Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Semi-annual report 20101 I. Important notes, Explaination and Catalogue i. Important Notes The Board of Directors& Supervisors of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) , the directors, supervisors and senior management guarantee that the information contained in the report is free of false records, misguiding statements or significant omissions, and assume individual and joint liabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the report. No director, supervisor or senior management have raised any disagreement with regard to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the semi-annual report.. All directors attended the Board meeting. The financial report in this reporting period is unaudited. Chairman Mr. Xu Liuping, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin, Chief Accountant Mr. Cui Yunjiang, and the Chief of Accountant department, Mr. Ni Erke, herein guarantee: the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of this semi-annual report. ⅱContents I Important notes and contents 1 II General introduction of the Company 2 III Change in shares and information about shareholders 5 IV Information on directors, supervisors, senior executives and staffs 8 V Report by Board of Directors 9 VI Important Issues 12 VII Financial Statements 18 VIII Document for future reference 742 II.General Introduction of the Company 1. The Company’s legal Chinese name: 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 The Company’s legal English name: Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 2. Place of listing: Shenzhen Stock Exchange Abbreviated name of the stock: Changan Automobile Changan B Stock Code: 000625 200625 3. Registered address: No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, J iang Bei District, Chongqing Post code: 400023 Office Address: No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, Jiang Bei Distr ict, Chongqing Post code: 400023 Internet Websi te of the Company: Email Address of the Company: 4. Legal representative of the Company: Mr. Xu Liuping 5. Secretar ies of the Board: Mr. Cui Yunjiang, Ms. Li Jun Address: No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, Jiang Bei District, Chongqing Telephone: (023) 67594009 Fax: (023) 67866055 Email address: 6. Pub l ications for information disclosure of the Company: China Secur i ties, Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily Website for information disclosure of the Company: Filing Location of Semiannual Report: Office of the Board of Directors 7. Key accounting data and financial indicators Unit:(RMB)Yuan This reporting period end as on 30 June 2010 Last reporting period end as on 31 December 2009 Increase/Dec rease (%) Before adjustment Adjusted Adjusted Total assets 27,263,028,614.29 24,471,416,861.89 25,241,314,645.21 8.01% Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity) 9,907,922,628.88 8,800,120,393.15 8,895,667,191.69 11.38% Share capital 2,325,657,615.00 2,334,022,848.00 2,334,022,848.00 -0.36% Net assets per share 4.26 3.77 3.81 11.81%3 Reporting period (January-June ) Corresponding period of previous year Increase/Decr ease (%) Before adjustment Adjusted Adjusted operation total income 16,627,454,932.78 11,282,706,557.00 11,500,650,715.90 44.58% Operation profit 1,374,742,402.37 499,571,315.00 486,019,960.40 182.86% Gross profit 1,371,628,474.32 498,132,565.00 484,740,350.97 182.96% Net profit 1,366,565,351.61 532,801,780.00 522,993,993.40 161.30% Net profit except non-recurring loss and profit 1,365,347,793.93 534,211,783.00 524,244,856.72 160.44% Basic earnings per share 0.59 0.23 0.22 168.18% Diluted earning per share 0.59 0.23 0.22 168.18% Return rate on net assets 14.27% 6.78% 6.66% Increase 7.61 percentage points Net cash flow from operating activities 2,687,373,910.69 1,303,517,504.00 1,504,416,207.86 78.63% Net cash flow from operating activities per share 1.16 0.56 0.64 81.25% Note1:Since May 31, 2010, the Company started to merge Chongqing Changan Jinling Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. which is controlled by the same parent. According to the specifications in" Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises," all parties should be seemed as in current condition when the final controller proceed control, corresponding reports are to be adjusted, including the balance sheet, comparison of statement of changes in owner’s equity between last period and earlier this period, comparison of income statement and cash flow over between last period and this period. Note2: deduction from non-recurring profit and loss project and cash Non-recurring profit and loss project Amount Gain/loss of non-current assets -2,090,764.45 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount. 1,557,629.83 Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common businesses 4,563,744.00 Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -1,734,397.59 Influenced amount of income tax -537,688.81 Influenced amount of miniority shareholders’ equity -540,965.30 total 1,217,557.68 8. Net asset profit rate and profit index per share Net asset profit rate Profit per share (yuan per share) Profit in the reporting period Apportion Average Basic profit per share Diluted profit per share Net profit attributed to listed company shareholders 13.79% 14.27% 0.59 0.59 Net profit attributed to listed company shareholder except non-recurring loss and profit 13.78% 14.25% 0.59 0.594 9. Reconciliation of the net prof its presented under the PRC accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Unit:(RMB)Yuan Net profits Net assets Jan.-Jun., 2010 Jan.-Jun., 2009 As at 30 Jun. 2010 As at 31 Dec, 2009 Account report according to the international finance report rules 1,366,565,351.6 1 522,993,993.40 9,836,638,563.8 8 8,824,383,126.69 Account report according to the enterprise accounting rule and system under the PRC 1,366,565,351.6 1 522,993,993.40 9,907,922,628.8 8 8,895,667,191.69 Adjustment of according to international accounting rules: Payment to currency shareholders of A share cash opposite price(Note ) -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 Total -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 Difference between Chinese and international accounting standard Note Jiangling Holding company, the Company’s JV, held by Jiangling stake in listed companies the right to paid circulation on the price in cash, according to international norms should be included in the profit and loss.5 Ⅲ. Change in shareholdings and information about main shareholders ⅰChange in shareholdings Balance before current change Addition and deduction(+,-) during change Balance after current change Quantity Ratio Addi tiona l issu ed Bo nus sha re Transf erred from accum ulated fund other subtotal quantity ratio Ⅰ.Non-circulated shares 829,694,860 35.55% -622,263,878 -622,263,878 207,430,982 8.92% 1、State-owned shares 2、State-owned legal person shares 829,685,204 35.55% -622,263,903 -622,263,903 207,421,301 8.92% 3、Other domestic holding shares including: domestic non-state legal person shares Domestic natural person shares 4、Foreign-hold shares including: foreign legal person shares foreign natural person shares 5、share of senior management 9,656 0.00% 25 25 9,681 0.00% Ⅱ.Circulated shares 1,504,327,988 64.45% 613,898,645 613,898,645 2,118,226,633 91.08% 1、Domestic listed RMB shares 899,527,988 38.54% 622,263,878 622,263,878 1,521,791,866 65.43% 2、Domestic listed foreign shares 604,800,000 25.91% -8,365,233 -8,365,233 596,434,767 25.65% 3、Oversea listed foreign shares 4、Others Ⅲ.Total shares 2,334,022,848 100.00% -8,365,233 -8,365,233 2,325,657,615 100.00% Note:During the reporting period, the Company’s domestic listed foreign investment shares are reduced due to repurchase of B shares for cancellation. ⅱ. The information on top 10 shareholders Unit: share Total shareholders number Persons in total 239,721, among of which A shareholder is 204,277, B shareholder is 35,444. The top ten shareholders Name of shareholders Nature of Shareholders Ratio of total share Total number of shares Total number of non-circulated shares Pledged/ Frozen shares number6 CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY LIMITED State-owned legal person 45.71% 1,063,087,489 207,421,301 0 DREYFUS PREMIER INVESTMENT FDS INC.-DREYF Foreign legal person 1.13% 26,292,615 0 0 BONJOUR CHINA FUND 2 Foreign legal person 0.71% 16,568,176 0 0 Bank Of China-E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Exchange-Traded Fund Domestic non-state legal pe 0.56% 13,131,333 0 0 GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKON G) LIMITED Foreign legal person 0.49% 11,356,539 0 0 JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON CHINA FUND GTI Foreign legal person 0.40% 9,239,280 0 0 China Reinsurance (Group) Co., Ltd. - Traditional - General insurance products Domestic non-state legal pe 0.37% 8,499,844 0 0 Rongtong Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index Securities Investment Fund Domestic non-state legal pe 0.35% 8,105,956 0 0 Tokai Securities - Bank of Communications - Dongfeng 5 Asset Management Plan sets Domestic non-state legal pe 0.33% 7,634,123 0 0 TEMPLETON CHINA WORLD FUND INC Foreign legal person 0.32% 7,507,924 0 0 The top 10 holders of circulated shares Name of shareholders Total number of circulated shares Share type CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY LIMITED 855,666,188 RMB ordinary share DREYFUS PREMIER INVESTMENT FDS INC.-DREYF 26,292,615 Foreign capital stock listed within China BONJOUR CHINA FUND 2 16,568,176 Foreign capital stock listed within China Bank Of China-E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Exchange-Traded Fund 13,131,333 RMB ordinary share GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 11,356,539 Foreign capital stock listed within China JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON CHINA FUND GTI 9,239,280 Foreign capital stock listed within China China Reinsurance (Group) Co., Ltd. - Traditional - General insurance products 8,499,844 RMB ordinary share Rongtong Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index Securities Investment Fund 8,105,956 RMB ordinary share Tokai Securities - Bank of Communications - Dongfeng 5 Asset Management Plan sets 7,634,123 RMB ordinary share TEMPLETON CHINA WORLD FUND INC 7,507,924 Foreign capital stock listed within China Related partner relationship of the ten largest shareholders and their consistant act Among the largest ten share holders, the state-owned legal person shareholder CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY7 LIMITED had no relationship with other share holders, and nor was the party who agreed to act alike as stipulated in Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure Concerning Changes in Shareholdings of Listed Companies. The company did not know whether there was relationship among the large ten circulated shareholders , and nor knew whether they were the parties who agreed to act alike as stipulated in Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure Concerning Changes in Shareholdings of Listed Companies. ⅲ. The top 10 holders of non-circulated shares and condition of limited sale By the end of the reporting period, the non-circulated shares shareholder, China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd. holds 1,063,087,489 shares, of which 855,666,188 shares are circulated shares, the remaining 207,421,301 shares are non-circulated shares and will be released after the implementation of management incentive plan according to the commitment of share reform. ⅳ. Change of controlling shareholder and actual controllers. During the report period, there’s no change in controlling shareholder and actual controllers.8 Ⅳ Information on Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ⅰDuring the report period, there’s no change in shareholding for directors, supervisors and senior executives. ⅱ.In the report period, there are new employment or dismiss in directors, supervisors and senior executives. After taking a vote and passing through the ninth session of the Board of Director’s fifth meeting on Feb, 09, 2010, Mr. Deng Zhiyou , Mr. Zhao Luchuan were no longer the director of the company due to employment change. In accordance with the company’s big shareholders’ recommendation, Mr. Lian Gang, Ma Junpo were appointed director of the Company while Mr. Zou Wen chao , Wu Xuesong were no longer the vice general manager of company. , nominated by General manager, elected Mr. Du Yi by board of directors as vice general manager . After taking a vote and passing through the forht session of the Board of Director’s fifth meeting on Feb, 09, 2010, Mr. Liu Zhiyan was no longer the supervisor of the company due to employment change. In accordance with the company’s big shareholders’ recommendation, elected Mr. Yang Jian as the supervisor of company. After taking a vote and passing through the first temporary big shareholders’on Mar.08, 2010, elected Mr. Lian Gang, Ma Junpo as the director and supervisor of company.9 Ⅴ The Report from Board of Directors ⅠThe operation of the Company during the reporting period ㈠The main business of the company The Company is mainly engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of passenger cars and commercial cars. The current products of the Company, its subsidiaries and its joint venture mainly include: mini-vehicle such as Changan Star mini-commercial vehicle, Changan Brand mini-truck, Changan sedan such as Benni, Jiexun, CX30 and Yuexiang; Changan Suzuki’s Gazalle, Swift, new Alto and SX4; Changan Ford Mazda’s new Mondeo“Zhisheng”, Focus, New Fiesta, Mazda 3, Mazda 2, S-MAX, Volvo S40 sedan and Volvo S80 sedan; Jiangling Holding’s Landwind MPV, and sedan such as Landwind Fenghua and Fengshang. ㈡The operation of the Company during the reporting period In the first half of 2010, the Company continued to take " Course Leading Plan " as the guide, overcame many difficulties such as economic environment complexity, industry slowdown, increased market competition, closely focused on all-year goal, paid close attention to marketing management, continually enhanced cost control and product construction optimization, achieved good situations in a steady growth of own business profitability, and increase of investment income contribution from JV business year-on-year, the Company’s scale and efficiency continue to grow. In the first half year, the Company and its subsidiaries, JVs totally produced 956,440 vehicles, up 49.85 percent year-on-year; sold 974,499 vehicles, up 47.60 percent year-on-year, production and sales both broke the record. Production and sales still ranked in the first 4 in Chinese automotive industry. ⅡCompany’s operation harvest and finace status during the reporting period ㈠Chart of the industry or main products that account for over 10% Unit: (RMB) Yuan Distribution on industries On industry or product Turnover Operation cost Operation profit ratio Change of income over last year % Change of cost over last year % Change of operation profit ratio over last year % Vehicle manufacturing 1,662,745.00 1,338,785.00 19.48% 44.58% 45.55% Decrease 0.54 percentage points Distribution on products Whole vehicles 1,602,941.00 1,287,431.00 19.68% 44.68% 44.86% Decrease 0.1 percentage points others 59,805.00 51,354.00 14.13% 42.00% 65.34% Decrease 12.12 percentage points10 ㈡Notes for the significant change in profit components, main business or its structure and profit in the main business during the report period During the reporting period, the Company’s Investment income has been increased to 1.0035 billion RMB from the same period of the last year which was 337.67 million RMB, representing of proportion of up to 73.43 percent in the consolidated net profit from 64.56% of the same period of last year, and that mainly because the investment income from Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd. has increased 436.59 million RMB and the investment income from Jiangling Holdings Co., Ltd. increased 132.25 million RMB. ㈢The share holding corporation whose investment income reach over 10% (including 10%) of the Company’s net profit Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan Corporation name Main product Revenue Net profit Changan Ford Mazda Corporation Mondeo, Focus, Mazda 3, Mazda 2, SMAX and Volvo S40 sedan 2,340,473 150,714 Jiangling Holding Corporation Landwind MPV, and sedan such as Landwind Fenghua and Fengshang 78,749 31,727 ㈣Operation Result and Financial Analysis Due to the expansion of the production and sale, by the end of reporting period, the total asset of Company is 27.263 billion Yuan, comparing with the beginning of this year, up 8.01%. Total liability is 17.23 billion Yuan, comparing with the beginning of this year, up 6.34%; liability rate is 63.20%, comparing with the beginning of this year, down 0.99%. Monetary fund is 22.42%, up 4.82% than the beginning of this year, receivable note and receivable are 25.25%, decreased 3.29% than the beginning of this year, stock is 7.04%, decreased 3.66% than the beginning of this year, immaterial asset is 3.14%, up 1.65% than the beginning of this year, total asset structural is more reasonable. In the first half of 2010, due to the growth in car sales, the operating income, operating costs, sales taxes and additional sales expenses increased significantly. Gross margin remained stable during the reporting period and the investment income increased 197.18 percent year on year, total profit, and net profit attributable to the parent increased 161.30% and 182.96% respectively year on year. In the first half of 2010, the Company achieved net increase in cash and cash equivalents of 2.453 billion Yuan, up 80.03 percent year on year, of which net cash flow from the operating activities is 2.687 billion Yuan, up 78.63 percent year on year, the Company's net increase in cash and cash equivalents mainly is from the operations, that reflects the Company is with high quality in operation.11 Ⅲ The problems ,troubles and solutions of operation At present, China is facing a complexity of the macroeconomic situation of economic restructuring and economic slowdown, the domestic automobile industry is gradually returning to a rational growth. On the other hand, China’s promotion of energy-saving vehicles and recalling system become stronger and stricter, which brings the domestic auto manufacturers opportunities and challenges. To achieve the goal of the year and the long-term planning, the Company’s management will focus on the following work in the second half of this year: First is to innovate the marketing services to win the market tough fight. Second is to strengthen quality control. Third is to make an overall plan for brand and marketing strategy. Fourth is to strengthen the strategic planning. Fifth is to enhance R & D ability to build a first-class R & D system. Sixth is to do a good job in work safety in production and procurement, and strengthen cost competitiveness strategy. Seventh is to accelerate the development of joint ventures. Eighth is to promote the leading strategy of human resources. Ninth is to build a standardized management system. Ⅳ Investment of the company during the reporting period ㈠No usage information on raised money is available during the reporting period ㈡Usage information on non-raised money during the reporting period was as follows (Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan): NO. Investment project Invested capital in Reporting period Schedule Anticipated profit 1 vehicle programme 11,621 Under construction 2 engine programme 18,478 Under construction 3 TechnologyDev elopment 3,998 Under construction 4 Industry Zone 8,770 5 others 25,536 Under construction Total 68,403 Included in the total profit of the Company12 VI. Important Issues Ⅰ. Corporate Governance The Company has been strictly complying with the relevant laws and regulations, including the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Regulations for the Governance of Listed Companies, the Regulations for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, the Regulations for Stock Listing in Shenzhen stock exchange, the Guidelines for Internal Control Listed Companies’ in Shenzhen stock exchange and continuously improving the corporate governance structure of the Company, adopting modern best practices and standardizing the management and operations of the Company. The Company drew up and executed a series of disciplines, including Articles of Association, Regulations on Shareholders’ general meeting, Regulations on Board of Directors, Regulations on Board of Supervisors, Regulations on Guarantee, Management Regulations on Investment Relationship and regulations on Information Disclose. In the report period, the Company made External Message Submission, Application and Management Procedure and Responsibility Tracking System for Information Disclosure Error in Annual Report, and modified Collected Capital Management System. In accordance with Determination on Modifying Provision on Cash Bonus of Listed Company (Zhengjianhui No. 57) by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company edited the policy of cash bonus in the regulations. In the report period, the company will continue to promote corporate governance, to further improve the internal control system, to strengthen the management of related party transactions, to raise the level of normal operation of the company, and effectively protect the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders and promote rapid and healthy development of the company. The actual conditions of the Company’s corporate governance do not differ substantially from those stipulated by the regulations on corporate governance of listed companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Ⅱ.The implementation situation of the annual distribution of profits in 2009 and the semi-annual distribution plan of profits in 2010 1.The implementation situation of the annual distribution of profits in 2009 The profit distribution plan of 2009 is made in the company’s 2009 annual shareholders’ meeting which was held on April 26th, 2010.The plan is as follow: The basis of total shares 2,325,657,615 at the end of 2009, donating 10 shares, giving interest 0.65 RMB. A share interest rights registration date is 9th Jun.2010, Ex. Right and ex. dividend date is 10th Jun.2010. B share final dealing date is 9th Jun.2010, ex dividend date is10th Jun.2010, registry date is17th Jun.2010. 2. The semi-annual distribution plan of profits in 2010: non-distributed and no transformation from provident fund to stock shares 3. In the report period, the company did not implement the equity incentive program III. In the report period, the company did not have any significant litigation and arbitration13 matters IV. In the report period, the company did not have any significant matters related of the acquisitions, sale and restructuring of the asset. V. Significant related party transactions issues 1. Related party transactions execution regarding to the daily operation In the period, the company’s transaction issues related to the daily operation such as, the transaction parties, the transaction content, the pricing basis and the transaction price etc. has been published in, and on April, 27th, 2010, according to the pre-arranged plan approved in the 2009 annual shareholders’ meeting. Until the end of this report period, related parties purchasing volume amounted to 3,684,060,000 RMB, sales volume amounted to 2,584,220,000 RMB, general service volume amounted to 169,430,000 RMB, respectively accounted for 45.48%,39.10%, and 53.14% of the predicted total volume of 2010. In the first half year, the performance of the Company exceeds the expectation. The content of related-party transaction fulfils the estimation. The transaction content has no significant change compared to the predicted one. 2. During the reporting period, significant related party transactions issues, see the financial report noted as transaction parties’ relationship and the transactions VI. Major contracts and their fulfillment 1. There were no major entrustment, contracting by the Company of the assets of other companies and there were no major entrustment, contracting of the Company’s assets by other companies. The lease of the assets of other companies by the Company and lease of the assets of the Company was shown as follows: According to the production needs, the Company rented the office building of Changan Automobile (Group) Company’s Sales Branch, the total area is 2886.79 square meters, the monthly rental is RMB 40 yuan per sq. m. rented some offices in Changxin Road from Changan Automobile (Group) Company, he total area is 588 square meters, the monthly rental is RMB 40 yuan per sq. m and the Company rented Auto workshops building of 34,147 square meters and monthly rental is RMB 35 yuan per sq. m.; The Company rented 385,770 square meters land of Changan Automobile (Group) Company, yearly rental is RMB 33 yuan per sq. m. The company rented 2,803.1 square meters production and office building in Cuntan of Changan Automobile (Group) Company, monthly rental is RMB 35 yuan per sq. m. The company rented 11,617.65 square meters production building in Dashiba of Changan Automobile (Group) Company,monthly rental is RMB 35 Yuan per sq. m. The company rented 2,387.47 square meters office building in Dashiba of Changan Automobile (Group) Company,monthly rental is RMB 40 Yuan per sq. m. The Company rented 214,623.55 square meters land in Cuntan of Changan Automobile (Group) Company,yearly rental is RMB 33 yuan per sq. m. ;the Company14 rented 48,500 square meters land in Yubei Airport Machining Area of Changan Automobile (Group) Company, the yearly rental is RMB 33 yuan per sq. m.; The company rented 5,800.56 square meters offices from Changan Real Estate Development Company, monthly rental is RMB 48 Yuan per sq. m.; Changan International Trading Company , a subsidiary of Changan Automobile Company rented 1,933.56 square meters offices from Changan Real Estate Development Company, monthly rental is RMB 48 Yuan per sq. m. 2. Asset entrustment matters There is no entrustment or no continuous entrustment of cash management occurring in the reporting period except for loans entrustment. According to the directorate’s decision of Nanjing Changan on November 3, 2007, Nanjing Changan as the entruster has delivered a trust credit of RMB 23.50 million yuan to Lishui State-Owned Asset Holding Company Limited through the Lishui sub-branch of Bank of China. The Above three parties signed a 24-month trust credit contract with the annual rate of 7.2% on November 28th, 2007. The interest started to execute from November 29, 2007. Upon the expiration the contract,three patties re-signed a loan agreement entrusted entrusted loan period: one year from November 29, 2009 to November 28, 2010, other conditions are the same. VII. Commitment Commitment of the controlling shareholder (CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY LIMITED) in the non-tradable shares reform: 1. Comply with laws, rules and regulations, and perform legal duty of commitment. 2. Since the non-circulated shares are entitled to be circulated, they can’t be dealt with or transfer it within 24 months. At the expiration of 24 months, the shareholders of non-circulated shares can sell the shares in exchange in amount of no more than 5% of total within 12 month, and no more than 10% of total within 24 months. 3. After the reform of non-tradable shares, perform the scheme of incentive share awards for the management according to government regulation. VIII. Share status held by the Company in other listed companies, unlisted financial firms and the companies planning to list 1. By the end of the reporting period, the Company held 5.33% shares of Weaponry Equipment Group Accounting Ltd, with initial capital cost RMB80 million and book value RMB80 million. 2. In the end of reporting period, the Company held 17.75 million shares, which accounted for 0.932% shares of the whole shares of South-western Securities Co., Ltd., the sales period is during the 36 months since February 17, 2009. According to the requirement of Chongqing municipal government on the Southwest Securities’ reform and recombination, the Company signed Share Entrustment Agreement with Chongqing Yufu Asset Management Co. Ltd that is a state-owned company under the Chongqing municipal government, entrusting Chongqing Yufu Asset Management Co. Ltd to manage the shares held by Changan in Southwest Securities.15 IX. The independent directors’ special notes and independent advices towards the funds transaction between the related parties and external security issue The company’s five independent directors, Mr. Ouyang Gaoming, Mr. Dong Yang, Mr. Chen Zhong Mr. Wang Zhixiong and Mr. Peng Shaobing have given some special advices towards the funds transaction between the related parties and external guarantee as followissue related to the issues mentioned above according to the specified regulation made by the China Securities such as, Norms of Financial Transactions and External Security Notice With Related Parties and Listed Companies ([2003]56); Norms of Listed Company’s External Security ([2005]120); Advisory Norm of Establishing Independent Director Regulation in Listed Company and Governance Notice of Listed Company, their advices are as follow: 1. The company has strictly controlled the external security risk and has no law-violated security matter during the reporting period. 2. During the reporting period, all the transaction funds between the related parties are related to the normal operational funds. There’s no shareholder or subsidiary that has held the company’s fund. X. The Semi-Annual financial report of 2010 is unaudited XI. Other important issues 1. During the reporting period, the company and its directors, supervisors, senior management, the actual controller is not subject to the right authorities or judicial discipline inspection departments to investigate, or be held criminally responsible by the china securities regulatory commission for inappropriate candidates, or got punishment from other administrative departments and stock exchange. 2. According to the proposal on buy-back partial domestic listed foreign shares (B shares) , examined and passed on the second temporary Shareholder Meeting on March 3, 2009, the Company’s domestic partial foreign shares (B shares) listed in China expired to buy back until March 3, 2010, and the Company's B shares repurchase program was completed. In the repurchase, the company’s repurchased total number of B shares accumulated to 8,365,233 shares, occupying 0.3584% of the company's total share capital. On March 17, 2010, the Company had finished write-off of share repurchase in the China Securities Register and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch, carried out industry &commerce change formalities related to capital reduction. 3.According to the related proposal to issue additional A shares to raise funds, which was examined and approved on the first time temporary General Shareholders’ Meeting on March 8, 2010 meeting, the Company will issue share less than 20% of total capital stock before the issuance, to raise not more than RMB 4 billion yuan (including issuance costs) which will be used for Changan car production line expansion, technological transformation projects, small-displacement engine upgrading projects, and its own brand R&D capacity-building projects. The current application materials have been submitted to16 the China Securities Regulatory Commission. 4.Changes in consolidation scope During the reporting period, in order to improve the Company’s mold development and manufacturing capacity, lower the manufacturing costs, the Company has accomplished the cancellation of Chongqing Changan Automobile Mould Co., Ltd. through overall absorption and merging. The absorption and merging have no effect on the Company's financial statements. During the reporting period, in order to strengthen the management of components & parts and control of quality of the components & parts, the Company acquired 97.1% of the shares of Chongqing Changan Jinling Automobile Parts Co., Ltd., which was held by China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd., makes it become wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. And the Company carried out merge in May 31, 2010 by taking as it is under the same controller, this new added consolidation scope has no significant impact on the Company’s financial statements. 5.The research and interview reception during the reporting period During the reporting period, the Company received the research and production line visit from domestic and overseas fund management company, Securities Company, investment institute and so on. During the communication with the investors, related personnel of the company strictly followed the regulation of Shenzhen Stock and Exchange’s instruction for Information Fair Release for Listed Companies and Investors Relationship Management System of the company, did not selectively or privately release, reveal or disclose non-published important information to special persons or companies, guaranteeing the fairness of information release. Registration form of research, communication and interview reception etc. during the reporting period Date Location manner Reception object Content discussed and material offered 2010.1.5 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Value Partners Ltd Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.1.6 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Dong Xing Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.1.11 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Gao Hua Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.1.18 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey DAIWA Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.1.19 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Huatai United Securities、 HuaAn Funds Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.1.21 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Deutsche Bank Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.3.8 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Huatai United Securities、 Sinolink Securities、 Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.3.11 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey CLSA Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business17 2010.3.15 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey NOMURA Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.3.18 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Morgan Stanley Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.3.19 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey China Merchants Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.4.22 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey RCM Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.7 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey TX Investment Consulting Ltd Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.13 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Morgan Stanley Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.14 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey UBS Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.18 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Citigroup Global Markets Asia Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.18 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey CICC Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.5.20 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey BOC International Limited Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.6.1 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Macquarie Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.6.2 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Industrial Securities Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.6.4 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Goldman Sachs Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.6.7 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey KGI Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 2010.6.9 Meeting Room, Changan Headquarters On-Site Survey Morgan Stanley Automotive Industry Development and Company’s Business 4. Other Information Notice Index The company’s notice is published in China Securities, Securities Times and Hongkong Commercial Newspaper, the online disclosure address is VII. Financial Report (Unaudited) i Financial statements Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30, June 2010 Assets Balance Sheet ( Expressed in RMB Yuan ) At the end of term Beginning of term Items Note Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company Current asset: Monetary fund (V)1 6,111,751,380.02 4,358,177,385.28 3,658,380,928.50 1,973,263,003.71 Settlement provision Outgoing call loan Trading financial assets Notes receivable (V)2 6,067,446,783.19 4,576,975,714.19 7,022,333,591.84 5,372,680,455.66 Account receivable (V)3 (VI)1 812,311,870.26 865,754,953.34 182,991,180.86 581,698,017.44 Prepayment (V)4 418,347,206.71 230,990,885.90 503,479,133.38 329,644,151.89 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivable Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable Interest receivable Dividend receivable 450,030.00 450,030.00 450,030.00 450,030.00 Other account receivable (V)3 (VI)1 125,300,303.97 181,538,598.24 63,636,373.59 129,910,087.06 Repurchasing of financial assets Inventories (V)5 1,920,290,852.51 1,222,728,801.31 2,701,131,615.71 1,438,979,289.27 Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset 20,508.87 Total of current asset 15,455,898,426.66 11,436,616,368.26 14,132,423,362.75 9,826,625,035.03 Non-current assets Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed Disposable financial asset 167,915,000.00 167,915,000.00 238,205,000.00 238,205,000.00 Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long-term share equity investment (V)6 (VI)2 4,986,300,890.30 5,987,888,619.17 4,787,860,441.63 5,856,668,740.78 Property investment 64,275,896.63 65,563,825.59 Fixed assets (V)7 3,320,118,655.45 2,750,178,968.38 3,347,742,796.93 2,572,674,562.93 Construction in process (V)8 1,731,408,362.29 1,449,872,987.15 1,316,169,651.80 1,226,791,383.3919 Engineering material 756,912.75 795,898.75 838,718.75 838,718.75 Fixed asset disposal 30,627.62 869,564.07 Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets (V)9 856,961,808.23 682,267,030.72 378,030,601.16 250,935,419.01 R&D expense (V)10 182,624,926.05 182,450,250.63 200,849,901.80 199,526,282.03 Goodwill 9,804,394.00 9,804,394.00 Long-term prepaid expenses 35,128,993.99 1,170,520.00 33,495,141.27 1,260,560.00 Differed income tax asset (V)11 321,803,720.32 227,520,627.46 322,381,245.46 204,563,633.47 Other non-current asset 130,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 407,080,000.00 407,080,000.00 Total of non-current assets 11,807,130,187.63 11,580,059,902.26 11,108,891,282.46 10,958,544,300.36 Total of assets 27,263,028,614.29 23,016,676,270.52 25,241,314,645.21 20,785,169,335.39 Current liabilities Short-term loans (V)12 425,949,532.00 50,000,000.00 350,270,268.00 50,000,000.00 Loan from Central Bank Deposit received and hold for others Call loan received Trade off financial liabilities 4,563,744.00 Notes payable (V)13 5,197,331,956.01 4,958,851,814.32 2,797,030,532.62 2,716,438,173.31 Account payable (V)14 5,651,372,861.25 3,187,046,760.76 6,559,948,368.16 3,988,443,774.45 Prepayment received (V)15 1,436,274,911.19 1,069,862,282.90 3,031,972,501.29 1,718,105,586.42 Selling of repurchased financial assets Fees and commissions receivable Employees’ wage payable (V)16 165,062,189.71 137,038,267.05 177,703,190.75 145,719,031.19 Tax payable (V)17 313,722,136.91 296,493,851.80 246,689,891.89 289,396,852.43 Interest payable 420,000.00 420,000.00 420,000.00 420,000.00 Dividend payable 4,032,810.45 3,953,067.65 79,742.80 Other account payable (V)18 628,148,683.16 213,972,473.10 683,865,744.49 416,328,996.78 Reinsurance fee payable Insurance contract provision Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities Non-current liability 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 15,000,000.0020 due in 1 year Other current liability 1,774,467,224.37 910,412,491.88 842,516,160.16 465,475,119.91 Total of current liability 15,896,782,305.05 11,128,051,009.46 14,710,060,144.16 9,790,327,534.49 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings 157,000,000.00 499,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 Bond payable Long-term payable 20,737,270.84 20,737,270.84 30,081,000.00 22,216,000.00 Special payable 536,306,817.92 536,306,817.92 515,089,405.79 515,089,405.79 Expected liabilities (V)19 597,071,607.61 334,361,961.06 416,077,626.26 222,800,775.48 Differed income tax liability (V)11 21,755,250.00 21,755,250.00 32,298,750.00 32,298,750.00 Other non-recurring liabilities Total of non-current liabilities 1,332,870,946.37 913,161,299.82 1,492,546,782.05 1,092,404,931.27 Total of liability 17,229,653,251.42 12,041,212,309.28 16,202,606,926.21 10,882,732,465.76 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Practical capital collected (or share capital) 2,325,657,615.00 2,325,657,615.00 2,334,022,848.00 2,334,022,848.00 Capital reserves 1,575,795,664.76 1,705,578,707.86 1,797,604,215.47 1,859,502,088.33 Less: Shares in stock 26,925,731.38 26,925,731.38 Special reserves Surplus reserves 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 Common risk provision Attributable profit 4,839,457,925.12 5,777,216,214.38 3,623,954,435.60 4,568,826,240.68 Different of foreign currency translation Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 9,907,922,628.88 10,975,463,961.24 8,895,667,191.69 9,902,436,869.63 Minor shareholders’ equity 125,452,733.99 143,040,527.31 Total of owners’ equity 10,033,375,362.87 10,975,463,961.24 9,038,707,719.00 9,902,436,869.63 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 27,263,028,614.29 23,016,676,270.52 25,241,314,645.21 20,785,169,335.39 Legal representative: Mr. Xu Liuping Principal in Charge of Accountancy:Cui Yunjiang Chief Accountant: Ni Erke21 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited From January to June, 2010 PROFIT STATEMENT (Expressed in RMB Yuan) Current term Same period last year Items Note Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company I. Total business income 16,627,454,932.78 11,242,504,620.75 11,500,650,715.90 7,459,190,467.92 Incl. Business income (V)20 (VI)3 16,627,454,932.78 11,242,504,620.75 11,500,650,715.90 7,459,190,467.92 Interest income Insurance fee earned Fee and commission received II. Total business cost 16,260,772,013.79 10,863,723,696.48 11,353,159,199.03 7,276,568,173.08 Incl. Business cost (V)20 (VI)3 13,387,852,025.12 9,040,356,397.63 9,197,935,588.53 5,886,190,296.31 Interest expense Fee and commission paid Insurance discharge payment Net claim amount paid Net insurance policy reserves provided Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expenses Business tax and surcharge (V)21 357,977,295.97 259,268,103.04 231,957,920.12 161,801,778.74 Sales expense 1,810,978,661.82 1,083,721,040.71 1,145,717,652.72 605,248,449.00 Administrative expense 721,615,349.36 543,393,337.92 552,022,387.45 425,752,699.12 Financial expenses (V)22 -565,730.67 -35,911,495.01 7,335,138.19 -21,570,630.22 Asset impairment loss (V)23 -17,085,587.81 -27,103,687.81 218,190,512.02 219,145,580.13 Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss) 4,563,744.00 859,303.20 Investment gain (“-“ for loss) (V)24 (VI)4 1,003,495,739.38 992,273,032.91 337,669,140.33 344,993,270.11 Incl. Investment gains from affiliates 975,094,449.15 975,094,449.15 330,869,140.33 330,869,140.33 Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss) III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 1,374,742,402.37 1,371,053,957.18 486,019,960.40 527,615,564.95 Plus: Non business income 7,583,973.03 4,025,336.74 6,024,436.29 2,584,497.97 Less: Non-business expenses 10,697,901.08 6,509,739.05 7,304,045.72 6,080,192.54 Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets 3,061,777.08 1,056,225.15 931,000.00 IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 1,371,628,474.32 1,368,569,554.87 484,740,350.97 524,119,870.38 Less: Income tax 22,650,916.03 9,117,719.08 -39,261,220.20 -48,577,660.9022 expenses V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 1,348,977,558.29 1,359,451,835.79 524,001,571.17 572,697,531.28 Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 1,366,565,351.61 1,359,451,835.79 522,993,993.40 572,697,531.28 Minor shareholders’ equity -17,587,793.32 1,007,577.77 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share 0.59 0.58 0.22 0.25 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.59 0.58 0.22 0.25 VII. Other misc. incomes -75,863,340.95 -75,863,340.95 1,077,628.00 1,077,628.34 VIII. Total of misc. incomes 1,273,114,217.34 1,283,588,494.84 525,079,199.17 573,775,159.62 Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent company 1,290,702,010.66 1,283,588,494.84 524,071,621.40 573,775,159.62 Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders -17,587,793.32 1,007,577.77 Legal representative: Mr. Xu Liuping Principal in Charge of Accountancy:Cui Yunjiang Chief Accountant: Ni Erke Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited From January to June, 2010 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Expressed in RMB Yuan) Current term Same period last year Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company I. Net cash flow from business operation Cash received from sales of products and providing of services 12,878,287,105.69 11,422,262,368.36 7,179,920,577.00 5,067,535,401.08 Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company Net increase of loans from central bank Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies Cash received against original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of client deposit and investment Net increase of trade financial asset disposal Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission Net increase of inter-bank fund received Net increase of repurchasing business Tax returned 25,871,777.12 25,658,619.45 Other cash received from business operation 154,597,784.42 50,715,275.98 147,001,840.36 89,819,373.4923 Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 13,058,756,667.23 11,472,977,644.34 7,352,581,036.81 5,157,354,774.57 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 7,025,953,870.17 6,301,692,529.40 3,887,292,800.30 3,178,516,504.83 Net increase of client trade and advance Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company Cash paid for original contract claim Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 642,032,020.93 484,525,672.57 397,404,229.13 294,924,179.08 Taxes paid 1,128,844,421.45 789,035,660.48 797,798,309.73 516,319,520.17 Other cash paid for business activities 1,574,552,443.99 1,365,936,628.09 765,669,489.79 629,286,181.61 Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 10,371,382,756.54 8,941,190,490.54 5,848,164,828.95 4,619,046,385.69 Cash flow generated by business operation, net 2,687,373,910.69 2,531,787,153.80 1,504,416,207.86 538,308,388.88 II. Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving 4,900,000.00 4,900,000.00 Cash received as investment gains 827,029,165.91 832,155,290.91 553,796,025.00 564,201,172.92 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets 11,843,177.68 10,750,089.68 2,050,602.02 74,598.28 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other investment-related cash received 190,000.00 Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 843,772,343.59 847,805,380.59 556,036,627.02 564,275,771.20 Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 767,014,993.08 659,139,599.99 653,892,164.48 531,254,216.50 Cash paid as investment 168,482,160.00 141,382,160.00 1,896,370.15 1,896,370.15 Net increase of loan against pledge Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 935,497,153.08 800,521,759.99 655,788,534.63 533,150,586.65 Net cash flow generated by investment -91,724,809.49 47,283,620.60 -99,751,907.61 31,125,184.55 III. Cash flow generated by financing Cash received as investment Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders Cash received as loans 584,203,930.00 1,065,547,854.00 400,000,000.00 Cash received from bond placing Other financing-related cash received 1,608,635.34 44,155.76 2,652,103.55 626,297.00 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 585,812,565.34 44,155.76 1,068,199,957.55 400,626,297.00 Cash to repay debts 555,807,718.50 39,000,000.00 1,018,225,505.59 455,026,516.4224 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 168,058,219.00 155,122,263.94 63,486,017.20 60,664,990.01 Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders Other cash paid for financing activities 3,983,709.92 78,284.65 28,218,581.72 17,757,930.60 Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 727,849,647.42 194,200,548.59 1,109,930,104.51 533,449,437.03 Net cash flow generated by financing -142,037,082.08 -194,156,392.83 -41,730,146.96 -132,823,140.03 IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents -241,567.60 -195,230.51 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 2,453,370,451.52 2,384,914,381.57 1,362,738,922.78 436,610,433.40 Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term 3,658,380,928.50 1,973,263,003.71 1,661,738,524.68 1,166,965,437.50 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 6,111,751,380.02 4,358,177,385.28 3,024,477,447.46 1,603,575,870.90 Legal representative: Xu Liuping Principal in Charge of Accountancy:Cui Yunjiang Chief Accountant: Ni Erke25 Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30 June 2010 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Items Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserve s Less: Shares in stock Special reserve s Surplus reserve s Commo n risk provisi on Retaine d profit Others Minor shareho lders’ equity Total of owners ’ equity Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserve s Less: Shares in stock Special reserve s Surplus reserve s Commo n risk provisi on Retaine d profit Others Minor shareho lders’ equity Total of owners ’ equity I. Balance at the end of last year 2,334, 022,84 8.00 1,797, 604,21 5.47 26,925 ,731.3 8 1,167, 011,42 4.00 3,623, 954,43 5.60 143,04 0,527. 31 9,038, 707,71 9.00 2,334, 022,84 8.00 1,603, 529,68 1.06 0.00 1,042, 968,94 8.06 2,706, 071,67 1.34 146,54 1,141. 19 7,833, 134,28 9.65 Plus: Change of accounting policy Correcting of previous errors Others II. Balance at the beginning of current year 2,334, 022,84 8.00 1,797, 604,21 5.47 26,925 ,731.3 8 1,167, 011,42 4.00 3,623, 954,43 5.60 143,04 0,527. 31 9,038, 707,71 9.00 2,334, 022,84 8.00 1,603, 529,68 1.06 0.00 1,042, 968,94 8.06 2,706, 071,67 1.34 146,54 1,141. 19 7,833, 134,28 9.65 III. Changed in the current year (“ -“ for decrease) -8,365, 233.00 -221,8 08,550 .71 -26,92 5,731. 38 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,215, 503,48 9.52 0.00 -17,58 7,793. 32 994,66 7,643. 87 0.00 194,07 4,534. 41 26,925 ,731.3 8 0.00 124,04 2,475. 94 0.00 917,88 2,764. 26 -3,500, 613.88 1,205, 573,42 9.35 (I) Net profit 1,366, 565,35 1.61 -17,58 7,793. 32 1,348, 977,55 8.29 1,083, 937,38 5.76 21,460 ,521.0 3 1,105, 397,90 6.79 (II) Other misc. income 0.00 -75,86 3,340. 95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -75,86 3,340. 95 0.00 183,02 6,250. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183,02 6,250. 00 Total of (I) and (II) 0.00 -75,86 3,340. 95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,366, 565,35 1.61 0.00 -17,58 7,793. 32 1,273,1 14,217 .34 0.00 183,02 6,250. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,083, 937,38 5.76 21,460 ,521.0 3 1,288, 424,15 6.79 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners -8,365, 233.00 -13,59 9,049. 76 -26,92 5,731. 38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,961, 448.62 0.00 11,048, 284.41 26,925 ,731.3 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -19,96 1,134. 91 -35,83 8,581. 88 1. Capital inputted by owners 0.00 -9,760, 000.00 -9,760, 000.00 2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners ’ equity 0.00 0.0026 3. Others -8,365, 233.00 -13,59 9,049. 76 -26,92 5,731. 38 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,961, 448.62 11,048, 284.41 26,925 ,731.3 8 -10,20 1,134. 91 -26,07 8,581. 88 (IV) Profit allotment 0.00 -132,3 46,160 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -151,0 61,862 .09 0.00 0.00 -283,4 08,022 .09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124,04 2,475. 94 0.00 -166,0 54,621 .50 -5,000, 000.00 -47,01 2,145. 56 1. Providing of surplus reserves 0.00 124,04 2,475. 94 -124,0 42,475 .94 0.00 2. Common risk provision 0.00 0.00 3. Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) -132,3 46,160 .00 -151,0 61,862 .09 -283,4 08,022 .09 0.00 -42,01 2,145. 56 -42,01 2,145. 56 4. Others 0.00 -5,000, 000.00 -5,000, 000.00 (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 0.00 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 0.00 3. Making up losses by surplus reserves 0.00 0.00 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (VI) Special reserves 0.00 0.00 1. Provided this year 0.00 0.00 2. Used this term 0.00 0.00 IV. Balance at the end of this term 2,325, 657,61 5.00 1,575, 795,66 4.76 0.00 0.00 1,167, 011,42 4.00 0.00 4,839, 457,92 5.12 0.00 125,45 2,733. 99 10,033 ,375,3 62.87 2,334, 022,84 8.00 1,797, 604,21 5.47 26,925 ,731.3 8 0.00 1,167, 011,42 4.00 0.00 3,623, 954,43 5.60 143,04 0,527. 31 9,038, 707,71 9.00 Legal representative: Xu Liuping Principal in Charge of Accountancy:Cui Yunjiang Chief Accountant: Ni Erke Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30 June 2010 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Items Capital paid in (or share Capital reserve s Less: Shares in stock Special reserve s Surplus reserve s Comm on risk provisi on Retaine d profit Total of owners ’ Capital paid in (or share Capital reserve s Less: Shares in stock Special reserve s Surplus reserve s Comm on risk provisi on Retaine d profit Total of owners ’27 capital) equity capital) equity I. Balance at the end of last year 2,334,02 2,848.00 1,859,50 2,088.33 26,925,7 31.38 0.00 1,167,01 1,424.00 0.00 4,568,82 6,240.68 9,902,43 6,869.63 2,334,02 2,848.00 1,675,52 8,688.83 0.00 1,042,96 8,948.06 3,450,65 2,154.50 8,503,17 2,639.39 Plus: Change of accounting policy 0.00 0.00 Correcting of previous errors 0.00 0.00 Others 0.00 0.00 II. Balance at the beginning of current year 2,334,02 2,848.00 1,859,50 2,088.33 26,925,7 31.38 1,167,01 1,424.00 4,568,82 6,240.68 9,902,43 6,869.63 2,334,02 2,848.00 1,675,52 8,688.83 0.00 1,042,96 8,948.06 3,450,65 2,154.50 8,503,17 2,639.39 III. Changed in the current year (“-“ for decrease) -8,365,2 33.00 -153,923 ,380.47 -26,925, 731.38 0.00 1,208,38 9,973.70 1,073,02 7,091.61 0.00 183,973, 399.50 26,925,7 31.38 0.00 124,042, 475.94 0.00 1,118,17 4,086.18 1,399,26 4,230.24 (I) Net profit 1,359,45 1,835.79 1,359,45 1,835.79 1,284,22 8,707.68 1,284,22 8,707.68 (II) Other misc. income 0.00 -75,863, 340.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 -75,863, 340.95 0.00 183,026, 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183,026, 250.00 Total of (I) and (II) 0.00 -75,863, 340.95 0.00 0.00 1,359,45 1,835.79 1,283,58 8,494.84 0.00 183,026, 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,284,22 8,707.68 1,467,25 4,957.68 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners -8,365,2 33.00 -13,599, 049.76 -26,925, 731.38 0.00 0.00 4,961,44 8.62 0.00 947,149. 50 26,925,7 31.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -25,978, 581.88 1. Capital inputted by owners 0.00 0.00 2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 0.00 0.00 3. Others -8,365,2 33.00 -13,599, 049.76 -26,925, 731.38 4,961,44 8.62 947,149. 50 26,925,7 31.38 -25,978, 581.88 (IV) Profit allotment 0.00 -64,460, 989.76 0.00 0.00 -151,061 ,862.09 -215,522 ,851.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124,042, 475.94 0.00 -166,054 ,621.50 -42,012, 145.56 1. Providing of surplus reserves 0.00 124,042, 475.94 -124,042 ,475.94 0.00 2. Common risk provision 0.00 -42,012, 145.56 -42,012, 145.56 3. Allotment to -64,460, -151,061 -215,522 0.0028 the owners (or shareholders) 989.76 ,862.09 ,851.85 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 0.00 0.00 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 0.00 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 0.00 3. Making up losses by surplus reserves 0.00 0.00 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (VI) Special reserves 0.00 0.00 1. Provided this year 0.00 0.00 2. Used this term 0.00 0.00 IV. Balance at the end of this term 2,325,65 7,615.00 1,705,57 8,707.86 0.00 0.00 1,167,01 1,424.00 0.00 5,777,21 6,214.38 10,975,4 63,961.2 4 2,334,02 2,848.00 1,859,50 2,088.33 26,925,7 31.38 0.00 1,167,01 1,424.00 0.00 4,568,82 6,240.68 9,902,43 6,869.63 Legal representative: Xu Liuping Principal in Charge of Accountancy:Cui Yunjiang Chief Accountant: Ni Erke29 ⅱNotes to financial statements I. Corporate information Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereafter abbreviated as the “Company”or “Parent Company”) taking Changan Automobile (Group) Liability Co. Ltd. (hereinafter abbreviated as “Changan Group”) as individual initiator, with its business net asset related to mini-vehicle & engine production and its share equity of Changan Suzuki Automobile Co. Ltd. as converted into506,190,000 shares (B share) for investment, was established on October 31, 1996 by issuing 250,000,000 oversea shares domestically listed for abroard investors in the form of money-collecting. Its total share capital is RMB 756,190,000 Yuan.The Legal Representative’s Operating License issued by Chongqing Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau is Yu-Jing No. 28546236-3. Under the approval of China Securities Regulatary Committes, the Company publicly issued 120,000,000 RMB ordinary shares (share A) on May 19, 1997. The total share capital increased to RMB 876,190,000 Yuan. On June 26th 1998, based on the total capital stock of 876,190,000 shares for the end of 1997, the capital reserve is transferred into share capital, and the bonus share is 4shares per 10 shares, then the total capital increases toRMB 1,226,666,000 Yuan. On May 26th 2004, based on the total capital stock of 1,226,666,000 shares for the end of 2003, 2 shares per 10 sharesare donated, and then the total capital increases to RMB 1,471,999,200 Yuan. Under the assent of China Securities Regulatary Committes, the Company publicly issued the 148,850,000 RMB ordinary shares (A share) on May 19, 1997. The total share capital increases to RMB 1,620,849,200 Yuan. The Company’s 850,399,200 ordinary shares (state-owned share, 52.47% of its total share) held by its final control company: China South Industry Group Corporation and its complete subsidy-Changan Automobile (Group) Liability Co. Ltd. was taken as part of investment into China South Industry Autmobile Co. Ltd. (hereinafter abbreviated as “China South Automobile”). On March 30, 2006 registered and acknowledged by30 Shenzhen Branch Company of China Security Register and Settlement Co Ltd. The mentioned above 850,399,200 shares of state-owned stocks held by Changan Automobile (Group) Liability Co. Ltd. had been transferred to China South Automobile and China South Automobile therefore became the parent company of the Company. On May 11, 2006, the company implemented the plan of share equity restructing. As the share equity restructing implementation ends the Company’s 738,255,200 ordinary shares held by China South Automobile accounts for 45.55% of the Company’s total equity share. The Company, its subsidiaries and jointly cooperated entities (hereafter abbreviated as the “Group”) are principally engaged in the manufacture and sail of automobiles (including sedan), the engine series and parts& components. On May 15th, 2007, based on the total capital stock of 1,620,849,200 shares for the end of 2006, 2 shares per 10 sharesare are donated, and then the total capital increases to RMB 1, 945,019,040 Yuan. On April 20th 2006, the Company fetched the enterprise legal person’s license with the registration mark of Yuzhi No 5000001805570. On April 15th, 2008, based on the total capital stock of 1,945,019,040 shares for the end of 2006, the capital reserve is transferred into share capital, and the bonus share is 2 shares per 10 shares, and then the total capital increases to RMB 2,334,022,848 Yuan. Up to the end of reporting period, capital reserve had already been transferred into share capital. On 5th ,July,2009, Company received the notice from control shareholder China South Motor through approved by State Administration for Industrry and Commmerce of the P.R.c, the name of ”China South Motor Co.LTD” changed into “China Changan Auto.CO.LTD”, after change the name, the character of company,owenership, control share percentage and control relationship never been changed. By March 3, 2010, the Company’s repurchase program of B shares was completed. During the repurchase period, the Company repurchased totally 8,365,233 B shares. By March 17, 2010, the Company has already accomplished the cancellation of the31 repurchased shares in Shenzhen Branch under China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., after the cancellation, the Company’s registered capital is RMB 2,325,657,615 Yuan, of which 45.71% is held by China Changan, the public shares (A shares) occupies 28.64%, the public shares (B shares) occupies 25.65%. The Company and its subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Group”) are principally engaged in the manufacture and sail of automobiles (including sedan), the engine series and parts& components. II. Representation regarding the preparation basis and compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements have been prepared, in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (including basic standards, specific standards, implementation guidance and other relevant provisions; the same below) promulgated by the MOF in 2006. According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Publishing the “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 1- Inventory” and other 38 Specific Standards (Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3), the Company applied the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance in 2006 commencing from 1 January 2007. The financial statements are presented on a going concern basis. Ⅲ.Significant accounting policies and estimates The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively “the Group”) are prepared based on the following significant accounting policies and estimates set out by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. 1. Accounting year The accounting year of the Group is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year. 2. Functional currency The Group’s functional and reporting currency is the Renminbi (“RMB”). Unless32 otherwise stated, the unit of the currency is Yuan. 3. Basis of accounting and measurement basis The Group maintains its accounting records on an accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments, assets are recorded at actual cost when they are acquired. Subsequently, if the assets are impaired, the corresponding provisions should be made accordingly. The assets invested during the restructuring of the Company, should be recorded at the appraisal price determined by the National Assets Management Department. 4. Business combinations A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving entities under common control and business combinations involving entities not under common control. Business combination involving entities under common control A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory. For a business combination involving entitites under common control, the party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is the acquiring party, while that other entity participating in the combination is a party being acquired. Combination date is the date on which the acquiring party effectively obtains control of the party being acquired. Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the acquiring party in a business combination shall be measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by the party being acquired. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate face value of shareds issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall33 be adjusted against retained earnings. The cost of a combination incurred by the acquiring party includes any costs directly attributable to the combination, which shall be expensed when incurred. Business combination involving entities not under common control A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination. For a business combination involving entitites not under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other entity participating in the combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree. For a business combination that involves one single exchange transaction, the cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree. For a business combination achieved in stages that involves multiple exchange transactions, the cost of combination is the aggregate of the costs of individual transactions. When a business combination contract provides for an adjustment to the cost of combination contingent on a future event, the acquirer shall include the amount of that adjustment in the cost of the combination if it is expected on the acquisition date that the occurrence of the future event is probable and the amount affecting the cost of combination can be measured reliably. The acquirer shall measure the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired in the business combination at their fair values on the acquisition date. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for34 according to the following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall recognize the remaining difference immediately in the income statement for the current period. 5. Consolidated financial statements The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control, and includes the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2007. A subsidiary is an entity that is controlled by the Group. Consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform reporting dates and accounting policies. All significant intercompany transactions and balances within the Group are eliminated on consolidation. For any subsidiary consolidated by the Group, the portion of the profit or loss and net assets of such a subsidiary attributable to equity interests that are not owned, directly or indirectly by the Group is separately presented as minority interest in the consolidated financial statements. With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities not under common control, the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be included in the consolidated financial statements, from the day that the Group gains control, till the Group ceases the control of it. While preparing the consolidated financial statements, the acquirer should adjust the subsidiary’s financial statements, on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognized on the acquisition date. With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities under common control, the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the period in35 which the combination occurs. 6. Cash equivalents Cash equivalents represent short-term, highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash, and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 7. Foreign currency conversion foreign currency transactions The amount of foreign currency transactions occurred in the reporting year is converted into functional currency. The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency, by applying to the foreign currency amount at the spot exchange rate as at the transaction dates. Foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange rate quoted by the People’s Bank of China at the balance sheet date. The exchange gains or losses arising from occurrence of transactions and exchange of currencies, except for those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of fixed assets capitalized, are dealt with in the profit and loss accounts. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost remain to be translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the amount denominated in the functional currency should not be changed. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at fair value should be translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange difference thus resulted should be charged to the current income or capital surplus account of the current period. settlement of oversea transaction When preparing consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of the subsidiaries presented in foreign currencies are translated into Renminbi as follows: asset and liability accounts are translated into Renminbi at exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date; shareholders’ equity accounts other than retained profits are translated into Renminbi at the applicable exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates; items in income36 statement other than profit appropriation statement are translated into Renminbi at spot exchange rates on transaction occurrence; total difference between translated assets and translated liabilities and shareholders’ equity is separately listed as “foreign currency exchange differences” below retained profits. The translation difference arising from the settlement of oversea subsidiaries is charged to the current liquidation profit and loss in proportion to the settlement ratio of the assets concerned. Foreign currency cash flows and the cash flows of foreign subsidiaries should be translated using the average exchange rate prevailing on the transaction month during which the cash flows occur. The amount of the effect on the cash arising from the change in the exchange rate should be separately presented as an adjustment item in the cash flow statement. 8. Inventory Inventory includes raw materials, goods in transit, work in progress, finished goods, consigned processing materials, packaging materials and low-value consumables. Inventories are assets (a) held for sales in the ordinary course of business (b) in the process of production for such sale (c) in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services. Inventory is initially carried at the actual cost. Inventory costs comprise all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventory to its present location and condition. Weighted average method is assigned to the determination of actual costs of inventories. The Group applies a perpetual inventory system. One-off writing off method is adopted in amortization of packaging materials and low-value consumables. At the balance sheet date, the inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net37 realizable value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, provision for the inventory should be made through profit or loss. If factors that resulted in the provision for the inventory have disappeared and made the net realizable value higher than their book value, the amount of the write-down should be reversed, to the extent of the amount of the provision for the inventory, and the reversed amount should be recognized in the income statement for the current period. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. The impairment provision should be made on a basis of each item of finished goods according to the difference between cost and net realizeable value. For large numbers of inventories at relatively low unit prices, the provision for loss on decline in value of inventories should be made by category. 9. Long-term equity investments Long-term equity investments include investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. The long-term investments are initially recorded at cost on acquisition. It is accounted for using either the cost method or the equity method as appropriate under the following circumstances. ost method is applied to account for long-term equity investments, when the Group has control of the investee enterprise, or does not have jointly control or significant influence on the investee enterprise, the fair value of which cannot be reliably measured due to the fact they are not quoted in an active market. Under cost method, the long-term equity investment is valued at the cost of the initial investment. Profit or cash dividends declared by the invested enterprise are recognized as investment income for the current period. The amount of investment income recognized is limited to the amount distributed out of accumulated net profit of the invested enterprise that arises after the investment is made. The amount of profit or cash dividends declared by the invested enterprise in excess of the above threshold is treated as return on38 investment cost, and netted against the carrying amount of investments. The equity method is applied to account for long-term equity investments, when the Group has jointly control, or significant influence on the investee companies. Under equity method, when the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference between them is accounted for as an initial cost. As to the initial investment cost is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference shall be charged to the income statement for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. Under equity method, the Group recognizes its share of post-acquisition equity in the investee enterprise for the current period as a gain or loss on investment, and also increases or decreases the carrying amount of the investment. When recognizing its share in the net profit or loss of the investee entities, the Group should, based on the fair values of the identifiable assets of the investee entity when the investment is acquired, in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies and periods, after eliminating the portion of the profits or losses, arising from internal transactions with joint ventures and associates, attributable to the investing entity according to the share ratio (but losses arising from internal transactions that belong to losses on the impairment of assets, should be recognized in full), recognize the net profit of the investee entity after making appropriate adjustments. The book value of the investment is reduced to the extent that the Group’s share of the profit or cash dividend declared to be distributed by the investee enterprise. However, the share of net loss is only recognized to the extent that the book value of the investment is reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Group has incurred obligations to assume additional losses. The Group shall adjust the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment for other changes in owners’ equity of the investee enterprise (other than net profits or losses), and include the corresponding adjustments in39 equity, which should be realized thourgh profit or loss in subsequent settlement of the respective long-term investment. On settlement of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the carrying amount shall be recognized in the income statement for the current period. 10. Fixed assets Fixed assets are tangible assets held by: (a) for use in production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for administrative purposes; (b) have useful life of more than one year. A fixed asset shall be recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition criterial shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the book value of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditure shall be recognized in the income statement in the period in which they are incurred. Fixed assets are initially measured at actual cost on acquisition. The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, relevant taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use, such as delivery and handling costs, installation costs and other surcharges. Fixed assets are depreciated on straight-line basis. The estimated useful lives, estimated residual values and annual depreciation rates for each category of fixed assets are as follows: Usage life Estimated Residual Rate Annual Depreciation Rate Buildings 20~40 years 3% 2.43%~4.85% Machinery 10~20 years 3% 4.85%~9.7% Vehicles 5~8 years 3% 12.13%~19.4% Others 5 years 3% 19.4% Note: the mould tools in machinery should be depreciated in proportionate to the40 estimated production. The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied at least at the end of each year and makes adjustments if necessary. 11. Construction in progress The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditure for the construction, including all necessary construction expenditure incurred during the construction period, borrowing costs that should be capitalized before the construction reaches the condition for intended use and other relevant expenses. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is ready for its intended use. 12. Intangible assets Intangible assets of the Group are recorded at actual cost on acquisition. The useful life of the intangible assets shall be assessed according to the estimated beneficial period expected to generate economic benefits. An intangible asset shall be regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group. The useful lives of the intangible assets are as follow: Useage life Land use right 25~61 years Software 2 years Trademark 15 years Land use rights that are purchased or acquired through the payment of land use fees are accounted for as intangible assets. With respect to Self-developed properties, the corresponding land use right and buildings should be recorded as intangible and fixed assets separately. As to the purchased properties, if encountered the reasonable allocation of outlays between land and buildings, all assets purchased will be recorded as fixed assets. The cost of a finite useful life intangible asset is amortized using the straight-line41 method during the estimated useful life. For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the estimated useful life and amortization method at least at the end of each year and adjusts if necessary. 13. Research and development exenditures The Group classified the internal research and development expenditures as follows: research expenditures and development cost. The expenditures in research stage are charged to the current income on occurrence. The expenditures in development stage are capitalized that meet all the conditions of (a) it is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; (b) it is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets; (c) the usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally; (d) it is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured. Expenses incurred that don’t meet the above requirements unanimously should be expensed in the income statement of the reporting period. The Company discriminates between research and development stage with the condition that the project research comes into project-determination stage ,in which the relevant research complete all the fractionization of products measurements and final product scheme under final approval of management. The expenditures incurred in and before project-determination stage is charged to the current income, otherwise it is recorded as development cost. 14. Financial instruments A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity42 and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability on its balance sheet, when the Group becomes a party to the contractural provision of the instrument. The Group derecognizes a financial asset when: 1) The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; 2) It transfers the financial asset and the transfer qualifies for derecognition as set out below. If the obligation relating to a financial liability has been discharged or cancelled or has expired, the financial liability is derecognized. If the existing financial liaibility is replaced by the same creditor, with another financial liability that has terms with an almost completely different nature, or if almost all the terms of the existing liability are substantially revised, such replacement or revision is accounted for as the derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference thus resulted is recognized in the income statement of the current period. Classification and measurement of financial assets Financial assets are, on initial recognition, classified into the following four categories: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables and available-for-sale financial assets. When financial assets are recognized initially, they are measured at fair value. In the case of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly charged to the profit and loss of the current period; transaction costs relating to financial assets of other categories are included in the amount initially recognized. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss. A financial asset held for trading is the financial asset that meets one of the following conditions: 1)43 the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling in a short term; 2) the financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits; 3) the financial asset is a derivative financial instrument. For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or unrealized gains or losses on these financial assets are recognized in the income statement of the current period. Financial assets may be designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss if one of the following criteria is met: 1) The designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the measurement or recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise from measuring the financial instruments on a different basis. 2) A group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance wih a documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the group is provided internally on that basis to the key management personnel. 3) The financial asset involves a hybrid instrument that contains one or more embedded derivatives, except where the embedded derivative does not significantly modify the cash flows or it is clear that separation of the embedded derivative is prohibited. 4) The financial asset contains an embedded derivative that would need to be separately recorded and cannot be separately measured when acquired or at the subsequent balance sheet date. Investments in equity instruments, which have no quoted market price in active markets and whose fair values cannot be reliably measured, should not be designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. If the financial assets are, on initial recognition, classified into financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, it couldn’t be reclassified into other categories; and other categories couldn’t be classified into financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.44 There are no financial assets at fair value through profit or loss in the reporting period of the Group. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determineable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Held-to-maturity investments shall be measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in current profit or loss. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Loans and receivables shall be measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in the income statement. Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available for sale or are not classified as (a) loans and receivables, (b) held-to-maturity investments or (c) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. After initial recognition, available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value. The premium/ discount is amortized using effective interest method and recognized as interest income or expense. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asse is recognized in a separate component of capital reserve, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses resulted from monetary financial assets, until the financial asset is derecognized or determined to be impaired, at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in capital reserve shall be removed from capital reserve and recognized in the income statement. Interests and dividends relating to an available-for-sale financial asset are recognized in the income statement for the period they relate to.45 Classification and measurement of financial liabilities The financial liabilities are, upon initial recognition, classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in the income statement of the current period, and transaction costs relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initially recognized amount. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and those designated as at fair value through profit or loss. A financial liability held for trading is the financial liability that meets one of the following conditions: 1) the financial liability is assumed for the purpose of repurchasing in a short term; 2) the financial liability is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits; 3) the financial liability is a derivative financial instrument. For such kind of financial liabilities, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or unrealized gains or losses on these financial liabilities are recognized in the income statement of the current period. Financial liabilities may be designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss only when one of the following criteria is met: 1) The designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the measurement or recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise from measuring the financial instruments on a different basis. 2) A group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance wih a documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the group is provided internally on that basis to the key46 management personnel. 3) The financial liability involves a hybrid instrument that contains one or more embedded derivatives, except where the embedded derivative does not significantly modify the cash flows or it is clear that separation of the embedded derivative is prohibited. The financial liability contains an embedded derivative that would need to be separately recorded and cannot be separately measured when acquired or at the subsequent balance sheet date. If an enterprise has classified a financial liability as financial liability at fair value through profit or loss, the financial liability cannot be reclassified into other financial liabilities; other financial liabilities cannot be reclassified into financial liability at fair value through profit or loss, either. The Group holds no financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss at its initial recognition in the reporting period. Other financial liabilities After initial recognition, these financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Derivative financial instruments Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Derivatives are carried as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative. Any gains or losses arising from changes in fair value on derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting are directly recognized in the income statement. Fair value of financial instruments If there is an active market for a financial asset or financial liability, the Group determines the fair value bu using the quoted prices. If no active market exits for a financial instrument, the Group establishes fair value by using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and47 option pricing models. Impairment of financial assets The Group assesses the carrying amount of a financial asset, at the balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, the Group makes provision for the impairment loss. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired is evidence arising from one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset and that event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset which can be reliably estimated. Financial assets carried at amortized cost If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at amortized cost are impaired, the carrying amount of the financial asset shall be reduced to the present value of the estimated future cash flow (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). The amount of reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in the income statement. Present value of estimated future cash flow is discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate and includes the value of any related collateral. If a financial asset is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment, and recognizes the amount of impairment in the income statement if there is objective evidence of impairment. For a financial asset that is not individually significant, the Group can include the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment [or assess the asset individually for impairment]. For financial assets that are not impaired upon individual tests (including financial assets that are individually significant or insignificant), impairment tests should be conducted on them again by including them in the group of financial assets. Assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognized will not be included in a collective assessment of impairment. If, subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost, there is objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial asset which can be related ovjectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously48 recognized impairment loss is reversed and recongised in the income statement. However, the reversal shall not result in a carrying amount of the financial asset that exceeds what the amortized cost would have been had the impairment not been recognized at the date the impairment is reversed. Financial assets carried at cost If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at cost are impaired, the difference between the present value discounted at the prevailing rate of return of similar financial assets and the book value of the financial asset are provided as a provision. The impairment loss recognized cannot be reversed. For long-term equity investments, which are accounted for according to the cost method set out by Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term Equity Investments and has no quoted market price in active markets, and whose fair values cannot be reliably measured, their impairment should also be treated in accordance with the above principle. Available-for-sale financial assets When there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired, the cumulative loss from declines in fair value that had been recognized directly in capital reserve are removed from equity and recognized in the income statement. The amount of the cumulateive loss that is removed from capital reserves and recognized in the income statement (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in the income statement. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available for sale increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized in the income statement, the previously recognized imapairment loss shall be reversed with the amount of the reversal recognized in the income statement. Impairment losses recognized in the income statement for a debt instrument investment shall not be reversed through proit or loss.49 Transfer of financial assets Transfer of a financial asset is a transaction whereby the Group assigns or conveys a financial asset to another party (the transferee). If the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, the Group derecognizes the financial asset; and if the Group retains substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset, the Group does not derecognize the financial asset. If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, the Group determines whether it has retained control of the financial asset. In this case: (i) it the Group has not retained control, it derecognizes the financial asset and recognize separately as assets or liabilities any rights and obligations created not retained in the transfer; (ii) if the Group has retained control, it continues to recognize the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated liability. 15. Borrowing costs Borrowing costs are interest and other costs incurred by the Group in connection with the borrowing of the funds. Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized. A qualifying asset is an asset (an item of property, plant and equipment and inventory etc.) that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use of sale. The capitalization of borrowing costs are as part of the cost of a qualifying asset shall commence when: 1) Expenditure for the asset is being incurred; 2) Borrowing costs are being incurred; 3) Activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress.50 Capitalization of borrowing costs shall cease when substantially all the activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale. And subsequent borrowing costs are recognized in the income statement. During the capitalization period, the amount of interest to be capitalized for each accounting period shall be determined as follows: 1) where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned form depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds; 2) Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. During the construction or manufacture of assets that are qualified for capitalization, if abnormal discontinuance, other than procedures necessary for their reaching the expected useful conditions, happens, and the duration of the discontinuance is over three months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs is suspended. Borrowing costs incurred during the discontinuance are recognized as expense and charged to the income statement of the current period, till the construction or manufacture of the assets resumes. 16. Impairment of assets The Group determines the impairment of assets, other than the impairment of inventory, deferred income taxes, financeial assets, and long-term equity investment which is measured by employing the cost method, for which there is no offer in the active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, using the following methods: The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the asset and performs impairment tests. Goodwill51 arising from a businesss combination and an intangible asset with an indefinite usefull life are tested for impairment at least at the end of every year, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaird. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flow expected to be derived from the asset. The Group estimates the recoverable amount on an individual basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash flows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cah flows from other assets or asset groups. When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. The impairment of asset is provided for and the impairment loss is reconised in the income statement for the current period. For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated, on a reasonable basis, to related asset groups; if it is impossible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to each of the related sets of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or related sets of asset groups is an group or set of asset group that is able to benefit from the synergies of the business combination and shall not be larger than a reportable segment determined by the Group. When an impairment test is conducted on an asset group or a set of asset groups that contains goodwill, if there is any indication of impairment, the Group firstly tests the asset group or the set of asset groups excluding the amount of goodwill allocated for impairment, i.e., it determines and compares the recoverable amount with the related carrying amount and then recognize impairment loss if any. Whereafter, the Group tests the asset group or set of asset groups including goodwill for impairment, the carrying amount (including the portion of the carrying amount of goodwill allocated) of the related asset group or set of asset groups is compared to its recoverable amount. If52 the carrying amount of the asset group or set of asset groups is higher than its recoverable amount, the amount of the impairment loss is firstly eliminated by and amortized to the book value of the goodwill included in the asset group or set of asset groups, and then eliminated by the book value of other assets according to the proportion of the book values of assets other than the goodwill in the asset group or set of asset groups. Once the above impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reversed in subsequent periods. 17. Estimated liabilities The Group recognizes an estimated liability when the obligation arising from a contingency meets the following conditions: 1) the obligation is a present obligation of the Group; 2) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group will be required to settle the obligation; 3) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. 18. Revenue Revenue is recognized only when an inflow of economic benefits is probable, the amount of which can be reliably measured, and all of the following conditions are qualified. Revenue from the sale of goods The Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; the Group retains neither continuing management involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. Revenue from the rendering of services When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction is recognized using the percentage of completion method, or otherwise, the revenue is recognized to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable. The outcome53 of a transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied: the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably. The Group determines the stage of completion of a transaction involving the rendering of services by using the proportion of services performed to date to the total services to be performed. Interest income It should be measured based on the length of time for which the Group’s cash is used by others and the applicable effective interest rate. Rental income Rental income from operating leases is recognized by the lessor in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. 19. Leases A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and benefits incident to ownership of an asset. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease. The Group recording the operating lease as a lessee Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line basis over the lease term, and either included in the cost of another related asset or charged to the income statement for the current period. The Group recording the operating lease as a lessor Rental income under a finance lease is recognized by a lessor on a straight-line basis over the lease term, through profit or loss. 20. Employee benefits Employee benefits are all forms of consideration given and other relevant expenditure incurred by the Group in exchange for service rendered by employees. During the accounting period that the employees render services to the Group, the employee benefits payable is recognized as a liability. When the termination benefits fall due more than 1 year after the balance54 sheet date, if the discounted value is material, it is reflected in present value. The employees of the Group participate in social insurance, such as pension insurance, medical insurance, non-employment insurance, etc., and housing accumulation fund, which is managed by local government and the relevant expenditure, is recognized, when incurred, in the costs of relevant assets or the profit and loss for the current period. When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision shall be recognized for the compensation arising from termination of employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding charge to the income statement for the current period, when both of the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the Group has a formal plan for termination of employment relationship, or has made an offer for voluntary redundancy, which will be implemented immediately; (b) the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer. The same principle is applied to the early retirement plan, as it is for the above-mentioned termination benefits. The salaries, social insurance premiums, etc., to be paid for the early retired employees, during the period from the date when the employees stop rendering service to the normal retirement date, should be recognized as employee benefits payable and charged to the income statement of the current period, when the above conditions for recognising the termination benefit plan are satisfied. 21. Income taxes Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized as an income or an expense and include in the income statement for the current period, except to the extent that the tax arises from a business combination or if it relates to a transaction or event which is recognized directly in equity. Current tax is the amount of income tax payable in respect of the taxable profit for the current period. Taxable profit is the profit for current period, which is determined in accordance with rules established by the taxation authorities.55 At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be paid to (or recovered from) the tax authorities according to the requirements of the tax laws. For temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their book values, and temporary differences between the book values and the tax bases of items, the tax bases of which can be determined for tax purposes, but which have not been recognized as assets and liabilities, deferred taxes are provided using the liability method. A deferred tax liability is recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except: 1) to the extent that the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which contains both of the following characteristics: (i) the transaction is not a business combination; and (ii) at the time of the transaction, it affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss. 2) In respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and interests in jointly-controlled enterprises, where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. A deferred tax asset is recognized for deductible temporary differences, carryforward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carryforward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except: 1) where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; 2) in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in56 subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are only recognized to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Group expects at the balance sheet date, to recover the assets or settle the liabilities. At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the book value of diferred tax assets. If it is probable that sufficient taxable income cannot be generated to use the tax benefits of deferred tax assets, the book value of deferred tax assets should be reduced. When it is probable that sufficient taxable income can be generated, the amount of such reduction should be reversed. 22. Significant accounting judgements and estimates Judgements When applying the accouoting policies of the Group, except for accounting estimates, management will make accounting judgements which have significant effects on the financial statements: The Group makes a judgment on whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment on the day of balance sheet date at least. If there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the assets concerned should be subject to impairment test based on the estimated recoverable amount. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. When making an estimate of the present value of the future cash flow of an asset, the Group should estimate the future cash flows of the asset or the relevant assets group, with the appropriate discount rate selected to reflect the repsent value of the future cash flows.57 Uncertainty of accouting estimates The crucial assumptions of significant accounting estimates in future and other crucial sources of estimated uncertainty, which may result in the significant adjustments to the book value of the subsequent accouting period, are as the following: Impairment of goodwill Goodwill is subject to the impairment test yearly at least, which brings the estimates of the use value of the assets group that is allocated in goodwill. When making an estimate of the use value of the assets concerning goodwill, the Group should estimate the future cash flows of the assets group concerned, with the approriate discount rate to reflect the present value of the cash flows. 23. Other changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates There are no other changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates. Ⅲ Taxes The major categories of taxes and surcharges with the respective tax rates applicable to the Group are as follows: Value added tax (“VAT”) – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, the VAT rate for domestic sales is 17%. VAT is levied at 17% on the invoiced value of sales of goods and rendering of srvices, and is payable by the purchaser. The Group is required to pay the VAT it collects to the tax authority, but may deduct the VAT it has paid on eligible purchases. Business tax – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, Business Tax is levied at 5% on the relevant revenue. City maintenance and construction surtax – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, it is levied at 7% on the turnover taxes paid. Educational surcharge – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, it is levied at 3% on the turnover taxes paid. Corporate income tax – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, the Group is subject to a corporate income tax rate of 15%~33% on its taxable income. The Company is subject to the PRC EIT and local income tax. As the Company is qualified as a domestic enterprise in encouraged industries, the Company is entitled to a preferential EIT rate of 15% from 2001 to 2010, in accordance to Circular on the Issue of Preferential Taxation Policies for Western Development Program (Paragragh 1, Article 2, No 202-2001) collectively issued by the Ministry of Finance, the National58 Taxation Bureau and the Customs General Administration of PRC and also approved by the Guo Shui Han-Yu (2002) No 186. And it is exempted from local income a corporate income tax rate of 15%~33% on its taxable income. The EIT rate for other companies of the Group is 33%. The Entreprise income tax law of the People’s Republic of China(hereafter as “New EIT Law”) approved by the Fifth Session of The Tenth National People’s Congress, ended on March 16 2007, will be enforced as of 1st January 2008. In accordance to the New EIT law, the domestic and foreign enterprises will be subject to 25% unanimously.Whereas the Company keeps a preferential tax rate of 15% in conforms to the relevant tax policies, and the subisidiaries are subject to 25%. The Group has been made respective adjustments due to the reversal of taxable temporary time difference and deductible temporary time difference, according to new applicable tax rates in effect as of 1st January 2008. Ⅳ Consolidation scope On 30 June 2010, the main subsidiaries of the Group are as follows: Total proportion of shares heldTotalproportion Company Name of Subsidiaries Registration Nature of BusinessRegisteredInvestment Direct(%) Indirect(%) of voting sharesCode Place Capitalof the Group (RMB 10,000)(RMB 10,000) Nanjing Changan Auto-NanjingManufacturer, development and 60,181 47,308 74.13 - 83.75 75410659-X Mobile Co., Ltd seller of mini cars and spare parts Hebei Changan Auto- DingzhouManufacturer, development and 46,469 42,019 92.43 - 95.62 73872432-0 Mobile Co., Ltd seller of mini cars and spare parts Chongqing Changan InternationalChongqingSeller and agent of import / export1,376 1,307 95.00 - 100.00 20282099-8 Automobile Sales Co., Ltd services of commodities and tech niques Chongqing Changan Auto-ChongqingSeller of cars and spare parts4,850 4,850 100.00 - 100.0020289809-0 Mobile Sales Co., Ltd Chongqing Anfu Auto-ChongqingSeller of cars and spare parts 4,200 2,100 50.00 - 50.0073657088-2 Mobile Co., Ltd. Chongqing Changan SpecialChongqingSeller of special cars and spare parts 500 250 50.00 - 50.00 74534852-X Automobile Co., Ltd and vehicles maintainance Chongqing Changan Auto- ChinaSeller of Changan series cars and 1,900 1,900 90 -100 20.0 100.00 Mobile sales subsidiaries spare parts Chongqing Changan Auto-ChongqingManufacturer and seller of Car 11,550 11,616 100.00 - 100.0066089542-8 Mobile Mould Co. Ltd moulds and car spare parts Chongqing Changan EuropeTurin, Research and development ofEUR 10 97 100.00 - 100.000937244001759 Design Academy Co. Ltd.Italy vehicles Chongqing Changan Jinling Auto parts manufacturing, sales 10,000 13,498 100.00 - 100.00 75306009-1 Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. Although the Group owns more than half of the voting power of the following investees, it does not have control over the investees as: Name of Subsidiaries Registration Nature of Business Registered Investment Direct(%) Indirect(%) of voting shares Code Place Capital of the Group (RMB 10,000) (RMB 10,000) Changan Ford Mazda Auto- Chongqing Manufacturer and seller of cars USD35,144 139,510 50.00 - 50.00 70937510-9 Mobile Co., Ltd. and spare parts Changan Ford Mazda Engine Nanjing Manufacturer and seller of automobile USD 13,920 55,729 50.00 - 50.00 71785962-1 Co., Ltd enegine and spare parts Chongqing Changan Suziki Chongqing Manufacturer and seller of cars USD19,000 23,991 51.00 - 51.00 62190016-7 Automobile Co., Ltd. and spare parts Jiangling Holding Co., Ltd. Nanchang Manufacturers and seller of cars 200,000 100,000 50.00 - 50.00 76703230-7 and spare parts The company does not have control over the four joint-ventures above, and their main finance and management decision were controlled by the company and other shareholders. Therefore, it is not included in scope of consolidated financial statements, and the retrospective adjustments have been made. Ⅴ Notes to the consolidated financial statements ⒈Monetary capital 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Cash 35,700.54 469,185.20 Deposit in bank 5,757,810,717.63 3,505,335,019.14 Other monetary capital 353,904,961.85 152,576,724.16 Total 6,111,751,380.02 3,658,380,928.50 ⒉Notes receivable 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Trade acceptance 1,847,438,684.00 1,523,503,760.00 Bank acceptance 4,220,008,099.19 5,498,829,831.84 6,067,446,783.19 7,022,333,591.84 ⒊Accounts receivable and others ⑴Accounts receivable The credit period is generally one month, extending up to three months for major customers. Trade receivables are non-interest-bearing. An aged analysis of the accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows: 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Within 1 year 777,817,004.72 162,465,366.27 1 to 2 years 24,330,074.87 24,269,094.91 2 to 3 years 10,368,527.55 6,443,036.93 Over 3 years 89,687,253.97 63,983,882.68 Less:Bad debt Provision 89,890,990.85 74,170,199.9360 812,311,870.26 182,991,180.86 Provisions for bad debts are as follows: 30 June 2010 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 679,364,217.04 75.30 30,353,487.90 4.47 individual insignificant items with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 74,468,295.74 8.25 57,268,402.40 76.90 Other insignificant items 148,370,348.33 16.45 2,269,100.55 1.53 902,202,861.11 100 89,890,990.85 31 December 2009 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 38,921,454.89 18.39 21,410,982.64 55.01 individual insignificant items with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 59,679,247.90 28.19 50,481,025.16 84.59 Other insignificant items 158,560,678.00 53.42 2,278,192.13 1.44 257,161,380.79 100 74,170,199.93 ⑵other receivables An aged analysis of other accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Within 1 year 88,944,489.12 47,066,938.51 1 to 2 years 55,611,650.98 24,444,744.22 2 to 3 years 10,347,391.43 29,485,593.56 Over 3 years 9,838,336.16 9,013,100.50 Less:Bad debt Provision 39,441,563.72 46,374,003.20 125,300,303.97 63,636,373.59 Provisions for bad debts drawing are as follows 30 June 2010 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 115,983,430.29 65.49% 0.00 - individual insignificant item with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 39,441,563.72 22.27% 39,441,563.72 100% Other insignificant items 9,316,873.68 5.26% 0.00 - 164,741,867.69 93.02% 39,441,563.72 31 December 2009 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 48,403,593.30 45.96 24,199,000.00 49.99 individual insignificant items with similar credit risk characteristics, that 25,737,764.42 24.44 9,209,376.54 35.7861 has significant risk Other insignificant items 35,869,019.07 29.60 12,965,626.66 36.15 110,010,376.79 100 46,374,003.20 ⒋Prepayments 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Amount Percentage(%) Amount Percentage(%) Within 1 year 335,018,080.78 80.08 503,272,740.86 99.96 1 to 2 years 56,369,607.80 13.47 200,664.12 0.04 2 to 3 years 25,867,742.76 6.18 5,728.40 0.00 over 3years 1,091,775.37 0.26 total 418,347,206.71 100 503,479,133.38 100 ⒌Inventory 30, June 2010 31, December 2009 Raw materials 427,590,285.91 413,799,028.06 Materials in transit 107,033,266.14 56,735,363.45 Work in progress 223,493,492.15 434,795,412.61 Commodity stock 1,258,469,885.20 1,921,760,309.40 Consigned processed material 0.00 413,619.91 Low-value Consumables 37,308,909.96 36,718,611.21 Less: provision for value decline of inventory 133,604,986.85 163,090,728.93 Inventory net value 1,920,290,852.51 2,701,131,615.71 Changes in provision for value decline of inventory: provision for value decline of inventory: 31 December 2009 Increase charge off 30 June 2010 Raw materials 136,192,171.02 18,100 28,437,134.81 107,773,136.21 work in progress 457,129.84 457,129.84 finished goods 26,441,428.07 1,066,707.27 25,374,720.80 Low- ValueConsumables 163,090,728.93 18,100 29,503,842.08 133,604,986.85 ⒍Long-term equity investments 31, December 2009 Increase Decrease 30, June 2010 Cost method 148,609,274 148,609,274 Equity method 4,434,600,109 323,390,925 550,000,000 4,207,991,034 Less: impairment for long-term equity investments 27,120,000 27,120,000 Net value for long-term equity investments 4,556,089,383 323,390,925 550,000,000 4,329,480,308 ⒎Fixed assets 31, December 2009 Increase Decrease 30, June 2010 1、Original price 6,260,669,432.20 257,552,466.91 47,436,349.62 6,470,785,549.49 Buildings 1,175,211,359.09 100,205,489.23 642,173.44 1,274,774,674.88 Machinery 3,579,890,858.24 86,307,993.10 45,214,152.66 3,620,984,698.68 Vehicles 48,997,033.64 5,002,780.60 900,553.67 53,099,260.5762 other Equipments 1,456,570,181.23 66,036,203.98 679,469.85 1,521,926,915.36 2、Accumulated depreciation 2,504,679,993.88 271,562,984.74 27,156,057.33 2,749,086,921.29 Buildings 298,585,099.81 23,744,577.86 76,846.41 322,252,831.26 Machinery 1,571,518,869.96 184,673,820.52 25,923,688.42 1,730,269,002.06 Vehicles 20,876,297.03 2,826,359.87 650,018.21 23,052,638.69 other Equipments 613,699,727.08 60,318,226.49 505,504.29 673,512,449.28 3、Net Value 3,755,989,438.32 -14,010,517.83 20,280,292.29 3,721,698,628.20 Buildings 876,626,259.28 76,460,911.37 565,327.03 952,521,843.62 Machinery 2,008,371,988.28 -98,365,827.42 19,290,464.24 1,890,715,696.62 Vehicles 28,120,736.61 2,176,420.73 250,535.46 30,046,621.88 other Equipments 842,870,454.15 5,717,977.49 173,965.56 848,414,466.08 4、Impairment provision 408,246,641.39 0.00 6,666,668.64 401,579,972.75 Buildings Machinery 407,594,423.53 6,666,668.64 400,927,754.89 Vehicles other Equipments 652,217.86 652,217.86 5、Book Value 3,347,742,796.93 -14,010,517.83 13,613,623.65 3,320,118,655.45 Buildings 876,626,259.28 76,460,911.37 565,327.03 952,521,843.62 Machinery 1,600,777,564.75 -98,365,827.42 12,623,795.60 1,489,787,941.73 Vehicles 28,120,736.61 2,176,420.73 250,535.46 30,046,621.88 other Equipments 842,218,236.29 5,717,977.49 173,965.56 847,762,248.22 ⒏Construction in progress 31 December 2009 Increase Decrease Transferred to Fixed assets Other deduction 30 June 2010 Equipment for Mini Vehicle Production 46,516,097.99 98,554,269.25 10,912,842.55 10,912,842.55 134,157,524.69 Changan Industrial Zone Project 661,623,502.53 87,701,908.13 141,335,814.64 141,335,814.64 607,989,596.02 Engine Plant 339,268,528.26 184,779,389.97 26,643,000.82 26,638,060.82 4,940.00 497,404,917.41 Equipment for Sedan Production 85,158,914.56 17,655,387.14 42,179,065.19 42,179,065.19 60,635,236.51 Projects of Changan Engineering Institute 36,291,436.76 39,979,526.04 33,089,292.00 33,089,292.00 43,181,670.80 Vehicle Dies 57,776,903.29 21,203,992.14 78,980,895.43 Car moulds 89,534,268.41 234,156,030.57 14,631,777.55 9,784,357.32 4,847,420.23 309,058,521.43 Others 1,316,169,651.8 0 684,030,503.24 268,791,792.75 263,939,432.52 4,852,360.23 1,731,408,362.29 Total 46,516,097.99 98,554,269.25 10,912,842.55 10,912,842.55 134,157,524.69 ⒐Intangible assets 31, December 2009 Increase Decrease 30, June 201063 1、Original price 494,355,855.84 530,665,746.58 1,025,021,602.42 Land use rights 189,410,325.45 392,551,896.04 581,962,221.49 Software use rights 49,601,206.83 26,958,666.17 76,559,873.00 Trademark use rights 36,770,000.00 36,770,000.00 Non-patent technology 218,574,323.56 111,155,184.37 329,729,507.93 2、Accumulated amortization 109,625,254.68 51,734,539.51 161,359,794.19 Land use rights 18,695,564.22 4,037,893.46 22,733,457.68 Software use rights 28,320,601.61 13,824,370.01 42,144,971.62 Trademark use rights 23,491,945.15 1,225,666.68 24,717,611.83 Non-patent technology 39,117,143.70 32,646,609.36 71,763,753.06 3、Net Value 384,730,601.16 478,931,207.07 863,661,808.23 Land use rights 170,714,761.23 388,514,002.58 559,228,763.81 Software use rights 21,280,605.22 13,134,296.16 34,414,901.38 Trademark use rights 13,278,054.85 -1,225,666.68 12,052,388.17 Non-patent technology 179,457,179.86 78,508,575.01 257,965,754.87 4、Impairment provision 6,700,000.00 6,700,000.00 Land use rights 6,700,000.00 6,700,000.00 Software use rights Trademark use rights Non-patent technology 5、Book Value 378,030,601.16 478,931,207.07 856,961,808.23 Land use rights 164,014,761.23 388,514,002.58 552,528,763.81 Software use rights 21,280,605.22 13,134,296.16 34,414,901.38 Trademark use rights 13,278,054.85 -1,225,666.68 12,052,388.17 Non-patent technology 179,457,179.86 78,508,575.01 257,965,754.87 ⒑Development expenditure 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Automobile Development 200,849,901.80 182,624,926.05 ⒒Deferred tax assets 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Provision for the assets impairment 78,107,700.60 61,813,368.27 Accrued expenses and contingent liabilities 193,911,878.20 241,921,065.86 Unpaid Tech develop. Expense and ad Expense 6,377,189.92 1,810,851.92 Unpaid Salary and bonus 43,984,476.74 16,258,434.27 322,381,245.46 321,803,720.32 ⒓Short-term loans 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Mortgage loans 30,270,268 125,949,532 Pledge loans 230,000,000 200,000,000 Credit loans 80,000,000 100,000,000 Bill purchased 10,000,000 Bill discounted 350,270,268 425,949,532 Total 30,270,268 125,949,53264 ⒔Notes payable 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Trade acceptance 20,000,000.00 36,000,000.00 Bank acceptance 2,777,030,532.62 5,161,331,956.01 Total 2,797,030,532.62 5,197,331,956.01 ⒕Acounts payable Accounts payable bear no interest, and are normally repaid in four months. On 30 June 2010, the accounts payable to units that hold 5% or more of the Company’s voting shares or to related parties included in this account balance is RMB125,404,137Yuan (31 December 2009: RMB26,757,579 Yuan). On 30 June 2010 and 31 December 2009, there is no significant accounts payable of over one year. ⒖Advances receipts On 30 June 2010, within the aforesaid balance, there is no amount due to shareholders that hold 5% or more of the Company’s voting shares. (31 December 2009: nil) On 30 June 2010 and 31 December 2009, there are no significant advances receipts of over one year. ⒗Employee compensation payable 31 December 2009 Additions Payments 30 June 2010 Salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy 139,455,178.37 512,314,028.89 529,909,423.68 121,859,783.58 Employee salary 1,733,710.25 28,473,896.66 28,207,820.20 1,999,786.71 Labour fund 7,073,946.35 14,088,724.98 13,009,818.81 8,152,852.52 Social insurance premium 29,961,126.29 85,697,857.08 82,592,565.99 33,066,417.38 Housing accumulation fund -520,770.51 22,252,302.64 21,748,182.61 -16,650.48 Total 177,703,190.75 662,826,810.25 675,467,811.29 165,062,189.71 ⒘Taxes payable 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Corporate income tax 173,837,776.17 130,490,130.53 Business tax 3,436,963.09 2,225,535.44 Value-added tax -137,863,378.62 30,591,328.58 City maintenance and construction tax 19,282,957.77 9,295,329.58 Income tax 430,934.76 273,942.67 Consumption tax 177,386,383.88 136,396,899.56 Additional education expenses 8,521,228.09 4,642,278.58 Others 1,657,026.75 -193,308.03 Total 246,689,891.89 313,722,136.91 ⒙Other payables 31 December 2009 30 June 2010 Dealer earnest money 54,699,650.84 68,011,208.92 Warrenty 74,803,551.86 30,079,820.16 Repair fees 126,734,419.08 48,892,936.4665 Rental fees 21,737,709.69 25,778,527.39 Advertisment fees 59,557,629.05 18,924,117.97 Sales bonus 3,418,872.18 12,644.00 Warehousing and transport fees 202,013,385.88 74,901,493.15 Loans temporarily 9,365,418.92 0.00 Information technology expense 3,243,039.18 42,119,486.88 Project funds and Project earnest money 70,855,136.57 12,454,137.14 Others 57,436,931.24 306,974,311.09 Total 683,865,744.49 628,148,683.16 ⒚Anticipated liabilities Categoris of Expenses 31 December 2009 Additions Deduction 30 June 2010 Reasons for year-end cash in hand Warranty expenses 405,475,601.66 355,135,796.26 198,845,455.29 561,765,942.63 maintenance expense drew beforehand External guarantee 10,602,024.60 10,602,024.60 Bank Guarantee Termination benefits 11,912,814.71 2,664,874.33 9,247,940.38 Accrued termination benefits Accrued sales support costs 15,455,700.00 15,455,700.00 Total 416,077,626.26 382,504,310.97 201,510,329.62 597,071,607.61 ⒛ Operatiing revenue and expenses From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Catogories of business Operating revenue Operating cost Operating revenue Operating cost Major business 16,029,407,679.42 12,874,313,867.46 11,079,479,580.56 8,887,336,514.42 Others 598,047,253.36 513,538,157.66 421,171,135.34 310,599,074.11 Total 16,627,454,932.78 13,387,852,025.12 11,500,650,715.90 9,197,935,588.53 21. Business tax and surcharges From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Business tax 1,118,313.18 1,708,694.69 Consumption tax 281,176,249.35 154,636,512.22 City maintenance and construction tax 51,129,939.77 51,328,507.20 Additional education expenses 24,547,851.28 24,284,206.01 Others 4,942.39 Total 357,977,295.97 231,957,920.12 22. Financial expenses From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Interest expense 42,819,868.65 33,993,175.68 Deduction: the amount of capitalized interest 50,578,770.32 14,281,823.01 Deduction: interest income 527,918.23 14,358,693.81 Exchange gain or loss 5,138,099.24 1,261,411.9866 Others 2,582,989.99 721,067.35 Total -565,730.67 7,335,138.19 23. Impairment on assets From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Bad debt loss 6,728,663.67 -760,964.74 Loss due to the market price decline of inventory -28,644,429.48 76,928,557.05 Impairment of long-term equity investment loss 4,830,178.00 0.00 Impairment on fixed assets 0.00 142,022,919.71 Total -17,085,587.81 218,190,512.02 24.Investment income Sources of investment income generated From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Long-term equity investment income accounted for by using the equity method 975,094,449.15 330,869,140.33 Long-term equity investment income accounted for by using the cost method 6,245,999.32 6,800,000.00 Equity investment income 22,155,290.91 Total 1,003,495,739.38 337,669,140.33 VI. Notes to the financial statements of parent company ⒈Accounts receivable and others ⑴Accounts receivable 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Within 1 year 832,776,318.53 551,094,346.95 1 to 2 years 9,404,862.34 14,606,768.76 2 to 3 years 10,201,701.99 10,327,396.62 Over 3 years 72,281,137.44 62,961,016.83 Provisions for bad debts drawing 58,909,066.96 57,291,511.72 865,754,953.34 581,698,017.44 Provisions for bad debts drawing are as follows: 30 June 2010 Sum Percentage(%) debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 719,721,420.65 77.84% 21,410,982.64 2.97 individual insignificant item with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 59,833,129.90 6.47% 37,498,084.32 62.67 Other insignificant items 145,109,469.75 15.69% 924,664,020.30 58,909,066.96 31 December 2009 Sum Percentage(%) debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 546,809,919.75 85.58 21,410,982.64 3.91 individual insignificant item with similar credit 43,143,272.69 6.75 35,880,529.08 83.1767 risk characteristics, that has significant risk Other insignificant items 49,036,336.72 7.67 638,989,529.16 100.00 57,291,511.72 ⑵Other receivables An analysis of other accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows: 30 June 2010 31 December 2009 Within 1 year 154,099,953.96 29,401,719.20 within 1 to 2 years 22,186,185.16 100,063,039.90 within 2 to 3 years 5,339,859.00 643,604.00 Over 3 years 2,318,517.44 2,266,354.85 Deduct:Provisions for other bad debts 2,405,917.32 2,464,630.89 181,538,598.24 129,910,087.06 Provisions for bad debts drawing are as follows 30 June 2010 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 56,550,601.25 28.81% individual insignificant item with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 8,685,462.25 4.42% 2,405,917.32 27.70 Other insignificant items 118,708,452.06 66.77% 183,944,515.56 100.00% 2,405,917.32 31 December 2009 Amount Percentage(%) Bad debt Provision provision rate(%) Individual significant item 100,000,000.00 75.54 individual insignificant items with similar credit risk characteristics, that has significant risk 18,993,018.77 14.35 2,464,630.89 12.98 Other insignificant items 13,381,699.18 10.11 132,374,717.95 100.00 2,464,630.89 ⒉Long-term equity investments 31, December 2009 Increase Decrease 30, June 2010 Cost method 1,179,774,110.00 77,185,170.24 121,059,741.00 1,135,899,539.24 Equity method 4,676,894,630.78 231,941,281.19 56,846,832.04 4,851,989,079.93 Less: impairment for long-term equity investments Net value for long-term equity investments 5,856,668,740.78 309,126,451.43 177,906,573.04 5,987,888,619.17 ⒊ Operatiing revenue and expenses From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 type of business operation income operation cost operation income operation cost primary business 10,647,826,495.36 8,488,995,509.05 7,041,468,826.01 5,555,206,850.27 other business 594,678,125.39 551,360,888.58 417,721,641.91 330,983,446.04 total 11,242,504,620.75 9,040,356,397.63 7,459,190,467.92 5,886,190,296.3168 ⒋ Investment income Sources of investment income generated From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Gain arising from dividends of subsidiaries 10,000,000.00 330,792,097.19 Long-term equity investment income 975,094,449.15 14,201,172.92 Gain or loss arising from the disposal of long-term equity investments 7,178,583.76 Total 992,273,032.91 344,993,270.11 Ⅶ Related party relationships and transactions 1. Criteria for the identification of related parties If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant influence over another party, they are regarded as related parties. Two or more parties are also regarded as related parties if they are subject to control, joint control or significant influence from the same party. The following are related parties of the Group: 1) Parent company of the Group; 2) Subsidiaries of the Group; 3) Other enterprises that are controlled by the parent company as the Group; 4) Investors who have joint control over the Group; 5) Investors who can exercise significant influence over the Group; 6) Joint ventures of the Group ; 7) Associates of the Group; 8) Principal individual investors of the Group, and close family members of such individuals; 9) Key management personnel of the Group or its parent, and close family members of such individuals; 10) Other enterprises that are controlled, jointly controlled, or significantly influenced by the Group’s principal individual investors, key management personnel, or close family members of such individuals. Enterprises are not regarded as related parties simply because they are under the common control from the State, if no other related party relationships exist between them. 2. Parents Company and subsidiaries Name of the Place of Main Proportion of shares Corporate Legal Parent Company registration business in the Company type representative China Changan Beijing Manufacture and sale of 45.71% Stock Company Limited Xu Bin Automobile Company automobiles, engine, Limited and comporents Notes: On July 3, 2009, apporved by SAIC, China South Industries Motor Company Limited is changed into China Changan Automobile Group Company Limited. Refer to Note Ⅳ “Scope of consolidation for consolidated financial statements” for the Group’s subsidiaries. 3. Other related parties Name of the related parties Relationship with related parties69 China South Industries Automobile Co., Ltd – Chongqing Tsingshan Transmission Branch Company (hereafter abbreviated as “CSIA-Chongqing Tsingshan Transmission Branch”) Branch of parent company China South Industries Automobile Co., Ltd - Sichuan Ningjiang Shock-absorber Branch (hereafter referred to as “CSIA-Ningjiang Shock-absorber Branch”) Branch of parent company China South Industries Automobile Co., Ltd - Jian'an Automobile Axle Branch (hereafter abbreviated as “CSIA-Jian'an Automobile Axle Branch”) Branch of parent company Chongqing Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changfeng Jiquan Machinery Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changan Jinling Vehicles Parts Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., Ltd Joint ventures Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd Joint ventures Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd Joint ventures Jiangling Holding Co., Ltd Joint ventures Chongqing HelpGo Information Technology Co., Ltd Associate of the Group Chongqing Shangfang Automobile Fittings Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Dajiang Xinda Vehicles Shares Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chengdu Lingchuan Vehicle Fuel Tank Co., Ltd under control of CSIA China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Wanbing Material Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Sichuan Hongguang Machinery and Electrics Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industry Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Yihong Engineering Plastic Products Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Hubei Xiaogan Huazhong Automobile Lamp Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Yunnan Xiyi Industries Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Longchang Shanchuan Shock-absorber Industries Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Southwest Industries Corporation under control of CSIA Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Jiangling Construction Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Baoding Changan Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changan Construction Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Changan Automobile (Group) Liability Co. Ltd under control of CSIA Chengdu Ningxing Automobile Spring Co., Ltd under control of CSIA South Yingte Air-conditioner Co, .Ltd under control of CSIA South Tianhe Chassis System Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changan Lingyun Automobile Components Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Shanrui Automobile Components Co., Ltd Associate of CSIA Chongqing Xiyi Automobile Connecting Rod Co., Ltd Associate of CSIA Beijing Beiji Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chengdu Wanyou Filter Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die-Casting Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Dajiang Yuqiang Plastic Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Congqing Jiangda Aluminium Alloy Wheel Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Jinhai Standard Parts Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Qingshan Sales Co., Ltd under control of CSIA70 Chongqing Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Corporation under control of CSIA Chongqing Changrong Machinery Co., Ltd under control of CSIA Chongqing Changan Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd Under singificant influence from manager 4. Major transactions between the Group and its related parties ⑴Selling goods to related parties(the transactions below not including tax ) Selling goods to related parties From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Total 2,584,415,409 1,964,097,598 ⑵Purchases of goods from related parties Purchases of goods from related parties From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Total 3,144,518,401 1,917,846,801 ⑶Other major related-party transactions Payment for comprehensive service charges Name of related parties Content of transaction From January to June 2009 From January to June 2008 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for trademark royalties 11,724,300 8,530,980 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for land rental fees 7,841,346 10,249,095 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for building rental fees 14,630,384 11,278,345 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for water, electricity and gas expenses 121,935,914 82,947,241 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for social welfare expenses 0 15,704,488 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for education expense 0 0 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for police security &fire fighting expense 5,509,971 5,500,078 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Payment for labour union expense 0 0 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Others 4,756,124 4,510,590 Total 166,398,039 138,720,817 Engineering procurement Name of related parties From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd 1,226,000 2,479,887 Chongqing Changan Construction Co., Ltd 63,898,527 96,352,297 Chongqing HelpGo Information Technology Co., Ltd 6,239 12,741,525 Total 65,130,766 111,573,710 other Name of related parties Content of transaction From January to June 2010 From January to June 2009 Chongqing HelpGo Information Technology Co., Ltd Development and maintenance of information system 119,644 17,696,304 Changan Industry (Group) Liability Co. Ltd Housing rental revenue 2,173,400 Chongqing Changan Real Estate Development Co., Housing rental fees paid 3,029,10871 Ltd Chongqing Changan Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd Logistic Storage 474,288,045 354,926,715 China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd revenue 2,781,358 1,720,378 ⑸balance of related-party receivable and payable notes receivable notes receivable June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 806,616,300 633,602,075 Accounts receivable Accounts receivable June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 232,787,363 131,130,930 other accounts receivable other accounts receivable June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd 78,880 73,034 Notes payable Notes payable June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 505,333,747 252,818,781 accounts payable accounts payable June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 550,668,695 556,744,080 Advances receipts Advances receipts June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 29,727,916 13,885,657 Other payables Other payables June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Total 100,535,306 60,986,360 ⑹Cash saved in related parties Cash in bank June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd 367,936,730 581,879,526 ⑺Loans Short-term loans June 30, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd 280,949,532 85,649,590 China South Industries Automobile Co., Ltd 100,000,000 Ⅷ Contingencies72 As on 30 June 2008, the Group has no important events or contingencies. Ⅸ Fututre matters on banlance sheet As on 30 June 2010, the Group has no future matters on the balance sheet. Ⅹ Provision for the impairment of assets Deductions Items Opening balance at the beginning of the year Provision Reversal Write-off Closing balance at the end of the year 1.Bad debt provision 120,544,203.13 8,788,351.44 129,332,554.57 2.Provision for obsolete inventory 163,090,728.93 18,100.00 28,662,529.48 841,312.60 133,604,986.85 3. Provision for the impairment of available-for-sale financial assets 4.Provision for the impairment of held-to-maturity investments 5.Provision for the impairment of long-term equity investments 4,830,178.00 4,830,178.00 6.Provision for the impairment of investmental realty 7.Provision for the impairment of fixed assets 408,246,641.39 6,666,668.64 401,579,972.75 8.Provision for the impairment of constructional materials 9.Provision for the impairment of Construction in progress 10.Provision for the impairment of productive assets 11.Provision for the impairment of oil gas assets 12.Provision for the impairment of intangible assets 6,700,000.00 6,700,000.00 13.Provision for the impairment of goodwill 73,465,335.00 73,465,335.00 14.others Total 772,046,908.45 13,636,629.44 35,329,198.12 841,312.60 749,513,027.17 Ⅺ Net profit except non-recurring profit and loss Non-recurring profit and loss project Amount Gain/loss of non-current assets -2,090,764.45 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount. 1,557,629.83 Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common businesses 4,563,744.00 Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -1,734,397.59 Influenced amount of income tax -537,688.81 Influenced amount of miniority shareholders’ equity -540,965.30 total 1,217,557.68 Ⅻ Reconciliation of the net profits presented under the PRC accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) Unit:(RMB)Yuan73 Jan.-Jun., 20N10e t profJitasn .-Jun., 2009 As at 30 Jun. 2N01e0t asAses tast 31 Dec, 2009 Account report according to the international finance report rules 1,366,565,351.61 522,993,993.409,836,638,563.88 8,824,383,126.69 Account report according to the enterprise accounting rule and system under the PRC 1,366,565,351.61 522,993,993.409,907,922,628.88 8,895,667,191.69 Adjustment of according to international accounting rules: .Payment to currency shareholders of A share cash opposite price(Note ) -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 Total -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 Difference between Chinese and international accounting standard Note Jiangling Holding company, the Company’s JV, held by Jiangling stake in listed companies the right to paid circulation on the price in cash, according to international norms should be included in the profit and loss.74 VIII Documents for Future Reference 1. semi-annual report with the signature of chairman 2. Financial reports with signatures and stamps of the legal representative, the chief accountant and the chief of accounting organization. 3. All the original documents and manuscripts of the Company which has been disclosed in the reporting period in the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission 4. Article of Association 5. Semi-annual reports disclosed in other securities markets. 6. Other relevant document. Chairman of BOD: Xu Liuping General Manager: Zhang Baolin Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd Aug.30, 2010