Stock Code: 000625(200625) Abbreviated name of the stock: Changan Automobile(Changan B) Bulletin No.:2011-39 Chongqing Changan Automobile Limited Company SUMMARY OF INTERIM REPORT 2011 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors as well as senior managements of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) individually and collectively accepts responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report and confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which would render any statement misleading. The summary of interim report 2011 is abstracted from full text of the interim report, which is published on the Internet website in the mean time. The investors are suggested to read the full text of interim report 20 11 to understand more details. 1.2 No director, supervisor or senior management stated that he (she) c ould not ensure the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the Interim Report or have objection for this report. 1.3 All directors attended the Board meeting. 1.4 The financial report in this reporting period is unaudited. 1.5 Chairman Mr. Xu Liuping, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin,Chief Accountant Mr. Cui Yunjiang, and the Chief of Accountant department,Mr. Hua Zhanbiao, herein guarantee: guarantee the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of th is semi-annual report. 1.6 The report shall be presented in both Chinese and English, and should there be any conflicting understanding of the text, the Chinese version shall prevail. §2 General Introduction of the Company 2.1 General information to the Company Secretaries of the Board Securities matters Representative Name Cui Yunjiang, Li Jun No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, Jiang Bei District, Contact Address Chongqing Telephone ( 023) 67594009 Fax ( 023) 67866055 Email Address 1 2.2 Key Financial Data and Target 2.2.1 Key accounting data and financial target Unit: ( RMB) Yuan 30 Jun. 2011 31 Dec. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets 35,891,069,232.69 30,456,426,127.88 17.84% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of 15,123,561,188.97 10,625,542,446.62 42.33% the listed company Share capital (share) 2,685,823,637.00 2,325,657,615.00 15.49% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders 5.63 4.57 23.19% of the listed company (Yuan/share) Jan.-Jun. 2011 Jan.-Jun. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Total operating income 14,537,115,839.90 16,627,454,932.78 -12.57% Operating profit 1,014,014,773.28 1,374,742,402.37 -26.24% Total profit 1,119,500,684.54 1,371,628,474.32 -18.38% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 1,040,060,233.01 1,366,565,351.61 -23.89% listed company Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non -recurring 953,093,407.91 1,365,347,793.93 -30.19% gains and losses Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.22 0.28 -21.43% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.22 0.28 -21.43% Weighted average ROE (%) 7.42% 14.27% -6.85% Weighted average ROE after deducting 6.80% 14.25% -7.45% non-recurring gains and losses (%) Net cash flows from operating activities 2,378,405,526.54 2,687,373,910.69 -11.50% Net cash flows per share from operating 0.89 1.16 -23.28% activities (Yuan/share) Note 1: During the reporting period, the Company has issued additional 360,166,022 A -share in public, by the end of this reporing period, total equ ity changed to 2,685,823,637 shares. Note 2: The Company carried out the 2010 annual interest distribution between assets liabilities date and financial reporting approval date, distribution of stock dividends, transferred by equity fund totally is 2,148, 658,909, total equity changed to 4,834,482,546 shares, according to the stipulation of 《 No.9 rules of Company information disposal audit which public offering of securities ---Calculation and Disposal of ROE and earning per share 》 (2010 version, above equity change is not influence the interest rates of the owner, it will be re-calculate earning per share every compareing period on the basis of 4,834,482,546 . 2.2.2 Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses 2 √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: ( RMB) Yuan Non-recurring gain and loss items Amount Gain/loss of non-current assets 919,460.27 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Company’s 88,857,908.34 common business, comply with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount. Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 15,188,904.34 Influenced amount of income tax -17,087,610.78 Influenced amount of miniority shareholders’ equity -911,837.07 Total 86,966,825.10 2.2.3 Reconciliation of the net profits presented under the PRC accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: ( RMB) Yuan Net profits Net assets Jan.-Jun., 2011 Jan.-Jun., 2010 As at 30 Jun. 2011 As at 31 Dec, 2010 Account report according to the international 1,040,060,233.01 1,366,565,351.61 15,052,277,123.97 10,554,258,381.62 finance report rules Account report according to the enterprise 1,040,060,233.01 1,366,565,351.61 15,123,561,188.97 10,625,542,446.62 accounting rule and system under the PRC Adjustment of according to international accounting rules : Payment to currency shareholders of A share 0.00 0.00 -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 cash opposite price(Note ) Total 0.00 0.00 -71,284,065.00 -71,284,065.00 Note Jiangling Holding company, the Company’s JV, held by Jiangling stake in listed companies the Difference between Chinese and right to paid circulation on the price in cash, according to international norms should be included in the international accounting standard profit and loss. 3 Change in shares and information about shareholders 3.1 Change in shares √ Applicable □ Not Applicable Balance before Balance after current Addition and deduction( +, -) during change current change change 3 Transferred Additional Bonus from Quantity Ratio others subtotal quantity Ratio issued share accumulated fund Ⅰ.Non-circulated shares 207,430,882 8.92% 207,430,882 7.72% 1、State-owned shares 2、State-owned legal person 207,421,301 8.92% 207,421,301 7.72% shares 3、Other domestic holding shares including: domestic non-state legal person shares Domestic natural person shares 4、Foreign-hold shares including: foreign legal person shares foreign natural person shares 5、Senior Management 9,581 9,581 Shares Ⅱ.Circulated shares 2,118,226,733 91.08% 360,166,022 360,166,022 2,478,392,755 92.28% 1、Domestic listed RMB 1,521,791,966 65.43% 360,166,022 360,166,022 1,881,957,988 70.07% shares 2、Domestic listed foreign 596,434,767 25.65% 596,434,767 22.21% shares 3、Oversea listed foreign shares 4、Others Ⅲ. Total shares 2,325,657,615 100.00% 360,166,022 360,166,022 2,685,823,637 100.00% 3.2 Shareholding information of top ten share holders and top ten shareholders of unconditional shares Unit: share 4 Persons in total 253,647, among of which A shareholder s are 213,204, B Total shareholders number shareholder is 40,443. The top ten shareholders Ratio of Total number of Pledged/ Nature of Total number Name of shareholders total non-circulated Frozen shares Shareholders of shares share shares number CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE State-owned legal 43.33% 1,163,787,489 207,421,301 0 GROUP COMPANYLIMITED person Beijing North Jingji Investment State-owned legal 1.53% 41,000,000 0 0 Consultant CompanyLimited person Agricultural Bank of China- Fullgoal Domestic non-state 1.41% 37,826,581 0 0 Tianrui Strong Area Hybrid Fund legal person China South Industries Group Finance State-owned legal 1.30% 35,000,000 0 0 CompanyLimited person Domestic non-state PING AN TRUST CO., LTD. 0.74% 20,000,000 0 0 legal person BONJOUR CHINA FUND2 Foreign legal person 0.62% 16,568,176 0 0 JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON Foreign legal person 0.61% 16,299,220 0 0 CHINA FUND GTI 5497 GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Foreign legal person 0.56% 15,002,796 0 0 LIMITED FTIF TEMPLETON BRIC FUND Foreign legal person 0.52% 14,053,640 0 0 Bank Of China-E Fund SSE100ETF Domestic non-state 0.42% 11,406,823 0 0 Fund legal person The top 10 holders of circulated shares Total number of Name of shareholders Share type circulated shares CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE GROUP 956,366,188 RMB ordinary share COMPANYLIMITED Beijing North Jingji Investment Consultant CompanyLimited 41,000,000 RMB ordinary share Agricultural Bank of China- Fullgoal Tianrui Strong Area Hybrid 37,826,581 RMB ordinary share Fund China South Industries Group Finance CompanyLimited 35,000,000 RMB ordinary share PING AN TRUST CO., LTD. 20,000,000 RMB ordinary share 5 BONJOUR CHINA FUND 2 16,568,176 Foreign capital stock listed within China JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON CHINA FUND GTI 5497 16,299,220 Foreign capital stock listed within China GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 15,002,796 Foreign capital stock listed within China FTIF TEMPLETON BRIC FUND 14,053,640 Foreign capital stock listed within China Bank Of China-E Fund SSE100ETF Fund 11,406,823 RMB ordinary share Among the top ten share holders, China Changan Automobile Group CompanyLimited, Beijing North Jingji Investment Cons ultant CompanyLimited, and China South Industries Group Finance CompanyLimited are controlled by one common Related partner relationship of the ten largest actual controller China South Industries Group. The shareholders and their consistant act Companydid not know whether there was relationship among the large ten circulated shareholders , and nor knew whether they were the parties who agreed to act alike as stipulated in Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure Concerning Changes in Shareholdings of Listed Companies. 3.3 Changes of controlling shareholders and actual controllers □ Applicable √ Not Applicable §4 Information on Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 4.1 Changes in share held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management □ Applicable √ Not Applicable §5 Report of the Board of Directs 5.1 The main business operation by industry or product RMB: ten thousand Distribution on industries Change of Change of Change of operation On industry or Operation Turnover Operation cost income over cost over profit ratio over last product profit ratio last year % last year % year % Vehicle 1,453,712.00 1,250,113.00 14.01% -12.57% -6.62% -5.48% manufacturing Distribution on products 6 Whole vehicles 1,393,987.00 1,200,636.00 13.87% -13.04% -6.74% -5.81% others 59,724.00 49,477.00 17.16% -0.13% -3.65% 3.03% 5.2 The main business operation by area RMB: ten thousand Area Sales revenue Increase/Decrease Domestic 1,427,272 -12.97% Abroad 26,440 16.52% 5.3 Reasons of significant changes in main operations and its structure □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.4 Reasons of significant changes in profitability capability of main operations (gross profit ratio) than that in the last year □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.5 Analysis to reasons of significant changes in profit structure compared with the √ Applicable □ Not Applicable 5.6 Utilization of the raised proceeds 5.6.1 Utilization of the raised proceeds √ Applicable □ Not Applicable Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan Total of raised funds 344,558.69 Total invested raised funds in Change use of the raised funds during 118,338.70 0.00 the reporting period the reporting period Total cumulative change use of the raised funds during the reporting 0.00 Total cumulative invested period raised funds in the reporting 118,338.70 Proportion compare to the Total Sum period 0.00% use of the raised funds Commitment Total total Investmen the date achie If the If there investment projects projects commit investmen t amount cumulativ invest when ved expect are 7 and the use of raised change ment t after during the e ment projects benef ed significa fund or not invest adjustmen reporting investmen progres achieve its in benefit nt (incudi ment of t (1) period t up to the s usable the s has changes ng raised end of the up to condition repor been in project some funds period (2) the end ting achiev feasibilit change) of the perio ed y period d (%)(3) = (2)/(1) Committed investment projects vehicle production line technological Not transformation NO 164,319 164,319 52,520.75 52,520.75 31.96% 2011.06.30 0.00 applic NO project (increase of able production capacity) Small displacement Not engine industry NO 197,911 197,911 65,817.95 65,817.95 33.26% 2011.04.30 0.00 applic NO upgrade project able Subtotal of the commitment - 362,230 362,230 118,338.70 118,338.70 - - 0.00 - - investment projects Use of the excess raised funds Repayment of bank - - - - - loans (if any) Additional working - - - - - capital (if any) subtotal of excess raised funds - - - - - investment Total - 362,230 362,230 118,338.70 118,338.70 - - - - status and the reason for timing schedule or the expected NO benefits not been achieved (for each 8 project) explaination for significant changes NO of the project feasibility usage and using Not applicable progress of the excess raised funds change of project Not applicable site of the raised funds investment adjustment of the implementation Not applicable means for raised funds investment projects applicable Pre-investment and On February 28, 2011, the Eighteenth Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors passed the replacement of the "The proposal of using raised funds to replace of the found for pre-self-financing raised fund investment projects", agreed to use raised funds of 608,749,433.60 Yuan to replace investment projects pre-self-financing invested fund (see bulletin No. : 2011-16). The mentioned funding replacement was completed in March 2011. Use leave-used raised funds to Not applicable makeup working capital temporarily the amount and the reason for the fund Not applicable balance during raised fund project implementation Use and destination Unused balance of raised funds has been deposited in raised fund special account bank, of which of the unused raised 900 million yuan fixed deposits. funds existing problems or other circumstances NO during use and disclosure of raised 9 funds 5.6.2 Changes in projects □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.7 Revised business plan of the Board for the second half of 20 11 □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.8 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its significant change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.9 Explanation of the Management Team on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report period □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 5.10 Explanation of the Management Team on changes and solutions of the issues involved in “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year □ Applicable √ Not Applicable §6 Important Events 6.1 Purchase, sales and reorganization of assets 6.1.1 Purchase of assets □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.1.2 Sales of assets □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.1.3 Progress of these events after the publication of the Assets Reorganization Report or public notices on the purchases or sales of assets, as well as the influences of these events on the operation results and financial status of the Company in the report period □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.2 Important guarantee events □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.3 Related credits and liabilities current □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.4 Significant lawsuits and arbitrations □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 10 6.5 Other important events as well as analyses and explanations on their influences and solutions □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.5.1 Securities investment □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.5.2 Particulars about holding equity of other listed companies √ Applicable □ Not Applicable Unit: ( RMB) Yuan Gain/loss Change of Initial Share Book value at of the Accounting Source of Stock Code Stock ID owners’ equity in investment portion the end of term report subject shares the report term term South- west Disposable 600369 Secrities 50,000,000.00 0.76% 191,522,500.00 0.00 14,555,000.00 financial investment Card asset 50,000,0 191,522,5 Total 50,000,000.00 - 14,555,000.00 - - 00.00 00.00 6.5.3 Statement of capital adoption by the main shareholder and its affiliates □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.5.4 Additional commitments on trading moratorium made by the shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares √ Applicable □ Not Applicable commit Promisee Contents Fulfillments ments 1. Comply with laws, regulations and rules, promises to fulfill the statutory obligations. ⒉ The original non-tradable shares Up to the end of reporting period, China can not be traded or transfered within at least 24 months Changan holds 1,163,787,489 shares, Share after getting tradable right; After the expiration of 24 months, whose 855,666,188 shares is unlimited reform non-tradable shares can be sold through the Stock tradable shares, the remaining commitme Changan China Exchange, the number of total shares in 12 months does 207,421,301 shares are limited condition nt not exceed five per cent of the company's total shares, and sale shares, according to the share reform in 24 months does not exceed 10%.⒊ The Companywill management commitment will be lifted implement management equity incentive plan, according to after the implementation of equity incentive state related managing regulation and method after share plans Restricted. reform. Other South Group To avoid possible future potential competition in the According to the company's business 11 commitme industry, and support Changan Automobile development, development needs, on February 28 of nt promises "Changan Automobile intend to acquire Baoding 2011, the 18th meeting of the fifth Board of Changan Bus or Changan Kuayue, the Company agreed to Directors approved the acquisition of promote the transfer at fair prices." Baoding Changan Bus and Changan Kuayue’s equity (Announcement No. : 2011-15). The related transfer work is ongoing. On April 14 of 2011, the 19th meeting of To improve the integrity of the company's assets and reduce the fifth Board of Directors passed a bill on the related party transactions, Changan industry on June 2, Chongqing the trademark transfer contract 2010 issued the commitment about changing CHANGAN Changan (Announcement No. :2011-20). The trademark to Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. It’s Industrial contract decided total amount of trademark committed the Companyis the only transferee of related (Group) Co., transfer is 175 million Yuan. Currently, the licensing trademark, and actively consulting trademark LTD. related work of trademark transfer has bee transfer. n completed. To avoid possible competition with the industry and better safeguard the interests of corporate investors, the controlling shareholder of China's Changan promises: ⒈ in Jiangxi Changhe Automobile Co., Ltd. and Harbin Hafei Automobile Industry Group Co., Ltd. are continuous two years of Performance conditions have not yet Changan China profitability, with sustained development and management reached. capacity has improved significantly in the case, so it’s proposed the two companies into the Company; ⒉ When Changan Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd. was completed and put into operation, it’s proposed to transfer all the joint venture equity to the Company. 6.5.5 Proposal of profit distribution preplan or share conversion from capital public reserve in the report period □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 6.5.6 Other comprehensive income In RMB Yuan Items Occurred current term Occurred in previous term 1. Gains (losses) from sellable financial assets 14,555,000.00 -70,290,000.00 Less: Income tax influence of sellable financial assets 2,183,250.00 -10,543,500.00 Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms 12,371,750.00 -59,746,500.00 Sub-total 12,371,750.00 -59,746,500.00 12 2. Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the investee on equity basis Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on equity basis Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms Sub-total 3. Amount of gains (or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target project Sub-total 4. Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statements Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to current gain/loss Sub-total 5. Others -16,116,840.95 Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc. incomes Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred into current gain/loss in previous terms Sub-total -16,116,840.95 Total 12,371,750.00 -75,863,340.95 6.6 In the report period, investigation, communication and interview of the Company Date Location manner Reception object Content discussed and material offered Shenzhen International Commerce 2011.1.4 One to one promotion Penghua Fund,Rongtong Fund Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value Center Financial Street, Xicheng District, 2011.1.6 Beijing, Shanghai scheduled District One to one promotion Dongfang Fund,Taida Hongli Fund Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value Xizhimen North Street Huayuan Shiqiao Road Pudong, Fuguo Fund, Huaan Fund, Huitianfu 2010.1.6 One to one promotion Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value Shanghai, Pudong South Road Fund, Pacific Assets Fucheng road, Pudong of Shanghai, International Fund, 2011.1.7 One to one promotion Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value Yanan East Road Everbright Pramerica Fund Guoxin Securities, Meeting Room, Guangzhou Kim Understanding of industry and business conditions 2011.2.21 On-Site Survey Changan Headquarters Investment Management Co., Ltd. 2011.2.23 Meeting Room, On-Site Survey CITIC building Securities Understanding of industry and business conditions 13 Changan Headquarters Company Meeting Room, Wide certification 2011.2.24 On-Site Survey Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Securities AG Meeting Room, 2011.2.24 On-Site Survey Gaohua Securities Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, 2011.3.16 On-Site Survey Kaiji Securities Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, China International 2011.3.22 On-Site Survey Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Finance Corporation Meeting Room, 2011.3.23 On-Site Survey Jinying Securities Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, High-Ling Capital Understanding of industry and business conditions 2011.3.29 On-Site Survey Changan Headquarters Management Meeting Room, Understanding of industry and business conditions 2011.4.20 On-Site Survey Fuda Capital Management Changan Headquarters 2011.4.26 Chongqing Sovereign Hotel On-Site Survey Institutional Investors Understanding of industry and business conditions Meeting Room, 2011.5.10 On-Site Survey UBS Securities Co., Ltd. Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, Woori Investment 2011.5.16 On-Site Survey Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Securities Meeting Room, 2011.5.17 On-Site Survey Deutsche Bank Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, Asiana large investment 2011.5.19 On-Site Survey Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters securities Company Meeting Room, Morgan Stanley 2011.5.19 On-Site Survey Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters investment bank Meeting Room, 2011.5.25 On-Site Survey CLSA Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, 2011.5.30 On-Site Survey UBS Securities Co., Ltd. Understanding of industry an d business conditions Changan Headquarters Rui Xun-Hua knowledge Meeting Room, 2011.6.13 On-Site Survey Investment Consulting Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 2011.6.23 Meeting Room, On-Site Survey Macquarie Securities Understanding of industry and business conditions 14 Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, 2011.6.24 On-Site Survey Bank of Paris, France Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters Meeting Room, 2011.6.24 On-Site Survey Changjiang Securites Understanding of industry and business conditions Changan Headquarters §7 Financial Report 7.1 Audit comments Financial report √Unaudited □Audited 7.2 Financial Statements 7.2.1 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30, June 2011 Assets Balance Sheet ( Expressed in RMB Yuan ) At the end of term Beginning of term Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company Current asset: Monetary fund 8,219,955,550.23 6,154,655,990.54 4,391,990,049.72 3,087,748,588.31 Notes receivable 5,779,431,464.12 4,742,587,389.77 8,821,828,759.39 6,655,403,907.26 Account receivable 613,655,886.01 739,102,675.12 404,008,999.71 574,746,914.49 Prepayment 309,071,517.61 266,832,345.63 297,803,710.77 268,250,546.15 Dividend receivable 450,030.00 450,030.00 450,030.00 450,030.00 Other account receivable 366,491,561.14 365,632,122.56 117,659,705.04 101,280,817.11 Inventories 3,915,638,962.35 2,578,700,589.20 2,536,336,767.24 1,624,101,164.89 Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset 6,429,293.38 Total of current asset 19,204,694,971.46 14,847,961,142.82 16,576,507,315.25 12,311,981,968.21 Non-current assets: Disposable financial asset 191,522,500.00 191,522,500.00 176,967,500.00 176,967,500.00 Long-term share equity investment 6,704,671,115.24 7,677,586,144.64 5,670,022,934.61 6,644,437,964.01 Property investment 59,730,189.47 62,762,382.76 Fixed assets 4,361,659,782.00 3,890,863,795.21 4,267,885,829.43 3,813,955,308.29 Construction in process 3,157,242,276.94 2,634,469,853.82 1,997,902,631.46 1,562,928,324.61 Engineering material 795,898.75 795,898.75 795,898.75 795,898.75 Fixed asset disposal 3,180.57 3,180.57 Intangible assets 1,271,375,280.93 1,142,906,864.58 922,184,553.37 779,656,835.85 15 R&D expense 338,274,931.75 338,052,489.24 204,312,934.30 204,121,260.99 Goodwill 9,804,394.00 9,804,394.00 Long-term prepaid expenses 4,947,954.69 990,440.00 2,484,457.43 1,080,480.00 Differed income tax asset 472,808,775.89 318,764,914.74 434,792,115.95 262,939,586.62 Other non-current asset 113,537,981.00 113,537,981.00 130,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 Total of non-current assets 16,686,374,261.23 16,309,490,881.98 13,879,918,812.63 13,576,883,159.12 Total of assets 35,891,069,232.69 31,157,452,024.80 30,456,426,127.88 25,888,865,127.33 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 30,000,000.00 Notes payable 7,465,625,110.40 5,613,690,171.08 4,887,600,348.93 4,284,851,347.89 Account payable 6,575,927,933.23 4,591,607,469.01 7,666,813,508.07 4,848,629,265.23 Prepayment received 2,790,587,400.93 2,027,684,576.58 2,600,698,490.62 1,905,053,220.84 Employees’ wage payable 185,768,231.00 156,064,725.07 200,359,830.91 149,604,731.81 Tax payable -143,795,589.68 55,739,803.94 424,842,866.22 351,735,935.41 Interest payable 60,000.00 60,000.00 Dividend payable 79,742.80 79,742.80 Other account payable 1,092,360,112.47 640,759,513.93 1,117,041,448.96 766,343,334.06 Non-current liability due in 1 year 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 Other current liability 1,445,054,897.77 714,326,746.73 1,541,945,721.07 857,611,927.80 Total of current liability 19,411,607,838.92 13,799,873,006.34 18,519,441,957.58 13,213,889,763.04 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 76,000,000.00 Bond payable Long-term payable 18,495,263.09 18,495,263.09 19,167,000.00 19,167,000.00 Special payable 550,761,375.56 531,211,084.56 503,601,091.39 503,601,091.38 Expected liabilities 696,653,899.11 401,791,817.97 619,547,105.86 325,719,615.32 Differed income tax liability 25,296,375.00 25,296,375.00 23,113,125.00 23,113,125.00 Other non-recurring liabilities 111,973,000.00 91,970,000.00 111,973,000.00 91,970,000.00 Total of non-current liabilities 1,403,179,912.76 1,068,764,540.62 1,353,401,322.25 963,570,831.70 Total of liability 20,814,787,751.68 14,868,637,546.96 19,872,843,279.83 14,177,460,594.74 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity): Practical capital collected (or share capital) 2,685,823,637.00 2,685,823,637.00 2,325,657,615.00 2,325,657,615.00 Capital reserves 4,635,970,740.41 4,806,065,820.20 1,538,178,253.07 1,708,273,332.86 Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 1,167,011,424.00 Common risk provision Attributable profit 6,634,755,387.56 7,629,913,596.64 5,594,695,154.55 6,510,462,160.73 Different of foreign currency translation Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 15,123,561,188.97 16,288,814,477.84 10,625,542,446.62 11,711,404,532.59 16 Minor shareholders’ equity -47,279,707.96 -41,959,598.57 Total of owners’ equity 15,076,281,481.01 16,288,814,477.84 10,583,582,848.05 11,711,404,532.59 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 35,891,069,232.69 31,157,452,024.80 30,456,426,127.88 25,888,865,127.33 7.2.2 Consolidated income statement Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited From January to June, 2011 PROFIT STATEMENT (Expressed in RMB Yuan) Current term Same period last year Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company I. Total business income 14,537,115,839.90 11,068,721,114.58 16,627,454,932.78 11,242,504,620.75 Incl. Business income 14,537,115,839.90 11,068,721,114.58 16,627,454,932.78 11,242,504,620.75 II. Total business cost 14,563,749,247.25 11,010,585,614.47 16,260,772,013.79 10,863,723,696.48 Incl. Business cost 12,501,134,402.12 9,438,912,603.93 13,387,852,025.12 9,040,356,397.63 Business tax and surcharge 275,167,193.78 200,828,940.57 357,977,295.97 259,268,103.04 Sales expense 1,016,579,465.35 608,706,396.24 1,810,978,661.82 1,083,721,040.71 Administrative expense 849,054,595.79 840,177,215.73 721,615,349.36 543,393,337.92 Financial expenses -84,132,888.64 -83,986,020.85 -565,730.67 -35,911,495.01 Asset impairment loss 5,946,478.85 5,946,478.85 -17,085,587.81 -27,103,687.81 Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss) 4,563,744.00 Investment gain (“-“ for loss) 1,040,648,180.63 1,029,384,263.96 1,003,495,739.38 992,273,032.91 III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 1,014,014,773.28 1,087,519,764.07 1,374,742,402.37 1,371,053,957.18 Plus: Non business income 119,360,985.64 105,446,779.38 7,583,973.03 4,025,336.74 Less: Non-business expenses 13,875,074.38 11,296,243.31 10,697,901.08 6,509,739.05 Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets 1,658,981.64 10,552.97 3,061,777.08 IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 1,119,500,684.54 1,181,670,300.14 1,371,628,474.32 1,368,569,554.87 Less: Income tax expenses 84,760,560.93 62,218,864.23 22,650,916.03 9,117,719.08 V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 1,034,740,123.61 1,119,451,435.91 1,348,977,558.29 1,359,451,835.79 Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 1,040,060,233.01 1,119,451,435.91 1,366,565,351.61 1,359,451,835.79 Minor shareholders’ equity -5,320,109.40 -17,587,793.32 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share 0.22 0.28 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.22 0.28 VII. Other misc. incomes 12,371,750.00 12,371,750.00 -75,863,340.95 -75,863,340.95 VIII. Total of misc. incomes 1,047,111,873.61 1,131,823,185.91 1,273,114,217.34 1,283,588,494.84 Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of 1,052,431,983.01 1,131,823,185.91 1,290,702,010.66 1,283,588,494.84 the parent company Total misc gains attributable to -5,320,109.40 -17,587,793.32 the minor shareholders 17 7.2.3 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited From January to June, 2011 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Expressed in RMB Yuan) Current term Same period last year Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company I. Net cash flow from business operation Cash received from sales of products and providing of services 15,049,576,722.73 12,428,465,566.48 12,878,287,105.69 11,422,262,368.36 Tax returned 80,755,109.66 39,404,000.00 25,871,777.12 Other cash received from business operation 281,467,088.44 256,477,663.60 154,597,784.42 50,715,275.98 Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 15,411,798,920.83 12,724,347,230.08 13,058,756,667.23 11,472,977,644.34 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 9,372,501,842.27 8,243,641,271.81 7,025,953,870.17 6,301,692,529.40 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 825,972,937.06 670,199,987.44 642,032,020.93 484,525,672.57 Taxes paid 1,019,084,870.77 732,784,268.78 1,128,844,421.45 789,035,660.48 Other cash paid for business activities 1,815,833,744.19 1,614,190,772.91 1,574,552,443.99 1,365,936,628.09 Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 13,033,393,394.29 11,260,816,300.94 10,371,382,756.54 8,941,190,490.54 Cash flow generated by business operation, net 2,378,405,526.54 1,463,530,929.14 2,687,373,910.69 2,531,787,153.80 II. Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving 4,900,000.00 4,900,000.00 Cash received as investment gains 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 827,029,165.91 832,155,290.91 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets 3,738,720.05 22,490.62 11,843,177.68 10,750,089.68 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other investment-related cash received 471,474,054.00 461,360,730.00 Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 481,212,774.05 467,383,220.62 843,772,343.59 847,805,380.59 Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 1,859,838,889.50 1,794,209,253.54 767,014,993.08 659,139,599.99 Cash paid as investment 5,317,720.00 5,317,720.00 168,482,160.00 141,382,160.00 Net increase of loan against pledge Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment activities 488,983,200.00 488,983,200.00 Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 2,354,139,809.50 2,288,510,173.54 935,497,153.08 800,521,759.99 Net cash flow generated by investment -1,872,927,035.45 -1,821,126,952.92 -91,724,809.49 47,283,620.60 III. Cash flow generated by financing 18 Cash received as investment 3,447,489,389.48 3,445,586,919.48 Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders Cash received as loans 488,983,200.00 488,983,200.00 584,203,930.00 Cash received from bond placing Other financing-related cash received 4,330,100.57 1,933,678.86 1,608,635.34 44,155.76 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 3,940,802,690.05 3,936,503,798.34 585,812,565.34 44,155.76 Cash to repay debts 616,558,000.00 510,558,000.00 555,807,718.50 39,000,000.00 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 1,429,611.10 261,333.33 168,058,219.00 155,122,263.94 Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders Other cash paid for financing activities 1,648,404.14 1,181,039.00 3,983,709.92 78,284.65 Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 619,636,015.24 512,000,372.33 727,849,647.42 194,200,548.59 Net cash flow generated by financing 3,321,166,674.81 3,424,503,426.01 -142,037,082.08 -194,156,392.83 IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents 1,320,334.61 -241,567.60 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 3,827,965,500.51 3,066,907,402.23 2,453,370,451.52 2,384,914,381.57 Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term 4,391,990,049.72 3,087,748,588.31 3,658,380,928.50 1,973,263,003.71 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 8,219,955,550.23 6,154,655,990.54 6,111,751,380.02 4,358,177,385.28 19 7.2.4 Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30 June 2011 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Minor Total Capital Min or shareh of Items Commo Total of Capital Commo paid in Capital Less: Special sh areh o Su rplu s n risk Retain e own ers’ paid in Capital Less: Special Su rplu s n risk Retain e olders owners (or reserve Sh ares reserve Oth ers lders’ (or reserve Sh ares reserve reserve Oth ers reserves provisio d profit equ ity provisio d profit sh are s in stock s equ ity sh are s in stock s s ’ ’ n n capital) capital) equity equity 2,325,6 1,538,1 5,594,6 10,583, 2,334,0 1,693,3 1,167,01 3,632,6 1,167,01 -41,959, 26,925, 94,433, 8,894,55 I. Balance at th e en d of last 57,615. 78,253. 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,154. 0.00 582,848 22,848. 35,482. 1,424.0 76,370. 1,424.00 598.57 731.38 722.28 4,115.43 year 00 07 55 .05 00 05 0 48 Plu s: Ch an ge of accou n tin g 94,816,1 -94,816, 0.00 0.00 policy 11.02 111.02 Correctin g of previous errors 0.00 0.00 104,268 -8,721,9 48,606, 144,153, 0.00 Oth ers ,733.42 34.88 805.03 603.57 2,325,6 1,538,1 5,594,6 10,583, 2,334,0 1,797,6 1,167,01 3,718,7 1,167,01 -41,959, 26,925, 48,224, 9,038,70 II. Balan ce at th e beginn ing of 57,615. 78,253. 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,154. 0.00 582,848 22,848. 04,215. 0.00 1,424.0 0.00 70,546. 0.00 1,424.00 598.57 731.38 416.29 7,719.00 curren t year 00 07 55 .05 00 47 0 62 3,097,7 1,040,0 4,492,6 -259,42 1,875,9 360,166 -5,320,1 -8,365,2 -26,925, -90,184, 1,544,87 III. Ch an ged in th e cu rren t year 92,487. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,233. 0.00 98,632. 5,962.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,607. 0.00 ,022.00 09.40 33.00 731.38 014.86 5,129.05 (“ -“ for decrease) 34 01 95 0 93 1,040,0 1,034,7 2,026,9 -5,320,1 -21,239, 2,005,74 60,233. 40,123. 86,470. 09.40 321.03 7,148.99 (I) Net profit 01 61 02 12,371, 12,371, -52,051, -52,051,8 (II) Oth er misc. income 750.00 750.00 875.00 75.00 1,040,0 1,047,11 2,026,9 12,371, -5,320,1 -52,051, -21,239, 1,953,69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,233. 0.00 1,873.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,470. 0.00 750.00 09.40 875.00 321.03 5,273.99 Total of (I) an d (II) 01 1 02 3,085,4 3,445,5 360,166 -8,365,2 -60,638, -26,925, -64,944, -107,022, (III) In vestmen t or 20,737. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,759. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,022.00 33.00 737.93 731.38 693.83 933.38 decreasin g of capital by own ers 34 34 3,085,4 3,445,5 360,166 -8,365,2 -18,560, -26,925, 1. Capital in pu tted by 20,737. 86,759. 0.00 ,022.00 33.00 498.38 731.38 own ers 34 34 2. Amoun t of sh ares paid an d accoun ted as own ers ’ 0.00 0.00 equ ity -42,078, -64,944, -107,022, 0.00 3. Oth ers 239.55 693.83 933.38 -151,06 -4,000,0 -155,061, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,862.0 0.00 00.00 862.09 (IV) Profit allotmen t 9 1. Providin g of surplu s reserves 0.00 0.00 2. Common risk provision 0.00 0.00 3. Allotmen t to th e own ers 0.00 -151,06 -4,000,0 -155,061, 20 (or sh areh olders) 1,862.0 00.00 862.09 9 4. Oth ers 0.00 0.00 -146,73 -146,735, (V) In tern al tran sferrin g of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,349.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 349.47 own ers’ equ ity 7 1. Capitalizin g of capital reserves (or to capital sh ares) 0.00 0.00 2. Capitalizin g of su rplus reserves (or to capital sh ares) 0.00 0.00 3. Makin g u p losses by su rplu s reserves 0.00 0.00 -146,73 -146,735, 0.00 5,349.4 349.47 4. Oth ers 7 (VI) Special re serves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Provided th is year 0.00 0.00 2. Used th is term 0.00 0.00 (Ⅶ ) Oth er 0.00 0.00 2,685,8 4,635,9 6,634,7 15,076, 2,325,6 1,538,1 1,167,01 5,594,6 10,583,5 1,167,01 -47,279, -41,959, IV. Balan ce at th e en d of th is 23,637. 70,740. 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,387. 0.00 281,481 57,615. 78,253. 0.00 0.00 1,424.0 0.00 95,154. 0.00 82,848.0 1,424.00 707.97 598.57 term 00 41 56 .00 00 07 0 55 5 7.2.5 Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 30 June 2011 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Capital Capital Commo Commo paid in Less: Total of paid in Less: Total of Items Capital Special Surplus n risk Retaine Capital Special Surplus n risk Retaine (or Shares owners’ (or Shares owners’ reserves reserves reserves provisio d profit reserves reserves reserves provisio d profit share in stock equity share in stock equity n n capital) capital) I. Balance at the end of 2,325,657, 1,708,273, 1,167,011, 6,510,462, 11,711,404 2,334,022, 1,859,502, 26,925,73 1,167,011, 4,568,826, 9,902,436, 0.00 0.00 0.00 last year 615.00 332.86 424.00 160.73 ,532.59 848.00 088.33 1.38 424.00 240.68 869.63 Plus: Change of 0.00 0.00 accounting policy Correcting of previous 0.00 0.00 errors Others 0.00 0.00 II. Balance at the 2,325,657, 1,708,273, 1,167,011, 6,510,462, 11,711,404 2,334,022, 1,859,502, 26,925,73 1,167,011, 4,568,826, 9,902,436, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 beginning of current year 615.00 332.86 424.00 160.73 ,532.59 848.00 088.33 1.38 424.00 240.68 869.63 III. Changed in the 360,166,0 3,097,792, 1,119,451, 4,577,409, -8,365,233 -151,228,7 -26,925,73 1,941,635, 1,808,967, current year (“ -“ for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 487.34 435.91 945.25 .00 55.47 1.38 920.05 662.96 decrease) (I) Net profit 1,119,451, 1,119,451, 2,092,697, 2,092,697, 21 435.91 435.91 782.14 782.14 12,371,75 12,371,75 -52,051,87 -52,051,87 (II) Other misc. income 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 12,371,75 1,119,451, 1,131,823, -52,051,87 2,092,697, 2,040,645, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of (I) and (II) 0.00 435.91 185.91 5.00 782.14 907.14 (III) Investment or 360,166,0 3,085,420, 3,445,586, -8,365,233 -18,560,49 -26,925,73 decreasing of capital by 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 737.34 759.34 .00 8.38 1.38 owners 1. Capital inputted 360,166,0 3,085,420, 3,445,586, -8,365,233 -18,560,49 -26,925,73 0.00 by owners 22.00 737.34 759.34 .00 8.38 1.38 2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as 0.00 0.00 owners’ equity 3. Others 0.00 0.00 -151,061,8 -151,061,8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (IV) Profit allotment 62.09 62.09 1. Providing of 0.00 0.00 surplus reserves 2. Common risk 0.00 0.00 provision 3. Allotment to the -151,061,8 -151,061,8 0.00 owners (or shareholders) 62.09 62.09 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (V) Internal -80,616,38 -80,616,38 transferring of owners’ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 equity 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to 0.00 0.00 capital shares) 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to 0.00 0.00 capital shares) 3. Making up losses 0.00 0.00 by surplus reserves -80,616,38 -80,616,38 0.00 4. Others 2.09 2.09 (VI) Special reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Provided this year 0.00 0.00 2. Used this term 0.00 0.00 (Ⅶ ) Other 0.00 0.00 IV. Balance at the end of 2,685,823, 4,806,065, 1,167,011, 7,629,913, 16,288,81 2,325,657, 1,708,273, 1,167,011, 6,510,462, 11,711,404 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 this term 637.00 820.20 424.00 596.64 4,477.84 615.00 332.86 424.00 160.73 ,532.59 22 7.3 Notes to financial report 7.3.1 There are any changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting errors, and the relevant contents, reasons and the amount influenced. □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 7.3.2 Should there be any changes in consolidation scope of the financial statements, give the reasons and amount influenced. √Applicable □Inapplicable 7.3.3 If to be produced with non-standard opinion without reservation, please list the relevant notes to the involved events □ Applicable √ Not Applicable 23