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中 集B:2011年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2011-10-27  

						                                                                                        The Third Quarterly Report 2011

  China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.
            Report for the Third Quarter of 2011
§1. Important Notes
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors,
supervisors and senior executives of China International Marine Containers (Group)
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report
carries no false information, misleading statements or major omissions, and will
accept, individually and collectively, the responsibility for factuality, accuracy and
completeness of the information set forth herein.
1.2 Financial statements for the third quarter of 2011 have not been audited by an
accounting firm.
1.3 Li Jianhong (principal of the Company), Mai Boliang (the person in charge of the
accounting work) and Jin Jianlong (the person in charge of the accounting organ/the
principal of accounting) hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the
quarterly report are factual and complete.
[English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.]

§2. Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB ’000
                                                       As at 30 Sept. 2011             As at 31 Dec. 2010      Increase/decrease (%)
 Total assets                                                     66,483,415.00                54,130,649.00                   22.82%
 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                                  18,533,639.00                16,223,057.00                   14.24%
 of the Company
 Share capital (share)                                          2,662,396,051.00           2,662,396,051.00                     0.00%
 Net   assets    per     share   attributable   to
                                                                          6.9613                      6.0934                   14.24%
 shareholders of the Company (RMB/share)
                                                                         Increase/decrease                           Increase/decrease
                                                     Jul.-Sept. 2011                            Jan.-Sept. 2011
                                                                         year-on-year (%)                            year-on-year (%)
 Gross revenue                                        14,516,468.00                  -14.30%       50,994,566.00               33.57%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                         513,778.00                  -63.62%        3,321,407.00               42.86%
 Net cash flows from operating activities                   -                    -                  -3,208,680.00              16.92%
 Net cash flows per share from operating
                                                            -                    -                           -1.21             16.92%
 activities (RMB/share)
 Basic EPS (RMB/share)                                          0.1930               -63.62%                1.2475             42.85%
 Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                                        0.1930               -63.62%                1.2475             42.85%
 Weighted average ROE (%)                                       2.80%                 -6.55%                19.17%              3.64%
 Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                                2.56%                 -6.29%                18.86%              5.01%
 non-recurring gains and losses (%)
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB ’000
                                                                                The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                  Items of non-recurring gains and losses                          Amount              Note(If applicable)
 Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                       -270.00
 Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses,
 excluding those related closely to the routine business of the Company
 and continuously enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or ratios
 according to state policies and regulations
 Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets
 and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment income from
 disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities                -83,894.00
 and financial assets available for sales except for effective hedging
 related with normal businesses of the Company
 Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the above each
 item mentioned
 Capital occupation fees collected from non-financial enterprises which
 are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period
 Effect on income tax                                                                    -38,870.00
 Effect on minority interest                                                                -689.00
                                   Total                                                  52,919.00              -
2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top ten shareholders holding
tradable shares
                                                                       Unit: share
  Total number of shareholders at the period-end                                                                     206,155
                                 Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                     Number of tradable shares held at
             Full name of shareholder                                                               Type of share
                                                                            679,927,917 Domestically listed foreign shares
 COSCO CONTAINER INDUSTRIES LIMITED                                         432,171,843 RMB ordinary shares
 COSCO CONTAINER INDUSTRIES LIMITED                                         148,320,037 Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                             87,645,537 Domestically listed foreign shares
 GRW FD GTI 5496
                                                                             25,833,444 Domestically listed foreign shares
 LONG HONOUR INVESTMENTS LIMITED                                             25,322,106 Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                             19,046,871 RMB ordinary shares
                                                                             13,742,361 RMB ordinary shares
                                                                             12,801,432 Domestically listed foreign shares
 BANK OF CHINA-E FUND SHENZHEN                                              12,095,067 RMB ordinary shares
                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                                                          10,546,598 Domestically listed foreign shares

§3. Significant Events
3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as
well as reasons for such changes
√Applicable         □Inapplicable
For the period from Jan. to Sept. 2011, the European debt crisis continued, the global
physical economy was under downward pressure and the prospects for economic
recovery became less and less certain. Therefore, it was expected that it might be hard
to turn for the better in the fourth quarter. Such circumstances created favorable and
also unfavorable conditions for all business lines of the Group to varying degrees.
With market demands for containers having experienced a peak in the first half of the
year, both orders and prices of dry-cargo containers dropped significantly in the third
quarter, but reefer containers and special-purposed containers still showed a strong
growth. For Jan.-Sept. 2011, the Group sold 1,239,200 TEU of dry-cargo containers
in total, up 35.24% from a year earlier; 131,900 TEU of reefer containers in total, up
126.24% over the same period of last year; and 62,200 TEU of special-purposed
containers in total, up 51.34% year on year. Despite a great, short-term fluctuation in
the prospects for the container industry, it is for sure that the demand will grow in the
coming one to two years.
In the road transportation vehicle business, the overseas demand remained strong, but
the domestic demand slowed down in the third quarter and likely the fourth due to
slowed-down domestic infrastructure investment and a credit squeeze. For Jan.-Sept.
2011, a total of 122,500 units of various vehicles were sold by the Group, up 6.99%
from a year earlier.
The energy, chemical and liquid food business maintained a strong growth, mainly
thanks to the buoyant demand for natural gas storage-transport vehicles and
engineering projects, cryogenic equipments and tank containers. In September, CIMC
Enric acquired, at the price of RMB 165 million, all equities of Nanjing Yangzi
Petrochemical Design Engineering Company (“YPDI”). YPDI has Grade-A
engineering design qualifications for chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical
projects, the Grade-A engineering consultancy qualification and other qualifications
for pressure vessel and pressure tube design. Besides, YPDI has a professional team
with rich experience and has done a great job in providing design services and
engineering general contracting services. It will help the Group build an engineering
platform for the energy and chemical business, increase the Group’s strength in
engineering, purchase and construction (EPC) supervision, and provide relevant
engineering services and integrated solutions for the existing and potential clients.
In the offshore engineering business, constructions in process went well. In July,
CIMC Raffles won a general contracting contract for building two 50,000-ton
multifunctional semi-submersible carriers. In September, the second deepwater
semi-submersible drilling platform—COSL INNOVATOR—built by CIMC Raffles
for China Oilfield Services Limited (“COSL”) successfully completed the trial run
and was delivered on 21 October 2011.
Significant movements of indicators and reasons for the movements:
                                                                        Unit: RMB’000
                                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                                    30 Sept. 2011/    31 Dec. 2010/
                                                                        Movement          Reasons for the movement
                                    Jan.-Sept. 2011   Jan.-Sept. 2010
Transactional          financial                                                    Changes in the fair value of
                                             89,106          154,292      -42.25%
liabilities (non-current)                                                           derivative financial instruments
                                                                                    The influence of the shift to the
                                                                                    recording currency and fair value
Capital reserve                            851,196          1,349,420     -36.92%
                                                                                    changes       of   available-for-sale
                                                                                    financial assets
Taxes and fares payable                   1,081,591          789,155      37.06%    Business growth

Short-term borrowings                   11,654,758          8,309,309     40.26%    More short-term financing needs

                                                                                    More financing needs due to
Long-term borrowings                      5,617,468         3,912,148     43.59%
                                                                                    business growth
Accounts        received       in
                                          2,790,697         1,935,731     44.17%    Expanded sale

Notes receivable                           760,128           508,585      49.46%    Expanded sale

                                                                                    Prepayments for land transfer
Other receivables                         3,866,913         2,236,272     72.92%
                                                                                    Considerable       growth       in        the
Long-term receivables                     3,590,917         1,336,257    168.73%
                                                                                    financial lease business
                                                                                    Investment gains of the same
                                                                                    period of last year included losses
Investment gains                             94,922           -24,574    486.27%
                                                                                    on disposing long-term equity
                                                                                    Fair value changes of short-term
Gains/losses on fair value
                                           -157,761          144,896     -208.88%   stock investments and derivative
                                                                                    financial instruments

Administrative expense                    2,555,864         1,821,885     40.29%    Business growth

Selling expense                           1,455,511         1,021,477     42.49%    Business growth

                                                                                    The expenditure on purchases
Cash paid for goods and
                                        45,793,215        30,098,044      52.15%    increased due to a significant
                                                                                    growth in the container business.
                                                                                    Income       increased    due        to    a
Cash received from selling
                                        47,167,914        30,326,221      55.54%    significant growth in the container
goods or providing services
                                                                                    Bank borrowings increased and
Cash         received         as
                                        27,981,767        14,557,306      92.22%    the       Group      launched              a
                                                                                    medium-term note issue this year.
Cash paid to acquire fixed,
                                                                                    The expenditure on long-term
intangible       and        other         1,560,867          801,583      94.72%
                                                                                    asset purchases increased.
long-term assets
Cash paid as dividends,                                                             The     interest   paid     and           the
                                          1,654,201          709,929     133.01%
profit distribution or interest                                                     dividends distributed for the year
                                                            The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                                                                 2010 increased.

3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions
3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related
parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.4 Other
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
Performance on the stock option incentive scheme:
On 28 Dec. 2009, the 16th Session of the 5th Board of Directors for year 2009 of
CIMC was held, at which the Stock Option Incentive Scheme of China International
Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. (Draft), the Appraisal Measures for
Implementing Stock Option Incentive Scheme of China International Marine
Containers (Group) Co., Ltd., the Proposal on Submitting the Shareholders’ General
Meeting to Authorize the Board of Directors to Transact Matters Related with Stock
Option Incentive Scheme of CIMC and other relevant events were reviewed,
approved and then submitted to CSRC for record.
On 1 Sept. 2010, the Company convened the 5th Session of the 6th Board of Directors
for Year 2010, which reviewed and approved Proposal on Revising the Stock Option
Incentive Scheme of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd (Draft),
and revised the original incentive scheme. With unanimous review by CSRC, on 17
Sept. 2010, the 1st Special Shareholders’ Meeting for Y2010 of the Company
reviewed and approved the Revised Stock Option Incentive Scheme of China
International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. (Draft) (hereafter referred to as
“Incentive Scheme of Stock Option (Drafted, Revised)”).
On 26 Jan. 2011, the Company officially accomplished the registration of the stock
options to be granted as incentives. A total number of 60 million stock options were to
be granted for this time, accounting for 2.25% of the Company’s total share capital.
For the first phase, a number of 54 million stock options were granted to 181 senior
executives and core technical personnel of the Company, with the exercise price at
RMB 12.39 and the granting date on 28 Sept. 2010.
On 13 Apr. 2011, the 2010 annual dividend distribution plan was reviewed and
approved at the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company.
According to the plan, a cash dividend of RMB 3.50 (tax included) was distributed for
every 10 shares held by all shareholders on the basis of the Company’s total shares of
2,662,396,051 in number. On 22 Jul. 2011, the 8th Session of the 6th Board of
Directors for 2011 was convened, which resolved to adjust the exercise price for the
A-stock options to be granted to RMB 12.04 according to the revised stock incentive
On 21 Sept. 2011, the 13th Session of the 6th Board of Directors for 2011 was
convened, where the Proposal on List for Granting Reserved Options According to the
Stock Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and approved. The granting date of the
reserved options was fixed as 22 Sept. 2011, while the relevant exercise price was
RMB 17.57.
3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual
                                                                                        The Third Quarterly Report 2011

Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders
during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting
□Applicable     √Inapplicable
3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit
achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next reporting period
compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons
□Applicable     √Inapplicable
3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained
3.5.1 Investments into securities
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                      Unit: RMB ’000
                                                                                                             Proportion in
                                                           Initial     Shares held at                                              Gains or losses
 Serial    Securities      Stock      Short form of                                      Book value at total securities
                                                         investment     period-end                                                 in the reporting
  No.        variety       code             stock                                          period-end        investment at
                                                          amount           (share)                                                      period
                                                                                                            period-end (%)
                                    Treasury bonds
   1      Bond           204014                           160,016.00         650,000        160,016.00                    51.56%                 0.00
                                    obtained as a
                                    bonds borrower
   2      Stock          200581 Su Weifu-B                 53,263.00        3,463,501        45,356.00                    14.61%        -39,067.00
   3      Stock          000368                            20,188.00        2,996,500          4,251.00                   1.37%           -2,996.00
   4      Stock          G05.SI     GoodPack              101,328.00       13,500,000       100,419.00                    32.35%        -37,190.00
       Other securities investments held at the
                                                            2,834.00          -                  343.00                   0.11%         -48,646.00
 Gain/loss on securities investments sold in the
                                                              -               -                 -                     -                  30,283.00
                  reporting period
                         Total                            337,629.00          -             310,385.00                     100%         -97,616.00
Explanation on securities investment
The Company’s short-term investment, such as securities investment, has been listed
as the investment budget in The Investment Budget of Annual Financial Report for
Y2010 and Annual Financial Budget Report for Y2011, which also has been
submitted to annual board session for review and approval. The approval and
operation procedure for the short-term investment (such as securities investment) is
strictly in accordance with the Administration on Securities Investment of CIMC.
3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period
                                                                                                             Main discussion and materials
          Time                      Place               Way of reception             Visitor or caller
                                                                                                                provided by the Company
                                                                                                            The           Company’s       business
                         The            Company                                   Goldman           Sachs
 5 Jul. 2011                                        Field research                                          structure, profile, main business
                         building                                                 Hongkong
                                                                                                            status,        industry    status    and
                                                                      The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                                                                                       outlook for 2011
                The         Company                            Dongguan Secutities,
6 Jul. 2011                           Field research                                   Ditto
                building                                       Great Wall Securities
                The Company
11 Jul. 2011                          Field research           Goldman Sachs           Ditto
                                                               Essence Securities,
                The Company
12 Jul. 2011                          Field research           UBS Huachuang,          Ditto
                                                               Hengtai Securities
                                                               Client of China
13 Jul. 2011    Xiamen                One-to-many conference                           Ditto
                                                               Securities Co., Ltd.
                                                               Zeal Asset
                The Company
14 Jul. 2011                          Field research           Limited, Fuh Hwa        Ditto
                                                               Securities Investment
                                                               Trust Co., Ltd.
                The Company
19 Jul. 2011                          Field research           Bosera Funds            Ditto
                                                               Wanjia Asset
                The Company
21 Jul. 2011                          Field research           Management Co.,         Ditto
                The Company
24 Aug. 2011                          Field research           J.P.Morgan            Ditto
                                                               Chang Xin Asset
                The Company
25 Aug. 2011                          Field research           Management Co.,         Ditto
                                                               Shanghai Rising
                The Company
31 Aug. 2011                          Field research           Investment              Ditto
                                                               Management Limited
                                                               Shenzhen Wudang
                The Company
5 Sept. 2011                          Field research           Asset Management        Ditto
14 Sept. 2011   Hong Kong             One-to-many conference Client of Jefferies       Ditto
                The Company                                    The Royal Bank of
21 Sept. 2011                         Field research                                   Ditto
                building                                       Scotland Group PLC
                The Company                                    Anfuda Investment
22 Sept. 2011                         Field research                                   Ditto
                building                                       Co., Ltd.
                                                               Matthews from
                The Company
27 Sept. 2011                         Field research           Mingji Int'l Industrial Ditto
                                                               JS Cresvale
                The Company
29 Sept. 2011                         Field research           International           Ditto
                                                               Securities Limited
30 Sept. 2011   The Company           By phone                 Client of Morgan        Ditto
                                                                                The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                          building                                       Stanley
                          The Company
 30 Sept. 2011                                Field research             Guodu Securities       Ditto
3.6 Investment in derivative products
√Applicable       □Inapplicable
                                                                  By 30 Sept. 2011, main financial instruments held by the
                                                                  Company were forward exchanges or option contracts and
                                                                  interest forward-forward swap contracts. Risk of foreign
                                                                  exchange or option contract related to of risk from interest
 Analysis on risks and control measures of holding positions of exchange market and certainty of future cash flow from
 derivatives in the report period (including but not limited to foreign currency income. Control measures of derivative
 market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operation risk, law risk, instrument showed in the following: being prudent in selecting
 etc.)                                                            derivative financial instruments to invest in; aiming at
                                                                  derivative transaction, the Company formulated strict and
                                                                  regular inner examination and approval system and operation
                                                                  process, and defined procedure of examination and approve to
                                                                  control relevant risks.
 Changes of market prices or fair values in the report period of Gains and losses from fair value changes of derivative
 the invested derivatives, and the analysis on the fair value of the financial instrument was RMB -29,862,000 from Jan.-Sept.
 derivatives should include how to use, and the relevant 2011. Fair value of derivative financial instrument was defined
 assumptions and parameters                                       according to market quote of financial institution.
 Whether significant changes happened to the Company’s
 accounting policy and specific accounting principles of the
 derivatives in the reporting period compared with the last
 reporting period
                                                                  We are of the opinion that: The Company was able to
                                                                  standardize its investment in derivative products according to
 Specific opinion from independent directors, sponsors or
                                                                  relevant regulations and rules of regulatory authorities and the
 financial consultants on the Company’s derivatives investment
                                                                  principle of prudence. The relevant internal approval
 and risk control
                                                                  mechanism and operation procedures were complete with
                                                                  effective risk control.
3.6.1 Positions of derivatives held by the Company at period-end
√Applicable        □Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB’000
                                                                                                                  Proportion of the
                                                                                                                  contract amount
                                          Contract amount at       Contract amount at         Gain/loss in        at period-end in
            Type of contract
                                              period-begin             period-end           reporting period      the Company’s
                                                                                                                    net assets at
 1. Forward foreign exchange contract              4,673,302.00            2,658,477.00              -43,221.00            14.34%
 2. Interest rate swaps                            2,370,373.00            2,946,117.00              -19,326.00            15.90%
 3. Option contracts –JPY                           370,909.00              105,290.00              32,685.00               0.57%
                                                                                              The Third Quarterly Report 2011

                              Total                            7,414,584.00               5,709,884.00                -29,862.00           30.81%

             § 4 Attachments
             4.1 Balance sheet
             Prepared by China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.           30 Sept. 2011         Unit: RMB’000
                                               Balance as at 30 Sept. 2011                          Balance as at 31 Dec. 2010
                                          Consolidation            The Company                Consolidation                The Company
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                7,050,105.00              325,335.00                4,655,696.00                    419,945.00
  Settlement funds
  Outgoing call loans
  Transaction financial asset                    393,117.00               160,016.00                     525,661.00                 162,298.00
  Notes receivable                               760,128.00                                              508,585.00                  31,000.00
  Account receivable                          10,608,593.00                                         8,129,836.00
  Prepayment                                    1,836,867.00                                        2,433,447.00
  Insurance premium receivables
  Reinsurance               accounts
  Reinsurance contract reserve
  Interest receivable                               2,849.00                                               4,732.00
  Dividend receivable                                                   4,434,673.00                                               4,243,437.00
  Other accounts receivable                     3,866,913.00            7,777,321.00                2,236,272.00                   4,175,168.00
  Financial       assets   purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                                 16,099,802.00                                        13,423,747.00
  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                1,424,198.00                                        1,185,502.00
  Other current assets                           730,318.00                                              688,030.00
Total current assets                          42,772,890.00            12,697,345.00               33,791,508.00                   9,031,848.00
Non-current assets:
  Loan and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed
  Available-for-sale        financial
                                                 611,251.00               604,353.00                     768,467.00                 759,401.00
  Held to maturity investments
  Long-term account receivable                  3,590,917.00                                        1,336,257.00
  Long-term equity investment                   1,934,834.00            3,906,055.00                1,548,332.00                   3,662,478.00
  Investment property                            109,505.00                                               77,356.00
  Fixed asset                                   9,984,297.00              139,511.00               10,006,466.00                    144,692.00
  Project in process                            2,527,231.00                  13,784.00             1,697,664.00                     25,224.00
  Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
                                                                        The Third Quarterly Report 2011

  Production biological asset
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                      3,150,995.00      22,348.00          3,218,571.00            23,109.00
  Development expense
  Goodwill                               1,228,254.00                         1,168,594.00
  Long-term deferred expense               24,173.00         6,156.00           27,978.00                 4,999.00
  Deferred tax assets                     549,068.00       26,341.00           489,456.00
  Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                23,710,525.00    4,718,548.00        20,339,141.00          4,619,903.00
Total assets                            66,483,415.00   17,415,893.00        54,130,649.00         13,651,751.00
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                 11,654,758.00     763,549.00          8,309,309.00           480,897.00
  Borrowing from central Bank
  Deposits received and held for
  Call loan received
  Transaction financial liabilities        56,882.00       45,173.00              3,810.00                 556.00
  Notes payable                          2,124,415.00                         2,538,623.00           200,000.00
  Account payable                        8,490,493.00                         9,117,500.00
  Account received in advance            2,790,697.00                         1,935,731.00
  Financial assets sold under
agreements to repurchase
  Handling charges and
commission payable
  Payroll payable                        1,689,498.00     503,550.00          1,365,532.00           368,275.00
  Taxes payable                          1,081,591.00      68,794.00           789,155.00             59,080.00
  Interest payable                        124,152.00      100,881.00            13,168.00                 5,522.00
  Dividend payable                         49,342.00                            16,046.00
  Other payables                         2,668,067.00      44,607.00          2,388,367.00                9,407.00
  Account due to reinsurance
  Insurance contract reserve
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current       liabilities   due
                                         2,937,117.00     768,101.00          2,844,521.00          2,729,353.00
within 1 year
  Estimated liabilities(current)          710,093.00                           649,573.00
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities               34,377,105.00    2,294,655.00        29,971,335.00          3,853,090.00
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                   5,617,468.00    4,815,019.00         3,912,148.00          2,473,381.00
  Transaction financial
                                           89,106.00       78,588.00           154,292.00            136,846.00
  Bonds payable                          3,987,470.00    3,987,470.00
                                                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2011

  Long-term payables                                  62,037.00                                       118,858.00
  Specific payables                                   16,883.00                                         16,442.00
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred taxes liabilities                         606,854.00                                       572,866.00                   50,291.00
  Other non-current liabilities                      234,202.00                                       178,008.00
Total non-current liabilities                     10,614,020.00             8,881,077.00            4,952,614.00                 2,660,518.00
Total liabilities                                 44,991,125.00            11,175,732.00           34,923,949.00                 6,513,608.00
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)               2,662,396.00             2,662,396.00            2,662,396.00                 2,662,396.00
  Capital reserve                                    851,196.00              200,872.00             1,349,420.00                  852,264.00
  Less: treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                 2,861,050.00             2,861,050.00            3,577,588.00                 3,577,588.00
  General risk provision
  Retained earnings                               12,523,197.00              515,843.00            10,689,335.00                 1,579,889.00
  Foreign exchange difference                       -364,200.00                                     -2,055,682.00               -1,533,994.00
Total equity attributable to owners
                                                  18,533,639.00             6,240,161.00           16,223,057.00                 7,138,143.00
of the Company
Minority interest                                  2,958,651.00                                     2,983,643.00
Total owner’s equity                             21,492,290.00             6,240,161.00           19,206,700.00                 7,138,143.00
Total      liabilities     and     owner’s
                                                  66,483,415.00            17,415,893.00           54,130,649.00                13,651,751.00

             4.2 Income statement for Jul.-Sept. 2011
             Prepared by China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.           Jul.-Sept. 2011        Unit: RMB’000
                                                        Jul.- Sept. 2011                                     Jul.- Sept. 2010
                                              Consolidation          The Company              Consolidation               The Company
I. Total sales                                    14,516,468.00                                    16,939,399.00                      279.00
  Including: Sales                                14,516,468.00                                    16,939,399.00                      279.00
  Interests income
  Premium income
  Handling               charges       and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                           13,706,610.00              160,709.00            15,334,812.00                     7,867.00
Including: Cost of sales                          12,108,909.00                    1.00            13,872,913.00                       14.00
  Interests expenses
  Handling               charges       and
commission income
  Insurance discharge payment
  Claim expenses-net
  Provision for insurance contract
                                                                                         The Third Quarterly Report 2011

  Insurance policy dividend paid
  Reinsurance expense
  Business taxes and surcharges                  120,507.00                 3,888.00               10,281.00
  Distribution expenses                          486,920.00                                       463,128.00
  Administrative expenses                        839,913.00                81,168.00              789,694.00                   25,348.00
  Financial costs                                144,800.00                75,652.00              196,131.00               -17,495.00
  Impairment loss                                   5,561.00                                        2,665.00
 Add: gain/(loss) from change in
                                                  -69,505.00              -16,725.00               58,555.00                    5,744.00
fair value (“-” means loss)
  Investment income (“-” means
                                                   23,715.00              245,428.00               32,447.00                   47,204.00
    Including:       income     from
investment on affiliated enterprise                -2,897.00                                        3,974.00
and jointly enterprise
  Foreign exchange difference
(“-” means loss)
III. Operating profit (“-” means
                                                 764,068.00                67,994.00            1,695,589.00                   45,360.00
 Add: non-business income                          96,838.00                  166.00               19,790.00                     675.00
 Less: non-business expense                        14,684.00                  248.00                4,216.00                     156.00
        Including: loss from
                                                   -6,771.00                  148.00                1,196.00
non-current asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)              846,222.00                67,912.00            1,711,163.00                   45,879.00
Less: tax expense                                259,524.00                -3,476.00              224,096.00                   23,856.00
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                 586,698.00                71,388.00            1,487,067.00                   22,023.00
 Attributable to equity holders of
                                                 513,778.00                71,388.00            1,412,395.00                   22,023.00
the Company
 Minority interests                                72,920.00                                       74,672.00
VI. Earnings per share
    (I) Basic earnings per share                      0.1930                                             0.5305
    (II) Diluted earnings per share                   0.1930                                             0.5305
Ⅶ. Other composite income                       -173,502.00             -104,422.00             -105,374.00               -98,091.00
Ⅷ. Total composite income                       413,196.00               -33,034.00            1,381,693.00               -76,068.00
    Attributable to owners of the
                                                 366,807.00               -33,034.00            1,280,441.00               -76,068.00
    Attributable to minority
                                                   46,389.00                                      101,252.00

             4.3 Income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
             Prepared by China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.       Jan.-Sept. 2011        Unit: RMB’000
                                                     Jan.-Sept. 2011                                     Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                          Consolidation           The Company             Consolidation              The Company
I. Total sales                                50,994,566.00                   700.00           38,177,288.00                     340.00
                                                                        The Third Quarterly Report 2011

Including: Sales                           50,994,566.00      700.00         38,177,288.00                340.00
  Interests income
  Premium income
  Handling           charges         and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                    46,437,877.00   410,143.00        35,472,703.00            78,332.00
Including: Cost of sales                   41,608,809.00        40.00        32,119,642.00                 14.00
  Interests expenses
  Handling charges and
commission income
  Insurance discharge payment
  Claim expenses-net
  Provision for insurance contract
  Insurance policy dividend paid
  Reinsurance expense
  Business taxes and surcharges              193,661.00      3,888.00           29,469.00
  Distribution expenses                     1,455,511.00                      1,021,477.00
  Administrative expenses                   2,555,864.00   366,716.00         1,821,885.00            78,882.00
  Financial costs                            544,762.00     39,499.00          448,221.00                 -564.00
  Impairment loss                             79,270.00                         32,009.00
 Add: gain/(loss) on change in
                                             -157,761.00   -25,444.00          144,896.00             13,221.00
fair value (“-” means loss)
  Gain/(loss) on investment (“-”
                                              94,922.00    468,132.00           -24,574.00           145,507.00
means loss)
    Including:       income         from
investment      on      associate    and      25,842.00                         26,556.00
jointly-run ventures
  Gain     or    loss     on    foreign
exchange difference (“-” means
III. Operating profit (“-” means
                                            4,493,850.00    33,245.00         2,824,907.00            80,736.00
 Add: non-business income                    199,851.00      1,352.00          214,638.00             30,189.00
 Less: non-business expense                   29,960.00       558.00              9,717.00                156.00
Including: loss from disposal of
                                                 270.00       -460.00             1,243.00
non-current assets
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)         4,663,741.00    34,039.00         3,029,828.00           110,769.00
 Less: tax expense                          1,283,642.00   -41,163.00          457,612.00             17,817.00
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)            3,380,099.00    75,202.00         2,572,216.00            92,952.00
  Attributable to equity holders
                                            3,321,407.00    75,202.00         2,324,951.00            92,952.00
of the Company
  Minority interests                          58,692.00                        247,265.00
                                                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2011

VI. Earnings per share
    (I) Basic earnings per share                        1.2475                                             0.8733
    (II) Diluted earnings per share                     1.2475                                             0.8733
Ⅶ. Other composite income                         -124,309.00            -119,575.00              -612,183.00               -347,884.00
Ⅷ. Total composite income                        3,255,790.00              -44,373.00            1,960,033.00               -254,932.00
    Attributable to owners of the
                                                  3,160,854.00              -44,373.00            1,751,916.00               -254,932.00
    Attributable to minority
                                                     94,936.00                                      208,117.00

              4.4 Cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
              Prepared by China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.        Jan.-Sept. 2011        Unit: RMB’000
                                                        Jan.-Sept. 2011                                    Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                             Consolidation          The Company             Consolidation              The Company
1. Cash flows from operating
     Cash received from sales of
                                                 47,167,914.00                                   30,326,221.00
goods or rending of services
     Net increase of deposits
received and held for others
     Net increase of loans from
central bank
     Net increase of call loans
from other financial institutions
     Cash         received         against
original insurance contract
     Net       cash     received     from
     Net increase of client deposit
and investment
     Net increase of disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets
     Cash received as interest,
handling              charges         and
     Net increase of call loans
     Net increase of cash received
under repurchasing
     Tax and fare refunds                         3,056,116.00                                      862,403.00
     Other cash received from
                                                    287,509.00            7,019,830.00              358,360.00               4,757,615.00
operating activities
       Sub-total of cash inflow
                                                 50,511,539.00            7,019,830.00           31,546,984.00               4,757,615.00
from operating activities
                                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2011

     Cash paid for goods and
                                             45,793,215.00                        30,098,044.00
     Net increase of loans and
advances from customers
     Net increase of deposits in
central bank, banks and other
financial institutions
     Cash     paid       for     original
contract claims
     Cash paid for interest, fees
and commissions
     Cash      paid       for     policy
     Cash     paid     to       and    for
                                              2,921,448.00      78,502.00          1,796,816.00            51,137.00
     Cash paid for various taxes
                                              1,858,137.00      27,165.00          1,149,744.00           233,868.00
and fares
     Other cash paid relating to
                                              3,147,419.00   10,618,731.00         2,364,612.00          4,470,301.00
operating activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows
                                             53,720,219.00   10,724,398.00        35,409,216.00          4,755,306.00
from operating activities
     Net     cash        flows        from
                                             -3,208,680.00   -3,704,568.00        -3,862,232.00                2,309.00
operating activities
II. Cash Flows from Investing
     Cash         received            from
                                                70,853.00       45,853.00            12,066.00             12,066.00
investment retractions
     Cash         received            from
                                                34,405.00      267,251.00            26,074.00            300,086.00
investment income
     Net     cash     received        from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible              9,460.00        1,975.00             5,093.00                 102.00
assets and other long-term assets
     Net     cash     received        from
disposal of subsidiaries and other                                                                         11,238.00
operating units
     Other cash received relating
to investing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows of
                                               114,718.00      315,079.00            43,233.00            323,492.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for acquisition of
fixed assets, intangible assets and           1,560,867.00      35,463.00           801,583.00                 4,651.00
other long-term assets
     Cash paid for acquisition of              419,529.00      321,764.00           425,338.00            286,173.00
                                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2011

        Net increase of pledge loans
        Net cash paid for acquisition
of subsidiaries and other operating            49,431.00                          419,152.00
        Other cash paid relating to
investing activities
        Sub-total of cash outflows of
                                             2,029,827.00    357,227.00          1,646,073.00           290,824.00
investing activities
         Net     cash     flows      from
                                            -1,915,109.00     -42,148.00        -1,602,840.00            32,668.00
investing activities
III. Cash Flows from Financing
        Cash          received       from
        Including: cash received by
subsidiaries          from       minority
        Cash          received       from
                                            27,981,767.00   8,782,083.00        14,557,306.00          4,867,046.00
        Cash received from bonds
        Other cash received relating
to financing activities
        Sub-total of cash inflows of
                                            27,981,767.00   8,782,083.00        14,963,102.00          4,867,046.00
financing activities
        Cash paid for repayment of
                                            19,474,509.00   4,026,511.00         8,370,667.00          3,114,013.00
        Cash paid for dividends,
                                             1,654,201.00   1,099,505.00          709,929.00            423,145.00
profit distribution or interest
        Including:       dividends     or
profits        paid      to      minority
shareholders by subsidiaries
        Other cash paid relating to
financing activities
         Sub-total of cash outflows
                                            21,128,710.00   5,126,016.00         9,080,596.00          3,537,158.00
of financing activities
          Net    cash        flows   from
                                             6,853,057.00   3,656,067.00         5,882,506.00          1,329,888.00
financing activities
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
                                                 6,836.00      -1,477.00          -129,856.00                -2,306.00
rate on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net decrease in cash and cash
                                             1,736,104.00     -92,126.00          287,578.00           1,362,559.00
                                                                  The Third Quarterly Report 2011

    Add : Opening amount of
                                      3,797,415.00   417,461.00         4,396,525.00           137,680.00
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                      5,533,519.00   325,335.00         4,684,103.00          1,500,239.00
cash equivalents

          4.5 Auditor’s report
          Audit opinion: Un-audited