2013Third Quarter Report of Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited §1 Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors and senior management of Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein are true, accurate and complete. 1.2 None of the directors, supervisors, senior management demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of this quarterly report. 1.3 Directors absent from the meeting. Name of the Director Reasons for the absence Name of the consignee Xv Liuping On Business Dong Yang On Business 1.4 The financial statements of this quarter have not been audited. 1.5 Chairman Mr. xv Liuping, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin, Chief Accountants Mr. Cui Yunjiang and Mr. Hua ZhanBiao guarantee the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of the quarter report. 1.6 The report shall be presented in both Chinese and English, and should there be any conflicting understanding of the text, the Chinese version shall prevail. §2 Financial Highlight and Changes in Shareholders 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators In RMB Yuan 2013.9.30 2012.12.31 Increase/decrease (%) Total asset 50,174,919,209.62 46,117,604,792.27 8.80% Net profit attributable to the 17,563,354,696.41 15,512,935,348.26 13.22% shareholders of the listed company Changes of Changes of Reporting Reporting Period on Jul-Sep. 2013 Jan.-Sep. 2013 Period on the same the same Period last Period last year (%) year (%) operation total income 8,283,838,625.34 34.1% 28,034,793,306.31 38.64% Net profit attributable to shareholders 953,546,643.17 415.22% 2,284,516,469.50 202.54% of the listed company Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 936,848,675.52 1,339.34% 2,236,370,302.09 206.25% and after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss Net cash flow generated by business -- -- 2,876,342,867.38 261.37% operation Basic earnings per share 0.20 400% 0.49 206.25% Diluted earning per share 0.20 400% 0.49 206.25% Return rate on net assets 5.59% 4.73% 13.72% 10.26% Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses Project Amount Gain/loss of non-current assets (including the write-off of assets depreciation reserves) -3,740,587.56 The government subsidies included in the current profits and losses (except government 59,065,424.47 subsidies closely related to corporate business, entitled in fixed quota or quantity) Profit and loss from contingency items irrelevant with normal business of the Company profit and loss -332,407.00 from fair value changes by holding of transaction financial assets and liabilities, except effective hedging 1 business related to normal business of the Company, and investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets and liabilities as well as financial assets available for sale Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above items 4,439,413.89 Subtract: Influenced amount of income tax 10,248,032.59 Influenced amount of miniority shareholders’ equity (after tax) 1,037,643.80 Total 48,146,167.41 2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and statement on shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders Unit: share Total amount of shareholders at the The total amount of shareholders is 116,779 ,and A shareholder is 99,153 ,B shareholder end of report period is 17,626. Top 10 Shareholder Information Shareholding Share amount of infinite share Share amount Nature of amount at the condition Shareholder Name stake(%) of limited sale shareholders end of report condition share status amount period China Changan Automobile Group state owned legal no pledge or 43.92% 2,047,750,037 373,358,342 Co., Ltd. person freeze Zhonghui Fortis Investment Co., foreign legal no pledge or 1.78% 82,849,911 Ltd. person shares freeze VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC foreign legal no pledge or 1.7% 79,460,790 FUND person shares freeze National Social Security Fund- domestic non-state no pledge or 0.9% 42,014,767 Portfolio 102 legal person share freeze BIAL/HSBC GLOBAL no pledge or oreign legal person INVESTMENT FUNDS CHINESE 0.86% 39,928,228 freeze shares EQUITY China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.- no pledge or domestic non-state freeze share out bonus-personal 0.82% 38,269,154 legal person share bonus-005L-FH002 depth HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA oreign legal person no pledge or 0.81% 37,963,732 VALUE FUND shares freeze Boshi value growth securites domestic non-state no pledge or 0.79% 36,718,346 investment fund legal person share freeze Agricultural Bank of China—Bank no pledge or of Communications Schroeder domestic non-state freeze 0.79% 36,686,347 growth stock securites investment legal person share fund DRAGON BILLION CHINA oreign legal person no pledge or 0.74% 34,302,861 MASTER FUND shares freeze Top 10 Shareholder Information of Infinite Sale Condition 股份种类 股东名称 持有无限售条件股份数量 股份种类 数量 China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd. 1,674,391,695 RMB Common Stock 1,674,391,695 Zhonghui Fortis Investment Co., Ltd. 82,849,911 domestic foreign share 82,849,911 VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND 79,460,790domestic foreign share 79,460,790 National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 102 42,014,767RMB Common Stock 42,014,767 BIAL/HSBC GLOBAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 39,928,228domestic foreign share 39,928,228 CHINESE EQUITY China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-share out bonus- 38,269,154RMB Common Stock 38,269,154 personal bonus-005L-FH002 depth HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND 37,963,732domestic foreign share 37,963,732 2 Boshi value growth securites investment fund 36,718,346RMB Common Stock 36,718,346 Agricultural Bank of China—Bank of Communications 36,686,347RMB Common Stock 36,686,347 Schroeder growth stock securites investment fund DRAGON BILLION CHINA MASTER FUND 34,302,861domestic foreign share 34,302,861 Among the top 10 shareholders, China Changan Automobile Group Co., Correlation or concerted action among top 10 infinite Ltd., the controlling shareholder, and its wholly owned subsidiary sale tradable share holders, and between top 10 infinite Zhonghui Futong Investment Co., Ltd. belong to the concerted actor sale tradable share holders and top 10 shareholders. regulated by “Disclosure Administration of Shares Change Information of The Listed Company”. §3 Important Matters 3.1 Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlight and reason of these changes. √Applicable □Not Applicable Balance Sheet Items Sep. 30 2012 Jan. 1th 2012 Changes 1 Cash 6,315,826,783.78 4,199,763,915.82 50.39% 2 Accounts receivable 765,082,018.20 438,384,320.58 74.52% 3 Other receivables 377,940,592.60 133,863,189.40 182.33% 4 Development expenditure 548,996,618.07 373,059,730.66 47.16% 5 Short-term loans 268,000,000.00 1,250,000,000.00 -78.56% 6 Notes payable 10,268,629,713.00 7,808,998,092.99 31.50% 7 Taxes payable 20,510,928.03 49,882,326.93 -58.88% 8 Interest payables 49,203,208.31 77,316,091.67 -36.36% 9 Other payables 1,324,339,630.50 1,918,249,420.49 -30.96% 10 Other current liabilities 2,014,076,368.65 1,518,516,938.67 32.63% 11 Long-term loans 1,741,000,000.00 992,000,000.00 75.50% 12 Special payables 186,575,492.87 131,053,523.96 42.37% 13 Provisions 945,669,188.39 676,261,668.40 39.84% 14 Retained earnings 8,387,522,527.75 6,335,790,529.86 32.38% Income Statement Items Jan-Sep 2013 Jan-Sep 2012 Changes 15 operating revenue 28,034,793,306.31 20,221,387,319.78 38.64% 16 Operating cost 23,370,950,061.12 16,863,063,104.97 38.59% 17 Business tax and surcharges 912,168,348.84 497,057,985.18 83.51% 18 Operating expenses 2,494,903,123.80 1,862,322,470.92 33.97% 19 Financial expenses 73,306,186.63 9,598,248.77 663.75% 20 Impairment loss on assets 123,431,505.00 -8,990,597.50 1472.90% 21 Investment income 3,119,847,794.75 1,016,133,493.78 207.03% 22 Non-operating income 79,464,797.94 243,486,124.17 -67.36% 23 Non-operating expenses 19,699,508.14 6,638,357.96 196.75% 24 Operating profit 2,180,031,034.19 394,921,832.76 452.02% 25 Total profit 2,239,796,323.99 631,769,598.97 254.53% 26 Income tax expense -12,830,236.70 -94,661,873.35 86.45% 3 27 Net profit 2,252,626,560.69 726,431,472.32 210.09% 28 Net profit attributable to owners 2,284,516,469.50 755,104,840.81 202.54% Cash Flow Statement Items Jan-Sep 2013 Jan-Sep 2012 Changes Net cash flows from operating 29 2,876,342,867.38 795,948,990.40 261.37% activities Net cash flow generated by 30 -144,598,490.68 -3,442,903,892.86 95.80% investment Net cash flow generated by 31 -614,613,044.00 1,245,667,849.54 -149.34% financing Net increase of cash and cash 32 2,116,062,867.96 -1,400,455,236.48 251.10% equivalents In the reporting period, the production and sales growth rate of the Company kept outpacing the industry growth rate, the profit growth maintained higher than the revenue growth, while the income growth was higher than the sales growth. As of the reporting period, the Company had total assets of 50.175 billion Yuan, with an increase of 8.8% over the beginning of the year; total liabilities of 32.765 billion Yuan, with an increase of 6.64% over the beginning of the year; the asset-liability ratio is 65.3 %, decreased by 1.32% than the beginning of the year. Among the items in the balance sheet, the monetary funds, accounts receivable and notes payable increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the increase of the Company's sales revenue; Other receivables increased significantly over the beginning of the year mainly due to the energy subsidies receivable and advertising expenses; Development expenditure increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the increase capitalization of the research and development projects; The short-term borrowings decreased than the beginning of the year mainly due to the repayment of bank borrowings; Taxes payable was less than the beginning of the year mainly due to the final settlement of the corporate income tax; Payable interest was less than the beginning of the year mainly due to the payment of the interest on corporate bonds; Other payables were less than the beginning of the year mostly mainly due to the payment of the projects in progress; Other current liabilities increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the prepayment of the transportation costs caused by the increase of the production and sales; the change of the long-term borrowings over the beginning of the year mainly due to the improvement of the debt structure; Special payables increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the R & D funding for special research projects being received; Accrued liabilities increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the prepayment of the "three guarantees" expense caused by the increase of the sales; Retained earnings increased over the beginning of the year mainly due to the increase in earnings. From January to September, 2013, on account of the expansion of automobile production and sales, the optimization of product structure and a significant increase in profit of the JV Changan Ford Automobile, the operating income, operating costs, business taxes and surcharges, sales expenses, investment income, operating profit , total profit and net profit attributable to the parent company increased substantially;Financial cost increased substantially Y-o-y mainly due to the increase of the interest of the corporate bonds and the increase of the loans from financial institutions; Asset impairment losses increased significantly mainly due to inventory write-down provision loss, fixed assets impairment and impairment of intangible assets; Non-operating income decreased a lot Y-o-y mainly due to the significant decrease of the received financial subsidy income in the reporting period; Substantial increase in non-operating income was mainly to the increase of incentives and donations; Income tax expenses increased mainly due to the increase of the deferred income tax expense. From January to September, 2013, the Company has achieved 2,116,000,000 Yuan of net increase in cash and cash equivalents, with an increase of 251.1% Y-o-y. Of which the subtotal of cash flow generated from operating activities was 2.876 billion Yuan, with an increase of 2.08 billion Yuan of inflow Y-o-y, mainly due to the increase of the cash received from car sales Y-o-y;Net cash flow generated from investment activities was -0.144 billion Yuan, with a decrease of 3.298 billion Yuan of outflow Y-o-y, mainly due to the decrease of the receipt of the cash dividends from Changan Ford and decrease of cash payment for construction of fixed assets; Net cash flow generated from financing activities was -0.615 billion Yuan, with a decrease of 1.86 billion Yuan of inflow, mainly due to the issue bonds of the Company at the same period of last year. 3.2 The progress and influence of significant events and the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal The 7th meeting of the 6th meeting of the board of directors examined and approved “Proposal on the acquisition of 50% stake of Changan Peugeot Citroen Automobile co., LTD. from China Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd”. The company plans to raise money to purchase 50% CAPSA stake from China Changan, and submit it to the 4th temporary shareholders' meeting of 2012 for approval. At present, the follow-up work go under the government approval process, and it’s expected to be completed within the year. For details, see the relevant announcements disclosed at CNINF www.cninfo.com.cn. Disclosure Description of the Important Items Interim reports disclosure Web Query Date Special related transaction announcement on Dec.11,2012 http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-12-11/61893802.PDF acquisition of 50% equity capital of CAPSA Compensation commitment Dec.20,2012 http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-12-20/61928982.PDF announcement on 50% equity capital of CAPSA 4 3.3 The fulfillment of the commitment made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller √Applicable □Not Applicable Commitme period for commitments commitor Commitment content Performance nt time commitment By the end of report period, China Changan, 1. Abide by the provisions of laws, limited-conditions regulations and rules, implement legal sale shareholder, commitments and duties. 2. The holds 2,047,750,037 original non-tradable shares since the shares of the date obtaining the public right do not company shares, trade or transfer at least within 24 among which months; when expired after 24 months, 1,674,391,695 non-tradable shareholders through shares are unlimited stock exchange sell shares, the sold sale condition Share reform commitments China Changan quantity proportion of the total number shares, the of the company is no more than 5% remaining within 12 months, no more than 10% 373,358,342 shares within 24 months. 3. After the are limited sale completion of share reform, the shares. According to company will implement management the share reform equity incentive plan according to the promise, sales national related management system restriction will be and method. cancelled after the management equity incentive plan is implemented. To avoid and eventually solve possible competition or potential competition, Commitments: and to better maintain company 1.not reach interests of investment, China implement Changan, the company controlling condition; shareholder commitments:⒈Jiangxi Commitments: Other commitments on Changhe Automobile Co., Ltd. and Harbin Hafei Automobile Industry 2Being fulfilled minority shareholders of the (Please refer to company China Changan Group Co., LTD. earning for the next year in a row, and have sustainable Section Two: The development ability and management instructions of the level improved significantly, proposed progress of the to make the two companies into the important events company; 2. When Changan Peugeot and their impact and Citroen Automobile co., LTD. built solutions). and put into production, it’s proposed to transfer JV shares to the company. 3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons □Applicable √Not Applicable 3.5Particular about security investment Holding other listing Corporation ownership situation description √Applicable □Non-applicable Initial Opening Opening Closing Closing Gain/loss in Company Company investment equity equity equity equity Closing book the Accounting Equity value (RMB reporting name variety cost (RMB Holdings holding ratio holdings Holdings title source Yuan) period Yuan) (share) (%) (share) (%) (RMB 5 Yuan) Tradable Southwest Securities Initial 50,000,000 17,750,000 0.76% 17,750,000 0.76% 160,105,000 1,775,000 financial Securities Firm investment assets Tradable 2The 2011 financial merger of Hua Xia Commercial assets bank 8,149,714 7,276,000 0.11% 9,458,800 0.11% 70,657,236 3,419,720 Changan Bank Financial bus assets for investment trade Total 58,149,714 -- -- 230,762,236 5,194,720 3.6 Investments in derivatives In order to avoid the risk of exchange rate changes, The company’s subsidiary Chongqing Changan International Automobile Sales Service Co., ltd. started forward settlement of foreign exchange business during the reporting period; the cumulative signed forward foreign exchange contract accounted for about $78milllion. The first three quarters has delivered $44million, the rest $34million in the fourth quarter. Company’s 10th session of the 6th board of directors meeting evaluated and passed the "On the initiation of forward settlement of foreign exchange by the Company and its subsidiaries”, which approved that in 2013 the Company’s subsidiary Chongqing Changan International Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. started forward settlement of foreign exchange of no more than RMB 500million yuan, with a term of 1 year, and that the Company headquarters started forward settlement of foreign exchange of no more than RMB 500million yuan, with a term of 1 year. By the end of the reporting period, the company’s derivatives investment had been in accordance with the resolution. 3.7 Interviews and visits in the reporting period Main content involved and Time/date Place Way Visitor type Visitors material provided Meeting Room, Automotive Industry Matthews International Capital 2013.7.1 On-Site Survey Institution Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Management,LLCe Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.7.2 On-Site Survey Institution Credit Suisse Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry Bosera Funds、Pingan Asset 2013.7.17 On-Site Survey Institution Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Management Co.,LTD. Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.7.18 On-Site Survey Institution SAC Capital Advisors Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Meeting Room, Orient Securities Asset Automotive Industry 2013.7.24 On-Site Survey Institution Management Company Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Limited Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry telephone 2013.8.30 Institution CITIC Securities Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters conference Business Minsheng Royal Fund、Chang Automotive Industry Meeting Room, 2013.8.30 On-Site Survey Institution Jiang Securities、China Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Post&Capital Fund Southwest Securities、Morgan Automotive Industry Meeting Room, 2013.9.3 On-Site Survey Institution Stanley Huaxin Funds、 Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Changcheng Securities SMC China Fund、Zhonghai Fund、Taikang Asset Meeting Room, Management、China Automotive Industry 2013.9.4 On-Site Survey Institution Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters International Capital CO.、 Business Shenyin&Wanguo Securities、 China Life、Hedge Fund Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.10 On-Site Survey Institution Citibank、AFA Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business 6 CITIC Securities、Trivest Advisors、Huarong Securities、Automotive Industry Meeting Room, 2013.9.17 On-Site Survey Institution Southwest Securities、China Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Asset Management、Advisory Business Company for SAIF Funds Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.18 On-Site Survey Institution China Life Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.18 On-Site Survey Institution CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.22 On-Site Survey Institution Arohi Asset Management Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business China Securities Co、China Life、Sun Life Everbright Life、 Citic-Prudential Fund、Guangfa Securities、Huashang Fund、 Tianhong Asset Management、 Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.25 On-Site Survey Institution Guodu Securities、Changsheng Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Fund Management、GF Fund、Business Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund、Guotai Junan Allianz Fund Management、China Asset Managemen、Harvest Fund Meeting Room, Automotive Industry 2013.9.26 On-Site Survey Institution Huachuang Securities Development and Company’s Changan Headquarters Business §4. Attachment 1. Financial statements 1、Consolidated Balance Sheet Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Sep. 30 2013 in RMB yuan Account Ending Balance Opening Balance Current assets: Cash 6,315,826,783.78 4,199,763,915.82 Deposit Reservation for Balance Funds loaned to other financial institutions Financial assets held for trading 332,407.00 Notes receivable 8,130,111,172.41 9,364,340,972.00 Accounts receivable 765,082,018.20 438,384,320.58 Prepayments 538,744,496.58 499,042,641.69 Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivable Reinsurance reserve receivable Interest receivable Dividend receivable 0.00 450,030.00 Other receivables 377,940,592.60 133,863,189.40 7 Reverse repurchase agreements Inventories 5,689,025,167.79 4,911,029,980.66 Non-current assets within one year Other current assets 1,245,557.94 4,774,719.12 Total current assets 21,817,975,789.30 19,551,982,176.27 Non-current assets: Entrustment loans and advances Available-for-sale financial assets 230,762,236.00 233,814,100.00 Held-to-maturity investments 0 Long-term receivables 0 Long-term equity investments 9,069,793,217.73 7,594,311,455.02 Investment properties 1,025,091.95 1,081,565.51 Fixed assets 12,154,691,781.21 11,627,068,108.78 Construction in progress 2,451,505,468.73 2,805,328,886.06 Construction materials 795,898.75 795,898.75 Liquidation of fixed assets 5,126,610.62 2,485,714.76 Productive biological assets Oil and gas asset Intangible assets 2,020,382,746.85 2,133,154,677.81 Development expenditure 548,996,618.07 373,059,730.66 Goodwill 9,804,394.00 9,804,394.00 Long-term deferred expenses 1,494,596.79 2,055,164.45 Deferred tax assets 925,113,187.02 859,267,186.20 Other non-current assets 937451572.6 923395734 Total non-current assets 28,356,943,420.32 26,565,622,616.00 TOTAL ASSETS 50,174,919,209.62 46,117,604,792.27 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 268,000,000.00 1,250,000,000.00 Due to The People’s Bank of China Placements of deposits from other financial institutions Funds borrowed from other financial institutions Financial liabilities held for trading Notes payable 10,268,629,713.00 7,808,998,092.99 Accounts payable 6,969,309,946.31 7,201,763,448.59 Advances from customers 4,085,726,386.95 4,251,355,201.70 Repurchase agreements Commission payable Payroll payable 518,369,915.58 427,915,773.96 Taxes payable 20,510,928.03 49,882,326.93 Interest payables 49,203,208.31 77,316,091.67 Dividend payables 624,840.28 79,742.80 8 Other payables 1,324,339,630.50 1,918,249,420.49 Reinsurance payable Reinsurance reserve payable Commission of security trading Commission of underwriting Non-current liabilities within one year 0 18000000 Other current liabilities 2,014,076,368.65 1,518,516,938.67 Total current liabilities 25,518,790,937.61 24,522,077,037.80 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,741,000,000.00 992,000,000.00 Bonds payable 1,966,287,279.94 1963348840 Long-term payables Special payables 186,575,492.87 131,053,523.96 Provisions 945,669,188.39 676,261,668.40 Deferred tax liabilities 38,110,795.30 37,741,632.06 Other non-current liabilities 2,369,028,353.00 2,404,194,366.91 Total non-current liabilities 7,246,671,109.50 6,204,600,031.30 Total liabilities 32,765,462,047.11 30,726,677,069.10 Owners’ equity(or shareholders’ equity) Paid up capital (or Share capital) 4,662,886,108.00 4,662,886,108.00 Capital reserves 3,086,806,212.43 3,088,935,360.43 Less: Treasury shares Special reserves 1701820.1 Surplus reserves 1,441,483,901.26 1,441,483,901.26 General reserve Retained earnings 8,387,522,527.75 6,335,790,529.86 Foreign currency reserve -17045873.13 -16,160,551.29 Equity attributable to owners 17,563,354,696.41 15,512,935,348.26 Minority interests -153,897,533.90 -122,007,625.09 Total Owners’ equity (or Shareholders’ equity) 17,409,457,162.51 15,390,927,723.17 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY( OR SHAREHOLDERS’ 50,174,919,209.62 46,117,604,792.27 EQUITY) 2、Balance Statement Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Sep. 30 2013 in RMB yuan Account Ending Balance Opening Balance Current assets: Cash 4,814,054,114.35 3,081,165,146.84 Financial assets held for trading Notes receivable 6,941,078,601.43 7,803,725,888.00 Accounts receivable 1,428,638,846.32 1,071,345,619.44 9 Prepayments 691,798,074.53 397,342,870.76 Interest receivable Dividend receivable 450,030.00 Other receivables 626,948,521.37 315,576,507.71 Inventories 4,631,665,155.45 3,396,111,119.31 Non-current assets within one year Other current assets 31,550.73 Total current assets 19,134,214,864.18 16,065,717,182.06 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets 160,105,000.00 158,507,500.00 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 10,366,778,630.46 8,885,998,867.75 Investment properties Fixed assets 10,726,928,271.13 10,191,569,154.86 Construction in progress 2,221,168,880.57 2,571,337,326.77 Construction materials 795,898.75 795,898.75 Liquidation of fixed assets 943.39 2485714.76 Productive biological assets Oil and gas asset Intangible assets 1,844,962,702.83 1,964,748,143.27 Development expenditure 499,204,285.36 354,257,952.32 Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 585,260.00 720,320.00 Deferred tax assets 805,690,288.65 740,904,515.31 Other non-current assets 937451572.6 923395734 Total non-current assets 27,563,671,733.74 25,794,721,127.79 TOTAL ASSETS 46,697,886,597.92 41,860,438,309.85 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 200,000,000.00 1,170,000,000.00 Financial liabilities held for trading Notes payable 7,880,649,641.39 6,066,445,485.27 Accounts payable 5,687,190,196.96 5,183,680,120.24 Advances from customers 3,810,402,008.21 3,466,741,620.70 Payroll payable 469,361,549.24 374,013,646.52 Taxes payable 264,148,105.88 290,496,103.52 Interest payable 48,803,208.33 77,316,091.67 Dividend payable 545,097.48 Other payables 978,497,436.36 1,607,748,312.43 Non-current liabilities within one year Other current liabilities 1,580,039,258.39 1,068,916,123.41 10 Total current liabilities 20,919,636,502.24 19,305,357,503.76 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans 1,640,000,000.00 900,000,000.00 Bonds payable 1,966,287,279.94 1,963,348,839.97 Long-term payables Special payables 121,125,336.95 69,225,925.06 Provisions 620,784,163.17 332,489,210.32 Deferred tax liabilities 20,583,750.00 20,344,125.00 Other non-current liabilities 2,269,151,345.79 2,308,856,151.75 Total non-current liabilities 6,637,931,875.85 5,594,264,252.10 Total liabilities 27,557,568,378.09 24,899,621,755.86 Owners’ equity (or Shareholders’ equity): Paid up capital (or Share capital) 4,662,886,108.00 4,662,886,108.00 Capital reserves 3,352,993,642.88 3,351,635,767.88 Less: Treasury shares Special reserves 295,167.16 Surplus reserves 1,441,483,901.26 1,441,483,901.26 General reserve Retained earnings 9,682,659,400.53 7,504,810,776.85 Foreign currency reserve Equity attributable to owners 19,140,318,219.83 16,960,816,553.99 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY( OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY) 46,697,886,597.92 41,860,438,309.85 3、Consolidated Income Statement Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jul-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Period I. Total operating revenue 8,283,838,625.34 6,177,156,765.94 Including: operating revenue 8,283,838,625.34 6,177,156,765.94 Interest income Earned premium Fee and commission income II. Total operating cost 8,726,376,349.36 6,451,399,545.34 Including: Operating cost 6,878,873,563.99 5,039,812,793.79 Interest expenses Fee and commission expenses Surrender value Compensation expenses Net insurance contract reserve Policy dividend expenses Reinsurance expenses 11 Business tax and surcharges 274,969,464.73 159,885,811.73 Operating expenses 826,793,885.92 566,077,683.47 General and administrative expenses 725,996,083.17 667,111,584.18 Financial expenses 19,743,351.55 18,511,672.17 Impairment loss on assets Add: Profit and loss from fair value changes (‘-‘ represent loss) Investment income (‘-‘ represent loss) 1,315,076,179.17 283,392,021.05 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture 1,309,758,703.17 277,392,021.05 Net foreign exchange differences(‘-’ means loss) III. Operating profit (‘-’ represent loss) 872,538,455.15 9,149,241.65 Add: Non-operating income 21,859,060.81 117,344,626.59 Less: Non-operating expenses 1,649,638.37 2,630,360.51 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 28,023.25 904,598.36 IV. Total profit(‘-’ represent loss) 892,747,877.59 123,863,507.73 Less: Income tax expense -41,899,845.33 -51,800,863.46 V. Net profit (‘-’ represent net loss) 934,647,722.92 175,664,371.19 Including: The net profit of the combined parties before business combination Net profit attributable to owners 953,546,643.17 185,075,400.86 Minority interests -18,898,920.25 -9,411,029.67 VI. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.2 0.04 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.2 0.04 VII. Other comprehensive income 24,138,912.00 -34,357,510.00 VIII. Total comprehensive income 958,786,634.92 141,306,861.19 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners 977,685,555.17 150,717,890.86 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest -18,898,920.25 -9,411,029.67 4、Income Statement Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jul-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. Operating revenue 7,408,717,050.78 5,272,270,523.10 Less: Operating cost 6,060,887,715.35 4,211,112,410.71 Business tax and surcharges 250,196,296.64 133,395,232.18 Operating expenses 792,961,493.69 431,292,548.87 General and administrative expenses 611,431,748.38 621,366,279.33 Financial expenses 16,077,085.42 21,358,871.61 Impairment loss on assets 0.00 0.00 Add: Profit and loss from fair value Changes (‘-’ represent loss) 0 0 Investment income (‘-’ represent loss) 1,314,522,845.84 283,392,021.05 12 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture 1,309,758,703.17 277,392,021.05 II. Operating profit (‘-’ represent loss) 991,685,557.14 137,137,201.45 Add: Non-operating income 16,042,918.42 114,196,900.34 Less: Non-operating expenses 1,142,698.09 1,618,949.59 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 16,403.75 805,817.79 III. Total profit(‘-’ represent loss) 1,006,585,777.47 249,715,152.20 Less: Non-operating expenses -44,420,782.23 -59,636,403.39 IV. Net profit (‘-’ represent net loss) 1,051,006,559.70 309,351,555.59 V. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.23 0.06 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.23 0.06 VI. Other comprehensive income 20,268,125.00 -26,554,000.00 VII. Total comprehensive income 1,071,274,684.70 282,797,555.59 5、Consolidated Income Statement Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Period I. Total operating revenue 28,034,793,306.31 20,221,387,319.78 Including: operating revenue 28,034,793,306.31 20,221,387,319.78 Interest income Earned premium Fee and commission income II. Total operating cost 28,974,277,659.87 20,841,073,181.17 Including: Operating cost 23,370,950,061.12 16,863,063,104.97 Interest expenses Fee and commission expenses Surrender value Compensation expenses Net insurance contract reserve Policy dividend expenses Reinsurance expenses Business tax and surcharges 912,168,348.84 497,057,985.18 Operating expenses 2,494,903,123.80 1,862,322,470.92 General and administrative expenses 1,999,518,434.48 1,618,021,968.83 Financial expenses 73,306,186.63 9,598,248.77 Impairment loss on assets 123,431,505.00 -8,990,597.50 Add: Profit and loss from fair value changes (‘-‘ represent loss) -332,407.00 -1525799.63 Investment income (‘-‘ represent loss) 3,119,847,794.75 1,016,133,493.78 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture 3,083,900,498.51 1,008,314,493.78 13 Net foreign exchange differences(‘-’ means loss) III. Operating profit (‘-’ represent loss) 2,180,031,034.19 394,921,832.76 Add: Non-operating income 79,464,797.94 243,486,124.17 Less: Non-operating expenses 19,699,508.14 6,638,357.96 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 4,162,103.62 2,700,078.27 IV. Total profit(‘-’ represent loss) 2,239,796,323.99 631,769,598.97 Less: Income tax expense -12,830,236.70 -94,661,873.35 V. Net profit (‘-’ represent net loss) 2,252,626,560.69 726,431,472.32 Including: The net profit of the combined parties before business combination Net profit attributable to owners 2,284,516,469.50 755,104,840.81 Minority interests -31,889,908.81 -28,673,368.49 VI. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.49 0.16 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.49 0.16 VII. Other comprehensive income -2,129,148.00 4,770,795.00 VIII. Total comprehensive income 2,250,497,412.69 731,202,267.32 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners 2,282,387,321.50 759,875,635.81 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest -31,889,908.81 -28,673,368.49 6、Income Statement Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. Operating revenue 23,424,783,845.30 15,467,417,149.64 Less: Operating cost 19,479,633,047.69 12,634,180,979.98 Business tax and surcharges 800,541,790.04 395,980,145.40 Operating expenses 2,073,050,712.76 1,336,713,661.98 General and administrative expenses 1,711,581,294.41 1,598,837,634.05 Financial expenses 62,919,475.13 19,217,393.06 Impairment loss on assets 93,368,086.68 -8,990,597.50 Add: Profit and loss from fair value Changes (‘-’ represent loss) 0 0 Investment income (‘-’ represent loss) 3,121,485,444.18 1,014,314,493.78 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture 3,083,900,498.51 1,008,314,493.78 II. Operating profit (‘-’ represent loss) 2,325,174,882.77 505,792,426.45 Add: Non-operating income 61,021,128.65 227,771,848.32 Less: Non-operating expenses 17,331,702.13 3,058,205.45 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 3,705,722.03 1,190,127.82 III. Total profit(‘-’ represent loss) 2,368,864,309.29 730,506,069.32 Less: Non-operating expenses -41,768,786.00 -114,056,797.50 IV. Net profit (‘-’ represent net loss) 2,410,633,095.29 844,562,866.82 14 V. Earnings per share: -- -- I) Basic earnings per share 0.516983053 0.18112449 II) Diluted earnings per share 0.52 0.18 VI. Other comprehensive income 1,257,875.00 22,178,625.00 VII. Total comprehensive income 2,411,890,970.29 866,741,491.82 7、Consolidated cash flow statement Prepared by: Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 28,695,570,806.19 18,569,538,792.16 Net increase in customer deposits and placements of deposits from other financial institutions Net increase in amounts due to the Central Bank Net decrease in funds loaned to other financial institutions Cash receipts from primary insurance contract Net cash receipts from reinsurance agreement Net increase in saving from incident and investment deposit Net increase in disposal of financial assets held for trading Cash receipts from interest and fee and commission income Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions Net increase in repurchase agreements Refunds of taxes 28,269,313.27 37,792,091.40 Cash received relating to other operating activities 659,539,923.52 434,746,659.36 Sub-total of cash inflows 29,383,380,042.98 19,042,077,542.92 Cash paid for goods and services 19,218,532,755.22 13,034,046,744.81 Net increase in loans and advances Net increase in amounts due from the Central Bank and placements of deposits with other financial institutions Cash payments for primary insurance contract Cash payments for interest and fee and commission expenses Cash payments for policy dividend Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 1,920,915,278.51 1,667,322,109.11 Cash paid for all types of taxes 2,001,257,842.10 902,899,475.62 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 3,366,331,299.77 2,641,860,222.98 Sub-total of cash outflows 26,507,037,175.60 18,246,128,552.52 Net cash flows from operating activities 2,876,342,867.38 795,948,990.40 II. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from disposal of investments 8232153.38 Cash received from return on investments 1,632,693,160.50 7,819,000.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 1,011,939.33 1,133,427.85 15 Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary receipts upon a acquisition Cash received relating to other investing activities 19,692,452.00 222,160,218.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 1,661,629,705.21 231,112,645.85 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 1,800,848,463.21 3,662,749,801.71 Cash paid for acquisition of investments 5,299,732.68 9,000,000.00 Net increase in pledged loan Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other business units Cash paid relating to other investing activities 80,000.00 2,266,737.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 1,806,228,195.89 3,674,016,538.71 Net cash flows from investing activities -144,598,490.68 -3,442,903,892.86 III. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from absorbing investment Including: cash received from absorbing investment from minority interest of subsidiary Cash received from borrowings 838,000,000.00 985,374,424.63 Cash received from issuing bond 1,960,700,000.00 Cash received relating to other financing activities 39,878,401.46 3,771,788.20 Sub-total of cash inflows 877,878,401.46 2,949,846,212.83 Cash repayments of borrowings 1,089,000,000.00 973,864,424.63 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses 402,687,153.55 232,441,191.41 Including: cash paid for dividends or profits and interest expenses to minority interest of subsidiary Cash paid relating to other financing activities 804,291.91 497,872,747.25 Sub-total of cash outflows 1,492,491,445.46 1,704,178,363.29 Net cash flows from financing activities -614,613,044.00 1,245,667,849.54 IV. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN EXCHANGE RATE ON CASH -1,068,464.74 831,816.44 V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2,116,062,867.96 -1,400,455,236.48 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 4,199,763,915.82 4,871,199,806.77 VI. CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT 6,315,826,783.78 3,470,744,570.29 8、Cash flow statement Prepared by: Prepared by: CHONGQING CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.. Jan-Sep 2013 in RMB yuan Account Current Period Prior Perid I. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 22,934,437,905.20 14,108,209,583.11 Refunds of taxes 4883000 Cash received relating to other operating activities 574,221,089.77 356,776,079.15 Sub-total of cash inflows 23,513,541,994.97 14,464,985,662.26 16 Cash paid for goods and services 14,884,416,266.64 9,748,119,398.25 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 1,488,277,887.61 1,252,326,631.21 Cash paid for all types of taxes 1,723,404,129.27 617,691,412.14 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 2,928,900,896.33 2,182,545,163.18 Sub-total of cash outflows 21,024,999,179.85 13,800,682,604.78 Net cash flows from operating activities 2,488,542,815.12 664,303,057.48 II. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from disposal of investments 8232153.38 Cash received from return on investments 1636421276 6,000,000.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 536,432.49 72,233.27 Cash received from disposal of subsidiary and other business units Cash received relating to other investing activities 150,000,000.00 200,166,381.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 1,795,189,862.26 206,238,614.27 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 1,669,745,624.29 3,512,991,771.15 Cash paid for acquisition of investments 5,299,732.68 9,000,000.00 Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other business units Cash paid relating to other investing activities 250,000,000.00 272,900.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 1,925,045,356.97 3,522,264,671.15 Net cash flows from investing activities -129,855,494.71 -3,316,026,056.88 III. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received from borrowings 790,000,000.00 815,374,424.63 Cash received from issuing bond 1960700000 Cash received relating to other financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows 790,000,000.00 2,776,074,424.63 Cash repayments of borrowings 1,020,000,000.00 893,864,424.63 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses 395,798,352.90 227,104,373.60 Cash paid relating to other financing activities 497,190,538.54 Sub-total of cash outflows 1,415,798,352.90 1,618,159,336.77 Net cash flows from financing activities -625,798,352.90 1,157,915,087.86 IV. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN EXCHANGE RATE ON CASH V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,732,888,967.51 -1,493,807,911.54 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 3,081,165,146.84 3,748,480,642.89 VI. CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT 4,814,054,114.35 2,254,672,731.35 2. Auditors report The 3rd quarterly report has not been audited. 17