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                    Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
               (a joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)
                                                   (Stock Code: 1533)

                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019


                                                                                  Years ended 31 December
                                                                                        2019           2018
                                                                                   RMB’000        RMB’000

  Operating income                                                                     813,554              657,732
  Gross profit                                                                         253,899              212,337
  Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders
   of the Company                                                                      51,321                 63,533
  Earnings per share (RMB)(1)                                                             0.27                   0.34
  Proposed dividend per share (RMB)                                                 5.50 cents             6.80 cents

        Operating income increased by 23.69% as compared to the year ended 31 December 2018.

        Gross profit increased by 19.57% as compared to the year ended 31 December 2018.

        Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders of the Company decreased by 19.22%
        as compared to the year ended 31 December 2018.

      The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the
      Company and the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
(                               ) (the “Company”) is pleased to present the audited consolidated
annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) for the year ended
31 December 2019 (the “Reporting Year”), together with the comparative figures for the previous
year, prepared in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

                                                   31 December         1 January      31 December
                                                          2019              2019             2018
                                                      RMB’000         RMB’000          RMB’000


Current assets:
 Monetary funds                                         413,742           403,091          403,091
 Trading financial assets                                20,412
 Bills receivable                                                             200              200
 Trade receivables                                       29,649            36,474           36,474
 Prepayments                                             16,185            13,352           13,352
 Other receivables                                       17,694            12,860           12,860
 Inventories                                             94,832            88,921           88,921
 Other current assets                                    17,595             2,732            2,732

Total current assets                                    610,110           557,630          557,630

Non-current assets:
 Other equity instrument investments                          44               44               44
 Fixed assets                                          1,247,639          924,350          939,221
 Construction in progress                                 59,188           37,670           37,670
 Bearer biological assets                                360,095          270,304          270,304
 Right-of-use assets                                      43,437           53,238
 Intangible assets                                        90,609           74,720           74,720
 Goodwill                                                  9,971           58,691           58,691
 Long-term deferred expenses                               7,138            5,832            8,122
 Deferred income tax assets                                6,644            7,437            7,437
 Other non-current assets                                 57,852           94,270           94,270

 Total non-current assets                              1,882,617        1,526,557         1,490,480

 Total assets                                          2,492,727        2,084,186         2,048,109

                                                         31 December     1 January   31 December
                                                                2019          2019          2018
                                                            RMB’000     RMB’000       RMB’000

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity

Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings                                        315,184      437,359       437,359
 Bills payable                                                283,014       30,545        30,545
 Accounts payable                                             228,221      164,947       164,947
 Contract liabilities                                          16,470       26,619        26,619
 Employee remuneration payable                                  2,621        3,137         3,137
 Taxes payable                                                  7,504       43,115        43,115
 Other payables                                                50,725       41,232        41,232
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                   56,249       28,382        28,382

  Total current liabilities                                   959,987      775,336       775,336

Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                         227,327       39,568        39,568
 Lease liabilities                                             30,946       38,078
 Long-term payables                                                                        2,361
 Estimated liabilities                                            515          371            11
 Deferred income                                               39,518       40,129        40,129
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                9,027        6,298         6,298

  Total non-current liabilities                               307,332      124,443        88,366

Total liabilities                                            1,267,320     899,779       863,702

Shareholders’ equity:
 Share capital                                                190,681      187,340       187,340
 Capital reserve                                              531,119      508,791       508,791
 Less: Treasury stocks                                         23,251
 Surplus reserve                                               43,387       37,194        37,194
 Undistributed profits                                        483,471      451,082       451,082

  Total equity attributable to shareholders of the
   parent company                                            1,225,407   1,184,407      1,184,407

  Total Shareholders’ equity                                1,225,407   1,184,407      1,184,407

Total liabilities and/or Shareholders’ equity               2,492,727   2,084,186      2,048,109

                                                             2019         2018
                                                          RMB’000     RMB’000

I.    Operating income                                     813,554      657,732
II.   Operating cost                                       559,656      445,395
      Taxes and surcharges                                   6,267        5,009
      Selling expenses                                      81,584       83,983
      Administrative expenses                               77,390       48,711
      Research and development expenses                      9,462        4,372
      Financial expenses                                    22,201       21,201
      Including: Interest expenses                          20,996       24,136
                 Interest income                             2,553        3,541
      Add: Other income                                      7,372       13,437
            Investment income                               (8,823)          —
      Gain on derecognition of financial assets
        measured at amortized cost                           (8,823)         —
      Gains from changes in fair value                       47,252         175
      Impairment losses on credit                              (992)       (205)
      Impairment loss on assets                             (57,958)       (436)
      Gains from asset disposal                                  (2)      2,637

III. Operating profit                                       43,843       64,670
     Add: Non-operating income                              24,828        3,059
     Less: Non-operating expenses                            3,693        2,545

IV.   Total profit                                          64,979       65,185
      Less: Income tax expenses                             13,657        1,652

V.    Net profit                                            51,321       63,533

(Expressed in RMB unless otherwise specifically indicated)


      The annual results set out in this announcement do not constitute the Group ’ s financial
      statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 but are extracted from those financial

      The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on the going concern basis.


      1.   Statement of compliance

           These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements
           of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance
           (“MOF”). These financial statements present truly and completely the consolidated
           financial position and financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2019, and
           the consolidated financial performance and financial performance and the consolidated
           cash flows and cash flows for 2019.

           These financial statements also comply with the disclosure requirements of “Regulation
           on the Preparation of Information Disclosures by Companies Issuing Securities, No.
           15: General Requirements for Financial Reports ” as revised by the China Securities
           Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) in 2019. These financial statements also comply
           with the applicable requirements of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws
           of Hong Kong) and the applicable disclosure provisions of the Rules Covering the
           Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

      2.   Significant accounting estimates and judgements

           The preparation of the financial statements requires management of the Group to make
           estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the
           reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ
           from these estimates. Judgment on key assumptions and uncertainties involved in
           estimates are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Effects of changes in accounting estimates
           are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods

           Except for accounting estimates relating to depreciation and amortisation of assets such
           as fixed assets, intangible assets, right-of-use assets and long-term deferred expenses,
           fair value estimates of biological assets and contingent consideration, impairment of
           various types of assets and recognition of deferred income tax assets, there are no other
           significant accounting estimates in the Company.

3   Changes in significant accounting policies

    (1)   Changes and impacts of accounting policies incurred in the application of
          New Lease Standards

               Changes in policies and its basis

               The Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Business
               Enterprises No. 21 — Lease (Revised in 2018) (CK [2018] No. 35)
               (hereinafter referred to as the “New Lease Standards”) on 7 December 2018,
               and required the enterprises that are listed in both domestic and overseas
               markets and the enterprises that are listed overseas and use International
               Financial Reporting Standards or Accounting Standards for Business
               Enterprises to prepare financial statements to implement such new standards
               from 1 January 2019.

               After the 24th meeting of the third session of the Board of the Company
               passed the resolution on 15 August 2019, the Company adopted the above-
               mentioned New Lease Standards from 1 January 2019 (hereinafter referred
               to as the “First Application Date ” herein) as required by the Ministry of
               Finance, and made changes to relevant accounting policies in accordance
               with the requirements of New Lease Standards.

               In accordance with the requirements of New Lease Standards, as for the
               contracts which have been existed before the First Application Date, the
               Company selects not to revaluate whether they are leases or include leases
               on the First Application Date. As for the lease contracts of which the
               Company acts as the lessee, the Company elects to only make adjustments
               to the accumulative impact amount from the lease contracts which have
               not been completed as of 1 January 2019. We have adjusted the amounts
               of retained earnings and other relevant items of the financial statements at
               the beginning of the first application period (i.e. 1 January 2019) for the
               accumulative impact amount of the first application, and the information for
               the comparative period has not been adjusted. The details are as follows:

               A.    As for the finance lease as at the First Application Date, the Company
                     measures the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities at the original
                     carrying amounts of the assets under finance lease and the finance
                     lease payable, respectively.

               B.    As for the operating lease as at the First Application Date, the
                     Company measures the lease liabilities at the present value discounted
                     at the incremental borrowing rate as at the First Application Date
                     based on the amount of the remaining lease payment. The unpaid
                     rents payable accrued based on the accrual system under the original
                     lease standards shall be included in the amount of the remaining lease

     The Company measures the right-of-use assets at the amount equal to
     the lease liabilities and makes necessary adjustments based on prepaid

C.   As at the First Application Date, the Company made impairment
     testing on the right-of-use assets and made corresponding accounting
     treatments in accordance with the requirements of Accounting
     Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 — Assets Impairment.

The impacts of policy changes on the consolidation and financial statements
of the Company are as follows:

The lease term of the land assets and other land assets leased by the
Company from the villagers ’ committees where the pastures of Gansu,
Qinghai and Shaanxi are located is 5-30 years, which were originally
accounted as operating leases, and according to the New Lease Standards,
the right-of-use assets of RMB38,367,000 (including the prepaid rents
of RMB2,290,000 and the reclamation fee of RMB360,000) and lease
liabilities of RMB35,717,000 were recognized on 1 January 2019.

The lease term of the machinery and equipment assets of other companies
leased by the Company is 3-5 years, which were originally accounted as
financial leases, and according to the New Lease Standards, RMB14,871,000
originally presented in the fixed assets was reclassified to the right-of-use
assets and the “financing lease payables” of RMB2,361,000 presented in
the long-term payables was reclassified to the lease liabilities on 1 January

A    Consolidated Balance Sheet:

                                                          Amounts as at          Amounts as at
     Contents of the         Items in the                1 January 2019     31 December 2018
     changes                 statement               (after the changes)   (before the changes)
                                                              RMB’000               RMB’000

     Fixed assets            Fixed assets                       924,350                939,221
     Right-of-use assets     Right-of-use assets                 53,238                     —
     Long-term deferred      Long-term deferred
       expenses                expenses                           5,832                  8,122
     Lease liabilities       Lease liabilities                   38,078                     —
     Long-term payables      Long-term payables                      —                  2,361
     Estimated liabilities   Estimated liabilities                  371                     11

B   Balance Sheet of the Parent Company:

                                                 Amounts as at 1        Amounts as at 31
    Contents of the     Items in the          January 2019 (after        December 2018
    changes             statement                   the changes)     (before the changes)
                                                       RMB’000                RMB’000

    Fixed assets        Fixed assets                     199,544                 205,199
    Right-of-use assets Right-of-use assets               11,058                      —
    Lease liabilities   Lease liabilities                  5,402                      —

C   The impacts on the consolidated profit statement and the profit
    statement of the Company for the Year 2019 are as follows:

                                                     Impacts on               Impacts
                                                    consolidated             on profit
                                                           profit        statement of
    Items of profit statement                         statement         the Company
                                                        RMB’000             RMB’000

    Operating cost                                           (283)                   (9)
    Finance expense                                           795                   117

    Total                                                     512                   108

    The present value discounted at 4.35%, 4.90%, 6.09% (the incremental
    borrowing rate as at the First Application Date) of the outstanding
    amount of minimum lease payment of the major operating lease of the
    Company at the end of 2018 amounts to RMB35,717,000 and the sum
    of the discounted amount and the long-term payables (finance lease) of
    RMB2,361,000 amounts to RMB38,078,000. And its difference from
    the lease liabilities as at the First Application Date is RMB0.

(2)   Changes in accounting policies arising from and impact of adopting
      the Circular on the Amendment to the Formats of Corporate Financial
      Statements for the Year of 2019 (Cai Kuai [2019] No. 06) issued by the
      Ministry of Finance

          Changes in accounting policies and its basis

           The Ministry of Finance issued the Circular on the Amendment to the
           Formats of Corporate Financial Statements for the Year of 2019 (Cai Kuai
           [2019] No. 06) on 30 April 2019:

           A    The portion of “Deferred income” with an amortisation period of one
                year or less or expected to be amortised within a period of one year
                (inclusive) shall not be classified as current liabilities, which should
                still be included in this item instead of being categorized as “ non-
                current liabilities due within one year”;

           B    In the balance sheet, the previous “ Bills receivable and trade
                receivables”shall be segregated into “Bills receivable” and “Trade
                receivables”; and the previous “Bills payable and trade payables” was
                segregated into “Bills payable” and “Trade payables”;

           C    The reporting contents of the “other payables”, should be reported
                according to the closing balance of “interest payable”and “dividends
                payable” and “other payables”, of which the “interest payable”only
                reflects the interests for relevant financial instruments which are due
                and payable but are not paid on the balance sheet date. The interest
                of financial instruments calculated based on the effective interest rate
                method should be included in the carrying amounts of corresponding
                financial instruments.

           D    In the income statement, “Less: Asset impairment loss” is adjusted to
                “Add: Asset impairment loss (loss presented as “-”); and “Less: Credit
                impairment loss” is adjusted to “Add: Credit impairment loss (loss
                presented as “-”), and both of which are the items after “Gains from
                fair value change”.

           According to the requirements above, the Company will make adjustmet to
           the relevant data.

The impact of implementing the new statements format due to policy
changes on the consolidated and corporate statements is as follows:

A    Consolidated balance sheet:

                                                                             Amounts as at 31      Amounts as at 31
                                                                              December 2018         December 2018
     Contents of the changes           Items in the statement               (after the change)   (before the change)
                                                                                     RMB’000             RMB’000

     Deferred income due within one    Non-current liabilities due within
        year                              one year                                     28,382                33,752
     Deferred income                   Deferred income                                 40,129                34,759
     Bills receivable and accounts     Bills receivable and accounts
        receivable                        receivable                                       —                36,674
     Including: Bills receivable       Including: Bills receivable                         —                   200
                Accounts receivable                Accounts receivable                     —                36,474
     Bills receivable                  Bills receivable                                   200                    —
     Accounts receivable               Accounts receivable                             36,474                    —
     Bills payable and accounts        Bills payable and accounts
        payable                           payable                                          —               195,492
     Bills payable                     Bills payable                                   30,545                    —
     Accounts payable                  Accounts payable                               164,947                    —
     Other payables                    Other payables                                  41,232                41,599
     Including: Interests payable      Including: Interests payable                        —                   368
                Short-term                        Short-term
                   borrowings                        borrowings                       437,359               437,000
                Long-term                         Long-term
                   borrowings                        borrowings                        39,568                39,559

B    Balance sheet of the parent company:

                                                                             Amounts as at 31      Amounts as at 31
                                                                              December 2018         December 2018
     Contents of the changes           Items in the statement               (after the change)   (before the change)
                                                                                     RMB’000             RMB’000

     Deferred income due within one    Non-current liabilities due within
        year                              one year                                       3,782                 5,308
     Deferred income                   Deferred income                                  14,787                13,260
     Bills receivable and accounts     Bills receivable and accounts
        receivable                        receivable                                        —                23,421
     Including: Bills receivable       Including: Bills receivable                          —                   200
                 Accounts receivable               Accounts receivable                      —                23,221
     Bills receivable                  Bills receivable                                    200                    —
     Accounts receivable               Accounts receivable                              23,221                    —
     Bills payable and accounts        Bills payable and accounts
        payable                           payable                                           —                76,861
     Bills payable                     Bills payable                                    27,600                   —
     Accounts payable                  Accounts payable                                 49,261                   —
     Other payables                    Other payables                                   57,188               57,547
     Including: Interests payable      Including: Interests payable                         —                  359
     Short-term borrowings             Short-term borrowings                           420,359              420,000

                                    – 10 –

     1.   Accounts receivable

          (1)   The analysis on accounts receivable classified by type of customers is as follows:

                                                                     31 December      31 December
                                                                            2019             2018
                Type                                                   RMB’000         RMB’000

                Accounts receivable from affiliates
                Accounts receivable from non-affiliated companies          30,527            37,287

                Sub-total                                                  30,527            37,287
                Less: Provision for bad debts                                (878)             (813)

                Total                                                      29,649            36,474

          (2)   The analysis on accounts receivable by ageing is as follows:

                                                                     31 December      31 December
                Ageing                                                      2019             2018
                                                                       RMB’000         RMB’000

                Within 1 year                                              29,261            36,031
                Including 0-6 months                                       29,261            35,939
                           7-12 months                                         —                93
                Over 1 year but within 2 years                                237               493
                Over 2 years but within 3 years                               397               106
                Over 3 years                                                  632               555

                Sub-total                                                  30,527            37,287
                Less: Provision for bad debts                                (878)             (813)

                Total                                                      29,649            36,474

                Aging is calculated from the date of confirmation of accounts receivables.

                                                – 11 –
    (3)   Provision for bad debts made, recovered or reversed during this year:

                                                                     At 31            At 31
                                                                 December         December
                                                                     2019             2018
                                                                 RMB’000         RMB’000

          Balance at the beginning of the year                          813              98
          Provision made during this year                               210             715
          Provision recovered or reversed during this year              (44)             —
          Written off during this year                                 (101)             —

          Balance at the end of the year                                878             813

2   Bearer biological assets

    (1)   Nature of the Group’s agricultural activities

          Bearer biological assets of the Group are dairy cows held to produce raw milk.
          The Group’s dairy cows are milkable cows held for milk production and heifers
          and calves that have not reached the age to produce raw milk.

          The number of cows owned by the Group as at 31 December is as follows:

                                                                     2019             2018
                                                                    Heads            Heads

          Calves                                                     1,380            2,069
          Heifers                                                    6,472            2,839
          Milkable cows                                              5,560            5,196

          Total                                                    13,412            10,104

          In general, the heifers are inseminated when they reach approximately 14 months
          old. After a gestation period of approximately 10 months, a calf is born and the
          heifers begin to produce raw milk and the lactation periods begin. The heifers,
          at this time, will be transferred to the group of milkable cows. A milkable cow is
          typically milked for approximately 300 days in each lactation period. The male
          calves newly born are sold while the female calves are bred for 6 months and then
          transferred to the group of heifers for preparation of insemination.

                                       – 12 –
    (2)     Value of the Group’s bearer biological assets

                                        Calves         Heifers             cows           Total
                                      RMB’000       RMB’000         RMB’000       RMB’000

            Closing balance of 2019      15,712          155,117         189,266       360,095

3   Accounts payable

    (1)     The analysis on accounts payable by ageing is as follows:

                                                                   31 December     31 December
                                                                          2019            2018
                                                                     RMB’000        RMB’000

            Within 1 year (inclusive)                                   213,499        158,659
            Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)                   12,618          3,149
            2-3 years (inclusive)                                         1,106          2,589
            Over 3 years                                                    997            551

            Total                                                       228,221        164,947

4   Operating income and costs

                                              2019                            2018
    Item                               Income        Costs              Income        Costs
                                      RMB’000     RMB’000           RMB’000     RMB’000

    Principal business                  792,315          547,090         631,744       428,573
    Other business                       21,240           12,566          25,988        16,822

    Total                               813,554          559,656         657,732       445,395

                                         – 13 –
5   Selling expenses

                                                      2019       2018
                                                   RMB’000   RMB’000

    Staff cost                                       19,160     16,954
    Freight and miscellaneous charges                23,358     23,936
    Low cost and short-lived consumable items        11,875     10,963
    Travel expenses                                   2,646      3,135
    Promotional fees                                 12,734      6,746
    Rents and property management fees                2,324      2,622
    Depreciation and amortization                     2,843      2,371
    Others                                            6,645     17,256

    Total                                            81,584     83,983

6   Administrative expenses

                                                      2019       2018
                                                   RMB’000   RMB’000

    Staff cost                                       24,575     14,727
    Maintenance fees                                 11,162     11,187
    Professional service fees                         7,678      6,839
    Travel expenses                                   2,019      2,155
    Depreciation and amortization                     9,267      4,866
    Administrative expenses                           4,683      3,391
    Afforestation and sewage fees                     3,941      1,439
    Business entertainment expenses                     732        519
    Utilities expenses                                2,459      1,711
    Inspection fee                                    1,375        204
    Premium for property insurance                    1,477         61
    Freight and miscellaneous charges                 1,258      1,097
    Share-based incentive expenses                    2,418          0
    Others                                            4,347        515

    Total                                            77,390     48,711

                                        – 14 –
7   Financial expenses

    Item                                                           2019             2018
                                                                RMB’000         RMB’000

    Interest expenses from loans and payables                     30,738             23,556
    Including: interest expenses                                  32,738             24,136
                Interest subsidies for policy-related
                   preferential loans                              (2,000)             (581)
    Less: capitalized interest expenses                             9,742                —
          Interest income from deposits                             2,553            (3,541)
    Net exchange losses/(gains)                                        57              (264)
    Others                                                          3,702             1,450

    Total                                                         22,201             21,201

8   Other income

                                                                               included in
                                                                              profit or loss
                                                       2019        2018           for 2019
                                                    RMB’000    RMB’000         RMB’000

    Amortization of deferred income                     4,210      7,168              4,210
    Government grants received during
     the year                                           3,162      6,269              3,162

    Total                                               7,372     13,437              7,372

                                         – 15 –
9    Gains from changes in fair value

     Source of gains from changes in fair value                                2019               2018
                                                                            RMB’000           RMB’000

     1. Bearer biological assets                                                26,840                  175
        Including: gains in fair value less costs
                    to disposal of bearer biological assets                     10,721              (9,037)
        Gain arising on initial recognition of agricultural
           produce at fair value less costs to sell at the point
           of harvest                                                           16,119               9,212
     2. Trading financial assets                                                20,412                  —
        Including: profits and losses arising from
           the changes in fair value due to contingent
           considerations                                                       20,412                   —

     Total                                                                      47,252                  175

10   Government grants

     (1)     General information of governmental grants

                                                                                            in profit or loss
                                                                                               of the period
                                                               2019      Presented item               in 2019
                                                            RMB’000                               RMB’000

             Dairy farming project                               200    Deferred income                   18
             I&I specific integration fund
               subsidies                                         400    Deferred income                   23
             Special funds for provincial
               industrial transformation and
               upgrading & information industry
               development                                     3,000    Deferred income                   25
             Food to feed conversion subsidies                 1,889      Other income                 1,889
             Discount for civil trade and products
               loans                                           2,000   Financial expenses              2,000
             Cooperation fees of Xining Animal
               Disease Prevention and Control                              Non-operating
               Center                                            112              income                 112
             Emergency cash from Xi’an Industry                           Non-operating
               and Commerce Association                          400              income                 400
             Others                                            1,273        Other income               1,273

             Total                                             9,274                                   5,740

                                                 – 16 –
     (2)     Projects involving government grants in deferred income

                                                                               included in
                                                                   Increase       profit or                          Related to
                                                31 December    of grants for       loss for      Other   31 December assets/
                                                       2018      the period     the period     changes          2019 revenue
                                                   RMB’000       RMB’000      RMB’000      RMB’000      RMB’000

             Dairy farming project                   22,819             200          1,087          —        21,932   Related to assets
             Diary product production project         6,876                          1,671          —         5,205   Related to assets
             Biogas products                          4,574                            447          —         4,127   Related to assets
             Others                                   5,860           3,400          1,005          —         8,254   Related to assets

             Total                                   40,129           3,600          4,210          —        39,518

11   Income tax expense

                                                                                                    2019                      2018
                                                                                              RMB’000             RMB’000

     Income tax expenses for the current period calculated
       based on tax law and relevant regulations                                                 10,135                       (872)
     Deferred income tax expenses                                                                 3,523                      2,523

     Total                                                                                       13,657                      1,652

12   Basic earnings per share

     (1)     Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to the
             shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares

                                                                                                 2019                 2018
                                                                                              RMB’000             RMB’000

             Net profit attributable to the Company's ordinary
              shareholders                                                                       51,321                    63,533

             Weighted average number of ordinary shares in
              issue by the Company                                                             188,509                  187,340

             Basic earnings per share (RMB per share)                                                0.27                       0.34

                                                         – 17 –
     (2)   Calculation of weighted average number of ordinary shares is as follows

                                                    Note               2019              2018
                                                                    RMB’000          RMB’000

           Numbers of ordinary shares in
            issue at beginning of year                                 187,340          187,340
                                                 The Group
                                              Restricted Shares
                                                 to 84 share
                                              incentive targets
           Effect of new shares issued             in 2019               1,169
           Weighted average number of
            ordinary shares at end of year                             188,509          187,340

13   Segment reporting

     Considering the framework of internal organisation, requirements of management and
     the system of internal reporting, the Group has presented two reportable segments,
     which are Dairy Farming and Dairy Products Production. Each reportable segment is
     a separate business unit which offers different products and services, and is managed
     separately because they require different technology and market strategies. The financial
     statements of the different segments is regularly reviewed by the Group’s management
     to make decisions about resources to be allocated to each segment and assess its

     Segment                          Principal activities of segments

     Dairy farming                    Breeding dairy cows to produce and sell raw milk
     Dairy products production        Producing and selling Pasteurised Milk, Ultra High
                                       Temperature Milk, Modified Milk, Yogurt and Other
                                       Dairy Products

     (1)   Segment results, assets and liabilities of reportable segments

           For the purposes of assessing segment performance and allocating resources
           between segments, the Group ’ s management regularly reviews the assets,
           liabilities, revenue, expenses and financial performance, attributable to each
           reportable segment on the following bases:

           Segment assets include all tangible, intangible, other non-current and current
           assets, such as receivable, with the exception of deferred tax assets and other
           unallocated corporate assets (if any). Segment liabilities include current and non-
           current liabilities, such as payables, bank borrowings, attributable to the individual
           segments, but exclude deferred tax liabilities (if any).

                                         – 18 –
                           Financial performance is operating income (including operating income from
                           external customers and inter-segment operating income) after deducting
                           operating costs, taxes and surcharges, selling and distribution expenses, general
                           and administrative expenses, financial expenses and non-operating income and
                           expenses attributable to the individual segments but exclude unallocated corporate
                           expenses (if any). Transfer pricing of income among reportable segments is in
                           accordance with the similar terms of transaction with external parties.

                           Information regarding the Group ’ s reportable segments set out below is the
                           measure of segment profit or loss and segment assets and liabilities reviewed by
                           the chief operating decision maker or is otherwise regularly provided to the chief
                           operating decision maker, even if not included in the measure of segment profit or
                           loss and segment assets and liabilities:

                                                       Dairy Products Production
                             Dairy farming Segment              Segment              Elimination among Segments                Total
                                 2019          2018          2019           2018           2019           2018       2019                 2018
                            RMB’000        RMB’000    RMB’000       RMB’000        RMB’000       RMB’000    RMB’000             RMB’000

Operating income from
  external customers           40,936         21,997     772,619         635,735             —             —     813,554              657,732
Inter-segment operating
  income                      216,971        143,147           —            9,289      (216,971)     (152,435)          —                  —
Depreciation and
  amortization                 24,501         15,029        52,542          27,848           —             —       77,043              42,877
Interests income                  187            477         2,366           3,064           —             —        2,553               3,541
Interests expense               3,158            121        17,838          23,435           —             —       20,996              23,556

Total amount of profit/
 (losses)                     (10,452)        26,125        75,430          39,059           —             —       64,979              65,185

Income tax expense                 —             —        13,657           1,652           —             —       13,657               1,652
Net profit/(losses)           (10,452)        26,125        61,773          37,408           —             —       51,321              63,533

Total assets                  970,763        732,379     2,189,997     1,866,161        (668,033)     (550,431)    2,492,727           2,048,109

Total liabilities             775,821        757,550     1,159,532       656,584        (668,033)     (550,431)    1,267,320            863,702

Additions on non-current
 assets                        57,489        324,822       334,649       234,031             —             —      392,138             558,853

                                                                 – 19 –

Industry Review

Vigorously developing animal husbandry, adjusting the structure of animal husbandry, focusing
on the development of dairy products, actively promoting the industrialization of dairy industry,
and increasing the proportion of milk in the national diet are the general ideas and guidance for
agricultural development in China during the 13th Five-Year Plan and beyond. Since 2017, the
General Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and
Reform Commission and other departments have promulgated and issued the National Dairy
Industry Development Plan (2016-2020), the National Nutrition Plan (2017-2030), the Opinions on
Revitalizing Diary Industry and Ensuring Diary Product Quality and Safety, the Several Opinions on
Further Promoting the Revitalization of Dairy Industry, Several Opinions of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Adhering to the Priority of Agriculture
and Rural Development and Accomplishing Works on Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers (Central
Document No. 1 in 2019). These documents define the status of the dairy industry in the national
economy and the direction and goals for future development of dairy products.

In recent years, the domestic economy has shown a stable and good development trend. Per capita
disposable income of residents across the country has grown faster than GDP, and the contribution
of consumer spending to economic growth has increased year by year. Due to rising income among
urban and rural residents, the current low consumption of dairy products per capita in China, the
acceleration of urbanization and the milk drinking plan for students, and the implementation of
universal two-child policy, the dairy market in China will continue to grow steadily in the future.
In addition, the rapid development of convenience stores, e-commerce platforms, and mother and
baby stores has fueled the growth of dairy market both online and offline. With improving living
standards and accelerating food consumption upgrade, combined with the implementation of
national strategies such as “Healthy China” and “Village Revitalization”, the scale of domestic dairy
consumption will continue to expand in the future with a steady growth of the industry.

Business Review

We are one of the leading dairy companies in Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi where our operations
and sales are primarily located and we operate a vertically integrated business model. Our vertically
integrated business model covers the critical stages of the dairy industry value chain, from dairy
farming, to manufacturing, and then to marketing and sales of dairy products. Our dairy farming
operations aim to ensure stable supply of high quality raw milk for our dairy product manufacturing.
We owned and operated five dairy farms and collectively operated two dairy farms through
cooperation with local dairy farmers as at 31 December 2019. Our strategy is to expand the herd
size of dairy cows in our self-operated dairy farms and existing collectively-operated dairy farms so
as to maintain approximately 64% of our raw milk requirement that could be sourced internally in
the near future, which will enable us to achieve balanced, complementary yet diverse sources of raw
milk supply to satisfy our dairy product manufacturing need. We believe our vertically integrated
business model allows stringent control over each important process of dairy production and thereby
guarantees the high quality and safety of our dairy products.

                                                 – 20 –
We offer a broad range of dairy products tailored to the needs and taste preferences of different
consumer groups. Our principal products sold to retail consumers, mainly through distributors and
sales agents, include (i) liquid milk products, which comprise pasteurised milk (i.e. fresh milk),
UHT milk, modified milk and yogurt; and (ii) milk beverages. We place strong emphasis on our
product development to continuously develop new products that meet the evolving tastes and
preference of our consumers, which enables us to maintain our leading position in the region.

We are a major player in the sales of “Cold Chain Liquid Milk Products” (i.e. liquid milk product(s)
that has a short shelf life between 3 days to 21 days and need to be stored at low temperature of
2°C – 6°C, which include pasteurised milk and yogurt products) in the Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi
regional market. We believe that we are well positioned to compete in the Cold Chain Liquid Milk
Product market in Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi due to our close proximity to the local market and
our established local distribution network. We plan to continue to expand our cold chain production
capacity and distribution network to increase the sales of Cold Chain Liquid Milk Products in the
Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi regional market and then further expand into other provinces in the
northwestern China market.

While focusing on the Cold Chain Liquid Milk Product market, we also leveraged on our strong
brand recognition in the regional market to continue to strengthen the sales of our popular UHT
milk products, thereby maintaining our diversified product offerings. Going forward, we intend
to continue our efforts in the sales of our UHT milk products and modified milk products that are
popular among local customers to maintain our diversified product offerings.

Key Financial Ratios

The table below sets out our key financial ratios as at the dates indicated:

                                                                                                 2019                2018

Current ratio(1)                                                                                 0.64                0.72
Quick ratio(2)                                                                                   0.54                0.60
Return on equity(3)                                                                           4.26%                5.50%
Return on assets(4)                                                                           2.24%                3.30%
Gearing ratio(5)                                                                             50.84%               42.17%


(1)      Current assets/current liabilities.

(2)      (Current assets — inventory)/current liabilities.

(3)      Net profit for the year/(total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company as at the beginning of the
         year + total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company as at the end of the year)/2 x 100%.

(4)      Net profit for the year/(total assets as at the beginning of the year + total assets as at the end of the year)/2 x

(5)      Total liabilities/total assets.

                                                              – 21 –
Biological Assets

During the Reporting Year, our biological assets comprised dairy cows. Dairy cows are further
categorised into calves, heifers and milkable cows. The following table sets out the value of our
biological assets as at 31 December of 2019 and 2018:

                                                                          At 31 December
                                                                           2019          2018
                                                                        RMB’000     RMB’000

Dairy cows
Milkable cows                                                             189,266          180,621
Heifers                                                                   155,117           68,662
Calves                                                                     15,712           21,021

Total                                                                     360,095          270,304

The numbers of dairy cows in our self-owned dairy farms are summarised as follows:

                                                                             2019            2018
                                                                          (Heads)          (Heads)
Dairy cows
Milkable cows                                                                5,560           5,196
Heifers                                                                      6,472           2,839
Calves                                                                       1,380           2,069

Total                                                                      13,412           10,104

Diary Farming

Milk Production

Our raw milk production was approximately 49,675 tons (2018: approximately 27,927 tons), an
increase of approximately 77.87% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in the number of adult

During the Reporting Year, the average annual milk production per adult cow decreased from 5.6 to
10.9 tons in 2018 to 5.04 to 10.21 tons in 2019, which was basically the same as the previous year.

                                              – 22 –
Dairy Products Production

In 2019, the domestic market of dairy products, especially liquid dairy products, was highly
competitive. With household income on the rise, dairy companies began to focus on developing
their marketing channels. Consumption upgrades led to demand for diversified and high-end dairy
products and prompted diary companies to focus on milk source development. Dairy companies
have entered a period of competition in the entire industry chain of milk sources, products and
channels. In view of the vast market for dairy products and increasing income levels, a balanced
development of the entire industry chain will lead the dairy industry into a new round of rapid

     Development of milk source

     We started the “Recycling Industrial Park Project of a Dairy Farm for 10,000 Dairy Cows
     in Jinchuan District ” during the Reporting Year. This project is conducive to further
     strengthening quality control from the source, ensuring the Company's product quality from
     the source, and realizing the Company's long-term sustainable development.

     Development of production base

     In order to meet the growing demand for product diversification in the dairy consumer market,
     by leveraging on the improvement of advanced dairy production processes, such as filling
     technology, we implemented the “reconstruction and expansion project with daily processing
     600 tons of liquid milk” in and around the original factory area of Sanjiaocheng Village,
     Sanjiaocheng, Yuzhong County, Lanzhou. The project reached the expected usable status
     during the Reporting Year. Upon completion, the production base is beneficial to optimizing
     production process and enriching product structure, which will help further consolidate and
     expand the market share of our products.

     Development of distribution channels

     After 20 years of development, the Company has established a stable distribution network.
     The effectiveness and geographical coverage of the distribution network and sales team
     directly affect our sales. We have established a distribution network consisting of various sales
     channels, covering most markets in Gansu, Shaanxi and Qinghai.

     As of 31 December 2019, we had entered into cooperation agreements with 765 re-sellers
     and distributors (2018: 1,039). During the Reporting Year, we integrated and optimized
     our distribution network and are committed to improving the effectiveness of our regional
     distribution network and sales team.

                                               – 23 –
Quality Control

Product safety management and quality control are our core values and of paramount importance to
our business. We implement stringent quality control and production safety management measures
throughout our production process from the procurement of feeds, dairy farming, raw milk sourcing
and processing to production, packaging, storage and delivery of our products.

Our quality control system is designed based on the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), the
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCPs) and the Sanitation Standard Operating
Procedures (SSOPs).

GMPs are the foundation for our milk safety and milk quality programme. GMPs are implemented
in four main areas of our dairy processing, specifying control measures in respect of (i) personnel
hygiene; (ii) building and facilities; (iii) equipment and utensils; and (iv) production and process

In addition, we have also applied the principles of HACCP in the management of our milk
safety. Our HACCP plan focuses on areas where problems potentially may occur and requires
that production facilities be prepared to deal with problems immediately if they occur. Under
our HACCP plan, we conducted a hazard analysis in order to identify any hazardous biological,
chemical or physical properties in raw materials and processing steps. Based on the analysis, we
identified the critical control points and established monitoring procedures and use the monitoring
results to streamline processes on a continuous basis. As a testament of our efforts in complying
with HACCP, our production plants in Gansu and Qinghai received the HACCP Certification issued
by the China Quality Certification Centre and Beijing Continental Hengtong Certification Co. Ltd.,

Furthermore, we have also implemented the SSOPs specifying step-by-step procedures needed for
processes related to sanitation. Following the SSOPs, we focus on key sanitation conditions and
requirements, such as the safety of water that comes into contact with dairy products, condition
and cleanliness of contact surfaces, prevention of cross-contamination from insanitary objects to
dairy product, protection of dairy products and packaging materials, labelling, storage, and use of
cleaning solutions and pesticides, control of employee health conditions, and exclusion of pests
from the production plant.

                                              – 24 –
Our quality control system is divided into six stages: (i) control over the quality of feeds; (ii) control
over the quality of dairy cows; (iii) control over sourcing and processing of raw milk; (iv) control
over raw materials and suppliers; (v) control over production process; and (vi) control over storage
and delivery of finished products.

Brand Building

The liquid milk product industry in China, including Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi, our major
markets, is highly concentrated. The competitive landscape of the dairy product industry in China
can be split into three categories: (1) national brands; (2) regional brands; and (3) foreign brands. As
a regional brand, we are located near to the market with shorter transportation time that guarantees
better freshness. Our products are also more tailored to the taste and spending habits of end
consumers. Compared with our competitors, we benefited from a stable supply of raw milk from
our suppliers with whom we have developed good relationship over the years.

We believe the demand for premium Cold Chain Liquid Milk Products will continue to rise along
with the increased awareness of the importance of nutritional products to the health and well-being
of consumers. To capture the increasing demand for Cold Chain Liquid Milk Products, we plan to
continue to expand our cold chain distribution network in Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi and further
in northwestern China. We believe that one of the key factors to a successful cold chain distribution
network is the strategic location of cold warehouses outside of our production plants as it allows
our products to reach local markets within 300 kilometers radius of our cold warehouses and also
allows us to have better control over the quality of the Cold Chain Liquid Milk Products during the
distribution process.

We also seek to expand our third party distributors to deepen our regional sales and distribution
network and solidify our established position in Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi, our primary markets.
We will also continue to develop the e-commerce sales channels and satisfy the demands and
preferences of different consumer groups through the internet direct sales portal to reach a wider
customer base and to adapt to consumers’ purchase preference.

                                                 – 25 –
Financial Overview

Operating Income

Principal Activities

The following table sets out the breakdown of sales amount, sales volume and average selling price
by product types for the years ended 31 December 2019 and 2018:

                                     2019                                       2018
                          Sales          Sales          Average         Sales       Sales        Average
                        Amount        Volume       Selling Price      Amount      Volume    Selling Price
                       RMB’000        Tonne       RMB/Tonne         RMB’000      Tonne    RMB/Tonne

Liquid Milk Products
Pasteurised Milk          49,609        6,136                8,085     27,459      3,922           7,001
Yogurt                   193,179       28,368                6,810    229,944     32,052           7,174
UHT Milk                 279,751       30,399                9,203    170,149     19,488           8,731
Modified Milk            255,975       22,416               11,419    199,739     16,551          12,068

Subtotal                 778,514       87,319                8,916    627,291     72,013           8,711

Milk Beverage             10,114        2,051                4,932      1,347        410           3,285
Other Dairy Products       3,687          158               23,309      3,106        137          22,672

Total                    792,315       89,528                8,850    631,744     72,560           8,707

Our income from principal activities increased by 25.42% from RMB631.7 million for the year
ended 31 December 2018 to RMB792.3 million for the year ended 31 December 2019, mainly due
to the contribution of Xi’an Dongfang Dairy acquired by the Group.

                                                 – 26 –
Gross profit and gross profit margin

The following table sets forth the breakdown of our cost of sales and gross profit by our product
types, as well as their respective gross profit margin after biological asset fair value adjustments, for
the years indicated:

                                          2019                                            2018
                                                        Gross profit                                  Gross profit
                       Cost of sales   Gross profit         margin     Cost of sales   Gross profit       margin
                         RMB’000       RMB’000                 %       RMB’000       RMB’000               %

Liquid milk products
Pasteurized milk            29,486          20,123           40.56%         17,536           9,923        36.14%
Sterilized milk            157,475          35,704           18.48%        170,949          58,995        25.66%
Modified milk              179,377         100,373           35.88%        106,383          63,766        37.48%
Fermented milk             170,073          85,902           33.56%        130,727          69,012        34.55%

Sub-total                   536,411        242,103           31.10%        425,595        201,696         32.15%

Milk beverage                 7,521          2,593           25.64%           1,096            251        18.63%
Other diary products          3,158            529           14.34%           1,882          1,224        39.41%

Total                      547,090         245,225           30.95%        428,573        203,171         32.16%


                                                      – 27 –
Operating expenses

                                                                             2019             2018
                                                                          RMB’000         RMB’000

Selling expenses                                                              81,584          83,983
Administration expenses                                                       77,390          48,711

Total operating expenses                                                    158,974          132,694

Operating expenses increased from RMB132.7 million for the year ended 31 December 2018 to
RMB159.0 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. This was mainly because we invested
more in promotion and branding in order to further strengthen our sales channels and product sales
during the Reporting Year.

The increase in administration expenses was mainly due to the acquisition of Xi’an Dongfang Dairy
Co., Ltd.

Financial expenses

Our net finance costs increased by 4.72% from RMB21.2 million for the year ended 31 December
2018 to RMB22.2 million for the year ended 31 December 2019, primarily because of the increase
in long-term loans.

Current ratio

As at 31 December 2019, our current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) was approximately 0.64
compared to 0.72 as at 31 December 2018.


During the Reporting Year, our borrowings were denominated in RMB. As at 31 December 2019,
our outstanding short-term bank loans, including long-term loans due within one year, amounted
to RMB366 million at interest rates ranging from 4.35% to 6.09% per annum. As at 31 December
2019, our outstanding long-term bank loans, net of amount due within one year, amounted to
RMB227.3 million at interest rates ranging from 4.75% to 5.7% per annum.

The management believes that the existing financing resources will be sufficient to meet current
operations, current and future expansion plans and, if necessary, we will be able to obtain additional
financing with favorable terms. There is no material effect of seasonality on our borrowing

                                               – 28 –
Asset-liability ratio

As at 31 December 2019, our asset-liability ratio was 50.84% (the ratio of total liability to asset)
compared to 42.17% as at 31 December 2018.

Foreign exchange risk

The Group operates in the PRC with most of its transactions denominated and settled in RMB. The
Group’s assets and liabilities, and transactions arising from its operations do not expose the Group
to material foreign exchange risk as the Group’s assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2018 were
denominated in the respective Group companies’ functional currencies.

For the year ended 31 December 2019, we were not subject to significant exposure to interest rate
risk. Hence, no financial instrument for hedging was employed. The management will continue to
monitor foreign currency risk and adopt prudent measures as and when appropriate.

Pledge of assets

As at 31 December 2019, the book value of our restricted assets was RMB601.7 million (31
December 2018: RMB339.4 million). The types and book value the restricted assets were as
follows: (1) monetary capital of RMB 165.5 million (31 December 2018: RMB14.3 million); (2)
fixed assets of RMB 346.1million (31 December 2018: RMB319.5 million); (3) intangible assets
of RMB54.8 million (31 December 2018: RMB5.7 million); (4) long-term equity investments of
RMB35.3 million (31 December 2018: RMB0 million).

Asset impairment

(1)   Goodwill from the acquisition of 82% equity in Xi’an Dongfang Diary Co., Ltd

The Company convened the sixth meeting of the third session of the Board of Directors on 26
July 2018 to consider and approve the Resolution on the Acquisition of Equity in Subsidiary
Xi’an Dongfang Dairy Co., Ltd., in relation to acquiring a total of 82% equity in Xi’an Dongfang
Dairy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Dongfang Dairy”) with RMB249,000,000 in cash. The
Company convened the second Extraordinary General Meeting and class shareholders' meeting of
2018 on 26 September 2018 to consider and approve the Resolution on the Acquisition of Equity
in Subsidiary Xi’an Dongfang Dairy Co., Ltd. Dongfang Dairy completed the change to industrial
and commercial registration on 1 November 2018, and obtained the Business License issued by the
Xi’an Administration for Industry and Commerce. Following the change, the Company became the
sole shareholder of Dongfang Dairy and owns 100% of Dongfang Dairy. The acquisition resulted in
goodwill of RMB58,691,000.

                                               – 29 –
The Company made a provision for goodwill impairment amounting to RMB48,719,000 for
the goodwill resulting from the acquisition of 82% equity in Xi’ an Dongfang Dairy Co., Ltd.,
which was included in the Company's profits and losses for 2019. According to the performance
compensation agreement in respect of the acquisition, the Company recognized a compensation of
RMB22,333,000 due from the original shareholders of Xi’an Dongfang Dairy, which was included
in the non-operating income for the Period. The Company also recognized closing trading financial
assets and the gains and losses from changes in fair value for the Period totaling RMB20,412,000
by calculating the compensation receivable based on result forecast of Xi’an Dongfang Dairy for
2020, discounted at 4.75%, being the Company’s latest financing cost. The two items mentioned
above totaling RMB42,745,000 related to performance compensation were included in the profits
and losses for 2019.

(2)   Fixed assets of wholly-owned subsidiaries Ningxia Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd. and Qinghai
      Shengyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.

The sites of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiaries Ningxia Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.
And Qinghai Shengyuan Pasture Co., Ltd. were classified as closed areas for livestock and
poultry breeding and were included in the scope of closure and relocation. The Company actively
responded to the government arrangements by carrying out the relocation and shutdown work, while
actively negotiating with local governments on compensation. The Company made a provision for
impairment of RMB9,239,000 for the fixed assets of the above two wholly-owned subsidiaries that
may be terminated or disposed of in advance due to the relocation.

Contingent liabilities

As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2019, we did not have significant contingent liabilities.

Capital Structure

During the Reporting Year, the Company issued 3,341,000 restricted shares to 84 share incentive
targets at the price of RMB6.96 per share in 2019, the share capital increased RMB3,341,000, the
balance of RMB19,910,000 was included in capital reserve.

Significant investments

The Company was established in April 2000. Its production base located in Sanjiaocheng, Yuzhong
County, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province was built according to the then market size, consumer
demand and industry characteristics, and was complete and put into production in 2003. After nearly
20 years, some workshops look outdated with some equipment getting obsolete. Due to limited
plant area and fixed plant layout, the Company's dairy processing base in Yuzhong County is now
unable to fully meet the growing demand for product diversification in the dairy consumer market
and introduction of advanced dairy production processes such as filling technology.

                                              – 30 –
In view of its future long-term planning and sustainable development, the Company started the
“ reconstruction and expansion project with daily processing 600 tons of liquid milk ” in 2018.
This “reconstruction and expansion project with daily processing 600 tons of liquid milk ” will be
built on the land where the existing production and processing base is locate with a site area of
35.70 acres and 113.82 acres of newly purchased land in 2018, that is, a total of 149.52 acres of
land. An experienced and qualified engineering design institute was engaged to provide a rational
and modern plan for overall layout for investment and construction. Existing obsolete production
equipment with low utilization rate, long service life and outdated production technology will
be demised. At the same time, new production lines will be purchased and built to increase the
Company's production capacity. The capacity and output realized after the project is completed and
put into operation will include the existing capacity and output of the Yuzhong processing base with
some enhancement.

The Company invested RMB14.5 million in 2018 and RMB317.1 million in 2019, together
accounting for 12.72% of its total assets of RMB2,492.7 million in 2019. As of the end of 2019,
the cumulative investment was RMB331.6 million, accounting for 13.30% of its total assets of
RMB2,492.7 million in 2019.

It is expected that the completion of the “reconstruction and expansion project with daily processing
600 tons of liquid milk” will help optimize the production process and enrich the product structure;
improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs; improve production standards and strengthen
product quality control; and integrate the Group’s production resources for long-term development.

Material acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures

Save as disclosed herein, the Group had no material acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures during the year ended 31 December 2019.

Human Resources

We had 922 employees in PRC and Hong Kong as at 31 December 2019 (31 December 2018: 907

During the Reporting Year, total staff costs were RMB69.55 million (the corresponding period in
2018: RMB49.6 million).

Our remuneration policies aim to attract, retain and incentivize talents to ensure competency of our
team in implementing our business strategies and to maximize shareholder value. We will regularly
review our remuneration policies and employee benefits with reference to market practices and
performance of individual employees.

For its employees in the PRC, the Group has participated in defined contribution benefit plans and
social insurance plans organised by the relevant local governmental authorities.

                                               – 31 –
The Restricted Shares Incentive Scheme for 2019 (draft) was considered and approved at the
meeting of the board held by the Company on 11 March 2019; the general meeting was held on
23 May 2019 to consider and approve the Restricted Shares Incentive Scheme for 2019 (draft);
the meeting of the board was held on 21 June 2019 to consider and approve “ first granting
3,340,600 restricted shares to the 84 incentive targets after adjustments”; the Company completed
the registration procedures of restricted shares grant of Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.
2019 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft) with China Securities Depository and Clearing
Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch on 9 July 2019. The listing date of restricted shares granted
firstly was 12 July 2019.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe that social responsibility is the foundation for the development of an enterprise. We
will take part in social welfare activities is an important method for an enterprise to give back to
the society, as well as a key way for an enterprise to achieve mutual development and advancement
with the society.


1.   The Company will continue to take the production of quality dairy products as the goal on the
     basis of a complete set of production facilities and processes such as large-scale concentrated
     farming, concentrated unified milking, specialized storage, transportation and processing of
     fresh milk and further improve the level of dairy farming through production demonstration
     and technology radiation; we will strengthen the cooperation with external professional
     dairy farming institutions with large farming scale, rich farming experience and high product
     quality to form balanced, complementary and diversified supply sources of fresh and raw milk
     while strengthening the construction of our own milk source base. We will continue to ensure
     the effective connection of safe and reliable milk source with dairy product processing link to
     achieve the security and controllability of product quality during the whole process.

2.   We will continue to strengthen the study on the consumption behaviors of dairy products
     consumers within the region, perfect the formula of products and optimization configuration
     of processes and equipments on a consumer-oriented basis, make the products to own targeted
     and characteristic advantages, and establish a system of consumption analysis triggering
     research and development, research and development satisfying consumption demands under
     different scenarios and maintaining the loyalty of consumers to the brand with upgrading

3.   We will further deepen and penetrate sales channels, increase the sinking efforts of sales
     channels, actively expand the markets of third-tier cities and rural areas and vigorously
     promote the in-depth development of channels, so as to consolidate and increase market share
     and enhance market occupancy rate.

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4.   The Company will continue to conduct various forms of on-the-job trainings, improve work
     skills, enhance work efficiency and tamp the construction of the middle-level team. The
     Company will strengthen the recruitment of professional talents with market qualifications or
     excellent skills and give full development space and positive incentive policies to ensure the
     stability of the talent team and the echelon construction of the talent reserve and enhance the
     core competitiveness of the Company.


Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus (the “COVID-19 Outbreak”) in
January 2020, the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic have been continuously carried
out nationwide in the PRC.

The COVID-19 Outbreak in some provinces and cities, as well as the overall economy, caused
certain influence, to some extent, which could affect the business of the Group. The extent of
influence will depend on the situation of the epidemic prevention and control, duration and the
implementation of the regulation policies.

The Group will continue to pay close attention to the development of the COVID-19 Outbreak, and
evaluate and actively respond to its impact on the Company’s financial position, operating results
and other aspects. As of the date of this announcement, this assessment was still in progress.

Save as disclosed herein, subsequent to 31 December 2019, there had been no significant change in
our business environment, principal business, pricing policy and costs structure.


We are committed to ensuring high standards of corporate governance at all times and in all aspects
of our operations. The Board believes that good corporate governance is an essential element in
enhancing the confidence of current and potential shareholders, investors, employees, business
partners and the community as a whole. The Board strives to adhere to the principles of corporate
governance and has further strengthened and improved its internal controls in order to undertake
sound corporate governance code provisions and practices to meet the relevant statutory and
commercial standards by focusing on internal control, fair disclosure and accountability to all
shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”).

The Company has complied with all applicable Code Provisions of the Corporate Governance
Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the
Listing of Securities on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock
Exchange”) (the “Listing Rules”) for the year ended 31 December 2019.

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Following the appointment of Mr. Ma Hongfu (“Mr. Ma”) as the general manager of the Company,
a position equivalent to a chief executive officer in the PRC, on 10 March 2020 after the resignation
of Mr. Chen Yuhai, Mr. Ma will concurrently hold the position of the chairman of the Board and
the general manager of the Company. This deviates from code provision A.2.1 of the Corporate
Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules which requires that the roles of
chairman and chief executive officer should be separated and should not be performed by the same

Mr. Ma is the founder of the Group and has over 20 years of experience of the dairy industry. His
positions in the industry associates can also keep the Group updated with the latest development
of the industry. The Board has set up four committees under the Board (including the strategy
committee, the nomination committee, the remuneration committee and the audit committee) and
includes three independent non-executive Directors. The members of the Board committees and
the independent non-executive Directors have important role and functions in the decision making
process of the Board and the daily operations of the Company, which has the effect of checks and
balances of the power of the chairman of the Board and the general manager. After evaluation of the
current situation of the Company and taking into account of the experience and past performance of
Mr. Ma, the Board is of the opinion that it is appropriate and in the best interests of the Company at
the present stage for Mr. Ma to hold both positions as the chairman and the general manager of the
Company as it helps to maintain the continuity of the policies and the stability of the operations of
the Company. The Board will continue to review and consider splitting the roles of the chairman of
the Board and the general manager of the Company at a time when it is appropriate and suitable by
taking into account the circumstances of the Group as a whole.


The Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed
Issuers (the “Model Code”) as set out in Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules regarding directors ’
securities transactions. Having made specific enquiry of all Directors and the supervisors of the
Company (the “Supervisors”), all the Directors and Supervisors confirm that they have complied
with the required standards of the Model Code during the year ended 31 December 2019.


3,340,600 A Shares were granted to 84 participants under the Restricted Share Incentive Scheme
for 2019 on 21 June 2019 with the granting price of RMB6.96 per A Share and the listing was
completed on 12 July 2019.

Save as disclosed herein, during the year ended 31 December 2019, there was no purchase,
redemption or sale by the Company, or any of its subsidiaries, of any listed securities of the
Company during the Reporting Year.

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The Group has no material litigation or arbitration matters during the year ended 31 December


There is no share option scheme adopted for the Company during the Reporting Year.


The Company has established the audit committee (the “ Audit Committee ” ) with written
terms of reference in compliance with the Listing Rules. The Audit Committee comprises three
independent non-executive Directors, namely Ms. Liu Zhijun, Mr. Zhao Xinmin and Mr. Wong Cho
Hang Stanley. Ms. Liu Zhijun is the chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is
responsible for, amongst other matters, reviewing and supervising the Group’s financial reporting
process, risk management and internal control systems and providing advice and recommendations
to the Board. The Audit Committee has amongst others, reviewed and discussed with the
management the accounting principles and practices adopted by the Group and the Group’s internal
controls and financial reporting matters, including the review of the audited final results of the
Group for the year ended 31 December 2019.


The Board has resolved to recommend the payment of final dividend of RMB5.50 cents per share
(including tax) for the year ended 31 December 2019 (for the year ended 31 December 2018:
RMB6.80 cents per share). The total dividend amounted to approximately RMB10.5 million.

The proposed final dividend is subject to the consideration and approval of the Shareholders at the
forthcoming annual general meeting (the “AGM”) of the Company. The Company will publish
announcement, circular and notice of general meeting regarding the AGM in accordance with the
Listing Rules and the articles of association of the Company. It is expected that the final dividend
will be distributed before 31 August 2020.

The final dividend will be denominated and declared in RMB. The holders of A Shares will be paid
in RMB and the holders of H Shares will be paid in Hong Kong dollars. The exchange rate for the
dividend to be paid in Hong Kong dollars will be the mean of the exchange rates of Hong Kong
dollars to RMB as announced by the People’s Bank of China during the five business days prior to
the date of declaration of the dividend at the AGM.

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In accordance with the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China (
                        ) and its implementation regulations which came into effect on 1 January
2008, the Company is required to withhold and pay enterprise income tax at the rate of 10% on
behalf of the non-resident enterprise shareholders whose names appear on the register of members
for H Shares when distributing the cash dividends. Any H Shares not registered under the name
of an individual shareholder, including HKSCC Nominees Limited, other nominees, agents or
trustees, or other organisations or groups, will be deemed as shares held by non-resident enterprise
shareholders. Therefore, enterprise income tax will be withheld from dividends payable to such
shareholders. If holders of H Shares intend to change its shareholder status, please enquire about the
relevant procedures with your agents or trustees. The Company will strictly comply with the law or
the requirements of the relevant government authority and withhold and pay enterprise income tax
on behalf of the relevant shareholders based on the register of members for H Shares as at the record
date of the proposed final dividend.

In accordance with the “Circular on Certain Issues Concerning the Policies of Individual Income
Tax ” (Cai Shui Zi 1994 No.020) (                                               (        1994020
   )) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on 13
May 1994, overseas individuals are, temporarily, exempted from the individual income tax for
dividend or bonuses received from foreign invested enterprises. In accordance with the “Letter
of the State Administration of Taxation concerning Taxation Issues of Dividends Received by
Foreign Individuals Holding Shares of Companies Listed in China ” (Guo Shui Han Fa 1994 No.
440) (                                                                                  (
1994440 )) as promulgated by the State Administration of Taxation on 26 July 1994, dividends
(capital bonuses) received by foreign individuals holding B shares or overseas shares (including H
Shares) from Chinese enterprises issuing such B shares or overseas shares are temporarily exempted
from individual income tax. Accordingly, in the payment of final dividend, the Company will not
withhold and pay the PRC individual income tax on behalf of individual Shareholders whose names
appear on the register of members of H Shares of the Company.


For ascertaining H Shareholders’ eligibility to attend and vote at the AGM, the register of members
for H Shares of the Company will be closed from Saturday, 30 May 2020 to Monday, 29 June 2020,
both days inclusive, during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be registered.
H Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members for H Shares of the Company at
the close of business on Friday, 29 May 2020 are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. In order
to be eligible to attend and vote at the AGM, all transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share
certificates must be lodged with H share registrar and transfer office of the Company in Hong Kong,
Union Registrars Limited at Suites 3301-04, 33/F., Two Chinachem Exchange Square, 338 King ’s
Road, North Point, Hong Kong for registration no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 29 May 2020.

Please refer to A Share announcement as published by the Company on the website of the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange for relevant information in respect of the Shareholders of A Shares attending the

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For ascertaining the entitlements of the Shareholders to receive the final dividend (if any), the
register of members for H Shares of the Company will be temporarily closed from Wednesday, 8
July 2020 to Monday, 13 July 2020 (both days inclusive), during which no transfer of H Shares of
the Company will be registered. All transfer documents together with the relevant share certificates
and form of transfer must be delivered to the Company’s H share registrar and transfer office in
Hong Kong, Union Registrars Limited at Suites 3301-04, 33/F., Two Chinachem Exchange Square,
338 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong not later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 7 July 2020. If
the proposed profit distribution plan is approved at the AGM, the final dividend will be paid to the
Shareholders whose names are registered in the Company’s register of members on Monday, 13
July 2020.


The figures in respect of this announcement of the Group’s results for the year ended 31 December
2019 have been agreed by the Company’s external auditor, WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants
LLP, to the amounts set out in the Group's audited consolidated financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2019.


The final results announcement is published on the Company’s website (http://www.lzzhuangyuan.
com) and the Stock Exchange ’ s website (http://www.hkexnews.hk). The annual report of the
Company for the year ended 31 December 2019 will be despatched to the Shareholders and will be
made available on the websites of the Company and the Stock Exchange in due course.

                                                                  By order of the Board
                                                         Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
                                                                      Ma Hongfu

Lanzhou, the PRC, 23 April 2020

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Ma Hongfu, Mr. Wang Guofu
and Ms. Zhang Qianyu; the non-executive Directors are Mr. Yap Kean Chong and Mr. Song
Xiaopeng; and the independent non-executive Directors are Ms. Liu Zhijun, Mr. Zhao Xinmin and
Mr. Wong Cho Hang Stanley.

* For identification purpose only

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