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						FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

         Stock Codes: 000026     200026     Short form of the Stocks: FIYTA A and FIYTA B       Bond Code: 112152

                           Short form of the bond: 12 FIYTA BOND Announcement No: 2015 -025

                                          FIYTA Holdings Ltd.

                      2015 Semi-Annual Report, Summary

1. Important Notice

This summary of the Semi-annual Report is quoted out of the full text of the Semi-annual Report.
Investors desirous to understand details of the Semi-annual Report are advised to read
carefully the full text of the Semi-annual Report which is publised in http://www.cninfo.com.cn
and the official website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the websites designated by CSRC.

Company Information
Short form of the stocks              FIYTA A, FIYTA B           Stock Codes                 000026, 200026
Stock Exchange Listed with            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  Liaison Person and the Way of
                                               Secretary of the Board              Securities Affairs Representative
Names                                 Lu Wanjun                                Zhang Yong
Tel.                                  0755-86013198                           0755-86013669
Fax                                   0755-83348369                           0755-83348369
E-mail                                investor@fiyta.com.cn                    investor@fiyta.com.cn

2. Financial Data Summary and Change of Shareholders
(1) Financial Data Summary
May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change
of the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                Increase/decrease in the
                                                                        Same Period of the        reporting period vs the
                                              Reporting period
                                                                          Previous Year          corresponding period of
                                                                                                   the previous year (%)
Revenues in CNY                                   1,683,793,247.59          1,642,614,790.97                       2.51%
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                     73,109,419.73              88,283,873.10                    -17.19%
shareholders, in CNY
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
shareholders less the non-recurring                  71,958,085.27              86,173,160.01                    -16.50%
gains/losses, in CNY
Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                    172,253,778.56             137,998,679.39                    24.82%
activities, in CNY
Basic earning per share (CNY/share)                           0.186                     0.225                    -17.33%
Diluted earning per share (CNY/share)                         0.186                     0.225                    -17.33%
Net assets-income ratio, weighted
                                                              4.36%                    5.58%                      -1.22%
average (%)

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                                         2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

                                                                                                        Increase/decrease of the
                                                 End of the reporting                                  report period vs the same
                                                                              End of the previous year
                                                       period                                             period of the previous
                                                                                                                 year (%)
Total assets, in CNY                                   3,820,850,106.95                3,657,781,647.20                           4.46%
Net assets attributable to the
Company’s shareholders, in CNY                        1,674,397,739.63                1,633,401,930.64                           2.51%

 (2) Sharesholding of the Top 10 Shareholders of Common Shares
                                                                                                                             In Shares
Total shareholders of ordinary
shares at the end of the reporting                                                                                                 23,948
                                        Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares

                                                                      Number of restricted shares held by       Pledging or freezing
  Shareholder’s                     Shareholding      Number of
                           Nature                                                    them                   Status of the
     Names                           proportion (%)   shares held                                                             Number
                 State corporate
International                               41.49%      162,977,327                                     0
Holdings Limited
GF Securities         non-state
                                             1.98%        7,794,070                                     0
Co., Ltd.             corporate
nghua Assets          Domestic
Gaolan                non-state
                                             1.23%        4,820,006                                     0
Investment Jinrun     corporate
No. 17 Asse ts        shareholder
Penghua Assets
- Industrial         Domestic
Bank - Jinrun        non-state
                                             1.08%        4,237,240                                     0
No. 16 Assets         corporate
Management            shareholder
nghua Assets
Fuhui No. 3                                  1.00%        3,920,000                                     0
International Trust
Co., Ltd. --         Domestic
Snub-nosed            non-state
                                             0.89%        3,484,780                                     0
Monkey                corporate
Securities            shareholder
nghua Assets
Jinrun No. 20         Domestic
Assets                non-state
                                             0.84%        3,318,141                                     0
Management            corporate
Plan                  shareholder

ICBC – Nanfang       Domestic
Big Data 100          non-state
                                             0.84%        3,296,886                                     0
Index Securities      corporate
Investment Fund       shareholder
Sichuan Trust         Domestic               0.57%        2,247,599                                     0
Co., Ltd. –          non-state

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

Sichuan Trust –   corporate
Zeqian No. 2       shareholder
Assembly Fund
Trust Plan
nghua Assets
Fuhui No.1                                       0.55%       2,169,100                                     0
                                       Of the top ten shareholders, Penghua Assets-SPDB-Penghua Assets Gaolan Investment Jinrun No. 17
                                       Assets Management Plan , Penghua Assets- Industrial Bank - Jinrun No. 16 Assets Management
Explanation on associated              Plan, Penghua Assets-SPDB-Penghua Assets Fuhui No. 3 Assets Management Plan, Penghua
relationship or consistent action of   Assets-SPDB-Penghua Assets Jinrun No. 20 Assets Management Plan and Penghua
the above shareholders                 Assets-SPDB-Penghua Assets Fuhui No.1 Assets Management Plan belong to concerted actors as
                                       specified in the Measures for Administration of Information on the Shareholder Equity Change of Listed
Note to the shareholders involved in
securities margin trading (if any)

(3) Fact Sheet of the Top 10 Shareholders of Preferred Shares

(4) Change in Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller


3. Discussion and Analysis of the Management
During the reporting period, China’s overall economical situation and watch retail industry both were confronted with
enormous pressure. Under such a background, the Company continued to insist on the principle of leading various work
with the brand strategy, and carried forward integration of the key value chain through the business model of “products +
channels”and improved the quality service ability. During the reporting period, the Company took the “values, innovation,
adjustment, and profit making” as the theme of work, carried forward various management innovations in a down-to-earth
way, realized operating revenue amounting to CNY 1,683,793,247.59 with year-on-year growth of 2.51%; realize net profit
amounting to CNY 73,109,419.73, a year-on-year drop of 17.19%.

Despite the sluggish market of the domestic famous brand watches during the reporting period, the Company still kept
adjusting the brand and channel structure in its HARMONY world watch retail business, focused on the work dimensions
of “upgrading the individual shops, improving the gross profit, optimizing the inventories and expanding the repairing
service business”; meanwhile, enthusiastically carried forward innovation of business model and development of new
business. During the reporting period, HARMONY successfully ensured business development and stabilized the market
share through various measures, realized operating revenue amounting to CNY 1,130,882,784.123 with year-on-year
drop of 2.89%.

During the reporting period, despite the domestic retail market generally being confronted with increasing pressure, the
Company still kept upgrading its product R & D and design ability and customer communication ability for its FIYTA watch
business, focused on the work dimensions of realizing financial objectives, capacity construction and upgrading, channel
and individual shop improvement, brand promotion and business platform development. Meanwhile, the Company kept
carrying forward development of e-commerce and BRAND GALLERY. During the reporting period, the Company kept
improving FIYTA watch channel quality and customer satisfaction, kept improving the comprehensive competitive power,
realized operating revenue amounting to CNY 494,755,397.54 with year-on-year growth of 17.57%.

During the reporting period, the Company kept steady income from its properties. The Company smoothly carried forward
the work of private offering of A-shares and cooperation of Beibiao Watch Industry.

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                            2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

4. Relevant Matters in Connection with Financial Report

(1) Change in accounting policy, accounting estimate and way of accounting in comparison with
the financial report of the previous year


(2) Retrospective restatement necessary for correction of significant accounting errors during
the reporting period


(3) Note to changes in the range of the consolidated statements in comparison with the financial
report of the previous year


(4) Explanation of the Board of Directions and the Supervisory Committee on the Qualified
Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs

