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山 航B:2008年年度报告(英文版)2009-03-30  

						Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report






    2008 年年度报告






    March, 2009


    Jinan · P.R.C.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Contents and Important Notes


    I. Company Profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2


    II. Summary of Financial Highlight and Business Highlight ----------------------------------3


    III. Changes in Capital Shares and Particulars about Shareholders ------------------------5


    IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees---------8


    V. Administrative Structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------13


    VI. Brief Introduction to the Shareholders’ General Meeting -------------------------------15


    VII. Report of the Board of Directors ------------------------------------------------------------15


    VIII. Report of the Supervisory Committee ----------------------------------------------------24


    IX. Significant Events --------------------------------------------------------------------------------25


    X. Financial Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------28


    XI. Documents for Reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------84


    Important Notes:


    The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives


    hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading information or


    important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual


    and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.


    Independent Director Mr Fan Shaokun was absent from the Board meeting and authorized


    Independent Director Mr. Hu Jijian to vote on his behalf.


    Reanda Certified Public Accountants issued the standard unqualified Auditors’ Report for


    the Company.


    Chairman of the Board Mr. Zhang Xingfu, General Manager Mr. Zeng Guoqiang, and Chief


    Accountant Mr. Xiao Feng of the Company hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the


    Annual Report is true and complete.




    The Company: Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    SDA: Shandong Aviation Group; the controlling shareholder of the Company


    Air China: Air China Limited, the actual controller of the Company


    Air China Group: China National Aviation Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of


    Air ChinaShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    I. Company Profile


    1. Legal Chinese Name of the Company: 山东航空股份有限公司


    Legal English Name of the Company: SHANDONG AIRLINES CO., LTD.


    2. Legal Representative: Zhang Xingfu


    3. Secretary of Board of Directors of the Company: Li Qing’en


    Contact Address: 19/F, SDA Bldg., No. 5746, Er Huan East Road, Jinan, Shandong


    Tel.: (86) 531-5698966


    E-mail: liqe@shandongair.com.cn


    Authorized Representative: Huang Haiming


    E-mail: huanghm@shandongair.com.cn


    Tel.: (86) 531-85698678


    Fax: (86) 531-85698679


    4. Registered Address: Yaoqiang International Airport, Jinan, Shandong


    Office Address: SDA Bldg., No. 5746, Er Huan East Road, Jinan, Shandong


    Post Code: 250014


    Company’s Website: http://www.shandongair.com.cn


    E-mail: zqb@shandongair.com.cn


    5. Newspapers for Disclosing the Information Designated by the Company:


    Domestic: China Securities and Securities Times


    Overseas: Hong Kong Wen Wei Po


    Internet Website for Publishing the Annual Report: http://www.cninfo.com.cn


    The Place Where the Annual Report is Prepared and Placed: Enterprise Management and


    Investment Management of Securities Dept. of the Company (Room 1920, SDA Bldg.)


    Liaison Tel: (86) 531-85698678


    6. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange


    Short Form of the Stock: SHANHANG B


    Stock Code: 200152


    7. Other Relevant Information of the Company


    Initial registration date: Dec. 13, 1999


    Registration date after change: June 14, 2007


    Registration address: Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau of Shandong




    Registered number for enterprise corporation business license: QGLZ Zi No. 003926


    Registered number for taxation: 370112720721201


    Name and address of certified public accountants engaged by the Company:


    Reanda Certified Public Accountants


    Address: Room 2008 on 20/F, East District of No. 1 Building, No. 100, Xili Street,


    Balizhuang, Chaoyang District, BeijingShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    II. Summary of Financial Highlight and Business Highlight


    Unit: RMB


    (I)Main profit index of the Company as of the report year


    Items Amount


    Operating profit 75,759,367.91


    Total profit 108,260,827.56


    Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the


    listed company 80,981,442.68


    Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the


    listed company after deducting non-recurring


    losses/gains 92,440,296.87


    Net cash flow arising from operating activities 1,059,833,106.56


    (II) Items of deducting non-recurring gains and losses and the involved amounts are as




    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount


    Net profit 80,981,442.68


    Add: (1) Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current asset, including


    the offsetting parts which was made accrual of provision for asset


    impairment 10,915,236.47


    (2) Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses,


    while closely related with the business of the Company, excluding the


    fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the


    unified national standard -4,822,515.00


    (3)Losses/gains from changes of fair values occurred in holding


    transaction financial assets and transaction financial liabilities, and


    investment income obtaining from the disposal of transaction financial


    assets and transaction financial liabilities and financial assets available for


    sales, excluded effective hedging business relevant with normal operations


    of the Company 19,293,822.87


    (4) Reversal of provisions for asset impairment of account receivable


    which is made singly impairment test -84,834.50


    (5)Other losses/gains items according with the definition of nonoperational


    losses/gains -10,023,237.59


    Subtotal 15,278,472.25


    Less:Influence number of income tax of non-recurring losses/gains 3,819,618.06


    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 92,440,296.87


    Less: Net profit deducted non-recurring losses/gains attributable to


    minority shareholder 0


    Net profit attributable to shareholder of parent company after deducting


    non-recurring losses/gains 92,440,296.87


    (III) Major accounting data and financial highlights over the previous three years as at the


    end of the report period


    1. Main accounting data




    Increase/decrease this year


    compared with that last year






    Items 2008




    adjustment After adjustment After adjustment Before


    adjustment After adjustment


    Operating income






    4,630,130,538.19 9.06%




    4,231,057,944.71Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Total profit 108,260,827.56 57,546,814.19 98,768,111.17 9.61% 43,421,493.61 44,954,831.61


    Net profit attributable


    to shareholders of the


    listed company


    80,981,442.68 37,255,985.51 68,171,958.24 18.79% 8,875,631.95 10,025,635.45


    Net profit attributable


    to shareholders of the


    listed company after


    deducting non-recurring


    gains and losses


    92,440,296.87 50,392,077.82 53,689,781.57 72.17% -77,526,808.87 -77,526,808.87


    Net cash flow arising


    from operating








    734,571,420.98 44.28%






    At the end of 2007


    Increase/decrease at the end


    of this year compared with


    that at the end of last year




    At the end of 2006


    Items At the end of






    adjustment After adjustment After adjustment Before


    adjustment After adjustment


    Total assets






    7,082,444,002.92 10.75%






    Owners’ equity( or


    Shareholders’ equity) 550,012,296.30




    469,030,853.62 17.27%






    2. Main financial indexes


    2008 2007


    Increase/decrease this year


    compared with that last year












    adjustment After adjustment Before








    Basic earnings per share 0.20 0.09 0.17 17.65% 0.02 0.03


    Diluted earnings per share 0.20 0.09 0.17 17.65% 0.02 0.03


    Basic earnings per share after


    deducting non-recurring gains


    and losses


    0.23 0.13 0.13 72.41% -0.19 -0.19


    Fully diluted return on equity 14.72% 8.53% 14.53% Up 0.19 percentage point 2.22% 2.50%


    Weighted average return on


    equity 15.89% 8.90% 15.67% Up 0.22 percentage point 2.25% 2.53%


    Fully diluted return on equity


    after deducting non-recurring


    gains and losses


    16.81% 11.53% 11.45% Up 5.36 percentage point -19.39% -19.33%


    Weighted average return on


    equity after deducting nonrecurring


    gains and losses


    18.14% 12.04% 12.34% Up 5.8 percentage point -19.61% -19.58%


    Net cash flow per share arising


    from operating activities(RMB) 2.65 1.84 1.84 44.28% 2.65 2.65


    At the end


    of 2008 At the end of 2007


    Increase/decrease at the end


    of this year compared with


    that at the end of last year




    At the end of 2006








    adjustment After adjustment Before








    Net asset per share attributable to


    shareholders of listed company 1.38 1.09 1.17 17.27% 0.77 1.00


    (IV) The Company’s return on equity and earnings per share as of the year 2008 as


    calculated based on fully diluted method and weighted average method taking Requirements


    on the Information Disclosure of Companies Publicly Issuing Shares No. 9 as the reference


    1. Return on EquityShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Amount in Profit in the report this period Amount in same period of last year


    Period Fully diluted Weighted


    average Fully diluted Weighted average


    Net profit attributable to common


    shareholders 14.72% 15.89% 14.53% 15.67%


    Net profit attributable to common


    shareholders after deducting the nonrecurring


    losses and gains


    16.81% 18.14% 11.45% 12.34%


    2. Earnings per Share


    Amount in this period Amount in same period of last year


    Profit in the report




    Basic earnings


    per share




    earnings per




    Basic earnings


    per share


    Diluted earnings


    per share


    Net profit attributable to common


    shareholders 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.17


    Net profit attributable to common


    shareholders after deducting the nonrecurring


    losses and gains


    0.23 0.23 0.13 0.13


    III. Changes in Shares Capital and Particulars about the Shareholders


    (I) Statement of changes in share


    Unit: Shares




    change Increase/decrease in this time (+ , - ) After












    Conversion of


    capital public






    insurance Others Subtotal


    I. Unlisted shares 260000000 260000000


    1. Sponsor’s shares 168780100






    State-owned shares 168581100 168581100


    Domestic legal person’s


    shares 199000 199000


    Foreign legal person’s shares




    2. Raised legal person’s




    3. Inner employees’ shares


    4. Preference shares or other 91219900 91219900


    Total unlisted shares 260000000 260000000


    II. Listed shares 140000000 140000000


    1. RMB ordinary shares


    2.Domestically listed foreign


    shares 140000000 140000000Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    3. Overseas listed foreign




    4. Other


    Total listed shares 140000000 140000000


    III. Total shares 400000000 400000000


    (II) Particulars about issuance and listing of shares


    1. Issuance and listing of shares


    The previous three year ended by the period-end, the Company did not issue shares and


    derivative securities for trading.


    2. During the report period, there were no changes in the number and structure of the


    Company’s shares due to bonus share, capital public reserve transferring into share capital,


    rationed share, additional issuance, share merger, convertible company’s bonds transferring


    shares, disinvestments, listing of inner employees’ shares or company’s employee’s shares,


    etc. There were no inner employees’ shares in the Company.


    (III) About Shareholders


    1. Total shareholders as at the end of the report period


    Up to Dec. 31, 2008, the Company had totally 20,397 shareholders, including 20,391 ones of


    domestically listed foreign shares. The top ten shareholders of the Company are as following:


    Unit: Share


    No. Shareholders’ name




    decrease in


    this year


    Number of shares


    held at the year-end




    (%) Type Number of shares


    pledged or frozen




    AVIATION GROUP 0 168004000 42




    legal person’s








    LIMITED 0 91200000 22.8




    legal person’s














    -275400 1819000 0.45




    share Unknown


    4 CHEN CHUN PENG 0 1544800 0.39




    share Unknown


    5 CHEN JING JIAN 893040 1304200 0.33




    share Unknown


    6 WU HAO YUAN 0 1062700 0.27




    share Unknown


    7 LIU LI YA 0 1015216 0.25




    share Unknown


    8 ZHENG WEI HUA 0 1000000 0.25




    share Unknown


    9 HE BIN 0 829407 0.21




    share Unknown


    10 XUE PEI MING 0 828400 0.21




    share Unknown


    Note: 1. Shandong Aviation Group is the first largest shareholder of the Company, who holds


    the shares of the Company on behalf of the State with unlisted shares.


    2. Air China Limited is the second largest shareholder of the Company, who holds the shares


    of the Company on behalf of the State with unlisted shares; Air China is the first largest


    shareholder of SDA and the actual controller of the Company.


    3. Among the above the top ten shareholders, Air China, shareholders of state-owned legal


    person’s share, is the first largest shareholder of the SDA, and there exists no associatedShandong 

Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    relationship between SDA and Air China and the other shareholders, and they don’t belong


    to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Regulation of Information


    Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies with the other shareholders.


    The Company is not aware of their associated relationship among the other shareholders of


    circulation share, whether belongs to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management


    Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.


    2. The controlling shareholder of the Company


    Name of the controlling shareholder: Shandong Aviation Group


    Legal representative: Feng Gang


    Date of foundation: Feb. 9, 1995


    Place of SDA: No. 5746, Er Huan East Road, Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong


    Business scope: Investment and management on aviation transportation; maintaining of


    aerostat and ground facilities limited by permission; conference and exhibition service;


    working service; maintaining on vehicles of ground passenger transportation and ground


    transportation; the sales of general merchandise, handicraft and souvenir; the lodgings; the


    dining service; retail sales of the tobacco product; lease of house (limitedly managed by




    Registered capital: RMB 580 million


    3. The actual controller of the Company


    Actual controller of the Company: Air China Limited.


    Legal Representative: Kong Dong


    Structure of share equity: China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited and China


    Aviation (Group) Co., Ltd. (wholly-owned subsidiary company of Air China Group in Hong


    Kong) jointly sponsored and founded Air China Limited, which was listed in Hong Kong,


    London and Shanghai. Air China Group holds its 43.59% equity.


    Date of Foundation: Sep. 30, 2004


    Business scope: It was engaged in the domestic and overseas transportation business such as


    periodic and aperiodic aviation passenger, cargo, letter and baggage; domestic and overseas


    official flight business; aeroplane management business; repairing of aerostat; business agent


    among air companies; ground service and air courier services related with the main


    operations (excluding letter and articles with the nature of letters); tax-free commodities in




    Registered capital: RMB 11,072,210,909










    4. The Company has no shareholders holding over 10% of shares of the Company except for


    the controlling shareholder SDA and actual controller Air China Limited.


    5. Particulars about the top ten shareholders of circulation share


    No. Name of shareholders Number of shares held at the Type of shares


    Air China Limited


    Shandong Aviation Group


    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    year-end (share) held








    2 CHEN CHUN PENG 1544800 B-share


    3 CHEN JING JIAN 1304200 B-share


    4 WU HAO YUAN 1062700 B-share


    5 LIU LI YA 1015216 B-share


    6 ZHENG WEI HUA 1000000 B-share


    7 HE BIN 829407 B-share


    8 XUE PEI MING 828400 B-share


    9 JOHN POSS 756000 B-share


    10 DENG HONG WEI 650609 B-share


    The Company is not aware of their associated relationship among the top ten shareholders of


    circulation share, and is unknown whether other circulation shareholders belong to the


    consistent actionist regulated by the Management Regulation of Information Disclosure on


    Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.


    IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and




    (I) Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives


    Name Sex Birthday Title Office term




    at the






    at the




    Feng Gang Male Sep. 1963 Vice Chairman of the




    June 28, 2007


    -March 14, 2009 0 0


    Zhang Xingfu Male Apr. 1955 Chairman of the




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Zeng Guoqiang Male Oct. 1953 Director, General




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Su Zhongmin Male March 1954


    Director, Standing


    Deputy General




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Bai Weisan Male Oct. 1957


    Director, Deputy


    General Manager,


    General Manager of


    Qingdao Branch


    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Xiao Feng Male Oct. 1968 Director, Chief




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wang Mingyuan Male Sep. 1965 Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Kou Zunxian Male Aug. 1955 Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wang Jieming Female June 1958 Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Wang Zhi Male May 1942 Independent Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Hu Jijian Male Nov. 1942 Independent Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Fang Shaokun Male Oct. 1962 Independent Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wei Jincai Male Feb. 1950 Independent Director March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wang Fuzhu Male June 1953


    Chairman of the






    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Gao Lihua Male May 1969 Supervisor March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wang Wuping Male March 1965 Supervisor March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Wang Xianlin Male Nov. 1965 Supervisor, Deputy


    Chief Pilot


    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Zhou Qiaoyan Female Jan. 1975


    Supervisor, Deputy


    Head of Cabin


    Service Department


    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0


    Song Yuxia Female Jan. 1956 Deputy General




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Yu Haitian Male Sep. 1969 Deputy General




    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Li Qing’en Male Aug. 1955


    Deputy General


    Manager, Secretary


    of the Board


    March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Zhang Qingshe Male Oct. 1958 Chief Pilot March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    He Guobin Male July 1949 Chief Engineer March 15, 2006


    –March 14, 2009 0 0


    Note: 1. There was no change in the number of shares held by directors, supervisors and


    senior executives in the report period.


    2. Particulars about directors, supervisors holding the post in Shareholding Company




    Name of the






    Position in the Shareholding




    Draw remuneration and


    allowance from the


    Shareholding Company


    (Yes or no)


    Feng Gang SDA Chairman of the Board, President Yes


    Zhang Xingfu SDA Secretary of Party Committee,


    Vice-president Yes


    Wang Fuzhu SDA Chief Accountant Yes


    Wang Wuping SDA Head of Financial Department Yes


    Wang Mingyuan Air China


    Commissary of Commerce




    General Manager of Network


    Proceedings Department




    Gao Lihua Air China


    General Manager of Income


    Settlement Department of


    Commerce Commission




    (II) Main work experiences in the near five years of the directors, supervisors and senior


    executives, as well as particulars of their full time or part time posts in other units other than


    the shareholding companies


    Name Main work experience Full-time or part-time posts in other units


    other than the shareholding companiesShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Feng Gang


    01/2004-05/2007, General Manager and Party


    Secretary of China National Aviation Asset


    Management Co., Ltd.;


    05/2007 till now, Chairman and President of




    06/2007 till now, Director and Vice-president of


    the Company.


    Zhang Xingfu


    01/2004-12/2005, Deputy Mayor in Yantai;


    12/2005 till now, Party Secretary, Vice-president


    of SDA;


    03/2006 till now, Chairman of the Board of the




    Chairman of Taikoo Shandong Aircraft


    Engineering Co., Ltd.






    01/2004 till now, Director and General Manager


    of the Company.


    Su Zhongmin 01/2004 till now, Director and Standing Deputy


    General Manager of the Company.


    Chairman of the Board of Qingdao


    International Logistics Centre Co., Ltd.


    Bai Weisan


    01/2004-12/2005, Director and Deputy General


    Manager of the Company;


    05/2005 till now, General Manager of Qingdao


    Branch of the Company.


    Xiao Feng


    01/2004-08/2005, Deputy General Manager of


    Financial Department of Air China ;


    04/2005 till now, Director of the Company;


    08/2005 till now, Chief Accountant of the








    01/2004-06/2005, Deputy General Manager of


    Sales & Marketing Department of Air China;


    06/2005 till now, Commissary of Commerce


    Commission, General Manager of Network


    Proceedings Department of Air China ;


    03/2006 till now, Director of the Company.


    Kou Zunxian


    01/2004-03/2007, Director of Asset


    Management Department of Shandong


    Economic Development and Investment




    03/2007 till now, Deputy General Manager of


    Shandong Economic Development and


    Investment Company;


    04/2005 till now, Director of the Company.


    Wang Jieming


    01/2004 till now, Director of Planning Financial


    Department of Shandong Economic


    Development and Investment Company;


    03/2006 till now, Director of the Company.


    Wang Zhi 01/2004 till now, Independent Director of the




    President of Nanjing University of


    Aeronautics and Astronautics;


    Independent Director of China Southern




    Hu Jijian


    01/2004 till now, Professor of Shandong


    Institute of Economics;


    01/2004 till now, Independent Director of the




    Independent Director of Luyin Investment


    Group Co., Ltd.


    Fang Shaokun


    01/2004 till now, Vice President of Yantai




    12/2004 till now, Independent Director of the




    Lawyer at Shandong Sunsum Law Firm.


    Wei Jincai


    01/2004-10/2008, Party Secretary of Civil


    Aviation Management Institute of China;


    10/2008 till now, President of Civil Aviation


    Management Institute of China;Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    03/2006 till now, Independent Director of the




    Wang Fuzhu


    01/2004-04/2005, Director of the Company;


    01/2004 till now, Chief Accountant of SDA;


    05/2005 till now, Chairman of Supervisory


    Committee of the Company.


    Gao Lihua


    01/2004-10/2008, Deputy General Manager of


    the Financial Department of Air China;


    10/2008 till now, General Manager of Income


    Settlement Department of commerce


    commission of Air China;


    03/2006 till now, Supervisor of the Company.


    Wang Wuping


    01/2004 till now, Director of the Financial


    Department of SDA; Supervisor of the




    Wang Xianlin


    01/2004-09/2007, Group Leader of NO. 2


    Flying Group of the Company;


    09/2007 till now, Deputy Chief Pilot of the




    01/2004 till now, Supervisor of the Company.


    Zhou Qiaoyan


    01/2004 till now, Deputy Head of Cabin Service


    Department of the Company;


    03/2006 till now, Supervisor of the Company.


    Song Yuxia


    01/2004-04/2005, Director of the Company;


    01/2004-05/2005, General Manager of Qingdao


    Branch of the Company;


    01/2004 till now, Deputy General Manager of


    the Company.


    Chairwoman of the Board of Shandong


    International Aero Training Co., Ltd.,


    Chairwoman of the Board of Qingdao


    Feisheng International Aero Technical


    Training Co., Ltd.


    Yu Haitian 01/2004 till now, Deputy General Manager of


    the Company.


    Chairman of the Board of Shandong


    Xiangyu Aero Technical Services Co., Ltd.


    Li Qing’en


    01/2004-08/2005, Chief Accountant of the




    01/2005 till now, Deputy General Manager and


    Secretary of Board of Directors of the






    Qingshe 01/2004 till now, Chief Pilot of the Company.


    He Guobin 01/2004 till now, General Engineer of the




    (II) Particulars about annual payment


    The payments of the directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company were


    determined according to the performances and results salary system. The allowance for each


    independent director was RMB 50,000 per year as the basic number plus an extra allowance


    of RMB 600 for every working day.


    Name Title


    Total amount of annual




    (RMB’000, before tax)


    Zeng Guoqiang Director, General Manager 55.53


    Su Zhongmin Director, Standing Deputy General Manager 48.90


    Bai Weisan Director, Deputy General Manager, General


    Manager of Qingdao Branch of the Company 47.92


    Xiao Feng Director, Chief Accountant 39.43Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Wang Zhi Independent Director 5.90


    Hu Jijian Independent Director 5.90


    Fang Shaokun Independent Director 5.90


    Wei Jincai Independent Director 5.90


    Wang Xianlin Supervisor, Deputy Chief Pilot 26.47


    Zhou Qiaoyan Supervisor, Deputy Head of Cabin Service


    Department 18.06


    Song Yuxia Deputy General Manager 49.70


    Yu Haitian Deputy General Manager 47.34


    Li Qing’en Deputy General Manager, Secretary of Board of


    Directors 42.98


    Zhang Qingshe Chief Pilot 47.35


    He Guobin General Engineer 46.96


    Total 494.24


    Director Mr. Feng Gang and Director Mr. Zhang Xingfu, together with Supervisor Mr. Wang


    Fuzhu and Supervisor Mr. Wang Wuping drew their remunerations from SDA, the


    controlling shareholder, not from the Company; Director Mr. Wang Mingyuan, and


    Supervisor Mr. Gao Lihua drew their remunerations from Air China, not from the Company;


    Director Mr. Kou Zunxian and Director Ms. Wang Jieming drew their remunerations from


    Shandong Economic Development and Investment Company, not from the Company.


    (III) Particulars about changes of directors, supervisors and senior executive


    In the report period, there were no changes of directors, supervisors and senior executive.


    Note: On March 6, 2009, Mr. Bai Weisan resigned his posts of Director and Deputy General


    Manager of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd due to work change, Mr. Li Qing’en did not


    concurrently hold the post of Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company due to


    work arrangement.


    With the recommendation of Air China and the nomination of General Manager Mr. Zeng


    Guoqiang, the Board of Directors engaged Mr. Xiao Feng and Mr. Qiu Feng as the Deputy


    General Managers of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. Chairman Mr. Zhang Xingfu will perform


    the duties as Secretary of the Board of Directors on behalf while the position as Secretary of


    the Board of Directors is vacant.


    (IV) About staff


    By the end of the report period, the Company had 3,857 employees in total, including 54


    postgraduates (Master Degree and Doctor Degree) or above, 2,056 persons graduated from


    3-years regular college or above. The staff structure is as follows:


    Type of employee Number Proportion to the total employees


    Flight personnel 444 11.5%


    Aircraft crew and maintenance personnel 647 16.8%


    Marketing personnel 822 21.3%


    Air host and hostess 796 20.6%


    Ground attendant 316 8.2%


    Financial personnel 149 3.8%Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Others 683 17.8%


    By the end of the report period, there were 21 retirees in the Company.


    V. Administration Structure of the Company


    (I) Particulars about Company Administration


    1. Particulars about the Company Administration in the report period


    In 2008, strictly according to Company Law, Securities Law and relevant laws and


    regulations promulgated by CSRC, the Company continuously perfected the Company’s


    corporate governance structure and standardized its operation. In the report period, special


    governance campaign for listed companies was accomplished; the Company perfected a


    series of administrative and internal control system, modified and perfected the rules and


    systems, thus providing powerful system and organization guarantee for its orderly operation.


    Professional committees of the Board of Directors carried their work step by step, and the


    scientific decision making level further enhanced. Working as callers of different


    professional committees, independent directors’ influence were also strengthened. Compared


    with the standard documents issued by CSRC on governance for listed companies, the Board


    of Directors thinks the actual administration of the Company was basically in accordance


    with regulations of Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies.


    2. Particulars about Special Governance Campaign


    According to the CSRC【2008】 No. 27 Notice and the requirements of Announcement on


    Carrying Out Further Deeply Promoting Special Campaign for Corporate Governance of


    Listed Companies Promulgated by CSRC issued by Shandong Securities Regulatory Bureau,,


    the leader team on Special Governance Campaign issued special explanation report on


    rectification ended as June 30, 2008 in light of the matters of self assessment in Rectification


    Report on Special Campaign of Governance of the COmpnay in 2007, and the explanation


    report was published on Juchao Website www.cninfo.com.cn.


    Throught self assesement and self rectification, the Company further fined and perfected the


    Company’s system construction, regulated governance and information disclosure of the


    Company, operated strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations and the rules of the


    Company, promoted regulated operation level, and advanced the sustainable, healthy and


    steady development of the Company.


    (II) Performance of Independent Directors


    Since the Independent Directors of the Company, Mr. Wang Zhi, Mr. Hu Jijian, Mr. Fang


    Shaokun and Mr. Wei Jincai took their posts, they fulfilled their duties in an honest, diligent


    and responsible way, attended various meetings of the Board and Shareholders’ General


    Meeting on time and attended Supervisory Committee meetings as non-voting delegates;


    researched and studies actively the operation, business development and financial status of


    the Company, supervised stictly over and guided the normative operation of the Company,


    participated actively in the decision-making of the Board of Directors, and expressed


    independent and objective opinions on the nomination of Director, suggestion and


    engagement of certified public accountants and significant related transactions of the


    Company, offering scientific and reasonable comments and proposals for many times on the


    management and development of the Company by their own professional knowledge.


    1. Particulars about Independent Directors’ Attending the Board of Directors




    Present Times for


    the Board of


    Directors this year




    in person














    Wang Zhi 5 5 0 0Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Hu Jijian 5 5 0 0


    Fang Shaokun 5 4 1 0


    Wei Jincai 5 5 0 0


    2. Objections on the related terms of the Company offered by the independent directors:


    In the report period, there was no objection made by independent directors on related matters.


    (III) Separation of the Company and holding shareholder in business, personal, assets,


    organization and finance.


    The Company and SDA, the controlling shareholder, have been made “Five Seperations” in


    business, personal, assets, organization and finance. The Company possesses the


    independent and complete business and operates independently.


    (IV) Evaluation and encouragement mechanism of senior executives


    According to the internal Regulation on the Integrated Evaluation and Management of


    Executives, the Company conducted the annual comprehensive evaluation on the senior


    executives and implemented the wage system where payment was linked with performances.


    (V) Particulars about establishment and perfection of the Company’s internal control system


    1. Self-assessment summary on implementation effectiveness of internal control system of


    the Company in this year from the board of directors:


    Throught establishing and effectively implementing internal control system, the operations


    of the Company presented better development trend, the management abilities improved


    further, realized the integration of security and benefit. In accordance with relevant laws and


    regulations and requirements of relevant department, the Company established and perfected


    complete and reasonable internal control, generally guaranteed the normal operation of


    production of the Company, reduced the management risks to somer extent, implementations


    of all the significant aspects relevant with accounting statement as of Dec. 31, 2008


    according to the control system.


    The Board of Directors of the Company made self-assessment on the aforesaid aspects of


    internal control of this year; no significant faults in internal control design or implementation


    were discovered. The Board of Directors of the Company thought the internal control system


    of the Company was integrated and implemented effectively from Jan. 1st of this year to the


    end of the report period.


    For details, please refer the Bord of Directors’ Self Assessment Report on Internal Control of


    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    2. Opinions given by Supervisory Committee on Self-estimation for The Company Internal




    According to Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control promulgated by Ministry of


    Finance and CSRC and the Guideline of Internal Control for the Listed Companies of


    Shenzhen Stock Exchange, The Company earnestly checked the internal control system of


    the Company in 2008, thought:


    (1) The internal control system basically accorded with requirements of supervision, and also


    went well with the present demands for the production and operation of the Company;


    (2)The implementation of internal control of the Company was effective; the systems should


    be perfected continuously in accordance with relevant regulations.


    3. Independent Opinion given by Independent Board of Directors on Self-assessment for The


    Company Internal control


    In 2008, According to Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control promulgated by


    Ministry of Finance and CSRC and the Guideline of Internal Control for the Listed


    Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company checked the internal control systemShandong Airlines Co., 

Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    wholly and deeply, On the basis of independent judgment; independent directors made


    careful checkings on internal control of the Company in 2008 and made the following


    independent opinions:


    (1) The internal control system basically conformed to the relevant laws of the State and


    requirements of securities supervisory department, and also went well with the present


    demands for production and operation of the COmpnay;


    (2) The internal control methods of the Company had good effects on the control of every


    procedure and every part of enterprise management, and the implementation was effective.


    VI. Brief introduction to the Shareholders’ General Meeting


    In the report period, the Company held one Shareholders’ General Meeting, which was the


    Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2007.


    1. Notification, convening and holding of the Shareholders’ General Meeting


    On Apr. 22, 2008, at time of 10:00, the Company held its 2007 Annual Shareholders’


    General Meeting on 31/F conference room of SDA Building. The Company notified the


    shareholders of the meeting by means of Public Notice, and the notification of the meeting


    was published in China Securities, Securities Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Mar.


    26, 2008. Totally 7 shareholders and shareholder’s proxies with authorization from


    shareholders representing 260,939,000 shares of the Company presented at the meeting,


    taking 65.23% in the total amount of shares with voting rights of the Company: including


    259,801,000 state-owned legal person’s shares, taking 64.95% of total shares of the


    Company; 199,000 domestic legal person’s shares, taking 0.05% of total shares; 939,000


    domestically listed foreign share (B share), taking 0.23% of total shares of the Company.


    Chairman of the Board, Mr. Zhang Xingfu presided the meeting. The directors, supervisors


    and senior executives of the Company attended the meeting. The convening and holding of


    the Meeting accorded with the regulations of Company Law, Standardizing Opinions on


    Shareholders’ General Meeting of Listed Company and Articles of Association of the




    2. The resolutions passed by the Shareholders’ General Meeting and the disclosure of public


    notice on resolutions


    Following proposals were examined item-by-item and approved by means of roll call vote in


    the meeting:


    (1) Work Report 2007 of the Board of Directors of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.;


    (2) Work Report 2007 of the Supervisory Committee of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.;


    (3) Annual Report 2007 of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.;


    (4) Financial Settlement Report 2007 of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.;


    (5) Profit Distribution Plan 2007 of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.;


    (6) Airplane Introduction Plan from 2009 to 2013;


    (7) Proposal on Routine Related Transaction in 2008;


    (8) Proposal on Re-engaging Certified Public Accountants and its Remunerations.


    The resolutions of the meeting were published in China Securities, Securities Times and


    Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Apr. 23, 2008.


    VII. Report of the Board of Directors


    (I) Discussion and analysis to the operation


    The Company is a civil aviation transportation enterprise. In 2008, the Company insisted on


    taking the utmost interests for itself and its shareholders as the springboard, earnestly carried


    out responsibility endowed by Articles of Association. With the tough leaders of Shandong


    Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, Civil Aviation Administration of China,


    the Company made active progress, fought against difficulties with hard attitude, and


    successfully responded to tests of earthquake-fighting, disaster rescue and guarantee for theShandong 

Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Olympic Games, in front of various difficulties and pressures. Meanwhile, the Company


    actively responded to the new challenges brought by international financial crisis; its safety


    quality was improved continuously; operation capability was advanced steadily; production


    and operation kept profit-making; organization for innovation was promoted in stable steps;


    enterprise culture system was constructed; development of safety, high efficiency,


    continuance, harmonization as well as health was realized.


    1. Safety. In 2008, no non-safety incidents over symptoms of flight accidents happened to


    the Company due to the responsibility of the Company. The overall safety trend was stable.


    New improvement was made in safety management level. The team was steadier and


    management & control ability on safety was further advanced.


    2. Transport index. In 2008, the Company totally made 127,000 hours for safety flight and


    76,000 flights flied, respectively 16.5% and 8.5% up compared to those of the same period


    of last year; traffic mileage amounting to 800 million ton*kilometer was reached by the


    Company, 24.5% up compared to those of the same period of last year; and totally 6,555,000


    passengers were safely delivered, 15.3% up compared to those of the same period of last




    3. Benefit. In 2008, the Company has realized operating income of RMB 5.049 billion and


    total profit of RMB 108,260,900, respectively 9.06% and 19.14% up compared to those of


    the same period of last year; RMB 75,759,400 for operating profit; ton*kilometer level for


    profit from transport business increased RMB 0.04 compared to that of the same period of


    last year; the Company received some promotion in its ability of making profit, developing


    and debt repaying.


    4. Market. In 2008, the flight course structure was forwardly optimized and relevant cost was


    greatly reduced. Assumptions of course transfixion between south and north, course of east


    and west being in series was primarily realized, which effectively improved return level of


    Chongqing and Xiamen bases and their contribution to the network. In Xiamen base, more


    strength was input in transport capacity and density of flight course; plane was increased to 3


    ones from the original one, and cities available for flight arrival amounted to 13. The charter


    flight from Jinan to Niigata Japan was executed, and Qingdao-Taipei direct charter flight


    was available. Action was made to promote the optimization for sales network in freight area


    and Truck scheduled flight network was constructed with Weifang as the distributing center.


    5. Service punctuality. In 2008, taking implementation of service brand as mainline, the


    Company made seven actions plan to promote service innovation and standard construction,


    which made service quality improved in some degree. Punctuality for the whole year’s


    scheduled flights reached at 81.73%; only 1.3 times complains were received from every


    10,000 passengers, 0.01% down compared to that of the same period of last year; the


    satisfaction rate from passengers was 89.2%, 0.1% down compared to that of the same


    period of last year; and the dilapidation error rate for baggage was 0.0282%. In the activity


    of Civil Aviation in Eyes of Passenger for 2008, the Company was rewarded with


    Outstanding Award for Abnormal Service of Scheduled Flight.


    (II)Operation in the report period


    1. Scope of main operations and their status


    The Company is mainly engaged in business of passenger and cargo civil aviation


    transportation and air traffic from home to its surrounding nations and districts, hotel and


    food service, air machine reparation, agency business for inter airlines, ground services


    related to main operation.


    2. Constitution of main business of the Company


    (1)Main business classified by industries


    Unit: RMB


    Industry Operation income Operation cost Operation












    Operation profit ratio


    increased or decreasedShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    ratio (%) increased








    to last


    year (%)










    to last


    year (%)


    compared to last year








    4,953,048,164.35 4,101,665,962.58 17.19 9.98 9.04 Increased 0.72


    percentage point


    Cargo transportation


    logistics 6,020,693.27 1,313,169.79 78.19 -16.97 -24.27 Increased 2.1


    percentage points


    Hotel and food


    service 22,538,565.66 15,614,100.05 30.72 -13.51 -4.28 Decreased 6.68


    percentage points


    (2)Main business classified by areas


    Unit: RMB


    Domestic International


    Industry Operation income


    Increased or




    compared to


    last year


    Operation income


    Increased or




    compared to


    last year


    Aviation transportation service 4,776,170,383.28 0.10 176,877,781.07 0.11


    Cargo transportation logistics 6,020,693.27 -0.17 - -


    Hotel and food service 31,801,807.87 0.22 - -


    3. Operations and achievements of holding and share-join companies


    (1) Qingdao International Airlines Logistics Center Co., Ltd.


    Qingdao International Airlines Logistics Center Co., Ltd., whose shares are held by the


    Company, is mainly engaged in air cargo storage, ground dispatching, e-commerce, the 3rd


    party logistics design and implementation, logistics business consultation and other related


    services, with registered capital amounting to RMB 30 million. In the report period, the


    company realized net profit amounting to RMB2,190,600. Till the end of the report period,


    the total assets were RMB 45,721,700 and RMB 41,903,200 for net assets.


    (2) Shandong Airlines Rainbow Jet Co., Ltd.


    Shandong Airlines Rainbow Jet Co., Ltd., which the Company joined shares in, realized net


    profit of RMB -210,500 by audited in the report period. Till the end of the report period, the


    total assets were RMB 92,804,200.


    (3)Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd.


    Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd., which the Company joined shares in, has not finished the 2008


    audit work till now.


    (4) Travelsky Technology Limited


    Travelsky Technology Limited, which the Company joined shares in, has not finished the


    2008 audit work till now.


    (5) Jinan International Airport Co., Ltd.


    Jinan International Airport Co., Ltd., which the Company joined shares in, has not finished


    the 2008 audit work till now.


    4. Main suppliers and customers


    The total purchase amount from the top five suppliers of the Company took up 40% of the


    total annual purchase amount (mainly purchase aviation oil, aviation materials and plane


    supply products); and the total amount of sales to the top five customers took up 13.68% of


    the total annual amount of sales of the Company.


    5. Problems and difficulties occurred in operationsShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (1)The profit-making ability of the Company still needs to be improved. In 2008, according


    to the profit index for transport business, the Company still appeared loss, which was similar


    to the general situation for the whole industry. The Company finally realized general payoff


    mainly by income from exchange.


    (2) The losses from CRJ series airplanes of the Company have not been completely solved




    (III)Investment of the Company


    1. In the report period, there was no proceeds raised or application of proceeds raised in the


    previous period but lasted to this report period in the Company.


    2. In the report period, the Company had no investment with non-raised proceeds.


    (IV) Financial status of the Company in the report period


    1. Change of accounting policy and accounting estimation, and correction of accounting




    In order to avoid the risk of fluctuation of interest rate when financing, the Company


    successively signed Interest Rate Swap Contract with bank with the principal amounting to


    USD 309 million from 2004 to 2005. Until Dec. 31st of 2007, the Company still held the


    interest rate swap contract with the principal amounting to USD 179,344,000 which had not


    been matured. Respectively on Dec. 31st of 2007 and Dec. 31st of 2006, the market values of


    the interest rate swap contract were confirmed by bank to be RMB 42,754,634.98 (USD 5,


    853,111.05) and RMB 1,533,338.00 (USD 190,000.00) respectively. According to cautious


    principle, before 2008, value for the interest rate swap contract was all reflected in offbalance


    sheet, value for the interest rate swap contract was expected to reflect on-balance


    sheet from 2008. When preparing the comparative financial statement between 2008 and


    2007, the Company had already corrected errors. Since corrected, RMB 42,754,634.98 was


    increasely adjusted to the 2007 transaction financial assets and RMB 10,688,658.74 was


    increasely adjusted to the 2007 deferred income tax liability, and RMB 32,065,976.23 was


    increasely adjusted to the 2007 retained earnings:


    Amount involved in retrospective adjustment




    2007 Year-begin of 2007








    Income from change of fair


    value 41,221,296.98 1,533,338.00 42,754,634.98


    Income tax expense 10,305,324.25 383,334.50 10,688,658.75


    Undistributed profit 30,915,972.73 1,150,003.50 32,065,976.23


    Surplus reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00


    2. Assets constitution and reasons for the changes


    (1) Significant change in assets constitution of the Company compared to that of the same


    period of last year during the report period


    Unit: RMB


    Item Dec. 31st of 2008 Dec. 31st of 2007 Increase Scope ofShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Amount Proportion Amount Proportion






    scope in






    to that of


    last year




    change in




    Transaction financial assets 23,460,812.11 0.30% 42,754,634.98 0.60% -45.13 -0.30%


    Accounts receivable 126,118,032.09 1.61% 208,349,054.20 2.94% -39.47 -1.33%


    Accounts paid in advance 29,124,244.97 0.37% 20,788,886.80 0.29% 40.10 0.08%


    Inventory 74,347,529.57 0.95% 52,238,139.37 0.74% 42.32 0.21%


    Notes payable 10,000,000.00 0.13% 15,000,000.00 0.21% -33.33 -0.08%


    Tax payable 113,610,355.47 1.45% 86,739,296.55 1.22% 44.44 0.37%


    Non-current liability due within one year 615,589,677.22 7.85% 302,623,652.29 4.27% 103.42 3.57%


    Deferred earnings 18,319,557.83 0.23% 4,871,343.11 0.07% 276.07 0.16%


    (2)Reason for change


    Item Explanations


    Transaction financial assets Mainly due to change of fair value


    Accounts receivable Mainly due to great shortening of BSP settlement period


    Accounts paid in advance Mainly due to increase of 3 planes in this report period, which caused a great


    increase in account paid in advance for flight materials


    Inventory Mainly due to increase of 3 planes in this report period, which caused a great


    increasing demand for flight materials


    Notes payable Mainly due to that commercial acceptance bill was matured and payment was




    Tax payable Mainly due to the increase in profit of the Company which led to increase in


    income tax


    Non-current liability due


    within one year Mainly due to that long-term loans matured in 2009 were more than those in 2008


    Deferred earnings


    Mainly due to that the Company adopted incentive plan for regular passengers in


    this year, and confirmed the un-honored part among the account obtained from


    passengers as deferred earnings


    3. Change and corresponding explanation on the period expense of the Company occurred in


    the report period


    (1)Change in main financial data


    Unit: RMB


    Item 2008 2007 Increase or decrease




    Sales tax and extra charges 132,823,862.65 137,305,155.03 -3.26%


    Sales expense 236,554,096.88 211,372,665.37 11.91%


    Administration expense 187,022,654.78 171,407,025.30 9.11%


    Financial expense 253,541,156.57 219,325,967.84 15.60%


    (2)Explanation for the above changes


    Item Explanation


    Sales tax and extra charges Due to derating of fuel extra operation tax regulated by national policy in


    the report periodShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Sales expense Due to increase of sales


    Administration expense Due to increase of personnel and hand-in proportion for labor insurance


    Financial expense Due to expansion of loan scale and decrease of income from exchange


    4. Measurement attributes adopted for the main assets


    The Company started to implement the new Accounting Standard for Enterprise since Jan.


    1st of 2007. In the report period, no significant change had happened to the measurement


    attributes adopted for the main assets of the Company. Details of the measurement attributes


    are available in Notes to Financial Report.


    5. Constitution of cash flow of the Company, and particulars about the items which received


    significant changes compared to those of last year and reasons for the changes


    (1) Constitution of the cash flow


    Unit: RMB


    Item 2008 2007


    Increase or decrease


    occurred in this year


    compared to that of last




    Net cash flow arising from operating


    activities 1,059,833,106.56 734,571,420.98 44.28%


    Net cash flow arising from investment


    activities -1,285,932,710.29 -1,278,473,770.97 0.58%


    Net cash flow arising from financing


    activities 229,614,517.64 519,998,016.04 -55.84%


    Influence on cash and cash equivalents


    from change of exchange rate -709,703.85 -2,220,419.94 -68.04%


    Net increase in cash and cash


    equivalents 2,805,210.06 -26,124,753.89 -110.74%


    (2) Particulars about the significant changes in cash flow compared to that of last year and


    reasons for the changes during the report period


    Unit: RMB


    Item 2008 2007


    Increase or




    occurred in


    this year


    compared to


    that of last






    Cash received from


    obtaining investment




    11,211,668.70 23,774,225.14 -52.84%


    Mainly due to decrease in


    income from transacting


    financial assets(interest rate


    swap contract) in this year


    Cash paid for distributing


    dividends, profit and


    repaying interest


    262,317,177.48 186,766,834.35 40.45%


    Mainly due to increase in


    long-term loans in this report




    Influence on cash and


    cash equivalents from


    change of exchange rate


    -709,703.85 -2,220,419.94 -68.04%


    Mainly due to the


    comprehensive influence


    brought by change in deposit


    structure of foreign currency


    and exchange rate


    Net increase in cash and


    cash equivalents 2,805,210.06 -26,124,753.89 -110.74%


    Mainly due to increase of


    cash inflow arising from


    operation activities and


    decrease of account paid in


    advance for airplane in this


    yearShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (V)Influence on the Company brought by change in operation environment, macro-policy


    and laws and regulations


    1. Drastic drop in market demand led by global economic recession will be the grimmest


    challenge. It is predicted that growth step of the global passenger & goods transport by


    aviation would slow down. Even in some region, negative growth will appear. The global


    aviation will continue to remain bad situation with severe loss.


    2. It is predicted that growth scope of the domestic civil aviation market would be lower than


    that of transport capacity. In future, contradiction of overmuch transport capacity would be




    3. Support policy conducted by superintending departments of the industry will bring


    positive influences to the Company, and the drastic drop in international oil price also


    provides condition for the Company to lower down its cost for aviation oil.


    (VI) Explanation of the Board of Directors on interpretative explanatory paragraph in the


    auditors’ report


    Reanda Certified Public Accountants audited Financial Report 2008 of the Company and


    presented standard unqualified Auditor’s Report.


    (VII) Prospects of the future development of the Company and work plan of the Board of


    Directors for year 2009


    The year 2009 is 60th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China, also an


    essential year for implementation of the 11th Five Year Plan, and also the key year for us to


    meet challenge, make pioneering efforts, optimize and improve. The Board of Directors


    determined the work concept in this year was that: deeply carry out and practise Scientific


    Development View to ensure constant safety as primary task, thus entirely complete safety


    management system construction; scientifically meet the financial crisis, and entirely


    implement Overwinter strategy to ensure constant profit-making; take safeguarding National


    Games as opportunity, and exert to improve service level; deepen management reform and


    construction and completely improve the management level of the Company; strengthen


    team building and ideological and political work, ensure stability, agglomerate the force of


    all employees, overcome new challenge, hold new opportunity, ensure the Company’s


    constant development, and open new prospect of scientific development of Shandong




    1. Continue to perfect corporate governance structure and strengthen the construction of


    internal control system


    Fully exert the functions of decide-making, audit and examination of each special committee


    of the Board of Directors; further ensure that independent directors, each special committee


    and supervisory committee fulfill their duties and actually provide necessary and convenient


    conditions for supervisory work; according to basic criterion and specific criterion of


    enterprises’ internal control issued by relevant department, continue to complete and perfect


    internal control system and improve management level of internal control.


    2. To realize the annual task and aim, the Company should find effort points to implement


    key breakthrough. According to the present facts, the following five points should be done


    well in this year.


    (1) Entirely complete the building of safety management system to ensure constant safety.


    Start activity of Year for Fulfilling Safety Responsibility; perfect SMS system, and improve


    management level of the system; strengthen flight safety management to actually improve


    flight quality; improve navigability level of the flight team; strengthen process control and


    advance flight quality; especially grasp the safeguard work; increase safety training force to


    lift training quality.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (2) Entirely implement Overwinter strategy to ensure constant profit-making. Implement


    active Overwinter strategy, and grasp the initiative of work. Take capital management as the


    most important thing in operation management, strengthen cash flow management, adjust


    debts structure, rationally arrange capital demand of production and operation activities, and


    prudentially arrange capital investment to effectively consolidate capital chain; accurately


    put in transport capacity to actual optimize network structure; lean sale strategy and innovate


    sale mode; fine products designation and improve competition of products; make revenue


    management, exact to improve revenue level; entirely fulfill the work measures of lowering


    cost and improving efficiency.


    (3) Take safeguarding National Games as opportunity, and exert to improve service level.


    Standardize basic services. on the basis of benchmark with Air China, further fine and


    perfect present service criterion standard, and entirely arrange the contact points between


    customers and the Company; according to the brand strategy plan of the Company, continue


    to perfect the management system of brand construction; entirely fulfill the plan of whole


    transport service safeguard to improve service quality; take various measures to improve


    flight punctuality rate; improve service in the air, baggage transport, abnormal flight service


    and guarantee out of station; strengthen and reform service management work.


    (4) Deepen management reform and construction, and completely improve the management


    level of the Company. Speed up the adjustment of strategy and layout timely; continue to


    deepen innovation of organization; build scientific and perfect performance management


    system; strengthen basic management work.


    (5) Take deeply study and practise Scientific Development View as motivity; entirely


    promote harmonious construction of Shandong Airlines. Seriously sort the activity of


    studying and practicing Scientific Development View; perfect leaders’ cultivation


    mechanism; constantly advance the cohesion of organization; perfect systems of discipline


    inspect and supervisory to further strengthen incorruptness building, actively promote


    building enterprise’s culture to create a steady and harmonious atmosphere; continue to


    strengthen four safety teams constructions including flight, maintenance, operation and


    aviation security officer; fully exert the function of Labor Union and Youth League, protrude


    the function of maintaining legal rights and interests of employees and join in democracy


    management and supervisory.


    (VIII) Capital needs in realizing operation plan, using plan and capital source


    In 2009, the existed financial structure and loans arrangement from bank could satisfy capital


    need in normal operations of the Company.


    (IX) Routine work of the Board of Directors


    1. The Board of Directors of the Company totally held five meetings in 2008.


    (1) On Mar. 21, 2008, the Company held the 11th meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors. The


    public notice of the resolutions of the Meeting was published on China Securities, Securities


    Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Mar. 25, 2008.


    (2) On Apr. 22, 2008, the Company held the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of the 3rd Board of


    Directors 2008. The public notice of the resolutions of the Meeting was published on China


    Securities, Securities Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Apr. 23, 2008.


    (3) On Jul. 24, 2008, the Company held the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the 3rd Board of


    Directors 2008. The public notice of the resolutions of the Meeting was published on China


    Securities, Securities Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Jul. 25, 2008.


    (4) On Aug. 22, 2008, the Company held the 12th meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors by


    voting. The public notice of the resolutions of the Meeting was published on China


    Securities, Securities Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Aug. 26, 2008.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    (5) On Oct. 24, 2008, the Company held the 13th meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors. The


    public notice of the resolutions of the Meeting was published on China Securities, Securities


    Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Oct. 27, 2008.


    2. The implementation of the resolutions of Shareholders’ General Meeting by the Board of




    In the report period, according to the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of


    Company Law, Securities Law and Articles of Association, the Board of Directors of the


    Company seriously implemented various resolutions approved by Shareholders’ General


    Meeting strictly in compliance with the resolutions and authorization of Shareholders’


    General Meeting.


    (1) The implementation of profit distribution of the Company of 2007


    In order to make up the losses in previous year, the Company didn’t carry out profit


    distribution in 2007.


    (2) The Board of Directors of the Company strictly implemented other various resolutions


    approved by Shareholders’ General Meeting, actively arranged the production and operation,


    investment disposal and fundamental construction etc..


    (X) Profit Distribution Preplan or Preplan on Converting Capital Public Reserve into Share




    Audited by Reanda Certified Public Accountants, the Company realized net profit


    attributable to shareholders of listed company of RMB 80.98 million in 2008. After


    offsetting the losses in the previous years, the profit available for distribution for investors


    till Dec. 31, 2008 was 36.47 million. The Board of Directors decided not to carry out profit


    distribution or conversion from capital public reserve into share capital in 2008.


    The profit distribution preplan would be handed into the 2008 General Shareholders’


    Meeting of the Company for examination and discussion.


    (XI) Reason for why not presenting cash profit distribution preplan though made profit


    during the report period, and usage of the undistributed profit


    Due to most of the realized profit in 2008 came from the exchange income of the Company,


    and this part was mainly the income of the present foreign currency debts brought by RMB


    appreciation, which could not bring relevant cash inflow, while the main business of the


    Company still appeared loss. The undistributed profit was used for satisfying daily


    production and operation demand.


    (XII) Duty implementation of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors


    In the report period, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors issued opinions on the


    various periodic reports and event about the reengagement of certified public accountant.


    The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has done lots of work during the 2008


    auditing period of the Company. According to the requirements of Articles of Association,


    Work System of Annual Report for Independent Directors of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    and Work Rules of Audit Committee of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd., the Audit Committee


    makes the following summary on the 2008 auditing work:


    1. Ensured the general audit plan and examined the financial statements of the Company


    With negotiation among the independent directors of the Company, the Audit Committee and


    Reanda Certified Public Accountants, the audit work arrangement for 2008 of the Company


    was confirmed. At the same time, the independent directors and the Audit Committee


    examined the 2008 financial statements formed by the Company and considered that: the


    Company made financial calculation in compliance with the regulation of the new


    accounting standards and no significant untrue contents was carried in the annual reportShandong Airlines 

Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    materials; the 2008 financial statements preprared by the Company basically reflected the


    assets, liabilities and production and operation achievements of the Company till Dec. 31,


    2008 and it was agreed to take this financial statement as the basis to carry out the 2008


    financial audit work.


    2. Kept normal negotiations with the Certified Public Accountants and paid attention to the


    progress of auditing


    During the audit period, the Audit Committee consistently kept negotiations with the


    financial department and the Certified Public Accountants. Meanwhile, the Committee took


    close eyes to the progress of auditing and examines the financial reports.


    3. Called in the Audit Committee to examine and approve the proposals related to Annual




    Reanda Certified Public Accountants finished its auditing work in scheduled time and issued


    standard unqualified Auditor’s Report. The Audit Committee held meeting to examine and


    approve the following proposals: the 2008 Financial Settlement Report, the 2008 Profit


    Distribution Preplan, the 2008 Annual Report, and Reengagement of Certified Public




    (XIII) Duty implementation of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors


    The Remuneration Committee made examination on the remuneration of the directors,


    supervisors and senior executives of the Company disclosed in the 2008 Annual Report and


    offered the following opinions: the present remuneration system of the Company was made


    according to the regulated decision-making procedure; the remuneration of the directors,


    supervisors and senior executives of the Company was in compliance with relevant


    regulations; the remuneration of relevant personnel disclosed in the 2008 Annual Report of


    the Company was real and accurate.


    VIII. Report of the Supervisory Committee


    (I) Particulars about the work of Supervisory Committee


    In 2008, the Supervisory Committee exerted the duties authorized by Company Law of the


    P.R.C. and the Articles of Association of the Company according to laws with assiduity and


    responsibility, actively implemented supervision functions on the Company’s operating


    decision-making, financial status, the responsibility and behaviors of directors and senior


    managers in the period and tried to safeguard the rights and interests of the shareholders.


    The Supervisory Committee had hold one meetings of the Supervisory Committee and


    attended all Shareholders’ General Meetings and meetings of the Board in 2008.


    In the report period, the Supervisory Committee totally held the following meetings:


    1. On Mar. 21st of 2008, the 8th Meeting of the 3rd Supervisory Committee was held in the


    conference room of SDA Building. The meeting examined and approved the following




    (1) The 2007 Annual Report and Summary of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd;


    (2) The 2007 Working Report of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    The public notice of the resolutions was published on China Securities, Securities Times and


    Hong Kong Wen Wei Po dated Mar. 25th of 2008.


    2. On Aug. 22nd of 2008, the Meeting of the Supervisory Committee was held in the


    conference room of SDA Building. The meeting examined and approved the 2008 Semiannual


    Report and its Summary of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    (II) Independent Opinions of the Supervisory Committee on relevant events in 2008Shandong Airlines Co., 

Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    The Supervisory Committee conducted serious inspection and supervision on such


    conditions as the Company’s finance, implementing resolutions of Shareholders’ General


    Meeting, operating decision-making, operation according to laws, operating behaviors of


    directors, managers and senior executives and related transactions, etc; and believed that the


    operation management of the Company was in accordance with the relevant laws and


    regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company.


    1. Operation according to laws


    In the report period, the Company conducted regulated operation complying with Company


    Law, Securities Law, Articles of Association of the Company, and Rules for Shares Listed


    with Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other national relevant laws and regulations. It


    implemented effective internal control system inside the Company. Following the


    regulations and laws and being honest with faith and diligence, directors and senior


    executives of the Company carefully implemented every resolutions approved in


    Shareholders’ General Meeting with a view to protect the shareholders’ interests. There was


    no behaviors found that directors or senior executives broke the laws, regulations, or Articles


    of Association or harmed the interests of the Company in their office terms.


    2. Finance management of the Company


    The Supervisory Committee carefully examined the financing situation of the Company. In


    the opinion of the Supervisory Committee, 2008 Financial Report of the Company reflected


    the financial situation and operation results of the Company truthfully and fairly. The


    accounting vouchers, books and statements, and other accounting materials were genuine


    and standard.


    3. Related transaction


    The related transactions of the Company are done in accordance with the market principle,


    so they are of equality and reasonable price, and also maintain the interests of shareholders’


    equity and the listed companies.


    IX. Significant Events


    (I) The Company has not been involved in significant lawsuits or arbitrations in the report




    (II) The Company has no bankruptcy and reforming in the report period.


    (III) The Company holds 8,697,000 shares of Chinese Information Network Incorporation of


    Civil Aviation which is listed in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. The nature of


    these shares is non-circulating domestic shares.


    The Company holds no share equity of other listed companies, or equity of financial


    enterprises such as joint stock commercial banks, securities companies, insurance companies,


    trust companies and futures companies.


    (IV) No purchase and sale of assets and merger of the Company in the report period


    (V) The implementation of stock option incentive plan in the report period


    There is no implementation of stock option incentive plan of the Company in the report




    (VI) Significant related transaction


    The Company has some related transactions with its holding shareholders and their


    subordinate companies at present. These related transactions are necessity for the Company


    and are unavoidable. Before the transactions, the Company has already fully considered the


    quality, price and efficiency of the services and goods provided by the related parties andShandong 

Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    also made analysis and comparison on the market environment. The independent directors of


    the Company presented opinions on the related transactions which believed that the


    Company and the related parties made the deals with market principles of open, equality and


    justice, the transaction price was fair and there was no behaviour hurting profit of other




    1. Purchasing and selling merchandise, providing and accepting service


    (1) In the report period, airplane maintaining fee of RMB 61.21 million has occurred


    between the Company and Taikoo (Shandong) Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd. This


    transaction amount took proportion of 17.68% in the same kind transactions. The Company


    paid for this transaction in cash according to the market price.


    (2) In the report period, scheduled flight cooperation amount of RMB 96.046 million has


    occurred between the Company and Air China. The transaction was priced according to the


    price regulated in the contract agreed by the both parties.


    (3) The related transactions about the routine operations in 2008


    Unit: RMB’0000


    Classification of the


    related transactions Related parties Anticipated








    Taikoo (Shandong) Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd 7,027 6,121


    Shandong Xiangyu Aero Technical Services Co., Ltd. 357 1,107


    1.Maintenance of


    aircraft and fittings


    Subtotal 7,384 7,228


    Qingdao Feisheng International Aero Technical Training Co.,


    Ltd. 759 501


    2.Training expense Shandong International Aero Training Co., Ltd. 955 1,092


    Subtotal 1,714 1,593


    Shandong Aviation Group(Rent for office land) 678 583


    Shandong Aviation Group (Daily Accommodation) 512 514


    3.Rent for office


    land, and daily




    Subtotal 1,190 1,097


    Air China Limited (aircraft lease) 50,451 60,019


    Air China Limited (joint owned operation in South Korea flight


    course) 9,999 9,605


    Air China Limited (labour service support) 1200 595


    4. Aircraft lease and


    market cooperation


    Subtotal 60,960 70,219


    2. The Company and its controlling shareholder’s cooperative investment


    The Company had no cooperative investment with its controlling shareholders in the report




    3. Credits and liabilities between the Company and related parties


    There are no newly increased credits and liabilities between the Company and related parties


    in the report period.


    (VII) Significant contracts and implementation


    1. There are no assets entrustment, contract and lease in the report period.


    2. In the report period, the Company had no external significant guarantee.


    3. In the report period, the Company had no entrusted financing.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    4. Other significant contracts


    Up tp the end of the report period, the accumulated amount of long-term and short-term


    borrowings of the Company amounted to RMB 4,653,389,700.


    The Company had no other significant contracts which were not disclosed.


    (VIII) The Company had not entrusted anyone to manage its cash assets in the report period.


    (IX) In the report period, there is no significant commitment.


    (X) Engagement of Certified Public Accountants


    In the report period, the Company continued to engage Reanda Certified Public Accountants


    as Auditing Organization of the Company. 2007 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting


    examined and approved the Proposal on Renewal of Engaging CPA and its Remunerations,


    the Company engaged Reanda Certified Public Accountants as 2008 Auditing Organization


    of the Company. In the report period, the Company should pay the annual auditing fee of


    RMB 600,000. The aforesaid auditing organization has provided auditing services to the


    Company for the 5th year.


    (XI) In the report period, the Company and the Board of Directors have not received check,


    administrative punishment and notice of criticism from the CSRC, and public criticism from


    the securities exchange.


    (XII) In the report period, the received research and interview of the Company.


    In accordance with the principles of just, fair and publicity, further regulate the behaviors of


    information disclosure for the listed companies, the Company received the research and


    media interviews in standardized way according to the regulations of Guideline on Fair


    Information Disclosure for Listed Companies promulgated by Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In


    the report period, the Company received organization investors, analysts, investors of Bstock,


    and the research, visits and telephone communication from specialized media many


    times; the Company received them and replies strictly in accordance with relevant


    regulations; there occurred no such situations as selectively and privately reveal or leak nonpublic


    significant information to specific parties; and all these assure the fairness of


    information disclosure of the Company.


    Activities form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report period:


    The received




    The received




    The received




    The received parties Contents discussed and materials




    April, 2008 Jinan Spot research


    News media, organization


    investors and investors of Bshare


    Financial status and operations


    plan in 2008, provide the 2007


    Annual Report of the Company


    Jan.-Dec., 2008 Jinan








    Organization investors and


    investors of B-share


    Operating situations and


    significant events of the CompanyShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    X. Financial Report


    Auditors' Report


    To the Shareholders of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd




    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. (“The


    Company”), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at December 31, 2008, and the


    consolidated income statement, consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a


    summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.


    Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements


    The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in


    accordance with the Enterprises Accounting Standards of China. This responsibility includes: (1)


    designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation of financial


    statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; (2) selecting and


    applying appropriate accounting policies; (3) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the




    Auditor’s Responsibility


    our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We


    conducted our audit in accordance with the Chinese Certified Public Accountants' Auditing Standards.


    These standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to


    obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.


    An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amount and disclosures


    in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the


    assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or


    error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s


    preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the


    circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s


    internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used


    and reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall


    presentation of the financial statements.


    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis


    for our audit opinion.


    Auditing opinion


    In our opinion, the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of


    the Enterprises Accounting Standards promulgated by the People’s Republic of China, and present


    fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd as at December 31,


    2008, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.


    Reanda Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.


    March 27, 2009Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Consolidated Balance Sheet


    December 31st, 2008


    Name of the company : Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd Monetary unit : ( RMB) Yuan


    Asset Note 31/12/2008 31/12/2007


    Liabilities and






    Note 31/12/2008 31/12/2007




    assets: Current liability:




    funds IX(1)




    69,524,098.82 Short-term loan IX(16)


















    Tradable financial






    receivable Notes payable IX(17)








    receivable IX(3)




    208,349,054.20 Accounts payable IX(18)






    Advance to


    suppliers IX(4)






    Advance from


    customers IX(19)








    receivable Payroll payable IX(20)








    receivable Tax payable IX(21)
















    160,626,933.07 Interests payable IX(22)






    Inventories IX(6)




    52,238,139.37 Dividend payable








    assets due


    within one




    Other accounts


    payable IX(23)






    Other current


    assets Non-current liabilities


    due within one year IX(24)
















    Other current






    assets: Total current
















    Non-current liabilities:






    Long-term borrowings IX(25)












    Bonds payable














    Long-term accounts


    payable IX(26)








    property Deferred income IX(27)






    Fixed assets IX(8)




    4,995,005,633.80 Accrued liabilties




    in process IX(9)






    Deferred income tax


    liabilities IX(28)








    materials Other non-current






    of fixed








    Total non-current






    3,920,511,760.06Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report










    Total liabilities






    Oil and gas


    assets Shareholders' equity:




    assets IX(11)




    43,412,609.06 Share capital IX(29)








    expenses Capital reserve IX(30)






    Goodwill Less: inventory shares












    172,330,090.76 Surplus reserve IX(31)








    income tax








    72,989,224.18 Retained earnings IX(32)








    Other noncurrent




    Exchange difference


    of foreign currency


    financial statements




    Total noncurrent








    Shareholders' equity


    attributable to parent








    Minority interests






    Total shareholders’








    Total assets






    Total liabilities and










    Consolidated Income Statement


    For the year 2008


    Name of the company : Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd Monetary unit : ( RMB) Yuan


    Item Note 31/12/2008 31/12/2007


    1. Total operating income IX(33) 5,049,391,116.47 4,630,130,538.19


    Minus: operating cost IX(33) 4,156,123,366.72 3,836,749,656.28


    Business taxes and surtax IX(34) 132,823,862.65 137,305,155.03


    Selling expense 236,554,096.88 211,372,665.37


    Administration expense 187,022,654.78 171,407,025.30


    Financial expenses IX(35) 253,541,156.57 219,325,967.84


    Impairment loss of assets IX(36) -551,458.89 670,094.39


    Add: profits from the fair value changes (The loss is


    listed beginning with “-“) IX(37) -19,293,822.87 41,221,296.98


    Investment income (The loss is listed beginning


    with “-“) IX(38) 11,175,753.02 23,333,345.80


    Including: the investment income from associated


    and joint ventures enterprises


    II. Operating profit 75,759,367.91 117,854,616.76


    Add: non-operating income IX(39) 43,893,809.88 11,362,190.18


    Less: non-operating expense IX(40) 11,392,350.23 30,448,695.77Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    Including: loss from disposal of non-current assets 10,915,236.47 21,736,311.72


    III. Total profits (The loss is listed beginning with


    “-“) 108,260,827.56 98,768,111.17


    Less: income tax expense IX(41) 26,622,215.36 29,862,834.65


    IV. Net profits (the net loss is listed beginning


    with “-”) 81,638,612.20 68,905,276.52


    Net profits attributable to parent company 80,981,442.68 68,171,958.24


    Minority interests 657,169.52 733,318.28


    V. Earnings per share


    1.Basic earnings per share 0.20 0.17


    2.Diluted earnings per share 0.20 0.17


    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


    For the year 2008


    Name of the company : Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd Monetary unit : ( RMB) Yuan


    Item Note 31/12/2008 31/12/2007


    I. Cash flows from operating activities


    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services 5,142,461,900.44 4,614,996,501.55


    Tax refund


    Cash received related to other operating activities IX(43) 79,525,658.45 62,474,713.49


    Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities 5,221,987,558.89 4,677,471,215.04


    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services 3,362,644,381.56 3,245,072,652.98


    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 543,461,203.22 382,490,652.80


    Tax payments 176,555,377.04 240,417,165.04


    Other cashes paid to operating activities IX(44) 79,493,490.51 74,919,323.24


    Subtotal of Cash outflow from operating activities 4,162,154,452.33 3,942,899,794.06


    Net cash flow from operating activities 1,059,833,106.56 734,571,420.98


    II. Cash flow from investment activities:


    Cash received from investments


    Cash dividents received from investment 11,211,668.70 23,774,225.14


    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other longterm


    assets 23,995.00


    Net cash amount received from the disposal of subsidiaries an other business units 912,019.23 750,000.00


    Cash received related to other investment activities


    Subtotal of cash inflow from the investment activities 12,147,682.93 24,524,225.14


    Cash paid to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term


    assets 1,298,080,393.22 1,299,602,794.39


    Cash paid to acquire investments


    Net cash amount paid to acquire the subsidiaries and other business units


    Cash paid related to other investment activities IX(45) 3,395,201.72


    Subtotal of Cash outflow from investment activities 1,298,080,393.22 1,302,997,996.11


    Net cash flow from investment activities -1,285,932,710.29 -1,278,473,770.97


    III. Cash flow from financing activities:Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Cash received from investors


    Cash received from loans 2,578,478,035.95 3,096,874,737.10


    Cash received related to other financing activities


    Subtotal of cash inflow from the financing activities 2,578,478,035.95 3,096,874,737.10


    repayment of loans 1,812,750,241.19 2,281,783,413.74


    Cash dividends, profits and interests paid 262,317,177.48 186,766,834.35


    Cash payments related to other financing activities IX(46) 273,796,099.64 108,326,472.97


    Sub-total of cash outflow from the financing activities 2,348,863,518.31 2,576,876,721.06


    Net cash flow from finacing activities 229,614,517.64 519,998,016.04


    IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and cash equivalents -709,703.85 -2,220,419.94


    V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 2,805,210.06 -26,124,753.89


    Add: beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 42,131,848.82 68,256,602.71


    VI ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 44,937,058.88 42,131,848.82Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    Consolidated statement of changes in the shareholders' equity


    For the year 2008


    Name of the company : Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd Monetary unit : ( RMB) Yuan




    shareholders' equity belongs to parent company




    Share capital Capital












    Capital surplus Undistributed


    Profit Others


    Minority interest Toatl of


    shareholder's equity


    I. Balance at the end of previous






    84,050,162.84 24,919,586.71 -39,938,895.93 12,133,486.03




    plus(I): changes of accounting




    (II)Correction of errors in previous




    II. Balance at the beginning of


    this year




    84,050,162.84 24,919,586.71 -39,938,895.93 12,133,486.03




    III. Increase or decrease of


    change amount in this year(the


    decrease is listed beginning with






    76,410,301.62 657,169.52




    (I)Net profits in the year


    80,981,442.68 657,169.52




    (II)Profit and loss directly accrued


    to owners’ equities


    1.Net amount of fair value


    changes of saleable financial




    2.Net amount about the change


    of fair values of cash flow


    arbitrage tools


    3. Income tax effect related to


    the projects accrued to owner's




    4. OthersShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Subtotal of (I)and (II)


    80,981,442.68 657,169.52




    (III) Capitals invested by the




    1.Capital investment by owners in


    current period


    2. Repurchase of shares at stock in


    the year




    (IV)Profit distribution in the yea 4,571,141.06 -4,571,141.06


    Withdrawal of surplus reserve 4,571,141.06 -4,571,141.06


    2.Withdrawal of general risk




    3. Distribution to shareholders




    (V) Internal settlement and


    transfer of owners’equity


    1. Transfer of capital reserve to




    2. Transfer of surplus reserve to




    3. Surplus reserve makes up for


    the loss


    4. others


    IV. Balance at the end of this






    84,050,162.84 29,490,727.77


    36,471,405.69 12,790,655.55




    Consolidated statement of changes in the shareholders' equity


    For the year 2007


    Name of the company : Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd Monetary unit : ( RMB) Yuan


    Item 31/12/2007


    shareholders' equity belongs to parent company Minority interest Toatl ofShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    Share capital Capital












    Capital surplus Undistributed


    Profit Others






    I. Balance at the end of


    previous year




    84,050,162.84 25,001,281.34 -109,226,868.91 12,862,556.09




    plus(I): changes of accounting




    (II)Correction of errors in


    previous years






    II. Balance at the beginning of


    this year




    84,050,162.84 25,001,281.34 -


    108,076,865.41 12,862,556.09




    III. Increase or decrease of


    change amount in this year(the


    decrease is listed beginning


    with “-”)




    68,137,969.48 -729,070.06




    (I)Net profits in the year 68,171,958.24 733,318.28




    (II)Profit and loss directly


    accrued to owners’ equities






    1.Net amount of fair value


    changes of saleable financial




    2.Net amount about the change


    of fair values of cash flow


    arbitrage tools


    3. Income tax effect related to


    the projects accrued to owner's




    4. Others






    Subtotal of (I)and (II)


    68,345,638.02 733,318.28




    (III) Capitals invested by the




    1.Capital investment by owners in


    current periodShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    2. Repurchase of shares at stock


    in the year




    (IV)Profit distribution in the


    yea 207,668.54 -207,668.54


    Withdrawal of surplus reserve 207,668.54 -207,668.54


    2.Withdrawal of general risk




    3. Distribution to shareholders




    (V) Internal settlement and


    transfer of owners’equity -289,363.17 -1,462,388.34 -




    1. Transfer of capital reserve to




    2. Transfer of surplus reserve to




    3. Surplus reserve makes up for


    the loss


    4. others -289,363.17 -1,462,388.34 -




    IV. Balance at the end of this






    84,050,162.84 24,919,586.71 -39,938,895.93 12,133,486.03


    481,164,339.65Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd


    Notes to Financial Statements


    For the year of 2008


    (All amounts are expressed in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)


    I. General


    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. (the "Company") was established in the People's Republic of China ("PRC")


    on JULY 29, 1999, and is responsible for its own operation, subject to the supervision and regulation of 



    Civil Aviation Administration of China (“CAAC”), a regulatory authority of the civil aviation industry in 



    PRC. Its B shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“the Stock Exchange”) with effect from


    September 12, 2000. Its holding company is Shandong Aviation Group 山东航空集团有限公司 (formerly


    Shandong Airlines Limited 山东航空集团有限公司), a company also established in the PRC..


    The company is engaged in the provision of domestic passenger and cargo air transportation services.


    The principle activities of subsidiaries and associates are set out in notes VII (1) and (2).


    The Company and its subsidiaries are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Group”.


    II. Basis for preparation


    The financial statements of the company are prepared on the assumption of going concern and actual


    transactions and items ,in accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standards issued by the Ministry of


    Finance in February 2006 and accounting policy ,accounting estimation which presented in the Part four of 



    accounting Notes.


    III. Declaration of Compliance with the Enterprise Accounting Standards


    The Company’s financial statements prepared meet the requirements of the Enterprise Accounting


    Standards, fairly and completely presents the financial position, operation result and cash flow, and other


    relevant information of the company.


    IV. Main accounting policies and accounting estimates and methods of consolidation


    (1) Accounting Year


    The company employs the period of the calendar days from the January 1 to December 31 each year as


    the accounting year.


    (2) Reporting currency


    The Company’s reporting currency is Renminbi (“RMB”).


    (3) Measurement characters


    The Company commonly measures accounting factors by historical cost method; if the determined


    accounting factor amount can be obtained or reliably measured, the replacement cost, net realizable value, 



    value and fair value method may be employed.


    Within the reporting period,financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit and 



    available for sale financial assets and financial derivative instrument are measured at fair value; for the


    payment terms of purchased inventory and fixed assets are more than more than normal credit terms, 

theseShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    inventory and fixed assets are measured at their purchase price; if impairment Loss occurs on inventory, 



    inventory is measured at net realizable value; if impairment Loss occurs on other assets ,they are measured 



    recoverable value; Asset inventory surplus are measured at replacement cost, other items of financial 



    are measured at historical cost.


    (4) Standard of cash equivalents


    In preparing cash flow statement, cash equivalents of the company include the investments with short


    term (it usually expires within three months from the purchase date), highly liquidity, easy to convert 



    known amount of cash, and low-risk of changes in value. Equity investments shall not deem as cash




    (5) Foreign currency transactions


    Foreign currency (currency other than the reporting currency) transactions are translated into reporting


    currency at spot exchange rates prevailing on the day in which the transactions take place.


    Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are restated


    into the reporting currency using the spot exchange rates at that date. The exchange gains or loses are 



    with in the income statement for the year. The exchange gains or loses arising from foreign currency


    borrowings in relation to the acquisition or construction of fixed assets are accounted for according to 



    requirements of capitalization of borrowing costs.


    Conversion of financial statement in foreign currency


    Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are converted


    into the reporting currency using the spot exchange rates at that date. Among shareholders’ equity items, 



    items except “undistributed profits” are converted into reporting currency at the spot exchange rate on 



    occurrence date. Income and expense items in Income Statement are converted into reporting currency at spot


    exchange rate on the occurrence date.


    (6) Financial assets and financial liabilities


    (1) The recognition of the financial instruments:


    The company should recognize a financial asset or a financial liability on its balance sheet when, and


    only when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provision of the instrument.


    (2) Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities:


    Financial assets and liabilities include financial assets and liabilities held for trading, and financial 



    or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss; held-to-maturity investments; loans and 



    receivable; available-for-sale financial assets; and other financial liabilities.


    1. Financial asset or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss which including tradable


    financial assets or liability and designated financial asset or financial liability at fair value through 



    or loss.


    The tradable financial asset or liability is financial assets or liability meets one of the following




    a. The purpose of the obtaining the financial asset or liability is for sale or repurchase in the near




    b. Forming a part of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are managed in a


    centralized way and for which there are objective evidences proving that the enterprise may manage the


    combination by way of short term profit making in the near future;Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    c. Being a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instrument which are


    effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the


    derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no


    quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be


    settled by delivering the said equity instruments.


    The financial assets or financial liabilities meeting any of the following requirements can be designated,


    when they are initially recognized, as financial assets or financial liabilities as measured at its fair 

value and of


    which the variation is included in the current profits and losses:


    (1) The designation is able to eliminate or obviously reduce the discrepancies in the recognition or


    measurement of relevant gains or losses arisen from the different basis of measurement of the financial 



    or financial liabilities;


    (2) The official written documents on risk management or investment strategies of the enterprise


    concerned have recorded that the combination of said financial assets, the combination of said financial


    liabilities, or the combination of said financial assets and financial liabilities will be managed and 



    on the basis of their fair values and be reported to the key management personnel.


    2. held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of


    maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of reportable price and which the enterprise holds for a definite


    purpose or the enterprise is able to hold until its maturity.


    3. Loans and accounts receivable" refers to the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no


    quoted price in the active market and of which the repo amount is fixed or determinable.


    4. The "sellable financial assets" refers to the non-derivative financial assets which are designated


    as sellable when they are initially recognized as well as the financial assets other than those as 





    (1) Loans and accounts receivables;


    (2) Investments held until their maturity; and


    (3) Financial assets measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits 



    losses of the current period.


    5. Other financial liability refers to financial liability are not measured at fair value through profit


    and loss.


    (3) Measurement of Financial Instruments


    The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized by an enterprise shall be measured at


    their fair values. For the financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the 



    is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, the transaction expenses thereof shall be 



    recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.


    The subsequent measurement of the financial assets and financial liability:


    1. The financial asset and liability at fair value through profit and loss are subsequently measured


    at fair value, the profit and loss caused by changes in the fair value and de-recognition of the financial


    asset and liability should be recorded in the profit and loss accounts.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    2. The investments held until their maturity, are measured on the basis of the post-amortization


    costs by adopting the actual interest rate method; the profit and loss caused by de-recognition,


    impairment or amortization are recorded in the profit and loss account of the current period.


    3. The accounts receivable are measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the


    actual interest rate method; the profit and losses caused by de-recognition, impairment or amortization is


    recorded in the profit and loss account of the current period.


    4. Available for sale financial asset, subsequently measured at fair value, the profit and losses


    caused by changes in fair value are recorded in the Capital reserve. The differences between purchase


    value and book value as disposal of available for sale financial asset should be recognized in the profit


    and loss on investments. At the same time, roll out the amount of the disposal part corresponding with


    the cumulative amount of the changes in the fair value recognized in the owner’s equity into the Capital


    reserve. The interest and cash dividend received during hold for available for sale financial asset, are


    recognized in the profit and loss on investments.


    5. Other financial liability , the derivative instruments which are connected with the equity


    instrument investments for which there is no quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot


    be reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivering the said equity instruments


    For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial liability measured at its 



    value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, and for the


    commitments to grant loans which are not designated to be measured at the fair value and of which the


    variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period and which will enjoy an interest 



    lower than that of the market, a subsequent measurement shall be made after they are initially recognized


    according to the higher one of the following:


    i. the amount as determined according to the Accounting Standards for


    Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies; or


    ii. The surplus after accumulative amortization as determined according to the principles of the


    Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues is subtracted from the initial recognized amount


    Other financial liabilities are measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual


    interest rate method; the profit and losses caused by de-recognition, impairment or amortizations are 



    in the profit and loss account of the current period.


    6. The "fair value" refers to the amount, at which both parties to a transaction who are familiar with


    the condition exchange their assets or clear off their debts under fair conditions. In a fair transaction, 



    parties to it shall be enterprises in continuous operation, and do not plan or do not need to carry out any


    liquidation, significantly reduce their operational scale or carry out transactions notwithstanding the


    unfavorable conditions they face.


    7. Amortized cost


    Preferred term for the apportionment (charging or writing off) of the cost of an intangible asset as an


    operational cost over the asset's estimated useful life. It is identical to depreciation, the preferred 

term for


    tangible assets. The purpose of both terms is to (1) reflect reduction in the book value of the asset due 

to usage


    and/or obsolescence, (2) spread a large expenditure proportionately over a fixed period, and thereby (3) 



    the taxable income (not the actual or cash income) of a firm. In effect, it is a process by which invested 



    of a firm is recovered by gradual sale of the firm's asset(s) to its customers over the years.Shandong 

Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    8. Effective interest methods refers to a financial Asset (including a group of financial assets) or


    financial liability (including a group of financial liabilities), means a method of— calculating the


    amortized cost of the asset or liability, as the case may be; and allocating the interest income and 



    expense of the asset or the interest income and interest expense of the liability, as the case may be, over


    the expected life of the asset or liability, as the case may be.


    (4) Termination of recognition of financial assets


    1. Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements the recognition of it shall be




    a. Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are terminated;


    b. Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the


    termination of financial assets as provided for in Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer 



    Financial Assets


    2. When conditions of entire transferred assets de-recognition has been satisfied, the differences


    between the amount of following two items shall be accounted for profits and losses of current period.


    a. The book value of transferred financial assets;


    b. The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes


    of the fair value originally recorded in the shareholders’ equities (in the event that the financial asset


    involved in the transfer is a financial asset available-for-sale)


    3. If the transfer of partial financial assets satisfies the conditions of de-recognition, the entire book


    value of the transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose de-recognition and the recognized


    portion (under such circumstance, the service asset retained shall be deemed as a portion of financial 



    whose de-recognition), be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference


    between the amounts of the following two items shall be accounted for the profits and losses of the current


    period .


    a. The book value of the portion whose de-recognition.


    b. The sum of consideration of the portion whose de-recognition and the portion of accumulative


    amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the shareholders’ equity which is


    corresponding to the portion whose derecognized ( in the event that the financial assets involved in the


    transfer is a financial assets available-for-sale).


    4. If the Company fails to satisfy the conditions of de-recognition for transferred financial assets, it


    shall continue to recognize the entire financial assets to be transferred and shall recognize the


    consideration it receives as a financial liability.


    5. Impairment of financial assets


    The Company assesses the financial assets that carry at fair value, and those financial assets which


    changes of fair value are recognized in profit and loss accounts at the balance sheet date. If there is


    objective evidence that the one or several financial assets are impaired, the Company shall determine the


    amount of any impairment loss.


    a. Accounts receivable


    At the end of the period, if there is objective evidence that the accounts receivable have been


    impaired, the impairment loss shall be recognized based on the difference between book values and expected


    cash inflow values.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    At the end of the period, impairment test shall be made on individual accounts receivable with significant


    amounts. If there is objective evidence that they have been impaired, bad debt loss shall be recognized and


    provision for bad debts shall be made based on the difference between the expected cash inflow values and


    book values.


    For those individual accounts receivable with not significant amounts at the end of the period, along with


    those accounts receivable that have been tested individually but not impaired, the Company classifies them 



    line with similar credit risk characteristics into several groups, and make 5% of bad debts provision on 



    accounts receivable balances at balance sheet date. This percentage reflects the actual impairment loss, 

that is,


    the amount of which book values of each group are over their expected inflow values.


    On the basis of the actual loss rate of receivable accounts, with same or similar credit risk 



    of accounts receivable package in previous year, the Company also considers current situation and determine


    the percentage of bad debt provision.


    No bad debts provision has been made for security deposits for the operating lease aircrafts and aircraft




    b. Held-to-maturity investment


    The measurement of impairment loss of held-to-maturity investment, please refer to impairment loss


    treatment of accounts receivable.


    c. Available-for-sale financial assets


    If there is objective evidence that available-for-sale financial assets have significant depreciated, or 



    considering various relevant factors, this downward tendency is deemed as not temporary, the impairment 



    shall be recognized based on the difference between the expected cash inflow values and book values.


    In case of impairment loss of available-for-sale financial assets recognized, it can not be written back.


    (7) Inventory


    1. Inventories category: aircraft consumable parts, low-value consumable supplies for airplanes.


    2. Inventories stock taking system: perpetual inventory method.


    3. Valuation of methods of inventories:Inventories are calculated at actual costs when acquire, and


    issuance of inventories is determined on first in first out basis.


    4. low-value consumable products amortization method


    The low–value consumable supplies are amortized at one time.


    5. Impairment loss of inventories


    For inventories at balance sheet date, the evaluation criteria should base on the lower value between costs


    and net values that can be converted into cash. When net values that can be converted into cash are lower 



    costs, provision for impairment loss of inventories shall be made. For large quantity and low-unit-price


    inventories, provision for impairment loss of inventories shall be made based on the category of 



    for those inventories that relate to product series which production and sale are in same areas, have same 



    similar final usages or purposes, and are hard to separate calculation from other items, their impairment 



    provision shall be consolidated.


    The net value that can be converted into cash is referred to the value after estimated the selling price


    subtracts the estimated finished cost and estimated sales expenses and related tax and fees in normal 





    (8)Recognition and measurement of Long-term Equity InvestmentShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    1. Initial measurement


    Long-term Equity Investment Including the company's investment that was able to exercise control, joint


    control or equity investment which may have significant influence on the invested company or the Company’s


    investment does not have control, joint control or significant influence on the invested company, and there 



    no active market quotation, the fair value can not be reliably measured.


    a. For the merger of enterprises under the same control, if the consideration of the merging enterprise is


    that it makes payment in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bear its debts, it shall, on the date of 

merger, regard


    the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-



    equity investment. The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the 



    in cash, non-cash assets transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the merging party 



    offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings 

shall be


    adjusted. If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it issues equity securities, it shall, on 

the date of


    merger, regard the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial 

cost of


    the long-term equity investment. The total face value of the stocks issued shall be regarded as the capital 



    while the difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and total face value of 



    shares issued shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, 

the retained


    earnings shall be adjusted.


    For obtaining subsidiary not under common control, the cost of long-term equity investment is fair value


    of assets paid or liabilities undertaken by the Company. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds 



    acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be 



    as goodwill, goodwill shall be measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Where the cost of


    combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net 

assets, after


    reassessment, the difference shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.


    other types of long-term equity investment


    Besides the long-term equity investments formed by the merger of


    Enterprises, the initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by other means shall be ascertained


    in accordance with the provisions as follows:


    (1) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the


    purchase cost which is actually paid. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the


    obtainment of the long term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.


    (2) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities


    shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.


    (3) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the


    investment contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.


    (4) The initial cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of nonmonetary assets shall be


    ascertained in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 7 – Exchange of Non-monetary




    (5) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be


    ascertained in accordance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 – Debt Restructuring.


    2. Subsequent measurement


    The cost method is employed to calculate the long-term equity investment of subsidiaries and will be


    adjusted in accordance with the equity method in the preparation of the consolidated financial 

statements.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    The Company uses cost method for the following conditions: a long-term equity investment where the


    investing enterprise can exercise control over the investee, or the investing enterprise does not have 



    control or significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and 

its fair


    value can’t be reliably measured.


    When an investing enterprise can exercise joint control or significant influence over the investee, a 



    equity investment shall be treated as a recovery of initial investment cost.


    a. When using cost method, cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee shall be


    recognized as investment income in the current period. However, investment Income recognized by the


    investing enterprise shall be limited to the amount distributed to it out of accumulated net profits of the


    investee arising after the investment was made. Any cash dividends or distributions received in excess of 



    amount shall be treated as a recovery of initial investment cost.


    b. When using equity method, after the investing enterprise has acquired a long-term equity investment,


    it shall recognize its share of net profits or losses made by the investee as investment income or losses, 



    adjust the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be


    reduced by the portion of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is 



    to the investing enterprise.


    The impairment of a long-term equity investment which is measured by employing the cost method as


    prescribed in these Standards, for which there is no offer in the active market and of which the fair value


    cannot be reliably measured, its impairment shall be disposed in accordance with the Accounting Standards


    for Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. The impairment of any other


    long-term equity investment measured in accordance with these Standards shall be disposed in accordance


    with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 – Asset Impairment.


    (9)Recognition and measurement of fixed asset


    1. Fixed assets refer to simultaneously have the following characteristics of tangible assets: for the


    production of merchandise, and providing labor services, lease or operation and management of holdings; 



    of more than one fiscal year.


    2. Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in production or supply of goods or services, for


    rental to others, or for administrative purpose, and have useful lives more than one accounting year. Fixed


    assets shall be recognized if they meet the following conditions:


    (a) The economic benefits related to fixed asset probably flows to the enterprise;


    (b) The cost of fixed asset may be reliably measured.


    3. Fixed assets are measured in accordance with initial cost, the value of the financing leased fixed 



    are measured at the lower of the fair value of the start date of the leasing and the present value of 



    lease payments, depreciation policy is in accordance with its own policy


    4. The depreciation method of fixed assets: straight-line method is in used to calculate the depreciation 



    fixed assets (including finance leased fixed assets). The estimated useful lives, expected residual value 



    annual depreciation rate of various types fixed assets are listed as follows:


    Category Estimated useful lives (years) Residual value (%) Annual depreciation rate


    Buildings and structures 27-33 5.00 2.88-3.52


    LLP and APU 15-20 5.00 4.75-6.33Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Aircraft frame replaceable parts 6-8 - 2.5-16.67


    Engine replaceable parts 3-5 - 20-33.33


    Machineries, Electronics and equipments 4-10 0-5.00 9.5-23.75


    High price rotables 15-18 - 5.56-6.67


    Vehicles 5-10 5.00 9.5-19


    5. The fixed asset would be recognized as idle fixed assets if the fixed asset be unused in 6months


    (except for seasonal disable), the deprecation method of idle fixed assets is in line with other types of 





    6. The high price rotables were classified into fixed assets according to the Ministry of Finance


    CAIKUAIHAN [2004] No. 54 Ministry of Finance regarding the reply for the expansion of scope for civil


    aviation capitalization flow management


    7. At balance sheet date, if there is evidence indicates that the fixed asset has been impaired, the


    provision for the impairment is prepared in accordance with methods described in14, note 4.


    (10)Construction in progress


    Construction in progress shall be calculated based on the classification of proposed projects.


    Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed 



    when the project is substantially ready for its intended use. Borrowing costs relating to construction in


    progress are measured according to borrowing costs measurement method.


    At the end of period, the company makes judgment if any provision of impairment loss is necessary. If


    the project has been stopped for a long time and will not be constructed within three years, the impairment


    loss for such construction in progress shall be made based on the differences between recoverable amount 



    book values. Once impairment loss is made, it can not be written back.


    (11) Intangible Assets


    1. The intangible assets shall be initially


    measured according to its cost


    2. As for the intangible assets with limited service life, the enterprise shall estimate the years of its


    service life, or the amount of the output or any other similar measurement unit, which constitutes its 



    life. If it is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the


    enterprise, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life


    3. To determine the useful life for the intangible assets with limited useful life, the following factors


    would be considered: a. the life cycle of the product which produced by the intangible assets. b. present


    technical, technological, and the trend of future development c. market demand for the products or services


    that produced by that asset. d. what action the Present or potential competitors will take in the future e.


    estimated maintenance expenditures for the maintenance of that asset as well as the company ‘s ability to 



    for the expenditure. f. the relevant laws and regulations or similar constraints for the duration of that 



    g .the connection with other relevant asset’s useful life which hold by the company.


    4. With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, its amortization amount shall be amortized


    within its service life systematically and reasonably. An enterprise shall amortize intangible assets from 



    time when it is available for use to the time when it is not confirmed as the intangible assets any more. 



    method chosen by an enterprise for the amortization of intangible assets shall reflect the expected 

realizationShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    pattern of the economic benefits which relevant to the intangible assets. If it is unable to determine the


    expected realization pattern reliably, intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-line method


    The useful lives of intangible assets:


    Intangible assets Estimated useful lives (years)


    Land-use rights 50


    (12) Maintenance expenses


    The maintenance expenses for aircraft and leased aircraft are both treated as current expenditure when


    they occur. Since January 1, 2007, the occurrence of the maintenance expenses will be capitalized if the


    maintenance expenses satisfy the conditions for capitalization, confirm as resetting the costs of fixed 



    and depreciate in the reasonable terms.For aircraft under operating lease, maintenance are required before


    return the aircraft to the lessor, the expenses for maintenance is estimated based on straight line method 



    flight hours.


    (13) Long-term deferred assets


    The Company’s long-term deferred assets refer to expense which has been paid out and the benefiting


    period is over one year, such as expenses for pilots’ initial trainings and subsequent trainings. Those 



    are amortized at 20 years according to their benefit period respectively.


    (14)Impairment of Assets


    1. No matter whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the goodwill formed by the merger


    of enterprises and intangible assets with uncertain service lives shall be subject to impairment test every 



    Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets, the investment properties measured by cost 



    and long-term equity investments, if there is any indication for impairment at balance sheet date then


    impairment test need to be taken


    Where any evidence shows that there is possible assets impairment, the recoverable amount of the assets


    shall be estimated. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount 



    the fair value of the assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future cash 



    of the assets. The disposal expenses shall include the relevant legal expenses, relevant taxes, truck age 

as well


    as the direct expenses for bringing the assets into a marketable state. Where there is any evidence 

indicating a


    possible impairment of assets, the enterprise shall, on the basis of single item assets, estimate the 



    amount. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on 



    basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs.


    2. The recognition of the impairment


    a. The current market price of assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than the expected


    drop over time or due to the normal use;


    b. The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise operates, or the market


    where the assets is situated will have any significant change in the current period or in the near future,


    which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;


    c. The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period,


    and thus the discount rate of the enterprise for calculating the expected future cash flow of the assets 



    be affected, which will result in great decline of the recoverable amount of the assets;Shandong Airlines 

Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    d. Any evidence shows that the assets have become obsolete or have been damaged substantially;


    e. The assets have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or disposed ahead of schedule;


    f. Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performance of the


    assets have been or will be lower than the expected performance, for example, the net cash flow created


    by assets or the operating profit (or loss) realized is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and


    Other evidence indicates that the impairment of assets has probably occurred.


    3. The recognition of an asset group shall base on whether the main cash inflow generated by the


    asset group is independent of those generated by other assets or other group assets. Simultaneously, when


    recognizing an asset group, the enterprise shall take into consideration how its managers manage the


    production and business activities (for example, according to the production lines, business varieties or


    according to the regions or areas), and the ways of decision-making for the continuous use or disposal of


    the assets, etc


    Where there is an active market for the products manufactured by (or other outputs of) a combination of


    several assets, even if some or all of these products (or other outputs) are provided for the internal use, 



    enterprise shall also recognize this combination of assets as an asset group on the condition that the 



    of the preceding paragraph are accorded with


    Where the cash inflow of the asset group is affected by the internal transfer price, the future cash flow 



    the asset group shall be determined on the basis of the best available estimate made by the managers of the


    enterprise for the future price in the fair transaction.


    Once an asset group is recognized, it shall be kept consistent during different accounting periods, and not


    be changed at will.


    (15) Measurement and recognition of employee Compensation


    1. Employee Compensation


    Employee compensation refers to all kinds of payments and other relevant expenditures given by


    enterprises in exchange of the services offered by the employees. The employee compensation shall include:


    a. Wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies for the employees;


    b. Welfare expenses for the employees;


    c. Medical insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity


    insurance and other social insurances;


    d. Housing accumulation fund;


    e. Labor union expenditure and employee education expenses;


    f. Non-monetary welfare;


    g. Compensations for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the employees; and


    h. Other relevant expenditures of services offered by the employees


    2. If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the 



    labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of encouraging the employee to


    accept a layoff, and the following conditions are met concurrently, the enterprise shall recognize the 



    liabilities incurred due to the compensation for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the 



    and shall simultaneously record them into the profit or loss for the current period:


    a. Where the enterprise has formulated a formal plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or has


    brought forward a proposal on voluntary layoff and will execute it soon. This plan or proposal 

shallShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    include the department at which the employee to be laid off works, the post of the employee and the


    number of the employees to be laid off, the amount of compensation for the cancellation of labor


    relationship or for layoff as determined on the basis of the job category or post according to the relevant


    provisions, and the planned time for the cancellation of labor relationship or layoff.


    b. The enterprise is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship


    or the layoff proposal.


    (16) Principle of accrued liabilities


    1. Principle of accrued liabilities


    The obligations related to some items that meet the following conditions at the same time will be


    confirmed as the liabilities:


    a. This obligation is the current obligation of the company;


    b. The performance of this obligation will probably cause the economic benefits to flow out of the




    c. The amount of this obligation can be reliably calculated.


    2. The measurement of accrued liabilities


    The accrued liabilities are initially measured in accordance with the best estimated outflow of economic


    benefits to fulfill the current obligation as well as related risks regarding the contingencies, 

uncertainties and


    time value of money. Significant impact on the time value of money the best estimation is determined 



    the related discounted future cash outflows. The increase of book value of accrued liability caused due to 



    passage of time is recognized as interest.


    3. Optimum evaluation of accrued liabilities


    If the necessary payments have scopes, the optimum evaluation shall be determined based on the average


    amount between the upper and lower limit amount of scope ; if the necessary payments do not have such


    scopes, the optimum evaluation shall be determined in the following method:


    (a) If the contingent event is involved in an individual project, the optimum evaluation amount will be


    determined based on the possible amount;


    (b) If the contingent event is involved in some projects, the optimum evaluation amount shall be


    determined based on possible amount and occurrence probability. In case of all or part of payments about 



    confirmed liquidation liabilities are expected to be compensated by the third parties or other parties, and 



    compensation amounts are surely received, then such amounts shall be separately recognized. The confirmed


    compensation amounts shall not exceed book values of confirmed liabilities.


    (17) Revenue recognition


    1. Offering labor


    a. The Company recognizes revenue based on passenger transport services provided or not based on the


    use of expired ticketed through, rather than as the basis to ticket through sales. The unused tickets will 



    in one year after sale. In addition, the company and other airlines signed code-sharing agreement; under 



    code-sharing agreements one party's carrier's flight No. classes can use designated code of the other air 

carrier.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    The revenue generated from code-sharing is allocated between parties in accordance with ode-sharing


    agreements; the revenue is confirmed as the provision of passenger transport services.


    b. In the provision of other aviation services, revenue is confirmed as at the completion of




    2. The company ascertains the amount of revenues from the alienating of right to use assets based on the


    following circumstances, respectively:


    (1) The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the length of


    time for which the company's cash is used by others and the actual interest rate; or


    (2) The amount of royalty revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the period and


    method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.


    (18) Government Subsidies


    1. No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously as




    a. The enterprise can meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and


    b. The enterprise can obtain the government subsidies.


    2. a. If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or


    receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. 

If its


    fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.


    b. The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally


    distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. 

But the


    government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits 





    The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the


    circumstances as follows:


    (1) Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be


    recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when 



    relevant expenses are recognized; or


    (2) Those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall


    be directly included in the current profits and losses.


    3. If it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be treated


    respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows:


    a. If there is the deferred income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset


    against, but the excessive part shall be included in the current profits and losses; and


    b. If there is no deferred income concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the


    current profits and losses.


    (19) Measurement and recognition of borrowing cost


    1. Principle of capitalization of borrowing cost


    Borrowing costs may be attributable to the construction and productions of assets and complied with the


    capitalization conditions, they shall be capitalized and accounted for as cost of assets; other borrowing 

costsShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    shall be recognized as expenses when incurred and accounted for current profit and loss account. The assets


    complying with the capitalization conditions mean assets such as fixed assets, investment properties and


    inventories etc, that require a long time of construction and production activities before being intended 

for use


    or for sales.


    The capitalization of borrowing costs shall satisfy the following conditions:


    (a) The expenditure of assets has been incurred;


    (b) The borrowing costs have been incurred;


    (c) Activities relating to acquisition, construction or production that are necessary to the assets being


    intended for use or sales have been launched.


    Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which acquisition, construction or


    production of assets is interrupted abnormally, and is interrupted for a continuous period of three months.


    2. Capitalization period


    Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which acquisition, construction or


    production of assets is interrupted abnormally, and is interrupted for a continuous period of three months.


    Capitalization of borrowing costs also shall be suspended when the acquisition, construction or


    production of assets are prepared being intended for use or sales.


    Borrowing costs which are incurred by the acquisition, construction or production of assets, and are


    satisfied with the aforesaid capitalization conditions, are recognized as cost of assets before those 

assets are


    intended for use or sales. Any borrowing costs incurred after those assets are intended for use or sales, 



    recognized as financial costs.


    3. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible


    for capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests 

on the


    general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative


    asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. 



    capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of 



    general borrowing. The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the 



    of capitalization of the borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of the 



    costs. During the period of capitalization, the amount of interest capitalized during each accounting 



    shall not exceed the amount of interest actually incurred to the relevant borrowings in the current period.


    During the period of capitalization, the exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings shall be 



    and shall be recorded into the cost of assets eligible for capitalization. For the ancillary expense 

incurred to a


    specifically borrowed loan, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or


    production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized at the incurred amount when they are


    incurred, and shall be recorded into the costs of the asset eligible for capitalization; those incurred 

after a


    qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale 

shall be


    recognized as expenses on the basis of the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded 



    the profits and losses of the current period. The ancillary expenses arising from a general borrowing shall 



    recognized as expenses at their incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into the 



    and losses of the current period.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (20) Measurement and recognition of income taxes


    1.The company uses deferred income tax liability method in calculation of income taxes


    2. Where the company obtains assets or liabilities, it shall determine its tax base. Where there is


    difference between the carrying amount of the assets or liabilities and its tax base, the deferred income 



    assets or the deferred income tax liabilities shall be determined.


    3. The recognition of the deferred income tax assets


    a. The company should recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from a deductible temporary


    difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which 

can be


    deducted from the deductible temporary difference. However, the deferred income tax assets, which are


    arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities during a transaction which is simultaneously 



    by the following, shall not be recognized:


    (a) The transaction is not business combination;


    (b) At the time of transaction, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount 



    the deductible loss) be affected


    b. Where the deductible temporary difference related to the investments of the subsidiary companies,


    associated enterprises and joint enterprises can meet the following requirements simultaneously, the 



    shall recognize the corresponding deferred income tax assets:


    (a) The temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the expected future; and


    (b) It is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the


    deductible temporary differences.


    c. As for any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the


    corresponding deferred income tax assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future 



    income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained


    4. Deferred income tax liabilities


    Deferred tax liabilities shall be recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except to the extent 



    the deferred tax liabilities arise from:


    a. the initial recognition of good will;


    b. the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from the following transactions which are


    simultaneously featured by the following:


    (1) The transaction is not business combination;


    (2) At the time of transaction, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount 



    the deductible loss) be affected.


    c. The taxable temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated


    enterprises and joint enterprises shall recognize corresponding deferred income tax liabilities. However, 



    that can simultaneously meet the following conditions shall be excluded:


    (1) The investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences; and


    (2) The temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future.


    5.The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets shall be reexamined on balance sheet day. If it is


    unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income taxes to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax assets, 



    carrying amount of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down.


    When it is probable to obtain sufficient taxable income taxes, such write down amount shall be


    subsequently reversed.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (21) Basis of Consolidation


    1. The recognition scope of the consolidation


    The consolidated financial statements prepared are in accordance with the No. 33 Enterprise Accounting


    Standards – Consolidated Financial Statement issued in February, 2006. The recognition of the scope of the


    consolidated financial statement based on control bases the consolidation including the company, 



    directly or indirectly controlled by the company and special-purpose financial statements of the entity. 



    refers to the Company has the right to decide financial and operating policies of the invested company, and 



    obtain benefits from the business activities.


    Company is not included in the scope of consolidation if there is evidence shows that the parent company


    can not exercise control over it.


    2. Purchase or sale of subsidiary share holding


    The purchase and sale date will be confirmed with the time that major related risks and rewards of equity


    ownership have been transferred. For the acquisition or sale of a subsidiary under the different control of 



    consolidation, the operating results and cash flows have been properly included in the consolidated Income


    Statement and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows before the sales day and after the purchase day. For 



    acquisition or sale of a subsidiary under the same control of the consolidation the operating results and 



    flows have been properly included in the consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Statements of


    Cash Flows and shown separately. The corresponding adjustments have been made for Comparative figures of


    the consolidated financial statements


    3. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the


    accounting policies used into line with those used by other members of the group.


    If the accounting policy and accounting period of the subsidiary are inconsistent with the Company,


    financial statements of subsidiaries have been adjusted accordingly in accordance with the Company's


    accounting policies as preparation consolidated financial statements, for the subsidiary acquired under


    different control consolidation, financial statements of subsidiaries have been adjusted accordingly in


    accordance with fair value of subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities at 





    4. The method of consolidation


    All significant intercompany transaction and balances between group enterprises are eliminated on


    consolidation. The part of net assets of consolidated subsidiaries belongs to the part of minority 



    should be reported separately in equity of consolidated financial statements.


    V.Changes of Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates and Error Correction


    In order to avoid the risk of interest rate volatility, from 2004 to 2005, the company signed the interest 



    swaps with banks which amounted to 309 million U.S. dollars. Up to 31/12/2007, the total amount of immature


    interest rate swaps of the company was 179,344,000 U.S. dollars。At 31/12/2007 the banks confirmed the fair


    value of the interest rate swaps of the company is 42,754,634.98 Yuan (5,853,111.05. dollars); At 

31/12/2006 the


    banks confirmed the fair value of the interest rate swaps of the company is 1,533,338.00 Yuan (190,000.00.


    dollars). According to the principle of caution, prior to 2008 the value of the interest rate swaps be 

presented out of


    the financial statement. Since year 2008 the value of the interest rate swaps should be presented in the 



    statement according to the requirement of the CSRC. In the preparation of 2008 and 2007 comparative 

financialShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    statements, adjustments have been made. After the adjustments, the total amounts of the tradable financial 

assets of


    2007 has been increased 42,754,634.98 Yuan; the total amounts of Deferred income tax liabilities of 2007 

has been


    increased 10,688,658.74 Yuan; the retained earning of 2007 has been increased 32,065,976.24 Yuan


    Retrospective adjustment




    2007 Opening balance of 2007 The cumulative effects


    Income from Changes In fair Value 41,221,296.98 1,533,338.00 42,754,634.98


    Income tax expense 10,305,324.24 383,334.50 10,688,658.74


    undistributed profit 30,915,972.74 1,150,003.50 32,065,976.24


    Surplus reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00


    VI. Taxation


    1、Company applies to the following major types of taxes and tax rates:


    Types of tax Tax basis Tax rate


    Business tax Passenger, cargo transportation business or commissions, lease business 3%or5%


    Income tax Taxable income 25%


    Note: According to CAISHUI [2008] NO.178 Document, from 1/1/2008 to 31/12/2010 fuel surcharge are


    exempted from sales tax for airline company.


    2、Civil aviation basic construction fund


    According to Causing [2004] No. 38 the notice of temporary administration method for civil aviation basic


    construction fund issued by the Ministry of Finance, civil aviation fund is calculated based on 

classification of


    airline, maximum take off weight, airline mileage etc. and related regulation.


    VII. Corporate consolidate and the scope of consolidated financial statements


    1、Subsidiaries were not obtained through combination


    Company Name Registered Address Business nature Business scope


    Qingdao Int'l Aviation Logistics Center Co., Ltd Qingdao


    Transportation and




    Aviation cargo warehousing, ground allocation; Electronic


    commerce and so on


    Subsidiaries were not obtained through combination(continued)


    Company Name Registered capital


    Actual investment at


    year end


    Proportion of shares


    held by the company


    Proportion of voting




    Whether consolidated


    or not


    Qingdao Int'l Aviation Logistics Center Co., Ltd. 3,000.00 2,381.00 70.00% 70.00% Yes


    2. Minority interest of subsidiaries


    Company Name


    Minority shareholder


    interests at




    Net profits of




    The proportion of


    shares held by






    Profit and loss


    attribute to minority




    The excess losses by


    Minority shareholders


    that parent company


    has to beared






    interests at




    Qingdao Int'l Aviation


    Logistics Center Co.,




    12,133,486.03 2,190,565.09 30.00% 657,169.52 0.00 12,790,655.55Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    VIII. Joint venture and associated enterprises


    List of joint ventures and key financial information:


    Company Name Registered Address Business nature










    Proportion of voting




    Shandong Airlines Rainbow Jet Co.,




    Jinan General aviation transportation


    50.00 45% 45%


    List of joint ventures and key financial information(continued):


    Company Name


    Total assts at the end of


    balance date


    Total liabilities at the


    end of balance date


    Total net assets at the


    end of balance date


    Total income Net profits


    Shandong Airlines Rainbow Jet Co., Ltd. 92,804,133.65 241,500,785.58 -148,696,651.93 6,092,211.17 -



    IX. Main items of consolidated financial statements


    1. Monetary Funds


    Items Closing balance Opening balance


    Cash on hand 220,541.02 924,974.06


    Bank deposit 44,716,517.86 41,206,874.76


    Other monetary fund 26,935,875.00 27,392,250.00


    Total 71,872,933.88 69,524,098.82


    Closing balance Opening balance


    Items Original








    Equivalent to












    Equivalent to




    Cash on hand


    RMB 168,989.78 1.00 168,989.78 828,873.93 1.00 828,873.93


    HKD 1,559.60 0.8819 1,375.43 5,930.00 0.9364 5,552.86


    USD 1,520.92 6.8346 10,394.89 7,901.92 7.3046 57,720.36


    GBP 82.80 9.8798 818.04 1,652.80 14.5807 24,098.99


    CAD 10.00 5.6146 56.15 10.00 7.4419 74.42


    JPY 135,000.00 0.07565 10,219.50 135,000.00 0.0641 8,653.50


    EUR 2,970.00 9.6590 28,687.23 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Sub total 220,541.02 924,974.06


    Bank deposit


    RMB 44,483,350.50 1.00 44,483,350.50 40,274,001.87 1.00 40,274,001.87


    USD 34,117.08 6.8346 233,167.36 127,710.33 7.3046 932,872.89


    Sub total 44,716,517.86 41,206,874.76


    Other monetary fund


    RMB 26,935,875.00 1.00 26,935,875.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,750,000.00 7.3046 27,392,250.00


    Sub total 26,935,875.00 27,392,250.00


    Total 71,872,933.88 69,524,098.82


    Note :Other monetary funds are due to aircraft and engine security deposit, the amount is RMB


    26,935,875.00 at the year end 2008.


    2. Tradable financial assets


    Items fair value at the end of the year fair value at the beginning of the year


    Derivative financial Assets 23,460,812.11 42,754,634.98


    Total 23,460,812.11 42,754,634.98


    Note:In order to avoid the risk of interest rate volatility, from 2004 to 2008, the company has signed the


    interest rate swaps with banks which amounted to 384 million U.S. dollars, these interest rate swaps 

contract are


    matched with contract of airplane finance leasing and long-term borrowing contract, therefore the risks 

arise from


    interest payment of the financing can be avoided, and to prevent the losses in financing costs in the 

fluctuation of


    interest rates.


    Up to 31/12/2008, the total amount of immature interest rate swaps of the company is 164,297,045.74 U.S.


    dollars, of which redeemable interest rate swaps is 5,806,476.14 U.S. dollars。The bank has confirmed the 



    value of the interest rate swaps of the company is 23,460,812.11 Yuan (3,432,653.28 U.S. dollars)。


    3 .Accounts receivable


    Composition of Accounts Receivable


    2008.12.31 2007.12.31




    Balance Proportion


    Bad debt




    Book value Balance Proportion


    Bad debt




    Book value


    Individual transaction


    with significant amount 115,826,770.70 91.46% 0.00 115,826,770.70 189,588,286.65 89.54% 0.00 189,588,286.65


    Credit risk portfolio 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 2,608,298.83 1.23% 2,608,298.83 0.00


    Other transaction with no


    significant amount 10,812,993.42 8.54% 521,732.03 10,291,261.39 19,538,120.58 9.23% 777,353.03 



    Total 126,639,764.12 100.00% 521,732.03 126,118,032.09 211,734,706.06 100.00% 3,385,651.86 208,349,054.20


    (1) Individual accounts receivable with significant amount


    Items Amount Bad debt provision reason


    Air China Limited 55,089,147.43 0.00


    balance due to the settlement method, all amount after


    period are received


    BSP 39,640,732.64 0.00


    balance due to the settlement method, all amount after


    period are received


    Accounts receivable from China


    aviation settlement center 21,096,890.63 0.00


    balance due to the settlement method, all amount after


    period are received


    Total 115,826,770.70 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (2) Age analysis of accounts receivable


    Closing balance Opening balance




    Balance proportion


    Bad debt




    Net value Balance proportion


    Bad debt




    Net value


    Within 1 year 125,431,572.82 99.05% 445,258.73 124,986,314.09 208,993,647.58 98.70% 770,715.04 



    1 to 2 years 1,157,864.08 0.91% 75,222.25 1,082,641.83 307,308.50 0.15% 206,030.43 101,278.07


    2 to 3 years 26,524.80 0.02% 60.93 26,463.87 1,200,577.98 0.57% 1,175,785.69 24,792.29


    3 to 4 years 23,802.42 0.02% 1,190.12 22,612.30 929,258.00 0.44% 929,206.70 51.30


    4 to 5 years 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 303,914.00 0.14% 303,914.00 0.00


    Total 126,639,764.12 100.00% 521,732.03 126,118,032.09 211,734,706.06 100.00% 3,385,651.86 208,349,054.20


    (3) the first five accounts of account receivable


    Closing balance Opening balance




    Amounts proportion Amounts proportion


    Total amounts of the first five accounts of account receivable 117,636,799.77 92.89% 191,137,479.60 90.27%


    (4) at the end the year the balance of the accounts receivable decreased 39.47% in comparison with the


    opening balance , this is mainly caused by BSP significantly shorten the billing cycle。


    (5) As at December 31, 2008, the outstanding amounts of the shareholders who hold over 5% voting rights


    (including 5%) see "Note 11, Related Party Relationships and transactions.


    1. Advance payable


    (1) Age analysis of advance payable


    Age Closing balance Proportion Opening balance Proportion


    Within 1 year 28,449,390.88 97.68% 20,787,499.32 99.99%


    1-2years 674,854.09 2.32% 1,387.48 0.01%


    Total 29,124,244.97 100.00% 20,788,886.80 100.00%


    (2) At the end of year the significant amount of advance payments are as follows:


    Amounts Proportion Details


    17,451,742.86 59.92% Payment for the rental of operating lease


    (3) The closing balance of the advanced payments has been increased 40.10% in comparison with the


    opening balance, this mainly caused by significant increasing in prepaid payment of the aviation materials 

for 3


    newly added aircrafts.


    (4) Up to 31 Dec 2008, the account balance did not contain any debt owned by major shareholders who owns


    5% or over 5% of voting sharesShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    2. Other account receivable


    (1)Composition of other account receivable


    2008.12.31 2007.12.31




    Balance Proportion


    Bad debt




    Book value Balance Proportion


    Bad debt




    Book value


    Individual transaction


    with significant


    amount 203,908,540.13 79.66% 109,051,717.65 94,856,822.48 228,111,849.89 83.89% 109,136,552.15 



    Other transaction with


    no significant amount 52,065,571.90 20.34% 1,944,258.14 50,121,313.76 43,806,896.86 16.11% 2,155,261.53 



    Total 255,974,112.03 100.00% 110,995,975.79 144,978,136.24 271,918,746.75 100.00% 111,291,813.68 



    (2)Other individual account receivable with significant amount


    Debtor Balance bad debts provision Reason


    Shandong Airlines Rainbow-Jet Co. ,Ltd (SARJ)


    109,051,717.65 109,051,717.65


    Long-term accounts receivable, the company could


    not repay debts due to its financial difficulty


    Deposit of aircraft engine 94,856,822.48 0.00


    Deposit for engine maintenance and purchase of


    aircraft, all amounts is receivable in the future.


    Total 203,908,540.13 109,051,717.65


    (3)Age analysis of other account receivable


    2008.12.31 2007.12.31


    Age Balance Proportion Bad debt provision Net value Balance Proportion Bad debt provision Net value


    Within 1 year 42,992,690.15 16.80% 2,038,542.29 40,954,147.86 45,332,097.75 16.67% 1,339,820.64 



    1 to 2 years 31,169,427.89 12.18% 669,245.45 30,500,182.44 29,195,356.30 10.74% 11,280,098.16 17,915,258.14


    2 to 3 years 17,263,584.49 6.74% 10,698,669.47 6,564,915.02 137,151,532.65 50.44% 80,385,813.40 



    3 to 4 years 133,052,336.46 51.98% 80,329,246.11 52,723,090.35 23,496,543.29 8.64% 18,138,057.20 



    4 to 5 years 23,398,644.42 9.14% 17,195,422.39 6,203,222.03 24,265,824.29 8.92% 77,624.20 24,188,200.09


    Above 5 years 8,097,428.62 3.16% 64,850.08 8,032,578.54 12,477,392.47 4.59% 70,400.08 12,406,992.39


    Total 255,974,112.03 100.00% 110,995,975.79 144,978,136.24 271,918,746.75 100.00% 111,291,813.68 



    (4)List of significant debtors


    Name of debtors Balance Nature or content Age Proportion


    SARJ 109,051,717.65 Disbursement fee 1-5years 42.60%


    GuoYin finance lease company 41,354,563.28 Deposit of aircraft 3-4years 16.16%


    Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise 19,136,880.00 Deposit of aircraft 1-3years 7.48%


    RainierAircraft Leasing(Ireland)Limited 16,762,866.90 Deposit of aircraft 3-6years 6.55%


    Huaxia Airlines Ltd. 14,979,716.58 Aircraft rental and maintenance reserve. 3-4years 5.85%Shandong Airlines 

Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Total 201,285,744.41 78.64%


    (5) As at December 31, 2008, the outstanding amounts of the shareholders who hold over 5% voting rights


    (including 5%) see "Note 11, Related Party Relationships and transactions




    (1) Details of inventories


    2008.12.31 2007.12.31






    Impairment loss




    Net value


    Balance Impairment loss




    Net value


    Aviation consumable material 73,263,438.33 353,539.79 72,909,898.54 51,137,472.47 353,539.79 50,783,932.68


    Low value consumable 762,731.56 0.00 762,731.56 943,633.30 0.00 943,633.30


    Material 605,146.87 0.00 605,146.87 497,251.68 0.00 497,251.68


    Others 69,752.60 0.00 69,752.60 13,321.71 0.00 13,321.71


    Total 74,701,069.36 353,539.79 74,347,529.57 52,591,679.16 353,539.79 52,238,139.37


    (2) The closing balance of the inventories has increased 42.32% in comparison with the opening balance,


    this mainly caused by increasing of consumption of Aircraft Materiel for three new Aircraft.


    (3) Inventories impairment loss provision




    The opening




    Impairment loss




    Reversal Write off


    The closing




    Proportion of current reversal to


    inventories closing balance


    Aviation consumable material 353,539.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 353,539.79 0.00


    Total 353,539.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 353,539.79 0.00


    (4) Up to 31 Dec 2008, the company did not use any inventories for guarantee.


    7. Long-term equity investment


    (1) Long-term equity investment and impairment loss provision


    2008.12.31 2007.12.31






    Impairment loss




    Book value Balance


    Impairment loss




    Book value


    Long-term Equity Investment 110,852 ,100.00 22,500,000.00 88,352,100.00 111,959,196.91 22,500,000.00 



    Include: Investment in Subsidiary 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,107,096.91 0.00 1,107,096.91


    Joint Venture 22,500,000.00 22,500,000.00 0.00 22,500,000.00 22,500,000.00 0.00


    Investment in Other Companies 88,352,100.00 0.00 88,352,100.00 88,352,100.00 0.00 88,352,100.00


    (2)Long-term equity investments measured with cost method




    Initial investment




    The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    China Civil aviation information network Co., Ltd 6,690,000.00 6,690,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,690,000.00


    SiChuan airlines Co. Ltd 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000,000.00


    JiNan International Airport Co. Ltd 46,662,100.00 46,662,100.00 0.00 0.00 46,662,100.00


    Total 88,352,100.00 88,352,100.00 0.00 0.00 88,352,100.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (3) Long-term equity investments measured with equity method






    investment cost


    The opening




    Increment Decrement






    Other decrement


    The closing






    Cash dividend


    SARJ 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Union Express Service


    Shangdong Airline Co.Ltd 650,000.00 1,107,096.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,107,096.91 0.00 0.00


    Total 23,150,000.00 1,107,096.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,107,096.91 0.00 0.00


    (4) Long-term equity investments impairment loss provision


    Investee The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    SARJ 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,500,000.00


    Total 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,500,000.00


    Note: Due to the insolvency of SARJ, the company decided to set up an impairment provision for this


    long-term investment of SARJ.


    8. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation


    (1) Classify Details


    Item The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    1.Fixed asset original price total 6,414,070,753.88 1,157,673,816.56 98,964,361.31 7,472,780,209.13


    Building 143,576,494.34 687,902.20 2,863,767.75 141,400,628.79


    Aircraft and engine 5,780,373,131.37 1,092,664,929.56 71,219,604.78 6,801,818,456.15


    High price rotables 373,394,501.78 47,763,311.39 20,100,479.13 401,057,334.04


    Vehiclest 32,712,599.99 2,494,949.55 651,819.91 34,555,729.63


    Machinery and equipment and other office equipment 84,014,026.40 14,062,723.86 4,128,689.74 93,948,060.52


    2.Accumulated depreciation total 1,419,065,120.08 436,398,118.13 66,757,974.54 1,788,705,263.67


    Building 18,166,198.34 4,669,557.31 442,109.07 22,393,646.58


    Aircraft and engine 1,245,587,703.83 398,454,013.01 59,309,003.03 1,584,732,713.81


    High price rotables 100,420,352.91 22,070,425.39 2,717,323.31 119,773,454.99


    Delivery equipment 15,702,027.57 3,102,565.27 509,913.98 18,294,678.86


    Machinery and equipment and other office equipment 39,188,837.43 8,101,557.15 3,779,625.15 43,510,769.43


    3. Fixed asset net book value total 4,995,005,633.80 0.00 0.00 5,684,074,945.46


    Building 125,410,296.00 0.00 0.00 119,006,982.21


    Aircraft and engine 4534785427.54 0.00 0.00 5,217,085,742.34


    High price rotables 272,974,148.87 0.00 0.00 281,283,879.05


    Delivery equipment 17,010,572.42 0.00 0.00 16,261,050.77


    Machinery and equipment and other office equipment 44,825,188.97 0.00 0.00 50,437,291.09


    (2) Current year completed construction in progress transferred to fixed asset is 937,546,706.41 Yuan.


    (3) Finance leases


    Items Book value






    Impairment provision Net book value


    Aircraft and engine 2,505,052,608.99 746,338,680.70 0.00 1,758,713,928.29


    Total 2,505,052,608.99 746,338,680.70 0.00 1,758,713,928.29Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (4)up to December 31, 2008, there is nothing indicates that fixed assets have been impaired therefore


    no impairment provision is provided.


    9. Construction in progress


    (1) Construction in progress




    The opening




    Increment Transferred into fixed asset Decrement The closing balances


    B737-800 (2008) 527,446,403.69 583,993,120.09 937,028,602.41 0.00 174,410,921.37


    B737-800 (2009) 454,857,420.33 445,713,491.54 0.00 0.00 900,570,911.87


    B737-800 (2012) 104,366,795.48 -4,384,233.99 0.00 0.00 99,982,561.49


    ARJ700 60,778,195.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,778,195.00


    Qingdao Maintenance


    garage 4,820,907.63 34,890,249.98 423,604.00 0.00 39,287,553.61


    Other construction 1,862,748.98 945,761.00 94,500.00 0.00 2,714,009.98


    Total 1,154,132,471.11 1,061,158,388.62 937,546,706.41 0.00 1,277,744,153.32


    (2) Capitalization of borrowing for construction in progress to 31 Dec 2008


    Title The opening balances Increment Transferred into fixed asset The closing balances Sources of funding


    B737-800 8,278,547.28 8,895,278.34 6,738,227.35 10,435,598.27 Loans from financial institutions


    ARJ21-700 487,587.70 0.00 0.00 487,587.70 Loans from financial institutions


    Total 8,766,134.98 8,895,278.34 6,738,227.35 10,923,185.97


    Note :The current increase in the capitalization containing interest on borrowings 53,035,614.64 Yuan,


    and exchange earning 44,140,336.30 Yuan


    (3) Up to December 31, 2008, there is nothing indicates that construction in progress have been impaired


    therefore no impairment provision is provided.


    10. Liquidation of fixed assets


    Items The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances Reason for liquidation


    Building 833,029.86 1,856,220.69 2,689,250.55 0.00 scraped


    High price rotables 0.00 6,080,908.85 6,080,908.85 0.00 scraped


    Aircraft and engine 0.00 1,211,274.75 1,211,274.75 0.00 scraped


    Total 833,029.86 9,148,404.29 9,981,434.15 0.00


    11. Intangible assets and accumulated amortization


    (1) Intangible assets


    Items The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    1、Total original value 44,850,133.13 4,194,563.36 0.00 49,044,696.49


    land Use right 44,850,133.13 4,194,563.36 0.00 49,044,696.49


    2.Totalaccumulated amortization 1,437,524.07 662,098.25 0.00 2,099,622.32


    land Use right 1,437,524.07 662,098.25 0.00 2,099,622.32


    3. Total accumulated impairment loss provision for


    intangible assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    land Use right 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    4.Total book value of intangible assets 43,412,609.06 3,532,465.11 0.00 46,945,074.17


    land Use right 43,412,609.06 3,532,465.11 0.00 46,945,074.17


    (2) Up to December 31, 2008, there is nothing indicates that Intangible assets have been impaired


    therefore no impairment provision is provided.


    12. Long-term deferred expenses


    Items Original value The opening balances Increment Decrement transfer out






    The closing




    Expenses of recruitment


    and training for pilots 284,348,225.82 172,330,090.76 49,682,027.42 13,699,336.63 0.00 76,035,444.27 



    Total 284,348,225.82 172,330,090.76 49,682,027.42 13,699,336.63 0.00 76,035,444.27 208,312,781.55


    The amortization period for expenses of recruitment and training for pilots is 20 years, The remaining


    period is16-19 years。


    13. Deferred income tax assets


    (1) Recognized deferred income tax assets


    deductible temporary differences deferred income tax assets




    The closing balances The opening balances The closing balances The opening balances


    deductible temporary differences arising from


    Provision for impairment of assets 111,461,696.80 114,677,465.48 27,865,424.20 28,669,366.37


    Inventory impairment provision 353,539.79 353,539.79 88,384.95 88,384.95


    Withholding costs for assets repairing 156,828,874.32 99,334,110.52 39,207,218.58 24,833,527.63


    Employee wage payable 6,424,516.00 64,949,603.00 1,606,129.00 16,237,400.75


    Deductible difference resulting from loss remedy 0.00 12,552,438.48 0.00 3,138,109.62


    Launch fee amortization 28,005.52 89,739.44 7,001.38 22,434.86


    Total 275,096,632.43 291,956,896.71 68,774,158.11 72,989,224.18


    Note: According to the history of sales and Prediction of future market of the company, deferred income


    tax assets recognized in each period can be written back in the following period


    14. Provision for asset impairment




    Items The opening balances Increment


    written back Written off


    The closing balances


    (1) Accounts receivable bad debt provision 3,385,651.86 0.00 255,621.00 2,608,298.83 521,732.03


    (2) Other account receivable bad debt


    provision 111,291,813.68 0.00 295,837.89 0.00 110,995,975.79


    (3) Provision of inventory impairment loss 353,539.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 353,539.79


    (4) impairment provision of the long term


    equity investment 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,500,000.00


    Total 137,531,005.33 0.00 551,458.89 2,608,298.83 134,371,247.61Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    15. Restricted assets


    (1) Restricted assets


    Item The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    Net worth of pledged assets


    Self owned aircraft 2,656,919,630.14 1,007,972,763.24 206,520,579.33 3,458,371,814.05


    Finance leased aircraft 1,877,865,797.40 13,472,561.55 132,624,430.66 1,758,713,928.29


    Total 4,534,785,427.54 1,021,445,324.79 339,145,009.99 5,217,085,742.34


    (2) The obtaining of bank loans and finance leasing aircraft cause the accessing of the above assets to be




    16. Short-term loans


    (1)Types of short-term loan


    Types The closing balances The opening balances


    Credit bank loan 70,503,800.00 36,523,000.00


    Pledged bank loan 126,383,714.55 0.00


    Guaranteed bank loan 810,000,000.00 1,168,707,000.00


    Total 1,006,887,514.55 1,205,230,000.00


    (2)Details of short-term loan


    Types Amount(RMB) Start Date Maturity Date Remarks


    Credit bank loan:


    Everbright Bank,Qingdao branch 50,000,000.00 2008-11-24 2009-11-23


    Bank of China (Hong Kong) Branch 20,503,800.00 2008-1-10 2009-1-10 Three million U.S. dollars in original 



    Total 70,503,800.00


    Pledged bank loan:


    SH Nordbank AG 50,619,781.44 2008-7-25 2009-4-30 7,406,400.00 U.S. dollars in original currency


    SH Nordbank AG 25,144,151.67 2008-7-31 2009-2-28 3,678,950.00 U.S. dollars in original currency


    SH Nordbank AG 50,619,781.44 2008-9-25 2009-4-30 7,406,400.00 U.S. dollars in original currency


    Total 126,383,714.55


    Guaranteed bank loan:


    China Construction Bank Jinan shizhong branch 40,000,000.00 2008-12-16 2009-12-15 Shandong airline co. ltd 

as guarantor


    China Construction Bank Jinan shizhong branch 40,000,000.00 2008-12-18 2009-12-17 Shandong airline co. ltd 

as guarantor


    China Merchants Bank, Jinan branch 40,000,000.00 2008-7-3 2009-7-3 Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    China Merchants Bank, Qingdao branch 80,000,000.00 2008-6-16 2009-6-16 Shandong airline co. ltd as 



    China Merchants Bank, Qingdao branch 90,000,000.00 2008-7-9 2009-7-9 Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Agriculture bank of China, MingHu branch 150,000,000.00 2008-1-23 2009-1-22 Shandong airline co. ltd as 



    Agriculture bank of China, MingHu branch 60,000,000.00 2008-11-5 2009-11-4 Shandong airline co. ltd as 



    Agriculture bank of China, MingHu branch 50,000,000.00 2008-11-12 2009-11-11 Shandong airline co. ltd as 



    Agriculture bank of China, MingHu branch 60,000,000.00 2008-11-19 2009-11-18 Shandong airline co. ltd as 



    Bank of China (Jinan) Branch 80,000,000.00 2008-12-31 2009-12-30 Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Chinese Foreign Economic and Trade Trust Ltd. 120,000,000.00 2008-4-18 2009-4-17 Shandong airline co. ltd 

as guarantorShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Subtotal 810,000,000.00


    Total 1,006,887,514.55


    (3) As of December 31, 2008 there are no overdue outstanding loans.


    17. Notes payable


    (1) Details


    Items The closing balances The opening balances


    bank acceptance 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00


    Total 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00


    (2) The closing balance of the notes payable has decreased 33.33% in comparison with the opening


    balance, this mainly caused by the payment made to the maturity bank acceptance.


    18. Accounts payable


    (1). Age


    Age The closing balances The opening balances


    Within 1 year 866,216,091.36 760,092,700.15


    Above I year 9,102,968.75 272,887.97


    Total 875,319,060.11 760,365,588.12


    (2) Up to 31 Dec 2008, there are no payables due from shareholders who own 5% or over 5% of voting




    19. Advanced from customers


    (1). Age


    Age The closing balances The opening balances


    Within 1 year 87,709,493.54 89,541,466.63


    Above 1 year 26,000.00 58,592.60


    Total 87,735,493.54 89,600,059.23


    (2) Up to 31 Dec 2008, there are no advanced payments received from shareholders who own 5% or over


    5% of voting rights


    20. Payroll payable


    Items The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    1、Salary, bonus and allowance 65,167,874.92 421,945,772.48 402,717,604.43 84,396,042.97


    2、Employee benefit 0.00 17,523,387.97 17,523,387.97 0.00


    3、Social insurance fee 105.82 52,379,543.13 52,379,397.71 251.24


    Include:1. medical insurance 28.69 216,467.20 216,495.89 0.00


    2.Basic retirement insurance 65.92 32,116,354.30 32,116,168.98 251.24


    3.Annuity fee 0.00 14,835,012.40 14,835,012.40 0.00


    4.Unemployment fee 6.59 3,344,146.38 3,344,152.97 0.00


    5.Injury insurance 1.65 716,916.41 716,918.06 0.00


    6.Procreation insurance premium 2.97 1,150,646.44 1,150,649.41 0.00


    4、Housing accumulation fund 236,614.70 59,218,648.96 59,452,221.42 3,042.24Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 

2008 Annual Report




    5、Labor union fee and employee education


    fee 8,003,342.44 10,101,229.39 11,383,941.21 6,720,630.62


    6. Non-monetary benefit 0.00 0.00 000 0.00


    7、Redemption of termination of labor


    contract 0.00 4,650.48 4,650.48 0.00


    8、Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Include:share payment by cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Total 73,407,937.88 561,173,232.41 543,461,203.22 91,119,967.07


    21. Tax payable


    Types The closing balances The opening balances


    VAT & Custom tax 42,093,679.29 32,283,139.01


    Sales tax 4,783,260.78 11,655,870.96


    City maintenance construction fee 1,017.73 3,780.64


    Enterprise Income tax 7,878,180.11 81,547.63


    Property tax 1,174,020.58 1,160,007.23


    Tenure tax 3,468.00 766,030.00


    Personal income tax 1,846,373.79 1,107,868.53


    Stamp duty 3,099,249.32 2,649,751.77


    Civil aviation infrastructure construction


    fund 9,223,996.01 8,348,032.19


    Civil aviation airport administration fee 26,114,804.00 22,865,399.00


    Income tax in advance 15,119,191.76 5,817,869.59


    Total 111,337,241.37 86,739,296.55


    Note:The closing balance of the tax payable has increased 28.36% in comparison with the


    opening balance; this mainly caused by the company has not carried out the Final Settlement and Payment of


    Enterprise Income Taxes.


    22. Interest payable


    Items The closing balances The opening balances


    interest on short and long-term borrowings 9,634,990.00 12,429,380.48


    Total 9,634,990.00 12,429,380.48


    23. Other accounts payable


    (1). Age


    Age The closing balances The opening balances


    Within 1 year 117,844,706.36 78,174,526.56


    Above 1 year 43,892,042.34 57,185,522.10


    Total 161,736,748.70 135,360,048.66Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    (2).Details of significant Other accounts payable with age more than one year


    Name Amount owed age The reasons for arrears


    Air China Ltd. 20,000,000.00 1-2years


    Air China prepaid 20 million Yuan for aircraft wet renting on December 10, 2007. Both


    parties agreed that the settlement should base on the actual operation of these aircrafts


    and shall settle the payment in the last month before the contract terminated.


    (3)The total amount of the top five of other account payable is 126,480,258.45 Yuan which is taken


    78.20% of the total amount of other account payable.


    (4)Up to 31 Dec 2008, amounts due to shareholders who own 5% or over 5% of voting rights see


    “Note 11, Related parties and transactions”


    24. Non-current liabilities due within one year


    (1). Types


    Items The closing balances The opening balances


    Long-term borrowing within 1 year 487,168,908.19 190,810,617.13


    Long-term account payable within 1 year 227,593,094.74 161,580,345.90


    Total 714,762,002.93 352,390,963.03


    Less: Unrecognized financing liabilities 99,172,325.71 49,767,310.74


    Total 615,589,677.22 302,623,652.29


    (2). List of creditors


    The closing balances




    Currency Original currency Equivalent to RMB


    Interest rate Remark


    Commerz bank, New York branch USD 5,674,365.85 38,782,020.84 6.0100%-6.0150% pledge


    Shenzhen Financial lease company RMB 89,638,748.19 89,638,748.19 8.1500% pledge


    China Minsheng Bank Jinan branch RMB 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 6.1200% pledge


    Industry and commercial bank Jinan


    Dongjiao branch RMB 188,000,000.00 188,000,000.00 5.5080% pledge


    Bank of China, Jinan branch RMB 21,376,000.00 21,376,000.00 7.8300% pledge


    Bank of China, Jinan branch USD 8,400,000.00 57,410,640.00 4.3900% pledge


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd,JiNan


    Tianqiao branch RMB 57,160,950.00 57,160,950.00 5.5100%-7.0470% Guarantee


    Shanghai Pudong Development Bank


    Co.,Ltd,JiNan branch RMB 70,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 6.8040% pledge


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd,JiNan


    Tianqiao branch USD 2,183,510.00 14,923,417.45 3.8200%-4.1800% Guarantee


    SH Nordbank AG USD 4,140,388.72 28,297,900.74 4.5000% pledge


    Total 615,589,677.22


    (3) As of December 31, 2008 there are no overdue outstanding loans.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    25. Long-term borrowing


    (1) Types


    Types The closing balances The opening balances


    Pledge bank loan 1,157,489,900.59 1,487,075,281.45


    Guaranteed bank loan 2,001,843,376.80 1,113,316,566.52


    Total 3,159,333,277.39 2,600,391,847.97


    (2) List of creditors


    Creditor Original currency Equivalent to RMB Start date Maturity date Interest rate Remark


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 27,600,000.00 27,600,000.00 2007-12-3 2022-3-28 5.5080% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 83,000,000.00 83,000,000.00 2008-1-2 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 54,000,000.00 54,000,000.00 2008-3-3 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 53,000,000.00 53,000,000.00 2008-4-1 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 26,500,000.00 26,500,000.00 2008-4-29 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 52,300,000.00 52,300,000.00 2008-6-2 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 51,500,000.00 51,500,000.00 2008-7-1 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch 120,000,000.00 120,000,000.00 2008-7-15 2022-3-28 7.0470% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    construction bank of china Jinan Shizhong branch $6,039,200.00 41,275,516.32 2007-3-29 2022-3-28 4.6763% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $3,749,800.00 25,628,383.08 2007-4-30 2022-3-28 4.2800% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $6,765,620.00 46,240,306.45 2007-5-31 2022-3-28 3.3675% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $17,954,820.00 122,714,012.77 2007-7-2 2022-3-28 3.9088% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $3,749,800.00 25,628,383.08 2007-8-1 2022-3-28 3.9863% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $12,000,000.00 82,015,200.00 2007-8-29 2010-8-28 3.8169% 

Aircraft as pledge


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $1,300,000.00 8,884,980.00 2007-9-10 2010-8-28 3.6925% 

Aircraft as pledge


    construction bank of china Jinan Shizhong branch $700,000.00 4,784,220.00 2007-9-21 2010-8-28 3.2975% 

Aircraft as pledge


    Construction Bank of China Jinan Shizhong branch $14,908,900.00 101,896,367.94 2007-9-28 2022-3-28 3.4319% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    industrial and commercial bank Dongjiao branch 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 2006-12-18 2018-12-17 5.5080% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch 2,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 2008-6-5 2018-12-17 5.5080% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00 2008-6-18 2018-12-17 5.5080% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch 123,000,000.00 123,000,000.00 2008-6-19 2018-12-17 5.5080% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch 13,500,000.00 13,500,000.00 2008-7-1 2018-12-17 6.9660% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 2008-8-19 2018-12-17 5.8320% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch $3,671,400.00 25,092,550.44 2007-5-31 2018.12.17 3.7675% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch $3,671,400.00 25,092,550.44 2007-9-4 2018.12.17 3.9194% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch $3,671,400.00 25,092,550.44 2007-12-3 2018.12.17 3.4063% 

Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch 132,750,000.00 132,750,000.00 2006-5-30 2016-12-30 

5.7510% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch 101,707,125.00 101,707,125.00 2007-11-12 2016-12-30 

6.4800% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch 102,000,000.00 102,000,000.00 2007-12-3 2016-12-30 

5.5080% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch 86,100,000.00 86,100,000.00 2008-1-14 2016-12-30 

7.0470% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,746,050.00 18,768,153.33 2006-10-31 2016-12-30 

3.8163% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,754,112.50 18,823,257.29 2006-11-30 2016-12-30 

3.3213% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantorShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,746,050.00 18,768,153.33 2007-1-31 2016-12-30 

4.1275% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,712,675.00 18,540,048.56 2007-5-31 2016-12-30 

3.3213% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,704,762.50 18,485,969.78 2007-4-29 2016-12-30 

4.2125% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd Jinan Tianqiao branch $2,712,675.00 18,540,048.56 2007-5-31 2016-12-30 

3.8163% Shandong airline co. ltd as guarantor


    Bank of China Jinan branch $1,469,733.60 10,045,041.26 2005-4-29 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Bank of China Jinan branch $469,200.00 3,206,794.32 2005-6-23 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Creditor Original currency Equivalent to RMB Start date Maturity date Interest rate Remark


    Bank of China Jinan branch $25,656,600.00 175,352,598.36 2005-7-15 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Bank of China Jinan branch $26,071,798.00 178,190,310.61 2005-10-19 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Bank of China Jinan branch $26,213,260.00 179,157,146.80 2005-12-21 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Bank of China Jinan branch $923,467.00 6,311,527.56 2005-12-23 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    Bank of China Jinan branch $525,000.00 3,588,165.00 2006-4-27 2019-4-28 3.0638% Aircraft as pledge


    China Minsheng Bank Jinan branch 270,000,000.00 270,000,000.00 2005-4-7 2014-6-29 6.1200% Aircraft as 



    China Development Bank Shandong branch $3,735,500.00 25,530,648.30 2008-7-1 2023-6-30 2.5913% Aircraft as 



    China Development Bank Shandong branch $18,292,500.00 125,021,920.50 2008-7-11 2023-6-30 2.5913% Aircraft 

as pledge


    China Development Bank Shandong branch $7,481,350.00 51,132,034.71 2008-9-2 2023-6-30 2.5913% Aircraft as 



    China Development Bank Shandong branch $3,735,500.00 25,530,648.30 2008-9-26 2023-6-30 2.5913% Aircraft as 



    China Development Bank Shandong branch $7,481,350.00 51,132,034.71 2008-12-8 2023-6-30 2.5913% Aircraft as 



    HSH Nordbank AG $36,228,401.10 247,606,630.15 2008-7-25 2018-7-25 4.8713% Aircraft as pledge


    Total 3,159,333,277.39


    Note:As of December 31, 2008 there are no overdue outstanding loans.


    26. Long-term account payable


    (1) Details


    Balance due within following dates The closing balance The opening balance


    First year after balance sheet date 227,593,094.76 266,014,982.84


    Second year after balance sheet date 227,593,094.76 219,714,595.69


    Third year after balance sheet date 184,513,291.73 219,714,595.69


    Over there years 1,217,418,343.07 1,341,366,941.63


    Total minimum lease payment 1,857,117,824.32 2,046,811,115.85


    Less: unrecognized financing fee 614,237,149.91 630,438,170.45


    Finance lease payable 1,242,880,674.41 1,416,372,945.40


    Include: finance lease payable within 1 year 128,420,769.03 111,813,035.16


    Total 1,114,459,905.38 1,304,559,910.24


    (2) List of long-term payable


    The closing balance




    Currency Original currency Equivalent to RMB


    Loan condition Interest rate maturity date


    Commerzbank, New


    York Branch




    6,355,783.14 43,439,235.45


    Finance lease 6.010%-6.015% 2010.7.15


    Guoying finance lease






    1,071,020,669.93 1,071,020,669.93


    Finance lease 8.1500% 2020.6.15Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Total 1,114,459,905.38


    27. Deferred Income


    Items Original value


    The opening


    balance Increment Amortization






    The closing




    CRJ leaseback profit 9,741,746.00 4,871,343.11 0.00 1,392,193.00 6,262,595.89 3,479,150.11


    Bonus earnings 9,840,407.72 0.00 9,840,407.72 0.00 0.00 9,840,407.72


    Special funds of subsidies for


    post-disaster reconstruction 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000,000.00


    Total 24,582,153.72 4,871,343.11 14,840,407.72 1,392,193.00 6,262,595.89 18,319,557.83


    Note: Bonus earning arises from the application of the frequent customer bonus plan; members’ customers


    of the company can accumulate mileage points as they take the flight of the Company or flight of the China




    28. Deferred income tax liabilities


    Recognized deferred income tax liabilities


    taxable temporary differences deferred income tax liabilities




    The closing balance The opening balance The closing balance The opening balance


    changes in fair value of tradable financial assets 23,460,812.12 42,754,634.96 5,865,203.03 10,688,658.75


    Unrealized exchange gain 55,805,493.72 0.00 13,951,373.43 0.00


    Total 79,266,305.84 42,754,634.96 19,816,576.46 10,688,658.75


    29. Share Capital


    Increase/Decrease (+、-) Unit: shares




    The opening






    of new










    of public




    Others Sub-total The closing balance


    (1) Shares subject to trading




    ①founder's shares 260,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260,000,000.00




    Shares held by the state 259,801,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259,801,000.00


    Shares held by state-owned legal


    persons 199,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199,000.00


    Shares held by overseas legal


    persons 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    ② Raised legal person’s shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    ③ Inner employees’ shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    ④ Preference shares or other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Include: transferred/allotted shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Total unlisted shares 260,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260,000,000.00


    Listed shares


    ①RMB ordinary shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Increase/Decrease (+、-) Unit: shares




    The opening






    of new










    of public




    Others Sub-total The closing balance


    Including:Shares hold by


    management 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    ②Domestically listed foreign shares 140,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000,000.00


    Total listed shares 140,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000,000.00


    (3)sell limited shares 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    (4) Total shares 400,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400,000,000.00


    1、The aforesaid listed shares are listed on B shares at RMB1 each。


    2、The aforesaid share capital has been examined by Shangdong Yantai Qianju Certified Public


    Accountants and issued a Capital Verification Report with Yanqianzi[2000]NO.27.


    30. Capital Reserve


    Items The opening balance Increment Decrement The closing balance


    Premium on share capital 76,258,081.68 0.00 0.00 76,258,081.68


    Other capital reserve 7,792,081.16 0.00 0.00 7,792,081.16


    Total 84,050,162.84 0.00 0.00 84,050,162.84


    31. Surplus Reserve


    Items The opening balance Increment Decrement The closing balance


    Statutory surplus reserve 24,919,586.71 4,571,141.06 0.00 29,490,727.77


    Total 24,919,586.71 4,571,141.06 0.00 29,490,727.77


    32. Retained Earnings


    Items 2008 2007


    Balance at the beginning of the year -39,938,895.93 -108,076,865.41


    Add:Consolidated net profit 80,981,442.68 68,171,958.24


    Other transfer-in 0.00 173,679.78


    Less:Withdrawal of statuary surplus reserve 4,571,141.06 207,668.54


    Withdrawal of employee incentive and welfare fund 0.00 0.00


    Withdrawal of reserve fund 0.00 0.00


    Withdrawal reserve for business expansion 0.00 0.00


    Profits capitalized on return of investment 0.00 0.00


    Less:Preference dividends payable 0.00 0.00


    Withdrawal of Unspecified surplus reserve 0.00 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Ordinary dividends payable 0.00 0.00


    Ordinary share dividend transfer to capital(or share) 0.00 0.00


    Undistributed profits at end of year 36,471,405.69 -39,938,895.93


    33. Operating Revenue and Operating Cost


    (1) Operating Revenue


    Items 2008 2007


    Main operating revenue 4,985,950,205.16 4,536,790,226.62


    Other operating Revenue 63,440,911.31 93,340,311.57


    Total 5,049,391,116.47 4,630,130,538.19


    (2) Operating Cost


    Items 2008 2007


    Main operating cost 4,122,612,353.88 3,779,784,586.76


    Other operating cost 33,511,012.84 56,965,069.52


    Total 4,156,123,366.72 3,836,749,656.28


    (3) Main operation income, main operation cost and gross profit of segment


    2008 2007




    Operating Income Operating Cost Gross profit Operating Income Operating Cost Gross profit


    Aviation transportation service 4,953,048,164.35 4,101,665,962.58 851,382,201.77 4,503,661,260.70 

3,761,738,252.60 741,923,008.10


    Logistic transportation service 6,020,693.27 1,313,169.79 4,707,523.48 7,250,905.82 1,733,971.61 



    Hospitality and Catering service 22,538,565.66 15,614,100.05 6,924,465.61 26,059,386.92 16,312,368.49 



    Lease service 31,801,807.87 35,128,834.04 -3,327,026.17 49,549,336.89 52,470,312.13 -2,920,975.24


    Others 35,981,885.32 2,401,300.26 33,580,585.06 43,609,647.86 4,494,751.45 39,114,896.41


    Total 5,049,391,116.47 4,156,123,366.72 893,267,749.75 4,630,130,538.19 3,836,749,656.28 793,380,881.91


    (4) Top five customers


    2008 2007




    Sales amount


    Proportion of the total




    Sales amount


    Proportion of the total




    Total amount of Sales revenue of the top five customers 712,142,468.82 14.10% 373,431,310.83 8.06%


    34. Business tax and surtax


    Item Applicable tax rate 2008 2007


    Business tax 3%、5% 132,823,862.65 137,305,155.03


    Total 132,823,862.65 137,305,155.03


    35. Financial expenses


    Items 2008 2007


    Interest expenses 328,596,797.15 283,408,485.31


    Less: Interest income 5,839,812.54 1,219,055.29Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Exchange gains -78,963,306.70 -66,751,899.20


    Others 9,747,478.66 3,888,437.02


    Total 253,541,156.57 219,325,967.84


    36. Impairment loss of assets


    Items 2008 2007


    Bad debts provision -551,458.89 670,094.39


    Total -551,458.89 670,094.39


    37. Earnings from changes in fair value


    Sources of Earnings from changes in fair value 2008 2007


    Tradable financial assets -19,293,822.87 41,221,296.98


    Total -19,293,822.87 41,221,296.98


    Note:Earnings from changes in fair value is -19,293,822.87 Yuan, this is losses result in the changes in


    fair value of the Interest rate swaps.


    38. Investment income


    The origin of the investment income 2008 2007


    Realized profit from Financial assets trading 10,081,058.70 22,379,236.48


    Increase income by equity method -35,915.68 -2,560.68


    Income from equity investment 1,130,610.00 956,670.00


    Total 11,175,753.02 23,333,345.80


    39. Non-operating income


    (1)Non-operating income


    Items 2008 2007


    Government Grant 42,232,215.00 10,000,000.00


    Other 1,661,594.88 1,362,190.18


    Total 43,893,809.88 11,362,190.18


    (2) Government Grant


    Items 2008 Approval documents Approval authority


    Regional aviation






    East China Electricity Council FAMINGDIAN【2008 】No.




    Chinese Civil Aviation Authority in East China


    Airline subsidy 14,067,100.00 JIFAMINGDIAN 【2008】 No. 1022 Southwest China's civil aviation authority


    Earthquake relief subsidies 3,000,000.00 JUFAMINGDAIN【2008】NO.4444 Civil Aviation Administration of China


    Others 8,584,815.00


    Total 42,232,215.00


    40. Non-operating expenses


    Items 2008 2007


    Loss on disposal of non-current assets 10,915,236.47 21,736,311.72


    Include: Loss on disposal of fixed assets 10,915,236.47 21,348,892.09


    Donation 0.00 215,000.00


    Extra-ordinary loss 0.00 8,482,707.78


    Others 477,113.76 14,676.27Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Total 11,392,350.23 30,448,695.77


    41. Income taxes expense


    Items 2008 2007


    Income tax for current period 13,279,231.57 298,883.01


    Deferred income tax 13,342,983.79 29,563,951.64


    Total 26,622,215.36 29,862,834.65


    42. Net profit after deduction of Non-recurring gains and losses


    Items 2008 2007


    Net profit 80,981,442.68 68,171,958.24


    Plus: (1) Minus: Profit and loss in disposal of non-circulation assets 10,915,236.47 21,736,311.72


    (2) Governmental allowance accrued to the current profit and loss Gain or loss from combination - 

4,822,515.00 -10,000,000.00


    (3) gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of tradable financial assets and tradable


    financial liabilities and financial liabilities and investment income arising form disposal of


    tradable financial assets ,tradable financial liabilities and available for sale financial assets 

19,293,822.87 -41,221,296.98


    (4) transferred back of individually impairment tested receivables -84,834.50 0.00


    (5) Non-operating income and expenses other than above items 0.00 7,370,706.97


    (6) other Non-recurring gains and losses -10,023,237.59 498,594.46


    Subtotal 15,278,472.25 -21,615,683.83


    less:Amount influenced due to income tax 3,819,618.06 -7,133,175.66


    Net profit after deduction of non-recurring gain/loss 92,440,296.87 53,689,450.07


    less:non-recurring gain/loss attributable to minority shareholders 0.00 -331.50


    Net profit after deduction of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to shareholders of parent company 

92,440,296.87 53,689,781.57


    43. Cash received relating to other operating activities


    Items 2008 2007


    Government grant 47,232,215.00 10,000,000.00


    Interest incomes 5,839,812.54 667,658.52


    Cash received from non-operating activities 1,661,594.88 1,362,190.18


    Cash received from payable and receivable 24,792,036.03 50,444,864.79


    Total 79,525,658.45 62,474,713.49


    44. Cash paid relating to other operating activities


    Items 2008 2007


    Bank commission charge 9,747,478.66 3,888,437.02


    Cash Paid for non-operating activities 477,113.76 229,676.27


    Cash paid for current fund 4,898,582.20 15,017,209.45


    Marketing cost, administration cost and cash paid


    for operating activities 64,370,315.89 55,784,000.50


    Total 79,493,490.51 74,919,323.24Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    45. Cash paid relating to other investment activities


    Items 2008 2007


    Decrease of cash in subsidiaries for


    reconciliation 00 3,395,201.72


    Total 00 3,395,201.72


    46. Cash received relating to other financing activities


    Item 2008 2007


    Interest expenses for leased aircrafts 273,796,099.64 108,326,472.97


    Total 273,796,099.64 108,326,472.97


    47. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities


    1.Adusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities: 2008 2007


    Net profit 81,638,612.20 68,905,276.52


    Add: Impairment loss provision of assets -551,458.89 670,094.39


    Depreciation of fixed assets、oil and gas assets and consumable biological assets 436,398,118.13 



    Amortization of intangible assets 662,098.25 613,539.74


    Amortization of Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 13,699,336.63 10,720,417.07


    Loss on disposal of fixed assets、intangible assets and other long-term deferred


    assets(Loss/Gain +/-) -19,700.00 387,419.63


    Loss from written off assets(Loss/Gain +/-) 10,915,236.47 21,348,892.09


    Loss of fair value fluctuation on assets(Loss/Gain +/-) 19,293,822.87 -41,221,296.98


    Financial cost(Loss/Gain +/-) 252,838,009.68 283,408,485.31


    Loss on investment(Loss/Gain +/-) -11,175,753.02 -23,333,345.80


    Decrease of deferred income tax assets(Loss/Gain +/-) 4,215,066.07 19,258,627.39


    Decrease of deferred income tax liabilities(Loss/Gain +/-) 9,127,917.72 10,305,324.25


    Decrease of inventories(Loss/Gain +/-) -22,109,390.20 -12,792,299.74


    Decrease of operating receivables(Loss/Gain +/-) 83,801,585.12 -98,303,411.61


    Increase of operating payables(Loss/Gain +/-) 181,099,605.53 89,341,351.34


    Others 0.00 0.00


    Net cash flows arising from operating activities 1,059,833,106.56 734,571,420.98


    2.Significant investment and financing activities that without cash flows


    Liability transfer to capital 0.00 0.00


    Convertible corporate bond due within 1 year 0.00 0.00


    Finance lease-fixed assets 0.00 0.00


    3.Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents


    Ending balance of cash 44,937,058.88 42,131,848.82


    Less: Beginning balance of cash 42,131,848.82 68,256,602.71


    Add : Ending balance of cash equivalents 0.00 0.00


    Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents 0.00 0.00


    Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 2,805,210.06 -26,124,753.89Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    48. Relating information for acquired or disposal of subsidiaries and other business units for


    current period


    Items 2008 2007


    Relating information for acquired or disposal of subsidiaries and other business




    1.Price of disposal of subsidiaries and other business unit 1,071,181.23 2,592,379.24


    2.Cash and cash equivalent received from disposal


    of subsidiaries and other business unit 912,019.23 750,000.00


    Less:Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiaries and other business unit 0.00 1,138,731.24


    3.Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business unit 912,019.23 -388,731.24


    4.Net assets from disposal of subsidiaries 1,071,181.23 2,592,379.24


    Current assets 912,019.23 2,592,379.24


    Non-current assets 159,162.00 0.00


    Current liabilities 0.00 0.00


    Non-current liabilities 0.00 0.00


    49. Cash and cash equivalents


    Items 2008 2007


    1.Cash 44,937,058.88 42,131,848.82


    Including: Cash on hand 220,541.02 924,974.06


    Non restricted bank deposit 44,716,517.86 41,206,874.76


    Non restricted other monetary fund 0.00 0.00


    2.Cash equivalents 0.00 0.00


    Including: Bond investment within three month 0.00 0.00


    3.Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 44,937,058.88 42,131,848.82


    Inculding: restricted cash and cash equivalents for parent or group ubsidiaries 0.00 0.00


    X. Notes to financial statement for parent company


    1. Accounts Receivable


    (1) Details of accounts receivable


    The closing balance The opening balance






    Proportion Provision for bad


    debts Net book value Balance


    Proportion Provision for bad


    debts Net book value


    Individual transaction


    with significant


    amount 115,826,770.70 92.24% 0.00 115,826,770.70 189,588,286.65 90.17% 0.00 189,588,286.65


    portfolio credit risk 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 2,608,298.83 1.24% 2,608,298.83 0.00


    Other transaction with


    no significant amount 9,747,897.58 7.76% 469,172.93 9,278,724.65 18,050,269.68 8.59% 777,353.03 

17,272,916.65Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Total 125,574,668.28 100.00% 469,172.93 125,105,495.35 210,246,855.16 100.00% 3,385,651.86 206,861,203.30


    (2) Individual significant accounts receivable


    Name Amount Provision for bad debts Reason


    Air China 55,089,147.43 0.00 Settlement difference, all are received in subsequent date


    BSP 39,640,732.64 0.00 Settlement difference, all are received in subsequent date


    China Aviation Settlement Centre 21,096,890.63 0.00 Settlement difference, all are received in subsequent 



    Total 115,826,770.70 0.00




    The closing balance The opening balance




    Balance % Bad debt provision Net Value Balance % Bad debt provision Net Value


    Within one year 124,366,476.98 99.04% 392,699.63 123,973,777.35 207,505,796.68 98.70% 770,715.04 



    1-2 years 1,157,864.08 0.92% 75,222.25 1,082,641.83 307,308.50 0.15% 206,030.43 101,278.07


    2-3 years 26,524.80 0.02% 60.93 26,463.87 1,200,577.98 0.57% 1,175,785.69 24,792.29


    3-4 years 23,802.42 0.02% 1,190.12 22,612.30 929,258.00 0.44% 929,206.70 51.30


    4-5 years 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 303,914.00 0.14% 303,914.00 0.00


    Total 125,574,668.28 100% 469,172.93 125,105,495.35 210,246,855.16 100.00% 3,385,651.86 206,861,203.30


    (4)Details of top five debtors for accounts receivable


    The closing balance The opening balance




    Balance Percentage Balance Percentage


    Total amounts for top five debtors 117,636,799.77 93.68% 191,137,479.60 90.91%


    (5) Up to 31 Dec 2008, amounts due to shareholders who own 5% or over 5% of voting rights see “Note


    11, related parties and transactions”


    2. Other accounts receivable


    (1) Details of other accounts receivable


    The closing balance The opening balance


    Items Balance % Bad debt




    Net Value Balance % Bad debt




    Net Value




    transaction with


    significant amount 203,908,540.13 79.59% 109,051,717.65 94,856,822.48 228,111,849.89 83.93% 109,136,552.15 



    Other transaction


    with no significant


    amount 52,282,091.05 20.41% 1,940,806.24 50,341,284.81 43,684,552.87 16.07% 2,155,261.53 41,529,291.34


    Total 256,190,631.18 100.00% 110,992,523.89 145,198,107.29 271,796,402.76 100.00% 111,291,813.68 



    (2) Bad debt provision for individual accounts receivable with significant amount.Shandong Airlines Co., 

Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Debtor Balance


    Percentage of bad debts


    provision Reason


    Shandong Airline Rainbow Jet Co., Ltd 109,051,717.65 100.00%


    the company could not repay debts due to its


    financial difficulty


    Security deposit for airplane engine 94,856,822.48 0.00


    Deposit for engine maintenance and purchase of


    aircraft, all amounts is receivable in the future


    Total 203,908,540.13 109,051,717.65


    (3) Age


    The closing balance The opening balance


    Ages Balance % Bad debt




    Net Value Balance % Bad debt provision Net Value


    Within one year 43,209,209.30 16.87% 2,035,090.39 41,174,118.91 45,220,181.76 16.64% 1,339,820.64 



    1-2 years 31,169,427.89 12.17% 669,245.45 30,500,182.44 29,184,928.30 10.74% 11,280,098.16 17,904,830.14


    2-3 years 17,263,584.49 6.74% 10,698,669.47 6,564,915.02 137,151,532.65 50.46% 80,385,813.40 56,765,719.25


    3-4 years 133,052,336.46 51.93% 80,329,246.11 52,723,090.35 23,496,543.29 8.64% 18,138,057.20 5,358,486.09


    4-5 years 23,398,644.42 9.13% 17,195,422.39 6,203,222.03 24,265,824.29 8.93% 77,624.20 24,188,200.09


    Above 5 years 8,097,428.62 3.16% 64,850.08 8,032,578.54 12,477,392.47 4.59% 70,400.08 12,406,992.39


    Total 256,190,631.18 100.00% 110,992,523.89 145,198,107.29 271,796,402.76 100.00% 111,291,813.68 



    (4) Details of top five debtors for other accounts receivable


    Name of debtors Balance Nature or content Age Proportion


    Shandong Airline Rainbow Jet Co., Ltd 109,051,717.65 Disbursement fee 1-5years 42.57%


    Shenzhen finance lease company 41,354,563.28 Deposit of aircraft 3-4years 16.14%


    SingaporeAircraft Leasing Enterprise 19,136,880.00 Deposit of aircraft 1-3years 7.47%


    RainierAircraftLeasing(Ireland)Limited 16,762,866.90 Deposit of aircraft 3-6years 6.54%


    Huaxia Airlines Ltd 14,979,716.58 Aircraft rental and maintenance reserve 3-4years 5.85%


    Total 201,285,744.41 78.57%


    (5) Up to 31 Dec 2008, amounts due to shareholders who own 5% or over 5% of voting rights see “Note


    11, related parties and transactions.


    3. Long-term equity investment


    (1). Long-term equity investment and provision for impairment loss


    The closing balance The opening balance




    Balance Provision for impairment loss Book value Balance Provision for impairment loss Book value


    Long-term equity investment 134,665,305.97 22,500,000.00 112,165,305.97 135,315,305.97 22,500,000.00 



    Include: Investment in Subsidiary 23,813,205.97 0.00 23,813,205.97 24,463,205.97 0.00 24,463,205.97


    Joint-venture investment 22,500,000.00 22,500,000.00 0.00 22,500,000.00 22,500,000.00 0.00


    Investment in Other Companies 88,352,100.00 0.00 88,352,100.00 88,352,100.00 0.00 88,352,100.00


    (2) Long-term equity investment measured by cost methodShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Compay The initial amount The opening balance Increment Decrement The closing balance




    Qingdao International Aviation Logistic center Co.,


    Ltd 23,813,205.97 23,813,205.97 0.00 0.00 23,813,205.97


    Union Express Service Shandong Airline Co., Ltd 650,000.00 650,000.00 0.00 650,000.00 0.00


    Sub-total 24,463,205.97 24,463,205.97 0.00 650,000.00 23,813,205.97


    ②Other long-term equity investment


    China Civil aviation information network Co., Ltd 6,690,000.00 6,690,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,690,000.00


    Sichuan airlines Co. Ltd 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000,000.00


    JiNan International Airport Co. Ltd 46,662,100.00 46,662,100.00 0.00 0.00 46,662,100.00


    Sub-total 88,352,100.00 88,352,100.00 0.00 0.00 88,352,100.00


    Total 112,815,305.97 112,815,305.97 0.00 650,000.00 112,165,305.97


    (3) Long-term equity investment measured by equity method


    Company Initial investment






    Increment Adjustment for


    current year profit


    and loss










    The closing




    Accumulate Cash




    SARJ 25,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Total 25,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    (4) Impairment loss provision of long-term investment


    Investee The opening balances Increment Decrement The closing balances


    SARJ 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,500,000.00


    Total 22,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,500,000.00


    Note: Due to the insolvency of SARJ, the company decided to set up an impairment provision for this


    long-term investment of SARJ.


    4. Operating income and operating cost


    (1) Operating income


    Items 2008 2007


    Main business income 4,979,929,511.89 4,530,329,258.69


    Other business income 63,440,911.31 93,220,311.57


    Total 5,043,370,423.20 4,623,549,570.26


    (2) Operating cost


    Items 2008 2007


    Main business cost 4,121,299,184.09 3,778,757,204.89


    Other business cost 33,511,012.84 56,965,069.52


    Total 4,154,810,196.93 3,835,722,274.41


    (3) The main businesses are listed as per product or category.Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    2008 2007


    Product or category


    Operating income Operating cost Gross profit Operating income Operating cost Gross profit


    Aviation shipping service 4,953,048,164.35 4,101,665,962.58 851,382,201.77 4,503,661,260.70 

3,761,738,252.60 741,923,008.10


    Logistic service 0.00 0.00 0.00 789,937.89 706,583.80 83,354.09


    Catering service 22,538,565.66 15,614,100.05 6,924,465.61 26,059,386.92 16,312,368.49 9,747,018.43


    Leasing service 31,801,807.87 35,128,834.04 -3,327,026.17 49,549,336.89 52,470,312.13 -2,920,975.24


    Others 35,981,885.32 2,401,300.26 33,580,585.06 43,489,647.86 4,494,757.39 38,994,890.47


    Total 5,043,370,423.20 4,154,810,196.93 888,560,226.27 4,623,549,570.26 3,835,722,274.41 787,827,295.85


    (4)Top five accounts for sales income


    2008 2007




    sales amount


    Proportion of the total




    sales amount


    Proportion of the total




    Total amounts of the top five accounts for sales income 712,142,468.82 14.12% 373,431,310.83 8.08%


    5. Investment income


    The origin of the investment income 2008 2007


    Realized profit from Financial assets trading 10,081,058.70 22,379,236.48


    Profit distributed by the disposal of shareholder’s


    right 421,181.23 0.00


    Profit distributed by shareholding company 1,130,610.00 956,670.00


    Total 11,632,849.93 23,335,906.48


    XI. Related party and related party transactions


    1. Confirmation standard of related part


    The other party which is controlled, jointly controlled or substantially influenced by the company, or


    controls, jointly controls or substantially influences the company, or is under the same control, joint 

control or


    substantial influence of the same parties as the company will be deemed as the associated party of the 



    2、The relationship of related parties


    (1) The relationship of related parties


    ①related party with controllable relationship


    Business name






    Main business




    Business nature






    Air China Limited Beijing


    air passenger transport, freight transport and


    related service etc


    Controlled party Corp. Dongkong


    Shandong Aviation Group


    Co. Ltd.




    Aircraft and ground equipment repair and


    maintenance, air passenger transport, freight


    transport and related service etc






    Limited liability




    Gang feng


    The registered capital and changes the related parties with controllable relationship


    Business name The opening balance Increment Decrement The closing balanceShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 

Annual Report




    Air China Limited 9,433,210,909.00 1,639,000,000. 0.00 11,072,210,909.00


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. 580,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 580,000,000.00


    Changes in share capital and particular about related party with controllable relationship


    Business name The opening balance Proportion Increment Decrement The closing balance Proportion


    Air China Limited 91,200,000.00 22.80% 0.00 0.00 91,200,000.00 22.80%


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. 168,004,000.00 42.00% 0.00 0.00 168,004,000.00 42.00%


    ② Subsidiaries of the company


    The information about Subsidiaries of the company, see Note 7.1


    (2)The related party with uncontrollable relationship


    ①The joint ventures and associates of the company


    The information about joint ventures and associates of the company, see Note8


    ②The related party with uncontrollable relationship


    Name The relationship with company


    Shandong Taeco Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd Subsidiary which under the same control of holding company


    Aviation building management limited company Subsidiary which under the same control of holding company


    Shandong xiaoyu technology service ltd Subsidiary which under the same control of holding company


    Qingdao Feisheng international Aviation Training Co., Ltd Subsidiary which under the same control of 

holding company


    Shandong International Aviation Training Co., Ltd. Subsidiary which under the same control of holding 



    SARJ associate


    3、 Related party transactions


    (1) The pricing principle of the transaction between the company and related party: the price of the 



    party transaction will be settled at the market price as the similar product or service。


    (2) Related party transactions


    ① Offering service


    2008 2007


    Related party Pricing principle Transaction detail


    Amount proportion Amount proportion


    Air China Limited Protocol Price Payment for service 5,950,000.00 43.44% 12,390,700.00 100.00%


    Total 5,950,000.00 43.44% 12,390,700.00 100.00%


    ② Acceptance service


    2008 2007


    Related party






    Transaction detail


    Amount proportion Amount proportionShandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Shandong Taeco Aircraft


    Engineering Co., Ltd Marketing price Expenditure for aircraft maintenance 61,209,045.29 17.68% 

56,344,238.51 32.11%


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. Marketing price


    Rental charges in respect of


    land and buildings 5,834,547.95 21.43% 6,207,465.77 22.13%


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. Marketing price Room and restaurant service charges 5,135,401.66 0.00% 

4,911,669.10 0.00%


    Qingdao Feisheng international


    Aviation Training Co., Ltd Marketing price Training fee 5,010,748.92 6.17% 5,879,227.00 7.50%


    Shandong International Aviation


    Training Co., Ltd. Marketing price Training fee 10,917,712.53 13.48% 7,933,074.50 10.12%


    Shandong xiaoyu technology


    service ltd Marketing price Repairs and maintenance charges 11,073,497.62 3.63% 3,323,330.44 1.89%


    Total 99,180,953.97 84,599,005.32


    ③ Other transaction


    2008 2007


    Related party






    Transaction detail


    Amount proportion Amount proportion


    SARJ Settlement of debt 84,834.5 0.00 498,594.46 0.00


    Air China Limited Protocol Price Leasing of aircraft and engine 600,186,086.00 94.97% 259,180,758.50 83.95%


    Air China Limited Protocol Price Joint venture route 96,046,056.93 100.00% 85,833,974.37 100.00%


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. Protocol Price Guarantee fee 4,445,800.00 100.00% 0.00 0.00


    ④ Guarantee


    Shandong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. Provides guarantee for the company as following:


    Types of borrowing Creditors currency Amount Start date










    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 100,000,000.00 2006-12-18 2018-12-17 5.5080%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 2,200,000.00 2008-6-5 2018-12-17 5.5080%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 2,100,000.00 2008-6-18 2018-12-17 5.5080%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 123,000,000.00 2008-6-19 2018-12-17 5.5080%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 13,500,000.00 2008-7-1 2018-12-17 6.9660%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch RMB 30,000,000.00 2008-8-19 2018-12-17 5.8320%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch USD $3,671,400.00 2007-5-31 2018-12-17 3.7675%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch USD $3,671,400.00 2007-9-4 2018-12-17 3.9194%


    Industrial and Commercial Bank Dongjiao branch USD $3,671,400.00 2007-12-3 2018-12-17 3.4063%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 27,600,000.00 2007-12-3 2022-3-28 5.5080%


    Long-term borrowing


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 83,000,000.00 2008-1-2 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    Types of borrowing Creditors currency Amount Start date










    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 54,000,000.00 2008-3-3 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 53,000,000.00 2008-4-1 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    Long-term borrowing


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 26,500,000.00 2008-4-29 2022-3-28 7.0470%Shandong 

Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 52,300,000.00 2008-6-2 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 51,500,000.00 2008-7-1 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 120,000,000.00 2008-7-15 2022-3-28 7.0470%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $6,039,200.00 2007-3-29 2022-3-28 4.6763%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $3,749,800.00 2007-4-30 2022-3-28 4.2800%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $6,765,620.00 2007-5-31 2022-3-28 3.3675%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $17,954,820.00 2007-7-2 2022-3-28 3.9088%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $3,749,800.00 2007-8-1 2022-3-28 3.9863%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch USD $14,908,900.00 2007-9-28 2022-3-28 3.4319%


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd JiNan Tianqiao branch RMB 150,450,000.00 2006-5-30 2016-12-30 5.7510%


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd JiNan Tianqiao branch RMB 115,268,075.00 2007-11-12 2016-12-30 6.4800%


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd JiNan Tianqiao branch RMB 115,600,000.00 2007-12-3 2016-12-30 5.5080%


    Bank of Communication Co.,Ltd JiNan Tianqiao branch RMB 98,400,000.00 2008-1-14 2016-12-30 7.0470%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,112,190.00 2006-10-31 2016-12-30 3.8163%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,121,327.50 2006-11-30 2016-12-30 3.3213%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,112,190.00 2007-1-31 2016-12-30 4.1275%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,074,365.00 2007-5-31 2016-12-30 3.3213%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,065,397.50 2007-4-29 2016-12-30 4.2125%


    Bank of communications Tianqiao branch USD $3,074,365.00 2007-5-31 2016-12-30 3.3213%


    Agricultural Bank of China Minghu branch RMB 150,000,000.00 2008-1-23 2009-1-22 6.7230%


    Agricultural Bank of China Minghu branch RMB 60,000,000.00 2008-11-5 2009-11-4 5.9940%


    Agricultural Bank of China Minghu branch RMB 50,000,000.00 2008-11-12 2009-11-11 5.9940%


    Agricultural Bank of China Minghu branch RMB 60,000,000.00 2008-11-19 2009-11-18 5.9940%


    China Merchants Bank Jinan branch RMB 40,000,000.00 2008-7-3 2009-7-2 6.7230%


    China Merchants Bank Qingdao branch RMB 80,000,000.00 2008-6-16 2009-6-16 7.0218%


    China Merchants Bank Qingdao branch RMB 90,000,000.00 2008-7-9 2009-7-9 7.0218%


    Bank of China Jinan branch RMB 80,000,000.00 2008-12-31 2009-12-30 5.0445%


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 40,000,000.00 2008-12-16 2009-12-15 5.0220%


    Short-term loans


    China Construction Bank Jinan Shizhong branch RMB 40,000,000.00 2008-12-18 2009-12-17 5.0220%


    (3) The balance of payables and receivables for related party.


    The opening balance The closing balance


    Business name


    Amounts proportion Amounts proportion


    Trade receivables :


    Air China Limited 50,081,251.95 23.65% 55,089,147.43 43.50%


    Total 50,081,251.95 23.65% 55,089,147.43 43.50%Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual Report




    Other receivables :


    Air China Limited 2,550,000.00 0.94% 1,100.00 0.00%


    Shandong International Aviation Training Co., Ltd. 80,342.04 0.03% 780,969.77 0.31%


    Qingdao Feisheng international Aviation Training Co., Ltd 41,041.70 0.02% 0.00 0.00


    Shandong xiaoyu technology service ltd 1,201.25 0.00% 706,431.65 0.28%


    SARJ 109,136,552.15 40.14% 109,051,717.70 42.60%


    Total 111,809,137.14 41.12% . 110,540,219.12 43.19%


    Trade payables:


    Shandong Taeco Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd 717,414.49 0.09% 717,414.49 0.08%


    Total 717,414.49 0.09% 717,414.49 0.08%


    Other payables:


    Air China Limited 20,000,000.00 14.77% 20,000,000.00 12.37%


    Shangdong Aviation Group Co. Ltd. 1,019,818.83 0.75% 5,551,323.91 3.43%


    Qingdao Feisheng international Aviation Training Co., Ltd 1,150,179.77 0.85% 3,827,607.16 2.37%


    Shandong Taeco Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd 6,554,109.84 4.84% 24,756,728.86 15.31%


    Shandong International Aviation Training Co., Ltd. 1,417,927.19 1.05% 0.00 0.00%


    Total 30,142,035.63 22.26% 54,135,659.93 33.48%


    XII、Financial instruments and risk management


    The financial instruments of the company include financial derivative instrument and bank borrowings,


    finance lease liabilities, monetary funds, etc. The main purposes of these financial instruments are in 

order to


    finance the operation of the Company which directly arise from the operation activities of the company, 

such as


    accounts receivable and accounts payable, etc.


    The derivative instrument of the company is interest rate swaps; the purpose of interest rate swaps is to 



    the risk of interest rate volatility, these interest rate swaps contract are matched with contract of 

airplane finance


    leasing and long-term borrowing contract, therefore the risks arise from interest payment of the financing 

can be


    avoided, and to prevent the losses in financing costs in the fluctuation of interest rates.


    In order to strengthen the Company's financial derivative transaction management and control the risk, the


    control procedures of the financial derivative instruments has been approved by the board.




    The pledged assets are listed as in the Note 9 of the 16, 24, and 25 of the financial statements; there is 

no other


    significant contingency that needs to be disclosed.




    Up to 31/12/2008, the uncompleted commitments are as following:Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    The closing balance(000)




    Within one year 1-2years 2-3years Above 3 years Total


    Lease commitments 344,967.74 329,927.55 298,427.91 1,043,131.27 2,016,454.47


    Capital Commitments 936,212.73 522,152.09 1,076,484.56 3,497,611.76 6,032,461.15


    Total 1,281,180.47 852,079.64 1,374,912.47 4,540,743.03 8,048,915.62


    XV. Non-adjusting events occurring after the balance sheet date


    By 31/12/2008 the company has no non-adjusting events occurring after the balance sheet date that need to 





    XVI. Supplementary Information


    Return on equity and earnings per share


    Return on equity(%) earnings per share(Yuan/Share)


    Profit in the report period


    Full dilution






    Basic profit


    per share


    Profit per share


    after dilution


    Net profit attributable to ordinary


    shareholders 80,981,442.68 14.72 15.89 0.20 0.20


    Net profit attributable to the ordinary


    shareholders after deduction of non-recurring 92,440,296.87 16.81 18.14 0.23 0.23


    Calculation of earning per share: :


    (1)Basic earning per share:


    2008 2007


    Items calculation




    after deduction


    of nonrecurring




    after deduction


    of non-recurring


    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholder of the Company (1) 80,981,442.68 92,440,296.87 

68,171,958.24 53,689,781.57


    The number of shares issued to the public at the beginning of the period (2) 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 

400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00


    The number of shares newly issued in the current period (3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    The number of shares repurchase in the current period (4) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    The weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public (5)=(2)+(3)-(4) 400,000,000.00 

400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00


    Basic earning per share (6)=(1)÷(5) 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.13


    (2)Diluted earning per share:


    2008 2007


    Items calculation




    after deduction of






    after deduction of




    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholder of


    the Company




    80,981,442.68 92,440,296.87 68,171,958.24 53,689,781.57


    The interest of the potential diluted ordinary


    shares determined to be expenses in the current






    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    The gains or expenses to be resulted from (3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. 2008 Annual 





    conversion of diluted ordinary shares


    Income tax rate (4) 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.33


    The adjustment of the net profit attributable to


    ordinary shareholder of the Company




    (4)] 80,981,442.68 92,440,296.87 68,171,958.24 53,689,781.57


    Total number of ordinary shares (6) 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00


    Assumed that the dilution of potential ordinary


    shares converted into ordinary shares in issue


    increased the weighted average number of


    ordinary shares




    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


    Total number of diluted ordinary shares (8)=(6)+(7) 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00


    Diluted earning per share (9)=(5)÷(8) 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.13


    XVII. Approval of financial statements


    This financial statement is approved and authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on March 27,




    XI. Documents Available for Reference


    1. Financial statements carrying the personal signatures and seals of Chairman of the Board,


    Chief Accountant and Person in Charge of Accounting Department;


    2. Original of Auditors’ Report carrying the seals of Certified Public Accountants as well as


    personal signatures and seals of certified public accountants;


    3. Originals of all documents and notices publicly disclosed on newspapers designated by


    CSRC in the report period in 2008;


    4. The Company will offer above documents for reference timely provided that CSRC or


    Stock Exchange demands or shareholders requires according to the regulations and Articles


    of Association.


    Board of Directors of


    Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.


    March 27, 2009