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山 航B:2013年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2013-08-14  

						                                                                     Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2013

                                ShanDong Airlines Co., ltd.
                            Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2013
1. Important Notice

The summary of semi-annual report is excerpted from the full text of the semi-annual report. For the details, investors should
carefully read the full text of the semi-annual report published on Juchao Information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange Website etc., appointed by CSRC.
Company Profile
Short form of the stock                     SHANHANG B                     Stock code                       200152
Listing stock exchange                      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
         Contact person and ways                        Secretary of the Board                         Rep. of securities affairs
Name                                        Dong Qiantang                                   Fan Peng
Tel.                                        0531-85698229                                  0531-85698678
Fax.                                        0531-85698767 ext. 8679                        0531-85698767ext. 8679
E-mail                                      dongqt@shandongair.com.cn                       fanp@shandongair.com.cn

2. Main accounting data and Changes of shareholders

 (1)Main accounting data

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                                                Increase/decrease in this
                                                        Current period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                                    report y-o-y (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)                                     5,524,710,931.04              5,072,407,702.98                             8.92%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                              82,366,027.52                 191,022,381.16                          -56.88%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                            17,509,015.92                 172,303,947.91                          -89.84%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                             369,369,632.79                 641,489,981.41                          -42.42%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                     0.21                           0.48                        -56.25%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                   0.21                           0.48                        -56.25%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                                 3.3%                          9.13%                         -5.83%
                                                                                                               Increase/decrease over same
                                                  End of current Period          End of period of last year
                                                                                                                period-end of last year (%)
Total assets (RMB)                                        11,577,464,161.34              11,261,341,430.03                             2.81%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                            2,401,421,879.80              2,479,055,852.28                           -3.13%
listed company (RMB)

(2)Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders

Total shareholders at period-end                                                                                                       17,689
                                     Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders
             Shareholders                   Nature of      Proportion    Number of         Amount of                 Number of share

                                                                     Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2013

                                         shareholder     of shares     shares held       holding                pledged/frozen
                                                         held (%)                      untradeable
                                                                                          shares         State of share    Amount
Shandong Aviation Group                                        42%      168,004,000       168,004,000
Air China Limited                                            22.8%       91,200,000        91,200,000
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                         0.85%        3,394,728                  0
                                      Domestic nature
Yao Ming                                                     0.46%        1,835,679                  0
WANXIANG INTERNATIONAL                Overseas
                                                             0.45%        1,805,525                  0
INVESTMENT CORPORATION                corporate
                                      Domestic nature
Chen Jingjian                                                0.35%        1,380,800                  0
                                      Domestic nature
Ou Yanping                                                   0.24%          945,043                  0
                                      Overseas nature
HUANG LIU LIA                                                0.23%          918,917                  0
                                      Domestic nature
Ye Qufa                                                       0.2%          810,000                  0
                                      Domestic nature
Bao Xiuzhen                                                   0.2%          800,000                  0
                                                        1. Shandong Aviation Group is the first largest shareholder of the Company,
                                                        who holds the shares of the Company on behalf of the State with unlisted
                                                        2. Air China Limited is the second largest shareholder of the Company, who
                                                        holds the shares of the Company on behalf of the State with unlisted shares;
Explanation on related relationship or concerted
action among the abovementioned shareholders            3. Among the above top ten shareholders, Air China Limited is the first
                                                        largest shareholder of the SDA, and there exists no associated relationship
                                                        between SDA and Air China and the other shareholders, and they don’t
                                                        belong to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Regulation
                                                        of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies
                                                        with the other shareholders.

 (3) Changes of controlling shareholder or actual controller

The controlling shareholder of the Company has no changed in reporting period.
The actual controller of the Company has no changed in reporting period.

3. Discussion and analysis of management

(1) Continues to strengthen the improvement and rectification, security condition for transportation and
production keeps stable
In first half year of 2013, transportation business guaranteed safe flight of 120,200 hours and 63,800 sorties, respectively increased
by 10.3 percent, and 10.2 percent, on year-on-year basis, no unsafe incident caused by the Company occurred; insist on
implementation of SMS elements, optimize the control in safety process, and pass the 4th review of IOSA successfully; reinforce key
controlling, improved safety quality, made solid progress in “safety production month” and activity of safety inspection, actively
carry out activity of hidden danger identification and safety education on department basis; standardized qualification management,
reinforce safe training, total normalized the qualification management for all employees, definite control for the safety manager,
optimize training control and controlling weekly and scheduling monthly; put more effort on safety governance in aspect of air
defense and ground, promoted SeMS construction, carried out construction of security rules and regulations as well as quality
controlling; 11 ground safety overhaul was exercised, 32 potential safety hazard as fire safety, security defense and electric power etc.
were cleaned up and 3 fire drill was organized.

                                                                    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2013

(2) Enhance the construction of transport control system, upgrade operation support capability
The Company introduces 8 planes in total in first half year of 2013 and one plane was retired. Till end of June 2013, fleet of the
Company up to 69 planes, including 53 B737-800 aircraft, 3 B737-700 aircraft, 6 B737-300 aircraft, 5 CRJ-200 aircraft and 2
CRJ-700 aircraft.

Along with complex and severe condition from outside operation environment, actively integrate internal organization structure,
strengthen information collection and command and coordination; average on time performance of the Company was 76.72 percent,
in first half year of 2013, ranked number 2 in civil aviation; advancing construction of operation and control mechanism as well as
application of new technology, organized a new operation and control center, straighten out management architecture and support
process further, satisfy multistate and mass running needs; improve the flight normal evaluation system, put more efforts on
collection and deep analysis for those abnormal events in way of operation, totally controlling the objective and subjective factors;
revised and improved the “emergency management manual”, carry out standardized management on solution pre-arranged plan for
flight delay in a wide range, no passenger mass disturbances occurred.

(3) Actively respond to shrinking benefit, spare no efforts to revenue-enhancing and expenditure control
In first half year of 2013, the Company totally completed transportation turnover volume of 824 million ton kilometers, volume of
passenger traffic was 6.495m and 61,200 tons in terms of total mail volume with 9.2 percent, 10.5 percent, and 8.3 percent, up
respectively on a year-on-year basis; the Company have recorded 5.5 billion in revenue, up 8.92% percent on a year-on-year basis
while total profit of 122 million, a 51.97%percent down year-on-year; in line with the principle of “maximum transportation
arrangement and optimum route matching”, centering on market, reinforce the controlling ability of market, optimizing the schedule,
organizing production, ensuring utilization rates up to 10.38 hours for listed planes through scientific scheduling; intensify rigid of
the budget costs, maintain a strict standard for expenses off budget, controlling the cost through effective action in terms of financial
expenses, maintenance cost, sales expenses, procurement cost, labor cost, fuel prudent and operating efficiency.

(4) Consolidating 4-star service standards, service quality is rising steadily
In first half year of 2013, overall score of CSS (Customer Satisfaction Survey) comes to 89.59 points, up 0.67 points on a y-o-y basis;
strengthen the revision and implementation for 11 service regulations, further cement results of 4-star service; implemented project
management mode, well-defined goals and carry out responsibility against the five service short boards of in-flight meals quality,
in-flight entertainment, luggage transport, irregular flight informing and agent control; the Company honor the title of the “China 500
Most Valuable Brands” the sixth year in a row with brand value up to 15,286 million Yuan, 4711 million Yuan higher than the year
before, stands NO.121 with 15 ranking up.

(5) Strengthening strategy control, role of strategy leading increasing
Put more efforts to promote the implementation of strategy management, strengthen the scheduling and moving ahead on
implementation by strictly in line with the milestone plan, the coincidence rate of schedule for the strategy management up to 82
percent; the operation regulation for Chongqing Branch was issued and authorized and officially established, which marks the base
structure establishment of “Trine” in Shandong, Xiamen and Chongqing, national strategy layout is initially formed, the route
network structure was optimized further.

(6) Strengthen and improve Party Building, strongly push forward the central works
Adjust and perfect the power of gross-root organization, bring forth new ideas for the check-up system of Party-building’s
performance, and focus on strengthening Party Building for the primary level; carry out corporate culture’s great discussion theme as
“Integrity, Responsibility and Loyalty” as well as activity of “Youth Language Plan”, “Keynote Speech of Professionalism” and
young volunteer activity, break a new ground of youth work; actively carry out the party spirit and honest government education,
create files management of clean-fingered for cadre, and establishes honesty education system and honest conversation system, take
positive steps to implement the “Eight Rules”, effectively change the style in working.

4. Matters relevant to financial report

(1) Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method
compared with the financial report of last year
The company had no changes in accounting policy, estimates or calculation method in the reporting.

(2) Particulars about retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in reporting period
The company had no particulars about retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in the reporting.

(3) Particulars about the change of consolidation range compared with the financial report of last year

Consolidation financial statement range was consistent with last year’s in the reporting.

                                                   Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2013

(4) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” of the Report from CPA by the Board and Supervisory Committee

                                                                                         Board of Directors of
                                                                                      Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            14 August 2013
