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						FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                             2016 Semi-Annual Report

                      FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.

                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

                           August, 2016

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

           Section 1        Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby
individually and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this report and confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which would
render any statement misleading.

Except the following directors, all the other directors personally attended the board meeting for reviewing
the Annual Report:

    Names of the directors           Titles of the directors        Cause of failure in attending    Names of the attorneys
failed in attending the board   failed in attending the board           the board meeting
     meeting personally               meeting personally                    personally

Liu Aiyi                        Director                            Business trip                   Cao Zhen

Zhong Sijun                     Director                            Business trip                   Wang Mingchuan

Wang Yan                        Independent director                Business trip                   Zhang Shunwen

The Company is not going to conduct interim dividend distribution, bonus share distribution or
conversion of reserve into share capital.

Mr. Xu Dongsheng, the Company leader, Mr. Hu Xinglong, chief financial officer, and Mr. Tian Hui, the
manager of the accounting department (treasurer) hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of
the financial report enclosed in this Annual Report.

Any perspective description involved in the Report, such as the future plan, development strategy, etc.
shall not compose the Company’s substantial undertaking to the investors. Investors are advised to pay
attention to the risks involved in their investment.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                             Table of Contents

2016 Semi-Annual Report

Section 1   Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

Section 2 Company Profile

Section 3 Financial and Business Highlights

Section 4 Report of the Board of Directors

Section 5 Significant Events

Section 6 Change of Shares and Particulars about the Shareholders

Section 7 About Preferred Shares

Chapter 8 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

Section 9 Financial Report

Section 10 List of Documents Available for Inspection

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report


           Terms to be defined       Refers to                                                   Definition

This Company, the Company or Fiyta   Refers to FIYTA Holdings Ltd.

AVIC International Holdings          Refers to AVIC International Holdings Limited

HARMONY                              Refers to Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd.

Rainbow Supermarket                  Refers to Rainbow Supermarket Co., Ltd.

CATIC Real Estate                    Refers to CATIC Real Estate Co., Ltd.

CATIC Property                       Refers to CATIC Property Management Co., Ltd.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                      Section 2 Company Profile

I. Company Profile

Abbreviation of the stock     FIYTA A, FIYTA B                      Stock Code                   000026 and 200026

Stock Exchange Listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Name in Chinese 飞亚达(集团)股份有限公司

Abbreviation of company
name in Chinese (if any)

Company Name in English
(if any)                      FIYTA

Abbreviation of Company
                              FIYTA HOLDINGS           LTD.
Name in English (if any)

Legal Representative of the
                              Xu Dongsheng

II. Liaison Persons and Way of Communication

                                                   Secretary of the Board             Securities Affairs Representative

Names                                      Lu Wanjun                               Zhang Yong

                                           20th Floor, FIYTA Technology Building, 20th Floor, FIYTA Technology Building,
Liaison Address                            Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District, Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District,
                                           Shenzhen                                Shenzhen

Tel.                                       0755-86013198                          0755-86013669

Fax                                        0755-83348369                          0755-83348369

E-mail                                     investor@fiyta.com.cn                   investor@fiyta.com.cn

III. Other Information
1. Way of Communication with the Company
Is there any change in the Company’s registered address, office address, postal code, website, e-mail
address in the reporting period?

2. Information Disclosure and Place of Regular Reports Prepared for Inquiry
There is no change in the name of the newspapers designated for disclosing the information, internet web site designated
by China Securities Regulatory Commission for publishing the company’s semi-annual report: and place of the company’s
semi-annual report prepared for inquiry.    For the detail, please refer to 2015 Annual Report

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

3. Changes of the Registration Data
No change took place with the Company’s registration date, registration number of the business licence, tax registration
number, organization code, etc. during the reporting period. For more detailed information, please refer to 2015 Annual

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                   Section 3           Financial Highlights

I. Summary of Accounting and Financial Data
May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change
of the accounting policies and correction of accounting errors?

                                                                         Same period of the              Year-on-year
                                               Reporting period
                                                                            previous year             increase/decrease

Turnover in RMB                                    1,479,527,783.18            1,683,793,247.59                     -12.13%

Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                      60,513,019.44               73,109,419.73                     -17.23%
shareholders, in RMB

Net profit attributable to the Company’s
shareholders less the non-recurring                   59,792,409.84               71,958,085.27                     -16.91%
items, in RMB

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                     217,609,732.54              172,253,778.56                      26.33%
activities, in RMB

Basic earning per share (RMB/share)                           0.1379                      0.1861                    -25.90%

Diluted earning per share (RMB/share)                         0.1379                      0.1861                    -25.90%

Return on equity, weighted average (%)                        2.59%                       4.36%                      -1.77%

                                                                                                   Increase/decrease at the
                                                                                                      end of the reporting
                                            End of reporting period      End of previous year
                                                                                                   period over the end of the
                                                                                                         previous year

Total assets, in RMB                               4,012,803,246.93            4,246,670,045.02                      -5.51%

Net assets attributable to the
Company’s shareholders (owner’s
                                                   2,325,432,058.26            2,299,215,650.21                         1.14%
equity attributable to the Company’s
shareholders, in RMB)

II. Difference in the Accounting Data based respectively on the Chinese Accounting Standards
(CAS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS)
1. Differences in the net profit disclosed in the financial report & the net assets attributable to the Company’s shareholders
respectively according to the IAS and the CAS.

2. Didfferences in the net profit disclosed in the financial report & the net assets attributable to the Company’s
shareholders according to both the IAS and the CAS

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and the amount involved

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                            Items                                       Amount                          Notes

                                                                                           It refers to the gain/loss from
Gaub/loss from disposal of non-current assets, including the
                                                                               -83,873.03 disposal of the office fixed
part written-off with the provision for impairment of assets
                                                                                           assets in the current period

Government subsidy recognized in current gains and losses                                  For the detail, refer to Note VII
(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business                                and XVIII Government
and granted under the state’s policies according to certain                               Subsidy Counted To The
quota of amount or volume)                                                                 Current Profit And Loss.

Income and expenses from the business other than the                                       Other various non-operating
above items                                                                                revenue and expenditure

Less: Amount affected by the income tax                                       152,781.66

Total                                                                         720,609.60                  --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it
is necessary to explain the reason.

                     Section 4 Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview
During the reporting period, the environment of the macroeconomy and the retail consumption industry were still
confronted with bigger pressure of growth. The situation of the domestic watch retail market was still not optimistic. Under
such background, the Company faced the environment pressure with the attitudes of innovation and progressiveness,
working hard for prosperity, and facing challenges, continued to stick to its own philosophy and brand development
strategy, constantly improved the business operation in the Chinese market with “deep ploughing, fusion, innovation and
improving efficiency” as its strategic theme of the year, constantly improved the business in the Chinese market and kept
a close watch on the Chinese people’s market; with customers’ demand as the original point, carefully studied the trend of
the industry, accurately identified the customers’ demands, kept creating excellent own brand ethnic group and high
efficiency famous watch retail comprehensive service supplier, focused on brand construction, customer study, business
model innovation and new business exploration, etc. and tried every means to realized good performance result. In the
reporting period, the Company realized operating revenue amounting to RMB 1,479,527,783.18, a 12.13% year-on-year
drop; realized net profit amounting to RMB 60,513,019.44, a 17.23% year-on-year drop. In the second quarter, the
comprehensive growth on moving base of the net profit realized by the Company was 22.06% over the first quarter.

During the reporting period, HARMONY carried out the operation work in series in in a deep-going way with all the work
centering the customers, strove to improve output of individual shops, continuously optimized the inventory structure,

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

shop-front structure, vitalized the low efficiency assets, energetically developed repairing services, kept carrying forward
rapid development of e-commerce. During the reporting period, HARMONY continued to enhance transformation and
upgrading of the business model, realized operating revenue amouting to RMB 929,986,317.85, a 17.76% year-on-year
drop but the operating profit got improved mildly.

During the reporting period, the Company implemented the customer study in full operation for the own brand business
with FIYTA as the core, looked into and grasped the trend of demand of different consumer groups, further refined and
enriched the DNA of the own brand, optimized the progress of launching new products, reinforced the cost control ability;
accelerated increase of investment in accurate marketing through the Internet, enhanced the exposure of the brand and
improved the brand influence and reputation; enhanced the construction of shopping guide ability, improved the capability
of channel operation. In the reporting period, the Company kept carrying forward newly-developng businesses, and
realized good development in smart watches, e-commerce, ONAS&VERUS and overseas business

During the reporting period, the Company kept steady growth in income from properties and realized revenue amounting
to RMB 49,145,205.51, a 3.70% year-on-year growth.

II. Analysis on Principal Business

Year-on-year change of the principal financial data
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                      Same period of the       Year-on-year
                            Reporting period                                                       Causes of Movements
                                                        previous year       increase/decrease

Operating revenue              1,479,527,783.18          1,683,793,247.59                -12.13%

Operating cost                   881,663,280.51          1,037,981,721.35                -15.06%

Sales expenses                   378,007,640.11            386,297,227.92                 -2.15%

                                  94,847,009.60            100,131,176.65                 -5.28%

                                                                                                   The Company failed in
                                                                                                   raising proceeds by
                                                                                                   non-public issuing of A
                                                                                                   shares at the end of
                                                                                                   2015. As a result, the
                                                                                                   operational cash stock
Financial expenses                35,230,653.98             50,889,786.79                -30.77%
                                                                                                   was quite abundant
                                                                                                   during the reporting
                                                                                                   period and partial
                                                                                                   interest bearing
                                                                                                   liabilities have been

                                                                                                   During the reporting
Income tax expenses               15,779,713.54             22,261,660.23                -29.12% period, the Company’s
                                                                                                   total profit dropped by

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                        20.49% over the same
                                                                        period of the previous
                                                                        year. The manufacture
                                                                        company, one of the
                                                                        subsidiaries, as a
                                                                        hi-tech enterprise
                                                                        enjoying key support
                                                                        from the central
                                                                        government with
                                                                        preferential enterprise
                                                                        income tax rate,
                                                                        completed the
                                                                        re-valuation of the
                                                                        fourth quarter of 2015.
                                                                        During the reporting
                                                                        period, the enterprise
                                                                        income tax was
                                                                        counted at 15% while
                                                                        the applicable rate of
                                                                        the same period of the
                                                                        previous year was

R & D investment         18,483,969.94     18,788,221.52      -1.62%

                                                                        During the reporting
                                                                        period, based on the
                                                                        complicated market
                                                                        environment, the
                                                                        Company controlled
Net cash flow from
                        217,609,732.54    172,253,778.56      26.33% properly the network
operating activities
                                                                        development speed
                                                                        and inventories
                                                                        procurement, and
                                                                        enhanced the
                                                                        management of the
                                                                        cash flow.

Net cash flow from
                        -100,946,266.01   -110,919,548.69     -8.99%
investment activities

                                                                        The Company failed in
Net cash flow from                                                      raising proceeds by
                        -257,228,709.41   -17,014,123.13    1,411.85%
financial activities                                                    non-public issuing of A
                                                                        shares at the end of

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                                                     2015. As a result, the
                                                                                                     operational cash stock
                                                                                                     was quite abundant
                                                                                                     during the reporting
                                                                                                     period and partial
                                                                                                     interest bearing
                                                                                                     liabilities have been

                                                                                                     It was mainly due to
                                                                                                     that the proceeds
Net increase of cash
                                 -140,290,895.31           43,999,662.37                   -418.85% raised in the reporting
and cash equivalents
                                                                                                     period was put into

Great change has taken place in profit composition or profit sources in the reporting period

Future development and plan extended to the reporting period as disclosed in the documents of public disclosure, such as
the company’s prospectus, letter of intent on the offering and asset reorganization report, etc.

Review and summary of the progress of the operaton plan in the reporting period the Company disclosed previously

III. Composition of Principal Businesses

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                           Increase/decrea Increase/decrea
                                                                                            se of principal     se of gross
                                                                        se of revenue in
                     Operating                                                              business cost      profit rate over
                                      Operating costs   Gross margin    the same period
                       revenue                                                              over the same the same period
                                                                        of the previous
                                                                                              period of        of the previous
                                                                                            previous year           year


Watches                               874,081,432.48           38.44%           -12.65%             -15.09%              1.77%

Leases              49,145,205.51       6,783,241.62           86.20%             3.70%              -2.35%              0.86%


Sales of famous
                   929,986,317.85 696,749,754.94               25.08%           -17.76%             -19.33%              1.45%
brand watches

Sales of FIYTA
                   489,949,813.89 177,331,677.54               63.81%            -0.97%              6.99%              -2.69%

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

Property lease        49,145,205.51     6,783,241.62           86.20%              3.70%            -2.35%             0.86%


Northeast China 151,667,894.58        97,691,934.85            35.59%             -8.09%            -7.45%            -0.44%

North China        179,720,581.18 115,279,446.67               35.86%            -35.35%           -38.78%             3.59%

                   253,190,904.95 164,030,335.28               35.21%             -8.74%           -11.96%             2.37%

                   151,356,328.94     98,573,038.91            34.87%            -18.70%           -19.52%             0.66%

East China         191,582,266.32 115,775,006.13               39.57%            -16.46%           -19.13%             1.99%

South China        541,563,361.28 289,514,912.26               46.54%              0.83%            -0.36%             0.64%

IV. Analysis on Core Competitiveness

The Company’s core competitiveness is a collection of techniques and technologies which enable the Company to
provide the customers with specific value and is the competitiveness which products or services must rely on in process of
taking a leading position. Suc abilities consist of abilities of brand building, quality services, product innovation, strategic
human resource management and knowledgement management. At present, the Company is a national industrial design
center and national technology center. All the manufacturing enterprises are national hi-tech manufacturers. In addition,
the Company has participated in preparation and amendment work of a number of national and industrial standards.

In addition that the aforesaid core abilities have kept consolidation, during the reporting period, the Company achieved
great success in technology platform construction and science and technology innovation. The Company was elected a
pilot enterprise in implementing the Informationization and Industrialization Intergration Management System and the
Company’s technology center was certified as a key laboratory of light industry in China. During the first half year of 2016,
the Company applied for 4 patents of invention, 3 patents for utility models and 20 design patents; was granted 1 patent of
invention, 7 patents of utility models and 24 design patents; took lead or participated in preparation and amendment of 3
national standards.

V. Analysis on Investment Status

1. External Equity Investment
(1) External Investment

(2) Holding of the Equipty in Financial Enterprises

(3) Investment in Securities

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

(4) Explanation on Holding Equity in Other Listed Companies


2. Entrusted Financing, Investment in Derivative Products and Entrusted Loan

(1) Entrusted Financing


(2) Investment in Derivatives


(3) Entrusted Loan


3. Application of the Raised Capital

(1) General Application of the Raised Capital

                                                                                                           In RMB10,000

Total raised capital                                                                                              98,550

Total raised capital invested in the reporting period                                                             21,231

Total raised capital accumulatively invested                                                                      77,590

Total raised capital whose application has been
changed in the reporting period

Total raised capital whose application has been
changed accumulatively

Proportion of the total raised capital whose
application has been changed accumulatively

                                         Note to Application of the Raised Capital

The Company held the 33rd meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors and 2012 1st extraordinary general meeting
respectively on June 19, 2012 and July 6, 2012. The meetings reviewed and approved the Proposal of Issuing Company
Bonds, etc. according to which, the Company planned to issue company bonds with a size not exceeding RMB400
million and with a term not exceeding 5 years (with 5 years inclusive) which would be used for replacing bank loan and
replenishing the working capital. On September 9, 2012, approved through verification by China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC) with Document ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2012] No. 1209, the Company was approved to issue
company bonds with the size not exceeding RMB 400 million. The Company issued RMB 400 million of bonds in the said
period. After deduction of the issuing costs, the net raised capital amounting to RMB396.9 million was remitted to the
bank account designated by the Company on March 5, 2013. RSM China CPAs, the CPAs engaged by the Company

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                           2016 Semi-Annual Report

issued the capital verification reports of ZHONG RUI YUE HUA YAN ZI [2013] No. 0053, ZHONG RUI YUE HUA YAN ZI
[2013] No. 0054 and ZHONG RUI YUE HUA YAN ZI [2013] No. 0055 respectively for the frozen capital for subscription
of the on-line bond issuing, the frozen capital for subscription of the off-line placement and the actual raised capital
conditions. Approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with Document SHEN ZHENG SHANG [2013] No. 99, the bonds
have been listed with both SZSE Centralized Bidding System and the Comprehensive Agreement Based Transaction
Platform commencing from March 29, 2013 with the abbreviation of the security as “12 YADA BOND” and security code
as “112152”. The issuing of the company bonds has been completed. The capital raised from the issuing was remitted to
the bank account designated by the Company on March 5, 2013. Up to now, the Company had used up all the raised
capital and no change has taken place in the application purpose of the raised capital. By February 29, 2016, the
Company had redeemed all the company bonds and the company bonds have been delisted.

The Company held the 18th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directgors and 2014 Annual General Meeting respectively
on April 16, 2015 and June 17, 2015. The meetings reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Plan for Non-public
Issuing of A-shares to the Specified Investors, etc., according to which the Company planned to issue in a non-public
way A-shares to no more than 10 (with 10 inclusive) specified investors with the total raised capital not exceeding RMB
600 million, which would be applied for four projects, including the project of launching new FIYTA watches and
supplement the working capital. The application for non-public issuing of A-shares was reviewed and approved by CSRC
Securities Issuance Examination Committee (CSIEC) on October 30, 2015. On November 17, 2015, the Company
received Official Reply to FIYTA Holdings Ltd. on Approval for Non-public Issuing ( ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2015] No. 2588
which authorized the Company to issue no more than 46,911,649 new shares in non-public way. The actual number of
A-shares actually issued in the non-public issuing activity was 45,977,011 shares and the raised capital amounted to
RMB 599 million. After deduction of the issuing costs, the net raised capital amounting to RMB583 million was remitted
to the bank account designated by the Company on December 18, 2015. Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants
(Special General Partnership) issued the Capital Verification Reports ZHI TONG YAN ZI (2015) No. 441ZC0653, ZHI
TONG YAN ZI (2015) No. 441ZC0652 respectively for the raised capital. The A-shares issued in a non-public way were
registered for listing on January 15, 2016 and locked for 12 months. The Company has published the Announcement of
Commitment concering the Shares Issued in a Non-public Way. Up to now, the capital raised from non-public issuing of
A-shares is going to be applied for the originally designated application purpose and there exists no such a case that the
application purpose has been changed. The concerned follow-up commitments are in process of implementation.

(2) Projects Invested with Raised Capital as Promised
                                                                                                                                          In RMB 10,000

                                                                                 Amount      Investmen Date when
                            Has the                                                                                                              significant
                                          Total                                 accumulati t progress the project                    Has the
                             project                  Total                                                              Result                   change
  Promised investment                   promised                 Amount            vely      by the end      has                     predicted
                                been                investmen                                                          realized in                 taken
 projects and investment                investmen               invested in invested           of the     reached                    operation
                            changed                   t after                                                             the                     place in
   with the over-raised                  t with                 the report      up to the      report        the                      result
                           (including               adjustmen                                                          reporting                      the
         capital                         raised                   period        end of the period (%) predicted                        been
                             partial                   t (1)                                                             period                  feasibility
                                         capital                                  report       (3) =      applicable                 reached?
                            change)                                                                                                                of the
                                                                                period (2)     (2)/(1)     status

Projects invested with raised capital as promised

Repayment of bank loan     No              30,000      30,000              0       30,000     100.00%                             0 Yes          No

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

Replenishing the working
                              No              10,000    10,000       0    10,000   100.00%            0 Yes        No

New arrival project of
                              No              18,000    18,000   14,265   14,283    79.35%            0 Yes        No
 FIYTA watch products

FIYTA E-commerce
                              No              12,000    12,000    2,051    3,265    27.21%            0 Yes        No

FIYTA Brand marketing
                              No              10,000    10,000    1,219    5,920    59.20%            0 Yes        No
and promotion project

Technic Service Website
                              No               5,000     5,000     616     1,042    20.83%            0 Yes        No
Construction Project

Replenishing working
                              No              15,000    15,000    3,080   13,080    87.20%            0 Yes        No

Subtotal of investment
                                   --        100,000   100,000   21,231   77,590     --      --       0       --        --
projects as committed

Intended investment with the over-raised capital


Total                              --        100,000   100,000   21,231   77,590     --      --       0       --        --

Description and causes

of failure in realizing the

planned progress or           Inapplicable

expected earning (based

on specific projects)

Explanation on great

change in project             Inapplicable


Amount of the                 Inapplicable

over-raised proceeds,

application and progress

of application

Change of the place for       Inapplicable

implementation of the

investment project with

the raised capital

Adjustment of the way for Inapplicable

implementation of the

investment project with

the raised capital

Advance investment in         Applicable

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

the investment project      The Company raised proceeds amounting to RMB 599 million from the project of non-public issuing of A shares. After
with raised capital and     deduction of the underwriting fee, the raised proceeds amounted to RMB 585 million. After deduction of the other
the replacement             expenses in connection with the non-public issuing, the net amount of the raised capital was RMB583 million.

                            According to the Proposal on Replacing the Self-raised Fund for the Investment Project with the Raised Capital as

                            reviewed and approved at the 5th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors, the Company decided to replace the

                            self-raised fund as put into previously and the amount of the raised capital for the replacement was RMB 63.5839

                            million. Ended June 30, 2016, the Company finished the replacement with the raised capital. The replacement did not

                            conflict with the implementation plan for the projects invested with the raised capital from the non-public issuing and

                            did not affect the normal operation of the projects invested with the raised capital. There existed no such situation of

                            changing in disguised form the investment orientation for the raised capital which may harm the shareholders’ interest.

                            The time distance of the replacement from the arrival of the proceeds at the account was less than 6 months.

Provisional                 Inapplicable

replenishment of the

working capital with the

idle raised capital

Amount of balance of the Inapplicable

raised capital in project

implementation and the


Application and the place

of going of the raised      Inapplicable

capital not yet used

Problems and other

conditions existing in
application of the raised

capital and disclosure

(3) Change of the Projects Invested with the Raised Capital


(4) Projects Invested with the Raised Capital


4. Analysis on Principal Subsidiaries and Mutual Shareholding Companies
Particulars about the Principal Subsidiaries and Mutual Shareholding Companies
                                                                                                                                             In RMB

  Company                          Sectors                     Registered                      Net assets                Operating
                Company type                   products and                     Total assets                Turnover                    Net profit
   Names                         engaged in                      capital                                                    profit

Shenzhen       Subsidiary       Retail         Mainly         600,000,000( 1,962,164,60 736,548,679. 965,848,684. 23,798,142 19,873,414.85

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

Harmony                                   engaged in       RMB)                 9.51           35           25         .06

World                                     sales of

Watches                                   world

Center Co.,                               famous

Ltd.                                      brand watch,



                                          sales and


                                          service of


                                          and parts

                                          Sales and

                                          repairing of

                                          watches and

FIYTA Sales Subsidiary                    spares and       450,000,000( 805,923,498. 418,102,818. 458,389,161. 6,933,246.
                            Retail                                                                                            7,298,365.59
Co., Ltd.                                 parts and        RMB)                   44           49           42         52

                                          sales of

                                          jewelry and



                                          engaged in


                                          and sales of


Sophisticate                                               10,000,000(   144,969,139. 52,210,581.0 173,311,487. 42,192,630
               Subsidiary   Manufacture and                                                                                  36,256,206.62
d Timepieces                                               RMB)                   05            9           69         .66
                                          of clocks and
Co., Ltd.
                                          watches, and

                                          driving units,

                                          spares and




                                          R & D,
                                          and sales of 10,000,000(       86,972,887.1 58,222,410.4 64,711,454.1 4,085,040.
Technology     Subsidiary   Manufacture                                                                                       3,516,637.24
                                          watches,         RMB)                    8            4            1         83
Co., Ltd.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                            sales and







                                            engaged in

                                            trade and
                                            overseas        115,060,000( 455,027,208. 210,015,734. 55,415,710.6 -5,590,444
Kong)          Subsidiary     Retail                                                                                         -6,061,994.03
                                            market          HKD)                  59           38            5         .75

                                            of FIYTA


                                            Sales of

                                            clocks and

                                            watches and

Shenzhen                                    gifts and

Symphony                                    consultation 5,000,000(R
               Subsidiary     Retail                                     3,340,871.76 2,925,047.34 2,365,470.10 461,232.89     461,232.89
Trading Co.,                                of relevant     MB)

Ltd.                                        information

                                            and other



Shanghai       Mutual                       Sales of

Watch          shareholding                 watches and 15,350,000(      101,469,978. 95,670,740.6 38,165,667.5
                              Manufacture                                                                          918.36          688.77
Industry Co., company                       spares and      RMB)                  50            5            6

Ltd.                                        parts

5. Projects Invested with Funds not Raised through Share Offering


VI. Prediction of the Operation Performances from January to September 2015


VII. Explanation of the Board of Directions and the Supervisory Committee on the
Qualified Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

VIII. Explanation of the Board of Directions to the Matters in Connection with
“Qualified Auditors’ Report” of the Previous Year


IX. Implementation of Profit Distribution in the Reporting Period
Implementation or adjustment of the profit distribution plan, especially cash dividend plan and plan for conversion of
capital reserve into share capital implemented in the reporting period

2015 Profit Distribution Plan was reviewed and approved at the 6th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors held on March
8, 2016 and 2015 Annual General Meeting held on May 20, 2016. It was resolved that with the share capital as at January
15, 2016 totaling 438,744,881 shares as the base, the Company was to distribute cash dividend to the whole
shareholders at rate of RMB1.00 (with tax inclusive) for every 10 shares and bonus shares at the rate of 0 share and no
reserve was converted into the share capital. The profit distribution plan was finished in implementration by June 28, 2016.
For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the Implementation of the Equity Distribution of Year 2015 No. 2016-024.

                                  Special description of the cash dividend distribution policy

Whether the plan complies with the Articles of Association
and resolution of the General Meeting:

Whether the dividend distribution rate and proportion are
clear and definite:

Whether the relevant decision making procedures and
mechanism are complete:

Have the independent directors have done their duty and
brought their due role into full play:

Have the minority shareholders fully expressed their
opinions and been given the opportunity of fully expressing
their opinions and appeal and has their legal interests have
been fully protected:

Are any adjustment or alteration, conditions and procedures
of the cash dividend policy in compliance or transparent:

X. Preplan for Profit Distribution and Conversion of Capital Reserve into Share

XI. Statement of such activities as reception, research, communication, interview in
the reporting period


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                    Section 5 Significant Events

I. Overview of the Corporate Governance
The Company continuously improved the Company’s corporate governance structure, established the modern enterprise
system, and standardized the company operation. As a result, there existed no discrepancy between the situation of the
Company’s corporate governance and the requirements of the regulatory documents of China Securities Regulatory
Commission concerning governance of listed companies.

II. Major Lawsuits and Arbitration Affairs


III. Media Query


IV. Bankruptcy or Reorganization Related Events


V. Asset Transactions

1. Acquisition of Assets


2. Sales of Assets


3. Enterprise Consolidation


VI. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan and its Influences


VII. Material Related Transactions

1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                     Amount Proportio
                                               Principle                                              Way of
                                   Descripti                          of the        n in the               Similar
                                               of pricing Price of           Amount
                                                                                        Has it settleme
                   Type of   on of                       related amount         of                         market             Disclos
 Related Relations                     of the  related                      transacti          nt for the           Disclosur
                                                                                        d the
                   related Related                      transacti of the       ons                          price               ure
 Parties    hip                       related transacti                                amount related                e date
                   parties Transacti                      on (in    similar (in RMB   approved            obtainabl            index
                                     transacti   ons                                      ?    transacti
                              ons                         RMB     transacti                                   e
                                        ons                                                        on
                                                         10,000) ons (%)

                                   Shopping                                                          Bank
Rainbow                                                                                                                            www.c
            Common Sales           mall        Negotiat Inapplica                                    account   Inapplica March
Superma                                                                 80.49         3.17%    No                                  ninfo.c
            controller costs       expense ed price        ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
rket                                                                                                                               om.cn
                                   s                                                                 nce

                      Administr                                                                      Bank
                                   Property                                                                                        www.c
CATIC       Common ative                       Negotiat Inapplica                                    account   Inapplica March
                                   manage                             135.63          5.37%    No                                  ninfo.c
Property controller expense                    ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
                                   ment fee                                                                                        om.cn
                      s etc.                                                                         nce


n CATIC                                                                                              Bank
                      Construc                                                                                                     www.c
Building    Common                 Engineeri Negotiat Inapplica                                      account   Inapplica March
                      tion-in-pr                                        89.09         3.53%    No                                  ninfo.c
Technolo controller                ng fee      ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
                      ocess                                                                                                        om.cn
gy Co.,                                                                                              nce


                      Revenue                                                                        Bank
Rainbow                                                                                                                            www.c
            Common from            Sales of    Negotiat Inapplica                                    account   Inapplica March
Superma                                                              3,537.84         2.39%    No                                  ninfo.c
            controller principal goods         ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
rket                                                                                                                               om.cn
                      business                                                                       nce

                      Revenue                                                                        Bank
Industry                                                                                                                           www.c
            Eventual from          Sales of    Negotiat Inapplica                                    account   Inapplica March
Corporati                                                                9.22         0.01%    No                                  ninfo.c
            controller principal goods         ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
on of                                                                                                                              om.cn
                      business                                                                       nce

                      Revenue                                                                        Bank
Shennan                                                                                                                            www.c
            Common from            Sales of    Negotiat Inapplica                                    account   Inapplica March
Circuit                                                               332.67        16.92%     No                                  ninfo.c
            controller principal goods         ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                          om.cn
                      business                                                                       nce

                      Revenue                                                                        Bank
CATIC                                                                                                                              www.c
            Common from            Property Negotiat Inapplica                                       account   Inapplica March
Real                                                                       80         1.63%    No                                  ninfo.c
            controller principal lease         ed price    ble                                       transfere ble      10, 2016
Estate                                                                                                                             om.cn
                      business                                                                       nce

CATIC       Common Revenue Property Negotiat Inapplica                                               Bank      Inapplica March     www.c
                                                                      374.54          7.62%    No
Property controller from           lease       ed price    ble                                       account   ble      10, 2016 ninfo.c

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report

                      principal                                                       transfere                       om.cn

                      business                                                        nce

CATIC                 Revenue                                                         Bank
Securitie Common from             Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                57.85   1.18%   No                                    ninfo.c
s Co.,      controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Ltd.                  business                                                        nce


                      Revenue                                                         Bank
City                                                                                                                  www.c
            Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Property                                                        29.28   0.60%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Develop                                                                                                               om.cn
                      business                                                        nce

Co., Ltd.


n CATIC               Revenue                                                         Bank
City        Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                 1.18   0.02%   No                                    ninfo.c
Develop controller principal lease         ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
ment                  business                                                        nce

Co., Ltd.


                      Revenue                                                         Bank
Guanlan                                                                                                               www.c
            Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Property                                                         4.73   0.10%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Develop                                                                                                               om.cn
                      business                                                        nce

Co., Ltd.

Xi’an                Revenue                                                         Bank
Tianyue     Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                 230    4.68%   No                                    ninfo.c
Hotel       controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Co., Ltd.             business                                                        nce

                      Revenue                                                         Bank
Rainbow                                                                                                               www.c
            Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Superma                                                         24.28   0.49%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
rket                                                                                                                  om.cn
                      business                                                        nce


                      Revenue                                                         Bank
9 Square                                                                                                              www.c
            Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Assets                                                          17.89   0.36%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Manage                                                                                                                om.cn
                      business                                                        nce

Co., Ltd.

Shenzhe Common Revenue Property Negotiat Inapplica              72.94   1.48%   No    Bank        Inapplica March     www.c

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report

n CATIC controller from           lease    ed price   ble                             account     ble      10, 2016 ninfo.c

City                  principal                                                       transfere                       om.cn

Investme              business                                                        nce

nt Co.,



n CATIC               Revenue                                                         Bank
Theme       Common from           Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                22.16   0.45%   No                                    ninfo.c
Real        controller principal lease     ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Estate                business                                                        nce

Co., Ltd.


Real                                                                                                                  www.c
            Common Sales          Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Estate                                                          53.14   1.68%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller costs      lease    ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Develop                                                                                                               om.cn

Co., Ltd.


City Real                                                                                                             www.c
            Common Sales          Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
Estate                                                          13.86   0.44%   No                                    ninfo.c
            controller costs      lease    ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Develop                                                                                                               om.cn

Co., Ltd.



Changtai                                                                              Bank
Investme Common Sales             Property Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                14.27   0.45%   No                                    ninfo.c
nt          controller costs      lease    ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
Develop                                                                               nce


Co., Ltd.


City                                                                                  Bank
Property Common Sales             Rental   Negotiat Inapplica                         account     Inapplica March
                                                                 9.37   0.30%   No                                    ninfo.c
(Kunsha controller costs          fee      ed price   ble                             transfere ble        10, 2016
n) Co.,                                                                               nce


Chengdu                                                                               Bank                            www.c
            Common Sales          Rental   Negotiat Inapplica                                     Inapplica March
CATIC                                                            0.04   0.00%   No    account                         ninfo.c
            controller costs      fee      ed price   ble                                         ble      10, 2016
Real                                                                                  transfere                       om.cn

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

Estate                                                                                                                     nce



Co., Ltd.

Total                                              --           --       5,190.47         --                0       --           --         --            --          --

Details of large amount of sales returns     Inapplicable

Actual implementation of the routine

related transactions incurred during the

reporting period whose total amount had Inapplicable

been predicted based on the categories

(if any)

Cause of bigger difference between the

bargain price and the market reference       Inapplicable

price (if any)

2. Repated transactions in connection with assets acquisition and sale


3. Related transaction in connection joint external investment


4. Related credits and debts

Credit due from related parties:

                                               Does there                               increased                                          Interest in
                                                                      Opening                           recovered in
                                                        exist                       amount in the                                         the reporting          Ending
   Related                      Causes of                            balance (in                        the reporting
                 Relationship                 non-operation                             reporting                         Interest rate      period            balance (in
    parties                      formation                           RMB10,000)                          period (in
                                                   capital                               period                                                  (in       RMB10,000)
                                               occupancy?                                  (in                                            RMB10,000)


Rainbow          Common         Payment for
                                              No                          801.28          4,139.28              3,695.9                                           1,244.66
Supermarket controller          goods

                 Common         Payment for
Circuit Co.,                                  No                           147.4               389.23           427.92                                              108.71
                 controller     goods


CATIC 9          Common         Payment for
                                              No                           28.96                    0            13.92                                               15.04
Square           controller     goods


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

Co., Ltd.


Industry       Eventual     Payment for
                                           No     1.35    10.79     8.96                         3.18
Corporation    controller   goods

of China

               Common       Payment for
Circuit Co.,                               No   569.78       0    299.26                       270.52
               controller   goods

Rainbow        Common       Shopping
                                           No    56.31     14.5       0                         70.81
Supermarket controller      mall deposit

CATIC          Common
                            Rental         No    22.59    27.86       0                         50.45
Property       controller


               Common       Rental
Square                                     No    12.27       0     12.27                             0
               controller   deposit

Co., Ltd.


               Common       Rental
Estate                                     No    11.56       0     11.56                             0
               controller   deposit

Co., Ltd.



Changtai       Common       Rental
                                           No       5        0        0                              5
Investment     controller   deposit


Co., Ltd.


               Common       Rental
Real Estate                                No       5        0        0                              5
               controller   deposit

Co., Ltd.


Property       Common       Rental
                                           No     3.71      0.5       0                          4.21
(Kunshan)      controller   deposit

Co., Ltd.


CATIC Real     Common       Rental
                                           No       0     12.27       0                         12.27
Estate         controller   deposit


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

Co., Ltd.


                 Common            Rental
Property                                          No                          0                9.75               0                                        9.75
                 controller        deposit

Co., Ltd.


                 Common            Rental
Theme Real                                        No                          0                7.76               0                                        7.76
                 controller        deposit
Estate Co.,



Enterprise                         Training fee No                            0                  15               0                                           15


Influence of the related

rights of credit and liabilities

upon the Company’s                Inapplicable

operation results and

financial position

Due to related parties:

                                                                         Amount newly
                                                                                             Amount repaid                          Interest
                                                        Opening          increased in                                                                Ending
                                       Causes of                                             in the reporting                   in the reporting
Related Parties      Relationship                      balance (in       the reporting                          Interest rate                      balance (in
                                       formation                                                period(in                          period(in
                                                       RMB10,000)          period(in                                                               RMB10,000)
                                                                                              RMB10,000)                         RMB10,000)

CATIC Real        Common
                                     received in              13.38                      0                  0                                             13.38
Estate            controller

Rainbow           Common
                                     received in                     0              3.91                    0                                              3.91
Supermarket       controller

CATIC City        Common
                                     received in                     0                 0.2                  0                                                 0.2
Development       controller
Co., Ltd.

CATIC             Common
                                     received in                     0              4.52                    0                                              4.52
Property          controller

CATIC             Common             Rental                    47.2                      0                  0                                              47.2

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

Property          controller      deposit

CATIC Real        Common          Rental
                                                 42.48          0      0                         42.48
Estate            controller      deposit


CATIC City        Common          Rental
                                                 24.41          0      0                         24.41
Investment        controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.

                  Common          Rental
Securities Co.,                                  18.74          0      0                         18.74
                  controller      deposit


                  Common          Rental
Property                                          9.79          0      0                          9.79
                  controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.


CATIC Theme Common                Rental
                                                  7.38          0      0                          7.38
Real Estate       controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.


                  Common          Rental
Square Assets                                     6.06          0      0                          6.06
                  controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.

Rainbow           Common          Rental
                                                    6           0      0                              6
Supermarket       controller      deposit


                  Common          Rental
Estate                                            1.65          0    1.65                             0
                  controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.


CATIC Building Common             Rental
                                                  0.96        1.42     0                          2.38
Technology        controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.


CATIC City        Common          Rental
                                                   0.4          0      0                           0.4
Development       controller      deposit

Co., Ltd.

Influence of the related
liabilities upon the Company’s

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report

operation results and financial


5. Other Material Related Transactions

VIII. The Company’s fund occupied by its controlling shareholder or related party for
non-operation purpose


IX.     Important Contracts and Implementation

1. Custody, Contacting and Leases

(1) Custody


(2) Contracts


(3) Leases


2. Guarantees

                                                                                                                                   In RMB 10,000

                                         Outward guarantees (excluding guarantee to the subsidiaries)

                        Date of the
                                                       Date of                                                                       Guarantee
                      announceme                                                                                      Implement
                                      Guarantee   occurrence (date Actual amount of       Type of         Guarantee                  to related
Names of Gurantees       nt on the                                                                                         ation
                                        line        of agreement        guarantee        guarantee          period                     party?
                        guarantee                                                                                      status
                                                     execution)                                                                           (Y/N)

                                           Guarantees between the Company and the Subsidiaries

                        Date of the
                                                       Date of                                                                       Guarantee
                      announceme                                                                                      Implement
      Names of                        Guarantee   occurrence (date Actual amount of       Type of         Guarantee                  to related
                         nt on the                                                                                         ation
      Guarantees                        line        of agreement        guarantee        guarantee          period                     party?
                        guarantee                                                                                      status
                                                     execution)                                                                           (Y/N)

Shenzhen Harmony March 12,                30,000 November 20,                   5,000 Guarantee         3 years       No             No

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

World Watches           2015                      2015                                with joint

Center Co., Ltd.                                                                      responsibility

Shenzhen Harmony                                                                      Guarantee
                        March 12,
World Watches                           30,000 December 2, 2015                6,000 with joint         3 years   No     No
Center Co., Ltd.                                                                      responsibility

Shenzhen Harmony                                                                      Guarantee
                        March 12,
World Watches                           10,000 December 2, 2015                5,000 with joint         3 years   No     No
Center Co., Ltd.                                                                      responsibility

Shenzhen Harmony                                                                      Guarantee
                        March 12,                 December 30,
World Watches                           40,000                                10,000 with joint         3 years   No     No
                        2015                      2015
Center Co., Ltd.                                                                      responsibility

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 1,
                                       11,965.8 July 11, 2013                 4,273.5 with joint        3 years   No     No
Limited                 2013

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 1,
                                       11,965.8 August 5, 2013                4,273.5 with joint        3 years   No     No
Limited                 2013

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 1,
                                       11,965.8 January 6, 2014               1,709.4 with joint        3 years   No     No
Limited                 2013

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       February 28,
                                       11,965.8 March 3,2014                  1,716.4 with joint        3 years   No     No
Limited                 2014

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 12,                 September 16,
                                        6,837.6                             1,970.81 with joint         1 year    No     No
Limited                 2015                      2015

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 10,
                                        6,837.6 July 10, 2015                 598.29 with joint         1 year    No     No
Limited                 2016

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 10,
                                        6,837.6 May 18, 2016                  358.97 with joint         1 year    No     No
Limited                 2016

FIYTA (Hong Kong)       March 12,
                                        6,837.6 June 8, 2016                  406.38 with joint         1 year    No     No
Limited                 2015

Total guarantee quota to the
                                                                   Total amount of guarantee to the
subsidiaries approved in the
                                                          6,837.6 subsidiaries actually incurred in                       765.35
reporting period (B1)
                                                                   the reporting period (B2)

Total guarantee quota to the                             98,803.4 Total balance of actual guarantee                     41,307.25

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

subsidiaries approved at the end of                                          to the subsidiaries at the end of

the reporting period (B3)                                                    the reporting period (B4)

                                                           Guarantees among Subsidiaries

                        Date of the
                                                            Date of                                                                        Guarantee
                       announceme                                                                                              Implement
       Names of                         Guarantee     occurrence (date Actual amount of             Type of        Guarantee                to related
                          nt on the                                                                                              ation
       Guarantees                           line        of agreement             guarantee         guarantee        period                   party?
                         guarantee                                                                                              status
                                                          execution)                                                                          (Y/N)

The Company’s total guarantee (i.e. total of the first three main items)

                                                                             Total amount of   guarantee
Total guarantee quota approved in
the reporting period (A1+B1+C1)                                 6,837.6 actually incurred in the reporting                                    765.35
                                                                             period (A2+B2+C2)
Total guarantee quota already                                                Total balance of the actual
approved at the end of the reporting                          98,803.4 guarantee at the end of the                                         41,307.25
period (A3+B3+C3)                                                            reporting period (A4+B4+C4)

Proportion of the actual guarantees in the Company’s net assets
(namely A4+B4+C4)


Amount of guarantees offered for the shareholder(s), actual
controller and their related parties (D)                                                                                                              0
Amount of guarantee offered directly or indirectly for the liabilities
owed by the warrantee whose asset-liability ratio exceeds 70% (E)                                                                                     0
Amount of guarantee with the total guarantee exceeding 50% of the
net assets (F)

Total amount of the aforesaid three items of guarantee (D+E+F)                                                                                        0

Description of the possibility of bearing joint repayment liability due to
undue guarantee (if any)

Description of external guarantee against the specified procedures (if

Description of the guarantee with complex method

(1) Outward guarantee against the regulations


3. Other Important Contracts

4. Other Important Transactions


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

X. The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the
Company’s total shares in the report year or extending to the report year from
previous year(s)

                                                                                                           Commitment   Implementation
                 Commitments                           Promiser     Commitment type Commitment time
                                                                                                             deadline       status

Commitment for Equity Separation Reform

Commitments in the acquisition report or the

written report on change of equity

Commitment made at the time of asset



                                                                    the investors of

                                                                    the non-public

                                                                    issuing - Caitong



                                                                    Co., Ltd.,
                                               Fund Managemen
                                                                    TEDA Fund
                                               t Co., Ltd.;
                                               MANULIFE TEDA
                                                                    Co, Ltd., Xizang
                                                                    Investment Co.,
                                               Management Co,
                                                                    Ltd., Golden
                                                                    Eagle Asset
                                               Xizang Investmen                                                         In process of
Commitment made at IPO or re-financing                              Management          January 15, 2016 1 year
                                               t Co., Ltd.;                                                             implementation
                                                                    Co.,Ltd., Sws Mu
                                               Golden Eagle
                                               Asset Manageme
                                               nt Co.,Ltd.;   Sws
                                                                    Co., Ltd: the
                                               Mu Fund
                                               Management Co.,
                                                                    subscribed by
                                                                    them from the


                                                                    issuing shall not

                                                                    be transferred in

                                                                    12 months


                                                                    from the dater of


Other commitments to the minority


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

Has the commitment been timely

The specific cause of failure in implementation
and the next plan (if any)

XI. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?

XII. Punishment and Rectification


XIII. Disclosure of the Delisting Risk due to Breach of Law/Regulations


XIV. Notes to Other Significant Events
1. About Non-public Issuing of A-shares
The 18th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors held on April 16, 2015 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the
Plan for Non-public Issuing of A-shares to the Specified Investors and other relevant proposal(s). For the detail, refer to
the Announcement on the Resolutions of the 18th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors. 2015-008;

On June 2, 2015,the Company received the Official Reply to some Issues concerning Non-public Issuing of A-shares by
FIYTA Holdings Ltd. (GUO ZI CHAN QUAN [2015] No. 415 from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the Official Reply of the State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council to some Issues concerning Non-public Issuing
2015-08 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

2014 Annual General Meeting held on June 17, 2015 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Plan for Non-public
Issuing of A-shares to the Specified Investors and other relevant proposals, for the detail, refer to the Announcement on
the Resolution of 2014 Annual General Meeting 2015-020 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
and www.cninfo.com.cn.

On July 1, 2015, the Company received the Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Accepting the
Application for Administrative Licensing issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (No. 152013). For
the detail, refer to the Announcement on Accepting Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares by China Securities
Regulatory Commission 2015-021 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

On September 8, 2015, the Company received the Notice on the Feedback Opinions of China Securities Regulatory
Commission on Examination of the Administrative Licensing Project            (No. 152013). For the detail, refer to the
Announcement on the Receiving of the Notice on the Feedback Opinions of China Securities Regulatory Commission on

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

Examination of the Administrative Licensing Project 2015-034 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial
Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

The Company and the relevant intermediary carefully studied and implemented the Feedback Opinions, supplemented
the materials and submitted reply to the questions according to the requirements of the Feedback Opinions. For the detail,
refer to the Announcement on the Reply to the Feedback Opinoins on the Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares
2015-035, disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

The 17th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and 2014 Annual General Meeting reviewed and approved the Profit
Distribution Plan for Year 2014. According to the relevant provisions of the Rules for Implementation on Non-public
Issuing of Listed Companies, etc., if the Company had ex-rights/ex-dividend events such as dividend distribution, bonus
shares distribution, conversion of capital reserve into share capital, etc., during the period from the pricing benchmark to
the issuing day, the issuing price would be adjusted correspondingly. Within the authorization by the Board of Directors,
the Company made adjustment of the plan of the non-public issuing of A-shares. For the detail, refer to the
Announcement on Adjustment of the Issuing Price and Issuing Volume of the A-shares to be Issued in a Non-public Way
2015-036, disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

In compliance with the Feedback Opinions, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Indication of Risk of
Diluting the Immediate Returns from the Non-public Issuing and the Measures the Company Intends to Take 2015-037
and the Announcement on the Penalty Given or Supervision Measures Taken by the Securities Regulatory Authority and
the Stock Exchange in the Past Five Years 2015-038;

On October 30, 2015, the application for non-public issuing of A-shares was approved by CSRC Securities Issuance
Examination Committee. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on Appoval of the Application for Non-public Issuing of
A-shares by CSRC Securities Issuance Examination Committee, 2015-042;

On November 17, 2015, the Company received the Official Reply to FIYTA Holdings Ltd. for Approval of Non-public
Issuing of Shares of (ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2015]No. 2588). For the detail, refer to the Announcement on Approval of the
Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares by China Securities Regulatory Commission 2015-043;

On January 15, 2016, the Company’s A-shares issued in a non-public way got listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
the Company published the announcement for listing and the announcement on the related commitments. For the detail,
refer to the Report on the Non-public Issuing and Announcement on Listing 2016-003 and the Announcement on the
Commitments for the Shares Issued in a Non-public Way 2016-004.

2. Amendment of Articles of Association
The 5th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors held on January 19, 2016 and 2015 Annual General Meeting held on
May 20, 2016 reviewed and approved the Proposal on Amendment of the Articles of Association. For the detail, refer to
the Announcement on the Resolutions of the 5th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors 2016-005, the Announcement
on the Resolution of 2015 Annual General Meeting 2016-025 and the Bill of Amendment of the Articles of Association
disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

3. Redemption of Company Bonds
The 4th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors held on January 8, 2016 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

Issuer to Exercise the Redemption Option for “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond, for which the Company published
indicative announcements repsectively on January 13, 2016, January 22, 2016, February 2, 2016 and February 23, 2016.
For the detail, refer to the Announcement on Giving up the Option of Adjusting High the Nominal Interest Rate and the
Investors’ Redemption Option & Exercising the Issuer’s Redemption Option for “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond
2016-0016, the First Indicative Announcement on Redemption & Delisting of “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond 2016-002,
the Second Indicative Announcement on Redemption & Delisting of “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond 2016-010, the Third
Indicative Announcement on Redemption & Delisting of “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond 2016-011 and the Fourth
Indicative Announcement on Redemption & Delisting of “12 YA DA ZHAI” Company Bond 2016-012, which were all
disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn. Implementation of the redemption
of the company bonds was completed on February 29, 2016.

4. Special Project of Investor-Protection Oriented “Blue Sky Action”
For the purpose of implementing the Circular of CSRC Shenzhen Office on Carrying out the Special Project of
Investors-Protection Oriented “Blue Sky Action” (SHEN ZHENG JU FA [2016] No. 15) and further reinforcing the work of
protecting the investors, establishing and improving the management mechanism of paying back the investors so as to
help investors in building up a principle of reasonable investment and long term investment, improve their awareness of
risks and ability of self-protection, and promote value maximization for the investors, the Company worked out a Plan for
Implementing the Special Project of Investors-Protection Oriented “Blue Sky Action”. During the reporting period, this
special project was carried forward steadily strictly according to the said implementation plan.

XV. Information in Connection with Company Bonds
Did there exist any company bonds which were issued publically and listed with stock exchange but undue as at the date
when this Semi-annual Report was approved or had not been all honored upon maturity?

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                           2016 Semi-Annual Report

Section 6 Change of Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Change of Shares

                                                                                                                                                      In shares

                                    Before the change                            Increase / Decrease (+/ -)                             After the change


                                                 Proportion    New          Bonus        converted                                                   Proportion
                                  Quantity                                                              Others       Sub-total        Quantity
                                                    (%)       issuing       shares         from                                                         (%)


I. Restricted shares                 49,733          0.01% 45,977,011                0              0            0 45,977,011 46,026,744                10.49%

1. Shares held by the state                  0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%

2. State corporate shares                    0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%

3. Other domestic shares             49,733          0.01% 45,977,011                0              0            0 45,977,011 46,026,744                10.49%

Including: Domestic corporate
                                             0       0.00% 45,977,011                0              0            0 45,977,011 45,977,011                10.48%

  Shares held by domestic
                                     49,733          0.01%              0            0              0            0               0      49,733           0.01%
natural persons

4、Foreign invested shares                   0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%

Including: Foreign corporate
                                             0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%

         Shares held by foreign
                                             0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%
natural persons

                                  392,718,13                                                                                         392,718,13
II. Non-restricted shares                           99.99%              0            0              0            0               0                      89.51%
                                             7                                                                                                   7

                                  311,070,13                                                                                         311,070,13
1. RMB ordinary shares                              79.20%              0            0              0            0               0                      70.90%
                                             7                                                                                                   7

2. Foreign invested shares
                                  81,648,000        20.79%              0            0              0            0               0 81,648,000           18.61%
listed in Mainland China

3、Foreign invested shares
                                             0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%
listed abroad

4. Others                                    0       0.00%              0            0              0            0               0               0       0.00%

                                  392,767,87                                                                                         438,744,88
III. Total shares                                  100.00% 45,977,011                0              0            0 45,977,011                         100.00%
                                             0                                                                                                   1

Causes of Change of Shares
In 2015, the Company issued 45,977,011 shares in a non-public way which got listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange on
January 15, 2016. The new shares were not allowed to be listed for trading or assigned within 12 months from the first day
of listing. Ended the day of disclosing the Report, the Company had totally 438,744,881 shares, including 46,026,744

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                           2016 Semi-Annual Report

restricted shares and 392,718,137 negotiable shares.

Approval of Change of the Shares
The Company held the 18th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and 2014 Annual General Meeting respectively on
April 16, 2015 and June 17, 2015. The meetings reviewed and approved the proposal on non-public issuing of A-shares to
the designated investors. The application for non-public issuing of A-shares was approved by CSRC Securities Issuance
Examination Committee on October 30, 2015; on November 17, 2015, the Company received Official Reply to FIYTA
Holdings Ltd. on Approval for Non-public Issuing ( ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2015] No. 2588 on November 17, 2015,
according to which the Company was approved to issue new shares with size not exceeding 46,911,649 shares.
The total number of A-shares actually issued in a non-public way this time was 45,977,011 shares.

Transfer of the Shares Newly Issued

Influence of the change of the shares upon such financial indicators as the basic EPS and diluted EPS, net asset
value per share attributable to the common stockholders in the past year and the latest period
In the reporting period, the Company completed the non-public issuing of A-shares in the reporting period. At the end of
the reporting period, the EPS and ROE were calculated based on the weighted average.
     ROE, Weighted average (%)                    Basic EPS (RMB/share)                             Diluted EPS (RMB/share)

2016 semi-annual        2015 semi-annual   2016 semi-annual        2015 semi-annual       2016 semi-annual      2015 semi-annual
      2.59%                       4.36%        0.1379                  0.1861                       0.1379           0.1861

Other information the Company considers it necessary or required by the securities regulatory authority to be

Explanation to the change of the Company’s total shares and the strucutre and the change of the company’s
asset and liability structure arising therefrom
Ended December 22, 2015, the Company finished the work of non-public issuing of 45,977,011 A-shares to the specified
investors. After completion of the work, the Company’s registered capital newly increased by RMB 45,977,011, the
registered capital turned to be RMB 438,744,881, the capital reserve increased to RMB 536,947,362.62, the proportion of
the shares held by the controlling shareholder decreased from 41.49% to 37.15%. The Company’s asset-liability ratio
before the non-pubic issuing was 55.27% and the Company’s asset-liability ratio after the non-pubic issuing ended June
30, 2016 was 41.96%. The newly issued shares got listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 15, 2016.

II. Number of Shareholders and Shareholding
                                                                                                                        In shares

                                                               Total shareholders of preferred
 Total shareholders of ordinary
                                                               shares (if any) whose voting
 shares at the end of the                            35,906                                                                   0
                                                               power has been recovered in the
 reporting period
                                                               reporting period (refer to Note 8)

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

                       Shares held by the shareholder holding over 5% of the total shares or the top 10 shareholders

                                                     Quantity                                                       Pledging or freezing

                                                       at the       Increase/d   Number        Number of
                                                      end of        ecrease in    of the          the
 Shareholder’s                            ng
                           Nature                       the              the     restricte     non-restric    Status of the
        Name                            proportion                                                                               Quantity
                                                     reporting      reporting    d shares      ted shares       shares
                                                      period            period     held           held


 International     State    corporate                162,977,                                  162,977,3
                                           37.15%                   0                      0
 Holdings          shareholder                            327                                            27




 g Bank-Golden
 Eagle-Wens –
                   non-state                         9,131,23                    4,674,32
 Junye Flexible                             2.08%                   0                          4,456,903
                   corporate                                    2                          9
 No. 3 Assets



 Manulife Teda

 Fund –


 Bank -

 Manulife Teda     Domestic

 Value Growth      non-state                         9,093,25                    9,093,25
                                            2.07%                   0                                     0
 Oriented          corporate                                    9                          9

 additional        shareholder

 issuance No.

 351 Asset



 Sws Mu


 Bank – China
                   non-state                          8,429,11                   8,429,11
 Resources                                  1.92%                   0                                     0
                   corporate                                    8                          8
 Szitic Trust –
 Ruihua Fixed

 Growth Hedge

 Fund No. 2

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                             2016 Semi-Annual Report


 Funds Trust



                    State corporate                 4,976,55                 4,976,55
 Region                                    1.13%                0                                 0
                    shareholder                            1                        1

 Co., Ltd.

 Manulife Teda

 Fund – ICBC –

 Manulife Teda
                    non-state                       4,546,63                 4,546,63
 Trade Orient                              1.04%                0                                 0
                    corporate                              0                        0
 No. 1 Assets




 Life Insurance

 Ltd. –
                    non-state                       3,500,00
 Dividend –                               0.80%                461,000             0    3,500,000
                    corporate                              0
 Dividend -



 China Life

 up) Company –
                    non-state                       2,773,80
 Traditional –                            0.63%                2,773,800           0    2,773,800
                    corporate                              0


                    Domestic natural                2,009,32
 Dai Wen                                   0.46%                0                   0    2,009,321
                    person                                 1


                    Overseas                        2,000,00
 Securities                                0.46%                -610,000            0    2,000,000
                    corporate                              0
 (Hong Kong)


 About the fact that a strategic       Of the top ten shareholders, Golden Eagle-Minsheng Bank-Golden Eagle-Wens – Junye Flexible

 investor or ordinary corporate        Configuration No. 3 Assets Management Plan, Manulife Teda Fund – Minsheng Bank - Manulife Teda

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

 became one of the top ten                  Value Growth Oriented additional issuance No. 351 Asset Management Plan, Sws Mu Assets-China

 shareholders due to placement of           Merchants Bank – China Resources Szitic Trust – Ruihua Fixed Growth Hedge Fund No. 2

 new shares (if any) (Refer to Note 3)      Assembled Funds Trust Plan, Tibet Autonomous Region Investment Co., Ltd. and Manulife Teda

                                            Fund – ICBC – Manulife Teda International Trade Orient Dingzengbao No. 1 Assets Management

                                            Plan were all the shareholders involved in the non-public issuing. The newly issued shares

                                            subscribed by them were listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 15, 2016, and of them

                                            the restricted shares were not allowed to be traded or assigned within 12 months commencing from

                                            the date of listing.

                                            Of the top ten shareholders, both Manulife Teda Fund – Minsheng Bank - Manulife Teda Value

                                            Growth Oriented Additional Issuance No. 351 Asset Management Plan and Manulife Teda Fund –

                                            ICBC – Manulife Teda International Trade Orient Dingzengbao No. 1 Assets Management Plan are

 Explanation on associated                  subsidiaries of Manulife Teda Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the total 13,639,889 shares held by

 relationship or consistent action of       them were restricted shares issued by the Company in a non-public way. Both China

 the above shareholders                     Life Insurance Company Ltd. – Dividend – Personal Dividend - 005L-FH002 Shen and China Life

                                            Insurance(Group) Company – Traditional – General Insurance Product are subsidiaries of China Life

                                            Insurance(Group) Company and the total 6,273,800 shares held by them were outstanding Renminbi

                                            common shares.

                                        Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of non-restricted common shares

                                             Quantity of non-restricted common shares held at the end                  Share type

         Shareholder’s Name                                       of the reporting period
                                                                                                              Share type            Quantity

 AVIC International Holdings Limited                                                         162,977,327   A-shares                 162,977,327

 Golden Eagle-Minsheng

 Bank-Golden Eagle-Wens – Junye
                                                                                               4,456,903   A-shares                      4,456,903
 Flexible Configuration No. 3 Assets

 Management Plan

 China Life Insurance Company Ltd. –

 Dividend – Personal Dividend -                                                               3,500,000   A-shares                      3,500,000

 005L-FH002 Shen

 China Life Insurance(Group)

 Company – Traditional – General                                                             2,773,800   A-shares                      2,773,800

 Insurance Product

 Dai Wen                                                                                       2,009,321   A-shares                      2,009,321

 Essence International Securities
                                                                                               2,000,000   B-shares                      2,000,000
 (Hong Kong) Limited

 China Merchants Securities (Hong
                                                                                               1,491,241   B-shares                      1,491,241
 Kong) Limited

 Tang Xilong                                                                                    800,000    A-shares                       800,000

 Ge Zhongwei                                                                                    737,700    A-shares                       737,700

 VANGUARD TOTAL                                                                                 710,020    B-shares                       710,020

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report



 Explanation on the associated

 relationship or consistent action

 among the top 10     shareholders of       Both China Life Insurance Company Ltd. – Dividend – Personal Dividend - 005L-FH002 Shen and

 non-restricted common shares and           China Life Insurance(Group) Company – Traditional – General Insurance Product are subsidiaries of

 that among the top 10 shareholders         China Life Insurance(Group) Company and the total 6,273,800 shares held by them were

 of non-restricted common shares and        outstanding Renminbi common shares.

 top 10 shareholders of common


 Note to the top 10 shareholders of

 common shares involved in margin
 financing & securities lending (if any)

 (Refer to Note 4)

Did the top ten common shareholders or top ten shareholders of unrestricted ordinary shares conduct contractual
repurchase during the reporting period?

III. Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller

IV. Share Acquisition Plan Proposed or Implemented by the Company’s Shareholder
and its Concerted Actor in the Reporting Period


                                           Section 7 About Preferred Shares

       Section 8 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Change in Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
There was no change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives during the reporting period. For the
detail, refer to 2015 Annual Report.

II. Change of Directors, Supervisors and/or Senior Executives

     Names             Office Taken             Type                 Date                                     Cause

 Du Xi                Deputy GM             Resignation        April 29, 2016        Resigned the office of deputy GM due to

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                        personal reason

                                                        Taking the office of a Company’s supervisor
 Sheng Qing   Supervisor   Elected       May 14, 2016
                                                        through election at the conference of employees.

                                                        Resigned the office of a Company’s supervisor
 Tang Boxue   Supervisor   Resignation   May 13, 2016
                                                        due to job transfer.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                   Section 9 Financial Report

I. Auditors’ Report

Has the semi-annual report been audited

II. Financial Statements

The currency applied in the financial notes and statements is Renminbi.

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by FIYTA Holdings Ltd.
                                                     June 30, 2016
                                                                                                       In RMB

                  Items                          Ending balance                     Opening balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                             498,671,980.62                 638,962,875.93

     Settlement Reserve

     Inter-bank lending

     Financial assets which were
measured based on the fair value
and its change was counted to the
current gain and loss

     Derivative financial assets

     Notes receivable                                             8,808,123.43                   7,197,788.08

     Accounts receivable                                        328,952,478.70                 304,725,676.29

     Prepayments                                                 36,175,028.32                  48,869,563.60

     Insurance premium receivable

     Reinsurance accounts

     Accounts receivable
reinsurance reserve

     Interest receivable

     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                                           43,686,928.80                  39,847,732.76

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

      Buying and selling back
financial assets

      Inventories:                      1,990,492,224.79                2,092,691,019.29

      Assets classified as that held
for sale

      Non-current assets due within
a year

      Other current assets                   11,059,605.27                 15,796,773.56

Total current assets                    2,917,846,369.93                3,148,091,429.51

Non-Current Assets:

      Loan provision and advances

      Available-for-sale financial
                                                85,000.00                      85,000.00

      Held –to-maturity investment

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investment            42,837,994.24                 43,221,572.05

      Investment based real estate          212,376,320.08                216,948,193.02

      Fixed assets                          353,632,933.94                361,979,828.01

      Construction-in-progress              199,813,392.72                173,189,274.57

      Engineering supplies

      Disposal of fixed assets

      Productive biological assets

      Oil and gas asset

      Intangible assets                      37,052,737.78                 36,429,626.66

      Development expenses


      Long-term expenses to be
                                            143,037,385.47                155,704,564.39

      Deferred income tax asset              98,662,590.89                105,901,723.16

      Other non-current assets                7,458,521.88                  5,118,833.65

Total non-current assets                1,094,956,877.00                1,098,578,615.51

Total assets                            4,012,803,246.93                4,246,670,045.02

Current liabilities:

      Short-term Loan                   1,183,344,590.08                  988,186,200.00

      Borrowings from central bank

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

      Receipt of deposits and
deposits from other banks

      Loans from other banks

      Financial liabilities which were
measured based on the fair value
and its change was charged to the
current gain and loss

      Derivative financial liabilities

      Notes payable

      Accounts payable                        105,071,067.57                155,939,686.54

      Advance receipts                         18,436,237.69                 18,031,129.87

      Funds from selling out and
repurchasing financial assets

      Service charge and
commission payable

      Salaries payable to the
                                               17,992,470.71                 39,396,747.95

      Taxes payable                            46,655,893.08                 68,921,732.81

      Interest payable                          1,796,860.90                 19,211,630.02

      Dividends payable

      Other payables                           39,287,003.37                 48,131,616.20

      Reinsurance payable

      Insurance contract reserve

      Funds from securities trading

      Funds from underwriting
securities agency

      Liabilities classified as that
held for sale

      Non-current liabilities due
                                              119,728,000.00                108,914,000.00
within a year

      Other current liabilities                20,876,226.66                  1,988,252.38

Total current liabilities                 1,553,188,350.06                1,448,720,995.77

Non-Current Liabilities:

      Long term borrowings                    125,845,919.44                 90,994,964.33

      Bonds payable                                     0.00                399,823,760.28

       Including: preferred shares

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

                    Permanent liabilities

      Long term accounts payable

     Long term remuneration
payable to employees

      Special accounts payable

      Predicted liabilities

      Deferred income                                      4,800,000.00                           4,300,000.00

      Deferred income tax liability

      Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                            130,645,919.44                         495,118,724.61

Total liabilities                                    1,683,834,269.50                         1,943,839,720.38

Owner’s equity

      Capital stock                                      438,744,881.00                        438,744,881.00

      Other equity instruments

        Including: preferred shares

                    Permanent liabilities

      Capital reserve                                1,062,455,644.22                         1,062,455,644.22

      Less: shares in stock

      Other comprehensive income                          -7,567,313.00                         -17,145,189.71

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                    179,743,077.15                        179,743,077.15

      General risk reserve

      Retained earnings                                  652,055,768.89                        635,417,237.55

Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                     2,325,432,058.26                         2,299,215,650.21
the parent company

      Minority equity                                      3,536,919.17                           3,614,674.43

Total owners’ equity                                2,328,968,977.43                         2,302,830,324.64

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                4,012,803,246.93                         4,246,670,045.02

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng           Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong        Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

2. Balance Sheet, Parent Company

                                                                                                        In RMB

                    Items                   Ending balance                          Opening balance

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

Current assets:

      Monetary funds                        298,184,475.76                513,869,824.81

      Financial assets which were
measured based on the fair value
and its change was counted to the
current gain and loss

      Derivative financial assets

      Notes receivable

      Accounts receivable


      Interest receivable

      Dividends receivable                    6,344,660.36

      Other receivables                 1,259,869,389.83                1,527,756,817.18


      Assets classified as that held
for sale

      Non-current assets due within
a year

      Other current assets                    3,418,990.51                  2,089,651.83

Total current assets                    1,567,817,516.46                2,043,716,293.82

Non-Current Assets:

      Available-for-sale financial
                                                85,000.00                      85,000.00

      Held –to-maturity investment

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investment       1,256,007,714.24                  814,121,292.05

      Investment based real estate          212,376,320.08                216,948,193.02

      Fixed assets                          112,785,858.61                113,553,719.50

      Construction-in-progress              199,813,392.72                173,189,274.57

      Engineering supplies

      Disposal of fixed assets

      Productive biological assets

      Oil and gas asset

      Intangible assets                      30,733,176.08                 30,104,404.98

      Development expenses


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

      Long-term expenses to be
                                                4,383,192.81                  4,693,186.19

      Deferred income tax asset                 1,081,888.10                  1,081,888.10

      Other non-current assets                  7,458,521.88                  5,118,833.65

Total non-current assets                  1,824,725,064.52                1,358,895,792.06

Total assets                              3,392,542,580.98                3,402,612,085.88

Current liabilities:

      Short-term Loan                         990,000,000.00                700,000,000.00

      Financial liabilities which were
measured based on the fair value
and its change was charged to the
current gain and loss

      Derivative financial liabilities

      Notes payable

      Accounts payable                            211,339.76                 23,711,339.76

      Advance receipts                          3,097,503.75                  3,207,516.61

      Salaries payable to the
                                                 966,862.72                   8,188,793.56

      Taxes payable                             3,180,971.40                  2,857,031.42

      Interest payable                          1,458,960.18                 18,170,745.35

      Dividends payable

      Other payables                           16,075,159.62                 17,550,238.03

      Liabilities classified as that
held for sale

      Non-current liabilities due
within a year

      Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                 1,014,990,797.43                  773,685,664.73

Non-Current Liabilities:

      Long term borrowings                    119,861,928.00                 68,361,928.00

      Bonds payable                                                         399,823,760.28

       Including: preferred shares

                 Permanent liabilities

      Long term accounts payable

     Long term remuneration
payable to employees

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

      Special accounts payable

      Predicted liabilities

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax liability

      Other non-current liabilities                                   4,800,000.00                           4,300,000.00

Total non-current liabilities                                       124,661,928.00                         472,485,688.28

Total liabilities                                               1,139,652,725.43                         1,246,171,353.01

Owner’s equity

      Capital stock                                                 438,744,881.00                         438,744,881.00

      Other equity instruments

        Including: preferred shares

                    Permanent liabilities

      Capital reserve                                            1,068,111,185.32                        1,068,111,185.32

      Less: shares in stock

      Other comprehensive income

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                               179,743,077.15                         179,743,077.15

      Retained earnings                                             566,290,712.08                         469,841,589.40

Total owners’ equity                                           2,252,889,855.55                         2,156,440,732.87

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                           3,392,542,580.98                         3,402,612,085.88

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                      Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong        Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

3. Consolidated Profit Statements

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Items                  Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

I. Gross Revenue                                                 1,479,527,783.18                        1,683,793,247.59

      Including: revenue                                         1,479,527,783.18                        1,683,793,247.59

               Interest income

               Earned premium

               Service charge and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                         1,404,258,390.87                        1,590,005,469.65

      Including: operating costs                                    881,663,280.51                       1,037,981,721.35

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

               Interest payment

               Service charge and
commission payment

               Refunded premiums

               Compensation pay-out,

               Net amount of reserves
for reinsurance contract

               Policy dividend payment

               Reinsurance expenses

               15. Business taxes and
                                                   13,068,582.12                  15,078,616.55

               Sales expenses                      378,007,640.11                386,297,227.92

               Administrative expenses             94,847,009.60                 100,131,176.65

               Financial expenses                  35,230,653.98                  50,889,786.79

               Loss from impairment of
                                                     1,441,224.55                   -373,059.61

         Add: Income from change of fair
value (loss is stated with “-“)

             Investment income (loss is
                                                          172.19                    250,015.75
stated with “-“)

             Including: income from
investment in associates and joint                        172.19                    250,015.75

             Exchange income (loss is
stated with “-“)

III. Operating Profit (loss is stated with
                                                   75,269,564.50                  94,037,793.69

         Plus: Non-operating income                  1,402,360.28                  1,849,835.27

            Including: gain from disposal
                                                       10,960.00                      69,750.00
of non-current assets

         Less: Non-operating expenses                 528,969.02                    345,400.59

             Including: Loss from
                                                         1,300.22                     35,549.22
disposal of non-current assets

IV. Total profit (total loss is stated with
                                                   76,142,955.76                  95,542,228.37

         Less: Income tax expense                  15,779,713.54                  22,261,660.23

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with
                                                    60,363,242.22                 73,280,568.14

           Net profit attributable to the
                                                    60,513,019.44                 73,109,419.73
parent company’s owner

           Minority shareholders’ gain/loss          -149,777.22                   171,148.41

VI. Net of other comprehensive
                                                     9,649,898.67                  7,162,790.77
income after tax

         Net of other comprehensive
income after tax attributable to the                 9,577,876.71                  7,163,176.26
parent company’s owner

           (I) Other comprehensive income
which cannot be re-classified into the
gain and loss

                  1. Movement of the net
liabilities and net assets re-measured
for setting the beneficial plan

                  2. Share enjoyable in the
other comprehensive income in which
the investee cannot be re-classified
into the gain and loss under the equity

           (II) Other comprehensive
income which cannot be re-classified                 9,577,876.71                  7,163,176.26
into the gain and loss in future

                  1. Share enjoyable in the
other comprehensive income in which
the investee cannot be re-classified
into the gain and loss under the equity
method in future

                  2. Gain/loss from change
in the fair value of the financial assets
available for sale

                  3. Gain/loss from which
the held-to-maturity investment is
re-classified as available-for-sale
financial assets

                  4. Valid part of the
gain/loss from cash flow hedge

                  5. Conversion difference
                                                     9,577,876.71                  7,163,176.26
in foreign currency statements

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

               6. Others

  Net other after-tax comprehensive
income attributable to minority
                                                                        72,021.96                                  -385.49

VII. Total comprehensive income                                     70,013,140.89                           80,443,358.91

       Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the parent                             70,090,896.15                           80,272,595.99

       Total comprehensive income
                                                                       -77,755.26                              170,762.92
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earning per share:

       (I) Basic earnings per share                                        0.1379                                   0.1861

       (II) Diluted earnings per share                                     0.1379                                   0.1861

For the enterprises under the same control consolidated in the reporting period, the net profit realized by the consolidee
before the consolidation is RMB 0. Net profit realized by the consolidatee in the previous period is RMB 0.

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                     Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong         Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

4. Profit Statement, Parent Company

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Items                  Amount incurred in the reporting period   Amount incurred in the previous period

I. Revenue                                                          49,145,205.51                           47,530,000.90

       Less: Business costs                                          6,783,241.62                             6,946,511.39

            15. Business taxes and
                                                                     2,056,046.32                             2,528,230.20

            Sales expenses                                                   0.00

            Administrative expenses                                 27,638,190.90                           25,040,053.99

            Financial expenses                                       6,578,866.10                              189,713.16

            Loss from impairment of

      Add: Income from change of
fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

            Investment income (loss
                                                                   135,344,832.55                          131,638,156.33
is stated with “-“)

            Including: income from
                                                                          172.19                               250,015.75
investment in associates and joint

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                             2016 Semi-Annual Report


II. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                               141,433,693.12                144,897,939.32
with “-“)

         Plus: Non-operating income                112,119.88                   174,000.00

              Including: gain from
disposal of non-current assets

         Less: Non-operating expenses             300,000.00                      14,678.42

               Including: Loss from
                                                         0.00                     14,678.42
disposal of non-current assets

III. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                               141,245,813.00                145,057,260.90
with “-“)

         Less: Income tax expense                 922,202.22                   2,907,939.50

IV. Net Profit (net loss is stated with
                                               140,323,610.78                142,149,321.40

V. Net of other comprehensive
income after tax

         (I) Other comprehensive
income which cannot be
re-classified into the gain and loss

                 1. Movement of the net
liabilities and net assets
re-measured for setting the
beneficial plan

                 2. Share enjoyable in
the other comprehensive income in
which the investee cannot be
re-classified into the gain and loss
under the equity method

         (II) Other comprehensive
income which cannot be
re-classified into the gain and loss in

                 1. Share enjoyable in
the other comprehensive income in
which the investee cannot be
re-classified into the gain and loss
under the equity method in future

                 2. Gain/loss from
change in the fair value of the
financial assets available for sale

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

             3. Gain/loss from which
the held-to-maturity investment is
re-classified as available-for-sale
financial assets

             4. Valid part of the
gain/loss from cash flow hedge

             5. Conversion
difference in foreign currency

             6. Others

VI. Total comprehensive income                                   140,323,610.78                            142,149,321.40

 VII. Earning per share:

      (I) Basic earnings per share                                      0.3198                                       0.362

      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                   0.3198                                       0.362

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng           Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong        Person in charge of the Accounting
Department: Tian Hui

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Items                Amount incurred in the reporting period     Amount incurred in the previous period

I. Net cash flows arising from
operating activities:

      Cash received from sales of
                                                              1,669,094,350.46                           1,830,270,229.94
goods and supply of labor

      Net increase of customers’
deposit and due from banks

      Net increase of borrowings
from the central bank

      Net increase of borrowings
from other financial institutions

      Cash received from former
insurance contract premium

      Net cash received from
reinsurance business

      Net increase of insurance
reserve and investment

      Net increase of financial

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

assets which were measured based
on the fair value and its change was
counted to the current gain and loss

      Cash received from interest,
service charge and commission

      Net increase of borrowings

      Net increase of fund from

      Rebated taxes received                        6,421.29                          0.00

      Other operation activity related
                                               13,479,123.94                 14,720,508.19
cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                          1,682,579,895.69                1,844,990,738.13
operating activity

      Cash paid for purchase of
goods and reception of labor                  905,753,936.17              1,068,142,690.95

      Net increase of loans and
advances to customers

      Net increase of due from
central bank and due from banks

      Cash paid for indemnity of
original insurance contract

      Cash paid for interest, service
charge and commission

      Cash paid for insurance policy

      Cash paid to and for staff              255,700,203.02                255,570,670.71

      Taxes paid                              141,464,964.05                145,291,060.41

      Other business activity related
                                              162,051,059.91                203,732,537.50
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                          1,464,970,163.15                1,672,736,959.57
operating activity

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                              217,609,732.54                172,253,778.56

II. Cash flows arising from
investment activities:

      Cash received from recovery
of investment

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

        Cash received from
                                                 383,750.00                           0.00
investment income

        Net amount of cash received
from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                     420.00                    180,880.00
intangible assets and other long
term assets

        Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units

        Other investment related cash

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                                 384,170.00                    180,880.00
investment activity

        Cash paid for
construction/purchase of fixed
                                             101,330,436.01                 111,100,428.69
assets, intangible assets and other
long term assets

        Cash paid for investment

        Net increase of hypothecated

        Net cash received from
payment by subsidiaries and other
operating units

        Other investment related cash

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                             101,330,436.01                 111,100,428.69
investment activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                             -100,946,266.01               -110,919,548.69
investment activities

III. Cash flows arising from fund
raising activities:

        Cash received from absorption
of investment

        Incl.: Cash received from
subsidiaries’ absorption of minority
shareholders’ investment

        Cash received from
                                             449,044,295.81                 945,805,587.19

        Cash received from bond

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report


      Other fund-raising related cash
                                                                            0.00                           13,500,000.00

Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                                                 449,044,295.81                           959,305,587.19
raising activity

      Cash paid for liabilities
                                                                 612,200,422.81                           820,307,480.05

      Cash paid for dividend/profit
                                                                  93,079,913.22                            55,561,222.27
distribution or repayment of interest

      Including: Dividend and profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority

      Other fund-raising related cash
                                                                     992,669.19                           100,451,008.00

Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                                                 706,273,005.22                           976,319,710.32
raising activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                                                 -257,228,709.41                           -17,014,123.13
fund-raising activities

IV. Influence from change of
exchange rate upon cash and cash                                     274,347.57                               -320,444.37

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                 -140,290,895.31                           43,999,662.37

      Plus: Opening balance of cash
                                                                 637,387,875.93                           114,880,070.54
and cash equivalents

VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                 497,096,980.62                           158,879,732.91

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                   Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

6. Cash Flow Statement, Parent Company

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                Amount incurred in the reporting period    Amount incurred in the previous period

I. Net cash flows arising from
operating activities:

      Cash received from sales of
                                                                  48,326,245.09                            55,944,541.75
goods and supply of labor

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

      Rebated taxes received

      Other operation activity related
                                              297,292,855.21                  2,697,740.04
cash receipts

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                              345,619,100.30                 58,642,281.79
operating activity

      Cash paid for purchase of
goods and reception of labor

      Cash paid to and for staff               31,521,273.39                 28,749,906.40

      Taxes paid                                4,378,264.62                  5,193,858.41

      Other business activity related
                                               10,851,967.38                 31,570,558.35
cash payments

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                               46,751,505.39                 65,514,323.16
operating activity

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                              298,867,594.91                 -6,872,041.37

II. Cash flows arising from
investment activities:

      Cash received from recovery
of investment

      Cash received from
                                              129,383,750.00                131,388,140.58
investment income

      Net amount of cash received
from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                        0.00                   100,800.00
intangible assets and other long
term assets

      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units

      Other investment related cash

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                              129,383,750.00                131,488,940.58
investment activity

      Cash paid for
construction/purchase of fixed
                                               56,582,660.00                 49,328,711.80
assets, intangible assets and other
long term assets

      Cash paid for investment                442,270,000.00                 40,100,000.00

      Net cash received from

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

payment by subsidiaries and other
operating units

      Other investment related cash

Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                             498,852,660.00                  89,428,711.80
investment activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                             -369,468,910.00                 42,060,228.78
investment activities

III. Cash flows arising from fund
raising activities:

      Cash received from absorption
of investment

      Cash received from
                                             441,500,000.00                 796,000,000.00

      Cash received from bond

      Other fund-raising related cash

Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                             441,500,000.00                 796,000,000.00
raising activity

      Cash paid for liabilities
                                             500,000,000.00                 663,000,000.00

      Cash paid for dividend/profit
                                              85,591,364.77                  45,286,133.74
distribution or repayment of interest

      Other fund-raising related cash
                                                 992,669.19                 100,451,008.00

Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                             586,584,033.96                 808,737,141.74
raising activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                             -145,084,033.96                -12,737,141.74
fund-raising activities

IV. Influence from change of
exchange rate upon cash and cash

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                             -215,685,349.05                 22,451,045.67

      Plus: Opening balance of cash
                                             512,294,824.81                  35,485,566.79
and cash equivalents

VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                             296,609,475.76                  57,936,612.46

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                        Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong                    Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

Amount in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                     Reporting period

                                         Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company

                               Other equity
                                  instruments                            Other
       Items                                                                                                     Retain Minorit        Total
                     Capit Prefe                               Less: compre                  Surplu Genera
                                                    Capital                        Special                         ed         y       owners
                      al     rred                             shares hensiv                     s       l risk
                                    anent Other reserve                            reserve                       earning equity ’ equity
                     stock share                              in stock     e                 reserve reserve
                                    liabilit    s                                                                   s
                              s                                          income

I. Ending balance 438,7                             1,062,4               -17,14             179,74              635,41               2,302,8
of the previous      44,88                          55,644.              5,189.7             3,077.1             7,237.5              30,324.
year                  1.00                              22                     1                    5                   5                 64

Change in
accounting policy

Correction of
previous errors

Consolidation of
under the same


II. Opening          438,7                          1,062,4               -17,14             179,74              635,41               2,302,8
balance of the       44,88                          55,644.              5,189.7             3,077.1             7,237.5              30,324.
reporting year        1.00                              22                     1                    5                   5                 64

                                                                         9,577,8                                 16,638, -77,75 26,138,
se of the report
                                                                          76.71                                  531.34       5.26 652.79
year (decrease is
stated with “-“)

(I) Total                                                                9,577,8                                 60,513, -77,75 70,013,
comprehensive                                                             76.71                                  019.44       5.26 140.89

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.        2016 Semi-Annual Report


(II) Owners’ input
and decrease of

1. Common
contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
payment for
shares credited
to owners’ equity

4. Others

                                   -43,87      -43,87
(III) Profit
                                  4,488.1     4,488.1
                                       0             0

1.   Provision of
surplus reserve

2. Provision of
generic risk

3. Distribution to                 -43,87      -43,87
the owners (or                    4,488.1     4,488.1
shareholders)                          0             0

4. Others

(IV) Internal
carry-over of
owners’ equity

1. Conversion of
capital reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

2. Conversion of
surplus reserve
into capital (or

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                2016 Semi-Annual Report

capital stock)

3. Loss made up
with surplus

4. Others

(V) Special

1. Provision in
the report period

2. Applied in the
report period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending          438,7                          1,062,4                                  179,74              652,05               2,328,9
                                                                        -7,567,                                            3,536,9
balance of the      44,88                          55,644.                                  3,077.1             5,768.8              68,977.
                                                                        313.00                                              19.17
reporting period     1.00                              22                                          5                   9                 43

Amount of Previous Year
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                    Previous period

                                        Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company

                              Other equity
                                 instruments                            Other
      Items                                                                                                     Retaine Minorit       Total
                    Capit Prefe                               Less: compre                  Surplu Genera
                                                   Capital                        Special                          d         y       owners
                     al     rred                             shares hensiv                     s       l risk
                                   anent Other reserve                            reserve                       earning equity ’ equity
                    stock share                              in stock     e                 reserve reserve
                                   liabilit    s                                                                   s
                             s                                          income

I. Ending           392,7                          525,50                -17,60             165,91              566,81               1,636,4
balance of the      67,87                          8,281.6              9,265.2             5,466.8             9,577.3              80,287.
previous year        0.00                                0                    2                    9                   7                 23

Change in
accounting policy

Correction of
previous errors

Consolidation of
under the same

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                             2016 Semi-Annual Report


II. Opening             392,7    525,50          -17,60   165,91       566,81             1,636,4
balance of the          67,87    8,281.6        9,265.2   5,466.8      9,577.3            80,287.
reporting year           0.00         0              2         9            7                 23

Decrease/increa         45,97    536,94                                                   666,35
                                                464,07    13,827,      68,597, 536,31
se of the report        7,011.   7,362.6                                                  0,037.4
                                                  5.51    610.26       660.18      7.84
year (decrease is          00         2                                                        1
stated with “-“)

(I) Total                                                              121,70             122,70
                                                464,07                           536,31
comprehensive                                                          2,057.4            2,450.7
                                                  5.51                             7.84
income                                                                      4                  9

(II) Owners’ input 45,97        536,94                                                   582,92
and decrease of 7,011.           7,362.6                                                  4,373.6
capital                    00         2                                                        2

1. Common
shares                  45,97    536,94                                                   582,92
contributed by          7,011.   7,362.6                                                  4,373.6
shareholders               00         2                                                        2

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
payment for
shares credited
to owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit                                              13,827,      -53,104
Distribution                                              610.26       ,397.26

1.     Provision of                                       13,827,      -13,827
surplus reserve                                           610.26       ,610.26

2. Provision of
generic risk

3. Distribution to                                                                         -39,27
the owners (or                                                                            6,787.0
shareholders)                                                                                  0

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

4. Others

(IV) Internal
carry-over of
owners’ equity

1. Conversion of
capital reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

2. Conversion of
surplus reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

3. Loss made up
with surplus

4. Others

(V) Special

1. Provision in
the report period

2. Applied in the
report period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending          438,7                       1,062,4               -17,14           179,74          635,41              2,302,8
balance of the      44,88                       55,644.              5,189.7           3,077.1        7,237.5              30,324.
reporting period     1.00                           22                     1                5                 5                64

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                    Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong             Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

8. Statement of Change in Owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount in the reporting period
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                    Reporting period

      Items         Capital      Other equity             Capital      Less:    Other     Special   Surplus Retain         Total
                    stock         instruments             reserve shares in compreh reserve         reserve       ed   owners’

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                Preferr Perma                           stock   ensive                   earning    equity
                                  ed      nent                                  income                     s
                                shares liabilitie

I. Ending balance 438,74                                                                                 469,84
                                                             1,068,11                         179,743,             2,156,44
of the previous       4,881.0                                                                            1,589.4
                                                             1,185.32                          077.15              0,732.87
year                       0                                                                                   0

Change in
accounting policy

Correction of
previous errors


II. Opening           438,74                                                                             469,84
                                                             1,068,11                         179,743,             2,156,44
balance of the        4,881.0                                                                            1,589.4
                                                             1,185.32                          077.15              0,732.87
reporting year             0                                                                                   0

                                                                                                         96,449, 96,449,1
se of the report
                                                                                                         122.68      22.68
year (decrease is
stated with “-“)

(I) Total                                                                                                140,32
comprehensive                                                                                            3,610.7
income                                                                                                         8

(II) Owners’ input
and decrease of

1. Common
contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
payment for
shares credited

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

to owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit                                                            -43,874 -43,874,
Distribution                                                            ,488.10    488.10

1.   Provision of
surplus reserve

2. Distribution to
                                                                        -43,874 -43,874,
the owners (or
                                                                        ,488.10    488.10

3. Others

(IV) Internal
carry-over of
owners’ equity

1. Conversion of
capital reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

2. Conversion of
surplus reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

3. Loss made up
with surplus

4. Others

(V) Special

1. Provision in
the report period

2. Applied in the
report period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending           438,74                                             566,29
                               1,068,11                      179,743,             2,252,88
balance of the       4,881.0                                            0,712.0
                               1,185.32                       077.15              9,855.55
reporting period          0                                                  8

Amount of Previous Year
                                                                                    In RMB

       Items                          Previous period

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                         Other equity
                                         instruments                                      Other                        Retain
                                                                              Less:                                                Total
                      Capital               Perma                 Capital                compreh Special    Surplus      ed
                                  Preferr                                    shares in                                            owners’
                      stock                   nent                reserve                ensive   reserve   reserve earning
                                    ed                   Others               stock                                                equity
                                            liabilitie                                   income                          s

I. Ending balance 392,76                                                                                               384,66
                                                                  531,163,                                  165,915,              1,474,51
of the previous       7,870.0                                                                                          9,884.0
                                                                   822.70                                    466.89               7,043.67
year                          0                                                                                               8

Change in
accounting policy

Correction of
previous errors


II. Opening           392,76                                                                                           384,66
                                                                  531,163,                                  165,915,              1,474,51
balance of the        7,870.0                                                                                          9,884.0
                                                                   822.70                                    466.89               7,043.67
reporting year                0                                                                                               8

Decrease/increa                                                                                                        102,87
se of the report                                                                                                       2,534.4
year (decrease is                                                                                                             0
stated with “-“)

(I) Total                                                                                                              142,14
comprehensive                                                                                                          9,321.4
income                                                                                                                        0

(II) Owners’ input
and decrease of

contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
payment for

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

shares credited
to owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit                                              -39,276 -39,276,
Distribution                                              ,787.00    787.00

1.   Provision of
surplus reserve

2. Distribution to
                                                          -39,276 -39,276,
the owners (or
                                                          ,787.00    787.00

3. Others

(IV) Internal
carry-over of
owners’ equity

1. Conversion of
capital reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

2. Conversion of
surplus reserve
into capital (or
capital stock)

3. Loss made up
with surplus

4. Others

(V) Special

1. Provision in
the report period

2. Applied in the
report period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending           392,76                               487,54
                               531,163,        165,915,             1,577,38
balance of the       7,870.0                              2,418.4
                                822.70          466.89              9,578.07
reporting period          0                                    8

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                  Chief Financial Officer: Hu Xinglong          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

I. Company Profile

Fiyta Holdings Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was reorganized, incorporated and renamed from Shenzhen
Fiyta Timer Industry Company on December 25 1992 with approval by the General Office of Shenzhen Municipal People’s
Government with Document SHEN FU BAN FU [1992] No. 1259 and with China National Aero-Technology Import &
Export Corporation Shenzhen Industry & Trade Center (which was renamed as China National Aero-Technology
Corporation Shenzhen) as the sponsor.

On March 10, 1993, the Company, with approval by the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
Branch [SHEN REN YIN FU ZI (1993) No. 070], issued publically domestic RMB based common shares (A-shares) and
RMB based special shares (B-shares).      In accordance with the Approval Document of Shenzhen Municipal Securities
Regulatory Office SHEN ZHENG BAN FU [1993] No. 20 and the Approval Document of Shenzhen Stock Exchange SHEN
ZHENG SHI ZI (1993) No. 16, the Company’s A-shares and B-shares were all listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange for
trading commencing from June 3, 1993.

On January 30, 1997, with approval by Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Company was
renamed as Shenzhen Fiyta Holdings Ltd.

On July 4, 1997, according to the equity assignment agreement between China National Aero-Technology Corporation
Shenzhen (CATIC Shenzhen Corporation) and CATIC Shenzhen Holdings Limited ( with original name of Shenzhen
CATIC Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CATIC Shenzhen), CATIC Shenzhen Corporation assigned 72.36 million
corporate shares (taking 52.24% of the Company’s total shares) to CATIC Shenzhen. From then on, the Company’s
controlling shareholder turned to be CATIC Shenzhen from CATIC Shenzhen Corporation.

On October 26, 2007, the Company implemented the equity separation reform, according to which the shareholder of the
Company’s non-negotiable shares would pay shares to the whole shareholders of negotiable shares registered on the
equity record day as designated in the equity separation reform plan at the rate of 3.1 shares for every 10 shares held by
them while the Company’s total 249,317,999 shares remained unchanged.       So far, after the equity separation reform, the
proportion of the Company’s shares held by CATIC Shenzhen reduced from 52.24% to 44.69%.

On February 29, 2008, due to expansion of the Company’s business scope and with approval by Shenzhen Municipal
Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Company’s enterprise corporate business licence number was changed
from 4403011001583 into 440301103196089.

Approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) with the Official Reply on Approval of Non-public Issuing
of Shenzhen Fiyta Holdings Ltd., ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2010] No. 1703 and the Official Reply on the Issue of Non-Public
Issuing of Shenzhen Fiyta Holdings Ltd. by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
Council [2010] No. 430, the Company was approved to non-publically issue no more than 50 million common shares
(A-shares). After completion of non-public issuing on December 9, 2010, the Company’s registered capital increased to
RMB 280,548,479.00 and CATIC Shenzhen holds 41.49% of the Company’s equity based capital.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

On April 8, 2011, the Company took the total share capital of 280,548,479 shares as at December 31, 2010 as the base,
converted its capital reserve into share capital at the rate of 4 shares for every 10 shares. After the conversion, the
Company’s total share capital became 392,767,870 shares.

On November 11, 2015, approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) with the Official Reply on
Approval of Non-public Issuing of Fiyta Holdings Ltd., ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2015] No. 2588 and the Official Reply on the
Issue of Non-Public Issuing of Fiyta Holdings Ltd. by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
the State Council [2015] No. 415, the Company was approved to non-publically issue no more than 46,911,649 common
shares (A-shares). After completion of non-public issuing on December 22, 2015, the Company’s registered capital
increased to RMB 438,744,881.00 and the proportion of the equity based capital held by AVIC International decreased to

Ended June 30, 2016, the Company accumulatively issued totally 438,744,881 shares of capital stock. For the detail, refer
to Note VII.53.

The principal business activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the Group) are: production and sales of
various pointer type quartz watches and units, spares and parts, various timing apparatus, processing and wholesale of K
gold watches and ornament watches (for production site, separate application should be submitted); domestic trade,
materials supply and sales (excluding the commodities for exclusive operation, exclusive control and monopoly); property
management and lease; import and export, design and construction; import and export business (implemented according
to Document SHEN MAO GUAN DENG ZHENG ZI NO. 2007-072). Legal Representative: Xu Dongsheng. The
Company’s registered office address: FIYTA Technology Building, Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

The Company has established the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee,
the Audit Committee, the Strategy Committee and the Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment Committee as the
governance organs, etc. The Company has also established a number of functional departments, including
comprehensive management department, human resource department, financial department, property department,
innovation & design department, strategy and information department, office of the Board of Directors, audit department,
R & D department, etc.

The financial statements and the notes to the financial statements were approved at the 18th meeting fo the Eighth Board
of Directors held on August 24, 2016.

For the detail, refer to Note IX. Equity in other Entities.

IV. Basis of preparation of Financial Statements
1. Basis of preparation
The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by
the Ministry of Finance and their application guidelines, interpretations and other relevant requirements (collectively,
"Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"). Besides, the Group discloses the relevant financial information in
accordance with Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public
No.15-General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014Revision) announced by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on going concern basis.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

The Group follows the accrual basis of accounting. The financial statements are prepared under the historical          cost
convention except for certain financial instruments. If impaired, the assets shall provide for impairment in    accordance
with the relevant regulations.

2. Operation on Going Concern Basis
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on going concern basis.

V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
Notice on specific accounting policy and accounting estimates:
The Group determines the policies of depreciation of fixed asset, amortization of intangible assets, capitalized
conditions of R&D expenses and revenue recognition according to the characteristics of its production and operation.
Refer to Note VI.16, Notes V.21 and Notve V.28 for specific accounting policies.

1. Representation of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
These financial statements comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, have
truly and completely presented the consolidation and the financial position of the Company as at June 30, 2016 and the
consolidation, the operating results and consolidation, cash flows and other relevant information for the first half year of

2. Accounting period
The Group adopts a calandar year as a fiscal year, namely a year starting from the 1st January and ending at the 31st

3. Operating Cycle
An operating cycle of the Group is 12 months.

4. Functional currency
The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt Renminbi (RMB) as the functional currency.
Except Switzerland based Montres Chouriet SA (hereinafter referred to as the Switzerland Company), a subsidiary of
FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited (hereinafter referred to as FIYTA (Hong Kong) which takes Swiss Franc as the recording
currency according to the major economic environment of the place where its premises is located, the other overseas
subsidiaries, including Harmony World Watches International Limited (World Watch International), one of the subsidiaries
of Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd. (Harmony), FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited, 68-Station Limited
(68-Station), one of FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited’s subsidiaries, NATURE ART LTD., an entity controlled by 68-Station for
special purpose (Nature Art) and PROTOP LTD (PROTOP) as its recording currency according to the major economic
environment of the place where their premises are located.

The currency adopted by the Group in preparation of the financial statements is Renminbi (RMB).

5. Accounting treatment for business combinations involving entities under common control
and not under Common control

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

(1) Business combinations involving entities under common control
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, assets and liabilities that are obtained in a
business combination shall be measured at the carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the party being absorbed in the
consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at combination date, except for the adjustments of
different accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying
amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of shares issued) shall be adjusted to capital
reserve, if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained

Business combinations involving entities under common control achieved in stages that involves multiple transactions

In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost is the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the
owners’ equity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at
combination date. The difference between initial investment cost and original investment carrying amount plus additional
investment cost at the combination date shall be adjusted to capital reserve (share/capital premium), if the capital reserve
is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

In the consolidated financial statements, assets and liabilities that are obtained in a business combination shall be
measured at the carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party at combination date, except for the adjustments of different accounting policies.
The difference between the original investment carrying amount plus additional investment cost at the combination date
and the carrying amount of the net assets obtained shall be adjusted to capital reserve (share/capital premium), if the
capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings. The
long-term equity investment of the absorbing party prior to combination, profit or loss, other comprehensive income and
changes of other owners’ equity recognized between the later of obtaining date and when the absorbing party and the
absorbed party are under common ultimate control and combination date shall offset the opening retained earnings or
profit or loss for the current period in the comparative statement.

(2) Business combination involving entities not under common control
For business combinations involving entities not under common control, the consideration for each combination is
measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and
equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for control of the acquiree. At the acquisition date, the acquired
assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree are recognized at their fair value.

Business combinations involving entities not under common control achieved in stages that involves multiple transactions.

In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost is the sum of the carrying amount of equity investment of
the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date and the additional investment cost at the acquisition date. When the
previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive income previously
recognized shall be accounted fot on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of
the related assets or liabilities. The owners’ equity recognized as the changes of the investee’s other owners’ equity
except for net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to profit or loss for the
current period when disposing the investment. For the previously-held equity investment which was accounted for in
accordance with ―Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

Measurement the accumulated changes in fair value included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to profit
or loss for the current period upon commencement of the cost method.

In the consolidated financial statements, the cost of combination amount to the consideration paid at the acquisition date
plus the fair value of equity investment of the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date. The cost of equity investment of
the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date shall be re-measured at the fair value at the acquisition date, the difference
between the fair value and par value shall be recognized as profit or loss for the current period. Other comprehensive
income and changes of other owners’ equity involving the acquiree’s previously-held equity except for other
comprehensive income due to the movement of net liabilities or assets in the investee’s re-measurement defined benefit

(3) Transaction costs for business combination
The intermediary and other relevant administrative expenses such as audit, legal and valuation advisory for business
combinations are recognized in profit or loss when incurred. Transaction costs of equity or debt securities issued as the
considerations of business combination are included in the initial recognition amounts.

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1) The scope of consolidated financial statements
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control. Control exists when the
investor has all the following: power over the investee; exposure, or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the
investee; and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns. A subsidiary is an
entity that is controlled by the Company (such as enterprises, deemed separate entities, and structured entities controlled
by the enterprises).

(2) Preparation of consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company, based on the financial statements of the Company
and its subsidiaries, according to other relevant information. The accounting policies and accounting periods of the
subsidiaries should be in accordance with those established by the Company, all significant intercompany accounts and
transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

Where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common
control in the reporting period, the subsidiary and its business are included in the consolidated financial statements from
when they are controlled together under the ultimate party , and operation results and cash flows are included in the
consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement from when they are controlled together under the
ultimate party, where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business combination not involving
enterprises under common control, the subsidiary’s or business income, expenses and profits are included in the
consolidated income statement, and cash flows are included in the consolidated cash flow statement from the acquisition
date to the end of the reporting date.

The portion of a subsidiary’s equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as minority interests and presented in the
consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’ equity. That portion of net profit or loss of subsidiaries for the period
attributable to minority interests shall be presented in the consolidated income statement below the net profit line item as
minority interests. When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders’ portion of the
opening balance of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess shall be allocated against the minority interests.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

Transactions that acquire the minority interests of subsidiaries or dispose part of equity investment but not lose control of
this subsidiary are accounted for equity transactions that adjust shareholders' equity attributable to the parent and minority
interests to reflect the changes of equity in subsidiaries. The difference between the adjustment of minority interests and
the fair value of consideration paid/received shall be adjusted to capital reserve, if the capital reserve is not sufficient to
absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

(3) Acquisition of the minorities’ equity of the subsidiaries
Due to the difference between the costs of the long term equity investment newly obtained from acquisition of the
minorities’ equity and the share of the net assets of the subsidiaries enjoyable calculated based on the new additional
holding proportion which was continuously calculated starting from the date of acquisition or the date of consolidation as
well as the difference between the disposal consideration from the disposal of partial equity investment in the subsidiaries
under the condition of losing the control over them and the share of the net assets of the subsidiaries corresponding to the
long term equity investment as disposed enjoyable calculated continuously from the date of acquisition or the date of
consolidation, all the capital reserves (capital stock premium) on the consolidated balance sheet are adjusted. Should the
capital reserve is not sufficient for offsetting, the retained earnings are adjusted.

(4) Losing control over the investee
When an enterprise loses control over investee because of disposing part of equity investment or other reasons, the
remaining part of the equity investment should be re-measured at fair value at the date when losing control over the
investee; the cash received in disposal of the equity investment and the fair value of remaining part of the equity
investment, deducting net assets proportion calculated by original share percentage since the acquisition date should be
recorded in profit or loss for current period of disposal and the goodwill related to the subsidiary shall also be
derecognised; other comprehensive income related to the equity investment in subsidiaries before disposal date shall be
transferred to profit or loss for the current period of disposal.

The other comprehensive income in connection with the equity investment in the existing subsidiaries, etc. are transferred
to the gains and losses of the very period when the control is lost. However the other comprehensive income generated
from the change in net liabilities or net assets due to the investee’s remeasurement of the established income plan is the

(5) Disposing equity step by step until control being lost
(I) Principle of adjusting whether disposing equity step by step until control being lost belongs to “a bundled transaction”;

(II) Accounting treatment method in the parent company’s financial statements and consolidated financial statements in
case of belonging to “a bundled transaction”;

(III) Accounting treatment method in the parent company’s financial statements and consolidated financial statements in
case of not belonging to “a bundled transaction”;

In case the terms and conditions of various transactions involving disposal of equity step by step by a number of
transactions and the economic influence comply with one or more of the following conditions, the Company take a number
of transactions as a bundled transaction for accounting treatment:

① The transactions are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

② The transactions form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect;

③ The occurrence of one transaction is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;

④ One transaction considered on its own is not economically justified, but it is economically justified when considered
together with other transactions

In case various transactions of disposing equity by step by step until the control being lost do not belong to “a bundled
transaction” in some financial statement, the carrying value of the long term equity investment corresponding to every
disposal of equity is carried forward, the balance between the consideration obtained therefrom and the carrying value of
the long term equity investment as disposed is counted to the current return on investment; in case it belongs to “a
bundled transaction”, the balance between the consideration from every disposal before losing the control and the
carrying value of the long term equity investment corresponding to the equity as disposed is recognized as other
comprehensive income first and then transferred together to the current gain and loss of losing the control.

In the consolidated financial statements, for disposing equity investment until losing control step by step, for the
measurement of remaining equity and accounting for profit or loss of disposing equity, refer to the above “Losing control
over the investee”. The difference between each consideration and the share of the subsidary’s equity related to disposing
investment before losing control is treated as follows respectively:

① Belong to “a bundled transaction”, is recognized as other comprehensive income and is transferred to profit or loss for
the current period when losing control.

② Not belong to “a bundled transaction”, is recognized as equity transactions and capital reserve and isn’t allowed to be
transferred to profit or loss for the current period when losing control.

7. Joint arrangement
A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. The Group classifies joint
arrangements into joint operations and joint ventures.

(1) Joint operations
A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the joint operators have rights to the assets, and obligations
for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.

The Group shall recognize the following items in the relation to its interest in a joint operation, and account
for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards:

A. its solely-held assets, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;

B. its soly-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

C. its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;

D. its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and

E. its soly-incurred expenses, and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

(2)Joint ventures
A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint ventures have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

The Group shall account for its investment in a joint venture in accordance with the requirement of long-term equity
investments relating to equity method.

8. Cash and cash equivalents
Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily drawn on demand. Cash equivalents are short-term,
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant
risk of change in value.

9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency statement
(1) Foreign currency transactions
If foreign currency transactions occur, translate them into the amount of functional currency by applying the spot exchange
rate at the dates of the transactions.

At the end of the period, foreign currency monetary items are translated to RMB using the spot exchange rate at the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the differences between the spot exchange rate prevailing at the
balance sheet date and those spot rates used on initial recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in
profit or loss for the current period; foreign currency non-monetary items carried at historical cost continue to be measured
at the amounts in functional currency translated using the spot exchange rates at the dates of the transactions; foreign
currency non-monetary items carried at fair value are translated using the spot exchange rates at the date when the fair
value was determined. Differences between the translated amount and the original amount of functional currency are
included in profit or loss for the current period.

(2) Translation of foreign currency statement
At the balance sheet date, when translating the foreign currency financial statements of overseas subsidiaries, the assets
and liabilities of the balance sheet are translated to RMB using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date; all items
except for "undistributed profits" of the shareholders’ equity are translated at the spot exchange rate.

The revenue and expenses in the income statement are translated using the average exchange rate for the period. All
items of the cash flow statement are translated using the average exchange rate for the period. As an adjustment item, the
impact of exchange rate changes on cash amount is reflected separately in the cash flow as "the impact of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents".

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

Differences arising from the translation of financial statements are separately presented as the “other comprehensive
income” in the shareholders’ equity of the balance sheet.

When disposing overseas operations and losing control, the “difference of translation of foreign currency statement”
related to the overseas operation presented in shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet shall be transferred together or
as the percentage of disposing the overseas operation to profit or loss for the current period of disposal.

10. Financial instruments
Financial instruments refer to the contracts of forming enterprise financial assets and other entities’ financial liabilities or
equity instruments.

(1) Recognization and derecognization of financial instruments
A financial asset or financial liability is recognized when the Company becomes one party of financial instrument

If one of the following conditions is met, the financial assets are terminated:

① The right of the contract to receive the cash flows of financial assets terminates;

② The financial asset has been transferred, and is in accordance with the following conditions for

If the obligations of financial liability have been discharged in total or in part, derecognize all or part of it. If the Company
(debtor) makes an agreement with the creditor to replace the current financial liability of assuming new financial liability
which contract provisons are different in substance, derecognize the current financial liability and meanwhile recognize as
the new financial liability.

If the financial assets are traded routinely, recognize and derecognize them at the transaction date.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets
Financial assets are, upon initial recognition, classified into the following four categories: financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets. Financial
assets are initially recognized at fair value. In the case of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, the related
transaction costs are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. For other financial assets, transaction costs that
are attributable to the acquisition of the financial assets are included in the initial recognition amounts.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for trading and those designated upon
initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss. This kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at fair
value, all realized and unrealized gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

Held-to-maturity investments
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity
dates that the Company has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Held-to-maturity investments are
subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method; gains and losses arising from derecognition,
impairment or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active
market including account receivables and other receivables (Note V.11). Receivables are subsequently measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest method; gains and losses arising from derecognition, impairment or
amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Available-for-sale financial assets (AFS financial assets)
AFS financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available for sale and those financial
assets in addition to those above mentioned. AFS financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, the discount
or premium are amortized using the effective interest method and recognized as interest income. The gains and losses
arising from changes in fair value of AFS financial assets (other than impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and
losses resulted from foreign currency monetary assets which are recognized in profit or loss for the current period) are
recognized as other comprehensive income, until the financial assets are derecognized, are transferred to profit or loss for
the current period. Interest income and dividends related to the AFS financial assets are recognized as profit or loss for
the current period.

Equity instrument investment with no quoted price in active markets and with not reliably measured fair value, and
derivative financial assets for the equity instrument and settled by paying the equity instrument are measured at cost.

(3)Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) or
other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities not classified as at fair value through profit or loss financial liabilities, the
transaction costs are recognized in the initially recognized amount.

Financial liabilities at FVTPL

Financial liabilities at FVTPL include transaction financial liabilities and financial liabilities designated as at fair value
through profit or loss in the initial recognition. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, all realized
and unrealized gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Other financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities which are linked to equity instrument that is not quoted in an active market and its fair value
cannot be reliably measured and settled by delivering the equity instrument are subsequently measured at cost. Other
financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method; gains and losses
arising from derecognition or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

(4)Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivative instruments
Derivative financial instruments of the Group are initially measured at the fair value of the date a derivative contract
entered into and subsequently measured at their fair value. Derivative financial instruments of positive fair value are
recognized as assets; those of negative fair value are recognized as liabilities. Any gains or losses arising from changes in
fair value which do not meet the requirements of hedge accounting are directly recognized to profit or loss for the current

For hybrid instruments including embedded derivative instruments such as designated financial assets or liabilities
measured at fair value through profit or loss that there isn’t close relationship between embedded derivative instruments
and their principal contract in the aspects of economic features and risks and is the same as the conditions for embedded
derivatives and individual instruments satisfy the definition of derivative instruments, embedded derivative instruments are
separated from hybrid instruments and treated as separate derivative financial instruments. If embedded derivative
instruments isn’t separately measured initially or subsequently at balance sheet date, hybrid instruments as a whole is
designated as financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss.

(5) Fair value of financial instruments
Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities refers to Note V.10.

(6) Impairment of financial assets
The Company assesses the carrying amount of financial assets at each balance sheet date other than those at fair value
through profit or loss, if there is objective evidence that financial assets are impaired, the Company determines the
amount of impairment loss. Objective evidence of impairment of financial assets are the matters that occurred after the
initial recognition of financial assets which has impact on the expected future cash flows of financial assets, and can be
reliably measured by the Company.

There’s objective evidence that the financial assets are impaired including the following observable situations:

① The issuer or debtor has severe financial difficulties;

② The debtor has violated terms of the contract, such as the payment of the interest or principal is default or

③ Considering economic or legal factors, the Company made concessions to a debtor in financial difficulties;

④ The debtor has probably bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

⑤ The issuer has so sever financial difficulties that financial assets can’t continue to be traded in an active market;

⑥ The cash flow of some asset in a group of financial assets can not be identified to be reduced, but after evaluating it as
a whole according to the public data, the expected future cash flow of the group of financial assets since its initial
recognition has definitely been reduced and measurable, including:

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

- The group of financial assets of the debtor ’s ability to pay gradually deteriorates;

- The economy in the debtor’s country or region appears likely to lead to the situation that the group of financial assets can
not pay

⑦ The adverse changes of technology, market, economic or other legal environment the debtor operates in cause
investors in equity instrument may not recover the investment cost;

⑧ The fair value of equity instrument declines seriously or untemporarily, such as the fair value of equity instrument at the
balance sheet date is over 50% less than the initial investment cost (including 50%) or the period that is less than the
initial investment cost lasts more than 12 months (including 12 months).

The period that is less than the initial investment cost lasts more than 12 months (including 12 months) refers to that the
average fair value of equity investment is less than the initial investment cost monthly for 12 months.

⑨ There are other objective evidences that financial assets are impaired.

Financial asset measured at amortized cost.
If there’s objective evidence that the financial assets are impaired, then the carrying amount of financial assets shall be
reduced to the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred),
with the reduced amount recognized to profit or loss for the current period. The present value of estimated future cash
flows is carried according to the financial asset's original effective interest rate, and considers the value of collateral.

For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Company assesses the asset individually for impairment, if there is
objective evidence that it has been impaired; recognize the impairment loss in profit or loss for the current period. For a
financial asset that is not individually significant, the Company assesses the asset by including the asset in a group of
financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment. For an individually
assessed financial asset (whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant), the Company
includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessment for
impairment. Asset for which an impairment loss is individually recognized is not included in a collective assessment of

If, after an impairment loss has been recognized on financial assets measured at amortized cost, there is objective
evidence of a recovery in value of the financial asset which can be related objectively to an event occurring after the
impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss. A reversal of an
impairment loss will not result in the asset’s carrying amount exceeding that which would have been determined had no
impairment loss been recognized in prior years.

Available-for-sale financial assets

If there’s objective evidence that AFS financial assets are impaired, accumulated losses due to decreases in fair value

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

previously recognized directly in other comprehensive income are reversed and charged to profit or loss for the current
period. The reversed accumulated losses are the asset's initial acquisition costs after deducting amounts recovered and
amortized, current fair value and impairment losses previously recognized in profit or loss.

If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of financial assets increases and the increase can be related objectively to an
event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment losses are reversed and
charged to profit or loss for the current period. The impairment losses of AFS equity instruments shall not be reversed
through profit or loss.

Financial assets measured at cost

If there’s objective evidence that the financial assets are impaired, the difference between the carrying amount and the
present value discounted at the market rate of return on future cash flows of the similar financial assets shall be
recognized as impairment loss in profit or loss. The impairment loss recognized shall no longer be reversed.

(7) Transfer of financial assets
Transfer of financial assets refers to the transference or deliverance of financial assets to the other party (the transferee)
other than the issuer of financial assets.

The Group derecognizes a financial asset only if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial asset to the transferee; the Group should not derecognize a financial asset if it retains substantially all the risks
and rewards of ownership of the financial asset.

The Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, shows as the following
circumstances: if the Group has forgone control over the financial assets, derecognize the financial assets and verify the
assets and liabilities; if the Group retains its control of the financial asset, recognize the financial asset to the extent of its
continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognize an associated liability.

(8) Offset between financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Group has the legal right of offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, by now is able to carry
out the legal right and the Group plans to settle by net amount or meanwhile realise the financial assets and pay off
financial liabilities, the amount after offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities each other is presented in the
balance sheet. Besides, financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and not
allowed to offset each other.

11. Receivables
(1) Individually significant receivable and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually
                                                                 The carrying amount of accounts receivables of over RMB
                                                                 800,000.00 (with RMB 800,000.00 inclusive )and other
Criteria of individually significant receivables                 receivables of over RMB500,000.00 (with RMB 500,000.00
                                                                 inclusive) are recognized as individually significant

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                Receivables that are individually significant are subject to
                                                                separate impairment assessment, if there is objective
Measurement of individually recognized bad and doubtful         evidence that the impairment occurred, recognize the
debts provision of individually significant receivables:        provision for bad and doubtful debts according to the
                                                                difference between the present value of future cash flows,
                                                                which is lower, and the carrying amount.

(2) Receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the credit risk characteristics
                        Group Description                               Method of provision for bad and doubtful debts

Group of ageing                                                 Ageing analysis method

Specific fund portfolio

For group of ageing, the rate of provision for bad and doubtful debts in ageing analysis method is as follows:

                                            Percentage of provision for accounts        Percentage of provision for other
                                                           receivable                              receivables

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                              5.00%                                      5.00%

1 - 2 years                                                                  10.00%                                   10.00%

2 - 3 years                                                                  30.00%                                   30.00%

Over 3 years                                                                 50.00%                                   50.00%

In grouping, the account receivable for which reserve for bad debt is provided based on balance percentage:
In grouping, the accounts receivable for which the bad debt reserve is provided based on the other method:

                                            Percentage of provision for accounts        Percentage of provision for other
              Group description
                                                           receivable                              receivables

Group of specific fund                                                        0.00%                                      0.00%

(3) Accounts receivable with insignificant individual amount but individually recognized bad and
doubtful debts provision
                                                                Including the accounts receivable involving dispute or
                                                                lawsuit/arbitration with the counterparty and the
Reason of individual provision for bad and doubtful debts       accounts receivable in which there exists evident
                                                                indication showing that a debtor may possibly be unable
                                                                to implement the obligation of repayment.

                                                                Provision for bad and doubtful debts is based on the
Method for provision for bad and doubtful debts                 difference of the present value of future cash flow lower
                                                                than the book value.

12. Inventories
(1) Classification
Inventory mainly includes raw material, work-in-process and finished goods.
(2) Determination of cost

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

Inventories are determined at the actual cost when acquired. Costs of raw materials, work in progress, finished goods are
calculated in weighted average costing (for finished goods of watches with FIYTA brand name), specific identification
method (for finished goods of branded watches), and first-in-first-out method (for raw material for FIYTA watches)when

(3) Recognition of the net realizable value and provision for decline in value of inventorie
Net realizable value (“NRV”) is based on the estimated selling price deducting the estimated costs to be incurred when
completed, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes amount. Recognition of the net realizable value is based on
the verified evidences and considers the purpose of holding inventories and the effect of post balance sheet events. In

①the NRV of inventories that are available for sale such as finished goods and materials held for trading are determined
using the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and related taxes if the business is in the ordinary
course of operation;

② the NRV of materials that need to be processed are determined using estimated selling price of finished goods which is
manufactured from the material less estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes if the
business is in the ordinary course of operation.

The Company recognizes inventory impairment provision for FIYTA brand watches based on models category.

Impairment provisions for branded watches are recognized on an item-by-item basis.

Impairment provisions for raw materials of FIYTA watches are recognized by categories based on ultimate-customer
selling status of FIYTA finished watches taking into considerations of the exchangeability of the spare parts and the
special usage of materials.

If the cost of closing inventory of the Company exceeds its net realizable value at balance sheet date, recognize provision
for decline in value of inventories. The Company usually recognize provision for decline in value of inventories by a single
inventory item. If the factors of value of inventory previously written-down have disappeared, reverse provision for decline
in value of inventories in the amount originally made.

(4) Inventory system
The Group adopts perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of low-value consumables and packaging material
The Groupd uses one-off amortization method when low-value consumables and packaging material are received for use.

13. Held-for-sale Assets as Classified


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

14. Long-term equity investments
Long-term equity investments refer to equity investments where an investor has control of, or significant influence over, an
investee, as well as equity investments in joint ventures. Where the Group can exercise significant influence over the
investee, the investee is its associate.

(1)Recognization of investment cost
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the party being absorbed in
the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at combination date; for a business combination not
involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment acquired shall
be the cost of acquisition.

For a long-term equity investment acquired by paying cash, the initial investment cost shall be the actual purchase price
has been paid; for a long-term equity investment acquired by the issue of equity securities, the initial investment cost shall
be the fair value of the equity securities issued.

(2)Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
Where the Group is able to exercise control over an investee, the long-term equity investment shall be accounted for
using the cost method; where the Group has investment in associates and operation ventures, the long-term equity
investment is accounted for using the equity method.

For long-term equity investment which is accounted for using the cost method, investment income is recognized in profit
or loss for the current period as the cash dividend or profit announced and distributed, except for those cash dividend or
profit which have already included in the actual payment or consideration of offer when the investment was made.

Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interest
in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost; where the
initial investment cost is less than the Group’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets, the
difference is charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is
adjusted accordingly.

Under the equity method, the Group shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profit or losses, as well as its share of
the investee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income, and adjust
the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the portion
of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable to the Group. The Group’s share of
the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive
income or profit distribution, shall be recognized in the Groups’ equity, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity
investment shall be adjusted accordingly. The share of the investee’s net profit or loss for the current period is recoginised
after adjusting the investee’s net profit in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies and accounting period based
on the fair value of the identifiable assets when the investment is made.

When the Group becomes capable of exercising joint control or significant influence (but not control) over an investee due

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

to additional investment or other reasons, the Group shall change to the equity method and use the fair value of the
previously-held equity investment, together with additional investment cost, as the initial investment cost under the equity
method.Where the previously-held equity investment is classified as available–for–sale financial assets, the diffences
between the fair value and carrying amount and the accumulated changes in fair value included in other comprehensive
income shall be transferred to profit or loss for the current period upon commencement of the equity method.

When the Group can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee due to partial disposal of
equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period
for the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount at the date of the loss of joint control or significant
influence in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognization and Measurement of
Financial Instruments. When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other
comprehensive income previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have bee required if the
Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upon discontinuation of the equity
method; Other movement of owner’s equity related to original equity investment is transferred in profit or loss for the
current period.

When the Group can no longer exercise control over an investee due to partial disposal of equity investment or other
reasons and the remaining equity after disposal can exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee, the
remaining equity is adjusted as using equity method from acquisition under equity method; when the remaining equity can
no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee, the remaining equity investment shall be
charged to profit or loss for the current period for the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount at the date
of the loss of control n accordance with Accounting

Standard for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognization and Measurement of Financial Instruments.

For the unrealized profit or loss between the Group and an associate or joint venture, the part belongs to the Group,
calculated with the percentage held by the Group, should be offset, and accordingly, the Group recognizes the investment
income or loss. Any losses resulting from transactions between the Group and the investee, which are attributable to asset
impairment shall not be eliminated.

For the long-term equity investments of associates and joint ventures held before January 1, 2007, if there exists equity
investment debit balance related to the investment, recognize investment income or loss after deducting the equity
investment debit balance in the original straight-line basis over the remaining period.

(3) Basis for recognition of joint control or significant influence over an investee
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the
relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. In assessing whether an enterprise has
joint control of an arrangement, the Group shall first assess whether all the parties, a group of the parties, control the
arrangement collectively. All the parties, or a group of the parties, control the arrangement collectively when they must act
together to direct the relevant activities. Then assess whether decisions about the relevant activities require the
unanimous consent of those parties that control the arrangement collectively. When more than one combination of the
parties can control an arrangement collectively, joint control does not exist. A party that holds only protective rights does
not have joint control of the arrangement.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not
control or joint control of those policies. When determining whether an investor can exercise significant influence over an
investee, the effect of potential voting rights (for example, warrants, share options and convertible bonds) held by the
investors or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is
not control or joint control over those policies. When the Company, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, owns 20% of
the investee (including 20%) or more but less than 50% of the voting shares, it has significant impact on the investee
unless there is clear evidence to show that in this case the Company cannot participate in the production and business
decisions of the investee, and cannot form a significant influence; when the Company owns 20% (excluding) or less of the
voting shares, generally it isn’t considered to have a significant impact on the investee, unless there is clear evidence to
show that in this case the Company can participate in the production and business decisions of the investee so as to form
a significant influence.

(4)Method of impairment testing and impairment provision
For investment of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, refer to Note V. 22 for the Group’s method of asset

15. Investment property

Method for measurement of investment property
Measured according to the cost method

Depreciation or amortization method

Investment property is a property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, comprising a land use right that is
leased out, a land use right held and ready to transfer after appreciation, a building that is leased out.

The Group’s investment property is initially measured at acquisition cost, and is depreciated or amortized on schedule in
accordance with the relevant rules of fixed assets or intangible assets.

Refer to Note V. 22 for asset impairment method of investment property subsequently measured using the cost model.

Disposal consideration of sale, transfer, retirement or damage of investment property after deducting its carrying amount
and related taxes amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

                Category                    Useful years (year)             Residual rate %           Annual depreciation
                                                                                                             rate %

        Plant & buildings                   20-35 years                 5                           2.7-4.8

16. Fixed asset
(1) Recognition of fixed assets

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of services, for rental to others, or for
administrative purposes and have useful lives more than one accounting year. A fixed asset shall be recognized only when
it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow into the enterprise and the cost of the asset can be
measured reliably. A fixed asset shall be initially measured at actual cost.

(2) Depreciation methods

       Categories          Depreciation method          Depreciation life          Residual rate        Yearly depreciation

                         Average service life
Plant & buildings                                  20-35                    5                        2.7-4.8

Machinery &              Average service life
                                                   10                       5-10                     9-9.5
equipment                method

                         Average service life
Motor vehicles                                     5                        5                        19

                         Average service life
Electronic equipment                               5                        5                        19

                         Average service life
Others                                             5                        5                        19

(3) Basis for recognizing the fixed assets under financing lease, Pricing and Depreciation Methods

17. Construction in progress
The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditure incurred for the construction,
including all necessary construction expenditures incurred during the construction period, borrowing costs that shall be
capitalized before the construction reaches the condition for intended use and other relevant expenses.

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is ready for its intended use.

For provision for impairment of construction in progress, refer to Note V.22.

18. Borrowing cost
(1) Recognition principle of borrowing cost capitalization
For borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, they
shall be capitalized and included in the cost of related assets; other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses and
included in profit or loss when incurred. Capitalization of such borrowing costs can commence only when all of the
following conditions are satisfied:

① Expenditures for the asset are being incurred, capital expenditure includes the expenditure in the form of cash payment,
transfer of non-cash assets or the interest bearing liabilities for the purpose of acquiring or constructing assets eligible for

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

② Borrowing costs are being incurred; and

③ Activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for
its intended use or sale have commenced.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
Capitalization of such borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying assets being acquired, constructed or produced
become ready for their intended use or sale. The borrowing cost incurred after that is recognized as an expense in the
period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss for the current period.

Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months; the
borrowing costs in the normally interrupted period continue to capitalize.

(3) Capitalization rate of borrowing costs and calculation of capitalization amount
Interest expenses of special borrowings incurred actually for the current period less interest income from borrowings at
bank or investment income from temporary investments is capitalized; capitalization amount is determined as
accumulative asset expenditure of general borrowings over weighted average asset expenditure of special borrowings
multiples capitalization rate of general borrowings. Capitalization rate is determined as calculating weighted average
interest rate of general borrowings.

In the capitalization period, exchange differences of special borrowings in foreign currency is totally capitalized; exchange
differences of general borrowings in foreign currency is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

19. Biological Assets


20. Oil and Gas Assets


21. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing Method, Service Life and Impairment Test
Intangible assets of the Group include land use rights, software system, trademark rights etc.

The Group initially measures the intangible asset at cost, and analyzes and judges its service life when obtained. An
intangible asset with a finite useful life is amortized using the method which can reflect the expected realization of
economic benefits related to the asset over its expected useful life from when the asset is available for use; an intangible
asset whose expected realization can’t be reliably determined is amortized using straight-line amortization; an intangible
asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

Amortization methods of an intangible asset with a finite useful life are shown as follows:

Category                                                Useful Life           Amortization Method                   Remarks

Land use right                                          45-50 years             Straight-line method       -

Software system                                              5 years            Straight-line method       -

trademark rights                                         5-10 years             Straight-line method       -

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization method at the end of
each financial year, if it is different from the previous estimates, adjust the previous estimates and deal with it according to
changes in accounting estimates.

The Group estimates an intangible asset can no longer bring future economic benefits to the Group at the end of a period,
the carrying amount of which should be reversed to profit or loss for the current period.

Refer to Note V. 22 for impairment provision method for intangible assets.

(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditure
Expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research phase and
expenditure on the development phase.

Expenditure on the research phase is recognized in profit or loss when incurred.

Expenditure on the development phase is capitalized only when the Group can satisfy all of the following conditions: the
technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale; its intention to complete
the intangible asset is to use or sell it; how the intangible asset will generate economic benefits. Among other things, the
Group can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it
is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset; the availability of adequate technical, financial and other
resources to complete the development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; its ability to measure reliably the
expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase. Otherwise, it is charged to profit or loss.

The research and development projects of the Group will enter into the development stage after meeting the above
conditions and passing through the technical feasibility and economic feasibility studies and the formation of the project.

Capitalized expenditure on the development phase is presented as “development costs” in the balance sheet and shall be
transferred to intangible assets when the project is completed to its intended use state.

22. Impairment of long term assets
The impairment of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in the long-term equity investments, investment property
subsequently measured at cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets, goodwill and related
facilities, etc. (Excluding inventories, investment property measured at fair value model, deferred income tax assets and
financial assets) are determined as follows:

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

At the balance sheet date, the Group determines whether there may be evidence of impairment, if there is any, the Group
will estimate the recoverable amount for impairment, and then test for impairment.
For goodwill arising from a business combination, intangible assets with indefinite useful life and the intangible assets that
have not yet ready for use are tested for impairment annually regardless of whether such evidence exists.

The recoverable amount of an asset is determined by the higher amount of fair value deducting disposal costs and net
present value of future cash flows expected from the assets.

The Group estimates the recoverable amount based on individual asset; for individual asset which is difficult to estimate
the recoverable amount, the recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the asset group involving the
asset. The identification of the asset group is based on whether the cash flow generated from the asset group is
independent of the major cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

When the asset or asset group's recoverable amount is lower than its carrying amount, the Group reduces its carrying
amount to its recoverable amount, the reduced amount is included in profit or loss, while the provision for impairment of
assets is recognized.

For tests of goodwill impairment, the carrying amount of goodwill arising from a business combination shall be amortized
to the related asset group at reasonable method; that which is difficult to be amortized to the related asset group shall be
amortized to the group of asset groups. Related asset group or group of asset groups is asset group or group of asset
groups which can benefit from synergies of a business combination and is not greater than the reportable segment of the

When testing impairment, if asset group or group of asset groups relating to goodwill exists evidence of impairment, first of
all, the Group shall conduct impairment testing for asset group or group of asset groups which does not include goodwill,
and recognize corresponding impairment losses. Then asset group or group of asset groups which includes goodwill shall
be conducted impairment testing and compare its carrying amount and recoverable amounts. If the recoverable amount is
less than the carrying amount, then recognize the impairment loss of goodwill.

Once impairment loss is recognized, it can’t be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.

23. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term unamortized expenses occurred shall be priced at actual cost and averagely amortized during the predicted
benefit period. The long-term unamortized expenses that would not benefit the future accounting periods, the amortization
value shall be fully recorded in current profits and losses.

24. Employee benefits
(1) Short-term employee benefit
The Group shall recognize employee wages or salaries incurred, bonus, social security contributions such as premiums or
contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance and housing funds as liabilities through
profit or loss or related cost of assets for the financial year in which the employees render the related services. If the
liability is not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

employees render the related services and have significant financial effects, it shall be measured at the discounted value.

(2) Post-employment benefits
Post-employment benefit plan includes defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans. Defined contribution plans
are post-employment benefit plans under which an enterprise pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have
no obligation to pay further contributions. Defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined
contribution plans.

Defined contribution plans
Defined contribution plans include primary endowment insurance and unemployment insurance.

The Group shall recognize, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the contribution payable to a
defined contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of
a relevant asset.

For defined benefit plans, independent actuaries shall actuarial value at the balance sheet date to determine the cost of
rendering welfare under estimated accumulated welfare unit method. The Group shall recognize the following
components of employee benefits cost arising form defined benefit plan:

①service cost, comprising current service cost, past service cost and any gain or loss on settlement. Current service cost
is the increase in the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation resulting from employee service in the current
period. Past service cost is the increase or decrease in the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation for
employee service in prior periods, resulting from a plan amendment.

②net interest on the net defined benefit plan liabilities(asset), including interest income on plan assets, interest cost on
the defined benefit plan obligation and interest on the effect of the asset ceiling.

③ changes as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability(asset).
Item① and item② above should berecognized in profit or loss for the current period unless another Accounting Standard
requires or permits the inclusion of the employee benefit costs in the cost of assets. Item ③ shall be recognized in other
comprehensive income and shall not reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. However, the Group may transfer
those amounts recognized in other comprehensive income within equity.

(3) Termination benefits
The group which provides termination benefits to employees shall recognize an employee benefits liability for termination
benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the earlier of the following dates: When
the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment termination plan or a
curtailment proposal; When the Group recognizes costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment
of termination benefits.

For retirement plans within the Group and economic compensation before the formal retirement date attributable to
termination benefits, the salaries to pay retirement within the Group and social securities is recognized one-off in profit or

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

loss for the current period between the employees’ stop rendering service and formal retirement. Economic compensation
after formal retirement date (such as formal endowment insurance) shall be accounted for as post-employment benefits.

(4) Other long-term employee benefits
When other long-term employee benefits provided by the Group to the employees satisfied the conditions for classifying
as a defined contribution plan, those benefits shall be accounted for in accordance with the above requirements relating to
defined contribution plan, but the movement of net liabilities or assets in the investee’s re-measurement defined benefit
plan in the cost of relevant employee benefits shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period or the relevant cost
of assets.

25. Predicted liabilities
An obligation for additional losses of investees related to a contingency is recognized as a provision when all of the
following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The obligation is a present obligation of the Group;

(2) It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

Provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the payment to settle the associated obligations and consider the
relevant risk, uncertainty and time value of money. If the impact of time value of money is significant, the best estimate is
determined as its present value of future cash outflow. The Group reviews the carrying amount of provisions at the
balance sheet date and adjusts the carrying amount to reflect the best estimate.

If the expenses for clearing of predictive liability is fully or partially compensated by a third party, and the compensated
amount can be definitely received, it is recognized separated as asset. The compensated amount shall not be greater
than the carrying amount of the predictive liability.

26. Payment for shares

27. Other financial instruments, such as preferred shares, perpetual liabilities, etc.

28. Revenue
(1) General
① Sale of goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized only when all of the following conditions are satisfied: the Group has
transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods, the Group retains neither continuing
managerial involvement nor effective control over the goods sold, and related income has been achieved or evidences of

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

receivable have been obtained, and the associated costs can be measured reliably.

②Providing of services
Where the outcome of a transaction involving the providing of services can be estimated reliably, at the end of the period,
revenue associated with the transaction is recognized using the percentage of completion method.

The stage of completion of a transaction involving the providing of services is determined according to the proportion of
the services performed to the total services to be performed.

The outcome of a transaction involving the providing of services can be estimated reliably only when all of the following
conditions can be satisfied at the same time:

A. The amount of revenue can be measured reliably; B. The associated economic benefits are likely to flow into the
enterprise; C. The stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; D. The costs incurred and to be
incurred in the transaction can be measured reliably.

If the outcome of a transaction involving the providing of services can’t be estimated reliably, the revenue of providing of
services is recognized at the service cost that incurred and is estimated to obtain compensation and the service cost
incurred is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. If the service cost incurred is estimated to obtain
compensation, revenue isn’t recognized.

③Transfer of the right to use assets
The Group will recognize revenue when the economic benefits related to transfer of the right to use assets can flow in and
the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.

④ Interest income
The interest income shall be calculated based on the tenure of the Group’s monetary funds used by others and the actual
interest rates used.

⑤ Revenue from property leasing
The amount of revenue from property leasing are recognized when the rentals are collected or evidence of receipt of
payments are obtained in accordance with the tenure (consider rental-free period, if any) and rental stated in the leasing
contract or agreement.

(2) Detailed method of revenue recognition
The watches sold by the Group includes two types, one is the self-manufactured FIYTA watch, the sales of which is
managed by branch offices and provincial-level sale sections by regions set up by Sales Company, a subsidiary of the
Company. The other is brand watches, the sales of which are controlled by HARMONY Company, a subsidiary of the
Company, and we act as agent Regarding to sales modes, a small portion of the sales of self-manufactured FIYTA
watches is sold through direct sales to customer and consignment sales while most self-manufactured FIYTA watches and
brand watches under agent are under two sales modes, namely exclusive shop and shop-in-shop. Detailed method of
revenue recognition as follows:

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

A. Direct sales to the customers
 Under direct sales to the customers mode, the Group delivers products to customers and recognizes sales income after
customers check and accept.

B. Exclusive shop
Under exclusive shop mode, the Group delivers products to customers and recognizes sales income after customers
check, accept and pay.

C. Shop-in-shop
Under shop-in-shop mode, the Group delivers products to customers, sales staff issues notes to retail customers and
recognizes sales income after customers check and accept and department store collects the payment from the

D. Consignment sales
Under consignment sales mode, the Group receives the detail of the sales list from consignee and recognizes revenue
while issuing invoice to distributors.

29. Government grants
(1) Basis for judging asset related government grants and the accounting treatment method
A government grant related to an asset refers to the government grant obtained by the Group and used for purchase or
construction or formation in other way of long term assets. In addition, a government grant may be an income related
government grant.

A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to profit or loss over the
useful life of the related asset.

(2) Basis for judging income related government grants and the accounting treatment method
A government grant related to an asset refers to the government grant obtained by the Group and used for purchase or
construction or formation in other way of long term assets. In addition, there is also a government grant related to an

A government grant related to an asset value that the government document does not specify the grantee and can form
the long-term asset is treated as a government grant related to an asset. Otherwise, the government grant is treated as a
government grant related to income. If it is difficult to distinguish, the government grant as a whole is treated as a
government grant related to income.

For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred,
the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the current period; if the grant is a compensation for related
expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and then
recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the costs are recognized. Government grants measured at nominal
amounts are directly recognized in profit or loss for the period. For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if
there is related deferred income, the repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

excess is recognized in profit or loss for the period. If there is no related deferred income, the repayment is recognized
immediately in profit or loss for the period.

30. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
Tax expense comprises current tax expense and deferred tax expense. Current tax and deferred tax are included in profit
or loss for the current period as tax expense, except for deferred tax related to transactions or events that are directly
recognized in shareholders’ equity which are recognized directly in shareholders’ equity, and deferred tax arising from a
business combination, which is adjusted against the carrying amount of goodwill.

Temporary differences arising from the difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base are
recognized as deferred tax using the balance sheet liability method.

All the taxable temporary differences are recognized as deferred tax liabilities except for those incurred in the following

(1)The initial recognition of goodwill, and the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a
business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) when the transaction occurs;

(2)The taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, and the
Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary
difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

The Group recognizes a deferred tax asset for the carry forward of deductible temporary differences, deductible losses
and tax credits to subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized, except for those incurred in
the following transactions:

(1)The transaction is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss)
when the transaction occurs;

(2)The deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the
corresponding deferred tax asset is recognized when both of the following conditions are satisfied: it is probable that the
temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future, it is probable that taxable profits will be available in the future,
against which the temporary difference can be utilized.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected
to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, and their tax effect is reflected.

At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset. If it is probable that sufficient
taxable profits will not be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilized, the carrying
amount of the deferred tax asset is reduced. Any such reduction in amount is reversed when it becomes probable that
sufficient taxable profits will be available.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

31. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment method for operating lease

The Group recognizes the lease with all the risks and consideration in connection with the ownership of the asset
substantially transferred as financing lease. The leases other than financing lease are recognized as operating lease.

① As lessor

Lease from operating leases is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis respectively over different periods of the
lease term. The initial direct costs incurred are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

② As lessee

Lease from operating leases is recognized in the cost of relevant assets or profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the
lease term. The initial direct costs incurred are recognized in profit or loss for the current period

(2) Accounting treatment method for finance lease

① As lessor

In finance leases, at the beginning date of lease period, the Group will recognize the sum of minimum lease collection and
initial direct costs as the recorded value of finance leases receivable and meanwhile is recorded as unguaranteed residual
value; the difference between the sum of minimum lease collection, initial direct costs and unguaranteed residual value
and their present value is recorded as unrecognized financing charges.

② As lessee

In finance leases, at the beginning date of lease period, the Group will recognize the lower of the fair value of leased asset
of the beginning date of lease period and the present value of minimum lease payment as the recorded value of the
leased asset, their difference is recorded as unrecognized financing charges. Initial direct costs are recognized in leased
assets’ value. Unrecognized financing charges are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method in the
periods of leasing and recognized in financing charges for the current period. The Group depreciates the leased assets by
adopting the depreciation policy consistent with self-owned fixed assets.

32. Other important accounting policy and accounting estimate

The Group gives continuous assessment of the reasonable expectations of future events and the critical accounting
estimates and key assumptions based on its historical experience and other factors.

The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that are likely to lead to significant adjusted risks of the carrying
amount of assets and liabilities for the next financial year are listed as follows:

(1) Bad debt provision
The allowance method is adopted by the Group to account for losses on bad debts for receivables. Impairment of

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

accounts receivable is made based on estimation of its recoverability, which requires the management to make judgments
and estimates. The difference between the actual outcome and the estimates will have effects on the carrying amounts of
accounts receivable and on provision or reversal of the provision for bad debts of the accounting period in which the
estimates will be changed.

(2) Impairment provision for non-current non-financial assets
At the balance sheet date, the Group judges whether there are indicators of impairment for non-current assets other than
financial assets. For an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life except for annually impairment test, an impairment
test will be conducted if there are any indicators of impairment occur. For non-current assets other than financial assets,
an impairment test shall be made if there are evidences indicating the carrying amounts cannot be recovered in full

An asset or asset group is impaired when its carrying amount is higher than its recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of its
fair value less the disposal expenses and the present value of the estimated future cash flows).

The net amount of fair value less the disposal expenses are determined with reference to the quoted price of similar
assets in a sales agreement in an arm’s length transaction or an observable market price less incremental costs directly
attributable to disposal of the asset.

When estimating the present value of future cash flows, significant judgments are involved to the production output,
selling price, relevant business costs of the asset (or asset group) and the discount rate adopted in calculating the present
value. In estimating the recoverable amount, the Group will adopt all information available, such as forecasts for the
production output, the selling price and relevant business costs, which are made according to reasonable and supportive

The Group conducts impairment test to goodwill at least once a year. This requires estimating the present value of future
cash flows of asset group or combination of asset group to which goodwill has been allocated.

In estimating the present value of future cash flows, the Group needs estimate future cash flows generated from the asset
group or the combination of asset groups and choose appropriate discount rates.

(3) Depreciation and amortization
Taking the residual value into consideration, an investment property, fixed asset and intangible asset are depreciated or
amortized on a straight-line basis over its useful life. The Group reviews the useful life periodically to determine the
amount of depreciation or amortization which shall be recognized in each accounting period. The useful life is determined
according to historical experience of similar assets and technological renovation estimated. The amount of depreciation or
amortization shall be adjusted in future accounting periods if there are material changes in estimates made before.

(4) Deferred income tax asset
A deferred tax asset shall be recognized for the unused deductible losses to the extent that it is probable that future
taxable profit will be available against which the deductible losses can be utilized. Taking the taxation planning into
consideration, the management of the Group is required to make significant amount of judgments to estimate the time and

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

the amount of future taxable profit in order to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets to be recognized.

(5) Corporate income tax
For some transactions in the Group’s ordinary course of business, uncertainties exist in their tax treatment and calculation.
An approval from the tax authority is needed to determine whether an item is deductible before tax. If the final confirmation
from the tax authority differs with the original estimation, the difference will have effects on the current income tax and
deferred income tax of the period in which the final confirmation is made by the tax authority.

(6) After-sale quality warranty
The Group has the obligation to provide warrant to the quality of goods sold, and is responsible for damages arising from
the repair and replacement due to defective goods. The Group estimates and draws related provision on its after-sale
quality warranty commitment to customers with respect to the goods sold. In the case that the contingent event becomes
a current obligation and performance of the current obligation may be very likely to cause economic benefit flow out of the
Group, the Group recognizes provision based on the best estimates to be spent for fulfilling the related current obligation.
Otherwise, if the event does not become a current obligation, no predictions needed. In the course of judgment, the Group
needs to consider the recent maintenance data which may not be likely to reflect the future maintenance situations. Any
increase or reduction of the provision may possibly affect the profit or loss in the future year.

33. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

34. Miscelleneous


VI. Taxation

1. Types of taxes and tax rates

               Type of taxes                              Tax base                                  Tax rates

VAT                                       Taxable income                             17

Consumption tax                           Import or produce high-class watches       20

Business tax                              Taxable income                             5

Urban maintenance and construction
                                          Turnover tax payable                       7

Corporate income tax                      Turnover tax payable                       15-30

Educational surcharges                    Turnover tax payable                       3

Local educational surcharge               Turnover tax payable                       2

                                          70% of the cost of the property, rental
Real estate tax                                                                      1.2,12

In case there exist any taxpayer paying corporate income tax at different tax rates, disclose the information

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

                      Names of taxpayers                                           Income tax rates

The Company (Notes ①②)                                     25

Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd. (Note

Shenzhen FIYTA Sophisticated Timepieces Manufacture
Co., Ltd. (Manufacture Company (Note③)

FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited (Note ⑤)                          16.5

Station 68 (Note⑤)                                          16.5

Nature Art Limited (Note⑤)                                  16.5

World Watches International (Note⑤)                         16.5

Shenzhen FIYTA Technology Development Co.,
Ltd.(Technology Company) (Notes②and ④)

Shenzhen Symphony Trading Co., Ltd. (Trading Company)
(Note ⑥)

Beijing Henglianda Watch Center Co., Ltd (Henglianda
Company) (Note ⑥)

Kunming Lishan Department Store Co., Ltd. (Lishan
Department Store Co.) (Note⑥)

Harbin World Watches Distribution Co., Ltd. (Harbin
Company) (Note⑥)

Shenzhen Harmony Culture Communication Co., Ltd
(Culture Company) (Note⑥)

Emile Choureit Timing (Shenzhen) Ltd. (Emile Choureit
Shenzhen Company) (Note⑥)

FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd.(Sales Company)(Note①⑥)              25

Liaoning Hengdarui Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd
(Hengdarui Company)(Note⑥)

Switzerland Company(Note⑦)                                  30

2. Tax Preferences
(1) Enterprise Income Tax
Note ①: According to the regulations stated in GuoShuiFa (2008) No. 28, “Interim Administration Method for Levy of
Corporate Income Tax to Enterprise that Operates Cross-regionally”, the head office of the Company and its branch
offices, the head office of HARMONY Company and its branch offices adopt tax submission method of “unified calculation,
managing by classes, pre-paid in its registered place, settlement in total, and adjustment by finance authorities” starting
from 1 January 2008. 50% is shared and prepaid by branches and 50% is prepaid by the headquarters.

Note ②: According to Notice of “Pre-tax Deduction of Enterprise Research and Development Expenses (Interim)”,
GuoShui FA (2008) No. 116 issued by State Administration of Taxation on 10 Dec. 2008, research and development
expenses, which are charged to profit or loss instead of being capitalized as intangible assets, that incurred by the

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

Company and the Manufacture Company for developing new technology, new product and new technique can be
deducted by 50% extra on top of actual expensed charged in profit or loss.

Note ③: The company enjoys the “income tax rate exclusion of high-tech enterprises key supported by the state”.

Note ④: According to ShenGuoShuiBao Xi GaoXinNian Du Bei (2014) No. 0027 “Notice to Acceptance of Annual
Information Filing of High-tech Enterprises ―issued by Xixiang Tax Sub Bureau of National Taxation Bureau of Baoan
District of Shenzhen, the Company enjoys the “income tax rate exclusion of high-tech enterprises key supported by the

Note ⑤: These companies are registered in Hong Kong and the income tax rate of Hong Kong applicable is 16.50% this

Note ⑥: According to the People's Republic of China Enterprise Income Tax Law, the income tax rate is 25% for
residential enterprises since 1 January 2008.

Note ⑦: The tax rate of 30% is applicable for Switzerland Company as it registered in Switzerland.

(2) Property tax
In accordance with Article 5 of “Circular on Printing and Issuing ‘Reply to Issues Related to Property Tax and Vehicle and
Vessel Usage Tax’”, Shen Di ShuiFa (1999) No.374 issued by Shenzhen Local Taxation Bureau, property leased out by
manufacturing or business entity are taxed at 1.2% on the bases of 70% of the original cost of the property.

Properties of the Group situated in Shenzhen are taxed according to this notice. Properties situated in other cities are
taxed according to local regulations.

3. Miscelleneous

VII. Notes to items of consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                   Items                             Ending balance                          Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                        1,342,735.40                               387,241.40

Bank deposit                                                     495,748,724.36                           636,995,113.67

Other monetary capital                                              1,580,520.86                            1,580,520.86

Total                                                            498,671,980.62                           638,962,875.93

   Including total amount deposited                                          0.00                                     0.00

Other note:

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

Amount of RMB1,580,520.86 in other monetary funds is the security deposit with Shenzhen Center Branch of Agricultural
Bank of China for issuing of irrevocable letter of guarantee.

2. Financial assets measured based on fair value and its movements counted to the current gain
 or loss


3. Derivative financial assets


4. Notes receivable

(1) Presentation of classification of notes receivable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                 Items                                Ending balance                          Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                   3,340,209.46                           5,697,788.08

Trade acceptance bill                                                  5,467,913.97                           1,500,000.00

Total                                                                  8,808,123.43                           7,197,788.08

(2) Notes receivable already pledged by the Company at the end of the reporting period


(3) Endorsed or discounted notes receivable at the end of the reproting period, but not yet due on
the balance sheet date


(4) Notes transferred to receivables due to issuer’s default at the end of the reporting period


5. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivables disclosed by types

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                      Ending balance                                     Opening balance
                         Book balance     Bad debt reserve      Book      Book balance     Bad debt reserve       Book

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                         Provisio     value                                                     value
                                   Proporti                 n                    Amoun Proporti                   Provision
                       Amount                  Amount                                                   Amount
                                     on                  proporti                  t           on                 proportion

significant accounts
receivable with             0.00    0.00%         0.00     0.00%          0.00     0.00       0.00%        0.00       0.00%         0.00
separate provision
for doubtful debts
receivable with
provision for                                                                    312,58
                       338,353,     100.00 9,401,35       100.00 328,952,                     100.00 7,856,21                  304,725,6
doubtful debts                                                                   1,896.                            100.00%
                          834.12           %      5.42          %     478.70                        %      9.86                   76.29
based on                                                                               15
combination of
credit risk features

                            0.00    0.00%         0.00     0.00%          0.00     0.00       0.00%        0.00       0.00%         0.00
receivable with
separate provision
for doubtful debts

                       338,353,     100.00 9,401,35       100.00 328,952,                     100.00 7,856,21                  304,725,6
Total                                                                            1,896.                            100.00%
                          834.12           %      5.42          %     478.70                        %      9.86                   76.29

Other receivables with individually significant amount and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually provided at the
end of the reporting period.

Among the portfolio, other receivables that are provided for bad debt based on aging analysis
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                              Ending balance
                                          Other receivables                   Bad debt reserve               Provision proportion

Itemized based on those within 1 year

Sub-total within 1 year                          147,025,265.00                             7,351,263.25                          5.00%

1 to 2 years                                       4,164,370.70                              416,437.07                          10.00%

2 to 3 years                                       3,138,681.42                              941,604.43                          30.00%

Over 3 years                                       1,384,101.34                              692,050.67                          50.00%

Total                                            155,712,418.46                             9,401,355.42

Note to the basis for determining the portfolio:

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the balance percentage method in the portfolio

Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio:

Name of portfolio                             Book Balance           Provision for bad debt        Provision proportion %

Portfolio of specific accounts               182,641,415.66                                 -                               -

Based on historical experience, the Group’s receivables due from petty cash paid to employees, receivables due from
subsidiaries of the Company and accounts receivable for the sales between the last settlement date of the same
department store and the balance sheet date are with high recoverability and low possibility of incurring bad debt, as a
result, no bad debt provisions are provided for such receivables.

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, received or reversed in current period


(3) Accounts receivable actually written off in current period


(4) Accounts receivable due from the top five debtors of the Group are as follows:
Total accounts receivable due from the top five debtors of the Group in the current period is RMB24,170,746.89,
accounting for 5.52% of the total accounts receivable as at the end of the current period and the total provision for bad and
doubtful debts made as at the end of the current period is RMB1,208,537.35.

(5) Accounts receivable terminated for recognition due to transfer of financial assets


(6) Amount of assets, liabilities formed by transfer of accounts receivable and continuing to be


6. Advance payments

(1) Advance payments are presented based on ages

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                          Ending balance                                  Opening balance
                                 Amount                 Proportion                Amount                  Proportion

Within 1 year                     31,981,436.31                     88.41%         40,458,069.74                   82.78%

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                             2016 Semi-Annual Report

1 to 2 years                        3,466,932.60                          9.58%             7,684,834.45                        15.73%

2 to 3 years                            103,176.35                        0.29%                103,176.35                        0.21%

Over 3 years                            623,483.06                        1.72%                623,483.06                        1.28%

Total                              36,175,028.32                  --                       48,869,563.60                 --

(2) Advance payment to the top five payees of the ending balance collected based on the payees of the advance

The total amount of advance payment to the top five payees of the ending balance collected based on the payees of the
advance payment was RMB 25,044,561.86, taking 50.00% of the toal ending balance of the advance payment.

7. Interest receivable


8. Dividends receivable


9. Other receivables

(1) Disclosure of classification of other receivables

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                        Ending balance                                           Opening balance

                       Book Balance         Bad debt reserve                     Book Balance      Bad debt reserve

    Categories                                         Provisio
                                                                       Book                                                    Book
                                 Proporti                 n                     Amoun Proporti               Provision
                      Amount                Amount                     value                      Amount                       value
                                   on                  proporti                   t       on                 proportion

significant other
receivables for       800,000.              800,000.                            800,00            800,000.
                                  1.73%                29.95%            0.00             1.88%                28.86%              0.00
which bad debt             00                    00                               0.00                  00
reserve has been
provided separately

Other receivables
for which bad debt                                                              41,699
                      45,438,4              1,751,51              43,686,9                        1,852,08                    39,847,73
reserve has been                 98.02%                65.56%                   ,818.2 97.84%                  66.81%
                        41.80                   3.00                    28.80                         5.48                         2.76
provided based on                                                                     4
the portfolio

Other receivables     120,000.    0.25% 120,000.         4.49%           0.00 120,00      0.28% 120,000.         4.33%             0.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

with insignificant             00                   00                             0.00                      00
single amount and
provision of bad
debt reserve on
individual basis

                       46,358,4     100.00 2,671,51       100.00 43,686,9                     100.00 2,772,08                   39,847,73
Total                                                                            ,818.2                           100.00%
                          41.80         %      3.00            %         28.80                     %       5.48                      2.76

Other receivables with individually significant amount and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually provided at the
end of the reporting period:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

   Other receivables                                                      Ending balance
    (based on units)           Other receivables          Bad debt reserve          Provision proportion          Cause of provision

Deposit in security                    800,000.00                    800,000.00                        100.00% Unrecoverable

Total                                  800,000.00                    800,000.00                   --                       --

Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                             Ending balance
                                       Other receivables                    Bad debt reserve                  Provision proportion

Itemized based on those within 1 year

Sub-total within 1 year                            39,629,683.01                            1,737,390.60                           4.38%

1 to 2 years                                              5,244.00                               524.40                           10.00%

2 to 3 years                                              9,000.00                              2,700.00                          30.00%

Over 3 years                                             21,796.00                            10,898.00                           50.00%

Total                                              39,665,723.01                            1,751,513.00

Note to the basis for determining the portfolio:
Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the balance percentage method in the portfolio

Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio:

Name of portfolio                              Book Balance                Provision for bad debt              Provision proportion %

Portfolio of specific accounts          5,772,718.79                                -                                  -

Based on historical experience, the Group’s receivables due from petty cash paid to employees, receivables due from
subsidiaries of the Company and accounts receivable for the sales between the last settlement date of the same
department store and the balance sheet date are with high recoverability and low possibility of incurring bad debt, as a
result, no bad debt provisions are provided for such receivables.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, received or reversed in current period


(3) Accounts receivable actually written off in current period


(4) Classification of other receivables based on nature of payment

                                                                                                                   In RMB

          Nature of Payment                     Ending book balance                      Opening book balance

Reserve                                                           5,772,718.79                              4,917,828.70

Deposit in security                                              11,622,707.83                              9,126,499.58

Deposit in security                                              19,803,097.02                             19,654,321.18

Commodity promotion fee                                           6,079,711.62                              6,617,843.27

Others                                                            3,080,206.54                              2,303,325.51

Total                                                            46,358,441.80                             42,619,818.24

(5) Other receivables of the ending balance due from the top five debtors of the Group are as

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                       Ending balance of
                                                                                 % of the balance of
        Names               Nature        Ending balance           Age                                 provision for bad
                                                                                  other receivables
                                                                                                       and doubtful debts

China Resources
(Shenzhen) Co.,       Guarantee deposit      2,800,054.00 Within 1 year                      6.04%            140,002.70

Ernest Borel (Far     Brand promotion
                                             1,501,000.00 Within 1 year                      3.24%             75,050.00
 East) Co., Ltd.      fee

Shenzhen Yitian
Holiday Plaza Co,. Deposit                   1,090,523.00 Within 1 year                      2.35%             54,526.15

Oris International
Trade                 Brand promotion
                                               942,700.00 Within 1 year                      2.03%             47,135.00
(Shanghai) Co., fee
Astro swiss Time      Brand promotion
                                               806,275.00 Within 1 year                      1.74%             40,313.75
lirshed               fee

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

Total                       --                    7,140,552.00                --                          15.40%              357,027.60

(6) Accounts receivable involving government subsidy


(7) Other receivables with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets


(8) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuing
to be involved


10. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                     Ending balance                                                 Opening balance
        Items                         Provision for                                                   Provision for
                  Book Balance                               Book value        Book Balance                                 Book value
                                       price falling                                                  price falling

Raw materials     136,400,872.44       6,305,697.86 130,095,174.58 160,662,691.18                      6,305,697.86 154,356,993.32

Products in
                   10,965,647.21                  0.00      10,965,647.21          17,310,018.61                 0.00      17,310,018.61

Commodities in 1,871,637,523.5                             1,849,431,403.0 1,943,230,127.8                                1,921,024,007.3
                                      22,206,120.52                                                   22,206,120.52
stock                            2                                        0                     8                                        6

                  2,019,004,043.1                          1,990,492,224.7 2,121,202,837.6                                2,092,691,019.2
Total                                 28,511,818.38                                                   28,511,818.38
                                 7                                        9                     7                                        9

(2) Provision for price falling of inventories

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                     Increase in the reporting period         Decrease in the reporting period
          Items                         Provision                                   Reversal                              Ending balance
                     balance                                   Others                                   Others
                                     Proportion                                     or Offset

Raw materials       6,305,697.86                       0                  0                     0                     0     6,305,697.86

Products in
                            0.00                       0                  0                     0                     0             0.00

Commodities in     22,206,120.52                       0                  0                     0                     0    22,206,120.52

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report


Total                28,511,818.38                  0                0               0                  0   28,511,818.38

(3) Note to the amount of capitalized borrowing costs involved in the ending balance of


(4) Assets already completed but not yet settled formed in the construction contract at the end of
 the reporting period


11. Classified as held-for-sale assets


12. Non-current assets due within a year


13. Other current assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                                Ending balance                       Opening balance

Input VAT to be offset                                              5,492,636.22                            10,185,449.99

Rent                                                                3,128,141.46                             4,065,558.45

Others                                                              2,438,827.59                             1,545,765.12

Total                                                              11,059,605.27                            15,796,773.56

14. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Description of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                           Ending balance                                Opening balance

           Items                            Impairment                                     Impairment
                            Book Balance                    Book value    Book Balance                      Book value
                                              reserve                                       reserve

Available-for-sale equity
                              385,000.00      300,000.00      85,000.00     385,000.00       300,000.00        85,000.00

        Measured based        385,000.00      300,000.00      85,000.00     385,000.00       300,000.00        85,000.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

on cost

Total                            385,000.00            300,000.00       85,000.00           385,000.00            300,000.00            85,000.00

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured based on fair value at the end of the reporting


(3) Available-for-sale financial assets measured based on costs at the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                              Book Balance                                        Impairment reserve                       Holding
             Beginning Increase                                     Beginning Increase Decrease                                         dividend
                                                                                                             End of the     of the
Investees       of the       in the                                  of the        in the       in the                                   in the
                                                                                                             reporting shares in
              reporting reporting                                   reporting reporting reporting                                       reporting
                                                                                                              period          the
               period        period                                  period        period       period                                   period

Culture      300,000.0                                 300,000.0 300,000.0                                   300,000.0
                                      0            0                                        0            0                   15.00%
Communi                  0                                     0              0                                        0
Co., Ltd

             85,000.00                0            0 85,000.00                              0            0                    0.10%
g Co.,

             385,000.0                                 385,000.0 300,000.0                                   300,000.0
Total                                 0            0                                        0            0                     --
                         0                                     0              0                                        0

(4) Movement of impairment of available-for-sale financial assets in the reporting period

                                                                                                                                           In RMB

         Classification of
                                          Available-for-sale equity           Available-for-sale liability
 available-for-sale financial                                                                                                   Total
                                                 instrument                          instrument

Opening balance of the
                                                           300,000.00                                         0                         300,000.00
 impairment reserve provided

Ending balance of the
                                                           300,000.00                                         0                         300,000.00
impairment reserve provided

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

(5) Note to serious falling or non-provisional falling of the fair value of available-for-sale equity
instruments without provision for impairment provided


15. Held-to-maturity investments


16. Long term accounts receivable


17. Long term equity investment

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                    Increase/ Decrease (+ / -) in the reporting period

                                                                            Cash                                        Ending

                                                    Other                  dividend                                    balance

                         Addition                  compreh         Other   or profit Provision                          of the
Investee Opening                                                                                            Ending
                            al                      ensive     equity      announc        for                          provision
    s       balance                                                                                Others   balance
                         investme                  income moveme            ed for      impairme                          for

                            nt                     adjustme         nt     distributi      nt                          impairme

                                                      nt                      on                                          nt

I. Joint Venture

II. Associates

i Watch
Co.,        43,221,5                                                       383,750.                         42,837,9
Ltd.(Sha         72.05                                                             00                         94.24

            43,221,5                                                       383,750.                         42,837,9
Sub-total                                 172.19
                 72.05                                                             00                         94.24

            43,221,5                                                       383,750.                         42,837,9
Total                                     172.19
                 72.05                                                             00                         94.24

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                               2016 Semi-Annual Report

18. Investment property

(1) Investment property measured based on the cost method
                                                                                                        In RMB

             Items         Housing and buildings   Land use right                               Total

I. Carrying amount of
                                 340,029,020.44                                                340,029,020.44

       1. Opening
                                 340,029,020.44                                                340,029,020.44

       2. Increased
amount in the reporting

       (1) Procured

assets\transfer-in of

       (3) Increase from
consolidation of

       3. Decreased
amount in the reporting

       (1) Disposed

       (2) Other

       4. Ending
                                 340,029,020.44                                                340,029,020.44

II. Total of
depreciation and

       1. Opening
                                 123,080,827.42                                                123,080,827.42

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

      2. Increased
amount in the reporting     4,571,872.94                        4,571,872.94

      (1) Provision or
                            4,571,872.94                        4,571,872.94

      3. Decreased
amount in the reporting

      (1) Disposed

      (2) Other

      4. Ending
                          127,652,700.36                      127,652,700.36

III. Provision for

      1. Opening

      2. Increased
amount in the reporting

      (1) Provision

      3. Decreased
amount in the reporting

      (1) Disposed

      (2) Other

      4. Ending

IV. Book value

      1. Book value at
                          212,376,320.08                      212,376,320.08
the end of the period

      2. Book value at
                          216,948,193.02                      216,948,193.02
the beginning of the

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report


(2) Investment property measured based on fair value


(3) Investment property that does not have certificate for property right


19. Fixed assets

(1) About fixed assets

                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Housing and      Machines &                        Electronic
           Items                                      Motor vehicles                       others         Total
                       buildings      equipment                        equipment

I. Carrying
amount of cost:

      1. Opening
                     359,056,823.22   79,465,117.28    16,519,643.99   33,860,418.53    40,158,846.40 529,060,849.42

      2. Increased
amount in the          2,773,152.16     813,551.59        137,756.93    3,065,101.86       513,010.57   7,302,573.11
reporting period

                       2,773,152.16     813,551.59        137,756.93    3,065,101.86       513,010.57   7,302,573.11

Transfer in of

Increase from
consolidation of

                               0.00   2,465,412.14        280,066.00     182,664.87        102,636.00   3,030,779.01
amount in the
reporting period

           (1)                 0.00   2,465,412.14        280,066.00     182,664.87        102,636.00   3,030,779.01

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

Disposal or

   4. Ending
                     361,829,975.38   77,813,256.73   16,377,334.92   36,742,855.52    40,569,220.97 533,332,643.52

II. Accumulative

   1. Opening
                      64,764,532.05   32,745,907.86   12,388,527.12   24,125,690.46    33,056,363.92 167,081,021.41

   2. Increased
amount in the          6,342,186.69    3,592,937.69     717,433.20     1,644,196.97       963,692.82   13,260,447.37
reporting period

                       6,342,186.69    3,592,937.69     717,433.20     1,644,196.97       963,692.82   13,260,447.37

                               0.00     163,845.67      266,016.00      146,196.92         65,700.59     641,759.18
amount in the
reporting period

Disposal or                    0.00     163,845.67      266,016.00      146,196.92         65,700.59     641,759.18

   4. Ending
                      71,106,718.74   36,174,999.88   12,839,944.32   25,623,690.51    33,954,356.15 179,699,709.60

III. Provision for

   1. Opening

   2. Increased
amount in the
reporting period


amount in the
reporting period

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

Disposal or

   4. Ending

IV. Book value

   1. Book
value at the end 290,723,256.64     41,638,256.85    3,537,390.60     11,119,165.01      6,614,864.82 353,632,933.92
of the period

   2. Book
value at the
                   294,292,291.17   46,719,209.42    4,131,116.87      9,734,728.07      7,102,482.48 361,979,828.01
beginning of the

(2) About temporarily idle fixed assets


(3) Fixed assets rented through finance lease


(4) Fixed assets leased through operating lease


(5) Fixed assets that do not have certificate for property right

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                 Reason for not having certificate for
                   Item                              Book value
                                                                                            property rights

Office rooms for Harbin Branch                                      311,503.20 Defective in property right

Other note:
As at June 30, 2016, the plant and building with original book value of RMB 26,852,039.58 (net book value amounting to
RMB 20,596,594.27) was taken as the collateral for the long term loan amounting to RMB 5,983,991.44.

20.Construction in progress

(1)About construction in progress
                                                                                                                 In RMB

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                             Ending balance                                                   Opening balance
     Projects                                  Impairment                                                        Impairment
                        Book Balance                                   Book value        Book Balance                                      Book value
                                                reserve                                                              reserve

Clock & Watch
base in
                        198,425,573.20                     0.00 198,425,573.20 173,189,274.57                                  0.00 173,189,274.57
New District

Toilet decoration
engineering in
the public area
                            608,270.77                     0.00          608,270.77                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00

Outdoor storm
sewage bypass
project of FIYTA            282,709.05                     0.00          282,709.05                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00

Xi’an Grand
Noble roofing
glazed tile                 496,839.70                     0.00          496,839.70                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00

Total                   199,813,392.72                     0.00 199,813,392.72 173,189,274.57                                  0.00 173,189,274.57

(2) Movements of important construction-in-progress projects in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                               Transferr                           Proportio               Accumula
                                                                                                                         amount of
                                                ed into     Other                   n of the                  tive                     Interest
                                   Increase                                                                                 the
                                               the fixed   decrease                 project                 amount                    capitalizat
               Budget    Opening    in the                               Ending                 Project                  capitalize                   Fund
 Projects                                       assets     s in the                 put into               involved                   ion rate in
                         balance   reporting                            balance                 progress                 d interest                  source
                                                in the     reporting               applicatio              in interest                the report
                                    period                                                                                 in the
                                               reporting     year                   n in the               capitalizat                  period
                                                period                              budget                    ion

 Clock &
base in     300,000 173,189 25,236,                                     198,425                             5,579,5 2,193,2
                                                                                    66.14% 66.14%                                       4.53% financial
Guangmi       ,000.00 ,274.57       298.63                               ,573.20                              60.73         08.35
ng New

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

              300,000 173,189 25,236,               198,425                     5,579,5 2,193,2
Total                                                           --       --                                4.53%       --
               ,000.00 ,274.57   298.63              ,573.20                        60.73      08.35

(3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress in the current period


21. Engineering materials


22. Disposal of fixed assets


23. Productive biological asset


24. Oil and gas assets


25. Intangible assets

(1) About intangible assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                   Non patent        Software       Trademark use
        Items         Land use right      Patent                                                               Total
                                                   technology         system                right

I. Carrying
amount of cost

Opening                34,854,239.40                                 6,958,309.33     9,547,313.86         51,359,862.59

                                 0.00                                1,325,261.64                   0.00    1,325,261.64
amount in the
reporting period

                                 0.00                                1,325,261.64                   0.00    1,325,261.64


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

Internal R & D

Increase from
consolidation of

                              0.00   0.00         0.00          0.00              0.00            0.00
amount in the
reporting period


        4. Ending
                     34,854,239.40                       8,283,570.97     9,547,313.86   52,685,124.23

II. Accumulative

Opening               8,423,709.66                       3,284,434.09     3,222,092.18   14,930,235.93

                       172,037.16                               0.00        530,113.36     702,150.52
amount in the
reporting period

                       172,037.16                               0.00        530,113.36     702,150.52

                              0.00                              0.00              0.00            0.00
amount in the
reporting period


        4. Ending
                      8,595,746.82                       3,284,434.09     3,752,205.54   15,632,386.45

III. Provision for


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report


amount in the
reporting period


amount in the
reporting period


      4. Ending

IV. Book value

      1. Book
value at the end   26,258,492.58                                       4,999,136.88     5,795,108.32   37,052,737.78
of the period

      2. Book
value at the
                   26,430,529.74                                       3,673,875.24     6,325,221.68   36,429,626.66
beginning of the

The proportion of intangible assets formed not through the Company’s internal research and development in the balance
of intangible assets was 0.00%.

(2) About the land use right that does not have certificate of title


26. Development expenditure


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

27. Goodwill

(1) Book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                 In RMB

  Investees or
matters forming                    Increase in the reporting period     Decrease in the reporting period Ending balance
  the goodwill

Department          1,735,756.48                 0                0                  0               0    1,735,756.48
Store Co.

      Total         1,735,756.48                 0                0                  0               0    1,735,756.48

(2) Provision for impairment of goodwill

                                                                                                                 In RMB

  Investees or
matters forming                    Increase in the reporting period     Decrease in the reporting period Ending balance
  the goodwill

Department          1,735,756.48                 0                0                  0               0    1,735,756.48
Store Co.

      Total         1,735,756.48                 0                0                  0               0    1,735,756.48

Method for impairment testing and provision of reserve for impairment
HARMONY, one of the Company’s subsidiaries acquired 100% equity in Lishan Department Store on March 31, 2008 with
valuable consideration of RMB 1,200,000.00 and the fair value of the recognizable net assets of Lishan Department Store
on the acquisition day was RMB - 535,756.48. HARMONY presented the margin amounting to RMB 1,735,756.48 in the
consolidated financial statements as “goodwill”. At the end of 2008, HARMONY made impairment test of the goodwill and
charged the loss from impairment of the goodwill lower than the recoverable amount totaling RMB 1,735,756.48 to the
gain and loss of the year 2008.

Other Note:
Method for impairment testing and provision of reserve for impairment

HARMONY, one of the Company’s subsidiaries acquired 100% equity in Lishan Department Store on March 31, 2008 with
valuable consideration of RMB 1,200,000.00 and the fair value of the recognizable net assets of Lishan Department Store
on the acquisition day was RMB - 535,756.48. HARMONY presented the margin amounting to RMB 1,735,756.48 in the
consolidated financial statements as “goodwill”. At the end of 2008, HARMONY made impairment test of the goodwill and
charged the loss from impairment of the goodwill lower than the recoverable amount totaling RMB 1,735,756.48 to the
gain and loss of the year 2008.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                           2016 Semi-Annual Report

28. Long-term expenses to be apportioned

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                 Amount amortized
                                            Increase in the
         Items         Opening balance                               in the reporting      Other decrease       Ending balance
                                            reporting period

Cost for making
                          66,887,503.25        30,836,015.44           34,209,768.10                              63,513,750.59
special counters

Refurbishment             71,772,662.17        12,835,391.53           17,686,446.46                              66,921,607.24

Endorsement fee           16,373,614.53                  0.00            4,200,546.45                             12,173,068.08

Others                       670,784.44            116,400.94              358,225.82                                428,959.56

Total                    155,704,564.39        43,787,807.91           56,454,986.83                             143,037,385.47

29. Deferred Income Tax Asset and Deferred Income Tax Liability

(1) Deferred income tax asset without offsetting
                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                          Ending balance                                        Opening balance

          Items           Offsetable provisional    Deferred income tax           Offsetable provisional    Deferred income tax
                              discrepancy                  asset                        discrepancy               asset

Reserve for
impairment of the                 40,584,686.80                9,451,784.18               53,423,315.43           12,781,048.95

Unrealized profit of
                                347,658,479.86             85,800,515.82                 371,236,241.47           87,969,273.73
internal transaction

Offsetable loss                    9,768,722.91                2,210,290.89               16,561,138.12             4,076,400.48

Deferred income                    4,800,000.00                1,200,000.00                 4,300,000.00            1,075,000.00

Total                            402,811,889.57            98,662,590.89                 445,520,695.02          105,901,723.16

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities without offsetting

(3) Deferred income tax asset or liabilities stated with net amount after offsetting


(4) Statement of deferred income tax asset not recognized

                                                                                                                          In RMB

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

                Items                     Ending balance                  Opening balance

Offsetable provisional discrepancy                     2,035,756.48                    2,035,756.48

Total                                                  2,035,756.48                    2,035,756.48

(5) Unrecognized deferred income tax asset available for offsetting loss is going to expire in the
following years


30. Other non-current assets

                                                                                             In RMB

                Items                     Ending balance                  Opening balance

Prepayment for equipment                               7,458,521.88                    5,118,833.65

Total                                                  7,458,521.88                    5,118,833.65

31. Short-term loans

(1) Classification of short-term loans
                                                                                             In RMB

                Items                     Ending balance                  Opening balance

Secured borrowings                                   293,344,590.08                  338,186,200.00

Credit borrowings                                    890,000,000.00                  650,000,000.00

Total                                             1,183,344,590.08                   988,186,200.00

(2)Short-term loans overdue but still remaining outstanding


32. Financial liabilities measured based on fair value and the movements counted to the current
 gain or loss


33. Derivative financial liabilities


34. Notes payable


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                 2016 Semi-Annual Report

35. Accounts payable

(1) Statement of accounts payable

                                                                                                             In RMB

                 Items                          Ending balance                            Opening balance

Loan                                                         93,779,278.60                           111,750,463.34

Payment for materials                                        11,080,449.21                            20,477,883.44

Engineering warranty fee                                           211,339.76                         23,711,339.76

Total                                                       105,071,067.57                           155,939,686.54

(2) Significant accounts payable with age exceeding 1 year


36. Advances from customers

(1) Statement of advances from customers
                                                                                                             In RMB

                 Items                          Ending balance                            Opening balance

Loan                                                         15,338,733.94                            14,823,613.26

Rental                                                        3,097,503.75                             3,207,516.61

Total                                                        18,436,237.69                            18,031,129.87

(2) Significant advances from customers with age exceeding 1 year


(3) Unfinished projects formed in the construction contracts but already settled at the end of the
reporting period


37. Employee remuneration payable

(1) Statement of employee remuneration payable

                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                Increase in the          Decrease in the
         Items             Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                reporting period         reporting period

I. Short term                   38,910,666.81      219,931,896.02               240,850,957.32        17,991,605.51

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report


Post-employment Ben
                                   486,081.14         17,464,331.84        17,949,547.78              865.20
efit- Defined
Contribution Plan

III. Dismission welfare                   0.00         2,835,626.03         2,835,626.03                0.00

Total                            39,396,747.95      240,231,853.89       261,636,131.13        17,992,470.71

(2) Statement of short-term remuneration

                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                 Increase in the      Decrease in the
           Items            Opening balance                                                Ending balance
                                                 reporting period     reporting period

1. Salaries, bonus,
                                 38,695,841.28      197,120,505.36       218,083,838.14        17,732,508.50
allowance and subsidy

2. Employee’s welfare                                 5,014,645.55         5,014,645.55                0.00

3. Social insurance
                                                       7,754,877.77         7,754,877.77

Medical insurance                                      6,866,719.31         6,866,719.31                0.00

injury insurance                                         344,592.44           344,592.44                0.00

                                                         543,566.02           543,566.02                0.00
insurance premium

4. Housing provident
                                                       7,796,409.01         7,796,409.01                0.00

5. Trade union dues
and employee’s                    214,825.53          2,107,930.33         2,063,658.85          259,097.01
education budget

8. Other short term
                                                         137,528.00           137,528.00                0.00

Total                            38,910,666.81      219,931,896.02       240,850,957.32        17,991,605.51

(3) Statement of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                 Increase in the      Decrease in the
           Items            Opening balance                                                Ending balance
                                                 reporting period     reporting period

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

1. Basic endowment
                                            837.80       16,747,177.31             16,747,149.91                865.20
insurance premium

2. Unemployment
                                              0.00          717,154.53               717,154.53                    0.00
insurance premium

3. Enterprise annuity
                                      485,243.34                  0.00               485,243.34                    0.00

Total                                 486,081.14         17,464,331.84             17,949,547.78                865.20

38. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                  Items                              Ending balance                         Opening balance

Value-added tax                                                 40,077,675.98                           38,446,286.82

Consumption tax                                                             0.00

Business tax                                                          180,829.69                          585,194.96

Business income tax                                              4,176,803.21                           27,163,568.79

Individual income tax                                                 825,803.07                         1,102,201.03

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                                      301,679.39                          612,201.25

Real estate tax                                                       571,712.73                              45,596.12

Education surcharge                                                   167,143.85                          395,801.04

Stamp duty                                                            220,901.71                          242,297.50

Dyke protection surcharge                                               5,201.89                              22,414.09

Others                                                                128,141.56                          306,171.21

Total                                                           46,655,893.08                           68,921,732.81

39. Interest payable

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                  Items                              Ending balance                         Opening balance

Interest of long term loans with interest
payment by installment and repayment                                  126,987.97                          605,563.29
of principal at maturity

Interest of the enterprise bond                                                                         16,800,000.00

Interest of short term loan payable                              1,669,872.93                            1,806,066.73

Total                                                            1,796,860.90                           19,211,630.02

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

40. Dividend payable


41. Other payables

(1) Other payments stated based on nature of fund

                                                                                                         In RMB

                                         Ending balance
                  Items                                                          Opening balance

Collateral and deposit                              17,629,643.55                                 17,427,761.30

Refurbishment expense                                2,151,081.00                                  4,268,223.01

Down payment                                              137,989.06                               3,052,393.03

Fund for shop-front activities                       3,945,441.90                                  8,504,697.12

Personal account payable                             1,390,935.79                                  1,802,485.42

Incomings and outgoings among
                                                                 0.00                                      0.00
FIYTA internal related parties
Housing allowances                                               0.00                              1,760,000.00

Placement costs                                                  0.00                              1,146,772.99

Others                                              14,031,912.07                                 10,169,283.33

Total                                               39,287,003.37                                 48,131,616.20

(2) Other payables in significant amount and with aging over 1 year

                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                        Cause of remaining outstanding or
                  Items                  Ending balance

Shenzhen Tencent Computer System
                                                     4,693,429.16 Still in the lease term
Co., Ltd.

Grand fortress corporation limited                   1,693,141.66 Not yet settled

Oracle R&D Center (Shenzhen)
                                                          811,590.00 Still in the lease term

Wu Dongmei                                                700,000.00 Still in the lease term

CATIC Property Management Co., Ltd.                       472,032.00 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Xiangya Food Co., Ltd.                           471,760.00 Still in the lease term

CATIC Real Estate Co., Ltd.                               424,800.00 Still in the lease term

Wen Qingbo(which has been changed
                                                          416,700.00 Still in the lease term
into Wen Jianbo)

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                             2016 Semi-Annual Report

Shenzhen Honestar Technologies Co.,
                                                               375,144.00 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Good Family Sports-Ware
                                                               351,030.00 Still in the lease term
Chain Limited

Shenzhen Yitianxun Technology Co.,
                                                               345,435.66 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Uni-phone Self-service
Kara-Ok Entertainment Supermarket                              334,880.00 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Oriental Boiler Control Co.,
                                                               318,491.60 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Yongantang Chain
                                                               301,644.00 Still in the lease term
Pharmacy Limited

China Tenth Metallurgy Group Limited
                                                               300,000.00 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen CATIC City Investment Co.,
                                                               244,068.00 Still in the lease term

Broadway Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,
                                                               243,547.28 Still in the lease term

Shenzhen Hangjian Engineering Cost
                                                               242,424.00 Still in the lease term
Consultation Co., Ltd

Total                                                      12,740,117.36                      --

42. Liabilities classified as held-for-sale liabilities


43. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                            In RMB

                Items                         Ending balance                          Opening balance

Long-term loan due within one year                        119,728,000.00                            108,914,000.00

Total                                                     119,728,000.00                            108,914,000.00

44. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                            In RMB

                Items                         Ending balance                          Opening balance

Short term bonds payable                                              0.00                                    0.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                          2016 Semi-Annual Report

Accrued expenses                                                        20,876,226.66                           1,988,252.38

Total                                                                   20,876,226.66                           1,988,252.38

45. Long-term Loan

(1) Classification of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                     In RMB     元

                    Items                              Ending balance                              Opening balance

Pledged borrowings                                                         5,983,991.44                         5,877,036.33

Secured borrowings                                                    239,589,928.00                          194,031,928.00

Less: Long-term borrowings due within
                                                                      -119,728,000.00                        -108,914,000.00
1 year

Total                                                                 125,845,919.44                           90,994,964.33

Other notes, including the interest rate interval:
① There was no long term loan already due but still remaining outstanding.

② As stated in Note VII.19, the property with the book cost of RMB 26,852,039.58 (net value of RMB 20,596,594.27) was
used as the collateral for the long term loan amounting to RMB 5,983,991.44.

③ For the detail about the guarantee to related parties, refer to Note XII.5(4).

46. Liabilities Payable

(1) Bonds payable
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                    Items                              Ending balance                              Opening balance

12 YADA Bond                                                                       0.00                       399,823,760.28

Total                                                                              0.00                       399,823,760.28

(2) Increase/Decrease of bonds payable (excluding other financial instruments classified as
financial liabilities, such as preferred shares, perpetual bonds, etc.)

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                               Interes    Amorti   Repay
                                            Issuan    Openin                      t       zation   ment
                                   Bond                              in the                                            Ending
  Bond        Par      Issuing                 ce        g                     provid       of     in the
                                   time                          reporti                                               balanc
  name       value          date            amoun     balanc                     ed       premiu   reporti
                                   limit                              ng                                                 e
                                               t         e                     based      m and      ng
                                                                               on the     discou   period

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                          book       nt

 12        400,00                          400,00   399,82                                  400,00
                          2013-2   3+2                                    3,360,   176,23
 YADA          0,000.                      0,000.   3,760.         0.00                     0,000.        0.00
                          -27      years                                  000.00     9.72
 Bond                00                       00       28                                      00

                                           400,00   399,82                                  400,00
                                                                          3,360,   176,23
  Total         --          --       --    0,000.   3,760.         0.00                     0,000.        0.00
                                                                          000.00     9.72
                                              00       28                                      00

(3) Note to the conditions and time of share conversion of convertible company bonds


(4) Note to other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities


47. Long term accounts payable

(1) Long term accounts payable stated based on the nature


48. Long term payroll payable

(1) Statement of long term payroll payable


(2) Change in defined benefit plan


49. Special accounts payable


50. Predicted liabilities


51. Deferred income

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                          Increase in the       Decrease in the                            Reasons of
        Items       Opening balance                                                   Ending balance
                                          reporting period      reporting period                            formation

                         4,300,000.00            500,000.00                    0.00      4,800,000.00

Total                    4,300,000.00            500,000.00                    0.00      4,800,000.00           --

Items involving government subsidies:
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                      Amount counted
                                     Amount of                                                             In connection
                                                           to the
                    Opening         newly added                                                             with asset/in
Projects in debt                                       non-operating       Other changes Ending balance
                     balance       subsidy in the                                                          connection with
                                                       income in the
                                   reporting period                                                           income
                                                      reporting period

Special fund for
industrial design
                    1,500,000.00              0.00                  0.00                    1,500,000.00 Asset related

project for
construction of
                    2,000,000.00              0.00                  0.00                    2,000,000.00 Asset related
center certified
by the state

Key technology
R & D project for
DF101 Airplane        800,000.00              0.00                  0.00                      800,000.00 Income related
standard timing
system (Note③)

Reward from
the 17th Patent             0.00        500,000.00                                            500,000.00 Income related

Total               4,300,000.00        500,000.00                  0.00                    4,800,000.00         --

Other Notes:
Note ①: It is the special fund for development of industrial design in Shenzhen obtained according to the Operation
Instructions on Certification and Financial Support Program for Industrial Design Centers in Shenzhen (Trial
Implementation) SHEN JING MAO IT Zi [2013] No. 227 jointly promulgated by Economy, Trade and Information
Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and Finance Commission of Shenzhen Municipality;

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

Note ②: It is the fund from the financial support for construction of enterprise technology centers in Shenzhen obtained
according to the Circular of Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality on Issuing the First Batch of
Supporting Program of Financial Support Fund for Construction of Enterprise Technology Centers in Shenzhen in 2015
(SHEN JING MAO XINXI YU [2015] No. 129 on October 28, 2015.

Note ③: It is the special fund for cooperation among organizations under the province and ministries, manufacturers and
research institutions obtained according to the Public Notice on the Projects Enjoying Support with the Special Fund for
Overall Strategic Cooperation of Provincial Institutions from the Special Fund for Cooperation among Organizations under
the Province and Ministries, Manufacturers and Research Institutions in Year 2013 (YUE KE GONG SHI [2014] No. 13)
promulgated by Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province on December 9, 2015.

52. Other non-current liabilities


53. Capital stock

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                      Increase / Decrease (+/ -)

                  Opening                                        Shares                                            Ending
                  balance         New issuing Bonus shares      converted       Others           Sub-total        balance
                                                              from reserve

                 438,744,881.                                                                                    438,744,881.
Total Shares                              0.00         0.00            0.00            0.00             0.00
                            00                                                                                              00

Other Note:
The aforesaid capital stock has been verified by Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) with the Capital Verification Report ZHI TONG YAN ZI (2015) No. 441ZC065.

54. Other equity instruments


55. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                    Increase in the           Decrease in the
         Items              Opening balance                                                             Ending balance
                                                    reporting period          reporting period

Captial premium
                                 1,047,963,195.57                   0.00                      0.00           1,047,963,195.57
(capital stock premium)

Other capital reserve              14,492,448.65                    0.00                      0.00             14,492,448.65

Total                            1,062,455,644.22                   0.00                      0.00           1,062,455,644.22

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

56. Treasury shares


57. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                 Amount incurred in the reporting period

                                                      Amount                                                     Attributabl
                                                      incurred                                                      e to
                                                                      recorded in                  Attributabl
                                      Opening          before                           Less:                     minority     Ending
                 Items                                                   other                     e to parent
                                       balance       income tax                       Income tax                 sharehold balance
                                                                     comprehensi                   company
                                                       in the                          expense                    ers after
                                                                        ve gains                    after tax
                                                     reporting                                                      tax
                                                                     transferred to
                                                                       the current

II. Other comprehensive income
                                     -17,145,189. 9,649,898.                                       9,577,876.                  -7,567,3
which cannot be re-classified into                                                                               72,021.96
                                                71              67                                         71                    13.00
the gain and loss in future

        Translation difference in
                                     -17,145,189. 9,649,898.                                       9,577,876.                  -7,567,3
financial statements expressed in                                                                                72,021.96
                                                71              67                                         71                    13.00
foreign currency

                                     -17,145,189. 9,649,898.                                       9,577,876.                  -7,567,3
Total other comprehensive income                                                                                 72,021.96
                                                71              67                                         71                    13.00

Other note: Adjustment of the initially recognized amount of the valid part of the gain/loss of cash-flow hedge converted
into arbitraged items:

Note: Net after-tax other comprehensive income incurred in current period is RMB 9,649,898.67. Amongst, the amount
attribute to parent company shareholders is RMB9,577,876.71, and net other after-tax comprehensive income attributable
to minority shareholders incurred in the reporting period amounted to RMB 72,021.96.

58. Special reserve


59. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                        Increase in the               Decrease in the
         Items                Opening balance                                                                     Ending balance
                                                       reporting period               reporting period

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

Statutory surplus
                                  117,758,183.15                        0.00                     0.00       117,758,183.15

Discretionary surplus
                                    61,984,894.00                       0.00                     0.00         61,984,894.00

Total                             179,743,077.15                        0.00                     0.00       179,743,077.15

Note to surplus reserve, including the note to its increase/decrease and the cause(s) of its movement in the reporting

In accordance with the Company Law and the Articles of Association, the Company provides the Statutory surplus reserve
based on 10% of the Company’s net profit. The statutory surplus reserve may no longer be provided when the
accumulative amount of the statutory surplus reserve becomes more than 50% of the Company's registered capital.

60. Retained earnings

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Items                                    Reporting period                     Previous period

Before adjustment: Retained earnings at the
                                                                        635,417,237.55                      566,819,577.37
end of the previous period

After adjustment: Retained earnings at the
                                                                        635,417,237.55                      566,819,577.37
beginning of the reporting period

Plus: Net profit attributable to the parent
                                                                         60,332,425.80                       73,109,419.73
company’s owner in the report period

        Dividends of common shares payable                               43,874,488.10                       39,276,787.00

Retained earnings at year end                                           651,875,175.25                      600,652,210.10

61. Operation Income and Costs

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                              Amount incurred in the reporting period             Amount incurred in the previous period
                                  Income                       Cost                     Income                Cost

Principal business              1,469,081,337.25             880,864,674.10        1,673,028,130.56       1,036,384,680.04

Other business                      10,446,445.93                798,606.41             10,765,117.03          1,597,041.31

Total                           1,479,527,783.18             881,663,280.51        1,683,793,247.59       1,037,981,721.35

62. Business Taxes and Surcharges

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                  Items                       Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Consumption tax                                                                  0.00                                  0.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                2016 Semi-Annual Report

Business tax                                                     2,121,487.67                           2,674,030.74

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                                 6,135,806.40                           6,808,734.25

Education surcharge                                              4,299,104.46                           4,757,348.20

Others                                                            512,183.59                              838,503.36

Total                                                           13,068,582.12                         15,078,616.55

63. Sales expenses

                                                                                                               In RMB

                  Items                Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Wages                                                          128,204,790.69                        129,998,396.21

Long-term expenses to be apportioned                            50,513,483.05                         48,078,068.57

Market promotion                                                43,982,810.03                         37,009,378.62

Rental                                                          31,632,919.79                         32,849,091.00

Supermarket expenses                                            25,425,759.57                         25,749,987.82

Advertisement                                                   20,858,769.36                         29,778,834.08

Labor insurance                                                 18,582,742.25                         19,265,374.37

Exhibition                                                      10,030,786.86                           6,977,469.24

Depreciation                                                     6,640,615.39                           7,141,527.36

Packing                                                          6,555,952.03                           7,984,140.77

Others                                                          35,579,011.09                         41,464,959.88

Total                                                          378,007,640.11                        386,297,227.92

64. Administrative Expenses

                                                                                                               In RMB

                  Items                Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Wages                                                           46,178,475.38                         45,287,133.52

R & D costs                                                     18,483,969.94                         18,788,221.52

Labor insurance                                                  4,431,637.75                           5,067,404.28

Depreciation                                                     4,052,492.67                           4,068,125.00

Business travel                                                  2,666,524.90                           3,541,532.40

Administrative expenses                                          2,027,004.60                           2,110,915.63

Remuneration to agent(s) engaged by
                                                                 1,946,271.53                           1,966,345.00
the Company

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

Housing provident fund                                                1,922,608.21                              1,533,670.91

Long-term expenses to be apportioned                                  1,547,461.28                              1,443,837.13

Welfare                                                               1,433,879.77                              1,262,184.36

Others                                                               10,156,683.57                             15,061,806.90

Total                                                                94,847,009.60                         100,131,176.65

65. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                   Items                     Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Interest payment                                                     33,210,251.79                             46,490,128.21

Less: Capitalized interest                                            2,193,208.35                              1,239,280.88

Less: interest income                                                 1,755,470.96                               885,212.57

Exchange losses                                                         283,183.66                                   877.53

Service charges and others                                            5,177,171.78                              6,523,274.50

Total                                                                35,230,653.98                             50,889,786.79

66. Loss from impairment of assets

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                   Items                     Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

I. Loss from bad debt                                                 1,441,224.55                               -315,964.63

II. Loss from price falling of inventories                                     0.00                               -57,094.98

Total                                                                 1,441,224.55                               -373,059.61

67. Income from change of the fair value


68. Return on investment

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                          Amount incurred in the previous
                    Items                       Amount incurred in the reporting period

Return on long term equity investment
                                                                                172.19                           250,015.75
based on equity method

Total                                                                          c172.19                           250,015.75

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

69. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                                          Amount recorded in the
                                           Amount incurred in the                  Amount incurred in the
               Items                                                                                                    non-recurring gain/loss in the
                                               reporting period                        previous period
                                                                                                                              reporting period

Total gains from disposal of
                                                              10,960.00                                  69,750.00                                     0.00
non-current asset

Including: Income from
                                                              10,960.00                                  69,750.00                             10,960.00
disposal of fixed assets

Government subsidies                                         815,000.00                           1,603,451.99                               815,000.00

Disposal of accounts payable
which are impossible to be                                    99,618.61                               108,732.73                               99,618.61

Others                                                       476,781.67                                  67,900.55                           476,781.67

Total                                                      1,402,360.28                           1,849,835.27                              1,402,360.28

Government subsidy counted to the current gain and loss:

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                         Did the                             Amount           Amount         In connection

                   Granting         Cause of                        subsidy affect     Is it a special    incurred in the incurred in the    with asset/in
Subsidy Items                                         Nature type
                   principal        granting                        the gain/loss of        subsidy         reporting         previous        connection

                                                                     the very year                            period           period        with income

                                                  Subsidy for
Mension of      State
17th Chinese    Intellectaul                                                                                                                earnings
                                  Reward           upgrading        No                 No                    600,000.00
Patent Award    Property Office                                                                                                             related
(Note①)        of the P.R.C.


                                                  Subsidy for
mention at the State
17th Chinese    Intellectaul                                                                                                                earnings
                                  Reward           upgrading        No                 No                    100,000.00
Industrial      Property Office                                                                                                             related
Design Award of the P.R.C.
(Note 2)

Government      Shenzhen                          Subsidy
subsidy for     Watch & Clock subsidy             obtained due      No                 No                     60,000.00       431,491.63
BaselWorld      Association                       to engagement

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                               2016 Semi-Annual Report

2016 received                                    in specific

from                                             businesses

Shenzhen                                         and industries

Watch & Clock                                    encouraged

Association                                      and supported

(Note 3)                                         by the state



                                                 according to

                                                 the provisions

                                                 of national



support from                                     Subsidy for

Bao’an District,                                 R&D,

Shenzhen for        Bao’an District              technology
implementing        Government         subsidy    upgrading       No         No   50,000.00
standardized        Shenzhen                     &
strategic                                        improvement,
proujects                                        etc.
(Note 4)

                                                 Subsidy for
Shenzhen First Market &
Batch of            Quality
Patent              Supervision                                                                            earnings
                                       subsidy    upgrading       No         No    5,000.00
Financial           Commission of                                                                          related
Support Fund        Shenzhen
2016 (Note 5)       Municipality

                                                 Subsidy for

Honorable                                         R&D,
mention at the                                    technology
                    Intellectaul                                                                           earnings
15th Chinese                           Reward     upgrading       No         No               100,000.00
                    Property Office                                                                        related
Industrial                                       &
                    of the P.R.C.
Design Award                                     improvement,


Monetary                                         Subsidy for

reward from                                       R&D,
                    the People’s
2013 Science                                      technology
                    Government of                                                                          earnings
& Technology                           Reward     upgrading       No         No                50,000.00
                    Guangdong                                                                              related
Award of                                         &
Guangdong                                        improvement,
Province                                         etc.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report


                                             obtained due

                                             to engagement

                                             in specific

                 Economy,                    and industries
support for
                 Trade and                   encouraged
encouraging                                                                                                    earnings
                 Information      Subsidy    and supported No         No                         900,000.00
brand                                                                                                          related
                 Commission of               by the state
                 Shenzhen                    (obtained
                 Municipality                legally

                                             according to

                                             the provisions

                                             of national



                                             obtained due

                                             to engagement
Financial                                    in specific
support from     Shenzhen                    businesses

Shenzhen         Association of              and industries

Association of   Staff and                   encouraged
Staff and        Workers          Subsidy    and supported No         No                         121,960.36
Workers          Education and               by the state

Education and Vocational                     (obtained

Vocational       Training                    legally

Training                                     according to

                                             the provisions

                                             of national


Total                   --              --             --       --         --      815,000.00   1,603,451.99             --

Other notes:
1. It refers to the honorable mension and the supporting pmonetary award at the 17th Chinese Patent Award obtained in
accordance with Document GUO ZHI FA GUAN ZI (2015) No. 67 issued by the State Intellectaul Property Office of the

2. It refers to the honorable mention at the 17th Chinese Industrial Design Award obtained according to Document GUO
ZHI FA GUAN ZI (2015) No. 67 issued by the State Intellectaul Property Office of the P.R.C.;

3. It refers to the subsidy for BaselWorld 2016 provided by Shenzhen Watch & Clock Association

4. It refers to the financial support from Bao’an District, Shenzhen for implementing standardized strategic projects in
accordance with the Measures of Bao’an District on Management of the Special Financial Fund at District Level (SHEN

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

BAO GUI (2013) No. 14) and the Operation Specifications of Bao’an District for Implementation of the Standardized
Strategic Financial Support (SHEN BAO FU BAN [2013] No. 15);

5. It refers to the patent financing fund distributed by Market & Quality Supervision Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
in accordance with the Measures for Management of the Special Fund for Intellectual Property in Shenzhen (SHEN CAI
GUI (2014) No. 18).

70. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                                   Amount recorded in the
                                      Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred in the
               Items                                                                             non-recurring gain/loss in the
                                         reporting period               previous period
                                                                                                       reporting period

Total loss from disposal of
                                                     94,833.03                      35,549.22                              0.00
the non-current assets

Including: Loss from disposal
                                                     94,833.03                      35,549.22                        94,833.03
of fixed assets

External donation                                   300,000.00                     300,000.00                      300,000.00

Others                                              134,135.99                        9,851.37                     134,135.99

Total                                               528,969.02                     345,400.59

71. Income tax expense

(1) Income tax expenses

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                   Items                    Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Current income tax expense                                             8,540,581.27                             31,859,444.11

Deferred income tax expense                                            7,239,132.27                             -9,597,783.88

Total                                                                 15,779,713.54                             22,261,660.23

(2) Process of adjustment of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                              Items                                        Amount incurred in the reporting period

Total profit                                                                                                    75,962,362.12

Income tax expense calculated according to the
statutory/applicable tax rate

Influence from applicable different tax rates on subsidiaries                                                   -2,838,458.02

Influence from adjustment of the income tax of the previous                                                        120,770.31

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report


Influence of non-taxable income                                                                                45,105.36

Influence from un-deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                        79,310.72

Influence from use of the offsetable loss from the deferred
income tax asset not recognized in the previous period

Influence from the offsetable provisional difference or
offsetable loss of the unrecognized deferred income tax                                                             0.00
asset at the end of the reporting period

Influence from the addition of the R & D expenses upon
deduction of tax payment (to be stated with “-“)

Income tax expense

72. Other comprehensive income

For the detail, refer to Note VII.57.

73. Cash Flow Statement Items

(1) Other operation activities related cash receipts

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                  Items                    Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Commodity promotion                                                  8,451,835.60                           9,333,292.34

Government subsidies                                                 1,315,000.00                           1,603,451.99

Deposit                                                              1,454,782.40                           1,182,075.52

Interest income                                                      1,755,470.96                             885,212.57

Reserves                                                               63,375.00                              203,646.34

Others                                                                438,659.98                            1,512,829.43

Total                                                               13,479,123.94                         14,720,508.19

(2) Other cash paid in connection with operation activities

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                  Items                    Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Rental                                                              32,846,280.51                         34,001,507.19

Market promotion                                                    31,982,263.58                         28,278,326.28

Supermarket expenses                                                25,425,759.57                         25,749,987.82

Advertisement                                                       17,028,769.36                          27,118,834.08

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

R & D costs                                                   15,484,698.94                         16,624,631.81

Business travel                                                7,011,217.23                           9,281,083.68

Packing                                                        6,555,952.03                           7,984,140.77

Water and electricity                                          6,544,217.89                           7,361,322.68

Exhibition                                                     6,070,786.86                           1,057,469.24

Administrative expenses                                        5,371,803.27                           6,997,934.01

Others                                                         7,729,310.67                         39,277,299.94

Total                                                        162,051,059.91                        203,732,537.50

(3) Cash received from other investment related activities


(4) Cash paid for other investment related activities


(5) Other financing related cash received

                                                                                                             In RMB

                   Items             Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Letter of Credit                                                       0.00                         13,500,000.00

Total                                                                  0.00                         13,500,000.00

(6) Other financing related cash paid

                                                                                                             In RMB

                   Items             Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Borrowings paid to related parties                                     0.00                        100,000,000.00

Bank financial charges                                                 0.00                             420,000.00

Fund raising related charges paid                               971,661.19                                    0.00

Others                                                            21,008.00                              31,008.00

Total                                                           992,669.19                         100,451,008.00

74. Supplementary information of the cash flow statement

(1) Additional information of the cash flow statement

                                                                                                             In RMB

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

              Supplemental Information      Amount in the reporting period       Amount in the previous period

1. Net cash flows arising from adjustment
                                                          --                                  --
of net profit into operating activities:

Net profit                                                      60,182,648.58                       73,280,568.14

Plus: Provisions for impairment of assets                        1,441,224.55                         -373,059.61

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas
                                                                17,832,320.31                       18,916,809.59
assets, production based biological asset

Amortization of intangible assets                                  702,150.52                          689,122.13

Long-term expenses to be apportioned                            56,454,986.83                       53,661,523.66

Loss (income is stated with “-“) from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible                                83,873.03                           -34,200.78
assets and other long term assets

Financial expenses (income is stated
                                                                31,017,043.44                       46,490,128.21
with “-“)

Investment loss (income is stated with
                                                                       -172.19                        -250,015.75

Decrease of deferred income tax asset
                                                                 7,239,132.27                        -8,468,887.13
(increase is stated with “-“)

Increase of deferred income tax asset
(decrease is stated with “-“)

Decrease of inventories (increase is
                                                               102,198,794.50                       37,599,295.21
stated with “-“)

Decrease of operative items receivable
                                                                -18,426,361.60                     -110,237,568.24
(increase is stated with “-“)

Increase of operative items receivable
                                                                -41,296,501.34                      60,849,122.33
(decrease is stated with “-“)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                               217,609,732.54                      172,253,778.56

2. Significant investment and
fund-raising activities not involved in                   --                                  --
cash income and expenses:

3. Net change of cash and cash
                                                          --                                  --

Ending cash balance                                            497,096,980.62                      158,879,732.91

Less: Opening cash balance                                     637,387,875.93                      114,880,070.54

Net increase in cash and cash
                                                               -140,290,895.31                      43,999,662.37

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

(2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary in the reporting period


(3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary in the reporting period


(4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                     Items                             Ending balance                          Opening balance

I. Cash                                                              497,096,980.62                         637,387,875.93

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent
                                                                     497,096,980.62                         637,387,875.93
at the end of the report period

75. Notes to items of statement of change in owner’s equity


76. Assets restricted in ownership or use right

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                     Items                  Book value at the end of the period               Cause of restriction

Monetary funds                                                         1,575,000.00 Cash deposit by L/G

Fixed assets                                                          20,596,594.27 Long-term loan collateral

Total                                                                 22,171,594.27                    --

77. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                  Ending foreign currency                                       Ending Renminbi balance
               Items                                                     Conversion rate
                                           balance                                                  after conversion

 Monetary funds                              --                                --

 Where: USD                                       589,265.83     6.6312                                         3,907,539.56

    Euro                                             524.45      7.375                                               3,867.82

    HKD                                           600,074.98     0.85467                                         512,866.08

               CHF                                150,092.93     6.773                                          1,016,579.41

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                2016 Semi-Annual Report

 Accounts receivable                       --                            --

 Where: USD                                      23,214.00     6.6312                                   153,936.68


    HKD                                    13,883,895.00       0.85467                               11,866,148.54

            CHF                                 761,008.77     6.773                                  5,154,312.40

 Advance to suppliers

 Where: HKD                                 5,584,615.24       0.85467                                4,773,003.11

            CHF                             3,600,274.88       6.773                                 24,384,661.76

 Other receivables

 Where: HKD                                 9,208,296.98       0.85467                                7,870,055.18

            CHF                                   1,334.03     6.773                                      9,035.39

 Accounts payable

 Where: HKD                                11,283,299.00       0.85467                                9,643,497.16

            CHF                                 161,249.16     6.773                                  1,092,140.56

 Advance from customers

 Where: HKD                                     583,606.75     0.85467                                  498,791.18

            Other payables

 Where: HKD                                 2,853,487.12       0.85467                                2,438,789.84

            CHF                                  20,329.36     6.773                                    137,690.76

 Short-term Loan

 Where: HKD                                34,258,558.00       0.85467                               29,280,789.52

            CHF                                 600,000.00     6.773                                  4,063,800.00

 Non-current liabilities due
 within a year

 Where: HKD                              140,081,900.00        0.85467                              119,728,000.00

 Long term borrowings                      --                            --

 Where: USD


    HKD                                         410,639.00     0.85467                                  361,928.00

            CHF                                 831,687.00     6.773                                  5,633,017.50

(2) Note to overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities, wich
should be disclosed about its principal business place, function currency for bookkeeping and
basis for the choice. In case of any change in function currency, the cause should be disclosed.

For the principal business place of important overseas operating entities and the function currencies for bookkeeping,

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                               2016 Semi-Annual Report

refer to Note V.4.

78. Hedging


79. Others


VIII. Change in consolidation scope

IX. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Compostion of enterprise group

                      Main business       Place of        Nature of     Shareholding ratio                Way of
                         location       registration      business    Direct         Indirect           acquisition

HARMONY              Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Commerce         100.00%
                                                                                                      or investment

Manufacture                                                                                           Establishment
                     Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Manufacture       90.00%              10.00%
Co.                                                                                                   or investment

FIYTA (Hong                                                                                           Establishment
                     Hong Kong        Hong Kong        Commerce         100.00%
Kong) Limited                                                                                         or investment

Station 68           Hong Kong        Hong Kong        Commerce                              60.00%
                                                                                                      or investment

Harbin                                                                                                Establishment
                     Harbin           Harbin           Commerce          25.00%              75.00%
Company                                                                                               or investment

Henglianda                                                                                            Establishment
                     Beijing          Beijing          Commerce                         100.00%
Company                                                                                               or investment

Technology                                                                                            Establishment
                     Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Manufacture      100.00%
Company                                                                                               or investment

Trading                                                                                               Establishment
                     Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Commerce         100.00%
Company                                                                                               or investment

Culture                                                                                               Establishment
                     Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Commerce                         100.00%
Company                                                                                               or investment

Emile Choureit                                                                                        Establishment
                     Shenzhen         Shenzhen         Commerce                         100.00%
Shenzhen                                                                                              or investment

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report


World Watches                                                                                             Establishment
                  Hong Kong        Hong Kong         Commerce                                   100.00%
International                                                                                             or investment

Sales Company Shenzhen             Shenzhen          Commerce                  100.00%
                                                                                                          or investment

                                                                                                          Consolidation of
Hengdarui                                                                                                 enterprises
                  Shenyang         Shenyang          Commerce                                   100.00%
Company                                                                                                   under common

                                                                                                          Consolidation of
                                                                                                          enterprises not
Department        Kunming          Kunming           Commerce                                   100.00%
                                                                                                          under common
Store Co.

                                                                                                          Consolidation of
Switzerland                                                                                               enterprises not
                  Switzerland      Switzerland       Commerce                                   100.00%
Company                                                                                                   under common

Nature Art
                  Hong Kong        Hong Kong         Commerce                                             ①

Other note:
①According to the equity trust agreement signed by and between Station 68 a subsidiary of FIYTA Hong Kong and the
trustee of Protop Limited on 10 December 2009, Station 68, as the trustor, owns shares, stock rights and related rights of
Nature Art Limited and Protop Limited, and both parties agree that trustee may transfer its right anytime according to the
instructions of trustor. Therefore, Station 68 owns the control right of Nature Art Limited and Protop Limited, and include
them into its scope of consolidation.

(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries


(3) Key financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries


(4) Significant restriction on use of enterprise group’s assets and paying off the enterprise
group’s liabilities


(5) Financial support or other support provided to the structured entities incorporated in the
scope of consolidated financial statements


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

2. Transaction with a subsidiary with the share of the owner’s equity changed but still under


3. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associates

(1) Important joint ventures or associates
                                                                           Shareholding proportion          Accounting
 Name of joint           Principal
                                         Place of                                                           method for
   venture or            business                     Business nature
                                       registration                         Direct           Indirect      investment in
    associate            location
                                                                                                         joint ventures or


Shanghai Watch
                      Shanghai       Shanghai         Manufacture              25.00%                    Equity method

(2) Key financial information of important joint ventures


(3) Key financial information of important associates

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                            Ending balance/amount incurred in the    Opening balance/amount incurred in
                                                      reporting period                       the previous period

Current assets                                                      80,975,581.08                          85,404,253.13

Non-Current Assets                                                  20,494,397.42                          20,902,422.63

Total assets                                                       101,469,978.50                         106,306,675.76

Current liabilities                                                  5,799,237.85                           9,638,478.88

Non-Current Liabilities                                                      0.00                                    0.00

Total liabilities                                                    5,799,237.85                           9,638,478.88

Minority equity                                                              0.00                                    0.00

Shareholders’ equity attributable to the
                                                                    95,670,740.65                          96,668,196.88
parent company

Portion of net assets calculated based
                                                                    23,917,685.16                          24,167,049.22
on the shareholding ratio

Adjustment:                                                                  0.00                                    0.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

--Goodwill                                                     0.00                            0.00

--Unrealized profit of internal
                                                               0.00                            0.00

-- Others                                                      0.00                            0.00

Book value of the investment in the
                                                      42,837,994.24                   43,221,572.05
associate’s equity

Fair value of the investment in the
                                                               0.00                            0.00
associate’s equity with public offer

Operating revenue                                     38,165,667.56                   46,811,242.00

Net profit                                                  688.77                     1,220,537.78

Net profit from termination of operation                       0.00                            0.00

Other comprehensive income                                     0.00                            0.00

Total comprehensive income                                  688.77                     1,220,537.78

Dividend received from the associates
                                                               0.00                            0.00
in the reporting period

(4) Financial information summary of unimportant joint ventures and associates


(5) Note to significant restriction on the competence of a joint venture or an associate in
transferring funds to the Company


(6) Excessive loss incurred to a joint venture or an associate


(7) Unrecognized commitment in connection with investment in a joint venture


(8) Contingent liabilities in connection with investment in joint ventures or associates


4. Important joint operation


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                        2016 Semi-Annual Report

5. Equity in the structured entities not incorporated in the consolidated financial statements


6. Others


X. Financial instruments and risk management
The Group’s major financial instruments consist of monetary funds, accounts receivable, notes receivable, other
receivables, other current assets, available-for-sale financial assets, accounts payable, interest payable, dividend payable,
other payables, short term loan, non-current liabilities due within a year, long term loan, bonds payable. The detailed
information about various financial instruments has been disclosed in the corresponding notes. The risks involved in these
financial instruments and the Group’s risk control policies aiming at reducing these risks are stated as follows. The
Group’s management conducts management and monitoring of these risk exposures so as to ensure risks to be
controlled within a specific limitation.

1. Risk management goals and policies
The goal of risk management is to keep proper balance between risk and profit, to reduce negative influence of financial
risk to financial performance of the Group. Based on the goal, the Group has formulated risk management policies to
identify and analyze risks the Group faces, set proper acceptable risk level and design relevant internal control
procedures, to supervise risk level. The Group will regularly review those risk management policies and relevant internal
control system, to adapt to market situation and change of operating activities. The internal audit department of the Group
will also regularly or randomly check whether the execution of internal control system complies with risk management

Main risks financial instruments of the Group may lead to include credit risks, liquidity risk, market risk, etc.
(1)Credit risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss of the Group caused due to default of contract obligation of transaction

The Group manages credit risk by portfolio. Credit risk mainly arises from bank deposit and accounts receivable.
Bank deposit of the Group is mainly in state-owned banks and other large and medium listed banks. There are no
significant credit risks of estimated bank deposits.

As for accounts receivable, the Group sets relevant policies to control credit risk exposure. Based on the financial status
of debtor, external rating, guarantee possibility, credit record gained from the third party and other factors such as current
market status, the Group evaluates credit qualification of debtor and set corresponding debt limit and credit period. The
Group will regularly supervise credit record of debtor. For debtor with bad credit record, the Group will ensure the whole
credit risk of the Group within controllable range in the forms of written reminder letter, reducing credit period and
cancelling credit period.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

The biggest credit risk exposure undertaken by the Group is carrying amount of each financial asset in balance sheet. The
Group sets guarantees to any other credit risks that the Group may bear.

Amount accounts receivable, the total accounts receivable of top 5 accounts with amount in arrear account for 7.14% of
total accounts receivable of the Group (2015: 7.98%); in other accounts receivable, the total accounts receivable of top 5
accounts with amount in arrear account for 15.40% of total accounts receivable of the Group (2015: 17.79%).

(2) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk refers to risk of capital shortage caused when the Group executes obligations of settlement in the manner of
cash payment or other financial assets.

In managing liquidity risk, the Group keeps the cash and cash equivalents that the Group deems sufficient and controls
them to meet operating needs, reduce influence of cash liquidity fluctuation. The Group management monitors the use of
bank loans and ensures to comply with borrowing agreement. At the same time, the Group gains the commitment for
providing sufficient reserve funds from main financial institutions, to meet short-term and long-term capital needs.

The Group finance operation funds through capital and bank and other borrowings incurred in operating business. As at
30 June 2016, bank borrowing facility that the Group has not yet used is RMB 1,200.14 million (30 June 2016: RMB
881.37 million).

Maturity analysis of financial liabilities and off-balance-sheet guarantee items by undiscounted remaining contract cash
flow at the end of the period (Unit: RMB ten thousand):
                                                                         Ending balance
Items                                          Within a year   one to two two to three Over 3 years                    Total
                                                                     years        years
Financial assets:
Monetary fund                              498,671,980.62                                                498,671,980.62
Notes receivable                            8,808,123,.43                                                  8,808,123.43
Accounts receivable                        338,353,834.12                                                338,353,834.12
Other receivables                           46,358,441.80                                                 46,358,441.80
Other current assets                        11,059,605.27                                                 11,059,605.27
Other non-current assets                     7,458,521.88                                                  7,458,521.88
Total financial assets                     910,710,507.12        0.00         0.00           0.00        910,710,507.12
Financial Liabilities:
Short-term Loan                            1,183,344,590.08                                             1,183,344,590.08
Accounts payable                           105,071,067.57                                                105,071,067.57
Interest payable                             1,796,850.90                                                  1,796,850.90
Other payables                              39,287,003.37                                                 39,287,003.37
Other     current    liabilities   (with
deferred income exclusive)                  20,876,226.66                                                 20,876,226.66

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

Long term borrowings                            119,728,000.00     15,361,928.00 10,350,973.94 100,133,017. 245,573,919.44
Bonds payable                                                                                                                0.00
Financial guarantee                                                                                                  544,572,590.08
                                                                                513,072,590.0 31,500,000.0
                                                                                8                  0

Total    financial       liabilities   and 1,470,103,748.58 15,361,928.00 523,423,564.0 131,633,017. 2,140,522,258.10
contingent liabilities                                                                 2                50
Maturity analysis of financial liabilities and off-balance-sheet guarantee projects held by the Group in the prior period
according to cash flow of undiscounted remaining contracts (Unit: ten thousand RMB):
                                                                                Ending balance
Items                                            Within a year one to two years two to three           Over 3 years                   Total
Financial assets:
Monetary fund                                       63,896.29                                                                  63,896.29
Notes receivable                                       719.78                                                                        719.78
Accounts receivable                                 31,258.19                                                                  31,258.19
Other receivables                                    4,261.98                                                                   4,261.98
Other current assets                                 1,579.68                                                                   1,579.68
Other non-current assets                               511.88                                                                        511.88
Total financial assets                             102,227.80         0.00           0.00                0.00                 102,227.80
Financial Liabilities:
Short-term Loan                                  98,818.62                                                                  98,818.62
Accounts payable                                 15,593.97                                                                  15,593.97
Interest payable                                  1,921.16                                                                  1,921.16
Other payables                                    4,813.16                                                                  4,813.16
Other     current    liabilities       (with
deferred income exclusive)                             198.83                                                                        198.83

Long term borrowings                             10,891.40          2,255.35        2,000.00                  4,844.15      19,990.90
Bonds payable                                    40,000.00                                                                  40,000.00
Financial guarantee
                                                                                39,710.02               1,675.60         41,385.62

Total    financial       liabilities   and
contingent liabilities                         172,237.14       2,255.35        41,710.02          6,519.75              222,722.26

The amount of financial liability disclosed in the above table is undiscounted contract cash flow and thus may be different
with the carrying amount of balance sheet.

(3) Market risk
Market risk refers to the risk of fluctuation of fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments caused due to market
price change, including interest risk, exchange rate risk and other price risk.

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

Interest risk
Interest risk refers to the risk of fluctuation of fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments caused due to interest
change. Interest risk may arise from confirmed interest accrual financial instrument and unconfirmed financial instrument
(such as some loan commitments)

The interest risk of the Group mainly arises from long-term bank loans and bonds payable and long-term interest-bearing
debt. Financial liabilities with floating rate lead the Group to cash flow interest risk. Fixed interest rate financial liabilities
lead the Group to fair value interest risk. According to current market environment the Group determines the proportion of
fixed interest and floating interest rate contract, maintaining proper fixed and floating interest instrument combination
through regular review and supervision.

As at 30 June 2016, if borrowing rate measured at floating rate rises or drops 50 base points, and other factors keep
unchanged, net profit and shareholders’ equity of the Group will decrease or increase about RMB 1.3647 million (As at 30
June 2016: RMB 0.88 million)

Exchange rate risk
Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation of fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments caused due to
exchange rate change. Exchange rate risk may arise from the financial instrument measured at foreign currencies other
than recording currency.

Main operation of the Group is within China, and main businesses are settled in RMB. Therefore, the market risk of
exchange fluctuations undertaken by the Company is not significant.

Refer to Details of other foreign currencies of Notes to the Financial Statement for financial assets of foreign currencies
and financial liabilities of foreign currencies at the end of the period.

2. Capital management
The capital management policies of the Group are formulated to guarantee the Group can keep operation, and thus
provide returns to shareholders and benefit other stakeholders, and at the same time to keep the optimal capital structure
to reduce capital cost.

To keep or adjust capital structure, the Group may adjust amounts of dividends paid for shareholders, return capital to
shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debts.

The Group supervises capital structure based on asset liability ratio (total liabilities divided by total assets). As at 30 June
2016, the asset-liability ratio of the Group is 41.96% (30 June 2015: 56.09%).

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                       2016 Semi-Annual Report

XI. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Fair value at the end of the reporting period of the assets and liabilities measured based on the
   fair value


2. Basis for determining the market price of the items measured based on the continuous and
non-continuous first level fair value

Quotation of the same assets or liabilities in the active market (unadjusted).

3. Items measured based on the continuous or uncontinuous 2nd level fair value, valuatoin
 technique as used, nature of important parameters and quantitative information

Directly (price) or indirectly (derive from price) use observable input value other than market quote of assets or liabilities in
the first level.

4. Items measured based on the continuous or uncontinuous 3rd level fair value, valuatoin
technique as used, nature of important parameters and quantitative information
Use any input value not based on observable market data in assets or liabilities (unobservable input value).

(1) Items and amounts measured at fair value
As at 31 December 2014, there are no assets and liabilities measured at fair value.

(2) Items and amounts not measured at fair value but with fair value disclosed
Financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include: cash and bank balances, notes
receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, short-term loans, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables,
long-term payables, etc.

5. Items measured based on the continuous 3rd level fair value, sensitivity analysis on adjusted
information and unobservable parameters between the book value at beginning and end of the


6. In case items measured based on fair value are converted between different levels incurred in
the current period, state the cause of conversion and determine conversion time point


7. Change of valuation technique incurred in the current period and cause of such change


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

The difference between the book value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value and
fair value is small.

9. Others


XII. Related party relationship and transactions

1. Details of the parent company of the Company

                                                                                  Shareholding ratio Ratio of vote right
  Name of parent           Place of
                                         Nature of business Registered capital of parent company of parent company
      company             registration
                                                                                   to the Company      to the Company

                                         Investment in
AVIC International
                       Shenzhen          domestic trade,     116,616.1996                    37.15%              37.15%
                                         material supply
                                         and distribution

Note to the parent company of the Company:
The Company’s eventual controller is Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

Other note:
CATIC Shenzhen holds 33.93% shareholding of AVIC International Holdings. CATIC Shenzhen is a wholly owned
subsidiary of China Aero Space International Holdings Limited (CASI), and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC)
directly holds 62.52% of the equity of CASI. Therefore, the eventual controller of the Company is AVIC.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX. 1 for details of subsidiaries of the Company

3. Joint venture and association of the Group

4. Other related parties of the Group

                                                                  Relationship between other related parties and the
                Names of other related parties

CATIC Property Management Co., Ltd.(CATIC Property)          Controlled by the same party

Shenzhen CATIC Building Technology Co., Ltd.(CATIC
                                                             Controlled by the same party

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                              2016 Semi-Annual Report

Rainbow Supermarket Co., Ltd. (Rainbow Supermarket )     Controlled by the same party

Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. (Shennan Circuits)            Controlled by the same party

CATIC Real Estate Co., Ltd. (CATIC Real Estate)          Controlled by the same party

CATIC Securities Co., Ltd.(CATIC Securities)             Controlled by the same party

Xi’an Skytel Hotel Co., Ltd. (Skytel Hotel)             Controlled by the same party

Shenzhen AVIC Nanguang Elevator Co., Ltd. (AVIC
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Nanguang )

Shenzhen CATIC City Property Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(CATIC City Property)

Shenzhen CATIC City Development Co., Ltd.(CATIC City
                                                         Controlled by the same party

Shenzhen CATIC Guanlan Property Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(Guanlan Property )

Shenzhen CATIC Changtai Investment Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(CATIC Changtai)

Shenzhen CATIC 9 Square Assets Management Co., Ltd.(9
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Square Assets)

Ganzhou CATIC Real Estate Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(Ganzhou CATIC Real Estate)

Shenzhen CATIC City Investment Co., Ltd.(CATIC City
                                                         Controlled by the same party

Chengdu CATIC Real Estate Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(Chengdu CATIC Real Estate)

CATIC Electronic Measuring Instruments Co., Ltd(CATIC
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Electronic Measuring Instruments)

Shenzhen CATIC Theme Real-estate Co., Ltd (CATIC
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Theme Real-estate)

Shenzhen CATIC Group Enterprise Training Center          Controlled by the same party

Ganzhou CATIC 9 Square Commerce Co., Ltd.(Ganzhou 9
                                                         Controlled by the same party

Jiujiang CATIC City Real Estate Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Ltd.(Jiujiang CATIC Real Estate)

CATIC City Property (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.(CATIC City
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Property (Kunshan))

Shenzhen CATIC Huacheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.(CATIC
                                                         Controlled by the same party
Huacheng Property )

Shenzhen CATIC Curtain Wall Engineering Co., Ltd.
                                                         Controlled by the same party
(CATIC Curtain Wall Engineering )

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. (AVIC Finance )                       Controlled by the same party

Diao Weicheng                                                Senior executive

Xu Dongsheng                                                 Senior executive

Wang Mingchuan                                               Senior executive

Liu Aiyi                                                     Senior executive

Zhong Sijun                                                  Senior executive

Cao Zhen                                                     Senior executive

Zhang Hongguang                                              Senior executive

Zhang Shunwen                                                Senior executive

Wang Yan                                                     Senior executive

Sui Yong                                                     Senior executive

Chen Zhuo                                                    Senior executive

Sheng Qing                                                   Senior executive

Chen Libin                                                   Senior executive

Lu Bingqiang                                                 Senior executive

Lu Wanjun                                                    Senior executive

Hu Xinglong                                                  Senior executive

5. Related transactions

(1) Related transactions of purchase and sale of commodities and supply and acceptance of labor services

Statement of purchase of commodities and acceptance of labor services
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                        Amount incurred
                   Details of related                      Transaction quota    Has it exceeded the Amount incurred in
  Related party                         in the reporting
                      transaction                              approved          transaction quota     prior period

Rainbow            Shopping mall
                                             804,897.94           5,000,000.00 No                         2,245,772.14
Supermarket        expenses

CATIC Property                             1,356,331.47           3,000,000.00 No                         1,448,900.66
                   management fee

CATIC Curtain
                   Engineering fee                                                                          210,000.00
Wall Engineering

CATIC Building     Engineering fee           890,979.82                                                      89,021.67

                   Engineering fee                                                                          100,000.00

AVIC Nanguang      Engineering fee                                                                          179,313.80

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

Shanghai Watch      Purchase of
Industry            materials

Statement of sales of goods/supply of labor services
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                   Description of related      Amount incurred in the
       Related parties                                                                    Amount incurred in prior period
                                           transaction             reporting period

Rainbow Supermarket             Products and labor service                35,378,435.06                    41,152,135.05

Aviation Industry Corporation
                                Sales of products                             92,208.55                       129,774.36
of China

Shennan Circuits                Sales of materials                         3,326,724.20                     8,308,488.66

(2) Related entrusted management/contracted and mandatory management/contracting


(3) Related lease

The Company as lessor:
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                  Categories of leasehold     Rental income recognized in Rental income recognized in
      Names of lessees
                                            properties              the current period               prior period

CATIC Real Estate               Building                                        800,003.94                    766,714.84

CATIC Property                  Building                                      3,745,420.80                  1,330,272.00

CATIC Securities                Building                                        578,548.58                    562,320.00

CATIC City Property             Building                                        292,804.66                     82,563.86

CATIC City Development          Building                                          11,834.37                     11,341.94

Guanlan Property                Building                                          47,337.51                    45,367.74

CATIC Changtai                  Building                                                                      480,384.00

Skytel Hotel                    Building                                      2,300,000.00                  2,350,000.00

Rainbow Supermarket             Building                                        242,761.30                    230,640.02

9 Square Assets                 Building                                        178,932.00                    181,818.00

CATIC City Investment           Building                                        729,392.16                    218,657.29

CATIC Theme Real-estate         Building                                                                      353,338.00

CATIC Huacheng Property         Building                                        221,560.96                     55,960.08

Company as a lessee:
                                                                                                                    In RMB

       Name of lessor              Type of leased assets       Rental expenses charged in Rental expenses charged in

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                                                    current period                 prior period

Ganzhou CATIC Real Estate Building                                            531,426.25                    509,379.75

Jiujiang CATIC Real Estate   Building                                         138,605.81                    153,054.77

CATIC Changtai               Building                                         142,709.78                     85,154.99

CATIC City Property
                             Building                                          93,690.83

Chengdu CATIC Real Estate Building                                                   400.00

(4) Related guarantee

The Company as a guarantor
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                   If the guarantee
     Guarantees         Amount guaranteed          Effective date            Expiring date

HARMONY                         50,000,000.00 November 20, 2015         November 19, 2018     No

HARMONY                         60,000,000.00 December 2, 2015          December 1, 2018      No

HARMONY                         50,000,000.00 December 2, 2015          August 12, 2018       No

HARMONY                        100,000,000.00 December 30, 2015         December 19, 2018     No

FIYTA Hong Kong                 42,735,000.00 July 11, 2013             July 11, 2018         No

FIYTA Hong Kong                 42,735,000.00 August 5, 2013            August 5, 2018        No

FIYTA Hong Kong                 17,094,000.00 January 6, 2014           July 11, 2018         No

FIYTA Hong Kong                 17,164,000.00 March 3,2014              January 11, 2019      No

FIYTA Hong Kong                 19,708,150.08 September 16, 2015        September 15, 2018    No

FIYTA Hong Kong                  5,982,900.00 July 9, 2015              July 8, 2018          No

FIYTA Hong Kong                  3,589,740.00 May 18, 2016              May 18, 2019          No

FIYTA Hong Kong                  4,063,800.00 June 8, 2016              June 8, 2019          No

The Company as the guarantee
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                   If the guarantee
     Guarantors         Amount guaranteed          Effective date            Expiring date

AVIC International                 361,928.00 Decenver 24, 2013         December 25, 2018     No

AVIC International               5,000,000.00 January 15, 2014          June 24, 2019         No

AVIC International              10,000,000.00 September 5, 2014         June 24, 2020         No

AVIC International              10,000,000.00 January 8, 2015           June 24, 2020         No

AVIC International              20,000,000.00 January 26, 2015          June 24, 2021         No

AVIC International               6,000,000.00 May 27, 2015              June 24, 2021         No

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report

AVIC International                10,000,000.00 October 28, 2015        June 24, 2021             No

AVIC International                 7,000,000.00 December 1, 2015        December 24, 2021         No

AVIC International                15,000,000.00 January 25, 2016        December 23, 2025         No

AVIC International                10,000,000.00 January 15, 2016        December 23, 2025         No

AVIC International                 2,000,000.00 April 20, 2016          December 23, 2025         No

AVIC International                 7,500,000.00 May 5, 2016             December 23, 2025         No

AVIC International                17,000,000.00 May 19, 2016            December 23, 2025         No

HARMONY                         100,000,000.00 April 11, 2016           April 11, 2019            No

(5) Borrowings and lendings among related parties


(6) Assets assignment and liabilities reorganization of related parties


(7)Remuneration to senior executives

                  Items                  Amount incurred in the reporting period Amount incurred in the previous period

Remuneration to senior executives                                  4,230,100.00                              4,704,100.00

(8) Other related transactions


6. Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance
    Description        Related parties
                                           Book balance      Bad debt provision    Book balance         Bad debt provision

Accounts             Rainbow
                                             12,446,569.27           622,328.46          8,012,826.57          400,641.33
receivable           Supermarket

                     Shennan Circuits         1,087,057.65            54,352.88          1,474,023.97           73,701.20

                     Ganzhou 9 Square           150,393.00             7,519.65           289,621.00            14,481.05

                     Aviation Industry
                     Corporation of              31,808.00             1,590.40            13,500.00               675.00

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

Notes receivable    Shennan Circuits            2,705,209.46         135,260.47         5,697,788.08             0.00

Other receivables                                 708,130.00          35,406.50          563,140.00         28,157.00

                    CATIC Property                504,518.88          25,225.94          225,853.69         11,292.68

                    Ganzhou 9 Square                     0.00              0.00          122,665.60          6,133.28

                    Chengdu CATIC
                                                         0.00              0.00          115,616.40          5,780.82
                    Real Estate

                    CATIC Changtai                 50,000.00           2,500.00           50,000.00          2,500.00

                    Jiujiang CATIC
                    Real Estate Co.,               50,000.00           2,500.00           50,000.00          2,500.00

                    CATIC City
                    Property                       42,120.00           2,106.00           37,120.00          1,856.00

                    Ganzhou CATIC
                                                  122,665.60           6,133.28                 0.00             0.00
                    Real Estate

                    CATIC City
                                                   97,513.42           4,875.67                 0.00             0.00

                    CATIC Huacheng
                                                   77,617.68           3,880.88                 0.00             0.00

                    Shenzhen CATIC
                    Group Enterprise              150,000.00           7,500.00                 0.00             0.00
                    Training Center

(2) Payables

                                                                                                               In RMB

        Description                    Related parties            Ending book balance         Opening book balance

Advance receipt                CATIC Real Estate                              133,848.00                  133,848.00

                               Rainbow Supermarket                                39,119.05                      0.00

                               CATIC City Development                              1,980.00                      0.00

                               CATIC Property                                     45,165.82                      0.00

Other payables                 CATIC Property                                 472,032.00                  472,032.00

                               CATIC Real Estate                              424,800.00                  424,800.00

                               CATIC City Investment                          244,068.00                  244,068.00

                               CATIC Securities                               187,440.00                  187,440.00

                               CATIC City Property                                97,912.32                 97,912.32

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

                              CATIC Huacheng Property                          73,819.68                     73,819.68

                              9 Square Assets                                  60,606.00                     60,606.00

                              Rainbow Supermarket                              60,000.00                     60,000.00

                              Chengdu CATIC Real Estate                                                      16,492.75

                              CATIC Building                                   23,765.46                      9,630.00

                              CATIC City Development                             3,960.00                     3,960.00

7. Related parties’ commitments


8. Others

The Group’s outstanding of deposits with AVIC Finance at the end of the reporting period amounted to RMB 1,005,192.55,
of which the interest of the deposit received in the reporting period amounted to RMB 2,320.90.

XIII. Stock payment


XIV. Commitments and contingencies

1. Important commitments

Important commitments existing on balance sheet date
(1) Capital commitment

 Capital commitments already signed but not yet recognized              End of the reporting          Beginning of the
                  in the financial statements                                         period          reporting period

 Commitment for purchase/ construction of long term assets            62,019,127.85               142,640,588.31

(2) Operating lease commitment

Implementation of irrevocable operating lease contract signed by the Company ended the balance sheet date is as

Minimum rent payment of irrevocable operating              End of the reporting period      Beginning of the reporting
lease                                                                                                              period

 1st year after the balance sheet date                       17,658,908.30                   14,437,021.28

 2nd year after the balance sheet date                       17,795,643.50                   18,385,548.63

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                    2016 Semi-Annual Report

 3rd year after the balance sheet date                       7,804,932.25                      8,701,355.74

 Subsequent years                                            5,243,340.51                      3,008,648.97

    Total                                                    48,502,824.56                     44,532,574.62

(3) Other commitments

There existed no other commitments necessary to be disclosed ended 30th June, 2016.

2. Contingencies

(1) Significant contingencies existing as at the balance sheet day

(1) Contingent liabitlies arising from debt guarantee for other organizations and the consequent affect on the finance.
For the details about the outward guarantees to various companies within the consolidation and the mutual guarantees
with the parent company and subsidiaries, refer to Note XII.5(4).

(2) There existed no such contingenies as unsettled suit, outward guarantee, etc. necessary to be disclosed ended June
30, 2016.

(3) There existed no other contingenies necessary to be disclosed in the Group ended June 30, 2016.

(2) Important contingencies unnecessary to be disclosed but necessary to be explained
There existed no such contingencies in the Company.

3. Others


XV. Events after balance sheet day

1. Significant non-adjustment events


2. Profit distribution
                                                                                                                    In RMB

Profit or dividend planned to be distributed                                                               43,874,488.10

Profit or dividend announced for distribution through
consideration and approval

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

3. Sales return


4. Note to other matters after the balance sheet date


XVI. Other significant events

XVII. Notes to the parent company’s financial statements

1. Accounts receivable


2. Other receivables

(1) Disclosure of classification of other receivables
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                        Ending balance                                          Opening balance

                                            Provision for bad                                      Provision for bad
                       Book Balance                                             Book Balance
                                                  debt                                                   debt
     Categories                                                     Book                                                    Book
                                 Proporti                 n         value      Amoun Proporti                Provision      value
                      Amount                Amount                                                 Amount
                                   on                  proporti                  t        on                 proportion

Other receivables
for which bad debt
reserve has been                                                               1,527,
                      1,259,89              27,552.4              1,259,86               100.00 27,552.4                  1,527,756,
provided based on                                                              784,36                            5.00%
                      6,942.24                    1               9,389.83                     %         1                   817.18
the portfolio with                                                               9.59
credit risk

insignificant other
receivables for
                            0                     0                     0.00         0         0         0                          0
which bad debt
reserve has been
separately provided

Total                 1,259,89              27,552.4              1,259,86 1,527,        100.00 27,552.4                  1,527,756,

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                      2016 Semi-Annual Report

                      6,942.24                     1          9,389.83 784,36            %        1                 817.18

Other receivables that are individually significant in amount and provided for bad debt separately at the end of period:

In the portfolio, other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on aging analysis method:
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                        Ending balance
                                       Other receivables            Provision for bad debt        Provision proportion

Itemized based on those within 1 year

Sub-total within 1 year                            2,593,468.98                    27,552.41                        5.00%

Total                                              2,593,468.98                    27,552.41

Note to the basis for determiing that portfolio:
In the portfolio, other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the balance percentage method:

In the portfolio, other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on other method.

Name of portfolio                              Book Balance           Provision for bad debt       Provision proportion %

Portfolio of specific accounts    1,257,303,473.26                                           -                               -

Based on historical experience, the Group’s receivables due from petty cash paid to employees, receivables due from
subsidiaries of the Company and accounts receivable for the sales between the last settlement date of the same
department store and the balance sheet date are with high recoverability and low possibility of incurring bad debt, as a
result, no bad debt provisions are provided for such receivables.

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, received or reversed in current period

Bad debt provision accrued is RMB 0.00 in current period; The amount received or reversed bad debt provision in current
period was RMB 100,572.48.

(3) Other receivables actually written off in the current period


(4) Classification of the other receivables based on the nature of fund
                                                                                                                    In RMB

            Nature of Payment                          Ending book balance                   Opening book balance

Dealings among related parties within the
                                                                    1,257,171,983.27                     1,527,077,899.87
consolidation scope

Reserve                                                                  131,489.99                             155,421.46

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                     2016 Semi-Annual Report

Deposit in security                                                   104,050.00                                  64,050.00

Others                                                               2,489,418.98                                486,998.26

Total                                                            1,259,896,942.24                          1,527,784,369.59

(5) Other receivables attributable to the top five debtors of the ending balance
                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                    Proportion in total   Ending balance of
  Company names       Nature of Payment   Ending balance             Age        ending balance of         the provision for
                                                                                    other receivables        bad debts

HARMONY               Current accounts     902,246,064.08 Within 1 year                        71.61%

                                                             Within 1 year
Sales Company         Current accounts     277,056,189.61                                      21.99%
                                                             1-2 years

Emile Choureit
                      Current accounts      61,172,432.93 Within 1 year                          4.86%
Shenzhen Company

                                                             Within 1 year
Technology                                                   4,176,512.77
                      Current accounts      13,591,901.58                                        1.08%
Company                                                      1-2 years

Manufacture Co.       Current accounts        1,612,099.65 Within 1 year                         0.13%

Total                         --          1,255,678,687.85            --

(6) Accounts receivable in connection with government subsidy


(7) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets


(8) Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to transfer of other receivables and continuing to
be involved


3.Long term equity investment
                                                                                                                      In RMB

        Items                      Ending balance                                        Opening balance

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                                   2016 Semi-Annual Report

                                       Impairment                                                         Impairment
                  Book Balance                              Book value              Book Balance                               Book value
                                         reserve                                                            reserve

Investment in     1,213,169,720.0                         1,213,169,720.0
                                                   0.00                            770,899,720.00                     0.00 770,899,720.00
subsidiaries                      0                                            0

Investment in
associates and        42,837,994.24                0.00    42,837,994.24            43,221,572.05                     0.00    43,221,572.05
joint ventures

                  1,256,007,714.2                         1,256,007,714.2
Total                                              0.00                            814,121,292.05                     0.00 814,121,292.05
                                  4                                            4

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                                                             Ending balance
                        Opening       Increase in the Decrease in the                                      reserve
    Investees                                                                      Ending balance                            of the provision
                        balance       reporting period reporting period                                 provided in the
                                                                                                                             for impairment
                                                                                                      reporting period

HARMONY            601,307,200.00                                                  601,307,200.00

Harbin Company           125,000.00                                                    125,000.00

Manufacture Co.        9,000,000.00                                                  9,000,000.00

                      10,000,000.00                                                 10,000,000.00

                      95,467,520.00    42,270,000.00                               137,737,520.00
Kong) Limited

                       5,000,000.00                                                  5,000,000.00

Sales Company         50,000,000.00 400,000,000.00                                 450,000,000.00

Total              770,899,720.00 442,270,000.00                                                                                         0.00

(2) Investment in joint venture and associates

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                      Increase/ Decrease (+ / -) in the reporting period                                             Ending
                                                          Other                     Announ                                          balance
                       Addition                       compreh            Other       ced for Provision                               of the
            Opening                                                                                                       Ending
Investors                 al                              ensive     equity         distributi    for                               provision
            balance                                                                                          Others     balance
                      investme                            income moveme ng cash impairme                                               for
                          nt                          adjustme            nt        dividend      nt                                impairme
                                                            nt                       or profit                                         nt

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                         2016 Semi-Annual Report

I. Joint Venture

II. Associates

            43,221,5                                                        383,750.                       42,837,9
i Watch                                       172.19                                                                     0.00
                 72.05                                                             00                         94.24

            43,221,5                                                        383,750.                       42,837,9
Sub-total                                     172.19                                                                     0.00
                 72.05                                                             00                         94.24

            43,221,5                                                        383,750.                       42,837,9
Total                                         172.19                                                                     0.00
                 72.05                                                             00                         94.24

(3) Other notes


4. Operating revenue and operating costs

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                 Amount incurred in the reporting period         Amount incurred in the previous period
                                    Income                   Cost                       Income                  Cost

Principal business                   49,145,205.51            6,783,241.62              47,530,000.90            6,946,511.39

Total                                49,145,205.51            6,783,241.62              47,530,000.90            6,946,511.39

5. Return on investment

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                Amount incurred in the reporting
                         Items                                                          Amount incurred in the previous period

Income from long term equity investment
                                                                      135,344,660.36                          131,388,140.58
based on cost method

Income from long term equity investment
                                                                             172.19                                250,015.75
based on equity method

Total                                                                 135,164,238.91                          131,638,156.33

6. Others


XVIII. Supplemental Information

1. Details of non-recurring gain or loss for the year
                                                                                                                        In RMB

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                            2016 Semi-Annual Report

                       Items                                    Amount                                    Note:

                                                                                        It refers to the gain or loss from
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                           -83,873.03 disposal of partial obsolete office fixed

Government grants included in current
profit or loss (except for the fixed or
                                                                                        For the detail, refer to Note VII. And
quantitative government grants, enjoyed
                                                                                        XVIII: Description of government
in a consecutive way, which closely                                        815,000.00
                                                                                        subsidy counted to the current gain or
related to the enterprise businesses and
according to certain state policies and or
on a nation-wide unified standard)

Other non-operating income and                                                          Other various non-operating revenue
expenses other than the above items                                                     and expenditure

Less: amount of income tax affected                                        152,781.66

Total                                                                      720,609.60                       --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it
is necessary to explain the reason.


2. ROE and EPS

                                                                                               Earnings per share
                                          Net assets-income ratio, weighted
    Profit of the report period                                                  Basic earnings per        Diluted earnings per
                                                                                 share, in RMB/share       share (RMB/share)

Net profit attributable to the
Company’s shareholders of                                               2.58%                   0.1375                      0.1375
ordinary shares

Net profit attributable to the
Company’s shareholders of
                                                                         2.55%                   0.1359                      0.1359
ordinary shares less
non-recurring gains and loss

FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                           2016 Semi-Annual Report

3. Discrepancy in accounting data between IAS and CAS

(1) Discrepancy in net profit and net assets as disclosed in the financial report respectively
according to IAS and CAS


(2) Discrepancy in net profit and net assets as disclosed in the financial report respectively according to the
accounting standards outside Mainland China and CAS


(3) Note to the discrepancy in accounting data under the accounting standards outside Mainland China. In case
the discrepancy in data which have been audited by an overseas auditing agent has been adjusted, please
specify the name of the overseas auditing agent.

4. Others


FIYTA Holdings Ltd.                                                                  2016 Semi-Annual Report

               Section 10 Documents Available for Inspection
I. Financial Statements signed by and under the seal of the legal representative, chief accountant and accounting

II. All the manuscripts of the Company’s documents and announcements disclosed in the newspapers (Securities Times
and Hong Kong Commercial Daily) designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
