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						FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

                                   2019 Annual Report

                                       March, 2020

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                       Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definition

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby individually and
collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report and confirm
that there are neither material omissions nor errors which would render any statement misleading.

Huang Yongfeng, the Company leader, Chen Zhuo, chief financial officer, and Tian Hui, the manager of the accounting
department (treasurer) hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Annual

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Annual Report.

Any perspective description, such as the future plan, development strategy, etc. involved in the Annual Report shall not
constitute the Company’s substantial commitment to the investors and the investors should please pay attention to their
investment risks.

In this report, the Company has described in detail the existing macro-economic risks as well as operation risks. Investors
are advised to refer to the contents concerning risk factors possibly to be confronted with and the countermeasures in
the Company's future development prospect in Section 4 Discussion and Analysis of the Management

The profit distribution preplan reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors is summarized as follows: With the total
capital stock as at the date of record as the base, the Company would distribute cash dividend at the rate of CNY 2 for
every 10 shares (with tax inclusive), bonus share at the rate of 0 share for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive) to the whole
shareholders and shall capitalize no reserve.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                            Table of Contents

Section 1     Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definition
Section 2     Company Profile and Financial Highlights
Section 3     Business Summary
Chapter 4     Discussion and Analysis of the Operation
Section 5     Significant Events
Section 6     Change of Shares and Particulars about Shareholders
Section 7     About the Preferred Shares
Section 8     About the Convertible Bonds
Section 9     Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees
Chapter 10    Corporate Governance
Section 11    Bond Related Information
Section 12    Financial Report
Section 13    Documents Available for Inspection

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           2019 Annual Report, Full Text


Terms to be defined                               Definition

This Company, the Company or FIYTA                FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

AVIC                                              Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd.

AVIC International                                AVIC International Holding Corporation

AVIC International Shenzhen                       AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

AVIC IHL                                          AVIC International Holding Limited

The Sales Co.                                     FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd.

Harmony                                           Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd.

Precision Technology Co.                          Shenzhen FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

Science & Technology Development Co.              Shenzhen FIYTA Technology Development Co., Ltd.

the Hong Kong Co.                                 FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited

SHIYUEHUI                                         Shiyuehui Boutique (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Hengdarui                                         Liaoning Hengdarui Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd.

Harbin Co.                                        Harbin Harmony World Watch Distribution Co., Ltd.

CMPO                                              China Merchants Property Operation & Service Co., Ltd.

Rainbow Ltd.                                      Rainbow Department Store Co., Ltd.

Shennan Circuit                                   Shennan Circuit Co., Ltd.

AVIC Property                                     AVIC Property Management Co., Ltd.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                            Section 2 Company Profile and Financial Highlights
I. Company Information

Short form of the stock         FIYTA and FIYTA B                     Stock Code                 000026 and 200026

Short form of the stock after
the change (if any)

Stock Exchange Listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Name in Chinese FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

Abbreviation of the
Company Name in Chinese

Company name in English
                                FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
(if any)

Abbreviation of   the
Company name in English         FIYTA
(if any)

Legal Representative            Huang Yongfeng

Registered address:             FIYTA Technology Building, Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Postal Code of the
Registered Address

Office Address                  20th Floor, FIYTA Technology Building, Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Postal Code of the
Registered Address

Website:                        www.fiytagroup.com

E-mail:                         investor@fiyta.com.cn

II. Liaison Persons and Communication Information

                                                      Secretary of the Board           Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                         Pan Bo                                 Zhang Yong

                                             18th Floor, FIYTA Technology Building, 20th Floor, FIYTA Technology Building,
Liaison Address                              Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District, Gaoxin S. Road One, Nanshan District,
                                             Shenzhen                               Shenzhen

Tel.                                         0755-86013669                          0755-86013669

Fax                                          0755-83348369                          0755-83348369

Email                                        investor@fiyta.com.cn                  investor@fiyta.com.cn

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                 2019 Annual Report, Full Text

III. Information Disclosure and Place where the Regular Reports are Prepared

Name of the media chosen by the Company for
                                                            Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily
disclosing information

Internet Web Site Designated by China Securities
Regulatory Commission for Publishing the annual www.cninfo.com.cn

Place where the Company’s Annual Report was
                                                            The Company's Strategic Operation Department
prepared and is placed for inquiry

IV. Changes in Registration

Organization Code                                 91440300192189783K

Changes in principal business activities
                                                  No change
since listing (if any)

Changes in the controlling shareholder
                                                  No change
over the past years (if any)

V. Other Relevant Information
The CPAs appointed by the Company

Name of the CPAs                            Grant Thornton LLP

Office address                              5/F, SciTech Building, No.22 JianGuoMenWai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Names of the CPAs as the
                                            Dong Xu, Meng Junfeng
authorized signatories

The sponsor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period
The financial advisor performing persistent supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period
VI. Summary of Accounting/Financial Data
Does the Company need to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years?

                                                                                         Increase/decrease in the
                                                   2019                 2018             reporting year over the       2017
                                                                                              previous year

Turnover in CNY                                  3,704,210,734.90     3,400,450,599.90                     8.93%     3,345,809,703.98

Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                   215,909,014.15       183,835,095.29                    17.45%       140,216,258.28
shareholders, in CNY

Net profit attributable to the Company’s
shareholders less the non-recurring                199,678,661.09       162,758,061.00                    22.68%       123,918,527.75
items, in CNY

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                 444,820,768.61          331,627,789.62                      34.13%           564,954,561.97
activities, in CNY

Basic earnings per share (CNY/share)                      0.4943                 0.4190                      17.97%                   0.3196

Diluted earnings per share
                                                          0.4943                 0.4190                      17.97%                   0.3196

Return on equity, weighted average
                                                           8.21%                    7.30%                      0.91%                    5.79%

                                                                                            Increase/decrease of the
                                                                                            end of the reporting year
                                             End of 2019              End of 2018                                         End of 2017
                                                                                              over the end of the
                                                                                                 previous year

Total assets, in CNY                           3,760,923,285.37        3,599,691,650.26                        4.48%        3,579,789,692.90

Net assets attributable to the
Company’s shareholders (owner’s
                                               2,654,533,766.99        2,570,134,782.90                        3.28%        2,467,967,361.20
equity attributable to the Company’s
shareholders, in CNY)

VII. Discrepancy in accounting data between IAS and CAS
1. Differences in the net profit disclosed in the financial report & the net assets attributable to the Company’s shareholders
respectively according to the IAS and the CAS.
2. Differences in the net profit disclosed in the financial report & the net assets attributable to the Company’s shareholders
according to both the IAS and the CAS
VIII. Financial Data Summary based on Quarters
                                                                                                                                      In CNY

                                            The first quarter      The second quarter           The third quarter       The fourth quarter

Turnover                                         893,389,751.73          891,646,268.50              954,666,662.24           964,508,052.43

Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                  64,359,084.46           59,136,376.44                55,235,304.48           37,178,248.77

Net profit less the non-recurring
profit/loss attributable to the                   61,517,359.28           52,109,787.41                55,447,049.05           30,604,465.35
Company’s shareholders

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                  10,730,388.47          148,284,261.90              145,713,264.14           140,092,854.10

Are the above financial indicators or their totals significantly different from the financial indicators disclosed by the
Company in the quarterly and semi-annual reports?

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

IX. Extraordinary items and amount

                                                                                                                         In CNY

                        Items                      Amount in 2019      Amount in 2018      Amount in 2017         Note

Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets,
including the part offset from the provision for         -926,118.60         -180,302.24        7,321,993.36
impairment of assets.

The government subsidies included in the
profits and losses of the current period
( (excluding government grants which are closely       18,428,906.18       19,375,618.48       17,508,255.98
related to the Company’s business and conform
with the national standard amount or quantity)

Reversal     of the impairment provision
for receivables and contract assets which have                              7,533,121.86        1,903,056.74
been tested individually for impairment

Other non-operating income and expenses other
                                                        3,353,916.43         792,842.56         1,238,972.99
than the aforesaid items

Less: Amount affected by the income tax                 4,626,350.95        6,444,246.37        8,669,699.37

        Amount affected by the minority
shareholders (after tax)

Total                                                  16,230,353.06       21,077,034.29       16,297,730.53       --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it
is necessary to explain the reason.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                          Section 3 Business Summary

I. Main business the Company operated in the reporting period
(1) Principal Business and Operation Model
FIYTA is engaged in main business of watch brand management and brand watch retails. In respect of the technological
nature, it belongs to precision technology industry. Depending on its accumulated technology and industrial advantages in
the high-end precision technology field, the Company is also actively exploring business growth opportunities in new fields
such as precision technology and smart watches.
(2) Development Status of the Industry and the Company's Position Therein
Watches bear both characteristics of precision technology and fashion: high-end watchmaking is supported by precision
technology, material technology and craftsmanship as the core. In addition, it is necessary to meet consumers' demands
for brands, aesthetics and artistic and cultural connotation. The global watch industry has developed for more than two
hundred years, and it has a long history. Technological innovation and design creativity have always pushed the brand

Globally, the high-end luxury watch market is mainly controlled by the Swiss watch brands, which are mainly concentrated
in brand groups such as Swatch, Richemont, LVMH and Kering. In addition, independent brands such as Patek, Philippe
and Rolex also have great influence. In the medium and low end market, it is mainly composed of partial Swiss watch
brands, Japanese brands, fashion brands and home-made brands, with fashion style and classic style as the main
direction. In recent years, smart watches have developed rapidly, and have won the favor of tech-savvy and sports-savvy

According to the "China Luxury Consumption Report 2019" released by McKinsey China, Chinese’s luxury consumption
last year at home and abroad reached CNY 770 billion, accounting for one-third of global luxury consumption. From 2012
to 2018, more than half of the growth in the global luxury market came from China. Based on the Swiss export market
statistics, Mainland China ranked the third; Hong Kong has ranked the first for a long time, which shows that Chinese
people still mainly consume foreign-made watches, and the domestic market has great potential for growth. According to
an estimate made by the Chinese Academy of Industry Economy Research, the home-made watch market size is about
CNY 70 billion.

The Brand "FIYTA" is one of China's most well-known watch brands that have grown up under the market economy after
China’s reform and opening-up, and its sales scale has always been at the forefront of the market. The Company has
always practiced the original intention of building an international watch brand, relying on the precision manufacture
technology, brand influence and channel deep ploughing in the aviation industry, and continued to innovate and
breakthrough. The Brand "FIYTA" is one of the world's three major space watch brands. In 2017, the brand was selected
in the "Made in China" brand plan by the Ministry of Commerce; "FIYTA won the "China Grand Awards for Industry" in
2018, and was honorably put on the "70 Top Brands for the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China" list in 2019,
and honorably won the "People's Ingenuity Brand Award 2019".

At the same time, the Company introduced Swiss watches to the domestic market earlier, and met the diversified
demands of consumers for watch brands through the HARMONY watch retail business channel. After more than two
decades’ development, Harmony World Watches has been operating brand watch retail business in more than 60 cities
across the country and has nearly 200 chain stores. It has established aboundant brand resources and good operating

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

ability, and its market share ranks domestically forefront in the watch retail industry.

II. Significant Movements in Prime Assets
1. Significant Movements in Prime Assets
2. Major Overseas Assets

III. Analysis on Core Competitiveness
I. Adhering to Brand Leadership and Enjoying Rich Experience in Brand Management
Since its establishment, FIYTA has always adhered to the brand leadership and has taken it as its own duty to create
outstanding domestic brands. It has achieved a number of firsts in brand building in the industry, marketing
communications, product design, etc. and has a solid brand operation foundation. In the 1990s, with the CCTV news
broadcast announcing "FIYTA Telling Time for you", the Company successfully established the popularity and influence of
the FIYTA Brand in China; the Company actively promoted the development of globalization and by participating in the
preparation of international standards ,entered BASELWORLD etc., strengthen exchanges and interactions with
outstanding Swiss brands, played an active role on the world watch stage, and persistently increased global influence.

II. Construction of Deep Ploughed Channel and Creating Excellent Channel Management Ability
FIYTA persistently constructed the deep ploughed channel, and provided a continuous source of power for brand
development with high-quality channels and refined operation capability. The Company has formed a global sales network
with the domestic market as its core, and FIYTA brand channels have been distributed in more than 30 countries and
regions around the world, with more than 3,000 business outlets; Harmony World Watches has deeply ploughed and
upgraded its retail services channels, and has established strategic cooperative relations with domestic high-end
shopping malls and department store chain entities; in recent years, the Company has also made great efforts to promote
the expansion of e-commerce channels and achieved full coverage of cooperation on mainstream e-commerce platforms.
The Company has always devoted itself to building the ability of outstanding channel operation, powerful team, excellent
services, and providing customers with the best consumption experience in all aspects. The “Three-Level Marketing”,
“Perfect Sales”, “Outstanding Operation” etc. have already been deposited as the core base work logic of channel
operation. At the same time, the Company is accelerating digital construction, actively embracing the development of the
times and keeping up with changes in consumer spending habits.

III. Building the Advantages of the Leading Core technology Based on Precision Technology
Relying on the precision manufacturing technology, material technology and talent advantages of the aviation industry,
FIYTA is continuously committed to building the strength of precision technology; has successively built advanced R & D,
production technology and manufacturing technology platforms, and has established R & D and production bases in
Shenzhen and Switzerland respectively; and has established professional watchmaking capabilities, including
self-made driving units of watches and key components manufacturing, space watch research and development and
high-end watchmaking techniques, etc., and achieved continuous breakthroughs in research and development and
application of new materials, new processes and new technologies. Up to now, the Company has 2 national high-tech
enterprises, a national enterprise technology center and a national industrial design center, and is a national technology
innovation demonstration enterprise, has been granted 446 patents, including 4 honorable mentions of the Chinese

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

patents, 1 gold award of China Design and 4 honorable mentions of China design; the Company has taken lead in
preparation of up to 55% of the national watch industry standards and has actively participated in preparation of the
international industrial standards and took lead and participated in preparation of many international standards.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                            Chapter 4 Discussion and Analysis of the Operation

I. General
In 2019, the growth of domestic retail consumption slowed down and was clearly differentiated. Domestic brands
encountered pressure from consumer upgrading, channel upgrading, and smart wears, etc. Facing the challenges, the
Company took “cost reduction and efficiency improvement” and “innovation and development” as its main line, calmly
responded to the downward pressure on the market, and jointly promoted continuous breakthroughs in operating
performance to further enhance its competitiveness. In the reporting period, the Company realized revenue amounting to
CNY 3,704.2107 million with year-on-year growth of 8.93% and realized total profit amounting to CNY 276.2336 million
with a year-on-year growth of 19.48%. The Company once again achieved a historical record in revenue and total profit.
During the reporting period, the Company carried out the following key work.
I. Making solid progress in improving quality and efficiency, and achieving further breakthrough in high-quality
During the reporting period, the Company focused on strengthening cost control, lean supply chain construction, and so
on to solidly promote cost reduction and efficiency, continued to optimize the organization's operating model, and actively
promoted the construction of driving power mechanism and full coverage. Thanks to the implementation of various tasks
to improve quality and efficiency, the Company has continuously improved its efficiency is assets, operation, personnel,
and organization. During the reporting period, the Company's inventory turnover rate reached 1.23 times, an increase of
0.13 times over the same period last year; the core channel yield increased by more than 10% year-on-year, and per
capita profit increased by more than 20% year-on-year. While continuing to make breakthrough in high-quality
development, the Company has further strengthened its organizational capabilities.

II. Promoting the Reshaping of the Brand "FIYTA" and Further Enhancing Brand Influence
During the reporting period, the Brand “FIYTA” followed the trend of consumption upgrading, continued to focus on
customer demand, concentrated itself on professional watchmaking, refined aesthetics and Chinese culture, strengthened
the brand's core DNA, and actively promoted the brand reshaping around the "Brand Power, Product Power, and Channel
Power" . The reporting period was the 9th consecutive year when the Brand “FIYTA” participated in BASELWORLD. The
Company continued to exhibit a number of heavyweight new products in the same hall with the internationally renowned
brands in Hall 1; also successfully held the "FIYTA" Time Medal Brand Ceremony to further convey the professional
watchmaking spirit and independent aesthetic design brand concept to consumers and partners, continued to deduct the
artistic exploration of "Flying", and interpreted the extraordinary spiritual outlook of making progress; launched in
succession new products such as the “Master Series” Dunhuang-themed wristwatch, “Mach series” "J-20" joint limitation
edition watch, "Attack-11" joint design wristwatch, Heartstring Series, and “Good Character” Series, etc. which have been
really loved by consumers. In 2019, the Brand “FIYTA” was also the only watch brand listed on the "70 Brands at the 70th
Anniversary of the Founding of New China" and won the "People's Ingenuity Brand Award 2019". The brand has been
continuously improved in the industry status and brand influence.

III. Further Strengthening Investment in R & D and design, and Continuing to Build Technological Hard Power
During the reporting period, the Company further increased investment in R&D technology around the design and
development of its own driving units, manufacture of key components, R & D and application of new materials, and the
construction of high-end watchmaking processes, enhanced core technology advantages, and shortened the gap with the

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       2019 Annual Report, Full Text

global advanced level. In 2019, the Company continued to make breakthroughs in independent R & D of the driving units
and application of new materials, launched in succession three self-developed driving units, and realized batch application
of such new materials as Grade-5 titanium, Damask steel, etc. The Company applied for 37 patents throughout the year,
including 26 invention and utility model patents, and took a lead or participated in the formulation and revision of 4 national
and industry standards. The company was identified as the "National Intellectual Property Advantageous Demonstration
Enterprise in 2019".

IV. Consolidating Channel Advantages and Continuing to Promote Channel Upgrading and Efficiency
During the reporting period, the Company continued to promote the adjustment and upgrading of watch retail channels
and the enhancement of efficiency. The Company actively promoted own brand retail channels to be stationed in shopping
malls, “HARMONY” seized the growth opportunities of domestic medium and high-end watch brands at the price of over
CNY 10,000, continued to strengthen the core business district layout, enhanced excellent operations and the single store
output, average customer unit price, sales gross profit rates have steadily increased. Meanwhile, the Company is also
rapidly promoting the pilot application of digital retail solutions to accelerate the digitization of stores, membership,
merchandise and management.

V. Cultivating New Growth Points, and Continuing to Maintain Rapid Growth of New Businesses
During the reporting period, the Company continued to promote the development of precision technology business and
the exploration of smart watch business, relying on the precision technology advantages accumulated by professional
watchmaking and a relatively mature industrial foundation. In 2019, the Company continued deep ploughing of the core
market of precision technology business, opened business cooperation with leading companies in various industries, and
its operating income increased by 29% year-on-year; the Company continued to invest resources to accelerate the smart
watch business layout. The "Jeep" brand smart watches and professional teams jointly promoted iterative product
development and technology upgrading. The Company launched three new products, including smart whole realm F02,
F02 ESIM version and strong battery life A01, of which the ESIM version has become first smart watches officially certified
by China Unicom, and has laid a technological advantage in the field of communications. The Company has continued to
maintain quick growth in smart watch business. The Company continued to maintain a quick growth in its smart watch
Movement of the Major Financial Items in 2019:
Balance sheet items

                                Ending            Opening          Variation
         Items                                                                            Cause of the movement
                               balance             balance        proportion
                                                                                 Increase of the net flow-in mainly from
Monetary capital           316,668,565.09      164,828,059.97       92.12%
                                                                                 operating activities.
                                                                                 Increase of the receivables arising from
Notes receivable            10,596,431.31       7,051,846.85        50.26%       growth of the precision technology
                                                                                 business scale.
                                                                                 Mainly due to the construction-in-process
Construction-in-process            -           12,041,126.00       -100.00%
                                                                                 converted into fixed assets.
                                                                                 Mainly due to the increase of the payments
Advance receipts:           23,433,463.57      16,459,445.00        42.37%       received and influence of partial
                                                                                 outstanding receivables.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                      Mainly due to the influence from the
Taxes payable                 24,064,803.00        55,923,171.92       -56.97%        increase of procurements and the tax policy
                                                                                      at the end of the year.
                                                                                      Mainly due to the increase of the equity
                                                                                      incentive money payable to employees,
Other payables                119,616,721.63       71,819,930.30       66.55%
                                                                                      refurbishment deposit and the down
                                                                                      payment for lease.
Other comprehensive                                                                   Mainly due to movement of the translation
                               -940,209.09         -5,442,139.78       82.72%
income                                                                                balance of foreign currency statements

Profit Statement Items

                         Amount           Amount
                        incurred in    incurred in the      Variation
     Items                                                                                 Cause of the movement
                       the reporting     previous          proportion
                          period             period
Return on                                                                   Mainly due to the influence from the profit increase
                       1,787,907.10     1,001,545.06         78.51%
Investment                                                                  of Shanghai Watch Industry in the current year.
Loss from
                                                                            Mainly due to the influence from the implementation
impairment of      -16,640,961.07              0           Inapplicable
                                                                            of the new financial instrument standards.
                                                                            Mainly due to the decrease of the provision for the
Loss from                                                                   price falling of inventories and influence from the
impairment of          -4,295,134.47   -3,264,956.18         31.55%         presentation caused by the implementation of the
assets                                                                      new financial instrument standards in the current
Income from                                                                 Mainly due to the loss arising from the disposal of
disposal of             -926,118.60     -181,302.24         -410.81%        the auxiliary facilities and equipment of Xi’an FIYTA
assets                                                                      Building in the current year.
                                                                            mainly due to increase of the compensation
                       4,754,105.30     1,446,357.53        228.70%         received by some “HARMONY” stores in the
                                                                            reporting year.
Non-operating                                                               Mainly due to increase of the loss arising from
                       1,400,188.87      652,514.97         114.58%
expenditures                                                                adjustment of partial stores.

Cash Flow Statement Items

                                          Amount               Amount
                                       incurred in the      incurred in the         Variation
                Items                                                                                Cause of the movement
                                          reporting            previous             proportion
                                             period                period
                                                                                                 Mainly due to the increase of the
Other operation activity related
                                       93,832,379.85        49,628,593.69            89.07%      property margin received in the
cash receipts
                                                                                                 current year.
                                                                                                 Mainly due to increase of the
Net cash flows arising from
                                       444,820,768.61       331,627,789.62           34.13%      recoveries arising from the sales
operating activities
                                                                                                 growth in the current year and at

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                            the same time decrease of the
                                                                                            tax payment.
Net cash received from disposal                                                             Mainly due to increase of the
of fixed assets, intangible assets      626,107.64             53,280.03      1075.13%      fixed assets disposed in the
and other long-term assets                                                                  current year.
                                                                                            Mainly due to decrease of
                                                                                            repayment of the bank loans
Net cash flow arising from
                                      -126,755,283.74    -207,831,024.31      39.01%        over the same period of the
capital-raising activities
                                                                                            previous year in the current
Influence of the change of
                                                                                            Mainly due to the influence of
exchange rate on the cash and           468,366.93         702,253.60         -33.31%
                                                                                            the change of exchange rate.
cash equivalent
                                                                                            Mainly due to net flow-in of
                                                                                            operating activities and at the
                                                                                            same time decrease of
Net increase of cash and cash
                                      152,470,505.12     -22,324,831.35       782.96%       repayment of the bank loans
                                                                                            over the same period of the
                                                                                            previous year in the current
                                                                                            Mainly due to net flow-in of
                                                                                            operating activities and at the
                                                                                            same time decrease of
Ending balance of cash and cash
                                      315,093,565.09     162,623,059.97       93.76%        repayment of the bank loans
                                                                                            over the same period of the
                                                                                            previous year in the current

II. Analysis on the Principal Business

2. Revenue and Costs

(1) Composition of Revenues

                                                                                                                      In CNY

                                       2019                                     2018
                                           Proportion in the                         Proportion in the
                             Amount                                  Amount                                increase/decrease
                                               revenue                                   revenue

Total operating
                        3,704,210,734.90                100%      3,400,450,599.90                  100%              8.93%

Based on sectors

Watches                 3,463,608,966.45             93.50%       3,193,280,311.30             93.91%                 8.47%

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

technology                91,341,945.34                 2.47%       70,742,449.85                 2.08%               29.12%

Leases                   132,005,033.07                 3.56%      118,323,969.04                 3.48%               11.56%

Others                    17,254,790.04                 0.47%       18,103,869.71                 0.53%                -4.69%

Based on products

Watch brand
                       1,110,678,489.04                 29.98%    1,102,309,603.80               32.42%                0.76%

Watch retail and
                       2,352,930,477.41                 63.52%    2,090,970,707.50               61.49%               12.53%

technology                91,341,945.34                 2.47%       70,742,449.85                 2.08%               29.12%

Leases                   132,005,033.07                 3.56%      118,323,969.04                 3.48%               11.56%

Others                    17,254,790.04                 0.47%       18,103,869.71                 0.53%                -4.69%

Based on regions

South China            1,823,927,995.51                 49.24%    1,536,911,140.58               45.20%               18.67%

Northwest China          586,521,631.97                 15.83%     588,628,213.03                17.31%                -0.36%

Northeast China          204,386,707.45                 5.52%      249,884,958.89                 7.35%              -18.21%

East China               502,541,659.80                 13.57%     439,292,101.70                12.92%               14.40%

Northeast    China       230,662,172.16                 6.23%      269,671,243.83                 7.93%              -14.47%

Southwest China          356,170,568.01                 9.62%      316,062,941.87                 9.29%               12.69%

(2) Sector(s), Product(s) or Region(s) Taking over 10% of the Operating Revenue or Operating Profit

                                                                                                                        In CNY

                                                                           Year-on-year                        Year-on-year
                                                                          increase/decrea                     increase/decrea
                      Operating                                           se of operating                       se of gross
                                      Operating cost Gross profit rate                      se of operating
                      revenue                                              revenue over                       profit rate over
                                                                                            costs over the
                                                                           the previous                        the previous
                                                                                             previous year
                                                                               year                                year

Based on sectors

                   3,463,608,966.4 2,109,978,800.4
Watches                                                          39.08%            8.47%            10.41%             -1.08%
                                  5                 5

technology           91,341,945.34     73,717,603.23             19.29%           29.12%            24.03%              3.30%

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Leases             132,005,033.07      28,178,169.64            78.65%            11.56%            25.38%             -2.36%

Others              17,254,790.04       5,333,158.72            69.09%             -4.69%          490.00%            -25.92%

Based on products

Watch brand        1,110,678,489.0
                                      330,952,343.65            70.20%             0.76%             -0.95%             0.51%
business                          4

Watch retail and 2,352,930,477.4 1,779,026,456.8
                                                                24.39%            12.53%            12.82%             -0.20%
services                          1                 0

technology          91,341,945.34      73,717,603.23            19.29%            29.12%            24.03%              3.30%

Leases             132,005,033.07      28,178,169.64            78.65%            11.56%            25.38%             -2.36%

Others              17,254,790.04       5,333,158.72            69.09%             -4.69%          490.00%            -25.92%

Based on regions

                   1,823,927,995.5 1,097,057,005.3
South China                                                     39.85%            18.67%            25.29%             -3.18%
                                  0                 1

                   586,521,631.97 340,309,728.35                41.98%             -0.36%            -3.72%             2.03%

Northeast China 204,386,707.45 118,165,568.05                   42.19%           -18.21%           -13.85%             -2.92%

East China         502,541,659.80 280,319,276.42                44.22%            14.40%              6.99%             3.86%

                   230,662,172.16 163,383,316.18                29.17%           -14.47%           -12.90%             -1.27%

                   356,170,568.01 217,972,837.73                38.80%            12.69%            22.46%             -4.88%

While adjustment of the statistical caliber for the principal business data took place in the reporting period, the principal
business data with the statistical caliber adjusted at the end of the reporting period in the latest year.

(3) Is the physical sales income greater than the service income


 Classified based                                                                                              Year-on-year
                              Items              In CNY                2019                 2018
      on sectors                                                                                             increase/decrease

                     Sales volume         pcs                            1,027,428             1,032,886               -0.53%

Brand watches        Output               pcs                              783,328             1,085,929              -27.87%

                     Inventory            pcs                            1,092,662             1,326,997              -17.66%

Note to the cause of the year-on-year movement of the relevant data by over 30%

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(4) Implementation of Important Sale Contracts Concluded at the End of the Reporting Period


(5) Composition of Operating Costs

Classified based on sectors and products
                                                                                                                       In CNY

   Classified                                    2019                                2018                    Year-on-year
   based on             Items                          Proportion in                       Proportion in    increase/decrea
                                       Amount                              Amount
    sectors                                           operating costs                     operating costs         se

                 Goods              1,779,026,456.8                     1,576,862,763.4
                                                              80.24%                              79.09%            12.82%
                 purchase cost                   0                                   3

                 Raw materials      299,121,692.67            13.49% 298,467,328.86               14.97%               0.22%

                 Labor costs         25,707,020.23             1.16%     25,602,142.25             1.28%               0.41%

Watches                                 920,871.70             0.04%      1,124,500.75             0.06%           -18.11%

                 Water and
                                        463,093.67             0.02%        582,727.38             0.03%           -20.53%
                 electricity fees

                 Rent                   474,202.58             0.02%      2,100,422.82             0.11%           -77.42%

                 Others               4,265,462.80             0.19%      6,258,567.16             0.31%           -31.85%

                 Raw materials       53,786,506.65             2.43%     39,129,570.45             1.96%            37.46%

                 Labor costs         13,444,932.42             0.61%     12,770,838.35             0.64%               5.28%

Precision                             1,478,005.14             0.07%      1,440,723.29             0.07%               2.59%
                 Water and
business                                760,873.00             0.03%      1,443,140.38             0.07%           -47.28%
                 electricity fees

                 Rent                    11,389.02             0.00%        275,118.68             0.01%           -95.86%

                 Others               4,235,897.00             0.19%      4,373,549.85             0.22%            -3.15%

                                     14,296,604.24             0.64%     13,170,394.47             0.66%               8.55%
                 Labor costs          3,012,991.57             0.14%      2,983,488.04             0.15%               0.99%

                 Others              10,868,573.83             0.49%      6,320,565.41             0.32%            71.96%

Others           Purchase cost        5,333,158.72             0.24%        903,932.64             0.05%          490.00%

                                                                                                                       In CNY

   Classified                                    2019                                2018                    Year-on-year
   based on             Items                          Proportion in                       Proportion in    increase/decrea
                                       Amount                              Amount
    products                                          operating costs                     operating costs         se

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                           2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                 Raw materials      299,121,692.67    13.49% 298,467,328.86           14.97%           0.22%

                 Labor costs         25,707,020.23     1.16%    25,602,142.25          1.28%           0.41%

                                        920,871.70     0.04%     1,124,500.75          0.06%         -18.11%
Watch brand      expense
business         Water and
                                        463,093.67     0.02%       582,727.38          0.03%         -20.53%
                 electricity fees

                 Rent                   474,202.58     0.02%     2,100,422.82          0.11%         -77.42%

                 Others               4,265,462.80     0.19%     6,258,567.16          0.31%         -31.85%

Watch retail and Goods              1,779,026,456.8            1,576,862,763.4
                                                      80.24%                          79.09%          12.82%
services         purchase cost                   0                          3

                 Raw materials       53,786,506.65     2.43%    39,129,570.45          1.96%          37.46%

                 Labor costs         13,444,932.42     0.61%    12,770,838.35          0.64%           5.28%

Precision                             1,478,005.14     0.07%     1,440,723.29          0.07%           2.59%
                 Water and
business                                760,873.00     0.03%     1,443,140.38          0.07%         -47.28%
                 electricity fees

                 Rent                    11,389.02     0.00%       275,118.68          0.01%         -95.86%

                 Others               4,235,897.00     0.19%     4,373,549.85          0.22%          -3.15%

                                     14,296,604.24     0.64%    13,170,394.47          0.66%           8.55%
                 Labor costs          3,012,991.57     0.14%     2,983,488.04          0.15%           0.99%

                 Others              10,868,573.83     0.49%     6,320,565.41          0.32%          71.96%

Others           Purchase cost        5,333,158.72     0.24%       903,932.64          0.05%         490.00%


(6) Is there any change in the consolidation scope in the reporting period


(7) Is there any significant change or adjustment related situation taken place in the Company’s
business, products or services in the reporting period


(8) Major sales customers and major suppliers

Information about the major sales customers

Total sales to the top five customers, in CNY                                                  530,793,966.40

    FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Proportion of the total sales to the top five customers
in the total sales of the year

Proportion of the total sales to the related parties in
the top five customers in the total sales of the year

Information of the top 5 customers

    No.                    Customers                          Sales (in CNY)         Proportion in the total sales of the year

1          No. 1                                                    209,811,676.89                                     5.66%

2          No. 2                                                     89,619,644.27                                     2.42%

3          No. 3                                                     82,366,986.57                                     2.22%

4          No. 4                                                     75,354,578.53                                     2.03%

5          No. 5                                                     73,641,080.14                                     1.99%

Total                            --                                 530,793,966.40                                   14.33%

Other Information about the major customers
Major suppliers

Total amount of purchase from top five suppliers, in

Proportion of the purchase amount from the top five
suppliers in the Company’s total purchase amount

Proportion of the purchase amount from the related
parties in the top five suppliers in the Company’s                                                                    0.00%
total purchase amount

Information about the top 5 suppliers

                                                                                     Proportion in the total purchases of the
     No.                    Suppliers                     Purchase amount, in CNY
                                                                                                    year (%)

1              No. 1                                                719,330,483.52                                   32.12%

2              No. 2                                                376,061,627.53                                   16.79%

3              No. 3                                                185,872,844.80                                     8.30%

4              No. 4                                                149,488,963.15                                     6.68%

5              No. 5                                                110,635,537.67                                     4.94%

Total                             --                              1,541,389,456.67                                   68.84%

Other information about the major suppliers
3. Expenses
                                                                                                                       In CNY

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                 2019                 2018          increase/decreas       Note to significant changes

Sales costs                    865,792,078.61      856,970,173.10               1.03% Inapplicable

                               240,619,989.04      219,162,525.85               9.79% Inapplicable

Financial expenses              32,815,277.57       35,916,240.16              -8.63% Inapplicable

R & D expenditures              45,057,740.25       47,350,342.82              -4.84% Inapplicable

4. Investment in R & D
Investment in R & D was mainly for consolidating the Company's leading position in self-dependent innovation in China's
watch brands and professional capacity construction of precision technology. The Company continuously increased
investment in personnel, equipment, raw materials, etc. for such key technology fields as space watches, driving units of
mechanical watches, industrial design, smart watches, research on application of new materials, etc., and had made a
number of scientific research achievements.

In 2019, the Company’s total investment in R & D amounted to CNY 45,057,740.25,         taking 1.70% of the net assets as
audited in the most recent period and taking 1.22% of the operation revenue as audited in the most recent period. During
the reporting period, the Company applied for 37 patents, of which 26 were patents of invention and utility models and was
recognized as a “National Intellectual Property Advantageous and Demonstration Enterprise in 2019”. As of the end of
2019, the Company has won 4 honorable mentions of China Invention Patent , 1 gold award of China Design and 6
honorable mentions of China Design; lead and participated in formulation and revision of 4 national and industry
standards, and issued 5 national standards and 4 industry standards formulated or revised by the Company as a leader or
a participant.
Investment in R & D

                                           2019                           2018                    Variation proportion

Number of R & D staff
                                                          55                               47                      17.02%

Proportion of R & D staff in
                                                       1.10%                           0.91%                        0.19%
total employees

Amount of investment in R &
                                                45,057,740.25                  47,350,342.82                       -4.84%
D, in CNY

Proportion of investment in R
                                                       1.22%                           1.39%                       -0.17%
& D in operating revenue

Amount of capitalized
                                                         0.00                           0.00                        0.00%
investment in R & D (in CNY)

Proportion of capitalized
investment in R & D in the                             0.00%                           0.00%                        0.00%
total investment in R & D

Cause(s) of significant change of the total investment in R & D in the operating revenue

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Note to the cause of significant change in the capitalization rate of investment in R & D and note to the reasonability

5. Cash Flow

                                                                                                                       In CNY

               Items                        2019                          2018

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                            4,157,510,367.81              3,864,826,375.05                            7.57%
operating activity

Subtotal of cash flow out
                                            3,712,689,599.20              3,533,198,585.43                            5.08%
from operating activity

Net cash flows arising from
                                              444,820,768.61                331,627,789.62                            34.13%
operating activities

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                                   626,107.64                     53,280.03                      1,075.13%
investment activity

Subtotal of cash flow out
                                              166,689,454.32                146,877,130.29                            13.49%
from investment activity

Net cash flows arising from
                                             -166,063,346.68               -146,823,850.26                            13.10%
investment activities

Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                              718,848,326.76                741,192,340.23                            -3.01%
fund raising activity

Sub-total cash flow paid for
                                              845,603,610.50                949,023,364.54                         -10.90%
financing activities

Net cash flow arising from
                                             -126,755,283.74               -207,831,024.31                         -39.01%
capital-raising activities

Net increase of cash and
                                              152,470,505.12                -22,324,831.35                        782.96%
cash equivalents

Note to the major influencing factors for the significant change in the relevant year-on-year data
1. Net cash flow arising from operating activities amounting to CNY 444,820,768.61 was mainly due to increase of the
recovered receivables brought about from revenue growth in the reporting year; and in addition, the tax payment
decreased due to the tax rate deduction; in the reporting year, the Company realized the net cash flow from operating
activities greater than the net profit of the Company.

2. Net cash flow arising from investment activities amounted to CNY -166,063,346.68 in the reporting year, while it was
CNY -146,823,850.26 in the same period of the previous year, increased by increased by CNY 19,239,496.42. It was
mainly due to increase of the renewed investment in stores and counters in the reporting year over the same period of the
previous year.

3. Net cash flow arising from investment activities amounted to CNY -126,755,283.74 in the reporting year, while it was

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       2019 Annual Report, Full Text

CNY -207,831,024.31 in the same period of the previous year, decreased by increased by CNY 81,075,740.57. It was
mainly due to increase of the bank loans, the equity incentice payment received and the payment for B-shares buy-back.

4. The net increase in cash and cash equivalents in the reporting year was RMB 152,470,505.12, which was mainly due to
the increase in sales income in the reporting year and the increase of operating cash inflows brought by the current tax

Note to the cause of significant difference between the net cash flow arising from the Company's business activities and
the net profit of the reporting year during the reporting period.

III. Analysis on Non-Principal Businesses

IV. Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Changes in Assets Composition
                                                                                                                     In CNY

                             End of 2019                     Beginning of 2019           Increase/d
                                                                                                      Note to significant
                                     Proportion in                      Proportion in    ecrease in
                      Amount                              Amount                                           changes
                                      total assets                      total assets     proportion

Monetary fund      316,668,565.09            8.42% 164,828,059.97                4.58%       3.84% Inapplicable

                   397,471,106.98           10.57% 370,545,656.61             10.29%         0.28% Inapplicable

                   1,808,820,089.                     1,782,306,301.7
Inventories                                 48.11%                            49.51%        -1.40% Inapplicable
                                92                                  0

                   407,503,307.24           10.84% 377,319,433.03             10.48%         0.36% Inapplicable
nted real estate

equity              46,423,837.85            1.23%      44,881,063.15            1.25%      -0.02% Inapplicable

Fixed assets       363,997,098.94            9.68% 425,649,562.85             11.82%        -2.14% Inapplicable

                              0.00           0.00%      12,041,126.00            0.33%      -0.33% Inapplicable

Short term loans 567,908,833.21             15.11% 547,118,452.97             15.20%        -0.09% Inapplicable

                     4,321,680.00            0.11%       4,517,110.00            0.13%      -0.02% Inapplicable

2. Assets and liabilities measured based on fair value

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

3. Restriction on rights in the assets ended the reporting period
A property owned by Switzerland based Montres Chouriet SA with net value of CNY 14,303,281.92 was used as a
collateral    for the overseas long term loan amounting to CNY 4,321,680.00.

V. Investment
1. General

2. Significant Equity Investment Acquired in the Reporting Period

3. Significant non-equity investment in process in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                      In CNY

                                                       Accumu                                    Earning     of the
                                                        lative                                      s       failure in
                                  Industry Amount amount                                         accumul arriving
                       Is it an
                                  involved invested actually                                     atively     at the      Date of Disclos
             Way of investm                                                 Project Predicte
 Project                           by the   during invested Capital                              realized planned disclosu            ure
             investm    ent in                                              progres      d
 name                             investm     the      by the     source                          by the    progres       re (if    index (if
               ent      fixed                                                 s        earning
                                     ent    reportin   end of                                    end of      s and        any)        any)
                                   project g period      the                                       the      predicte
                                                       reportin                                  reportin       d
                                                       g period                                  g period earning

Watch                             F521                                                                                              http://w
                                                                  Self-ow                                                March
Building Self-buil                compre    1,538,8 13,579,                  100.00                         Inapplic                ww.cnin
                       Yes                                        ned                     0.00      0.00                 10,
supporti t                        hensive     69.57     995.57                     %                        able                    fo.com.
                                                                  capital                                                2017
ng                                retail                                                                                            cn/

                                            1,538,8 13,579,
Total          --         --          --                             --       --          0.00      0.00        --             --         --
                                              69.57     995.57

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Note: The 13th session of the Eighth Board of Directors reviewed and approved the proposal for increase of the
investment in the construction project of FIYTA Watch R&D and Manufacture Center by CNY 34.0509 million. For the
detail, refer to Announcement of the Resolution of the 13th Session of the Eighth Board of Directors 2017-003. Ended the
reporting period, the accumulative amount of investment in the project was CNY 13.5799 million.

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Portfolio investment


(2) Investment in derivatives


5. Application of the raised capital


VI. Sales of Significant Assets and Equity

1. Sales of Significant Assets


2. Sales of Significant Equity


VII. Analysis on Principal Subsidiaries and Mutual Shareholding Companies

Particulars about the principal subsidiaries and mutual shareholding companies which may affect the Company’s net profit
by over 10%.
                                                                                                                 In CNY

 Company       Compan        Main     Registered                                              Operating
                                                    Total assets   Net assets   Turnover                    Net profit
   name         y type   businesses       capital                                                profit

                         Purchase &
Shenzhen                 sale and
Harmony                  repairing
World          Subsidia service of    600,000,00 1,623,987,67 805,951,349. 2,392,437,23 134,785,193. 101,671,961.
Watches        ries      watches      0                2.56           68          9.57            44           28
Center Co.,              and
Ltd.                     component

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                          Design, R
                          & D and
                          sales of
FIYTA Sales Subsidia                    450,000,00 576,676,896. 404,471,429. 996,867,641.
                          watches                                                              3,573,262.01 1,221,729.19
Co., Ltd.      ries                     0                     21           53             17
                          s & parts

Shenzhen                  e and
FIYTA                     production
               Subsidia                              254,579,034. 106,651,495. 307,732,689. 31,748,219.7 29,488,676.3
Precision                 of watches 10,000,000
               ry                                             20           44             14             1             6
Technology                and
Co., Ltd.                 component

               Subsidia of                           99,019,753.8 77,342,234.0 130,557,299. 11,023,085.0 10,361,038.3
Technology                              10,000,000
               ry         sophisticat                          0            6             76             5             7
nt Co., Ltd.
                          s and parts

                          Trading of
FIYTA                     watches
(Hong          Subsidia and             137,737,52 254,914,114. 182,699,439. 118,849,208. 11,819,796.8
Kong)          ry         accessorie 0                        17           44             03             2
Limited                   s and

                          Design, R
                          & D and
                          sales of
Boutique       Subsidia                              27,020,978.1 -3,988,745.9 13,986,701.4 -1,982,917.3
                          watches       5,000,000                                                             -196,647.46
(Shenzhen) ry                                                  7            8              6             1
Co., Ltd.
                          s & parts

                          Purchase &
                          sale of
               Subsidia watches                      139,696,558. 41,352,198.3
Commerce                                51,000,000                               9,018,870.04 1,718,936.53 1,289,204.26
               ry         and                                 87            1
& Trade
Co., Ltd.
                          s & parts

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Harbin                    Purchase &
Harmony                   sale of
World          Subsidia watches
                                       500,000      3,691,064.55 3,677,292.18 4,004,580.34     75,288.34    44,880.75
Watch          ry         and
Distribution              component
Co., Ltd.                 s & parts

                          Design, R
                          & D and
                          sales of
Chouriet       Subsidia                             126,875,780. 63,589,446.6 94,330,651.0
                          watches      41,355,200                                             779,924.42   581,630.22
(Shenzhen) ry                                                95            1            6
                          s & parts

Shanghai       Mutual     and sales
Watch          sharehol of watches                  130,653,631. 107,992,125. 101,660,357.
                                       15,350,000                                            8,268,038.55 6,171,098.80
Industry       ding       and                                79           18           29
Co., Ltd.      company component
                          s & parts

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in the reporting period
Note to the principal mutual shareholding companies

VIII. Structurized Entities Controlled by the Company

IX. Expectation on future development of company
I. Development trend of the industry
Looking forward to the future, innovation-driven, high-quality, brand and personalization shall continue to lead the
mainstream of watch consumption, consumer capacity expansion, technology upgrading, the rise of made-in-China and
China's smart manufacturing shall also accelerate the development of watch industry. The symbolization presentation of
the quality living of consumers shall further occupy the mind of consumers, and the growth prospects are expectable;
fashion products and smart watches will further develop and evolve, and continue to win the favor of specific consumer
groups; compared with Swiss brands, although domestic brands still have significant gap in professional watchmaking
and brand influence, they also have great potential and prospects. On the one hand, they shall benefit from the
continuous improvement of China's quality manufacture capacity and level driven by technology and innovation; on the
one hand, made-in-China and Chinese brands incorporated with more Chinese culture shall further demonstrate "cultural
confidence" and further win the favor of Chinese and global consumers. In addition, the Internet has brought about
changes in commercial ecology and models. New retail formats and new way of play shall also provide more and more
direct motivation for consumption. In view of the above judgment, the Company is constantly optimistic about the
development of the industry as well as the long-term development prospects of the Company's watch brand business and

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

famous brand watch retail business.

The Company has achieved continuous growth in operating scale and profitability in the past three years, and 2020 shall
be a year full of expectations. However, the novel coronavirus outbreak at the beginning of the year produced a serious
impact on the market. The Company has actively taken various measures to respond and further promoted the change of
business model and the growth of team capabilities. The Company is expecting the business to be recovered to the
normal operating level in the second quarter; however there still exist uncertain factors, and the Company shall pay close
attention to them and respond.

II. Development Strategy
For more than 30 years, the Company has always focused on the watch business. Relying on aviation precision
manufacture and technology innovation, the professional watchmaking ability with high-end precision technology as its
core has become an important kernel of the differentiated competitiveness of the Brand “FIYTA”. The Company takes the
"inheritance of ‘serving the country with aviation’ and implement the" big country brand "strategy as the goal of the whole
Company's common struggle for a long period of time. The Company has continuouly taken the improvement of its
high-end precision manufacture capability and enhancement of technology innovation as the base, increased investment
in R&D technology, strengthened independent driving core design and development, key component manufacture,
material R&D and application, high-end watchmaking technology, digitalization and other professional capacity building,
formed the advantages of core technology, and comprehensively strengthened brand power, product power, and channel
power as the core comprehensive and differentiated competitiom to realize the transformation and upgrading of brand
business. At the same time, the Company will also accelerate the development of precision technology business and
smart wear business based on the core capability of precision technology, cultivate new business growth points, and
promote the Company's overall business to transform and upgrade towards high-end precision technology.

III. Key Work in 2020
1. Continuing to take "brand power, product power, channel power" as the core to strengthen the advantage of
In 2020, the Company shall continue to make solid efforts in product planning, terminal image, marketing methods, traffic
conversion and customer service, create distinctive characteristics of the brand, and strengthen "brand influence";
continue to optimize the whole process of product R & D, design, technology, quality, and supply chain, and strengthen
"product competitiveness"; focus on promoting the adjustment of channel structure and the improvement of store
operation ability, promote the station of high-quality channels in shopping malls, etc., empower first-line store operations,
strengthen refined operations, and practically improve "channel connectivity".

2. Strengthening Investment in Precision Technology and Constructing Hard Core Strength
In 2020, the Company shall continue to increase investment in R & D and design, continue to improve the Company's
technology level, and achieve technology breakthroughs in key areas such as independent driving unit design and
development, manufacture of key components, R&D of new materials, and building high-end watchmaking process
capability, and consolidate the Company's core competitive advantages, gradually narrow the gap with Swiss advanced
watchmaking technology, and provide sustainable driving force for the brand and the Company's sustainable

3. Embracing the Development of the Times and Accelerating Digital Transformation

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

In 2020, the Company shall continue to accelerate the digital transformation of its core business. The Company shall
quickly create a customer-centered digital operation system, promote the digitalization of members, products, stores, and
management, and use membership operations as an important support for brand building, product development, and
channel operations; use digitalization to promote operational excellence and provide customers with better quality
products and services. At the same time, the Company shall accelerate embracement of various new retail forms such as
"live webcasting" in the Internet era. With the help of information technology, it will continue to innovate retail models and
service models, and actively promote the establishment of a full-scenario, highly efficient retail and service network.

4. Accelerating Innovation Drive and Actively Cultivating New Growth Points
In 2020, the Company shall continue to rely on precision technology as its core watchmaking technology and industrial
foundation, and inject more resources and energy to accelerate the cultivation of new growth points. The Company shall
continue to promote precision technology business to accelerate technological upgrading, make deep ploughing of the
core market and cover new target market areas; the “Jeep” brand smart watch business will be based on customer
demand research, strengthen product technology development, and continue to introduce products with more products
with technology advanced superiority, gradually increase the scale and build influence in the industry.

IV. Capital Necessary for Future Development
According to the Company's business development plan and financial budget planning in 2020 and for the purpose of
satisfying the demand on investment and operation capital and at the same time timely seizing the development
opportunity possibly brought about from the market change, the Company plans to apply for financing credit line with
amount not exceeding CNY 1.2 billion by various means, including credit, guarantee, loan to subsidiaries, mortgage, etc.
in 2020.

V. Risks Possibly to be Confronted with
1. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 shall have a serious negative impact on the industry. Facing the
epidemic, the Company has quickly adjusted its operating strategy, adhered to the value creation orientation,
implemented multiple measures, practiced limit cost control and strengthened cash flow management. During the
epidemic, the Company has promoted whole-staff marketing, actively established direct linkage with customers through
WeChat and live broadcast, and increased investment in e-commerce channels to minimize market impact. The Company
has also actively organized epidemic prevention and control, proactively communicates with supply chain and business
partners, strives for support from all parties, helps each other, and overcomes difficulties together. The Company, as an
organization affiliated to AVIC and acting as the representative of all AVIC subsidiries, donated CNY 50 million to Hubei
Province, and sent 39 medical team members to undertake social responsibilities. Starting from March, as the stores have
returned to work, the market has also gradually got recovered. It is expected that the business shall be recovered to the
normal operating level in the second quarter; however there still exist uncertain factors, and the Company shall pay close
attention to them and respond.

2. With the rapid development of information technology and the rise of the Internet economy, change in the retail format
shall be intensified, and channel competition for consumers shall become more intense. The Company shall continue to
strengthen research on consumer shopping psychology and shopping behavior, accelerate digital transformation and
omni-channel construction, and actively explore new models such as "live webcasting".

3. Smart wear is currently at a stage of rapid development. With the rapid development and deep application of 5G,

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

flexible display, and the Internet of Things technology, the functions of smart wear products will become more and more
abundant in the future, and the application scenarios will become more diversified. The Company firmly believes in the
importance of traditional watches to the customers, and has also accelerated the exploration and development of smart
watch business.

X. Statement of Such Activities as Reception of Survey, Communications, Interview, etc.
1. Registration Form of the Activities, such as Reception of Survey, Communications, Interviews, etc. in the
Reporting Period

                                                                                     Index of Basic Information on the
      Reception time              Way of reception    Types of Visitors Received
                                                                                         Investigation and Survey

June 19, 2019              Field survey               Institution                  /companyDetail?stockcode=000026&

December 23, 2019          Field survey               Institution                  /companyDetail?stockcode=000026&

December 24, 2019          Field survey               Institution                  /companyDetail?stockcode=000026&

Number of reception                                                                                                      3

Number of institutions received                                                                                      16

Number of persons received                                                                                           17

Number of other visitors received                                                                                        0

Is there any important information disclosed,
revealed or leaked to the public?

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                            Section 5 Significant Events

I. Profit Distribution for Common Stock and Conversion of Capital Reserve into Share Capital
Preparation, Implementation or Adjustment of the Policy for Common Stock Profit Distribution, Especially the Policy for
Cash Dividend Distribution in the Reporting Period

The Company's 2018 Profit Distribution Plan was reviewed and approved at the 6th session of the Ninth Board of
Directors held on March 13, 2019 and 2018 Annual General Meeting held on , June 19, 2019. It was resolved that with the
Company’s total share capital of 438,744,881 shares as at December 31, 2018 as the base, the Company would distribute
cash dividend at the rate of CNY 2.00 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive), bonus share at the rate of 0 share for every
10 shares (with tax inclusive) to the whole shareholders and capitalize no capital reserve to the whole shareholders.

In view of the impact of the completion of the granting of A-share restricted stock and the repurchase of domestically listed
foreign shares (B shares), the final implementation plan for the 2018 annual equity distribution is: based on the number of
the Company's allocable number of shares being 436,968,881, the Company would distribute cash dividend to all
shareholders at the rate of CNY 2.008128 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive) , 0 bonus shares and would not convert
any capital reserve into capital.

The implementation of the profit distribution plan was finished on August 14, 2019. For the detail, refer to the
Announcement on Implementation of the Profit Distribution for Year 2018 (2019-040).

                                     Special Note to Cash Dividend Distribution Policy

Does it comply with the Articles of Association or the
resolution of the General Meeting?

Are the dividend distribution standard and proportions
explicit and clear?

Are the relevant decision-making procedures and
mechanism complete?

Have the independent directors done their duties and
brought their role into full play?

Do minority shareholders have opportunity to fully express
their opinions and claims? Has their legal interest been fully Yes

In case the cash dividend distribution policy has been
adjusted or altered, do the conditions and procedures          Inapplicable
comply with the law and are they transparent?

The profit distribution plan or proposal and the preplan or proposal of conversion of the capital reserve into share capital in
the past three years (with the reporting period inclusive):

According to the provisions concerning cash dividend distribution in the Articles of Association, the Company prepared
specific cash dividend distribution plan after the Board of Directors and the Shareholders’ General Meeting have reviewed

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         2019 Annual Report, Full Text

strictly according to the requirements. In the past three years, the Company has well implemented the cash dividend
distribution policy, fully asked for the independent directors’ opinions, effectively ensured the minority shareholders’ benefit
and made timely and accurate disclosure in its annual report and the relevant media.

Profit Distribution Plan in 2017: With the total share capital of 438,744,881 shares as at December 31, 2017 as the base,
the Company distributed to the whole shareholders cash dividend at CNY 2.00 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive), 0
bonus share for every 10 shares; converted no reserve into share capital.

Profit Distribution Plan in 2018: With the total share capital of 438,744,881 shares as at December 31, 2018 as the base,
the Company distributed to the whole shareholders cash dividend at CNY 2.00 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive), 0
bonus share for every 10 shares; converted no reserve into share capital.

(1) As of the date of application for equity distribution, the Company implemented 2018 A-share restricted stock incentive
plan (the first phase), and granted 4,224,000 A-share restricted shares to 128 incentive objects. Upon completion of the
granting and registration for listing, the Company’s share capital increased to 442,968,881 shares.

(2) The Company has repurchased 6,000,000 shares of domestically listed foreign shares (B shares) through the special
account for repurchase. According to the relevant provisions of the Implementation Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
on Repurchase of Shares by Listed Companies, the Company’s repurchased shares in the special account would not be
qualified for participating in this equity distribution.

In view of the above reasons, the base of the shares available for distribution in the Company's equity distribution in
2018 can be adjusted to 436,968,881 shares. According to the relevant provisions of the Main Board Information
Disclosure Memorandum of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1-Issues Related to Regular Report Disclosure, in compliance
with the principle of the total amount of cash dividends remaining unchanged, the Company's final implementation plan for
the 2018 annual equity distribution is: based on the Company's distributable shares of 436,968,881 shares, the Company
would distribute to all shareholders at CNY 2.008128 in cash (including tax) for every 10 shares, 0 bonus shares and
would convert no public reserve into capital.

Profit Distribution Plan in 2019: As of the disclosure date, the Company's total share capital was 442,968,881 shares, and
the Company's total capital base for profit distribution would not exceed 442,968,881 shares in maximum.

(1) According to the Company's "Proposal on the Repurchase of the Company's Partial Domestically Listed Foreign
Shares (B Shares)", the Company would, within the validity period stipulated in the repurchase program (April 23, 2019 to
April 23, 2020), continuously implement the B share repurchase. It is expected that by the time of implementing the profit
distribution plan, the Company's repurchase period would expire and the cancellation of the repurchased shares would be
completed. At that time, the total share capital base would decrease.

(2) According to the “Proposal for Repurchase and Cancellation of the         Partially Restricted Shares Involved in 2018 A
Share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase 1)” approved at the 15th and 16th Sessions of the Ninth Board of Directors,
the Company is going to repurchase and cancel a total of 67,000 A-share restricted shares that have been granted with
the restriction not released to the three former original incentive objects who have left the Company in the 2018 A-share

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

restricted stock incentive plan (Phase 1). This matter needs to be submitted to the Company's General Meeting for
consideration and implementation. It is expected that by the time the profit distribution plan is implemented, the Company
has completed the relevant repurchase cancellation procedures, at which time the total share capital base will be reduced.
In the event of subsequent departure of other incentive objects, the Company shall conduct repurchase-cancellation in
accordance with regulations, and the Company's total share capital shall be reduced.

For these reasons, with the total capital stock as at the date of record as the base, the Company would distribute cash
dividend at the rate of CNY 2.00 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive), with the total cash dividend to be distributed not
exceeding CNY 88,593,776.2 , and no bonus share to the whole shareholders and would capitalize no reserve.

(3) According to the "Implementation Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the Repurchase of Shares by Listed
Companies", if a listed company has repurchased the shares by means of                     centralized competitive bidding with the
consideration in cash, the amount paid for the repurchase in the very year shall be deemed as cash dividends which shall
be put in the calculation based on the relevant proportion of cash dividends for the year. By the end of the reporting period,
the Company accumulatively repurchased 10,010,000 shares of the Company’s own stock by means of the centralized
competitive bidding through its special securities account for repurchase, has already paid total amount of
HK$ 60,289,369.30 (excluding the stamp duty, commission and other trading costs equal to CNY 53,524,330.10). This
amount of money shall be included in the cash dividend distribution in 2019.

The accumulative amount of cash dividend distributed in the past three years took 176.93% of the annual average net
profit in the past three years, which complies with the rules and regulations.

Statement of cash dividends distributed in the past three years (with the reporting period inclusive)
                                                                                                                                    In CNY

                                                                                                                             Ratio of the
                                                                                       Proportion of
                                                                                                                            total amount
                                                                                         the cash
                                                                                                                               of cash
                                    Net profit                                           dividend
                                  attributable to      Ratio of the                    distributed in
                                       the              net profit     Amount of       other way(s)
                                                                                                                            other way(s))
                                   Company’s         attributable to cash dividend     in the net       Total amount
                  Amount of                                                                                                   in the net
    Year of                       shareholders             the        distributed in       profit           of cash
                    Cash                                                                                                        profit
   Dividend                           in the           Company’s     other way(s) attributable to         dividend
                  Dividend                                                                                                  attributable to
 Distribution                     consolidated shareholders             (such as            the            (including
                (including tax)                                                                                                  the
                                  statements of        taken in the      shares        Company’s        other way(s))
                                   the year of        consolidated repurchased) shareholders
                                    dividend           statements                       of ordinary
                                                                                                                             of ordinary
                                   distribution                                        shares in the
                                                                                                                            shares in the

                 88,593,776.2 215,909,014.                            53,524,330.1                       142,118,106.3
2019                                                        41.03%                           24.79%                               65.82%
                              0                  15                                0                                    0

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                   87,748,976.2 183,835,095.                                                      87,748,976.2
2018                                                    47.73%             0.00          0.00%                          47.73%
                               0              29                                                              0

                   87,748,976.2 140,216,258.                                                      87,748,976.2
2017                                                    62.58%             0.00          0.00%                          62.58%
                               0              28                                                              0

In the reporting period, both the Company’s profit and the parent company’s profit available for shareholders of ordinary
shares were positive but no common stock cash dividend distribution proposal has been put forward.

II. Profit Distribution and Conversion of Capital Reserve into Share Capital in the Reporting Period

Bonus shares distributed at the rate of ___
(share) for every 10 shares

Dividend distributed at the rate of CNY___ for
every 10 shares (with tax inclusive)

Number of shares converted for every 10
shares (shares)

Share capital base for the dividend distribution        Based on the total number of shares on the date of record when the
preplan (shares)                                                           profit distribution plan is implemented in the future

Total cash dividend distributed (with tax

Amount of cash dividend distributed in other
way(s) (such as shares repurchased)

Total amount of cash dividend (including other

Profit available for distribution (CNY)                                                                        710,223,150.82

Proportion of the cash dividend in the total
profit available for distribution (%)

                                        Cash Dividend Distribution for the Reporting Year


             Detailed information for profit distribution or conversion of capital reserve into share capital preplan

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

The Company's 2019       Profit Distribution Plan was reviewed and approved at the 16th session of the Ninth Board of
Directors held on March 18, 2020 and is going to be brought to 2019 Annual General Meeting for review. It was planned
that with the Company’s total share capital as at the date of record for future implementation of the profit distribution plan
as the base, the Company shall distribute cash dividend at the rate of CNY 2.00 for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive)
with the total cash dividend not exceeding CNY 88,593,776.2, distribute bonus share at the rate of 0 share for every 10
shares to the whole shareholders and capitalize no reserve into capital. The reasons are as follows:
(1) According to the Company's "Proposal on the Repurchase of the Company's Partial Domestically Listed Foreign
Shares (B Shares)", the Company would, within the validity period stipulated in the repurchase program (April 23, 2019
to April 23, 2020), continuously implement the B share repurchase. It is expected that by the time of implementing the
profit distribution plan, the Company's repurchase period would expire and the cancellation of the repurchased shares
would be completed. At that time, the total share capital base would decrease.
(2) According to the “Proposal for Repurchase and Cancellation of the       Partially Restricted Shares Involved in 2018 A
Share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase 1)” approved at the 15th and 16th Sessions of the Ninth Board of
Directors, the Company is going to repurchase and cancel a total of 67,000 A-share restricted shares that have been
granted with the restriction not released to the three former original incentive objects who have left the Company in the
2018 A-share restricted stock incentive plan (Phase 1). This matter needs to be submitted to the Company's General
Meeting for consideration and implementation. It is expected that by the time the profit distribution plan is implemented,
the Company has completed the relevant repurchase cancellation procedures, at which time the total share capital base
will be reduced. In the event of subsequent departure of other incentive objects, the Company shall conduct
repurchase-cancellation in accordance with regulations, and the Company's total share capital shall be reduced.
The profit distribution plan is subject to review and approval of the General Meeting before implementation.

III. Implementation of Commitments
1. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors,
supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments unfinished in
implementation at the end of the reporting period

2. There existed profit anticipation for the Company’s assets or projects while the reporting period was still within the
duration of the profit anticipation. The Company made explanation on whether the assets or projects reached the
anticipated profit and the cause

IV. Non-operational Occupancy of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder and its Related Parties

V. Explanation of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if any) on the
“Qualified Auditor’s Report” issued by the CPAs in the Reporting Period

VI. Explanation on the Changes in the Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimate, and Accounting Method in
Comparison with the Financial Report of the Previous Year
The Ministry of Finance issued a series of new standards for financial instruments on March 31, 2017 and May 2, 2017,

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

and required domestic listed companies to take effect from January 1, 2019. According to the regulations, the Company
would implement the aforesaid new rules and make change of the corresponding accounting policies. However, this would
produce no significant impact on the Company's current and previous net profit, total assets and net assets. For details,
please refer to the “Announcement on Change of the Accounting Policies     2019-026” disclosed by the Company on the
Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ on April 23, 2019.
On April 30, 2019, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the “Circular on Amending and Issuing the General Corporate
Financial Statement Templates for the Year 2019” (CAI KUAI [2019] No. 6) (hereinafter referred to as the “Amendment
Circular”), according to which general corporate financial statement templates should be amended and non-financial
enterprises are required to implement the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to compile the 2019 interim
financial statements and annual financial statements, as well as financial statements for subsequent periods, in
accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Amendment Circular.
According to the regulations, the Company would implement the aforesaid new rules and make change of the
corresponding accounting policies. However, this would produce no significant impact on the Company's current and
previous net profit, total assets and net assets. For details, please refer to the “Announcement on Change of the
Accounting Policies 2019-044” disclosed by the Company on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ on August 15, 2019.

VII. Explanation on Serious Accounting Errors Occurred in the Reporting Period Necessary to be Restated

VIII. Explanation on the Changes in the Scope of the Consolidated Statements in Comparison with the Financial
Report of the Previous Year

IX. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs
CPAs currently engaged by the Company

Name of the domestic CPAs                                    Grant Thornton LLP

Remuneration to the domestic CPAs (in CNY 10,000)            110

Successive years of the domestic CPAs offering auditing

Name of the certified public accountants from the domestic
                                                             Dong Xu, Meng Junfeng

Successive years of the domestic CPAs offering auditing

Has the CPAs been changed for the reporting period?

Has the CPAs been replaced during the auditing?

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Have the examination and approval procedures been implemented in replacing the CPAs

Detailed explanation on the replacement/change of the CPAs
The 12th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on October 16, 2019 and the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting in
2019 held on December 30, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Replacement of the Accounting Firm,
according to which the Company would appoint Grant Thornton LLP as the Company’s auditor of the Financial Report
2019 and the internal control auditor to replace Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP for a term of one year. For details,
please refer to the “Announcement on the Change of the CPAs 2019-055” disclosed by the Company on the Securities
Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ on October 18, 2019.

Employment of CPAs, financial consultant or sponsor for auditing the internal control
During the reporting period, the Company paid the audit fee amounting to CNY 700,000.00 for auditing the financial report
and CNY 300,000.00 for auditing the internal control to Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP,

X. Listing Suspension or Delisting Possibly to be Confronted with after Disclosure of the Annual Report

XI. Matters concerning Bankruptcy Reorganization

XII. Significant Lawsuits and Arbitrations

XIII. Penalty and Rectification

XIV. Integrity of the Company and its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller

XV. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or other Employee
Incentive Measures
The 3rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on November 12, 2018 and 2019 1st Extraordinary General Meeting
held on January 11, 2019 decided to start 2018 A-Share Restrictive Stock Incentive Program (Phase I), which was later on
reviewed and approved at the 5th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 11, 2019, and the Company
eventually granted 4.224 million restrictive A-shares to 128 persons eligible for the incentive。 For the detail, refer to the
relevant announcement disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn on
January 12, 2019. This part of A-share restricted stock was all granted and registered for listing by January 30, 2019.
As three original incentive objects of the above incentive plan, namely Wu Yue (27,000 shares granted), Yang Shuzhi
(20,000 shares granted), Lin Yichao (20,000 shares granted) have resigned, according to the 2018 A-Share Restricted
Stock Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Draft Revision), they have no longer met the incentive conditions. The 15th session of

   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              2019 Annual Report, Full Text

the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 10, 2020 and the 16th Session of the Board of Directors held on March 18,
2020 reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares in the 2018
A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase I), according to which the Company was going to repurchase and cancell
67,000 A-share restricted shares held by the aforesaid three incentive objects, already granted but not yet lifted. The said
repurchase proposal is still necessary to be submitted to the General Meeting for approval before implementation.

XVI. Significant Related Transactions
1. Related Transactions Related with Day-to-Day Operations

2. Related transactions concerning acquisition and sales of assets or equity

3. Related transactions concerning joint investment in foreign countries

4. Current Associated Rights of Credit and Liabilities
Does there exist non-operating current associated rights of credit and liabilities

5. Other Significant Related Transactions
The 6th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on March 13, 2019 and 2018 Annual General Meeting held on June
19, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on Prediction of Regular Related Transactions in 2019. For the detail, refer
to the Announcement on the Resolution of the 6th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors No. 2019-012, the
Announcement on the Resolution of 2018 Annual General Meeting No. 2019-036 and the Announcement on the
Prediction of the Regular Related Transactions in 2019 No. 2019-014. During the reporting period, the cumulative
transaction amount of the Company's related transactions related to its daily operations was within the expected range of
the year.

Inquiry on the website for disclosing the provisional report concerning significant related transactions

Description of the provisional announcements               Date of disclosure        Disclosure website

Announcement on the Resolution of the 6th Session of the
                                                           March 15, 2019            www.cninfo.com.cn
Ninth Board of Directors, 2019-012

Announcement of the Prediction of the Regular Related
                                                           March 15, 2019            www.cninfo.com.cn
Transactions in 2019, 2019-012

Announcement on the Resolution of 2018 Annual General
                                                           Thursday, June 20, 2019   www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting, 2019-036

XVII. Important Contracts and Implementation
1. Custody, Contacting and Leases

   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                              2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(1) Custody

(2) Contracting

(3) Leases

2. Significant Guarantees
(1) Guarantees
                                                                                                                                                             In CNY 10,000

Outward guarantees Offered by the Company and its Subsidiaries (excluding guarantee to the subsidiaries)

                                Date   of   the
                                                                                                                                                                     Guarantee to
                                announcement                                             Actual amount of Type                of                      Implementati
Names of Guarantees                               Guarantee line Date of occurrence                                                Guarantee period                  related
                                on          the                                          guarantee          guarantee                                 on status
                                guarantee line


                                                                                         Total amount of outward guarantee
Total amount of outward guarantee approved
                                                  0                                      actually incurred in the report period 0
in the report period (A1)

                                                                                         Total ending balance of outward
Total amount of outward guarantee already
                                                  0                                      guarantee at the end of the report 0
approved at the end of the report period (A3)
                                                                                         period (A4)

Guarantee to the subsidiaries

                                Date   of   the
                                                                                                                                                                     Guarantee to
                                announcement                                             Actual amount of Type                of                      Implementati
Names of Guarantees                               Guarantee line Date of occurrence                                                Guarantee period                  related
                                on          the                                          guarantee          guarantee                                 on status
                                guarantee line

                                                                 Monday,    December                        Guarantee      with
Harmony                         March 15, 2019 20,000                                    10,000                                    1 year             No             No
                                                                 30, 2019                                   joint responsibility

                                                                 Saturday, April 20,                        Guarantee      with
the Hong Kong Co.               March 15, 2019                                           1,701.98                                  1 year             No             No
                                                                 2019                                       joint responsibility

                                                                 Thursday, August 22,                       Guarantee      with
the Hong Kong Co.               March 15, 2019                                           360.14                                    1 year             No             No
                                                                 2019                                       joint responsibility
                                                                 Monday,    September                       Guarantee      with
the Hong Kong Co.               March 15, 2019                                           360.14                                    1 year             No             No
                                                                 23, 2019                                   joint responsibility

                                                                 Thursday, October 31,                      Guarantee      with
the Hong Kong Co.               March 15, 2019                                           288.11                                    1 year             No             No
                                                                 2019                                       joint responsibility

   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                                Total amount of guarantee to the
Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries
                                                     23,583.12                                  subsidiaries actually incurred in the 12,710.37
approved in the reporting period (B1)
                                                                                                reporting period (B2)

Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries                                                       Total balance of actual guarantee to

approved at the end of the reporting period 23,583.12                                           the subsidiaries at the end of the 12,710.37

(B3)                                                                                            reporting period (B4)

Guarantee among the subsidiaries

                                 Date     of   the
                                                                                                                                                                       Guarantee to
                                 announcement                                                   Actual amount of                                        Implementati
Names of Guarantees                                  Guarantee line Date of occurrence                             Type of guarantee Guarantee period                  related
                                 on            the                                              guarantee                                               on status
                                 guarantee line


                                                                                                Total amount of guarantee to the
Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries
                                                     0                                          subsidiaries actually incurred in the 0
approved in the reporting period (C1)
                                                                                                reporting period (C2)

Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries                                                       Total balance of actual guarantee to

approved at the end of the reporting period 0                                                   the subsidiaries at the end of the 0

(C3)                                                                                            reporting period (C4)

Total amount of guarantees (i.e. Total of the previous three major items)

                                                                                                Total amount of outward guarantee
Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries
                                                     23,583.12                                  actually incurred in the report period 12,710.37
approved in the reporting period (A1)

Total amount of guarantees already approved                                                     Total ending balance of guarantees
                                                     23,583.12                                                                         12,710.37
at the end of the report period (A3)                                                            at the end of the report period (A4)

Proportion of the actual guarantees in the Company’s net assets (namely A4+B4 + C4) 4.79%


Amount of guarantees offered to the shareholders, actual controller and its related
parties (D)

Amount of guarantee for liabilities directly or indirectly offered to the guarantees with the
asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (E)

Guarantee with total amount exceeding 50% of the net assets (F)                                 0

Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees (D+E+F)                                          0

For the guarantee not yet due, guarantee responsibility incurred in the reporting period
or description of the possible related discharge duty (if any)

Note to the outward guarantee against the established procedures (if any)                       Inapplicable

Description of the guarantee with complex method

   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(2) Outward guarantee against regulations

3. Entrusting a Third Party to Manage the Cash Assets
(1) Finance Management on Commission
(2) Entrusted Loan

4. Other Important Contracts

XVIII Social Responsibilities
1. Implementation of social responsibilities
"The Social Responsibility Report " was already published on www.cninfo.com.cn on March 20, 2020.

2. Implementation of the social responsibility of precise poverty relief
During the reporting period of half a year, the Company had neither precise poverty relief work nor follow-up precise
poverty relief plan necessary to be carried out.

3. Environmental Protection
Does the Company or any of its subsidiaries belong to a key pollutant discharging unit as announced to the public by the
environmental protection authority?

                 Description    of
Name of the the              major                       Number        of Distribution   of
                                     Way            of                                        Discharging          Discharge        Total discharge Total discharge Over-dischargin
Company or its pollutants       or                       discharging      the discharging
                                     discharging                                              concentration        Standards      in volume         volume verified g
Subsidiary       specific                                outlets          outlets

                                                                          At the port of
Shanghai Watch Nickel          and                                                            Nickel ﹤ 0.01,
                                     Intermittent and                     effluent                                 Nickel:0.1;
Industry     Co., chromium                               1                                    chromium        ﹤                    2640 tons/year 3960 tons/year None
                                     interruption                         treatment                                chromium:0.3
Ltd.             effluent                                                                     0.01

Construction and operation of the pollution prevention and control facilities
Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd. reconstructed the clean production facility in 2016 and added 2 sets of equipment in 2018 for
the purpose of ensuring discharging of nickel and chromium effluent to comply with the Emission Standard of Pollutants
for Electroplating during 2018. Up to now, the facility has been operating normally and its emission has never exceeded
the limit as specified by the standard. The Company's online monitoring terminal has been docked with the government
monitoring platform for timely testing. It complies with the standard in terms of emission factors.

     FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Environmental impact assessment on construction projects and other environmental protection administrative

In 2018 Yangpu District Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai organized and held the Clean Production Auditing
and Assessment Seminar of Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd. where the company's clean production work was assessed,
audited and approved. Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd. has passed the pollution discharge verification organized by Yangpu
District Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai and has received the Pollutant Discharge Permit issued by the
said authority.

Contingency Plan for Emergent Environmental Incidents
Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd. prepared the Emergency Response Plan against Emergent Environmental Incidents and
regularly organizes training and exercise every year. The aforesaid plan has been approved and filed for record by
Yangpu District Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai and has been published on the Environmental Information
Disclosure Platform of Enterprises and Institutions of Shanghai.

Environment Self-Monitoring Program
Yangpu District Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai conducts supervision once every quarter. The company
entrusts Shanghai Light Industry Environment Protection and Pressure Vessel Monitoring General Station, a competent
independent agent, to conduct the monitoring every year. The company is itself equipped with monitoring instruments and
conducts self-monitoring at least 4 times every month.

Other environment information necessary to be disclosed
The company has disclosed the concerned information on the Environmental Information Disclosure Platform of
Enterprises and Institutions of Shanghai according to the requirements of the local environmental protection authorities.
Website name: http://xxgk.eic.sh.cn.
Other information in connection with the environmental protection

XIX. Notes to Other Significant Events
1.    Change the Company Name and the Abbreviation of A-share Securities
The 14th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on December 9, 2019 and the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting
2019 held on December 30, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on Change of the Company Name to FIYTA
Precision Technology Co., Ltd. and the abbreviation of its A-share securities to FIYTA. For the detail, refer to the
"Announcement on Resolutions of the 14th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors 2019-062" and "Announcement on
Resolutions of the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting 2019-066” and" Announcement on Change of the Company Name
and the Abbreviation of A-share Securities 2020-006" disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and

2. Change of the Controlling Shareholder’s Equity
On October 2, 2019, the Company received a notice from AVIC International Holdings Limited, the Company’s controlling
shareholder, according to which AVIC International Holding Corporation,    AVIC International Shenzhen Company Limited

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

and AVIC International Holdings Limited were going to be merged. Up to now, the implementation of the acquisition and
merger has not been completed. After the completion of the merger, AVIC International will directly hold 162,977,327
shares of the Company (taking 36.79% of the total shares of the Company) and become the Company's controlling
shareholder. The ultimate actual controller of the Company remains unchanged. For details of the progress, refer to the
Announcement on Changes in the Controlling Shareholder’s Equity 2019-049, the Summary of Acquisition Report
2019-050, and the Announcement on the Application of the Actual Controller for Prolonging the Reply to the Exemption
Offer Acquisition Feed-back Opinions 2020-002 and the Announcement on the Application of AVIC International Holding
Corporation for the Reply to the Exemption Offer Acquisition Feed-back Opinions 2020-008 “ disclosed on the Securities
Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

3. Amendment of the Articles of Association
The 6th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held by the Company on March 13, 2019, the 9th Session of the Ninth
Board of Directors held on June 6, 2019, and the 13th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on November 19, 2019,
the 14th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on December 9, 2019, the 2018 Annual General Meeting held on
June 19, 2019, and 2019 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 30, 2019 respectively reviewed and
approved the "Proposal on Amendment of the Articles of Association". For the detail, refer to the relevant announcements
disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

4. Matters concerning Repurchase of the Company’s Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B Shares)
The 7th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on April 4, 2019 and 2019 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting held on
April 23, 2019, reviewed and approved the “Proposal for the Repurchase of Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Shares
(B-shares) in the Company, and subsequently the Company disclosed the repurchase report and published a series of
announcements on the progress in accordance with relevant regulations. For detail of the above, please refer to the
relevant announcements disclosed by the Company in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and

5. Appointment of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
2019 1st Staff Representative Congress held on April 12, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on Election of the
Staff Representative Supervisor of the Ninth Supervisory Committee; Mr. Fang Jiasheng was elected the staff
representative supervisor of the Ninth Supervisory Committee. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the
Resolution of the Staff Representative Congress No. 2019-021 disclosed on the Securities Times, Hong Kong
Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

The 11th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on September 29, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on
Appointment of Deputy GMs of the Company; Mr. Tang Haiyuan and Mr. Xu Chuangyue were appointed as deputy GMs of
the Company.    For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the Resolution of the 11th session of the Ninth Board of
Directors No. 2019-047 disclosed on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

The 13th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on November 19, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the
Change of the Secretary of the Board, and Mr. Pan Bo was appointed as the Secretary of the Board.    For the detail, refer
to the Announcement on the Resolution of the 13th session of the Ninth Board of Directors No. 2019-059 disclosed on the
Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

XX. Significant Events of the Company's Subsidiaries

                       Section 6 Change of Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Change of Shares

1. Change of Shares

                                                                                                                        In shares

                              Before the change                    Increase / Decrease (+/ -)               After the change

                                         Proportio    New          Bonus    converte                                   Proportio
                              Quantity                                                 Others    Sub-total Quantity
                                            n        issuing       shares    d from                                       n

                                                     4,224,00                                    4,224,00 4,604,51
I. Restricted shares          380,513      0.09%                                                                         1.04%
                                                               0                                        0         3

1. Shares held by the state          0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%

2. State corporate shares            0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%

                                                     4,224,00                                    4,224,00 4,604,51
3. Other domestic shares      380,513      0.09%                                                                         1.04%
                                                               0                                        0         3

Including: Domestic
                                     0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%
corporate shares

       Shares held by                                4,224,00                                    4,224,00 4,604,51
                              380,513      0.09%                                                                         1.04%
domestic natural persons                                       0                                        0         3

4、Foreign invested shares           0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%

Including: Foreign
                                     0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%
corporate shares

       Shares held by
                                     0     0.00%               0                                        0         0      0.00%
foreign natural persons

                              438,364,                                                                      438,364,
II. Unrestricted shares                   99.91%               0                                        0               98.96%
                                  368                                                                           368

                              356,716,                                                                      356,716,
1. CNY ordinary shares                    81.30%               0                                        0               80.53%
                                  368                                                                           368

2. Foreign invested shares 81,648,0                                                                         81,648,0
                                          18.61%               0                                        0               18.43%
listed in Mainland China            00                                                                           00

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

3. Foreign invested shares
                                      0    0.00%               0                                    0          0    0.00%
listed abroad

4. Others                             0    0.00%               0                                    0          0    0.00%

                              438,744,              4,224,00                                4,224,00 442,968,
III. Total shares                         100.00%                                                                  100.00%
                                   881                         0                                    0      881

Cause of the change of shares
During the reporting period, the Company finished awarding the A-share restricted stock as specified in its stock incentive
program (Phase I) and registering the same for listing. Upon completion of the share awarding, the Company's total
capital stock increased to 442,968,881 shares.

Approval of Change of the Shares
The 3rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors and 2019 1st Extraordinary General Meeting held respectively on
November 12, 2018 and January 11, 2019 decided to start 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Program (Phase I).
The 5th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 11, 2019 decided to award 4.224 million A-share
restricted shares to 128 persons eligible for the incentive.

Transfer of the Shares Changed
The persons eligible for the incentive in the Company's 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Program (Phase I) have
handled the procedures for registration with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC)
Shenzhen Office.

The 6th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on March 13, 2019 reviewed and approved the Proposal for
Amendment of the Articles of Association, according to which the Company’s registered capital has been changed from
CNY438,744,881 into CNY 442,968,881.

Progress of implementation of the stock repurchase
The 7th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on April 4, 2019 and 2019 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting held on
April 23, 2019, reviewed and approved the “Proposal for the Repurchase of Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Shares in
the Company (B-shares), and subsequently the Company disclosed the repurchase report and published a series of
announcements on the progress in accordance with relevant regulations. For detail of the above, please refer to the
relevant announcements disclosed by the Company in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and

As of the end of the reporting period, the Company repurchased 10,010,000 shares in the Company by way of centralized
bidding, accounting for 2.26% of the Company's total capital stock; the highest transaction price of the repurchased
shares was HK$6.29 per share, and the lowest transaction price was HK$5.71/share, the total amount paid has been
HK$60,289,369.30 (excluding stamp duty, commission, etc.) The Company’s repurchase of the shares was in compliance
with the relevant laws and regulations and in line with the Company's established repurchase program.

Progress of implementation of reduction of the holding size of the shares repurchased by centralized bidding

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Influence of the change of the shares upon such financial indicators as the basic EPS and diluted EPS, net asset value
per share attributable to the common stockholders in the past year and the latest period
During the reporting period, the Company finished awarding the 2018 A-share Restricted Stock Incentive Program (Phase
I); and the earnings per share and return on equity at the end of the reporting period were calculated by weighted average.

 Net return on equity, weighted                                          Earnings per share
           average (%)
                                       Basic earnings per share (CNY/share)            Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share)

    2019               2018                  2019                     2018                     2019                  2018

    8.21%             7.30%                 0.4943                    0.4190                  0.4943                0.4190

Other information the Company considers necessary or required by the securities regulatory authority to be disclosed.

2. Change of the Restricted Shares
                                                                                                                         In shares

                      Number of        Number of         Number of           Number of
                      restricted        restricted       restricted            restricted                          Date of
  Names of the                                                                                   Cause of
                    shares at the        shares        shares relieved      shares at the                        relieving the
  Shareholders                                                                                   restriction
                   beginning of the increased in the in the reporting        end    of the                        restriction
                   reporting period reporting period       period          reporting period

                                                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                                                               subject to the
                                                                                                               conditions of
                                                                                              Locked shares
                                                                                                               the locked
                                                                                              for senior
                                                                                                               shares for
                                                                                              executives and
Huang Yongfeng                60,000        100,000                    0           160,000 restricted
                                                                                                               executives and
                                                                                              shares as the
                                                                                                               the measures
                                                                                              granted locked
                                                                                                               for the
                                                                                                               equity incentive

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Chen Libin              60,000          100,000   0   160,000 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                              Locked shares conditions of
Lu Bingqiang            72,233           24,078   0    96,311 for senior       the locked
                                                              executives       shares for

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Lu Wanjun               37,500           80,000   0   117,500 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Liu Xiaoming            37,500           80,000   0   117,500 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                           2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Pan Bo                   37,500          80,000   0   117,500 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Li Ming                  37,530          80,000   0   117,530 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

                                                                               To be unlocked
                                                                               subject to the
                                                                               conditions of
                                                              Locked shares
                                                                               the locked
                                                              for senior
                                                                               shares for
                                                              executives and
Chen Zhuo                38,250          80,000   0   118,250 restricted
                                                                               executives and
                                                              shares as the
                                                                               the measures
                                                              granted locked
                                                                               for the
                                                                               equity incentive

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                                                 To be unlocked
                                                                                                                 subject to the
                                                                                                 Restricted      conditions as
                                                                                                 shares as the   specified in the
Tang Haiyuan                        0               60,000                0             60,000
                                                                                                 granted locked measures for
                                                                                                 shares          the Company’s
                                                                                                                 equity incentive

                                                                                                                 To be unlocked
                                                                                                                 subject to the
                                                                                                 Restricted      conditions as
                                                                                                 shares as the   specified in the
Xu Chuangyue                        0               50,000                0             50,000
                                                                                                 granted locked measures for
                                                                                                 shares          the Company’s
                                                                                                                 equity incentive

                                                                                                                 To be unlocked
Other persons                                                                                                    subject to the
eligible for the                                                                                 Restricted      conditions as
incentive of                                                                                     shares as the   specified in the
                                    0         3,514,000                   0       3,514,000
A-share restricted                                                                               granted locked measures for
stock (119                                                                                       shares          the Company’s
persons)                                                                                                         equity incentive

Total                         380,513         4,248,078                   0       4,628,591               --             --

II. Issuing and Listing

1. Issuing of securities (with preferred stock exclusive) in the reporting period

 Description of                                                                                  Quantity
                                        Issuing price
the stock and its                                            Issuing                        approved for         Expiry date of
                     Issuing date       (or interest                      Date of listing
    derivative                                               quantity                            listing for        trading
    securities                                                                                    trading

Stock category

A-share ordinary January 11,                                              January 30,
                                    4.40                      4,224,000
shares              2019                                                  2019

Convertible corporate bonds, convertible corporate bonds for separate transactions, debentures

Other derivative securities

Issuing of securities (with preferred stock exclusive) in the reporting period
The 3rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors and 2019 1st Extraordinary General Meeting held respectively on
November 12, 2018 and January 11, 2019 decided to start 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Program (Phase I),

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                               2019 Annual Report, Full Text

which was later on reviewed and approved at the 5th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 11, 2019,
and the Company eventually granted 4.224 million restricted A-shares to 128 persons eligible for the incentive. The
granting date of this part of the restricted stock was January 11, 2019; on January 30, 2019, the granting was completed
and the stock was registered for listing. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the Completion of Granting the
Restricted A-Shares according to the Incentive Program (Phase I) No. 2019-009 disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong
Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.

2. Note to changes of the company’s total shares and the structure of shareholders as well as the structure of
assets and liabilities
During the reporting period, the persons eligible for the incentive in the Company's 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock
Incentive Program (Phase I) have handled the procedures for registration with China Securities Depository and Clearing
Corporation Limited (CSDC) Shenzhen Office. The Company’s total shares have changed from 438,744,881 shares to

3. Existing Employee Shares

III. Shareholders and Actual Controlling Shareholder
1. Number of Shareholders and Shareholding
                                                                                                                                                      In shares

                                                                                                                          Total preference
                                                                                                                          shareholders with
                                                                               Total preference
                                    Total common                                                                          the voting power
                                                                               shareholders with the
Total common                        shareholders at the                                                                   recovered at the
                                                                               voting power
shareholders at                     end of the month                                                                      end of the month
                           43,540                                    39,155 recovered at the end                      0                                     0
the end of the                      before    the date                                                                    before the day of
                                                                               of the reporting
reporting period                    of disclosing the                                                                     disclosing the
                                                                               period (if any) (Refer
                                    annual report                                                                         Annual Report (if
                                                                               to Note 8)
                                                                                                                          any) (Refer to Note

                              Shares held by the shareholders holding over 5% shares or the top ten shareholders

                                                          Number of                                                            Pledging or freezing
                                                                         Increase/d Number of
                                             Shareholdi                  ecrease in         the        Quantity of
    Names of the        Nature of the                     held at the
                                                ng                            the      restricted unrestricted       Status of the
    Shareholders         shareholder                      end of the                                                                            Quantity
                                             proportion                   reporting     shares         shares held        shares
                                                                             period         held

AVIC International                                        162,977,3                                    162,977,32
                     State corporate            36.79%                   0                         0
Holding Limited                                                   27                                             7

                     Domestic natural                     15,023,40
#Yang Zugui                                      3.39%                   -2,990,100                0 15,023,406
                     person                                          6

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                           2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Basic Endowment
                        State-owned legal
Insurance Fund                                     0.43% 1,882,800 1,882,800                 0     1,882,800
Portfolio 1005

                        Domestic natural
Huang Haitang                                      0.36% 1,610,000 1,610,000                 0     1,610,000

                        Domestic natural
Na Zhizhong                                        0.34% 1,495,000 1,495,000                 0     1,495,000

High-Flyer Asset
(Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
                        non-state-owned            0.26% 1,149,993 1,149,993                 0     1,149,993
- High-Flyer Quant
                        legal person
Qingxi No. 2
Private-equity Fund

                        Domestic natural
# Liang Lu                                         0.23% 1,030,700 1,030,700                 0     1,030,700

                        Domestic natural
Zhang Linling                                      0.23% 1,000,000 1,000,000                 0     1,000,000

Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
China Co., Ltd. -
HUITIANFU               Domestic
Technology              non-state-owned            0.18%     811,600 811,600                 0      811,600
Innovation Flexible     legal person
Configuration Mixed
Securities Investment

                        Domestic natural
Liang Shaoyun                                      0.18%     781,312 0                       0      781,312

About the fact that a strategic investor or
ordinary corporate became one of the top
ten shareholders due to placement of new
shares (if any) (Refer to Note 3)

Explanation on associated relationship or
consistent action of the above                Inapplicable

                                              Shares held by top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                  Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the                      Share type
        Names of the Shareholders
                                                                    reporting period                              Share type               Quantity

                                                                                                               CNY ordinary
AVIC International Holding Limited                                                               162,977,327                                162,977,327

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
#Yang Zugui                                                                15,023,406                        15,023,406

Basic Endowment Insurance Fund                                                          CNY ordinary
                                                                            1,882,800                         1,882,800
Portfolio 1005                                                                          shares

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
Huang Haitang                                                               1,610,000                         1,610,000

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
Na Zhizhong                                                                 1,495,000                         1,495,000

High-Flyer Asset Management (Zhejiang)
                                                                                        CNY ordinary
Co., Ltd. - High-Flyer Quant Qingxi No. 2                                   1,149,993                         1,149,993
Private-equity Fund

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
# Liang Lu                                                                  1,030,700                         1,030,700

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
Zhang Linling                                                               1,000,000                         1,000,000

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Co., Ltd. - HUITIANFU Technology                                                        CNY ordinary
                                                                              811,600                          811,600
Innovation Flexible Configuration Mixed                                                 shares
Securities Investment Fund

                                                                                        CNY ordinary
Liang Shaoyun                                                                 781,312                          781,312

Explanation to the associated relationship
or consistent action among the top 10
shareholders of non-restricted negotiable
shares and that between the top 10
shareholders of non-restricted negotiable
shares and top 10 shareholders.

Note to the top 10 shareholders involved in
margin financing & securities lending (if     Inapplicable
any) (Refer to Note 4)

Did the top ten common shareholders or top ten shareholders of unrestricted common shares conduct contractual
repurchase during the reporting period?

2. Controlling Shareholder
Nature of the controlling shareholder: State-owned shareholding directly under the central government

Type of the controlling shareholder: corporate

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

  Name of the Controlling                                                                         Leading business
                                Representative   Date of incorporation    Organization Code
          Shareholder                                                                                  activities

                                                                                              Investment in industries
                                                                                              (specific projects are
                                                                                              subject to application for
                                                                                              approval); domestic
                                                                                              trade, material supply
AVIC International Holding
                             Liu Hongde          June 20, 1997           91440300279351229A and distribution (with
                                                                                              commodities for
                                                                                              exclusive operation,
                                                                                              exclusive control and
                                                                                              monopoly exclusive);
                                                                                              import and export.

Equity in other domestic
and foreign listed
companies held by the        AVIC International holds 14.24% equity in Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd. (SHEN
controlling shareholder by   TIANMA A 000050) and 69.05% equity in Shennan Circuits Company Limited           (SHENNAN
means of control and         CIRCUITS 002916).
mutual shareholding in the
reporting period.

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period

3. Actual Controller and its Concerted Parties
Nature of the actual controller: State-owned assets regulatory agency directly under the central government

Type of the actual controller: corporate

                                                      Date of
Name of the Actual Controller Representative                        Organization Code       Leading business activities

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                          Import & export;
                                                                                          warehousing; investment and
                                                                                          management of industry,
                                                                                          hotel, property, real estate
                                                                                          industry; development, sales
                                                                                          and maintenance of new
AVIC International Holding                                         91110000100000999 energy equipment;
                               Liu Hongde        April 12, 1983
Corporation                                                        2                      exhibitions; technology
                                                                                          transfer and technical
                                                                                          services related to the above
                                                                                          businesses; dispatching
                                                                                          contract workers required for
                                                                                          overseas projects; sales of
                                                                                          precursor chemicals.

Equity in other domestic and
foreign listed companies       AVIC International holds   37.50% equity in   AVIC International Holdings Limited
controlled by the actual       (0161.HK) and 8.40% equity in Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd. (SHEN TIANMA A
controller in the reporting    000050).

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
Block Diagram of the Ownership and Control Relations between the Company and the Actual Controller

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
                                             Commission of the State Council

                                                                    AVIC CCB Aviation Industry Equity Investment (Tianjin)
               Aviation Industry Corporation of China
                                                                    Co., Ltd.

                                 91.14%                                                8.86%

                                             AVIC International Holding Corporation


                                   AVIC International Shenzhen Company Limited

     37.50%                                                   33.93%

                                         AVIC International Holdings Limited


                                      FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

The actual controller controls the Company by means of trust or managing the assets in other ways:

4. Other Corporate Shareholder Holding over 10% of the Company’s Shares

5. Shareholding Reduction Restriction on the Controlling Shareholder, the Actual Controller, the Reorganizing
Party and other Committing Party

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                 Section 7 About the Preferred Shares


  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                Section 8 About the Convertible Bonds


  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                             Section 9 Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees

I. Change in Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

                                                                                                  Number of
                                                                                                                                                                  Number of
                                                                                                 shares held Shareholding Shareholding
                                                                                                                                                    Other         shares held
                                                                                                    at the        increased in decreased in
                                                                     Starting date Expiry date                                                   increase/decr at end of the
   Name              Title     Office Status     Gender   Age                                    beginning of the reporting the reporting
                                                                       of tenure     of tenure                                                       ease          reporting
                                                                                                 the reporting      period        period
                                                                                                                                                   (shares)         period
                                                                                                    period         (shares)       (shares)

Huang                                                                September     September
               Chairman       In office        Male             46                                     80,000         100,000                0                0       180,000
Yongfeng                                                             11, 2018      11, 2021

Wang                                                                 September     September
               Director       In office        Male             54                                            0               0              0                0                0
Mingchuan                                                            11, 2018      11, 2021

                                                                     September     September
Fu Debin       Director       In office        Male             43                                            0               0              0                0                0
                                                                     11, 2018      11, 2021

Xiao                                                                 September     September
               Director       In office        Male             44                                            0               0              0                0                0
Zhanglin                                                             11, 2018      11, 2021

                                                                     September     September
Wang Bo        Director       In office        Male             41                                            0               0              0                0                0
                                                                     11, 2018      11, 2021

               Director &                                            September     September
Chen Libin                    In office        Male             56                                     80,000         100,000                0                0       180,000
               GM                                                    11, 2018      11, 2021

               Independent                                           September     September
Wang Jianxin                  In office        Male             50                                            0               0              0                0                0
               director                                              11, 2018      11, 2021

Zhong          Independent                                           September     September
                              In office        Male             45                                            0               0              0                0                0
Hongming       director                                              11, 2018      11, 2021

               Independent                                           September     September
Tang Xiaofei                  In office        Male             46                                            0               0              0                0                0
               director                                              11, 2018      11, 2021

               Chairman of

Wang           the                                                   September     September
                              In office        Male             56                                            0               0              0                0                0
Baoying        Supervisory                                           11, 2018      11, 2021


                                                                     September     September
Sheng Qing Supervisor         In office        Female           44                                            0               0              0                0                0
                                                                     11, 2018      11, 2021

Fang                                                                 April 12,     September
               Supervisor     In office        Male             33                                            0               0              0                0                0
Jiasheng                                                             2019          11, 2021

                                                                     October 08,   October 08,
Lu Wanjun      Deputy GM      In office        Male             53                                     50,000          80,000                0                0       130,000
                                                                     2018          2021

     FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                October 08,         October 08,
Liu Xiaoming Deputy GM          In office       Male                       49                                               50,000         80,000               0              0         130,000
                                                                                2018                2021

               Deputy GM

               and                                                              October 08,         October 08,
Pan Bo                          In office       Male                       44                                               50,000         80,000               0              0         130,000
               Secretary of                                                     2018                2021

               the Board

                                                                                October 08,         October 08,
Li Ming        Deputy GM        In office       Male                       47                                               50,040         80,000               0              0         130,040
                                                                                2018                2021

               Chief                                                            October 08,         October 08,
Chen Zhuo                       In office       Male                       44                                               51,000         80,000               0              0         131,000
               Accountant                                                       2018                2021

Tang                                                                            September           October 08,
               Deputy GM        In office       Male                       47                                                    0         60,000               0              0          60,000
Haiyuan                                                                         29, 2019            2021

Xu                                                                              September           October 08,
               Deputy GM        In office       Male                       41                                                    0         50,000               0              0          50,000
Chuangyue                                                                       29, 2019            2021

                                                                                September           April 10,
Zou Zhixiang Supervisor         Retired         Male                       36                                                    0               0              0              0              0
                                                                                11, 2018            2019

                                                                                October 08,         October 08,
Lu Bingqiang Deputy GM          Retired         Male                       59                                               96,311               0              0              0          96,311
                                                                                2018                2019

Total                  --                --            --             --               --                  --             507,351        710,000                0              0     1,217,351

II. Personnel Change in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

          Name                   Office Taken                  Type                         Date:                                                    Cause

                                                     Appointment &                                              Elected a staff representative supervisor at 2019 1st Staff Representative
Fang Jiasheng               Supervisor                                          April 12, 2019
                                                     removal                                                    Congress.

                                                     Appointment &                                              Reviewed and approved at 11th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors, he
Tang Haiyuan                Deputy GM                                           September 29, 2019
                                                     removal                                                    was appointed as a deputy GM of the Company.

                                                     Appointment &                                              Reviewed and approved at 11th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors, he
Xu Chuangyue                Deputy GM                                           September 29, 2019
                                                     removal                                                    was appointed as a deputy GM of the Company.

                                                     Appointment &                                              Reviewed and approved at 13th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors, he
Pan Bo                      Secretary of the Board                              November 19, 2019
                                                     removal                                                    was appointed as the Secretary of the Board of the Company.

                                                                                                                He resigned the office of staff representative supervisor of the Ninth
Zou Zhixiang                Supervisor               Retired                    April 10, 2019
                                                                                                                Supervisory Committee due to personal reason.

Lu Bingqiang                Deputy GM                dismissal                  October 08, 2019                He resigned the office of a deputy GM of the Company due to job change.

                                                                                                                He resigned the office of the Secretary of the Board of the Company due to
Lu Wanjun                   Secretary of the Board dismissal                    November 18, 2019
                                                                                                                job change.

III. Profile of Senior Executives
Professional Background, CV and Major Duties of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives in Office

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Mr. Huang Yongfeng, born in May, 1974, senior engineer, master of management engineering of Beijing University of
Aeronautics & Astronautics, and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is now the Secretary of the
CPC Committee and Chairman of the Board of the Company. Mr. Huang used to be the chairman and general manager of
AVIC INTL Zhuhai Co., Ltd., assistant to the general manager of AVIC International Holding Corporation, deputy general
manager, assistant to the general manager, manager of the enterprise strategy and management department of AVIC
International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., director of AVIC Sunda Holding Company Limited, director of Rainbow Department
Store Co., Ltd., director of Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and chairman of Shenzhen Zhongshi Mechanical Equipment
Co., Ltd.

Mr. Wang Mingchuan, born in December 1966, senior accountant, master of management engineering of Tongji University,
and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is a director of the Company, deputy GM, chief accountant
and director of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., a director of Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd., a director of
Rainbow Department Store Co., Ltd. and a director of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. He used to be a financial supervisor of
the financial division of Chengdu Engine Company, manager of the financial department of Shenzhen Shenrong
Engineering Plastic Company, manager of the comprehensive management department and chief financial officer of
Shenzhen CATIC Trading Co., Ltd., manager of the financial and audit department, manager of the financial department
and vice chief accountant of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd. and chief of the financial department and vice chief
accountant of AVIC International Holding Corporation and a director of AVIC Sunda Holding Company Limited.

Mr. Fu Debin, born in February 1977, master of engineering and doctor of engineering of Beijing University of Aeronautics
& Astronautics. He is a director in office of the Company and the head of H.R. department of AVIC International Holding
Corporation, a director of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., a director of Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and a
director of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. He used to be the head of the administration and management department and
deputy head of the management department of AVIC International Holding Corporation, deputy director of the party policy
office and deputy secretary of the general Party branch of Power School of Beijing University of Aeronautics &

Mr. Xiao Zhanglin, born in January 1976, senior engineer, MBA of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is a director in office
of the Company, the supervisor of the planning and operation department of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., the
secretary of AVIC International Holding Corporation, a director of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd, a director of Rainbow
Department Store Co., Ltd., a director of    AVIC East China Optoelectronics Co., Ltd a director of Shenzhen Aero
Fasteners MFG Co., Ltd., a director of Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel Management Company Limited and a director of
Shenzhen Shanghai Hotel. Mr. Xiao used to be the chief of the retail and high-end consumer goods office, deputy section
chief of the strategy development department of AVIC International Holding Corporation and the assistant to the section
chief of the enterprise strategy and management department of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., a director of
Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd.and a director of AVIC Sunda Holding Company Limited.

Mr. Wang Bo, born in July, 1979, MBA of Renmin University of China. He is a director of the Company, section chief of the
HR department of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., a director of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd, a director of Shenzhen
Aero Fasteners MFG Co., Ltd., a director of Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel Management Company Limited. Mr. Wang
used to be the manager and controller of the HR department of AVIC Real Estate Co., Ltd. And deputy supervisor of the
HR department of AVIC International Holding Corporation.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Mr. Chen Libin, born in June 1964, master of economics of the Party School of Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee
and EMBA of Sun Yat-Sen University. He is a director in office, Vice Secretary of the CPC Committee and the GM of the
Company. Mr. Chen used to be the deputy General Manager and Secretary of the Board of the Company, deputy section
chief and section chief of the Party’s affairs of the Party-masses Work Department and senior commissioner, deputy
manager and manager of the enterprise culture department of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

Mr. Wang Jianxin, born in June, 1970, graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, a Chinese CPA. Mr.
Wang is a partner of ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) and independent director of
Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co.,Ltd.

Mr. Zhong Hongming, born in January 1975, graduated from Renmin University of China, PhD of law and post-doctor. Mr.
Zhong is an associate research fellow of Law Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences and concurrently
a director of China Securities Law Research Council, an independent director of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. and
DAGANG Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Mr. Tang Xiaofei, born in May, 1974, graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University, professor and doctorial tutor. Mr. Tang
is a professor and doctorial tutor of the Business School of Southwest Jiaotong University, director of Urban Brand
Strategy Research Institute of Southwest University of Finance and Economics, enjoying the title of Outstanding Talent of
the New Century granted by the Ministry of Education, Secretary-general and executive council member of the
International Brand Strategy Society, a council member of Chinese Association of Market Development, consultant of
APEX Ogilvy, expert consultant of brand development of Chengdu Municipal Government, expert of Chengdu Famous
Trademark Determination Board, executive director of CCTV WDY, independent director of Sichuan Languang
Development Co., Ltd.

Mr. Wang Baoying, born in July, 1964, senior engineer at research fellow level, bachelor of Beijing University of
Aeronautics & Astronautics, EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is the Chairman of the Supervisory
Committee, managing director of AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd., the chairman of the supervisory committee of
Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd., the chairman of the supervisory committee of Rainbow Department Store Co., Ltd. and
the chairman of the supervisory committee of Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. He used to be a director of the Company,
section-chief of AVIC Tianjin Aviation Electro-mechanical Co., Ltd., deputy GM of Shenzhen Rainbow Department Store
Co., Ltd., first deputy GM of Shenzhen Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited, manager of the enterprise strategy and
management department and assistant of the GM of CATIC Shenzhen, executive director of AVIC International Holding

Ms. Sheng Qing, born in April, 1976, accountant, bachelor of international accounting specialization of Jiangxi University
of Finance and Economics, master of organization and HR management of the University of Hong Kong. She is the
manager of the discipline inspection, supervision and audit department of the Company. She used to be a supervisor of
the Eighth Supervisory Committee, assistant to manager, deputy manager and manager of HR department and senior
business manager of the audit department of the Company.

Mr. Fang Jiasheng, born in December, 1987, accountant and bachelor of financial management of South China Normal
University. He is now the assistant to the manager of the descipline inspection, audit and law department of the Company.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

He used to be the assistant to the manager of the financial department, senior financial manager, finan cial manager and
financial supervisor.

Mr. Lu Wanjun, born in February, 1967, accountant, EMBA of Sino-European International Management Institute. Mr. Lu is
the Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, a deputy GM of the Company. He used to be the assistant to the GM
of the Company, executive deputy GM and deputy GM, the assistant to the GM and concurrently the manager of the
financial department of Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd.

Mr. Liu Xiaoming, born in 1971, engineer, economist, bachelor of mechanical engineering of Beijing University of
Aeronautics & Astronautics, and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is a deputy GM of the
Company, the managing director of Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd. He used to be the assistant to
the GM of the Company, a deputy GM and the assistant to the GM of Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd.

Mr. Pan Bo, born in March, 1976, engineer, bachelor of electromechanical engineering of Beijing University of Aeronautics
& Astronautics, and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. Mr. Pan is a deputy GM, the Secretary of the
Board and the GM of the Brand Project Department of the Company. Mr. Pan used to be the assistant to the GM of the
Company, executive deputy GM, deputy GM, the assistant to the GM, manager of the sales department, manager of the
logistic department, manager of the after-sale department, etc. of FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd.

Mr. Li Ming, born in September, 1973, bachelor of marketing of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and EMBA of
China Europe International Business School. He is now a deputy GM of the Company. Mr. Li used to be the assistant to
the GM and chief HR officer of the Company, a deputy GM, the assistant to the GM and manger of the HR department of
Shenzhen Harmony World Watches Center Co., Ltd.; chief HR officer and the GM of the marketing center of China
Netcom Shenzhen; manager of big customer market planning of China Telecom Shenzhen.

Mr. Chen Zhuo, born in September, 1976, senior accountant, bachelor of accounting of Central University of Finance and
Economics, MBA of Wuhan University and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is the chief
accountant of the Company. Mr. Chen used to be a supervisor and the assistant to the GM of the Company, the manager
of the strategy and information department, deputy manager of the strategy and information department and securities
affairs representative of the Company, a deputy GM, the assistant to the GM and the manager of the financial information
department of FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd.

Mr. Tang Haiyuan, born in February, 1973, senior engineer, bachelor of plastic molding technology and equipment of Hefei
University of Technology, and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is a deputy GM of the Company
and the GM of Shenzhen FIYTA Technology Development Co., Ltd. Mr. Tang used to work for Shenzhen FIYTA
Sophisticated Timepieces Manufacture Co., Ltd., taking the offices of the GM, a deputy GM, the assistant to the GM, and
the manager of its product quality department, manager and deputy manager of the engineering and technical department;
also work for Shenzhen FIYTA Technology Development Co., Ltd., taking offices of the assistant to the GM and the
manager of the technical department.

Mr. Xu Chuangyue, born in November, 1979, bachelor of international economics and trading of Beijing Wuzi University
and EMBA of China Europe International Business School. He is now a deputy GM of the Company. Mr.Xu used to work in
FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd. taking the office of a deputy GM, in Shiyuehui Boutique (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., taking the offices of

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

the GM, the assistant to GM of the sales department, the manager of the market department, the manager of Xi'an Branch
and the business manager of Beijing Branch.

Office taking in shareholder companies

                                                              Titles                                           Does he/she
Names of the                                             engaged in                                                 receive
                                                                          Starting date    Expiry date of
  persons in          Names of the Shareholders                 the                                          remuneration or
                                                                            of tenure         tenure
     office                                              shareholder                                          allowance from
                                                                 s                                           the shareholder

                                                         Deputy GM
Wang                                                                      January 23,
                AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd.    and Chief                                           Yes
Mingchuan                                                                 2017

                                                         Head of the
Fu Debin        AVIC International Holding Corporation                    July 01, 2016                      Yes
                                                         HR Dept.

                                                         Company          February 05,
Xiao Zhanglin AVIC International Holding Limited                                                             Yes
                                                         secretary        2018

                                                         Head of the
Wang Bo         AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                     April 25, 2017                     Yes
                                                         HR Dept.

Wang Baoying AVIC International Shenzhen Co., Ltd.       commission April 11, 2017                           Yes

on the office
taking in       Inapplicable

Office taking in other organizations

                                                                                                               Does he/she
 Names of the                                             engaged in
                                                                           Starting date    Expiry date of    remuneration or
  persons in          Names of other organizations            the other
                                                                             of tenure          tenure        allowance from
     office                                               organization

                                                                          December 01,
Wang Jianxin Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants Partner                                                  Yes

Zhong           Law Research Institute of Sichuan                         November 24,
                                                         research                                             Yes
Hongming        Academy of Social Sciences                                2017

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                  Business School of Southwest Jiaotong Doctorial          September 1,
Tang Xiaofei                                                                                                Yes
                  University                                  tutor        2008

                  Business School of Southwest Jiaotong                    December 1,
Tang Xiaofei                                                  Professor                                     Yes
                  University                                               2011

on the office
taking in other

Punishment imposed by the securities regulatory authority on the directors, supervisors and senior executives both in
office and having left their posts in the reporting period.

IV. Remuneration to Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
Decision-making procedures, basis for determining the remuneration and actual payment to directors, supervisors and
senior executive to directors, supervisors and senior executives:

The Company practiced the annual salary system for its directors and senior executives. The annual salary structure
consists of the basic annual salary and performance based annual salary. The assessment of senior executives is
conducted according to the Measures for Administration of the Remuneration to Senior Executives.

Remuneration to Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                               In CNY 10,000

                                                                                                                   Is the
                                                                                           Total pretax
     Name                Title            Gender               Age         Office Status                     from one of the
                                                                                           received from
                                                                                           the Company
                                                                                                             related parties

                   Chairman          Male                             46 In office                197.92 No

                   Director          Male                             54 In office                         0 Yes

Fu Debin           Director          Male                             43 In office                         0 Yes

Xiao Zhanglin      Director          Male                             44 In office                         0 Yes

Wang Bo            Director          Male                             41 In office                         0 Yes

Chen Libin         Director & GM     Male                             56 In office                170.98 No

Wang Jianxin                         Male                             50 In office                         9 No

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Zhong                 Independent
                                              Male                                               45 In office                                            9 No
Hongming              director

Tang Xiaofei                                  Male                                               46 In office                                            9 No

                      Chairman of the
Wang Baoying          Supervisory             Male                                               56 In office                                            0 Yes

Sheng Qing            Supervisor              Female                                             44 In office                                        88.93 No

Fang Jiasheng         Supervisor              Male                                               33 In office                                          36 No

Lu Wanjun             Deputy GM               Male                                               53 In office                                      159.44 No

Liu Xiaoming          Deputy GM               Male                                               49 In office                                      182.52 No

                      Deputy GM and
Pan Bo                Secretary of the Male                                                      44 In office                                      162.15 No

Li Ming               Deputy GM               Male                                               47 In office                                      164.44 No

Chen Zhuo                                     Male                                               44 In office                                      164.44 No

Tang Haiyuan          Deputy GM               Male                                               47 In office                                      161.52 No

Xu Chuangyue Deputy GM                        Male                                               41 In office                                        99.81 No

Zou Zhixiang          Supervisor              Male                                               36 Retired                                          14.91 No

Lu Bingqiang          Deputy GM               Male                                               59 Retired                                        154.44 No

Total                           --                        --                         --                            --                             1,784.5               --

Equity incentive to directors and senior executives of the Company during the reporting period
                                                                                                                                                                         In shares

                                                               Strike price
                                                                and the                          Quantity of                            Quantity of
                                                                                Market price                                                                           Quantity of
                              Number of       Number of        number of                          restricted        Quantity of         restricted    Price of the
                                                                                 at the end                                                                             restricted
                               vested          striked           striked                         shares held the locked                   shares       restricted
                                                                                   of the                                                                              shares held
                               shares          shares            shares                             at the              shares in         newly         shares
  Name            Title                                                          reporting                                                                             at the end
                              during the      during the       during the                        beginning of             the            granted        granted
                                                                                  period                                                                                 of the
                              reporting       reporting         reporting                            the                reporting       during the (CNY/share
                                                                                (CNY/share                                                                              reporting
                               period          period            period                           reporting              period         reporting           )
                                                                                     )                                                                                   period
                                                               (CNY/share                          period                                 period

             Chairman                     0               0                 0            11.09                 0                    0      100,000              4.40         100,000

             Director &
Chen Libin                                0               0                 0            11.09                 0                    0      100,000              4.40         100,000

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Lu Wanjun Deputy GM                    0             0             0           11.09          0             0       80,000            4.40     80,000

             Deputy GM                 0             0             0           11.09          0             0       80,000            4.40     80,000

             Deputy GM
Pan Bo                                 0             0             0           11.09          0             0       80,000            4.40     80,000
             Secretary of
             the Board

Li Ming      Deputy GM                 0             0             0           11.09          0             0       80,000            4.40     80,000

Chen Zhuo                              0             0             0           11.09          0             0       80,000            4.40     80,000

             Deputy GM                 0             0             0           11.09          0             0       60,000            4.40     60,000

             Deputy GM                 0             0             0           11.09          0             0       50,000            4.40     50,000

Total                --                0             0       --           --                  0             0     710,000        --           710,000

                            Granting of the A-share restricted stock to aforesaid persons was completed on January 11, 2019. , and it is still in the
Remarks (if any)
                            lockup period (two years) according to the regulations.

V. Employees

1. Number, Job Composition and Education Background of Employees

Number of employees working for the parent company                                                                                                146

Number of employees working for the major subsidiaries                                                                                         4,848

Total employees on active duty                                                                                                                 4,994

Total employees receiving remuneration in the reporting

Number of the retired employees for whom the parent
company and the major subsidiaries need to share the                                                                                                    0

                                                                  Job Composition

                     Job Composition Categories                                    Number of persons involved in the job composition

Production                                                                                                                                        335

Sales                                                                                                                                          3,763

Technical                                                                                                                                         364

Financial                                                                                                                                         119

Administrative                                                                                                                                    413

Total                                                                                                                                          4,994

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                  Education background

Education levels                                              Number of persons

Master's degree or higher                                                                                                 72

Undergraduate                                                                                                           731

Junior college                                                                                                        1,232

Below junior college                                                                                                  2,959

Total                                                                                                                 4,994

2. Remuneration Policy for Staff
FIYTA's remuneration policy follows hierarchical management, budget control, performance-orientation, efficiency priority,
fairness, positive incentives, and long-term principles. The Company has established a remuneration system with the
assessment based annual salary system for medium and senior executives, performance-based salary systems for basic
staff, and the production & performance jointly related payroll systems for production operators in accordance with the
national laws, regulations and policies. The following administrative measures have been taken in implementation of the
remuneration policy.

Classification and grading management: The Company has established a differentiated, standardized, and
market-oriented salary framework system that matches the job sequence and job level according to the
professional/occupational development system of employees.

Total budget management: According to the strategic layout of the Company's development, with comprehensive
consideration of factors such as hard labor cost growth, market salary level, labor cost profit margins, total profit, and per
capita profit growth, etc., the Company controls total salary and has achieved the management goal of benefit-orientation,
positive incentive, classification management and adjusted distribution.

Focusing on value creation, value evaluation, and value sharing management: The Company has established a
performance evaluation and evaluation system that is consistent with strategic development goal, with economic value
and social value as the main body, and closely link it with employees’ compensation, having formed a salary distribution
mechanism with decrease of the employees’ payroll correspondingly linked with the decrease of the enterprise revenue
and employees’ personal performance and tilting towards the key value positions.

3. Training Program
(I) Organized learning, talent training, and ecological cycle development
The Company is concentrated on watch industry, insists on the principle of guiding various businesses with the brand
strategy, takes a broad view of the world and has established its vision of “becoming a leading internationalized watch
brand enterprise”. While speeding up development, the Company firmly believes that “to build brand is to integrate the
brand work and life style”, the core speciality of the organization and staff and the qualification of the staff as brand
personnel are the key elements determining the future development. For this purpose, in respect of employee training, the
Company has established FIYTA College and takes the college as an important base for popularizing and implementing
the enterprise culture, promoting practice of the strategy and supporting development of the front-line professional talent
development.     Based on the college, the Company constructs a training system of various talents, focuses on the
echelon leadership, cultivating young generations, and professional ability training.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(II) Construction of a Talent Team of Front-line Talents, Experts and Leaders
In terms of front-line talent training, taking business managers and shopping guide positions as the starting point, and
focusing on "operational excellence" and "excellent sales" for terminal-output product-oriented training programs,
gradually creating learning programs with FIYTA characteristics. In terms of professional talent training, the Company has
promoted various talent training systems of the Company through the projects such as the "craftsman reservoir" and Lean
Six Sigma training, etc. With regard to the training of echelon management talents, through the design of echelon
training projects such as the three-year run-up plan for newcomers, the training of medium and senior management
personnel, and the training of potential talents, the Company's management echelon talent construction work will be
consolidated to help the Company become a learning organization with strong vitality.

4. Labor Outsourcing

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                        Chapter 10 Corporate Governance

I. General
In year 2019, the Company kept improving the Company’s corporate governance structure strictly according to the PRC
Company Law, the PRC Securities Law and the regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission concerning
governance of listed companies, and tried to enhance construction of modern enterprise system, upgraded the level of
regulatory operation of the Company. As a result, there was no discrepancy between the situation of the Company’s
corporate governance and the regulatory documents of China Securities Regulatory Commission concerning governance
of listed companies.

The Company established and improved relatively standardized corporate governance structure and rules of procedures
strictly according to law, rules and regulations, including the PRC Company Law, and the Articles of Association of the
Company, formed a decision-making and operation management system with the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of
Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the management of the Company as the principal structure. They implemented
their respective duties according to the PRC Company Law and the Articles of Association.

The General Meeting is the Company’s supreme organ and has the power of deciding the Company’s operation policy
and investment plan, reviewing and approving the Company’s annual financial budget scheme, settlement scheme, profit
distribution plan, loss make-up plan, change of the application of the proceeds raised through issuing, etc., makes
resolution on increase and decrease of the Company’s registered capital, issuing bond, etc., election and replacement of
directors, non-staff supervisors and decision on their remuneration and way of payment.

The Board of Directors is the Company’s decision-making organ, takes charge of implementing the decisions made by the
Shareholders’ General Meeting, assumes responsibility to the Shareholders’ General Meeting and reports the work to it.
Within the authorization from the General Meeting, decides the Company’s external investment, acquisition and sales of
assets, assets pledge, external guarantee, related transactions, etc., decides establishment of the Company’s internal
management organs, engagement and disengagement of the Company’s general manager, the Board secretary and
other senior executives, etc. The Board of Directors consists of nine directors, including three independent directors. The
Board of Directors has established three subordinate special committees, namely the Strategy Committee, the Audit
Committee and Nomination, Emolument and Assessment Committee.

The Supervisory Committee is the Company’s supervisory organ in charge of supervising the directors, managers and
other senior executives in performing duties according to the law and proposes dismissal of any director or senior
executive who breaches the law, the administrative rules and regulations, the Articles of Association or resolutions of the
General Meeting. The Supervisory Committee consists of three supervisors including two staff supervisors.

The management assumes responsibility to the Board of Directors and the General Manager takes full responsibility for
the Company’s routine operation and management and development under the leadership of the Board of Directors,
supervises the work of every functional department, assesses the work result of each functional department and
coordinate the relationship of all departments.

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance, the PRC Company Law and the relevant
provisions of CSRC.

II. Independence in Business, Personnel, Assets, Organization, Finance, etc. from the Controlling Shareholders
The Company is independent in business, personnel, assets, organization and finance from its controlling shareholder.
The Company has complete and independent business and the ability of autonomous operation.

Business: The Company is mainly engaged in timepiece businesses and has independent production, auxiliary production
system and complementary facilities, and possesses its own procurement and sales systems. There exists no competition
in the same sector between the Company and its controlling shareholder.

Personnel: The Company is completely independent in organization and has sound systems in labor, personnel and
salaries management. Except Mr. Wang Mingchuan, Mr. Fu Debin,Mr. Xiao Zhanglin and Mr. Wang Bo, the four directors,
and Mr. Wang Baoying, the chairman of the Supervisory Committee, none of other senior executives takes any concurrent
office in the shareholders and none of the financial staff works concurrently for any related parties.

Assets: The assets of the Company and its controlling shareholder are highly distinct. The Company enjoys the corporate
ownership over its assets and the assets are completely independent from its controlling shareholder. In addition, the
Company enjoys sole ownership of such trademarks as FIYTA, HARMONY, etc.

Organization: The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the other internal organs are well established and
work independently. There exist neither subordinate relations between the controlling shareholder/its functional
departments nor doing joint office work. The controlling shareholder enjoys its rights and undertakes the corresponding
obligations according to the law and has never been involved in any action which directly or indirectly interferes the
Company’s business activities surpassing the authority of the General Meeting.

Finance: The Company has established independent financial department, worked out sound and independent financial
and accounting system and financial management system and independently opened bank accounts. The controlling
shareholder has never interfered the Company in its financial and accounting activities.

III. Horizontal Competitions

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings in the Reporting Period
1. General Meetings

                                             Proportion of
     Sessions           Meeting type       attendance of the      Meeting date      Date of disclosure   Disclosure index

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

2019 1st
                      Extraordinary                                                                                            http://www.cninfo.c
Extraordinary                                                 40.01% January 11, 2019              January 12, 2019
                      General Meeting                                                                                          om.cn/
General Meeting

2019 2nd
                      Extraordinary                                                                                            http://www.cninfo.c
Extraordinary                                                 37.40% April 23, 2019                April 24, 2019
                      General Meeting                                                                                          om.cn/
General Meeting

2018 Annual           Annual general                                                                                           http://www.cninfo.c
                                                              38.22% June 19, 2019                 June 20, 2019
general meeting       meeting                                                                                                  om.cn/

2019 3rd
                      Extraordinary                                      December 30,              December 31,                http://www.cninfo.c
Extraordinary                                                 41.23%
                      General Meeting                                    2019                      2019                        om.cn/
General Meeting

2. Extraordinary general meeting requested for holding by the preferred shareholders with the voting power

V. Duty Performance of Independent Directors in the Reporting Period
1. Attendance for Board Meetings and General Meetings

                                           Attendance for Board Meetings and General Meetings

                       Number of                                                                                     Failure to
                                                                               Number of
                    Board meetings                          Number of                                                personally         Number of
                                                                             attendances of
     Names of       which should be Number of Spot          Meetings                              Number of      attend board        attendance of
                                                                             board meeting
independent director be attended in     Attendances        Attended by                            absence            meetings           the General
                      the reporting                       Communication                                          successively            Meeting
                         period                                                                                        twice

Wang Jianxin                       10                 2                  8                    0               0 No                                    4

Zhong Hongming                     10                 2                  8                    0               0 No                                    0

Tang Xiaofei                       10                 2                  8                    0               0 No                                    0

Note to failure to attend the board meeting successively twice

2. Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues
Have the independent directors proposed any objection on the relevant issues of the Company

3. Other Note to Duty Performance of Independent Directors
Have the independent directors' recommendations to the Company been accepted

The independent directors' recommendations to the Company been accepted or explain the reason if any

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

recommendation has not been accepted

VI Duty Performance of Special Committees under the Board of Directors in the Reporting Period
Summary Report on Performances of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
During the reporting period, the Strategy Committee performed its duties strictly according to the law and regulations, the
Articles of Association and the Rules for Implementation of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors, continued to
do research work on the strategic planning for the Company’s long term development and supervised the Company in
implementation of various strategies. The Strategy Committee held its first meeting of year 2019 on March 13, 2019. The
meeting reviewed and approved the Work Report of the Board of Directors of Year 2018 and the Profit Distribution for Year
2018; the second meeting of the Strategy Committee for year 2019 was held on December 9, 2019. The meeting
reviewed and approved the proposal for the planned change of the company name and the abbreviation of A-share.

Summary Report on Performances of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors:
In accordance with the Rules on the Contents and Format of Information Disclosure of Companies that Publicly Offer
Securities No. 2 (Contents and Format of Annual Reports) (Revision 2017) promulgated by China Securities Regulatory
Commission, the Basic Regulations on Enterprise Internal Control, Memorandum of Mainboard Information Disclosure No.
1 – Relevant Information to be Disclosed in the Regular Report promulgated by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the
Company’s Enforcement Regulations of the Special Committees of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors carried out comprehensive examination of the Company's financial report and internal control audit
work of year 2019. The following is the summary of the performances of the Audit Committee and the work of Grant
Thornton LLP (hereinafter referred to as the “CPAs”):

1. Determination of the Overall Audit Plan
On December 2, 2019, the Audit Committee reviewed the Report of FIYTA on Arrangement of the Audit Work of 2019
submitted by the CPAs and determined the time schedule of the audit work of 2019.

2. Supervision of the Audit Work
On December 6, 2019, the CPAs formally entered the Company and started the audit work. During the auditing, the Audit
Committee frequently urged the CPAs to complete the audit work according to the time schedule of audit so as to ensure
timely disclosure of the Company’s annual report and relevant documents. On January 20, 2020, the Audit Committee
reviewed the Report on the Progress of the Audit Work of 2019 submitted by the CPAs.

3. Collecting General Information of the Company in the Reporting Period and Reviewing the Financial
Statements Prepared by the Company and Progress of Internal Control Implementation
On January 20, 2020, the Audit Committee heard the management’s overall report on the production and operation and
progress of significant events during the reporting period and reviewed 2019 Financial and Accounting Statements
prepared by the Company and heard the progress of implementation of the Company’s internal control. In its opinion, the
data in the financial and accounting statements prepared by the Company basically reflected the financial position and
operation results of the Company as ended at December 31, 2019, and approved to carry out the audit work for year 2019
with the financial statements as the base. The internal control implementation work carried out by the Company has been
duly carried forward according to the Company Law, the Securities Law, Basic Standards for Enterprise Internal Control

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

and other relevant laws and regulations. It has basically reflected the Company’s internal control construction work ended
December 31, 2019 and approved to prepare the Self-Assessment Report on the Internal Control on this basis and carry
out the internal control audit work in 2019.

4. Preliminary Auditor’s Opinions after Reviewing the Financial and Accounting Statements
On March 16, 2020, the CPAs issued a preliminary auditor’s opinions on the financial and accounting statements and
internal control assessment, and the Audit Committee once again reviewed the Company’s financial and accounting
statements and internal control assessment report as preliminarily audited by the CPAs. In the opinion of the Audit
Committee, these financial statements truly, accurately and completely reflected the financial position and operation result
of the Company ended December 31, 2019 and approved 2019 Annual Report and Summary prepared on the basis of
these statements. The said internal control assessment report has truly, accurately and entirely reflected the Company’s
achievement in internal control construction ended December 31, 2019 and approved to complete the internal control
assessment report and internal control audit report based on said report. Meanwhile, the audit committee demanded the
CPAs to complete the audit work according to the plan as soon as possible so as to ensure the Company to disclose 2019
Annual Report as scheduled.

5. Summary Work after the Formal Report
On March 13, 2020, the CPAs completed the auditing procedures as scheduled and issued a standard unqualified
auditor’s report and other relevant documents to the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee held 2020 1st Session of the
Audit Committee on the very day and concluded a resolution and submitted it to the Board of Directors for review; and at
the same time submitted the Summary Report on the Performances of the Audit Committee and the Audit Work of the
Certified Public Accountants in 2019. In the opinion of the Audit Committee, Grant Thornton LLP, the domestic and
international auditor engaged by the Company faithfully performed the duties in process of offering audit performances
according to the professional principle of independence, objectiveness and fairness and did a good job in auditing 2019
Annual Accounting Statements and the internal control auditing.

6. CPAs’ Performance of Basic Principle of the Professional Ethics
(1) Independence
None of the staff from the CPAs worked for the Company; the CPAs received neither cash nor economic interest in any
other form from the Company other than the statutory audit fee. There existed neither direct or indirect mutual investment
between the CPAs and the Company nor close operation relationship; there existed no self-assessment on the
Company’s audit work and there existed no related         relation between the member of the auditing team and the
Company’s decision makers; the CPAs and the auditing staff kept independence both in form and substance in the
auditing work and complied with the requirement on keeping independence as specified in the basic principle of the
professional ethics.

(2) Professional Competence
All the members of the auditing team possessed the professional knowledge and relevant professional qualification
certificates necessary for the auditing work, were competent for the auditing work and at the same time maintained
necessary attention and professional cautiousness.

Summary Report on Performance of the Committee of Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment of the Board

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     2019 Annual Report, Full Text

of Directors
During the reporting period, the Committee of Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment of the Board of Directors
performed its functions strictly according to the law and regulations, the Articles of Association and the Rules for
Implementation of the Committees of Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment of the Board of Directors. 2019 1st
session of the Committees of Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment held on January 11, 2019 reviewed and
approved the proposals on the adjustment of the name list of the incentive objects of the initial granting and the number
involved in the initial granting and the proposal of granting restricted shares to the incentive objects in the Company’s
2018 A-share restricted stock incentive plan (Phase I); 2019 2nd session of the Committees of Nomination, Remuneration
and Assessment held on March 13, 2019 reviewed and approved the proposal on finalizing the remuneration to the
directors and senior executives in year 2018; 2018 3rd session of the Committee of Nomination, Remuneration and
Assessment held on September 29, 2019 reviewed and approved the proposal on the appointment of deputy GMs;              2018
4th session of the Committee of Nomination, Remuneration and Assessment held on November 19, 2019 reviewed and
approved the proposal on the replacement of the Secretary of the Board.

VII. Work Summary of the Supervisory Committee
Did the Supervisory Committee find any risk existing in performing the supervision activities in the reporting period

VIII. Assessment and Incentive Mechanism for Senior Executives
(1) Assessment of Senior Executives
In order to give full play to and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the Company's senior executives, to better
improve the Company's operating ability, economic benefit and ensure the realization of the Company's strategic goals,
based on the establishment of an incentive and constraint mechanism compatible with the modern enterprise system,
relying on balanced score card strategy management instrument, which decomposes the Company's strategy to various
departments and positions through the balanced scorecard to determine the performance indicators and action plans of
senior executives, and conduct strategic review and assessment on a quarterly basis, based on the results of the
assessment and performance completion determine the total salary and whether to renew their offices.

The assessment of the annual salary to the GM is conducted in accordance with the assessment measures formulated by
the shareholder organization, and the assessment basis is mainly based on a series of indicator systems formulated
based on the balanced scorecard. The assessment of other senior executives of the Company was conducted in
accordance with the indicators in the balanced scorecard formulated at the beginning of the year, and job description was
conducted at the end of the year.

(2) Incentive to Senior Executives
The 3rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors and 2019 1st Extraordinary General Meeting held respectively on
November 12, 2018 and January 11, 2019 decided to start 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Program (Phase I),
which was later on reviewed and approved at the 5th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 11, 2019,
and the Company eventually granted 4.224 million restricted A-shares to 128 persons eligible for the incentive, including 7
directors and senior executives, with total 600,00 shares of A-share restricted stock, taking 0.14% of the Company's total
capital stock with the detail as follows:

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       2019 Annual Report, Full Text

        Name                        Title                  Quantity of          Equity received         Equity received
                                                        restricted shares    Proportion in the total Proportion in the total
                                                       received (in 10,000   quantity granted (%)      capital stock (%)

  Huang Yongfeng                 Chairman                         10                 2.37%                   0.02%

      Chen Libin              Director & GM                       10                 2.37%                   0.02%

      Lu Wanjun                 Deputy GM                         8                  1.89%                   0.02%

     Liu Xiaoming               Deputy GM                         8                  1.89%                   0.02%

       Pan Bo          Deputy GM and Secretary of                 8                  1.89%                   0.02%
                                 the Board

       Li Ming                  Deputy GM                         8                  1.89%                   0.02%

     Chen Zhuo               Chief Accountant                     8                  1.89%                   0.02%

 Other core management, business, professional                  362.4               85.81%                   0.83%
             and technical backbones
                    (121 persons)

                 Total (128 persons)                            422.4                100%                    0.97%

The price of this part of restricted shares granted was CNY 4.40/share; the granting date was January 11, 2019 (The
lock-up period of these restricted shares was two years commencing from the date of granting) . By January 30 2019, the
work of granting the shares and registration for listing was completed.
Reviewed and approved at the 11th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors, Mr. Tang Haiyuan (holding 60,000 shares of
the Company’s A-share restricted stock) and Mr. Xu Chuangyue (holding 50,000 shares of the Company’s A-share
restricted stock) were appointed as deputy GMs of the Company

IX. Internal Control
1. Particular case found involving material defects in the internal control during the reporting period

2. Self-assessment Report of the Internal Control

Date of disclosing the full text of the
                                              March 20, 2020
internal control assessment report

Index of disclosure of the full text of the
internal control assessment report

Proportion of the total assets of the
organizations involved in the
assessment in the total assets of the                                                                            100.00%
Company’s consolidated financial

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Proportion of the operation revenue of
the entitled involved in the assessment
in the total operation revenue of the                                                                             100.00%
Company’s consolidated financial

                                              Criteria for affirming the defects

               Categories                               Financial report                     Non-financial Report

                                                                                    ① seriously violating the PRC laws,
                                                                                    administrative regulations and
                                                                                    normative documents; ② "decision
                                                                                    on major issues, important officer
                                                                                    appointment and/or removal and
                                           ① The defect involving fraud of the     arrangement of important projects as
                                          directors, supervisors and senior         well as application of big sum of fund
                                          executives;② correction of the financial have not undergone collective
                                          statements already published;③ the       decision-making procedures; ③
                                          CPA found that there existed serious      serious running off of officers and
                                          misstatement in the financial statements technicians of the key positions; ④
Qualitative criteria
                                          of the reporting period while the internal there is no system control available
                                          control failed to find the misstatement in for the Company’s production and
                                          process of operation;④ the Company's     operation practice or the system no
                                          auditing committee and supervision and longer works; ⑤ the internal control
                                          audit department conducted ineffective    for information disclosure no longer
                                          supervision of the internal control.      works, having caused the Company
                                                                                    censured publicly by the regulatory
                                                                                    authority; ⑥the results of the internal
                                                                                    control assessments, especially the
                                                                                    material defects or important defects
                                                                                    have not been rectified.

                                                                                    ① Material defects:Misstatement≥
                                          ① Material defects:Misstatement≥ 5%
                                                                                    5% of the pre-tax profit;② Important
                                          of the pre-tax profit;② Important
                                                                                    defects:1% of profit before tax ≤
                                          defects:1% of profit before tax ≤
Quantitative criterion                                                              Misstatement<5% of profit before
                                          Misstatement<5% of profit before tax;
                                                                                    tax;   ③ Common defects:
                                          ③ Common defects:Misstatement<1%
                                                                                    Misstatement<1% of profit before
                                          of profit before tax.

Number of material defects in the
financial statements (pcs)

Number of material defects in the
non-financial statements (pcs)

Number of important defects in the
financial report (pcs)

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Number of important defects in the
financial report (pcs)

X. Internal Control Audit Report

                                    Deliberation Opinions in the Internal Control Audit Report

In our opinion, the Company maintained effective internal control on the financial report in all material aspects according
to the Basic Regulations for Enterprise Internal Control and the relevant provisions ended December 31, 2019.

Disclosure of the internal control
audit report

Date of disclosing the full text of
the internal control assessment March 20, 2020

Index of disclosing the full text of
the internal control audit report

Type of the onions in the internal
                                       Standard unqualified auditor’s report
control audit report

Are there any material defects in
the non-financial report

Has the CPAs issued a qualified auditor’s report of internal control

Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPAs agree with the self-assessment report of the Board of Directors

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                     Section 11 Bond Related Information

Did there exist any company bonds which were issued to the public and listed with the stock exchange for trading and was
due by the date when the Annual Report was approved for issuing or failed to be fully cashed by the end of the reporting

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                       Section 12 Financial Report

                                          Auditor’s Report


To the Shareholders of FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.:

We have audited the financial statements of FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (“FIYTA
Ltd.” or the “Company”), which comprise the consolidated and Company balance sheets as
at 31 December 2019, and the consolidated and                        Company income statements,
consolidated and Company cash flow statements and consolidated and Company
statements of changes in shareholders’ equity for the year then ended, and notes to the
financial statements.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects,
the consolidated and Company financial positions of FIYTA Ltd. as at 31 December 2019,
and their financial performance and its their cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities
for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the
FIYTA Ltd. and have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code of
Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming
our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
1. Existence of inventory and its net realizable value
Refer to Note III 12 and Note V 6 for detailed information.
(1) Description
As at 31 December 2019, the book balance, provision for decline in value, and carrying
amount of inventory were RMB1,892.03 million, RMB83.21 million and RMB1,808.82 million
(i)     As the main business of FIYTA Ltd is selling FIYTA brand watches and other branded
        watches, the main inventory of FIYTA Ltd are finished watches and watch
        components. The inventories are distributed in stores, regional warehouses, resellers’
        warehouses and the Company’s warehouses which caused difficulty in inventory
        physical observation;
(ii)    The management of FIYTA Ltd measures inventory at lower of cost and net realizable
        value (NRV) at balance sheet date. Where the cost of an inventory exceeds its NRV,
        the difference is recognized as provision for decline in value. The determination of
        NRV involves significant judgment and estimates by the Management.
Inventory value is significant to the Company’s assets and it requires significant judgement
by the Management, as a result, we identified existence of inventory and its net realizable
value as key audit matters.
(2) How our audit addressed the key audit matter
(i)     Understanding, evaluating and testing the design and operating effectiveness of
        internal controls of procument and payment, production and storage, and the
        provision for decline in value of inventory;
(ii)    Understanding and evaluating the appropriateness of the Company’s policy in
        provision for decline in value;
(iii)   Understanding and inquiring the locations of inventory storage, measurement method
        of inventory so as to determining the scope of inventory physical observation;
(iv)    Discussing physical inventory count status with the Management and attending the
        physical inventory count and conducting observation and test count on site to check
        the quantity of the inventories and observe their condition. Circulating confirmations
        and inspecting contracts, goods delivery notes and account statements for those
        inventories not in the scope of physical observation and stored in reseller's

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(v)      Obtaining the ageing report of inventory and taking into consideration of inventory
         condition in order to perform analytical review on the ageing, and analyze the
         reasonableness of provision for decline in value together with ;
(vi)     Reviewing and evaluating the appropriateness of significant estimates made by the
         Management in determining the NRV of inventory;
(vii)    Obtaining the calculation of provision for decline in value of inventory, reviewing
         whether the provision was made in compliance with relevant accounting policies and
         performing recalculation of provision. Checking the movements of prior year’s
         provision and analyzing whether the provision was adequately accrued in prior
(viii)   Tracing samples of large purchases in current period to their corresponding contracts
         and tax invoices, and inspecting their purchase requisition form and goods receipt
Based on audit work conducted above, we believe that the presentation and disclosure of
inventory and the judgment on NRV made by the management is supportable.
2. Revenue recognition
Refer to Note III 25 and Note V 33 for detailed information.
(1) Description
In 2019, the Company’s income from main business was RMB3,686.96 million The
Company’s revenue mainly comes from sales of FIYTA brand watches and distribution of
other branded watches. Except for small amount of sales by direct sales and consignment
sales of FIYTA brand watches, most of the sales of FIYTA brand watches and other branded
watches are sold through shops in department store and on-line shops. Refer to Note III 25
for accounting policy relating to revenue recognition.
Operating revenue represents major line item in income statement and is main source of
profit, the accuracy and completeness of revenue recognition have significant impact to the
Company’s profit, as a result, we identified revenue recognition as a key audit matter.
(2) How our audit addressed the key audit matter
(i)      Understanding, evaluating and testing the design and operating effectiveness of
         internal controls relating to revenue recognition;
(ii)     Obtaining and understanding accounting policies relating to revenue recognition, and
         reviewing whether the policies are complied with the accounting standards and are
         consistently adopted.
(iii)    Selecting samples from current year’s transaction record, and tracing them to
         supporting documents such as contract, tax invoice and goods dispatch note;

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

(iv)    In connection with audit of accounts receivable, selecting major customers and
        confirming corresponding sales in current year and year end balance;
(v)     Conducting cut-off test to revenue recognized before and after the balance sheet date
        to evaluate whether the revenue was recorded in appropriate accounting period;
Based on audit work conducted above, we believe that the Company’s revenue recognition
is in conformity to its revenue recognition policy.

Other Information
The management of FIYTA Ltd are responsible for the Other Information. The Other
Information comprises all of the information included in the Company’s 2019 annual report
other than the financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon.
Our opinion expressed on the financial statements does not cover the Other Information and
we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the Other
Information and, in doing so, consider whether the Other Information is materially
inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement
of this Other Information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this
Responsibilities of the Management and those Charged with Governance for the
Financial Statements
The management of the FIYTA Ltd (the “Management”) is responsible for the preparation of
the financial statements that give a fair view in accordance with Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and for the design, implementation and maintenance of such internal
controls as the Management determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial
statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related
to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Management
either intend to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative
but to do so.
Those who charged with governance is responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial
reporting process.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                        2019 Annual Report, Full Text

Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue
an auditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of
assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with China
Standards on Auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in
the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of
users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing, we exercise
professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
1. Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
    whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those
    risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
    our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
    higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
    intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
2. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
    procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
3. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
    accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management.
4. Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern basis of
    accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty
    exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s
    ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists,
    we are required, according to China Standards on Auditing, to draw attention in our
    auditors’ report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such
    disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the
    audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors’ report. However, future events or
    conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
5. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,
    including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying
    transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
6. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the
    entities or business activities within FIYTA Ltd to express an opinion on the financial
    statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the
FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

    group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the
planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant
deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied
with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them
all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those
matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current
period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s
report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in
extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in
our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

        Grant Thornton                       Auditor's signature and
        China Beijing                                         stamp
                                              (Engagement partner)

                                       Auditor's signature and stamp

                                                 18 March 2020

                   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                               2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                          Consolidated and Company Balance Sheet
                                                          as at 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                       Expressed in RMB
                                                                   As at 31/12/2019                          As at 31/12/2018
                       Item                    Note
                                                           Consolidated            Company           Consolidated          Company
Current assets:
    Cash at bank and on hand                    V. 1        316,668,565.09     270,673,346.02          164,828,059.97     137,175,466.27
    Bills receivable                            V. 2         10,596,431.31                   -           7,051,846.85                  -
    Accounts receivable                         V. 3        397,471,106.98          2,848,025.39       370,545,656.61           737,636.38
    Prepayments                                 V. 4         10,847,962.28                   -          13,666,816.33                  -
    Other receivables                           V. 5         47,239,844.58     783,647,732.22           45,870,582.26     870,739,378.37
    including: interests receivables                                   -                     -                    -                    -
               dividend receivables                                    -                     -                    -                    -
    Inventories                                 V.6       1,808,820,089.92                   -       1,782,306,301.70                  -
    Assets held for sale                                               -                     -                    -                    -

    Non-current assets due within one year                             -                     -                    -                    -

    Other current assets                        V. 7         68,858,096.74         12,380,243.67        73,703,312.24      10,081,272.94
        Total current assets                              2,660,502,096.90    1,069,549,347.30       2,457,972,575.96   1,018,733,753.96
Non-current assets:
    Available-for-sale financial assets         V. 8                                                        85,000.00            85,000.00
    Long-term equity investments                V. 9         46,423,837.85    1,380,895,239.27          44,881,063.15   1,376,129,654.08
    Other equity instrument investments        V. 10             85,000.00             85,000.00
    Investment properties                      V. 11        407,503,307.24     329,970,083.18          377,319,433.03     297,042,937.87
    Fixed assets                               V. 12        363,997,098.94     238,594,698.50          425,649,562.85     297,517,472.81
    Construction in progress                   V. 13                   -                     -          12,041,126.00      12,041,126.00
    Intangible assets                          V. 14         38,711,821.26         30,925,974.54        43,545,477.61      35,337,052.82
    Development costs                                                  -                     -                    -                    -
    Goodwill                                                           -                     -                    -                    -
    Long-term deferred expenses                V. 15        152,587,491.33         12,106,759.98       128,572,545.15       4,500,638.97
    Deferred tax assets                        V. 16         83,739,383.37          1,125,840.75       100,675,706.09           952,857.33
    Other non-current assets                   V. 17          7,373,248.48          4,707,236.86         8,949,160.42       4,493,971.35
        Total non-current assets                          1,100,421,188.47    1,998,410,833.08       1,141,719,074.30   2,028,100,711.23
            Total assets                                  3,760,923,285.37    3,067,960,180.38       3,599,691,650.26   3,046,834,465.19

                    FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                               2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                      Consolidated and Company Balance Sheet (continued)
                                                           as at 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                        Expressed in RMB
                                                                    As at 31/12/2019                           As at 31/12/2018
                       Item                     Note
                                                           Consolidated           Company             Consolidated          Company
Current liabilities:                               
    Short-term loans                            V. 18       567,908,833.21       540,650,622.50        547,118,452.97       505,000,000.00
    Bills payable                                                       -                       -                  -                     -
    Accounts payable                            V. 19       279,772,787.37          12,952,934.93      259,913,612.34        52,324,191.98
    Advances from customers                     V. 20        23,433,463.57           3,434,407.04       16,459,445.00         1,636,520.02
    Employee benefits payable                   V. 21        82,602,845.67          19,019,554.57       69,779,037.83        11,589,634.34
    Taxes payable                               V. 22        24,064,803.00           1,713,130.68       55,923,171.92             943,919.26
    Other payables                              V. 23       119,616,721.63          82,631,590.46       71,819,930.30        57,997,397.28
    including: interests payables                                       -                       -          772,351.26             685,419.80
               dividend payables                                848,233.27             848,233.27                  -                     -
    Liabilities held for sale                                           -                       -                  -                     -
    Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                V. 24           360,140.00                      -          347,470.00                    -
     Other current liabilities                                          -                       -                  -                     -
          Total current liabilities                        1,097,759,594.45      660,402,240.18       1,021,361,120.36      629,491,662.88
Non-current liabilities:
    Long-term loans                             V. 25          4,321,680.00                     -         4,517,110.00                   -
    Provisions                                                          -                       -                  -                     -
    Deferred income                             V. 26          3,046,090.60          3,046,090.60         3,672,855.36        3,672,855.36
    Deferred tax liabilities                    V. 16          1,256,242.49                     -                  -                     -
    Other non-current liabilities                                       -                       -                  -                     -
          Total non-current liabilities                        8,624,013.09          3,046,090.60         8,189,965.36        3,672,855.36
             Total liabilities                             1,106,383,607.54      663,448,330.78       1,029,551,085.72      633,164,518.24
Shareholder's equity:
    Share capital                               V. 27       442,968,881.00       442,968,881.00        438,744,881.00       438,744,881.00
    Capital reserve                             V. 28      1,081,230,215.32     1,086,885,756.42      1,062,455,644.22    1,068,111,185.32
    Less: treasury shares                       V. 29        71,267,118.78          71,267,118.78                  -                     -
    Other comprehensive income                  V.30            -940,209.09                     -        -5,442,139.78                   -
    Specific reserve                                                    -                       -                  -                     -
    Surplus reserve                             V. 31       235,701,180.14       235,701,180.14        223,015,793.80       223,015,793.80
    Retained earnings                           V. 32       966,840,818.40       710,223,150.82        851,360,603.66       683,798,086.83
    Total equity attributable to shareholders
                                                           2,654,533,766.99     2,404,511,849.60      2,570,134,782.90    2,413,669,946.95
    of the Company
    Non-controlling interests                                      5,910.84                     -             5,781.64                   -
        Total shareholders' equity                         2,654,539,677.83     2,404,511,849.60      2,570,140,564.54    2,413,669,946.95
  Total liabilities and shareholders'
                                                           3,760,923,285.37     3,067,960,180.38      3,599,691,650.26    3,046,834,465.19

             Legal representative:                The person in charge of accounting affairs:       The head of the accounting department:

              FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                              Consolidated and Company Income Statement
                                                                            For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                     Year ended 31/12/2019                       Year ended 31/12/2018
                                        Item                                         Note
                                                                                                Consolidated        Company              Consolidated           Company
I.Operating income                                                                   V.33      3,704,210,734.90    140,511,246.61       3,400,450,599.90          130,901,823.99
    Less:operating costs                                                             V.33      2,217,207,732.04         21,776,539.35   1,993,809,774.20           19,010,293.07
         Taxes and surcharges                                                        V.34           28,192,789.55        4,623,611.23     33,769,344.40             4,340,938.33
          Selling and distribution expenses                                          V.35          865,792,078.61        1,130,383.07    856,970,173.10                      -
          General and administrative expenses                                        V.36          240,619,989.04       84,134,946.30    219,162,525.85            62,841,044.26
          Research and development expenses                                          V.37           45,057,740.25       17,580,327.66     47,350,342.82            24,155,557.54
          Financial expenses                                                         V.38           32,815,277.57        7,037,707.90     35,916,240.16             9,231,733.69
          Including: Interest expenses                                                              23,975,351.93        8,393,727.80     27,552,558.81            10,189,512.00
                      Interest income                                                                1,956,316.52        1,696,829.44       2,269,447.05            1,756,834.88
    Add: Other income                                                                V.39           18,428,906.18        9,066,722.30     19,375,618.48             7,689,684.27
          Investment income ("-" for losses)                                         V.40            1,787,907.10      114,542,774.70       1,001,545.06         144,001,545.06
           Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                     1,787,907.10        1,542,774.70       1,001,545.06            1,001,545.06
         ("-" for losses)
            Gain from de-recognition of financial assets measured at amortized
                                                                                                              -                   -
costs ("-" for losses)
        Gain from net exposure hedging ("-" for losses)                                                      -                   -
          Gain from fair value changes ("-" for losses)                                                       -                   -                  -                       -
          Credit impairment losses ("-" for losses)                                  V.41          -16,640,961.07         -100,882.96
          Asset impairment losses ("-" for losses)                                   V.42           -4,295,134.48                 -        -3,264,956.18              -46,068.70
          Gains from assets disposal ("-" for losses)                                V.43             -926,118.60         -537,935.27        -181,302.24              -51,942.13
II.Operating profit ("-" for losses)                                                               272,879,726.97      127,198,409.87    230,403,104.49          162,915,475.60
    Add: Non-operating income                                                        V.44            4,754,105.30           88,886.65       1,446,357.53               38,080.00
    Less: Non-operating expenses                                                     V.45            1,400,188.87         210,174.24         652,514.97              446,782.97
III.Profit before income tax ("-" for losses)                                                      276,233,643.40      127,077,122.28    231,196,947.05          162,506,772.63
    Less: Income tax expenses                                                        V.46           60,324,629.25         223,258.88      47,361,851.76              405,968.14
IV.Net profit for the year ("-" for net losses)                                                    215,909,014.15      126,853,863.40    183,835,095.29          162,100,804.49
   (1) Classification according to operation continuity
   Including: Net profit from continuing operations ("-" for net loss)                             215,909,014.15      126,853,863.40    183,835,095.29          162,100,804.49
               Net profit from discontinued operations ("-" for net loss)                                     -                   -                  -                       -
   (2) Classification according to attibute
    Including: Shareholders of the company ("-" for net loss)                                      215,909,014.15      126,853,863.40    183,835,095.29          162,100,804.49
               Non-controlling interests ("-" for net loss)
V.Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                             4,502,059.89                 -         6,081,568.47                     -
    Other comprehensive income (net of tax) attributable to shareholders of
                                                                                                     4,501,930.69                 -         6,081,302.61                     -
  the company
    A.Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                                                   -                   -                  -                       -
    B. Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss                                              4,501,930.69                 -         6,081,302.61                     -
          a.Share of other comprehensive income of the equity method
                                                                                                              -                   -                  -                       -
         b. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of other debt
                                                                                                              -                   -
         instrument investments
          c. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of available-for-
                                                                                                                                                     -                       -
    sale financial assets
         d. Amount included in other comprehensive due to reclassification of
                                                                                                              -                   -
         financial assets
         e. Gain or losses arising from reclassification of held-to-maturiey
                                                                                                                                                     -                       -
         investments to available-for-sale financial assets
         f.Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency
                                                                                                     4,501,930.69                 -         6,081,302.61                     -
         financial statements
        g. Others                                                                                             -                   -                  -                       -
    Other comprehensive income (net of tax) attributable to non-controlling
                                                                                                          129.20                  -              265.86                      -
VI.Total comprehensive income for the year                                                         220,411,074.04      126,853,863.40    189,916,663.76          162,100,804.49
    Attributable to: Shareholders of the company                                                   220,410,944.84      126,853,863.40    189,916,397.90          162,100,804.49
    Non-controlling interests                                                                             129.20                  -              265.86                      -
VII.Earnings per share:
    (1) Basic earnings per share                                                                          0.4943                                 0.4190
    (2)Diluted earnings per share                                                                         0.4943                                 0.4190
Legal representative:                                                               The person in charge of accounting affairs:           The head of the accounting department:

                       FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                           Consolidated and Company Cash Flow Statement
                                                                             For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                  Year ended 31/12/2019                       Year ended 31/12/2018
                                     Item                                         Note
                                                                                             Consolidated            Company            Consolidated           Company

I.Cash flows from operating activities
  Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                               4,058,167,395.57        129,299,543.07       3,810,404,536.16     116,016,128.07
  Cash received from refund of taxes                                                            5,510,592.39            301,416.23           4,793,245.20                  -
  Cash received from other operating activities                                   V.47         93,832,379.85       3,935,449,332.96         49,628,593.69   3,085,141,911.13
             Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                             4,157,510,367.81       4,065,050,292.26      3,864,826,375.05   3,201,158,039.20
  Cash paid for purchasing goods and services                                               2,398,294,588.87                    -        2,189,921,981.01         300,000.00
  Cash paid to and for employees                                                              584,435,566.86         74,123,969.83        583,417,253.40       58,785,131.65
  Cash paid for tax and surcharges                                                            241,905,980.66         12,227,836.75        305,622,391.83       10,909,143.22
  Cash paid for other operating activities                                        V.47        488,053,462.81       3,807,983,200.74       454,236,959.19    3,050,352,344.19
             Subtotal of cash outflows in operating activities                              3,712,689,599.20       3,894,335,007.32      3,533,198,585.43   3,120,346,619.06
                  Net cash flows from operating activities                                    444,820,768.61        170,715,284.94        331,627,789.62       80,811,420.14
II. Cash flows from investing activities

  Cash received from disposal of investments                                                             -                      -                      -                   -
  Cash received from returns on investments                                                              -          113,000,000.00                     -      143,000,000.00
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
 long-term assets
                                                                                                  626,107.64            134,060.00             53,280.03              1,430.00
  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units                               -                      -                      -                   -
  Cash received from other investing activities                                                          -                      -                      -                   -
             Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                   626,107.64        113,134,060.00             53,280.03      143,001,430.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                              166,689,454.32         40,173,154.98        146,877,130.29       27,763,546.06
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                       -                      -                      -                   -
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units                                         -                      -                      -                   -
  Cash paid for other investing activities                                                               -                      -                      -                   -
              Subtotal of cash outflows in investing activities                               166,689,454.32         40,173,154.98        146,877,130.29       27,763,546.06
                  Net cash flows from investing activities                                   -166,063,346.68         72,960,905.02        -146,823,850.26     115,237,883.94
III. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Cash received from capital contributions                                                     18,585,600.00         18,585,600.00                     -                   -
  Including: Cash received from capital contributions by non-controlling
 intetests of subsidiaries
                                                                                                         -                      -                      -                   -
  Cash received from loans                                                                    700,262,726.76        670,000,000.00        741,192,340.23      700,000,000.00
  Cash received from other financing activities                                                          -                      -                      -                   -
            Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                               718,848,326.76        688,585,600.00        741,192,340.23      700,000,000.00
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                                               681,461,355.87        635,000,000.00        832,333,208.63      774,861,928.00
  Cash paid for dividends and profits distribution and interests                              111,024,929.61        110,048,303.96        116,690,155.91      115,249,277.23
 Including: Cash payments for dividends or profit to non-controlling intetests
 of subsidiaries
                                                                                                         -                      -                      -                   -
  Cash paid for other financing activities                                        V.47         53,117,325.02         53,117,325.02                     -                   -
             Sub-total of cash outflows in financing activities                               845,603,610.50        798,165,628.98        949,023,364.54      890,111,205.23
                  Net cash flows from financing activities                                   -126,755,283.74        -109,580,028.98       -207,831,024.31    -190,111,205.23
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                          468,366.93             31,718.77            702,253.60           73,422.99
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  152,470,505.12        134,127,879.75         -22,324,831.35       6,011,521.84
Add: cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                           162,623,059.97        134,970,466.27        184,947,891.32      128,958,944.43
VI.Cash and cash equivalent at end of year                                        V.48        315,093,565.09        269,098,346.02        162,623,059.97      134,970,466.27

                          Legal representative:                                    The person in charge of accounting affairs:        The head of the accounting department:

         FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                             Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                          For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                                                                       Year ended 31/12/2019
                                                                                                       Total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
                                              Item                                                                                                                                                                   Non-
                                                                                                                    Less: treasury                           Specific                                             controlling         Total
                                                                                 Share capital     Capital reserve                       comprehensive                     Surplus reserve   Retained earnings
                                                                                                                        shares                               reserve                                               interests
I. Balance at the end of prior year                                              438,744,881.00    1,062,455,644.22                -       -5,442,139.78            -      223,015,793.80        851,360,603.66       5,781.64   2,570,140,564.54
    Add:Changes in accounting policies                                                      -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Correction of prior period errors                                                  -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Business combination involving enterprises under common control                    -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Others                                                                             -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
II. Balance at the beginning of current year                                     438,744,881.00    1,062,455,644.22                -       -5,442,139.78            -      223,015,793.80        851,360,603.66       5,781.64   2,570,140,564.54

III.Changes in equity during the year( "- "for decrease)                            4,224,000.00     18,774,571.10    71,267,118.78        4,501,930.69             -       12,685,386.34        115,480,214.74         129.20      84,399,113.29

    (I)Total comprehensive income                                                            -                  -                  -       4,501,930.69             -                  -         215,909,014.15         129.20     220,411,074.04

    (II)Shareholders' contributions and decrease of capital                         4,224,000.00     18,774,571.10    71,267,118.78                  -              -                  -                    -              -       -48,268,547.68

        1.Contribution by ordinary shareholders                                     4,224,000.00     14,361,600.00    71,267,118.78                  -              -                  -                    -              -       -52,681,518.78
        2. Other equity holders’ contribution                                               -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -

        3. Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from share-based payments               -         4,440,625.91                -                 -              -                  -                    -              -         4,440,625.91

        4. Others                                                                            -           -27,654.81                -                 -              -                  -                    -              -           -27,654.81
    (III) Appropriation of profits                                                           -                  -                  -                 -              -       12,685,386.34       -100,428,799.41            -       -87,743,413.07
        1. Appropriation for surplus reserves                                                -                  -                  -                 -              -       12,685,386.34        -12,685,386.34            -                  -
        2. Accrual of general risk reserve                                                   -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
        3. Distributions to shareholders                                                     -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -         -87,743,413.07            -       -87,743,413.07
        4. Others                                                                            -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (IV) Transfer within equity                                                              -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       1.Share capital increased by capital reserves transfer                                -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       2.Share capital increased by surplus reserves transfer                                -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       3.Transfer of surplus reserve to offset losses                                        -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       4. Retained earnings transferred from movements of defined benefit plan               -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       5. Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earning                         -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       6. Others                                                                             -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (V)Specific Reserve                                                                      -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       1. Appropriation during the year                                                      -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       2.Utilisation during the year                                                         -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (VI)Others                                                                               -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
IV.Balance at end of current year                                                442,968,881.00    1,081,230,215.32   71,267,118.78         -940,209.09             -      235,701,180.14        966,840,818.40       5,910.84   2,654,539,677.83

                                     Legal representative:                           The person in charge of accounting affairs:                                                  The head of the accounting department:

        FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                           Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                         For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                               Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                                                                       Year ended 31/12/2018
                                                                                                       Total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
                                              Item                                                                                                                                                                  Non-
                                                                                                                   Less: treasury                            Specific                                            controlling         Total
                                                                                 Share capital    Capital reserve                       comprehensive                     Surplus reserve   Retained earnings
                                                                                                                       shares                                reserve                                              interests
I. Balance at the end of prior year                                              438,744,881.00   1,062,455,644.22                -     -11,523,442.39             -      206,805,713.35       771,484,565.02        5,515.78   2,467,972,876.98
    Add:Changes in accounting policies                                                     -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Correction of prior period errors                                                 -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Business combination involving enterprises under common control                   -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
          Others                                                                            -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
II. Balance at the beginning of current year                                     438,744,881.00   1,062,455,644.22                -     -11,523,442.39             -      206,805,713.35       771,484,565.02        5,515.78   2,467,972,876.98

III.Changes in equity during the year( "- "for decrease)                                    -                  -                  -       6,081,302.61             -       16,210,080.45        79,876,038.64          265.86     102,167,687.56

    (I)Total comprehensive income                                                           -                  -                  -       6,081,302.61             -                  -        183,835,095.29          265.86     189,916,663.76

    (II)Shareholders' contributions and decrease of capital                                 -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -

        1.Contribution by ordinary shareholders                                             -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
        2. Other equity holders’ contribution                                              -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -

        3. Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from share-based payments              -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -

        4. Others                                                                           -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (III) Appropriation of profits                                                          -                  -                  -                 -              -       16,210,080.45      -103,959,056.65             -       -87,748,976.20
        1. Appropriation for surplus reserves                                               -                  -                  -                 -              -       16,210,080.45        -16,210,080.45            -                  -
        2. Accrual of general risk reserve                                                  -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -
        3. Distributions to shareholders                                                    -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -         -87,748,976.20            -       -87,748,976.20
        4. Others                                                                           -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (IV) Transfer within equity                                                             -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       1.Share capital increased by capital reserves transfer                               -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       2.Share capital increased by surplus reserves transfer                               -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       3.Transfer of surplus reserve to offset losses                                       -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       4. Retained earnings transferred from movements of defined benefit plan              -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       5. Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earning                        -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       6. Others                                                                            -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (V)Specific Reserve                                                                     -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       1. Appropriation during the year                                                     -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
       2.Utilisation during the year                                                        -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
    (VI)Others                                                                              -                  -                  -                 -              -                  -                    -              -                  -
IV.Balance at end of current year                                                438,744,881.00   1,062,455,644.22                -      -5,442,139.78             -      223,015,793.80       851,360,603.66        5,781.64   2,570,140,564.54

                                     Legal representative:                          The person in charge of accounting affairs:                             The head of the accounting department:
       FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                   Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                                  For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                        Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                                                                      Year ended 31/12/2019
                                          Item                                                                               Less: treasury                         Specific
                                                                                      Share capital      Capital reserve                         comprehensive                   Surplus reserve    Retained earnings         Total
                                                                                                                                shares                              reserve
I. Balance at the end of prior year                                                    438,744,881.00    1,068,111,185.32                  -                -               -      223,015,793.80      683,798,086.83    2,413,669,946.95
     Add:Changes in accounting policies                                                          -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
          Correction of prior period errors                                                       -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
          Others                                                                                  -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
II. Balance at the beginning of current year                                           438,744,881.00    1,068,111,185.32                  -                -               -      223,015,793.80      683,798,086.83    2,413,669,946.95
III.Changes in equity during the year( "- "for decrease)                                  4,224,000.00      18,774,571.10        71,267,118.78              -               -       12,685,386.34       26,425,063.99        -9,158,097.35

    (I)Total comprehensive income                                                                  -                  -                    -                -               -                 -         126,853,863.40     126,853,863.40
    (II)Shareholders' contributions and decrease of capital                               4,224,000.00      18,774,571.10        71,267,118.78              -               -                 -                    -       -48,268,547.68
          1.Contribution by ordinary shareholders                                         4,224,000.00      14,361,600.00        71,267,118.78              -               -                 -                    -       -52,681,518.78
          2. Other equity holders’ contribution                                                   -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
          3. Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from share-based payments                   -         4,440,625.91                  -                -               -                 -                    -         4,440,625.91
          4. Others                                                                                -           -27,654.81                  -                -               -                 -                    -           -27,654.81
    (III) Appropriation of profits                                                                 -                  -                    -                -               -       12,685,386.34      -100,428,799.41     -87,743,413.07
          1. Appropriation for surplus reserves                                                    -                  -                    -                -               -       12,685,386.34       -12,685,386.34                -
          2. Accrual of general risk reserve                                                       -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
          3. Distributions to shareholders                                                         -                  -                    -                -               -                 -         -87,743,413.07     -87,743,413.07
          4. Others                                                                                -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
    (IV) Transfer within equity                                                                    -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
        1.Share capital increased by capital reserves transfer                                     -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
        2.Share capital increased by surplus reserves transfer                                     -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
        3.Transfer of surplus reserve to offset losses                                             -                  -                    -                -               -                 -                    -                  -
       4. Retained earnings transferred from movements of defined benefit plan                    -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
       5. Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earning                              -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
       6. Others                                                                                  -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
    (V)Specific Reserve                                                                           -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
       1. Appropriation during the year                                                           -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
       2.Utilisation during the year                                                              -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
    (VI)Others                                                                                    -                   -                    -                -               -                 -                   -                   -
IV.Balance at end of current year                                                      442,968,881.00    1,086,885,756.42        71,267,118.78              -               -      235,701,180.14      710,223,150.82    2,404,511,849.60

                                 Legal representative:                             The person in charge of accounting affairs:                                        The head of the accounting department:

       FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                          2019 Annual Report, Full Text

                                                                                   Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                               For the year ended 31 December 2019
Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                           Expressed in RMB
                                                                                                                                              Year ended 31/12/2018
                                                                                                                               Less:         Other
                                          Item                                                                                                              Specific                        Retained
                                                                                     Share capital      Capital reserve      treasury    comprehensive                  Surplus reserve                          Total
                                                                                                                                                            reserve                         earnings
                                                                                                                              shares        income
I. Balance at the end of prior year                                                  438,744,881.00     1,068,111,185.32             -              -               -    206,805,713.35   625,656,338.99    2,339,318,118.66
     Add:Changes in accounting policies                                                        -                    -               -              -               -               -                -                   -
          Correction of prior period errors                                                     -                    -               -              -               -               -                -                   -
          Others                                                                                -                    -               -              -               -               -                -                   -
II. Balance at the beginning of current year                                         438,744,881.00     1,068,111,185.32             -              -               -    206,805,713.35   625,656,338.99    2,339,318,118.66

III.Changes in equity during the year( "- "for decrease)                                         -                     -             -               -              -     16,210,080.45     58,141,747.84      74,351,828.29

    (I)Total comprehensive income                                                                -                     -             -               -              -               -      162,100,804.49     162,100,804.49
    (II)Shareholders' contributions and decrease of capital                                      -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
          1.Contribution by ordinary shareholders                                                -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
          2. Other equity holders’ contribution                                                 -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
          3. Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from share-based payments                 -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
          4. Others                                                                              -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
    (III) Appropriation of profits                                                               -                     -             -               -              -     16,210,080.45   -103,959,056.65     -87,748,976.20
          1. Appropriation for surplus reserves                                                  -                     -             -               -              -     16,210,080.45    -16,210,080.45                -
          2. Accrual of general risk reserve                                                     -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
          3. Distributions to shareholders                                                       -                     -             -               -              -               -      -87,748,976.20     -87,748,976.20
          4. Others                                                                              -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
    (IV) Transfer within equity                                                                  -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
        1.Share capital increased by capital reserves transfer                                   -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
        2.Share capital increased by surplus reserves transfer                                   -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
        3.Transfer of surplus reserve to offset losses                                           -                     -             -               -              -               -                 -                  -
       4. Retained earnings transferred from movements of defined benefit plan                  -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
       5. Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earning                            -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
       6. Others                                                                                -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
    (V)Specific Reserve                                                                         -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
       1. Appropriation during the year                                                         -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
       2.Utilisation during the year                                                            -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
    (VI)Others                                                                                  -                    -               -               -              -               -                -                   -
IV.Balance at end of current year                                                    438,744,881.00     1,068,111,185.32             -               -              -    223,015,793.80   683,798,086.83    2,413,669,946.95

                                 Legal representative:                                                The person in charge of accounting affairs:                             The head of the accounting department:

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                          Notes to the Financial Statements
    I.   Company status

    1. Company’s profile

   FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) was founded, under the approval of Shen Fu Ban Fu (1992) 1259 issued by the

   General Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government, through the restructuring of former Shenzhen FIYTA Time Industrial Company by the

   promoter of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Shenzhen Industry & Trade Center (name changed to “China National

   Aero-Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd” lately) on 25 December 1992, and the name changed to “Shenzhen FIYTA Holdings Limited”. The

   headquarters is located at FIYTA Hi-Tech Building, Gao Xin Nan Yi Dao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

   Pursuant to the approval of Shen Ren Yin Fu Zi (1993) 070 issued by the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

   Branch, the Company issued Renminbi ordinary shares (A shares) and Renminbi special shares (B shares) publicly on 10 March 1993. On

   3 June 1993, both the Company’s A shares and B shares were listed and traded on Shenzhen Stock Exchange pursuant to the approval of

   Shen Zheng Ban Fu[1993]20 issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office and Shen Zheng Shi Zi (1993)16 issued by Shenzhen

   Stock Exchange.

   On 30 January 1997, the company name changed to Shenzhen FIYTA Holdings Limited with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal

   Administration for Industry and Commerce.

   On 4 July 1997, China National Aero-Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd. ("CATIC Shenzhen Company") transferred 72,360,000 corporate

   shares (accounting for 52.24% of the Company's total share capital) to Shenzhen China Aviation Group Company Limited (previously

   known as "Shenzhen China Aviation Industry Company Limited", hereinafter referred to as "China National Aviation Group") according to

   share transfer agreement signed by both parties. As a result, the Company’s controlling shareholder changed from CATIC Shenzhen

   Company to China National Aviation Group.

   On 26 October 2007, the Company implemented split-share reform. Under the prerequisite of maintaining the Company's total of

   249,317,999 shares unchanged, the Company's shareholders of non-tradable shares paid 3.1 shares per 10 tradable shares to all the

   tradable share shareholders registered on registration date designated by the split-share reform program. At that point, after the reform,

   the shares held by China National Aviation Group reduced to 44.69% from 52.24%.

   On 29 February 2008, due to expanding the scope of business, the Company’s corporate business license was altered from Shen Si Zi No.

   4403011001583 to No. 440301103196089 with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce.

   With the approval of “Reply of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to the Approval of Private Placement of Shenzhen FIYTA

   Holdings Limited” (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2010]1703) and “Reply of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the

   State Council (SASAC) on Issues in Private Placement of Shenzhen FIYTA Holdings Limited” (SASAC (2010)430) in 2010, the Company is

   approved to issue not more than 50,000,000 ordinary shares (A shares) by private placement. After the completion of the placement on 9

   December 2010, the Company’s registered capital increased to RMB280,548,479.00 and the equity capital of the Company held by China

   National Aviation Group reduced to 41.49%.

   On 3 March 2011, the company name changed to FIYTA Holdings Limited with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal Administration for

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Industry and Commerce. On 8 April 2011, the Company increased its share capital by 4 shares for every 10 shares by capitalizing the

   capital reserve on the basis of total shares of 280,548,479 as at 31 December 2010. Total shares of the Company changed to 392,767,870

   shares after the increase.

   On 11 November 2015, with the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) “Reply of non-public offering of stocks of

   Shenzhen FIYTA Holdings Limited” (ZhengJianXuKe[2015]2588) and the approval of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

   Commission of the State Council (SASAC) “Reply of non-public offering of stocks of Shenzhen FIYTA Holdings Limited”

   (SASAC(2015)415), the Company was approved to issue not more than 46,911,649 ordinary shares (A shares) through non-public offering.

   After the completion of the non-public offering of shares on 22 December 2015, the Company’s registered capital was increased to

   RMB438,744,881.00 and the equity capital of the Company held by China National Aviation Group reduced to 37.15%.

   On 4 January 2019, pursuant to the approval by “Reply to approval of Implementation of First Phase of Restricted Share Incentive plan of

   FIYTA (Group) Holding Ltd.” (GuoZi KaoFen [2018] No. 936) issued by SASAC, and approved by the board of directors and shareholder’s

   general meeting, the Company implemented the incentive plan. On 11 January 2019, the restricted share incentive plan (first phase)

   granted a total of 4,224,000 restricted A-shares to 128 incentive individuals. As a result, the Company’s registered capital increased to

   RMB442,968,881.00 and the equity capital held by China National Aviation Group decreased to 36.79%.

   As of 31 December 2019, total outstanding shares issued by the Company was 442,968,881 shares. Refer to Note V. 27 “Share capital” for


   According to the “Proposal of Change the Company’s name and initials for A share stock” approved by the 3rd extraordinary shareholder’s

   meeting in 2019, and upon examination and approval by Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Company’s name was

   changed from “FIYTA (Group) Co., Ltd. to “FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.” since 9 January 2020.

   Corporate governance established by the Company includes General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors,

   Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, and Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee. The Company’s functional departments

   include Administration, Party Affairs, Inspection and Audit, Finance, Human Resources, Strategy and Operating, Data and Information, and

   Property Management departments.

   The business scope of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively as “the Group”) mainly includes: producing and selling of analogue

   indication mechanical watches, quartz watches and its movements, components, various timing devices, processing and wholesaling karat

   gold jewellery watches, intelligent watches; domestic commercial and material supply and distributing business (excluding goods under

   exclusive operational rights, special control and exclusive sales); property management and leasing; providing design service; research,

   design, production, sales and technical support for precise watches and components; import and export business (according to Shen Mao

   Guan Deng Zheng Zi No.2007-072). The legal representative of the Company is Huang Yongfeng.

   The financial statements have been approved and authorised for issue by the 16th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 18 March 2020.

   2. Scope of consolidation

   There are 11 subsidiaries that are included in the Company’s scope of consolidation for year 2019, see Note VII “Interests in other entities”

   for detail. No changes in scope of consolidation in 2019.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    II. Basis of preparation

   The financial statement is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and associated

   application guidance, illustrations to the standards and related pronouncements (collectively known as “Accounting Standards for Business

   Enterprises” or “CAS”). These financial statements also comply with the disclosure requirements of “Regulation on the Preparation of

   Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General Requirements for Financial Reports” (revised in 2014)

   issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

   The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on going concern basis.

   Accrual basis is adopted for the Group’s accounting activity. Except for some financial instruments, the financial statements are measured

   using historical cost. In case of impairment occurred on assets, provisions for impairment are provided for in accordance with related


    III. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

   Based on actual business characteristics, the Group determined fixed asset depreciation, intangible assets amortization and revenue

   recognition policies. Refer to Note III 15, Note III 18 and Note III 25 for specific accounting policies.

   1. Statement of compliance with corporate accounting standards

   The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business

   Enterprises. These financial statements present truly and completely the financial position as at 31 December 2019, the results of

   operations and the cash flows for the year then ended of the Company.

   2. Accounting period

   The accounting period of the Company is the calendar year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December of each year.

   3. Operating cycle

   The operating cycle of the Company is 12 months.

   4. Recording currency

   The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt Renminbi (“RMB”) as the recording currency.

   Except for the Swiss-based subsidiary Montres Chouriet SA (the “Swiss Company”) , which is a subsidiary of FIYTA (Hong Kong) Limited

   (FIYTA Hong Kong), uses Swiss Franc as the recording currency according to the main economic environment where the Swiss Company

   operated, all other subsidiaries outside the mainland China, including FIYTA Hong Kong and its subsidiary Station 68 Limited (Station 68)

   use Hong Kong Dollar (“HKD”) as the recording currency and translate to Renminbi when preparing financial statements. The currency

   used in preparing the Group’s financial statements is Renminbi.

   5. Accounting treatment for business combinations involving entities under common control and not under common control

   (1) Business combination involving entities under common control

   For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured based

   on their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date, except for

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   adjustments due to different accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets acquired and the

   consideration paid for the combination (or the total par value of shares issued) is adjusted against share premium in the capital reserve,

   with any excess adjusted against retained earnings.

   Business combinations involving entities under common control achieved in stages that involves multiple transactions

   In the separate financial statements, initial investment cost is the acquirer’s share of the carrying amount of the net assets of the acquiree

   in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date. The difference between the initial

   investment cost and the sum of carrying amount of investment prior to combination date and carrying amount of new considerations paid

   for the combination at the combination date is adjusted to capital reserve (share premium). If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb

   the difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.

   In the consolidated financial statements, assets acquired and liabilities assumed by acquirer in a business combination are measured at

   their carrying amount as recorded in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date, except

   for adjustments due to different accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets acquired and the sum of

   carrying amount of investment prior to combination date and carrying amount of new considerations paid for the combination at the

   combination date is adjusted to capital reserve (share premium). If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess

   is adjusted against retained earnings. The profit or loss, other comprehensive income and changes in other owner’s equity recognized by

   the acquirer during the period from the later of initial investment date and the date that the acquirer and acquiree both under common

   ultimate control to the combination date are offset the opening retained earnings or profit for loss for the current period in the comparative


   (2) Business combinations involving entities not under common control

   For business combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the consideration costs include acquisition-date fair value of

   assets transferred, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for control of the acquiree. At

   the acquisition date, the acquired assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree are measured at their fair value. The acquiree’s

   identifiable asset, liabilities and contingent liabilities, are recognised at their acquisition-date fair value.

   Where the combination cost exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is

   recognised as goodwill, and subsequently measured on the basis of its cost less accumulated impairment provisions. Where the

   combination cost is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised in

   profit or loss for the current period after reassessment.

   Business combinations involving entities not under common control achieved in stages that involves multiple transactions

   In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost is the sum of the carrying amount of equity investment of the acquiree held

   prior to the acquisition date and additional investment cost at the acquisition date. When the previously-held equity investment which was

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   accounted for under the equity method before the acquisition date, any other comprehensive income previously recognized is not adjusted

   on acquisition date. When the investment is disposed of in later date, the amount that was recognized in other comprehensive income is

   recognized on the same basis as would be required if the investee had disposed directly of the related assets or liabilities. The owners’

   equity recognized as the changes of the investee’s other owners’ equity except for net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and

   profit distribution, are transferred to profit or loss for the current period when disposing the investment. When the previously-held equity

   investment which was measured at fair value before the acquisition date, the accumulated changes in fair value included in other

   comprehensive income is transferred to profit or loss for the current period upon commencement of the cost method.

   In the consolidated financial statements, the combination cost is the sum of the consideration paid at the acquisition date and the fair value

   of equity investment of the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date. The cost of equity investment of the acquiree held prior to the

   acquisition date is re-measured at the fair value at the acquisition date, the difference between the fair value and carrying value is

   recognized as profit or loss for the current period. Other comprehensive income and changes of other owners’ equity from the equity

   interest held in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date are transferred to profit or loss for the current period, except for other

   comprehensive income resulted in the change of net liabilities or assets in the investee’s re-measurement of defined benefit plan.

   (3)   Transaction costs for business combination

   The overhead for the business combination, including the expenses for audit, legal services, valuation advisory, and other administrative

   expenses, are recorded in profit or loss for the current period when incurred. The transaction costs of equity or debt securities issued as

   the considerations of business combination are included in the initial recognition amount of the equity or debt securities.

   6. Consolidated financial statements

   (1) Scope of consolidated financial statements

   The scope of consolidated financial statements is based on control. Control exists when the Company has power over the investee;

   exposure, or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect its returns through its power over

   the investee. A subsidiary is an entity that is controlled by the Company (including enterprise, a portion of an investee as a deemed

   separate component, and structured entity controlled by the enterprise).

   (2) Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements

   The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the Company and its

   subsidiaries and other relevant information. When preparing consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and accounting

   periods of the subsidiaries should be consistent with those established by the Company, and all significant intra-group balances and

   transactions are eliminated.

   Where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control in the

   reporting period, the subsidiary or business is deemed to be included in the consolidated financial statements from the date they are

   controlled by the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows are included in the consolidated income statement and

   consolidated cash flow statement respectively from the date they are controlled by the ultimate controlling party.

   Where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control in the

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   reporting period, the operating results and cash flow of the subsidiary or business after the acquisition date are included in the

   consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement respectively.

   The portion of a subsidiary’s equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as non-controlling interests and presented separately in

   the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’ equity. The portion of net profit or loss of subsidiaries for the period attributable to

   non-controlling interests is presented separately in the consolidated income statement below the “net profit” line item. When the amount of

   loss for the current period attributable to the non-controlling shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the non-controlling shareholders’ share

   of the opening owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess is still allocated against the non-controlling interests.

   (3) Acquiring non-controlling interests of subsidiary

   Where the Company acquires a non-controlling interest from a subsidiary’s non-controlling shareholders or disposes of a portion of an

   interest in a subsidiary without a change in control, the transaction is treated as equity transaction, and the book value of shareholder’s

   equity attributed to the Company and to the non-controlling interest is adjusted to reflect the change in the Company’s interest in the

   subsidiaries. The difference between the proportion interests of the subsidiary’s net assets being acquired or disposed and the amount of

   the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet, with any excess adjusted to

   retained earnings.

   (4) Losing control over the subsidiary

   When the Company loses control over a subsidiary because of disposing part of equity investment or other reasons, the remaining part of

   the equity investment is re-measured at fair value at the date when the control is lost. A gain or loss is recognised in the current period and

   is calculated by the aggregate of consideration received in disposal and the fair value of remaining part of the equity investment deducting

   the share of net assets in proportion to previous shareholding percentage in the former subsidiary since acquisition date and the goodwill.

   Other comprehensive income related to the former subsidiary is transferred to profit or loss when the control is lost, except for the

   comprehensive income arising from the movement of net liabilities or assets in the former subsidiary’s re-measurement of defined benefit


   7. Joint arrangement classification and accounting treatment for joint operation

   A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. The Company classifies joint arrangements into joint

   operations and joint ventures.

   (1)     Joint operations

   A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the joint operators have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to

   the arrangement.

   The Company recognizes the following items relating to its interest in a joint operation, and account for them in accordance with relevant

   accounting standards:
   A、its solely-held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly;

   B、its solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities assumed jointly;

   C、its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
   D、its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and

   E、its solely-incurred expenses, and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

   (2)   Joint ventures

   A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint investors have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

   The Company adopts equity method under long-term equity investment in accounting for its investment in joint venture.

   8. Cash and cash equivalents

   Cash comprises cash in hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents include short-term, highly liquid

   investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

   9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency financial statements

   (1)   Foreign currency transactions

   Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency of the Company, using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates

   of the transactions.

   Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. The

   resulting exchange differences between the spot exchange rate on balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate on initial recognition or

   on the previous balance sheet date are recognised in profit or loss. Non-monetary items that are measured at historical cost in foreign

   currencies are translated to Renminbi using the exchange rate at the transaction date. Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value

   in foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate at the date the fair value is determined. The resulting exchange differences

   are recognised in profit or loss.

   (2)   Translation of foreign currency financial statements

   When translating the foreign currency financial statements of overseas subsidiaries, assets and liabilities of foreign operation are

   translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Equity items, excluding “retained earnings”, are translated to

   Renminbi at the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates.

   Income and expenses of foreign operation are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates.

   Cash flow statement of foreign operation is translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates [the rates determined under a systematic

   and rational method that approximate the spot exchange rates] at the cash flow occurrence dates. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes

   on cash and cash equivalents is presented separately as “Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents” in the

   cash flow statement.

   The resulting translation differences are recognised in other comprehensive income in shareholders’ equity of balance sheet.

   The translation differences accumulated in shareholders’ equity with respect to a foreign operation are transferred to profit or loss in the

   period when the foreign operation is disposed.

   10. Financial instruments

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one party and a financial liability or an equity instrument of other


   (1)   Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

   A financial asset or financial liability is recognised when the Group becomes one party of financial instrument contracts.

   If one of the following conditions is met, the financial assets are terminated:

   ① The right of the contract to receive the cash flows of financial assets terminates

   ② The financial asset has been transferred, and is in accordance with the following conditions for derecognition.

   If the obligations of financial liability have been discharged in total or in part, derecognize all or part of it. If the Group (debtor) makes an

   agreement with the creditor to replace the current financial liability of assuming new financial liability which contract provisions are different

   in substance, derecognize the current financial liability and meanwhile recognize as the new financial liability.

   If the financial assets are traded in regular ways, they are recognised and derecognised at the transaction date.

   (2)   Classification and measurement of financial assets

   Financial assets are classified into the following three categories depends on the Group’s business mode of managing financial assets and

   cash flow characteristics of financial assets: financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other

   comprehensive income and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

   Financial assets measured at amortised cost

   The Group shall classify financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated as financial assets at fair value through

   profit or loss as financial assets measured at amortized cost:

    The Group’s business model for managing the financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows;

    The terms of the financial asset contract stipulate that cash flows generated on a specific date are only payments of principal and interest

   based on the amount of outstanding principal.

   After initial recognition, the real interest rate method is used to measure the amortized cost of such financial assets. Profits or losses

   arising from financial assets measured at amortized costs and not part of any hedging relationship are included in current profits and

   losses when the recognition is terminated, amortized or impaired according to the real interest rate.

   Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

   The Group shall classify financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated as financial assets measured at fair

   value and whose changes are recorded in current profits and losses as financial assets measured at fair value through other

   comprehensive income:

    The Group’s business model for managing the financial assets is both to collect contractual cash flows and to sell the financial assets;

    The terms of the financial asset contract stipulate that cash flows generated on a specific date are only payments of principal and interest

   based on the amount of outstanding principal.

   After initial recognition, financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   calculated by the effective interest rate method are recognised in profit or loss, while other gains or losses are recognised in other

   comprehensive gains. When derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognised in other comprehensive gains are

   transferred from other comprehensive gains and recorded in current profits and losses.

   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

   In addition to the above financial assets which are measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income, the

   Group classifies all other financial assets as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. When initial recognition, in order to

   eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Group irrevocably designates some financial assets that should have been

   measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive gains as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

   After initial recognition, the financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the profits or losses (including interest and

   dividend income) generated from which are recognised in profit or loss, unless the financial assets are part of the hedging relationship.

   However, for non-tradable equity instrument investment, when initially recognized, the Group irrevocably designates them as financial

   assets at fair value through other comprehensive gains. The designation is made on the basis of individual investment, and the relevant

   investment conforms to the definition of equity instruments from the issuer’s point of view.

   After initial recognition, financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividend income that meets the requirements is

   recognised in profit and loss, and other gains or losses and changes in fair value are recognised in other comprehensive gains. When

   derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognised in other comprehensive gains are transferred from other

   comprehensive gains to retained earnings.

   The business model of managing financial assets refers to how the group manages financial assets to generate cash flow. The business

   model decides whether the source of cash flow of financial assets managed by the Group is to collect contract cash flow, sell financial

   assets or both of them. Based on objective facts and the specific business objectives of financial assets management decided by key

   managers, the Group determines the business model of financial assets management.

   The Group evaluates the characteristics of the contract cash flow of financial assets to determine whether the contract cash flow generated

   by the relevant financial assets on a specific date is only to pay principal and interest based on the amount of unpaid principal. Among

   them, principal refers to the fair value of financial assets at the time of initial confirmation; interest includes the consideration of time value

   of money, credit risk related to the amount of unpaid principal in a specific period, and other basic borrowing risks, costs and profits. In

   addition, the Group evaluates the terms and conditions of the contracts that may lead to changes in the time distribution or amount of cash

   flow in financial asset contracts to determine whether they meet the requirements of the above contract cash flow characteristics.

   Only when the Group changes its business model of managing financial assets, all the financial assets affected shall be reclassified on the

   first day of the first reporting period after the business model changes, otherwise, financial assets shall not be reclassified after initial


   Financial assets are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For financial assets at fair value through profits and losses, the related

   transaction costs are directly recognized through profits and losses, and the related transaction costs of other types of financial assets are

   included in the initial recognition amounts.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   (3)   Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

   On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), and financial

   liabilities measured at amortized cost. For financial liabilities not classified as at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction costs are

   recognised in the initially recognised amount.

   Financial liabilities at fair value through profits and losses

   Financial liabilities at FVTPL include transaction financial liabilities and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss

   in the initial recognition. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, all gains and losses arising from changes in fair

   value and dividend and interest expense relative to the financial liabilities are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

   Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

   Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method; gains and losses arising from

   derecognition or amortization is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

   Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments

   The financial liability is the liability that meets one of following criteria:

   ① Contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial instruments to another entity.

   ② Under potential adverse condition, contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with other parties.

   ③ A contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be

   obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity’s own equity instruments.

   ④ A derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed

   number of the entity’s own equity instruments.

   An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities.

   If the group cannot unconditionally avoid fulfilling a contractual obligation by delivering cash or other financial assets, the contractual

   obligation meets the definition of financial liability.

   If a financial instrument must or are able to be settled by the group’s own equity instrument, the group should consider whether the group’s

   equity instrument as the settlement instrument is a substitute of cash or other financial assets or the residual interest in the assets of an

   entity after deducting all of its liabilities. If the former, the tool is the group’s financial liability; if the latter, the tool is the equity instrument of

   the group.

   (4)   Fair value of financial instruments

   Refer to Note III. 11 for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities.

   (5)   Impairment of financial assets

   On the basis of expected credit losses, the Group performs impairment assessment on the following items and confirms the loss provision.

    financial assets measured at amortized cost;

    debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income;

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Measurement of expected credit losses

   The expected credit losses refer to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments that are weighted by the risk of

   default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract and all cash flows expected to

   be received by the Group at the original effective interest rate, that is, the present value of all cash shortages.

   The Group separately measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different stages. The credit risk on a financial

   instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition, which is in the first stage. The Group shall measure the loss allowance

   for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses. If the credit risk of financial instruments has increased

   significantly since the initial recognition, but no credit impairment has occurred, which is in the second stage. The Group shall measure the

   loss allowance for a financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. If the financial instrument has occurred

   credit impairment since initial recognition, which is in the third stage, and the Group shall measure the loss allowance for a financial

   instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.

   For financial instruments with lower credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Group assumes that their credit risk has not increased

   significantly since the initial recognition, and shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month

   expected credit losses.

   The lifetime expected credit losses, refer to the expected credit losses caused by all possible defaults during the whole expected lifetime.

   The 12-month expected credit losses, refer to the expected credit losses caused by all possible defaults during the 12-month after balance

   sheet date (if the expected duration of financial instrument is less than 12 months, then for the expected duration), which is part of the

   lifetime expected credit losses.

   When measure the expected credit loss, the longest contract period (including the option of renewal) that the group needs to consider is

   the longest contract period the enterprise facing credit risk.

   For financial instruments in the first stages, second stages and with lower credit risk, the Group calculates interest income on the basis of

   their book balances without deduction of impairment provisions and actual interest rates. For financial instruments in the third stage, the

   Group calculates interest income according to their book balance minus the impairment provision and the actual interest rate.

   For bills receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets, whether or not there are significant financing elements, the Group shall

   always measure the loss allowance for them at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.

   According to the characteristics of credit risk, the group divides and combines bills receivable and accounts receivable, contract assets and

   leased receivables. On the basis of the combination, the group calculates the expected credit losses. The basis of determining the

   combination is as follows:

   A﹑ Bills receivable

    Bill receivable group 1: Bank acceptance bills

    Bill receivable group 2: Trade acceptance bills

   B﹑ Accounts receivable

    Accounts receivable group 1: Amount receivables of related parties

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    Accounts receivable group 2: Amount receivables of other customers

   For the accounts receivable and bills receivable divided into groups, the group, taking into consideration of historical credit losses, current

   situation and forecast of future economic situation, prepares a comparison table between the ageing of accounts receivable and the

   lifetime expected credit losses rate to calculate the expected credit losses.

   Other receivables

   According to the characteristics of credit risk, the group divides other receivables into group. On the basis of the combination, the group

   calculates the expected credit losses. The basis of determining the combination is as follows:

    Other receivables group 1: Receivables of down payment and guarantee

    Other receivables group 2: Petty cash for employees

    Other receivables group 3: Social security payment paid on-behalf of employees

    Other receivables group 4: Receivables from related parties in scope of consolidation

    Other receivables group 5: Others

   For other receivables that divided into groups, the Group calculates the expected credit losses through the exposure on risk of default and

   expected credit losses rate in the next 12 months or the lifetime of receivables.

   Debt investments and other debt investments

   For debt investments and other debt investments, the Group calculates the expected credit losses through risk of default and expected

   credit losses rate in the next 12 months or the lifetime. according to the nature of the investment, the types of counterparty and risk


   Assessment of significant increase of credit risk

   By comparing the default risk of financial instruments on balance sheet day with that on initial recognition day, the Group determines the

   relative change of default risk of financial instruments during the expected life of financial instruments, to evaluate whether the credit risk of

   financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition.

   To determine whether credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition., the Group considers reasonable and valid

   information, including forward-looking information, that can be obtained without unnecessary additional costs or efforts. Information

   considered by the Group includes:

    The debtor can’t pay principal and interest on the expiration date of the contract;

    Serious deterioration of external or internal credit ratings (if any) of financial instruments that have occurred or are expected to occur;

    Serious deterioration of the debtor’s operating results that have occurred or are expected to occur;

    Changes in the existing or anticipated technological, market, economic or legal environment will have a significant negative impact on the

   debtor’s repayment capacity.

   According to the nature of financial instruments, the Group evaluates whether credit risk has increased significantly on the basis of a single

   financial instrument or a combination of financial instruments. When assessing on the basis of the combination of financial instruments, the

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Group can classify financial instruments based on common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue information and credit risk rating.

   Financial assets that have occurred credit impairment

   On the balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether credit impairment has occurred in financial assets measured at amortized cost

   and debt investments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. When one or more events adversely affect the

   expected future cash flow of a financial asset occur, the financial asset becomes a financial asset with credit impairment. Evidence of

   credit impairment of financial assets includes the following observable information:

    Significant financial difficulties occur to the issuer or debtor;

    The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the payment of interests or the principal, etc.;

    For economic or contractual considerations related to the financial difficulties of the debtor, the Group grants concessions to the debtor

   that will not be made under any other circumstances.

    The debtor is probable to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring.

    Financial difficulties of issuer or debtor lead to the disappearance of financial assets active market.

   Presentation of expected credit losses allowance

   In order to reflect the changes happened to the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial recognition, the Group recalculates the

   expected credit losses on each balance sheet day. The increase or reversal of the loss provision resulting therefrom is recognised as an

   impairment loss or gain in the current profit or loss. For financial assets measured at amortized cost, loss provision offsets the carrying

   amount of the financial assets shown on the balance sheet; for debt investments measured at fair value through other comprehensive

   income, the Group recognizes its loss provision through other comprehensive income and does not offset the financial assets’ carrying


   Write off

   If the Group no longer reasonably expects that the financial assets contract cash flow can be recovered fully or partially, the financial

   assets book balance will be reduced directly. Such reduction constitutes the derecognition of the financial assets. What usually occurs

   when the Group determines that the debtor has no assets or sources of income to generate sufficient cash flows to pay the amount to be

   reduced. However, in accordance with the Group’s procedures for recovering due payment, the financial assets reduced may still be

   affected by enforcement activities.

   If the reduced financial assets are recovered later, the returns as impairment losses shall be included in the profits and losses of the

   recovery period.

   (6)   Transfer of financial assets

   Transfer of financial assets refers to the transference or deliverance of financial assets to the other party (the transferee) other than the

   issuer of financial assets.

   The Group derecognizes a financial asset only if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset to the

   transferee; the Group should not derecognize a financial asset if it retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the

   financial asset.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   The Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, shows as the following circumstances: if the

   Group has forgone control over the financial assets, derecognize the financial assets and verify the assets and liabilities; if the Group

   retains its control of the financial asset, the financial asset is recognized to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred

   financial asset and recognize an associated liability is recognized.

   (7)   Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

   When the Group has the legal rights to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities and is capable to carry it out, the

   Group plans to settlement or realize the financial assets and pay off the financial liabilities in net amount, the financial assets and financial

   liabilities shall be presented in the balance sheet at net amount. Except this, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be listed

   separately in balance sheet and are not allowed to offset.

   (8)   Financial instruments that subject to foreign exchange rate volatility risks

   Foreign exchange rate risk refers to risk of the fair value or future cash flows varies because of changes in foreign exchange. Foreign

   exchange rate risk arises from financial instruments that denominated in foreign currencies other than the recording currency. The

   overseas subsidiary of the Company mainly uses Hong Kong Dollar and Swiss Franc for settlement. The Company’s monetary assets and

   liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are all subject to the impact of foreign exchange rate volatility.

   11. Fair value measurement

   Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market

   participants at the measurement date.

   The Company measures related assets or liabilities at fair value assuming the assets or liabilities are exchanged in an orderly transaction

   in the principal market; in the absence of a principal market, assuming the assets or liabilities are exchanged in an orderly transaction in

   the most advantageous market. Principal market (or the most advantageous market) is the market that the Company can normally enter

   into a transaction on measurement date. The Company adopts the presumptions that would be used by market participants in achieving

   the maximized economic value of the assets or liabilities.

   For financial assets or financial liabilities with active markets, the Company uses the quoted prices in active markets as their fair value.

   Otherwise, the Company uses valuation technique to determine their fair value.

   Fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account market participants’ ability to generate economic benefits using the

   asset in its best way or by selling it to another market participant that would best use the asset.

   The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure

   fair value, maximizing the use of relevant observable inputs, and using unobservable inputs only if the observable inputs aren’t available or


   Fair value level for assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements are determined according to the

   significant lowest level input to the entire measurement: Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets

   or liabilities that the Company can access at the measurement date; Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Level 1 that are observable for the assets or liabilities, either directly or indirectly; Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the assets or


   At the balance sheet date, the Company re-values assets and liabilities being measured at fair value continuously in the financial

   statements to determine whether to change the levels of fair value measurement.

   12. Inventories

   (1)    Classification

   Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods.

   (2)    Measurement method of cost of inventories

   Inventories are initially measured at cost. Raw materials and finished goods are calculated using weighted average method (except for

   branded watches) and specific identification method (for branded watches).

   (3)    Basis for determining the net realisable value and method for provision for obsolete inventories

   Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the

   estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. The net realisable value is measured based on the verified evidences and

   considerations for the purpose of holding inventories and the effect of post balance sheet events.

   Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of inventories is recognised as a provision for obsolete inventories, and is recognised

   in profit or loss. The Company usually recognises provision for decline in value of inventories by a single (type, group) inventory item. If the

   factors caused the value of inventory previously written-down have disappeared, the provision for decline in value of inventories previously

   made is reversed.

   (4)    Inventory count system

   The Company maintains a perpetual inventory system.

   (5)    Amortization methods of low-value consumables and packaging materials

   Low-value consumables and packaging materials are charged to profit or loss when they are used.

   13. Long-term equity investments

   Long-term equity investments include equity investments in subsidiaries and equity investments in joint ventures and associates. An

   associate is an enterprise over which the Company has significant influence.

   (1)    Determination of initial investment cost

   The initial cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control is

   the Company’s share of the carrying amount of the subsidiary’s equity in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling

   party at the combination date. For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involving enterprises under

   common control, the initial cost is the combination cost.

   A long-term equity investment acquired other than through a business combination: A long-term equity investment acquired other than

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   through a business combination is initially recognised at the amount of cash paid if the Company acquires the investment by cash, or at

   the fair value of the equity securities issued if an investment is acquired by issuing equity securities.

   (2)   Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

   Long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method. An investment in a joint venture or an associate is

   accounted for using the equity method for subsequent measurement.

   For a long-term equity investment which is accounted for using the cost method, Except for cash dividends or profit distributions declared

   but not yet distributed that have been included in the price or consideration paid in obtaining the investments, the Company recognises its

   share of the cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee as investment income for the current period.

   For a long-term equity investment which is accounted for using the equity method, where the initial cost of a long-term equity investment

   exceeds the Company’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition, the investment is initially

   recognised at cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Company’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net

   assets at the date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the investor’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable

   net assets, and the difference is recognised in profit or loss.

   Under the equity method, the Company recognises its share of the investee’s profit or loss and other comprehensive income as investment

   income or losses and other comprehensive income respectively, and adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. Once the

   investee declares any cash dividends or profit distributions, the carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the amount attributable to

   the Company. Changes in the Company’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity, other than those arising from the investee’s net profit or

   loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution (referred to as “other changes in owners’ equity”), is recognised directly in the

   Company’s equity, and the carrying amount of the investment is adjusted accordingly. In calculating its share of the investee’s net profits or

   losses, other comprehensive income and other changes in owners’ equity, the Group recognises investment income and other

   comprehensive income after making appropriate adjustments to align the accounting policies or accounting periods with those of the

   Group based on the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition.

   When the Company becomes capable of exercising joint control or significant influence (but not control) over an investee due to additional

   investment or other reasons, the Company uses the fair value of the previously-held equity investment, together with additional investment

   cost, as the initial investment cost under the equity method. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount of the

   previously-held equity investment, and the accumulated changes in fair value included in other comprehensive income, shall be transferred

   to profit or loss for the current period upon commencement of the equity method.

   When the Company can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee due to partial disposal of the equity

   investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be accounting for using Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises

   No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the

   remaining equity investment shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period at the date of the loss of joint control or significant

   influence. Any other comprehensive income previously recognised under the equity method shall be accounted for on the same basis as

   would have been required if the Company had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upon

   discontinuation of the equity method. Other movement of owner’s equity related to original equity investment is transferred to profit or loss

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   for the current period.

   When the Company can no longer exercise control over an investee due to partial disposal of the equity investment or other reasons, and

   the remaining equity after disposal can exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee, the remaining equity is adjusted as

   using equity method from acquisition. When the remaining equity can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an

   investee, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for using Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition

   and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the remaining equity

   investment shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period at the date of loss of control.

   When the Company can no longer exercise control over an investee due to new capital injection by other investors, and the Company can

   exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee, the Company recognizes its share of the investee’s new added net assets

   using new shareholding percentage. The difference between its new share of the investee’s new added net assets and its decreased

   shareholding percentage of the original investment is recognized in profit or loss. And the Company adjusts to the equity method using the

   new shareholding percentage as if it uses the equity method since it obtains the investment.

   Unrealised profits and losses resulting from transactions between the Company and its associates or joint ventures are eliminated to the

   extent of the Company’s interest in the associates or joint ventures. Unrealised losses resulting from transactions between the Company

   and its associates or joint ventures are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains but only to the extent that there is no impairment.

   (3)   Criteria for determining the existence of joint control or significant influence over an investee

   Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities

   require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. When assessing whether the Company can exercise joint control over an

   investee, the Company first considers whether no single participant party is in a position to control the investee’s related activities

   unilaterally, and then considers whether strategic decisions relating to the investee’s related activities require the unanimous consent of all

   participant parties that sharing of control. All the parties, or a group of the parties, control the arrangement collectively when they must act

   together to direct the relevant activities. When more than one combination of the parties can control an arrangement collectively, joint

   control does not exist. A party that holds only protective rights does not have joint control of the arrangement.

   Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an investee but does not have control or

   joint control over those policies. When determining whether the Company can exercise significant influence over an investee, the effect of

   potential voting rights (for example, warrants, share options and convertible bonds) held by the Company or other parties that are currently

   exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

   When the Company, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, owns 20% of the investee (including 20%) or more but less than 50% of the

   voting shares, it has significant influence over the investee unless there is clear evidence to show that in this case the Company cannot

   participate in the production and business decisions of the investee, and cannot form a significant influence. When the Company owns less

   than 20% of the voting shares, generally it does not have significant influence over the investee, unless there is clear evidence to show

   that in this case the Company can participate in the production and business decisions of the investee so as to form a significant influence.

   (4)   Method of impairment testing and impairment provision

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   For investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, refer to Note III. 20 for the Company’s method of asset impairment.

   14. Investment property

   Investment properties are properties held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both. The Company’s investment

   properties include leased land use rights, land use right held and provided for to transfer after appreciation and leased building and


   Investment properties are initially measured at acquisition cost, and depreciated or amortized using the same policy as that for fixed assets

   or intangible assets.

   For the impairment of the investment properties accounted for using the cost model, refer to Note III.20.

   Gains or losses arising from the sale, transfer, retirement or disposal of an item of investment property are determined as the difference

   among the net disposal proceeds, the carrying amount of the item, related taxes and surcharges, and are recognised in profit or loss for

   current period.

   Depreciation method of investment property is the same as fixed assets. Refer to Note III. 15 for details.

   15. Fixed assets

   (1)   Recognition of fixed assets

   Fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Company for use in production of goods, use in supply of services, rental or for

   administrative purposes with useful lives over one accounting year.

   Fixed assets are only recognised when its related economic benefits are likely to flow to the Company and its cost can be reliably


   Fixed asset is initially measured at cost.

   (2)   Depreciation of fixed assets

   The cost of a fixed asset is depreciated using the straight-line method since the state of intended use, unless the fixed asset is classified

   as held for sale. Not considering impairment provision, the estimated useful lives, residual value rates and depreciation rates of each class

   of fixed assets are as follows:
                                                Estimated useful life
   Class                                                                          Residual value rate %             Depreciation rate %
   Property and plant                                                   20-35                         5.00                       4.80-2.70

   Machinery and equipment                                                 10                  5.00-10.00                        9.50-9.00

   Electronic equipment                                                     5                         5.00                           19.00

   Motor vehicles                                                           5                         5.00                           19.00

   Others                                                                   5                         5.00                           19.00

   For impaired fixed assets, cumulative amount of impairment provision is deducted in determining the depreciation rate.

   (3)   For the impairment of the fixed assets, please refer to Note III. 20.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   (4)   Useful lives, estimated residual values and depreciation methods are reviewed at least at each year-end.

   The Company adjusts the useful lives of fixed assets if their expected useful lives are different with the original estimates and adjusts the

   estimated net residual values if they are different from the original estimates.

   (5)   Overhaul costs

   Overhaul costs occurred in regular inspection are recognized in the cost if there is undoubted evidence to confirm that this part meets the

   recognition criteria of fixed assets, otherwise, the overhaul costs are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Depreciation is

   provided during the period of regular overhaul.

   16. Construction in progress

   Construction in progress is recognized based on the actual construction cost, including all expenditures incurred for construction projects,

   capitalised borrowing costs and any other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use.

   Construction in progress is transferred to fixed asset when it is ready for its intended use.

   For the impairment of construction in progress, please refer to Note III. 20.

   17. Borrowing costs

   (1)   Capitalisation criteria

   Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset shall be capitalised as part

   of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are expensed in profit or loss as incurred. The capitalisation of borrowing costs shall

   commence only when the following criteria are met:

   ① capital expenditures have been incurred, including expenditures that have resulted in payment of cash, transfer of other assets or the

   assumption of interest-bearing liabilities;

   ② borrowing costs have been incurred;

   ③ the activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced.

   (2)   Capitalisation period

   The capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes ready for its intended use, the

   borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

   Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted

   abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or construction is resumed.

   (3)   Capitalisation rate of borrowing costs and calculation basis of capitalised amount

   For interest expense actually incurred on specific borrowings, the eligible capitalised amount is the net amount of the borrowing costs after

   deducting any investment income earned before some or all of the funds are used for expenditures on the qualifying asset. To the extent

   that the Company borrows funds generally and uses them for the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset, the Company shall determine the

   amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation by applying a capitalisation rate to the expenditures on that asset, the capitalisation

   rate shall be the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the Company that are outstanding during the

   period, other than borrowings specifically for the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   In the capitalisation period, exchange differences of specific borrowings in foreign currency shall be capitalised; exchange differences of

   general borrowings in foreign currency is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

   18. Intangible assets

   Intangible assets include software patent rights etc.

   Intangible assets are stated at actual cost upon acquisition and the useful economic lives are determined at the point of acquisition.

   When the useful life is finite, amortisation method shall reflect the pattern in which the asset’s economic benefits are expected to be

   realised. If the pattern cannot be determined reliably, the straight-line method shall be used. An intangible asset with an indefinite

   useful life shall not be amortised.

   Amortisation method for intangible assets with finite useful lives is as follows:

   Categories                                                 Useful life (years)              Amortisation methods                      Remarks
   Land use right                                                                50                 Straight-line method
   Software system                                                               5                  Straight-line method
   Brand usage right                                                         5-10                   Straight-line method

   The Company shall review the useful life and amortisation method of an intangible asset with a finite useful life at least at each year end.

   Changes of useful life and amortisation method shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

   An intangible asset shall be derecognised in profit or loss when it is not expected to generate future economic benefits.

   For the impairment of intangible assets, please refer to Note III. 20.

   19. Research and development expenditure

   Expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure incurred during the research phase and

   expenditure incurred during the development phase.

   Expenditure during the research phase is expensed when incurred.

   Expenditure during the development phase is capitalised if the product or process is technically and commercially feasible; the Company

   intends to complete the development; the intangible asset can generate economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products

   produced using the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is for internal use, there

   is evidence that there is usage for the intangible asset; there is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other

   resources in order to complete the development and use or sell the intangible asset; and development costs can be measured reliably.

   Other development expenditure is recognised as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

   Research and development projects of the Company will enter into the development phase when they meet the above conditions,

   technical and economic feasibility research is finished and necessary approval of the project is obtained.

   Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as “development costs” in the balance sheet, and is transferred to

   intangible assets when the project is completed to its intended use.

   20. Impairment of assets

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   The impairment of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, investment properties measured using a

   cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, and intangible assets (excluding inventories, investment property measured using a fair

   value model, deferred tax assets and financial assets) is determined as follows:

   At each balance sheet date, the Company determines whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication exists, the

   recoverable amount of the asset is estimated. In addition, the Company estimates the recoverable amounts of goodwill, intangible assets

   with indefinite useful lives and intangible assets not ready for use at each year-end, irrespective of whether there is any indication of


   The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. The

   recoverable amount is estimated for each individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of each individual asset,

   the Company determines the recoverable amount for the asset group to which the asset belongs. An asset group is the smallest

   identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

   An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss when the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount. A provision for

   impairment of the asset is recognised accordingly.

   For goodwill impairment test, the carrying amount of goodwill arising from a business combination is allocated reasonably to the relevant

   asset group since the acquisition date. If the carrying amount of goodwill is unable to be allocated to asset group, the carrying amount of

   goodwill will be allocated to asset portfolio. Asset group or portfolio of asset group is asset group or portfolio of asset group which can be

   benefit from synergies of a business combination and is not greater than the reportable segment of the Company.

   In impairment testing, if impairment indication exists in asset group or portfolio of asset group containing allocated goodwill, impairment

   test is first conducted for asset group or portfolio of asset group that does not contain goodwill, and corresponding recoverable amount is

   estimated and any impairment loss is recognized. Then impairment test is conducted for asset group or portfolio of asset group

   containing goodwill by comparing its carrying amount and its recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying

   amount, impairment loss of goodwill is recognized.

   Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.

   21. Long-term deferred expenses

   Long-term deferred expenses are recorded at the actual cost, and amortized using a straight-line method within the benefit period. For

   long-term deferred expense that cannot bring benefit in future period, the Company recognized its amortised cost in profit or loss for the

   current period.

   22. Employee benefits

   (1)   Scope of employee benefits

   Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation given by the Company in exchange for service rendered by

   employees or for the termination of employment relationship. Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment

   benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits. Benefits provided to the Company’s spouse, children, dependents,

   family members of deceased employees or other beneficiaries are also part of the employee benefits.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   According to liquidity, employee benefits are presented as “employee benefits payable” and “long-term employee benefits payable” on the

   balance sheet.

   (2)   Short-term employee benefits

   In the current period, the Company has accrued for the actual wages, bonuses, medical insurance for employees based on standard rate,

   work injury insurance and maternity insurance and other social insurance and housing fund incurred and these are recognised as liabilities

   and corresponding costs in the profit or loss. If these liabilities are not expected to be fully paid 12 months after the end of the reporting

   period in which employee renders the service to the Company, and if the financial impact is significant, these liabilities shall be discounted

   using the net present value method.

   (3)   Post-employment benefits

   Post-employment benefit plan includes defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans. Defined contribution plans are

   post-employment benefit plans under which an enterprise pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have no future obligations

   to pay the contributions. Defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans.

   Defined contribution plans

   Defined contribution plans include primary endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and enterprise annuity plan.

   Besides basic pension insurance, the Company establishes corporate annuity plans in accordance with the related policies of corporate

   pension regulations. Employees can join the pension plan voluntarily. The Company has no other significant commitment of employees’

   social security.

   The Company shall recognise, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the contribution payable to a defined

   contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of a relevant asset.

   Defined benefit plan

   At each balance sheet date, actuarial calculation and valuation shall be carried out by independent actuary for defined benefit plan to

   determine the cost of welfare using estimated cumulative welfare unit method. Employee benefit cost resulted from the Group’s defined

   benefit plan including the followings:

          ①    Service cost, which includes service cost for current period, prior period and gain or losses on settlement. Service cost for

                current period refers to the increase in amount of present value of liability of defined benefit plan resulted from service provided

                by employees in current period. Service cost for prior period refers to changes in amount of present value of liability of defined

                benefit plan related to prior period due to alteration of the plan.

          ②    Net interest of defined benefit plan net liability or net asset include interest gain of plan asset, interest expenses of defined

                benefit plan liability and interest affected by the upper limit of asset.

          ③    Changes due to re-measurement of defined benefit plan net liability or net asset

   Unless other accounting standards allow or permit the employee welfare cost to be charged into asset cost, the Company shall charge the

   item ① and ② above into current period profit or loss. Item ③ shall be included in other comprehensive income and will cannot be

   recycled into profit or loss in later accounting periods and when the plan is terminated, the portion that previously recorded in other

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   comprehensive shall be transferred into retained earnings in all.

   (4)   Termination benefits

   The Company provides for termination benefits to the employees and shall recognise an employee benefits liability for termination benefits,

   with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the earlier of the following dates: When the Company cannot

   unilaterally withdraw the offer of the termination benefits because of an employment termination plan or a redundancy proposal; or when

   the Company recognises the costs or expenses relating to a restructuring that involves the payment of the termination benefits.

   When adopting employee internal retirement plan, the economic compensation before the official retirement date shall be included in as

   termination benefits. The salary for internal retired employee and social security payments from the date when the employee ceases

   service to the date of officially retired shall be charged to current profit or loss one-off. Economic compensation after official retirement shall

   be dealt as post-employment benefits.

   (5)   Other long-term employee benefits

   Other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to the employees satisfied the conditions for classifying as a defined

   contribution plan; those benefits shall be accounted for in accordance with the above requirements relating to defined contribution plan.

   When the benefits satisfied a defined benefit plan, it shall be accounted for in accordance with the above requirements relating to defined

   benefit plan, but the movement of net liabilities or assets in re-measurement of defined benefit plan shall be recorded in profit or loss for

   the current period or cost of relevant assets.

   23. Provisions

   A provision is recognised for an obligation related to a contingency if all the following conditions are satisfied:

   (1)   the Company has a present obligation;

   (2)   it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and

   (3)   the amount of the obligation can be estimated reliably.

   A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation. Factors pertaining

   to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate.

   Where the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows. The

   Company reviews the carrying amount of a provision at the balance sheet date and adjusts the carrying amount to the current best


   If all or part of the expenditure necessary for settling the provision is expected to be compensated by a third party, the amount of

   compensation is separately recognized as an asset when it is basically certain to be received. The recognized compensation amount shall

   not exceed the carrying amount of the provision.

   24. Share-based payment

   (1)   Types of share-based payment

   Share-based payments are divided into equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   (2)     Method of determining share-based payment

   The Company determining the fair value of equity instruments such as share options granted which has active markets using public

   quotation. If no active markets exist, option pricing model shall be used to determine its fair value. The following factors shall be considered

   when selecting option pricing models: A. Exercising price of option, B. Valid period of option, C. Current price of the target share, D.

   Share’s estimated volatility rate, E. estimated share dividend and F. risk-free interest rate during the valid period.

   (3)     Evidence of determining the best estimate of exercisable equity instruments

   On each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Company makes the best estimate based on the latest information on the

   changes in the number of employees with vesting rights, and corrects the number of equity instruments that are expected to be exercised.

   On the exercise date, the number of final estimated exercisable equity instrument shall be the same as actual exercisable equity


   (4) Accounting treatment for implementation, modifying and terminating of the share-based payment plan

   Equity settled share-based payment is measured using fair value of equity instruments granted to employees. If the option can be

   exercised immediately after the grant, the relevant costs or expenses are included in the grant date, and the capital reserve are increased

   accordingly. If the option can only be exercised after completing the service within the vesting period or meeting the required performance

   conditions, the amount of the fair value shall be charged to cost or expenses and capital reserve based on straight-line method during

   the vesting period using the best estimate of the amount of exercisable equity instrument. No changes to related cost or expenses and

   equity after the exercisable date.

   The cash-settled share-based payment is measured at the fair value of the liabilities determined by the Company based on shares or other

   equity instruments. If the right can be exercise immediately after the grant, the relevant costs or expenses are included in the grant date,

   and the liabilities are increased accordingly. If the option can only be exercised after completing the service within the vesting period or

   meeting the required performance conditions, the service obtained by the Company in current period shall be charged to profit or loss

   based on fair value of the liabilities undertake by the Company, calculated on the basis of the best estimation of the exercisable option on

   each balance sheet date of the vesting period. The liabilities shall be increased accordingly. The fair value of the liability is re-measured at

   each balance sheet date and settlement date before the settlement of related liabilities, the changes are included in the current profit and


   When the Group changes the share-based payment plan, if the modification increases the fair value of the granted equity instruments, the

   increase in the fair value of the equity instruments is recognized accordingly. The increase in the fair value of equity instruments refers to

   the difference between the fair value, measured on the modification date, of the equity instruments before and after the modification. If the

   modification reduces the total fair value of the share-based payment or adopts other methods that are not in favour of employees, the

   accounting treatment of it will not be changed, as if the modification never happened unless the Group cancelled part or all of the granted

   equity instruments.

   During the vesting period, if the granted equity instrument is cancelled, the Company shall treat the cancelled equity instrument as

   accelerated exercise, and shall immediately charge the amount that should be recognized in the remaining vesting period into the current

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   profit and loss and adjusting the capital reserves at the same time. If the employee or other party can choose to meet the non-vesting

   conditions but fails during the vesting period, the Group will treat it as a cancellation of the equity instrument.

   25. Revenue

   (1)   General principle

   ①Sale of goods

   Revenue is recognised when all the following conditions are satisfied: significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been

   transferred to the buyer; the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership

   nor effective control over the goods sold; it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company; and the revenue and costs can

   be measured reliably.

   ②Rendering of services

   Where the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably, revenue is recognised by reference to

   the stage of completion.

   The stage of completion is based on the proportion of costs incurred to date to the estimated total progress of work performed to the total

   services to be performed.

   Rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all the following conditions are satisfied:

   A. The revenue can be measured reliably;

   B. It is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company;

   C. The stage of completion can be measured reliably;

   D. The costs incurred and to be incurred in the transaction can be measured reliably.

   Where the outcome cannot be estimated reliably, revenues are recognised to the extent of the costs incurred that are expected to be

   recoverable, and an equivalent amount is charged to profit or loss as service cost; otherwise, the costs incurred are recognised in profit or

   loss and no service revenue is recognised.

   ③Revenue from rendering usage rights

   The revenue is recognized when the economic benefits related to transfer of the right to use assets can flow in and the amount of revenue

   can be measured reliably.

   (2)   Specific revenue recognition method

   The watches sold by the Company includes two types, one is the self-manufactured FIYTA watch, the sales of which is managed by

   branch offices and provincial-level sale sections by regions set up by Sales Company, a subsidiary of the Company. The other is brand

   watches, the sales of which are controlled by Shenzhen HARMONY World Watch Center Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, and the

   Company act as agent. Regarding to sales modes, a portion of the sales of self-manufactured FIYTA watches is sold through direct sales

   to customer and consignment sales while most of the self-manufactured FIYTA watches and brand watches are sold under two sales

   modes, namely exclusive shop 、shop-in-shop and On-line shop. Detailed method of revenue recognition as follows:

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    ① Direct sales to the customer

   Under direct sales to the customer mode, the Company delivers products to customers and recognizes revenue after customer inspection

   and acceptance.

    ② Exclusive shop

   Under exclusive shop mode, the Company delivers products to customers and recognizes revenue after customer inspection, acceptance

   and pay.

    ③ Shop-in-shop

   Under shop-in-shop mode, the Company delivers products to customers, sales staff issues sales memo to retail customers and recognizes

   sales revenue after customer inspection and acceptance and the department store collects the payment from the customer.

   ④On-line shop

   Under on-line shop mode, the Company recognizes revenue when it delivers products to customer and the customer confirmed receiving

   and the Company receives payment.

   ⑤Consignment sales

   Under consignment sales mode, the Company receives the detail of the sales list from distributors and recognizes revenue while issuing

   invoice to distributors.

   26. Government grants

   A government grant is recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and that the Group will comply with

   the conditions attaching to the grant.

   If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or receivable. If a government

   grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If fair value cannot be reliably determined, it is

   measured at a nominal amount of RMB 1.

   Government grants related to assets are grants whose primary condition is that the Group qualifying for them should purchase, construct

   or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Government grants related to income are grants other than those related to assets.

   For government grants with unspecified purpose, the amount of grants used to form a long-term asset is regarded as government grants

   related to an asset, the remaining amount of grants is regarded as government grants related to income. If it is not possible to distinguish,

   the amount of grants is treated as government grants related to income. A government grant related to an asset is offset against the

   carrying amount of the related asset, or recognised as deferred income and amortised to profit or loss over the useful life of the related

   asset on a reasonable and systematic manner. A grant that compensates the Group for expenses or losses already incurred is recognised

   in profit or loss or offset against related expenses directly. A grant that compensates the Group for expenses or losses to be incurred in the

   future is recognised as deferred income, and included in profit or loss or offset against related expenses in the periods in which the

   expenses or losses are recognised.

   A grant related to ordinary activities is recognised as other income or offset against related expenses based on the economic substance. A

   grant not related to ordinary activities is recognised as non-operating income.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   When a recognised government grant is reversed, carrying amount of the related asset is adjusted if the grant was initially recognized as

   offset against the carrying amount of the related asset. If there is balance of relevant deferred income, it is offset against the carrying

   amount of relevant deferred income. Any excess of the reversal to the carrying amount of deferred income is recognised in profit or loss for

   the current period. For other circumstances, reversal is directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

   27. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

   Income tax comprises of current tax and deferred tax. Current tax and deferred tax are recognised in profit or loss except to the extent that

   they relate to transactions or items recognised directly in equity and goodwill arising from a business combination.

   Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences respectively, being the differences

   between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases.

   All the taxable temporary differences are recognized as deferred tax liabilities except for those incurred in the following transactions:

   (1)   initial recognition of goodwill, or assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither

         accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss);

   (2)   taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, and the Company is able to

         control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the

         foreseeable future.

   The Company recognises a deferred tax asset for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits carried forward to

   subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary

   differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised, except for those incurred in the following transactions:

   (1)   a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss);

   (2)   deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the corresponding

         deferred tax asset is recognized when both of the following conditions are satisfied: it is probable that the temporary difference will

         reverse in the foreseeable future; and it is probable that taxable profits will be available in the future against which the temporary

         difference can be utilized.

   At the balance sheet date, deferred tax is measured based on the tax consequences that would follow from the expected manner of

   recovery or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted at the reporting date that are expected to

   be applied in the period when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled.

   The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date, and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer

   probable that the related tax benefits will be utilised. Such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient

   taxable profits will be available.

   28. Operating leases

   The Company’s lease is operating lease

   (1)    As a lessor

   Income derived from operating leases is recognized in profit or loss using the straight-line method over the lease term. Initial direct costs

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   are charged to profit or loss immediately.

   (2)   As a lessee

   Rental payments under operating leases are recognized as part of the cost of another related asset or as expenses on a straight-line basis

   over the lease term. Initial direct costs are charged to profit or loss immediately.

   29. Re-purchase of shares

   Before written-off or transfer, the shares that the Company re-purchased are dealt as treasury shares. All expenses incurred for the

   re-purchase are charged in the cost of treasury shares. Consideration and transaction expenses paid during the share re-purchase shall

   decrease shareholder’s equity. No gain or losses shall be recognized during re-purchase, transfer or written-off of the Company’s shares.

   If the treasury shares is transferred, the difference between amount actually received and the share’s carrying amount shall be charged to

   capital reserve, if the capital reserve is not sufficient to offset, surplus reserve and retained earing shall be offset. If the treasury share is to

   written-off, the share capital shall be decreased based on the face value of shares and the difference between the carrying amount and its

   face value shall offset the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to offset, deducting surplus reserve and retained earnings.

   30. Restricted share

   Under the share option incentive plan, the Company grants restricted shares to the incentive individuals who will subscribe the shares first.

   If the unlocking condition is not reached subsequently, the Company will re-purchase the shares according to the price previously agreed.

   If the shares issued under the incentive plan has gone through capital increase filing procedures, the Company recognizes share capital

   and capital reserve (share premium) based on consideration received from the employees and, at the same time, recognizes treasury

   shares and other payables for the re-purchase obligation.

   31. Significant accounting estimates and judgments

   The Group gives continuous assessment of the reasonable expectations of future events and the critical accounting estimates and key

   assumptions based on its historical experience and other factors. The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that are likely to

   lead to significant adjusted risks of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities for the next financial year are listed as follows:

   Classification of financial assets

   The Group’s major judgments in determining the classification of financial assets include the analysis of business models and the

   characteristics of contract cash flows.

   At the level of financial asset groups, the Group determines the business model for managing financial assets, taking into account factors

   such as the way to evaluate and report financial assets performance to key managers, the risks affecting financial assets performance and

   their management methods, and the way in which relevant business managers are paid.

   In assessing whether the contract cash flow of financial assets is consistent with the basic lending arrangements, the Group has the

   following judgments: whether the principal’s time distribution or amount may change during the lifetime for early repayment and other

   reasons; whether the interest only includes the time value of money, credit risk, other basic lending risks and the consideration of cost and

   profit. For example, does the amount of advance payment only reflect the unpaid principal and interest based on the unpaid principal, and

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   reasonable compensation paid for the early termination of the contract.

   Measurement of Expected Credit Loss of Receivables

   The Group calculates the expected credit losses of accounts receivable by default risk exposure and expected credit losses rate of

   accounts receivable, and determines the expected credit losses rate based on default probability and default loss rate. In determining the

   expected credit losses rate, the Group uses internal historical credit loss and other data, and adjusts the historical data with current

   situation and forward-looking information. In considering forward-looking information, the indicators used by the Group include the risks of

   economic downturn, external market environment, technological environment and changes in customer conditions. The Group regularly

   monitors and reviews assumptions related to the calculation of expected credit losses.

   Accrual of provision for obsolete inventories

   The Group recognises provision for obsolete inventories based on the lower of cost of inventory and its net realisable value. In determining

   the net realisable value of inventories, the management uses judgments to estimate the selling price, cost to complete production, selling

   expenses and associated taxes.

   Deferred income tax assets

   Deferred tax assets relating to certain temporary differences and tax losses are recognised as management considers it is probable that

   future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences or tax losses can be utilised. The management needs

   significant judgment to estimate the time and extent of the future taxable profits and tax planning strategy to recognise the appropriate

   amount of deferred income tax assets. Where the expectation is different from the original estimate of the future taxable profits, such

   differences will impact the recognition of deferred tax assets and taxation in the years when the estimates are changed.

   32. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

   (1)   Changes in significant accounting policies

   ①     New financial instrument standards

   In 2017, the Ministry of Finance have issued “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of

   Financial Instruments (Revised)”,“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Finance Asset Transfer (Revised)”, “Accounting

   Standards for Business Enterprises No.24 - Hedge Accounting(Revised)”, “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.37 -

   Financial Instruments Presentation (Revised)”(hereinafter referred to as the “New Financial Instruments Standards”). The Group has

   implemented the New Financial Instruments Standards since 1 January 2019 after the approval of the board of directors, and adjusted the

   relevant accounting policies. Refer to Note III. 10 for accounting policies after the adjustment.

   According to the new financial instruments standards, financial assets are classified into the following three categories depends on the

   Group’s business mode of managing financial assets and cash flow characteristics of financial assets: (1) financial assets measured at

   amortized cost, (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, and (3) financial assets at fair value through profit or

   loss. For hybrid contract, if the main contract belongs to financial assets, the embedded derivative should not be separated from the hybrid

   contract, and should be applied to the relevant standards in the corresponding classification of financial assets to as a whole.

   Except for financial guarantee contract liabilities, the adoption of new financial instrument standards has no significant impact on the

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   accounting policy of the Group’s financial liabilities.

   On 1 January 2019, the Group neither designated any financial assets or liabilities as financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value

   through profits and losses, nor revoked its previous designation.

   The New Financial Instruments Standards replaces the method of recognizing impairment provision according to actual impairment loss

   stipulated in the original financial instrument standard with the method of “expected credit losses method”. The “expected credit losses

   method” model requires continuous assessment of the credit risk of financial assets. Therefore, under the New Financial Instruments

   Standards, the Group’s credit loss is recognised earlier than the original financial instrument standards.

   On the basis of expected credit losses, the Group performs impairment assessment on the following items and recognises the loss


    Financial assets measured at amortized cost;

    Debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income;

   In accordance with the provisions of the New Financial Instruments Standards, except in certain specific cases, the Group retrospectively

   adjusts the classification and measurement of financial instruments (including impairment), and calculates the difference between the

   original carrying value of financial instruments and the new carrying value on the date of implementation of the New Financial Instruments

   Standards (i.e. 1 January 2019) into the retained earnings or other comprehensive earnings at the beginning of 2019. At the same time,

   the Group did not adjust the comparative financial statements data.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   On 1 January, 2019, the results of classification and measurement of financial assets in accordance with the previous financial instrument standards and the New Financial Instruments Standards are as follows:

                                                 Previous financial instrument standards                                                                          New financial instrument standards
          Item                                           Categories                      Carrying value                            Item                                 Categories                     Carrying value
     Available-for-sale     financial                                                                           Other     equity          instrument   Fair value through other comprehensive
                                        Measured at cost (equity instrument)                     85,000.00                                                                                                     85,000.00
     assets                                                                                                     investment                             income
                                                                                                                Bill receivable                        Amortized cost                                       7,051,846.85
     Bill receivable                    Amortized cost                                        7,051,846.85
                                                                                                                                                       Fair value through other comprehensive
                                                                                                                Receivables financing                                                                                   -
                                                                                                                Accounts receivable                    Amortized cost                                    370,545,656.61
     Accounts receivable                Amortized cost                                      370,545,656.61
                                                                                                                                                       Fair value through other comprehensive
                                                                                                                Receivables financing                                                                                   -
                                                                                                                Other current assets                   Amortized cost                                                   -
     Other receivables                  Amortized cost                                       45,870,582.26
                                                                                                                Other receivables                      Amortized cost                                     45,870,582.26

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   On 1 January 2019, the adjustment table of the financial instruments classification and carrying value, at the implementation of the New

   Financial Instruments Standards, were as follows:

                                     Pre-adjustment carrying                               Remeasurem       Adjusted carrying value
          Item                                                         Reclassification
                                    value (31 December 2018                                   ent             (January 1, 2019)


     Bill receivables                             7,051,846.85                        --               --                7,051,846.85

     Accounts receivables                      370,545,656.61                         --               --             370,545,656.61

     Other receivables                           45,870,582.26                        --               --              45,870,582.26

     Available-for-sale financial
                                                       85,000.00             -85,000.00                 -                             -

     Other equity instrument
                                                               --             85,000.00                 -                  85,000.00

     Shareholder’s equity

     Capital reserve                          1,062,455,644.22                        --               --            1,062,455,644.22

     Other         comprehensive
                                                 -5,442,139.78                        --               --               -5,442,139.78

     Surplus reserve                           223,015,793.80                         --               --             223,015,793.80

     Undistributed profit                      851,360,603.66                         --               --             851,360,603.66

     Minority interests                                 5,781.64                      --               --                    5,781.64

   The reconciliation of bad debt provision accrued by the Group at the end of 2018 based on previous financial instrument standards and

   credit losses recognized at the beginning of 2019 based on New Financial Instruments Standards are presented as follows:

                                          Pre-adjustment carrying                                    Remeasuremen     Adjusted carrying value
          Category                                                           Reclassification
                                         value (31 December 2018                                          t             (January 1, 2019)

     Bad debt provision for accounts
                                                       12,688,807.19                            --              --             12,688,807.19

     Bad debt provision for other
                                                       10,037,542.11                            --              --             10,037,542.11

   ② Financial statements format

   According to “the Announcement of the revision of general enterprise financial statements format for 2018” (Accounting [2018] No. 15)

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   issued by MOF, the Group revised the financial statement format as follows:

   A﹑Balance sheet

   Added line item of “financial assets held for sale”, “debt investment”, “other debt investment”, “other equity instrument investment”, “other

   non-current financial asset” and “financial liability held for sale”. Deleted line item of “financial assets at fair value through profit or loss”,

   “available-for-sale” financial assets, “held-to-maturity” financial assets and “financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss”;

   Divided “bills and accounts receivable” into “bills receivable” and “accounts receivable”;

   Divided “bills and accounts payable” into “bills payable” and “accounts payable”;

   Added “receivables financing” item.

   B. Income statement

   Added sub-item of “Gain from de-recognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost” under “investment gain” item.

   Added “Gain from net exposure hedging” item.

   Added “credit impairment loss” item. “Changes of re-measurement in net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans” is replaced by

   “The amount of changes of re-measurement in defined benefit plans”. “Share of other comprehensive income to in the investee cannot be

   reclassified into profit or loss under equity method” is changed to “other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss

   under the equity method”. Added “Fair value changes in the entity’s own credit risk”. “Share of other comprehensive income in the investee

   shall be reclassified into profit or loss under equity method” is changed to “Transfer of other comprehensive income into profits or losses

   under equity method”. Added “fair value changes of other debt investment”, “Re other comprehensive income due to reclassification of

   financial assets” and “credit impairment allowance of other debt investments”. Deleted “gain or losses from fair value changes of

   available-for-sale financial assets and “gains from reclassification of held-to-maturity investment to available-for-sale financial asset”. “The

   effective portion of gain or losses of cash flows hedge” is changed to “reserve of cash flows hedge”.

   C. Statement of changes in shareholder’s equity

   Under the “internal transfer of shareholders’ equity” line item, the original “Changes of re-measurement in net liabilities or net assets of

   defined benefit plans” was changed to “Change in amount of defined benefit plans transfer to retained earnings”. Added “transfer of other

   comprehensive income into retained earnings”.

   The Group adjusted comparative figures for comparable periods in accordance with CaiKuai [2019] No. 6.

   The revision of the financial statement format has no impact on the Group’s total assets, total liabilities, net profit and other comprehensive


   (2)   Changes in accounting estimates

   The Group has no significant changes in accounting estimates in current reporting period.

   (3)   Adjustement of beginning balance of financial statements on the first year adoption of the New Financial Instruments Standards

   Because of the implementation of New Financial Instruments Standards, the Company reclassified the presentation of “available-for-sale”

   line item to “other equity instrument investment” and the amount is RMB85,000. No changes to other financial statement line items.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    IV. Taxation

   1. Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates

   Tax type                                         Tax basis                                                                  Tax rate %

   VAT (note (1))                                   Taxable revenue                                           16、13、10、9、6、5

   Consumption tax                                  Taxable income                                                                   20

   Urban maintenance and construction tax           Turnover tax payable                                                          5、7
                                                    Original cost of property or rental
   Property tax (note (2))                                                                                                     1.2、12
   Corporate income tax                             Taxable income                                        Refer to Note (3) for details

   Note (1): Value-added tax

   Value-added tax rate originally applied to 16%, 10% when the Company have VAT taxable sales or import goods. According to

   “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation and General Administration of Customs Regarding

   Policies of Deepening Reform of Value-added Tax” ((2019) No. 39), applicable tax rate adjusted to 13% and 9% respectively since 1 April


   Other taxable income arising from the Company is calculated on the basis of the applicable tax rate.

   Note (2): Property Tax

   In accordance with Article 5 of “Notice to Publish “Reply to Issues Related to Property Tax and Vehicle and Vessel Usage Tax””, Shen Di

   Shui Fa (1999) No.374 issued by Shenzhen Local Taxation Bureau, property leased out by manufacturing or business entity are taxed at

   1.2% on the bases of 70% of the original cost of the property.

   Properties of the Company that situated in Shenzhen are taxed according to this notice. Properties situated in other cities are taxed

   according to local regulations.

   Note (3): Corporate income tax

   Name of entity subject to corporate income tax                                                                        Applicable tax rate

   The Company(Note ①②⑤)                                                                                                         25.00

   Shenzhen HARMONY World Watch Center Co., Ltd. (HARMONY Company) (Note ①⑤)                                                      25.00

   Shenzhen FIYTA Precision Timer Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Manufacturing Company) (Note ②                                          15.00

   FIYTA Hong Kong(Note ④)                                                                                                         16.50

   Station 68(Note ④)                                                                                                              16.50

   Shenzhen FIYTA Technology Development Co., Ltd (Technology Company) (Note ②③)                                                  15.00

   TEMPORAL (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (TEMPORAL Company) (Note ⑤)                                                                       25.00

   Harbin Harmony World Watches Distribution Co., Ltd. (Harbin Company) (Note ⑤)                                                   20.00

   Emile Choureit Timing (Shenzhen) Ltd. (Emile Choureit Shenzhen Company) (Note ⑤)                                                25.00

   FIYTA Sales Co., Ltd (Sales Company) (Note ①⑤)                                                                                 25.00

   Liaoning Hengdarui Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd (Hengdarui Company) (Note ⑤)                                                     25.00

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Swiss Company(Note ⑥)                                                                                                               30.00

      Note ①:According to the regulations stated in Guo Shui Fa (2008) No. 28, “Interim Administration Method for Levy of Corporate Income

      Tax to Enterprise that Operates Cross-regionally”, the head office of the Company and its branch offices, the head office of HARMONY

      Company and its branch offices, and the head office of Sales Company and its branch offices adopt tax submission method of “unified

      calculation, managing by classes, pre-paid in its registered place, settlement in total, and adjustment by finance authorities” starting from 1

      January 2008. Branch offices mentioned above share 50% of the enterprise income tax and prepay locally; and 50% will be prepaid by the

      head offices mentioned above.

      Note ②: According to “Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and Ministry of Science on Improving the

      Pre-tax Super Deduction Ratio of Research and Development Expenses” (Cai Shui (2018) No. 99), if the research and development costs,

      which were incurred for developing new technologies, new products, and new processes by the Company, the Manufacturing Company

      and the Technology Company, are not capitalized as intangible assets but charged to current profits and losses, all of these entities can

      enjoy a 75% super deduction on top of the R&D expenses that allowed to deduct before income tax during the period from 1 January 2018

      to 31 December 2020.

      Note ③:The Company enjoyed for “Reduction and Exemption in Corporate Income Tax Rate for High and New Technology Enterprises

      that Require Key Support from the State”.

      Note ④: These companies are registered in Hong Kong and the income tax rate of Hong Kong applicable is 16.50% this year.

      Note ⑤: According to the People's Republic of China Enterprise Income Tax Law, the income tax rate is 25% for residential enterprises

      since 1 January 2008.

      Note ⑥: The comprehensive tax rate of 30% is applicable for Swiss Company as it registered in Switzerland.

      Note ⑦ According to “Notice of Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on implementation of the Inclusive Income Tax

      Deduction and Exemption Policies for Small Low-Profit Enterprises” (Cai Shui (2019) No.13), the portion of annual taxable income of small

      low-profit enterprise that is below RMB1,000,000.00, it is not taxed at 25% and will be    taxed at a rate of 20%.

      2. Preferential treatment and corresponding approval

      (1)   According to clause 2 in Shen Dishui Fa (2003) No. 676 “Notice of Forwarding State Administration of Taxation on Policies Related to

            Property Tax and Urban Lan Usage Tax”, for newly constructed or purchased property by tax payer, property tax is exempted for 3

            years from the next month it is constructed or purchased. The property tax for FIYTA Watch Building owned by the Company located

            in Shenzhen Guangming New District is exempted for 3 years from the next month when construction is completed.

      (2)   According to “Notice of Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation in Extending Expiration Period of Utilizing Losses for

            High-Tech Enterprises and Scientific Oriented Medium and Small Enterprises” (Cai Shui [2018] No. 76), unutilized losses incurred in

            prior 5 years before obtaining the status of High and New Tech Enterprise can be carried forward and utilized in future years. The

            longest period was extended from 5 years to 10 years.

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                   As at 31/12/2019                                                  As at 31/12/2018

Item                           Foreign                                RMB                       Foreign
                                                   Exchange                                                          Exchange
                               currency                                                         currency                             RMB equivalent
                                                   rate                                                              rate
                               amount                                 equivalent                amount

Cash on hand:                                --              --               229,258.38                       --              --          420,783.85

 RMB                                          --              --               179,848.59                       --              --          393,789.09

 HKD                                 2,018.63           0.8958                      1,808.24           2,018.63           0.8762               1,768.72

 USD                                      605.00        6.9762                      4,220.60                105.00        6.8632                720.64

 EUR                                 1,453.19           7.8749                     11,443.74           1,041.45           7.8473               8,172.57

 CHF                                 4,434.00           7.2028                     31,937.21           2,350.25           6.9494             16,332.83

Cash at bank:                                 --              --            285,306,297.62                      --              --      160,135,454.62

 RMB                                          --              --            255,981,925.11                      --              --      148,287,154.41

 HKD                             9,732,871.02           0.8887                8,649,900.97         3,644,178.41           0.8762           3,193,027.05

 USD                             2,558,762.50           6.9287               17,728,876.60           634,426.28           6.8632           4,354,194.44

 EUR                                59,904.49           7.9290                 474,983.98                   902.13        7.8473               7,079.28

 CHF                               343,007.02           7.2028                2,470,610.96           617,894.99           6.9494           4,293,999.44

Including: deposit        in
                                              --              --            237,118,456.45                      --              --      128,255,699.54
finance company

 RMB                                          --              --            237,118,456.45                      --              --      128,255,699.54

Other monetary funds:                         --              --             31,133,009.09                      --              --         4,271,821.50

 RMB                                          --              --             31,133,009.09                      --              --         4,271,821.50

Total                                         --              --            316,668,565.09                      --              --      164,828,059.97

 Including:       Total
                                              --              --              3,641,389.51                      --              --         9,192,653.31
overseas deposits

        Details of other monetary funds:

        Item                                                                                   2019.12.31                                   2018.12.31

        Security deposit for letter of guarantee                                          1,575,000.00                                     1,575,000.00

        Balance in investment account                                                    26,448,679.71                                                -

        Others                                                                            3,109,329.38                                     2,696,821.50

        Total                                                                            31,133,009.09                                     4,271,821.50

        At the end of year, the Group does not have balance of cash or other monetary funds that are restricted because being pledged as security,

        guaranteed or blocked frozen or overseas balances that have restriction on remittance back to the home country except for security

        deposit for letter of guarantee mentioned above.

2. Bill receivables

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
  Notes to the Financial Statements
  For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                         2019.12.31                                                          2018.12.31
                                 Book value                Provision             Carrying amount       Book value                 Provision
        acceptance                6,187,353.98                        -             6,187,353.98                         -                  -                -
        acceptance                4,626,260.06           217,182.73                 4,409,077.33           7,051,846.85                     -   7,051,846.85
        Total                    10,813,614.04           217,182.73                10,596,431.31           7,051,846.85                     -   7,051,846.85


        (1) There is no pledge of notes at the end of the period.

        (2) The is no endorsed bills that is not yet due at the end of the period.

        (3) Bill receivable that transferred to receivables due to issuer’s default at the end of the period.

        Type                                                                                               Amount transferred to accounts receivable

        Commercial acceptance bills                                                                                                             300,000.00

        (4) Classification based on method of accrual of bad debt provision.

                                                     2019.12.31                                                              2019.01.01
                            Book value                      Provision                                     Book value                Provision
Type                                                                                                                                                 amount
                                                                                 Carrying amount
                                        Percentag                     ECL rate                                       Percenta Amoun ECL
                        Amount                         Amount                                       Amount
                                          e (%)                         (%)                                           ge (%)    t  rate (%)
                                    -            -                -          -                 -                 -            -        -        -                -
Accrued based
                       10,813,614.04       100.00     217,182.73          2.01     10,596,431.31   7,051,846.85        100.00          -        -   7,051,846.85
on group
                        4,626,260.06        42.78     217,182.73          4.69      4,409,077.33   7,051,846.85        100.00          -        -   7,051,846.85
acceptance bills
                        6,187,353.98        57.22                 -          -      6,187,353.98                 -            -        -        -                -
acceptance bills
Total                  10,813,614.04       100.00     217,182.73          2.01     10,596,431.31   7,051,846.85        100.00           -       -   7,051,846.85

        Bad debt provision accrued based on groups:
        Item: Commercial acceptance bills

                                                      Bill receivables                    Bad debt provision                         ECL rate (%)

        Within 1 year                                             4,626,260.06                          217,182.73                                    4.69

        (5) Status of accrual, retrieved or reversal of bad deb

                                                                                                                         Amount of bed debt provision
        2018.12.31                                                                                                                                       -

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Adjustment for first implementation of new financial instrument standards

      2019.01.01                                                                                                                                -

      Accrual                                                                                                                          217,182.73

      Reversal                                                                                                                                  -

      Written-off                                                                                                                               -

      2019.12.31                                                                                                                       217,182.73

3. Accounts receivable
(1) Presentation by ageing

      Ageing                                                                2019.12.31                               2018.12.31

      Within 1 year                                                                 412,028,202.94                         368,270,203.02

      1-2 years                                                                       9,278,600.90                           10,632,348.03

      2-3 years                                                                       1,196,515.64                            3,091,413.67

      Over 3 years                                                                    4,013,110.09                            1,240,499.08

      Subtotal                                                                      426,516,429.57                         383,234,463.80

      Less: provision for bad debt                                                   29,045,322.59                           12,688,807.19

      Total                                                                         397,471,106.98                         370,545,656.61

(2)   Presentation by method of providing bad debt

                                                Book value                           Bad debt provision
                                                             Percentage                                                     Carrying amount
                                           Amount                                 Amount             ECL rate (%)
      Individually significant and
      assessed for impairment              24,140,377.57           5.66           17,562,041.15                72.75                 6,578,336.42
      Collectively assessed for
      impairment based on credit          402,376,052.00          94.34           11,483,281.44                 2.85               390,892,770.56
      risk characteristics
      Receivables      from   other
                                          402,376,052.00          94.34           11,483,281.44                 2.85               390,892,770.56
                    Total                 426,516,429.57         100.00           29,045,322.59                 6.81               397,471,106.98


                                                 Book value                              Bad debt provision
                                                               Percentage                                                   Carrying amount
                                            Amount                                  Amount            ECL rate (%)
      Individually significant and
      assessed for impairment                  1,799,519.78           0.47            1,799,519.78            100.00                            -
      Collectively assessed for
      impairment based on credit             381,434,944.02          99.53           10,889,287.41              2.85              370,545,656.61
      risk characteristics

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Receivables      from      other
                                               381,434,944.02            99.53          10,889,287.41                 2.85                 370,545,656.61
                   Total                       383,234,463.80           100.00          12,688,807.19                 3.31                 370,545,656.61

      Specific bad debt provision provided
                                               Book value               Bad debt provision               ECL rate (%)                     Reason
      Receivables       from     other
                                                  24,140,377.57                  17,562,041.15                        72.75             Unable to recover

      Bad debt provision based on groups

      Group: Receivables from other customers

                                               Accounts receivable                      Bad debt provision                           ECL rate (%)

      Within 1 year                                       398,474,804.41                             11,042,487.31                                    2.77

      1-2 years                                              3,639,298.75                               269,502.55                                    7.41

      2-3 years                                                122,592.64                                 31,935.38                                  26.05

      Over 3 years                                             139,356.20                               139,356.20                                  100.00

      Total                                               402,376,052.00                             11,483,281.44                                    2.85

      Bad debt provision as of 31 December 2018:


                      Category                                            Percentage              Bad debt        Percentage of
                                                     Book value                                                                         Carrying amount
                                                                             (%)                  provision        providing (%)

      Individually    significant     and
                                                        1,702,371.94                 0.44         1,702,371.94            100.00                          -
      assessed for impairment individually

      Collectively    assessed    for
      impairment based on credit risk

      Including: ageing group                         189,655,491.08                49.49        10,889,287.41                5.74        178,766,203.67

               Specific receivables group             191,779,452.94                50.04                     -                  -        191,779,452.94

      Subtotal of groups                              381,434,944.02                99.53        10,889,287.41                2.85        370,545,656.61

      Individually   insignificant    but
                                                            97,147.84                0.03           97,147.84             100.00                          -
      assessed for impairment individually

      Total                                           383,234,463.80               100.00        12,688,807.19                3.31        370,545,656.61

(3)   Addition, recovery or reversals of provision during the year:

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                                                              Bad debt provision
      2018.12.31                                                                                                                     12,688,807.19

      Adjustment amount for the first implementation of the new financial instrument standards                                                   -

      2019.01.01                                                                                                                     12,688,807.19

      Addition                                                                                                                       16,613,020.51

      Reversal                                                                                                                          266,383.33

      Written-off                                                                                                                                -

      Others                                                                                                                              9,878.22

      2019.12.31                                                                                                                     29,045,322.59

 (4) There were no receivables that are written-off during the period.

 (5) Top five accounts receivable are analyzed as follows:

      The total amount of receivables from top five accounts amounts to RMB108,313,007.08, accounted for 25.39% of total balance of

      accounts receivable as of the period end. Corresponding bad debt provision accrued is RMB2,040,175.21.

4. Prepayments
(1) Presented by ageing

                                                          2019.12.31                                                   2018.12.31
                                                 Amount                  Percentage (%)                       Amount                Percentage (%)

      Within 1 year                       10,221,061.48                            94.23              12,886,273.93                         94.29

      1-2 years                              284,733.40                             2.62                           -                             -

      Over 2 years                           342,167.40                             3.15                 780,542.40                           5.71

      Total                               10,847,962.28                           100.00              13,666,816.33                        100.00

 (2) Top 5 prepayment accounts as of period end

      Total amount of prepayments to top five accounts amounts to RMB7,084,498.24, accounted for 65.31% of total balance of prepayments as

      of the period end.

5. Other receivable
      Item                                                                                       2019.12.31                             2018.12.31

      Interest receivable                                                                                 -                                      -

      Dividends receivable                                                                                -                                      -

      Other receivables                                                                    47,239,844.58                             45,870,582.26

      Total                                                                                47,239,844.58                             45,870,582.26

(1)   Other receivables

      ① Presented by ageing

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Ageing                                                                                    2019.12.31                                2018.12.31

   Within 1 year                                                                          49,453,416.07                              46,770,037.27

   1-2 years                                                                                  11,101.80                               1,438,499.45

   2-3 years                                                                                 186,180.00                               1,365,400.00

   Over 3 years                                                                            7,933,538.12                               6,334,187.65

   Subtotal                                                                               57,584,235.99                              55,908,124.37

   Less: bad debt provision                                                               10,344,391.41                              10,037,542.11

   Total                                                                                  47,239,844.58                              45,870,582.26

   ② Presented by nature

                                                2019.12.31                                                       2018.12.31
                           Book value            Provision            Carrying amount       Book value            Provision         Carrying amount

   Petty cash               2,147,617.27                      -           2,147,617.27       2,478,447.48                       -      2,478,447.48

   Security deposit       45,014,657.70          3,093,646.11            41,921,011.59      38,091,767.87         3,201,718.39        34,890,049.48
                            2,518,891.09           579,905.66             1,938,985.43       7,827,524.03            391,376.20        7,436,147.83
   Others                   7,903,069.93         6,670,839.64             1,232,230.29       7,510,384.99         6,444,447.52         1,065,937.47

   Total                  57,584,235.99        10,344,391.41             47,239,844.58      55,908,124.37        10,037,542.11        45,870,582.26

   ③ Status of bad debt provision

   Bad debt provision at the first stage as of period end:
                                                                      ECL rate in next
   Category                                Book value                                  Bad debt Provision     Carrying amount          Reason
                                                                       12 month (%)
   Individually significant and assessed
                                                                  -                  -                    -                     -
   for impairment individually
   Collectively assessed for impairment
                                                49,690,747.87                     4.93       2,450,903.29        47,239,844.58
   based on credit risk characteristics
     Petty cash                                   2,147,617.27                       -                    -       2,147,617.27

     Security deposit                           44,214,657.70                     5.19       2,293,646.11        41,921,011.59

     Social security payment on-behalf              526,453.88                       -                    -          526,453.88

     Others                                       2,802,019.02                    5.61         157,257.18         2,644,761.84

   Total                                        49,690,747.87                     4.93       2,450,903.29        47,239,844.58

   As of the period end, the Company does not have other receivables at the second stage.

   Bad debt provision at the third stage as of the period end:

                                                              ECL rate of the                             Carrying
   Category                                Book value                life time              Provision                               reason
                                                             receivables (%)                               amount

   Individually significant and assessed
   for impairment individually
                                                                                                                           Chances of recovery is
   Beat Blattman Marketing                   4,189,004.42                100.00          4,189,004.42                  -

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                                                                  Chances of recovery is
   Liberty Time Center GmbH                   2,333,707.20             100.00              2,333,707.20                       -
   China Resources (Chong Qing)                                                                                                   Chances of recovery is
                                                800,000.00             100.00               800,000.00                        -
   Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           remote
   Huaming Hang Co., Ltd.                       480,000.00             100.00               480,000.00                        - Unable to recover

   Others                                        90,776.50             100.00                90,776.50                        - Unable to recover

   Total                                      7,893,488.12             100.00              7,893,488.12                       -             ——

   Bad debt provision as of 31 December 2018:

                                                                          Percentage                 Bad debt       Percentage of
                                                       Book value                                                                           Carrying amount
                                                                                 (%)                 provision      providing (%)

   Individually significant and assessed
                                                     7,093,237.65                  12.69          7,093,237.65                100.00                        -
   for impairment individually

   Collectively assessed for impairment
   based on credit risk characteristics

   Including: ageing group                         45,771,039.24                   81.87          2,378,904.46                     5.20       43,392,134.78

            Specific receivables group               2,478,447.48                   4.43                      -                         -      2,478,447.48

   Subtotal of groups                              48,249,486.72                   86.30          2,378,904.46                     4.93       45,870,582.26

   Individually insignificant but assessed
                                                       565,400.00                   1.01           565,400.00                 100.00                        -
   for impairment individually

   Total                                           55,908,124.37               100.00          10,037,542.11                      17.95       45,870,582.26

   ④      Addition, recovery or reversals of provision during the year

                                                         1st stage                    2nd stage                   3rd stage
   Bad debt provision                                                          ECL for the life time       ECL for the life time               Total
                                                      ECL in next 12
                                                                                of receivables (no           of receivables
                                                                                 impairment yet)               (impaired)
                                                           2,378,904.46                                -           7,658,637.65               10,037,542.11

   Adjustment amount for the first
   implementation of the new financial                                    -                            -                            -                       -
   instrument standards

   2019.01.01                                              2,378,904.46                                -           7,658,637.65               10,037,542.11

   Current period
   --transferred to 2nd stage                                             -                            -                            -                       -

   -- transferred to 3rd stage                                 -5,376.50                               -               5,376.50                             -

   --Reversed to 2nd stage                                                -                            -                            -                       -

   --Reversed to 3rd stage                                                -                            -                            -                       -

   Accrued                                                   132,893.73                                -                            -              132,893.73

   Reversed                                                   55,752.57                                -                            -               55,752.57

   Realized                                                               -                            -                            -                       -

  FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
  Notes to the Financial Statements
  For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

         Written-off                                                         -                        -                          -                       -

         Other changes                                                234.17                          -          229,473.97                     229,708.14

         Balance as of 2019.12.31                                2,450,903.29                         -         7,893,488.12                 10,344,391.41

         ⑤ There was no other receivables that are written-off during the period.

         ⑥ Top five other receivable are analyzed as follows:

         The total amount of other receivables from top five accounts amounts to RMB23,576,874.51, accounted for 40.94% of total balance of

         other receivable as of the period end. Corresponding bad debt provision accrued is RMB8,127,554.59.

 6. Inventory
  (1) Category

                                           2019.12.31                                                           2018.12.31
                          Book value             Provision         Carrying amount                Book value         Provision              Carrying amount

Raw material           195,644,341.20      21,197,269.90            174,447,071.30           183,679,226.95     28,296,729.51                155,382,497.44

WIP                     11,707,382.99                    -            11,707,382.99           10,787,777.81                          -        10,787,777.81

                   1,684,674,585.69        62,008,950.06           1,622,665,635.63        1,675,548,898.56     59,412,872.11               1,616,136,026.45

Total              1,892,026,309.88        83,206,219.96           1,808,820,089.92        1,870,015,903.32     87,709,601.62               1,782,306,301.70

  (2) Provision for inventory

                                                    Increase                                       Decrease
Item                        2019.01.01                                                                                                           2019.12.31
                                               Accrual              Others            Reverse or realized       Others

Raw material             28,296,729.51         1,727,018.41           321,750.41             9,148,228.43                    -                21,197,269.90

Stored goods             59,412,872.11         2,568,116.07            27,961.88                            -                -                62,008,950.06

Total                    87,709,601.62         4,295,134.48           349,712.29             9,148,228.43                    -                83,206,219.96

         Provision for inventory (continued)

         Item                                    Evidence of determine NRV and future selling cost               Reason for reversal or realized

                                           Estimated selling price less estimated cost to complete and
         Raw material                                                                                                        Disposed
                                            selling and distribution expenses and associated taxes

                                           Estimated selling price less estimated selling and distributing
         Stored goods                                                                                                                sold
                                             expenses and associated taxes

 7. Other current assets

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

       Item                                                                      2019.12.31                             2018.12.31

       VAT prepaid                                                             4,255,892.19                           7,272,789.77

       Input VAT                                                              47,626,820.11                          45,171,658.90

       Prepaid corporate income tax                                            1,313,954.49                           7,846,471.11

       Others                                                                 15,661,429.95                          13,412,392.46

       Total                                                                  68,858,096.74                          73,703,312.24

8. Available-for-sale financial assets
                                                      2019.12.31                                      2018.12.31
                                         Book value       Provision Carrying amount      Book value       Provision Carrying amount
      Available-for-sale   financial
                                               ——           ——             ——      385,000.00     300,000.00        85,000.00
             Measured at cost                  ——           ——             ——      385,000.00     300,000.00        85,000.00

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

9. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                              Changes during the period
                                                                                                                                                                                   Balance of
                                                                           Investment gains    Adjustment of                                                                       impairment
       Investee                     2019.01.01                                                               Changes        Cash                                       2019.12.31
                                                                               and losses          other                                 Impairment                               provision as
                                                  Addition/new Withdrawn                                     in other     dividend                    Others                      of period end
                                                                             recognised by    comprehensive                               provision
                                                                                                              equity      declared
                                                                             equity method        income
       ①   Associate
       Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd.
                                  44,881,063.15            -          -       1,542,774.70                -           -              -           -             -   46,423,837.85             -
       (Shanghai Watch)

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

10. Other equity instrument investment
       Item                                                                               2019.12.31                        2018.12.31

       Shenzhen Zhonghang Culture Co. Ltd                                                              -                          ——

       Xi’an Tangcheng Limited                                                            85,000.00                              ——

       Total                                                                               85,000.00                              ——

      Because the equity investment to Shenzhen Zhonghang Culture Co. Ltd and Xi’an Tangcheng Limited is based on long term holding for

      strategic purpose, the Group designated them as fair value through other comprehensive income.

11. Investment properties
                                  Item                                                                           Property and plant

      I. Original cost

          1.2018.12.31                                                                                             546,695,433.81

          2.addition                                                                                                 57,191,213.54

          (1) purchase                                                                                                            -

          (2) transferred from inventory/CIP                                                                         57,191,213.54

          (3) increased due to business combination                                                                               -

          3.Decrease                                                                                                              -

          (1) Disposal                                                                                                            -

          (2) Others                                                                                                              -

            4.2019.12.31                                                                                           603,886,647.35

      II.Accumulated depreciation

            1.2018.12.31                                                                                           169,376,000.78

            2.Addition                                                                                               27,007,339.33

          (1) accrual                                                                                                13,704,422.70

          (2) business combination                                                                                                -

          (3) Others                                                                                                 13,302,916.63

            3.Decrease                                                                                                            -

          (1) Disposal                                                                                                            -

          (2) Others                                                                                                              -

            4.2019.12.31                                                                                           196,383,340.11

      三、Impairment provision

            1.2018.12.31                                                                                                          -

            2.Increase                                                                                                            -

          (1) Accrual                                                                                                             -

          (2) Others                                                                                                              -

       FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
       Notes to the Financial Statements
       For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                    3、Decrease                                                                                                                  -

                    (1) Disposal                                                                                                                 -

                    (2) Others                                                                                                                   -

                    4.2019.12.31                                                                                                                 -

            IV.Carrying amount

                 1.2019.12.31                                                                                                    407,503,307.24

                 2.2018.12.31                                                                                                    377,319,433.03


       (1)Reason of the investment properties without the certificate for property right:

            As of 31 December 2019, there was no investment property without the certificate for property right.

    (2) Changes of purpose of property

           During the reporting period, certain self-use property of the Group were changed to lease out and they were transferred from fixed assets to
           investment properties measured at cost model.

    12. Fixed assets
            Item                                                                                       2019.12.31                           2018.12.31

            Fixed asset                                                                             363,997,098.94                       425,649,562.85

            Fixed asset disposal                                                                                 -                                    -

            Total                                                                                   363,997,098.94                       425,649,562.85

    (1) Fixed asset


                                             Property and                           Transportation
Item                                                               Machinery                       Electronic devices Other equipment                 Total
                                                buildings                                vehicles

I. Total cost

       1.2018.12.31                       458,621,315.96       80,799,655.00        15,572,717.72      44,137,536.41     58,422,164.62      657,553,389.71

       2. Additions                        11,735,172.54         9,191,908.86          763,979.65       2,859,430.11      4,194,666.50       28,745,157.66

       (1) Purchasing                         244,585.68         7,337,542.92          763,979.65       2,494,316.65      2,209,983.31       13,050,408.21

     (2)        Transfer           from
                                            9,887,489.97         1,023,760.56                   -         347,820.61      1,860,829.46       13,119,900.60
construction in progress

    (3) Increase due to business
                                                         -                    -                 -                    -               -                    -

       (4) Others                           1,603,096.89           830,605.38                   -          17,292.85       123,853.73         2,574,848.85

         3. Decrease                       70,472,306.13         1,414,588.09          978,818.00       1,512,268.86     16,354,078.93       90,732,060.01

       (1) Disposal or retired             13,281,092.59         1,414,588.09          978,818.00       1,512,268.86     16,354,078.93       33,540,846.47

     (2)     transferred           into
                                           57,191,213.54                      -                 -                    -               -       57,191,213.54
investment property

     FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
     Notes to the Financial Statements
     For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

     4.2019.12.31                        399,884,182.37     88,576,975.77      15,357,879.37     45,484,697.66         46,262,752.19        595,566,487.36

II. Accumulated depreciation

     1.2018.12.31                         97,899,718.69     43,012,974.47      13,664,912.06     28,707,685.36         48,618,536.28        231,903,826.86

     2.increase                           14,553,080.62       7,430,970.23       747,205.85       4,846,289.12           4,122,796.00         31,700,341.82

     (1) accrual                          13,881,041.32       7,016,135.34       747,205.85       4,834,941.77           4,022,372.19         30,501,696.47

     (2) others                             672,039.30          414,834.89                  -          11,347.35           100,423.81          1,198,645.35

     3.Decrease                           13,318,042.52       1,118,076.16       919,427.10       1,369,639.50         15,309,594.98          32,034,780.26

     (1) disposal or retirement               15,125.89       1,118,076.16       919,427.10       1,369,639.50         15,309,594.98          18,731,863.63

     (2)     transferred          into
                                          13,302,916.63                    -                -                    -                    -       13,302,916.63
investment properties

     4.2019.12.31                         99,134,756.79     49,325,868.54      13,492,690.81     32,184,334.98         37,431,737.30        231,569,388.42

III. Impairment provision

     1.2018.12.31                                     -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     2.Increase                                       -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     (1) accrual                                      -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     (2) others                                       -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     3.Decrease                                       -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     (1) disposal or retirement                       -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     (2) Others                                       -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

     4.2019.12.31                                     -                    -                -                    -                    -                   -

IV.Carrying amount

     1.2019.12.31                        300,749,425.58     39,251,107.23       1,865,188.56     13,300,362.68           8,831,014.89       363,997,098.94

     2.2018.12.31                        360,721,597.27     37,786,680.53       1,907,805.66     15,429,851.05           9,803,628.34       425,649,562.85


          ①As of the period, fixed assets used to pledge for the Group’s loan amounted to RMB14,303,281.92.

          ②Fixed assets that do not have certificate for property right

                                                                                                        Reason for not having certificate for property
           Item                                                                     Book value

           Office rooms of Harbin Branch                                                  255,135.96             Issues relating to property right

    13. Construction in progress
          Item                                                                                   2019.12.31                                  2018.12.31

          Construction in progress                                                                           -                            12,041,126.00

          Construction materials                                                                             -                                        -

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Total                                                                                                    -                               12,041,126.00

(1) Construction in progress


                                                2019.12.31                                                          2018.12.31
                               Book value       Provision        Carrying amount          Book value               Provision           Carrying amount

      Clock & Watch base
      in Guangming New
                                            -                -                     -       12,041,126.00                       -                12,041,126.00
      District   auxiliary

      ② Changes to major construction in progress projects

                                                                                                                                      Rate of
                                                                                                          Capitaliza Including: capitaliza
                                                                     Transferred to        Other
      Name                        2019.01.01           Addition                                               tion of capitalized in   tion in         2019.12.31
                                                                      fixed asset         decrease
                                                                                                            interest current year     current
                                                                                                                                     year (%)

      Clock & Watch base
      in Guangming New
                                12,041,126.00     1,232,979.46          13,119,900.60     154,204.86                -              -               -            -
      District   auxiliary

      Changes to major construction in progress projects(continued):

                                                                                        Percentage of
      Name                                                              budget          investment to              Progress             Source of funding
                                                                                           budget (%)

      Clock & Watch base in Guangming New
                                                                 34,050,900.00                   38.98%            100.00%                       Self-raised
      District auxiliary projects

14. Intangible assets
                                                                                                     Right to use
      Item                                       Land-use right           Software system                                              Total
      I. Total original cost
              1.2018.12.31                          34,933,822.40             23,887,215.08           10,093,308.61                    68,914,346.09
              2. Additions                                          -              226,911.28             1,837,222.77                  2,064,134.05
      (1) Purchase                                                  -              226,911.28             1,837,222.77                  2,064,134.05
      (2) Internal R&D                                              -                        -                          -                              -
      (3) Increased due to business
                                                                    -                        -                          -                              -
          (4) Others                                                -                        -                          -                              -
      3. Decreases                                                  -                        -                          -                              -
      (1) Disposal                                                  -                        -                          -                              -
          (2) Others                                                -                        -                          -                              -

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

           4.2019.12.31                                 34,933,822.40           24,114,126.36           11,930,531.38                70,978,480.14
      II. Total accumulated amortization
              1.2018.12.31                              13,581,708.89               8,076,111.69         3,711,047.90                25,368,868.48
              2. Additions                                733,553.28                4,372,411.78         1,791,825.34                 6,897,790.40
      (1) Accrual                                         733,553.28                4,372,411.78         1,791,825.34                 6,897,790.40
              (2) others                                            -                          -                     -                           -
      3. Decreases                                                  -                          -                     -                           -
        (1) Disposal                                                -                          -                     -                           -
              (2) other                                             -                          -                     -                           -
              4. 2019.12.31                             14,315,262.17           12,448,523.47            5,502,873.24                32,266,658.88
      III. Total impairment provision
              1.2018.12.31                                          -                          -                     -                           -
              2. Additions                                          -                          -                     -                           -
      (1) Accrual                                                   -                          -                     -                           -
           (2) other                                                -                          -                     -                           -
              3.decrease                                            -                          -                     -                           -
           (1) disposal                                             -                          -                     -                           -
           (2) others                                               -                          -                     -                           -
              4.2019.12.31                                          -                          -                     -                           -
      IV. Total carrying amount
              1.2019.12.31                              20,618,560.23           11,665,602.89            6,427,658.14                38,711,821.26
              2.2018.12.31                              21,352,113.51           15,811,103.39            6,382,260.71                43,545,477.61

15. Long-term deferred expenses

      Item                                  2018.12.31                   Addition                                                           2019.12.31
                                                                                                   Amortized             Others
      Counter          fabrication
                                         49,305,000.11            42,163,751.28             49,506,803.50                       -        41,961,947.89
      Renovation expenses                74,651,287.13            66,284,944.54             45,670,030.81                       -        95,266,200.86

      Others                               4,616,257.91           18,447,813.57              7,704,728.90                       -        15,359,342.58

      Total                             128,572,545.15           126,896,509.39            102,881,563.21                       -       152,587,491.33

16. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities

(1)   Detail of deferred income tax before offsetting

                                                                   2019.12.31                                             2018.12.31
                                                 Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax        Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax
                                                           differences                     asset                  differences                     asset

      Deferred tax asset:

      Impairment provision                              100,912,679.00               22,188,996.64             79,775,704.17             17,676,690.28
      Unrealized profit for related party
                                                        179,676,673.34               44,654,504.04             272,840,911.63            67,717,517.83

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Deferred income                                     3,046,090.60                761,522.65              3,672,855.36      918,213.84

      Deductible losses                                 50,678,682.32               12,074,057.61            61,529,125.81    14,363,284.14

      Restricted shares                                   4,440,625.91               1,062,967.67                        -                -

      Advertisement expenses that allowed
                                                        14,988,443.65                2,997,334.76                        -                -
      to deduct in future years

      Subtotal                                         353,743,194.82               83,739,383.37           417,818,596.97   100,675,706.09

      Deferred tax liability

      One-off deduction of fixed asset
                                                          8,374,949.93               1,256,242.49                        -                -
      before Corporate income tax

      Subtotal                                            8,374,949.93               1,256,242.49                        -                -

(2) Details of deductible temporary difference and deductible losses that does not recognize as deferred income tax asset

      Item                                                                                2019.12.31                            2018.12.31

      Impairment provision                                                             22,200,437.70                         30,660,246.75

      Deductible losses                                                                64,205,351.75                         65,181,936.05

      Total                                                                            86,405,789.45                         95,842,182.80

     Note: Deductible losses of Swiss Company, which are subsidiaries of the Company, is not recognized as deferred income tax asset as it’s
     uncertain that the companies can get sufficient taxable income in future. Hong Kong Company, a subsidiary of the Company, does not need to
     recognize the deferred income tax assets for impairment provision according to the local tax policy.

(3) Deductible losses that are not recognized as deferred tax asset will due in the following years:

      Year                                                      2019.12.31                             2018.12.31                     Note

      2019                                                             ——                                     -

      2020                                                                 -                                    -

      2021                                                                 -                                    -

      2022                                                                 -                         3,393,863.46
      2023                                                    2,417,279.16                           7,798,677.32
      2024                                                    7,798,677.32                          11,684,299.22
      2025                                                   11,684,299.22                          18,449,678.50
      2026                                                   18,449,678.50                          23,855,417.55
      2027                                                   23,855,417.55                                      -

      2028                                                                 -                                    -

      2029                                                                 -                                    -

      2030                                                                 -                                 ——

      Total                                                  64,205,351.75                          65,181,936.05

17. Other non-current assets
      Item                                                                                       2019.12.31                     2018.12.31

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Prepayment for construction and equipment                                               7,373,248.48                       8,949,160.42

18. Short-term loans
      Item                                                                                2019.12.31                                2018.12.31

      Guaranteed loans                                                                 37,271,502.38                            187,118,452.97

      Credit loans                                                                    530,637,330.83                            360,000,000.00

      Total                                                                           567,908,833.21                            547,118,452.97

      Refer to Note XII. 2 for details of guaranteed loans between parent companies and subsidiaries.

19. Accounts payable
      Item                                                                              2019.12.31                                 2018.12.31

      Trade payables                                                                 254,887,129.91                             188,957,240.00

      Payables for material purchased                                                 11,932,722.53                              18,632,180.36

      Payables for project                                                            12,952,934.93                              52,324,191.98

      Total                                                                          279,772,787.37                             259,913,612.34

20. Advances from customer
      Item                                                                              2019.12.31                                 2018.12.31

      Advances received for trade                                                     19,999,056.53                              14,822,924.98

      Rental received                                                                  3,434,407.04                               1,636,520.02

      Total                                                                           23,433,463.57                              16,459,445.00

21. Employee benefit payable
      Item                                                   2018.12.31                    Accrued                Decrease         2019.12.31

      Short-term employee benefits                        63,805,261.48              549,103,500.51          537,474,216.99      75,434,545.00
      Post-employment        benefits   -   defined
                                                           5,973,776.35               44,528,366.42           43,434,631.25       7,067,511.52
      contribution plans
      Termination benefits                                              -              3,627,507.77            3,526,718.62        100,789.15

(1)   Other benefits due within one year                                -                         -                       -                  -

      Total                                               69,779,037.83              597,259,374.70          584,435,566.86      82,602,845.67

(1) Short-term employee benefits

      Item                                                        2018.12.31                   Accrued              Decrease        2019.12.31

      Salaries, bonus, allowances                              63,306,958.06            493,200,688.43        481,587,869.68     74,919,776.81
      Staff welfare                                                              -        10,123,091.04         10,123,091.04                   -
      Social insurances                                                          -        20,177,698.15         20,177,698.15                   -
      Including:1.Medical insurance                                              -        17,960,886.79         17,960,886.79                   -
              2.Work-related injury insurance                                    -          674,579.45            674,579.45                    -
              3.Maternity insurance                                              -         1,542,231.91          1,542,231.91                   -

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Housing Fund                                                 -    17,858,952.38              17,858,952.38                   -
      Labor union fees and education fee            498,303.42           7,743,070.51               7,726,605.74       514,768.19
      Short-term paid absences                                     -                  -                        -                   -
      Short-term profit –sharing plan                             -                  -                        -                   -
      Non-monetary benefits                                        -                  -                        -                   -
      Other short-term employee benefits                           -                  -                        -                   -

      Total                                      63,805,261.48         549,103,500.51             537,474,216.99    75,434,545.00

(2) Defined contribution plans

      Item                                       2018.12.31             Accrued                   Decrease         2019.12.31

      Post-employment benefits                    5,973,776.35          44,528,366.42              43,434,631.25     7,067,511.52
      Including: 1.Basic pension insurance          473,306.78          40,186,669.43              40,404,404.74       255,571.47
                2.Unemployment insurance                           -     1,117,187.90               1,117,187.90                   -
                3.Annuity                         5,500,469.57           3,224,509.09               1,913,038.61     6,811,940.05
                4.Others                                           -                  -                        -                   -

      Total                                       5,973,776.35          44,528,366.42              43,434,631.25     7,067,511.52

22. Taxes payable

        Taxes                                                                2019.12.31                              2018.12.31

        VAT                                                                6,929,833.12                            32,344,121.18

        Corporate income tax                                              15,512,840.60                            21,599,264.54

        Individual income tax                                              1,227,923.78                              998,190.73

        Urban maintenance and construction tax                                91,612.52                              321,914.01

        Educational surcharges                                                65,887.11                              229,955.09

        Others                                                               236,705.87                              429,726.37

        Total                                                             24,064,803.00                            55,923,171.92

23. Other payables
      Item                                                                    2019.12.31                              2018.12.31

      Interests payable                                                                   -                           772,351.26

      Dividends payable                                                       848,233.27                                        -

      Other payables                                                      118,768,488.36                           71,047,579.04

      Total                                                               119,616,721.63                           71,819,930.30

(1) Interests payable

      Item                                                                        2019.12.31                          2018.12.31

      Interests for short-term loan                                                           -                       772,351.26

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
(2) Dividends payable

       Item                                                                                    2019.12.31                           2018.12.31

       Dividends for ordinary shares                                                           848,233.27                                      -

(3) Other payables

      Item                                                                                     2019.12.31                             2018.12.31

      Security deposit                                                                    45,114,205.97                            22,954,307.95

      Shop activity fund                                                                  16,636,771.40                            17,461,589.65

      Personal accounts payable                                                            1,321,518.82                             3,058,122.71

      Decoration expenses                                                                  4,556,469.41                             6,096,460.99

      Repurchase liability for restricted shares                                          17,737,366.73                                            -

      Other                                                                               33,402,156.03                            21,477,097.74

      Total                                                                              118,768,488.36                            71,047,579.04

24. Non-current liabilities due within one year
      Item                                                                                2019.12.31                                  2018.12.31

      Long-term loan due within one year                                                  360,140.00                                  347,470.00

(1) Long-term loan due within one year

        Item                                                                             2019.12.31                                  2018.12.31

        Long-term loan due within one year                                               360,140.00                                  347,470.00

      See Note V.25 for type and amount of mortgaged assets.

25. Long-term loan

      Item                                                     2019.12.31          Interests rate             2018.12.31           Interests rate

      Mortgage loans                                         4,681,820.00                  3.00%             4,864,580.00                 3.00%

      Total                                                  4,681,820.00                                    4,864,580.00

      Less: Long-term loan due within one year                 360,140.00                                     347,470.00

      Total                                                  4,321,680.00                                    4,517,110.00

      As of 31 December 2019, the carrying amount of fixed assets used in mortgage for the Group’s loan amounted to RMB14,303,281.92.

26. Deferred income
       Item                               2018.12.31         Addition              Decrease                 2019.12.31                    Reason

                                                                                                                         Criteria of recognizing
       Government grant                  3,672,855.36                -            626,764.76            3,046,090.60
                                                                                                                          gain is not reached

      See Note XIV. 1 Government grant for details of government grants that are included in deferred income.

27. Share capital

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                          Movements (+、-)
      Item                     2018.12.31                       Bonus                                                                         2019.12.31
                                                                             Capitalization of
                                             Newly issued                                            Others                  subtotal
                                                                share        capital reserves

      Total shares            438,744,881        4,224,000               -                       -        -          4,224,000               442,968,881

      On 11 January 2019, the restricted share incentive plan (first phase) had granted a total of 4,224,000 restricted A-shares to 128 incentive

      individuals. As a result, the Company’s registered capital increased by RMB4,224,000.00 and capital reserve increased by

      RMB14,361,600.00. See Note V. 28 Capital reserve for detail.

28. Capital reserve
      Item                                        2018.12.31                      Increase                    Decrease                        2019.12.31

      Share premium                         1,047,963,195.57                 14,361,600.00                    27,654.81                  1,062,297,140.76

      Other capital reserve                    14,492,448.65                  4,440,625.91                               -                 18,933,074.56

      Total                                 1,062,455,644.22                 18,802,225.91                    27,654.81                  1,081,230,215.32


      (1) On 4 January 2019, pursuant to the examination and approval given by SASAC under “Reply to Examination and approval of

      Implementation of First Phase of Restricted Share Incentive plan of FIYTA (Group) Holding Ltd.” (GuoZi KaoFen [2018] No. 936), and

      approved by the board of directors and shareholder’s general meeting, the Company implemented the incentive plan. On 11 January 2019,

      the restricted share incentive plan (first phase) had granted a total of 4,224,000 restricted A-shares to 128 incentive individuals. Total

      consideration received from subscription of restricted shares was RMB18,585,600.00, of which RMB4,224,000.0 increased share capital of

      the Company and RMB14,361,600.00 increased the capital reserve of the Company. At the same time the Company recognized restricted

      share re-purchase liability as other payables of RMB18,585,600.00 and increased treasury shares of RMB18,585,600.00 accordingly. In

      2019, the Group increased RMB4,440,625.91 in capital reserve and charged the amount to related cost or expenses in exchange of the

      incentive individuals’ service.

      (2) Pursuant to “The Resolution of Plan of Re-purchase B Shares” which was approved on the 7th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors

      and the 2nd extraordinary shareholder’s meeting of 2019, the Company repurchased B Shares of 10,010,000 in total as of 31 December

      2019. Total consideration paid was RMB 53,524,330.10. Trading fee paid was RMB 27,654.81, which was deducted from capital reserve.

29. Treasury shares
      Item                                     2018.12.31                    Increase                 Decrease                          2019.12.31

                                                                -             71,267,118.78                          -                     71,267,118.78
      Treasury shares


      (1) The Company repurchased B Shares of 10,010,000 in total as of 31 December 2019. Total consideration paid was RMB 53,524,330.10,

      which increased the amount of treasury shares.

      (2) As described in Note V. 28 Capital reserve (1), the Group recognized restricted shares re-purchase obligation and the treasury share

      increased by RMB18,585,600.00 accordingly.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      (3) According to 2018 profit distribution proposal that had been passed on 2018 shareholder’s meeting on 19 June 2019, the Company

      distributed cash dividend of RMB2.008128 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shares held by shareholders based on the total 436,968,881 shares.

      A-share registration date was 9 August 2019. The Company granted total 4,224,000 A shares to employee on 11 January 2019. After

      deducting 27,000 shares that cannot be exercised in future, the cash dividend of the rest of 4,197,000.00 shares deducted treasury shares


30. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                 Movements in 2019
                                                                        Less: recorded
                                                                            in other            ta
                                   2018.12.31                          comprehensive             x   Attribute  to   Attribute   to       2019.12.31
                                                                        income in prior              parent          minority
                                                         Before tax
                                                                           period and           e    company after   shareholders
                                                                         transferred to         x    tax             after tax
                                                                        profit or loss in       p
                                                                       current period           e
      I. Other comprehensive
      income items which will
      not be reclassified                       -                 -                     -        -               -                -                -
      subsequently to profit
      or loss
      II.             Other
      comprehensive income
      items which may be
      subsequently to profit
      or loss
      Including: translation
      difference of foreign
                                   -5,442,139.78       4,502,059.89                     -        -    4,501,930.69          129.20       -940,209.09
      currency      financial
      Total            other
                                   -5,442,139.78       4,502,059.89                     -        -    4,501,930.69          129.20       -940,209.09
      comprehensive income

      Note: Net-of-tax amount of other comprehensive income during the year 2019 is RMB4,502,059.89, in which net-of-tax amount of other

      comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company is RMB4,501,930.69, and net-of-tax amount of other comprehensive

      income attributable to non-controlling interests is RMB129.20.

31. Surplus reserve
       Item                                         2018.12.31                   Increase                     Decrease                   2019.12.31

       Statutory         surplus
                                            161,030,899.80                12,685,386.34                               -               173,716,286.14

       Discretionary     surplus
                                              61,984,894.00                                 -                         -                61,984,894.00

       Total                                223,015,793.80                12,685,386.34                               -               235,701,180.14

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

        Note: According to the Company Law and Articles of Association, the Company draws statutory surplus reserve at 10% of net profit. If the

        statutory surplus reserve is over 50% of the Company’s registered capital, drawing of statutory surplus reserve will be stopped.

        The Company can draw discretionary surplus reserve after drawing statutory surplus reserve. If approved, discretionary surplus reserve

        can be used to make up for losses in previous years or increase share capital.

32. Undistributed profit

 Item                                                                                                    2019                                    2018

 Undistributed profit at the end of prior year before adjustments                              851,360,603.66                        771,484,565.02

 Adjustments to undistributed profit at the beginning of year                                                 -                                      -

 Undistributed profit at the beginning of year after adjustment                                851,360,603.66                        771,484,565.02
 Plus: Net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company for the
                                                                                               215,909,014.15                        183,835,095.29
 Less: statutory surplus reserve drawn                                                          12,685,386.34                         16,210,080.45

        Dividends payable to ordinary shares                                                    87,743,413.07                         87,748,976.20

 Undistributed profit at the end of year                                                       966,840,818.40                        851,360,603.66

   Including: appropriation to surplus reserves made by the Company’s
                                                                                                10,229,847.23                          9,410,363.47
   subsidiaries attributable to the Company

33. Operating income and operating cost
                                                                     2019                                               2018
                                             Operating income                 Operating cost          Operating income                Operating cost

         Main business                         3,686,955,944.86             2,211,874,573.32          3,382,346,730.19             1,992,905,841.56

         Other business                          17,254,790.04                  5,333,158.72             18,103,869.71                      903,932.64

         Total                                 3,704,210,734.90             2,217,207,732.04          3,400,450,599.90             1,993,809,774.20

        (1)   Main business presented by industry

                                                              2019                                                     2018
                                            Operating income                  Operating cost          Operating income                Operating cost

         Watch                               3,463,608,966.45               2,109,978,800.45          3,193,280,311.30             1,910,998,452.65

         Precision manufacturing                91,341,945.34                 73,717,603.23              70,742,449.85                59,432,940.99

         Lease                                 132,005,033.07                 28,178,169.64             118,323,969.04                22,474,447.92

         Total                               3,686,955,944.86               2,211,874,573.32          3,382,346,730.19             1,992,905,841.56

     (2) Main business presented by product

                                                                     2019                                              2018
                                            Operating income                  Operating cost          Operating income                Operating cost

         Watch retail and service            2,352,930,477.41               1,779,026,456.80          2,090,970,707.50             1,576,862,763.43

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

        Branded watch retail               1,110,678,489.04             330,952,343.65              1,102,309,603.80         334,135,689.22

        Precision manufacturing               91,341,945.34               73,717,603.23                  70,742,449.85        59,432,940.99

        Lease                               132,005,033.07                28,178,169.64              118,323,969.04           22,474,447.92

        Total                              3,686,955,944.86            2,211,874,573.32             3,382,346,730.19        1,992,905,841.56

     (3) Main business presented by geographical area

                                                                2019                                                 2018
                                           Operating income              Operating cost            Operating income           Operating cost

        Southern China                     1,806,673,205.47            1,091,723,846.59             1,518,807,270.87         874,695,822.56

        Northwest China                     586,521,631.97              340,309,728.35               588,628,213.03          353,457,194.81

        Northern China                      204,386,707.45              118,165,568.05               249,884,958.89          137,166,812.45

        Eastern China                       502,541,659.80              280,319,276.42               439,292,101.70          262,001,509.80

        North-east China                    230,662,172.16              163,383,316.18               269,671,243.83          187,589,738.67

        Southwest China                     356,170,568.01              217,972,837.73               316,062,941.87          177,994,763.27

        Total                              3,686,955,944.86            2,211,874,573.32             3,382,346,730.19        1,992,905,841.56

34. Taxes and surcharges
      Item                                                                                  2019                                       2018

      Urban maintenance and construction tax                                       11,435,460.45                               14,746,181.35

      Educational surcharge                                                         4,891,150.79                                6,338,803.59

      Local educational surcharge                                                   3,216,962.37                                4,221,251.51

      Property tax                                                                  4,037,914.43                                3,858,983.33

      Land use tax                                                                    391,201.52                                  387,741.44

      Stamp duty                                                                    2,384,290.09                                2,216,200.85

      Others                                                                        1,835,809.90                                2,000,182.33

      Total                                                                        28,192,789.55                               33,769,344.40

      Note: The criteria of business taxes and surcharges accrued and paid refer to Note IV. Taxation.

35. Selling and distribution expenses
        Item                                                                                 2019                                       2018

        Salary                                                                     359,640,526.77                             351,918,381.60

        Department store expense and rental                                        181,211,260.52                             137,788,340.17

        Market promotion expenses                                                  155,102,618.44                             186,814,362.00

        Depreciation and amortization                                               92,468,987.37                              91,887,577.80

        Packaging expenses                                                          11,125,541.27                               17,013,895.11
        Utilities and      property     management
                                                                                    19,283,177.10                              18,464,692.62

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

       Shipping fees                                      14,689,427.89             12,444,864.89

       Office expenses                                     5,827,092.35             10,934,189.89

       Travel expenses                                    10,479,738.66             12,076,624.12

       Entertainment expenses                              4,549,777.07              5,035,117.75

       Others                                             11,413,931.17             12,592,127.15

       Total                                             865,792,078.61            856,970,173.10

36. Administration expenses
       Item                                                        2019                     2018

       Salary                                            170,242,331.00            160,762,765.81

       Depreciation and amortization                      30,001,693.96             23,465,976.86

       Travel expenses                                     7,543,194.55              7,436,745.07

       Office expenses                                     3,966,450.49              4,411,920.54

       Agents fees                                         5,146,625.69              7,322,437.54

       Rental and utilities                                6,140,097.22              3,943,256.92

       Others                                             17,579,596.13             11,819,423.11

       Total                                             240,619,989.04            219,162,525.85

37. R&D expenses
       Item                                                        2019                     2018

       Salary                                             25,225,831.95             27,781,676.08

       Material and mould                                  1,654,367.12              3,872,770.91

       Sample fee                                          1,874,392.46              2,042,439.14

       Depreciation and amortization                       5,120,979.03              4,869,828.83

       Technical cooperation fee                           5,488,880.26              1,254,524.99

       Others                                              5,693,289.43              7,529,102.87

       Total                                              45,057,740.25             47,350,342.82

38. Financial expense

      Item                                                         2019                     2018

      Total interest expenses                              23,975,351.93            27,552,558.81

         Less: Interest capitalization                                 -                        -

      Interest income                                       1,956,316.52             2,269,447.05

      Exchange gain                                            -2,920.03              713,080.72

      Bank charges                                         10,799,162.19             9,920,047.68

      Total                                                32,815,277.57            35,916,240.16

39. Other income

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                                             Asset or income
   Item                                                                                2019           2018

     Headquarters enterprise award                                             4,843,500.00              -   income related

     Corporate Research and Development Funding                                3,156,000.00   1,890,000.00   income related

     Special subsidy to promoting consuming                                    1,655,200.00              -   income related

     Economic development special fund of Guangming District to
     support intellectual property right, standardization certification        1,033,000.00              -   income related

    Subsidy to support major enterprise to expanding production
                                                                               1,000,000.00              -   income related
   and improving efficiency

    Subsidy to support innovation development for business and
                                                                                712,664.00               -   income related

    Subsidy to support investment in R&D and domestic economic
                                                                                669,545.00    1,268,000.00   income related
   and trading exhibition

     Special fund of Nanshan district to support self-innovation
                                                                                718,600.00    2,246,200.00   income related
   industry development

     Examine intellectual property right using big data                         500,000.00               -   income related

     Commission on IIT payment                                                  469,005.01               -   income related

     Shenzhen Standard Special Fund                                             543,000.00     496,000.00    income related

     Subsidy for SME to expanding market                                        387,940.49               -   income related

     Shenzhen Science and Technology Award                                      300,000.00               -   income related

     Expanding production and improving efficiency                              300,000.00               -   income related

     State certified R&D center                                                 293,147.06     488,578.43    income related

     Subsidy to projects of economic development special fund                   286,000.00               -   income related

     Subsidy for stabilizing job position                                       209,468.63     229,106.17    income related

     Special fund for Shenzhen industrial designing                             203,066.21    1,066,988.78   income related

     Self-innovative industry development subsidy                               200,000.00               -   income related

     The 20th Guangdong Provincial China Patent Award                           150,000.00               -   income related

    Associated award to the 20th Guangdong Provincial China
                                                                                150,000.00               -   income related
   Patent Award

     Provincial industry and information special subsidy                        130,551.49     137,615.17    income related

     Basel watch fair subsidy                                                   114,333.32               -   income related

     Maternity insurance                                                        100,789.68               -   income related

     Nanshan Economic Promoting Bureau subsidy for SME                          100,000.00               -   income related

     Promotion of human resource quality                                        100,000.00     100,000.00    income related

     Subsidy to promoting international operating ability                        31,163.00      60,000.00    income related

     State level high and new technology certificate subsidy                     30,000.00               -   income related

     Short term export credit insurance                                          20,200.00      57,605.00    income related

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    Expanding domestic marketing from Shenzhen SME Affairs
                                                                            14,670.00              -   income related

     Subsidy for Disabled person                                             7,062.29       8,882.30   income related

     Watch fair subsidy from Guangming District                                     -     50,000.00    income related

     Shenzhen Patent Award                                                          -       2,000.00   income related

     Special fund for industry transformation and upgrading                         -    500,000.00    income related

    Special fund for application of industry transformation and
                                                                                    -   4,480,000.00   income related

     Merging of industrialization and information                                   -    400,000.00    income related

    Domestic marketing expanding for example enterprise
                                                                                    -    128,920.00    income related
     practicing innovation

     Foreign trade subsidy for Basel watch fair                                     -    779,907.74    income related

     High and new tech enterprise in Baoan District                                 -     30,000.00    income related

     2nd International Brand Week Guangming Branch                                  -     28,301.89    income related

     18th China Appearance Designing Excellence award                               -    250,000.00    income related

     Domestic innovation patent annual subscription fee subsidy                     -       2,000.00   income related

     Import exhibition participating                                                -       6,154.00   income related

    Economic and trade commission service industry special
                                                                                    -   1,000,000.00   income related
     development fund

     Crystal Products Exhibition Special Funding                                    -    103,267.00    income related

    Corporate R&D Funding by Science and Technology
                                                                                    -   1,155,000.00   income related

    Creating excellence and rating funding project by Economic
                                                                                    -    200,000.00    income related
   Promotion Bureau, Nanshan District

    Funding for Informatization and Industrialization Integration
                                                                                    -    100,000.00    income related
   project by Economic Promotion Bureau, Nanshan District

     Project funded by Commerce Circulation Industry                                -    360,800.00    income related

    Patent subsidy by Shenzhen Municipal Market and Quality
                                                                                    -     10,000.00    income related
   Supervision and Administration Committee, 2017

    The 19th China Patent Award of the Market and Quality
                                                                                    -    330,000.00    income related

    Funds on Enterprise Intellectual Property Management
                                                                                    -    200,000.00    income related
   Standards Certification by Market Supervision Committee

     Demonstration special fund, financial aid project in exhibition
   industry, for small and micro enterprise entrepreneurship                        -    159,810.00    income related
   innovation base

     Watch exhibition subsidy of small and micro enterprises                        -    128,008.00    income related

     Government exhibition industry special fund                                    -    128,008.00    income related

     China Light Industry Federation's international standards
                                                                                    -     16,000.00    income related

    16-26 batch special subsidy for Central Foreign Trade and
                                                                                    -     60,000.00    income related

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

        Government special subsidy fund for central foreign economic
                                                                                                  -            114,466.00     income related
       and trade projects

         Key technology research and development project of DF101
                                                                                                  -            480,000.00     income related
       aircraft benchmark timing system

         Development Special Fund for Independent Innovation
                                                                                                  -            124,000.00     income related
       Industry, Nanshan District

       Total                                                                          18,428,906.18         19,375,618.48           ——

       Note: Refer to Note XIV. 1 Government grant for detailed information.

40. Investment gain

       Item                                                                                   2019                           2018

       Gain from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity
                                                                                                  1,787,907.10                    1,001,545.06

41. Credit impairment loss (“- “for loss)
       Item                                                                                    2019                                        2018

       Bad debt for bill receivable                                                      -217,182.73                                       ——

       Bad debt for accounts receivable                                               -16,346,637.18                                       ——

       Bad debt for other receivables                                                     -77,141.16                                       ——

       Total                                                                          -16,640,961.07                                       ——

42. Asset impairment loss (“-“ for loss)
       Item                                                                                    2019                                        2018

       Bad debt loss                                                                            ——                              5,488,944.07

       Inventory impairment loss                                                       -4,295,134.48                             -8,753,900.25

       Total                                                                           -4,295,134.48                             -3,264,956.18

43. Gains from assets disposal

       Item                                                                                   2019                           2018

       Gains from assets disposal (“-“ for loss)                                                    -926,118.60                   -181,302.24

44. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                      Amount included in
                                                                                                                 non-recurring gains or losses
       Item                                                                    2019                         2018
                                                                                                                      for the year ended

       Gain from non-current asset scrap                                          -                     1,000.00                               -

       Compensation                                                  2,700,000.00                               -                2,700,000.00

       Payables cannot be paid                                         275,162.46                       2,810.50                    275,162.46

       Others                                                        1,778,942.84                 1,442,547.03                   1,778,942.84

       Total                                                         4,754,105.30                 1,446,357.53                   4,754,105.30

45. Non-operating expenses

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                                                 Amount included in
    Item                                                                     2019                     2018 non-recurring gains or losses
                                                                                                           for the year ended 31/12/2019

    Fine                                                                44,727.07              154,626.88                     44,727.07

    Donation                                                           200,000.00              380,000.00                    200,000.00

    Others                                                           1,155,461.80              117,888.09                  1,155,461.80

    Total                                                            1,400,188.87              652,514.97                  1,400,188.87

46. Income expenses

(1) Details of income expenses

      Item                                                                                    2019                                  2018

     Current tax expense for the year based on tax law and
                                                                                      42,132,064.04                        42,131,613.05

      Changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities                                      18,192,565.21                          5,230,238.71

      Total                                                                           60,324,629.25                        47,361,851.76

(2) Reconciliation between income tax expenses and accounting profit is as follows:

      Item                                                                                       2019                               2018

      Profits before tax                                                                276,233,643.40                    231,196,947.05

      Income tax calculated based on statutory tax rate                                  69,058,410.86                     57,799,236.76

      Effect of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries                              -4,251,519.66                     -12,360,815.15

      Adjustment to income tax of previous years                                            965,521.61                        413,122.52

      Effect of gains or losses from joint ventures and associates
                                                                                           -385,693.68                        -250,386.27
      accounted for using the equity method

      Effect of non-taxable income (use “- “for presentation)                                        -                                   -

      Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                 1,178,297.49                       1,286,216.68

      Effect on opening balance of deferred tax due to changes in tax
                                                                                                       -                                   -

      Effect of using the deductible temporary differences or deductible
      losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognized in previous                                -                      -250,920.28
      (use “-“ for presentation)

      Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses for
                                                                                            174,634.92                       7,158,514.85
      which no deferred tax asset was recognized this year

      Effect of research and development expenses super deduction
                                                                                         -6,415,022.29                      -6,433,117.35
      (use “-“ for presentation)

      Others                                                                                           -                                   -

      Income tax expenses                                                                60,324,629.25                     47,361,851.76

47. Notes to cash flow statement

(1) Cash received from other operating activities

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

        Item                                                                          2019             2018

        Government grant                                                      17,802,141.42    17,144,473.84

        Promotion expenses                                                    14,023,190.48     7,388,696.14

        Security deposit                                                      31,127,235.94     9,977,697.98

        Interest income                                                        1,956,316.52     2,269,447.05

        Return of petty cash                                                   3,817,075.69     4,066,408.69

        Penalty                                                                4,298,036.35                -

        Legal action security                                                  8,958,057.64                -

        Others                                                                11,850,325.81     8,781,869.99

        Total                                                                 93,832,379.85    49,628,593.69

(2) Cash paid for other operating activities

        Item                                                                          2019             2018

        Current period expenses                                              478,806,783.39   415,838,192.35

        Security deposit                                                       4,393,654.88    19,915,997.96

        Petty cash advanced to employee                                         734,763.81      5,131,463.98

        Others                                                                 4,118,260.73    13,351,304.90

        Total                                                                488,053,462.81   454,236,959.19

(3) Cash paid for other financing activities

        Item                                                                          2019             2018

        Cash paid for re-purchase of shares                                   53,117,325.02                -

48. Supplement to cash flow statement

(1) Supplement to cash flow statement

      Item                                                                            2019              2018

      1、 Reconciliation of net profit/loss to cash flows from operating

      Net profit                                                             215,909,014.15   183,835,095.29
      Add: Impairment for assets                                               4,295,134.48      3,264,956.18

             Credit impairment loss                                           16,640,961.07             ——

             Depreciation of fixed assets, and investment property            44,206,119.17     44,860,943.06

             Intangible asset amortization                                     6,897,790.40      5,285,858.86

             Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                     102,881,563.21     88,256,496.82

            Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                 926,118.60       181,302.24
      long-term assets (“-“ for gain)

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

             Loss on scrap of fixed assets (“-“ for gain)                                              -            -1,000.00

             Loss on changes of fair value (“-“ for gain)                                              -                    -

             Financial expenses (“-“ for income)                                           23,975,351.93        27,552,558.81

             Investment loss (“-“ for gain)                                                -1,787,907.10        -1,001,545.06

             Decrease in deferred tax assets (“-“ for increase)                            16,936,322.72         5,230,238.71

             Increase in deferred tax liabilities (“-“ for decrease)                        1,256,242.49                    -

             Decrease in inventories (“-“ for increase)                                   -30,808,922.70        30,900,223.04

             Decrease in operating receivables (“-“ for increase)                         -41,745,826.01       -36,309,812.09

             Increase in operating payables (“-“ for decrease)                             85,238,806.20       -20,427,526.24

             Others                                                                                      -                    -
      Net cash flows from operating activities                                              444,820,768.61       331,627,789.62

      2. Significant investment or financing activities not involving cash:

      Debts converted to capital                                                                                              -

      Convertible debts mature within one year                                                                                -

      Fixed assets acquired under finance leases                                                                              -

      3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

      Cash at end of year                                                                   315,093,565.09       162,623,059.97

      Less: cash at beginning of year                                                       162,623,059.97       184,947,891.32

      Plus: cash equivalents at end of year                                                              -                    -

      Less: cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                        -                    -

      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                             152,470,505.12       -22,324,831.35

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

      Item                                                                                       31/12/2019           31/12/2018

      I. Cash                                                                                315,093,565.09       162,623,059.97

      Incl. Cash on hand                                                                         229,258.38           420,783.85

             Bank deposit available for immediate payment                                    285,306,297.62       160,135,454.62

             Other monetary funds available for immediate payment                             29,558,009.09         2,066,821.50

      II. Cash equivalents                                                                                   -                    -

      Including Bond investment due in three months                                                          -                    -

      III. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year                                      315,093,565.09       162,623,059.97

      Including Restricted cash and cash equivalents for the Company and its
                                                                                               3,641,389.51         9,192,653.31

49. Assets of restricted ownership or use rights
      Item                                              Carrying amount as at 31 Dec 2019                               Reason

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Cash in banks                                                           1,575,000.00                   Security deposit for letter of guarantee

      Fixed assets                                                           14,303,281.92                                                  Pledged

      Total                                                                  15,878,281.92                                                      ——

50. Monetary item denominated in foreign currency

(1) Monetary item denominated in foreign currency

                                                      Balance denominated in foreign                              Balance translated in RMB as at
      Item                                                                                   Exchange rate
                                                       currency as at 31 Dec 2019                                          31 Dec 2019

      Cash and bank balances

      Including: HKD                                                      9,734,889.65                 0.8887                          8,651,709.21

              USD                                                         2,559,367.50                 6.9287                         17,733,097.20

              EUR                                                            61,357.68                 7.9277                            486,427.72

              CHF                                                           347,441.02                 7.2028                          2,502,548.17

      Accounts receivable

      Including: HKD                                                      2,178,760.46               0.89578                           1,951,690.04

              USD                                                         4,054,616.59                 6.9762                         28,285,816.26

              EUR                                                           393,890.14                 7.8155                          3,078,448.39

              CHF                                                         3,602,942.07                 7.2028                         25,951,271.14

      Other receivables

      Including: HKD                                                        138,711.23               0.89578                             124,254.75

              EUR                                                              4,250.00                7.8155                             33,215.88

              CHF                                                           905,580.00                 7.2028                          6,522,711.62

      Short-term loan

      Including: HKD                                                     19,123,916.44               0.89578                          17,130,821.87

              CHF                                                         1,406,035.62                 7.2028                         10,127,393.36

      Accounts payable

      Including: HKD                                                      2,527,248.49               0.89578                           2,263,858.65

              CHF                                                           305,396.81                 7.2028                          2,199,712.14

      Non-current liability that due in one year

      Including: CHF                                                         50,000.00                 7.2028                            360,140.00

      Long-term loan

      Including: CHF                                                        600,000.00                 7.2028                          4,321,680.00

(2) Overseas operational entity

      For main business location and recording currency of important overseas operational entity, refer to Note III. 4.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
      VI. Changes to the scope of consolidation

      In 2019, there was no changes to the scope of consolidation.

      VII. Interests in other entities

 1.   Equity in subsidiary

                                           Main                                                       Shareholding ratio%
                                                           Place of            Nature of
      Name of subsidiary                 business                                                                                     Ways acquired
                                                         registration          business             Direct            Indirect
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      HARMONY Company                    Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                100.00               -
      Manufacturing                                                                                                                Establishment or
                                         Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                90.00             10.00
      Company                                                                                                                        investment
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      FIYTA Hong Kong                Hong Kong           Hong Kong          Commerce                100.00               -
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      Station 68                     Hong Kong           Hong Kong        Manufacture                 -               60.00
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      Harbin Company                      Harbin             Harbin         Commerce                100.00               -
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      Technology Company                 Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                100.00               -
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      TEMPORAL Company                   Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                100.00               -
      Emile       Choureit                                                                                                          combination
                                         Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                100.00               -
      Shenzhen Company                                                                                                             under common
                                                                                                                                   combination not
      FIYTA Sales Company                Shenzhen        Shenzhen           Commerce                100.00               -
                                                                                                                                   under common
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      Hengdarui Company                  Shenyang        Shenyang           Commerce                100.00               -
                                                                                                                                   Establishment or
      Swiss Company                  Switzerland         Switzerland        Commerce                  -               100.00

2. Equity in joint arrangement or associates

(1) Significant associates

                                           Principal place      Registration            Business          Shareholding ratio (%)   Accounting treatment
                                            of business           place                  nature             Direct      Indirect      for associates

      Shanghai Watch                          Shanghai           Shanghai           Manufacture              25.00           -         Equity method

(2) Principal financial information of significant associate company:

      Item                                                                                         2019.12.31                               2018.12.31

      Current assets                                                                         117,096,911.21                              99,901,286.09

      Non-current assets                                                                      13,556,720.58                              15,459,207.08

      Total assets                                                                           130,653,631.79                             115,360,493.17

      Current liabilities                                                                     22,661,506.61                              10,833,917.48

      Non-current liabilities                                                                  7,978,869.84                              10,684,419.15

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

     Total liabilities                                                                30,640,376.45                              21,518,336.63

     Net assets                                                                      100,013,255.34                              93,842,156.54

           Including: minority shareholder’s interest                                              -                                          -
         Owners’ equity attributable to parent                                      100,013,255.34                              93,842,156.54

     Owners’ equity attributable to parent company                                   25,003,313.84                              23,460,539.14

     Adjustment matters

     - Goodwill                                                                                     -                                          -
     - Unrealized profit or losses from internal                                                    -                                          -
     - impairment provisions                                                                        -                                          -

     - Others                                                                                       -                                          -

     Carrying value of investment to associates                                       46,423,837.85                              44,881,063.15

     Fair value of equity investment that has public
                                                                                                    -                                          -


      Item                                                                           2019                                                  2018

      Operating income                                                    101,660,357.29                                         97,282,978.95

      Net profit                                                             6,171,098.80                                          4,006,180.22

      Net profit         from   discontinued
                                                                                         -                                                     -

      Other comprehensive income                                                         -                                                     -
      Total comprehensive income                                             6,171,098.80                                          4,006,180.22

      Dividends    received    from
      associated company during the                                                      -                                                     -

VIII. Risk management to financial instrument

      Main financial instruments of the Company include cash at bank and in hand, bills receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, other

      equity instruments investment, accounts payable, other payables, short-term loans, non-current liabilities due within one year and

      long-term loans. Details of financial instruments refer to related notes. The risks associated with these financial instruments and the risk

      management policies adopted by the Company to mitigate these risks are described below. The management of the Company manages

      and monitors these exposures to ensure that the above risks are controlled in a limited extent.

      1.      Risk management goals and policies

      The goal of risk management is to keep proper balance between risk and profit, to reduce negative influence of financial risk to financial

      performance of the Company to the minimum and maximize the benefit of shareholders and other equity investors. Based on the goal, the

      fundamental risk management policies of the Company are to identify and analyse risks the Company faces, set proper acceptable risk

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    level to manage risk, supervise various risk reliably and timely and control risk within limited range.

    Risks associated with the financial instrument mainly include credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk (including exchange rate risk, interest rate

    risk and commodity price risk).

    The board of director is responsible to plan and establish the Group’s risk management structure, make risk management policies and

    related guidelines, and supervise the implementation of risk management. The Group has already made risk management risks to identify

    and analyse risks that the Group face. These policies mentioned specific risks, covering market, credit risk and liquidity risk etc. The Group

    regularly assesses market environment and the operation changes to determine if to make alteration to risk management policy and

    systems. The Group’s risk management is implemented by Risk Management Committee according to the approval of the board of

    directors. Risk Management Committee work closely with other business department of the Group to identify, evaluating and avoiding

    certain risks. The Group’s internal audit department will audit the risk management control and procedures regularly and report the result to

    audit committee of the Group.

    The Group spreads risks through diverse investment and business lines, and through making risk management policy to reduce risks of

    single industry, specific area and counterpart.

    (1) Credit risks

    Credit risk refers to risk associated with the default of contract obligation of a transaction counterparty.

    The Group manages credit risk based category. Credit risks mainly arose from bank deposit, bills receivable, accounts receivable, and
    other receivables.

    The Group’s bank deposit mainly deposits in banks with good reputation and with higher credit rating. The Group anticipated that the bank

    deposit does not have significant credit risk.

    For bill receivable, accounts receivables and other receivables, the Group set related policies to control exposure of credit risks. The Group

    evaluate client’s credit quality and set related credit period based on the client’s financial status, credit records and other factors such as

    current market situation etc. The Group keep monitor the client’s credit record and for client with deteriorate credit records, the Group will

    ensure the credit risk is under control in whole by means of written notice of payment collection, shorten or cancel credit period.

    The Group’s debtor spread over different industry and area. The Group continued to assess the credit evaluation to receivables and

    purchase credit guarantee insurance if necessary.

    The biggest credit risk exposure of the Group is the carrying amount of each financial assets in the balance sheet. The Group also faces

    credit risks because of providing financial guarantee. Refer to Note XII. 2 for details.

    The amount of top 5 accounts receivable of the Group accounted for 25.39% (2018: 21.95%) of the Group’s total accounts receivables.

    The amount of top 5 other receivable of the Group accounted for 40.94% (2018: 22.73%) of the Group’s total other receivables.

   (2) Liquidity risk

    Liquidity risk refers to the risks that the Group will not be able to meet its obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled

    by delivering cash or other financial assets.

    Regarding to the management of liquidity risk, the subsidiaries of the Group are responsible for cash flow forecast. The Group’s finance

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

    center monitors cash and cash equivalents to meet operational needs at group level based on subsidiaries’ cash forecast. The Group set

    up cash pool with major banks to arrange the Group’s cash and ensure that each subsidiary has sufficient cash reserve to fulfil payment

    liability. Besides, the Group also signed facility agreement with banks to support the Group to fulfil liabilities fall due.

    Operating cash were generated from daily operation and bank loan. As of 31 December 2019, the Group’s unused bank loan credit is

    RMB1,970.39 million (2018: 1,981.03 million)

    As at the period end, the financial liabilities of the Group at the reporting date are analysed by their maturity date as below at their

    undiscounted contractual cash flows (in ten thousand RMB):

    Item                                            Within 1
                                                                       1-2 years             2-3 years        Over 3 years          Total
    Financial liabilities:

       Short-term loans                               57,945.57                      -                    -                  -       57,945.57

       Accounts payable                               27,977.28                      -                    -                  -       27,977.28

      Other payables                                   11,961.66                     -                    -            84.82         12,046.48

       Non-current liabilities due in one year             37.09                     -                    -                  -               37.09

       Long-term loans                                     12.97               11.89               441.62                    -              466.48

               Total financial liabilities            97,934.57                11.89               441.62              84.82         98,472.90

    As at the beginning of the period, the financial liabilities of the Group at the reporting date are analysed by their maturity date as below at

    their undiscounted contractual cash flows (in ten thousand RMB):

                                                     Within 1 year          1-2 years           2-3 years     Over 3 years                   Total

    Financial liabilities:

       Short-term loans                                   56,116.70                      -                -                  -        56,116.70

       Accounts payable                                   25,991.36                      -                -                  -       25,991.36

           Other payables                                  7,181.99                      -                -                  -         7,181.99

       Non-current liabilities due in one year                 35.79                     -                -                  -               35.79

       Long-term loans                                         13.55               47.26            46.22            391.01                 498.04

               Total financial liabilities                89,339.39                47.26            46.22            391.01          89,823.88

    The financial liabilities disclosed above are based on cash flows that are not discounted and may differ from the carrying amount of the line


   (3) Market risk

    Market risk includes interest rate risk and currency risk, refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of a financial instrument will

    be fluctuated due to the changes in market price.

    Interest risk

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of a financial instrument will be fluctuated due to the floating rate.

   Interest rate risk arises from recognised interest-bearing financial instrument and unrecognised financial instrument (e.g. loan


   The Group’s interest rate risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, borrowings and interest-bearing liabilities. Financial liabilities issued

   at floating rate expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Financial liabilities issued at fixed rate expose the Group to fair value

   interest rate risk. The Group determines the relative proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing

   market conditions and to maintain an appropriate combination of financial instruments at fixed rate and floating rate through regular

   reviews and monitors.

   The Group’s finance department continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group. The Group did not enter into any interest

   rate hedging arrangements. But the management is responsible to monitor the risks of interest rate and consider to hedge significant

   interest risk if necessary. Increase in interest rates will increase the cost of new borrowing and the interest expenses with respect to the

   Group’s outstanding floating rate interest-bearing borrowings, and therefore could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial

   result. The management will make adjustments with reference to the latest market conditions. These adjustments may include enter into

   interest swap agreement to mitigate its exposure to the interest rate risk.

   Interest bearing financial instrument held by the Group are as follows (in ten thousand RMB):

    Item                                                                                        2019                                              2018

    Fixed interest rate

    Financial liability

    Including: short term loans                                                            48,710.37                                         54,711.85
               Long term loans                                                                468.18                                            486.46
    Subtotal                                                                               49,178.55                                         55,198.31
    Floating interest rate:

    Financial liabilities

               Including: short term loans                                                  8,000.00                                                      -
    Total                                                                                  57,178.55                                         55,198.31

   As at 31 December 2019, it is estimated that a general increase or decrease 50 basis points in the borrowings with floating interest rates,

   with all other variables held constant, the Group’s net profit and shareholder’s equity for the year will decrease or increase by

   approximately RMB400 thousand (2018: no floating interest rate loan).

   The financial instruments held by the Group at the reporting date expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. This sensitivity analysis

   as above has been determined assuming that the change in interest rates had occurred at the reporting date and arisen from the

   recalculation of the above financial instrument issued at new interest rates. The non-derivative tools issued at floating interest rate held by

   the Group at the reporting date expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. The effect to the net profit and shareholder’s equity

   illustrated in the sensitivity analysis as above is arisen from the effect to the annual estimate amount of interest expenses or revenue at the

   floating interest rate. The analysis is performed on the same basis for last year.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
      Exchange rate risk

      Exchange risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will be fluctuated due to the changes in

      foreign currency rates. Foreign currency risk arises on financial instruments that are denominated in a currency other than the functional

      currency in which they are measured.

      The Group’s exchange risk mainly are financial position and cash flow that are affected by foreign exchange fluctuation. The Group’s major

      operational activities are carried out in the PRC except for Swiss company which held currency of CHF and Hong Kong company which

      uses HKD for settlement. But risks also exist for the Group’s asset and liability denominated in foreign currency and future foreign

      exchange transaction.

      The following table details the financial assets and liabilities held by the Group which denominated in foreign currencies and amounted to

      RMB as at 31 December 2019 are as follows (in RMB ten thousands):

                                          Liabilities denominated in foreign currency                   Asset denominated in foreign currency
                                                31 Dec 2019                  31 Dec 2018                   31 Dec 2019                  31 Dec 2018

       USD                                                    -                             -                  4,601.89                          907.81

       HKD                                            1,939.47                       3,160.74                  1,072.77                          872.08

       CHF                                            1,700.89                       1,852.08                  3,497.65                     1,189.40

       EUR                                                    -                             -                    359.81                           31.75

       Total                                          3,640.36                       5,012.82                  9,532.12                     3,001.04

      The Company closely monitors the impact of exchange rate changes on the Company's foreign exchange risk. The Company has not

      taken any measures to avoid foreign exchange risks.

      As at 31 December 2019, for cash balances, bank loans and other financial instruments that denominated in foreign currency, if Renminbi

      appreciate or depreciate of 5% to foreign currency (mainly USD, HKD and CHF) and other factors remain unchanged, the shareholder’s

      equity and net profit will increase or decrease about RMB 2.9459 million (31 Dec 2018:1.0059 million.

      2.       Capital management

      The objective of the Group’s capital risk management is to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide

      returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.

      In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the number of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to

      shareholders, issue new shares or disposes assets to reduce its liabilities.

      The Group monitors capital on the basis of the gearing ratio. This ratio is calculated as net liabilities divided by total capital. As at 31

      December 2019, the Group’s gearing ratio is 29.42% (31 December 2018: 28.60%).
IX. Fair value

      The level in which fair value measurement is categorised is determined by the level of the fair value hierarchy of the lowest level input that

      is significant to the entire fair value measurement. The levels are defined as follows:

      Level 1 inputs:      unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are observable at the measurement date for identical assets or

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)


      Level 2 inputs:       inputs other than Level 1 inputs that are either directly or indirectly observable for underlying assets or liabilities.

      Level 3 inputs:       inputs that are unobservable for underlying assets or liabilities.
      (1)      Fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

      As at 31/12/2019, assets and liabilities measured at fair value are shown as follows:
                                                        Level 1 fair value        Level 2 fair value         Level 3 fair value
      Item                                                                                                                                    Total
                                                         measurement               measurement                measurement
      I.Recurring fair value measurement
      (I) other equity instrument investment                                 -                         -               85,000.00                 85,000.00

      There have been no transfers between level 1 and level 2 and no transfer into or out of Level 3 during the year ended 31 December 2019.

(2) Fair values of assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

      Financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include: cash at bank and on hand, notes receivable, accounts

      receivable, other receivables, short-term loans, accounts payable, other payables, long-term loans due within one year, and long-term


      The difference between fair value and carrying amount of the above financial assets and liabilities that measured at cost is insignificant.
X. Related party and related transaction

 1.   The parent company of the Company

                                                                                                             Shareholding ratio of      Ratio of vote right of
      Name                                                  Type of business           Registered capital     parent company to          parent company to
                                                                                                                 the Company %               the Company%

                                                     Investment in industries,
      China     National
                                    Shenzhen         domestic trade, material              1,166,161,996                      36.79                    36.79
      Aviation Group
                                                       supply and distribution

      Note: CATIC Shenzhen Company holds 36.85% shareholding of China National Aviation Group. CATIC Shenzhen Company is a wholly

      owned subsidiary of China Aero Space International Holdings Limited (CASI), and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) directly

      holds 91.13% (ultimate beneficiary shares 91.897%) of the equity of CASI. Therefore, the ultimate controlling party of the Company is

 2.   Subsidiaries

      Details of subsidiaries refer to Note VII.1.
 3.   Joint venture and association

      Details of joint ventures and associates refer to NoteVII.2.
 4.   Other related parties

      Name                                                                                                            Relationship with the Company

                                                                                                                      Associate company           of    the
      Shenzhen CATIC Property Management Limited (CATIC Property Management)
                                                                                                                      controlling shareholder

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen CATIC Building Equipment Co., Ltd. (CATIC Building Company)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   China Merchants Property Operation & Service Co., Ltd (China Merchants Property OS)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder
                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   CATIC Guanlan Property Development Co., Ltd. (CATIC Guanlan Property)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder
                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen CATIC Jiufang Asset Management Limited (CATIC Jiufang Asset Mgmt Company)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen CATIC City Investment Co., Ltd (CATIC City Investment)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

   Ganzhou CATIC 9 Square Trading Co, Ltd (Ganzhou 9 Square Company)                            Associate company         of   the
                                                                                                controlling shareholder
                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   CATIC City Estate (Kunshan) Co, Ltd (Kunshan Company)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen AVIC Security Service Co., Ltd (AVIC Security Service)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen AVIC Property Asset Management Co., Ltd. (AVIC Property Asset Management)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Jiujiang 9 Square Business Management Co., Ltd (Jiufang Business Management)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

                                                                                                Associate company         of   the
   Shenzhen CATIC Property Development Co., Ltd (CATIC Property)
                                                                                                controlling shareholder

   Rainbow Department Store Co., Ltd. and its associated companies (Rainbow Department Store)   Controlled by the same party

   Shennan Circuits Co., Ltd. and its associated companies (Shennan Circuits)                   Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen CATIC City Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (CATIC City Real Estate Company)       Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen CATIC Huacheng Real Estate Development Co, Ltd (CATIC Huacheng Company)             Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen CATIC City Parking Management Co, Ltd (CATIC City Parking Management Company)       Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen CATIC Technical Testing Institute (CATIC Technical Testing Institute)               Controlled by the same party

   Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd. (Tianma)                                                  Controlled by the same party

   AVIC Securities Co., Ltd. (AVIC Securities Company)                                          Controlled by the same party

   Xi’an Skytel Hotel Co., Ltd. (Skytel Hotel)                                                 Controlled by the same party

   CATIC Changtai Investment Development Co., Ltd. (CATIC Changtai Company)                     Controlled by the same party

   AVIC Training Center                                                                         Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel Management Co., Ltd (Grand Skylight Hotel Management
                                                                                                Controlled by the same party

   AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. (AVIC Finance Company)                                                Controlled by the same party

   Shenzhen CATIC Grand Skylight Hotel Co., Ltd (Grand Skylight Hotel)                          Controlled by the same party

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Gongqingcheng CATIC Culture Investment Co., Ltd (Gongqingcheng CATIC Culture Investment
                                                                                                       Controlled by the same party

      AVIC-INTL Project Engineering Co., Ltd (AVIC-INTL Project Engineering Company)                   Controlled by the same party

      Huang Yongfeng                                                                                   Key management member

      Wang Mingchuan                                                                                   Key management member

      Fu Debin                                                                                         Key management member

      Xiao Zhanglin                                                                                    Key management member

      Wang Bo                                                                                          Key management member

      Chen Libin                                                                                       Key management member

      Wang Jianxin                                                                                     Key management member

      Zhong Hongming                                                                                   Key management member

      Tang Xiaofei                                                                                     Key management member

      Wang Baoying                                                                                     Key management member

      Sheng Qing                                                                                       Key management member

      Fang Jiasheng                                                                                    Key management member

      Lu Wanjun                                                                                        Key management member

      Liu Xiaoming                                                                                     Key management member

      Pan Bo                                                                                           Key management member

      Li Ming                                                                                          Key management member

      Chen Zhuo                                                                                        Key management member

      Tang Haiyuan                                                                                     Key management member

      Xu Chuangyue                                                                                     Key management member

      Zou Zhixiang                                                                                     Key management member

      Lu Bingqiang                                                                                     Key management member
 5.   Related party transactions

(1) Related purchase and sales

       ①Purchase good and receiving service

      Related party                         Nature of transaction                              2019                                   2018
      CATIC               Property
                                           Property management                         11,480,515.57                        8,208,102.96
                                      Department store expenses/
      Rainbow Department Store                                                          5,646,879.21                        5,865,816.91
                                            Commodity purchase
      AVIC Training Center                           Training fee                        159,408.67                           273,596.25

      Shennan Circuits                         Material purchase                                   -                           29,914.50
      Ganzhou         9      Square
                                       Department store expense                          185,711.09                           177,372.93
      CATIC City Estate (Kunshan)
                                       Department store expense                           39,921.62                            76,674.66

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

     Jiufang              Business
                                         Department store expense                                54,731.80                        58,322.11
     AVIC                                        Purchase of goods                              415,077.98                                 -

     AVIC Information Center                     Training expenses                                1,603.77                                 -

     Shanghai Watch                              Purchase of goods                                6,048.24                                 -

     Tianma                                      Purchase of goods                              969,091.14                                 -

     CATIC Building Company                             Renovation                               17,390.67                                 -
                                                   Maintenance and
     Skytel Hotel                                                                                28,886.00                                 -
                                                   management fee
     CATIC City Real Estate
                                         Department store expense                                76,275.91                                 -

     The pricing strategy for Group’s related transaction are based on market price.

     ② Sale of goods and providing services

     Related party                     Nature of transaction                                          2019                             2018

     Rainbow Department Store                   Product and service                          73,641,080.14                   71,764,856.50
     Grand   Skylight   Hotel
                                                     Sale of product                                      -                        5,982.91
     Management Company
     Ganzhou         9       Square
                                                Product and service                              93,750.40                      960,563.85
                                                Sale of material and
     Shennan Circuit                                                                         10,573,861.17                     5,883,132.72
                                                   providing service
     Gongqingcheng     CATIC
     Culture       Investment                        Sale of product                                      -                     655,161.45
     CASI                                            Sale of product                                      -                       10,215.52
     CATIC City Real Estate
                                                     Sale of product                                      -                        4,051.28
     AVIC-INTL          Project
                                                     Sale of product                                      -                       15,351.72
     Engineering Company
     CATIC                  Property           Share of Utilities and
                                                                                             12,506,097.43                     3,670,113.63
     Management                                   management fee
     Grand Skylight Hotel                            Sale of product                            140,867.25                                 -

     Shanghai Watch                                  Sale of product                          4,821,299.97                                 -

     AVIC Training Center                                      Others                             3,270.80                                 -

     The pricing strategy for Group’s related transaction are based on market price.

(2) Related party lease

     ①The Company as a lessor

                                                                                  Recognized rental income in   Recognized rental income in
     Lessee                                         Type of leased assets
                                                                                                 current year                     prior year

     CATIC Property Management                                                                  3,972,425.13                   3,327,785.46

     China Merchants Property OS                                  Property                      1,887,345.86                   1,813,948.87

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

     Skytel Hotel                                                Property                       2,793,650.79                       4,190,476.18

     CATIC City Investment)                                      Property                         271,560.56                         364,293.91

     AVIC Securities Company                                     Property                       1,280,028.55                       1,231,342.83
     CATIC City       Real     Estate
                                                                                                  304,781.46                         342,330.05

     Rainbow Department Store                                    Property                         684,393.11                         529,166.26

     CATIC Huacheng Company                                      Property                         239,471.14                         257,234.48
     CATIC 9 Square Asset Mgmt                                   Property
                                                                                                2,023,126.13                       1,560,410.13
     AVIC Security Service                                       Property                       1,438,139.41                       1,160,868.75

     CATIC Guanlan Property                                      Property                         135,780.28                         119,748.00
     AVIC    Property             Asset                          Property
                                                                                                            -                           57,154.70
     CATIC Property Management                                                                    272,692.07                         165,612.56

     CATIC      City    Parking                                  Property
                                                                                                            -                            9,916.44
     Management Company

     The pricing strategy for Group’s related transaction are based on market price.

     ②   The Company as lessee

                                                                                      Rental expenses charged in      Rental expenses charged in
     Lessor                                           Type of leased assets
                                                                                                    current year                       prior year

     Ganzhou 9 Square Company                                       Property                         894,582.84                       894,582.84

     Kunshan Company                                                Property                         132,960.04                       156,942.79

     Jiufang Business Management                                    Property                         320,208.22                       337,541.02
     CATIC City Real Estate Company                                                                  285,668.33                                 -

     The pricing strategy for Group’s related transaction are based on market price.

(3) Related party funds lending

     Related Party                                 Amount                   starting date             Expiring date              Note


     AVIC Finance Company                  150,000,000.00                     2018-5-14                  2019-5-14
     AVIC Finance Company                   50,000,000.00                     2019-3-26                  2020-3-26
     AVIC Finance Company                  100,000,000.00                      2019-4-2                   2020-4-2
     AVIC Finance Company                   60,000,000.00                      2019-8-1                2019-10-25
     AVIC Finance Company                   60,000,000.00                   2019-10-25                 2020-10-25

     Note: The Company paid interest to AVIC Finance Company up to RMB 6,980,130.55 during the year.

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
(4) Remuneration to key management

      The Company has 21 (including resigned) key management personnel in 2019, and 22 (including resigned) key management personnel in

      2018. Information about remuneration is as follows:

      Item                                                          2019                                               2018

      Remuneration to key management                            17,845,000.00                                     13,123,100.00

(5) Other related party transactions

      The year-end balance of the Company’s cash was RMB237,118,456.45, which was deposited with AVIC Finance Company. Interests

      received from the deposit during the year were RMB362,818.00.
 6.   Receivables from and payables to related parties

(1)   Receivables

                                                                    2019.12.31                                  2018.12.31
        Item                    Related party            Carrying amount        Bad debt provision   Carrying amount     Bad debt provision

        Bill receivable

                                Shennan Circuit             2,263,719.32                         -                 -                      -


                                                            6,387,871.47               318,754.79       2,305,867.79            115,293.39
                                Department Store

                                Shennan Circuit             1,704,634.58                85,061.27       1,659,077.38              82,953.87

                                Ganzhou 9 Square
                                                                       -                         -          4,000.00                200.00

                                CATIC      Culture
                                                                       -                         -        28,269.36                1,413.47

                                Jiufang Business
                                                                       -                         -          4,288.00                214.40

                                AVIC    Securities
                                                                       -                         -       101,428.57                5,071.43

                                CATIC City Real
                                                                       -                         -              3.00                   0.15
                                Estate Company
                                CATIC 9 Square
                                Asset    Mgmt                          -                         -        33,331.01                1,666.55
                                CATIC    Guanlan
                                                                       -                         -          8,315.43                415.77
                                CATIC Property                         -                         -       148,915.46                7,445.77

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                  CATIC   Property
                                                                          -                -                      0.52           0.03

                                  Shanghai Watch                140,000.00          6,986.00                         -              -

        Other receivables
                                                                975,867.00         50,647.50                761,860.00     38,093.00
                                  Department Store

                                  CATIC   Property
                                                                          -                -                 10,100.00        505.00

                                  Ganzhou 9 Square
                                                                122,665.60          6,366.34                122,665.60       6,133.28

                                  Kunshan Company                32,000.00          1,660.80                 50,400.00       2,520.00

                                  Skytel Hotel                            -                -                 32,000.00       1,600.00

                                  CATIC      Culture
                                                                          -                -                  5,500.00        275.00

                                  Jiufang Business
                                                                 50,000.00          2,595.00                 50,000.00       2,500.00
                                  CATIC City Real
                                                                 59,923.00          3,110.00                 54,923.00       2,746.15
                                  Estate Company

                                  China      National
                                                                 11,101.80           576.18                  11,101.80        555.09
                                  Aviation Group


                                  Tianma                         31,309.90                 -                         -              -

(2) Payables to related parties

        Item                                 Related party                         2019.12.31                             2018.12.31

        Accounts payables:

                                             CATIC Building Company                             23,300.97                  24,000.00

                                             CATIC Property Management                                  -                  40,821.05

                                             Tianma                                              3,415.84                           -

        Other payables:                      CATIC Property Management                    1,237,403.65                   1,131,164.13

                                             CATIC Property                                    442,407.92                 442,407.92

                                             CATIC City Investment                             309,732.00                 309,732.00

                                             AVIC Securities Company)                          213,000.00                 213,000.00

                                             CATIC Building Company                             54,691.44                 116,960.23

                                             CATIC City       Real   Estate
                                                                                                99,052.32                  99,052.32

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                          CATIC Huacheng Company                               73,819.68                          73,819.68

                                          CATIC Jiufang Asset Mgmt
                                                                                              378,483.84                         378,483.84
                                          Rainbow Department Store                            155,672.90                          60,000.00

                                          CATIC Changtai Company                                        -                          4,064.81

                                          CATIC Property                                       51,014.88                          51,014.88

                                          CATIC Guanlan Property                               25,401.60                          25,401.60

                                          AVIC Security Service                               226,603.44                          10,533.44

                                          Ganzhou 9 Square Company                                      -                          3,446.22

                                          Shennan Circuits                                              -                        150,000.00

                                          Skytel Hotel                                         28,886.00                                     -

XI. Share-based payments

1.   General information about share-based payments

       Total equity instruments granted by the Company in current period                                                           4,224,000

       Total equity instruments exercised by the Company in current period                                                         4,224,000

       Total equity instruments voided in current period                                                                                         -

                                                                                                  First phase restricted share exercise price:
       Scope of outstanding share option exercise price and remaining contract term
                                                                                                  RMB4.4/share, remaining term 48 months.

       Scope of outstanding other equity instrument exercise price and remaining
                                                                                                                               Not applicable
       contract term.

2. Equity settled share-based payment

     Method of determining fair value of equity instrument on grant date               Close price of share on grant date

                                                                                       Term of employee service, status of target completion,
     Evidence to determine the number of exercisable equity instrument
                                                                                       and personal performance assessment

     Reasons for significant difference between current period estimation and prior
      period estimation.

     Accumulated amount charged to capital reserve for equity settled share-based

     Total expenses for equity settled share-based payment recognized in current

XII. Commitment and contingency

1.   Significant commitments

(1) Operating lease commitments

     As at the balance sheet date, the total future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases were payable as follows:

 FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

        The total future minimum lease                payments     under
                                                                                                       2019.12.31                            2018.12.31
        non-cancellable operating leases
          Within 1 year                                                                           69,420,770.36                        54,382,100.37

          1-2 years                                                                               40,749,688.35                        28,501,337.58

          2-3 years                                                                               15,620,420.28                        12,406,400.37

          After 3 years                                                                           11,333,148.34                         9,533,027.43

        Total                                                                                    137,124,027.33                       104,822,865.75

(2) Other commitments

       As at 31 December 2019, the Group does not have other commitments that required to disclose.
 2. Contingencies

(1) Contingent liabilities arising from guarantee provided to other entities and related financial effects.

       As at 31 December 2019, the intra-Group guarantees is as followings (in RMB Ten thousands):
       Guarantee                       Guarantor                                Credit line granted           Credit line used                  Period
                                                                                                                                 2018-7-1           to
       FIYTA Hong Kong              The Company                    Loan                     3,583.12                 2,710.37
                                                                   Loan                                                          2018-12-17         to
       FIYTA Hong Kong              The Company                                             7,166.24                         -
                                       HARMONY                     Loan                                                          2018-12-4          to
       The Company                                                                         30,000.00                 1,000.00
                                        Company                                                                                  2020-3-8
       HARMONY                                                                                                                   2019-12-30         to
                                    The Company       Guarantee letter                     10,000.00                10,000.00
       Company                                                                                                                   2020-12-29
       Total                                  ——                 ——                    50,749.36                13,710.37                     ——

(2) Other contingent liabilities

       As at 31 December 2019, the Group does not have other contingent liabilities that required to disclose.

XIII. Post balance sheet date events

 1.   Profit appropriations after the balance sheet date

        Profit distributions or dividends proposed                                   Cash dividend of RMB2.00 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shar
                                                                                                                                        es held
 2. Other events after the balance sheet date

       (1) Pursuant to “The Resolution of Plan of Re-purchase B Shares” which was approved on the 7th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on

       4 April 2019 and the 2nd extraordinary shareholder’s meeting of 2019 on 23 April 2019, the Company repurchased B Shares of 13,470,000

       in total as of 18 March 2020, accounted for 3.04% of the Company’s total shares. The highest deal price was HKD6.56 and the lowest was

       HKD5.71. Total consideration paid was HKD 81,883,172.32 (excluding stamp duty and commission).

       (2) Since the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in the beginning of 2020, the Company has actively responded and strictly

       implemented various regulation and requirements pronounced by the China Communist Party and national government authorities at all

       level for virus epidemic prevention and control in order achieve operation production while preventing the epidemic. In responding to the

       outbreak of epidemic, the Company has quickly adjusted the operating strategies, promoted full marketing and increased investment in

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      e-commerce to minimize market impact.

      The epidemic would have certain impact on the business operations and overall ecomonic operartion of the entire country and

      consequently have impact to the Company’s merchandise retail and manufacturing businesses to a certain extent. The degree of impact is

      uncertain as of now and is subjected to the development of epidemic prevention, duration of the epidemic and implementation of all kinds

      of control measures. The Company will closely monitor, evaluate and actively address the impact of the epidemic to the Group’s financial

      position, as well as the operating performance.

      (3) Financing and guarantee after the balance sheet date

      ① On 18 March 2020, pursuant to approval by the 16th meeting the 9th Board of directors, the Company proposed to apply for financing

      facility of no more than RMB1,200 million by means of credit, pledge and mortgage. The resolution is pending for approval by the

      shareholder’s meeting.

      ②On 18 March 2020, pursuant to approval by the 16th meeting the 9th Board of directors, the Company proposed to provide guarantee

      for the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary to borrow from banks of no more than RMB1,000 million. The credit line is included in the

      actual usage limit of RMB1,200 million mentioned above. The resolution is waiting approval from the shareholder’s meeting.

      (4) As at 18 March 2020, the Group does not have other post-balance sheet events that requires to disclose.
XIV. Other Significant matters

1. Government grant

(1) Government grants recognized in deferred income, and subsequently measured using the gross presentation method

                                            As at                      Recognition in Other              As at             item          Related to
      Item                     Type                         during the
                                         31/12/2018                    profit and loss changes        31/12/2019     recognized in      asset/income
                                                                                                                     profit and loss

      Special fund for
      industrial design State treasury 933,011.22       -                203,066.21       -          729,945.01      Other income      Asset related
      development (A)

        Funding project
      for construction
      of       National
                        State treasury   1,511,421.57                -     293,147.06            -    1,218,274.51 Other income         Asset related
      Center (B)

        2017 Provincial
      Fund          for
                        State treasury   1,162,384.83                -     130,551.49            -    1,031,833.34 Other income Income related
      Industrial and
      Technology (C)

      Special funds for
      consumer goods
      standards and State treasury          66,037.74                -                -          -       66,037.74        ——         Income related

      Total             ——             3,672,855.36                -     626,764.76            -    3,046,090.60        ——              ——

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      A.      Special fund for Shenzhen industrial design industry development was obtained according to the Shen Jingmao Xinxi Jishu Zi (2013)
              No. 227 - Operating Specification for Affirmation and Fund Plan of Shenzhen Industrial Design Center (Trial) which is jointly issued
              by Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and Finance Commission of Shenzhen Municipality.

      B.      Funding project for construction of Shenzhen Enterprise Technology Center was obtained according to the Notice for the 1st
              Supportive Project in 2015 of Funding Project for Construction of Shenzhen Enterprise Technology Center which was issued by
              Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission (Shen Jing Mao Xin Xi Yu[2015] No. 129).

      C.      According to the Notice of Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission on Doing a Good Job of
              Applying for Provincial Special Projects in Production and Service Industry in 2017 (the Circular of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
              and Information Technology of Guangdong Province and Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance) Guangdong Letter of
              Manufacture [2016] No. 53) obtained provincial 2017 special funds for industrial and informatization.

(2) Government grants recognized in profit and loss using gross method

                                                        Recognised in profit Recognised in profit      Presentation item
                                                                                                                                 Related to
      Item                                 Type         and loss for the year and loss for the year   recognized in profit
                                                         ended 31/12/2018 ended 31/12/2019                 and loss

      Headquarters enterprise
                                       State treasury                       -         4,843,500.00       Other income          Income related
      award (A)

      Corporate Research and
      Development Funding              State treasury          1,890,000.00           3,156,000.00       Other income          Income related

      Special subsidy to
      promoting consuming              State treasury                       -         1,655,200.00       Other income          Income related

      Economic development
      special        fund         of
      Guangming District to
      support          intellectual    State treasury                       -         1,033,000.00       Other income          Income related
      property                right,
      certification project (D)

      Subsidy to support
      major enterprise to
      expanding production             State treasury                       -         1,000,000.00       Other income          Income related
      and improving efficiency

      Subsidy to support
      innovation development
                                       State treasury                       -           712,664.00       Other income          Income related
      for business and trading

      Subsidy to support
      investment in R&D and
                                       State treasury          1,268,000.00             669,545.00       Other income          Income related
      domestic economic and
      trading exhibition (G)

      Special fund of Nanshan
      district   to    support
                                       State treasury          2,246,200.00             718,600.00       Other income          Income related
      self-innovation industry
      development (H)

      Examine       intellectual       State treasury                       -           500,000.00       Other income          Income related
      property right using big

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   data (I)

   Commission       on     IIT
                                 State treasury            -        469,005.01   Other income   Income related

   Shenzhen       Standard
                                 State treasury   496,000.00        543,000.00   Other income   Income related
   Special Fund (J)

   Subsidy for SME to
                                 State treasury            -        387,940.49   Other income   Income related
   expanding market (K)

   Shenzhen Science and
                                 State treasury            -        300,000.00   Other income   Income related
   Technology Award (L)

   Expanding production
   and improving efficiency      State treasury            -        300,000.00   Other income   Income related

   Subsidy to projects of
   economic development          State treasury            -        286,000.00   Other income   Income related
   special fund (N)

   Subsidy for stabilizing
                                 State treasury   229,106.17        209,468.63   Other income   Income related
   job position

   Self-innovative industry
   development     subsidy       State treasury            -        200,000.00   Other income   Income related

   The 20th Guangdong
   Provincial China Patent       State treasury            -        150,000.00   Other income   Income related
   Award (P)

   Associated award to
   The 20th Guangdong
                                 State treasury            -        150,000.00   Other income   Income related
   Provincial China Patent
   Award (Q)

   Basel watch fair subsidy      State treasury            -        114,333.32   Other income   Income related

   Maternity insurance           State treasury            -        100,789.68   Other income   Income related

   Nanshan       Economic
   Promoting        Bureau       State treasury            -        100,000.00   Other income   Income related
   subsidy for SME (R)

   Promotion of human
                                 State treasury   100,000.00        100,000.00   Other income   Income related
   resource quality

   Subsidy to promoting
   international operating       State treasury    60,000.00         31,163.00   Other income   Income related
   ability (S)

   State level high and new
   technology      certificate   State treasury            -         30,000.00   Other income   Income related
   subsidy (T)

   Short term export credit
                                 State treasury    57,605.00         20,200.00   Other income   Income related

   Expanding      domestic
   marketing         from
                                 State treasury            -         14,670.00   Other income   Income related
   Shenzhen SME Affairs
   Department (V)

   Subsidy for Disabled
                                 State treasury     8,882.30          7,062.29   Other income   Income related
   person (W)

   Watch fair subsidy from
                                 State treasury    50,000.00                 -   Other income   Income related
   Guangming District

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Shenzhen Patent Award          State treasury       2,000.00     -   Other income   Income related

   Special fund for industry
   transformation       and       State treasury    500,000.00      -   Other income   Income related

   Special      fund   for
   application of industry
                                  State treasury   4,480,000.00     -   Other income   Income related
   transformation     and

   Merging                   of
   industrialization       and    State treasury    400,000.00      -   Other income   Income related

   Domestic     marketing
   expanding for example
                                  State treasury    128,920.00      -   Other income   Income related
   enterprise   practicing

   Foreign trade subsidy
                                  State treasury    779,907.74      -   Other income   Income related
   for Basel watch fair

   High and new tech
   enterprise in Baoan            State treasury     30,000.00      -   Other income   Income related

   2nd International Brand
   Week         Guangming         State treasury     28,301.89      -   Other income   Income related

   18th China Appearance
   Designing Excellence           State treasury    250,000.00      -   Other income   Income related

   Domestic       innovation
   patent            annual       State treasury       2,000.00     -   Other income   Income related
   subscription fee subsidy

   Import          exhibition
                                  State treasury       6,154.00     -   Other income   Income related

   Economic and trade
   commission      service
                                  State treasury   1,000,000.00     -   Other income   Income related
   industry        special
   development fund

   Crystal             Products
   Exhibition           Special   State treasury    103,267.00      -   Other income   Income related

   Corporate R&D Funding
   by     Science    and          State treasury   1,155,000.00     -   Other income   Income related
   Technology Commission

   Creating excellence and
   rating funding project by
   Economic       Promotion       State treasury    200,000.00      -   Other income   Income related
   Bureau,         Nanshan

   Funding                for
   Informatization      and
   Integration project by         State treasury    100,000.00      -   Other income   Income related
   Economic        Promotion
   Bureau,          Nanshan

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Project  funded   by
   Commerce Circulation         State treasury            360,800.00                    -     Other income          Income related

   Patent subsidy by
   Shenzhen       Municipal
   Market and Quality
                                State treasury             10,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   Supervision         and
   Committee, 2017

   The 19th China Patent
   Award of the Market and      State treasury            330,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   Quality Committee

   Funds on Enterprise
   Intellectual    Property
   Management Standards         State treasury            200,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   Certification by Market
   Supervision Committee

   Demonstration special
   fund,     financial    aid
   project in exhibition
   industry, for small and      State treasury            159,810.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   micro           enterprise
   innovation base

   Watch          exhibition
   subsidy of small and         State treasury            128,008.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   micro enterprises

   Government exhibition
                                State treasury            128,008.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   industry special fund

   China Light Industry
                                State treasury             16,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   international standards

   16-26 batch special
   subsidy for Central
                                State treasury             60,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   Foreign Trade and

   Government       special
   subsidy fund for central
                                State treasury            114,466.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   foreign economic and
   trade projects

   Key         technology
   research            and
   development project of
                                State treasury            480,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   DF101           aircraft
   benchmark        timing

   Development Special
   Fund for Independent
                                State treasury            124,000.00                    -     Other income          Income related
   Innovation     Industry,
   Nanshan District

   Total                            ——               17,682,436.10        17,802,141.42         ——                   ——


   A.      It is the award granted by Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality according to “Encourage Headquarters

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
        Enterprise Development” (Shen Fu Gui (2017) No. 7).

   B.   It is obtained according to “Measures to Promoting Science Innovation” (Shen fa (2016) No.7) and “Management Measures of
        Shenzhen Science and Technology Research and Development Fund” issued by Shenzhen Finance Committee and Shenzhen
        Science and Technology Innovation Committee.

   C.   It is received according to “Notice of Circulating Application Guidance of 2019 Promoting Consuming Supporting Plan” issued by
        Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce (Shen Shangwu Shichang Zi (2019) NO. 202).

   D.   It is received according to “Notice of Circulating “Guangming Market Supervision and Management Bureau Regarding 2019
        Economic Development Specific Fund to Support Intellectual, standardization Certificate Project” (Shen Shijian Guang (2019) No.

   E.   It is subsidy received for 2019 enterprise expanding capacity and increase efficiency based on “Notice of Publicity Plans to Subsidy
        2019 Enterprise Expanding Capacity and Increasing Efficiency” (Shen Gongxin Dianzi Zi (2019) No. 75) issued by Shenzhen
        Industrial and Information Bureau.

   F.   It is received based on “Notice of Publicity of 2019 Support Projects of Commerce and Trading Innovation Development” issued by
        Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce.

   G.   It is 2018 Guangming New District Economic Development Special Fund for R&D Investment and activity support for Domestic
        Trade Exhibition obtained according to "Shenzhen Guangming New District Economic Development Special Fund Management
        Measures and Supporting Implementation Rules" (Shen Guang Gui [2017] No. 16) issued by Shenzhen Guangming New District
        Management Committee.

   H.   It is received according to “Management Rules of Nanshan District Self-innovation Industrial Development Specific Fund (Trial)” and
        “Nanshan District Details of Application of Human Resource Specific Fund under Self Innovation Industrial Development” (Shennan
        Fubangui 92019) No.3).

   I.   It is received based on the following notices: “Notice of Circulating “Several Measures to Increase Enterprise Competitive Strength”
        issued by Shenzhen Municipal Government (Shen Fa (2019) No. 8), “Notice of Circulating “Application Guideline of Supporting
        Enterprise to Improve Competitive Strength”” (Shen Jingmao Xinxi Zi (2017) No. 37.

   J.   The 2017 Shenzhen Standard special funds obtained according to “The Publicity for the 2018 Construction of the Shenzhen
        Standard Special Fund Standards Project” issued by Shenzhen Municipal Market and Quality Supervision and Management

   K.   It is received according to “Notice of Publicity 2018 Supporting SME to Expanding Market Projects” issued by Shenzhen Bureau of

   L.   It is received based on “Shenzhen Science and Technology Award Management Method” (Shen Fu (2016) No. 87 and associated
        application guidelines.

   M.   It is received in accordance with “Shenzhen Guangming New District Economic Development Specific Fund Management Method
        and Associated Application Guidelines”.

   N.   It is received in accordance with “Notice of Receiving Application of 2019 Guangming District Economic Development Specific Fund
        to Support Enterprise to Get Bigger and Stronger”.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
     O.     It is received in accordance “Notice of Receiving Application the 3rd Batch 0f 2019 Human Resource Sub-fund Subsidy” issued by
            Nanshan District Bureau of Human Resources.

     P.     Associated Patent award obtained from Shenzhen Market Supervision and Administration Bureau according to the “Decision on the
            Award of the 20th China Patent Award” issued by the State Intellectual Property Office (Guo Zhi Fa Guan Zi [2018] No. 36).

     Q.     Patent award obtained in accordance with “Decision on the Award of the 20th China Patent Award” issued by the State Intellectual
            Property Office (Guo Zhi Fa Guan Zi [2018] No. 36).

     R.     It is received from Nanshan District Government about enterprise that reached certain scale. For SME that first time reaches certain
            scale, an award of 100 thousand to 500 thousand will granted. It is based on “Nanshan District 2018 Plan to Encourage SME to
            Rapidly Grow”.

     S.     It is received based on “Notice on Application Guideline of Organizing and Implementing 2017 Central Foreign Economy and Trade
            Development Fund”.

     T.     It is received based on “Notice of Subsidy to 2018 Enterprise Get State High and New Technology Certificate” (Shen Keji Chuagnxin
            (2019) No. 160.

     U.     It is short-term export credit insurance subsidy received by “Application Guideline of Shenzhen Nanshan Self-innovation Industrial
            Development Specific Fund Economic Development Sub-fund”.

     V.     2018 Small and Medium Enterprises Development Special Fund (Under “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” Strategy), Enterprise
            Domestic Market Development Project Funding, obtained according to the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Special Funds
            for the Development of Private and SMEs in Shenzhen" issued by Shenzhen Municipal Commission of Economy, Trade and
            Information and Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee (Shen Jingmao Xinxi Gui [2017] No. 8), and “The Detailed Rules for the
            Implementation of the Special Demonstration Fund for the Small and Medium Enterprise Entrepreneurship Innovation Base in
            Shenzhen” issued by Shenzhen Economic and Trade and Information Commission (Shen Jingmao Xinxi Zhongxiao Zi [2016] No.

     W.     It is received based on “Administration Measures for Disabled People Job Position Security Fund”.

2. De-registration of subsidiary

     Station 68 is in process of de-registration. As of 31 December 2019, the cancellation is still in process.

3. Others

     (1) The proposal about acquiring wholly-owned sub-subsidiary Montres Chouriet SA has been passed in the 16th Board Meeting of the

     eighth Board of Directors on 2 June 2017. The Company is going to acquire 100% share of Swiss Company, owned by the subsidiary of

     the Company, FIYTA Hong Kong. The consideration of CHF12 million was made on the basis of audited net asset as at 31 December 2016.

     The acquisition has not been finalized as of 31 December 2019.

     (2) On 2 October 2019, CASI signed merger agreement with CATIC Shenzhen and China National Aviation Group. According to the

     agreement, CASI will absorb CATIC Shenzhen and China National Aviation Group and undertakes all their assets and liabilities. CATIC

     Shenzhen and China National Aviation Group will be cancelled. After the merger, CASI will become the controlling shareholder of the

     Company. As of 31 December 2019, the deal has not yet been completed.

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

       (3) According to the “Proposal of Change the Company’s name and initials for A share stock” approved by the 3rd extraordinary

       shareholder’s meeting in 2019, and upon examination and approval by Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce, the

       Company’s name has been changed from “FIYTA (Group) Co., Ltd. to “FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.” since 9 January 2020.
XV. Notes to the Company’s financial statements

  1.     Accounts receivable
       (1) Presented by ageing

       Ageing                                                                   2019.12.31                                  2018.12.31

       Within 1 year                                                                     2,997,921.46                                    776,459.35

       Subtotal                                                                          2,997,921.46                                    776,459.35

       Less: bad debt provision                                                              149,896.07                                   38,822.97

       Total                                                                             2,848,025.39                                    737,636.38
       (2)     Presentation by method of providing bad debt
                                                  Book value                             Bad debt provision
                                                               Percentage                                                          Carrying amount
                                             Amount                                   Amount                ECL rate (%)
       Individually significant and
       assessed for impairment                            -               -                         -                        -                           -
       Collectively assessed for
       impairment based on credit
       risk characteristics
         Receivables from related
       parties within scope of                            -               -                         -                        -                           -
          Receivables from other
                                              2,997,921.46          100.00              149,896.07                     5.00                   2,848,025.39
                     Total                    2,997,921.46          100.00              149,896.07                     5.00                   2,848,025.39


                                                   Book value                                Bad debt provision
                                                                   Percentage                                                      Carrying amount
                                              Amount                                    Amount               ECL rate (%)
       Individually significant and
       assessed for impairment                                 -              -                         -                   -                            -
       Collectively assessed for
       impairment based on credit
       risk characteristics
         Receivables from related
       parties within scope of                                 -              -                         -                   -                            -
          Receivables from other
                                                   776,459.35          100.00                  38,822.97              5.00                     737,636.38
                     Total                         776,459.35          100.00                  38,822.97              5.00                     737,636.38

       Bad debt provision based on groups

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

      Group: Receivables from other customers

                                               Accounts receivable                     Bad debt provision                        ECL rate (%)

      Within 1 year                                          2,997,921.46                            149,896.07                                  5.00

      Bad debt provision as of 31 December 2018:

                      Category                                                Percentage      Bad debt          Percentage of
                                                      Book value                                                                    Carrying amount
                                                                                 (%)          provision          provision (%)

      Individually significant and assessed
                                                                          -            -                    -                -                        -
      for impairment individually

      Collectively assessed for impairment
      based on credit risk characteristics

      Including: ageing group                               776,459.35            100.00         38,822.97               5.00             737,636.38

                 Specific receivables group                               -            -                    -                -                        -

      Subtotal of groups                                    776,459.35            100.00         38,822.97               5.00             737,636.38

      Individually    insignificant    but
                                                                          -            -                    -                -                        -
      assessed for impairment individually

      Total                                                 776,459.35            100.00         38,822.97               5.00             737,636.38

      (3) Addition, recovery or reversals of provision during the year:

                                                                                                                                    Bad debt provision
      2018.12.31                                                                                                                            38,822.97

      Adjustment amount for the first implementation of the new financial instrument standards                                                            -

      2019.01.01                                                                                                                            38,822.97

      Addition                                                                                                                             111,073.10

      Reversal                                                                                                                                            -

      Written-off                                                                                                                                         -

      2019.12.31                                                                                                                           149,896.07

(4) There were no receivables that are written-off during the period.

(5) Top five accounts receivable are analyzed as follows:

      The total amount of receivables from top five accounts amounts to RMB2,983,039.56, accounted for 99.50% of total balance of accounts

      receivable as of the period end. Corresponding bad debt provision accrued is RMB149,151.98.

 2.      Other receivables
      Item                                                                                        2019.12.31                               2018.12.31

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Interest receivable                                                                                           -                                  -

   Dividends receivable                                                                                          -                                  -

   Other receivables                                                                          783,647,732.22                       870,739,378.37

   Total                                                                                      783,647,732.22                       870,739,378.37

   (1) Other receivables

   ①Presented by ageing

   Ageing                                                                           2019.12.31                            2018.12.31

   Within 1 year                                                                           673,518,552.61                         870,591,025.37

   1-2 years                                                                               109,992,510.47                              208,054.00

   2-3 years                                                                                  186,180.00                                        -

   Over 3 years                                                                                  40,050.00                              40,050.00

   Subtotal                                                                                783,737,293.08                         870,839,129.37

   Less: bad debt provision                                                                      89,560.86                              99,751.00

   Total                                                                                   783,647,732.22                         870,739,378.37

   ②Presented by nature

                                                 2019.12.31                                                          2018.12.31
                              Book value          Provision             Carrying amount           Book value         Provision     Carrying amount

   Related        party
                           783,005,800.85                     -           783,005,800.85         868,980,990.06               -        868,980,990.06
   Security deposit              235,761.90        76,355.60                  159,406.30             248,104.00      40,830.40            207,273.60

   Petty cash                              -                  -                           -          431,623.24               -           431,623.24

   Others                        495,730.33        13,205.26                  482,525.07            1,178,412.07     58,920.60           1,119,491.47

   Total                   783,737,293.08          89,560.86              783,647,732.22         870,839,129.37      99,751.00         870,739,378.37

   ③Status of bad debt provision

   Bad debt provision at the first stage as of period end:

                                                                      ECL rate in next
   Category                                Book value                                  Bad debt Provision            Carrying amount            Note
                                                                      12 month (%)
   Individually significant and assessed
                                                                  -                   -                      -                     -
   for impairment individually
   Collectively assessed for impairment
   based on credit risk characteristics
     Petty cash                                                   -                   -                      -                     -

     Security deposit                               235,761.90                  32.39             76,355.60              159,406.30

     Social security payment on-behalf              242,726.90                        -                      -           242,726.90
    Receivables from related party that
                                               783,005,800.85                         -                      -       783,005,800.85
   within consolidation scope
     Other receivables                              253,003.43                   5.22             13,205.26              239,798.17

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

   Total                                     783,737,293.08                 0.01             89,560.86               783,647,732.22

   As of the period end, the Company does not have other receivables at the second stage.

   As of the period end, the Company does not have other receivables at the third stage.

   Bad debt provision as of 31 Dec2018:


   Category                                                                                                      Percentage
                                                    Book value                         Bad debt provision        of providing      Carrying amount

   Individually significant and assessed
                                                               -                   -                      -                    -                 -
   for impairment individually

   Collectively assessed for impairment
   based on credit risk characteristics

   Including: ageing group                        1,426,516.07                 0.16            99,751.00                  6.99        1,326,765.07

           Specific receivables group           869,412,613.30             99.84                          -                    -   869,412,613.30

   Subtotal of groups                           870,839,129.37            100.00               99,751.00                  0.01     870,739,378.37

   Individually insignificant but assessed
                                                               -                   -                      -                    -                 -
   for impairment individually

   Total                                        870,839,129.37            100.00               99,751.00                  0.01     870,739,378.37

   ④ Addition, recovery or reversals of provision during the year

                                                      1st stage                  2nd stage                    3rd stage
   Bad debt provision                                                     ECL for the life time       ECL for the life time           Total
                                                   ECL in next 12
                                                                           of receivables (no           of receivables
                                                                            impairment yet)               (impaired)
                                                           99,751.00                              -                        -            99,751.00

   Adjustment amount for the first
   implementation of the new financial                               -                            -                        -                     -
   instrument standards

   2019.01.01                                              99,751.00                              -                        -            99,751.00

   Current period
   --transferred to 2nd stage                                        -                            -                        -                     -

   -- transferred to 3rd stage                                       -                            -                        -                     -

   --Reversed to 2nd stage                                           -                            -                        -                     -

   --Reversed to 3rd stage                                           -                            -                        -                     -

   Accrued                                                           -                            -                        -                     -

   Reversed                                                10,190.14                              -                        -            10,190.14

   Realized                                                          -                            -                        -                     -

   Written-off                                                       -                            -                        -                     -

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

     Other changes                                                          -                    -                          -                          -

     Balance as of 31 Dec 2019                                     89,560.86                     -                          -             89,560.86

     ⑤There was no other receivables that are written-off during the period.

     ⑥ Top five other receivable are analyzed as follows:

     The total amount of other receivables from top five accounts amounts to RMB783,005,800.85, accounted for99.91% of total balance of

     other receivable as of the period end.

3.     Long-term equity investment

                                                      2019.12.31                                               2018.12.31
     Item                                          Impairm
                                        Book value ent pro            Carrying amount           Book value                          Carrying amount
     Investment           to
                                 1,334,471,401.42            -        1,334,471,401.42     1,331,248,590.93             -           1,331,248,590.93
     Investment           to
                                      46,423,837.85          -           46,423,837.85       44,881,063.15              -             44,881,063.15
     Total                       1,380,895,239.27            -        1,380,895,239.27     1,376,129,654.08             -           1,376,129,654.08

     (1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                      Balance of
     Investee                         2018.12.31                 Increase       Decrease         2019.12.31         Provision
                                601,307,200.00             1,231,561.04                -     602,538,761.04                     -                  -
     Haerbin Company               2,184,484.39                         -              -       2,184,484.39                     -                  -
     Manufacturing                 9,000,000.00             344,923.49                 -       9,344,923.49                     -                  -
     Technology                  10,000,000.00              126,964.71                 -      10,126,964.71                     -                  -
     FIYTA Hong Kong            137,737,520.00                          -              -     137,737,520.00                     -                  -
     TEMPORAL                      5,000,000.00                         -              -       5,000,000.00                     -                  -
     FIYTA        Sales         450,000,000.00             1,377,582.46                -     451,377,582.46                     -                  -
     Hengdarui Company           36,867,843.96                          -              -      36,867,843.96                     -                  -
     Emile     Choureit          79,151,542.58              141,778.79                 -      79,293,321.37                     -                  -
     Shenzhen Company
     Total                     1,331,248,590.93            3,222,810.49                -   1,334,471,401.42                     -                  -

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
   (2) Investment in associates

                                                                                              Changes during the period
                                                                                                                                                                                         Balance of
                                                                           Investment gains    Adjustment of                                                                            impairment
     Investee                       2019.01.01                                                                 Changes          Cash                                       2019.12.31
                                                                              and losses           other                                     Impairment                                provision as
                                                  Addition/new Withdrawn                                       in other       dividend                    Others                      of period end
                                                                           confirmed by the   comprehensive                                   provision
                                                                                                                equity        declared
                                                                             equity method        income

     ①   Associate
     Shanghai Watch Co., Ltd.
                                  44,881,063.15            -          -       1,542,774.70                -               -              -           -             -   46,423,837.85             -
     (Shanghai Watch)

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
4. Operating income and operating cost

                                                                      2019                                            2018
                                               Operating income                Operating cost        Operating income          Operating cost

       Main business                             140,511,246.61                21,776,539.35             130,886,023.99         19,010,293.07

       Other business                                            -                          -                 15,800.00                       -

       Total                                     140,511,246.61                21,776,539.35             130,901,823.99         19,010,293.07

5. Investment gain

      Item                                                                                        2019                       2018

      Gain from long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost                           113,000,000.00            143,000,000.00
      Gain from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity                           1,542,774.70              1,001,545.06
      Total                                                                                         114,542,774.70            144,001,545.06
XVI. Supplimentary information

1、Details of non-recurring gain or loss for the year

       Item                                                                                               2019                         Note

       Disposal gain or loss of non-current assets                                                -926,118.60

       Overridden approval, or without official approval document, or
       incidental tax return or exemption

       Government grants included in current profit or loss (except for
       the fixed or quantitative government grants, enjoyed in a
       consecutive way, which closely related to the enterprise
       businesses and according to nation policies)

       Charges for the possessions of funds collected from
       non-monetary enterprises

       Investment cost of subsidiaries, joint venture and cooperative
       enterprises less than the profit incurred in identifiable net asset                                    -
       fair value of invested unit when investment

       Profit and loss of non-monetary assets exchange                                                        -

       Profit and loss from entrusting others to invest or manage

       Asset impairment provision accrued due to force majeure such
       as natural disasters

       Profit and loss of debt restructuring                                                                  -

       Enterprise restructuring expenses, such as expenses for
       arranging employees, integrating cost

       Profit and loss over fair value part accrued in transactions of
       unreasonable transaction price

       Current net profit and loss of subsidiaries from business combination
       under common control from the opening period to combination date

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)
      Profit and loss incurred contingent matters unrelated to normal
      operating business

      Except for effective hedging business related to normal
      operating business, profit and loss from changes in fair value
      incurred in financial assets and financial liabilities, and the                                 -
      investment gain from disposal of financial assets, financial
      liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets

      Gain from disposal of tradable financial asset financial
        liabilities and debt investment

      Impairment provision reversal of accounts receivable under
      standalone impairment test

      Profit and loss obtained in external entrusting loans                                           -

      Profit and loss incurred in fair value change of investment
      property subsequently measured in fair value mode

      Influence on current profit and loss caused by one-off
      adjustment according to requirements of laws and regulations                                    -
      about taxation and accounting

      Income from trustee fee obtained by trusting operation                                          -

      Other non-operating income and expenses other than the
      above items

      Profit and loss items pursuant to the definition of non-recurring
      profit and loss

      Subtotal                                                                            20,856,704.01

      Effect of income tax of non-recurring profit or loss                                 4,626,350.95

      Net amount of non0recurring profit or loss                                          16,230,353.06

      Less: Effect of non-recurring profit or losses attributable to
      minority shareholders (after tax)

      attributable to shareholders of the parent company                                  16,230,353.06

2. Return on Equity (ROE) and Earnings per share (EPS)

                                                                    Weighted average
      Profit of the reporting period
                                                                        ROE %                             Basic EPS    Diluted EPS

      Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                                   8.21                      0.4943        0.4943
      Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
      Company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss                         7.60                      0.4570        0.4570

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2019 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                Section13 Documents Available for Inspection

   I. Financial Statements signed by and under the seal of the legal representative, chief accountant and accounting

   II. Original of the Auditors’ Report under the seal of the accounting firm and signed by and under the seals of
   certified public accountants.

   III. Originals of all documents and manuscripts of announcements of the Company disclosed in Securities Times
   and Hong Kong Commercial Daily as designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

                                                     The Board of Directors
                                                     FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                           March 20, 2020
