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Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
(a joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)
(Stock Code: 1533)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting of Lanzhou Zhuangyuan
Pasture Co., Ltd.* (the “Company”) will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 or
immediately after the conclusion of the AGM or any adjournment thereof (whichever is the later)
at 26th Floor, Block B, Shanghui Building of Gansu Province, No. 601, Yanyuan Road, Chengguan
District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, the PRC, for the purposes of considering, approving and
authorizing the following matter:
To consider and pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:
1. To consider the resolution in relation to the Preliminary Profit Distribution Plan for 2021
To consider and pass the following resolutions as special resolutions:
2. To consider the resolution for approval of the Share Buy-back Offer and the Voluntary
Withdrawal of Listing
3. To consider the resolution for authorising the Board to procure the completion of the Share
Buy-back Offer and the Voluntary Withdrawal of Listing
By order of the Board
Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd.*
Yao Gexian
Lanzhou, the PRC, 8 June 2022
1. A Shareholders whose names appear on the A Share register of members of the Company on Thursday, 23 June
2022 will be entitled to attend and vote at the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting.
2. Shareholders may, by completing the form of proxy of the Company, appoint one or more proxies to attend and
vote at the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) on his behalf. A proxy need not be a
shareholder of the Company.
3. Shareholders must use the form of proxy of the Company for appointing a proxy and the appointment must
be in writing. The form of proxy must be signed by the relevant shareholder of the Company or by a person
duly authorized by the relevant shareholder of the Company in writing. If the form of proxy is signed by the
person authorized by the relevant shareholder of the Company as aforesaid, the relevant power of attorney
and other relevant documents of authorization (if any) must be notarized. If a corporate shareholder of the
Company appoints a person other than its legal representative to attend the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or
any adjournment thereof) on its behalf, the relevant form of proxy must be affixed with the company seal of the
corporate shareholder of the Company or duly signed by its director or any other person duly authorized by that
corporate shareholder of the Company as required by the Articles of Association of the Company.
4. To be valid, the form of proxy and the relevant notarized power of attorney (if any) and other relevant
documents of authorization (if any) as mentioned in note 3 above must be delivered to the Company’ s
Department of Securities Affairs (address: 26th Floor, Block B, Shanghui Building of Gansu Province, No.
601, Yanyuan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, the PRC) (contact person: Pan Lai,
Tel: +86 931 875 3001, Fax: +86 931 875 3001) not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the A
Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof).
5. A shareholder of the Company or his proxy should produce proof of identity when attending the A
Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof). If a corporate shareholder’s legal representative
or any other person duly authorized by such corporate shareholder attends the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting
(or any adjournment thereof), such legal representative or other person shall produce his proof of identity, and
proof of designation as legal representative or the valid authorization document (as the case may be).
6. The A Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) is expected to last less than half a day.
Shareholders or their proxies who attend the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) shall
bear their own travelling and accommodation expenses.
7. The Company’s principal place of business in the PRC is situated at:
26th Floor, Block B
Shanghui Building of Gansu Province
No. 601, Yanyuan Road
Chengguan District
Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
Tel No.: (86) 931 875 3001
Fax No.: (86) 931 875 3001
8. As at the date of this notice, the non-independent directors of the Company are Mr. Yao Gexian, Mr. Ma
Hongfu, Mr. Zhang Yu, Mr. Yang Yi, Mr. Lian Enzhong and Ms. Zhang Qianyu; and the independent directors
of the Company are Mr. Wang Haipeng, Mr. Zhang Yubao and Mr. Sun Jian.