2013 First Quarter Report ofChongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited §1 Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors and senior management of Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein are true, accurate and complete. 1.2 Directors absent from the meeting. Name of the Director Reasons for the absence Name of the consignee Majun On Business Wangkun On Business 1.3 The financial statements of this quarter have not been audited. 1.4 Chairman Mr. Xu Liuping, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin, Chief Accountants Mr. Cui Yunjiang and Mr.Hua Zhanbiao guarantee the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of the quarter report. 1.5 The report shall be presented in both Chinese and English, and should there be any conflicting understanding of the text, the Chinese version shall prevail. §2 Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators In RMB Yuan This report term Same period last year Changed by (%) Turnover 10,177,172,661.12 7,544,180,418.00 34.90% Net profit attributable to the owners of 548,659,958.77 146,392,056.13 274.79% parent company Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company and after deducting 523,388,368.83 139,074,951.83 276.34% of non-recurring gain/loss Cash flow generated by business operation, 1,500,799,885.25 -245,812,599.83 710.55% net Basic gains per share 0.12 0.03 300% Diluted gains per share 0.12 0.03 300% Net earnings / asset 2.60% 0.94% 1.66% Ended this report term Ended previous year Changed by (%) Gross Assets 49,700,559,247.17 46,117,604,792.27 7.77% Owners Equity Attributable to the Parent 16,053,466,233.67 15,512,935,348.07 3.48% Company Accidental gain/loss item and amount Amount of the period from the beginning of Non-recurring gain and loss items year to the end of report term Gain/loss of non-current assets 2,636,680.47 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Companys common business, comply with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed 22,575,295.87 rate or amount. Investment income from the fair value changes of held for trading financial assets or liabilities, and the -332,407.00 disposal of held for trading financial assets, liabilities or available for sale financial assets Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 5,575,428.67 Influenced amount of income tax 4,891,943.91 Influenced amount of miniority shareholders equity 291,464.16 1 Total 25,271,589.94 2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and statement on shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders Unit: share 报告期末股东总数 Ttotaled 172,908, of which141,893 was A share shareholders and 31,015 were B share shareholders. Top 10 Shareholders Pledging or freezing Properties of Shareholding Number of Conditional Name of the shareholder Amou shareholder (%) shares shares Share status nt State-owned China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. 44.93% 2,094,817,480 373,358,342 legal person Foreign legal ZhongHui Fortis Investment Co., Ltd 1.78% 82,849,911 person Foreign legal NORGES BANK 0.9% 41,922,600 person Industrial and commercial bank of Domestic China - hui tian fu growth equity non-state-owned 0.86% 40,000,000 securities investment fund legal person Foreign legal INVESCO FUNDS SERIES 5 0.81% 37,574,086 person Agricultural bank of China - bocom Domestic schroeder growth stock securities non-state-owned 0.79% 36,686,347 investment fund legal person Domestic Agricultural Bank of China- Fullgoal non-state-owned 0.74% 34,555,618 Tianrui Strong Area Hybrid Fund legal person VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC Foreign legal 0.64% 29,945,672 FUND person BIAL/HSBC GLOBAL Foreign legal INVESTMENT FUNDS CHINESE 0.6% 27,984,651 person EQUITY Industrial and commercial bank of Domestic China - peng hua quality governance non-state-owned 0.58% 27,260,944 equity securities investment fund (LOF) legal person Top 10 holders of unconditional shares Amount of shares Category of shares Name of the shareholder without sales restriction Category of shares Amount RMB Ordinary China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. 1,721,459,138 1,721,459,138 share Domestic listed ZhongHui Fortis Investment Co., Ltd 82,849,911 82,849,911 foreign shares Domestic listed NORGES BANK 41,922,600 41,922,600 foreign shares Industrial and commercial bank of China - hui tian fu growth equity RMB Ordinary 40,000,000 40,000,000 securities investment fund share Domestic listed INVESCO FUNDS SERIES 5 37,574,086 37,574,086 foreign shares Agricultural bank of China - bocom schroeder growth stock securities RMB Ordinary 36,686,347 36,686,347 investment fund share RMB Ordinary Agricultural Bank of China- Fullgoal Tianrui Strong Area Hybrid Fund 34,555,618 34,555,618 share 2 Domestic listed VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND 29,945,672 29,945,672 foreign shares Domestic listed BIAL/HSBC GLOBAL INVESTMENT FUNDS CHINESE EQUITY 27,984,651 27,984,651 foreign shares Industrial and commercial bank of China - peng hua quality governance RMB Ordinary 27,260,944 27,260,944 equity securities investment fund (LOF) share Among the largest ten share holders, China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., ZhongHui Fortis Investment Co., Ltd, who agreed to act alike as stipulated in Explanation on the relationship and the action alike of above shareholders Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure Concerning Changes in Shareholdings of Listed Companies. §3 Important Matters 3.1 Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlight and reason of these changes. √Applicable □Not Applicable Balance Sheet Items Mar. 31th 2012 Jan. 1th 2012 Changes 1 Monetary fund 2,609,727,858.26 4,871,199,806.77 -46.43% 2 Other account receivable 200,627,627.37 117,398,622.23 70.89% 3 Construction in process 3,864,763,785.86 2,795,536,908.98 38.25% Income Statement Items Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Changes 4 Sales expense 590,490,261.27 399,034,334.52 47.98% 5 Administrative expense 475,587,216.19 334,074,430.34 42.36% 6 Investment gain 306,098,854.42 529,116,702.27 -42.15% 7 Operational profit 103,752,062.78 730,633,905.90 -85.80% 8 Gross profit 109,369,777.24 782,329,029.91 -86.02% Net profit attributable to the owners of 9 parent company 146,392,056.13 722,338,338.70 -79.73% Cash Flow Statement Items Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Changes Cash flow generated by business 10 operation, net -245,812,599.84 1,585,493,593.08 -115.50% 11 Net cash flow generated by investment -1,435,760,639.20 -1,099,393,537.69 -30.60% 12 Net cash flow generated by financing -580,321,368.51 3,745,963,681.14 -115.49% 13 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -2,261,471,948.52 4,232,191,737.48 -153.44% Balance Sheet Items Mar. 31th 2012 Jan. 1th 2012 Changes 1 Accounts receivable 585,294,272.15 438,384,320.58 33.51% 2 Other receivables 354,162,962.45 133,863,189.40 164.57% 3 Long-term deferred expenses 25,724,901.44 2,055,164.45 1151.72% 4 Payroll payable 265,026,873.68 427,915,773.96 -38.07% 5 Taxes payable 344,469,001.97 49,882,326.93 590.56% 6 Interest payables 102,756,591.67 77,316,091.67 32.90% 7 Other payables 1,276,044,734.05 1,918,249,420.66 -33.48% Income Statement Items Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Changes 8 operating revenue 10,177,172,661.12 7,544,180,418.00 34.90% 9 Operating cost 8,564,981,591.61 6,531,763,201.16 31.13% 10 Business tax and surcharges 354,126,567.59 172,485,147.93 105.31% 3 11 Operating expenses 780,507,921.73 590,490,261.27 32.18% 12 Financial expenses 29,891,157.71 -25,324,416.54 218.03% 13 Investment income 635,318,795.87 306,098,854.42 107.55% 14 Operating profit 533,916,777.66 103,752,062.78 414.61% 15 Non-operating income 30,289,365.23 6,577,277.06 360.52% 16 Total profit 558,443,317.29 109,369,777.24 410.60% 17 Income tax expense 13,406,178.34 -18,814,809.35 171.25% 18 Net profit 545,037,138.95 128,184,586.59 325.20% 19 Net profit attributable to owners 548,659,958.77 146,392,056.13 274.79% Cash Flow Statement Items Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Changes Cash flow generated by business 20 operation, net 1,500,799,885.25 -245,812,599.83 710.55% 21 Net cash flow generated by investment -554,775,406.72 -1,435,760,639.20 61.36% 22 Net cash flow generated by financing -54,800,368.47 -580,321,368.51 90.56% 23 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 891,135,752.41 -2,261,471,948.51 139.41% By the end of report period, the company has total assets of 49.7 billion yuan, increased by 7.77% from the beginning of the year; the total liability is 33.773 billion yuan, increased by 9.91% from the beginning of the year; the asset-liability ratio is 67.95%, increased by 1.33% from the beginning of the year. And the accounts receivable increase from the beginning of the year originates from the sales of Changan bus increase significantly during the report period; other accounts receivable increase from the beginning of the year mainly originates from the advanced energy-saving incentives increase during the reporting period; the long-term prepaid expenses increase from the beginning of the year mainly originates from Changan bus molds increase during the report period; employee compensation payable is less than the beginning of the year mainly originates from the payment of provision for employee compensation at the end of the first half year during the report period; taxes payable is more the beginning of the year mainly originates from VAT payable increased; interest payable is more than the beginning of the year mainly originates from the provision for interest on bonds payable during the report period; other payable is less than the beginning of the year mainly originates from payment on projects under construction, transportation fee and advertising etc. during the reporting period. During the report period, since the production and sales scale of the company expand year on year, the product structure has been optimized, gross profits increase, and JV Changan Ford Automobiles profits greatly increase, so in the first quarter the revenues, operating cost, business tax, additional and sales expenses, investment income, operating profit, total profit and the net profits attributable to the parent company greatly increased. Financial cost rises sharply year on year mainly originates from the newly increased corporate bond interest expense. Non-operating income increase greatly year on year mainly originates from the received subsidies income increased sharply during the report period. During the report period, the companys net increase of cash and cash equivalent is 3.153 billion yuan, up by 139.41% year on year. The main reason is the cash flow of the company operating activities brought by sales increase and products gross profit increase increases dramatically. 3.2 The progress and influence of significant events and the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal □Applicable √Not Applicable 3.3 Commitments make within the report period or persisted to the period by the Company or shareholder with over 5 percent shares held √Applicable □Not Applicable Promise Pormise Commitment Item Promisee Promise content time time limit Performance 1.Will abide by the laws, regulations and rules, By the end of to perform the legal obligations.2. Held by the reporting term, original non-tradable shares from obtaining the Limited conditions right to list and trade date, At least 24 months is of the sale of shares not publicly traded or transferred, The 24 of the company held The commitments months after the expiration of the term of, by the shareholders China Changan Non-tradable shareholders stock exchange of China Changan of stock reform through the sale of shares, The sale of shares of 2094817480 shares, the company accounted for the proportion of the The 1721459138 total number of within 12 months and not more conditions for the than five percent, In 24 months of no more than unlimited sale of ten percent,3. Company in the shares changed shares, The after the completion of According to the national remaining 4 related management systems and methods for 373358342 shares implementing the management equity incentive for the limited plan conditions of the sale of shares, According to the commitments to the management equity incentive plan implemented after the lifting of restrictions on sale 。n order to avoid and eventually solve the possible competition or potential competitors, Better maintain the interests of investors, the company controlling shareholder China Changan commitment:1 In two consecutive years profit of Jiangxi Changhe Auto.CO.Ltd Commitment Other small and Harbin Hf Automobile Industry Group Co, Item1.Y et to shareholders China Changan With the continuous development ability and fulfill the conditions commitment management level is improved significantly under the condition of, Proposed that two 2.It is fulfilling enterprises into the company,2. ]In Changan Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Limited built and put into operation, Proposal will hold its joint venture company equity in all transferred to the company. 3.4 Forecast of operation performance from Jan. – June of 2013 □Applicable √Not Applicable 3.5 Securities Investment □Applicable √Not Applicable 3.6Derivative Investment □Applicable √Not Applicable 3.7 Interviews and visits in the reporting period √Applicable □Not Applicable Date Location manner Reception object Content discussed and material offered Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.1.16 Macquarie Securities Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business GF Fund、Changjiang Securities、Orient Meeting Room, On-Site Securities、Venus Investment、SMC China Automotive Industry Development and 2013.1.23 Changan Headquarters Survey Fund、Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund、 Companys Business Yingda Asset Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.1.24 Citic-Prudential Fund Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Galaxy Asset Management、China Life、 Standard Pacific Capital、Marco Polo Pure Asset Management、Huashang Fund、 Meeting Room, Winnington Capital Limited、Morgan On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.1.30 Stanley Huaxin Funds、Changxin Asset Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Management、Taikang Asset Management、 Huatai Asset Management、HSBC Global Asset Management、Keywise Capital、 China Merchants Fund、CITIC Securities、 5 CITIC Securities International、Advisory Company for SAIF Funds、China Southern Asset Management、Tianhong Asset Management、Greewoods Asset Management Harvest Fund、Tianhong Asset Management、Changxin Asset Management、Pingan Asset Management、 Orient Fund、CCB Principal Asset Management、Franklin Templeton Sealand Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.1.31 Fund、Huatai Securities、China Merchants Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Fund、China International Fund Management、China Asset Management、 Soochow Asset Management、New China Trust、Nanjing Securities、GF Fund Management、Haitong Securities Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.4 China Asset Management、J.P.Morgan Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.4 Golden Nest Capital Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site China Merchants Securities、China Great Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.6 Changan Headquarters Survey Wall Securities Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.20 Overlook Investment Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.21 Chang Jiang Securities Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.2.27 UBS Securities、Zexi Investment Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Minsheng securities、First Capital Automotive Industry Development and 2013.3.7 Changan Headquarters Survey Securities、Golden Eagle Fund Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.3.7 Bosera Funds Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.3.12 Invesco HK Limited Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business Meeting Room, On-Site Automotive Industry Development and 2013.3.13 First Capital Securities Changan Headquarters Survey Companys Business 6 §4. Attachment 4.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Mar.31th 2013 in RMB yuan Account Ending Balance Opening Balance Current assets: Cash 5,090,899,668.23 4,199,763,915.82 Deposit Reservation for Balance Funds loaned to other financial institutions Financial assets held for trading 332,407.00 Notes receivable 10,406,425,504.57 9,364,340,972.00 Accounts receivable 585,294,272.15 438,384,320.58 Prepayments 485,698,195.85 499,042,641.69 Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivable Reinsurance reserve receivable Interest receivable Dividend receivable 450,030.00 450,030.00 Other receivables 354,162,962.45 133,863,189.40 Reverse repurchase agreements Inventories 5,501,573,472.96 4,911,029,980.66 Non-current assets within one year Other current assets 4,774,719.12 Total current assets 22,424,504,106.21 19,551,982,176.27 Non-current assets: Entrustment loans and advances Available-for-sale financial assets 229,111,960.00 233,814,100.00 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 8,222,040,424.32 7,594,311,455.02 Investment properties 1,062,740.99 1,081,565.51 Fixed assets 11,340,001,710.32 11,627,068,108.78 Construction in progress 3,130,627,849.03 2,805,328,886.06 Construction materials 795,898.75 795,898.75 Liquidation of fixed assets 5,116,970.70 2,485,714.76 Productive biological assets Oil and gas asset Intangible assets 2,117,981,399.30 2,133,154,677.81 Development expenditure 388,830,194.31 373,059,730.66 Goodwill 9,804,394.00 9,804,394.00 Long-term deferred expenses 25,724,901.44 2,055,164.45 Deferred tax assets 867,746,539.00 859,267,186.20 7 Other non-current assets 937,210,158.80 923,395,734.00 Total non-current assets 27,276,055,140.96 26,565,622,616.00 TOTAL ASSETS 49,700,559,247.17 46,117,604,792.27 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 1,220,000,000.00 1,250,000,000.00 Due to The Peoples Bank of China Placements of deposits from other financial institutions Funds borrowed from other financial institutions Financial liabilities held for trading Notes payable Accounts payable 7,953,170,976.09 7,201,763,448.62 Advances from customers 4,688,125,561.27 4,251,355,201.69 Repurchase agreements Commission payable Payroll payable 265,026,873.68 427,915,773.96 Taxes payable 344,469,001.97 49,882,326.93 Interest payables 102,756,591.67 77,316,091.67 Dividend payables 79,742.80 79,742.80 Other payables 1,276,044,734.05 1,918,249,420.66 Reinsurance payable Reinsurance reserve payable Commission of security trading Commission of underwriting Non-current liabilities within one year 18,000,000.00 Other current liabilities 1,882,708,222.96 1,518,516,938.67 Total current liabilities 27,489,579,826.39 24,522,077,037.99 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,010,000,000.00 992,000,000.00 Bonds payable 1,963,348,839.97 1,963,348,839.97 Long-term payables 29,776,226.01 31,923,000.00 Special payables 136,397,376.42 131,053,523.96 Provisions 751,553,220.00 676,261,668.40 Deferred tax liabilities 38,713,098.58 37,741,632.06 Other non-current liabilities 2,353,354,871.04 2,372,271,366.91 Total non-current liabilities 6,283,143,632.02 6,204,600,031.30 Total liabilities 33,772,723,458.41 30,726,677,069.29 Owners equity (or Shareholders equity): Paid up capital (or Share capital) 4,662,886,108.00 4,662,886,108.00 Capital reserves 3,084,258,235.43 3,088,935,360.43 Less: Treasury shares Special reserves Surplus reserves 1,441,483,901.07 1,441,483,901.07 General reserve Retained earnings 6,884,450,488.63 6,335,790,529.86 8 Foreign currency reserve -19,612,499.46 -16,160,551.29 Equity attributable to owners 16,053,466,233.67 15,512,935,348.07 Minority interests -125,630,444.91 -122,007,625.09 Total Owners equity (or Shareholders equity) 15,927,835,788.76 15,390,927,722.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS EQUITY( OR SHAREHOLDERS 49,700,559,247.17 46,117,604,792.27 EQUITY) 4.2 Balance Sheet Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Mar.31th 2013 in RMB yuan Account Ending Balance Opening Balance Current assets: Cash 3,601,475,468.87 3,081,165,146.84 Financial assets held for trading Notes receivable 9,003,961,705.07 7,803,725,888.00 Accounts receivable 869,828,352.58 1,071,345,619.44 Prepayments 447,301,243.61 397,342,870.76 Interest receivable Dividend receivable 450,030.00 450,030.00 Other receivables 594,548,998.63 315,576,507.71 Inventories 3,672,499,593.26 3,396,111,119.31 Non-current assets within one year Other current assets Total current assets 18,190,065,392.02 16,065,717,182.06 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets 153,005,000.00 158,507,500.00 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 9,517,871,313.05 8,885,998,867.75 Investment properties Fixed assets 9,981,453,410.72 10,191,569,154.86 Construction in progress 2,862,452,017.00 2,571,337,326.77 Construction materials 795,898.75 795,898.75 Liquidation of fixed assets 2,485,714.76 Intangible assets 1,936,963,565.95 1,964,748,143.27 Development expenditure 367,588,635.85 354,257,952.32 Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 675,300.00 720,320.00 Deferred tax assets 744,567,226.73 740,904,515.31 Other non-current assets 937,210,158.80 923,395,734.00 Total non-current assets 26,502,582,526.85 25,794,721,127.79 TOTAL ASSETS 44,692,647,918.87 41,860,438,309.85 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 1,170,000,000.00 1,170,000,000.00 Financial liabilities held for trading Notes payable 7,575,835,248.92 6,066,445,485.27 9 Accounts payable 5,876,004,122.64 5,183,680,120.27 Advances from customers 3,652,019,230.80 3,466,741,620.70 Payroll payable 225,728,265.89 374,013,646.52 Taxes payable 518,582,593.32 290,496,103.52 Interest payable 102,756,591.67 77,316,091.67 Dividend payable Other payables 1,037,097,434.31 1,607,748,312.60 Non-current liabilities within one year Other current liabilities 1,308,818,045.95 1,068,916,123.41 Total current liabilities 21,466,841,533.50 19,305,357,503.96 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 900,000,000.00 900,000,000.00 Bonds payable 1,963,348,839.97 1,963,348,839.97 Long-term payables Special payables 70,811,006.04 69,225,925.06 Provisions 461,636,247.37 332,489,210.32 Deferred tax liabilities 19,518,750.00 20,344,125.00 Other non-current liabilities 2,293,532,222.92 2,308,856,151.75 Total non-current liabilities 5,708,847,066.30 5,594,264,252.10 Total liabilities 27,175,688,599.80 24,899,621,756.06 Owners’ equity (or Shareholders’ equity): Paid up capital (or Share capital) 4,662,886,108.00 4,662,886,108.00 Capital reserves 3,346,958,642.87 3,351,635,767.87 Less: Treasury shares Special reserves Surplus reserves 1,441,483,901.07 1,441,483,901.07 General reserve Retained earnings 8,065,630,667.13 7,504,810,776.85 Foreign currency reserve Equity attributable to owners 17,516,959,319.07 16,960,816,553.79 44,692,647,918.87 41,860,438,309.85 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY( OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY) 10 4.3 Consolidated Income Statement of the report term Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Mar 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Period I. Total operating revenue 10,177,172,661.12 7,544,180,418.00 Including: operating revenue 10,177,172,661.12 7,544,180,418.00 II. Total operating cost 10,278,242,272.33 7,745,001,410.01 Including: Operating cost 8,564,981,591.61 6,531,763,201.16 Business tax and surcharges 354,126,567.59 172,485,147.93 Operating expenses 780,507,921.73 590,490,261.27 General and administrative expenses 548,735,033.69 475,587,216.19 Financial expenses 29,891,157.71 -25,324,416.54 Impairment loss on assets -332,407.00 -1,525,799.63 Add: Profit and loss from fair value changes (- represent loss) 635,318,795.87 306,098,854.42 Investment income (- represent loss) 627,728,969.30 3,060,988.54 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture III. Operating profit (- represent loss) 533,916,777.66 103,752,062.78 Add: Non-operating income 30,289,365.23 6,577,277.06 Less: Non-operating expenses 5,762,825.60 959,562.60 3,048,050.91 116,611.97 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets IV. Total profit(- represent loss) 558,443,317.29 109,369,777.24 Less: Income tax expense 13,406,178.34 -18,814,809.35 V. Net profit (- represent net loss) 545,037,138.95 128,184,586.59 Including: The net profit of the combined parties before business combination Net profit attributable to owners 548,659,958.77 146,392,056.13 Minority interests -3,622,819.82 -18,207,469.54 VI. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.12 0.03 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.12 0.03 VII. Other comprehensive income -4,677,125.00 4,362,625.00 VIII. Total comprehensive income 540,360,013.95 132,547,211.59 543,982,833.77 150,754,681.13 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners -3,622,819.82 -18,207,469.54 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest 11 4.4 Income Statement of the report term Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Mar 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. Operating revenue 8,561,947,652.87 5,491,951,113.71 Less: Operating cost 7,258,831,372.32 4,683,804,973.81 Business tax and surcharges 311,169,762.91 131,646,607.03 Operating expenses 582,599,228.94 388,993,049.19 General and administrative expenses 477,292,529.33 472,662,930.89 Financial expenses 26,650,200.09 -16,990,542.78 Impairment loss on assets Add: Profit and loss from fair value Changes (- represent loss) 635,451,445.30 306,098,854.42 Investment income (- represent loss) 627,728,969.30 306,098,854.42 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture II. Operating profit (- represent loss) 540,856,004.58 137,932,949.99 Add: Non-operating income 27,457,914.10 2,183,431.48 Less: Non-operating expenses 4,720,168.97 663,852.68 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 563,593,749.71 139,452,528.79 III. Total profit(- represent loss) Less: Non-operating expenses 2,773,859.43 -23,133,599.97 IV. Net profit (- represent net loss) 560,819,890.28 162,586,128.76 V. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.12 0.03 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.12 0.03 VI. Other comprehensive income -4,677,125.00 7,091,125.00 VII. Total comprehensive income 556,142,765.28 169,677,253.76 4.5 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term. Prepared by: Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Mar 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: 9,456,516,906.10 5,880,297,932.61 Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services Net increase in customer deposits and placements of deposits from other financial institutions Net increase in amounts due to the Central Bank Net decrease in funds loaned to other financial institutions Cash receipts from primary insurance contract Net cash receipts from reinsurance agreement 12 Net increase in saving from incident and investment deposit Net increase in disposal of financial assets held for trading Cash receipts from interest and fee and commission income Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions Net increase in repurchase agreements Refunds of taxes 10,048,351.20 11,682,702.56 Cash received relating to other operating activities 59,305,479.93 86,027,824.84 Sub-total of cash inflows 9,525,870,737.23 5,978,008,460.01 Cash paid for goods and services 5,427,325,583.98 4,373,974,228.81 Net increase in loans and advances Net increase in amounts due from the Central Bank and placements of deposits with other financial institutions Cash payments for primary insurance contract Cash payments for interest and fee and commission expenses Cash payments for policy dividend Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 803,739,293.46 650,298,079.34 Cash paid for all types of taxes 689,258,251.17 313,852,817.77 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 1,104,747,723.37 885,695,933.92 Sub-total of cash outflows 8,025,070,851.98 6,223,821,059.84 Net cash flows from operating activities 1,500,799,885.25 -245,812,599.83 II. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from disposal of investments Cash received from return on investments 3,601,884.11 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 80,000.00 89,229.83 long-term assets Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary receipts upon a acquisition Cash received relating to other investing activities 5,653,333.33 22,080,837.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 9,335,217.44 22,170,066.83 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 561,864,624.16 1,446,936,869.03 long-term assets Cash paid for acquisition of investments 2,246,000.00 9,000,000.00 Net increase in pledged loan Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other business units Cash paid relating to other investing activities 1,993,837.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 564,110,624.16 1,457,930,706.03 Net cash flows from investing activities -554,775,406.72 -1,435,760,639.20 III. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from absorbing investment 13 Including: cash received from absorbing investment from minority interest of subsidiary Cash received from borrowings 30,000,000.00 Cash received from issuing bond Cash received relating to other financing activities 6,318,045.63 11,270,706.73 Sub-total of cash inflows 36,318,045.63 11,270,706.73 Cash repayments of borrowings 60,000,000.00 80,000,000.00 30,760,883.99 14,359,656.64 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses Including: cash paid for dividends or profits and interest expenses to minority interest of subsidiary Cash paid relating to other financing activities 357,530.11 497,232,418.60 Sub-total of cash outflows 91,118,414.10 591,592,075.24 Net cash flows from financing activities -54,800,368.47 -580,321,368.51 -88,357.65 422,659.03 IV. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN EXCHANGE RATE ON CASH 891,135,752.41 -2,261,471,948.51 V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 4,199,763,915.82 4,871,199,806.77 5,090,899,668.23 2,609,727,858.26 VI. CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT 4.6 Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term. Prepared by: Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Mar 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: 7,565,867,402.10 4,324,743,942.20 Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services Refunds of taxes 4,883,000.00 69,135,929.84 110,007,173.96 Cash received relating to other operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows 7,639,886,331.94 4,434,751,116.16 Cash paid for goods and services 4,269,830,504.85 3,272,725,291.94 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 641,718,057.16 489,472,593.66 Cash paid for all types of taxes 587,976,694.66 218,440,425.92 1,014,736,367.01 804,057,558.55 Cash paid relating to other operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows 6,514,261,623.68 4,784,695,870.07 Net cash flows from operating activities 1,125,624,708.26 -349,944,753.91 II. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from disposal of investments Cash received from return on investments 5,825,000.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 25,969.23 long-term assets Cash received from disposal of subsidiary and other business units 14 87,000.00 Cash received relating to other investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows 5,825,000.00 112,969.23 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 531,195,136.23 1,415,597,386.02 long-term assets Cash paid for acquisition of investments 2,246,000.00 9,000,000.00 Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other business units 50,000,000.00 Cash paid relating to other investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows 583,441,136.23 1,424,597,386.02 Net cash flows from investing activities -577,616,136.23 -1,424,484,416.79 III. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received from borrowings Cash received from issuing bond Cash received relating to other financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows Cash repayments of borrowings 27,698,250.00 13,516,101.08 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses 496,928,515.34 Cash paid relating to other financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows 27,698,250.00 510,444,616.42 Net cash flows from financing activities -27,698,250.00 -510,444,616.42 IV. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN EXCHANGE RATE ON CASH 520,310,322.03 -2,284,873,787.12 V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 3,081,165,146.84 3,748,480,642.89 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 3,601,475,468.87 1,463,606,855.77 VI. CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT 4.7 Auditors’Report Auditing Opinion: Unaudited 15