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						      FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

    Stock Code: 000026 200026    Short Form of Stock: FIYTA A, FIYTA B         Announcement No: 2017-047

                                FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.

                         2017 Third Quarterly Report,Text

                                       October, 2017

    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

                             Section 1 Important Notes

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby
individually and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this Quarterly Report and confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which
would render any statement misleading.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr. Huang Yongfeng, the Company leader, Mr. Chen Zhuo, the chief financial officer, and Mr. Tian Hui,
the manager of the accounting department (treasurer) hereby confirm the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarterly Report.

    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                    2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

                                 Section 2 Company Information

I. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Does the Company need to make retrospective adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the
previous year?
                                                                                                      Increase/decrease of the
                                       End of the reporting period     End of the previous year      end of the report period vs
                                                                                                    the end of the previous year
Total assets, in CNY                             3,699,345,636.81               4,004,897,562.72                             -7.63%
Net assets attributable to the
Company’s shareholders (in
                                                 2,465,983,929.10               2,371,370,535.17                             3.99%

                                                                                                             Increase/decrease of
                                                              Increase/decrease of
                                                                                      From year beginning the reporting period
                                                              the report period vs
                                        Reporting period                                to the end of the    vs the same period
                                                               the same period of
                                                                                          report period      of the previous year
                                                               the previous year
Operating revenue, in CNY                  876,113,517.26                    16.10%      2,475,654,661.61                    10.81%
Net profit attributable to the
Company’s shareholders (in                 49,839,227.96                    3.86%         136,548,052.72                    26.06%
Net profit attributable to the
Company’s shareholders less                49,457,070.83                    3.59%         135,395,527.77                    26.12%
the non-recurring items, in CNY
Net cash flows arising from
                                                --                      --                 363,315,959.49                    24.83%
operating activities, in CNY
Basic earnings per share
                                                     0.1136                  4.22%                  0.3112                   26.04%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                     0.1136                  4.22%                  0.3112                   26.04%
Net assets-income ratio,
                                                     2.01%                   -0.85%                 5.66%                    22.57%
weighted average
Non-recurring gain/loss items and the amount involved
                                                                                                                             In CNY
                                                                     From year beginning to the
                               Items                                                                           Notes
                                                                     end of the reporting period
Gain and loss from disposal of non-current assets, including
the part offset with the provision for impairment of assets
Government subsidy recognized in current gain and loss                              2,414,836.49

       FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                               2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business
and granted under the state’s policies according to certain
quota of amount or volume)
Income and expenses from the business other than the
above items
Less: Amount affected by the income tax                                         215,951.90
Total                                                                         1,152,524.95                     --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and
Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and
Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.

II. Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the
Reporting Period

1. Statement of Total Shareholders of Common Shares and the Referred Shares with the Voting
Power Recovered and the Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders
                                                                                  In Shares
Total common shareholders at                                       Total shareholders of
the end of the reporting period                          35,959 preferred shares with voting                                 0
                                                                   power recovered (if any)
                                         Shares held by the top 10 shareholders
                                                                           Number of                 Pledged or frozen
    Shareholders’      Nature of    Proportion of      Number of
                                                                            restricted         Status of the
       Names          Shareholders    shares held      shares held                                                  Q’ty
                                                                           shares held           shares
Shenzhen             State owned
                                            37.15%       162,977,327                       0
Holdings             corporate
International        Domestic
Trust Co., Ltd. - non-state                   2.07%            9,103,318                   0
YUXINTrust No. corporate
Trust Co., Ltd. -
                     non-state                1.94%            8,502,780                   0
Series Unitrust
No. 10

       FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                     2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

#Yang Zugui                                   1.65%        7,254,069             0
                   natural persons
TEDA Fund-
Minsheng Bank
TEDA Value         Domestic
Growth             non-state                  1.15%        5,043,559             0
Oriented           corporate
Additional Issue
No. 351 Assets
                   State owned
Investment Co.,                               1.13%        4,976,551             0
Golden Eagle
Fund- Minsheng
Eagle Wenshi       Domestic
Junye Flexible     non-state                  1.07%        4,674,329             0
Disposition No. corporate
3 Assets
                   non-state                  0.76%        3,347,210             0
Investment Co.,
Shenzhen Heli
                   non-state                  0.76%        3,314,781             0
Commerce &
Trade Co., Ltd.
Qianye Huirong
                   non-state                  0.70%        3,076,400             0
Investment Co.,
Non-restricted shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                                     Share Type
Shareholders’ Names                 Number of unrestricted shares
                                                                                     Share Type     Q’ty
                                                                                     RMB ordinary
CATIC Shenzhen Holdings
                                                                       162,977,327 shares (A            162,977,327

    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                            2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Chongqing International Trust
                                                                            9,103,318 shares (A               9,103,318
Co., Ltd. - YUXINTrust No. 2
Chongqing International Trust                                                          RMB ordinary
Co., Ltd. - Rongxintong Series                                              8,502,780 shares (A               8,502,780
Unitrust No. 10                                                                        shares)
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
#Yang Zugui                                                                 7,254,069 shares (A               7,254,069
Minsheng Bank-MANULIFE                                                                RMB ordinary
TEDA Value Growth Oriented                                                  5,043,559 shares (A               5,043,559
Additional Issue No. 351 Assets                                                        shares)
Management Program
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Xizang Investment Co., Ltd.                                                 4,976,551 shares (A               4,976,551
Golden Eagle Fund- Minsheng
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Bank-Golden Eagle Wenshi
                                                                            4,674,329 shares (A               4,674,329
Junye Flexible Disposition No. 3
Assets Management Program
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Guangdong Junye Investment
                                                                            3,347,210 shares (A               3,347,210
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Shenzhen Heli Fengyuan
                                                                            3,314,781 shares (A               3,314,781
Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Shenzhen Qianye Huirong
                                                                            3,076,400 shares (A               3,076,400
Investment Co., Ltd.
                                   Of the top 10 shareholders, both Chongqing International Trust Co., Ltd. - YUXIN No.
                                   2 Trust and Chongqing International Trust Co., Ltd. - Rongxintong Serial Order - Trust
Relationship/concerted action
                                   No. 10 are subsidiaries of Chongqing International Trust Co., Ltd. Both of them are
among the above shareholders
                                   holding totalling 17,606,098 shares of negotiable A-shares in the Company, which
                                   takes 4.01% of the Company's total shares.
Note to the top 10 common
shareholders involved in margin
financing & securities lending (if Inapplicable

Did the top ten common shareholders or top ten shareholders of unrestricted common shares conduct
contractual repurchase during the reporting period?

    FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                         2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

2. Statement of Total Shareholders of Preferred Shares and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders
of Preferred Shares

          FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                               2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

                                    Section 3          Significant Events
I. Movements and the causes of major financial data and financial indicators in the reporting
I. Items of Balance Sheet
                           Ending           Opening        Change rate
         Items                                                                           Cause of Change
                          balance           balance           (%)
                                                                         It mainly consisted of the input of the raised
Monetary fund          283,300,365.16   428,802,755.81      -33.93%      capital and part of the working capital used for
                                                                         repayment of bank loan
                                                                         It was mainly due to increase of acceptance
Notes receivable       11,843,004.08      7,662,556.28      54.56%
                                                                         draft undue at the end of the reporting period
                                                                         It mainly consisted of the money paid in
Other non-current
                        6,382,192.87     10,681,518.91      -40.25%      advance for fixed asset converted into fixed
                                                                         asset upon acceptance inspection
                                                                         It was mainly due to repayment of part of the
Short-term Loan        765,718,810.00   1,098,438,070.00    -30.29%      bank loan with the working capital in the
                                                                         current year.
                                                                         It was mainly due to decrease of the trade
Accounts payable       148,025,474.49   215,422,089.74      -31.29%
                                                                         payables at the end of the reporting period.
                                                                         It was mainly due to increase of the enterprise
Taxes payable          85,190,519.61     50,945,289.31      67.22%       income tax provided at the end of the reporting
II. Items in Profit Statement
                                         Same Period of
                         Reporting                         Change rate
         Items                            the Previous                                   Reason of Change
                          Period                              (%)
                                                                         It was mainly due to increase of the labor cost,
                                                                         increase of R & D expenses in the current year
                       64,896,843.37     46,470,757.63      39.65%       and increase of the depreciation arising from
                                                                         conversion of FIYTA Watch Building into fixed
                                                                         assets at the end of 2016.
Loss from                                                                It was mainly due to increase of provision for
impairment of           8,416,056.39      1,909,350.83      340.78%      bad debt and provision for price falling of
assets                                                                   inventories in the reporting period.
                                                                         It was mainly due to increase of the
                        991,658.14        442,044.51        124.33%      government subsidy in the reporting period
                                                                         over the corresponding period.
                                                                         It was mainly due to payment of the donation
                        572,547.81         95,903.50        497.00%      by FIYTA Dream Center to Shanghai Adream
III. Items of Cash Flow Statement
                         From year
                        beginning to     Same Period of
                                                           Change rate                   Reason of Change
         Items         the end of the     the Previous
                         reporting            Year
Rebated taxes                                                            It was mainly due to increase of the export
                        863,877.72         69,388.94       1144.98%
received                                                                 duties rebated in the current year.
Cash paid for                                                            It was mainly due to decrease of the
construction/purch                                                       engineering payments of Guangming New
                       85,209,670.21    134,423,973.14      -36.61%
ase of fixed assets,                                                     Zone Industrial Base over the corresponding
intangible assets                                                        period.

        FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

and other long term
Cash received from                                                      It was mainly due to decrease of the bank loan
                       495,432,500.00    865,749,959.13       -42.77%
loans                                                                   in the current year.

   II. Progress of Significant Events, its Impacts and the Solutions

   1. Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

   The Company's 19th Session of the Eighth Board of Directors held on September 4, 2017 and 2017 3rd
   Extraordinary General Meeting held on September 20, 2017 reviewed and approved the Proposal of
   Norminating Mr. Wang Bo as Director Candidate and the Proposal of Norminating Mr. Xiao Zhanglin as
   Director Candidate. Mr. Wang Bo and Mr. Xiao Zhanglin were directors of the Company's Eighth Board of
   Directors. For the detail, refer to Announcement on Resolutions of the 19th Session of the Eighth Board of
   Directors - 2017-041 and Announcement on Resolutions of 2017 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting -
   2017-045 respectively disclosed on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and

   The Company's 20th Session of the Eighth Board of Directors held on September 8, 2017 reviewed and
   approved the Proposal for Election of the Chairman of the Board and Mr. Huang Yongfeng was elected
   the Chairman of the Eighth Board of Directors. For the detail, refer to Announcement on Resolutions of
   the 20th Session of the Eighth Board of Directors - 2017-044.
                                                                            Index for inquiry with the website
         Briefs of significant events               Disclosure date
                                                                             disclosing provisional reports
   Announcement on Resolutions of the
   19th Session of the Eighth Board of             September 5, 2017             http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
   Directors - 2017-041
   Announcement on Resolutions of 2017
   3rd Extraordinary General Meeting -            September 21, 2017             http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
   Announcement on Resolutions of the
   20th Session of the Eighth Board of             September 9, 2017             http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
   Directors - 2017-044

   III. Failure in Due Fulfillment of the Commitments of the Actual Controllers,
   Shareholders, Affiliates, and Acquirer and the Company during the Reporting Period


   IV. Prediction of the Operation Results Year 2017


     FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                2017 Third Quarterly Report, Text

V. Investment in Securities


VI. Investment in Derivatives


VII. Registry of such Activities as Reception of the Visitors of Survey,
Communications, Interview, etc. during the Reporting Period


VIII. Outward Guarantee against the Regulations


IX. The Company’s Fund Occupied by its Controlling Shareholder or Related Party for
Non-operation Purpose


X. Implementation of the Social Responsibility of Taking Targeted Measures to
Alleviate Poverty in Light of Local Conditions.

In the reporting third quarter, the Company neither carried out the work of taking targeted measures to
alleviate poverty in light of local conditions nor had such a plan.