1 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 04 目录 绿色发展 ECO development 34 绿色采购 Green procurement 38 绿色生产 Green production 44 绿色产品 Green product 01 05 报告前言 06 管理者致辞 Manager's speech 共赢发展 52 客户至上 Customer first Report foreword 08 公益足迹 Public welfare footprint Win-win development 54 关爱员工 Caring for employees 10 关于长安汽车 About Changan Automobile 62 合作共赢 Win-win cooperation 65 股东权益 Shareholders' equity 02 06 责任管理 18 责任理念 Responsibility concept 社会公益 68 科技教育 Technology education Responsibility management 19 责任体系 Responsibility system Social welfare 69 绿色环保 Environmental protection 20 责任沟通 Responsibility communication 70 捐赠扶贫 Donation for poverty alleviation 71 马拉松精神 Marathon spirit 03 07 创新发展 24 自主创新 Independent innovation 报告后记 74 企业荣誉 Enterprise honor Innovation and development 28 改革发展 Reform and development Postscript of the report 76 展望2019 Outlook 2019 29 管理提升 Management improvement 77 报告说明 Report description 30 合规经营 Compliance management 2 3 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Report foreword 报告前言 管理者致辞 Manager's speech 公益足迹 Public welfare footprint 关于长安汽车 About changan automobile 4 5 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 管理者致辞 Manager's speech Welcome to Changan Auto's 2018 Social Responsibility Report. I hope coexistence of man and nature", promote "integration of artificial that we will grow together, grow up with our mission, and give back to intelligence and the real economy" and "promote green development". the community. Wait. This series of important spirits points out clear directions and higher Over the years, Changan Automobile has always adhered to the mission requirements for the automotive industry and for the development of 欢迎阅读长安汽车2018年社会责任报告。愿我们一路同 代”,要“加快建设制造强国”坚持人与自然和谐共生”,要推 of“To Lead Auto Culture and Build a Better Life” and continues to Changan Automobile. 行、相伴成长,心怀使命、回馈社会。 动“人工智能和实体经济深度融合”推进绿色发展”等。这一 create value for the development of customers, employees, partners, The mission is in the heart, and it is in the line. We are actively involved in shareholders and society, and make unremitting efforts to build a world- 多年来,长安汽车始终坚守“引领汽车文明,造福人类生 系列的重要精神,为汽车产业、为长安汽车的发展指出明确 the“The Third Breakthrough-Innovation and Business Venture Program” class automobile company. and are committed to becoming a global leading automobile company. 活”的使命,持续为客户、员工、合作伙伴、股东及社会的发展 的方向、提出更高的要求。 We adhere to scientific and technological innovation, and our research The new energy“Shangri-la”was further promoted, and 87,000 new and development strength ranks first in China's auto industry for 5 创造价值,为打造世界一流汽车企业而不懈努力。 使命在心,担当在行。我们积极投身“第三次创业——创 energy vehicles were sold in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 42.9%; The consecutive years. We insist on customer first and bring high-quality intelligent“Dubhe Plan”is effectively implemented, and the L2 and L3 我们坚持科技创新,研发实力连续5届10年居中国汽车 新创业计划”,致力于成为智能出行科技公司。新能源“香格 travel life to our customers. In 2018, we launched 9 new products such level intelligent technologies are leading the industry; Changan's travel, as the second generation EADO XT, CS35Plus, COSMOS and CS75PHEV. 行业第一。我们坚持客户至上,为客户带来高品质的出行生 里拉计划”深入推进,2018年销售新能源汽车8.7万辆,同比 new marketing and other businesses are developing steadily. We continue We firmly believe that employees are the value wealth of the company, to meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and work together 活,2018年推出第二代逸动XT、CS35Plus、科尚、CS75PHEV 增长42.9%;智能化“北斗天枢计划”有效实施,L2、L3级智能 encourage and support the improvement of employees' ability. Among with the government and investors to create a green and smart travel city. the nearly 80,000 employees, there are more than 12,000 R&D personnel 等9个全新产品。我们坚信员工是企业的价值财富,鼓励并支 技术领先行业;长安出行、新营销等业务稳步开展。我们不断 Promoting green development and building intelligent travel technology from 18 countries around the world. We have established a "good faith, company is the call of the times and the need to implement high-quality 持员工能力提升,近8万名员工中有研发人员1.2万余人,来 满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,携手政府与投资者,共 equality, and win-win" partnership, and work together with Tencent, development. Changan Automobile will be driven by innovation, be brave Huawei, Weilai, Ali, Suning, Baidu, FAW, and Dongfeng to achieve 自全球18个国家。我们坚持建立“诚信、平等、共赢”的合作 同打造绿色智慧出行城市。 transformation and development, and go hand in hand with partners. in change, open to cooperation, and take the initiative to shoulder the sacred mission of the country, the nation, and the society, and contribute 伙伴关系,携手腾讯、华为、蔚来、百度、一汽、东风共谋转型 推动绿色发展、打造智能出行科技公司,这是时代的呼 We insist on providing shareholders with long-term, stable and good returns. In the 22 years of entering the securities market, we implemented to the realization of China's automobile power. 发展,与供应商朋友深化合作、携手并进。我们坚持为股东提 唤,是贯彻落实高质量发展的需要。长安汽车将以创新为驱 a total of 19 cash dividends, with a total amount of 12 billion yuan, and Changan Drives the World For A Better Tomorrow! 供长期、稳定和良好的回报,在迈入证券市场22年间,共实 动,勇于变革,开放合作,主动肩负起对国家、对民族、对社会 distributed bonus shares and increased share capital five times. In 2018, Changan Automobile was selected as one of the top 100 listed companies 施现金分红19次,累计金额120亿元,派送红股和转增股本5 的神圣使命,为实现中国汽车强国梦贡献力量。 in the“Top 100 Listed Companies Respected by Investors”in 2017. We 次。2018年,长安汽车入选“2017年度最受投资者尊重的百 长安行天下明天更美好! resolutely act as a responsible corporate model, actively fulfilling our social responsibilities around“scientific and technological education, 强上市公司”、 上市公司丰厚回报榜单”前100家。我们坚决 green environmental protection, and charitable donation”and carry out 做负责任的企业楷模,围绕“科技教育、绿色环保、爱心捐赠” public welfare activities such as“Love and Love”to accurately help the poor in Yunnan Province, Shaanxi and Laoshan, and accumulated in three 积极履行社会责任,开展“益起爱河”等公益活动,精准扶贫 years. Donated nearly 100 million yuan. 云南省泸西、砚山等地,三年来累计捐赠近亿元。 In the new wave of economic development in the world, all industries are undergoing unprecedented changes. New energy and intelligence will 在全球新一轮经济发展的大潮中,所有产业正在经历前 bring subversive changes to the automobile industry. The 19th National 所未有的变革,新能源、智能化将为汽车产业带来颠覆性的 Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "socialism Zhang Baolin, 长安汽车董事长 with Chinese characteristics will enter a new era", "accelerate construction 变化。党的十九大明确提出,“中国特色社会主义进入新时 and manufacturing of a strong country", "adhere to the harmonious Chairman of Changan Automobile 6 7 报告前言 Report foreword 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 公益足迹 Public welfare footprint 长安汽车开展植树活动,种下“创新 长安汽车在重庆、北京、河北、合肥、南京五大基地联动再 第二季“长安汽车杯青春 创业林” 长安汽车慰问关爱雅 次发起“益起爱河”水资源保护公益活动 愉悦跑”圆满收官 Changan Automobile carried out tree 安天泉、崇州何家希望 长安汽车举办第三 Changan Automobile launched the“Yiqi Aihe”water resources protection public welfare activity in Chongqing, Beijing, Hebei, Hefei The second season of "Changan planting activities and planted“Innovative 小学 次粉丝盛典 Entrepreneurship Forest” and Nanjing. Auto Cup Youthful Pleasant Changan Automobile Changan Automobile held Run" ended successfully. 长安汽车总冠名的2018年重庆国 Consolation Guan Ai Yaan 长安汽车举办“三世缘新长安——”员工集体公益婚礼 its third fan festival. 际马拉松赛在渝开跑 Tianquan, Chongzhou Hejia Changan Automobile held the“Three Worlds New Changan ” Changan Automobile’ 2018 Chongqing Hope Primary School. collective public welfare wedding. International Marathon was opened. 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 长福马发动机公司 长安汽车服务中心积极 长安汽车义务接送昆明 长安汽车举办“北斗天枢,智 兵器装备集团、中国一汽、 合肥长安举行“爱,点亮 党工团发动员工参 参与暴雨灾害救援 理工大学楚雄分校区新 领未来”新技术展,向社会公 东风汽车签订组建T3科技 孤独的星—关爱自闭儿 与除雪行动 Changan Automobile Service 生上学报到 众展现多项“黑科技” 平台公司意向协议 童”公益活动 Center actively participated in the party team of Chang Changan Automobile was Changan Automobile held a new China Ordnance Equipment Hefei Chang'an held a charity the rainstorm disaster relief. Fuma Engine Company obliged to pick up the freshman technology exhibition“Beidou Tianshu, Group, China FAW, Dongfeng event called "Love, Light the launched an employee to from the Kunxi University of Zhiling the Future”to present a number of Motor will form T3 Technology Lonely Star - Caring for Autistic participate in the snow Technology Chuxiong Campus. “black technologies”to the public. Platform Company. Children". removal operation. 8 9 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 发展历程 Development path 157年历史底蕴 157 years of history 1862年,创建上海洋炮局,开启中国近代工业之先河 In 1862, the creation of the Shanghai Marine Artillery Bureau opened the first modern Chinese industry. 1863年,上海洋炮局迁往苏州,更名为苏州洋炮局 In 1863, the Shanghai Marine Artillery Bureau moved to Suzhou and changed its name to Suzhou Artillery Bureau. 1865年,迁往南京,更名为金陵制造局 In 1865, moved to Nanjing, renamed Jinling Manufacturing Bureau. 1937年,迁往重庆,抗战期间,为中国军队提供60%的武器弹药 In 1937, moved to Chongqing to provide 60% of the weapons and ammunition for the Chinese army during the Anti-Japanese War. 关于长安汽车 About changan automobile 企业简介 Company profile 长安汽车隶属于中国兵器装备集团有限公司,在全球拥有15个生产基地、35个 资产总额 Total assets 整车及发动机工厂,研发实力连续5届10年居中国汽车行业第一,推出了睿骋系 1753.54 列、CS系列、逸动系列等一系列经典产品,自主品牌产销多年位居行业前列,是中 亿元 国汽车四大集团阵营企业之一。 175.354 billion yuan Changan Automobile is affiliated to China Ordnance Equipment Group Co., Ltd. Chang’an has 15 销售汽车Sales car production bases and 35 vehicle and engine plants globally. For 5 sessions in the past 10 years, Chang’an has been NO.1 in R&D capability in China’ automotive industry. Chang’an Automobile has launched 213.8 a series of classic products including RAETON series, CS series, EADO series and ect. and sales for many 万辆 years in the forefront of the industry, is one of the four major groups of Chinese auto companies. 21.38 million yuan 2018年,长安汽车发起“第三次创业——创新创业计划”,致力于实现向智能出行科 技公司的转型。以打造世界一流汽车企业为目标,以创新为驱动,将效率打造成为 营业收入Operating income 组织核心竞争力,着力推动四大转型,三大创新,将长安汽车打造成为具有国际竞 1711.92 亿元 争力的中国品牌。 171.192 billion yuan In 2018, Chang’an unveiled The Third Breakthrough-Innovation and Business Venture Program, with an aim to build a global leading automobile company. With this blueprint, Chang’an is committed to 缴纳税额Pay tax 129.79 transforming itself into a leading technology company offering smart mobility solutions and services. The program expects to drive growth by innovation, enhance efficiency as the core competitiveness in organization, transform the company in four key areas and boost innovation in three fields. 亿元 12.979 billion yuan 10 11 报告前言 Report foreword 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 35年造车积累 35 years of car accumulation 公司治理 Corporate governance 1958年,生产中国第一辆吉普车 In 1958, the first jeep in China was produced. 长安汽车不断完善公司法人治理结构,以股东大会、董事会、监事会和经营层为主体结构的决策、监督和经营体系,运作 1984年,进入汽车领域,生产出中国第一批小型汽车 水平持续提高和规范。 In 1984, entered the automotive field and produced the first 2006年,成立意大利设计中心,开启长安汽车全球研 2018年,先后召开股东大会2次,董事会会议20次,监事会会议7次,共审议通过90项议案,并通过公司专业委员会、职能 small cars in China. 发布局 部门、二级单位、分子公司、合资企业执行落实。 In 2006, the Italian Design Center was established to open the global R&D layout of Changan Automobile. 2009年,成为中国汽车四大集团之一 Changan Automobile has continuously improved its corporate governance structure, with decision-making, supervision and management systems In 2009, it became one of the four major groups of Chinese autos. based on the shareholders' meeting, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management layer. The operational level has been 2014年,长安品牌汽车累计销量突破1000万辆 continuously improved and standardized. In 2018, it held 2 general meeting of shareholders, 20 meetings of the board of directors, and 7 meetings of In 2014, the cumulative sales of Changan brand cars exceeded 10 the board of supervisors. A total of 90 proposals were passed and passed through the company's professional committees, functional departments, million units. secondary units, molecular companies and joint ventures. 2015年,长安品牌乘用车年产销突破100万辆 In 2015, the annual production and sales of Changan brand 2016年,长安汽车年销量突破300万辆 passenger cars exceeded 1 million units. 董事会 监事会 经营层 党群组织 In 2016, Changan Automobile sold more than 3 million vehicles a year. 2017年11月,长安品牌汽车累计突破1550万辆 Board of Directors Board of Supervisors Management Level Party group organization In 2017, Changan brand cars exceeded 15.5 million units. 2018年,长安系中国品牌用户累计突破1700万 In 2018, Changan’ Chinese brand users exceeded 17 million. 张宝林 董事长 严 明 监事会主席 朱华荣 总裁 朱华荣 党委书记 Zhang Baolin Chairman Yan Ming Chairman of the Board of Zhu Huarong President Zhu Huarong Party Secretary Supervisors 朱华荣 董事 袁明学 常务副总裁 王 俊 党委副书记 孙大洪 监事 Yuan Mingxue Managing Vice President 工会主席 产业布局 Zhu Huarong Director Sun Dahong Supervisor Wang Jun Deputy Secretary of 周治平 董事 刘 波 执行副总裁 赵慧侠 监事 the Party Committee Industrial layout Zhou Zhiping Director Liu Bo Executive Vice President Chairman of the Labor union Zhao Huixia Supervisor 张德勇 董事 何朝兵 执行副总裁 华騳驫 纪委书记 张安国 职工监事 长安汽车拥有全球16个基地,35个整车及发动机工厂,10个重点海外市场。 Tan Xiaogang Director He Chaobing Executive Vice President Huazhanbiao Disciplinary Zhang Anguo Employee Supervisor Committee Secretary Changan Automobile has 15 bases worldwide, 35 complete vehicle and engine factories, and 10 key overseas markets. 谭小刚 董事 张竞竞 执行副总裁 罗 艳 职工监事 Tan Xiaogang Director Zhang Jingjing Executive Vice President Luo Yan Employee Supervisor 张东军 董事 李 伟 执行副总裁 Zhang Dongjun Director Li Wei Executive Vice President 刘纪鹏 独立董事 谭本宏 执行副总裁 Liu Jipeng Independent Director Tan Benhong Executive Vice President 李庆文 独立董事 刘正均 执行副总裁 Li Qingwen Independent Director Liu Zhengjun Executive Vice President 谭晓生 独立董事 张德勇 执行副总裁 Tan Xiaosheng Independent Director Zhang Deyong Executive Vice President 庞 勇 独立董事 叶 沛 副总裁 Pang Yong Independent Director Ye Pei Vice President 陈全世 独立董事 赵 非 副总裁 16 35 Chen Quanshi Independent Director 10 Zhao Fei Vice President 任晓常 独立董事 陈 伟 副总裁 Ren Xiaochang Independent Director Chen Wei Vice President 个 个 个 卫新江 独立董事 李名才 副总裁 重点海外市场 全球生产基地 整车及发动机工厂 Wei Xinjiang Independent Director Li Mingcai Vice president 10 key overseas Global production Vehicle and Engine 曹兴权 独立董事 markets base Factory Cao Xingquan Independent Director 12 13 报告前言 Report foreword 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 组织结构 企业文化 Organization Company culture 领先文化是长安事业发展的根基、源动力、核心源泉、精神支柱,是长安人的战略共识、目标共识、发展共识,更是长安人 对初心的坚守和未来的期望。 Leading culture is the foundation, source of power, core source and spiritual pillar of Changan's career development. It is the strategic consensus, goal consensus and development consensus of Chang'an people. It is also the Changan people's persistence and expectation of the future. 使命 02 Mission 愿景 引领汽车文明 造福人类生活 Vision To Lead Auto Culture and Build a Better Life 打造世界一流汽车企业 To Be a Leader of Global Automobile Industry 03 04 价值观 道德自律 Values Ethics 以客户为中心,提供极致体验和服务 诚信 廉洁 勤勉 负责 Customer-centered premium experience and Honesty, Integrity, Diligence, services Responsibility 以产品为主线,持续技术领先,打造经典产品 Product-based technological breakthroughs for classic vehicles 以价值为导向,凭数据、业绩及行业标杆说话 Value-aligned, data-driven and performance- based industry standards 以效率为优先,激发活力、追求卓越 Efficiency-oriented devoted attitude for excellence 05 06 精神 行为准则 Spirit Code Of Conduct 自我批判 主动担当 科学理性 创新创业 Self-criticism, Initiative, Rationality, 目标坚定 团结协作 高效行动 Innovation Steadfastness, Collaboration, Efficiency 07 形象用语 Corporate Identity 长安行天下明天更美好 Changan Drives the World For A Better Tomorrow 14 15 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Responsibility management 责任管理 责任理念 Responsibility concept 责任体系 Responsibility system 责任沟通 Responsibility communication 16 17 责任管理 Responsibility management 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 责任理念 Responsibility concept 责任体系 Responsibility system 引领汽车文明 造福人类生活 我们按照《重庆长安汽车股份有限公司社会责任的管理程序》的要求,明确企业社会责任规划管理、执行管理和运营评 Leading automobile civilization to benefit human life 价管理等方面的内容,严格执行对外捐赠流程和信息披露制度等,实现社会责任工作规范化与体系化。 In accordance with the requirements of“Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. Social Responsibility Management Procedures” we clarify the 我们致力于向社会做出源源不断的贡献,向行业输入长期持续的创新,为人类创造美好自由的出行生活作贡献。 contents of corporate social responsibility planning management, execution management and operational evaluation management, and strictly We are committed to making a steady stream of contributions to society, inputting long-term and continuous innovation into the industry, and implement the external donation process and information disclosure system to achieve social responsibility. Work standardization and systematization. contributing to the creation of a beautiful and free life. 我们坚持客户至上,满足客户在不同场景下对产品和服务的需求,为客户带来高 长安汽车社会责任 品质的出行生活。 工作委员会 总顾问:公司董事长 Changan Automobile Social 对客户 General Counsel: Chairman of the company We insist on customer first, satisfy customers' needs for products and services under different scenarios, Responsibility Working Committee To customers and bring high-quality travel life to customers. 主任:公司总裁、党委书记 Director: President and Party Secretary 员工是企业的价值财富,我们鼓励并支持员工能力提升,致力于构建“安全、尊重、 副主任:分管社会责任工作的公司领导 快乐、创造”的平台并分享价值。 委员会下设社会责任 Deputy Director: Company leader in charge of social responsibility work 工作办公室 对员工 And employees is the value wealth of the company, we encourage and support the improvement of employees' ability, and strive to build a platform of“safety, respect, happiness, creation”and share Social Responsibility Office To employees 成员单位:审计法务部、战略规划部、财务经营部、质量部、客户管理部、 value. 制造中心、科技及项目管理部、安全环保部、公司工会、人力资源部、管理 创新与IT中心、纪检监察部、品牌公关部、公司工会、公司团委 我们坚持以诚信、平等、共赢的原则,建立风险共担、价值共创、利益共享的长期合 Member unit: Auditing Legal Department, Strategic Planning Department, Finance Department, Quality Department, Customer Management Department, 作伙伴关系。 长安汽车各二级单位、 Manufacturing Logistics Department, Technology and Project Management 对合作伙伴 We adhere to the principle of honesty, equality and win-win, and establish a long-term cooperative 分子公司 Department, Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Corporate To partners partnership of risk sharing, value creation and benefit sharing. Changan Automobile's secondary Trade Union, Human Resources Department, Management Innovation and IT units and molecular companies Center, discipline inspection and supervision department, brand public relations department, company trade union, company league committee 我们坚持透明高效、诚信务实的经营,追求盈利和业绩的可持续增长,为股东提供 长期、稳定和良好的回报。 对股东 We adhere to transparent, efficient, honest and pragmatic operations, pursue sustainable growth in To shareholders profitability and performance, and provide shareholders with long-term, stable and good returns. 办公室设在企业文化中心,是委员会的办事机构。主任由企业文化中 我们致力于做负责任的企业楷模,不断扩大就业,践行节能减排,积极倡导绿色生 心主任兼任,成员由相关职能部门业务主管组成。 活,为社会、经济和环境的发展贡献力量。 The office is located in the corporate culture center and is the office of the committee. The director is concurrently the director of the corporate culture 对社会 We are committed to being a responsible corporate model, continuously expanding employment, center, and the members are composed of the business executives of the relevant To the society practicing energy conservation and emission reduction, actively promoting green living, and contributing functional departments. to the development of society, economy and environment. 18 19 责任管理 Responsibility management 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 我们坚持“文化驱动,理念指导,业务支撑”,将经济、环境、安全、社会等责任贯穿研发、生产、供应、销售等全业务链,不 利益相关方 诉求 我们的行动与措施 断强化社会责任与经营业务融合。 stakeholder Appeal Our actions and measures We adhere to the "culture-driven, concept guidance, business support", and the economic, environmental, security, social and other responsibilities 顾客驱动的质量管理体系 throughout the entire business chain of research and development, production, supply, sales, and continuously strengthen the integration of social 提供高质量产品 “客户之声”沟通机制 responsibility and business operations. 提供愉悦的体验 客户 客户关爱捐助项目 提供感动欣喜的服务 Client “长安FAN”粉丝圈层 Provide high quality products Customer-driven quality management system Provide a pleasant experience "voice of the customer" communication mechanism Providing a delightful service Customer Care Donation Project "Changan" Fan Circle 职位发展体系、长安汽车大学、员工技能大赛、后干赛马机制 获得职业发展 合理化建议、沟通园地 强化管理互动 股权激励机制、递延奖金计划 保障员工权益 员工 员工协会活动、敬业度调查、满意度调查 工作生活平衡 Staff Position Development System, Changan Automobile University, Employee Get professional development Skills Competition, Post-Running Horse Racing Mechanism Strengthen management interaction Rationalization proposal, communication field Protect employee rights Equity incentive mechanism, deferred bonus plan Work-life balance Staff Association Activities, Engagement Survey, Satisfaction Survey 经销商大会、两双营销战略、经销商管委会 共同发展 供应商大会、阳光采购体系、投诉平台 长期合作 CA-QIP长安质量改进流程 合作伙伴 能力帮扶 QCA长安汽车供应商能力体系认证 Partner Develop together Dealer Conference, two-pair marketing strategy, dealer management committee Long-term cooperation Supplier Conference, Sunshine Purchasing System, Complaint Platform Ability support CA-QIP Changan Quality Improvement Process QCA Changan Automobile Supplier Capacity System Certification 股东大会、年度报告 经营业绩 风险防控管理 合规守法 股东 投资者关系 投资项目及收益 Shareholders Shareholders' meeting, annual report Operating results Risk prevention and management Compliance Investor Relations Investment projects and income 责任沟通 Responsibility communication 扩大就业 第三次创业 依法纳税 可持续发展 我们通过在企业官方网站设置社会责任专栏、定期发布社会责任报告、微信微博等多种渠道,向社会和利益相关方传播 节能环保 香格里拉计划、绿色生产 社会 公益慈善事业 公益及志愿者活动 责任理念,以及展示在履行经济责任、环境责任和社会责任方面的进展和成果。 Society Expand employment Third venture We set up social responsibility columns on the official website of the company, regularly publish social responsibility reports, WeChat Weibo and Pay tax according to law sustainable development other channels to disseminate responsibility concepts to society and stakeholders, and demonstrate progress in fulfilling economic responsibility, Energy saving and environmental protection Shangri-La plan, green production environmental responsibility and social responsibility. And results. Charity Public welfare and volunteer activities 20 21 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Innovation and development 创新发展 自主创新 Independent innovation 改革发展 Reform and development 管理提升 Management improvement 合规经营 Compliance management 长安汽车坚决贯彻创新发展理念,在新常态中奋 发有为,在转型发展中提质增效,奋力开创第三 次创业新局面。 Changan Automobile firmly implements the concept of innovation and development, strives for excellence in the new normal, improves quality and efficiency in transformation and development, and strives to create a new situation for the third venture. 22 23 创新发展 Innovation and development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 智能化“北斗天枢”计划 自主创新 Independent innovation Intelligentization "Dubhe" plan 第三次创业——创新创业计划 我们发布智能化战略——“北斗天枢”计划,致力于从传统的汽车制造企业向智能出行科技公司转型,以“在你身边,相知 The third breakthrough-innovation and business venture program 相伴”为理念,打造车内智能出行伴侣“小安”,为客户提供安心、开心、知心、省心的“四心”智能移动体验,创造美好出 行生活。 我们深刻洞察行业发展趋势,在全面启动“第三次创业——创新创业计划”的基础上,再次审时度势,围绕创新创业、资本 We released the intelligent strategy “"Dubhe" plan, from the traditional 运作、品牌建设、前瞻技术四大领域开展战略研讨,优化发展思路与发展目标,制定第三次创业——创新创业计划2.0版。 automobile manufacturing enterprise to the intelligent travel technology We have a deep insight into the development trend of the industry. On the basis of launching the“Third Entrepreneurship-Innovation and company, with the concept of“being around you, knowing each other” Entrepreneurship Plan” we will review the situation and conduct strategic discussions on four areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, capital to create a smart travel assistant“Xiaoan”in the car, To provide customers operation, brand building and forward-looking technology to optimize development ideas. With the development goals, the third venture - the with safety, happiness, thoughtfulness, convenience, “four functions" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Plan Version 2.0. intelligent mobile experience, create a beautiful travel life. “4+1行动计划” 新能源“香格里拉”计划 "4+1 Action Plan" New Energy"Shangri-La" Project 知音伙伴计划 合作共创行动 智能体验行动 智能联盟行动 千人千亿计划 Companion partnerprogram Co-creation Intelligent experience action Smart alliance action Thousand people plan 成立新能源科技公司,获战略投资者巨额投资意向。与比亚迪、蔚来等汽车企业战略合作,与高德、华为等科技企业深度 融合,与国家电网、特来电联合布局未来充电生态, 香格里拉”联盟初具规模。与重庆两江新区签订战略合作框架协议, 个性化定制懂你的“ 开放技术创新 为您提供极致 组建北斗天枢 夯实两大保障 打造开放的新能源汽车科创园和产业园。 汽车平台”和服务 平台 出行体验 联盟 Consolidate two Personalize and Open technology To provide you with the Established Beidou guarantees The establishment of a new energy technology company has received huge investment intentions from strategic understand your "car innovation platform ultimate Tianshu Alliance investors. Strategic cooperation with BYD, Weilai and other auto companies, deep integration with high-tech, platform" and service Travel experience Huawei and other technology companies, and the national grid, special calls to jointly deploy the future charging ecology, "Shangri-La" alliance has begun to take shape. Signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Chongqing Liangjiang New District to create an open new energy auto science park and industrial park. 案例 Case 2018年11月28日,长安汽车技术开放日暨挑战吉尼斯世界纪录荣誉活动在重庆垫江试验场举办,55辆长 安CS55在试验场的高环道路上保持匀速行进,顺利通过全程3.2公里的距离,成功挑战吉尼斯世界纪录 荣 誉——“最大规模的自动驾驶车巡游”,长安汽车成为全球首个成功创造该纪录的汽车品牌。 On November 28, 2018, the Changan Automobile Technology Open Day and Challenge Guinness World RecordsTM honorary event was held at the Chongqing Dianjiang Test Site. 55 Changan CS55s continued to travel at a constant speed on the high-altitude road of the test site, successfully passing the entire 3.2 km. The distance, successfully challenged the Guinness World RecordTM honor - "the largest self-driving car parade", Changan Automobile became the world's first car brand to successfully create this record. 24 25 创新发展 Innovation and development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 研发实力 国家企业技术中心2017-2018年评价结果 R & D strength 技术创新示范企业:2018年,获批重庆市 序号 国家企业技术中心所在企业名称 地区 评价结果 年度优秀创新型企业、重庆市智能网联汽 我们坚持自主研发,每年将销售收入的5%投入到研发,建立全球研发中心,建设全球智慧研发平台,持续打造世界一流 车技术创新中心。 一、评价为优秀 的研发实力,支撑长安自主品牌向上发展。 Technological innovation model enterprises: In 1 海尔集团公司 青岛市 97.8 We adhere to independent research and development, invest 5% of sales revenue every year in R&D, establish a global R&D center, build a global smart R&D 2018, it was approved as the Chongqing Excellent 2 南京南瑞集团公司 江苏省 96.9 platform, and continue to build world-class R&D capabilities to support the development of Changan's own brands. Innovation Enterprise and Chongqing Intelligent 3 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 重庆市 96.4 Network Automotive Technology Innovation Center. 4 中国航天三江集团公司 湖北省 96.3 5 华为技术有限公司 深圳市 96.3 专利申请:截止2019年1月31日,累计申 6 株洲中车时代电气股份有限公司 湖南省 94.8 请国内外专利11187件,其中申请发明专 7 上海建工集团股份有限公司 上海市 94.5 利3263件,专利申请量居国内领先。 8 金发科技股份有限公司 广东省 94.4 Patent application: As of January 31, 2019, a total of 9 长城汽车股份有限公司 河北省 93.7 11,187 domestic and foreign patents were applied, 10 烽火通信科技股份有限公司 湖北省 93.7 including 3,263 invention patents, and the number of patent applications was leading domestically. 品牌向上 Brand construction 我们打造基于战略、基于客户、满足不同细分市场的品牌 架构,形成AB汽车(高端品牌)、长安汽车、欧尚汽车和凯 程汽车四个独立品牌,推动各品牌业务高质量发展。 We have built a brand structure based on strategy, customer and satisfying different market segments, forming four independent brands of AB Auto (high-end brand), Chang 'an Auto, Oshang Auto and Kaicheng Auto, and 研发实力行业第一:国家发改委公布的国家认定企业技术中心2017-2018年评价结果中,长安汽车以 promoting high-quality development of the business of each brand. 96.4分位列全国第三、行业第一,研发实力连续5届10年位居中国汽车行业第一。在中国汽车工程学会 科技奖励工作委员会发布的2018年中国汽车工业科学技术奖终评结果中,长安汽车夺得9项大奖,获 AB汽车 长安汽车 欧尚汽车 凯程汽车 奖总数排汽车行业第一。 AB Car Changan Autombile Oushang Autombile kaicheng Autombile R & D strength industry first: Among the results of the 2017-2018 evaluation of the Nationally Recognized Enterprise Technology Center announced by the National Development and Reform Commission, Changan Automobile ranked third in the country with 高端乘用车品牌 大众化乘用车品牌 品质可靠、经济实用的 短途智慧物流解决方案 the highest score in the industry with 96.4 points, and its R&D strength ranked first in the Chinese automotive industry for five 第二乘用车品牌 领导者 High-end Passenger Car Popular Passenger Car consecutive years. In the final evaluation of the 2018 China Automotive Industry Science and Technology Award issued by the China Brand Brand Second Passenger Car Leaders of Short-distance Automotive Engineering Society Science and Technology Awards Working Committee, Changan Automobile won 9 awards, and the Brand with Reliable Quality, Intelligent Logistics total number of awards ranked first in the automotive industry. Economical and Practical Solutions 26 27 创新发展 Innovation and development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 改革发展 Reform and development 管理提升 Management improvement 高管团队 Top management team 高价值车型销售结构占比达 坚持效益是长安的生命力 Sales Structure of Priority to efficiency is the vitality of chang 'an 55.4% 兵器装备集团党组对长安汽车经营班子进行调整、充实、加强,新一届领导班子成员都是从技术研发、生产制造、 High-Value Vehicles 实施经营质量提升项目,强力推进增收、降本、节支、控投、降库工作。优化产品结构,高 营销服务一线中多年摸爬滚打成长起来的,在中国汽车行业内是非常专业化、年轻化的团体,班子整体活力和战 价值车型销售结构占比达55.4%,同比提升7.7%。推进供应商备库模式、处置呆滞物料 斗力进一步增强。 等工作,工具备件库存降低17%。 The leading party group of Weapons and Equipment Group has enriched and strengthened Chang 'an Auto's management team. The members We will implement projects to improve the quality of our operations and vigorously promote the work of 工具备件库存降低 of the new leadership team have all grown up from the frontline of technology research and development, production and manufacturing, and Tool spare parts increasing income, reducing costs, saving expenses, controlling investment and reducing the stock market. 17% marketing services for many years. It is a very professional and younger team in China's auto industry. The overall vitality and fighting capacity of inventory reduction the team have been further enhanced. Optimize the product structure, the sales structure of high-value vehicles accounted for 55.4%, up 7.7% year on year. Push forward the supplier's stock-keeping mode and dispose of inactive materials, reducing the stock of tools and spare parts by 17%. 组织效率 Organizational efficiency 启动组织顶层架构设计,致力构建与战略相匹配的组织体系,坚持“小总部+事业群+共享平台+孵化创新”模式,打 将效率打造为组织核心竞争力 Make efficiency be core competence of organization 造了人力、财务、IT、行政、党群五大共享服务平台,强化矩阵协同,推动公司战略性业务落地。 优化流程 120 We started the top-level organizational structure design, committed ourselves to building an organizational system that matches our strategy, 开展流程“5/7/10”工程。优化流程120余个,流程月均执行时长大幅度缩短,审批效率 Optimize process adhered to the model of " small headquarters+business groups+shared platform+incubation innovation", and built five shared service platforms of 提高72%,流程移动化率达96.6%。 余个 human resources, finance, IT, administration, and the party and the masses, strengthened matrix coordination, and pushed the company's strategic business to the ground. 完善大数据管理系统。整合内外部系统,实现核心系统全覆盖;完成多个板块指标上线 运行,整合E化报表,全面提升数据共享效率。 提升数据运营水平。从“看数据” 信数据”向“用数据”转型,定期发布运营报告。CA- 审批效率提高 激励约束 Approval efficiency 72% Incentive constraint DDM大数据管理系统逐步向合资企业推广,长安福特、长安马自达、江铃控股等已启动 improved 运用。 构建全面薪酬激励体系,牵引价值创造、价值共享,提升员工感知。坚持效益决定分配,实施人岗匹配,推进项目 关注员工“软效率”,提高员工的工作积极性、主动性和创造力,激发员工活力和士气, 激励约束。 让员工更具拼劲、闯劲,更有成就感。 We have built a comprehensive salary incentive system to promote value creation, value sharing and employee perception. We adhere to the 流程移动化率达 Carry out the process " 5/7/10" project. More than 120 processes were optimized, the average monthly execution principle that benefits determine distribution, implement personnel-post matching, and promote project incentives and constraints. Process Mobility 96.6% Rate Reaches time of the processes was greatly shortened, the approval efficiency was increased by 72%, and the process mobility rate reached 96.6%. Perfect the big data management system. Integrate internal and external systems to achieve full coverage 结构调整 Structural adjustment of core systems; Complete the online operation of multiple plate indicators, integrate E-statements, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of data sharing. Improve the data operation level. From " looking at data", " believing in data" to " using data", operating reports will be issued regularly. Big Data Management System is gradually being promoted to joint ventures, and 三年累计淘汰21款低竞争力产品,关停并转整车产能140万辆、发动机产能126万台,严格控制库销比。 Chang’an Ford, Chang’an Mazda, Jiangling Holdings and others have been put into operation. Over the past three years, a total of 21 low-competitive products have been eliminated, 1.4 million complete vehicles and 1.26 million engines have Pay attention to the " soft efficiency" of employees, improve their working enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, been shut down and converted, and the ratio of stock to sales has been strictly controlled. stimulate their vitality and morale, and make employees more energetic, aggressive and more fulfilling. 28 29 创新发展 Innovation and development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 合规经营 Compliance management 廉洁从业 Honest employment 党建领先 长安汽车认真落实管党治党政治责任,深入学习贯彻党的十九大精神和上级工作要求,压实党风廉政建 Party building takes the lead 设责任,加强全面从严治党和党内政治生活监督;加强作风建设,严肃查处违反中央八项规定精神问题, 持续纠治“四风”,建立作风建设长效机制;加强纪律教育,强化警示教育与日常提醒,开展党风廉政教育 长安汽车党委以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大精神,认真落实新时 月活动,推动全员全价值链廉洁从业;严格监督执纪问责,不断深化廉洁审查,紧盯重点领域开展监察监 代党的建设总要求,纵深推进全面从严治党向基层延伸,党建领先战略深入实施,党的建设质量不断提 督,保持惩治腐败高压态势,党风廉政建设和反腐败工作不断向前推进。 升,为第三次创业和高质量发展提供了坚强保障。 Chang 'an Automobile earnestly implements the political responsibility of monitoring the Party, thoroughly studies and implements 聚焦政治建设,全力配合集团公司政治巡视,进一步增强“四个意识”;聚焦思想文化建设,坚定理想信 the spirit of the 19th Congress and the work requirements of higher authorities, compacts the responsibility of building a clean and 念,打造突显狼性特征的领先文化;聚焦组织建设,打造坚强战斗堡垒,造就高素质干部人才队伍;聚焦 honest government, and strengthens the supervision of the overall and strict governance of the Party and the political life within the Party. Strengthen the construction of style of work, seriously investigate and deal with spiritual problems violating the eight central 作风纪律建设,强化监督执纪问责,廉洁从业生态持续营造;加强党对群团工作的领导,发挥好桥梁纽带作 regulations, continuously rectify " four ethos " and establish a long-term mechanism for the construction of style of work; Strengthen 用,建设幸福美好长安。 discipline education, strengthen warning education and daily reminders, carry out the party conduct and clean government education month activities, and promote the integrity of Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the party Committee of Chang 'an automobile all employees in the whole value chain. We will strictly fully implements the spirits of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly implements the general supervise and enforce discipline and accountability, requirements of the party's construction in the new era, promotes in depth the extension of all-round and strict party management continuously deepen integrity checks, strictly enforce to the grassroots level, implements in depth the leading strategy of the party construction, continuously improves the quality of the discipline and accountability, closely monitor and party's construction, and provides a strong guarantee for the third start-up and high-quality development. supervise key areas, maintain a high-pressure situation Focus on political construction, fully cooperate with the group company's political tour, and further enhance the " four consciousness"; of punishing corruption, and continuously push forward Focus on ideological and cultural construction, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and create a leading culture that highlights wolf the construction of a clean and honest government and characteristics; Focus on organizational construction, build a strong battleground and train high-quality cadres and talents. Focus on anti-corruption work. the construction of work style and discipline, strengthen supervision, discipline and accountability, and continuously create a clean working environment. We will strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of mass organizations, play a good role as a bridge and link, and build a happy and beautiful Chang 'an. 合规守法 Compliance 长安汽车坚持“建设法治长安、打造法治央企”,持续建设和完善全面法律风险防控体系,为全球化发展战略 提供专业法律支持。推行企业总法律顾问制度,重要决策的法律审核把关率达到100%;完善内控评价和全 面风险管理体系,搭建风险分级管理机制、风险信息收集联络机制和风险定期报告机制,公司经营管理进一 步规范化、科学化、程序化。 Chang 'an Automobile insists on " building Chang 'an under the rule of law and building central enterprises under the rule of law" and continuously builds and improves a comprehensive legal risk prevention and control system to provide professional legal support for the globalization development strategy. The implementation of the enterprise's general legal adviser system, the legal audit check rate of important decisions reached 100%; We will improve the internal control evaluation and comprehensive risk management system, set up a risk classification management mechanism, a risk information collection and liaison mechanism and a risk regular reporting mechanism, and further standardize, scientifically and procedurally manage the company. 30 31 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Eco Development 绿色发展 绿色采购 Green procurement 绿色生产 Green production 绿色产品 Green product 长安汽车坚决贯彻绿色发展理念,积极探索经济 效益与环境效益的双赢发展,始终坚持提高资源 利用率,采用环保工艺及设备,实施清洁生产和 智能制造,减少污染物排放,致力打造资源节约 型、环境友好型企业。 Chang 'an Automobile resolutely implements the concept of green development, actively explores win-win development of economic benefits and environmental benefits, always insists on improving the utilization rate of resources, adopts environmental protection technologies and equipment, implements clean production and intelligent manufacturing, reduces pollutant emissions, and devotes itself to building a resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprise. 32 33 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 绿色采购 供应商战略合作 Green purchasing Supplier strategic cooperation 为促进与供应商的共赢发展,长安汽车与爱信、博世、宝钢、科大讯飞等企业建立了战略合作关系;通过与战略供应商共 采购政策方针 同开发新技术、共建实验室和技术标准,提升公司核心技术能力。 Procurement policy guidelines In order to promote the win-win development with suppliers, Chang 'an Automobile has established strategic cooperation relations with AISIN, Bosch, Baosteel, iFLYTEK and other enterprises. Through joint development of new technologies, joint construction of laboratories and technical standards 长安汽车的采购理念以诚信为基石、共赢为目标,重点围 with strategic suppliers, the company's core technical capabilities will be improved. 绕质量、成本、交付三大核心,以最短时间响应客户需求, 为客户提供全生命周期质量最优、成本最低的产品和服务, 持续提升供应链管理能力,打造合作共赢的绿色供应链。 Chang 'an Automobile's procurement philosophy is taking honesty as its cornerstone and win-win as its goal. It focuses on the three cores of quality, cost and delivery. It responds to customers' needs in the shortest 供应商体系认证(QCA) possible time, provides customers with the best quality and lowest Supplier system certification (QCA) cost products and good services in the whole life cycle, continuously improves the supply chain management capability, and creates a green 长安汽车结合自身特点,建立自主品牌汽车企业供应商能力认证体系(QCA),从质量、研发、物流等六个方面对供应商 supply chain with win-win cooperation. 的能力进行认证和提升,确保供应商提供的零部件符合国家环保规定和要求。 Chang 'an Automobile has established a supplier competency certification system (QCA) for its own brand automobile enterprises in combination with its own characteristics, which certifies and improves the supplier's capability from six aspects, including quality, research and development, and 采购管理体系 logistics, to ensure that the parts provided by the supplier meet the national environmental protection regulations and requirements. Procurement management system 长安汽车从与供应商建立战略合作、督促供应商体系认证、加强供应商环境管理、维护改善合作关系以及降低零部件采 购成本等六大方面搭建采购管理体系,保障满足企业所需要的货物和服务。 Chang 'an Automobile has set up a purchasing management system from six aspects, including establishing strategic cooperation with suppliers, urging supplier system certification, strengthening supplier environmental management, maintaining and improving cooperation relations, and reducing parts purchasing costs to ensure that goods and services needed by enterprises are met. 34 35 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 零部件成本管理 供应商合作关系管理 Cost management of spare parts Supplier cooperation relationship management 以全价值链成本最低为原则,建立了供应商的成本诊断模型,并成立了供应商成本帮扶专家团队,提升一级和关键二级 为提升合作效率、改善合作关系,长安汽车在传统的单向管理的基础上,建立了自主品牌第一个反向评价体系,提升供 供应商成本管理能力,实现全价值链的的成本最优。 应商关系管理能力。 Based on the principle of the lowest cost in the whole value chain, a cost diagnosis model for suppliers is established, and an expert team for supplier In order to enhance cooperation efficiency and improve cooperation relations, Chang 'an Automobile has established the first reverse evaluation system cost assistance is set up to enhance the cost management capability of primary and key secondary suppliers so as to achieve the best cost in the whole of its own brand on the basis of traditional one-way management to enhance supplier relationship management capability. value chain. 供应商环境管理 Environmental management of suppliers 为提高企业的环保意识,鼓励企业改善环境绩效,树立节约能源、可持续发展的思想,长安汽车仅与通过ISO14001环境 管理体系认证的供应商实施合作。 In order to improve the environmental awareness of enterprises, encourage enterprises to improve their environmental performance, and establish the idea of energy conservation and sustainable development, Chang 'an Automobile only cooperates with suppliers that have passed ISO14001 未来发展规划 environmental management system certification. Future development planning 类别 Category 管理要求 Management requirements 未来,长安将从全价值链、供应商能力、电子信息化、新技术合作四个方面持续优化采购管理,实现全面绿色采购。 1.获得ISO14001认证,且在有效期内 In the future, Chang 'an will continue to optimize procurement management from four aspects: full value chain, supplier capability, electronic 准入前商谈 1. Obtain ISO14001 certification, and within the validity period informatization and new technology cooperation to realize full green procurement. Pre-admission talks 2.获得排污许可证,且在有效期内 2. Obtain a pollution discharge permit, and within the validity period 全价值链: 供应商能力: 电子信息化: 新技术合作: Whole-value chain Suppliers' capabilities 新准入供应商 ISO14001体系认证作为供应商准入标准中否决项条款 Electronic informationization Cooperation on new technologies Newly admitted suppliers SO14001 System Certification as Denial Clause in Supplier Access Standard 探索与供应商在新能源、智能化等 实施全生命周期的TQC-V策 持续推广供应商QCA认证,提 优化采购模式,逐步推进互联 领域建立新型战略合作关系,实现 1.已通过ISO14001认证的供应商,确保证书处于有效期内 略,实现成本持续领先 升供应商综合能力 网采购平台建设 品牌向上和溢价提升 1. Suppliers who have Passed ISO14001 certification shall ensure that the certificate is within the validity Implementation of the TQC-V Continue to promote QCA Optimize the procurement Explore new model of strategic 体系内供应商 period strategy throughout the life authentication of the model and gradually promote partnerships with the suppliers in In-system suppliers cycle to achieve continuous suppliers and enhance their the establishment of the 2. 2019年12月1日起长安汽车将对未通过认证或认证失效的供应商,停止其新品开发资格 new energy and intelligentization leading cost advantages comprehensive capabilities internet procurement platform 2. From December 1, 2019, Chang 'an Automobile will stop the development qualification of new products fields to achieve uplifting of brand for suppliers who fail the certification or whose certification is invalid and premium. 36 37 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 绿色生产 Green production 案例 Case 乘用车鱼嘴基地是长安汽车高起点规划、高标准设计、以精益制造标杆工厂为目标而打造的全新生产基地,其 四大生产工艺在国内自主品牌中首屈一指。 我们以打造绿色精益制造标杆工厂为目标,建立方针展开、标准化工作、目视化管理、过程确认、持续改进、时间数据管 Yuzui Base for Passenger Cars is a brand-new production base built by Chang 'an Automobile with high starting point planning, high standard 理六大一致性流程以及QOS、DOS、COS、POS、MOS、EOS、SOS七大操作系统,提升精益制造体系的有效性,实现制造全 design and the goal of lean manufacturing benchmarking factory. Its four major production processes are second to none among domestic 过程高效化、节能化、环保化,建立全球一体化精益制造体系,达到行业先进水平。 independent brands. With the goal of building a green manufacturing benchmarking factory, we have established six consistent processes of policy deployment, 冲压车间 standardization, visual management, process confirmation, continuous improvement, and time data management as well as seven operating systems of QOS, DOS, COS, POS, MOS, EOS, and SOS to enhance the effectiveness of manufacturing system, realize high efficiency, energy conservation, and Stamping workshop environmental protection in the whole manufacturing process, and establish a global integrated manufacturing system to reach the advanced level of the industry. 采用国内自主研发、制造的压机,拥有2条5序“多连杆机械压机+双臂横杆传输方 式”的封闭式高速冲压生产线,智能化程度达到国内一流水平。 It adopts domestic independently developed and manufactured presses, and has 2 closed high-speed stamping production lines with 5 sequences of " multi-link mechanical presses+double-arm crossbar transmission mode", with the intelligence reaching the first-class level in China. 焊接车间 Welding workshop 采用同平台、多车型柔性共线生产,拥有机器人535台,自动化率达92%,属国内一 流。 It adopts the same platform and multi-model flexible collinear production, with 535 robots, with an automation rate of 92%, belonging to the first class in China. 涂装车间 Painting workshop 采用的水性漆工艺涂装线、全自动机器人喷涂线、双组份清漆工艺线,均处于国际 领先地位。 The water-based coating line, automatic robot coating line and two-component varnish process line adopted are all in the leading position in the world. 总装车间 General assembly workshop 采用国际先进设施设备,运用先进工艺技术,实现了高自动化、高柔性化及深度的 人际工程。 With international advanced facilities and equipment and advanced technology, high automation, flexibility and depth of interpersonal engineering have been realized. 38 39 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 生产洁净化 案例 Case Cleaner production 长安汽车渝北工厂自2017年入选国家绿色工 渝北工厂水资源来自市政供水,2018年水资源消耗总量为1682543吨,单车消耗为4.614吨/辆。 厂示范名单以来,始终坚持以用地集约化、生 The water resources of Yubei factory come from municipal water supply. In 2018, the total consumption of water resources was 1,682,543 tons and that of 产洁净化、废物资源化、能源低碳化为目标, bicycles was 4.614 tons/vehicle. 成为汽车行业的绿色标杆。 Since its inclusion in the national green factory 废水主要为涂装工艺的生产废水, demonstration list in 2017, Chang’an Auto Yubei Factory has always adhered to the objectives of intensive land 即脱脂废水、磷化废水、电泳废水以 use, cleaner production, waste recycling and low-carbon 及喷漆处理废水。基地将各类废水 energy, and has become a green benchmark for the auto 分别经污水处理系统进行处理,在 industry. 废水总排口安装废水流量计及在 线监测系统,并与当地环保部门联 网,实现总磷、CODcr 等的在线监 用地集约化 测,监测达标后排放。 Intensive use of land The waste water is mainly the production waste water of painting process, namely 渝北工厂占地面积约750亩,容积率满足《工业项目建设用地控制指标》。根据《重庆市工业用地规划导则》都市区内的特 degreasing waste water, phosphating waste water, electrophoresis waste water and 色工业园区工业用地产出强度数据应不低于60亿元/km2的要求,渝北工厂单位用地面积产值连续三年满足要求并且远 painting treatment waste water. 超其数倍之多。 The base will treat all kinds of waste water by sewage treatment system respectively, Yubei factory covers an area of 750 mu, and the floor area ratio meets the " Control Index of Construction Land for Industrial Projects". According to the install waste water flowmeter and online monitoring system at the waste water main discharge port, and connect with local environmental protection " Guidelines for Planning Industrial Land in Chongqing", the output intensity data of industrial land in characteristic industrial parks in metropolitan department to realize online monitoring of total phosphorus, CODcr, etc., and discharge after the monitoring reaches the standard. areas should not be lower than the requirement of 6 billion yuan /km2, and the output value of unit land area of Yubei factory has met the requirement for three consecutive years and far exceeded several times. 40 41 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 废物资源化 能源低碳化 Waste recycling Energy low carbonization 渝北工厂针对废水、废气和废渣三大主要污染物进行处理回收利用,取得了显著成效。 渝北工厂通过实施工艺技改、节能措施,来降低工厂运行能耗,减少碳排放量。 Yubei factory has made remarkable achievements in the treatment and recycling of wastewater, waste gas and waste residue. Yubei factory has implemented technological innovation and energy saving measures to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in the operation of the factory. 废水 Waste water 能源节能管理 Energy conservation management 工业废水处置率 100% 生产、生活产生的各类废水经污水处理系统进行处理回收利用。 搭建能源管理系统,分车间级、生产级、区域级布置600余块智能仪表,采集分析能耗、环境排放等异常耗能,通过人员实 现能源精益化管控;同时减少抄表人数2人,节约费用16万/年。 All kinds of waste water from production and living are treated and recycled by the sewage treatment system. 100% of wastewater treatment reuse rate Build an energy management system with more than 600 intelligent instruments at workshop level, production level and regional level, collect and analyze abnormal energy consumption such as energy consumption and environmental emission, and realize lean energy management and control through personnel. At the same time, reduce the number of meter readers by 2, saving 160,000/year. 废气 Exhaust gas 通过源头+末端控制方式,应用水性喷涂+70%大比例循环风工艺,再通过沸石转轮 节能措施 Energy saving measures VOC排放为 +TAR等设备处理实现VOC降低,并进行余热回收。 Through the source+end control mode, water-based spraying+70% large proportion circulating air process 25g/m2 采用中频一体化焊机较传统工频焊机,功率减少20% ,焊接时间缩短15%,单点节能32%。 is applied, and then VOC is reduced and waste heat is recovered through zeolite wheel+TAR and other Compared with the traditional power frequency welder, the intermediate frequency integrated welder has the advantages of 20% power reduction, 15% VOC emission is equipment processing. 25g/m 2 welding time reduction and 32% single-point energy saving. 固废 Solid waste 针对危险固废建立了危废暂存库房,按种类进行分类分区存放,交由有资质的公司 2018年,渝北工厂单位产品综合能耗 2018年,渝北工厂单位产品碳排放量 132kgce/辆 484kgCO2e/辆 工业固体废弃物 进行集中处理。针对一般固废进行最大化的资源再循环利用,废钢料、焊料出售给相 综合利用率 关企业进行再利用。 66.84% In 2018, Yubei Factory's Unit Product In 2018, Yubei Factory's Carbon Emission Per For hazardous solid wastes, a temporary storage warehouse for hazardous wastes has been established, Comprehensive Energy Consumption Unit Product The comprehensive 132kgce/ vehicle 484kgCO2e/ vehicle which is classified and stored in different areas according to types and handed over to qualified companies utilization of for centralized treatment. To maximize the recycling of resources for General solid waste, scrap steel and industrial solid waste solder are sold to relevant enterprises for recycling. reaches66.84% 42 43 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 绿色产品 Green product 新奔奔EV360 CS75PHEV New Benni EV360 CS75PHEV 新能源汽车 New energy vehicles 目前已设立重庆、北京两大研发基地及重庆电池系统集成生产基地,形成了重庆、北京、保定、合肥、南京、南昌、深圳等 七地新能源汽车整车生产能力,累计推出CS75PHEV、CS15EV、逸动EV460、逸动PHEV、新奔奔EV等26款新能源车型。 2018年,长安新能源汽车销售8.68万辆,同比增长42.9%。 At present, Chongqing and Beijing have set up two research and development bases and Chongqing battery system integrated production bases, forming the vehicle production capacity of new energy vehicles in Chongqing, Beijing, Baoding, Hefei, Nanjing, Nanchang, Shenzhen and other seven places. A total of 26 new energy vehicles, including the CS75PHEV, CS15EV, EADO EV460, EADO PHEV, and New Benni EV, have been launched. In 2018, 补贴后售价:¥6.48-7.68万元 补贴后售价:¥16.58-19.68万元 Chang 'an sold 86,800 new energy vehicles, up 42.9% year on year. 电池容量(kwh):34 最大功率(kw):255 电机功率(kW):55 最大扭矩(Nm):605 综合续航里程(km):301 纯电续航里程(km):60 充电时间快/慢充:45min/11h 充电时间慢充:4h 逸动EV460 CS15EV Price after subsidy:¥ RMB 64,800-76,800 yuan Price after subsidy:¥ RMB 165,800-196,800 Battery Capacity (kwh):34 Maximum power (kw):255 EADO EV460 CS15EV Motor power (kW):55 Maximum torque (n.m): 605 Comprehensive cruising range (km):301 Pure electric range (km):60 Fast/slow charging time: 45min/11h Charging time slow charging: 4h CS55蓝动版 CS55 Blue Motion Edition 补贴后售价:¥11.99-12.99万元 补贴后售价:¥8.98-9.88万元 售价:¥8.49-13.39万元 电池容量(kwh):52.56 电池容量(kwh):49.14 发动机:Blue Core 1.5T VVT DOHC 电机功率(kW):100 电机功率(kW):55 变速器:爱信6速手自一体变速箱 综合续航里程(km):405 综合续航里程(km):351 最大扭矩(Nm):225 充电时间快/慢充:33min/8h 充电时间快/慢充:0.5h/8.5h Price:¥ RMB 84,900-133,900 Price after subsidy:¥ RMB 119,900-129,900 Price after subsidy:¥ RMB 89,800-98,800 yuan Engine: Blue Core 1.5T VVT DOHC Battery capacity (kwh):52.56 Battery capacity (kwh):49.14 Transmission: Aixin 6-speed manual self-integration gearbox Motor power (kW):100 Motor power (kW):55 Maximum torque (n.m): 225 Comprehensive cruising range (km):405 Comprehensive cruising range (km):351 Fast/slow charging time: 33min/8h Fast/slow charging time: 0.5h/8.5h 44 45 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 智能汽车 智能驾驶 Intelligent driving Intelligent automobile L1级驾驶辅助技术已普及应用 长安汽车以国家智能汽车创新发展战略为牵引,审视技术发展、市场趋势、用户消费习惯,以智能驾驶、智能网联、智能 已完成全速自适应巡航ACC-SG、自动紧急刹车AEB-C/I/P、前碰撞预警FCW等14项技术首次量产开发,其中并线 交互三大领域技术为支撑,分阶段打造智能汽车平台。 辅助LCDA、追尾预警RCW、限速标识识别TSR、自动远光灯FAB、准高清全景、行人自动紧急制动AEB-P等6项技术 Chang 'an Automobile, guided by the national strategy for the innovation and development of intelligent automobiles, surveys technological 做到了中国品牌。 development, market trends and consumer habits, and builds an intelligent automobile platform in stages supported by technologies in three major fields: intelligent driving, intelligent Internet connection and intelligent interaction. L1 level driving assistance technology has been widely applied 14 technologies such as full speed adaptive cruise ACC-SG, automatic emergency brake AEB-C/I/P, and front collision early warning FCW have been developed for the first time in mass production. Six technologies such as parallel auxiliary LCDA, rear collision early warning RCW, speed 智能网联 limit identification TSR, automatic high beam FAB, quasi-high definition panorama, and pedestrian automatic emergency brake AEB-P have Intelligent internet connection achieved Chinese brand. 率先在国内实现智能人-车-生活功能量产,以云端为中心,打通长安、京东、科大讯飞后台建立三端互联,通过三个语音 入口(手机、车机、智能家居)实现人、车、智能家居为一体的智能人车生活体验。 It is the first to realize mass production of smart people-car-life functions in China. It takes the cloud as the center and connects Changan, Jingdong and HKUST's back offices to establish a three-terminal connection. It realizes the life experience of smart people-car and smart home through three voice portals (mobile phone, car machine and smart home). 智能交互 Intelligent interaction 国内首发智能语音3.0——“小安”智能语音秘书,实现主动唤醒、个性化设置、语音打断、天窗控制等功能,已在CS95、新 CS75等车型上搭载。 China's first intelligent voice 3.0-" Xiao’an" intelligent voice secretary, which realizes functions of active wake-up, personalized setting, voice interruption, skylight control, etc., has been installed on CS95, new CS75 and other models. L2级自动驾驶技术已实现量产 已完成集成式自适应巡航IACC、全自动泊车APA4.0等PA 级自动驾驶关键技术量产开发。其中全自动泊车技术已 搭载在新CS75上量产上市、集成式自适应巡航技术已搭 载新CS55上量产上市。 L2-level autopilot technology has been mass produced We have completed the mass production development of key PA automatic driving technologies such as integrated adaptive cruise IACC and fully automatic parking APA4.0. Among them, the fully automatic parking technology has been put on the new CS75 for mass production and the integrated adaptive cruise technology has been put on the new CS55 for mass production. 46 47 绿色发展 ECO development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report L3级有限自动驾驶技术正在快速推进 共享汽车 2018年4月,长安汽车获取重庆自动驾驶道路测试牌照。预计2020年实现L3级量产车型的规模化搭载应用。 Car-sharing L3-level limited automatic driving technology is advancing rapidly. In April 2018, Chang 'an Automobile obtained Chongqing Autopilot Road Test Licence. It is expected to realize the large-scale carrying application 长安汽车旗下“长安出行”互联网+智能出行平台现已在重庆、南京、合肥、杭州、厦门、泉州等地投入近万台车辆。目前平 of L3-class mass production vehicles by 2020. 台上线运营分时租赁、长短租业务。 截止2019年1月,平台注册用户超过91万人,预计2019年一季度突破百万用户量。 Chang 'an Auto's " Chang 'an Travel" internet plus Intelligent Travel Platform has now invested nearly 10000 vehicles in Chongqing, Nanjing, Hefei, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and other places. At present, the platform goes online to operate time-sharing leasing and long-short leasing services. As of January 2019, the platform has more than 910,000 registered users and is expected to exceed one million users in the first quarter of 2019. 长安汽车 新逸动EV200 续航200公里 长安汽车 新奔奔 Changan Auto New EADO EV200 小巧灵动 城市精灵 Enduring 200km Chang 'an Auto New Benni Small and Smart City Spirit 新能源纯电动 全城畅通不限行 燃油动力 无里程焦虑 品质车型 舒适驾乘 精准调教 畅想驾驶乐趣 New energy, pure electric Fuel Power Without Mileage power, open and unlimited Anxiety throughout the city. Accurate Training, Imagining Comfortable driving and riding Driving Fun of quality vehicles L4级自动驾驶技术完成首次示范体验运营 2018年8月23日,长安汽车实现国内首家成功面向公众开放L4级自动驾驶商用示范体验,成功展示手机APP预约 自动驾驶车辆、V2X智慧交通、远程全自动泊车、市区道路环境L4级自动驾驶、智能家居互联、无线充电等技术。预 计到2025年,实现L4级量产。 L4-level Autopilot Technology Completed First Demonstration Experience Operation On August 23, 2018, Chang 'an Auto realized the first commercial demonstration experience of L4-level automatic driving successfully opened to the public in China. It successfully demonstrated technologies such as mobile phone APP reservation automatic driving vehicle, V2X intelligent transportation, long-distance full-automatic parking, L4-level automatic driving in urban road environment, smart home interconnection, wireless charging, etc. It is estimated that L4-level mass production will be realized by 2025. 48 49 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Win-win development 共赢发展 客户至上 Customer first 关爱员工 Caring for employees 合作共赢 Win-win cooperation 股东权益 Shareholders' equity 长安汽车坚决贯彻共享发展理念,把“价值共创、 价值共享”作为企业的基本伦理,努力实现企业 和客户、员工、合作方、股东的共同发展。 Chang 'an Automobile resolutely implements the concept of shared development, regards“value creation and value sharing" as the basic ethics of the enterprise, and strives to realize the common development of the enterprise and its customers, employees, partners and shareholders. 50 51 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 客户至上 Customer first 案例 Case 我们坚持“以客户为中心,提供极致体验和服务“,嗅觉敏锐,洞察需求,捕抓机会,情系老客户、开发新客户,以高品质的 产品和体验、服务,打动客户,让客户认同、喜爱。 2018年9月,全球领先的市场研究机构J.D.Power We insist on“ taking customers as the center, providing extreme experience and good service", insight into needs, catching opportunities, loving old 发布了2018年中国新车质量研究(IQS)报告,其中 customers and developing new customers, moving customers with high-quality products, experiences and services, and making customers identify CS55斩获紧凑型SUV细分市场第一。 with and love the products. In September 2018, J.D.Power, the world's leading market research institution, released the 2018 China new car quality study 提供优质产品 (IQS) report, in which CS55 won the first place in the compact SUV Provide high-quality products segment. 新 品 投 放 按 期 达 成 。第 二 代 逸 动 XT、CS35Plus、CS75PHEV等9个新品按 时投产上市。 提供优质服务 Delivery of new products will be completed on Offering high-quality service schedule. 9 new products, such as the second- generation EADO XT, CS35Plus and CS75PHEV, were put into production on time. 实施差异化服务 打造核心客户圈层 开展粉丝狂欢月 Implement differentiated services Building core customer circle Launch fans carnival month 产品质量稳步提升。 我们坚持“面向世界一流,打造质量先导型企业”,通过顾客驱动的质量管理体系,践行“持续提升、 客户满意、追求卓越”的质量理念,致力于做“高质量产品的提供者”。 The product quality has been steadily improved. We adhere to the principle of " facing the world first class and creating a quality-oriented enterprise". Through a customer-driven quality management system, we continue to practice the quality concept of“continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and pursuit of excellence" and are committed to being a " provider of high-quality products". 质量提升发展历程 Development process of quality improvement 乘用车、欧尚客户保持率分别 客户规模达654.1万,活跃数 粉 丝 盛 典 等 关 怀 活 动,吸 引 达85.6%、70.7%,提升了客户 达39.8万。 活跃 会 员 2 5 . 5 万 人,同 比 增 粘性。 实施经纪人计划,提升全价值 长 2 6 4 . 3 %,助 推 终 端 销 量 建立CPS团队,击碎重点投诉 链客户经营能力。 1.6万辆。 问题,客户投诉满意率达88%。 Customer retention rates for passenger The number of customers reached Concern activities such as the Fans cars and Auchan reached 85.6% and 6.541 million and the number of active Ceremony attracted 255,000 active 70.7% respectively, increasing customer customers reached 398,000. members, up 264.3% year-on-year, stickiness. Implement the broker plan to enhance boosting terminal sales of 16,000 2018年,长安汽车产品实物质量持续提升,达到合资企业平均水平以上,高质量产品提供者形象更加稳固。 The CPS team was established to break the operating capability of all value vehicles. (乘用车与欧尚)R/1000@3MIS同比改善37.5%;R/1000@12MIS同比改善23.3%。 down key complaint problems, and the chain customers. In 2018, the physical quality of Chang 'an automobile products continued to improve, reaching above the average level of joint ventures, and the image customer complaint satisfaction rate of high-quality product suppliers became more stable. reached 88%. ( Passenger cars and Auchan) R/1000@3MIS improved 37.5% year on year; R/1000@12MIS improved 23.3% year on year. 52 53 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 关心员工成长 关爱员工 Care for employees Concern for the development of employees 我们始终坚持密切联系群众,把员工对美好生活的向往作为奋斗目标,致力于构建“尊重、快乐、创造并分享价值”的平 台,营造“公平公正、简单透明、真诚合作”的工作氛围,支持员工不断提升能力。 We always regard employees as the value wealth of the enterprise, take their yearning for a better life as our goal, encourage and support the 优化职业发展通道 improvement of employees' abilities, and devote ourselves to building a platform of " safety, respect, happiness and creation" and sharing values. 建立横向七类,纵向22级的职位职级体系。2018年,78人晋升为专家,17人通过高级技师评审;14名操作工 人、19名技术管理人员享受公司高管待遇,并成功打造张永忠、刘源、李虎、张传华等国家级技能大师工作室。 带动就业发展 公司目前共有20个大师工作室,其中国家级4个,省部级7个,市级2个,公司级7个;7名技术工人出国留学。 Promoting employment development Optimizing career development channels The establishment of horizontal seven categories, vertical 22 level position rank system. In 2018, 78 people were promoted to experts 2018年,长安汽车及下属企业从业人员总数82383人,建立了完善的招聘与录用机制,录用标准公开透明,劳动合同签 and 17 passed the evaluation by senior technicians. 14 operators and 19 technical management personnel enjoy the treatment of senior 订率达到100%,不存在使用未成年工情况,招聘录用中不存在性别、民族、生理歧视等情况。 management of the company, and have successfully built state-level skill master studios such as Zhang Yongzhong, Liu Yuan, Li Hu and Zhang Chuanhua. The company currently has 20 master studios, including 4 at the national level, 7 at the provincial and ministerial levels, 2 据估算,长安汽车带动了产业上下游约150万人就业。 at the municipal level and 7 at the company level. Seven skilled workers studying abroad. In 2018, there were 82,383 employees in Chang 'an Automobile and its subordinate enterprises. A perfect recruitment and employment mechanism was established. The recruitment criteria were open and transparent. The labor contract signing rate reached 100%. There was no use of underage workers. There was no discrimination of sex, nationality or physiology in recruitment and employment. It is estimated that Chang 'an Auto has driven about 1.5 million people in the upstream and downstream of the industry to find jobs. 搭建全员学习平台 长安汽车大学开发631门培训课程,培养培训师841名,2018年培训16万余人次,持续为打造世界一流汽车企 长安汽车2018年保障员工权益数据 业的愿景提供人力保障。 Chang 'an Auto's Data on Protecting Employees' Rights and Interests in 2018 Building a learning platform for all staff Chang 'an Automobile University has developed 631 training courses, trained 841 trainers, trained more than 160,000 person-times in 2018, 指标 单位 实际情况 备注 Indicators unit Actual situation Remarks and continuously provided manpower guarantee for the vision of building a world-class automobile enterprise. 员工总人数 人 按从业人员口径统计 Total number of employees 89978 People Statistics according to the caliber of employees 新增就业人数 人 即新招收员工人数 4799 Number of new jobs People That is, the number of new employees 劳动合同签订率 % 100 Labor contract signing rate 社会保险覆盖率 100 Social insurance coverage rate % 人均带薪休假天数 按职工实际带薪休假天数计算 Number of paid vacation days 天 6.26 According to the actual paid vacation Day per capita days of employees 举办《打造组织能力的杨三角》大型讲座 hold a large-scale lecture on " Yang Triangle Building Organizational Capacity" 54 55 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 关心员工生活 Concern for the life of employees 举办技能竞赛 坚持“劳动创造未来,技能成就梦想”,承办“巴渝工匠”杯重庆市新能源汽车维修技能大赛、中国兵器装备集团 服务员工 有限公司“长安汽车”杯汽车装配工大赛,举办长安汽车第十六届技术技能运动会,打造长安工匠队伍,强大中 践行“双关心”,推进工资改革、优化任职资格、培训方式等9项好事、实事项目。开展“五送”活动,慰问员工13.54 国制造。 万人次,为2.4万名员工办理重大疾病互助保障。 Hold skills competition Adhering to the principle of " labor creates the future, skills achieve dreams", hosting the " ba Yu craftsmen" cup Chongqing new energy Service staff vehicle maintenance skills competition, the " Chang' an automobile" cup auto assembler competition of China weapons and equipment Practise the“ double concern", push forward the salary reform, optimize the qualifications, training methods and other nine good and practical group co., ltd., and holding the 16th Chang' an automobile technical skills games to build Chang' an craftsmen team and make it strong in projects. The“ Five Deliveries" campaign was carried out, offering condolences to 135,400 employees and providing mutual assistance for China. 24,000 employees in major diseases. 服务青年 打造长安青年员工情感关怀生态链,关心青年婚恋交友,举办“三世缘新长安”长安汽车2018年青年集体婚礼 暨江北区第一届职业青年集体婚礼,66对青年新人参加,累计共有625对新人参加;分群体开展30次单身青年联 谊活动,共计810名青年参加,成功牵手77对,配对比例达9.5%。 Serve the youth Build an emotional chain of Changan youth employees, care for young people and love friends, hold the“Three Worlds New Chang'an" Changan Automobile 2018 Youth Collective Wedding and the first professional youth collective wedding in Jiangbei District, 66 pairs of young people to participate, cumulative A total of 625 newcomers participated; 30 single youth networking events were organized in groups, with a total of 810 young people participating, and 77 pairs were successfully hand-in-hand, with a pairing ratio of 9.5%. 56 57 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 安全与健康 Safety and health 安全管理 Security management 围绕安全履职,落实主体责任。召开5次安委会会议,研究、部署安全生产有关事项,公司总裁/副总裁与各 部门总经理签订安全责任状64份,公司所属单位签订安全责任状1000余份,层层分解,责任到人,严格履 职,全年未发生安全主体责任事故。 围绕体系建设,强化标准落地执行。新增4项专项应急预案,修订375个现场处置方案,完善体系运行评价 标准,建立安全健康体检表,通过OHSAS18001和 ISO14001体系国家审核。 围绕现场安全,强化基层基础管理。开展应急演练591场,共计61632人/次参加,提升了全员应急能力。 围绕源头管控,强化安全防控能力。发动全员开展岗位危险源全面辨识,梳理岗位危险源48788条,重要 危险源4411条,通过分级管理并落实控制措施,确保安全风险有效控制。 围绕风险识别,强化隐患排查与治理。严格依法合规,推进10余个新、改、扩建设项目安全、环保、职业卫 生、消防“三同时”评价;公司所属各单位自查并整改20964项安全风险,持续提升风险识别与控制能力。 围绕科技兴安,强化安全创新管理。长安汽车全国各生产基地共建立13个微型消防站,消防管控能力持续 得到提升。 围绕培训教育,强化全员安全氛围。开展“职业病防治月”应急演练月”安全生产月”消防安全宣传日” 丰富文化生活 交通安全宣传日”等各类安全主题活动,普及全员安全常识,提升应急处置能力,强化安全红线意识,全年 开展“长安行天下明天更美好”——长安汽车第五 共计安全培训6184学时、88406人次。 届职工运动会系列活动;优化调整文体协会组织机 构,强化跑步、摄影、太极、心理等20个协会建设;开 Carry out the main responsibilities around the safe performance of duties. Five safety committee meetings were held to 展了一系列建工会小家活动1018项次,6.95万人次 study and deploy safety production-related matters. The president/vice president of the company signed 64 safety responsibility 参与,进一步丰富文化生活,激发员工活力。 certificates with the general managers of various departments, and the subordinate units of the company signed more than 1,000 safety responsibility certificates, which were broken down layer by layer. The responsibilities were transferred to the people, and the duties were strictly performed. No safety principal responsibility accidents occurred throughout the year. Enrich cultural life Around the system construction, strengthen the implementation of standards. Four special emergency plans were added, Carry out With Chang’an traveling around the world tomorrow will be better!"-Chang 'an Auto's 5th Staff Games Series Activities; 375 on-site disposal plans were revised, system operation evaluation standards were improved, and safety and health examination Optimize and adjust the organizational structure of sports associations, and strengthen the construction of 20 associations such as running, forms were established, which passed the national review of OHSAS18001 and ISO14001 systems. photography, tai chi and psychology. A series of 1,018 small-family activities were carried out with 69,500 people participating, further Focus on site safety and strengthen basic management at the grassroots level. 591 emergency drills were carried out, with enriching cultural life and stimulating employee vitality. 61,632 participants each time, improving the emergency response capability of all personnel. Focus on source control and strengthen safety prevention and control capability. To mobilize all staff to carry out comprehensive identification of post hazard sources, comb 48788 post hazard sources and 4411 important hazard sources, and ensure effective control of safety risks through hierarchical management and implementation of control measures. 58 59 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 维护员工权益 Safeguarding staff rights and interests Focus on risk identification and strengthen investigation and management of hidden dangers. Strictly abide by laws and regulations, and promote the " three simultaneous" evaluation of safety, environmental protection, occupational health and fire 1 protection for more than 10 new, modified and expanded construction projects. All subordinate units of the company have self- checked and rectified 20964 safety risks and continuously improved their risk identification and control capabilities. Focusing on the prosperity and safe development of science and technology, strengthening safety innovation management. A total of 13 mini fire stations have been set up in all production bases of Chang 'an Auto, and the fire control capability has been continuously improved. Around the training and education, strengthen the safety atmosphere of all personnel. Carry out various safety theme 民主管理 activities such as " occupational disease prevention month", " emergency drill month", " safety production month", " fire safety publicity day" and " traffic safety publicity day" to popularize the safety knowledge of all employees, enhance the emergency 长安汽车坚持以职工代表大会为基本形式的企业民主管理,召开5次职工代表大会团(组)长联席暨 response capability and strengthen the awareness of safety red line. A total of 6184 hours of safety training and 88406 person-times 专委会,审议通过2018年工资专项集体合同、职工工资制度(试行)、安全生产奖惩管理办法等7项议 were provided throughout the year. 案,完成《重庆长安汽车股份有限公司2018工资专项集体合同》 重庆长安股份有限公司集体合同》 签订,职工合法权益切实得到维护,劳动关系更加和谐稳定。 职业健康 Democratic management 2018年,长安汽车保持职业病连续“零”发生,完成2018年度职业病危害因素1271个点位检测;组织 Chang 'an Automobile insists on democratic management of enterprises in the form of staff and workers' congresses. It has 3681名职业病危害岗位接害员工周期性职业健康检查,覆盖率100%;投入1176万余元为员工配备和 held five joint and special committees of heads of staff and workers' congress groups (groups) to consider and pass seven proposals, including the 2018 special collective wage contract, the staff and workers' wage system (for trial implementation) 发放劳动防护用品,切实保障员工身体健康。 and the measures for the administration of rewards and punishments for safe production. It has completed the signing of the 2018 special collective wage contract of Chongqing Chang 'an Automobile Co., Ltd. and the Chongqing Chang 'an Co., Ltd. Occupational Health collective contract. The legitimate rights and interests of workers have been effectively safeguarded and the labor relations have In 2018, Chang 'an Automobile kept the occurrence of occupational diseases " zero" continuously, and completed 1271 point become more harmonious and stable. detection of occupational hazard factors in 2018. Organize 3,681 employees exposed to occupational hazards to undergo periodic 2 occupational health examination, with a coverage rate of 100%; More than 11.76 million yuan has been invested in equipping and distributing labor protection articles for employees to ensure their physical health. 指标项 2016年 2017年 2018年 薪酬福利 Indicator item In 2016 In 2017 In 2018 我们不断建立和完善员工收入与公司业绩、员工个人业绩及能力相匹配的薪酬管理机制,通过员工 安全生产费用投入(万元) 正常薪酬增长、年度业绩奖、利润分享奖等,让员工共享公司发展成果。同时,不断优化员工福利项 Investment in production safety 3828 4200 3809 expenses (RMB 10,000) 目,2018年共办理11814名员工公积金提取, 465人次生育津贴申报, 44名员工办理特殊疾病的申报工 作,76人异地医保报销等工作,有效保障了员工权益的实现。 劳动保护经费投入(万元) Investment in Labor Protection Funds 1379 1577 1176 (RMB 10,000) Compensation and benefits We have continuously established and improved a compensation management mechanism that matches the employee's income 安全培训人数(人次) with the company's performance, personal performance and ability. Through normal salary growth, annual performance award, Number of safety trainings (person-times) 76958 98015 88406 profit sharing award, etc., employees can share the company's development results. At the same time, staff welfare programs have been continuously optimized. In 2018, a total of 11,814 employees were allocated provident funds, 465 were declared maternity 职工健康体检覆盖率 allowances, 44 were declared for special diseases, and 76 were reimbursed for medical insurance in different places, thus effectively Health examination coverage rate of 100% 100% 100% ensuring the realization of staff rights and interests. employees 60 61 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 合作共赢 提升供应商能力 Win-win cooperation 建立供应商质量认证体系,按照“以顾客为关注焦 点”的质量管理原则,从体系、业绩、质量控制、满 我们坚持以诚信、平等、共赢的原则,建立风险共担、价值共创、利益共享的长期合作伙伴关系,实现共赢、协同和高效。 意度等方面对供应商开展辅导和认证,帮扶供应 We adhere to the principles of honesty, equality and win-win results, and establish a long-term partnership of risk sharing, value creation and benefit sharing to achieve win-win, synergy and efficiency. 商提升质量管理能力。 To improve the capability of suppliers 与供应商共同提升 Establish a supplier quality certification system. According to the quality management principle of " focusing on customers", Co-promotion with suppliers provide guidance and certification to suppliers in terms of system, performance, quality control, satisfaction, etc. To help 完善供应商及采购供应链管理 suppliers improve their quality management capabilities. 着力完善质量管理体系,把提升产品实物质量放在战略层面高度重视,加强对零部件质量的管理工作。积极增进与供应 商的互动交流,深化厂商合作关系,有效推动质量管理提升、零部件降本以及资源保障问题。 与经销商共同发展 Perfecting supplier and purchasing supply chain management Efforts should be made to improve the quality management system, attach great importance to improving the physical quality of products at the strategic level, and strengthen the management of parts quality. Actively promote interaction and communication with suppliers, deepen cooperation Develop with distributor between manufacturers, and effectively promote quality management improvement, cost reduction of parts and resources guarantee. 维护供应商合法权益 积极推进“公开、公平、公正”阳光采购体系建设,完善供应商合法权益维护的管理机制。 Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers We will actively promote the construction of an " open, fair and just" sunshine procurement system and improve the management mechanism for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers. 1 完善采购信息化平台系统,实现对生产零部件、物资类采购业务流程系统的监控与追溯管理。 Improve the procurement information platform system to realize the monitoring and traceability management of the production parts and materials procurement business process system. 2 健全供应商投诉问题处理机制,搭建微信投诉平台(供应商qtm),公开供应商投诉电话及邮 箱,广泛收集意见,快速响应,维护供应商合法权益。 Improve the mechanism for handling supplier complaints, set up wechat complaint platform (supplier qtm), open supplier complaint telephone and email, widely collect opinions, quickly respond, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers. 我们坚持共享为基的准则,通过MQOS助推经销商服务经营能力提升,搭建厂商知识共享、经验交流、比学帮超的沟通 交流平台。2018年,组织“技赢未来”营销技能大赛,共计3660人参赛;开展经销商岗位认证培训202期,培训4144人次, 3 实施采购关键业务与廉政内审风险检查机制,实现对生产零部件、物资类采购招标、议价流程 认证通过4093人次,认证通过率98.79%,提升经销商单店销售能力、单兵作战能力,实现厂商双赢。 风险的季度检查,不断规范采购业务流程。 We adhere to the principle of sharing as the basis, and use MQOS to promote the service and operation ability of distributors, and build a communication platform for manufacturers to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and help each other better than others. In 2018, organize the marketing skills Implement the risk inspection mechanism for key procurement businesses and clean and honest internal audit, realize competition of " technology wins the future", with a total of 3,660 participants. We conducted 202 training sessions on dealer job certification, with 4,144 the quarterly inspection of the risks in the bidding and negotiation processes for the production of spare parts and training sessions and 4,093 certification passes, with a certification pass rate of 98.79%, Thus improving dealer's single-store sales ability and individual materials, and continuously standardize the procurement business process. combat ability and achieving win-win results for manufacturers. 62 63 共赢发展 Win-win development 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 股东权益 Shareholders' equity 我们持续提高公司信息披露的及时性、准确性、完整性和透明度,增加主动披露的信息内容,切实保证公司股东特别是 中小股东的知情权。 We have continuously improved the timeliness, accuracy, completeness and transparency of the company's information disclosure, increased the content of information voluntarily disclosed, and effectively ensured the right to know of the company's shareholders, especially small and medium shareholders. 开展投资者关系管理活动。2018年,接 待投资者实地调研33批次,投资者关系 平台收到和有效回复投资者提问以及 建议1058条。 Carry out investor relations management activities. In 2018, the investor relations platform received and effectively responded to 1,058 questions and suggestions from investors after receiving 33 batches of field research. 长安汽车2018年第一次临时股东大会 CChang 'an Automobile's First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in 2018 现金分红回报投资者。截止目前,共实施现金分红19次,累计金额120亿元,派送红股和转增股本5次。 与合作伙伴深化合作 Cash dividends return investors.Up to now, a total of 19 cash dividends have been paid, with a cumulative amount of 12 billion yuan, and bonus shares have been distributed and increased 5 Times. Deepening cooperation with partners 我们秉承“优势互补、共赢发展”的理念,坚持“自主创新”和“合资合作”两条腿走路,不断与合作伙伴深化合作,与合作 近3年,公司以现金方式累计分配的利润达53.11亿元,分配的现金股利占年均可分配利润的29.34%,为股东提供长期、 伙伴共同研究产品与技术,开创合资合作新局面。2018年,正式运行长安福特全国营销服务机构,进一步深化了长安与 稳定和良好的回报。 福特的合作;与马自达合作支持长安马自达开发J59E纯电动车,持续深化双方合作。 In the past three years, the company has accumulated 5.311 billion yuan in cash dividends, accounting for 29.34% of the annual distributable profits, providing long-term, stable and good returns to shareholders. We uphold the concept of " complementary advantages and win-win development", adhere to the two legs of " independent innovation" and " joint venture cooperation", continuously deepen cooperation with our 现金分红金额 分红年度合并报表中归属 占合并报表中归属于上市公 partners, jointly study products and technologies with our partners, and 分红年度 (含税).亿元 于上市公司股东的净利润 司股东的净利润的比率(%) create a new situation of joint venture cooperation. In 2018, Chang 'an Dividend year Cash dividend amount Net profit attributable to shareholders Percentage of net profit attributable to Ford's national marketing service organization was officially put into (tax included). 100 million yuan of listed companies in the annual shareholders of listed companies in the consolidated statement of dividends consolidated statement (%) operation, further deepening the cooperation between Chang 'an and Ford. Cooperate with Mazda to support Chang 'an Mazda in developing J59E pure electric vehicles and continuously deepen the cooperation 2018年 0.86 6.81 12.70% between the two sides. 2017年 21.42 71.37 30.01% 2016年 30.83 102.9 29.98% 64 65 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Social welfare 社会公益 科技教育 Science and technology education 绿色环保 Environmental protection 捐赠扶贫 Donation to help the poor 马拉松精神 Marathon spirit 长安汽车坚持始终“爱行天下”公益理念,围绕科 技教育、绿色环保、爱心捐赠三大主题,持续开展 公益活动,履行社会责任,树立企业公民形象。 Chang 'an Automobile adheres to the public welfare concept of " loving the world" all the time. Around the three major themes of science and technology education, green environmental protection and loving donation, Chang 'an Automobile continues to carry out public welfare activities, fulfill its social responsibility and establish the corporate citizenship image. 66 67 社会公益 Social welfare 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 科技教育 Science and technology education 绿色环保 Environmental protection 我们坚持开展“科技体验营”活动,每年邀中小学生、社会公众、行业媒体走进长安汽车品牌体验基地;打造“智慧小 我们坚持开展“益起爱河”水资源保护、植树护绿系列公益行动。 镇”,面向公众开放L4级自动驾驶商用示范体验,近距离感受汽车制造的魅力,深入了解、认可以长安汽车为代表的中 We have persisted in carrying out a series of public welfare actions such as protecting water resources and planting trees to protect the green. 国制造,传递汽车文明。截止2018年底,累计接待参观者180余万人。 We insist on carrying out " Science and Technology Experience Camp" activities, inviting primary and secondary school students, the public and industry media to enter Chang 'an Automobile Brand Experience Base every year. Build a " smart town" and open L4-class self-driving commercial demonstration experience to the public. Feel the charm of automobile manufacturing in close quarters, deeply understand and recognize the Chinese manufacturing represented by Chang 'an Automobile, and pass on the automobile civilization. By the end of 2018, more than 1.8 million visitors had been received. 情系希望小学 托起孩子们的汽车梦 案例 Case Love hope primary school supports children's car dream 案例 Case 2018年5月27日至5月29日,长安汽车青年志愿者们,为雅安天全希望小学、崇州何家希望小学的孩子们送去满 2018年10月13日,长安汽车“益起爱河”水资源保护公益活动再次起航。志愿者在嘉陵江畔和长江岸边清理河道、拾 满的爱心和礼物。期间,向雅安天全希望小学捐赠优质的音响设备,使孩子们课堂教学的硬件设施得到完善;向崇 取垃圾,通过自身的行动,感染和呼唤人们对水资源的关注和保护,唤起公众的节水意识,共同致力于保护水生态 州何家希望小学捐赠长安CX30笼式半剖车身,为孩子们打造一个汽车文化科普教室,托起孩子们心中的汽车梦。 资源。 From May 27 to May 29, 2018, the young volunteers of Chang 'an Auto sent full love and gifts to the children of Ya 'an Tianquan Hope Primary School On October 13, 2018, Chang 'an Automobile " Yiqi Aihe" water resources protection public welfare activities set sail again. Volunteers clean up and Chongzhou Hejia Hope Primary School. During this period, high-quality audio equipment was donated to Ya 'an Tianquan Hope Primary rivers and collect garbage on the banks of Jialing River and Yangtze River. Through their own actions, they infect and call people's attention and School to improve the hardware facilities for children's classroom teaching. Donate Changan CX30 cage-type semi-split car body to Chongzhou He protection of water resources, arouse the public's awareness of water conservation, and make joint efforts to protect water ecological resources. Jia Hope Primary School to build a popular science classroom for children's car culture and hold up the car dream in their hearts. 68 69 社会公益 Social welfare 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 捐赠扶贫 Donation to help the poor 马拉松精神 Marathon spirit 积极响应“十三五”脱贫攻坚号召,切实推进精准扶贫、教育捐赠、公益救济和公共事业建设等工作,共投入资金 我们连续多年赞助重庆国际马拉松赛,将活力进取的企业形象与持之以恒的马拉松精神紧紧绑定在一起,带动用户、 3171.99万元。 合作伙伴,用实实在在的行动,大力弘扬马拉松精神,践行着健康中国的理念,传递着“前进,与你更近”的品牌价值。 We responded positively to the call of the 13th Five-Year Plan to shake off poverty and effectively promoted the work of precise poverty alleviation, We have sponsored the Chongqing International Marathon for many years in a row. We have tightly bound the dynamic and enterprising corporate education donation, public welfare relief and public utility construction, with a total investment of 31.7199 million yuan. image with the persistent marathon spirit. The users, employees, partners and other members of Changan Auto's progressive team are carrying out the concept of healthy China and passing on the brand concept of " advancing, getting closer to you" with real actions. 在社会扶贫方面,长安汽车对云南省泸西、砚山两县精准扶贫,捐赠现金2200万元,并定向招聘在校毕业生; 对重庆市彭水县、酉阳县定点扶贫,捐赠现金50万元。长安马自达对泸西县定点扶贫,捐赠现金100万元。 In the area of social poverty alleviation, Chang 'an Automobile has made a precise contribution to poverty alleviation in Luxi and Yanshan counties of Yunnan Province, donating 22 million yuan in cash and recruiting graduates. Donation of 500,000 yuan in cash to Pengshui County and Youyang County of Chongqing for targeted poverty alleviation. Changan Mazda donated 1 million yuan in cash to luxi county for targeted poverty alleviation. 3171.99 2018年 ★指标:捐赠扶贫资金 单位: 万元 Donation of Poverty Alleviation Funds (RMB 10,000) 2018年 在教育捐赠方面,长安汽车向雅安天全希望小学、崇州何家希望小学捐赠实物资产3.25万元。长安福特汽车有 限公司向北京市西部阳光农村发展基金会捐赠现金328.74万元。 In terms of educational donations, Chang 'an Automobile donated 32,500 yuan in kind to Ya 'an Tianquan Hope Primary School and Chongzhou He Jia Hope Primary School. Changan Ford Motor Co., Ltd. donated 3.274 million yuan in cash to Beijing Western Sunshine Rural Development Foundation. 在公益救济和公共福利事业捐赠方面,长安汽车向中国汽车产业创新发展联合基金、重庆市残疾人基金会等 捐赠现金,共480万元。长安马自达、长安福特马自达发动机有限公司向南京市江宁区慈善总会,共捐赠现金 10万元。 In terms of public welfare relief and donations to public welfare undertakings, Chang 'an Automobile donated 4.8 million yuan in cash to China's Joint Fund for Innovation and Development of Automobile Industry and Chongqing Disabled Persons Foundation. Changan Mazda and Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., Ltd. donated 100,000 yuan in cash to Jiangning District Charity Federation of Nanjing City. 70 71 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report Postscript of the report 报告后记 企业荣誉 Enterprise honor 展望未来 Looking forward to the future 报告说明 Note to the report 长安汽车坚持始终“爱行天下”公益理念,围绕科 技教育、绿色环保、爱心捐赠三大主题,持续开展 公益活动,履行社会责任,树立企业公民形象。 Changan Automobile adheres to the charity concept of“Love the World”and focuses on the three major themes of science and technology education, environmental protection and love donation, and continues to carry out public welfare activities, fulfilling social responsibilities and establishing corporate citizenship. 72 73 报告后记 Postscript of the report 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 企业荣誉 Enterprise honor 长安汽车2018年获得荣誉(部分) 11 2018中国年度最佳雇主 China's Best Employer of the Year 2018 智联招聘 Zhaopin Chang 'an automobile won honor in 2018 (part) 中国汽车品牌发展峰会.中国卓越品牌 《中国汽车报》社有限公司 12 China Auto Brand Development Summit. Outstanding Brand in China China Automotive News Co., Ltd. 序号 荣誉名称 颁发单位 55辆长安CS55挑战吉尼斯无人驾驶纪录 吉尼斯世界纪录咨询(北京)有限公司 13 Guinness World Records Consulting (Beijing) 中国上市公司协会 55 changan CS55 Challenge Guinness World Record for Unmanned Driving 1 2017年度最受投资者尊重的百强上市公司 Co., Ltd. Top 100 Listed Companies Most Respected by Investors in 2017 China Association for Public Companies 2018年度国防科技工业企业管理创新成果二等奖 2017年度信息披露考核评级为“A” 深圳证券交易所 ——《大型汽车企业营销与服务新零售模式的建设 》 2 The information disclosure assessment rating for 2017 is " A" 14 中国国防工业企业协会 Shenzhen stock exchange Second Prize for Management Innovation Achievements of National Defense Science, China National Defense Industry Enterprise Technology and Industry Enterprises in 2018 Association 中国上市公司协会、沪深交易所 Construction of a New Retail Model for Marketing and Service of Large Automobile 上市公司丰厚回报榜单”前100家(49位) 3 China Association of Listed Companies, Enterprises Top 100 Listed Companies (49) Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges 国家人社部、财政部 中国汽车工业科学技术进步奖 国家高技能人才基地 4 Ministry of Human Resources and Social ——《汽车双离合器自动变速器(DCT)关键技术及产业化》 National High-skilled Talents Base Security, Ministry of Finance ——《汽车整车级电磁兼容性能分析预测关键技术研究》 ——《新能源汽车功能安全技术开发及应用》 北京长安获评“全国职工教育培训示范点” 中华全国总工会 ——《基于能量流分析的整车油耗开发关键技术研究与应用》 5 Beijing Chang 'an Won the Evaluation of " National Staff Education and Training All-China Federation of Trade Unions Demonstration Site" ——《汽车结构与动力电池碰撞安全关键技术研究与应用》 ——《长安CX70系列乘用车开发》 合肥长安获评“两化融合管理体系” 国家工信部 ——《长安H15T系列汽油机开发》 6 National Ministry of Industry and Information Hefei Chang 'an Wins Evaluation of " Two-cultural Integration Management System" ——《环境友好型发动机机加生产线制造开发》 Technology ——《整车电器系统安全性关键技术研究及应用》 中国汽车工程学会科技奖励工作委员会 15 Science and Technology Award Committee 全国产品和服务质量诚信示范企业 中国质量检验协会 China Automotive Industry Science and Technology Progress Award of China Automotive Engineering Society 7 National Product and Service Quality Integrity Demonstration Enterprise China Association for Quality Inspection Key Technologies and Industrialization of Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission (DCT) Research on Key Technologies for Analysis and Prediction of Vehicle-level Electromagnetic Compatibility Energy 2017-2018年度“中国汽车质量奖.优质售后服务奖” 中国汽车质量网/中国质检报刊社 Development and Application of Functional Safety Technology for New Energy Vehicles 8 2017-2018 " China Auto Quality Award. Excellent After-sales Service Award" China Auto Quality Network/China Quality Inspection Press Research and Application of Key Technologies for Fuel Consumption Development of Vehicle Based on Energy Flow Analysis Research and Application of Key Technologies for Collision Safety between Automobile 中国新能源乘用车企业创新TOP6 中国汽车企业创新大会 9 Structure and Power Battery China's New Energy Passenger Car Enterprises Innovate TOP6 China Auto Enterprise Innovation Conference Development of Changan CX70 Series Passenger Cars Chang 'an H15T Series Gasoline Engine Development 2013-2018年公益助残先进单位 重庆市残疾人福利基金会 Manufacturing and Development of Environmentally Friendly Engine Machining Line 10 2013-2018 Advanced Public Welfare Units for Disabled Persons Chongqing Welfare Foundation for the Disabled Research and Application of Key Technologies for Safety of Vehicle Electrical System 74 75 报告后记 Postscript of the report 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 16 2018低碳榜样奖 中国新闻社/中国新闻周刊 China News Agency/China Newsweek 展望未来 Looking forward to the future 2018 Low Carbon Model Award 睿骋CC荣获2018年德国埃森红点颁奖 德国设计协会评委会 长安汽车将以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神为指导,落实兵器装备集团质量提升“365”登 17 Ruicheng Cc Won 2018 German Essen Red Dot Award German Design Association Jury 高行动要求,以“深化改革、提升效率、 狠抓营销、 质量领先”为关键,全力推进第三次创业——创新创业计划,助力公 司高质量发展,向世界一流汽车企业坚定迈进,以优异成绩向建国70周年献礼! 18 中国智能汽车指数评价中获得评分第一名——长安CS75 I-VISTA 展望未来,我们致力于做负责任的企业楷模,持之以恒向社会做出源源不断的贡献,向行业输入长期持续的创新,顺 China's Smart Car Index Ranks First-Chang 'an CS75 I-VISTA 应人们对美好自由出行的向往,从客户的需求和体验出发,提供高品质的出行生活,为社会、经济和环境的发展作出 更大的贡献! 2018年汽车用户满意度测评紧凑型SUV第一名——长安CS55 中国质量协会全国汽车用户满意度测评(CACSI) 19 China association for quality's National Automobile National High-skilled Talents Base User Satisfaction Assessment (CACSI) Chang 'an Automobile will be guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's 19th spirit, implement the " 365" high-altitude action requirement for quality improvement of the Weapons and Equipment Group, take " deepening reform, improving efficiency, paying 中国生态汽车评价(C-ECAP)——长安新CS55 48V蓝动版 中国汽车技术研究中心 close attention to marketing and quality leadership" as the key, and fully push forward the third venture-innovative venture plan to help the company 20 China Eco-car Evaluation (C-ECAP)-Changan New CS55 48V Blue Motion Edition China Automotive Technology Research Center develop with high quality, firmly stride forward to the world's first-class automobile enterprises, and present the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic with outstanding achievements! Looking to the future, we are committed to being a responsible enterprise model, making continuous contributions to the society, introducing long- J.D.Power新车质量研究(IQS)紧凑型SUV第一名——长安CS55 J.D.Power(君迪)中国新车质量研究 term and continuous innovations to the industry, complying with people's yearning for a better and free travel, providing high-quality travel life based 21 J.D.Power (jundi) quality research on new cars in J.D.Power New Car Quality Research (IQS) First in Compact Suv-Changan CS55 China on customers' needs and experiences, and making greater contributions to social, economic and environmental development! 2018续航及经济性能最佳车型——逸动EV460 国际新能源汽车评价大会/中国新能源汽车大赛 22 International New Energy Vehicle Evaluation 2018 Model with Best Endurance and Economic Performance-EADOEV460 Conference/China New Energy Vehicle Competition 2020年 2025年 整车销量:400万辆 整车销量:600万辆 Vehicle sales: 4 million vehicles Vehicle sales: 6 million vehicles 中国品牌:246万辆 中国品牌:350万辆 Chinese brand: 2.46 million Chinese brand: 3.5 million 新能源车型销量:35万辆 新能源车型销售:116万辆 Sales volume of new energy vehicles: Sales of new energy vehicles: 350,000 vehicles 1.16 million vehicles 76 77 报告后记 Postscript of the report 2018 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report 报告说明 Note to the report 《长安汽车2018年社会责任报告》是重庆长安汽车股份有限公司向社会公开发行的第九份社会责任年度报告。报告时 间跨度为2018年1月1日至2018年12月31日,部分内容超出上述范围。 The report states: "Changan Automobile 2018 Social Responsibility Report" is the ninth annual social responsibility annual report issued by Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. to the public. The reporting time span is from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, and some of the content is beyond the above range. 报告内容: 本报告真实披露了长安汽车在企业社会责任管理及践行经济、环境、社会等责任方面的理念、实践和绩效。 Contents of the report: This report truly discloses Chang 'an Automobile's concept, practice and performance in corporate social responsibility management and fulfillment of economic, environmental and social responsibilities. 质量保证: 本报告发布前,所有数据及内容均通过审核,公司承诺本报告不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述。 Quality guarantee: Before the release of this report, all data and contents have passed the examination. The company promises that there are no false records or misleading statements in this report. 编制流程: 成立报告 确定 召开 搜集 总结 编写报告 审核报告 发布报告 编写小组 报告边界 编写会议 整理素材 与反馈 Compilation process: Determine the Collect and Set up report Hold a writing Review the Issue the Summarize report sort out Write a report writing team meeting report report and feedback boundary materials 联系方式: 地址:重庆市江北区建新东路260号 电话:023-67591008 官网:www.changan.com.cn Contact information Address: No.260 JianxinEast Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing Telephone: 023-67591008 Official website: www.changan.com.cn 78 79 80