1 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 目录 03 向智能低碳出行科技公司转型 Transformation into an Intelligent 05 推进客户经营“一号工程” Continuously Optimizes the Basic 07 坚持安全、绿色、低碳、可持 续发展 CONTENTS Low-Carbon Mobility Technology Company Technology Management System Adherence to Safe,Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development 24 发布“新汽车+新生态”战略 38 推进品牌向新向上 Launches “New Automobile + New Ecology” Strategy Pushes Brand Upward to Innovate and Advance 56 绝情抓安全 24 加快推进智能化“北斗天枢计划” 40 打造经典产品 Zero Tolerance on Safety Issues Promoted the “Dubhe Intelligent Program” Creates Classic Products 57 双碳环保 25 加快推进新能源“香格里拉计划” 42 成为高质量产品提供者 Double-carbon Environmental Protection Speeds up the “Mission Shangri-La” Becomes A Provider Of High-quality Product 59 绿色制造 26 深入推进“数字经营工程” 43 提供极致体验和服务 Green Manufacturing Pushes Forward the “Digital Management Project” Provides Exquisite Experience And Service 01 报告前言 Preface 27 加强多领域跨界合作 Strengthened Cross-Industry Cooperation in Various Fields 06 08 06 管理者致辞 Message from Executive Team 构建全员共创共享价值平台 积极履行企业社会责任 Construction of A Platform for All 04 08 企业简介 to Create and Share Values Proactive Fulfilling of Social Responsibility Company profile 把关键核心技术掌握在自己 手里 50 员工就业 52 活力长安 64 切实保障股东权益 12 公司治理 Grasp of the Core and Key Technologies Corporate Governance Employment Motivating Changan Effectively Protected the Rights and Interests of in Our Own Hands 50 薪酬福利 53 文化生活 Shareholders Salary & Benefits Cultural life 64 乡村振兴,脱贫帮扶 32 大力推进产品开发 51 员工发展 Rural Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Assistance 02 Vigorously Promotes Product Development Staff development 66 传递公益理念,弘扬志愿精神 责任管理 33 不断突破核心技术 Participated in Volunteer Activities to Promote Public Constantly Breaks Through Core Technologies CSR Management Welfare 35 构建“芯器图核云网天” 18 责任理念 Builds "Chips-Devices-Maps-Core Parts-Cloud CSR Concept Network-Satellite" Synergy 09 19 责任体系 CSR System 报告后记 20 责任沟通 Afterword CSR Communication 70 企业荣誉 73 报告说明 Honors Description 72 展望未来 Prospect 2 3 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 报告前言 管理者致辞 Message from Executive Team 企业简介 Preface Company profile 公司治理 Corporate governance 4 5 报告前言 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Preface Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 管理者致辞 Messge from Executive Team 2021年对长安汽车有着特殊意义。这一年,我们向智能 2021 bears special significance to Changan Auto for sponsorship, consumption assistance, and we were boldly advancing the transformation towards an industrial assistance, we participated in 低碳出行科技公司阔步前进。 intelligent, low-carbon mobility technology company. rural revitalization and created new cross- 我们比以往任何一个时候都更坚定“一定要把民族汽车 We couldn’ be more adamant on the belief that industry public welfare. “we must boost our national car brands” Despite of the The year 2022 marks Changan Auto’ 品牌搞上去”的伟大信念。芯片短缺、疫情反复、市场竞争加 headwinds and storms of semi-conductor shortage, resurging 160th anniversary. Our mission and social 剧,暴风雨中奔跑的我们不放弃、不退缩、不止步:长安汽车 of the COVID-19 pandemic, intensifying market competition, responsibility were deeply rooted in the we didn’ give up, cowered or stopped. Instead, we excelled DNA of generations of Changan people. 全年销售汽车230.1万辆、同比增长14.8%,成为首家累计产 as top 1 Chinese auto company with total production and Now is our new start, let's strike out again 销突破2000万辆的中国品牌汽车企业。 sales volume exceeding 20 million vehicles since foundation. into the future! We achieved 2.301 million units in 2021 with a year-on-year 我们比以往的任何一个时候都更深刻领悟到数字化的渗 increase of 14.8%. 透力量。随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革兴起,我们在创新 We couldn’ be more sensitive about the penetrating power of digitalization. With a new round of technological 创业的迭代中敲下一行行代码,为高质量产品源源不断注入 revolution and industrial transformation in the making, we 智慧和情感。截至目前,长安汽车智能网联汽车销量占比已 input hundreds and thousands of lines of code in the iteration of innovation, so as to inject our wisdom and emotion into our 达到72.4%,拥有核心技术1100余项、专利5892件。在2021年国家企业技术中心评价中,长安汽车名列汽 products. Up to now, with 72.4% of vehicles sold connected 车行业第一,研发实力六届12年排名中国汽车行业第一。 intelligently, more than 1,100 core technologies and 5,892 patents in hand, Changan Auto ranked No. 1 in the evaluation 我们比以往任何一个时候都更聚焦解决客户问题,为行业、为社会创造价值。以客户痛点为切入点, by the National Enterprise Technology Center in 2021, and 我们用优质的产品和服务面向未来;以更开放的姿态,我们与所有用户朋友和全产业链的伙伴们一道,共 ranked No. 1 in China's auto industry on R & D strength for 12 consecutive years. 建“新汽车+新生态”;以教育帮扶、消费帮扶、产业帮扶等多种方式,我们深层次助力乡村振兴,打造跨界 We couldn’ be more attentive to our customers’ 新公益。 concerns, and to creating value for auto industry as well as the society. Taking customers’pain point as our start point, 今年是长安诞生160周年,历史使命与社会担当已深深刻进一代又一代长安人的DNA。让我们以此为 we embraced the future with high-quality products and 新的起点,再出发,向未来! services; with a more open attitude, we worked with all our user friends and partners in the whole industry chain to jointly build“New Auto + New Ecology”through ways of education 长安汽车董事长 Chairman of Changan Automobile Zhu Huarong 6 7 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 企业简介 2021年上市公司财务数据 Company Profile Financial Data of Listed Companies in 2021 长安汽车隶属中国兵器装备集团有限公司,是中国汽车四大集团阵营企业,拥有160年历史底蕴、38年造车 资产总额 Assets total 销售汽车 Sales 营业收入 Revenue 缴纳税额(含关税)Tax paid 积累,全球有14个生产基地,33个整车、发动机及变速器工厂,70余个合作海外国家和地区。2021年,长安系中国 1354.05亿元 230.1万辆 1051.42亿元 71.04亿元 品牌汽车销量累计突破2000万辆。 135.405 billion yuan 2.301 million units 105.142 billion yuan 7.104 billion yuan Changan Auto, affiliated with China South Industries Group Corporation, is one of the enterprises under China's four major automobile groups. With 160 years of history and 38 years of experience in automobile making, Changan has 14 production bases and 33 vehicle, engine and transmission factories worldwide, and over 70 cooperation overseas countries and regions. By the end of 2021, the sales of Changan's Chinese brand vehicles exceeded 20 million. 38年经验积累 Experience accumulated over 38 years 2017年,长安汽车发布“第三次创业——创新创业计划”,2021年发布“新汽车+新生态”,致力于将文化、效 率、软件能力打造成核心竞争力,向智能低碳出行科技公司转型。 2010年 2014年 2021年 Changan announced its "Third Business Venture -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program”in 2017 and "New Car + New Ecology" in 2021, 长安系中国品牌汽车 长安系中国品牌汽车 长安系中国品牌汽车 销量累计突破500万辆 销量累计突破1000万辆 销量累计突破2000万辆 aiming to build culture, efficiency and software capabilities as core competencies and transform into an intelligent low-carbon mobility technology company. The Chinese brand Changan’ car The Chinese brand Changan’ car The Chinese brand Changan’ car cumulative cumulative sales reached 10 million cumulative sales reached 10 million 长安汽车始终以“引领汽车文明,造福人类生活”为使命,持续提供高品质的产品和服务,为员工创造良好 sales reached 5 million units units units 的环境和发展空间,为社会承担更多责任,为实现世界一流汽车企业努力奋斗。 175万辆,排名行业前列。 Changan Automobile always takes "Lead automobile civilization to benefit human life " as the mission, constantly delivers high quality products and services, creates a favorable environment and development space for employees, assumes more responsibilities for the society, and strives to 2021年长安系中国品牌汽车累计销量突破 achieve a world-class automobile enterprise. In 2021, the total sales of the Chinese brand Changan’ vehicles exceeded 1.75 million units, ranking among the top in the industry 8 9 报告前言 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Preface Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 全球产业布局 企业文化 Global Footprint Enterprise culture 在全球拥有8700余家销售服务网点,近12万名专业服务人员。 :嗅觉敏锐、目标坚定、主动担当、团结协作、极致效率 Over 8,700 sales and service outlets & nearly 120,000 professional service staff. A Pioneering Leader, A Wolf-culture Changan:Sensitivity. Steadfastness. Initiative. Collaboration. Efficiency. 使命 愿景 01 Mission 02 Vision 引领汽车文明 造福人类生活 打造世界一流汽车企业 To Lead Auto Culture and Build To Be a Leader of Global a Better Life Automobile Industry 价值观 道德自律 03 Value 04 Ethics 以客户为中心,提供极致体验和服务 诚信 廉洁 勤勉 负责 Customer-centered premium experience Honesty, Integrity, Diligence, and services Responsibility 以产品为主线,持续技术领先,打造经典产品 Product-based technological breakthroughs for classic vehicles 以价值为导向,凭数据、业绩及行业标杆说话 Value-aligned, data-driven and performance-based industry standards 以效率为优先,激发活力、追求卓越 Prioritizing efficiency, stimulate vitality and pursue excellence 海外共有6个工厂 6 plants overseas 长安精神 05 Changan spirit 88 14 33 50 自我批判 主动担当 科学理性 创新创业 Self-criticism, Initiative, Rationality, Innovation 行为准则 家 分子公司 个 全球生产基地 工厂 个 余个 海外销售国家和地区 06 Code of conduct branches and global production plants countries and regions 目标坚定 团结协作 高效行动 Steadfastness, Collaboration, Efficiency subsidiaries bases 形象用语 07 Slogan 科技长安 智慧伙伴 Technology Changan, Smart Partner 10 11 报告前言 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Preface Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 公司治理 Under the CPC Committee of Changan Auto, there are 20 sub-committees, 19 disciplinary inspection committees, 284 Party Corporate Governance (general) branches with 10,138 party members. The CPC Committee of Changan Auto, has thoroughly 组织机构 studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; strictly upheld the Organization establishment of Xi Jinping’ core position on the Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and defined the guiding role 长安汽车不断完善公司法人治理结构,以股东大会、董事会、监事会和经营层为主体结构的决策、监督和经 of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We have strengthened our consciousness of the 营体系,运作水平持续提高和规范。全年召开股东大会3次,董事会会议28次,监事会会议9次,共审议通过102项 need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, 议案,并通过公司专业委员会、职能部门、二级单位、分子公司、合资企业执行落实。 follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stayed confident in the path, theory, system, and Changan Auto continuously improves the corporate governance structure, and the decision-making, supervision and operation system with the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and upheld Comrade Xi Jinping’ core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party main structure of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management layer constantly improve as a whole, and upheld the Central Committee’ authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We have unswervingly implemented the spirit of and standardize its operation level. The general meeting of shareholders was held 3 times, the board of directors meeting was held 22 times, and the Xi Jinping’ important instructions on auto industry, in-depth carried out Party history learning and education, faithfully implemented of the New board of supervisors meting was held 9 times. A total of 102 proposals were examined and approved, and implemented by the company's professional Development Philosophy; gave full play to the leading role of the Party committee in "giving direction, managing the overall situation and promoting committee, functional departments, secondary units, subsidiaries and joint ventures. implementation", deepened the party building goal of "maintaining the core, focusing on the center, winning employees' favor, and making concerted efforts with partners", united and led the majority of Party members and all employees to fully deal with difficult challenges such as the shortage of material supply, and epidemic prevention and control, and solidly promoted the "Third Business Venture -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program", leading the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the company with high-quality party building 扎实开展党史学习教育,从党史中汲取发展智慧的政治担当进一步增强 We carried out party history learning and education, to strengthen the sense of responsibility and wisdom by learing from our party history 公司党委领导班子前往遵义接受 联系人民兵工史、汽车发展史,两 举办庆祝中国共产党成立100周 红色教育 级党委班子讲党课230余场 年党史知识竞赛 Members of the leading group of company's Members of the leading group of company's Contest theming at party history knowledge, Party committee went to Zunyi to receive two levels Party committees gave more than in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Party history education 230 party lectures, in connection with the founding of the Communist Party of China history of the war industry and the history of 坚持党建引领 automobile development. Guided by Party Building 长安汽车党委下设20个基层党委、19个基层纪委、284个党(总)支部,党员10138名。 长安汽车党委深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,坚决捍卫“两个确立”,增强“四个意识”, 坚定“四个自信”,做到“两个维护”,坚定不移落实习近平总书记对汽车行业的重要指示批示精神,扎实开展党史 学习教育,深入贯彻新发展理念,充分发挥党委“把方向、管大局、促落实”的领导作用,深化“四心四好”党建目标, 团结带领广大党员和全体员工,全力应对物资保供、疫情防控等困难挑战,扎实推进第三次创业——创新创业计 划,以高质量党建引领公司转型升级、高质量发展。 12 13 报告前言 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Preface Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 不忘初心、用情用力,深入推进“我为群众办实事”实践活动 Promoted the activity of "I do practical things for the people" with whole heart and soul and by bearing our original aspiration in mind 深入整治靠企吃企问题整改工作 长安汽车公司领导班子开展廉政教育谈话 In-depth rectification of the problem of relying on enterprises to eat Changan Auto Company's leadership team to carry out clean 围绕经营“急难险重”办实事。面 改造停车场,新增620个停车位 提高员工餐标 enterprises and rectification work government education talk 对“缺芯少电”,成立“1011”项目 Renovated the parking lot and added 620 Improved employee meal standards 组,协调风险供应商近150家 parking spaces We solved operational difficulties on“urgent, 合规守法 Legal Compliance complicated, dangerous or important” matters. Facing the "lack of chips and battery", the "1011" Project Team was established to coordinate nearly 150 risk suppliers 长安汽车建立法治建设第一责任人制度。 顺应国际形势变化、全球化发展战略,重构法务 管理体系,率先建立“合规管理委员会+首席合规官+ 廉洁从业 合规管理处”的管理模式。 Professional Integrity 持续推进全面法务合规执行落地,细化职能职 长安汽车党委始终把政治建设摆在首位,重视政 责,深入管理死角,对法律风险全面管控。 治生态建设,把严的主基调长期坚持下去,深刻吸取尹 Changan has established the Primary Responsible Person System for legal construction. 家绪严重违纪违法案件教训,以“不敢腐、不能腐、不想 We restructured the legal affairs management system in line 腐“一体推进理念深入整治靠企吃企。 with the change of international situations and the globalization development strategy, took the lead in building the "Compliance 2022年3月17日,公司高层带头开展合规宣誓,签署 深化作风建设,严抓中央八项规定精神落实,开 Management Committee + Chief Compliance Officer + Compliance 合规承诺书 展节前廉洁提醒14.2万人次。推动整治形式主义、官僚 We have continued to boost the full implementation of legal On March 17, 2022, the company's senior management led the compliance, refined functional responsibilities, checked the blind spots 主义突出问题,开展”新学风、改文风、转作风“”反对形 of management, and contained the legal risks in an all-round way. compliance oath and signed the compliance pledge 式主义、官僚主义“专项行动。 公司党委书记、董事长朱华荣带领领导班子成员作 实施“长治久安”工程,构建关重领域业务管理体 廉洁从业承诺 Zhu Huarong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of 系和监督体系,持续巩固发展反腐败斗争压倒性胜利, the Company, led the members of the leadership team to make a 努力打造全价值链廉洁从业生态。 commitment to clean practice Putting political building in the first place, the Party committee of Changan has always attached importance to the construction of political ecology, disciplined our Party members continuously in a strict way. We have learned the lessons of Yin Jiaxu's serious violations of discipline and law, and promoted the concept of "dare not corrupt, can not corrupt and will not corrupt ", and carried out in-depth inspection and ratification on“playing their own game and making private profit from the company” We have deepened the construction of work style, strictly implemented the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee, and sent out 142,000 clean reminder messages before festivals. We have launched the rectification of pinching problems of formalism and bureaucracy, and initiated a campaign on "renewing our study, changing our work style" and "opposing formalism and bureaucracy". We have implemented the "Long-Term Stability" project to build a business management system and supervision system in key areas, to consolidate and develop the overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption, and to create a clean employment ecology in the whole value chain. 14 15 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 责任管理 责任理念 CSR Concept 责任体系 CSR Management CSR System 责任沟通 CSR Communication 16 17 责任管理 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 CSR Management Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 责任理念 CSR Concept 长安汽车致力于向社会作出源源不断的贡献,向行业输入长期持续的创新,为人类创造美好自由的出行生 活作贡献。 We are committed to making continuous contribution to the society, injecting long-term and sustainable innovation to the industry, and creating a free and enjoyable car life. 责任机制 CSR System 按照《重庆长安汽车股份有限公司社会责任的管理程序》要求,明确企业社会责任规划管理、执行管理和运 我们坚持客户至上, 营评价管理等方面内容,严格执行对外捐赠流程和信息披露制度等,实现社会责任工作规范化与体系化。 为客户带来高品质的出行生活。 The Requirements of Chongqing Changan Auto's Social Responsibility Management Procedures clearly stipulated our social responsibility We insist on customer orientation, and planning management, execution management and operation evaluation management, by which, we strictly implement the donation process and bring customers high-quality mobility. information disclosure system to realize the standardization and systematization of our social responsibility. 我们致力于做负责 我们鼓励并支持员工 任的企业楷模,为社 01 能力提升,构建价值 会、经济和环境的 共享平台。 发展贡献力量。 We encourage and 引领汽车文明 support employees' ability We are committed to being a 05 02 improvement to build a 造福人类生活 responsible corporate model, value sharing platform. and making a contribution to social, economic and environmental development. To Lead Auto Culture and Build a Better Life 我们坚持透明高效、诚信 04 03 我们与合作伙伴建立风 务实的经营,为股东提供 险共担、价值共创、利益 长期、稳定和良好的回报。 共享的长期合作关系。 We persist in transparent, efficient, honest We maintain long-term cooperative and pragmatic management, and relations of risk sharing, value co- provide shareholders long-term, creation and benefit sharing with stable, good returns. partners. 18 19 责任管理 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 CSR Management Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 责任沟通 利益相关方沟通理念诉求 stakeholder Communication concept Demands 我们的行动与措施 Our actions and measures CSR Communication 我们坚持合规守法、透明高效、诚信稳健的 持续成长的经营业绩 保持稳定的分红,严格履行信息披露义务,通 经营,追求盈利和业绩的持续增长, 公正透明的信息披露 过线上、线下多种形式积极开展投资者交流 长安汽车通过发布社会责任报告、在企业官方网站设置社会责任专栏、开通微信微博、开展用户体验官活动 为股东提供长期、稳定和良好的回报。 稳定良好的投资回报 工作,建立多层次投资者良性互动机制,与资 本市场保持良好沟通,树立公司在资本市场 等,向社会和利益相关方传播责任理念,展示履行经济责任、环境责任和社会责任方面的进展和成果。 股东 We adhere to transparent, efficient, Ever-growing business 的良好形象 By issuing Social Responsibility Report, setting social responsibility column on our official website, registering WeChat and Weibo accounts, and Shareholders honest and pragmatic operation, performance Transparent Maintain stable dividends, fulfill the obligation of pursue profit and sustainable information disclosure information disclosure, carry out investor interaction carrying out User Experience Officer activity, Changan Auto spreads the concept of responsibility to the society and stakeholders, and demonstrates the growth of performance, and provide Stable and good return on online and offline, establish interaction mechanism for progress and achievements in fulfilling economic, environmental and social responsibilities. long-term, stable and good returns investment multi-level investors, maintain communication with the for shareholders. capital market, and build a good image in the capital 利益相关方一览表 market for the company A list of the stakeholders 经销商大会、1241”营销赋能体系、单店 我们坚持以诚信、平等、共赢的原则,建 共同发展 赋能培训 利益相关方沟通理念诉求 我们的行动与措施 立风险共担、价值共创、利益共享的长 长期合作 供应商大会、阳光采购体系、数字化供应 stakeholder Communication concept Demands Our actions and measures 期合作伙伴关系。 能力帮扶 链建设、 供应商帮扶和认证 合作伙伴 CA-QIP长安质量改进流程 Partner We adhere to the principle of integrity, Mutual growth The dealers' conference, the "1241" marketing 我们坚持客户至上,满足客户在不同场 提供高质量产品 客户体验评价机制、诚信服务五大 equality and win-win, to establish a long- Long-term cooperation empowering system, the single store 景下对产品和服务的需求,直达、精准、 提供愉悦的体验 承诺、明亮行动、超级星期三 term partnership of risk sharing, value Assistance in ability-building empowering training, the suppliers' conference, 快捷、互动,为客户带来高品质的出行 提供感动欣喜的服务 creation and benefit sharing. the sunshine procurement system, digital 客户 生活。 supply chain construction, supplier assistance and certification, CA-QIP Changan Quality Customers We insist on customer orientation, aiming Provide high quality products Establishing a customer experience Improvement Process at satisfying their needs for products and Provide a pleasant experience evaluation mechanism, the Five services in different scenarios, being direct, Provide a service that touches Commitments of Sincere Services, the accurate, fast and interactive, to bring them the heart Clean Campaign,“Super Wednesday” high-quality mobility. 我们致力于做负责任的企业楷模,不 扩大就业 第三次创业 断扩大就业,践行节能减排,积极倡导 依法纳税 可持续发展 绿色生活,为社会、经济和环境的发展 节能环保 “香格里拉”计划、绿色制造 贡献力量。 公益慈善事业 乡村振兴 社会 公益及志愿者活动 员工是企业的价值财富,我们鼓励 获得职业发展 职位发展体系、长安汽车大学、技术技能大赛、 Society We are committed to being a model as a Expand employment 并支持员工能力提升,致力于构建“ 强化管理互动 经理级继任者选拔机制 responsible enterprise, constantly expanding Pay taxes according to law The Third Business Venture, sustainable development, Mission Shangri-la, green 安全、尊重、快乐、创造”的平台并 保障员工权益 合理化建议、沟通园地 employment, practicing energy conservation Being environment-friendly and and emission reduction, actively advocating saving energy manufacturing, rural revitalization, public 分享价值。 工作生活平衡 股权激励机制、递延奖金计划 welfare and volunteer activities green living, and contributing to social, Public welfare and charity 员工协会活动 员工 economic and environmental development. Employees are the value of the enterprise. Gain professional development The job development system, Changan Employees We encourage and support the ability Enhance management Automobile University, Employee Skill of employees to improve, committed interaction Competition, the junior staff competition to building a "safe, respect, happy and Employee protection mechanism, reasonable suggestion-taking creative" platform and share the value. Work-life balance mechanism, communication sites, the equity incentive mechanism, the deferred bonus plan, staff association activities 20 21 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 向智能低碳出行科技公司 发布“新汽车+新生态”战略 Launches“New Auto + New Ecology”Strategy 转型 加快推进智能化“北斗天枢计划” Promoted the“Dubhe Intelligent Program” 加快推进新能源“香格里拉计划” Speeds up the“Mission Shangri-La” Transformation into an Intelligent Low-Carbon Technology 深入推进“数字经营工程” Mobility Company Pushes Forward the“Digital Management Project” 加强多领域跨界合作 Strengthened Cross-industry Cooperation in Various Field 22 23 向智能低碳出行科技公司转型 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Transformation into an Intelligent Low-Carbon Technology Mobility Company Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 发布“新汽车+新生态”战略 法驱动”整车架构能力,形成“软件定义汽车”时代技术 核心竞争能力。 Launches“New Auto + New Ecology”Strategy 智能网联汽车销量占比已提升至72.4%,2020年 后新上市车型已实现100%联网。 长安汽车制定“十四五”规划,迭代完成并发布第三次创业---创新创业计划5.0。 More than 200 core technologies such as visual mastery 发布“新汽车+新生态”战略,打造满足用户全场景需求的“123”商业模式、架构及平台,加快向智能低碳出行科 and multi-mode integration, among which 26 technologies such as 技公司转型。 automatic emergency braking for pedestrians (AEB-P) and remote intelligent parking (APA6.0) are the first in China. Prepared the“14th Five-Year Development Plan”of Changan Auto, completed it iteratively, and released the version 5.0 of Third Business It has the ability to independently develop core technologies Venture -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program. such as intelligent driving system design, simulation verification and Released the strategy of“New Auto + New Ecology”developed a“123”business model, structure and platform that meet the needs of users in high-precision positioning; realizes the mass production of L1, L2 and L3 intelligent driving assistance. all scenarios, and promoted the transformation to an intelligent low-carbon technology mobility company. It defines the six-layer architecture of the new automobile, and builds seven base core competencies of“chip, intelligent terminal, full scene map on the ground, core components, cloud technology, Internet of Things and air network” builds the whole vehicle architecture capability of“central computing + service-based + data algorithm-driven”and form the technological core competitiveness of the era of“software-defined vehicle” 新能源C385亮相科技 The sales of intelligent connected cars has taken up to a share of 72.4%, and newly launched cars are 100% connected after 2020. 生态大会 NEV C385 launch at Changan 加快推进新能源“香格里拉计划” Auto Tech Ecosystem Summit Speeds up the“Mission Shangri-La” 阿维塔E11亮相科技生 态大会 2021年8月24日,长安汽车科技生态大会发布“新 掌握“大三电”等核心技术400余项,行业首发八 汽车+新生态”战略 AVATR E11 launch at Changan Auto Tech Ecosystem Summit 合一电驱总成和脉冲加热技术;自主研发电池管家系 On August 24th, 2021, Changan Auto Tech Ecosystem Summit, the strategy of“New Auto + New Ecology" was released 统,实现电池包零起火,电池寿命延长20%以上。打造“ 七合一智能整车控制器”——长安智慧芯SVDC。 开发EPA0、EPA1、EPA2全新平台,形成大中小新能 源专属平台。 加快推进智能化“北斗天枢计划” 长安纯电系列产品C385、C673即将发布。 Promoted the“Dubhe Intelligent Program” UNI-K iDD实现混动系统PCU、TCU软件全自主开 发,NEDC工况综合油耗0.8L/100Km,整车综合续航达 1000公里。 掌握视觉感知、多模融合等200余项核心技术,其 中行人自动紧急制动(AEB-P)和远程智能泊车(APA6.0 Changan Auto has been an enterprise that masters more than )等26项技术国内首发。 400 technologies such as“three core technologies”of (battery, electric control, electric drive), and the industry's first electric drive assembly 构建智能驾驶系统设计、仿真验证、高精度定位等 integrating eight parts and pulse heating technology. In addition, 核心技术自主开发能力。实现L1级、L2级、L3级智能驾驶 Changan also independently researched and developed the battery butler system, which ensures the“zero fault”of the battery, extends 辅助量产。 the battery life by more than 20%, and created the“Intelligent Vehicle 明确新汽车6层架构定义,构建“芯器图核云网天” Controller with Seven Assemblies”-Changan Smart Core SVDC. Changan Auto developed new platforms of EPA0, EPA1 and EPA2, 七大底层核心能力。构建“中央计算+基于服务+数据算 24 25 向智能低碳出行科技公司转型 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Transformation into an Intelligent Low-Carbon Technology Mobility Company Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 1 2 3 4 dedicated electric platforms for large, medium and small BEVs. Changan Auto’ electric vehicles C385, C673 will be released soon. Changan Auto realized the independent development of PCU and TCU software of hybrid system on UNI-K iDD. The combined fuel 统一 融合 整合 集成 consumption(NEDC) was 0.8L/100Km, and the combined driving range reached 1000km. 客户数据 互联网数据 企业运营数据 IOT数据 Collection of customer Integration of Internet Consolidation of enterprise Integration of IOT data data data operation data 统一4700万 融合2万家网站、 整合140余个业务 147万辆 深入推进“数字经营工程” 客户数据 70个品牌、 系统、2900+指标 车联网数据 Pushes Forward the“Digital Management Project” Collection of 47 million 900+车型、 Integration of 140+ business 1.47 million vehicles network 3万家经销商 customer data systems, 2,900+ indicators data Integration of 20,000 websites, 重构以长安为主导的新商业模式,逐步实现“现状可见,问题可察,风险可辨,未来可测”,向数据智能迈进。 70 brands, 900+ models, 聚焦核心业务,运用数字化技术,全面贯通信息流、物流、资金流,实现业务与技术双轮驱动,推动数字化转型。 30,000 distributors 建立大数据运营体系(CA-DDM),整合内外部140余个系统,构建 2400余个运营指标,融合互联网大数据 20000余家,形成数亿级的数据规模,指导研、产、供、销各业务领域。 数据:21世纪的石油 数据原子化 数据服务化 Data: the Petroleum of the 21st Century Data Atomization Data Servitization Changan Auto reshaped and created a new business model led by Changan, and gradually achieved the model of "status-visible, problem- detectable, risk-identifiable and future-measurable ", and moved forward to data intelligence. Regarding its core business, Changan Auto used digital technology and fully penetrated into the information flow, logistics and capital flow, and 加强多领域跨界合作 realized the two-wheel drive of business and technology, and promoted digital transformation. Relying on the Data-Driven Management system (CA-DDM) built by itself, Changan Auto integrated more than 140 internal and external systems, established more than 2,400 operation indicators, and integrated more than 20,000 Internet big data, forming hundreds of millions of data scales, guiding R&D, production, supply and sales. Strengthened Cross-Industry Cooperation in Various Fields 长安“朋友圈”加速发展 Extension of Changan’“Partnership Circle" 整合全球资源,构建智能驾驶、智能网联、立体交通三大产业生态联盟,在技术研发、产品与服务等方面深入开 展战略合作,与合作伙伴实现共赢。 积极参与行业产业链、供应链研讨与交流,分享技术与经验,促进产业链、供应链的协同健康发展。 Changan leveraged global resources, built three industrial ecological alliances: intelligent driving, intelligent connectivity and three-dimensional transportation, and carried out in-depth strategic cooperation in technology research and development, products and services to achieve win-win cooperation with partners. Changan took the lead in the discussions and exchanges in both industry chain and supply chain, sharing technology and experience, and played an important role in promoting the coordinated and healthy development of industry chain and supply chain. 长安汽车自主打造的工业互联网平台(图中为测试数据) Industrial Internet platform independently built by Changan Auto (test data in the figure) 26 27 向智能低碳出行科技公司转型 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Transformation into an Intelligent Low-Carbon Technology Mobility Company Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 2022年4月13日,召开2022长安汽车全球伙伴大 会,共享共赢共谋未来 On April 13th, 2022, the 2022 Changan Automobile Global Partner Conference was held to share and realize win-win cooperation for the future 2021年4月, 长安汽车与四维图新签订战略合作 协议,全面推进自动驾驶创新发展 In April 2021, Changan Automobile signed a strategic cooperation agreement with NavInfo, which fully promoted the innovative development of autonomous driving 2021中国汽车供应链大会。2021年12月3日-4日,2021中国汽车供应链峰会暨第六届铃轩奖盛典在武汉 举行,长安汽车作为铃轩奖评委单位参加中国汽车供应链峰会,为获奖优秀供应商颁奖,参与绿色供应链、软 件定义汽车研讨交流。 2021 China Auto Supply Chain Summit. On December 3-4, 2021, the 2021 China Auto Supply Chain Summit & the 6th Lingxuan Awards Ceremony were held in Wuhan Economic Development Zone. Changan participated in the China Auto Supply Chain Summit as the member of jury of the Lingxuan Award, presented awards to outstanding suppliers, and participated in the discussion and exchange of green supply chain and software-defined vehicles. 2021中国汽车供应链大会。2021年10月, 2021中国汽车供应链大会”在重庆举办,长安汽车作为官方合 作伙伴全力支持大会。本届供应链大会主题为“补短铸长、融合创新——构建中国汽车供应链新生态”,展示 创新成果,旨在促进产业国内国际互动,凝聚产业链条上下齐心,共谋产业协同发展之路。 2021 China Auto Supply Chain Summit. In October 2021, the“2021 China Auto Supply Chain Summit”was held in Chongqing, and Changan, as an official partner, provide all-around support for the summit. With the theme of“learning from each other’ strong points, integrating innovation-building a new ecology of China's automobile supply chain” the China Auto Supply Chain Summit demonstrated achievements in innovation, aiming at promoting the domestic and international interaction of industries, reaching consensus in the industrial chain, promoting the concerted efforts of enterprises, and seeking coordinated industrial development. 28 29 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 把关键核心技术掌握在自己 大力推进产品开发 Vigorously Promotes Product Development 手里 不断突破核心技术 Made Breakthroughs in Core Technologies 构建“芯器图核云网天” Builds Capabilities on“Chip-Device-Map-Algorithm-Cloud-Network-Satellite” Holding Core and Key Technologies in Our Own Hands 30 31 坚持创新驱动,努力把关键核心技术掌握在自己手里 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Holding Core and Key Technologies in Our Own Hands Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 大力推进产品开发 UNI-V是长安乘用车高端产品UNI序列继UNI- T、UNI-K后推出的第三款产品,也是UNI序列首款轿车 Vigorously Promotes Product Development 产品,在设计、品质、动力、智能等方面均满足年轻消费 者的新需求。 新启动项目28个,新投产车型29个,199个里程碑通过评审。 Following UNI-T and UNI-K, UNI-V is our third premium passenger 面向智能电动新赛道的在研项目全面提速,C385、E0“三体”、阿维塔11保质保量通过各里程碑节点,UNI-K iDD car, also the first sedan of the UNI series to meet the emerging needs of young consumers in terms of design, quality, power and intelligence. 混动系统软件全自主开发、且均可OTA升级迭代,带给客户更新更好的产品体验。 In 2021, we launched 28 new projects, put 29 new models of vehicles into production and passed 199 milestones. 不断突破核心技术 We accelerated programs under research for new intelligent EVs. Programs including C385, E0“Three Body”and AVATR 11 have passed through each milestone with quality and quantity guaranteed. The UNI-K iDD hybrid system software was developed in-house with OTA capabilities, bringing customers a newer and better experience. Made Breakthroughs in Core Technologies 长安汽车始终坚持自主研发投入不低于5%, 十二五”至今已累计投入超过540亿元。 拥有来自全球24个国家,14000余人的工程技术团队,其中研发人员1.1万余人,高级专家700余人。 在2021年国家企业技术中心评价中,长安汽车以97.1分名列行业第一、全国第二;研发实力六届12年排名中国 汽车行业第一。 Sticking with the standard that the independent R & D investment weighs no less than 5% of proceeds of business, Changan Auto has invested more than 54 billion yuan in R & D since the beginning of the 12th Five Year Plan. We have an engineering and technical team of more than 14,000 people from 24 countries around the world, including more than 11,000 R & D personnel and over 700 senior experts. In the evaluation of The National Enterprise Technology Center in 2021, Changan Auto ranked first in the industry and the second of all industries with 97.1 points. The R&D strength ranked first in China’ automobile industry for consecutive sixth rounds. 重庆 北京 河北 合肥 长安日本 长安美国 长安汽车携手华为、宁德时代,打造并发布全新高端智能汽车品牌阿维塔。高端智能电动SUV E11具备200kW以 全球研发中心 研发中心 研发中心(轻型车) 研发中心 造型设计中心 研发中心(智能驾驶) Chongqing Beijing Hebei Hefei Changan Japan Changan U.S. 上的高压超充能力和400tops的智驾能力,百公里加速小于4秒,续航里程超过700km,轻松实现安全便捷的智能驾 Global R&D center Research and R&D center (light vehicle) Research and Design center R&D centre development center development center (intelligent driving) 驶。 长安英国 Together with Huawei and CATL, we launched AVATR, a new premium intelligent car brand. With high-voltage charging capacity of more than 200kW and 400 Tops of computing power , Avatr 011 accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h within 4 seconds and promises a 700-km range, offering a safe, 动力研发中心 convenient and intelligent driving experience. Changan UK Powertrain R&D Center 长安德国 造型设计中心 上海 Changan Germany 软件中心 Design center Shanghai Software Center 长安欧洲 造型设计中心 Changan Europe Design center 六国十地研发布局 Changan global R&D layout of ten cities in six countries 32 33 坚持创新驱动,努力把关键核心技术掌握在自己手里 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Holding Core and Key Technologies in Our Own Hands Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 完成专利申报2015件,同比增长87%,发明专利1202件,同比增长201%。CS75PLUS获中国专利奖外观设计金 构建“芯器图核云网天” 奖,实现专利领域国家级奖项新突破。 Builds "Chips-Devices-Maps-Core Parts-Cloud Network-Satellite" Synergy 主导或参与汽车行业标准建立53项,其中《汽车多媒体网络架构》荣获中国汽车工业科学技术进步奖, 汽车防 腐技术开发及标准体系建设》荣获兵装集团科技进步奖一等奖。 沉淀技术管理成果,编写《中国汽车自主研发技术与管理实践丛书》 机械工业出版社)4册,为中国汽车行业贡 持续推动“芯器图核云网天”七大底层核心能力构建,打造全场景的智能电动超级数字化平台,重点推进半导 献研发技术等管理成果。 体、先进通信、人工智能、地理信息、先进制造等领域前沿技术研究和能力布局。 组建战略技术委员会,建立包含375名外部专家的专家库,其中两院院士21名。 We kept on promoting the building of seven bottom core competencies of "Chips-Devices-Maps-Core Parts-Cloud-Network-Satellite" synergy, In 2021, we applied for 2015 patents, with a year-on-year increase of 87%, and 1,202 invention patents, with a year-on-year increase of 201%. creating a full scene intelligent electric super digital platform, and boosting the research and capability layout of cutting-edge technologies in the fields Our design CS75PLUS was awarded with the Gold Medal of Appearance Design of China Patent Award, making a breakthrough in national awards in of semiconductor, advanced communication, artificial intelligence, geographic information, and advanced manufacturing. this field. We chaired and participated in the establishment of 53 standards in the automotive industry, of which Automotive Multimedia Network Architecture won the Scientific and Technological Progress Award of China's Automotive Industry, and Technology Development and Standard System 芯片 L6:云端大数据层 Construction on Vehicles Anti-Corrosion won the first prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress Award of China South Industries Group., Ltd. Chips We synergized our technical management achievements, and complied 4 volumes of China's Auto lndependent R & D Technology and Management Practice series (China Machine Press), to contribute our efforts to China's auto industry. L6: big data layer in the cloud We established a Strategic and Technical Committee, and an expert database including 375 external experts, including 21 academicians from the 控制器和显示 L5:整车功能应用层 Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Devices L5: Vehicle function application layer 地图 L4:整车操作系统层 Maps L4: Vehicle operating system layer 核心系统和算法 L3:电子电气架构层 Core Parts L3: Electronic and electrical architecture layer 云平台 L2:能源层 Cloud Energy layer 网络 L1:机械层 Network L1: Mechanical layer 卫星 Satellite 34 35 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 推进客户经营“一号工程” 推进品牌向新向上 Pushes Brand Upward to Innovate and Advance 打造经典产品 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management Creates Classic Products System 成为高质量产品提供者 Becomes A Provider Of High-quality Product 提供极致体验和服务 Provides Exquisite Experience And Service 36 37 推进客户经营“一号工程” 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management System Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 打造世界级品牌 通过系列伙伴故事聚合2000万用户形象标签,持 续助力主品牌焕新,传递长安品牌价值观和伙伴精神。 Committed to Build a World-Class Brand 2021年中国品牌乘用车市场占有率达到41.9%。 推进品牌向新向上 长安品牌喜好度达到41.1%,在中国汽车品牌中名列 Pushes Brand Upward to Innovate and Advanc 前茅。 We formulated the brand upgrading plan and action plan for 强化集团品牌统筹,完成欧尚品牌价值体系优 year 2021 striving to provide differentiated user experience beyond their 化、凯程品牌战略审视与内部研判,明晰后续品牌发 expectations. We rode the trend of“Metaverse”by titling "2060" variety show 展方向。未来长安汽车将推进品牌架构审视,强化品 and implanted Changan AI intelligent partner "Xiao’an" throughout the 牌差异化定位和价值管理,构建和实施集团品牌运营 show, which reached more than 300 hits on the whole network and the related videos were broadcasted more than 500 million times. 管理体系(BMS),助推各业务品牌价值体系落地运 Our series partner stories condensed 20 million user image tags, 营。 helping refresh our 逸动上市10周年,用户 We were guided by unified group coordination and work to brand and deliver value and spirit of partnership of Changan. 突破120万 upgrade the value system for Oshan and review the Kaicene from In 2021, the market share for Chinese brand car reached 41.9%, In the tenth anniversary of 冠名《2060》综艺 among which Changan ranks top, winning the interest of 41.1% of EADO’ debut, the number of its Naming The Variety Show“2060” strategic view and internal analysis in ways that help our brands’ users achieved over 1.2 million. development sustainable. We will move forward on brand structure domestic users. review, brand differential positioning and value management in the future. This will mean building and implementing brand management 发布全新数字纯电品牌—长安深蓝 system in Changan so that the systems for all brands can find their Launched New Digital All-electric Car Brand - Changan Shenlan denouement in the actual operation. 2021年11月10日,中国汽车工业协会联合长 安汽车代表T10峰会成员企业,发布重庆宣言, 创新推广传播 号召: Innovated Promotion Techniques 勇担“一定要把民族汽车品牌搞上去”的历史重 任,立大志、尽全力,做大做优做强民族汽车品牌。 坚持自主创新,加快技术突破,携手打造行业整 体优势,共同破解汽车芯片和基础软件发展瓶颈。 树立绿色发展理念,践行“双碳”战略,抢抓电动化发展的历史机遇,加速推动新能源汽车健康发展。 立足新发展阶段,担当产业链长责任,加强产业跨界合作和深度融合,构建产业发展新生态。 坚持以用户为中心,以满足人民对美好生活的向往为导向,提供更加高品质、高体验的产品和服务。 加强行业自律,勇担社会责任,塑造中国品牌整体形象,坚定信心,向汽车强国迈进。 On November 10, 2021, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers worked together with Changan who represented members of T10 summit to call for: Great responsibility on“we must boost our national car brands”with strong determination and full efforts. Constant focus on independent innovation, acceleration of our technology breakthrough to make our automobile industry more competitive and fight off bottleneck we’ve met in the development of auto chip and frame software. 长安汽车生产的第2000万辆长安系中国品牌汽车下线仪式 A green and“dual carbon”path to cater to the tide of development of electric vehicles and promote the sound development of new energy The Off-line Ceremony For The 20 Millionth Chinese Brand Car- Changan Series vehicles. Great responsibility as the industrial chain leader at new stage of development of automotive industry to deepen cross-border cooperation and build a new ecosystem. Customer is first. We should cater to users for the aspiration of improving their livelihood with high-quality product. 制定长安汽车品牌提升计划与2021年行动方案。打造具有差异化和惊喜感的用户体验。 Strengthened self-discipline and shouldering of social responsibilities to deliver a good Chinese brand image for the aim of a global 抢占“元宇宙”风口,冠名《2060》综艺,全程深度植入长安AI智慧伙伴小安,全网热搜300以上,相关视频播放 automobile power. 量超5亿次。 38 39 推进客户经营“一号工程” 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management System Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 提升海外影响力 Enhanced Overseas Influence 长安汽车按照“一国一策”、一商一策”、一品一策”的市场策略,把长安汽车高智能化、高性能、高颜值的产 品带到了全世界。2021年,自主品牌累计出口11.5万辆,同比增长117%,创长安海外出口历史新高。 Following the market strategy of“one country one policy”“one business one policy”and“one product on policy” Changan has brought its products with high intelligence, high performance and stunning look to the world. In 2021, the exported vehicles of self-owned brands accumulated to 115,000, with a year-on-year increase of 117%, setting a new record for Changan’ overseas export. 阿维塔11 逸动PLUS CS35 PLUS CS55 PLUS AVATR 11 EADO PLUS 长安汽车沙特2021年出口突破3万 长安凯程F70海外版登陆南美区域, 长安巴基斯坦合资工厂第1万辆整车 台,位居中国品牌第一,获沙特国家“ 长安汽车连续6年蝉联秘鲁市场中国 下线,2021年销量居当地中国品牌出 CS75 PLUS 欧尚Z6 欧尚X5 F300 F70 最佳中国汽车品牌奖” 品牌销量第一 口第一 OSHAN Z6 OSHAN X5 Exports of Changan Auto exceeded 30,000 Changan Kaicene F70 overseas edition has The 10,000th vehicle of Changan’ joint 合资品牌部分经典产品 units in Saudi Arabia in 2021, ranking first been launched in South America. Changan venture in Pakistan was finished from the among all Chinese brands and winning the Auto ranked first among all Chinese brands production line. The sales volume in 2021 “Best Chinese Automobile Brand Award”of in Peruvian market for 6 consecutive years. ranked first among local Chinese brands in Some classic products of joint venture brands Saudi Arabia. export. 打造经典产品 Creates Classic Products 锐界 新一代蒙迪欧 长安林肯冒险家 探险者 Ford EDGE Ford MONDEO Lincoln CORSAIR Explorer UNI-T UNI-K UNI-V C385 次世代MAZDA3昂克赛拉 CX-5 MAZDA3 AXELA 40 41 推进客户经营“一号工程” 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management System Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 成为高质量产品提供者 Becomes A Provider Of High-quality Product 长安汽车坚持“面向世界一流,打造质量先导型企业”,以打造卓越质量为方针,产品质量已达到或超越同级 别合资品牌水平,成为“高质量产品的提供者”,品牌形象更加巩固。 新车质量水平持续提升,J.D.Power中国新车质量研究排名中国品牌第一,CS75PLUS ,CS35PLUS分获 50℃极热丝绸之路沙漠区 50°C extremely hot Belt & Road desert CACSI(汽车行业用户满意度测评)细分市场第一。 Adhering to the principle of“aiming at the world first-class to build a quality-oriented enterprise”taking creating excellent quality as the policy, Changan has realized a product quality reached or exceeded that of joint ventures at the same level, and become a“supplier of high-quality products”The sound brand image is getting more consolidated. The quality of new vehicles continues to improve. J.D Power ranks first in China’ new vehicle quality research, and CS75PLUS and CS35PLUS respectively ranks first in the CACSI (China Automobile Customer Satisfaction Index) for segment market. -50℃极寒漠河雪原 每一次碰撞,都是为了守护每一位用户 -50℃ extremely cold Mohe snowfields Every crash in the test comes to guard every user 提供极致体验和服务 Provides Exquisite Experience And Service 产品质量稳步提升 Steadily Improved the Quality of Products 诚信服务五大承诺 每开发一款车型,都要经过场内可靠性道路试验(240万公里)、三高”环境适应性试验(40万公里)和全国道 Five commitments to honest service 路试验(120万公里),共计400万公里的严格测试,确保产品品质。 以“快捷、直达、精准、互动”为理念,发 Each model developed must undergo the comprehensive test field's reliability road test (2.4 million kilometers) and "three highs" environmental adaptability test (400,000 kilometers) and the national road test (1.2 million kilometers), with a total of 4 million kilometers of rigorous testing to ensure 布“诚信服务五大承诺”3.0。建立CA-CPT客 the quality of products. 户服务组织管理体系,精益化标准243项。 用户满意度指数排名位居中国品牌第一。 With the concept of "fast, direct, accurate and interactive", we released the "Five Commitments to Integrity" 3.0 and established the CA-CPT customer service organizational management system with 243 lean standards. Ranked No. 1 in China in customer satisfaction index. 5200m海拔青藏高原 120mg/cm高粉尘吐鲁番荒漠 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with 5200m above sea level 120mg/cm high dust Turpan desert 42 43 推进客户经营“一号工程” 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management System Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 与客户直通直联 Direct Contact with Customers 服务品牌UNI Service Service Brand-UNI Service 发布UNI Service全新服务品牌,将提供更智慧主动的服务,打造更兼 容开放的机制,并扩大至长安系全部品牌。 UNI Service通过线上和线下无缝连接的全新服务业态,旨在为长安汽 车2000万用户带来有温度、个性化、超预期的极致服务体验。 Changan Auto released a new service brand,that is UNI Service, which will provide smarter services, create a more compatible and open mechanism, and expand to all brands of Changan series. UNI工坊 UNI Service, with seamless connection between online and offline, aiming to bring considerate, personalized and perfect service experience beyond the expectation to 20 million users 5G远程在线服务工程师在线 UNI Workshop of Changan Auto. Real-time Online Service of 5G Remote Engineer 44 45 推进客户经营“一号工程” 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Continuously Optimizes the Basic Technology Management System Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 搭建近14000人规模的客户体验官团平台,实现客户与公司高层有效互动,收到改进意见1814条,解决客户 以客户思维创新活动模式,打造长安OpenDay、SuperDay、粉丝盛典等系列客户体验活动客户主动传 问题2649个。 播2350万人次,深化“伙伴”人设标签。搭建客户自传播矩阵,粉丝总量超过68万,浏览量突破10738万。通过客户 组建汽车行业首个大规模、多部门协同服务的专家团队,参与长安百科、5G远程在线服务、直播等项目,荣获 自媒体领袖打造计划筛选10位优质KOC,粉丝总量超过139万,内容产出1814个,总浏览量超过3.27亿次。 2021年行业协会颁发—服务创新典范奖。 With the customer’ way of thinking, Changan has innovated its activity mode and created a series of customer experience activities such as Changan OpenDay, SuperDay and Fan Festival. As a result, the number of customers actively publicizing the brand reached 23.5 million, deepening Changan Auto has set up an official group purchasing platform for customer experience with a scale of nearly 14,000 people, realizing effective the labeling of“partners”Changan built a customer self-communication matrix, with a total of more than 680,000 fans and 107.38 million page views. interaction between customers and the company’ top management, receiving 1,814 improvement suggestions and solving 2,649 problems for 10 high-quality KOCs were selected in Customer WeMedia Leader Building Plan, whose total number of fans exceeded 1.39 million, with 1,814 content customers. outputs and over 327 million total views. Changan Auto set up the first large-scale and multi-department collaborative service expert team in the automobile industry, participated in Changan Encyclopedia, 5G remote online service, live broadcast and other programs, and won the Service Innovation Model Award issued by the industry association in 2021. 案例 case 关于产品调研 About Product Research 规范体验官参与产品策划及开发流程,开展产品体验类活动 36场次,有效提升体验官参与感与体验感,实现客户驱动产品提 升价值最大化。 It standardizes the experience officer’ participation in the product planning and development process, and holds 36 product experience activities, which can effectively enhance the experience officer’ sense of participation and experience, and maximize the value of customer-driven products. 与客户高频互动 High-frequency Interaction with Customers 46 47 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 构建全员共创共享价值平台 员工就业 Employment 薪酬福利 Construction of A Platform for All to Create and Share Values Salary & Benefits 员工发展 Staff Development 活力长安 Motivating Changan 文化生活 Cultural Life 48 49 构建全员共创共享价值平台 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Construction of A Platform for All to Create and Share Values Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 员工就业 节日慰问:每年春节、中秋节、员工生日等,长安 汽车都会为员工提供节庆福利,此外,长安汽车为员工 Employment 提供弹性工作时间和充足的带薪假期,让员工更好地 应对工作之外的一切。 长安汽车全面落实“六稳”六保”要求,2021年新增各类就业22971余人,其中应届大学生965人。 Payment and benefits: Changan Auto has established complete salary and benefit system, in which, the employees’income is matched 目前,长安汽车及子公司从业人员总数42444人,建立了完善的招聘与录用机制,劳动合同签订率达到 with company performance, their personal performance and abilities, 100%,不存在使用未成年员工情况,招聘录用中不存在性别、民族、生理歧视等情况。 allowing them to share the company's development results through regular salary growth, annual performance awards, and profit sharing. 据估算,长安汽车带动了产业上下游约140万人就业。 Health care: we provide our employees with health management, Changan Auto has fully implemented the requirements of“six-stability”and“six-guarantee” More than 22,971 new employment were created including annual physical check and ERP psychological counseling in 2021, including the recruitment of 965 fresh college students. services. In addition to basic guarantee such as five types social At present, the total number of employees of Changan Auto and its subsidiaries is 69,728. We have established a complete recruitment and insurances and one housing fund, supplementary medical insurance is employment mechanism, with open and transparent recruitment standards and a labor contract signing rate of 100%. There is no underage employee, also provided for employees and their families to reduce their medical still less gender, ethnic, or physical discrimination. burden. It is estimated that Changan Auto has provided about 1.4 million jobs in the upstream and downstream industry. Holiday bonus: on every festivals like Spring Festival and Mid- Autumn Festival, and employee’ birthday, we will give our employees special bonus. Besides, we provide our employees with flexible working EAP心理咨询工作室 指标 单位 实际情况 备注 hours and sufficient paid holidays to help employees better cope with EAP Psychological Counseling Studio Index unit Situation Remarks everything outside of work. 员工总人数 人 按从业人员口径统计 Total number of employees person 42444 Statistics according to the caliber of employees 新增就业人数 Number of new employees 人 person 22971 员工发展 Professional Development 劳动合同签订率 Labor contract signing rate % 100 优化职业发展通道 社会保险覆盖率 Social insurance coverage rate % 100 长安汽车从评聘逻辑、职位体系、任职资格标准 等方面对任职资格体系全面优化。构建“评能力”聘职 人均带薪休假天数 天 按职工实际带薪休假天数计算 The number of paid leave days Day 5.5 Calculation based on the actual number of 位”升职级”员工成长“三分开”任职资格体系。 per capita paid leave days of employees 促进科技、技能人才发展 2021年培养和发展国务院政府特殊津贴6人、全国五一劳动奖章1人、兵装青年科技拔尖人才4人、重庆市最 美产业工人1人巴渝特级技师8人、巴渝青年技能之星4人。 薪酬福利 搭建全员学习平台 Salary & Benefits 开展数字化、软件平台化,硬件平台化战略人才培养共15期,约1.8万人次;培养和造就适应战略的技能领军 人才,完成1个智能网联大师工作室和1个海外售后服务大师工作室的建设。 Optimizing professional development channels 薪酬待遇:长安汽车建立了完整的薪酬福利体系,不断完善员工收入与公司业绩、个人业绩及能力相匹配的 The post qualification system in Changan Auto is optimized in terms of evaluation logic, position system, and qualification standards. The 薪酬管理机制,通过员工正常薪酬增长、年度业绩奖、利润分享奖等,让员工共享公司发展成果。 system, in the framework of“three-separation”consist of ability evaluation, position appointment and level promotion. Promoting the development of skilled talents 健康关怀:为员工提供健康管理,包括年度体检、EAP心理咨询服务。在五险一金等基础保障外,还为员工及 In 2021, we cultivated and developed 6 talents entitled to State Council Special Government Allowances, 1 National May 1st Labor Medal winner, 其家属提供补充医疗保险,为女工办理女职工特殊疾病保险,减轻其医疗负担。 4 CSGC Outstanding Youth Scientific and Technological Talents winners, 1 Chongqing Best Industry Workers winner, 8 Chongqing Specialist Technician 50 51 构建全员共创共享价值平台 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Construction of A Platform for All to Create and Share Values Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 winners, and 4 Chongqing Youth Technological Talents winners. A comprehensive salary incentive system is constructed to drive Building a learning platform for all employees innovation, sharing, as well as employees’sense of it. As a state-owned In 2021, we held 15 strategic talent trainings on digital, software platform and hardware platform, with 18,000 participations. Aiming at cultivating enterprise, we pioneered measures like equity incentives, product CEOs, skilled leading strategic talents, we finished building an intelligent Internet connection Master Studio and an overseas after-sales service master studio. and project follow-up investment, to build long-term stable development expectations, matching the development of enterprise with employees’ 举办技能竞赛 devotion, thus motivate their passion and sense of responsibility. Holding skills competitions 举办第19届职工技术技能运动会,促进人才选 拔,丰富和构建内部转型人才库。 文化生活 坚持“技高行天下,能强走世界”的理念,承办、参 Cultural Life 加兵装职业技能大赛、重庆市职业技能大赛、 巴渝工 匠”杯系列职业竞赛,派出25名代表参赛,最终获得一 关心员工生活 等奖3人,二等奖5人,三等奖5人,优胜奖2人。 Caring about employees 'lives Held the 19th Staff Technical Skills Game to promote talent selection and to enrich and build an internal talent pool for transformation. 关心青年婚恋交友,举办“爱有新益有你更好” Guided by the concept of“Ability and skill enable us to excel” we co-organized and participated in the China South Industries Group 第十届青年集体婚礼,50对来自一线的青年新人参 Corporation Vocational Competition on Technical Ability, Chongqing 加,历年累计800对新人参加;分群体开展11场单身青 Vocational Competition on Technical Ability, and “Technician of Chongqing”vocational competitions, in which, 25 competitors from Changan Auto won 3 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 5 third prize and 2 winning prizes. 年交友联谊活动,共计680余名单身青年参加,成功牵 手69对。推进落实“择优招聘劳务工为合同工”等好事 实事4件。 活力长安 To help with young workers’ marriage and match-making, the 10th Youth Group Wedding themed with“Better with You, Love is Mutuality”was held for 50 young couples from the front line, adding up Motivating Changan to 800 couples in the past years; 11 match-making and dating parties were held for youths, allowing 69 pairs in 680 young people to find their 启动高职级人员任期制聘用 desirable life partners. 4 activities including“elevating well-performed recruited workers to contract workers”were implemented. Initiation of Senior Personnel Tenure System 长安汽车实施总经理级及以下高管、党群、管理 组织特色活动 Organization of featured activities 类高职级人员全体解聘、重新聘用的任期制聘用工作, 通过人才结构调整与转型,实现干部年轻化;干部能上能下,激发干部队伍活力,提升竞争力。 组织各类大型文体活动15次。各级工会组织开展 Changan Auto initiated Senior Personnel Tenure System, which required the dismissal and reemployment for all senior managers, Party leaders 文体活动和建工会小家活动470余项次,参与员工4万 and administration personnel at and below the general manager level. Through talent structure adjustment and transformation, the system will give more opportunities to the young. Promotion and demotion of senior personnel can stimulate the vitality and motivate the competitiveness. 余人次。 15 large-scale cultural and sports activities, more than 470 创新奖励机制 cultural and sports activities and small activities were organized by trade unions at all levels, with more than 40000 person-time participations. Innovation Incentive Mechanism 构建全面薪酬激励体系,牵引价值创造、价值共享,提升员工感知。在国企中率先采取股权激励、产品CEO、 项目跟投等,建立企业长期稳定发展预期、绑定企业发展与个人分享,最大限度激发员工主动担当和激情活力。 52 53 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 坚持安全、绿色、低碳、可持 绝情抓安全 Zero Tolerance on Safety Issues 续发展 双碳环保 Double-carbon Environmental Protection 绿色制造 Green Manufacturing Adherence to Safe, Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development 54 55 坚持安全、绿色、低碳、可持续发展 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Adherence to Safe, Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 绝情抓安全 exposed to occupational hazard positions, with 100% coverage; invested 44.69 million yuan in safety manufacturing throughout the year, of which 18.27 million yuan was invested in personal protective devices for employees to effectively protect their health. Zero Tolerance on Safety Issues 指标项 2020年 2021年 Index In 2020 In 2021 层层落实主体责任。全年召开5次安委会会议,有 安全生产费用投入(万元) Investment in safety production costs 5230 4469 序推进各项安全环保工作,安全主体责任事故为0。 (10,000 yuan) 疫情防控有效,员工“零”确诊。全年累计召开防 劳动保护经费投入(万元) 疫例会45次。累计接种新冠病毒疫苗55082人,接种加 Investment in labor protection funds 1982 1827 强针19485人,工作场所员工“零”确诊。 (10,000 yuan) 持续优化体系,安全水平再上台阶。一次性通过 安全培训人数(人次) Number of safety training (person) 167411 304316 国家环境、职业健康安全管理体系监督审核。完成本质 安全项目232项,加大投入2.06亿元。 工作场所职业病危害因素检测率 持续强化安全文化氛围。全面排查风险隐患,督 Test rate of occupational hazards 100% 100% 促整改完成率100%;持续开展安全“到家”,员工家属安全寄语活动,促进员工牢记安全责任与使命;以正向激励 引导,促进全员参与,全年累计奖励金额73万元,奖励1968人次。 职工健康体检覆盖率 Coverage rate of employees health check-up 100% 100% Implement the main responsibility at various levels. Five safety committee meetings were held throughout the year to move forward on all fronts about safety and environmental protection in an orderly manner, and the number of accidents in the security principal was 0. Effective epidemic prevention and control measures and "zero" confirmed case of COVID-19 in employees. A total of 45 regular meetings on epidemic prevention were held throughout the whole year. A total of 55,082 people have been vaccinated against the new coronavirus, and 19,485 双碳环保 people have been vaccinated with booster shots, and the number of COVID-19 cases here was "zero". Continuously optimized system made higher safety level. At the same time, we have passed the supervision and audit of the national environmental and occupational health and safety management system with completing 232 intrinsic safety projects and increasing investment of 206 Double-carbon Environmental Protection million yuan. 碳排放现状及目标 Continuously strengthened safety culture. Comprehensively investigate potential risks and urge the completion rate of rectification to achieve 100%; keep on safety messages activities to employees' families to remind employees of safety responsibilities and missions; guide them with positive incentives to promote full participation, and the cumulative reward amount for the year is 730,000 yuan with 1,968 people being rewarded. Carbon Emissions Status and Goals 保障安全投入,强化职业监护,保障员工健康 2021年长安汽车自主品牌制造系统碳排放情况。从结构占比来看,企业制造系统电力使用排放占76.7%,天 Guarantee safety investment, strengthen occupational supervision, and ensure employee health 然气占20.3%,余下油料及保护气体占3.1%。从单位产品碳排放来看,较2020年,单车降低3.2%,单机降低3.26%。 双碳目标:2027年实现碳达峰,2045年实现碳中和。 2021年,长安汽车保持急性工业中毒事故连续“ Carbon emissions status in 2021:In terms of structure and proportion, the emissions from electricity accounted for 76.7%, natural gas 20.3%, as 零”发生,完成职业病危害因素2727个点位检测;组织 well as the remaining oil and protective gas 3.1%. In terms of carbon emissions per unit product, compared with 2020, carbon emissions of single unit vehicle reduced by 3.2%, and carbon emissions of single unit machine reduced by 3.26%. 4519名职业病危害岗位接害员工周期性职业健康检 Goals: Achieve emission peak in 2027 and carbon neutrality in 2045. 查,覆盖率100%;全年投入安全生产费用4469万元, 其中投入1827万元为员工配备和发放劳动防护用品, 切实保障员工身体健康。 In 2021, Changan maintained “zero” occurrence of acute 长安汽车总裁、党委副书记王俊到两江工厂开 industrial poisoning, and detected 2,727 occupational hazard factors; 展安全检查 Wang Jun, the President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee in organized periodic occupational health inspections for 4,519 employees Changan went to Liangjiang Factory to carry out safety inspection 56 57 坚持安全、绿色、低碳、可持续发展 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Adherence to Safe, Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 双碳推进举措 绿色制造 Measures Green Manufacturing 低碳工艺技术应用。组织各生产基地制定三年技改计划,已确定落地实施降碳措施30项(其中14项21年已实 环保信息 施,16项计划于23年前实施),预计共可降低碳排放2.8万吨。 Environmental Information Apply low carbon process technology. All production sites were organized to formulate a three-year technical transformation plan, and has 2021年产生一般工业固体废物167,046吨,委托利用或处置167,046吨;产生危险废物17,436吨,委托利用或 decided to implement 30 carbon reduction measures (14 of which have been implemented in 2021 and 16 are proposed to be implemented before 2023), which are expected to reduce carbon emissions by a total of 28,000 tons. 处置17,181吨。均对委托利用或处置的第三方进行了主体资格和技术能力核实。 案例 case 干式喷涂 Dry Spraying 2021年,共有大气污染物排放口585个,水污染物排放口25个。 公司各项污染物均达标排放,无超标超总量排放情况。主要污染物排污许可核定及实际排放总量如下: 涂装喷房采用干式漆雾分离,增加循环风量,降低能耗。预 In 2021, 167,046 tons of general industrial solid waste was generated, and all waste has been used or disposed of; and 17,436 tons of hazardous 计每年降碳10343/tCO2e。 waste,17,181 tons of which has been used or disposed of. The third parties entrusted to use or dispose of have been verified the subject qualification The paint spray booth adopts dry paint mist filter to increase the air volume and technical capabilities. and reduce energy consumption. The annual carbon reduction is expected to be In 2021, there were 585 air pollutant outlets and 25 water pollutant vents. 10343/tCO2e. All pollutants of the company were discharged up to the standard, and there was no discharge exceeding the standard or the total. The approval and actual discharge amount of major pollutants are as follows: 南京新工厂已规划实施干式喷涂 The new Nanjing factory has proposed to implement dry spraying 污染物 COD 氨氮 总镍 总锌 磷酸盐 二氧化硫 氮氧化物 颗粒物 挥发性有机物 种类 案例 case 作业场循环风 Wind Circulation in the Workplace 年许可 排放 量限值 (t/a) 846.80 72.42 0.72 5.84 13.75 202.53 221.83 1182.57 4226.08 根据作业场实际需求设计导入循环风,以降低新风量节约 Annual permissible 能耗。预计每年降碳507/tCO2e。 emission limits(t/a) Design and import circulating air according to the actual needs of the workplace to reduce the amount of fresh air and save energy. The annual carbon reduction is expected to be 507/tCO2e. 2021 年实际 两江工厂已完成循环风技改 排放量 204.04 10.37 0.11 0.10 0.72 18.18 101.24 121.17 338.16 Liangjiang factory has finished the technical transformation of wind circulation (t/a) Actual emissions in 2021(t/a) 绿色能源开发。长安汽车合肥、河北基地已于厂内建成光伏电站,自产自用绿色清洁能源,2021全年共计消 纳光伏电力37672MWh,实现降碳32270吨。 绿色制造体系 Develop green energy. The Hefei and Hebei bases of Changan has built photovoltaic power plants in their factories, which produce and use their own green and clean energy. In 2021, they consumed a total of 37,672MWh of photovoltaic power and also achieved a carbon reduction of 32,270 tons. Green Manufacturing System 以打造绿色汽车制造标杆工厂为目标,围绕低碳制造、循环经济、绿色排放三大抓手,通过能源结构调整、低 碳工艺设计、设备能效提升、能源智能调配、固体废弃物循环利用、废水循环利用、工业污染物排放管控等7项关键 合肥长安光伏电站 河北长安光伏电站 路径,提升绿色制造体系的有效性,实现制造全过程高效化、节能化、环保化,建立全球一体化绿色制造管理体系, Hefei Changan Photovoltaic Power Hebei Changan Photovoltaic Power 达到行业先进水平。 Plant Plant 58 59 坚持安全、绿色、低碳、可持续发展 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Adherence to Safe, Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 Aiming to build a benchmark factory for green automobile manufacturing with focusing on the three main points of low-carbon manufacturing, recycled economy and green emissions, through Seven key paths, including energy structure adjustment, low-carbon process design, energy efficiency improvement of equipment, intelligent allocation of energy, solid waste and waste water recycling as well as industrial pollutant discharge control, the system could improve the effectiveness of the green manufacturing system, and promote the whole manufacturing process to achieve efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. Afterwards, it can help establish a global integration of green manufacturing management system and reach the advanced level of the industry. 污染物清洁处理后排放 Pollutants Discharged after Cleaning 全面推进工艺改进,降低废物排放。NE1铸造制芯实施负压抽排,降低矽尘、苯酚、氨等烟尘接触量70%以上, 同步预留无机工艺,未来可实现无烟尘生产。 南京溧水项目应用干式漆雾分离等涂装新技术,每年可减少废水排放8160立方米,废气排放降低50%。 Comprehensively promoted the process improvement to reduce waste emission. NE1 casting core making has implemented negative pressure extraction to reduce the exposure to silica dust, phenol, ammonia and other fumes by more than 70%, and synchronously reserved the inorganic process to achieve fume free production in the future. Applied new coating technology such as dry paint mist separation in Nanjing Lishui project, which can reduce wastewater discharge by 8,160 cubic meters and exhaust gas emission by 50% per year. 封闭式设备+负压抽排 The Enclosed Equipment and Negative Pressure Extraction 60 61 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 积极履行企业社会责任 切实保障股东权益 Effectively Protected the Rights and Interests of Shareholders 乡村振兴,脱贫帮扶 Proactive Fulfilling of Social Responsibility Rural Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Assistance 传递公益理念,弘扬志愿精神 Participated in Volunteer Activities to Promote Public Welfare 62 63 积极履行企业社会责任 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Proactive Fulfilling of Social Responsibility Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 切实保障股东权益 In 2021, Changan Auto donated 10.7 million Yuan to build rural areas, rural industries, infrastructure improvement and other projects, among which, 4.5 million Yuan was given to Luxi County and 6 million Yuan to Yanshan County, Yunnan Province and 200,000 Yuan to Youyang County, Chongqing. Effectively Protected the Rights and Interests of Shareholders 召开股东大会3次,组织新能源、智能化、新产品 发布等专题交流6场,应邀参加机构投资者策略会7场, 现场接待13次50余家机构,电话会议42场,深交所互 动易平台回复率保持在98%以上,通过多种形式与资 本市场保持顺畅、良好的沟通,提升了投资者对公司的 信心和满意度。 召开2020年年报业绩说明会,据全景网统计,有 超过2.5万人参加,短短1小时内提问105条,公司逐一 回答,回复率达到100%,有效引导投资者正确解读公司经营业绩及发展规划。 推进就业帮扶 Employment Promotion Assistance 2021年,公司充分听取股东,特别是中小股东的意见和诉求,结合公司资金规划,第一次将现金分红比例提 升到50%,并实施转增股本,提升了股东满意度,获得资本市场一致好评。 连续十一年慰问希望小学;发挥汽车主业优势, In 2021, we held 3 general assemblies of shareholders, organized 6 special exchanges on new energy, intelligence and new product release, 以技能培训为抓手,在云南两县各开设“长安汽车 participated in 7 institutional investor strategy meetings upon invitation, received 13 on-site meetings with more than 50 institutions, and held 42 teleconferences. Reply to the inquiries on the platform of Shenzhen Stock Exchange remained over 98%. Through various forms of efficient 班”2个,在帮扶地区实施专家进校园、社会招聘工作。 communication with the capital market, investors' confidence and satisfaction with the Changan Auto significantly improved. We have been visiting Hope Primary Schools for consecutive 11 We held the performance explanation meeting of 2020 annual report. According to the statistics of panorama.com, more than 25,000 people years; Taking our advantages in auto industry, we opened two“Changan participated, and asked 105 questions in less than one hour, which were answered 100% with no one left. It has effectively guided investors to correctly Auto Training Courses, and dispatched experts and employed local interpret the company's business performance and development plan. residents”in the two counties of Yunnan Province mentioned above, In 2021, we accepted the opinions and demands of shareholders, especially small and medium-sized shareholders, about increasing the altogether 633 people were engaged. proportion of cash dividends to 50% for the first time, taking the company's capital planning into consideration at the same time, and implemented the conversion to share capital, which improved the satisfaction of shareholders and won unanimous praise from the capital market. 乡村振兴,脱贫帮扶 Rural Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Assistance 保障帮扶资金 Funds Assistance 统筹拨付帮扶资金1,070万元,其中,云南泸西县 450万元,云南砚山县600万元,重庆酉阳县20万元,用 于美丽乡村建设、乡村特色产业发展壮大、基础设施改 善等项目。 64 65 积极履行企业社会责任 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Proactive Fulfilling of Social Responsibility Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 创新产业帮扶 救灾帮扶 Industry Promotion Assistance Disaster Relief Assistance 长安汽车响应乡村振兴助力酉阳茶油品牌专场 坚持开展公益捐赠工作。驰援河南、山西洪涝灾 活动,签订《乡村振兴定点帮扶合作协议》,帮助建立促 区、泸州地震灾区,2021年累计公益捐赠1625.96万 销渠道和扩大品牌传播。 元,传递公益理念,展现长安的责任担当。 帮助酉阳茶油拓宽营销渠道,实现销量快速增 We participated in many public welfare and volunteer activities, 长,全年销售超7100万元,第一年销售规模进入全国 including donating altogether 16.2596 million yuan in the past three years to flood-tricken areas in Henan and Shanxi Province and 前十,惠及农户4.4万户,近16万人,每户增收4000元。 earthquake-stricken area in Luzhou, Sichuan Province, to show our To help Youyang Tea Oil industry in Rural Revitalization, sense of responsibility. Changan Auto signed cooperation agreement on targeted assistance for Rural Revitalization, helping to build promotion channels and brand 健康环保 expansion. We were able to achieve rapid sales growth, and help reach sales Health and Environment Protection of 71 million Yuan in 2021, among the best ten sales results in our first- year assistance, benefiting 44,000 families, about 160,000 people, and a 坚持赞助重庆马拉松。连续多年赞助重庆国际马 revenue increase of 4,000 Yuan for each family. 拉松赛,将活力进取的企业形象与持之以恒、健康环保 的马拉松精神紧紧绑定在一起,践行着健康中国理念。 加大消费帮扶 坚持每年义务植树 。每年由志愿者种植“智慧 Consumption Assistance 林”北斗天枢林”等具有环保寓义、文化特色的植物和 长安汽车组织购买帮扶地区农产品494万元,以 树木,推广传播绿色发展、双碳环保的责任理念。 实际行动助力乡村振兴,促进地方产业持续发展。 We have been sponsoring Chongqing Marathon for many years. In line with the Healthy China Initiative, we combined Changan Auto’ vital and courageous spirit with the marathon concept of perseverance, health and environmental protection. The labor union organized the company and the staff to buy We have been planting trees for many years. We promote green development, carbon neutralization and carbon peaking by encouraging our agricultural products from our assisted regions for 4.94 million Yuan, staff to plant trees. In this way, we not only protect the environment, but also cultivate corporate culture with Changan’ characteristics, such as "Smart helping Rural Revitalization with concrete actions. Forest" and“Dubhe Forest". 科技教育 传递公益理念,弘扬志愿精神 Science and education Rural Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Assistance 坚持科技教育进农村。组织技能大师深入云南技 师学院砚山分院、泸西分院,深化校企合作、援建希望 小学。近三年累计捐助23.1万元。 近三年累计公益捐赠资金投入5757.99万元。长安汽车切实推进救灾帮扶、科技教育、健康环保和乡村振兴 We promoted science and education in rural areas. We sent 等工作,履行共建共创美好生活的社会责任。 technological talents to Yanshan County and Luxi County of Yunnan Technician College to promote college-company cooperation; and we Over the past three years, a total of 57.5799 million yuan has been donated for public welfare. Changan Auto has earnestly promoted disaster donated RMB 231,000 to Hope Primary School in the past three years. relief assistance, science and technology education, health and environmental protection and rural revitalization, and fulfilled its social responsibility of jointly building a better life. 66 67 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 报告后记 企业荣誉 Honors 展望未来 Afterword Prospect 报告说明 Description 68 69 报告后记 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Afterword Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 企业荣誉 序号 荣誉名称 Name of the honor 颁发单位 From Honors 中共中央、国务院 刘源:全国劳动模范 7 Central Committee of the Communist Party Liu Yuan: National Model Worker of China(CCCPC), the State Council 长安汽车2021年获得荣誉 Honor of 2021 by Changan Auto 国家人社局 刘泗磊大师工作室:国家级技能大师工作室 Ministry of Human Resources and Social 8 Master Liu Silei Studio: National Skill Master Studio Security of the People's Republic of China 序号 荣誉名称 Name of the honor 颁发单位 From (MOHRSS) C-NCAP碰撞试验五星安全评价 河北长安张赫荣获全国五一劳动奖章 全国总工会 1 C-NCAP 9 C-NCAP Five-star Safety Rating in Crash Test Zhang He in Hebei Changan won the National May 1st Labor Medal All-China Federation of Trade Unions 长安汽车荣获2019-2020年度重庆市富民兴渝贡献奖特别奖 重庆市人民政府 第十三届高工智能汽车开发者大会 2021上半年度智能座舱创新系统奖 10 Changan won the special award of the 2019-2020 Chongqing Contribution Chongqing Municipal People's 2 The 13th Gaogong Intelligent Smart Cockpit Innovation System Award for the First Half of 2021 Award for Enriching the People and Rejuvenating Chongqing Government Automobile Developers Conference 国务院国资委党委 蒋敏荣获全国中央企业抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人 State-owned Assets Supervision and 11 Jiang Min won the honorary title when the Government Honors “中国心”2021年度十佳发动机 汽车与运动 Administration Commission of the State 3 People Fighting COVID-19 Council C-NCAP Five-star Safety Rating in Crash Test AUTO SPORTS 中华人民共和国人 唐跃辉汽车性能试验工国家级技能大师工作室 力资源和社会保障部 12 State-owned Assets Supervision and C-NCAP Five-star Safety Rating in Crash Test Administration Commission of the UNI-V项目组获2021年度中国十佳车身 中国汽车安全大会、中国车身大会 State Council 4 Smart Cockpit Innovation System Award for the First Half of 2021 Automotive Safety, CHINACARBODY 中国外观设计金奖 国家知识产权局 13 National Intellectual Liu Yuan: National Model Worker 中国设备管理协会汽 Property Administration, PRC “两江工厂获2021年中国汽车标杆智能工厂 车智能制造技术中心 5 Liangjiang Plant won China Automotive Benchmark Smart Factory in Automotive Intelligent Manufacturing 世界智能大会组织委员会、中 2021 Technology Center of China Association of UNI-K获2021世界智能驾驶挑战赛落地先行赛金奖 国汽车技术研究中心有限公司 Plant Engineering (CAPE) 14 Organizing Committee in World Master Liu Silei Studio: National Skill Master Studio Intelligence Congress, China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. “降低某工厂能源站单机制造耗电量的研究”荣获 中国质量协会 6 中国质量协会质量技术奖 China Association for Quality C-NCAP Five-star Safety Rating in Crash Test 王建洪获创新与知识管理成果征集及评选活动 一等奖 清华大学技术创新研究中心 15 Research Center of Technological Zhang He in Hebei Changan won the National May 1st Labor Medal Innovation, Tsinghua University 70 71 报告后记 2021 长安汽车社会责任报告 Afterword Changan Social Responsibility Report 2021 展望未来 报告说明 Prospect Description 2022年是长安汽车诞生160周年,让我们坚定转型方向, 强基固本、创新求进、系统重构、担当领行”,坚决完 报告说明: 成全年目标,奋力打造世界级中国品牌,为客户、为股东创造更大的价值。 2008年以来,长安汽车每年编写和发布社会责任报告,《长安汽车2020年社会责任报告》时间跨度为2021年1月1 展望未来,我们致力于做负责任的企业楷模,持之以恒向社会做出源源不断的贡献,向行业输入长期持续的 日至2021年12月31日。 创新,满足人们对美好自由出行的向往,从客户的需求和体验出发,提供高品质的出行生活,为社会、经济和环境 Report content:since 2008, Changan Auto has been preparing and publishing social responsibility reports every year, and the Changan Automobile 2021 Social Responsibility Report covers the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. 的发展作出更大的贡献! 2022 witnesses the 160th anniversary of Changan Auto. Steering in the direction of“Shoulder Responsibilities and Forge ahead with a Strong 报告内容: Foundation and an Innovative Spirit” we will resolutely fulfill our annual goals, strive to build a world-leading Chinese auto brand, and bring greater 本报告真实披露了长安汽车在企业社会责任管理及践行经济、环境、社会等责任方面的理念、实践和绩效。 values to customers and shareholders! Looking forward to the future, we are committed to the business model of responsibility and integrity, continuous contributions to the society, Report content:this report discloses the concept, practices and performance of Changan Auto in corporate social responsibility management and and sustaining innovation, to create better and flexible mobility. Starting from the customer's needs and experience, Changan drives improvement of performance of economic, environmental and social responsibilities. life quality, and the development of society, economy, and the environment. 质量保证: 本报告发布前,所有数据及内容均通过审核,公司承诺本报告不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述。 Quality assurance:before the release of this report, all data and contents have been reviewed, and the company undertakes that there is no false record or misleading statement in this report. 编制流程: 成立报告 确定 召开 搜集 总结 编写报告 审核报告 发布报告 编写小组 报告边界 编写会议 整理素材 与反馈 Compilation process: set up a report Determine Hold a Collect and Prepare Review Release Summarize compilation the report compilation sort out reports reports reports and feedback team boundary meeting materials 联系方式: 地址:重庆市江北区东升门路61号金融城2号T2栋 电话:023-67591008 官网:www.changan.com.cn Contact information: Add: Tower 2, No.2 Financial City, No.61 Dongsheng Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, the PRC Tel: 023-67591008 Tel: 023-67591008 Website: www.changan.com.cn 72 73 74