Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Stock Code: 200468 Short Form of the Stock: NJ TEL B Notice No.: 2021-022 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) 1 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Section I. Important Notice Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint. All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for Quarterly Report deliberation. Wang Wenkui, Principal of the Company, Wang Huailin, person in charger of accounting works and Tang Yiqiao, person in charge of accounting organ (accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete. 2 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Section II. Company Profile I. Main accounting data and financial indexes Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data □ Yes √No At the same period of last Changes of this period over At the reporting period year same period of last year Operating income (RMB) 190,510,440.63 151,862,432.34 25.45% Net profit attributable to shareholders of -15,982,760.06 -30,609,179.61 47.78% the listed company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting -16,485,198.74 -33,044,537.66 50.11% non-recurring gains and losses (RMB) Net cash flow arising from operating -81,930,160.48 -19,005,983.54 -331.08% activities (RMB) Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) -0.074 -0.142 47.89% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) -0.074 -0.142 47.89% Weighted average ROE -8.80% -19.85% 11.05% Changes of this period-end At the end of the reporting At the end of last year over same period-end of last period year Total assets (RMB) 1,091,284,591.48 1,167,608,410.82 -6.54% Net assets attributable to shareholder of 173,641,400.86 189,624,160.92 -8.43% listed company (RMB) Items of non-recurring gains and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB Amount from year-begin to Item Note period-end Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the 15,829.32 write-off that accrued for impairment of assets) Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to 465,000.00 national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business) Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the 26,555.76 3 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) aforementioned items Less: impact on income tax 0.00 Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) 4,946.40 Total 502,438.68 -- Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons □ Applicable √ Not applicable In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss II. Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and top ten shareholders 1. Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten common shareholders In shares Total number of common Total preference shareholders with shareholders at the end of report 8,346 voting rights recovered at end of 0 period reporting period (if applicable) Top ten shareholders Amount of Number of share pledged/frozen Shareholder’s Nature of Proportion of Amount of shares restricted shares name shareholder shares held held State of share Amount held China Potevio State-owned Company 53.49% 115,000,000 115,000,000 corporation Limited Shenwan Foreign HongYuan (H.K.) 2.97% 6,386,820 0 corporation Limited Domestic nature Zheng Enyue 1.14% 2,449,739 0 person GUOTAI JUNAN Foreign SECURITIES(H 0.94% 2,023,450 0 corporation ONGKONG) LIMITED Domestic nature Sun Huiming 0.93% 2,007,110 0 person 4 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Domestic nature Gu Jinhua 0.87% 1,871,371 0 person Guosen Securities Foreign (H.K.) Broker 0.85% 1,828,682 0 corporation Co., Ltd. BOCI Foreign SECURITIES 0.59% 1,266,945 0 corporation LIMITED Domestic nature Zhen Hongquan 0.43% 924,000 0 person Domestic nature Xiang Yan 0.42% 905,602 0 person The top ten circulation shareholders shareholdings Type of shares Shareholder’s name Amount of listed circulation shares held Type Amount Domestically Shenwan HongYuan (H.K.) Limited 6,386,820 listed foreign 6,386,820 shares Domestically Zheng Enyue 2,449,739 listed foreign 2,449,739 shares GUOTAI JUNAN Domestically SECURITIES(HONGKONG) 2,023,450 listed foreign 2,023,450 LIMITED shares Domestically Sun Huiming 2,007,110 listed foreign 2,007,110 shares Domestically Gu Jinhua 1,871,371 listed foreign 1,871,371 shares Domestically Guosen Securities (H.K.) Broker 1,828,682 listed foreign 1,828,682 Co., Ltd. shares Domestically BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 1,266,945 listed foreign 1,266,945 shares Domestically Zhen Hongquan 924,000 listed foreign 924,000 shares 5 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Domestically Xiang Yan 905,602 listed foreign 905,602 shares Domestically Liang Wei 772,800 listed foreign 772,800 shares Note of related relationship among Among the top ten shareholders, China Potevio is neither a related party nor a person acting the above shareholders and in concert with the others. It’s unknown by the Company whether there are related parties or concerted actors persons acting in concert among the other shareholders. Explanation on top ten common shareholders involving margin N/A business (if applicable) Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period □ Yes √ No The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period. 2. Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred stock held □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6 南京普天通信股份有限公司 2021 年第一季度报告正文 Section III. Significant Events I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index and explanations of reasons √ Applicable □ Not applicable Amount of changes Item March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Changes ratio (%) Reasons of great changes (RMB) Monetary funds 123,072,316.52 209,849,710.96 -86,777,394.44 -41.35% Payment for goods during the reporting period Notes receivable 4,926,952.01 17,029,051.04 -12,102,099.03 -71.07% Endorsed transfer of acceptance notes Advance payment 31,331,703.57 19,616,348.65 11,715,354.92 59.72% Advance payment to suppliers during the reporting period Short-term loan 118,500,000.00 65,000,000.00 53,500,000.00 82.31% Loans at the end of the period increased from the beginning of the year Taxes payable 1,885,458.21 8,707,248.67 -6,821,790.46 -78.35% Payment of taxes accrued in the previous period during the reporting period January-March 2021 January-March 2020 Amount of changes Changes ratio (%) Reasons of great changes (RMB) Financial expenses 1,238,209.42 6,900,334.12 -5,662,124.70 -82.06% Interest expenses decreased year-on-year Other income 1,030,696.83 3,534,427.01 -2,503,730.18 -70.84% Government subsidies decreased year-on-year Operating profit -16,764,387.06 -31,339,147.31 14,574,760.25 46.51% During the reporting period, with The total profit -16,737,831.30 -31,249,679.72 14,511,848.42 46.44% the effective control of the Net profit -17,481,672.55 -31,324,708.48 13,843,035.93 44.19% COVID-19, the company increased its market Net profit attributable -15,982,760.06 -30,609,179.61 14,626,419.55 47.78% development efforts, and sales to shareholders of the revenue increased over the same parent company period of the previous year. At the same time, the company continued to strengthen internal management and strengthened cost control. During the reporting period, losses were reduced year-on-year. Net cash flow from -81,930,160.48 -19,005,983.54 -62,924,176.94 -331.08% The cash spent on purchasing operating activities goods during the reporting 7 南京普天通信股份有限公司 2021 年第一季度报告正文 period increased year-on-year Subtotal of cash 78,500,000.00 60,000,000.00 18,500,000.00 30.83% Year-on-year increase in loans inflows from financing during the reporting period activities Subtotal of cash 40,360,321.79 124,823,986.06 -84,463,664.27 -67.67% Loans returned during the outflows from reporting period decreased financing activities year-on-year Net cash flow from 38,139,678.21 -64,823,986.06 102,963,664.27 158.84% During the reporting period, financing activities loans obtained increased year-on-year, while loans returned decreased year-on-year. Net increase in cash -46,725,320.02 -87,374,861.17 40,649,541.15 46.52% Mainly because of the increase and cash equivalents in cash flow from financing activities compared with the same period last year II. Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions □Applicable √Not applicable Progress of shares buy-back □Applicable √Not applicable Implementation progress of the reduction of repurchases shares by centralized bidding □Applicable √Not applicable III. Commitments completed in Period and those without completed till end of the Period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company has no commitments completed in Period and those without completed till end of the Period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies. IV. Financial asset investment 1. Securities investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable No security investment in the Period. 2. Derivative investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable No derivative investment in the Period. 8 南京普天通信股份有限公司 2021 年第一季度报告正文 V. Progress of investment projects with raised funds □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Prediction of business performance from January – June 2021 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Major contracts for daily operations □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Trust financing □ Applicable √ Not applicable No trust financing in the Period. IX. Guarantee outside against the regulation □Applicable √Not applicable The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the period. X. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company had no non-operational fund occupation form controlling shareholders and its related party in the period. XI. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report period □Applicable √Not applicable The Company had no receiving research, communication or interview in the report period. Board of Directors of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 29 April 2021 9