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                  Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*

       (A joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)
                                           (Stock code: 1533)

                        (1) RAW MILK PURCHASE AGREEMENT;
                       (3) DAIRY PRODUCTS SALES AGREEMENT


References are made to the Board meeting of the Company held on 30 December 2021, in which
the Board passed the resolution for approving the estimation of ordinary connected transactions of
the Company for 2022, agreeing to the proposed transactions with each of (i) Tianmu Diary; (ii)
Nongken Jinchang; and (iii) Gansu Nongken Group. The Company announces on 18 January 2022
that it shall enter into:

(i)    the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement;

(ii)   the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements; and

(iii) the Dairy Products Sales Agreement.

for the year ending 31 December 2022.


(1) Raw Milk Purchase Agreement

     As at the date of this announcement, Gansu Nongken Asset is interested in 37,931,665 A
     Shares, representing approximately 19.2% of the total A Shares and 16.3% of (i) the total
     issued A Shares; and (ii) the total issued A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Tianmu Dairy
     is a fellow subsidiary of the holding company of Gansu Nongken Asset. Accordingly, Tianmu
     Dairy is an associate of a connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing
     Rules. The transactions contemplated under the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement constitute
     continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

     As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Raw
     Milk Purchase Agreement exceeds 5%, the continuing connected transactions contemplated
     under the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting, announcement and the
     Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant to Chapter 14A of the Listing

     A circular containing, among other things, (i) details of the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement;
     (ii) the letter of recommendation from the Independent Board Committee; (iii) the letter
     of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee
     and the Independent Shareholders; and (iv) a notice of the EGM, will be despatched to the
     Shareholders on or before 11 February 2022 in accordance with the Listing Rules.

(2) Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements

     Nongken Jinchang is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gansu Nongken Group. Gansu Nongken
     Group is the Controlling Shareholder and is interested in 68,826,365 A Shares, representing
     approximately 34.9% and 29.62% of (i) the total issued A Shares; and (ii) the total issued
     A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Accordingly, Nongken Jinchang is an associate of a
     connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions
     contemplated under the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements constitute continuing
     connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

     As the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Silage and
     Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements exceeds 0.1% but less than 5%, the continuing connected
     transactions contemplated under the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements are
     subject to the reporting, announcement and annual review requirements but exempted from
     circular (including independent financial advice) and independent Shareholders’ approval
     requirements pursuant to Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

(3) Dairy Products Sales Agreement

     Gansu Nongken Group is the Controlling Shareholder and is interested in 68,826,365 A
     Shares, representing approximately 34.9% and 29.62% of (i) the total issued A Shares; and (ii)
     the total issued A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Accordingly, Gansu Nongken Group is a
     connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions
     contemplated under the Dairy Products Sales Agreement constitute continuing connected
     transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

     As the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Dairy Products
     Sales Agreement exceeds 0.1% but less than 5%, the continuing connected transactions
     contemplated under the Dairy Products Sales Agreement are subject to the reporting,
     announcement and annual review requirements but exempted from circular (including
     independent financial advice) and independent Shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant
     to Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

References are made to the Board meeting of the Company held on 30 December 2021, in which
the Board passed the resolution for approving the estimation of ordinary connected transactions of
the Company for 2022, agreeing to the proposed transactions with each of (i) Tianmu Diary; (ii)
Nongken Jinchang; and (iii) Gansu Nongken Group.

Set out below are the major terms of (1) the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement; (2) the Silage and
Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements; and (3) the Dairy Products Sales Agreement:


Date                   :    18 January 2022
Parties                :    (1)   the Company (for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries); and
                            (2)   Tianmu Dairy
Term                   :    From 18 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
Condition precedent    :    The obtaining of approval from the Independent Shareholders at the
Subject matter         :    The Raw Milk Purchase Agreement is a master agreement which
                            governs the purchase of the raw milk by the Group from Tianmu
                            Dairy. Pursuant to the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement, the Group
                            agreed to purchase raw milk from Tianmu Dairy, and Tianmu Dairy
                            agreed to sell raw milk to the Group.
                            The Group and Tianmu Dairy will enter into separate purchase order
                            for each purchase, which shall stipulate the price as well as quantity
                            for each purchase, provided that the terms of such order are consistent
                            with the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement.
Pricing policy         :    The price of raw milk shall be based on the prevailing market price
                            determined by (i) comparing the price obtained with at least three
                            Independent Third Party suppliers of same or similar products during
                            the same period; and (ii) regularly conducting market review on the
                            market price of long term raw milk supply charged by other industry
                            participants in Gansu province and Ningxia region taking into account
                            the supply of raw milk in the industry.
                            As a general principle, the terms (including the price and payment
                            terms) of each purchase order shall be agreed between the Group and
                            Tianmu Dairy based on normal commercial terms after arm’s length
                            negotiations, which shall be no less favourable than those offered
                            to the Group by the Independent Third Parties of same or similar

Payment terms          :     As set out in the purchase order entered into between the Group and
                             Tianmu Dairy. The final purchase amount for each month shall be
                             calculated on or before the 15th day of the following month. Tianmu
                             Dairy shall issue the invoice containing the final amount to the Group
                             five days before the payment date. If the invoice is not provided in
                             time; the invoice amount provided is incorrect or not confirmed, the
                             payment time will be postponed, and the resulting loss shall be borne
                             by Tianmu Dairy. If the payment date is a holiday, the payment date
                             will be postponed accordingly.

Historical Amount

For the year ended 31 December 2021, the historical amounts of purchase of raw milk paid by the
Group to Tianmu Dairy is set out below:

                                                                               For the year ended
                                                                                     31 December

Historical transaction amounts                                                            133,610

Annual cap and basis of determination

The table below sets out the proposed annual cap for the price payable by the Group to Tianmu
Dairy for purchase of the raw milk for the year ending 31 December 2022:

                                                                                      Year ending
                                                                                     31 December

Annual cap                                                                                200,000

In determining the annual cap, the Directors have considered generally:

(a)   the historical amount of the purchase of raw milk;

(b)   the prevailing market price of the raw milk; and

(c)   the anticipated market demand of the Group on the raw milk during the term of the Raw Milk
      Purchase Agreement for the year ending 31 December 2022.


As set out in the announcement of the Company dated 22 December 2020 in relation to, among
others, the non-public issuance of A Shares, Gansu Nongken Asset subscribed for 37,931,665
A Shares, representing approximately 19.1% and 16.2% of the total issued A Shares and the
total issued A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Accordingly, Gansu Nongken Asset became a
substantial Shareholder. As a substantial Shareholder, Gansu Nongken Asset has accorded priority
to fulfill the demand for quality raw milk from the Group. Since the completion of the expansion
project for processing 600 tons of liquid milk per day of the Company pursuant to the Company’s
announcement dated 15 May 2020, the production capacity of the Group’s milk products has
increased and the demand for raw milk has increased accordingly. Nonetheless, the Group’s main
source of raw milk has not provided sufficient supply. As such, taking into account the Group’s
future business plans, the Group aims to procure raw milk from Tianmu Dairy, which is a relatively
larger and more experienced raw milk supplier. As a result, the supply of raw milk will be more
stable and the quality will be more assured.

The Company considers that the purchase of raw milk from Tianmu Dairy by the Group are
conducted in the Group’s ordinary and usual course of business based on the commercial needs of
the Group.

Based on the above, the Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors who will
express their opinion in the circular) consider that the entering into of the Raw Milk Purchase
Agreement together with the transactions contemplated thereunder (including the annual cap) are
in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and the terms are on normal commercial
terms which have been arrived at after arm’s length negotiations between the parties thereto, and
that the terms thereof and the annual cap are fair and reasonable, and that the entering into of the
Raw Milk Purchase Agreement is in the interests of the Company and the Independent Shareholders
as a whole.


Date                   :     18 January 2022
Parties                :     (1)   the Company (for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries); and
                             (2)   Nongken Jinchang
Term                   :     From 18 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
Subject matter         :     The Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements is a set of master
                             agreements which governs the purchase of silage and wheatgrass
                             by the Group from Nongken Jinchang. Pursuant to the Silage and
                             Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements, the Group agreed to purchase
                             silage and wheatgrass from Nongken Jinchang, and Nongken Jinchang
                             agreed to sell silage and wheatgrass to the Group at such time as
                             requested by the Group and for silage, according to the harvest time
                             which is dependent upon the composition of silage.

                     The Group and Nongken Jinchang will enter into separate purchase
                     order (such purchase order for purchase of silage will be entered into
                     on a quarterly basis), which shall stipulate the price as well as quantity
                     for each purchase, provided that the terms of such order are consistent
                     with the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements.
Pricing policy   :   The price of silage and wheatgrass shall be based on the prevailing
                     market price determined by (i) comparing the price obtained with
                     at least three Independent Third Party suppliers of same or similar
                     products during the same period; and (ii) regularly conducting market
                     review on the market price of long term silage and wheatgrass supply
                     charged by other industry participants in nearby regions taking into
                     account the supply of silage and wheatgrass in the industry.
                     As a general principle, the terms (including the price and payment
                     terms) of each purchase order shall be agreed between the Group and
                     Nongken Jinchang based on normal commercial terms after arm’s
                     length negotiations, which shall be no less favourable to the Group
                     than those offered to the Group by the Independent Third Parties of
                     same or similar products.
Payment terms    :   For purchase of silage, as set out in the quarterly purchase order
                     entered into between the Group and Nongken Jinchang. The payment
                     terms shall be determined after the below tests on the composition of
                     silage are conducted. Generally, the price of silage shall be based on
                     a base price of RMB380/tonne for silage with average dry content is
                     equal to or greater than 30%; average starch content equal to or greater
                     than 30%; and plant ratio equal to or greater than 35%; and the base
                     price shall be adjusted by the following factors:
                     (i)    the price shall be increased/decreased by RMB12/tonne for
                            every one percentage point increase/decrease in the dry content
                            and the price shall not increase when the dry content reaches
                            above 37%;
                     (ii)   when the starch content is between 30% and 31%, the price
                            shall be increased by RMB12/tonne for every one percentage
                            point increase in starch content; and when the starch content is
                            between 29% and 30%, the price shall be decreased by RMB12/
                            tonne for every one percentage point decrease in starch content;
                     (iii) when the starch content is between 31% and 34%, the price
                           shall be increased by RMB13/tonne for every one percentage
                           point increase in starch content; and when the starch content is
                           between 26% and 29%, the price shall be decreased by RMB13/
                           tonne for every one percentage point decrease in starch content;

                             (iv) when the starch content is above 35%, the price shall be
                                  increased by RMB14/tonne for every one percentage point
                                  increase in starch content; and when the starch content is below
                                  25%, the price shall be decreased by RMB14/tonne for every
                                  one percentage point decrease in starch content; and
                             (v)   when the dry content is below 28% or greater than 37% or when
                                   the starch content is below 28%, no silage would be purchased.
                             The composition of silage would be inspected and set out in the test
                             results when the purchase of silage are settled.
                             For purchase of wheatgrass, payment shall be made within 60 days
                             after delivery of the wheatgrass and issue of invoice by Nongken

Historical Amount

There are no prior transactions for the purchase of wheatgrass by the Group to Nongken Jinchang.
For the year ended 31 December 2021, the historical amount of purchase of silage paid by the
Group to Nongken Jinchang is set out below:

                                                                              For the year ended
                                                                                    31 December

Historical transaction amount                                                              25,621

Annual cap and basis of determination

The table below sets out the proposed annual cap for the price payable by the Group to Nongken
Jinchang for purchase of silage and wheatgrass for the year ending 31 December 2022:

                                                                                     Year ending
                                                                                    31 December

Annual cap                                                                                 30,000

In determining the annual cap, the Directors have considered generally:

(a)   the historical amount of the purchase of silage and wheatgrass from Nongken Jinchang and
      the Group’s other suppliers;

(b)   the prevailing market price of the silage and wheatgrass; and

(c)    the anticipated market demand of the Group on silage and wheatgrass during the term of the
       Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements for the year ending 31 December 2022. Such
       quantity is expected to be approximately 40,000 tonne to 42,000 tonne (in respect of silage)
       and approximately 800 tonne (in respect of wheatgrass).


Gansu Nongken Group and its subsidiaries have abundant agricultural resources. In particular, the
procurement of silage and wheatgrass from Nongken Jinchang, a subsidiary of Gansu Nongken
Group, fulfills the Group’s demand for silage and wheatgrass, which is one of the main raw
materials for the Group’s production. Procuring from Nongken Jinchang would provide a stable
source of silage and wheatgrass for the Group.

The Company considers that the purchase of silage and wheatgrass from Nongken Jinchang by the
Group are conducted in the Group’s ordinary and usual course of business based on the commercial
needs of the Group.

Based on the above, the Directors consider that the entering into of the Silage and Wheatgrass
Purchase Agreements together with the transactions contemplated thereunder (including the annual
cap) are in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and the terms are on normal
commercial terms which have been arrived at after arm’s length negotiations between the parties
thereto, and that the terms thereof and the annual cap are fair and reasonable, and that the entering
into of the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements is in the interests of the Company and the
independent Shareholders as a whole.


Date                    :    18 January 2022
Parties                 :    (1)   the Company (for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries); and
                             (2)   Gansu Nongken Group.
Term                    :    From 18 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
Subject matter          :    The Dairy Products Sales Agreement is a master agreement which
                             governs the sales of dairy products from the Group to Gansu Nongken
                             Group. Pursuant to the Dairy Products Sales Agreement, the Group
                             agreed to sell dairy products to Gansu Nongken Group and Gansu
                             Nongken Group agreed to purchase dairy products from the Group.
                             The Group and Gansu Nongken Group will enter into separate sales
                             order for each sale, which shall stipulate the price as well as quantity
                             for each sale, provided that the terms of such order are consistent with
                             the Dairy Products Sales Agreement.

Pricing policy          :     The price of dairy products shall be based on the prevailing market
                              price determined by (i) comparing the price charged to at least three
                              Independent Third Party customers of same or similar products during
                              the same period; and (ii) regularly conducting market review on the
                              market price of dairy products charged to other industry participants in
                              Gansu province and Ningxia region taking into account the demand of
                              dairy products in the industry.
                              As a general principle, the terms (including the price and payment
                              terms) of each sales order shall be agreed between the Group and
                              Gansu Nongken Group based on normal commercial terms after arm’s
                              length negotiations, which shall be no less favourable than those
                              offered by the Group to Independent Third Parties of same or similar
Payment terms           :     As set out in the quarterly sales order entered into between the Group
                              and Gansu Nongken Group.

Historical Amount

The Company had no prior transactions with Gansu Nongken Group for the sales of dairy products.

Annual cap and basis of determination

The table below sets out the proposed annual cap for the price payable by Gansu Nongken Group to
the Group for purchase of dairy products for the year ending 31 December 2022:

                                                                                           Year ending
                                                                                          31 December

Annual cap                                                                                       5,000

In determining the annual cap, the Directors have considered generally:

(a)   the historical amount of sales of dairy products to the Group’s other customers;

(b)   the prevailing market price of dairy products; and

(c)   the anticipated market supply of dairy products during the term of the Dairy Products Sales
      Agreement for the year ending 31 December 2022.


Gansu Nongken Group requires dairy products including but not limited to pasteurized milk,
sterilized milk, modified milk and fermented milk for daily consumption by its employees and
customers and the Group’s dairy products represent a near source of quality supply. The transactions
contemplated under the Dairy Products Sales Agreement will contribute to the business of the Group
by providing a stable source of revenue.

The Company considers that the sales of dairy products by the Group to Gansu Nongken Group are
conducted in the Group’s ordinary and usual course of business of the Group.

Based on the above, the Directors consider that the entering into of the Dairy Products Sales
Agreement together with the transactions contemplated thereunder (including the annual cap) are
in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and the terms are on normal commercial
terms which have been arrived at after arm’s length negotiations between the parties thereto, and that
the terms thereof and the annual cap are fair and reasonable, and that the entering into of the Dairy
Products Sales Agreement is in the interests of the Company and the Independent Shareholders as a


(1)   Raw Milk Purchase Agreement

      As at the date of this announcement, Gansu Nongken Asset is interested in 37,931,665 A
      Shares, representing approximately 19.2% of the total A Shares and 16.3% of (i) the total
      issued A Shares; and (ii) the total issued A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Tianmu Dairy
      is a fellow subsidiary of the holding company of Gansu Nongken Asset. Accordingly, Tianmu
      Dairy is an associate of a connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing
      Rules. The transactions contemplated under the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement constitute
      continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

      As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Raw
      Milk Purchase Agreement exceeds 5%, the continuing connected transactions contemplated
      under the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting, announcement and the
      Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant to Chapter 14A of the Listing

      A circular containing, among other things, (i) details of the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement;
      (ii) the letter of recommendation from the Independent Board Committee; (iii) the letter
      of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee
      and the Independent Shareholders; and (iv) a notice of the EGM, will be despatched to the
      Shareholders on or before 11 February 2022 in accordance with the Listing Rules.

                                                – 10 –
(2)    Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements

       Nongken Jinchang is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gansu Nongken Group. Gansu Nongken
       Group is the Controlling Shareholder and is interested in 68,826,365 A Shares, representing
       approximately 34.9% and 29.62% of (i) the total issued A Shares; and (ii) the total issued
       A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Accordingly, Nongken Jinchang is an associate of a
       connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions
       contemplated under the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements constitute continuing
       connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

       As the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Silage and
       Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements exceeds 0.1% but less than 5%, the continuing connected
       transactions contemplated under the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements are subject
       to the reporting, announcement and annual review requirements but exempted from circular
       (including independent financial advice) and independent Shareholders’ approval requirements
       pursuant to Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

(3)    Dairy Products Sales Agreement

       Gansu Nongken Group is the Controlling Shareholder and is interested in 68,826,365 A
       Shares, representing approximately 34.9% and 29.62% of (i) the total issued A Shares; and (ii)
       the total issued A Shares and H Shares, respectively. Accordingly, Gansu Nongken Group is a
       connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions
       contemplated under the Dairy Products Sales Agreement constitute continuing connected
       transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

       As the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the annual cap under the Dairy Products
       Sales Agreement exceeds 0.1% but less than 5%, the continuing connected transactions
       contemplated under the Dairy Products Sales Agreement are subject to the reporting,
       announcement and annual review requirements but exempted from circular (including
       independent financial advice) and independent Shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant
       to Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.


The Company adopts the following internal control measures to ensure that the transactions
contemplated under (i) the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement; (ii) the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase
Agreements; and (iii) the Dairy Products Sales Agreement are conducted on normal commercial
terms and that the prices/payment terms (including the credit terms) are not less favourable than the
prices/payment terms (including the credit terms) offered by/to other Independent Third Parties:

(i)    the Company will supervise the continuing connected transactions in accordance with the
       procedures set forth in the Company’s internal control policy on continuing connected

(ii)   the finance department of the Company shall monitor and ensure that the departments
       overseeing the operation of the Company in connection with (i) the Raw Milk Purchase
       Agreement; (ii) the Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements; and (iii) the Dairy Products
       Sales Agreement will review and assess on a regular basis whether the transactions thereunder
       are conducted in accordance with the terms of thereof and the respective annual caps are not

                                               – 11 –
(iii) staff of audit department responsible for the internal control will check the relevant
      documents provided by the purchasing/sales department against the purchase/sales invoices
      for transactions contemplated under (i) the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement; (ii) the Silage and
      Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements; and (iii) the Dairy Products Sales Agreement and other
      relevant documents on a regular basis; and

(iv) the independent non-executive Directors shall, and the Company shall engage its external
     auditors to, conduct annual review of the continuing connected transactions entered into by
     the Group and the annual caps in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules.


In the 8th meeting of the fourth session of the Board on 30 December 2021, the Board has
considered and approved among other matters, the transactions with Tianmu Dairy; Nongken
Jinchang; and Gansu Nongken Group. For details of the resolution passed for approving the
proposed transactions with the above parties, please refer to the Announcement.

To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief and having made all reasonable
enquiries, save for the abstentions of Mr. Lian Enzhong, who is currently the human resources
department head of Gansu Nongken Group; and Mr. Yao Gexian, who currently holds position
in several related parties of Gansu Nongken Group, no other Director has or may be regarded to
have a material interest in the transactions and therefore no other Director is required to abstain
from voting at the board meeting approving the transactions contemplated under the (i) Raw Milk
Purchase Agreement; (ii) Silage and Wheatgrass Purchase Agreements; and (iii) Dairy Products
Sales Agreement.



The Group principally operates two business segments: (i) dairy farming business, under which the
Group produces and sells raw milk; and (ii) dairy products production business, under which the
Group produces and sells dairy products.


Tianmu Dairy is a fellow subsidiary of Gansu Nongken Asset, a substantial Shareholder, and is
principally engaged in the processing and sales of dairy products, meat products and beverages. Its
ultimate holding company is Gansu Nongken Group.


Nongken Jinchang is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gansu Nongken Group, a Controlling
Shareholder. Gansu Nongken Group is in turn Gansu National Assets Investment Group Company
Limited*                                            , a company established in the PRC and
whose registered capital is owned as to 84% by Gansu People’s Government Asset Supervisory
Management Committee*                                                 and as to 16% by Jiuquan
Steel (Group) Limited Liability Company*                                    . Nongken Jinchang
is principally engaged in the farming, sales and packaging of agricultural, forestry and animal

                                              – 12 –

Gansu Nongken Group is wholly owned by Gansu National Assets Investment Group Company
Limited*                                                , (“Gansu National Assets”) a company
established in the PRC and whose registered capital is owned as to 84% by Gansu People’s
Government Asset Supervisory Management Committee*
       (“Gansu Government ASMC”) and as to 16% by Jiuquan Steel (Group) Limited Liability
Company*                                           , a company established in the PRC and whose
registered capital is owned as to 68.42% by Gansu Government ASMC and as to 31.58% by Gansu
National Assets. It is principally engaged in the planting, processing and sales of specialty medicinal
materials, planting of crops, manufacturing and sales of agricultural and sideline products.


The EGM will be held by the Company for the Independent Shareholders to consider and, if thought
fit, to approve the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder.
Tianmu Dairy and its associates (including Gansu Nongken Asset and Lanzhou Zhuangyuan
Investment Co., Ltd.*                            ) shall abstain from voting at the EGM to be
convened to consider the resolution(s) approving the abovementioned continuing connected

For the purpose of the EGM, an Independent Board Committee comprising all independent non-
executive Directors has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the Raw Milk
Purchase Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder. Altus will be appointed as the
Independent Financial Adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent
Shareholders in this regard.

A circular containing, among other things, (i) details of the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement; (ii)
the letter of recommendation from the Independent Board Committee; (iii) the letter of advice
from the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent
Shareholders; and (iv) a notice of the EGM, will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 11
February 2022 in accordance with the Listing Rules.


“Announcement”           the overseas regulatory announcement of the Company dated 30
                           December 2021

“associates”             has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules

“Board”                  the board of Directors

“Company”                Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
                              , a joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People’s
                           Republic of China, the issued H Shares of which are listed on the Main
                           Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 1533) and the A Shares of
                           which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002910)

“connected person(s)”    has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Listing Rules

                                                – 13 –
“Controlling               has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules

“Dairy Products Sales      the dairy products sales agreement dated 18 January 2022 entered into
  Agreement”               between the Company and Gansu Nongkeng Group in relation to the
                            sales of dairy products by the Group from Gansu Nongken Group

“Director(s)”             the directors of the Company

“EGM”                     the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held and if
                            thought fit, to approve the Raw Milk Purchase Agreement and the
                            transactions contemplated thereunder (including its annual cap)

“Gansu Nongken Asset” Gansu Nongken Asset Operation Company Limited*
                                        , a limited liability company established under the laws
                        of PRC which is a substantial Shareholder of the Group’s A Shares

“Gansu Nongken Group” Gansu Nongken Group Limited Liability Company*
                                         , a limited liability company established under the laws
                        of PRC which is a substantial Shareholder and controlling Shareholder of
                        the Group’s A Shares

“Group”                   the Company and its subsidiaries

“Hong Kong”               the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC

“Independent Board         the independent committee of the Board formed to consider the Raw
   Committee”              Milk Purchase Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder

“Independent Financial     Altus Capital Limited, a corporation licensed to carry out type 4 (advising
   Adviser” or “Altus”   on securities), type 6 (advising on corporate finance) and type 9 (asset
                            management) regulated activites under the SFO, being the independent
                            financial adviser to be appointed to advise the Independent Board
                            Committee and the Independent Shareholders in relation to the Raw Milk
                            Purchase Agreement

“Independent               Shareholders other than Gansu Nongken Asset and Lanzhou Zhuangyuan
   Shareholders”           Investment Co., Ltd.*

“Independent Third         party(ies) which is(are) third party independent of the Group and its
   Party(ies)”             connected persons

“Listing Rules”           the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange

“Nongken Jinchang”        Gansu Nongken Jinchang Farm Company Limited*
                                     , a limited liability company established under the laws of the

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“Raw Milk Purchase             the draft master purchase agreement to be entered into between the
  Agreement”                   Company and Tianmu Dairy in relation to the purchase of the raw milk
                                by the Group from Tianmu Dairy

“Silage and Wheatgrass the set of silage and wheatgrass purchase agreements dated 18 January
  Purchase Agreements” 2022 entered into between the Company and Nongken Jinchang in
                        relation to the purchase of silage and wheatgrass by the Group from
                        Nongken Jinchang

“PRC”                         the People’s Republic of China

“RMB”                         Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC

“Share(s)”                    share(s) in the capital of the Company

“Shareholder(s)”              holder(s) of the shares of the Company

“Stock Exchange”              The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

“Tianmu Dairy”                Gansu Nongken Tianmu Dairy Company Limited*
                                         , a limited company established under the laws of the PRC

“%”                           per cent

                                                                       By Order of the Board
                                                               Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
                                                                           Yao Gexian

Lanzhou, the PRC, 18 January 2022

As at the date of this announcement, the non-independent directors of the Company are Mr. Yao Gexian, Mr.
Lian Enzhong, Mr. Zhang Yu, Mr. Yang Yi, Mr. Ma Hongfu and Ms. Zhang Qianyu; and the independent
directors of the Company are Mr. Wang Haipeng, Mr. Zhang Yubao and Mr. Sun Jian.

* For identification purposes only

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