill Lista Holding 70,398,887.67 70,398,887.67 AG Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd 524,650.53 1,049,301.06 1,573,951.59 (Note) Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro 58,591,956.96 58,591,956.96 Instrument Co., Ltd Prime-Line 3,311,657.93 3,311,657.93 Products, LLC Longyou 1,333,583.47 6,739,154.82 8,072,738.29 Hugong 190 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Forging No. 3 Tools Co., Ltd. (Note) Shanghai Endura Tool 5,677,361.84 5,677,361.84 Co., Ltd. Haining Sheffield 884,415.32 884,415.32 Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Guoxin Tool 308,667.41 308,667.41 Co., Ltd. Longyou Yiyang Forging 170,033.92 170,033.92 Co., Ltd. Total 134,160,736.56 14,828,934.37 148,989,670.93 Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located In recognition of the goodwill generated by the deferred income tax liabilities of Longyou Hugong Forging No. 3 Tools Co., Lt d. and the related asset group of Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd, an equivalent amount of goodwill impairment provision of CNY 444,527.83 and CNY 1,049,301.06 was made due to the reversal of the current deferred income tax liabilities. Explanations for the goodwill impairment test process, key parameters (such as forecast period growth rate, stable period growth rate, profit rate, discount rate, forecast period, etc. when the present value of future cash flows is expected) and the recognition method of goodwill impairment loss: Goodwill impairment test process 1) Lista Holding AG ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Lista Holding AG Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 679,523,110.89 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 995,327,538.72 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 1,674,850,649.61 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of Yes purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used for the cash flow forecast is 11.10% (2021: 9.96%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 91), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 1,782,760,000.00, and the book value is CNY 1,674,850,649.61, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 2) Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd 191 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 533,728,771.00 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 566,463,907.52 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 1,100,192,678.52 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of No purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years Composition of asset group or combination of asset groups during the Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd asset group goodwill impairment test in 2021 Due to the adjustment of internal business and equity Reason for change in the composition of an asset group or combination of structure, Geelong (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has been asset groups included in the asset group of Geelong Orchid Holdings Ltd since 2022 ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 12.14% (2021: 12.68%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 90), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 1,243,000,000.00, and the book value is CNY 1,100,192,678.52, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 3) Arrow Fastener Co., LLC ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Arrow Fastener Co., LLC Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 474,187,618.63 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 643,027,588.80 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 1,117,215,207.43 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of Yes purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used for the cash flow forecast is 11.61% (2021: 10.61%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. 192 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 93), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 1,126,384,758.00, and the book value is CNY 1,117,215,207.80, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 4) Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro Instrument Co., Ltd. ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto- Electro Instrument Co., Ltd. Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 272,284,100.63 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 91,514,953.92 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 363,799,054.55 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of Yes purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used for the cash flow forecast is 11.34% (2021: 12.85%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 88), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 420,050,000.00, and the book value is CNY 363,799,054.55, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 5) Prim' Tools Limited ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Prim' Tools Limited Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 127,292,247.61 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 68,791,443.58 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 196,083,691.19 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of Yes purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used for the cash flow forecast is 11.41% (2021: 13.00%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. 193 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 89), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 232,330,000.00, and the book value is CNY 196,083,691.19, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 6) Prime-Line Products, LLC ① Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located Composition of the asset group or the combination of asset groups Related asset group of Prime-Line Products, LLC Book value of the asset group or the combination of asset groups 274,962,185.83 Book value of goodwill apportioned to the asset group or combination of 26,636,122.07 asset groups and method of apportionment Book value of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing 301,598,307.90 goodwill Whether the asset group or combination of asset groups is consistent with the asset group or combination of asset groups as determined at the date of Yes purchase and at the time of the goodwill impairment test in prior years ② Process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment test The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the expected future cash flow, which is based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used for the cash flow forecast is 12.07% (2021: 10.61%), and the cash flow after the forecast period remains stable. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. According to the Appraisal Report issued by Wanbang Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. (Wan Bang Ping Bao (2023) No. 92), the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is CNY 318,909,000.00, and the book value is CNY 301,598,307.90, and there is no impairment loss of goodwill. 7) Other companies ① The Company has conducted a closing goodwill impairment test on the related asset groups of Suzhou Xindadi Hardware Products Co., Ltd. and Prexiso AG. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill is calculated at the present value of projected future cash flows based on a five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company, which remains stable after the forecast period. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax interest rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the specific risks of the underlying asset group. Other key data used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production cost and other related expenses. The Company has determined the above key data based on its historical experience and forecast of market development. The above estimates of recoverable amounts indicate that there is no impairment loss of goodwill. ② The Company has conducted impairment tests on the related asset groups of Longyou Hugong Forging No. 3 Tool Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liyi Tool Co., Ltd., Haining Sheffield Tool Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Guoxin Tool Co., Ltd., and Longyou Yiyang Forging Co., Ltd., and their goodwill impairment losses are identified as CNY 6,739,154.82 CNY 5,677,361.84, CNY 884,415.32, CNY 308,667.41 and CNY 170,033.92 respectively. Impact of goodwill impairment test N/A Other notes: 194 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 22. Long-term deferred expenses Unit: CNY Current period Increase in the Other reduced Item Opening balance amortization Closing balance current period amounts amount Expenditures for improvement of 6,739,950.58 2,043,196.51 2,072,420.44 -25,249.99 6,735,976.64 leased fixed assets Decoration cost 6,561,351.43 9,812,208.16 5,662,902.96 -163,739.04 10,874,395.67 Mold cost 11,183,138.80 7,096,182.44 8,045,165.23 10,234,156.01 Others 2,261,521.44 243,355.20 786,030.72 -119,900.10 1,838,746.02 Total 26,745,962.25 19,194,942.31 16,566,519.35 -308,889.13 29,683,274.34 Other notes: None 23. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities (1) Unoffset deferred tax assets Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Deductible for Deductible for Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets temporary differences temporary differences Bad debt provision 75,037,482.03 19,562,336.87 126,923,687.93 24,804,313.63 Reserve for inventory 94,747,478.74 20,983,892.60 63,458,652.61 14,741,539.47 decline Mold cost 165,257.83 24,788.68 Changes in the fair value of trading 13,075,775.60 1,961,366.34 financial instruments Withholding expense 188,560,571.00 48,671,047.11 169,819,676.11 24,529,483.31 Deferred income 795,332.50 119,299.88 1,556,851.32 233,527.70 Profits distributed from 10,437,803.87 1,565,670.58 partnership business Total 382,654,443.74 92,863,613.38 361,924,125.80 64,333,652.79 (2) Unoffset deferred income tax liabilities Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Taxable temporary Deferred income tax Taxable temporary Deferred income tax differences liabilities differences liabilities Appraisal of assets appreciation of 130,493,175.41 22,637,189.13 136,221,613.07 24,608,080.53 enterprises with different control Changes in the fair value of trading 216,822.79 32,523.42 2,822,612.24 423,391.84 financial assets 195 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Interest receivable 10,354,688.66 1,553,203.30 3,683,674.49 552,551.17 Depreciation of fixed 157,866,605.45 33,965,448.24 215,457,755.28 48,392,628.88 assets Reserve for inventory 6,370,128.97 1,301,362.33 17,481,348.51 2,452,010.77 decline Withholding expense 51,761,401.14 10,591,929.69 143,184,822.64 19,782,033.37 Others 1,861,905.13 380,371.14 5,266,299.15 716,690.58 Total 358,924,727.55 70,462,027.25 524,118,125.38 96,927,387.14 (3) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Deductible loss 291,942,202.73 268,267,176.46 Total 291,942,202.73 268,267,176.46 (4) Deductible losses on unrecognized deferred tax assets will become due in the following years Unit: CNY Year Closing amount Opening amount Remarks 2022 8,794,514.34 2023 12,521,147.05 13,108,405.23 2024 32,951,460.64 34,197,239.43 2025 34,819,578.42 34,847,410.00 2026 69,022,589.38 92,940,492.11 2027 50,649,136.49 7,204,355.21 2028 26,243,099.31 26,243,099.31 2029 7,438,617.58 7,438,617.58 2030 13,508,002.18 15,081,463.76 2031 32,348,426.72 28,411,579.49 2032 12,440,144.96 Total 291,942,202.73 268,267,176.46 Other notes: None 24. Other non-current assets Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Reserve for Reserve for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Prepayment for 57,883,798.81 57,883,798.81 54,968,493.62 54,968,493.62 land purchase Prepayment for 14,558,437.00 14,558,437.00 40,432,170.46 40,432,170.46 equipment Prepayment for intangible 2,064,892.14 2,064,892.14 8,370,928.98 8,370,928.98 assets purchase Total 74,507,127.95 74,507,127.95 103,771,593.06 103,771,593.06 196 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Other notes: None 25. Short-term borrowings (1) Classification of short-term borrowings Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Pledged borrowings 20,924,304.95 Mortgaged borrowings 10,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 Secured borrowings 145,646,000.00 73,000,000.00 Credit borrowings 1,199,414,617.82 1,718,165,732.74 Interest payables that have been 3,077,790.34 1,735,468.65 withdrawn not yet due Total 1,379,062,713.11 1,806,901,201.39 Description about classification of short-term borrowings: None (2) Overdue and unpaid short-term borrowings The total amount of overdue and unpaid short-term borrowings at the end of the current period is CNY xxx, among which the important overdue short-term borrowings are as follows: Unit: CNY Borrower Closing balance Borrowing rate Overdue time Overdue interest rate Other notes: 26. Trading financial liabilities Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Trading financial liabilities 48,413,710.29 978,031.91 Including: Derivative financial liabilities 48,413,710.29 978,031.91 Including: Total 48,413,710.29 978,031.91 Other notes: 27. Notes payable Unit: CNY 197 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Types Closing balance Opening balance Banker's acceptance 21,096,540.03 51,728,000.00 Total 21,096,540.03 51,728,000.00 The total amount of notes payable due and unpaid at the end of the current period is CNY 0.00. 28. Accounts payable (1) List of accounts payable Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Payment payable for materials purchase 1,150,990,191.95 1,425,489,422.83 Expenses payable 165,627,875.06 164,006,095.43 Payment payable for engineering 50,257,201.70 50,935,411.58 equipment Total 1,366,875,268.71 1,640,430,929.84 29. Contractual liabilities Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Payment for goods 131,898,420.14 91,235,951.19 Total 131,898,420.14 91,235,951.19 Amount and reason of significant changes in book value during the reporting period Unit: CNY Variable Item Reasons for change amount 30. Employee benefits payable (1) List of employee benefits payable Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period I. Short-term benefits 258,963,855.94 1,903,414,672.41 1,904,071,498.98 258,307,029.37 II. Post-employment benefits - defined 5,109,849.44 122,826,836.18 115,565,527.17 12,371,158.45 contribution plan Total 264,073,705.38 2,026,241,508.59 2,019,637,026.15 270,678,187.82 (2) List of short-term benefits Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period 1. Salaries, bonuses, 249,932,098.41 1,705,346,783.15 1,702,241,783.54 253,037,098.02 allowances and 198 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. subsidies 2. Employee welfare 0.00 62,735,235.93 62,735,235.93 0.00 expenses 3. Social insurance 3,774,792.73 99,123,280.97 98,914,773.97 3,983,299.73 premium Including: health 3,588,364.25 84,300,727.84 84,210,968.85 3,678,123.24 insurance premiums Industrial injury insurance 179,773.07 14,241,854.09 14,120,316.75 301,310.41 premium Maternity 6,655.41 580,699.04 583,488.37 3,866.08 insurance premium 4. Housing provident 127,564.00 28,622,105.77 28,404,520.21 345,149.56 fund 5. Trade union funds and employee 5,129,400.80 7,587,266.59 11,775,185.33 941,482.06 education funds Total 258,963,855.94 1,903,414,672.41 1,904,071,498.98 258,307,029.37 (3) List of defined contribution plan Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period 1. Basic endowment 4,965,811.04 120,432,567.24 113,209,605.37 12,188,772.91 insurance premium 2. Unemployment 144,038.40 2,394,268.94 2,355,921.80 182,385.54 insurance premium Total 5,109,849.44 122,826,836.18 115,565,527.17 12,371,158.45 Other notes: None 31. Taxes payable Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Value-added tax 25,628,212.44 10,372,853.71 Consumption tax 4,646,613.97 3,774,804.62 Corporate income tax 128,337,935.70 141,051,404.72 Individual income tax 3,844,249.01 3,916,018.80 City maintenance and construction tax 1,356,721.18 1,207,760.74 Property tax 6,855,195.19 6,481,130.82 Stamp duty 2,116,945.92 751,473.65 Land use tax 2,072,352.53 2,193,256.20 Education surcharge 682,263.36 543,959.59 Local education additional tax 462,433.69 464,719.08 Environmental protection tax 1,442.26 1,464.83 199 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Security fund for the disabled 61,129.65 65,433.09 Vehicle and vessel tax 11,828.17 Withholding and payment of VAT 494,411.75 Withholding and payment of enterprise 384,048.88 income tax Total 176,943,955.53 170,836,108.02 Other notes: None 32. Other payables Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Other amounts payable 21,198,376.32 676,502,987.21 Total 21,198,376.32 676,502,987.21 (1) Other payables 1) List other payables according to the nature of the payments Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Provisional receipts payable 8,050,261.29 5,712,537.69 Fund lending 5,055,791.67 583,570,527.78 deposit 2,453,772.95 2,476,768.95 Withholding expense 1,447,150.53 4,166,538.26 Equity payments payable 76,724,758.42 Others 4,191,399.88 3,851,856.11 Total 21,198,376.32 676,502,987.21 2) Other important payables whose account age exceeds 1 year Unit: CNY Reasons for not being repaid or carried Item Closing balance forward Other notes: None 33. Current portion of non-current liabilities Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Current portion of long-term borrowing 233,875,782.07 231,828,892.32 Current portion of lease liability 88,367,583.10 125,724,601.18 Interest payable on long-term borrowings 1,053,468.23 972,470.19 that have been withdrawn not yet due 200 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Total 323,296,833.40 358,525,963.69 Other notes: None 34. Other current liabilities Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Tax on items to be resold 2,136,266.97 2,501,196.81 Total 2,136,266.97 2,501,196.81 Change in short-term bonds payable: Unit: CNY Amorti zation Repay Openin Interest of ment in Bond Face Date of Bond Amoun Current Closing g charged premiu the name value issue period t issued issue balance balance at par ms or current discoun period ts Total Other notes: 35. Long-term borrowings (1) Classification of long-term borrowings Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Pledged borrowings 73,600,000.00 147,120,000.00 Secured borrowings 129,954,602.72 Credit borrowings 724,448,825.19 273,594,153.36 Pledge and guarantee borrowings 464,565,380.50 Interest payable on long-term borrowings 556,126.65 211,595.49 that have been withdrawn not yet due Total 798,604,951.84 1,015,445,732.07 Description about classification of long-term borrowings: Other notes, including interest rate ranges: 36. Lease liabilities Unit: CNY 201 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Item Closing balance Opening balance Unpaid lease payments 324,601,077.37 296,462,213.75 Less: Financing charges not recognized -6,379,727.38 -7,265,702.73 Total 318,221,349.99 289,196,511.02 Other notes: None 37. Long-term employee benefits payable (1) Long-term employee benefits payable statement Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance II. Dismiss welfare 19,223,856.97 20,854,276.60 Total 19,223,856.97 20,854,276.60 38. Provisions Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Reason for formation Product quality assurance 2,511,885.60 2,309,585.60 Soil remediation cost 2,036,528.30 2,615,283.33 Total 4,548,413.90 4,924,868.93 Other statements, including the statements of material assumptions and estimates relating to significant provisions: None 39. Deferred income Unit: CNY Increase in the Decrease in the Reason for Item Opening balance Closing balance current period current period formation Government 2,802,244.63 873,200.00 1,310,756.89 2,364,687.74 Special subsidy subsidy Total 2,802,244.63 873,200.00 1,310,756.89 2,364,687.74 -- Items involving government grants: Unit: CNY Amount Amount of Amount Amount of included in write-down included in additional non- of costs Asset- Liability Opening other Other Closing subsidy in operating and related/inco items balance income in changes balance the current income in expenses in me-related the current period the current the current period period period Special 1,085,393.0 Asset- subsidy for 191,918.07 893,475.00 7 related "machine 202 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. replaces human" technical transformat ion project Special subsidies for equipment Asset- manufactur 689,999.72 230,000.04 459,999.68 related ing projects in strategic emerging industries Special subsidies for building a public Asset- 636,555.46 393,222.48 243,332.98 service related platform for foreign trade Special funds for developme nt pilot and Asset- base 183,999.88 92,000.04 91,999.84 related projects in strategic emerging industries Financial subsidy for new hand Asset- tool series 160,000.24 99,999.96 60,000.28 related product expansion project Special subsidy for innovation capacity constructio Asset- n projects 46,296.26 46,296.26 related of provincial enterprise technology center Subsidies for Asset- industrial 573,200.00 57,320.04 515,879.96 related production equipment Subsidies Income- for project 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 related R&D 203 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2,802,244.6 1,310,756.8 2,364,687.7 Subtotal 873,200.00 3 9 4 Other notes: For details of the amount of government grants included in current profit and loss, see Section X, (VII), 66 “Description of government grants” 40. Capital stock Unit: CNY Increase or decrease in this change (+, -) Opening Conversion Closing balance Issue new Share balance of provident Others Subtotal shares delivery fund shares Number of 1,143,438,49 59,063,500.0 59,063,500.0 1,202,501,99 shares 2.00 0 0 2.00 Other notes: In accordance with the resolutions of the 22nd Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors of the Company and the 2nd extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022, and after the approval of the Prospectus Office of SIX Swiss Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SIX") and the License No. (2022) 2680 of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company is authorized to issue no more than 114,343,849 new A-share underlying shares corresponding to Global Depositary Receipt (GDR), and the number of GDR to be issued does not exceed 22,868,769 shares based on the conversion ratio determined (each GDR represents 5 A-share underlying shares). In accordance with the offering plan and subscription, the Company has issued GDR11,812,700 shares, corresponding to 59,063,500 A-share underlying shares of the Company, to the qualified international investors and other investors in compliance with relevant regulations at an offering price of USD 13.08 per GDR, for a total amount of funds to be raised USD 154,510,116.00. As of November 18, 2022, the Company has actually issued GDR11,812,700 shares to the above qualified investors, corresponding to 59,063,500 A-share underlying shares of the Company, and the total amount of funds to be raised is USD 154,510,116.00 (equivalent to CNY 1,087,601,650.11). After deducting the issuance fee of CNY 16,273,353.87, the net fund raised is CNY 1,071,328,296.24. Among them, the paid-in capital stock is CNY fifty-nine million, sixty-three thousand and five hundred (CNY 59,063,500.00) and the capital reserve (capital stock premium) is CNY 1,012,264,796.24. The receipt of the above raised funds has been verified by Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), and the capital verification report No. Tian Jian Yan (2022) No. 681 is issued. 41. Capital reserve Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period Capital premium 2,720,102,577.01 1,012,344,496.65 3,732,447,073.66 (equity premium) Other capital reserves 204,849,267.92 13,482,594.95 218,331,862.87 Total 2,924,951,844.93 1,025,827,091.60 3,950,778,936.53 Other explanations, including description of changes in the current period and reasons for changes: 1) Capital reserve - Description about changes in equity premium 204 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. ① In the current period, due to the Company's issuance of Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) on SIX, the capital reserve - premium on capital stock is increased by CNY 1,012,264,796.24. For details, see Section 10, (VII), 40, “Description of Capital Stock”. ② The Company accepts the 1.94% equity of Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware Tools Co., Ltd., which is held by minority shareholders of Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware Tools Co., Ltd., at the price of CNY 0.00. When the Company is preparing the consolidated financial statements, the difference of CNY 79,700.41 between the newly acquired long-term equity investment due to the purchase of minority shares and the net asset share of Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware Tools Co., Ltd., which shall be continuously calculated since the combination date based on the newly added shareholding ratio, is included in the capital reserve. 2) Capital Reserve – Description about changes in other capital reserve The shares of changes in shareholders’ equity of Zhejiang Guozi Robotics Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hangcha Holding Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Zhongce Haichao Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., excluding the net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, which shall be calculated according to the Company's shareholding ratio, have increased in long-term equity investment and capital reserves respectively - other capital reserves of CNY 1,521,287.22, CNY 6,495,730.54 and CNY 5,465,577.19. 42. Treasury stock Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period Treasury stock 186,441,914.48 50,184,047.52 236,625,962.00 Total 186,441,914.48 50,184,047.52 236,625,962.00 Other explanations, including description of changes in the current period and reasons for changes: According to the resolution of the 11th Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors of the Company, it is agreed that the Company shall use its own funds of no less than (inclusive) CNY 180 million and no more than (inclusive) CNY 360 million to buy back part of the Company's shares through centralized bidding. The price of the repurchased shares shall not exceed CNY 36 per share, and the term of the repurchased shares shall not exceed 12 months from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors. By the end of the period, the Company's special account for share repurchase has repurchased 8,023,810 shares in total and paid CNY 236,625,962.00 in total. 43. Other comprehensive income Unit: CNY Current period amount Less: Less: transferred transferred to profit or to retained loss in the earnings in Amount Amount Current Opening current the current attributable attributable Closing Item period Less: balance period from period from to the to the balance amount Income tax other other parent minority before expense comprehen comprehen company shareholder income tax sive sive after tax s after tax income income booked booked earlier earlier I. Other - - - - - comprehen 31,557,637. 60,977,952. 3,796,128.0 57,181,824. 88,739,461. 205 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. sive 08 00 0 00 08 income that cannot be reclassified into profit or loss Including: remeasured - - - - - change 31,557,637. 60,977,952. 3,796,128.0 57,181,824. 88,739,461. amount of 08 00 0 00 08 defined benefit plan II. Other comprehen sive - incomes 401,966,56 401,966,56 203,750,01 198,216,55 355,012.40 that can be 9.95 9.95 7.93 2.02 reclassified into profit and loss Including: other comprehen sive income that - - 30,873,368. 30,873,368. can be 84,939,637. 54,066,268. 37 37 transferred 21 84 to profit or loss under the equity method Differ ence in translation - 371,093,20 371,093,20 257,816,28 of financial 113,276,91 355,012.40 1.58 1.58 6.77 statements 4.81 in foreign currency Total other - - comprehen 340,988,61 344,784,74 115,010,55 229,774,18 3,796,128.0 355,012.40 sive 7.95 5.95 6.85 9.10 0 incomes Other explanations, including the adjustment of the effective part of cash flow hedge profit and loss to the initial recognized amount of the hedged items: None 44. Surplus reserve Unit: CNY Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period Statutory surplus 598,543,176.63 65,300,202.41 663,843,379.04 206 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. reserve Total 598,543,176.63 65,300,202.41 663,843,379.04 Description of surplus reserve, including changes in current period and reasons for changes: According to the provisions of the articles of association, the statutory surplus reserve is withdrawn at 10% of the net profit realized by the parent company in the current period. 45. Undistributed profits Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Undistributed profit at the end of the 6,348,179,336.72 5,155,116,352.49 prior period before adjustment Undistributed profit at the beginning of 6,348,179,336.72 5,155,116,352.49 the period after adjustment Add: Net profit attributable to owners of 1,419,559,507.10 1,270,003,396.40 parent company for the period Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus 65,300,202.41 76,940,412.17 reserve Undistributed profit at the end of the 7,702,438,641.41 6,348,179,336.72 period Details of adjustment of undistributed profit at the beginning of the period: 1) Due to the retroactive adjustment of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by CNY 0.00. 2) Due to the change of accounting policies, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by CNY 0.00. 3) Due to the correction of major accounting errors, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by CNY 0.00. 4) Due to changes in the scope of combination caused by the same control, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by CNY 0.00. 5) After other adjustments in total, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by CNY 0.00. 46. Operating proceeds and operating costs Unit: CNY Current period amount Prior period amount Item Revenues Costs Revenues Costs Main business 12,545,286,576.78 9,244,404,166.19 10,849,925,564.41 8,147,389,910.45 Other business 64,903,013.55 22,518,138.56 69,757,779.96 28,733,758.05 Total 12,610,189,590.33 9,266,922,304.75 10,919,683,344.37 8,176,123,668.50 Whether the net profit is negative after deducting the non-recurrent profit and loss □Yes No Revenue-related information: Unit: CNY Classification of Branch 1 Branch 2 Total contract Type of commodity 12,545,286,576.78 12,545,286,576.78 207 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Including: Hand 10,004,744,537.61 10,004,744,537.61 Tools & Storage Power Tools & laser Measurement 2,540,542,039.17 2,540,542,039.17 & Power Stations Classification by 12,545,286,576.78 12,545,286,576.78 operating area Including: America 7,892,263,869.75 7,892,263,869.75 Europe 3,296,852,123.29 3,296,852,123.29 Others 634,667,980.89 634,667,980.89 China 721,502,602.85 721,502,602.85 Type of market or customer Including: Type of contract Including: Classification by time of transfer of goods Including: Classification by contract term Including: Classification by sales channel Including: Total Information related to performance obligations: The sales performance obligations of the Company's hand tools and power tools, laser measurings, industrial storages, personal protective equipment and other products are usually within 1 year. The Company will take advance payment or provide an account period according to different customers. As the main responsible person, the Company directly sells the products. For the domestic sales, the Company will obtain the unconditional right of collection when the Company delivers the products to the customers and the customers have accepted the products as agreed in the contract; and for the overseas sales, the Company will obtain the unconditional right of collection when the Company declares the products at customs, obtains the bill of lading or delivers the products to the customers at the designated destination as agreed in the contract, and the control of the products is transferred to the customers. Information relating to the transaction price apportioned to the remaining performance obligations: The amount of revenues corresponding to the performance obligations of the contract signed but not yet performed or completed at the end of the current reporting period is CNY 131,898,420.14, among which CNY 131,898,420.14 is expected to be recognized in 2023, and CNY 0.00 is expected to be recognized in 2024, and CNY 0.00 is expected to be recognized in 2025. Other notes: The income that is recognized in the current period and included in the opening book value of contract liabilities is CNY 91,235,951.19. 208 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 47. Taxes and surcharges Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount City maintenance and construction tax 11,571,038.85 7,256,954.85 Education surcharge 5,189,547.92 3,771,830.67 Property tax 16,912,104.43 12,351,881.98 Land use tax 2,084,005.49 2,227,537.31 Vehicle and vessel use tax 58,382.49 86,214.28 Stamp duty 8,040,968.45 7,829,087.46 Local education additional tax 3,459,698.53 2,585,929.23 Environmental protection tax 13,002.52 9,241.06 Total 47,328,748.68 36,118,676.84 Other notes: None 48. Sales expenses Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Compensation expenditures 398,662,746.55 329,786,407.95 Advertising and promotion expenses 234,815,034.42 173,588,091.95 Office expenses 53,295,831.67 22,868,008.43 Depreciation and amortization 16,451,396.81 21,114,863.37 Consulting fee 14,737,583.22 10,976,839.16 Rent fee 8,096,364.87 6,737,089.27 Travel expense 6,520,356.14 5,472,391.88 Commodity inspection fee 5,278,754.56 7,773,433.50 Insurance premium 4,133,914.99 5,538,490.21 Others 15,236,456.57 9,147,487.96 Total 757,228,439.80 593,003,103.68 Other notes: None 49. General and administrative expenses Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Compensation expenditures 474,556,828.40 414,247,951.75 Office expenses 97,032,204.35 73,875,810.36 Depreciation and amortization 77,866,531.84 67,871,799.44 Consulting fee 64,751,668.35 88,634,883.05 Travel expense 17,871,137.28 14,051,596.45 Business entertainment expenses 3,874,433.78 3,968,221.22 Greening cost 2,976,006.64 3,459,791.23 Tax expenditure 2,793,774.11 2,206,645.73 Others 19,238,855.11 17,804,031.83 209 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Total 760,961,439.86 686,120,731.06 Other notes: None 50. R&D expenses Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Compensation expenditures 198,631,442.97 175,844,458.23 Direct input 83,802,929.10 97,611,535.85 Depreciation and amortization 15,283,842.90 12,408,282.37 Others 21,726,320.19 23,899,089.70 Total 319,444,535.16 309,763,366.15 Other notes: None 51. Financial expenses Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Interest expense 102,114,891.52 59,754,089.36 Interest income -83,482,441.75 -59,709,415.20 Exchange gain or loss -146,152,161.07 53,973,441.25 Bank charges 16,664,536.54 10,783,600.62 Total -110,855,174.76 64,801,716.03 Other notes: None 52. Other revenues Unit: CNY Other sources of revenue Current period amount Prior period amount Government grants related to assets 1,110,756.89 1,190,493.96 Government grants related to revenues 49,227,280.96 45,857,466.79 Refund of withholding personal income 333,584.83 502,892.56 tax commission Total 50,671,622.68 47,550,853.31 53. Investment income Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Income from long-term equity investments accounted for by the equity 186,224,854.43 253,722,685.68 method 210 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Investment income from disposal of 70,248.49 40,415.45 long-term equity investments Investment income of the trading 2,368,356.03 1,808,120.10 financial asset during the holding period Investment income from the disposal of -16,204,503.40 119,298,472.39 trading financial assets Loss on discounted receivables financing -7,931,415.18 -4,570,835.23 Dividend income from other equity 12,400,000.00 instruments during the holding period Total 176,927,540.37 370,298,858.39 Other notes: None 54. Income from changes in fair value Unit: CNY Source of income from changes in fair Current period amount Prior period amount value Trading financial assets -50,580,428.04 -22,632,570.84 Including: income from changes in fair value incurred from derivative -41,392,762.63 -31,697,410.86 financial instruments Trading financial liabilities -978,031.91 Total -50,580,428.04 -23,610,602.75 Other notes: None 55. Credit impairment loss Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Loss on other bad debts due from 10,552,317.00 -4,967,019.95 receivables Bad debt loss on accounts receivable 12,767,474.27 -9,918,842.81 financing Bad debt loss on accounts receivable -1,794,349.36 -30,906,344.55 Loss on bad debts on prepayments -2,411,861.08 1,461,995.24 Total 19,113,580.83 -44,330,212.07 Other notes: None 56. Asset impairment loss Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount 211 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. II. Loss of inventory decline and impairment loss of contract performance -43,189,938.27 -18,850,329.32 cost V. Impairment loss of fixed assets -3,305,922.73 XI. Impairment loss of goodwill -14,828,934.37 -4,280,836.29 Total -61,324,795.37 -23,131,165.61 Other notes: None 57. Proceeds from asset disposal Unit: CNY Source of asset disposal proceeds Current period amount Prior period amount Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets -15,154,452.66 -3,020,089.44 Proceeds from disposal of intangible -1,816,371.00 assets Proceeds from disposal of right-of-use 75,858.93 assets Total -16,894,964.73 -3,020,089.44 58. Non-operating income Unit: CNY Amount booked into non- Item Current period amount Prior period amount recurring profit or loss in the current period Unpayable accounts 927,736.08 3,836,871.67 927,736.08 Indemnity income 142,321.59 324,870.81 142,321.59 Gain on decommissioning of 245.38 13,785.22 245.38 non-current assets Negative goodwill incurred 82,984,773.90 from business consolidation Others 112,707.39 187,648.80 112,707.39 Total 1,183,010.44 87,347,950.40 1,183,010.44 Government grants recorded in the current profit and loss: Unit: CNY Whether subsidies affect Whether it Current Prior Asset- Subsidy Issuing Reason for Property/ty profits and is a special period period related/inco item body issuance pe losses in subsidy amount amount me-related the current year Other notes: None 212 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 59. Non-operating expenses Unit: CNY Amount booked into non- Item Current period amount Prior period amount recurring profit or loss in the current period External donation 2,381,483.86 4,019,141.43 2,381,483.86 Indemnity expenditure 9,616,939.96 9,616,939.96 Loss on scrap of non-current 7,507,908.93 1,847,789.51 7,507,908.93 assets Penalty expenditure 846,535.48 321,317.87 846,535.48 Others 628,789.12 136,142.69 628,789.12 Total 20,981,657.35 6,324,391.50 20,981,657.35 Other notes: None 60. Income tax expenses (1) Income tax expense statement Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Income tax expense in the current period 273,828,973.28 181,379,736.40 Deferred income tax expense -51,199,192.48 -20,161,653.17 Total 222,629,780.80 161,218,083.23 (2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Total profit 1,667,273,205.67 Income tax expense at statutory/applicable tax rates 250,090,980.85 Impact of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries 16,972,963.30 Impact of adjusting income tax for prior periods 23,824,878.53 Impact of non-taxable income -7,509,723.61 Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses 7,811,040.89 Impact of deductible losses on deferred income tax assets not -20,962,995.36 recognized in the prior period Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses 17,778,857.42 on deferred tax assets not recognized in the current period Impact of investment income recognized for long-term equity -28,150,792.19 investment calculated under the equity method Impact of additional deductions for technology development -37,225,429.03 expenses and wages of the disabled Income tax expense 222,629,780.80 Other notes: 213 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. None 61. Other comprehensive income For details, see Note 43, “Other Comprehensive Incomes” 62. Cash flow statement items (1) Other cash received in connection with operating activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Withdrawal of bank acceptance deposit 27,725,700.00 14,267,400.00 Interest income 76,728,216.03 76,718,283.04 Government subsidy income 46,029,953.90 42,393,347.30 Operating lease income 20,667,575.93 19,564,397.37 Withdrawal of customs bond money 700,000.00 Others 230,323.25 7,295,322.21 Total 172,081,769.11 160,238,749.92 Description of other cash received in connection with operating activities: None (2) Other cash paid in connection with operating activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Operating period expenses 1,146,808,817.06 985,886,790.62 Payment of bank acceptance deposit 7,384,067.19 27,725,700.00 Payment of L/C guarantee deposit 6,616,370.00 Payment of customs bond 1,975,140.00 Others 11,076,711.72 9,535,171.45 Total 1,171,885,965.97 1,025,122,802.07 Description of other cash paid in connection with operating activities: None (3) Other cash received in connection with investment activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Withdrawal of margin purchased for forward settlement and sale of foreign 69,702,798.00 3,295,074.50 exchange Withdrawal of project performance bond 492,906.98 495,608.89 Withdrawal of refundable deposit 2,154,766.92 Total 70,195,704.98 5,945,450.31 Description of other cash received in connection with investing activities: 214 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. None (4) Other cash paid in connection with investment activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Purchase of margin for forward 100,856,217.74 2,295,252.00 settlement and sale of foreign exchange Payment of project performance bond 492,906.98 Loss on forward settlement and sale of 29,020,494.96 foreign exchange investment Total 129,876,712.70 2,788,158.98 Description of other cash paid in connection with investment activities: None (5) Other cash received in connection with financing activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Receipt of financial support from the 583,000,000.00 actual controller Receipt of bill discount 99,266,666.67 Receipt of social fund loan 5,000,000.00 Total 104,266,666.67 583,000,000.00 Description of other cash received in connection with fund-raising activities: None (6) Other cash paid in connection with financing activities Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Funds paid for share repurchases 50,184,047.52 186,441,914.48 Funds paid for minority stakes 20,201,500.00 Repayment of borrowings and interests 602,271,700.00 16,850,810.54 Repayment of lease liabilities and 86,735,381.29 59,939,559.59 interests Fees for handling of financing guarantee 7,931,415.18 4,570,835.23 and receivables financing transfer Payment of deposit for bank borrowings 20,893,800.00 Payment for stock issue 16,273,353.87 Redemption amount of convertible bonds 2,581,437.71 Payment for settlement of minority shareholders of FRONTIER Kitchen & 88,811.75 Bath (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Total 784,289,697.86 290,674,869.30 Description of other cash paid in connection with other financing activities: None 215 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 63. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement (1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement Unit: CNY Supplementary information Current period amount Prior period amount 1. Adjustment net profit into cash flow from operating activities Net profit 1,444,643,424.87 1,297,315,199.61 Add: Reserve for asset impairment 42,211,214.54 67,461,377.68 Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets, 181,387,033.50 170,864,798.78 depreciation of productive biological assets Depreciation of right-of-use 98,348,716.39 78,057,113.74 assets Amortization of intangible assets 32,283,200.07 24,648,378.98 Amortization of long-term 16,566,519.35 28,589,540.58 deferred expenses Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 16,894,964.73 3,020,089.44 assets (presented by “-” for gain) Loss on retirement of fixed assets 7,507,663.55 1,834,004.29 (income presented by “-”) Loss from changes in fair value 50,580,428.04 23,610,602.75 (income presented by “-”) Financial expenses (income -44,037,269.55 111,747,068.72 presented by “-”) Investment losses (income -176,927,540.37 -370,298,858.39 presented by “-”) Decrease in deferred tax assets -28,529,960.59 -21,863,965.98 (increase presented by “-”) Increase in deferred income tax -26,465,359.89 1,702,312.81 liabilities (decrease presented by “-”) Decrease in inventory (increase -24,001,558.52 -1,209,507,080.11 presented by “-”) Decrease in operating receivables 313,928,739.58 -537,038,480.67 (increase presented by “-”) Increase in operating payables -272,553,573.31 348,490,067.44 (decrease presented by “-”) Others Net cash flows from operating 1,631,836,642.39 18,632,169.67 activities 2. Major investments and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payments Conversion of debt into capital Current portion of convertible bonds 216 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Fixed assets under financing lease 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 4,793,427,180.47 4,001,186,241.18 Less: Opening balance of cash 4,001,186,241.18 3,730,263,218.08 Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash 792,240,939.29 270,923,023.10 equivalents (2) Net cash received from subsidiaries paid in the current period Unit: CNY Amount Including: Including: Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for 76,724,758.42 business combinations that occurred in the prior period Including: Geelong Orchid Holding Limited 47,973,954.65 BeA 28,750,803.77 Net cash paid by subsidiaries 76,724,758.42 Other notes: None (3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance I. Cash 4,793,427,180.47 4,001,186,241.18 Including: cash on hand 4,328,053.84 2,574,760.83 Bank deposit that is readily 4,788,725,570.94 3,983,507,419.70 available for payment Funds in other currencies that are 373,555.69 15,104,060.65 readily available for payment III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents 4,793,427,180.47 4,001,186,241.18 at the end of the period Other notes: Due to limited liquidity, the Company will use the cash funds other than cash and cash equivalents for bank acceptance deposit, project performance deposit, forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange deposit, customs duty guarantee deposit, ETC deposit and investment deposit. The opening balance of such margin deposits is CNY 32,520,998.98 and the closing balance is CNY 69,779,001.93. 217 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 64. Assets with limited ownership or access Unit: CNY Book value as at the end of the reporting Item Reason for restriction period Guarantee deposits for future foreign Monetary assets 33,448,671.74 exchange settlement Used as collateral for drawing bank Fixed assets 27,776,638.39 acceptance bills Used as collateral for drawing bank Intangible assets 2,046,633.50 acceptance bills Monetary assets 20,893,800.00 Guarantee deposits for short-term loans Monetary assets 6,616,370.00 Guarantee deposits for letters of credit Guarantee deposits for bank acceptance Monetary assets 7,384,067.19 bills Monetary assets 1,393,093.00 Customs guarantee deposits Monetary assets 43,000.00 Guarantee deposits for ETC Fixed assets 10,003,152.72 Used as collateral for bank loans Intangible assets 1,385,386.53 Used as collateral for bank loans 100% shares of Arrow Fastener Co., 481,723,419.57 Used as collateral for bank loans LLC (Note) Total 592,714,232.64 Other notes: (Note) Arrow Fastener Co., LLC100.00% equity is the closing net book asset 65. Foreign currency monetary items (1) Foreign currency monetary items Unit: CNY Closing balance of foreign Balance that is converted into Item Converted exchange rate currency CNY at the end of the period Monetary assets 1,495,179,172.94 Including: USD 158,889,555.73 6.9646 1,106,602,199.84 EUR 17,414,286.72 7.4229 129,264,508.89 HKD 30,417,977.09 0.8933 27,172,378.93 VND 121,580,449,561.00 0.00029486 35,849,211.36 JPY 99,935,216.00 0.0524 5,236,605.32 CHF 25,241,152.73 7.5432 190,399,063.27 THP 2,061,537.85 0.2014 415,193.72 KHR 4,016,935.00 0.0017 6,828.79 MOP 274,655.85 0.849 233,182.82 Accounts receivable 1,823,138,813.21 Including: USD 214,797,632.77 6.9646 1,495,979,593.19 EUR 33,201,649.79 7.4229 246,452,526.23 HKD 2,046,598.02 0.8933 1,828,226.01 VND 1,392,428,508.44 0.00029486 410,571.47 JPY 81,660,969.85 0.0524 4,279,034.82 CHF 9,503,127.55 7.5432 71,683,991.74 GBP 296,684.47 8.3941 2,490,399.11 218 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. THP 71,850.25 0.2014 14,470.64 Financing of receivables 321,247,171.36 Including: USD 46,125,717.39 6.9646 321,247,171.36 Long-term receivables 2,872,179.47 Including: VND 8,724,856,400.00 0.00029486 2,572,611.16 CHF 39,713.69 7.5432 299,568.31 Short-term loans 744,724,368.21 Including: EUR 58,612,784.65 7.4229 435,076,839.18 USD 43,110,552.00 6.9646 300,247,750.46 GBP 1,119,807.79 8.3941 9,399,778.57 Accounts payable 498,822,023.08 Including: USD 38,114,561.49 6.9646 265,452,674.95 EUR 4,678.15 7.4229 34,725.44 HKD 21,960,029.99 0.8933 19,616,894.79 JPY 32,917,910.76 0.0524 1,724,898.52 CHF 23,141,772.99 7.5432 174,563,022.02 VND 119,627,680,372.34 0.00029486 35,273,417.83 THP 10,706,998.66 0.2014 2,156,389.53 Current portion of non- 161,345,782.08 current liabilities Including: EUR 21,689,289.48 7.4229 160,997,426.88 JPY 6,648,000.00 0.0524 348,355.20 Long-term loans 424,448,825.21 Including: USD 60,100,000.00 6.9646 418,572,460.00 EUR 791,653.56 7.4229 5,876,365.21 HKD Lease liabilities 276,291,656.14 Including: VND 42,234,063,296.18 0.00029486 12,453,135.90 CHF 27,717,039.17 7.5432 209,075,169.87 EUR 4,619,145.25 7.4229 34,287,453.28 USD 2,913,418.93 6.9646 20,290,797.48 HKD 207,208.79 0.8933 185,099.61 Other notes: None (2) Description of overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities that shall disclose their main overseas operating places, bookkeeping base currency and the basis for selection, and shall also disclose the reasons for changes in the bookkeeping base currency. Applicable □ N/A Name Principal place of business Bookkeeping base currency Germany, Austria, Australia, France, Czech Republic, United States, Norway, Sweden, BeA GmbH and its subsidiaries EUR, AUD, USD, CHF, GBP Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom GreatStar Tools USA,INC., and its USA USD subsidiaries Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Lista Holding AG and its subsidiaries CHF, EUR, GBP Spain, Italy, England Geelong Orchid Holding Limited and its British Cayman Islands, Thailand, Hong HKD, THB, USD subsidiaries Kong, Mauritius, Macau 219 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. XDD Products (USA) LLC USA USD TGH (Cambodia) Industrial Co., LTD Cambodia USD Newland.LLC USA USD GreatStar Japan Co., LTD Japan JPY GreatStar Europe AG Switzerland CHF Prexiso AG Switzerland CHF Hong Kong International Huada Kejie Hong Kong USD Opto-Electro Instrument Co., Ltd. Hong Kong GreatStar International Limited Hong Kong USD Hong Kong Goldblatt Industrial Co., Ltd. Hong Kong USD Prim' Tools Limited Hong Kong HKD Hong Kong Shop-Vac International Co., Hong Kong USD Limited GreatStar International Holdings Limited British Virgin Islands USD GreatStar Vietnam Co.,Ltd Vietnam VND Vietnam United Co., Ltd Vietnam VND GreatStar Industrial Vietnam Co., Ltd Vietnam VND SHOP-VAC VIETNAM CO.,LTD Vietnam VND HUADA VIETNAM CO.,LTD Vietnam VND 66. Government subsidies (1) Basic information of government grants Unit: CNY Amount booked into current Types Amount Presentation item profit and loss Special subsidies for building a public service platform for 243,332.98 Other income 393,222.48 foreign trade Special subsidy for "machine replaces human" technical 893,475.00 Other income 191,918.07 transformation project Special subsidies for equipment manufacturing 459,999.68 Other income 230,000.04 projects in strategic emerging industries Financial subsidy for new hand tool series product 60,000.28 Other income 99,999.96 expansion project 220 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Special subsidy for innovation capacity construction projects of Other income 46,296.26 provincial enterprise technology center Special funds for development pilot and base 91,999.84 Other income 92,000.04 projects in strategic emerging industries Subsidies for industrial 515,879.96 Other income 57,320.04 production equipment Subtotal 2,264,687.74 1,110,756.89 (2) Return of government grants □ Applicable N/A Other notes: Government grants that are related to revenues and are used to compensate for related costs or losses of the Company in the future period Opening Current period Closing Current carry- Current carry- Items Deferred Additional Deferred over Remarks over income subsidy income Presentation item Subsidy for Chang Ke Fa (2022) 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 R&D expenses R&D project No.110 Subtotal 300,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 Government subsidy related to revenue that is used to compensate a company for related costs or losses that have been incurred Items Amount Presentation item Remarks Zhe Cai Ke Jiao (2022) No. 3, Hang Qian Tang Shi Special financial fund 12,629,864.00 Other income Jian (2022) No. 21, Zhe Jing Xin Zhuang Bei (2021) No. 226, etc. Special fund for foreign trade Hang Cai Qi (2022) No. 57, Zhe Cai Jian (2021) No. 9,575,100.00 Other income development 83, Hang Shang Wu (2022) No.69, etc. Subsidies for maintaining Yue Ren She Gui (2022) No. 9, Zhe Ren She No. 37 5,671,645.53 Other income stable employment (2022), Hai Jing Xin No. 27 (2022), etc. Shang Shang Wu (2022) No. 16, Shang Shang Wu Business development fund 5,506,637.62 Other income (2022) No. 12, Hang Cai Qi (2021) No. 47, etc. Tax refund 4,070,527.06 Other income Cai Shui (2016) No. 52 Special fund for subsidizing e- Shang Shang Wu (2022) No. 11, Hang Zi Mao Ban 3,602,900.00 Other income commerce (2022) No. 2 Patent and intellectual property Hang Shi Guan Gan (2021) No. 180, Zhejiang Cai 2,327,180.00 Other income grants Hang (2020) No. 55, Su Cai Hang (2022) No. 40, etc. Financial assistance fund for 1,129,310.00 Other income Hang Qian Tang Shi Jian (2022) No. 21 R&D Hang Ren She Ban Fa (2022) No. 16, Hang Ren She Training subsidy 691,100.00 Other income Ban Fa (2022) No. 17, Zhe Ren She Fa (2022) No. 4, etc. Special award for brand 400,000.00 Other income Hai Zhi Fa Ban (2022) No. 1 building Cai Shui (2019) No. 22, Shang Zheng Han (2022) No. Others 3,623,016.75 Other income 19, Hang Ke Wai Zhuan (2022) No. 80, etc. 221 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Subtotal 49,227,280.96 The amount of government subsidy included in the current period profit and loss is CNY 50,538,037.85. VIII. Changes in the scope of combination 1. Changes in the scope of combination for other reasons Description of changes in the scope of combination caused by other reasons (such as the establishment of a new subsidiary, liquidation of a subsidiary, etc.) and relevant information: 1. Increase of combination scope Method of Date of acquisition Ratio of Companies equity Amount of contribution of the equity contribution acquisition Zhongshan Geelong Import and Export Setup June 23, 2022 100.00% Trade Co., Ltd. CNY 21,065,000.00 Zhejiang Shiwanke Electric Appliance Co., Setup April 21, 2022 100.00% Ltd. CNY 10,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 Hangzhou GreatStar Energy Co., Ltd. Setup December 16, 2022 100.00% USD Hangzhou GreatStar Garden Tools Co., Setup December 16, 2022 USD 100,000,000.00 100.00% Ltd. 2. Decrease of combination scope Equity From beginning to Date of disposal of Net assets at the Companies disposal disposal date the shares disposal date method Net profit Hangzhou Lianhe Machinery Co., Ltd. Write-off September 19, 2022 -4,071,246.00 -206,011.38 Zhejiang GreatStar Intelligent Tool Co., Write-off May 13, 2022 -9,168.96 -987.91 Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Power Tools Co., Ltd. Write-off June 20, 2022 -3,070,849.17 -3,069,955.62 International Storage Solutions Limited Write-off December 9, 2022 0.00 0.00 IX. Rights and interests in other subjects 1. Interests in subsidiaries (1) Composition of enterprise group Principal place Place of Nature of Shareholding ratio Acquisition Subsidiaries of business registration business Direct Indirect mode Changzhou Combination of Huada Kejie Changzhou Changzhou Manufacturing enterprises not Opto-Electro City, Jiangsu City, Jiangsu 65.00% industry under common Instrument Co., Province Province control Ltd Zhejiang Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Manufacturing GreatStar Tool Zhejiang Zhejiang 100.00% Setup industry Co., Ltd. Province Province Hangzhou Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Manufacturing 100.00% Combination of 222 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. GreatStar Tool Zhejiang Zhejiang industry enterprises Co., Ltd. Province Province under common control Combination of Prim' Tools enterprises not Hong Kong Hong Kong Commerce 86.96% Limited under common control Hong Kong GreatStar Hong Kong Hong Kong Commerce 100.00% Setup International Limited GreatStar Tools USA USA Commerce 100.00% Setup USA, Inc Combination of Arrow Fastener Manufacturing enterprises not USA USA 100.00% Co., LLC industry under common control GreatStar Industrial USA, USA USA Commerce 100.00% Setup LLC GreatStar Switzerland Switzerland Commerce 100.00% Setup Europe AG Combination of Lista Holding Manufacturing enterprises not Switzerland Switzerland 100.00% AG industry under common control Manufacturing BeA GmbH Germany Germany 100.00% Setup industry Zhongshan Zhongshan Combination of Geelong Sales City, City, Manufacturing enterprises not 100.00% Co., Ltd. Guangdong Guangdong industry under common Province Province control Explanation that the shareholding ratio in the subsidiary is different from the voting rights ratio: N/A Basis for holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more than half of the voting rights but not controlling the investee: N/A Basis of control for significant structured entities that are included in the scope of combination: N/A Basis for determining whether the Company is an agent or a principal: N/A Other notes: None 223 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. (2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries Unit: CNY Profit and loss Dividends declared and Closing balance of Shareholding of attributable to minority distributed to minority Subsidiaries minority shareholders' minority shareholders shareholders in the shareholders in the equity for the period current period current period Changzhou Huada Kejie Opto-Electro 35.00% 15,926,120.48 12,250,000.00 112,851,595.03 Instrument Co., Ltd Prim' Tools Limited 13.04% 3,094,007.61 920,580.97 20,307,068.89 Explanation of the difference between the shareholding proportion of minority shareholders and the voting right proportion of subsidiaries: N/A Other notes: None (3) Major financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Subsid Curren Non- Curren Non- Non- Total Non- Total iaries Curren Total t current Curren Total t current current liabiliti current liabiliti t assets assets liabiliti liabiliti t assets assets liabiliti liabiliti assets es assets es es es es es Chang zhou Huada Kejie 349,55 73,416 422,96 112,51 112,64 405,97 77,136 483,11 185,08 185,71 Opto- 132,52 631,03 2,501. ,525.2 9,026. 5,156. 7,679. 5,953. ,343.7 2,297. 1,625. 2,660. Electro 3.42 4.97 39 3 62 24 66 52 9 31 15 12 Instru ment Co., Ltd Prim' 170,85 23,624 194,47 36,527 44,020 143,75 11,369 155,11 26,734 27,820 Tools 7,492, 1,086, 2,422. ,711.5 7,134. ,312.2 ,312.0 0,402. ,163.4 9,565. ,231.8 ,953.9 Limite 999.77 722.10 73 2 25 3 0 46 0 86 7 7 d Unit: CNY Current period amount Prior period amount Subsidiarie Total Cash flow Total Cash flow s Operating comprehen from Operating comprehen from Net profit Net profit proceeds sive operating proceeds sive operating incomes activities incomes activities Changzhou Huada 461,625,60 47,884,566. 47,921,709. 81,146,145. 571,558,62 59,396,937. 59,381,572. 32,031,010. Kejie Opto- 5.94 79 77 88 3.42 13 04 76 Electro 224 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Instrument Co., Ltd - Prim' Tools 225,102,04 23,760,712. 30,217,880. 33,810,293. 204,292,34 24,562,639. 22,420,559. 5,995,149.1 Limited 4.54 24 39 05 5.86 10 07 2 Other notes: None 2. Transactions in which the owner's share of equity in the subsidiary changes and remains in control of the subsidiary (1) Description of changes in shareholders’ equity shares of subsidiaries Shareholding ratio before Shareholding ratio after Subsidiaries Date of change change change Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware Tools Co., August 2022 68.13% 70.07% Ltd. (2) Impact of the transaction on the non-controlling interests and the shareholders’ equity attributable to the parent company Unit: CNY Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. Purchase cost/disposal consideration 0.00 - Cash - Fair value of non-cash assets Total purchase cost/disposal consideration 0.00 Less: share of net assets of the subsidiary based on the 79,700.41 proportion of equity acquired/disposed of Balance -79,700.41 Including: adjustment of capital reserve 79,700.41 Adjustment of surplus reserve Adjustment of undistributed profit Other notes: None 3. Interests in joint venture arrangements or joint ventures (1) Important joint venture or associated enterprise Name of joint Shareholding ratio Accounting Principal place Place of Nature of venture or method for of business registration business Direct Indirect associated investment in 225 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. enterprise joint venture or associated enterprise Hangzhou Zhongce Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Accounting Haichao Service Zhejiang Zhejiang 27.86% under the Enterprise industry Province Province equity method Management Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Accounting Hangcha Manufacturing Zhejiang Zhejiang 20.00% under the Holding Co., industry Province Province equity method Ltd. Zhejiang Guozi Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Accounting Manufacturing Robotics Co., Zhejiang Zhejiang 21.95% under the industry Ltd. Province Province equity method Ningbo Ningbo City, Ningbo City, Accounting Finance Donghai Bank Zhejiang Zhejiang 19.00% under the industry Co., Ltd. Province Province equity method Shanghai Lainuo Accounting Photoelectric Shanghai City Shanghai City Commerce 26.00% under the Technology equity method Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Xidebao Changzhou Changzhou Accounting Manufacturing Laser City, Jiangsu City, Jiangsu 31.85% under the industry Instrument Co., Province Province equity method Ltd. Hangzhou Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Accounting Micro Nano Manufacturing Zhejiang Zhejiang 32.53% under the Technology industry Province Province equity method Co., Ltd. Explanations that the proportion of shares in a joint venture or associated enterprise is different from the proportion of voting rights: None Basis for holding less than 20% of the voting rights but having significant influence, or holding 20% or more of the voting rights but not having significant influence: The Company holds 19.00% of the equity of Ningbo Donghai Bank Co., Ltd. and is the third largest shareholder. The Company is represented on the Board of Directors of Ningbo Donghai Bank Co., Ltd. and has decision-making power over its financial and operational policies. (2) Main financial information of important associates Unit: CNY Closing balance/current period amount Opening balance/prior period amount Hangzhou Zhongce Hangzhou Zhongce Zhejiang Hangcha Zhejiang Hangcha Haichao Enterprise Haichao Enterprise Holding Co., Ltd. Holding Co., Ltd. Management Co., Ltd. Management Co., Ltd. Current assets 8,277,441,059.61 18,308,908,248.12 7,418,780,740.77 14,948,356,801.94 Non-current assets 4,131,292,679.55 22,072,977,513.86 3,731,133,085.89 19,969,457,376.52 226 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Total assets 12,408,733,739.16 40,381,885,761.98 11,149,913,826.66 34,917,814,178.46 Current liabilities 3,740,265,952.40 21,272,363,669.80 3,477,650,918.98 15,446,567,589.35 Non-current liabilities 1,153,351,595.36 6,146,529,870.38 961,010,530.12 7,448,879,770.24 Total liabilities 4,893,617,547.76 27,418,893,540.18 4,438,661,449.10 22,895,447,359.59 Minority interests 4,070,665,933.39 7,981,720,186.41 3,593,193,876.73 7,467,456,772.20 Equity attributable to shareholders of the 3,444,450,258.01 4,981,272,035.39 3,118,058,500.83 4,554,910,046.67 parent company Share of net assets based on the 688,890,029.35 1,387,637,932.17 623,611,700.17 1,268,865,846.61 shareholding ratio Adjustment items 108,979,700.00 108,979,700.00 - Goodwill 108,979,700.00 108,979,700.00 - Unrealized profits from internal trading - Others Book value of equity investment in 797,869,729.35 1,387,637,932.17 732,591,400.17 1,268,865,846.61 associates Fair value of equity investment of associates with public offer Operating proceeds 14,416,244,509.63 31,888,853,180.61 14,493,418,510.34 30,285,690,427.77 Net profit 1,110,752,833.42 1,023,039,308.35 1,074,154,744.24 1,415,381,801.88 Net profit from discontinued operations Other comprehensive 18,242,153.44 247,182,937.32 -25,326,711.49 -475,468,089.70 income Total comprehensive 1,128,994,986.86 1,270,222,245.67 1,048,828,032.75 939,913,712.18 incomes Dividends received from associates in the 40,000,000.00 current year Other notes: None (3) Summary financial information of non-material joint ventures and associates Unit: CNY Closing balance/current period amount Opening balance/prior period amount Joint ventures: Sum of the following items in proportion to their shareholding 227 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Associates: Total book value of investment 359,015,856.03 352,485,457.57 Sum of the following items in proportion to their shareholding - Net profit 6,071,245.16 1,101,187.62 - Other comprehensive income -1,062,133.92 1,477,170.16 - Total comprehensive income 5,009,111.24 2,578,357.78 Other notes: None (4) Excess losses incurred by a joint venture or a associate Unit: CNY Unrecognized loss in the Name of joint venture or Cumulative unrecognized loss Cumulative unrecognized loss current period (or net profit associated enterprise in the prior period at the end of the period shared for the current period) Shanghai Lainuo Photoelectric Technology Co., -693,831.45 -85,658.09 -779,489.54 Ltd. Other notes: None X. Risks relevant financial instruments The Company engages in risk management with the objective of striking a balance between risk and return, minimizing the negative impact of risk on the Company's operating performance and maximizing the benefits of shareholders and other equity investors. Based on this risk management objective, the Company's basic risk management strategy is to confirm and analyze various risks faced by the Company, establish an appropriate risk tolerance bottom line, implement risk management, monitor various risks timely and reliably, and keep the risk control within the limited scope. The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its daily activities, including credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The management has reviewed and approved policies to manage the risks, as outlined below. (I) Credit risk Credit risk refers to the risk that one party to a financial instrument fails to fulfill its obligations and causes financial losses to the other party. 1. Credit risk management practice (1) Evaluation method of credit risk The Company evaluates at each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of the relevant financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition. To determine whether credit risk has increased significantly since the initial r ecognition, the Company considers that reasonable and evidence-based information, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk ratings and forward-looking information, can be obtained without unnecessary additional cost or effort. Based on a single financial instrument or a combination of financial instruments with similar credit risk characteristics, the Company determines the change of default risk within the expected duration of financial instruments by comparing the risk of default on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date. 228 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. The Company considers that the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased when one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria are triggered: 1) The quantitative criteria is that the default probability of the remaining duration of the balance sheet date increases by more than a certain percentage compared with the initial recognition; 2) The qualitative criteria is that the debtor's business or financial situation is involved with material adverse changes, existing or expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment, which poses a material adverse impact on the debtor's repayment ability to the Company. (2) Definition of default and credit impairment assets The Company will define the financial asset as having defaulted when the financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, using the same criteria as the definition of having incurred credit impairment: 1) The debtor has major financial difficulties; 2) The debtor violates the binding terms on the debtor in the contract; 3) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring; 4) The creditor, for economic or contractual reasons related to the debtor's financial difficulties, grants concessions that the debtor would not have made in any other circumstances. 2. Measurement of expected credit losses The key parameters of expected credit loss measurement include default probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure. The Company establishes default probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure model taking into accounting quantitative analysis and forward-looking information of historical statistical data (such as counterparty ratings, guarantee methods and types of collateral, repayment methods, etc.). 3. For the opening balance and closing reconciliation of the reserve for losses on financial instrument, see Section X, VII, 4, Section X, VII, 5 and Section X, VII, 7 of this report. 4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration The Company's credit risk is primarily derived from monetary funds and receivables. In order to control the above related risks, the Company has taken the following measures. (1) Monetary funds The Company deposits its bank deposits and other monetary funds in financial institutions with high credit ratings and therefore has low credit risk. (2) Receivables The Company continuously evaluates the credit of customers who transact on credit. Based on the results of the credit evaluation, the Company chooses to transact with approved and creditworthy customers and monitors their receivables balances to ensure that the Company is not exposed to material bad debt risk. No guaranty is required as the Company only trades with the recognized and reputable third parties. The credit risk is managed by customers in a centralized manner. As of December 31, 2022, the Company has certain credit concentration risk, 47.71% of the Company's accounts receivable (December 31, 2021: 37.03%) originated from the top five balance customers. The Company does not hold any collateral or other credit enhancement on the balance of accounts receivable. The Company's maximum credit exposure is the book values of all financial assets on the balance sheet. (II) Liquidity risk Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds when the Company performs its obligation of settlement through delivery of cash or other financial assets. Liquidity risks may arise from the inability to sell financial assets at fair value as soon as possible; or from the failure of the other party to repay its contractual obligations; or from debts that mature early; or the inability to generate the desired cash flow. In order to control this risk, the Company integrates various financing means such as bill settlement and bank loan, and adopts appropriate combination of long-term and short-term financing methods to optimize the financing structure and maintain the 229 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. balance between sustainability and flexibility of financing. The Company has obtained bank lines of credit from a number of commercial banks to meet its working capital needs and capital expenditures. Financial liabilities are classified by remaining maturity date Closing balance Item Undiscounted More than 3 Book value Within 1 year 1-3 years contract amount years Bank loan 2,412,596,915.25 2,479,666,840.77 1,653,566,564.54 825,295,053.98 805,222.25 Trading financial 48,413,710.29 48,413,710.29 48,413,710.29 liabilities Notes payable 21,096,540.03 21,096,540.03 21,096,540.03 Accounts payable 1,366,875,268.71 1,366,875,268.71 1,366,875,268.71 Other amounts 21,198,376.32 21,198,376.32 21,198,376.32 payable Lease liabilities 406,588,933.09 413,037,311.70 88,436,234.33 134,252,177.05 190,348,900.32 Subtotal 4,276,769,743.69 4,350,288,047.82 3,199,586,694.22 959,547,231.03 191,154,122.57 (Continued) Number at the end of prior year Item Undiscounted contract More than 3 Book value Within 1 year 1-3 years amount years Bank loan 3,055,148,295.97 3,139,533,799.57 2,057,990,775.73 494,435,452.74 587,107,571.10 Trading financial 978,031.91 978,031.91 978,031.91 liabilities Notes payable 51,728,000.00 51,728,000.00 51,728,000.00 Accounts payable 1,640,430,929.84 1,640,430,929.84 1,640,430,929.84 Other amounts 676,502,987.21 676,502,987.21 676,502,987.21 payable Lease liabilities 414,921,112.20 422,186,814.93 125,724,601.18 140,362,949.63 156,099,264.12 Subtotal 5,839,709,357.13 5,931,360,563.46 4,553,355,325.87 634,798,402.37 743,206,835.22 (III) Market risks Market risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risks mainly include interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. 1. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value of the financial instruments or the future cash flow due to the change in the market interest rate. The interest-bearing financial instruments at a fixed rate expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk, while interest-bearing financial instruments at a floating rate expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk. The Company determines the ratio of financial instrument at a fixed rate to financial instrument at a floating rate based on market conditions, and maintains an appropriate combination of financial instruments through regular review and monitoring. The cash flow interest rate risk faced by the Company is mainly related to its bank borrowings accrued at a floating interest rate. As at December 31, 2022, the Company had bank borrowings of CNY 713,120,304.41 bearing interest at a floating rate (as at December 31, 2021: CNY 929,187,140.36), assuming that a change in interest rates of 50 basis points will not have a material impact on the Company's total profit and shareholders' equity under the assumption that other variables remain constant. 230 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2. Foreign exchange risk Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The exchange rate change faced by the Company is mainly related to its foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities. For foreign currency assets and liabilities, if short-term imbalances occur, the Company will buy and sell foreign currency at market rates as necessary to ensure that net exposure is maintained at an acceptable level. For the Company's foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities at the end of the period, see the notes in Section X, VII, 65 of this report. XI. Disclosure of fair value 1. Fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the end of the period Unit: CNY Fair value at the end of the period Item Level 1 fair value Level 2 fair value Level 3 fair value Total measurement measurement measurement I. Continuous fair value -- -- -- -- measurement (I) Trading financial 70,230,104.24 70,230,104.24 assets 1. Financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose 70,230,104.24 70,230,104.24 changes are booked into current profit or loss (3) Derivative financial 10,230,104.24 10,230,104.24 assets (4) Bank financial 60,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 products (II) Other investments 324,557,679.71 324,557,679.71 in creditor's rights (III) Investment in other equity 16,550,000.00 16,550,000.00 instruments Total assets continuously measured 70,230,104.24 341,107,679.71 411,337,783.95 at fair value (VI) Trading financial 48,413,710.29 48,413,710.29 liabilities Derivative 48,413,710.29 48,413,710.29 financial liabilities Total liabilities continuously measured 48,413,710.29 48,413,710.29 at fair value II. Non-continuous fair -- -- -- -- value measurement 231 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 2. Basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair value measurement items Financial products are measured with market quotation as a reasonable estimate of fair value. 3. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters for continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement items Derivative financial assets and derivative financial liabilities are measured with the valuation notice provided by banks and securities companies as a reasonable estimate of fair value. 4. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters for continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement items 1. As the term of receivables financing is not more than one year, the influence of the time value of funds on its fair value is not significant, so it is recognized that the fair value of the above receivables financing is approximately equal to its carrying value. 2. Investment in other equity instruments (Hangzhou Haibang Xinhu Talent Venture Capital Partnership (limited partnership)) shall be measured according to the investment cost as a reasonable estimate of fair value, considering the operating environment and conditions comprehensively. 5. Continuous level 3 fair value measurement items, adjustment information between the opening and closing carrying amount and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters 6. Continuous fair value measurement items, if there is a conversion between various levels during the current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policy for determining the timing of the conversion 7. Changes in valuation technology during the current period and reasons for the changes 8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value 9. Others 232 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. XII. Related parties and related party transactions 1. Parent company of the Company Proportion of Shareholding ratio Place of voting rights of Parent company Nature of business Registered capital of parent company registration parent company to to the Company the Company GreatStar Holding Industrial Hangzhou CNY 10,000.00 37.61% 37.61% Group Co., Ltd. investment Description of the Company’s parent company The predecessor of GreatStar Holding Group Co., Ltd. is the former Hangzhou GreatStar Investment Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GreatStar Investment Company). GreatStar Investment Company was jointly funded by natural persons Qiu Jianping, Li Zheng, Chi Xiaoheng, Wang Min, Li Feng, Yu Wentan, Wang Weiyi, He Tianle, Fu Yajuan, Fang Zhenjun, Xu Weisu and Wang Wei, and registered in Hangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce Jianggan Branch on November 2, 2007. The Company holds the business license with the unified social credit code of 913301046680178300, registered capital of CNY 100 million. The Company engages in general equipment manufacturing and tool hardware industry. The main business activities include forklift, hand tools, handheld electric tools, engineering test instruments, tires, R&D production and sales of tires and rubber products. Main products or services provided: forklifts, accessories and other, hand tools, hand-held electric tools, engineering test instruments, tires, tires and rubber products. Qiu Jianping is the ultimate control party of the Company. Other notes: None 2. Subsidiaries of the Company For details of the Company's subsidiaries, see Notes IX, 1, (1) “Composition of the Group”. 3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company For important joint ventures or associates of the Company, see Notes IX, 3, (1) “Important joint ventures or associates”. The details of other joint ventures or associates with the balance of related party transactions with the Company in the current period or related party transactions with the Company in the prior period are as follows: Name of joint venture or associate Relationship with the Company Other notes: None 4. Other related parties The relationship between other related parties and the Name of other related parties Company 233 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. The spouse of the actual controller and the person acting in Wang Lingling concert with him Hangzhou GreatStar Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. Controlled by the actual controller The companies controlled by Zhejiang Hangcha Holding Co., Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated enterprises Ltd., an associate enterprise of the Company, are also controlled by the actual controller The companies controlled by Hangzhou Zhongce Haichao Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated enterprises Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., an associate enterprise of the Company, are also controlled by the actual controller Hangzhou Weiming Investment Management Co., Ltd. Original associates of the Company Other notes: None 5. Related party transactions (1) Related party transactions of purchase and sales of goods, render and accept services Purchase of goods / accept of services Unit: CNY Related party Current period Approved trading Whether to exceed Prior period Related party transaction amount quotas the trading limit amount Shanghai Lainuo Photoelectric Materials 0.00 No 7,192.04 Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Guozi Robotics Co., Ltd. Products and 9,276,973.76 No 785,830.34 and its affiliated services enterprises Hangcha Group Forklift, spare Co., Ltd. and its parts and 16,577,579.13 No 9,749,969.30 affiliated maintenance fee enterprises Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and its Automatic library 0.00 No 781,280.21 affiliated enterprises Changzhou Huada Xidebao Laser Materials 95,066.86 No 0.00 Instrument Co., Ltd. Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Ltd. Cost of parts and 57,766,301.68 No 1,050,065.29 and its affiliated maintenance enterprises Hangzhou Micro Software and Nano Technology 0.00 No 37,168.14 hardware Co., Ltd. Sales of goods / render of services Unit: CNY Related party Related party transaction Current period amount Prior period amount 234 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Xidebao Laser measuring instrument 8,430,267.36 8,802,699.15 Laser Instrument Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Xidebao Hydropower 134,416.80 117,404.10 Laser Instrument Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Xidebao Consulting service 3,476,428.09 2,520,746.47 Laser Instrument Co., Ltd. Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and Hand tools and accessories 13,943,429.18 16,188,555.01 its affiliated enterprises Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and Operating service fee 2,903,893.36 2,535,515.08 its affiliated enterprises Zhejiang Guozi Robotics Co., Ltd. and its affiliated Hand tools 11,977,029.04 9,957,102.80 enterprises Shanghai Lainuo Photoelectric Technology Co., Sale of goods 3,043.54 1,937,505.66 Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Precision Hand tools 2,807.12 0.00 Machinery Co., Ltd. Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated Hand tools 0.00 14,409.98 enterprises Zhejiang Hangcha Holding Hand tools 594.69 Co., Ltd. Description of related party transactions of purchase and sales of goods, render and accept services None (2) Related lease The Company as the lessor: Unit: CNY Lease income in the current Lease income in the prior Lessee Types of leased assets period period Changzhou Huada Xidebao Houses 201,625.20 176,106.15 Laser Instrument Co., Ltd. The Company as lessee: Unit: CNY Rental charges for simplified Variable lease treatment of short- payments not Interest expenses Increased right-to- Types term leases and included in the Rent paid incurred on lease use assets of low-value asset lease liabilities (if liabilities Lessor leases (if applicable) leased assets applicable) Current Prior Current Prior Current Prior Current Prior Current Prior period period period period period period period period period period amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount Hangzh ou GreatSt 1,342,5 1,264,4 Houses ar 42.86 76.19 Precisio n 235 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Machin ery Co., Ltd. Hangch a Group Co., Transpo Ltd. rt 154,024 243,840 and its equipm .82 .42 affiliate ent d enterpri ses Description of related lease None (3) Related-party guarantee The Company provides guarantee for the bank loan to its wholly owned subsidiary GreatStar Europe AG and the GreatStar Holdings Group Limited provides guarantee for the loan to the Company. As of December 31, 2022, the amount guaranteed is EUR 18 million and the repayment period is from February 28, 2023 to June 26, 2023. (4) Funds borrowing from related parties Unit: CNY Related party Amount Starting date Maturity date Remarks Borrowing By the end of this Mr. Qiu Jianping and reporting period, all Ms. Wang Lingling 583,000,000.00 December 20, 2021 December 9, 2022 principal and interest (the person acting in have been repaid, and concert) the balance is 0 (5) Remuneration for key management personnel Unit: CNY Item Current period amount Prior period amount Remuneration for key management 13,227,889.94 12,192,656.29 personnel 6. Receivables and payables of related parties (1) Receivables Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Related party Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Zhejiang Guozi Accounts Robotics Co., Ltd. 19,380,071.99 1,220,477.10 10,664,320.29 533,216.01 receivable and its affiliated 236 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. enterprises Changzhou Huada Accounts Xidebao Laser 2,886,966.26 144,348.31 8,233,675.28 411,683.76 receivable Instrument Co., Ltd. Shanghai Lainuo Accounts Photoelectric 3,780,753.57 3,780,753.57 3,779,983.57 188,999.18 receivable Technology Co., Ltd. Hangcha Group Accounts Co., Ltd. and its 2,302,883.58 115,144.18 1,229,141.76 61,457.09 receivable affiliated enterprises Hangzhou GreatStar Accounts Precision 472.05 23.60 0.00 0.00 receivable Machinery Co., Ltd. Accounts Zhejiang Hangcha 672.00 33.60 0.00 0.00 receivable Holding Co., Ltd. Subtotal 28,351,819.45 5,260,780.36 23,907,120.90 1,195,356.04 Zhejiang Guozi Notes receivable 2,300,000.00 0.00 20,702.51 0.00 Robotics Co., Ltd. Subtotal 2,300,000.00 0.00 20,702.51 0.00 Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and its Prepayment 37,000.00 1,850.00 0.00 0.00 affiliated enterprises Subtotal 37,000.00 1,850.00 0.00 0.00 Hangzhou Weiming Other receivables Investment 0.00 0.00 6,160,202.73 308,010.14 Management Co., Ltd. Changzhou Huada Xidebao Laser 103,556.95 5,177.85 Instrument Co., Ltd. Subtotal 103,556.95 5,177.85 6,160,202.73 308,010.14 (2) Payables Unit: CNY Book balance at the end of the Book balance at the beginning Item Related party reporting period of the reporting period Hangcha Group Co., Ltd. and Accounts payable 2,557,004.00 2,595,530.60 its affiliated enterprises Zhejiang Guozi Robotics Co., Accounts payable Ltd. and its affiliated 778,570.66 920,220.37 enterprises Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Accounts payable Ltd. and its affiliated 7,567,269.62 2,064.00 enterprises Hangzhou GreatStar Precision Accounts payable 36,500.00 124,000.00 Machinery Co., Ltd. Subtotal 10,939,344.28 3,641,814.97 237 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Other amounts payable Qiu Jianping, Wang Lingling 0.00 583,570,527.78 Subtotal 0.00 583,570,527.78 XIII. Commitments and contingencies 1. Important commitments Important commitments that exist at the balance sheet date As of the date of approval of this report, the Company has no important commitments to be disclosed. 2. Contingencies (1) Material contingencies that exist at the balance sheet date As of the date of approval of this report, the Company has no major contingencies to be disclosed. (2) The Company shall explain the material contingencies to be disclosed, even if there are no important contingencies to be disclosed The Company has no material contingencies to be disclosed. XIV. Matters after the balance sheet date 1. Description of other events after the balance sheet date Information about profit distribution after the balance sheet date On April 21, 2023, the 30th Meeting of the 5th Session of Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Company's Profit Distribution Plan in 2022. The Company intends to pay a cash dividend of CNY 1.66 (including tax) per 10 shares to all shareholders on the basis of 1,194,478,182 shares, namely 1,202,501,992 shares of the total capital stock of the Company as at December 31, 2022 after deducting 8,023,810 shares held in the Company's special securities account for repurchase. It is estimated that the total cash dividend will be CNY 198,283,378.21, and the remaining undistributed profit will be carried forward to the next year without bonus shares or capital reserve conversion to capital increase. The distribution plan is still subject to the review and approval of the Company's general meeting of shareholders. XV. Other important matters 1. Information of division (1) Determination basis and accounting policies of reporting divisions The Company determines the reporting divisions according to internal organizational structure, management requirements, internal reporting system, etc. from the perspective of products. Assets and liabilities used in common with the divisions are distributed among different divisions in proportion to their sizes. (2) Reporting of financial information of divisions Unit: CNY Item Hand Tools & Power Tools & Others Interdivisional Total 238 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. Storage Laser offset Measurement & Power Stations Operating 10,004,744,537.61 2,540,542,039.17 64,903,013.55 12,610,189,590.33 proceeds Operating costs 7,332,189,779.90 1,912,214,386.29 22,518,138.56 9,266,922,304.75 Total assets 15,951,566,250.03 2,505,829,990.73 122,158,556.01 18,579,554,796.77 Total liabilities 4,305,685,441.29 623,837,243.54 25,502,875.18 4,955,025,560.01 2. Others (II) Lease 1. The Company as lessee (1) For relevant information of the assets to be used, see the notes in Section X, VII, 19 of this report; (2) For details of the Company's accounting policies for short-term leases and low-value asset leases, see the notes in Section X, V, 36 of this report. The amounts of short-term leasing expenses and low-value asset leasing expenses included in current profit and loss are as follows: Amount in the same period Item Amount in the current period of the prior year Short-term lease charge 41,007,534.99 44,003,860.27 Low value asset lease expense (except short-term lease) 640,296.62 657,286.80 Total 41,647,831.61 44,661,147.07 (3) Current profit and loss and cash flow related to lease Amount in the same period Item Amount in the current period of the prior year Interest expense on lease liabilities 10,349,638.07 9,721,218.32 Total cash outflow related to leases 128,383,212.90 59,939,559.59 (4) For the maturity analysis of lease liabilities and the corresponding liquidity risk management, see Note VIII, (II) to the financial statements. 2. The Company acts as lessor (1) Operating lease 1) Lease income Amount in the same period Item Amount in the current period of the prior year Lease income 23,799,395.61 18,779,421.23 2) Operating leased assets Number at the end of Item Closing balance prior year Fixed assets 10,845,503.63 6,623,884.70 Investment real estate property 122,158,556.01 127,058,966.69 Subtotal 133,004,059.64 133,682,851.39 For details of leased fixed assets, see Note V, (I), 15 to the financial statements. 239 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. 3) According to the lease contract signed with the lessee, the undiscounted lease receipts that will be received in the future under the irrevocable lease Number at the end of prior Remaining term Closing balance year Within 1 year 17,223,063.97 17,983,746.50 More than 1 years 110,837,023.47 157,079,216.00 Total 128,060,087.45 175,062,962.50 (2) Finance lease 1) Current profit and loss related to finance lease Amount in the same period Item Amount in the current period of the prior year Financing income on net lease investment 84,672.00 84,811.20 2) According to the lease contract signed with the lessee, the undiscounted lease receipts that will be received in the future under the irrevocable lease Number at the end of prior Remaining term Closing balance year Within 1 year 98,061.60 90,708.80 1-2 years 78,321.04 90,708.80 2-3 years 78,321.04 90,708.80 3-4 years 78,321.04 90,708.80 4-5 years 68,608.14 90,708.80 After 5 years 97,686.40 Total 401,632.86 551,230.40 3) Reconciliation statement of undiscounted lease receipts and net lease investments Number at the end of prior Item Closing balance year Undiscounted lease receipts 401,632.86 551,230.40 Less: Unrealized financing gains related to lease receipts 4,002.95 14,135.20 Net lease investment 397,629.91 537,095.20 XVI. Notes to major items of the parent company's financial statements 1. Accounts receivable (1) Classification of accounts receivable Unit: CNY Categor Closing balance Opening balance 240 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. y Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Book Book Proporti Provisio value Proporti Provisio value Amount Amount Amount Amount on n ratio on n ratio Includ ing: Account s receivab le set 1,160,30 66,003,3 1,094,30 1,030,06 57,148,7 972,916, aside for 100.00% 5.69% 100.00% 5.55% 7,684.08 82.68 4,301.40 4,717.88 16.92 000.96 bad debts on a group basis Includ ing: Account s receivab le with provisio 1,160,30 66,003,3 1,094,30 1,030,06 57,148,7 972,916, n for bad 100.00% 5.69% 100.00% 5.55% 7,684.08 82.68 4,301.40 4,717.88 16.92 000.96 debts using aging combina tions 1,160,30 66,003,3 1,094,30 1,030,06 57,148,7 972,916, Total 100.00% 5.69% 100.00% 5.55% 7,684.08 82.68 4,301.40 4,717.88 16.92 000.96 Bad debt provision assessed by groups: Unit: CNY Closing balance Name Book balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Aging groups 1,160,307,684.08 66,003,382.68 5.69% Total 1,160,307,684.08 66,003,382.68 Instructions for determining the basis of the combination: If the provision for doubtful accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to other methods of disclosure of receivables to disclose the relevant information of doubtful accounts: □ Applicable N/A Aging disclosure Unit: CNY Aging Book balance Within 1 year (inclusive) 1,129,025,055.05 1-2 years 15,584,716.05 2-3 years 4,726,442.38 More than 3 years 10,971,470.60 3-4 years 3,922,817.49 4-5 years 2,354,257.02 241 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. More than 5 years 4,694,396.09 Total 1,160,307,684.08 (2) Bad debt provision withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period Details of bad debt provision: Unit: CNY Changes in the current period Opening Category Recovery or Closing balance balance Provision Write-off Others reversal Provision for bad debts shall be made on a 57,148,716.92 8,518,333.50 67,584.40 403,916.66 66,003,382.68 combination basis Total 57,148,716.92 8,518,333.50 67,584.40 403,916.66 66,003,382.68 Among them, the amount of the current bad debt provision recovery or reversal is important: Unit: CNY Name of unit Recovery or reversal Recovery mode No reversal or recovery. (3) Receivables among the top five closing balances collected by the debtor Unit: CNY Percentage of total closing Closing balance of accounts Closing balance of bad debt Name of unit balance of accounts receivable provision receivable Customer 1 479,140,221.04 41.29% 23,957,011.05 Customer 2 160,111,492.17 13.80% 8,005,574.61 Customer 3 45,423,332.56 3.91% 2,271,166.63 Customer 4 43,523,472.78 3.75% 2,176,173.64 Customer 5 29,743,912.80 2.56% 1,527,351.11 Total 757,942,431.35 65.31% 2. Other receivables Unit: CNY Item Closing balance Opening balance Other receivables 2,755,900,353.60 1,458,883,819.83 Total 2,755,900,353.60 1,458,883,819.83 (1) Other receivables 1) Classification of other receivables by nature Unit: CNY Nature of money Book balance at the end of the reporting Book balance at the beginning of the 242 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. period reporting period Amounts receivable from related parties 2,841,560,502.29 1,519,230,520.47 within the scope of combination Export tax rebate receivable 15,408,984.91 22,067,723.30 deposit 7,280,560.36 5,173,827.26 Provisional payment receivable 1,762,196.83 1,175,931.64 Employee reserve fund 178,008.90 0.00 Equity disposal receivable 0.00 6,160,202.73 Total 2,866,190,253.29 1,553,808,205.40 2) Provision for bad debts Unit: CNY Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad debt provision Lifetime ECL (not Lifetime ECL Total 12-month ECL impaired) (impaired) As at January 1, 2022 76,248,927.82 217,514.25 18,457,943.50 94,924,385.57 Changes due to financial instruments recognized as at January 1, 2022 - Transfer to stage II -56,226.58 56,226.58 0.00 - Transfer to stage III -131,727.92 131,727.92 0.00 Provision 10,316,214.04 -29,559.75 3,170,859.83 13,457,514.12 Other changes 1,908,000.00 1,908,000.00 As at December 31, 86,508,915.28 112,453.16 23,668,531.25 110,289,899.69 2022 Loss reserve for a significant change in book balance during the current period □ Applicable N/A Aging disclosure Unit: CNY Aging Book balance Within 1 year (inclusive) 2,863,002,414.81 1-2 years 264,500.31 2-3 years 410,304.20 More than 3 years 2,513,033.97 3-4 years 459,300.00 4-5 years 85,160.64 More than 5 years 1,968,573.33 Total 2,866,190,253.29 3) Bad debt provisions withdrawn, recovered or transferred back in the current period Details of bad debt provision: Unit: CNY Category Opening Changes in the current period Closing balance 243 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. balance Recovery or Provision Write-off Others reversal Bad debt provisions 94,924,385.57 13,457,514.12 1,908,000.00 110,289,899.69 assessed by groups Total 94,924,385.57 13,457,514.12 1,908,000.00 110,289,899.69 Among them, the amount of the reversal or recovery of the current bad debt provision is important: Unit: CNY Name of unit Amount transferred back or recovered Recovery mode 4) Other receivables among the top five closing balances collected by the debtor Unit: CNY Percentage of the total closing Closing balance of Name of unit Nature of payment Closing balance Aging balance of other bad debt provision receivables Amounts receivable from Unit 1 related parties 1,527,279,127.95 Within 1 year 53.29% 21,098,217.85 within the scope of combination Amounts receivable from Unit 2 related parties 681,532,438.52 Within 1 year 23.78% 34,076,621.93 within the scope of combination Amounts receivable from Unit 3 related parties 201,973,400.00 Within 1 year 7.05% 10,098,670.00 within the scope of combination Amounts receivable from Unit 4 related parties 135,000,000.00 Within 1 year 4.71% 6,750,000.00 within the scope of combination Amounts receivable from Unit 5 related parties 94,545,636.09 Within 1 year 3.30% 4,727,281.80 within the scope of combination Total 2,640,330,602.56 92.13% 76,750,791.58 3. Long-term equity investment Unit: CNY Closing balance Opening balance Item Book balance Reserve for Book value Book balance Reserve for Book value 244 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. impairment impairment Investment in 4,105,047,447. 4,105,047,447. 4,157,167,492. 4,157,167,492. subsidiaries 89 89 92 92 Investment in 2,541,550,254. 2,541,550,254. 2,352,069,024. 2,352,069,024. joint venture or 17 17 80 80 associate 6,646,597,702. 6,646,597,702. 6,509,236,517. 6,509,236,517. Total 06 06 72 72 (1) Investment in subsidiaries Unit: CNY Changes in the current period Impairment Opening Closing reserve Investee balance Additional Reduction of Provision for balance Others closing (book value) investment investment impairment (book value) balance Changzhou Huada Kejie 200,864,082. 200,864,082. Opto-Electro 56 56 Instrument Co., Ltd Guangdong Shiwanke 50,000,000.0 50,000,000.0 Electric 0 0 Appliance Co., Ltd. Haining GreatStar Hardware 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Tools Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar 2,000,000.00 1,120,000.00 3,120,000.00 0.00 Power Tools Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Craftsman 4,250,000.00 4,250,000.00 Tools Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar 63,772,246.8 63,772,246.8 Tool Co., 6 6 Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Hardware 3,406,500.00 3,406,500.00 Tools Co., Ltd. Hangzhou GreatStar Sheffield 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Trading Co., Ltd. Hangzhou 22,000,000.0 22,000,000.0 245 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. GreatStar 0 0 Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou 120,000,000. 120,000,000. Juye Tool 00 00 Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Lianhe 21,185,561.8 21,185,561.8 Electric 6 6 Manufacturin g Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Lianhe Tool 12,804,728.0 12,804,728.0 Manufacturin 0 0 g Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Lianhe 7,677,294.07 7,677,294.07 0.00 Machinery Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Liansheng Measuring 10,030,288.2 10,030,288.2 Tool 6 6 Manufacturin g Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Ole-Systems 9,600,000.00 9,600,000.00 Co., Ltd. Longyou Hugong 104,612,153. 104,612,153. Forging No. 88 88 3 Tools Co., Ltd. Longyou Yiyang 48,437,846.1 48,437,846.1 Forging Co., 2 2 Ltd. Ningbo Fenghua 22,558,141.6 22,558,141.6 Giant Star 5 5 Tool Co., Ltd. Pretest Laser Measuring Tool 3,920,000.00 3,920,000.00 (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Suzhou Xindadi 60,000,000.0 60,000,000.0 Hardware 0 0 Product Co., Ltd. Zhejiang 25,750,000.0 25,750,000.0 Guoxin Tool 0 0 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang 464,800,000. 464,800,000. 246 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. GreatStar 00 00 Tool Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Shiwanke 10,000,000.0 10,000,000.0 Electric 0.00 0 0 Appliance Co., Ltd. Geelong(Tha 196,077,940. 196,077,940. iland) Co., 0.00 00 00 Ltd. GreatStar 955,660,000. 955,660,000. Tools USA, 00 00 Inc GreatStar 732,567,215. 62,416,889.0 794,984,104. Europe AG 00 4 04 GreatStar Industrial 110,499,800. 110,499,800. Vietnam Co., 00 00 Ltd. Hong Kong GreatStar 897,693,694. 81,218,300.0 978,911,994. International 66 0 66 Limited 4,157,167,49 154,755,189. 206,875,234. 4,105,047,44 Total 2.92 04 07 7.89 (2) Investment in joint venture or associate Unit: CNY Changes in the current period Investm ent Openin gains Impair Other Declara Closing g and ment Investo Additio Reducti compre Other tion of Provisi balance balance losses reserve r nal on of hensive changes cash on for (book (book recogni Others closing investm investm income in dividen impair value) value) zed balance ent ent adjustm equity d or ment under ents profit the equity method I. Joint ventures II. Associates Hangzh ou Micro - Nano 84,244, 7,684,6 91,920, 8,963.7 Technol 601.17 12.65 250.06 6 ogy Co., Ltd. Zhejian - 75,805, 1,521,2 62,379, g Guozi 14,947, 856.54 87.22 261.25 Robotic 882.51 247 2022 Annual Report of Hangzhou GreatStar Industrial Co., Ltd. s Co., Ltd. Zhejian g Hangch 732,591 95,134, 3,648,4 6,495,7 40,000, 797,869 a ,395.62 172.50 30.69 30.54 000.00 ,729.35 Holdin g Co., Ltd. Ningbo Dongha - 190,561 12,234, 201,743 i Bank 1,053,1 ,324.86 926.64 ,081.34 Co., 70.16 Ltd. Hangzh ou Zhongc e Haicha 1,268,8 1,387,6 o 85,019, 28,287, 5,465,5 65,846. 37,932. Enterpr 436.77 071.60 77.19 61 17 ise Manage ment Co., Ltd. 2,352,0