Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2023-027 April 2023 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Annual Report 2022 Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and executives of the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Annual Report is true, accurate and complete and this Annual Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Annual Report. WANG Laichun, Principal of the Company, CFO WU Tiansong and Chief Accountant CHEN Huiyong hereby represent that the financial statements contained in this Annual Report are true, accurate and complete. All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors reviewing this Report. The relevant risks facing the Company are set out in “Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis - XI. Prospects for future development of the Company”. According to the profit distribution proposal approved by the Board of Directors, the Company will distribute a cash dividend of RMB1.30 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares to all shareholders on the basis of 7,130,392,419 shares, and will not distribute any bonus shares or transfer any capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period. 2 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Table of Contents Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................ 2 Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ............................................................ 7 Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis ..................................................................... 11 Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................................................. 47 Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities ..................................................................... 72 Section VI Significant Matters ........................................................................................................ 96 Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders ........................................................................ 115 Section VIII Preference Shares ..................................................................................................... 122 Section IX Bonds ............................................................................................................................ 123 Section X Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 136 3 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 List of References 1. Financial statements signed and chopped by the principal, CFO and Chief Accountant of the Company; 2. Original of the auditor’s report stamped with the seal of the accounting firm and signed and chopped by the certified public accountants; 3. Originals of all documents of the Company publicly disclosed on the website for information disclosure designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period and related announcements; and 4. Other references. 4 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Definitions Terms means Definition We/us, the Company or Luxshare-ICT means Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Limited, founder and Luxshare Limited means controlling shareholder of Luxshare-ICT. ICT-Lanto means ICT-Lanto Limited. LUXSHARE PRECISION means Luxshare Precision Limited. Luxshare Precision Industry (Jiangsu) Luxshare Jiangsu means Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Shanxi) Luxshare Shanxi means Co., Ltd. Dongguan Luxshare Precision Industry Luxshare Dongguan means Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Suzhou) Luxshare Suzhou means Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Chuzhou), Luxshare Chuzhou means Ltd. Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Luxshare Kunshan means Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Baoding) Luxshare Baoding means Co., Ltd. Xuancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Luxshare Xuancheng means Co., Ltd. Yancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Luxshare Yancheng means Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Enshi) Co., Luxshare Enshi means Ltd. Luxshare Vietnam means Luxshare-ICT (Vietnam) Limited Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Company Luxshare Van Trung means Limited Luxshare Nghe An means Luxshare-ICT (Nghe An) Limited Shenzhen Luxshare Acoustics Luxshare Electroacoustic means Technology Ltd. Luxshare Smart Manufacturing means Luxshare iTech (Zhejiang) Co., LTD. Guangdong Luxshare & Merry Luxshare-Merry means Electronics Co., Ltd. ASAP Jiangxi means ASAP Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. Xiexun Jiangxi means Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Smart Manufacturing Jiangxi means Co., Ltd. Lanto Bozhou means Bozhou Lanto Electronic Limited Xuntao Bozhou means Bozhou Xuntao Electronic Limited Meite Suzhou means Merry Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Huzhou Jiuding means Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Ltd. Lanto Kunshan means Lanto Electronic Limited Kunshan RF means Kunshan-Luxshare RF Technology Co., 5 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. Liding Electronic Technology Liding Dongguan means (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Technology LuxcaseICT Yancheng means (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Xiexun Wan’an means Wan’an Xiexun Electronic Co., Ltd. Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Smart Manufacturing Changshu means Technology (Changshu) Co., Ltd. Fujian JK means Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co., Ltd.. Xingning Electronics means Xingning Luxshare Electronic Co., Ltd. Luxsan Kunshan means Luxsan Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Suzhou) BCS Suzhou means Co., Ltd. SpeedTech means SpeedTech Corp. Luxshare Automation Jiangsu means Luxshare Automation (Jiangsu) Ltd. Dongguan Luxshare Technology Co., Dongguan Luxshare Technology means Ltd. Luxshare Electronic Technology Luxshare Electronic Kunshan means (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic Technology (Enshi) Luxshare Electronic Enshi means Co., Ltd. TIME Interconnect Technology means TIME Interconnect Technology Limited Huarong Technology means Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. Articles of Association of Luxshare AOA means Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 6 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators I. Company profile Stock short name Luxshare-ICT Stock code 002475 Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange Chinese name 立讯精密工业股份有限公司 Chinese short name 立讯精密 English name (if any) Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. English short name (if any) Luxshare-ICT Legal representative WANG Laichun 2/F, Block A, Sanyang New Industrial Zone, West Haoyi, Shajing Street, Baoan District, Registered address Shenzhen Postal code of registered address 518104 History of changes in registered N/A address Office address No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Postal code of office address 523642 Company website E-mail II. Contact person and contact information Board Secretary Securities Affairs Representative Name HUANG Dawei LI Ruihao No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, Address Dongguan, Guangdong Dongguan, Guangdong Telephone 0769-87892475 0769-87892475 Fax 0769-87732475 0769-87732475 E-mail III. Media for information disclosure and place for keeping annual report Website of the stock exchange disclosing the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ( Company’s annual report Media and website disclosing the Company’s The Securities Times, the Shanghai Securities News and annual report Place for keeping annual report Securities Affairs Office of the Company IV. Changes in registration particulars Unified social credit code 91440300760482233Q Changes in main business since the listing of the Company (if No 7 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 any) Changes in controlling shareholder (if any) No V. Other related information Accounting firm engaged by the Company Name of accounting firm BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Rooms 1, 2 & 3, 4/F, No. 61 East Nanjing Road, Huangpu Office address of accounting firm District, Shanghai Name of accountants signing this report LI Jing and DAN Jie Sponsor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reporting period: □Applicable N/A Financial advisor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reporting period □Applicable N/A VI. Key accounting data and financial indicators Did the Company need to retrospectively adjust or re-state any accounting data of prior accounting years? □Yes No 2022 2021 Y/Y % Change 2020 Operating income 214,028,394,291.44 153,946,097,790.40 39.03% 92,501,259,211.54 (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 9,163,104,849.54 7,070,520,386.57 29.60% 7,225,462,752.58 listed company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after 8,442,052,945.85 6,015,597,220.13 40.34% 6,088,901,850.86 deduction of non-recurring gain or loss (RMB) Net cash flow from operating activities 12,727,610,319.34 7,284,766,917.00 74.72% 6,873,211,486.05 (RMB) Basic earnings per 1.29 1.01 27.72% 1.03 share (RMB/share) Diluted earnings per 1.28 0.99 29.29% 1.01 (RMB/share) Weighted average Increase by 0.65 23.00% 22.35% 30.29% return on equity percentage points December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Y/Y % Change December 31, 2020 Total assets (RMB) 148,384,319,074.71 120,572,098,167.88 23.07% 70,012,753,551.75 Net assets attributable to shareholders of the 45,342,897,318.53 35,288,554,748.72 28.49% 28,101,816,234.56 listed company (RMB) 8 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gain or loss in the past three accounting years has been negative and the most recent annual auditor’s report indicates that the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern is uncertain? □Yes No Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gain or loss is negative? □Yes No VII. Differences in accounting data arising from adoption of Chinese and foreign accounting standards concurrently 1. Differences in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements prepared according to the international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards □Applicable N/A There was no difference in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements for the reporting period prepared according to the international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards. 2. Differences in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements prepared according to the foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards □Applicable N/A There was no difference in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements for the reporting period prepared according to the foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards. VIII. Main quarterly financial indicators In RMB First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Operating income 41,599,710,846.10 40,361,448,994.51 63,291,092,079.16 68,776,142,371.67 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 1,803,320,580.17 1,980,710,225.65 2,616,244,464.13 2,762,829,579.59 listed company Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after 1,523,761,959.82 1,868,038,609.22 2,586,792,722.51 2,463,459,654.30 deduction of non-recurring profit or loss Net cash flow from 1,278,178,911.17 1,144,968,241.78 538,167,178.29 9,766,295,988.10 operating activities Whether there’s any significant difference between the financial indicators set forth above or aggregate amounts thereof and the corresponding financial indicators contained in any quarterly or semi-annual report already disclosed? □Yes No IX. Items and amounts of non-recurring gains or losses Applicable □ N/A 9 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 In RMB Item 2022 2021 2020 Remark Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including allowance for impairment of assets that 40,397,780.40 -57,241,855.39 -35,503,173.93 has been written off) Government grants recognized in profit or loss (excluding government grants that are closely related to the business of the Company and are 602,294,263.90 853,542,165.37 450,749,695.89 provided in fixed amount or quantity continuously according to the applicable polices of the country) Interest in the fair value of the acquirees’ identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition in 16,559,223.33 excess of the investment cost of the relevant subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures Gain or loss on assets under entrusted investment or 50,525,057.66 95,298,693.93 113,778,335.78 management Gain or loss on changes in fair value of financial assets held for trading and financial liabilities held for trading, and gain on disposal of financial assets held for trading, financial liabilities held for trading 543,762,585.57 602,993,325.33 837,100,369.42 and available-for-sale financial assets, except for effective hedges held in the ordinary course of business Other non-operating income and expenses 11,040,674.64 -12,600,634.71 30,554,498.37 Other gain or loss within the meaning of -377,143,056.77 -170,939,666.46 non-recurring gain or loss Less: Effect of income tax 100,226,804.81 211,043,425.20 214,489,873.68 Effect of minority interest (after tax) 49,598,596.90 61,644,659.76 45,628,950.13 1,136,560,901.7 Total 721,051,903.69 1,054,923,166.44 -- 2 Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gains or losses: □Applicable N/A We do not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gains or losses. If the Company classifies any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss, please explain the reason. □Applicable N/A We have not classified any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss in the reporting period. 10 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis I. Situations of our industry during the reporting period During the reporting period, we are engaged in the research and development (R&D), manufacturing and sale of products in the fields of consumer electronics, communication and data center, automotive electronics and healthcare, among others. Our products and businesses are diversified and vertically integrated, and cover components, modules and system assembly. (I) Consumer electronics As affected by global inflation, geopolitics and other factors in 2022, the consumer electronics industry remains challenging and the overall market demand is subdued. However, the integration of emerging technologies, including the future 5G, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, health monitoring, virtual reality and new display, and new consumer electronics accelerates the upgrading of consumer electronic products, leads to new product forms, and continues to promote the growth of the consumer electronics market size. (II) Communication and data center Like the consumer electronics industry, the year of 2022 witnessed a challenging experience for the communications industry with the demand slowing in 2022 due to geopolitics, global inflation, global economic downturns and the impact of varying degrees of IC shortages on ODMs. However, in the long run, a series of technological innovations such as AIGC, the emergence of new technologies, and the commercialization and popularization of 5G in the future will put forward higher requirements for computing power and transmission. While promoting the expansion of the hardware terminal market, it will also further drive the rapid growth of related industries such as the Internet of Things, computing power networks, data centers, base station RF, power management, and thermal management. It is expected that the communications market will continue to maintain a rapid growth trend in the future. (III) Automotive electronics With the increasing demand for automobile safety, comfort and intelligence, the market size of new energy vehicles and intelligent vehicles is rapidly expanding. According to Clean Technica data, the number of traded global new energy vehicles exceeded 10 million for the first time, namely 10,091,164, a year-on-year increase of 56.4%, with a penetration rate being increased to 14%., it is expected to reach a key threshold of 50% by 2035. At the same time, the survey data from relevant institutions showed that the current global market penetration rate of new cars equipped with intelligent network connectivity functions is about 45%, and it is expected that the market size will reach approx. 60% by 2025. Given the rapid development of automobile electrification, networking and intelligence, the value chain and supply chain of new energy vehicles and intelligent vehicles are experiencing accelerated restructuring. With the entry of new players and emerging automakers, the automotive parts market has become diverse and the relatively closed supporting system is gradually being broken. Vehicle manufacturers are increasingly accepting and welcoming parts with strong competitiveness, especially in areas such as automotive wiring harness/connectors, vehicle electronics, intelligent cockpits, and automatic driving. Automotive parts companies with consumer experience have accumulated rapid iteration capabilities, cost control awareness, timely response experience and understanding of the ecosystem in consumer electronics products, 11 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 which has greatly helped vehicle manufacturers promote and apply new products and technologies, and enhance their competitiveness. At present, the electrification and intelligence of China’s automotive market is showing high growth, with the development speed leading the world, which offers a platform for cultivation and development of Chinese Tier1 automotive companies to go global. (IV) Our position in the industry During the reporting period, we ranked first on the list of 2022 backbone enterprises in electronic components published by the China Electronic Components Association, and were awarded the honorable titles of “Top 500 Private Enterprises of China”, “Top 500 Private Manufacturers of China”, and “2022 Forbes China Most Innovative Companies”, among others. II. Our main business during the reporting period We are committed to diversified layout of various product lines in different application scenarios as follows by deeply focusing on and developing consumer electronics, automotive, communications, and medical industries, and continuously exploring value through vertical integration from components, modules to systems in a forward or reverse direction: 1. In the office scenario, we have fully utilized the opportunity of interconnection of all things in the digital era to deeply deploy smart display screens, smart conference systems, AR/VR/MR, smart speakers, laptops, controllers, tablet PCs, smartphones, wireless charging, and security cameras in our cable assembly, connectors, wireless charging modules, acoustic modules, screen modules, VCMs, vibration motors, SIPs, Mini LEDs, antenna modules and structural components, as well as system-level assembled products. 1.智能显示器 Smart display screen 9.控制器 Controller 2.TV 盒子 TV box 10.转换坞 Conversion dock 3.智能会议系统 Smart conference system 11.平板电脑 Tablet PC 4.AR/VR/MR 12.智能手写笔 Smart stylus 5.智能音响 Smart speaker 13.智能手机 Smartphone 6.蓝牙键盘 Bluetooth keyboard 14.无线充电 Wireless charging 12 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 7.笔记本电脑 Laptop 15.安防摄像头 Security camera 8.蓝牙鼠标 Bluetooth mouth 2. In the intelligent wearable scenario, as consumers pay further attention to sports and health, we have deployed product interfaces such as AR glasses, bone conduction headphones, wireless bluetooth headphones, smart wristbands, and smart watches to track and monitor consumers’ health data; 1.AR 眼睛 AR glass 4.智能指环 Smart ring 2.骨传导耳机 bone conduction headphone 5.智能手环 Smart wristband 3. 无 线 蓝 牙 耳 机 Wireless bluetooth 6.智能手表 Smart watch headphone 3. In the indoor home application scenario, we pay great attention to consumers’ continuous pursuit of home life quality in areas such as entertainment, audio-visual, beauty and fitness. We have also fully deployed product interfaces such as smart vacuum cleaners, gamepads, smart adapters, electronic cigarettes, routers, smart speakers, e-readers, floor-cleaning robots, beauty devices, TAG trackers and VR; 13 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1.智能吸尘器 Smart Vacuum cleaner 9.智能音箱 Smart speaker 2.游戏手柄 Gamepad 10.智能音箱机器人 Smart speaker robot 3.智能转接头 Smart adapter 11.电子书 E-reader 4.充电宝 Power bank 12.扫地机器人 Floor-cleaning robot 5.电子烟 electronic cigarette 13.美容仪 Beauty device 6.智能插座 Smart socket 14.TAG 追踪器 TAG tracker 7.手机无线充 Mobile phone wireless charger 15.VR 8.路由器 Router 4. We have extended the capability of different product interfaces in multiple application scenarios to outdoor application scenarios, so as to meet consumer demand for mobile device equipment and corresponding energy products through product lines such as outdoor power supply, self-balancing scooters, electric scooters, smart car locks, electric car chargers and smart helmets; 14 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1.户外电源 Outdoor power supply 4.智能车锁 Smart car lock 2.平衡车 Self-balancing scooter 5.电动车充电器 Electric motorcycle charger 3.电动滑板车 Electric scooter 6.智能头盔 Smart helmet 5. In the computing center scenario, we have extended from multi-category components and modules to complete server assembly, and continue to provide original development and have a wide and deep patent layout in low-speed, high-speed IO interface optical and electric transmission, and power products. Further, we take the lead in the R&D of high-speed connection solution architecture matching high computing power data centers based on CPO/CPC technology. At the same time, with the constant increase in the amount of transmitted data, thermal management issues arise. Last year, we successfully deployed a thermal management system module, achieving vertical integration of complete data center solutions; 1.ACC/DAC 8.挂耳 Hanger 2.SSIO 9.水冷板 Water-cooled plate 3.HSIO 10.风扇 Fan 4.AOC 11.散热器 Heat sink 5.Transceiver 12.温控解决方案 Temperature control solution 6.光跳线 Optical fiber patch cord 13.UPS 单柜/锂电/双柜 UPS single cabinet / lithium / 7.线缆模组 Cable module double cabinet 14.通信电源:站点插柜、室内/室外柜 Communication power supply: site plug-in cabinet, indoor/outdoor cabinet 6. In the RF communications scenario, we deeply integrated and focused on product lines such as antennas, CPE, tower amplifier and RF units; 15 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1.基站天线 Base station antenna 5.AAU 2.塔放/合路器 Tower amplifier/combiner 6.pRRU 3.射频拉远单元 Remote radio unit 7.室分天线 Indoor antenna 4.直放站 Repeater 8.CPE 7. Against the electrification, networking, and intellectualization of automobiles, we have extended our product layout to multiple-category product lines inside and outside the cockpit through more than a decade of R&D and business exploration, which now comprehensively cover core components such as automotive wire harnesses, connectors, smart network, intelligent cockpits, and new energy vehicle power systems; 结合集团优势资源 丰富产品系列 铸就汽车 Tier 1 业务成长动力 Make advantage of the Group’s strengths and resources & Enrich products & Empower the growth momentum of the Tier 1 16 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 automobile manufacturer 线束 Wiring harness 连接器 Connector 整车线束 Wiring harness of the vehicle 低压连接器 Low-voltage connector 特种线束 Special wiring harness 高压连接器 High-voltage connector 充电枪 Charge gun 高速连接器 High-speed connector Busbar 新能源 New energy 智能网联 Intelligent network DU 路测单元 Road test unit BDU 车载通讯单元 Vehicle communication unit 逆变器 Inverter 智能天线 Smart Antenna V2X 智能驾舱 Smart cockpit 多媒体仪表 Multimedia instrument 信息娱乐系统 Infotainment system AR-HUD DMS/OMS 域控制器 Domain controller 无线充电 Wireless charging USB 电源网络隔离器 Power network isolator 智能制造 Smart manufacturing 嵌件注塑 Insert molding PCBA 8. Starting with consumable products, we entered the medical product line. In reliance on our comprehensive abilities in light, sound, electricity, magnetism, heat, and RF in the consumer electronics and communications industries accumulated over the years, we have begun to rapidly integrate equipment product lines such as surgery and imaging. 17 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 监护类 Monitoring 血氧线 Wire used for oximeter 心电线 Wire used for ECG machine 温度线 Wire for temperature recording instrument 手术类 Surgery 吻合器线 Wire used for anastomosis 电刀线 Wire for electric knife 吻合器连接器 Anastomosis connector 除颤类 Defibrillation 体外除颤线 External defibrillation wire 体控除颤线 Body-controlled defibrillation wire 除颤器零件 Parts of defibrillator 设备内部类 Internal device 影像类(超声)Imaging (ultrasound) 影像类(MR)Imaging (MR) 各类医疗设备机内线 In-machine wire of medical devices of all kinds 超声换能器线 Wire used for ultrasound transducer 磁共振成像线圈线缆 Magnetic resonance imaging coil cable III. Analysis of core competencies (1) Digital application stimulates new potential of intelligent manufacturing Given the continuous deep integration of the next generation of information technology and manufacturing, we have always insisted on intelligent manufacturing as the underlying logic, and devoted great energy to promoting automated processes and digital applications to empower the process development, personnel organization and production modes. 18 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 For the digital applications, we have introduced systems such as SAP, PLM, MES and WMS to further optimize the management processes and production processes throughout the entire lifecycle from design, R&D, production to marketing, procurement, warehousing and after sales, conduct precise, scientific and intelligent customer-oriented management, and constantly strive to improve our production efficiency and product yield. In terms of automated processes, we actively leverage the significant advantages of machine vision in precision, speed, repeatability, reliability, and information aggregation to achieve precise positioning and error detection of precision electronic components in process, active coordination and positioning of parts and fixtures in assembly, and machine AI-assisted inspection of component product appearance. By relying on real-time feedback of measurement data from machine vision, we enhance the deep self-learning ability of automated equipment and create a closed-loop control for automated processes. (II) Forward-looking layout opens up a new growth curve Under the guidance of our “three five-year” strategy, we always grasp the market dynamics, respond to industry growth trend, take coordinated development as our fundamental purpose, make forward-looking layouts around the main business, and are dedicated to providing the market with a perfect and integrated solution of industrial chains. On the one hand, capitalizing on our comprehensive capabilities deeply accumulated and continuously optimized in the consumer electronics field, we have built “process + underlying technology” structure to continuously explore the mass market of new and old products for core customers and other consumer electronics customers. In addition, we conduct horizontal expansion to empower automotive and communication sectors, which highlights our differentiated advantages in relevant sectors, and effectively supports the implementation of commercial plans, thereby achieving our diversified product layout. On the other hand, with many years of efforts in market segments, we have proprietary key process capabilities, including design and processing of molds/jigs, bare copper wire drawing, plastic particle molding, stamping/press forging, precision implant molding, surface treatment, SMT, SiP and system-level assembly testing. We make continuous efforts to explore product value by way of vertically integrating components, modules, and system-level assembly in a forward or reverse direction. In the era of the internationalization of industrial chains, our globalization layout is developing in depth. In addition to Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other provinces in China, we have established mature production capacity bases and R&D centers in such countries and regions as Vietnam, India and Mexico. While serving customers nearby and enhancing product cost advantages, these bases and centers have gathered overseas sophisticated talents and offered strong support for the team to explore high-end markets and provide high-quality services to customers. (III) Scientific research innovation creates new momentum for growth Since our listing, we have placed R&D and innovation on an important position in our development, made continuous investments in technology R&D, vigorously upgraded traditional manufacturing processes, continuously improved the level of automatic production, and realized platformization of all precision manufacturing processes. We also attach great importance to the long-term development of underlying materials and innovative production technologies. Our R&D team has continuously learned and explored advanced precision manufacturing technologies and product applications in the countries and regions mastering frontier technologies, and established a number of advanced technology development labs with certain core customers, to jointly develop 19 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 frontier technologies. Our R&D expenses are mainly divided into investment in cutting-edge technology and in product iteration. Our investment in cutting-edge technology mainly focuses on our medium- and long-term product and business planning layout. About 30% of the overall R&D expenses are invested in innovative research and development in cutting-edge technology areas such as underlying materials, processes, and production procedures, which contributes to enabling 30% of our products to enter the “unpopulated area” of the global industry in the next 20 years. Our investment in product iteration focuses on R&D investment from concept to NPI (New Product Introduction) of new solutions and products. Our R&D expenses and achievements have been continuously increasing. To be specific, our R&D expenses totaled RMB20.834 billion in the past three years, including RMB8.447 billion during the reporting period; in terms of our R&D achievements, we have a total of 4,526 invention patents, an increase of 46.47% from the end of 2021. (IV) The “dual carbon” concept generates new green vitality To achieve the “dual carbon” goal in our production and operation, we actively practice the concept of green and low-carbon development, and adhere to the strategy of “energy conservation and emission reduction and use of renewable energy as the main method and carbon offset as a supplement” to gradually achieve the organic combination of carbon neutrality in our own operation, industrial chain and value chain. As of the end of the reporting period, a total of our 43 plants passed ISO14001 environmental management system certification in 2008, 9 plants passed ISO 50001 energy management system certification, 11 plants were rated as national or provincial-level green factories, and 12 subsidiaries obtained UL 2799 zero waste to landfill certification with a platinum rating. Based on 1.5°C target led by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), we steadily advance the action plan for carbon accounting, reduction, and neutrality in accordance with the climate action plan roadmap. What’s more, we regularly review and adjust our climate change strategy based on actual business operations, and adopt such methods as low-carbon transformation of energy structure, optimization of waste emission management, rooftop photovoltaic construction, direct purchase of green electricity, and green energy investment to contribute to our green and sustainable development. (V) Building hubs for talents The core competencies of a company will be ultimately reflected in the soft power arising from in-depth integration and mutual nourishment of talents and corporate culture. Core talents are the basis for the sustainable development of a company and the cornerstone for cultivating the talents required by a company. We have adhered to the strategy of invigorating the business through talents, and continuously improved our talent echelon building system and talent pool mechanism. On the one hand, we vigorously recruit outstanding talents required in our development who recognize and conform to the distinctive characteristics of our corporate culture, to continuously augment our team of core talents. On the other hand, we continuously improve our talent training system and talent selection system. Along with the growth of our business, we continuously put forward new and reasonable requirements for our employees, encourage them to make self-breakthrough in the boundary of their capabilities, and continuously improve their personal competencies and management capabilities, to contribute new energy to our development. Under the nurture of our corporate culture of being pragmatic and enterprising, constantly striving for perfection, and fulfilling the missions, we provide the key employees with a vast space to exercise their talents, and effectively stimulate their sense of mission, sense of achievement and sense of 20 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 collective honor. At present, we have recruited outstanding talents in materials, automation, electronic information, molds, business management and other fields throughout the world, to create a talent pool for our sustainable development. We clearly know how to attract and retain talents. To develop a virtuous circle of people creating the environment and the environment creating people through in-depth integration of talents and corporate culture is our strongest core competency. Through effective talent mechanisms, we have sufficient talents in our traditional superior fields, and have laid the foundation for our rapid development in new areas and businesses. IV. Analysis of main business 1. Overview (1) Consumer electronics business As affected by external factors such as geopolitics and global inflation in 2022, the consumer demand both at home and abroad declined to varying degrees. What’s more, the production capacity of our important system manufacturers in central China was blocked in the fourth quarter, causing a short-term passive decline in our sales of some components and module products, thereby resulting in certain fluctuations in overall utilization rate. Despite severe external challenges, we consistently strengthened our strategic thinking, maintained firm strategic resolve, and enhanced strategic planning. With these efforts, we achieved breakthroughs in system assembly businesses such as smart mobile terminals, health wear, acoustic wear, as well as in core components and module products such as smart terminal display modules, system packaging, and voice coil motors. With strong product R&D capabilities, leading automation process development levels, efficient lean manufacturing capabilities, and high-quality delivery standards, we continue to receive high praise and full affirmation from core customers, leading to an annual increase in market share for product lines. In terms of new products and businesses, we fully recognize the development potential of industries such as human-machine interaction and virtual reality in different fields including industry, transportation, medical care, and entertainment in the future. During the reporting period, we actively made arrangements in this aspect and worked with top customers to make plans and seize the golden development opportunity of the next five years. Facing highly complex new product interfaces, we continue to conduct in-depth process analysis and technical decomposition to convert complex structures into multiple mature process flows, so as to help customers achieve product development and launch through sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and other technology empowerment. (2) Automotive business Given the further “electrification”, “intelligence” and “networking” in the automotive industry in 2022, China’s new energy vehicle industry is developing rapidly, and the proportion of automotive electronics in the manufacturing cost of the entire vehicle increases significantly. We replied on a strong intelligent manufacturing platform, fully utilized the technology and customer resources accumulated over many years in the fields of consumer electronics and communication fields, and took technology development and customer empowerment as our orientation. Further, through the layout of multiple domestic production bases and R&D centers, as well as the efficient synergy of domestic and foreign resources, we achieved trans-sector empowerment in the field of automotive electronics. Driven by the trend of “electrification, networking, and intelligence” in the automotive industry, our automotive business-related products (high/low-voltage wire harnesses, special wire harnesses, charging guns, automotive connectors, 21 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 intelligent cockpit domain controllers, LCD instruments, AR HUDs, and DMSs, etc.) have strong market demand, showing rapid growth in performance. What’s more, Luxshare Limited, our controlling shareholder, purchased shares in Chery Holding Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Chery Group”) on February 11, 2022. Meanwhile, in order to build a cutting-edge R&D design, mass production platform and export channels for our core automotive components and achieve the medium- and long-term goal of becoming a Tier1 manufacturer of automotive components, we and Chery Group signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement. Through complementary advantages with Chery Group, we rapidly improve our comprehensive ability as a Tier1 manufacturer of core automotive components, quickly optimize our products and increase product sales. (3) Communication business Our overall communication business showed rapid growth in 2022, but due to a series of geopolitical factors, many restrictions such as overseas business environment and industry access policies hindered our continuous expansion of system product business in North America. Nonetheless, we achieved fruitful results in core components such as electric connectors, optical connectors, optical modules, and air-cooled/liquid-cooled heat dissipation components in both domestic and overseas markets. Meanwhile, we have extensive and in-depth patent layouts in high-speed interconnect product-related technologies and actively leads or participates in the preparation of industry standards such as the CPO optical interconnect standards and the international standards for equipment professional interface QSFP112. Given the medium- and long-term rapid growth of global cloud service market, the new generation of information technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are applied worldwide, further broadening the demand for related core components in the communication field. During the reporting period, we continued to strengthen our R&D investment in core components in the communication field and devoted ourselves to improving our basic capabilities of high/low-frequency electric connectors, optical connectors, optical modules, heat dissipation temperature control equipment, and RF communication products. With “application of a generation, development of a new generation and research of the newer generation” as the core product strategy, we have established a capability module for various fields. To further enhance vertical integration of industries, promote trans-sector technological convergence and increase coverage of product lines, we took control of TIME Interconnect Technology Limited through a tender offer on February 12, 2022, which further improves the strategic layout of our interconnect products in the fields of communications, medical care, automotive and industry. 2. Revenue and cost (1) Components of operating revenue In RMB 2022 2021 Y/Y % % of operating % of operating change Amount Amount revenue revenue Total operating revenue 214,028,394,291.44 100% 153,946,097,790.40 100% 39.03% By segment Computer interconnect products 11,279,925,261.07 5.27% 7,856,595,729.78 5.10% 43.57% and precision components Automotive interconnect products 6,149,359,869.13 2.87% 4,142,675,174.19 2.69% 48.44% 22 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 and precision components Communication interconnect 292.55 products and precision 12,834,368,214.51 6.00% 3,269,476,642.60 2.12% % components Consumer electronics 179,666,857,997.07 83.95% 134,637,995,600.46 87.46% 33.44% Other connectors and other 4,097,882,949.66 1.91% 4,039,354,643.37 2.62% 1.45% business By product Computer interconnect products 11,279,925,261.07 5.27% 7,856,595,729.78 5.10% 43.57% and precision components Automotive interconnect products 6,149,359,869.13 2.87% 4,142,675,174.19 2.69% 48.44% and precision components Communication interconnect 292.55 products and precision 12,834,368,214.51 6.00% 3,269,476,642.60 2.12% % components Consumer electronics 179,666,857,997.07 83.95% 134,637,995,600.46 87.46% 33.44% Other connectors and other 4,097,882,949.66 1.91% 4,039,354,643.37 2.62% 1.45% business By region Domestic market 20,224,747,347.20 9.45% 10,493,247,599.10 6.82% 92.74% Overseas market 193,803,646,944.24 90.55% 143,452,850,191.30 93.18% 35.10% By sales mode Direct sales 214,028,394,291.44 100.00% 153,946,097,790.40 100.00% 39.03% (2) Segments, products, regions or sales models representing more than 10% of operating revenue or profit Applicable □N/A In RMB Y/Y % Y/Y % Y/Y % Gross Change in Operating income Operating cost Change in Change in margin operating operating cost gross margin revenue By segment Consumer electronics 179,666,857,997.07 159,057,762,186.53 11.47% 33.44% 33.28% 0.11% By product Consumer electronics 179,666,857,997.07 159,057,762,186.53 11.47% 33.44% 33.28% 0.11% By region Overseas market 193,803,646,944.24 170,964,362,210.55 11.78% 35.10% 35.01% 0.06% By sales mode Direct sales 214,028,394,291.44 187,928,880,285.38 12.19% 39.03% 39.16% -0.08% In case of any adjustment to the statistic scale for main business data, the main business data of the most recent reporting period as adjusted according to the statistic scale applied at the end of the current reporting period □Applicable N/A (3) Whether the Company’s revenue from sale of tangible goods is higher than the revenue from labor service? Yes □No 23 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Segment Item Unit 2022 2021 Y/Y % change Sales volume KPCS 651,927 692,107 -5.81% Computer interconnect products Output KPCS 691,581 735,779 -6.01% and precision components Inventories KPCS 39,654 43,672 -9.20% Sales volume 1,000 sets 323.444 233,339 38.62% Automotive interconnect products Output 1,000 sets 352,333 256,542 37.34% and precision components Inventories 1,000 sets 28,889 23,203 24.50% Sales volume KPCS 484,370 380,329 27.36% Communication interconnect Output KPCS 522,561 413,793 26.29% products and precision components Inventories KPCS 38,191 33,465 14.12% Sales volume KPCS 3,727,774 3,495,842 6.63% Output KPCS 4,233,740 3,773,559 12.19% Consumer electronics Inventories KPCS 505,965 277,717 82.19% Sales volume KPCS 385,129 467,754 -17.66% Output KPCS 416,004 508,283 -18.16% Other connectors and other business Inventories KPCS 30,874 40,529 -23.82% Analysis of changes in the relevant data over 30% year on year Applicable □N/A The sales volume of automotive interconnect products and precision components is primarily due to business growth, while the increase in inventory of consumer electronics is to meet the need for inventory reserves. (4) Performance of material sales contracts and material purchase contracts by the Company as of the end of the reporting period □Applicable N/A (5) Components of operating cost Segment Segment In RMB 2022 2021 Y/Y % Segment Item % of % of Amount Amount change operating cost operating cost Computer interconnect Cost of products and precision 8,991,105,125.09 4.78% 6,296,204,929.34 4.66% 42.80% sales components Automotive interconnect Cost of 5,159,940,778.89 2.75% 3,475,111,291.70 2.57% 48.48% products and precision sales 24 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 components Communication interconnect Cost of products and precision 11,405,956,391.67 6.07% 2,700,268,416.55 2.00% 322.40% sales components Cost of 159,057,762,186. 119,338,834,375.1 Consumer electronics 84.64% 88.37% 33.28% sales 53 5 Other connectors and other Cost of 3,314,115,803.20 1.76% 3,237,917,280.14 2.40% 2.35% business sales Remark None (6) Change in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period Yes □No Refer to “Section X Financial Report” - “VIII. Changes in scope of consolidation”. (7) Material changes or adjustments in respect of business, products or services of the Company during the reporting period □Applicable N/A (8) Major customers and suppliers Major customers of the Company: Aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers (RMB) 177,860,435,488.62 Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers to 83.09% annual sales revenue Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from related parties 0.00% among top 5 customers to annual sales revenue Particulars of top 5 customers: No. Name of customer Sales revenue (RMB) % of annual sales revenue 1 Customer 1 156,832,833,386.90 73.28% 2 Customer 2 6,508,408,117.69 3.04% 3 Customer 3 5,767,145,742.11 2.69% 4 Customer 4 5,553,794,391.18 2.59% 5 Customer 5 3,198,253,850.74 1.49% Total -- 177,860,435,488.62 83.09% Other information of major customers: □Applicable N/A Major suppliers of the Company: Aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers (RMB) 116,395,215,652.31 Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers 62.96% to annual purchase cost Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from related parties 0.00% among top 5 suppliers to annual purchase cost Particulars of top 5 suppliers: 25 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 No. Name of supplier Purchase amount (RMB) % of annual purchase cost 1 Supplier 1 107,417,124,303.85 58.11% 2 Supplier 2 3,469,445,795.86 1.88% 3 Supplier 3 1,947,273,086.88 1.05% 4 Supplier 4 1,872,417,885.96 1.01% 5 Supplier 5 1,688,954,579.76 0.91% Total -- 116,395,215,652.31 62.96% Other information of major suppliers: □Applicable N/A 3. Expenses In RMB Y/Y % 2022 2021 Reason of material change change Primarily due to increase in the scope of Sales expenses 831,398,139.60 789,908,163.80 5.25% consolidation and business growth Primarily due to increase in the scope of consolidation and business growth. Some R&D General expenses 5,075,668,085.35 3,741,908,783.50 35.64% expenses are reclassified into general and administrative expenses Primarily due to the increase in borrowing Financial expenses 882,721,138.77 554,665,874.05 59.14% interest and the fluctuations in foreign exchange rates Primarily due to increase in the scope of R&D expenses 8,447,038,946.21 6,642,300,402.74 27.17% consolidation and R&D investments Primarily due to increase in differences of the 107.09 Income tax expenses 667,318,205.34 322,238,643.64 exercise prices of incentive shares and in total % profits 4. R&D investments Applicable □N/A Description of major R&D Expected effect on the future Purpose Progress Objectives project development of Company Through the implementation of this project, the R&D of high-precision optical and sensor compound To add new structural design anti-shake camera motors can help methods and introduce R&D of high-precision customers solve the problem of automated production Completed and To achieve the optical and sensor blurry photos, and improve the equipment into key put into mass mass production of compound anti-shake image stability of photos and production processes, thereby production project products camera motor videos, also break the monopoly of improving production foreign giants in high-precision efficiency and stability smartphone camera technology and reduce supply chain risks in the industry R&D of high-precision Injection molding technology Completed and To achieve the Through the implementation of this low-pressure injection is a process in which molten put into mass mass production of project, the large-scale 26 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 molding technology for low-pressure injection production project products industrialization can be achieved smartwatches molding material is injected, quickly with the help of our cooled, and separated under intelligent production experience, pressure to produce and through the deep upstream and semi-finished or finished downstream cooperation with products of a certain shape. domestic equipment and material Low-pressure injection suppliers, this project will become molding technology is a an important part of the packaging process that uses “chain-building, low injection pressure to chain-supplementing, inject hot melt glue into the chain-extending, and mold in a molten state and chain-strengthening” of the quickly (3-60 seconds) domestic consumer electronics solidify it. The packaged industry, driving the development products have the effects of of the regional industry insulation, temperature resistance, dust resistance, waterproofness, moisture resistance, impact resistance, shock absorption, and chemical corrosion resistance. To solve the current Completed inconvenience in the use of consumer testing The product is successfully wireless bluetooth headset, and being applied, researched and developed, and is such as being easy to lose or R&D of bluetooth headset and two of To achieve the granted the patent, and its difficulty in finding. This function module based on product mass production of application in the bluetooth headset project mainly researches and mobile phone positioning processing project products can optimize the customers’ develops a functional module designs have been product functions and enhance the for bluetooth headset that granted the patent product competitiveness uses mobile phone for utility model positioning. The product is successfully researched and developed, and is R&D of TWS headset To realize the granted the patent, which can boost body temperature To increase product functions functional Completed the product competitiveness and monitoring and heart rate and improve its performance applications and also enhance the value and monitoring functions obtain the patent leadership of the Company in the field of this product R&D of wearable devices The product is successfully for digital biomarkers of researched and developed, and is To realize the depression screening, granted the patent, which can boost To increase product functions functional high-altitude sickness Completed the product competitiveness and and improve its performance applications and prevention, mobile stress also enhance the value and obtain the patent detection and monitoring leadership of the Company in the system field of this product R&D of wearable devices The product is successfully for traffic accident researched and developed, and is prevention behavior To realize the granted the patent, which can boost detection, air quality To increase product functions Partially functional the product competitiveness and detection, and application and improve its performance completed applications and also enhance the value and of dynamic sensors in obtain the patent leadership of the Company in the vehicle navigation and field of this product positioning R&D of wearable devices To realize the The product is successfully To increase product functions for virtual screen Completed functional researched and developed, and is and improve its performance extension application, applications and granted the patent, which can boost 27 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 smart housekeeper obtain the patent the product competitiveness and application, intelligent also enhance the value and home fire monitoring leadership of the Company in the system, integration of field of this product electronic nose technology for detecting health hazard gas The product is successfully researched and developed, and is To realize the R&D of battery-free RFID granted the patent, which can boost To increase product functions functional tag antenna for cold chain Completed the product competitiveness and and improve its performance applications and logistics also enhance the value and obtain the patent leadership of the Company in the field of this product The product is successfully researched and developed, and is To realize the R&D of millimeter wave granted the patent, which can boost To increase product functions functional transmitting receiver for Completed the product competitiveness and and improve its performance applications and sensing applications also enhance the value and obtain the patent leadership of the Company in the field of this product All-in-one VR headset device, also known as VR all-in-one machine, allows users to fully The R&D project The advanced process will enhance experience 3D stereoscopic To achieve the R&D of all-in-one VR has passed the our competitiveness in the industry, visual effects in a virtual application and glass/VR all-in-one design, debugging thereby laying the technical and world without any input or mass production of machine and verification market foundation for subsequent output devices. It provides a the product stage market exploration good user experience and is reasonably priced, so it has been widely promoted. This project of Luxshare Its vibration level Electroacoustic takes the lead in The R&D project R&D of single-sided drive To fundamentally solve the is about 2 times the industry, which will have a has entered the shock-absorbing problem of the whole lower than that of considerable impact on the small batch trial micro-speakers machine resonance conventional development of future shock production stage speakers absorption technology and market demand To enable game consoles to connect with gaming peripherals, including display Completed and To achieve the This project will expand the R&D of game console screens, wired controllers, put into mass mass production of business fields of the Group’s extension base technology power supplies and USB flash production the project product products disk, and to enhance the user experience of game consoles This project will expand and Completed and To achieve the R&D of automotive To develop new products and improve automotive product lines put into mass mass production of FAKA wiring harness technologies and enhance business growth production the project product momentum This project will expand and R&D of high-voltage Completed and To achieve the To develop new products and improve automotive product lines harness for new energy put into mass mass production of technologies and enhance business growth vehicles production the project product momentum R&D of AC charging gun To develop new products and Completed and To achieve the This project will expand and 2 of new energy vehicle technologies put into mass mass production of improve automotive product lines 28 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 mode production the project product and enhance business growth momentum The R&D project has successfully enabled the control of power battery current output through automotive microcontrollers (MCUs), meeting In the stage of This project will expand and To achieve the R&D of automotive MCU international standards sample improve automotive product lines mass production of products TIA/EIA-568D and installation testing and enhance business growth the project product IEC-60603-7. and validation momentum The electrical performance of the product has a 100% pass rate for conductivity, and IC chip has passed the functionality testing Luxshare will gain irreplaceable experience in terms of entering the To develop and R&D of 48V light hybrid 48V mild hybrid field, and its To develop and apply 48V apply 48V electric motor controller Completed subsequent similar products will platform series products platform series housing have a leading advantage, which products will improve its business competitiveness To achieve proprietary Development of intelligent To achieve the The vertical integration will be System-in-Package (SIP) and In the stage of cockpit domain control mass production of further realized and the business make breakthrough in the SIP sample based on 8155-chip the project product competitiveness will be improved technology To develop new products and technologies: To isolate the faulty part and provide a continuous and This project will expand and To achieve the stable power supply to the In the stage of improve automotive product lines Power isolation switch mass production of active safety system in order sample and enhance business growth the project product to achieve Level 3 momentum autonomous driving in case that automotive power supply or circuit is abnormal. To achieve the This project will expand and To enter the motor winding mass production of DMI water-cooled motor improve automotive product lines field and lay a foundation for In progress the project product winding for stator and enhance business growth producing motor assembly and accumulate momentum product experience To optimize the process and improve product performance To be applied in To fully enter the new energy and design on the basis of the New generation of high the more vehicle market, Luxshare has a first-generation high-voltage In progress voltage connector mass-produced complete high-voltage connection connectors, take the lead in automotive models solution the industry, become the main product The R&D project The vehicle-grade energy storage 1200W vehicle To enable energy storage has passed the To achieve the products will be developed and the front-mounted energy products in the automotive trial production mass production of market for vehicle front-mounted storage device field debugging and the project product energy will be explored verification stage 29 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 The R&D project To meet the has passed the standard power The expandable server To be applied in the server CRPS2000W design, debugging supply for communication track will have power supplies and verification mainstream data wide versatility stage centers R&D of defibrillation To enhance the stability of To achieve the This project will enhance business cable harness for medical In the stage of defibrillator cable harness and mass production of growth momentum to increase our cardiopulmonary trial production achieve the independent R&D the project product market share in the medical cables resuscitation devices The interface is an external I/O interface independently developed To meet the PCIe by Luxshare Technologies, and 5.0 standard, with Luxshare Technologies has the possibility to proprietary IP ownership. The meet PCIe 6.0 To solve the bottlenecks of current upgrade in server R&D of ASM external standard in the speed upgrading and size In the stage of interconnect solutions and the high-speed connectors and future, limitations of existing mass production architectural changes brought by cable components based and promote the external PCIE high-speed and delivery CXL will offer more opportunities on PCIe5.0 self-developed cables. for high-speed PCIe external interface as a interconnect solutions. Luxshare’s standard interface ASM interconnect solutions have accepted by been recognized by domestic customers. interconnect network customers and put into mass production. The interface is an external I/O interface independently developed To meet the PCIe by Luxshare Technologies, and 5.0 standard, with Luxshare Technologies has the possibility to proprietary IP ownership. The meet PCIe 6.0 interface has completed the To solve the bottlenecks of standard in the T/CECA75-2022 standard under the speed upgrading, size In the stage of OmniEdge CRE future, the China Electronics Component limitations and compatibility testing and connectors and promote the Association together with industry of existing internal PCIE verification self-developed customers and other manufacturers. high-speed cables. interface as a Multiple domestic and foreign standard interface customers are verifying Luxshare’s accepted by CRE products. This solution will customers. help customers solve current product problems and reduce quality risks. To enable product performance to meet the PCIe 5.0 In terms of Luxshare Technologies’ standard, with the Riser module, Luxshare possibility to meet Technologies is only one partner PCIe 6.0 standard for OCSP I/O module of some top DC-MHS and OCSP server Achieved the in the future, and customers. The products meet the PCIe Cable Riser & modular solutions, Riser small patch enable module SI performance standards defined Module cables, and modules delivery structure to be in by top customers, comply with line with the OCSP OCSP assembly structure standardized standards, and can be delivered in chassis scheme in modular form and assembled in L6 order to be modules. delivered as an integrated unit. QSFP112 MSA product To develop the next In the stage of To enter the As a leading member of the QSFP 30 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 series generation of 112G testing and high-speed 112G MSA specification for the Pam4 high-speed Ethernet I/O verification Ethernet 112G I/O first time, our position in the fields connectors, AOCs, and cable connector, optical of communication connector, products communication optical product, and copper cable and copper cable will be greatly improved, markets. enhancing the customers’ recognition of us. The product scheme meets the requirements on the latest generation of CPU platform put To achieve the forward by a top customer, has To improve the CPU heat In the stage of standardization and been recognized by the customer Eagle Stream cold plates dissipation efficiency of testing and the mass and entered the list of servers verification production of the recommended suppliers, and project product jointly released a white paper on the cold plate scheme together with the customer. With the advantages such as To realize the optoelectronic small size, high conversion in the optical speed, and low communication system, power The innovations of this project in convert electrical signals into consumption, the network architecture, physical R&D of 5G wireless optical signals at the Completed and 5G communication layer optical devices, network communication optical transmitting end, transmit put into mass optical module can protocols and other aspects will module them through optical fibers to production be applied in reduce our costs and enhance the receiving end, and then communication business growth momentum. convert the optical signals fields such as data into electrical signals at the centers, receiving end. transmission networks and mobile broadband. 1. Independent bare wire design 2. Independent 1. To fill the gap of 112G product connector design design in China To design 112G PAM4 signal 3. Independent 2. To double the signal transmission cables based on high-speed circuit R&D of external transmission rate under the premise mainstream OSFP high-speed design and high-speed cable printed of the same volume packaging, copper cable interface types Completed simulation analysis circuit boards based on support the highest single-channel in order to meet the data technology 112G transmission rate 112G PAM-4 signal transmission, center’s high throughput and 4. Process and and be compatible with 25G NRZ bandwidth requirements manufacturing and 56G PAM-4 signal control to ensure transmission downward. the stability of product performance 1. Leveraging the To develop small package 1. To achieve high-speed processing ability single-channel 112G optical single-channel 112G signal R&D of hot-swappable of DSP, a single modules that meet market transmission based on the silicon 400G optical transceiver product has the demand, expand technology optical technology platform module based on the Completed ability to expand platforms, and expand 2. Advanced PCB materials, dense four-channel QSFP-112 its application product sequences to the next integration of high-speed signal form factor modes and adapt to generation of the technology processing for small packaging, different scenarios platform and power network design 2. With a single 31 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 laser light source, 3. Intensive layout and heat four optical signals dissipation treatment can be distributed 3. To be compatible with the latest generation of software control interface protocols Leveraging the platform of 5G edge industrial gateways and the R&D of field-level 5G In the stage of To achieve the To increase product functions promotion of industrial edge computing intelligent small-scale trial mass production of and improve its performance interconnection and Industry 4.0, industrial gateway production the project product the project will increase the product market share To improve miniaturization of base station antenna units, The dual-frequency base station reduce the antenna of this project is currently R&D of high-performance Product To increase product functions influence between the mainstream application base station antennas for development has and improve its performance high and low direction in the market, with high communication systems been completed frequencies applicability and broad market (decoupling), and prospects. increase the isolation of the array To reduce the volume and weight, and improve In the stage of To achieve the This project will expand market R&D of 5G lightweight production efficiency of 5G small batch mass production of shares and enhance business integrated filter filters in order to enhance the production the project product growth momentum competitiveness of 5G filter products Completed, put The development of new into mass energy technologies has production and continued to expand the granted the patent Research based on a new market space for new energy for design To achieve the This project will improve the energy power cable charging guns and new The product has mass production of product competitiveness technology principle energy vehicle charging obtained the the project product plugs, and also promoted the VDE/CCC/UL/U demand for special power K/PSE/BIS and cable components other national certifications Processing and The R&D project To achieve the This project will expand the market To develop new products and development of titanium has completed mass production of shares and enhance the business technologies alloy metal shell mass production the project product growth momentum Processing and The R&D project To achieve the This project will expand the market To develop new products and development of titanium has completed mass production of shares and enhance the business technologies alloy metal keypad mass production the project product growth momentum Particulars of R&D personnel 2022 2021 Y/Y % change Number of R&D personnel (person) 18,421 16,103 14.39% 32 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Proportion of R&D personnel to total 7.77% 7.05% 0.72% number of employees Education background of R&D personnel Undergraduate 8,327 5,602 48.64% Master 332 302 9.93% Other 9,762 10,199 -4.28% Age of R&D personnel Below 30 9,417 7,377 27.65% 30-40 7,706 8,339 -7.59% Particulars of R&D expenses: 2022 2021 Y/Y % change Amount of R&D expenses 8,447,038,946.21 6,642,300,402.74 27.17% (RMB) Proportion of R&D expenses to 3.95% 4.31% -0.36% operating revenue Amount of R&D expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00% capitalized (RMB) Proportion of capitalized R&D 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% expenses to total R&D expenses Analysis of the cause and effect of significant change in the composition of R&D personnel: □Applicable N/A Analysis of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue compared with 2019: □Applicable N/A Analysis and reasonableness of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses capitalized: □Applicable N/A 5. Cash flows In RMB Item 2022 2021 Y/Y % change Sub-total of cash inflows from 243,587,978,384.02 152,974,773,173.48 59.23% operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 230,860,368,064.68 145,690,006,256.48 58.46% operating activities Net cash flow from operating 12,727,610,319.34 7,284,766,917.00 74.72% activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 10,037,921,670.41 59,103,742,247.41 -83.02% investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 23,364,287,513.52 67,483,404,233.19 -65.38% investing activities Net cash flows from investing -13,326,365,843.11 -8,379,661,985.78 59.03% activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 76,864,295,489.69 42,545,854,141.42 80.66% financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 68,708,047,308.24 42,935,782,234.50 60.03% 33 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financing activities Net cash flows from financing 8,156,248,181.45 -389,928,093.08 -2,191.73% activities Net increase in cash and cash 8,390,881,701.43 -1,543,267,723.26 -643.71% equivalents Analysis of main causes of material changes in the related data □Applicable N/A Analysis of significant difference between net cash flows from operating activities during the reporting period and net profit in current year □Applicable N/A V. Analysis of non-main business Applicable □N/A In RMB Whether or Amount % of total profit Reason not sustainable Income from investments and wealth management products classified as Investment income 998,278,358.77 8.95% No financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Gain or loss on changes in Investment income on financial assets 13,625,720.11 0.12% No fair value at fair value through profit or loss Impairment of inventories and fixed Impairment loss on assets -846,822,131.05 -7.59% No assets Revenue from penalty for violations Non-operating income 34,312,299.74 0.31% and recovery of scrap value of No abandoned assets Non-operating expenses 30,805,374.33 0.28% Donations, compensations and penalties No Gain on disposal of assets 47,931,529.63 0.43% Disposal of production equipment No Other gains 602,294,263.90 5.40% Government grants related to income No Loss on credit impairment -47,181,938.93 -0.42% Loss allowance on accounts receivable No VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities 1. Material changes in components of assets In RMB December 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 Reason of material % of total % of total Y/Y % Change Amount Amount change assets assets Cash and bank 19,367,209,441.41 13.05% 14,204,618,186.43 11.78% 1.27% balances Optimization of Accounts receivable 26,043,354,859.19 17.55% 31,623,185,946.25 26.23% -8.68% recoveries from customers 34 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Contract assets 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Some inventories have been sold in the first quarter of 2023 due to the Inventories 37,363,329,476.66 25.18% 20,900,755,733.15 17.33% 7.85% expansion in scale of our operations and increase in inventory reserves Investment properties 92,782,410.06 0.06% 59,000,690.72 0.05% 0.01% Increase in housing rental Recognition of income Long-term equity from investments in 2,000,007,642.66 1.35% 1,125,605,226.03 0.93% 0.42% investments associates by equity method Expansion in the scale of Fixed assets 44,026,022,703.69 29.67% 34,113,259,322.43 28.29% 1.38% our operations Construction in Unaccepted equipment 2,695,377,794.32 1.82% 3,685,336,499.02 3.06% -1.24% progress and buildings Right-of-use assets 941,749,814.66 0.63% 425,011,542.28 0.35% 0.28% Leased buildings Replenishment of Bank borrowings 14,911,899,668.93 10.05% 11,919,635,337.99 9.89% 0.16% working capital due to expansion in the scale Goods payments received Contract liabilities 501,765,453.24 0.34% 268,506,246.98 0.22% 0.12% in advance Replenishment of the Long-term funds required for 9,205,313,060.94 6.20% 5,025,096,193.09 4.17% 2.03% borrowings investment due to the expansion of scale Lease payment net of the Lease liabilities 800,739,041.51 0.54% 315,093,483.55 0.26% 0.28% unrecognized finance charge Expansion in the scale of our operations and Trade payables 49,786,483,552.54 33.55% 45,416,165,667.67 37.67% -4.12% increase in purchase orders Analysis of high proportion of overseas assets: □Applicable N/A 2. Assets and liabilities at fair value Applicable □N/A In RMB Impairment Gain or loss Aggregate loss Amount Amount on changes in changes in Opening recognized acquired in sold in the Other Closing Item fair value in fair value balance in the the reporting reporting changes balance the reporting recorded current period period period in equity period Financial assets 1. Financial assets 1,991,199, 102,504,713. 8,390,295,5 9,157,772,8 1,326,226, held for trading 461.99 71 01.05 26.29 850.46 (excluding derivative 35 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financial assets) 2. Derivative 115,918,64 -88,878,993.6 27,039,649 financial assets 3.05 0 .45 4. Other investments 235,976,1 154,880,31 50,000,000. 440,106,99 749,467.66 in equity instruments 48.42 1.90 00 2.66 Subtotal of financial 2,343,094, 13,625,720.1 154,880,31 8,440,295,5 9,158,522,2 1,793,373, assets 253.46 1 1.90 01.05 93.95 492.57 Investment in equity 5,700,000. 30,000,000. 35,700,000 instruments 00 00 .00 2,348,794, 13,625,720.1 154,880,31 8,470,295,5 9,158,522,2 1,829,073, Total 253.46 1 1.90 01.05 93.95 492.57 44,276,885.5 44,318,321 Financial liabilities 41,436.00 0 .50 Other changes Whether there’s any material change in the measurement properties of main assets of the Company during the reporting period? □Yes No 3. Encumbrances on assets as of the end of the reporting period Closing balance of carrying Item Reasons for restriction amount Cash and bank balances 2,054,791,011.90 Issue of notes and letter of credit Notes receivable 469,338,331.89 Financing from pledge of notes receivable Accounts receivable 1,049,804,176.80 Financing from pledge of accounts receivable Equity investment 5,781,943,543.70 Financing from pledge of equity Fixed assets 1,596,425,969.25 Financing from mortgage of fixed assets Intangible asset 547,767,902.77 Financing from pledge of land use right Held-for-trading financial assets 60,000,000.00 Financing from pledge of held-for-trading financial assets Total 11,560,070,936.31 VII. Analysis of investments 1. Overall situation Applicable □N/A Amount of investment in 2022 (RMB) Amount of investment in 2021 (RMB) Y/Y % Change 1,166,241,440.00 7,623,854,176.00 -84.70% 2. Major equity investments acquired in the reporting period □Applicable N/A 36 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 3. Major non-equity investment that have not yet been completed in the reporting period □Applicable N/A 4. Investment in financial assets (1) Securities investment Applicable □N/A In RMB Gain or loss on Opening Aggregate Amount Amount Gain or Closing Method changes Initial balance changes in acquired sold in loss in balance Source Type of Security Short of in fair Accounti investment of fair value in the the the of of security code name measur value in ng item cost carrying recorded reporting reporting reporting carrying funds ement the amount in equity period period period amount reporting period Investme Stock nt in listed on Tony Self-o 22,500,000 Fair 210,278 132,100, 274,560,1 132,312, 342,379, other domestic 603595 Elect 0.00 0.00 wned .00 value ,829.12 428.80 70.59 842.10 257.92 equity or overseas ronic funds instrume market nts Investme Stock nt in listed on Self-o SDM 50,000,000 Fair 22,480,0 19,108,00 50,000,0 22,480,0 72,480,0 other domestic 430755 0.00 0.00 wned C .00 value 00.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 equity or overseas funds instrume market nts 72,500,000 210,278 154,580, 293,668,1 50,000,0 154,792, 414,859, Total -- 0.00 -- -- .00 ,829.12 428.80 70.59 00.00 842.10 257.92 (2) Investment in derivatives Applicable □N/A 1) Investment in derivatives for the purpose of hedging during the reporting period Applicable □N/A In RMB 0’000 % of ending Gain or loss on Amount Amount balance to Initial changes in fair Aggregate changes acquired in sold in the net asset Closing Type of derivative investment value during in fair value the the as at the end amount cost the reporting recorded in equity reporting reporting of the period period period reporting period 37 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1,827,774.3 1,777,380 55,577.5 Forward 5,184.08 54,182.69 -1,282.78 1.23% 1 .88 1 1,428,474.2 1,804,727 21,590.2 Option 397,843.68 2,454.98 -79.79 0.48% 8 .7 6 3,256,248.5 3,582,108 77,167.7 Total 403,027.76 56,637.67 -1,362.57 1.71% 9 .58 7 Whether there’s any material change in the accounting policies and accounting principles for hedge business No material change in the reporting period as compared with the preceding reporting period Actual gain or loss in the 1) The actual loss from our investment in derivatives in the reporting period for the purpose of hedging is reporting period RMB -13.6257 million. We conduct foreign exchange derivative transactions for the purpose of fixing costs, avoiding and Description of hedging effects preventing foreign exchange and interest rate risks. During the reporting period, our overall hedging effect was in line with expectations. Source of funds Self-owned funds 1. We conduct foreign exchange derivative transactions for the purpose of fixing costs, and avoiding and preventing foreign exchange and interest rate risks, and prohibit any speculation. 2. We have established strict business management policy regarding financial derivative transactions, which contain explicit provisions on the principle of operation, approving power, internal operating process, information segregation measures, internal risk controls, information disclosure and other issues relating to Analysis of risks associated financial derivative transactions, to control the risks associated with such transactions. with the derivatives held in 3. We carefully examine the terms of contracts entered into with the relevant banks, and strictly implement the reporting period the risk management policy to prevent legal risks. (including without limitation 4. We continuously follow up on the changes in the market price or fair value of the relevant foreign market risk, liquidity risk, exchange derivatives, promptly assesses the changes in risk exposures of such foreign exchange derivatives, credit risk, operational risk reports to the management on a regular basis, promptly reports the abnormal situations discovered, calls and legal risk) and related risk attention to the relevant risks, and takes the appropriate emergency measures. control measures 5. In order to prevent any delay in the delivery of forward exchange contracts, we attach great importance to the management of accounts receivable, and have established safety management measures to prevent any delay in the payment of accounts receivable. 6. Our Internal Audit Department is responsible for supervising and auditing the decision-making, management, execution and other issues in respect of foreign exchange derivative transactions. Changes in the market price or fair value of the derivatives held in the reporting period (in the analysis of the fair Change in the fair value of a foreign exchange derivative is the difference between its fair market price in value of derivatives, the the month in which the delivery date determined by the Company falls and its contract price. specific approaches, assumptions and parameters used shall be disclosed) Whether or not involved in N/A any litigation Disclosure date of the announcement of the Board of Directors approving the February 21, 2022 investment in derivatives (if any) 38 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 The Company conducts foreign exchange derivative transactions for the purpose of avoiding foreign exchange risk arising from fluctuations in the foreign exchange rates of RMB, and effectively controlling the Special opinion issued by the uncertainties of costs caused by foreign exchange risk. The Company has established the Business independent directors Management Policy Regarding Financial Derivative Transactions, to enhance risk management and control regarding the Company’s over foreign exchange derivative transactions. In addition, the Company only provides self-owned funds, investment in derivatives and rather than any offering proceeds, as deposit for derivative transactions. The review, voting and other related risk control measures procedures relating to such transactions have complied with the Company Law, the AOA and other applicable regulations. 2) Investment in derivatives for the purpose of speculation during the reporting period □Applicable N/A No investment in derivatives for the purpose of speculation existed during the reporting period. 5. Use of offering proceeds □Applicable N/A None of proceeds has been used during the reporting period VIII. Sale of material assets and equities 1. Sale of material assets □Applicable N/A No material asset has been sold during the reporting period. 2. Sale of material equities □Applicable N/A IX. Analysis of major controlled and investee companies Applicable □N/A Major subsidiaries and investee companies representing more than 10% of the net profit of the Company In RMB 0’000 Operati Registered Total Net Operatin Net Company Type Main business ng capital assets assets g income profits profit Purchase and sale of electronic products, Luxshare Subsid data lines, connection lines, connectors, USD5,000,0 7,029,22 817,027 19,190,2 213,123 201,804 Precision iary computer and peripherals, plastic and 00 0.12 .91 16.10 .33 .03 Limited hardware products. Sales and services in respect of internal ICT-Lanto Subsid and external connection lines for IT, USD153,29 5,732,33 523,941 5,193,47 157,699 137,945 Limited iary communication and consumer electronic 0,323 5.66 .08 9.47 .29 .04 applications, and precision connectors. 39 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Computer peripherals, connection lines and connectors; new-type electronic components (electronic devices), instruments and accessories for communication and IT purpose, plastic, rubber and hardware products; research, development, production and sale of special electronic equipment, testing instruments, tools, molds, remote control dynamic models and related supplies and components; production and sale of power supply units and wireless transmission products; development of software; import and export of goods and technology. Licensed items: production of Class II medical devices; Class II value-added telecommunications services. General Lanto items: manufacturing of automotive Subsid RMB2,320, 2,061,86 799,294 2,540,75 137,504 130,198 Electronic components and accessories; research and iary 000,000 3.62 .62 6.01 .05 .73 Limited development of automotive components; wholesale of automotive components and accessories; sale of automotive components and accessories; sale of mechanical components and spare parts; manufacturing of opto-electronic components; sale of opto-electronic components; research and development of special electronic materials; research and development of household appliances; research and development of motorcycle components; manufacturing of lighting equipment; manufacturing of transformers, rectifiers and inductors; manufacturing of computer software, hardware and peripheral devices; manufacturing of power transmission, distribution and control equipment. Technology development, technical consulting and technical services in respect of computer accessories; design, R&D and production of precision stamping molds (precision ≥ 0.02mm), precision cavity molds (precision ≥ 0.05mm), metal product molds, non-metal product molds and standard parts for molds; production of Luxcase high-temperature resistant molded Precision Subsid insulating materials, stamped hardware RMB6,264, 3,134,85 1,270,0 7,418,68 216,407 200,061 Technology iary parts, rivets, shafts, mechanical 312,296 6.93 00.39 0.74 .84 .82 (Yancheng) components and other components for 3C Co., Ltd. electronics products; industrial design, product design (exterior design, structural design, circuit design, graphic design, etc.); lease of own idle equipment; wholesale, commission agency (except auction), import, export and supporting services in respect of the aforesaid products and related components. General items: 40 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Manufacturing of mobile terminal devices; manufacturing of communication equipment; manufacturing of electronic components; manufacturing of forgings and powder metallurgy products; manufacturing of computer software, hardware, and peripheral devices; retail of computer software, hardware, and auxiliary equipment. Subsidiaries acquired and disposed of during the reporting period Applicable □N/A Method of acquisition or Effect on the production, operation and results of Company name disposal the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Precision Industry (Hubei) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Shenzhen Sanhe Rongyu Technology Co., Ltd. Purchase of shares and results of the Company taken as a whole Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Co., Ltd. No significant effect on the production, operation Newly established Kunshan Branch and results of the Company taken as a whole Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) No significant effect on the production, operation Purchase of shares Co., Ltd. and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Precision Industry (Wuhu) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Dongguan) No significant effect on the production, operation Newly established Co., Ltd. and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Xingning Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd. Daping Branch Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation LUXSHARE PRECISION SINGAPORE PTE.LTD. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Rechuan Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation TIME Interconnect Technology Limited Purchase of shares and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Speedtech Intelligence Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Dongguan) No significant effect on the production, operation Newly established Co., Ltd. Dongkeng Branch and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare New Energy (Anhui) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole Xuancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. No significant effect on the production, operation Newly established Xiamen Branch and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. Purchase of shares and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation TIME Interconnect Server Technology Limited Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Dongguan Branch Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Fengshun Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole 41 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 No significant effect on the production, operation Lisen Precision Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Joint venture and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Co., LTD Joint venture and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Precision Industry (Hefei) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Shantou Luxshare Technologies Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation SUK-PLASTICS S.R.L. Sale of shares and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Electronic Service (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Xingning Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd. Luofu Branch Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole Jiashan Luxshare Business Management Service No significant effect on the production, operation Newly established Partnership (LP) and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Huiju Dachuang Information (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxshare Precision Industry (Mingguang) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Luxcase Precision Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole No significant effect on the production, operation Jiashan Luxshare Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Newly established and results of the Company taken as a whole Particulars of significant controlled and investee companies N/A X. Structured entities controlled by the Company □Applicable N/A XI. Prospects for future development of the Company 1. Situations of the industry Refer to I. Situations of our industry in the reporting period under Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis. 2. Future growth strategy On the basis of our core management’s forward-looking plans in respect of market, products and customers, and through our employees’ unremitting efforts to work conscientiously, fulfill all tasks and make innovations, we have made diversified, integrated and coordinated strategic deployments in the fields of consumer electronics, communication and automotive. In light of the new market situations, we clearly know that opportunities coexist with challenges, and will keep investing in the future, and give full play to our strong core competencies and advantages in various areas, to provide more core value for the industry and our customers. In the next few years, the consumer electronics business will continue to occupy an important position in the Company. We will continue to implement and deepen the concept of vertical integration from components, modules to system, and strive to change the traditional supply ideas and approaches, restructure the supply chain and maximize the synergistic effect, to continue to improve our capability to create value for our customers and seek sustainable development. Meanwhile, with respect to certain core modules and processes, we will follow the strategic principle of “old products, new customers and new market”, strive to extend and deepen the application of products, and increase their shares on different markets and among different customers, to further improve our ability 42 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 to prevent operating risks. In light of the general economic development trend of enhancing internal and external circulations, and the general background that huge demands for consumer electronic products will be stimulated, the smart consumer electronic products that change life with technology will grow vigorously. Our products include smart wearable, smart home, smart display, etc. We have strong comprehensive capabilities in respect of core components and system assembly for complete units, and have made full preparations for new products/businesses. In the field of AR/VR/MR, we will make complete and in-depth product deployment, leverage our remarkable advantages in production process, lean production, automation and other areas, and strive to make good achievements in the new area. In the field of communication interconnect, by focusing on technology development and combining the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes, we are leading the way in certain market segments in the world. In the future, we will adhere to the strategic principle of integrating “application, development and early research”, closely follow the market trends and frontier technologies, and strive to make all-round breakthroughs on more market segments. With respect to the radio frequency communication business, we will focus on the strategic plan of “core components + modules + system”, make continuous investments in design and R&D, improve the capability to produce core components on our own, and improve our internal operation efficiency in lean production, supply chain management and other areas through transformation and upgrading towards digitalization. Facing the business opportunities brought by “electrification”, “intelligentization” and “interconnection” of vehicles to Chinese automotive companies, we have established clear strategic objectives, that is, to focus on the Tier1 core component market. In the waves of electrification of automotive consumption, the stable supply pattern in the past will be broken, and comprehensive manufacturers that have rich experience in both the fields of consumer electronics and automotive will get more business opportunities. In the next few years, we will continue to apply our experience of precision manufacturing in the field of consumer electronics and communication and our capability to develop communication-level high speed transmission solutions to the automotive business, and give full play to our advantages. Meanwhile, we will continuously improve our Tier1 capabilities on the basis of cooperative vehicle ODM platform, and embrace the new challenges and new opportunities brought by the flourishing era of Smart EV. 3. Business plan for the next year In 2022, we always stood in awe of market opportunities and challenges. We worked hard to fulfill all tasks and overcome all kinds of difficulties, while accomplishing the objectives established at the beginning of the year, and developed the business plan for the next year. In the context of complicated and volatile external situation in 2023, we will always adhere to our main business and strive to accurately grasp the “changes” and “persistence” in the new development stage. By deeply understanding changes, overall trend and development opportunities, we will firmly seize the initiative of high-quality growth. In the future, we will continue to exploit our main business, and firmly implement the established business plans. While seeking new opportunities in respect of component, module and system solutions on the consumer electronics, smart mobile, smart wearable and other IoT markets, we will focus on the development of automotive, communication, industrial, energy, healthcare and other new markets, new materials, new processes, new applications and new technologies. With respect to entities and businesses newly acquired or incubated, we will fully leverage our strengths and give support in customer resources, supply chain resources, lean production, automation, digitalization, intelligentization, etc., in order to achieve the strategic objectives of rapid cultivation and benefit amplification. In the field of consumer electronics, we will continue to explore existing customers and products, and consolidate the foundation. On this basis, we will use our comprehensive development capabilities of underlying technologies and processes accumulated in the field of consumer electronics to continuously empower and differentiate products. In addition, through the stacking of our multi-category components and module products, we will create more ecological combinations in different application scenarios, including upgrading the functions of existing products, and deeply empowering the integration of complex processes and multiple technologies for new product interfaces. In addition, we will deeply analyze our existing service capabilities from the perspectives of core components, modules and system-level products of different terminal products, conduct in-depth research on and offer precise services to different customers with different needs and different scale volumes. Meanwhile, in reliance on forward-looking predictions of demand for consumer electronics and continuous improvement of existing consumer pain points, we will make 43 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 breakthroughs take the lead in red ocean competition while overtaking competitors on a bend in the blue ocean exploration. With respect to the automotive field, we will continue to cooperate with our domestic and foreign brand customers in the development of components. Capitalizing on our customer platform, product matrix and manufacturing capabilities accumulated in the consumer electronics and communication fields, and on the basis of automotive “nervous” system, we will further expand the product lines of connectors, new energy, smart cabin, smart interconnect and other products. Meanwhile, in reliance on the vehicle ODM platform jointly established with Chery and possible cooperation with more platforms in the future, we will continue to expand more frontier R&D, design and mass production platforms and accesses to the overseas market, so as to win an opportunity to grow from 0 to 1. Also, we will leverage our advantages to take part in the competition and to have our tier-1 products demonstrate more inherent value in the market competition, and are committed to achieving our medium- and long-term goal of becoming a Tier1 supplier of global automotive components in the next three five-year. In the communication field, the global AI boom is expected to drive the market demand for servers and related components and modules with computing power at the core. In the future, with the large-scale launch of multimodal pre-trained models and related derivative applications, such as natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) in the AI+GC era, the massive data flow will increasingly depend on high-performance computing power and high-speed networks of data centers, which also provides new opportunities for the development of high-speed interconnection technology. Facing innovative market opportunities, we will deeply analyze the core value of the industrial chain, accurately grasp the key links that truly have the entry barriers and technological autonomy, and target domestic and overseas top customers having demand to quickly form differentiated competitive advantages. Under the guidance of this strategy, we will continue to strengthen R&D and innovation of related core technologies in the fields such as network communication and base station radio frequency, accurately grasp the transformation trend of emerging technologies of core components in data/super-computing centers such as electrical connection, optical connection and air-cooled/liquid-cooled heat dissipation components, strive to improve the ability to provide high value-added products and services to global leading customers, and open up more growth curves for the Company. 4. Capital required for future development strategy and capital utilization plan As of December 31, 2022, our equity-debt ratio was 60.38%. In 2023, we will continue to promote the high-quality development of our business in a solid and orderly manner, and we still have a need for funds in the expansion of new markets and investments of new projects. Along with the improvement of our position in the industry and stabilization of our relationship with customers, we have obtained certain competitive advantages. We will continue to strictly control capital expenditures in each project, regularly analyze and review the return on investment in each capital expenditure project, and continue to improve our management of accounts receivable, inventories and other areas, to maximize the efficiency of capital utilization. We will fully consider the effective use of financing instruments at different periods according to the requirements of our development strategy and reasonably adjust our asset and liability structure so as to create more value for our shareholders. 5. Future risks (1) Risk of fluctuation of macro economy The numerous uncertainties existing in the global macro environment at present, such as the trade frictions between China and the United States, worsening geopolitical situation and extensive geopolitical struggles. Adverse factors in the macroeconomic environment might increase the downward pressure on the global economy, and lead to elevated inflation in major developed economies, which will significantly suppress household income, purchasing power, and consumption demand. If the uncertainties of the macro environment continue for a long time, the industry and the Company will be impacted and face certain challenges. (2) Exchange rate risk At present, our revenue from the overseas market constitutes a large proportion in our total operating revenue, and our overseas transactions are mainly settled in US Dollars. Our sales on the overseas market totaled RMB85,046,280,900, RMB143,452,850,200 and RMB193,803,646,900 in 2020, 2021 and 2022, representing 91.94%, 93.18% and 90.55% of our revenue from main business respectively. Because China implements the managed floating rate system, the foreign exchange rates fluctuate along with the changes in domestic and foreign political and economic environment. If the foreign exchange rates fluctuate greatly, the exchange 44 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 gains or losses may affect our operating results. In order to reduce the uncertainties caused by fluctuations of foreign exchange rates on our operating results, we will strive to keep abreast of the movement of foreign exchange rates, strictly control the proportion of foreign currency denominated assets in our net assets, and through foreign exchange derivative transactions, reduce the effect of the fluctuation of foreign exchange rates. (3) Management risk We are committed to promoting the high-quality growth of our business and continuously strengthen the horizontal expansion and vertical integration in consumer electronics, communication, automotive and other fields. We have a great number of operating entities which are relatively decentralized. Due to the impact of geopolitics, trade frictions between China and the United States and other factors, our major customers will put forward increasingly high requirements for the international deployment of our production capacity, which will in turn put forward higher requirements for our operation and management capabilities and pool of outstanding talents. If our management level cannot satisfy the requirements of the rapid growth of scale of our operations, we may face certain management risks. (4) Risk of relative concentration of customers We attach great importance to maintaining long-term and stable cooperation relationships with our major customers. At present, our customers are relatively concentrated, most of whom are engaged in consumer electronics. Though they are first-class customers in the industry, have strong and leading competencies on the market, and have maintained years of stable cooperation relationship with us, if any major customer falls into serious difficulties in its operation, we may face certain operating risks. We will further diversify customers, products and business. With a focus on process + underlying technologies as the supporting point, we will continue to carry out horizontal expansion and trans-sector empowerment, and strive to explore new markets and new business. XII. Investigation, research, communication, interview and other activities Applicable □N/A Particulars of the Main topic of Method of Type of investigation and Date Place Guests discussion and communication guests research activity information provided available at Refer to the Record Company meeting Introduction about of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Strategic Cooperation Activity dated February Beihuan Road, Communication Institutional Institution Framework Agreement February 13, 2022 13, 2022 Qingxi Town, by telephone investors signed between us and published on Dongguan, Chery Group Guangdong on February 13, 2022 Refer to the Record Company meeting of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Introduction about our Activity dated February Beihuan Road, Communication Institutional Institution private placement of February 23, 2022 22, 2022 Qingxi Town, by telephone investors shares in 2022 published on Dongguan, Guangdong on February 22, 2022 Refer to the Record Company meeting of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Introduction about our Activity dated April April 28, Beihuan Road, Communication Institutional operating status in Institution 28, 2022 published 2022 Qingxi Town, by telephone investors 2021 and the first on Dongguan, quarter of 2022 Guangdong on April 30, 2022 May 6, 2022 Company meeting Others Others Investor Our performance Refer to the Record 45 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 room at No. 313 briefings in 2021 of Investor Relations Beihuan Road, Activity dated May 6, Qingxi Town, 2022 published on Dongguan, Guangdong on May 7, 2022 Refer to the Record Company meeting of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Communications at On-site Activity dated May May 18, Beihuan Road, our annual general investigation Others Investor 18, 2022 published 2022 Qingxi Town, meeting of and research on Dongguan, shareholders Guangdong on May 19, 2022 Refer to the Record Company meeting of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Introduction about our Activity dated August August 28, Beihuan Road, Communication Institutional operating results in the Institution 28, 2022 published 2022 Qingxi Town, by telephone investors first half of 2022 and on Dongguan, general situation Guangdong on August 30, 2022 Refer to the Record Company meeting of Investor Relations room at No. 313 Introduction about our Activity dated October 30, Beihuan Road, Communication Institutional Institution operating status for October 30, 2022 2022 Qingxi Town, by telephone investors three quarters of 2022 published on Dongguan, Guangdong on October 31, 2022 46 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section IV Corporate Governance I. Overview of our corporate governance We have always been committed to promoting the establishment and improvement of a modern corporate system, regulating the operation of the listed company and improving the corporate governance structure. During the reporting period, we kept on improving our corporate governance structure, established and improved rules and regulations, regulated corporate operations, strengthened information disclosure, actively conducted investor relations management and improved corporate governance level in strict accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2023 Revision), the Guidelines for Articles of Association of Listed Companies, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Guide on Self-regulatory Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 – Code of Operations for Companies Listed on the Main Board and other applicable laws, regulations and normative documents. (I) Shareholders and general meeting of shareholders We perform the procedures for convening, holding and voting at shareholders’ meetings in strict accordance with the Company Law, the AOA, the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders’ Meeting and other relevant provisions and requirements, and treat all shareholders fairly. We permit shareholders to elect to vote in person or on line at our shareholders’ meetings, so as to enable minority shareholders to fully exercise their voting rights. When a general meeting of shareholders considers any related-party transaction, we require the interested shareholders to abstain from voting, and ensure that such related-party transaction is conducted on an arm’s length basis without prejudice to the interests of shareholders. When a general meeting of shareholders considers any material matter that affects the interests of minority shareholders, the votes cast by them are counted separately. All general meetings of shareholders are convened and held by our Board of Directors in the presence of lawyers. (II) Relationship with the controlling shareholder We are independent of our controlling shareholder in operation, assets, personnel, organization and finance, and each of our Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and other internal bodies operates independently. Our controlling shareholder is strict with itself and has not directly or indirectly interfered with our decision-making and business activities without the authorization of the shareholders’ meeting, or occupied our funds for non-operating purpose. (III) Directors and Board of Directors: We elect directors and engage independent directors in strict accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in the Company Law and the AOA. We now have seven directors, including three independent directors, who are experts in law, accounting and other areas. The number of members and composition of our Board of Directors comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations and the AOA. Our Board of Directors has four committees, including Audit Committee, Strategy Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, each of which has a reasonable member structure, and provides scientific and professional opinions and references for the decision-making of the Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors has convened and held meetings, and implemented the resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting in strict accordance with the AOA and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. All directors have performed their duties diligently, and seriously attended the meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders. (IV) Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors: Our Board of Supervisors has elected supervisors in strict accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in the Company Law and the AOA. We now have three supervisors, including one chairman. The number of members and composition of our Board of Supervisors comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations and the AOA. Our Board of Supervisors has convened and held meetings in strict with the AOA and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. All supervisors have seriously performed their duties, effectively supervised and expressed independent opinions on our financial affairs and the legality and regulatory compliance of the performance of duties by our directors and executives in good faith and diligently, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders. 47 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (V) Performance appraisal and incentive and restraint mechanisms: In order to establish sound incentive mechanisms, and enhance the concept of joint sustainable development of the Company and the management and key employees, we have implemented the share incentive plans to enhance the benefit sharing and restrain mechanisms between shareholders and key business personnel, maintain the stability of the management team and key business personnel, ensure the achievement of our development strategy and business objectives, and seek long-term stable development. The appointment of our executives is open and transparent, and complies with the applicable laws and regulations. (VI) Stakeholders: We fully respect the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, and strive to coordinate and balance the interests of society, shareholders, the Company, employees and other stakeholders, and jointly promote our sustained and steady development. (VII) Information disclosure and transparency: We have performed our information disclosure obligations truthfully, accurately, timely and completely in strict accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and our Information Disclosure Management Measures, and designated the Securities Times, the Shanghai Securities News and as the media for us to disclose information. We have kept non-public information in strict confidence, seriously registered and reported the insiders pursuant to our Insider Management Policy, established the filing policy for insiders, and timely submitted the same to the competent regulatory authorities for the record in accordance with the relevant provisions. We also strictly regulate the reporting of our information to external information users. When receiving specific visitors, we receive them in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, require each of them to sign a Letter of Commitment, and timely disclose the relevant record of investigation and research activity on the e-interaction platform of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. During the reporting period, we did not take advantage of any inside information to trade our shares. We have set up hotline for investors and investor relations management section, and designated special persons responsible for timely communication with investors. In addition, we take the initiative to timely contact and communicate with, and report relevant matters to, the competent regulatory authorities, in order to accurately understand the relevant regulatory requirements for information disclosure and further improve the transparency and quality of our information disclosure. We have disclosed information in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner in strict accordance with the requirements for substance and form, to ensure that all shareholders have access to our information through different channels. Is there any significant difference between the actual circumstance of corporate governance of the Company and the requirements of the applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies? □Yes No There is no significant difference between the actual circumstance of our corporate governance and the applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies. II. The Company’s independence of its controlling shareholder and actual controller in assets, personnel, finance, organization and business During the reporting period, we operated in strict compliance with the Company Law and the AOA, gradually improved our corporate governance structure, were independent of our controlling shareholder in assets, personnel, finance, organization and operation, had our own independent and complete business, were independent in management, and had independent R&D, production and sales systems. During the reporting period, our production and operation were stable, and we had sound internal bodies and were able to operate independently in compliance with the applicable regulations. (I) Integrity of assets We are a company limited by shares established through an overall change in organization form according to the law, and have our own independent and complete assets. We have performed the relevant procedures for changes in assets and shareholding according to the law. We have not provided any guarantee for the obligations of shareholders on the security of our assets or credit, or lent any loan or credit line granted to us to any shareholder. We have full control over all of our assets, and none of our assets or funds is occupied by our controlling shareholder to the detriment of our interest. 48 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (II) Independence in personnel Our directors, supervisors and executives have been legally appointed in accordance with the Company Law, the AOA and other applicable laws, rules and regulations. All of our executives (except independent directors) exclusively work in and receive remunerations form the Company, and do not hold any post (other than director and supervisor) concurrently in any affiliate of shareholders or any entity engaging in any business same as or similar to our business. We are independent in employees, manage their remunerations, social security and other affairs independently, and have sound personnel management policies and system in place. (III) Independence in finance We have independent financial accounting department and internal audit department, and independent accounting system and financial management policies in place that comply with the applicable regulations, and make financial decisions independently. Since our establishment, we have opened separate bank accounts, filed tax returns and paid taxes independently according to the law, and executed external contracts independently, and had not shared any bank account or paid any tax in combination with any shareholder. (IV) Independence in organization We have established a sound governance structure composed of the shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors, and independent and complete operation and management bodies that meet our development requirements and conform to our actual situations, each of which performs its powers and functions independently in accordance with the AOA and our internal management system. Since our establishment, our production, operation and offices have been totally independent of our shareholders. (V) Independence in operation We have complete corporate property rights and independent R&D, production and sales systems, carry out business independently, keep separate accounts, and make decisions and assume liabilities and risks independently, and do not rely on any shareholder or other affiliate in our production and operation activities. III. Horizontal competition □Applicable N/A IV. Annual and extraordinary general meetings of shareholders held during the reporting period 1. General meetings of shareholders held during the reporting period Parentage of investors Date of Date of Session Type of meeting Resolution of the meeting attending the meeting disclosure meeting A total of seven proposals, including the Proposal on the First extraordinary Extraordinary general Company’s Compliance with the general meeting of March 09, March 10, meeting of 47.05% Conditions for Private Placement shareholders in 2022 2022 shareholders of Shares, were approved by vote, 2022 as disclosed in our Announcement No. 2022-021. Annual general Annual general A total of 12 proposals, including May 18, May 19, meeting of meeting of 45.89% 2021 Work Report of the Board of 2022 2022 shareholders in shareholders Directors, were approved by vote, 49 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2021 as disclosed in our Announcement No. 2022-047. A total of 2 proposals, including Second Proposal on Application for extraordinary Extraordinary general September September Offering Super Short-term general meeting of meeting of 57.98% 23, 2022 24, 2022 Commercial Papers, were shareholders in shareholders approved by vote, as disclosed in 2022 our Announcement No. 2022-081. A total of three proposals, including the Proposal on the Third 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan extraordinary Extraordinary general December December (Draft) of Luxshare Precision general meeting of meeting of 46.20% 1, 2022 2, 2022 Industry Co., Ltd. and the shareholders in shareholders Summary Thereof, were approved 2022 by vote, as disclosed in our Announcement No. 2022-102. 2. Extraordinary general meetings of shareholders convened at the request of preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights □Applicable N/A V. Directors, supervisors and executives 1. Particulars No. of No. of Changes End Openin shares End addition in the Closing Cause of date g dispose A date of al shares number balance increase or of the balanc d of in Name Title Status Sex g the acquired of shares of decrease in term e of the e term of in the held due shares the number of shares reporti office reportin to other held of shares held office held ng g period reasons period Chairman of the Incu Februa May WANG Board of Fem 5 mben ry 22, 18, Laichun Directors ale 6 t 2009 2024 & General Manager Vice Additional WANG Chairman Incu Februa May shares Mal 5 5,227, 7,030,9 12,258, Laishen of the mben ry 22, 18, acquired by e 9 700 10 610 g Board of t 2009 2024 self-owned Directors funds 50 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Additional shares Director & Incu May May acquired as a WANG Deputy Mal 3 128,03 mben 21, 18, 601,626 729,656 result of Tao General e 8 0 t 2021 2024 exercise of Manager incentive share options Additional shares Director & Incu May May acquired as a Deputy Mal 4 LI Wei mben 21, 18, 506,989 506,989 result of General e 3 t 2021 2024 exercise of Manager incentive share options Incu May May ZHANG Independe Fem 6 mben 22, 18, Ying nt director ale 0 t 2018 2024 LIU Incu May May Independe Mal 5 Zhonghu mben 18, 18, nt director e 8 a t 2021 2024 Incu May May SONG Independe Fem 5 mben 18, 18, Yuhong nt director ale 2 t 2021 2024 Chairman of the Incu Decem May XIA Fem 4 Board of mben ber 19, 18, Yanrong ale 2 Supervisor t 2017 2024 s MO Incu May May Fem 4 Rongyin Supervisor mben 22, 18, ale 3 g t 2018 2024 Incu Februa May YI Fem 3 Supervisor mben ry 22, 18, Peizan ale 8 t 2009 2024 Additional Board shares Secretary Incu May May acquired as a HUANG Mal 5 439.39 & Deputy mben 25, 21, 219,695 659,085 result of Dawei e 1 0 General t 2018 2024 exercise of Manager incentive share options Additional shares WU Incu April May acquired as a Mal 5 665.84 Tianson CFO mben 15, 21, 85,000 750,843 result of e 3 3 g t 2019 2024 exercise of incentive share options 51 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 6,460, 8,444,2 14,905, Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- 963 20 183 Whether any director or supervisor retired or any executive was removed during the reporting period? □Yes No Changes in directors, supervisors and executives: □Applicable N/A 2. Positions held Professional background and main work experience of our current directors, supervisors and executives and main positions held by them in the Company (I) Directors Ms. WANG Laichun, 56 years old, resident of Hong Kong, China; EMBA, Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University; a member of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC; Vice Chairman of Guangdong Federation of Industry & Commerce; 2022 Guangdong 3.8 Red Flag Bearer; Invited Vice Chairman of China Association of Women Entrepreneurs; is now our Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager; Ms. WANG Laichun worked in Sanyo (Shekou) from 1984 to 1986 and in the Wiring Business Unit of Foxconn, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Group, for nearly ten years since 1988, and left Foxconn in 1997 to start her own business. In 1999, Ms. WANG Laichun and Mr. WANG Laisheng jointly purchased the shares of Luxshare Limited. In 2004, she founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. through Luxshare Limited and acted as its Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. WANG Laisheng, 59 years old, resident of Hong Kong, China; is now our Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; former Executive Director of the Shenzhen Quality Association and Director of the Guangdong Laboratory Federation. Mr. WANG Laisheng was engaged in individual business since mid-1980s. Mr. WANG Laisheng and Ms. WANG Laichun jointly purchased the shares of Luxshare Limited in 1999 and founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. in 2004, and has worked as the Vice Chairman of our Board of Directors until now. Mr. LI Wei, 43 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate; is now chief of our Precision Component Business Unit. Mr. LI Wei has nearly 20 years’ experience in precision manufacturing and has been engaged in product design, validation and quality management in many precision manufacturing companies. He joined Luxshare-ICT in July 2019, responsible for the operation and management of the Corporate Business Division. Mr. WANG Tao, 38 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate; is now chief of our Precision Component Business Unit. Mr. WANG Tao has rich experience in precision manufacturing of components. He joined Luxshare-ICT in April 2009, responsible for product development and management. Ms. ZHANG Ying, 60 years old, Chinese nationality; Doctor of Laws, Wuhan University; postdoctoral fellowship in law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; associate professor of the Shenzhen University Law School. Ms. ZHANG Ying joined the China University of Geosciences in 1984 as a lecturer, and the Institute of Political Science and Law, Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences in 1994 as an assistant researcher, and has acted as the Executive Director of the China European Law Research Association since 2009. Ms. ZHANG Ying has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is an Independent Director of our 4th and 5th Board of Directors. Mr. LIU Zhonghua, 58 years old, Chinese nationality, without foreign permanent residence, master, professor of accounting; is now professor and tutor of postgraduates of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies School of Accounting, Director of the Accounting Society of China, Vice Chairman of the Accounting Society for Foreign Economic Relations & Trade of China, Executive Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Association of Management Accountants, and Executive Director of the Accounting Society of Guangdong. Mr. LIU Zhonghua has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is an Independent Director of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd., GEM Co., Ltd. and 52 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. Ms. SONG Yuhong, 51 years old, Chinese nationality; Master of Laws, Wuhan University; Bachelor of Laws, Southwest University of Political Science & Law; MBA, Grandes coles de Commerce; is now partner of DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen), and mediator of the International Commercial Mediation Center for Belt and Road Initiative – Luohu Court of Shenzhen Mediation Center. Ms. SONG Yuhong has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is an Independent Director of our 5th Board of Directors. (II) Supervisors Ms. XIA Yanrong, 42 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate majoring in financial management, is now our supervisor. Ms. XIA Yanrong worked at the Finance Department of 3CEMS Group Prime Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. from January 2003 to April 2006, and the Finance Department of Dachang Electronic Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of P-TWO, from April 2006 to April 2009, and joined us since April 2009, and served as chief of the Finance Department at Kunshan Lanto, and chief of the Finance Department and chief of the Credit Management Department at Luxshare-ICT, and is now Director of our Central Finance Department and Credit Management Department. Ms. XIA Yanrong is a member of our 4th and 5th Board of Supervisors. Ms. MO Rongying, 43 years old, Chinese nationality, majoring in business administration, is now our supervisor. She was chief of the Planning Department at Thomson Multimedia (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., before joining us in June 2007 as chief of the Central Customs Affairs Department. Ms. MO Rongying is a member of our 4th and 5th Board of Supervisors. Ms. YI Peizan, 38 years old, Chinese nationality, joined our Finance Department in 2004, is now our supervisor. Ms. YI Peizan is a member of our 1st through 5th Board of Supervisors. (III) Executives Ms. WANG Laichun, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above. Mr. WANG Tao, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above. Mr. LI Wei, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above. Mr. HUANG Dawei, 51 years old, citizen of Chinese Taiwan, graduated from the National Tsing Hua University Institute of Industrial Engineering, Master of Industrial Engineering, is now our Deputy General Manager and Board Secretary. Mr. HUANG Dawei worked in a Fortune 500 company, responsible for market development and operation management, before joining Luxshare Electronic Kunshan as the legal representative, director and General Manager in June 2013. Mr. HUANG obtained a Qualification Certificate for Board Secretary from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in October 2017, and meets the qualifications required in the Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2023 Revision) and other applicable laws and regulations and the AOA. Mr. WU Tiansong, 53 years old, citizen of Chinese Taiwan, received a bachelor’s degree from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, is now the CFO of Luxshare-ICT. Mr. WU Tiansong served as a senior auditor at the Audit Department of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited from August 1996 to August 1999, and worked in the Underwriting Department of Taiwan Yuanda Securities Corp., and served as the chief of the Accounting Director at Taiwan P-TWO Industries Inc. and Uniwill Computer Corp., and chief of the Finance Department at Zhongshan Ichia Electronics Co., Ltd. from September 1999 to March 2009. He joined us in 2011. Positions held in shareholders □Applicable N/A Positions held in other entities Applicable □N/A Whether or not End date receive Beginning date of of the Name Entity Position remunerations and term of office term of subsidies from office such entity 53 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 WANG Luxsan Precision Technology (Jiangsu) November 25, Director No Laichun Co., Ltd. 2020 WANG Bisaisi Automotive Technology Chairman July 18, 2018 No Laichun (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. WANG Luxshare Electronic Technology Chairman March 18, 2014 No Laichun (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. WANG Luxcase Precision Technology Chairman February 3, 2021 No Laichun (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Vice WANG Chairman of November 12, Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. No Laichun the Board of 2005 Directors WANG Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co., Ltd. Chairman June 18, 2012 No Laichun WANG Luxsan Precision Technology (Jiangsu) November 25, Chairman No Laisheng Co., Ltd. 2020 WANG Xunmu Information Technology General April 27, 2021 No Laisheng (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Manager Managing WANG Lishan Smart Manufacturing November 18, Director & No Laisheng Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. 2020 Manager WANG Lishen Smart Manufacturing Chairman February 3, 2021 No Laisheng Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Managing WANG BCS Automotive Interface Solutions Director & December 29, No Laisheng (Xi’an) Co., Ltd. General 2018 Manager WANG November 12, Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. Chairman No Laisheng 2005 Vice WANG Chairman of Lanto Electronic Limited May 12, 2011 No Laisheng the Board of Directors WANG Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Director October 25, 2011 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Vice WANG Chairman of Donguan Xuntao Electronic Co., Ltd. July 10, 2012 No Laisheng the Board of Directors WANG Dongguan Leader Precision Industry Chairman August 16, 2012 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Vice WANG Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Chairman of October 25, 2011 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. the Board of Directors WANG Suining Luxshare Precision Industry Managing January 11, 2013 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Director WANG Xingning Luxshare Precision Industry Managing November 19, No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Director 2013 WANG Luxshare Precision Industry (Chuzhou) Managing March 24, 2014 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Director 54 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 WANG Fengshun Luxshare Precision Industry Managing July 4, 2014 No Laisheng Co., Ltd. Director WANG Dongguan Luxshare Precision Industry November 27, Chairman No Laisheng Co., Ltd. 2015 WANG Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent December 25, Director No Laisheng Manufacture Co., Ltd. 2015 LIU Guangdong Provincial Expressway Independent September December 4, 2017 Yes Zhonghua Development Co., Ltd. director 20, 2025 LIU Independent March 12, GEM Co., Ltd. March 20, 2019 Yes Zhonghua director 2025 LIU Independent October SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd. June 25, 2019 Yes Zhonghua director 17, 2022 LIU Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holding Independent September July 19, 2022 Yes Zhonghua Group Co., Ltd. Director 17, 2023 Managing Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Director & LI Wei August 16, 2021 No Technology (Changshu) Co., Ltd. General Manager Managing Luxshare Intelligent Equipment Director & December 29, LI Wei No (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. General 2020 Manager Kunshan Luxshare Enterprise Managing November 4, LI Wei No Management Development Co., Ltd. Director 2020 November 20, WANG Tao Lanto Electronic Limited Chairman No 2019 Managing Luxshare Smart Manufacturing (Rugao) Director & WANG Tao December 1, 2020 No Co., Ltd. General Manager Managing Luxshare Precision Technology Director & WANG Tao October 19, 2021 No (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. General Manager XIA Yanrong Luxshare iTech (Zhejiang) Co., LTD. Supervisor April 8, 2019 No Zhuhai Kinwong Flexible Circuit Co., XIA Yanrong Supervisor December 3, 2018 No Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Suzhou) XIA Yanrong Supervisor February 18, 2019 No Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic (Shanghai) Co., XIA Yanrong Supervisor December 2, 2019 No Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry (Enshi) XIA Yanrong Supervisor October 24, 2018 No Co., Ltd. YI Peizan Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. Supervisor August 28, 2017 No Director & HUANG Luxshare Electronic Technology General March 17, 2014 No Dawei (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Manager Luxshare Electronic Technology WU Tiansong Supervisor March 17, 2014 No (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. WU Tiansong Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Ltd. Supervisor October 12, 2012 No 55 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Explanation about the N/A posts held at other entities Punishments imposed by the securities regulatory authorities in the past three years on the directors, supervisors and executives of the Company currently in office or leaving office during the reporting period □Applicable N/A 3. Remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives Decision-making process, criteria for determination and actual amount in respect of remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives During the reporting period, directors, supervisors and executives were subject to performance appraisal, and their annual income consisted of basic annual salaries and long-terms incentives, and include the performance related to the sustainable development into assessment, so as to realize our future development strategy and business objectives. The Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors discusses and reviews the remuneration-related issues on an annual basis. The meetings of the Remuneration Committee shall be divided into regular meetings and interim meetings and each of such meetings shall be held at least once every year. The remunerations of our independent directors are determined pursuant to the Independent Director Rules for Listed Companies of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the AOA and other relevant regulations, and with reference to the overall economic environment and the remunerations offered by listed companies in the industry in which the Company operates, and are then implemented after being reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and the general meeting of shareholders. At present, our independent directors receive RMB160,000 per year, plus reimbursement of travel, office and other expenses, from us. Compensations of directors, supervisors and executives paid in the reporting period: In RMB 0’000 Total Whether or not remuneration receiving received from remunerations Name Title Gender Age Status the Company from any (inclusive of affiliate of the tax) Company WANG Chairman of the Board of Directors Female 56 Incumbent 380 No Laichun & General Manager WANG Vice Chairman of the Board of Male 59 Incumbent 330 No Laisheng Directors WANG Tao Director & Deputy General Manager Male 38 Incumbent 122 No LI Wei Director & Deputy General Manager Male 43 Incumbent 122 No ZHANG Ying Independent Director Female 60 Incumbent 16 No LIU Zhonghua Independent Director Male 58 Incumbent 16 No SONG Yuhong Independent Director Female 52 Incumbent 16 No XIA Yanrong Supervisor Female 42 Incumbent 59.6 No MO Rongying Supervisor Female 43 Incumbent 51.5 No YI Peizan Supervisor Female 38 Incumbent 10.99 No HUANG Board Secretary & Deputy General Male 51 Incumbent 109.43 No Dawei Manager WU Tiansong CFO Male 53 Incumbent 133.06 No Total -- -- -- -- 1,366.58 -- 56 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 VI. Performance of duties by the directors during the reporting period 1. Meetings of the Board of Directors held during the reporting period Session Date of meeting Date of disclosure Resolution of the meeting Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 7th meeting of the 5th Board of The 7th meeting of the 5th February 21, 2022 February 22, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-006) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 8th meeting of the 5th Board of The 8th meeting of the 5th April 27, 2022 April 28, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-031) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th meeting of the 5th Board of The 9th meeting of the 5th July 6, 2022 July 7, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-053) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 10th meeting of the 5th Board of The 10th meeting of the 5th August 25, 2022 August 26, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-065) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 11th meeting of the 5th Board of The 11th meeting of the 5th September 15, 2022 September 16, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-076) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 12th meeting of the 5th Board of The 12th meeting of the 5th October 28, 2022 October 29, 2022 Directors disclosed on Board of Directors and the Securities Times (Announcement No. 2022-092) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 13th meeting of the 5th Board of The 13th meeting of the 5th Directors disclosed on, November 11, 2022 November 14, 2022 Board of Directors the Securities Times and the Shanghai Securities News (Announcement No. 2022-094) Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the 14th meeting of the 5th Board of The 14th meeting of the 5th Directors disclosed on, December 5, 2022 December 6, 2022 Board of Directors the Securities Times and the Shanghai Securities News (Announcement No. 2022-104) 2. Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of shareholders Director No. of board No. of board No. of board No. of board No. of board Whether or not No. of 57 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings having been general attended present in present by present by absent from absent from two meetings of during the person means of proxy consecutive shareholders reporting communicati board meetings attended period on equipment WANG 8 2 6 0 0 No 4 Laichun WANG 8 3 5 0 0 No 4 Laisheng LI Wei 8 2 6 0 0 No 4 WANG Tao 8 2 6 0 0 No 4 ZHANG 8 3 5 0 0 No 4 Ying LIU 8 2 6 0 0 No 4 Zhonghua SONG 8 3 5 0 0 No 4 Yuhong Explanation about absence from two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors 3. Objections raised by the directors regarding matters of the Company Whether any director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company? □Yes No No director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company during the reporting period. 4. Other information regarding the performance of duties by the directors Whether the suggestions put forward by the directors have been adopted by the Company? Yes □No Explanation about the adoption or non-adoption by the Company of the suggestions put forward by the directors During the reporting period, all of our directors have performed their duties diligently in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the AOA, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and other relevant provisions and requirements, actively attended meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders; taken the initiative to ask for information about our operation, management, financial position and material events, had deep discussions about all resolutions submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration, expressed opinions on our material corporate governance issues and business decisions, and through sufficient communication and discussions, reached a consensus, to ensure the scientificity, timeliness and effectiveness of decisions, and supervised and urged the implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors; actively implemented resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders. We will continue to improve our corporate governance structure, further enhance the scientific decision-making level of the Board of Directors and its committees, give full play to the role of independent directors in our corporate governance, and promote our operational compliance and continued healthy development. 58 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 VII. Activities of the committees of the Board of Directors during the reporting period No. of Performance Date of Objections Committee Members meetings Topics Important opinions and suggestions of other meeting (if any) held duties BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified LIU Public Accountants introduced the Zhonghua, 2021 annual audit plan and ZHANG Communication arrangements, audit procedures and Ying, SONG Meeting of Audit other issues with respect to the audit Audit Yuhong and February Committee on of 2021 financial report; and 1 Committee BDO China 22, 2022 Annual Report requested the colleagues of the Shu Lun Pan Audit Work in accounting firm to pay special Certified 2021 attention to related party Public transactions, pledged guarantees, Accountants capitalization and expensing of intangible assets and other issues. Considered the Proposal on the 2021 Annual Report, the Pursuant to the Company Law, the Proposal on the Code of Corporate Governance for Reappointment of Listed Companies promulgated by the Accounting the CSRC and the Work Rules of the Firm, the Proposal Audit Committee of the Board of on Special Report Directors, the Audit Committee LIU on the Deposit performed its duties diligently, Zhonghua, and Use of supervised our internal audit policies Audit ZHANG April 22, Offering Proceeds 3 and implementation thereof, Committee Ying and 2022 in 2021, the reviewed our financial information, SONG Proposal on the guided the work of the Internal Audit Yuhong 2021 Work Report Department, supervised and urged of the Internal the audit conducted by the Audit Department accounting firm, and through and the Proposal sufficient communication and on the Work discussions, unanimously approved Report of the all reports considered. Internal Audit Department for the First Quarter of 2022. Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies promulgated by LIU Considered the the CSRC and the Work Rules of the Zhonghua, Work Report of Audit Committee of the Board of Audit ZHANG August the Internal Audit Directors, the Audit Committee 3 Committee Ying and 10, 2022 Department for performed its duties diligently, SONG the First Half of expressed opinions taking into Yuhong 2022. account our actual situation, and through sufficient communication and discussions, unanimously approved the Report. 59 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies promulgated by LIU Considered the the CSRC and the Work Rules of the Zhonghua, Work Report of Audit Committee of the Board of Audit ZHANG October the Internal Audit Directors, the Audit Committee 3 Committee Ying and 25, 2022 Department for performed its duties diligently, SONG the Third Quarter expressed opinions taking into Yuhong of 2022. account our actual situation, and through sufficient communication and discussions, unanimously approved the Report. Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies promulgated by the CSRC and the Work Rules of the Reviewed the Remuneration and Appraisal implementation of Committee of the Board of Directors, the performance the Remuneration and Appraisal appraisal, Committee reviewed the remuneration and remuneration of the directors, incentive plan for supervisors and executives, and the directors and determined that we are developing executives in the ZHANG and improving fair and effective Remunerat preceding year, Ying, LIU performance appraisal criteria and ion and February put forward a Zhonghua 2 incentive and restraint mechanisms Appraisal 22, 2022 reward proposal and SONG for executives, and the remuneration Committee for the directors Yuhong of our executives consists of basic and executives monthly salaries and year-end taking into performance-based pay. On the basis account our actual of such understanding and proposal, business situation, we properly adjusted the basic and studied the monthly salaries of certain directors remuneration and and executives, in order to reflect appraisal plan for and produce the effect of incentive the next year. and fairness. The remuneration of our directors, supervisors and executives during the reporting period are true, and conform to our performance metrics. 60 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies promulgated by the CSRC and the Work Rules of the Considered the Remuneration and Appraisal ZHANG Performance Remunerat Committee of the Board of Directors, Ying, LIU Appraisal ion and September the Remuneration and Appraisal Zhonghua 2 Measures for the Appraisal 24, 2022 Committee reviewed the and SONG 2021 Stock Committee Performance Appraisal Measures for Yuhong Option Incentive the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan. Plan, determined that the Measures reflected and produced the effect of incentive and fairness, and unanimously approved the Proposal. Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies promulgated by the CSRC, the Work Rules of the Strategy Committee of the Pursuant to the Company Law, the Board of Code of Corporate Governance for Directors and Listed Companies promulgated by other relevant the CSRC, and the Work Rules of the provisions, the WANG Strategy Committee of the Board of Strategy Laichun, Directors, the Strategy Committee Committee Strategy ZHANG March 09, thoroughly analyzed and studied the 1 reviewed the Committee Ying and 2022 industry in which we operate, and material events LIU put forward reasonable suggestions occurred in 2021, Zhonghua on the planning for and reported our 2022 implementation of the development strategic strategies in respect of business, development plan, R&D and new products, which considered the produced significant effect. Proposal on Identification of Climate Risks and Opportunities and Response Strategies; and studied the significant strategic issues in connection with our development. VIII. Activities of the Board of Supervisors Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risk involving the Company in its supervisory activities during the reporting period? □Yes No 61 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 The Board of Supervisors has not raised any objection to the supervisory matters during the reporting period. IX. Employees 1. Number, structure of profession and education of employees Number of current employees of the parent at the end of the 579 reporting period (person) Total number of current employees of the major subsidiaries at 236,353 the end of the reporting period (person) Total number of current employees at the end of the reporting 236,932 period (person) Total number of salaried employees during the reporting period 236,932 (person) Total number of retired employees to or for whom the parent and the major subsidiaries are obligated to make payments 0 (person) Structure of profession Type of profession Number of employees (person) Production staff 198,549 Sales staff 2,628 Technical staff 18,421 Financial staff 438 Administrative staff 16,896 Total 236,932 Education Degree of education Number of employees (person) Undergraduate 16,196 College 22,508 Secondary specialized school, senior middle school and below 198,228 Total 236,932 2. Remuneration policies We have established the administrative measures for the salaries, performance-based pay, year-end bonus and other remuneration of employees of the Group, provided employees with competitive and guaranteed remuneration in a scientific an reasonable manner, developed sound remuneration management policies, paid contributions to the social insurance packages and housing provident fund for and salaries to the employees on time in strict accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and resolutely rejected any bonded labor. In order to help employees better understand the match between their job responsibilities and capabilities, we have developed a multi-dimensional performance appraisal system including self-assessment and supervisor’s assessment, in order to objectively and comprehensively reflect employees’ annual performance. We conduct annual employee performance communication activities, to ensure that each employee receives sufficient support and resources for his/her career development in Luxshare-ICT, and to enhance and optimize the work experience of each employee. The remuneration packages provided by us to employees consist of year-end bonuses, project bonuses, share incentives for key officers, and bonuses for outstanding employees, among others. During the reporting period, we further optimized performance appraisal, fully appraised the performance of teams and individuals, and effectively improved the execution ability and awareness of responsibility of employees, 62 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 which will help us retain and attract outstanding talents, and human resources required for our development. 3. Training programs We attach great importance to the career development plans of employees, concentrate our efforts on the training of personnel, and have established a sound personnel training system, to attract and motivate more excellent talents and promote common growth of employees and the Group. We have built an integrated online and offline learning platform, providing multi-dimensional specialty training for different types of employees and new projects. The platform provides all employees with hierarchical targeted training of different categories that target different groups of people and satisfy different needs. For example, with respect to senior, middle and grassroots managers and key reserve talents with great potentialities, we conduct the “Star Cultivation Series” training, in order to build an efficient and dynamic team; and with respect to the personnel in manufacturing, R&D technology, marketing, supply chain and other critical fields, we conduct the “Juneng Series” training, in order to continuously improve the professional capabilities of employees on different posts. In addition, we carry out school-enterprise cooperation projects, and encourage the employees to obtain certification of professional qualifications from the Company and society, in order to enhance our production level and social recognition of us as a whole. We have also built the “Jushi Series”, “Luxshare Classroom”, “Senior Management Forum” and other learning and communication platforms, in order to provide excellent Luxshare employees with stages to demonstrate themselves, create a sound learning environment and promote the integration and communications among all employees. In addition, with a view to promoting the implementation of important strategies and changes, we have conducted the “Jubian Series” training according to business needs. In order to regulate the employee training, we have established and periodically updated the Administrative Measures for Education and training, the Operating Procedures for Education and training, and Administrative Measures for Internal Lecturers, which define the training system covering all stages from induction, orientation, on-the-job, transfer to promotion, and each factory has established the Operating Procedures for Education and training and relevant administrative measures by reference to the Group’s management standards, and annual training plans for the factory and its departments according to its annual development plan, to effectively enhance the core competencies of employees and the Company, improve the employees’ professional capabilities and promote the sustainable growth of the Company. 4. Outsourced workers □Applicable N/A X. Profit distribution and transfer of capital reserve to the share capital Adoption, implementation or adjustment of the profit distribution policy, in particular, cash dividend policy, during the reporting period Applicable □N/A Pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the 8th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 2021 annual general meeting of shareholders, we proposed to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.10 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7,084,301,477 shares, totaling RMB779,273,162.47. In case of any change in our total share capital due to any share repurchase, exercise of share incentives, material asset restructuring, cancellation of repurchased share or otherwise prior to the record date for the relevant equity distribution, we would adjust the distribution payable per share accordingly on the principle that the total amount distributable should remain the same. During the period from the disclosure of such profit distribution proposal to the implementation thereof, our total share capital increased by 1,153,099 shares, from 7,084,301,477 shares at the time of disclosure of the proposal to 7,085,454,576 shares as a result of exercise of stock option incentive plan by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion and conversion of the convertible bonds to shares. On the principle that the total amount distributable should remain the same, our profit distribution proposal for 2021 was 63 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 adjusted as follows: to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.099820 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7,085,454,576 shares, totaling RMB779,272,465.17 (inclusive of tax). Special explanation about the cash dividend policy Whether to comply with the provisions of the AOA or requirements of Yes resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders of the Company? Whether the standard and ratio of cash dividend distribution are clear and Yes definite? Whether the relevant decision-making process and mechanism are Yes sound? Whether the independent directors have performed their duties and Yes exercised their functions? Whether the minority shareholders have sufficient opportunities to express their opinions and requests and their legitimate rights and Yes interests are fully protected? Whether the conditions and procedures in respect of any adjustment or amendment of the cash dividend policy comply with the applicable Yes regulations and are transparent? Whether the Company has made a profit in the reporting period and the parent has profits available for distribution to the shareholders, but the Company does not propose to distribute cash dividends? □Applicable N/A Particulars of profit distribution and transfer of capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period: Applicable □N/A Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (share) 0 Amount of cash dividends per 10 shares (RMB) (inclusive of 1.3 tax) Share capital based on which the distribution proposal was 7,130,392,419 made (share) Amount of cash dividends (RMB) (inclusive of tax) 926,951,014.47 Amount of cash dividends distributed in other ways (such as 0.00 share repurchase) (RMB) Total amount of cash dividends (including other ways) (RMB) 926,951,014.47 Distributable profit (RMB) 6,970,581,669.73 Proportion of total cash dividends (including other ways) to the 100% distributable profit Particulars of cash dividends distributed for the reporting period Others Particulars of the proposal of profit distribution or for transfer of capital reserve to share capital Our 2022 Profit Distribution Proposal is as follows: to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.30 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7,130,392,419 shares, totaling RMB926,951,014.47 (inclusive of tax), and to carry forward the retained profits for distribution in subsequent years. In case of any change in our total share capital due to any share repurchase, exercise of share incentives, material asset restructuring, cancellation of repurchased share or otherwise from the disclosure date of this announcement to the record date for the relevant equity distribution, we would adjust the distribution payable per share accordingly on the principle that the total amount distributable should remain the same. 64 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 XI. Implementation of share incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans and other employee incentives granted by the Company Applicable □N/A 1. Share incentives (1) 2018 stock option incentive plan On December 3, 2021, we held the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Achievement of Vesting Conditions for the Third Vesting Period under 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the third vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from December 24, 2021 to September 23, 2022. For details, please refer to the Suggestive Announcement (Revised) on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Third Vesting Period under 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2021-105). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 1,573,156 shares in total within the second vesting period in initial grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. On July 6, 2022, due to the equity distribution for 2021, the exercise price for the stock options granted but not yet exercised under the 2018 stock option incentive plan was adjusted from RMB10.17 per share to RMB10.06 per share. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Prices under the 2018, 2019 and 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plans and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-056). On December 5, 2022, we held the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity and Cancellation of Some Sock Options under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and the Proposal on Achievement of Vesting Conditions for the Fourth Exercise Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. Due to the resignation of grantees or their failure to meet the assessment standards, we adjusted the exercise quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan accordingly and cancelled 1,230,044 stock options granted but not exercised. The number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 1,653 to 1,607, and the quantity of stock options granted but not exercised was changed from 60,875,365 to 59,645,321. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and (Announcement No. 2022-107). Meanwhile, the grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the fourth vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from December 13, 2022 to September 22, 2023. For details, please refer to the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Fourth Vesting Period under 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-110). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 15,164,369 shares in total within the fourth vesting period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. (2) 2019 stock option incentive plan On July 2, 2021, we held the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Achievement of Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period of the Initial Grant under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the second vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from July 15, 2021 to April 21, 2022. For details, please see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Second Vesting Period in Initial Grant under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2021-069). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 1,573,156 shares in total within the second vesting period of the stock options in initial grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. On February 21, 2022, we held the 7th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 7th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the List of Grantees in Reserved Grant and Option Quantity as well as Cancellation of Some Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan and the Proposal on Achievement of Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. Due to the resignation of grantees or their 65 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 failure to meet the assessment standards, we adjusted the exercise quantity of reserved grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan accordingly and cancelled 599,316 stock options granted but not exercised. The number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 250 to 239, and the quantity of stock options granted but not exercised was changed from 16,547,958 to 15,948,642. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the List of Grantees in Reserved Grant and Option Quantity as well as Cancellation of Some Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-008). Meanwhile, the grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the second vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from March 3, 2022 to November 25, 2022. For details, please see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Second Vesting Period in Reserved Grant under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-018). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 3,955,702 shares in total within the second vesting period in reserved grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. On July 4, 2022, we held the 9th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Achievement of Vesting Conditions for the Third Vesting Period of the Initial Grant under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the third vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from July 22, 2022 to April 21, 2023. For details, please see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Third Vesting Period of the Initial Grant under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-060). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 12,824,126 shares in total within the third vesting period in initial grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. On July 6, 2022, due to the equity distribution for 2021, and resignation, failure to meet the performance appraisal criteria or other reasons on the part of the grantees, we adjusted the exercise price and quantity under the 2019 stock option incentive plan as follows: 639,291 stock options first granted but not yet exercised were cancelled, the number of grantees was adjusted from 332 to 322, the number of stock options granted but not exercised was adjusted from 49,032,311 to 48,393,020, and the exercise price of stock options subject to initial or reserved grant was changed from RMB13.59 per share to RMB13.48 per share. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Prices under the 2018, 2019 and 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plans and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-056). (3) 2021 stock option incentive plan On July 6, 2022, due to the equity distribution for 2021, the exercise price for the stock options granted but not yet exercised under the 2021 stock option incentive plan was adjusted from RMB35.87 per share to RMB35.76 per share. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Prices under the 2018, 2019 and 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plans and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-056). On September 14, 2021, we held the 11th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 11th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Grantees in Reserved Grant under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan, whereby it was determined that the grant date of reserved stock options would be September 15, 2022 and 13.101 million stock options would be granted to 365 eligible grantees. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Granting Stock Options to Grantees in Reserved Grant under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-078). On October 19, 2022, we completed the registration of reserved grant under our 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan, and granted 12.7858 million registered stock options, representing 0.18% of our total share capital. There are 356 grantees, the abbreviation and code of stock options are JLC5 and 037297, respectively. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Completion of Registration of Reserved Grant under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-086). (4) 2022 stock option incentive plan With the approval of the 13th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors, the 13th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors and the 3rd extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022, we introduced the 2022 stock option incentive plan. On December 5, 2022, we held the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Grantees under the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that the grant date of stock options would be December 15, 66 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2022 and 172.021 million stock options would be granted to 3,759 eligible grantees. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Granting Stock Options to Grantees under the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2022-106). On January 19, 2023, we completed the registration of grant under our 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan, and granted 168.513 million registered stock options, representing 2.3671% of our total share capital. There are 3,505 grantees, the abbreviation and code of stock options are JLC5 and 037325, respectively. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Completion of Registration of Grant under the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2023-004). (5) Exercise of options during the reporting period During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options at their sole discretion to purchase 44,157,507 shares in total under the relevant stock option incentive plans. Share incentives granted to directors and executives Applicable □N/A Unit: shares Exercise Market No. of Open No. of price of price at additional Grant ing additional No. of No. of Opening No. of Closing shares Closing the end restricted price of balan stock shares shares balance shares balance exercised balance of of the shares restricte ce of options exercisable exercised of vested of Name Title during the stock reporting granted d shares stock granted during the during the restricted during the restricte reporting options period during (RMB optio during the reporting reporting shares reporting d shares period held (RMB the per ns reporting period period held period held (RMB per per reporting share) held period share) share) period Director & WANG 675,9 168,996.0 Deputy 337,992.00 13.5900 506,989.00 31.7500 Tao 85.00 0 General Manager Director & 1,297 WANG 432,630.0 Deputy ,891. 865,261.00 10.0600 865,261.00 31.7500 Tao 0 General 00 Manager Director & WANG 1,000,000.0 1,000,000. Deputy 30.3500 31.7500 Tao 0 00 General Manager Director & 675,9 168,996.0 LI Wei Deputy 337,992.00 13.5900 506,989.00 31.7500 85.00 0 General Manager Director & 1,013 337,993.0 LI Wei Deputy ,978. 675,986.00 10.1700 675,985.00 31.7500 0 General 00 Manager Director & 1,000,000.0 1,000,000. LI Wei Deputy 30.3500 31.7500 0 00 General Manager 67 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Board Secretary HUAN & 659,0 219,695.0 G 439,390.00 10.1700 439,390.00 31.7500 Deputy 85.00 0 Dawei General Manager Board Secretary HUAN & G 500,000.00 30.3500 500,000.00 31.7500 Deputy Dawei General Manager WU 263,6 Tianson CFO 131,817.00 10.0600 263,634.00 31.7500 34.00 g WU 405,5 Tianson CFO 135,198.00 85,000.00 13.4800 320,593.00 31.7500 93.00 g WU Tianson CFO 400,000.00 30.3500 400,000.00 31.7500 g 4,992 2,900,000.0 2,923,636.0 1,413,310 6,478,841. Total -- ,151. -- -- 0 0 0 -- 0 0 0 .00 00 00 Performance appraisal and incentives in respect of executives All of our executives were appointed by the Board of Directors fairly and transparently, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Our executives report to the Board of Directors and are responsible for achieving the operating targets set by the Board of Directors. We have established effective incentive and constraint mechanisms, in order to stimulate the executives to perform their duties diligently, and improve our level of operation and management and operating results. The performance of our executives is directly linked to their income, and assessed by comparing the goals set by us with their actual accomplishment of tasks. The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for year-end assessment of the achievement of goals, working ability and performance of duties in respect of our directors, supervisors and executives, and developing the remuneration and performance appraisal proposals and submitting the same to the Board of Directors for approval. During the reporting period, our remuneration and performance appraisal policies for the executives have been implemented effectively. 2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan □Applicable N/A 3. Other employee incentives □Applicable N/A XII. Establishment and implementation of internal controls during the reporting period 1. Establishment and implementation of internal controls We have established a relatively sound internal control system that has run effectively in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Basic Internal Control Standards for Enterprises, the Application Guide for Internal Controls of 68 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Enterprises and other applicable laws, regulations and normative documents, taking into account the characteristics of our industry and our actual business situation. From the perspective of corporate management, technology R&D and business processes, we have established effective internal controls, and improved our corporate governance level and efficiency of decision-making, which guarantees the legal and regulatory compliance of our operation and management, security of our assets and the truthfulness and completeness of our financial reports and other information, and effectively promote the steady implementation of our strategies. Our internal control system has a reasonable structure, can satisfy the requirements of our management and development, and runs effectively. Our internal controls over financial reporting, non-financial reporting and other material matters are effective, achieve the objectives and protect the interests of the Company and all shareholders. 2. Material weakness in internal control identified during the reporting period □Yes No XIII. Management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting period Problems Progress of encountered Solutions Progress of Subsequent Company Integration plan integration during adopted solution solution integration TIME Interconnect Completed Completed None N/A N/A N/A Technology Limited XIV. Self-assessment report on internal controls or auditor’s report on internal controls 1. Self-assessment report on internal controls Date of disclose of the self-assessment April 28, 2023 report on internal controls in its entirety Disclosure reference of the Internal Control Certification Report 2023 of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. self-assessment report on internal published on controls in its entirety Ratio of total assets of the entities covered by the assessment to total assets 68.46% recorded in the consolidated financial statements of the Company Ratio of total operating revenue of the entities covered by the assessment to total operating revenue recorded in the 69.08% consolidated financial statements of the Company Criteria for determination of deficiencies Category Financial reporting Non-financial reporting 1. The material weaknesses in internal control over 1. The material weaknesses in internal control financial reporting include: (A) fraud on the part of over non-financial reporting include: (A) any Qualitative criteria directors, supervisors and executives; (B) failure to serious violation of the significant national correct any material weakness in internal control within laws and regulations; (B) great outflow of a reasonable time after the same was identified and management and technical personnel on key 69 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 reported to the management; (C) ineffective control posts; (C) absence of or ineffective control environment; (D) any material misstatement in the system for important business relating to the financial report for the current period that is identified production and operation of the Company; by external auditor but fails to be identified through (D) ineffective internal control over internal control; (E) any serious violation of the laws information disclosure, resulting in any and regulations; (F) the Company running at a loss for public condemnation of the Company by any consecutive years due to any reason other than regulatory authority; and (E) failure to correct policy-related loss, which might threaten the any problem, in particular, any material Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; and weakness or significant deficiency, identified (G) ineffective supervision by the management and in any assessment of internal controls. 2. The related functional departments over the internal control. significant deficiencies in internal control 2. The significant deficiencies in internal control over over non-financial reporting include: (A) financial reporting include: (A) failure to select and defects in important business policies or apply accounting policies pursuant to the generally system, or unsound internal control system; accepted accounting principles; (B) failure to establish and (B) failure to review any information anti-fraud procedures and controls; (C) absence of or disclosed externally and untruthfulness of any ineffective control system for important business; (D) information disclosed. 3. General deficiencies lack of internal controls in and disorderly management in internal control over financial reporting of subsidiaries; and (E) great outflow of or frequent include deficiencies in control other than changes in senior officers (especially those in charge of material weakness and significant deficiency. internal control, financial and human resources departments), or great outflow of personnel on the relevant posts. 3. General deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting include deficiencies in control other than material weakness and significant deficiency. 1. Material weakness: (1) amount of misstated 1. Material weakness: resulting in a direct operating revenue ≥ 0.5% of total operating revenue; loss of more than RMB12 million and having (2) amount of misstated profit ≥ 0.5% of total profit; (3) a material adverse effect on the Company. 2. amount of misstated assets ≥ 0.5% of total assets; (4) Significant deficiency: resulting in a direct amount of misstated owners’ equity ≥ 0.5% of total loss of more than RMB3 million and not owners’ equity. 2. Significant deficiency: (1) 0.2% of more than RMB12 million, and any penalty total operating revenue ≤ amount of misstated operating imposed by any competent government revenue < 0.5% of total operating revenue; (2) 0.2% of authority of the country, but not having an total profit ≤ amount of misstated profit < 0.5% of total adverse effect on the Company. 3. General Quantitative criteria profit; (3) 0.2% of total assets ≤ amount of misstated deficiency: resulting in a direct loss of not assets < 0.5% of total assets; (4) 0.2% of total owners’ more than RMB3 million, and any penalty equity ≤ amount of misstated owners’ equity < 0.5% of imposed by any competent government total owners’ equity. 3. General deficiency: (1) amount authority at the provincial level or below, but of misstated operating revenue < 0.2% of total not having an adverse effect on the Company. operating revenue; (2) amount of misstated profit < 0.2% of total profit; (3) amount of misstated assets < 0.2% of total assets; (4) amount of misstated owners’ equity < 0.2% of total owners’ equity. Number of material weaknesses in 0 financial reporting Number of material weaknesses in 0 non-financial reporting Number of significant deficiencies in 0 financial reporting Number of significant deficiencies in 0 non-financial reporting 70 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2. Auditor’s report on internal controls Applicable □N/A Opinion issued in the internal control audit report Pursuant to the Basic Internal Control Standards for Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and other relevant provisions, the Company has maintained effective internal controls in all material respects as of December 31, 2022. Disclosure of the internal control audit report Disclosed Date of disclose of the audit report on internal controls in its April 28, 2023 entirety Disclosure reference of the audit report on internal controls in Internal Control Audit Report 2022 of Luxshare Precision its entirety Industry Co., Ltd. published on Type of opinion issued in the internal control audit report Standard unqualified opinion Whether there’s any material weakness in non-financial No reporting Whether the accounting firm issued a modified internal control certification report? □Yes No Whether the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm conforms to the opinion issued by the self-assessment report of the Board of Directors? Yes □No XV. Rectification of non-compliance identified in the special self-examination of corporate governance of the listed company Our self-examination showed that we operated in compliance with the applicable regulations and was governed well during the reporting period, and did not identify any material non-compliance in our corporate governance. We will continue to improve our level of corporate governance and further promote our high-quality development. 71 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities I. Major environmental issues Whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection authority Yes □No Policies and industry standards related to environmental protection I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. 1. Emission standards of air pollutants The sulfuric acid mist, nitric acid mist (measured in NOX) and unit product benchmark exhaust volume generated by our anodic oxidation line comply with the standards provided in Tables 5 and 6 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008); Section 3.9 of the Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit - Electronics Industry (HJ1031-2019) provides that this standard uses non-methane hydrocarbons as a comprehensive control indicator for VOC emissions; after the release and implementation of the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Electronic Industry, such Standard shall apply. In this project, the particulate matter generated from machining, sulfuric acid mist from aluminum solution concentration, non-methane hydrocarbon from dispensing, gluing and printing and nitric acid mist from cleaning process (measured in NOX) comply with Level 2 provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021); the concentration limit for unorganized waste gas monitoring points comply with the standards provided in Table 2 of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021); the SO2 and NOX generated by the combustion of natural gas boilers comply with the special emission limits for air pollutants provided in the Table 3 of the Emission Standards of Boiler Air Pollutants (DB32-4385-2022). 2. Discharge standards of water pollutants The comprehensive wastewater generated by the said company is discharged to Yancheng Tongqi Water Co., Ltd., and the discharge standards of the sewage treatment plant comply with the Level B provided in Table 1 of Water Quality Standards for Discharge into Urban Sewers (GB/T31962-2015). The heavy metal wastewater reuse index in the anodizing surface treatment process complies with the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008). 3. Emission standards of noise pollution During the operation of its plant, it complies with Table 3 of the Standards on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008). 4. Discharge standards of solid wastes The solid wastes of the said company mainly consist of general solid wastes and hazardous wastes. For storage of general solid wastes, it refers to the environmental protection requirements on anti-seepage, anti-rain, and anti-dust of the General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill Pollution Control Standards (GB 18599-2020). For collection, storage and transportation of hazardous wastes, it complies with the requirements of the Technical Specifications for the Collection, Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Wastes (HJ2025-2012), the Pollution Control Standards for the Storage of Hazardous Wastes (GB 18597-2001) and the Amendment (Announcement No. 36 of 2013 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection). II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1. Emission standards of air pollutants The oil mist generated by the CNC machines, particulate matter generated from machining, and non-methane hydrocarbon from dispensing and coating processes comply with the corresponding standards provided in Table 3 of Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31_933-2015); the odor generated in the wastewater biochemical process complies with the corresponding standards in provided in Table 3 of Emission Standard of Odor Pollutants (DB311025-2016); the concentration limits 72 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 at unorganized exhaust monitoring points in the plant comply with the corresponding standards provided in Appendix A of Control Standard for Unorganized Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (GB37822-2019); the non-methane hydrocarbons and particulate matter concentrations at unorganized exhaust monitoring points at the plant boundary comply with the special emission limits for air pollutants provided in Table 3 of Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31_933-2015); the odor complies with the corresponding standards provided in Table 3 of Emission Standard of Odor Pollutants (DB311025-2016). 2. Discharge standards of water pollutants The production wastewater of the said company is discharged to Jinshan Sea Outfall Engineering Co., Ltd., and the discharge of the sewage treatment plant complies with Level 3 provided in Table 2 of the Integrated Standard of Wastewater Discharge (DB31-199-2018). 3. Emission standards of noise pollution During the operation of its plant, it complies with Table 3 of the Standards on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008). 4. Discharge standards of solid wastes The solid wastes of the said company mainly consist of general solid wastes and hazardous wastes. For storage of general solid wastes, it refers to the environmental protection requirements on anti-seepage, anti-rain, and anti-dust of the General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill Pollution Control Standards (GB18599-2020). For collection, storage and transportation of hazardous wastes, it complies with the requirements of the Technical Specifications for the Collection, Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Wastes (HJ2025-2012), the Pollution Control Standards for the Storage of Hazardous Wastes (GB 18597-2001) and the Amendment (Announcement No. 36 of 2013 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection). III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. 1. Emission standards of air pollutants The emission concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfuric acid mist produced by our anode line comply with the emission limits of air pollutants for new enterprises provided in Table 5 of the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), and the benchmark exhaust of the project complies with Table 6. The emission concentrations of non-methane hydrocarbons from injection molding process complies with the special emission limits provided in Table 5 of the Emission Standard of Pollutants from Synthetic Resin Industry (GB31572-2015), and the particulate matter, non-methane hydrocarbons, xylene, benzene series, chromium and its compounds, nickel and its compounds from other processes comply with the emission limits of atmospheric pollutants from organized emissions provided in Table 1 of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021). The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfuric acid mist, nitrogen oxides, non-methane hydrocarbons, xylene, benzene series and its compounds, chromium and its compounds, and nickel and its compounds from unorganized emissions comply with the concentration limits of air pollutant emission monitoring at the boundaries of enterprises provided in Table 3 of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021). The concentrations of unorganized emission of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and odor comply with Level 2 standards on new renovation and expansion provided in Table 1 of, and the organized emission concentrations thereof comply with Table 2 of the Emission Standard of Odorous Pollutants (GB14554-93). The concentrations of unorganized emission of non-methane hydrocarbons in the plant comply with Table 2 of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021). Alkali mist and phosphoric acid mist refer to the standards provided in Table 1 of Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31/933-2015). In accordance with the Notice of the Nantong Municipal Government Office on Issuing the 2020 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Work Plan (Tong Zheng Ban Fa [2020] No. 34), the low-nitrogen transformation task of gas-fired boilers has been fully completed, with the emission concentrations of nitrogen oxides not exceeding 50 milligrams per cubic meter. The concentrations of SO2 and particulate matter emitted from the exhaust gas of natural gas combustion in gas-fired boilers comply with the atmospheric pollutant emission concentration limits provided in Table 3 of the Emission Standard of Boiler Air Pollutants (GB13271-2014). 2. Discharge standards of water pollutants After the nickel-containing wastewater and chromium-containing wastewater in this project are treated by the wastewater 73 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 pretreatment equipment in the plant, the total chromium and total nickel in wastewater pretreatment plant outlet comply with the standard limits provided in Table 3 of the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008); Rugao Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd. as the sewage treatment plant in the park complies with Level 3 provided in Table 4 of Integrated Standards of Wastewater Discharge (GB8979-1996) for water quality management. The ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus comply with the management requirements of Rugao Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., and the total aluminum complies with the standards provided in Table 3 of the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008); the benchmark drainage of unit products complies with the requirements in Table 2 of the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants. The tail water from the sewage treatment plant in the park is discharged into the central river after reaching the Level 1A standards provided in the Pollutant Discharge Standards for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002). The pollutants in the recycled water in the plant are managed in accordance with standard values of “open circulating cooling water system makeup water and washing water” provided in Table 1 of the Water Quality for Urban Sewage Recycling and Industrial Use (GB/T19923-2005). 3. Emission standards for noise pollution It complies with Class 3 provided in the Standards on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008) during the operation of our plant, and the Class 2 provided in the Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008) during the day and night in Dongwei Village. 4. Discharge standards of solid wastes The solid wastes of the said company mainly consist of general solid wastes and hazardous wastes. The storage of general solid wastes in the plant are strictly set up and managed in accordance with the requirements of the General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill Pollution Control Standards (GB 18599-2020) and its Amendment. The hazardous waste in the plant is strictly managed in accordance with the Pollution Control Standards for the Storage of Hazardous Wastes (GB18597-2001) and its Amendment, the Technical Specifications for the Collection, Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Wastes (HJ2025-2012) and other documents. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. 1. Emission standards of air pollutants The sulfuric acid mist, nitric acid mist (measured in NOX) and unit product benchmark exhaust volume generated by our anodic oxidation line comply with the standards provided in Tables 5 and 6 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008); Section 3.9 of the Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit - Electronics Industry (HJ1031-2019) provides that this standard uses non-methane hydrocarbons as a comprehensive control indicator for VOC emissions; after the release and implementation of the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Electronic Industry, such Standard shall apply. In this project, the particulate matter generated from machining, and the non-methane hydrocarbons from dispensing and baking comply with the Level 2 provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); the particulate matter generated from sandblasting processes, and non-methane hydrocarbons from injection molding processes comply with the standard limits provided in Table 5 of the Emission Standard of Pollutants from Synthetic Resin Industry (GB31572-2015); the non-methane hydrocarbons in unorganized exhaust gas at the plant boundary complies with the Emission Standard of Pollutants from Synthetic Resin Industry (GB 31572-2015) and the Control Standards on Unorganized Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (GB37822-2019). Nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and sulfuric acid mist comply with the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); and the odor concentrations comply with the Emission Standard of Odorous Pollutants (GB 14554-93). 2. Discharge standards of water pollutants The comprehensive wastewater of the said company is collected and managed by Jiashan County Dadi Wastewater Treatment Engineering Co., Ltd., and the discharge of such sewage treatment plant comply with Pollutants Discharge Standards for Electronic Industry (GB 39731-2020). The heavy metal wastewater reuse index in the anodizing surface treatment process complies with the Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008). 3. Emission standards of noise pollution 74 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 W comply with Class 3 provided in the Standards on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008) at the east and south boundaries of the plant, and the Class 4 provided in the Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008) at the west and north boundaries of the plant. 4. Discharge standards of solid wastes The solid wastes of the said company mainly consist of general solid wastes and hazardous wastes. For storage of general solid wastes, it refers to the environmental protection requirements on anti-seepage, anti-rain, and anti-dust of the General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill Pollution Control Standards (GB18599-2020). For collection, storage and transportation of hazardous wastes, it complies with the requirements of the Technical Specifications for the Collection, Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Wastes (HJ2025-2012), the Pollution Control Standards for the Storage of Hazardous Wastes (GB 18597-2001) and the Amendment (Announcement No. 36 of 2013 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection). Environmental protection administrative permits I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Table): 1. Computer component production project (phase I); 2. Computer component production project (phase II); 3. 3C precision mechanical parts production expansion project. Approval and reply of environmental assessment: 1. Ting Huan Biao Fu [2017] No. 123; 2. Ting Huan Ping Shu [2019] No. 2; 3. Yan Huan Shen [2021] No. 02003. Acceptance report: 1. Acceptance report of computer component production project (phase I); 2. Acceptance report of computer component production project (phase II); 3. Acceptance report of 3C precision mechanical parts production expansion project. Pollution Permit No.: Pollution Permit No.: 91320900MA1R8A0N2B001V Valid period: From February 23, 2023 to February 22, 2028. II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Environmental impact assessment table: 1. Precision electronic component adjustment project (Phase I); 2. Precision electronic component adjustment project (Phase II); 3. Precision electronic component project (Phase III); 4. Precision electronic component technical renovation project; 5. Environmental impact assessment report of Ri Ming watch project. Approval and reply of environmental assessment: 1. Jin Huan Xu [2014] No. 479; 2. Jin Huan Xu [2015] No. 323; 3. Jin Huan Xu [2018] No. 170; 4. Jin Huan Xu [2019] No. 254; 5. Jin Huan Xu [2020] No. 27; Acceptance report: 1. Completion acceptance report of precision electronic component adjustment project (phase I); 2. Completion acceptance report of precision electronic component adjustment project (phase II); 3. Completion acceptance report of precision electronic component project (phase III); 4. Completion acceptance report of precision electronic component technical renovation project; 75 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 5. Completion acceptance report of Ri Ming watch project. Pollution Permit No.: Pollution Permit No.:91310000572654085A001V, Valid period: from January 30, 2022 to January 29, 2027 III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Approval and reply of environmental assessment: Smart terminal precision module project: Jiang Zheng Huan Shu Fu [2022] No. 2. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Table): 1. Production project for new 75 million pieces of precision electronic components (Phase I); 2. Production project for new 75 million pieces of precision electronic components (Phase II); 3. 3C product display screen project for new 25 million pieces/set; 4. 3C product display screen project for expanded 47 million pieces/set; Approval and reply of environmental assessment: 1. Shan Huan Han [2016] No. 91; 2. Shan Huan Han [2018] No. 91; 3. Deng Ji Biao Bei [2020] No. 088; 4. Deng Ji Biao Bei [2022] No. 007. Acceptance report: 1. Acceptance report of production project for new 75 million pieces of precision electronic components (phase I); 2. Acceptance report of production project for the stage 1 of new 75 million pieces of precision electronic components (phase II); 3. Acceptance report of production project for the stage 2 of new 75 million pieces of precision electronic components (phase II); 4. Acceptance report of 3C product display screen project for new 25 million pieces/set; 5. 3C product display screen project for expanded 47 million pieces/set; Pollution Permit No.: Pollution Permit No.: 91330421336400470U001Z Valid period: From March 14, 2023 to March 13, 2028. Industry standards and discharge of pollutants involved in production and business activities Category Name of of main main Name of the Number Excessiv pollutants pollutants Distribution Emission Total Company or Discharge of Pollutant discharge Total e and and of discharge concentration/ approved its method discharge standards implemented emissions emission characteri characterist outlets intensity emissions subsidiaries outlets s stic ic pollutants pollutants Treated Integrated Emission Luxcase exhaust gas Standard of Air Pollutants Precision Plant roof, Air meets the (DB32/4041-2021) and Technology SO2 16 and both east 3.04 0.82 / / pollutants standards and the Emission Standard of (Yancheng) and west sides is emitted at Boiler Air Pollutants Co., Ltd. high altitude (DB32-4385-2022) 76 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Treated Discharge Standard of Luxcase exhaust gas Electroplating Pollutants Precision Plant roof, Air meets the (GB21900-2008) and the Technology NOx 19 and both east 21.01 1.7 1.7853 / pollutants standards and Emission Standard of (Yancheng) and west sides is emitted at Boiler Air Pollutants Co., Ltd. high altitude (DB32-4385-2022) Treated Integrated Emission Luxcase exhaust gas Standard of Air Pollutants Precision Plant roof, Air Particulate meets the (DB32/4041-2021) and Technology 15 and both east 1.82 3.37 / / pollutants matter standards and the Emission Standard of (Yancheng) and west sides is emitted at Boiler Air Pollutants Co., Ltd. high altitude (DB32-4385-2022) Treated Luxcase exhaust gas Precision Plant roof, Integrated Emission Air meets the Technology VOCs 23 and both east 1.71 Standard of Air Pollutants 8.06 / / pollutants standards and (Yancheng) and west sides (DB32/4041-2021) is emitted at Co., Ltd. high altitude Luxcase Precision Water Ammonia Pipe Main outlet of Technology 1 1.59 / 3.01 49.04 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Water Total Pipe Main outlet of Technology 1 2.86 / 5.73 7.08 / pollutants phosphorus discharge sewage station (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Water Total Pipe Main outlet of Technology 1 22.54 / 51.86 69.86 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Integrated Wastewater Water Anionic Pipe Main outlet of Technology 1 0.07 Discharge Standard 0.20 / / pollutants surfactant discharge sewage station (Yancheng) (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. 77 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxcase Precision Chemical Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Technology oxygen 1 41.75 Discharge Standard 92.53 729.32 / pollutants discharge sewage station (Yancheng) demand (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Technology PH value 1 7.4 Discharge Standard / / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Yancheng) (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Technology Fluoride 1 2.92 Discharge Standard 6.22 / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Yancheng) (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Integrated Wastewater Water Suspended Pipe Main outlet of Technology 1 32.92 Discharge Standard 88.23 / / pollutants solids discharge sewage station (Yancheng) (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Technology Petroleum 1 0.38 Discharge Standard 0.95 / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Yancheng) (GB8978-1996) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Reuse of Precision heavy Reuse Emission Standards of Chromium Without Technology metal without 1 0 Electroplating Pollutants 0 / / VI discharge (Yancheng) wastewat discharge (GB21900-2008) Co., Ltd. er Luxcase Reuse of Precision heavy Reuse Emission Standards of Without Technology metal Total nickel without 1 0 Electroplating Pollutants 0 / / discharge (Yancheng) wastewat discharge (GB21900-2008) Co., Ltd. er 78 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxcase Reuse of Precision heavy Reuse Discharge Standard of Total Without Technology metal without 1 0 Electroplating Pollutants 0 / / copper discharge (Yancheng) wastewat discharge (GB21900-2008) Co., Ltd. er Luxcase Reuse of Precision heavy Reuse Discharge Standard of Total Without Technology metal without 1 0 Electroplating Pollutants 0 / / chromium discharge (Yancheng) wastewat discharge (GB21900-2008) Co., Ltd. er Treated Ri Ming exhaust gas Computer Integrated Emission Air meets the Accessory Oil mist 63 Plant roof 0.2 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.213 / / pollutants standards and (Shanghai) (DB31_933-2015) is emitted at Co., Ltd. high altitude Treated Ri Ming exhaust gas Computer Integrated Emission Air Particulate meets the Accessory 6 Plant roof 2.7 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.845 / / pollutants matter standards and (Shanghai) (DB31_933-2015) is emitted at Co., Ltd. high altitude Treated Ri Ming exhaust gas Computer Integrated Emission Air meets the Accessory VOCs 3 Plant roof 3.7 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.037 / / pollutants standards and (Shanghai) (DB31_933-2015) is emitted at Co., Ltd. high altitude Treated Ri Ming exhaust gas Computer Integrated Emission Air meets the Accessory Oil smoke 1 Plant roof 0.6 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.004 / / pollutants standards and (Shanghai) (DB31_933-2015) is emitted at Co., Ltd. high altitude 79 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Accessory PH value 1 7.4 Discharge Standard / / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Suspended Pipe Main outlet of Accessory 1 15 Discharge Standard 5.895 / / pollutants solids discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Accessory Petroleum 1 0.54 Discharge Standard 0.124 / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Accessory COD 1 49 Discharge Standard 18.69 33.842 / pollutants discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Ammonia Pipe Main outlet of Accessory 1 2.13 Discharge Standard 0.233 1.0527 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Anionic Pipe Main outlet of Accessory 1 0.07 Discharge Standard 0.009 / / pollutants surfactant discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. 80 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Total Pipe Main outlet of Accessory 1 0.42 Discharge Standard 0.14 / / pollutants phosphorus discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Total Pipe Main outlet of Accessory 1 3.1 Discharge Standard 1.358 5.25 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer Integrated Wastewater Water Pipe Main outlet of Accessory BOD5 1 31.6 Discharge Standard 5.772 / / pollutants discharge sewage station (Shanghai) (DB31-199-2018) Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas Manufactur Discharge Standard of Air NOx meets the e 2 A2/A14 2.25 Electroplating Pollutants 3.423 11.987 / pollutants (anode) standards and Technology (GB21900-2008) is emitted at (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas A2/A14/waste Manufactur Air NOx meets the water (Tong Zheng Ban Fa e 3 32 1.451 11.987 / pollutants (boiler) standards and treatment {2020} No. 34) Technology is emitted at station (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas A2/A14/waste Table 3 of Emission Manufactur Particulate Air meets the water Standard of Boiler Air e matter 3 4.575 0.224 8.698 / pollutants standards and treatment Pollutants Technology (boiler) is emitted at station (GB13271-2014) (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. 81 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas A2/A14/waste Table 3 of Emission Manufactur Air SO2 meets the water Standard of Boiler Air e 1 13 0.048 4.854 / pollutants (boiler) standards and treatment Pollutants Technology is emitted at station (GB13271-2014) (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. A2/A3/A14/A Rida Treated 15/A16/A17 Intelligent exhaust gas wastewater Manufactur Integrated Emission Air Particulate meets the treatment e 22 2.973 Standard of Air Pollutants 4.359 8.698 / pollutants matter standards and station and Technology (GB31572-2015) is emitted at hazardous (Rugao) high altitude waste Co., Ltd. warehouse A1/A2/A3/A1 Rida Treated 4/A16/A17 Intelligent Non-metha exhaust gas wastewater Manufactur Integrated Emission Air ne meets the treatment e 18 1.626 Standard of Air Pollutants 5.577 8.948 / pollutants hydrocarbo standards and station and Technology (GB31572-2015) n is emitted at hazardous (Rugao) high altitude waste Co., Ltd. warehouse Rida Treated Wastewater Intelligent exhaust gas treatment Manufactur Emission Standard of Air meets the station and e Ammonia 2 0.7525 Odorous Pollutants 0.07 0.388 / pollutants standards and hazardous Technology (GB14554-93) is emitted at waste (Rugao) high altitude warehouse Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas Manufactur Wastewater Emission Standard of Air Air meets the e Alkali mist 1 treatment 0.95 Pollutants 0.044 0.099 / pollutants standards and Technology station (DB31/933-2015) is emitted at (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. 82 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Rida Treated A2/A14/waste Intelligent exhaust gas water Manufactur Discharge Standard of Air Sulfuric meets the treatment e 4 0.43 Electroplating Pollutants 0.219 0.508 / pollutants acid mist standards and station/hazard Technology (GB21900-2008) is emitted at ous waste (Rugao) high altitude warehouse Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas Manufactur Nickel and Integrated Emission Air meets the e its 2 A2/A14 0.0016 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.00057 0.00463 / pollutants standards and Technology compounds (GB31572-2015) is emitted at (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas Manufactur Benzene Integrated Emission Air meets the e series of 2 A1 0.01575 Standard of Air Pollutants 0.008 0.034 / pollutants standards and Technology matters (GB31572-2015) is emitted at (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. Rida Treated Intelligent exhaust gas Manufactur Integrated Emission Air Phosphoric meets the e 2 A2/A14 / Standard of Air Pollutants 0.031 / / pollutants acid mist standards and Technology (DB31/933-2015) is emitted at (Rugao) high altitude Co., Ltd. 83 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Pipe Main outlet of e PH 1 / (GB8978-1996), the / / / pollutants discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Suspended Pipe Main outlet of e 1 10.523 (GB8978-1996), the 2.571 19.791 / pollutants solids discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Chemical Discharge Standard Water Pipe Main outlet of e oxygen 1 9.619 (GB8978-1996), the 2.125 98.956 / pollutants discharge sewage station Technology demand requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) 84 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Ammonia Pipe Main outlet of e 1 0.113 (GB8978-1996), the 0.026 9.896 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Total Pipe Main outlet of e 1 1.067 (GB8978-1996), the 0.165 0.990 / pollutants phosphorus discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Total Pipe Main outlet of e 1 7.086 (GB8978-1996), the 2.251 29.687 / pollutants nitrogen discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) 85 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Biochemica Discharge Standard Water Pipe Main outlet of e l oxygen 1 2.209 (GB8978-1996), the 0.477 19.791 / pollutants discharge sewage station Technology demand requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008), Level 3 Rida provided in Table 4 of Intelligent Integrated Wastewater Manufactur Discharge Standard Water Total Pipe Main outlet of e 1 0.091 (GB8978-1996), the 0.019 0.297 / pollutants aluminum discharge sewage station Technology requirements on pipe (Rugao) connection of Rugao Co., Ltd. Fugang Water Treatment Co., Ltd., standards provided in Table 3 of Discharge Standard of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008) Treatment of pollutants I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. 1. Prevention measures for exhaust gas pollution: Exhaust gas from CNC machining is treated by oil mist scrubber through oil mist absorption; exhaust gas from glue coating, dispensing, and printing is treated through secondary activated carbon adsorption. According to routine monitoring reports of existing projects, the removal rate of CNC machining exhaust gas after treatment by oil mist scrubber can reach over 85%. According to the secondary adsorption activated carbon manual, with respect to the adsorption capacity of activated carbon for various organic substances in the printing and dispensing exhaust gas, the removal efficiency of organic substances is 70% for primary activated carbon particle adsorption and 90% for secondary activated carbon particle adsorption, which can meet the relevant requirements of Level 2 of non-methane hydrocarbons in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021); Dust generated from sandblasting, drilling, and laser engraving is treated by wet dust collector after collection. The emission concentration and emission rate of dust generated from sandblasting, drilling, and laser engraving can meet the corresponding limits provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB32/4041-2021). According to the Industrial Source Coefficient Handbook for the Second National Pollution Source Census as the mechanical industry coefficient handbook - pre-treatment - dry pre-treatment - shot blasting, dust can be removed by the single tube (multi-tube parallel) cyclone device with a removal efficiency 86 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 of 60%. Then after wet dust collector treatment, the removal efficiency can reach over 90%. Based on the actual operation of the project, the removal efficiency of sandblasting dust after treatment by its own dust collector and then by wet dust collector can reach over 90%, and the removal efficiency of drilling and laser engraving dust is around 85%. Therefore, the said company’s dust, after treatment by wet dust collector, can be discharged in steady compliance with standards. Natural gas boilers use domestically advanced low-nitrogen combustion technology, which is a feasible technology for the Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permits - Boilers. According to routine monitoring data of existing projects and low-nitrogen combustion retrofitting and commissioning reports, the SO2, NOx, and particulate matter in boiler flue gas can meet the corresponding limits of the Emission Standard of Boiler Air Pollutants (DB32/4385-2022). 2. Prevention measures for wastewater pollution: The said company implements the principle of “separation of rainwater and sewage, and separation of clean water and polluted water”. Different kinds of wastewater enter the corresponding sewage pool through different pipes. The pipes are overhead and pasted with signs of flow direction. The completeness of the pipes is checked regularly, and any abnormality, if found, will be handled immediately. All pools and floors of the sewage station are paved and hardened for anti seepage and anti corrosion. Domestic wastewater is treated using a two-stage septic tank system. The two-stage septic tank is composed of two interconnected sealed septic tanks. Feces enter the first tank through an inlet pipe and flow downstream to the second tank, where suspended organic matter in domestic wastewater is removed by sedimentation and anaerobic fermentation. This treatment facility is a primary transitional domestic treatment structure. Comprehensive wastewater is degraded in the A/O biochemical system to remove organic pollutants such as COD, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The system’s denitrification capacity is strengthened through a two-stage biochemical system, and the treated wastewater is discharged to the sewage treatment plant. According to existing testing reports, the quality of the said company’s effluent meets the relevant standards for the sewage station. Heavy metal wastewater is treated and reused through a process of “sterilization + membrane treatment + evaporation and crystallization + ion exchange.” The main process remains unchanged. The concentrated water of low-concentration wastewater is subject to ultrafiltration, sand filtration, and reverse osmosis, while high-concentration wastewater is subject to sedimentation and pressure filtration before entering PFET evaporation, and then the purified water is reused in the anodizing process. 3. Measures for noise pollution prevention: The outdoor equipment, equipment near the plant boundary and cooling towers are environmentally friendly. In the layout plan of the plant, the main workshop with concentrated noise is located in the center of the plant as much as possible. Other noise sources are located as far away from the plant boundary as possible to reduce their impact on the external environment. Soundproof windows (or double-layer soundproof windows) and soundproof doors are installed on the side of the workshop adjacent to the plant boundary to reduce the impact of workshop noise on the external environment by enhancing sound insulation and reducing the strength of the noise source. Vertical greening belts are planted within the plant area to effectively provide certain sound insulation and noise reduction. 4. Prevention measures for hazardous waste pollution: Hazardous waste warehouses, domestic waste rooms, and solid waste garbage rooms are set up in the plant to comprehensively manage solid waste from various aspects such as generation, collection, storage, transportation, and disposal. Effective measures are taken to prevent the loss of solid waste in the process of generation, collection, storage, and transportation, and the “three defenses” are implemented. Effective disposal methods and technologies are adopted, and by focusing on the reuse of useful materials to “turn waste into treasure’, we recycle a part of the resources and reduce the disposal burden. For those waste materials that cannot be recycled yet, we effectively dispose of them in light of the principle of “harmlessness”. II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1. Prevention measures for exhaust gas pollution: (1) A closed operation room is set up for the CNC machining process. All oil mist generated therefrom is treated through a cyclone tower oil mist washing tower and discharged through a 17-meter-high exhaust duct. The oil mist in the discharged exhaust gas meets the emission limits for air pollutants provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31/933-2015); 87 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 according to routine monitoring reports of existing projects, the removal rate of CNC machining exhaust gas after treatment by oil mist scrubber can reach over 85%. (2) A closed operation room is set up for the laser engraving process. All dust generated therefrom is treated through a wet dust collector and then discharged through a 22-meter-high exhaust duct. The removal efficiency can reach more than 75%, and the particulate matter in the discharged waste gas meets the emission limits for air pollutants provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31/933-2015); (3) All waste gas generated in the dispensing and coating process is collected and treated through an activated carbon purification box, and then discharged through a 17-meter-high exhaust duct. The removal efficiency can reach more than 90%, and the pollutants in the discharged waste gas meet the emission limits for air pollutants in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (DB31/933-2015). 2. Prevention measures for wastewater pollution: The said company implements the principle of “separation of rainwater and sewage, and separation of clean water and polluted water”. Different kinds of wastewater enter the corresponding sewage pool through different pipes. The pipes are overhead and pasted with signs of flow direction. The completeness of the pipes is checked regularly, and any abnormality, if found, will be handled immediately. All pools and floors of the sewage station are paved and hardened for anti seepage and anti corrosion. After comprehensive wastewater is treated through emulsion breaking, precipitation, and biochemical treatment, it is discharged through the same pipeline as the tail-water from pure water preparation and domestic wastewater. Some tail-water from pure water preparation is reused as domestic facility water, and the intermediate water after treated in the sewage treatment station is reused in the wet polishing process. The wastewater discharge outlet is equipped with online monitoring equipment and connected to the Environmental Protection Bureau and Water Affairs Bureau. According to existing testing reports, the quality of the said company’s effluent meets the relevant standards for the sewage station. 3. Measures for noise pollution prevention: The outdoor equipment, equipment near the plant boundary and cooling towers are environmentally friendly. In the layout plan of the plant, the main workshop with concentrated noise is located in the center of the plant as much as possible. Other noise sources are located as far away from the plant boundary as possible to reduce their impact on the external environment. Soundproof windows (or double-layer soundproof windows) and soundproof doors are installed on the side of the workshop adjacent to the plant boundary to reduce the impact of workshop noise on the external environment by enhancing sound insulation and reducing the strength of the noise source. Vertical greening belts are planted within the plant area to effectively provide certain sound insulation and noise reduction. 4. Prevention measures for hazardous waste pollution: Hazardous waste warehouses, domestic waste rooms, and solid waste garbage rooms are set up within the plant area to comprehensively manage solid waste from various aspects such as generation, collection, storage, transportation, and disposal. Effective measures are taken to prevent the loss of solid waste in the process of generation, collection, storage, and transportation, and the “three defenses” are implemented. Effective disposal methods and technologies are adopted, and by focusing on the reuse of useful materials to “turn waste into treasure’, we recycle a part of the resources and reduce the disposal burden. For those waste materials that cannot be recycled yet, we effectively dispose of them in light of the principle of “harmlessness”. III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. 1. Prevention measures for exhaust gas pollution: I, For the cutting fluid evaporates organic gases (measured in non-methane hydrocarbons) due to high-temperature cutting in the CNC machining process of this project, the organic waste gas is collected by the overall workshop negative pressure system after being treated by an oil mist separator that is equipped with the equipment, and treated through filtration and absorption by activated carbon, and is then discharged in an organized manner through an exhaust pipe. The removal rate of non-methane hydrocarbons is conservatively estimated to be 75%. For the non-methane hydrocarbons generated in processes such as injection molding, gluing, and drying, this project adopts a treatment measure of “filtration + activated carbon adsorption.” For organic waste 88 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 gases (measured as non-methane hydrocarbons) generated in gluing and drying processes, they are planned to be collected by a gas-collecting hood and then treated by the “filtration + activated carbon adsorption” process before being discharged in an organized manner. For organic waste gases (measured as particulate matter) generated in spraying and drying processes, they are planned to be collected by a gas-collecting hood and then treated by the “filtration + activated carbon adsorption” process before being discharged in an organized manner. Particulate matter is mainly generated in the sandblasting process, and a two-stage wet dust removal treatment measure is adopted. Through the wet dust removal technology, the dust particles are removed by being condensed into large particles through strong collision with water mist, or being captured by inertia and centrifugal force. By taking two-stage wet dust removal measure in this project, a removal efficiency of particulate matter is about 80%. Two-stage alkaline spraying is used for acid and alkali waste gas in this project. According to the provided waste gas treatment design plan, this system has a removal efficiency of about 95% for sulfuric acid mist and phosphoric acid mist, and an 85% removal efficiency for nitrogen oxides, and ensures that the waste gas meets the emission standards. The sewage station waste gas in this project includes particulate matter, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, non-methane hydrocarbons produced in sewage treatment, as well as sulfuric acid mist, alkaline mist, and non-methane hydrocarbons produced in the tank storage area. After being collected, the waste gas from the storage tank and sewage treatment is treated by “alkali washing + water washing + defogging + microwave UV catalysis” before being discharged together with the drying dust generated by the “bag filter” treatment. In accordance with the Notice of the Nantong Municipal Government Office on Issuing the 2020 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Work Plan (Tong Zheng Ban Fa [2020] No. 34), the low-nitrogen transformation task of gas-fired boilers has been fully completed, with the emission concentrations of nitrogen oxides not exceeding 50 milligrams per cubic meter. Based on the monitoring data of the boiler running at about 80% load inside the plant, the nitrogen oxide emissions can meet the requirements of the Document (Tong Zheng Ban Fa) [2020] No. 34, with an emission concentration not exceeding 50 milligrams/cubic meter. 2. Prevention measures for wastewater pollution: The wastewater generated by this project include process wastewater, wastewater from waste gas treatment, wastewater from workshop and plant floor washing, concentrated wastewater and backwash wastewater, emissions from gas-fired boilers, wastewater from circulating cooling systems, initial rainwater, and domestic wastewater. The system at the wastewater treatment station is mainly divided into five categories: chromium-containing wastewater treatment system, nickel-containing wastewater treatment system, phosphorus-containing wastewater treatment system, organic wastewater treatment system, and general wastewater treatment system. The condensate from chromium-containing wastewater, after undergoing “reduced pressure evaporation” treatment, is treated with the chromium-containing wastewater through “chemical precipitation + sand and charcoal filtration + ultrafiltration + ion exchange + two-stage reverse osmosis (RO)” before being reused. The condensate from nickel-containing wastewater, after undergoing “reduced pressure evaporation” treatment, is treated with the nickel-containing wastewater through “chemical precipitation + sand and charcoal filtration + ultrafiltration + ion exchange + two-stage RO” before being reused. The condensate from phosphorus-containing wastewater, after undergoing “two-stage coagulation and sedimentation + pressure filtration” treatment, is treated with phosphorus-containing wastewater and wastewater from phosphorus-containing air pollution control through “two-stage reaction and precipitation” treatment before being discharged into the receiving pool. Wastewater containing oil and compressor wastewater are pre-treated with “acidification, breaking emulsion, and oil-water separation”, and then, together with acidic wastewater and other wastewater from exhaust gas treatment, undergo “acidification, breaking emulsion, flotation, Fenton oxidation, and coagulation and sedimentation” treatment. Then, together with organic wastewater/liquid, they undergo “coagulation and sedimentation + catalytic oxidation” treatment, and finally, together with alkaline wastewater/liquid that has been pre-treated with “coagulation and sedimentation”, plant floor washing wastewater, and initial rainwater, they undergo “hydrolysis, acidification, precipitation + anaerobic and aerobic treatment + two-stage sedimentation tank” treatment before being discharged into the receiving pool. General cleaning wastewater, grinding wastewater, and wastewater from pure water preparation are treated with “coagulation and sedimentation + sand and charcoal filtration + ultrafiltration” before being reused. 3. Measures for noise pollution prevention: 89 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 When purchasing equipment, it selects equipment with small power and low noise as much as possible; use vibration reduction mounts to weaken the vibration generated when the fan rotates; sets the sound source indoors as much as possible to achieve sound insulation and noise reduction. It uses double-layer soundproof windows for lighting windows in workshops with high noise equipment; arrange the main noise sources in the overall layout in the middle of the workshop, away from the plant boundary, and add soundproof covers to equipment such as fans; equip the high-power equipment with special vibration reduction and noise reduction equipment when purchasing it; and strengthen the greening of the factory area and establish a green isolation belt. In addition, it plants trees and shrubs to create a green noise barrier around the factory boundary, absorbing sound and reducing noise. 4. Prevention measures for hazardous waste pollution: It sets up a hazardous waste warehouse within the plant; establish a hazardous waste ledger management system to track and record the entire process of hazardous waste circulation within the said company, combine it with production records to establish a hazardous waste ledger; set up hazardous waste identification signs for the containers and packaging of hazardous waste, as well as for the facilities and places for collecting, storing, transporting, and disposing of hazardous waste; it is forbidden to collect, store, transport, or dispose of hazardous waste mixed with incompatible substances that have not been disposed of safely, and it is forbidden to mix hazardous waste into non-hazardous waste for storage and disposal. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. 1. Prevention measures for exhaust gas pollution: It uses the electrostatic oil removal to absorb and treat oil mist of the exhaust gas from CNC machining, and uses secondary activated carbon adsorption to treat exhaust gas from dispensing and injection molding. According to routine monitoring reports of existing projects, the removal efficiency of electrostatic oil removal equipment for CNC machining can reach more than 85%; sulfuric acid mist and nitric acid mist are treated with an alkali spray tower after being collected, and are only discharged after meeting the emission standards. According to the secondary adsorption activated carbon manual, with respect to the adsorption capacity of activated carbon for various organic substances in the dispensing exhaust gas, the removal efficiency of organic substances is 70% for primary activated carbon particle adsorption and 90% for secondary activated carbon particle adsorption, which can meet the relevant requirements of Level 2 of non-methane hydrocarbons in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); Dust generated from sandblasting, drilling, and laser engraving is treated by wet dust collector after collection. The emission concentration and emission rate of dust generated from sandblasting, drilling, and laser engraving can meet the corresponding limits provided in the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996). According to the Industrial Source Coefficient Handbook for the Second National Pollution Source Census as the mechanical industry coefficient handbook - pre-treatment - dry pre-treatment - shot blasting, dust can be removed by the single tube (multi-tube parallel) cyclone device with a removal efficiency of 60%. Then after wet dust collector treatment, the removal efficiency can reach over 90%. Based on the actual operation of the project, the removal efficiency of sandblasting dust after treatment by its own dust collector and then by wet dust collector can reach over 90%, and the removal efficiency of drilling and laser engraving dust is around 85%. Therefore, the said company dust, after treatment by wet dust collector, can be discharged in steady compliance with standards. 2. Prevention measures for wastewater pollution: The said company implements the principle of “separation of rainwater and sewage, and separation of clean water and polluted water”. Different kinds of wastewater enter the corresponding sewage pool through different pipes. The pipes are overhead and pasted with signs of flow direction. The completeness of the pipes is checked regularly, and any abnormality, if found, will be handled immediately. All pools and floors of the sewage station are paved and hardened for anti seepage and anti corrosion. Domestic wastewater is treated using a two-stage septic tank system. The two-stage septic tank is composed of two interconnected sealed septic tanks. Feces enter the first tank through an inlet pipe and flow downstream to the second tank, where suspended organic matter in domestic wastewater is removed by sedimentation and anaerobic fermentation. This treatment facility is a primary transitional domestic treatment structure. Comprehensive wastewater is degraded in the A/O biochemical system to remove organic pollutants such as COD, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The system’s denitrification capacity is strengthened through a two-stage 90 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 biochemical system, and the treated wastewater is discharged to the sewage treatment plant. According to existing testing reports, the quality of the said company’s effluent meets the relevant standards for the sewage station. Heavy metal wastewater is treated and reused through a process of “sterilization + membrane treatment + evaporation and crystallization + ion exchange.” The main process remains unchanged. The concentrated water of low-concentration wastewater is subject to ultrafiltration, sand filtration, and reverse osmosis, while high-concentration wastewater is subject to sedimentation and pressure filtration before entering PFET evaporation, and then the purified water is reused in the anodizing process. 3. Measures for noise pollution prevention: The outdoor equipment, equipment near the plant boundary and cooling towers are environmentally friendly. In the layout plan of the plant, the main workshop with concentrated noise is located in the center of the plant area as much as possible. Other noise sources are located as far away from the plant boundary as possible to reduce their impact on the external environment. Soundproof windows (or double-layer soundproof windows) and soundproof doors are installed on the side of the workshop adjacent to the plant boundary to reduce the impact of workshop noise on the external environment by enhancing sound insulation and reducing the strength of the noise source. Vertical greening belts are planted within the plant area to effectively provide certain sound insulation and noise reduction. 4. Prevention measures for hazardous waste pollution: Hazardous waste warehouses, domestic waste rooms, and solid waste garbage rooms are set up within the plant area to comprehensively manage solid waste from various aspects such as generation, collection, storage, transportation, and disposal. Effective measures are taken to prevent the loss of solid waste during the process of generation, collection, storage, and transportation, and the “three defenses” are implemented. Effective disposal methods and technologies are adopted, and by focusing on the recycling of useful materials to “turn waste into treasure’, it recycles a part of the resources and reduce the disposal burden. For those waste materials that cannot be recycled yet, it effectively disposes of them in light of the principle of “harmlessness”. Environmental self-monitoring program I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. It updates and prepares the self-monitoring plan for next year at the end of each year according to the pollution discharge permit and environmental impact assessment requirements, tests the organized exhaust gas at the emission outlet once every half a year generally, the unorganized exhaust gas once every half a year, wastewater discharge outlets once every quarter, and noise once every six months, with the relevant test reports as data compliance support. II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. It updates and prepares the self-monitoring plan for next year at the end of each year according to the pollution discharge permit and environmental impact assessment requirements, tests the organized exhaust gas at the emission outlet once every half a year generally, the unorganized exhaust gas once every half a year, wastewater discharge outlets once every month, and noise once every half quarter, with the relevant test reports as data compliance support. III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. It updates and prepares the self-monitoring plan for next year at the end of each year according to the environmental impact assessment requirements, tests the organized exhaust gas at the emission outlet once every quarter, VOC waste gas once every half a year, the unorganized exhaust gas once every half a year, wastewater discharge outlets once every month, and noise once every quarter, with the relevant test reports as data compliance support. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. It updates and prepares the self-monitoring plan for next year at the end of each year according to the pollution discharge permit and environmental impact assessment requirements, tests the organized exhaust gas at the emission outlet once every half a year, the unorganized exhaust gas once every half a year, wastewater discharge outlets once every quarter, noise once every quarter and rain outlets once every six months, with the relevant test reports as data compliance support. Emergency plan for abrupt environmental pollution accidents I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. 91 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxcase Plant has prepared the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents (3rd Edition) in 2022, and has completed the formalities for expert review and filing with the filing No.: 320902-2022-003-H. II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Plant has prepared the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents (3rd Edition) in 2022, and has completed the formalities for expert review and filing with the filing No.: 02-310116-2022-060-L. III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Completed in June 2021, with the filing No.: 320682-2021-065-M. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. Ri Shan Plant has prepared the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents (3rd Edition) in 2021, and has completed the formalities for expert review and filing with the filing No.: 320421-2021-105-M. Investment in environment governance and protection, and payment of environmental protection taxes I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. The total amount of investment related to environmental protection equipment was about RMB15.2 million and the total amount of monthly environmental protection tax that is declared on a quarterly basis was RMB154,000.00 in 2022. II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The total amount of investment related to environmental protection equipment was about RMB12.688 million and the total amount of monthly environmental protection tax that is declared on a quarterly basis was RMB166.92 in 2022. III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. The investment in environmental protection was about RMB12 million and the paid environmental protection tax was RMB15,840.15 in 2022. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. The total amount of investment related to environmental protection equipment was about RMB14.32 million and the total amount of monthly environmental protection tax that is declared on a quarterly basis was RMB13,884.00 in 2022. Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects Applicable □N/A I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Investment Improvement project Program Income (0’000 kwh) (RMB0’000) Optimization of solar hot Utilization of solar energy waste system 25 157 water system Energy saving optimization Switch to cooling main engine to improve efficiency 18 57 of air conditioning system Intelligent control of air conditioning for high Yinrui Energy Saving 0 113 efficiency operation Energy saving of exhaust Energy saving control of exhaust gas tower 0 993 gas tower II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Investment Income (0’000 Improvement project Program (RMB0’000) kwh) Compressed air leakage Compressed air leakage improvement 0 66 improvement CNC machine centralized Independent small transformer of CNC replaced by 0 23 pressure conversion centralized pressure conversion 92 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Replacement of air Conventional adsorption dryers replaced by zero-loss suction 0 44 compressors dryers Replacement by energy Ordinary lamps replaced by high-efficiency LED lamps 0 9.9 saving lamps III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Annual Improvement Investment Annual power cost Program project (RMB0’000) savings (kwh) savings (RMB) Lighting Based on the change in the plant workshop process and 3167.0 128206 96154 improvement staff’s actual needs for dormitory occupancy, it makes rectification and optimization in the areas of sufficient or excessive lighting, opens or removes isolation control Exhaust gas Base on the actual production scale of workshop 0 663888 497916 equipment production, it adjusts downward the operation frequency of control exhaust gas equipment while the demand of production is met Air conditioning Based on the outdoor temperature and workshop demand, it 0 967936 725952 temperature reasonably adjusts the air conditioning supply temperature control to reduce the equipment operating load BGA clean room Through the understanding of the product process, 50% ± 5 0 3388256 2541192 temperature and has seriously exceeded the product demand standard, and humidity control after active discussion with the department heads, it confirms that it controls the temperature and humidity within 55% ± 15 based on the product standard demand Nitrogen piping It connects the nitrogen pipelines in the plant in a 0 1526000 1144500 improvement reasonable manner to achieve interconnection of pipelines in the whole plant, so as to avoid “big horse pulling small car” in single region supply and lead to energy waste. Improvement of It connects the pipelines of Buildings A14/A16 to reduce 0 1062160 796620 A6/A14 air the cost of power generation during power outages and add pressure pipeline an efficient safeguard in case of sudden emergencies. interconnection Improvement of It adds split-type air conditioner to reduce the operating 10200 4391712 3293784 excessive load of the air conditioning units and reduce operating temperature energy consumption program of the clean room IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. Investment Improvement project Program Income (0’000 kwh) (RMB0’000) Ice machine energy Refer to area A. The ice machine and pump load are 0 406.2 saving system in areas automatically adjusted according to real-time monitoring of 93 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 B and C ice water and cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures Air compressor room linkage control system Installation of online monitoring of air pressure systems, joint and frequency 0 477 control and deployment of air compressors conversion energy saving improvement Clean room air pressure replaced by vacuum Switch air pressure to vacuum generator 0 57.6 suction Centralized control of It sets the opening area and time to achieve automatic control 0 21.91 clean room lighting of light and reduce waste based on the production demand Administrative penalties imposed due to environmental issues during the reporting period Effects on the Name of the Rectification Reasons for listed company’s Company or its Violations Penalty results measures of the penalties production and subsidiaries Company operation None None None None None None Other environmental information to be disclosed I. Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. The said company takes the initiative to make PRTR information disclosure at the platform of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) to the public, disclosing the emissions of wastewater and exhaust gas and related implementation standards every year; and fills out and reports the annual environmental information in the pollution resource management system “One Enterprise and One File” of Jiangsu Province (column of disclosure of enterprise environmental information according to the law). II. Ri Ming Computer Accessory (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The said company takes the initiative to make PRTR information disclosure at the platform of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) to disclose to the public the emissions of wastewater and exhaust gas and related implementation standards every year; and fills out and reports the annual environmental information in the system of disclosure of the enterprise environmental information according to the law (Shanghai), and make to the public the wastewater, exhaust gas, noise and other pollution emission factors on the national pollution source information disclosure platform every month. III. Rida Intelligent Manufacture Technology (Rugao) Co., Ltd. The said company takes the initiative to make PRTR information disclosure at the platform of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) to the public, disclosing the emissions of wastewater and exhaust gas and related implementation standards every year. IV. Ri Shan Computer Accessory (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. The said company takes the initiative to make PRTR information disclosure at the platform of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) to the public, disclosing the emissions of wastewater and exhaust gas and related implementation standards every year; and fills out and reports the annual environmental information in the system of the disclosure of enterprise environmental information according to the law (Zhejiang). Other environmental information Luxshare-ICT attaches great importance to possible impact of climate changes on the Company, and has established a carbon neutral working group led by the Board of Directors, coordinated by the sustainable development center and participated in by all 94 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 plants to respond to issues related to climate changes in a comprehensive manner. Based on our actual business and with reference to the external standards, it identifies the applicable climate risks and opportunities, rank them according to the increasing probability of occurrence and degree of impact, and then submit them to the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors for deliberation and approval. When necessary, our risk management departments prepare or add the countermeasures for risks and opportunities of higher importance and urgency. In addition, it works out a claim change action plant and implement a low-carbon energy transition plan, and is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2025. During the reporting period, we actively used clean energy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 394,605.79 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent through rooftop photovoltaic, green procurement, direct purchase of green power and green energy fund investment or otherwise. Meanwhile, we promoted 266 energy-saving renovation projects for five major energy-using modules, including production electricity, gas supply system, central air conditioning, workshop fan and living office, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a total of 117,404.85 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. II. Description of social responsibilities The Company’s 2022 Sustainable Development Report has been published at Cninfo (, the information disclosure website designated by the Company, together with this report on the same day. III. Consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization The Company actively participated in and contributed to the community development and building, and conducted colorful activities to care for special groups and give back to society, and made contribution to a harmonious society. The Company did not carry out the work on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization during the reporting period or have subsequent relevant plans. 95 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section VI Significant Matters I. Fulfillment of commitments 1. Complete and incomplete commitments of the Company and its actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers, and other related parties for the commitments by the end of the reporting period. Applicable □ N/A Fulfillm Committed Commitment Commitm Commitm ent of Commitments Commitment details by Type ent date ent period commit ments In order to seriously protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all of its shareholders, each of all directors and executives of the Company hereby makes commitments as follows: 1. I promise not to damage the Company’s interest by transferring benefits to any other entity or individual free of charge or under unfair conditions or otherwise; 2. I promise to restrain the duty-related consumption of directors and executives; 3. I promise not to use the Issuer’s assets to engage in investment and consumption irrelevant to their HUANG performance of powers and duties; Dawei; LI Wei; LIU 4. I promise to link the remuneration rules Zhonghua; developed by the Board of Directors or the SONG Remuneration Committee and the implementation of Commitments the Issuer’s remedial measures for diluted earnings; Yuhong; relating to any 5. I promise to link the conditions for the exercise of WANG initial public Other the Issuer’s stock option incentives to be issued and February Laichun; Long-term Ongoing offering or commitments the implementation of the Issuer’s remedial 21, 2022 WANG subsequent measures for diluted earnings; and Laisheng; fund raising WANG Tao; 6. I promise to strictly fulfill the aforesaid WU commitments to ensure that the Issuer’s remedial Tiansong; measures for diluted earnings can be fulfilled ZHANG effectively. If I breach or refuse to fulfill any Ying commitments set forth above, I will make explanations and apologies and perform other obligations required by the applicable regulations, and agree to accept any punishment or regulatory action that may be imposed on or taken against me by the CSRC, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or any other competent securities regulatory authority in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations established or promulgated by such regulatory authorities, and indemnify the Issuer or its shareholders for the losses (if any) arising therefrom according to the law. 7. From the date of issuing this Letter of 96 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Commitment until the completion of this non-public offering of stocks by the Issuer, if the CSRC has issued other new provisions on measures to compensate for diluted returns and commitments, and the aforesaid commitments fail to meet such new regulatory provisions issued by the CSRC, I undertake to give supplementary commitments in accordance with the latest provisions of the CSRC. In order to seriously protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all of its shareholders, each of the controlling shareholder and actual controllers of the Company hereby makes commitments as follows: 1. We/I will not interfere with management and operation of the Company beyond our/my powers, or infringe on the interest of the Company. 2. We/I promise to strictly fulfill the aforesaid commitments to ensure that the Issuer’s remedial measures for diluted earnings can be fulfilled effectively. If we/I breach or refuse to fulfill any commitment set forth above, I will make explanations and apologies and perform other Commitments Luxshare obligations required by the applicable regulations, relating to any Limited; and agree to accept any punishment or regulatory initial public WANG Other February action that may be imposed on or taken against me Long-term Ongoing offering or Laichun; commitments 21, 2022 by the CSRC, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or any subsequent WANG other competent securities regulatory authority in fund raising Laisheng accordance with the applicable rules and regulations established or promulgated by such regulatory authorities, and indemnify the Issuer or its shareholders for the losses (if any) arising therefrom according to the law. 3. From the date of issuing this Letter of Commitment until the completion of this non-public offering of stocks by the Company, if the CSRC has issued other new provisions on measures to compensate for diluted returns and commitments, and the aforesaid commitments fail to meet such new regulatory provisions issued by the CSRC, we/I undertake to give supplementary commitments in accordance with the latest provisions of the CSRC. Commitments After the completion of the transactions relating to Commitments contemplated by the announcement on external horizontal relating to any investment and related-party transactions disclosed competition, initial public Luxshare by the Company on November 13, 2020, we and our November related-party Long-term Ongoing offering or Limited affiliates will not engage in any business that is the 13, 2020 transactions subsequent same as or substantially in competition with the and fund raising business of the Company or any entity controlled by occupation of the Company in any manner. funds Commitments HUANG In accordance with the applicable regulations of the relating to any Dawei; LI CSRC, in order to ensure the effective initial public Bin; LIN Other implementation of the Company’s remedial July 11, Long-term Ongoing offering or Yifei; commitments measures for diluted earnings, each of the directors 2019 subsequent WANG and executives of the Company hereby makes fund raising Laichun; commitments as follows: 97 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 WANG 1. I will not transfer benefits to any other entity or Laisheng; individual without compensation or on unfair terms, WU or otherwise damage the interest of the Company. Tiansong; 2. I will exercise self-discipline in consumption in XIONG performing my duties. Tengfang; 3. I will not use the assets of the Company to engage XU in any investment or consumption activity not in Huaibin, connection with my duties. XUE 4. I will, within my powers, procure the linkage Haigao; YE between the remuneration system adopted by the Yiling; Board of Directors or the Remuneration and ZHANG Appraisal Committee and the implementation of the Ying Company’s remedial measures for diluted earnings. 5. I will, within my powers, procure the linkage between the vesting conditions in respect of any share incentives granted by the Company and the implementation of the Company’s remedial measures for diluted earnings. 6. I promise to strictly fulfill the aforesaid commitments to ensure that the Company’s remedial measures for diluted earnings can be fulfilled effectively. If I breach or refuse to fulfill any commitment set forth above, I will make explanations and apologies and perform other obligations required by the applicable regulations, and agree to accept any punishment or regulatory action that may be imposed on or taken against me by the CSRC, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or any other competent securities regulatory authority pursuant to the applicable rules and regulations established or promulgated by such regulatory authorities, and indemnify the Company or its shareholders for the losses (if any) arising therefrom according to the law. In order to seriously protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all of its shareholders, each of the controlling shareholder and actual controllers of the Company hereby commitments as follows: 1. We/I will not interfere with management and operation of the Company beyond our/my powers, or infringe on the interest of the Company. Commitments Luxshare 2. We/I promise to effectively implement the relating to any Limited; remedial measures for diluted earnings formulated initial public WANG Other by the Company and fulfill our/my corresponding July 11, Long-term Ongoing offering or Laichun; commitments commitments on the remedial measures for diluted 2019 subsequent WANG earnings. If we/I breach or fail to perform the fund raising Laisheng commitments set forth above, we/I agree to accept any punishment or regulatory action that may be imposed on or taken against us/me by the CSRC, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or any other competent securities regulatory authority pursuant to the applicable rules and regulations established or promulgated by such regulatory authorities. If we/I breach or fail to fulfill the commitments set forth above, resulting in losses to the Company or the 98 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 investors, we/I are/am willing to compensate for such losses according to the law. 3. From the date of this commitment till the date of completion of this offering, if the CSRC or any other competent securities regulatory authority adopts any new regulation regarding the remedial measures for diluted earnings and commitments in connection therewith, and the commitments set forth above do not satisfy the requirements of such new regulation, we/I will make supplementary commitments pursuant to the new regulation. Each of all directors and executives of the Company hereby commitments as follows: BAI Rujing; CHEN (1) I will not transfer benefits to any other entity or Chaofei; individual without compensation or on unfair terms, DONG or otherwise damage the interest of the Company; Jianhai; LI (2) I will exercise self-discipline in consumption in Bin; LI performing my duties; Jing; LI (3) I will not use the assets of the Company to Commitments Xiongwei; engage in any investment or consumption activity relating to any LIN Yifei; not in connection with my duties; initial public Other March 11, WANG Ji; (4) I will procure the linkage between the Long-term Ongoing offering or commitments 2016 WANG remuneration system adopted by the Board of subsequent Laichun; Directors or the Remuneration and Appraisal fund raising WANG Committee and the implementation of the Laisheng; Company’s remedial measures for diluted earnings; XU (5) If the Company establishes any share incentive Huaibin; YE plan in the future, I will procure the linkage between Yiling; the vesting conditions in respect of any share ZHANG incentives granted by the Company and the Lihua implementation of the Company’s remedial measures for diluted earnings. Luxshare Limited, as the controlling shareholder of the Company, and WANG Laichun and WANG Laisheng, as the actual controllers of the Company, hereby make commitments as follows: 1. We, Luxshare Limited, as the controlling shareholder of the Company, undertake not to interfere with management and operation of the Company beyond our powers, or infringe on the interest of the Company. Commitments Luxshare relating to any Limited; 2. I, WANG Laichun, as the actual controller, initial public WANG Other Chairman and General Manager of the Company, March 11, undertake to perform my duties in accordance with Long-term Ongoing offering or Laichun; commitments 2016 subsequent WANG the applicable laws and regulations and the articles fund raising Laisheng of association of the Company, and not to interfere with management and operation of the Company beyond my powers, or infringe on the interest of the Company. 3. I, WANG Laisheng, as the actual controller and Vice Chairman of the Company, undertake to perform my duties in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and the articles of association of the Company, and not to interfere with management and operation of the Company beyond 99 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 my powers, or infringe on the interest of the Company. The commitments relating to horizontal competition, related-party transactions and occupation of funds are as follows: 1. We and other entities controlled by us will reduce related-party transactions with the Company to the maximum extent practicable. 2. With respect to any related-party transaction between us or any other entity controlled by us and the Company that is unavoidable or exists reasonably, we will carry out such transaction on an Commitments arm’s length basis and customary commercial terms, relating to Commitments ensure the fairness of the transaction price, perform horizontal relating to any the relevant decision-making process according to competition, initial public Luxshare the law, and guarantee that the legitimate rights and October related-party Long-term Ongoing offering or Limited interests of the Company and its shareholders will 15, 2014 transactions subsequent not be damaged as a result of such transaction. 3. We and fund raising or any other entity controlled by us will not request occupation of the Company to offer any terms more favorable than funds the terms that may be offered by any third party in an arm’s length transaction, or accept any such terms offered by the Company. 4. For so long as we remain the controlling shareholder of Luxshare-ICT, the commitments set forth above shall be unconditional and irrevocable. If we breach any commitment set forth above, we will, jointly and severally, fully, timely and adequately indemnify the losses of the Company arising therefrom. The commitments relating to horizontal competition, related-party transactions and occupation of funds are as follows: 1. We and all other entities controlled by us at present or in the future will not, directly or indirectly, engage in any business or activity that competes, might compete or potentially competes with the main business of the Company. 2. If any Commitments amendment of any applicable law or change in any relating to Commitments applicable policy of the country results in any actual horizontal relating to any or potential horizontal competition between us or competition, initial public Luxshare any other entity controlled by us and the Company October related-party Long-term Ongoing offering or Limited in any business, the Company shall have the 15, 2014 transactions subsequent preemptive right on the same terms in respect of any and fund raising entrusted management (or management under occupation of contract or lease) or acquisition in connection with funds such business. 3. For so long as we remain the controlling shareholder of Luxshare-ICT, the commitments set forth above shall be unconditional and irrevocable. If we breach any commitment set forth above, we will, jointly and severally, fully, timely and adequately indemnify the losses of the Company arising therefrom. Luxshare Commitments The commitments relating to horizontal competition, Commitments Limited; relating to related-party transactions and occupation of funds relating to any Shenzhen horizontal are as follows: we/I will not take advantage of initial public July 30, Zixin competition, our/my position as the controlling shareholder, Long-term Ongoing offering or 2010 Investment related-party actual controller or shareholder (as applicable) and subsequent Co., Ltd.; transactions our/my affiliation with the Issuer to engage in any fund raising WANG and act to the detriment of the interest of the Issuer or its 100 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Laichun; occupation of other shareholders. With respect to any related-party WANG funds transaction between us/me or any other entity Laisheng controlled by us/me and the Issuer, we/I will carry out such transaction on an arm’s length basis and customary commercial terms, and will not request the Issuer to offer any terms more favorable than the terms that may be offered by any third party in an arm’s length transaction, or accept any such terms offered by the Issuer. We/I will strictly perform all related-party transaction agreements (if any) entered into with the Issuer in good faith, and will not seek any interest or benefit in contravention of the commitments set forth above. If we/I breach any commitment set forth above, we/I agree to indemnify the Issuer and its minority shareholders for all losses arising therefrom. The commitments relating to horizontal competition, related-party transactions and occupation of funds are as follows: We are not engaged in any business that is the same as or similar to the business of the Issuer or any entity controlled by the Issuer. For so long as we retain control over the Issuer directly or indirectly, we will strictly comply with the applicable laws, regulations and codes of the Commitments country, and will not, directly or indirectly, engage relating to in any business that is the same as, similar to or Commitments Luxshare horizontal substantially in competition with the business of the relating to any Limited; competition, Issuer or any entity controlled by the Issuer, or have initial public Shenzhen July 30, related-party substantial or relative control over any other Long-term Ongoing offering or Zixin 2010 transactions company, organization or economic entity engaging subsequent Investment and in any business that is the same as, similar to or fund raising Co., Ltd. occupation of substantially in competition with the business of the funds Issuer or any entity controlled by the Issuer in or outside China. We will use our control over the other entities controlled by us to cause such entities to fulfill the commitments set forth above in the same manner. If we breach any commitment set forth above, we agree to assume the relevant legal liabilities, including without limitation, to indemnify the Issuer and its minority shareholders for all losses arising therefrom. The commitments relating to horizontal competition, related-party transactions and occupation of funds are as follows: I and other entities controlled by me are not engaged in any business that is the same as Commitments or similar to the business of the Issuer or any entity relating to Commitments controlled by the Issuer. For so long as I retain horizontal relating to any WANG control over the Issuer directly or indirectly, I will competition, initial public Laichun; strictly comply with the applicable laws, regulations July 30, related-party Long-term Ongoing offering or WANG and codes of the country, and will not, directly or 2010 transactions subsequent Laisheng indirectly, engage in any business that is the same as, and fund raising similar to or substantially in competition with the occupation of business of the Issuer or any entity controlled by the funds Issuer, or have substantial or relative control over any other company, organization or economic entity engaging in any business that is the same as, similar to or substantially in competition with the business 101 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 of the Issuer or any entity controlled by the Issuer in or outside China. I will use my control over the other entities controlled by me to cause such entities to fulfill the commitments set forth above in the same manner. If I breach any commitment set forth above, I agree to assume the relevant legal liabilities, including without limitation, to indemnify the Issuer and its minority shareholders for all losses arising therefrom. (1) For this shareholding increase plan and subsequent share management, I will not conduct insider trading or short term trading, or purchase or sell shares during the sensitive period in strict Commitments accordance with the relevant provisions of Other WANG on April 11, October applicable laws, regulations and normative Fulfilled commitments Laisheng Shareholding 2022 11, 2022 documents. (2) I will not reduce shares of the Increase Company during the period of the shareholding increase and within the statutory period, and will complete this shareholding increase plan during the aforesaid period of implementation. Luxshare Limited, as the controlling shareholder of the Company, hereby undertakes not to sell any Other Luxshare Other February February share of the Company through the stock trading Fulfilled commitments Limited commitments 3, 2021 2, 2022 system within 12 months after the completion of this disposal. Whether the commitments have been Yes fulfilled on time? If any commitment is overdue, explain specific reasons for the N/A incomplete performance and detailed plan of next steps 2. If the Company has made any profit forecast on its assets or project and the reporting period falls within the period of such profit forecast, explanation about whether the goal has been achieved and the relevant reasons □ Applicable N/A II. Occupation of funds of the listed company by the controlling shareholder and other related parties for non-operating purposes □ Applicable N/A During the reporting period, no controlling shareholder or its related party used capital of the listed company for non-operating 102 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 purposes. III. Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties □ Applicable N/A We have not provided any external guarantee in contravention of the applicable regulations during the reporting period. IV. Explanation made by the Board of Directors about the modified audit opinion for the latest period □ Applicable N/A V. Explanation by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the independent directors (if any) about the modified auditor’s report issued by the accounting firm for the reporting period □ Applicable N/A VI. Explanation about changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates or correction of significant accounting errors when compared to the previous financial year □ Applicable N/A The Company has no changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates or correction of significant accounting errors during the reporting period. VII. Explanation about changes in consolidation scope when compared to the previous financial year Applicable □N/A Refer to “Section X Financial Report” - “VIII. Changes in scope of consolidation”. VIII. Appointment and dismissal of accounting firms Accounting firm currently engaged: Name of domestic accounting firm BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Remuneration of domestic accounting firm (in RMB0’000) 234.6 Consecutive years in which the domestic accounting firm has 15 provided auditing service Certified public accountant of the domestic accounting firm LI Jing and Danjie Consecutive years in which the certified public accountant of the 4 domestic accounting firm has provided auditing service Whether a new accounting firm was engaged during the reporting period? 103 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 □ Yes No Engagement of accounting firm for auditing internal controls, financial advisor or sponsor: Applicable □N/A We engaged BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP as our internal control auditor. IX. Possibility of listing suspension and termination after disclosure of the annual report □ Applicable N/A X. Matters relating to bankruptcy and reorganization □ Applicable N/A We have not been involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings during the reporting period. XI. Material litigation and arbitration proceedings Applicable □ N/A Amount Whether a Enforcement of Information Date of Background claimed provision is Status Result and effect judgment/ disclosure disclosure (RMB0’000) recognized award available at The case has been settled/ closed by Other litigation mediation or Already during the reporting 232.99 No Closed judgment, and N/A enforced period (arbitration) does not have a material effect on us. The case is Other litigation pending, and will during the reporting 7,804.4 No Pending not have a Pending N/A period (arbitration) material effect on us. XII. Penalty and rectification □ Applicable N/A We have not been subject to any punishment or required to make any rectification during the reporting period. XIII. Integrity of the Company, its controlling shareholder and actual controller Applicable □N/A There wasn’t any outstanding court judgment or overdue debt of a large amount involving us or our controlling shareholder or actual controllers during the reporting period. 104 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 XIV. Material related-party transactions 1. Related-party transactions relating to day-to-day operation Applicable □ N/A % of Market the total Approved Whether Relate price Informati Pricin Amount amount limit of or not d-part Transa available Date of on Counterp Relatio g (in of the transaction exceed Method of Type y ction for the disclosu disclosure arty nship princi RMB0’0 same amount (in the settlement transac price same type re available ple 00) type of RMB0’00 approve tions of at transact 0) d limit transactions ions Purchas e of Related Purcha Marke Fair August Announce BCS goods Bank Fair market legal sing t-set market 2,344.12 0.02% 5,000 No 26, ment No.: Suzhou from transfer price person goods prices price 2022 2022-071 related party Purchas e of Related Purcha Marke Fair August Announce Luxsan goods 31,117.6 Bank Fair market legal sing t-set market 0.21% 35,000 No 26, ment No.: Kunshan from 2 transfer price person goods prices price 2022 2022-071 related party Purchas e of Luxsan Related Purcha Marke Fair August Announce goods 103,789. Bank Fair market Hong legal sing t-set market 0.72% 105,000 No 26, ment No.: from 98 transfer price Kong person goods prices price 2022 2022-071 related party Sales of Related goods Sales Marke Fair Februar Announce BCS Bank Fair market legal to of t-set market 39,438 0.26% 40,000 No y 22, ment No.: Suzhou transfer price person related goods prices price 2022 2022-012 persons Sales of Related goods Sales Marke Fair Februar Announce Luxsan 64,361.9 Bank Fair market legal to of t-set market 0.42% 65,000 No y 22, ment No.: Kunshan 5 transfer price person related goods prices price 2022 2022-012 persons Sales of Gaowei Related goods Sales Marke Fair April Announce 11,792.6 Bank Fair market Hong legal to of t-set market 0.08% 12,000 No 28, ment No.: 4 transfer price Kong person related goods prices price 2022 2022-040 persons 252,844. Total -- -- -- 262,000 -- -- -- -- -- 31 105 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Particulars of huge-amount sales returns N/A If the total amount of daily related-party When expecting the annual daily related party transactions, the Company conducts the appraisal and calculation of possible transactions that are expected to occur related party transactions according to the market situation, but the actually accrued amount is determined based on market during the reporting period is estimated by situation, the two parties’ business development, actual demands and specific implementation progress, resulting in certain type, the actual transactions occurred differences between actually accrued amount and expected amount. The foregoing belongs to the acts of normal business and during the reporting period (if any) will not have a significant impact on daily operation and performance of the Company. Reason of any great difference between transaction price and reference market N/A price (if applicable) 2 Related-party transactions involving acquisition or sales of assets or equities □ Applicable N/A We have not conducted any related-party transaction involving acquisition or sales of assets or equities during the reporting period. 3. Related-party transactions involving joint external investment □ Applicable N/A The Company had no related-party transactions on joint investments during the reporting period. 4. Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties □ Applicable N/A We did not have any accounts receivable from or payable to any related party during the reporting period. 5. Financial business with its related financial companies □ Applicable N/A There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial transactions between the Company, its related financial companies and related parties. 6. Financial business between the financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties □ Applicable N/A There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial transactions between the financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties. 7. Other significant related-party transactions □ Applicable N/A We have not conducted any other material related-party transaction during the reporting period. 106 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 XV. Significant contracts and performance thereof 1. Trusteeship, contracting and leases (1) Trusteeship □ Applicable N/A No such case during the reporting period. (2) Contracting □ Applicable N/A No such case during the reporting period. (3) Leases □ Applicable N/A No such case during the reporting period. 2. Material guarantees Applicable □ N/A In RMB0’000 External guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding those provided for the subsidiaries) Disclosure Amount of date of Actual date Actual Counter Whether or not Guarantee guaranteed Type of Collateral Term of Fully quota of guarantee guarantee (if provided for a party quota guarantee (if any) guarantee executed? announce occurrence amount any) related party approved ment Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries Disclosure Amount of date of Actual date Actual Counter Whether or not Guarantee guaranteed Type of Collateral Term of Fully quota of guarantee guarantee (if provided for a party quota guarantee (if any) guarantee executed? announce occurrence amount any) related party approved ment Joint and LUXSHARE April 20, July 20, 557,168 69,646 several Five years No Yes PRECISION 2020 2020 guarantee Joint and LUXSHARE April 20, July 28, 68,949.54 0 several Five years No Yes PRECISION 2021 2021 guarantee 107 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total amount of guarantee Total actual amount of approved to be provided for guarantees for 69,646 subsidiaries during the subsidiaries within the reporting period (B1) reporting period (B2) Total amount of guarantee Total actual guarantee approved to be provided for balance for subsidiaries 626,117.54 69,646 subsidiaries as at the end of at the end of the the reporting period (B3) reporting period (B4) Guarantees provided by subsidiaries for each other Disclosure Amount of date of Actual date Actual Counter Whether or not Guarantee guaranteed Type of Collateral Term of Fully quota of guarantee guarantee (if provided for a party quota guarantee (if any) guarantee executed? announce occurrence amount any) related party approved ment TIME Six months Interconnect Joint and from the June 21, Server 69.65 69.65 several expiration No Yes 2022 Technology guarantee date of Co., Ltd. main debts Linkz International Limited and Joint and September Continuing TIME 8,932.7 60.17 several No Yes 4, 2020 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. Linkz Joint and December Continuing International 5,806.26 0 several No Yes 14, 2020 Security Limited guarantee TIME Joint and Interconnect June 27, Continuing 3,126.45 0 several No Yes Industrial Co., 2017 Security guarantee Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and June 25, Continuing TIME 2,679.81 0 several No Yes 2021 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. 108 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 TIME Joint and Interconnect June 25, Continuing 2,704.46 0 several No Yes Industrial Co., 2021 Security guarantee Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and January Continuing TIME 7,146.16 0 several No Yes 28, 2021 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and April 1, Continuing TIME 5,627.6 0 several No Yes 2021 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and January Continuing TIME 5,359.62 0 several No Yes 13, 2022 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and October 9, Continuing TIME 7,146.16 951.19 several No Yes 2020 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. Linkz International Limited and Joint and September Continuing TIME 803.94 0 several No Yes 27, 2021 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. 109 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Linkz International Limited and Joint and September Continuing TIME 1,253.63 0 several No Yes 27, 2021 Security Interconnect guarantee Industrial Co., Ltd. TIME Joint and Interconnect November Continuing 6,252.89 3,796.4 several No Yes Technology 15, 2021 Security guarantee Limited TIME Joint and Interconnect October 2, Continuing 7,146.16 0 several No Yes Industrial Co., 2019 Security guarantee Ltd. TIME Interconnect Joint and April 27, Continuing Technology 5,000 3,246.91 several No Yes 2020 Security (Huizhou) guarantee Limited TIME Interconnect Joint and January 1, December Technology 6,000 4,727.54 several No Yes 2018 31, 2023 (Huizhou) guarantee Limited TIME Interconnect Joint and January January 23, Technology 10,800 2,450 several No Yes 24, 2022 2025 (Huizhou) guarantee Limited Three years TIME after Interconnect Joint and June 1, expiration Technology 10,000 4,800 several No Yes 2022 of the debt (Huizhou) guarantee performanc Limited e period Huaxun Joint and Industrial July 1, June 30, 5,000 2,010.33 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 2021 2024 guarantee Ltd. 110 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Huaxun Joint and Industrial August 4, August 3, 10,000 4,955.02 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 2021 2026 guarantee Ltd. Three years Huaxun after Joint and Industrial November expiration 4,000 763.54 several (Suzhou) Co., 10, 2021 of the debt guarantee Ltd. performanc e period Three years Huaxun after Joint and Industrial January expiration 11,000 10,025.42 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 12, 2022 of the debt guarantee Ltd. performanc e period Huaxun Joint and Industrial April 6, April 5, 3,000 2,998.67 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 2022 2025 guarantee Ltd. Huaxun Joint and Industrial June 1, June 1, 5,500 4,531.71 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 2022 2025 guarantee Ltd. Three years Huaxun after Joint and Industrial July 20, expiration 8,000 3,394.02 several No Yes (Suzhou) Co., 2022 of the debt guarantee Ltd. performanc e period 111 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Linkz International Limited, TIME Interconnect Industrial Co., Ltd., TIME Joint and Interconnect September Continuing 15,185.59 3,573.08 several No Yes Wiring 5, 2022 Security guarantee Technology Co., Ltd. and TIME Interconnect Server Technology Co., Ltd. Total guarantee quota Total actual amount of approved for subsidiaries guarantees for 31,842.55 within the reporting period subsidiaries within the (C1) reporting period (C2) Total guarantee quota Total actual guarantee approved for the subsidiaries balance for subsidiaries 157,541.07 52,353.64 at the end of the reporting at the end of the period (C3) reporting period (C4) Total amount of guarantee provided by the Company (the sum of the above three items) Total amount of guarantee Total actual amount of approved during the guarantees within the 101,488.55 reporting period reporting period (i.e. (A1+B1+C1) A2+B2+C2) Total amount of guarantee Total actual guarantee approved as at the end of the balance at the end of the 783,658.61 121,999.64 reporting period reporting period (A3+B3+C3) (A4+B4+C4) Ratio of total amount of guarantee actually provided 2.69% (A4+B4+C4) to the net assets of the Company Among which, Amount of guarantee for shareholders, de facto controller 0 and their related parties (D) Amount of debt guarantee provided for guaranteed party whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or 69,646 indirectly (E) Amount of total guarantee over 50% of net assets (F) 0 112 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total amount guaranteed (D+E+F) 69,646 Particulars of the guarantees provided using complex method: N/A 3. Entrusted management of cash assets (1)Entrusted wealth management Applicable □ N/A Entrusted wealth management during the reporting period: In RMB0’000 Impairment amount made for Outstanding Overdue Type Source of funds Total amount overdue uncollected wealth amount amount management products Bank wealth 132,622.69 132,622.69 0 0 Self-owned funds management amount Total 132,622.69 132,622.69 0 0 Details of entrusted wealth management with individually significant amount or low safety, poor liquidity, high risk □ Applicable N/A Entrusted wealth management products the principal of which may be unrecoverable or which may otherwise be impaired: □ Applicable N/A (2) Entrusted loans Applicable □ N/A Entrusted loans during the reporting period: In RMB0’000 Total amount Source of funds Outstanding amount Overdue amount 3,759,422 Self-owned funds 3,759,422 0 Details of entrusted loans with individually significant amount or low safety, poor liquidity, high risk □ Applicable N/A Entrusted loans the principal of which may be unrecoverable or which may otherwise be impaired: □ Applicable N/A 4. Other significant contracts □ Applicable N/A We have not entered into any other material contract during the reporting period. 113 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 XVI. Other significant matters □ Applicable N/A The Company has no other significant matters to be explained during the reporting period. XVII. Significant events of subsidiaries of the Company □ Applicable N/A 114 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders I. Changes in shares 1. Changes in shares Unit: Share Before the change +,- After the change New shares Stock Shares converted from Number Proportion Other Subtotal Number Proportion issued dividend capital reserve I. Non-tradable shares 6,152,646 0.09% 5,026,239 5,026,239 11,178,885 0.16% 1. Shares held by the State 2. Shares held by State-owned corporations 3. Shares held by other domestic investors 96,022 0.00% 831,461 831,461 927,483 0.01% Incl.: Shares held by domestic non-State-owned corporations Shares held by domestic natural persons 96,022 0.00% 831,461 831,461 927,483 0.01% 4. Shares held by foreign investors 6,056,624 0.09% 4,194,778 4,194,778 10,251,402 0.15% Incl.: Shares held by foreign corporations Shares held by foreign natural persons 6,056,624 0.09% 4,194,778 4,194,778 10,251,402 0.15% II. Tradable shares 7,065,170,118 99.91% 39,135,005 39,135,005 7,104,305,123 99.84% 1. RMB-denominated ordinary shares 7,065,170,118 99.91% 39,135,005 39,135,005 7,104,305,123 99.84% 2. Foreign currency-denominated shares listed domestically 3. Foreign currency-denominated shares listed overseas 4. Others III. Total shares 7,071,322,764 100.00% 44,161,244 44,161,244 7,115,484,008 100.00% Reasons of changes in shares: Applicable □ N/A 1. During the reporting period, the Company issued 44,157,507 shares to the grantees under the stock option incentive plan exercising their options at their sole discretion, the details of which are shown in “Section IV” - “XI. Implementation of share incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans and other employee incentives granted by the Company”. 2. The Company publicly offered 30 million convertible corporate bonds (abbreviation: Luxshare Convertible Bonds; bond code: 128136) on November 3, 2020, and the period for which the convertible corporate bonds can be converted into shares is from May 10, 2021 to November 2, 2026. During the reporting period, the number of shares converted into by bonds was 3,737. Approval of changes in shares: Applicable □ N/A 1. Deliberation and approval by the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company on July 2, 2021. 2. Deliberation and approval by the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of 115 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Supervisors of the Company on December 3, 2021. 3. Deliberation and approval by the 7th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 7th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company on February 21, 2022. 4. Deliberation and approval by the 9th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company on July 4, 2022. 5. Deliberation and approval by the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company on December 5, 2022. Transfer of share ownership: Applicable □ N/A 1. Period in which the stock options vested in the second vesting period of the initial grant under the 2019 stock option incentive plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees: From July 15, 2021 to April 21, 2022. 2. Period in which the stock options vested in the third vesting period under the 2018 stock option incentive plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees: From December 24, 2021 to September 23, 2022. 3. Period in which the stock options vested in the second vesting period in reserved grant under the 2019 stock option incentive plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees: From March 3, 2022 to November 25, 2022. 4. Period in which the stock options vested in the third vesting period in initial grant under the 2019 stock option incentive plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees: From July 22, 2022 to April 21, 2023. 5. Period in which the stock options vested in the fourth vesting period under the 2018 stock option incentive plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees: From December 13, 2022 to September 22, 2023. Effect of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the Company in the preceding year and the most recent reporting period: □ Applicable N/A Other information disclosed as the Company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities: □ Applicable N/A 2. Changes in non-tradable shares Applicable □ N/A Unit: Share Number of Number of Balance of Balance of non-tradable shares non-tradable shares Shareholder non-tradable shares as non-tradable shares as Reason for restriction Unlock date unlocked in the increased in the at January 1, 2020 at December 31, 2020 reporting period reporting period The restricted conditions are Lock-up shares for released according to WNAG Tao 96,022 0 451,219 547,241 senior officers the requirements on the lock-up shares for senior officers The restricted conditions are Lock-up shares for released according to WANG Laisheng 5,227,700 0 3,966,257 9,193,957 senior officers the requirements on the lock-up shares for senior officers The restricted conditions are Lock-up shares for released according to LI Wei 0 0 380,242 380,242 senior officers the requirements on the lock-up shares for senior officers The restricted conditions are Lock-up shares for released according to HUANG Dawei 329,542 0 164,771 494,313 senior officers the requirements on the lock-up shares for senior officers 116 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 The restricted conditions are Lock-up shares for released according to WU Tiansong 499,382 0 63,750 563,132 senior officers the requirements on the lock-up shares for senior officers Total 6,152,646 0 5,026,239 11,178,885 -- -- II. Offering and listing of securities 1. Offering of securities (other than preferred shares) during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A 2. Changes in total number of shares, shareholding structure, and structure of assets and liabilities of the Company Applicable □ N/A 1. Upon review and approval by the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Directors, the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors, the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors, the 7th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors, the 9th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors, and the 14th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors of the Company, the vesting conditions for the second vesting period in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan, the third vesting period under 2018 stock option incentive plan, the second vesting period in reserved grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan, the third vesting period in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan, and the fourth vesting period under 2018 stock option incentive plan were satisfied, and the Company agreed that the relevant stock option grantees of the Company exercise options at their sole discretion, and a total of additional 44,157,507 shares were issued to the grantees exercising options at their sole discretion during the reporting period. 2. The Company publicly offered 30 million convertible corporate bonds (abbreviation: Luxshare Convertible Bonds; bond code: 128136) on November 3, 2020, and the period for which the convertible corporate bonds can be converted into shares is from May 10, 2021 to November 2, 2026. During the reporting period, the number of shares converted into by bonds was 3,737. 3. Outstanding employee shares □ Applicable N/A III. Shareholders and actual controllers 1. Number of shareholders and shareholding structure of the Company Unit: Share Total number of Total ordinary preferred Total number of Total number of preferred shareholders as of shareholders with ordinary stockholders with voting rights the end of the voting rights shareholders at the 291,302 340,682 0 restored at the end of last month 0 month prior to the restored at the end end of the reporting before the disclosure date of the disclosure date of of the reporting period annual report (if any) (see note 8) annual report period (if any) (see note 8) Shareholders holding more than 5% of shares or shares of the top 10 shareholders Number of Increase or No. of Pledge, mark or freeze Name of Type of Shareholding shares held at decrease of shares Number of restricted non-tradabl shareholders shareholder percentage the end of the within the shares held e ordinary Status of shares Qty reporting period reporting period shares held Foreign legal 2,731,537,6 Luxshare Limited 38.39% 2,731,537,636 Pledged 1,076,610,000 person 36 Hong Kong Foreign legal 7.90% 561,802,268 -32033496 561,802,26 117 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Securities Clearing person 8 Company Limited China Securities Domestic Finance non-stated 1.19% 84,428,888 84,428,888 Corporation owned Limited corporation Central Huijin Stated owned 0.82% 58,041,012 58,041,012 Investment Ltd. corporation China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - Domestic Ruiyuan Growth non-stated 0.68% 48,141,116 -5157183 48,141,116 Value Hybrid owned Securities corporation Investment Fund Domestic Pegatron non-stated Technology 0.56% 39,845,105 39,845,105 owned (Shanghai) Co Ltd corporation E Fund - Agricultural Bank Domestic of China - E Fund non-stated 0.54% 38,656,343 38,656,343 Zhongzheng owned Financial Asset corporation Management Plan China AMC- Agricultural Bank Domestic of China - China non-stated 0.54% 38,576,831 38,576,831 AMC Zhongzheng owned Financial Asset corporation Management Plan Zhong Ou Fund - Agricultural Bank Domestic of China - Zhong non-stated 0.54% 38,557,184 38,557,184 Ou Zhongzheng owned Financial Asset corporation Management Plan Yinhua Fund - Agricultural Bank Domestic of China - Yinhua non-stated 0.54% 38,508,814 38,508,814 Zhongzheng owned Financial Asset corporation Management Plan Strategic investor or general legal person becomes the top 10 shareholders due to N/A the placement of new shares (if any) (See Note 3) Affiliates or concert parties among the 1. Luxshare Limited is the controlling shareholder of the Company; shareholders listed above 2. The Company is not aware of whether there are affiliates or persons acting in concert among the shareholders listed above. Delegation or waiver of voting rights or ownership of voting rights as a proxy in N/A respect of the shareholders listed above Description (if any) of special repurchase shareholders among top 10 shareholders N/A (refer to Note 10) Shareholdings of top 10 unrestricted shareholders Type Name of shareholders Number of unrestricted shares held at the end of the reporting period Type Qty RMB ordinary Luxshare Limited 2,731,537,636 2,731,537,636 shares Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company RMB ordinary 561,802,268 561,802,268 Limited shares China Securities Finance Corporation RMB ordinary 84,428,888 84,428,888 Limited shares RMB ordinary Central Huijin Investment Ltd. 58,041,012 58,041,012 shares China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - RMB ordinary Ruiyuan Growth Value Hybrid Securities 48,141,116 48,141,116 shares Investment Fund RMB ordinary Pegatron Technology (Shanghai) Co Ltd 39,845,105 39,845,105 shares E Fund - Agricultural Bank of China - E RMB ordinary Fund Zhongzheng Financial Asset 38,656,343 38,656,343 shares Management Plan China AMC- Agricultural Bank of China RMB ordinary - China AMC Zhongzheng Financial 38,576,831 38,576,831 shares Asset Management Plan Zhong Ou Fund - Agricultural Bank of RMB ordinary China - Zhong Ou Zhongzheng Financial 38,557,184 38,557,184 shares Asset Management Plan Yinhua Fund - Agricultural Bank of RMB ordinary China - Yinhua Zhongzheng Financial 38,508,814 38,508,814 shares Asset Management Plan Affiliates or concert parties among top 10 N/A holders of tradable ordinary shares, and 118 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 among top 10 holders of tradable ordinary shares and top 10 ordinary shareholders Engagement by top 10 ordinary shareholders in margin trading (if any) N/A (Note 4) Did any top 10 ordinary shareholder or top 10 holder of tradable ordinary shares conduct any transaction under repurchase agreement during the reporting period? □ Yes No No top 10 ordinary shareholder or top 10 holder of tradable ordinary shares has conducted any transaction under repurchase agreement during the reporting period 2. Controlling shareholder of the Company Nature of controlling shareholder: Controlled by foreign investor Type of controlling shareholder: Corporation Name of controlling Legal representative/ Change in organization Date of establishment Main business shareholder principal code Investment and share Luxshare Limited WANG Laichun August 27, 1999 holding Shares held by the controlling shareholder in other companies listed on domestic None or foreign stock exchanges during the reporting period Change in the controlling shareholder during the reporting period: □ Applicable N/A Our controlling shareholder has remained unchanged during the reporting period. 3. Actual controllers of the Company and their concerted parties Nature of actual controllers: Natural person Type of actual controllers: Natural person Relationship with the Whether or not hold a residence permit in any Name of actual controller Nationality actual controller other country or region WANG Laichun Himself Hong Kong No WANG Laisheng Himself Hong Kong No Ms. WANG Laichun is the Chairman of the Board of Directors & General Manager of the Company. In 1999, Ms. WANG Laichun and Mr. WANG Laisheng jointly purchased the shares of Luxshare Limited. In 2004, she founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Main occupations and titles Co., Ltd. (now known as “Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.”) through Luxshare Limited and acted as its Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. WANG Laisheng serves as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. Mr. WANG Laisheng and Ms. WANG Laichun jointly purchased the shares of Luxshare 119 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Limited in 1999, and in 2004, Mr. WANG Laisheng and Ms. WANG Laisheng jointly established founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (now known as “Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.”). Whether or not control any other company listed on a domestic or None foreign stock exchange in the past ten years Change in the actual controllers during the reporting period: □ Applicable N/A Our actual controllers have remained unchanged during the reporting period. Diagram of ownership and control relationship between the Company and its actual controllers: WANG Laichun WANG Laisheng Luxshare Limited Luxshare-ICT Whether the actual controllers control the Company through any trust or other ways of asset management? □ Applicable N/A 4. The Company’s controlling shareholder or top 1 shareholder and its persons acting in concert pledged account for 80% in total of the Company’s shares held by them □ Applicable N/A 5. Other institutional shareholders owning over 10% of shares □ Applicable N/A 6. Restrictions on shareholding reduction of the controlling shareholder, actual controller, restructuring parties, and other commitment subjects □ Applicable N/A IV. Specific implementation of share repurchases during the reporting period Progress of share repurchase: □ Applicable N/A 120 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Progress of sales of repurchased shares through call auction: □ Applicable N/A 121 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section VIII Preference Shares □ Applicable N/A We did not have any preferred share during the reporting period. 122 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section IX Bonds Applicable □ N/A I. Enterprise bonds □ Applicable N/A The Company had no enterprise bonds during the reporting period. II. Corporate bonds □ Applicable N/A The Company had no corporate bonds during the reporting period. III. Non-financial corporate debt financing instruments Applicable □ N/A 1. Basic information of non-financial corporate debt financing instruments In RMB Principal Bond and Bond Bond Maturity Bond Interest Trading abbreviati Issue date Start date interest name code date balance rate venue on payment method Phase I ultra-shor A lump t-term sum financing 22 payment Interbank bonds in Luxshare- 01228162 April 24, April 26, October 800,000, of 2.62% bond 2022 of ICT 5 2022 2022 21, 2022 000.00 principal market Luxshare SCP001 and Precision interest at Industry maturity Co., Ltd. Phase II ultra-shor A lump t-term sum financing 22 payment Interbank bonds in Luxshare- 01228192 May 25, May 26, November 500,000, of 2.2% bond 2022 of ICT 2 2022 2022 22, 2022 000.00 principal market Luxshare SCP002 and Precision interest at Industry maturity Co., Ltd. Phase III 22 01228197 May 30, May 31, November 500,000, 2.15% A lump Interbank 123 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 ultra-shor Luxshare- 4 2022 2022 25, 2022 000.00 sum bond t-term ICT payment market financing SCP003 of bonds in principal 2022 of and Luxshare interest at Precision maturity Industry Co., Ltd. Phase IV ultra-shor t-term A lump financing 22 sum bonds in Luxshare- payment 2022 of ICT Interbank 01228215 June 15, June 17, May 14, 1,000,00 of Luxshare SCP004 2.4% bond 2 2022 2022 2023 0,000.00 principal Precision (STAR market and Industry Market interest at Co., Ltd. Notes) maturity (STAR Market Notes) Phase V ultra-shor t-term A lump financing 22 sum bonds in Luxshare- payment 2022 of ICT Interbank 01228224 June 23, June 24, December 1,000,00 of Luxshare SCP005 2.15% bond 6 2022 2022 21, 2022 0,000.00 principal Precision (STAR market and Industry Market interest at Co., Ltd. Notes) maturity (STAR Market Notes) Phase VI ultra-shor A lump t-term sum financing 22 payment Interbank bonds in Luxshare- 01228249 July 14, July 15, April 11, 1,200,00 of 2.2% bond 2022 of ICT 1 2022 2022 2023 0,000.00 principal market Luxshare SCP006 and Precision interest at Industry maturity Co., Ltd. Phase VII ultra-shor A lump t-term 22 sum financing Luxshare- payment bonds in ICT Interbank 01228258 July 21, July 22, April 18, 800,000, of 2022 of SCP007 2.15% bond 5 2022 2022 2023 000.00 principal Luxshare (STAR market and Precision Market interest at Industry Notes) maturity Co., Ltd. (STAR 124 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Market Notes) Phase VIII A lump ultra-shor sum t-term 22 payment financing Interbank Luxshare- 01228267 July 28, July 29, April 25, 800,000, of bonds in 2.15% bond ICT 4 2022 2022 2023 000.00 principal 2022 of market SCP008 and Luxshare interest at Precision maturity Industry Co., Ltd. Investors’ appropriate arrangements Institutional investors on the national interbank bond market (except for purchasers (if any) prohibited by laws and regulations of China) Applicable trading mechanism Public trading Whether there is the risk of termination of listing (if any) and No countermeasures Bonds overdue but not yet repaid □ Applicable N/A 2. Trigger and implementation of the issuer or investor option provisions or investor protection provisions □ Applicable N/A 3. Intermediaries Name of Name of bond Name of Contact person of Office address accountants Phone project intermediary Intermediary signing this report Phase I ultra-short-term financing bonds in China Merchants No. 2016 Shennan None LUO Yingying 0755-88026159 2022 of Luxshare Bank Co., Ltd. Avenue, Shenzhen Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase I ultra-short-term 22 Jianguomennei financing bonds in Huaxia Bank Co., Street, Dongcheng None LI Bailu 010-85237515 2022 of Luxshare Ltd. District, Beijing Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase I 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction Beijing Han Kun financing bonds in Square, the 4th (Shenzhen) Law None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 2022 of Luxshare Central Road No. Firm Precision Industry 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Phase I BDO China Shu 10/F, Building 7, LI Jing and ZHEN ultra-short-term Lun Pan Certified Courtyard 16, ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 Zhijie financing bonds in Public Middle Road of 125 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2022 of Luxshare Accountants LLP West 4th Ring, Precision Industry Haidian District, Co., Ltd. Beijing 1101, 1102 and Phase I 1103 Units, 11/F, ultra-short-term Golden Credit South Block, financing bonds in Rating Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 2022 of Luxshare International Co., Chaowai West Precision Industry Ltd. Street, Chaoyang Co., Ltd. District, Beijing Phase II ultra-short-term 218 Haihe East financing bonds in China Bohai Bank Road, Hedong None HUANG Guihong 0755-36991314 2022 of Luxshare Co., Ltd. District, Tianjin, Precision Industry China Co., Ltd. Phase II 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction Beijing Han Kun financing bonds in Square, the 4th (Shenzhen) Law None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 2022 of Luxshare Central Road No. Firm Precision Industry 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Phase II 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 2022 of Luxshare Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. Beijing 1101, 1102 and Phase II 1103 Units, 11/F, ultra-short-term Golden Credit South Block, financing bonds in Rating Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 2022 of Luxshare International Co., Chaowai West Precision Industry Ltd. Street, Chaoyang Co., Ltd. District, Beijing Phase II 33-34/F, Oriental ultra-short-term International Interbank Market financing bonds in Financial Plaza, Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan Co., Ltd. Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. Shanghai Phase III ultra-short-term 168 Yincheng financing bonds in Bank of Shanghai Middle Road, None DU Zhong 021-68476774 2022 of Luxshare Co., Ltd. Shanghai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase III 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction Beijing Han Kun financing bonds in Square, the 4th (Shenzhen) Law None TANG Jianghua 0755-36806500 2022 of Luxshare Central Road No. Firm Precision Industry 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Phase III BDO China Shu 10/F, Building 7, LI Jing and ZHEN ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 126 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 ultra-short-term Lun Pan Certified Courtyard 16, Zhijie financing bonds in Public Middle Road of 2022 of Luxshare Accountants LLP West 4th Ring, Precision Industry Haidian District, Co., Ltd. Beijing 1101, 1102 and Phase III 1103 Units, 11/F, ultra-short-term Golden Credit South Block, financing bonds in Rating Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 2022 of Luxshare International Co., Chaowai West Precision Industry Ltd. Street, Chaoyang Co., Ltd. District, Beijing Phase III 33-34/F, Oriental ultra-short-term International Interbank Market financing bonds in Financial Plaza, Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan Co., Ltd. Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. Shanghai Phase IV ultra-short-term financing bonds in 22 Jianguomennei Huaxia Bank Co., 2022 of Luxshare Street, Dongcheng None LI Bailu 010-85237515 Ltd. Precision Industry District, Beijing Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase IV ultra-short-term financing bonds in 168 Yincheng Bank of Shanghai 2022 of Luxshare Middle Road, None SHI Yuzhou 021-68476774 Co., Ltd. Precision Industry Shanghai Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase IV 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction financing bonds in Beijing Han Kun Square, the 4th 2022 of Luxshare (Shenzhen) Law None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 Central Road No. Precision Industry Firm 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shenzhen Market Notes) Phase IV 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN 2022 of Luxshare ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Beijing Market Notes) Phase IV 1101, 1102 and ultra-short-term 1103 Units, 11/F, Golden Credit financing bonds in South Block, Rating 2022 of Luxshare Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 International Co., Precision Industry Chaowai West Ltd. Co., Ltd. (STAR Street, Chaoyang Market Notes) District, Beijing Phase IV Interbank Market 33-34/F, Oriental None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 ultra-short-term Clearing House International 127 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financing bonds in Co., Ltd. Financial Plaza, 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shanghai Market Notes) Phase V ultra-short-term financing bonds in 168 Yincheng Bank of Shanghai 2022 of Luxshare Middle Road, None DU Zhong 021-68476774 Co., Ltd. Precision Industry Shanghai Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase V ultra-short-term China Merchants financing bonds in China Merchants Bank Building, 2022 of Luxshare None LUO Yingying 0755-88026159 Bank Co., Ltd. No. 7088 Houhai Precision Industry Avenue, Shenzhen Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase V 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction financing bonds in Beijing Han Kun Square, the 4th 2022 of Luxshare (Shenzhen) Law None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 Central Road No. Precision Industry Firm 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shenzhen Market Notes) Phase V 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN 2022 of Luxshare ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Beijing Market Notes) Phase V 1101, 1102 and ultra-short-term 1103 Units, 11/F, Golden Credit financing bonds in South Block, Rating 2022 of Luxshare Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 International Co., Precision Industry Chaowai West Ltd. Co., Ltd. (STAR Street, Chaoyang Market Notes) District, Beijing Phase V 33-34/F, Oriental ultra-short-term International financing bonds in Interbank Market Financial Plaza, 2022 of Luxshare Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 318 Zhongshan Precision Industry Co., Ltd. South Road, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shanghai Market Notes) Phase VI ultra-short-term China Merchants financing bonds in China Merchants Bank Building, None LUO Yingying 0755-88026159 2022 of Luxshare Bank Co., Ltd. No. 7088 Houhai Precision Industry Avenue, Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Phase VI Beijing Han Kun 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 ultra-short-term (Shenzhen) Law Construction 128 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financing bonds in Firm Square, the 4th 2022 of Luxshare Central Road No. Precision Industry 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Phase VI 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 2022 of Luxshare Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. Beijing 1101, 1102 and Phase VI 1103 Units, 11/F, ultra-short-term Golden Credit South Block, financing bonds in Rating Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 2022 of Luxshare International Co., Chaowai West Precision Industry Ltd. Street, Chaoyang Co., Ltd. District, Beijing Phase VI 33-34/F, Oriental ultra-short-term International Interbank Market financing bonds in Financial Plaza, Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan Co., Ltd. Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. Shanghai Phase VII ultra-short-term financing bonds in 168 Yincheng Bank of Shanghai 2022 of Luxshare Middle Road, None DU Zhong 021-68476774 Co., Ltd. Precision Industry Shanghai Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase VII 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction financing bonds in Beijing Han Kun Square, the 4th 2022 of Luxshare (Shenzhen) Law None GUO Qilin 0755-36806500 Central Road No. Precision Industry Firm 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shenzhen Market Notes) Phase VII 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN 2022 of Luxshare ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. (STAR Beijing Market Notes) Phase VII 1101, 1102 and ultra-short-term 1103 Units, 11/F, Golden Credit financing bonds in South Block, Rating 2022 of Luxshare Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 International Co., Precision Industry Chaowai West Ltd. Co., Ltd. (STAR Street, Chaoyang Market Notes) District, Beijing Phase VII 33-34/F, Oriental Interbank Market ultra-short-term International Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 financing bonds in Financial Plaza, Co., Ltd. 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan 129 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. (STAR Shanghai Market Notes) Phase VIII ultra-short-term China Merchants financing bonds in China Merchants Bank Building, None LUO Yingying 0755-88026159 2022 of Luxshare Bank Co., Ltd. No. 7088 Houhai Precision Industry Avenue, Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Phase VIII 20/F, Tower 3, Jiali ultra-short-term Construction Beijing Han Kun financing bonds in Square, the 4th (Shenzhen) Law None TONG Linwen 0755-36806500 2022 of Luxshare Central Road No. Firm Precision Industry 1, Futian District, Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Phase VIII 10/F, Building 7, ultra-short-term BDO China Shu Courtyard 16, financing bonds in Lun Pan Certified Middle Road of LI Jing and ZHEN ZHU Jiandi 010-88210608 2022 of Luxshare Public West 4th Ring, Zhijie Precision Industry Accountants LLP Haidian District, Co., Ltd. Beijing 1101, 1102 and Phase VIII 1103 Units, 11/F, ultra-short-term Golden Credit South Block, financing bonds in Rating Building 1, None XING Dong 010-62299850 2022 of Luxshare International Co., Chaowai West Precision Industry Ltd. Street, Chaoyang Co., Ltd. District, Beijing Phase VIII 33-34/F, Oriental ultra-short-term International Interbank Market financing bonds in Financial Plaza, Clearing House None XIE Zhong 021-63326662 2022 of Luxshare 318 Zhongshan Co., Ltd. Precision Industry South Road, Co., Ltd. Shanghai Did the above-mentioned intermediaries change during the reporting period? □ Yes No 4. Use of raised funds In RMB Rectifications Comply with of use of the Operation of the usage, use proceeds in Name of bond special account plan and other Total proceeds Used amount Unused amount violation of project for proceeds (if agreements as laws and any) promised in the regulations (if prospectus? any) Phase I ultra-short-term financing bonds 800,000,000.00 800,000,000.00 0.00 Normal N/A Yes in 2022 of Luxshare Precision 130 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Industry Co., Ltd. Phase II ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 0.00 Normal N/A Yes Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase III ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 0.00 Normal N/A Yes Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase IV ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of 1,000,000,000. 1,000,000,000. Luxshare 0.00 Normal N/A Yes 00 00 Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase V ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of 1,000,000,000. 1,000,000,000. Luxshare 0.00 Normal N/A Yes 00 00 Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase VI ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of 1,200,000,000. 1,200,000,000. 0.00 Normal N/A Yes Luxshare 00 00 Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Phase VII ultra-short-term financing bonds in 2022 of Luxshare 800,000,000.00 800,000,000.00 0.00 Normal N/A Yes Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (STAR Market Notes) Phase VIII 800,000,000.00 800,000,000.00 0.00 Normal N/A Yes ultra-short-term 131 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financing bonds in 2022 of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Use of proceeds in the construction projects □ Applicable N/A Change by the Company of the usage of the above-mentioned proceeds during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A 5. Adjustment of credit rating results during the reporting period □ Applicable N/A 6. Implementation and changes of guarantees, debt repayment plans and other debt repayment security measures during the reporting period and their effects on bond investors □ Applicable N/A IV. Convertible corporate bonds □Applicable N/A 1. Historic adjustment of conversion price (1) As of the beginning of the reporting period, the conversion price of convertible bonds of the Company was RMB58.48 per share. (2) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB58.01 per share to RMB57.98 per share, which became effective on January 13, 2022, because 3,747,618 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 560,728 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (3) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.98 per share to RMB57.97 per share, which became effective on January 25, 2022, because 1,132,798 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 270,342 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (4) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.97 per share to RMB57.93 per share, which became effective on March 8, 2022, because 2,212,582 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 508,705 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan and 3,011,626 reserved shares were exercised by grantees under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (5) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.93 per share to RMB57.92 per share, which became effective on March 22, 2022, because 873,526 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 233,381 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan and 424,954 reserved shares were exercised by grantees under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (6) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.92 per share to RMB57.91 per share, which became effective on May 25, 2022, because 627.019 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 148,641 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. 132 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (7) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.91 per share to RMB57.80 per share, which become effective on July 13, 2022 because the Company implemented the annual equity distribution in 2021, and distributed RMB1.099820 in cash per 10 shares to all shareholders based on the Company’s existing total share capital of 7,085,454,576 shares. (8) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.80 per share to RMB57.75 per share, which became effective on July 27, 2022, because 880,088 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 7,580,662 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan and 79,033 reserved shares were exercised by grantees under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (9) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.75 per share to RMB57.73 per share, which became effective on September 7, 2022, because 468,709 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 2,920,986 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan and 139,180 reserved shares were exercised by grantees under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (10) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.73 per share to RMB57.71 per share, which became effective on November 22, 2022, because 379,470 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 1,911,486 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan and 91,549 reserved shares were exercised by grantees under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (11) The conversion price was adjusted from RMB57.71 per share to RMB57.63 per share, which became effective on December 20, 2022, because 11,412,022 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees under 2018 stock option incentive plan and 294,313 shares were added arising from exercise by grantees in initial grant under 2019 stock option incentive plan of the Company. (12) As of the end of the reporting period, the conversion price of convertible bonds of the Company was RMB57.63 per share. 2. Accumulative conversion of convertible bonds into shares Applicable □ N/A Proportion of accumulative Proportion of Amount of converted Number of amount of Convertible Beginning Total issued accumulative share to the Amount of Total issue accumulative unconverted bond and ending convertible converted total shares unconverted amount converted bonds to the abbreviation dates bonds (piece) shares issued by the bonds (RMB) shares (share) total issued (RMB) Company amount before conversion Convertible 30,000,000 3,000,000,00 737,000.00 12,546 0.00% 2,999,263,00 99.98% bonds of May 10, 2021 0.00 0.00 Luxshare 3. Top 10 holders of convertible corporate bonds Unit: Share Number of Amount of Percentage of Nature of convertible convertible convertible S. Name of holder of convertible corporate holder of corporate bonds corporate bonds corporate bonds N. bonds convertible held at the end of held at the end of held at the end of corporate the reporting the reporting the reporting 133 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 bonds period period (RMB) period China Construction Bank Corporation - Zhong Ou New Blue Chip Flexible 1 Others 1,971,939 214,834,866.29 6.57% Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Stated 2 Hua Chuang Securities Co., Ltd. owned 1,038,866 113,180,295.24 3.46% corporation ICBC Credit Suisse Tianfeng Convertible 3 Bond Fixed Income Pension Product - Others 888,242 96,770,412.93 2.96% Bank of China Limited China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. - 4 ICBC Credit Suisse Tianyi Bonds-type Others 821,495 89,498,594.27 2.74% Securities Investment Fund Fuguo Fuyi Enterprising Fixed Income 5 Pension Product - Industrial and Others 672,134 73,226,310.76 2.24% Commercial Bank of China Limited Foreign 6 UBS AG 624,992 68,090,378.43 2.08% legal person National Social Security Fund 1005 7 Others 602,980 65,692,259.08 2.01% Portfolio China Construction Bank Corporation - 8 Xinhua Zengyi Bond-type Securities Others 601,234 65,502,039.36 2.00% Investment Fund Stated 9 Northeast Securities Co., Ltd. owned 518,683 56,508,438.12 1.73% corporation The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Foreign 10 504,811 54,997,139.21 1.68% Corporation Limited legal person 4. Significant changes in the profitability, assets and credit status of the guarantors □ Applicable N/A 5. The Company’s liabilities, changes in credit at the end of the reporting period and cash arrangements for debt repayment in future years According to the Credit Rating Report (Lian He [2022] No. 4227) issued by China Lianhe Credit Rating Co., Ltd. on June 22, 2022, the long-term credit rating of the Company as the entity is AA+ and the credit rating of the convertible bonds of the Company is AA+. There is no significant change in the Company’s liabilities and credit. For main accounting data and financial indicators, please see the “VIII Main Accounting Date and Financial Indicators in the Past Two Years” under Section IX of this report. V. The loss in the scope of consolidated statements of the Company during the reporting period exceeded 10% of the net assets at the end of previous reporting period □ Applicable N/A 134 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 VI. Overdue interest-bearing debts other than bonds at the end of the reporting period □ Applicable N/A VII. Was there violations of rules and regulations during the reporting period? □ Yes No VIII. Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company for most recent two years as of the end of the reporting period In RMB0’000 Item December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Y/Y% Change Current ratio 1.1830 1.1154 6.06% Equity-debt ratio 60.38% 62.03% -1.65% Quick ratio 0.6824 0.7930 -13.95% 2022 2021 Y/Y% Change Net profit, excluding 844,205.29 601,559.72 40.34% non-recurring profit and loss EBITDA - total debt ratio 60.45% 59.02% 1.43% Interest coverage ratio 11.75 13.41 -12.38% Cash interest coverage ratio 14.99 14.59 2.74% EBITDA-to-interest coverage 19.43 21.47 -9.50% ratio Rate of loans due and repaid 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Rate of interest due and paid 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 135 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Section X Financial Report I. Auditor’s report Audit opinion Standard Unqualified Opinion Signing date of audit report April 27, 2023 Auditor BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Auditor report document number Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2023] No. ZB10828 Name of certified public accountants LI Jing and DAN Jie Main Body of Auditor’s Report Auditor’s Report Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2023] No. ZB10828 To all shareholders of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., I. Audit opinion We have audited the financial statements of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Precision”), which comprise the consolidated and parent company’s balance sheets as at December 31, 2022, and the consolidated and parent company’s income statements, the consolidated and parent company’s statements of cash flows and the consolidated and parent company’s statements of changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements are prepared in all material respects in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and fairly present the consolidated and parent company’s financial position as of December 31, 2022, and the consolidated and parent company’s operating results and cash flows for the year then ended. II. Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the “Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements” section of our report. We are independent of Luxshare Precision with the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. III. Key audit matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. Key audit matters identified in our audit are summarized as below: Key audit matters How we addressed the matter in our audit (I) Revenue recognition For details of the accounting policy for and 1. Understand, evaluate and test the design of the analysis on revenue recognition, please see the key internal controls of the management related to accounting policies described in the Item (26) under the revenue recognition and the operational effectiveness Note “III. Significant accounting policies and of those controls; accounting estimates” and the Item (45) under the Note 2. Sample the product sales revenue to make test “V. Notes to consolidated financial statements” to the thereof according to different regions and customers: financial statements. check supporting documents related to revenue 136 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 In 2022, Luxshare Precision’s operating income recognition; presented in its consolidated financial statements 3. Implement the analytical procedures on income amounted to RMB214,028,394,300.00. Luxshare and gross profit and determine whether there are Precision has a large number of customers at home and abnormal fluctuations in the amount of revenue for the abroad. Under different delivery methods, the Company current period; recognizes revenue upon the transfer of control of a 4. Understand the modes of cooperation between related product to a customer. If a customer is also the the Company and customers and suppliers, and supplier of some raw materials, the Company evaluate the product liability share and the transfer of recognizes the purchase of raw materials and sales of control; products respectively based on the transfer of inventory 5. Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of risks and rewards, product liability, credit risk bearers revenue in conjunction with the confirmation and business nature, that is, the sales revenue is procedures for receivables & payables and inventories; recognized based on the gross amount. The revenue is and one of the Company’s key performance indicators and 6. Analyze the post-period recovery of accounts the main source of the Company’s profits, so we receivable. identify the revenue from product sales as the key audit matter based on the importance of the accounting policy for revenue recognition and the amount involved. (II) Provision for decline in value of inventories Please see the accounting policies described in the 1. Understand, evaluate and test the design of the Item (11) under the Note “III. Significant accounting key internal controls of the management related to the policies and accounting estimates” and the Item (7) provision for decline in value of inventories and the under the Note “V. Notes to consolidated financial operational effectiveness of those controls; statements” to the financial statements. 2. Obtain the Company’s calculation sheet of the As at December 31, 2022, Luxshare Precision’s provision for decline in value of inventories, review inventories and provision for decline in value of the net realizable value of inventories and the inventories presented in its consolidated financial provision for decline in value of inventories, and statements amounted to RMB38,125,952,900.00 and evaluate whether the judgment made by the RMB762,623,400.00 respectively. Inventories of the management in determining the net realizable value of Company are stated at the lower of cost or net inventories is reasonable; realizable value. For finished products, their net 3. Check the quantity and conditions of realizable value is determined at the estimated selling inventories, focus on inspecting the long-term price of these inventories less the estimated costs inventories, and analyze the adequacy of the provision necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes; for the for decline in value of inventories if any indication inventories that need to be processed, in the ordinary exists that such inventories may be impaired, in production and operation process, their net realizable conjunction with roll-forward procedures; and value is determined at the estimated selling price of 4. Check the current changes of the provision for finished products less the estimated costs of completion decline in value of inventories made in previous years and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and and analyze the rationality of the changes in the relevant taxes. The determination of the net realizable provision for decline in value of inventories. value of inventories involves the management’s use of significant accounting estimates and judgments, and the provision for decline in value of inventories is of significance to the consolidated financial statements, so we identify the provision for decline in value of inventories as the key audit matter. IV. Other information The management of Luxshare Precision (“management”) is responsible for other information. Other information comprises the information included in the 2022 Annual Report of Luxshare Precision, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. 137 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 V. Responsibilities of the management and those charged with governance for the financial statements The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and designing, implementing and maintaining internal control that is necessary to enable the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing Luxshare Precision’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate Luxshare Precision or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance of Luxshare Precision (hereinafter referred to as “those charged with governance”) are responsible for overseeing Luxshare Precision’s financial reporting process. VI. Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with China Standards on Auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than that resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control; (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances; (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management; (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting, and meanwhile, based on the audit evidence obtained, on whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubts on Luxshare Precision’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements. If such disclosures are inadequate, we are required to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause Luxshare Precision to cease to continue as a going concern; (5) Evaluate the overall presentation (including disclosure), structure and content of the financial statements and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation; and (6) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within Luxshare Precision to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Chinese CPA: LI Jing (Project Partner) 138 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Chinese CPA: DAN Jie Shanghai China April 27, 2023 II. Financial statements Statements in notes to the financial statements are dominated in RMB. 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by: Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. December 31, 2022 In RMB Item December 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 19,367,209,441.41 14,204,618,186.43 Balances with clearing agencies Placements with banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial assets 1,353,266,499.91 2,107,118,105.04 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 949,767,020.69 307,836,634.64 Accounts receivable 26,043,354,859.19 31,623,185,946.25 Receivable financing Prepayments 586,577,865.23 406,016,492.61 Premiums receivable Amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts Reinsurer’s share of insurance contract reserves Other receivables 431,123,451.91 598,456,702.88 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable Financial assets purchased under resale agreements Inventories 37,363,329,476.66 20,900,755,733.15 Contract assets Held-for-sale assets Non-current assets due within one 139 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 year Other current assets 2,197,204,594.09 2,161,055,820.73 Total current assets 88,291,833,209.09 72,309,043,621.73 Non-current assets: Loans and advances to customers Debt investments 1,739,251,540.45 1,464,279,206.63 Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 2,000,007,642.66 1,125,605,226.03 Other investments in equity 440,106,992.66 235,976,148.42 instruments Other non-current financial assets 35,700,000.00 5,700,000.00 Investment properties 92,782,410.06 59,000,690.72 Fixed assets 44,026,022,703.69 34,113,259,322.43 Construction in progress 2,695,377,794.32 3,685,336,499.02 Bearer biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 941,749,814.66 425,011,542.28 Intangible assets 2,695,684,053.67 2,222,985,029.31 Development expenditure Goodwill 1,730,047,190.39 1,397,364,508.87 Long-term deferred expenses 810,913,529.72 733,015,722.42 Deferred tax assets 1,208,582,281.01 891,215,468.53 Other non-current assets 1,676,259,912.33 1,904,305,181.49 Total non-current assets 60,092,485,865.62 48,263,054,546.15 Total assets 148,384,319,074.71 120,572,098,167.88 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 14,911,899,668.93 11,919,635,337.99 Loans from the central bank Taking from banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial 44,318,321.50 41,436.00 liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 515,054,217.52 234,500,590.93 140 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Accounts payable 49,786,483,552.54 45,416,165,667.67 Receipts in advance 0.00 0.00 Contract liabilities 501,765,453.24 268,506,246.98 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions Funds from securities trading agency Funds from underwriting securities agency Employee benefits payable 2,368,135,762.48 2,099,916,381.79 Taxes payable 841,385,173.92 616,039,596.28 Other payables 472,880,196.48 382,391,106.17 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable 15,089,486.78 Fees and commissions payable Amounts payable under reinsurance contracts Held-for-sale liabilities Non-current liabilities due within 1,232,252,431.14 270,079,590.16 one year Other current liabilities 3,957,037,125.24 3,623,423,072.87 Total current liabilities 74,631,211,902.99 64,830,699,026.84 Non-current liabilities: Insurance contract reserves Long-term borrowings 9,205,313,060.94 5,025,096,193.09 Bonds payable 2,689,623,546.98 2,805,785,000.04 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 800,739,041.51 315,093,483.55 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions 682,513.39 923,738.96 141 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Deferred income 665,910,095.66 538,556,944.18 Deferred tax liabilities 1,606,645,177.00 1,272,092,467.86 Other non-current liabilities 324,039.05 1,207,763.79 Total non-current liabilities 14,969,237,474.53 9,958,755,591.47 Total liabilities 89,600,449,377.52 74,789,454,618.31 Owners’ equity: Share capital 7,099,908,647.00 7,050,485,477.00 Other equity instruments 527,319,637.88 527,358,025.98 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 3,652,626,861.74 2,719,695,281.67 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income 651,458,316.25 -35,801,471.29 Special reserve 2,094,879.61 1,018,784.75 Surplus reserve 1,121,072,698.83 985,161,506.61 General risk reserve Unappropriated profit 32,288,416,277.22 24,040,637,144.00 Total owners’ equity attributable to 45,342,897,318.53 35,288,554,748.72 equity holders of the parent company Minority interests 13,440,972,378.66 10,494,088,800.85 Total owners’ equity 58,783,869,697.19 45,782,643,549.57 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 148,384,319,074.71 120,572,098,167.88 Legal representative: WANG Laichun Chief financial officer: WU Tiansong Head of accounting department: CHEN Huiyong 2. Balance sheet of the parent company In RMB Item December 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 2,470,873,229.56 999,340,773.61 Held-for-trading financial assets 425,160,741.00 597,571,722.08 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 96,318,451.09 162,983,735.09 Accounts receivable 6,130,919,579.55 2,901,625,168.21 Receivable financing 142 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Prepayments 153,214,652.87 475,784,600.82 Other receivables 250,596,765.44 635,052,127.84 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable 150,000,000.00 211,543,626.19 Inventories 365,123,547.22 278,795,156.21 Contract assets Held-for-sale assets Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 6,550,429,892.93 1,025,701,494.05 Total current assets 16,442,636,859.66 7,076,854,777.91 Non-current assets: Debt investments 509,574,733.25 371,512,328.76 Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 22,333,083,031.91 21,334,608,802.17 Other investments in equity 436,416,576.65 231,075,109.79 instruments Other non-current financial assets 614,489,717.42 572,768,124.91 Investment properties Fixed assets 156,454,801.57 154,033,992.55 Construction in progress 6,477,655.44 16,062,240.56 Bearer biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 60,287,106.95 66,189,643.97 Intangible assets 312,566,547.35 71,279,533.82 Development expenditure Goodwill 53,174,339.31 53,174,339.31 Long-term deferred expenses 0.00 Deferred tax assets 5,787,962.17 9,473,895.76 Other non-current assets 2,465,600.00 41,620,656.64 Total non-current assets 24,490,778,072.02 22,921,798,668.24 Total assets 40,933,414,931.68 29,998,653,446.15 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 1,000,555,555.56 1,892,374,226.82 143 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Held-for-trading financial 12,958,840.00 liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 1,665,344,848.22 1,876,085,509.12 Accounts payable 3,869,002,157.32 1,683,682,881.16 Receipts in advance Contract liabilities 11,694,420.46 2,776,607.46 Employee benefits payable 49,737,492.15 19,543,803.49 Taxes payable 5,987,485.42 5,588,631.90 Other payables 1,568,456,509.82 2,373,609.44 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Held-for-sale liabilities Non-current liabilities due within 378,055,420.51 50,896,248.67 one year Other current liabilities 3,841,635,343.15 1,607,362,301.65 Total current liabilities 12,403,428,072.61 7,140,683,819.71 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 5,645,155,501.44 1,845,854,168.50 Bonds payable 2,689,623,546.98 2,581,553,066.25 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 45,690,389.15 54,189,902.44 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions Deferred income 5,765,818.86 9,162,818.02 Deferred tax liabilities 60,231,489.77 34,451,813.60 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 8,446,466,746.20 4,525,211,768.81 Total liabilities 20,849,894,818.81 11,665,895,588.52 Owners’ equity: Share capital 7,099,908,647.00 7,050,485,477.00 Other equity instruments 527,319,637.88 527,358,025.98 144 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 4,069,645,567.93 3,080,149,716.35 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income 294,991,891.50 162,951,644.67 Special reserve Surplus reserve 1,121,072,698.83 985,161,506.61 Unappropriated profit 6,970,581,669.73 6,526,651,487.02 Total owners’ equity 20,083,520,112.87 18,332,757,857.63 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 40,933,414,931.68 29,998,653,446.15 3. Consolidated income statement In RMB Item 2022 2021 I. Total operating income 214,028,394,291.44 153,946,097,790.40 Including: Operating income 214,028,394,291.44 153,946,097,790.40 Interest income Premiums earned Fee and commission income II. Total operating costs 203,642,032,034.98 146,970,931,574.11 Including: Operating costs 187,928,880,285.38 135,048,336,292.88 Interest expenses Fee and commission expenses Surrenders Claims and policyholder benefits (net of mounts recoverable from reinsurers) Changes in insurance contract reserves (net of reinsurers’ share) Insurance policyholder dividends Expenses for reinsurance accepted Taxes and levies 476,325,439.67 193,812,057.14 145 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Selling expenses 831,398,139.60 789,908,163.80 General expenses 5,075,668,085.35 3,741,908,783.50 R&D expenses 8,447,038,946.21 6,642,300,402.74 Financial expenses 882,721,138.77 554,665,874.05 Including: Interest 1,038,070,641.24 656,411,767.86 expenses Interest 504,344,274.59 361,773,700.27 income Add: Other income 602,294,263.90 853,542,165.37 Investment income (Loss is 998,278,358.77 689,386,649.74 indicated by “-”) Including: Income from investments in associates and joint 794,759,492.42 29,737,321.95 ventures Income from derecognition of financial assets -400,156,146.02 -171,521,013.80 measured at amortized cost Foreign exchange gains (Loss is indicated by “-”) Net exposure hedging income (Loss is indicated by “-”) Income from changes in fair 13,625,720.11 -115,737,751.66 value (Loss is indicated by “-”) Impairment losses of credit -47,181,938.93 -26,875,504.69 (Loss is indicated by “-”) Impairment losses of assets -846,822,131.05 -162,790,335.12 (Loss is indicated by “-”) Income from disposal of assets 47,931,529.63 -45,266,592.65 (Loss is indicated by “-”) III. Operating profit (Loss is indicated by 11,154,488,058.89 8,167,424,847.28 “-”) Add: Non-operating income 34,312,299.74 21,096,536.60 Less: Non-operating expenses 30,805,374.33 45,672,434.05 IV. Total profit (Total losses are indicated 11,157,994,984.30 8,142,848,949.83 by “-”) Less: Income tax expenses 667,318,205.34 322,238,643.64 V. Net profit (Net loss is indicated by “-”) 10,490,676,778.96 7,820,610,306.19 (I) Categorized by the nature of 146 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 continuing operation 1. Net profit from continuing 10,490,676,778.96 7,820,610,306.19 operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”) 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”) (II) Categorized by ownership 1. Net profit attributable to 9,163,104,849.54 7,070,520,386.57 shareholders of the parent company 2. Net profit attributable to 1,327,571,929.42 750,089,919.62 non-controlling interests VI. Other comprehensive income, net of 647,909,759.47 -23,685,660.51 tax Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 687,259,787.54 8,916,331.77 company, net of tax (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be subsequently reclassified to 131,579,091.87 81,705,917.80 profit or loss 1. Changes from re-measurement of defined benefit plans 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 3. Changes in fair value of other 131,579,091.87 81,705,917.80 investments in equity instruments 4. Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks 5. Others (II) Other comprehensive income 555,680,695.67 -72,789,586.03 that will be reclassified to profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amounts of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment 147 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 of other debt investments 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges 6. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in 555,680,695.67 -72,789,586.03 foreign currencies 7. Others Other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests, net of -39,350,028.07 -32,601,992.28 tax VII. Total comprehensive income 11,138,586,538.43 7,796,924,645.68 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 9,850,364,637.08 7,079,436,718.34 company Total comprehensive income 1,288,221,901.35 717,487,927.34 attributable to minority interests VIII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share 1.29 1.01 (II) Diluted earnings per share 1.28 0.99 For any business combination involving enterprises under common control for the reporting period, the net profits of the absorbed party prior to the combination are RMB0.00 in the reporting period, and were RMB0.00 in prior period. Legal representative: WANG Laichun Chief financial officer: WU Tiansong Head of accounting department: CHEN Huiyong 4. Income statement of the parent company In RMB Item 2022 2021 I. Total operating income 12,952,813,735.54 9,280,144,923.02 Less: Operating costs 12,051,823,934.39 8,565,181,794.19 Taxes and levies 12,941,878.95 6,084,601.77 Selling expenses 27,577,223.42 24,117,122.95 General expenses 146,709,569.94 162,180,125.16 R&D expenses 437,028,645.07 320,362,046.32 Financial expenses 333,162,964.83 227,705,129.43 Including: Interest 462,146,428.54 264,763,187.06 expenses Interest income 117,198,473.67 55,788,891.39 Add: Other income 52,979,889.49 278,899,119.07 148 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Investment income (Loss is 1,361,112,472.06 2,268,732,708.25 indicated by “-”) Including: Income from investments in associates and joint 16,056,804.17 -4,411,361.63 ventures Income from derecognition of financial assets -43,522,172.22 -41,003,477.92 measured at amortized cost (Loss is indicated by “-”) Net exposure hedging income (Loss is indicated by “-”) Income from changes in fair 16,705,913.20 2,187,784.65 value (Loss is indicated by “-”) Impairment losses of credit -8,375,363.61 -1,373,983.35 (Loss is indicated by “-”) Impairment losses of assets -4,468,874.95 -3,339,894.30 (Loss is indicated by “-”) Income from disposal of -192,009.60 15,567.99 assets (Loss is indicated by “-”) II. Operating profit (Loss is indicated 1,361,331,545.53 2,519,635,405.51 by “-”) Add: Non-operating income 4,192,819.73 299,873.15 Less: Non-operating expenses 248,053.30 528,129.00 III. Total profit (Total losses are 1,365,276,311.96 2,519,407,149.66 indicated by “-”) Less: Income tax expenses 6,164,389.77 -1,529,939.13 IV. Net profit (Net loss is indicated by 1,359,111,922.19 2,520,937,088.79 “-”) (I) Net profit from continuing 1,359,111,922.19 2,520,937,088.79 operation (Net loss is indicated by “-”) (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”) V. Other comprehensive income, net of 132,040,246.83 82,216,629.66 tax (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be subsequently reclassified 132,040,246.83 82,216,629.66 to profit or loss 1. Changes from re-measurement of defined benefit plans 149 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 3. Changes in fair value of other 132,040,246.83 82,216,629.66 investments in equity instruments 4. Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks 5. Others (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amounts of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges 6. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies 7. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 1,491,152,169.02 2,603,153,718.45 VII. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share (II) Diluted earnings per share 5. Consolidated statement of cash flows In RMB Item 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sales of 231,311,294,189.07 143,070,164,356.03 goods and the rendering of services Net increase in customer deposits 150 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 and deposits from banks and other financial institutions Net increase in loans from the central bank Net increase in taking from other financial institutions Cash payments for claims and policyholders’ benefits under direct insurance contracts Net cash receipts from reinsurance business Net cash receipts from policyholders’ deposits and investment contract liabilities Cash receipts from interest, fees and commissions Net increase in taking from banks and other financial institutions Net increase in financial assets sold under repurchase arrangements Net cash received from securities trading agency Receipts of tax refunds 9,595,383,015.24 7,258,087,295.46 Other cash receipts relating to 2,681,301,179.71 2,646,521,521.99 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 243,587,978,384.02 152,974,773,173.48 operating activities Cash payments for goods 204,048,286,382.64 125,194,510,007.35 purchased and services received Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in balance with the central bank and due from banks and other financial institutions Cash payments for claims and policyholders’ benefits under direct insurance contracts Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions 151 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Cash payments for interest, fees and commissions Cash payments for insurance policyholder dividends Cash payments to and on behalf of 20,086,575,874.76 16,468,591,642.75 employees Payments of various types of taxes 1,799,647,577.54 1,635,898,950.98 Other cash payments relating to 4,925,858,229.74 2,391,005,655.40 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 230,860,368,064.68 145,690,006,256.48 operating activities Net cash flow from operating activities 12,727,610,319.34 7,284,766,917.00 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash receipts from disposals and 8,259,554,985.04 53,300,796,496.89 recovery of investments Cash receipts from investment 526,570,852.82 777,579,552.30 income Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 506,778,473.84 343,357,620.39 long-term assets Net cash receipts from disposals of 0.00 16,418,213.71 subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash receipts relating to 745,017,358.71 4,665,590,364.12 investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 10,037,921,670.41 59,103,742,247.41 activities Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets 13,584,140,261.73 12,567,222,230.86 and other long-term assets Cash payments to acquire 8,390,295,501.05 54,495,943,096.22 investments Net increase in pledged loans receivables Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business 961,816,227.15 17,100,080.22 entities Other cash payments relating to 428,035,523.59 403,138,825.89 investing activities 152 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Sub-total of cash outflows from 23,364,287,513.52 67,483,404,233.19 investing activities Net cash flow from investing activities -13,326,365,843.11 -8,379,661,985.78 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash receipts from capital 1,596,922,470.96 2,387,352,799.19 contributions Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from minority 1,030,300,000.00 1,800,900,000.00 owners of subsidiaries Cash receipts from borrowings 67,739,900,243.50 35,452,570,746.25 Other cash receipts relating to 7,527,472,775.23 4,705,930,595.98 financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 76,864,295,489.69 42,545,854,141.42 financing activities Cash repayments of borrowings 58,773,171,168.15 38,074,504,796.63 Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of 1,796,754,390.90 1,399,755,112.12 interest expenses Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profits to minority owners of subsidiaries Other cash payments relating to 8,138,121,749.19 3,461,522,325.75 financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 68,708,047,308.24 42,935,782,234.50 financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities 8,156,248,181.45 -389,928,093.08 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate 833,389,043.75 -58,444,561.40 changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash 8,390,881,701.43 -1,543,267,723.26 equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and 8,921,536,728.08 10,464,804,451.34 cash equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 17,312,418,429.51 8,921,536,728.08 equivalents 6. Statement of cash flows of the parent company In RMB 153 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Item 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sales of 10,929,088,841.65 14,258,035,135.82 goods and the rendering of services Receipts of tax refunds 169,862,322.46 295,360,510.43 Other cash receipts relating to 12,206,141,292.86 10,782,694,066.14 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 23,305,092,456.97 25,336,089,712.39 operating activities Cash payments for goods 12,697,462,668.02 14,298,865,162.82 purchased and services received Cash payments to and on behalf of 224,427,747.93 177,817,539.81 employees Payments of various types of taxes 21,569,336.18 29,081,311.32 Other cash payments relating to 10,060,056,726.22 9,840,822,402.98 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 23,003,516,478.35 24,346,586,416.93 operating activities Net cash flow from operating activities 301,575,978.62 989,503,295.46 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash receipts from disposals and 2,711,452,000.00 11,776,296,929.96 recovery of investments Cash receipts from investment 1,448,310,422.70 2,106,637,671.03 income Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 467,498.85 7,640,613.84 long-term assets Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash receipts relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 4,160,229,921.55 13,890,575,214.83 activities Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets 237,037,719.00 146,496,738.96 and other long-term assets Cash payments to acquire 8,385,526,433.53 18,393,225,472.38 investments 154 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash payments relating to 0.00 investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 8,622,564,152.53 18,539,722,211.34 investing activities Net cash flow from investing activities -4,462,334,230.98 -4,649,146,996.51 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash receipts from capital 566,622,470.96 586,452,799.19 contributions Cash receipts from borrowings 9,777,071,023.06 4,416,265,430.62 Other cash receipts relating to 7,521,511,778.98 4,471,016,039.08 financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from 17,865,205,273.00 9,473,734,268.89 financing activities Cash repayments of borrowings 5,560,227,961.58 2,688,298,719.66 Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of 1,133,386,845.40 958,024,940.64 interest expenses Other cash payments relating to 5,344,266,086.84 3,384,213,580.92 financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 12,037,880,893.82 7,030,537,241.22 financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities 5,827,324,379.18 2,443,197,027.67 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate 114,413,815.11 16,346,991.54 changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash 1,780,979,941.93 -1,200,099,681.84 equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and 680,555,773.61 1,880,655,455.45 cash equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 2,461,535,715.54 680,555,773.61 equivalents 7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity Current period 155 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 In RMB 2022 Equity attributable to owners of the parent company Item Other equity instruments Less: Other General Minority Total owners’ Share Capital Special Surplus Unappropriated Treasur comprehensi risk Others Subtotal interests equity Preferred Perpetual capital Others reserve reserve reserve profit shares bonds y shares ve income reserve 527,35 2,719,6 I. Closing balance of the 7,050,48 -35,801,471. 1,018,7 985,161, 10,494,08 45,782,643,54 0.00 0.00 8,025.9 95,281. 0.00 0.00 24,040,637,144.00 35,288,554,748.72 preceding year 5,477.00 29 84.75 506.61 8,800.85 9.57 8 67 Add: Changes in 0.00 0.00 accounting policies Corrections of 0.00 0.00 prior period errors Business combination involving 0.00 0.00 enterprises under common control Others 0.00 0.00 527,35 2,719,6 II. Opening balance of 7,050,48 -35,801,471. 1,018,7 985,161, 10,494,08 45,782,643,54 0.00 0.00 8,025.9 95,281. 0.00 0.00 24,040,637,144.00 35,288,554,748.72 the current year 5,477.00 29 84.75 506.61 8,800.85 9.57 8 67 III. Changes for the year 932,93 49,423,1 -38,38 687,259,787. 1,076,0 135,911, 2,946,883, 13,001,226,14 (Decrease is indicated 0.00 0.00 1,580.0 0.00 0.00 8,247,779,133.22 10,054,342,569.81 70.00 8.10 54 94.86 192.22 577.81 7.62 by “-”) 7 (I) Total comprehensive 687,259,787. 1,288,221, 11,138,586,53 9,163,104,849.54 9,850,364,637.08 income 54 901.35 8.43 156 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (II) Owners’ 932,93 49,423,1 -38,38 1,658,661, 2,640,978,038 contributions and 0.00 0.00 1,580.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 982,316,361.97 70.00 8.10 676.46 .43 reduction in capital 7 517,20 1. Ordinary shares 49,419,4 1,030,300, 1,596,922,470 3,037.9 566,622,470.96 contributed by owners 33.00 000.00 .96 6 2. Capital contribution -38,38 213,45 from holders of other 3,737.00 178,801.53 178,801.53 8.10 2.63 equity instruments 3. Share-based payment 426,59 46,691,33 473,288,787.6 recognized in owners’ 7,450.7 426,597,450.75 6.87 2 equity 5 -11,082 581,670,3 570,587,978.3 4. Others -11,082,361.27 ,361.27 39.59 2 135,911, -779,414,524. (III) Profit distribution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -915,325,716.32 -779,414,524.10 0.00 192.22 10 1. Transfer to surplus 135,911, -135,911,192.22 0.00 0.00 reserve 192.22 2. Transfer to general 0.00 0.00 risk reserve 3. Distributions to -779,270,547. -779,270,547.26 -779,270,547.26 owners (or shareholders) 26 4. Others -143,976.84 -143,976.84 -143,976.84 (IV) Transfers within 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 owners’ equity 1. Capitalization of 0.00 0.00 capital reserve (or share 157 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 capital) 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve (or share 0.00 0.00 capital) 3. Loss offset by surplus 0.00 0.00 reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 0.00 changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 0.00 other comprehensive income 6. Others 0.00 0.00 1,076,0 (V) Special reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,076,094.86 0.00 1,076,094.86 94.86 1. Transfer to special 5,435,4 reserve in the current 5,435,469.87 5,435,469.87 69.87 period 2. Amount utilized in the 4,359,3 4,359,375.01 4,359,375.01 current period 75.01 (VI) Others 0.00 0.00 527,31 3,652,6 IV. Closing balance of 7,099,90 651,458,316. 2,094,8 1,121,07 13,440,97 58,783,869,69 0.00 0.00 9,637.8 26,861. 0.00 0.00 32,288,416,277.22 45,342,897,318.53 the current period 8,647.00 25 79.61 2,698.83 2,378.66 7.19 8 74 Prior period 158 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 In RMB 2021 Equity attributable to owners of the parent company Total Item Other equity instruments Less: Other Minority Share Capital Special Surplus General risk Unappropriate owners’ Treasury comprehensive Others Subtotal interests Preferred Perpetual equity capital Others reserve reserve reserve reserve d profit shares bonds shares income I. Closing balance of 6,999,76 527,449, 1,890,09 733,067,797.7 17,996,149,25 28,101,81 2,804,783,627 30,906,599, 0.00 0.00 0.00 -44,717,803.06 0.00 0.00 the preceding year 8,186.00 226.56 9,569.60 3 7.73 6,234.56 .51 862.07 Add: Changes in 0.00 0.00 accounting policies Corrections of 0.00 0.00 prior period errors Business combination involving 0.00 0.00 enterprises under common control Others 0.00 0.00 II. Opening balance of 6,999,76 527,449, 1,890,09 733,067,797.7 17,996,149,25 28,101,81 2,804,783,627 30,906,599, 0.00 0.00 0.00 -44,717,803.06 0.00 0.00 the current year 8,186.00 226.56 9,569.60 3 7.73 6,234.56 .51 862.07 III. Changes for the 50,717,2 -91,200. 829,595, 1,018,784.7 252,093,708.8 6,044,487,886 7,186,738, 7,689,305,173 14,876,043, year (Decrease is 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,916,331.77 0.00 91.00 58 712.07 5 8 .27 514.16 .34 687.50 indicated by “-”) (I) Total 7,070,520,386 7,079,436, 717,487,927.3 7,796,924,6 8,916,331.77 comprehensive income .57 718.34 4 45.68 (II) Owners’ 50,717,2 -91,200. 829,595, 880,221,8 6,971,817,246 7,852,039,0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 contributions and 91.00 58 712.07 02.49 .00 48.49 159 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 reduction in capital 1. Ordinary shares 50,708,4 535,744, 586,452,7 1,800,900,000 2,387,352,7 contributed by owners 82.00 317.19 99.19 .00 99.19 2. Capital contribution -91,200. 507,253. 424,861.4 from holders of other 8,809.00 424,861.43 58 01 3 equity instruments 3. Share-based 240,700, 240,700,7 242,372,171 payment recognized in 1,671,462.93 708.77 08.77 .70 owners’ equity 52,643,4 52,643,43 5,169,245,783 5,221,889,2 4. Others 33.10 3.10 .07 16.17 252,093,708.8 -1,026,032,50 -773,938,7 -773,938,79 (III) Profit distribution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 0.30 91.42 1.42 1. Transfer to surplus 252,093,708.8 -252,093,708. 0.00 0.00 reserve 8 88 2. Transfer to general 0.00 0.00 risk reserve 3. Distributions to -773,891,489. -773,891,4 -773,891,48 owners (or 58 89.58 9.58 shareholders) 4. Others -47,301.84 -47,301.84 -47,301.84 (IV) Transfers within 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 owners’ equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve (or 0.00 0.00 share capital) 2. Capitalization of 0.00 0.00 160 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 surplus reserve (or share capital) 3. Loss offset by 0.00 0.00 surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 0.00 changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 0.00 other comprehensive income 6. Others 0.00 0.00 1,018,784.7 1,018,784. 1,018,784.7 (V) Special reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 75 5 1. Transfer to special 1,018,784.7 1,018,784. 1,018,784.7 reserve in the current 5 75 5 period 2. Amount utilized in 0.00 0.00 the current period (VI) Others 0.00 0.00 IV. Closing balance of 7,050,48 527,358, 2,719,69 1,018,784.7 985,161,506.6 24,040,637,14 35,288,55 10,494,088,80 45,782,643, 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35,801,471.29 0.00 the current period 5,477.00 025.98 5,281.67 5 1 4.00 4,748.72 0.85 549.57 161 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the parent company Current period In RMB 2022 Other equity instruments Less: Other Item Share Special Unappropriated Total owners’ Preferred Perpetual Capital reserve Treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Others capital Others reserve profit equity shares bonds shares income I. Closing balance of 7,050,485 527,358,0 3,080,149,716.3 18,332,757,85 0.00 0.00 0.00 162,951,644.67 0.00 985,161,506.61 6,526,651,487.02 the preceding year ,477.00 25.98 5 7.63 Add: Changes in accounting 0.00 policies Corrections of prior period 0.00 errors Others 0.00 II. Opening balance 7,050,485 527,358,0 3,080,149,716.3 18,332,757,85 0.00 0.00 0.00 162,951,644.67 0.00 985,161,506.61 6,526,651,487.02 of the current year ,477.00 25.98 5 7.63 III. Changes for the 49,423,17 1,750,762,255 year (Decrease is 0.00 0.00 -38,388.10 989,495,851.58 0.00 132,040,246.83 0.00 135,911,192.22 443,930,182.71 0.00 .24 indicated by “-”) (I) Total 1,491,152,169 comprehensive 132,040,246.83 1,359,111,922.19 .02 income (II) Owners’ 49,423,17 1,038,880,633 0.00 0.00 -38,388.10 989,495,851.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 contributions and 0.00 .48 162 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 reduction in capital 1. Ordinary shares 49,419,43 566,622,470.9 contributed by 517,203,037.96 3.00 6 owners 2. Capital contribution from 3,737.00 -38,388.10 213,452.63 178,801.53 holders of other equity instruments 3. Share-based 473,288,787.6 payment recognized 473,288,787.62 2 in owners’ equity 4. Others -1,209,426.63 -1,209,426.63 (III) Profit -779,270,547. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135,911,192.22 -915,181,739.48 distribution 26 1. Transfer to 135,911,192.22 -135,911,192.22 0.00 surplus reserve 2. Distributions to -779,270,547. owners (or -779,270,547.26 26 shareholders) 3. Others 0.00 (IV) Transfers within owners’ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve (or 0.00 share capital) 2. Capitalization of 0.00 163 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 surplus reserve (or share capital) 3. Loss offset by 0.00 surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from changes in 0.00 defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from other 0.00 comprehensive income 6. Others 0.00 (V) Special reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Transfer to special reserve in 0.00 the current period 2. Amount utilized 0.00 in the current period (VI) Others 0.00 IV. Closing balance 7,099,908 527,319,6 4,069,645,567.9 20,083,520,11 0.00 0.00 0.00 294,991,891.50 0.00 1,121,072,698.83 6,970,581,669.73 of the current period ,647.00 37.88 3 2.87 Prior period In RMB Item 2021 164 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Other equity instruments Other Less: Treasury Special Surplus Unappropriate Total owners’ Share capital Preferred Perpetual Capital reserve comprehensive Others Others shares reserve reserve d profit equity shares bonds income I. Closing balance of 6,999,768,18 527,449,2 2,303,197,437.3 733,067,797 5,031,699,596 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,735,015.01 0.00 15,675,917,259.37 the preceding year 6.00 26.56 8 .73 .69 Add: Changes in 0.00 accounting policies Corrections of 0.00 prior period errors Others 0.00 II. Opening balance 6,999,768,18 527,449,2 2,303,197,437.3 733,067,797 5,031,699,596 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,735,015.01 0.00 15,675,917,259.37 of the current year 6.00 26.56 8 .73 .69 III. Changes for the 50,717,291.0 252,093,708 1,494,951,890 year (Decrease is 0.00 0.00 -91,200.58 776,952,278.97 0.00 82,216,629.66 0.00 2,656,840,598.26 0 .88 .33 indicated by “-”) (I) Total 2,520,937,088 comprehensive 82,216,629.66 2,603,153,718.45 .79 income (II) Owners’ 50,717,291.0 contributions and 0.00 0.00 -91,200.58 776,952,278.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 827,578,369.39 0 reduction in capital 1. Ordinary shares 50,708,482.0 contributed by 535,744,317.19 586,452,799.19 0 owners 2. Capital contribution from 8,809.00 -91,200.58 507,253.01 424,861.43 holders of other 165 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 equity instruments 3. Share-based payment recognized 240,700,708.77 240,700,708.77 in owners’ equity 4. Others 0.00 (III) Profit 252,093,708 -1,025,985,19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -773,891,489.58 distribution .88 8.46 1. Transfer to surplus 252,093,708 -252,093,708. 0.00 reserve .88 88 2. Distributions to -773,891,489. owners (or -773,891,489.58 58 shareholders) 3. Others 0.00 (IV) Transfers within 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 owners’ equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve (or 0.00 share capital) 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve (or 0.00 share capital) 3. Loss offset by 0.00 surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 changes in defined benefit plans 166 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 5. Retained earnings carried forward from 0.00 other comprehensive income 6. Others 0.00 (V) Special reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Transfer to special reserve in the current 0.00 period 2. Amount utilized in 0.00 the current period (VI) Others 0.00 IV. Closing balance 7,050,485,47 527,358,0 3,080,149,716.3 985,161,506 6,526,651,487 0.00 0.00 0.00 162,951,644.67 0.00 18,332,757,857.63 of the current period 7.00 25.98 5 .61 .02 167 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 III. Basic information (I) Company profile Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Company” or “the Company”) is a company limited by shares established by Shenzhen Zixin Investment Co., Ltd. (“Zixin Investment”) and Luxshare Limited as founders after being approved by Shenzhen People’s Government and Shenzhen Bureau of Trade and Industry in February 2009. Company’s Uniform Social Credit Code: 91440300760482233Q. The Company was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in September 2010. The Company pertains to the communication equipment industry. As of December 31, 2022, the Company issued 7,099,908,647.00 shares in total, with its registered capital amounting to RMB7,099,908,647.00. The Company’s registered office is located at 2/F, Block A, Sanyo New Industrial Zone, West Haoyi Community, Shajing Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, China, while its place of business is located at No. 313 North Ring Road, Qingxi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China. The main business activities of the Company include production and operation of connecting wires, connectors, computer peripherals, and plastic hardware products. The Company’s parent company is Luxshare Limited, and its de facto controllers are WANG Laichun and WANG Laisheng. The financial statements were approved by the Company’s board of directors on April 27, 2023 for issuance. (II) Scope of consolidated financial statements The relevant information of subsidiaries of the Company is seen in Note “IX. Equity in other entities”. The changes in scope of consolidation for this reporting period is seen in Note “VIII. Changes in scope of consolidation”. IV. Basis of preparation of financial statements 1. Basis of preparation The Company has prepared its financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC, specific accounting standards, guidelines for application of accounting standards for enterprises, interpretation of accounting standards for enterprises and other relevant regulations successively promulgated (collectively, “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”) and the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. 2. Going concern The Company prepares its financial statements on a going concern basis. The Company has the ability to continue as a going concern within 12 months from the end of the reporting period, and detected no major events that may affect such ability. V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates Reminders on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates: The Company establishes the specific accounting policies and makes the specific accounting estimates with respect to the impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, recognition of revenues and other transactions or events in accordance with the relevant Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises based on the actual production and operation characteristics of the Company. 168 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance, and truly and completely reflect the consolidated and parent company’s financial positions as of December 31, 2022, and the consolidated and parent company’s operating results and cash flows for the year then ended. 2. Accounting period The Company’s accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year. 3. Operating cycle The Company’s operating cycle is 12 months. 4. Functional currency The Company uses RMB as its functional currency. 5. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control Business combination involving enterprises under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the absorbing party in a business combination (including goodwill formed through the acquisition by the ultimate controller of the absorbed party) are measured according to the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities of the absorbed party in the financial statements of ultimate controller on the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained in a business combination and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) is adjusted to the equity premium in the capital reserve. If the equity premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control: The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognized as goodwill; where the cost of a business combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that are acquired in the combination meeting the recognition criteria are measured at the fair value on the date of acquisition. The costs incurred directly attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss for the current period when incurred; the transaction costs for issue of equity securities or debt securities are recognized in the amount initially recognized of equity securities or debt securities. 6. Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements 1. Scope of consolidation The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control, and includes those of the Company and all of its subsidiaries. “Control” means the power of the Company over the investee, through which the Company will enjoy variable 169 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 returns by participating in the relevant activities and has the ability to use the power over the investee to affect the Company’s return amount. 2. Consolidation procedures The Company regards the entire enterprise group as an accounting entity and prepares the consolidated financial statements according to the uniformed accounting policies, reflecting the overall financial positions, operating results and cash flows of this enterprise group. The effects of other intragroup transactions (between the Company and its subsidiaries or between subsidiaries) are eliminated. Where the intragroup transactions show that relevant assets have suffered impairment losses, those losses are recognized fully. Where the accounting policies and periods adopted by all subsidiaries are not in line with those of the Company, the necessary adjustments are made to the financial statements of these subsidiaries based on the accounting policies and periods of the Company when preparing the consolidated financial statements. The portions of owner’s equities, net profits or losses and comprehensive income of subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority interests are separately presented in the consolidated balance sheet below the “owners’ equity” line item, and in the consolidated income statement below the “net profit” and “total comprehensive income” as “minority interests”. When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ share of the opening balance of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess is allocated against minority interests. (1) Increase in subsidiaries or businesses Where a subsidiary or business is acquired during the reporting period through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, operating results and cash flows of this subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period in which the combination takes place to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated financial statements. Meanwhile, the adjustments are made to the opening balances of the consolidated financial statements and the relevant items of the comparative statement, and the combined reporting entity is deemed to have existed since the time when the ultimate controller begins to exercise control. Where the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under the common control due to additional investments or other reasons, for equity investments held before acquiring control of the absorbed party, the relevant gains or losses, other comprehensive income and other changes in net assets recognized during the period from the later of the date of acquisition of original equity or the date when the absorbing party and the absorbed party are under the common control until the combination date are respectively offset against opening balances of retained earnings during the comparative reporting period or profit or loss for the current period. Where a subsidiary or business is acquired during the reporting period through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition based on the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the date of acquisition. Where the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee not under common control due to additional investments or other reasons, for the acquiree’s equity held prior to the date of acquisition, the Company remeasures the fair value of the equity on the date of acquisition, and the difference between the fair value of the equity and its carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Where the acquiree’s equity held prior to the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss and changes in other owners’ equity under equity method, such other comprehensive income and changes are transferred to the income of the period in which the date of acquisition falls. (2) Disposal of subsidiaries ① General disposal When the Company loses control over the investee due to disposal of partial equity investments or other reasons, for the remaining equity investments after disposal, the Company remeasures the remaining equity investments after disposal at the fair value on the date when the Company loses its control. The difference between the sum of the consideration from disposal of equity and the fair value of remaining equity less the sum of an original subsidiary’s share of net assets and goodwill continuously calculated from the date of acquisition or combination according to original shareholding ratio is recognized as the investment return 170 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 for the period in which the control is lost. Other comprehensive income relating to the original subsidiary’s equity investments that will be reclassified to profit or loss and changes in other owners’ equity under the equity method is transferred into the investment income for the period when the control is lost. ② Disposal of subsidiaries by steps Where the subsidiary’s equity investments are disposed by steps through multiple transactions until the control is lost, and the terms and conditions of all transactions on disposal of the subsidiary’s equity investments and the economic impact thereof fall within one or more of the following circumstances, it usually indicates that multiple transaction events belong a single package: i. these transactions are concluded simultaneously or after the influence on each other is considered; ii. these transactions as a whole can achieve a complete commercial result; iii. the occurrence of one transaction depends on that of at least one other transaction; and/or iv. a transaction is not economical alone, but economical when considered together with other transactions. Where all transactions belong to a single package, the Company accounts for such transactions as one transaction to dispose of and lose its control over the subsidiary; however, the difference between the proceeds from each disposal before loss of control and the share owned by the Company in the net assets of the subsidiary in relation to the investment disposed of is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, which is wholly transferred to the profit or loss in the period in which the control is lost. Where all transactions do not belong to a single package, prior to the loss of control, the Company accounts for such transactions as partial disposal of a subsidiary’s equity investments in the event that the control is not lost; and when the control is lost, the Company accounts for such transactions in accordance with the general methods of disposal of subsidiaries. (3) Acquisition of a subsidiary’s minority equity The difference between the long-term equity investments newly obtained by the Company due to acquisition of minority equity and its share of the subsidiary’s net assets continuously calculated from the date of acquisition or combination according to new shareholding ratio is adjusted against the equity premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. If the equity premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings. (4) Partial disposal of the subsidiary’s equity investments in the event that the control is not lost The difference between the proceeds from disposal and the share owned by the Company in the net assets of the subsidiary in relation to the long-term equity investment disposed of that is calculated continuously from the date of acquisition or combination is adjusted against the equity premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. In case the equity premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings. 7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations Joint arrangements are classified into joint operations and joint ventures. Where a party to a joint arrangement enjoys relevant assets and assumes relevant liabilities of such an arrangement, this case belongs to a joint operation. The Company recognizes the following items relating to its interest in the joint operation: (1) the assets held individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the assets held jointly; (2) the liabilities incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the liabilities incurred jointly; (3) the Company’s revenue from the sales of its share of output of the joint operation; (4) the Company’s share of revenue from the sales of assets by the joint operation; and (5) the expenses incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the expenses incurred jointly by the joint operation. The Company accounts for investments in joint ventures using the equity method and the details are seen in Note “V. (19) Long-term equity investments”. 171 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 8. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits of the Company that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents comprise short-term, highly liquid investments held by the Company that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency financial statements 1. Foreign currency transactions The foreign currency transactions are recorded by translating the amount of a foreign currency into RMB at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the 1st of each month. The balances of foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising therefrom are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for exchange differences generated by specific-purpose borrowings in a foreign currency related to acquisition of qualifying assets, which should be accounted for according to the capitalization principles of borrowing costs. 2. Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies The asset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Items of owners’ equity except for “unappropriated profit” are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose. Income and expenses in the income statement are translated at the exchange rates similar to the spot exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. When the Company disposes of a foreign operation, it transfers the translation differences relating to translation of the financial statements of that foreign operation from the owners’ equity to profit or loss for the current period. 10. Financial instruments When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset, liability or equity instrument is recognized. 1. Classification of financial instruments Based on the Company’s business model for managing financial assets and the cash flow characteristics of financial assets, the financial assets are classified into on initial recognition: financial assets measured at its amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following criteria at the same time and are not designated as at fair value through profit or loss as the financial assets measured at amortized cost: - the business model aims to collect contractual cash flows; and - the contractual cash flows are generated only from payment of principal and interest on the outstanding principal. The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following criteria at the same time and are not designated as at fair value through profit or loss as the financial assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income: - the business model aims to collect contractual cash flows and sell such financial assets; and - the contractual cash flows are generated only from payment of principal and interest on the outstanding principal. The Company irrevocably designates the non-trading equity instruments as financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income on initial recognition. Such designation is made on the basis of a single investment, and the relevant investments meet the definition of an equity instrument from the issuer’s perspective. Except for the financial assets measured at amortized cost and the financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all of other remaining financial assets as the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. If the accounting mismatch can be eliminated or significantly reduced on initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate the 172 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financial assets that should have been classified as those measured at amortized cost or those at fair value through other comprehensive income as the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into the following two categories: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. A financial liability may be designated as at fair value through profit or loss on initial measurement if one of the following conditions is met: 1) the designation eliminates or significantly reduces accounting mismatch; 2) a group of financial liabilities or a group of financial assets and financial liabilities is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, and information about the group is reported on that basis to the enterprise’s key management personnel according to such risk management or investment strategy set out in official written documents; or 3) this financial liability contains embedded derivatives that need to be split separately. Based on the aforementioned conditions, these financial liabilities designated by the Company mainly include: (to describe the specific designation in details) 2. Recognition and measurement of financial instruments (1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost The financial assets measured at amortized cost, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables and debt investments, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are charged to the initially recognized amount; the accounts receivable that do not contain any significant financing component and are recognized by the Company without taking into consideration the significant financing components under the contracts with a term of less than one year are initially measured at the contractual trading price. The interest calculated using the effective interest method during the holding period is recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. On recovery or disposal of a financial asset, the difference between the proceeds and the carrying amount of the financial asset is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. (2) Financial assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income Financial assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income, including receivable financing and other debt investments, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are recognized in initially recognized amount. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value other than the interest calculated using the effective interest method, impairment loss or gain and profit or loss on exchange are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive income is removed out from other comprehensive income and recognized in profit or loss for the current period. (3) Financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income Financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income, including other equity investments, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are recognized in initially recognized amount. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income. The dividends received are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. On derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive income is removed out from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings. (4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, including held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and other non-current financial assets, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are included in profit or loss for the current period. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value are included in profit or loss for the current period. (5) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 173 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, including held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. These financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. On derecognition, the difference between their carrying amount and the consideration paid is included in profit or loss for the current period. (6) Financial liabilities measured at the amortized cost The financial liabilities measured at the amortized cost, including short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, long-term payables, are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are charged to the initially recognized amount. The interest calculated using the effective interest method during the holding period is recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. On derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the carrying amount of these financial liabilities is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 3. Derecognition and transfer of financial assets The Company derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met: - the contractual right to receive cash flows from the financial assets has expired; - the financial asset has been transferred and all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are substantially transferred to the transferee; or - the financial asset has been transferred, and the Company neither transferred nor retained a substantial portion of all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset, but did not retain control over the financial asset. When a financial asset is transferred, if the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset, it does not derecognize the financial asset. When the Company determines whether a transfer of a financial asset satisfies the derecognizing criteria prescribed above, it gives weight to the substance rather than form. The Company divides a transfer of a financial asset into a transfer of the financial asset in its entirety or a transfer of part of the financial asset. For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognizing criteria, the difference between the following two amounts is recognized in profit or loss for the current period: (1) the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and (if the financial asset transferred is a financial asset (debt instrument) measured at fair value through other comprehensive income) any cumulative changes in fair value that was originally recognized in owners’ equity. If part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the transferred financial asset in its entirety is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part that is derecognized, based on the relative fair values of those parts. The difference between the following two amounts is recognized in profit or loss for the current period: (1) the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized; and (2) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognized and (if the financial asset transferred is a financial asset (debt instrument) measured at fair value through other comprehensive income) the amount of the part derecognized corresponding to the cumulative changes in fair value that was originally recognized in owners’ equity. A financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition continues to be recognized, and the consideration received is recognized as a financial liability. 4. Derecognition of financial liabilities If the present obligations of a financial liability are discharged in part or whole, the financial liability or any part thereof is derecognized; an agreement between the Company and the creditor to replace the existing financial liability with a new financial 174 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 liability with substantially different terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the existing financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. A substantial modification to the terms of an existing financial liability or any part thereof is accounted for as an extinguishment of the existing financial liability or any part thereof, and the financial liability with modified terms is recognized as a new financial liability at the same time. When the Company derecognizes a financial liability or any part thereof, it recognizes the difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss for the current period. If the Company repurchases part of a financial liability, it allocates the carrying amount of the financial liability in its entirety between the part that continues to be recognized and the part that is derecognized based on the relative fair values of those parts on the date of the repurchase. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 5. Method of determination of the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities If there is an active market for a financial instrument, the quoted price in the active market is used to establish the fair value of the financial instrument. If there is no active market for a financial instrument, a valuation technique is used to establish the fair value of the financial instrument. On valuation, the Company adopts the valuation technique which applies to the current circumstances and is supported by sufficient data available and other information, selects the input value consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability considered by the market participants in the transaction of the relevant asset or liability, and prioritizes using the relevant observable input value. The unobservable input value can be used only when the relevant observable input value cannot be obtained or it is impracticable to obtain the relevant observable input value. 6. Test and accounting treatment of impairment of financial assets The Company estimates the expected credit losses of financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income and financial guarantee contracts on a single or joint basis. The Company comprehensively considers reasonable and well-founded information about past events, current conditions, and predictions of future economic conditions as well as the possibility of default to calculate the probability-weighted amount of the present value of the difference between cash flows receivable from contracts and cash flows expected to be recovered and include it in the expected credit loss. The Company recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, or to the expected credit losses within the next 12 months if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition. The added or reversed loss reserves arising therefrom are recognized in profit or loss for the current period as impairment losses or gains. The Company compares the possibility of default at the balance sheet date with the possibility of default upon initial recognition, to determine the relative change in the default risks of financial instrument during the expected lifetime, and assess whether the credit risk of the financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition. If a financial instrument is past due for more than 30 days, the Company usually believes that credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly, unless there is clear evidence that credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition. If a financial instrument has low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company believes that credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition. If there is objective evidence indicating that a financial asset has been impaired for its credit, the Company makes a provision for impairment of the financial asset on an individual basis. With respect to accounts receivable and contract assets that arise from the transactions regulated under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (2017), whether to include significant financing components, the Company always measures its loss reserves based on an amount equal to the expected credit loss during the entire life of accounts receivable 175 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 and contract assets. For lease receivables, the Company always measures its loss reserves based on an amount equal to the expected credit loss during the entire life of these receivables. If the Company no longer reasonably expects that the contractual cash flows of a financial asset can be recovered in whole or in part, it directly reduces the carrying amount of such financial asset. 11. Notes receivable Please refer to Note V, 10 “Financial instruments”. 12. Accounts receivable Please refer to Note V, 10 “Financial instruments”. 13. Other receivables Determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of other receivables Please refer to Note V, 10 “Financial instruments” for details of determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of other receivables. 14. Inventories 1. Classification and cost of inventories Inventories are classified into: materials in transit, raw materials, revolving materials, goods on hand, products in process, goods sold, work in process - outsourced, contract performance cost, etc. Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. 2. Pricing methods of inventories transferred out The Company delivers inventories at the price calculated using the weighted-average system monthly in arrears. 3. Determination basis of net realizable value of different types of inventories At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value. If the cost of inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a provision for decline in value of inventories is made. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less costs expected to be incurred until completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. For finished products, goods on hand, materials available for sales and other merchandise inventories available for sales, in the ordinary production and operation process, their net realizable value is determined at the estimated selling price of these inventories less the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes; and for the inventories that need to be processed, in the ordinary production and operation process, their net realizable value is determined at the estimated selling price of finished products less the costs to be incurred until completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. The net realizable value of the inventories held to satisfy sales or service contracts is based on the contract price. If the quantity of inventories held is more than the quantity ordered in the sales contracts, the net realizable value of the excess portion of inventories is based on general selling prices. After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value is higher than the carrying amount of inventories, the reversal is made to the extent of the amount originally provided for the decline in value of inventories. The amount of the reversal is 176 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 4. Inventory systems for inventories A perpetual inventory system is adopted. 5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials The Company’s revolving materials include low-value consumables and packing materials. The revolving materials with significant amounts are amortized monthly in accordance with the estimated useful life upon applying for use; and the other low-value consumables and packing materials are amortized using immediate write-off method upon applying for use. 15. Contract assets 1. Recognition methods and standards of contract assets The Company presents the contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The Company presents the right to receive the consideration for the goods or services that have been transferred or offered to customers (that is, depending on factors other than the passage of time) as the contract assets. The Company lists the contract assets and liabilities under the same contract as net amount. The Company separately presents its owned right to unconditionally (that is, only depending on the passage of time) receive consideration from customers as the accounts receivable. 2. Determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of contract assets Determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of contract assets are seen in Note “V. 10. Test and accounting treatment of impairment of financial assets”. 16. Contract costs Contract costs include contract performance cost and contract acquisition costs. The cost incurred by the Company to perform a contract is not be governed by the standards on inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets, and if meeting the following criteria, is recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost: such cost is directly related to an existing or expected contract; such cost increases the Company’s future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations; and such cost is expected to be recovered. If the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain a contract is expected to be recovered, it is recognized as an asset as the cost for contract acquisition. The Company amortizes the asset related to the contract cost on the same basis as the recognition of the revenue of the goods or services related to the asset; provided that if the cost for contract acquisition is amortized for not more than one year, the Company includes it into the profit or loss for the current period in which it is incurred. If the carrying amount of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between the following two amounts, the Company makes a provision for impairment of the excess and recognizes it as an impairment loss for the asset: 1. the remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of the goods or services related to the asset; and 2. the cost to be incurred due to the transfer of the relevant goods or services. If the impairment factors for prior periods have changed afterwards so that the above difference is higher than the carrying amount of the asset, the Company reverses a provision for impairment originally made and includes it in the profit or loss for the current period, provided that the carrying amount after reverse should not exceed the carrying amount the asset would have reached on the date of reverse had the provision for impairment been not made. 177 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 17. Held-for-sale assets The assets of which carrying amount is recovered mainly through sales (including through exchange of non-monetary assets with commercial substance) rather than continuous use of non-current assets or disposal groups are classified as the held-for-sale assets. The Company classifies the non-current assets or disposal groups which meet all the following conditions as the held-for-sale assets: (1) they can be sold immediately under current conditions according to the practice of sales of such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions; and (2) the sale is very likely to happen, that is, the Company has made a resolution on a sale plan and obtained a confirmed purchase commitment, and such sale is expected to be completed within one year. The sale has been approved by the relevant authority or regulatory department of the Company if it is required to be so approved by the relevant provisions. For the non-current assets (excluding financial assets, deferred tax assets, and assets formed by the employee benefits) or disposal groups classified as the held-for-sale assets, if their carrying amount is higher than the fair value net of sale expenses, the carrying amount is reduced to the fair value net of sale expenses. That reduction in amount is recognized as an impairment loss of the assets and charged to profit or loss for the current period. A provision for impairment of the held-for-sale assets is recognized accordingly. 18. Debt investments Please refer to Note V, 10 “Financial instruments” for details of the Group’s accounting treatment of debt investments and the method to determine the expected credit loss thereof. 19. Long-term equity investments 1. Judgment criteria of joint control and significant influence Joint control is the agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the relevant activities of such arrangement must be decided upon the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. If the Company can exercise joint control over the investee along with other parties to joint ventures and enjoy rights over net assets of the investee, the investee is a joint venture of the Company. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an investee, but is not control or joint control with other parties over the establishment of those policies. If the Company can have significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate of the Company. 2. Determination of initial investment cost (1) Long-term equity investments formed by business combination In case of a long-term equity investment of a subsidiary acquired through a business combination involving entities under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the Company’s share of the carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the absorbed party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an adjustment to the equity premium in the capital reserve. In case the equity premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings. Where the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under the common control due to additional investments or other reasons, the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment recognized in the light of above principles and the sum of the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment prior to combination plus the carrying amount of new consideration paid for further acquisition of shares on combination date is adjusted to the equity premium. If the equity premium is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings. 178 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 In case of a long equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the Company regards the cost of combination determined on the date of acquisition as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. If the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee not under common control due to additional investments or other reasons, the initial investment cost is the sum of the carrying amount of the equity investment originally held and the new investment cost. (2) Long-term equity investments obtained through forms other than business combination For a long-term equity investment acquired by paying cash, the initial investment cost is the actual purchase price. For a long-term equity investment acquired by the issue of equity securities, the initial investment cost is the fair value of equity securities issued. 3. Subsequent measurement and determination of profit or loss (1) Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method The Company accounts for the long-term equity investments of the subsidiaries using the cost method, unless these investments meet the held-for-sale conditions. Except for cash dividends or profit distributions declared but undistributed included in the price or consideration actually paid on acquisition of investments, the Company recognizes its cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee as investment income in the current period. (2) Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method The long-term equity investments of associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method. Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Company’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Company’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly. The Company respectively recognizes its share of the net profits or losses and other comprehensive income made by the investee as investment income and other comprehensive income, and adjusts the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is reduced by the portion of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributed to the Company. The Company adjusts the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment for other changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profits or losses, other comprehensive income and profit distributions (“changes in other owners’ equity”), and includes the corresponding adjustment in owners’ equity. For recognition of its share of the investee’s net profits or losses or other comprehensive income and changes in other owners’ equity, the Company recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits and other comprehensive income after making appropriate adjustments based on the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition in accordance with its accounting policies and period. For unrealized profits or losses resulting from intragroup transactions between the Company and associates or joint ventures, the portion attributable to the Company is eliminated, and based on this, the investment income is recognized, unless the invested or sold assets constitute the business. The impairment loss of assets in the unrealized losses resulting from intragroup transactions between the Company and the investee is fully recognized. The Company discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the associate or joint venture after the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the Company’s net investment in the associate or joint venture are reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Company has incurred obligations to assume additional losses. Where the associate or joint venture makes net profits subsequently, the Company resumes recognizing its share of those profits only after its share of the profits equals the share of losses not recognized. (3) Disposal of long-term equity investments On disposal of a long term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 179 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 If, on partial disposal of long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the remaining equity is still accounted for using the equity method, the portion previously included in other comprehensive income is accounted for on a pro-rata basis, with the same basis as the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed of by the investee, and changes in other owners’ equity are transferred to profit or loss for the current period on a pro-rata basis. When the Company loses joint control or significant influence on the investee due to disposal of equity investments or other reasons, the original equity investment included in other comprehensive income due to the use of equity method is accounted for on the same basis as the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed of by the investee when the equity method discontinues, and the changes in other owners’ equity are fully transferred to profit or loss for the current period when the equity method discontinues. Where the Company loses control over the investee due to disposal of partial equity investments, if in preparing separate financial statements, the Company can exercise joint control or significant influence on the investee by virtue of its remaining equity, the remaining equity switches to the equity method for accounting, and is adjusted as if it is accounted for using the equity method since acquisition. Other comprehensive income recognized prior to acquisition of the control on the investee is carried forward proportionally on the same basis as the investee’s direct disposal of related assets or liabilities, and changes in other owners’ equity recognized using the equity method are transferred to profit or loss for the current period on a pro-rata basis; if the Company cannot exercise joint control or significant influence on the investee by virtue of its remaining equity, the remaining equity is recognized as financial assets, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount on the date when the Company loses control is recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and other comprehensive income and changes in other owners’ equity recognized prior to acquisition of the control on the investee are fully carried forward. Where all transactions from disposal of equity investments in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until the loss of control belong to a single package, the Company accounts for each transaction as a disposal of equity investments in a subsidiary and the loss of control; however, the difference between the proceeds from each disposal before loss of control and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investments corresponding to the equity disposed of is first recognized in other comprehensive income in separate financial statements and then transferred to the profit or loss in the period in which the control is lost. Where all transactions do not belong to a single package, the Company accounts for each transaction respectively. 20. Investment properties Measurement of investment properties Measured at cost Depreciation or amortization methods The Company’s investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, including land use rights that have been leased out, land use rights that are held and ready to be transferred after appreciation, and buildings that have been leased out (including those that are available for rental after being built by the Company itself or completion of development activities, and are being built or in progress for rental in the future). Subsequent costs incurred for an investment property are included in the cost of the investment property when it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent costs that fail to meet the recognition criteria above are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. The Company measures the existing investment properties using the cost model. For investment properties measured using cost model for measurement - the buildings available for rental follow the same depreciation policies as those of the Company’s fixed assets, and land use rights available for rental follow the same amortization policies as those of intangible assets. 180 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 21. Fixed assets (1) Recognition of fixed assets Fixed assets are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when both of the following conditions are met: (1) it is probable that economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the enterprise; and (2) the cost of fixed assets can be measured reliably. A fixed asset of the Company is initially measured at its cost, and in determining the cost of a fixed asset, the Company considers the effect of any expected costs of abandoning the asset at the end of its use. Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably; the carrying amount of the part to be replaced is derecognized; and all of other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. (2) Method of depreciation Estimated useful life Annual depreciation rate Category Method of depreciation Residual value rate (year) (%) Buildings Straight-line method 20, 30 and 43 0, 1, 10 2.35-5 Machinery equipment Straight-line method 3-15 1, 10 6-33 Auxiliary production Straight-line method 5-10 10 9-18 equipment Transportation Straight-line method 3-5 1, 10 18-33 equipment Mould equipment Straight-line method 3-10 10 9-30 Office equipment Straight-line method 3-5 1, 10 18-33 Computer equipment Straight-line method 3-10 1, 10 10-33 Other equipment Straight-line method 3-15 1, 10 6-33 The Company provides for depreciation of fixed assets by category using the straight-line method, and determines the depreciation rate on the category, estimated useful life and estimated net residual value of fixed assets. For fixed assets with the provision for impairment, the depreciation amount will be determined in the future based on the carrying amount after deduction of the provision for impairment and remaining useful life. If a fixed asset has various component parts which have different useful lives or provide benefits to the enterprise in different manners, these component parts are depreciated separately by selecting different depreciation rates or methods. (3) Disposal of fixed assets A fixed asset is derecognized when it is disposed of or when no future economic benefits are expected to be generated from its use or disposal. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Company recognizes the amount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes and fee in profit or loss for the current period. 181 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (4) Identification basis, pricing and depreciation methods of fixed assets leased in under finance leases Refer to Note V, 36 “Leases”. 22. Construction in progress A construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred. Actual cost includes construction and installation fees, qualifying borrowing costs and other necessary expenses necessarily incurred for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use. The construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when meeting working conditions for its intended use and the Company begins to make provision from next month. 23. Borrowing costs 1. Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs Borrowing costs incurred by the company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of the cost of the relevant asset. The amounts of other borrowing costs incurred are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred, and recorded into profit or loss for the current period. Qualifying assets are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.) that necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale. 2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs Capitalization period is the period from the date of commencement of capitalization of borrowing costs to the date of cessation of capitalization, excluding any period over which capitalization is suspended. The capitalization of borrowing costs can commence only when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) expenditures for the asset are being incurred, and such expenditures include those expenditures incurred for the acquisition, construction or production of the qualifying asset that have resulted in payments of cash, transfer of non-cash assets, or the assumption of interest-bearing liabilities; (2) borrowing costs are being incurred; and (3) activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. When the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced has become ready for its intended use or sale, the capitalization ceases. 3. Period over which capitalization is suspended Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. However, capitalization of borrowing costs continues when the interruption is a necessary part of the process of preparing that asset for its intended use or sale. The borrowing costs incurred during these periods of interruption are recognized as profit or loss for the current period, and the capitalization of borrowing costs does not continue until the acquisition, construction or production of that asset is resumed. 4. Calculation methods of rate and amount of capitalization of borrowing cost Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs to be capitalized is the actual borrowing costs incurred for the current period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed under general-purpose borrowings and are utilized for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the Company determines the amount of borrowing costs to be capitalized on such borrowings by multiplying a 182 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 capitalization rate of the utilized general-purpose borrowings by the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditures on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rate is the weighted average of the actual interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings. During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency are capitalized as part of the cost of the qualifying asset. The exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings and interest thereon other than specific-purpose borrowings denominated in foreign currency are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 24. Right-of-use assets Please refer to Note V, 36 “Leases”. 25. Intangible assets (1) Pricing methods, useful lives and impairment tests 1. Pricing methods of intangible assets (1) The Company initially measures an intangible asset at cost of acquisition; The cost of a separately acquired intangible asset comprises its purchase price, related taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for preparing the asset for its intended use. (2) Subsequent measurement The Company analyzes and assesses the useful life of an intangible asset on its acquisition. A finite-lived intangible asset is amortized during the period over which the asset generates economic benefits for the enterprise; an intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the enterprise, and is not be amortized. 2. Estimated useful lives of intangible assets with finite life Item Estimated useful Amortization method Residual value rate Basis life (year) Software 3-10 Straight-line method None Estimated period of benefit Land use right 50 Straight-line method None Certificate of land use rights Patent right 10 Straight-line method None Right term Non-patent technology 10 Straight-line method None Estimated period of benefit 3. Basis for judgement of an intangible asset with indefinite useful life and procedures for review of useful life The Company reviews the useful life of the indefinite intangible assets at the end of each period. Upon review, the useful life of intangible assets is still indefinite. (2) Accounting policies for internal research and development expenditure 1. Specific criteria for an internal research and development project that are classified into the research phase and the development phase Expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research phase and 183 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 expenditure on the development phase. Research phase: the stage of original and planned investigation and research activity undertaken with the prospect of gaining and understanding new scientific or technical knowledge. Development phase: the stage of the application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices or products etc. before the start of commercial production or use. 2. Specific criteria of expenditure on the development phase qualifying for capitalization Expenditure on the research phase is recognized in profit or loss for the period in which it is incurred. Expenditure on the development phase is recognized as an intangible asset only when the Company demonstrates that all of the following conditions are met; otherwise, it is recognized in profit or loss for the current period: (1) the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale; (2) the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; (3) how the intangible asset will generate economic benefits. Among other things, the Company can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset; (4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development of and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and (5) its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase. If the Company fails to discriminate between expenditure on the research phase and expenditure on the development phase, all expenditures on research and development are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. (3) Methods of impairment testing and provision for impairment of intangible assets Refer to Note V, 26 “Impairment of long-term assets” for methods of impairment testing and provision for impairment of intangible assets. 26. Impairment of long-term assets Where any indication exists that long-term equity investments, investment properties measured at the cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with finite useful life, oil and gas assets and other long-term assets may be impaired at the balance sheet date, the Company performs an impairment test thereon. If the result of the impairment test shows that the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than its carrying amount, the provision for impairment is made for the difference and the difference is included in the impairment loss. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less disposal costs or the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. The provision for impairment of assets is calculated and recognized for an individual asset, and if it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. An asset group is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows. Goodwill generated in a business combination, indefinite-lived intangible assets and intangible assets which do not meet the working conditions for its use are tested for impairment at least at the end of each year, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing of the Company, the carrying amount of goodwill generated in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated on a reasonable basis to each of the related asset groups. If it is not possible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to each of the related sets of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or sets of asset groups shall be an asset group or a set of asset groups that is able to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. In testing an asset group or a set of asset groups to which goodwill has been allocated for impairment, there may be an indication that a related asset group or set of asset groups may be impaired. In such circumstances, the Company firstly tests the 184 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 asset group or set of asset groups excluding the amount of goodwill allocated for impairment, calculates its recoverable amount, compares the recoverable amount with the related carrying amount and recognizes any impairment loss. Then, the Company tests the asset group or set of asset groups to which goodwill has been allocated for impairment and compares its carrying amount and recoverable amount. When the recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, the amount of impairment loss first reduces the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduces the carrying amount of other assets (other than goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset. Once an impairment loss on the asset above is recognized, it will not be reversed in a subsequent period. 27. Long-term deferred expenses Long-term deferred expenses mean those that have been incurred but should be amortized in the current period and the subsequent periods of more than one year. The amortization period and method of expenses are shown as follows: Item Amortization method Amortization period Housing decoration fees Straight-line method Period of benefit Others Straight-line method Period of benefit 28. Contract liabilities The Company presents the contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The Company presents the obligations to transfer goods or offer services to customers as the consideration received or receivable from customers as the contract liabilities. The Company lists the contract assets and liabilities under the same contract as net amount. 29. Employee benefits (1) Accounting treatment of short-term benefits The Company recognizes the short-term benefits actually incurred during the accounting period when the employees serve the Company as liabilities, and includes the same as part of the cost of related assets or in profit or loss for the current period. The employee benefits corresponding to payments of social security contributions and housing funds for employees by the Company and the appropriation to labor union funds and employee education fees are determined on such provision basis and at such provision rate as stipulated during the period when the employees provide services for the Company. The staff welfare incurred by the Company is stated as the amount actually incurred and recorded into profit or loss for the current period or cost of related assets; non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value. (2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits (1) Defined contribution plans The Company pays basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance for employees pursuant to the relevant regulations of the local government. The amounts payable therefor, during the accounting period when the employees serve the Company, are calculated according to the payment base and proportion stipulated by the local regulations, which are recognized in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets as liabilities. 185 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits The Company recognizes the employment remuneration liabilities generated by termination benefits and records them into the profit or loss for the current period on the earlier of: when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the severance benefits provided as a result of the labor relationship termination plan or layoff proposal, or when it recognizes the costs or expenses related to the restructuring of the severance benefits payment. (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits Other long-term employee benefits provided to employees by the Group are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined contribution plans if they are qualified as defined contribution plans; otherwise, they are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined benefit plans. 30. Lease liabilities Refer to Note V, 36 “Leases” for the recognition and accounting methods of lease liabilities. 31. Provisions The Company recognizes an obligation related to a contingency as a provision when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the obligation is a present obligation of the Company; (2) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Company will be required to settle the obligation; and (3) the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. Provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation. Factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money are taken into account as a whole when the Company reaches the best estimate. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. Where there is a continuous range of the expenditure required, and each possible outcome in that range is as likely as any other, the best estimate is the mid-point of that range. Under any other circumstances, the best estimate is accounted for as follows: where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate is the most likely amount; or where the contingency involves a large population of items, the best estimate is determined by weighting all possible outcomes by their associated probabilities. Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle an estimated liability is expected to be reimbursed by a third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received. The amount recognized for the reimbursement does not exceed the carrying amount of the estimated liability. The Company reviews the carrying amount of a provision at the balance sheet date. Where there is clear evidence that the carrying amount of a provision does not reflect the current best estimate, the carrying amount is adjusted to the current best estimate. 32. Share-based payment A share-based payment of the Company is a transaction in which the Company grants equity instruments, or incurs liabilities for amounts that are determined based on the price of equity instruments, in return for services rendered by employees or other parties. A share-based payment of the Company is classified as either an equity-settled share-based payment or a cash-settled share-based payment. 186 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1. Equity-settled share-based payment and equity instruments An equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services received from the employees is measured at the fair value of equity instruments granted to the employees. If the right under the share-based payment vests immediately following the grant, the Company, on grant date, recognizes related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair value of the equity instruments, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve. If the rights under the share-based payment do not vest until the completion of services for a vesting period, or until the achievement of a specified performance condition, at each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Company makes the best estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest, and based on this, recognizes the services received in the current period in the related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair value on the grant date, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve. If the terms of equity-settled share-based payment are modified, the services received are recognized at least pursuant to the unmodified terms. In addition, any modifications that increase the fair value of the equity instruments, or changes that are beneficial to employees on the modification date are recognized as an increase in services. If the granted equity instrument is cancelled within the vesting period, the Company treats the cancellation of equity instrument granted as the accelerated exercise, and the amount to be recognized during the remaining vesting period is immediately charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the capital reserve is recognized at the same time. However, if a new equity instrument is granted, and on the grant date thereof, is deemed to replace the cancelled equity instrument, the substitute equity instrument granted is accounted for pursuant to the terms and conditions for accounting for original equity instrument. 2. Cash-settled share-based payment and equity instruments A cash-settled share-based payment is measured at the fair value of the liability incurred, being a liability which is determined based on the price of the Company’s shares or other equity instruments. If the right under the share-based payment vests immediately following the grant, the Company, on grant date, recognizes related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair value of the liabilities assumed with a corresponding increase in liabilities. If the rights under the share-based payment do not vest until the completion of services for a vesting period, or until the achievement of a specified performance condition, at each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Company makes the best estimate of the exercise, and based on this, recognizes the services received in the current period in the related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company, and includes the same in the liabilities accordingly. Until the liability is settled, the Company remeasures the fair value of the liability at each balance sheet date and at the date of settlement, with changes recognized in profit or loss for the current period. If the Company has amended the terms and conditions of the cash-settled share-based payment agreement so that it will become the equity-settled share-based payment, on the date of the amendment, regardless of whether during or after the vesting period, the Company will measure the equity-settled share-based payment in accordance with the fair value on the date when the equity instruments are granted, recognize the services received in the capital reserve, derecognize the liabilities of the cash-settled share-based payment already determined on the amendment date, and recognize the difference between the two in the profit or loss for the current period. If the amendment extends or shortens the vesting period, the Company will account for it based on the amended vesting period. 33. Revenue Accounting policies adopted for the recognition and measurement of revenue 1. Accounting policies adopted for the recognition and measurement of revenue The revenue is recognized at the time when the Company has discharged the performance obligations in the contract, that is, when the customer obtains the control of the related goods or services. Obtainment of the control of the related goods or services means the ability to direct the use of such goods or services and obtain substantially all of economic benefits from them. If the contract has two or more performance obligations, the Company allocates the transaction price to each individual performance obligation on the inception of the contract by reference to relative standalone selling prices of goods or services 187 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 promised thereby. The Company measures revenue based on the transaction price allocated to each individual performance obligation. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company is entitled arising from the transfer of goods or services to the customer, excluding the amount collected on behalf of a third party and expected to be returned to the customer. The Company determines the transaction price with reference to the contract terms and in conjunction with past customary practices, and in doing so, considers variable consideration, significant financing components in the contract, non-cash consideration, consideration payable to customers and other factors. The Company determines the transaction price including variable consideration to the extent that it is highly probable that its inclusion will not result in a significant revenue reversal of accumulatively recognized revenue in the future when the uncertainty has been subsequently resolved. If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company determines the transaction price based on the presumed amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control of goods or services, and amortizes the differences between the transaction price and the contract consideration using the actual interest method within the term of the contract. When meeting one of the following criteria, it belongs to the obligation performed over time, otherwise it constitutes the obligation performed at a point in time: the customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits generated by the Company’s performance when the Company performs the contract; the customer can control the products in progress in the performance of the contract by the Company; or the products produced in the process of the Company’s performance have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative performance that has been completed up to date throughout the term of the contract. For the obligation performed over time, the Company recognizes the revenue based on the performance progress over time, unless the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company determines the progress of performance obligation by taking the nature of goods or services and using the output/input method. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred are expected to be recoverable, the Company recognizes the revenue to the extent of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. For the obligation performed at a point in time, the Company recognizes the revenue at the point in time when the customer obtains the control of the related goods or services. When judging whether the customer has obtained the control of goods or services, the Company considers the following signs: the Company has the current right to receive payment for such goods or services, that is, the customer has the current obligation to make payment for such goods or services; the Company has transferred the legal ownership of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer has the legal ownership of such goods; the Company has transferred such goods to the customer physically, that is, the customer has taken possession of such goods physically; the Company has transferred major risks and rewards of ownership of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer has obtained major risks and rewards of ownership of such goods; and the customer has accepted such goods or services. 2. Specific methods of revenue recognition The Company organizes the production according to the sales contracts signed with or the orders placed by customers, and identifies the following models based on different geographical locations of customers and inventory management methods: (1) General sales For domestic sales, the Company ships goods to the delivery location designated by a customer, and recognizes the revenue after the customer has signed the receipt of the products; and for foreign sales, the goods are delivered according to specific trade terms, and the revenue is recognized at a point in time when the control is transferred. (2) Supplier management inventory 188 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Under this model, the Company ships the goods to the designated warehouse, the customer picks up the goods from the warehouse, and the revenue is recognized at a point in time when the control is transferred. Difference in the accounting policy for revenue recognition arising from adoption of different modes of operation for the same kind of business None. 34. Government grants 1. Category Government grants are monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government to the Company at no consideration. Government grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants related to income. Government grants related to assets are government grants whose primary condition is that the Company should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. The specific standard based on which the Company classifies a grant as a government grant related to assets is that: the grant obtained by the Company is used to purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. The specific standard based on which the Company classifies a grant as a government grant related to income is that: government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. When classifying a grant whose subsidy object is not clearly specified in the government documents as a government grant related to assets or a government grant related to income, the Company judges whether the grant is used to purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. 2. Recognition time point When the Company actually receives the government grant, a government grant related to assets of the Company is recognized, and since the long-term assets are available for use, the Company equally amortizes the deferred income based on the estimated useful life of long-term assets and then transfers the same to the profit or loss for the current period. When the Company actually receives the government grant, a government grant related to income of the Company is recognized, and the Company recognizes it in the non-operating income or other income over the periods in which the related costs are recognized if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred by the Company in subsequent periods, and directly recognizes it in the non-operating income or other income for the current period on acquisition if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses incurred by the Company. The government grant is recognized when the Company meets the conditions attaching to the government grant and can receive the government grant. 3. Accounting treatment The government grants related to assets are offset against the carrying amount of the related assets or recognized as deferred income. If a grant is recognized as deferred income, it is charged to profit or loss for the current period in a reasonable and systematic manner within the useful life of related assets (the grant related to the daily activities of the Company is recognized in other income, otherwise it is recognized in non-operating income); The government grant related to income which is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred by the Company in subsequent periods is recognized as the deferred income and charged to the profit or loss over the period when related costs or losses are recognized (the grant related to the daily activities of the Company is recognized in other income, otherwise it is recognized in non-operating income) or offset against related costs or losses; and the government grant related to income which is a compensation for related expenses or losses incurred by the Company is directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period (the grant related to the daily activities of the Company is recognized in other income, otherwise it is recognized in non-operating income) or offset against related costs or losses. The policy-related preferential loan interest discounts obtained by the Company are accounted for separately according to the 189 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 following two circumstances: (1) If the finance department allocates the interest discount funds to the lending bank, and then the lending bank offers a loan to the Company at the policy-based preferential interest rate, the Company recognizes the loan amount actually received as the recorded amount of the loan, and calculates the borrowing costs according to the loan principal and such policy-based preferential interest rate. (2) If the finance department directly allocates the interest discount funds to the Company, the Company offsets the corresponding interest subsidy against the related borrowing costs. 35. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities Income tax includes current and deferred tax. Except for the income tax arising from business combinations and transactions or events recognized directly in owners’ equity (including other comprehensive income), the Company recognizes current tax and deferred tax in profit or loss for the current period. The deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the difference (temporary difference) between the tax base of assets and liabilities and the carrying amount of assets and liabilities. A deferred tax asset is recognized for the deductible temporary difference to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income amounts will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized. A deferred tax asset is recognized for the carryforward of unused deductible losses and tax credits to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income amounts will be available against which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized. A deferred tax liability is recognized for taxable temporary difference, except for special circumstances. Special circumstances under which the deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are not recognized for the taxable temporary difference include: the initial recognition of goodwill; and the transaction or event that is not business combination, and at the time of the occurrence, does not affect accounting profit and taxable income amount (or deductible loss). A deferred tax liability is recognized for the taxable temporary difference related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, unless the Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. A deferred tax asset is recognized for the deductible temporary difference related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures when it is probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable income amounts will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The Company reviews the carrying amount of the deferred tax assets at the balance sheet date. The Company reduces the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income amounts will be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilized. Any such reduction in amount is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income amounts will be available. The current tax assets and current tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis when the Company has the statutory right to settle on a net basis, and intends to settle on a net basis or to obtain assets and settle liabilities simultaneously. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis when both of the following conditions are satisfied: the taxpayer has the statutory right to settle the current tax assets and current tax liabilities on a net basis; and the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are related to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxpayer or different taxpayers, provided that during the period in which each material deferred tax asset and liability will be 190 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 reversed, the taxpayer involved intends to settle the current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or obtain assets and settle liabilities simultaneously. 36. Leases (1) Accounting treatment of operating leases Please refer to paragraph (3) of this section for details of determination and accounting treatment of leases under the New Lease Standard. (2) Accounting treatment of finance leases Please refer to paragraph (3) of this section for details of determination and accounting treatment of leases under the New Lease Standard. (3) Determination and accounting treatment of leases under the New Lease Standard The term “lease” refers to an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee the right to use an asset for consideration in an agreed period of time. The Company shall assess whether a contract is a lease contract or contains a lease at the commencement date of the contract, which can be identified if one party to the contract conveys the right to use one or more identified assets for exchange of consideration in an agreed period of time. If a contract contains several individual leases, the Company will split the contract and account for each individual lease separately. If a contract contains both lease and non-lease components, the lessee and the lessor will separate the lease and non-lease components. If the rental concessions, deferred payment and other rent deductions with respect to existing lease contracts directly as a result of COVID-19 pandemic meet the following conditions at the same time, the Company adopts the simplified method for all lease choices, without assessing whether the lease changes occurred or reassessing the lease classification: the lease consideration after concessions is reduced or substantially unchanged compared with the lease consideration before concessions, and the lease consideration is undiscounted or discounted at the discount rate before concessions; and other terms and conditions of the lease are determined to have not changed significantly after considering both qualitative and quantitative factors. 1. The Company as a lessee (1) Right-of-use assets At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets for leases excluding short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. The right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost comprising the following: the amount of the initial measurement of lease liability; any lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease incentives received (if any); any initial direct costs incurred to the Company; and costs expected to be incurred to the Company for disassembly and removal of leased assets, restoration of the site where the leased asset is located, or recovery of the leased asset to the condition agreed upon under the terms of the lease, excluding costs incurred to produce inventories. The right-of-use assets are depreciated by using a straight-line method subsequently. A leased asset is depreciated over its remaining useful life if the ownership of this leased asset can be reasonably obtained at the maturity date of the lease term, otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter of its remaining useful life or the lease term. The Company determines whether the right-of-use assets are impaired and accounts for the identified impairment losses in 191 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 accordance with the principles stated in Note “III. (20) Impairment of long-term assets”. (2) Lease liabilities At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes lease liabilities for leases excluding short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. The lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of the outstanding lease payments including: fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives receivable (if any); variable lease payments that are based on an index or a rate; amounts expected to be payable by the Company for the guaranteed residual value; the exercise price of a purchase option if the Company is reasonably certain to exercise that option; and payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Company exercising that option. The lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Company’s incremental borrowing rate is applied. Interest expenses incurred to the lease liabilities over the term of the relevant lease are calculated by the Company based on fixed periodic interest rate, and recognized in the current profit or loss or the cost of the related assets. Variable lease payments excluded from the measurement of lease liabilities are charged to profit or loss in the period when they are incurred or included in cost of related assets. After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company will re-measure the lease liabilities and adjust relevant right-of-use assets in one of the following cases, and charge the difference to the current profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets is decreased to zero but that of the lease liabilities needs to be deducted further: When there is a change in the assessment of a purchase option, lease renewal option or termination option, or the actual exercise of the aforementioned options is not consistent with the original assessment, the Company will re-measure the lease liabilities at the present value of the modified lease payments discounted by using the revised discount rate; or When there is a change in the in-substance fixed payments, the expected payable for the guaranteed residual value, or the index or rate used to determine the lease payments, the Company will re-measure the lease liabilities at the present value of the modified lease payments discounted by using the original discount rate. However, if the change in the lease payments is caused by the fluctuation of the floating interest, the present value shall be discounted by using the revised discount rate. (3) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets The Company chooses not to recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, and recognize in the current profit or loss or the cost of the related assets payments associated with short-term leases and leases of low-value assets on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Short-term leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less without a purchase option at the commencement date of leases. Leases of low-value assets are leases for which the single leased asset is of low value when it is brand new. Lease of an asset that is sub-leased or that is expected to be sub-leased by the Company is not included in the lease of low-value assets. (4) Lease modification The Company accounts for a lease modification as a separate lease if both of the following conditions exist: The modification has increased the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets; and The consideration for the lease increases equals to the standalone price for the increase in scope of lease and any appropriate adjustments to that standalone price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract. For a modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of the modification, the Company will allocate the consideration in the modified contract, determine the lease term of the modified lease and re-measure the lease liabilities at the present value of the modified lease payments discounted by using the revised discount rate. For modifications that decrease the scope of the lease or shorten the lease term, the Company decreases the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset accordingly, and recognizes a gain or loss arising from the partial or full termination of the lease into the current profit or loss. For other modifications resulting to a re-measurement of lease liabilities, the Company makes a corresponding 192 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 adjustment to the carrying amount of right-of-use assets. (5) Rental concessions related to COVID-19 epidemic If adopting practicable expedients to any rental concessions related to COVID-19 epidemic, the Company does not assess whether the lease change occurred, continues to calculate interest expense on lease liabilities at the discount rate before concessions and recognize in profit or loss for the current period, and continues to depreciate right-of-use assets in the same manner as before concessions. In the event of rent reductions, the Company treats the rent reductions as variable lease payments to be offset against the cost or expense of the relevant assets by the amount undiscounted or the amount discounted at the discount rate before concessions when the original rental payment obligation is discharged, such as when a rental concession agreement is reached, and adjusts the lease liabilities accordingly; and in the event of deferred payment of rent, the Company offsets the rent against the lease liabilities recognized in prior periods when rent is actually paid. For short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Company continues to include the rent under the original contracts in the cost or expense of the relevant assets in the same manner as before concessions. In the event of rent reductions, the Company treats the rent reductions as variable lease payments to be offset against the cost or expense of the relevant assets during the period of rent reductions; and in the event of deferred payment of rent, the Company recognizes the rent payable as a payable in the original payment period and offsets the rent against the payable when the rent is actually paid. 2. The Company as a lessor At the commencement date of the lease, the Company classifies leases as finance leases and operating leases. Finance leases refer to the leases to which the Company has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets regardless whether the ownership has transferred or not. All other leases are classified as operating leases. The Company, when acting as a sub-lease lessor, classifies the sub-leases based on the right-of-use assets arising from the original leases. (1) Accounting treatment for operating lease Rent receipts from operating lease are recognized as rental income on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs related to operating lease are capitalized when incurred, and are allocated to profit or loss on the same basis as rental income over the lease term. Variable lease payments not included in the rent receipts are recognized in profit or loss when incurred actually. An operating lease, if modified, is accounted for as a new lease from the effective date of the modification, with receipts in advance or rent receivables related to the lease before the modification recognized as the rent receipts of the new lease. (2) Accounting treatment for finance lease At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes finance lease receivables and derecognizes assets held under finance leases. Lease receivables are presented at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease for the initial measurement. The net investment in the lease is the sum of any unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the rent receipts not received yet as of the commencement date of the lease discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease. Interest incomes over the term of the relevant lease are calculated and recognized by the Company based on fixed periodic interest rate. The Company accounts for derecognition and impairment of finance lease receivables in accordance with Note “III. (10) Financial instruments”. Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are recognized in profit or loss when incurred actually. The Company accounts for a finance lease modification as a separate lease if both of the following conditions exist: The modification has increased the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets; and The consideration for the lease increases equals to the standalone price for the increase in scope of lease and any appropriate adjustments to that standalone price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract. For a modification to a finance lease that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company accounts for the modification as follows: if the lease would have been classified as an operating lease had the modification been in effect at the commencement date of the lease, the Company accounts for the lease modification as a new lease from the effective date of the modification, and measures 193 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 the carrying amount of the leased asset as the net investment in the lease immediately before the effective date of the lease modification; or if the lease would have been classified as a finance lease had the modification been in effect at the commencement date of the lease, the Company accounts for the lease modification in accordance with the requirements in Note “III. (10) Financial instruments - Policies on the contract modifications or re-negotiation”. (3) Rental concessions related to COVID-19 epidemic For the operating leases for which the Company adopts practicable expedients to any rental concessions related to COVID-19 epidemic, the Company continues to recognize the rent under the original contract as the lease income in the same manner as before concessions. In the event of rent reductions, the Company treats the rent reductions as variable lease payments to be offset against the lease income during the period of rent reductions; and in the event of deferred receipt of rent, the Company recognizes the rent receivable during the original period as a receivable, and offsets the rent against the receivable recognized in prior periods when rent is actually received. For the finance leases for which the Company adopts practicable expedients to any rental concessions related to COVID-19 epidemic, the Company continues to calculate interest at the discount rate before concessions and recognize it as the lease income. In the event of rent reductions, the Company treats the rent reductions as variable lease payments to be offset against the lease income originally organized by the amount undiscounted or the amount discounted at the discount rate before concessions when the right to receive original rent is waived, such as when a rental concession agreement is reached, with any shortage, if any, being recognized in the investment income, and adjusts the finance lease receivables accordingly; and in the event of deferred receipt of rent, the Company offsets the rent against the finance lease receivables recognized in prior periods when rent is actually paid. 3. Sale and leaseback transactions The Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transactions is accounted for as a sale of that asset pursuant to the principles stated in Note “III. (26) Revenue”. (1) The Company as a lessee If the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transactions satisfies the requirements to be accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company, as a lessee, measures the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right of use retained, and recognizes only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the lessor accordingly; and if the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transactions does not satisfy the requirements to be accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company, as a lessee, continues to recognize the transferred asset and a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds. Please refer to Note “III. (10) Financial instruments” for accounting treatment of the financial liability. (2) The Company as a lessor If the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transactions satisfies the requirements to be accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company, as a lessor, accounts for the purchase of the asset and for the lease subject to the above policies stated in “2. The Company as a lessor”; and if the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transactions does not satisfy the requirements to be accounted for as a sale of the asset, the Company, as a lessor, does not recognize the transferred asset and instead, recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds. Please refer to Note “V. (10) Financial instruments” for accounting treatment of the financial asset. 37. Special Reserve The Group accrues special reserve for safety production in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Response. The special reserve refers to the safety expenses mainly used in the course of production and operation. The special reserve is recognized in the relevant cost or the profit or loss for the current period when it is withdrawn and is also included in the special reserve account. When the Company utilizes the withdrawn safety production charges, expenses 194 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 are directly offset against the special reserve. In case of capital expenditures, the expenditures are calculated through the contraction in progress account and are then recognized as a fixed asset when the safety project is ready for its intended use. Meanwhile, the special reserve is offset against the cost of forming the fixed asset, and accumulated depreciation of the same amount is recognized. Such fixed asset will not be depreciated in subsequent periods. 38. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates None 39. Discontinued operations A discontinued operation is a separately distinguishable component that meets one of the following conditions and has been disposed of by the Company or classified by the Company as held for sale: (1) the component represents a separate major business or a separate major area of operation; (2) the component is part of an associated plan for the proposed disposition of a separate major business or a separate major area of operation; or (3) the component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for resale. Gains or losses from continuing operations and gains or losses from discontinued operations are presented separately in the income statement. Gains or losses from operations such as impairment losses and reversals of amounts from discontinued operations and gains or losses on disposals are presented as gains or losses from discontinued operations. For discontinued operations presented in the current period, the Company restates the information previously presented as gains or losses from continuing operations in the current financial statements as gains or losses from discontinued operations in the comparable accounting period. 40. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (1) Changes in significant accounting policies Applicable □ N/A Changes in accounting policies and Approval procedure Remarks associated reasons On December 30, 2021, the Ministry of 1. National policies require change; 2. the Finance issued the Notice on Printing and Company held the 16th meeting of the fifth Issuing the Interpretation No. 15 of the Board of Directors on April 27, 2023, Accounting Standards for Business deliberating and approving the Proposal on Enterprises (No. 35 [2021] of the Ministry Changes in Accounting Policies, and of Finance); independent directors gave the consent The aforementioned accounting policies On November 30, 2022, the Ministry of opinion on such issue independently. In have no significant impact on financial Finance issued the Notice on Printing and accordance with the relevant provisions of statements of the Group and the Issuing the Interpretation No. 16 of the the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks Company Accounting Standards for Business on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2023 Enterprises (No. 31 [2022] of the Ministry Revision) and the AOA, these changes in of Finance). accounting policies are submitted to the In accordance with the aforesaid Board of Directors for deliberation, but do provisions, the Company adjusted its not require deliberation by the general 195 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 original accounting policies accordingly meeting of shareholders. and began to implement them from the specified start date. (1) Implementation of Interpretation No. 15 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises On December 30, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 15 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (No. 35 [2021] of the Ministry of Finance, hereinafter referred to as the “Interpretation No. 15”). ① Accounting treatment concerning sales in the trial operation Interpretation No. 15 provides for the accounting treatment and presentation by enterprises of sales of the products or by-products produced before the fixed assets reach the expected usable status or in the research and development process and provides that the enterprises shall not offset costs of fixed assets or research and development expenditures against the net amount after offsetting relevant costs against the relevant income from trial sale. Such provisions began to take effective from January 1, 2022, and the trial sale that occurred from the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial statements to January 1, 2022 shall be adjusted retroactively. The Company’s implementation of such provisions has brought no material impact on the financial position and results of operation of the Company. ② Judgment on onerous Interpretation No. 15 provides that the “cost of performing the contract” considered by an enterprise when it judges whether a contract constitutes an onerous contract shall include the incremental cost of performing the contract and the apportioned amount of other costs directly related to the performance of the contract. Such requirements began to take effective from January 1, 2022, and the enterprises shall implement such provisions with respect to all contracts with obligations outstanding as of January 1, 2022, and adjust retained earnings and other related financial statement items at the beginning of the year in which such requirements are implemented based on the cumulative effect, without adjusting the data in prior period comparative financial statements. The Company’s application of such requirements has brought no material impact on the financial position and results of operation of the Company. (2) Implementation of Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises On November 30, 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (No. 31 [2022] of the Ministry of Finance, hereinafter referred to as the “Interpretation No. 16”). ① Accounting treatment concerning the effects of income tax on dividends from a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument by the issuer Interpretation No. 16 provides that for a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument by an enterprise, if the relevant dividend payments are deducted before the enterprise income tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of tax policies, the enterprise shall recognize the effects of income tax relating to dividends when recognizing the dividends payable. Since the effects of income tax on such dividends are usually more directly related to the previous transactions or events that generated the distributable profits, the enterprise shall include the effects of income tax on dividends in the item of current profit and loss or owner’s equity (including other comprehensive income items) in accordance with the consistent accounting treatment adopted for previous transactions or events that generated the distributable profits. Such provisions began to take effective from January 1, 2022. The corresponding dividends payable that occurred between January 1, 2022 and the date of implementation shall be adjusted in accordance with such provisions; and if the dividends occurred prior to January 1, 2022 and the relevant financing instruments have not been derecognized on January 1, 2022, they shall be adjusted retroactively. The Company’s implementation of such provisions has brought no material impact on the financial position and results of operation of the Company. ② Accounting treatment concerning the change of cash-settled share-based payment to equity-settled share-based payment by an enterprise Interpretation No. 16 provides that where an enterprise changes the terms and conditions of a cash-settled share-based payment agreement to an equity-settled share-based payment one, the enterprise shall, on the date of change (whether during the vesting 196 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 period or after the vesting period), calculate the equity-settled share-based payment at the fair value of the granted equity instrument on the current day, include the services obtained in capital reserves, and at the same time, terminate the recognition of the cash-settled share-based payment as a liability recognized on the date of change, and include the difference between the two in the current profit and loss. Such requirements began to take effective from January 1, 2022. The relevant transactions added between January 1, 2022 and the date of implementation shall be adjusted in accordance with such provisions; and if the relevant transactions that occurred prior to January 1, 2022 are not treated in accordance with such provisions, such transactions shall be adjusted retroactively. The Company shall adjust retained earnings and other related financial statement items as of January 1, 2022 based on the cumulative effect, without adjusting the data in prior period comparative financial statements. The Company’s implementation of such provisions has brought no material impact on the financial position and results of operation of the Company. ③ Accounting treatment that the exemption of initial recognition shall not apply to the deferred income tax relating to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction Interpretation No. 16 provides that the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income Tax on the exemption from the initial recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and deferred income tax assets shall not apply to a single transaction that is not a business combination, that does not affect accounting profits or the amount of taxable income (or deductible loss) upon the occurrence of a transaction, and in which the initially recognized assets and liabilities result in an equal amount of taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences (including lease transactions in which lease liabilities are initially recognized by the lessee on the lease inception date and included in the right-of-use assets, and transactions in which estimated liabilities are recognized and included in the relevant asset costs due to the disposal obligations of fixed assets, among others, hereinafter referred to as “single transactions to which this Interpretation applies”). As for the taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities in a transaction, the enterprise shall, in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income Tax and other relevant provisions, respectively recognize the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities and deferred income tax assets upon the occurrence of the transaction. Such provisions began to take effective from January 1, 2023 and enterprises are allowed to implement them in advance in 2022. For a single transaction to which this Interpretation applies and which occurs from the beginning of the earliest period of presentation of financial statements when this Interpretation is implemented for the first time to the effective date of this Interpretation, and if taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences arise from the lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized as a result of a single transaction to which this Interpretation applies as well as the recognized estimated liabilities and corresponding assets relating to disposal obligations at the beginning of the earliest period of presentation of financial statements when this Interpretation is implemented for the first time, the enterprise shall make adjustments in accordance with the provisions of this Interpretation. The Company’s implementation of such provisions has brought no material impact on the financial position and results of operation of the Company. (2) Changes in significant accounting estimates □ Applicable N/A 41. Others None 197 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 VI. Taxes 1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates Tax category Taxation basis Tax rate VAT payable is the output tax based on the sales of goods and taxable labor income Value added tax calculated pursuant to the tax law, net of 13%, 9%, 6%, 5%, 3%, 0% the input tax that is allowed to be deducted in the current period Subject to the actual payment of VAT and Urban maintenance and construction tax 7 %, 5% consumption tax 25%, 20%, 19%, 17%, 16.5%, 15%, 10%, Enterprise income tax Subject to the taxable income amount 0% Education surcharges 3% of actually paid turnover taxes 3% Local education surcharges 2% of actually paid turnover taxes 2% Disclosure of taxpayers (if any) with different rates of enterprise income tax: Taxpayer Rate of enterprise income tax Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. 15 ASAP Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. 15 Lanto Electronic Limited 15 Bozhou Lanto Electronic Limited 15 Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Ltd. 15 Luxshare Automation (Jiangsu) Ltd. 15 Merry Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 15 Luxshare Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. 15 Yongxin County Boshuo Electronics Co., Ltd. 15 Chuzhou Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Merry Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. 15 Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co., Ltd. 15 Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Co., Ltd. 15 Jiangxi ASAP Electronic Co., Ltd. 15 Suzhou Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd. 15 Suining Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Luxshare Precision Industry (Baoding) Co., Ltd. 15 198 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry (Shanxi) Co., Ltd. 15 Dongguan Xuntao Electronic Co., Ltd. 15 Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Luxshare iTech (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. 15 Shenzhen Luxshare Acoustics Technology Ltd. 15 Enshi Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Luxshare Precision Limited Note 1 Luxshare Precision Technology Co., Ltd. 16.5 Taiwan Luxshare Precision Limited 20 ICT-LANTO LIMITED (HK) Note 1 Luxshare Standard Limited (HK) Note 1 Luxshare Technologies Limited Note 1 Luxshare-ICT (Japan) Note 2 Yunding Technology Co., Ltd. Note 1 Luxis Technology Limited Note 1 Luxshare Precision Investment Co., Ltd. Note 1 SpeedTech Corp. 20 Luxshare India Private Limited 25 Luxshare Lanto India Private Limited 25 LUXSHARE-ICT, Inc. Note 3 LUXSHARE-ICT EUROPE LIMITED 19 SuK Kunststofftechnik GmbH 15 Korea Luxshare-ICT Co., Ltd. Note 4 Luxshare-ICT (Vietnam) Limited 0 Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Company Limited 10 Luxshare-ICT (Nghe An) Limited 0 Caseteck Singapore PTE. LTD. 17 Xuancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 15 Dongguan Huarong Communications Technology Co., Ltd. 15 Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. 15 TIME Interconnect Technology (Huizhou) Limited 15 Huaxun Industrial (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 15 TIME Interconnect Technology Limited 16.5 TIME Interconnect Investment Limited 16.5 199 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 TIME Interconnect (HK) Limited 16.5 TIME Interconnect Wiring Technology Co., Ltd. 16.5 TIME Interconnect Industrial Co., Ltd. 16.5 Huaxun Hong Kong Limited 16.5 Huaxun Cable Co., Ltd. 16.5 Linkz International Limited 16.5 HOVER MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED 16.5 TIME Interconnect Server Technology Co., Ltd. 16.5 Other subsidiaries 25 2. Tax incentives 1. The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, Finance Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, and Shenzhen Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 23, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202144203830 valid for three years. As provided for in the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Taxes Related to Enterprises’ Technological Innovation and the Notice by the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Enterprise Income Taxes for High-tech Enterprises, the Company enjoys an enterprise income tax of 15% for 2022. 2. The subsidiary, Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. (“Ji’an Xiexun”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on September 14, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202036001325 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 3. The subsidiary, ASAP Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. (“ASAP Jiangxi”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 14, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202236001286 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 4. The subsidiary, Lanto Electronic Limited (“Lanto Kunshan”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 2, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GF202032003737 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 5. The sub-subsidiary, Bozhou Lanto Electronic Limited (“Lanto Bozhou”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Anhui Province, and Anhui Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on September 18, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202134001185 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 6. The sub-subsidiary, Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Ltd. (“Huzhou Jiuding”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance, Zhejiang Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration and Local Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province on December 1, 2020, with the High-tech 200 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Enterprise Certificate No. GR202033002604 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 7. The subsidiary, Luxshare Automation (Jiangsu) Ltd. (“Luxshare Automation Jiangsu”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on November 30, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202132006272 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 8. The sub-subsidiary, Merry Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (“Meite Suzhou”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 2, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202032005557 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 9. The subsidiary, Luxshare Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Electronic Kunshan”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on November 30, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202132006555 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 10. The sub-subsidiary, Yongxin County Boshuo Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Yongxin Boshuo”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 2, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202036001897 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 11. The subsidiary, Chuzhou Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Chuzhou”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Anhui Province, and Anhui Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on October 18, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202234002571 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 12. The sub-subsidiary, Merry Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. (“Merry Huizhou”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and Guangdong Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 20, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202144005561 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 13. The subsidiary, Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co., Ltd. (“Fujian JK”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Fujian Provincial Department of Finance, and Fujian Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 1, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202035000014 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 14. The subsidiary, Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Co., Ltd. (“Smart Manufacturing Jiangxi”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on November 3, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202136000345 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 15. The sub-subsidiary, Jiangxi ASAP Electronic Co., Ltd. (“Boshuo Electronics”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Tax Service, State 201 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Taxation Administration on November 3, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202136000645 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 16. The sub-subsidiary, Suzhou Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd. (“Suzou Luxshare Technology”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on November 30, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202132006790 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 17. The sub-subsidiary, Suining Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Suining”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, and Sichuan Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 15, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202151003570 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 18. The sub-subsidiary, Luxshare Precision Industry (Baoding) Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Baoding”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hebei Provincial Finance Bureau, and Hebei Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 26, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202213002272 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 19. The sub-subsidiary, Luxshare Precision Industry (Shanxi) Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Shanxi”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Shanxi Science and Technology Department, Shanxi Provincial Department of Finance, and Shanxi Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 12, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202214000862 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 20. The sub-subsidiary, Dongguan Xuntao Electronic Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan Xuntao”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and Guangdong Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 22, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202244014095 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 21. The subsidiary, Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Kunshan”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 2, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202032002892 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 22. The subsidiary, Luxshare iTech (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. (“iTech Zhejiang”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance, and Zhejiang Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 1, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202033001987 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 23. The subsidiary, Shenzhen Luxshare Acoustics Technology Ltd. (“Luxshare Electroacoustic”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, Finance Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, and Shenzhen Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 11, 2020, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202044204060 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 24. The subsidiary, Enshi Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Enshi”), was qualified for tax reduction in 202 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 accordance with the Announcement on the Continuation of Preferential Enterprise Income Tax Policies in the Western Region of China issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission which provided that enterprise income tax should be levied at a reduced rate of 15% on enterprises engaged in the encouraged industries in the western region for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2030. Since it is located at Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province where enterprises can apply the preferential enterprise income tax policies in the Western Region of China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 25. The sub-subsidiary, Xuancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (“Luxshare Xuancheng”), was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Anhui Province, and Anhui Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on September 18, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202134004975 valid for three years. According to relevant provisions of the national high-tech enterprise income tax preferential policies in China, it enjoys an enterprise income tax rate of 15% for 2022. 26. According to the Article 6 of Circular No. 151/2014/TT-BTC issued by the Ministry of Finance on October 10, 2014, Luxshare-ICT (Vietnam) Limited (“Luxshare Vietnam”) will be eligible for exemption from enterprise income tax for the first two years and 50% reduction for next four years if realizing the investment plan in the industrial park. Among them, Zone E obtained an Official Reply No. 619/CT-TTHT from the Tax Bureau of Bac Giang Province on February 28, 2018, confirming that Zone E has obtained the qualifications of enjoying exemption from enterprise income tax for the first two years and 50% reduction for next four years, and Luxshare Vietnam paid enterprise income tax at a 10% tax rate; and Zones T/U1 obtained an Official Reply No. 6555/CTBGI-TTHT from the Tax Bureau of Bac Giang Province on November 23, 2020, confirming that Zones T and U1 have obtained the qualifications of enjoying exemption from enterprise income tax for the first two years and 50% reduction for next four years and Luxshare Vietnam paid the enterprise income tax at a 0% tax rate in 2022. 27. According to the provisions of Article 14.1 of the Decree No. 85/2007/Q-TTg issued on June 11, 2007, any domestic and foreign organization and individual investing in any project based in the Southeast Economic Zone of Nghe An will enjoy the enterprise income tax rate of 10% for 15 years from the date when the investment project starts operation, and exemption from enterprise income tax for 4 years from the date of taxable income and 50% reduction for next 9 years. Luxshare-ICT (Nghe An) Limited (“Luxshare Nghe An”) obtained the Official Reply No. 2417/CT-TTHT from the Tax Bureau of Nghe An Province on July 1, 2020, confirming that Luxshare Nghe An paid the enterprise income tax at a 0% tax rate in 2022. 28. According to the Article 6 of Circular No. 151/2014/TT-BTC issued by the Ministry of Finance on October 10, 2014, Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Company Limited (“Luxshare Van Trung”) is eligible for exemption from enterprise income tax for the first two years and 50% reduction for next four years if realizing the investment plan in the industrial park, and obtained an Official Reply No. 5675/CT-TTHT from the Tax Bureau of Bac Giang Province on October 13, 2020, confirming that Luxshare Van Trung paid the enterprise income tax at a 10% tax rate in 2022. 29. Dongguan Huarong Communications Technology Co., Ltd. was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and Guangdong Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 20, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202144005374 valid for three years. As provided for in the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Taxes Related to Enterprises’ Technological Innovation and the Notice by the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Enterprise Income Taxes for High-tech Enterprises, it paid the enterprise income tax at a 15% tax rate in 2022. 30. Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, Finance Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, and Shenzhen Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 23, 2021, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202144200244 valid for three years. As provided for in the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Taxes Related to Enterprises’ Technological Innovation and the Notice by the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Enterprise Income Taxes for High-tech Enterprises, it paid the enterprise 203 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 income tax at a 15% tax rate in 2022. 31. TIME Interconnect Technology (Huizhou) Limited was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and Guangdong Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 19, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202244004084 valid for three years. As provided for in the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Taxes Related to Enterprises’ Technological Innovation and the Notice by the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Enterprise Income Taxes for High-tech Enterprises, it paid the enterprise income tax at a 15% tax rate in 2022. 32. Huaxun Industrial (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. was identified as a high-tech enterprise by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration on December 26, 2022, with the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202232008533 valid for three years. As provided for in the Notice by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Taxes Related to Enterprises’ Technological Innovation and the Notice by the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Enterprise Income Taxes for High-tech Enterprises, it paid the enterprise income tax at a 15% tax rate in 2022. 3. Others Note 1. As per the tax law in Hong Kong, Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation, under which only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable there, while profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong gain tax. Luxshare Technologies Limited, Luxshare Standard Limited (HK), ICT-LANTO LIMITED(HK), Luxshare Precision Limited, Yunding Technology Co., Ltd., Luxis Technology Limited, and Luxshare Precision Investment Co., Ltd. are not required to pay income tax in Hong Kong. Note 2. Luxshare-ICT (Japan) is entitled to the graded tax rate for the capital amounting to not more than JPY100 million. Corporate income tax (national tax): at 15% for the portion of taxable income within JPY8 million (inclusive), and at 23.2% for the portion in excess thereof. Local corporate income tax (national tax): at 10.3% of total corporate taxable income (national tax). Note 3. The applicable tax rate of Luxshare ICT, Inc (USA) is shown as follows: Applicable tax rate Income tax (federal) 21% Local tax (state) 8.84% Note 4. The applicable tax rate of Korea Luxshare ICT Co., Ltd is shown as follows: Total profits Corporate tax Local tax Less than KRW200 million 10% 10% of corporate taxable income KWR200 million~KWR20 billion 20% KWR20 billion~KWR300 billion 22% Above KWR300 billion 25% VII. Notes to items in consolidated financial statements 1. Cash and bank balances In RMB 204 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Item Closing balance Opening balance Cash on hand 1,236,553.93 323,716.04 Bank deposit 17,311,181,875.58 8,921,213,012.04 Other cash and bank balances 2,054,791,011.90 5,283,081,458.35 Total 19,367,209,441.41 14,204,618,186.43 Including: Total amount of funds 3,147,696,598.47 2,906,518,266.72 deposited abroad Total amount of funds restricted in use 2,054,791,011.90 5,283,081,458.35 due to mortgage, pledge or freezing, etc. Other descriptions: The breakdown of cash and bank balances which are restricted in use by mortgage, pledge or freezing, follows: Item Closing balance Balance at the end of last year Security deposit of bank acceptance bills 1,045,942,343.92 3,080,883,997.37 Credit deposit 713,933,913.76 5,079,240.43 Performance deposit 67,218,494.08 2,515,972.33 Term deposit or call deposit used for 227,696,260.14 2,194,602,248.22 guarantee Total 2,054,791,011.90 5,283,081,458.35 2. Held-for-trading financial assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets at fair value through profit 1,353,266,499.91 2,107,118,105.04 or loss Including: Including: Derivative financial assets 27,039,649.45 115,918,643.05 Bank wealth management 1,326,226,850.46 1,991,199,461.99 Total 1,353,266,499.91 2,107,118,105.04 Other descriptions: 3. Notes receivable (1) Categorized presentation of notes receivable In RMB 205 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Item Closing balance Opening balance Bank acceptance bill 853,752,545.27 137,325,482.78 Commercial acceptance bill 96,014,475.42 170,511,151.86 Total 949,767,020.69 307,836,634.64 In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Book balance Bad-debt provision Book balance Bad-debt provision Category Book Book Provision Provision Proportio Proportio Amount Amount proportio value Amount Amount proportio value n n n n Including: Notes receivable for 96,315,3 100.00% 300,916. 0.31% 96,014,47 170,514,3 100.00% 3,247.78 170,511,1 which bad-debt 91.99 57 5.42 99.64 51.86 provision is made by group Including: 96,315,3 100.00% 300,916. 0.31% 96,014,47 170,514,3 100.00% 3,247.78 170,511,1 Total 91.99 57 5.42 99.64 51.86 Provision for bad debts made by group: 300,916.57 In RMB Closing balance Description Book balance Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Commercial acceptance 96,315,391.99 300,916.57 0.31% bill Total 96,315,391.99 300,916.57 Descriptions on basis for determining the group: If the bad-debt provision of notes receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit loss, please disclose the relevant information of bad-debt provision with reference to the disclosure method of other receivables: □ Applicable N/A (2) Bad-debt provision made, recovered or reversed in the current period Bad-debt provision in the current period: In RMB Amount of change in the current period Category Opening balance Recovery or Closing balance Provision Write-off Others reversal Commercial 3,247.78 297,668.79 300,916.57 206 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 acceptance bill Total 3,247.78 297,668.79 300,916.57 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable N/A (3) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period In RMB Item Pledged amount at the end of the period Bank acceptance bill 469,338,331.89 Total 469,338,331.89 (4) Notes receivable that have been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and have not yet matured on the balance sheet date In RMB Derecognized amount at the end of the Amount not derecognized at the end of the Item period period Bank acceptance bill 1,028,289,842.79 Total 1,028,289,842.79 (5) Notes which the Company transfers into accounts receivable at the end of the period because of drawers’ non-performance In RMB Amount transferred to accounts receivable at the end of the Item period Other descriptions None (6) Notes receivable actually written off in the current period In RMB Item Write-off amount Including the write-off of significant notes receivable: In RMB Whether the funds Nature of notes Procedures for are generated by Entity name Write-off amount Reasons for write-off receivable write-off related-party transactions 207 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Instructions on the write-off of notes receivable: None 4. Accounts receivable (1) Categorized disclosure of accounts receivable In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Bad-debt Book balance Book balance Bad-debt provision provision Category Book Provision Provision Book value value Amount Proportion Amount proportio Amount Proportion Amount proportio n n Accounts receivable 35,692,4 0.14% 35,692, 100.00% 39,549,79 0.12% 39,549,7 100.00% for which bad-debt 10.70 410.70 1.95 91.95 provision is made individually Including: Provision on an 35,692,4 0.14% 35,692, 100.00% 39,549,79 0.12% 39,549,7 100.00% individual basis 10.70 410.70 1.95 91.95 Accounts receivable 26,147,7 99.86% 104,438 0.40% 26,043,35 31,677,41 99.88% 54,227,5 0.17% 31,623,185, for which bad-debt 93,530.9 ,671.77 4,859.19 3,509.78 63.53 946.25 provision is made by 6 group Including: 26,147,7 99.86% 104,438 0.40% 26,043,35 31,677,41 99.88% 54,227,5 0.17% 31,623,185, Group by aging 93,530.9 ,671.77 4,859.19 3,509.78 63.53 946.25 6 26,183,4 100.00% 140,131 26,043,35 31,716,96 100.00% 93,777,3 31,623,185, Total 85,941.6 ,082.47 4,859.19 3,301.73 55.48 946.25 6 Provision for bad debts made individually: 35,692,410.70 In RMB Closing balance Description Book balance Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Reason for provision Entity 1 30,988,680.56 30,988,680.56 100.00% Unrecoverable Entity 2 4,367,165.01 4,367,165.01 100.00% Unrecoverable Entity 3 241,403.36 241,403.36 100.00% Unrecoverable 208 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Entity 4 95,161.77 95,161.77 100.00% Unrecoverable Total 35,692,410.70 35,692,410.70 Provision for bad debts made by group: 104,438,671.77 In RMB Closing balance Description Book balance Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Group by aging 26,147,793,530.96 104,438,671.77 0.40% Total 26,147,793,530.96 104,438,671.77 Descriptions on basis for determining the group: In RMB Closing balance Description Account receivable Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Undue 25,389,060,285.15 12,694,080.37 0.05 1 to 60 days overdue 587,181,192.45 29,359,059.62 5.00 61 to 120 days overdue 141,687,067.06 42,506,120.12 30.00 121 to 180 days overdue 5,157,468.31 2,062,987.32 40.00 181 to 365 days overdue 11,516,617.40 5,758,308.70 50.00 1 to 2 years (excluding 1 year) 11,327,849.47 10,195,064.52 90.00 overdue Over 2 years overdue 1,863,051.12 1,863,051.12 100.00 Total 26,147,793,530.96 104,438,671.77 If the bad-debt provision for accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit loss, please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables to disclose the relevant information of bad debt provision: □ Applicable N/A Disclosure by aging In RMB Aging Book balance Within 1 year (including 1 year) 26,139,064,957.15 Including: undue 25,384,591,004.45 1 to 60 days overdue 589,079,637.69 61 to 120 days overdue 148,720,229.30 121 to 180 days overdue 5,157,468.31 181 to 365 days overdue 11,516,617.40 1 to 2 years 11,327,849.47 2 to 3 years 2,104,454.48 209 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Over 3 years 30,988,680.56 Over 5 years 30,988,680.56 Total 26,183,485,941.66 (2) Bad-debt provision made, recovered or reversed in the current period Bad-debt provision in the current period: In RMB Amount of change in the current period Category Opening balance Recovery or Closing balance Provision Write-off Others reversal Accounts 93,777,355.48 45,942,584.71 4,269,301.72 4,680,444.00 140,131,082.47 receivable Total 93,777,355.48 45,942,584.71 4,269,301.72 4,680,444.00 140,131,082.47 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: In RMB Entity name Amount recovered or reversed Recovery method (3) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period In RMB Item Write-off amount Accounts receivable actually written off 4,269,301.72 Including the write-off of significant accounts receivable: In RMB Whether the funds Nature of accounts Procedures for are generated by Entity name Write-off amount Reasons for write-off receivable write-off related-party transactions Descriptions on the write-off of accounts receivable: (4) Accounts receivable with top five closing balance - by debtor In RMB Closing balance of accounts Proportion in total closing Closing balance of bad-debt Entity name receivable balance of accounts receivable provision Entity 1 9,287,704,722.79 35.47% 4,643,852.36 Entity 2 2,427,863,504.75 9.27% 1,213,931.75 Entity 3 1,689,772,807.75 6.45% 844,886.40 210 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Entity 4 1,688,551,494.86 6.45% 844,275.75 Entity 5 1,291,291,129.77 4.93% 645,645.56 Total 16,385,183,659.92 62.57% (5) Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuing involvement None Other descriptions: (6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets Item Amount of Ways of financial assets Gains or losses related derecognition transfer to derecognition Entity 1 16,400,464,657.36 Sold -310,709,969.32 Total 16,400,464,657.36 -310,709,969.32 In 2022, the Company sold the accounts receivable of specific customers to banks and financial institutions. As of December 31, 2022, the accounts receivable derecognized for the specific customer’s amount is RMB16,400,464,657.36 and the loss related to derecognition amount is RMB310,709,969.32. 5. Receivables financing In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Increase and decrease as well as fair value changes of receivables financing in the current period □ Applicable N/A If the provision for impairment of receivables financing is made according to the general model of expected credit loss, please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables to disclose the relevant information of impairment provision: □ Applicable N/A Other descriptions: None 6. Prepayments (1) Presentation of prepayments by aging In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Aging Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Within 1 year 578,774,779.64 98.67% 402,980,282.50 99.25% 1 to 2 years 5,930,449.93 1.01% 2,296,128.67 0.57% 211 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2 to 3 years 1,250,070.12 0.21% 531,677.00 0.13% Over 3 years 622,565.54 0.11% 208,404.44 0.05% Total 586,577,865.23 406,016,492.61 Reasons for untimely settlement of prepayments in significant amount with aging over 1 year: (2) Prepayments with top five closing balance - by prepayment beneficiary Prepayment receiver Closing balance Proportion in total closing balance of prepayments (%) Entity 1 58,434,910.71 9.96 Entity 2 56,463,991.40 9.63 Entity 3 50,840,677.25 8.67 Entity 4 35,951,555.09 6.13 Entity 5 30,424,519.77 5.19 Total 232,115,654.22 39.58 Other descriptions: 7. Other receivables In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Other receivables 431,123,451.91 598,456,702.88 Total 431,123,451.91 598,456,702.88 (1) Interest receivable 1) Classification of interest receivable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance 2) Significant overdue interest In RMB Whether there is Borrower Closing balance Overdue time Reasons for overdue impairment and its judgment basis Other descriptions: 212 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 3) Bad-debt provision □ Applicable N/A (2) Dividends receivable 1) Classification of dividends receivable In RMB Item (or Investee) Closing balance Opening balance 2) Significant dividends receivable with aging over 1 year In RMB Whether there is Reasons for Item (or Investee) Closing balance Aging impairment and its non-recovery judgment basis 3) Bad-debt provision □ Applicable N/A Other descriptions: (3) Other receivables 1) Classification of other receivables by nature In RMB Nature of receivables Closing book balance Opening book balance Reserve fund 1,647,513.92 731,313.00 Security deposit 99,930,933.45 137,059,171.76 Export tax rebate receivable 143,831,836.92 187,123,564.48 Disbursement 32,488,722.87 56,222,486.93 Transfer funds of fixed assets 66,582.77 1,727,939.28 Insurance indemnity 59,200,000.00 Others 158,490,656.80 160,733,783.92 Total 436,456,246.73 602,798,259.37 2) Bad-debt provision In RMB 213 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad-debt provision Lifetime ECL (without Lifetime ECL (with credit Total 12-month ECL credit impaired) impaired) Balance as at January 1, 4,341,556.49 4,341,556.49 2022 Balance as at January 1, 2022 in the current period Provision in the current 941,685.43 941,685.43 period Other changes 49,552.90 49,552.90 Balance as at December 5,332,794.82 5,332,794.82 31, 2022 Changes in book balance of provision for loss with significant changes in the current period □ Applicable N/A Disclosure by aging In RMB Aging Book balance Within 1 year (including 1 year) 435,419,059.56 Including: undue 413,437,541.79 1 to 60 days overdue 19,869,688.91 61 to 120 days overdue 562,100.70 121 to 180 days overdue 449,021.36 181 to 365 days overdue 1,100,706.80 1 to 2 years 425,049.70 2 to 3 years 140,420.00 Over 3 years 471,717.47 3 to 4 years 471,717.47 Total 436,456,246.73 3) Bad-debt provision made, recovered or reversed in the current period Bad-debt provision in the current period: In RMB Amount of change in the current period Opening Category Recovery or Closing balance balance Provision Write-off Others reversal 214 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Group by aging 4,341,556.49 941,685.43 49,552.90 5,332,794.82 Total 4,341,556.49 941,685.43 49,552.90 5,332,794.82 The amount in “others” includes the increase in combination Including significant amounts reversed or recovered from the current provision for bad debts: In RMB Entity name Amount reserved or recovered Recovery method 4) Other receivables actually written off in the current period In RMB Item Write-off amount Including the write-off of significant other receivables: In RMB Whether the funds Nature of other Procedures for are generated by Entity name Write-off amount Reasons for write-off receivables write-off related-party transactions Descriptions on the write-off of other receivables: 5) Other receivables with top five closing balance - by debtor In RMB Proportion in total Nature of Closing balance of Entity name Closing balance Aging closing balance of receivables bad-debt provision other receivables Entity 1 Export tax rebate 143,831,836.92 Undue 32.95% 719,159.18 Entity 2 Equity transfer funds 95,000,000.00 Undue 21.77% 475,000.00 Entity 3 Security deposit 21,000,000.00 Undue 4.81% 105,000.00 Entity 4 Security deposit 8,986,621.10 Undue 2.06% 44,933.11 Entity 5 Security deposit 8,920,000.00 Undue 2.04% 44,600.00 Total 277,738,458.02 63.63% 1,388,692.29 6) Receivables involving government grants In RMB Name of government Aging at the end of the Estimated time, amount Entity name Closing balance grant period and basis of collection None 215 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 7) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets None 8) Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring other receivables and continuing involvement None Other descriptions: 8. Inventories Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry No (1) Classification of inventories In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Provision for Provision for decline in value decline in value of inventories or of inventories or Item Book balance provision for Book value Book balance provision for Book value impairment of impairment of contract contract performance cost performance cost Raw material 8,805,902,241.24 254,491,258.28 8,551,410,982.96 6,531,836,331.00 161,394,242.96 6,370,442,088.04 Products in 4,968,545,535.84 41,453,287.63 4,927,092,248.21 3,386,085,829.05 50,039,777.32 3,336,046,051.73 process 23,761,428,325.9 464,323,619.78 23,297,104,706.1 10,741,507,248.2 139,411,084.80 10,602,096,163.4 Goods on hand 3 5 3 3 Revolving 319,286,571.44 319,286,571.44 215,566,686.58 116,734.00 215,449,952.58 materials Contract 97,678,729.66 97,678,729.66 performance cost Goods sold 112,857,920.38 995,408.89 111,862,511.49 78,396,684.90 243,458.90 78,153,226.00 Materials in 38,828,113.69 38,828,113.69 241,533,661.04 241,533,661.04 transit Work in process - 21,425,447.80 1,359,834.74 20,065,613.06 60,796,035.94 3,761,445.61 57,034,590.33 outsourced Total 38,125,952,885.9 762,623,409.32 37,363,329,476.6 21,255,722,476.7 354,966,743.59 20,900,755,733.1 216 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 8 6 4 5 (2) Provision for decline in value of inventories and provision for impairment of contract performance cost In RMB Increase in the current period Decrease in the current period Item Opening balance Reversal or write Closing balance Provision Others Others off Raw material 161,394,242.96 211,180,501.81 573,758.03 116,461,377.65 2,195,866.87 254,491,258.28 Products in 50,039,777.32 2,571,563.46 1,060,180.68 10,097,872.47 41,453,287.63 process Goods on hand 139,411,084.80 398,663,619.46 85,817,757.28 -12,066,672.80 464,323,619.78 Revolving 116,734.00 116,734.00 materials Work in process - 3,761,445.61 2,401,610.87 1,359,834.74 outsourced Goods sold 243,458.90 820,949.39 68,999.40 995,408.89 Total 354,966,743.59 613,236,634.12 573,758.03 205,926,659.88 227,066.54 762,623,409.32 RMB573,800.00 of “others” in the increase in the current period is included in the consolidation, and the amount of “others” in the decrease in the current period is the exchange difference. (3) Descriptions on closing balance of inventories containing capitalized amount of borrowing costs None (4) Descriptions on current amortization amount of contract performance costs None 9. Other current assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Input tax to be deducted 2,019,719,088.95 2,049,189,830.82 Income tax prepaid 69,527,937.14 108,461,037.04 large-amount deposit note 107,450,138.93 Others 507,429.07 3,404,952.87 Total 2,197,204,594.09 2,161,055,820.73 Other descriptions: 217 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 10. Debt investments In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Provision for Provision for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Principal 1,620,000,000.00 1,620,000,000.00 1,403,057,083.33 1,403,057,083.33 Interest 119,251,540.45 119,251,540.45 61,222,123.30 61,222,123.30 Total 1,739,251,540.45 1,739,251,540.45 1,464,279,206.63 1,464,279,206.63 Significant debt investments In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Debt item Effective Maturity Effective Maturity Face value Coupon rate Face value Coupon rate interest rate date interest rate date Provision for impairment In RMB Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad-debt provision Lifetime ECL (without Lifetime ECL (with credit Total 12 -month ECL credit impaired) impaired) Balance as at January 1, 2022 in the current period Changes in book balance of provision for loss with significant changes in the current period □ Applicable N/A Other descriptions: 11. Long-term equity investments In RMB Increase and decrease in the current period Investme Others Opening nt profit Closing Closing comprehe Declared Provision balance or loss Others balance balance of Investee Additional Reduced nsive cash for (book recognize changes Others (book provision for investment investment income dividends impairme value) d under in equity value) impairment adjustmen or profits nt equity t method I. Joint ventures Riyimao 106,220,2 23,777,78 2,113,184. -106,303. -11,509,3 -1,428,62 119,066,9 218 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Industrial 35.27 6.12 27 33 18.35 3.57 60.41 Co., Ltd. 106,220,2 23,777,78 2,113,184. -106,303. -11,509,3 -1,428,62 119,066,9 Subtotal 35.27 6.12 27 33 18.35 3.57 60.41 II. Associates Subtotal of 1,053,757, 90,721,59 770,981,7 -65,915.0 548,062. -629,754. 1,915,313 34,372,608.4 associates 599.22 2.51 06.30 0 46 78 ,290.71 6 1,053,757, 90,721,59 770,981,7 -65,915.0 548,062. -629,754. 1,915,313 34,372,608.4 Subtotal 599.22 2.51 06.30 0 46 78 ,290.71 6 1,159,977, 90,721,59 794,759,4 2,047,269. 441,759. -11,509,3 -2,058,37 2,034,380 34,372,608.4 Total 834.49 2.51 92.42 27 13 18.35 8.35 ,251.12 6 Other descriptions: 12. Other investments in equity instruments In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Beijing Xloong Technologies Co., Ltd. 10,773,818.02 10,979,152.89 Beijing Wiparking Technology Co., Ltd. 10,783,500.71 9,817,127.78 Jingtuo Liyin Technology (Beijing) Co., 2,983,866.23 3,214,196.57 Ltd. Zhejiang Tony Electronic Co., Ltd. 342,379,257.92 210,278,829.12 Shenzhen Huaxida Technology Co., Ltd. 72,480,000.00 Xuande Energy Co., Ltd. 749,467.66 Asia Pacific Emerging Industry Investment 706,549.78 937,374.40 Co., Ltd. Total 440,106,992.66 235,976,148.42 Itemized disclosure of non-trading equity instrument investments in the current period In RMB Reasons for being designated as Reasons for Amount of other equity carry-over of comprehensive Recognized Cumulative instruments at fair other Item Cumulative gains income carried dividend income losses value through comprehensive over to retained other income to earnings comprehensive retained earnings income Beijing Xloong Not for 773,818.02 Technologies Co., short-term trading 219 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. purposes Beijing Not for Wiparking 783,500.71 short-term trading Technology Co., purposes Ltd. Jingtuo Liyin Not for Technology 16,133.77 short-term trading (Beijing) Co., purposes Ltd. Zhejiang Tony Not for Electronic Co., 212,413.30 323,011,965.40 short-term trading Ltd. purposes Shenzhen Not for Huaxida 22,480,000.00 short-term trading Technology Co., purposes Ltd. Asia Pacific Emerging Not for Industry 25,256.02 short-term trading Investment Co., purposes Ltd. Other descriptions: 13. Other non-current financial assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets at fair value through profit 35,700,000.00 5,700,000.00 or loss Total 35,700,000.00 5,700,000.00 Other descriptions: Equity investments 14. Investment properties (1) Investment properties measured at cost Applicable □ N/A In RMB Item Buildings Land use right Construction in progress Total I. Original carrying 220 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 amount 1. Opening balance 55,740,323.84 18,427,155.49 74,167,479.33 2. Increase in the current 70,283,343.77 10,981.32 70,294,325.09 period (1) Purchase (2) Transferred from 1,522,097.40 10,981.32 1,533,078.72 inventories\fixed assets\construction in progress (3) Increase in business 68,761,246.37 68,761,246.37 combination 3. Decrease in the current 37,698,482.94 221,343.79 37,919,826.73 period (1) Disposal 37,468,296.67 37,468,296.67 (2) Other transfer out (3) Others 230,186.27 221,343.79 451,530.06 4. Closing balance 88,325,184.67 18,216,793.02 106,541,977.69 II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization 1. Opening balance 15,166,788.61 15,166,788.61 2. Increase in the current 11,985,012.32 11,985,012.32 period (1) Provision or 5,724,873.85 5,724,873.85 amortization (2) Increase in business 6,260,138.47 6,260,138.47 combination 3. Decrease in the current 13,392,233.30 13,392,233.30 period (1) Disposal 13,348,080.97 13,348,080.97 (2) Other transfer out 44,152.33 44,152.33 4. Closing balance 13,759,567.63 13,759,567.63 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 221 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer out 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 1. Closing book value 74,565,617.04 18,216,793.02 92,782,410.06 2. Opening book value 40,573,535.23 18,427,155.49 59,000,690.72 (2) Investment properties measured at fair value □ Applicable N/A 15. Fixed assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Fixed assets 44,026,022,703.69 34,113,259,322.43 Total 44,026,022,703.69 34,113,259,322.43 (1) Fixed assets In RMB Auxiliary Transportati Office Machinery Computer Other Mould Item Buildings production on Total equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment I. Original carrying amount 1. Opening 11,048,684, 314,794,311 23,144,238, 216,007,405 2,438,172,4 67,142,443. 6,261,280,3 3,844,865,4 47,335,186, balance 938.44 .35 929.33 .03 37.02 48 94.74 67.78 327.17 2. Increase in 2,436,017,5 86,310,842. 10,660,551, 171,167,283 1,140,904,7 32,614,600. 3,279,649,1 2,495,674,1 20,302,889, the current 79.51 09 317.57 .23 66.33 21 06.46 54.16 649.56 period 222 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 411,785,423 46,020,382. 7,208,858,9 88,528,183. 1,056,871,6 13,614,470. 2,593,747,9 2,241,158,2 13,660,585, (1) Purchase .96 01 36.26 33 33.99 39 95.34 35.09 260.37 (2) 1,329,863,1 25,573,127. 2,352,120,0 94,846.64 56,279,696. 3,767,493.2 503,348,942 194,640,014 4,465,687,3 Transferred 68.01 73 13.40 58 8 .55 .01 02.20 from construction in progress (3) Increase in 515,969,374 9,994,647.5 817,331,790 81,461,782. 27,426,594. 14,707,833. 43,748,142. 44,999,815. 1,555,639,9 business .34 0 .68 89 88 45 50 62 81.86 combination 178,399,613 4,722,684.8 282,240,577 1,082,470.3 326,840.88 524,803.09 138,804,026 14,876,089. 620,977,105 (4) Others .20 5 .23 7 .07 44 .13 3. Decrease in 121,027,538 52,181,209. 1,758,151,1 9,029,693.0 618,873,017 5,029,581.8 352,121,457 442,576,139 3,358,989,7 the current .37 23 00.39 3 .35 7 .60 .14 36.98 period (1) Disposal 20,652,373. 51,624,133. 939,041,295 8,831,549.2 62,382,198. 4,893,345.6 201,477,363 341,566,657 1,630,468,9 or scrap 76 83 .27 8 10 7 .25 .85 17.01 (2) Decrease 35,271.44 398,705.08 8,039,298.5 67,343.98 929,797.07 9,470,416.1 in business 3 0 combination 100,339,893 158,370.32 811,070,506 198,143.75 556,490,819 68,892.22 149,714,297 101,009,481 1,719,050,4 (3) Others .17 .59 .25 .28 .29 03.87 4. Closing 13,363,674, 348,923,944 32,046,639, 378,144,995 2,960,204,1 94,727,461. 9,188,808,0 5,897,963,4 64,279,086, balance 979.58 .21 146.51 .23 86.00 82 43.60 82.80 239.75 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening 1,732,613,9 116,874,793 6,448,630,7 85,500,206. 840,014,950 35,372,104. 2,276,336,7 1,332,467,8 12,867,811, balance 80.84 .66 01.91 37 .46 15 82.37 90.80 410.56 2. Increase in 703,502,425 50,572,130. 4,186,344,0 93,217,214. 457,837,108 20,427,506. 1,407,189,8 1,119,905,4 8,038,995,7 the current .88 46 55.14 17 .23 17 55.45 69.94 65.44 period 565,749,084 38,897,705. 3,677,296,1 44,645,804. 435,767,046 9,557,013.6 1,367,254,6 1,088,813,1 7,227,980,7 (1) Provision .29 30 93.18 61 .51 1 87.08 76.96 11.54 (2) Transferred from investment properties (3) Increase in 85,066,282. 6,815,991.9 449,657,310 48,387,122. 22,039,582. 10,619,504. 25,224,205. 29,181,303. 676,991,303 223 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 business 53 4 .95 20 69 06 33 54 .24 combination 52,687,059. 4,858,433.2 59,390,551. 184,287.36 30,479.03 250,988.50 14,710,963. 1,910,989.4 134,023,750 (4) Others 06 2 01 04 4 .66 3. Decrease in 71,701,259. 4,552,703.9 502,847,118 4,026,405.4 251,209,321 4,557,046.1 114,512,318 192,643,074 1,146,049,2 the current 79 5 .27 1 .93 4 .46 .51 48.46 period (1) Disposal 20,603,869. 3,221,869.7 324,222,022 3,847,716.8 21,683,613. 4,455,597.2 87,870,923. 150,414,113 616,319,725 or scrap 32 6 .15 1 59 9 21 .28 .41 (2) Decrease 1,837.06 142,608.42 1,758,931.7 41,511.17 120,391.21 2,065,279.6 in business 8 4 combination 51,095,553. 1,188,225.7 176,866,164 178,688.60 229,525,708 59,937.68 26,521,004. 42,228,961. 527,664,243 (3) Others 41 7 .34 .34 04 23 .41 4. Closing 2,364,415,1 162,894,220 10,132,127, 174,691,015 1,046,642,7 51,242,564. 3,569,014,3 2,259,730,2 19,760,757, balance 46.93 .17 638.78 .13 36.76 18 19.36 86.23 927.54 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening 63,256,923. 1,806,681.3 249,275,450 41,808.03 2,495,952.2 42,534.87 14,415,429. 22,780,814. 354,115,594 balance 55 2 .47 7 02 65 .18 2. Increase in 132,621.02 89,271.92 174,805,543 260,123.10 13,763,967. 4,931.62 15,818,283. 28,865,428. 233,740,171 the current .85 28 95 29 .03 period 132,621.02 67,240.68 174,672,969 260,123.10 13,763,967. 4,931.62 15,818,283. 28,865,359. 233,585,496 (1) Provision .57 28 95 71 .93 (2) Transferred from investment properties (3) Increase in 22,031.24 132,574.28 154,605.52 business combination (4) Others 68.58 68.58 3. Decrease in 132,621.02 34,585.99 76,584,945. 42,078.32 6,103,425.0 4,931.62 4,142,220.6 8,505,349.0 95,550,156. the current 04 4 6 0 69 period (1) Disposal 132,621.02 34,585.99 76,584,523. 41,682.89 6,103,425.0 4,931.62 4,141,950.8 8,505,349.0 95,549,070. or scrap 62 4 3 0 01 224 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (2) Decrease in business combination (3) Others 421.42 395.43 269.83 1,086.68 4. Closing 63,256,923. 1,861,367.2 347,496,049 259,852.81 10,156,494. 42,534.87 26,091,492. 43,140,893. 492,305,608 balance 55 5 .28 51 31 94 .52 IV. Book value 1. Closing 10,936,002, 184,168,356 21,567,015, 203,194,127 1,903,404,9 43,442,362. 5,593,702,2 3,595,092,3 44,026,022, book value 909.10 .79 458.45 .29 54.73 77 31.93 02.63 703.69 2. Opening 9,252,814,0 196,112,836 16,446,332, 130,465,390 1,595,661,5 31,727,804. 3,970,528,1 2,489,616,7 34,113,259, book value 34.05 .37 776.95 .63 34.29 46 83.35 62.33 322.43 (2) Temporarily idle fixed assets In RMB Original carrying Accumulated Provision for Item Book value Remarks amount depreciation impairment (3) Fixed assets leased out through operating lease In RMB Item Closing book value (4) Fixed assets without title certificate In RMB Reasons for not obtaining the title Item Book value certificate Plant, office and dormitory buildings of 8,185,323.29 Note 1 Fujian JK Changshu Luxshare Factory and Auxiliary 489,535,793.09 The certificate is undergoing the Building Project formalities New Dormitory of Zhejiang Intelligent 123,622,054.82 The certificate is undergoing the Manufacture formalities 1,098,280.85 The certificate is undergoing the Suzhou Meite Cadre Training Center formalities Plant and Dormitory of Jiangxi Intelligent 354,867,365.95 The certificate is undergoing the Manufacture formalities Plants A and B of Luxshare Dongguan 53,649,491.96 The certificate is undergoing the 225 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 formalities Plant and Dormitory of Electronic 645,220,620.64 The certificate is undergoing the Technology formalities 41,587,940.29 The certificate is undergoing the Phase VI Plant of ASAP Technology formalities 79,313,054.07 The certificate is undergoing the New plant of LuxcaseICT Yancheng formalities Other descriptions: Note 1: The land occupied by the staff dormitory is in nature an allotted land, the use right of which was acquired by the Company by means of transfer through agreement in line with relevant regulations at that time. The property title formed based on the allotted land use right is not allowed to be transferred unless the allocated land use right is converted to paid land use right. However, the existing land use right cannot be transferred by agreement, as a result of which the property title to the staff dormitory building has not been transferred to Fujian JK. (5) Disposal of fixed assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Other descriptions: None 16. Construction in progress In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Construction in progress 2,695,377,794.32 3,685,336,499.02 Total 2,695,377,794.32 3,685,336,499.02 (1) Construction in progress In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Provision for Provision for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Plant construction 1,757,877,949.76 1,757,877,949.76 2,131,800,600.48 2,131,800,600.48 Equipment 630,505,432.98 630,505,432.98 1,326,553,134.57 1,326,553,134.57 installation project Mould 77,734,469.29 77,734,469.29 97,260,914.54 97,260,914.54 improvement 226 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Others 229,259,942.29 229,259,942.29 129,721,849.43 129,721,849.43 Total 2,695,377,794.32 2,695,377,794.32 3,685,336,499.02 3,685,336,499.02 (2) Changes in significant constructions in progress for the current period In RMB Amount Proporti Amount transferr on of Other of Including: Current Increase ed to accumul decrease accumul Amount of interest Opening in the fixed Closing ated Project Source of Item Budget in the ated current capitaliz balance current assets in balance project progress funds current capitaliz capitalized ation period the investme period ed interest rate current nt in interest period budget Plant 2,128,82 1,335,46 190,561, 336,738, 1,189,28 86.59% 92.15% construction 5,576.77 0,101.69 786.01 957.62 2,930.08 Other of Luxshare Changshu Equipment 296,463, 245,346, 245,346, 82.76% 80.00% installation 329.80 465.69 465.69 project of Other Luxshare Changshu Vietnam 805,618, 457,410, 218,232, 664,369, 11,273,3 83.87% 98.33% Other plant project 010.28 663.81 070.17 391.40 42.58 Van Trung 59,100,0 55,980,0 3,120,00 59,100,0 100.00% 99.00% phase I and 00.00 00.00 0.00 00.00 phase II Other plant construction Yi’an project 180,613, 141,845, 20,142,8 161,988, 89.69% 90.00% Other construction 200.37 830.95 38.03 668.98 Electronic 603,560, 285,318, 283,378, 305,788, 262,908, 95.00% 95.00% technology 261.74 477.88 371.10 269.02 579.96 Other plant project Equipment 339,310, 6,525,17 6,525,17 100.00% 100.00% installation 171.16 8.99 8.99 project of Other Luxshare Chuzhou Equipment 7,689,53 214,933, 1,461,06 1,604,36 71,633,5 28.54% 40.68% Other 227 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 installation 5,762.03 557.55 0,385.87 0,381.44 61.98 project of LuxcaseICT Yancheng Equipment 230,243, 88,587,7 119,750, 204,345, 3,114,84 877,358. 83.33% 90.49% installation 454.12 13.52 383.76 896.31 2.48 49 Other project of Ri Shan Jiashan 12,333,2 2,586,06 2,541,59 3,122,12 3,114,84 2,002,41 Total 69,766.2 1,524.39 2,300.63 8,074.78 2.48 0,907.76 7 (3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress for the current period In RMB Item Current provision amount Reasons for provision Other descriptions None 17. Right-of-use assets In RMB Transportation Item Buildings Machinery equipment Total equipment I. Original carrying amount 1. Opening balance 521,882,255.91 11,555,153.95 142,024.88 533,579,434.74 2. Increase in the current 857,555,147.72 2,609,600.64 860,164,748.36 period (1) New leases 576,970,636.35 2,609,600.64 579,580,236.99 (2) Increase in business 273,756,264.72 273,756,264.72 combination (3) Others 6,828,246.65 6,828,246.65 3. Decrease in the current 218,421,289.59 5,209,809.28 1,789.19 223,632,888.06 period (1) Disposal 217,155,543.70 5,209,809.28 222,365,352.98 (2) Decrease in business combination (3) Others 1,265,745.89 1,789.19 1,267,535.08 228 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 4. Closing balance 1,161,016,114.04 8,954,945.31 140,235.69 1,170,111,295.04 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening balance 101,762,094.18 6,761,167.10 44,631.18 108,567,892.46 2. Increase in the current 203,502,331.85 6,310,717.34 40,914.00 209,853,963.19 period (1) Provision 162,514,804.50 6,310,717.34 40,914.00 168,866,435.84 (2) Increase in business 33,876,798.97 33,876,798.97 combination (3) Others 7,110,728.38 7,110,728.38 3. Decrease in the current 85,111,925.23 4,903,818.86 44,631.18 90,060,375.27 period (1) Disposal 84,929,266.82 4,903,818.86 89,833,085.68 (2) Decrease in business combination (3) Others 182,658.41 44,631.18 227,289.59 4. Closing balance 220,152,500.80 8,168,065.58 40,914.00 228,361,480.38 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 1. Closing book value 940,863,613.24 786,879.73 99,321.69 941,749,814.66 2. Opening book value 420,120,161.73 4,793,986.85 97,393.70 425,011,542.28 Other descriptions: 229 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 18. Intangible assets (1) Intangible assets In RMB Non-patent Item Land use right Patent right Software Other Total technology I. Original carrying amount 1. Opening 2,037,237,348.66 5,138,372.50 115,052,111.34 280,409,943.01 107,954,701.84 2,545,792,477.35 balance 2. Increase in the 402,757,161.76 189,229,320.81 14,541,628.95 129,574,650.89 1,837,187.89 737,939,950.30 current period (1) Purchase 232,723,969.33 4,289,836.88 13,199,205.93 86,382,538.63 1,691,300.59 338,286,851.36 (2) Internal R&D (3) Increase in 150,099,269.29 184,939,483.93 8,142,519.71 145,874.70 343,327,147.63 business combination (4) Other 19,933,923.14 1,342,423.02 35,049,592.55 12.60 56,325,951.31 increases 3. Decrease in the 6,522,552.13 3,815.64 35,120,486.91 33,608,309.31 1,359,985.39 76,615,149.38 current period (1) Disposal 32,768,057.56 32,768,057.56 (2) Decrease in 465,713.64 465,713.64 business combination (3) Other 6,522,552.13 3,815.64 35,120,486.91 374,538.11 1,359,985.39 43,381,378.18 decrease 4. Closing 2,433,471,958.29 194,363,877.67 94,473,253.38 376,376,284.59 108,431,904.34 3,207,117,278.27 balance II. Accumulated amortization 1. Opening 160,579,370.44 431,820.44 44,820,577.16 110,781,650.90 6,194,029.10 322,807,448.04 balance 2. Increase in the 74,515,680.07 31,845,018.65 13,812,498.50 90,714,646.49 11,240,967.38 222,128,811.09 current period (1) Provision 58,562,580.65 1,021,771.34 12,647,493.18 87,528,935.60 11,108,741.99 170,869,522.76 (2) Transferred from investment 230 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 properties (3) Increase in 14,827,771.66 30,823,247.31 3,022,377.74 132,213.98 48,805,610.69 business combination (4) Other increase 1,125,327.76 1,165,005.32 163,333.15 11.41 2,453,677.64 3. Decrease in the 9,825.76 1,683.39 15,644,762.70 17,768,731.90 78,030.78 33,503,034.53 current period (1) Disposal 15,401,126.56 17,400,289.05 32,801,415.61 (2) Decrease in 366,655.17 366,655.17 business combination (3) Other 9,825.76 1,683.39 243,636.14 1,787.68 78,030.78 334,963.75 decrease 4. Closing 235,085,224.75 32,275,155.70 42,988,312.96 183,727,565.49 17,356,965.70 511,433,224.60 balance III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 1. Closing book 2,198,386,733.54 162,088,721.97 51,484,940.42 192,648,719.10 91,074,938.64 2,695,684,053.67 value 2. Opening book 1,876,657,978.22 4,706,552.06 70,231,534.18 169,628,292.11 101,760,672.74 2,222,985,029.31 value The proportion of intangible assets formed through internal R&D in the balance of intangible assets at the end of this period is 0.00%. 231 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (2) Land use right without title certificate In RMB Reasons for not obtaining the title Item Book value certificate The certificate is undergoing the Shenzhen plots M0 and M1 228,405,796.61 formalities Other descriptions: 19. Goodwill (1) Original carrying amount of goodwill In RMB Increase Decrease Investee name or Formed by event forming Opening balance Closing balance business Others Disposal Others goodwill combination ASAP 42,325,745.85 42,325,745.85 Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. Kunshan Lanto 376,682,429.24 376,682,429.24 Electronic Limited Bozhou Lanto 9,564,372.61 9,564,372.61 Electronic Limited M&A of 53,174,339.31 53,174,339.31 KERTONG goodwill Fujian JK Wiring 17,717,209.29 17,717,209.29 Systems Co., Ltd. Huzhou Jiuding 1,730,318.45 1,730,318.45 Electronic Co., Ltd. SpeedTech Corp. 26,656,146.69 26,656,146.69 Luxshare 4,582,880.91 4,582,880.91 Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co., 232 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. Suk 9,552,894.63 9,552,894.63 kunststofftechnik GmbH Merry Electronics 8,570,588.06 8,570,588.06 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Merry Electronics 6,575,713.14 6,575,713.14 (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Merry Electronics 454,304.97 454,304.97 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Castle Rock, Inc. 8,303,254.98 8,303,254.98 Taiqiao 441,595.93 441,595.93 Investment Co., Ltd. Luxcase 814,784,800.96 814,784,800.96 Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Puxing 804,455.51 804,455.51 Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Caldigit 41,765,582.41 41,765,582.41 Holding(Cayman) Taihan Precision 9,972,872.88 9,972,872.88 Co., Ltd. TIME 175,669,057.02 175,669,057.02 Interconnect Technology Limited Shenzhen 157,013,624.50 157,013,624.50 Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. Total 1,433,659,505.82 332,682,681.52 1,766,342,187.34 233 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (2) Provision for impairment of goodwill In RMB Investee name or Increase Decrease event forming Opening balance Closing balance Provision Other Disposal Other goodwill Merry Electronics 8,570,588.06 8,570,588.06 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Suk 9,552,894.63 9,552,894.63 kunststofftechnik GmbH Merry Electronics 454,304.97 454,304.97 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Fujian JK Wiring 17,717,209.29 17,717,209.29 Systems Co., Ltd.. Total 36,294,996.95 36,294,996.95 Relevant information on asset group or set of asset groups to which the goodwill belongs The goodwill of the Company is formed by business combinations not involving enterprises under common control in previous years and this year. On the balance sheet date, the Company conducted impairment tests on goodwill. The recoverable amount of the asset group involved in goodwill is determined according to the present value of the future cash flow of the asset group and the net realizable value. The management determines the growth rate and gross margin based on the macro market environment, historical experience and the development stage forecast of product segments involved in different asset groups. Depending on the different asset groups involved, the growth rate used in the forecast for the current year is 1.00% - 29.00%, the gross margin is 2.50% - 30.00%, and the discount rate is 10.42% - 11.09%. The parameters used in goodwill impairment test of major asset groups are as follows: Asset group name Gross margin Growth rate Discount rate Kunshan Lanto Electronic Limited 18.50%-20.42% 1.50%-2.02% 10.47% Shenzhen Kertong Industrial Co., Ltd. 23.00%-24.00% 7.0%-8.4% 10.97% Luxcase Precision Technology 5.5%-6.2% 17.7%-20.0% 10.42% (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. 2.5% 2%-2.2% 10.97% Descriptions on the goodwill impairment test process, key parameters (such as the growth rate in the forecast period, the growth rate in the stable period, the profit rate, the discount rate, the forecast period, etc., when forecasting the present value of future cash flow) and the recognition method of goodwill impairment loss: Influence of goodwill impairment test Other descriptions: 234 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 20. Long-term deferred expenses In RMB Amortization Increase in the Other reduced Item Opening balance amount in the Closing balance current period amount current period House decoration 590,715,658.23 344,457,915.35 251,897,926.91 683,275,646.67 fees Others 142,300,064.19 128,953,020.08 143,615,201.22 127,637,883.05 Total 733,015,722.42 473,410,935.43 395,513,128.13 810,913,529.72 Other descriptions: 21. Deferred tax assets / deferred tax liabilities (1) Deferred tax assets that are not offset In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Deductible temporary Deductible temporary Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets differences differences Provision for impairment 657,614,145.51 120,807,667.80 334,568,858.40 63,227,661.81 of assets Unrealized profit of 547,139,157.01 83,055,862.59 357,420,408.97 65,112,209.21 internal transaction Deductible losses 4,720,193,354.02 720,299,236.63 3,434,269,746.64 544,802,910.66 Exchange differences of 33,377,229.80 6,675,445.96 65,447,863.20 13,089,572.55 foreign operations Termination benefits 1,801,352.50 360,270.50 Non-leave bonus 4,402,578.27 660,386.74 3,393,924.14 676,806.65 Valuation of derivative 26,587,015.00 3,988,052.25 financial instruments Government grants 632,820,537.44 100,039,648.41 489,494,362.59 87,213,362.00 Share-based payment 622,032,254.71 108,660,230.06 311,751,257.24 75,531,955.67 Tax and accounting 162,109,310.74 40,527,327.69 difference for depreciation of fixed assets Tax and accounting 11,834,392.38 1,822,697.69 15,546,560.82 2,009,028.77 difference for 235 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 right-of-use assets Others 144,569,697.93 21,685,454.69 184,394,974.62 39,551,961.21 Total 7,564,481,025.31 1,208,582,281.01 5,196,287,956.62 891,215,468.53 (2) Deferred tax liabilities that are not offset In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Taxable temporary Taxable temporary Deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax liabilities difference difference Assets valuation 1,063,081,733.74 155,352,276.68 909,128,653.76 171,173,301.23 appreciation of business combination not involving enterprises under common control Changes in fair value of 347,049,284.20 52,057,392.63 191,890,689.53 28,783,603.43 other investments in equity instruments Accelerated depreciation 7,762,570,628.34 1,174,529,672.69 6,009,902,532.36 905,906,182.00 of fixed assets Support funds allocated 14,271,238.70 2,140,685.81 14,658,934.73 2,198,840.21 by the government Valuation of derivative 274,939,615.85 48,638,903.32 211,399,624.82 33,099,925.45 financial instruments Accumulative 852,318,046.60 170,463,609.32 646,292,642.90 129,258,528.58 recognition of overseas investment interests by equity method Prepaid pension 6,459,206.85 1,291,841.37 5,447,475.80 1,089,495.16 Allowance for bad debt 668,823.45 133,764.69 677,356.60 135,471.32 overrun Others 13,580,203.27 2,037,030.49 2,261,422.45 447,120.48 Total 10,334,938,781.00 1,606,645,177.00 7,991,659,332.95 1,272,092,467.86 (3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in net amount after offsetting In RMB Offset amount between Closing balance of Offset amount between Opening balance of Item deferred tax assets and deferred tax assets or deferred tax assets and deferred tax assets or liabilities at the end of liabilities after offset liabilities at the liabilities after offset 236 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 the period beginning of the period Deferred tax assets 1,208,582,281.01 891,215,468.53 Deferred tax liabilities 1,606,645,177.00 1,272,092,467.86 (4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance (5) The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets will be due in the following year In RMB Particular year Closing amount Opening amount Remarks Other descriptions: 22. Other non-current assets In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Provision for Provision for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Prepayments for equipment, project and 1,663,116,05 1,663,116,05 1,893,831,96 1,893,831,96 land 9.58 9.58 2.00 2.00 Prepaid pension 6,459,206.83 6,459,206.83 5,447,475.82 5,447,475.82 Others 6,684,645.92 6,684,645.92 5,025,743.67 5,025,743.67 1,676,259,91 1,676,259,91 1,904,305,18 1,904,305,18 Total 2.33 2.33 1.49 1.49 Other descriptions: 23. Short-term borrowings (1) Classification of Short-term borrowings In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Pledge loans 1,284,267,389.38 5,928,221,439.02 Mortgage loans 294,954,654.15 41,391,259.41 Guaranteed loans 897,638,187.36 64,979,271.97 Credit loans 12,435,039,438.04 5,885,043,367.59 237 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total 14,911,899,668.93 11,919,635,337.99 Descriptions on classification of short-term borrowings: (2) Overdue but unpaid short-term borrowings The total amount of overdue but unpaid short-term borrowings at the end of the period is RMB0.00, of which the significant overdue and outstanding short-term borrowings are as follows: In RMB Borrower Closing balance Loan interest rate Overdue time Overdue interest rate Other descriptions: None 24. Held-for-trading financial liabilities In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Held-for-trading financial liabilities 44,318,321.50 41,436.00 Including: Held-for-trading bonds issued 41,436.00 41,436.00 Derivative financial liabilities 44,276,885.50 Including: Total 44,318,321.50 41,436.00 Other descriptions: 25. Notes payable In RMB Category Closing balance Opening balance Bank acceptance bill 515,054,217.52 234,500,590.93 Total 515,054,217.52 234,500,590.93 The total amount of notes payable due but unpaid at the end of this period is RMB0.00. 26. Accounts payable (1) Presentation of accounts payable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Within 1 year 49,695,071,669.97 45,255,253,965.04 238 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1-2 years 74,344,408.63 112,098,892.50 2-3 years 9,178,439.03 38,693,846.52 More than 3 years 7,889,034.91 10,118,963.61 Total 49,786,483,552.54 45,416,165,667.67 (2) Significant accounts payable with aging over 1 year In RMB Reasons for non-payment or carrying Item Closing balance forward Other descriptions: 27. Contract liabilities In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Goods payments received in advance 501,765,453.24 268,506,246.98 Total 501,765,453.24 268,506,246.98 Amount of and reason for significant changes in book value during the reporting period In RMB Item Change amount Reason for change 28. Employee benefits payable (1) Presentation of employee benefits payable In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance I. Short-term benefits 2,057,292,973.63 19,887,069,854.47 19,602,318,684.83 2,342,044,143.27 II. Post employment 42,412,389.70 1,086,794,293.00 1,103,175,563.49 26,031,119.21 benefits - defined contribution plan III. Termination benefits 211,018.46 45,634,473.12 45,784,991.58 60,500.00 Total 2,099,916,381.79 21,019,498,620.59 20,751,279,239.90 2,368,135,762.48 (2) Presentation of short-term benefits In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance 239 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1. Salary, bonus, 2,011,446,943.53 18,001,615,401.71 17,709,719,984.35 2,303,342,360.89 allowance and subsidy 2. Employee welfare 1,061,972.00 112,391,361.90 106,938,101.70 6,515,232.20 3. Social insurance 34,091,385.81 521,891,673.23 534,837,322.90 21,145,736.14 premium Including: Medical 28,709,658.30 447,054,103.38 456,900,466.05 18,863,295.63 insurance premium Employment injury 2,635,942.92 35,769,002.12 37,072,778.73 1,332,166.31 insurance premium Maternity insurance 2,745,784.59 39,068,567.73 40,864,078.12 950,274.20 premium 4. Housing provident 5,723,968.80 299,408,299.69 300,106,036.40 5,026,232.09 fund 5. Trade union funds and 1,430,031.74 20,908,576.88 19,333,264.16 3,005,344.46 staff education funds 6. Other short-term 3,538,671.75 930,854,541.06 931,383,975.32 3,009,237.49 benefits Total 2,057,292,973.63 19,887,069,854.47 19,602,318,684.83 2,342,044,143.27 (3) Presentation of defined contribution plan In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance 1. Basic endowment 41,094,737.10 1,054,902,480.73 1,070,684,043.93 25,313,173.90 insurance premium 2. Unemployment 1,317,652.60 31,891,812.27 32,491,519.56 717,945.31 insurance premium Total 42,412,389.70 1,086,794,293.00 1,103,175,563.49 26,031,119.21 Other descriptions: 29. Taxes payable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Value added tax 178,562,778.85 91,182,205.54 Enterprise income tax 357,553,487.54 289,614,289.13 Individual income tax 60,744,264.97 76,622,641.75 Urban maintenance and construction tax 54,221,444.33 29,252,309.25 240 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Property tax 26,963,503.04 23,068,002.63 Education surcharges 32,686,140.44 17,112,381.32 Local education surcharges 21,777,325.55 11,090,231.72 Land use tax 2,338,741.28 4,341,775.20 Stamp duty 48,783,498.15 10,097,139.66 Disability insurance 49,582,574.67 50,292,555.43 Others 8,171,415.10 13,366,064.65 Total 841,385,173.92 616,039,596.28 Other descriptions: 30. Other payables In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Dividends payable 15,089,486.78 Other payables 457,790,709.70 382,391,106.17 Total 472,880,196.48 382,391,106.17 (1) Interest payable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Significant overdue but unpaid interest: In RMB Borrower Overdue amount Reasons for overdue Other descriptions: (2) Dividends payable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Dividends of ordinary shares 15,089,486.78 Total 15,089,486.78 Other descriptions: it is required to disclose the reasons if there are key dividends payable that have not been paid for more than 1 year. 241 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (3) Other payables 1) Presentation of other payables by nature In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Within 1 year 437,302,630.87 345,015,789.15 1 -2 years 3,828,361.57 17,196,648.52 2 -3 years 11,160,503.01 14,409,891.93 Over 3 years 5,499,214.25 5,768,776.57 Total 457,790,709.70 382,391,106.17 2) Other significant payables with aging over 1 year In RMB Reasons for non-payment or carrying Item Closing balance forward Other descriptions: 31. Non-current liabilities due within one year In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Long-term borrowings due within one year 828,839,225.82 157,786,550.24 Bonds payable due within one year 224,130,860.43 Lease liabilities due within one year 179,282,344.89 112,293,039.92 Total 1,232,252,431.14 270,079,590.16 Other descriptions: 32. Other current liabilities In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Short-term bonds payable 3,840,115,068.49 1,607,038,444.45 Payable for purchase returns 38,288,770.18 21,715,597.38 Entrusted loans 1,971,219,540.97 Output VAT to be levied 68,866,600.31 18,605,890.19 Others 9,766,686.26 4,843,599.88 242 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total 3,957,037,125.24 3,623,423,072.87 Increase and decrease in short-term bonds payable: In RMB Interest Amou Amortization Current Face Bond Opening Current accrued Closing Bond name Issue date nt of of premium repayme value maturity balance issue at face balance issue and discount nt value Short-term 800,0 October 270 804,733, 804,733, bonds 00,00 22, 2021 days 333.34 333.34 payable 0.00 Short-term 400,0 November 401,265, 401,265, bonds 90 days 00,00 17, 2021 000.00 000.00 payable 0.00 Short-term 400,0 November 401,040, 401,040, bonds 90 days 00,00 25, 2021 111.11 111.11 payable 0.00 Short-term 800,0 April 24, 178 800,000 10,363, 810,363, bonds 00,00 2022 days ,000.00 555.56 555.56 payable 0.00 Short-term 500,0 May 25, 180 500,000 5,500,0 505,500, bonds 00,00 2022 days ,000.00 00.00 000.00 payable 0.00 Short-term 500,0 May 30, 178 500,000 5,315,2 505,315, bonds 00,00 2022 days ,000.00 77.78 277.78 payable 0.00 Short-term 1,000, 1,000,0 1,012,9 June 15, 270 12,953, bonds 000,0 00,000. 53,424. 2022 days 424.66 payable 00.00 00 66 Short-term 1,000, 1,000,0 June 23, 180 10,750, 1,010,75 bonds 000,0 00,000. 2022 days 000.00 0,000.00 payable 00.00 00 Short-term 1,200, 1,200,0 1,212,2 July 14, 270 12,223, bonds 000,0 00,000. 23,561. 2022 days 561.64 payable 00.00 00 64 Short-term 800,0 July 21, 270 800,000 7,633,9 807,633 bonds 00,00 2022 days ,000.00 72.60 ,972.60 payable 0.00 Short-term 800,0 July 28, 270 800,000 7,304,1 807,304 bonds 00,00 2022 days ,000.00 09.59 ,109.59 payable 0.00 8,200, 6,600,0 3,840,1 1,607,03 72,043, 4,438,96 Total 000,0 00,000. 15,068. 8,444.45 901.83 7,277.79 00.00 00 49 Other descriptions: 243 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 33. Long-term borrowings (1) Classification of long-term borrowings In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Pledge loans 3,163,203,834.77 1,665,503,349.06 Mortgage loans 1,992,850,059.15 2,252,543,585.32 Guaranteed loans 791,766,506.32 72,759,492.87 Credit loans 3,257,492,660.70 1,034,289,765.84 Total 9,205,313,060.94 5,025,096,193.09 Descriptions on classification of long-term borrowings: Other descriptions, including interest rate range: 34. Bonds payable (1) Bonds payable In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Convertible bonds 2,689,623,546.98 2,805,785,000.04 Total 2,689,623,546.98 2,805,785,000.04 (2) Increase and decrease in bonds payable (excluding preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities) In RMB Amortizat Interest ion of Current Debt-to-e Face Bond Amount Opening Current Other Closing Bond name Issue date accrued at premium repaymen quity value maturity of issue balance issue changes balance face value and t changes discount Convertible 3,000,000 2,581,553 6,500,000 107,749,2 6,000,000 178,801.5 2,689,623 3,000,000 Novembe bonds of 6 years ,000.00 ,066.25 .00 82.26 .00 3 ,546.98 ,000.00 r 3, 2020 Luxshare Convertible 230,100,0 224,231,9 -224,231, 230,100,0 March 10, bonds of 3 years 00.00 33.79 933.79 00.00 2021 SpeedTech 3,230,100 2,805,785 6,500,000 107,749,2 6,000,000 178,801.5 -224,231, 2,689,623 Total -- ,000.00 ,000.04 .00 82.26 .00 3 933.79 ,546.98 244 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (3) Descriptions on conditions and time for conversion of convertible bonds The conversion period of the convertible bonds of Luxshare issued this time commences on the first trading day six months after the end of the issue of the convertible bonds (November 9, 2020, i.e. the date when the proceeds are transferred to the issuer’s account), and ends on the maturity date of the convertible bonds (i.e. from May 10, 2021 (as the date of May 9, 2021 is a non-trading day, it defers to May 10, 2021) to November 2, 2026 (it defers to the first trading day thereafter in case of legal holidays or rest days; no additional interest will be charged to the payment during the deferred period)). (4) Descriptions on other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities Basic information on preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period. Changes in preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period. In RMB Outstanding Opening Increase Decrease Closing financial Quantity Book value Quantity Book value Quantity Book value Quantity Book value instruments Descriptions on the basis for classifying other financial instruments into financial liabilities Other descriptions: 35. Lease liabilities In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Lease payment 863,481,119.65 336,593,292.75 Unrecognized financing costs -62,742,078.14 -21,499,809.20 Total 800,739,041.51 315,093,483.55 Other descriptions: 36. Provisions In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Reason Product quality warranty 682,513.39 923,738.96 Total 682,513.39 923,738.96 Other descriptions, including major assumptions and estimation descriptions related to significant provisions: 37. Deferred income In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Reason 245 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Government grants 538,556,944.18 302,954,947.67 175,601,796.19 665,910,095.66 Total 538,556,944.18 302,954,947.67 175,601,796.19 665,910,095.66 -- Projects involving government grants: In RMB Amount Amount New subsidy included in included in Amount of Related to Opening amount in non-operatin other cost offset in Other Liabilities Closing balance asset/ balance the current g income in incomes in the current changes income period the current the current period period period Special funds for technological 302,954,947. 175,058,201. Related to 527,588,880.88 655,485,626.96 transformation 67 59 asset and industrial upgrading Land-related Related to 10,968,063.30 543,594.60 10,424,468.70 refund asset Other descriptions: 38. Other non-current liabilities In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Others 324,039.05 1,207,763.79 Total 324,039.05 1,207,763.79 Other descriptions: 39. Share capital In RMB Increase and decrease (+, -) Opening Shares Closing New shares balance Stock dividend converted from Others Subtotal balance issued capital reserve 7,050,485,477. 7,099,908,647. Total shares 49,419,433.00 3,737.00 49,423,170.00 00 00 Other descriptions: The Company’s share capital increased by RMB49,423,170.00 in the current period, including 49,419,433 shares exercised by the stock option incentive recipients at their sole discretion, and 3,737 shares converted from 246 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 convertible bonds. After the said exercise and conversion, the Company’s share capital increased to 7,099,908,647.00 shares. 40. Other equity instruments (1) Basic information on preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period (2) Changes in preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period In RMB Outstanding Opening Increase Decrease Closing financial Quantity Book value Quantity Book value Quantity Book value Quantity Book value instruments Convertible 527,358,025. 38,388.10 527,319,637. bonds 98 88 527,358,025. 38,388.10 527,319,637. Total 98 88 Descriptions on the increase and decrease in other equity instruments in the current period, the reasons for the changes, and the basis for relevant accounting treatment: According to the Proposal on the Specific Plan for the Public Issue of Convertible Bond deliberated and approved at the tenth conference of the fourth session of the Board of Directors of the Company, and the Reply for Approval of Public Issue of Convertible Bonds by Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2020] No.247) received by the Company from China Securities Regulatory Commission on February 19, 2020, the Company was approved to publicly issue convertible bonds with a total face value of RMB3 billion and a term of 6 years. The Company’s convertible bonds of RMB3 billion were listed for trading on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 3, 2020, with an abbreviation name of “Luxshare Convertible Bonds” and the bond code of “128136”. Other descriptions: 41. Capital reserve In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Capital premium (share 2,341,705,299.21 1,080,987,729.91 3,422,693,029.12 capital premium) Other capital reserve 377,989,982.46 473,288,787.62 621,344,937.46 229,933,832.62 Total 2,719,695,281.67 1,554,276,517.53 621,344,937.46 3,652,626,861.74 Other descriptions, including those on the increase and decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change: Capital reserve - share capital premium increased by RMB1,080,987,729.91 in the current period, including an increase of RMB517,203,037.96 from stock option exercise, a transfer of RMB621,344,937.46 from other capital reserve through stock option exercise, a conversion of RMB213,452.63 from convertible bonds, and an increase of RMB-57,773,698.14 by other ways. 247 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Capital reserve - the increase in other capital reserve in the current period is due to the cost of share-based payment increased by RMB473,288,787.62, and the decrease therein is due to the transfer of other capital reserve to share capital premium. 42. Other comprehensive income In RMB Amount recognized in the current period Less: amount Less: amount previously previously included included in in other Amount of other comprehe Attributabl Attributabl income comprehensi Opening nsive Less: e to the e to Closing Item before tax ve income balance income income tax parent minority balance in the and and expenses company shareholde current transferred to transferred after tax rs after tax period profit or loss to retained for the earnings current for the period current period I. Other comprehensive income 163,165,841 154,880,3 23,301,22 131,579,0 294,744, that cannot be reclassified into .25 11.90 0.03 91.87 933.12 profit or loss Changes in fair value of other 163,165,841 154,880,3 23,301,22 131,579,0 294,744, investments in equity instruments .25 11.90 0.03 91.87 933.12 II. Other comprehensive income -198,967,31 516,330,6 555,680,6 -39,350,02 356,713, to be reclassified into profit or 2.54 67.60 95.67 8.07 383.13 loss Translation difference of foreign -198,967,31 516,330,6 555,680,6 -39,350,02 356,713, currency financial statements 2.54 67.60 95.67 8.07 383.13 -35,801,471. 671,210,9 23,301,22 687,259,7 -39,350,02 651,458, Total other comprehensive income 29 79.50 0.03 87.54 8.07 316.25 Other descriptions, including those on the adjustment for conversion of the effective part of profit or loss of cash flow hedging into the initial recognition amount of the hedged item: 43. Special reserve In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance 248 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Safety production 1,018,784.75 5,435,469.87 4,359,375.01 2,094,879.61 expenses Total 1,018,784.75 5,435,469.87 4,359,375.01 2,094,879.61 Other descriptions, including those on the increase and decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change: 44. Surplus reserve In RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Statutory surplus reserve 985,161,506.61 135,911,192.22 1,121,072,698.83 Total 985,161,506.61 135,911,192.22 1,121,072,698.83 Description of surplus reserve, including those on increase and decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change: 45. Undistributed profits In RMB Item Current Period Prior Period Undistributed profits at the end of prior period 24,040,637,144.00 17,996,149,257.73 before adjustment Undistributed profits at the beginning of the 24,040,637,144.00 17,996,149,257.73 period after adjustment Add: Net profits attributable to the owners of the 9,163,104,849.54 7,070,520,386.57 parent company in the current period Less: Apportion to statutory surplus reserve 135,911,192.22 252,093,708.88 Common stock dividends payable 779,270,547.26 773,891,489.58 Others 143,976.84 47,301.84 Undistributed profits at the end of the period 32,288,416,277.22 24,040,637,144.00 Details of adjustment of undistributed profits at the beginning of the period: 1) The undistributed profits at the beginning of the period affected by the retroactive adjustment as stipulated in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and new regulations newly promulgated relating thereto amounted to RMB0.00. 2) The undistributed profits at the beginning of the period affected by the changes in accounting policies amounted to RMB0.00. 3) The undistributed profits at the beginning of the period affected by the correction of major accounting errors amounted to RMB0.00. 4) The undistributed profits at the beginning of the period affected by changes in the scope of consolidation due to business combination involving enterprises under common control amounted to RMB0.00. 5) The undistributed profits at the beginning of the period affected by other adjustments amounted to RMB0.00. 249 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 46. Operating income and operating costs In RMB Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Item Income Cost Income Cost Principal business 211,943,848,653.92 186,111,713,122.60 152,257,625,983.60 133,514,500,539.03 Other business 2,084,545,637.52 1,817,167,162.78 1,688,471,806.80 1,533,835,753.85 Total 214,028,394,291.44 187,928,880,285.38 153,946,097,790.40 135,048,336,292.88 If the lower of audited nets profits including and excluding non-recurring profit or loss is negative □ Yes No Information related to performance obligations: None Information relating to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations: At the end of the reporting period, the incomes corresponding to the contracts signed whose performance has not been commenced or completed amount to RMB0.00, of which RMB is expected to be recognized in, RMB is expected to be recognized in, and RMB is expected to be recognized in. Other descriptions: 47. Taxes and surcharges In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Urban maintenance and construction tax 134,237,633.10 30,064,853.10 Education surcharges 82,084,208.17 14,616,280.44 Property tax 75,088,009.87 63,618,880.04 Land use tax 9,681,156.59 11,000,959.65 Vehicle and vessel use tax 66,685.43 80,571.50 Stamp duty 119,933,691.80 56,059,570.68 Local education surcharges 43,726,505.69 8,788,619.58 Others 11,507,549.02 9,582,322.15 Total 476,325,439.67 193,812,057.14 Other descriptions: 48. Selling expenses In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Employee benefits 547,517,120.77 477,502,208.55 250 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Storage and lease expenses 36,541,171.64 51,915,157.63 Consumables and miscellaneous purchases 31,804,228.22 47,560,953.11 Business entertainment expenses 25,994,673.80 23,190,907.73 Depreciation and amortization 14,527,746.62 8,650,043.25 Travel expenses 13,269,371.79 7,698,136.97 Material expenditure 10,789,563.43 7,816,183.12 Transportation expenses 5,306,607.96 5,702,963.14 Consulting fees 7,002,044.68 16,189,368.41 Office expenses 1,558,957.69 1,720,255.18 Others 137,086,653.00 141,961,986.71 Total 831,398,139.60 789,908,163.80 Other descriptions: 49. General and administrative expenses In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Personnel benefits 2,752,635,462.67 2,040,701,402.50 Depreciation and amortization 780,606,889.02 636,539,244.20 Materials and consumption 613,926,759.41 303,188,844.16 Office expenses 194,254,096.88 187,814,810.66 Repair cost, miscellaneous purchase 182,254,970.23 103,842,977.48 Water and electricity 70,926,413.34 59,194,407.97 Lease fee 65,448,985.07 54,750,988.28 Travel and transportation expenses 39,010,434.62 29,058,122.92 Other expenses 376,604,074.11 326,817,985.33 Total 5,075,668,085.35 3,741,908,783.50 Other descriptions: 50. R&D expenses In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Personnel benefits 4,296,689,104.43 3,240,607,062.66 Mould and material cost 1,659,569,732.34 1,372,424,795.60 Depreciation and amortization 894,098,153.77 553,276,292.48 251 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Consumables and miscellaneous 564,831,528.23 503,901,794.70 Repair and inspection 341,779,541.87 380,055,319.93 Service fees 225,595,394.86 119,031,894.75 Water and electricity 132,921,844.25 81,400,086.54 Lease fee 64,081,121.07 61,161,176.98 Transportation and travel expenses 35,267,611.83 31,528,985.33 Commercial insurance 3,153,481.73 2,078,437.06 Other expenses 229,051,431.83 296,834,556.71 Total 8,447,038,946.21 6,642,300,402.74 Other descriptions: 51. Financial expenses In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Interest expenses 1,038,070,641.24 656,411,767.86 Including: interest cost of lease liabilities 44,537,265.44 30,548,145.32 Less: Interest income 504,344,274.59 361,773,700.27 Foreign exchange gains or losses 337,513,015.17 225,950,789.85 Others 11,481,756.95 34,077,016.61 Total 882,721,138.77 554,665,874.05 Other descriptions: 52. Other incomes In RMB Sources of other incomes Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Financial rewards, subsidies and support 194,187,224.32 432,884,582.96 funds Rewards for exports 44,911,446.82 95,287,694.56 Tax refunds 120,151,750.10 117,703,573.64 Special funds for technological 175,058,201.59 85,648,103.23 transformation and industrial upgrading Funds for supporting development of 25,189,490.01 76,001,699.27 enterprises Research and development grants 5,870,199.99 6,807,292.00 Grants for maintaining job position 19,791,620.85 23,714,082.26 252 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Patent grants 842,000.00 1,177,400.00 Land-related refund 543,594.60 543,594.60 Others 15,748,735.62 13,774,142.85 Total 602,294,263.90 853,542,165.37 53. Investment income In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Long-term equity investment income 794,759,492.42 29,737,321.95 accounted for using the equity method Investment income from disposal of long-term 22,800,675.95 581,347.34 equity investment Investment income from disposal of 525,062,938.11 706,688,280.62 held-for-trading financial assets Dividends from other equity instrument 212,413.30 investments during holding period Gains from remeasurement of remaining 583,884.90 equities at fair value after loss of control Investment income from disposal of disposal 15,975,338.43 groups constituting business Gains from derecognition of financial assets -400,156,146.02 -171,521,013.80 measured at amortized cost. Income from wealth management 55,598,985.01 107,341,490.30 Total 998,278,358.77 689,386,649.74 Other descriptions: 54. Income from changes in fair value In RMB Sources of income from changes in fair Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period value Held-for-trading financial assets 13,625,720.11 -115,737,751.66 Including: Income from changes in fair 13,625,720.11 -115,737,751.66 value of derivative financial instruments Total 13,625,720.11 -115,737,751.66 Other descriptions: 253 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 55. Impairment losses of credit In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Bad debt loss of other receivables -941,685.43 -2,046,557.86 Bad debt loss of notes receivable -297,668.79 -3,247.78 Bad debt loss of accounts receivable -45,942,584.71 -24,825,699.05 Total -47,181,938.93 -26,875,504.69 Other descriptions: 56. Impairment losses of assets In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period II. Loss of inventory depreciation and -613,236,634.12 -158,892,591.11 impairment loss of contract performance cost V. Impairment loss of fixed assets -233,585,496.93 -3,897,744.01 Total -846,822,131.05 -162,790,335.12 Other descriptions: 57. Income from disposal of assets In RMB Sources of income from asset disposal Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Loss on disposal of fixed assets 44,833,504.83 -45,249,998.44 Loss on disposal of intangible assets -10,551.92 -16,594.21 Income from disposal of right-of-use assets 3,108,576.72 58. Non-operating income In RMB Amount included in Amount recognized in the Amount recognized in the prior Item non-recurring profit or loss for current period period the current period Income from compensation for 16,376,930.09 1,860,909.33 16,376,930.09 breach of contract Income from asset retirement 5,538,035.76 1,339,094.50 5,538,035.76 Income from insurance 622,245.83 254 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 indemnity Others 12,397,333.89 17,274,286.94 12,397,333.89 Total 34,312,299.74 21,096,536.60 34,312,299.74 Government grants included in current profit or loss: In RMB Whether the subsidy Amount Amount Whether it is Reasons for Nature and affects the recognized in recognized in Related to Grant item Granter a special grant type profit or loss the current the prior asset/ income grant of the current period period year Other descriptions: 59. Non-operating expenses In RMB Amount included in Amount recognized in the Amount recognized in the prior Item non-recurring profit or loss for current period period the current period External donation 1,279,333.00 1,573,490.75 1,279,333.00 Asset retirement loss 13,071,784.99 19,504,908.68 13,071,784.99 Compensation, liquidated 6,424,974.87 17,481,196.86 6,424,974.87 damages and fines Others 10,029,281.47 7,112,837.76 10,029,281.47 Total 30,805,374.33 45,672,434.05 30,805,374.33 Other descriptions: 60. Income tax expenses (1) Income tax expenses In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Current income tax expense 657,866,108.46 607,416,066.01 Deferred income tax expense 9,452,096.88 -285,177,422.37 Total 667,318,205.34 322,238,643.64 (2) Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit In RMB 255 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Item Amount recognized in the current period Total profits 11,157,994,984.30 Income tax expense calculated based on statutory/applicable tax 1,673,699,247.65 rate Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other -77,877,002.82 jurisdictions Effect of adjustment on income tax for prior period 9,002,683.75 Effect of non-taxable income -33,677,472.97 Effect of non-deductible cost, expense and loss 18,127,989.80 Effect of utilizing deductible loss not recognized for deferred tax -137,784,091.60 assets for prior period Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss not 199,368,193.99 recognized for deferred tax assets for the current period Change in the balance of opening deferred tax assets/liabilities 19,976,797.47 caused by tax rate adjustment Additional deduction of R&D expenses (presented in negative) -832,780,768.26 Difference from exercise of stock option -158,078,372.20 Additional deduction of expenses used for disable persons -6,613,441.45 Others -6,045,558.02 Income tax expenses 667,318,205.34 Other descriptions: 61. Other comprehensive income Please refer to Note VII, (42) Other comprehensive income. 62. Items in the cash flow statement (1) Other cash received related to operating activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Special subsidies and grants 729,647,415.38 941,612,664.44 Lease income 30,878,939.74 83,010,927.51 Interest income 504,344,274.59 361,773,700.27 Non-operating income 28,383,594.53 19,499,157.07 Recovery of current accounts and 1,388,046,955.47 1,240,625,072.70 disbursements 256 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total 2,681,301,179.71 2,646,521,521.99 Descriptions on other cash received related to operating activities: (2) Other cash paid related to operating activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Selling expenses 263,930,838.26 272,687,431.13 General and administrative expenses 1,414,021,613.64 836,627,173.21 R&D expenses 984,376,384.20 983,858,805.26 Non-operating expenses 17,733,589.34 9,538,603.31 Inter-company transactions 1,234,314,047.35 239,332,761.28 Handling charges 11,481,756.95 34,077,016.62 Transferred to restricted funds 1,000,000,000.00 Others 14,883,864.59 Total 4,925,858,229.74 2,391,005,655.40 Descriptions on other cash paid related to operating activities: (3) Other cash received related to investing activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Net cash received to acquire subsidiaries 4,665,590,364.12 Reversal of restricted funds 715,017,358.71 Recovery of suppliers’ borrowings 30,000,000.00 Total 745,017,358.71 4,665,590,364.12 Descriptions on other cash received related to investing activities: (4) Other cash paid related to investing activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Transferred to restricted funds 427,650,270.00 Income tax levied on equity transactions 371,929,911.39 Suppliers’ borrowings 30,000,000.00 Net cash paid for disposal of subsidiaries 385,253.59 Others 1,208,914.50 257 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Total 428,035,523.59 403,138,825.89 Descriptions on other cash paid relating to investing activities: (5) Other cash received related to financing activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Short-term financing bonds 6,600,000,000.00 3,799,202,739.72 Convertible bonds 228,949,500.00 Taxes withheld from shareholder for 921,511,778.98 671,813,299.36 reduction of shares Other 5,960,996.25 5,965,056.90 Total 7,527,472,775.23 4,705,930,595.98 Descriptions on other cash received related to financing activities: (6) Other cash paid related to financing activities In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Short-term financing bonds 4,400,000,000.00 2,700,000,000.00 Borrowings returned to minority 1,953,239,500.00 shareholders Taxes prepaid for shareholder for reduction 921,511,778.98 671,813,299.36 of shares Transferred to restricted funds 700,123,698.63 Lease fee 159,062,113.35 82,320,708.73 Financing charges 4,184,658.23 7,388,317.66 Total 8,138,121,749.19 3,461,522,325.75 Descriptions on other cash paid related to financing activities: 63. Supplementary information to cash flow statement (1) Supplementary information to cash flow statement In RMB Supplementary information Current period Prior period 1 . Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities: 258 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Net profits 10,490,676,778.96 7,820,610,306.19 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 894,004,069.98 189,665,839.81 Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil 7,233,705,585.39 4,822,202,794.73 and gas assets, depreciation of bearer biological assets Depreciation of right of use assets 168,866,435.84 105,949,651.47 Amortization of intangible assets 170,869,522.76 119,810,187.02 Amortization of Long-term deferred 395,513,128.13 246,064,358.16 expenses Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible -47,931,529.63 45,266,592.65 assets and other long-term assets (“-” means income) Loss from fixed assets retirement (“-” means 7,533,749.23 18,165,814.18 income) Loss from changes in fair value (“-” means -13,625,720.11 115,737,751.66 income) Financial expenses (“-” means income) 1,038,070,641.24 656,411,767.86 Investment loss (“-” means income) -998,278,358.77 -689,386,649.74 Decrease in deferred income tax assets (“-” -316,866,043.97 -365,926,458.23 means increase) Increase in deferred tax liabilities (“-” means 326,646,031.03 306,000,254.91 decrease) Decrease in inventories (“-” means increase) -15,791,020,357.63 -5,400,711,336.99 Decrease in operating receivables (“-” means 6,415,757,847.29 -13,885,780,461.98 increase) Increase in operating accounts payable (“-” 2,753,688,539.60 13,180,686,505.30 means decrease) Other Net cash flow from operating activities 12,727,610,319.34 7,284,766,917.00 2 . Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payments: Conversion of debt into capital Convertible bonds due within one year Fixed assets acquired under finance leases 3 . Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 17,312,418,429.51 8,921,536,728.08 259 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Less: Opening balance of cash 8,921,536,728.08 10,464,804,451.34 Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 8,390,881,701.43 -1,543,267,723.26 (2) Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries for the current period In RMB Amount Cash or cash equivalents paid in current period for business 1,166,251,440.00 combination incurred in current period Including: TIME Interconnect Technology Limited 900,157,440.00 Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. 10,000.00 Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. 266,084,000.00 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries at the date of 204,435,212.85 purchase Including: TIME Interconnect Technology Limited 178,633,596.51 Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. 25,801,616.34 Including: Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries 961,816,227.15 Other descriptions: The cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries was less than the cash and cash equivalents held by them, so the negative amount was reclassified to other cash paid related to investing activities. (3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period In RMB Amount Cash or cash equivalents received from disposal of subsidiaries in 180,111.14 the current period Including: Suk Plastic Romania 180,111.14 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date of 565,364.73 loss of control Including: 260 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Suk Plastic Romania 565,364.73 Including: Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries -385,253.59 Other descriptions: The cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries was less than the cash and cash equivalents held by them, so the negative amount was reclassified to other cash paid related to investing activities. (4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance I. Cash 17,312,418,429.51 8,921,536,728.08 Including: Cash on hand 1,236,553.93 323,716.04 Bank deposits available for payment at any 17,311,181,875.58 8,921,213,012.04 time III. Closing balance of cash and cash 17,312,418,429.51 8,921,536,728.08 equivalents Other descriptions: 64. Assets with restricted ownership or right of use In RMB Item Closing book value Reasons for restriction Cash and bank balances 2,054,791,011.90 Issue of notes and letter of credit Notes receivable 469,338,331.89 Financing from pledge of notes receivable Fixed assets 1,596,425,969.25 Financing from mortgage of fixed assets 547,767,902.77 Financing from mortgage of land use Intangible assets rights 1,049,804,176.80 Financing from pledge of accounts Accounts receivable receivable Equity investment 5,781,943,543.70 Financing from pledge of equity 60,000,000.00 Financing from pledge of held-for-trading Held-for-trading financial assets financial assets Total 11,560,070,936.31 -- Other descriptions: 261 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 65. Foreign currency monetary items (1) Foreign currency monetary items In RMB Closing balance in foreign Item Exchange rate Closing balance in RMB currency Cash and bank balances 8,024,778,166.97 Including: USD 1,001,337,256.38 6.9646 6,973,913,455.75 EUR 5,213,545.53 7.4229 38,699,627.11 HKD 48,187,552.88 0.8933 43,044,495.36 JPY 171,810,767.41 0.0524 8,995,668.16 TWD 3,532,599,463.00 0.2273 802,959,857.94 VND 336,245,097,225.04 0.0003 99,360,426.23 KRW 2,032,258,022.81 0.0055 11,224,161.06 GBP 122,213.29 8.3941 1,025,870.57 INR 476,407,155.02 0.0842 40,103,954.31 SGD 1,051,619.78 5.1831 5,450,650.48 Accounts receivable 18,297,167,418.98 Including: USD 2,542,999,667.96 6.9646 17,710,975,487.44 EUR 113,457.84 7.4229 842,186.20 HKD 301,587,575.46 0.8933 269,399,133.53 JPY 19,813,065.05 0.0524 1,037,372.46 TWD 1,257,678,913.51 0.2273 285,870,417.04 VND 98,260,997,563.45 0.0003 29,036,124.78 KRW 832,699.62 0.0055 4,599.00 GBP 250.00 8.3941 2,098.53 Long-term borrowings 1,119,481,616.38 Including: USD 100,000,000.00 6.9646 696,460,000.00 EUR HKD 32,444,444.32 0.8933 28,981,648.78 TWD 1,434,731,364.01 0.2273 326,114,439.04 VND 229,866,424,906.94 0.0003 67,925,528.56 Other receivables 211,772,380.15 262 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Including: USD 10,416,412.04 6.9646 72,546,143.27 EUR 1,300.00 7.4229 9,649.77 HKD 4,302,163.03 0.8933 3,842,993.17 JPY 14,481,256.16 0.0524 758,209.61 TWD 577,333,102.24 0.2273 131,227,814.14 VND 6,981,163,045.69 0.0003 2,062,933.68 KRW 95,137,620.86 0.0055 525,445.08 GBP 1,015.00 8.3941 8,520.01 INR 9,392,627.94 0.0842 790,671.42 Short-term borrowings 2,254,776,236.03 Including: USD 130,697,482.01 6.9646 910,255,683.21 HKD 60,565,066.72 0.8933 54,100,957.15 TWD 2,888,726,511.00 0.2273 656,607,535.95 VND 2,144,880,066,734.35 0.0003 633,812,059.72 Accounts payable 27,400,909,629.02 Including: USD 3,679,662,314.25 6.9646 25,627,376,153.81 EUR 1,199,889.73 7.4229 8,906,661.47 HKD 125,576,008.58 0.8933 112,173,281.18 JPY 109,545,506.13 0.0524 5,735,583.61 TWD 2,888,846,223.58 0.2273 656,634,746.62 VND 3,310,039,960,372.25 0.0003 978,116,808.29 KRW 140,552,120.22 0.0055 776,269.36 GBP 2,009.00 8.3941 16,863.75 INR 132,730,588.38 0.0842 11,173,260.93 Other payables 300,420,511.81 Including: USD 9,399,255.09 6.9646 65,462,051.99 HKD 31,923,186.52 0.8933 28,516,024.82 JPY 8,411,806.03 0.0524 440,425.34 TWD 874,416,628.99 0.2273 198,754,899.77 VND 21,351,772,825.72 0.0003 6,309,448.87 GBP 108,760.00 8.3941 912,942.32 263 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 INR 293,641.01 0.0842 24,718.70 Other descriptions: (2) Descriptions on overseas business entities, including, with respect to significant overseas business entities, disclosure of their overseas main business place, functional currency and selection basis, and the reasons for changes in functional currency (if any). Applicable □N/A Significant overseas business Main place of Functional Basis of choice of Functional currency changed entities business currency functional currency or not? The lawful currency of Luxshare-ICT (Vietnam) Limited Vietnam VND the country of No incorporation The lawful currency of Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Vietnam VND the country of No Company Limited incorporation The lawful currency of Luxshare-ICT (Nghe An) Limited Vietnam VND the country of No incorporation 66. Government grants (1) Basic information of government grants In RMB Amount included in current Category Amount Presentation item profit or loss Special funds for technological transformation 655,485,626.97 Deferred income 175,058,201.59 and industrial upgrading Land-related refund 10,424,468.70 Deferred income 543,594.60 Financial rewards, subsidies 194,187,224.32 Other gains 194,187,224.32 and support funds Rewards for exports 44,911,446.82 Other gains 44,911,446.82 Tax refunds 120,151,750.10 Other gains 120,151,750.10 Funds for supporting 25,189,490.01 Other gains 25,189,490.01 development of enterprises Research and development 5,870,199.99 Other gains 5,870,199.99 grants Grants for maintaining job 19,791,620.85 Other gains 19,791,620.85 position Patent grants 842,000.00 Other gains 842,000.00 Others 15,748,735.62 Other gains 15,748,735.62 264 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (2) Return of government grants □ Applicable N/A Other descriptions: 67. Others None VIII. Changes in scope of consolidation 1. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control (1) Business combination not involving enterprises under common control in the current period In RMB Income of the Net profit of acquiree from the acquiree Basis for Time point of Cost of Equity Method of the from the Name of Acquisition determination equity equity acquisition equity acquisition acquisition acquiree date of acquisition acquisition acquisition ratio acquisition date to the date to the date end of the end of the period period TIME March 25, 900,157,440. 70.92% March 25, 4,623,757,73 151,274,015. Interconnect 2022 00 Cash 2022 Obtainment 4.84 05 Technology acquisition of control Limited Shenzhen April 21, 266,084,000. 76.02% April 21, 2,426,984,55 -5,881,980.02 Huarong 2022 00 Cash 2023 Obtainment 6.96 Technology acquisition of control Co., Ltd. Other descriptions: (2) Combination costs and goodwill In RMB Combination costs TIME Interconnect Technology Limited Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. --Cash 900,157,440.00 266,084,000.00 -- Fair value of non-cash assets -- Fair value of issued or assumed debts -- Fair value of issued equity securities -- Fair value of contingent consideration -- Fair value of equity shares held before 265 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 the acquisition date at the acquisition date -- Others -10,622.26 Total of combination costs 900,157,440.00 266,073,377.74 Less: share of fair value of identifiable 724,488,382.98 109,059,753.24 net assets acquired Amount of goodwill/combination costs less than the share of fair value of 175,669,057.02 157,013,624.50 identifiable net assets acquired Descriptions on methods for determining the fair value of combination costs, contingent considerations and changes therein: “Others” refers to net assets other than the long-term equity investments in Huarong Technology by Shenzhen Sanhe Rongyu Technology Co., Ltd. (“Sanhe Rongyu”) wholly acquired in a package deal, with the aim to acquire 7.168% equity interest of Sanyu Rongyu in Huarong Technology. Main reasons for the formation of large goodwill: Other descriptions: (3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date In RMB TIME Interconnect Technology Limited Shenzhen Huarong Technology Co., Ltd. Fair value at Book value at Fair value at Book value at acquisition date acquisition date acquisition date acquisition date Assets: 2,688,813,576.37 2,274,493,260.48 1,144,497,110.25 1,124,715,211.29 Cash and bank 183,285,688.90 183,285,688.90 25,792,868.85 25,792,868.85 balances Accounts receivable 794,302,721.04 794,302,721.04 478,729,566.45 478,729,566.45 Inventories 545,384,926.94 545,384,926.94 126,552,977.25 126,168,458.94 Fixed assets 721,375,445.09 491,994,613.13 229,476,190.95 216,197,846.25 Intangible assets 261,642,422.38 76,702,938.45 64,697,562.83 58,578,526.88 Prepayments 16,503,852.27 16,503,852.27 2,641,904.56 2,641,904.56 Other assets 166,318,519.75 166,318,519.75 216,606,039.36 216,606,039.36 Liabilities: 1,658,493,449.95 1,658,493,449.95 1,001,042,736.32 998,075,451.48 Borrowings 867,342,359.14 867,342,359.14 161,071,049.85 161,071,049.85 Accounts payable 606,469,411.07 606,469,411.07 567,683,300.18 567,683,300.18 Deferred tax liabilities 453,913.46 453,913.46 2,967,284.84 Other payables 33,802,529.72 33,802,529.72 4,715,632.24 4,715,632.24 Other liabilities 150,425,236.56 150,425,236.56 264,605,469.21 264,605,469.21 Net assets 1,030,320,126.42 615,999,810.53 143,454,373.93 126,639,759.81 Less: minority interest 305,831,743.44 179,132,744.90 34,394,620.69 30,363,148.81 Net assets acquired 724,488,382.98 436,867,065.63 109,059,753.24 96,276,611.00 Methods for determining the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities: Contingent liabilities of the acquiree in business combination: Other descriptions: 266 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (4) Gains or losses arising from the re-measurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value Where there is any transaction that realizes business combination step by step through multiple transactions and obtains control right in the reporting period □ Yes No (5) Relevant descriptions on the combination consideration or the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree that cannot be reasonably determined on the acquisition date or at the end of the current period (6) Other descriptions 2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control (1) Business combination involving enterprises under common control in the current period In RMB Basis for Income of the Net profit of business combined the combined Income of the Net profit of Basis for Equity ratio combination party from party from combined the combined Name of determining obtained in involving Combination the beginning the beginning party during party during combined the business enterprises date of the current of the current the the party combination combination under period to the period to the comparison comparison date common combination combination period period control date date Dachuang Controlled by Precision the same Intelligent March 25, Obtainment 100.00% ultimate Manufacture 2022 of control controlling (Kunshan) party Co., Ltd. Other descriptions: (2) Combination costs In RMB Combination costs Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. --Cash 10,000.00 -- Book value of non-cash assets -- Book value of issued and assumed liabilities -- Par value of issued equity securities -- Contingent consideration 267 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Descriptions on contingent considerations and changes therein: Other descriptions: (3) Book value of assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the combination date In RMB Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Combination date End of prior period Assets: 9,984,313.60 Cash and bank balances Accounts receivable Inventories Fixed assets Intangible assets Construction in progress 9,984,313.60 Liabilities: 9,984,313.60 Borrowings Accounts payable 9,984,313.60 Net assets Less: minority interest Net assets acquired Contingent liabilities assumed by acquiree in business combinations: Other descriptions: 3. Counter purchase Basic information of transactions, basis for forming a reverse purchase, if assets and liabilities retained by listed company constitute a business and its basis, determination of combination cost, adjustments on and calculation of equity treated as equity transactions: 4. Disposal of subsidiaries Whether there is any situation where single disposal of investments in subsidiaries means the loss of control Yes □ No In RMB Time Basis for Differen Proporti Book Fair Gain or Determinati Amount of other Name of Equity Equity Equity point of determin ce on of value of value of loss from on method comprehensive subsidiar disposal disposal disposal losing ing the between residual the residual re-measu and main income related y price ratio method control time the equity on residual equity on rement assumption to equity 268 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 point of disposal the date equity on the date of for fair investment of losing price and of losing the date of losing residual value of the subsidiary control the share control of losing control equity at residual transferred into of net control fair equity on investment assets of value the date of profit or loss the losing subsidiar control y at the consolid ated financial statemen t level correspo nding to the disposal of investme nt Suk 180,111. 100.00% Change January 22,800,6 Plastic 14 Sold of equity 1, 2022 75.95 Romania shares Other descriptions: Whether there is any situation where the investment in subsidiaries is disposed step by step through multiple transactions and the control is lost in the current period □ Yes No 5. Changes in consolidation scope for other reasons Descriptions on changes in the scope of consolidation for other reasons (such as the establishment of new subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and related situations: The Company’s changes in scope of consolidation caused by newly established subsidiaries in 2022 are stated as follows: Company Date of establishment TIME Interconnect Server Technology Co., Ltd. April 26, 2022 Dachuang Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. February 18, 2022 LUXSHARE PRECISION SINGAPORE PTE.LTD. February 25, 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry (Hefei) Co., Ltd. June 16, 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry (Hubei) Co., Ltd. January 6, 2022 269 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. June 9, 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry (Wuhu) Co., Ltd. January 28, 2022 Luxshare New Energy (Anhui) Co., Ltd. April 20, 2022 Luxshare Electronic Service (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. July 13, 2022 Luxshare Rechuan Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. February 25, 2022 Shantou Luxshare Technologies Co., Ltd. June 16, 2022 Fengshun Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Co., Ltd. May 31, 2022 Luxshare Precision Industry (Mingguang) Co., Ltd. August 10, 2022 Jiashan Luxshare Business Management Service Partnership (LP) July 18, 2022 Jiashan Luxshare Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. December 9, 2022 Huiju Dachuang Information (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. July 26, 2022 Lisen Precision Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. June 1, 2022 Luxcase Precision Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. November 1, 2022 Speedtech Intelligence Co., Ltd. March 29, 2022 There was no change in scope of combination caused by cancellation of subsidies in 2022. 6. Others IX. Equity in other entities 1. Equity in subsidiaries (1) Composition of the enterprise group Name of Main place of Place of Nature of Shareholding ratio Method of subsidiary business registration business Direct Indirect acquisition Luxshare Precision Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00 % Establishment Technology Co., consulting Ltd. Taiwan Luxshare Marketing Taiwan Taiwan 100.00% Establishment Precision Limited business Luxshare ICT, Marketing USA USA 100.00% Establishment Inc. business Luxshare-ICT Marketing UK UK 100.00% Establishment Europe Limited business Luxshare-ICT Marketing Dutch Dutch 100.00% Establishment International B.V. business Luxshare Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 100.00% Establishment Precision Limited Yunding Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00% Establishment Technology Co., consulting 270 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. Business combination Huzhou Jiuding Processing and involving Electronic Co., Huzhou Huzhou 100.00% manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control LUXSHARE-IC Marketing Japan Japan 80.00 % Establishment T Japan Ltd. business Korea Marketing LuxshareICT Co., Korea Korea 100.00% Establishment business Ltd Luxshare India Processing and Indian Chennai 100.00% Establishment Private Limited manufacturing Luxshare Precision Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00% Establishment Investment Co., consulting Ltd. Luxis Technology Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00% Establishment Limited consulting Luxshare Liantao Processing and Indian Indian 100.00% Establishment (India) Co., Ltd. manufacturing Business TIME combination Interconnect Investment involving Hong Kong Hong Kong 70.95% Technology consulting enterprises not Limited under common control Business combination Huaxun Cable Investment involving BVI BVI 70.95% Co., Ltd. consulting enterprises not under common control Business combination Linkz involving International Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 70.95% enterprises not Limited under common control Business Huaxun combination Industrial Processing and involving Suzhou Suzhou 70.95% (Suzhou) Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business combination Huaxun Hong Investment involving Hong Kong Hong Kong 70.95% Kong Limited consulting enterprises not under common control Lingxun Wire Shanghai Shanghai Processing and 67.40% Business 271 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Industry manufacturing combination (Shanghai) Co., involving Ltd. enterprises not under common control Business combination Haohe Investment involving Manufacturing Hong Kong Hong Kong 70.95% consulting enterprises not Co., Ltd. under common control Business combination Haohe (Kunshan) Processing and involving Electronic Kunshan Kunshan 70.95% manufacturing enterprises not Material Co., Ltd. under common control Business combination Kunshan Deqin Processing and involving Machinery Co., Kunshan Kunshan 70.95% manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business Time combination Interconnect Investment involving BVI BVI 70.95% Inverstment consulting enterprises not Limted under common control Business combination TIME Investment involving Interconnect Hong Kong Hong Kong 70.95% consulting enterprises not (HK) Limited under common control Business TIME combination Interconnect Processing and involving Technology Huizhou Huizhou 70.95% manufacturing enterprises not (Huizhou) under common Limited control Business TIME combination Interconnect involving Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 70.95% Industrial Co., enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business TIME combination Interconnect involving Wiring Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 70.95% enterprises not Technology Co., under common Ltd. control Huizhou Huizhou Huizhou Processing and 70.95% Business 272 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Chuangxiang manufacturing combination Technology Co., involving Ltd. enterprises not under common control Business Huiju Robot combination Technology Processing and involving Shanghai Shanghai 70.95% (Shanghai) Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business Huizhi Software combination Technology Processing and involving Huizhou Huizhou 70.95% (Huizhou) Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control TIME Business Interconnect combination Wiring Processing and involving Huizhou Huizhou 70.95% Technology manufacturing enterprises not (Huizhou) Co., under common Ltd. control Business TIME combination Interconnect involving Server Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 70.95% enterprises not Technology Co., under common Ltd. control Dachuang Precision Intelligent Processing and Dongguan Dongguan 70.95% Establishment Manufacture manufacturing (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Dachuang Business Precision combination Intelligent Processing and involving Kunshan Kunshan 70.95% Manufacture manufacturing enterprises not (Kunshan) Co., under common Ltd. control Huiju Dachuang Information Processing and Shanghai Shanghai 70.95% Establishment (Shanghai) Co., manufacturing Ltd. Singapore Marketing Luxshare Co., Singapore Singapore 100.00% Establishment business Ltd. Business combination ICT-LANTO involving Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 100.00% LIMITED (HK) enterprises not under common control 273 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Business combination Processing and involving SpeedTech Corp. Taiwan Taiwan 31.47% manufacturing enterprises not under common control Business combination Processing and involving Castle Rock, Inc. Taiwan Xinbei City 12.59 % manufacturing enterprises not under common control Business combination Cyber Acoustics, Processing and involving Taiwan Taiwan 22.03% LLC (USA) manufacturing enterprises not under common control Business combination Caldigit Holding Processing and involving Taiwan Taiwan 12.59% Limited manufacturing enterprises not under common control Business combination Taiqiao Investment involving Investment Co., Taiwan Taiwan 31.47% consulting enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business combination Taihan Precision Processing and involving Taiwan Taiwan 9.22% Co., Ltd. manufacturing enterprises not under common control Luxshare-ICT Processing and (Vietnam) Vietnam Vietnam 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Limited Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Processing and Vietnam Vietnam 100.00% Establishment Company manufacturing Limited Luxshare-ICT Processing and (Nghe An) Vietnam Vietnam 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Limited Kunshan Luxshare Processing and Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Kunshan Luxshare Processing and Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment Precision Mould manufacturing Co., Ltd. 274 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare Precision Processing and Industry Baoding Baoding 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Baoding) Co., Ltd. Xuancheng Luxshare Processing and Anhui Xuancheng 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic Processing and Shanghai Shanghai 88.00% Establishment (Shanghai) Co., manufacturing Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Industry Liyang Liyang 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Yancheng Luxshare Processing and Yancheng Yancheng 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Hefei Hefei 100.00% Establishment Industry (Hefei) manufacturing Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Macheng Macheng 100.00% Establishment Industry (Hubei) manufacturing Co., Ltd. Luxshare Automotive Processing and Technology Shanghai Shanghai 90.00% Establishment manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Wuhu Wuhu 100.00% Establishment Industry (Wuhu) manufacturing Co., Ltd. Business combination Kunshan Lanto Processing and involving Electronic Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% manufacturing enterprises not Limited under common control Business combination Bozhou Lanto Processing and involving Electronic Bozhou Bozhou 100.00% manufacturing enterprises not Limited under common control Bozhou Xuntao Processing and Bozhou Bozhou 100.00% Establishment Electronic manufacturing 275 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Limited Suining Luxshare Processing and Precision Suining Suining 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Business Merry combination Electronics Processing and involving Suzhou Suzhou 51.00 % (Suzhou) Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Beijing Luxshare Acoustic Processing and Beijing Beijing 100.00% Establishment Technology Co., manufacturing Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Changzhi Changzhi 100.00% Establishment Industry (Shanxi) manufacturing Co., Ltd. Changzhi Luxshare Processing and Changzhi Changzhi 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Suzhou Lanto Processing and Electronic Co., Suzhou Suzhou 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Wan’an Xiexun Processing and Electronic Co., Wan’an Wan’an 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Business combination Xiexun Processing and involving Electronic (Ji’an) Ji’an Ji’an 100.00% manufacturing enterprises Co., Ltd. under common control ASAP Technology Processing and Ji’an Ji’an 100.00% Establishment (Jiangxi) Co., manufacturing Ltd. Business Yongxin County combination Boshuo Yongxin Yongxin Processing and involving 100.00% Electronic Co., County County manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Xinyu Xiexun Processing and Electronic Co., Xinyu Xinyu 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Jiangxi ASAP Processing and Electronic Co., Ji’an Ji’an 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Fujian JK Wiring Business Processing and Systems Co., Fuzhou Fuzhou 55.00% combination manufacturing Ltd.. involving 276 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 enterprises not under common control Jianou JK Wiring Processing and Jian’ou Jian’ou 55.00 % Establishment Systems Co., Ltd. manufacturing Business Luxshare combination Electronic Processing and involving Technology Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% manufacturing enterprises not (Kunshan) Co., under common Ltd. control Shenzhen Luxshare Processing and Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00% Establishment Acoustics manufacturing Technology Ltd. Fengshun Luxshare Processing and Fengshun Fengshun 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Chuzhou Chuzhou 100.00% Establishment Industry manufacturing (Chuzhou), Ltd. Luxshare New Processing and Energy (Anhui) Chuzhou Chuzhou 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Industry Chuzhou Chuzhou 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Mingguang) Co., Ltd. Business combination SuK Processing and involving Kunststofftechnik Germany Germany 100.00% manufacturing enterprises not GmbH under common control Business combination Luxshare Processing and involving Automation Kunshan Kunshan 70.00% manufacturing enterprises not (Jiangsu) Ltd. under common control Dongguan Luxshare Processing and Dongguan Dongguan 100.00% Establishment Precision manufacturing Industry Co., Ltd. Guangdong Luxshare & Processing and Merry Dongguan Dongguan 51.00% Establishment manufacturing Electronics Co., Ltd. Merry Huizhou Huizhou Processing and 51.00% Business 277 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Electronics manufacturing combination (Huizhou) Co., involving Ltd. enterprises not under common control Business Merry combination Electronics involving Shanghai Shanghai Trade 51.00% (Shanghai) Co., enterprises not Ltd. under common control Xingning Luxshare Processing and Xingning Xingning 100.00% Establishment Electronic Co., manufacturing Ltd. Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent Processing and Ji’an Ji’an 100.00% Establishment Manufacture Co., manufacturing Ltd. Shenzhen Luxshare Processing and Shenzhen Shenzhen 70.00% Establishment Standard Co., manufacturing Ltd. Luxshare Processing and Standard Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong 70.00% Establishment manufacturing (HK) Luxshare Precision Processing and Enshi Enshi 100.00% Establishment Industry (Enshi) manufacturing Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Industry Suzhou Suzhou 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Luxshare iTech Processing and (Zhejiang) Co., Jiashan Jiashan 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Luxshare Electronic Processing and Service Jiashan Jiashan 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Processing and Changshu Changshu 100.00% Establishment Technology manufacturing (Changshu) Co., Ltd. Dongguan Luxshare Processing and Dongguan Dongguan 90.00% Establishment Technology Co., manufacturing Ltd. 278 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare Technologies Hong Kong Hong Kong Trade 90.00% Establishment Limited Business combination Donguan Xuntao Processing and involving Electronic Co., Dongguan Dongguan 90.00% manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Xingning Luxshare Processing and Xingning Xingning 90.00% Establishment Technology Co., manufacturing Ltd. Suzhou Luxshare Processing and Technology Co., Kunshan Kunshan 90.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Hangzhou Xuntao Processing and Hangzhou Hangzhou 90.00 % Establishment Technology Co., manufacturing Ltd. Business Zhejiang Puxing combination Electronic Processing and involving Zhejiang Zhejiang 63.00 % Technology Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Dongguan Luxshare Smart-Link Processing and Dongguan Dongguan 90.00% Establishment Electronic manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. Business Shenzhen combination Huarong Processing and involving Shenzhen Shenzhen 68.42% Technology Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business Dongguan combination Huarong Processing and involving Communications Dongguan Dongguan 68.42% manufacturing enterprises not Technology Co., under common Ltd. control Business Dongguan combination Huarong Supply Processing and involving Chain Dongguan Dongguan 68.42% manufacturing enterprises not Management Co., under common Ltd. control Dongguan Business Changlong Processing and combination Dongguan Dongguan 68.42% Communications manufacturing involving Technology Co., enterprises not 279 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. under common control Luxshare Rechuan Processing and Technology Huizhou Huizhou 63.00 % Establishment manufacturing (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Business Shenzhen Sanhe combination Rongyu Processing and involving Shenzhen Shenzhen 90.00% Technology Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Shantou Luxshare Processing and Shantou Shantou 90.00% Establishment Technologies Co., manufacturing Ltd. Changshu Luxshare Industrial Investment Changshu Changshu 100.00% Establishment Investment consulting Management Co., Ltd. Rugao Luxshare Corporate Management Investment Services Rugao Rugao 9.09% Establishment consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) Lianxun Intelligent Processing and Rugao Rugao 100.00% Establishment Equipment manufacturing (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Yancheng Luxshare Corporate Management Investment Yancheng Yancheng 9.09% Establishment Services consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) Luxshare Intelligent Investment Equipment Yancheng Yancheng 9.14% Establishment consulting (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Jiashan Luxshare Business Investment Management Jiashan Jiashan 9.09% Establishment consulting Service Partnership (LP) Jiashan Luxshare Investment Jiashan Jiashan 9.14% Establishment Intelligent consulting 280 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Equipment Co., Ltd. Kunshan Luxshare Enterprise Investment Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment Management consulting Development Co., Ltd. Kunshan Luxshare Corporate Management Investment Kunshan Kunshan 9.09% Establishment Services consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) Luxshare Intelligent Processing and Equipment Kunshan Kunshan 9.46% Establishment manufacturing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Xi’an Xi’an 100.00% Establishment Technology manufacturing (Xi’an) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic Processing and Enshi Enshi 100.00% Establishment Technology manufacturing (Enshi) Co., Ltd. Luxis Technology Processing and (Kunshan) Co., Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Ltd. Business Luxcase combination Precision Processing and involving Technology Yancheng Yancheng 49.75% manufacturing enterprises not (Yancheng) Co., under common Ltd. control Business Ri Pei Computer combination Accessory Processing and involving Shanghai Shanghai 49.75% (Shanghai) Co., manufacturing enterprises not Ltd. under common control Business Ri Shan combination Computer Processing and involving Accessory Jiashan Jiashan 49.75% manufacturing enterprises not (Jiashan) Co., under common Ltd. control Ri Ming Business Computer Processing and combination Shanghai Shanghai 49.75% Accessory manufacturing involving (Shanghai) Co., enterprises not 281 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. under common control Business Sheng-Rui combination Electronic Processing and involving Technology Shanghai Shanghai 49.75% manufacturing enterprises not (Shanghai) under common Limited control Business Rida Intelligent combination Manufacture Processing and involving Rugao Rugao 49.75% Technology manufacturing enterprises not (Rugao) Co., Ltd. under common control Business combination Caseteck Investment involving Singapore PTE. Singapore Singapore 49.75% consulting enterprises not LTD. under common control Luxshare Smart Processing and Manufacturing Rugao Rugao 49.75% Establishment manufacturing (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Luxcase Precision Processing and Technology Kunshan Kunshan 49.75% Establishment manufacturing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxis Precision Intelligent Processing and Manufacture Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Processing and Electronic Kunshan Kunshan 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Service (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Liding Electronic Technology Processing and Dongguan Dongguan 100.00% Establishment (Dongguan) Co., manufacturing Ltd. Luxshare Precision Processing and Technology Nanjing Nanjing 100.00% Establishment manufacturing (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. Fengshun Luxshare Processing and Intelligent Fengshun Fengshun 100.00% Establishment manufacturing Manufacture Co., Ltd. 282 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Lisen Precision Technology Processing and Kunshan Kunshan 76.47% Establishment (Kunshan) Co., manufacturing Ltd. Descriptions on the difference between the shareholding ratio and the voting right ratio in the subsidiary: Basis for holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more than half of the voting rights but not controlling the investee: Basis for the control of significant structured entities included in the consolidation scope: Basis for determining whether a company is an agent or a principal: Other descriptions: (2) Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries In RMB Dividends declared and Profit or loss attributable Balance of minority Shareholding ratio of distributed to minority Name of subsidiary to minority shareholders interest at the end of the minority shareholders shareholders in the in the current period period current period Fujian JK Wiring 45.00% 9,952,024.62 81,778,214.01 Systems Co., Ltd.. Luxshare Automation 30.00% 5,449,686.88 130,939,834.33 (Jiangsu) Ltd. Merry Electronics 49.00% 45,310,378.96 304,832,545.91 (Huizhou) Co., LTD. Merry Electronics 49.00% 21,957,539.05 767,522,453.61 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. SpeedTech Corp. 68.81% 135,366,893.01 685,155,493.35 Luxcase Precision 50.25% 946,035,591.25 6,546,335,952.13 Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. TIME Interconnect 29.05% 33,035,844.74 320,124,830.11 Technology Limited Descriptions on the difference between the shareholding ratio of minority shareholders and their voting right ratio in the subsidiary: Other descriptions: (3) Main financial information of significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Name of Current Non-curr Total Current Non-curr Total Current Non-curr Total Current Non-curr Total subsidiary assets ent assets liabilities ent liabilities assets ent assets liabilities ent liabilities 283 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 assets liabilities assets liabilities Fujian JK 225,387, 34,466,8 259,854, 76,066,2 2,058,74 78,124,9 201,461, 39,539,0 241,000, 78,739,4 2,947,38 81,686,8 Wiring 528.35 13.43 341.78 33.04 4.29 77.33 773.41 06.41 779.82 90.18 2.89 73.07 Systems Co., Ltd.. Luxshare 853,085, 31,453,1 884,538, 445,946, 2,125,62 448,072, 738,818, 27,111,4 765,930, 366,214, 456,501. 366,670, Automation 188.44 15.58 304.02 568.61 0.97 189.58 949.79 31.45 381.24 443.87 81 945.68 (Jiangsu) Ltd. Merry 723,087, 195,161, 918,248, 291,492, 4,649,21 296,141, 778,911, 188,620, 967,531, 432,751, 5,877,57 438,629, Electronics 556.75 034.15 590.90 142.26 2.01 354.27 522.39 083.25 605.64 659.97 6.98 236.95 (Huizhou) Co., LTD. Merry 1,118,64 1,248,85 2,367,49 779,877, 21,247,8 801,125, 1,044,70 1,356,95 2,401,66 862,367, 24,681,8 887,048, Electronics 5,882.13 1,798.16 7,680.29 438.22 87.80 326.02 7,295.02 6,783.45 4,078.47 112.91 27.98 940.89 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. SpeedTech 2,956,55 1,684,80 4,641,36 2,064,77 402,089, 2,466,86 2,600,26 1,592,28 4,192,54 1,835,15 490,362, 2,325,51 Corp. 6,156.98 6,869.65 3,026.63 1,284.20 189.01 0,473.21 0,430.80 2,396.88 2,827.68 5,679.00 074.14 7,753.14 Luxcase 21,717,3 10,085,7 31,803,1 18,462,8 299,403, 18,762,2 22,778,4 9,339,57 32,118,0 20,783,8 337,685, 21,121,4 Precision 82,026.0 61,927.4 43,953.5 05,711.4 365.43 09,076.8 81,259.2 0,358.86 51,618.1 02,429.8 747.10 88,176.9 Technology 8 8 6 6 9 6 2 9 9 (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. TIME 4,227,06 1,151,77 5,378,83 3,696,09 571,746, 4,267,84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interconnect 3,889.34 0,360.26 4,249.60 7,636.04 429.42 4,065.46 Technology Limited In RMB Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Cash flow Cash flow Name of Total Total Operating from Operating from subsidiary Net profits comprehensi Net profits comprehensi income operating income operating ve incomes ve incomes activities activities Fujian JK 362,337,917. 22,115,610.2 22,415,457.7 30,946,808.7 326,411,016. 15,331,123.2 15,082,244.8 19,186,063.7 Wiring 86 7 0 2 33 7 3 6 Systems Co., Ltd.. Luxshare 1,506,997,04 18,165,622.9 37,206,678.8 -142,482,023. 863,982,192. 70,972,671.1 75,591,546.5 124,551,641. Automation 0.67 6 8 72 72 1 6 02 (Jiangsu) Ltd. 284 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Merry 1,203,376,37 92,470,161.1 93,204,867.9 201,137,711. 1,280,685,86 100,888,081. 102,990,996. -113,129,941. Electronics 8.49 6 4 43 3.21 51 60 39 (Huizhou) Co., LTD. Merry 2,017,425,92 44,811,304.1 51,757,216.7 219,743,993. 2,373,278,24 46,028,076.2 47,322,409.2 73,648,850.1 Electronics 8.45 9 0 26 6.97 2 8 6 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. SpeedTech 4,449,205,49 376,451,128. 307,477,478. -259,182,005. 4,316,395,11 378,360,435. 640,576,904. 251,280,685. Corp. 5.30 24 88 60 1.91 24 00 70 Luxcase 74,186,807,3 1,943,749,08 2,044,371,43 5,913,355,56 49,727,123,0 961,423,139. 991,691,069. 893,969,747. Precision 58.22 0.02 5.54 9.06 10.93 90 76 46 Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. TIME 4,623,757,73 114,427,001. 80,670,057.7 82,748,267.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interconnect 4.84 90 2 7 Technology Limited Other descriptions: (4) Major restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and repayment of enterprise group debts (5) Financial support or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of consolidated financial statements Other descriptions: 2. Transactions in which the share of owners’ equity in the subsidiary changes and still controls the subsidiary (1) Descriptions on changes in the shares of owners’ equity in subsidiaries During the reporting period, the Company sold its some shares in its subsidiary Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. (“LuxcaseICT Yancheng”), and its original shareholding rate was changed from 51.8269% to 49.7544%. (2) Impact of transactions on minority interest and owners’ equity attributable to the parent company In RMB Luxcase Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Acquisition cost/ disposal consideration --Cash 260,000,000.00 285 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 -- Fair value of non-cash assets Total acquisition cost/ disposal consideration 260,000,000.00 Less: share of subsidiaries’ net assets calculated by the 261,198,860.22 proportion of acquired/disposed equity shares Difference -1,198,860.22 Including: Adjustment to capital reserve -1,198,860.22 Adjustment to surplus reserve Adjustment to undistributed profits Other descriptions: 3. Equity in joint ventures or associates (1) Summary financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates In RMB Closing balance/Amount recognized in Opening balance/Amount recognized in the current period the prior period Joint ventures: Total book value of investment 119,066,960.41 106,220,235.27 Total amount of the following items calculated according to shareholding ratio --Net profit 23,777,786.12 27,841,266.03 --Other comprehensive income 2,113,184.27 351,380.96 --Total comprehensive income 25,890,970.39 28,192,646.99 Associates: Total book value of investment 1,880,940,682.25 1,053,757,599.22 Total amount of the following items calculated according to shareholding ratio --Net profit 770,981,706.30 1,896,055.92 --Other comprehensive income -65,915.00 -92,130,948.02 --Total comprehensive income 770,915,791.30 -90,234,892.10 Other descriptions: X. Risks associated with financial instruments Credit risks refer to the risks that one party to a financial instrument suffers financial losses due to the failure of the other party to perform its obligations. The customer credit risks mainly faced by the Company come from credit sale. Before signing a new contract, the Company will assess the credit risks generated by new customers from perspectives such as external credit rating and, in some cases, bank credit certification (when the same is available). The Company has a credit limit, which is the maximum amount 286 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 without additional approval, for each customer. The Company ensures that its overall credit risk is within the controllable range through quarterly monitoring of credit rating of existing customers and monthly review of aging analysis of accounts receivable. Customers are grouped according to their credit characteristics when the credit risks from them are monitored. Customers rated as “high risk” will be placed on the restricted customer list, and only with additional approval can the Company sell them on credit in the future period, otherwise they must be required to pay the corresponding amount in advance. Market risks Market risks of financial instruments refer to the risks that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will fluctuate due to market price changes, including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks. (1) Interest rate risk Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will fluctuate due to the change in market interest rate. The interest rate risk faced by the Company mainly comes from the long-term and short-term borrowings from banks. The Company, under its current policy, seeks to borrow in USD with a lower loan interest rate. In order to obtain loans, the Company has provided guarantee for its wholly-owned overseas subsidiaries ICT-Lanto Limited and Luxshare Precision Limited for overseas financing. (2) Exchange rate risk Exchange rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flow will fluctuate due to the change in foreign exchange rate. The Company tries to match foreign currency income with foreign currency expenditure to reduce exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company has signed forward foreign exchange contracts to avoid exchange rate risk. (3) Other price risks The Company holds equity investments of other listed companies, and the management believes that the market price risks faced by these investment activities is acceptable. The equity investments of listed companies held by the Company are presented as follows: Item Closing balance Balance at the end of last year Other investments in equity instruments 414,859,257.92 210,278,829.12 Total 414,859,257.92 210,278,829.12 Liquidity risks Liquidity risks refer to, with respect to an enterprise, the risks of capital shortage to the enterprise when it fulfills its obligation of settlement by cash or other financial assets. It is the Company’s policy to ensure that there is sufficient cash to pay its debts as they fall due. The liquidity risks are controlled by the financial department of the Company in a unified manner. By monitoring the cash balance, marketable securities that can be realized at any time and rolling forecast of cash flow in the next 12 months, the financial department ensures that the Company has sufficient funds to repay debts under all reasonable forecasts. XI. Disclosure of fair value 1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value In RMB Closing fair value Item Level I Level II Level I Total I. Continuous fair value -- -- -- -- measurement (I) Held-for-trading 27,039,649.45 1,326,226,850.46 1,353,266,499.91 financial assets 287 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 1. Financial assets at fair value through 27,039,649.45 1,326,226,850.46 1,353,266,499.91 profit or loss (3) Derivative financial 27,039,649.45 27,039,649.45 assets (4) Others 1,326,226,850.46 1,326,226,850.46 2. Designated as financial assets at fair 35,700,000.00 35,700,000.00 value through profit or loss (2) Investment in 35,700,000.00 35,700,000.00 equity instruments (III) Investment in other equity 342,379,257.92 97,727,734.74 440,106,992.66 instruments Total assets continuously measured 342,379,257.92 27,039,649.45 1,459,654,585.20 1,829,073,492.57 at fair value (VI) Held-for-trading 44,318,321.50 44,318,321.50 financial liabilities Among them, Held-for-trading bonds 41,436.00 41,436.00 issued Derivative 44,276,885.50 44,276,885.50 financial liabilities Total liabilities continuously measured 44,318,321.50 44,318,321.50 at fair value II. Non-continuous fair -- -- -- -- value measurement 2. Basis for determining the market price of the items continuously and not continuously measured at fair value at level I Level I inputs are quoted market price (unadjusted) in an active market for an identical asset or liability available at the date of measurement. 3. Valuation technology and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters used in the items continuously and not continuously measured at fair value at level II. Level II inputs are inputs other than quoted market price (Level I) that are directly or indirectly observable for the asset or liability. 4. Valuation technology and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters used in the items continuously and not continuously measured at fair value at level III Level III inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. 288 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 5. Adjustment information between the opening book value and the closing book value, and the sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters for items continuously measured at fair value at level III None 6. For items continuously measured at fair value, if there is conversion between different levels in the current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policy for determining the conversion time point None 7. Changes in valuation technology in the current period and reasons for changes None 8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value None 9. Others None XII. Related parties and related-party transactions 1. The parent company of the Company Shareholding ratio of Voting rights ratio of Name of parent Place of registration Nature of business Registered capital the parent company the parent company company in the Company in the Company Luxshare Limited Hong Kong Industry HKD10,000 38.39% 38.39% Descriptions on the parent company of the Company The ultimate controller of the Company is WANG Laichun and WANG Laisheng; As of December 31, 2022, Luxshare Limited has pledged 39.41% of shares it held. The ultimate controller of the enterprise is. Other descriptions: 2. Subsidiaries of the Company Please refer to Note “IX. Equity in other entities” for details of the Company’s subsidiaries 289 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company Please refer to Note “IX (3). Equity in joint ventures or associates” for details of the Company’s significant joint ventures or associates. Other joint ventures or associates that have related-party transactions with the Company in the current period or formed a balance due to related-party transactions with the Company in the prior period are as follows: Name of joint venture or associate Relationship with the Company Joint-stock company of a majority-owned sub-subsidiary of the Riyimao Industrial Co., Ltd. Company Joint-stock company of a majority-owned sub-subsidiary of the Assem Technology Co., Ltd. Company Joint-stock company of a majority-owned sub-subsidiary of the Xuande Energy Co., Ltd. Company Lihao Optoelectronics Technology (Nantong) Co., Ltd. Joint-stock company of a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company Xinhao Photoelectric Technology(HK)Limited Joint-stock company of a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company MERRY & LUXSHARE (VIETNAM) CO., Ltd. Joint-stock company of the Company’s subsidiary Zhuhai Kinwong Flexible Circuit Co., Ltd. Associates of the Company Other descriptions: 4. Other related parties Name of other related parties Relationship between other related parties and the Company Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company Luxsan Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company Luxsan Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company LUXSAN TECHNOLOGY LIMITED An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company BCS Automotive Interface Solutions An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. An enterprise controlled by the Company’s parent company Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Technology Limited Other related party of the Company Dongguan Terry Leather Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Terry Smart Manufacturing (Dongguan) Technology Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Shangrao City Lijing Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Luxvisions Innovation Limited Other related party of the Company Luxvisions Innovation (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Dongguan Gaowei Optical Electronics Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company COWELL OPTIC ELECTRONICS LTD Other related party of the Company Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Chery Automobile Henan Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Chery Commercial Vehicle (Anhui) Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company 290 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Terry Precision Corporation Other related party of the Company Terry Smart Manufacturing (Dongguan) Technology Co., Ltd. Other related party of the Company Teleray (Hong Kong) International Company Limited Other related party of the Company Xunmu Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Controlled by the de facto controller Lishan Smart Manufacturing Technology (Guangdong) Co., Controlled by the de facto controller Ltd. Other descriptions: 5. Related-party transactions (1) Related-party transactions of purchasing and selling goods, rendering and accepting services Purchasing goods/accepting services In RMB Amount Whether the Amount Related-party Approved Related party recognized in the transaction limit is recognized in the transactions transaction limit current period exceeded prior period Riyimao Industrial Processing 19,083,384.89 No 14,579,642.24 Co., Ltd. services Assem Technology Equipment and 1,642,783.57 No 1,544,704.07 Co., Ltd. apparatus Assem Technology Other services 1,015,414.60 No 7,025,321.51 Co., Ltd. Assem Technology Purchasing goods 20,623,798.84 No Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Kinwong Flexible Circuit Purchasing goods No 5,143.81 Co., Ltd. Bisaisi Automotive Technology Purchasing goods 23,441,183.61 50,000,000.00 No 3,708,934.25 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Purchasing goods 573,252.39 No 1,669,585.05 Technology Limited Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Service fees 2,365,923.22 No Technology Limited Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Facilities 9,050.00 No Technology Limited Luxsan Technology Purchasing goods 311,176,270.99 350,000,000.00 No 403,077.31 (Kunshan) Co., 291 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. Luxsan Precision Intelligent Water and Manufacture 36,498,229.20 No 20,052,496.84 electricity (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. LUXSAN TECHNOLOGY Purchasing goods 1,037,899,802.32 1,050,000,000.00 No 27,367,615.80 LIMITED Merry & Luxshare Purchasing goods 63,555,616.23 No 1,027,736.62 (Vietnam) Co., Ltd BCS Automotive Purchasing goods 33,585,700.71 No Interface Solutions Dongguan Terry Purchasing goods 802,216.95 No Leather Co., Ltd. Lihao Optoelectronics Technology Purchasing goods 336,203.20 No (Nantong) Co., Ltd. Terry Smart Manufacturing (Dongguan) Purchasing goods 1,139,462.18 No Technology Co., Ltd. Xunmu Information Technology Purchasing goods 9,763,593.17 No (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Dongguan Gaowei Optical Electronics Service fees 2,474,770.49 No Co., Ltd. Teleray (Hong Kong) Purchasing goods 943,970.54 No International Company Limited Luxvisions Housing rent, Innovation water and 844,931.03 No Limited electricity Lishan Smart Manufacturing Water and Technology 1,022,581.35 No electricity (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Selling goods/rendering services In RMB Amount recognized in the Amount recognized in the Related party Related-party transactions current period prior period 292 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Riyimao Industrial Co., Ltd. Other services 886.00 Assem Technology Co., Ltd. Other services 1,026,668.20 297,821.29 Shangrao City Lijing Innovation Technology Co., Selling products 346,000.00 Ltd. Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Technology Equipment and apparatus 2,542,359.91 Limited Guangzhou Luxvisions Innovation Technology Selling products 4,182,806.58 Limited Luxvisions Innovation Selling products 18,034.55 Limited Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Selling products 394,380,063.81 218,717,133.08 Ltd. BCS AUTOMOTIVE Selling products 1,916,774.55 910,682.54 INTERFACE SOLUTIONS Luxsan Technology Selling products 643,619,515.80 417,147,307.20 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxsan Precision Intelligent Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., Selling products 55,980,332.83 20,080,496.26 Ltd. LUXSAN Selling products 19,117,778.28 TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Xunmu Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Selling products 14,868,596.51 10,792,326.99 Ltd. Merry & Luxshare (Vietnam) Co., Selling products 31,838,922.39 16,898,647.66 Ltd Lihao Optoelectronics Technology (Nantong) Co., Selling products 3,922,201.00 Ltd. Xinhao R&D and marketing Photoelectric Technology 4,287,145.58 consulting fees (HK)Limited Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Selling products 550.00 Ltd. Dongguan Gaowei Optical Selling products 991,782.45 Electronics Co., Ltd. COWELL OPTIC Selling products 117,926,402.49 ELECTRONICS LTD Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. Selling products 28,562,202.47 Chery Automobile Henan Selling products 559,356.88 Co., Ltd. Chery Commercial Vehicle Selling products 220,361.59 293 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (Anhui) Co., Ltd. Descriptions on related-party transactions of purchasing and selling goods, and rendering and accepting services On August 25, 2022, the Company held the 10th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 10th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on the Prediction of Increase in Daily Related-party Transactions of the Company in 2022: to purchase goods from Luxsan Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. in the amount of up to RMB350,000,000.00; to purchase goods from Luxsan Technology Limited in the amount of up to RMB1,050,000,000.00; to purchase goods from Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. in the amount of up to RMB50,000,000.00; to sell goods to Luxsan Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. in the amount of up to RMB650,000,000.00; to sell goods to COWELL OPTIC ELECTRONICS LTD in the amount of up to RMB120,000,000.00; to sell goods to Bisaisi Automotive Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. in the amount of up to RMB400,000,000.00; (2) Related-party entrusted management/contracting and entrusted management/outsourcing Entrusted management/contracting of the Company: In RMB Trusteeship Commencement Pricing basis of Types of Termination date income/contract Name of Name of trustee/ date of trusteeship entrusted / of entrustment / income principal/owner contractor entrustment/contr income/contract contracted assets contract recognized in the act income current period Descriptions on related-party trusteeship/contract Statement of entrusted management/outsourcing of the Company: In RMB Trusteeship Commencement Pricing basis of Types of Termination date income/contract Name of Name of trustee/ date of trusteeship entrusted / of entrustment / income principal/owner contractor entrustment/contr income/contract contracted assets contract recognized in the act income current period Descriptions on related-party management/outsourcing (3) Related-party lease The Company acts as the lessor: In RMB Lease income recognized in the Lease income recognized in the Name of lessee Types of leased assets current period prior period The Company acts as the lessee: In RMB Categor Expenses related Variable lease Assumed interest Added right-of-use Lessor y of to short-term payments through Paid rent expenses of lease assets leased leases and profit or loss not liabilities 294 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 assets low-value assets included in the leases subject to measurement of simplified lease liabilities, if treatment, if any any Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun Amoun t t t t t t t t t Amount recogni recogni recogni recogni recogni recogni recogni recogni recogni recogniz zed in zed in zed in zed in zed in zed in zed in zed in zed in ed in the the the the the the the the the the prior current prior current prior current prior current prior current period period period period period period period period period period Luxsan Fixed Precision assets Intelligent 2,615,0 1,536,6 85,406,7 and Manufacture 51.89 53.21 89.07 buildin (Kunshan) Co., gs Ltd. Fixed Luxvisions assets 170,770 17,685, Innovation and .30 567.07 (Ji’an) Co., Ltd. buildin gs Descriptions on related-party leases (4) Related-party guarantee The Company acts as the guarantor In RMB Commencement date of Maturity date of Whether the guarantee Guaranteed party Amount of guarantee guarantee guarantee has been fulfilled Luxshare Precision 5,571,680,000.00 July 20, 2020 July 19, 2025 No Limited The Company acts as the guaranteed party In RMB Commencement date of Maturity date of Whether the guarantee Guarantor Amount of guarantee guarantee guarantee has been fulfilled Descriptions on related-party guarantee (5) Related-party loans In RMB Related party Loan amount Commencement date Maturity date Remarks Borrow Lend 295 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (6) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties In RMB Amount recognized in the Amount recognized in the prior Related party Related-party transactions current period period (7) Remuneration of key managers In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Compensation of key managers 13,665,822.35 10,465,440.15 Share-based payment of key managers 3,842,203.80 5,454,355.12 (8) Other related-party transactions 6. Accounts receivable and payable of related parties (1) Receivables In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Related party Book balance Bad-debt provision Book balance Bad-debt provision Guangzhou Luxvisions Accounts Innovation 3,407,360.47 1,703.68 1,617,967.38 808.98 receivables Technology Limited Bisaisi Automotive Accounts Technology 321,616,341.01 160,808.17 158,076,590.05 79,038.30 receivables (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. BCS Accounts AUTOMOTIVE 24,913.91 12.46 95,631.05 47.82 receivables INTERFACE SOLUTIONS Accounts Assem Technology 335,321.60 167.66 311,427.22 155.71 receivables Co., Ltd. Luxsan Accounts Technology 173,086,093.05 86,543.05 39,532,101.88 19,766.05 receivables (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxsan Precision Intelligent Accounts Manufacture 32,616,026.16 16,308.01 receivables (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Accounts Xunmu 2,848,819.77 1,424.41 12,256,936.88 6,128.47 receivables Information 296 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Merry & Accounts Luxshare 8,503,901.75 4,251.95 6,316,914.83 3,158.46 receivables (Vietnam) Co., Ltd LUXSAN Accounts TECHNOLOGY 3,036,189.27 1,518.09 receivables LIMITED COWELL OPTIC Accounts ELECTRONICS 89,178,452.13 44,589.23 receivables LTD Bisaisi Automotive Accounts Technology 621.50 0.31 receivables (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Accounts Chery Automobile 6,792,611.72 3,396.31 receivables Co., Ltd. Accounts Chery Automobile 632,073.27 316.04 receivables Henan Co., Ltd. Chery Commercial Accounts Vehicle (Anhui) 249,008.60 124.50 receivables Co., Ltd. Terry Smart Manufacturing Accounts (Dongguan) 126,839.11 63.42 receivables Technology Co., Ltd. Bisaisi Automotive Other receivables Technology 5,699,756.88 28,498.78 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Xuande Energy Other receivables 164,996.62 824.98 167,101.03 835.51 Co., Ltd. Luxsan Technology Other receivables 9,349.09 46.75 685.63 3.43 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. BCS AUTOMOTIVE Other receivables 803,488.22 4,017.44 INTERFACE SOLUTIONS Lihao Optoelectronics Other receivables Technology 3,922,636.50 19,613.18 (Nantong) Co., Ltd. Merry & Other receivables Luxshare 83,591.01 417.96 84,161.60 420.81 (Vietnam) Co., Ltd Other receivables Xinhao 19,207.53 96.04 297 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Photoelectric Technology(HK) Limited BCS Prepayments Automotive 10,761,181.73 Interface Solutions Bisaisi Automotive Notes receivable Technology 12,071,807.98 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (2) Payables In RMB Item Related party Closing book balance Opening book balance Accounts payable Assem Technology Co., Ltd. 6,958,457.33 5,479,111.65 Guangzhou Luxvisions Accounts payable Innovation Technology 149,969.97 1,445,279.42 Limited Luxvisions Innovation Accounts payable 75,514.52 80,169.45 Limited Bisaisi Automotive Accounts payable Technology (Suzhou) Co., 7,368,354.63 2,980,261.04 Ltd. Luxsan Precision Intelligent Accounts payable Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., 80,467,446.67 37,710,113.75 Ltd. Luxsan Technology Accounts payable 1,054,198.48 398,415.58 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Accounts payable Riyimao Industrial Co., Ltd. 9,959,460.45 8,597,415.91 Zhuhai Kinwong Flexible Accounts payable 5,143.81 Circuit Co., Ltd. Dongguan Gaowei Optical Accounts payable 2,404,063.04 Electronics Co., Ltd. Merry & Accounts payable 13,129,894.24 1,015,850.48 Luxshare (Vietnam) Co., Ltd BCS Accounts payable Automotive Interface 382,381.23 Solutions LUXSAN Accounts payable 907,791,605.59 23,227,385.80 TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Lihao Optoelectronics Accounts payable Technology (Nantong) Co., 267,949.42 Ltd. Luxvisions Innovation (Ji’an) Accounts payable 1,811,805.00 Co., Ltd. Lishan Smart Manufacturing Accounts payable 1,112,875.90 Technology (Guangdong) 298 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Co., Ltd. Teleray (Hong Kong) Accounts payable International Company 899,233.35 Limited Terry Smart Manufacturing Accounts payable (Dongguan) Technology Co., 1,653,291.06 Ltd. Xunmu Information Accounts payable Technology (Shanghai) Co., 1,154,129.50 Ltd. Other payables Assem Technology Co., Ltd. 2,537.96 Other payables Riyimao Industrial Co., Ltd. 9,196.33 Teleray (Hong Kong) Other payables International Company 44,737.19 Limited BCS Contract liabilities Automotive Interface 9,387.26 Solutions Luxvisions Innovation (Ji’an) Lease liabilities 17,024,178.30 Co., Ltd. Luxsan Precision Intelligent Lease liabilities Manufacture (Kunshan) Co., 65,504,587.32 Ltd. 7. Commitment of related parties 8. Others XIII. Share-based payment 1. General situation of share-based payment Applicable □ N/A In RMB Total amount of the Company’s equity instruments granted in the current 168,513,000.00 period Total amount of the Company’s equity instruments exercised in the current 49,415,696.00 period Total amount of the Company’s equity instruments invalid in the current 2,468,651.00 period 299 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 The range of exercise prices of Company’s outstanding stock options at See the following descriptions the end of the period and the remaining term of the contract The range of exercise prices of other equity instruments issued by the See the following descriptions Company at the end of the period and the remaining term of the contract Other descriptions: The range of exercise prices of Company’s outstanding stock options at the end of the period and the remaining term of the contract: (1) On September 25, 2018, the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Grantees under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. was approved upon deliberation at the 5th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors of the Company. Accordingly, the Company granted 97.50 million of stock options to 1,899 eligible grantees at the exercise price of RMB17.58 per share. After 12 months from the date on which the registration of grants was completed, grantees meeting the exercise conditions would exercise the options in five periods, with a proportion of 20% for each period, in the following 60 months; According to the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Second Exercise Period under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan approved upon deliberation at the 27th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors of the Company held on December 2, 2020, given that the exercise condition for the second exercise period under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan had been matured, it was agreed that 1,718 grantees of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan would independently exercise their options at the exercise price of RMB10.28 per share, with the estimated stock options to be exercised numbering 31,212,577 (the actual number of stock options to be exercised shall be subject to registered number by Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.) (2) On April 22, 2019, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Initial Grantees under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 50,076,000 stock options would be granted to 348 eligible grantees and 12, 519,000 stock options would be reserved for future granting. The stock options initially granted under this incentive plan was RMB 23.36 per share. (3) On November 27, 2019, the Company held the 13th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees in Reserved Grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which the Company granted 16,274,700 stock options to 263 eligible grantees at an exercise price of RMB17.93 per share, and after 12 months from the date on which the registration of grants was completed, grantees meeting the exercise conditions would exercise the stock options in five periods, with a proportion of 20% for each period, in the following 60 months. (4) On December 3,2021, the Company held the 6th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Grantees under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 52,419,000 stock options would be granted to 1,097 eligible grantees on December 3, 2021 as the grant date of the incentive plan. The exercise price of stock options initially granted under this incentive plan was RMB 35.87 per share. Since 22 original grantees resigned from the Company and 3 original grantees gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees subject to this stock option incentive was changed from 1,097 to 1,072 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 52,419,000 to 52,092,000. On September 15, 2022, the Company held the 11th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 11th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees in Reserved Grant under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan, whereby it was determined that 13,101,000 stock options would be granted to 365 eligible grantees on September 15, 2022 as the grant date of the reserved stock options. The exercise price of reserved stock options under this incentive plan was RMB 35.76 per share. Since 9 original grantees resigned from the Company or gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees subject to this stock option incentive was changed from 365 to 356 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 13,101,000 to 12,785,800. (5) On December 15, 2022, the Company held the 14th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and 300 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees under the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 172,021,000 stock options would be granted to 3,759 eligible grantees on December 5, 2022 as the grant date of the reserved stock options. The exercise price of stock options initially granted under this incentive plan was RMB 30.35 per share. Since 254 original grantees resigned from the Company or gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees subject to this stock option incentive was changed from 3,759 to 3,505 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 172,021,000 to 168,513,000. 2. Share-based payment settled in equity Applicable □ N/A In RMB Method of determining the fair value of equity instruments on the Black-Scholes model grant date The determination is made by the Company according to the Basis for determining the number of exercisable equity instruments equity instruments corresponding to the on-the-job grantees and the Company’s performance forecast in the future. Reasons for significant differences between current and prior None estimates Cumulative amount of share-based payment settled in equity 1,392,773,414.52 included in the capital reserve Total amount of share-based payment settled in equity recognized in 431,567,195.11 the current period Other descriptions: (1) On September 25, 2018, the Company held the 5th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 5th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Grantees under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 97,500,000 stock options would be granted to 1,899 eligible grantees on September 25, 2018 as the grant date of the incentive plan. On November 27, 2019, the Company held the 13th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 13th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price and Quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Initial Exercise Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of grantees was changed from 1,870 to 1,762, the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 97,300,000 to 122,327,530, and the exercise price of stock options was changed from RMB17.58 per share to RMB13.48 per share. On June 22, 2020, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price and Quantity under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018 and 2019, and Cancellation of Some Stock Options. After the adjustment, the quantity of stock options that was not exercised was changed from 99,001,310 to 128,698,841, and the exercise price of stock options that was not exercised was changed from RMB13.48 per share to RMB10.28 per share. On December 2, 2020, the Company held the 27th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 27th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Second Exercise Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of grantees 301 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 1,762 to 1,719, and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 127,217,803 to 125,056,043. On July 2, 2021, the Company held the 2nd meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018 and 2019 and Cancellation of Some Stock Options of the Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2019. After the adjustment, the exercise price of stock options that was not exercised was changed from RMB 10.28 per share to RMB 10.17 per share. On September 30, 2021, the Company held the 4th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 4th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options. After the adjustment, the number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 1,719 to 1,695, and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 93,843,466 to 92,964,441. On December 3, 2021, the Company held the 6th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the sixth meeting of the fifth session of the Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Third Exercise Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 1,695 to 1,653, and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 92,964,441 to 90,887,187. On July 6, 2022, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018, 2019 and 2021, and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2019. After the adjustment, the exercise price of stock options that was not exercised was changed from RMB 10.17 per share to RMB 10.06 per share. On December 5, 2022, the Company held the 14th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 14th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Quantity under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Fourth Exercise Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 1,653 to 1,607, and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 60,875,365 to 59,645,321. (2) On April 22, 2019, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, at which it deliberated and approved the Proposal on Granting Stock Options to Subordinated Grantees under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., determining that 50,076,000 stock options would be granted to 348 eligible initial grantees on April 22, 2019 as the grant date of the incentive plan. On November 27, 2019, the Company held the 13th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 13th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price and Quantity under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan and the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees in Reserved Grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. Due to the implementation by the Company of the annual equity distribution plan in 2018, the exercise price and quantity under the 2019 stock option incentive plan were adjusted. After adjustment, the exercise price of the stock option initially granted was changed from RMB23.36 per share to RMB17.93 per share, the quantity of stock options initially granted was changed from 50,076,000 to 65,098,800, and the quantity of reserved stock options granted was changed from 12,519,000 to 16,274,700. At the same time, the Board of Directors considered that the Company and the grantees had met the conditions for the grant of reserved stock options under the Company’s 2019 incentive plan, and consented to grant 16,274,700 stock options to 263 grantees on November 27, 2019 as the grant date of reserved stock options at the exercise price of RMB17.93 per share. 302 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 On June 22, 2020, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price and Quantity under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018 and 2019, and Cancellation of Some Stock Options, and the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Initial Exercise Period of the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After this adjustment, the number of initial grantees under the 2019 stock option incentive plan was adjusted from 348 to 340, the quantity of stock options initially granted was adjusted from 65,098,800 to 84,626,558, and the exercise price of the stock options initially granted was adjusted from RMB17.93 per share to RMB13.70 per share; the quantity of reserved stock options granted was adjusted from 16,241,700 to 21,113,740, and the exercise price thereof was adjusted from RMB17.93 per share to RMB13.70 per share. On January 22, 2021, the Company held the 29th Meeting of the fourth session of Board of Directors and the 29th Meeting of the fourth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the List of Grantees in Reserved Grant, Exercise Quantity under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan and Cancellation of Some Stock Options as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Initial Exercise Period of the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 258 to 250, and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 21,113,740 to 20,657,454. On July 2, 2021, the Company held the 2nd meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018 and 2019, and Canceling Some Stock Options of the Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2019, as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Second Exercise Period of the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of initial grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 340 to 332, the quantity of stock options initially granted was changed from 65,977,698 to 65,232,789, and the exercise price of stock options that was initially granted and reserved for grantees was changed from RMB 13.70 per share to RMB 13.59 per share. On July 6, 2022, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018, 2019 and 2021, and Cancellation of Some Stock Options of the Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2019, as well as the Proposal on Achievement of the Exercise Conditions for the Third Exercise Period in Initial Grant under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan. After the adjustment, the number of initial grantees subject to the stock option incentive plan was changed from 332 to 322, the quantity of stock options initially granted was changed from 49,032,311 to 48,393,020, and the exercise price of stock options that was initially granted and reserved for grantees was changed from RMB 13.59 per share to RMB 13.48 per share. (3) On December 3,2021, the Company held the 6th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 52,419,000 stock options would be granted to 1,097 eligible grantees on December 3, 2021 as the grant date of the incentive plan. The exercise price of stock options initially granted under this incentive plan was RMB 35.87 per share. Since 22 original grantees resigned from the Company and 3 original grantees gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees subject to this stock option incentive was changed from 1,097 to 1,072 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 52,419,000 to 52,092,000. On July 6, 2022, the Company held the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price under the Stock Option Incentive Plans in 2018, 2019 and 2021, and Cancellation of Some Stock Options under the Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2019. After the adjustment, the exercise price of stock options that was not exercised was changed from RMB 35.87 per share to RMB 35.76 per share. (4) On September 15, 2022, the Company held the 11th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors and the 11th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees in Reserve Grant under the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan, whereby it was determined that 13,101,000 stock options would be granted to 365 eligible grantees on September 15, 2022 as the grant date of the reserved stock options. The exercise price of reserved 303 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 stock options under this incentive plan was RMB 35.76 per share. Since 9 original grantees resigned from the Company or gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees in reserve grant under this stock option incentive was changed from 365 to 356 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 13,101,000 to 12,785,800. (5) On December 5, 2022, the Company held the 14th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Grant of Stock Options to Grantees under the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., whereby it was determined that 172,021,000 stock options would be granted to 3,759 eligible grantees on December 5, 2022 as the grant date of the stock options. The exercise price of stock options initially granted under this incentive plan was RMB 30.35 per share. Since 245 original grantees resigned from the Company or gave up all stock options to be granted to them for personal reasons, the number of grantees in reserved grant under this stock option incentive was changed from 3,759 to 3,505 and the quantity of stock options granted was changed from 172,021,000 to 168,513,000. 3. Share-based payment settled in cash □ Applicable N/A 4. Modification and termination of share-based payment None 5. Others None XIV. Commitments and contingencies 1. Significant commitments Significant commitments on the balance sheet date The Company has no significant commitments to be disclosed. 2. Contingencies (1) Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date The Company has no significant contingencies to be disclosed. (2) Notes shall be made if the Company has no significant contingencies that need to be disclosed The Company has no significant contingencies to be disclosed. 304 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 3. Others XV. Events after the balance sheet date 1. Significant non-adjusting items In RMB Effected quantum on financial Reasons why the effected Item Content position and operating results quantum cannot be estimated According to the resolution of the 16th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, the Company intends to apply for a comprehensive credit line amounting to RMB38.3 billion in aggregate from 17 banks. The above credit line Obtain the comprehensive credit will be subject to the actual line from banks approval of these banks, including RMB loans, bank acceptance bills, letters of credit, letters of guarantee, forward foreign exchange and other local and foreign currency credit varieties, with credit terms of one year for all. According to the resolution of the 16th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, the Company plans to obtain a three-year syndicated loan with the offshore wholly-owned subsidiary Provide guarantee for the Luxshare Precision Limited as syndicated loan of subsidiaries the main borrower, and provides a joint and several liability guarantee of USD 800 million for the three-year syndicated loan of the wholly-owned subsidiary Luxshare Precision Limited. 305 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 2. Profit distribution In RMB Profits or dividends planned to distribute 7,130,392,419.00 Profits or dividends approved to distribute 926,951,014.47 Profit distribution plan According to the resolutions of the 16th meeting of the fifth session of Board of Directors, the Company distributes to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.30 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7,130,392,419 shares, totaling RMB926,951,014.47 (inclusive of tax), and to carry forward the retained profits for distribution in subsequent years. 3. Sales return None 4. Description on events after the balance sheet date None XVI. Other significant events 1. Correction of previous accounting errors (1) Retrospective restatement In RMB Name of the affected item in the Accounting error corrected Processing procedure statements of the comparison Cumulative quantum affected period None (2) Prospective Application Reasons for adopting method of Accounting error corrected Approval procedure prospective application None 2. Debt restructuring None 306 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 3. Asset replacement (1) Exchange of non-monetary assets None (2) Replacement of other assets 4. Annuity plan None 5. Termination of operation In RMB Profits from termination of Income tax operation Item Income Costs Total profits Net profits expenses attributable to the owners of the parent company Other descriptions: None 6. Other significant transactions and events affecting the investors’ decisions None 7. Others The Company as a lessee Item Current period Prior period Interest expense on lease liabilities 44,537,265.44 30,548,145.32 Expenses related to short-term leases subject to simplified treatment that are recognized in the cost of related assets and the profit or loss for the 141,495,257.27 131,587,654.61 current period Expenses related to low-value assets leases subject to simplified treatment that are recognized in the cost of related assets and the profit or loss for the current period (excluding the expenses related to short-term lease of low-value assets) Variable lease payments recognized in the cost of related assets or the 307 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Item Current period Prior period profit or loss for the current period, but not included in the measurement of lease liabilities Among them, From sale and leaseback transactions Income from subletting right to use assets Total cash outflows for leases 300,557,370.62 213,908,363.34 Relevant profit or loss arising from sale and leaseback transactions Cash inflows from sale and leaseback transactions Cash outflows from sale and leaseback transactions XVII. Notes to key items in financial statements of the parent company 1. Accounts receivable (1) Categorized disclosure of accounts receivable In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Book balance Bad-debt provision Book balance Bad-debt provision Category Book Provision Provision Book value Amount Proportion Amount value Amount Proportion Amount proportion proportion Accounts receivable 241,403. 0.01% 241,403 100.00% 241,403.3 0.01% 241,403. 100.00% for which bad-debt 36 .36 6 36 provision is made individually Including: 241,403. 0.01% 241,403 100.00% 241,403.3 0.01% 241,403. 100.00% Entity 1 36 .36 6 36 Accounts receivable 6,146,04 99.99% 15,127, 0.25% 6,130,9 2,908,049 99.99% 6,424,42 0.22% 2,901,625,1 for which bad-debt 7,167.36 587.81 19,579. ,591.01 2.80 68.21 provision is made by 55 group Including: 1,092,89 17.78% 15,127, 1.38% 1,077,7 1,358,822 46.72% 6,424,42 0.47% 1,352,398,0 Group by aging 7,234.00 587.81 69,646. ,492.40 2.80 69.60 19 Related party group 5,053,14 82.21% 5,053,1 1,549,227 53.27% 1,549,227,0 in the scope of 9,933.36 49,933. ,098.61 98.61 308 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 consolidation 36 6,146,28 100.00% 15,368, 6,130,9 2,908,290 100.00% 6,665,82 2,901,625,1 Total 8,570.72 991.17 19,579. ,994.37 6.16 68.21 55 Provision for bad debts made individually: 241,403.36 In RMB Closing balance Description Book balance Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Reason for provision Entity 1 241,403.36 241,403.36 100 % It cannot be recovered Total 241,403.36 241,403.36 Provision for bad debts made by groups: 15,127,587.81 In RMB Closing balance Description Book balance Bad-debt provision Provision proportion Undue 1,060,635,810.82 530,317.94 0.05% 1 to 60 days overdue 13,566,062.25 678,303.19 5.00% 61 to 120 days overdue 812,899.90 243,869.97 30.00% 121 to 180 days overdue 1,603,021.06 641,208.42 40.00% 181 to 365 days overdue 4,275,767.39 2,137,883.74 50.00% 1 to 2 years (excluding 1 year) 11,076,680.31 9,969,012.28 90.00% overdue Over 2 years overdue 926,992.27 926,992.27 100.00% Total 1,092,897,234.00 15,127,587.81 Descriptions on basis for determining the group: Group by aging If the bad-debt provision for accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit loss, please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables to disclose the relevant information of bad debt provision: □ Applicable N/A Disclosure by aging In RMB Aging Book balance Within 1 year (including 1 year) 6,134,043,494.78 Including: undue 6,113,655,873.43 1 to 60 days overdue 13,695,933.00 61 to 120 days overdue 812,899.90 121 to 180 days overdue 1,603,021.06 309 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 181 to 365 days overdue 4,275,767.39 1 to 2 years 11,076,680.31 2-3 years 925,835.14 Over 3 years 242,560.49 Over 5 years 242,560.49 Total 6,146,288,570.72 (2) Bad-debt provision made, recovered or reversed in the current period Bad-debt provision in the current period: In RMB Amount of change in the current period Category Opening balance Recover or Closing balance Provision Write off Other reversal Provision on an 241,403.36 241,403.36 individual basis Provision on a 6,424,422.80 8,703,165.01 15,127,587.81 group basis Total 6,665,826.16 8,703,165.01 15,368,991.17 Including significant amounts reversed or recovered from the current provision for bad debts: In RMB Entity name Amount recovered or reversed Recovery method (3) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period In RMB Item Write off amount Including the write-off of significant accounts receivable: In RMB Whether the funds Nature of accounts Reasons for write Procedures for write are generated by Entity name Write off amount receivable off off related-party transactions Descriptions on the write off of receivables: (4) Accounts receivable with top five closing balance - by debtor In RMB Entity name Closing balance of accounts Proportion in total closing Closing balance of bad-debt 310 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 receivable balance of accounts receivable provision Entity 1 1,749,776,540.56 28.47% Entity 2 1,052,420,233.45 17.12% Entity 3 675,865,267.60 11.00% Entity 4 363,192,623.33 5.91% Entity 5 350,222,262.43 5.70% Total 4,191,476,927.37 68.20% (5) Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuing involvement None Other descriptions: (6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets None 2. Other receivables In RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Dividends receivable 150,000,000.00 211,543,626.19 Other receivables 100,596,765.44 423,508,501.65 Total 250,596,765.44 635,052,127.84 (1) Dividends receivable 1) Classification of dividends receivable In RMB Item (or Investee) Closing balance Opening balance Wan’an Xiexun Electronic Co., Ltd. 11,543,626.19 Kunshan Lanto Electronic Limited 200,000,000.00 Luxshare Precision Industry (Chuzhou), 150,000,000.00 Ltd. Total 150,000,000.00 211,543,626.19 2) Significant dividends receivable with aging over 1 year In RMB 311 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Whether there is Reasons for Item (or Investee) Closing balance Aging impairment and its non-recovery judgment basis 3) Bad-debt provision □ Applicable N/A Other descriptions: (2) Other receivables 1) Classification of other receivables by nature In RMB Nature of receivables Closing book balance Opening book balance Reserve fund 8,000.00 33,273.76 Security deposit 5,692,864.47 31,756,216.84 Others 95,013,902.20 142,559,720.70 Current account 385,572.60 250,035,350.00 Total 101,100,339.27 424,384,561.30 2) Bad-debt provision In RMB Stage I Stage II Stage III Bad-debt provision Lifetime ECL (without Lifetime ECL (with credit Total 12 -month ECL credit impaired) unimpaired) Balance as at January 1, 876,059.65 876,059.65 2022 Balance as at January 1, 2022 in the current period Reversal 372,485.82 372,485.82 Balance as at December 503,573.83 503,573.83 31, 2022 Changes in book balance of provision for loss with significant changes in the current period □ Applicable N/A Disclosure by aging In RMB 312 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Aging Book balance Within 1 year (including 1 year) 101,100,339.27 Including: undue 101,100,339.27 Total 101,100,339.27 3) Bad-debt provision made, recovered or reversed in the current period Bad-debt provision in the current period: In RMB Amount of change in the current period Opening Category Recover or Closing balance balance Provision Write off Other reversal Group by aging 876,059.65 372,485.82 503,573.83 Total 876,059.65 372,485.82 503,573.83 Including significant amounts reversed or recovered from the current provision for bad debts: In RMB Entity name Amount reserved or recovered Recovery method 4) Other receivables actually written off in the current period In RMB Item Write off amount Including the write off of significant other receivables: In RMB Whether the funds Nature of other Reasons for write Procedures for write are generated by Entity name Write off amount receivables off off related-party transactions Descriptions on the write off of other receivables 5) Other receivables with top five closing balance - by debtor In RMB Proportion in total Closing balance of Entity name Nature of receivables Closing balance Aging closing balance of bad-debt provision other receivables Entity 1 Equity transfer funds 95,000,000.00 Undue 93.97% 475,000.00 Entity 2 Security deposit 4,216,931.94 Undue 4.17% 21,084.66 Entity 3 Security deposit 412,839.90 Undue 0.41% 2,064.20 313 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Entity 4 Security deposit 298,575.04 Undue 0.30% 1,492.88 Entity 5 Current account 282,800.00 Undue 0.28% Total 100,211,146.88 99.13% 499,641.74 6) Receivables involving government grants In RMB Name of government Aging at the end of the Estimated time, amount Entity name Closing balance grant period and basis of collection None 7) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets None 8) Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring other receivables and continuing involvement None Other descriptions: 3. Long-term equity investments In RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Provision for Provision for Book balance Book value Book balance Book value impairment impairment Investment in 22,124,109,565.8 28,560,179.80 22,095,549,386.0 21,141,692,140.2 28,560,179.80 21,113,131,960.4 subsidiaries 6 6 9 9 Investment in 271,906,254.31 34,372,608.46 237,533,645.85 255,849,450.14 34,372,608.46 221,476,841.68 joint ventures and associates 22,396,015,820.1 62,932,788.26 22,333,083,031.9 21,397,541,590.4 62,932,788.26 21,334,608,802.1 Total 7 1 3 7 (1) Investment in subsidiaries In RMB Increase and decrease in the current period Closing Opening Closing balance of Investee balance Additional Reduced Provision for balance Others provision for (book value) investment investment impairment (book value) impairment ASAP 273,465,444. 6,121,678.10 279,587,122. 314 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Technology 28 38 (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. Xiexun Electronic 244,934,671. 248,697,661. 3,762,990.34 (Ji’an) Co., 32 66 Ltd. Suining Luxshare Precision 2,186,752.24 326,520.16 2,513,272.40 Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 158,059,935. 158,059,935. Technology 32 32 Co., Ltd. ICT-LANTO 987,362,500. 987,362,500. LIMITED 26 26 Luxshare 32,423,829.9 32,423,829.9 Precision 0 0 Limited Kunshan Lanto 3,312,908,58 83,102,385.9 3,396,010,97 Electronic 4.49 7 0.46 Limited Dongguan Leader 65,842,326.2 65,586,759.6 Precision 255,566.58 2 4 Industry Co., Ltd. Kunshan Luxshare 516,652,244. 519,241,909. Precision 2,589,665.39 23 62 Industry Co., Ltd. Wan’an Xiexun 40,304,678.6 40,503,741.5 199,062.97 Electronic 1 8 Co., Ltd. Fujian JK Wiring 96,849,122.7 97,148,970.1 299,847.43 Systems Co., 6 9 Ltd.. Xingning Luxshare 349,906.26 322,971.92 672,878.18 Technology Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 771,166,474. 14,423,058.7 785,589,532. Industry 22 7 99 (Chuzhou), Ltd. SuK 33,746,516.1 33,746,516.1 Kunststofftec 4 4 hnik GmbH Fengshun 10,140,621.6 10,162,220.5 21,598.85 Luxshare 8 3 315 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Luxshare 28,560,179.8 Acoustics 6,096,663.82 1,113,836.02 7,210,499.84 0 Technology Ltd. Dongguan Luxshare 1,030,342,56 1,034,817,36 Precision 4,474,799.15 5.09 4.24 Industry Co., Ltd. Luxshare Automation 45,974,856.1 19,041,055.9 65,015,912.0 (Jiangsu) 3 2 5 Ltd. Shenzhen Luxshare 21,000,000.0 21,000,000.0 Standard Co., 0 0 Ltd. Jiangxi Luxshare 1,076,908,29 41,050,855.2 1,117,959,14 Intelligent 3.28 4 8.52 Manufacture Co., Ltd. Donguan Xuntao -10,934,325. -10,363,501. 570,824.50 Electronic 99 49 Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic 2,257,826,41 12,639,377.1 2,270,465,78 Technology 2.24 2 9.36 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 101,400,809. 106,126,860. Components 4,726,051.59 28 87 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 102,105,631. 102,776,306. Industry 670,674.90 25 15 (Enshi) Co., Ltd. Yongxin County Boshuo 851,111.85 256,219.85 1,107,331.70 Electronic Co., Ltd. LUXSHARE -ICT Japan 2,378,020.70 762,892.72 3,140,913.42 Ltd. Taiwan Luxshare 120,492,441. 52,594,335.1 173,086,776. Precision 40 5 55 Limited 316 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Luxshare-IC 34,776,585.5 11,820,355.2 46,596,940.8 T, inc. 6 5 1 Korea Luxshare-IC 5,160,292.60 675,950.02 5,836,242.62 T Co., Ltd. LUXSHARE -ICT 182,206.32 182,206.32 EUROPE LIMITED Merry Electronics 11,737,053.9 4,791,141.39 6,945,912.51 (Suzhou) 0 Co., Ltd. Kunshan-Lu xshare RF 30,888,796.6 30,888,796.6 Technology 7 7 Co., Ltd. Merry Electronics 2,520,395.08 734,706.78 3,255,101.86 (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Jiangxi ASAP 1,986,530.58 14,211.86 1,972,318.72 Electronic Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry 1,358,413.62 51,171.70 1,409,585.32 (Baoding) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry 1,726,068.70 806,362.91 2,532,431.61 (Shanxi) Co., Ltd. Dongguan Luxshare Smart-Link 467,029.39 144,862.94 611,892.33 Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Luxshare & Merry 1,058,103.73 1,058,103.73 Electronics Co., Ltd. Bozhou Lanto 4,972,830.12 1,344,494.80 6,317,324.92 Electronic Limited Kunshan Luxshare Precision 1,291,779.13 1,291,779.13 Mould Co., Ltd. Huzhou 1,216,872.81 894,217.66 2,111,090.47 Jiuding 317 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Electronic Co., Ltd. Xinyu Xiexun 10,480,823.9 6,141,108.78 4,339,715.13 Electronic 1 Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 130,000,000. 130,000,000. Industry 00 00 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Luxshare iTech 778,806,257. 24,125,424.9 802,931,682. (Zhejiang) 19 5 14 Co., Ltd. Bozhou Xuntao 225,413.58 34,835.88 260,249.46 Electronic Limited Dongguan Luxshare 890,495,013. 16,289,675.2 906,784,689. Technology 95 3 18 Co., Ltd. Xuancheng Luxshare 17,031,506.3 20,548,360.7 Precision 3,516,854.46 0 6 Industry Co., Ltd. Beijing Luxshare Acoustic 5,225,761.43 2,284,528.29 7,510,289.72 Technology Co., Ltd. Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture 1,409,514,24 31,818,887.1 1,441,333,13 Technology 4.73 4 1.87 (Changshu) Co., Ltd. Xingning Luxshare 182,736.53 38,711.39 221,447.92 Electronic Co., Ltd. SpeedTech 1,523,857.68 767,235.24 2,291,092.92 Corp. Luxshare Technologies 1,579,680.58 2,708,494.19 4,288,174.77 Limited Changshu Luxshare Industrial 110,210,000. 51,457,000.0 161,667,000. Investment 00 0 00 Management Co., Ltd. Kunshan 200,000,000. 200,000,000. Luxshare 00 00 Enterprise 318 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Management Development Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry 95,071.11 89,149.14 184,220.25 (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Rida Intelligent Manufacture 12,642,132.7 4,564,728.72 8,077,404.07 Technology 9 (Rugao) Co., Ltd. Rikai Computer 5,760,562,16 10,258,776.0 5,770,757,30 63,635.06 Accessories 5.73 2 6.69 Co., Ltd. Luxis Technology 151,471,194. 95,474,836.4 246,946,030. (Kunshan) 52 7 99 Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic 15,000,000.0 20,000,000.0 35,000,000.0 Technology 0 0 0 (Enshi) Co., Ltd. Liding Electronic 55,590,269.6 195,985,704. 251,575,973. Technology 4 13 77 (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 27,601,994.9 28,601,994.9 Technology 1,000,000.00 8 8 (Xi’an) Co., Ltd. Luxis Precision Intelligent 161,382,181. 143,783,418. 305,165,600. Manufacture 30 80 10 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision 24,375,706.4 24,775,706.4 Technology 400,000.00 4 4 (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Electronic 340,902.08 4,139,431.79 4,480,333.87 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Ri Ming Computer 20,493,091.7 21,156,714.4 Accessory 663,622.71 2 3 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 319 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ri Pei Computer Accessory 1,302,245.97 727,132.35 575,113.62 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Sheng-Rui Electronic Technology 36,362.89 10,985.44 47,348.33 (Shanghai) Limited Ri Shan Computer 11,733,114.7 12,158,105.9 Accessory 424,991.24 3 7 (Jiashan) Co., Ltd. LUXSHARE -ICT 1,790,298.57 1,218,051.06 572,247.51 (VIETNAM) LIMITED Hangzhou Xuntao 9,999,497.45 3,923,894.98 6,075,602.47 Technology Co., Ltd. Dachuang Precision Intelligent 15,703,722.7 15,703,722.7 Manufacture 7 7 (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Fengshun Luxshare Intelligent 2,104,000.00 2,104,000.00 Manufacture Co., Ltd. Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture Electronic 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Service (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Suzhou Luxshare 2,454,628.88 2,454,628.88 Technology Co., Ltd. Yancheng Luxshare Corporate Management 47,147.95 47,147.95 Services Partnership (Limited Partnership) Luxshare Precision 144,254.59 144,254.59 Industry (Wuhu) Co., 320 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Ltd. Dongguan Huarong Communicati 31,881.21 31,881.21 ons Technology Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Components 321,813.49 321,813.49 (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Puxing Electronic 66,287.67 66,287.67 Technology Co., Ltd. Luxshare Rechuan Technology 1,699,063.35 1,699,063.35 (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Automotive Technology 4,103.52 4,103.52 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Luxshare Precision Industry 299,659.78 299,659.78 (Hubei) Co., Ltd. Luxshare-IC T (Van Trung) 531,336.23 531,336.23 Company Limited Shenzhen Huarong 90,908.80 90,908.80 Technology Co., Ltd. 21,113,131,9 996,052,805. 13,635,379.8 22,095,549,3 28,560,179.8 Total 60.49 37 0 86.06 0 (2) Investment in joint ventures and associates In RMB Increase and decrease in the current period Closing balance Opening Investme Other Closing Additiona Declared Provision of balance Reduced nt profit comprehe Other balance Investee l cash for provision (book investmen or loss nsive changes Others (book investmen dividends impairme for value) t recognize income in equity value) t or profits nt impairme d under adjustmen nt 321 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 equity t method I. Joint ventures II. Associates 22,269,12 -490,975. 21,778,14 Siliconch 4.37 61 8.76 Zhuhai 199,207,7 16,547,77 215,755,4 34,372,60 Kinwong 17.31 9.78 97.09 8.46 Flexible Circuit Co., Ltd. 221,476,8 16,056,80 237,533,6 34,372,60 Subtotal 41.68 4.17 45.85 8.46 221,476,8 237,533,6 34,372,60 Total 41.68 45.85 8.46 (3) Other descriptions 4. Notes receivable (1) Categorized presentation of notes receivable Item Closing balance Balance at the end of last year Bank acceptance bill 7,954,368.11 819,766.07 Commercial acceptance bill 88,364,082.98 162,163,969.02 Total 96,318,451.09 162,983,735.09 (2) Notes receivable of the Company that have been endorsed or discounted and are not yet due as of the balance sheet date at the end of the period Balance derecognized at the Balance not derecognized at Item end of the period the end of the period Bank acceptance bill 838,479,070.00 Total 838,479,070.00 5. Operating income and operating costs In RMB Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Item Income Cost Income Cost Principal business 12,732,437,422.46 11,987,063,338.40 9,174,890,300.12 8,531,671,602.47 Other business 220,376,313.08 64,760,595.99 105,254,622.90 33,510,191.72 Total 12,952,813,735.54 12,051,823,934.39 9,280,144,923.02 8,565,181,794.19 322 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 Income related information: In RMB Contract classification Segment 1 Segment 2 Total By product types Including: By geographical areas of operations Including: By markets or customers Including: By contract types Including: By the period of transferring products Including: By contract term Including: By sales channel Including: Total Information related to performance obligations: None Information relating to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations: At the end of the reporting period, the incomes corresponding to the contracts signed whose performance has not been commenced or completed amount to RMB0.00, of which RMB is expected to be recognized in , RMB is expected to be recognized in , and RMB is expected to be recognized in . Other descriptions: 323 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 6. Investment income In RMB Item Amount recognized in the current period Amount recognized in the prior period Long-term equity investment income 1,300,000,000.00 2,242,183,081.46 accounted for using the cost method Long-term equity investment income 16,056,804.17 -4,411,361.63 accounted for using the equity method Investment income from disposal of 77,056,640.91 30,531,053.98 held-for-trading financing assets Dividends from other equity instrument 212,413.30 investments during holding period Income from wealth management products 11,308,785.90 41,433,412.36 Gains from derecognition of financial assets -43,522,172.22 -41,003,477.92 measured at amortized cost. Total 1,361,112,472.06 2,268,732,708.25 7. Others XVIII. Supplementary information 1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit and loss for the current period Applicable □ N/A In RMB Item Amount Remarks Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets 40,397,780.40 Government grants recognized in the current profit or loss 602,294,263.90 (except for the government grants which are closely related to the company’s normal business operations and gained at a fixed amount or quantity according to national uniform standards) Profit or loss on assets under entrusted investment or 50,525,057.66 management Except for effective hedging business related to the 543,762,585.57 company’s normal business operations, profit or loss from changes in fair value arising from the holding of held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities, and investment income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities, and available-for-sale 324 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 financial assets Other non-operating income and expenses except the above 11,040,674.64 items Other profit and loss items satisfying the definition of -377,143,056.77 non-recurring profit and loss Less: Affected quantum of income tax 100,226,804.81 Affected quantum of minority interest 49,598,596.90 Total 721,051,903.69 -- Details of other profit and loss satisfying the definition of non-recurring profit and loss □ Applicable N/A The Company has no other items of profit and loss satisfying the definition of non-recurring profit and loss. Description of classifying non-recurring profit and loss items enumerated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 for Public Company Information Disclosures – Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and loss items □ Applicable N/A 2. Return on equity and earnings per share Earnings per share Profit in the reporting period Weighted average return on equity Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per (RMB/share) share (RMB/share) Net profit attributable to ordinary 23.00% 1.29 1.28 shareholders of the Company Net profit after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss 21.38% 1.19 1.18 attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company 3. Accounting data differences under domestic and foreign accounting standards (1) Differences of net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed according to International Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards at the same time □ Applicable N/A (2) Difference of net profit and net asset in financial reports disclosed according to overseas accounting standards and Chinese Accounting Standards at the same time □ Applicable N/A 325 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2022 (3) Descriptions on the reasons for the differences of accounting data under the accounting standards at home and abroad, and the name of the overseas institution if difference adjustment is made to the data audited by an overseas audit institution None 4. Others None Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Chairman: WANG Laichun April 27, 2023 326