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						FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

Stock Codes: 000026     200026       Short form of the Stocks: FIYTA A and FIYTA B        Announcement No: 2016-028

                                        FIYTA Holdings Ltd.

                      2016 Semi-Annual Report, Summary
1. Important Notice

This summary of the Semi-annual Report is quoted out of the full text of the Semi-annual Report. Investors desirous to
understand details of the Semi-annual Report are advised to read carefully the full text of the Semi-annual Report which
is publised in http://www.cninfo.com.cn and the official website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the websites designated by

Company Information
Short form of the stocks              FIYTA A, FIYTA B             Stock Codes                000026, 200026
Stock Exchange Listed with            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  Liaison Persons and the Way of
                                              Secretary of the Board                 Securities Affairs Representative
Names                                 Lu Wanjun                                  Zhang Yong
Tel.                                  0755-86013198                             0755-86013669
Fax                                   0755-83348369                             0755-83348369
E-mail                                investor@fiyta.com.cn                      investor@fiyta.com.cn

2. Financial Data Summary and Change of Shareholders
(1) Financial Data Summary
May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change
of the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors
                                                                                                  Increase/decrease in the
                                                                         Same Period of the         reporting period vs the
                                              Reporting period
                                                                           Previous Year           corresponding period of
                                                                                                     the previous year (%)
Revenues in CNY                                   1,479,527,783.18            1,683,793,247.59                     -12.13%
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                    60,513,019.44                 73,109,419.73                    -17.23%
shareholders, in CNY
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
shareholders less the non-recurring                 59,792,409.84                 71,958,085.27                    -16.91%
gains/losses, in CNY
Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                   217,609,732.54                172,253,778.56                    26.33%
activities, in CNY
Basic earning per share (CNY/share)                           0.1379                    0.1861                     -25.90%
Diluted earning per share (CNY/share)                         0.1379                    0.1861                     -25.90%
Net assets-income ratio, weighted
                                                              2.59%                      4.36%                      -1.77%
average (%)
                                                                                                 Increase/decrease of the
                                            End of the reporting                                report period vs the same
                                                                       End of the previous year
                                                  period                                           period of the previous
                                                                                                          year (%)

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

Total assets, in CNY                                    4,012,803,246.93               4,246,670,045.02                          -5.51%
Net assets attributable to the
Company’s shareholders, in CNY                         2,325,432,058.26               2,299,215,650.21                           1.14%

(2) Sharesholding of the Top 10 Shareholders of Common Shares
                                                                                                                             In Shares
Total shareholders of common shares
at the end of the reporting period
                                         Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of common shares

                                                                      Number of restricted shares held by       Pledging or freezing
 Shareholder’s                       Shareholding      Number of
                         Nature                                                      them                   Status of the
    Names                             proportion (%)   shares held                                                            Number
                 State corporate
                                            37.15% 162,977,327                                          0
Holdings Limited
Eagle-Wens –
Junye Flexible
                    corporate                2.08%       9,131,232                           4,674,329
Configuration No.
3 Assets
Manulife Teda
Fund – Minsheng
Bank - Manulife
Teda Value
                                             2.07%       9,093,259                           9,093,259
issuance No. 351
Sws Mu
Merchants Bank –
China Resources     Domestic
Szitic Trust –     non-state
Ruihua Fixed        corporate
                                             1.92%       8,429,118                            8,429,118
Growth Hedge        shareholder
Fund No. 2
Assembled Funds
Trust Plan
                    State corporate
                                             1.13%       4,976,551                           4,976,551
Investment Co.,
Manulife Teda
Fund – ICBC –
Manulife Teda
Trade Orient
                    corporate                1.04%       4,546,630                           4,546,630
Dingzengbao No.
1 Assets
Life Insurance Co
mpany Ltd. –       Domestic
Dividend –         non-state
Personal            corporate
                                             0.80%       3,500,000                                      0
Dividend -          shareholder
China Life       Domestic
                                             0.63%       2,773,800                                      0
Insurance(Group) non-state

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

Company –         corporate
Traditional –     shareholder
                   Domestic natural
Dai Wen
                                               0.46%       2,009,321                                      0
International    Overseas
Securities (Hong corporate
                                               0.46%       2,000,000                                      0
Kong) Limited
                                       Of the top ten shareholders, both Manulife Teda Fund – Minsheng Bank - Manulife Teda Value Growth
                                       Oriented Additional Issuance No. 351 Asset Management Plan and Manulife Teda Fund – ICBC – Manulife
                                       Teda International Trade Orient Dingzengbao No. 1 Assets Management Plan are subsidiaries of Manulife
Explanation on associated
                                       Teda Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the total 13,639,889 shares held by them were restricted shares
relationship or consistent action of
                                       issued by the Company in a non-public way. Both China Life Insurance Company Ltd. – Dividend –
the above shareholders
                                       Personal Dividend - 005L-FH002 Shen and China Life Insurance(Group) Company – Traditional – General
                                       Insurance Product are subsidiaries of China Life Insurance(Group) Company and the total 6,273,800
                                       shares held by them were outstanding Renminbi common shares.
Note to the shareholders involved in
securities margin trading (if any)

(3) Fact Sheet of the Top 10 Shareholders of Preferred Shares

(4) Change in Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller


3. Discussion and Analysis of the Management

During the reporting period, the environment of the macroeconomy and the retail consumption industry were still
confronted with bigger pressure of growth. The situation of the domestic watch retail market was still not optimistic. Under
such background, the Company faced the environment pressure with the attitudes of innovation and progressiveness,
working hard for prosperity, and facing challenges, continued to stick to its own philosophy and brand development
strategy, constantly improved the business operation in the Chinese market with “deep ploughing, fusion, innovation and
improving efficiency” as its strategic theme of the year, constantly improved the business in the Chinese market and kept
a close watch on the Chinese people’s market; with customers’ demand as the original point, carefully studied the trend of
the industry, accurately identified the customers’ demands, kept creating excellent own brand ethnic group and high
efficiency famous watch retail comprehensive service supplier, focused on brand construction, customer study, business
model innovation and new business exploration, etc. and tried every means to realized good performance result. In the
reporting period, the Company realized operating revenue amounting to RMB 1,479,527,783.18, a 12.13% year-on-year
drop; realized net profit amounting to RMB 60,513,019.44, a 17.23% year-on-year drop. In the second quarter, the
comprehensive growth on moving base of the net profit realized by the Company was 22.06% over the first quarter.

During the reporting period, HARMONY carried out the operation work in series in in a deep-going way with all the work
centering the customers, strove to improve output of individual shops, continuously optimized the inventory structure,
shop-front structure, vitalized the low efficiency assets, energetically developed repairing services, kept carrying forward
rapid development of e-commerce. During the reporting period, HARMONY continued to enhance transformation and
upgrading of the business model, realized operating revenue amouting to RMB 929,986,317.85, a 17.76% year-on-year
drop but the operating profit got improved mildly.

During the reporting period, the Company implemented the customer study in full operation for the own brand business
with FIYTA as the core, looked into and grasped the trend of demand of different consumer groups, further refined and
enriched the DNA of the own brand, optimized the progress of launching new products, reinforced the cost control ability;
accelerated increase of investment in accurate marketing through the Internet, enhanced the exposure of the brand and
improved the brand influence and reputation; enhanced the construction of shopping guide ability, improved the capability
of channel operation. In the reporting period, the Company kept carrying forward newly-developng businesses, and
realized good development in smart watches, e-commerce, ONAS&VERUS and overseas business

During the reporting period, the Company kept steady growth in income from properties and realized revenue amounting
to RMB 49,145,205.51, a 3.70% year-on-year growth.

FIYTA Holding Ltd.                                              2015 Semi-annual Report Summary

4. Relevant Matters in Connection with Financial Report

(1) Change in accounting policy, accounting estimate and way of accounting in comparison with
the financial report of the previous year


(2) Retrospective restatement necessary for correction of significant accounting errors during
the reporting period


(3) Note to changes in the range of the consolidated statements in comparison with the financial
report of the previous year


(4) Explanation of the Board of Directions and the Supervisory Committee on the Qualified
Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs

