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FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

          FIYTA Holdings Ltd.

      2014 1st Quarterly Report

                      April 2014
                 FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                      2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

                            Section 1            Important Notice

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby
individually and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this report and confirm that there are no material omissions or errors which would render any
statement misleading.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr. Lai Weixuan, the head of the Company, Mr. Li Dehua, chief financial officer and the Mr. Hu Xinglong,
the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting) hereby
confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in the Quarterly Report.
                      FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                           2014 1         QUARTERLY REPORT

  Section 2               Financial Highlights and Change of Shareholders

I. Financial Data Summary

Have the accounting data of the previous year undergone retroactive adjustment or restatement due to the change of
accounting policy and/or correction of accounting errors, etc.

□ Yes √ No

                                                                                                  Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                  the reporting period vs
                                                                     Same period of the
                                              Reporting period                                      the corresponding
                                                                       previous year
                                                                                                  period of the previous
                                                                                                         year (%)

 Revenues in CNY                                   821,633,324.62         754,193,631.28                            8.94%

 Net profit attributable to the
                                                    44,214,332.41           34,763,554.98                           27.19%
 Company’s shareholders, in CNY

 Net profit attributable to the
 Company’s shareholders less the                   42,765,447.98           34,319,508.13                           24.61%
 non-recurring gains/losses, in CNY

 Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                    31,053,528.71           52,376,507.68                        -40.71%
 activities, in CNY

 Basic earning per share (CNY/share)                         0.113                  0.089                           26.97%

 Diluted earning per share
                                                             0.113                  0.089                           26.97%

 Net assets-income ratio , weighted
                                                            2.84%                  2.38%                            0.46%
 average, (%)

                                                                                                  Increase/decrease in
                                            End of the reporting     End of the previous          the reporting period vs
                                                   period                   year              the end of the previous
                                                                                                         year (%)

 Total assets, in CNY                            3,676,214,903.35        3,558,702,591.28                            3.3%

 Net assets attributable to the
 Company’s shareholders, in CNY                 1,580,963,907.60        1,536,434,684.56                            2.9%

Non-recurring gains/losses and the amount involved

                                                                                                                     In CNY
                    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                    2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

                                                                From year beginning to
                             Items                              the end of the reporting                     Note:

 Gain/Loss from disposal of non-current assets (including
 the written-off part with provision for impairment of assets                 34,030.71

 Government subsidy recognized in current gains and
 losses (excluding those closely related to the Company’s
 business and granted under the state’s policies according
 to certain quota of amount or volume)

 Reversal of provision for impairment of the accounts
 receivable separately tested for impairment

 Income and expenses from the business other than the
 above items

 Amount influencing the income tax                                           450,205.32

 Total                                                                     1,448,884.43                       --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses,
it is necessary to explain the reason.


II. Total Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period and Shareholding of the Top
Ten Shareholders
                                                                                                                       In Shares

 Total shareholders at the end of
 the reporting period

                                          Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders

                                                                          Number of              Pledging or freezing
                                                                         shares with
                                         Shareholding                       trading
     Names of                                             Number of
                           Nature         proportion                        limited          Status of the
   Shareholders                                           shares held                                                Number
                                             (%)                          conditions           shares

 International                                41.49%      162,977,327                  0
 Holdings Limited
                   FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                   2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

China Merchants
Securities (HK)                             1.58%        6,207,374                  0
Co., Ltd.
Hua An Fund –
Minsheng Bank
– Tianshou
Investment         Domestic
Structure          non-state                0.96%        3,756,047                  0
Portfolio No. 1    corporate
PLUS MASTER                                 0.87%        3,418,284                  0
International      Foreign
                                            0.79%        3,103,200                  0
Securities (Hong   corporate
Kong) Limited
CHINA ALPHA                                 0.68%        2,666,297                  0

KGI ASIA           Foreign
                                            0.54%        2,110,501                  0
LIMITED            corporate

Dai Wen            natural                  0.42%        1,660,468                  0

Zhu Jie            natural                  0.27%        1,050,000                  0

Zhao Weimin        natural                  0.25%        1,000,000                  0

                              Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                     Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end                   Share type
     Shareholder’s Name                         of the reporting period
                                                                                           Share type          Quantity

AVIC International Holdings
                                                                           162,977,327    A-shares            162,977,327
China Merchants Securities (HK)
                                                                             6,207,374    B-shares              6,207,374
Co., Ltd.
Hua An Fund – Minsheng Bank
– Tianshou Investment Structure
                                                                             3,756,047    A-shares              3,756,047
Portfolio No. 1 Asset
Management Program
                                                                             3,418,284    B-shares              3,418,284

Essence International Securities                                             3,103,200    B-shares              3,103,200
                     FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

 (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                                           2,666,297     B-shares             2,666,297

 KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                           2,110,501    B-shares             2,110,501

 Dai Wen                                                                   1,660,468     A-shares             1,660,468

 Zhu Jie                                                                   1,050,000     A-shares             1,050,000

 Zhao Weimin                                                               1,000,000     A-shares             1,000,000

 Explanation on associated           The Company has found neither affiliation among the aforesaid shareholders nor
 relationship or consistent action   concerted actor as specified in the Measures for Administration of Information on
 of the above shareholders           the Shareholder Equity Change of Listed Companies.

                                     The total number of shares held by Dai Wen was 1,660,468 shares, where the
 Note to the top 10 shareholders
                                     total of the shares held in the securities margin trading in the credit account was
 involved in margin financing &
                                     1,600,000 shares and the total of the shares held in the general securities
 securities lending (if any)
                                     account was 60,468 shares.

Did the shareholders conduct agreed repurchase securities trading in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
                    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                       2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

                                  Section 3 Significant Events

I. Significant Changes in Principal Accounting Statement Items and Financial
Indicators and the Causes

II. Progress of Significant Events, their Influences and the Solutions


III.The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the
Company’s total shares in the reporting period or extending to the reporting period
from previous year(s)

                                                                               Commitment       Commitment          Implementati
               Commitments                  Promiser        Description
                                                                                      time             term               on

 Commitment for Equity Separation

 Commitments in the acquisition
 report or the written report on change
 of equity

 Commitment made at the time of
 asset reorganization

                                                           The Company
                                                                                                Deadline of the
                                                           commits that in
                                                                                                bonds (The
                                                           case it is
                                                                                                valid term of the
                                                           predicted that
                                                                                                bonds is 5
                                                           the Company
                                                                                                years attached
                                                           may be unable
                                                                                                with the
                                                           to duly pay the
                                                           principal and
                                          FIYTA Holdings                                        option of selling
 Commitment made at IPO or                                 interest of the     February 27,                         In process of
                                          Ltd.                                                  back, the
 re-financing                                              bond or fail to     2013                                 implementation
                                                           duly pay the
                                                                                                option of
                                                           principal and
                                                                                                redemption and
                                                           interest of the
                                                                                                option of
                                                           bond when it is
                                                                                                up-regulation of
                                                           due, the
                                                                                                the nominal
                                                           Company shall
                                                                                                interest rate at
                                                           at least take the
                                                                                                the end of the
                        FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                    2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

                                                            measures: 1.         3rd year).

                                                            not profit

                                                            distribution to



                                                            shall be

                                                            conducted. 2.


                                                            of any capital


                                                            projects, such

                                                            as material



                                                            acquisition and

                                                            merger, etc.

                                                            shall be

                                                            suspended. 3.

                                                            salaries and

                                                            bonus to the

                                                            directors and


                                                            executives shall

                                                            be adjusted

                                                            down or

                                                            suspended. 4.

                                                            None of the key

                                                            officers may be

                                                            transferred out.

 Other commitments to the minority


 Has the commitment been timely

 The specific cause of failure in
 implementation and the next plan (if any)

IV. Prediction of the Operation Performances from January to June 2014

                   FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                        2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

V. Investment in Securities


VI. Investment in Derivatives

VII. Statement of such activities as reception, research, communication, interview in
the reporting period

                                                                                                            Discussion topics and
  Reception Time    Reception place    Way of reception    Types of Visitors    Visitors received
                                                                                                            provision of materials

                                                                               Shangcheng Asset

                                                                               Management Co.,

                                                                               Ltd., Zhongzhao
                                                                                                        Development trend of the
                                                                                                        domestic      luxury     goods
                                                                               Management Co.,
                                                                                                        sector,     some     measures
                                                                               Ltd., China
                                                                                                        concerning the Company’s
                                                                                                        strategic       development,
 January 3, 2014   Company            On-Site Survey      Institution          Fund Management
                                                                                                        brand construction, channel
                                                                               Co., Ltd.,
                                                                                                        management in the past
                                                                                                        three years.       Provision of
                                                                                                        the Company ’ s public
                                                                               Asset Managemen
                                                                                                        brochures in 2014.
                                                                               t Co., Ltd.,


                                                                               Securities Co., Ltd.

                                                                               HUAXI Securities



                                                                               Asset Managemen          Development trend of the

                                                                               t Co., Ltd., Great       domestic luxury goods

                                                                               Wall Securities          sector, some measures

                                                                               Co., Ltd.,               concerning the Company’s

                                                                               Huashang Fund            strategic development,
 March 7, 2014     Company            On-Site Survey      Institution
                                                                               Management Co.,          brand construction, channel

                                                                               Ltd., Guotai Junan       management in the past

                                                                               Securities, UBS          three years. Provision of

                                                                               SDIC, Shenzhen           the Company’s public

                                                                               Ivy                      brochures in 2014.

                                                                               Asset Managemen

                                                                               t Co.,Ltd.,

                                                                               Soochow Asset
FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                  2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT



                      Capital Manageme

                      nt Co.,Ltd.,




                      Research Institute

                      Co., Ltd., Haitong

                      Securities Asset

                      Management Co.,

          FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                      2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

                              Section 4 Financial Statements

      I. Financial Statements

      1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

      Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                              In CNY

                Items                   Ending balance                            Opening balance

Current assets:

     Monetary fund                                199,442,302.96                            107,663,110.74

     Settlement Reserve

     Inter-bank lending

     Trading financial assets

     Notes receivable                              10,436,928.79                               7,100,000.00

     Accounts receivable                          390,101,497.14                            324,457,339.19

     Prepayments                                   37,424,918.36                             43,487,613.07

     Insurance premium

     Reinsurance accounts

     Accounts receivable
reinsurance reserve

     Interest receivable

     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                             41,260,056.22                             40,436,640.10

     Buying and selling back
financial assets

     Inventories                                2,086,098,751.72                           2,123,342,820.93

     Non-current assets due
within a year

     Other current assets                          13,312,083.10                              30,811,991.07

Total current assets                            2,778,076,538.29                           2,677,299,515.10

Non-Current Assets:

     Disbursement of entrusted
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                            2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

loans and advances

       Available-for-sale financial

       Held –to-maturity

       Long-term accounts

       Long-term equity investment       43,322,940.12                            43,322,940.12

       Investment based real estate     232,949,748.29                           235,235,684.76

       Fixed assets                     319,362,066.76                           306,888,964.31

       Construction-in-process           13,729,141.03                              6,608,187.55

       Engineering supplies

       Disposal of fixed assets

       Productive biological assets

       Oil and gas asset

       Intangible assets                 35,916,887.89                             36,168,611.72

       Development expenses


       Long-term expenses to be
                                        150,663,259.73                           146,542,685.58

       Deferred income tax asset         70,694,321.24                            74,159,134.29

       Other non-current assets          31,500,000.00                            32,476,867.85

Total non-current assets                898,138,365.06                           881,403,076.18

Total assets                           3,676,214,903.35                         3,558,702,591.28

Current liabilities:

       Short-term borrowing            1,123,000,000.00                         1,023,000,000.00

       Borrowings from central

       Receipt of deposits and
deposits from other banks

       Loans from other banks

       Trading financial liabilities

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable                 164,091,943.32                           222,347,620.47

       Advance receipts                    9,492,706.35                             9,667,278.30

       Funds from selling out and
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                          2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

repurchasing financial assets

      Service charge and
commission payable

      Salaries payable to the
                                        12,196,653.50                            31,173,812.15

      Taxes payable                     76,143,380.30                            57,628,175.26

      Interest payable                    4,123,307.90                           19,422,859.82

      Dividends payable

      Other payables                    37,786,980.31                            38,454,934.30

      Reinsurance payable

      Insurance contract reserve

      Funds from securities
trading agency

      Funds from underwriting
securities agency

      Non-current liabilities due
                                        39,310,000.00                            39,310,000.00
within a year

      Other current liabilities           7,853,357.91                             4,924,394.22

Total current liabilities             1,473,998,329.59                         1,445,929,074.52

Non-Current Liabilities:

      Long term borrowings             217,468,010.90                           173,274,950.01

      Bonds payable                    397,982,085.94                           397,728,975.00

      Long term accounts payable

      Special accounts payable

      Predicted liabilities

      Deferred income tax liability

      Other non-current liabilities       3,430,000.00                             2,950,000.00

Total non-current liabilities          618,880,096.84                           573,953,925.01

Total liabilities                     2,092,878,426.43                         2,019,882,999.53

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’

      Paid up capital (or capital
                                       392,767,870.00                           392,767,870.00

      Capital reserve                  525,506,952.78                           525,506,952.78

      Less: shares in stock

      Special reserve
          FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                              2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

      Surplus reserve                                     156,714,094.20                          156,714,094.20

      Generic risk reserve

      Retained earnings                                   513,920,933.08                          469,706,600.67

      Foreign Currency Capital                              -7,945,942.46                           -8,260,833.09

Total owner’ equity attributable to
                                                        1,580,963,907.60                         1,536,434,684.56
the parent company

      Minority equity                                        2,372,569.32                            2,384,907.19

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
                                                        1,583,336,476.92                         1,538,819,591.75

Total liabilities and owners’ equity
                                                        3,676,214,903.35                         3,558,702,591.28
(or shareholders’ equity)

       Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

       Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                       2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

         2. Balance Sheet, Parent Company
         Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                                 In CNY

                Items                      Ending balance                            Opening balance

Current assets:

     Monetary fund                                    88,464,619.93                             27,929,968.24

     Trading financial assets

     Notes receivable

     Accounts receivable                             239,202,039.81                            239,193,039.81

     Prepayments                                            282,000.00

     Interest receivable

     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                             1,255,073,731.53                           1,337,631,334.01


     Non-current assets due
within a year

     Other current assets                                                                          308,119.88

Total current assets                               1,583,022,391.27                           1,605,062,461.94

Non-Current Assets:

     Available-for-sale financial

     Held –to-maturity

     Long-term accounts

     Long-term equity investment                     775,522,660.12                            775,522,660.12

     Investment based real estate                    232,949,748.29                            235,235,684.76

     Fixed assets                                    120,532,926.02                            108,094,045.84

     Construction-in-process                          13,729,141.03                               6,608,187.55

     Engineering supplies

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                                29,571,856.28                             29,820,750.12

     Development expenses
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                          2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT


      Long-term expenses to be
                                          5,272,788.50                             5,679,969.47

      Deferred income tax asset            775,806.46                               775,806.46

      Other non-current assets                                                   10,976,867.85

Total non-current assets              1,178,354,926.70                         1,172,713,972.17

Total assets                          2,761,377,317.97                         2,777,776,434.11

Current liabilities:

      Short-term borrowing             813,000,000.00                           823,000,000.00

      Trading financial liabilities

      Notes payable

      Accounts payable                    1,423,712.81                             1,273,442.81

      Advance receipts                    2,779,788.02                             1,368,593.44

      Salaries payable to the
                                           579,100.00                              5,700,000.00

      Taxes payable                       4,404,358.59                             2,909,411.40

      Interest payable                    3,363,393.11                           18,444,077.78

      Dividends payable

      Other payables                    16,265,152.06                            15,261,230.72

      Non-current liabilities due
within a year

      Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities              841,815,504.59                           867,956,756.15

Non-Current Liabilities:

      Long term borrowings              92,361,928.00                            87,361,928.00

      Bonds payable                    397,982,085.94                           397,728,975.00

      Long term accounts payable

      Special accounts payable

      Predicted liabilities

      Deferred income tax liability

      Other non-current liabilities       3,430,000.00                             2,950,000.00

Total non-current liabilities          493,774,013.94                           488,040,903.00

Total liabilities                     1,335,589,518.53                         1,355,997,659.15

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                              2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

      Paid up capital (or capital
                                                            392,767,870.00                          392,767,870.00

      Capital reserve                                       531,162,493.88                          531,162,493.88

      Less: shares in stock

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                       156,714,094.20                          156,714,094.20

      Generic risk reserve

      Retained earnings                                     345,143,341.36                          341,134,316.88

      Foreign Currency Capital

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
                                                          1,425,787,799.44                         1,421,778,774.96

Total liabilities and owners’ equity
                                                          2,761,377,317.97                         2,777,776,434.11
(or shareholders’ equity)

         Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

         Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                           2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

       3. Consolidated Profit Statement
       Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                                   In CNY

                 Items                   Amount in the reporting period        Amount in the previous period

I. Gross Revenue                                           821,633,324.62                        754,193,631.28

      Including: revenue                                   821,633,324.62                        754,193,631.28

               Interest income

               Earned premium

               Service charge and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                   768,987,329.63                        710,933,375.39

      Including: operating costs                           520,359,706.47                        491,708,505.30

               Interest payment

               Service charge and
commission payment

               Refunded premiums

pay-out, net

               Net amount of
reserves for reinsurance contract

               Policy dividend


               Business taxes and
                                                              4,156,474.04                         3,897,261.83

               Sales costs                                 176,298,576.57                        154,136,960.49

                                                            41,325,302.92                         35,969,721.78

               Financial expenses                           26,874,519.63                         25,472,964.67

               Loss from impairment
                                                                -27,250.00                          -252,038.68
of assets

      Add: Income from change of
fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

               Investment income
(loss is stated with “-“)

               Including: income
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

from investment in associates and
joint ventures

              Exchange income
(loss is stated with “-“)

III. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                                             52,645,994.99                            43,260,255.89
with “-“)

      Plus: Non-operating income                               1,928,542.34                             275,440.14

      Less: Non-operating
                                                                  50,952.59                                4,181.32

              Including: Loss from
                                                                   1,154.97                                       -
disposal of non-current assets

IV. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                                             54,523,584.74                            43,531,514.71
with “-”)

      Less: Income tax expense                               10,321,784.01                             8,745,971.82

V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with
                                                             44,201,800.73                            34,785,542.89

      Including: Net profit realized
by the consolidatee realized
before the consolidation

      Net profit attributable to the
                                                             44,214,332.41                            34,763,554.98
parent company’s owner

      Minority shareholders’
                                                                 -12,531.68                              21,987.91

VI. Earnings per share:                                --                                        --

      (I) Basic earnings per share                                    0.113                                  0.089

      (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                      0.113                                  0.089

VII. Other comprehensive income                                 314,890.63                              -598,875.56

VIII. Total comprehensive income                             44,516,691.36                            34,186,667.33

      Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the                             44,529,029.23                            34,164,676.70
parent company

      Total comprehensive income
attributable to minority                                         -12,337.87                              21,990.63

         Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

         Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong
            FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

         4. Profit Statement, Parent Company
         Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                                         In CNY

                 Items                     Amount in the reporting period           Amount in the previous period

I. Revenue                                                    22,061,761.38                              21,629,502.27

      Less: Business costs                                      3,294,857.83                              3,445,062.57

            Business taxes and
                                                                1,304,856.52                              1,713,487.37

            Sales costs                                                 0.00                              2,213,767.00

                                                              10,586,721.37                               9,294,459.44

            Financial expenses                                  2,182,804.40                               109,512.35

            Loss from impairment of
                                                                  -21,500.00                                      0.00

      Add: Income from change of
fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

            Investment income (loss
is stated with “-“)

            Including: return on
investment in associates and joint

II. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                                                4,714,021.26                              4,853,213.54
with “-“)

      Plus: Non-operating income                                 637,378.18                                254,000.00

      Less: Non-operating
                                                                        0.00                                      0.00

            Including: Loss from
                                                                        0.00                                      0.00
disposal of non-current assets

III. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                                                5,351,399.44                              5,107,213.54
with “-“)

      Less: Income tax expense                                  1,342,374.96                              1,126,803.39

IV. Net Profit (net loss is stated
                                                                4,009,024.48                              3,980,410.15
with “-“)

V. Earnings per share                                    --                                         --

      (I) Basic earnings per share                                          0.01                                    0.01

      (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                            0.01                                    0.01
         FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

VI. Other comprehensive income

VII. Total comprehensive income                             4,009,024.48                          3,980,410.15

      Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

      Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                            2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

       5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
       Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                                   In CNY

               Items                     Amount in the reporting period        Amount in the previous period

I. Net cash flows arising from
operating activities:

      Cash received from sales of
                                                           884,948,357.50                        830,187,395.50
goods and supply of labor

      Net increase of customers’
deposit and due from banks

      Net increase of borrowings
from the central bank

      Net increase of borrowings
from other financial institutions

      Cash received from former
insurance contract premium

      Net cash received from
reinsurance business

      Net increase of insurance
reserve and investment

      Net increase from disposal
of transactional financial asset

      Cash received from interest,
service charge and commission

      Net increase of borrowings

      Net increase of fund from

      Rebated taxes received                                          0.00                                  0.00

      Other operation activity
                                                              9,150,327.51                         5,268,209.81
related cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                                           894,098,685.01                        835,455,605.31
operating activity

      Cash paid for purchase of
goods and reception of labor                               633,931,141.30                        574,477,489.00

      Net increase of loans and
advances to customers

      Net increase of due from
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                     2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

central bank and due from banks

      Cash paid for indemnity of
original insurance contract

      Cash paid for interest,
service charge and commission

      Cash paid for insurance
policy dividend

      Cash paid to and for staff      121,569,156.20                      107,828,818.30

      Taxes paid                       26,556,443.68                       34,441,205.11

      Other business related cash
                                       80,988,415.12                       66,331,585.22

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                      863,045,156.30                      783,079,097.63
operating activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                       31,053,528.71                       52,376,507.68
operating activities

II. Cash flows arising from
investment activities:

      Cash received from recovery
                                        1,400,000.81                                0.00
of investment

      Cash received from
investment income

      Net amount of cash received
from disposal of fixed assets,
                                            1,496.04                         620,000.00
intangible assets and other long
term assets

      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units

      Other investment related
cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                        1,401,496.85                         620,000.00
investment activity

      Cash paid for
construction/purchase of fixed
                                       45,434,965.95                       18,696,384.90
assets, intangible assets and other
long term assets

      Cash paid for investment

      Net increase of
hypothecated loans
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                     2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

      Net cash received from
payment by subsidiaries and other
operating units

      Other investment related
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                       45,434,965.95                       18,696,384.90
investment activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                      -44,033,469.10                       -18,076,384.90
investment activities

III. Cash flows arising from fund
raising activities:

      Cash received from
absorption of investment

      Incl.: Cash received from
subsidiaries’ absorption of
minority shareholders’

      Cash received from
                                      584,310,000.00                       63,992,441.63

      Cash received from bond

      Other fund-raising related
                                                0.00                      396,900,000.00
cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                      584,310,000.00                      460,892,441.63
raising activity

      Cash paid for liabilities
                                      440,117,434.20                      395,031,175.00

      Cash paid for dividend/profit
distribution or repayment of           38,831,155.33                       15,467,352.38

      Including: Dividend and
profit paid by subsidiaries to
minority shareholders

      Other fund-raising related
                                         751,008.00                           137,986.00
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                      479,699,597.53                      410,636,513.38
raising activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                      104,610,402.47                       50,255,928.25
fund-raising activities
         FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

IV. Influence from change of
exchange rate upon cash and                                  148,730.19                                -636.16
cash equivalents

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          91,779,192.27                          84,555,414.87

     Plus: Opening balance of
                                                         107,663,110.70                         140,420,994.70
cash and cash equivalents

VI. Ending balance of cash and
                                                         199,442,302.97                         224,976,409.57
cash equivalents

      Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

      Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                            2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

       6. Cash Flow Statement, Parent Company
       Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                                                                                   In CNY

                Items                    Amount in the reporting period        Amount in the previous period

I. Net cash flows arising from
operating activities:

      Cash received from sales of
                                                            24,284,508.27                         19,959,998.48
goods and supply of labor

      Rebated taxes received                                          0.00                                  0.00

      Other operation activity
                                                           104,824,603.60                          1,365,306.77
related cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                                           129,109,111.87                         21,325,305.25
operating activity

      Cash paid for purchase of
goods and reception of labor                                          0.00                                  0.00

      Cash paid to and for staff                            14,481,604.56                         12,251,559.19

      Taxes paid                                              2,246,223.92                         6,876,199.46

      Other business related cash
                                                              3,872,596.27                       182,915,857.60

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                                            20,600,424.75                        202,043,616.25
operating activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                                           108,508,687.12                        -180,718,311.00
operating activities

II. Cash flows arising from
investment activities:

      Cash received from recovery
                                                              1,400,000.81                                  0.00
of investment

      Cash received from
                                                                      0.00                                  0.00
investment income

      Net amount of cash received
from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                      0.00                           620,000.00
intangible assets and other long
term assets

      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other                                    0.00                                  0.00
operating units

      Other investment related
                                                                      0.00                                  0.00
cash receipts
           FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                     2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                        1,400,000.81                         620,000.00
investment activity

      Cash paid for
construction/purchase of fixed
                                        9,361,115.21                        1,602,602.66
assets, intangible assets and other
long term assets

      Cash paid for investment                  0.00                                0.00

      Net cash received from
payment by subsidiaries and other               0.00                                0.00
operating units

      Other investment related
                                                0.00                                0.00
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                        9,361,115.21                        1,602,602.66
investment activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                       -7,961,114.40                         -982,602.66
investment activities

III. Cash flows arising from fund
raising activities:

      Cash received from
                                                0.00                                0.00
absorption of investment

      Cash received from
                                      335,000,000.00                                0.00

      Cash received from bond

      Other fund-raising related
                                                0.00                      396,900,000.00
cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                      335,000,000.00                      396,900,000.00
raising activity

      Cash paid for liabilities
                                      340,000,000.00                      170,000,000.00

      Cash paid for dividend/profit
distribution or repayment of           34,261,913.03                        7,664,977.77

      Other fund-raising related
                                         751,008.00                          137,986.00
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                      375,012,921.03                      177,802,963.77
raising activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                      -40,012,921.03                      219,097,036.23
fund-raising activities
         FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2014 1        QUARTERLY REPORT

IV. Influence from change of
exchange rate upon cash and                                         0.00                                  0.00
cash equivalents

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          60,534,651.69                          37,396,122.57

     Plus: Opening balance of
                                                          27,929,968.24                          51,372,778.02
cash and cash equivalents

VI. Ending balance of cash and
                                                          88,464,619.93                          88,768,900.59
cash equivalents

      Legal Representative: Lai Weixuan    Chief Financial Officer: Li Dehua

      Manager of the Accounting Dept: Hu Xinglong

      II. Auditors’ Report

      The Company’s 1 Quarterly Report has not been audited