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山 航B:2012年年度报告摘要(英文版)2013-03-18  

						       Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.                                                                Summary of Annual Report for 2012

                                       Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.
                                     Summary of Annual Report 2012
1. Important Notice

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details information, investors should found in the full-text of annual
report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC.
Company Profile
Short form of the stock                     Shanhang B                  Stock code                       200152
Stock exchange for listing                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange

          Person/Way to contact                      Secretary of the Board                            Secretary of the Board

Name                                        Dong Qiantang                                   Fan Peng
Tel.                                        0531-85698229                                  0531-85698678
Fax.                                        0531-85698767 ext. 8679                        0531-85698767 ext.8679
E-mail                                      dongqt@shandongair.com.cn                       fanp@shandongair.com.cn

2. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

 (1) Main financial data

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                              Changes over last
                                                   2012                   2011                                             2010
                                                                                                 year (%)
Operating income (RMB)                         10,993,024,914.41       9,666,969,745.20                   13.72%       7,292,615,957.10
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                  589,810,932.47        771,225,549.05                   -23.52%         634,364,547.92
of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deducting             490,146,637.15        751,635,820.83                   -34.79%         625,449,962.16
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                1,726,317,500.75       2,245,050,664.90                  -23.11%       1,675,078,629.81

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                          1.47                   1.93                -23.83%                     1.59
Diluted earnings per share
                                                              1.47                   1.93                -23.83%                     1.59
                                                                                                18.69 percentage
Weighted average ROE (%)                                  26.36%                 45.05%                    down                   56.84%

                                                End of 2012            End of 2011           Changes over end of
                                                                                                                       End of 2010
                                                                                                last year (%)
Total assets (RMB)                             11,261,341,430.03       9,772,985,545.97                   15.23%       8,923,799,368.85
Net assets attributable to shareholder of       2,479,055,852.28       2,049,244,919.81                   20.97%       1,406,659,169.90

    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.                                                                Summary of Annual Report for 2012

listed company (RMB)

 (2) Statement of shares held by top 10 shareholders

                                                                    Total shareholders ended as the
Total shareholders in reporting
                                                             17,689 5th trading day before annual                               17,689
                                                                    report disclosed
                                        Particular about shares held by top ten shareholders
                                    Proportion of                                                           Shares pledge or frozen
                                                    Amount of
 Shareholders         Nature         shares held                     Amount of restricted shares held
                                                    shares held                                              Status        Amount

SHANDONG AVIATION GROUP                                                  42%       168,004,000        168,004,000
                                                legal person
AIR CHINA LIMITED                                                      22.8%        91,200,000          91,200,000
                                                legal person
GUOTAI JUNAN                                   Foreign legal
                                                                       0.85%          3,394,728                  0
SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                   person
Yao Ming                                                               0.46%          1,835,679                  0
                                               natural person
WANXIANG INTERNATIONAL                         Foreign legal
                                                                       0.45%          1,805,525                  0
INVESTMENT CORPORATION                         person
Chen Jingjian                                                          0.35%          1,380,800                  0
                                               natural person
Ou Yanping                                                             0.24%           945,043                   0
                                               natural person
HUANG LIU LIA                                                          0.23%           918,917                   0
                                               natural person
Ye Qufa                                                                 0.2%           810,000                   0
                                               natural person
Bao Xiuzhen                                                             0.2%           800,000                   0
                                               natural person
                                                                 1. Shandong Aviation Group is the first largest shareholder of the
                                                                 Company, who holds the shares of the Company on behalf of the
                                                                 State with unlisted shares.
                                                                 2. Air China Limited is the second largest shareholder of the
                                                                 Company, who holds the shares of the Company on behalf of the
                                                                 State with unlisted shares; Air China is the first largest shareholder
Explanation on associated relationship among the aforesaid       of SDA and the actual controller of the Company.
                                                                 3. Among the above the top ten shareholders, Air China is the first
                                                                 largest shareholder of the SDAG, and there exists no associated
                                                                 relationship between SDA and Air China and the other shareholders,
                                                                 and they don’t belong to the consistent actionist regulated by the
                                                                 Management Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of
                                                                 Shareholding for Listed Companies with the other shareholders.
 (3) Property right and controlling relationships between the actual controllers of the Company and the
Company is as follows:

                                  Shandong Aviation Group


                               Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.

     Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.                                                                Summary of Annual Report for 2012

3. Discussion and analysis by the Management Team

In 2012, opportunities and challenges existed side by side, confronting the complicated and versatile internal and external
management environment, the Company insisted on taking comprehensive promotion as the principal line, focusing on implementing
ten strategic management points, striving to resolve the three principal contradictions of relatively limited resources, outdated
mechanism and insufficient abilities that restricted the rapid development of the Company, continuously made the soft power for
scientific development, actively responded, united and struggled, all work including safety, benefits, services and management
completed the intended target, and the main business performance was at the industry-leading level.
(I) Emphasize on the governance of key links, security situation overall keeps steady
In 2012, the Company guaranteed safe flight of 228,400 hours and 122,800 sorties, respectively increased by 14.69% and 14.54% on
year-on-year basis, no unsafe events above aviation incident caused by the Company occurred, no flight incident caused by
irresponsibility occurred for six consecutive years, continued to kept the longest cycle of flight incident in civil aviation caused by
irresponsibility, straightened out the responsibilities of branch office, base and headquarters, developed a series of activities to fight
against the illegality, and made some achievements in renovating the security breaches.
(II) Strengthen the basic management, running quality overall improved steadily
In 2012, the average on time performance of the Company was 78.35%, ranked number 2 in civil aviation; constantly optimized the
normal performance appraisal system of the flight, continuously monitored the rationality of flight scheduling, periodically analyzed
the flight operating data, effectively adjusted the flight for the season, orderly boosted the normal management of the flight;
strengthened the application of new technology, successfully got approval for RNP APCH supplement, and formally implemented
the operation of RNP APCH.
(III) Positively cope with the market challenge, obtained preferable achievements
In 2012, the Company totally completed transportation turnover volume of 1.592billion ton kilometers, passenger volume of 123,800
tons, respectively increased by 10.21%, 11.95% and 8.30% on year-on-year basis; achieved operation revenue of 10.99 billion yuan,
increased by 13.72 % on year-on-year basis, and net profits of 0.59 billion yuan, decreased by 23.52% on year-on-year basis;
improved the production elasticity and controlling ability to rhythm of production by scientifically organizing production, planning
the coordinating the crew, fly and marketing; in the premise of optimizing the own net, positively obtained the superior freedoms of
air and moment resources, orderly reformed the airlines impacted by the high-speed rail, reasonably arranged the transport capacity,
and the main business performance kept at the industry-leading level even in the stagnant market environment.
(IV) Implement service improvement project, quality of service achieved greater improvement
Carried forward the “Four Stars Service” plan, greatly improved the service quality, strengthened the service supervisory
management, realized multi-dimensional evaluation and analysis, increased the input of service facilities, promoted the passenger
experience; formulated and implemented the “Plan for brand construction of Shandong Airlines in 2012”, the overall score of
passenger satisfaction survey reached 89.38, increasing by 2.66 points on year-on-year basis, customer complaint rate was 0.83 times
per ten thousand person-time, decreasing by 0.34 times per ten thousand person-time, the brand value reached 10.575 billion yuan,
and ranked to 136.

4. Relevant items involving financial report

(1) Explanation on changes on accounting policies, accounting estimation and calculation compare with last
annual report
There is no change on accounting policies, accounting estimation and calculation in the report period.

     Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.                                                                 Summary of Annual Report for 2012

(2)Particular about major accounting errors correction that needs retroactive re-statement in reporting

There is no particular about major accounting errors correction that needs retroactive re-statement in reporting period.

(3) Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s scope
The consolidated financial statement’s scope of this annual was consistent with last year’s.

(4)Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report period by the
Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee

RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP carries out a standard unqualified auditors’ report for the Company.

                                                                              Board of Directors of
                                                                            Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.
                                                                               March 15, 2013
